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Team Building & Business Ideas Presentation

Presentation #1
Team Building and Business Ideas
Technical Entrepreneurship
Prof. James
Presentation Format and Deliverables
✓ Develop your presentation in PowerPoint
✓ Use Panopto to create a “voice-over-PowerPoint” video
presentation, i.e. like my video lectures for this class
✓ You do not need to personally appear in the video
✓ Embed customer interviews (video/audio) within the presentation
✓ Use subtitles during customer interviews so we know the
questions you asked
✓ The video should not exceed 20 minutes
✓ Post the video presentation to Moodle
Your Presentation Must Have a Cover Slide
Team Building and Business Ideas
Technical Entrepreneurship
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Team Color:
First and Last Names of Team Members:
Date of Presentation:
Spend time on
graphic design:
consistent colors,
fonts, and style
Introduce the Team Members and your
Communication Strategy
✓ Include a picture of each team member that provides some information
about their personality, likes, hobbies, etc.
✓ Tells us a few interesting facts about the team member
✓ I recommend that you assume roles on the team and communicate those
roles to us, i.e. project leader. You can have many different roles, such as
“presentation organizer” or “customer feedback specialist” or “idea
generator,” etc. Our interest here is related to how you have structured your
team to achieve optimal performance.
✓ Tell us what technologies you plan to use for online communication, i.e. How
will you communicate with each other and share data? How will you
conduct customer interviews for feedback on your business ideas? How will
you manage the schedule to meet your deliverables?
Virtual Team Building
✓ Google “Virtual Team Building” and you will find a lot of
suggestions for how to build comradery in your team
✓ You need to be intentional about building a cohesive online team
– try to get to know each other, i.e. strengths and weakness, and
make time for activities that are not related to this course
✓ Tell us about your team building activities. What did you learn
about each other? Do you feel closer as a team? Did you address
some of the questions related to team performance and conflict,
etc. as noted in the Moodle document “Team Building Event –
Business Ideas
✓ At this point, you want to pivot from the discussion of team
building to your innovation process. How did you go about
generating business ideas?
✓ What are your new business ideas? At least three ideas should be
discussed with some details. What was the genesis of each idea
(bug list, trend, expertise, etc.). Are you solving an important
problem? A timely problem? Are you catching a technology wave?
Does your team have the expertise to pursue the idea?
✓ The next four slides are my suggestions for how to present your
business ideas. You only have 30-45 seconds for each of these
slides: 3 business ideas x 4 slides x 30-45 seconds = 6 to 10
Business Idea #1, Slide #1
Concept Sketch
• What is the genesis of the idea?
• Explain the market opportunity
(problem you are addressing)
• What makes your solution
• Why is this opportunity attractive?
• Is the basis of this idea core technical
knowledge of a team member or indepth knowledge of a market?
• Why do you like the idea (where
does your passion come from)?
Business Idea #1, Slide #2
Market Analysis
• What industry or sector of the
economy are you addressing?
• Why is the market attractive?
• Are you getting in on a trend (what
wave are you trying to ride)?
• Why do you think this market is
going to grow?
• Can you associate this market with
an “S-Curve”
Business Idea #1, Slide #3
Customer Development
• What does the customer need?
• Why do they need it?
• What is the customer using today?
• What “job” is the product/service
• How does the day-in-the-life of a
customer look before and after
your product introduction
Business Idea #1, Slide #4
• What is your initial thinking on how
the product or service will generate
• What is the pricing of similar
products in the market?
• What will your customer pay?
• Identify potential barriers to entry
(capital requirements, expertise,
patents, competitors, distribution,
Summary of Business Ideas
✓ Now that your business ideas have been introduced, a summary slide would be
helpful so that we can pull together our thoughts
✓ Consider making a table where you describe the product or service idea briefly
i.e. “Battery Operated Hot Pocket Toaster Oven” and then give it a rating of plus
(+), zero (0) or minus (-) on each of the four dimensions: (i) Concept, (ii) Market
Analysis, (iii) Customer Development, and (iv) Monetization. For example, a “+”
for monetization would mean that you see high growth potential with ample
room for profits and a relatively uncompetitive environment
✓ You can also create a second table where you have two columns: (i) Strengths of
the business idea, and (ii) Weaknesses of the business idea
✓ At this point, I am not asking you to decide on the most promising idea. The
purpose here is to introduce your ideas to me and to the class so that you can
get feedback
Voice of the Customer
✓ It is never too early to get customer feedback on your ideas.
Include feedback (quotes, audio, video interview, survey, etc.) for
each of your business ideas.
✓ If you make a presentation with limited or no customer input, the
best grade you can earn is a “B”
Next Steps and Conclusion
✓ Take a moment after the summary slides to tell us how you plan to
proceed. What is your next step to nudge the ideas along the
decision path? How will you converge on a single idea to pursue?
✓ After you post your presentation to Moodle, each person in the
class will comment on each presentation – feedback should be
directed towards the business ideas, not the “quality” of the
presentation, i.e. I am not asking you to “grade” the presentation,
but rather to comment on the business ideas as if you were
Presentation #1
Team Building and Business Ideas
Technical Entrepreneurship
Prof. James