Recent Progress in Inequalities Mathematics and Its Applications Managing Editor: M. HAZEWINKEL Centrefor Mathematics and Computer Science, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Volume 430 Recent Progress in Inequalities edited by G. V. Milovanovic University of Nis, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Nis, Yugoslavia Springer Science+Business Media, LLC A C.I.P. Catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. ISBN 978-90-481-4945-2 DOI 10.1007/978-94-015-9086-0 ISBN 978-94-015-9086-0 (eBook) Printed on acid-free paper All Rights Reserved © 1998 Springer Science+Business Media New York Originally published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 1998 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1998 No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, inc\uding photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner. This Volume is Dedicated to Professor Dragoslav s. Mitrinovic (1908 - 1995) Table of Contents Preface ................................................................... xi Life and Inequalities: D. S. Mitrinovic (1908-1995) G. V. Milovanovic ........................................................ 1 Publications of D. S. Mitrinovic R. Z. Djordjevic and R. R. Janic 11 Invited Papers Complex Polynomials and Maximal Ranges: Background and Applications V. V. Andrievskii and S. Ruscheweyh ..................................... 31 Exact Classical Polynomial Inequalities in Hp for 0 ~ p ~ 00 V. V. Arestov ............................................................ 55 Vietoris's Inequalities and Hypergeometric Series R. Askey ................................................................. 63 Inequalities for Norms of Intermediate Derivatives and Some Their Applications V. F. Babenko .................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Table of Inequalities in Elliptic Boundary Value Problems C. Bandie and M. Flucher ................................................ 97 A Catalogue of Help and Help-type Integral and Series Inequalities M. Benammar, C. Bennewitz, M. J. Beynon, B. M. Brown, N. G. J. Dias, W. D. Evans, W. N. Everitt, V. G. Kirby, and L. L. Littlejohn ........... 127 Remarks of the Jackson and Whitney Constants B. Bojanov ............................................................... 161 On the Application of the Peano Representation of Linear Functionals in Numerical Analysis H. Brass and K.-J. Förster ............................................... 175 Inequalities Due to T. S. Nanjundiah P. S. Bullen .............................................................. 203 Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund Inequalities: Methods and Results D. S. Lubinsky ........................................................... 213 Shapiro's Inequality A. M. Fink ............................................................... 241 Bernstein Type Inequalities for Rational Functions With Prescribed Poles N. K. Govil and R. N. Mohapatra ........................................ 249 vii viii TABLE OF CONTENTS Some Generalisations and Refinements of the Hardy Inequality H. Heining, A. Kufner, and L. E. Persson ................................ 271 Discrete Inequalities of Wirtinger's Type G. V. Milovanovic and 1. Z. Milovanovic ................................. 289 Convexity Properties of Special Functions and Their Zeros M. E. Muldoon ........................................................... 309 Inequalities in Circular Arithmetie: A Survey Lj. D. Petkovic and M. S. Petkovic ....................................... 325 Properties of Isometries and Approximate Isometries Th. M. Rassias ........................................................... 341 Inequalities for the Zeros of an Orthogonal Expansion of a Polynomial G. Schmeisser ............................................................ 381 Error Inequalities for Discrete Hermite and Spline Interpolation P. J. Y. Wong and R. P. Agarwal ........................................ 397 Contributed Papers An Inequality Concerning Symmetrie Functions and Some Applications D. Andrica and L. Mare .................................................. 425 A Note on the Second Largest Eigenvalue of Star-like Trees F. K. Bell and S. K. Simic ............................................... 433 Refinements of Ostrowski's and Fan-Todd's Inequalities M. Bjelica ................................................................ 445 On the Stability of the Quadratie Functional Equation and Related Topies S. Czerwik ............................................................... 449 A Diriehlet-type Integral Inequality W. N. Everitt ............................................................ 457 On the Hyers-Ulam-Rassias Stability of Mappings P. Gavruta ............................................................... 465 Functions With Quasieonvex Derivatives V. Govedarica and M. Jovanovic ......................................... 471 Local Approximation by Quasi-polynomials Yu. Kryakin ............................................................. 475 Logarithmic Concavity of Distribution Functions M. Merkle ................................................................ 481 Sharpening of Cauchy Inequality Z. Mijalkovic and M. Mijalkovic .......................................... 485 TABLE OF CONTENTS ix A Note on the Least Constant in Landau Inequality on a Finite Interval A. Yu. Shadrin ........................................................... 489 Some Inequalities Involving Harmonie Numbers M. S. Stankovic, B. M. Dankovic, and S. B. Trickovic .................... 493 Inequalities for Polynomials in L o Norm E. A. Storozenko ......................................................... 499 Some Inequalities for Altitudes and Other Elements of Triangle M. R. Ziiovic and M. R. Stevanovic ...................................... 505 Author Index ............................................................. 511 Preface This volume is dedieated to Professor Dragoslav S. Mitrinovic (1908-1995), one of the most accomplished masters in the domain of inequalities. Inequalities are everywhere and play an important and significant role in almost all subjects of mathematies including other areas of sciences. Professor Mitrinovic often used to say: "There are no equalities, even in the human life, the inequalities are always met". Inequalities present a very active and attractive field of research. As Richard Bellman has so elegantly said at the Second International Conference on General Inequalities (Oberwolfach, July 30 - August 5, 1978): "There are three reasons for the study of inequalities: praetieal, theoretieal, and aesthetie." On the aesthetie aspects he said: "As has been pointed out, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. However, it is generally agreed that eertain pieees of musie, art, or mathematies are beautiful. There is an eleganee to inequalities that makes them very attraetive. " A great progress in inequalities was made by seven Oberwolfach conferences on inequalities with the corresponding seven volumes under the title General Inequalities 1 - 7, published by Birkhäuser (1978, 1980, 1983, 1984, 1987, 1992, and 1997), as weIl as by several other international conferences dedieated to inequalities. One of these conferences was held in 1987 at the University of Birmingham, England, under the auspices of the London Mathematical Society, and dedieated to the work of G. H. Hardy, J. E. Littlewood and G. P6lya in writing the book Inequalities, whieh was first published by the Cambridge University Press in 1934. This book has to be counted as one of the outstanding achievements in mathematical scholarship in this century, as said Norrie Everitt in the Preface of the volume Inequalities - Fifty years on /rom Hardy, Littlewood and P61ya (Marcel Dekker, 1991). Norrie said also: "Of great intrinsie interest, indeed, faseination, the book has proved an invaluable referenee work for more than fifty years, and a souree of lasting inspiration to workers in the vineyard of inequalities." Until the early sixties only this classieal work intended to transform the field of inequalities from a collection of isolated formulas into a systematie discipline. Since that time, other books on inequalities have appeared, especially two Springer's: Inequalities (1971) by E. F. Beckenbach and R. Bellman, and Analytic Inequalities (1970) by D. S. Mitrinovic. After the classieal Inequalities by Hardy, Littlewood and P6lya, this MitrinoviC's famous work is the most referred to books in the field of inequalities. Mitrinovic was interested in all kinds of inequalities, from elementary inequalities, geometrie inequalities, inequalities with means, inequalities in analysis and approximation theory, including inequalities in number theory. In collaboration with fellow colleagues he produced several books in different subjects concerning inequalities during the last ten years of his life. Five of them have been published by Kluwer: Means and Their Inequalities (1988) with P. S. Bullen and P. M. Vasic, Reeent Advanees in Geometrie Inequalities (1989) with J. E. Pecaric and V. Volenec, Inequalities Involving Functions and Their Integrals and Derivatives (1991) with J. E. Pecaric and A. M. Fink, Classieal and New Inequalities in xi xii PREFACE Analysis (1993) with J. E. Pecaric and A. M. Fink, Handbook 0/ Number Theory (1986) with J. Sandor and B. Crstici, and one book was published by World Scientifie: Topics in Polynomials: Extremal Problems, Inequalities, Zeros (1994) with G. V. Milovanovic and Th. M. Rassias. In order to provide a multi-disciplinary forum of discussion in mathematics and its applications in which the essentiality of inequalities is highlighted, a new journal with title Journal 0/ Inequalities and Applications is just started this year by Gordon and Breach Science Publishers. An International Memorial Conference dedicated to the late Professor D. S. Mitrinovic was held at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of NiS, Yugoslavia, from June 20-22, 1996. This conference was organised by the foHowing institutions: The Serbian Scientific Society (Belgrade), The Mathematics Institute of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (Belgrade ), Faculty of Electrical Engineering (Belgrade), and Faculty of Electronic Engineering (Nis). There were 93 participants from 17 countries and the work on the conference was organised in the foHowing three sections: Recent Progress in Inequalities, Advances in Mathematical Analysis, and Topics in Mathematics with Applications. More than 140 authors sent their survey and contributed papers to the Program Committee. After a refereeing process, a number of selected papers on inequalities are included in this volume. Ten members of the Editorial Board of the Journal o/Inequalities and Applications appear as authors in this volume. This book is divided into three sections: An introduction to the life and scientific work of Professor Mitrinovic, Invited Papers, and Contributed Papers. In each section the papers appear in alphabeticalorder according to the initial of the last name of the first-named author. An author index is also included at the end of the book. Lastly, I wish to express my warmest thanks to all of the scientists who contributed to this volume, as weH as to all of my coHeagues from the Department of Mathematics, University of Nis, who helped in the preparation of this volume. The financial support for preparing this book is given by Nis Assembly. It is, also, a pleasure to acknowledge the superb assistance that the staff of Kluwer Academic Publishers provided. Nis, June 1997 Gradimir V. Milovanovic LIFE AND INEQUALITIES: D. S. MITRINOVIC (1908-1995) GRADIMIR V. MILOVANOVIC Faculty 0/ Electronic Engineering, Department 0/ Mathematics, P.G. Box 73, 18000 Nis, Yugoslavia 1. Biographical Data Professor Dragoslav S. Mitrinovic, the famous scientist, a modest man, teacher and a model of many generations, died on April 2, 1995. He was born in Smederevo, Serbia, on June 23, 1908, as the first child of Svetislav and Marija Mitrinovic. His sister Ruzica (1909-1993) was the second and the last child in the Mitrinovic family. Their father, a known judge, died when Dragoslav was seven, so that he was forced to fight for his living himself. He received elementary and secondary education in Pristina and Vranje. In 1932 he graduated mathematics at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. The next year, as a student of Professor Mihailo Petrovic - Alas, he defended his Ph. D. thesis in the field of Differential equations entitled "Investigations 0/ an important differential equation 0/ the first order". FIG. 1. Dragoslav with his sister Ruzica (from 1913) FIG. 2. D. S. Mitrinovic as a student (from 1929) G. V. Milovanovic (ed.), Recenl Progress in Inequalilies, 1-10. © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. 2 G. V. MILOVANOVIC In 1933 he got married to Olga Sretenovic (1910-1996). Olga was also a mathematician and she worked as a secondary school teacher. Their sons, Svetislav (1934) and Mihailo (1945), are the university professors. FIG . 3. Prof. Mihailo Petrovic - Alas (1868-1943) FIG. 4 . Dragoslav and Olga (from 1933) Until 1946 D. S. Mitrinovic worked as a secondary school teacher. He spent some time as a researcher at the Paris University. His ID-cards from that period are shown in Figures 5 and 6. FIG. 5. University immatriculation card FIG. 6 . Card for the National Library During this period Mitrinovic published about 50 scientific papers, mainly on differential equations. 2. Professional Career Mitrinovic started his university career in Skoplje, Macedonia, as an Associate Professor at the Philosophical Faculty. It took hirn only five years (1946-1951) to found the Skoplje School of Mathematics. At the Philosophical Faculty he founded LIFE AND INEQUALITIES: D. S. MITRINOVIC (1908-1995) 3 the Department of Mathematics and two mathematieal journals ( "Zbornik radova Filozo/skog /akulteta u Skoplju" in 1948 and "Bilten drustva matematicara i fizicara Makedonije" in 1950). The first mathematieal research papers in Macedonia were done by Professor Mitrinovic. His persistent work resulted in the foundation a rieh professional mathematical library there and in a wide exchange of scientific publications with foreign countries. At the beginning, all the lecturing in Skoplje was performed by two mathematicians only. It was at that time that a core of scientific workers was formed in Skoplje, which is today one of the recognised scientific centers. A number of Ph.D. theses were defended, mainly under the supervision of Professor Mitrinovic. Thanks to his scientific contribution he was elected the member of the Macedonian Academy 0/ Science and Art. From 1951 to his retirement in 1978 Professor Mitrinovic taught at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, and in 1953 he was elected the Head of the Department of Mathematics. During his long period of teaching he supported young and talented mathematicians, students of his faculty (to whom mathematies would be their future profession), gave them instructions for their scientific research, made them get to know the scientific references he knew so weIl and helped them publish their results in the country and abroad. He made his collaborators work as hard as he practised himself. He encouraged the progress and success of all his assistants. He founded the weIl-known Belgrade School of Functional Equations, Differential Equations and Inequalities. He was also the founder of the Publications 0/ the Faculty 0/ Electrical Engineering, Series: Mathematics and Physics, which soon became the worldwide renown journal. Numerous world weIl-known and outstanding mathematicians published their papers in the Publications. This journal is available in many university libraries all over the world. Soon after foundation of the first faculties in Nis in 1960, Professor Mitrinovic founded another school of mathematies. In the period between 1965 and 1975 he was the Head of the Department of Mathematics at the Faculty of Electronie Engineering, University of Nis. He supported the development of any field in mathematies, encouraged his collaborators and assistants, introduced them into new fields he himself didn't work in and was in touch with developed centers all over the world. His collaborators appreciated and accepted such approach of his. Thanks to all this, the Nis School of Mathematics soon grew into a powerful center of Approximation Theory, Inequalities and Numerical Mathematics, without any problems and separations which are characteristie for this country. Professor Mitrinovic was a very communieative person. He maintained epistolary relationship with numerous world respectable mathematicians. He was a longtime member of the American Mathematical Society, SocieU Mathematique de France and one of the founders of the Serbian Scientific Society. His social activity on the professional plan is also noteworthy. He was the founder of the Mathematical documentation center 0/ the Society 0/ mathematicians and physicists 0/ Serbia, the Vice-president 0/ the Union 0/ societies 0/ mathematicians and physicists 0/ Yugoslavia, the President 0/ the Society 0/ mathematicians and physicists 0/ Macedonia, the President 0/ the Commission tor mathematics 0/ the Federal G. V. MILOVANOVIC 4 Council lor the coordination 01 scientijic research, a M ember and the President 01 the corresponding commission in Serbia, the Vice-president 01 the Commission lor text-books, not to mention several other duties within the framework of the University. For a long time, Professor Mitrinovic was a member of the Editorial Board of East European Series "Mathematics and Its Applications" in the Kluwer Academic Publishers. FIG . 7. S:Milojkovic, D. S.Mitrinovic, R . i . Djordjevic, and G . V. Milovanovic (Poree, 1975) Mitrinovic was a prolific writer of many university books as weIl as significant monographs of high scientific level, published by the world's most famous publishing houses. His monograph Analytic Inequalities (with P. M. Vasic) published in 1970 by Springer Verlag, had a very powerful influence on the development of this field in Yugoslavia and abroad. Many generations of students and mathematicians studied from Professor MitrinoviC's books. His name on the covers always signified high standards and a rigorous mathematical style. 3. Scientific Work in Inequalities The scientific work of Professor Mitrinovic and his contributions in mathematics can be classified into the following areas: 1. Differential equations; 2. F\mctional equations; 3. Inequalities; 4. Other fields. His work in the first two areas (Differential and Functional equations) has been described in [10] (see also [1-4] and [6-7]). Beside more than one hund red papers on differential equations and more than thirty papers on functional equations, he LIFE AND INEQUALITIES: D. S. MITRINOVIC (1908-1995) 5 published three text-books on differential equations. His starting papers on functional equations from fifties were important for developing a well-known Belgrade School of Functional Equations as well as the appearing of his "Mathematics Problem Book", Vol. II1 (1960), with several interesting open problems related to the classieal functional equations. These problems were a "glue" for young mathematicians and for the most talented students. We mention that 7 mathematicians took their Ph. D. theses in differential equations with Professor Mitrinovic: B. S. Popov (1952), I. Bandic (1958), D. PerCinkova (1963), I. Sapkarev (1964), J. D. Keckic (1970), P. R. Lazov (1977), and B. Piperevski (1982). Also, Professor Mitrinovic gave seven Ph. D. theses in functional equations: D.Z. Djokovic (1963), K. Milosevic-Rakocevic (1963), P. M. Vasic (1963), R. Z. Djordjevic (1966), R. R. Janic (1968), I. Stamate (1971), and B. Zaric (1975). A niee review on these theses has just been written by Professor B. D. Crstici (see [3]). The last and the greatest MitrinoviC's passion in mathematies was the one called - 1nequalities. He was involved in all kinds of inequalities. He often used to say: "There are no equalities, even in the human li/e, the inequalities are always met". Until early sixties only the classieal work 1nequalities by Hardy, Littlewood, and P6lya, appeared in 1934, intended to transform the field· of inequalities from a collection of isolated formulas into a systematie discipline. Professor A. M. Fink (Iowa State University) even said: "I had not considered inequalities as a research subject, even though I owned a copy 0/ Hardy, Littlewood, and P6lya 's "lnequalities". 1nequalities were a sidelight to my research in differential equations. But through Pro/essor MitrinoviC's book "Analytic 1nequalities" from 1970 and his correspondence with me, I saw the richness 0/ the subject 0/ inequalities, the care he took to ascribe intellectual ideas to their real sources, and his personal integrity in writing about the subject." MitrinoviC's interest in inequalities started very early considering some inequalities for elementary symmetrie functions (1959). His work can be classified into the following areas: 1. Elementary inequalitiesj 2. Geometrie inequalitiesj 3. Means and their inequalitiesj 4. Analytie inequalitiesj 5. Inequalities and extremal problems with polynomialsj 6. Various partieular inequalitiesj 7. Inequalities in number theory. To each of these areas Mitrinovic devoted at least one monograph. At this point we could cite Professor Diek Askey, who told: "He was a collector 0/ interesting and important older mathematical results. This resulted in a number 0/ books which have /ew i/ any rivals. When an inequality arises, as it often does in my work or in letters /rom others asking about one, the first place I look is in the books 0/ Mitrinovic. There are /ew with his dedication to preserving interesting 6 G. V. MILOVANOVIC mathematies. Fortunately, he did not write all 0/ his books alone, so he helped train others to /ollow in his /ootsteps. May they earry on his legaey 0/ service to the eommunity 0/ mathematicians around the world." 1. Mitrinovie started with elementary inequalities in 1959. Very soon in 1964 he published (in eooperation with E. S. Barnes, D. C. B. Marsh and J. R. M. Radok) the book entitled "Elementary Inequalities" (P. Noordhoff, Groningen). This tutorial text and problem eolleetion is designed to introduee the student, at undergraduate or senior high school level, to the elementary properties of inequalities. Considerably enlarged version of this book appeared in Polish in 1972, with P. M. Vasie and R. R. Janie as eo-authors. Among many elementary inequalities treated by Professor Mitrinovie we mention only those with elementary symmetrie funetions (Tk = (Tk(Xl, .•. ,xn ). If 1 ~ k ~ n -1 and 0 ~ v ~ k -1, Mitrinovie proved that (~V(Tk_V)2 - (~v(Tk_v+1)(~v(Tk_v_l) ~ 0, where ~ is the standard forward differenee operator. Also he proved the following implieation for 1 ~ p ~ v, 2. Several papers Mitrinovie devoted to the geometrie inequalities. In 1969 the book "Geometrie Inequalities" (Groningen), written by O. Bottema, R. Z. Djordjevie, R. R. Janie, D. S. Mitrinovie, and P. M. Vasie, was appeared. The book is very appreciated and has been mueh quoted in the mathematiealliterature. It eontains about 400 varied geometrie inequalities related to the elements of figures in the plane (triangles, quadrilaterals, n-gons, circles) and 225 authors are cited in it. After the appearanee of this book (ealled "Bible of Bottema" in the Canadian journal Crux Mathematieorum), during the period from 1969-1986 a large number of papers and problems eoneerning geometrie inequalities were published in mathematieal journals and this inspired Professor Mitrinovie to eompile an eneyclopedie work "Recent Advanees in Geometrie Inequalities" (Kluwer, 1989) jointly with J. E. Pecarie and V. Volenee. This book eontains several thousands ofinequalities, not only for elements of figures in the plane, but also for elements of figures in space and hyperspaee (tetrahedra, polyhedra, simpliees, polytopes, spheres). This book is a good base for the various synthesis of apparently uneonneeted results about geometrie inequalities, and also represents a rieh souree book for obtaining some deeper and essential generalisations. 3. Mitrinovie also devoted several papers to the means and their inequalities. His main eollaborator in this field was P. M. Vasic (1934-1996). Unifying the results proved by W. N. Everitt [Amer. Math. Monthly 70 (1963), 251-255] and Mitrinovie and Vasie [Univ. Beograd. Pub!. Elektrotehn. Fak. Ser. Mat. Fiz. No 159 - No 170 (1966), 1-8], H. W. MeLaughlin and F. T. Metealf [Pacifie J. Math. 22 (1967), 303-311] obtained some interesting inequalities for means of order r. Later, Mitrinovie and Vasie (1968) proved even more general results whieh eontain inequalities of MeLaughlin and Metealf. In 1966 Mitrinovie and Vasie introdueed one method, so-ealled A-method, for getting inequalities. This method ean be summarised as follows: LIFE AND INEQUALITIES: D. S. MITRINOVIC (1908-1995) 7 (1) Start with an inequality which can be proved by the theory of maxima and minima; (2) In a convenient manner introduce one or more parameters into the function from which that inequality was obtained; (3) Find the extreme values of such a function, treating the parameters as fixed. In this way an inequality involving one or more parameters is obtained. Assigning conveniently chosen values to those parameters, one may obtain various inequalities whose forms bear no similarity to the original. This method often unifies isolated inequalities and yields known inequalities as special cases. Using this method Mitrinovic and Vasic obtained many interesting inequalities with means. As a top in this field is certainly the monograph "Means and Their Inequalities" written on 459 pages by D. S. Mitrinovic, P. S. Bullen and P. M. Vasic and published by Kluwer in 1988. 4. The most important MitrinoviC's work on inequalities inequalities appeared in the Mathematical Analysis. He considered many important dassical inequalities induding their variations and generalisations. Especially, we mention his work on the Steffensen inequality from 1969, as wen as a joint paper with P. M. Vasic on an integral inequality ascribed to Wirtinger. In 1974 Mitrinovic and Vasic published one important paper on history, variations and generalisations of the Chebyshev inequality and the quest ion of so me priorities. In 1965 Mitrinovic published the book "Nejednakosti" in Serbian on 240 pages. Five years later, a grandiose work appeared by Springer Verlag - "Analytic Inequalities." Talking on MitrinoviC's contribution in mathematics, Professor P. S. Bullen says: "Du ring his long and active life Professor Mitrinovic not only did much original work in various jields, although mainly in inequalities. In addition he became famous for research into the obscure origins of many famous results. However his most abiding contribution are three. The famous book, done with the collaboration of Professor Vasic, "Analytic Inequalities". It is, after the classic "Inequalities" by Hardy, Littlewood and P6lya, the most referred to book in the jield of inequalities. "1) The complete material of this book is divided into three parts. In the first part ("Introduction") an approach to inequalities is given, while the main attention is devoted to convex functions. The second and main part ("General Inequalities") consists of 27 sections, each of which is dedicated to a dass of inequalities of l)Further, Bullen says: "I have called the Publikacije Elektrotehnickog Fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu, serija Matematika i Fizika "his journal" and it was so in a very real sense. It is an essential tool for working in the field of inequalities, and the almost complete run that I have is one of my most valuable possessions in the my mathematical library. I only wish that it were complete. Finally there are the many students Professor Mitrinovic brought along and who are now carrying on his work all over the world. I mention Professors Vasic, Pecaric as being the ones that I know best, but there are many others as any perusal of "his journal" will show. I think it is no exaggeration to say that they are keeping hirn alive, and will continue to do so for many years to come." 8 G. V. MILOVANOVIC importanee in Analysis. FinaHy, the third part ("Particular Inequalities") gives a eoHection of various inequalities. 5. The monograph "Topics in Polynomials: Extremal Problems, Inequalities, Zeros", written by G. V. Milovanovic, D. S. Mitrinovic, and Th.M. Rassias, and published by World Scientifie, eontains some of the most important results on the analysis of polynomials and their derivatives. Besides the fundamental results, which are treated with their proofs, the book also provides an aeeount of the most reeent developments eoneerning extremal properties of polynomials and their derivatives in various metrics with an extensive analysis of inequalities for trigonometrie sums and algebraic polynomials, as weH as their zeros. Many extremal problems of Markov, Bernstein, Nikolskil, and Turan type were eonsidered. The inequalities are given for various domains, various norms and for various subclasses of polynomials, both algebraie and trigonometrie. Some 1200 referenees have been cited, including preprints. Professor T. Erdelyi in his review on this book in the Journal of Approximation Theory (Vol. 82 (1995), 471-472) says: "The topics are tastefully selected and the results are easy to find. Although this book is not really planned as a textbook to teach /rom, it is excellent for self-study or seminars. This is a very useful reference book with many results which have not appeared in a book form veto It is an important addition to the literature. " Professor E. W. Cheney in Mathematics of Computation (Vol. 65 (1996), 438-439) eoncludes his review by words: "The book is written in a gentle style: one can open it anywhere and begin to understand, without encountering unfamiliar notation and terminology. It is strongly recommended to individuals and to libraries. " (see also the reviews written by Professor N. K. Govil in Mathematical Reviews (95m: 30009) and by H. M. Srivastava in Zentralblatt für Mathematik (848-147)). 6. The third part of MitrinoviC's monograph "Analytic Inequalities", which is entitled "Particular Inequalities", represents a eolleetion of various inequalities, more or less closely intereonneeted. This 200-pages part includes diserete inequalities, inequalities with algebraie and trigonometrie functions and polynomials, inequalities with exponential, logarithmic and gamma funetions, as weH as integral inequalities and inequalities in the eomplex domain. Many of these results belong to Professor Mitrinovic. Besides extensions and generalisations, Mitrinovic always wanted to link various isolated inequalities and find their eommon souree. Reeently he published by Kluwer two monographs with sueh results: "Inequalities Involving Functions and Their Integrals and Derivatives" and "Classical and New Inequalities in Analysis" (jointly with J. E. Pecaric and A.M. Fink). In his reeent papers, mainly written jointIy with Pecaric, various particular inequalities were eonsidered (Erdös-MordeH's and related in~qualities of Gauss-Winekler, inequalities for polygons, some trigonometrie inequalities, Neuberg-Pedoe and Oppenheim inequalities, Steffensen's inequality, some determinantal inequalities, inequalities of Godunova and Levin, Ozeki's inequalities, Lebed's inequality, inequalities of Hilbert and Widder, Masuyama's inequality, ete.). 7. The last MitrinoviC's monograph was the "Handbook of Number Theory", written jointly by J. Sandor and B. Crstici and published by Kluwer this year (1996). Unfortunately, after the manuseript was finished and during its preparation for LIFE AND INEQUALITIES: D. S. MITRINOVIC (1908-1995) 9 printing, Professor Mitrinovic died, not having the chance to see his last work in libraries. The aim of this book was to systematise and to present in an easily accessible framework the most important results from some parts of Number Theory, which are expressed by inequalities or by estimates. The book focuses on the most important arithmetic functions in Number Theory, together with various generalisations, analogues and extensions of such functions, and also properties of some functions related to the distribution of the primes and of the quadratic residues and to partitions, etc. We note that the "yeast" for this Handbook was the previous book "1nequalities in Number Theory" published in 1978 by Mitrinovic and M.S. Popadic (Naucni Podmladak, University of Nis). We mention also that 4 mathematicians took their Ph. D. theses in inequalities with Professor Mitrinovic: Lj. R. Stankovic (1975), I. B. Lackovic (1975), G. V. Milovanovic (1976) and I. Z. Milovanovic (1980). MitrinoviC's scientific interest was also in the other fields as Bernoulli's and Stirling's numbers and polynomials (31 papers), as weIl as in complex analysis, special functions, orthogonal polynomials, summation formulas, abstract algebra, etc. Especially, we mention the monograph "The Cauchy Method ot Residues - Theory and Applications" in two volumes, written jointly with J. D. Keckic and published by Kluwer. The first volume, which appeared in 1984, is the only book that covers all known applications of the calculus of residues. They range from the theory of equations, theory of numbers, matrix analysis, evaluation of real definite integrals, summation of finite and infinite series, expansions of functions into infinite series and products, ordinary and partial differential equations, mathematical and theoretical physics, to the calculus of finite differences and difference equations. On the other hand, the second volume (appeared in 1993) is devoted to new results in this field. Also, it contains some special contributions written by various authors and they are based mainly on their own research work. They include topics as the generalised value of an improper integral, numerical evaluation of definite integrals, inclusive calculus of residues, polynomials orthogonal on a semicircle in the complex plane, and an interesting generalisation of the residue theorem to distribution. *** The total bibliography of Professor Mitrinovic contains 372 units, including 278 scientific papers and 30 other papers, as weIl as 16 monographs, 35 text-books, and 13 other books (see [5]). There are over 40 scientists who received their doctoral degrees by Professor Mitrinovic. He enabled his collaborators and doctorands to use his huge scientific documentation in which he kept old, rare and valuable papers, systematically collected over the past years, and pedantically arranged into fields. His collaborators were frequently surprised by his familiarity with references in topics that were not in his immediate circle of interest. In his last years, he used to give whole folders of precious papers to his visitors as a present, saying: "1 do not have any more time tor that". Professor Mitrinovic devoted his whole life to mathematics. He led a modest life. His works will remain a long lasting value and will be cited in mathematical 10 G. V. MILOVANOVIC literature for a long time. He will remain in the memory of his numerous associates and students as a truly exceptional man they could leam a lot of from. References 1. M. Bertolino and P. M. Vasic, Professor Dragoslav S. Mitrinovic, Univ. Beograd. Pub!. Elektrotehn. Fak. Ser. Mat. Fiz. No. 602 - No. 633 (1978), 3-7. 2. B. Crstici, Sur les contributions du Prof. D. S. Mitrinovic la theorie des inegalites, Dragoslav S. Mitrinovic - Life and Work, University "Kiril and Metodij" - Faculty of Mathematics - Skopje, Skopje, 1980, pp. 83-97. 3. _ _ _ , About some doctoral thesis directed by Professor Dragoslav S. Mitrinovic in the domain of functional equations, Scientific Review 21-22 (1996), 15-22. 4. D. Dimitrovski, Dragoslav S. Mitrinovic, Dragoslav S. Mitrinovic - Life and Work, University "Kiril and Metodij" - Faculty of Mathematics - Skopje, Skopje, 1980, pp. 1-12. (Macedonian) 5. R. Z. Djordjevic and R. R. Janic, Publications of D. S. Mitrinovic, This Volume, pp. 11-27. 6. J. D. Keckic, Contribution of Professor D. S. Mitrinovic to Differential Equations, Univ. Beograd. Pub!. Elektrotehn. Fak. Ser. Mat. Fiz. No. 602 - No. 633 (1978), 17-46. 7. ___ , Contribution of Professor D. S. Mitrinovic to functional equations, Dragoslav S. Mitrinovic - Life and Work, University "Kiril and Metodij" - Faculty of Mathematics - Skopje, Skopje, 1980, pp. 67-82. 8. M. Merkle, IN MEMORIAM - Professor Dragoslav S. Mitrinovic (1908-1995), Univ. Beograd. Pub!. Elektrotehn. Fak. Ser. Mat. 6 (1995), 3-5. 9. G. V. Milovanovic, IN MEMORIAM - Prof. dr Dragoslav S. Mitrinovic, Politika (May 9, 1995 & August 8, 1995). 10. ___ , Dragoslau S. Mitrinovic (1908-1995) - Life and Scientific Work, Scientific Review 21-22 (1996), 1-13. a PUBLICATIONS OF D. S. MITRINOVIC RADOSAV Z. DJORDJEVIC University 0/ Nis, Faculty 0/ Electronie Engineering, Department 0/ Mathematies, P. O. Box 79, 18000 Nis, Yugoslavia RADOVAN R. JANIC University 0/ Belgrade, Faculty 0/ Eleetrical Engineering, Department 0/ Mathematies, P. O. Box 95-54, 11120 Belgrade, Yugoslavia Professor Dragoslav S. Mitrinovic (1908-1995) was active researeher during his life span for whole 65 years, from 1931 until1995. During that time he wrote by himself or jointly with other authors 16 monographs, 35 university textbooks (with many expanded and revised editions), as weH as 13 other important mathematical books. In the same time, Professor Mitrinovic published alone or jointly 275 papers in distinguished scientific journals. He presented 3 papers on the international mathematical congresses and conferences, 30 professional papers, and many ordinary journalistic papers. This Bibliography is a complete survey of all published papers by Professor Mitrinovic and consists of two parts: Books and Papers. The section Books contains the survey of published Monographs, Text-Books, and Other Books, and section Papers the published Journal Papers, Conference Papers, and Other Papers. The survey of journalistic papers is not presented. Taking in consideration the whole creative work of Professor Mitrinovic, the editors of this Bibliography concluded that Professor Mitrinovic published over 25,000 printed pages of mathematical text, with no counting the reprints. That means, he wrote during his 65 years long working life span on the average more than one printed page a day, and even a three pages a day, taking in account the reprints, that have been, by rule, revised and expanded. BOOKS Monographs 1. Nejednakosti. Gradevinska knjiga, Beograd, 1965. 2. (with P. M. Vasic, R. Z. Djordjevic and R. R. Janic) Geometrijske nejednakosti. Zavod za izdavanje udzbenika, Beograd, 1966. 3. (with O. Bottema, R. Z. Djordjevic, R. R. Janic and P. M. Vasic) Geometrie Inequalities. Wolters - Noordhoff Publishing, Groningen, 1969. 4. (with P. M. Vasic) Sredine. Zavod za izdavanje udzbenika, Beograd, 1969. 5. (with P. M. Vasic) Analytie Inequalities. Springer Verlag, Berlin - Heidelberg - New York,1970. 11 G. V. Milovanovic (ed.), Recent Progress in lnequalities, 11-27. © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. 12 R. Z. DJORDJEVIC AND R. R. JANIC 6. (with P. M. Vasic) Analiticke nejednakosti. Gradevinska knjiga, Beograd, 1970. 7. (with M. S. Popadic) Inequalities in Number Theory. Naucni podmladak, Nis, 1978. 8. (with P. S. Bullen and P. M. Vasic) Sredine isa njima povezane nejednakosti. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. ']\[2600 (1978). 9. (with J. D. Keckic) Cauehy Method 0/ Residues. D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht - Boston - Lancaster, 1984. 10. (with P. S. Bullen and P. M. Vasic) Means and Their Inequalities. D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht - Boston - Lancaster - Tokio, 1988. 11. (with J. E. Pecaric and V. Volenec) Reeent Advanees in Geometrie Inequalities. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht - Boston - London, 1989. 12. (with J. E. Pecaric and A. M. Fink) Inequalities Involving Funetions and Their Integrals and Derivatives. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht - Boston - London, 1991. 13. (with J. D. Keckic) The Cauehy Method 0/ Residues. Theory and Applieations. Vol. 2. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht - Boston - London, 1993. 14. (with J. E. Pecaric and A. M. Fink) Classieal and New Inequalities in Analysis. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht - Boston - London, 1993. 15. (with G. V. Milovanovic and Th. M. Rassias) Topie in Polynomials: Extremal Problems, Inequalities, Zeros. World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore - New Jersey - London - Hong Kong, 1994. 16. (with J. Sandor and B. Crstici) Handbook 0/ Number Theory. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht - Boston - London 1996. Text-Books 1. Matematicki problemi. Sveska prva. Stamparija "Davidovic" Pavlovica i druga, Beograd, 1931. 2. Zbirka zadataka iz matematike za studente tehnickih i prirodno-matematickih /akulteta. Znanje, Beograd, 1954. 3. Zbornik matematickih problema sa prilozima i numerickim tablieama, I. Nolit, Beograd, 1957. [New editions: 1958, 1962] 4. Metod matematicke indukeije. Nolit, Beograd, 1957. [Newedition: 1958] 5. (with D. Mihailovic and J. Ulcar) Zbornik matematickih problema sa prilozima i numerickim tablicama, II. Naucna knjiga, Beograd, 1958. [Newedition: 1960] 6. (with D. Mihailovic and P. M. Vasic) Linearna algebra. Polinomi. Analiticka geometrija. Gradevinska knjiga, Beograd, 1959. [New editions: 1962, 1966, 1968, 1971, 1973, 1975, 1978, 1979, 1983, 1985, 1988. 1990] 7. (with J. Ulcar and V. Devide) Zbornik matematickih problema sa prilozima i numerickim tablicama, III. Naucna knjiga, Beograd, 1960. 8. (with J. Ulcar, P. Dimik and I. Sapkarev) Zbirka zadaci po visa matematika za studenti na tehnicki /akulteti. Univerzitet - Skopje, Skopje, 1961. 9. Zbirka zadataka iz matematike za prvi stepen nastave na /akultetima. N aucna knjiga, Beograd, 1962. 10. Matematicka indukeija. Binomna /ormula. Kombinatorika. Zavod za izdavanje udzbenika, Beograd, 1963. [New editions: 1970, 1980, 1990] 11. Matematika za prvi stepen nastave na /akultetima u obliku metodicke zbirke zadataka sa resenjima. Gradevinska knjiga, Beograd, 1964. 12. (with D. Z. Dokovic) Speeijalne Junkeije. Gradevinska knjiga, Beograd, 1964. 13. (with E. S. Barnes, D. C. B. Marsh and J. R. M. Radok) Elementary Inequalities. Publishing Noordhoff Ltd., Groningen, 1964. PUBLICATIONS OF D. S. MITRINOVIC 13 14. (with E. S. Barnes and J. R. M. Radok) Functions of a Complex Variable. Publishing Noordhoff Ltd., Groningen, 1965. 15. (with R. B. Potts) Elementary Matrices. Publishing Noordhoff Ltd., Groningen, 1965. 16. (with J. H. Michael) Calculus of Residues. Publishing Noordhoff Ltd., Groningen, 1966. 17. (with D. Z. Dokovic) Polinomi i matrice. Gradevinska knjiga, Beograd, 1966. [New editions: 1975, 1986, 1991] 18. Matematika u obliku metodicke zbirke zadataka sa resenjima, 1. Gradevinska knjiga, Beograd, 1967. [New editions: 1971, 1973 , 1978, 1982, 1986, 1989] 19. Matematika u obliku metodicke zbirke zadataka sa resenjima, 11. Gradevinska knjiga, Beograd, 1967. [New editions: 1972, 1977, 1982, 1987, 1989] 20. Kompleksna analiza. Gradevinska knjiga, Beograd, 1967. [Neweditions: 1971, 1973, 1977, 1981, 1988] 21. (with J. VIcar and R. S. Anderssen) Differential Geometry. Wolters - Noordhoff Publishing, Groningen, 1969. 22. (with J. D. Keckic) Algebra - Zbirka problema iz kombinatorike, polinoma i jednacina. Naucna knjiga, Beograd, 1969. 23. (with D. D. Adamovic) Nizovi i redovi - Definicije, stavovi, zadaci, problemi. Naucna knjiga, Beograd, 1971. [New editions: 1980, 1987, 1990] 24. (with R. R. Janic) Uvod u specijalne junkcije. Gradevinska knjiga, Beograd, 1972. [Neweditions: 1975, 1986] 25. Matematika u obliku metodicke zbirke zadataka sa resenjima, 111. Gradevinska knjiga, Beograd, 1972. [New editions: 1976, 1984, 1988J 26. (with D. D. Tosic and R. R. Janic) Specijalne junkcije - Zbomik zadataka i problema. Naucna knjiga, Beograd, 1972. [Neweditions: 1978, 1986, 1990] 27. Matrice i determinante - Zbomik zadataka i problema. Naucna knjiga, Beograd, 1972. [New editions: 1975, 1980, 1986, 1990] 28. (with J. D. Keckic) Kompleksna analiza - Zbomik zadataka i problema. Naucna knjiga, Beograd, 1972. [Neweditions: 1979, 1985, 1989] 29. (with P. M. Vasic) Diferencijalne jednacine - Zbomik zadataka i problema. Naucna knjiga, Beograd, 1972. [New editions: 1978, 1986, 1990] 30. (with J. D. Keckic) Jednacine matematicke fizike. Gradevinska knjiga, Beograd, 1972. [New editions: 1978, 1985] 31. Predavanja 0 redovima. Gradevinska knjiga, Beograd, 1974. [New editions: 1980, 1986, 1989] 32. Predavanja 0 diferencijalnim jednacinama. Minerva, Subotica - Beograd, 1976. [New edition: 1983] 33. (with J. D. Keckic) Matematika 11 - Redovi, diferencijalne jednacine, kompleksna analiza, Laplaceova transformacija. Gradevinska knjiga, Beograd, 1981. [New editions: 1987, 1989] 34. (with J. D. Keckic) Complex Analysis. Exercises and Problem Manual. Naucna knjiga, Beograd, 1990. 35. (with D. D. Tosic) Matematika u obliku metodicke zbirke zadataka sa resenjima, IV. Gradevinska knjiga, Beograd, 1987. [New edition: 1990] Other Books 1. Savremene tendencije u nastavi matematike. Nolit, Beograd, 1957. 2. Referati 0 srednjoskolskim udibenicima iz matematike. Nolit, Beograd, 1957. 3. Vainije nejednakosti. Nolit, Beograd, 1958. 14 R. Z. DJORDJEVIC AND R. R. JANIC 4. (with D. C. B. Marsh) Problemi iz elementame teorije brojeva. Zavod za izdavanje udzbenika, Beograd, 1966. 5. (with P. M. Vasic and R. R. Janic) Elementame nierownosci. PaIistowe wydawnictwo naukowe, Warszawa, 1972. 6. (with J. D. Keckic) Gauchyev racun ostataka sa primenama. Naucna knjiga, Beograd, 1978. [Newedition: 1991.) 7. (with J. D. Keckic) Metodi izracunavanja konacnih zbirova. Naucna knjiga, Beograd, 1984. [New edition 1990.) 8. (with J. E. Pecaric) Diferencijalne i integraine nejednakosti. Naucna knjiga, Beograd, 1988. 9. (with J. E. Pecaric) Srednje vrednosti u matematici. Naucna knjiga, Beograd, 1989. 10. (with J. E. Pecaric) Hölderova i srodne nejednakosti. Naucna knjiga, Beograd, 1990. 11. (with J. E. Pecaric) Monotone Junkcije i njihove nejednakosti. Naucna knjiga, Beograd, 1990. 12. (with J. E. Pecaric) Giklicne nejednakosti i ciklicne Junkcionalne jednacine. Naucna knjiga, Beograd, 1991. 13. (with J. E. Pecaric) Nejednakosti i norme. Naucna knjiga, Beograd, 1991. PAPERS Journal Papers 1. Novi slucaji integrabiliteta jedne diferencijalne jednacine prvog reda. Glas Srpske Akademije 154 (1933), 145-170. [Nouveaux cas d'integrabilite d'une equation differentielle du premier ordre. BuH. Aead. Sei. Math. Nat. Belgrade 1 (1933), 107-117.] 2. Sur les lignes geodesiques d'une classe des surfaces. Publ. Math. Univ. Belgrade 3 (1934), 167-170. 3. Remarque sur une equation differentielle du premier ordre. Publ. Math. Univ. Belgrade 3 (1934),171-174. 4. Sur l'equation differentielle des lignes asymptotiques. Publ. Math. Univ. Belgrade 3 (1934),175-178. 5. Novi integrabilni oblici jedne znacajne diferencijalne jednacine prvog reda. Glas Srpske Akademije 163 (1934), 47-55. [Nouvelles form es integrables d'une equation differentielle importante du premier ordre. BuH. Aead. Sei. Math. Nat. Belgrade, 2 (1935), 61-65.] 6. Investigations 01 an differential equation of the first order. Ph. D. Thesis, Beograd, 1935. [Defended: Oetober 24, 1933] 7. 0 diferencijalnoj jednacini ravnih krivih, ciji je luk data funkcija potega i polamog ugla. Glas Srpske Akademije 165 (1935), 155-161. [Sur l'equation differentielle des curbes planes dont l'arc est une fonction donnee des coordonnee polaires. BuH. Aead. Sei. Math. Nat. Belgrade 2 (1935), 245-246.] 8. Prilog integraljenju izvesne klase algebarskih diferencijalnih jednacina prvog reda. Glas Srpske Akademije 165 (1935), 165-170. [Gas d'integrabilite d'une certaine classe d'equations differentielles algebriques du premier ordre. BuH. Aead. Sei. Math. Nat. Belgrade 2 (1935), 247-248.] 9. Gontribution a l'integration de l'equation differentielle de J. Liouville. Publ. Math. Univ. Belgrade 4 (1935), 149-152. 10. Sur certaines trajectoires algebriques planes de genre zero, un et deux. Publ. Math. Univ. Belgrade 4 (1935), 153-160. 11. Remarques sur les lignes asymptotiques et sur lignes de courbure. Prak. Aead. Athenön 10 (1935), 480-483. PUBLICATIONS OF D. S. MITRINOVIC 15 12. Parabole ci parametre rationnel. Mathesis, 49 (1935), 369. 13. Novi oblik Lagrange-Serretove primedbe 0 diferencijalnim jednacinama. Glas Srpske Akademije 110 (1936),369-179. [Nouvelle forme de la remarque de Lagrange-Serret relative aux equations differentielles ordinaires. BuH. Aead. Sei. Math. Nat. Belgrade 3 (1936), 37-39.] 14. Prilog teoriji prvih integrala diferencijalnih jednacina. Glas Srpske Akademije 113 (1936), 19-22. [Contriboution ci la theorie des integrales premieres d'equations differentielles. BuH. Aead. Sei. Math. Nat. Belgrade 3 (1936), 33-35.] 15. 0 integraciji jedne vaine diferencijalne jednacine prvoga reda. Glas Srpske Akademije 113 (1936),77-117. [Sur l'integration d'une equation differentielle importante du premier ordre. BuH. Aead. Sei. Math. Nat. Belgrade 3 (1936), 7-19.] 16. Transformation et integration d'une equation differentielle du premiere ordre. Publ. Math. Univ. Belgrade 5 (1936), 10-12. 17. Sur les lignes de courbure des surfces reglees ci plan directeur. Publ. Math. Univ. Belgrade 5 (1936), 100-102. 18. Un problem sur les fonctions analytiques. Rev. Math. Union Interbalkan. 1 (1936), 53-57. 19. Equation differentielle des asymptotiquaes et equation des cordes vibrantes qui s 'y rattache. Rev. Math. Union Interbalkan. 1 (1936), 135-137. 20. Remarque sur les surfaces de translation. Prak. Aead. Athenön 11 (1936), 356-359. 21. Sull'integrazione dell'equatione differenziale del tipo di Abel. Rend. Reale Istit. Lombardo sei. lett. (2) 69 (1936), 203-208. 22. Asymptotiques d'une classe des surfaces. Bull. Aead. Royal Belgique (5) 22 (1936), 948-950. 23. Asimptotiques d'une classe des surfaces et equations differentielles lineaires du second ordre s'y rattachant. BuH. Aead. Royal Belgique (5) 22 (1936), 1047-1049. 24. Sur l'emploi de la partie reelle et de la partie imagunaire des fonctions analytiques dans l'integration des equations differentielles. Töhoku Math. J. 42 (1936),179-184. 25. Theoreme sur les lignes asymptotiques. Mathesis 50 (1936), 367-368. 26. Integration d'une equation differentielle du premier ordre et polynomes d'Hermite qui s'y rattachent. Rev. Ciene. (Lima) 38 (1936), 123-127. 27. Sur une equation differentielle du premier ordre intervenant dans divers problemes de geometrie. C. R. Aead. Sei. Paris 204 (1937), 1706-1708. 28. Sur l'equation differentielle des lignes geodesiques des surfaces spirales. C. R. Aead. Sei. Paris 205 (1937), 1194-1196. 29. Un probleme sur les lignes asymptotiques et la methode de l'integration logique des equations differentielles de Jules Drach. C. R. Aead. Sei. Paris 205 (1937), 13581360. 30. Sur une equation differentielle du premier ordre intervenant divers problemes de geometrie. Bull. Sei. Math. (2) 61 (1937),323-325. 31. Un probleme sur les lignes asymptotiques d'une classe de surfaces. BuH. Aead. Royal Belgique (5) 23 (1937), 378-380. 32. (with R. Godeau) Sur certaines surfaces dont les lignes asymptotiques se determinent par quadratures. Mathesis 51 (1937), 115-116. 33. Istraiivanja 0 asimptotskim linijama povrsina. Glas Srpske Akademije 175 (1937), 45-69. [Recherches sur les lignes asymptotiques. Bull. Aead. Sei. Math. Nat. Belgrade 4 (1938), 105-120.] 34. Sur l'equation differentielle des lignes de courbure. Publ. Math. Univ. Belgrade 6-1 (1938), 32-35. 16 R. Z. DJORDJEVIC AND R. R. JANIC 35. Theoremes relatifs d l'equation differentiell de Riccati. C. R. Aead. Sei. Paris 206 (1938), 411-413. 36. Problem geometriques ou interviennent diverses equations differentielles. C. R. Aead. Sei. Paris 206 (1938), 568-570. 37. Sur une formule d'Analyse. Rev. Ciene. (Lima) 40 (1938), 449-452. 38. Sur une slasse d'equations differentielles. BuH. Sei. Math. (2) 62 (1938), 36-41. 39. Sur une probleme de Darboux. BuH. Seet. Sei. Aead. Roumaine 20 (1938), 23-25. 40. Abelove diferencijalne jednaeine viseg reda. Glas Srpske Akademije 178 (1939), 4547. [Equations differentielles d'Abel d'ordre superier. BuH. Aead. Sei. Math. Nat. Belgrade 5 (1939), 25-31.] 41. Problem 0 asimptotskim linijama pravolinijskih povrsina eije resenje zavisi od Riccatieve diferencijalne jednaeine. Glas Srpske Akademije 178 (1939), 161-165. [Problem, dont la solution depend d 'une equation de Riccati, relatif aux asymptotiques d'une surface reglee. BuH. Aead. Sei. Math. Nat. Belgrade 5 (1939), 89-92.] 42. 0 jednoj klasi diferencijalnih jednaeina prvoga reda na koje se nailazi u raznim problemima geometrije. Glas Srpske Akademije 181 (1939), 133-168. [Sur une classe d'equations differentielles du premier ordre que l'on rencontre dans divers problem de Geometrie. BuH. Aead. Sei. Math. Nat. Belgrade 6 (1939), 99-120.] 43. Nekoliko stavova 0 Riccatievoj diferencijalnoj jednaeini. Glas Srpske Akademije 181 (1939), 171-236. [Quelques propositions relatives d l'equation differentielle de Riccati. BuH. Acad. Sei. Math. Nat. Belgrade 6 (1939), 121-156.] 44. Theoreme sur l'equation de Riccati. C. R. Aead. Sei. Paris 208 (1939), 156-157. 45. Sur le probleme de Beitrami: deformer une surface reglee de telle manier que l'une de ses courbes, assignee d l'avance, devienne planne. BuH. Sei. Math. (2) 63 (1939), 99-105. 46. Sur l'integration d'une equation lineaire aux derivees partielles. C. R. Aead. Sei. Paris 210 (1940), 783-785. 47. Remarque sur certaines equations aux derivees partielles. Atti Reale Istit. Veneto Sei. Lett. Arti 99 (1940), parte 11, 357-360. 48. Veza izmeilu diferencijalne jednaeine drugog reda i jedne linearne integraine jednaeine tipa Volterra. Glas Srpske Akademije 185 (1941), 281-288. [Correspondance entre l'equation differentielle du second ordre et une equation integrale de Volterra. BuH. Aead. Sei. Math. Nat. Belgrade 7 (1941), 191-195.] 49. 0 jednoj linearnoj parcijalnoj jednaeini. Glasnik Mat.-Fiz. Astr. 1(1946), 168-181 & 209-226. 50. Sur un procede fournissant des solutions d'une equation aux differences finies rattachee d la theorie des coefficients de Stirling. BuH. Aead. Royal Belgique (5) 33 (1947), 244-247. 51. Sur une classe d'equation differentielles d'ordre superier. BuH. Aead. Royal Belgique (5) 33 (1947), 521-526. 52. Apropos d'une Note de D. Pompeiu relative d l'equation de Riccati. BuH. Seet. Sei. Aead. Roumaine 30 (1947), 256-263. 53. 0 Stirlingovim brojevima. Fac. Philos. Univ. Skopje. Seet. Sei. Nat. Annuaire 1 (1948), 49-89. 54. 0 transformaciji jedne diferencijalne jednaeine. Fac. Philos. Univ. Skopje. Seet. Sei. Nat. Annuaire 1 (1948), 97-109. 55. Sur une equation differentieie lineaire du second ordre transformable en elle-meme. C. R. Aead. Sei. Paris 228 (1949), 1188-1190. 56. 0 jednoj determinanti Escherichova tipa. Fae. Philos. Univ. Skopje. Seet. Sei. Nat. Annuaire 2 (1949), 135-139. PUBLICATIONS OF D. S. MITRINOVIC 17 57. 0 algebarskim iracionalnim jednacinama. Fae. Philos. Univ. Skopje. Seet. Sei. Nat. Annuaire 2 (1949), 141-159. 58. 0 jednoj klasi Riccatievih jednacina koje su invarijantne u odnosu na jednu smenu funkeije. Fae. Philos. Univ. Skopje. Seet. Sei. Nat. Annuaire 2 (1949), 165-182. 59. 0 jednoj diferencijalnoj jednacini drugoga reda koja se pojavljuje u jednom problemu matematicke fizike. Fae. Philos. Univ. Skopje. Seet. Sei. Nat. Annuaire 2 (1949), 187-193. 60. Postupak za formiranje kriterijuma integrabiliteta linearnih diferencijalnih jednacina ciji koeficijenti imaju oblike unapred date. Fae. Philos. Univ. Skopje. Seet. Sei. Nat. Annuaire 2 (1949), 207-237. 61. Sur un cas de reductibilite d 'equations dijerentielles lineaires. C. R. Aead. Sei. Paris 230 (1950), 1130-1132. 62. Mise en correspondance d 'un probleme non resolu de theorie de I'elasticite avec un probleme resolu par Darboux et Drach. C. R. Aead. Sei. Paris 231 (1950), 327-328. 63. Sur un procede fournissant des equations differentielles lineaires integrabIes d'un type assigne d'avance. Aead. Serbe. Sei. Pub!. Inst. Math. 3 (1950), 227-234. 64. Primedba 0 determinantama Escherichova tipa. Bull. Soe. Math. Phys. Maeedoine 1(1950), 5-20. 65. (with I. Vidav) 0 jednoj diferencijalnoj jednacini. Bull. Soe. Math. Phys. Maeedoine 1 (1950),21-27. 66. Povodom Görtlerovih rezultata 0 linearnoj diferencijalnoj jednacini drugoga reda. Fae. Philos. Univ. Skopje. Seet. Sei. Nat. Annuaire 3 (1) (1950), 1-19. 67. 0 operacijama max imin. Fae. Philos. Univ. Skopje. Seet. Sei. Nat. Annuaire 3 (4) (1950),1-10. 68. 0 diferencijalnoj jednacini jednog vainog problema teorije i prakse elasticiteta. Fae. Philos. Univ. Skopje. Seet. Sei. Nat. Annuaire 3 (5) (1950), 1-22. 69. 0 jednoj neodreaenoj diferencijalnoj jednacini. Fae. Philos. Univ. Skopje. Seet. Sei. Nat. Annuaire 3 (6) (1950), 1-16. 70. Sur une propriete des operations max et min. C. R. Aead. Sei. Paris 232 (1951), 286-287. 71. Sur une equation differentielle indeterminee intervenant dans un problem important de l'Elasticite. C. R. Aead. Sei. Paris 232 (1951),681-683. 72. Sur certaines relations de l'algebre des ensembles. C. R. Aead. Sei. Paris 232 (1951), 617-918. 73. Sur un procede d'integration d'une equation de Monge. C. R. Aead. Sei. Paris 232 (1951), 1334-1336. 74. Tre6a metoda integracije Nemenyi-Truesdellove jednacine. Bull. Soe. Math. Phys. Maeedoine 2 (1951), 17-20. 75. Sur I 'equation differentielle d 'un problem de K uhelj. Bull. Soe. Math. Phys. Maeedoine 2 (1951), 31-34. 76. Sur la solution de Ribaud de I 'equation de Fourier. Bull. Soe. Math. Phys. Maeedoine 2 (1951),105-107. 77. Sur equation differentielle de Laplace. Bull. Soe. Math. Phys. Maeedoine 2 (1951), 109-112. 78. Sur un operateur differentiel. La Revue seientifique, Paris 89 (1951), 44. 79. On an equation of Nemenyi and Truesdell. J. Washington Aead. Sei. 41 (1951), 123. 80. Sur une equation differentielle indeterminee du second ordre. Bull. Aead. Royal Belgique (5) 37 (1951), 227-228. 81. Sur une equation fonctionnelle. C. R. Aead. Sei. Paris 237 (1953), 550-551. 18 R. Z. DJORDJEVIC AND R. R. JANIC 82. Sur une equation differentielle du premier ordre. Jber. Deutsch. Math.-Verein. Abt. 2, 58 (1955), l. 83. Sur l'equation differentielle d'Emden generalisee. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 241 (1955), 724-726. 84. Sur l'equation differentielle d'un problem d'Hydrodynamique. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 241 (1955), 1708-1710. 85. Sur l'equation differentielle d'un problem de teehnique etudie par R. Gran Olsson. Norske Vid. Selsk. Forh. (Trondheim) 28 (1955), 171-175. 86. Sur le determinant de Stern generalise. Bull. Soc. Math. Phys. Serbie 1 (1955), 153-160. 87. Complements au Traite de Kamke. Note lI. Bull. Soc. Math. Phys. Serbie 1 (1955), 161-164. 88. 0 nekim neodreaenim difereneijalnim jednacinama. Bull. Soc. Math. Phys. Serbie 7(1955),171-178. 89. Complements au Traite de Kamke. Note I. Jber. Deutsch. Math.-Verein. Abt. II 58 (1956), 58-60. 90. Neke formule 0 apsolutnim vrednostima realnih brojeva. Bull. Soc. Math. Phys. Macedoine 7 (1956), 39-41. 91. Sur l'equation differentielle de Somerfeld pour la stabilite hydrodynamique. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 242 (1956), 2287-2289. 92. Nouvelles formules relatives aux polynomes de Legendre. C. R. Acad. Sei. Paris 243 (1956), 1387-1389. 93. Su un determinante e sui numeri di Stirling ehe vi si eollegano. Boll. Uno Mat. Ital. (3) 11 (1956), 93-96. 94. Complements au Traite de Kamke. Note III. Boll. Uno Mat. Ital. (3) 11 (1956), 168171. 95. Inegalites po ur derivees des polynomes de Legendre. Boll. Uno Mat. Ital. (3) 11 (1956),172-177. 96. Probleme sur les progressions arithmetiques. Boll. Uno Mat. Ital. (3) 11 (1956), 256257. 97. Complements au Traite de Kamke. Note IV. Glasnik Mat.-Fiz. Astr. 11 (1956), 7-10. 98. Sur eertaines equations aux derivees partielles cl deux fonctions ineonnues. Bull. Soc. Math. Phys. Serbie 8 (1956), 3-6. 99. Sur eertaines relations restant valables si I 'on permute les operateurs y intervenant. Bull. Soc. Math. Phys. Serbie 8 (1956), 15-22. 100. Neke formule koje se odnose na Legendreove polinome. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. N~ 1 (1956), 1-20. [Some formulas eoneerning the Legendre polynomials. National Bureau of Standards, Boulder, Colorado 1960, 27pp.] 101. Sur un proeede fournissant des equations fonetionnelles dont les solutions eontinues et differentiables peuvent etre determinees. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. N~ 5 (1956), 1-8. 102. Sur une question d'analyse diophantienne. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. N~ 6 (1956), 1-4. 103. Sur quelques formules somatoires. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. N~ 7 (1956), 1-8. 104. Sur une demonstration dans l'algebre de Dubreil. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. N~ 10 (1956), 1-3. 105. Complements au Traite de Kamke. Note V. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. N~ 11 (1957), 1-10. PUBLICATIONS OF D. S. MITRINOVIC 19 106. Sur une equation lineaire aux derivees partielles a coetJicients constants. Math. Gaz. 41 (1957), 41-43. 107. Formulles sur valeurs absolues des nombre reels. Eiern. Math. 12 (1957), 111-112. 108. (with R. S. Mitrinovic) Sur les polynomes de Stirling. BuH. Soe. Math. Phys. Serbie 10 (1958), 43-49. 109. 0 Stirlingovim brojevima prve vrste i Stirlingovim polinomima. Univ. Beograd. Pub!. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. J\{2 23 (1959), 1-19. 110. 0 Macmillanovoj modifikaciji Gauss-Chioovog postupka za izracunavanje determinanata. Univ. Beograd. Pub!. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. J\{2 25 (1959), 1-8. 111. Complements au 'Jlraite de Kamke. VI. Univ. Beograd. Pub!. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. J\{2 27 (1959), 1-4. 112. 0 nekim nejednakostima. Univ. Beograd. Pub!. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. J\{ 2 29 - J\{2 32 (1959), 1-4. 113. Sur les nombres de Bernoulli d'ordre superieur. BuH. Soe. Math. Phys. Serbie 11 (1959), 23-26. 114. Primedba i problem 0 jednoj linearnoj diferenccijalnoj jednacini. BuH. Soe. Math. Phys. Serbie 11 (1959), 213-214. 115. Nouvelles formules relatives aux nombres de Stirling. C. R. Aead. Sei. Paris 248 (1959), 1754-1756. 116. A sumation formula. Math. Gaz. 43 (1959), 44. 117. A theorem on prime numbers. Math. Gaz. 43 (1959), 125. 118. Equivalence of two sets of inequalities. Math. Gaz. 43 (1959), 126. 119. Problem sur les progressions arithmetiques. Math. Gaz. 43 (1959), 126. 120. (with R. S. Mitrinovic) Tableaux qui fournissent des polynomes de Stirling. Univ. Beograd. Pub!. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. J\{2 34 (1960), 1-23. 121. (with R. S. Mitrinovic) Sur le nombres de Stirling et les nombres de Bernoulli d'ordre superieur. Univ. Beograd. Pub!. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. N2 43 (1960), 163. 122. Sur une formule concernant les nombres de Bernoulli d'odre superieur. BuH. Soe. Math. Phys. Serbie 12 (1960), 21-23. 123. Equation algebriques a parametres. BuH. Soe. Math. Phys. Serbie 12 (1960), 25-26. 124. (with D. Z. Dokovic) Sur une relation de recurrence concernant les nombres de Stirling. C. R. Aead. Sei. Paris 250 (1960), 2110-2111. 125. Sur une relation de recurrence relative aux nombres de Bernoulli d'ordre superier. C. R. Aead. Sei. Paris 250 (1960), 4266-4267. 126. (with K. Slipicevic) Sur lequation d'Emden. Mathesis 69 (1960), 74-75. 127. Problemes sur une equation differentielle. Mathesis 69 (1960), 223-224. 128. Une hupothese sur les nombres de Stirling de premiere espece. Mathesis 69 (1960), 334-336. 129. (with D. Z. Dokovic) Sur une classe d'equations fonctionnelles cycliques. C. R. Aead. Sei. Paris 252 (1961), 1090-1092. 130. (with D. Z. Dokovic) Sur une classe itendue d'equations fonctionnelles. C. R. Aead. Sei. Paris 252 (1961),1717-1718. 131. Sur une classe de nombres relies aux nombres de Stirling. C. R. Aead. Sei. Paris 252 (1961), 2354-2356. 132. (with D. Z. Dokovic) Sur quelques equations fonctionnelles. C. R. Aead. Sei. Paris 252 (1961), 2982-2984. 133. (with D. Z. Dokovic) Sur certaines equations fonctionnelles. Univ. Beograd. Pub!. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. J\{2 51-N2 54 (1961), 9-16. 20 R. Z. DJORDJEVIC AND R. R. JANIC 134. (with R. S. Mitrinovic) Bur une classe de nombres se rattachant aux nombres de Btirling. (Appendice: Table des nombres de Btirling.) Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. N~ 60 (1961), 1~62. 135. (with D. Z. DokoviC) Bur certaines equations fonctionnelles dont les solutions peuvent etre determinees. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. N~ 61 ~N~ 64 (1961), 1~11. 136. (with D. Z. Dokovic) Bur quelques equations fonctionnelles. Publ. Inst. Math. Belgrade 1 (15) (1961), 67~73. 137. (with D. Z. Dokovic) Bur un operateur se rattachant dune classe d 'equations fonctionnelles. Publ. Inst. Math. Belgrade 1 (15) (1961), 75~80. 138. (with S. B. Presic) Bur une equation fonctionnelle cyclique d'odre superieur. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Ser. Mat. Fiz. N~ 10~N~16 (1962), 1~2. 139. (with S. B. Presic) Une classe d'equations fonctionnelles homogenes du second degre. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Ser. Mat. Fiz. N~ 10~N~16 (1962), 3~6. 140. (with R. S. Mitrinovic) Tableaux d'une classe de nombres relies au nombres de Btirling. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Ser. Mat. Fiz. N~ 11 (1962), 1~77. 141. Dopune Kamkeovom delu. VII. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Ser. Mat. Fiz. N~ 18~N~83 (1962), 16~18. 142. (with S. B. Presic) Bur une equation fonctionnelle cyclique non lineaire. C. R. Aead. Sei. Paris 254 (1962), 611 ~613. 143. (with D. Z. Dokovic) Propriete d'une matrice cyclique et ses applications dune equation fonctionnelle. C. R. Aead. Sei. Paris 255 (1962), 3109~3110. 144. (with D. Z. Dokovic) Propriete d'une matrice cyclique et ses applications. Publ. Inst. Math. Belgrade 2 (16) (1962), 53~54. 145. Bur une inegalite algebrique. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. N~ 84~N~ 91 (1963), 3~7. 146. Bur une note de Co§nitif, relative aux trajectoires isogonales des famillies de cercles. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. N~ 84~N~ 91 (1963),8. 147. Comptements au Traite de Kamke. VIII. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Ser. Mat. Fiz. N~ 84~N~ 91 (1963), 19~20. 148. (with D. Z. Dokovic) Certaines inegalites ou intervient la fonction puissance. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. N~ 100 (1963), 1~1O. 149. Jedan jednostavan postupak za odreaivanje osa simetrije i metrickih elemenata konusnih preseka. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. N~ 101 ~ N~ 106 (1963), 9~13. 150. (with D. D. Adamovic and D. Z. Dokovic) Formule de decomposition d'une fraction rationnelle en elements simples suivie de quelques applications. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. N~ 101 ~ N~ 106 (1963), 17~20. 151. (with R. S. Mitrinovic) Tableaux d'une classe de nombers relies aux nombers de Btirling. II. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Ser. Mat. Fiz. N~ 101~N~ 108 (1963), 1~77. 152. (with D. Z. Dokovic) Complements au Traite de Kamke. IX. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Ser. Mat. Fiz. N~ 101 ~N~ 108 (1963), 78~79. 153. Bur les lignes asymptotiques. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. N~ 115~N~ 121 (1963), 1~4. 154. Bur certaines equations fonctionnelles lineaires d plusieurs fonctions inconnues. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. N~ 115~N~ 121(1963), 5~12. PUBLICATIONS OF D. S. MITRINOVIC 21 155. Equation /onctionnelle Li /onctions inconnues dont toutes ne dependent pas du meme nombre d'arguments. Univ. Beograd. Pub!. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. ]\f!? 115 - ]\f!? 121 (1963), 29-30. 156. (with P. M. Vasic and S. B. Presic) Sur une equation /onctionnelle du second degre. Pub!. Inst. Math. Belgrade 3 (17) (1963), 57-60. 157. (with P. M. Vasic) Gomplements au TI-aite de Kamke. X. Pub!. Inst. Math. Belgrade 3 (17)(1963), 61-68. 158. (with P. M. Vasic) Quelques equations /onctionnelles cycliques non lineaires Li proprietes curieuses. Pub!. Inst. Math. Belgrade 3 (17)(1963), 105-114. 159. Equations /onctionnelles lineaires paracycliques de premiere espece. Pub!. Inst. Math. Belgrade 3 (17) (1963), 115-128. 160. (with D. Z. Dokovic) Sur une equation /onctionnelle. C. R. Aead. Sei. Paris 257 (1963), 2388-2391. 161. Equation /onctionnelle cyclique generalisee. C. R. Aead. Sei. Paris 257 (1963),29512952. 162. Sur les equations fonctionnelles lineaires paracycliques de seconde espece. Glasnik Mat.-Fiz. Astr. 18 (1963), 177-182. 163. (with Z. R. Pop-Stojanovic) About integrals expressible in terms 0/ hyperelliptic integrals. Glasnik Mat.-Fiz. Astr. 18 (1963), 235-239. 164. (with S. B. Presic and P. M. Vasic) Sur deux equations fonctionnelles cycliques non lineaires. BuH. Soe. Math. Phys. Serbie 15 (1963), 3-6. 165. Formule exprimant les nombres de Gotes Li l'aide de nombres de Stirling. BuH. Soe. Math. Phys. Serbie 15 (1963), 13-16. 166. Sur une equation fonctionnelle binome. C. R. Aead. Sei. Paris 258 (1964), 55775580. 167. (with P. M. Vasic) 0 jednoj ciklicnoj homogenoj funkcionalnoj jednacini drugoga reda. Mat. Vesnik 1 (16) (1964), 1-7. 168. Sur un critere po ur determiner le rang d'une matrice. Mat. Vesnik 1 (16) (1964), 50-51. 169. Sur une formule concernant les derivees des polynomes de Legendre. Mat. Vesnik 1 (16) (1964), 51. 170. (with P. M. Vasic) Gomplements au TI-aite de Kamke. XI. Mat. Vesnik 1 (16) (1964), 181-185. 171. Equation fonctionnelle cyclique generalisee. Pub!. Inst. Math. Belgrade 4(18)(1964), 29-41. 172. (with P. M. Vasic) Equations fonctionnelles lineaires generalisees. Pub!. Inst. Math. Belgrade 4 (18) (1964), 63-76. 173. A simple procedure for the determination 0/ the axes of symetry and metrical elements of the conics. BoH. Uno Mat. !tal. 19 (3) (1964), 208-215. 174. (with R. S. Mitrinovic) Tableaux d 'une classe de nombers relies aux nombers de Stirling. V. Univ. Beograd. Pub!. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. ]\f!?132-]\f!?142 (1965), 1-22. 175. Sur deux quastions de priorite relatives aux nombres de Stirling. Univ. Beograd. Pub!. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. ]\f!? 132 - ]\f!?142 (1965), 23-24. 176. Gongruence ou interviennent des polynomes homogenes. Univ. Beograd. Pub!. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. ]\f!? 143-]\f!? 155 (1965), 1-2. 177. Limitations en module d'une fonctions homographique sur un cercle. Univ. Beograd. Pub!. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. ]\f!? 143 -]\f!? 155 (1965), 3-4. 178. Inegalites impliquees par le systeme des egalites a+b+c = p, bc+ca+ab = q. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. ]\f!? 143 -]\f!? 155 (1965), 5-7. [On 22 R. Z. DJORDJEVIC AND R. R. JANIC a system of equalities and inequalities. Math. Gaz. 49 (1965), 228-229.] 179. (with D. Z. Dokovic) Note bibliographique sur une formule relative aux fonctions de Legendre. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. J'{.'? 143J'{.'?155 (1965), 13-15. 180. (with D. D. Adamovic) Sur une inegalite elementaire ou interviennent des fonctions trigonometriques. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. J'{.'? 143J'{.'? 155 (1965), 23-34. 181. Inequalities of R. Rado type for weighted means. Publ. Inst. Math. Belgrade 6 (20) (1966),105-106. 182. An inequality eoneerning the arithmetie and geometrie means. Math. Gaz. 50 (1966), 310-311. 183. (with P. M. VasiC) Nouvelles inegalite pour les moyennes d'ordre arbitraire. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. J'{.'? 159 -J'{.'? 170 (1966), 1-8. 184. (with P. M. Vasic) Une classe d'inegalites ou interviennent les moyennes d'ordre arbitraire. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. J'{.'?159-J'{.'?170 (1966), 9-14. 185. (with D. D. Adamovic) Complement ci l'article "Sur une inegalite elementaire ou interviennent des fonetions trigonometriques". Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. J'{.'? 159-J'{.'? 170 (1966),31-32. 186. (with R. S. Mitrinovic) Tableaux d'une classe de nombers relies aux nombers de Stirling. VII. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. J'{.'? 172J'{.'? 173 (1966), 1-26. 187. (with R. S. Mitrinovic) Tableaux d'une classe de nombers relies aux nombers de Stirling. VIII. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. J'{.'? 172N.'? 173 (1966), 27-53. 188. (with P. M. Vasic) Une classe d'inegalites. Mathematica (Cluj) 8 (31) (1966), 325328. 189. (with P. M. Vasic) Complements au Traite de Kamke. XII. Des eriteres d'integrabilite de l'equation differentielle de Riecati. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. J'{.'? 175 - J'{.'? 179 (1967), 15-21. 190. (with R. S. Mitrinovic) Table des nombres de Stirling de seeonde espeee. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. J'{.'? 181- J'{.'? 196 (1967), 1-16. 191. Certain inequalities involving elementary symetrie funetions. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. N.'? 181-J'{.'? 196 (1967),17-20. 192. Some inequalites involving elementary symetric funetions. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. J'{.'? 181-J'{.'? 196(1967), 21-27. 193. (with P. M. Vasic) Proprietes d'un rapport ou interviennent les moyennes generalisees. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. J'{.'? 181-J'{.'? 196 (1967), 29-33. 194. (with P. M. Vasic) Monotonost kolicnika dve sredine. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. J'{.'? 181- J'{.'? 196 (1967), 35-38. 195. An old inequality rediseovered by Wilf. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. N.'?181-J'{.'?196 (1967), 39-40. 196. (with P. M. Vasic) 0 jednoj kvadratnoj funkeionalnoj jednacini. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. J'{.'? 21O-J'{.'? 228 (1968),1-9. 197. Inequalities coneerning the elementary symetric funetions. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. N.'? 210-J'{.'? 228 (1968),17-19. 198. (with P. M. Vasic) Generalisation d'un procede fournissant des inegalites du type de Rado. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. J'{.'? 210-J'{.'? 228 (1968), 27-30. PUBLICATIONS OF D. S. MITRINOVIC 23 199. (with P. M. Vasic) Inegalies du type de Rado concernant des /onctions symetriques. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. N~ 210-N~ 228 (1968), 31-34. 200. (with P. M. Vasic) Generalisation d'une inegalite de Henrici. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Ser. Mat. Fiz. N~210-N~228(1968), 35-38. 201. (with P. M. Vasic) Inegalites po ur les /onctions symetriques elementaires. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Ser. Mat. Fiz. N2 210-N~ 228 (1968),39-42. 202. (with P. M. Vasic) Dopune Kamkeovom delu. XIII. 0 kriterijumima integrabilnosti Riccatieve jednacine. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. N~ 210-N~ 228 (1968),43-48. 203. (with P. M. Vasic) Une inegalite generale relative aux moyennes d'ordre arbitraire. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. N~ 210-N~ 228 (1968), 81-85. 204. The Steffensen inequality. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. N~247-N~273(1969), 1-14. 205. A cyclic inequality. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. N~ 247N~ 273 (1969), 15-20. 206. Lignes asymptotiques d'une classe des sur/aces. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. N~ 247 -N~ 273 (1969), 53-56. 207. Sur quelques equations aux derivees partielles ci deux /onctions inconnues. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Ser. Mat. Fiz. N2 247 -N~ 273 (1969),57-60. 208. (with R. S. Mitrinovic and S. S. Turajlic) A table 0/ coefficients /01' numerical differentiation. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Ser. Mat. Fiz. N~ 247:N~ 273 (1969),115-122. 209. (with P. M. Vasic) An integral inequality ascribed to Wirtinger, and its variations and generalizations. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Spr. Mat. Fiz. N~ 247N~ 273 (1969), 157-170. 210. (with J. D. Keckic) From the history 0/ nonanalytic /unctions. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. N~ 274-N~ 301 (1969), 1-8. 211. On geodesic lines 0/ a class 0/ sur/aces. II. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. N~ 302 - N~ 319 (1970), 29-31. 212. (with J. D. Keckic) From the history 0/ nonanalytic /unctions. II. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. N~ 302-N2 319 (1970),33-38. 213. (with P. M. Vasic) Sur une equation /onctionnelle non-lineaire. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Ser. Mat. Fiz. N~412-N2460(1973), 3-10. 214. (with P. M. Vasic) History, variations and generalizations 0/ the Cebisev inequality and the question 0/ some priorities. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. N~ 461-N~ 497 (1974), 1-30. 215. (with P. M. Vasic) The centroid method in inequalities. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. N~ 498 - N2 541 (1975), 3-16. 216. (with J. D. Keckic) Complements au Traite de Kamke. XIV. Applications o/the variation 0/ parametres method to nonlinear second order differential equations. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. N2 544-N~ 576 (1976),3-7. 217. (with P. M. Vasic) On a theorem 0/ W. Sierpinski concerning mean. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. N~ 544-N2 576 (1976), 113-114. 218. (with P. M. Vasic) Addenda to the monograph "Analitic inequalities". I. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. N2577-N~598(1977), 3-10. 219. (with I. B. Lackovic and M. S. Stankovic) Addenda to the monograph "Analitic inequalities". II. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Ser. Mat. Fiz. N~ 634N~ 677 (1979), 3-24. 24 R. Z. DJORDJEVIC AND R. R. JANIC 220. On the univalence 0/ rational functions. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. N~ 577 -:N~ 598 (1979), 221-227. 221. (with G. Kalajdzic) On an inequality. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. :N~ 678 -:N~ 715 (1980), 3-9. 222. (with J. D. Keekic) On a binomial functional equation and some related equations. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. :N~ 716-:N~ 734(1981),3-10. 223. (with J. D. Keekic) Variations and generalizations 0/ Clairaut's equations. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. :N~ 716-:N~ 734 (1981), 11-21. 224. (with I. B. Lackovic) Hermite and convexity. Aequationes Math. 28 (1985),229-232. 225. (with J. E. Peearic) Note on O. Bottema's inequality /or two triangles. C. R. Math. Rep. Aead. Sei. Canada 8 (1986), 141-144. 226. (with J. E. Peearic) Erdös-Mordell's and related inaqualities. C. R. Math. Rep. Aead. Sei. Canada 8 (1986), 381-386. 227. (with J. E. Pecaric) On the Erdös-Mordell inequality /or a polygon. J. College Arts Sei. Chiba Univ. 19 (1986), 3-6. 228. (with J. E. Pecaric) Note on the Gauss- Winckler inequality. Anz. Österreich. Akad. Wiss. Math. Natur. Kl. 123 (1986), 89-92. 229. (with J. E. Pecaric) An inequality /or a polygon. Zbornik Fak. za pomorstvo (Kotor) 11-12 (1985/86), 73-74. 230. (with J. E. Pecaric) On some applications 0/ Hermite's interpolation polynomial. C. R. Math. Rep. Aead. Sei. Canada 9 (1987), 55-58. 231. (with J. E. Peearic) The generalized Fermat-Torricelli point and the generalized Lhuilier-Lemoine point. C. R. Math. Rep. Aead. Sei. Canada 9 (1987), 95-100. 232. (with J. E. Peearic and V. Volenee) History, variations and generalizations 0/ the Möbius-Neuberg theorem and the Möbius-Pompeiu theorem. Bull. Math. Soe. Roum. Sei. 31 (79) (1987), 25-38. 233. (with J. E. Peearic and W. Janous) Some trigonometrical inequalities. Rad Jugoslav. Akad. Znan. Umjet. 428 (1987), 103-127. 234. (with J. E. Pecaric) Inequality between the sides 0/ triangles with given areas. Obue. po matematika N~ 4 (1987), 39-40. 235. (with J. E. Peearic) Generalizations 0/ the Jensen Inequality. Österreich. Akad. Wiss. Math. Natur. Kl. Sitzungsber. 11. 196 (1987), 21-26. 236. (with J. E. Pecaric) On a method due to R. Bellman. Österreich. Akad. Wiss. Math. Natur. Kl. Sitzungsber. 11. 196 (1987), 399-402. 237. (with J. E. Pecaric) About the Neuberg-Pedoe and the Oppenheim inequalities. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 129 (1988), 196-210. 238. (with J. E. Pecaric) On the Bellman generalization 0/ Steffensen's inequality. III. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 135 (1988), 342-345. 239. (with J. E. Peearic, C. Tanaseseu and V. Volenee) Inequalities involving R, rand s /or speciel triangles. Rad Jugoslav. Akad. Znan. Umjet. 435 (1988), 75-106. 240. (with J. E. Peearic and V. Volenee) On the polar moment 0/ inertia inequality. Rad Jugoslav. Akad. Znan. Umjet. 435 (1988), 107-110. 241. (with J. E. Pecaric) Remarks on some determinantal inequalities. C. R. Math. Rep. Aead. Sei. Canada 10 (1988), 41-45. 242. (with J. E. Pecaric) Determinantal inequalities 0/ Jensen's type. Anz. Österreich. Akad. Wiss. Math. Natur. Kl. 125 (1988), 75-78. 243. (with J. E. Peearic) Generalizations 0/ two inequalities 0/ Godunova and Levin. L'Aeademie Polonaise des seiences. Bull. Sero Sei. 36 (1988), 645-648. 244. (with J. E. Peearic) On two lemas 0/ N. Ozeki. J. College Arts Sei. Chiba Univ. 21 (1988), 107-110. PUBLICATIONS OF D. S. MITRINOVIC 25 245. (with J. E. Pecaric) Unified treatment of some inequalities for mixed means. Österreich. Akad. Wiss. Math. Natur. Kl. Sitzungsber. H. 197 (1988), 391-397. 246. (with G. V. Milovanovic and Th. M. Rassias) On some extremal problems for algebraic polynomials in L r norm. In: Generalized Functions and Convergence (Katowiee, 1988). World Seientifie, Singapore, 1990, 343-354. 247. (with J. E. Pecaric) A general integral inequality for the derivative of an equimeasurable rearrangement. C. R. Math. Rep. Aead. Sei. Canada 11 (1989), 201-105. 248. (with J. E. Pecaric) On two-plaee eompletely monotone functions. Anz. Österreich. Akad. Wiss. Math. Natur. Kl. 126 (1989), 85-88. 249. (with J. E. Pecaric and V. Volonee) An elementary method for maximizing of some funetions. Bull. Math. Soe. Sei. Math. R. S. Roumanie (N.S.) 34 (82) (1990),37-47. 250. (with J. E. Pecaric) History, variations and generalizations of the Cebisev inequality and question of some properties. II. Rad Jugoslav. Akad. Znan. Umjet. 450 (1990), 139-156. 251. (with J. E. Pecaric) Note on a dass of functions of Godunova and Levin. C. R. Math. Rep. Aead. Sei. Canada 12 (1990), 33-36. 252. (with J. E. Pecaric) On an extension of Hölder's inequality. Boll. Uno Mat. !tal. A (7) 4 (1990), 405-408. 253. (with J. E. Pecaric) On Bernoulli's inequality. Facta Univ. Sero Math. Inform. 5 (1990), 55-56. 254. (with J. E. Pecaric) Interpolations of determinantal inequalities of Jensen's type. Tamkang J. Math. 22 (1990),39-42. 255. (with J. E. Pecaric) Remarks on the paper "A note on Everitt type integral inequality". Tamkang J. Math. 21 (2) (1990), 169-170. 256. (with J. E. Pecaric) A note on an inequality with noneonjugate parameters. Österreich. Akad. Wiss. Math. Natur. Kl. Sitzungsber. H. 199 (1990), 155-160. 257. (with J. E. Pecaric) On inequalities of Hilbert and Widder. Proe. Edinburgh Math. Soe. 34 (2) (1991), 411-414. 258. (with J. E. Pecaric, V. Volenee and J. Chen) Addenda to the monograph "Recent Advanees in Geometrie Inequalities". I. J. Ningbo Univ. Nat. Sei. Engin. 4 (2) (1991), 79-145. 259. (with J. E. Pecaric) Two integral inequalities. Southeast Asian BuH. Math. 15 (2) (1991), 153-155. 260. (with J. E. Pecaric) On some inequalities for monotone funetions. Boll. Uno Mat. !tal. B (7) 5 (1991), 407-416. 261. (with J. E. Pecaric) On an inequality of G. K. Lebed. Makedon. Akad. Nauk. Umet. Oddel. Mat.-Tehn. Nauk. Prilozi 12 (1) (1991), 13-19. 262. (with J. E. Pecaric) On an identity of D. Z. Dokovic. Makedon. Akad. Nauk. Umet. Oddel. Mat.-Tehn. Nauk. Prilozi 12 (1) (1991), 21-22. 263. (with J. E. Pecaric) Comments on an inequality of M. Masuyama. SUT J. Math. 27 (1991), 89-91. 264. (with J. E. Pecaric) On a problem of Sendov involving an integral inequality. Math. Balkaniea (N.S.) 5 (1991), 258-260. 265. Mihailo Petrovic and Appelrot's theorem. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. 2 (1991). 95-99. 266. (with J. E. Pecaric) On eompletely monotonie sequenees. Anz. Österreich. Akad. Wiss. Math. Natur. Kl. 128 (1991), 63-67. 267. (with J. E. Pecaric and L. E. Persson) On a general inequality with applieations. Z. Anal. Anwendungen 11 (1992), 285-290. R. Z. DJORDJEVIC AND R. R. JANIC 26 268. Remarks on the paper "Inequalities related to generalized means" by V. Laohakosol and P. Ubolsri. Makedon. Akad. Nauk. Umet. Oddel. Mat.-Tehn. Nauk. Prilozi 13 (1) (1992), 5-8. 269. (with J. E. Pecaric) Remark on Pachpatte's generalization of Hardy's inequality. Indian J. pure appl. Math. 23 (2) (1992), 129-130. 270. (with J. E. Pecaric) Some propperties of Bernstain polynomials. Makedon. Akad. Nauk. Umet. Oddel. Mat.-Tehn. Nauk. Prilozi 14 (2) (1993), 39-44. 271. (with J. E. Pecaric) Jensen's inequality for some non-convex functions. Makedon. Akad. Nauk. Umet. Oddel. Mat.-Tehn. Nauk. Prilozi 14 (2) (1993), 45-47. 272. (with G. V. Milovanovic and Th. M. Rassias) On some Thran's extrem al problems for algebraic polynomials. In Topics in Polynomials of One and Several Variables and Their Applications: A Mathematical Legaci of P. L. Chebyschev (1821-1894) (Th. M. Rasias, H. M. Srivastava, A. Yanushauskas, eds.). World Seientifie, Singapore, 1993, 403-433. 273. (with J. E. Pecaric) An application of the Chebyshev integral inequality. In Topics in Polynomials of One and Several Variables and Their Applications: A Mathematical Legaci of P. L. Chebyschev (1821-1894) (Th. M. Rasias, H. M. Srivastava, A. Yanushauskas, eds.). World Scientifie, Singapore, 1993, 457-461. 274. (with J. E. Pecaric) Bemoulli's inequality. Rend. Cire. Mat. Palermo 42 (2) (1993), 317-337. 275. Sur la forme de I 'integrale generale de quelques equations differentielles du premier ordre. Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. 6 (1995), 8-11. Conference Papers 1. Sur l'etude des lignes courbure en coordonnes tangentielles. Comptes rendus de seanees et eonferenees de la Societe mathematique de Franee, Paris, 1937, 32. 2. Organizacija naucnog rada i priprema naucnih kadrova u oblasti matematike. In Premier congres mathfmaticiens et physiciens de la RPF Yougoslavie (Bled, 1949), Vol. 2. Naucna knjiga, Beograd, 1950, 175-187. 3. (with J. E. Pecaric, S. J. Bilehev, E. A.Velikova) On an inequality of O. Kooi. Proe. 17th Conf. of the Union of Bulgar. Math. 1988, 566-568. Other Papers 1. Matematicke grupe za ucenike srednjih skola. BuH. Soe. Math. Phys. Macedoine 2 (1951), 57-64. 2. Nov referativni casopis za matematiku. BuH. Soe. Math. Phys. Serbie 6 (1954), 267-270. 3. Beleska 0 delatnosti Mihaila Petrovica u oblasti diferencijalnih jednacina. BuH. Soe. Math. Phys. Serbie 7 (1955), 125-127. 4. Sur quelques identites elementaires. Elem. Math. 10 (1955), 65. 5. Mihailo Petrovic - Biografske zabeleske i uspomene. Nauka i priroda 8 (1955), 276284. 6. Kako prici matematici? Razgovori 0 ucenju matematike. Matematicko-fizicki list za ucenike srednjih skola 6 (1955/56), 41-43. 7. Kakvu predspremu iz matematike ocekuju tehnicki fakulteti od buducih studenata. Nastava matematike i fizike 5 (1956), 4-8. 8. Osvrt na prve kvalifikacione ispite iz matematike na tehnickim fakultetima u Beogradu. Nastava matematike i fizike 5 (1956), 260-267. PUBLICATIONS OF D. S. MITRINOVIC 27 9. Legendreovi polinomi i Besselove Jv.nkcije. In S. FempI: Redovi. Zavod za izdavanje udzbenika, Beograd, 1960, 173-220. 10. Prilozi za biografiju Muhaila Petrovica. BuH. Soc. Math. Phys. Serbie 12 (1960), 143-175. 11. (with C. Stanojevic) Uvoaenje u elemente apstraktne algebre. In Uvoaenje mladih u naucni rad, I. Zavod za izdavanje udzbenika, Beograd, 1961, 21-30. 12. 0 algebarskim iracionalnim jednacinama. In Uvoaenje mladih u naucni rad, I. Zavod za izdavanje udzbenika, Beograd, 1961, 143-156. 13. Znacaj i uloga matematike danas. In Izabrana poglavlja iz matematike, I. Zavod za izdavanje udzbenika, Beograd, 1961, 5-12. 14. Hurvitzovi polinomi. In Izabrana poglavlja iz matematike, I. Zavod za izdavanje udzbenika, Beograd, 1961, 221-231. 15. Mihailo Petrovic. In Izabrana poglavlja iz matematike, I. Zavod za izdavanje udzbenika, Beograd, 1961, 233-236. 16. (with D. Z. Dokovic) Ciklicne Jv.nkcionalne jednacine. In Izabrana poglavlja iz matematike, 11. Zavod za izdavanje udzbenika, Beograd, 1962, 5-23. 17. (with D. Z. Dokovic) Neki nereseni problemi u teoriji funkcionalnih jednacina. In Neki nereseni problemi u matematici. Zavod za izdavanje udzbenika, Beograd, 1963, 153-168. 18. Jedan pogled na razvoj matematike u Srbiji. In Uvoaenje mladih u naucni rad, III. Zavod za izdavanje udzbenika, Beograd, 1963, 77-83. 19. (with R. S. Mitrinovic) Tableaux d'une classe de nombers relies aux nombers de Stirling. III. Posebna izdanja Matematickog instituta u Beogradu, Beograd, 1963, 1-200. 20. (with R. S. Mitrinovic) Tableaux d'une classe de nombers relies aux nombers de Stirling. IV. Posebna izdanja Matematickog instituta u Beogradu, Beograd, 1964, 1-115. 21. (with R. S. Mitrinovic) Tableaux d'une classe de nombers relies aux nombers de Stirling. VI. Posebna izdanja Matematickog instituta u Beogradu, Beograd, 1966, 1-52. 22. Zivot Mihaila Petrovica. In Mihailo Petrovic: Covek-Filozof-Matematicar. Zavod za izdavanje udzbenika, Beograd' 1968, 1-32. 23. 0 jednoj nejednakosti. In Mihailo Petrovic: Covek-Filozof-Matematicar. Zavod za izdavanje udzbenika, Beograd, 1968, 93-96. 24. 0 jednoj diferencijalnoj jednacini. In Mihailo Petrovic: Covek-Filozof-Matematicar. Zavod za izdavanje udZbenika, Beograd, 1968, 97-100. 25. Mihailo Petrovic i Stirlingovi brojevi. In Mihailo Petrovic: Covek-Filozof-Matematicar. Zavod za izdavanje udzbenika, Beograd, 1968, 113-116. 26. Pionir nase matematicke nauke. In Uvoaenje mladih u naucni rod. IV. Zavod za izdavanje udzbenika, Beograd, 1969, 177-179. 27. Jedan postupak za obrazovanje nejednakosti. In Uvoaenje mladih u naucni rad. VI. Zavod za izdavanje udzbenika, Beograd, 1969, 59-63. 28. (with P. M. Vasic) A-metod. In Uvoaenje mladih u naucni rad. VI. Zavod za izdavanje udzbenika, Beograd, 1969, 64-71. 29. (with B. S. Popov) Joie Ulcar - In memoriam. In Uvoaenje mladih u naucni rod. VI. Zavod za izdavanje udzbenika, Beograd, 1969, 203-209. 30. Zapaianja 0 univerzitetskoj nastavi i naucnom rodu u Moskvi. In Uvoaenje mladih u naucni rad. VI. Zavod za izdavanje udzbenika, Beograd, 1969, 226-229. Invited Papers COMPLEX POLYNOMIALS AND MAXIMAL RANGES: BACKGROUND AND APPLICATIONS VLADIMIR V. ANDRIEVSKII Institute /or Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 0/ the National Ukrainian Academy 0/ Sciences, Rozy Luxemburg 74, Donetsk 340114, Ukraine STEPHAN RUSCHEWEYH Mathematisches Institut, Universität Würzburg, D-97074 Würzburg, FRG Abstract. This survey is dedicated to the discussion of the various aspects of the notion of maximal polynomial ranges. These are the unions of ranges of polynomials restricted by a geometrical condition. The theory of maximal ranges in essentially constructive and permits in many cases the identification of extremal functions. It thereby leads to a unified approach to many old and new inequalities for polynomials. We also discuss the relation of this concept to the approximation of conformal maps in the unit disk by univalent polynomials. 1. The Concept of Maximal Ranges The notion of maximal ranges of polynomial spaces has been introduced in [5]; however, it only generalises and unifies various classicp.! concepts and related results in the geometry of complex polynomials (and, in fact, other spaces of analytic functions). Indeed, as we shall see soon, the maximal range concept itself is embedded in a more general approach to solve linear extremal problems for spaces of analytic functions in the unit disk lD> with constraints to their images. We use two examples to point out the general nature of these problems. Example 1. Let P be a complex polynomial of degree at most n, and assume that P(O) = 0, P(z) :I 1 for z EID>. Then a well-known classical result says that (1) where -< denotes subordination. In a less precise version this means P(lD» c Q(lD», where Q(z):= 1- (1 + z)n. This relation obviously describes completely the possible (=maximal) range of all (normalised) polynomials with range in C \ {1}. It is surprising that one single polynomial gives the maximal range. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 30ClO, 30G35j Secondary 41AI0. Key woms and phrases. Maximal rangesj Complex polynomialsj Univalent polynomialsj Conformal mappings. 31 G. V. Milovanovic (ed.), Recent Progress in lnequalities, 31-54. © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. 32 V. V. ANDRIEVSKII AND S. RUSCHEWEYH Example 2. Let P be a complex polynomial of degree at most n, and assurne that P(O) = 0, ReP(z) > -1/2 for z EID>. A problem is to describe the range of the functional P(r), 0 < r :::; 1, fixed. It is clear that this range increases with n, and that the limit for n -+ 00 is the disk {z/(l - z) : Izl:::; r}. The explicit solution for fixed degree n is apparently not known for r < 1 (and can probably not be given in explicit terms; for details see our discussion of this problem in Appendix A.8). For r = 1 the complete and explicit solution of this (maximal range) problem will be obtained as well. In both cases, the admissible function sets consist of a linear subspace of the space of analytic functions in ii), with the additional restriction that the images of the unit disk are contained in some given domain (the punctured complex plane in Example 1, and a half plane in Example 2). The aim is to describe further properties of these admissible sets, for instance ranges of linear functionals defined on them. To be more precise, let 11. be some linear space (over C or IR) of analytic functions in ii), and let 0 C C be a domain with 0 E O. Then we define 11.(0) := {I E 11. : 1(1D» CO}. If Ais a non-constant linear functional on 11. (with respect to the same field) , then the description of A(1I.(0)) and of the extremal functions 1 E 11.(0) (i.e., those for which (2) AU) E 8A(1I.(0)) holds) is the principal aim of the method described in this article. If the set 11.(0) happens to be complete, i.e., (3) 1 E 11.(0) '* (TI lxi:::; 1) I(xz) E 11.(0), a very natural condition in our context, then the special functional AU) := 1(1) leads to the maximal range problem, namely the description of the set 01l:= U I(ID»· /E1l(O) Clearly, this latter definition is also meaningful if (3) is not fulfilled. A general theory to treat the above mentioned problems will be discussed in Section 2. It turns out that strong necessary conditions for the extremal functions as in (2) hold in a similar fashion as the well-known Kolmogorov conditions from approximation theory (compare [21]). These conditions are even sufficient if the domain 0 is a convex set and the range in question is compact. For the special cases that 11. is the set P~ of complex polynomials P of degree (at most) n with P(O) = 0, and that the functional corresponds to the maximal range problem (see above), these Kolmogorov type conditions can be translated into much more concrete statements, describing the geometry of the extremal polynomials. This COMPLEX POLYNOMIALS AND MAXIMAL RANGES 33 is particularly striking in the case of convex domains 0, where it turns out that every arc of the boundary of the maximal range, which does not meet the boundary of 00, lies in the boundary of the range of a single extremal polynomial. The intriguing arc-conjecture states that this might be the case without restrictions on the domain o. A striking example for this conjecture is Example 1 from above. Section 3 is devoted to a non-convex case where the arc-conjecture holds. This observation leads to a very general subordination theorem for polynomials, which exhibits rather curious and unexpected geometrical properties of complex polynomials. It is shown that an important subcase of the famous Smale conjecture on the critical values of polynomials is covered by this result. It is interesting that the maximal range problem (and the present knowledge concerning its solution) has not only been the guide to discover this subordination theorem, but is also used as a tool in its proof (which cannot be explained in this survey). Our next task (see Section 4) is the description of a new approach to the approximation of conformal maps of lD> onto domains 0 by means of complex univalent polynomials. The maximal range theory implies that the extremal polynomials for a given 0 are always univalent, and they seem to approximate the corresponding conformal mapping 'from inside'. This kind of question has been discussed in great detail in the papers [3-4], [13-14] where sharp estimates for approximations of the following type are derived: find the asymptotically best (smallest) numbers c(O, n) such that there exists a univalent polynomial P E P~ with f ({z : Izl < 1- c(O,n)}) C P(lD» C felD»~ = 0, where f is univalent in lD> with f(O) = O. We use geometrical properties of 0 to estimate the numbers c(O, n). This theme, viewed from a different angle, is continued in Section 5, where we try to obtain estimates for the Hausdorff distance of an and oOn (the boundary of the maximal range with respect to n and the space P~), and thereby a measure for the possible rate of approximation to 0 by polynomial ranges, in terms of the geometry of O. In the Appendix of this survey we shall apply the maximal range theory to a large number of concrete situations (domains 0 and polynomial spaces), including halfplanes, strips, slit-domains (single and double), rectilinear quadrilaterals, and the interior and exterior of circular discs. In all of these cases a more or less explicit description of the extremal polynomials can be given, and as a consequence of these results we obtain a number of new inequalities for complex polynomials which frequently generalise and sharpen previously known ones. In these cases the arc-conjecture holds always true. The Appendix closes with abrief account to the solution of the problem mentioned in Example 2 above (0 < r < 1). 2. The General Theory The theory presented in this section can be found in the three articles [5-6], [9]. We make use of the definitions in Section 1. Let 0 be some domain with 0 E 0, and for f E H(O) we define rj := {z E 0lD> : fez) E an}, 34 V. V. ANDRIEVSKII AND S. RUSCHEWEYH which under our assumptions is a compact set. If A is a non-constant linear functional on 1l then we say that 1 E 1l(O) satisfies the Kolmogorov condition if (4) J '" 0, { rmaxRe [z!'(z)u(z)] ~ 0, zEr, u E 1l A , where 1l A denotes the subspace of 1l(O) whose elements u satisfy A(U) = 0. We then have the following two basic results. Theorem 1. Let 11. be linear over C, A a non-constant complex linear functional over 1l, and 0 a domain. 1/ ~ := A(1l(O)) is a compact set and 1 E 1l(O), then AU) E a~ only i/ 1 satisfies (4). It is not known to which extent the above mentioned condition is not only necessary, but also sufficient. Theorem 2 describes a general case where this is so. Theorem 2. Let 11. be linear over IR, A a non-constant complex or real functional over 1l, linear with respect to IR, and 0 a convex domain. 11 ~ := A(1l(O)) is a compact set and 1 E 1l(O), then AU) E a~ il and only i/I satisfies (4). If in Theorem 2 the set ~ happens to be line segment, then a~ is understood to consist of the endpoints of this segment. From now on we make the general assumptions that (i) 1l(O) is compact and complete (compare (3)). (ii) Ais an evaluation functional, i.e., AU) = I(r) for some r E (0,1]. In this case we generally have ~ := A(1l(O)) = U 1(JI)r ), JE1i(O) with JI)r := {z : Izl < r}. If 0 is not simply connected then the knowledge of ~ may not be sufficient for some purposes. Instead, one may want to have the more precise information obtained if the elements of 1l(O)) are considered as mappings into the universal covering of 0 (which can always be assumed to be of hyperbolic type in this context). If F maps this covering conformally onto JI), then the set U FU(JI)r)) ~ *:= JE1i(O) carries much more information than~. Fortunately, Theorem 1 extends to this situation. Theorem 3. Let 11. be linear overC, and1l(O), A, ~* be as above. 1/1 E 1l(O), then AU) E a~* only i/I satisfies (4). We now turn to the case 1l = P~ (see Section 1), and note that the general assumptions made above are automatically fulfilled. We also restriet our interest to the maximal range case, i.e., to the functional A(P) = P(I), and we use On := U P(JI)) PE'P~(O) COMPLEX POLYNOMIALS AND MAXIMAL RANGES 35 as abbreviation for this maximal range. For obvious reasons we now rest riet the notation extremal polynomial to those P E p~(n) for which The elements of r p are ealled points 01 contact, although they are aetually preimages of eontaet points of P(l!)) and an. The next theorem is fundamental for the maximal range theory. Theorem 4. For every point w E an n \ an there exists at least one extremal polynomial P E p~(n) such that w = P(l). Moreover, every extremal polynomial P with P(l) E an n \ an satisfies the lollowing conditions: 1° P' has all 01 its zeros on al!) \ {I}. Let ei1/Ji , j = 1, ... , n - 1, denote these zeros, ordered as lollows: 0 < 'l/Jl s:; ... s:; 'l/Jn-l < 27r. 2° There exist at least n points 01 contact ei(}i, j = 1, ... , n (multiplicities counted) such that (5) 3° 11 n is simply connected then P is univalent in l!). This ean be remarkably refined if n is a eonvex domain. Theorem 5. 11 n is a convex domain, then in addition to 1°-3° in Theorem 4 we have: 4° 11 w is as above, then there is a unique extremal polynomial P E p~(n) such that w = P(l). 5° 11 ()l, ()n /rom Theorem 4 are chosen that way that no () in [0, ()l) u (()n, 27r] corresponds to a point 01 contact then the arc (6) is a connected component 01 an n \ an. The arc-conjecture states that Theorem 5 holds without the restrietion to eonvex domains (but applying the interpretation of maximal ranges on universal eoverings as mentioned above, if n is not simply eonneeted). The fundamental properties 1° and 2° in Theorem 4 are eonsequenees of Theorem 1 and a general alternant theorem which is of independent interest and is therefore stated here. Let P n denote the set of polynomials of degree s:; n. Theorem 6. Let R(z) = m TI (z-Zj) and let H"I- 0 be a compact subset olal!)\{l}. j=l Write A := H n {Zl, ... ,zm} and denote by Vj the multiplicity 01 the zero Zj 01 R(z). Assume there exists no polynomial V E Pm such that V(l) = 0 and (7) ReR(()V(() < 0, (E H\A, 36 (8) V. V. ANDRIEVSKII AND S. RUSCHEWEYH V(k) (Zj) =0, k=0,1, ... ,vj-1, Re [R(Vj) (Zj)V(Vj) (Zj) ] < 0, Zj E A. Then Zj E 8lDl, j = 1, ... ,m, and no connected subarc of 8lDl \ H contains more than one element 01 {I, ZI, . . . , zm}. The extension of Theorem 4 to the universal covering interpretation has not yet been fully developed. It is very likely, however, that this can be done with the corresponding conclusions. 3. Subordination of Polynomials The result presented in this section was suggested by the arc-conjecture, and is a partial verification of it, see [8]. It implies a very surprising property of complex polynomials and their critical values. The idea is as follows. Assurne that P E P~ is univalent in lDl, and has all zeros of its derivative on 8lDl (they are simple). Let (1, ... , (n-1 be these zeros, and consider the domain 0 := C \ {P(l), ... ,P(n-J}}. If the arc-conjecture were true, then one could readily deduce, that On = P(lDl). Therefore, if Q E P~ is some other polynomial, which does not have any ofthe points P(l),'" , P(n-J} in its image of lDl, then consequently Q E P~(O), and therefore Q(lDl) C P(lDl). Dynamically speaking: the range of Q cannot go beyond the range of P without covering first one of P's critical values P(J}, ... , P(n-1). The theorem which eventually emerged from these considerations is much more general and implies the case it originated from: a partial verification of the arcconjecture. P does not have to be univalent, and the location of the critical points of P can be much less restrictive. Theorem 7. Let n ~ 2 and assume that PEPn has all its critical points (j, j = 1, ... ,n - 1, in D. Let Q E P n satisfy P(O) = Q(O) and P(j)iQ(lDl), j=l, ... ,n-1. Then Q -< P, and, in particular, Q(lDl) C P(lDl). Let PEPn satisfy the conditions of Theorem 7, and be univalent. Then Theorem 7 can be looked at as a weakened form of the sufficient condition for a polynomial Q to be subordinate to P: instead of assuming Q(lDl) C P(lDl) it suffices to require P(j) i Q(lDl) , j = 1, ... ,n -1. The following example illustrates this kind of interpretation. Theorem 8. Let P E P~ be such that P(z) :f:. n - 1 exp ( 27rij ), n n-1 j = 1, ... , n - 1, Z E lDl. Then P -< Z - zn In, and, in particular, IP(z)1 ~ n + 1, Z E lDl. n In connection with his fundamental investigations concerning the global behaviour of the Newton method, Smale [27] posed the following conjecture: COMPLEX POLYNOMIALS AND MAXIMAL RANGES 37 Conjecture. For any P E P n and any z E C we have min {x:P'(x)=O} IP(Z) - P(x) I:::; 1P'(z)l. Z - X It is not difficult to see that this conjecture has the following equivalent formulation: Conjecture. For any P E P~ and all zeros 0/ its derivative in C \ JO) we have min (9) {x:P'(x)=O} IP(x) I:::; IP'(O)I· x The following application of Theorem 7 is a partial verification of Smale's conjecture (9). Theorem 9. The relation (9) holds i/ all zeros 0/ P' are on 8JO). Proof. We mayassume that P'(O) i:- 0, and even P'(O) = 1. If (9) were false for P, then IP«()I > 1 in the critical points (. By Theorem 7 this implies pz -< P, for some p > 1 and therefore IP'(O)I ~ p > 1, a contradiction. 0 Concerning the application of Theorem 7 to the maximal range problem, corresponding to the introductory remark of this section, we note that it is easy to construct univalent polynomials with all zeros of the derivative on 8JO). For instance, following a result of Suffridge [29], we have that 1 II (1 z n-1 P(z) = o j=1 te ia ;) dt is univalent in JO) if n 2:1 :::;min{laj-ak+27rml: 1:::;j:::;k:::;n-1,mEZ}. One can generalise Theorem 7 from polynomials P to certain meromorphic functions in C whose image curves of 8JO) satisfy restrictions to the speed of tangent rotation. This generalisation sheds some light on the deeper background of Theorem 7, but leads too far away from our present theme. We refer to the original paper [8]. 4. Conformal Mappings and Subordinated Univalent Polynomials 4.1. GENERAL ESTIMATES Let 0 be a simply connected domain, 0 E 0, and On its maximal range. Let / be a conformal mapping of JO) onto 0 with /(0) = O. The main theme of this section is to relate important properties of On to /. We make use of the notation Is(z) := 1«1 - s)z), The fundamental result is (see [3]): z E JO), 0:::; s < 1. 38 V. V. ANDRIEVSKII AND S. RUSCHEWEYH Theorem 10. There exists a universal constant Co > 1 with the following property: for each simply connected 0 and n ~ 2Co there exists a (univalent) P E P~(O) such that fco/n --< P --< f. In particular, fco/n(lJ)) C On C O. The proof of Theorem 10 is constructive and the polynomial P is derived from f by means of an integral transform. This approach is essentially due to Dzyadyk [10], and uses the generalised Jackson kerneis Sin mt/2) 2(k+1) Imk(t)=amk ( sint/2 ' where k, m E N, and the coefficients amk are determined by the condition -2 1 7r 1'" _". Imk(t) dt = 1. Then let m ~ 2, and for Izl < 1 - l/m we define Tm,(z) ,~ 2~ j Im,(t) 2~i -". J {~~ [ 1- (1- 1<I=l-l/m (e~;; ~ z t'1 d( dt Note that the functions T mk are algebraic polynomials of degree less or equal to (k + l)(m -1) - 1. Our proof shows that for Co large enough (but independent of o and n), and large n, the choice P(z):=T ,6((I-:)z), m:=[~], m yields P as claimed in Theorem 10. 4.2. UNBOUNDED DOMAINS For unbounded domains we can get an even more precise conclusion which, on the other hand, also implies that the bound in Theorem 1 (Le., eo/n) is of the right order. We shall use the foHowing notation: IIgll := sup Ig(z)l· zED C2 Theorem 11. There exist two positive universal constants Cl, with the following property: for each unbounded, simply connected domain 0 and each n ~ 2eo we have (10) ~ sup Iwl ~ Cl Ilfl/nil c21Ifl/nll· wEO .. Theorem 11 relates On to a conformal mapping f of lJ) onto O. It may be of interest to have the same information using just the geometry of O. Theorem 12 below is a step in this direction. It deals with unbounded convex domains only, but the result should be true for other unbounded domains as weH. Let 0 be an unbounded convex domain, 0 E 0, and let g be a ray in 0, starting out from the origin. For each r > 0 let lo(r) be that arc of 0 n {w : Iwl = r} which meets g. Note that ._ Ilo(r)1 ()o(r ) ., r where Ilo(r)1 denotes the length of lo(r), is non-increasing with r. COMPLEX POLYNOMIALS AND MAXIMAL RANGES 39 Theorem 12. There are universal constants bj > 0, j = 1,2,3, such that for each o as described above, and for n > b1 , we have b2 x n ~ sup Iwl ~ b3 x n , (11) wEnn where X n is the unique solution of 'Ir r Ilo(r)1 dr logn, ldo n = and do := dist(O, aO). 4.3. BOUNDED DOMAINS In eontrast to the ease of unbounded domains we ean hope to get better bounds in Theorem 10 (instead of eo/n). We wish to diseuss the smallest value of s = s(n,O) > 0 so that the relation (12) fs --< P --< f holds in the sense of Theorem 10, and (in this subsection) we always assurne that o is bounded, and that f is not a polynomial itself (Le., s > 0 for large n.) Theorem 13. There exists a universal constant C3 with the following property: for n > 3 and if 0 < s(n, 0) < l/n then This result enables us to show that Theorem 10 is sharp even for a wide elass of bounded domains. To simplify things we confine ourselves to domains with quasi-eonformal boundaries (quasi-disks) (eompare [1], [12]). Let 0 be a Jordan domain, 0 E 0, and z E ao. For r > 0 sufficiently small (Le., r < 10 = 10(0)) we denote by ')'(z, r) C 0 an are of the cirele {( : I( - zl = r} that separates z from 0, Le., ')'(z, r) has non-empty interseetion with every Jordan are in 0 whieh joins 0 and z. If this are is not uniquely determined, then we ehoose one of those for which the remaining eonneeted eomponent of 0\ ')'(z, r) containing the origin is as large as possible. Theorem 14. Let 0 be a quasi-disk such that there exists a point z E ao with (13) 1 lim ( - log x + x~o R~O 'Ir lR I ( )I dt ) = 00. Rx ')' z, t Then s(n, 0) ~ C4/n where C4 depends on 0 only. As an example for (13) assurne there is a cireular sector with center at z, radius 15 and opening ß'Ir, 1 < ß < 2, in C \ O. Then I')'(z, t)1 ~ (2 - ß)'lrt, 0 ~ t ~ 15, V. V. ANDRIEVSKII AND S. RUSCHEWEYH 40 l .,...-.,.-:-;- > and therefore R dt Rz 1'Y(z, t)1 1 - (ß - 2)11" log x, so that (13) is fulfiIled. Hence, if the boundary of 0 has in at least one point something like an acute (interior) angle, then the order given in Theorem 10 cannot be improved. Another interesting consequence of Theorem 10 for bounded domains comes from an application of a distortion theorem due to Lavrentiev [18]. Let O(t) := {z E 0 : dist (z, ao) > t}, t > O. Theorem 15. There exists a constant Cs = cs(O) > 0 such that lor n > 2 the maximal range On contains a simply connected component 0/0 (cs(logn)-1/2). 4.4. BOUNDS FOR THE CONSTANTS Although the proof of Theorem 10 is constructive, estimate for the constant Co obtained this way is prohibitively large. Greiner [13] made numerous refinements to the method and gave a reasonable upper bound. Also, since the maximal range for the Koebe domain C\ (-00, -1/4] is known (compare Section 6), a good lower bound has been found. This and the other results in this subsection are in [14]. Theorem 16. For the (best possible) constant Co in Theorem 10 we have 11" $ Co< 73. Better results can be obtained for domains with certain general geometrie properties. It turns out that the Cesaro means of analytic functions in JI)) are partieularly suitable in this context. Unfortunately, the approximative properties of these means are not yet so weIl understood as for the generalised Jackson kerneis used for the present proof of Theorem 10. 00 00 k=O k=O We recall that for I(z) = E akzk, g(z) = E bkZk the Hadamard-convolution is 00 defined as (f * g)(z) := E akbkzk. For given I, holomorphie in JI)) with power 00 k=O series I(z) = E akzk, the n-th Cesaro mean of order 0: ~ 0 is defined by k=O n (n+o<-k) n-k O'n0«1 ,z)..- '"' L.J (n+o<) k=O n ak Zk . Using the abbreviation O'~(z) for O'~ (1/(1- z),z) one may also write * O'~)(z) . Lewis [19] has shown that the Cesaro means 1 * O'~ of order 0: ~ 1 are univalent O'~(f, z) = (f in JI)), in fact close-to-convex, for 1 convex (i.e., univalent and with I(JI))) convex). The given lower bound for 0: is sharp with respect to this property. COMPLEX POLYNOMIALS AND MAXIMAL RANGES 41 Theorem 17. For 1 convex the Gesaro means 1 *a;:: of order 0: 2: 1 are univalent in!Dl and fulfil l(a+l)!(n+a+1) -< 1 * a;:: -< f for all n E N. If 1(!Dl) is a half-plane, then, for no n E N and no 0: 2: 1, the number (0: + l)/(n + 0: + 1) can be replaced by any smaller one. Using this and another case of explicit knowledge of a special maximal range we deduce the following result, similar to Theorem 10. Theorem 18. Let n be convex and 1 a conformal mapping!Dl -t n with 1(0) = 0, and n E N. Then there exists a univalent polynomial P of degree ~ n such that hin -< P -< f. (14) The constant 2 is best possible. It is due to Egervary [11] (for 0: = 3) and Ruscheweyh [24] (for 0: > 3) that 1 * a;:: are convex univalent for these values of 0: if 1 is convex. Therefore, we have the following second consequence of Theorem 17. Theorem 19. Let 1 be convex and n E N. Then there exists a convex univalent polynomial P of degree ~ n such that (15) 14!n -< P -< f. This is a first step into the general quest ion of how good one can approximate conformal maps with certain geometrical properties by polynomials with the same property (in this case: convexity). 5. Hausdorff Distance Between an and an n In this section we measure the distance between a domain and its maximal ranges (depending on n). The suitable measure for this purpose is the HausdorfI distance, which is defined as follows: for a set Ace let U(<5, A) denote the set of points which have a distance ~ <5 from A. Then T(A,B):= inf{<5 : Be U(<5,A) and Ac U(<5,B)} is the HausdorfI distance of the sets A, B. It is a metric on the space of closed sets in <C. We are interested in the cases of domains n for which there exists 0: > 0 with (16) We note first that for a domain with a cusp (inner angle zero at a boundary point) (16) will generally not hold for any 0: > O. We shall not discuss this in detail, but point out typical cases: for any increasing function h E G[0,2] with h(O) = 0 and h(2) < 'Ir define nh := {z = -1 + reH/ : 0< r < 2 and 181 < rh(r)} . V. V. ANDRIEVSKII AND S. RUSCHEWEYH 42 Then for any a > 0 lim T (anh, an~) na: = 00. n-+oo If we exclude this kind of cusps then we come naturally to the notion of John domains (compare [20], [23]). A (not necessarily simply connected) domain n is called a John domain if there is a constant Cl = Cl (n) > 0 such that any of its points ( can be connected with the origin 0 by an arc I = 1((,0) C n which has the following property: if 1((, z) is the subare of I connecting ( and z then dist (z, an) ~ Clll((, z)l, z E I. However, for our purpose it is advantageous to use another, equivalent definition [2] of John domains in terms of quasiconformal mappings. After Gehring [12], a bounded Jordan domain G is called a k-quasidisk, 0 ~ k < 1, if any conformal mapping of ID> onto G has a K -quasiconformal extension homeomorphism of C onto itself, where K = (1 + k)/(1 - k). The lens-shaped domains G = G(k,8), 8 > 0, 0< k < 1, which are symmetrie with respect to both, the real and the imaginary axis, bounded by two circular ares with vertices in ±8 and interior angles of 11"(1- k) are k-quasidisks [12]. As shown in [2, Thm. I] n is a John domain Hf there exist constants k E [0,1), C2 > 0, Ca > 0 such that for each zEn there is a k-quasidisk G zen satisfying (17) z E aG z, dist(aGz,an) ~ Ca dist (z,an). diamG z ~ C2, Theorem 20. Let n be a John domain satisfying (17). Then there exists C4 = C4(n) such that (18) T(aO, an n ) ~ C4 n k - l , nE N. To get an idea of the quality of the estimate (18) we look at domains with piecewise smooth boundaries. A smooth Jordan curve L is called Dini smooth if the angle ß(s) of the tangent to L (parametrised using the arc-Iength s) satisfies Iß(S2) - ß(sdl ~ h(S2 - sd, where h is an increasing function with 1 1 h(x) dx o x 0< SI < S2, < 00. Theorem 21. Let Zo E L := an and assume that for some f, with 0 < f < 1/4 diam L, the set L n {z : Iz - Zo I < f} consists of two Dini smooth arcs joining at zo, where they form an inner angle (with respect to n) a1l", 0 < a < 1. Then for any univalent polynomial P E p~(n) dist (zo, P(Ö)) ~ csIIP'IIa:/(a:-l), and, consequently, (19) with constants Cs > 0, Cs > 0, which are independent of n. Note that for the lens-shaped domains n := G(k,8) a combination of (18) and Corollary 16 below yields the better result (20) cs n k - l ~ sup dist (z, nn) ~ C4 n k - l • zE80 43 COMPLEX POLYNOMIALS AND MAXIMAL RANGES Appendix. Explicit Maximal Ranges Up to now we discussed the maximal range problem (and related problems) always under the normalising assumption that 0 E 0, and that P E P~(O). There is obviously no harm in choosing another point as a point of reference instead of the origin. The theory developed in Section 2 remains valid (with obvious necessary changes). We shaH use Wo E 0 as point of reference and deal with polynomials P E P~O(O) := {P E P n : P(O) = Wo and P(ID» CO} . A.1. HALF PLANES This is the basie situation. We choose 0 as the right half plane, Wo = 1. We are then dealing with polynomials with positive real part in ID> and P(O) = 1, a frequently studied dass of polynomials, related to non-negative trigonometrie polynomials. For this dass Fejer has shown that Re P( z) ~ n + 1, z E ID>, and that this is sharp (in z = 1) only for the Fejer polynomials ~n+l-k k Fn(z) = 1+2L.." n+l z. k=1 Fejer's result and Theorem 5 immediately imply that Fn is univalent and On = co(Fn (ID>)), where co stands for the convex huH of a set. More precisely we have: Theorem 22. an n = ')'1 U ')'2, where _ .{ Fn (it/» . 271' } e . 14>1 ~ n + 1 ' ')'1 - ')'2 = {it : t E~, Itl ~ cot 5 FIG . 1: Maximal range for n = 4 and a half-plane From this we can draw two immediate consequences: (n : 1) }. 44 V. V. ANDRIEVSKII AND S. RUSCHEWEYH Corollary 1. Let PE P n satisfy P(O) = 1 and ReP(z) ~ 0 in lI)). Then IImP(z)1 $ cot (2n: 2)' z E lI)). 1/, in addition, ReP(zo) = 0 tor some Zo E alI)), then (21) IImP(zo)1 $ cot (n: 1) . Both bounds are sharp. Since F n has positive coefficients our result also immediately implies that IP(z)1 $ n + 1, z E lI)), for the polynomials of Corollary 1. This was an earlier refinement of Fejer's theorem due to Holland [16]. Fig. 1 shows the curve F4 ( e il/l) and the maximal range n4 . A.2. STRIP DOMAINS We consider strip domains in the normalised form n = {z : IRezl < I}, Wo = A E ( -1, 1). Correspondingly we use the space P~ := {P E P n : P(O) = A} to study the maximal ranges n~. It is clear from Theorem 5 that, for n, A fixed, there can be (up to rotations in the argument) only one or two extremal polynomials, and that in the case of two extremal polynomials they must be (essentially) conjugate to each other. These extremal polynomials can be constructed in terms of the Fejer polynomials as folIows. Let 2 Gn(z) = - 1 (Fn(z) - 1), n+ and, for -1 < A $ 0, S~(z) := A + (~(A) - [~(A)]) Gn (Z[I«'\»)z) + [1<(>,)]-1 L Gn(Zk Z), k=O where ~(A) := (A + l)(n + 1)/2, Zk := e 21rik /(n+1) = eil/l k , and [x] stands for the largest integer $ x. Theorem 23. For nE N, -1< A $ 0, we have n~ = co (S~(l!))) + cj) , where + cj means that the complex conjugate set should be added. Furthermore, n,\n = -n-'\ n , The portion 0/ an~ \ 0 < A < 1. an in the upper hai/-plane is given by S~(eil/l), 0< <P < <PI. 45 COMPLEX POLYNOMIALS AND MAXIMAL RANGES FIG . 2: Maximal ranges for n = 4 and a strip domain Note that for A elose to -1 or 1, we have essentially a half-plane situation, since the maximal range cannot reach the opposite boundary component. Among other applications, Theorem 23 has the following corollaries. Corollary 2. Let P E P n satisfy P(O) = A E (-1, 0] and IReP(z)1 < 1 in]!)). Then 2 111m Pli:::; n+ 1 ([K(A))-l {; cot (2k2n ++ 12 ) + (K.(A) - [K.(A)]) cot (2[~n(A)]+ +2 1 )) 11" 11" • This bound is sharp for S~ at z = e i1T /(n+l). Clearly, the bounds for A E (0, 1) are the same as for -A. Corollary 3. Let PE P n satisfy P(O) E (-1 , 1) and IReP(z)1 < 1 in]!)). Then (22) 2 [(n+l)/2) 111m Pli :::; - cot n+ 1 k=l L This bound is sharp for S~ at z = e i1T /(n+1) . (2k- 2 - 211"· 1 ) n+ V. V. ANDRIEVSKII AND S. RUSCHEWEYH 46 Corollary 3 is known; different proofs are due to Szegö [30] and Mulholland [22]. However, the form of the extremal polynomials, and their dose relation to the Fejer polynomials is a new ingredient. In the context of Corollary 3 it is natural to look at n*·n·- U n" n' "E( -1,1) for instance in order to decide whether (22) holds for P instead of Im P. It turns out that this problem is better studied directly in terms of Theorem 2, using P~ := {P E P n : P(O) ER}. Theorem 24. We have n~ = n~, n odd, { co ( n:!(n+1) u n;;1/(n+1)) n even. With respect to the previously mentioned quest ion we now get: Corollary 4. Under the assumptions 01 Theorem 23 we have (23) IIPII ::; (2k - 1 ) 2 [(n+l)/2] -L cot - - { n +1 2n + 2 k=l n odd, 'Ir max {Is~/(n+l) (ei"') I : n: ' 1< < n 2: I}' n even. <P For even n the bounds in (23) are slightly larger than those in (22). For some numerical results see [5]. It is not very likely that the bounds for n even can be given more explicitely than in (23). A.3. CIRCULAR DOMAINS Let n be a circular domain, Le., the interior or exterior of a dosed disko We normalise the situation as folIows: let Wo = 1 and np = { (24) ][)lp := {z _ : Izl < p}, I.C \ ][)lp, p> 1, O<p<l. Note that the cases with p > 1 belong to the disks, while 0 < P < 1 corresponds to exterior of a dosed disko We find that for fixed n in each of these cases (essentially) only one extremal polynomial exists, and that this depends in a simple way of p. Note that this extends Example 1 from Section 1, where the exterior of a disk has degenerated to a punctured plane. The polynomial is Qp (Z2) := ~ z2n+3 ~ {z-n-1 T n n +1 dz n+1 (p-1/(n+l) 1 + z2) } 2z' where Tn is the Chebyshev polynomial of degree n. Note that Q~ is indeed a polynomial in P~. In the exterior case we find: COMPLEX POLYNOMIALS AND MAXIMAL RANGES 47 Theorem 25. For 0< p < 1, nE N, we have (25) n~ = exp (eo(log( Q~ (11))))) ) . Depending on p, n the sets n~ ean be simply or doubly eonnected. In any ease, the boundary eonsists of sub-ares of Q~(all))) and the boundary of n. This situation is much better understood if we consider the images of the polynomials involved on the universal eovering of n. It is dear from the form of Theorem 25 that it is essentially a deseription of the maximal ranges of z -+ log P(z), eompare Theorem 3. This carries much more information than the description of n~ as a plane set; for instanee, it permits to estimate the maximal argument of such polynomials P. Corollary 5. Let P E P n satisfy P(O) = 1 and IP(z)1 > p, zEll)). Then I argP(z)1 :5 (n + 1) areeos(pl/(n+1) eos 2n: 2) - i, zEll)). This estimate is sharp for P = Q~. The other direct condusion from Theorem 25 is Corollary 6. Let P E P n satisfy P(O) = 1 and IP(z)1 > p, zEll)). Then This estimate is sharp for P = Q~. An earlier proof of Corollary 6, independently of Theorem 25, was already given in [25]. For the interior case we obtain: Theorem 26. Let p > 1, n > 1. 1f p < Pn := (cos7rj(n + 1))-n-l, then n~ is the interior Jordan domain bounded by 71 + 72, where 72 = { pe' : 101< 01 := 2 arceos(pl/(n+1) eos _7r_). n+l '(J and For p ~ Pn we have n~ = n p • Here n~ is a convex subset of n +1 } 7r - -2-01 , n We mention a few applications of Theorem 26. p• Corollary 7. Let n > 1, PE P n , P(O) = 1, and IIPII :5 p. Then, tor zEll)), we have ReP(z) ~ [ 7r ]-n-l ' pTn+1 (p-l/(n+1») , l:5p:5 cosn+ 1 { -p, These bounds are sharp. elsewhere. 48 V. V. ANDRIEVSKII AND S. RUSCHEWEYH Corollary 8. Let P E P n , P(O) = 1, and IIPII :::; [cos 2n: 2 r n - 1 Then Re P(z) > 0 in [J). The bound given in (26) is best possible. Corollary 9. Let P(z) E P n with P(O) = 0, P'(O) = 1, and IIP'II:::; [cos 2n: 2r n - 1 Then P is univalent in [J). The bound tor IIP'II is best possible. Corollary 10. Let PE P n , IIPII :::; 1, and P(I) = & E [0,1). Then IP(O)I:::; [cos a:c~~&] n+l The bound is sharp. Corollary 10, for & = 0, is due to Lachance, Saff, and Varga [17], while the remaining cases have been established in [26]. However, Corollary 7 is stronger than Corollary 10. A.4. ONE-SLIT DOMAINS The case of one-slit domains with Wo in the direction of the slit has been solved in [7], and with other Wo in [15]. In the first case we can restrict the discussion to the domain n:=C\[I,oo), (27) wo=O. Here, and in many other situations a special system of univalent polynomials play a central röle, which were introduced by Suffridge [28]. n (28) P(z; j) = L Ak,j zk, j = 1, ... ,n, k=l where . kjn Slll-A . _ n-k+l n+l k,J n . jn' Slll-n+l Theorem 27. Par n as in (27) we have k,j=I, ... ,n. 3n- } . le-nl < n+l As an application we get COMPLEX POLYNOMIALS AND MAXIMAL RANGES 49 Corollary 11. 1f P E P~(O), 0 = C \ (1,00) then for z E][) n +1 7f IImP(z)1 ~ -2- cot n + 2' 7f cos 2 _ _ cot 2 _7f_ < ReP(z) < 3 2n + 2 2n + 2 -. 7f . 7f sm 2n + 2 sm 2n + 2 IP(z)1 ~ cot 2 n: 2· All bounds are best possible. In the case of other one-slit domains we may use the normalised situation oa :=C\{it: t2:a}, wo=l, aEIR. We recall Corollary 1, in particular (21), to conclude that if a < - cot7f/(n + 1) we are essentially back in the half-plane situation and Theorem 22 applies. In the remaining cases we have Theorem 28. 1f a 2: - cot 7f / (n + 1) then the only extremal polynomial (up to rotations) for O~ is P(z) = Fn(z) z(2i-yb + ia(8 + 1) - "( + l)«znH - 1)(z 28 - 1) - (n + l)(z - 1)(z8 - 1)) + (n + l)(z - 1)2(z8 -1)2 ' with,,(=exp(i7f/(n+1)), 8="(2, b=Va2 +1. Wehave80~="(1+"(2, where "(1 = {p (e it ) : q~ t ~ n 2; I}' "(2 = {it : a ~ t ~ P(e 2i7r /{nHl)} , with -47f q._ { n + l' 37f -cot-<a n+ 1 - , 7f 7f 37f arccota - 27f - - - , - cot - - < a < - cot - - . n+1 n+1n+1 Clearly this result has various corollaries. We mention only one which extends Fejer's theorem mentioned in Section Al. Corollary 12. Let P E P n be such that P(O) = 1 and P(][)) c C \ {it : t 2: a} where a 2: - cot 7f /(n + 1). Then n (Ja +7f + acot -7 -f) sin-- 1 - -+2 2 1 n+1 n+1 -1 ~ ReP(z) + n 1 ( ~ - 2 va 2 +7f 1 + a cot --1 7f + 1) . sin-n+ n+1 V. V. ANDRIEVSKII AND S. RUSCHEWEYH 50 A.5. TWO-SLIT DOMAINS In this seetion we diseuss the ease of the domains oa := C \ (( -00, -al U [1,00)), Wo = 0, for a > O. It follows from the previous seetion that if a is too small or too big, then the maximal range looses eontaet with the one or the other of the slits, and we are baek in the one-slit situation. Taking this into aeeount we see that we ean restrict our attention to the eases where -2 1l' 2 1l' eot 2n + 2 < a < eot 2n + 2 . To state our result define "1 := 1l' /(n + 1), and, for r = 1, ... ,n - 1: 1 2 r1l' ar := tan 2n + 2 . fr(B) := eos B - eos (r"1) , We also reeall the Suffridge polynomials from (28). Theorem 29. Let a E [ar, ar+1), r E {I, ... ,n - I}. Then there is exactly one a E (0,1] with h r ( (h) = h r ( ( 2 ) = a : 1 , B1 E ( - n: 1 ' 0] , B2 E (n n; 1 ' 1l'] for which is satisfied. Then (30) aP(z; r) + (1 - a)P (e i1T /(n+1) Z', r + 1) P( ) E p~(oa), z := aP(ei1h;r) + (l-a)P(e i1T /(n+1)+lh;r+ 1) and (31) 80~ \80 a '0 r - 2 r +2 } = { P(e'): --1l' < B < --1l' +ej. n+1 n+1 Note that the eases a = a r are very simple sinee then a = 1, B1 = 0 and the polynomials (30) are typically real. As the special ease of probably greatest interest we diseuss the one with a = 1 (symmetrie slit): Corollary 13. Let 0 = C\ ((-00, -1] U [1,00)). Then for n odd, we have (32) P(z) = P (z; (n + 1/2) E pO(O) P (1; (n + 1)/2) n and (33) 80 n \ao={p(e iO ) : ~-n2:1 <B<~+n2:1} +ej. For n even, the extremal polynomial and the maximal range On are described by (30), (31), with a = 1, a = 1/2, r = [(n + 1)/2], and h(Bt) = -1, B1 E (-1l'/(n + 1),0). COMPLEX POLYNOMIALS AND MAXIMAL RANGES 51 Corollary 14. Let n be as in Corollary 13, n odd. Then for P E p~(n) we have in ][)) 1 IReP(z)l:$ -•- - , ;7rp - (34) sm-n+l and IP(z)1 :$ n; 1 . (35) This bound is sharp for P as given in (32) at z = ie- ill"/(n+l), i, respectively. Note that this result holds, in particular, for typically real polynomials P E p~ with IP(x)1 :$ 1, x E (-1,1). A.6. SECTORS We now look at infinite angular sectors with an opening of Cl:7r, and with Wo on the bisector. This can be normalised as (36) n'" := {z E C : Re z+ cot Cl:27r 11m zl < I}, Wo = 0, °< < Cl: 1. It turns out that for n odd we will have one extremal polynomial for the maximal range, and for n even there will be two of them. To state the result we define (37) tk := 7r 1- Cl: + 2k l' n+ S(1)(z) := Tn+l(z) - 2nz k = 0, 1 ... ,n, II (Z2 - cos2 t;) , n/2-1 k=O S(2)(Z) := Tn+l(z) - 2nz ii: (Z2 _ cos2 t;) , k=n/2+1 !! (n-l)/2 S(3)(z) := Tn+l(z) and for j = 1,2,3, 2n (z2 _ cos2 t;) , 52 V. V. ANDRIEVSKII AND S. RUSCHEWEYH Theorem 30. Let 00< be as in (36). Then 00< = { co (p{l)(JD)) U p(2)(JD))) , n even, n co (p(3) (JD))) , n odd. The form of the extremal polynomials does not seem to admit a niee explicit bound for sup Re O~ or inf Re O~. We have, however, Corollary 15. Let 00< be as in (36). Then there exist constants Cj = cj(a) > 0 such that Cl ~ nO«I- sup(ReO~)) ~ C2, and (38) Note that an estimate corresponding to (38), but for sup 10nl, can be derived from Theorem 12. A.7. RHOMBS We are looking at rhombs symmetrie to the real and the imaginary axis, and with the origin as reference point: (39) 00< := {z E C : IRe zl + cot a2'1r 11m zl < I}, Wo = 0, 0 < a < 1, whieh have an interior angle of mr at the corner in z = 1. A complete explicit solution of the O~ problem is so far only available for n odd. We restrict ourselves to this case. The formalism is similar to the one in the previous section. We define tk as in (37) and set p g(z) := For n = 4p + 1 let II (Z2 - cos tk)' p:= [i] . 2 k=O S{l)(z):= cos(7r 1- a) t(-I)k 2g(Z)costk , 2 k=O g'(costk)(Z2 - cos2 tk) p(l)(z) := z(n+1)!2 [S{l)(w) and for n = 4p + 3: n: 1 S(l)' (w)] , w = ~ (z + ~), S(2)(z) ._ cos(7r 1- a) ~(_I)k 2g(z)z .2 L...J g'(costk)(z2-cos2tk)' k=O p(2)(z) := z(n+1)!2 [S(2)(W) - n: 1 S(2)' (w)] , w = ~ (z + ~), Of course, p(2) depends on a. If P* denotes the corresponding polynomial for the parameter 1 - a instead of a, then we set p(3)(z) := i cot('Ir 1 ~ a)p*(z). COMPLEX POLYNOMIALS AND MAXIMAL RANGES 53 Theorem 31. Let n" be as in (39) and n odd. Then n" _ { co (p(1) (lDl)) , n - n = 4p+ 1, co (P(2)(lDl) U p(3) (lDl)) , n = 4p+3. The discussion of the maximal distance of n~ from an" is closely related to the fact that n" has always one corner with an opening ~ 7r /2, where the approximation is bad (compare Section 5). Therefore we restrict our attention to the distance from the point z = 1 to the boundary of n~. Here we get Corollary 16. For 0< a < 1 there exists a constant C5 = c5(a) such that A.8. HALF-PLANES AGAIN As pointed out in the discussion of Example 2 in the first section, the theory developed in Section 2 also permits the study of problems like the determination of the sets ~n,r := U {P(lDlr ) : P E P n , P(O) = 1, ReP(z) > 0 for z E lDl}, 0< r < 1. Indeed, Theorem 32 below gives at least an indirect solution to this problem, which can be used to get the desired information numerically. For details we refer to [5]. n Theorem 32. Let 0 ~ () < 27r. I/ Qe,r (z) = z TI (z - ei</>i) satisfies the equation j=l j = 1, ... ,n, and i/ P E P n with P(O) = 1 is given by 2 R P ( i</» = IQe,r (ei</» 1 e e IIQe,rll~' then P(r) E a~n,r. Furthermore, each boundary point 0/ ~n,r can be obtained this way. References 1. L. V. 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This paper is devoted to the exact Bernstein, Szegö and Zygmund inequalities for trigonometrie polynomials (on the realline) and for algebraic polynomials on the unit disk in the complex plane, as weH as to some more general inequalities. 1. Let Tn be the set of trigonometrie polynomials n (1.1) fn(t) = ~o + '~::)akcoskt+bksinkt) k=l of degree n with complex coefficients. The known and often used Bernstein inequality [6] (1.2) Ilf~llc ~ nllfnllc, fn E Tn, holds in the set Tn; here IIflic is the uniform norm IIflic = max{lf(t)l: t E [0, 27r]}. Bernstein proved this inequality in 1912 with the constant 2n. In 1914, M. Reisz [12] got this inequality with the best constant n using the known Reisz interpolation formula for derivatives of trigonometrie polynomial. As a consequence of (1.2), the exact inequality (1.3) holds for any r :::: 1. Different generalisations of these inequalities are known in the literature. In 1928 Szegö [14] proved that the exact inequality (1.4) IIf~ cosa + 1~ sinallc ~ nllfnlb fn E Tn, holds for any real a, where n ln(t) = ~)bk cos kt - ak sin kt) k=l 1991 Mathematics Subject Classijication. Primary 26C05, 26D05, 42A05j Secondary 41A44. Key words and phrases. Polynomial inequalitiesj Normj Best constantj Algebraic polynomialsj Trigonometrie polynomials. The research supported by the Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research (Project 96-0100122). 55 G.v. Milovarwvic (ed.). Recent Progress in Inequalities. 55--62. © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. V. V. ARESTOV 56 is the conjugate polynomial for In. In partieular, this inequality implies Bernstein inequalities (1.2) - (1.3) and the inequality (1.5) for derivatives of order r ~ 1 of the conjugate trigonometrie polynomial. In 1933 Zygmund [15, Vol. II, eh. x, (3.25)] proved the following statement. Let a function r.p be downward convex and nondecreasing on the half-line [0,00); then (1.6) 211" 1211" 1o r.p(1 COSQ/~(t) + sinQl~(t)l)dt ~ 0 r.p(nl/n(t)l)dt, In E Tn. Putting r.p(u) = u P , P ~ 1, we obtain the inequality (1.7) in the space L p with the norm (1.8) 1 1 21" ) l/p 1I/IILp = ( 2'1r 0 II (t)IP dt It follows from (1. 7) that the inequalities (1.9) (1.10) are valid for any natural rand 1 ~ p ~ 00. All the above-mentioned inequalities are exact and they reduce to equalities for polynomials In (t) = a cos nt + b sin nt. In what follows we consider the functional II . IIp for 0 ~ p ~ 00. In the case o < P < 00 we assume that the functional is defined by (1.7). For extreme values of p we put (1.11) 1I/IIL oo = lim 1I/IILp = 1I/IIc = max{l/(t)l: tE [0,2'1r]} P-++OO and (1.12) 1I/IILa = lim II/IIL = exp P-++O p (211 211" log I/(t)ldt) . 'Ir 0 Studying direct and inverse theorems of approximation theory in the space L p , o < P < 1, Ivanov [9], Storozenko, Krotov, Osvald [13] proved in 1975 that the inequality (1.13) EXACT CLASSICAL POLYNOMIAL INEQUALITIES IN Hp FOR 0 ::; p ::; 00 57 holds for 0 < P < 1 with some constant cp • These works initiated a number of results on refinement of constant Cpo In 1979 Arestov [1] (see [2] for details) proved that for all p, 0 ~ p < 1, the constant cp in inequality (1.13) is equal to 1, and so, the inequality (1.9) holds for all p ~ o. With respect to inequality (1.10) this is not a such case. We denote by Kp(n, r) the least constant in the following inequality fE Tn· (1.14) The previous results of Szegö and Zygmund can be written as Kp(n,r) = n r for 1 ~ p ~ 00. The below-mentioned results of this section are proved in our paper [5]. Theorem 1. For any 0 ~ p ~ 00 and for integer n ~ 0 and r ~ 0 the following inequalities (1.15) hold. The last inequality means that the constant Kp(n, r) as function of parameter p achieves its maximum at p = o. Theorem 2. For all integer n ~ 0 and r ~ 0 and for p = 0 the extremal polynomial in inequality (1.14) is and, as a consequence, Theorem 3. 1f r ~ n log 2n then (1.16) for all p ~ o. The equality (1.16) holds for all p ~ 0 if and only if it holds for p = O. The condition r ~ nlog2n is only sufficient for Ko(n,r) = n r . This equality holds if and only if all 2n zeros of the concrete polynomial h~) are real. The computer calculations show that the condition r ~ n - 1 is probably necessary and sufficient. 58 V.V.ARESTOV Theorem 4. For a fixed rand for n -+ 00 the following relation is valid Ko(n, r) = 4En , Cn = n + o(n). Thus, for a fixed r the constant Ko(n, r) as function of n increases essentially more quickly than Kp(n,r) = n r for 1;::; p;::; 00. 2. The previous inequalities for trigonometrie polynomials can be written as corresponding inequalities for algebraic polynomials on the unit disk (more exactly on the unit circle) in the complex plane. Other interesting inequalities are also valid for algebraie polynomials on the unit diskj Bernstein and Szegö inequalities are among the most famous. Let P n be the set of all algebraic polynomials Pn of degree n with complex coefficients. It is convenient to write it in the form (2.1) The following inequality, obtained by Szegö [14] in 1928, (2.2) holds in the set P n , where IIPnlloo = max{IIPn(z)lI: Izl = I}. Obviously, (2.2) implies the well-known Bernstein inequality (2.3) obtained by himself in 1926 (see cite7). It is clear that the inequalities (2.4) IIDrpnll oo ;::; nrll RePnll oo , (2.5) IIDrPnll oo ;::; nrlIPnlloo are valid parallel with (2.2) and (2.3) for any integer r ~ 1, where Dr is the k-th power of the operator d D=z-. dz The inequality (1.9) includes the inequality (2.6) for 1 ;::; p < 00 and one more general inequality (2.7) for 1 ;::; p < 00 and r ~ 1 j in these inequalities EXACT CLASSICAL POLYNOMIAL INEQUALITIES IN Hp FOR 0::::; p ::::; 00 59 Inequalities (2.2)-(2.7) are exact and they reduce to equalities only for polynomials cz n . In the author's papers [1-2] it was shown that the inequality (2.6), and as a consequence, the inequality (2.7) are valid for 0 :::; p < 1 too; here the functional IlPlip is defined by IIPlip = (2~ 1 27r IP(eit)IPdt) l/p , IlPlio = P-++O lim IlPlip = exp 0< p < 00, (21 r log 7r J-7r IP(eit)ldt) . Thus, Bernstein inequality (2.5) can be extended (with the constant n T ) to the spaces Hp for all values of p, 0:::; p :::; 00. With respect to Szegö inequality (2.2), this is not such a case. Let ICp(n, r) be the best constant in the following inequality (2.8) for 0 :::; p :::; 00 and r ~ O. The constant ICp(n, r) depends on p even for 1 :::; P :::; 00. Szegö result can be written as the equality ICoo(n, r) = n T • It is easy to check that IC 2 (n, r) = ../2nT • The statements below in this section are proved in the author's paper [4]. Theorem 5. For any 0 :::; p :::; 00 and for any integer n ~ 0 and r ~ 0 the following inequalities (2.9) n T :::; ICp(n, r) :::; ICo(n, r) hold. So, the constant ICp(n, r) as function of p takes its maximum at p = O. Theorem 6. For all integer n ~ 0 and r ~ 0 and for p = 0 the extremal polynomial in the inequality (2.8) is given by and, as a consequence, Using this theorem it is easy to show that the estimate (2.10) is valid for all values of parameters n, rj according to the next theorem this estimate is exact for large values of parameter r. 60 V. V. ARESTOV Theorem 1. If r~ log2n n' log-n-1 then (2.11) Theorem 8. FOT a fixed rand fOT n -+ 00 the following asymptotic equality is valid ICo(n, r) = 4e", Cn = n + o(n). 3. Most of the preceding statements are the consequences of the author's inequalities [2-3] for Szegö composition of algebraic polynomials. The polynomial AnPn(z) = (3.1) t (~) AkCkZ k k=O is called the Szegö composition of polynomials An(z) = (3.2) t (~) Ak Zk k=O and (3.3) A lot of papers are devoted to the properties of this operation (see [11, Vol. II, Sec. V], [10, eh. IV] and references there). For fixed An equality (3.1) defines a linear operator in Pn ; we shall denote this operator by the same symbol An as the polynomial (3.2). Let ~ be the set of all functions cp on (0,00) such that cp is nondecreasing on (0,00), absolutely continuous on any finite segment of (0, 00) and the function ucp'(u) does not decrease on (0,00). For example, the functions log u and u P for < P < 00 satisfy these conditions. In the author's paper [3] the following statement was proved. ° Theorem 9. FOT any function cp E ~ and for any polynomials An, Pn E P n the following inequality (3.4) 1 2 1< cp(I(AnPn)(eit)l) dt ~ 1 2 1< cp(IIAn 1I0IPn (eit)l) dt. holds. By P~ we denote a subset of polynomials from P n such that all their n roots lie in the closed unit disk Izl ~ 1. Similarly, let P;:O be the subset ofpolynomials PE P n with all roots outside the disk Izl < 1. Finally, the subset P~ n P;:O of polynomials from P n such that all their n roots lie on the unit circle will be denoted by P~. The known Jensen formula for meromorphic functions (see, for example, [11, Vol. I, Sec. III, Thm. 175] implies that if An E P~, then IIAnil o = IAnl, and if An E P;:O, then IIAnil o = IAol. Thus, Theorem 9 includes the following statement, although it was obtained earlier [2]. EXACT CLASSICAL POLYNOMIAL INEQUALITIES IN Hp FOR 0 ~ p ~ 00 61 Theorem 10. If An E P~ or An E P~, then for any junction cp E ~ in P n the exact inequality (3.5) holds with the constant If one of the following conditions holds then inequality (3.5) reduces to an equality for the following polynomials (a, bE C), respectively. It was proved in [8], that under certain supplementary restrictions on cp and An only polynomials (3.7) are extreme in inequality (3.5). For function cp{ u) = log u E ~ inequality (3.4) can be written as (3.8) this inequality was written earlier in some different form in [7, Thm. 7]. It is easy to see that inequality (3.8) reduces to an equality for the polynomialll'n(z) = (l+z)n. Given a fixed An for 0 :::; p :::; 00, we denote by Np(A n ) the least constant in the inequality IIAnPnll p :::; Np{An)llPnllp, Pn E Pn. As it was noted just now, No (An) = IIAnll o. By Theorem 9 the estimate is valid. Let us remind for comparison the well-known fact Under conditions of Theorem 10 on the polynomial An, the equality holds for all values of p, 0:::; p :::; 00. 62 V. V. ARESTOV References 1. V. V. Arestov, On inequalities of S. N. Bernstein for algebraie and trigonometrie polynomiais, Soviet Math. Dok!. 20 (1979), 600-603. 2. ___ , Integral inequalities for trigonometrie polynomials and their derivatives, Izv. AN SSSR Ser. Mat. 45 (1981), 3-22 (Russian) [Eng!. Trans.: Math. USSR-Izv. 18 (1982), 1-17]. 3. ___ , Integral inequalities for algebraie polynomials on the unit eircle, Mat. Zametki 48 (1990), 7-18. (Russian) 4. ___ , On one Szego inequality for algebraie polynomials, Trudy Inst. Mat. Mekh. (Ekaterinburg) 2 (1992), 27-33. 5. ___ , The Szego inequality for derivatives of a eonjugate trigonometrie polynomial in Lo, Math. Notes 56 (1994), 1216-1227. 6. S. N. Bernstein, Sur I'ordre de la mailleure approximation des fonctions eontinues par des polynomes de degre donne, Memoires de l'Academie Royale de Belgique (2) 4 (1912), 1-103. 7. _ _ _ , Ler;ons sur les proprietes extremales et la meilleure approximation des fonctions analytiques d'une variable ree!e, Collection Borei, Paris, 1926. 8. N. G. de Bruijn and T. A. Springer, On the zeros of eomposition-polynomials, Neder!. Akad. Wetensch. Proe. 50 (1947), 895-903 [= Indag. Math. 9 (1947), 406-414]. 9. V. I. lvanov, Some inequalities for trigonometrie polynomials and their derivatives in different metrics, Mat. Zametki 18 (1975), 489-498. (Russian) 10. M. Marden, The Geometry of the Zeros of a Polynomials in a Complex Variable, Math. Survey, No. 3, Amer. Math. Soc., New York, 1949. 11. G. Polya and G. Szegö, Problems and Theorems in Analysis, Vols. land II, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1976. 12. M. Riesz, Eine trigonometrische Interpolationsforme! und einige Ungleichungen für Polynome, Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung 23 (1914), 354-368. 13. E. A. Storozenko, V. G. Krotov and P. Osval'd, Direct and converse theorems of Jackson type in LP spaces, 0< p < 1, Mat. Sb. (N.S.) 98 (140) (1975),395-415. (Russian) 14. G. Szegö, Über einen Satz des Herrn Serge Bernstein, Schrift. Königsberg. Gelehrten Gesellschaft. 5 (1928), 59-70. 15. A. Zygmund, Trigonometrie Series, Vols. land II, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1965. VIETORIS'S INEQUALITIES AND HYPERGEOMETRIC SERIES RlCHARD ASKEY University 0/ Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI53706, U.S.A. Abstract. The inequalities of Vietoris have been a good source of problems and new results. Some of these are outlined, and a hypergeometric sum suggested by one of the problems is evaluted. 1. Fejer. There are few serious collectors of mathematies. D. S. Mitrinovic was one of them. I became aware of his collecting ability when [24] appeared. In addition to many familiar inequalities, there were some I had not seen before. One, in partieular, was a great surprise. To explain why, and to show a bit about what this inequality of Vietoris suggests, is the aim of this paper. At the start of this century, Fejer [14] showed that inequalities for trigonometrie polynomials can be very useful. In partieular, his work on (C, 1) summability of Fourier series is based on the inequality. (1.1) This is a discrete extension of (1.2) l Z sintdt = 1- cosx ~ O. The obvious extension of (1.2) is n (1.3) LSin k8, k=l but this is not nonnegative for all 8, 0 ~ 8 ~ 1C'. For sin8 + sin28 = sin8(1 + 2cos8) 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 26D05, 33C05, 33C20j Secondary 26D15. Key words and phrases. Inequalitiesj Hypergeometric series. Supported in part by NSF grant DMS-9300524. 63 G. V. Milovanovic (ed.), Recent Progress in lnequalities, 63-76. © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. R.ASKEY 64 Fejer was aware that a result like (1.1) implies much more. Summation by parts gives (1.4) when (1.5) ak ~ akH ~ 0, k = 0, 1, ... ,n - 1. This suggests that while the sum in (1.3) is not nonnegative, there might be a useful substitute for it if a decreasing sequence ak is introduced as a multiplier. Fejer considered the sequence ak = l/k and conjectured that (1.6) ~sink(} ~ k > 0, 0<(}<1r. k=l Fejer gave the history of this inequality in [17]. He had mentioned this conjecture to E. Landau, and then received proofs from T. H. Gronwall (October 22, 1910) and D. Jackson (December 19, 1910). These proofs were published as [21] and [22]. There are many proofs of (1.6), including some which are referenced or outlined in [24]. Also see [23] for some other references. One striking fact which I thought was important is that the sequence ak = l/k seemed to be sharp. To see this, divide (1.6) by sin () and let () -+ o. The result is the series which vanishes when n is even. Imagine my surprise when looking through section 3.5 of [24] and coming across a result of Vietoris [28] which shows that this inequality is not sharp. 2. Vietoris. While trying to find a proof of the Fejer-Jackson-Gronwall inequality (1.6) which he liked, Vietoris discovered an extension. I am not sure how he discovered this result, but here is one way to motivate it. One can try to be more greedy then Fejer was. For the series with two terms, the best you can do to obtain a nonnegative sum is sin () + ~ sin 2(} = sin (}(1 + cos 8) ~ o. Any positive number less than ~ can be used, but a partial summation shows that ~ gives a stronger result. Nothing larger than ~ can be used. Fejer extended the sequence 1, ~ to 111 1, 2' 3' 4' VIETORIS'S INEQUALITIES AND HYPERGEOMETRIC SERIES h 65 Given the terms 1, ~, then ~ is the best that can be used, as was seen earlier by dividing by sin 0 and letting 0 approach 7r. What Vietoris did was to replace by a larger number. If a monotone decreasing sequence is desired, then the best choice for the coefficient of sin 30 in t sin 0 + ~ sin 20 + a sin 38 is a = ~. Vietoris (28) showed that this series is positive for 0 < 0 < 7r. Then, for the next coefficient, the best choice is ~ . ~, which works. Again there is equality when the series is divided by sin 0 and 0 is taken to be 7r. In general, Vietoris proved the following: Theorem 1. I/ (2.1) and (2.2) 2ka2k S (2k - 1)a2k-l, k = 1,2, ... , [nj2), then n (2.3) L ak sin kO > 0, 0 < 0 < 7r, k=l and n (2.4) L ak cos kO > 0, 0 < 0 < 7r. k=O The critical case is when there is equality in (2.2) and in the remaining inequalities in (2.1). Then (2.5) where (2.6) (ah = a(a + 1)··· (a + k - 1) = r(k + a)jr(a). The general case follows from this special case via summation by parts. After I saw this inequality, Iwanted to make sure that attention was called to it. One way to do this was to have the review in Mathematical Reviews mention this inequaity as a highlight. It seemed likely that Ralph Boas would be asked to review (24), so I wrote hirn and mentioned this inequality, and suggested he mention it if he were asked to write the review. He replied immediately that he had been asked to write the review, and asked if Iwanted to write it instead of R. ASKEY 66 hirn. I said no, but would be willing to write a joint review with hirn. This is how this joint review was written for Mathematical Reviews. I sent a copy of our review to John Steinig. He replied that Mathematical Reviews had not published a review of Vietoris's paper [28]. He was right. The Executive Editor checked the files and found that it had been sent out for review three times, but returned unreviewed each time. I wrote a review, and included an application to show that the inequalities (2.3) and (2.4) are useful. This review was turned down on the grounds that the paper had appeared long before, and they did not have the resources to go back and fill in all the missing reviews. The editor also said that he found rny application more interesting than Vietoris's inequalities, so I should publish the application. The review of it would call attention to Vietoris's paper. He was wrong about the relative importance. Exactly how wrong will be seen in the next section. 3. Askey and Steinig. I decided I did not have the energy to fight for this review, so contacted John Steinig and suggested we write a joint paper. He had rnentioned that part of Vietoris's argument could be simplified. While writing the paper we came up with greater simplifications, much more interesting applications, and were able to irnbed these inequalities into a problem of quadrature studied by Fejer, P6lya, and Szegö. See [9]. The earlier application I had mentioned was dropped and I have forgotten what it was. The new work was much more interesting than that application. However, I still find Vietoris's observations and his inequalities more interesting than anything I have been able to do with his inequalities. Here is a setting for these inequalities. Vietoris observed that (3.1) so that (3.2) (1 + e- i9 )(1 - e- 2i9 )-1/2 = L 00 Ck e- ik9 , k=O with (3.3) Taking real and imaginary parts gives (3.4) 1 () ("2 cot "2) 1/2 = L 00 k=1 Ck sin k() = L 00 Ck cos k(). k=O Then Vietoris showed that the partial sums of both series are positive for 0 < () < 7r. It is the formulas in (3.4) which can be used to explain one general problem which leads to the inequalties Vietoris proved. VIETORIS'S INEQUALITIES AND HYPERGEOMETRIC SERIES 67 A natural setting for this problem is Jacobi polynomials p~o:,ß)(x). They can be defined as (3.5) When a,ß > -1, these are orthogonal: m ",n, (3.6) where m=n, .(o:,ß) _ Jn - r(n + a + l)r(n + ß + 1) (2n + a + ß + 1) r(n + l)r(n + a + ß + 1) 2o:+ ß+1 There are four special cases which reduce to more familiar functions. When x = cosO, a = ß = -1/2 gives a multiple of cosnO; a = ß = 1/2 gives a multiple of sin(n + I)O/sinO; a = -ß = 1/2 gives a multiple of sin(n + ~)O/sin(O/2); and a = -ß = -1/2 gives a multiple of cos(n + ~)O/ cos(O/2). See Szegö [27, Chapter IV] for results on Jacobi polynomials. One problem which leads to Vietoris's inequalities is to form the series (3.7) (1 - x)-1' (1 + x)-6 '" L akP~a,ß) (x), 00 k=O where The question is for which a,ß,,,/,8 are the partial sums of (3.7) positive for -1 < x < 1 or nonnegative for -1 ~ x ~ 1. When (3.8) 111 a = ß = -"2' "/ = 4"' 8 = -4"' x = cosO, the series (3.7) becomes the eosine series in (3.4). When (3.9) 1 3 1 a=ß="2' "/=4"' 8=4"' x=cosO, the series (3.7) reduces to the sine series in (3.4). Another special case comes from the generating function for Legendre polynomials, the case a = ß = 0 of (3.5). This generating function is (3.10) (1 - 2xr + r 2)-1/2 = L Pk(x)r k . 00 k=O R.ASKEY 68 Then r = 1 gives T 1/ 2(1_ X)-1/2 = (3.11) L Pk(X). 00 k=O Fejer [15] proved that -1< X< 1. (3.12) More generally, (3.13) For -1/2 < 0 < 0 and -1 < 0 < -1/2 respectively, Fejer [16] and Szegö [26] have proven that -1< x < 1. (3.14) Fejer's first sum (1.1) arises from the following. (3.15) Then formally (3.16) f k=O r k sin(k + ~)(} = (1 + r) sin((}/2) . 2 1- 2rcos(} + r 2 f k=O sin(k + ~)(} 1 sin((}/2) - 1 - cos(}· While this series diverges, it is the formal orthogonal expansion of (3.17) 1 1 - x '" 00 p~1/2,-1/2)(X) L p(-1/2,1/2)(I) k=O k which exists since (1 - x)-l(1 - X)1/2(1 + X)-1/2 is integrable on (-1,1). The partial sums of the series (3.16) are just those Fejer looked at, and are given as (1.1) after (1.1) is divided by sin()/2. Other examples arise from a quadrature problem. This occurs when 'Y = 0,8 = ß. See [17, Theorem 15.2.4] for the connection with this quadrature problem. In [3], the cases o,ß ~ 0,0 + ß ~ 1, and 0 = ß + 1, 1/2 ~ 0 ~ 1 were shown to give positive partial sums. Earlier, the case 0 = ß, -1 < 0 ~ 3/2 had been shown to lead to positive partial sums. See [5] for the final intervals and references to the VIETORIS'S INEQUALITIES AND HYPERGEOMETRIC SERIES 69 earlier results. For 0: > 3/2 or ß > 3/2, positivity fails when 'Y = 0:,8 = ß. See Szegö [27]. 4. Hypergeometrie functions. With positivity having been shown in some special cases, it is worthwhile recording some intermediate calculations. First, it is easy to find the coefficients in (3.7). Jacobi polynomials can be given as hypergeometric series. For instance, (4.1) p(a,ß)( ) x k = (o:+l)k F (-k,k+O:+ ß +l.I-X) k! 2 0: + 1 1 '2 ' where (4.2) This can be used in to show that (4.4) a = F (-k, k + 0: + ß + 1,0: - 'Y + 1.1) x 0: + ß - 'Y - 8 + 2,0: + 1 ' (2k + 0: + ß + 1)(0: + ß + Ihf(o: + ß + 2)f(0: - 'Y + l)f(ß - 8 + 1) x ~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~--~~ (0: + ß + 1)(ß + l)k21'H f(0: + l)f(ß + l)f(o: + ß - 'Y - 8 + 2) k 3 2 All of the cases which were treated above had coefficients which are products rather than a sum of products. This tells us that the 3F2 can be evaluated for many different choices of the parameters. There are a number of sums of 3F2S which are responsible for being able to sum this series. One is Watson's sum: (4.5) F ( 32 f(!)f(c + !)f(tllli)f( c-a-btl) ) a, b,C •1 _ 2 2 2 2 (a+b+l)/2,2c' -f(~)f(~)r(c+12a)f(c+12b)· Another sum is the Pfaff-Saalschütz sum: (4.6) F ( 3 2 .1) _(C)k(C (c - -k, a, b c, a + b + 1 - k - c' - a)k(c - b)k a - bh . This leads to the summation of the 3F2 when 8 = 0, and so the case (3.14) as well as (3.17). Both of these sums are included in [10] and a number of other books on special functions. R. ASKEY 70 The cases Vietoris treated seem to be dose to Watson's sumo They come from p. ( (4.7) 32 a, b,c (a+b+2)/2,2c; 1) . However, if you know much about hypergeometric series, you see that this miss is large. The parameters in (4.5) and (4.7) are the same except in one place, where they differ by 1/2. If they differed by one, there would be a good chance they were related. It is differing by one which is responsible for another of the sums. The case Cl: = ,"(, ß = 8 gives (4.8) 3 p. 2 (-k, k+ ++1,2ß + 1,1.1) ,. Cl: Cl: This is one away from two other series which can be summed. If the 1 is replaced by 2 or the 2 is replaced by 1, the series reduces to a 2Fl' and these can be summed by Gauss's sum, .1) _ r(c)r(c - a - b) F ( a,b ( ) ( ). c , - fc-afc-b (4.9) 21 Two hypergeometric series are said to be contiguous if they have the same parameters except for one place, and differ by 1 in this place. For 3F2 's, aseries at x = 1 and any two contiguous to it are linearly related. This has been known for quite a long time, but the fundamental relations were first worked out by Wilson [29] and Raynal [25]. It is possible to transform (4.5) and (4.7) into 3F2 's which are contiguous. The following transformation formula is dassical, (4.10) D 3L"2 (a, b, c 1) . d, e' e- a- r(d)f(e)f(d + b - c) x - f(a)f(d + e - a - b)f(d + e - a - c) d-ae-ad+e-a-b-c ) x 3 F2 ( d ' , b, d +e-a-c ; 1 . +e-a- See Bailey [10]. A direct proof can be given by integrating Euler's transformation (4.11) 2 F1 ( a,d b.,x) -_ (1 _ X )d-a-b 2 F1 (d - a,d d - b.,x) with respect to xC-1(I - xy-c-l on (0,1), and then iterating the resulting 3F2 transformation. The series in formula (4.5) transforms to (4.12) .1) p. ((b + 1 - a)/2, 2c - a, c + (1 - a - b)/2 c+(b-a+I)/2,2c+(I-a-b)/2' 32 VIETORIS'S INEQUALITIES AND HYPERGEOMETRIC SERIES 71 and (4.7) transforms to F ((b + 2 - a)/2, 2c - a, c + 1 - (a + b)/2 .1) c+l+(b-a)/2,2c+l-(a+b)/2' (4.13) 32 These series as written are not contiguous, but consider their essential structure. The series (4.12) have the form 3 F (a + 1 -cx,ß" .1) ß, a + 1 - " 2 with a = 2c - a. These parameters can be paired, a numerator and adenominator together, so that their sum is the same. The parameter a is paired with 1, which comes from n! in the series. Such series are said to be well-poised. The series (4.13) are 3 F ( 2 a -1,ß" .1) a + 1 - ß, a + 1 - , ' with a = 2c - a. In this case, ß and , can be paired with a + 1 - ß and a + 1 - , but, to be well-poised, a - 1 would have to be paired with 2. Thus it is one too small to be well-poised. Such series have arisen before. Bressoud [11] observed that some series which are one off of being well-poised could be summed using work he did jointly with Agarwal and Andrews [1] and with Goulden [12]. Bressoud dealt with basic hypergeometric series, but his results pass to a limit when q approaches 1 to give hypergeometric series results. In particular, one of his results implies (4.14) 3 F2 ( .1) -2n, b, c 2 - b - 2n, 2 - c - 2n ' (-2n)n(2 - 2n - b - c)n (1 - b - 2n)(1 - c - 2n) (1 - 2n - b)n(1 - 2n - c)n (1 - b)(1 - c) However, we need (4.14) when the series does not terminate. It is possible to show that this series can be summed when -2n is replaced by a real number a as long as there is another terminating parameter. WhippIe showed that (4.15) D ( 4E 3 .1) _(8)m(8-b-c)m (8-b)m(8-c)m a,b,c,-m " - b" " , u ,u-c,u+m - x F. ( 54 x (8-a)/2, (8-a+l)/2,b,c,-m .1) 8-a,8/2,(8+1)/2,b+c+I-8-m' . See [10, 4, 6(2)]. When a = 8 - 2, the 5F4 essentially reduces to a 4F3, so that (4.16) 4 F3 ( 8-2,b,c,-m 8 - b, 8 - c, 8 + m ;1) (8)m(8-b-c)m x (8 - b)m(8 - c)m = F. ( X54 1,3/2, b, c, -m 1) 2,8/2,(8+1)/2,b+c+I-8-m; . R. ASKEY 72 When c = 8/2, the 4F3 becomes the 3F2 we want, but with a termination condition we do not want. The series on the right becomes a 4F3, and it is balanced, Le. the sum of the numerator parameters plus 1 is the sum of the denominator parameters. This series is (4.17) where c = 3/2 + a - m - b. Formula (4.17) can be rewritten as E (3/2h-l (ah-l (-m)k-l k=l (l)k (b )k-l (C)k-l ~ (1/2)k(a - l)k( -m - l)k = k=l ~ k!(b - l)k(c - l)k (b - l)(c - 1) . (1/2)(a - 1)( -m - 1) _ 2(b-1)(c-1) [Po (1/2,a-1,-m-1. 1) -1] - (a - 1)( -m - 1) 3 2 b - 1, c - l ' . The series is balanced, and so can be summed by (4.6). To get the same type of series when the non-poised term is the terminating parameter, sum the series backwards, as Bressoud did. However, this still does not give the nonterminating series. There is a natural way to try to sum this series. 3F2'S at x = 1 satisfy 3-term contiguous relations, and the fundamental ones were given by Raynal [25] and Wilson [29], as was mentioned earlier. These can be iterated, so that a 3F2 at x = 1 and two others whose parameters differ by integers are linearly related. Thus (4.18) 3 (4.19) 3 (4.20) Po ( a,b,c 1) a + 1 - b, a + 1 - c ; , Po ( ab, c a + 1 - b, a + 1 - c ; 2 2 3 1, 1, Po ( a b, c . 2 a - b,a - c' 1) , 1) are linearly related. Since (4.21) 3 F2 (a+1_ab~~c+1_C;l) _ r(a - 1- b)r(a + 1- c)f(~ + l)f(~ + 1- b - c) - f(~ + 1- b)f(~ + 1- c)f(a + l)f(a + 1- b - c) VIETORIS'S INEQUALITIES AND HYPERGEOMETRIC SERIES 73 [10,3.1(1)], if the coefficient of (4.19) does not vanish, we have the sum of (4.19). To give this relation, we combine two identities given by Wilson [29]. These are (4.22) (a-l) [3F2 (ad~~c;l) -3 F2 (a-/~b,c;I)] = (d -1) [3F2 (ad-_l1~~c; 1) - 3F2 (a -d~~b,c; 1)] and (4.23) (d-a)(d-b-1)(d-c-1) [3 F2(a-1,b,c';1) -3 F2(a-_1,b'C;1)] d,e d 1,e +(d - 1)(e -1)(d + e - a - b - c - 1) [3F2 (da_-1~~b,-c1; 1) - 3F2 (a;_1i~~c j 1)] -(a - 1)bc 3F2 ( a ;;!l~'eC, ;1) = O. The last changes to (d - a)(d - b -1)(d - c -lhF2 (a -d~~b,c; 1) +(d - 1)(e - l)(d + e - a - b - C -lhF2 (da_-l~~b,-cl; 1) = (d - I)A(a, b, c, d, ehF2 ( ad-~.\~~ c; 1) where A(a,b,c, d, e) = [d2 +e 2 +de+ab+ac+bc- (a+b+c)(d+e) +2a+b+c- 2d - 2e+ 1]. Use (4.22) to replace the 3F2 on the right. Then (d - a)(d - b -1)(d - c -lhF2 (a -/~b,c; 1) + (d - 1)(e - 1)(d + e - a - b - c - IhF2 (da_-l~~b,-\; 1) =A(a,b,c,d,e) [(a-l hF2 (ad~~c) + (d-ahF2 (a-/~b,c;I)]. A calculation shows that A(a, b, c, a + 1 - b, a + 1 - c) = (a - b - c)(a + 2 - 2b - 2c). Then (4.24) 2(1 - b)(l - c)(a - b - chF2 (a + t_-b~~b~cl_ c; 1) = (a - 1)(a - b - c)(a + 2 - 2b - 2chF2 (a + 1 _ab~~c+ 1 _ c; 1) - (a - b)(a - c)(a + 1 - 2b - 2chF2 ( a -bI, b, c ; a- ,a-c 1) . 74 R. ASKEY Using (4.21) we have F! ( 3 2 1, ab, c a + 1 - b, a + 1 - c ; 1) _ (a - l)r(a + 1 - b)r(a + 1 - c)r(a/2 + 1)r(a/2 + 2 - b - C) - (b - l)(c - 1)r(a/2 + 1 - b)r(a/2 + 1 - C)r(a + l)r(a + 1 - b - C) r(a + 1 - b)r(a + 1 - c)r(a/2 + 1/2)r(a/2 + 3/2 - b - C) (b - l)(c - 1)r(a/2 + 1/2 - b)r(a/2 + 1/2 - C)r(a)r(a + 1 - b - C) . Notiee that two terms occur here, while in the terminating case only one occured. If a = 2n, the second term vanishes because of l/r( -n) = 0, n = 0,1, ... , while the first can be evaluated by letting a by -2n - c and letting c --+ 0. When a = -2n -1, the first term vanishes and the second can be evaluated by a similar limit. 5. Conclusion. Other uses of Vietoris's inequalities are given in [9]. One of these is a theorem which shows that all the zeros of a specific dass of trigonometrie polynomials have real zeros whieh can be separated from each other. In the present paper it led me to find a new hypergeometrie sum whieh is likely to be useful in other contexts. I hope to use this sum to discover other instances where the partial sums of (3.7) are positive. Of course, the partial sums of (3.7) are not the only interesting polynomials. Various Cesaro means also lead to interesting results. See [8] for one instance, and [20] for the most complete results. There are other series which have positive partial sums. One of these, L p1 n (5.1) a ,ß) (x)/ p1 ß ,a) (1), k=O has been especially fruitful. The cases ß = 0, a a nonnegative integer were used by deBranges in his proof of the Bieberbach conjecture. There are some expository papers whieh give more on these problems. See [4], [6]. These papers deal with work of about 20 years ago. Very important recent work has been done by Gavin Brown and a number of coworkers. The first of these is [13]. Most of this work is still unpublished, so the best source will be Mathematieal Reviews in a few years. In partieular, Brown, Koumandos and Wang have completely determined when (5.i) with a = ß is nonnegative for all -1 :5 x :5 1 and n = 0,1, .... The inequality Szegö [19] proved for the integral of Bessel functions 1 z where r a Ja(t) dt ~ 0, 1 x > 0, i 'Q'2 r-a J-a(t) dt = a ~ a, ° with ja,2 the second positive zero of Ja(t), is the determining factor. This is a remarkable result. VIETORIS'S INEQUALITIES AND HYPERGEOMETRIC SERIES 75 References 1. A. K. 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We consider spaces Lp(G), 0 ~ p ~ 00, of aB rneasurable functions f : G -+ ~ such that (in the case J-LG < 00) Ilfllo = IIfIIL o(G) := exp {J-L~ IIfll p = IlflILp(G) := {J-L~ fa log If(t)1 dt} < fa If(t)IP dt} I/p < 00, 00, 0 < P < 00, Ilfll= = IIfIIL (G) := L vrai lf(t)1 ~ 00. oo tEG Note that if x E Lq(G) for sorne q > 0, then f E Lp(G) for aB p E [0, q], and in this case Ilfll p ~ Ilfll q and Ilfll p -+ IIfllo with p -+ O. If f E L=(G), then Ilfll p -+ Ilfll= when p -+ 00. In the case J-LG = 00, defining the values Ilfll p , we will ornit (J-LG)-l. For univariate functions we will consider as G: the real axis IR, the half-line Il4, and finite intervals I. We will also consider the spaces of functions f : ~m -+ ~ that are 2'1r-periodic in each variable, and for such functions we define IIfll p as IlfIILp(lI''''), where Tm = (-'Ir, 'Ir)m and denote these spaces as L p or Lp(']['m) (L p('1I') in univariate case). 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 26DlO, 41AI0, 41A44, 42A05; Secondary 41A17. Key words and phrases. Inequalities for norms; Best constant; Markov-Nikolskii type inequality; Kolmogorov type inequality; Multivariate function; 27r-periodic function; Derivatives of halfinteger order; Additive inequalities for derivatives; Difference operators; Differential operators. 77 G.v. Milovanovic (ed.), Recent Progress in lnequalities, 77-96. © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. V.F. BABENKO 78 If Gis R, 1l4, I or T, and n E N, 1 ~ r ~ 00, then we denote by L~(G) the space of all functions f such that their derivatives f(n-l) (n E N) are locally absolutely continuous and f(n) E Lr(G). For given 1 ~ p ~ 00 let L;,r(G) = Lp(G) n L~(G). Note that in the cases G = I or G = T, we have L~(G) C Lp(G) for any p. It is known that for G = I and any given 1 ~ p,q,r ~ 00, k,n E Z, 0 ~ k < n, there exist constants A, B such that for f E L;,r(G) the inequality (1) holds. If Gis IR. or 1l4, then the inequality (1) holds for all functions jE L;,r(G) if and only if (see [30]) (2) n-k k n p r q --+-~-, and in this case, (1) is equivalent to the multiplicative inequality (3) where a = n - k - r- 1 + q-l 1 n-r- +p-l and k _ q-l + p-l ß = n-r- 1 +p- 1 . In this paper, we discuss the problems of finding the exact constants in the inequalities of the form (1) and (3). Note that these inequalities, especially with exact constants, are dosely connected to many extremal problems of approximation theory (see, for example, [40-42] and [61]). The problem of finding the best possible constant in (3) can be formulated as folIows: Given p, q, r, n, k, find the value (4) K(Gin,kip,q,r) = IIf(k) IILq(G) sup ß {!EL;.r(G), !(n)#o} IIfIl1 p (G) IIf(n) IILr(G) We will write K(Gin,kiP) instead of K(Gin,kiP,P,P). If K = K(Gin,kip,q,r) we will say that the inequality (1) is exact. Observe that in the case when condition (2) is satisfied, inf B is equal to zero, where the infimum is taken over all constants B such that for some constant A the inequality (1) holds for any f E L~(I) (see, for example [21]). At the same time A*(n,kip,q,r) := infA is strictly positive, where the infimum is taken over all constants A such that for some constant B inequality (1) holds for any f E L~(I). Thus, A*(n,kjp,q,r) ~ Mn,k(P,q), where INEQUALITIES FOR NORMS OF INTERMEDIATE DERIVATIVES 79 is the exact constant in Markov-Nikolskii type inequality for algebraic polynomials of degree at most n - 1. Therefore, the problem of finding the exact constants in (1) can be formulated as follows: (a) For given n,k,p,q,r find A*(n,kjp,q,r)j (b) Find B*(Aj n, kjp, q, r) = inf B, where the infimum is taken over all B such that (1) holds with a given A ~ A*(n,kjp,q,r). We will discuss analogous problems for some multivariate Kolmogorov type inequalities. 2. Some Previous Results The first results on the investigation of these problems were obtained by Landau [45] and Hadamard [33]. They proved the following inequalities: (6) (J E L;',oo(ll4)) , (7) (J E L;"oo (IR)) , and (J E L;,(I), 1= [0,1]). They also proved that the constants in (6)-(8) are best possible. One of the first complete results in this direction is due to Kolmogorov [36-37], whom such inequalities are named after. Kolmogorov proved that if f E L~,oo then for any k E N, k < n, the inequality (9) Ilflll-k/nllf(n)llk/n Ilf (k)11 Loo(lR) -< IICPn-kIlLoo(lR) 11 11 1 - k/n Loo(R) L (lR) CPn L oo (lR) oo holds, where CPn is the nth periodic integral having zero mean value on aperiod for the function CPo(x) = sgn(sinx), and (Note that in all cases when 2 < n < 5 and for n = 5, k = 2, this result has been proved by Shilov [18]). Afterwards, there was a great number of papers dealing with exact inequalities of such type on the line, half-line or finite interval. But there are only a few cases when the constants K(Gj n, kjp, q, r) are known for all pairs k, n E N, k < n. Besides Kolmogorov's result mentioned above, the cases for G = IR are: 10 p = q = r = 2 (Hardy, Littlewood, Polya [34]); V.F. BABENKO 80 2° p = q = r = 1 (Stein [62)); 3° q = 00, p = r = 2 (Taikov [63)). For G = 114 these cases are: 1° p = q = r = 00 (Landau [45], Matorin [51], Schoenberg and Cavaretta [58-59)); 2° p = q = r = 2 (Ljubich [48], Kuptsov [43)); 3° q = 00, p = r = 2 (Gabushin [31)). For G = 11' these cases are: 1° 1 ~ q ~ 00, p = r = 00 (Ligun [46)); 2° q = r = 1, 1 ~ p ~ 00 (Ligun [47)); 3° q = 00, p = r = 2 (Shadrin [55)). Some new results presented in this paper have been obtained with the help of the Ligun's inequality [46]: (10) lI<Pn-k IILp("ll') Ilflll-klnllf(n) Il kln Ilf (k) 11 Lp("ll') < 11 II I - kin L",,("ll') L",,("ll')' <Pn L",,("ll') where p E [1,00], n, k E N, k < n and f E L~(1l'). Not so complete results for G = lR or G = 114 and various special n, k,p, q, r have been obtained by Arestov, Berdyshev, Ditzian, Gabushin, Magarill-Il'jaev, Nagy, Soljar and many others (see for references [44] and [66)). Soljar's latest result [60] result is: If p' = p/(p - 1) and 2k = n, then for any f E Lp(lR) n L;, (lR) (11) Exact inequalities for derivatives of functions defined on a finite interval also have been investigated by many authors, among them Chui and Smith, Karlin, Pinkus, Sato, Burenkov, Zvyagintsev, Shadrin, and others (see for references [20-21] and [57)). Note that Burenkov ([20-21)) proved that for any n,k,p,q,r, (12) A*(n,n -I;p,q,r) = Mn.n-I(p,q). The case p = q = r = 00 has been investigated in detail by Shadrin [56-57]. Multiplicative inequalities of the form (3) for multivariate functions played an important role in the theory of partial differential equations and imbedding theorems. Questions on the existence of such type inequalities have been investigated in [16-17]. As for the exact constants we refer the reader to papers of Konovalov [38], Buslaev and Tihomirov [23], Timoshin [65], Timofeev [64], and Ditzian [25]. For known results on additive inequalities of type (1) for multivariate functions we refer the reader to [22]. Konovalov's inequality [38] for sufficiently smooth functions defined on lR is INEQUALITIES FOR NORMS OF INTERMEDIATE DERIVATIVES 81 8k+lf where f<k,l) stands for 8 k8 l' Xl X 2 There are many ways to generalise inequalities of the type (1) and (3). One of them was proposed by Hörmander [35] who proved the next result. Let Eo(f)oo be the best uniform approximation of a function f by constants. Let 'Pn( . ; a, ß) be the nth periodic integral having zero mean value on aperiod for a 211'-periodic function 'Po (x; a, ß), which is equal to a for t E [0,211'ß/ (a + ß)) and - ß for tE [211'ß/(a + ß), 211'). We can now formulate Hörmander's result as the next best possible inequality which holds for any function f E L~,oo(lR.): (14) where /± = max(f(t),O). Another way for generalisations of Kolmogorov type inequalities is to substitute the operator d/dx in these inequalities by operators of another nature. For example, in [3] it was proved that for any n, k E N, k < n, and f E L~(,][,), the following exact inequality (15) holds. (j is conjugate function for f [14, p. 519].) Some special results for fractional derivatives are presented in [2], [32], and [49]. In Section 3 below, we will present general schemes for obtaining the inequalities of the form (11) and additive inequalities. Wide generalisation of (11) will be given in Section 4. Using the first general scheme and the univariate inequality (10), we obtain a rather general inequality of type (13). Using inequality (15), instead of inequality (10), we obtain, in Section 5, some inequalities for derivatives of half-integer order and give their applications in approximation theory. Section 6 is devoted to inequalities of Hörmander type on the half-line. In Sections 7 and 8 we are dealing with additive inequalities for derivatives. For details of the results to be presented in this paper we refer the reader to [3-13]. 3. General Schemes At first, we give a general scheme for obtaining inequalities of type (11). Let X, Y be real normed spaces, 11'lIx - norm in X, X* - dual space of X, and H - real Hilbert space. For a linear (in general, unbounded) operator A : X --t Y having a dense domain of definition V(Ad C X in X, let A* be its adjoint operator. Theorem 1. Let the operators Al : X --t Hand A 2 : X --t X with dense domains 01 definitions in X be such that lor any 82 V.F. BABENKO the equality Ai A I A 2 x = AzAi Alx is valid. Then for alt x E Q the inequality holds. In particular, if A 2 = Ix, then for alt x E V(Ai Ad we have the inequality (16) If there exists a set M c X n H such that Aix = ±Alx, then for alt x E M the following inequality holds: (17) Inequality (16) will be called exact if Note that inequality (16) is exact in this sense if the operator Al is bounded. Inequalities (16) and (17) give us a wide generalisation of Soljar's inequality presented above. We now give a general method for obtaining additive inequalities of the form (1) with the best possible constant A. Let X, Y be additive groups, II . Ilx and II . Ily be semi-additive real functionals such that Ilxllx ~ 0 for any x E X and IIYlly ~ 0 for any y E Y. Further, let the mapping T, X :::> V(T) ~ Y, be such that for any x E V(T), Ilxllx = 0 ===} IITxlly = 0, and the functional F, X :::> V(F) ~ lR, be given such that V(F) C V(T). Conditions providing the existence of constants A and B such that for any x E V(F) the inequality (18) IITxlly :::; Alixlix + BF(x), holds. In addition, some information on exact constants in this inequality are given in the next theorem. Set (19) A* = A*(X, Y, T, F) = inf A, where the infimum is taken over all constants A such that for some constant B inequality (18) holds for any x E V(F). INEQUALITIES FOR NORMS OF INTERMEDlATE DERIVATIVES 83 Theorem 2. Suppose that there exists H c V(T) such that (a) M* = M*(X,Y,T,H):= sup {YEH,IIYllxi'O} IITYlly/IIYllx ~ 00; (b) there exists B > 0 such that for any xE V(F) inf {M*lly - xlix + IITx - TylIy} ~ B· F(x). yEH Then for any xE V(F) (20) IITxlly ~ M*llxllx + BF(x), and consequently (21) A*(X,Y,T,F) ~ M*(X,Y,T,F). 1f in addition we suppose that H C V(F) and F(y) = 0 for any y E H, then the constant at Ilxllx in (20) is best possible, i.e., (21) becomes an equality. Note that condition (a) means that for elements from H an inequality of MarkovNikolskii type holds true and condition (b) means that for the values of simultaneous approximation of elements x and Tx by elements of Hone can obtain an estimation of the form BF(x), with some constant B not depending on x. 4. Inequalities for Difference and Differential Operators For functions ! : IRm -+ IR, hj E IR, j = 1, ... , m, set 6. h;!(t) = !(tI, ... , tj-l, tj + hj /2, tj+1, ... , t m ) - !(~, ... , tj-I, tj - hj /2, tj+1, ... , t m ). Given h = (h l , ... ,hm), let 6. h := (6. hl'6. h2 , ... ,6.h,..). Given a multiindex a = (al, ... ,am) E Z+ and a vector t = (t1, ... ,tm) E IRm , set tO!. = tfi ···t~m m (we write 1 instead of 0°). For vectors h, t E IRm such that TI h i :f; 0, set t/h = i=1 P(t) = L aO!.tO!. 10001=k be a homogeneous algebraic polynomial of degree k in m variables. We will consider operators P(6.h), P(6. h /h) (if h i :f; 0 for all i) and P(D). Theorem 3. Let P(t) be a homogenous polynomial of degree k in m variables. m Then for all h = (h l , . .. , hm) such that TI hi :f; 0, q E [0,2], p, r E [1,00] such i=1 that p-l + q-I ~ 1, and for any junction ! E Lp('lr m ) n Lr('lr m) the inequalities 84 v. F. BABENKO and (23) hold. 1fn = (nI, ... ,nm) E N'" is such that P(n) "10, then for hj = 7rjenj, e E N, j = 1, ... , m, inequality (22) is exact and becomes an equality for functions of the form f(t) = sgnsin(e j~I njtj). 1f there exists € E {O, 1, _1}m such that P(€) "I 0, then for some h inequality (23) is also exact. Now we consider analogous inequalities for functions f E Lp(lRm). Theorem 4. Let P(t) be a homogeneous polynomial of degree k in m variables. Then, for all h = (h I , ... ,hm) P E [1,00], and for any function I E Lp(lRm) n Lpl (jRm) the inequalities and (25) hold. These inequalities are exact under same assumptions on P as the inequalities in the previous theorem. Co Let G be a domain in jRm. Denote by (G) the set of compactly supported infinitely differentiable functions defined in G. By (']l'm), we denote the set of all infinitely differentiable functions I: jRm -+ jR that are 27r-periodic in each variable. Now let G be a domain in jRm or ']l'm and P(t) be a fixed homogeneous polynomial of degree k in m variables. We will say that P(D)x E Lr(G) for x E Lp(G) is defined if there exists a function z E Lr(G) such that for any y E Co(G) the following equality Co 1a z(t)y(t) dt = (_1)k 1a x(t)P(D)y(t) dt holds. Then, by definition, P(D)x = z. We define the dass Wp,r(P; G) as the set of all functions x E Lp(G) for which P(D)x E Lr(G) is defined and that there exists a sequence {Yv} ::"=1 offunctions from (G) such that Co Theorem 5. Let G be a domain in IRm or ']l'm, P E [1,00], and let P(t) be a fixed homogeneous polynomial 01 degree k in m variables. Then for lunctions I E Wp,pl (P 2 ; G) the exact inequality (26) INEQUALlTIES FOR NORMS OF INTERMEDIATE DERIVATIVES 85 holds. N ow we consider the following problem (see [38]): Let o! = (al, (2), ß = (ßl, ß2) E Z+, and G be ]R2 or 'll'2. Set The problem is to obtain the exact estimation IIDI' IIILq(G) in terms of II/IIL=(G)' liDO: IIIL=(G)' and IIDß IIIL=(G)' when I E W~ß(G) and for a given vector "( E Z2 such that "( = Aa + JLß, A, JL :::: 0, A + JL < 1. Konovalov [38] solved this problem (see inequality (13)) for functions I E W~,ß (l~.2) in the case a = (3,0), ß = (0,3), "( = (1,1) = (a/3) + (ß/3), G =]R2 and q = 00. Timoshin [65] considered the case a = (2,0), ß = (0,3) or a = (3,0), ß = (0,2), "(= (1,1), G=]R2 andq=oo. We consider this problem in the case G = 'll'2. The following theorem holds. Theorem 6. Let rEN, a = (r,O), and ß = (ßl,ß2) E Z~ be such that A -:f ß, IßI = r, and ß2 be even. Illor a vector"( = ("(1, "(2) E Z~ one of the conditions (2) 1 1 "2 ßl < "(1 < "2 (ßl + r), (3) "(1 = 1 "2(ßl + r), "(2 1 = "2 ß2, 1 o ~ "(2 < "2 ß2, is satisfied, then for junctions I E W~,ß('ll'2) the exact inequality l' IID III L2 (1l'2) ~ II<Pr-II'III L2 (1l'l) 1->'-1' 0: >. ß I' 11 111->.-1' ·II/II L =(1l'2) . IID fIl L =(1l'2) . IID fIl L =(1l'2) <Pr L=(1l'l) holds, where the numbers A and JL are defined by conditions "( = Aa+JLß, A,JL:::: 0, A+JL<l. Setting r = 2k, k E N, a = (2k,0), ß = (0,2k), and "( = (k, i) or "( = (i, k), we obtain: Corollary 1. For junctions I E W~k,O),(O,2k) ('ll'2) and all i = 0,1, ... , k - 1, the exact inequalities -(k+l)/(2k) .IID(2k,O)/ll l /(2k) . IID(O,2k)/ll k /(2k) II D(l,k)/11 L2(y2) -< A .11/11 1L=(1l'2) L=(1l'2) L=(1l'2) and A ·11/11 1-(k+l)/(2k) IID(2k,O)/ll k /(2k) ·IID(O,2k)fll l /(2k) II D(k,l)/11 L2(1l'2) < L=(1l'2)· L=(1l'2) L=(1l'2) - hold, where v. F. BABENKO 86 5. Inequalities for Derivatives of Half-integer Order and Some of Their Applications In this section we take LI = LI (1l') and L'1 = L1(1l'). For I E LI, we set ao(f) = (21f)-1 J:1I" I(t) dt. Let r E R, r > 0, and 1 00 L v- r cos(vt - 1fr/2). Br(t) = - 1f v=1 A function gELl such that ao(g) = 0 will be called rth derivative in the Weil sense for I E LI (f(r) = g) if (211" I(t) = ao(f) + (Br * g)(t) = ao(f) + 10 Br(t - u)g(u) du. Denote by L; the set of functions I E LI such that I(r) E L p , and by W; the set of functions I E L; such that II/(r) IIp :::; 1. Note that, for rEN, L; coincides with the space previously defined, and is a standard Sobolev dass of periodic functions. W; For n E N and r E 114, we set (211" 'Pn,r(t) = 10 Br(t - u)'Pn,O(u) du, where 'Pn,O(u) = sgn(sinnu). Instead of 'Pl,r(U) we will write 'Pr(u). In addition to inequality (10), the following theorem holds. Theorem 7. Let k, rEN, r /2 :::; k < r. Then lor any function I E V:XO, (27) 11/(k+l/2) 112 < II'Pr-k-l/21I L 2('f) 11 111 1 -(k+l/2)/r 11/(r) 11 (k+ 1 / 2 )/r. - 11 11 1 -(k+l/2)/r Loo('f) Loo('f) 'Pr L oo ('f) This inequality is exact and becomes an equality for functions I = 'Pn,r, n E N. Note that Theorem 7 is proved with the help of inequality (15). The best approximations of function I E Lp or a dass M c Lp by subset H c L p (1 :::; p :::; (0) in the space L p are defined as E(f, H)p := inf 11I - hilL ('f) hEH and E(M, H)p = sup E(f, H)p, P fEM respectively. Theorem 8. Let k,r E N, k:::; r/2. Then lor any N > 0, E(Wk-1/2 NWr) < r - k + 1/2 11 11 r-k'"-I!2 ( k - 1/2 2 , 1 1 'Pk-l/2 L2('f) r r Nil 'Pr 11 L oo ('f) k-l/2 ) r-k-l/2 INEQUALITIES FOR NORMS OF INTERMEDIATE DERIVATIVES 87 Let 72n-l be the set of aH trigonometrie polynomials of the order ~ n - 1 and S2n,/l- (J.L E Z, J.L ~ 0) be the set of 27r-periodie polynomial splines of order J.L, defect 1, having nodes at the points v7r/n, v E Z. It is weH known (see [40, Ch. 4, 5]) that for T, n E N, (28) where H is 72n-l or S2n,/l-' J.L E N, J.L ~ T - 1, p' = p/(P - 1). For the fractional T, relation (28) is known only for H = 72n-l and p = 1 (see [40]). Using Theorem 8, relation (28), and the method of intermediate approximation, we obtain the next theorem. Theorem 10. Let k, n E N, H be 72n-l OT S2n,/l-' J.L ~ 2k - 2. Then 6. The Hörmander Type Inequality on the Half-line After Landau (n = 2) and Matorin (n = 3) for T ~ 4, the problem on exact constant K(~; T, k; 00) has been solved by Schoenberg and Cavaretta [58-59]. In order to formulate the result of Schoenberg and Cavaretta we need the next definitions and notations. Denote by an,r the perfect spline of order T defined on [0,1], having n nodes and minimal Loo[O, 1]-norm among aH such perfect splines. As it is weH known (see for example [54]), such a spline an,r exists, is unique (up to multiplier ±1), and has (n + T + 1)-alternance (ends of the interval [0,1] are points of alternance). For every n E N, we choose the number An from the condition A~rlan,r(O)1 lao,r(O) land then set Sn,r(X) = A~r an,r(AnX). It was proved in [58-59] that there exists the limit (29) lim Sn r(X) =: Sr(X), n--+-oo ' XE ~ (convergence in (29) is uniform on any interval [0, a] C ~), and the limit function Sr(X) is a perfect spline of the order T on ~ having an infinite number of nodes. Now we can formulate the result of Schoenberg and Cavaretta as the foHowing exact inequality: For f E L~(~) (30) We present now a result analogous to Hörmander's inequality (12) for functions f E L~,oo(~)' V. F. BABENKO 88 Given rEN, nE Z+ and a, ß E lI4 denote by S;;,r( .; a, ß) and S;;,r( .; a, ß) the sets of splines of the forms and n r-1 a(t) = -~ t r + (a + ß) I)-1)i-1(t - ~i)+ + 2:avtV, r. respectively, where i=l 0 ~ t ~ 1, v=O o 0 < 6 < .,. < ~n ~ 1 (we set i~ = 0). Note that for E S~r('; a, ß) the derivative a Cr ) takes two values, a and -ß. Moreover, in the interval (0,6), aCr)(x) = a if 0' E S;;r(-;a,ß) and aCr)(x) = -ß if a E S;; r( . ; a, ß)· In the case when a = ß = 1 the set S;; r( . ; a, ß) coincides with the set' of usual perfect splines of the order r having n n~des. 0' Theorem 10. There exist a~~) ( . ) = a~r( .; a, ß) E S~r( .; a, ß) for which (i) exist n + r + 1 points 0 = t± < t~ < ... < t;+r+1 = 1, such that a~~j(ti) = ±(-l)i+ rH lla;,rll oo , i = 1, ... ,n + r + 1; (ii) for k = 0, 1, ... ,r sgn(a;;,r)Ck) (0) = (_1)r-k, (iii) inf <TES;!',rC' ;a,ß) sgn(a~,r)Ck)(O) = (_ly-k+1; 110'1100 = 110';: rlloo. , Given n E Z+ choose .\~: satisfying the condition ( i.e., ('x;y = 1a~r(O; a, ß) I) , ao,r(O; a, ß) and set s;,r(t; a, ß) = (,X;)-r a;,r('xnt; a, ß) , tE (0, (,X;)-1) . Theorem 11. Let r, k E N, nE Z+, 1 ~ k ~ r -1. For functions f E L~,oo(lI4) the following inequalities hold: INEQUALITIES FOR NORMS OF INTERMEDIATE DERIVATIVES 89 Theorem 12. Given rEN, a, ß > 0, there exist splines s~(·; a, ß) of the order r dejined on [0,00), having an injinite number of nodes Yk, k = 1,2, ... , ° = Yo < Yl < Y2 < ... < Yk < "', Yk ~ 00 (k ~ 00), and such that (i) for every k E Z+, we have (s~)(rl (t;a,ß) = a, when t E [Yk,Yk+t) or (s~tl (t;a,ß) = ß, when t E [Yk,YkH)i (ii) for each c > 0, the sequence {s~,r( . ; a, ß)}~=l (all elements of this sequence are dejined on [0, c] for sufficiently large n) converges to s~( . ; a, ß) together with all derivatives of the order ~ r - 1 uniformlyon [0, cl. Letting n ~ 00 in (31) and taking into account Theorem 12 we obtain: Theorem 13. For any r, k E N, 1 ~ k ~ r - 1, and f E L~,oo(ll4) (32) 11 (( -lr- k . f(kl)±IIoo < (( -lt- k . s~)~l (0; IIfyllloo, Ilf~llloo) 1 k/ ((-I)r-k.s;)±(O;llfYllloo,llf~llloo) - r l-klr Eo(f)oo . Both inequalities in (32) are exact. The inequality for ((_I)r-kf(k l )+ becomes an equality if f(t) = A-rst(At;a,ß), A > O. The corresponding inequality for ((-1)r-kf(k l becomes also an equality if f(t) = A-rs:;(At;a,ß), A > O. L 7. Additive Inequalities for U nivariate Functions On the base of Theorem 2 we give a few new additive inequalities. In particular, we state that for aB n, k,p, q, r (33) A*(n, k;p,q,r) = Mn,k(P,q). Take X = L p ( -1,1), Y = L q ( -1,1), F(f) = IIf(nlll r , T = d k /dt k , n, k E N, in Theorem 2, and choose P n - l as H, where Pn - l is the set of all algebraic polynomials of degree less or equal to n - 1. Markov-Nikolskii's inequality for elements from Pn-l, where the functional F(f) vanishes, gives us condition (a) in Theorem 2. Condition (b) can be verified by means of Taylor's formula. Thus, the next theorem holds. Theorem 14. Let 1 ~ p, q, r ~ 00 and k, n E N, k ~ n - 1. For all functions f E L~( -1,1), the next inequality holds (34) where Mn,k = Mn,k(p, q) is best possible constant in Markov-Nikolskii inequality, given by (5), and B n is some constant such that B n ~ as n ~ 00. The constant Mn,k in (34) is best possible. ° Note that, as it is weB known (see, for example [50], [28], [56]) in the case q = p = 00, Mn,k = IIT~~llloo, where Tn-l(t) = cos(n -1)arccost is Chebyshev V.F. BABENKO 90 polynomial of the first kind. Using results from [28], [56], in the case p = q = 00 we can replace the norm IIxll oo on the right in (34) by the value max If(tk)l, where k tk = cos(k1r /(n - 1)), k = 0,1, ... ,n - 1. Observe also ([19]) that for arbitrary nE N, q E [1,00], and p = 00, Mn,l = IIT~_lllq. We refer the reader to [41] and [52] for other known results on the best possible constants in the inequalities of Markov-Nikolskii type. Now we present some inequalities which have been obtained with the help of more delicate results on simultaneous approximation of functions and their derivatives by algebraic polynomials. Let f E C[-I, 1] and !11f(x) = f(x +~) - f(x - ~), As usual we suppose that !1fJ(x) = 0, if at least one of the points x ± ih/2 do not belong to [-1,1]. Let also cp(t) = Vf=t2 and Pn(t) = n- 1 (n- 1 + cp(t)) = n- 2 + n- 1 Vf=t2. For 0 ~ A ~ 1 set ([26]) w~>.(f, t) = sup . sup O~h9 zE[-l,l] 1!1~<p>'(z/(x)l. It is obvious that for A = 0 we obtain the usual modulus of continuity of the order i for a function f (see, for example, [29, p. 160]). We now set in Theorem 2, X = Y = C[-I,I], Tf = f(k), H = P n and F(f) = w~>.(f, I/n). Note that if (35) M(n,s,k):= sup P n E'Pn ,Pn 1'O IIp;:;-s+k PAk) 1100 IIp;:;-sPnll oo then in view of Dziadyk's inequality ([29, p. 262]) (36) M(s, k) := sup M(n, s, k) < 00 . nEN Using (36) and results from [27] we obtain the next theorem. Theorem 15. For any i, s, k, nE N, k < s, n ~ s + i-I, any A E [0,1], and any function f, which is s times differentiable on [-1, 1], the inequality holds, where the constants M(n, s, k) are dejined in (34) and, in view of (35), they are uniformly bounded in n by M(s, k), and B = B(k, s, i) is sorne constant not depending on fand n. For jixed s, i and n (= s + i-I), the constant M(n, s, k) in (37) is best possible, i.e., for considered X, Y, T, F, A*(X, Y, T, F) = M(n, s, k). Inequalities (37) make more delicate Besov inequalities [15]. INEQUALITIES FOR NORMS OF INTERMEDIATE DERIVATIVES 91 8. Additive Inequalities for Differentiable Mappings of Banach Spaces Let X and Y be Banach spaces over the field IR of real numbers. Given n E N we denote by Ln(X, Y) the space of an n-linear (Le., linear in each variable when other variables are fixed) and bounded operators F : xn -+ Y, where xn is the Descartes product of n copies of the space X. In particular, L(X, Y) = LI (X, Y) is the space of an linear bounded operators F : X -+ Y. The norm of an operator FE Ln(X, Y) is defined by 1IFIIcn(x,y) := sup{IIF(XI, ... ,xn)lIy : Xi EX, IIxllx ~ 1, i = 1, ... ,n}. Given a non-empty open bounded set U C X and mapping f : U -+ Y of the dass C n = Cn(U; Y), let f(k) be kth derivative mapping for f (we refer the reader to [24, Ch. 1] for the concept of the theory of difIerentiable mappings of Banach spaces). As it is known for any n ~ 2 the natural isometry L(X; Ln-l (X, Y)) ~ Ln (X, Y) takes place. In view of this isometry, we can understand the kth derivative mapping for f as a mapping For f E Cn(U; y) we set IIlflllu = sup IIf(x)lIy xEU and (1 ~ k ~ n). (38) We will discuss a question concerning the existence of the constants A and B such that the inequality (38) holds for any function f E Cn(U; Y), 1 ~ k < n, and fixed n. Also, we will deal with the quest ion on exact constants in this inequality. We will show that the question concerning the principal possibility of inequality (38) is dosely connected to the possibility of the Markov type inequality for polynomial mappings from X to Y and the exact constant in such a Markov type inequality gives us the best possible constant A in (38). Denote by P n (X, Y) the space of polynomial mappings from X to Y (polynomials ) of degree at most n, i.e., the space of an mappings Pn : X -+ Y of the form (see [24, Ch. 1]) n Pn(x) = L Uj(X, ... ,X), j=O 92 V. F. BABENKO where Uj E .cj(X, Y) for j ~ 1, and Uo is the constant mapping X in Y (homogeneous polynomial of degree 0). Note that if Pn E Pn(X, Y) and 0 ::; k ::; n, then p~k) E Pn-k(X, .ck(X, Y)). For fixed n, k E N, k < n, and any bounded open set U C X let Mn,k(U, Y) := sup{IIIP~k) IIlu : Pn E Pn(X, Y), IIIPnlllu::; 1}. H X = Y = IR, and U = (a,b) C IR, then Mn,k(U,Y) is an exact constant in Markov inequality. In the general case, finiteness of Mn,k(U, Y) means that for polynomials from Pn(X, Y) an inequality of Markov type (39) IIIP~k)IIlu ::; MIIIPnlllu holds, and in this case Mn,k(U, Y) is an exact constant in inequality (39). It is obvious that if there exist numbers A and B such that inequality (38) holds true for any f E Cn(U, Y), then Mn-1,k(U, Y) ::; A < 00, and consequently, for polynomials from P n - 1 (X, Y), inequality (39) holds. H the set U is star, then the converse statement is also true. Theorem 16. Let U C X be an open, bounded set which is star with respect to some 01 its points, n, k E N, k < n. 11 Mn-1,k(U, Y) < 00, then there exists B > 0 such that lor any 1 E Cn(U, Y) (40) IIlf(k)IIlu ::; Mn-1,k(U, Y)IIlflllu + Blllf(n)IIlu. The constant Mn-1,k(U, Y) in (40) is best possible in the sense that Mn-1,k(U, Y) = inf A, where the infimum is taken over all A such that there exists a constant B such that inequality (38) holds true lor all f E Cn(U, Y). Note that if U is a non-empty, open, bounded convex set, and R(U) = inf Ra(U) = inf sup \Ix - a\l aEU aEU xEU is the Chebyshev radius of the set U, then, for the constant B in inequality (40), the following estimate R(u)n R(u)n-k (41) B ::; Mn-1,k(U, Y) - n. , - + ( _ k)' n . is true. From the results of [1], it follows that if U is a non-empty, open, bounded convex set, and r(U) = sup{r ~ 0 : 3x EU, B(x, r) C U} , where B(x, r) is open ball of radius r with the center x, then for the exact constant Mn,l (U, Y) the following estimates are valid n2 4n 2 (42) r(U) ::; Mn,l (U, Y) ::; r(U) , where the left inequality is obtained under the additional assumption that a set U is centrally symmetrie. Comparing Theorem 16, relations (42), and inequality (41), we obtain the next result: INEQUALITIES FOR NORMS OF INTERMEDIATE DERIVATIVES 93 Theorem 17. If U C X is a non-empty, open, bounded convex set, then for every fE Cn(U, Y), 111f'lllu ::; 4(n - 1)2 IIlfillu + (4(n _1)2 R(u)n + R(u)n-l) IIlf(nlill u . r(U) r(U) n! (n - 1)! In [1, Theorem 3) an inequality was proved for the norm of the derivative of a polynomial mapping IIP~(x),Yl' that takes into aeeount a loeation of the point x. Namely, given a non-empty, open, bounded eonvex set U C X, a point Xo E U, and a number w E (0,1), denote by Uw(xo) the w-eontraetion of U with respeet to the point xo, Le., the set Xw - Xo- EU. } Uw = { x EX: Xo + Let also, for Xo, xE U, r(xo) = sup{r > 0 : B(xo, r) CU}, p(x, xo) = inf{w ~ 0 : xE Uw(xo)}. Then (see [1 J) (43) IIP~(x),Yl ::; 3b(x)nlllPnlllu, where b(x) = inf 1 xoEU r(xoh,!I- p(x,xo) Now, from Theorem 2 and inequality (43), we obtain the estimate for the norm of the mapping f(x) that takes into aeeount the loeation of the argument x. Theorem 18. Let U C X be a non-empty, open, bounded convex set. For given n E N there exists B > 0 such that for every f E Cn(U, Y) and any x E U IIf'(x)ll.ctCx,Yl ::; min { 4(~(;~)2 ,3b(x)(n - 1)} IIlfillu + Blllf(nlill u . For given m, nE N, we denote by W~(( -1, l)m) the dass of real-valued functions fE L oo (-l, l)m that have, for any multiindex a = (al, ... ,am) E Z+ such that lai = n, a Sobolev generalised derivative DOt f belonging to L oo ( -1, l)m. Set for k E N, k ::; n, and let for n, k E N, k < n, where Pn,m = Pn(IRm ,lR) is the set of all algebraic polynomials in m variables and of degree at most n in the sense that surn of degrees in every rnonornial is less or equal to n. Using Theorem 16, we ean obtain the following result: V.F. BABENKO 94 Theorem 19. Let k, m, nE N, k < n. Then tor each function / E W~(( -1, l)m) the inequality (44) holds, with some constant B, independent 0/ /. Moreover, the constant M~-l,k in (44) is the best possible. Finally, observe that and * -M n-l,n-l IIT(n-I)11 -- 2n - 2 ( n - 1)'.. n-l Loo(-l,l) - T(n-l) n-l References 1. A. v. Andrianov, Analogs of inequalities of A. Markov and S. Bernstein for polynomials in Banaeh spaces, Mat. Zametki 52 (1992), 15-20. (Russian) [Engl. Trans.: Math. Notes 52 (1992), 1088-1093]. 2. V. V. Arestov, Inequalities for fraetional derivatives on the half-line, Approximation Theory, Banach Center Publications, Vol. 4, PWN, Warsaw, 1979, pp. 19-34. 3. V. F. Babenko, Exaet inequalities for the norms of conjugate functions and their applieations, Ukrain. Mat. Zh. 39 (1987), 139-144 (Russian) [Engl. Trans.: Ukrainian Math. J. 39 (1987), 115-119]. 4. ___ , Extremal problems in approximation theory and inequalities for rearrangements, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 290 (1986),1033-1036 (Russian) [Engl. Trans.: Soviet Math. 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Purely one dimensional results are omitted. No proofs are given. Frequently we refer to textbooks rather than original sourees. General references are P6lya and Szegö [73], Morrey [59], Giaquinta [33-34], Gilbarg and Trudinger [35], Kufner, John and Fucik [49], Ziemer [94]. We hope that this table will be useful to other mathematicians working in these fields and a stimulus to study some of the subjects more deeply. 1. Introduction 1.1. NOTATIONS Unless otherwise stated 0 is a bounded, connected domain in Rn with Lipschitz boundary. The exterior unit normal is denoted by 1/, the distance of a point from the boundary by d(x) := inf{lx - Yl : Y i. !1}. The letter c stands for a generic constants which is independent of the functions involved, c stands for a positive constant that may be arbitrarily small and e E (0,1) an interpolation parameter. The positive part of a function is u+ := max(u,O). For a set A c Rn we denote by lAI and laAI its volume and surface area in the sense of Hausdorff measure. B~ is a ball in Rn of radius p centered at x. The symmetrized domain 0* is a ball centered at the origin having the same volume as O. The volume and surface of the unit ball are Let u 0 --* R be a measurable function. The function u*(a) := sup{t : 1{lul ~ t}1 ~ a} 1991 Mathematics Subject Classijication. Primary 35Jxxj Secondary 49N60, 35K85. Key words and phrases. Elliptic partial differential equationsj Calculus of variationsj Isoperimetrie inequalities. 97 G.v. Milovanovic (ed.), Recent Progress in Inequalities, 97-125. © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. C. BANDLE AND M. FLUCHER 98 is ealled decreasing rearrangement of u. The funetion defined on n* is ealled Schwarz symmetrization of the positive funetion u. It is radially symmetrie and lu* > tl = Ilul > tl for every t ~ O. The relative capacity of a set A c n is defined as eapn (A) := min {k l\7ul u ~ 1 on B, Ac B, B open} 2 : u E HJ, and eap (A) := eaplRn (A). The minimum is attained by the capacity potential of A. 1.2. FUNCTION SPACES All functions (with a few exeeptions) are sealar functions defined on O. Sequenees are denoted by (Ui). Integrals are taken with respeet to Lebesgue measure. The mean value of a function is denoted by Convergenee almost everywhere with respect to Lebesgue measure is abbreviated as a.e. The convolution ot two functions given on all of jRn is defined as In The space LP is endowed with norm lIull~ := lul P , where 1 ~ p < 00. A sequence (Ui) of LI functions is said to be equi-integrable if lim sup { IUil = 0 i JA IAI--+o or Moreover one says that Ui ~ u in measure if I {x : IUi - ul ~ c} I ~ 0 for every c > O. The dual exponent p' of pE [1,00] is defined by the relation I/p+ I/p' = 1. The Sobolev space Hk,p is given by the norm Ilult,p:= L i IDauI P• lal9 n If p = 2 we write Hk := Hk,2. in the ease of Orlicz spaces the power functions is replaced by a more general N-function A(t):= 1 t a with a positive, strictly increasing, upper semi-continuous function a with a(O) = O. The dual N-function is defined as Ä(t):= 1 t a- I . TABLE OF INEQUALITIES IN ELLIPTIC BVP 99 If A(2t) ~ cA(t) for large t, then IluliA := inf { c > 0:kA ~ ~ I} , 0 Ilullk,A:= L IIDoullA 1019 defines a norm on the Orlicz space LA and the Sobolev-Orlicz space Hk,A. In particular u E LA if and only if k Aou < 00. Another important generalization of LP are the Lorentz spaces L(p, q) on !Rn given by 1 lIull q (p,q) := 0 00 (t1/P-1/q-1 1 t 0 u*) q dt, ._ supt 1/p-1 lIull(p,oo) .t>o l 0 t U*, with u* as in Section 1.1. If 1 < p, q < 00 this norm is equivalent to 1 00 t q/ p- 1u.(t)qdt. In particular L(P,p) = LP(!Rn ) [94]. Campanato spaces are given by the norm The John-Nirenberg space of functions of bounded mean oscillation can be defined as BMO := LP,n. On !Rn defines a norm if we identify functions whose difference is a constant. The Hardy space 11. 1 on !Rn can be defined as folIows. For f E L 1 (!Rn) define r IIfllw:= JR dx sup I [ d! cP(~) f(y)1 ' ö>o JRn e e where cP E Co(B~) is a mollifying kernel with A Different 4> lead to equivalent norms. References on Hardy spaces are [26], [81], [77]. We follow [63]. A local Hardy space was introduced by Goldberg [36]. An embedding of normed spaces, denoted by X c Y, is a bounded linear injection j E .c(X, Y). If j is a compact map we write X ce Y. C. BANDLE AND M. FLUCHER 100 1.3. BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS In the most general case we consider uniformly elliptic operators of the form n Lu:= - L i,j=l a2 n a i=l X. aij{x) a .; . + Lbö(x) au. +c{x)u X. xJ defined for u E H I . Several estimates deal with the Dirichlet problem (I) Lu = f in 0, u = 0 on ao, which is the prototype of an elliptic boundary value problem. The natural space for its solutions is HJ where the subscript refers to homogeneous Dirichlet boundary values. The corresponding principal Dirichlet eigenvalue is denoted by >'1. For simplicity most results are stated for the Laplacian although they carry over to more general elliptic operators. The Dirichlet Green's function Gy is the solution of -!J.G y = 8y in 0, Gy = 0 on ao, where 8y is the Dirac distribution with singularity at y. 2. LP-spaces Most inequalities of this section are proved in standard books on functional analysis (see e.g. [1), [3]). 2-1 Cauchy-Schwarz's inequality: 2-2 Hölder's inequality: If 1 ~ P ~ 00 then with the Orlicz norm as defined in Section 1.2 [1, p. 237]. If l/p = I/PI + l/p2 and l/q = l/ql + l/q2 then II U lU211(p,q) ~ lI u dl(Pl,Ql)ll u 211(P2,q2)· In fact the dual space of the Lorentz space L(p, q) is L(p', q') [94]. 2-3 Calderon's lemma: If PI ~ P2 then hence LP2 C LP1. If ql ~ q2 then TABLE OF INEQUALITIES IN ELLIPTIC BVP hence L(p, ql) C L(p, q2) [94, p. 37]. 2-4 Young's inequality: [46]. If 1 < P < 00 then , inr uv ::; p~lIull: + ~lIvll:: p 10 uv ::; cllull: + p;,1 c1/(1-P)llvll:: , 10 uv ::; 10 A u + In Ä v , 0 0 where A is an N-function with dual Ä as defined in Section 1.2 and u, v 2: o. 2-5 Bank's inequality: [11, p. 69]. If Ul, U2, 4> E L 2 with 2-6 Jensen's inequality: If 4> 2: 0 is convex then 2-7 Minkowski's inequality: 2-8 Clarkson's inequalities: [4, p. 89]. Ilu + vII: + Ilu - vii: ::; 2P-l (Ilull: + Ilvll:) , 2::; p < 00 , Ilu + vII:' + Ilu - vii:' 2: 2(llull: + Ilvll:)P'-l, 2::; p < 00, lIu + vii:' + Ilu - vii:' ::; 2(llull: + Ilvll:)P'-l, lIu + vii: + Ilu - vII: 2: 2P-l (Ilull: + Ilvll:) , 1< p::; 2, 1 < p ::; 2. 2-9 Interpolation inequality: [35, p. 146]. If p ::; r ::; q and 1 () 1-(} r p q -2:-+--, then 101 C. BANDLE AND M. FLUCHER 102 2-10 Riesz-Thorin theorem: [45). If a linear operator T satisfies with 1 1- (I (I P Po PI - = - - + -, then 0 ~ (I ~ 1, IITullq ~ c~-8 cf Ilulip . 2-11 Convolution inequality: [4, p. 89), [94, p. 96). If 1 1 P 1 q-l - = - + --, r 1 ~ P, q ~ 00, then with u * v as in Section 1.2. If 11111 1 - = - + - - 1 and - = - + - , P PI P2 q ql q2 then IIUI *U211(p,q) ~ 3pllulll(Pl,qtlllu211(P2,q2)' If one of the factors is the Riesz kernel K),,{x) := Ixl-)" then K)" E L{n/>.., 00) and 2-12 Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequality: If 0< >.. < n, 1 < P < n/{n - >") and l/p + >../n = l/q + 1, then 2-13 Hardy-Littlewood maximal function theorem: [82, pp. 55-58). The maximal function Mu{x) := sup IB1 I [ lul p>O p JB~ of u E LI satisfies 2-14 Hardy inequality: [45), [94, p. 35). If P > 1, r > 0, 11:1: u U{x):= - x 0 for x< 0 TABLE OF INEQUALITIES IN ELLIPTIC BVP l and eu O(x) := sup -c-1 e>x .. - x x 103 x E IR, for then and 2-15 Hardy inequalities in one dimension: If 1(0) = 0 then 11 ~ ~ 41111'1 1 2 1 2 • More generally, if a > 2k - 1 then 1 00 o X",-2k 111 2 < 4k - (1 - a)2 ... (2k - 1 - a)2 If a < 1 and l(i) (0) = 0 for i = 0,1, ... ,k - 1, then 1 1 00 0 x'" II(k) 12 • 1 00 X",-2k 111 2 < 4k x'" II(k) 12 • - (1 - a)2 ... (2k - 1 - a)2 0 2-16 Hardy inequalities in higher dimensions: [65]. If p > 1 then 00 o kl ~ I ~ P C kl'Vu lP for all u E H~'P(O), d = distance from boundary, C ~ {P/{P - 1))p. For convex domains c = (p/{P - I))P. In three dimensions [ lul 2 < 4 [ l'Vul 2 in 1 + Ixl 2 - in for every u E HJ(O). If P"l- n and 0"1- n then [lul P (p)P ( in Ixlp ~ In - pi in l'Vul P for u E H~'P(O), whereas klxln1~:l~lxl/r) ~ (n: 1) kl'Vuln n for u E H~,n(Rn \ Bfir). 2-17 Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequality: [45]. If 1 < P < n/2 then the solution u = K n - 2 * 1 of -~u = 1 satisfies lIullnp/(n-2p) ~ cn,pll~ullp' 2-18 Monotonicity of p-Laplacian: If p ~ 2 then (lV'ulp-2V'u -1V'vIP-2'Vv) . (V'u - 'Vv) ~ cpl'Vu - 'Vv1 2 (I'VuI P- 2+ l'VvI P- 2) with cp ~ C2 = 1/2 and cp = 1 for p ~ 3. 104 C. BANDLE AND M. FLUCHER 3. Convergence Theorems in LP 3-1 Lebesgue's differentiation theorem: [43]. If U E LI then JB~ = u(x) lim IB\I [ p-to x U for a.e. x E n. 3-2 Absolute continuity theorem: If U E LI and c > 0 then for all A c n with lAI< <5(c). 3-3 Lusin's continuity theorem: If U E LI and c > 0 then U is uniformly continuous on n \ E with lEI< c. 3-4 Egoroff's theorem: If Ui --t U a.e. (all measurable) and c > 0 then Ui --t U uniformlyon n\E with lEI< c. 3-5 Lebesgue's convergence theorem: If Ui --t U a.e. and IUil ~ Vi --t V in LI then 3-6 Vitali's convergence theorem: [3]. If (Ui) is equi-integrable and Ui --t U in measure then Ui --t U in LI. If Ui E LP, Ui --t U a.e., and (uD is equi-integrable then Ui --t U in LP. 3-7 Fatou's lemma: [3]. If Ui ~ 0 then In liminfui ~ liminf If Ui ~ Vi --t V in LI then also limsup In ~ In Ui In Ui· limsupui' 4. Sobolev Spaces Most inequalities of this section can be found in [59], [1], [49], (35), [53), [94]. 4-1 Poincare's inequalities: (a) For every u E HJ 105 TABLE OF INEQUALITIES IN ELLIPTIC BVP (b) For every u E H~'P lIullp ~ C IIVulip . (c) For every u E H I and B~ C 0 (d) [59]. If 0< 0< 1 then for every u E H I with I{u = O}I 2:: 0101. (e) [31, p. 15]. If u vanishes on a set of non-vanishing capacity then klIu 1~ 2 cap({: = O}) kIVuI 2 . (f) [20]. If u E HJ(O x IRm ) then (g) If 0 bounded in one direction then for every u E H I . (h) A one dimensional version is Wirtinger's inequality: If u E H I (O,27f) is periodic with vanishing mean value then Equality holds if and only if u(t) = a cos t + bsin t [87], [15]. 4-2 Gärding's inequality: [34, p. 7-9]. If A is a uniformly positive definite matrix and A E Loo, bELn and d E Ln/2 then there is a constant Cl > 0 such that k Vu· A(x)Vu + 2u b(x) . Vu + d(x)uv 2:: Cl kIVul + klul 2 C2 2 for every u E H I . The same is true for systems with continuous A satisfying the Legendre Hadamard condition. C. BANDLE AND M. FLUCHER 106 4-3 Korn's inequality: [93]. In terms of the symmetrie gradient k + lul 2 1 E: = - (Du + DuT ) , 2 k Tr (ETE) for u E HJ(n,JRn ), IIDulip ~ c(llull p + IIEll p) for u E HP(n, jRn) . IDul 2 ~ c 4-4 Poincare's inequality for capacity potentials: [28]. Let (Ui) be a sequence of capacity potentials with cap (Ai) -+ 0 and p < 2n/(n - 2). Then IIUilip IIV'Uill p -+ O. 4-5 Gagliardo-Nirenberg's inequality: [32], [64], [4, p. 38]. 1 lIulln/(n-l) ~ 211 V' u 1l 1 for every u E H~,l. This implies: If ()/p + (1 - ())/q = () then lIulln/9(n-l) ~ (2()) -911V'ull!lIull!-9 for every u E H~'p. 4-6 Ehrling-Browder's inequality: [1]. If kik' ~ () ~ 1 and ! = ~ + () n p (.!. _ + p' kl ) n 1 - () , q then If n = 2 then lIullp ~ c lIV'ull~-l/Pllull~/p . For n ~ 3 Sobolev's inequality follows. 4-7 Sobolev's inequalities: (a) [65], [3]. If 1 ~ p < n/k then Ilulinp/(n-kp) ~ c(IIDkuli p + Ilullp) for all u E H1,p(jRn). (b) [4, p. 39]. If 1 ~ p < n then p - 1 ( n _ p ) l/p lIullnp/(n_p) ~ n _ p n(p _ 1) x X ( r(n + 1) ) l/n r(n/p)r(n + 1 _ n/p)18B1 1 lIV'ull p 107 TABLE OF INEQUALITIES IN ELLIPTIC BVP for u E H~'p. Extremal functions are of the form u(x) = ( C + Ix - xo IP/(P-l) ) l-n/p . (c) [29]. If 0> 0 then Il uI1 2n/(n-2) ::; collV' ul1 2 for every u E HJ with I{u = O}I ;::: 0101· (d) If 0< 0: < k - n/p then (e) If I/p' = l/p - (k - k')/n, k;::: k' ;::: 0 and 1 ::; p ::; p' then Ilullk"p' ::; C Ilullk,p . 4-8 Weighted Sobolev inequality: [53]. If p ;::: 2, n + 0: > 0, ß/2 ;::: o:/p, 0: + n/p = ß + (n - 2)/2 (special homogeneity) and u = 0 on ao then If ao is Lipschitz and 1 < P < 00 then 10 luIPd(x)"'-P ::; 10 lV'uIPd(x)'" if > P 10 luI Pd(x)-1+ 10 lV'uIPd(x)'" if > P - 1 0: C e ::; Ce 1, 0: for every E > 0 [48]. 4-9 Generalized Sobolev inequality: [27]. If 0::; f(7) ::; CI71 2n /(n-2) then where Si := sup {ln f(v) : V E C,:"'(IRn ), IIV'v11 2 ::; I} . This statement can be localized. For every f, > 0 there is an optimal ratio k(f,) such that C. BANDLE AND M. FLUCHER 108 for every p/R ~ k(8), x ERn, and u E D 1 ,2(Rn). 4-10 Traces: [3, p. 168]. If 1 ~ p < 00 then { ian ~ e (IVuI P , i.e. H1,p c LP(an). in The embedding is compact for p < 00 and continuous for p = 00. [1, p. 114], [46, p. 328 and 337]. If an is Ck then Hk,p C L(n-l)P/n-kp(an) Hk,p C U(an) if kp< n, for every q if kp ~ n, H1,p c H1-1/p,p(an). If M is am-dimensional submanifold of 0 and j5 < mp/(n - (k - k)p) then Hk,p C Hk,P(M n 0) . 5. Critical Sobolev Embeddings In this section we consider the spaces Hk,p with kp = n. In this case the measure IID kull pdx which contributes to the leading term of the norm is conformally invariant. By Sobolev's theorem Hk,p ce U for every q < 00 but Hk,p ~ LOO. See Section 1.2 for definitions of spaces and norms. 5-1 Poincare-Sobolev inequality for BMO functions: If p < 00 then If kp = n then lIull BMo ~ e lIullk,p' 5-2 Orlicz' inequality: [4, p. 63]. In exp(u) ~ e exp (a llu ln + ß llvuln) 5-3 Strichartz's inequality: [1, p. 242]. If n = kp and A(t) := exp (tP/(P-l)) - 1, then lI u llA ~ ellullk,p' 5-4 Trudinger-Moser's inequality: [4, p. 65]. l exp (nlaBlll/(n-l)luln/(n-l)) ~ elnl, In exp (41l'u ~ elnl (n = 2) 2) TABLE OF INEQUALITIES IN ELLIPTIC BVP 109 for every u E H~,n with IIVulin ~ 1. 5-5 Orlicz-Sobolev embedding: [1, p. 252]. If 1 00 I A(t) t(n+1)/n dt < 00, then for every u E HI,A. n fact u is continuous. 5-6 Wente's inequality: [91], [41]. For /,g, hE H I (JR2 ) one has 5-7 Higher integrability of J acobians: [24], [56], [62]. If u E HI,n(JRn, JRn) then IIdet Dull1il ~ c IIDull~n . 5-8 Fefferman-Stein duality: [26], [77), [88). J/g ~ 1I/llwllgII C BMO · In fact BMO is the dual space of 11 1 . 6. Maximum and Comparison Principles In this section all functions are supposed to be C 2 (except for the weak maximum principle) . 6-1 Maximum principle: [74), [35). If ßu+g(·,u) ~ ßv+g(·,v) in 0 and u ~ von ao. (a) If 9 (x,·) is non-increasing for every x, then u~v in O. (b) If in addition 9 (x,·) is Lipschitz and u -:j:. v then u>v in O. (c) If 0 satisfies an interior ball condition and if u(x) = v(x) for some xE ao and u -:j:. v, then au av av (x) < av (x) . (d) If (-ß - A)u ~ 0 with u = 0 on ao, A < Al and u -:j:. 0 then u > 0 in O. C. BANDLE AND M. FLUCHER 110 6-2 Weak maximum principle: [35, p. 179]. H u E Hl is subharmonic (10 "Vu"VljJ::; 0 for all ljJ E HJ,ljJ ~ 0), then sup u ::; sup u+ . o ao 6-3 Giraud's maximum principle: [58]. H an is Hölder continuous -Au::; 0 and u assurnes its maximum at a point x E an, then lu(x) - u(y)1 ::; clx - Yl for every yEn. 6-4 Bernstein type inequalities: (a) HAu = 0, then AI"VuI 2 ~ 0 and the maximum of l"Vul 2 is attained on an. (b) [71]. H Lu = 0 then for some constant c the maximum of l"Vul 2 + clul 2 is attained on an. (c) [53], [75]. Let u be the solution of the torsion problem - Au = 1 in n u = 0 on an. Then the maximum of l"Vul 2 + 21ul 2 is attained on an. 6-5 Payne-Philippin maximum principle: [70]. Let u be a solution of the elliptic problem "V. (g (I"VuI 2 ) "Vu) + P (l"VuI 2 ) f (u) = 0 in n, with g (t) + 2tg' (t) > O. Define P (x):= r'Vu(x W g (~) 10 + 2~g' (~) p (~) r(x) d~ + 2 10 f ('TJ) d'TJ. Then the maximum of P is attained on an or at a critical point of u. 6-6 Miranda's biharmonic maximum principle: [57]. H n is sufficiently smooth and A 2 u = 0 then max l"Vul 2 - uAu is attained at the boundary. 6-7 Boundary blow up: [50], [13]. H Au ~ u P then u(x) ::; cljJ(d(x)) u(x) -ljJ(d(x)) ::; c where ~(t) ,~ (t;~: ifp>l, ifp>3, 1)) -2/1.-1) 6-8 Whitney's inequality: [76]. Given a domain n there exists a function d E COO(n) such that l"Vdl is bounded and 1 - - d ::; d ::; cd, c TABLE OF INEQUALITIES IN ELLIPTIC BVP 111 7. Elliptic Regularity Theory We start with the weakest hypothesis on Lu. 7-1 Weinberger's inequalities: [90]. Let Lu := V . A (x) Vu be an elliptic operator in divergence form and A := inf Al (A). (1 Then the Dirichlet Green's function Gy of L satisfies: p 2 cp,n ..!.lnI II G y 11 pi < A /n-l/ ' where and ß is the beta function [18]. For p > n II VGY 11 pi <_ Cp,n Alnl l / n - l / p , where Cp,n := IBII- I / n (; =~ r- l p / nl/n-':'IP. For the Laplacian equality holds when n is a ball centered at x. As a consequence the solution of (1) satisfies If f = V . v, then 7-2 Grisvard's inequality: [37-38], [54]. If an is smooth, -ßu E L 2 and avu E H I / 2 then 7-3 Regularity in Lorentz spaces: If f E L(p.q) with 1 < p < n/2 and ßu = f in !Rn then u = Uo + h with -ßh = 0 and Il u OIl(np/(n-2p),q) ~ cllfll(p,q)' This follows by convolution with K n - 2 (x) = Ixl-(n-2) and the Hardy-LittlewoodSobolev inequality. C. BANDLE AND M. FLUCHER 112 7-4 Regularity in Hardy spaces: [26]. If f E 11 1 and -Au = f in IRn then u = Uo + h with -Ah = 0 and In two dimensions also 7-5 Riesz operators: The operators -A-1a·a· . LP -t, LP L oo -t BMO , • J. BMO -t BMO, are bounded. 7-6 Calder6n-Zygmund's inequality: [35, Lemma 9. 17]. If an is 00, and u E H 2 ,p n HJ, then e2 , 1 < P < 7-7 Meyers' inequality: [55]. If Ais bounded and Ip - 21 small enough, then lIulll,p ~ C 1IV'(AV'u)lI-l,p. 7-8 Regularity theorem for smooth operators: [4, p. 85]. If L has e oo coefficients, k ~ 0, 1 < P < 00 and 0 < a < 1, then Ilullk+2,p ~ C IILullk,p , lIullck+2+o< ~ C IILullck+o< . 7-9 Schauder estimates: [3], [34, p. 48-53]. If an is e2+ a then lI u ll c loc 2+O< ~ c{lI u llLoo + 11 Au 11 Co< ) , lIV'ullcO< ~ c{lI u llp + IIAullcO<) , Il ull c2+o< ~ c{lIullco + IIAullcO< + lI ullc2+O«öo)) . If L has trivial kernel then 7-10 Cordes-Nirenberg's inequality: [4]. 7-11 De Giorgi-Nash-Moser regularity theorem: [60], [33, p. 53]. If u is a weak solution of V' . A(x)V'u = 0 with uniformly positive A E Loo and n' ce n then TABLE OF INEQUALITIES IN ELLIPTIC BVP 113 for some a > O. 1-12 Campanato's theorem: [49], [33, pp. 70-72], [34, p. 41]. If 0< a < 1 and r lu - uB~IP ~ cpn+o p, JB~ then If n < A ~ n + p then Ilul!c>,-n/p ~ IluIlLp,A' In fact LP'>" = c>..-n/p are isomorphie. 1-13 Morrey's Dirichlet growth theorem: [33-34]. If a > 0, u E Hl~: and r lV'ul ~ P JB~ cpn-p+op for every ball, then u E Cl~c' 1-14 John-Nirenberg's inequality: [81], [35]. For p < 00 and 7 > 0 one has 1;~ll~ lu - uB~IP ~ cpllull~MO' I {y E B~ : 1u(y) - uB~ I> 7} I ~ c11B~1 exp (-llu~:~o) . If n is eonvex, u E H 1 ,1, for all balls then 10 exp (blu - unI) ~ clnl· 1-15 Estimates for the Green's function near the boundary: The Diriehlet Green's function of a seeond order uniformly elliptie operator L with C 1 ,0_ eoeffieients on a C 1 ,0 domain satisfies with positive eonstants Cl, C2, and Ix - g(x, y) = 2-n' y1 (1 d(X)d(Y)) mm, Ix-y 12 (n ;::: 3), Iog (1 + d(X)d(Y)) IX-Y 12 (n = 2), y'd(x)d(y) min( 1, y'~(~~~y) ) (n = 1). (see: G. Sweers, Positivity jor a strongly coupled elliptic system by Green's junction estimates, J. Geometrie Analysis 4 (1994), 121-142). 114 C. BANDLE AND M. FLUCHER 8. Further Integral Inequalities for Solutions of Elliptic Differential Equations 8-1 Mean value properties: If -ßu :::; 0 then whenever Bg C n. If -ßu = 0 then 1 ID"'u(x)1 :::; c'" pn/2+I"'lllullL2(B~) . If n = 2 and -ßu:::; Ke u then für p small enüugh. Best constants are known [8]. 8-2 Harnack's inequality: [35]. If -ßu = 0, u > 0 in n and K ce n then sup u < c inf u . K - K 8-3 Weak Harnaek inequality: [62], [35, p. 194]. If u ~ 0, 1 < P < n/(n - 2) and q > n then 8-4 Caecioppoli's inequality: [33, p. 77]. If -ßu = 0 then 8-5 Reverse Hölder inequality: [33, p. 119, 136]. If -ßu = 0 then für p > 2. 8-6 Monotonicity formula for harmonie maps: [78]. If u : n -+ jRn is a harmonie map and R ~ p then TABLE OF INEQUALITIES IN ELLIPTIC BVP 115 8-7 Kato's inequality: [46, Lemma 9]. If U E C 2 , <P E Co, <P ~ 0, then l ~<plul ~ l sign(u)<p~u. 8-8 Inequality for sub- and supersolutions: [52]. A pointwise maximum (minimum) of subsolutions (supersolutions) of Lu = f is a subsolution (supersolution). The same is true for H 1 solutions. 8-9 Pohozaev identity: [83]. If in n, -~u j'(u) then n; 2l 12 - l lV'U n If n is starshaped, then u = 0 on an, f 0 u+~ hn lV'ul 2x . v = O. 9. Calculus of Variations 9-1 Direct method: [83, p. 4]. A weakly lower semicontinuous coercive functional on a reflexive Banach space attains its minimum. Le. if F( Ui) -t inf Fand Ui --'" U weakly then F(u) ::5 liminf F(Ui) = inf F. 9-2 Weak lower semi-continuity of norm: If (Ui) is a bounded sequence in a reflexive Banach space then Ui --'" U weakly for a subsequence. If Ui --'" U weakly in a Banach space then lIulI ::5 liminf IIUill· If Ui --'" U weakly and IIUili -t Ilull in a uniformly convex Banach space then Ui -t u. 9-3 Brezis-Lieb's lemma: [18]. If a bounded sequence (Ui) in LP converges pointwise a.e. to a function U then liminf Ilui - ulI: = liminf Iluill: -lIulI:· 9-4 Maximal distance to weak LP-limits: [27]. If Ui --'" U weakly in LP then liminf IIUi - ulI: :::; c liminf Iluill: with c = max (aV- 1 + (1 - a)V-l) (a1/(V-l) + (1 _ a)l/(V-l»)V-l O~o:9 9-5 Semicontinuity theorem: [33, pp. 23-25], [34, p. 13]. If fE C(n, IR.m , is bounded below and convex in the last argument, Ui --'" U weakly in Hl~'~ or Ui -t U in Lfoc then C. BANDLE AND M. FLUCHER 116 10. Compactness Theorems 10-1 Ascoli's compactness theorem: [3]. If (Ui) is a bounded sequence of equi-continuous functions in C(K) with compact K then Ui -t U in C(K) for a subsequence. 10-2 Dunford-Pettis compactness criterion: [3, p. 176]. If the sequence (Ui) is bounded and equi-integrable in Li then for a subsequence. 10-3 Frechet-Kolmogorov compactness theorem: Suppose (Ui) is a bounded sequence in LP with p < 00. If for every ca compact set K ce n exists such that s~p IIUiIlLP(fl\K) < c • and s~p then • Ilui(· - h) - uill p -t 0 as h -t 0, for a subsequence. 10-4 Rellich-Kondrachov compactness theorem: [3]. np Hk,p ce Lq for q< --k-' n- p Hk,p ce COI. for a<k--. n p 10-5 Weak compactness in non-reflexive Sobolev spaces: [33, p. 29]. If (Ui) is bounded in Hi,i with (V'Ui) uniformly absolutely continuous then Ui ->. U weakly in Hi,i for a subsequence. 10-6 Murat's compactness theorem: [83, p. 30]. If Ui ->. U weakly in HJ and (ßUi) is bounded in Li then for every q < 2 and a.e. 10-7 Ehrling lemma: [3]. For every tripIe of nested Banach spaces X ce Y c Z one has 117 TABLE OF INEQUALITIES IN ELLIPTIC BVP 11. Geometrical Isoperimetrie Inequalities The perimeter of a set A c ]Rn is defined as while the relative perimeter of A c 0 is given by IBAlo := sup {i \7. v : v E Cgo (O,]Rn), lvi ~ 1} . For smooth sets IBAlo = IBA \ BOI. 11-1 Isoperimetrie inequality for perimeter: [66], [21], [39]. with equality for balls. The Fourier analysis proof of Hurwitz and Lebesgue in two dimensions can be found in [87] as well as a variational approach to the general case. A similar inequality holds in spaces of constant curvature [21]. 11-2 Bonnesen's inequality: For every set A C ]R2 one has the following quantitative stability estimate involving yhe deviation from a disk where h denotes the minimal width of an annulus containing BA. Similar results for higher dimensional convex sets can be found in [67]. 11-3 Relative isoperimetrie inequality: [21], [68]. If 0 satisfies an interior cone condition, then min{IAI, 10 \ AI} ~ cIBAI~/(n-l) . If 0 is a ball equality holds for half balls. 11-4 Relative isoperimetrie inequality for planar sets: [7], [9]. Suppose A C ]R2 is simply connected with BA = BAI U BA 2 (disjoint). Denote by K, the curvature of BA with respect to the exterior normal. Then Equality holds for sectors. 11-5 Isoperimetrie inequality for two-dimensional manifolds: [2], [10], [17], [44]. Let 0 C ]R2 be a simply connected domain endowed with the conformal metric pldxl of Gaussian curvature K, i.e. -ßlog(p) = K p2. Then C. BANDLE AND M. FLUCHER 118 where Equality holds for balls in the limit as K tends to a Dirac measure at the center. Moreover L ~ 47rIOl 2 p - (S~PK) 101~, Equality holds e.g. if 0 is a ball, K a constant and p(x) = 1/(1 + Klxl 2 /4). 11-6 Gromov's isoperimetrie inequality: [16]. Let M be a compact Riemannian manifold of dimension n and A c M. If the Ricci curvature of M satisfies Ric (M) ~ Ric (sn) = n - 1 then 18AI > (IMI) (n-l)/n 18A*1 - ISnl where A* is a gedodesic ball on sn = 8Bl c ]Rn+l with IA*I = lAI. 11-7 Isoperimetrie inequality of Reilly and Chavel: If Ac ]Rn has smooth boundary then where /-l2 denotes the first nonzero eigenvalue of Laplace-Beltrami operator on 8A [87]. 12. Symmetrization The decreasing rearrangement of a function u : 0 -+ ]R+ has been defined in Section 1.1. 12-1 Cavalieri's principle: [73]. The decreasing rearrangement of a positive function satisfies { {In l Jn fou = Jo fou*, . 12-2 Rearrangement inequalities: [40]. if cf> is non-decreasing and convex and for every a ~ 101. TABLE OF INEQUALITIES IN ELLIPTIC BVP 119 12-3 Schwarz symmetrization: [73], [11], [47], [85-86], [6]. The symmetrized function u* defined in Section 1.1 satisfies for every convex, non-decreasing positive function rjJ and every u E HJ. In partieular rf 10. ou* = rf 10 0 u for 1 ~ p < 00. Equality in first relation with p > 1 implies that u = u* a.e. up to translation provided that no level set below the top level has positive measure [20]. 12-4 Sehmidt's inequality: [39]. For every A c B c ]Rn one has dist (8A, 8B) ~ dist (8A*, 8B*) . 12-5 Brunn-Minkowski's inequality: [39], [21]. For A, B C ]Rn one has where (JA + (1- (J)B := {(Ja + (1 - (J)b : a E A, bEB}. The same is true for the exterior Lebesgue measure. If A and Bare convex and 0 < (J < 1 then equality holds if and only if A and B are homothetie. 12-6 Riesz' rearrangement inequality: [40]. Ln dx Ln dy f(y)g(x - y)h(x) ::::; Ln dx Ln dy J*(y)g*(x - y)h*(x). 12-7 Weinberger-Talenti's inequality: [85]. If -~u = f in 0, u = 0 on 80, J* in 0*, u = 0 on 80*, and -~u = then u* ~ U in 0*. 12-8 Harmonie transplantation: [42], [12]. Let r(x) denote the harmonie radius of 0 at x. For radially symmetrie u = J.toG o : B~(x) -t ]R define U x := J.toG x . Then for every f : ]R -t ]R+. This fact allows to derive upper bounds for eigenvalues and related quantities while symmetrization gives lower bounds. 120 C. BANDLE AND M. FLUCHER 12-9 Isoperimetrie inequality for capacity: [73], [30]. capo(A) IAI(n-2)/n > = n(n _ 2)IB l I2 / n cap(B l ) IB l l(n-2)/n Inl (P) IBJI capo () A log jAf 2: capBJ B o log IBgl = 471" (n 2: 3), (n= 2). Equality holds if and only if A is a ball and n = lRn (in two dimensions if n and A are concentric balls). 12-10 Subadditivity of modulus: [69], [42], [12]. If Ac B c ethen 1 1 1 capc(A) - capB(A) + capc(B) . > Equality holds if and only if B is a level set of the capacity potential of A with respect to C. 13. Inequalities for Eigenvalues Let Al < A2 ~ A3 ~ ... be the Dirichlet eigenvalues of n with corresponding L 2 orthogonal eigenfunctions (<Pi) and Ei := span( <PI, ... ,<Pi). The Neumann eigenvalues are denoted by 0 = < J.t2 ~ J.t3 ~ .• '. A survey on this subject can be found in [65]. 13-1 Rayleigh-Ritz characterization of eigenvalues: [25], [7]. 13-2 Poincare principle: [72]. l'nf sup ECHö uEE\{O} dimE=i Iof lV'ul2 2 Jo U and similarly for J.ti with HJ replaced by H l • This implies: 13-3 Barta's inequalities: [14], [75]. For every u E C 2 , U > 0, \ Al . f -~u(x) > In - zEn u(x) . If in addition u = 0 on an then In both cases equality holds for the principal eigenfunction. TABLE OF INEQUALITIES IN ELLIPTIC BVP 121 13-4 Rayleigh-Faber-Krahn's inequality: where itn-2)/2 is the first zero of the Bessel function J(n-2)/2' Equality holds for balls. 13-5 Cheeger-Yau's inequality: [23], [5], [92], [51]. Al > ~ inf (IÖAI)2 = ~ inf - 4 Acn lAI 4 UEH6,1 (In IVU2I)2 In luI 13-6 Szegö-Weinberger's inequality: [84], [89]. J-t2 ~ J-t2 (0*) . 13-7 Payne-Weinberger's inequality: [71]. If 0 is convex then 13-8 Lichnerowicz-Obata's inequality: [92]. 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EVERITT School 0/ Mathematics and Statistics, University 0/ Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B152TT, England, UK V. G. KIRBY Department 0/ Mathematics, Dublin City University, Dublin 9, Ireland L. L. LITTLEJOHN Department 0/ Mathematics and Statistics, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322-3900, U.8.A. Abstract. This catalogue of the HELP and HELP-type integral and series inequalities records the contributions made to this area of analytic inequalties from the years 1971-1996. The original HELP integral inequality came from the results of Hardy and Littlewood in one of their seminal papers, in this case written in 1932. The main analytic tools for the study of these inequalities are the properties of linear, ordinary, self-adjoint differential operators, and the properties of the Titchmarsh-Weyl / Hellinger-Nevanlinna m-coefficient and its ramifications. It is appropriate then, that this catalogue records some of the many distinguished contributions made to mathematical analysis in the first half of this century, by these named mathematicians. Likewise it is appropriate that this catalogue is dedicated to D.S. Mitrinovic whose contributions to the study and recording of analytic inequalities in the second half of this century, are now legendary. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classijication. Primary 26DI0, 26D15j Secondary 34B20, 34L05. Key words and phrases. Integral inequalitiesj Titchmarsh-Weyl m-coeflicientj Ordinary differential and difference operators. 127 G. V. Milovanovic (ed.), Recent Progress in Inequalities, 127-160. @ 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. 128 M. BENAMMAR ET AL. 1. Introduction The remarkable and lasting contributions to the subject of analytie inequalities from the long and dedicated labours of D.S. Mitrinovic in the vineyard of mathematies, are to be seen in the two books Analytic Inequalities [47] and Inequalities Involving Functions and Their Integrals and Derivatives [48]. The HELP and HELP-type integral and series inequalities fall within this category of inequalities. As a tribute to the memory of Mitrinovic we have gathered together this catalogue of HELP and HELP-type inequalities. We are convinced that this collection is put together within the spirit of the first book [47], and the book [48] that followed in the same style and form. In writing this paper we have excluded names of contributors from the text in order to simplify the presentation. The names of those mathematicians involved in the programme of HELP inequalities, extending now over aperiod of more than twenty five years, can be readily seen on looking through the collection of references at the end of this paper. However here in this Introduction we recall the three names now legendary in mathematics for the original creation of the subject inequalities as aseparate discipline, those of Hardy, Littlewood and P6lya; the book Inequalities [42) is one of the great classie texts in mathematies, and still in print after more than sixty years since publication in 1934. In partieular the first HELP integral inequality is due to Hardy and Littlewood and appeared in 1932 in the seminal paper [41]. The HELP and HELP-type inequalities may form one of the few outstanding examples of a structured family of inequalities; the common theme running through these inequalities is a dependence upon the original Titchmarsh-Weyl m-coefficient, see [54), and its extensions and ramifications. The HELP inequalities are quadratie in terms of the basie function elements but all of them stern from consideration of linear, ordinary, symmetrie (formally selfadjoint) differential and difference expressions defined on intervals of the realline. The analysis of these inequalities depends, in a subtle way, on the spectral properties of the self-adjoint operators generated by these expressions in an integrable or summable-square Hilbert function space, say H. All the inequalities are of the form (1.1) F(f) ~ KG(f) (f E ~), where the linear manifold ~ is, in a well defined sense, a maximal linear manifold of H determined by the linear differential or difference expression; here F, G : ~ -7 where is the set of non-negative real numbers. The inequality is said to be valid if there exists a positive number K such that (1.1) holds for all f E ~. The inequality is said to be not valid if (1.1) fails to hold for any positive number K; in these cases we write, symbolically, K = +00. Ifthe inequality (1.1) is valid then our notation assurnes that the symbol K is the best possible number, Le., the smallest positive, real number for whieh validity holds. With K so determined cases 0/ equality consist of those elements f E ~ for which equality holds in (1.1). JRt, JRt HELP AND HELP-TYPE INTEGRAL AND SERIES INEQUALITIES 129 For all the HELP and HELP-type inequalities we have, for the null element 0 of ß, (1.2) F(O) = G(O) = 0, so that this element 0 is always a case of equality. For a valid inequality there may or may not be non-null cases of equality. The study of the inequality (1.1) is, in general, in three stages: 1° To determine if the inequality is valid or not valid. 2° If the inequality is valid to determine or characterise in some sense, the best possible number K. 3° If the inequality is valid to determine or characterise all possible cases of equality. For some inequalities the best possible number K can be found as a "known" or "familiar" number; examples are K = 4 or K = (cOS(O))-2 for some 0 E [0, ~). In other cases K may be determined as the root of some transcendental equation; in many of these cases a numerical approximation for K can be obtained. In a similar manner the non-null cases of equality may be expressed in terms of "known" special functions, but in other cases less explicit information only may be available. The analytical problems for the validity and determination of cases of equality can be very demanding. For this reason numerical techniques have been established to seek out validity or non-validity of HELP and HELP-type inequalities, and the existence of non-null cases of equality. These numerical techniques are now so well tried and established as to inspire confidence in their findings. For details of these numerical methods see [15], [18], [19] and [45]. An overall view of the analytical and numerical techniques required for the study of the HELP second-order integral and series inequalities may be found in the survey paper [11]. There is a survey of the higher-order HELP integral inequalities, together with a valuable list of examples, in the recent Ph.D. thesis [23]; the HELP-type integral inequalities are studied in the thesis [6]; the HELP series inequalities are studied and surveyed in the thesis [2]. This catalogue lists known special cases that have been studied since the HELP inequality was first considered in 1971. For each inequality we report brieflyon the results of analytical and numerical techniques. In each case reference is made to the original publications listed at the end of the paper. 2. Notations Z, Nt and N+ denote the sets of all integers, non-negative and positive integers respectively; IR. and C denote the real and complex number fields; JRt denotes the set of all non-negative real numbers. Open and compact intervals of IR. are denoted by (a, b) and [0:, ß] respectively. The symbols LP and AC denote p-integration and absolute continuity with respect to Lebesgue measure; Lfoc(a, b) and ACloc(a, b) denote sets of complex-valued functions on (a, b) that are LP and AC on all compact sub-intervals of (a, b). 130 M. BENAMMAR ET AL. The symbol '( x E E)' is to read as 'for aB the elements x of the set E'. If w : (a, b) -* ~ then L2 (( a, b) : w) denotes the weighted integration spaee {I : (a,b) -* C : (i) I is Lebesgue measureable on (a,b) (ii) l b w(x)l/(x)1 2 dx < oo} . With due regard to equivalenee classes L 2 (( a, b) : w) also represents a Hilbert function spaee H with norm and inner-produet respeetively II/II! := l b w(x)l/(xW dx and (f, g)w := l b w(x)/(x)g(x) dx. In all eases eonsidered in this paper it is assumed that w(x) > 0 for almost aB x E (a, b). Notations for the HELP series inequalities are given in the appropriate section below. 3. Real and Complex Inequality Domains The HELP inequalities involve either I : (a, b) -* IR and then P, or I : (a, b) -* C and then 1/1 2 • This quadratie dependenee of the inequalities on the element I enables the eomplex ease of the inequality to be dedueed from the real ease; for ease of presentation all the particular inequalities in this paper are presented in the real ease. The real and eomplex forms of the classieal HELP integral inequality are given in the next seetion in order to illustrate this point. 4. The Classical HELP Integral Inequality This inequality is determined by (4.1) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) an interval [a, b) of IR, two eoeffieients p, q : [a, b) -* IR, a weight w : [a, b) -* ~ with w(x) > 0 for almost aB x E [a,b), a loeal integrability eondition p-l, q, w E L\oc[a, b), a real parameter T E IR. For eonvenienee the quasi-differential expression M r : D(Mr ) x IR x [a, b) -* C is defined by (4.2) (i) (ii) D(Mr ) := {I : [a, b) -* C : I, PI' E ACloc[a, b) }, } Mr[J](x):= -(p(x)l'(x))' + (q(x) - Tw(x))/(x) (x E [a, b), I E D(Mr ), TE IR). HELP AND HELP-TYPE INTEGRAL AND SERIES INEQUALITIES 131 The linear manifold that gives the domain Ll C L 2 ((a, b) : w) of the HELP inequality is defined by Ll:= {f E D(MT ) : (i) f: [a,b) --t IR and (4.3) (ii) f, w- 1 MT[fl E L 2([a, b) : w) } . It is readily seen that Ll is independent of the parameter 7" and this independence is reflected in the notation. With these definitions made the HELP integral inequality takes the form, for all fELl, (4.4) (l a -tb {p(X)f'(X)2 + (q(x) -7"w(X))f(X)2} dX) ~K l b w(X)f(X)2 dx l b 2 w(x) {W(X)-l MT [J](x) }2 dx. Remarks: 1. The inequality (4.4) is a typical example of the general inequality given in (1.1) with the mappings Fand G determined by the above given left- and right-hand sidesj note the quadratic dependence on fj also that (1.2) is satisfied, Le., F(O) = G(O) = O. 2. The notation Ja-tb on the left-hand side of (4.4) indicates that this integral is, in general, only conditionally convergentj this integral is often called the Dirichlet integral of the differential expression MT' In the cases when it is known that this integral is absolutely convergent the --t will be omitted. 3. The spectral theory background of this inequality is derived from the spectral properties of the Sturm-Liouville quasi-differential equation (4.5) MT[y]=>.wy on [a,b), where >. = I-' + iv E C is the spectral parameterj the spectral analysis takes place in the Hilbert space L 2 ([a,b) : w). It is for this reason that the parameter 7" is introduced into the inequalitYj this is a shift parameter that allows any point on the real line IR to be regarded as the origin of the spectral plane. 4. The validity of the inequality (4.4) depends upon all the 'variables', Le., the coefficients p, q, w and the shifting parameter Tj these quantities also influence the value of the best possible number K in the case when there is a valid inequality. The best possible value is often shown as K(7")j if other parameters are involved in the coefficients then this may be shown also in the expression for K. 5. The end-point a for the differential expression MT is regular (see [24, Section 3])j it is essential for the application of the Titchmarsh-Weyl m-coefficient to the study of (4.4), that at least one end-point of the interval (a, b) be in this classificationj however it should be noted that no boundary condition at this regular end-point is required. 6. HELP integral inequalities on the open interval (a, b) for which neither end-point is regular, are also of interestj however in these cases it is necessary to appeal directly to the spectral properties of the underlying self-adjoint differential operatorsj a number of examples are given below to illustrate these techniques. 132 M. BENAMMAR ET AL. 1. The domain ß C L 2 ([a,b) : w) is determined by the classification of the differential expression M r at the end-point b in this L 2 space; in the three subsections given in this section the classifications considered are strang limit-point, limit-circle and regular at b. 8. The complex form of (4.4) is, to be considered on the domain ß + iß, (4.6) (l--tb {p(x) 1!,(x)1 + (q(x) - rw(x))lf(x)1 2 ::; K l b w(x)lf(x)1 2 dx l b 2} dx f w(x)lw(x)-l M r [f](x) 12 dx. This inequality is valid if and only if (4.4) is valid on ß, with the same best possible number K; likewise all the cases of equality are determined from the equalising functions for the real case; see [24]. 9. The general theory of the HELP integral inequality is developed in the series of papers; [4], [24], [26], [30-33], [36] and [49]. 4.1. THE REGULAR/STRaNG LIMIT-POINT CASE In this subsection we consider the general case when the HELP integral inequality on the interval (a, b) has one regular end-point, say a, and one singular end-point, say b, in the function space L 2 ((a, b) : w). Examples. 1. a = 0, b = +00; p(x) = w(x) = 1, q(x) = 0 (x E [0,00)) (4.7) ß = {f : [0,00) -+ ~ : f, l' E ACloc[O,OO) and f, 1" E L 2[0, 00) }; K = 4 is best possible; an cases of equality are described by, for an A E ~ and an p> 0, (4.9) f(x) = Aex p ( -~ px) sinG px - i) (xE [0,00)). This is the original HELP integral inequality; see [41] and [42, Section 7.8], and the papers [1], [20-21], [44]. 2. a = 0, b = 00; p(x) = w(x) = 1, q(x) = 0 (x E [0,00)) with shift parameter rE~ (4.10) (1 {J'(X)2 _ rf(x)2} dX) 2 00 ~ K(r) 1 00 f(x)2 dx 1 00 {fl/(x) + rf(x)}2 dx. HELP AND HELP-TYPE INTEGRAL AND SERIES INEQUALITIES 133 In this case the domain a is given by (4.7) and the best possible number K(7) is K(7) = { 4 +00 ° (7 E [0,00)), (7 E (-00,0)). For 7 = this inequality reduces to (4.8) and all cases of equality are given by (4.9); for 7 E (0,00) the only case of equality is given by the null function. This example is considered in [9], [24, Section 9], [26, Section 4] and [11, Section 4.4.1]. 3. a = 0, b = 00; p(x) = 1, q(x) = 0, w(x) = x Cl (x E (0,00)). In this example it is necessary to take 0 > -1 in order to make the end-point regular; the corresponding differential equation -y"(x) = AXCly(X) (4.11) ° (x E (0,00)) has explicit solutions in terms of Bessel functions and this allows a detailed analytical analysis of the corresponding HELP inequality, Le., In this case the domain is given by a = {! : (0, 00) ~ lR: !, !' E AC\oc[O, oo) and (4.13) !,x- Cl !" E L 2( [0, 00) : x Cl )}. For the analysis of this example see [39] and [24, Section 9] to give the best-possible result (0 E (-1,00)) (4.14) with all cases of equality determined by, for all A E lR, p> °and E [0,00), x here H~l) is the Hankel function of type 1 and order 11, and 11 = (0 + 2)-1 , (0 E [-1,00)). ° For 0 = this example reduces to (4.8). The importance of this example is not only that it can be analysed in such explicit terms, but that it shows the full range of the best possible number K in the HELP integral inequality, Le., in general 1< K < +00, M. BENAMMAR ET AL. 134 sinee K (.) is monotonie inereasing on (-1, 00) and lim K(o:) = 1, ",-+-1 + lim K(o:) = +00. "'-++00 This example has not yet been analysed either analytically nor numerieally for the effeet of the shift parameter T, but the elose link with Example 1 given above suggests that for all 0: E (-1,00) the inequality is valid for all T E [0,00) and not valid for all T E (-00,0). 4. a = 1, b = OOj p(x) = x"', q(x) = 0, w(x) = 1 (x E [1,00)). For this example it is possible to ehoose 0: E lR sinee the end-point 1 is regular for all 0: in this range. As in the previous example the associated differential equation ean be solved in terms of Bessel functionsj the equation is (x E [1,00)) - (x"'y'(x))' = AY(X) and the HELP inequality in this ease the domain is given by ß ={J: [1,00) ---+ lR: J, x"'!, E AC1oc [I,00) (4.16) and J, (x"'!,)' E L 2 [1, 00) } . For this example the analysis ean be found in [38], but see also [24, Seetion 9] j the result is (0: E (-00,0]), K(o:) = { ~ eos [(3 - 0:)-1 71"]}-2 (0: E [0,1)), (o:E[I,oo)). +00 ° For 0: = this example reduees, essentially, to the inequality (4.8) with the eorresponding eases of equalitYj for 0: E (-00,1) \ {o} the only ease of equality is the null function. 5. a = 0, b = OOj p(x) = w(x) = 1, q(x) = x 2 (x E [0,00)) with shift parameter E lR. The inequality is T (4.17) (1 00 {J'(X)2 + (x 2 _ T) J(X)2} dX) 2 :s K(T) 1 00 J(X)2 dx 1 00 {J"(x) - (x 2 - T) J(x)} 2 dx with domain ß = {J : [0,00) ---+ lR : J,!' E ACloc[O, 00) andJ, !" - x 2 JE L 2 [0, oo)}. HELP AND HELP-TYPE INTEGRAL AND SERIES INEQUALITIES 135 The differential equation in this case is the linear harmonie oscillator equation _y"(X) + (x 2 - r) y(x) = .xy(x) (4.18) (x E [0,00)). To see the effect in this example of the shift parameter r define the two sets of integers NN := { 4n + 1 : n E No} and ND:= { 4n + 3 : n E No } . For the analysis of this example see the results in [29]; the inequality is valid if and only if rENN U ND. For rENN K(4n + 1) = 4 (n E No) with equality in (4.17) if and only if, for some A E IR, J(x) = Aexp (_x 2/2) H 2n (x) (XE [0,00)) where H m represents the Hermite polynomial of degree m; in this case both sides of (4.17) are zero. For r E ND K(4n + 3) > K (4(n + 1) + 3) > 4 (n E No) and lim K(4n + 3) = 4; n-too there is equality in (4.17) if and only if either (x E [0,00)) in whieh case both sides of (4.17) are zero, or J is a transcendental function derived from the differential equation (4.18) in whieh case both sides of (4.17) are not zero. For details of the analysis for this example see [29]; see also [26]. 6. a = 0, b = 00; p(x) = w(x) = 1, q(x) = _x2 (x E [0,00)) with shift parameter r E III The inequality is (4.19) (1-t00 {J'(X)2 _ (x 2 + r) J(x)2} dX) ~ K(r) 1 00 J(X)2 dx 00 {J"(X) + (x 2 + r) J(x)} dx 2 1 2 with domain L\ = {J : [0,00) -t IR: J, f' E AC\oc[O,oo) and J, !" + x 2JE L 2[0, 00) } . In this example the Diriehlet integral on the left of (4.19) is, in general, only conditionally convergent. The differential equation in this case is _y"(X) - (x 2 + r) y(x) = .xy(x) (x E [0,00)) M. BENAMMAR ET AL. 136 and has explicit solutions in terms of Weber functions. The analysis of this example is considered in [26, Section 4], but see in particular [37, Sections 7 and 8, Example 3] with analytical details in the forthcoming paper [28]; these results show that the inequality (4.19) is valid for r = 0 with the best possible result K(O) = 4 + 2V2. There are no cases of equality other that the null function. The numerical consideration of this example shows that the inequality is valid for all r E IR and that K (.) is monotonically decreasing on IR with lim K(r) = +00; T--+-OO also that for some positive number ro K(r) > 4 (r E (-oo,ro)) K(r) = 4 (r E [ro, 00). and The numerical results show that the approximate value of ro is 0.35, and that for all these valid inequalities there are no cases of equality other than the null function. 7. a = 0, b = 00; p(x) = w(x) = 1, q(x) = x parameter r E IR. The inequality is (4.20) (1 {J'(X)2 + (x - r)/(x)2} dx 00 ~ K(r) 1 00 r 1 00 I(X)2 dx (x E [0,00)) with the shift {f"(X) - (x - r)/(x)} 2 dx with domain ß = {J : [0, 00) ~ IR : I, !' E ACloc[O,OO) and I, f" - xl E L 2 [0, 00) } . The differential equation in this case (4.21) _y"(X) + (x - r) y(x) = AY(X) (x E [0,00)) has explicit solutions in terms of the Airy functions. The solution of the analytical problem presented by this inequality was presented in the notes [43] and [37, Sections 7 and 8, Example 5]; further details are to be given in the forthcoming paper [28]. There exist two sets of positive numbers IRN = {A~ : n E No} with and IRD = {A~ : n E No } (n E No) HELP AND HELP-TYPE INTEGRAL AND SERIES INEQUALITIES 137 and lim >..~ = lim >..;; = +00 such that n~oo n~oo K(T) = { 4 +00 (TE {>"~}U{>..;;}), (T E R \ ({ >..~ } u { >..;; } )). There is equality for the valid cases in the form, for all A E Rand using the above notation again, f(x) = Acp~(x) or Acp~(x) (x E [0,00) and nE No) where the {cp~} and {cp;;} are non-null functions depending on the Airy solutions of (4.21); however in all these cases of equality both sides of the inequality (4.20) are zero. 8. a = 0, b = 00; p(x) = w(x) = 1, q(x) = -x (x E [0,00)) with shift parameter E R. The inequality is T (4.22) (1--+ {J'(X)2 - (x + T)f(x)2} dX) 2 00 :S K(T) 1 00 f(x)2 dx 1 00 {f"(x) + (x + T)f(x)}2 dx with domain ~ = {f : [0,00) -+ R : f, l' E ACloc[O,OO) andf, 1" + xf E L 2[0, oo)}. Again in this example the Dirichlet integral is, in general, only conditional convergent; for analytical details of this convergence see the specific results for this example in [24, Section 3] and [25]. In this case the differential equation -y"(x) - (x + T) y(x) = >..y(x) (x E [0,00)) has explicit solutions in terms of Bessel functions of order 1/3. The analysis of this example is considered in [25], see also [37, Sections 7 and 8, Example 4]; the results given show that (4.22) is a valid inequality for T = 0 with K(O) = 4. There is a continuum of cases of equality, similar to Examples 1, 3 and 6, given explicitly by, with A E Rand p E ~ , (x E [0,00)) and >.. = pexp(i7r/3). M. BENAMMAR ET AL. 138 The numerieal consideration of this example shows the inequality (4.22) is valid for all r E IR and that K (.) is monotonieally decreasing on IR with K(r) > 4 K(r) = 4 and (r E (-00,0)) (r E [0,00)) ; also that there are there are no cases of equality for r E IR \ {O} other than the null function. 9. a = 1, b = 00; p(x) = w(x) = 1, q(x) = x- 2/2 (x E [1,00)) with the shift parameter r E IR. The inequality is (4.23) (1 {f'(X)2 + (2!2 - r) J(X)2} dX) 2 00 ~ K(r) 1 00 J(x)2dx 1 00 {!"(x) - (2!2 -r) f(X)f dx with domain ß = {J: [1,00) -+ IR: J, J' E AC1oc [l,00) andJ,!" - 2!2 E L 2[l, 00) } . The differential equation in this case -y"(x) + (2!2 - r) y(x) = '\y(x) (x E [1,00)) has explicit solutions in terms of Bessel functions of order ±V3/2. Consideration of the analytieal and numerical solutions is given in [13]; these results show that the inequality (4.23) is not valid for all r E (-00,0], Le., K(r) = 00 (r E (-00,0]) and that K(·) is monotonie decreasing on (0,00), and that there exists a number ro E IR(j such that lim K(r) = +00 T-tO+ and K(r) = 4 (r E [rO' 00)); the numerieal value of ro is approximately 0.13. The cases of equality are as follows: (i) (ii) (iii) for r E (ro, 00) there is a one-dimensional case of equality, that is, the set of equalising functions is one-dimensional in the space L 2 [1, 00), for ro there is a continuum of cases of equality, for r E (0, ro) only the null function. HELP AND HELP-TYPE INTEGRAL AND SERIES INEQUALITIES 139 10. a = 0, b = 00; p(x) = w(x) = 1, q(x) = xO< (x E [0,00)) with the shift parameter r E IR, and with the parameter a E [0,00). The inequality is (4.24) (1 {J'(X)2 + (xO< _ r) j(x)2} dX) 00 ~ K(r,a) 1 00 2 j(x)2 dx 1 00 {f"(X) - (xO< - r) j(x)}2 dx thereby indicating that the best-possible number K depends upon both the parameters rand a. The domain is given by 6. = {j : [0,00) -t IR : j, !' E ACloc[O,OO) and j, !" - xO< jE L 2 [0, 00) } . The differential equation in this case _y"(X) + (xO< - r) y(x) = >.y(x) (x E [0,00)) has solutions in terms of known transcendental functions only when a = 0, 1 and 2; these special cases are covered by examples 2, 8 and 5 respectively. For general values of a E (0,00) the analytic consideration has not received detailed analysis; however certain general operator theoretic results are known and then the established numerical methods give reliable additional information. These results are reported on in [11, Section 1, page 276 and Section 4.4.2] and [14, Section 4.1]. These works show the existence of two sets of non-negative numbers { >.~ (a) : n E No } and {>.~ (a) : n E No } (these are the Neumann and Dirichlet eigenvalues and depend upon the value of the parameter a) with the properties, for each a E (0,00), (n E No) and lim >.~(a) = lim >.~(a) = +00, such that n--+oo (4.25) n--+oo (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) K(>.~(a),a) = 4 (n E No and a E (0,00)), for a = 1 K(>'~(l),l) = 4 (n E No), for a E (0,00) \ {I} 4< K(>.:?(a),a) < +00 for a E (0,00) lim K(>.:?(a),a) = 4. } (n E No), n--+oo The inequality (4.24) is not valid for all a E (0,00) when r E IR \ ({ >.~ (a)} U {>.:? (a)} ) . For all a E (0,00) there is equality in (4.24), with r E {>.~ (a)} U {>.:?(a)}, with j taken to be the corresponding eigenfunction from the set {cp~} U {cp:?} but with both sides of (4.24) equal to zero. For a E (0,00) \ {I} and r E {>.:?(a)} there is a one-dimensional case of equality with both sides not zero. 140 M. BENAMMAR ET AL. It is interesting to look at the form of the best-possible value of K for the first Diriehlet eigenvalue translate A:?(a) as a function of the parameter a, Le., to consider the mapping 1I:+(a) := K(A{?(a), a) for all a E (0,00). This mapping is considered in [11, Section 4.4.2, Figure 12] and in [14, Section 4.1, Figure 10]. The outcome is still not complete but the firm indieations are (i) 11:+0 is continuous on (0, 00), } (ii) 11:+0 is monotonie decreasing on (0,1], (4.26) (iii) 11:+0 is monotonie increasing on [1,00), (iv) 11:+0 has an absolute minimum at a = 1 with 11:(1) = 4. With the definitions u--tO+ L o := lim 1I:+(a) , u--too L oo := lim 1I:+(a) then it would follow from (4.26) that L o and L oo exist; the numerieal evidence is that both these numbers are finite but these results have not been established. See also the account in [37]. 11. a = 0, b = 00; p(x) = w(x) = 1, q(x) = -x u (x E [0,00)) with the shift parameter r E IR, and with the parameter a E (0,2]; this upper restrietion on a is necessary to place the problem in the strong limit-point case. The inequality is (4.27) (1--t00 {J'(X)2 _ (X + r) J(X)2} dX) 00 00 $ K(r,a) 1 J(x)2dx 1 {J"(x)2+(x +r)J(x)}2 dx U 2 U with domain ß = {J : [0,00) -t R : J, !' E AC\oc[O, 00) and J,!" + (X U + r) JE L 2[0, 00) } . The differential equation in this case -y"(x) - (X U + r) y(x) = AY(X) (x E [0,00)). With the restrietion placed on the parameter a this equation has solutions in terms of known transcendental functions only when a = 1 and 2; these special cases are covered by examples 7 and 6 above respectively. As with example 10 above the general case has been considered with the use of both analytical and numerical techniques. The most comprehensive report on this general case is to be found in [14, Section 4.4]; these results show that the inequality (4.27) is valid for all a E (0,2] and for all r E III Apart from the special case a = 1 considered above in Example 7, there are no cases of equality except for the null function. It is ofinterest to consider the mapping 11:_ (a) := K(a,O); (a E (0,2]). The analytieal and numerieal evidence is that this mapping has the properties (i) (4.28) (ii) (iii) (iv) 11:-0 is continuous on (0, 2], } 1I:_(a) = 4 (a E (0,1]), 11:-0 is strietly monotonie increasing on [1,2], 11:_(2) = 4 + 2V2. HELP AND HELP-TYPE INTEGRAL AND SERIES INEQUALITIES 141 4.2. THE STRONG LIMIT-POINT/STRONG LIMIT-POINT CASE In this subsection we consider the HELP integral inequality when both end-points a and b are in the strong limit-point classification in the corresponding L2( (a, b) : w) space. The general references for this section are [35] and [50]. 12. a=O, b=oo; p(x) =1, q(x) =0, w(x)=xO! (XE (0,00)). ° This is areturn to Example 3 but now with the parameter CI! ~ -1; this places the differential expression in the strong limit-point case at both the end-points and +00. As before, see (4.12), the HELP integral inequality takes the form but this time with the domain, since now both end-points are singular, ~ := {J : (0,00) ---+ lR. : J, !' E ACloc(O, 00) and J, x-O! f" E L 2( (0, 00) : xO!) } . For the analysis of this inequality, again based on the solutions of the differential equation (x E (0,00)), see the account in [34]; in this case with two singular end-points, the method cannot be based on the Titchmarsh-Weyl m-coefficient. The result is K(CI!) = { 1 +00 (CI! E [-3, -1]), (CI! E (-00, -3)). For CI! E [-3, -1] there are no non-null cases of equality. 13. a = -00, b = +00; p(x) = w(x) = 1, q(x) = parameter r E IR. The inequality is (4.29) (1: ° (x E (-00,00)) with shift r 1: 1: {J'(X)2 - rJ(x)2} dx ~ K(r) J(X)2 dx {f"(X) + rJ(x)}2 dx with domain ~:={J: (-00,00) ---+ lR.: J,!' E ACloc(-oo,oo) andJ, f" E L 2 (-00,00)}. ° For r = this inequality is one of the original HELP inequalities considered in [41] and [42, Section 7.9]; there is an alternative, operator theoretic analysis in [35, Section 6, (1)]. The result is that the inequality (4.29) is valid for all r E lR. with K (r) = 1 (r E lR.) and that there no cases of equality other than the null function. 142 M. BENAMMAR ET AL. 14. a = -00, b = +00; p(x) = w(x) = 1, q(x) = x 2 (x E (-00,00)). In this case the inequality is considered in [35, Section 6, (2)] and takes the form (4.30) (1: 1: 1: {f'(X)2+ x2f(X)2}dX)2 ~K f(X)2 dx {f"(x) - x 2f(x)} 2 dx with domain ß:= {J: (-00,00) -+ IR: f, f' E AC1oc(-00, 00) and f, f"-x 2f E L 2(-00,00)}. It is shown that the best possible number K in (4.30) is K = 1. For A E IR and n E No all the cases of equality can be given explicitly in the form f(x) = Aexp(x 2/2) Hn(x) (x E (-00,00)), where {Hn : n E No } is the set of all Hermite polynomials. 15. a = -00, b = +00; p(x) = w(x) = 1, q(x) = _x 2 (x E (-00,00)). This example is considered in [35, Section 6, (3)]; the inequality is (4.31) (L~: {J'(X)2 - x 2f(x)2} dX) ~K 1: 1: 2 f(x)2 dx {f"(x) + x 2f(x)} 2 dx with domain ß := {J : (-00,00) --t IR : /, /' E AC1oc (-00,00) and /, /" + x 2/ E L 2(-00, oo)}. It is shown that the best possible number K for this inequality is given by K = 1, and that the only case of equality is the null function. 16. In this last example in this subsection a case is given for which the coefficient p changes sign on the interval (a, b). a = -00, b = +00; w(x) = 1, q(x) = 1 (x E (-00,00)) and p is defined by p(x) := { -I +1 The HELP in equality takes the form (x E (-00,0)), (x E [0,00)). HELP AND HELP-TYPE INTEGRAL AND SERIES INEQUALITIES 143 with domain ~ := {J : (-00, 00) ~ IR : I, PI' E ACloc ( -00,00) and I, (Pl')' E L 2(-00, oo)}. In this example the functions in the domain ~ warrant careful examination: 10 Pi' E AC1oc(-00,00) implies that l' E AC1oc(-oo,0] and I' E AC1oc[0,00) and so lim I(x) and lim I'(x) both exist finitely in IR; then again using PI' E :1:-+0- :1:-+0+ AC1oc ( -00,00) it follows that these two limits are equal in magnitude but opposite in sign. 2° (Pl')' E L 2 (-00, 00) is equivalent to requiring 1" E L 2 (-00, 00). This example is considered in [35, Seetion 6, (6)]; it is shown that the best-possible number K is given by K = 1, and that only the null function gives a case of equality. 4.3. THE REGULAR/REGULAR OR LIMIT-CIRCLE CASE In this subsection we consider the case when, for the interval (a, b), one end-point is regular and the other end-point is either regular or singular. The main source of reference is the paper [27]. 17. a = 0, b = 1; p(x) = 1 - x 2, q(x) = 1/4, w(x) = 1 (x E [0,1)) with the shift parameter r E IR. The inequality is (4.33) (11 {(1- x 2) j'(X)2 + (~_ r) I(X)2} dX) ~K 1 1 I(X)2 dx 1{((11 2 x 2) I'(x))' - (~- r) I(x) r dx. The differential equation in this case is the Legendre equation (4.34) - ((1 - x 2) y'(x))' + (~ - r) y(x) = '\y(x) (x E [0,1)) ° with a regular end-point at and a singular limit-circle end-point at 1 in the space L2[0,1). In order to apply the HELP procedure it is necessary in this case to place a restriction on the maximal domain of the differential equation in order to determine a Titchmarsh-Weyl m-coefficient for the singular end-point 1. Full analytical details of this restriction are given in [27, Sections 2 and 3]. In this case the domain ~1 for the inequality is determined by ~ := { I: [0, 1) ~ IR: I, l' E ACloc [0, 1) and I, ((1- x 2)1')' E L 2[0, 1)} and then ~l:={IE~: :1:-++1lim (1-x 2)I'(x)=0}; 144 M. BENAMMAR ET AL. for technical details see [27, Section 5, (5.2)]. It is shown that the inequality (4.33) is valid if and only if {(n + n No }. The analytical problems of determining the best possible values of Kare formidable but the numerical methods are very successful; these methods yield the following given table for values of K against the integers in No to determine the translate. rE 1/2)2 : E n 0 1 n = 2,3,4, ... 3 5 K 4.25 4.98 4 4.21 4.09 These numerical results also indicate that für all n there is a one-dimensional case of equality, involving the Legendre polynomials, such that both sides of (4.33) are zero. For those n for which K > 4 there is an additional one-dimensional case for which both sides of (4.33) are not zero; here the equalising function is not a solution of the equation (4.34) but is functionally dependent on Legendre functions. 18. a = 0, b = 1; p(x) = w(x) = 1, q(x) = x- 2 /2 (x E (0,1]) with the shift parameter r E IR. The inequality is (4.35) (11 {/'(x)2 + (2!2 - r) l(x)2} dX) 2 ~ K(r) 1 1 l(x)2 dx 1 1 {j"(x) - (2!2 - r) f(x) r dx. ° This example is dearly related to Example 9; here end-point 1 is regular, as before, but end-point is limit-circle in the space L 2 (0, 1]. As with the previüus Example 17 it is necessary to restrict the maximal domain; here ß is defined by ß := {I: (0,1] -+ IR : I, !' EAC (0,1] and I, j" - 2!2 EL (0, 1] } , 2 loc and the inequality domain ßo by ßo := {I ß: lim [f,u](x) = o}, E x-tO+ where u(x) := x,,-/S+1)/2 and [I, u](x) := (f . u' - f' . u)(x) both for all x E (0,1]. This inequality is considered in [13, Section 3]; there exist two sets of non-negative numbers {>.~ : n E No } and {>.~ : n E No } with the properties (nENo) HELP AND HELP-TYPE INTEGRAL AND SERIES INEQUALITIES 145 and lim >.t: = lim >.~ = +00. The results for the inequality are: n-tOC> n-+OC> 1° The inequality is not valid for all translates T E IR \ ({>.t:} u {>.~}). 2° For T E {>.t: : n E No} the inequality is valid with K(>.t:) = 4; there a one-dimensional case of equality for whieh both sides of (4.35) are zero. 3° For T E {>.~ : n E No} the inequality is valid with K(>'~) > 4 and the sequence {K (>.~) : n E No} of real numbers is monotonie decreasing with limit 4 at +00; in addition to the one-dimensional case of equality as for 2° above, there is an additional one-dimensional case for whieh both si des of (4.35) are not zero. 19. For an inequality that is regular at both end-points but which requires a boundary condition at one end-point consider: a = 0, b = 11"; p(x) = w(x) = 1, q(x) = (x E [0,11"]) with shift parameter T E IR. The inequality is ° As with Examples 17 and 18 we have to restrict the maximal domain ß := {J : [0,7f] -+ IR : J, j' E AC[O,7f] and J, r L [0, 7f]} E 2 by means of a boundary condition at one end-point, say 7f; to give either or ß v := {f E ß : j'(7f) = O}. For both of these domains there is a countable set of real translation numbers for which the inequality (4.36) is valid; the corresponding K numbers have properties similar to those given for Example 18. For all other translation numbers the inequality is not valid. The details are given, together with reports on the outcome of the numerical techniques, in [27, Section 5.2]. 20. For this last example in this Section we consider a case that is regular at both end-points and for whieh the inequality is valid on the maximal domain: a = 0, b = 11"; p(x) = w(x) = 1, q(x) = -1 (x E [0,7f]). The inequality is (4.37) with maximal domain ßo := {J: [0,11"] -+ IR : J, j' E AC[0, 1I"] and J, r L [0, 7f] } . E 2 It is rare for regular integral inequalities to be valid on the maximal domain but this is such an example. The inequality (4.37) was first studied in [5] with methods developed in [4]; additional details are given in [12]. 146 M. BENAMMAR ET AL. Define two sub-domains of do by dl := {f E do : f(7r) = O} and d2 := {f E do : f(O) = f(7r) = O}. Then the following results hold: 1° The inequality (4.37) is valid on do with K = K o ~ 6.15 obtained as the root of a transcendental equation; there are two distinct cases of non-trivial equality: (a) f(x) = Asin(x) + Bcos(x) (x E [0,7r]) with A,B E IR when both sides ofthe inequality (4.37) reduce to zero. (b) A two-dimensional set of trigonometrically based functions, dependent upon the transcendental equation which determines K o , for which both sides of the inequality (4.37) are not zero. 2° The inequality (4.37) is valid on dl with K = K 1 ~ 4.64 obtained by the analysis given in [27, Section 5.2]; there are two distinct cases of non-trivial equality: (a) f(x) = Asin(x) (x E [0,7r]) with A E IR when both sides of the inequality reduce to zero. (b) A one-dimensional set of trigonometrically based functions, dependent upon the analysis in [27], for which both sides of the inequality are not zero. 3° The inequality (4.37) is valid on d2 with K = K 2 = 1 obtained by operator theoretical analysis; all cases ofequality are given by f(x) = Asin(nx) (x E [0,7r] and n E N) with A E IR; when n = 1 both sides of the inequality are zero but when n E N \ {1} both sides are not zero. 5. The Classical HELP Series Inequality 5.1. NOTATIONS This series inequality is determined by (5.1) (i) a sequence p ={ Pn : n E No } of real numbers with Pn:f:0 (nENo), (ii) (iii) a sequence q ={ qn : n E No} of real numbers, a sequence W ={ W n : n E No } of real numbers with W n > 0 (n E No). We make the following definitions: 1° The sequence space l2 (No : w) of all sequences of real numbers x = {x n : n E No} such that L wnx; is convergent in IR. 00 n=O It is well known that l2 (No : w) may be regarded as a Hilbert sequence space with norm and inner-product defined by Ilxll~ := L wnx; and (x, Y)w := L WnXnYn . 00 00 n=O n=O HELP AND HELP-TYPE INTEGRAL AND SERIES INEQUALITIES 147 We write l;" as a shortened form of l2(No : w). 2° Let So and Sl denote the two collections of real sequences So:= {x ={x n : n E No}: X n E ~ (n E No)}, Sl := {x ={x n : n E N} : X n E ~ (n E N)} ; then the forward difference operator ß : So --+ So is defined by ßx := {ßx n := Xn+1 - Xn : n E No} . 00 3° Note that if x E Sl then x E l;" is taken to imply that I: wnx;' < +00. n=l 4° The difference expression M : So --+ Sl, given p and q as above, is defined by The difference expression M can be used to define difference operators in the space l;" in a form similar to the differential operators generated by the differential expression M in the function space L 2 ((a, b) : w), as outlined in the opening remarks of Section 4 above. There are essential differences between the differential and difference operator theories; for an account of the difference theory see the papers [3], [10], [16-17]; see also the account in the survey paper [11, Section 3]. The Titchmarsh-Weyl m-coefficient for differential expressions is replaced by the m-coefficient of Hellinger-Nevanlinna; see the account in [17, Section 2]. This theory leads to consideration of the HELP series inequality to compare with the integral inequality of the previous section. Given the definitions and notations in (5.1) and (5.2) the HELP series inequality can be expressed as (2: (Pn(ßx n )2 + qn X;') + Po ( ßXO)2) 00 (5.3) 2 n=l 00 00 n=O n=l < K 2: WnX~ 2: Wn {W;;,-l MXn )2 with domain D:={XES:XEl;' and here w- 1 MxEl;'}; w- 1 Mx:= {W;;,-l MX n : n E N}. Note that for x E D the right-hand side of (5.3) is finite. The comments made in Sections 1 and 2, and the opening remarks of Section 4 are equally appropriate to the analysis of the series inequality (5.3), but now working with the Hellinger-Nevanlinna m-coefficient. The differential equation M[y] = AWY on (a, b) is now replaced by the symmetric difference equation (5.4) Mx =AWX on N 148 M. BENAMMAR ET AL. or equivalently M x n = AWnX n (n E 1'1) . We give four examples of the series inequality (5.3) in the subsections that follow. The last three examples are based on aremarkable connection between the difference equation (5.4) and the classical orthogonal polynomials of Legendre, Hermite and Laguerre as developed in [17]. 5.2. THE COPSON SERIES INEQUALITY Let the sequences p, q and w be defined by Pn = Wn = 1, qn = 0 (n E No); then the inequality (5.3) takes the form CL (~Xn)2 + (~xO)2) ~ K L:>~ L (~2Xn)2 00 (5.5) n=l 2 00 00 n=O n=O with domain here ~2xn := ~(~Xn) = Xn+2 - 2x n+1 + x n (n E No). With this in place we may rewrite (5.5) in the more convenient form (5.6) In the original paper [22] it is shown that in this fundamental HELP series inequality the following results hold: (i) (ii) the best possible number K = 4, the only case of equality is the null sequence {x n = 0: (n E No ) } . Also in [22] the corresponding series inequality on the set Z of all integers is considered; this is the series inequality equivalent to the integral inequality (4.8) of Section 4 above. The result is (5.7) for all sequences {x n E IR : n E Z} such that the right-hand side of (5.7) is finite, with equality if and only {x n : n E Z} is the null sequence. In [17] there is also a discussion of the inequality (5.6) when the shift parameter is introduced, Le., when the sequence {qn : n E No} is replaced by {qn - T : n E No} with T E IR. In spite of the seeming simplicity of this problem the analysis turns out to be very difficult; the numerical results are reported on in [17, Section 5.2]. HELP AND HELP-TYPE INTEGRAL AND SERIES INEQUALITIES 149 5.3. THE LEGENDRE SERIES INEQUALITY This example illustrates the remarkable connection between the HELP series inequality and the classieal orthogonal polynomials. The connection sterns from the property that such orthogonal polynomials are generated by a three term recurrence relation; such a relation, since it is of the second order, can be rewritten as a symmetrie difference equation of the form given by (5.4). The spectral parameter in this difference equation becomes the independent variable of the polynomials, whilst the integer variable, i.e., n E No, becomes the degree or order of the individual orthogonal polynomials. For accounts of this theory see [16-17]. Here we quote the application of this theory to the Legendre polynomials and thereby gives the corresponding HELP series inequality. Let the sequences p, q and w be defined by Pn = - (n + 1), qn = 2n + 1, Wn = 2n + 1 (n E No). After some simplification of the various terms the series inequality is (2 [~)n + l)x 00 (5.8) x~]) n X n +1 - 2 n=O 00 00 n=O n=1 < K L(2n + l)x; ~)2n + 1)-1 [(n + l)x n +1 + nx n ]2 with domain D:= {X E S xE l;', 00 i.e. L(2n + l)x; < +00 n=O It is shown in [17, Section 5.3], by analytieal means, that (i) (ii) the best possible number K = 2·/Jr 2 + 4 (V7r2 + 4 - 7rr1 , the only case of equality is the null sequence. The form of this best possible number K makes it unlikely that there is an "elementary" proof of this series inequality. 5.4. THE HERMITE SERIES INEQUALITY Let the sequences p, q and w be defined by M. BENAMMAR ET AL. 150 After some simplification of the various terms the series inequality is (~Xnxn+1 (59) . ~ 2n n! 1 2)2 -"2 Xo <K~ x; ~(xn+1 - ~2nn!~ Xn _ 1 2 n+ln!+2 n (n-1)! )2 with domain D:= {X E S xE and 00 [2 w' 2 n . ""' X l.e. ~ 2n n! < +00 n=O ~ [2~:i~! + 2n~:=-11)!] < +00 } . 2 It is conjectured in [16, Section 5], supported by the numerical methods, that (i) the best possible number K = 2y'7r + 4 (y'7r + 4 _ y1r) -1 , (ii) the only case of equality is the null sequence. As in the case of the Legendre series inequality the form of this best possible number K makes it unlikely that an "elementary" proof of these results can be found. 5.5. THE LAGUERRE SERIES INEQUALITY Let the sequences p, q and w be defined by (n + I)! Pn = r( a + n + 1) , qn = 0, Wn n! = -.,--------,- f(a+n+1) (nE No), where a E (-1, (0) is the real parameter that appears in the Laguerre orthogonal polynomials. The Laguerre series inequality can be obtained by substitution of these sequences p, q and w in the general form of the series inequality (5.3). This inequality is considered both analytieally and numerically in [16, Section 6]. The analytic results show that (i) (ii) the inequality is not valid for a E (-1,0], the inequality is valid for a E (0,00). Further these results indieate that there may not be an explicit formula for the best number K(a), for the range a E (0, (0), in terms of the known transcendental special functions. The proof of validity is an existence proof only. There are interesting numerieal results given in [16, Seetion 6] that lead to the conjecture (i) (ii) the best-possible function K(·) is monotonie decreasing on (0, (0), lim K(a) = +00, lim K(a) > 0. <>-+-1 + <>-++00 HELP AND HELP-TYPE INTEGRAL AND SE RIES INEQUALITIES 151 6. The Higher-Order HELP Integral Inequalities 6.1. EXTENSIONS OF THE ORIGINAL HELP INEQUALITY The original HELP integral inequality, see (4.8), (6.1) with domain D := {I: [0, (0) ---+ lR : I, f' E AC1oc[0, (0) and I, f" E L 2 [0, oo)} has been extended in a number of forms to include derivatives of higher order. For a survey of such inequalities see [46], and the recent thesis [23). There is also a connection with the results given in [6-7); these results are considered in the next Section below. There is a direct extension of (6.1) to the fourth-order case in [8), using methods similar to the original proof in [41) and in the first proof given in [42, Section 7.8). This inequality takes the form with domain D:= {J: [0,(0) ---+ lR: I(r) E ACloc[O,OO) (r = 0,1,2,3) and 1,/(4) E L 2 [0,oo)}. It is shown in [8) that the inequality (6.2) is valid on D, that the best possible number K can be characterised as one of the roots of a fourth-order real polynomial and that K ~ 78.82. It is also shown in [8) that there is a continuum of non-null cases of equality similar in form to those equalising functions for the inequality (4.8) as given in (4.9). The best-possible number K in the inequality (6.2) plays a significant röle in the fourth-order examples considered below; for this reason we give a special symbol for this number (6.3) and make reference to this definition as required below. It is worth recording that in the second-order case the corresponding number is 4 as determined for the original HELP integral inequality (4.8). As with Example 13, Section 4.2 the inequality (6.2) mayaiso be considered on the realline (-00, (0) with the result that 152 M. BENAMMAR ET AL. is valid on the domain D := {I: (-00,00) --t ~ : I(r) E ACloc (-00,00) (r = 0,1,2,3) and 1,/(4) E L 2(-00,00)}. The only case of equality is the null function. The inequality (6.2) can be extended to all even-order integers n = 2m (m E N) to give with a domain of the same form as for (6.2). The best possible number K(m) for m E N can be characterised in a number of ways, and some of them lead to numerical approximations. For additional details and references see [48, Chapter I, Section 38]. 6.2. THE FOURTH-ORDER CASE The fourth-order HELP integral inequality case is considered in [51-53] and in [23, Chapters 8 and 9]. Some examples are now given from these references to illustrate the results that can be obtained by using an extension of the Titchmarsh-Weyl m-coefficient for higher-order equations. There is a fourth-order extension of the second-order theory developed in Section 4 above; this has been developed for the quasi-differential expression with coefficients PO,PI,P2 : [a, b) --t IR, and satisfying certain local integrability conditions on [a, b). The associated differential equation is M[y] = >..wy (6.6) on [a, b) for a weight function w. The HELP integral inequality generated by this differential equation has the form, for a real-valued domain, (6.7) {-tb (Ja {p2(x)/(2) (X)2 + PI (x)/(1) (x)2 + Po/(x)2} dX) ~K l b w(X)/(X)2 dx l 2 b w(x) {W(X)-I M[J](x)} 2 dx. This inequality has been studied in [51] and more recently in [23]; the two methods are equivalent as is shown in [23, Section 8.2]. There are few fourth-order differential equations for which there are explicit solutions in terms of known transcendental functions. For this reason examples of HELP AND HELP-TYPE INTEGRAL AND SERIES INEQUALITIES 153 the inequality (6.7) have been studied analytieally only for the cases when the differential equation (6.6) (i) (ii) has constant coefficients on the realline ~ is the formal square of a second-order differential equation. 6.2.1. Gonstant Goefficient Gase a = 0, b = +00; P2(X) = 1, Pl(X) = Po(x) = 0, w(x) = 1 (x E [0,00)), with shift parameter r E lR.. The inequality is with domain ~ := {I : [0,00) -t lR. : I(r) E AC1oc[0, 00) (r = 0, 1, 2, 3) and I, 1(4) E L 2 [0, 00) }. The differential equation is (x E [0, 00) ) . The results in [52] and [23, Theorem 8.2] show that the inequality (6.8) is valid only for r = 0 with K(O) = OC (see (6.3)); thus K(r) = +00 (r E lR. \ {O}). This result for r = 0 is in confirrnation with the results for the inequality (6.1), although the method used in [8] is quite different from the HELP analysis in [52] and [23]. There is confirrnation also for the form of the continuum of equalising functions. It should be noted that the validity ofinequality (6.8), as dependent upon the shift parameter rE lR., is in marked contrast to the second-order case (4.10), Example 2 of Section 4.l. 6.2.2. The Formal Square Gase There is a discussion in [23, Section 9.2] of the method of constructing a fourthorder symmetrie differential equation from the formal square of the second-order symmetrie differential equation -(py')' + qy = >..wy on [a, b). It is shown that the Titchmarsh-Weyl m-coefficient matrix for the fourth-order equation can be calculated from the m-coefficient of the second-order equation; the analytie and numerieal methods for the general fourth-order case are then applied to this special case in order to obtain information ab out the corresponding fourth-order HELP integral inequality. The examples that follow give the interval [a, b), the coefficients P, q and w, and the resulting fourth-order integral inequality, together with the analytieal and numerical results available. 1. a = 0, b = 00; p(x) = w(x) = 1, q(x) = -p. (x E [0,00)), where p. E lR. is areal parameter. The fourth-order differential expression is (x E [0,00)) M. BENAMMAR ET AL. 154 and the corresponding HELP inequality (1 (6.9) 00 {J(2) (X)2 - 2,."f(1) (X)2 +,.,,2 f(X)2} dx ::::; K(,.,,) 1 00 f(X)2 dx 1 00 { f f(4) (x) + 2,."f(2) (x) + ,.,,2 f(x)} 2 dx. It is shown in [52-53] and [23, Section 9.3.1], both analytieally and numerically, that the inequality (6.9) is valid if and only if ,." = 0, in which case it reduces to inequality in (6.2) together with the continuum of cases of equality. 2. a = 0, b = +00; p(x) = w(x) = 1, q(x) = _x 2 (x E [0,00)) with the shift parameter T E IR. The fourth-order differential expression in this case is M[f](x) = f{4>(x) + (2x 2!,(x))' + (x 4 + 2) f(x) (x E [0,00)) and the associated HELP inequality, including the parameter T, (6.10) (1 00 ::::; K(T) {f(2)(x)2 - 2x 2!,(x)2 + (x 4 + 2 - T)f(x)2 } dx 1 00 f(x)2 dx 1 00 f {f(4)(X) + (2x 2!,(x))' + (x 4 + 2 - T)f(x)} 2 dx. The numerieal analysis for this inequality is given in [23, Section 9.3.3] and leads to the conjecture; there exists Tl ::::: 5.5 such that (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) K(T) = +00 for all TE (-00,0), K(·) is continuous and monotonie increasing on [0,00), K(T) = lK for all T E [0,T1], K(·) is strictly monotonie increasing on (T1,+00), and lim K(T) = +00. r--++oo Some of these result are confirmed analytieally in [23, Section 9.3.3, Theorem 9.2], hut there is no discussion of the cases of equality. 3. a = 0, b = +00; p(x) = w(x) = 1, q(x) = x 2 (x E [0,00)) with the shift parameter T E IR. The fourth-order differential expression in this case is M[!](x) = f(4)(x) - (2x 2!,(x))' + (x 4 - 2) f(x) (x E [0,00)) and the associated HELP inequality, including the parameter T, (6.11) (1 00 ::::; K(T) {f(2)(X)2 + 2x 2!,(x)2 + (x 4 - 2 - T)f(x)2 } dx 1 00 f(X)2 dx 1 00 f {f(4)(x) - (2x 2!,(x))' + (x 4 - 2 - T)f(x)} 2 dx. HELP AND HELP-TYPE INTEGRAL AND SERIES INEQUALITIES 155 There is a numerieal assessment of this inequality in [23, Seetion 9.3.7]; it is shown numerieally that the inequality is valid if and only if T E {(4n)2 : n E N}. The numerieal results indieate that the sequenee {K((4n)2): n E N} is monotonie inereasing, K((4n)2) = lK for n = 1,2,3,4, { K (( 4n) 2 )} is strietly inereasing for n ~ 5 and lim K ((4nn = +00. (i) (ii) (iii) n-++oo For all these valid eases there is a two-dimensional eigenspaee of equality for whieh both sides of the inequality are zero; there may be additional eases of equality. 4. a = 1, b = +00; p(x) = 1, q(x) = 0, w(x) = x a (x E [1,00)), where the parameter 0: is restrieted to the range 0: E (-1,00). The fourth-order differential expression in this ease is M[J](x) = (x-ay" (x))" (x E [1,00)) and the associated HELP inequality (6.12) (1 00 x-a j"(x)2 dx r :::; K(o:) 1 00 X a f(X)2dx 1 00 xa{x-a(x-aj"(x))"}2dx. This inequality is eonsidered numerieally in [23, Seetion 9.3.6, pp. 162-163]; it is shown that this inequality is valid for all 0: E (-1,00) and the results lead to the eonjecture (i) (ii) (iii) K (.) is eontinuous and monotonie deereasing on (-1, 00 ), K(o:) = lK for all 0: E [0,00), K(·) is strietly deereasing on (-1,0) and lim K(o:) = +00. a-+O+ There is no definite information eoneerning the eases of equality. 7. HELP-type Integral Inequalities The general Landau-Kolmogorov normed inequality is diseussed in detail in [48, Chapter I]. Here we eonsider one partieular integral inequality, from this general family, that ean be studied, both analytieally and numerieally, through the Titehmarsh-Weyl m-eoefficient. Let the notations and definitions of Seetions 2 and 4 above, hold for the eoefficients p, q and w on the interval [a, b); thus M[J](x) = - (p(x)!'(x))' + q(x)f(x) (x E [a,b)) with the linear manifold ß C L 2 ([a, b) : w) defined by (7.1) ß := {J: [a, b) -t IR : fand w- 1 M[J] E L 2 ([a, b) : w)} . M. BENAMMAR ET AL. 156 For the HELP-type inequality it is necessary to consider the "product" on a suitable domain of real-valued functions. It is possible to effect this product without imposing additional conditions on the coefficients p, q and w, but using the properties of quasi-derivatives; for details see [40]. However it is not necessary here to enter into these details as in the examples considered below these coefficients have all the smoothness properties required for the product to be written out in full. It is convenient to write the original differential expression and this product in the form w- 1 M[j] and (w- 1 M)2 [j] respectively. The HELP-type inequality takes the form (7.2) (!ab w(x)(w- 1M[j])(x)2 dx )2 $ K l b w(x)j(x)2 dx l 1 b w(x)(w- M[j])2(x)dx with domain in the space L 2 ([a, b) : w) as given by (7.1). To give an example to illustrate the form of this inequality and to link it with earlier results in this paper, consider the case a = 0, b = +00; p(x) = w(x) = 1, q(x) = (x E [0,00)) for which the inequality (7.2) takes the form ° this is the inequality (6.4) with K = 1K as the best possible number. It is clear that this example should emerge from the general theory for the inequality (7.2). The general theory is extensively developed in [6] and reported on with examples in [7]. The validity of the general inequality can be made dependent upon the Titchmarsh-Weyl m-coefficient for the second-order differential equation M[y] = >..wy on [a, b); the criterion also includes a full description of the cases of equality. There are two technical conditions that have to be placed on the differential expression M in the space L 2 ([a, b) : w) for this general theory to be applied; we mention these conditions here without additional comment; M has to be in the limit-point condition at end-point bin L 2([a, b) : w), and (w- 1 M)2 has to be partially separated in L2([a, b) : w); for details see [7, Section 2]. All the examples quoted below satisfy these two technical conditions. 7.1. EXAMPLES 1. a = 0, b = +00; p(x) = 1, q(x) = 0, w(x) = xO! (x E [0,00)) with the shift parameter TE IR and with the parameter Q; E (-1,00). Then (x E [0,00)) and a calculation shows that HELP AND HELP-TYPE INTEGRAL AND SERIES INEQUALITIES 157 The inequality in this case thus becomes (7.3) (1 00 ~ K(T,a) r X-o.(J"(X) + TXo. f(X))2 dx 1 00 xo. f(X)2 dx 1 00 x-o.((x-o. !,,(X))" + 2T!,,(X) + T2xo. f(x))2 dx with domain D := {I: [0,00) --+ lR: 1(3) E ACloc[O, 00) and I, (w- 1MT )2[/1 E L 2([O, 00) : xo.)}. It can be shown that the differential equation, for all T E lR, MT[y](x) = AXo.y(x) (x E [0,00)) has explicit solutions in terms of Bessel functions; see [39]. It is shown in [7, Sections 2 and 3] that (iv) K(T,a) = +00 for all T E (-00,0) and for all a E (-1,00), K(T, a) < +00 for all T E [0, +00) and for all a E (-1,00), K (T, .) is continuous and monotonie decreasing on (-1, 00), for all T E [0,00), lim K(O, a) = +00, (v) (vi) K(O,O) = JI{ (for JI{ see (6.3)), lim K(O, a) > o. (i) (ii) (iii) 0.--+-1 + 0.--++00 These results follow from use of both analytieal and numerieal methods. The result (v) in the above table is the required consistency with the separate analysis of the inequality (6.12); in this case the results in [7] show that there is a continuum of cases of equality. 2. It is tempting to prediet that there are interesting examples of the inequality (7.2) arising from a choiee of the p, q and w coefficients such as a = 0, b = +00; p(x) = w(x) = 1, q(x) = x or x 2 (x E [0,00)); in these cases the classieal HELP integral inequality is considered in Section 4.1 above. The reason for making this prediction, at an earlier stage, was that the spectra of the second-order Neumann and Diriehlet problems are discrete and this has a marked effect on the classical HELP integral inequality. However predietion in mathematies is not always successful; the remarkable result proved in [6] is that for all such choiees of the coefficients the discrete spectrum leads to the HELP-type inequalities being not valid for all values of the shift parameter T E lR. It seems that for the HELP-type inequality to be valid it is necessary for the shift parameter to be in the essential spectrum of the second-order Neumann, or equivalently Dirichlet, operator. The next two examples illustrate this interesting observation. 3. a = 0, b = +00; p(x) = w(x) = 1, q(x) = -x (x E [0,00)). M. BENAMMAR ET AL. 158 In this case (w- 1 M)[f](x) = - f"(x) - xf(x) (x E [0,00)) and (w- 1 M[J])2 (x) = f(4) (x) + (2xj'(x))' + x 2f(x) (XE [0,00)). The inequality (7.2) takes the form (7.4) (1 00 {f"(x) +Xf(X)}2 dxf ::; K 1 00 f(X)2dx 1 00 {f(4)(X) + (2xj'(x))' +x2f(x)r dx with domain The numerical study of this inequality in [7, Section 3) leads to the results (for lK see (6.3)) (i) the best possible number for the inequality (7.4) is K = lK, (ii) the only case of equality is the null function. 4. a = 0, b = +00; p(x) = w(x) = 1, q(x) = _x 2 (x E [0,00)). In this case (w- 1 M[f]) (x) = - f"(x) - x 2f(x) (x E [0,00)) and (XE [0,00)). The inequality (7.2) takes the form (7.5) (1 {J" + 00 (x) ::; K x 2f(x)} 2 dx 1 00 f f(X)2dx 1 00 {f(4)(X) + (2x 2j'(x))' +x4f(x)r dx with domain The numerical study of this inequality in [7, Section 3) leads to the results (for lK see (6.3)) (i) the best possible number for the inequality (7.5) is K = lK, (ii) the only case of equality is the null function. Acknowledgement. The co-ordinating author (WNE) thanks Professor Gradimir Milovanovic for his help and patience during the preparation of this catalogue. References 1. P. R. Beesack, A simpler proo/ 0/ two inequalities 0/ Brodlie and Everitt, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 84 (1979), 259-261. HELP AND HELP-TYPE INTEGRAL AND SERIES INEQUALITIES 159 2. M. Benammar, Some problems assoeiated with linear differenee operntors, Ph.D. thesis, University of Wales College of Cardiff, Cardiff, U.K., 1992. 3. M. Benammar and W. D. Evans, On the Friedriehs extension 0/ semi-bounded differenee operntors, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. 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Introduction For any function 1 defined on [a, b] the n-th modulus of 1 is defined by In particular, Wl (f; 8) == w(f; 8) := sup{l/(x) - l(y)1 : x, y E [a, b], Ix - Yl ~ 8} is the modulus 01 continuity of 1 on [a, b]. Many estimations of the rate of convergence of approximation processes are expressed in terms of these modulL For example, according to one of the central results in approximation theory, the Jackson theorem (see, for example, Natanson [6]), (1) En(f) ~ Cw(f; 1/n) (C is an absolute constant), where En(f) is the best approximation of Ion [a, b] by algebraic polynomials of degree n, Le., En(f) := inf{ max I/(x) - p(x)1 : pE 7rn }. zE[a,b] 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 41A25j Secondary 41A10. Key woms and phrases. Best approximationj Degree of approximationj Jackson theoremj Whitney constant. The research was partially supported by the Bulgarian Ministry of Science under Contract No. MM-414. 161 G.v. Milovanovic (ed.), Recent Progress in lnequalities, 161-174. © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. 162 B. BOJANOV (As usual, lI"n denotes the set of all algebraic polynomials of degree less than or equal to n). In Section 2 we study the exact constant C in the Jackson inequality (1) and discuss a quest ion of Frank Deutsch: could one derive the Weierstrass theorem from the Tchebycheff alternation theorem. Another result due to Whitney [10] asserts that (2) where W is a constant which does not depend on 1. Sendov has conjectured that the Whetney constant W is bounded independent of n and moreover W ::; 1 in case [a, b] = [0,1]. He proved in [8] that W ::; 6. Later Kryakin [4] showed that W ::; 3. We consider here the corresponding problem for interpolating polynomials. For any given set x of points Xl < ... < X n we denote by P,(x) the polynomial of degree n - 1 that interpolates 1 at Xl, ... , X n and present estimates of the form (3) 111 - P,II := max 11(x) - P,(x)1 ::; const. w(x,1; I/n), xE[a,b] where w(x, 1; I/n) is a certain quantity that reduces to the ordinary n-th modulus in the case of equidistant nodes. The problem have been studied before in the particular case of equally spaced points, mainly for Xk = kl(n+ 1), k = 1, ... , n. The corresponding constant is usually denoted by W' for this choice of the interpolation nodes. The well-known conjecture of Sendov [8] says that W' ::; 2. Dur efforts to understand the nature of this problem resulted in obtaining certain curious relations involving divided differences and Lagrange interpolation. They are presented in Section 3. Using this general representation of the error in the particular case of equally spaced nodes we derive Whitney type estimates for the classical differentiation rules and interpolatory quadrat ure formulas. The usefulness and the exactness of this techniques is demonstrated by the fact that one of the remainder representations obtained here reduces to the expression that yields the famous Sendov bound W' ::; 6 for the interpolatory Whitney constant. The J ackson Inequality Denote by g[h, ... ,tm] the divided difference of 9 at the points h, ... ,tm. For given 1 E C[-I,I] and points Xo < ... < xn+l in [-1,1], consider the best approximation En(x; j) oft he function 1 on the set x = (xo, ... ,XnH) byalgebraic polynomials of degree n. By the Tchebycheff alternation theorem the polynomial P of the best approximation satisfies the relations with e = +1 or e = -1. Taking the divided difference on the both sides one get REMARKS OF THE JACKSON AND WHITNEY CONSTANTS 163 where sex) is any function on [-1,1] satisfying the conditions S(Xi) i = 0, 1, ... , n + 1. Therefore En(Zj f) = Ij[xo, ... ,Xn+1] I, s[xo, ... , Xn+l] which is the well-known representation of the best approximation. In the next lemma we give an estimate of En(zj f) and then using the relation En(f) = (4) sup En(zj f) "'0<"'<"',,+1 we derive the Jackson inequality. The best uniform approximation of any given continuous function ! is completely defined by (4). It follows from the Weierstrass theorem that En(f) tends to zero as n goes to infinity. All of the known proofs of this classical result are constructive and present certain sequence of algebraic polynomials approaching ! uniformly on the interval. Frank Deutsch posed the problem of showing directly that the quantity (4) tends to as n -+ 00. Studying this question we came to the approach presented below. It was applied in [3] to a more general setting treating approximation by arbitrary Tchebycheff system of functions. ° Lelllllla 1. For any natural number n and points Xo < ... < Xn+1 in [0,1], there exist constants Co, ... , Cn such that (5) I n En(zj f) = :L>k[!(Xk+1) - !(xk)]I· k-O M oreover, the constants {Ck} satisfy the conditions Proof. It follows from the recurrence relation g[h, ... , t ]- g[to, ... , tm-I] m 9 [to, . .. , t m ] = =-=-,;:.;.,._..:........;;.:-=-.--='-!....:-'-----'--.:.:c'--= t m - to that there exist constants {dd such that the divided difference may be presented in the form (6) j[xo, ... ,Xn+1] = n L dkj[Xk,Xk+1]' k=O In order to find dk we apply (6) to the function 'Pi(X) := {°Xk+1 - xk forfor x - Xk for xE [O,Xk], xE [Xk+I, 1], xE (Xk, Xk+d. 164 B. BOJANOV We shall show that dk "I- 0 and Sgndk = (_I)nH-k. Indeed, let qk be the polynomial from 7rn +l which interpolates <{)k at Xo, ... ,XnH. By Rolle's theorem, q~(x) vanishes at each subinterval (Xi, xHd for i = 0, 1, ... ,k -1, k + 1, ... ,n. Thus q~ should be of degree exactly n. Since qHx) has no more zeros, qk(X) - (XHl - Xk) changes sign at XkH, ... ,Xn+l. Finally taking into account that q~(x) is positive at XkH we find the sign of qk(X) for large X and consequently, the sign ofthe leading coefficient of qk (x) which is actually the divided difference <{)k [xo, ... ,XnH]· Thus sgn dk -- sgn<{)k [Xo,··· ,Xn+l ] -- ( - l)n+l-k . Applying (6) to the divided differences of 1 and sand taking into account that sex) takes alternatively the values +1 and -1 at {xd, we rewrite En(x; f) in the form n E dk[I(XHd - I(Xk)] En(x; f) = k:O E dk[s(XHd - S(Xk)] n = IL Ck[J(XkH) - I(Xk)]1 k=O k=O with Ck := (-ltH-kdk (2 L Idkl) -, k = 0,1, ... ,no n 1 k=O All stated properties of {Ck} follow now from the corresponding properties of dk · The proof is completed. An immediate consequence of (5) is the fact that: En(f) tends to zero il the set 01 alternation points 0/1 are dense in [-1,1], that is, provided the maximal distance Hn(f) between two consecutive points 0/ TchebycheJJ alternation tor 1 approaches zero as n -+ 00. The latter holds indeed, according to the well-known Kadec theorem. Moreover, Tashev [9], improving the result of Kadec, has shown that liminf Hn(f)n(logn)-l ~ 8(b - a). So, this could be accepted as an answer to Frank Deutsch question (even with an estimate En(f) ~ const. w(f; n-1logn). Looking for a more direct way of establishing the convergence of E n (f) to 0 and for a more precise estimation, we transform further the quantity (5) and estimate it. Making use of some elementary properties of the modulus of continuity we derive from (5) the estimation En(x; f) ~ tiCk Iw(f; IXkH - Xkl) ~ t ICkl k=O k=O CXkH8- xkl + 1) w(f; 8) REMARKS OF THE JACKSON AND WHITNEY CONSTANTS 165 which holds for every 8 > 0. In particular, choosing n 8 = 8(x) := L ICkllxk+l - xkl, k=O we arrive at the estimation Therefore where n an := sup8(x) = sup '" L ICkllxk+l - xkl· '" k=O Here the supremum is extended over all sets of points Xo < ... < xn+l in [-1,1). Clearly we may assume without loss of generality that Xo = -1 and xn+l = 1. If in addition the modulus of continuity of f is convex, that is, for each O! E [0,1) and 81 ~ 0, 82 ~ 0, then we get Thus the exact value of an would yield the exact constant in the Jackson inequality at least in the dass of functions defined by a given convex modulus of continuity w(8). Observe on the basis of Lemma 1 that the quantity 8(x) is the best approximation by polynomials of degree n of a particular function sn(x; x) on the set x. The function Sn is continuous, piece-wise linear with knots at {Xi} and changes its slope alternatively from 1 to -Ion the consecutive subintervals (Xi, XHt). Precisely, 1 n sn(x; x) = Ax + B + 2 -l)kl x - xkl, L( k=l with some coefficients A and B. The problem of estimating E n (I) for arbitrary continuous function f is reduced to the estimation of an. Our remarks above show two ways of doing it. The first one is to find some good constructive approximation of Sn and the other is to find the explicit expression of Ck in terms of Xl, .•. ,Xn and then maximize the function 8(x) over x. We shall go further both ways. B. BOJANOV 166 First, following an idea of EH Passow [7], we construct a polynomial approximation to S(x) := sn(x) - Ax - B of order 27f"/n. Let P be a polynomial of degree n and n ~ 1. Set G(t) := Ix - tl- p(x - t) and assume that G(xo) = G(xn+1) = O. Then n 1 n 12S(x) - ~)-I)kp(x - xk)1 < 1"2 ~)-I)k[lx - xkl- p(x - Xk)] 1 k=l k=l n+1 1 I:(-I)k[G(xk) - k=l G(Xk- 1 )]1 = [11 IG'(t)1 dt [11 I sgn(x - t) - p'(x - t)1 dt. For any xE [-1,1] the last quantity is clearly dominated by the L 1-approximation of sgn t over [-2,2] by p' (t). Now we choose p' to be the polynomial of best L 1approximation to sgnt in [-2,2]. As follows from the classical result of Markov (see Akhiezer [1, p. 98]), p' should interpolate sgn tat the zeros of the Tchebycheff polynomial ofthe second kind Un (t/2) (here n is an even number) and the deviation is given by [22 (sgn t) . sgn U (t/2) dt. n This integral equals 4tan(1I"/(2n + 2)) ~ 411"/n (see Lemma 2 in Passow [7]). Thus, using the described choice of p we get an approximation of sn(x) of order 211"/n and therefore ß n ~ 211" In. Finally 3 En(f) ~ "2 w(f; 211"/n). The exact evaluation of ß n seems to be very difficult problem. The extremal points to the problem n I: sup ickllxH1 - xkl .. k=O are not known. The coefficients Ck are uniquely defined by the nodes {Xk}. They can be computed by the formula Pk(XHd -1 ( ) Ck, k = 0,1, ... n - 1, Pk Xk+1 where Pk is the polynomial from 1I"n which takes value 1 at Xo, ... ,Xk and vanishes at Xk+2, ... ,Xn+l. Indeed, since CH1 = n (7) I: Ck[!(Xk+1) - !(Xk)] = 0 k=O REMARKS OF THE JACKSON AND WHITNEY CONSTANTS 167 for each f E 7rn , we just set f = Pk and get the above recurrence relation. Let us mention two necessary conditions for the optimality of the no des {xd: There exists a polynomial q E 7rn and a number>. such that Xj+l - Xj = >. + (-l)j[q(xj+l - q(Xj)]. Summing the both sides of the last equality multiplied by Cj and using the orthogonal property (7), we get The extremal nodes can be computed for small n. We give below these nodes and the corresponding coefficients {Ck} for n = 10 and the interval [-1, 1]. 0.926 -X2 = X9 = 0.771 -X3 = X8 = 0.575 0.010 Cl =C9 = 0.019 C2 =C8 = 0.037 C3 =C7 = 0.059 C4 =C6 = 0.079 C5 = 0.087 -Xl = Xl = -X4 -X5 Co =ClO = = X7 = 0.353 = X6 = 0.119 The results of computer experiments suggest that the extremal points are unique. Whitney Type Estimates Let Xo < ... < Xn be given points in [0,1]. Denote by j[xo, ... ,Xk] the divided difference of f at Xo, . .. ,X k. Let n Pp(x) := L F(Xk)lk(X) k=O be the Lagrange interpolation polynomial for F with no des Xo, ... ,Xn . Set w(x) := (x - xo) ... (x - x n ). By the Newton interpolation formula (8) F(x) - Pp (x) = F[xo, ... ,xn,x]w(x), The divided difference representation of the remainder is a basic tool in the error estimation of various approximation schemes based on interpolation. The next lemma gives one more transformation of this expression. B. BOJANOV 168 Lemma 2. Let F'(x) = f(x) and ~ be any point from [0,1]. Then (9) where Xk(t) := ~ + (Xk - ~)t, k = 0,1, ... ,n. Proof. This relation was mentioned in [2, p. 11]. It could be derived also from a recurrence relation for multivariate B-splines discovered earlier by Micchelli [5]. The relation (9) can be proved directly in a very simple way: Denote the integral by I(F). Clearly I(x k ) = tSk,nH' Besides, and thus I(F) is a linear combination of the values of F at xo, ... ,xn,~' This two properties defined the divided difference F[xo, ... ,xn,~] uniquely. The proof is completed. An immediate application of Lemma 2 yields the following Whitney type estimate for the interpolation error. Theorem 1. Let P E 11'n interpolates the function F at the equidistant points Xk = kh, k = 1, ... ,n + 1, h = l/(n + 2). Then 1 t 1 IIF - PIIC[-l,l]::; 0 wn(F'; n + 2) dt. Proof. According to Lemma 2, Since Iw(x)1 ::; Iw(l)1 = (n + l)!h nH < n!h n we get IIF - PIIC[-l,l] ::; 1 1 wn(F'; th) dt and the proof is completed. Note that Similarly we can obtain a Whitney type estimate for an approximate differentiation formula based on Lagrange interpolation. Indeed, differentiating (8) one get REMARKS OF THE JACKSON AND WHITNEY CONSTANTS 169 This is a differentiation formula of interpolatory type. It is widely used in numerical analysis in the particular case of equidistant nodes. Let Xk = kh, k = 0,1, ... ,n. Consider the remainder Applying Lemma 2 with ~ = Xk and recalling that F'(x) = /(x), we get Finally, One important conclusion from the last example is that the quantities 8k(t) := F[xo + t, ... ,Xn + t,xk + t]W'(Xk), k = 0,1, ... ,n, are bounded by Wn (J i h) in case {x j} are equally spaced with a step size h. Thus any estimation ofthe error expressed in terms of 8j (t) would yield a Whitney type estimates. The next relation (10) is the key to obtaining such estimates in terms of 8j (t). Because of the fundamental role of 8j (t) it seems reasonable to introduce the following generalized n-th modulus w(x, /i 8) associated with a fixed skeleton set x of points 0 = Xo < ... < Xn = 1. W(x, /i 8) := sup { I:t f(~(T I : -1 ~ ~ ~ 1, xo(t), xn(t) E [-1,1], t ~ 8}. k=O W Xk Clearly w(x, /i 8) reduces to the ordinary Wn(Ji 8) in case the skelation set is Xk = kin, k = 0,1, ... ,n. Set rk(t) := /(Xk) + 8k (t) - 8k (0). Theorem 2. Let P(ti z) be the polynomial of degree n which takes values rj(t) at the points Xj + t respectively, j = 0,1, ... ,n. Then (10) l T P(ti Xk + T) dt = l T f(Xk + t) dt B. BOJANOV 170 fOT each T E [-Xo, 1 - x n ] and k = 0, 1, ... ,n. Proof. Denote by {lj(t; x)}8 the Lagrange fundamental polynomials corresponding to the nodes Xo + t, ... ,Xn + t. In case t = 0 we shall use the abbreviation lj(x) = Ij(O; x). Thus the polynomial n Pg(t;x):= Lg(Xj +t)lj(t;x) j=O interpolates the function g at {Xj + t}8. Differentiating the Newton identity n F(x) - PF(t;x) = F[xo + t, ... ,Xn + t,x] II(x - Xi - t) i=O at x = Xk + t, we get n f(Xk + t) = L F(xj + t)lj(t; Xk + t) + 6k(t). j=O Observe that lj(t; Xk + t) = lj(xk). Thus n f(Xk + t) - f(Xk) = L[F(Xj + t) - F(Xj)]lj(Xk) + 6k(t) - 6k (0), j=O and consequently n t f(Xk + t) = Tk(t) + L i f(Xj + t) dt lj(xk). j=O 0 Now let us multiply the both sides of this equality by lk(t; x) and sum for k = 0,1, ... ,n. Using the fact that I·)(t·, x) - I) .(0' - ) I .(x - t) , ' x - t) we get t k=O f(Xk + t)lk(t; x) = t {t j=O k=O n =- L )=0 d lj(xk)lk(t; x)} l 0 t t !(Xj + s) ds + t k=O dt lj(x - t) in !(Xj + s) ds + p(t; x). 0 rk(t)lk(t; x) REMARKS OF THE JACKSON AND WHITNEY CONSTANTS Therefore d lj(x - t) p(tj X) = Pj(tj X) + Ln -d j=O t l t 171 f(Xj + S) ds 0 and hence l T t T p(tj X) dt = lT Pj(tj X) dt + Ln l l f(Xj + S) ds dlj(x - t). o 0 j=O 0 0 An integration by parts in the last integral yields 1 T o 1 T p(tjx)dt= n T Pj (t j x)dt+L{l f(Xj+s)dslj(x-T) 0 n L j=O 0 f(Xj + t)lj(Xk + T - t) = Pj(tj Xk + T) j=O and the relation (10) follows. The proof is completed. Let us give an application of Theorem 2 in the case Xk = kh, k = 0,1, ... ,n, h = 1/(n + 1), T = h. Then, by virtue of (10), But lj(tj Xk +T) = lj(Oj Xk +T- t) =: lj(Xk +T- t). Therefore, denoting by Pj(t) the polynomial from 1I'n that interpolates f at {Xk}ö, we get Let Q be the polynomial from 11'n-1 which interpolates f at Xl, ... ,X n . Then the error en (J) of the interplatory quadrat ure formula 1 1 f(x) dx ~ 1 1 Q(t) dt 172 B. BOJANOV is bound by sup 11 f(x) dx 1 1 over all functions that vanishes at Xl, .•• ,Xn and have a preassigned n-th modulus Since for such functions W n (J ; 8). and clearly If(xo)1 ::; w(J; l/(n + 1), the integration error en(J) can be estimated in the following way Now using the obvious inequalities where 'Y:= max L ~J )-1 Ilj(t)l, n ( O~t~Xl . 0 J= and the estimates for 'Y and Jl.k given in Lemma 1 and Lemma 2 of Sendov [8], we get Next we derive sorne consequences from (10). Theorem 3. For every continuous function f in [0,1] and any k = 0,1, ... ,n, we have Proof. Differentiating (10) with respect to T we get (12) REMARKS OF THE JACKSON AND WHITNEY CONSTANTS 173 Next we transform further this expression. Recall first that Making use of this observation we obtain n = - L f(xj )[lj (Tj Xk + T) - lj (Oj Xk + T)] j=O n = - L f(xj)[lj(Xk) -lj(Xk + T)] j=O Thus Inserting this expression in (12) we get the desired presentation of the interpolation error. The proof is completed. Similarly we derive the following. Theorem 4. For every continuous function f there exists a polynomial p* E 7rn such that (13) To prove the assertion, we show as in the proof of Theorem 3 that where q interpolates {dj(O)}~ at {Xj(O)}~. Then the theorem follows with p*(x) = Pf(x) + q(x). In the particular case of equidistant points {x k} an estimation of the interpolation error based on Theorem 4 leads to Sendov's result [8]. Let us sketch the proof of this important application. B. BOJANOV 174 Let Xk = k/(n + 1), k = 0,1, .. . n. We are going to estimate the error 111 - Pli where PE 1rn -l interpolates 1 at Xl, ... ,X n . Since the quantities t5j (t) are the same for every function of the form 1 - Q, Q E 1rn -l, we may assume that 1 vanishes at Xl, ... ,Xn . Then we get from (13) I(Xk + T) - I(xo)lo(xk + T) - n L t5j (O)lj(xk + T) j=o and therefore I/(Xk + T)I < I/(xo)lo(xk + T)I + n L lt5j (O)lllj(xk + T)I j=o But I/(xo)1 $ w(f; l/(n + 1), 11o(xk + t)1 $ 1 for k = 0, 11o(xk + t)1 $ H~) -1 for 1 $ k $ n, and Estimating further these bounds on the basis of Sendov's Lemma 1 and Lemma 2 from [8] one get I/(Xk + T)I $ 6wn (f; l/(n + 1)). References 1. N. I. Akhiezer, Lectures on Approximation Theory, Nauka, Moscow, 1965. (Russian) 2. B. Bojanov, H. Hakopian and A. Sahakian, Spline Flmctions and Multivariate Interpolations, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1993. 3. B. Bojanov, A Jackson type theorem /or TchebychelJ systems, Math. Balkanica (to appear). 4. Yu. V. Kryakin, On the theorem 0/ H. Whitney in spaces L p , 1 ~ P ~ 00, Math. Balkanica 4 (3) (1990), 258-271. 5. C. A. Micchelli, On a numerically efficient method /or computing multivariate B-splines, Multivariate Approximation (W. Schempp and K. Zeller, eds.), Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1979, pp. 211-248. 6. I. P. Natanson, Constructive Function Theory, Gizdat, Moscow - Leningrad, 1948. (Russian) 7. E. Passow, Another proo/ 0/ Jackson's theorem, J. Approx. Theory 3 (1970), 146-148. 8. BI. Sendov, On the theorem and constants 0/ H. Whitney, Constr. Approx. 3 (1987), 1-11. 9. S. Tashev, On the distribution 0/ points 0/ maximal deviation, Approximation and Function Spaces (Z. Ciesielski, ed.), North-Holland, New York, 1981, pp. 791-799. 10. H. Whitney, On functions with bounded n-th diIJerences, J. Math. Pures Appl. 36 (1957), 67-95. ON THE APPLICATION OF THE PEANO REPRESENTATION OF LINEAR FUNCTIONALS IN NUMERICAL ANALYSIS HELMUT BRASS Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Technische Universität Bmunschweig, Pockelsstr. 14, D-38106 Bmunschweig, Germany. KLAUS-JÜRGEN FÖRSTER Institut für Mathematik, Universität Hildesheim, Marienburger Platz 22, D-31141 Hildesheim, Germany. Abstract. For more than 80 years, Peano kernel theory has proven to be an important tool in numerical analysis. It is one aim of this paper to elucidate the wide range of possible applications of Peano's representation of linear functionals. In the literature, Peano kernel theory is mostly considered for restricted classes of linear functionals. In this paper, it is also our objective to give an elementary but general approach for continuous linear functionals on G[a, b]. 1. Introduction Let R be a continuous linear functional defined on C[a, b) with the property R[:1's-d = 0; here, :1'8-1 denotes the space of all polynomials of at most degree 8 - 1. Then, for every / E C8-1 [a, b) for which /(8-1) is absolutely continuous in [a, b), we have (1.1) where (1.2) (. - X)S-l] Ks(x) := R [ (8 -I)! ' is the sth Peano kernel of R. The representation given by (1.1) is the Peano representation of R. It is the aim of this paper to elucidate the wide range of possible applications of (1.1) in numerical analysis which does not seem to be sufficiently weH known. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 65D30; Secondary 41A55, 65D32. Key woms and phrases. Peano kernel theory; Inequalities for linear functionals; Error estimates; Quadrature; Interpolation; Optimal formulas. 175 G. V. Milovanovic (ed.), Recent Progress in Inequalities, 175-202. © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. 176 H. BRASS AND K.-J. FÖRSTER Far this purpose, we give an elementary description of the basic facts and most important results of Peano kernel theory in Section 2. In particular, we have to discuss here how to interpret (1.2) in the case s = 1 where we have to take into consideration that (. - x)~ is not a continuous function. In the third section, we illustrate the theory by systematically applying it to a particular functional, namely the remainder functional of Mehler's quadrature formula. Furthermore, we report about the results obtained when the theory is applied to the classical Gaussian quadrature formula. In the fourth section, we look at some examples for various applications of Peano kernel theory. The most sophisticated applications of (1.1) are those in the theory of numerical quadrature. Recent papers on this topic are (apart from those mentioned below) e.g. those by Fiedler [14], Brass [5], Petras [29] and Brass [6]; see also Davis and Rabinowitz [10] and Brass [4]. However, we will not elaborate on this in a systematic way because it is our intention to initiate work concerning the application of (1.1) outside of quadrature theory. The representation (1.1) can be generalised in many different ways. For example, G[a, b] may be replaced by Gr[a, b], this can be lead back to (1.1) in an obvious way by introducing an integral operator. Another variation is the substitution of G[a, b] by aspace of 1-periodic functions. Here, R[P 8-1] = 0 is not a useful condition, but large parts of the theory can be carried over to this case (under the assumption R[Po] = 0) if the function (. - X)~-1 is replaced by B s (' - x) (for the definition, see (3.21) below). Finally, the expression j(s) can be replaced by applying a linear differential operator to j, see Radon [35] or Ghizzetti and Ossicini [19]. The representation theorems of Sard [37] are even more general. Owing to the lack of space, we cannot' go into details about this here. It seems to us that these general representations have hardly ever been applied in a concrete way to problems in numerical analysis. 2. Fundamentals of Peano Kernel Theory In the following let R be a continuous linear functional on G[a, b] with R[P s - 1 ] = 0 and R[P 8 ] t- O. The norms under consideration are those of the space G[a, b]. 2.1. For fixed ~ E 1R and fixed v E Niet the function sf"v be defined by (2.1) 0, { Sf"v(x) := v(x - ~), 1, for x <~, for x E [~,~ + v-I], for x > ~ + v-I. Using (2.1) we can state the following Lemma 1. Let ~ E [a, b]. Then, the limit (2.2) lim R[sf"v] V-H)() PEANO REPRESENTATION OF LINEAR FUNCTIONALS 177 exists. Proof. The following method of proof was first given by Riesz (see, e.g., Riesz and Sz.-Nagy [36]). We have that 11-1 R[S(,lIl = R[s(,tJ + 2:)R[s(,I<Hl- R[s(,I<]) (2.3) 1<=1 and Lemma 1 is proved if 00 (2.4) L IR[s(,1<+11- R[S(,l<ll 1<=1 converges. The latter follows from the boundedness of A (2.5) I L R[s(,I<Hl- R[se,l<ll K=1 A = R [~[Se'KH - se,l<l sgn(R[s(,I<Hl- R[S('I<])] . Note that the argument of R is bounded by A (2.6) L A IS(,KH(X) - S(,I< (x) I = L(Se,K+1(X) - S(,K(X» which proves the result. 0 We are now able to state the following Definition 1. The nmction K 1 defined by (2.7) K 1 (e) := { 0, for e= a, r R[Se,lI,1 for a < e~ b, II~~ is called the first Peano kernel 0/ R. In particular, we see that (2.8) Furthermore, we will use the following lemma. 178 H. BRASS AND K.-J. FÖRSTER Lemma 2. Let a = Xo < Xl < ... < Xn = band let 'Y := sup Ix,,+! - x"l. Then, " it follows that IR[f]- ~[J(X,,+d - f(x,,)]Kl (x,,) I:::; IIRII w(J; 'Y), (2.9) where w(J; .) denotes the modulus of continuity of f. Proof. Let n-l j := f(Xl) + L[f(x,,+d - f(x")]sx K,,,· (2.10) ,,=1 For sufficiently large v, satisfying x" + v-I< X,,+l, a short calculation shows that (2.11) Therefore, using R[Po] = 0, I R[J]- ~[f(X"+!) - f(x,,)]Kl(x,,) I = lim (2.12) ,,~oo IR[J]- ~ [f(x,,+!) - f(x,,)] R[sx K,,,] I ,,=1 = v-+oo lim IR[J] - R[I] I :::; v-+CX) lim IIRllllf - 1II Theorem 1. K l is of bounded variation and we have (2.13) Var K l = IIRII. Furthermore, for every ~ E (a, b), K l (~) is between K l (~ - 0) and K l (~ + 0). Proof. Let a = Xo < Xl < X2 < ... < Xn = b. Then, n-l I L K l (x,,+d - K l (X,,) ,,=0 = (2.14) I )~ (IR[sxl,,, - 1]1 + ~ IR[sxK+I,"]- R[SXK,,,]I) = v lim R [(SXl " - 1) sgn(R[sXl , " - 1]) -+oo' PEANO REPRESENTATION OF LINEAR FUNCTIONALS 179 In (2.14), for sufficiently large v, the argument of R is bounded by (2.15) 11 - SX1.V(X) 1 + n-1 I: ISX,,+loV(X) - sx".v(x)1 = 1. 1<=1 Therefore, the inequality VarKl ~ IIRII (2.16) follows. For the proof of the reversed inequality we will use Lemma 2. By partial summation we have R[J] = (2.17) n I: !(XI<) [K (xl<-d - K (XI<)] + p, 1 1 1<=1 where Ipl ~ IIRII w(f; 7)· (2.18) Now, we directly obtain IR[!l1 ~ II!II Var K 1 + P (2.19) and since (2.19) is valid for every decomposition of the interval [a, b] it follows that IR[J] I ~ li/li Var K 1 , which yields the inequality Var K 1 ~ IIRII. (2.20) Finally, for the proof of the second part of Theorem 1, we assume that K 1 (~) is not between K 1 (~ - 0) and K 1 (~+ 0). We consider the function [(1 which is identical with K 1 outside the jumps of K 1 and which is continuous from the left-hand side at the jumps (from the right-hand side, resp., if x = a). Then, Var [(1 < Var K 1 • Note that the set of jumps of K 1 is at most countable. Considering in (2.19) only such XI< with K 1 (XI<) = [(1 (XI<) we obtain by the same method as above Var K 1 ~ IIRII. Since IIRII = Var K 1 this is a contradiction to Var [(1 < Var K 1 • 0 The first main result is the following theorem. Theorem 2. Let / be absolutely continuous on [a, b], then R[J] = (2.21) l b !,(u)K1 (u) du. Proof. For a = Xo < Xl < ... < Xn = b we obtain I: [J(XI<+1) - /(XI<)] K (XI<) = I:K (xl<) 1. ,,+1 !,(u) du n-1 (2.22) n-1 1 1<=1 x 1 1<=1 x" 180 H. BRASS AND K.-J. FÖRSTER 1: Furthermore, estimating the second term in (2.22), we have I~ K 1 + !,(u)[K1(xl() - 1: L 1: ~ (s~p (2.23) K + 1 K 1(u)] du 1!,(u)1 I dU) x n-1 X sup{IK1(xl() - K 1(u)1 : XI( ~ u ~ XI(+!} ~ (s~p K + 1 1!,(u)1 dU) Var K 1• The first factor in (2.23) tends to zero if sup IXI(+! - xI(I tends to zero. Therefore, I( the result follows from Lemma 1 and (2.22). 0 Now, the fundamental definition is the following: Definition 2. The function K v defined by (2.24) Kv(x):= l b for v = 2,3, ... ,8 K v- 1(u)du is called the v-th Peano kernel of R. Note that, for v > 1, (2.25) while it is possible that K 1 is not continuous in [a, b]. We are now able to prove the main theorem. Theorem 3 (Peano representation). Let f(v-1) be absolutely continuous on [a, b]. Then, (2.26) for v = 1,2, ... ,8. Proof. The result can be proved by induction. For v = 1, (2.26) holds by Theorem 2. Let (2.26) be proved for v = 0' and let now R[Pu] = o. Then, using the notation Pu (u) := uU, (2.27) Ku+!(a) = [ab Ku(u) du = (0'!)-1 [ab p~)(u)Ku(u) du Ja Jn = (O'!)-lR[pu] = O. Since Ku+! (b) = 0 it follows by partial integration that (2.28) R[/] = l b /(u) (u)Ku(u) du = l b /(u+1) (u)Ku+1(u) du. 0 Note that, by the above proof, K v has a zero in both end-points of the interval [a,b], (2.29) Kv(a) = Kv(b) = 0 for v = 1,2, ... ,8. PEANO REPRESENTATION OF LINEAR FUNCTIONALS Theorem 4. (2.30) Kv(x) = R [(.(v_X)~-l] _ I)! 181 lor v = 2,3, ... ,s. Proof. The proof follows directly from Theorem 3, (2.31) (. - x t - 1] fb R [ (v _ = Ja (u - X)~KV-1(U) du i)! = l b K v- 1(u) du = Kv(x). 0 Now, we have completed the proof of the Peano representation (1.1) stated in the introduction. It should be emphasised that the proof would be much simpler if we restriet consideration to special classes of functionals or if we use Stieltjes integrals and the Riesz' representation theorem for functionals on G[a, b]. 2.2. In this section we consider bounds for R[/] whieh are based on Peano kernel theory. An immediate consequence of Theorem 3 is the following estimate. Theorem 5. Let 1 E G8-1 [a, b] and let 1(8) be bounded in [a, b], then IR[/]I ~ 11/(8)11 (2.32) l b IK8(x)1 dx. (2.32) is sharp, namely we have (2.33) By Theorem 5 error estimates for many functionals in numerieal analysis can be obtained in a systematic and uniform manner. Therefore, this theorem is one of the most important (and most well-known) results in Peano kernel theory. The following result is less well-known but also of wide practieal applicability. Theorem 6. Let v E {O, 1, ... ,s - I}. 111(v) is 01 bounded variation (and il 1 E G[a, b] when v = 0), then the lollowing sharp bound holds, (2.34) Proof. If v = 0 then the result is an immediate consequence of Lemma 2. Therefore, let v > O. Since there exist two monotonie functions li v) and IJv) such that I(v) = li v) + IJv) and Var I(v) = Var li v) + Var IJv) in the following we may assurne that I(v) is a monotonie function on [a, b]. Using the second mean value theorem for integrals, there exists a ~ E [a, b] such that R[/] = (2.35) l b I(v) (u)Kv(u) du l = I(v)(a) e Kv(u) du + I(v)(b) lb Kv(u) du. H. BRASS AND K.-J. FÖRSTER 182 Since v < s, we have J: Kv(u) du = 0 and therefore which implies IR[!ll ::; Var !(v) IIKv +1l1. (2.37) The sharpness of this estimate follows directly from Theorem 4. 0 The next theorem is a useful supplement to Theorem 5 and Theorem 6, since it applies to all ! E G[a, bl. At first we require the following definition Definition 3. If either K 1 (y) = 0 or sgn(K1 (y + 0)K1 (y - 0)) ::; 0, y is called a generalised zero of K 1 . Theorem 7 (Köhler 1994). Let a = ~o < 6 < '" o! K 1 and let (2.38) < ~r+1 = b be generalised zeros 'Y:=sup{I~V+1-~vl: v=O,l,oo. ,r}. Then, (2.39) Proof. Let c > 0 such that ~v + 2c < ~v+1 - 2c for every v E {O, 1, ... ,r}. We define Iv and Cv for v E {O, 1, ... ,r} by (2.40) 1 (2.41) Cv := -2 [max!(x) xElv + xEl min !(x)]. v Then it follows that (2.42) Now, we define, for sufficient small c, (2.43) Se,E,V := { K1(€+c)Se-E,v-K1(€-c)sHE,v K1 (€+c) - K1 (€ -c) far K1(€+0)#K1(€ - 0), se,v far K1(€+0)=K1(€-0), r (2.44) He,v := Co + L(cl< - cl<-dSe",e,v, 1<=1 PEANO REPRESENTATION OF LINEAR FUNCTIONALS 183 where 8(,,, is defined in (2.1). Using (2.42) we can prove, for sufficient large v, 1 I/(x) - He,,,(x)1 ~ 2 w(fj'Y+ 4c) (2.45) and therefore 1 IR[/]- R[He,,,] I ~ IIRIIIII - He,,,11 ~ 2 11RII w(fj 'Y + 4c). (2.46) Since l~ R[S(",e,,,] = 0, (2.46) implies for v -+ 00 ,,~OO 1 IRU]I ~ 2I1Rllw(fj'Y+4c) (2.47) and (2.47) holds for every c > O. 0 We now state a further estimate using the modulus of continuity, which in case of applicability often gives a sharper estimate. We will use the following notation, (2.48) Theorem 8 (Ligun 1976). Let the modulus 0/ continuity w(fj .) 0/1 be concave. Then, (2.49) IRU]I ~ ~ IIRII w (fj 211K11I 1 / IIRID· Proof. We require the following theorem from approximation theory (see, e.g., Lorentz [25, pp. 122-123]: For every h > 0 there exists (2.50) IIg'lI ~ M and 1 111 - gll ~ 2 (w(fj h) - Mh). Applying Theorem 5, we have (2.51) 1 IRU]I ~ IRU - gll + IR[gli ~ 2 11RII (w(fj h) - Mh) + IIK1IiIM. Now, substituting h = 211K1lldliRII the result follows. 0 Köhler [21] has given a proof of Theorem 8 based on completely different ideas. In his paper further estimates using the modulus of continuity are stated. In the next estimate for RU] we assurne the convexity of I. This is of interest since convexity is a type of smoothness which, e.g., does not imply the boundness of the first derivative of I. H. BRASS AND K.-J. FÖRSTER 184 Theorem 9 (Förster and Petras 1990). Let f be a convex junction on [a, b]. Then, the following sharp bound holds, IR[fli ~ 8 (f(a) - 2f((a + b)/2) + f(b)), (2.52) where _ { x- a K 2 (x) := b- x (2.53) for x E [a, ~] , b for x E [at ,b] . Proof. Using a suitable approximation of f (e.g., a polygon whose vertices are smoothed) we may restrict to functions having a nonnegative second derivative. We have (2.54) R[f] = ~ l b 81 j"(x)K2 (x) dx = b l b j"(x) ~:~:~ K (x) dx 2 j"(x)K2 (x) dx = 8 [f(a) - 2f ((a + b)/2) + f(b)]. The lower bound in (2.52) can be proved analogously. For the proof of the sharpness of the result, consider f(x) = (x - xo)+, where Xo is a maximum point of (2.53). 0 Petras [29] has given a generalisation of Theorem 9 for convexity of higher order. Further bounds for R[J] can be obtained by applying Hölder's inequality to (2.26), but more important is a closer look to the structure of Peano kerneis. 2.3. For several applications the changes of sign of Peano kerneis are of interest. To be more precise, we will use the following definition. Definition 4. The function f defined on [a, b] has at least r changes of sign if there exist numbers a ~ 771 < 772 < ... < 77rH ~ b such that (2.55) for K, = 1,2, ... ,r. We will use the notation SC(f) = r, if f has at least r changes of sign but not at least r + 1 changes of sign. In this situation there exist numbers a = ~o ~ 6 ~ ..• ~ ~rH = b such that, for v E {O, 1, ... ,r} (2.56) (-ltfJf(x) ~ 0 for x E [~v,~vH] and sup (-ltfJf(x) > 0, ~v~"'~~v+l where either fJ = 1 or fJ = -1 is fixed. If f = K>.., then we always have ~v < ~vH' This is trivial for >. > 1 and follows from Theorem 1 for >. = 1. Now we can prove the following result. PEANO REPRESENTATION OF LINEAR FUNCTIONALS 185 Theorem 10. K>. has at least s - A changes 01 sign. Prool. We assume that K>. has r < s - A changes of sign. Using a decomposition as in (2.56), then (2.57) since K>. is of bounded variation and therefore in each interval [~/I' ~/I+ d there is a subinterval in whieh K>. has a fixed sign. The term on the left hand side of (2.57) is equal to R[P] with a pE Pr+A C :1's-l and this means R[P] = O. By this contradiction the result is proved. 0 Theorem 11. SG(K>.) = r implies SG(K>.+d ~ r - 1. Proof. We use a decomposition as in (2.56). K>'H is a primitive of -K>. and therefore monotonie in [~/I' ~/I+1]. This implies that KoHl has at most one change of sign in [~/I' ~/I+1]. Since K>'+1 (a) = K.>'+1 (b) = 0 and since KoHl E G[a, b] there are no changes of sign in [a,6] and [~r, b]. 0 The following result is an immediate consequence of Theorem 11. Theorem 12. SG(Kd = s - 1 implies SG(Ks ) = O. J: The situation that K s has no change of sign is of practieal interest for the use of Theorem 5, since the (often laborious) calculation of IKs(x)1 dx can be simplified drastically. Then we have (2.58) where Ps(x) := x S. If 1 E GS[a, b], applying the mean value theorem to (2.26) we obtain (2.59) RU] = j(s)(~) R[ps] s! with ~ E [a, b]. Generally, a functional R is called definite 01 order A if there exists a fixed constant c such that (2.60) ~ E [a,b], for every j E G>'[a, b]. Theorem 13. R is definite il and only il K s has no change 01 sign. In particular, il R is definite, then R is definite 01 order s. Proof. Let R be definite of order A. Then R[/] has the same sign for all 1 with j(>') > O. Under the assumption that K>. has a change of sign, it is easy to construct functions j with 1(>') > 0 such that (2.61) H. BRASS AND K.-J. FÖRSTER 186 has different signs for two different functions f. By an application of Theorem 10 the result folIows. 0 2.4. More information on Peano kerneis can be obtained using the expansion of K.\+1 in Chebyshev polynomials. For this technique see Brass and Förster [7]. In the following let A ? 1. In the following let A ? 1 and let [a, b] = [-1,1]. Our starting point is the following expansion, ;! x)~ f a~.\)Tv(t), (2.62) = (t - ~ a(A) := v 'Ir (2.63) 1 1 -1 v=O (t - x)~ Tv(t) dt. ,x! v'f=t2 Note that the series in (2.62) converges uniformly in [-1,1]. Using the Rodrigues formula (for the theory of orthogonal polynomials and the notations used here, see Szegö [40]) we have Tv(t) = (-I)Vv! 2V (~) v [(1 _ t2t-1/2] viI - t 2 (2v)! dt (2.64) Using partial integration we obtain for v > ,x (2.65) a(A) v = ~ (-lt+ A v! 2 V (2v)! 'Ir 1 1 -1 (t _ x)O (~) V-A [(1 _ t2t-1/2] dt + dt = ~ (-lt+.\+1 v! 2 (.!!...) v-A-1 [(1 _ x2t-1/2] . V dx (2v)! 'Ir A comparison with the Rodrigues formula for ultraspherical polynomials shows that (2.66) (A) av = ~ 2A(v(- ' A)-1I)! ,x! (1 _ X 2)A+1/2 p(A+1) ( ) v-A-1 X • v+". 'Ir By a result of Durand [12] we have, for every x E [-1,1], (2.67) (1- x )1 < 2)A+1/2Ip(A+1)( n X - r(n/2 +,x + 1) r(,x + 1) r(n/2 + 1)" (2.66) and (2.67) imply the following estimate, (2.68) 1a(.\) I<- ~ (v - ,x) (v - ,x + 2)(v1 - ,x + 4) ... (v + ,x) . v 'Ir Furthermore by (2.61) we have 00 (2.69) K A+1(x) = La~A) R[Tv ]. V=S PEANO REPRESENTATION OF LINEAR FUNCTIONALS 187 Using (2.68) we obtain ~ I (A)I IKA+1(x)1 :5 IIRII ~ a", ~ 2 1 :5 -; IIRII t:-; (v-.\)(v-.\+2) ... (v+.\) =~IIRII..!...~[ 1 7r 2.\ t:-; (v - .\)(v - .\ + 2) ... (v + .\ - 2) (2.70) 1 ] - (v - .\ + 2)(v - .\ + 4)· .. (v + .\) = ~7r IIRII..!... [ 1 2.\ (s - .\)(s - .\ + 2) ... (s + .\ - 2) ~ + (8 - .\ + l)(s - .\ 3)· .. (s + .\ - 1)] . Therefore we have proved the following result: Theorem 14. Let.\ E {2, 3, ... , s}. Then, (2.71) IIKAII :5 7r(.\ 2_ 1) (8-.\+1)(S-.\+3)(~-.\+5) ... (s+.\-3) IIRII· Using the method deseribed above it is also possible to obtain estimates of IKA(x)1 which depend on x. Instead of (2.67) we have to use loeal bounds, for more details see Förster [16]. Finally we state the following conjecture (2.72) (1 _ x 2)"'-1 IK",(x) I :5 2"'(v _ I)! IIRII for xE [-1,1], v = 1,2, ... ,s. 3. An Example: Mehler's Quadrature Rule 3.1. For the numerical approximation of J~l /(x)(l - X)-1/2 dx mostly the following well-known quadrat ure formula of Mehler's is used, (3.1) M 7r ~ .( Qn eu] := ;, ~ / 2v - 1 ) eos - n - 7r • As an example, we eonsider here (3.2) Q:!e is the Gaussian formula for the Chebyshev weight function (l- x 2 ) -1/2 and we have R[P2n-1] = O. For estimates of the remainder term R we now apply the Theorems 5-9. We obtain estimates of the type (3.3) (3.4) (3.5) (3.6) IRU]I :5 Cl", 11/("') 11, v = 1,2, ... ,2n, IRU]I :5 ß", Var /(",-1), v = 1,2, ... ,2n, IR[/]I :5 7rw(f; 1'), IRU]I :5 81/(-1) - 2/(0) + /(1)1, 188 H. BRASS AND K.-J. FÖRSTER where we have to investigate the numbers a", ß", 7, 8. Let us emphasise that a large number of bounds is important in order to utilise fully the properties of f. E.g., though (3.5) generally can be applied for f E G[a, b], in most cases the obtained bound leads to a large overestimation of the error. Furthermore, even if all derivatives of fexist, the use of the highest derivative in (3.3) or (3.4) often does not result in the best estimate. For R defined in (3.2) we easily obtain (3.7) K 1 (x) = arccosx - - (n - A) n 7r where (3.8) 2A-1 XA := -COS~7r 1, ... ,n), (A = Xo := -1, X n +1 := 1. K 1 has zeros (of order 1) in - COS(A7r In) (A = 0,1, ... ,n) and generalised zeros in X A (A = 1,2, ... ,n). Theorem 7 therefore yields (3.9) Furthermore, a simple calculation gives (3.10) and doing some more work we obtain 1 1 (3.11) 7r IK1 (x)1 dx = 2tan -4 . n -1 So we have obtained a1 and ß1 (Ponomarenko [33]) and we also can apply Theorem 8. Furthermore, (3.12) r.;---;; 7r 7r sin(A7rln) K 2 (x) = V 1- x 2 - x arccos x + x(n - A) - - - -..,.:-,...,.:,..-:-:n 2n sin(7r/(2n)) for x E [x A , XAH] and this implies 7r (3.13) IIK2 11 = { odd n, ;n [1 - 2~'- cot - ] forfor even n, 7r COS - 2n and 7r 1--cot- 2n 2n' PEANO REPRESENTATION OF LINEAR FUNCTIONALS 189 On the other hand, for J~1 IK2(x)1 dx an explicit simple expression seems to be hardly obtainable. A lengthy but straightforward calculation gives the following estimate for every n > 1, (3.14) 1 1 4V2 ( rr )2 (rr 1 _1IK2(x)ldx=-3-n cos 4n 2nsin(rr/(2n» )3/2 1 (1+e: n ), -1(1 - tan 2rr) Ie: n I< - 2n 4n ' (3.15) Using Cauchy's inequality, from Theorem 3 it follows that (3.16) where the first factor on the right hand side of (3.16) is sharp. An explicit lengthy computation gives for s = 1 and s = 2 the following results, (3.17) 1 1 -1 (K 2(x» 2 32 ( rr)2 cos(rr/n) rr dx = 27 - 2n sin(3rr/2n) cot 2n rr +- 1 2n sin(3rr /2n) (3.18) (4--3cos 2 -rr) 9 2n 4 (rr)4 -5 = 135 2n + 0 (n ). An application of Theorem 9 yields after some calculation (3.19) IR(fll:::; (cot ;J (1- 2: cot 2:) (/(-1) - 2f(0) + f(I», where the constant (1- ~ cot~) = ~ + 0 (n- 3 ) ( cot~) 4n 2n 2n 3n is sharp. The explicit calculation of 0:2, 0:3, ... , ß3, ß4, ... fails because of the complexity of the formulas for K 2 , K 3 , ••.• This, of course, is true only if we want to express H. BRASS AND K.-J. FÖRSTER 190 a,. and ß,. as funetions of n. For every single fixed n, the evaluation of a,. and ß,. does not eause any problems. All praetical needs will be satisfied with a table for seleeted values of n that may easily be established. (Stroud and Seerest [39] have calculated such a table). The best known error bound for Mehler's quadrature rule is (3.3) with v = 2n. It can be proven easily because R is definite of 2n-th order. The definiteness follows immediately from Theorem 12, the changes of sign have been stated above. We obtain (3.20) 7r R[J] = 22n-1 j(2n)(e) (2n)! ' where we have used the relation R[P2n] = R[T~]/22n-2 for the ealculation of R[P2n]' Simple expressions for the Peano kerneis of higher order are available, however, if we aecept representations that hold asymptotically (as n -t 00). For this purpose, we define the Bernoulli function B). by (3.21) B ( ) = -2 ~ eos(2v7rx - 7r >'/2) ). x ~ (2v7r). , >. = 1,2, .... FIG. 1: First Peano kernel K1 of Mehler's formula Q!fe for n = 8 (scaled 10- 1 ) FIG. 2: Second Peano kernel K2 of Mehler's formula Q!fe for n = 8 (scaled 10- 3 ) PEANO REPRESENTATION OF LINEAR FUNCTIONALS 191 FIG. 3: Third Peano kernel K3 of Mehler's formula Q~e for n = 8 (scaled 10- 4 ) FIG. 4: 4th Peano kernel K4 of Mehler's formula Q~e for n = 8 (scaled 10-5 ) FIG. 5: 8th Peano kernel Ks of Mehler's formula Q~e for n = 8 (scaled 10- 9 ) BA is a 1-periodic function whose restrietion to the interval (0,1) is a polynomial, the so-called Bernoulli polynomial. In particular, we have (3.22) 1 Bt{x)=x-LxJ- 2, H. BRASS AND K.-J. FÖRSTER 192 0.5 FIG. 6: 16th Peano kernel K16 of Mehler's formula Qffe for n = 8 (scaled 10- 17 ) and therefore (3.7) leads to (3.23) 1) _ 7r B (narccosx K 1 (X ) -1 +-2' n 7r Now, we integrate successively and take into consideration that B~+1 = BA' In the first step, we obtain (3.24) K 2 (x) = [1 '!!..B 1 (narccosu +~) du }z n 7r 2 = [1 '!!..B 1 (narccosu + ~) }z n 2 7r 1 VI - u 2 \11 _ u2 du. A partial integration yields K 2 (x) = 7r 2 B 2 (narccosx +~) ~ (3.25) n2 2 7r 7r211 B 2 (narccosu +-1) -n2 z 7r 2 u d VI - u 2 u ' and, by another partial integration, we obtain K 2(x) = 7r 2 B 2 (narccosx +~) \11 _ x2 n2 7r 2 (3.26) 7r 3 B (narccosx -- 3 n3 7r +-1) x 2 7r311 B 3 (narccosu +-1) du 7r 2 ' n3 z -- and thus PEANO REPRESENTATION OF LINEAR FUNCTIONALS 193 More generally, this method leads to (3.28) Using well-known analytical results, from (3.28) we can easily obtain the asymptotic behaviour of a s and ßs. For K 2n , this method does not lead to any results, hut we may use (2.68). We have (3.29) [ v ] -_{ (-1)k+17r, RT 0, if v=2kn, k=1,2, ... , else, and thus, taking into consideration (2.65) and (2.67), (3.30) K 2n (x) = 2 2n +1(2n)! (4n)! [(1 _x 2)2n-1/2 + O((247)n)] folIows. 3.2. In practice, the classical Gaussian quadrature rule n (3.31 ) Q~[j] = L avf(xv) v=l is much more important than Mehler's rule. In (3.31), the weights a v and the nodes x v E [-1, 1] are determined in such a way that Q n [P] = f~ 1 p( x) dx holds for every p E P2n-1. Here, we thus have to investigate (3.32) R~[f] := [11 f(x) dx - Q~[f]. Again, we can ask for the values of a K, ßK' ,,(, eS from (3.3)-(3.6). The technical problems are much more difficult than in Mehler's case because now, no simple expressions for a v and Xv are available. The only simple case here is a2n because R~ is definite [Proof: By definition of K 1, we have that K 11 (a=v.:t v +l ) (x) = -x + const v ; therefore, K 1 cannot have more than 2n - 1 changes of sign. Now, apply Theorems 10-13]. ß1 has been determined explicitly by Förster and Petras [18] who have shown in the case n = 2m - 1 that (3.33) = KG(O 0) = ~ m = [((n - 1)/2)!]4 22n - 2 II KGII 1 1 + 2a [n!J2 From the structure of K 1 described above, this directly implies "( = IIKrll, and hence (3.34) 194 H. BRASS AND K.-J. FÖRSTER as conjectured by Baker [2, p. 789]. In all other cases, only bounds are known: Asymptotically sharp bounds only for 6 from Förster and Petras [17], for al from Petras [27], and for a2 from Petras [30]. In particular in the latter case, a very large amount of analytic work is necessary in order to obtain the results. In an important paper, Petras [26] has shown that the application of Peano kernel theory need not necessarily fail due to analytic difficulties. He has shown for a large dass of quadrat ure rules (induding Q~) how the asymptotic behaviour of K >(for an increasing number of no des) can be expressed by simple formulas similar to (3.27). This allowed hirn also to find out the asymptotic behaviour of a). and ß).. For asymptotic behaviour of an for increasing n, see Section 4.7. Bounds for have first been stated by DeVore and Scott [11], they have been irnproved by Petras [29]. Kr 4. Selected Applications 4.1. Proofs of Definiteness. Definiteness often can be proved by Theorem 12. A first example was given in Section 2 for the Gaussian formulas. In the following we give three further examples. Example 1. Let R = dvd (Xl, X2, ... , X n ), where dvd (Xl, ... , X n ) is the divided diJJerence for the nodes Xl < X2 < ... < X n uniquely defined by n (4.1) dvd(Xl,X2,'" ,xn)[f] = Lc"f(x,,), (4.2) 0 for v = 0,1, ... ,n - 2, dvd(Xl,X2,'" ,xn)[P,,] = { 1 for v = n -1, ,,=1 p,,(X) := x". Therefore R[:Pn - 2 ] = 0, Le. s = n -1. The first Peano kernel K l is a step function having jumps at the points x". Therefore, SC(Kd ~ n - 2 and by Theorem 10 we obtain SC(K l ) = n - 2. Theorem 12 shows that R is definite of order n - 1. Example 2. Let where u E [0,1] is fixed. This is the remainder term of the Bernstein operator which is well known in approximation theory. We have R[:P l ] = 0, Le., s = 2. We directly obtain Kl(x) ~ 0 for X < u and Kl(x) ~ 0 for X > u which gives K 2(x) ~ O. The calculation of R[P2] is simple, we obtain (see Stancu [38]) (4.3) - u) f"(I:), R[f] = - u(12n ~ I: [0 1] ~E,. PEANO REPRESENTATION OF LINEAR FUNCTIONALS Example 3. R[f] = l b 195 f(u)qn(u)w(u) du, where qn is the orthogonal polynomial of degree n for the fixed nonnegative weight function W. We have R[Pn-1] = 0, Le., s = n and (4.4) We assume that there exist numbers 111 < 112< ... < 11n+1 such that sgnK1(11I1) = (_1)11. Then we have (4.5) ["V+l sgn J.. 'Iv qn(u)w(u) du = (-lt for v = 0,1, ... ,n + 1, where 110 := a, 11n+1 := b. Therefore, qn has n + 1 changes of sign which is a contradiction to the algebraic degree n of qn. We have shown that SC(K1 ) :::; n - 1 and the proof of definiteness of R order n follows again by Theorem 10 and Theorem 12. For more sophisticated methods to prove definiteness, see Brass and Schmeisser [9]. 4.2. Proof of Non-Definiteness. Often the investigation of definiteness may be hard. In the following we give an example for a simple proof of non-definiteness. We consider the remainder term of the interpolatory quadrat ure formula of Clenshaw and Curtis, (4.6) where the numbers all are uniquely determined by R~C[Pn_1] = O. It is wellknown that all a ll are positive. Akrivis and Förster [1] have solved the problem of non-definiteness of R~c as follows. Let n > 2 be an even number. We have (4.7) Kn(x) = (1 - x)n (1 - x)n-1 , an (n _ I)' n. . n-2 for X > - cos --1 7r. n- Therefore, we have Kn(x) < 0 in a nonempty interval (1 - c, 1). The definiteness of R~c of order n would imply K n :::; 0 everywhere in [-1,1]. Since it is easy to calculate that (4.8) we obtain a contradiction. Rabinowitz [34] has applied this method to prove nondefiniteness of Gauss-Kronrod quadrature formulas. 4.3. Error Estimates in Lagrange Interpolation. Let 196 H. BRASS AND K.-J. FÖRSTER be the Lagrange interpolatory polynomial to f for the nodes Xl < X2 < ... < X n and let R be the associated remainder term, (4.9) R(f] = f(u) - intpol (Xl, X2,· •• ,xn)[f](u). Let u f/. {XI,X2, ... ,xn }, then s = n. K I has jumps at U,XI,.·· ,Xn . Since min( u, Xl) and max( u, x n ) can not be points of changing sign by Theorem 10 all other points of jump are generalised zeros of K I . The application of Theorem 7 gives (4.10) IR(f] I ~ -2111RII w(fj sup O~v~n lxv+! - xvi), Xo:= a, Xn+l:= b, a result of Brass and Günttner [8]. For generalisations see Köhler [22]. 4.4. Error Estimates for the Bernstein Operator. We consider as in 4.1 (Example 2) (4.11) It is easy to show that (4.12) and by some algebraic transformation we have that (4.13) K, := LnuJ. Therefore, for a concave modulus of continuity w(fj . ) we obtain by Theorem 8 the estimate (4.14) a result of Gonska and Meier [20]. 4.5. Numerical Integration of Functions having Singularities. Let Rn be the remainder term of a positive interpolatory quadrat ure rule, (4.15) with (4.15) Rn[Pn-d = 0, Xv E [-1,1], av ~ 0 for v = 1,2, ... ,n. PEANO REPRESENTATION OF LINEAR FUNCTIONALS 197 Here, as an example, we consider the function f given by f(x) = (1- x) log(1 - x). (4.16) The following method can be applied easily to a larger dass of singularities at the endpoints of [-1,1] (for singularities inside [-1,1] see Petras [31]), but the basic idea can be demonstrated more dearly by the example (4.16). Theorem 5 cannot be applied, Theorem 6 gives at most Rn(f] = O(n- 1 ). Theorems 7-8 do not even yield this asymptotic result. We will prove by Peano kernel theory (4.17) We have (4.18) For n > 5 and for 0 < c < 2 we obtain (4.19) Using the trivial bound IKv(x)1 ~ (1 - xy-l IIRII/(v - I)! we see that the limit for c -t 0 exists. Therefore, (4.21) j (1 _6 l (4.20) Rn[f] = Rn(f] = j l-l/n 2 -1 (1 -1 6 - X X)4 K 5 (x) dx, )4 K 5 (x) dx + 1 1 1-I/n2 For the first integral in (4.21) we use the estimate while for the second integral in (4.21) we use the bound 6 ( ) 4 K 5 (x) dx. 1- x 198 H. BRASS AND K.-J. FÖRSTER Now, (4.17) follows from (4.21). Instead of (4.22), more generally we have for all quadrature rules considered here (see Petras [26], Brass [6]). For the proof of (4.23), from the definition of K>. we obtain IK5 (x)1 :::; (1 - x) sup IK4(U)I:::; (1 - X)2 sup IK3 (u)1 (4.25) x~u~l x~u~l :::; (1- x)3 sup IK2(u)1 x~u9 and now we apply (4.24) with r = 2. The technique used here was first introduced by DeVore and Scott [11] in a special situation. 4.6. Asymptotic Behaviour for Smooth Functions. By the zeros of multiplicity (8 -1) in a and b of K s , for large 8 the kernel K s is small near the endpoints ofthe interval [a,b]. Therefore, for smooth f, the value of f(s)«a+b)/2) will have a strong influence on R[J]. For [a, b] = [-1,1] we have (4.26) Therefore, we have the following result. If R is definite of order 8 and if T is even, then, for every f E CS+T[-I, 1], (4.27) where TJ E [-1,1] and, as above, Pu(x) := x u . (4.27) can be applied in several situations. As an example, let intpol (Xl, X2, ••. ,xn)[f] be the Lagrange interpolatory polynomial to f for the nodes XII = - cos(211 - l)rr/(2n) and let (4.28) R[f] = f(x) - intpol (Xl, X2,· .• ,xn)[f](x). Using (4.27) with T = 2 we have (4.29) _ Tn(x) [f(n)(o) f(n+1) (0) f(n+2)(TJ) R[f] - 2n-l n! + (n + I)! + (n + 2)! (2 X ~)] +4 ' PEANO REPRESENTATION OF LINEAR FUNCTIONALS 199 which is of interest in approximation theory (see Brass [3]). 4.7. Construction of Optimal Quadrature Formulae. We consider the functional R defined by 1 n 1 (4.30) R[fl = f(x)w(x) dx - -1 L avf(x v ) v=1 with w ~ 0 and R[Pol = O. By Theorem 6 we have c=IIKdl· IR[Jll":;' cVarf, (4.31) J: How should we choose the numbers av and Xv to minimise c? The structure of K 1 shows that this problem is equivalent to the approximation of w(u) du by a step function. The solution of this problem is not hard. We obtain for the minimal c = Cmin, (4.32) Cmin 1 1 = -2 1 w(x)dx n -1 and the associated quadrat ure formula can be given easily. Obviously, the investigation of minimal constants for estimates of the type IR[fli ..:;, ßv Var f(v-l) (4.33) leads to the investigation of special approximations by spline functions. Concerning this subject, many results in the literature can be found (see, e.g. Levin and Girshovich [23]). The calculation of explicit values for the minimal constants a v and ßv seems to be hard. 4.8. The Superiority of Gaussian Quadrature. Considering (4.30), if w == 1 and R[Pn - 1 l = 0 the problem of an asymptotically sharp estimate for the minimal an in (4.33) is open. For the (dassical) Gaussian rule Q~ we obtain by Theorem 14 the following simple bound (4.34) aG < 211K G II < 16 n - - n 'Ir 1 (n - 1)(n + l)(n + 3) ... (3n - 3)' Using Stirling's formula we have (4.35) lim sup (n! a~) I / n..:;, n--+oo l"" = 0.192 .... 3v3 (For sharper results see Förster [16]) and up to now there is no quadrature rule known which gives a better result. For the Clenshaw-Curtis rule we have (4.36) . ( n!acc)l / n = -1 = 0.5, hm n 2 n--+oo 200 H. BRASS AND K.-J. FÖRSTER while for the Newton-Cotes rule we obtain (4.37) (n.a ' NC) Iln -_ -2 - 0 · 11m . 735 . ... n e n-too 4.9. Exit Criteria Based on Peano Kernel Methods. In numerical software packages (see, e.g. Piessens et al. [32]) is often used a functional S of the form m (4.38) S[/]:= Lbvl(Yv) v=1 to estimate (not to bound!) the value R[J]: R[/] ~ S[J]. (4.39) If we want to get rid of the vagueness of ~ , we may ask for the validity of IR[/li ::::; IS[/lI· (4.40) The computation of S[/] is mostly much simpler than the computation of bounds of the types (3.3) or (3.4), therefore the discussion of (4.40) is of high practical interest. Evidently an inequality like (4.40) can only hold for a restricted dass of functions. Generalising the idea of Theorem 9 we define the dass G+ by (4.41) G+ := {I I 1 E G[a, b] and I(v) has no change of sign} . We obtain as an immediate consequence of the Peano representation, that (4.40) is valid for 1 E G+ if S has a v-th Peano kernel Kv(S) and (4.42) holds on [a, b], where Kv(R) denotes the v-th Peano kernel of R. We are mostly interested in functionals S satisfying (4.42) with small Kv(S). To be more precise we call sopt an optimal (v, m) Peano stopping functional lor R if sopt minimises J~1 Kv(S)(x) dx among all functionals oftype (4.38) (with fixed m and fixed nodes Yl, ... ,Ym) satisfying (4.42). This theory is developed in Förster [15] and in Ehrich and Förster [13], we can cite here only one example: Example 4. We consider the remainder term R;;,c of the interpolatory quadrature formula Q;;,c of Clenshaw and Curtis, see (4.6). Let v-I { Yv = - cos n _ 1 11', v= 1, ... ,n} be the set of the nodes of Q;;'c. Applying a definiteness criterion of Brass and Schmeisser [9] we easily obtain for odd n = 2m + 1 and v = 2m the optimal (2m, 2m + 1) Peano stopping functional S~:::+1 for Rf';;'+1' (4.43) 2 S~:::+1[/] = 4m 2 -1 L 2m+1" v=1 - 1 1(- cos v2m 11'). PEANO REPRESENTATION OF LINEAR FUNCTIONALS 201 In (4.43) the double prime indicates summation where the first and last terms are halved. References 1. G. Akrivis and K. -J. Förster, On the definiteness 0/ quadmture /ormulae 0/ Clenshaw-Curtis type, Computing 33 (1984), 363-366. 2. Ch. T. H. Baker, On the nature 0/ certain quadrature /ormulas and their errors, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 5 (1968), 783-804. 3. H. 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However, the inductive proof given there contains a glaring error, as was pointed out to the present author by H. Alzer in a private communieation. Professor Nanjundiah has never published his proof for reasons that will be explained later. His announcement of the result [5] that forms part of his Ph.D. thesis, only states that the inequality is derived from a simple but brilliant idea he had used in [4] to give elegant proofs of the classieal inequality between the geometrie and arithmetie means. This simple idea is given in [1, pp. 67-96], but without the emphasis it deserves. The object of this paper is to present these results of Professor Nanjundiah, with perhaps some slight generalisations here and there. 2. Notation In this note we use the following notations and conventions: a = (al,"')' b = (bi, ... ), W = (Wl,"') are sequences of positive numbers; n W n = L Wi, n = 1, ... , and W = (Wl , ... ); i=l When necessary we will let ao = 1 and Wo = 0; If c, d are two sequences and if A, J.L E IR, then AC + J.Ld = (ACl + J.Ldl , ... ), cAdIJ. = (crdi,···), C ,...., d when 3 A :I 0 such that C = Ad, d1 Cd -- (c1 , ... )., To say that c and d are similarly ordered is to say that for some simultaneous permutation they are both increasing or decreasing. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 26D15, 26D20. Key words and phrases. Geometric-arithmetic mean inequalitiesj Inverse meanSj Mixed mean inequalitYi Carleman's inequalitYi Rado's inequalitYj Popoviciu's inequalitYj Hölder's inequality, Cebisev's inequality, Sequence of the power means. 203 G. V. Milovanovic (ed.), Recent Progress in lnequalities, 203-211. © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. P. S. BULLEN 204 3. Nanjundiah's Inverse Means Using the above conventions, n = 1, ... , are, respectively, the sequenees 0/ arithmetie and geometrie means 0/ a with weight w. We will write A(aj w) = A = (Ai(aj w), ... ) and G(aj w) = G = (Gi(aj w), ... ) for these two sequences. Regarding a ~ A, a ~ G as two maps of positive sequences into positive sequences Nanjundiah's ingenious idea was to define inverse mappings as follows. -1 Wn Wn - 1 (1) An (ajw) = -an - - - a n-1, Wn Wn n = 1, .... These will be called, respectively, the sequenees 0/ inverse arithmetie and geometrie means 0/ a with weight w, and we will write A -1 (aj W) = A -1 = (All (aj w), ... ) and G-1(aj w) = G- 1 = (G l 1 (aj w), ... ). These inverse means have same of the elementary properties of the original means. (2) A;;l(,xa + J.tbj w) = ,xA;;l(aj w) + J.tA;;l(bj w), G;;l(a A bl'jw) = (G;;l(ajw))A (G;;l(ajw))I'. In case of equal weights, W1 omittedj thus An (a), etc. = W2 = ... , all reference to the weights will be The following simple lemma is easily deduced and justifies the names of these means of Nanjundiah: Lemma 1. With the above notations (3) A n (A- 1jw) = A;;l(Ajw) = Gn (G- 1jw) = G;;l(GjW) = an, n = 1 .... Nanjundiah's idea then was to obtain inequalities between the classical means by first proving simpler but analogous inequalities for these inverse means. Before going to the main result of the paper, Nanjundiah's mixed mean inequality, we give a ßavour of his method by looking at some more classical results. 4. Nanjundiah's Proofs of Some Classical Results 4.1. THE GEOMETRIC-ARITHMETIC MEAN INEQUALITY This result is (GA) with equality only if a1 = ... = an. To prove (GA) we first consider the analogous inequality for the inverse means which is very easy to prove. INEQUALITIES DUE TO T. S. NANJUNDIAH 205 Lemma 2. We have (4) with equality only if an-l = an. Proof. If we put a = Wn/w n then a > 1, a - 1 = Wn-t/w n , and if further we put a = an, b = an-l (4) becomes (5) a Ot aa - (a - l)b , bOt --1 > with equality only if a = b. There are several ways to see this. For instance if we put x = loga, y = 10gb, (5) becomes exp(ax + (1 - a)y) > ax + (1 - a)y, x#- y, which is immediate from the strict convexity of the exponential function; the last inequality just says that the extension of a chord to the graph lies below the graph. Alternatively we can recognise (5) as a form of Bernouilli's inequality [1, p. 6]. D Theorem 3. 1f n ~ 1, then (a) with equality only if an = G n - 1 (a; w); and (b) (P) with equality only if an = A n- 1 (a; w). Proof. The following follows by simple applications of Lemmas 1 and 2. by (4) applied to the sequence A, =an , -- G-1(G·w) n , , by (3), by (3), by (4) applied to the sequence G. Prom the first and third lines we get that 1 1 Gn (A·, w) -> Gn (G·, w) which is, on rewriting using (2), the inequality (R); from the first and fourth lines we get that which is the inequality (P). The cases of equality are easy to deduce from those in Lemma 2. D 206 P. S. BULLEN The inequality (R) is known as Rado's inequality, while (P) is Popoviciu's inequality; both imply (G-A). For instance from the first, ~ W1 (A1(a;w) - C1(a;w» = o. In general an inequality can be interpreted as saying that a sequence is positive; thus (G-A) says that A - G ~ O. The "Rado" extension sharpens this to saying that the sequence W(A - G) is increasing, and so in particular A - Gis positive. On the other hand (G-A) can be written AIG ~ 1 and the "Popoviciu" extension sharpens this to saying that (AIG) W is increasing, which implies that AIG ~ 1. It is a feature of Nanjundiah's method that for each inequality that he considers it is a "Rado" or "Popoviciu" extension, or both, that is obtained. The inequality is then obtained by an iteration similar to the one above. 4.2. HÖLDER'S INEQUALITY The following inequality is sometimes referred to as Hölder's inequality (H) with equality only if a '" b (see [1, p. 171]). Nanjundiah obtains this from the "Popoviciu" extension proved below; Theorem 5. Lemma 4. 1/ n > 1 then (6) Praof. By (2) G;:;-l(a; w) + G;:;-l(b; w) = C-1(al(a + b). w) + C- 1(bl(a + b)· w) C;;l(a+b;w) n 'n , ~ A;:;-l(al(a + b); w) + A;:;-l (bl(a + b); w), by (4), = A;:;-l(al(a + b) + bl(a + b); w) = 1, by (2). The case of equality follows from that of Lemma 2. Theorem 5. 1/ n > 1 then 0 INEQUALITIES DUE TO T. S. NANJUNDIAH 207 with equality only if anGn-1(bj W) = bnGn-1(aj W). Proof. By (6) and (3) G;;:l(G(ajw) + G(bjw)jw):::; G;;:l(G(ajw)jw) +G;;:l(G(bjw)jw) =an+bn = G;;:l(G(a + bjw)jw), which gives the above inequality. The case of equality follows from that of Lemma 4. 0 4.3. CEBISEV'S INEQUALITY A companion inequality to (H) is that of Cebisev (T) provided that a and b are similarly ordered . Equality occurs only if al = ... = an or b1 = ... = bn . Nanjundiah proves (T) from its "Rado" sharpeningj Theorem 7 below. Lemma 6. Ifn> 1 then if (an-I, an), (bn-1,b n) are similarly ordered with equality only if an = an-l or bn = bn- 1. Proof. This is an immediate consequence of the elementary computation Theorem 7. If n > 1 and if a and b are monotone in the same sense then (7) W n (An(ajw)An(bjw) - An(abjw)) :::; W n- 1 (An-1(ajw)An-1(bjw) - An_1(abjw)), with equality only if an = A n- 1(aj w) or bn = A n- 1(bj w). Proof. Since a and b are monotone in the same sense so are A(aj w) and A(bj w). So we can apply Lemma 6 using these sequences to get A;;:l(A(aj w)A(bj w)j w) :::; A;;:l(A(aj w)jW)A;;:l (A(bj w); w) = A;;:l(A(ab;w);w) by (3); which is just (7). The case of equality follows from that of Lemma 6. 0 208 P. S. BULLEN 5. Nanjundiah's Mixed Mean Inequality As the basis of Nanjundiah's method of proof was to apply one mean to the sequence of other means it was natural that he should try now to see what would happen if he applied the arithmetie mean to the sequence of geometrie means, and viee versa. To do this he again followed his technique of first doing this to the inverse means. To obtain the results of this section some restrietions have to be placed on the sequences a, w. Lemma 8. 11 n > 1 and il Wna n and Wn/w n are strictly increasing sequences then (8) with equality only if a n-2 = an-l = an. Proof. On writing out (8) we have to prove that Wn-l ) w.. /w .. Wn ( -an---an-l (9) Wn Wn Rewriting (9) with a simpler notation what we have to show is that (10) _('--r_a_-_('--r_----.:1)'--c.:....t. > r_a_r_ _ (r _ l)_c_q_ (qc - (q - 1)bt- 1 - cr - 1 bq-I' subject to ra > (r - l)c, qc > (q - l)b. In addition it is dear that r > 1, q > 1, and r > q. Let us put ß = (r - q)c + (q - l)b r-1 when the left hand side of (10) becomes (11) (ra - (r - l)ct (rc - (r - 1)ßt- 1 whieh by (6) is greater than or equal to (12) (rar (rc)r-l ((r - l)ct ((r - 1)ßt- 1 ' INEQUALITIES DUE TO T. S. NANJUNDIAH 209 Now by (GA), ß ~ (cr-qb q- 1 )l/(r-l), or, equivalently ~ < (c)q. ßr-l - bq-l (13) Collecting (13), (12) and (11) we have proved (10). For equality in the use of (GA) we need that b = c, when ß = c. For equality in the application of (6) we then need a = c. This completes the proof of the lemma. 0 The reasons for the restrictions on a and w are clear from the proof: (i) the left hand side of (8) needs Wna n to be strictly increasing; (ii) for ß to be an arithmetic mean the weights must be positive; and the condition Wn/w n strictly increasing ensures that r - q > O. When Lemma 8 is applied to different sequences a we must check that the first condition holds for that sequence. In particular, in the case of equal weights the first condition reduces to na n being strictly increasing and the second is satisfied. Theorem 9. If n > 1, and if Wn/w n is strictly increasing then ( Gn(A;W))Wn ~ (Gn_l(A;W))Wn_l An(G;w) An-1(G;w) with equality only if an = Gn-da; w) = An-1(G; w). Proof. Since WnAn(a; w) is strictly increasing we can apply Lemma 8 to A to get using Lemma 1 A;;1(G-1(A;w);w) ::; G;;1(A-1(A;w);w) = G;;l(a;w) = A;;1(A(G-1;w);w). In other words, as in the deduction of (P) in Theorem 1, Wn(An(G-l;w) G~l(A;w) is an increasing sequence. This implies that (14) In (14) replace a by G to get G;;l(A(G; w); w) ::; An(a; w) = G;;l(G(A; w); w), which completes the proof since the cases of equality follow from those of Lemma8. 0 Corollary 10. If n ~ 1 and if Wn/w n is strictly increasing then (N) with equality only if al = ... = an. The case of equal weights, proved in [2-3] is a particular case of this corollary. Theorem 9 is a "Popoviciu" extension of (N) and we can also prove a "Rado" extension by a similar argument. All we have to do is to start the proof of Theorem 9 by applying Lemma 8 to the sequence G. For this however we need an extra lemma since it is not immediate that WnGn(a; w) is strictly increasing. P. S. BULLEN 210 Lemma 12. II Wna n is strictly increasing then so is WnGn(a;w) provided Wn/w n is also strictly increasing. Proof. Note that WnGn(a; w) = Gn(o:; w), where if n> 1, if n = 1. ( ßn -- { 1 + ~) Wn-l/W .. Wn - 1 if n> 1, ifn=1. 1 By hypothesis Wna n is strictly increasing and so is ßn by the weIl known inequality l)l/q ( 1+< ( 1+-l)l/P , P q O<q<p; see [1, p. 8]; [incidentally the inequality is quoted the wrong way round in that reference.] Hence an is strietly increasing and so therefore is WnGn(a;w). 0 Theorem 13. Iln> 1, and Wna n , Wn/w n are strictly increasing sequences, then with equality only if n = A n- 1 (a; w) = G n - 1 (A; w). In the case of equal weights Nanjundiah made a important deduction from (N). For in that case we can write (N) as n ~ Gn(a) ~ ~Gn(S), where Gn(s) is the geometrie mean, with equal weights, of the sequence s = (al. al + a2, al + a2 + a3, ... ). However, n/ V'nf < e and so n n LGn(a) < eGn(s) < e Lai. i=l i=l an inequality called Carleman's inequality; see [1, p. 116 and p. 273]. Now Carleman's inequality has been subject to various generalisations and it was the hope of Nanjundiah that his methods would lead to proofs of these further inequalities, and his delay in publishing has been attributed to his desire to bring this idea to a successful conclusion. INEQUALITIES DUE TO T. S. NANJUNDIAH 211 6. Further Results As might be expected these ideas can be extended to other power means The arguments being similar they will not be given here. If -00 < r < 00, r "# 0, then is the rth power mean 0/ a with weight w, and the corresponding inverse Nanjundiah mean is n 1 r ) l/r (Mnlr])-l(. a,w ) = (Wn anr _ W - an-l Wn Wn Calling the sequence of rth power means MIr] we can extend (N) to: Theorem 10. I/ n ~ 1 and i/ Wna n , Wn/w n are strictly increasing, then MB (MIr]. w) > MIr] (MIBj. w) n , - n " r < s. References 1. P. S. Bullen, D. S. Mitrinovic and P. M. Vasic, Means and Their Inequalities, Reidel Pub- lishing Co., Dordrecht - Boston, 1988. 2. K. Kedlaya, Prool 01 a mixed arithmetie-mean geometrie-mean inequality, Amer. Math. Monthly 101 (1954), 355-357. 3. T. Matsuda, An induetive prool 01 a mixed arithmetie-geometrie mean inequality, Amer. Math. Monthly 102 (1955), 634-637. 4. T. S. Nanjundiah, Inequalities relating to arithmetie and geometrie means I, II, J. Mysore Univ. Sect. B6 (1946), 63-77 and 107-113. 5. ___ , Sharpening some classieal inequalities, Math. Student 20 (1952), 24-25. MARCINKIEWICZ-ZYGMUND INEQUALITIES: METHODS AND RESULTS D. S. LUBINSKY Mathematics Department, Witwatersrand University, Wits 2050, South Africa Abstract. The Gauss quadrature formula for a weight W 2 on the realline has the form tAjnP(Xjn) = j=l ! PW 2 for polynomials P of degree :5 2n - 1. In studying eonvergenee of Lagrange interpolation in L p norms, p =1= 2, one needs forward and eonverse quadrature sum estimates such as AjnW - 2 (Xjn)IPWI P (xjn) t :5~ C j=l ! IPWI P with C independent of n and P. These are often ealled Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund inequalities after their founders. We survey methods to prove these and the results that ean he achieved using them. Our foeus is on weights on the whole real line, hut we also refer to results for (-1,1) and the plane. In partieular, we present four methods to prove forward estimates and two to prove eonverse ones. 1. Introduction There is an intimate connection between Gauss quadrature sums and mean convergence of Lagrange interpolation - hardly surprising, when both involve zeros of orthogonal polynomials. Let da be a non-negative measure on IR, and {Pn(x)}~o be its orthonormal polynomials, so that f PnPm da = tSmn · = If da(x) w(x)dx, and we need to indicate the dependence on w, we write Pn(w, x), etc. Let -00 < Xnn < Xn-l,n < ... < Xl n < 00 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 41A55, 42C05j Secondary 65D04. Key words and phrases. Quadrature sumSj Gauss quadraturej Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund inequalities. 213 G. V. Milovanovic (ed.), Recent Progress in lnequalities, 213-240. @ 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. D. S. LUBINSKY 214 denote the zeros of Pn (x) and let {Ajn} denote the Christoffel numbers. The Gauss quadrat ure formula is Here Pm denotes the polynomials of degree ~ m. Let Ln[f] E P n- 1 denote the Lagrange interpolation polynomial to f at the zeros of Pn, so that 1 ~ j ~ n. The connection between convergence of Lagrange interpolation and convergence of Gauss quadrature is nowhere dearer than in the following result: Let f be in the L 2 (da) dosure of the polynomials. Then (1.1) lim n-too JU - [J])2 Ln da = 0 if and only if for every polynomial P These relations are of course part of Shohat's extension to the infinite interval of the dassic result of Erdös-Tunin on L 2 convergence of Lagrange interpolation. For L p , P :f. 2, things are far more complicated and we need forward and converse quadrature sum estimates, often called Marcinkiewiez-Zygmund inequalities. Zygmund's dassie treatise contains a particularly elegant proof of both forward and converse estimates in the case of trigonometrie polynomials [48, Ch. X, pp. 28-29]. Let us illustrate the use of these in the context of weights of the form where W(x) is a non-negative function, the archetype being W(X) = Wß(x) := exp( -lxI ß ) , ß > 1. At first sight, the use of W2 for the weight, rather than W, seems strange, but is standard for weights on the whole realline: it simplifies formulation of results. 1.1. FORWARD QUADRATURE SUMS IN LAGRANGE INTERPOLATION Let us assume that we have a forward quadrature sum estimate of the form (1.2) tAjnW - 2 (Xjn)</J(Xjn)IPWIP(Xjn) ~ c j=1 J IPWIP</J, MARCINKIEWICZ-ZYGMUND INEQUALITIES: METHODS AND RESULTS 215 P E P n- 1 , where C i- C(n,P). Here ljJ is a slowly changing function. For our purposes, we can take ljJ(x) := (1 + X2)-I/p . The main part of proving mean convergence of Lagrange interpolation in a weighted L p norm is showing uniform boundedness in n of the operator Ln. Let 1 < P < 00 and q := p/(P - 1). Then by duality IILn[f]WIILp(IR) = s~p 1 L n[f]gW 2 where the sup is taken over all 9 with IIgWIILq(IR) = 1. To proceed, we use the partial sums Sn[g](x) = n-l 2: Cjpj(x); Cj= Igpj W 2 (j=O,1, ... ,n-1). j=O of the orthonormal expansion of g. Since 9 - Sn[g] is orthogonal to Pn-l, we have 1 Ln [!]gW 2 = 1 L n[f]Sn[g]W 2 = t Ajnf(Xjn)Sn[g](Xjn) 3=1 by the Gauss quadrature formula. Let us now assume that IfWI(x) ~ ljJ(x) = (1 + x2) -1/p , (1.3) Then we obtain 11 Ln[!] gW2 1~ t, ~C xE lR.. AjnW- 2(Xjn)ljJ(xjn)I Sn[g]WI(Xjn) 1 ISn[gllW ljJ, if we use (1.2) with P = 1. Setting an := sign (Sn[g]) and then using the symmetry property of the operator Sn, we can continue this as =C 1 Sn[g](anljJW- 1 )W 2 = C 1 gSn[anljJW- 1 ]W 2 ~ ClIgWIILq(IR)IISn[anljJW-I]WIILp(IR). Assuming a suitable mean boundedness of the operator Sn from L p to L p with suitable weights, we can continue this as Thus we have shown that 'Vf satisfying (1.3), D. S. LUBINSKY 216 Here C2 "I- C 2 (n, f). This and the reproducing property Ln[P] =P, PE 'Pn -1 and the density of polynomials give convergence of {Ln[J]}~l in weighted L p norms. We emphasise that this is just an illustration. The complete proofs are more complicated and require breaking up the L p norm of Ln[J] into several different piecesj the quadrature sum often includes Xjn only for those j satisfying IXjnl ~ (1 - c)X1n with fixed 0 < c < 1j and suitable factors are often inserted into the weighted L p norms. 1.2. CONVERSE QUADRATURE SUMS IN LAGRANGE INTERPOLATION Assurne that we have a converse quadrature sum inequality of the form (1.4) for P E 'Pn - 1 with C"I- C(n, P). Then IILn[J]WIILp(R) ~ c{t, >-jn W-2(Xjn)lfWIP(xjn)} l/p ~ c{t >-jn W- (Xjn)(1 + X]n)-l }l/P 2 3=1 provided (1.3) holds. This last quadrature sum converges as n -+ 00 to So again we have uniform boundedness in n for functions f satisfying (1.3), and hence convergence. Clearly converse quadrature sum estimates yield boundedness of {Ln} in a far simpler way than forward ones. However as we shall see, they are usually more difficult to prove and more restrictive in scope. There is also an almost incestuous duality between forward and converse estimates, as we shall see. Historieally, forward and converse quadrat ure sum estimates were first considered by Marcinkiewiez and Zygmund in the 1930's [19-20]. As we have remarked, Zygmund's treatise contains a concise elegant treatment of both forward and converse estimates for trigonometrie polynomials. Askey seems the first to have applied these estimates in studying Lagrange interpolation for Jacobi weights in the 1970's [1], and subsequently Nevai studied and applied these for the Hermite weight and Jacobi weights [34], [36-37]. MARCINKIEWICZ-ZYGMUND INEQUALITIES: METHODS AND RESULTS 217 Indeed, it seems Nevai and his coIlaborators have been responsible for intensively studying and developing these inequalities [33-37], [15]. The author and his students have concentrated on the case of weights on the whole real line [3-4], [8], [16-18] while Y. Xu has considered generalised Jacobi weights [42-45]. A particularly interesting method has been developed by König [9-10] in the context of Banach spaces, but yields new results even in the scalar case. Complex methods such as Carleson measures and Hp space techniques have been developed by Zhong and Zhu [47], see also PeIler [39]. In spirit, estimates for Lebesgue functions of LagrangejHermitejHermite-Fejer interpolation are related to the quadrature sum estimates we consider here, but we shaIl not discuss them. See for example [23-26], [38], [41]. This paper is organised as foIlows: In Section 2, we outline four methods to prove forward quadrature sum estimates and discuss some of the results that can be proved using them. In Section 3, we outline two methods to prove converse quadrature sum estimates and results that they yield. In Section 4, we present some condusions, and some open problems. As apreparation for subsequent sections, we present more notation, and we also define dasses of weights on the realline. Throughout, C, Cl, C2 , •.. denote positive constants independent of n, x and P E P n . The same symbol does not necessarily denote the same constant in different occurrences. Gi yen real sequences {b n }, { cn } we write if there exist Cl, C2 such that for the relevant range of n. Similar notation will be used for functions and sequences of functions. Our weights on IR always have the form W 2 (x) = e- 2Q (x) where Q is even and convex. Much as one distinguishes between entire functions of finite and infinite order, one distinguishes between Q of polynomial growth at 00 (the so-caIled Freud weights) and of faster than polynomial growth at 00 (the so-caIled Erdös weights). We define first a suitable dass of the former: ° Definition 1.1. Let W := e- Q , where Q : IR -+ IR is even, continuous in IR, Q" is continuous in (0,00), Q' > in (0,00), and for some A,B > 1, A< 1 + XQ"(X) < B Q'(x) - .' x E (0 ) ,00. Then we write W E F. The most important examples are W(x) = Wß(x) = exp( -lxI ß ), ß> 1. D. S. LUBINSKY 218 Definition 1.2. Let W := e- Q , where Q : IR --+ IR is even, continuous in IR, Q" is continuous in (0,00), Q", Q' > 0 in (0,00) and T(x) := 1 +xQ"(x)/Q'(x) is increasing in (0,00) with lim T(x) > 1; x-+O+ lim T(x) = 00. x-+oo Moreover, assume that for some Cj > 0, j = 1,2,3, and for every c > 0, T(x) = O(Q(x)c), x --+ 00. Then we write W E c. The most important examples are W(x) = exp( - eXPk(lxI ß )), where ß > 1, k ~ 1 and eXPk = exp(exp(· .. exp())) denotes the kth iterated exponential. For both Freud and Erdös weights, the Mhaskar-Rahmanov-SafJ number an plays an important role. It is the positive root of the equation 21 n =- (1.5) 7r 0 1 dt antQ'(ant) v'f=t2. 1 - t2 One of its important properties is (1.6) PEPn and for 0 < P < 00, (1.7) PEPn where C '" C(n, P) [27-28], [11), [13). Concerning its growth, we note that an is increasing in n, and grows roughly like Q[-11(n), where Q[-ll is the inverse of Q on (0,00). For those to whom it is new, a good example to think of is W = Wß' Q(x) = IxI ß , for which an = Cn 1 / ß , n ~ 1. In presenting the various methods, we shall use the following estimates that hold for the dass :F of Freud weights (all of which can be found in [11), [2)). Define (1.8) and (1.9) Then (1.10) XO n := X1n (1 + n- 2/ 3 ); x n+1,n:= Xnn (1 + n- 2/ 3) • MARCINKIEWICZ-ZYGMUND INEQUALITIES: METHODS AND RESULTS 219 and uniformly in j, n (1.11) The Christoffel numbers {Ajn} are special cases of the Christoffel functions (1.12) which admit the estimate (1.13) The orthogonal polynomials {Pn (x)} ~=o for W 2 satisfy (1.14) 2. Forward Quadrature Sum Estimates In illustrating the four methods to prove forward quadrature sum estimates, we shall assurne that W E :F, and that our weight is W 2 . We shall also often use the estimates (1.10)-(1.14). 2.A NEVAI'S METHOD This simple method requires an estimate like (1.11) and a suitable Markov-Bernstein inequality. The most influential papers (and possibly the first) papers in which it was used were those of P. Nevai for Jacobi and Hermite weights [34], [3637]. Given u E [Xjn, Xj-l,n], we have from the fundamental theorem of calculus, We can assurne that u is the point in [Xjn,Xj-l,n], where IPWIP attains its minimum. H we now use our estimate (1.11) for the Christoffel numbers, we obtain AjnW- 2(Xjn)IPWIP(Xjn) :::; C 1~~-1'" IPWIP(u) du + C an 1/J;;1/2(Xjn) n l x ;-I,n IPWIP-l(S)I(PW)'(s)1 ds. x; .. Summing over j, and using the fact that 1/Jn does not change much in [Xjn,Xj-l,n] (see [11] if you want a proof), we obtain (2.1) t j=l Ajn W- 2(Xjn)IPWIP(Xjn) :::; C lIPWIP(u) du R + Cl an f IPWIP-1(s)I(PW)'(s)I1/J;;1/2(S) ds. n JIR D. S. LUBINSKY 220 At this stage, we need a quite sophisticated Markov-Bernstein inequality of the form (2.2) PEPn. This was proved in [12] for the dass:F, using Carleson measures. Applying Hölder's inequality with parameters q := p/(P - 1) and p to the second term in (2.1) and then this Markov-Bernstein inequality give ~ LIPWIP-I(S)I(PW)'(s)I1/!~1/2(S) ds ~ ~ IIPWII~:tlR)II(PW)'1/!~1/2I1Lp(lR) ~ ClIPWII~p(lR)· So we have shown The real bugbear of this method, at least for fuU quadrature sums, is the sophisticated Markov-Bernstein inequality (2.2). In his treatment of the Hermite weight, Nevai used a somewhat weaker inequality, namely (2.3) PEPn· Later authors [8-9] did likewise. Since for fixed 0 < c < 1, and IXjnl ~ (1 - clan, the same arguments as above yield (assuming (2.3)) This last inequality is typicaUy enough for mean convergence of Lagrange interpolation. In fact, in it one may allow for fixed k ~ 1, P E Pkn, rather than just PEPn. The foUowing result is what D. Matjila and the author [17] could prove using this method: Theorem 2.1. Let W := e- Q E:F. (a) Let 1 ~ p < 00, r > 0 and -00 < b ~ 2. Then (2.4) t j=1 Ajn W-b(Xjn)IPWIP(Xjn) ~ C lIPWIP(t)W2-b(t) dt, lR MARCINKIEWICZ-ZYGMUND INEQUALITIES: METHODS AND RESULTS 221 for all P of degree at most n + rn 1/ 3. (b) More generally, let ljJ : IR -t (0,00) be even, continuous with ljJ" continuous for large x, and . xlljJ'(x) I h~s~p ljJ(x)Q(x)1/3 < 00; lim _1_~ (xep'(X)) x-too Q'(x) dx ep(x) = o. Then for every P of degree at most n + rn 1 / 3 (2.5) :t AjnW-b(Xjn)ep(Xjn)IPWIP(Xjn) ~ C lIPWIP(t)ep(t)W2-b(t) dt. R j=l For example, we could choose ep(x) := (1 + Ixl)b where b E IR, or ep(x) := exp(lxl a ) where a > 0 is small enough. The upper bound of n + rn 1 / 3 on the degree of P is curious, but essential. If m = n + n 1 / 3 , -+ 00, one can choose P E Pm for which (2.4) faHs with b = p = 2 as n -+ 00 (see [17]). This method has also been used by König [9-10] in the context of Banach spaces with the Hermite weight and Jacobi weights, where instead of scalar polynomials P, one has polynomials P with vector values or values in a Banach space. The inequalities take the form en en where 11 . 11 is the norm of the Banach space in which P takes values. 2.B THE LARGE SIEVE METHOD This method is in spirit dosely related to the large sieve of number theory, and was already used by Marcinkiewicz and Zygmund [48, Ch. X, pp. 28-29]. Let us illustrate this for Freud weights. Our starting point is the estimate (1.13) for the Christoffel function, which gives x E IR. The definition of Am+! and the infinite-finite range inequality (1.7) lead to PE Pm, xE 1Il In order to deal with L p norms other than p = 2, we fix a large positive integer l, and we replace P by pi and W by W'. Since the Mhaskar-Rahmanov-Saffnumber of order ml for W ' is just the Mhaskar-Rahmanov-Saff number of order m for W, we obtain D. S. LUBINSKY 222 Hence if 0 < P < 2l, II pw llt,(IR) :::; C : . I:: IPWIP(t)IIPWII~'::(IR) dt so for x E lR, IPWIP(x) :::; IIPWlli oo (lR) :::; C : . (2.6) I:: IPWIP(t) dt. It is now that the idea of the large sieve enters: It is largely Nevai and his coIlaborators that have been responsible for developing the method in this form [15], [22], [35], [37]; Askey's [1] variant of this depends on having a suitable non-negative kernel for the Jacobi weight to replace Kn(x, t). We need the reproducing kernel Kn(x, t) for the Chebyshev weight n-l Kn(x, t) = ~ (1 + 2?: Tj (x)Tj (t) ) 1=1 (as usual Tj (cos B) = cos(jB)). It is weIl known [35, p. 108] that Kn(x,x) '" n, xE [-1,1]; x, tE [-1,1]. IKn(x, t)1 :::; nmin { 1, nix1_ tl } , We now apply (2.6) to the polynomial P(t)Kn (x/a2kn,t/a2kn)k, where k and x are fixed and P E Pkn' This polynomial has degree :::; 2kn in t, so we can apply (2.6) with m = 2kn: IPWIP(x) JKn (_x_,~) JkP :::; 2knC j a 2kn IPWIP(t) JKn (~, _t_) JkPdt a2kn a2kn a2kn a2kn a2kn -a2kn and hence if kp > 2, oUf bounds for K n give IPWIP(x):::; Cl j a 2kn IPWIP(t)K~ (~, _t_) dt. nan -a2kn a2kn a2kn This holds uniformly for lxi:::; a2kn with Cl 1= Cl (n, P, x). Choosing x = Xjn in the above inequality gives t AjnW - 2(Xjn)1/!;/2(Xjn)IPWIP(xjn) :::; C j a 2kn -a2kn j=l where :::;C2: 1,-J---J _1}2 n j=l . mm { 1 Xjn t n a2kn a2kn IPWjP(t) Z)t) dt, MARCINKIEWICZ-ZYGMUND INEQUALITIES: METHODS AND RESULTS 223 by our bounds (1.11) on the Christoffel numbers Ajn and the bounds on K n. Since uniformly in j and n, the zeros of Pn(W 2 , x) satisfy an Xj-1,n - Xjn ~ C n it is not difficult to estimate the sum by an integral, so that 1 ~)t) ~ Cl ~ [ min{l).l~ _ _ t 1- }2 dx an JR n a2kn a2kn Thus we have for P E Pkn, (2.7) t, AjnW-2(Xjn)tP~/2(Xjn)IPWIP(Xjn) ~ L C IPWIP(t) dt with C =F C(n, P). As tPn(t) ~ C(c), Itl ~ (1 - c)a n, we also deduce that (2.8) L I"'jn 1~(l-e)an AjnW - 2(Xjn)IPWIP(xjn) ~ C L IPWIP(t) dt. One of the powerful features of the estimates (2.7) and (2.8) is the freedom to allow polynomials of degree kn and not just n. Thus if ljJ : IR -+ (0,00) is such that one can find polynomials Rn of degree O(n) such that (2.9) and ljJ±l is "smali" relative to W- 1, one can insert ljJ in (2.7) to obtain with C =F C(P,n). In particular ljJ(x) := (1 + Ixl)b, bE IR will do. The first time the full quadrature sums (2.7) or (2.10) have been considered, with the factor tP~j2 in the left, is in the recent Ph.D thesis of Haewon Joung [7], a student of Nevai. There not just ordinary polynomials, but generalised nonnegative polynomials P were considered. These have the form P(x) = lei where c, Zj E C, and m II Ix - zjlr j=l m d = deg(P) = L Tj. j=l j D. S. LUBINSKY 224 Of course in the polynomial case, all Tj are positive integers. Joung's estimate depends on first finding estimates for Christoffel nmctions that involve generalised non-negative polynomials. The "large sieve" method has many advantages over the method that we called Nevai's method. It works for all p > 0, not just p :2: 1; it requires only estimates on spacing of Christoffel functions and spacing of zeros, not the deeper Bernstein inequality. Nevertheless, it does not seem to be able to yield the full quadrature suro estimates (2.4), (2.5) in Theorem 2.1; the latter do not involve the factor 'IjJ~,f2 . We note that in both the large sieve method and Nevai's method, we are not really using intrinsic properties ofthe zeros {Xjn}, only estimates on their spacing. Thus if (Vj, n) tj+l,n - tj,n :2: C an; n then the same methods yield We remark that both (2.7), (2.8) and (2.10) hold for W E :F and P E 'Pkn and more generally probably for generalised non-negative polynomials of degree ~ kn, via Joung's method of proof. For W E E, the function 'ljJn has to be replaced by another more complicated function in (2.7) and (2.10); (2.8) is still true, but is not sufficient for mean convergence of Lagrange interpolation. Damelin and the author [3] found it necessary to prove (using the large sieve method) that given 0< TI < 1, L AjnW - 2 (Xjn)(p(xjn)IPWIP(xjn) ~ C I"'in 1~(l-e)an L IPWIP(t)I/>(t) dt, where I/> is any function for which (2.9) is possible. This is sharper than (2.8), since for Erdös weights, a1jn/an --t 1,' n --t 00. The reader may find further applications and developments of this method in [15], [30-31], [37]. 2.C THE DUALITY METHOD This method is based on applying duality to a suitable converse quadrat ure sum estimate, and is in a way indicative of the almost incestuous relationship between forward and converse estimates. It was apparently first used by König [9-10]. Let n be fixed and let f.Ln be the discrete (pure jump) measure having mass AjnW- 2 (Xjn) at Xjn. Then MARCINKIEWICZ-ZYGMUND INEQUALITIES: METHODS AND RESULTS 225 where the SUp is taken over all 9 with Here of course q = p / (p - 1). Since 9 needs to be defined only at the n points {Xjn}j=l' we can assurne that 9 E Pn-l· So Now we make our major assumption: There is a converse quadrature sum estimate of the form SE P n - 1 • (2.11) Then Thus we obtain The attraction of this method is that it comes "for free". After spending a lot of effort proving a converse quadrature sum inequality involving the L q norm, we immediately obtain a forward quadrature sum estimate for the dual L p norm, and one that holds for full quadrature sums. The disadvantage of this method is that usually the range of q for which we can prove (2.11) is quite restricted. For example, in König's work, he showed that (2.11) is true for the Hermite weight only for 1 < q < 4, and so one deduces the forward estimate for 4/3 < P < 00, whereas it should hold in some form for all 1 ~ p < 00. Another disadvantage is that it works only for P E Pn-l. 2.D COMPLEX METHODS AND CARLESON MEASURES Complex methods have been used primarily by Zhong and Zhu [47] for forward and converse quadrature sum estimates in the plane. A principal ingredient are Carleson measures. The latter also underlie the Markov-Bernstein inequality (2.2). Recall that a Carleson measure is a positive measure da on the upper half plane, that satisfies (2.12) a ([a- ~h,a+ ~h] x [O,h]) ~ eh D. S. LUBINSKY 226 for all a E IR, h> O. Thus the a-measure of any square S in the upper-half plane with base on the real line should be bounded by a constant times the side of S. The smallest C in (2.12) is called the Carleson norm N(a) of a. The point ab out Carleson measures is the following: Let 0 < P < 00, and HP be the Hardy space of the upper-half plane, that is, the set of all functions f analytic in the upper-half plane with boundary values f(x) satisfying Then (2.13) Thus Carleson measures can be used to pass from the upper-half plane back to the realline. To illustrate how this idea can be used in the context of Freud weights; we follow dosely the proofs given in [12] for (2.2). Our first step is to pass from an estimate for IPWIP(x), x E IR, to one over an arc in the upper-half plane, via Cauchy's integral formula. The problem is that W is not analytic! So for a given x, define Hz(z) := e-[Q(z)+Q'(z)(z-z)]. Let us assume P has real coefficients. Cauchy's integral formula and the reflection principle give 1111" IPHzl(x + ceie) dO. IPWI(x) ~ - 7r 0 If we set W(z) := W(lzl) and choose c := cn(x) := ~ 'IjJ;;,1/2(x), it can be shown [12, Lemma 2.1, p. 234] that for lxi ~ X1n, with C =I C(n, x, P). Hölder's inequality gives for p ~ 1, We deduce that n L AjnW - 2(Xjn)IPWIP(Xjn) j=1 MARCINKIEWICZ-ZYGMUND INEQUALITIES: METHODS AND RESULTS 227 We see that the measure an is supported on the union of semicireular ares, eentred on the points {Xjn}. If we ean show that the Carleson norms N(an ) of an satisfy (2.14) and if PW belongs to the Hardy spaee of the upper half plane, we eould use (2.13) to deduee that As W is not in general analytic, we have to use a function Gn(z) that is, in essenee, derived from solving the Diriehlet problem for the domain C\[-a n , an], with suitable boundary values on [-an, an]. It was used by Mhaskar and Saff in proving (1.6) and in a different form by Rahmanov [27-28], [40]. The properties of G n that we need are that G n is analytic in C \ [-an, an] with a simple zero at 00 and for x E IR, [12, pp. 234-235], Then f IPWIP dan:::; C f IPGnlP dan :::; CN(an ) L IPGnIP(x) dx = CN(an ) {jan :::; CN(an) l:nn IPWIP dx. -an IPWIP dx + r IPGnlP dX} JJR\[-an,an] In this last step, one uses a representation of PGn as a Hilbert transform of a function supported on [-an, an], and boundedness of the Hilbert transform from L p to L p , p > 1. What about (2.14)? Our estimate (1.11) for the Christoffel numbers gives f IPWI P dan:::; C t(Xj-l,n - Xjn) =: C 1r IPWIP (Xjn + en(xjn)e ilJ ) d8 r l IPWIP (x + en(x)e JXnn j=l :::; C l 0 1r 1n f 0 IPWIPdUn. ilJ ) d8 dx 228 D. S. LUBINSKY Of course the second last step requires proof, but is intuitively reasonable. In [12, Lemma 2.4], it is shown that and the same proof shows that (2.14) holds. This method of proof is attractive, but as already remarked, it involves essentially the same tools as to prove the Markov-Bernstein inequality (2.2). Perhaps the only published paper where this method has been used to prove quadrature sum estimates is that of Zhong and Zhu [47]. They proved: Theorem 2.2. Let r be a C2+ö smooth simple are in C, that is r = {-y(t) : t E [a, b]} where ,../' satisfies a Lipschitz condition 01 order /) > o. There exist {Zk,n}~~J er, n ~ 1, such that lor 1 < P < 00 and PE Pn- 1 , Here zn,n := ZO,n. Essentially the authors use a conformal map W of the exterior of the unit ball onto C\r, and form the Fejer points O~k~n-l. As some ofthese may be too elose, they modify these to obtain {Zk,n}~~J. Instead of estimating P(Zk,n) in terms of values of P on a semi-cirele centre Zk,n, the authors estimate P(Zk,n) in terms of values of P on the "level curve" r n := { W( (1 + ~) eit ) : t E [0, 27r] } which encireles r. A suitable Carleson measure is formed, and moreover it is shown that for all 1 in a suitable Smirnov space of functions analytic inside r n, C =f. C(n, f). Other ingredients are Lagrange interpolation and careful estimation of the spacing IZk+1,n - zk,nl, and of rr n-l nn(z) := (z - Zk,n). k=O A related paper of Zhong and Shen is [46]. Unfortunately this paper is not available in South Africa, and the British Lending Library could not provide a copy to the author. So the reader should please take note that [46] is exeluded from this survey. MARCINKIEWICZ-ZYGMUND INEQUALITIES: METHODS AND RESULTS 229 3. Converse Quadrature Sum Estimates We shall present two methods for these, illustrated in the case of Freud weights. 3.A THE DUALITY METHOD This method already appears, in the setting of trigonometrie polynomials, in the treatise of Zygmund [48, Ch. X, pp. 28-29]. It is based on duality and "deep" results on mean boundedness of orthogonal expansions. Let 1 ~ P < 00 and q = p/(P - 1). Let P E Pn-1. We have IIPWIILp(lR) = s~p J gPW 2, where the sup is taken over all 9 with IIgWIILq(lR) = 1. By orthogonality of g-Sn[g] to P n -1, and then by the Gauss quadrature formula, ! gPW 2 = J Sn [g]PW 2 = tAjn(PSn[g])(Xjn) {t, {t, 3=1 ~ Ajn W- 2(Xjn)IPWIP(Xjn) x f/P x AjnW-2(Xjn)ISn[g]WIQ(xjn)} l/Q =: Tl x T2 • Let us suppose that we have a suitable forward quadrature sum estimate like (2.4) and that the partial sum operators {Sn} are bounded uniformly in n in a suitable weighted setting. Then T2 ~ CtllSn[g]WIILq(R) ~ C2I1gW IILq(R) = C2. So we have shown that IIPWIILp(lR) ~ c{~ AjnW-2(Xjn)IPWIP(Xjn)} l/P. This duality method is elegant but it depends on having a forward quadrature sum estimate, and, much deeper, results on mean boundedness of orthogonal expansions. It is the difficulty of proving the latter that severely restriets this method. Chiefly it is a tool to pass from results on mean convergence of orthogonal expansions to corresponding results for Lagrange interpolation. Typieally, the mean boundedness required above is valid only for 4/3 < q < 4; to ensure its validity for other values of q, one needs to insert suitable powers of 1 + lxi as weights on Sn[g] and/or g. Moreover, in proving even these, one needs bounds on functions of the second kind or on PnH - Pn-1. For Jacobi weights, the requisite bounds are classieal, but these bounds are not generally available in the setting of Freud weights. This explains the severe restrietions of the following result [14]: D. S. LUBINSKY 230 Theorem 3.1. Let W(x) := exp(-lxIß), ß = 2,4,6, .... Let 4 < P < 00 and r, R E IR. satisfy 1 R> - - j (3.1) P and (3.2) r - min 1 - l/p, {R, 1_!} + ~6 (1 _~) {<~ 0,0, ifif RR '" 1-I/p. P P = Then for PE P n - 1, II(PW)(x)(1 + IxlrIlLp(R) (3.3) n ~ C { ~AjnW-2(xjn)IPWIP(xjn)(1 + IXjnl)Rp }l/P . For p = 4, (3.3) holds if (3.1) holds and r - min {R, 1- l/p} < 0. (3.4) The conditions on r, R are disconcerting, but it was shown in [14] that (3.2) is necessary for (3.3). (It is not clear if (3.1) is also necessary). ln particular, (3.2) requires r < R, so that for p > 4, we can never have r = R in (3.3). However, there are always r,R that satisfy (3.2), (3.1), one just needs to choose r small enough. More generally, we proved: Theorem 3.2. Let W E F, with the additional condition that the orthonormal polynomials {Pn} for W 2 satisfy Then if (3.1) holds and (3.6) ar - min{R,1-1/p}n(1-4/p)/6 = { 0(1), n O((1ogn)-R) , R", 1 - l/p, R = 1 -1/p, we have (3.3). For p = 4, if (3.1) and (3.4) hold, then we have (3.3). It was also shown in [14] that a slightly weaker form of (3.6) is necessary for the converse estimate. In both the above results, we restricted ourselves to p ~ 4j For p < 4, the next method will give better results. Since the theory of mean convergence of orthogonal expansions for weights on ( -1, 1) is far more developed than that for weights on IR., it is hardly surprising that more impressive results can be achieved by this duality method for weights on (-1,1). Here is a result of Yuan Xu [45, p. 82] for generalised Jacobi weights MARCINKIEWICZ-ZYGMUND INEQUALITIES: METHODS AND RESULTS 231 that extends earlier results of Nevai. Recall that a generalised Jacobi weight has the form M w(x) = II Ix - tjlßi, xE (-1,1), j=l where -1 = tl < t2 < ... < tM = 1; ßj E lR, 1:::; j :::; M. (It is possible that some ßj < -1). We call w a generalised Jacobi distribution if it is integrable and has the form 'l/Jw, where w is a generalised Jacobi weight, and'l/J is a continuous function on [-1,1] with 'l/J-1 bounded on [-1,1], and whose modulus of continuity w satisfies r w(t) dt < 1 Jo Corresponding to 00. t w, we define Theorem 3.3. Let u, v be generalised Jacobi distributions on (-1,1) and w be a generalised Jacobi weight on (-1,1). Let 1 < P < 00 and q := p/(p - 1). Then iJ {Xjn}, {Ajn} are the Gauss points and weights Jor u, PE Pn-1 provided the Jollowing Jour conditions hold: w 1- q u E L 1[-1, 1]; w 1- Q(x)u(x) (u(xh!L~) -Q/2 E L 1[-1, 1]; wu ~ Cv in (-1,1); v(x) (u(x)~) -p/2 E Ltl-1, 1]. Xu's paper also contains a converse quadrature sum inequality that involves not just the values of P, but also of its derivatives [45, p. 83]. These are useful in studying mean convergence of Hermite interpolation. 3.B KÖNIG'S METHOD König's method is based on Lagrange interpolation, a clever estimate for Hilbert transforms of characteristic functions of intervals, and bounds on the norms of linear operators derived via Hölder's inequality. It is technically the most difficult D. S. LUBINSKY 232 amongst those we have presented, but is extremely powerful, and relatively direct - it does not depend on deep results such as mean convergence of orthogonal expansions or Markov-Bernstein inequalities. We shall need some extra notation. Let 1 ~ j ~ n; (recall XO n = Xln (1 + n- 2/ 3 )) and the characteristic function of I jn is denoted by Xjn(X) := Xljn (x). The fundamental polynomials of Lagrange interpolation are Pn(x) l . ( ) ._ Jn X . - PIn(Xjn )( X -Xjn ) , 1 ~ j ~ n; The Hilbert transform H[J] of J E Li (IR) is H[J](x):= lim ",-+0+ 1 J(t) dt a.e. x E IR. lx-tl:::::'" t - x We write, for fixed PE Pn-l, . ._ -1/2 P(Xjn) YJn .- an I ( Pn Xjn ) so that P(x) = Ln[P](x) = a;;2 pn (x) (3.7) -_ an1/2Pn(X) ~ ~Yjn j=l n L Yjn j=l X - Xjn {I 1Jn IH [Xjn ](x) } _ . - -11. X XJn n + a;;2pn (x) ~ I~;:I H[Xjn](X) =: J 1 (x) + J 2(x). We first deal with the easier term J 2 . We shall use the bound (1.14) in the form x E IR, and also the following bound on the Hilbert transform: For all functions 9 with support in [-2a n , 2a n ], (3.8) I 11 -1/411 < C 11 g(x) 11 - ~ I 11-1/411 11 H[g] (x) 11- ~ an L (lxl9 an) an L (lxl9 an) p p MARCINKIEWICZ-ZYGMUND INEQUALITIES: METHODS AND RESULTS 233 with C t- C(n, g) provided 1 < P < 4. This bound is a variant ofM. Riesz' theorem that the Hilbert transform is a bounded operator from L p to L p , 1 < P < 00. For the case an = V2ri" this lemma already appears in a 1970 paper of Muckenhoupt [32]. It was in this paper that the modern study of weighted inequalities for the Hilbert transform began, leading ultimately to Muckenhoupt's A p condition. Then It can be shown that uniformly in j, n, (3.9) and hence (3.10) Hence we deduce that The estimation of J 1 (defined by (3.7)) is more difficult. If we set -1/4() { f Jn. (x )..- 'l/Jn x x -lII ' Ix - xjnl ~ 2l I jnl, I jn 11· I Ix ~~jnl {Ix-~;nl + HI;;nl}' Ix - xjnl > 2l I jnl, then it can be shown that uniformly in j, n and x E [x nn , X1n], 1x 1 I H[Xjn ](x) 1 an1 / 2 IPn W I(x) ~ CfJn(x) _1x . - -11. Jn Jn [14, p. 542, Lemma 5.2] so that n IJ1WI(x) ~ CL IYjnlfJn(x), j=l D. S. LUBINSKY 234 Then as each !in does not change much in each Ikn, Taking account of the form of !in, we see that (3.12) where Exactly as for h, we deduce that If we use t/J;;1/4(Xjn) '" [~ IIjnl] 1/2 and our estimate (3.10) for Yjn, then we obtain SI ::; c{~ [~bkjIIjnll/PIPWI(Xjn)] } I/P, where bkk = blk = 0 for all k, and otherwise bkj := IIknll/P+1/2IIjnI3/2-1/P(Xkn - Xjn)-2. Defining the n x n matrix B := (bkj );:,j=1 (note the reversed order of our indices), we obtain MARCINKIEWICZ-ZYGMUND INEQUALITIES: METHODS AND RESULTS 235 If we can show that (3.13) then we obtain the desired estimate for S1. Similarly where D := (dkj)~,j=1 and (Vj,k) If we can show that (3.14) we obtain the desired estimate for S1. Then (3.12) and (3.11) yield We proceed to prove (3.13) and (3.14). König's method to bound these depends on the following: Proposition. Let (0, J-L) be a measure space, and s, r : 0 x 0 -t IR. Define the operator Tk[J](X) := 10 s(x, y)f(y) dp,(y). Let M > 0, p, q > 1 with l/p + l/q = 1. Assume that sup ( Is(x,y)llr(x,y)lq dJ-L(Y) ~ M x 10 and sup ( Is(x,y)llr(x,y)I-P dp,(x) ~ M. Y 10 This proposition is easily proved using Hölder's inequality - see [4], [9]. To prove (3.13) one chooses 0 := {I, 2, ... ,n}, J-L( {j}) = 1, 1 ~ j ~ n, and s(k,j) := bkj; r(k,j) := (IIjnl 1 + IX k nl) 1/pq IIknl 1 + IXjnl 236 D. S. LUBINSKY One can show that [14] n sup k L Is(k,j)llr(k,jW ~ M j=l n and s~p 3 L Is(k,j)llr(k,j)I-P ~ M, k=l with M =I M (n). The actual proof of these involves re-expressing certain sums in terms of integrals and then careful estimation of the integrals. Similarly to prove (3.14), one chooses the same n, f..t and chooses s(k,j) := dkj; r(k J.) .= (IIjn I 1 + IXknl) l/pq (1 + Ix. I)l/q nJ.l/4q (x. )nJ.l/4 q (x ) , . IIknl 1 + IXjnl 3n 'f/n 3n 'f/n kn· This is what we could prove using König's method: Theorem 3.4. Let 1 < P < 4 and W E:F. Let 1 R> --. (3.16) p Then In [14] it is also shown that the first two conditions in (3.16) are necessary. For Erdös weights, we proved [4, Thm. 3.1]: Theorem 3.5. Let 1< p < 4 and W E c. Then (3.17) holds with r = R = O. For Jacobi weights, König and Nielsen [10] proved the following elegant theorem using this method. In fact they worked in the more general setting of Banach spaces that admit a Hilbert transform bound. For simplicity, we quote this result for the case of polynomials: Theorem 3.6. Let u(x) = (1- x)Q(l + x)ß, a,ß > -1 be a Jacobi weight and {Ajn}, {Xjn} be the corresponding Gauss weights and points. Let 4(a + 1) 4(ß + 1) } f..t(a,ß) := max { 1, 2a + 5 ' 2ß + 5 ; 4(a + 1) 4(ß + 1) } m(a,ß) := max { 1, 2a + 3 ' 2ß + 3 ; and m(a,ß) M(a,ß) := m(a,ß) -1 . MARCINKIEWICZ-ZYGMUND INEQUALITIES: METHODS AND RESULTS The /ollowing are equivalent: (i) Forn ~ 1 and P E P n , (l, IP( t) I'u(t) dt) 1/, ,; C [t ~;n !PI'(X;n) 237 r'· (ii) JL(a,ß) < p < M(a,ß)· In comparing to Xu's Theorem 3.3, we note that in the "unweighted case" of that theorem, for which there v = u; w = 1, and u is a Jacobi weight, König's result is more extensive. 3.C COMPLEX METHODS In Section 2D, we discussed the results of Zhong and Zhu for forward quadrature sum estimates. The same framework of ideas of Carleson measures and Smirnov spaces, contour integral error formulas for Lagrange interpolation, and conformal maps, enabled them to prove: Theorem 3.7. Let 1< p < 00. Under the hypotheses 0/ Theorem 2.2, the points {Zk,n}~';;;;5 there satisfy PE Pn-l. It is notable that all the methods we have presented for converse quadrature sum estimates work only for p > 1. Using operator theoretic methods, and complex ones, Peller [39, p. 480] proved a converse quadrature sum for (4n - l)st roots of unity that works even for p < 1, but involving polynomials of degree at most n-l: Theorem 3.8. Let 0< p < 00. For polynomials P 0/ degree :::; n -1, It seems likely that the same methods should allow one to replace 4 by 1 + c. 4. Conclusions We have seen four methods for proving forward quadrat ure sum estimates. For purposes of weighted approximation, I believe that the "Iarge sieve" method is the most versatile, and the most generally applicable, yielding adequate results most generally. However when full quadrature sums need to be estimated, without damping factors, Nevai's method is the most appropriate. The duality and complex methods seem to yield less in weighted approximation, though are powerful in some circumstances. For converse quadrature sum estimates, I believe that König's method is the most direct and powerful, though at present it works only for p < 4. The method based 238 D. S. LUBINSKY on duality and mean convergence of orthogonal expansions is elegant but the mean convergence results required are very deep. Perhaps chiefl.y it can be used to pass from mean convergence of orthogonal expansions to mean convergence of Lagrange interpolation. There are several worthwhile open problems: 1° Make König's method for converse estimates work for all 1 :::; p < 00. One of the main sticking points seems to be to extend the Hilbert transform inequality (3.8) in some form to p ~ 4, by inserting suitable damping factors on both sides. 2° There seems to be little on converse quadrature sum estimates in L p for p :::; 1. As far as the author could determine, Peller's Theorem 3.7 is about the only one. Surely 4n there can be replaced by n? And what about weights on (-1,1) or IR? 3° There are gaps between the necessary and sufficient conditions for converse quadrature sum estimates in [14]. The gaps arise because the necessary conditions are derived from results on mean convergence of Lagrange interpolation, while the sufficient ones are derived via König's and the duality method. Close these gaps! 4° Yuan Xu's extensive result for generalised Jacobi weights Theorem 3.3 involves sufficient conditions. Find the necessary and sufficient ones, thereby extending the scope of König's Theorem 3.6. Most probably, König's methods will have to be used. 5° Explore the implications of Peller's methods for converse quadrature sum estimates. References 1. R. Askey, Mean convergence of orthogonal series and Lagmnge interpolation, Acta Math. Sei. Hungar. 23 (1972), 71-85. 2. G. Criscuolo, B. M. Della Veechia, D. S. Lubinsky and G. Mastroianni, Functions of the second kind for Freud weights and series expansions of Hilbert tmnsforms, J. 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Russo, Weighted Marcinkiewiez inequalities and boundedness 0/ the Lagrange operator, Recent Trends in Mathematical Analysis and Applications (Th. M. Rassias et al., eds.) (to appear). SHAPIRO'S INEQUALITY A. M. FINK Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, U.S.A. Abstract. Shapiro proposed an inequality in the 1954 American Mathematical Monthly, which now goes by his name. The inequality is now settled but work on the subject continues. The discussion of the history of this inequality does not always give a clear picture of the chronology and the results. In addition, the work still to be done is not always made dear. Here, we try to separate the various aspects of the problem: give the chronology and priorities; give a hint on the role of computer proofs; give the shortest route to the results; indicate the methods used in the shortest route; conjecture about the continued interest in the problem; and indicate where furt her work can be done. 1. Introduction Harold Shapiro raised the following question in the 1954 American Mathematical Monthly (Problem 4603.): Given Xi 2: 0, i = 1,2, ... ,n. Establish __ X_I_ X2 + X3 + X2 X3 + X4 + ... + _X.:..:.n_-_l_ + X n > ~ X n + Xl Xl + X2 - 2 ' equality occurring only if all denominators are equal. The case with n = 3 was earlier proposed by A. M. Nesbitt in 1903. Earlier vers ions may exist but none have been confirmed. The problem is settled. We exclude the cases n = 1 and n = 2 which are identities. The inequality is correct for odd integers less than or equal to 23 and for even integers less than or equal to 12. For all other n the proposed inequality is false. It is nearly true in apreeise sense to be given later. Then why write about the inequality? We claim that the history is interesting and that eertain problems remain. The plan of the paper is to eomment on the methods of proof in the next seetion and make eonjectures about the allure of the problem. Then sueeeeding seetions will give a ehronological history for eaeh n. We then give achart which will give the shortest route to a solution to the problem for all n. More comments on ideas follow and then achallenge or two for the interested reader. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 26-03, 26D20i Secondary 01A80. Key words and phrases. Cyclic inequalitYi History. 241 G.v. Milovanovic (ed.), Recent Progress in Inequalities, 241-248. © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. 242 A. M. FINK 2. The Allure of the Problem The problem seems to be a very special inequality and it is surprising that many mathematicians have spent time on it, some apparently a very great deal of time. No known connection with any other problem has ever been given. I conjecture that part of the allure is the simple lower bound n/2. If it had been some other complicated number, it probably would not have attracted the same amount of interest. Secondly, it was shown soon after the problem was posed, that the inequality was not true for all n. It seems to me that this adds to the intrigue. Why should such a lower bound be true for some n and not for others? The counterexamples showed that even in the cases where the inequality is not true, it is barely false. When a Mathematician of the stature of Mordell is interested in the problem, it also adds to the intrigue of the problem. This is especially so since Mordell conjectured that the inequality is false for n ~ 7. Finally, a lot of the work was a result of the use of modern high speed computers. The interplay between "computer proofs" and analytic (other authors use 'algebraic' here) proofs adds to the mystique of the problem. Using the computer to find counterexamples is one level of computer use. To reduce the problem to a numerical minimization of a function of one variable is a slightly deeper use of the computer and lends itself to a high degree of confidence in the result. A numerical minimization of a function of more than one variable is sometimes viewed as a different use of the computer because convergence is rarely capable of proof. 3. Chronology In order to have a precise way to talk about the problem, we formulate the problem in a slightly different way. Let where {Xi} is extended to the positive integers by making it periodic of period n. Let J.L(n) = inf.! f(XI, ... ,Xn ), n where the inf is taken over Xi ~ 0 and no denominator = O. Note that since f(l, ... ,1) = n/2,J.L(n) ~ 1/2. What we call the conjecture is that J.L(n) = 1/2. We will give two charts. First achart with the priorities for each n ~ 3. The second one gives only those events which changed the status of the conjecture. This chart also gives the running status of the conjecture. Outside these chronologies there are several papers that must be separately cited as especially important in the development of proofs. First is Lighthill's counterexample (1956) (n = 20) cited in [31] which first showed that the inequality did not always hold. The second is Zulauf's result of 1958, ([41]), who showed that if the conjecture is false for some n, then it is also false for n + 2, n + 4, . .. so that he showed the SHAPIRO'S INEQUALITY n 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 > 25 243 Contributions in chronological order Nesbitt, 1903j MordelI, 1958j Diananda published three proofs in 1977 which are reproduced in Mitrinovic, Pecaric, and Fink [20] Shapiro, 1954 (unpublished)j proof by MordelI, 1958. Phelps, 1956 (not published)j MordelI, 1958. MordelI, 1958j Diananda, 1959j direct proof Freidkin, 1990**. K. Goldberg numerical evidence, 1960j Djokovic and Diananda, 1963*. Djokovic, 1963. Nowosad, 1968 and Diananda, 1963*. Nowosad, 1968j Bushell, 1992 analytic proof. Godunova and Levin, 1976 and Diananda, 1963*. Stuart, 1974, in an unpublished dissertation improves a proof by G.K. Kristiansen (unpublished)j Bushell and Craven, 1975, numerical evidence for yeSj Godunova and Levin, 1976. Troesch, 1985. Zulauf, 1958. Troesch, 1989 and Diananda, 1963*. Zulauf, 1958~. Troesch, 1989 and Diananda, 1963*. Zulauf, 1958~. Troesch, 1989 and Diananda, 1963*. Lighthill, 1956. Troesch, 1989 and Diananda, 1963*. Zulauf, 1958~. Troesch, 1989. Zulauf, 1958~. Malcolm, 1971j Daykin, 1971. (independently) Zulauf, 1958, for even nj Rankin, 1958, large nj Zulauf, 1959, n > 52j Diananda, 1963, n 2: 27. * Author X and Diananda 1963 means that the result follows by combining author X's result and Diananda's theorem of 1963. '" The counterexample is constructed by induction starting from n = 14. ** Freidkin and Freidkin give a direct proof for all n < 7 by using Fourier analysis. conjecture failed for all even n ~ 14. Diananda [10], (1963), extended this result to show that if the conjecture is true for some even n, then it is true for all smaller n and if it is false for some odd n, then it is false for alilarger numbers. The next far reaching result is that of Nowosad [24], who in 1968 showed that interior local minima of f are always ~ n/2 and showed that the only other points that need be considered are on what he called the regular boundary. More of this later. This allowed the reduction in the number of cases that needed to be considered and led to the numerical proofs that are used for all cases where n 2: 12. An independent event was the discovery of Rankin [25] in 1958 that the conjecture failed for all large n and his introduction of the asymptotic number A. The defin- A. M. FINK 244 itive determination of this number by Drinfel'd [13], in 1971, ended the results in this direction. Finally, Troesch [39] (1989) solved the case for n = 23 and hence for all lesser odd n. Meanwhile the proof for n = 12 by Godunova and Levin [17], (1976), had settled the even cases and all n ~ 12. CHRONOLOGY OF THE STATE OF THE CONJECTURE 1903 Nesbitt [23] 1954 Shapiro [31] 1956 Phelps [31], Lighthill [31]- conjecture holds for n =3 ::;4 ::;5 1958 Mordell [21], Zulauf [41], Rankin [25]- ::;6 1959 Zulauf [42] ::;6 1963 Djokovic [12], Diananda [10]- ::;8 1968 Nowosad [24] ::;10 1971 Maleolm [19], and 1971 Daykin [5] ::;10 1976 Godunova and Levin [17] ::; 12 1985 Troesch [38] n ::; 13 1989 Troesch [39] even n::; 12 odd n::; 23 date and contributor conjecture fails for n n= 20 even n ~ 14 alilarge n even n ~ 14 odd n ~ 53 even n ~ 14 odd n ~ 27 even n ~ 14 odd n ~ 27 even n ~ 14 odd n ~ 25 even n ~ 14 odd n ~ 25 even n ~ 14 odd n ~ 25 even n ~ 14 odd n ~ 25 * The changes in this row from the previous row are in the same order as the order of the listed contributors. 4. What is p.(n)? Since we know that J.L(n) is sometimes 1/2 and sometimes less, what is it? Rankin [25] considered the number A = lim J.L(n) n-oo and showed that A = inf J.L(n). n>2 Various estimates for A have been given. Rankin showed that it was less than .49999999 thereby showing that Shapiro's conjecture is false for alllarge n. Other bounds were obtained in [42], [26], [8] and [5] by computing bounds for J.L(n) < 1/2. The problem is completely solved by Drinfel'd [13] who showed that A = .49456682 and further digits may be obtained by the following. Let S be the convex hull of the regions above the graphs ofy = exp( -x) and y = 2/(exp(x)+exp(x/2)). Then SHAPIRO'S INEQUALITY 245 A is the y coordinate of the interseetion of S with the y axis. To get a feel for the values of JL(n) for small we give some estimates: upper bounds for p,(n) Daykin, .4999898* n 14 16 18 20 22 24 25 27 111 452 Zulauf, .49953; Diananda, .49919 Malcolm, .49994; Daykin, .49995 Diananda, .4999646 Daykin, .49656 Troesch, .49484 numerical estimates" .499975, .4999978 .499875 .499955 .499495 .499275 .49904 .499940, .499944 .499464 * Maleolm also gives a lower bound of .4999388 . ** These estimates are all from Bushell and Craven. They claim to be the numerical minimum, Le. the exact value of p,. The second numbers in n = 14 and n = 25 are numbers that are offered elsewhere as the minimum. 5. Outline of Proof and Methods First, to get the most direct proof of the solution of the conjecture one now reads the theorems of Diananda [10] and the proofs for n = 12 by Godunova and Levin [17] and for n = 23 by Troesch [39]. Both ofthese papers use the results ofNowosad [24] and the notions of regular boundary. Then one needs counterexamples for n = 14 and 25. The cleanest (and integral) examples are from Troesch [39] and are X14 = (0,42,2,42,4,41,5,39,4,38,2,38,0,40) and X25=(25,0,29,0,34,5,35, 13,30, 17,24,18, 18,17,13,16,9, 16,5,16,2,18,0,20,0). We should note that only a few direct proofs exist. For n = 3, the result follows from use of the geometric-arithmetic-harmonic mean inequalities, see [6] or [20]. The cases with n :::; 6 were done by MordeIl [21] in the following way. He finds that taking by B r = X r + X r +1, that and that (f: r X I r: : min(n/2, 3) f: xrBr , from which the result folIows. I Diananda's results [10] follow from two lemmas. Lemma 1. fn+2(XI, ... ,Xn , Xl, X2) = fn(XI, . .. ,Xn ) + 1. A. M. FINK 246 Lemma 2. 11 n is odd and In(XI, ... ,xn ) < n/2, then there is a Y so that In+1(YI,". ,Yn+l) < (n+1)/2. The proof of the latter is to write In+I(XI, ... ,Xr,Xr,Xr+I,'" ,xn) - In(XI, ... ,xn) -1/2 = (xr-Xr+1)(xr-xr-t)/2xr(xr+xr+t). Remembering that the x's are periodie and that n is odd, it is not possible for all of these numerators to be positive, we get a Y this way. Djokovic [12] gives a direct analytie proof for n = 8 by defining ai = Xd(Xi+1 + Xi+2), from whieh it follows that these numbers are nonnegative and the sum of n two consecutive ones is positive. The conjecture then is equivalent to E ai 2: n/2 I with the ai 's satisfying the identity 1 0 -al 1 -al -a2 0 -a2 0 0 0 0 1 =0. 0 -an-l -an 0 0 -an 0 1 0 0 -an-2 1 0 -an-2 -an-l 1 Finally, Bushell [3] gives a direct algebraie proof for n = 10. He actually does more. He gives an easy proof of Nowosad's lemma that at interior minima the value of 1 is n/2. See also his paper [2]. He also gives symmetry properties of the global minimizing points whieh allows one to halve the number of cases to consider. This is useful for n = 10 and in the case of n = 12 where the reduction is not sufficient to give an analytie proof at this writing. The proofs of the two pivotal cases, n = 12 and 23 are partly based on careful numerics and the results of Nowosad. Briefly, Nowosad shows that non-interior local minima must be on the regular boundary. The regular boundary are those points where some of the variables are zero but no term in 1 is indeterminate. The cases to consider are then reduced to those with a specified number of nonzero entries between the zero entries of x. Such a set of consecutive nonzero entries is called a segment. Nowosad then makes a change of variable, essentially using the partial sums of a segment as the new variables. In this way, Shapiro's conjecture becomes a matter of minimizing a quadratic form with quadratie constraints. Some of the cases can be done with known inequalities, for example with the arithmetiegeometrie mean inequality and the rest are done on an ad hoc basis. For n = 10 his results lead to only 5 cases than are "hard" and need to be dealt with on an ad hoc basis and use some numeries. For the proofs of n = 12, Godunova and Levin use Nowosad's ideas and carry out the various cases, again dealing with most of them easily and reducing the few remaining to ad hoc arguments, some of which require numerieal estimates. As noted above, Bushell has reduced the number of SHAPIRO'S INEQUALITY 247 cases but still there are too many to complete the proof. Troesch, in doing the n = 23 case also proceeds as Godunova and Levin, finding many cases that can be done with known inequalities. 6. Praspects far Further Research The remaining quest ion is now obvious. Can the pivotal cases of n = 12 and 23 be done analytieally? There are three threads of research which are the beginnings of an approach. Nowosad's work has been carried on by Bushell by considerations of proving new symmetries and reducing the problems to an estimation of eigenvalues. Perhaps more can be done in this direction. 1t would be of interest to include a quote from Troesch [40, page 664]. "... but this did not constitute a proof, but rather an example of [13], because a definite distribution of the zero-components of x was assumed. The assumption appeared reasonable, based on previous experience. 1t would be desirable to prove that for any n this partieular distribution of nonzero components always gives the lowest sum (for 1), except of course for the case with all components equal to 1. A result 01 this kind would make the investigations reporled here (the proollor n = 23) essentially trivial." Other recent work includes that of R.E. Scraton [27], who also numerically (apparently independently) has come to the correct conclusions. He notes that for n even, (a, b, a, b, ... ) is a stationery point for which the eigenvalues of the Hessian can be explicitly computed. These are all positive for n = 4,6,8, 10, 12 but for n ~ 14 there are at least one pair of negative eigenvalues. He also offers data for the conjecture that the minimum occurs at points where X n , X2, X4, ... ,X2k are zero and Xn-l, Xl, X3, . .• ,X2k+1 are in a geometrie progression. A second direction is to look at Mordell's work. For n ~ 6 he interpolated a quadratic form between fand the number n/2. Are there other interpolants for larger n? Finally, it seems to me that most of the proofs heavily use the classical arithmetiegeometrie-harmonie mean inequalities to settle some of the cases. 1s there a set of related inequalities whieh are strengthenings or interpolants of these inequalities, that would be helpful in the pivotal cases? I give the challenge to the interested reader to follow up one of these lines of study, or a more appropriate one of their own choosing. References 1. B. Bajsanski, Aremark conceming the lower bound 0/ Xl/(X2 + X3) + X2/(X3 + X4) + ... + Xn /(Xl + X2), Univ. Beograd. Pub!. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Math. Fiz. No. 70-76 (1962), 19-20. 2. P. J. Bushell, Shapiro 's cyc/ic sum, manuscript. 3. _ _ , Analytic proo/s 0/ Shapiro's cyc/ic inequality /or ellen n, manuscript. 4. P. J. Bushell and A. M. Craven, On Shapiro's cyc/ic inequality, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 75A 26 (1975/76), 333-338. 5. D. E. Daykin, Inequalities /or functions 0/ a cyc/ic nature, J. London Math. Soc. (2) 3 (1971), 453-462. 6. P. H. Diananda, Extensions 0/ an inequality 0/ H. S. Shapiro, Amer. Math. Monthly 66 (1959), 489-491. 248 A. M. FINK 7. ___ , A eye/ie inequality and an extension 0/ it, I, Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. (2) 113 (1962/63), 79-84. 8. ___ , A eye/ie inequality and an extension 0/ it, II, Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. (2) 13 (1962/63), 143-152. 9. ___ , Inequalities tor some eye/ie sums, J. London Math. Soc. 38 (1963), 60-62. 10. ___ , On a eye/ie sum, Proc. Glasgow Math. Assoc. 6 (1963), 11-13. 11. ___ , Inequalities lor some eye/ie sums, Math. Medley 5 (1977), 171-177. 12. D. Z. Djokovic, Sur une inegalite, Proc. Glasgow Math. Assoc.6 (1963), 1-10. 13. V. G. Drinfel'd, A eye/ie inequality, Mat. Zametki 9 (1971), 113-118 (Russian) [English trans!. Math Notes 9 (1971), 68-71]. 14. C. V. DureIl, Query, Math. Gaz. 40 (1956), 266. 15. A. M. Fink, Letter to the editor, Math. Gaz. 79 (1995), 125. 16. E. S. Freidkin and S. A. Freidkin, On a problem by Shapiro, Eiern. Math. 45 (1990),137-139. 17. E. K. Godunova and V. 1. Levin, A eye/ie sum with 12 terms, Mat. Zametki 19 (1976), 873-885 (Russian) [English trans!. Math Notes 19 (1976), 510-517]. 18. M. Herschern and J. E. L. Peck, Problem 4603, Amer. Math. Monthly 67 (1960), 87-88. 19. M. A. Malcolm, A note on a eonjecture 0/ L. J. MordelI, Math. Comp. 25 (1971), 375-377. 20. D. S. Mitrinovic, J. E. Pecaric, and A. M. Fink, Classieal and New Inequalities in Analysis, Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, 1993. 21. L. J. MordelI, On the inequality L;=l x r /(Xr+l + Xr +2) ~ n/2 and some others, Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg 22 (1958), 229-240. 22. ___ , Note on the inequality Lk=l Xk/(Xk+l + Xk+2) ~ n/2, J. London Math. Soc.37 (1962), 176-178. 23. A. M. Nesbitt, Problem 15114, Educational Times (2) 3 (1903), 37-38. 24. P. Nowosad, Isoperimetrie eigenvalue problems in algebras, Comm. Pure App!. Math. 21 (1968), 401-465. 25. R. A. Rankin, An inequality, Math. Gaz. 42 (1958), 39-40. 26. ___ , A eye/ie inequality, Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soe. (2) 12 (1960/61), 139-147. 27. R. E. Scraton, An unexpeeted minimum value, Math. Gaz. 78 (1994), 60-62. 28. J. L. Searcy and B. A. Troesch, The eye/ie inequality, Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 23 (1976), A-604-605. 29. ___ , A eye/ie inequality and related eigenvalue problem, Pacific J. Math. 81 (1979), 217-226. 30. H. S. Shapiro, Problem 4603, Amer. Math. Monthly 61 (1954),571. 31. ___ , Problem 4603, Amer. Math. Monthly 63 (1956), 191-192. 32. _ _ , Problem 4603, Amer. Math. Monthly 97 (1990),937. 33. J. Stuart, On Kristiansen's Proo/ 0/ Shapiro 's Inequality tor n = 12, Diss. Univ. of Reading, 1974 (not published). 34. D. G. S. Thomas, On the definiteness 0/ eertain quadratie /orms arising in a eonjeeture 0/ L. J. Morde/I, Amer. Math. Monthly 68 (1961), 472-473. 35. B. A. Troesch, The eye/ie inequality lor a large number 0/ terms, Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 25 (1978), no. 6, A-627. 36. ___ , Shapiro 's eye/ie inequality with eleven terms, Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 26 (1979), no. 7, A-646. 37. ___ , The shooting method applied to a eye/ie inequality, Math. Comp. 34 (1980), 175184. 38. ___ , On Shapiro's eye/ie inequality tor N = 13, Math. Comp. 45 (1985),199-207. 39. ___ , Full solution 01 Shapiro's eye/ie inequality, Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 39 (1985), no. 4, 318. 40. ___ , The validity 0/ Shapiro's eye/ie inequality, Math. Comp. 53 (1989), 657-664. 41. A. Zulauf, Note on a conjecture 0/ L. J. MordelI, Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg 22 (1958), 240-241. 42. ___ , On a eonjecture 0/ L. J. MordelI, II, Math. Gaz. 43 (1959), 182-184. 43. ___ , Note on an inequality, Math. Gaz. 46 (1962), 41-42. BERNSTEIN TYPE INEQUALITIES FOR RATIONAL FUNCTIONS WITH PRESCRIBED POLES N. K. GOVIL Department of Mathematics, Auburn University, AL 36849, U.S.A. R. N. MOHAPATRA Department of Mathematics, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL 32816, U.8.A. Abstract. The paper surveys polynomial inequalities and their generalisations to rational functions with prescribed poles. We also mention results concerning generalisations of Bernstein's polynomial inequalities through the use of Functional Analysis. Finally, a Bernstein type inequality associated with wavelet decomposition is mentioned. 1. Introduction and Notation Let p~ and p~ be the sets of all algebraie polynomials of degree at most n with real or eomplex eoefficients, respeetively. The sets of all trigonometrie polynomials of degree at most n with real or eomplex eoeffieients, respeetively, will be denoted by r;: and r:;,. For a eontinuous function f defined on a set A, we shall use the notation IIfliA = sup If(z)l· zEA As usual IR and C denote the fields of real or eomplex numbers, and K .IR(mod.27T). We shall write D_ := {z E C : Izl < I}, T:= {z E C : Izl = I}, D+:= {z E C : Izl > I}. In order to show that a smooth eurve ean be approximated by sueeessions of quadratie ares, Mendeleev [79] eonsidered p(x) = ax 2 + bx + c with a, b, cE IR, Ip(x)1 ~ 1 for -1 ~ x ~ 1 (see [52] and [11]). He showed that Ip'(x) I ~ 4 for -1 ~ x ~ 1 and this result is best possible sinee, for p( x) = 1 - 2x 2 , Ip( x) I ~ 1 on [-1,1] and Ip'(±I)1 = 4. Motivated by this result, A.A. Markoff [76] investigated the eorresponding problem in a more general set up and proved the following. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classijication. Primary 41A17, 26D07j Secondary 26D05, 30CI0. Key words and phrases. Polynomial inequalitiesj Inequalities with rational functionsj Prescribed polesj Bernstein's inequalitYj Wavelet decomposition. 249 G.Y. Milovanovic (ed.), Recent Progress in Inequalities, 249-270. © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. 250 N. K. GOVIL AND R. N. MOHAPATRA n Theorem 1. If p(x) = E akxk E p~ and Ip(x)1 :::; 1 on [-1,1], then k=O (1) Ip'(x)l:::;n 2 for -l:::;x:::;l. The equality in the above inequality is possible at only x = ±1 and only when p(x) = ±Tn(x), where Tn(x) = cos(narccosx), is the n-th Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind. Several years later Serge Bernstein needed the analogue of Theorem 1 for the unit disk in the complex plane. He [7] proved the following result. n Theorem 2. If p(z) = E akzk E p~, then k=O (2) max Ip'(z)1 :::; n max Ip(z)l. Izl9 Izl~l The result is best possible and the equality holds for p(z) = AZ n (A, z E q. Theorem 2 has an analogue for trigonometrie polynomials and can be stated as Theorem 3. If t(8) = (3) n E akeikO E T;,(8), then k=-n It'(8)1:::; n, 0:::; 0:::; 27r, whenever It(O)1 :::; 1 for 0 :::; 0 :::; 27r. In (3) equality holds if and only if t(O) ei ,,! cos(nO - a), where'Y and aare arbitrary real numbers. Bernstein proved Theorem 3 with 2n in place of n by using a variational method. Inequality in the form (3) appeared in print for the first time in a paper of Fekete [36] who attributes its proof to Fejer [34]. Bernstein [7] attributes the proof to E. Landau (see [101] and [35]). Alternative proofs of (3) have been given by F. Riesz [95], M. Riesz [96], de la Vallee Poussin [107] and many others, and each of these methods has led to the interesting extensions of the inequality (3). Theorem 1 and Theorem 2 are generally known as Markoff and Bernstein inequalities, respectively. These inequalities play an important role in the proof of inverse theorems in polynomial approximation (see Dzyadyk [31], Ivanov [63], Pekarskii [87], Meinardus [78], Telyakovskii [105], Milovanovic, Mitrinovic and Rassias [80], Borwein and Erdelyi [14] and Petrushev and Popov [85]). Inequalities (1) and (2) were extended in many direction and turned out to be the center of considerable research activity, see ([8-10], [30], [33], [60-61], [63], [65], [67-74], [82], [84], [86], [88-89], [92], [94], [97], [102-103], [106] and [109]). In what follows we shall mention some refinements and generalisations of Markoff and Bernstein theorems and their extensions to rational functions and their generalisations. It is not possible to give a cursory look at the vast literat ure developed over the years in this article. We only mention certain segments of current research. BERNSTEIN TYPE INEQUALITIES FOR RATIONAL FUNCTIONS 251 2. Some Generalisations and Refinements of Markoff's Inequality Theorem 1 shows that if Ip(x)1 ~ M, -1 ~ x ~ 1, then Ip'(x) I ~ Mn 2 on [-1,1]. If we repeatedly use this result to find an upper bound for Ip(k)(x)l, k ~ n, then we can obtain Ip(k) (x) ~ Mn 2k . A. A. Markoff [76] showed that this result is not sharp and proved the following: I Theorem 4. 1/ p(x) E p~ and Ip(x)1 ~ 1 on [-1,1], then on [-1,1] (4) tor every k = 1,2, ... ,n. The right hand side of the inequality (4) is equal to T~k)(I) where Tn(x) is the Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind and hence (4) is sharp. Given k (1 ~ k ~ n), and x" E [-1,1], let p .. be an extremal polynomial in the sense that max Ip*(x)1 = 1. V. Markoff -1<:z:<1 [77] was able to characterise and even identify the extre~al polynomials for differ- It is easily observed that such a P .. (x) exists and ent values of x*. Let 6 < 6 < ... < en-k and "11 < "12 < ... < "In-k be the zeros of (x + I)T~k+l)(x) + kT~k)(x) and (x _1)T~k+1)(x) + kT~k)(x) respectively. Not only that ei,"Ii E [-1,1], they interlace, i.e., -1< e1 < "11 < 6< "12 < 6<··· < en-k < "In-k < 1. v. Markoff showed that the polynomial Tn is extremal for x* belonging to any of the intervals He also showed that the points Further, he showed that at a point x" E (eil c5j ], with 'Ir 1 < C ~ 1 + 2 tan2 2n ' the polynomial T. (2X+I-C) =T. (I+ ej )(X-x*) n C +1 n 1 + x* co) + '>3 252 N. K. GOVIL AND R. N. MOHAPATRA is extremal. The point Aj := (sec2 2:) fJj - tan2 2: E (ej,fJj), for j = 1,2, ... ,n - k and at a point x* E [Aj, fJj) the polynomial Tn ( (l- fJj )(X-X*) ) 1 _ x* + fJj , . J = 1,2, ... ,n - k, is extremal. However, in the intervals (Oj, Aj) for each j E {I, 2, ... ,n - k}, the equation d~k ((x 2 -1) T~_l(X)) = 0, has a root bj in (Oj, Aj) for j = 1,2, ... ,n - k. The polynomial T n - 1 is extremal when x* is any of the (n - k) points b1 , b2 , ••• ,bn-k' It can be shown that when x* E (t5 j ,bj ) and (bj,Aj), the extremal polynomial is a solution of a first order differential equation (for details see [1]). Among other things he proved n Theorem 5. Ifp(x) = E akxk is as in Theorem 1, thenfor 1::; k::; n, we have k=O if (n - k) is even, (5) if (n - k) is odd, and (6) Voronovskaja, in a long series of papers developed an alternative approach to the problems considered by V. Markoff. For discussion and literature related to these problems, see [108] and [92]. Erdös [32] has shown that it is possible to improve Theorem 1 if the zeros of p(x) lie on IR. \ (-1,1). He [32] showed Theorem 6. Let p(x) be as in Theorem 1. Let the zeros of p be all real and lie on IR. \ (-1,1). Then (7) Ip'(x) 1 I ::; ~ ( 1-;;: )-n+l , for - 1 ::; x ::; 1. In (7) equality holds only at ±1 for . nn p(x) := e''"( 2n (n _ l)n-l (1 + x)(l- x)n-l, p(x) := ei '"( 2n (n respectively. 'Y E IR., :n1)n_l (1 + x)n-l(l_ x), 'Y E IR., BERNSTEIN TYPE INEQUALITIES FOR RATIONAL FUNCTIONS 253 Theorem 7. Let p(x) be a polynomial of degree at most n, and Ip(x)1 :::; 1 for -1:::; x :::; 1. If p(x) is real for real x and p(z) =I- 0 for Izl < 1, z E C, then (8) Ip'(x) I : :; 4y'ri,f(1-lxI)2, for xE [-1,1]. Remarks: i) fo can not be replaced by a function of n tending to infinity more slowly. ii) The bound 4fo/(1 -lxl)2 is not best possible for any x. In [1], Arsenault and Rahman have obtained sharp estimates for Ip'(x*) I for arbitrary x* E [-1,1]. They have also obtained the exact bound for Ip(x*)1 at an arbitrary point x* E IR \ [-1, 1]. In fact [1] contains many interesting results and historie al development of the estimates of Markoff type. (Also see [14], especially pages 234-235). 2.1. WEIGHTED-MARKOFF INEQUALITIES Let p~. be the subcollection of p~ consisting of the monie polynomials of degree less or equal to n. Let W denote the collection of real weight functions, w, such that the following hold: (a) w(x) > 0 for all x E IR, (b) w'(x) is continuous on IR, (c) lim [xnw(x)] = lim [xnw'(x)] = 0, n = 1,2, .... Ixl-->oo Ixl-->oo Let all norms be supremum norm on IR. Let us define (9) An = sup pEP~' IIWP'II} { -11-11 wp and Iln = sup rEP:, { 11 (wp)' 11 } 11 wp 11 . By standard arguments one can show that An and Iln are finite and that there exist monie polynomials p, q E p~. for which Ilwp'lI/llwpll = An and II(wq)'II/llwqll = Iln· Such polynomials p or q will be called extremal polynomials for An or Iln, respectively. In view of these the following inequalities of Markoff type hold for pE p~: (10) Ilwp'lI :::; Anllwpll and lI(wp)'II:::; Ilnllwpll· An and Iln are best possible constants for these inequalities. Let T n be the monic polynomials of exact degree n whieh are extremal in the sense that (11) IIwTn 11 = inf{ 11 w(x) [x n - q(x )]11 : q E p~-d . Since {xkw(x) : k = 0,1, ... ,n -1} is a Haar system on IR, T n is uniquely characterised by the fact that wTn has an alternant of size (n + 1) (see [82] for details). In [82], Mohapatra et al have proved the following results: 254 N. K. GOVIL AND R. N. MOHAPATRA Theorem 8. Let w E Wand p E p~., n 2': 2, is any extrem al for Then the following hold: (a) A maximal alternant for wp is of size n + 1. (b) If w' / w is decreasing on IR then there is exactly one maximal altemant for wp. Moreover if this maximal altemant Xl < X2 < ... < Xn-l is of size n (i.e. n if p =j:. Tn ) then (wq)'(to) = 0, where g(x) = TI (x - Xi) and to is such that i=l l(wp)'(to)1 = IIwp'll· Theorem 9. Let w E Wand suppose p E p~. is any extrem al for An. Then the following hold: (a) If n = 1, then p = Tl. (b) If n 2': 2, then a maximal altemant for wp is of size n + 1. (c) If w' / w is decreasing on IR then there is exactly one maximal altemant for wp. Moreover if this maximal alternant, Xl < X2 < ... < Xn, is of size n (i.e. if p =j:. Tn ) then g'(to) = ° n where g(x) = TI (x - Xi) and to is such that i=l I(wp') (to)1 = IIwp'll· Theorem 10. If w(x) = exp (_x 2 ) and p E p~. is any extremal for, then p = Tn - l or p = Tn , where To := 1. In [69], Li, Mohapatra and Rodriguez have shown that p = Tn - l in Theorem 10 is not a possible solution by using a representation theorem and the analysis of Voronovskaja [108]. Thus they have characterised the best possible constant in Markoff's inequality in IR for the Hermite weight in terms of weighted Chebyshev polynomial. Remark. Duffin and Schaeffer [29] asked if it is necessary for the inequality (4) in Theorem 4 to assume that Ip(x)1 :5 1 for aU x E [-1,1]. They [29] found out that (4) holds whenever Ip(x)1 :5 1 at the (n + 1) points x = cos(k1r/n)j k = 0, 1, ... , n. In fact, they [29] proved Theorem 11. If p(z) is a polynomial of degree n with real coefficients and (12) Ip(cosk1r/n)1 ~ 1, (k = 0,1, ... ,n), then also the inequality (4) holds. It is natural to ask if there are other (n + 1) points in (-1, 1) such that Ip( x) I ~ 1 at these points will imply the inequality (4). Duffin and Schaeffer [29] showed that if E is any closed subset of ( -1, 1) which does not contain all the points cos( krr / n), k = 0,1, ... ,n, then there exists a polynomial of degree n which is bounded by 1 on the set E but for which the inequality (4) does not hold. This refined inequality known as Duffin-Schaeffer inequality has applications in numerical analysis (see Berman [6]). For Markoff type inequalities with constraint, see Borwein and Erdelyi ([14, A5]). BERNSTEIN TYPE INEQUALITIES FOR RATIONAL FUNCTIONS 255 3. Bernstein's Inequality and Its Generalisations As mentioned in Section 1, Bernstein proved inequality (3) (see Theorem 3). Note n E akxk is a polynomial of degree n in p~ or p~, -1 < x < 1, k=O then p( cos 0) E r;, or r:;, respectively, and by Theorem 3 of Bernstein, we have, that if p(x) = Ip'(cosO) sinOI ::; n, which is equivalent to Ip'(x) I ::; n(l- X2)-1/2, -1::; x::; l. Thus we get the following result which is also due to Bernstein [7]. Theorem 12. Ifp(x) E p~ and Ip(x)l::; 1 on [-1,1], then (13) Ip'(x) I ::; ~, -1< x< 1. The equality holds at the points x = Xk = cos((2k -l)7r/n), 1::; k ::; n, if and only if p(x) = eTn(x) where lei = 1 and Tn(x) is the Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind. Remar k. Theorem 12, proved by Bernstein in [7] yields a better estimate for when x is not near ±1, but it does not yield Markoff's theorem, viz. Theorem 1. Ip' (x) I Related to Theorem 12 and Theorem 1 is the following inequality known as Schur's inequality (see [14, p. 233]): Theorem 13. For every p E P~-l' (14) By Theorem 3 and Theorem 13, one can prove Theorem 1, since (15) Theorem 3 usually known as Bernstein's inequality can be derived from the Bernstein-Szegö inequality given below (see [104], this inequality was first explicitly stated by Van der Corput and Schaake [22], also see [23]): Theorem 14. For tE r:; and 0 E ~, (16) Equality in (16) holds if and only if It(O)1 = IItlllR or t is of the form t(O) ß) with Cl, ß E R Cl cos(nO - From (16) it clearly follows that Ilt'lllR < nlltlllR for every t E Tn. mathematical induction one can obtain By using Theorem 15. Let tE r:;. Then, (17) Remark. By standard argument one can show that Theorem 15 holds for every t E T,;, and for a proof, see [14, p. 232]. Since p E P~ implies t(O) := p (e iO ) Er;" we get Ip'(z)1 = l-ieiOt'(O)1 ::; nlltlllR = nllpIID_, z = ei () . Now, by the maximum modulus principle applied to the unit disc, we get 256 N. K. GOVIL AND R. N. MOHAPATRA Theorem 16. I/ p(z) E p~, then (18) maxlp'(z) 1 ~ nmax Ip(z)l. Izl9 Izl9 The equality in (18) holds tor p(z) = AZ n , A E C. Writing IIpll = max Ip(z)l, (18) can be written as zET (19) IIp'll ~ nIlplI· There are several proofs of Theorem 16. The proof of de Bruijn [26] (also see Rahman [88]) uses the following two propositions to prove Bernstein's inequality for t E T:f: Proposition 1. I/ p(z) E p~ with all its zeros in Izl ~ 1, and i/ q(z) = zn p(l/z), then tor Izl ~ 1, (20) Iq'(z) 1 ~ Ip'(z) I· Proposition 2. I/ p(z) is a polynomial 0/ degree n such that Ip(z)1 ~ 1 tor Izl ~ 1 and i/ q(z) is as in Proposition 1, then tor Izl ~ 1, (21) Another proof of Theorem 16 can be seen in Milovanovic, Mitrinovic and Rassias [80, p. 532]. There is also an interesting proof by O'Hara [83] which depends upon the use of Lagrange interpolation and an identity. The latter method has been exploited by Mohapatra, O'Hara and Rodriguez [81] to obtain simple proofs of some refinements of Bernstein's inequality and later by Li, Mohapatra and Rodriguez to prove Bernstein-type inequality in rational spaces (see [70]). O'Hara [83] deduced Theorem 16 from the following identity (also see [52]). Proposition 3. I/ p(z) is any complex polynomial 0/ degree at most n, and Zl, Z2, •.• ,Zn are the zeros 0/ zn + 1, then tor every complex number t, (22) n 1~ 2Zk tp'(t) = "2 p(t) + ~ ~P(tzk) (Zk _ 1)2 . 3.1. REFINEMENTS OF BERNSTEIN'S INEQUALITY Szegö [104] proved inequality (18) under a weaker condition, viz. max I Rep(z) I ~ 1. zET Precisely, he [104] proved BERNSTEIN TYPE INEQUALITIES FOR RATIONAL FUNCTIONS 257 Theorem 17. 1/ p( z) E p~ with I Re p( z) I ~ 1 tor z E T, then Ip' (z) I ~ n tor Izl ~ 1. Equality holds tor p(z) = AZ n with A E C so that lAI = 1. Malik [75] has given a proof of Theorem 17 based on a result of de Bruijn (see Govil [52] and de Bruijn [26]). In the same paper he [75] also proves the following improvement of Bernstein's inequality (also see Rahman [88]): Theorem 18. 1/ p E p~ and q be the sel/-inversive polynomial associated with p as in Proposition 1, then (23) max [lq'(z)1 + Ip'(z)ll = nmaxlp(z)l· zET zET Further generalisations can be found in [39-40]. Frappier, Rahman and Ruscheweyh [40, Theorem 8] provided the following generalisation: Theorem 19. 1/ p E p~ and Zl, Z2, ... , Z2n are any 2n equally spaced points on Izl = 1, then Mohapatra, ü'Hara and Rodriguez [81] proved an identity similar to (22) and deduced Theorems 17, 18 and 19. Their main result [81] was Theorem 20. 1/ p E p~, A E C with lAI = 1 and Tl, 1'2, . .. ,Tn are n th roots 0/ A, then tor all z E T, (24) np(z) - zp'(z) + A p'(z) = -1 "'p(Tk) n n A , -=-1 ~ zn n L..J z - Tk I 2 1 k=l and (25) - AI -1 n Izn --n nLz-Tk - . k=l Note that (25) is a special case of (24) when p(z) = zn. Replacing A by -A in (24) and subtracting the resulting identity from (24) we abtain a companion identity given by the following: Let p E p~, A E C with lAI = 1. Let Tl, ... ,Tn be as in Theorem 20 and 0"1, •.• ,O"n be the n th roots of -A. Then far all z E T, (26) 2 2 n I zn - A 1 n I zn + A 1 -2A _ p'(z) = -1 "'p(Tk) - - - -1 "'p(O"k) -Zn 1 n L..J z - Tk n L..J z - O"k k=l k=l In [81] the following result is proved which is an improvement of Theorem 19. N. K. GOVIL AND R. N. MOHAPATRA 258 Theorem 21. Let Zl, ..• ,Z2n be 2n equally spaced points on T, say Zk = ue ikrr In, lul = 1, 1 :::; k :::; 2n. Then for any p E p~, we have maxlp'(Z)I :::; ~2 [max Ip(Zk)1 + max IP(Zk)l] zET k odd k even (27) In Theorem 16 and Theorem 17, equality holds if and only if p(z) = AZ n , A E Co n Hence, if we write, p(z) = l:: akzk, then we have equality if and only if k=O ao = al = ... = an-l = O. Thus, it is natural to conclude that if any of the ai, i = 0,1, ... ,n - 1 is non-zero, then it should be possible to improve upon the bound in Bernstein's inequality. This observation by Frappier, Rahman and Ruscheweyh [40]led to Theorem 22. Let p(z) E P~. Then for R > 1, (28) IIp(Rz) - p(Z) 11 + 1Pn(R)lp(O)1 :::; (Rn - 1) Ilpll, where (29) 1Pn(R) = (R-1)(Rn-1 + Rn-2){Rn+1 + Rn - (n+1)R + (n-1)) Rn+! + Rn - (n-1)R + (n-3) if n ? 2 and 1PI (R) = R - 1. The coefficient of Ip(O)1 is the best possible for each R. If we divide both sides of (28) by (R - 1) and let R -+ 1, then we get Corollary 1. If p(z) is a polynomial of degree at most n, then (30) 2n where En = --2 if n ? 2, whereas EI = 1. The coefficient of Ip(O) I is the best n+ possible for each n. In order to prove the above inequalities, Frappier, Rahman and Ruscheweyh [40] developed a method based on convolutions of analytic functions (see Ruscheweyh [98]). This method provides a dependence of IIp'll on the coefficient lall. They [40] have proved the following result. Theorem 23. For p E p~, (31) where Cl = 0, C2 = /2 - 1, C3 = 1//2, whereas for n ? 4, Cn is the unique root of the equation fex) := 16n - 8(3n + 2)x 2 - 16x 3 + (n + 4)x 4 = 0, lying in the interval (0,1). The coefficient of Ip(O)1 is the best possible for each n. Frappier [37] obtained Cn appearing in Theorem 23 and also proved a result where IIp'll depended on a2 (see [38]). BERNSTEIN TYPE INEQUALITIES FOR RATIONAL FUNCTIONS 259 3.2. CONSTRAINED BERNSTEIN INEQUALITIES In this seetion we mention results where polynomial p(z) satisfies some requirements regarding the loeation of its zeros. Erdös [32] eonjeetured that if p E p~ has no zeros in Izl < 1, then IIp'lI :5 ~ IIpll· This eonjeeture was proved in the special case when all the zeros of p(z) lie on Izl = 1, independently by P6lya and by Szegö. However Lax [66] proved the conjeeture in full generality and showed the following: n Theorem 24. I/ p Ep~ and p( z) t:- 0 tor z ED -, then IIp' 11 :5 '2 IIpll. The result is sharp and equality holds tor any polynomial which has all its zeros on Izl = 1. For simpler proofs and generalisations of the above theorem, see ([5], [12], [26], [41] and [90]). Professor R.P. Boas proposed to obtain results analogous to Theorem 24, when p(z) has no zero in Izl < K, K > O. In this connection, Malik [75] provided the following first partial result: Theorem 25. I/pE p~ and has no zeros in Izl < K, K ~ 1, then (32) IIp'll:5 (1: K) IIpll· The result is best possible and equality holds tor p(z) = (z + K)n. For analogous results when 0 < K :5 1 see [45-46]. Govil and Rahman [57] generalised Theorem 28 for higher order derivatives of p(z). Precisely, they proved Theorem 26. Let p E p~ and p(z) t:- 0 tor Izl < K, K ~ 1. Then (33) Other generalisations and refinements of the above results are obtained among others in [21], [47], [55] and [58]. A refinement of Lax's result (Theorem 24) is due to Aziz and Dawood [4]. Their result is Theorem 27. I/pE p~ has no zeros in Izl < 1, then (34) IIp'll :5 ~2 {lIpll- Izl=l min Ip(z)l} . The result is best possible and equality holds tor p(z) = az n + ß where IßI ~ lai. Theorem 30 has been generalised by Govil [51]. His result also sharpens Theorem 4 of Govil and Rahman [57]. Bernstein type inequalities for polynomials when all the zeros lie in a circle have been investigated in [24], [48], [50], [75] and [106]. Bernstein type inequalities with restricted zeros are studied in [13] and [15]. 'furan [106] proved N. K. GOVIL AND R. N. MOHAPATRA 260 Theorem 28. If P E p~ and has alt its zeros in Izl ~ 1, then IIp'lI ~ (n/2) IIpll. The equality holds for p(z) = (z + l)n. Govil [48] generalised the above result of Turan, when p(z) has all its zeros in Izl ~ K, K > O. A simpler proof of this result of Govil [48] was given by Datt [24]. Rahman [91] generalised Theorem 28 to entire functions of exponential type and a generalisation of this result of Rahman [91] was given by Govil [49]. A refinement and generalisation of Theorem 28 is also due to Giroux, Rahman and Schmeisser [44] who proved: n Theorem 29. Let p(z) = an TI (z - Zk) be of degree n. If IZkl ~ 1, 1 ~ k ~ n, k=l then IIp'll ~ ~ (35) (1 +llzkl ) IIpll· If the zeros of p(z) are all positive, then there is equality in (35). A generalisation of Theorem 29 is due to Aziz [2]. Further results occur in [4] and [50-51]. When the polynomial p(z) == znp(l/z) or p(z) = znp(l/z), we expect a better bound in Bernstein's inequality. The initial results are due to O'Hara and Rodriguez [84] and Saff and Sheil-Small [99]. They have shown the following Theorem 30. Ifp(z) is a polynomial of degree n satisfying p(z) == znp(l/z), then IIp'll = (n/2) IIpll· On the other hand Govil, Jain and Labelle [54] proved Theorem 31. If p(z) is a polynomial of degree n satisfying p(z) == znp(l/z) and having all its zeros in the lejt half-plane or right half-plane, then n IIp'll ~ ..;2llpll. For further results related to Theorem 31, see ([25], [27], [39-40], [44], [52], [59] and [64]). 3.3. BERNSTEIN-TYPE INEQUALITIES IN THE L r NORM The first result in this direction is due to Zygmund [109], who proved: Theorem 32. If p(z) is a polynomial of degree n, then for r ~ 1, (36) ( 2~ 10211" Ip' (e Ir dO) i9 ) l/r (211" ~ n 2~ 10 Ip (e i9 ) Ir dO ) l/r The result is best possible and equality holds for p(z) = AZ n , A E Co If r -t 00, then (36) reduces to (19). The L r analogue of Theorem 24 was proved by de Bruijn [26], Rahman [90] (see also Rahman and Schmeisser [92]) and Aziz [3]). Govil and Jain [53] proved the analogue for Theorem 30 (also see Dewan and Govil [28]). For polynomials not vanishing in IZI < K, K ~ 1, Govil and Rahman [57] proved BERNSTEIN TYPE INEQUALITIES FOR RATIONAL FUNCTIONS 261 where Er = 27r/ J:1I" IK + ei<>lr da. Remarks. As M ~ 00, Theorem 33 reduces to Theorem 25, since E;!r ~ 1/(1 + K). Inequality (37) is not sharp. Gardner and Govil [42-43) have generalised Theorem 33. Related results are in [17), [68), [71-74) and [93). For further discussion ofthese types of results, see Govil [52). 3.4. DENSE MARKOV SYSTEMS AND BERNSTEIN INEQUALITIES Let A be a sub set of G1 [a, b]. Then A is said to have an everywhere Bernstein inequality if for every [a, ß] C [a, b], a :f- ß, (38) IIp'II[<>,ßl . } _ sup { Ilpll[a,bl . pE A, p:f- 0 - 00. If for some [a, ß], the supremum in (38) is finite then we say that the Bernstein inequality is bounded (see [13] and [16]). Borwein and Erdelyi [16] have proved among other things Theorem 34. Suppose M := Uo, 11, h, ... } is an infinite Markov system on [a, b] with each fi E G2[a, b]. Then span M is dense in G[a, b] if and only if span M has an everywhere unbounded Bernstein inequality. It may be remarked that the collection of all polynomials of the form { x 2 p( x) : p is a polynomial} has an everywhere unbounded Bernstein inequality. Proof of Theorem 34 requires careful examination of Chebyshev polynomials associated with a Chebyshev system. 4. Bernstein Type Inequalities for Rational Functions Recently Borwein, Erdelyi and Zhang [19] have proved Bernstein-Markov inequalities for real rational functions. Their results deal with both algebraic and trigonometrie polynomials on a finite interval. Subsequently Borwein and Erdelyi [18] have studied extensions of Bernstein inequalities for rational spaces (also see [14, Chapter 7]). Meanwhile, Li, Mohapatra and Rodriguez [70] have used the method developed in [81] to obtain Bernstein type inequalities for rational functions. For aj E C, j = 1,2, ... ,n, let w(z) = B(z) = (39) rr (z - ai) and let i=l n Ir (1- äjZ) , j=l Z - aj IRn = IRn(a1,a2,'" ,an) := {~~~) : p E p~}. Then IRn is the set of all rational functions with poles a1, a2, ... ,an, at most, and with limit at infinity. Clearly B(z) E IRn. N. K. GOVIL AND R. N. MOHAPATRA 262 Definition 1. (a) For r(z) = p(z)/w(z) E 1Rn, the conjugate transpose r* is defined by r*(z) := B(z)r(l/z). (b) The rational function r E 1Rn is called self-inversive if r*(z) = 'xr(z) for some >. E T. Note that if r E 1Rn and r = plw, then r* = p* Iw and hence r* E 1Rn. So r = plw is self-inversive if and only if pis self-inversive. Let all the poles of r, viz. al, a2, ... , an lie in D + or D _. Then we have the following result due to Li, Mohapatra and Rodriguez [70, Theorem 1]. Theorem 35. Suppose'x E T. Then the following hold: (a) The equation B(z) =,X has exactly n simple roots h,t2, ... ,tn , say, and all ti 's lie on T. If r E 1Rn and z E T, then (40) B'(z)r(z) _ r'(z)[B(z) -'x] = B(z) tCkr(tk)IB(Z) - 'x1 Z k=l Z - tk 2 , where Ck is defined by (41) for k= 1,2, ... ,no (b) M oreover, for z E T (42) z B'(z) = t B(z) k=l Ckl B(z) -,X 12 z - tk Using the above Theorem 35, Li, Mohapatra and Rodriguez [70] obtain Theorem 36. Let tk be as defined in Theorem 35 and let Sk, k = 1,2, ... , n be the n roots of B(z) + >. = O. Then for z E T, (43) The inequality is sharp with equality for r (z) = uB (z ), u E T. Theorem 36 implies the following Bernstein-type inequality for r E 1Rn (see [70]). Theorem 37. If z E T, then (44) Ir'(z)1 ~ IB'(z)llIrll· The inequality is best possible and the equality holds for r (z) = uB (z) with u E T. The next result which sharpens Theorem 37 is also due to Li, Mohapatra and Rodriguez [70]. BERNSTEIN TYPE INEQUALITIES FOR RATIONAL FUNCTIONS 263 Theorem 38. If rE IRn and z ET, then (45) l(r*(z))'1 + Ir'(z)1 ~ IB'(z)lllrll· Again the inequality is best possible and the equality holds for r(z) = uB(z) with uET. Borwein, Erdelyi and Zhong [19] have proved Theorem 39. If z E T, and aj E C \ T for j = 1,2, ... ,n, then for rE IRn, we have (46) Moreover the inequality is sharp. Remark. In Theorem 39, the poles al, ... , an of r can lie any where except on T while in Theorem 38, they have to lie either in D_ or D+. But if we consider rational functions whose poles lie in D_ or D+, then Theorem 38 is better than Theorem 39. Following two results which are rational analogues of of Erdös-Lax and Tunin Theorems are again due to Li, Mohapatra and Rodriguez [70]. Theorem 40. Let r E IRn and alt zeros of r lie in T U D +. Then, for z E T, (47) 1 Ir(z)1 ~ 2 IB(z)1 Ilrll· Equality holds for r(z) = aB(z) + ß with lai = IßI = 1. Theorem 41. Let r E IRn has exactly n poles at al, ... , an and has exactly n zeros which lie in T U D _. Then for z E T, (48) 1 Ir'(z)1 ~ 2 IB'(z)llr(z)l. Again the equality holds fOT r(z) = aB(z) + ß with lai = IßI = 1. Recently Govil and Mohapatra [56] have proved the following refinements of Theorems 40 and 41, respectively. Theorem 42. Let rE IRn be as in Theorem 40. Then, fOT z ET, (49) 1 Ir'(z)1 ~ 2IB'(z)I(llrll- m), where m = min Ir( z) I. The inequality is best possible and becomes equality fOT Izl=l r(z) = aB(z) + ß with lai = IßI = 1. 264 N. K. GOVIL AND R. N. MOHAPATRA Theorem 43. Let r E IR"" be as in Theorem 41. Then, for z E T, (50) 1 Ir'(z)1 :::: 2 IB'(z)I(lr(z)1 + m), where m = min Ir(z)l. The equality in (50) holds again for r(z) = aB(z) + ß with Izl=l 10'.1 = IßI = 1. They also prove Theorem 44. If rE IR"" has no poles in D_ U T, then for Izl :::: 1, (51) Ir(z)1 :::; IIrIIIB(z)l· The result is best possible with equality holding for r(z) = )..B(z), 1)..1 = 1. If r(z) has no zeros in D_, one would expect a better bound in (51) and for this, they prove Theorem 45. If r E IR"" has no poles in D_ U T and has no zeros in D_, then for Izl :::: 1, (52) Again the result is best possible and the equality in (52) holds for r (z) = aB (z) + ß, with 10'.1 = IßI = 1. Remarks. Rational approximations are discussed in detail in [85] and inequalities for derivatives of rational functions are given by Gonchar and Rusak (see [87] for reference). Bernstein type inequalities for rational functions and inverse theorems for rational functions are discussed in [86-87]. In [87] there are results on Hardy spaces and in BMOA, i.e. the space of analytic functions of bounded mean oscillation. 5. Bernstein Polynomial Inequalities in Hilbert Space Harris [61) has shown how classieal inequalities for the derivative of polynomials can be proved in real or complex Hilbert spaee. There exists a clear intereonnection between equality of norms of symmetrie multilinear mappings due to Banaeh (see [100)) and an inequality for the derivatives of trigonometrie polynomials due to Van der Corput and Sehaake [22). A result of Hörmander ([62), Lemma 1) plays a key role in proving polynomial inequalities. Harris [60] eontains functional analytie approaehes to polynomial inequalities in Hibert spaee. Browder [20) deals with the relation between Bernstein's inequality and the norms of Hermitian operators. Let X and Y be real or eomplex normed linear spaees and F:XxXx···xX--tY be a eontinuous symmetrie m-linear mapping with respeet to the underlying sealer field where m = 1,2, .... Define F(x) = F(x, x, ... ,x) for x E X. We say that BERNSTEIN TYPE INEQUALITIES FOR RATIONAL FUNCTIONS 265 P : X -+ Y is a homogeneous polynomial of degree m if P = P for some eontinuous symmetrie m-linear mapping F. We say that P : X -+ Y is a polynomial of degree :S m if P = Po + PI + ... + Pm , where Pk : X -+ Y is a homogeneous polynomial of degree k for k = 1,2, ... ,m and a eonstant function when k = O. Let .c(X, Y) be the spaee of all bounded linear mappings L : X -+ Y with the operator norm IILII. Let the Freehet derivative of P at x be denoted by DP(x). The following result due to Harris [61] is an analogue of Bernstein's inequality. Theorem 46. 1f X is a complex Hilbert space and P : X -+ Y is a polynomial of degree :S m, then liDPlI :S mllPlI· The following theorem whieh is also due to Harris [61, Theorem 2] yields the results of de Bruijn [26], Malik [75] and Szegö [104]. Theorem 47. Let X be a complex Hilbert space and let P : X -+ C be a polynomial of degree :S m. Define S(x) = mP(x) - DP(x) for x E X and let Xl = {x EX: Ilxll :S I}. Then DP(x)y + S(x) E mP(X I ) for all x,y E Xl. From the above theorem follow (see, Harris [61]) Corollary 2. 1f I ReP(x)1 :S 1 for all x E Xl, then IDP(x)yl + IReS(x)1 :S m for all x, y E Xl. Corollary 3. Let r 2: 1. 1f IP(x)1 :S 1 for all x E Xl and if P has no zeros in the closed ball in X about 0 with radius r, then IIDP(x)11 :S m/(l +r) for all x E Xl. Applieations to trigonometrie polynomials is also given by Harris in [60-61]. 6. Bernstein Type Inequality Associated With Wavelet Decomposition Let cp E Lo,)Rd , d = 1,2, ... , with eompaet support. Let Zd be the d-dimensional lattiee eonsisting of all d tuples of integers. Together with cp we have its dyadie dilates cp(2 k .), k E Z and their translates cp(2 k . - j), j E Zd. With n := [O,l]d, let I = j2- k + 2- k n, cp E W~(lRd), r, s E Z and cpI(X) := cp(2 k x - j), x E IRd . For any f E Lp(lRd ) (0< p :S 00), f = l: aICPI is ealled a wavelet deeomposition IED of f, where D = U D k , being the set of diadie eubes 2- k (j + n), j E Zd. Let <I> kEZ be a finite eolleetion of eompaetly supported functions cp. Then S(cp) := { L cp(. - j)a(j) : ais a sequenee on Zd} , jEZ d N. K. GOVIL AND R. N. MOHAPATRA 266 the space generated by the shifts of 4>, is shift invariant. Moreover, if CI> is a finite collection of compactly supported functions, then 8(CI» := L 8(4)) is shift <pEil> invariant. We say that a shift invariant space is refinable if f E 8 =? f(. \ j) E 8. The Besov space B~(Lp(E)) is the collection of functions f E Lp(E) for which 0< q < 00, q = 00, where wr(f, t)p := sup 1I~~Jllp (E(rh)) , ~h is the rth order forward difference Ihl:<:;t operator and h E !Ra, Ihl is the Euclidean length of the vector h and E(rh) is the set of x such that the line segment [x, x + rh] is contained in E. We conclude this section by stating the following result due to Jia [65]. Theorem 48. Let CI> be a collection of compactly supporled junctions in W~(Rd), s = 1,2, .... Let 8(CI» be refinable and the shifts of the junctions in CI> are locally linearly independent. Then, for each a, 0< a < s, and each p, 0< p ~ 00, IfIB'" ~ Cn a / d Ilfllp, for every f with a wavelet decomposition, where BO: = B:;(L q ) with a = (ald + IIp)-l, C being a constant depending on p, when p is smalI. References 1. M. Arsenault and Q. I. Rahman, On two polynomial inequalities of Erd6s related to those of the brothers of Markov, J. Approx. Theory 84 (1996), 197-235. 2. A. Aziz, Inequalities for the derivative of a polynomial, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 89 (1983), 259-266. 3. _ _ , A new proof and generalization of a theorem of de Bruijn, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 106 (1989), 345-350. 4. A. Aziz and Q. M. Dawood, Inequalities for a polynomial and its derivative, J. Approx. Theory 54 (1988), 306-313. 5. A. Aziz and Q. 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HEINIG Department 01 Mathematics, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario L884K1, Canada A.KUFNER Mathematical Institute, Academy 018ciences, Zitna 25, 115 67 Prague, Czech Republic L. E. PERSSON Department 01 Mathematics, Lulea University, 8-971 87 Lulea, 8weden Abstract. Some recent results connected with the one-dimensional Hardy operator are given. Namely, some fractional order analogues of the c1assical Hardy inequality are discussed, and results concerning the two-dimensional Hardy operator are extended to Hardy operators defined on !RM x lltN . The main tools are the interpolation theory and some direct approaches for the fractional order case, and a recently derived N -dimensional Hardy inequality for operators on !RN . 1. Introduction The one-dimensional Hardy operator H, (1.1) (H f)(x) = l x I(t) dt, a< x< b, as a bounded operator from one weighted Lebesgue space into another has been extensively studied during the last decades, and the Hardy inequality (1.2) where IIgllr,W denotes the norm in U(W), (l a b Ig(tWW(t) dt )l/r , 1< r < 00, is investigated in detail in the book [11]. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 26D15, 46E30. Key WOMS and phrases. Hardy inequalities; Fractional order derivatives; Weighted Lebesgue spaces; More-dimensional inequalities. 271 G.Y. Milovanovic (ed.), Recent Progress in Inequalities, 271-288. © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. H. HEINING, A. KUFNER AND L. E. PERSSON 272 Furthermore, recently some results concerning the operator (1.1) have been extended to the more-dimensional case, with the N -dimensional Hardy operator H, (Hf)(x) = f (1.3) f(z) dz, JBN(X) involved, where BN(X) , x E RN, denotes the ball with center at origin and with radius lxi, Le., BN(X) = {z E RN, Izl ~ lxi}. In particular, in [4] it was proved that the N -dimensional Hardy inequality (LN Wo (x)[(Hf)(xW dX) (1.4) l/q ~ C(LN W(x)fP(x) dX) l/p holds for every measurable and nonnegative function f only if one of the following two conditions is satisfied: (i) 1 < p ~ q < 00 and (1.5) A := sup( f <»0 J1xl?<> Wo (x) dx f/q ( f J1x I5:.<> = fex), x E RN, if and W1-pf (x) dx f / pf < 00 with p' = p/(P - 1); (ii) 1 < q < P < 00 and (1.6) A:= (f (r JRN J1xl?lyl Wo(x) dX) r/q X X (1 Ixl5:.lyl qf w1-p f (x) dx )r/ w1-p f (y) dy )l/r < 00 with q' = q/(q - 1) and I/r = I/q - I/p. We note that the conditions (1.5) and (1.6) are exactly some N-dimensional generalisations and counterparts of the usual one-dimensional (necessary and sufficient) conditions. In this paper, we will deal with two types of extensions of Hardy's inequality: A. Obviously, inequality (1.2) can be rewritten in the "differential" form (1.7) with u' the derivative of u, for functions u satisfying the condition u(a) = O. This indicates the possibility to investigate also fractional order Hardy inequalities of the form (1.8) and (1.9) GENERALISATIONS AND REFINEMENTS OF HARDY INEQUALITY where [b [b Iu(x) - U(yW J,\,r(U,W)= ( Ja (1.10) Ja Ix-YI1+'\r W(x,y)dxdy 273 )l/r with 0 < >. < 1, 1 < r < 00, and W is a (two-dimensional) weight function. In asense, the usual Hardy inequality (1.7) may be regarded as an "endpoint inequality" in a scale of inequalities (1.8) and (1.9). In Section 2, we will review and discuss some results obtained recently in [8] by using interpolation techniques. In particular, we point out that this approach give us a good understanding of weighted fractional order inequalities, but also that technique has some "shortcomings". Therefore, we will deal in Section 3 with some recent results derived by more direct methods which avoid some of these shortcomings. We will review here only some of the results from [6], where also proofs and more extensions (e.g., to Orlicz norms) can be found. B. The two-dimensional Hardy operator H 2 , o < x < A, (1.11) 0 < Y < B, as a bounded operator between weighted Lebesgue spaces appears only rarely in the literature. However, in [1] the following mixed norm Hardy-type inequality (1.12) ( J[A([B J Wo(x, y)(H2!)q2 (x, y) dy )ql/q2 dx )l/ql o o ~ c(l (l A B W(x,y)jP2(x,y)dyYl/P2 dxf/Pl was investigated for a large scale of parameters Pi > 1, 0 < qi < 00, i = 1,2, but for the special case when both of the involved weight functions Wo and Ware products of weight functions depending on x and on y separately. Moreover, in [12] necessary and sufficient conditions for the validity of (1.12) were given for general weights but for the following special choice of parameters Pi, qi: Pl = P2 = p, ql = q2 = q, 1 < P ~ q < 00, and for A = B = 00. In this paper we will prove some assertions which in a sense unify and extend some of the results mentioned above. More exactly, we will study the double-sized multidimensional Hardy operator H 2 , (1.13) (H2!)(x,y) = [ [ JBM(X) JBN(Y) f(~,17) d17d~, cf. (1.11) and (1.3), and prove inequalities of the type (1.14) (LM (LN Wo(X, y)[(H f) (x, y)]Q2 dy) Ql/Q2 dX) l/Ql ~ c(LM(LN W(x,y)jP2(x,y)dyyl/P2 dxf/Pl. 2 In Section 4 we state and prove an extension of a result of Muckenhoupt [10] and Sawyer [12] and in Section 5 we derive an inequality of the type (1.8) for special weights thereby generalising a result from [1]. 274 H. HEINING, A. KUFNER AND L. E. PERSSON 2. Hardy Inequalities of Fractional Order Via Interpolation First, let us consider the following inequality: (2.1) 1o 00 x-Aplf(x)IP dx :S CP 1 1 Ix - yl{(~)IP 00 0 00 0 If(x) - + P dx dy. This inequality was derived by Grisvard [5) provided 1 < P < 00, A i- l/p, u E Cü(O,oo), but in fact, he rediscovered an earlier result of Jakovlev [7). Inequality (2.1) is of the type (1.8) with p = r, wo(x) = x- Ap , W(x,y) == 1, (a,b) = (0,00); a more general case - again with p = q but with more general weight functions - was investigated by Kufner and '!riebel [9). In this section we will present a special interpretation of the inequalities (1.8) and (1.9). In particular, we will show that (2.1) can be interpreted as an "intermediate" inequality between the classical Hardy inequality - Le., inequality (1.7) for p = q, (a,b) = (0,00), wo(x) = x- P, w(x) == 1 - and the trivial imbedding LP C LP Le., IIull p :S Cllull p. Therefore, we can call such inequalities Hardy inequalities of fractional order. Without going into details (we refer, e.g., to the book [2)) we will use the following result from the theory of interpolation of Banach spaces: If (A o , At), (B o, Bt) are two compatible Banach couples and A = (A o, At}A,r, B = (B o, Blh,r (0 < A :S 1, 1 :S r :S 00) the corresponding interpolation spaces (constructed by the real method of Lions and Peetre), then for any bounded linear operator T such that T : A o -+ B o (with norm Mo) and T : Al -+ BI (with norm Md it holds that T : A -+ B with norm M = M~-A Mt. This can be written in terms of inequalities in the following way: If (2.2) IITfliBO :S MollfllA o, then (2.3) If we choose for A o the homogeneous Sobolev space WI,P(w) of all function f for which the expression IIf'IIp,w is a norm and for B o the weighted Lebesgue space Lq(wo) (with norm 11 . IIq,wo) then the Hardy inequality (1.7) is the first inequality in (2.2) (with T equal to the identity operator). The choice Al = BI = LP(w) leads trivially to the second inequality in (2.2), and consequently, the resulting inequality (2.3) can be regarded as the desired fr action al order Hardy inequality (of the type (1.8)). The main problem in applying this approach is that the corresponding interpolation spaces B = (U(wo), LP(w)h,n GENERALISATIONS AND REFINEMENTS OF HARDY INEQUALITY 275 can be described in a suitable (simple) form only for some special cases, e.g. (i) for the unweighted case w = 1 we have · l,p , LP) .x,r -- iJ)..p,T' (w (2.4) the Besov space; (ii) for r = p(,X) where l/p('x) = 'x/p + (1 - 'x)/q, we have (U(wo), LP(w)h,r = LP()..) (w)..) with _ p()")(l-)..)/q p()..) ../p w).. - Wo w . For more details we refer to [8] and here, we will mention only some special cases for illustration. Let us emphasise that this interpolation approach can be shortly described as folIows: Using the Hardy inequality (1.7) and a trivial imbedding (= the two inequalities in (2.2)) we obtain the fractional order Hardy inequality (= (2.3)). Proposition 2.1. Let 1 < p ~ q < 00, l/p('x) = (1 - 'x)/p + 'x/q, 0 < ,X < 1, -00 < a < b ~ 00, and let f be a differentiable function on (a, b) such that f(a) = o. If (2.5) sup a::;x::;b (l b wo(t) dt )l/q x (x - a)l/ pl = Cl < 00 then for any 8 > 0 (2.6) l If(x)IP()..)w~p()..)/q(x) b dx ~ C [6 r)..p()..)-l ([b If(x + t) - f(x)IP dx Y()..)/P dt. Jo Ja- t Example 2.1. If p = q, then p('x) = p and (2.6) reads (2.7) l If(x)IPw~(x) ~ 1(l~t b dx C 6 If(x +t~P~ f(x)IP dX) dt. This is a "fractional" version of the Hardy inequality In particular, if a = 0, b = 00, 8 = 00 and wo(x) = x- P, then (2.7) essentially coincides with the Jakovlev-Grisvard inequality (2.1). H. HEINING, A. KUFNER AND L. E. PERSSON 276 Remark 2.1. Proposition 2.1 deals with the special case w(x) == 1 where we are able to describe the corresponding interpolation space - see (2.4). Condition (2.5) then guarantees that the Hardy inequality (1.7) holds for our special choice of weights, i.e., (2.5) makes sure that the first inequality in (2.2) holds. The approach just described allows to derive fractional order Hardy inequalities of type (1.8). Choosing now Al = BI = wI,q(w) with the trivial inequality lIu'lIq,w ~ Cllu'lIq,w for the second inequality in (2.2), we can obtain as a result a fractional order Hardy inequality (2.3) which corresponds to (1.9). The next proposition deals again with the special case Wo (x) == 1. Proposition 2.2. Let 1 < p ~ q < 00, l/p(>..) = (1 - >")/p + >../q, 0 < >.. < 1, -00 ~ a < b < 00, and let f be a diJJerentiable junction on (a, b) such that f(a) = O. If then for any 8 > 0 (2.8) 1 6 cÄp(Ä)-1 (l~t If(x + t) - f(xW dxY(Ä)/q dt ~C l b 1!'(x)IP(Ä)W(I-Ä)P(Ä)/P(x) dx. Example 2.2. If p = q, then p(>..) = p and (2.8) reads 1(l~t 6 If(x +t~P;1 f(x)IP dX) dt ~ C l b 1!,(x)IPwl-Ä(x) dx. This is again a "fractional" version - of the type (1.9) - of the Hardy inequality l b If(x)IP dx ~C l b 1!'(x)IPw(x) dx. Remark 2.2. The double integral which appears at the right hand side of (2.6) or at the left hand side of (2.8) is different from the expression h,r(u, W) (defined in (1.10)) which appears at the corresponding place in (1.8) or (1.9), respectively: Namely, we have a mixed norm in this integral. This is closely connected with the problem of the description of the corresponding interpolation spaces. In the next section we will avoid this difficulty by using another more direct approach. But before, let us give one more example showing that the approach via interpolation can be used also for the moredimensional case. Example 2.3. For every differentiable radial function F on]R.N (Le., satisfying F(x) = F(lxl)) such that F(O) = 0, the following inequality holds: (2.9) [ JRN Ixl-ÄNp!F(x)IP dx ~ C [ [ JIRN JIRN IF(x) - F(y)IP dxdy Ix - ylN+Äp GENERALISATIONS AND REFINEMENTS OF HARDY INEQUALITY 277 provided 1 < P < 00 and 0 < A< l/p. Remark 2.3. (i) Notice that for N = 1 we obtain the Jakovlev-Grisvard inequality (2.1). (ii) Inequality (2.9) is a special case of a more general inequality which can be derived analogously as in the one-dimensional case. We only replace the Hardy inequality (1.7) by its N-dimensional analogue (~N Wo(x)IF(xW dX) l/q ~ C(~N W(x)IV F(x)I PdX) l/p (2.10) which can be derived from the N-dimensional Hardy inequality (1.4) (see [4]). Inequality (2.10) plays now the role of the first inequality in (2.2) and, combined with a trivial imbedding, it leads to the corresponding N-dimensionalfractional order Hardy inequality via interpolation. Inequality (2.9) is its special case for p = q, Wo(x) = lxi-Np and W(x) == 1. 3. Hardy Inequalities of Fractional Order Via Direct Methods In this section we are looking mainly for an inequality of the form 1o (3.1) 00 lu(x)IPwo(x) dx :::; CP 1 1 Ix - yl~(~)IP 00 0 00 lu(x) - 0 +P W(x, y) dx dy which is inequality (1.8) for q = r = p and (a,b) = (0,00). Partly guided by the results of the previous section we will also consider the more general mixed norm inequality of the form (1 00 lu(xWwo(x)dx)l/ Q :::; c(1 (1 '~~x~~,~i~~'P OO 00 W(x,y)dXr/p dyf/q. We will omit the proofs since most of the results can be found in [6]. (a) For the special case when the weight function W(x, y) in the right hand side of (3.1) depends on Ix - yl, Burenkov and Evans [3] recently proved the following interesting result: Theorem 3.1. Let 0< p < 00, let w be a weight junction on (0,00) and define v(x) := 1 00 w(t) dt. Suppose that there exists a constant c, 1 < c < 2, such that v(t) :::; cv(2t) Then for all u E LP(v) 1 00 lu(x)IPv(x) dx :::; CP for all 11 00 00 t > O. lu(x) - u(y)IPw(lx - yl) dxdy. (b) For the case when the weight function W on the right hand side of (3.1) does not depend on y, W(x, y) = W(x), the following result holds (slightly improving a result from [8]): H. HEINING, A. KUFNER AND L. E. PERSSON 278 Theorem 3.2. Let 1 < P < 00 and A ~ -1/p. Furlhermore, assume that the junction u satisfies l1 lim - x-too X x 0 u(t) dt = O. Let Wo and Wl be weight junctions on (0,00) satisfying B := ~~~(lX wo(t) dt) Then, tor every ß ~ 0, 1 lu(x)IPwo(x) dx ~ CP 00 o (1 w~-p' 00 1r lu(x) - u(y)IP W(x) dy dx, Ix - ylß 00 Jo 0 (t) dty-l < 00. where W(x) = xß-1wo(x) + xß-1-PWl (x) and CP = 2P- 1 max(l, Cp) with Cp ~ BPP(p - l)l-p. Example 3.1. (i) Applying Theorem 3.2 with wo(x) = x a - Ap and Wl(X) = x a - AP+p , we obtain for ß ~ 0, A ~ -1/p and Q > AP - 1 (3.2) 1 00 o lu(x)IPxa-Ap dx ~ CP 11 x 00 0 0 lu(x) - u(y)IP xß-I-Ap+a dy dx. Ix - ylß (ii) Applying Theorem 3.1 with w(t) = t a - Ap - 1 we find that for Q < AP we have (3.3) 1 00 o lu(x)IPxa-AP dx ~ CP 11 00 0 00 0 lu(x) - u(y)IP Ix _ yla dxdy. Ix - yl1+ AP Moreover, Theorem 3.1 cannot be usedfor any Q ~ AP (since then v(x) == 00). But using part (i) we see that (3.3) holds also if AP ~ Q < AP + 1 : This fact follows from (3.2) putting there ß = 0 and noting that x- 1- Ap + a ~ Ix - yl-l-AP+a for all y,O < Y ~ x and -1 - AP + Q < O. (iii) More generally, using Theorem 3.2 with ß = 0 and with W(x) strictly decreasing we obtain an inequality of the type and this inequality cannot be obtained in general using Theorem 3.1, e.g. in the case that the integral fxoo w(t) dt is divergent. (c) Now we shall consider the mixed norm case with a special weight: W(x,y) = w(x)vP/q(y) with w and v weight functions on (0,00). Define V(y):= Wp,q(Y) := (t l (~~j) Y The main result reads as follows: l Y v(x) dx, l/(p-l) dX) -q/p' (t l Y v(x) dX) qv(y). GENERALISATIONS AND REFINEMENTS OF HARDY INEQUALITY 279 Theorem 3.3. Let 1 < pS q < 00, A 2: -I/p, W>.(X) = Wp,q(X)X->.q and (10 lu(xWw>.(x) dx f/q S 1 ~ K (10 (10 I~~x~ ~,~i~~P w(x) dx 00 00 00 r/ p v(y) dy) I/q, provided K = Cp,qq/(q - I)I/ql < 1. Considering the case p = q in Theorem 3.3 we obtain Corollary 3.1. 1/1< P < 00, A 2: -I/p, w>.(x) = wp,p(x)x->'P and Cp := sup r>O (1 00 r w>.(x)V-P(x)dx) I/p ( l r 0 _ I (w>.(x)v-p(X))1 p dx ) I/pi < 00, then (3.4) (IoOO,u(xWW>.(X)dxf/P S l~K(looo 10 '~~x~~,~i~~P w(x)v(y)dxdy)I/P 00 provided K = Cpp/(p - I)Ifp' < 1. Consequently, (3.4) may be regarded as a fractional order Hardy inequality of the type (1.8) with the weight W(x,y) = w(x)v(y) on the right hand side. Remark 3.1. Applying Corollary 3.1 with w(x) == 1, v(y) == 1 we find that if 1 < P < 00, ,x > l/p, then (3.5) ( {OO lu(x)IPx->'Pdx)I/P S ,xp+p-1 ({OO (CO lu(x) -u(y)I P dXdy)I/P, Jo Jo Jo ,xp - 1 Ix - yll+>'P cf. inequality (2.1). Moreover, it is not difficult to see that (3.5) holds with 0 < ,x < 1 and with the constant ()../2)/(1 - ,x) for p = l. (d) For the case of a general weight function W (x, y) we have finally the following result (far p = q): Theorem 3.4. Let W(x,y) be a non-negative measurable /unction on (0,00) x (0,00), locally integrable in both variables separately. Let 1 < P < 00 and A 2: -I/p. (i) Denote 1 f'" ) I-p W(x) = (~Jo WI-p ' (x, t) dt and wo(x) = W(x)x->.P. 1/ C p := SUp r>O (1 00 r W(x) dx Xp{>'+I) )1/P(l WI-p (X)X>'P dx r - 0 I I ) I/pi < 00 H. HEINING, A. KUFNER AND L. E. PERSSON 280 and K = Cpp/(p - l)l/ pl < 1, then /or u E LP(wo) (10 wo(x)lu(x)I Pdx)l/ P ::; l~K(fooo 10 1~~x~~I~i~;PW(X,Y)dXdyf/p· 00 (3.6) 00 (ii) Denote W(y) = (t i Y W 1- p' (t,y) dtf-P and wo(x) = W(x)x- AP . 1/ C p := ~~~(lOO y~A~~) dy) l/p (ir w 1 - P' (y)yApl dy) I/p' < 00 and K = Cpp/(p - l)l- pl < 1, then (3.6) holds with K replaced by K. Remark 3.2. More results and extensions can be found in [6]. E.g. it is possible to prove an Orlicz norm version and a multidimensional fractional order Hardy inequality (see Section 2, Example 2.3). (e) Up to now, we dealt in this section with inequalities ofthe type (1.8). Therefore, let us finally consider an inequality of the type (1.9). Theorem 3.5. Let 1 < r,p < 00. Let w(x) and W(x,y) be weight /unctions on (a, b) and (a, b) x (a, b), respectively. Denote V(x) = and suppose that (3.7) C:= l x w 1 - P' (t) dt - V(y)lr/ p' ) l/r (Jarb JarblV(x)Ix_yj1+Ar W(x,y)dxdy <00. Then b b (l l I~~x~ ~,~i~~,r W(x,y) dxdy f/r ~ b C(l lu'(x)IPw(x) dx f/ p • Prao/. By using Hölder's inequality we find that h,r(u, W) = ::; (l l Ix b b (l l Ix - yl- a b a b 1 A YI- 1- Ar W(X,y)lfv x u'(t)w1/P(t)w-1/P(t)dtlr dxdy f/r rW(x, y) li ly X lu' (t)IPw(t) dt Ir/PI lyi w I(t) dt Ir/pI dx dy )l/r X 1 -p ::; c(l lu'(t)IPw(t)dtf/ p· b Remark 3.3. Condition (3.7) is sufficient for the validity of the fractional order Hardy inequality (1.9). If inequalities (1.8) and (1.9) hold simultaneously, we have that IIUllq,wo ::; C1Jr,A(U, W) ::; C2I1u'lIp,w, which may be regarded as a certain "refinement" of the usual Hardy inequality (1.7). Open quest ion. Most of the conditions mentioned in this section have been only suffident. Find necessary and sufficient conditions of the validity of the inequalities considered. GENERALISATIONS AND REFINEMENTS OF HARDY INEQUALITY 281 4. An Extension of a Result of Muckenhoupt and Sawyer Let 1 < p ~ q < 00 and let H 2 be defined by (1.11). In [12] Sawyer proved that the inequality (4.1) (1 1 00 00 W o(x,y)[(H2 f)(x,yW dydx f,q ~ c(l OO 1 00 W(X,Y)fP(x,Y)dYdxf/ P holds for all nonnegative functions f if and only if the following three conditions are satisfied: (4.2) Co := sup x>O,y>o ( 1 00 100 x y Wo(s,t)dtds) X (4.3) (4.4) 11(1 1 x Y 1 1 (1 00 t 8 00 I/q x (l l w 0 x Y WI-pl(17,T)dTdorWo(s,t)dtds ~ C8(l 00 l - p ' (s,t)dtds ) I/p' < 00, 0 X 1 Y WI-P'(s,t)dtdsf/P, lOOWo(17,T)dTdaY'wl-P'(S,t)dtds ~ cö' (1 1 00 00 Wo(s, t) dt ds y' /q'. Muckenhoupt observed already in [10] that (4.2), which is an analogue of the corresponding condition for the one-dimensional case, is necessary for (4.1) to hold but not sufficient. Before formulating our results let us introduce some notations: As already mentioned BM(X) denotes a ball in]RM with center at origin and radius lxi. We also consider its complement BZ.(x) = ]RM\BM(X). Moreover, we will use polar coordinates and write x E ]RM as x = xox' with Xo = lxi E (0,00), where EM-I denotes the unit sphere in ]RM. Moreover, for f = f(~, "'), ~ E ]RM, '" E ]RN, we define (4.5) F(~o,"'o) = x' E ~M-I, h h f(~oe,"'o",')~f;1-I",:-1 d",' de E M - 1 EN-l and note that the Hardy operator H 2 from (1.13) can be written as (4.6) l lYO F(~o,"'o)d"'od~o (Hd)(x,y) = 0 xo 0 with x = xox', Y = Yoy', Xo = lxi and Yo = lyl· Notice that the function (H2 f)(x, y) is radial with respect to both variables, Le., it depends only on Xo = lxi and Yo = lyl· Now, our extension of the Muckenhoupt-Sawyer result reads: 282 H. HEINING, A. KUFNER AND L. E. PERSSON Theorem 4.1. Let 1 < P :::; q < 00. Let Wo = WO(X,y) and W = W(x,y) be weight functions on jRM x JRN and let W = W(x, y) be radial with respect to both variables. Then the Hardy-type inequality (4.7) (LM LN Wo(x, y)[(H f) (x, yW dy dx flq : :; c(LM LN W(x,y)fP(x,y) dydx f/P 2 holds for all measurab1e nonnegative functions f = fex, y) if and on1y if the fo1lowing three conditions are satisfied (4.8) A:= sup ({ { a>O,ß>O Axl?a J1yl?ß Wo(x,y) dy dxflq x X ([ 1 Ixl:Sa lyl:Sß (4.10) { { ({ J B<it(x) J Bf,(y) ( J B<it({) J Bf,('fJ) I wl-p (x, y) dy dx )I/pl < 00, Wo(a,T)dTdar'WI-pl(~'1J)d1Jd~ :::; c l ( { ( JB<it(x) JBf,(y) WO(~'1J)d1Jd~r'fq' for every x E jRM and y E JRN . Proof. Since W(x, y) is radial we can write W(x, y) = W(xox', YOy') = W I (xo, yo). We denote WI(xo,Yo) = Wo(xox',yoy')dy'dx', l l EM - 1 E N - 1 and rewrite the conditions (4.8)-(4.10) in the following way: (4.8') sup ({oo /.00 WI (~o, 1JO)~tt"-I1Jb"-1 d1Jo d~o) Ilq x XO,Yo>O Jxo Yo (l 01 X X 0 0 YO I-pi WI M-I (~o, 1Jo)~o N-I )I/pl 1Jo d1Jo d~o < 00, GENERALISATIONS AND REFINEMENTS OF HARDY INEQUALITY 283 (4.10') (i) Sufficiency. By rewriting the left hand side of (4.7) in polar coordinates and using the above mentioned Muckenhoupt-Sawyer result together with Hölder's inequality we obtain kM kN Wo(x, y) ((Hd)(x, y) = (*) :::; dy dx 1 1 J J x~-lyö"-lWO(Xox',yOY')X (l l F(~o, d~o) 1 X~-lYö"-lWl(XO'YO)(Jor F(~O,1]o)d1]od~o) c (1 1 x~M ya 00 00 0 q 00 { o x = r { 0 EM _1 EN _1 XO YO {oo Jo 00 00 1]0) d1]o q dy' dx' dyo dxo - o (YO Jo -l)(l-p) q (1 1 00 o { X ( J.." 00 0 cq q/P Xo(M-l)(l-p) Yo(N-l)(l-p)W1 (xo, Yo ) x ( J.." E M - 1 EN-l = dYodxo N -l)(l-p) x X W 1 (xo, yo)FP(xo, Yo) dyo dxo ) -- c q , , , ,)P )q/P M 1 N 1 Xo - Yo - f(xox, YoY ) dy dx dyo dxo (l 1 x~-lyö"-lWl(XO'YO)X OO 00 x (~ ~ f(xox',yoY') dy' dx'Y dYOdxof/P EM - 1 EN - 1 (**) :::; c q x ~ (l 101? x~-lyö"-lWl(XO'YO)X OO ~ EM - 1 EN - 1 fP(xox',yoy')dy'dx'I~M-lIP/pll~N-lIP/pl dyodxof/ P = Cql~M-llq/pll~N-llq/pl (kM kN W(x, y)fP(x, y) dydx) q/p, and (4.7) holds. Note that the conditions (4.8)' - (4.10)' may be regarded as the conditions (4.2)-(4.4) for a special choice of weight functions. Therefore the inequality (*) follows from (4.1) applied for the function F from (4.5) and the Hardy operator from (4.6) with this special choice of weight functions. In (**) we have simply applied the Hölder inequality for the "inner" integral J~ J~ . L..M-l L..N-l 284 H. HEINING, A. KUFNER AND L. E. PERSSON (ii) Necessity. We suppose that (4.7) holds and choose f(x, y) = W l - p ' (x, y)X(o,a) (lxI)X(o,ß) (Iyl) with 0: > 0, ß > 0 and obtain that Therefore, by dividing with (4.8) follows since C ~ A. In order to derive (4.9) and (4.10) we replace f by fW l - P' in (4.7) and rewrite this inequality in the form (4.11) (kM LN Wo(x,y)[H (JW P')(x,yW dYdX) : ; C(lM LN w (X,Y)fP(x,Y)dYdX) l/P, 2 l- l/q l - p' which by duality can equivalently be written as for all measurable functions 9 ~ O. By now applying (4.11) with the function f GENERALISATIONS AND REFINEMENTS OF HARDY INEQUALITY 285 chosen as f(x, y) = X(O,a) (lxI)X(o,ß) (Iyl) we obtain that { { Jlzl~a JIYI~ß W o(x,y)[H2 (fW 1-P')(x,yW dydx ={ ( Jlzl~a JIYI~ß :::; { { Wo(x, y) ( { { JI(I~lzl JI'1I~IYI r W 1- p' (~, 77) d77 d~ dx dy W o(x,y)[H2 (fW 1- P')(x,y)]q dydx JRM JRN :::; c q(kM kN w1-p' (x, y)fP(x, y) dydx) q/p =c q( { ( Jlzl~a JIYI~ß w1-p' dydx) q/p and (4.9) holds. In a similar way (4.10) follows by applying (4.12) with g(x, y) = X(a,oo) (lxI)X(ß,oo) (Iyl)· The proof is complete. Remark 4.1. (i) Notice that in the proof of the necessity of the conditions (4.6)-(4.8) we did not use the assumption that the weight W was radial. (ii) Ohviously, the conditions (4.8)-(4.10) are necessary not only for the case p :5 q hut also for the case q < p. (iii) By analysing our proof of Theorem 4.1 we see that similar results can he derived also for the adjoint Hardy type operator (H2f)(x, y) = { ( JBf.t(z) JBf.(y) f(~, TI) d~ dTl, as weH as for the "mixed" operators or 5. On the Mixed Norm Case We will here derive an inequality of the type (1.14) for the special case that the weight functions Wo and W have "separated" variables, Le., when we can write (5.1) Then we can rewrite the inequality (1.14) as (5.2) (kM W 1(x) (LN W (y)[(Hd)(x, yW2 dy) ql/q2 dX) : :; c(LM Ul(X) (LN U (y)fP2(y) dy Yl/P2 dxf/ P1 . l/ql 2 2 286 H. HEINING, A. KUFNER AND L. E. PERSSON Now we can proceed similarly as in [1]: Let us consider the inequalities (5.3) (kM W I (x) (Hg(X))ql dxflql ~ Cl (kM UI(X)gPl(X)dxf/Pl for g = g(x) 2:: 0, xE ]RM, and for h = h(y) 2:: 0, Y E ]RN, where H is the Hardy operator defined in (1.3) (of course on ]RM instead of]RN in the case of inequality (5.3)). First we can derive almost immediately a necessary condition: Theorem 5.1. A necessary condition /or the validity 0/ the mixed norm inequality (5.2) with "separated" weights W I , W 2, UI , U2 according to (5.1) is the validity 0/ at least one 0/ the inequalities (5.3) and (5.4). Proof. By choosing in (5.2) /(s, t) = g(s)h(t) we get (H2I)(x, y) = (Hg) (x) (Hh)(y). Moreover, the left hand side in (5.2) is then a product of the left hand sides in (5.3) and (5.4), and, similarly, the right hand side in (5.2) is a product of the right hand sides in (5.3) and (5.4). Thus, if both inequalities (5.3) and (5.4) are not valid, then the inequality (5.2) cannot be valid either. Note that in the foregoing assertion no explicit restrictions concerning the admissible values of the parameters PI, ql, P2 and q2 were made. However, for deriving sufficient conditions for (5.2), some restrictions on these parameters are needed. Theorem 5.2. Let 1 < Pi < 00, that either °< qi < 00, i = 1,2, and assume in addition (5.5) or (5.6) Then a sufficient condition /or the validity 0/ the mixed norm inequality (5.2) is that both 0/ the inequalities (5.3) and (5.4) hold. Proof. (i) Suppose first that (5.5) holds and denote Then the Hardy inequality (5.4) yields GENERALISATIONS AND REFINEMENTS OF HARDY INEQUALITY 287 for every xE ]RM where C 2 > 0 is independent of h (and hence independent of x). Since (Hd) (x, y) = r h(x,''1) d'fJ JBN(Y) we can use (5.7) and estimate the left hand side of (5.2) by Moreover, since condition (5.5) implies that QI/P2 ~ 1 we can use the Minkowski integral inequality and obtain the following upper estimate of the last integral: We also note that the Hardy inequality (5.3) yields for every y E ]RN, where C2 is independent of y. By using this estimate in (5.8) and applying again the Minkowski integral inequality, this time for P2/Pl ~ 1 (due to (5.5)) we obtain that the left hand side of (5.2) is estimated from above by which is the right hand side of (5.2) with C = C1 C2 • (ii) Assume now that (5.6) holds. The proof only consists of modifications of the proof presented in (i), Le., in this case we use the Minkowski integral inequality at the beginning instead of at the end and apply the Hardy inequality (5.3) to the function 288 H. HEINING, A. KUFNER AND L. E. PERSSON Remark 5.1. (i) In particular, Theorem 5.1 states some sufficient conditions on Pi and qi under which the operator H2 defined by (1.14) maps the mixed norm space X = LPI (lRM , Ul; LP2 (lRN , U2» continuously into the corresponding mixed-norm space If we "interchange the order of the spaces" and consider, e.g., the operator H2 as an operator from X into Yl = LQ2(lRN , W2;LQl(lRN , Wl» (which means that we have to consider the expression (kN W2(Y) (kM Wl(x)((H2f)(X,y»Ql dxr 2 / Q1 dy f/ Q2 at the left hand side of (5.2» then we can weaken the assumptions on Pi and qi since we can now avoid the application of one of the Minkowski integral inequalities in the proof (e.g. in the case just mentioned we can replace the condition (5.6) in Theorem 5.2 by the weaker condition "PI ~ q2"). (ii) Similar results can again be derived also for the associated Hardy operators and H2 defined in Remark 4.1 (iii). H:;, H2 Acknowledgement. The research of the second author was partially supported by the Grant Agency of Czech Republic, grant No. 201/94/1066, and by the Grant Agency of the Czech Academy of Science, grant No. 1019506, which is gratefully acknowledged. References 1. J. Appell and A. Kufner, On the two-dimensional Hardy opemtor in Lebesgue spaces with mixed norms, Analysis 15 (1995), 91-98. 2. J. Bergh and J. Löfström, Interpolation Spaces - An Introduction, Springer Verlag, BerlinHeidelberg - New York, 1976. 3. V. Burenkov and W. D. Evans, Weighted Hardy's inequality for differences and the extension problem lor spaces with genemlized smoothness (to appear). 4. P. Drabek, H. P. Heinig and A. Kufner, Higher dimensional Hardy inequalities, General Inequalities 7 (Oberwolfach, 1995) (C. Bandie, W. N. Everitt, L. Losonczi, W. Walter, eds.), ISNM Vol. 123, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1997, pp. 3-16. 5. P. Grisvard, Espaces intermediaires entre espaces de Sobolev avec poids, Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. 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MILOVANOVIC Faculty 01 Electronic Engineering, Department 01 Mathematics, P.Q. Box 73, 18000 Nis, Yugoslavia Abstract. Various discrete versions of Wirtinger's type inequalities are considered. A short account on the first results in this field given by Fan, Taussky and Todd [10] as weH as some generalisations of these discrete inequalities are done. Also, a general method for finding the best possible constants An and B n in inequalities of the form n n n An :~=>kxi :5 L rk(xk - XkH)2 :5 Bn LPkxi, k=O k=l k=l where p = (Pk) and r = (rk) are given weight sequences and :z: = (Xk) is an arbitrary sequence of the real numbers, is presented. Two types of problems are investigated and several coroHaries of the basic results are obtained. Further generalisations of discrete inequalities of Wirtinger's type for higher differences are also treated. 1. Introduction and Preliminaries In the well-known monograph written by Hardy, Littlewood and P6lya [13, pp. 184-187] the following result was mentioned as the Wirtinger's inequality: Theorem 1.1. Let f be a periodic function with period (211") and such that l' E L 2(0,211"). 11 1r f(x) dx = 0 then f: J 21r (1.1) f(x)2 dx ~ o J 21r j'(x)2 dx, 0 with equality in (1.1) il and only il 1(x) = A cos x + B sin x, where A and B are constants. Also, this inequality ean be found in the monograph of Beekenbaeh and Bellman [4, pp. 177-180] and, especially, in one written by Mitrinovic in eooperation with Vasic [25, pp. 141-154], including many other inequalities of the same type. The proof of W. Wirtinger was first published in 1916 in the book [5] by Blasehke. However, inequality (1.1) was known before this, though with other eonditions on 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 26D15j Secondary 41A44, 33C45. Key woms and phrases. Discrete inequalitiesj Differencej Eigenvalues and eigenvectorsj Best constantsj Orthogonal polynomials. This work was supported in part by the Serbian Scientific Foundation, grant number 04M03. 289 G. V. Milovanovic (ed.), Recent Progress in lnequalities, 289-308. © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. G. V. MILOVANOVIC AND I. Z. MILOVANOVIC 290 the function f. The French and Italian mathematicalliterature do not mention the name of Wirtinger in connection with this inequality. A historical review on the priority in this subject was given by Mitrinovic and Vasic [24] (see also [25-26]). They have mentioned various generalisations and variations of inequality (1.1), as weIl as possibility of applications of such kind of inequalities in many branches in mathematics as Calculus of Variations, Differential and Integral Equations, Spectral Operator Theory, Numerical Analysis, Approximation Theory, Mathematical Physics, etc. Under some condition of f, there are also many generalisations of (1.1) which give certain estimates of quotients of the form b J w(X)f(X)2 dx a JJ w(x, y)f(x, y)2 dxdy D b J f'(X)2 dx a where w is a weight function (in one or two variables) and D is a simply connected plane domain. There are various discrete versions of Wirtinger type inequalities. In this survey we will deal only with such kind of inequalities. The paper is organised as follows. In Section 2 we give a summary on the first results in this field given by Fan, Taussky and Todd [10] as weIl as some generalisations of these discrete inequalities. In Section 3 we present a general method for finding the best possible constants An and B n in inequalities of the form n n n An LPkX~ ~ L rk(xk - Xk+1)2 ~ B n LPkX~, k=l k=O k=l where p = (Pk) and r = (rk) are given weight sequences and x = (Xk) is an arbitrary sequence of the real numbers. This method was introduced by authors [19] and later used by other mathematicians (see e.g., [1] and [36]). In the same section we give several corollaries of the basic results. Finally, generalisations of discrete inequalities of Wirtinger's type for higher differences are treated in Section 4. 2. Discrete Fan-Taussky-Todd Inequalities and Some Generalisations The basic discrete analogues of inequalities of Wirtinger were given by Fan, Taussky and Todd [10]. Their paper has been inspiration for many investigations in this subject. We will mention now three basic results from [10]: Theorem 2.1. If Xl, X2, . .. ,Xn are n real numbers and Xl = 0, then n-l (2.1) ""( ~ Xk - Xk+l k=l n )2' 2 2 ~ 4sm 2(2n -1) ~ Xk' k=2 7r "" DISCRETE INEQUALITIES OF WIRTINGER'S TYPE 291 with equality in (2.1) if and only if . (k - l)'Ir xk=Asm 2n-1' k = 1,2, ... ,n, where A is an arbitrary constant. Theorem 2.2. 1fxo(= 0), X},X2, ... ,Xn , XnH(= 0) are given real numbers, then (2.2) n ~( L..J Xk - XkH )2. 2 'Ir n ~ 2 ~ 4sm 2(n + 1) L..JXk, k=O k=l with equality in (2.2) if and only ifxk = Asin~, k = 1,2, ... ,n, where Ais n+1 an arbitrary constant. Theorem 2.3. 1f Xl, X2, ... , Xn , XnH are given real numbers such that Xl = xnH and (2.3) then (2.4) The equality in (2.4) is attained if and only if 2k'lr . 2k7r Xk = Acos - - + Bsm-, n n k = 1,2, ... ,n, where A and B are arbitrary constants. Let A be a real symmetrie matrix of the order n, and R be a diagonal matrix of the order n with positive diagonal elements. For the generalised matrix eigenvalue problem (2.5) A:z: = >'R:z:, :z: = [Xl the following results are weIl known (cf. Agarwal [1, Ch. 11]): 10 There exist exactly n real eigenvalues >. = >'v, v = 1, ... , n, which need not be distinct. 20 Corresponding to each eigenvalue >'v there exists an eigenvector :z:V which can be so chosen that n vectors :z:l, ... ,:z:n are mutually orthogonal with respect to the matrix R = diag (ru, ... , T nn ), i.e., (:z:i)T R:z:i = n L rkkx~x{ = 0 k=l (i i- j), G. V. MILOVANOVIC AND 1. Z. MILOVANOVIC 292 In partieular, these vectors are linearly independent. 3° If A is a tridiagonal real symmetrie matrix of the form b2 b2 a3 Hn(a,b) = (2.6) 0 a1 b1 b1 a2 0 bn- 1 bn- 1 an where a = (al, ... ,an), b = (b 1, ... ,bn- 1) and b~ > 0 for k = 1, ... ,n -1, then the eigenvalues Av of the matrix A are real and distinct. 4° If R = I and the eigenvalues Av of Aare arranged in an increasing order, Le., Al ~ ... ~ An, then for any vector X E !Rn, we have that (2.7) n where (x, y) = E XkYk is the scalar product of the vectors k=l Ynf· In the case Al < A2 the equality Al (X, X) = (Ax, X) holds if and only if X is a scalar multiple of Xl. Similarly, if An > An-1 the equality (Ax,x) = An(X,X) holds if and only if X is a scalar multiple of x n . Further, for any vector X orthogonal to Xl ((X, Xl) = 0), we have (2.8) If Al < A2 = A3 < A4, then a vector X orthogonal to Xl satisfies the equality A2 (x, x) = (Ax, x) if and only if X is a linear combination of x 2 and x 3 • 5° If the real symmetrie matrix A is positive definite, Le., for every nonzero X E !Rn, (Ax,x) > 0, then the eigenvalues Av (v = 1, ... ,n) are positive. In a partieular case when R = I and A = Hn(a, b) is positive definite, then the eigenvalues Av (v = 1, ... ,n) can be arranged in a strictly increasing order, 0 < Al< ... < An. Note that inequalities (2.1), (2.2) and (2.4) are based on the left inequality in (2.7) (Le., (2.8)). The right inequality in (2.7) has not been used, so that in [10] we cannot find some opposite inequalities of (2.1), (2.2) and (2.4). As special cases of certain general inequalities, the opposite inequalities of (2.1), (2.2) and (2.4) were first proved in [19] (see also [2]). Using a method similar to one from [10], Block [6] obtained several inequalities related to (2.1), (2.2) and (2.4), as weH as some generalisations of such inequalities. For example, Block has proved the foHowing result: DISCRETE INEQUALITIES OF WIRTINGER'S TYPE 293 Theorem 2.4. For real numbers Xl, X2, ... ,xn (= 0), xnH = Xl, the inequality n n k=l k=l ~)Xk - Xk+I)2 ~ 4sin ;n LX~ (2.9) holds, with equality in (2.9) if and only if Xk = A sin(k1l" In), k = 1,2, . .. ,n, where A is an arbitrary constant. A number of generalisations of (2.1), (2.2) and (2.4) were given by Novotna ([27] and [29]). We mention here three of them. Theorem 2.5. For real numbers Xl, X2, ... ,Xn satisfying (2.3), the inequality (2.10) holds, with equality in (2.10) if and only if Xk = Asin((2k - 1)1I"/(2n)), k = 1,2, ... , n, where A is an arbitrary constant. Theorem 2.6. Let n = 2m and let Xl, X2, ... , Xn , XnH = Xl be real numbers such that (2.3) holds. Then n n ~( )2 ~ 4· 11" ~ 2 . 11" (. 211" . 11") (Xm +X2m )2 , ~Xk-Xk+l sm2 -~Xk+nsmsm--smn k=l k=l n n n with equality if and only if Xk = Acos(2k1l"In) + Bsin(2k1l"ln), k = 1,2, ... ,n, where A and Bare arbitrary constants. Theorem 2.1. For real numbers Xl, X2, ... ,Xn satisfying (2.3), the inequality n-l ~( ~ Xk-Xk+l k=l n )2 ~ 4· 11" ~ 2 2nsm • 11" (. 11" • 11") ( )2 sm2 2n~Xk+ 2n sm;;:-sm 2n XI+X n k=l holds, with equality if and only if Xk = Asin((2k -1)1I"/(2n)), k = 1,2, ... ,n, where A is an arbitrary constant. Using some appropriate changes, Novotna [27] showed that inequalities (2.1), (2.2) and (2.10) can be obtained from (2.4). She proved the basic Theorem 2.3 using the real trigonometrie polynomials. Namely, she used the fact that for every number Xi there exist the Fourier coefficients C k and C; (k = 0,1, ... , m; j = 1, ... , m - 1) such that 1 ~ i ~ n. G. V. MILOVANOVIC AND I. Z. MILOVANOVIC 294 For details on this method see for example [1]. New proofs of inequalities (2.1), (2.2) and (2.4) were given by Cheng [8]. His method is based on a connection with discrete boundary problems of the SturmLiouville type (2.11) ~(p(k -1)~u(k -1)) + q(k)u(k) + Ar(k)u(k) u(O) = Au(I), u(n + 1) = ßu(n). = 0, k = 1, ... ,n, For some details ofthis method see Agarwal [1, Ch. 11]. Another method of proving these inequalities was based on geometrie facts in Euclidean space (cf. Shisha [32]). 3. A Spectral Method and Using Orthogonal Polynomials In this section we consider our method (see [19]) for determining the best constants An and B n in the inequalities n n n (3.1) An LPkX~ ~ L rk(xk - xk+d 2 ~ B n LPkX~, k=l k=O k=l under some conditions for a sequence of real numbers a: = (Xk), where p = (Pk) and r = (rk) are given weight sequences. The method is based on the minimal and maximal zeros of certain dass of orthogonal polynomials, which satisfy a three-term recurrence relation. For two N -dimensional real vectors and W= [Wl N we define the usual inner product by (z,w) = L ZkWk and consider the sums k=l n and F = L rk(xk - Xk+1)2 k=O If we put VPk Xk = Yk (k = 1, ... ,n), then F and G can be transformed in the form n F = L ~(v'Pk+1 Yk - v'jJkYk+t} 2 = (HN(a,b)y,y) k=O PkPk+l and n G = LY~ = (y,y), k=l where y E ]RN and HN(a, b) is a three-diagonal matrix like (2.6), with N = n or N = n -1, depending on the conditions for the sequence a: = (Xk). Especially, we will consider the following two cases: 1° Xo = Xn+l = 0 and Xl, ... ,Xn are arbitrary real numbers (N = n)j 2° Xl = 0 and X2, ••• ,X n are arbitrary real numbers (N = n - 1). For such three-diagonal matrices we can prove the following auxiliary result ([19]): 295 DISCRETE INEQUALITIES OF WIRTINGER'S TYPE Lemma 3.1. Let p = (Pk) and r = (Tk) be positive sequences and the matrix Hn(a, b) be given by (2.6). 10 1/ the sequences a = (al, ... , an) and b = (bI, ... , bn - l ) are defined by _ (TO + Tl , ... , Tn-l + Tn ) , aPI b= (_~ (3.3) ';PIP2 , ... , Pn _ Tn-l ) .,fPn-IPn ' then the matrix Hn(a, b) is positive definite. 20 1/ the sequences a = (al, ... , an-d and b = (bI, ... , bn - 2 ) are defined by a (3.2) __ (Tl + T2 , ... , Tn -2 + Tn-l "Tn-l) b= ( - P2 Pn-l Pn T2 Tn-l ) ';P2P3 , ... , - ';Pn-IPn ' then the matrix H n - l (a, b) is positive definite. We will formulate our results in terms of the monie orthogonal polynomials (7Tk) instead of orthonormal polynomials as we made in [19]. Such an approach gives a simpler and nicer formulation than the previous one. The monie polynomials orthogonal on the realline with respect to the inner product (J, g) = /(t)g(t)dJ.L(t) (with a given measure dJ.L(t) on IR) satisfy a fundamental three-term recurrence relation of the form IR. (3.5) with 7To(t) = 1 and 7T_I(t) = 0 (by definition). The coefficients ßk are positive. The coefficient ßo, whieh multiplies 7T-I(t) = 0 in three-term recurrence relation may be arbitrary. Sometimes, it is convenient to define it by ßo = dJ.L(t). Then the norm of 7Tk can be express in the form IR. (3.6) An interesting and very important property of polynomials 7Tk(t), k ~ 1, is the distribution of zeros. Namely, all zeros of 7Tn (t) are real and distinct and are located in the interior of the interval of orthogonality. Let r~n), 11 = 1, ... , n, denote the zeros of 7Tn (t) in an increasing order (3.7) Tin) < rJn) < ... < rAn). It is easy to prove that the zeros r~n) of 7Tn (t) are the same as the eigenvalues of the following tridiagonal matrix o o 296 G. V. MILOVANOVIC AND I. Z. MILOVANOVIC which is known as the Jacobi matrix. Also, the monie polynomial 7rn (t) can be expressed in the following determinant form 7rn (t) = det(tIn - J n ), where In is the identity matrix of the order n. For some details on orthogonal polynomials see [17] and [23]. Regarding to the conditions on the sequence x = (Xk), we consider now two important cases: CASE 10 (xo = x n +1 = 0). If we take ak-l = -ak and ..(iJk = -bk (i.e., ßk = bi > 0), k 2: 1, then we can consider the matrix H n ( -a, -b) = -Hn(a, b), defined by (2.6), as a Jacobi matrix for certain dass of orthogonal polynomials (7rk)' Thus, for every y E IRn we have (Hn(a,b)y,y) = (-Hn(-a,-b)y,y) = (-Jny,y) and _T~n)(y,y) ~ (-Jny,y) ~ -Tin)(y,y), where the zeros TS n ), lJ = 1, ... ,n, of 7rn (t) are given in an increasing order (3.7). On the other hand, putting 7r~_l(t)f 7r*(t) = [ 7ro(t) 7ri(t) and en=[O 0 1f, where 7r k(t) = 7rk(t)/II7rkll, we have (cf. Milovanovic [18, tl. 178]) t7r*(t) = J n7r*(t) + $n 7r~(t)en. This means that for the eigenvalue t = TS n ) of J n , the corresponding eigenvector is given by 7r*(TS n )). Notiee also that the same eigenvector corresponds to the eigenvalue -TS n ) of the matrix -Jn . Therefore, the following theorem holds. Theorem 3.2. Let P = (PkhENo and r = (rk)kENo be two positive sequences, ri rk-l + rk ß _ k - -(k 2: 1), Pk PkPk+l and let (7rk) be a sequence of polynomials satisfying (3.5). Then for any sequence of real numbers Xo (= 0), Xl, ... , Xn , XnH (= 0), inequalities n n n 2 (3.8) An LPkXi ~ L rk(xk - xk+d ~ B n LPkxt ak-l = - k=l k=O k=l . h A n -- -Tn(n) an d B n -- -Tl(n) ,wh ere Tv(n) , V -- 1 , ... , n, are zeros of h old ,Wtt 7rn (t) in an increasing order (3.7). Equality in the left (right) inequality (3.8) holds if and only if C 7rk-l(t) ..jfik l1 7r k-lll' Xk = -- . k = 1, ... ,n, where t = T$.n) (t = Tin)), l17rkll is given by (3.6) and C is an arbitrary constant. Some corollaries of this theorem are the following results: DISCRETE INEQUALITIES OF WIRTINGER'S TYPE 297 Corollary 3.3. For each sequence of the real numbers Xo (= 0), Xl, ... , Xn , Xn +1 (= 0), the following inequalities hold: ( ) 3.9 n n n k=l k=O k=l . 2 1f ~ 2 ~( )2 2 1f ~ 2 4sm 2(n + 1) ~xk :::; ~ Xk - Xk+1 :::; 4cos 2(n + 1) L..Jxk· Equality in the left inequality (3.9) holds if and only if . k1f n+ k = 1, ... ,n, Xk = C s l n - 1, where C is an arbitrary constant. Equality in the right inequality (3.9) holds if and only if xk=C(-I)k sin k1f 1 , n+ k = 1, ... ,n, where C is an arbitrary constant. Proof. For Pk = rk = 1 we obtain ak = -2 and fA = 1 for each k. Consequently, the recurrence relation (3.5) becomes Putting t + 2 = 2x and 1fk(t) = Sk(X), this relation reduces to the three-term recurrence for Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind Thus, we have (cf. Milovanovic [17, pp. 143-144]) (3.10) _ S ( ) _ sin(k + 1)/J k X . /J ' sm t+2 cos/J=x= - - , 1fk (t ) - 2 and therefore the zeros of 1fn (t) are (in an increasing order) (3.11) r(n) v = -4sin2 /J v 2 ' /J _ (n + 1 - v)1I' vn+l ' v= 1, ... ,no Thus, the best constants in (3.9) are A n = _r(n) = 4sin2 n 11' 2(n+l) and _ (n) _ B n - - T1 • 2 n1l' _ 2 1f -4sm 2(n+l)-4cos 2(n+l)' 298 G. V. MILOVANOVIC AND I. Z. MILOVANOVIC Since IISkll = ../'Ir/2 for each k, using (3.10) and (3.11) we find the extremal sequences for the left and the right inequality in (3.9). For example, for the right inequality we have from which follows (k = 1, ... ,n), where C is an arbitrary constant. 0 Remark 3.1. Theorem 2.2 is contained in Corollary 3.3. In a more general case we can take Pk = (a + bk)2 and rk = (a + bk)(a + b(k + 1», with a, b ~ O. When b = 0 we obtain Corollary 3.3. However, if b i- 0, because of homogeneity in (3.8), it is enough to put b = 1. In that case, we obtain the same polynomials as in Corollary 3.3. Corollary 3.4. For each sequence of the real numbers Xo (= 0), Xl, ... , X n , X n +1 (= 0), the following inequalities (3.12) n n k=l k=O ~)k + a)2x~ :::; ~)k + a)(k + a + 1)(xk - xk+d 2 4sin 2 2(n: 1) n :::; 4cos 2 2( 'Ir 1) "'( L.... k + a )2 Xk2 n+ k=l hold, where a ~ o. Equality in the left inequality (3.12) holds if and only if Xk C . k'lr = -ksm--1 , +a n+ k = 1, ... ,n, where C is an arbitrary constant. Equality in the right inequality (3.12) holds if and only if Xk C(-I)k. k7r = k +a sm-, n+ 1 k = 1, ... ,n, where C is an arbitrary constant. Remark 3.2. The corresponding inequalities for a = 0 were considered in [19). DISCRETE INEQUALITIES OF WIRTINGER'S TYPE 299 Corollary 3.5. For eaeh sequenee 0/ the real numbers Xo (= 0), Xl, ... , Xn , Xn+1 (= 0), we have n n n An LX% ~ Lk(Xk - Xk+1)2 ~ B n LX%, (3.12) k=l k=l k=O where An and B n are minimal and maximal zeros 0/ the monie Laguerre polynomial Ln(x), respeetively. Equality in the left (right) inequality (3.12) holds i/ and only i/ Xk = CLk-l(X)j(k - I)! (k = 1, ... ,n), where X = An (x = B n ) and C is an arbitrary eonstant. In this case we have (lk = -(2k + 1) and ßk = k 2, so that the relation (3.5) becomes 7rk+l (t) = (t + 2k + l)7rk(t) - k27rk_l (t). Putting t = -x and 7rk( -x) = (-l)k Lk(X), this relation reduces to one, which corresponds to the monie Laguerre polynomials orthogonal on (0, +00) with respect to the measure dJ.t(x) = e- X dx. The norm of Lk(X) is given by IILkll = k!. In a more general case we can take (3.13) rO = 0, 1 rk = B(s + 1, k)' 1 Pk = (k + s)B(s + 1, k) (k ~ 1), where s > -1 and B(p, q) is the beta function (B(P, q) = r(p)r(q)jr(p + q), r is the gamma function). Then we have (lk = -(2k + s + 1) and ßk = k(k + s), and the corresponding recurrence relation, after changing variable t = -x and 7rk(-X) = (-l)kL k(x), becomes (3.14) L k+1 (x) = (x - (2k + s + l))Lk(x) - k(k + s)L k_l (x), where Lk(x), k = 0,1, ... , are the generalised monie Laguerre polynomials orthogonal on (0, +00) with respect to the measure dJ.t(x) = xBe- X dx. Thus, we have the following result: Corollary 3.6. Let s > -1 and let r = (rk)kENo and p = (pkhEN be given by (3.13). For eaeh sequenee 0/ real numbers Xo (= 0), Xl, ... , x n , Xn+1 (= 0), we have (3.15) n n n An LPk X% ~ L rk(xk - Xk+1)2 ~ B n LPk X%, k=l k=O k=l where An and B n are minimal and maximal zeros 0/ the monie generalised Laguerre polynomial L~ (x), respeetively. G. V. MILOVANOVIC AND 1. Z. MILOVANOVIC 300 Equality in the left (right) inequality (3.15) holds if and only if CL~_I(X) Xk = -..;77.(k;=-~1)=;:§!r~(k;=+===:=s) (k = 1, ... ,n), where x = An (x = B n ) and C is an arbitrary constant. CASE 2° (Xl = 0). Here, in fact, we consider the inequalities n-l n (3.16) An LPkX~ ~ L k=l k=l n Tk(Xk - Xk+1)2 ~ B n LPkX~, k=l for any sequence of the real numbers Xl (= 0), X2, ... , Xn . Using Lemma 3.1 (Part 2°) we put N = n - 1, (3.17) (k ~ 1), and also Uk-l = -ak, V1fk = -bk (k ~ 1). Taking 7I"*(t)= [7ro(t) 7ri(t) ... 7r~_2(t)f and en-I=[O 0 ... 1f, where 7rk(t) = 7rk(t)/II7rk11, we have, as in the previous case, t7l"*(t) = Jn - 1 7l"*(t) + Vßn-1 7r~_I(t)en-l, but now Hn-l(a,b) = -Hn-l(-a,-b) = -Jn - l - where D n - l = diag (0, ... ,0,1). So, we obtain that T n D n- l , Pn from which we conclude that the eigenvalues of Hn-l(a,b), in notation Av = - Tv , V = 1, ... ,n - 1, are the zeros of the polynomial (3.18) The corresponding eigenvectors are 71"* (Tv). Since l17rn-11l = l17rn-21IJßn-l, the polynomial (3.18) can be reduced to one represented in terms of the monie polynomials, (3.19) DISCRETE INEQUALITIES OF WIRTINGER'S TYPE 301 TheoreIll 3.7. Let P = (PkhEN and r = (rkhEN be two positive sequences, Uk-l and ßk (k 2: 1) be given by (3.17), and let (1I"k) be a sequence of polynomials satisfying (3.5). Then for any sequence of real numbers Xl (= 0), X2, ... , Xn , inequalities (3.16) hold, with An = min{-Ty } B n = max{-Ty}, where Ty, 1/ = y y 1, . .. , n - 1, are zeros of the polynomial R n - l (t) given by (3.19). Equality in the left (right) inequality (3.16) holds if and only if k = 2, ... ,n, Xl = 0, where t = -An (t = -Bn ), l11l"kll is given by (3.6) and C is an arbitrary constant. Some corollaries of this theorem are the following results: Corollary 3.8. For each sequence of real numbers Xl (= 0), X2, ... , Xn , the following inequalities hold: (3.20) 11" • 2 n ~ n-l 2 ~ 2 2 11" n ~ 2 4 sm 2(2n _ 1) L..J xk :::; L..J(Xk - XkH) :::; 4cos 2n _ 1 L..J xk· k=2 k=2 k=l Equality in the left inequality (3.20) holds if and only if . (k - 1)11" xk=Csm 2n-1 ' k = 1, ... ,n, where C is an arbitrary constant. Equality in the right inequality (3.20) holds if and only if _ C(-l)k . 2(k - 1)11" Xk sm 2n -1 ' k = 1, ... ,n, where C is an arbitrary constant. Here we have (as in Corollary 3.3) that 1l"k(t) = Sdx) = sin(~ + 1)0 , smO and Rn-l(t) = Sn-l (x) - Sn-2(X) = and therefore Ty • 2 1/11" = -4sm 2n -1 ' t + 2 = 2x, cos«2n - 1)0/2) cos(0/2) , v=l, ... ,n-l. G. V. MILOVANOVIC AND I. Z. MILOVANOVIC 302 Corollary 3.9. Let 8> -1 and let r = (rkhEN and p = (Pk)kEN be given by (3.21) 1 1 rl = 0, rk+l = B(8 + 1, k)' Pk+l = (k + 8)B(8 + 1, k) (k ~ 1). For each 8equence 01 real number8 Xl (= 0), X2, ... , Xn , we have n-l n L rk(Xk - Xk+l)2 ~ B n LPk X%, k=l k=2 (3.22) where B n i8 a maximal zero 01 the monic generalised Laguerre polynomial L~:='~(x). Equality in (3.22) hold8 il and only il (3.23) Xl = 0, k L'k_2(Bn ) Xk = C( -1) r(k + 8 _ 1) , k = 2, ... ,n, where C is an arbitrary con8tant. Proof. Taking 7I'k( -x) = (_l)k Lk(x) , with (3.21) we obtain the reeurrenee relation (3.14), so that the polynomial (3.19) beeomes Rn-l(t) = 7I'n-l(t) - (n + 8 - 1)7I'n-2(t) = (_l)n-1 (L~_l (-t) + (n + 8 - 1)L~_2( -t)) = (-l)ntL~:='~(-t). Thus, B n is a maximal zero of the monie generalised Laguerre polynomial L~:='~ (x). Evidently, An = O. Since 1 7I'k-2( -Bn ) ..jPk 1171'k-211 (k + 8 - 1)r(8 + l)(k - 2)! r(k + 8) (_1)k-2 L'k_2(Bn ) J(k - 2)!f(k + 8 - 1) = (_l)k Jr(8 + 1) U (B) r(k + 8 - 1) k-2 n, we obtain the extremal sequence (3.23) for which the equality is attained in (3.22). D Remark 3.3. A few members of the monic generalised Laguerre polynomials L~+l(x) are Lg+l(x) = 1, L~+l(x) = x - (8 + 2), L;+l(x) = x 2 - 2(8 + 3)x + (8 + 2)(8 + 3), L;+l (x) = x 3 - 3(8 + 4)x 2 - (8 + 3)(8 + 12)x - (8 + 2)(8 + 3)(8 + 4). It is not difficult to show that B3 = 8 + 2, B4 = 8 + 3 + y'S"'+3. DISCRETE INEQUALITIES OF WIRTINGER'S TYPE 303 Remark 3.4. For s = 0 the inequality (3.22) reduees to (see [19]) n-l L n (k - 1)(Xk - Xk+1)2 ~ B n E xi, k=2 k=l where B n is a maximal zero of the monie generalised Laguerre polynomial L~_2(X). Remark 3.5. If for every k we take Xk = (-1)k ak the inequalities (3.1) become n n An LPklakl2 ~ L k=l n Tklak + aHl1 2 ~ Bn LPkl a kl 2 . k=O k=l Moreover, these inequalities are valid for eomplex numbers too. At the end of this section we mention some results of Losonczi [15]. He eonsidered inequalities of the form ar L I kl ~ L' n . (3.24) X 2 k=O IXk ± xHml 2 ~ ßr L I kI n X 2, k=O where Xo, Xl, ... , X n are real or complex numbers, 1 ~ m ~ n, summation symbols defined by: n-m I L=L, k=O with Xn+l = ... = X n + m = 0, ",3 __ L..J ~ L..J with X-m = ... = X-I = 0, k=-m ",4 __ L..J ar, ßt (i = ~ L..J with X-m = ... = X-I = 0 = Xn+l = ... = Xn + m ' k=-m 1, 2, 3, 4) are constants and either the + or the - sign is taken. It is easy to see that the cases i = 2 and i = 3 are the same apart from the notation of the variables Xk. Hence there are 6 different cases in (3.24) corresponding to i = 1,2 or i = 3,4 and the + or - sign. Losonczi found the best constants and in all cases and it was based on the determination of eigenvalues of some suitable Hermitian matrices. ar ßt Theorem 3.10. Let n and m be fixed natural numbers (1 ~ m ~ n) and r = [n/m]. The inequalities (3.24) hold for every real or complex numbers Xo, Xl, ... , X n , with the best constants: at = a; = at = a3" = 4sin2 2( 2r'lr+ 3) , ß+ - ß- ß+ - ß- 4 cos2 _ 'lr_ . 2 2 3 3 2r + 3 ' + ___ .2 'Ir a 4 -a4 -4sm 2(r+2)' +_ __ 2 'Ir ß4 -ß4 -4cos 2(r+2)' 304 G. V. MILOVANOVIC AND I. Z. MILOVANOVIC Remark 3.6. In connection with extrem al properties of nonnegative trigonometrie polynomials Szegö [33] and Egervary and Szasz [9] proved that for every complex numbers Xo, Xl, ... , Xn the inequalities (3.25) n n-m k=O k=O n -r L Ixd ::; L (XkXk+m + XkXk+m) ::; rL IXkl 2 k=O holds, with the best constant r = 2cos(7r/(r + 2)), where r = [n/m]. The case m = 1 was previously proved by Fejer [11]. It is clear that the inequalities (3.25) are related to (3.24). 4. Inequalities for Higher Differences In this section we give a short account on generalisations of Wirtinger's type inequalities to higher difIerences. The first results for the second difIerence were proved by Fan, Taussky and Todd [10]: Theorem 4.1. 1f Xo (= 0), XI,X2, ... ,X n , xn+d= 0) are given real numbers, then (4.1) n-l n k=O k=l ,,( )2' 4 7r "2 L...J Xk - 2XkH + Xk+2 ~ 16sm 2(n + 1) L...Jxk, with equality in (4.1) if and only if Xk = Asin~, k = 1,2, ... , n, where A is n+I an arbitrary constant. Theorem 4.2. 1f Xo, Xl, ... , Xn , Xn+l are given real numbers such that Xo = Xl, Xn+l = Xn and (2.3) holds, then (4.2) The equality in (4.2) is attained if and only if Xk = A cos (2k - I)7r 2n ' k = 1,2, ... ,n, where A is an arbitrary constant. A converse inequality of (4.1) was proved by Lunter [16], Yin [36] and Chen [7] (see also Agarwal [1]). Theorem 4.3. 1fxo(= 0), XI,X2, ... ,Xn , xn+d= 0) are given real numbers, then n-l (4.3) n E(Xk - 2XkH + Xk+2)2 :::; 16cos4 2(n: 1) {; xk, with equality in (4.3) if and only if Xk = A( -l)k sin~, k = 1,2, ... , n, where n+I A is an arbitrary constant. Chen [7] also proved the following result: DISCRETE INEQUALITIES OF WIRTINGER'S TYPE 305 Theorem 4.4. I/ XO,Xl, ... ,xn ,xn +1 are given real numbers such that Xo = Xl and Xn+l = X n , then with equality holding i/ and only i/ Xk . (2k - 1)1f = A( - l) k Sln , n k = 1,2, ... ,n, where A is an arbitrary constant. Proof. In this case, the n x n symmetrie matrix corresponding to the quadratie form n-l F 2 = Z)Xk - 2Xk+1 + Xk+2)2 = (Hn,2X, x) k=O is 2 -3 1 -3 6 -4 1 -4 6 1 -4 1 H n ,2 = 1 -4 1 6 -4 1 -4 6-3 1 -3 2 This matrix is the square of the n x n matrix (4.4) Hn 1 -1 -1 2 -1 = Hn,l = -1 2-1 -1 2-1 -1 1 The eigenvalues of H n are \ _ \ (H ) - 4 /\" - /\" n - cos 2 (n - v + 1)1f 2n ' v = 1, ... ,n, and therefore, the largest eigenvalue of H n is The corresponding eigenvector is x n = [Xl n _ ( 1)". (2v - 1)1f x"n - - Sln 2n X2n ' X nn ]T, where v=1,2, ... ,n. G. V. MILOVANOVI<:: AND I. Z. MILOVANOVIC 306 Thus, the largest eigenvalue of H n ,2 is and the associated eigenvector is x n . 0 Remark 4.1. Notice that the minimal eigenvalue of the matrix H n (and also H n ,2) is ..\1 = O. Therefore, the condition (2.3) must be inc1uded in Theorem 4.2 and the best constant is the square of the relevant eigenvalue ..\2 = 4 cos 2 (n -1)11" 2n . 2 11" = 4 sm 2n· For any n-dimensional vector X = [Xl X2 ... xnf, Pfeffer [30] introduced a periodically extended n-vector by setting xHrn = Xi for i = 1,2, ... ,n and rEN, and used the mth difference of x given by x(m) = [~mXl ~mX2 ... ~mxn]T, where 1 ~ i ~ n, in order to prove the following result: Theorem 4.5. If x is a periodically extended n-vector and (2.3) holds, then with equality case if and only if x is the periodic extension of a vector of the form Cl U + C2 v, where and have the following components Uk 2k1r = cos--, n Vk . 2k1r = Sin --, n k = 1, ... ,n, and Cl and C2 are arbitrary real constants. Recently we have studied inequalities of the form (see [21]) n (4.5) An,m LX~ ~ L k=l n Um (~mXk)2 ~ Bn,m LX~' k=lm where lm = 1 - [m/2], Um = n - [m/2] and k=l DISCRETE INEQUALITIES OF WIRTINGER'S TYPE 307 2 2: (LlmXk) for m = 1 reduces to u~ The quadratie form Fm = k=l~ F l = x~ + n-l n-l k=2 k=l L 2x~ + x~ - 2 L XkXkH, with corresponding tridiagonal symmetrie matrix H n = Hn,l given by (4.4). Under conditions X s = Xl- s , Xn+l- s = x n + s we proved that the corresponding matrix of the quadratic form Fm is exactly the mth power of the matrix H n = Hn,l so that the best constant in the right inequality (4.5) is given by 7f B n,m =4mcos 2m _2n Evidently, An,m = O. However, by restrietion (2.3), the best constant in the left inequality (4.5) is given by . 2m 7f A nm= 4m Sln -2. , n For other generalisations of discrete Wirtinger's inequalities for higher differences see [6), [16), [31] and [34]. There are also generalisations for multidimensional sequences and partial differences (see [6] and [28]). Finally, we mention that there exist some types of non-quadratie Wirtinger's inequalities (cf. [6), [10] and [12]) as weH as discrete inequalities of Opial's type (cf. [3], [14], [20], [22], [35]). References 1. R. P. Agarwal, Difference Equations and Inequalities - Theory, Methods, and Applications, Marcel Dekker, New York - Basel - Hong Kong, 1992. 2. H. Alzer, Converses 01 two inequalities by Ky Fan, O. Taussky, and J. Todd, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 161 (1991), 142-147. 3. _ _ , Note on a discrete Opial-type inequality, Arch. Math. 65 (1995), 267-270. 4. E. F. Beckenbach and R. Beliman, Inequalities, Springer Verlag, Berlin - Heidelberg - New York, 1971. 5. W. Blaschke, Kreis und Kugel, Veit u. Co., Leipzig, 1916. 6. H. D. Block, Discrete analogues 01 certain integral inequalities Prac. Amer. Math. Soc. 8 (1957), 852-859. 7. W. Chen, On a question 01 H. Alzer, Arch. 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CONVEXITY PROPERTIES OF SPECIAL FUNCTIONS AND THEIR ZEROS MARTIN E. MULDOON Department 0/ Mathematics & Statistics, York University, North York, Ontario M3J lP3, Canada Abstract. Convexity properties are often useful in characterising and finding bounds for special function and their zeros, as weIl as in questions concerning the existence and uniqueness of zeros in certain intervals. In this survey paper, we describe sorne work related to the gamma function, the q-gamrna function, Bessel and cylinder functions and the Herrnite function. 1. Introduction Many inequalities for special functions are statements about the positivity or monotonicity of certain quantities. Some deeper results refer to higher monotonicity or even complete monotonicity, Le., the derivatives of successive derivatives or difIerences alternate in sign. An intermediate kind of result refers to convexity. Convexity is often used to "characterise" certain special functions such as the gamma function. Convexity properties are often useful in obtaining bounds for zeros. In other cases, such properties can be used to prove existence or uniqueness of zeros in certain intervals. In this expository paper, we give examples of these ideas. 2. Gamma and Related Functions 2.1. THE GAMMA FUNCTION The gamma function is usually defined, for Re z > 0 by Euler's integral r(z) = (2.1) 1 00 e-tt z - 1 dt, or for z # 0, -1, -2, ... by the infinite product (2.2) - 1 r(z) = ze"lZ II [1 + -] e- z / n . 00 z n=l n 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 33-02j Secondary 33B15, 33ClO, 33C15. Key woms and phrases. ConvexitYj Gamma functionj Bessel functionsj Cylinder functions; Zeros; Inequalities. Research supported by grants from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (Canada) 309 G. V. Milovanovic (ed.), Recent Progress in lnequalities, 309-323. © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. M. E. MULDOON 310 The formula (2.2) is sometimes more useful than the integral formula (2.1). For example, by taking logarithms in (2.2) and differentiating twice, we are led to cF -d2 log jr(z) I = (2.3) Z 1 L ( + n )2' 00 n=O Z whieh shows that (2.4) cF dx 2 log Ir(x)1 2': 0, x # 0, -1, -2, ... and hence that log Ir! is convex on those intervals, including (0,00), where it is defined. It is well known that r(x) is far from being the unique solution of the difference equation (2.5) f(x + 1) = xf(x) , x > 0, whieh satisfies (2.6) f(l) = 1 so it is of interest is to "characterise" r(x), e.g., to give a {;ondition, additional to (2.5) and (2.6) whieh will determine it uniquely. One of the simplest such conditions is ([5], [3]) (2.7) logf(x) is convex. The characterisation based on (2.5), (2.6) and (2.7) is usually referred to as the Bohr-Mollerup characterisation. Other such characterisations depend on the limiting behaviour of f or on the monotonicity of the product of r(x) and a suitable function. For example, r(x) is the unique function f(x) which satisfies (2.5) and (2.6) and for which (e/x)"' f(x) is ultimately monotonie [52]. Recall that a real-valued function is said to be convex on an interval I if the "slope" [f(xd - f(X2)]/(XI - X2) is a nondecreasing function of X2 on I for each fixed Xl in I. A function f for whieh f" exists is convex on I if and only if f"(x) 2': 0 on I. The Bohr-Mollerup characterisation of the gamma function may be though of as a consequence of the following results ([28], [33]) on monotonie functions. Lemma 2.1. Let cp(x) -t 0 as x -t 00. Then the difference equation (2.8) f(x + 1) - f(x) = cp(x) , xo:::; x < 00 has at most one nondecreasing solution satisfying (2.9) f(xo) = Yo· 311 CONVEXITY PROPERTIES OF SPECIAL FUNCTIONS In other words, a nondecreasing solution is determined by its value at Xo, or any two nondecreasing solutions must diJJer by a constant. Proof. Suppose that there were two nondecreasing solutions h(x) and h(x). Let g(x) = h(x) - h(x). Then g(xo) = 0 and 9 is periodic with period 1. Let Xo < x < Xo + 1. Then, for every positive integer N, g(x) = g(x + N) = h(x + N) - h (x + N) ~ h (xo + N) - h (xo + N + 1) = h (xo + N) - h (xo + N) cp(xo + N) = -cp(xo + N). Also g(x) = g(x + N) = h(x + N) - h(x + N) ~ h(xo +N + 1) - h(xo + N) = h(xo +N) +cp(xo +N) - h(xo +N) = cp(xo +N). In other words we have Ig(x)1 ~ cp(xo + N) for every N. Letting N -+ 00, we get g(x) = o. 0 Theorem 2.2. Let f be a junction from (0,00) to (0,00) satisfying f(x + 1) = xf(x) and f(l) = 1 and with the property that logf is convex. Then f(x) = r(x), 0< x < 00. Proof. First of all, the logarithm of the gamma function satisfies (2.10) f(x + 1) - f(x) = log x and (2.11) f(l)=O. If there were another convex function h satisfying these equations, then ßr and ßh would be nondecreasing solutions of (2.12) f(x + 1) - f(x) = log (1 + ~) and by Lemma 2.1, they would differ by a constant. So logr and logh would differ by a linear function and since r and h coincide at the integers, this linear function would be identically zero. 0 2.2. q-GAMMA FUNCTIONS Lemma 2.1 may be applied also to the q-gamma function q-gamma function defined by [20] 00 1- qn+1 r q(x) := (1 - q)1-x 1 +' 0 < q < 1, n=O - qn x II and r q (x) := (q - 1)1-Xq2 x(x-1) II 1 - q-(n+x) q , 1 00 1_ -(n+1) n=O We have rq(x) -+ r(x) as q -+ 1, q>1 . 312 M. E. MULDOON and r q (x) satisfies the functional equation qX -1 rq(x + 1) = - - 1 rq(x). q- (2.13) We have (2.14) ~ d X 2 logrq(x) = { 00 qx+n (logq)2 n~o (1- qx+n)2 ' 00 + qX n (logq)2 n~o (1- qx+n)2 + logq, 0< q < 1, q> 1. Askey [4] has shown that, for 0 < q < 1, r q is the unique logarithmically convex solution of the functional equation (2.13) which satisfies 1(1) = 1. This follows flOm Lemma 2.1 since, in this case, ~<p(X) = log(l - (x + l)q) -log(l - x q) --+ 0, x --+ 00 on using the mean-value theorem. However this does not work for q > 1. As Moak [50] has shown, in this case, we must assume astronger condition. Moak shows that one can get a characterisation in this case based on the property that d3 dx 3 logrq(x) < 0 (2.15) or on the assumption that (2.16) ~ dx 2 logrq(x) > logq, or that qx 2 /2r q (x) is logarithmically convex. In this form the characterization can be established by using Lemma 2.1. 3. Bessel and Related Functions The Bessel function of the first kind is defined by (_1)n(zj2)2n+v Jv(z) = ~ n!r(v + n + 1) 00 It satisfies the differential equation (3.1) Z2 y" + zy' + (Z2 - v 2) Y = 0, and [60, p. 482] has all its z-zeros real when v ~ -1. A second solution of equation (3.1) is given by Yv(z) = Jv(z) cos.V7r - Lv(z) smV7r where an appropriate limit is taken when v is an integer, and the general solution is given by (3.2) (3.3) The functions Cv(z) are referred to as cylinder junctions. In sequel, we will use the notation ivk and Cvk for the respective k-th positive zeros of Jv(x) and Cv(x). 313 CONVEXITY PROPERTIES OF SPECIAL FUNCTIONS 3.1. STURM'S RESULTS AND EXTENSIONS It was shown by Sturm [57] as long ago as 1836 that the positive z-zeros of the function Cv(z) form a concave or convex sequence according as lvi is greater than or less than 1/2. If we use the notation ß for forward differences (Le., ßJ.Lk J.Lk+l - J.Lk), then the above results can be stated as follows 1 lvi> 2 (3.4) and 1 lvi< 2· (3.5) This led Lee Lorch and Peter Szego [42] in 1963 to investigate the higher differences of these zeros. They showed ([42, Theorem 2.1] and [43]) that (3.6) (-1)nßn+1 Cvk > 0, n = 0,1, ... , k = 1,2, ... , 1 lvi> 2 and conjectured that (3.7) would hold for lvi< 1/2. This was proved for 1/3 ~ lvi< 1/2 by Muldoon [51, Corollary 4.2], but the conjecture is still unsettled even for lvi = O. Some results of Dosl<i [7] indicate that the differences of any fixed order have the expected sign for sufficiently large zeros. The results of Lorch and Szego depend heavily on Nicholson's integral representation [60, p. 444], (3.8) 81 J;(x) + Y;(x) = 2" 1f 0 00 K o(2xsinhT) cosh2vTdT. Later [43] they were extended, using [23], to a dass of differential equations. The Sturm comparison Theorem may be used to show that if the coefficient function cp(t) in the differential equation (3.9) y" +cp(t)y = 0 is decreasing (increasing) on an interval, then the sequence of zeros of a solution of (3.9) on that interval is convex (concave). A particularly simple treatment of this is given in a 1952 paper by Makai [48]. Since the functions y(t, v) = tl/ 2 Cv (t) satisfy (3.10) y" + [ 1 + 1/4 t~ v2 ] Y = 0, 314 M. E. MULDOON we see that this provides a simple proof of the result of Sturm expressed by (3.4) and (3.5). Strangely, the positive zeros of the derivative of Cv which are greater than lvi form a concave sequence regardless of the value of lvi. This is induded in work of Vosmansky [59]. There have been several extensions of the Lorch-Szego results. See [51] for references. A further result [38] of this kind is that for fixed a: > 0 the sequence of positive zeros of the derivative y' of a solution y of the generalised Airy equation (3.11) is concave. This is done by using the Sturm comparison theorem. In fact, much more is true; see [51, Theorem 6.1]. Makai's formulation [48] of the Sturm comparison is also the principal tool in the discussion [54] ofthe convexity of the sequence of positive zeros of f..LJv(t) + tJ~(t). In [54], there is delineated a fairly extensive region of the (f..L, v) plane in which this sequence of zeros is concave. 3.2. VARIATION WITH RESPECT TO ORDER On can also ask about monotonicity, convexity, etc., of zeros of Bessel functions with respect to order v. Lorch and Szego [44] have some results on the monotonicity with respect to v of quantities which indude the spacings between the zeros. These results, like many of these considered in this section, depend on the "Nicholson-type" formula due to Watson [60, p. 508], (3.12) :~ = 2c 1 00 K o (2csinht)e- 2vt dt, which is valid for all zeros C = Cvk of cylinder functions throughout the interval in which they are continuous functions of v. Because of the simple nature (positive, decreasing, etc.) of Ko(t), the formula (3.12) has been used to remarkable effect in several discussions of monotonicity, convexity, etc., of the zeros; see [9], [12-15] and references. This formula was used by Elbert [9] to show that the real zeros of the Bessel function Jv(z) are concave functions in their interval of definition, as might be conjectured from an examination of the diagram in [60, p. 510]. Earlier, some partial results ab out squares of zeros were found [39]. Actually, a method due to Lorch, Muldoon and Szego [45, §3] shows that log Cvk is a concave function of v on the interval where it is defined. This is weaker than the result of Elbert on the concavity of Cvk itself. In [53], it was shown how to derive (3.12) by a differential equations method. It would be of interest to be able to do this for a dass of differential equations. Elbert's use of (3.12) to prove the concavity of ivk proceeds as follows. Differentiating (3.12) and using integration by parts, we get (3.13) CONVEXITY PROPERTIES OF SPECIAL FUNCTIONS 315 where (3.14) He then uses (3.15) 1 djvk 2 f(v, t) = 2t - - . -d [2vtanht + tanh t]. Jvl V . [v+ '1]2 djvk dv < Jvk, proved by Sturmian methods for -k < v ::; 0, and by using (3.12) for v ~ 0, to show the f(v, t) > 0, so the result holds. Later A. Laforgia and the author [37] used a modification of this method to extend the result to real zeros of cylinder functions. 3.3. ZEROS AS CONTINUOUS FUNCTIONS OF RANK One can discuss the variation of the positive zeros of Cv(x, a) with respect to any of the three variables v, a or k (the rank of a zero). However, a and k are not really independent; they may, in fact, be subsumed in a single variable", = k - a/rr. To see this, we consider that for v ~ 0, the zeros of Cv(x, a), < a < rr are the roots of the equation Yv(x)/Jv(x) = cota. ° The graph of the left-hand side of (2.1) consists of branches which increase from -00 to +00 in the intervals (O,jvl) and (jvk , jv,k+1), k = 1,2, ... , between the positive zeros of Jv(x). This is most easily seen by using the relation d Yv(x) = Jv(x)Y~ (x) - Yv(x)J~(x) _ 2 dx Jv(x) J:(x) - rrxJ:(x) , where the last equation follows from the Wronskian relation [60, p. 76]. As a decreases from rr to 0, cot a increases from -00 to 00. Thus each zero of Cv(x, a) increases from one positive zero jvk of Jv(x) to the next larger one jv,k+1' At the same time a new first positive zero appears and increases from to jvl' Thus it makes sense to define jVI< for any real ", ~ 0, by jvo = and jVI< = cVk(a) where k is the largest integer less than ", + 1 and a = rr(k - ",). Thus jVI< is a continuous increasing function of ", on [0,00). The positive zeros of Jv(x) correspond to positive integral values of K, and jv,k-l/2 = Yvk, k = 1,2, ... where Yvk is the kth positive zero of Yv(x). In [12] it was shown that jVI< is the unique solution of the differential equation ° :~ = 2j 1 00 ° Ko(2jsinht)e- 2vt dt, which satisfies j(v) ~ 0 as v ~ -K,+. This is motivated by the formula [60, p. 408] for the derivative of Cvk with respect to v, and the fact that if, for v > 0, Cvk is the kth positive zero of Cv(x), then Cvk may be extended in a continuous way to M. E. MULDOON 316 v < 0, and Cvk -* 0, as V -* -(k - a/1f). The equation (3.12) may be used to show that jVI< is an infinitely differentiable function of K,. This suggests the consideration of successive derivatives of zeros with respect to 1'\" much as Lorch and Szego [42] (and others) have considered differences with respect to the rank k. This idea is pursued in [22]. It is shown [22, Corollary 3.3] that for v > 1/2, (3.16) ° so that, in particular, jVI< is a concave function of K" < I'\, < 00, for v > 1/2. However, it is known [14, p. 1485] that jVI< is a convex function of 1'\" < K, < 00, for Sv< 1/2. By considering the chord joining two points on the graph of jVI< as a function of 1'\" we thus obtain: ° (3.17) jVI< > ; -=- ~ (ivK - jvk) + jvk , k < K, < K, v > 1/2, jVI< < ; -=- ~ (ivK - jvk) + jvk , k < I'\, < K, °Sv< 1/2. and (3.18) ° These become equalities when v = 1/2. If we put k = n, K = n + 1, we get (3.19) jVI< > (I'\, - n)(iv,n+l - jvn) + jvn , (3.20) jVI< < (I'\, - n)(jv,n+l - jvn) + jvn ,0 Sv< 1/2. V > 1/2, In the case where I'\, = n + 1/2, we get (3.21) Yv,n+l > (iv,n+1 + jvn)/2, v> 1/2, ° Yv,n+1 < (iv,n+l + jvn)/2, Sv< 1/2. Some numerical examples given in [22] show the sharpness of these inequalities. (3.22) 3.4. TURAN-TYPE INEQUALITIES Tunin-type inequalities are named from a convexity result of P. Turan for Legendre polynomials: Pn+l (x)Pn- 1(x) - P~(x) ;::: 0. A corresponding result for Bessel functions was proved by O. Sza,sz: Jv(X)JV+2(X) - J';+l (x) < 0, v> -1, -00 < x < 00. Lorch [40] has examined the question of similar relations for the zeros. Using (3.12), he has shown that (3.23) ICv+f,k+r Cvk Cv+c5,k+h I < ° CV+c5+f,k+h+r ' ° where v, E, 6, h ;::: 0, k, r = 0,1, ... ,E + r > and h + 6 > 0. This recovers the result mentioned earlier that log Cvk is a concave function of v. Similar results were found for zeros of derivatives of cylinder functions by Laforgia [35]. CONVEXITY PROPERTIES OF SPECIAL FUNCTIONS 317 3.5. MISCELLANEOUS PROPERTIES OF ZEROS The (generally complex) zeros ofthe even entire function z-V Jv(z), for unrestricted real v, are located symmetrically with respect to both the real and imaginary axes in the z-plane. Following [60, p. 497], we denote the zeros of this function by ±jv1, ±jv2, ±jv3,"" where Re(jvn) > 0 and I Re(jvdl :::; I Re(jv2) I :::; IRe(jv3)I :::; .... If Re(±jvn) = 0, for any value of n, we choose jlm to have its imaginary part positive. It is instructive to consider the evolution of the zeros as v decreases. For v ~ -1, they are all real. As v decreases through -1 the numbers ±jv1 approach the origin, collide, and move off along the imaginary axis. As v is further decreased, to -2, these zeros return to the origin [31], [55]. All of this suggests that to deal with purely imaginary zeros, it is advantageous to consider the squares of the zeros. We find then that jZ1 can be continued analytically from the interval (-1, (0) to the interval (- 2, 00 ). In fact [32], jZ1 decreases to a minimum and then increases again (to 0) as v increases from - 2 to -l. We conjecture that jZ1 is convex for -2 < v < 00; cf. [12] where the convexity is proved for 0 < v < 00 and conjectured for -1 < v < 00. Here we show, as in [55], that -j;;12 is a convexfunction ofv on (-2,-1). To see this we write the well-known formula [60, p. 502] L j;;; = [4(v + I)r 00 1 n=1 in the form L j;;; - [4(1 + v)t 1 . 00 (3.24) - j;;12 = n=2 The last term here is obviously convex on (-00, -1) having the positive second derivative -(v + 1)-3/2 there. On the other hand, is positive, and decreasing on (-2, (0). Its second derivative there is given by j;;; 2j" 6j/2 ----:a + -'4-' J J where j = jvn, and primes denote derivatives with respect to v. But, from [9], j" < 0, for v > -no Hence j;;;, is a convex function of v on (-2, (0) for v > -2. Thus all terms on the right-hand side of (3.24) are convex functions of von (-2, -1) and this completes the proof. Since -j;;12 is a positive convex function on (-2,-1) which approaches +00 as v --t -2+ and v --t -1-, we get an alternative proof of the result [32, Theorem 3.1] that -jZ1 is unimodal on (-2, -1). In [10], defining jV,K for continuous K, in the usual way, it is shown that it is concave for v ~ Vo if jVQ,k > Vo + 1/2 with Vo ~ -1/2. An interesting graph is shown. M. E. MULDOON 318 3.6. SOME CONVEXITY PROPERTIES OF BESSEL FUNCTION VALUES So far we have been mostly concerned with convexity properties of the zeros of Bessel and related functions. But there are also such results for functional values. It is shown in [25, Lemma 2.3] that for each fixed ß (0< ß ~ 1), and each x > 0 (x =f: j.,k, k = 1,2, ... ), the function J.,+ß(x)/ J.,(x) decreases as v increases, -(ß + 1)/2 ~ v < 00, v > -1. This shows that, for fixed x (> 0), the function log J.,(x) is a concave function of v on its interval of definition, so long as v > -1. Similarly, we find, using [25, Lemma 2.2], that for fixed x (> 0), the function 10gK.,(x) is a convexfunction ofv on (-00,00). The Bessel function J.,(x) has infinitely many zeros on the positive real axis. However the modified Bessel function [60, p. 77] (z/2)2n+., 00 I.,(z) = ~ n! r(v + n + 1) does not vanish there. In [56] there is demonstrated the complete monotonicity (hence the convexity of x-"e-XI.,(x). Mahajan [47] generalised a result of Mitrinovic [49, pp. 240-241] by showing that (x + l)a+lJa (x: 1) - x a+1Ja (;) > (ir r(a1+ 1) . In the special case a = -1/2, this becomes 7r 7r (x + 1) cos --1 - x cos - > 1 x+ x Mitrinovic had established the latter inequality for x 2: v'3 while Mahajan improved this range of validity to x > 1.407 .... In [41], it is shown that the largest interval of validity of this inequality is (1,00). The method depends heavily on properties of concave functions. 3.7. USES OF CONVEXITY IN DETERMINING NU MB ER OF ZEROS It is shown in [46] that J.,(x) has two inflection points before its first positive zero when A < v < 0 and none in 0 < x < j.,l for -1 < v ~ A where A = -0.1993707809 .... The proof is broken into three parts, establishing respectively the uniqueness, the existence and the evaluation of A. Only the first two parts will be discussed here. (i) Uniqueness of A. Using the differential equation (3.1) and a recurrence relation [60, p. 45, (4)] (3.27) we see that the positive zeros of (3.28) J: (x) occur where J"+1(x) J.,(x) x 2 - v2 + V x ----'--:-'-:-'-=---- CONVEXITY PROPERTIES OF SPECIAL FUNCTIONS 319 In view of the Mittag-LeIDer partial fractions expansion [60, p. 498, (1)] J V +1(x) = ~ 2x L...J·2 J v () X k=l Jvk - X 2 ' (3.29) the positive roots of J~ (x) are the same as those of the equation (3.30) Gv(x) := 2 1 v L + k=lJvk-x (Xl ·2 2 2 - v --2- = 1. X It is elear that lim Gv(x) = x-+O+ -1< v < O. lim Gv(x) = +00, X-+jvl- Consequently the graph of y = Gv(x) is convex, with a unique minimum, on 0< x < jvl, -1 < v < 0, since G~(x) > 0, 0 < x < jvl, -1 < v < O. To verify this we write ·2 3 2 6( 2 ) G"(x) = 4 ~ Jvk + X + V - V ' x i:- 0, jvk . v L...J (.2 _ 2)3 x4 k=l Jvk x (Xl Also, for each fixed x in the interval 0< x < jvl, Gv(x) is a decreasing function of v, -1 < v S o. More precisely, for -1 < v < v+€ S 0, we have GV+f(x) < Gv(x), o < x < jvl, since [60, p. 508] each zero jvk is an increasing function of v. The zeros of J~ (x) occur where the convex graph of y = Gv(x) crosses the horizontalline y = 1. Now it is elear from the consequence IL~ > 2 (v 2 - v) of Lemma 2 that there are no zeros for v elose to -1, there are no crossings for these values of v. However as v increases, the convex curve referred to above becomes lower and if it meets the line y = 1 will do so for a unique value A. (Recall the uniqueness of the minimum of the U-shaped graph of y = Gv(x).) (ii) Existence 01 A. The existence of such a A is established as follows. Suppose that no such A exists. In that case we would have for all v satisfying -1 < v < 0, Gv(x) > 1, 0< x < jVl . Taking the limit as v --+ 0-, we would get GO(x) 2:1, O<X<jOl. Now Go(x) = 2 1 L n=l JOn - x (Xl ·2 2 is continuous on [0, jvl) so we would get Go(O) 2: 1. But [60, p. 502] 1 1 L -:z = 2· n=l JO n (Xl Go(O) = 2 Hence we have a contradiction and so A exists as asserted. 320 M. E. MULDOON 4. Hermite Functions The Hermite function H>..(t) can be defined (see, e.g., [24]) by (4.1) H>..(t) = _ sin1l"Ar(1 + A) 211" f n=O r{(n - A)/2} (-2t)n r(n + 1) or, in terms of the confluent hypergeometric functions, by ([8]) (4.2) 2>" [ A1I" (A 1) (A 1 H>.(t) = .fi cos"2 r 2 + 2 1 F1 -2' 2; t 2) + 2tsin A; r(~ + 1) 1 F 1 (-~ + ~,~; e)]. Formula (4.1) is to be understood in a limiting sense when A is an integer and the constant multiplying the sum is chosen so that H>..(t) reduces to the Hermite polynomials (with the notation of, e.g., [58]) in case A is a nonnegative integer. Thus Ho(t) = 1, Hl (t) = 2t, H2 (t) = 4t 2 - 2, H 3 (t) = 8t 3 - 12t, etc. In the polynomial case, the zeros of H>..(t) are real and located symmetrically with respect to the origin. In [17] we study the real zeros of H>..(t) in the case where A is a positive real number. The largest real zero of H>..(t) is of importance in the study of subharmonic functions [24]. It turns out that, when n < A ~ n + 1, with n a nonnegative integer, H>..(t) has n + 1 real zeros which increase with A. As A passes through each nonnegative integer n a new leftmost zero appears at -00 while the right-most zero passes through the largest zero of H n ( t) . For each fixed A, H>..(t) is that solution of the Hermite equation y" - 2ty' + 2AY = 0 (4.3) which grows relatively slowly as t -t +00. We consider also a solution of (4.3) which is linearly independent of H>..(z): (4.4) . A1I" (A 1 G>..(t) = -2>' [-sm-r - + -1) IF1 (-A _·t .fi 2 2 2 2 '2' 2) + 2t COS A211" r (~ + 1) 1 Fl ( - - : + ~, ~; e) ]. The functions e- t2 / 2 H>..(t) and e- t2 / 2 G>..(t), which have the same zeros as H>..(t) and G>..(t) are linearly independent solutions of the modified Hermite equation . [:2 +2A+l-t2]y(t)=O. (4.5) It was shown by Durand [8] that (4.6 ) 2->".fi t 2 [ 2( 2( ] r{A+l)e- H>..t)+G>..t) _2.1 .fi - 0 00 e -(2)''+I)r+t tanh r 2 dT Vsinh T cosh T . 321 CONVEXITY PROPERTIES OF SPECIAL FUNCTIONS The main result of [17] is a formula analogous to this for the derivative of a zero of a solution of (4.5) with respect to A. We consider the zeros of H>.,(t), A > 0, or, more generally, the zeros of linear combinations of H>., and G>., or zeros of the equation cosaH>.,(t) - sinaG>.,(t) = 0. (4.7) In [17], we show (4.8) dc = dA 2 where 1 co e-(2).+1)T cp(c"'tanh 7') 0 d7' '"sinh 7' cosh 7' , cp(x) = eX erfc (x) . 2 Here erfc is the complementary error function: 2 (CO _t 2 erfc (x) = 1x e dt. Now, from [1, 7.4.2] <jJ(x) = ~ {CO e-t2-2xt dt ..(i 10 so <jJ is completely monotonie on (-00,00), i.e., (_I)n<jJ(n)(x) 2: 0, n = o,1, .... This observation enables us to establish that C'(A) is completely monotonie on its interval of definition. In partieular, C(A) is concave function of lambda on its interval of definition. References 1. M. Abramowitz and 1. A. Stegun (eds.), Handbook of Mathematical Functions, with Formulas, Graphs and Mathematical Tables, National Bureau of Standards, Applied Mathematies Series 55, Washington, 1964. 2. S. Ahmed, A. Laforgia and M. E. 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As already pointed out by Wilkinson [24], a considerable amount of the applied procedure is to improve the approximate results and also to give error bounds for the improved approximations. The demands of the computer age with its arithmetic of finite precision have dictated the need for a structure which is referred to as interval arithmetic (Moore [9]). In particular, error bound procedures for solving certain problems in the complex realm require complex interval arithmetic (see Alefeld and Herzberger [1] for details). This type of arithmetic was introduced by Gargantini and Henrici in 1973 in connection with the simultaneous inclusion of complex zeros of polynomials [7]. Later, circular complex arithmetic was applied as an efficient tool for computer methods for the range of functions (see the book [23] by Ratschek and Rokne and references cited there), for the construction of iterative methods for the inclusion of complex zeros of polynomials (e.g. [5], [7], [20-21], [28]), analysis of numerical stability of iterative processes (e.g. [6], [13], [22])), inclusive calculus of residues [17], and also for solving some problems in technical disciplines where circular complex arithmetic appears as a natural extension of complex arithmetic in the presence of uncertain quantities and providing the construction of convenient self-verifying methods. Except a few new operations, complex circular arithmetic does not require a special technique; it uses elementary properties of complex analysis and some methods for 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 30A10, 65G10j Secondary 30ElO. Key words and phrases. Circular arithmeticj Inequalities in the complex domainj Inclusive approximations. This work was supported in part by the Serbian Scientific Foundation, grant number 04M03 325 G. V. Milovanovic (ed.), Recent Progress in Inequalities, 325-340. © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. 326 LJ. D. PETKOVrC AND M. S. PETKOVrC obtaining outer approximations. The basis of this type of arithmetic are, actually, estimates and inequalities in the complex realm. But, many examples in various applications show a strong connection in the opposite direction, tao. For this reason, it seems quite reasonable to cite R. D. Richtmeyer (Math. Comp. 22 (1968), p. 21) who said that "... internal analysis is in a sensejust a new language for inequalities". Examples presented in this paper could be regarded only as a short collection of selected problems which demonstrate a tight connection of the two mentioned subjects, without the ambition to cover most different subjects in interval mathematics. 2. Circular Complex Interval Arithmetic In this section we give some basic properties of circular complex arithmetic and circular functions. Let C E C be a complex number and r a nonnegative real number. The set Z = {z : Iz - cl :::; r} = {c; r} is called a circular internal or disk with the center c and the radius r. The set of circular intervals is denoted by K(C). The notations mid (Z), rad (Z) and diam(Z) will be sometimes used to denote center, radius and diameter of a disk Z. Disk Z is called a zero-internal if 0 E Z. Two circular intervals Zl = {Cl; rl} and Z2 = {C2; r2} are equal if and only if Cl = C2 and rl = r2. For two disks Zl = {cI;rd and Z2 = {c2;r2} the following is valid: ICI - c21 :::; rl - r2 {:} ICI - c21 ~ rl + r2 {:} Zl ~ Z2, Zl n Z2 = 0. Let Z = {c; r} and w E C. The following operations define circular complex arithmetic: w ± Z = {w ± z : z E Z} = {w ± c; r}, w·Z={w·z: zEZ}={w·c;lwlr}, Zl ±Z2 = {Cl ±c2;rl +r2}, Z -l - {w - 1 . z E Z} - { 2 c 2 . 2 r 2 } 0 d Z - {Co r} - ~ . - Icl - r ' Icl - r ' y::. , • The above operations are exact. Multiplication of disks was introduced by Gargantini and Henrici [7] in the following manner: Zl . Z2 := {CIC2; ICllr2 + IC21rl + rlr2}. According to this and the inversion Z-l division of disks is given by Zl ._ Z . Z-l _ { CiC2 . ICllr2 + hlrl + r l r 2 } 0 d Z ' y::. 2· Z2·- 1 2 IC212 -r22' IC212 -r2 2 Let GI and G2 be some subsets of C and f : GI 1-+ G 2 a mapping. By T(G I ) we denote a family of circular subsets of GI and by T(G 2 ) a family of closed subsets of G 2 • A mapping T(Gt} 1-+ T(G 2 ), defined by r : r(Z) = {f(z) : z E Z} = U{f(z)} for every Z E T(G zEZ I ), INEQUALITIES IN CIRCULAR ARITHMETIC: A SURVEY 327 is called a closed uni ted extension of f. 1* possesses a subset property: A ~ B (A, BE T(G 1 )) :::} j*(A) ~ j*(B). A mapping F : H f-t E (H, E ~ K(C)) is called a circular complex interval junction. An interval function F : H f-t E is inclusive isotone if Z ~ W :::} F(Z) ~ F(W) (Z,W EH). Let 0 be a closed region in the complex plane. A disk W such that n ~ W is called an inclusive disk for O. Covering n by W is called a circular inclusive approximation or shorter I-approximation. If W 1 and W 2 are two circular 1approximations of 0, we will say that W1 is a better approximation than W 2 if rad (W1 ) ::; rad (W2 ). I-approximations ofregion 1* (Z), obtained by mapping a given disk Z by a closed complex function f, are of special importance. For an arbitrary complex number (, a closed complex function f, and a disk Z, we define function R(() = max If(z) - (I· zEZ Since If(z) - (I ::; R(() (z E Z) it follows that 1*(Z) = {f(z) : z E Z} is contained in the disk V = {(; R( ()). Disk V is an inclusive disk for 1* (Z). Let us denote A(() = area{V} = 7rR(()2 and let inf{ A(() = A((s). Then Vs = {(s; R( (s)) is the smallest disk which contains 1* (Z). In other words, Vs is the best I -approximation of 1* (Z). We denote the best I-approximation of 1* (Z) by Is(f*(Z)). Then If(z) - (si::; R((s) holds (because of the inclusion 1*(Z) ~ Vs ). This defines the so-called enclosing condition (see [19] for more details). The diameter 2R( (s) of the smallest disk Vs can be at best equal to the diameter (1) of 1*(Z). Since 1*(Z) is closed, it suffices to take points on the contour r of Z for finding the diameter, that is, Disk Vd = {(s; D /2} is called the diametrical inclusive disk of the closed region 1*(Z) or D-form if the enclosing condition, given by the inequality (2) D If(z) - (si::; "2 (z E Z), holds. For this disk we will also use the notation Id(f*(Z)). D-form for some elementary functions will be considered in Section 4. The circular complex functions in D-form can be of certain importance as illustrated in [10], [14], [17-18] and [27]. For example, we emphasise an important LJ. D. PETKOVrC AND M. S. PETKOVrC 328 problem in the optimisation theory which consists in determination maxzEZ If(z)l, Z E K(C), for which it is obviously valid If(z)lzEz::; maZx If(z)l::; ImidI(f*(Z)) I +radI(f*(Z)). (3) zE Let Z be a given disk and F(Z) an inclusive disk for the closed region f*(Z) with the center fee) and a radius R. For F(Z) = {fee); R}, whose center is the image of the center of Z, we say that possesses the centered form or C-form. This form has greater practical importance than D-form which requires two difficult problems to be solved: (i) determination of the diameter of f*(Z) by (1) and (ii) checking of the enclosing condition (2). 3. Particular Inequalities In this section we give and prove some inequalities important for the determination of the priority of operations in the circular arithmetic (see [11]). Lemma 3.1. Let PI, ... ,Pn (n 2: 2) be real numbers such that Pk E (0,1), k = 0,1, ... ,n. Then n n k=1 k=1 II (1 - Pk) + II (1 + Pk) > 2. (4) Proof. The inequality (4) can be easily proved by induction, but we give an interesting proof based on the idea of Trajkovic [26]. Let GI and G 2 be polynomials of the n-th order with the zeros -PI, ... ,-Pn and PI, ... ,Pn, respectively, that is GI(x) = (x + pt} ... (x + Pn) = x n + glXn-1 + ... + gn, G 2 (x) = (x - pt} ... (x - Pn). Since numbers PI, ... ,Pn are positive, we have gl,g2, ... ,gn > 0. It is easy to show that G2 () X = Xn - glX n-I + g2X n-2 - g3X n-3 + ... + ( - l)n gn· Now we have n n k=1 k=1 II (1 - Pk) + II (1 + Pk) = G2(1) + GI (1) = 2(1 + g2 + g4 + ... ) > 2. 0 Lemma 3.2. Let xE [0,1]. Then the inequality holds for a E (0,1). The opposite inequality holds for a > 1. The equality appears for a = and a = 1. ° INEQUALITIES IN CIRCULAR ARITHMETIC: A SURVEY 329 The proof of this elementary inequality which has often appeared in literat ure is simple and will be omitted. The preceding lemmas are necessary for the proofs of the theorems in the sequel. For a disk Zk = {ckjrd which do not contain 0 (shorter non-zero disk) we will use the notation Zk = cd1jPk}, Pk = rkJlckl, 0< Pk < 1. Theorem 3.1. Let Z1,'" ,Zn (n ~ 2) be non-zero disks such that the inequality n TI (1 + Pk) < 2 holds. Then we have k=1 Proof. Directly applying the inversion and the product of disks (see Section 2) we find The inequality (4) can be written as n n k=1 k=1 II (1 - Pk) > 2 - II (1 + Pk) or n n n n k=1 k=1 k=1 k=1 2 II (1 - p~) > II (1 + Pk) [2 - II (1 + Pk)] = 1- [II (1 + Pk) - 1] , from which directly follows the assertion of the theorem. 0 From Theorem 3.1 we see that the product of the inversion of disks gives a better result (a smaller disk) than the inversion of the product of disks. Let Z = {cjr} = {peilljr}, rJp = P < 1 be a non-zero disk and let k E N. The region {Z1/k: Z E Z} consists ofthe k disjoint regions 8 0 ,81 , •.. ,8k- 1 which are not disks and which are of the same form. The k-th root of a disk in the centered form, denoted by Z~/k, is defined in the paper [16] as k-1 (5) Z~/k:= U wJm) , m=O wJm) = p1/k{ exp (/' + :m1T)j 1- (1 _ p)1/k}. LJ. D. PETKOVIC AND M. S. PETKOVIC 330 Starting from the equality I/z 1 / k = (I/Z)l/k, we can introduce the following two interval extensions: I/Z 1 / k and (I/Z)l/k. For the centered form we will use notations k-l I/Z~/k = U G(m) k-l U H(m). (I/Z)~/k = and m=O m=O Disks Go, GI, ... ,Gk - l are identical and have the same radius. The same is valid for the disks Ho, H 1 , ... , Hk-I. Let ra = rad (Gm) and rH = rad (Hm ). Theorem 3.2. Let Z = {c;r} = {peill;r}, r/p =p < 1 be a non-zero disko Then ra < rHo Proof. First we have pl/k (p r)l/k ra = - p2/; - (pl/k - (p - r)l/k)2, From Lemma 3.2 for a = I/k and x = r/p, we obtain ( pr)l/k - (r)2/k r)l/k]2 , I- p =1- [ 1-( I- p I1- (pr)211/k <2I- that is (p2 _ r2)I/k < p2/k _ (pl/k _ (p _ r)l/k)2, wherefrom directly follows ra < rHo 0 As a consequence of Theorem 3.2 it follows that it is better to extract the root and then make inversion, than contrary ([23]). 4. Diametrical Inclusive Approximations In this section some inequalities concerning diametrical inclusive approximations of zl/m = {z : zm E Z, 0 i Z, mE N}, and log Z (0 i Z) will be regarded. Let Z = {(; r} and let us assurne that the disk Z does not contain the origin, that is, p := r /1(1 < 1. As it was shown in [16), the construction of the diametrical disk for the range zl/m reduces to the following problem: Let D = {uo; d/2} be the disk with the center uo := and the radius d rO (1 + p)l/m + (1 _ p)l/m :="2 = 2 (1 + p)l/m - (1 _ p)l/m 2 ' and let G be the image (one of m, see (5)) ofthe disk {I;p}, pE (0,1), under w = zl/m with argz l / m E [-m- l arcsinp, m- l arcsinp). The question arises whether G is completely contained inside disk D. Before exposing the main theorem we give the following inequality: Lemma 4.1. Let m ~ 2 and pE [0,1). Then (6) INEQUALITIES IN CIRCULAR ARITHMETIC: A SURVEY Proof. By using binomial formula, we find (l+p)l/m = f C~m)pk, (l_p)l/m = k=O 331 f C~m)(-I)kpk. k=O Hence it follows 2 (1 + p)l/m - (1 - p)l/m = - p + 2 m (7) L a>.pA, 00 >.=2 where for k = 1,2, ... 1 k a2k = 0, a2k+1 = (2k + 1)!m2k+ l }1[(2S -I)m - l][2sm - 1]. (8) The function f(p) = sin(m- l arcsinp) will be developed into the power series. Since 1 (arCSin p ) , f '(p ) -~cos mV 1 - p2 m p p p f "(P) =- 2 1 . Sln (arCSin ) + cos (arCSin ) , m (1 - p2) m m(l- p2)3/2 m we can form a differential equation (1 - p2)f"(P) - pf'(p) + ~ f(p) = 0 m with the initial conditions f(O) = 0, 1'(0) = l/m, 1"(0) = O. (9) 00 Putting f(P) = 2: b>.p>', we solve the equation (9) by the weH known method of >.=0 series. In this manner, taking into account the initial conditions, we get k II[(2s - I)2 m 2 - 1] 1 b2k =0, b1 =-, b2k +1 = 8=1(2k + I)!m 2k +1 m (10) (k = 1,2, ... ). Hence, we have . (arCSin p ) 1 ~ >. f(p) = sm m = m p + L..- b>.p , (11) >.=2 where the coefficients b>. are given by (10). By using the developments (7) and (11) we obtain (1 + • p) I/rn - (1 - p · (arcsm p) I / r- n 2 sm m ) 00 " = 2 'L..-(a2k+l - b2k+1 )p2k+1 . k=1 To prove the relation (6) it suffices to show that a2k+1 - b2k+l 2: 0 for every m 2: 2 and k = 1,2, .... This is obvious since from (8) and (10) it follows k TI {[(2s - l)m - I][2sm - 1J - [(2s - 1)2 m 2 - In a2k+l - b2k+l = 8=1 (2k + 1)!m 2k +1 ~:'-_-------;-,-----:-:--,:-;--:-:------- LJ. D. PETKOVIC AND M. S. PETKOVIC 332 Le., a2k+1 - 1 b2k+1 = (2k + I)!m 2 k+ 1 !! k (m - 2)[(2s - I)m - 1) ~ O. 0 Now we give our main result: Theorem 4.1. If the inequality sinmcp UoP ->sincp - ro (12) holda, then the disk D = {uo;d/2} completely contains the range G = {I;pp/m and presents the diametrical disk for this range. Proof. Let us define the function h( cp) = sin mcp I sin cp. First we find h' (cp) = x(cp)/sin 2 cp, where x(cp) = mcosmcpsincp - coscpsinmcp. Since x(O) = 0 and x'(cp) = (1 - m 2 ) sin cp sin mcp ~ 0 (because sin mcp E [0, sin(mm- 1 arcsinp)] = [O,p)), it follows that x(cp) < O. Hence, h'(cp) < O. Besides, h(O) = m and we conclude that the function h(cp) is monotonically decreasing on the interval (0,m- 1 arcsinp). For this reason the inequality (12) will be proved if we show that sin (m . arcsin p) > UoP sin arcsinp) - ro ' (.k .k which reduces to (13) (1 + p)l/m - (1 - p)l/m ~ [(1 + p)l/m + (1 _ p)l/m) sincrc~np). Hence, by Lemma 3.2 (for a = 11m, m ~ 2 and p E [0,1)), the inequality (6) proved in Lemma 4.1 directly folIows. Therefore, the assertion of Theorem 4.1 is proved and disk D = {uo; ro} is the diametrical disk for the region G = {I;pp/m. 0 The presented problem was firstly considered in [16), and then posed as an open problem by Lj. Petkovic [12). McCoy and Kuijlaars [8) first solved this problem using an another approach although the inequality (13) appears in their paper too. The mentioned problem was also considered in [18). In the sequel we will consider a construction of the diametrical disk for the region of the function f(z) = log z over a non-zero disk Z. Since log z presents a many valued function, we will consider in the sequel only the principal value of log z assuming that log z = log Iz I + i arg z, arg z E [0, 211'). Therefore, speaking about the diametrical disk for log Z, we will regard only one set log Z = {log Izl +i arg z : z E Z, 0 ~ arg z < 211'} which is called the region of the principal value or, shorter, p. v. region. The diametrical disk Id(log Z) was determined by Börsken in [4). Here we obtain the same result using partly the result of Börsken but with a new simple estimation approach which is based on the application of circular arithmetic. First, by using (1), we find the diameter of the region 10gZ, 0 i Z = {z;p}. We again use the notation p = pllzl « 1). INEQUALITIES IN CIRCULAR ARITHMETIC: A SURVEY 333 Theorem 4.2. Let Z = {Zj p} and p = pilzi < 1, that is, 0 ft Z. Then l+p IlogZl -log z2I zt.z2Ez ~ log -1-' -p Proof. We have Ilogzl -logz2Izt.z2Ez = Ilog(z + peio:) -log(z + peiß )10:,ßE[0,21r) = Ilog(l + peio:') - log(l + peiß') 10:' ,ß'E[O,21r) l° + I - l° + eio:' p = < 1 p 1 , , dt - teto: l P eiß' ° 1 + tet'ß' dt eio:' , -eiß' , teto:' 1 + te tß ' I dt. Using the operations of the interval arithmetic and (3), we find I1 + eio,' eiß' teio:' - 1 + teiß' 1 I I= t1 I1 + 1 1 teiß' - 1 + teio:' 1 I I 1 I{lj t} 1 {lj t} ~ t 1 + t{Oj I} - 1 + t{Oj I} = t 1- t 2 - 1- t 2 _ 11{0. - t 2t ' 1 - t2 }I- 1 - 2 - _ 1 I 1 t 2 - 1 + t + 1 - t' According to this we estimate rI 10 + 1 eiß' eio:' teio:' 1 + teiß' dt r ~ 10 (-11 + -11 ) dt = log 11 + P, +t - t - P which proves the theorem. 0 Therefore, the diameter of the region log Z is given by d = diam(log Z) = zt.z2EZ max l10g Zl - log z21 = log 11 + P = log Ilzll + p. - p Z - P From the geometrical construction and some facts given in [10] it is simple to show that the center of the diametrical disk for log Z is the point A = log vlzI2 - p2 + i argz. Obviously, the disk {Aj d/2} will be the diametrical disk for the p.v. region oflog Z if the disk {uo j ro} is the diametrical disk for the p. v. region {log IZ I+ i arg Z : Z E {ljp}}, where (14) 1 uo = 2 1og (1 - p2), d 1 1 +p ro = - = -log--. 2 2 1- p Similarly as in the case of the region zl/m, it suffices to consider the mapping of the disk {I j p}, 0 ~ p < 1 under the transformation z t-+ log z = u + i v in the aim to obtain diametrical disks for the region log Z. Before that, we expose the following Blaschke's result [3]: 334 LJ. D. PETKOVrC AND M. S. PETKOVrC Theorem A. 11 the curvature 01 the simple closed smooth boundary w(O) 01 a region G is strictly positive and has exactly 2'\ extreme points, then the contour w(O) has at most 2'\ interseetions with any circle. Tangential interseetions are counted as double intersections. Sometimes, Theorem A enables us to check (2) in an elegant and simple way proving that the curvature of the curve w(O) is greater than the curvature of a possible inclusion disko Such an approach has been demonstrated in [8] for the range zl/m. Now we can formulate the following assertion: Theorem 4.3. The disk D = {uo;ro}, where Uo and ro are given by (14), completely contains the p.v. region Go := {log Izl + i argz : z E {1;p}} il and only il the inequality d 1 l+p Ilog( - AkEZ ::; - = -log-2 2 I-p (p = pilz!) holds. Proof. Let G be the image of the disk Z = {1;p} under the transformation w = logz. Obviously, the boundary rG of Gis given by w(O) = 10g(1 + peiO) , 0 E [0,211"). Let D denote the disk Iw - cl ::; R with The mapping w = log z sends the points z = 1 ± p to the points w = log (1 ± p) = c ± R, so that G can not have diameter less than 2R. We shall prove in the same manner as in [3], that D is the diametrical disk for log Z. r G is tangential to the circle D in the points c ± R. To prove that r G lies inside D we compute its curvature. The curvature K, of the curve w(O) in the complex plane is given by Im (iiJw) K, = Iwl 3 ' where dots denote differentiation with respect to O. For w(O) = log z(O) with z(O) = 1 + peiO, we compute . ipeiO w(O) = z(O) Hence K, and .. peiO w(O) = - z(O)2. (0) = 1 + pcosO plz(O)I' INEQUALITIES IN CIRCULAR ARITHMETIC: A SURVEY 335 wherefrom we see that the curvature is strictly positivej therefore the domain G is strictly convex. Further , we compute . (0) = -p sin O(p + cos 0) K Iz(O)1 3 . We see that k(O) has precisely four simple zeros in [0,271"), at 9 = 0,71" and ± arccos (-p). Since circle D is tangential to w(9) in the two points there are no more points of intersection. Hence w(9) lies either completely inside or completely outside D. It remains to show that in the point c + R the curvature of w(9) is greater than the curvature 1/ R of D. Thus we want to show that k(O) > 1/ R, or (15) 1+p log-1- > 2p, -p for 0 < P < 1. Let h(P) = log((1 + p)(1 - p)) - 2p. Since h(O) = 0 and h'(P) = 2p2/(1- p2) > 0 for 0< p < 1, we conclude that the inequality (15) holds and the proof of Theorem 4.3 is completed. D Regarding the domain Z = {(j r} with p = r /1(1, it is easy to construct the diametrical disk for the range log {(j r}. 5. Circular Complex Functions In this section we will give some inequalities which salve some important problems related to the centered forms of interval polynomials and analytical functions in circular complex arithmetic. These inequalities have already been considered in [2], [24-25] and [29]. We emphasise that, during the last two decades, J. Rokne and H. Ratschek have achieved a great contribution to this subject (see the book [23] and references cited there). In this paper we give somewhat different proofs of the mentioned inequalities connected to the centered forms of circular complex functions. Some of them are proved using TrajkoviC's ideas given in his diploma's work [26] directed by the authors of this paper. First we will regard the polynomial centered forms which have a great practical importance (see [2], [23-25]). Let (akEC, k=O,1, ... ,n) p(z) = anz n + ... + alZ + ao be a complex polynomial and Z = {Cj r} a disko Denote by p* the closed united extension of the polynomial p, that is, p*(Z) = {p(z) : z E Z} (Z E K(C)). The region p* (Z) is not a circular interval in general. In this section we will prove inequalities which are important for finding I-approximations for p* (Z) and for the proof of inclusive isotonicity of the centered form of analytical functions. LJ. D. PETKOVIC AND M. S. PETKOVIC 336 The power, Taylor's and Homer's C-form, denoted by Ps(Z) = {p(c)jRs}, PT(Z) = {p(c)jRr}, PH(Z) = {p(C)jRH}, have the centers in p(c) and the radii given by n (16) Rs = rad (anZ n + ... + alZ + a o) = L (17) R k=l = ~ Ip(k)(c)lrk T L..J k=l k! lakl((lcl + r)k -Iclk), ' RH = rad (( ... ((anZ + an-dZ + a n -2)Z + ... + al)Z + a o) (18) n n k=l j=k = r L [(Ici + rl-ll L ajd-kll· (See [23-24]). Let us compare the introduced inclusive approximations for the region p*(Z). For this purpose we give the following simple lemma. Lemma 5.1. Let p(x) = ao + alX + ... + anx n be a polynomial with the real coefficients and x E~. If (i = 0,1, ... ,n), (19) then p(x) ~ 0 for every x ~ O. Indeed, since ai = p(i) (O)/i!, according to (19) it follows ai ~ 0 (i = 0,1, ... ,n) so that obviously p(x) ~ 0 for every x> o. Theorem 5.1 ([29]). Let be given a complex polynomial p(z) = ao + alZ + ... + anz n . Then, for the I-approximations ZH = {cHjRH}, obtained by applying Homer's scheme, and ZT = {cTjRT}, obtained by applying Taylor's C-form of the region p*(Z), the inclusion ZT ~ ZH holds. Proof. Since CT = CH = p(c), it is sufficient to show that RT ~ RH, where the radii RT and RH are given by (17) and (18). Let q(r) = RH - RT, that is, n n n (k) ( ) q(r) = L {[(Ici + rl-lcl(lcl + r)k-IJl L ajd-kl} - LIP k! C Ir k . k=l j=k k=l Hence q(i)(r) = ~ [ k!. (ici + r)k-i _ (k -:- I)! Icl(lcl + r)k-i-l] I~ ajd- k L..J. (k - z)! (k - z - I)! ~ k=. J=k I _ ~IP(k+i)(c) k L..J k! r, k=O I INEQUALITIES IN CIRCULAR ARITHMETIC: A SURVEY 337 for i = 1,2, ... ,n - 1. Since q(n) (r) = 0 it follows that q(r) is a polynomial of degree n - 1. Besides, we find q (i) o_kl_ _ ~( k! _ (k - I)! ) k-il~ (0) - ~ (k _ i)! (k _ i-I)! Ici ~ aJd e=:) e=:) It, t G:: D1- 0 k=, IClk-ilt.ajd-kl-IP(i)(C)1 ~ i! I~ t.ajd-il-IP(i)(C)1 = i! ajd-' J=' (j (c)1 (pU) ('li It (D I-It ~ ajd- i (i) J=k = i! ~ = i! Ip i)!ajd-il = O. J=' Since q(O) = 0 and q(i) (0) ~ 0, on the basis of Lemma 5.1 it follows that q(r) ~ 0 for every r > o. 0 Theorem 5.2 ([29]). For a disk Z = {Cj r} the following chain of inclusions P*(Z) ~ PT(Z) ~ PH(Z) ~ Ps(Z). holds. The equality PT(Z) = PH(Z) = Ps(Z) appears for C = O. The inclusion P*(Z) ~ PT(Z) is obvious from the definition of Taylor's form. The inclusion PT(Z) ~ PH(Z) is proved in Theorem 5.1. According to the subdistributivity Zl (Z2 + Z2) ~ Z l Z2 + Z2Z3, which holds in interval arithmetic (see, e.g. Alefeld and Herzberger [1]), and Horner's scheme we have PH(Z) = (... (anZ + an-dZ + ... + adZ + ao ~ anZ n + an-l Zn-l + ... + a1Z + ao = Ps(Z). Now we will consider inequalities which are related to the inclusive isotonicity of the centered form of analytical functions which includes the polynomial centered form as a special case. Let f be an analytic function in a given disk Z = {Cj r} and let f* (Z) = {! (z) : Z E Z} be the exact complex-valued set in the complex plane. Taylor's circular centered form of f is defined by (20) The following theorem, proved in [2], asserts that this form is inclusive isotone. 338 LJ. D. PETKOVIC AND M. S. PETKOVIC Theorem 5.3. If Zl = {Wl; rt} and Z2 = {W2; r2} are disks in the complex plane such that Zl ~ Z2, then We will prove this theorem in a somewhat different way which needs the following two lemmas. Lemma 5.2. Let x f-t g(x) be areal junction having all derivatives over the interval (0, R). If g(i)(O) ~ 0 for all i = 0,1,2, ... , then g(x) ~ 0 for every x ~ O. The proof of this lemma comes from the fact that all terms g(k) (O)xk /k! of the Maclaurin series of the function gare nonnegative. Lemma 5.3. Let W f-t f(w) be an analytic junction in the disk Iw - w21 :::; r2 and let IWl - w21 :::; r2 - rl. Then (21) and (22) ~ If(k)(W2)llw - W Ik- i If (i)(W 1 )1 -< L...J. (k _ i)! 2 1 (i = 1,2, ... ). k=, Proof. Using the Taylor expansion of f(w) at the point W = W2 we get (23) Putting W = Wl, we obtain which proves the inequality (21). Furthermore, starting from (23), we find so that Hence, applying absolute values, we get the inequality (22). 0 INEQUALITIES IN CIRCULAR ARITHMETIC: A SURVEY 339 Proof of Theorem 5.3. By virtue of (1) and (20) it suffices to prove the implication (24) IWI - w21 ::; r2 - Tl => If(wd - f(W2)1 ::; f: If(k)k~W2)IT~ - f: If(k~!WI)ITlk. k=l k=l Let us introduce (25) where >. = IWI - w21 ::; r2 - Tl, that is T2 ~ rl + >.. Obviously, if U(TI) ~ 0 for every Tl > 0 then the inequality (24) will hold too as a consequence. According to (25) (setting Tl = 0) and the inequality (21), we get U(O) = f: If(k~!W2)1 >.k -lf(WI) - f(W2)1 ~ O. k=l For i = 1,2, ... , from (25) and (22), we find Therefore, u(i)(O) ~ 0 for each i = 0,1, .... Besides, the real nmction u can be developed into Taylor's series on the interval (0, T2 - >') and whence, in regard to Lemma 5.2, we obtain u(rd ~ 0 for 0 ::; rl ::; T2 - >., and Theorem 5.3 is proved. D Acknowledgement. This paper was initiated by Prof. D. S. Mitrinovic five years ago. Although Prof. Mitrinovic did not work in the field of interval mathematics he feIt that inequalities and estimations in a general sense He in the essence of this topic. He has permanently encouraged the authors in their work on interval mathematics and, for these reasons, the authors are very grateful to him. References 1. G. Alefeld and J. Herzberger, Introduction to Interval Computation, Academic Press, New York,1983. 2. P. G. Bao and J. Rokne, Inclusion isotonity of circular complex centered forms, BIT 27 (1987), 502-509. 3. W. Blaschke, Kreis und Kugel, 2. Auflage, De Gruyter, Berlin, 1956. 4. N. C. Börsken, Komplexe Kreis-Standardfunktionen, Freiburger Intervall-Berichte 2 (1978), 1-102. 5. I. 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PROPERTIES OF ISOMETRIES AND APPROXIMATE ISOMETRIES THEMISTOCLES M. RASSIAS National Technical University 01 Athens, Department 01 Mathematics Zagralou Campus, 15780 Athens, Greece Abstract. In the present paper an analysis of quasi-isometrie mappings and almost isometries of function algebras is provided. In addition the A. D. Aleksandrov problem of eonservative distanees is studied and new open problems are diseussed. 1. Quasi-isometrie Mappings In his analysis of rotation and strain, F. John [16] eonsiders mappings x = I(x) of dass Cl defined on an open subset Gof IRn in whieh the Jacobian matrix f' is nonsingular. The element of length ds for the vector dx is given by (1.1) where (1.2) denotes the metric tensor of the mapping I, and the superscript T indieates the transpose. The Euclidean norm of a vector ~ will be denoted by I~I. For the norm lai of matrix a, we use (1.3) lai -_ sup {la~l. 1IT' ~ E IRn} . Clearly the matrix 9 is positive and symmetrie. Thus, there exists a unique positive matrix 1 + e such that (1 + e)2 = g. It follows that the matrix (1.4) c = f' . (1 + e)-l is orthogonal, that is c- 1 cT . By (1.4), we see that the Jacobian matrix is uniquely expressed in the form (1.5) I' = c(l + e), 1991 Mathematics Subject Classijication. Primary 51K05. Key words and phrases. Isometries; Approximate isometries; Quasi-isometries; Strain; Function algebras; Commutative Banach algebras; Gelfand formula; Gelfand transform; Aleksandrov problem. 341 G.v. Milovanovic (ed.), Recent Progress in lnequalities, 341-379. © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. 342 TH. M. RASSIAS where c is orthogonal and 1 + e is positive and symmetric. Following a suggestion of K. O. Friedrichs, John defines e in (1.4) as the strain matrix and c as the rotation matrix at the point x. It should be noted that this definition of the strain matrix differs from the standard one found in textbooks on elasticity, which would be e(1 + e/2) instead of e. The notion of strain plays a central role in the nonlinear theory of perfectly elastic solids, where it is assumed that the stresses caused by adeformation depend only on the strains. A scalar measure for the strain at a point x is the norm le(x)1 of the matrix e(x). John deals with mappings such that (1.6) le(x)1 < c for x in G with a fixed c, with 0 < c < 1. A basic tool is the fact that for the mappings satisfying (1.6), we will have 1 - c < II (y) - 1(x) I < 1 + c Iy -xl ' whenever the ellipsoid of revolution with foci y, x and eccentricity (1- c)/(1 + c) is contained in the open set G. Such mappings might be called "loeally quasiisometrie". F. JOHN'S CLASS 1e,G OF MAPPINGS Let G c ~n be an open set and c a fixed number with 0 < c < 1. We say that 1 : G -t ~n belongs to the dass 1e,G if, for each c' with c < c' < 1 and each x in G, there exists a positive number 8 = 8(c,x) such that (1.7) (1 - c') Iz - xl ~ I/(z) - l(x)1 ~ (1 + c') Iz - xl when Iz - xl ~ 8. From the right hand inequality of (1.7), we see that the 1 belonging to 1e,G satisfy a Lipschitz condition in the neighbourhood of each point of G. This implies not only that they are continuous but also, according to a theorem of Rademacher [25], that they are differentiable almost everywhere. The left-hand inequality implies that each 1 in 1e,G is one-to-one. By compactness, we have: Lemma 1.1. With 1 in 1e,G, let 1 > c' > c and let S be a eompaet subset 01 G. Then there exists a positive number ~ = ~ (c' ,S) sueh that (1. 7) holds lor x and z in S when Iz - xl ~ ~. Lemma 1.2. Given 1 in 1e,G, let the closed straight segment ('Tl, () with end points 'Tl and ( belong to G. Then (1.8) I/(() - 1('Tl) I < (1 + c) I( - 'Tl1· Proof. With c' > c, denote the segment ('Tl, () by S. From Lemma 1.1 we can find a number ~ such that (1.7) holds for Iz - xl ~ ~. Now divide ('Tl, () into m equal segments by points xO = 'Tl, Xl, ... , x m = ( at a distance lxi _ xi-li = I( - 'Tl I < ~ m PROPERTIES OF ISOMETRIES AND APPROXIMATE ISOMETRIES 343 appart (1 ~ j ~ m). Then m 11(() - 1(17)1 ~ m L 11 (xi) - 1 (xi - I < (1 + c') L lxi - x 1) i=l j - 1 1, i=l so that I/(() - 1(17)1 ~ (1 + c') I( - 171. Letting c' -+ c, we obtain the inequality (1.8). 0 Lemma 1.3. Given 1 in fe,G, let 17 and ( be two points ofG such that the ellipsoid of revolution (1.9) with foci 17, ( and eccentricity (1 - c)j(1 + c), belongs to G. Then (1.10) Proof. The right-hand inequality in (1.10) follows from Lemma 1.2, since the segment (17,() is within the ellipsoid. Since G is open we can find an c', c < c' < 1, such that the ellipsoid S given by (1.9 /) is also contained in G. Now let ~ = ~(c/, S) be chosen in accordance with Lemma 1.1 and let m be a fixed integer with l+c' m > 2117 - (I (1 _ c') ~ . A set A of m + 1 points xo, ... , x m will be called admissible if (A) xo = 17, x m = (, x j ES, j = 0,1, ... ,m, (B) Ixj - xj - 1 1~ ~ for j = 1, ... , m, (C) II (x j ) - 1 (xi - 1 ) I ~ ~(1 ;- c') . Admissible sets A exist, for, let AO denote the set obtained by dividing the segment (17, () into m equal parts. Then lxi _ xi-li = 117 - (I < (1 - c') ~ < ~ m by Lemma 1.1 2 (1 +e /) - , 344 TH. M. RASSIAS so AO is admissible. Also, the set of admissible A is closed and bounded in xO , ... , xm space. Define cp by m cp(xo, ... ,xm) = :E II (xi) -/(xi-l)l· i=l We find in particular that m cp (xo, ... ,xm) <:E (1 + c') lxi - xi-li = (1 + c') 177 - (I, i=l e and since cp is continuous there exists an admissible set (xO, ... , xm ) = (eO, ... , m ) at which cp (xO , ... , xm) assurnes its smallest value. By the above estimate of cp we have cp (eo, ... ,em) < (1 + c') 177 - (I. For any k = 0,1, ... , m, it follows from (1.7) that W-771 + le - (I ~ :E lei - ei-li ~ (1- c/)-l:E II (ei) - 1 (ei-I) I i i = (1 - c') -1 cp (eO, ... , e < (1 + c /)(1 - c') -1 177 - (I. m) e Hence, all the k are interior points of the ellipsoid S. i < r will lie in S. If r < 6./2, we see For sufficiently small r the ball by (1.7) that the map x = I(x) is one-to-one and continuous in that ball. It follows by Brouwer's theorem that 1 (ei) is an interior point of the image set of 1 (ei) < ß there is a unique x with the ball. Thus, there is a ß such that for eil< rand I(x) = x. If ß < (1- c') 6./2, it follows from (C) and (1.7) that Ix - and similarly that Ix - e I Ix - I Ix - ei+ll < 6.. If, in addition, (eo, ... ,ei - l ,x,ei+1, ... ,em) will be admissible. Since the set (eo, ... , ei , ... , em ) minimises the nmction cp, we will have then the set o ~ cp (eO, . .. , x, . .. , em) - cp (eO , . . . , ei , . .. , em) = Ix-I (ei-I) I + Ix-/(ei+l)I-I/(ei)-/(ei-l)I-I/(ei)-/(ei+l)1 PROPERTIES OF ISOMETRIES AND APPROXIMATE ISOMETRIES Ix - for each X in the ball 1 (ei) iH 1 (ei) ::/: 1 (e ), the balls I < ß which satisfies (D). Therefore, if 1 W- 345 i) -:f. Ix - 1 (ei-i) I < II W) - 1 (ei-i) I ~ (1 - c') ~ , Ix - 1 (eHi ) I < II (e) - 1 WH) I ~ (1 - c') ~ and Ix - 1 (ei) I < ß can have no point in common. This implies that also 1 (ei-i) -:f. 1 WH) or that 1 (ei) lies on the open segment with end points 1 (ei-i) and 1 WH). If on the other hand, 1 (ei-i) = 1 (ei) -:f. 1 (eHi), we can replace ei by x with i < I(x) = x, where x lies on the open segment (J (ei-i) ,I WH)). The resulting set (eo, ... ,x, .. . m ) will again be admissible with the same value for cp as the set (eo, ... ,ei, ... ,em ) and hence also minimal. In this way, we can obtain a minimising admissible set of points (xo, ... ,xm ) in which all the 1 (xi) are distinct and each 1 (xi) lies on the open segment joining 1 (Xi-i) and 1 (x iH ). For such a set, we see that Ix - e I r, ,e m m i=O i=o I( -1]1 ~ L IxiH - xii< (1- c/)-i L If (xHi ) - f (xi) I = (1- c/)-ill(() - 1(1])1. When c' ~ c, we obtain the required inequality, the left side of (1.10). 0 The ellipsoid given by (1.9) has the semi-minor axis a = k(c) 11] - (I, where .,fi k(c) = -1- . -c (1.11) This ellipsoid is contained in a a-neighbourhood of the line segment (1], (). Thus, (1.10) holds for any pair 1], ( such that the a-neighbourhood of the segment lies in G. From this remark, the next theorem immediately follows. Theorem 1.4. Given 1 in Ie.a, let S be a convex subset of G of diameter D. If the k(c)D-neighbourhood of S belongs to G, then (1.10) holds for each pair 1], ( in S. In particular, when G an open ball, say G = {x E IRn : XO < r}, then inequality (1.10) will hold for any pair 1], ( in the concentric ball: is Ix - I (1.12) Since 1 E Ie.a, a boundary point of the image of the set where be the image of a point with = ß, so that Ix - xOI Ix - xOI ~ ß must TH. M. RASSIAS 346 Thus, for each y in Rn satisfying c)r Iy - f ( 0) I (1 - c)ß = 1(1+ -2k(c) , (1.13) X :::; there is a unique X with Ix - xOI :::; ß such that f(x) = y. Note. For a quantity A and some positive quantity B, the notation A = O(B) will mean that there is a universal constant M (Le., depending only on the dimension n) such that IAI:::;MB. Lemma 1.5. Put B (xo,ß) = {x E Rn: Ix-xol:::;ß}, where ß = r/(1 + 2k(c)). Let 1 : B (xO, ß) -t Rn be a mapping such that (1.10) is true for all 'fJ and , in B (xO, ß). Then there exists an orthogonal n x n matrix 'Y such that (1.14) I(x) = 1 (XO) + 'Y (x - xO) + O(cß) lor all x E B (xO, ß) . Proof. For x E B (XO, ß), we have by (1.10) that II(x) -1(xO)I:::; (1+c) Ix-xol:::; (1+c- l )cß, so that (1.14) holds with 'Y = I when c is bounded away from zero, Le., for = 0(1). It is therefore sufficient to prove (1.14) when 0 < c < some universal constant. Choose Xl, ... , x n in Rn, so that the dot products indicated satisfy Cl (1.15) Let X denote the matrix whose columns are the vectors xi - xO and let Y be the matrix whose columns are 1 (xi) - 1 (xO), j = 1, ... ,n, k = 1, ... ,no By (1.15) we have (1.16) Using (1.10) and (1.15), we find that 11 (xi) - 1 (x k) 12 = lxi - x k 12 (1 + O(c)) = lxi - x k 12 + 0 (cß2) , j, k = 0, 1, ... , n. Next we make use of the vector identity: 2A. B = A 2 + B 2 - (A - B)2 to obtain 2 (J (x j ) - 1 (XO)) . (J (x k ) - 1 (xO)) = 11 (x j ) - 1 (xO) 12 + 11 (x k) - 1 (xO) 12 - 11 (xi) - 1 (x k ) 2 = Ixj - xOl2 + Ix k - xOl2 -Ixj - xkl2 + 0 (cß2) 1 = 2 (x j - XO) . (x k - xO) + 0 (cß2) = 2ß2 8jk + 0 (cß2) . PROPERTIES OF ISOMETRIES AND APPROXIMATE ISOMETRIES 347 Hence (1.17) so that Y is non-singular for c less than a suitable universal constant. Thus, the matrix Y X-I is also non-singular. We put YX- 1 = "'(E, where "'( is orthogonal and E is positive and symmetrie. By (1.16) and (1.17), E 2 = ETE = (E T"'(T) bE) = ("'(Ef("'(E) = (YX- 1 Hence that is E = 1+ O(c), f (YX- = 1+ O(c). 1) Y = "'(EX = "'(X + o (cß) , f (xi) - f (XO) = "'( (xi - XO) + O(cß). Now let x be any point in B (xO, ß) and put Then, since "'( is an orthogonal matrix, we have so that, again by the above vector identity, 2<p(x) . "'( (xi -xO) = 2 (J(x) - f (XO)) . "'( (xi - xO) - 2 (x - xO) . (xi - xO) = 2 (J(x) - f (XO)) . (J (xi) - 1 (xO)) - 2 (x - xO) . (xi - xO) + 0 (cß2) = If(x) - f (xO) 12 + 1I (xi) - f (XO) 12 -If(x) - f (xi) 12 -Ix - xOl2 -lxi - xOl2 + Ix - xil2 + 0 (cß2) = 0 (cß2) . By (1.15), {ß- 1 (xi - XO)}, 1 ~ j ~ n, is an orthogonal basis for ~ and since, "'( is an orthogonal matrix, it follows that {ß-l"'( (xi - xO)} is also an orthogonal basis. Thus we can represent <p by n <p(x) = L Ciß- 1"'( (xi - xO) , i=1 where ci = <p(x) . ß-l"'( (xi - XO), so that n n 1<p(xW = LC~ = ß- 2L (<p(x)· (xi - XO))2 = 0 (c2ß2). i=1 i=1 348 TH. M. RASSIAS Hence (1.14) holds when x E B (xo,ß). 0 We can apply Lemma 1.5 to mappings of the class IE,G in the open set G. For any x in G, let r(x) denote the distance from x to the boundary of G. If (1.18) r(x) ß ~ 1 + 2k(c) , then inequality (1.10) will apply to any pair 'f}, ( in a ball of radius ß about x. Hence there will exist a linear mapping of the form (1.19) Lx,ß(Y) = f(x) + rx,ß(Y - x), where rx,ß is orthogonal, such that (1.20) If(Y) - Lx,ß(y)1 < Ancß for Iy - xl < ß· Note that, by Lemma 1.5, An is a universal constant. Lemma 1.6. Given an nxn matrix /L and a vector z in ~n, suppose that I/Ly+zl < M for some M > 0 and all Y in a closed ball of radius ß in ~n. Then the norm I/LI < M/ß· Proof. Without loss of generality, we mayassurne that the ball is centered at the origin and that ß = 1. Let Yo be a unit vector with I/LYol = I/LI, so that 1/L(-Yo)1 = I/LI· By hypothesis, we have If (/LYo) . z ~ 0, then I/LI = I/LYol < M. If (/LYo) . z < 0, replace Yo by -Yo with the same result. Small variations in x and ß with Iy - xl < ß will cause a change in Lx,ß(Y) by at most 2A n ßc, and hence by Lemma 1.6, in a change of rx,ß by at most 2A nc. Note that two orthogonal matrices have the same determinant (i.e. the same sign) if the norm of their difference is less than 2. Thus, if we assurne that (1.21 ) then the determinant of rx,ß, which can have the values 1 or -1 only, does not change under small changes in x or in ß. If the open set G is connected, it follows that the determinant of rx,ß is independent of x and ß for x E G. In the special case when f is difIerentiable at xE G, we have Irx,ß - f'(x)1 < Anc + 0(1) < 1 for sufficiently small ß. Hence, the determinant of f'(x) will have the same sign as that of rx,ß' Thus, when G is connected and c is less than the universal constant I/An, the determinants of all the rx,ß have the same sign as the determinant of f' in case f is differentiable. We shall assurne from now on that this sign is positive. PROPERTIES OF ISOMETRIES AND APPROXIMATE ISOMETRIES 349 Definition. For x in G, let r(x) be the minimum distance from x to the boundary of G. We say that G has d as an inner radius and D as an outer radius if there is a point xo in G (called a center point) such that each z in G can be joined in G to by a curve of dass Cl and of length 8 ~ D along which xo (1.22) r(x) ~ (~) 1 z ds. Example. Let G be a convex open set of Rn containing a ball of radius d with center Xo and contained in a ball of radius D with the same center xo. Then d and D are the inner and outer radii, respectively, of G. Indeed, any point z in G can be joined to Xo by the straight segment (XO, z) which ~ D. Let x = txO + (1 - t)z, with 0 ~ t ~ 1, be a will have length 8 = point of this segment. Then, since G is convex, the function r(x) is concave, so that r(x) ~ tr (XO) + (1 - t)r(z) ~ tr (xO) ~ td. Ixo - zl That is dlx - zl r(x) ~ Ixo_ zl = (d) S 1ds. z z Theorem 1.7. 8uppose that I belongs to the class Ie,G, where the open set G has an inner radius d and an outer radius D with center point xo. Then there exists an orthogonal matrix 'Y such that (1.23) lor all z in G, where B n is a universal constant. Prool. By definition, z can be joined to xO by a Cl-curve of length 8 ~ D along which (1.22) holds. Using arc length s along the curve as the parameter with x(O) = xO, x(8) = z, we have r(x(s)) ~ (~) (8 - s) (1.24) for 0 ~ s ~ 8. Let q be any number with 0 < q < 1. For m = 0,1,2, ... put Sm = (1 - qm) 8, x m = x(sm), r m = qmd, ßm = qmßo, where ßo = d/(1 + 2k(c:)). By (1.24), we have (1.25) r (x m ) ~ (~) (8 - sm) = dqm = rm, lxi - xml ~ ISi - sml = Iqi - qml 8. By Lemma 1.5, there exists for each integer m an orthogonal matrix (1.26) ,.,r such that TH. M. RASSIAS 350 ,r where Lm(y) = 1 (x m ) + . (y - x m). Now choose q so that sm - Sm-1 = ßm and q = 8/(8 + ßo). The two closed balls with centers x m- 1, x m and radii ßm-1, ßm, respectively, will have the ball in common. For all y in this smaller ball, we have by (1.26) that (1.27) From (1.27), we will obtain an upper bound for I,m - ,m- 1 1in the following way. When xm +xm - 1 1 ßm I y2 < 2' we have Anc(ßm + ßm-1) ~ ILm(y) - Lm- 1(y)1 = I/(x m ) + ,m(y _ xm) _ l(xm-1) _ ,m-1(y _ xm-1)1 = I(,m - ')'m-1)(y) + I(x m ) _ l(x m- 1) + ')'m-1(x m- 1) _ ,m(xm)l. Now we use Lemma 1.6 to find that (1.28) I rn - rn-li< A , ')' - nC ßm ßm/ + ßm-1 = 2An C (1 + q-1) , 2 since q = ßm/ßm-1. Inequality (1.27) is valid for y = x m , and since ßm = ßoqm we get (1.29) IL m (x rn ) - L m- 1 (xm)1 $ A nc{ßm-1 + ßm) = A nc(1 + q)qm-1 ßo. Let j ~ m be an integer. By (1.29), (1.28) and (1.25) we have ILm(xi)-L m- 1 (xi) I = ILm{xm)-Lm_!Cxm) + (rm_')'m-l) (xi-x m) I $ A nc(1 + q)qm-l ßo + 2A nc (1 + q-l) (qm - qi) 8 $ A nc(1 + q)qm-l (ßo + 28) . Summing this inequality from m = 1 to m = j and using the fact that q = 8/(8 + ßo), we have i II (xi) -Lo (xi) 1= ILi (xi) -Lo (xi) 1$ (:E qm-l) (A nc{l+q)(ßo+28)) m=l $ Anc(ßo + 28) (~ ~ :) = Anc (ßo D2 D2 ;028)2 $ 9Anc ßo = 9Anc (1 + 2k(c)) d· PROPERTIES OF ISOMETRIES AND APPROXIMATE ISOMETRIES 351 The inequality (1.25) implies that ,lim xi = z. Sinee 1 and L o are eontinuous 3-t00 funetions, D2 If(z) - Lo(z)1 ~ 9A n c (1 + 2k(c)) d' (1.30) Now z is an arbitrary point of G and ,0 ,0. where is orthogonal and independent of z. When c is bounded away from 1, the function k(c) = .fij(1 - c) is bounded and (1.23) holds with , = For c dose to 1 it holds with I. 0 In view of the example given above, we have the ,= Corollary 1.8. Let GeRn be an open convex set contained in a ball of radius D with center xo in G and let G contain a concentric ball of radius d. Assume that 1 belongs to the dass Ie,G. Then the inequality (1.23) is satisfied for all z in G, where B n is a universal constant. We eite the following additional theorem of John [16]. Theorem 1.9. Let GeRn be an open convex set containing a ball of radius d with center xo and contained in a concentric ball of radius D. Assume that 1 belongs to Ie,G. Then, for'f/ and ( in G, we have (1.31) (1 - Cn:D) 111- (I ~ 1/(11) - f(()1 ~ (1 + c) 111- (I, where Cn is a universal constant. In particular, the mapping x = I(x) is a homeomorphism when c < dj(cnD). John [17] extended some of these ideas and results to mappings between Banaeh spaees. Given Banaeh spaces X and Y, let 1 : G -+ Y be a mapping from the open set G C X into Y. Given x E G, he defines D+ 1 = lim sup If(z) - f(x)1 '" and z-t'" zi.z Iz - xl D; 1 = lim inf If(z) - l(x)1 , Iz - xl ealled the upper and lower scalar derivatives of 1 at the point x. In addition, z-tz zi.'" the mapping is required to be regular, i.e. loeally homeomorphic. The quantity 11 = max {I log D~ fI, I log D; II} is ealled the strain at the point x. A regular mapping 1 : G -+ Y is ealled quasi-isometrie if it satisfies m = inf{D; I: x E G} > 0 TH. M. RASSIAS 352 and M = sup{D:-/: x E G} < 00. It turns out that if m = M = 1 and G is connected as well as open, then 1 is an isometry. For any two distinct points x and z of G, we may form the scalar difference quotient ß 1 = I/(z) - l(x)1 . Iz - xl x,z By use of a lemma of F. Nevanlinna, John demonstrated the following theorems resembling the mean value theorem of calculus. Theorem 1.10. 11 1 is a homeomorphism 01 a eonvex open set G c X onto a convex set in Y, then inf { D; 1 : x E G} ~ ß 1 ~ sup { D:- 1 : x E G} . x,z Theorem 1.11. 11 I: B ~ Y is a quasi-isometrie mapping, where B is an open ball in X 01 radius ß, then the inequalities m~ß/~M x,z hold lor all x, z in the eoneentrie ball 01 radius (mi M)ß. Theorem 1.11 may be looked upon as a generalisation of Theorem 1.9. However, it appears that no analog on the stability Theorem 1. 7 or of the Corollary 1.8 has been proved for general Banach spaces. 2. Almost Isometries of Function Algebras The Banach-Stone theorem relates an isometry T between the complex function spaces C(8d and C(82 ) to a homeomorphism h: 8 1 ~ 8 2 between the Hausdorff spaces 8 1 ,82 , where 9 = TU) is given by g(t) = F (h- 1 (t)). When we consider the Banach algebras C(8d and C(82 ) produced by pointwise multiplication, we see the relationship between isometry and algebraic isomorphism for these algebras. The term function algebra is used to denote a subalgebra of such an algebra. More precisely, following the book by Stout [36, p. 36], we cite the Definition. Let 8 be a locally compact Hausdorff space and denote by Co(8) the Banach algebra of continuous complex-valued functions on 8 which vanish at infinity. A junction algebra A is a sub algebra of Co(8) which strongly separates the points of 8, Le., if 0 =F s =F t then there exists an 1 in A such that 1(0) =F I(s) =F I(t). Nagasawa [24] generalised the Banach-Stone theorem in a significant way by demonstrating: PROPERTIES OF ISOMETRIES AND APPROXIMATE ISOMETRIES 353 Nagasawa's Theorem. Two function algebras A and B are algebraieally isomorphie if and only if they are isometrie. This theorem has been generalised in various ways by a number of authors over the years since 1959. One of these generalisations has to do with perturbations (also called deformations) of Banach algebras, a comparatively new and growing field. A good introduction to this subject is the book by Jarosz [15]. See also the review of this book by R. Rochberg, MR 86k:46074. Given two Banach algebras A and B, we might say that B is a small (metric) perturbation of A if there is a linear map T : A --t B such that for some small c > 0 and all 1 in A we have (2.1) (1- c) 11/11:::; IITfll :::; (1 + c) 11/11, so that the norm is almost preserved. Another kind of (algebraic) perturbation is to require that T be a bounded surjective linear map of A onto B such that (2.2) IIT(fg) - T(f)T(g) 11 < c'lI/lIlIgll for some c' and all I and 9 in A. Relations between these definitions are studied in perturbation theory (also called deformation theory). If these inequalities look familiar, it is because the first resembles F. John's definition of quasi-isometry for the case of a linear T, while the second being B. E. Johnson's definition of approximately multiplicative linear mappings. Later in this section, we will consider the relation between the two definitions in the case of function algebras. When dealing with mappings T from a Banach algebra A to another, B, which are linear, bounded and surjective, there are equivalent ways of expressing the inequalities (2.1) for small c. For example Jarosz, among others, uses the inequality (2.1') in place of (2.1). Clearly this inequality is invariant under multiplication of T by a positive real number. If we put 'T/ = c/(2 + c), we mayassume without loss of generality that IITII = 1 + 'T/, and it follows easily that for all 1 in A, (2.1") (1 - 'T/) 11/11 :::; IITIII :::; (1 + 'T/) 11111· Also (2.1') follows readily from (2.1"). Thus, we have the following: Remark. For a bounded linear surjective mapping T : A -+ B between the Banach algebras A and B, the inequalities (2.1') and (2.1") are equivalent, where 0 < TJ < 1, 1J = e/(2 + e) and 1 + e = (1 + 1J)/(1 -TJ). TH. M. RASSIAS 354 COMMUTATIVE BANACH ALGEBRAS We will need to cite some standard material concerning Banach algebras (see e.g. Gamelin [10] or Goodearl [11]). Unless otherwise stated, we shall be dealing with complex commutative Banach algebras with a unit element, denoted by 1 or e. Definitions. The spectrum sp(x) of an element x of a Banach algebra Ais the set of complex numbers A such that Al - x has no inverse in A. If A does not have a unit, then sp (x) is defined as the spectrum of x in the algebra Al obtained from A by adjoining a unit element in the standard way. The spectral radius r(x) of an element x in A is the number r(x) = sup{IJLI : JL E Sp (x)} . Gelfand's formula for the spectral radius of each x in A is r(x) = lim IIxn ll l / n . n--+oo The "characters" of a Banach algebra are the homomorphisms of A onto the complex numbers, or otherwise stated, the set of all nonzero multiplicative linear functionals on the Banach space A. This set will be denoted by X(A). For each t/J in X(A) it is known that t/J(1) = 1 = 1It/J1I. Thus, we may think of X(A) as being a subset of the unit sphere of the dual Banach space A"', and we will topologise X(A) by using the weak*-topology of A"'. Thus, a net {t/Jß} in X(A) will converge to t/J in X(A) when lim t/Jß(a) = t/J(a) for all a in A. ß Theorem 2.1. For t/J in X(A), let ker (t/J) = {x E A : t/J(x) = O}. Then the mapping t/J -+ ker (t/J ) defines a one-to-one mapping of X(A) onto the set M(A) of all the maximal ideals of A. Moreover, Sp (x) = {t/J(x) : t/J E X(A)} and r(X) = sup{It/J(x)1 : t/J E X(A)} . In view of Theorem 2.1, we shall follow the custom of identifying each maximal ideal M in M(A) with the character t/J that it determines. By definition, the maximal ideal space is M(A) with the topology defined above for X(A). Theorem 2.2. The maximal ideal space M(A) for the Banach algebra A is a compact HausdorJJ space. Definition. The Gelfand transform of x in A is the complex-valued function x on M(A) defined by x(t/J) = t/J(x), for all t/J in M(A). We note that x is continuous according to the topology of M(A) defined above. Thus, the assignment r(x) = x gives a mapping r : A -+ C(M(A)), called the Gelfand transform of A. The notation A is also used for the Gelfand transform of A. Citing Goodearl [11, p. 28] and Gamelin [10, p. 11], we state: PROPERTIES OF ISOMETRIES AND APPROXIMATE ISOMETRIES 355 Theorem 2.3. Let A be a complex commutative Banach algebra with a unit. Then the Gelland translorm r : A -+ C(M(A)) has the lollowing properties: (i) r is a continuous complex algebra map and IIrll = 1. (ii) IIr(x)1I = r(x) lor each x in A. (iii) r(A) separates the points 01 M(A). (iv) r : A -+ C(M(A)) is an isometry il and only il IIx211 = IIxl1 2 lor all x in A. Definition. A unilorm algebra on a compact Hausdorff space S is a uniformly closed (i.e., closed under the topology given by the sup norm) subalgebra of C(S) which contains the constants and separates the points of S. With the norm 11/11 = sup{l/(s)1 : s in S}, the uniform algebra becomes a Banach algebra. Definition. If A is a function algebra on the locally compact space S, a subset E of S is called a boundary for A if for each I in A there is a point So in E such that I/(so)1 = sup{l/(s)1 : SES}. Theorem 2.4 (Shilov). 11 Ais a function algebra on the locally compact HausdorJJ space S, then there exists a minimal closed boundary lor A, consisting 01 the interseetion 01 all the closed boundaries lor A. For a proof of Shilov's theorem see Stout [36, pp. 37-39]. Definition. This minimal closed boundary is called the Shilov boundary for A and will be denoted by BA. Definition. A point So E S is called a strong boundary point for the function algebra (A, S) if, for every neighbourhood V of So, there is an I in A such that 11/11 = I(so) = 1 and I/(s)1 < 1 when s ~ V. The point So is called a peak point if there is an I in A such that I(so) = 1 and I/(s)1 < 1 for s So. t Definition. The collection of the strong boundary points is called the Choquet boundary for A. It will be denoted by Ch (A). A prime example of the Shilov boundary occurs for the disc algebra, where S is the closed unit disc {z : Izl :::; I} in the complex z-plane and A is the subalgebra of C(S) consisting of all functions in C(S) which are analytic in the interior of the disco Using the maximum modulus theorem, we see that the boundary of the disc is the Shilov boundary for the disc algebra. Also in this example the Choquet boundary coincides with the Shilov boundary. However, in general, the Choquet boundary is a proper subset of the Shilov boundary. This is illustrated by an example given by Stout [36, p. 40, Example 7.8], as follows. Let S = {(z, t) : z E C, tE IR, Izl:::; 1, Itl :::; I}, and let A = {f E C(S) : l(z,O) is analytic in z for Izl < I}. The point (z,t) is a peak point when t 0. Also (z,O) is a peak point when Izl = 1, for we can take I()(z,t) = ze- i() which peaks at z = ei(). However, the points (z,O), Izl < 1, are not peak points, by the maximum modulus theorem. In this example the Shilov boundary is all of S, while the Choquet boundary appears to be the set S \ D, where D is the disc D = {(z, t) : Izl < 1, t = O}. This illustrates the fact that Choquet boundary is a dense subset of the Shilov boundary for uniform algebras. t 356 TH. M. RASSIAS METRIC AND ALGEBRAIC PERTURBATIONS OF FUNCTION ALGEBRAS Following Jarosz [14], we cite a standard definition of an algebraic c:-perturbation of a Banach algebra (A, .). If x is another associative multiplication defined on the Banach space A such that (2.3) 111 x 9 - I· gll ~ c:llll1l1gll for all 1,g in A, then x is called an algebraic c:-perturbation of (A, .). We note that if T : A -t B is a bounded linear surjective mapping between the underlying Banach spaces of the algebras A and B then T defines another multiplication on A by the formula 1 x 9 = T- 1 (T1Tg) for all 1,g in A. On the other hand, a bounded linear surjective mapping T : A -t B will be called an c:-metric perturbation of A if IITIIIIT-111 ~ 1 + c:. As indicated by the above Remark this is equivalent to the requirement that (1 - 1]) 11111 ~ IIT111 ~ (1 + 1]) 11111 for all 1 in A, where 1] = c:/(2 + c:). The following result of Jarosz [14] concerning Banach algebras will be used later in the proof of his theorem relating the two kinds of perturbations given below as Theorem 2.8. Theorem 2.5. Let A be a Eanach space and let· and x be two multiplications on A with identity elements e and e, respectively. Assume that (A,·) is a Eanach algebm. Suppose that lor each c: with 0 < c: < 1 we have (2.4) 1111 x gll-111· glll ~ c: IIll1llgl1 10r all 1,g in A. Then there exists a function c : lRt -t lRt with lim c( c:) = 0 such that e-+O (2.5) lIe- 1 x 1 x 9 - I· gll ~ c(c:) IIll1llgl1 lor all 1,g in A, where e- 1 is the inverse 01 e in the algebm (A, x). Prool. In the inequality (2.4), replace 1 by exp(ßf) and 9 by exp( -ßf) . g, where ß is a complex number and exp denotes the exponential function in the Banach algebra (A, .). We get IlIgll-lIexp(ßf) x [exp( -ßf) . g]1I1 ~ c: IIglili exp( -ßf)1I . 11 exp(ßf)11 < c: IIgll exp (2Ißllll1D . PROPERTIES OF ISOMETRIES AND APPROXIMATE ISOMETRIES 357 Hence Now let H be an arbitrary linear functional of norm one on the Banach space A. Then from the last inequality we have ß ß2 1H(e x g) - (1!)H (f x 9 - ex (f. g)) + (2f )H( ... ) -···1 ::; IIgll [cexp(2IßIII/ID + 1]. Thus, the modulus of the entire function ß ß2 'I/J(ß) = H(e x g) - (1!)H (f x 9 - ex (f. g)) + (2! )H( ... ) _ ... on the unit disc {ß E C : IßI < 1} does not exceed IIgll [cexp(211/ID + 1]. Hence the first derivative 'I/J' of'I/J at ß = 0 also has modulus not greater than this constant: I'I/J'(O) I = IH(f x 9 - ex (f. g))l ::; IIgll [cexp(211/ID + 1] . Since H is an arbitrary linear functional of norm 1 it follows that (2.6) 111 x 9 - ex (f. g)1I ::; IIgll [cexp(211/ID + 1]. Choose elements I,g in A with 11/11 = IIgll = 1. Let p = -(10gc)j2 > O. From (2.6), we obtain 11I xg-e x (f·g)1I =11 (pI) x (iD -ex ((pI). (!)) 1 ::; p-l [cexp(2p) + 1] = - -41 . ogc Put Cl = cI(c) = -4/logc and notice that cI(c) ~ 0 as c ~ 0 and also that (2.7) II/xg-ex(f·g)ll::;cIII/lIlIgll forall/,ginA. Let us estimate the norm of the identity element e of the algebra (A, x). From the hypothesis (2.4) we have: Illell - 11 eil I = Ille x eil - Ile . eil I ::; cllell· Since (A,·) is a Banach algebra, lIell = 1, so that _ 1 lIell ::; 1 - c . TH. M. RASSIAS 358 Put 1 = 9 = e in (2.7) to obtain (2.8) By (2.4) we have (2.9) 111 x gll ~ (1 +c) 1I/1111gll· We shall now assurne that (2.10) Then from (2.8) it follows that e x (e . e) is an invertible element of the algebra (A, x). We take e- l = (e· e) x (e x (e· e))-l. It follows from (2.10) that if u in A satisfies lIe - ull ~ Cl lIell 2 < I! C' then 00 n times ... lIu- 1 1i ~ lIell+ LII'(e-u) x .. · x (e-u)'11 n=l 00 n=l where we have used inequality (2.10). Thus we have or (2.11) again by (2.10). Hence, writing e- l = (e· e) x (e x (e· e))-l and using (2.8), we see that we may take u = e x (e· e) in (2.11). Thus, from (2.9), (2.11) and the estimate lIeli < (1 - c)-l, we find that (2.12) Ile-111 = 11 (e· e) x (e x (e· e))-lll = II(e. e) x u-lll ~ (1 + c)(1 - c)-3 [1 - (1 + c)cI (1 - c)-2r l = k(c) , PROPERTIES OF ISOMETRIES AND APPROXIMATE ISOMETRIES 359 providing that Cl (1 + c) (1 - c) -2 < l. Now we use (2.9), (2.7) and (2.12) to obtain Ile- 1 x 1 x 9 - I· gll = lIe- 1 x 1 x 9 - e- x ex (J. g)1I = lIe- x[J x9 - ex (J. g)]11 1 1 $(1+c)lIe- 1 1111I x g- ex (J·g)1I $ (1 + c) k(c) c11111111gll. Since Cl = -4/ logc and with k(c) defined by (2.12), it is apparent that we may define c(c) = (1 + c) k(c) Cl to establish Lemma (2.5). 0 The following theorems of Jarosz [14] were first proved by Rochberg [35] for the special case in which the Shilov and Choquet boundaries of A coincide and each point of 8(A) is a G6 set. Theorem 2.6. Let A be a function algebra and suppose that x is an algebraic c-perturbation 01 A with 0 < c < 1. Then the multiplication x is commutative, the Gelland translorm r 01 the algebra (A, x) is a continuous isomorphism 0/ A onto a closed subalgebra B 0/ C(M(A x )) and we have (2.13) (1 - c)1I11I $ IIr(J)1I $ (1 + c)1I11I /or all 1 in A. Proof. We shall need the following: Lemma 2.7. Let 0 < c < 1 and let x be an algebraic c-perturbation 0/ the function algebra A. Then the spectral radius r(J) in (A, x) 0/ each 1 in A satisfies (1 - c)1I11I $ r(J) $ (1 + c)lllll. Proo/ 0/ Lemma. Since A is a function algebra, we have A. By definition, we have from (2.3) that IIPII = 11/11 2 for alliin 111 x 1 - 1 . 111 $ clll1l 2 , so that (1 - c)1111I 2 $ 111 x 111 $ (1 + c)1111I 2 . By induction, we find that the inequality (1-"c)2 n- 111111 2n $111 x 1 x ... xiII $ (1 +c)2 n- 111111 2n .... ,.. 2 n times , holds for 1 in A. By using the Gelfand formula for the spectral radius, we obtain the inequality (2.14). 0 Pro%/ Theorem 2.6. From Lemma 2.7 together with a theorem of Hirschfeld and Zelazko [13], it follows that the multiplication x is commutative since 0 < c < l. By Theorem 2.3, we have r(x) = r(x) and Theorem 2.6 follows from Lemma 2.7. 0 The result just demonstrated showed that starting with an algebraic c-perturbation we arrived at ametrie perturbation. Going the other way is considerably more difficult. The next theorem of Jarosz shows that indeed a metric perturbation gives rise to an algebraic perturbation for function algebras. 360 TH. M. RASSIAS Theorem 2.8. Let A and B be function algebras with units eA and eB, respectively. Let T : A -+ B be a bounded linear surjective mapping which satisjies the condition (2.1') Then there exists a bounded linear surjective mapping t : A -+ B such that if fog = t-1(tftg), then IIfog-f·gll ~c(c)lIflillgll foralll,g inA, where c(c) -+ 0 as c -+ O. Also ifT(eA) = eB, then t = T. The proof of Theorem 2.8 requires the Lemma 2.9. Let T be a bounded linear surjective mapping of the function algebra A onto the function algebra B where IITII = 1 and IIT- 1 1I ~ 1 + c < 3/2. Then there exists a dense subset D of the Shilov boundary BA for A such that corresponding to each s in D there exists a u in the Shilov boundary BB for B such that (2.15) IT(J)(u)1 ~ (11(s)l- 2cllilD (1 + c)-l for all 1 in A. Proof. A net (gß) of elements of Bis called a peaking net at a point u in ChB when IIgßII = gß(u) = 1 for all ß, and (gß) tends uniformly to zero outside each neighbourhood of u. We denote by Du the subset of BA consisting of all points So admitting a net (gß) C B peaking at u and a net (sß) C BA converging to So and such that Now IITII = 1 and the set BA is compact, so that Du is not void. For each 1 in A and for a suitable net (1]ß) of complex numbers of modulus one, we have so that . 1-c+ll(so)1 hm . ß sup IITf + 1]ß9 ß 11 -> 1 +c Hence, by the definition of the net (gß), we find that IT(J)(u) I ~ (1- c + Il(so)l) (1 + c)-l - 1 or IT(J)(u) I ~ (1I(so)l- 2c) (1 + c)-l for alliin A with 11111 = 1. It follows that (2.15) is true for all 1 in A, any u in ChB and any So in Du. PROPERTIES OF ISOMETRIES AND APPROXIMATE ISOMETRIES 361 It remains to prove that the set il = U{ilu : u E ChB} is dense in 8A. Assurne the contrary. Then there exists an open subset V of 8A such that V n il is empty. Choose a positive 6 < 1 - 2€ and an in A such that Illdl = 1 and Ift(s)1 < 6 for s in 8A \ V. Choose U1 in ChB such that ft and let (gß) eBbe a net peaking at U1' For some net (~ß) of complex numbers of modulus one, we will have Hence lir sup 11ft + ~ßT-1gßII ~ 2 - €, and by the definition of ft, there exists a net (sß) C V such that (2.16) Because V is a compact subset of 8A we mayassume that the net (sß) converges to some So in V. But then by (2.16) and the definition of ilUl C il, we find that So E V n il. This contradicts the assumption that V n il is empty, and the lemma is proved. 0 Proolol Theorem 2.8. Let us assurne, without loss of generality, that IITII = 1 and IIT- 111 = 1 + €. By Lemma 2.9 and (2.15) we have, for any 1, 9 in A, IIT1· Tgil = sup {I(T f)(u) . (Tg)(u)1 : u E 8B} ~ sup {(ll(s)l- 2€lIllD (lg(s)l- 2€llglD : sEil} (1 + €)-2 = (lIlgll - 4€ IIll1llgl1 + 4€211111I1gll) (1 + €)-2, so that (2.17) IIT1· Tgll-lIlgll ~ -4€ IIllll1gl1 (1 + €)-2. Now put Tl = T- 1/I1T- 111, ft = T 1 11 and gl = T 1- 1g. From Lemma 2.9, as in the above argument, we get IIlgll-IIT1- 11' T 1- 1gl1 = IIT1ftT1g111-lIft . gll1 > -4€(1 + €)-21Iftllllg111 ~ -4€ 1111111gll. TH. M. RASSIAS 362 Thus, we have IIlgll-IITj· Tgll2: -4c 1I/IIIIgii + (1ITl- l I· T1lglI-IITI' TglI) and II/glI-IITI' Tgll2: -4c 1I/IIIIgil + 11 (2c + C2 ) TI· Tgll2: -4c 1I/1I1Igll· (2.18) The inequalities (2.17) and (2.18) imply that IIITI· Tgll-lIlglil :::; 4c 11/1111glI· By definition I x 9 = T-l(TI· Tg), so 11I x gll = IIT- l (T I· Tg)11 :::; IIT- l IlIITI· Tgil = (1 + c) IITI· Tgil , and I1I x gll-lI/gll :::; (1 + c) IIT I· Tgll-II/gll = IIT I· Tgil - IIlgll + c IIT I· Tgil :::; 5c 1I/1I1Igll. Similarly we find that II/gll -111 x gll 2: -5c 1I/IIIIgil and we have 1111 x gll-lI/glil :::; 5c 1I/1I1IglI· (2.19) Denote by e the unit of the algebra A with the new multiplication x. By (2.19) and Theorem 2.5 we have for some c'(c) -+ 0 as c -+ 0 that lIe Al x I x 9 - Igil :::; c'(c) 1I/1I1IglI, (2.20) where e A1 is the inverse of e A in the algebra (A, x). Define the operator S : A -+ A by Clearly, (2.21) IIISIII -11/111 = IlieAl x 111-11/111 = Ilie Al x f x eil - 11 fell I + I 11 fell - IIf x eil I· By (2.20) and by (2.19) Illf . eil - Ilf x eil I :::; 5c IIfllliell, PROPERTIES OF ISOMETRIES AND APPROXIMATE ISOMETRIES 363 so, from (2.21), we find that (2.22) IIIS/II-II/III ::; (c' + 5c) 11 eil 11/11· From the definition of the "cross product" , we have e= e x e=T- 1 (T (e)· T (e)), so that T (e) = T (e) . T (e). Therefore T (e) = eB. Since lIeBIl = 1, we have lIell = IIT-I(eB)1I ::; IIT- 1 11 = 1 + c, and, from (2.22), we get (2.23) IIiS/II-II/III::; (c' + 5c) (1 + c) li/li. Hence (2.24) Let T = TS. By hypothesis IITIIIIT- 1 11 = 1 + c, so by (2.24) we have Also, T(eA) = TS(eA) = T (e A1 x eA) = T (e) = eB. Thus, we may apply the same argument as above to T in place of T and find that 11/0 9 - /gll ::; c(c) 1I/lllIgll , for all /, gin A, where /0 9 = T- 1 (T / . Tu). Finally, if T(eA) = eB then T = T. 0 Several other generalisations of the Banach-Stone theorem are cited in the survey article by Fleming and Jamison [9]. For example, M. Cambern in the year 1967 proved that if SI and S2 are locally compact Hausdorff spaces and T : CO(SI) -+ CO(S2) is a linear homeomorphism with li/li < IIT/II < MII/II and with M < 2, then SI and S2 are homeomorphic. He also demonstrated astability result, namely, that if IITIIIIT- 1 11 = 1 + c, then there is an isometry U : Co(Sd -+ CO(S2) where IIT - UII -+ 0 as c -+ O. The year 1973, B. Cengiz generalised Cambern's theorem by dealing with subspaces. He showed that if A and B are extremely regular subspaces of Co(Sd and CO (S2), respectively, and if T is a linear homeomorphism satisfying IITIIIIT- 1 11 < 2, then SI and S2 are homeomorphic. Rochberg [34] proved a similar theorem and he also showed that there is an isometry U : A -+ B such that IIT/ - U/II < c(JI.) li/li, where JI. = IITIIIIT- 1 11 and c(JI.) -+ 0 as JI. -+ 1. Finally, Lovblom [20] removed all assumptions of linearity for T and proved the following stability result: Theorem 2.10. Let SI and S2 be compact metric spaces and let Br(C(Sj)) denote the closed ball in C(Sj) with center 0 and radius r (j = 1,2). Let satisfy T(O) = 0 and the inequalities (2.25) (1 - c) 11/ - gll ::; 11 TU) - T(g) 11 ::; (1 + c) 11/ - gll 364 TH. M. RASSIAS for all f, 9 in BI (C(81 )). Then there exists an isometry such that IIT(f) - U(f)11 < c52 (c:), when f E B 1 - Ö1 (c) (C(8t), where c51 (c:) -t 0 and c52 (c:) -t 0 when c: -t O. This result immediately suggests the possibiIity of generalisations. Two unsolved problems: (I) Generalise Lovblom's theorem to the case where 8 1 and 8 2 are locally compact or else completely regular topological spaces. (11) Prove such a theorem for a mapping T between unit balls of two more general Banach spaces which satisfies (2.25). 3. Isometries and Conservative Distances Given two metric spaces EI and E 2 and a mapping T : EI -t E 2 , what do we really need to know about T in order to be sure that T is an isometry? Consider the following situation. For some fixed number r > 0 suppose that T preserves the distance r, Le., for all x, y in EI with d 1 (x,y) = r we have d 2 (Tx,Ty) = r, where di (-,·) denotes the metric in the space Ei (j = 1,2). Then r is called a conservative distance for the mapping T. The basic problem of conservative distances is whether the existence of a single conservative distance for some T implies that T is an isometry of EI into E 2 • It is also called the Aleksandrov problem, since it was formulated for the case EI = E 2 by Aleksandrov [2]. When EI and E 2 are normed vector spaces we mayassume without loss of generality that the number r = l. For the case when EI = E 2 = R.n with the usual Euclidean metric, Beckman and Quarles [3] obtained the following result. Theorem 3.1. 1f the number 1 is a conservative distance for the transformation T : R.n -t R.n, where n ~ 2, then T is a surjective isometry. They also pointed out that this theorem fails for n = 1 by means of the counterexample T : R. -t R. which moves each integral point one unit to the right and leaves all other points fixed. We shall first give their proof for the case n = 2, which we assume now. Lemma 3.2. 1f v'3 - 1 < d(x, y) < v'3 + 1, then Tx "# Ty. Proof. Clearly, the vertices of an equilateral triangle of unit side are mapped by T to the vertices of a congruent triangle, and a unit circle (Le., having unit radius) is mapped into a unit circle. Consider the unit circles Cl, C2 with centers at x and y. Construct an equilateral triangle of unit side with two of its vertices on Cl and the third on C2 • If Tx = Ty then the three vertices of an equilateral triangle of unit side would He upon the unit circle having Tx = Ty as center, which is impossible. D PROPERTIES OF ISOMETRIES AND APPROXIMATE ISOMETRIES 365 Lemma 3.3. The distance J3 is preserved by T. Proof. Consider a rhombus ABCD formed by two equilateral triangles ABD and CBD of unit side. Then the diagonal points A and C must be mapped by T into a single point or else onto two points at a distance v'3 apart. Lemma 3.2 shows that the distance J3 is preserved. 0 Lemma 3.4. All integral distances are preserved by T. Proof. Given a regular hexagon of unit side, its consecutive vertices must be mapped by T onto the vertices of a congruent hexagon. We see this by observing the overlapping congruent rhombi. Hence, two diametrically opposed vertices, which are a distance 2 appart, are mapped by T onto points also at a distance 2 apart. Thus the distance 2 is preserved by T. This figure may be extended by the addition of equilateral triangles of unit side to form more overlapping rhombi in order to show that T preserves all distances n E N. 0 Lemma 3.5. All distances of the form m/2 n , where m, n are positive integers, are preserved by T. Proof. Lemma 3.2 is easily extended to show that, if m{v'3 -1) ~ d(x,y) ~ m{v'3+ 1), then Tx i Ty. Consider the isosceles triangle with base of length m and the other sides of length 2m. By Lemma 3.4 the vertices of this triangle are mapped onto the vertices of a congruent triangle. Now a circle of radius m is mapped onto a circle of the same radius, so the system of two intersecting circles, each of which has one of the sides of length 2m of the triangle as diameter, is mapped into a congruent system. The point x of intersection of the circles which coincides with a vertex of the isosceles triangle is mapped into the corresponding point of the congruent image system. The other point y of intersection of the circles, which is the midpoint of the side of length m, is mapped into the corresponding point of intersection of the congruent system. Since In mvT5. In m{v3 -1) < d(x,y) = 2 - < m{v3 + 1), it follows that Tx i Ty. Thus the midpoint of the side of length m is mapped onto the midpoint of the line segment joining the images of its end points. Hence, the distance m/2 is preserved by T. By an extension of this argument, we find that the distances m/2 n are preserved. 0 Proof of Theorem 9.1 for the plane. The set [m/2 n j m, nE N] is dense in lR.t. Thus given two points x, y of the plane, there exists a sequence {Yk} of points of the plane with each distance d(x, Yk) of the form m/2n , such that lim d(x, Yk) = d(x, y). k-too TH. M. RASSIAS 366 Given n E N, there is a k E N so large that both Yk and y will lie on a circle of radius 1/2n . It follows that TYk and Ty lie on a circle of that same radius. Hence lim TYk = Ty. Since d(x, Yk) is preserved we also have k-too lim d(Tx, TYk) = lim d(X,Yk) = d(x,y). k-too k-too Finally, d(Tx, Ty) = k-too lim d(Tx, TYk) = d(x, y), so that T is an isometry of the plane onto itself. 0 We now turn to the proof of Theorem 6.1 for all dimensions n > 2. Here, instead of using the methods of Beckman and Quarles [3], we will give the proof due to Bishop [7]. The next lemma, cited by Bishop, is due to P. Zvengrowski (Appendix to Chapter 11 of the book by Modenov Parkhomenko [23]). Lemma 3.6. 1fT: Rn ~ Rn preserves the distance rand m is an integer greater than one, then d(Tx,Ty) ~ mr whenever d(x,y) ~ mr. Proof. Since m > 1 we may join the point x to the point y by achain of points x = XO,Xl, •.. ,X m = y, where d(Xj_l,Xj) = r, j = 1,2, ... ,mo The image by T of this chain is a configuration of the same type since T preserves the distance r. Using the triangle inequality we see that d(Tx,Ty) ~ mr. 0 Following Bishop [7], we demonstrate the following lemmas. Lemma 3.7. Suppose that there are both arbitrarily large and also arbitrarily small distances which are preserved by T : Rn ~ Rn. Then T is an isometry. Proof. Given any two points x, y in Rn, let a = d(x, y). Let b > 0 be chosen so that T preserves the distance a + b. Let z be the point at distance a + b from x such that y is on the segment xz. Put u = d(Tx, Ty) and v = d(Ty, Tz). Also let y' be the point on the segment TxTy with d (Tx, y') = a. Now suppose that r is a distance preserved by T and let m, k be the integers such that (m - l)r < a ~ mr and (k - l)r < b ~ kr. By Lemma 3.6, we have u ~ mr and v ~ kr. Since -a < -(m - l)r, we get u - a < mr - (m - l)r = rj similarly v - b < r. Now T preserves the distance a + b, so that a + b = d(Tx, Tz) ~ d(Tx, Ty) + d(Ty, Tz) = u + v. Consequently, a - u ~ v - b < T and b - v ~ u - a < r. Thus la - ul < r and Ib - vi < r. By hypothesis, we can take r arbitrarily small. Therefore, d(Tx,Ty) = u = a = d(x,y), so T is an isometry. 0 PROPERTIES OF ISOMETRIES AND APPROXIMATE ISOMETRIES 367 Lemma 3.8. IIT:!Rn -t !Rn preserves distance r, then T also preserves distance 2r n -_ r [2(n + 1)] 1/2 n Hence, there are arbitrary large distances which are preserved by T. Prool. Consider the figure formed by two n-dimensional simplices having a common face and with each of their edges of length r. Let one vertex of the common face be the origin 0 of the coordinates. The other vertices of this face will be given by el, ... ,en-l, these vectors all having length r. The extreme points of the figure will be represented by vectors 10 and 12, which are reflections of each other in the hyperplane of 0, el, e2, ... ,en-l' Since the lengths of the vectors ei - ej and Ik - ej are also equal to r for i '" j, we find that for i,j = 1, ... ,n -1, i '" j, k = 0,2, (3.1) (ei, ei) = r 2 , r2 (ei, ej) = (Jk, ei) = 2 (i '" j) , where (.,.) denotes the inner product. Observe that (Jo + 12)/2 lies on the hyperplane of the common face and is symmetrically placed with respect to all the vertices of this face, so it is their centroid: 10 + h el + ... + en-l 2 n Thus, we have .f JO - f -.f f 2/ _ 2(el + ... + en-l - nh) 2 - JO + 2 2, n and it follows that 2 [ .f - f.f f 2 ) -_ 4r 1 2 (n - 1)(n - 2) - n (n - 1)] -_ 2r 2 (n + 1) . (JO 2')0 n - +n + 2 n 2 n That is, the distance between the extreme points of the figure is dUo,h) = rJ2(n: 1). 0 By Lemmas 3.7 and 3.8, it remains only to prove that T also preserves arbitrarily small distances in order to prove Theorem 3.1. We have found that the above figure {O, el, ... ,en-l, 10, h}, consisting of the vertices of two simplices with a common face and all their edges of length r, is transformed by T into a congruent figure. Now we will generate more figures with this same property by chaining together equilateral simplices face to face. Put /I = en-l and define Ik recursively in the following way: Ik+l is the reflection of Ik-l in the hyperplane of {O, el, ... ,en -2, !k}. In this manner, we construct figures {O,el,'" ,e n-2,/o,/I, ... ,lk}whicharemappedontocongruentfiguresbyT. By construction, we have (Jk+1 - Ik-l,ej) = 0 for k = 1,2, ... and j = 1, ... ,n - 2. By combining these equations we see that (Jk - Im, ej) = 0 for any two positive integers k, m of the same parity. Thus, the projection into the two dimensional plane through 0 perpendicular to {eI, ... ,en -2} carries Ik into gk, where the gk are equally spaced on a circle centered at O. All of the distances dUo, Ik) = d(go, gk) will be preserved by T because we can build such a figure around two points at such a distance. 368 TH. M. RASSIAS Lemma 3.9. The distance d(fo, 15) = rln 2 - 2n - 41/n 2 is preserved by T. When n ::::: 3, this distance is less then r, so by iteration T preserves arbitrarily small distances. Proof. By (3.1) we have (ei,ej) = (fo,ej) = r 2/2 for i"l j while (ei,ei) = r 2. By direct calculation it follows that I el + ... + e n -2 n- 1 JO - is perpendicular to each ej, j = 1, ... ,n - 2. Thus go = 10 - el + ... + e n -2 1· n- Hence n-2 n-2 (go, go) = (n-l)-2( (n - 1)10 - Lei, (n - 1)10 - L ej) i=1 j=1 n-2 n-2 n-2 = (n-l)-2 [(n - 1)2r2 - 2(n - 1) L (fo, ei) + ( L ei, L ej)], i=1 i=1 j=1 which by use of (3.1) reduces to (3.2) Thus, the gk all lie on a circle of radius rn-I with center 0. Let 2ß denote the angle gOOgl. Since d(go, gd = d(fo,ld = rand d(O, gd = d(O,g2) = rn-I, the triangle gOOgl is isosceles with base r. Hence sinß= -r- = ~-1 -2r n -1 2n ' /n+l cosß= V~· Clearly, the base of the tri angle gOOgl may be written as r = 2r n -1 sinß. Considering the triangle gOOg5, the corresponding angle is 5ß and the base of this tri angle is given by (3.3) To calculate this we use sin 5ß = Im( exp( i5ß)) = Im( cos ß + i sin ß)5 = (sin ß) [5 cos 4 ß - 10 cos 2 ß sin 2 ß + sin 4 ß] = (_r _) [5(n + 1)2 _ 10(n2 - 1) + (n - 1)2] 2r n -1 = ( 2r ) 2n rn-I 4n 2 4n 2 (4 + 2n - n 2) . 4n 2 PROPERTIES OF ISOMETRIES AND APPROXIMATE ISOMETRIES 369 Hence by (3.3) we have and Lemma 3.9 has been proved. Theorem 3.1 for n > 2 follows from Lemmas 3.7,3.8 and 3.9. 0 Beckman and Quarles [3] gave the following example to show that Theorem 3.1 above is not true for Hilbert space. Let H denote the real Hilbert space consisting 00 of all infinite sequences of real numbers x = (Xl, X2, ... ), where LX; converges. j=l There is in H a countable dense set of points which will be denoted by {yk}. Consider a mapping 9 : H ~ {yk} such that d(x,g(x)) < 1/2. Define h: {yk} -+ H by h(yk) = a k , where a k = (a~, a~ , ... ) and aj = 8jk /../2, where 8jk is Kronecker delta. Now let T : H ~ H be the mapping T = hg. Suppose that xl and x 2 are two points with d (Xl, x 2 ) = 1. Then clearly 9 (Xl) # 9 (x 2) and hence Tx l # Tx 2. Therefore d (Tx l , Tx 2 ) = 1. Thus, T preserves the distance one, but is not an isometry, for if Xl and x 2 are any two points of H then d (Tx l , Tx 2 ) is either 0 or 1. Of course the T of this counterexample was not continuous. What happens if we impose conditions on T of continuity and/or surjectivity? One answer was provided by Mielnik and Rassias [22], as follows Theorem 3.10. With the real classical Hilben space denoted by H (H = !Rn, 1 :$ n :$ (0), let f be a homeomorphism 01 H onto H which preserves the distance r > O. Then f is an isometry. Proof. Clearly, f maps the sphere S(a,r) = {x EH: d(x,a) = r} into the sphere S(f(a), r). By hypothesis, the mapping is continuous and injective. Also, the image S· = f(S(a, r)) must be all of the sphere S(f(a), r). For, let Z be the complement of S(a, r) and Z· the complement of S·. Now Z is disconnected, being the union of two open sets, the interior and exterior of S(a, r). The homeomorphism f will map Z onto Z·. If S· C S(f(a), r) were a proper subset of S(f(a), r), its complement Z· would be connected, which is impossible since Z· = f(Z). Thus f(S(a, r)) = S(f(a), r). Under the assumption of the theorem, the restriction of f to any sphere S(a, r) has a conservative angular distance of n/3, since the points x, y of S(a, r) with d(x, y) = rand the center a of the sphere form an equilateral triangle. Thus, according to Theorem I, page 336, of Mielnik [21], it follows that f maps the sphere S(a,r) isometrically onto S(f(a),r). Since any two points x,y in H with d(x, y) :$ 2r He on some sphere S(a, r), this proves that f preserves all distances s :$ 2r. By iterating the argument, we find that all distances s :$ 4r are conserved by f. By an induction argument, it follows that every distance s > 0 is conserved by f. 0 Rassias and Semrl [26] studied the problem of conservative distances for mappings between real normed vector spaces X and Y. They used the following definitions. 370 TH. M. RASSIAS Definition. A mapping I : X ~ Y is said to have the distance one preserving property (DüPP) if for all x, Y in X with IIx - Yll = 1 it follows that II/(x) - l(y)1I = 1. Definition. A mapping I : X ~ Y is said to have the strong distance one preserving property (SDOPP) ifit has (DüPP) and in addition, if 11/(x)- I(y) 11 = 1 implies Ilx - yll = 1 for all x, Y in X. Using the latter definition they proved the following. Theorem 3.11. Given real normed spaces X and Y, at least one 01 which has dimension> 1, let I : X ~ Y be a surjective mapping having the SDüPP. Then I is injective and satisfies the condition: (3.4) 11I/(x) - l(y)lI- IIx - Ylil < 1 lor all x, Y in X. Also, I preserves distance n in both directions lor n in N. Proof. Observe that both X and Y have dimension> 1. For suppose dirn Y > 1. Then there exist vectors x, y, z in Y such that IIx - Yll = IIx - zll = IIY - zll = 1. The mapping is surjective and has (SDüPP). Hence there exist vectors Xl, Yl, Zl in X with IIXI - Ydl = IIXI - zlll = IIYl - zlll = 1, so that dirn X > 1. The same argument applies if we start with the assumption that dirn X > 1. Next we show that I is injective. H not, then we could find X, Y in X with X '" Y such that I(x) = I(y). Choose z in X so that IIx - zll = 1, lIy - zll '" 1. Then we would have II/(y) - l(z)1I = II/(x) - l(z)1I = 1. But then lIy - zll = 1, a contradiction, so I is bijective, and both I and 1-1 preserve unit distance. In proving inequality (3.4) we will use the following notations. With X in X and r > 0, K(x,r) = {z: Ilz-xll < r}, K(x,r) = {z: Ilz-xll ~ r}, C",(n,n+1] = {z: n< IIz - xII ~ n + 1}. Given X in X and n in N with n > 1, let z be an element of K(x,n). Since dirn X > 1 we can find a sequence X = XO,Xl, ... ,X n = Z such that Ilxj - xj-lll = 1 for j = 1, ... ,n. Thus II/(z) - l(x)11 ~ n L II/(xj) - I(Xj-l)1I = n. j=l Hence I (K(x, n)) C K(f(x), n) . The same argument applies to 1-1 in place of I to obtain 1-1 (K(f(x),n)) c K(x,n). Thus, for all X in X and n = 2, 3, ... , we have I (K(x,n)) = K(f(x),n). Now I is bijective, so for X in X and n in N with n > 1 we have (3.5) I (C",(n, n + 1]) = CJ(",)(n, n + 1]. PROPERTIES OF ISOMETRIES AND APPROXIMATE ISOMETRIES 371 In order to show that (3.5) also holds for n = 1, we fix x in X and choose any z in Cx (l, 2]. Then I(z) E K(f(x), 2). Clearly u = z + (z - x)/liz - xii is contained in C x (2,3]. By (3.5), we have I(u) E C/(x)(2,3], so that 11/(x) - l(u)11 > 2. (3.6) If II/(x) - l(z)11 < 1, then II/(x) - l(u)11 :s 11/(x) - l(z)1I + 11/(z) - l(u)11 :s II/(x) - l(z)11 + 1 :s 2, which contradicts (3.6). Thus we have I (Cx(1,2]) C C/(x)(1,2]. Since the similar result will hold for 1-1, it follows that I (Cx (1,2]) = C/(x)(1,2], and we conclude that (3.5) is true for all n in N. Finally we prove that I (K(x, 1)) = K (f(x), 1). As above, it is sufficient to prove the inclusion I (K(x, 1») C K (f(x), 1) , since the similar result will then hold for 1-1. If this inclusion is not true then for some integer n ~ 1 we would have I(z) E C/(x)(n,n + 1] for some z in K(x,l). Since C/(x)(n,n+ 1] = I(C x (n,n+1]), then I(z) E I(C x (n,n+1]) and z E Cx (n, n + 1] for some n ~ 1, which is a contradiction. Thus I (K(x, 1)) c K (f(x), 1) and we have (3.7) I (K(x, 1)) = K (f(x), 1) . The fact that (3.5) holds for all positive integers n, together with (3.7) implies that (3.4) is true. Indeed, given x and Y in X, let n + 1 be the integral part of IIY - xII, so that Y E Cx(n,n + 1] if n ~ 1, while if n = 0 then either Y E K(x, 1) or else lIy - xii = 1 and (3.4) becomes trivial. In the non-trivial cases we find by n + 1 and -(n + 1) -lix - yll < -n, (3.5) or (3.7) that n < II/(x) - l(y)11 from which (3.4) follows. It remains to prove that land 1-1 both preserve the distance n for each n E N. Make the induction assumption that I preserves the distance n. For n = 1 this is true by hypothesis. Let x and z satisfy Ilz - xII = n + 1, so that z E Cx(n, n + 1]. Hence, I(z) E C/(x)(n, n + 1] so that 11/(z) - l(x)11 n + 1. Put :s :s :s I(z) - I(x) u = 11/(z) _ l(x)1I + I(x), TH. M. RASSIAS 372 Since lIu - f(x) 11 = 1 we have IIv - xII = 1. Now if lIu - f(z)1I < n we would have IIv - zll < n, and since IIv - xII = 1 it would follow that IIz - xII < n + 1, which is a contradiction. Hence, Ilu - f(z)11 ~ n, so that n ~ lIu - f(z)1I = Ilf(X) - f(z) + II~~;~ =~~:~IIII = Ilf(x) - f(z)1I (1-lIf(x) - f(z)II- 1 ) = IIf(x) - f(z)lI- 1. Note that IIf(x) - f(z)1I > 1, for otherwise, since K (f(x) , 1) = f (K(x, 1)) we would have IIz - xII ~ 1, a contradiction. Therefore IIf(x) - f(z) 11 ~ n + 1, and it follows that IIf(z) - f(x)II-= n + 1. This completes the induction proof. The case for f- 1 is proved similarly. 0 Theorem 3.12. Given real normed spaces X and Y, where one of them has dimension greater than one, let f : X --+ Y satisfy the Lipschitz condition (3.8) Ilf(x) - f(y) 11 ~ IIx - ylI· Assume also that f is a surjective mapping with the (SDOPP). Then f is an isometry. Proof. By Theorem 3.11, f preserves the distance n in both directions for all n E N. Given two distinct x and Y in X, take m E N with IIx - yll < m. If IIf(x) - f(y) 11 "lllx - yll, then byassumption (3.8) we would have (3.9) IIf(x) - f(y) 11 < IIx - ylI· Put z = x + m(y - x)/lIy - xII, so that IIz - xII = m and IIz - ylI = m - IIY - xII. Hence IIf(z) - f(x)1I = m and by (3.8) we have IIf(z) - f(y) 11 ~ m-IlY - xII. But by (3.9), Ilf(z) - f(x)1I ~ IIf(z) - f(y)1I + Ilf(Y) - f(x) 11 < m -IlY - xII + lIy - xII = m, which is a contradiction. Thus, (3.9) is false and we have IIf(x) - f(y) 11 = IIx - yll for all x, y in X. 0 Theorem 3.13. Let X and Y be real normed spaces, one of which has dimension greater than 1 and one of which is strictly convex. If f : X --+ Y is a surjective mapping having the (SDOPP), then f is an isometry of X onto Y. Proof. By Theorem 3.11, fis bijective and both f and f- 1 preserve the distance n for all positive integers n. We also know that both spaces have dimension greater than one. We may assume, without loss of generality, that Y is strictly convex. Our first objective is to show that f preserves the distance I/n for each n E N. Take any x and y with IIx-YIi = I/n and choose z in X with IIx-zll = lIy-zll = 1. Put u = z + n(y - z), v = z + n(x - z), s~ that IIv - xII = n -1 and IIv - zll = n. PROPERTIES OF ISOMETRIES AND APPROXIMATE ISOMETRIES 373 Thus we have Ilf(x) - f(z)11 = 1, IIf(v) - f(x)11 = n - 1 and Ilf(v) - f(z)1I = n. Since Y is strict1y convex, 1 n-l f(x) = - f(v) + f(z) , n n 1 n-l f(y) = - f(u) + f(z). n n Now Ilu - vii = 1, so that 1 Ilf(x) - f(y)11 = n-11If(v) - f(u)1I = -. n Thus, f preserves the distance l/n for all n E N. For any two distinct points x, y in X, choose positive integers m and n such that m/n < Ilx - ylI with m ;::: 2. As dimX > 1, we can find a sequence of vectors x = Zo, Zl, ... ,Zm = Y such that IIzj - zj-lll = l/n (j = 1, ... ,m). Consequently, m Ilf(x) - f(y)11 ::; L IIf(zj) - f(Zj-l)11 = m/n. j=l Hence, IIf(x) - f(y)11 ::; m/n < Ilx - yll for all x, y in X, so that f satisfies all the hypotheses of Theorem 3.12 and f is an isometry of X onto Y. 0 Rassias and Semrl [26] also gave the following counterexamples. (a) In the statement of Theorem 3.11, the property (SDOPP) cannot be replaced by (DOPP). Let 9 : [0,1) -+ [0,1) x IR be defined by g(O) = and g(t) = (t, tan ('Ir (t - 1/2») for < t < 1, and put f(t) = g(t - [t]) + ([t],O), where [tl denotes the integral part of t. Then f is a surjective mapping from IR onto IR2 which preserves the distance n for all n E N. However f does not satisfy (3.4). ° ° °< < °<- <- (b) The inequality (3.4) is sharp. Choose 6 with function gE(t) : [0,1]-+ [0,1] by cl gE(t) = { 1-6 when 1- 6 t ( 6 1 ) +2- 6 6 t 1/2 and define the 1 - 6, when 1 - 6 < t ::; 1 . Let hE : IR -+ IR be given by hE(s) = [s] + gE(S - [s]). Thus hE is a monotonically increasing function which for n E N satisfies: (3.10) Is - tl = n Is - tl ::; n if and only if IhE(s) - hE(t)1 = n } . if and only if IhE(s) - hE(t)1 ::; n Moreover IhE(s) - he(t)1 ::; c1ls - tl. Let G[O, 1] be the space of real-valued continuous functions on the closed interval [0,1] with the usual norm IIxll = max{lx(t)1 : t ::; I}. Define the function <PE : G[O, 1]-+ G[O, 1] by <PE (x)(t) = hE(x(t). Clearly<pE is bijective with °: ; <p;l(X)(t) = h;l(X(t)). 374 TH. M. RASSIAS Notice that for any two elements x and y in C[O,l] we have IIx - yll = n if and only if there is a to in [0,1] with Ix(to) - y(to)1 = n and Ix(t) - y(t)1 :::; n for all t in [0,1]. By (3.10) this holds if and only if Ihe(x(to)) - he(y(to))1 = n and Ihe(x(t)) - he(y(t)) I :::; n for t in [0,1], which is equivalent to IIcPe(x) - cPe(y)11 = n. Therefore, cPe preserves distance n in both directions for each positive integer n. If we take x(t) == 1 - e and y(t) == 1 as elements of C[O, 1], then Ilx - yll = e, cPe(x)(t) = e, cPe(y)(t) = 1. Hence IlIcPe(x) - cPe(y)II-llx - ylll = 1- 2e. Since we may choose e arbitrarily small, the inequality (3.4) of Theorem 3.11 is sharp. COMMENTS The example of Beckman and Quarles [3] quoted above to show that Theorem 3.1 fails for n = 1 used a discontinuous mapping. Rassias [29] showed that the same result holds even for continuous mappings by the following example. Let T : IR --+ IR be defined by T(x) = [x] + (x - [x]) 2 , with [x] =integral part of x. Clearly T(x+ 1) -T(x) = 1 for all x in IR, and so T preserves the distance one. It is also easy to check that T is continuous and that T(n) = n, so that T is surjective, but obviously T is not an isometry. Rassias raised the question (cf. [29], [31], [33]) as to whether Theorem 3.1 could hold for mappings T from IRn into IRffi, where m > n. The answer seems to be negative according to examples found so far. In particular, Rassias [29] constructed examples of mappings f : IR2 --+ IR8 and 9 : ]R2 --+ IR6 which preserve the distance one but are not isometries. Rassias [29] also proved that for each integer n > 1 there exists an integer k(n) such that m > k(n) implies that there exists a map T : IRn --+ IRffi which preserves the distance one but is not an isometry. In these counterexamples T is not continuous. It would be interesting to find a continuous counterexample which would settle the quest ion for all pairs n, m with m > n (see also Rassias [28], [30], [32] and Rassias and Sharma [27]). What about non-Euclidean spaces of finite dimension? Let Ln denote a Lobacevskii space of n dimensions and let sn-l(x,a) be the (n - l)-sphere in Ln with center x and radius a. Guc [12] proved that if for some fixed a > 0, a bijective mapping f : Ln --+ Ln (n ~ 2) satisfies f(sn-l(x,a)) = sn-l(f(x),a) for all x in Ln, then f is a motion. Kuz'minyh [18] proved that if there exist two positive numbers a and b, such that if the mapping f : Ln --+ Ln has the property that d(x,y) = a always implies that d(f(x),f(y)) = b, then b = a and f is an isometry. What happens if we require, instead of one conservative distance for a mapping between normed vector spaces, two conservative distances? An answer in a generalised form to this quest ion was given by Benz and Berens [6] who proved the following: Theorem 3.14. Let X and Y be real normed spaces such that dirn X > 1 and Y is strictly convex. Given any fixed integer m > 1, suppose that f : X --+ Y is a mapping such that for all x, y in X with IIx-YIi = 1 we have Ilf(x) - f(y)lI:::; 1 and for all x, y in X with IIx-yll = m we have IIf(x) - f(y)11 ~ m. Then f is an isometry. PROPERTIES OF ISOMETRIES AND APPROXIMATE ISOMETRIES 375 These authors also use the example cited earlier of r/> : IR -+ IR defined by r/>(x) = [x] + (x - [X])2 to show that the condition dirn X > 1 is necessary, and they use the example of X = Y = IR2 , endowed with the norm IIxll = max(lIxlll,lIx211), where x = (Xl, X2), ! (X) = (4)( xt), 4>( X2)) to show that the condition of strict convexity of the space Y is needed. MORE COUNTEREXAMPLES Ciesielski and Rassias [8] have examined cases of mappings of a finite dimensional space into another using the often used metries: n dM(X,y) =max{lxj -Yjl : j = 1, ... ,n} or dE(X,y) = ~)Xj -Yjl, j=l as well as the usual Euclidean metric denoted by dE(X, y). These authors give counterexamples for various mappings preserving the distance one, using these metrics. Example A. A continuous surjective mapping ! : (IRn , dM) -+ (IRn, dM) which satisfies (DOPP) need not be an isometry. Let 4> : IR -+ IR be given, as above, by 4>(t) = [tl + (t - [t])2 and define !(Xl, ... , Xn ) = (r/>(xt), r/>(X2), ... , 4>(xn )). Then with the metric dM, ! is a continuous surjective mapping of (IRn , dM) onto itself which satisfies (DOPP) but is not an isometry. Example B. Let ! : (IR2 , dM ) -+ (1R2 , dM) be defined as in Example A with n = 2. Let h : (IR2 , dM ) -+ (IR2, dE) be defined by means of the matrix h_ 1 [ 1 - V2 -1 It is easily seen that this orthogonal transformation maps unit balls in metric dM into balls of radius V2 in the metric d. Now let the mapping 9 : (1R2 , dE) -+ (IR2, dE) be the composite mapping Then 9 is continuous and satisfies (DOPP), but is not an isometry. Unfortunately this example has nodirect generalisation for mappings from (IRn , dE) into itself when n > 2. This is because the balls in metries dM and dE are of the same shape only for n = 1 and n = 2. These authors also considered mappings ! from 1R2 onto 1R2 with different metries in the domain and range of !, and demonstrated the following result among others. TH. M. RASSIAS 376 Theorem 3.15. There is no mapping f : (IR2, dM) --+ (IR?, dE) satisfying the condition (DOPP). Proof. Let such an f satisfy (DOPP). Let Adenote the set {(O,O), (0,1), (1,1), (1,0)}. When x 'I Y for x and y in A, then dM(X, y) = 1. Then by (DOPP) we would have dE (f(x), f(y)) = 1 for x 'I y with x and y in A. But this is a contradietion since every subset of (IR2 , dE) having this property consists of at most three points. 0 Benz [5] has formulated a "fundamental principle" in geometry whieh might be thought of as an "inverse program" to Klein's Erlanger program. The Erlanger program begins with a group of transformations of a set of geometrie objects and asks what are the invariants and invariant notions of the group. The program of Benz on the other hand starts with an invariant (e.g., distance between two points, angles between two intersecting lines, cross ratio of four points, etc.) or an invariant notion (line, plane, circle, orthogonality, etc.) and looks for the functions preserving that invariant or invariant notion, thus establishing functional equation problems. To see how Benz deals with the case of distance preservance, let M and W be nonempty sets and let d: M x M --+ W be a mapping. The tripIe (M, W, d) will be called a distance space and for x, y in M, d( x, y) the distance from x to y (in that order). Given a distance space (M, W, d), let S be a fixed subset of Mx M. The problem of distance preservance is to find all functions f : M --+ M such that the functional equation d (f(x), f(y)) = d(x, y) holds for all (x, y) in S. Example (I). M = IR2 , W = IR and, with x = (Xl,X2), y = (Yl,Y2), d(x,y) = J(Xl - Yl)2 + (X2 - Y2)2, S = ((x,y) E M x M : d(x,y) = I}. If we put f(x) = (4)(Xl,X2),1/!(Xl,X2)) then the above functional equation of distance preservance becomes [4>(Xl + COSX3,X2 + sinx3) - 4>(Xl,X2)]2 + [1/!(Xl + COSX3,X2 + sinx3) -1/!(Xl,X2)]2 = 1 for all Xl, X2, X3 in llt This functional equation has solutions { 4>(Xl, X2) = Xl COS t - X2 sin t + a, 1/!(Xl,X2) = Xl sint + X2 cost + b { 4>(Xl, X2) = Xl COS t + X2 sin t + a, 1/!(Xl, X2) = Xl sin t - X2 COS t + b, and where a, b and t are constants. This of course is an analytieal expression of the theorem of Beckman and QuarIes, cited above as Theorem 3.1. See also Benz [4]. PROPERTIES OF ISOMETRIES AND APPROXIMATE ISOMETRIES 377 S = {(X,y) E M x M : d(x,y) = 1}. The functional equation dU (x), f (y)) = d( x, y) for (x, y) in Snow becomes Solutions cp, 'l/J are given by: CP(Xl,X2)=axl+b, 'l/J(Xl,x2)=a- 1x 2+ c , CP(Xl,X2) = aX2 +b, 'l/J(Xl,X2) = a-1xl +c. ExaIllple (111). Let M be the set of lines in ]R3, let W = ]R and let d(x, y) be the usual distance ofthe lines x and y. Put S = ((x,y) E M x M : d(x,y) = 1}. In this case, the functional equation of distance preservance has not been solved. However, a partial result by Lester [19] is the following: TheoreIll 3.16. Suppose that M is the set of lines of]R3 and that f : M --+ M is bijective and preserves the distance one in both directions. Then f is a congruent mapping of]R3 . ExaIllple (IV). M = ]Rn, n ~ 3, W = ]R, and while S = {(x, y) E M x M : d( x, y) = O}. The functional equation of distance preservance has not been solved for this case either. However, Aleksandrov [1] has proved an important result in this connection: TheoreIll 3.17. Every bijection of M that preserves the distance 0 in both directions is a Lorenz transformation, up to a dilatation. ExaIllple (V). Let k be a fixed real number, let M = ]Rn, n ~ 2, W = ]R, and d(x,y) be defined as in Example (IV), but with S={(x,Y)EMxM: d(x,y)=k#O}. In this case all solutions of the functional equation of distance preservance are Lorenz transformations. When k < 0 or when n = 2 this was proved by W. Benz and when k > 0 by J. Lester. For the demonstrations of these results together with other examples from various geometries, see the book by Benz [4]. Acknowledgement. I wish to express my thanks to Professor Gradimir V. Milovanovic for the kind invitation to participate in the Dragoslav S. Mitrinovic Memorial Conference. In addition, I would like to thank Professor Milan D. Mihajlovic for preparing the manuscript in '!EX form. 378 TH. M. RASSIAS References 1. A. D. Aleksandrov, Seminar report, Uspehi Mat. Nauk 5 (1950), no. 3 (37), 187. 2. ___ , Mappings of families of sets, Soviet Doklady 11 (1970), 116-120; 376-380. 3. F. S. Beckman and D. A. Quarles, On isometries of Euc/idean spaces, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 4 (1953), 810-815. 4. W. 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London Math. Soc. 39 (1979), 93-118. 36. E. L. Stout, The Theory of Uniform Algebras, Bogden and Quigley, Inc., Publishers, Tarrytown-on-Hudson, New York and Belmont, California, 1971. INEQUALITIES FOR THE ZEROS OF AN ORTHOGONAL EXPANSION OF A POLYNOMIAL G. SCHMEISSER Mathematisches Institut der Universität Erlangen-Nümberg, 91054 Erlangen, Germany Abstract. Turan pointed out the importanee of studying the loeation of the zeros of a polynomial in terms of the eoefficients of an orthogonal expansion. He himself obtained numerous results for the Hermite expansion. Later Specht showed in aseries of papers that analogous theorems hold for any expansion with respeet to a system of polynomials orthogonal on the realline. His work stimulated various further studies. We give a survey on this topie with special emphasis on some results from an unpublished manuseript of Specht and new eontributions by the author. 1. Introduction The late Professor D. S. Mitrinovic extended his eager interest in all kind of inequalities also to estimates for the zeros of a polynomial. His book [13] includes various elegant inequalities in case the polynomial is given as (1) j(z) = ao + alZ + ... + an zn . His more recent book [12] with Milovanovic and Rassias contains a section entitled "Zeros in a Strip" which deals with orthogonal expansions. The present article can be considered as a supplement to that contribution. Let us first give a motivation why orthogonal expansions gained especial interest. In a keynote speech at the congress of Hungarian mathematicians in 1950, P. Thran [24] discussed the location of the zeros of a polynomial in terms of its coefficients. This is an old subject which was formerly part of Algebra but has moved to Analysis in our century. Fundamental contributions are due to Descartes, Newton, Fourier, Sturm, Cauchy, Hermite, Laguerre and various other mathematicians. In their studies, a polynomial is usually assumed to be given in the form (1), which Thran called the Vieta expansion of j. It turns out that the coefficients ao, al, ... ,an are a fairly good information for estimating the distances of the zeros of j from the origin. However, they are not so suited for estimating distances from a line - a problem as it arises in connection with one of the greatest challenges in mathematics: the Riemann hypothesis. For 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 30C15j Secondary 30AlO, 42ClO. Key words and phrases. Inequalitiesj Zerosj Bound of zerOSj Orthogonal Expansionj Algebraic polynomialsj Orthogonal polynomialsj Norm estimates. 381 G.v. Milovanovic (ed.), Recent Progress in lnequalities, 381-396. © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. G. SCHMEISSER 382 an explanation, Thnin pointed out that the fundamental polynomials Zll (v = 0,1, ... ) of the Vieta expansion have concentric circles about the origin as level curves. In order to get good estimates for the distances of the zeros from a line C one should rather consider an expansion n j(z) = I: blll/JlI(z) 11=0 with fundamental polynomials l/JII(Z) (v = 0,1, ... ) whose level curves have a tendency to be approximately parallel to C. In the case that C is the real line, Thran proposed to use the expansion n j(z) = I: bIlHII(z) , 11=0 where (v = 0,1, ... ) are the Hermite polynomials. He announced a variety of results which showed that there is a striking correspondence between estimates for the moduli of the zeros in terms of the coefficients ao, ... ,an and estimates for the imaginary parts of the zeros in terms of the coefficients bo, ... ,bn . Towards the end of his lecture, Thnin asked if this analogy is an isolated phenomenon for the Hermite expansion or holds for other orthogonal expansions as weIl. Proofs of the statements in [24] and offurther results were given in [25-26]. They make decisive use of the particular properties of the Hermite polynomials. Later Specht [18-21] showed that most of Tunin's results for the Hermite expansion hold analogously for any expansion with respect to a system of polynomials orthogonal on the real line. Nevertheless, the Hermite expansion plays a distinguished role since it can be generated by a composition of the Vieta expansion with a fixed special polynomial. This allows a simple systematic approach to some of Tunin's results and to several new ones [20]. Specht's research stimulated various further studies [27], [7-9]. Here we want to give a survey on this topic with special emphasis on some results from an unpublished manuscript of Specht [22], which existed already in 1964, and refinements by the author. 2. Notations and Agreements Let J.L be the distribution function of a positive Borel measure on the real line. Let the support of the measure be an infinite set and let all the moments J.Ln := J~oo x n dJ.L(x) (n = 0,1, ... ) exist and be finite. It is weIl known [4] that in this situation there exists an infinite sequence of polynomials l/Jo(z), l/J1 (z), ... with each l/Jn(z) being of exact degree n such that (2) I: l/Jm (x)l/Jn (x) dJ.L(x) = ° if and only if m-:f. n. INEQUALITIES FOR THE ZEROS OF AN ORTHOGONAL EXPANSION 383 To make the various results easily comparable, we shall always assume that the polynomials f/Jn(z) (n = 0,1, ... ) are monie. Then they are uniquely determined by f..L. Furthermore, there exist real numbers a1, a2, . .. and positive numbers 'Yo = 1, 'Y1 , 'Y2, . .. such that (3) { f/Jo(z) == 1, f/J1 (z) = z - a1 , 'Y f/Jn+1 (z) = (z - a n+1)f/Jn(z) - _n_ f/Jn-1 (z) (n = 1,2, ... ) . 'Yn-1 Conversely, by a result of Favard [6], there exists for any system of polynomials defined by (3) with real numbers an and positive numbers 'Yn bo = 1, n = 1,2, ... ) a positive Borel measure with a distribution function f. L such that (2) holds. Moreover, if f..L is normalized by J~oo df..L(x) = 1, then i: f/J~(x) df..L(x) = 'Yn· Hence f/J~(z) := 'Y;;1/2 f/Jn(z) (n = 0,1, ... ) is a system of orlhonormal polynomials. It is known that the zeros of f/Jn(z) (n = 1,2, ... ) are real and those of two consecutive polynomials f/Jn(z), f/Jn+1(z) separate each other. Denoting by Jn the smallest compact interval that contains the zeros of f/Jn(z), we introduce the distance function (4) for z E C. Obviously, (5) Hence any upper bound for dn(z) is also an upper bound for 11m zl. In what follows, we shall discuss the location of the zeros of a polynomial (6) where f/Jo(z), f/J1 (z), . .. is a system of orthogonal polynomials given by (3). If not specified otherwise, the coefficients ao, . .. ,an are assumed to be complex numbers. 3. An Analogue of the Cauchy Bound n Let f(z) = L: a"z" be a polynomial of degree n. It was observed by Cauchy in ,,=0 1829 that the associated polynomial n-1 (7) la,,1 z" -Ianl zn L ,,=0 has exactly one positive zero p[f], whieh is abound for the moduli of the zeros of f. Obviously, it is the best possible bound that depends only on the moduli of the coefficients of f since it is attained for the polynomial (7). As usual, we call p[f] the Cauchy bound of f. The following theorem was obtained by Specht [18] with dn (() replaced by 11m (I· As stated, it was established in [22] and independently in [8]. G. SCHMEISSER 384 Theorem 1. Let f be a polynomial given in the form (6). Denote by p the Cauehy n bound of the assoeiated polynomial E avz v . Then eaeh zero ( of f satisfies the inequality dn (() ~ p. 1'=0 Theorem 1 provides an inclusion of the zeros of f by a region which resembles a racecourse (see Fig. 1). FIG. 1: The racecourse region A proof of Theorem 1 is not difficult. As an auxiliary result we use [23, Theorem 3.3.5] in the following supplemented form. Lemma 1. Let 4Jn-1 and 4Jn be two eonseeutive monie orthogonal polynomials. Denote by 6, . .. , en the zeros of 4Jn. Then for where for n and E AI' 1'=1 v = 1, ... ,n = 1. Proof of Theorem 1. The lemma readily implies that for v = 1, ... ,n. Hence for v < n, we find, using (5), that (8) j 4JV(Z) 1= l4Jv(z) I·· ·14Jn-d ) 1 l 4Jn(z) 4JvH (z) 4Jn(Z) z 1 1 (1 )n-v dn(z) ~ dvH(z) ... dn(z) ~ Now let ( be an arbitrary zero of f which is not contained in J n . Then -an4Jn(() = n-1 L av4Jv(() . 1'=0 INEQUALITIES FOR THE ZEROS OF AN ORTHOGONAL EXPANSION 385 Using (8), we get or equivalently, n-1 L la,,1 dn (()" . lanl dn(()n :5 ,,=0 From this we conclude that d n (() does not exceed the positive zero of lanl x n - n-1 L la,,1 x". Therefore d n (() :5 p. ,,=0 0 By the above mentioned property of the Cauchy bound, any upper bound for the n moduli of the zeros of L avz" that depends only on ,,=0 a:: 1: : 1 ' 1: : 1 ' ... , 1 1 1 is an upper bound for p. Therefore Theorem 1 in conjunction with some of the standard estimates for the zeros of a Vieta expansion (see [11, §27], [12, Sec. 3.3.1], or [15]) implies estimates for the zeros of an orthogonal expansion. Corollary 1. Let ( be any zero 0/ the polynomial (6). Then d n (() :5 max { 1, d n (():5 ( dn (() :5 2 ?; ~ 1:: I} , 2) 1/2 n 1: : 1 ' 1/(n-,,) max 0~,,~n-1 1/n 1a" 1 1 11 /(n-1) d n (():5 1:: 1 + :: d n (():5 (n 1a" I) max 0~,,~n-1 , an + ... + a:: 1 1 1 , 1/(n-,,) an It may be surprising that in the estimates by Theorem 1 and Corollary 1 the constants a" and "(,, (v = 1,2, ... ), which determine the system of orthogonal G. SCHMEISSER 386 polynomials, do not appear explicitly. The reason is that Theorem 1 holds for a much wider dass of expansions. In fact, Lemma 1 has an analogue for any two monic polynomials ifJn-1 and ifJn which have weakly interlacing zeros (see [15] for details). For example, Theorem 1 holds for Newton expansions, where ifJn(z) = n II (z - ~v) (n = 1,2, ... ) v=l and 6, ~2, . •. is a sequence of real numbers. Obviously, the Vieta expansion n ~ avz v is a special case of a Newton expansion, and in this situation the extended v=O form of Theorem 1 reduces to the dassical result of Cauchy. 4. A Norm Estimate Another result of Specht [18] whose proof makes decisive use of the properties of orthogonal polynomials states that each zero ( of (6) satisfies the inequality (9) IIm(1 ~ L n-1 IV 1a v 12 v=o In-1 an Here the constants 10, 11, . .. do appear explicitly. This might suggest that (9) is more appropriate for orthogonal expansions. However, (9) and the estimates flowing from Theorem 1 cannot be compared for all possible orthogonal systems. By choosing 11, ... "n-2 as very small positive numbers and In-1 as a very large one, we can construct an orthogonal system (3) for which (9) is superior to Theorem 1. On the other hand, if 11, ... "n-2 are large and In-1 is a very small positive number, then Theorem 1 will yield better bounds. An interesting property of (9) is that its right hand side may be expressed in terms of a norm. In fact, if J.t is the distribution function of a Borel measure associated with ifJ1, ... as described in Section 2 and J~oo dJ.t(x) = 1, then, for a polynomial of the form (6), ifJo, 00 111111' := ([00 11(x)1 2 dJ.t(X)) 1/2 = (n~ IV la l ) v 2 1/2 defines a norm. It allows us to rewrite (9) as (10) 11m (I ~ _ 1 Vln- 1 IIL -ifJnll an I' This may be interpreted as a perturbation theorem. We know that ifJn has all its zeros on the realline. Now (10) teIls us that, apart from a constant, the deviation of flan from ifJn, measured by the norm, is an upper bound for the distances of the zeros of 1 from the realline. Most of the results in the following sections will be refinements of (9) or its equivalent form (10). INEQUALITIES FOR THE ZEROS OF AN ORTHOGONAL EXPANSION 387 5. Refinements by Matrix Methods Defining 'Yvßv.·-- ( 1/ = 1, ... , n ) 'Yv-l an d bv ..-- - a v an J 'Yv 'Yn-l (1/ = 0, ... , n - 1) , we introduee the n X n matrices Sn:= [ a, v7J; v7J; a2 -/ßn-l ~l' an 0 0 Bn'~ [r ... ~ 1 0 b:~' (11) and denote by In the identity matrix of order n. It was observed by Specht [20], [21] that the zeros of the polynomial (6) are the eigenvalues of the matrix F n . More precisely, (12) (see also [1]). This relation may be looked upon as follows. If we let ao, al, ... , an-l tend to zero, then j(z) reduees to anc/>n(z), which is a polynomial with real zeros. Simultaneously, the matrix Fn reduees to Sn, which is a real symmetrie matrix. We may therefore eoneeive F n as aperturbation of the matrix Sn by B n . This raises the question as to how the speetrum of a real symmetrie matrix may ehange under a non-symmetrie perturbation. An answer ean be obtained from Matrix Analysis. For instanee, there is a result of Bauer and Fike [2] whieh may be stated and supplemented as follows [15]. Lemma 2. Let N be a normal matrix and A an arbitrary matrix, both 01 order n. Denote by Al, ... , An the eigenvalues 01 N and by 11 . IIs the spectral norm. Then A has all its eigenvalues in the union U 01 the disks {z E C: IZ-Avl ~ IIA-NlIs} (1/= 1, ... ,n). Moreover, in each connected component olU, the matrices A and N have the same number 01 eigenvalues (counted with multiplicities). This leads us to the following refinement of (9). Theorem 2. Denote by 6, ... , en the zeros 01 c/>n. Then every polynomial I 01 the lorm (6) has all its zeros in the union U 01 the disks Vv:={ZEC: Iz-evl~r} (1/= 1, ... ,n), 388 G. SCHMEISSER where (13) r ..- ?; '::1 :: n-l 1 12 Moreover, il k 01 these disks constitute a connected component 01 U, then their union contains exactly k zeros 01 I. Proof. In view of Lemma 2 it is enough to show that r is the spectral norm of the matrix B n . Equivalently, we have to verify that r 2 is the largest eigenvalue of the matrix B~Bn, where B~ denotes the conjugate transpose of B n . An easy calculation shows that the entries of B~Bn are all zero except for the last element in the diagonal, which turns out to be r 2 • This completes the proof. 0 As an easy consequence, we get the following improvement of inequality (9). Corollary 2. Let ( be a zero 01 the polynomial (6). Then (14) L IV 1a 1 n-l v=o In-l v 2 an Corollary 2 has been directly proved in [22], but it seems that Theorem 2 has not been stated anywhere. Specht [21] used the representation (12) to prove the following theorem, which improves upon Theorem 2 provided that we are only interested in estimates for the imaginary parts of the zeros. This result was independently obtained in [8]. Theorem 3. Let ( be a zero 01 the polynomial (6). Then 6. Refinements Involving All the Zeros As a refinement of (14), Specht [22] obtained the following result. A proof will appear in [15]. Theorem 4. Let ZI, ... ,Zn be the zeros 01 the polynomial (6) in an arbitrary order. Then (15) In Theorem 4, we mayorder the zeros as (16) INEQUALITIES FOR THE ZEROS OF AN ORTHOGONAL EXPANSION 389 The left hand side of (15) is a sum of non-negative terms and 'Yn-ldn(Zn)2 is one of them. Hence dividing both sides by 'Yn-l, we see that (15) improves upon (14) and is a refinement of (9). Furthermore, if (16) holds, then we may estimate the left hand side of (15) from below by n n lI=k lI=k L 'Y1I-1dn(ZIY ... dn (zn)2 ~ L 'Y1I_ 1dn (Zk)2(n-II+l) ~ 'Yk_l dn(Zk)2(n-k+l), where 1 ~ k ~ n. This allows us to establish the following individual bounds for the zeros of f. Corollary 3. Let Zl, ... , Zn be the zeros of the polynomial (6) ordered as in (16). Then (k = 1,2, ... ,n). Giroux [7], who knew about Theorem 4, discovered an alternative inequality which is also an improvement of (14) and involves all the zeros of f. Theorem 5. Let Zl, ... , Zn be the zeros of the polynomial (6). Then (17) Equality is attained if and only if f(z) is of the form with or can be deduced /rom such a polynomial by replacing some of the zeros by their conjugates. As in the case of Theorem 4, we can again establish an individual bound for each zero. Corollary 4. Let Zl, ... , Zn be the zeros of the polynomial (6) ordered as in (16). Then (k = 1,2, ... , n) . Yet another inequality comparable with (15) and (17) was established by Lajos Lasz16 [9] who seems to have been unaware of Theorems 4 and 5. Using matrix methods and employing an inequality of Schur, he obtained a result which may be stated as folIows. 390 G. SCHMEISSER Theorem 6. Let Zl, ... ,Zn be the zeros 01 the polynomial (6). Then (18) Theorem 6 improves upon (9) but it does not imply Theorem 3. As a consequence, we get the following individual bounds. Corollary 5. Let Zl, ... ,Zn be the zeros 01 the polynomial (6) ordered as Then _ 1 ((Im a n _ n - k +1 an 1)2 + _ 1 ~'Yv av 2) 2'Yn-l an l l 1'=0 lor k = 1,2, ... ,n. The estimate for Zn is not as good as that of Theorem 3. It should be mentioned that in Theorems 3 and 6 and in Corollary 5 it is not possible to replace lImO I by dnO on the left hand side. The reason is that abound which does not involve the real part of an-dan cannot restrict the real parts of all of the zeros. 7. Refinements for Real Polynomials As we have mentioned in the introduction, there is a elose correspondence between estimating the zeros relative to the origin in terms of the coefficients of the Vieta expansion and estimating them realtive to the real line in terms of the coefficients of an orthogonal expansion. In the important case of a polynomial with real coefficients, an orthogonal expansion has an additional property which the Vieta expansion does not share. If in (6) the coefficients ao, ... ,an-l are zero, then 1 has n distinct real zeros. By a continuity argument, we easily conelude that the distances of the zeros from the real line remain zero if these coefficients are real and of sufficiently small modulus. This phenomenon does not show in our previous estimates, except for a slight indication in Theorem 3. Besides, the non-real zeros of areal polynomial appear in pairs of conjugates. Therefore, the bounds of Corollaries 3-5 for k = n - 1 are upper bounds for the distances of the zeros of 1 from the real line. In particular, that of Corollary 5 yields that (9) can be replaced by 1 IIm(1 ~ 2 ~~ laan 'Yn-l 1'=0 V 2 1 This inequality also foHows from Theorem 3. We now aim at a refinement which takes into account the phenomenon described in the previous paragraph and the possible appearance of pairs of conjugate zeros as weH. For this we need the following lemma whose proof can be found in [15]. INEQUALITIES FOR THE ZEROS OF AN ORTHOGONAL EXPANSION 391 Lemma 3. Let f/Jo, f/Jl,'" be a system 0/ monie orthogonal polynomials satisfying (3). Denote by ~m,l, ... , ~m,m the zeros 0/ f/Jm and define a,.,v(z) := f/J,.(z)f/Jv(z) - f/J,.(z)cPv(z), f/Jm-l(~m,,.) f/J~(~m,,.) . Then öm > 0 and tor Theorem 7. Let the polynomial (6) have real eoeffieients. Then, in the notation 01 Lemma 3, eaeh zero ( 0/ 1 satisfies the inequality (19) IIm(1 ~ ( t 2~ I2) 1/2 - n la v v=o 'Yn-2 an 'Yn-l Ön-l 'Yn-2 provided that the radieand is non-negative, else 1 has n distinct real zeros whieh separate those 0/ f/Jn-l. Proof. If ( is a non-real zero of I, then f/Jn-l (()/(() - f/Jn-l (()/(() = O. In the notation of Lemma 3, we have equivalently -ana n,n-l(() = n-2 L a a v,n-l(() V v=o and so, as an obvious consequence, lanl ~ ~ J v=o 'Yv lavl' J'Yn- 2 1a v,n-l(() I. 'Yn-2 'Yv a n,n-l (() Now applying the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality on the right hand side and using Lemma 3 with m = n - 1 thereafter, we get that From this we conclude that a non-real zero ( can exist only if the radicand in (19) is non-negative and then inequality (19) holds. It remains to prove the interlacing property. This is done by considering the polynomials f/Jn-l(Z) and n-l I(t, z) := t L avf/Jv(z) + anf/Jn(z) , v=o tE [0,1], 392 G. SCHMEISSER and using a eontinuity argument. Details are given in [15]. 0 Theorem 7 has two interesting properties. It provides a sufficient eriterion for a polynomial to have real distinct zeros and it yields bounds for the imaginary parts of possible non-real zeros. For the seeond purpose, we may even replaee in (19) the number 8n - 1 by zero. In general, the numbers 8n are not easily available. However, for applieations of Theorem 7, it is enough to know a non-triviallower bound for 8n . For this, we ean proeeed as follows. It ean be seen with the help of the Gaussian quadrat ure formula that (j = 1, ... ,m). If we know a finite interval that eontains the zeros of <Pm, then it is not diffieult to establish a erude upper bound Km for the right hand side holding for j = 1, ... , m. Then K;;.1/2 is a lower bound for 15m . The classieal orthogonal polynomials satisfy a differentiation formula with eonstants Am, B m , Gm, (m = 1,2, ... ) and a polynomial q(z) whose monie form is 1, z, and Z2 - 1 for the Hermite, Laguerre, and Jaeobi polynomials, respeetively (see [4, p. 149], [23, § 4.5, § 5.1, § 5.5]). Henee the eonstant 15m mayaiso be expressed as In partieular, for the Hermite polynomials n! 'Yn (n = 1,2, ... ). = 2n ' Noting that 2-" H,,(z) is monie, we easily deduee from Theorem 7 the following result due to '!Unin [26]. n Corollary 6. Let j(z) = L: b"H,,(z) be a Hermite expansion with real coefficients satisfying ,,=0 n-2 L 2" v! b~ < 2 (n - I)! b!. n ,,=0 Then j has n distinct real zeros. INEQUALITIES FOR THE ZEROS OF AN ORTHOGONAL EXPANSION 393 8. Estimates in Terms of Some of the Coefficients n Let k, m, and n be integers satisfying O<k:5m:5n and let f(z} = E a"z" be a ,,=0 polynomial of degree n with a m # O. A fascinating result whieh originates from work of van Vleck, Montel and Ballieu (see [11], [15]) states that there exists a bound for k zeros of f whieh depends only on Moreover, the best possible bound is given by the positive root of the equation n-f.L m-l-f.L k-1 ( lam I zm - ~ m _ f.L) ( k _ 1 _ f.L ) la,.. I z'" = 0 . One may ask if there is something analogous for orthogonal expansions. In the case of polynomials with real coefficients, we are able to present two results in this direction. Proofs are given in [15]. Theorem 8. Let f be a polynomial of the form (6) with real coefficients. 1f k is an integer so that 1 :5 k :5 n and n - k is even, then f has at least k zeros in the strip k-2 { zEC:IImzl:5 ( L~la"l ,,=0 'Yk-2 2) 1/(2n-2k+4) } an . Theorem 9. For a given system 4>0,4>1, ... of orthogonal polynomials (3) and integers 0 :5 k :5 n there exists a constant rkn with the following property. Every polynomial (6) with real coefficients satisfying 'Yka~ > r kn k-1 L 'Y"a~ ,,=0 has at least k real zeros of odd multiplicity lying in the smallest interval Jm that contains the zeros of 4>m, where m = [(n + k + 2}/2]. The constant r kn can be expressed as r kn = (-.!:.. max IIQII!) - 1, 'Yk Q where the maximum extends over all monie divisors Q of degree k of 4>m. Both theorems imply the known result that a polynomial with real coefficients has always at least k real zeros and at least k + 1 real zeros if n - k is odd. G. SCHMEISSER 394 Note that the case k = n of Theorem 8 is covered by Theorem 7. The case k = n-l of Theorem 9 yields a sufficient criterion for a polynomial to have all its zeros on the realline, which should be compared with that flowing from Theorem 7. We also find that r n-l,n = 8;;2 - 1. It would be desirable to establish a theorem for orthogonal expansions with real coefficients, which embraces Theorems 7-9. Finally, we mention that a Hermite expansion f(z) = aoHo(z) + a1H1(z) + ... + akHk(z) + cHn(z) (1 :::; k < n, ak "I- 0) with complex coefficients has at least k zeros in a strip {z E C : IImzl :::; A} whose width 2A depends only on ao, ... ,ak but not on n and c. For the trinomial 1 +H1(z) +cHn(z) the best possible bound A is known. For these results, we refer to [10] and [16-17]. 9. An Analogue of Descartes' Rule If the coefficients of the polynomial (6) are real and ao, al, ... ,an-l are of very small modulus, then f will have n distinct real zeros which are elose to those of 4Jn, no matter how the signs of the coefficients may be. Hence when we aim at an upper estimate for the number of zeros in a semi-infinite interval I by an analogue of Descartes' rule, we must require that I is devoid of zeros of 4Jn. Therefore the following result of Obreschkoff [14] is a proper analogue of Descartes' rule with a hypothesis that cannot be relaxed. Theorem 10. Let f be a polynomial of the form (6) with real coefficients and let a be areal number which exceeds the largest zero of 4Jn. Then the number of zeros of f in the interval [a, 00) is not greater than the number of variations of sign in the sequence ao, al, ... ,an, where vanishing coefficients are ignored. 10. Random Sums of Orthogonal Polynomials There is an extensive literature on random polynomials [3]. Let n f(z) = L a,,(w)z" be a polynomial whose coefficients a,,(w) are independent real-valued standard normal random variables. In various applications it is of interest to know the expected number of real zeros E n . In 1943, Kac produced an integral formula for E n and derived the asymptotic representation (20) 2 E n = - logn + 0(1) as 7r n -t 00. For refined considerations, we denote by En(a, b) the expected number of zeros f in the interval [a, b] and by Pn(x) the density of the expected number of real zeros at x E R, Le., En(a, b) = l b Pn(x) dx. There are also results for random sums of orthogonal polynomials. They have been stated in terms of the normalized polynomials 4J~ := "{;;1/2 4Jn (n = 0,1, ... ) generated by (3). The following theorem is contained in [5, Sec. 3.1.4]. INEQUALITIES FOR THE ZEROS OF AN ORTHOGONAL EXPANSION Theorem 11. Let 395 n I(z) = L av(w) q;~(Z) v=O be a random sum 01 normalized orthogonal polynomials, where av(w) are independent real-valued standard normal random variables. Then v'3 V2G'(x) - G2(X) , Pn(x) = 61T where ._ d d (q;~+1(X)) G(x) .- dx log dx q;~(x) . By asymptotic estimates, Das and Bhatt [3, p. 111] found for the Jacobi polyn0mials that n as n-+oo. E n ( -1,1) '" v'3 Comparison with (20) suggests again that orthogonal expansions are much more adequate for questions of reality of zeros. References S. Barnett, A companion matrix analogue /or orthogonal polynomials, Linear Algebra App!. 12 (1975), 197-208. [2] F. L. Bauer and C. T. Fike, Norms and exclusion theorems, Numer. Math. 2 (1960), 13714l. [3] A. T. Bharucha-Reid and M. Sambandharn, Random Polynomials, Academic Press, Orlando, 1986. [4] T. S. Chihara, An Introduction to Orthogonal Polynomials, Gordon & Breach, New York, 1978. [5] A. Edelman and E. Kostlan, How many zeros 0/ a random polynomial are real?, BuH. Amer. Math. Soc. 32 (1995), 1-37. [6] J. Favard, Bur les polynomes de TchebycheJJ, C.R. Acad. Sei. Paris 200 (1935), 2052-2053. [7] A. Giroux, Estimates 0/ the imaginary parts 0/ the zeros 0/ a polynomial, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 44 (1974), 61-67. [8] E. M. Gol'berg and V. N. Malozemov, Estimates /or the zeros 0/ certain polynomials, Vestnik Leningrad Univ. 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[25] ___ , Hermite-expansion and strips lor zeros 01 polynomials, Arch. Math. 5 (1954), 148152. [26] ___ , To the analytic theory 01 algebraic equations, Izvestija Mat. Inst. Bulg. Akad. Nauk. 3 (1959), 123-137. [27] R. Vermes, On the zeros 01 alinear combination 01 polynomials, Pacific J. Math. 19 (1966), 553-559. ERROR INEQUALITIES FOR DISCRETE HERMITE AND SPLINE INTERPOLATION PATRICIA J. Y. WONG Division 01 Mathematics, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore RAVI P. AGARWAL Department 01 Mathematics, National University 01 Singapore, Singapore Abstract. In this paper we shall develop a dass of discrete Hermite and spline interpolates in one and two independent variables. Further , we shall offer explicit error bounds in loo norm for both cubic and bicubic discrete Hermite and spline interpolates. 1. Introduction In 1971 Mangasarian and Schumaker 17] investigated some constrained minimisation problems in areal Euclidean space which were discrete analogs of minimisation problems in a Banach space. The solutions of these discrete problems exhibited a spline-like structure, and were hence introduced as 'discrete splines'. These discrete splines were further found [8] to playafundamental role in certain best summation formulae for a finite sequence of real numbers. In the field of approximation theory, these discrete splines have been characterised in the work of Schumaker [9], Astor and Duris [5], and Lyche [6]. In contrast to continuous splines where derivatives are involved, discrete splines only involve differences, and hence have a wider range of applications. Motivated by this attractive aspect of discrete splines, in this paper we shall develop a cubic discrete spline which is different from those considered in [5-9]. Our work naturally complements several known results for the continuous case [3-4], [11-15]. Let a, b (b > a) be integers. We shall denote the discrete interval N[a, b] = {a, a + 1, ... , b}. Let a, b, c, dEN = {O, 1, 2, ... }. For the intervals N[a, b] and N[c, dj, we let = k1 < k2 < ... < km = b, ki E N, 1 $ i $ m (~3) p' : c = lt < l2 < ... < ln = d, li E N, 1 $ i $ n (~3) p:a and be uniform partitions of N[a, b] and N[c, dj with stepsizes h = ki+l - ki (~3), 1 $ i $ m - 1, and h' = li+l -li (~3), 1 $ i $ n - 1, 1991 Mathematics Subject Classijication. Primary 41A15j Secondary 41A05. Key words and phrases. Discrete Hermite interpolationj Discrete spline interpolationj Error estimates. 397 G. V. Milovanovic (ed.). Recent Progress in Inequalities. 397-422. © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. P. J. Y. WONG AND R. P. AGARWAL 398 respectively. Further, we let T = pxp' be a reet angular partition of N[a, b] xN[c, dj. The standard symbol d is used to denote the forward differenee operator with stepsize 1. For a given nmetion f defined on N[a, b + 1], we define the usualloo norm, Le., IIfll = max If(t)l· In the two-dimensional ease the norm 11 • 11 is defined tEN[a,b+1j analogously. Our main eontribution in this paper is the derivation of explicit error estimates in the norm 11 • 11 between (i) funetion f(t) defined on N[a, b + 1] and its eubic diserete Hermite interpolate Hpf(t); (ii) f(t) and its eubic diserete spline interpolate Spf(t); (iii) funetion f(t, u) defined on N[a, b + 1] x N[c, d + 1] and its bicubic diserete Hermite interpolate Hd(t, u); and (iv) f(t,u) and its bicubie diserete spline interpolate STf(t,u). The plan of this paper is as foHows. In Seetion 2, we define the Hermite spaee H(p) whose elements are eubic polynomials in eaeh subinterval N[ki , ki +1] , 1 ~ i ~ m-2, and N[k m- l ,b+l], and express Hpf(t) in terms ofthe basic elements of H(p). Next, we define the spline space S(p) C H(p) whose elements are also eubic polynomials in eaeh subinterval N[ki , k i +1] , 1 ~ i ~ m - 2, and N[k m - l , b + 1]. For a given function g(t) E H(p), we provide neeessary and suflicient eonditions so that g(t) E S(p). This leads to reeurrenee relations involving first order differenees of g(t). Two representations of Spf(t) are also given, one in terms of the basic elements of H(p), another in terms ofthe eardinal splines. The minimum eurvature property of Spf(t) is investigated in Seetion 3. In Seetion 4, we use diserete Peano's kernel theorem to determine explicit error estimates for IIf - Hpfll in terms of maxtEN[a,b+1-ijldi f(t)l, 1 ~ j :$ 4. Not only do these results supplement, they also improve the work of Agarwal and Lalli [2]. Seetion 5 contains the derivation of explicit error bounds for IIf-Spfll in terms ofmaxtEN[a,b+1-ijldi f(t)l, 1 ~ j ~ 4. Finally, the two-dimensional diserete Hermite and spline interpolation as weH as their error analysis are respeetively diseussed in Seetions 6 and 7. 2. Discrete Hermite and Spline Interpolation Definition 2.1. For a fixed p and JEN « h), let Ii(t) be defined on N[ki , ki +1 + j], 1 ~ i ~ m - 2, and fm-l (t) be defined on N[km- lo b + 1]. H (2.1) 2 ~ i ~ m - 1, 0 ~ I ~ j, then we say that f(t) == Ul<i<m-lli(t) E D(j)[a,b]. The set D(j,l)([a,b] x [c,dj) is analogously defined. Relation (2.1) is also equivalent to (2.2) Ii(ki + I) = Ii-l (k i + I), 2 ~ i ~ m - 1, 0 ~ I ~ j. Henee, it is noted that f(t) = Ul<i<m-di(t) is weH defined on N[a, b + 1]. ERROR INEQUALITIES FOR DISCRETE INTERPOLATION 399 Definition 2.2. For a fixed p, we define the set H(p) as H(p) = {g(t) E D(l)[a, b] : g(t) is a cubic polynomial in each subinterval N[ki , ki +1], 1 ~ i ~ m - 2, and N[k m -1' b + In. Clearly, H(p) is of dimension 4(m - 1) - 2(m - 2) = 2m. Definition 2.3. For a given function f(t) defined on N[a, b + 1], we say Hpf(t) is the H(p)-interpolate of f(t), also known as the discrete Hermite interpolate of f(t), if Hpf(t) E H(p) with Hpf(ki) = f(ki), AHpf(ki ) = Af(ki ), 1 ~ i ~ m. It is clear that Hpf(t) can be explicitly expressed as Hpf(t) = (2.3) m L [f(ki)hi(t) + Af(ki)hi(t)] , i=l where hi(t), hi(t), 1 ~ i ~ m, are the basic elements of H(p) satisfying I~i,j~m, and are given as follows: h ·(t) - • 3 - h(h + 1) (t _ k· 1)(2) _ 2 (t - k· 1)(3) .h(h - I)(h + 1) .- (tEN[k i- 1 ,ki ], 2~i~m-I; tEN[km _ 1 ,b+I], i=m), (2.4) 3 (2) 2 = h(h - 1) (t - ki+1) + h(h _ I)(h + 1) (t - kHd (t E N[ki, ki+1], (3) 1 ~ i ~ m -1), = 0 (otherwise) ; - . _ -(h - 2) _ . (2) 1 _. (3) h.(t) - h(h + 1) (t k.- 1 ) + h(h + 1) (t k.- 1 ) (tEN[k i- 1 ,ki ], 2~i~m-I; tEN[km _ 1 ,b+I], i=m), (2.5) h +2 (2) 1 (3) = h(h _ 1) (t - ki+1) + h(h -1) (t - kH1 ) (tEN[ki,ki+1]' I~i~m-I), = 0 (otherwise) . 400 P. J. Y. WONG AND R. P. AGARWAL Lemma 2.1. The following equality holds for 2:::; i :::; m - 2: (2.6) max tEN[k, ,k'+l) [lhi(t)1 + Ihi+l(t)1] = max{l, B([T*]), B([T* + I])} == M(h), where B( ) u (2.7) (2.8) T* = = u(h - u)(h 2 + h + 2 - 2u) h(h+l)(h-l)' ~ (h 2 + 3h + 2- Vh 4 + 7h 2 + 4) and [.] denotes the usual greatest integer function. Proof. For 2 :::; i :::; m - 2 and t E N[k i , ki+l], from (2.5) we have 1- . -I h(hh +_ 21) (t -k.+d ' ' 1 + h(h 1_ 1) (t -k.+d (2) h.(t)1 - (3) = 1 h + 2 (T _ h)(2) + 1 (T _ h)(3) 1 h(h-l) h(h-l) (2.9) 1 = h(h _ 1) T(h - T)(h + 1 - T), where T = t - k i E N[O, h], and also -. -I-(h +-1) Ih.+ 1 (t)1 - 2) h(h (2.10) (t _ . (2) ' (3) 1 k.) + h(h 1+ 1) (t -k.) 1 = h(h + 1) TIT - II(h - T). For T E N[O, 1], an addition of (2.9) and (2.10) gives - - Ihi(t)1 + Ihi +1 (t)1 = T(h - T)(h - 2T + 3) (h + 1)(h _ 1) from which it is obvious that the maximum occurs at T = 1. Thus, (2.11) max TEN[O,l) [lhi(t)1 + Ihi+1(t)1] = 1. Next, for T E N[I, h], we sum (2.9) and (2.10), to get (2.12) - - Ihi(t)1 + Ihi+l(t)1 = T(h-T)(h 2 +h+2-2T) h(h + l)(h -1) = B(T). Theating T as a continuous variable in the interval [1, h], we differentiate B(T) with respect to T and set dB/dT = 0, to obtain T = T* (see (2.8)). It can be verified that T* E (1, h) and B(T) attains its maximum at T = T*. Hence, it follows from (2.12) that (2.13) max TEN[l,h) [lhi(t)1 + Ihi+l(t)1] = max{B([T*]), B([T* + I])}. Combining (2.11) and (2.13), we immediately obtain max TEN[O,h) [lhi(t)1 + Ihi+l(t)I] = M(h). ERROR INEQUALITIES FOR DISCRETE INTERPOLATION 401 Definition 2.4. For a fixed p, we define the set S(p) as S(p) = {g(t) E n(2)[a,b] : g(t) is a cubic polynomial in each subinterval N[ki , kiH ], 1 ~ i ~ m - 2, and N[km-l, b + In. Clearly, S(p) is of dimension 4(m - 1) - 3(m - 2) = m + 2. Definition 2.5. For a given function j(t) defined on N[a, b + 1], we say Spj(t) is the S(p)-interpolate 0/ j(t), also known as the discrete spline interpolate 0/ /(t), if Spj(t) E S(p) with Spj(ki) = j(ki), 1 ~ i ~ m and 6,Spj(ki ) = 6,/(ki ), i = 1, m. Lemma 2.2. Let 2 ~ i ~ m - 1 but fixed, and let p(t), q(t) be two cubic polyno- mials defined on N[k i- l , ki + 2] and N[k i , ki+l + 1], respectively. Suppose that and (2.14) (h - 1)(h - 2)6,q(ki+l) + 4(h - l)(h + 1)6,Yi + (h + l)(h + 2)6,p(ki- l ) =3(h - l)q(ki+d + 6Yi - 3(h + l)p(ki- l ). Proo/. Let 3 Gl(t) = Laj(t-ki)(j) 3 and j=O G 2(t) = L bj(t - kd j ) j=O be two cubic polynomials defined on N[k i- l , ki+2] and N[k i , kiH +1], respectively. To have Gl(t) == p(t), we set and to get an algebraic system of four equations that determines the unknowns aj, 0 ~ j ~ 3 in terms of p(ki- l ), 6,p(ki-l), Yi and 6,Yi. SimiIarly, the unknowns bj , 0 ~ j ~ 3 are computed by requiring and such that G 2(t) == q(t). Now, 6,2p(k i ) = 6,2 q(k i ), if and only if, a2 = b2, which is the same as (2.14). P. J. Y. WONG AND R. P. AGARWAL 402 Lemma 2.3. For a given g(t) E H(p), we define Ci = g(ki ), ßCi = ßg(ki ), 1 ~ i ~ m. Then, g(t) E S(p), iJ and only iJ, (2.15) (h - 1)(h - 2)ßCi+1 + 4(h - l)(h + I)ßci + (h + 1)(h + 2)ßCi-1 3(h - l)ci+1 + 6Ci - 3(h + l)ci-l, 2 ~ i ~ m - 1. Moreover, from (2.15) the unknowns ßCi, 2 ~ i ~ m -1 can be obtained uniquely in terms of Ci, 1 ~ i ~ m, ßCI and ßcm • Proof. From Lemma 2.2, the 'continuity' of ß2 g(t) is the same as (2.14) which is equivalent to (2.15). The system (2.15) in matrix form can be written as B(ßc) = w, (2.16) 4(h - 1)(h + 1) (h - 1)(h - 2) (h + 1)(h + 2) 4(h - 1)(h + 1) (2.17) (h - 1)(h - 2) B= (h + 1)(h + 2) 4(h - 1)(h + 1) (h - l)(h - 2) (h + 1)(h + 2) 4(h - 1)(h + 1) and w = [Wi], (2.18) { WI = 3(h - l)c3 + 6C2 - 3(h + I)CI - (h + 1)(h + 2)ßCI, Wi = 3(h - l)ci+1 + 6Ci - 3(h + I)Ci-1 (2 ~ i ~ m - 3), Wm-2 = 3(h - l)cm + 6Cm -1 - 3(h + l)cm-2 - (h - 1)(h - 2)ßcm . Since h ~ 3, it can easily be checked that the matrix B is strictly diagonally dominant. Hence, the system (2.16) has a unique solution. Lemma 2.4. For a given junction j(t) defined on N[a, b + 1], Spj(t) exists and is unique. Proof. For any given function g(t) defined on N[a, b + 1], Hpg(t) exists and is unique. Further, by Lemma 2.3 for the given set of numbers Ci = j(ki ), 1 ~ i ~ m, ßCi = ßj(ki ), i = 1, m, there exist unique ßCi, 2 ~ i ~ m - 1 satisfying (2.15). Now, let g(t) be such that g(ki ) = Ci, ßg(ki) = ßCi, 1 ~ i ~ m. Then, again by Lemma 2.3, Hpg(t) E S(p). However, from Definition 2.5 this Hpg(t) is actually the same as Spj(t). Remark 2.1. From the proof of Lemma 2.4 and (2.3), it is clear that Spf(t) can be expressed as (2.19) Spf(t) = m m-I i=1 i=2 E f(ki)hi(t) + t:..f(kl)hl (t) + t:..f(km)hm(t) + E t:..Ci hi(t), where t:..Ci, 2 ~ i :5 m - 1 satisfy (2.15). ERROR INEQUALITIES FOR DISCRETE INTERPOLATION 403 Remark 2.2. It is possible to describe a basis for S(p), namely the 'cardinal splines', {Si(t)}~t2, which are defined by the following interpolating conditions: si(kj) = Dij, ßSi(a) = ßSi(b) = 0, 1:5 i,j:5 m, Sm+1(ki) = 0, ßSm+l(a) = 1, ßSm+1(b) = 0, 1:5 i:5 m, sm+2(ki) = 0, ßSm+2(a) = 0, ßS m+2(b) = 1, 1 :5 i :5 m. Obviously, Spf(t) can be explicitly expressed as m (2.20) Spf(t) = L f(ki)Si(t) + ßf(kl)Sm+1(t) + ßf(km )sm+2(t). i=l Lemma 2.5 ([10]). Let A = [aij] be an n x n matrix such that Then, (I ± A) is nonsingular and 11(/ ± A)-lll $ (1 -IIAII)-l, where I is the identity matrix. Theorem 2.1 (Discrete Peano's Kernel Theorem). Let E be a linear junctional and E(P(t)) = 0 /or all polynomials p(t) 0/ degree (n - 1). Then, /or any /(t) defined on N, (2.21) where ( (n-l) ) t-s-l+ ={(t0, - s - 1)(n-l), t ~ s + 1, t< s + 1, and E t (-) means the linear junctional E applied to the expression (.) considered as a junction 0/ t. Proof. Following as in [1], the discrete Taylor's formula with exact remainder can be written as (2.22) f(t) = ~ (t -.a)(i) flif(a) + ~ (t - s _1)~-1) flnf(s). ~~! L.J (n - I)! ,=0 s=a By using the linearity of E, and the fact that E annihilates all polynomials of degree (n - 1), (2.21) immediately follows by applying E to both sides of (2.22). 404 P. J. Y. WONG AND R. P. AGARWAL 3. Minimum Curvature Property of Discrete Spline In this section, we shall show that the discrete spline Spj(t) defined earlier has the minimum 'least square variation', which is analogous to the continuous case [3]. For this, for any two functions j(t), g(t) defined on N[a, b - 1], we introduce the inner product b-l (f, g) = ~ j(t)g(t), (3.1) t=a and denote (3.2) IIjll~ = (f, f). Theorem 3.1. Let p, j(k i ), 1::; i ::; m and 6,j(k i ), i = 1, m be given, and let V == {w(t) E N[a,b+ 1]: w(ki ) = j(k i ), 1::; i::; m; 6,w(k i ) = 6,j(k i ), i = 1,m}. The variational problem 0/ finding the /unction p(t) E V which minimises 116,2wll~ over all w(t) E V has the unique solution Spj(t). Proof. First we shall show that p(t) E V is a solution of the variational problem if and only if the inner product (6,2 p, 6, 2 8) = 0 (3.3) for all functions 6(t) E Vo == {w(t) E N[a, b + 1] : w(ki ) = 0, 1 ::; i ::; m; 6,w(k i ) = 0, i = 1, m}, i.e., p(t) is a solution of the generalised Euler's equation (3.3). To prove the necessity part, we note that if p(t) E V, then p(t) + 0: 8(t) E V for all real numbers 0: and 8(t) E Vo. Suppose that p(t) E V is a solution of the variation al problem. Then, the function F(o:) = 116,2(p + 0:8)11~ should attain its minimum at 0: = O. This simply means that dFI (3.4) do: ",=0 =0. Since F(o:) = 116,2(p + 0:8)11~ = (6,2(p + 0:8), 6,2(p + 0:8)) = (6,2 p,6,2p) + 20:(6,2p, 6, 28) + 0:2(6, 28, 6, 28), it follows that relation (3.4) is equivalent to (3.3). Next, to prove the sufficiency part, we let p(t) E V be a solution of (3.3) and w(t) be any function in V. Then, w(t) - p(t) E Vo and therefore (6,2 p, 6,2(W - p)) = O. Using this fact, we find that 116,2wll~ = (ß 2w,6,2W) = (ß 2(w _ p) + 6,2p, 6,2(W _ p) + 6,2p) = (ß 2(w - p), 6,2(w - p)) + 2 (6,2(w - p), 6,2p) + (6,2 p,6,2p) (3.5) = IIß 2(w - p)lI~ + 116,2pll~ (3.6) 2: IIß2pll~ ERROR INEQUALITIES FOR DISCRETE INTERPOLATION 405 for any w(t) E V, i.e., pet) is a solution of the variational problem. Moreover, we note that equality holds in (3.6) if and only if On summing, the above relation gives ~w(t) = ~p(t) + a, tE N[a,b], where a is a constant. Since ~(w -p)(b) = 0 (w(t) -pet) E Vo), we see that a = O. Now, another summation yields w(t) = pet) + ß, tE N[a, b + 1], where ß is a constant. Using (w - p)(b) = 0 (w(t) - pet) E Vo), we immediately obtain ß = O. Hence, w(t) = pet), tE N[a, b+ 1] and so pet) is the unique solution of the variational problem. To complete the proof, we shall show that Spf(t) is a solution of the generalised Euler's equation (3.3). Using summation by parts (2::=a v(t)~u(t) = u(t)v(t)I~+1- 2::=a u(t+ 1)~v(t)), boundary conditions, and the fact that Spf(t) is a cubic polynomial in each subinterval N[ki , ki +1] , 1 ~ i ~ m - 1, we find for any 6(t) E Vo, (~2Spf, ~26) = b-i rn-i ki+1- i t=a i=i L ~2Spf(t) . ~26(t) = L L ~2Spf(t)· ~2d(t) t=k. ~ ~ [ a' 8,/{') . M{') I::+> - '~' a'{t+ 1) . a' 8,f(t)] = ~2Spf(t) . ~6(t)l~ - ~ [ ~3Spf(t) . 6(t + 1)1::+ -'J;;' .(. 1 + 2) . a' 8,/{.)] = - ~3Spf(t). 6(t + 1)1~ = _~3 Spf(b) . 6(b + 1) + ~3Spf(a) . 6(a + 1) = -~3Spf(b) . 6(b) + ~3Spf(a). 6(a) =0. This completes the proof of the theorem. As a particular case of (3.5), we obtain the following discrete analog of the 'first integral relation' [3]. P. J. Y. WONG AND R. P. AGARWAL 406 Corollary 3.1. Let f(t) be defined on N[a, b + 1]. Then = 1I~2 fll~. Theorem 3.2. Let g(t) be defined on N[a, b + 3] with g(ki) = f(ki), 1 ~ i ~ m, and ~g(ki) = ~f(ki), i = 1, m. Then, 1I~2Spfll~ + 1I~2Spf - ~2 fll~ (3.7) b-l 1I~2(g - Spf)lI~ (3.8) = ~)g - Spf)(t + 2) . ~4g(t). t=a ProoJ. By using the same type of summation by parts formula as in the proof of Theorem 3.1, we obtain b-l 1I~2(g _ Spf)lI~ = ~)g - Spf)(t + 2) . ~\g - Spf)(t) t=a b-l = ~)g - Spf)(t + 2) . ~4g(t). t=a The following corollary is the discrete analog of the 'second integral relation' [3]. Corollary 3.2. Let f(t) be defined on N[a, b + 3]. Then, b-l 11~2(f - Spf)lI~ = L(f - Spf)(t + 2) . ~4 f(t) (3.9) t=a (3.10) Proof. Equality (3.9) follows from (3.8) immediately. To prove (3.10), we apply (E:=a summation by parts u(t + 1)~v(t) = u(t)v(t)I~+1 the boundary conditions in (3.9), to get rn-I ki+l- 1 1I~2(f - Spf)lI~ = L i=l L E:=a v(t)~u(t)), and (f - Spf)(t + 2)· ~4f(t) t=ki rn-I k ki+l- 1 k. t=ki = L[(f-Spf)(t+1).~3f(t) 1 ~+1_ L ~3f(t).~(f-Spf)(t+1)] i=l b rn-I a i=l k = (f - Spf)(t + 1)· ~3 f(t) 1 - L [~(f - Spf)(t)· ~2 f(t) Ik~+l • ki+l- 1 - =(f - Spf)(t + 1) . ~3 f(t) I: -~(f L ~2 f(t) . ~2(f - Spf)(t)] t=ki - Spf)(t) . ~2 f(t) I: b-l +L t=a ~2 f(t) . ~2(f - Spf)(t), ERROR INEQUALITIES FOR DISCRETE INTERPOLATION 407 Le., IIß2 (f - Spf)lI~ = (f - Spf)(b + 1) . ß 3/(b) - (f - Spf)(a + 1) . ß 3/(a) + (ß2 I, ß2(f - Spf)) = (f - Spf)(b) . ß 3/(b) - (f - Spf)(a) . ß 3/(a) + (ß2 I, ß2(f - Spf)) = (ß2 I, ß2(f - Spf)). 4. Error Estimates for Discrete Hermite Interpolation Theorem 4.1. Let I(t) be defined on N[a, b + 1]. Then, 111 - Hpfll ~ aj(h) tEN[a,b+1-j] max Ißj l(t)l, (4.1) 1 ~ j ~ 4, where the constants aj(h), 1 ~ j ~ 4, are given as lollows: al (h) = 2h a2(h) = { 2+h - 7 h+1 ' h(h21_1) max{fh([tiJ), (h([ti + 1])}, 1 h(h 2 _ 1) flt (2), [ti] E N[2, h - 1], otherwise, . { 32 1 (2h + 1)2( h - 1) 2, (h - l)(h - 2) 2 ~ h(h 1+ 1) mm (2h -} 3) , where (h (u) = (h - l)u(u - l)(h - u)(2h + 1- 2u) and ti E (1, h - 1) is the root 01 the equation 8t3 - 3(4h + 3)t2 + (4h 2 + lOh + 2)t - 2h2 - h = 0; [t; + 1] E N[2, h - 1], otherwise, < 1 min{116(h2+1)2, (h-2)2(h 2 -2h+3)}, - 2h(h+1) where 02(U) = (h - l)u(u - l)(h - u)[h 2 + 1- u(h -1)] and t; E (2, h) is the root 01 the equation 4(h - 1)t3 - 6h 2t 2 + 2(h3 + 2h2 + l)t - h 3 - h = 0; and a4(h) = { 2~ max{ 03([tj]) , 03([t; + 1])}, 1 24 03 (2), 1 22 ~ 384 (h - 1) (h + 1) , [t; + 1] E N[2,h -1], otherwise, P. J. Y. WONG AND R. P. AG ARWAL 408 where 03(U) = U(U - l)(h - u)(h + 1 - U) and tj = (h + 1)/2. Proof. Without loss of generality, let p : 0 = a = k 1 < k 2 = b = h. Then, from (2.3) we have (4.2) _ [3 HpJ(t) - J(O) h(h _ 1) (t 3 _h) + J(h) [ h(h + 1) t (2) (2) + h(h22_ 1) (t _h)(3)] 2 (3)] - h(h2 _ 1) t (2) 1 (3)] h+2 + ~J(O) [h(h _ 1) (t - h) + h(h _ 1) (t - h) [-eh - 2) (2) 1 (3)] + ~J(h) h(h + 1) t + h(h + 1) t . Hence, on using Theorem 2.1 we obtain (4.3) 1 h+l J(t) - HpJ(t) = Ci _ I)! Gj(t, s)~j J(s), L 1 ~ j ~ 3, 8=0 where Gj(t, s) = (t - s - 1)~-1) (4.4) ) (j-l) [ - (h - s - 1 + 3 h(h + 1) t (2) 2 (3)] - h(h2 _ 1) t _ Ci - l)(h - s _ 1)(j-2) [_ (h - 2) t(2) + + h(h+1) 1 h(h+1) t(3)]. Noting that J(t) - HpJ(t) = 0 for t = 0,1, h, h + 1, we have IIJ - HpJl1 = tEN[O,h+1] max IJ(t) - HpJ(t)1 = max IJ(t) - HP/(t)l· tEN[2,h-l] Further, for tE N[2, h-1] it is obvious that Gj(t, h+ 1) = Gj(t, h) = 0, 1 ~ j ~ 3. Coupling all these, it follows from (4.3) that (4.5) 1 h-l . IIJ - HpJl1 ~ ('J - 1)'. tEN[2,h-l] max L IGj(t, s)l' max I~J J(t)l, 8=0 tEN[O,h+l-j] for 1 ~ j ~ 3. CASE: j = 1. Here, (4.4) gives (4.6) I h(h 2 _ 1) <PI (t), G1 (t,s) = { 1 h(h2 _ 1) <P2(t), t ~ s, t ~ s + 1, ERROR INEQUALITIES FOR DISCRETE INTERPOLATION 409 where (PI (t) = t(t - 1)(2t - 3h - 1) and 4J2(t) = h(h2 - 1) - 4Jl (t). It is clear that 4Jl (t) ~ 0 and 4J2(t) ~ 0 for t E N[2, h - 1]. Hence, we find for t E N[2, h - 1], h-l h(h2 -1) L t-l h-l IG1(t,s)1 = L 14J2(t)1 + L l4Jl(t)1 8=0 s=t 8=0 t-l h-l = L4J2(t) + ~)-4Jl(t)) s=t 8=0 = t 4J2 (t) + (h - t)( -4Jl (t)). It can be verified that the maximum of the above expression occurs at t = h - 1, Le., (4.7) h-l 2h2 + h-7 max "'IG1(t,s)l= h 1 =al(h). tEN[2,h-l] ~ + On substituting (4.7) into (4.5), we get (4.1) immediately. CASE: j = 2. From (4.4), we find that (4.8) G 2 (t, s) = { h(h}-I) 4J3(t) - (h -1- S)4J4 (t), 1 h(h2 -1) 4J5(t) - s 4J6(t), t ~ s, t ~ s + 1, where 4J3(t) = t(t -1)(h - t)(h -1), 4J4(t) = t(t - 1)(3h - 2t + 1), 4J5(t) = (t - 1)(h - t)(h + 1- t)(h -1), 4J6(t) = (h - t)(h + 1- t)(2t + h -1). Clearly, 4J3(t), 4J4(t) ~ 0, tE N[O, h] and 4J5(t), 4J6(t) ~ 0, tE N[I, h]. Further, it is noted that G2(t, s) changes sign for t ~ s as weIl as for t ~ s + 1. We shall make use of the following inequality la - bl ~ max{a,b}, (4.9) a,b ~ O. Then, it follows from (4.8) that (4.10) IG2(t,s)1 ~ { h(h21_1) max{4J3(t), Ih -1- sl4J4(t)}, t ~ s, 1 h(h2 -1) max{4J5(t), S4J6(t)}, t~s+1. P. J. Y. WONG AND R. P. AGARWAL 410 Subsequently, h-l IG2(t,s)1 h(h2-1) L 8=0 t-l h-l 8=0 8=t ~ Lmax{<p5(t),S<P6(t)} + Lmax{<p3(t), (h -1- S)<p4(t)} = max{ t<P5(t), t(2) t~) <P6(t)} + max{ (h - t)<P3(t), (h -2t )(2) <P4(t)} _ { ""2 <P6(t) + (h - t)(2) 2 <P4(t), t <P5(t) + (h - t)<P3(t), [h - 1 ] tE [0,1] U -2-' h [ h-1] tEl, -2- = (h - l)t(t - l)(h - t)(2h + 1 - 2t) = fh (t), tE N[O, h]. Treating t as a continuous variable in the interval [2, h - 1], we differentiate Ih (t) with respect to t, and set dfh/dt = 0, or 8t 3 - 3( 4h + 3)t2 + (4h 2 + lOh + 2)t - 2h 2 - h = ° to obtain t = ti E (1, h - 1). It is dear that fh (t) attains its maximum at t = ti. Hence, it follows that h-l (4.11) 1 max L IG 2(t, s)1 = h(h2 1) max fh(t) = a2(h). tEN[2,h-l] 8=0 tEN[2,h-l] The inequality (4.1) is now immediate on using (4.11) in (4.5). Further , it is obvious that max lh(t) ~ (h -1) { max t(2h + 1- 2t)} { max (t -l)(h - t)} tEN[2,h-l] tE[O,h] tE[O,h] = 312 (2h + 1)2(h - 1)3 and also max lh(t) ~ (h - 1) { max t(t - I)} { max (h - t)(2h + 1- 2t)} tEN[2,h-l] tE[2,h-l] tE[2,h-l] Thus, we have the upper estimate h-l (4.12) 1 max L IG 2(t,s)1 = h(h2 1) max fh(t) = a2(h) tEN[2,h-l] 8=0 tEN[2,h-l] ERROR INEQUALITIES FOR DISCRETE INTERPOLATION 411 1 m' {(2h + 1)2(h _1)3 (h _ 1)2(h _ 2)2(2h _ 3)} - h(h2 - 1) m 32 ' < = CASE: j (4.13) 1 . {(2h + 1)2(h - 1)2 (h -l)(h _ 2)2(2h _ h(h + 1) mm 32' 3)} . = 3. Relation (4.4) provides G3 (t,s) = h - s -1 (2) h(h 2 _ 1) t [(h(t) - (h - s - 2)4>s(t)], +1 h(~2 -1) (h + 1- t)(2)[s4>g(t) - 4>lO(t)], { t ~ s, t ~ s + 1, where 4>7(t) = 2(h - t)(h - 1), 4>s(t) = 3h - 2t + 1, 4>g(t) = h + 2t - 1, 4>lO(t) = 2(t - l)(h - 1). We note that 4>i(t) ~ 0, 7 ~ i ~ 10, tE N[l, h]. Applying inequality (4.9), it follows from (4.13) that (4.14) IG 3(t, s)1 ~ { Ih - s - Ilt(2) h(h2 _ 1) max{ 4>7(t), Ih - s - 214>s (t)}, t ~ s, (s + l)(h + 1 _ t)(2) h(h2 _ 1) max{ s 4>g(t), 4>lO(t)}, t ~ s + 1. Henee, we find h-l t-l h(h2 - 1) L IG 3(t, s)1 ~ L(s + l)(h + 1 - t)(2) max{ s 4>g(t), 4>lO(t)} 8=0 8=0 h-l + L(h - s - 1)t(2) max{ 4>7(t), (h - s - 2)4>s(t)} 8=t = (h - l)t(t - l)(h - t)[h 2 + 1 - t(h - 1)] =02(t), tE N[l, h - 1]. ° Onee again, we treat t as a eontinuous variable in the interval [2, h - 1]. By setting d02/dt = or 4(h - 1)t3 - 6h 2t 2 + 2(h 3 + 2h 2 + l)t - h3 - h = 0, we obtain t = t; E (2, h) whieh maximises 02(t). Therefore, (4.15) h-l 1 L IG3(t, s)1 = h(h2 1) max tEN[2,h-l] 8=0 - max 02(t) = a3(h). tEN[2,h-l] The inequality (4.1) immediate follows on using (4.15) in (4.5). To obtain an upper estimate on a3(h), we note that max tEN[2,h-l] 02(t) ~ (h - 1){ max t[h 2 + 1 - t(h -1)]}{ max (t -l)(h - t)} tE[O,h] 1 = 16 (h 2 2 + 1) (h - 1), tE[O,h] 412 P. J. Y. WONG AND R. P. AGARWAL as weH as max tEN[2,h-I) 02(t) ~ (h -1){ max t(t - 1)}{ max (h - t)[h 2 + 1- t(h -1)]} tE[2,h-I) tE[2,h-I) = (h - l)(h - 2)2(h2 - 2h + 3). It foHows that 1 h-I max 2)G3(t, 8)1 = h(h2 - 1) tEN[2,h-I) max 02(t) = a3(h) tEN[2,h-I) 8=0 < 1 - h(h2 - (4.16) CASE: j (4.17) min{ (h 2 + 1)2(h - 1) (h _ l)(h _ 2)2(h 2 _ 2h + 3)} 1) 16' . {(h + 1)2 2 2 } = h(h 1+ 1) mm 16 ' (h - 2) (h - 2h + 3) . 2 = 4. From [2, Theorem 5.1] we have 1 IIf - Hpfll ~ 4' ° max . tEN[2,h-I) 03(t)· 16. 4 f(t)l· max tEN[0,h-3) As before, we set d0 3 /dt = to get t = t; = (h+ 1)/2 E [2, h -1] which maximises 03(t). Hence, (4.17) leads to (4.1). Further, it is obvious that 1 (4.18) 1 a4(h) = 4'. tEN[2,h-I) max 03(t) ~ 4' max 03(t) . tE[2,h-I) * 1 = 4!1 03(t3) = 384 (h - 1) 2(h + 1)2 . Remark 4.1. The case j = 4 is given in [2, Theorem 7.3] as follows 11/ - Hp/li :5 3814 h4 tEN[a,b-3) max 1~4 /(t)l· Since 1 2 a4(h) :5 384 (h - 1) (h + 1) 2 1 4 :5 384 h , our result is an improvement. 5. Error Estimates for Discrete Spline Interpolation Let f(t) be an arbitrary function defined on N[a, b+ 1]. We begin with the equality (5.1) In (5.1) the term (Hpf - SpJ)(t) belongs to H(p), and (Hpf - SpJ)(ki ) = 0, 1 ~ i ~ m, and 6.(Hpf - SpJ)(ki) = 0, i = 1, m. Hence, it follows from (2.3) that (Hpf - SpJ)(t) = (5.2) rn-I L 6.(Hpf - SpJ)(ki ) . hi(t) i=2 rn-I rn-I i=2 i=2 = L [6.f(ki ) - 6.Spf(ki)] hi(t) = L eihi(t), ERROR INEQUALITIES FOR DISCRETE INTERPOLATION 413 where ei = Af(ki) - ASpf(ki ). Denoting e = [ei], the relation (5.2) leads to I(Hpf - Spf)(t)1 ~ lIell (5.3) = lIell rn-I max L Ihi(t)1 max [lhi(t)1 + IhHI (t)1] , tEN[a,b+1] i=2 tEN[ki,ki+d 29$;rn-2 where we have used the fact that Ihi(t)1 is nonzero only in the interval N[k i- I , ki +1] , 2 ~ i ~ m - 1. Using (5.3), it now follows from (5.1) that (5.4) I(J - Spf)(t)1 ~ I(J - Hpf)(t)1 + lIell max tEN[ki,ki+l] [lhi(t)1 + Ihi+1(t)1] . 2$;i$;rn-2 In the right side of (5.4) we can make use of Theorem 4.1 and Lemma 2.1, and hence what remains is to compute an upper bound for lIell. Lemma 5.1. Let f(t) be defined on N[a, b + I]. Then, (5.5) lIell ~ bj(h) tEN[a,b+1-j] max IAj f(t)l, 1 ~ j ~ 4 where the constants bj(h), 1 ~ j ~ 4 are given in Table 5.1. TABLE 5.1 j 1 2 3 4 bj(h) 3h 2 h 2 -4 h(h - 1)(7h + 1) 4(h 2 - 4) h(h - 1)(3h2 - h + 2) 8(h 2 - 4) h(h 2 - 1)(h2 + 2) 24(h 2 - 4) Proof. Let r = [ri(J)]~~;2I be an (m - 2) x 1 vector defined by (5.6) r=Be, where the matrix B is given in (2.17). Then, it follows that (5.7) B(Af) = w+r, where w is defined in (2.18) and Af = [Af(ki)]~2I is an (m - 2) x 1 vector. From Lemma 2.3, we have (5.8) ri(J) = (h - l)(h - 2)Af(kHI) + 4(h -l)(h + l)Af(ki) + (h + l)(h + 2)Af(ki - l ) - 3(h - l)f(kH d - 6f(ki ) + 3(h + l)f(ki -d, 2 ~ i ~ m - 1. 414 P. J. Y. WONG AND R. P. AGARWAL For 2 ~ i ~ m - 1, since ri(p) = 0 for all polynomials p(t) of degree (j - 1), 1 ~ j ~ 4, it follows from Theorem 2.1 that 1 (5.9) ki+l +1 :L (ri}t(t - s - 1)~-1) ~j I(s), ri(f) = (j _ I)! S=ki_l where by (5.8) we have (ri)t(t - s - 1)~-1) =(j -1) [(h - l)(h - 2)(ki+1 - S - 1)~-2) + 4(h - l)(h + l)(k i - S - 1)~-2) + (h + l)(h + 2)(ki- 1 - S - 1)~-2)] (5.10) - 3(h - 1)(ki+1 - S - 1)~-1) - 6(k i - S - 1)~-1) + 3(h + 1)(ki- 1 - S - 1)~-1). It is obvious from (5.10) that (riMt - s _1)~-1) = 0 if s = ki+1, kiH + 1. Thus, (5.9) reduces to (5.11) ri(f) = (j ~ I)! ki+l- 1 :L (ri}t(t - s _1)~-1) ~j I(s), 2 ~ i ~ m - 1. S=ki_l We shall continue the proof only for j = 2 as the proof for other cases is similar. From (5.10), we find (ri)t(t - s - 1)+ =(h -l)(h - 2)(ki+1 - S - 1)~) + 4(h - l)(h + l)(k i - S - 1)~) + (h + l)(h + 2)(ki - 1 - S - 1)~) (5.12) - 3(h - 1)(ki+1 - S - 1)+ - 6(ki - S - 1h + 3(h + 1)(ki - 1 - S - 1)+, 2 ~ i ~ m - 1. Hence, for s E N[ki , kiH - 1], it follows from (5.12) that (riMt-s-1)+ = (h-1)(h-2)-3(h-1)(ki+1-s-1) = (h-1)(h-2-3T) = 1/11 (T), where T = k iH - s - 1 E N[O, h - 1]. Since 1/11 (T) changes sign in the interval N[O, h - 1], we apply the inequality (4.9) to obtain 11/11(T)I~(h-1) max{h-2, 3T}. Thus, ki+l -1 h-1 S=ki T=O :L I(ri)t(t - s - 1)+1 = :L 11/11(T)1 (5.13) ~ (h -1) max{~(h - 2), ~ 3T} = ~ h(h - 1)2. 2 ERROR INEQUALITIES FOR DISCRETE INTERPOLATION 415 For s E N[ki-l, ki - 1], from (5.12) we get (riMt - s - 1)+ = (h - l)(h - 2) + 4(h - 1)(h + 1) - 3(h - l)(ki+l - S - 1) - 6(ki - S - 1) =(h + 1)[2(h - 1) - 3T] = 'l/J2(T), where T = ki - S - 1 E N[O, h - 1]. Onee again 'l/J2(T) changes sign in the interval N[O, h - 1], and so by using (4.9) we find ki-1 h-l L I(ri)t(t - s - 1)+1 = L 1'l/J2(T)1 T=O (5.14) :::; (h + 1) max { t;, = h-l t;, h-l 2(h - 1), } 3T = 2h(h - l)(h + 1). Coupling (5.13) and (5.14), it follows from (5.11) that ki+l- 1 Iri(f)I:::; L l(riMt - s -1)+1· tEN[a,b-l) max Iß 2j(t)1 S=ki_l (5.15) :::; [~2 h(h - 1)2 + 2h(h - l)(h + 1)] max tEN[a,b-l) = -21 h(h - 1)(7h + 1) tEN[a,b-l) max Iß 2 j(t)l, Iß 2j(t)1 2:::; i :::; m - 1. Now, we multiply both sides of (5.6) by the diagonal matrix 0 dii = l/a, a E IR+ to obtain Or = OBe. = [dij ], where This implies that (5.16) Writing OB = 1+ A where A is an (m - 2) x (m - 2) matrix with the property that IIAII < 1, it follows from Lemma 2.5 and (5.16) that (5.17) To obtain the smallest bound in (5.17), we shall maximise (1-IIAIDa over a E JR+. For this, from (2.17) we find 416 P. J. Y. WONG AND R. P. AGARWAL IIAII = (h + l)(h + 2) + 4(h - 1)(h + 1) _ 11 + (h - 1)(h - 2) 1 (5.18) = { a a 6h2 --1 a ~ 4(h 2 - 1), 1 ~ 2h 2 '- 8, a a ~ 4(h 2 - 1). a Further, the condition IIAII < 1 is equivalent to 6h 2 ja - 1 < 1 (since 1 - (2h 2 8)ja< 1 for a ~ 4(h 2 - 1)) which gives a > 3h2 • Hence, in view of (5.18) we have max (1 - IIAll)a = max (1 - IIAII)a aER+, IIAII<l a>3h 2 (5.19) = 2h 2 - 8. Using (5.15) and (5.19) in (5.17), we get 1 1 lIell ~ 2h2 8' -2 h(h - 1)(7h + 1) - max tEN[a,b-l] Iß2 f(t)1 = h(h - 1)(7h + 1) max Iß 2 f(t)l. a~t:5b-l 4(h 2 - 4) This completes the proof of (5.5) for j = 2. Theorem 5.1. Let f(t) be defined on N[a, b + 1]. Then IIf - Spfll ~ dj(h) (5.20) max Ißj f(t)l, 1 ~ j ~ 4 tEN[a,b+1-j] . where dj(h) = aj(h) + bj(h)M(h), and aj(h), bj(h) and M(h) are given in Theorem 4.1, Lemma 5.1 and (2.6), respectively. Proof. An application of Theorem 4.1, Lemmas 5.1 and 2.1 in (5.4) yields the inequalities (5.20) immediately. 6. Two-variable Discrete Hermite Interpolation For a given T, we define H(T) = H(p) EB H(p') (the tensor product) = Span {hi(t)hj(u), hi(t)hj(u), hi(t)hj(u), hi(t)hj(u)} /::1 ~=l g(t,u) E D(1,l)([a,b] x [e,d]) : g(t,u) is a two-dimensional polynomial of degree 3 in each variable and in each subrectangle = [ki,ki+l] x [lj,lj+1]' [km-1,b+ 1] x [lj,lj+1]' [ki,ki+1] x [ln-bd+ 1], 1 ~ i ~ m - 2, 1 ~ j ~ n - 2 and [km- 1,b+l] x [ln-l,d+l]. ERROR INEQUALITIES FOR DISCRETE INTERPOLATION 417 Since H(r) is the tensor product of H(p) and H(p') which are of dimensions 2m and 2n respectively, H(r) is of dimension 4mn. Definition 6.1. For a given function f(t, u) defined on N[a, b + 1] x N[c, d + 1], we shall denote ft'/' = ~r ~~ f(ki,lj), /L, v = 0,1, 1 ~ i ~ m, 1 ~ j ~ n. We say Hrf(t,u) is the H(r)-interpolate of f(t,u), also known as the discrete Hermite interpolate of f(t,u), if Hrf(t,u) E H(r) with ~r~~ Hrf(ki,lj) = ft'/, /L,V = 0, 1, 1 ~ i ~ m, 1 ~ j ~ n. Clearly, Hrf(t,u) can be explicitly expressed as m (6.1) Hrf(t,u) = L i=l n L[f~jOhi(t)hj(u) + f~ihi(t)hj(u) j=l The following result provides a characterisation of Hrf(t,u) in terms of onedimensional interpolation schemes. Lemma 6.1. Let f(t, u) be defined on N[a, b + 1] x N[c, d + 1]. Then, (6.2) ProoJ. By definition = Hrf(t,u). The proof of the second equality in (6.2) is similar. Now let f(t, u) be an arbitrary function defined on N[a, b + 1] x N[c, d + 1]. From Lemma 6.1, we have f - Hrf = (f - Hp!) + Hp(f - Hp'!) (6.3) (6.4) = (f - Hp!) + [Hp(f - Hp'!) - (f - Hp'!)] + (f - Hp'!) = (f - Hp!) + [Hp' (f - Hp!) - (f - Hp!)] + (f - Hp'!). Using these relations we shall deduce error estimates for two-dimensional discrete Hermite interpolation. 418 P. J. Y. WONG AND R. P. AGARWAL Theorem 6.1. Let f(t, u) be defined on N[a, b + 1] x N[c, d + 1]. Then, Ilf - Hrfll ~ a4(h) (6.5) max tEN[a,b-3] uEN[c,d+1] Ißt/(t, u)1 + al(h)a3(h') max tEN[a,b] uEN[c,d-2] Ißtß!f(t, u)1 + a4(h') IIf - Hrfll ~ a4(h) (6.6) max tEN[a,b+1] uEN[c,d-3] Ißt/(t, u)1 max tEN[a,b-3] uEN[c,d+l] + a2(h)a2(h') Iß; ß;'f(t, u)1 max tEN[a,b-l] uEN[c,d-l] + a4(h') and (6.7) IIf - Hrfll ~ a4(h) max tEN[a,b-3] UEN[c,d+l] Ißtf(t,u)l, max tEN[a,b+1] uEN[c,d-3] Ißtf(t, u)1 Ißt/(t, u)1 +a3(h)al(h') max tEN[a,b-2] uEN[c,d] Iß~ßuf(t,u)1 + a4(h') max tEN[a,b+1] uEN[c,d-3] Ißtf(t, u)l· Proof. It follows from (6.3) that ICf - Hrf)(t,u)1 ~ ICf - Hpf)(t,u)1 (6.8) + I [HpCf - Hpl f) - Cf - Hpl f)] (t, u)1 + ICf - Hpl f)(t, u)l· Applying Theorem 4.1 in (6.8) gives ICf - Hrf)(t,u)1 ~ a4(h) (6.9) max tEN[a,b-3] uEN[c,d+l] +al(h) Ißt/(t,u)1 max tEN[a,b] uEN[c,d+l] IßtCf-Hplf)(t,u)1 + a4(h') max tEN[a,b+l] uEN[c,d-3] Ißtf(t,u)l· Since ßtHp1f = Hplßd, using Theorem 4.1 again we get (6.10) IßtCf - Hplf)(t,u)1 ~ a3(h') max Ißtß!f(t,u)1 tEN[a,b] uEN[c,d-2] which on substituting into (6.9) yields (6.5). The proof of (6.6) and (6.7) is similar. ERROR INEQUALITIES FOR DISCRETE INTERPOLATION 419 7. Two-variable Discrete Spline Interpolation For a given 7, we define 8(7) = 8(p) EB 8(p') (the tensor product) = Span {si(t)sj(u)};:i 2j 2 (see Remark 2.2) :i g(t,u) E D(2,2)([a,b] x [c,d]): g(t,u) is a two-dimensional polynomial of degree 3 in each variable and in each subrectangle = [ki ,ki+1] x [lj,lj+1]' [km-bb+ 1] x [lj,lj+1], [ki ,ki+1] x [ln-1,d+ 1], 1 ~ i ~ m - 2, 1 ~ j ~ n - 2, and [k m- 1,b+ 1] x [ln-1,d+ 1]. Since 8(7) is the tensor product of 8(p) and 8(p') which are of dimensions (m+2) and (n + 2) respectively, 8(7) is of dimension (m + 2)(n + 2). Definition 7.1. For a given function f(t, u) defined on N[a, b+ 1] x N[c, d+ 1], We say 8 r f(t,u) is the 8(7)-interpolate of f(t,u), also known as the discrete spline interpolate of f(t,u), if 8 r f(t,u) E 8(7) with ßrß~ 8 r f(k i ,lj) = ff,t where /-L, /J, i and j satisfy (7.1) (I) { (2) (3) (4) if /-L = /J = 0, then 1 ~ i ~ m, 1 ~ j ~ nj if /-L = 1, /J = 0, then i = 1, m, 1 ~ j ~ nj if /-L = 0, /J = 1, then 1 ~ i ~ m, j = 1, nj and if /-L = /J = 1, then (i, j) = (1,1), (1, n), (m, 1), (m, n). Remark 7.1. Since S(r) C H(r), in view of (6.1) Sr!(t,U) can be explicitly expressed as (7.2) Sr !(t, u) = m n E E [Sr !(ki, lj)hi(t)hj(u) + ßuSr/(ki , lj)hi(t)iij(u) i=l j=l In (7.2), the values ßrD..~8rf(ki,lj) where /-L, /J, i and j do not fulfil (7.1) exist uniquely. Indeed, this is an immediate consequence of Lemma 2.3 and is stated as follows: Lemma 7.1. For a given g(t, u) E H(7), we define cti = ßr ß~g(ki, lj), /-L, /J = 0,1, 1 ~ i ~ m, 1 ~ j ~ n. The function g(t, u) E 5(7) if and only if cti, where /-L, /J, i and j are such that (7.3) (1) { (2) (3) 0, then 2 ~ i ~ m - 1, 1 ~ j ~ nj if /-L = 0, /J = 1, then 1 ~ i ~ m, 2 ~ j ~ n - 1j and if /-L = /J = 1, then 2 ~ i ~ m - 1, j = 1, n and ~f /-L = 1, /J = 1 ~ i ~ m, 2 ~ j ~ n - 1, P. J. Y. WONG AND R. P. AGARWAL 420 satisfy the following relations (7.4) (h - l)(h - 2)C;:1,j + 4(h - l)(h + l)c;,j + (h + l)(h + 2)C;~1,j = 3(h - l)C?:l,j + 6c?,j - 3(h + l)C?~l,j' where v, i and j in (7.4) are such that if v = 0, then 2 S i S m - 1, 1 S j sn, and if v = 1, then 2 S i Sm - 1, j = 1, n; and (7.5) (h' - l)(h' - 2)CILt,J+1 ,1 + 4(h' - l)(h' + l)cIL,~ + (h' + l)(h' + 2)CIL,~_ t,J t,J 1 IL '?_l' IL ,? - 3(h' + l)c't,) = 3(h' - 1)c!:'?+1 + 6c1,,) 'l.,) where j.L, i and j in (7.5) are such that j.L = 0,1, 1 Si S m, 2 S j Sn - 1. <; Moreover, from (7.4) and (7.5) the unknowns where j.L, v, i and j satisfy (7.3) can be obtained uniquely in terms of where j.L, v, i and j fulfil (7.1). <; Lemma 7.2. For any function f(t, u) defined on N[a, b+ 1] x N[c, d+ 1], Srf(t, u) exists and is unique. Proof. The proof is similar to that of Lemma 2.4. Remark 7.2. In view of Remark 2.2, Sr J(t, u) can be explicitly expressed in terms of cardinal splines as Sr J(t, u) = (7.6) m n m L L J~:? Si(t)Sj(u) + L [J~ll Sn+1 (u) + J~~ Sn+2(U)] Si(t) i=l j=l i=l n L [Jt:?Sm+l(t) + J~?iSm+2(t)] Si(U) + Jt:tSm+1 (t)sn+l (u) i=l + Jt:~Sm+l (t)Sn+2( u) + J~\ Sm+2 (t)sn+l (u) + J;;~nSm+2(t)Sn+2( u). + As a direct consequence of Remarks 2.2 and 7.2, we have the following result which provides an important characterisation of Srf(t, u) in terms of one-dimensional interpolation schemes. Lemma 7.3. Let f(t,u) be defined on N[a,b+ 1] x N[c,d+ 1]. Then, (7.7) Proof. The proof is similar to that of Lemma 6.1. Now let f(t, u) be an arbitrary function defined on N[a, b + 1] x N[c, d + 1]. From Lemma 7.3, we have (7.8) f - Srf = (f - Spl) + Sp(f - Spl I) = (f - Spl) + [Sp(f - Spl I) - (f - Spll)] + (f - Spl I) (7.9) = (f - Spl) + [Spl (f - Spl) - (f - Spl)] + (f - Spll). Using these relations and Theorem 5.1 we shall deduce error estimates for twodimensional discrete spline interpolation. ERROR INEQUALITIES FOR DISCRETE INTERPOLATION 421 Theorem 7.1. Let I(t, u) be defined on N[a, b + 1] x N[c, d + 1]. Then, 111 - STIli ~ d4 (h) (7.10) max tEN[a,b-3] uEN[c,d+1] I~U(t,u)1 max +d1 (h)d 3 (h') tEN[a,b] uEN[c,d-2] l~t~~/(t,u)1 + d4 (h') 111 - STIli ~ d4 (h) (7.11) max tEN[a,b+1] uEN[c,d-3] I~tl(t, u)l, I~U(t,u)1 max tEN[a,b-3] uEN[c,d+1] + d2 (h)d2 (h') 1~~~~/(t,u)1 max tEN[a,b-l] uEN[c,d-l] + d4(h') max tEN[a,b+l] uEN[c,d-3] l~tl(t,u)1 and 111 - STIli ~ d4 (h) (7.12) max tEN[a,b-3] uEN[c,d+l] I~U(t,u)1 + d3 (h)d1 (h') max tEN[a,b-2] uEN[c,dj I~: ~u/(t, u)1 + d4 (h') max tEN[a,bH] uEN[c,d-3] I~tl(t, u)l· Proof. The proof is similar to that of Theorem 6.1. References 1. R. P. Agarwal, Difference Equations and Inequalities - Theory, Methods, and Applications, Marcel Dekker, New York - Basel- Hong Kong, 1992. 2. R. P. Agarwal and B. S. Lalli, Discrete polynomial interpolation, Green's junctions, maximum principles, error bounds and boundary value problems, Comput. Math. Appl. 25 (1993), 3-39. 3. R. P. Agarwal and P. J. Y. 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Contributed Papers AN INEQUALITY CONCERNING SYMMETRIC FUNCTIONS AND SOME APPLICATIONS DORIN ANDRICA and LIVIU MARE "Babes-Bolyai" University, Faeulty of Mathematies, Str. Kogalnieeanu 1, Ro-3J,OO, Cluj-Napoea, Romania Abstract. An inequality for symmetrie continuous functions E : In --t lR is proved in Theorem 1.1 and a variant for Cl-differentiable functions is given in Theorem 1.2. Some applications concerning inequalities between means or convex functions are presented in the second section. 1. The Main Results Let I ~ lR be an interval and In = I X ... xI, In ~ lRn • Consider (Sn, 0) the permutations group ofthe set {1,2, ... ,n} acting on In by ax = (Xu(l)"" ,Xu(n)), where X = (Xl, ... ,xn ). Recall that a real-valued function E: In --t lR is symmetrie or Sn-invariant if for every X E In the relation E(ax) = E(x) holds, i.e., Eis constant on the Sn-orbits. The main purpose of this section consists in proving of two general results on symmetrie functions whieh will be very useful in obtaining some important inequalities. Theorem 1.1. Let I ~ lR be an interval and let E : In -+ lR be asymmetrie eontinuous funetion satisfying for every a = (al, ... , an) E In with al ~ a2 ~ . . . ~ an the inequality (1) < E(al, ... ,an)(~)E (al + a2 al + a2 ) 2' 2 ,a3,···,an Then for every a = (al, . .. , an) E In the following inequality (2) < E(al, ... ,an)(~)E (al + ... + a al + ... + a ) n n, ... , n n holds. Proof. We prove by induction on k, 2 ~ k ~ n, that for every a = (al, ... ,an) E In with al ~ a2 ~ ... ~ an the following inequality is satisfied (3) < E(al,'" ,an)(~)E (al+ ... +ak al+···+ak ) k , ... , k ,ak+l,··· ,an' 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 26D20, 26A51. Key woms and phrases. Symmetrie functionsj Arithmetie, geometrie and harmonie meanSj Jensen's inequality. 425 G. V. Milovanovic (ed.), Recent Progress in Inequalities, 425--431. © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. D. ANDRICA AND L. MARE 426 Taking into account the hypothesis (1) one obtains that the assertion is true for k=2. Let us suppose that (3) is verified for a fixed number k ~ 2 and denote al + ... + ak a = ---::---- (4) k Because a :::; a :::; ... :::; a :::; ß :::; ak+1 :::; ... :::; an it follows (5) < E(a, ... ,a.,ß,ak+I, ... ,an)(~)E(xp, ... ,xp,Yp,zp,ak+2, ... ,an), where the sequences (xp), (Yp), (zp) are defined by Y2p+1 = X2p+1 = X2p+2 = Y2p = Z2p = Z2p+1 = (k - 1) X2p + Z2p k ' P ~ 1, X2p-1 + Z2p-1 2 ' P ~ 1. Put Up = Z2p = Z2p+1, P ~ 0 and Uo = Zo = ZI = ß. We also denote vp = X2p-1 = X2p, P ~ 1. Then { (6) Vp+1 = up = (k - 1)vp + u p k ' vp + Up-I 2 where P ~ 1, VI = a, Uo = ß. From the relations (6) one obtains j~1. By adding these equalities for j = 1,2, ... ,P, it follows k(v p +1 - VI) = Uo - u p ; so k(vp+1 - a) = ß - up. Therefore, kVp+1 = ka + ß - u p and using the first relation of (6) one obtains k -1 ka + ß vp +1 = ~ vp + 2k . Because of 0 :::; k 2~ 1 < 1, it immediately follows that the sequence (vp ) is convergent and . ka+ß p = k hm v p-too + 1· Moreover ka + ß ka + ß ka + ß u p = kV p+1 - (k - 1)vp -t k k + 1 - (k - 1) k + 1 = k + 1 . Using the continuity of the function E and the inequality (5) it follows for p -t 00 AN INEQUALITY CONCERNING SYMMETRIC FUNCTIONS 427 Taking into account that (3) is satisfied for the fixed number k, one obtains and the assertion is proved by mathematical induction principle. 0 Theorem 1.2. Let I ~ 1R. be an open interval and let E : In -+ 1R. be asymmetrie Cl-differentiable function satisfying for every a = (al, ... , an) E In with al :::; a2 :::; ... :::; an the inequality (7) < äE äE -ä (a) (-) -ä (a). ~ Xl X2 Then for every a = (al, ... , an) E In the inequality (2) holds. Proof. Applying the mean value theorem for the function E and the segment [a, b] wherea=(al, ... ,an),b= ( e E (a, b) with the property al + a2 al + a2 2' 2 ,a3,···,an ) . . oneobtamsapomt that is, the condition (1) in Theorem 1.1 is satisfied and the desired conclusion is obtained. 0 Remark 1.3. Suppose that the function E : In -+ 1R. is symmetrie and eontinuous. To verify the eondition (1) in Theorem 1.1 for E and a = (al, ... , an) E r, al :::; a2 :::; a2--2al- an d t he f ' T1D' ... < _ an, eonSl'der ß = al + 2 a2 ' , = unetlon rp: [0] ,,-+ ll\i. glven by rp(t) = E(ß - t, ß + t, a3, .. . , an). If the funetion rp is deereasing (inereasing) on [0,,] it follows that (1) is satisfied and in this ease one obtains the inequality (2). If the funetion E : In -+ 1R. satisfies the hypothesis of Theorem 1.2 then the derivative of function rp is given by rp'(t) = - 88E (u(t)) + 88E (u(t)) (:::;) 0 on [0, ,], where u(t) = Xl X2 ~ (ß-t,ß+t,a3, ... ,an), eonsequently rp is deereasing (inereasing) on [0,,], and (1) is verified. Other results involving weighted-symmetric functions are given in the forthcoming author's paper [3]. 428 D. ANDRICA AND L. MARE 2. Applications In this seetion the following standard notations will be used (see [4], [5]). For 1= (0,00), a = (al, ... ,an) E In let us eonsider (arithmetie mean), (geometrie mean) , (harmonie mean) , (mean of order 0: (0: > 0)). Application 2.1. Let be the kth symmetrie sum of al, ... ,an. It is easy to verify that for al ~ a2 ~ ... ~ an the eondition (7) in Theorem 1.2 is satisfied. Therefore, Sk (ab· .. ,an) ~ Sk(An(a), ... ,An(a)), whieh is equivalent with the well-known MeLaurin' inequality (8) If k = n, (8) beeomes the arithmetie-geometrie means inequality Gn(a) ~ An(a). Application 2.2. Consider satisfying for al ~ a2 ~ ... ~ an the condition (7) in Theorem 1.2. E(al, ... ,an) ~ E(An(a), ... ,An(a)), that is Then which represents the first part of W. Sierpinski' inequalities ([6], [5, pp. 21-25]): (9) Taking into account the following relations AN INEQUALITY CONCERNING SYMMETRIC FUNCTIONS 429 one obtains that the first inequality in (9) is equivalent with the second one. The first inequality in (9) is the best in the following sense: (10) Using (9) one obtains that a 2: n is a sufficient condition for (10). To show that a 2: n is also necessary for (10) let us consider a = (l-c, 1 +c, 1, ... ,1), cE [0,1) and it follows n . ( \h-c 2 - n - 2 + 2/ (1 - c 2 ) )'"< Put t = 1 - c 2 and one obtains the equivalent inequality t",jn < n /' - n-2+2 t t E (0,1]. Therefore, (n - 2)t",jn + 2t",jn-l ~ n. If a < n, then for t '\t 0 a contradiction follows and consequently a 2: n. Application 2.3. We shall use Theorem 1.1 to prove the inequality (11) which is a refinement of arithmetic-geometric means inequality since (see [4, pp. 76-77]). Consider E(al, ... ,an) = (ala2·· ·an )2 (ai + .. . a;,r· Suppose al ~ a2 ~ ... ~ al + a2 a2 - al .. . an and put ß = 2 ,'Y = 2 . Followmg the Idea presented m Remark 1.3 let us consider the function 'P : [0, 'Y] -+ R, 'P(t) = E(ß - t, ß + t, a3,· .. , an). An elementary computation shows that and 'P' (t) = (a3 ... a n )2 4t (ß2 - t 2) (2t 2 + 2ß2 + a~ + ... + a~) x x (-(n + 2)t 2 + (n - 2)ß2 - a~ - ... - a~) . Because of 0 ~ t ~ 'Y < ß ~ a2 ~ a3 ~ ... ~ an one obtains 'P'(t) ~ 0 on [O,'Y]' Le., 'P is decreasing on [0, 'Y]. Applying Remark 1.3 and Theorem 1.1 it follows (11). The inequality (11) is strongest in the following sense: (12) D. ANDRICA AND L. MARE 430 The sufficiency of condition 0: ~ 1 was proved above. For the necessity consider al = 1 + x, a2 = 1 - x, a3 = a4 = ... = an = 1, where x E [0,1). Then r J + (\11- x 2 s: 2x 2n n' thus (1 - x 2)"'/n (2x 2 + n)I/2 s: Vn· Let 1 : [0,1] -+ IR be the function given by I(t) = (1 - t)Ot/n(2t + n)1/2. Remark that for every t E [0,1), I(t) 1(0) = Vn, Le., t = 0 is a maximum point of f. On the other hand the derivative of 1 is s: f'(t) = -(1 - t)Ot/n-1 (2t + n)-1/2 ( If 0: < 1, then 0 < 1(- ~ j 1 + 20: n [ 1-0:) (2: + 1) + t 0: - 1) . < 1 and one obtains that 1 is strictly increasing on [ 1-0:) the interval 0, 1 + (20:)jn . Therefore, Vn = 1(0) < I(t), t E 0, 1 + (20:)jn ' a contradiction. Application 2.4. For a given function 9 : I -+ IR let us denote where al, ... , an EI. Definition. The function 1 : I -+ IR is m-g-convex if for all al, a2 E I the following inequality is verified: (13) l(aI) + l(a2) _ 1 (al + a 2 ) > . D(2)( ) 2 2 - m 9 al, a2 . The function 1 : I -+ IR is M -g-concave if for all al, a2 E I the following relation (14) holds. Let 1 : I -+ IR be a m-g-convex and M-g-concave continuous function on I, where 9 : I -+ IR is continuous and convex, M > m. Consider n m E1(al, ... ,an) = L I(ai) - m Lg(ai), i=l i=l n n E 2(al, ... , an) = M L g(ai) - L i=l i=l I(ai). AN INEQUALITY CONCERNING SYMMETRIC FUNCTIONS 431 It is clear that the functions Ei, E 2 : I -t IR are symmetrie, continuous and taking into account (13), (14) it follows that Ei, E 2 satisfy the condition (1) in Theorem 1.1 with "~". From (2) one obtains whieh represent refinements of the well-known Jensen' inequality. An interesting situation studied in [1], [2] (see also [5, pp. 564-566]) is given by the convex function 9 : I -t IR, 9 (t) = t 2 • In this case and if I = [a, ß], then every function f E C 2 [a, ß] is m-g-convex and M -g-concave on I, where m = ~ min{f"(t) : tE [a, ß]} and M = ~ max{f"(t) tE [a, ß]}. The inequalities (15) becomes (16) > m ~(a' _ a.)2 - 2L...J' 3' n i<j whieh have many interesting applications (see [1] for instance). References 1. D. Andrica and I. R~a, The Jensen inequality: refinements and applications, Anal. Numer. TMor. Approx. 14 (1985), 105-108. 2. D. Andrica and M. O. Drimbe, On some inequalities in'llol'lling isotonic functionals, Anal. Numer. TMor. Approx. 17 (1988), 1-7. 3. D. Andrica and L. Mare, An inequality conceming weighted-symmetric functions and applications, in preparation. 4. D. S. Mitrinovic, Analytic Inequalities, Springer Verlag, Berlin - Heidelberg - New York, 1970. 5. D. S. Mitrinovic, J. E. Pecaric and A. M. Fink, Classical and New Inequalities in Analysis, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dodrecht - Boston - London, 1993. 6. W. Sierpinski, Sur un inegaliU pour la moyenne arithmetiqe, geometrique et harmonique, Warsh. Sitzungsber. 2 (1909), 354-357. A NOTE ON THE SECOND LARGEST EIGENVALUE OF STAR-LIKE TREES FRANCIS K. BELL Department 0/ Mathematics & Statistics, University 0/ Stirling, Stirling, FK94LA, Scotland, United Kingdom SLOBODAN K. SIMIC Department 0/ Mathematics, Faculty 0/ Electrical Engineering, University 0/ Belgmde, P. O. Box 35-54, 11120 Belgrade, Yugoslavia Abstract. Star-like trees are trees homeomorphic to stars. In this paper we identify those star-like trees for which the second largest eigenvalue is extremal- either minimal or maximal - when certain conditions are imposed. We also obtain partial results on the way in which the second largest eigenvalue of a simple dass of star-like trees changes under local modifications (graph perturbations). Analogous problems for the largest eigenvalue (known as the index of the graph) have been widely studied in the literature. 1. Introduction Let A be the adjacency matrix of an undirected graph G, without loops or multiple edges, and let cI>(G, A) = det(AI -A) be the characteristie polynomial ofG. Since A is real and symmetrie its zeros are real, and they are referred to as the eigenvalues of G. (See [2], abasie reference on graph spectra; other terminology follows [9].) Let AdG) ~ A2(G) ~ ... ~ An(G) be the eigenvalues of G. Note that if G is connected then Al (G) is a simple eigenvalue (i.e., an eigenvalue of multiplicity one), and it is called the index of G. The second largest eigenvalue of a graph is an important graph invariant whieh captures much information on graph structure, and it also has various applications (see the recent survey paper by Cvetkovic and Simic [8]). The main object of this paper is to identify those star-like trees (within a dass with prescribed parameters) for whieh the second largest eigenvalue is extremal (either minimal or maximal). In deducing these results we have addressed some perturbation problems concerning the second largest eigenvalue. Similar problems for the largest eigenvalue of more complex graphs have already been treated in the literature (see, for example, [17], or the nicely presented survey paper by Cvetkovic and Rowlinson [6]). In partieular, the solution of the index problem for star-like trees is contained, along with other results, in [19]. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classijication. Primary 05C50j Secondary 05C99. Key words and phrases. Graph eigenvaluesj Second largest eigenvaluej Star-like treesj Graph modifications. 433 G. V. Milovanovic (ed.J, Recent Progress in Inequalities, 433-443. © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. 434 F. K. BELL AND S. K. SIMIC 2. Preliminaries We first give some recurrence relations for computing the characteristic polynomials of graphs. Given any graph G, and a sub set U of the vertex set of G, let G - U denote the graph obtained from G by deleting all vertices belonging to U. For convenience, G - {u} is denoted by G - u, and G - { u, v} by G - u - v. The following theorem is due to Heilbronner (see [2, p. 59]): Theorem 2.1. I/G is a graph with a pendant edge uv, where v has degree 1, then (2.1) <T>(G, A) = A<T>(G - v, A) - <T>(G - u - v, A) Remark. Formula (2.1) follows easily from one of the well-known formulas of Schwenk [16], and will be sufIicient for our purposes in this note. Let G and H be graphs with disjoint vertex sets, and let u and v be distinguished vertices of G and H, respectively. The coalescence (or dot product) of these graphs, denoted by G· H, is the graph obtained from G and H by identifying the vertices u and v. The following result can be proved (see, for example, [2, p. 159] with an obvious misprint): Theorem 2.2. The characteristic polynomial 0/ the coalescence G· H is given by (2.2) <T>(G· H, A) = <T>(G - u, A)<T>(H, A) + <T>(G, A)<T>(H - v, A) - A<T>(G - u, A)<T>(H - v, A). An important ingredient in many situations is the classical interlacing theorem (see, for example, [2, p. 19]): Theorem 2.3. Given a subset U 0/ the vertex set 0/ a graph G, with IUI = k, the /ollowing inequalities hold: Ai+k(G) ::; Ai(G - U) ::; Ai(G) (i=l, ... ,n-k). Note that for k = 1 we have in particular: A2(G - u) ::; A2(G) ::; AI(G - u). We mention finally a result due to Smith (see [20], or [2, p. 79]) which plays an important role in explaining some of the phenomena observed in Section 3. Theorem 2.4. Let G be a graph with index Al. Then Al ::; 2 (Al < 2) i/ and only i/ each component 0/ G is a subgraph (resp. a proper subgraph ) 0/ one 0/ the graphs depicted in Figure 1, all 0/ which have index equal to 2. () r-H--:: .. 1..... ... l. .. A + FIG. 1: The Smith's graphs THE SECOND LARGEST EIGENVALUE OF STAR-LIKE TREES 435 The above graphs will be referred to subsequently as Smith 's graphs. 3. A First Example In this seetion we foeus attention on a very simple example. Let Pn,r be the graph shown in Figure 2. n+l •1 •2 r - n FIG. 2: The graph Pn,r r We may assume that r ::; nj21, and it will be eonvenient to make the further assumption that n ~ 9. With the help of the programming paekage GRAPH (see [3]), we were led to make the following eonjeeture: Conjecture 3.1. Write >'2(r) = >'2(Pn ,r)' Ifn ~ 25 then In proving this eonjeeture it will be eonvenient to denote r + 1 by r' . We start by making the following observations: (i): By Theorem 2.1, the eharaeteristic polynomial of Pn,r is given by (3.1) Reeall also that (3.2) ( <1> Pn , >. ) = { Sin(n+l)tjSint if 1>'1::;2, >'=2eost, sinh(n+l)tjsinht if 1>'1~2, >'=2eosht. From (3.1) and (3.2) we easily get Thus >'2(Pn ,1) < >'2(Pn ,2) for n ~ 7. Notice also that, by the interlacing theorem (Theorem 2.3), >'2(Pn,r) < 2 for eaeh r. (ii): From (3.1) and (3.2), if r* > r, we easily obtain in particular, setting r* = r' , we obtain (3.3) 6.<1>(>') = <1> (Pn,rl , >') - <1> (Pn,r , >') = -<p(Pn - 2r - b >.). F. K. BELL AND S. K. SIMIC 436 (iii): From the interlacing theorem, if v is any vertex of Pn,Tl then max{(A2(Pn,r - v)} ~ A2(Pn,r) ~ min{(Al(Pn,r - v)} < 2. v v In particular, taking v = n + 1, we obtain: 2COS(n 2: 1) ~ A2(Pn,r) ~ 2COS(n: 1)' (iv): If n is sufficiently large, and 1 ~ r ~ 3, then A2(r) < A2(r'). This assertion was proved in (i) above in the case r = 1. For 1 < r ~ 3, let ar = A2(Pn- 2r -t} (= 2cos(271"/(n-2r))), br = Al (Pn-2r-t) (= 2cos(71"/(n-2r))), as suggested by (3.3). Note that a3 < a2 < b3 < b2 for all n > 8. If n is sufficiently large then <I>(Pn,rl,a r ) =<I>(Pn,r,ar ) > 0 (since lim <I> (Pn,r , ar ) = _r 2 + 3r + 2), <I>(Pn,r"br ) =<I>(pn,r,br ) < 0 (since lim <I>(Pn,r,br ) = r 2 - 3r - 2). n--+oo n--+oo Thus both <I> (Pn,rl ,A) and <I>(Pn,r, A) must vanish in the interval (ar, br ). Also, <I>(Pn,r"A) - <I>(pn,r,A) > 0 in (ar,br). Assurne first that r = 2 and n 2:: 13. Then, since A2 (Pn,2) = 2 cos(371" /2n), we have A2(Pn,2) E (a2, b2). It follows that Pn ,3 has an eigenvalue in (a2, b2) greater than A2(Pn,2). Since the largest eigenvalue of Pn,3 is greater than 2 (as can be seen, for example, by considering Smith's graphs), we obtain that A2(Pn,2) < A2(Pn,3). Now assurne that r = 3 and n 2:: 13. Note first that since <I> (Pn ,3 , 2) < 0 whenever n > 8, if Pn ,3 were to have any eigenvalues in (b 3 , 2), there would have to be at least two of them (possibly coincident), and it is easily checked that this would contradict the interlacing theorem. For A E (b 3 , 2), we have <I> (Pn ,4 , A) - <I> (Pn ,3 , A) < 0, and therefore <I> (Pn,4 , A) < O. It follows that A2(Pn ,4) E (a3, b3), and hence, by the same argument as before, that A2(Pn,3) < A2(Pn ,4). (v): If n 2:: 18, and 4 ~ r ~ L(n - 2)/4J, then A2(r') < A2(r). Let Cr = Al (Pn- 2r -t) (= 2cos(71"/(n - 2r))). If we now prove that 4> = <I>(Pn,rl,cr) = <I>(Pn,r,cr ) > 0, we are done (since ß<I>(A) < 0 if A E (c r ,2». By (3.1) and (3.2), we get 4> = . 2( sm (. ( 271" ) . (n+1)71") 1 71" ) sm n _ 2r sm n - 2r -n - 2r _ sin(~) sin(n - r + 1)71")). n - 2r n - 2r It then folIows, after some simple trigonometry, that the sign of 4> depends on the sign of the following expression: sin (_r71" ) sin er + 1)71") ( ----,--n-_2r--':----'--:-n_2r---,-sin (n ~71"2r) 1 sin (n ~71"2r) _ cot(_r71" ) _ cot(r + 1)71") n - 2r n - 2r ) . THE SECOND LARGEST EIGENVALUE OF STAR-LIKE TREES 437 It is therefore sufficient to show that the function 1 fr(O) = --:--20 - cotrO - cot(r + 1)0 sm is positive on the interval (0, tr /2(r + 1». This may be verified directly when r = 4 or 5. When r ~ 6 we can argue as follows. Since Icosxl :::; 1, and ~x tr < - sinx < - x we have that tr(l (x E [0,tr/2]), 1 1) fr(O) ~ 20 ;: - ;: - r + 1 > O. (vi): If r(n - 1)/41 :::; r :::; Ln/2J then A2(r') < A2(r) unless n is even and r = n/2, in which case A2(r') = A2(r). = If r < n/2, let er 2cos(tr/(n - 2r)), as in (v) above. By (3.3), ~~(A) < 0 if A > Cr. By (iii) above, A2(Pn ,r) ~ 2cos(2tr/(n + 1», and the result follows, because Cr :::; 2cos(2tr/(n + 1» for r ~ r(n -1)/41Remark. If n is not sufficiently large, Conjecture 3.1 must be modified: the maximum value of A2(r) is obtained not for r = 4, but for r < 4. We give below some sampie results obtained by the system GRAPH. r\n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 11 1.7709 1.8193 1.8142 1.7881 1.7531 1.7321 12 1.8019 1.8478 1.8478 1.8292 1.8019 1.7757 13 1.8271 1.8700 1.8733 1.8601 1.8392 1.8152 1.8019 22 1.9319 1.9543 1.9627 1.9623 1.9596 1.9558 1.9510 1.9452 1.9387 1.9319 1.9267 23 1.9372 1.9587 1.9664 1.9662 1.9640 1.9608 1.9557 1.9519 1.9463 1.9402 1.9345 1.9319 24 1.9419 1.9616 1.9696 1.9696 1.9678 1.9650 1.9616 1.9575 1.9527 1.9474 1.9419 1.9378 Note in particular that when n = 23 the maximum value of A2(r) is attained when r = 3, whereas for n = 24, it is attained when r = 3 or r = 4 (now we can show that the corresponding values from the above table are identical since being equal to the largest root of the equation A6 - 6A4 + 9A - 3 = 0). However, we will now demonstrate that for all n ~ 25 that the maximum value of A2(r) is attained when r = 4. If r ~ 3, then at least one of Smith's graphs (from Figure 1) appears in Pn,r as an induced subgraph, and this suggests applying the interlacing theorem to the graphs Pn,r - 8 and Pn,r - (8 + 1), where 8 is chosen as follows: 438 F. K. BELL AND S. K. SIMIC 8, s = { 7, r + 2, We obtain A2(Pn,r) E [2COS (n if r = 3, if r = 4, if r ~ 5. =J, 2cos (n _: + 1)] In the deduction of the upper bounds here, we need to ass urne that n ~ 29 when r = 3, that n ~ 24 when r = 4, and that n ~ 3(r + 1) when r ~ 5. It follows that [2 cos (1l' / (n - 8)), 2 cos (1l' / (n - 7))], r = 3, n ~ 29, { r = 4, n ~ 24, A2(Pn,r) E [2cos(1l'/(n -7»,2cos(1l'/(n - 6»], [2 cos (1l' / (n - r - 2»,2 cos (1l' / (n - r - 1»], 5::; r ::; Ln/3J - 1. We can verify directly that A2(Pn,3) ::; A2(Pn,4) whenever 24 ::; n ::; 28. We know also from (v) above that A2(Pn,5) ::; A2(Pn ,4) whenever n ~ 24. From (vi) we know that A2(Pn,r+l) ::; A2(Pn,r) whenever Ln/3J ::; r ::; Ln/2J. Finally, notice that A2(Pn,2) ::; A2(Pn,r) for r ~ 3, because A2(Pn,2) = 2cos(31l'/2n) ::; 2cos(1l'/(n - 8» whenever n ~ 24. Remark. Similar conjectures can be made for the other eigenvalues of Pn,r, e.g. that for i:::; Ln/2J, Ai(Pn,r) has i peaks where the maximum is achieved. 4. Main Results As suggested in the previous section, it is probably very difficult to trace how the second largest eigenvalue of an arbitrary star-like tree behaves under local modifications. We shall therefore confine ourselves in this section to finding those trees from a given class for which the second largest eigenvalue is extremal. Given nl ~ ... ~ nk, we shall henceforth denote by S(nl, ... , nk) the tree obtained from the star K1,k (with k legs) by subdividing its i-th leg with ni -1 vertices. Let n = nl + ... + nk + 1 and denote by Sn,k the set of all such trees with n vertices. (The graph Pn,r in the previous section is therefore S(n - r, r - 1,1) E Sn+l,3') In what follows, let SE Sn,k (k ~ 3), and let us denote by r the unique vertex of S of degree k. By considering S - rand invoking the interlacing theorem, we get i.e., all graphs from Sn,k are reflexive (see [13]). If nl = n2 then (4.1) It follows that, in cases where nl = n2, A2(S) does not depend on n3,'" , nk. With more careful analysis we can get: THE SECOND LARGEST EIGENVALUE OF STAR-LIKE TREES 439 Lemma 4.1. Given S = S(nl,'" ,nk) with nl = ... = nh > nh+1 ~ ... ~ nk, then A2(S) = 2cos(rr/(nl + 1)) is 0/ multiplicity h - 1 i/ h ~ 2, and A2(S) < 2 cos(rr /(nl + 1)) i/ h = 1. Proof. Write S = p. S*, where P = Pn1+l, S* = S(n2,'" , nk). By (2.2) we easily get Let A = Al(PnJ. It is enough to show that, for all h ~ 1, cI>(S, A) = (A - A)h-l/(A) for some polynomial f such that f(A) < O. This is true for h = 1 since cI>(Pn1 - 1 , A) > 0 and cI>(S* - T, A) = k II cI>(Pnn A) > O. i=2 For h ~ 2, assurne (for an inductive proof) that cI>(S*, A) = (A - A)h-2 f* (A) for some polynomial f* with f* (A) < O. The truth of the assertion for h then follows, using (4.2), and this establishes the result. 0 In what follows, we assurne that, as in the lemma, S = S (nI, ... , nk), where nl = ... = nh > nh+1 ~ ... ~ nk (h ~ 1). As it would be very complicated to determine the dependence of A2 (S) on all its parameters (the leg lengths nl, ... , nk), we shall consider the effect of reducing by 1 the length of a longest leg (say the h-th leg) and increasing by 1 the length of a shorter leg (say the j-th leg). To be precise, let S' (= S(n~, ... ,n~)) be the graph obtained from S(= S(nl, ... ,nk)) such that n~ = ni -1, { ni + 1, ni, i = h, i = j(= min{s I n s :::; nh - 2}), i E {I, ... ,k} \ {h,j}. (If no such j exists then there is no need to define S', as it would be isomorphie to S whenever h < k.) CASE 1: k ~ 5 We first note that A2(S') = A2(S) for h ~ 3. For h = 2, we have A2(S') < A2(S), because, by Lemma 4.1, A2(S') < 2 cos (rr/(nl + 1)) = A2(S), So assurne h = 1 (Le. nl ~ n2 + 1). Then observe first that A2(S) E [2cos(1l'/nl)' 2cos(rr/(nl + 1)). The lower bound here is obtained by deleting the vertex adjacent to T whieh belongs to the longest leg of S, and making use of the interlacing theorem and the fact that k ~ 5; for the corresponding upper bound, see also Lemma 4.1. We similarly have A2(S') E [2cos(rr/(nl -1)),2cos(rr/nl)), and it follows that A2(S') < A2(S) unless A2(S') = A2(S) = A* (= 2cos(rr/nl)). The latter is not possible as can be seen by using Theorem 2.2: we have cI>(S', A) - cI>(S, A) = cI> (Pm, A)(cI>(H, A) - AcI>(H - T, A)), F. K. BELL AND S. K. SIMI(~ 440 where m = nl -nj-2 and H is the subgraph of G obtained by deleting the first and the j-th leg. For A = A * we have ~(Pm, A *) "# 0 and ~(H, A *) - A *~(H - r, A *) < O. To see why this last inequality holds, note that by one of the formulas of A.J. Schwenk mentioned in Section 2, we have ~(H, A) - A~(H - r, A) = - 11 ~(Pn., A) . L ~~~;-\~). 8#I,j t#l,j n" We therefore arrive at the following result: Theorem 4.2. 11 k ~ 5 and SE Sn,k, then P k-p k-l A2(S(q+1,.~. ,q+i,~)):::; A2(S):::; A2(S(n-k,~), (4.3) where q = l (n - 1) / k J, p = n - qk - l. Remar k. The graph S for which the lower bound in (4.3) is attained need not be unique. For example, if k - p > 2 and q ~ 2, then P k-p p~1 k-p-2 ~...........-... r ,,-"--.. A2(S(q+l, ... ,q+l,q, ... ,q))=A2(S(q+l, ... ,q+l,q, ... ,q,q-l). In contrast, the upper bound is attained for a unique S - as given in (4.3). CASE 2: k = 4 Inequalities (4.3) hold also for k = 4, but a different argument is required. To this end, let S belong to Sn,4, and consider the subgraph S* of S obtained by deleting all the vertices of the longest leg of S. Suppose first that S* is a supergraph of one of Smith's graphs (i.e., the index of S* is at least 2). We then find, as before, that A2(S) E [2COS (:1)' 2cos (nI: 1)]' In this case it is easily seen that A2 (S) is a maximum if nl = n -7, and a minimum if nl = (n - 1) /41. The other possibility is that S* is a proper subgraph of one of Smith's graphs (Le., the index of S* is less than 2). We then find that, if nl is sufficiently large, r A2 (S) E [2 cos (nI ~ 1)' 2 cos (:1 )] . This time, A2(S) takes its maximum value if nl = n - 4. In order to find the minimum value, note first that, by considering the possible proper subgraphs of a Smith's graph, we must have n4 = 1 and n3 :::; 2. Moreover, if n3 = 2, then n2 :::; 4; while if n3 = 1 then nl + n2 = n - 3, and consequently n-3 -2- < - nl < - n-4. This reasoning shows that (4.3) holds for k = 4, as claimed. THE SECOND LARGEST EIGENVALUE OF STAR-LIKE TREES 441 CASE 3: k = 3 We shall see now that the right-hand inequality of (4.3) does not hold in this case. Assurne first that nl = n2: we then have minA2(S) = 2cos (n -1)/3, n=O (mod 3), n=1 (mod 3), (n + 1)/3, n=2 (mod 3), 2)/2, (D: 1)' where D= { (n(n -- 3)/2, n=O (mod 2), n=1 (mod 2). (d: 1)' where d= { n/3, and maxA2(S) = 2cos In order to deal with cases in which nl > n2, we consider two subranges for nl. 1° n/3 ~ nl < (n + 2)/2. For this range we have: as can be seen by deleting the vertex adjacent to r in the longest leg (recall also Lemma 4.1 for the rightmost point of interval). 2° nl ~ (n+2)/2. By deleting the vertex adjacent to r in the longest leg we obtain A2 (S) ~ 2 cos (7r / nl). In order to get a tight lower bound we need to assurne either that n3 ~ 3 or that n3 = 2 and n2 ~ 5. Then one of the connected subgraphs obtained by deleting the vertex of the longest leg at distance 2 from r will be a supergraph of a Smith's graph, and it will follow that A2(S) ~ 2cos(7r/(nl -1)). (For n - 3 = 2 and n2 ~ 4, we have A2(S) ~ 2cos (ll-j(nl - 2)); for n3 = 1, see Section 3.) It is now possible, by analysis which is straightforward if somewhat tedious, to obtain the graphs from Sn,3 with extremal values of A2, at least when n sufficiently large. It turns out that the minimum value of A2(S) is achieved when the leg lengths nl, n2, n3 are as equal as possible (Le. nl - n3 ~ 1). In contrast to the situation when k ~ 4, the graph with maximum value of A2(S) is S(n - 5,2,2). Note that the only candidates, after considering the intervals where the second largest eigenvalue is located, are the graphs S(n - 5,3,1) and S(n - 5,2,2) and the first of these can be eIiminated by the technique used in proving Theorem 4.2. Remark. It is weIl known that in the set of all trees T with a prescribed number (;::: 3) of vertices, the minimum value for A2(T) is attained by the star Kl,n-li and we have A2(K1 ,n-d = o. According to [11], A2(T) ;::: 1 holds for all other trees T from this set. On the other hand (see [11], and also [12]), for all trees T in the set, It is shown in [14] that this bound is best possible, at least asymptotically (for large n). The lower and upper bounds for the i-th eigenvalue of trees with a prescribed number of vertices were studied in [1] and [10]. 442 F. K. BELL AND S. K. SIMIC 5. Additional Remarks We can gain some insight into the phenomena of Section 3 by setting these results in the framework of graph perturbations (see [15] for more details). We shall need the following formula (see [6]): (1) ~(Gi,A) = ~(G,A) (A - f A~j j=l .), /.LJ where Gi is the graph obtained from G by attaching a pendant edge at the i-th vertex, /.LI, • .. ,/.Lm are the distinct eigenvalues of G, and aij = IIPjeill. (Here Pj is the projection matrix corresponding to /.Lj in the spectral decomposition of the adjacency matrix of G.) In [4], the authors made use of this formula in obtaining the estimate (5.1) for A1(r) (= A1(Gr)), and went on to give a partial explanation of some perturbation phenomena for unicyclic graphs. According to [19], Al (Pn,r) is unimodal in r for fixed n, and this follows also from the above formula. To see this, it is enough to note from [2] that, for the path Pn : . ( ijrr x·(i) -_ ~ --sm - - ) (i,j = 1, ... ,n), J n+1 n+1 where XCi) = (xii), ... ,x~)) is the normalised eigenvector corresponding to the eigenval~e /.Li. The result follows, since aji is equal to xji) to within sign. By contrast, a formula similar to (5.1) for A2(r) (= A2(Gr)), such as could not explain the behaviour of the second largest eigenvalue of the graphs Pn,r (for fixed n). References 1. J. Chen, Sharp bound 0/ the kth eigenvalue 0/ trees, Discrete Math. 128 (1994), 61-72. 2. D. Cvetkovic, M. Doob, and H. Sachs, Spectra 0/ Graphs - Theory and Application, Second edition, 1982; Third edition, Johann Ambrosius Barth Verlag, 1995, Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften - Academic Press, Berlin - New York, 1980. 3. D. Cvetkovic, L. Kraus, and S. Simic, Discussing graph theory with a computer I, Implementation 0/ graph theoretic algorithms, Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. No 716 - No 734 (1981), 49-52. 4. D. Cvetkovic and P. Rowlinson, Spectra 0/ unicyclic graphs, Graphs Combin. 3 (1987), 7-23. 5. _ _ , Further properties 0/ graph angles, Scientia (Valparaiso) 1 (1988), 41-51. 6. _ _ , The largest eigenvalue 0/ a graph - a survey, Linear and Multilinear Algebra 28 (1993), 45-66. THE SECOND LARGEST EIGENVALUE OF STAR-LIKE TREES 443 7. D. Cvetkovie and S. Simie, Graph theoretical results obtained by the support 0/ the expert system "GRAPH", BuH. Aead. Serbe Sei. Arts, Cl. Sei. Math. Natur., Sei. Math., No. 19 101 (1994), 19-41. 8. _ _ _ , The second largest eigenvalue 0/ a graph (A survey), FILOMAT (Formerly: Zb. Rad.) 9 (1995), 449-472. 9. F. Harary, Graph Theory, Addison Wesley, Reading, MA, 1969. 10. Y. Hong, The kth largest eigenvalue 0/ a tree, Linear Algebra Appl. 13 (1986), 151-155. 11. ___ , Sharp lower bounds on the eigenvalues 0/ a trees, Linear Algebra Appl. 113 (1989), 101-105. 12. A. Neumaier, The second largest eigenvalue 0/ a tree, Linear Algebra Appl. 46 (1982), 9-25. 13. A. Neumaier and J. J. Seidel, Discrete hyperbolic geometry, Combinatorica 3 (2) (1983), 219-237. 14. L. D. Powers, Bounds on graph eigenvalues, Linear Algebra Appl. 111 (1989), 1-6. 15. P. Rowlinson, Graph perturbations, Surveys in Combinatories (A. D. KeedweH, ed.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1991, pp. 187-219. 16. A. J. Schwenk, Computing the characteristic polynomial 0/ a graph, Graphs and Combinatories (R. Bari and F. Harary, eds.), Springer Verlag, Berlin - Heidelberg - New York, 1974, pp. 153-172. 17. S. K. Simie, Some results on the largest eigenvalue 0/ a graph, Ars Combin. 24A (1987), 211-219. 18. ___ , On the largest eigenvalue 0/ unicyclic graphs, Publ. Inst. Math. (Beograd) 42 (56) (1988), 13-19. 19. S. Simie and V. Koeie, On the largest eigenvalue 0/ some homeomorphic graphs, PubJ. Inst. Math. (Beograd) 40 (54) (1986), 3-9. 20. J. H. Smith, Some properties 0/ the spectrum 0/ a graph, Structures and Their Applications (R. Guy, H. Hanany, N. Sauer, J. Schönheim, eds.), Gordon and Breach, Seience Publ., Inc., New York - London - Paris, 1970, pp. 403-406. REFINEMENTS OF OSTROWSKI'S AND FAN-TODD'S INEQUALITIES MOMCILO BJELICA University 0/ Novi Sad, Technical Faculty "M. Pup in", 23000 Zrenjanin, Yugoslavia Abstract. An inequality of A. M. Ostrowski and an inequality of K. Fan and J. Todd are refined. A. M. Ostrowski ([2]) in 1951, proved the next result: Let a = (al, ... ,an) and b = (b 1 , .•. ,bn ) be two sequences 0/ non proportional real numbers. Let x = (Xl, ... ,Xn ) be arbitrary sequence 0/ real numbers such that (1) Let n n Laixi = 0, i=l LbiXi = 1. i=l n A = L ar, i=l B = n n i=l i=l L br, C = L aibi . Then A n L x7 ~ -A-B---C-2 ' i=1 (2) with equality i/ and only i/ (3) Theorem 1. Let real numbers Xi, 1 :::; i :::; n, satisfy (1), and let (4) Abi - Cai Yi = AB _ C2' 1:::; i :::; n . Then the numbers aXi + (1 - a)Yi, 1 :::; i :::; n, satisfy (1) and (5) 1991 Mathematics Subject Classijication. Primary 26D15. Key words and phrases. Inequalities; Refinements of inequalities. 445 G.v. Milovanovic (ed.), Recent Progress in Inequalities, 445-448. © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. M. BJELICA 446 n n = 1 or L: x~ = L: yr· i=l i=l The second inequality in (5) becomes equality if and only if 0: = 0 or Xi = Yi, The first inequality in (5) becomes equality if and only if 10:1 1 ~ i ~ n. Proof. First note that Therefore, n n n L [x~ - y;] = L [x~ - 2XiYi + y;] = L(Xi - Yi)2 ~ 0, i=l i=l i=l what proves (2). The first inequality in (5) n n LX~ ~ L [0:2x~ + 20:(1 - O:)XiYi + (1- 0:)2 y;] , i=l i=l (1 - 0: 2 ) L X~ ~ (20: - 20: + 1 - 20: + 0: L yr, Le., n n 2 2) i=l i=l is equivalent to (2). The second inequality in (5) follows from n n L [O:Xi + (1 - 0:)Yi]2 = L [0:2(Xi - Yi)2 + 20: (XiYi - yr) + Y;] i=l i=l = 0:2 t(Xi - Yi)2 + AB ~ C 2 i=l A ~AB-C2' 0 Let X = Rn, n ~ fex) = L.J Xi i=l 2 and x+y F(x) = -2- . The monotonicity condition fex) ~ f(F(x)) is equivalent to (2), REFINEMENTS OF OSTROWSKI'S AND FAN-TODD'S INEQUALITIES 447 Le., n 3L . .=1 Ln Ab· - Ca· Ln (Ab' - Ca·)2 X.' , + • • • -. 'AB - C2 . (AB _ C2)2 x~ > 2 .=1 2 = AB _ C2 .=1 n n i=l i=l (L Abixi - L CaiXi) - AB-C2' Thus, we obtain sequence of successive approximations x, F(x), ... ,Fn(x), ... , converging to y, which interpolate (2), n L A x~ = f(x) ~ f(F(x)) ~ ... ~ f(Fn(x)) ~ ... ~ f(y) = AB _ C2 . i=l The "opposite" sequence x, Xl = X + (X - y), ... , X n = X n-1 + (X n-1 - y) , ... can be used in proving (2). If we suppose that (2) n A LX~ ~ AB-C2' i=l then f(x) ~ f(xd ~ ... ~ f(x n ) ~ ... , what is a contradiction to lim f(x n ) = +00. n-too K. Fan and J. Todd ([2]) in 1955, proved the next inequality: Let a = (ab' .. ,an) and b = (bI, . .. ,bn ), n ~ 2, be two sequences 0/ real numbers such that aibj f:. ajbi for all i f:. j. Then M. BJELICA 448 Theorem 2. Let a = (al, ... , an) and b = (bi, ... , bn ), n ;::: 2, be two sequences of real numbers such that aibj =f. ajbi for all i =f. j. If 101 ~ 1, then A -,---...,< AB-C2 Proof. H we take 1~i~n, the proof is similar to the proof of Theorem 1. o References 1. M. Bjelica, Fixed Point and Inequalities, Ph. D. Thesis, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, 1990. 2. D. S. Mitrinovic (in cooperation with P. M. Vasic), Analytic Inequalities, Springer Verlag, Berlin - Heidelberg - New York, 1970. 3. Z. M. Mitrovic, On a generalization 01 Fan-Todd's inequality, Univ. Beograd Pub!. Elektrotehn. Fak. Sero Mat. Fiz. No. 412 - No. 460 (1973), 151-154. ON THE STABILITY OF THE QUADRATIC FUNCTIONAL EQUATION AND RELATED TOPICS STEFAN CZERWIK Institute of Mathematics, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland Abstract. In this paper we consider the problem of the stability of a quadratic equation in some abstract space in the sense of Hyers-Ulam-Rassias. This is a generalisation of an idea originally stated by S. M. Ulam for the linear (Cauchy) equation. Similar problems for other equations are actually investigated by several mathematicians. 1. Introduction The problem of the stability of functional equations has been posed by S. M. Ulam. Answering that question, Hyers [1] has proved the following result: Theorem 1. Given two Banach spaces (X, 11 . 11), (Y, 11 • 11) and a real positive number c, assume that a function f : X ~ Y satisfies the inequality IIf(x + y) - f(x) - f(y) 11 ~ c for all x, y EX. Then there exists exactly one additive mapping A : X ~ Y such that IIf(x) - A(x) 11 ~ c holds for all x EX. From that time many other related questions have been studied. Professor Rassias [9] gave a generalised solution to Ulam's problem for so called approximately linear mappings and in [10] he generalised the Ulam-Hyers stability theorem considering the most general Ulam-Hyers sequence (see also [11] and nice book devoted to that subject [12]). Also problems of stability of polynomial functions, homogeneous functions, convex functions have been considered by many authors (see e.g. [1-3], [6]). Let G B , s = 1,2 be groups. A function f : Gi ~ G2 fulfilling the following equation (1) f(x + y) + f(x - y) = 2f(x) + 2f(y) for all x, y E Gi is called the quadratic function and (1) the quadratic functional equation. The problem of the Hyers-Ulam stability of the quadratic equation (1) has been studied in [2] and more general case, which I call Rassias type of stability, by the author in [4-5]. 1991 Mathematics Subject ClasBification. Primary 39C05. Key words and phrases. Functional equationsj StabilitYj Hyers-Ulam-Rassias sequencesj Quadratic mappings. 449 G.v. Milovanovic (ed.), Recent Progress in lnequalities, 449-455. © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. s. CZERWIK 450 2. Stability of Quadratic Functions 1. Let ll4 be the set of all nonnegative real numbers. Assurne that X is a commutative semigroup with zero in which the following low of cancellation holds (2) a + b = b + c implies a = b for all a, b, c E X. In X is defined a multiplication by nonnegative real scalars satisfying (3) (4) (5) (6) a( a + b) = aa + ab, aa+ ßa = (a + ß)a, a(ßa) = (aß)a, la = a, for all a, bE X and a,ß E ll4. Moreover, let (X, D) be a metric space such that (7) (8) d(x + y, x + z) = d(y, z) for all x, y, z E X, d(tx, ty) = d(x, y) for all x, y E X, tE ll4. In X we define (9) IIxll := d(x, 0), x E X. A commutative semigroup with zero and metric d satisfying the conditions (2)-(8) we call a quasi-normed space. To construct an example of such space, let us consider a normed space Y. Given sets A, BeY and a number t E IR (the set of all real numbers) we define A + B := {x E Y : x = a + b, a E A, bEB} and tA := {x E Y : x = ta, a E A}. Let CC(Y) denote the space of all non-empty compact convex subsets of Y. Put d(A,B) :=inf{t>O: ACB+tK, BCA+tK}, where K is the closed unit ball in Y and A, B are non-empty closed bounded subsets of Y. The function dis a metric called the Hausdorff metric induced by the metric of the space Y. The space CC(Y) with Hausdorff metric is a quasi-normed space. Moreover, if Y is a Banach space, then CC(Y) is a complete metric space. 2. Let E be a group and let h : E x E -+ ll4 be a given function. We denote H(x, y) := h(x, y) + h(x, 0) + h(y, 0) + h(O, 0), K(x, y) := 2h(x, y) + h(x + y, 0) + h(x - y, 0) for all x,y E E. Now we shall prove the following ON THE STABILITY OF THE QUADRATIC FUNCTIONAL EQUATION 451 Lemma 1. Let E be a group and let (E1 , d) be a quasi-normed space. If the function F : E --t E 1 satisfies the inequality (10) d[F(x + y) + F(x - y), G(x) + G(y)] ~ hex, y) for alt x, y E E, then we have (11) (12) d[F(x + y) + F(x - y) + 2F(0), 2F(x) + 2F(y)] ~ H(x, y), d[G(x + y) + G(x - y) + 2G(0), 2G(x) + 2G(y)] ~ K(x, y), for alt x, y E E. Proof. We get for x, y E E, d[G(x + y) + G(x - y) + 2G(0), 2G(x) + 2G(y)] + y) + G(x - y) + G(O), 2F(x + y) + G(x - y)] + d[2F(x + y) + G(x - y) + G(O), 2F(x + y) + 2F(x - y)] + d[2F(x + y) + 2F(x - y), 2G(x) + 2G(y)] ~ hex + y,O) + hex - y,O) + 2h(x,y) = K(x,y), ~ d[G(x Le., the inequality (12). The inequality (11) can be proved in the same way. Let N denote the set of all natural numbers. 0 Lemma 2. Let E be a group and E 1 be a quasi-normed space. If G, F : E --t E 1 satisfy the inequality (10), then k-l n-l (13) ~ k 2 (n-l) L L(k - m)H(mk 8 x, k 8 x)k- 28 , m=18=0 k-l n-l (14) ~ k 2 (n-l) L L(k - m)K(mk 8 x,k 8 x)k- 28 , m=18=0 for all xE E and n,k E N, where k 2: 2. Proof. The proof follows by induction on n. Now we can establish the following 0 Theorem 2. Let E be an Abelian group and let E 1 be a complete quasi-normed space. Assume that inequality (10) is satisfied. Let for so me integer k 2: 2 and m = 1, . .. , k - 1 the series 00 (15) L 8=0 h(mk 8 x, k 8 x)k- 28 , S. CZERWIK 452 00 (16) h(k 8x, 0)k- 28 , L 8=0 be convergent tor all X E E. 1/, moreover, liminf h(knx, k n y)k- 2n = 0 tor all x, y E E, (17) n-4OO then there exists exactly one quadratic /unction A : E -+ E l such that k-l (18) d[A(x) + F(O), F(x)] :s k- 2 L 00 L(k - m)H(mk 8, k 8x)k- 28 , m=l8=0 k-l (19) d[2A(x) + G(O), G(x)] :s k- 2 L 00 L(k - m)K(mk 8, k 8x)k- 28 , m=l8=0 tor all xE E. Proof. We define (20) We shall prove that {An(x)} is a Cauchy sequence for every X E E. In fact, by Lemma 2 and (8) we have for n > rand X E E d[An(x),Ar(x)] = k- 2n d[F(k n x), k 2(n-r) F(Fx)] :s k- 2r IIF(0)11 + k- 2n d[F(k n x) + [k 2(n-r) - l]F(O), k 2(n-r) F(F x)] k-l n-r-l :s k- 2r IIF(0)11 + k- 2 L L m=l 8=0 k-l 00 :s k- 2r IIF(0)11 + k- 2 L (k - m)H(mk 8+r , k 8+r x)k- 2(8+r)8 L(k - m)H(mk 8,k 8x)k- 28 . m=l8=r Hence we get the conclusion. Therefore, there exists the limit (21) A(x):= lim An(x) n-4OO for all xE E. Now we shall check that ({k- 2n G(k n x)} is a Cauchy sequence) (22) 2A(x) = lim k- 2n G(k n x), xE E. n-4OO Indeed, we have by (10) and (9) d[2A(x), k- 2n C(k n x)] :s d[2A(x), 2· k- 2n F(knx)] + d[2. k- 2n F(knx), k- 2n G(k n x) + k- 2n C(0)] + d[k- 2n G(k n x) + k- 2n C(0), k- 2n C(k n x)] :s 2d[A(x), An(x)] + k- 2n h(k n x, 0) + k- 2n IlG(0)1I· ON THE STABILITY OF THE QUADRATIC FUNCTIONAL EQUATION 453 Hence applying (17) and (21) it follows that lim d[2A(x), k- 2n C(k n x)] for all xE E, n--+oo i.e., we obtain (22). The function A is quadratic. In fact, Letting n -t 00 in view of (16) and (22) we obtain the equality A(x + y) + A(x - y) = 2A(x) + 2A(y) for all x, y E E. The estimations (18) and (19) one can establish directly from (13) and (14), respectively. Now we shall prove that the function A is unique. To this end let assume that there exist two quadratic functions Ci : E -t E 1 , i = 1,2, such that k-1 d[Ci(x) + F(O), F(x)] :s; k-2ai L 00 L(k - m)H(mk S , k 8x)k- 28 , m=18=0 for x E E and i = 1,2, where ai 2: 0, i = 1,2, are real constants. It is a simple exercise to verify that for i = 1,2 xE E, nE N. Now we get for x E E k-1 :s; (al + a2)k- 2 L 00 L(k - m)H(mk s +r , k 8+n x)k- 2(8+n) m=18=0 k-1 = (al + a2)k- 2 L 00 L(k - m)H(mk S, k 8x)k- 28 . m=18=n In view of the convergence of the series (15), the right hand side of the last inequality can be made as small as we wish taking n sufficiently large. Hence Cdx) = C 2(x) for all x E E and the proof of the theorem is completed. 0 Theorem 3. Let E be an Abelian group divisible by k E N, k 2: 2 and let E 1 be a complete quasi-normed space. Let for m = 1, ... ,k - 1 the series L h(mk-Sx, k- 8x)k 28 , 00 (23) 8=1 454 S. CZERWIK (24) Lh(k- Sx,0)k 2S , s=1 00 be convergent for all xE E. Moreover, if liminf h(k-nx, k- n y)k 2n = 0 n-+oo for all x, y E E, and F(O) = 0, then there exists exactly one quadratic function B : E --t EI such that k-l 00 L(k - m)H(mk-Sx, k- Sx)k 2s , m=1 s=1 d[B(x),F(x)] ~ k- 2 L k-l 00 L(k - m)K(mk-Sx, k- Sx)k 2s m=1 s=1 d[B(x),G(x)] ~ k- 2 L for all xE E. In the next part we present a result concerning the case F(O) #- O. By IR we denote the set of the real numbers. Theorem 4. Let E be an Abelian group divisible by k E N, k ~ 2 and let EI be a Banach space. Let the functions F, G : E --t EI satisfy the inequality IJF(x + y) + F(x - y) - G(x) - G(y)1I ~ h(x, y) for all x, y E E. Suppose that the senes (23) and (24) are convergent /or all x E E and the condition (25) is satisfied. Then there exists exactly one quadratic function 9 : E --t EI such that k-l (27) IIg(x) + F(O) - F(x)1I ~ k- 2 L 00 L(k - m)H(mk-Sx, k- Sx)k 2s m=1 s=1 and k-l (28) 112g(x) + G(O) - G(x)11 ~ k- 2 L 00 L(k - m)K(mk-Sx, k- Sx)k 28 m=18=1 for all xE E. Moreover, if E is a linear topological space and F is measurable (i.e., F- 1(U) is a Borel set in E for every open set U E Ed or the function R :3 t --t F(tx) is continuous for every fixed x E E, then g(tx) = t 2g(x), (29) x E E, tE R Proof. Denote /(x) := F(x) - /(0), q(x):= G(x) - G(O) for x E E. ON THE STABILITY OF THE QUADRATIC FUNCTIONAL EQUATION 455 Then by Lemma 1 and (26) we have Ilf(x + y) + f(x - y) - 2f(x) - 2f(y)11 ~ H(x, y) for all x, y E E. Hence (see Theorem 2) g(x):= lim k 2n f(k- nx ), n-+oo x E E, is correctly defined quadratic function satisfying the conditions (27) and (28). The proof of the uniqueness follows the argument as for the proof of Theorem 2. To end the proof let L be any continuous linear functional defined on the space EI. Let cp : IR ~ IR be given by cp(t) := L[g(tx)], x E E, tE IR, where x is fixed. Then cp is a quadratic function and, moreover, as the pointwise limit of the sequence CPn(t) = k 2n L[f(k- ntx)], tE IR, is also measurable and hence has the form cp(t) = t 2cp(1) for t E llt Therefore for every t E IR and every x E E L[g(tx)] = cp(t) = t 2cp(1) = L[t2g(x)], which implies the condition (29). This completes the proof. 0 Remark. If h = const, we have Ulam-Hyers type of stability, whereas for h(x, y) = Ilxll v + lIyllV, x, y E E (E-normed space) Rassias type of stability. References 1. M. Albert and G. A. Baker, Ftmctions with bounded n-th diJJerence, Ann. Polon. Math.43 (1983), 93-103. 2. P. W. Cholewa, Remarks on the stability 0/ /unctional equations, Aequationes Math. 27 (1984), 76-86. 3. S. Czerwik, On the stability 0/ the homogeneous mapping, C. R. Math. Rep. Aead. Sei. Canada 14 (1992), 268-272. 4. _ _ , On the stability 0/ the quadratic mapping in normed spaces, Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg 62 (1992), 59-64. 5. _ _ , The stability 0/ the quadratic junctional equation, Stability of Mappings of HyersUlam Type (Th. M. Rassias and J. Tabor, eds.), Hadronic Press Colleetion of Original Articles, Hadronic Press, Ine., Palm Harbor, FL, 1994, pp. 81-91. 6. G. L. Forti, The stability 0/ homomorphisms and amenability with applications to /unctional equations, Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg 57 (1987), 215-226. 7. R. Ger, Almost approximate/y convex junctions, Math. Slovaca 38 (1988), 61-78. 8. D. H. Hyers, On the stability 0/ the linear junctional equation, Proe. Nat. Aead. Sei. U.S.A. 27 (1941), 222-224. 9. Th. M. Rassias, On the stability 0/ the linear mapping in Banach spaces, Proe. Amer. Math. Soe. 72 (1978), 297-300. 10. _ _ , On a modified Hyers-Ulam sequence, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 158 (1991), 106-113. 11. Th. M. Rassias and P. Semrl, On the behaviour 0/ mappings which do not satisfy Hyers-Ulam stability, Proe. Amer. Math. Soe. 114 (1992), 989-993. 12. Th. M. Rassias and J. Tabor (eds.), Stability 0/ Mappings 0/ Hyers-Ulam Type, Hadronic Press Colleetion of Original Articles, Hadronic Press, Ine., Palm Harbor, FL, 1994. 13. J. Ratz, On approximate/y additive mappings, General Inequalities 2, ISNM 47, Birkhauser Verlag, Basel, 1980, pp. 233-251. A DIRICHLET-TYPE INTEGRAL INEQUALITY W. N. EVERITT School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham BiS 2TT, England, UK Abstract. This note concerns the derivation of an integral inequality associated with a Sturm-Liouville differential expression. The inequality results from the Dirichlet formulae for the differential exression, and the lower bound of the self-adjoint differential operator determined by the Neuman boundary condition at the regular end-point. 1. Introduction In this note we discuss some properties of the integral inequality (f E D), (1.1) where the domain D ~ L 2 (0, 1) and the number 0: is non-negative. The maximal domain for which the inequality can be considered is defined by (1.2) D := {J: (0,1]--+ lR I fE AC1oc(0, 1]; fand xi' E L 2 (0, I)}. However in applications this definition may be replaced by the smaller domain (1.3) We consider the inequality (1.1) on the maximal domain (1.2) and thereby give some explanation for the introduction of the class of functions AC1oc(0, 1]. The non-negative number 0: in the inequality (1.1) is taken to be best possible, i.e., the largest number for which the inequality, on the chosen domain, is valid. Of course the inequality is always valid when 0: = and thus interest is in the possibility when 0: > 0. With 0: so determined there remains the problem of characterising all the cases of equality in (1.1), other than the null function, if any. ° 1991 Mathematics 8ubject Classification. Primary 26DI0, 34B24j Secondary 34L05. Key W07US and phrases. Integral inequalitYj Sturm-Liouvillej Differential operator. 457 G.v. Milovanovic (ed.), Recent Progress in Inequalities, 457-463. © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. w. N. EVERITT 458 2. Methods The theory of differential operators allows us to prove the existence of inequalities of the form (1.1), Le., to decide if the number 0: is positive or zero, and to characterise all the possible cases of equality. The method is to consider differential operators generated in the Hilbert function space L2(0, 1) by the Lagrange symmetrie differential expression M, where (x E (0,1]), (2.1) with the domain of M defined by (2.2) D(M) := {J: (0,1]--+ C I I, I' E AC1oc(0, In· The spectral properties of these operators are associated with the solutions of the linear differential equation (2.3) M[y] = >.y on (0,1], where>. is the spectral parameter, Le., >. E C. The general theory of these operators is developed in the classie text by Naimark [5]; see in partieular Chapters V and VI. 3. A General Integral Inequality The analysis of the inequality (1.1) depends upon a general result of Amos and Everitt given in [1]; see in particular [1, Thm. 2]. We show below that all the conditions of this theorem are satisfied by the differential expression M of (2.1) as defined on the interval (0,1]; here a = and b = 1, with a as the singular end-point and b as the regular end-point. This application requires the reversal of the roles played by the end-points a and b in the results quoted from [1], but the theorem is equally valid in this case. With the inequality domain D defined as in (1.2), compare with [1, Eq. (2.5)], let the domain D(T) of the self-adjoint operator T be defined by, compare with [1, Eq. (2.6)], ° (3.1) D(T) = {I: (0,1]--+ C I I, I' E ACloc(O, 1], 1'(1) = 0 and I, M[/] E L 2 (O, I)} and let the operator T be defined by (3.2) TI:= M[/] (J E D(T)). Suppose now that the following conditions two are satisfied for the differential expression M, as given by (2.1): (i) the Diriehlet condition (3.3) D(T) cD A DIRICHLET-TYPE INTEGRAL INEQUALITY 459 is satisfied, compare with [1, Eq. (2.9)]j we note that this condition implies that the differential expression M is strong limit-point at the singular end-point 0, see [1, p. 243], i.e., (3.4) lim Ig' = :1:-+0+ ° (J,g E D(T))j this in turn implies that the differential operator T, as give in (3.2), is self adjoint in the Hilbert function space L 2 (0, 1), see [5, Chap. V]j (ii) the self-adjoint operator T, as defined by (3.2), is bounded below in the space L 2 (0, 1), i.e., there exists areal number J.L such that (here ( . ,. ) denotes the inner product for L 2 (0, 1)) (3.5) (T I, f) ~ J.L(J, f) (J E D(T))j this in turn implies that the spectrum a(T) ~ IR of the operator T is also bounded below, on the realline IR, by the same number J.Lj in (3.5) we suppose that J.L is the best possible, i.e., the largest, number for which the inequality holdsj since a(T) is a closed set of the real line this terminology gives J.L E a(T). We show below that the domains D, D(T) and the operator T satisfy both the conditions (i) and (ii). These results imply that an application of [1, Thm. 2] may be made and so we obtain (3.6) (J E D). This yields the required inequality (1.1) with the number a = J.L. The additional results of [1, Thm. 2] give information on the cases of equality in (3.6)j if J.L is an eigenvalue of the operator T then all the non-trivial cases of equality are prescribed by the eigenspace of J.Lj if J.L is not an eigenvalue but is in the continuous spectrum of T then there are no non-trivial cases of equality, i.e., the only case is the null function on [0,1]. Thus the analysis of the original inequality depends upon obtaining information about the operator T and its spectrum a(T). 4. Properties of the Operator T Lemma 4.1. The differential expression M, 0/ (2.1), is strong limit-point at 0+, see (3.4), and the operator T is Dirichlet, see (3.3), on (0,1]. Proof. It is sufficient to prove these results for the case when 1 is real-valued on (0,1]. On integration by parts, with 1 E D(T), (4.1) 11{t2J'(t)2+t2/(t)2}dt=t2/(t)J'(t) I: -1 +1 = -x2/(x)J'(x) 1 {(t 2J'(t))'-ef(t)2}dt 1 M[/](x)/(x) dx. w. N. EVERITT 460 If now T is not Dirichlet on (0,1] then there exists 1 E D(T) such that the lefthand side of (4.1) tends to +00 as x tends to 0+; in turn this result implies that -x21(x)f'(x) also tends to +00. Thus for all x sufficiently near to 0+ there exists a positive number K such that I(x)f'(x) < -Kx- 2; if we integrate this result over (x, 1] then ~ l(x)2 - ~ 1(1)2 > Kx- 1 - K, again for all x near to 0+. This last result is inconsistent with 1 E L 2 (0, 1), and this yields the Dirichlet property. If now for real I,g E D(T), then a similar integration by parts gives the result, compare with (4.1), gives (4.2) 1 1 {t 2f'(t)g'(t) + t 2I(t)g(t) }dt = -x21(x)g'(x) + 1 1 M[g] (t)f(t) dt. The left-hand side of (4.2) tends to a finite limit as x -+ 0+, from the Dirichlet property, as does the integral on the right-hand side; thus for some real number k we have limx 2 f(x)g'(x) = k as x tends to 0+. If k f:. 0 suppose that k > 0; then for all x near to 0+ we have I(x)xg'(x) ~ ~ X-i, but this is inconsistent with I, xg' E L 2 (0, 1); there is a similar argument if k < O. Thus k = 0 and the strong limit-point result (3.4) is seen to hold. 0 From these results we can now establish the identity (JED(T)); (4.3) this shows that the operator T is bounded below in L 2 (0, 1), and that the exact lower bound {l of (3.5) satisfies (4.4) {l ~ O. 5. Spectral Properties of the Operator T To establish that the original inequality (1.1) holds on the domain D with a number 0: that is positive we have to establish that the lower bound {l of the spectrum u(T) is positive. This result is achieved by applying the Liouville transformation to the differential equation (2.3); details of this transformation may be found in [3, Chap. X, Sect. 9] and in [4, Sect. 12]. In the case oft he differential equation (2.3), and in the notation of [4], we transform the equation (2.3) by the introduction ofnew independent and dependent variables, respectively, as follows (5.1) X(x) = 1- = 11 '" t dt -log(x) (x E (0,1]) and Y(X) = X1/ 2y(X). It may be verified that the original equation is transformed into (5.2) -Y"(X) + (~+exP(-2X))Y(X) = AY(X) (x E [0,00)); A DIRICHLET-TYPE INTEGRAL INEQUALlTY 461 also, and this is of significance for the cases of equality in (3.6), the separated boundary condition y'(l) = 0, invoked in the definition of D(T) in (3.1), i.e., /'(1) = 0, is transformed into Y(O) + 2Y'(0) = O. (5.3) The significance of the boundary value problem represented by the equation (5.2) and the boundary condition (5.3) is to be seen in the following results: (i) the equation (5.2) is regular at the end-point 0, and is limit-point in L 2 (0,00) at the end-point +00; (ii) the operator S: D(S) C L2(0,00) -t L2(0,00) defined by D(S) := {F: [0,00) -t elF, F' E ACloc[O,OO), F(O) + 2F'(0) = 0, FE L 2 (0, 00), -F" + (1/4 + exp (-2X))F E L 2 (0, oo)} and (5.4) SF:= -F" + U +exp(-2X))F (F E D(S)) is self-adjoint in L 2 (0, 00); (iii) the operators T in L 2 (0, 1) and S in L 2 (0, 00) are unitarily equivalent; (iv) a(T) = a(S); (v) the spectrum of S is purely continuous on (1/4, 00) and is discrete below the point 1/4, i.e., there are only eigenvalues below 1/4 and the only possible limit point, if any, is at 1/4; (vi) there is a smallest discrete eigenvalue, say >'0, and >'0 ~ O. As references for these results: (i) see ([5, Sect. 17.5] and [6, Sect. 2.20]; (ii) see [5, Sect. 24.2]; (iii) see [4]; (iv) see [4]; (v) see [5, Sect. 24.2] and [6, Sect. 5.7]; Additional analysis shows that: (vi) the spectrum of S is purely continuous on [1/4,00); (vii) there is only one eigenvalue of S in the interval [0,1/4], i.e., >'0, and this eigenvalue is simple, i.e., the eigenspace is one-dimensional and generated by the single, real-valued eigenfunction 'l/Jo, say, which is the unique solution of the differential equation, see (2.3), M[y] = >'oy on (0,1] with y E D(T). To establish these results it is necessary to study explicitly the form of the spectrum a(S); this can be done along the lines of the example considered in [6, Sect. 4.14]. w. N. EVERITT 462 6. The eigenvalue .xo We have Lemma 6.1. The eigenvalue AO satisfies 0< AO :5 1/4. (6.1) Proof. From (4.3) we obtain, with 1 = t/Jo, (6.2) 1{x2t/J~(X)2 + 1 x2t/JO(x)2} dx = (Tt/Jo, t/Jo) = AO 1 1 t/JO(X)2 dx. Prom this result it is clear that if AO = 0 then t/Jo would be null on (0,1] and this gives a contradiction. The upper bound of 1/4 for AO follows from the results in the previous section. 0 7. The Inequality We may now state Theorem 7.1. For the inequality (1.1) let the domain D be defined by (1.2); then the inequality is valid with the best-possible number a = AO > 0, i. e. (J E D). (7.1) All cases 01 equality are determined by (7.2) I(x) = At/Jo(x) (x E (0,1]) where A E IR. Proof. The proof follows from the general equality given in [1, Thm. 2]. All the conditions required to apply this theorem have now been established or referenced in the preceding sections. 0 8. The Domain of the Inequality The maximal domain D of the inequality, see (1.2), is determined essentially by the coefficients ofthe differential expression M (see (2.1», which is singular at the end-point 0+ and regular at the end-point 1. A singular end-point, in inequalities of this form, often allows the introduction of elements into the domain of the inequality that have singular behaviour themselves at such a point. We can see the result in this particular examplej let 1 E D be defined by I(x) := (x 1/ 2 Iog(x»-1 (x E (0,1/2]) and by construction let 1 E C(2)[1/2, 1]. It may be seen by calculation that 1 E D and yet 1 has a singularity at the end-point 0+. The domain D o, for applications, excludes such singular elements from the inequality. A DIRICHLET-TYPE INTEGRAL INEQUALITY 463 9. N umerical Results A numerical value for AO can be found from the computer program Sleign2; see [2]; an approximate value is AO ~ 0.243. The program also indicates that the extremal nmction 1/;0 is likely to have no zeros in the interval (0,1]. Acknowledgement. The author is grateful to Professor Vivian Hutson, University of Sheffield, England, UK for posing the problem considered in this paper. The integral inequality arises from a problem in mathematical biology concerning the determination of stability for a reaction-diffusion system with non-linear diffusion. References 1. R. J. Amos and W. N. Everitt, On a quadratie integral inequality, Proe. Royal Soc. Edinburgh 78A (1978), 241-256. 2. P. B. Bailey, W. N. Everitt and A. Zettl, The Sleign2 Computer Program for the Automatie Computation of EigenIJalues, [To be entered into the Public Domain in September 1995]. 3. G. Birkhoff and G.-C. Rota, Ordinary Differential Equations, Ginn and Company, Boston, 1960. 4. W. N. Everitt, On the transformation theory of ordinary second-order linear symmetrie differential equations, Czechoslovak Math. J. 32 (107) (1982), 275-306. 5. M. A. Naimark, Linear Differential Operators, 11, Ungar Publishing Company, New York, 1968. 6. E. C. Titchmarsh, Eigenfunction Expansions, I, Oxford University Press, 1962. ON THE HYERS-ULAM-RASSIAS STABILITY OF MAPPINGS P. GA.VRUTA. Department of Mathematics, Technical University, P- ta Hora tiu Nr. 1, 1900 - Timi soara, Romania Abstract. We give an answer to a question of Hyers and Rassias [5] concerning the stability of mappings. For a survey about the stability of mappings see [5]. In this note we denote by (G, +) an Abelian group and by (X, II'I!) a Banach space. In [1] we obtain the following general theorem concerning the stability of mappings. Theorem 1. Let be <p : G x G -+ [0, +(0) so that (1) 1 L 2 + <p(2 x, 2 y) < 00 cll(x, y) := n 1 n n 00 n=O for all x, y E G and f : G -+ X a mapping so that (2) Ilf(x + y) - f(x) - f(y)11 ~ <p(x, y) for all x, y E G. Then there exists an unique additive mapping T : G --t X so that (3) Ilf(x) - T(x)11 ~ cll(x, x) for all xE G. Moreover, (4) T(x) = lim f(2 n x) , n-*oo 2n x EG. A generalisation of this theorem was given in [2] (see also [3]). 1991 Mathematics Subject Classijication. Primary 39B72, 41A35j Secondary 47H19. Key words and phrases. Stability of mappingsj Additive mappingj Banach space. 465 G.v. Milovanovic (ed.), Recent Progress in Inequalities, 465-469. © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. P.GAVRUTA 466 Theorem 2. Let be k ::::: 2 integer and <p : G x G -t [0,00) so that (5) ~k(X,y):= 1 L k n+ <p(knx,kny) < 00 00 1 n=O lor all x,y E G. 11 1 : G -t X is a mapping so that (2) holds, then there exist an unique additive mapping Tk : G -t X so that (6) xE G, where k-l (7) 'l1k(X,y):= L ~dx,my), x,y E G. m=l Moreover, (8) xE G. Recently, Jung [6] obtain independently this result when <p is asymmetrie function. In the following, we consider a particular case: (i) G = E a normed space with the norm 11 . 111; (ii) <p(x, y) = H(lIxlll, Ilylll) for x, y E E, where H : [0,00) x [0,00) -t [0, 00) is a homogeneous function of degree P E [0, 1). Then we have hence It follows H(l,m) 11 x II P1 ~k (x, mx ) = k _ kp hence (9) x EE, where (10) 1 k-l 8k(H) = k _ kp H(l,m). L m=l ON THE HYERS-ULAM-RASSIAS STABILITY OF MAPPINGS 467 We consider now a mapping f : E -+ X so that IIf(x + y) - fex) - f(y)1I ~ H(llxlh, Ilylll) for all x, y E E. From Theorem 2 it follows that for every k ~ 2 integer there is an unique additive mapping Tk : E -+ X so that x EE. We take here x t-+ 2n x and obtain xEE. For n -+ 00 it follows xEE, hence xEE, k ~ 3. Thus we have the following result: TheoreID 3. Let be p E [0, 1) and H : [0,00) x [0,00) -+ [0,00) a homogeneous junction 01 degree p. 11 f : E -+ X is a mapping so that (11) IIf(x + y) - fex) - f(y) 11 ~ H(lIxlh, lIylll)' X,y E E, then there is a unique additive mapping T : E -+ X so that Ilf(x) - T(x) 11 ~ o(H)lIxlli, xE E, where (12) For the particular case 8> 0; we prove [2] that ok(Ho) > o2(Ho), s,t E [0,00), for k> 2, and in [4] we prove that o2(Ho) is sharp. The problem is if we can to have H so that We take Hds,t) = min(sP,tP), ° < <p 1; s,t E [0,00). P. GAVRUTA 468 In this case and we shall prove that (13) k ~ 2. The inequality (13) it is equivalent with 1 + (k - l)(k + l)P < k· kP. (14) Since the function h : [0,00) -+ IR., h(x) = x P is strictly concave we have h(AX + (1 - A)Y) > Ah(x) + (1 - A)h(y) for A E (0,1) and x,y E (0,00), x =I y. We take here x = 1, and obtain k- 1 ( -1 + --(k + 1) k k y=k+1 )P > -1 + --(k k - 1 + 1)p k k that is (14). Thus (13) holds and hence the generalisation in Theorem 2 is not trivial. In this case in Theorem 3 we have 8 = 1 and we prove that this 8 is sharp. We take f : IR -+ IR f(x) = { xP _( -x)P if if x ~ 0, x< 0. We prove that If(x + y) - f(x) - f(y)1 ~ min(lxl P, lylP) (15) for all x, y E III If x, y ~ ° it follows ° If x ~ 0, y < we have two cases. 10 x + y ~ 0. Then where u = -y, v = x + y. It follows If(x + y) - f(x) - f(y)1 ~ u P = lylP ON THE HYERS-ULAM-RASSIAS STABILITY OF MAPPINGS and 469 If(x + y) - f(x) - f(y)1 $ v P $ Xp. 2° x + Y < 0. Then where Q: = -x - y. Hence If(x + y) - f(x) - f(y)1 $ x P and If x < 0, Y < If(x + y) - f(x) - f(y)1 $ Q:P $ (-y)P = Iylp. °the proof is dear. In this case T(x) = 0, If(x)1 = IxIP, x E Ilt Thus, using Theorem 3, we have the following result. Theorem 4. Let p E [0, 1) and f : E -t X so that IIf(x + y) - f(x) - f(y)II $ min(IIxllf, IIylln tor all x, y E E. Then there exists a unique additive mapping T : E -t X so that IIf(x) - T(x) 11 $ IIxllf, xEE, and this inequality is optimal. Remark. This result give an answer to the last question of Hyers and Rassias [5]. References 1. P. Gävrutä, A generalization 01 the Hyers-Ulam-Rassias stability 01 approximate/y additive mappings, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 184 (1994), 431-436. 2. P. Gävrutä, M. Hossu, D. Popescu, C. Cäpräu, On the stability 01 mappings, Bull. Appl. Math. Techn. Univ. Budapest 83 (1994), 169-176. 3. P. Gävrutä, M. Hossu, D. Popescu, C. Cäpräu, On the stability 01 mappings and an answer to a problem 01 Th. M. Rassias, Annales Math. Blaise Pascal (1995), 55-60. 4. P. Gävrutä, On the approximately linear mapping, (submitted). 5. D. H. Hyers and Th. M. Rassias, Approximate homomorphism, Aequationes Math. 44 (1992), 125-153. 6. S. M. Jung, On the Hyers-Ulam-Rassias stability 01 approximately additive mappings, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 204 (1996), 221-226. FUNCTIONS WITH QUASICONVEX DERIVATIVES VIDAN GOVEDARICA and MILAN JOVANOVIC Faculty 0/ Electrical Engineering, Patre 5, 78000 Banjaluka, Bosnia and Hercegovina Abstract. The necessary and suflicient conditions for quasiconvexity are given for the derivative of real-valued function, defined and continuously differentiable on I = [a, b) C llt Also, some inequalities are presented in this paper. 1. Introduction It is well-known that functions with monotonie derivatives are convex or concave. The continuously differentiable functions with convex derivatives have been studied in [6]. We will consider a more general dass, Le., functions with quasieonvex derivatives. Recall that 9 : I --t IR is quasieonvex if and only if for all x, y E I and t E (0,1) g(tx + (1 - t)y) ~ max{g(x) , g(y)}. If gis quasieonvex, then -g is quasieoncave. A function 9 is said to be quasimonotonie if it is both quasieonvex and quasiconcave [3]. Clearly, if 9 is convex, it is quasieonvex, but not conversely. We use the following result: Theorem 1 ([3], [5]). The continuous function 9 is quasiconvex on [a, b] if and only if there exists a point c E [a, b] such that 9 is nonincreasing on [a, c] and nondecreasing on [c, b]. 2. Conditions for Quasiconvexity Theorem 2. Let f : [a, b] --t IR be a continuously difJerentiable function. The following three conditions are equivalent: (a) f' is quasiconvex; (b) There exists a point c E [a, b] such that f is concave on [a, cl, and convex on [c, b]; (c) For all x, y E [a, b] the inequality 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 26A51, 26D1Oj Secondary 90C26. Key woms and phrases. Quasiconvex functionsj Inequalities. 471 G. V. Milovanovic (ed.), Recent Progress in Inequalities, 471-473. © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. 472 V. GOVEDARICA AND M. JOVANOVIC (1) f(x) - f(y) ~ max{!,(x),!,(y)} x-y holds. Proof. From Theorem 1 we immediately obtain (a) <===}(b). Now let!, be quasiconvex. By the Mean-Value Theorem we have f(x) - f(y) = !'(() ~ max{f'(x), !,(y)}, x-y since () E (x, y). Thus (a) ~ (c). Conversely, suppose that the condition (c) holds, but f'(Zo) > max{!,(x),!,(y)} = m, for some x, y E [a, b], x < y, and Zo E (x, y). The continuity of f' implies that there are Zl,Z2 E [x,y] such that Zo E (Zl,Z2), !,(zt) = !'(Z2) = m, f'(z) > m for all z E (Zl,Z2). On the other hand, for some () E (Zl,Z2) we have f'(() = f(Z2) - f(zt} ~ m, Z2 - Zl which is a contradiction. This proves (c) ~ (a). 0 Corollary 1. Let 9 be continuous on I. Then 9 is quasiconvex if and only if, for every x, y E I, (2) -1-1 y- x z Y g(t) dt ~ max{g(x), g(y)}. Remark 1. When 9 is a convex function, the inequality (2) is a direct consequence of the famous Hadamard's inequality (see [4]). Remark 2. If 9 is a continuous quasiconvex function, the inequality gC;Y) +min{g(t)ltE [x,Y]}:5 y:xlY g(t)dt, x<y, holds, but it does not define the quasiconvexity (see [2]). Remark 3. The corresponding characterisation of quasiconvex functions in several variables can be given by (2). This is based on the fact that a function is quasiconvex on a convex set C ~ !Rn if and only if its restrietion to each line segment in the set C is quasiconvex. 3. Some Inequalities Example 1. Let f' be quasimonotone, then by (1) min{f'(x), f'(y)} :5 f(x) - f(y) ~ max{!,(x), f'(y)}, x-y so that, e.g. for f(x) = log x, x ~ 1, y = 1, we have x-I - - ~logx~x-l. x FUNCTIONS WITH QUASICONVEX DERIVATIVES 473 Example 2. f(x) = sinx has a quasiconvex derivative on [0,211"], hence sinx - siny ----.:::... ~ max{cosx,cosy}. x-y Moreover, on [0,11"] and on [11",211"], l' is quasiconcave so that . sinx - siny mm{cosx,cosy} ~ ~ max{cosx,cosy}. x-y Example 3. Let f(x) = xne- x , n 2:: 2, x 2:: 0, and let 0< h ~ n, then f(n+h) > f(n - h) [1]. On the other hand, by the quasiconvexity of l' on [n - n 1/ 2 ,+oo), and of (log f)' on lR.t- we get 2h2 ) f(n + h) ~ ( 1 + n _ h f(n - h), and f(n + h) ~ e 2h2 /(n-h) f(n - h), Vn< h < n. We can also obtain, in a different way, f(n + h) ~ e h2 /(n-h) f(n - h), 0 ~ h < n. Example 4. In [4, pp. 362], we can find the inequality f(x + 1) - 2f(x) + f(x -1) > !,,(x), where x E (a + 1, b - 1), b - a > 2 and 1'" is increasing on [a, b]. Clearly, I" is convex. If f" is quasiconvex continuous, we get O· f"(x - 1) < 0 f"(x + 1) < 0 { ' f(x + 1) - 2f(x) + f(x - 1) < - , - , 2max{!"(x-1),I"(x+1)}; otherwise. References 1. G. Klambauer, On a property 01 xne- x , Amer. Math. Monthly 95 (1988), 551. 2. M. Longinetti, An inequality lor quasi-convex lunctions, Appl. Anal. 13 (1982), 93-96. 3. B. Martos, Nonlinear Programming, Theory and Methods, Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, 1976. 4. D. S. Mitrinovic (in cooperation with P. M. Vasic) , Analytic Inequalities, Springer Verlag, Berlin - Heidelberg - New York, 1970. 5. V. A. Ubhaya, Quasi-convex optimization, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 116 (1986), 439-449. 6. A. 1. Vorob'eva and A. M. Rubinov, On functions with convex derivatives, Prim. Funkc. Anal. Teor. Pribl. (1990), 33-38. (Russian) ON THE LOCAL APPROXIMATION BY QUASI-POLYNOMIALS YU. KRYAKIN Odessa State University, 2 Petra Velikogo, 270000 Odessa, Ukraine Abstract. A new proof of the multidimensional analogue of Whitney theorem is given. Some new estimates of Whitney constants are also obtained. 1. Introduction Let f(x) be a measurable function on 1[0,1]. Define wn(f) = sup x,x+nhEI IßU(x)l. In 1957 H. Whitney proved the following classical result in approximation theory. Theorem A. For any continuous function f(x) on land for any integer n ~ 1, there exist a polynomial P n - 1 (x) of degree at most n - 1 and a positive constant W n, such that sup If(x) - P n- 1 (x)1 :::; Wnwn(f). xEI In [20] much attention had been given to the estimations of the constants Wn . Following Bl. Sendov we will call these constants as Whitney's constants. The evaluation of Whitney's constants is an exceedingly difficult unsolved problem. There is no conjecture about value W n . Therefore, finding estimations of W n for some concrete methods of approximation is of great importance. In the proof of his theorem, Whitney used an interpolation polynomial over the uniform mesh: P(i/(n -1)) = f(i/(n - 1)), i = 0,1, ... ,n - 1. His proof was rather complicated and did not allow one to control the growth of the constants as n tends to infinity. However, he obtained some lower estimates and gave upper and lower bounds for the interpolation constants W~ and for the constants of best approximation W n for small values of n. Whitney established the inequalities 1 :::; W~, 1/2:::; W n :::; W~ < 00, and gave the following estimates: 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 41AI0j Secondary 41A17, 41A44. Key words and phrases. Interpolation polynomialsj Whitney's constantsj Quasi-polynomials. 475 G.v. Milovanovic (ed.), Recent Progress in lnequalities, 475-480. © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. YU. KRYAKIN 476 n 1 2 W n 1/2 1/2 W~ 1 1 4 3 8/15 7/10 16/15 14/9 1/2 1 5 3.25 1/2 3.25 1 10.4 10.4 A single value denotes a sharp constant, a pair - the upper and lower bounds. Further progress in obtaining good estimations of Whitney's constants is connected to works of BI. Sendov. Sendov proposed a numerical method based on linear programming for estimating Whitney's constants. Based on this work, he conjectured that the constants are bounded: W n by one and W~ by two (see [13]). At the time, Sendov's conjecture seemed rather bold - the existing estimates of the constants for large n were very pessimistic (Wn < cn 2n , Brudnyi [2], 1964). In 1985 the earlier known estimates were lowered substantially. In the span of a single month there were published the papers of Ivanov and Takev [5] (Wn ::; c· n In n), Binev [1] (Wn ::; C· n) and Sendov [14] (Wn ::; const). In 1986 Sendov proved [15] that Wn ::; 6. In these works the interpolating polynomials over a mesh: i / (n + 1), i = 1, ... , n, were used. The further development of this theme: W n ::; 3, independently Sendov [16], Brudnyi [4], Kryakin [6], W n ::; 2, Kryakin [9]. Sendov and Brudnyi did not publish their proofs. We used polynomials that are "interpolating in the mean". They are defined by the conditions tin (f(x) - Qn-l(X)) dx = 0, i = 1, ... ,n. Jo For n = 1,2 these polynomials were used by Storozenko [18] for the proof of Whitney's theorem in LP (p ~ 1) classes. The use of these polynomials permits a simple proof and allows to obtain some new results. New estimations of Whitney's constants in integral metric were given in [7], [11]. It was proved [12] that interpolating constants W~ do not exceed 5. One of the peculiarities of the use of polynomials interpolating in the mean is the relative simplicity of obtaining lower bounds. In contrast to interpolation constants, for example, the constants in the case of approximation in mean are bounded below by one and this estimate is sharp. In addition the exact estimates of constants for small values of n have been obtained [8], [10]: Thus, the strongest result now is the following: Theorem B. For any continuous function f(x) on land each integer n ~ 1, we have with - {2', Wn < - 1 if n ~ 5, if n ::; 4. In this paper we give the multi dimensional generalisation of Theorem B. At first the multidimensional generalisations of the theorem of H. Whitney were obtained by LOCAL APPROXIMATION BY QUASI-POLYNOMIALS 477 Brudnyi [3] for classes LP, p::::: 1, and C. Sendov and Takev ([17], [19]) proved that the constants for approximation by quasi-polynomials do not depend on degree of quasi-polynomials. In this paper we improve the result of Sendov-Takev and obtain the sharp theorem if the degree of the quasi-polynomial does not exceed 4. In addition we prove a new estimate of Whitney's constants in integral metric. 2. Notations and Main Result Let IRd denote the d-dimensional Euclidean space, and II d be the unit cube in IRd . The elements of IRd will be denoted by x = (Xl, ... ,Xd), Y = (YI, ... ,Yd), ... and we will write X ~ Y if the corresponding inequalities hold for Xi and Yi; Also, let X· Y be the vector {Xi· Yi}. Put Pn(x) = nl nd i=O ;=0 2: h,i(XI) X~ + ... + 2: fd,i(Xd) X~, where fk,i(Xj) are continuous functions in the variables Xl, ... ,Xj-l, Xj+1, . .. ,Xd, and ~hf(x) = ~~~el ••• ~~~eJ(x), where ei is the i-th coordinate vector. Denote by Qn-l quasi-polynomial which is determined by the conditions (1) l (j+I)/n i (J(x) - Qn-I(X)) dx; = 0, j/ni i = 1, ... ,d, j = 0,1, ... ,n; - 1. A constructive definition of Qn-l was given in [19-20]. We will discuss it below. Theorem 1. For any f E C (lId) the following inequality sup lJ(x) - Qn-l(x)1 ~ Wn(d) xEll d sup x,x+nhEll d l~hf(x)1 holds, with if n::::: 5, if n ~ 4. Theorem 1 improves the results of Brudnyi (Wn(d) ~ n 2nd ), Sendov and Takev (Wn (2) ~ 49), Takev (Wn(d) ~ d! 6d). It is easy to show that the constants in Theorem 1 are sharp for n ~ 4. 3. Constructions of the Polynomials Let D i be an operator of differentiation in the direction of ei. Denote by Di l the inverse operator of D i , YU. KRYAKIN 478 and by Li the operator of interpolation n, Li! = "Lf(Xi,jfni) lj(ni,xi), j=O where Ij (ni, x) is the Lagrangian algebraic polynomial of degree ni lj(ni, kjni) = Ok,j, k,j = 0,1, ... ,ni' Put Ci = DiLiD;l and observe that CiCj = CjCi. It is easy to see, that for an integrable function g, l <i+1)/n, (g - Cig)dxi = 0, j/ni j = 0,1, ... ,ni-I. Denote C(nl) = Cl, C(nl, n2) = Cl + C2 - Cl C2, C(nl, n2, n3) = Cl + C2 + C3 - ClC2 - ClC3 - C2C3 + ClC2C3, i = 1, ... ,d. Put Qn-l = C(n)f and verify that conditions (1) are true 4. Proof of Theorem 1 We shall prove Theorem 1 by iterations of the one-dimensional result. Suppose that the theorem is valid in jRd-l. Putting 9 = f - Qn-l and taking into account that ~U(x) = ~~g(x) we have s~p Ig(x)1 = 9 (x~, x~) ~ W nd I~~~ed 9 (x~, Xd) I· Using our assumption we get S?P I~~~edg (Xd, Xd) 1 = S?P IG (Xd, Xd) I Xd Xd ~ Wn1 ... Wnd_1 I~~rel ... ~~t: ed-l G (Xd' Xd) =Wn1 '" Wnd_ll~~·f(x")I· 1 LOCAL APPROXIMATION BY QUASI-POLYNOMIALS 479 5. Estimates in L p Theorem 2. For f E LP (lid), P 2': 1, the inequality holds, where d pd=II~I, i=1 n·t IId(h, n) = d II (1 - nihi) I. i=1 For d = 1, Theorem 2 was proved by Sendov [13-14]. The prooffor d 2': 2 is similar to the proof in C (lid). Here, we consider the case d = 2. Put 9 = f - Qm-l,n-l and use the one-dimensional result. Then, we obtain 11 o Ig(x,y)IPdx ~ 10m 11/m l 0 dh 0 1 - mh 16.h,og(x,y)IPdx and References 1. P. Binev, O(n) bounds of Whitney constants, C.R. Aead. Bulgare Sei. 38 (1985),1315-1317. 2. Ju. A. Brudnyi, On a theorem of local best approximations, Kazan. Gos. Univ. Ueen. Zap. 124 (1964), 43-49. (Russian) 3. _ _ _ , Approximation of junctions of n variables by quasi-polynomials, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Sero Mat. 34 (1970), 564-583. (Russian) 4. _ _ , The Whitney Constants, Baku, 1989, pp. 24. (Russian) 5. K. Ivanov and M. Takev, O(nln(n)) bounds of constants 0/ H. Whitney, C. R. Aead. Bulgare Sei. 38 (1985), 1129-1131. 6. Yu. V. Kryakin, Whitney constants, Mat. Zametki 46 (1989), 155-157. (Russian) 7. _ _ , On the theorem of H. Whitney in spaces L p , 1 ~ p ~ 00, Math. Balkaniea (N.S.) 4 (1990), 258-271. 8. _ _ _ , Exact constants in the Whitney theorem, Mat. Zametki 54 (1993), 34-51. (Russian) 9. _ _ , On a theorem and constants of Whitney, Mat. Sb. (N.S.) 185 (1994), 24-40 (Russian) [English trans!. Russian Aead. Sei. Sb. Math. 81 (1995), 281-295]. 10. _ _ , On the local approximation by polynomials and quasi-polynomials, Dok!. RAN (to appear). (Russian) 11. Yu. V. Kryakin and L. G. Kovalenko, Whitney constants in the classes L p , 1 ~ p ~ 00, Izv. Vyssh. Uehebn. Zaved. Mat. 1992,69-77 (Russian) [English trans!. in Soviet Math. (Iz. VUZ) 36 (1992)]. 12. Yu. V. Kryakin and M. D. Takev, Whitney interpolation constants, Ukrain. Mat. Zh. 47 (1995), 1038-1043. (Russian) 13. B!. Sendov, On the constants of H. Whitney, C. R. Aead. Bulgare Sei. 35 (1982), 431-434. 480 YU. KRYAKIN 14. ___ , The constants 01 H. Whitney are bounded, C. R. Aead. Bulgare Sei. 38 (1985), 1299-1303. 15. ___ , On the theorem and constants 01 H. Whitney, Constr. Approx. 3 (1987), 1-11. 16. BI. Sendov and V. Popov, The Average Moduli 01 Smoothness, John Wiley & Sons, Ine., New York, 1988. 17. BI. Sendov and M. D. Takev, A theorem 01 Whitney's type in ]R2, PLISKA Stud. Math. Bulgar. 11 (1991), 78-85. 18. E. A. Storozenko, Approximation ollunctions by splines that are interpolation al in the mean, Izv. Vyssh. Uehebn. Zaved. Mat. 1976 no. 12 (175), 82-95. (Russian) 19. M. D. Takev, A theorem 01 Whitney type in ]Rn, Construetive Theory of Funetions (Varna, 1987), Bulgar. Aead. Sei., Sofia, 1988, pp. 441-447. 20. H. Whitney, On lunction with bounded n-th differences, J. Math. Pures AppI. 36 (1957), 67-95. LOGARITHMIC CONCAVITY OF DISTRIBUTION FUNCTIONS MILAN MERKLE Faculty 01 Electrical Engineering, University 01 Belgrade, P. O. Box 95-54, 11120 Belgrade, Yugoslavia Abstract. We give suflicient conditions for a probability distribution function to be logarithmically concave. The limiting behaviour of corresponding inequalities is discussed. 1. Introduction The importance of the concept of logarithmic convexity or concavity is weH known (see [5], [3] or [1]). The analogy between log-convexity and log-concavity is not so simple as the one between plain convexity and concavity. For example, although the sum of log-convex functions is log-convex, a parallel statement for log-concave functions does not hold. Further, log-convexity is astronger property than convexity, whereas log-concavity is weaker than concavity. A typical continuous probability distribution function is neither convex nor concave on (-00, +00). However, it turns out that many continuous distribution functions that are in frequent use in Probability theory are log-concave. A result similar to ours is obtained in [3], but under more restrictive conditions and with an involved proof. Using the relation between log-concavity and Schur-concavity [3], we can produce some interesting inequalities. For example, if Xl, ... ,Xn are independent random variables, identically distributed with a log-concave distribution function F, then _ Xl + ... + X n x= -=------=-:. (1) n Some related results, regarding Schur-convexity with respect to parameters of distributions are obtained in [4] and in references therein. 2. Main Results J: Theorem 1. Let F(x) = f(t) dt, where f is an integrable, positive and twice differentiable function on (a, b), lor b > a. Assume the lollowing: (i) f is monotone on (a, b) or it has a unique maximum in (a, b). (ii) 11 there is c E (a,b] such that f is increasing on (a,c), then fis log-concave on (a,c). 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 26A51, 60E15. Key woms und phrases. ConvexitYi Schur-convexitYi Logarithmic convexity and concavitYi Distribution functions. 481 G.v. Milovanovic (ed.), Recent Progress in Inequalities, 481-484. © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. M. MERKLE 482 Then F is log-concave on (a,b). Proof. Let x E (a,b) and suppose that f'(x) :::; O. Then F(x)F"(x) - F I2 (X) :::; F(x)F"(x) = F(x)f'(x) :::; O. (2) If f'(x) > 0 for some x, then by the assumptions, there exists an interval (a, c), a < c :::; b such that f'(x) > 0 for all xE (a, c) and f is log-concave on (a, c). Now, the inequality F F II - P 2 < 0 is equivalent to P(x) F(x) :::; jt(x) = R(x). For x = a we have F(a) = 0 and lim R(x) ;::: O. Further, FI(x) = f(x) and for ",-+a+ a < x:::; c, RI(x) = 2f(x)f'(x)2 - p(x)r(x) = f(x) + f(x) f'(x)2 - f(x)r(x) > f(x) jt(x)2 jt(x)2 by log-concavity of f. From these facts it follows that F(x) :::; R(x) for x E (a, cl. Therefore, we proved that (2) holds for every x E (a, b) and F is a log-concave function. 0 Under conditions of Theorem 1, Jensen's inequality applied on [x, x + h) c (a, b) yields (3) F(x + Ah) ;::: F1-A(x)FA(x + h) , 0:::; A :::; 1. The next theorem is related to the sharpness of (3). Theorem 2. Let pt be continuous on (a, +00). If conditions of Theorem 1 are satisfied for b = +00 then for every h > 0 and A E [0,1] (4) [im (F(x + Ah) - F1-A(x)FA(x + h)) = O. "'-++00 Proof. Let us remark that if conditions of Theorem 1 hold on (a, +00) then lim f(x) = o. If we denote u(x) = log F(x) then "'-++00 o II() _ F(x)F"(x) - p2(X) p2(X) ;::: U X F2(X) ;::: F2(X) P(x) = F2(X) --+ 0 as x --+ +00. Let x E (a, +00) and let h > 0 and A E [0,1) be fixed. Let Xo = x + Ah. From the Taylor formula with the integral form of the remainder it follows that u(x) = u(xo) + ul(xo)(x - xo) + 1'" "'0 u(x + h) = u(xo) + UI(Xo)(x + h - xo) + (x - t)u"(t) dt, l "'+h "'0 (x + h - t)ull(t) dt. LOGARITHMIC CONCAVITY OF DISTRIBUTION FUNCTIONS 483 From these equalities we get (1 - 'x)u(x) + 'xu(x + h) - u(x + 'xh) =(I-'x) l x + Ah x (t-x)u"(t)dt+,X lx+h x+Ah (x+h-t)u"(t)dt. By letting x ~ +00 and h, ,X being fixed, we conclude that lim ((1 - ,X) u(x) + ,Xu(x + h) - u (x + 'xh)) = 0, x--t+oo or, equivalently, lim x--t+oo F(x + 'xh) = 1. FI-A(x)FA(x) Now (4) follows easily by boundedness of F. 0 3. Schur-concavity It is weIl known (see [3]) that the function n <P(XI,'" ,xn ) = II F(Xi) i=l is Schur-concave if and only if F is log-concave. In the setup of distribution functions, if Xl, ... , X n are independent random variables with the common distribution function F which is log-concave, then whenever (Xl, ... , x n ) )- (YI, ... Yn). Inequality (1) is a particular case of this result, since (Xl, ... , X n ) )- (x, ... , x). 4. Examples From Theorem 1 it follows that if a density is either nonincreasing or unimodal and log-concave, then the corresponding distribution function is log-concave. We give some examples. 10 Anormal density f(x) = 1 . /iC exp av 27l" ( - (x - f-L)2) 2 ' a f.L E lR, a > 0 is log-concave on lR and so is its distribution function. 20 A Gamma density f(x) = N" e- AX X",-l r(a) , 0:>0, ,X>O, x~O M. MERKLE 484 is unimodal and log-concave for Cl > 1, and it is decreasing for 0 < Cl S 1. Therefore, for every Cl > 0 the Gamma distribution function is log-concave. In particular, exponential and chi squared distribution functions are log-concave. 3° Reciprocal Gamma density (see [2]) c fex) = r(x) , x> 0, is log-concave because the Gamma function is log-convex one. The corresponding distribution function is log-concave. 4° Let 2xe x2 fex) = ~1' e - (0 S x S b) . The corresponding distribution function is Then F"(x)F(x) - F'2(X) < 0 for 0 < x < Xo, where Xo ~ 1.256. So, for b S xo, the function F is log-concave. The observed density is increasing and it is log-concave for 0 < x < 1/v'2 ~ 0.707. This example shows that conditions of Theorem 2 are not necessary for F to be log-concave. References 1. E. Artin, The Gamma Function, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, 1964 [Translation from the German original from 1931]. 2. A. Fransen and S. Wrigge, Calculation of the moments and the moment generating function for the reciprocal gamma distribution, Math. Comp. 42 (1984), 601-616. 3. A. Marshall and I. Olkin, Inequalities: Theory of Majorization and Its Applications, Academic Press, New York, 1979. 4. M. Merkle and Lj. Petrovic, On Schur-convexity of some distribution functions, Pub!. Inst. Math. 56 (70) (1994), 111-118. 5. D. S. Mitrinovic, Analytic Inequalities, Springer Verlag, Berlin - Heidelberg - New York, 1970. SHARPENING OF CAUCHY INEQUALITY ZIVOJIN MIJALKOVIC Higher Technical School, Beogradska 20, 18000 NiI, Yugoslavia MILAN MIJALKOVIC The Bank 0/ Nova Scotia, Systems Development, Toronto, Ganada Abstract. A sharpening of the Cauchy A-G inequality is given. Also, some weighted generalisations are considered. It is known that for a finite series a = (al, a2, ... , an) of positive numbers from the interval [m, n] the foHowing Cauchy A-G inequality (see [1-2]) holds, with equality if and only if al = a2 = ... = an. There are several proofs of this inequality (see [1-2]). Twenty years ago, the first author of this paper found a new proof of A-G inequality, as weH as one sharpening of this inequality using convex functions, and sent it to Professor Mitrinovic. As a replay, that was very prompt, Professor Mitrinovic accepted the submitted paper and also he expressed an assumption and opinion that the number of inequalities which are sharper then A-G is uncountable. This fact was an inspiration for the authors of this paper. Here we present results that confirm the assumptions made by Prof. Dragoslav S. Mitrinovic. We consider a new function (0: ~ 0) and we intend to prove the existence of a sharper inequality than the Cauchy inequality, Also, we introduce some generalisations of these inequalities. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classijication. Primary 26D15. Key woms and phrases. Cauchy A-G inequalitYj Arithmetie meanj Geometrie meanj Weighted means. 485 G. V. Milovanovic (ed.), Recent Progress in lnequalities, 485-487. © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Z. MIJALKOVIC AND M. MIJALKOVIC 486 Lemma 1. For a finite sequence 0/ positive numbers 0: + al, 0: + a2,' .. ,0: + an, where 0:;::: 0, ai > 0 (i = 1, ... ,n), the inequality (1) (0: + a2)'" (0: + an) + ... + (0: + ad'" (0: + an-d _ 1 ;::: 0 n '../«0: + ad(o: + a2)'" (0: + an))n-l holds. Proof. Indeed, applying Cauchy inequality we have n-l n-l A A '(0: + a2)'" (0: + an )'+ .. · + '(0: + ad'" (0: + an-S ;::: n '../(0: + ad(o: + a2)'" (0: + an)r- 1 , which is equivalent to the inequality (1), with equality if and only if 0: + al 0: + a2 = ... = 0: + an. 0 Lemma 2. The function S(o:, a) is monotonically nondecreasing, i.e., when 0: :::; ß. Proof. Finding a derivative offunction S(o:,a) with respect to 0:, we obtain Then from (1) we conclude that S~(o:,a) ;::: 0 on [m,n]. Thus, Sn(o:,a) is a monotonically nondecreasing function, and inequality (2) holds. 0 Theorem 3. For a nonnegative sequence a and 0: ;::: 0, we have Proof. Since Sn(o:,a) is a nondecreasing function of 0: and Gn(a) = Sn(O,a), we see that Gn(a) :::; Sn (0:, a). From lim Sn (0:, a) = lim a-too we find also that a-too y/(1 + al/o:)··· (1 + an/o:) - 1 1/0: SHARPENING OF CAUCHY INEQUALITY 487 Let p = (PI,P2, ... ,Pn) be a finite sequence of positive numbers. Then we can consider a generalised function in a, In a similar way, we can obtain the inequality where and A n (a,p) -_ Pial + P2 a2 + ... + Pnan PI +P2+···+Pn represent the weighted geometrie and arithmetie mean, respectively. References 1. P. S. Bullen, D. S. Mitrinovic and P. M. Vasic, Means and Their Inequalities, Reidel Publishing Co., Dordrecht - Boston, 1988. 2. D. S. Mitrinovic (with P. M. Vasic), Analytic Inequalities, Springer Verlag, Berlin - Heidelberg - New York, 1970. A NOTE ON THE LEAST CONSTANT IN LANDAU INEQUALITY ON A FINITE INTERVAL A. YU. SHADRIN Computing Center, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy 01 Sciences, 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia Abstract. In the Landau inequality on the unit interval with 11 . 118 := 11 . IIL. [0,1]' 1 :5 p, q, r :5 00, 0 :5 k < n, we find the least value Ao of the first constant a. 1. We are concerned here with the problem of Burenkov on sharp constants in Landau-type inequality on the unit interval (1.1) with 11·118:= 1I·IIL.[o,I], 1 '5:,p,q,r:5 00, 0'5:, k < n. Denote by r the set of all pairs (a,ß) for which (1.1) holds for any 1 E W:[O, 1]. The general problem is to find the complete collection G = {(A, B)} of sharp constants in (1.1) which are defined as (1.2) A ~ A o := inf (a,ß)er a, B:= B(A):= inf (A,ß)er ß. Here we define the least value of the first constant (1.3) A o = Ao(n, k,p, q, r). 2. The Landau-type inequalities in the additive form (1.1) were firstly studied by H. Cartan and Gorny for p = q = r = 00. For arbitrary p, q, r E [1,00] they were obtained by Gabushin [2]. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classijication. Primary 41A17, 41A44. Key woms and phrases. Landau inequality, Markov inequality, Lagrange interpolation. Supported by agrant from the Alexander von Humboldt - Stiftung 489 G. V. Milovanovic (ed.), Recent Progress in lnequalities, 489-491. © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. A. YU. SHADRIN 490 Burenkov [1] was first who was looking for the sharp constant (1.3) and the corresponding constant B o := B(Ao). He proved that Ao = Mo, k = n - 1, 1 ~ p, q, r ~ 00, where (1.4) ._ ._ M o ·- Mo(n -l,k,p,q).- sup PE'II"n-l IIP(k) IIq IIPII ' P is the best constant in the Markov-type inequality of different metrics for algebraic polynomials. In [3-4] it was shown that (1.5) A o = Mo, 0 < k < n, p = q = r = 00. Moreover, the exact value for B o was also found. (In fact, Eq. (1.5) was proved much earlier by H. Cartan, though with a poor second constant.) Here we give an elementary proof of the following result: Theorem 1. For any n, k,p, q, r A o = Mo· 3. Notice, that for all n, k,p, q, r the value Mo provides the lower bound for A o, i.e. (1.6) A o ~ Mo. To see that, one can substitute in (1.1) instead of 1 an algebraic polynomial p. of degree n - 1 extremal for the Markov inequality (1.4). Thus, it is enough to prove that (1.1) holds with 0: = Mo and some ß < 00 (the smaller is the better). We do it by finding an appropriate approximation to 1 E W~. Such a method was used by H. Cartan and Gorny, and was given in the most general form by S. B. Stechkin [5]. Pro%/ Theorem 1. Let 1 E w~, and let P: W~ -t 7rn - l be any projector from W~ onto the space 1Tn - l of algebraic polynomials of degree n - 1. Then 111(k)lIq ~ IIP(k) (J)lIq + 111(k) - p(k) (J)lIq ~ Mo IIP(J)lIp + 111(k) - p(k) (J)lIq ~ Mo 11111p + Mo 111 - P(J)lIp + 111(k) - p(k) (J)lIq. Set A NOTE ON THE LEAST CONSTANT IN LANDAU INEQUALITY 491 and No = infp No{P). It is easy to show that No < 00. For example, one can take as a P the Lagrange interpolating polynomial. Hence, that is Ao :::; Mo, Bo :::; No· With respect to (1.6) this means that Ao = Mo, which completes the proof. References 1. v.!. Burenkov, On sharp constants in inequalities between nonns 01 intennediate derivatives on a finite interoal, Trudy Mat. Inst. AN SSSR (Proe. Steklov Math. Inst.) 156 (1980), 2229. (Russian) 2. V. N. Gabushin, Inequalities lor the nonns 01 a function and its derivatives in metric L p , Mat. Zametki 1 (1967), no. 3, 291-298 (Russian) [Eng!. Trans.: Math. Notes 1 (1967), 194-198]. 3. H. Kallioniemi, The Landau problem on compact intervals and optimal numerical differentiation, J. Approx. Theory 63 (1990), 72-91. 4. A. Yu. Shadrin, To the Landau-Kolmogorov problem on a finite interoal, Open Problems in Approximation Theory (B. Bojanov, ed.), SCT Publishing, Singapore, 1994, pp. 192-204. 5. S. B. Stechkin, Best approximation 01 linear operators, Mat. Zametki 1 (1967), 137-148 (Russian) [Eng!. Trans.: Math. Notes 1 (1967), 91-100J. SOME INEQUALITIES INVOLVING HARMONIe NUMBERS MIOMIR S. STANKOVIC Faculty 0/ the Occupational Sa/ety, Carnojevica 10a, 18000 Nis, Yugoslavia BRATISLAV M. DANKOVIC Faculty 0/ Electronic Engineering, Department 0/ Automatics, P.O. Box 73, 18000 Nis, Yugoslavia SLOBODAN B. TRICKOVIC Faculty 0/ Civil Engineering, Beogradska 14, 18000 Nis, Yugoslavia Abstract. In this paper we consider some inequalities for convex functions and derive sharper lower and upper bounds for harmonie numbers. Using the Hadamard's integral inequality we get some better estimates. Also, we give a few applieations to some functions. 1. Introduction We define the n-th partial sum of the harmonie series as the n-th harmonie number, 1 . In the analysis of algorithms, harmonie numbers frequently occurs. Hn = -k f: k=l For example, Knuth [5] dedieates one section to the study of these numbers and gives some basie identities. Riordan [12], Lafon [5] and Karr [3] also give some identities with these numbers. Generalised harmonie numbers are defined as (1.1) and have been investigated by Kemp [4], Sedgewiek [13], and Spiess [15]. In [16] it was given a systematic investigation of identities involving harmonie numbers and generalised harmonie numbers. Some inequalities with harmonie numbers were investigated in [2-3]. In [11] it was stated a result from [1]. Namely, the following inequality holds, where C = 0.57721566 ... is the Euler's constant. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 26D15; Seeondary 05A20, llB68. Key woms and phrases. Harmonie numbers; Hadamard's inequality; Bernoulli numbers; Euler eonstant; Euler-Maclaurin formula. 493 G.v. Milovanovic (ed.), Recent Progress in lnequalities, 493-498. © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. 494 M. S. STANKOVIC, B. M. DANKOVIC, S. B. TRICKOVIC In this paper we consider some inequalities involving lower and upper bounds for (1.2) S(nl, n2, ... , nk) = ~ H ni lSiSk ~ Hn;nj + ... + (_I)k-l Hnln2 ...nlo. lSi<jSk 2. Inequalities for Harmonie Numbers The harmonie number H n can be represented as (2.1) n I l H n = ~ k = C + t/J(n + 1) = C + ;;: + t/J(n), k=l where C is the Euler's constant and t/J(s) = r'(s)/r(s). In order to get better estimates than (see [2]) 1 - +logn:::; H n :::; 1 +logn, n (2.2) n> 1, we use Hadamard's inequalities J e ; b) :::; b ~ alb J(x)dx :::; J(a); J(b), (2.3) which hold if f"(x) ~ 0, i.e., if J is a convex function. Taking the function J(x) = I/x, a = k -1, b = k (2 :::; k :::; n), the right inequality in (2.3) reduces to (k = 2, ... ,n). Summing these inequalities, we get (2.4) 1 1 1 1 1 -2n + -2 + logn < H n = 1 + -2 + -3 + ... + -n' which gives a sharper lower bound for H n in comparison to (2.2), because 1 1 1 ;;: + logn < 2n + '2 + logn, n>1. Also, we can find a sharper estimate for H~ = 1 + ~ + ~ + ... + 2n ~ 1. Namely, 1 1 1 .. 1 -2 - - + -log(2n + 1) < H < 1 + - log n. 4n+2 2 - n 2 Let f" is a nondecreasing function. Then 1 1 j'(x) + '2f"(x) :::; J(x + 1) - J(x) :::; j'(x) + '2f"(x + 1). SOME INEQUALITIES INVOLVING HARMONIe NUMBERS 495 These inequalities are special case of some more general inequalities proved in [10]. Taking f(x) = log x, we obtain the following estimates In (2.5) 1 niin i "2 L (k + 1)2 + log(n + 1) ~ L k ~ "2 L k 2 + log(n + 1). k=l k=l k=l Comparing this result with (2.2) (see [2]), it is easy to see that we have now a sharper lower bound, because of the inequality 1 1 1 n ;;; + logn ~ "2 {; (k + 1)2 + log(n + 1), n ~ 1. Similarly, in the case of the upper bound 1 1 "2 L k 2 + log(n + 1) ~ 1 + logn,. n n ~ 3, k=l we can conclude that inequalities (2.5), for n ~ 3, give sharper bounds for the harmonie numbers H n . In order to illustrate the obtained results, we compute numerieal values for the lower bounds of H n , given by (2.2), (2.4) and (2.5), as well as the exact values of H n given by (2.1), for 2 ~ n ~ 10. n 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (2.2) 1.19314718 1.43194562 1.63629436 1.80943791 1.95842614 2.08876729 2.20444154 2.30833569 2.40258509 (2.4) 1.44314718 1.76527896 2.01129436 2.20943791 2.37509280 2.51733872 2.64194154 2.75278013 2.85258509 (2.5) 1.27916784 1.59809992 1.84124347 2.03745391 2.20180868 2.34315257 2.46710844 2.57746896 2.67691137 Hn 1.50000000 1.83333333 2.08333333 2.28333333 2.45000000 2.59285714 2.71785714 2.82896825 2.92896825 As we can see, the lower bound in (2.4), among these bounds, gives the best results. Consider now the function f(x) = I/x r +1 (r E Z) in order to get an inequality for the generalised harmonie numbers H~r+1) defined in (1.1). If r > 0 and x > 0 it follows that f"(x) > O. Applying again the Hadamard's inequality, we get an estimate of the lower bound of H~+1 in the form ~(I-~) + ~ + _1_ < H(r+1). r nr 2 2nr+1 n This gives a sharper upper bound in comparing to [2], because of inequality I( I(1 - 1) +"21 + 1 1) ;:- 1 - (n + I)r <;:- nr 2nr+1 ' n > 1. This is easy to show, taking s = r + 1 and a = 1 for parameters which appear [2]. All these inequalities can be obtained by (3.3). 496 M. S. STANKOVIC, B. M. DANKOVIC, S. B. TRICKOVIC 3. Inequalities Based on Harmonie N umbers Theorem 1. The following inequalities (3.1) k = 2,3, ... , hold, where C is the Euler's constant. In particular, we have k = 2,3, .... (3.2) Proof. Applying Euler-Maclaurin summation formula (see [8]) n r j=O a 1 LJ(j) = in f(x) dx + i (J(a) + f(n)) rn-I + '"" B 2s [f(2S-I)(n) _ f(2S-I)(a)] + R (n) ~ (2s)! rn to (1.2), we find the following representation of the harmonie numbers (3.3) 1 ~ B2 · Hn=C+logn+ 2n - ~2jn;j' j=l where B 2j are Bernoulli's numbers. Substituting (3.3) in (1.2), we can get an asymptotie series for S(nl, ... , nk). Namely, 1(1-II(1--.) k 1) -1(1-II(1-~) k 1 ) + ... , S(nl, ... ,nk)=C+2 i=l n, 12 i=l n, Le., Using partial sums of asymptotie series (see [9]) we obtain the inequalities (3.5) k = 2,3, ... , from whieh we get directly inequality (3.2). If ni = 1, then, because of (1.2), it follows S(nl, ... , nk) = 1 (k = 2,3, ... ). If ni > 1 (i = 1,2, ... ), because of (3.4), we get (3.2). 0 SOME INEQUALITIES INVOLVING HARMONIe NUMBERS 497 Theorem 2. Sharper inequalities also hold k = 2,3,4, C < S(nl,'" ,nk) ::; 1, (3.6) (3.7) C< S(nl,'" , n5) < 1.00009, C < S(nl,'" , n6) < 1.00330, (3.8) C < S(nl, ... , n7) < 1.00527, C < S(nl,' .. , ns) < 1.00784. Proof. After finding ßniS(nl,'" ,nk), we get ßniS(nl, ... ,nk)<O, k=2,3,4,5,6; ni=2,3, .... The values of S(nl"" ,nk), k = 2,3,4,5,6, and ni = 2, i = 1,2, ... ,k, are presented in following table (nine digits after decimal point are correct): k 2 3 4 5 6 S(nl,n2, ... ,nk) 0.9166666667 0.9678571429 0.9906995782 1.000088325 1.003288228 Thus, we can claim now that C < S(nl,n2) < 0.91667, C < S(nl,n2,n3) < 0.96786, C < S(nl,'" , n4) < 0.99070, C < S(nl,'" , n5) < 1.00009, C < S(nl,'" ,n6) < 1.00330, and so, we have proved inequalities (3.6) i (3.7). In the case k 2: 7, it is necessary to examine the sign of ßn,s(nl, ... ,nk) in order to determine the set ni, i = 1,2, ... ,k, for which the term S(nl,'" ,nk) has the maximal value. In that way, we get inequalities (3.8). In the same way, the corresponding inequalities can be determined for k > 8. So, we obtain sharper inequalities (3.1) i (3.2) for any particular k. 0 Theorem 3. The following limits hold (3.9) Proof. A limit process in (3.4) gives relations (3.9). We consider now the numbers H* = 1 + n 0 !3 + !5 + ... + _ l_ 2n - 1 and the corresponding sums S*(nl,n2) = H~l + H~2 - H~ln2' S*(nl, n2, n3) = H~l + H~2 + H~3 - H~ln2 - H~ln3 - H~2n3 + H~ln2n3' S*(nl, ... ,nk)= L H~i- L l~i~k l~i<j~k H~;nj+ ... +(-I)k-1H~ln2 ... nk· M. S. STANKOVIC, B. M. DANKOVIC, S. B. TRICKOVIC 498 Theorem 4. The following inequalities hold (3.10) ~C+Iog2 < S*(nl, .. ' ,nk) < ~C+Iog2+ 4~' (3.11) ~C+Iog2<S*(nl, ... ,nk)<1, k=2,3,4,5,6,7,8. Proof. At first, Further , we have H* - C logn I _1____7--:n - 2 + 2 + og 2 + 48n 2 1920n4 + ... , as weIl as (3.12) S*(nl,'" ,nk) = ~ +log2+ 418 [1- g ~r)1 (1- -_7 [1 - rr (1 - ~) nt 1+ .... 1920 i=l From (3.12), it directly foIlows (3.10). After finding ßn,s*(nl,'" , nk), we get ßniS*(nl,'" ,nk) <0, k=2,3,4,5,6,7,8, wherefrom we conclude that inequalities (3.11) hold. D References 1. H. F. Sandham, Problem E 819, Amer. Math. Monthly 55 (1948), 317. 2. H. Bateman and A. Erdelyi, Higher Transcendental Ftlnctions, Vols. I, II, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1953 [Russian Edition: Nauka, Moskow, 1973]. 3. M. Karr, Summation in finite terms, J. Assoc. Comput. Mach. 28 (1981), 305-350. 4. R. Kemp, Fundamentals 0/ the Avemge Case Analysis 0/ Particular Algorithms, WileyTeubner Series in Computer Science, Stuttgart, 1984. 5. D. E. Knuth, The Art 0/ Computer Progmmming, Vols. 1-3, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1968. 6. J. C. Lafon, Summation in finite terms, Computing Supp!. 4 (1982), 71-77. 7. B. Martic, On some inequalities, Mat. Vesnik 12 (27) (1975), 95-97. 8. F. Olver, Asymptotic and Special Functions, Academic Press, 1974. 9. G. V. Milovanovic, Numerical Analysis, Part I, 3rd Edition, Naucna Knjiga, Belgrade, 1991. (Serbian) 10. G. V. Milovanovic and M. S. Stankovic, The genemlization 0/ an inequality /or a /unction and its derivatives, Univ. Beograd. Pub!. Elektrotehn. Fak. Ser. Mat. Fiz. No. 461 - No. 497 (1974), 253-256. 11. D. S. Mitrinovic (with P. M. Vasic), Analytie Inequalities, Springer Verlag, Berlin - Heidelberg - New York, 1970. 12. J. Riordan, Combinatorial Identities, R. E. Krieger, Huntington, N.Y., 1979. 13. R. Sedgewick, The analysis 0/ quicksort progmms, Acta Inform. 7 (1977), 327-355. 14. D. Slavic, On summation 0/ series, Univ. Beograd. Pub!. Elektrotehn. Fak. Ser. Mat. Fiz. No. 302 - No. 319 (1970), 53-59. 15. J. Spiess, Mathematische Probleme der Analyse eines Algorithmus, Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 63 (1983), T429-T431. 16. J. Spiess, Some indentities involving harmonie numbers, Math. Comp. 55 (1990), 839-863. SOME INEQUALITIES FOR POLYNOMIALS IN L o NORM E. A. STOROZENKO Odessa University, IMEM, Petra Velikogo 2, 270000 Odessa, Ukraine Abstract. Some relations between zeros of a polynomial and zeros of its integrals are established. Let Pn(Z) = Coz n + C1Zn-1 + ... + cn be an arbitrary polynomial with complex coefficients and M(Pn ) = exp C~ L: Ip log n (e it ) I dt) . M(Pn ) will be "Lo-norm" of the polynomial Pn . Suppose that Co i 0 and let a1, a2, ... ,an be zeros of P n (z). By means of the Jensen 's formula M(Pn ) = ICoI (1) n II max(l, lai!). i=l K. Mahler [2] proved inequality (2) from which, because of (1), it foHows an important property of zeros of the polynomial P n and its derivative: n-1 n i=l i=l II max(l, Ißi!) ~ II max(l, lad), (3) where ß1, ß2, . .. ,ßn-1 are zeros of the polynomial P~ (z). In this work we shaH establish some inequalities for the polynomial Pn(z) and its integral JozP() d(, as weH as for Pn(z) and each of integrals J:z P n () d(, where J: ih 0< r < 1, and e Pn ( ) d(, where 0 < h< 27r/n. These inequalities, as weH as (2), will enable to make the corresponding conclusions about connections between P n () d(, zeros of the polynomial Pn(z) and each of mentioned polynomials J: Jrzz Pn() d(, J: eih Pn() d(. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classijication. Primary 30C15j Secondary 30A10. Key words and phrases. Inequalitiesj Normj Best constantj Algebraic polynomialsj Composition of polynomials. 499 G. V. Milovanovic (ed.), Recent Progress in Inequalities, 499-503. © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. E. A. STOROZENKO 500 Theorem 1. 1/ Pn- 1(z) is a polynomial 0/ degree n -1, then (4) where . 'lrk 2 sm-. II n n/6<k<5n/6 For some initial values, n = 2,3,4,5,6, we have An = n. As n ---t 00 we obtain 2 L "3 ' log An "32 log 2 - -; ('Ir) "-J where the Lobachevsky function, defined by L(u) = - Jou log cos t dt. An approximate value of An can be done as An ~ (1.4)n. Since for polynomial Pn- 1(z) = (z + e ia )n-1 the inequality (4) reduces to an equality, we conclude that the factor A n n- 1 in (4) could not be improved. Comparing to (2), the inequality (4) represents an opposite inequality. In fact, putting Pn-1 (() d( = Qn(z) in (4), we get the following inequality J: M(Q~) ~ A;;1n M(Qn). Theorem 1'. 1/ 0, 'Y1, ... , 'Yn-1 are zeros 0/ the integral Joz Pn-1 (() d(, then n-1 n-1 i=1 i=1 II max(l, l'Yi!) :::; An II max(l, lai!) . The extremal polynomials Pn - 1 and multiplier An are the same as in Theorem 1. The interest to the integrals Jrz Pn(() d( and Jz Pn(() d( arose from the theory of functions in connections with certain investigation of increments of analytical function in the unit ball along the radius and a circular arc. ze ih z Theorem 2. Let Pn- 1 be a polynomial 0/ degree n - 1 and 0< r < 1. Then (5) where A(n,r) = II 2 sin 1I"k n , nß/1r<k<n(1r-ß)/1r V(I- r)2 + 4rsin 2;k . v'i-=T 2 . ß=arcsm For a fixed r and n = 2,3,4,6 we have the following values of A(n,r): 2 A(2,r) = -1- , +r A(3,r) = 1 3 2 ' +r+r 4 A(4, r) = (1 + r)(1 + r2) , INEQUALITIES FOR POLYNOMIALS IN Lo NORM A(6,r) If n -+ 00 (r - fixed), then n 501 = (1 + r) (1 + r +6r 2 ) (1 - r + r 2 ) . 18r- log log A(n, r) '" 11" ß and if r -+ 1 ß n dt = - A(r) , J(1-r)2 +4rsin2t 11" 2sint 11" A(r) '" 2" (1 - r). Inequality (5) reduces to an equality ff Pn - 1 (z) = (z + eia r- Theorem 2'. 1/0,81, ... ,8n - 1 are zeros o/thepolynomial n-1 1. J:z Pn- 1(() d(, then n-1 II max(l, 18 l) ~ A(r, n) II max(l, lail) . i i=1 i=1 The extremal polynomial Pn - 1 and multiplier An are the same, as in Theorem 2. Theorem 3. Let Pn- 1(z) be a polynomial 0/ degree n-1 and O<h<211"/n. Then (6) where B(n,h) = sin 1rk II (1/2-h/21r}n<k<n-1 . (d n h)· sm -+n 2 For h < 211"/n and n = 2,3,4,5 we have: 1 B(2, h) = cos h/2' va B(3, h) = 2 sin(1I" /3 - h/2) , .j2 B(4, h) = 2cosh /. 2sm (/ 11" 4-h / 2) , v'5 B(5, h) = 4 sin(211" /5 - h/2) sin(1I" /5 - h/2) . When n -+ 00 and h is fixed we get l n 1r - 1r / n n log B(n, h) '" (log sin x - log sin(x + h/2)) dx = - J(n, h) 11" 1r/2-h/4 11" and J(n, h) '" - sin ~ ·logsin ~, h -+ O. Equality in (6) is attained when Pn(z) = (z + e ia )n-1. 502 E. A. STOROZENKO Theorem 3'. If O,iI, ... ,in-l are zeros ofthe polynomial f:e. h P n- 1 (() d(, then n-l n-l i=l i=l II max(l, liil) ~ B(n, h) II max(l, lail) . For proofs of Theorems 1-3 it is important to know the representation of each of .h the integrals foz , Irzz and fzze in the form of the composition of two polynomials, one of which is Pn(z). The further reasoning are connected with an application of inequality of N. J. Bruijn and T. A. Springer for "Lo-norm" of composition. In more details, let Then the polynomial C(z) = ~ (~)akbkzk is a composition of A(z) and B(z) (see [3]). We shall denote this composition by ED, Le., C(z) = A(z) ED B(z). Now, we will find the corresponding compositions for each of the previous integrals. For we have and r + (1 10 l + l + z (1 rz z ze'h (1 I: (n - ~ = + + = I: (n = + + ()n-l d( = z ()n-l d( 1) k k=O 1) 1 - rk+ 1 zk k k 1 z ()n-l d( = z (1 L k 1 k=O n-l (n - 1) 1 - e i (k+1)h k=O k k +1 z)n - 1 , n (1 z)n - (1 + rz)n , n (1 + z)n - (1 + zeih)n zk = -'----'----'----~n INEQUALITIES FOR POLYNOMIALS IN Lo NORM 503 Hence According to the Bruijn-Springer inequality [1, Theorem 7] M(A(z) E9 B(z)) :::; M(A(z)) . M(B(z)). In order to complete the proof we must calculate the "Lo-norm" of polynomials With this purpose we find the zeros of these polynomials and use Jensen's formula (1). Some technical difficulties arise in connection with the investigation of the asymptotic behaviour of the factors A(n), A(n, r), and A(n, h). References 1. N. J. de Bruijn and T. A. Springer, On the zeros of composition-polynomials, Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proc. 50 (1947), 859-903 [= Indag. Math. 9 (1947), 406-414]. 2. K. Mahler, On the zeros of the derivative of a polynomial, Proc. Roy. Soc. London 264 (1961), 145-154. 3. G. P6lya und G. Szegö, Aufgaben und Lehrsätze aus der Analysis, Vol. 2, Springer Verlag, Berlin - Heidelberg - New York, 1971. SOME INEQUALITIES FOR ALTITUDES AND OTHER ELEMENTS OF TRIANGLE MALISA R. ZIZOVIC and MILORAD R. STEVANOVIC University "S. Markovic" - Kragujevac, Technical Faculty Cacak, Svetog Save 65, 32000 Cacak, Yugoslavia Abstract. In this paper we give some improvements of geometrie inequalities from the reeent monograph [1]. The notation in this paper is taken from the monograph [1]. Theorem 1. We have '"' ha ~-< W (1) a Proof. Since ha ß - 'Y ß 'Y . ß . 'Y - = cos - - = cos - cos - + sm - sm Wa 2 2 2 2 2' we have a = ~ '"' ' " ' cos -ß cos -'Y + ~ -h Wa 2 2 (2) L'sm -ß2 sm. -'2Y . Also, (3) ß ( ß '"' cos - cos 'J.. < J3 '"' cos 2 - cos 2 'J.. ~ 2 2~ 2 2 ) 1/2 = -v'3 [S2 + (4R + r)2]1/2 and because of ab + bc + ca = 8 2 + 4Rr + r 2 • 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 51M16. Key woms and phmses. Inequalities for triangle. 505 G.v. Milovanovic (ed.), Recent Progress in Inequalities, 505-510. © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. 4R M. R. ZIZOVIC AND M. R. STEVANOVIC 506 From (2), (3) and (4), we get L Wha:s 2.. {v'3[8 2 + (4R+r)2)1/2 + (8 2 +4Rr+r 2)1/2} 4R a = 4~ {3[(8 2 + (4R + r)2)j3] 1/2 + (8 2 + 4Rr + r 2)1/2} 1 { }1/2 :s 4R 4[3(8 2 + (4R + r)2)j3 + 82 + 4Rr + r 2] , i.e., (5) Applying Gerretsen's inequality (see [1, p. 45)) to inequality (5), we obtain (1). D Corollary 2. The following inequalities hold: (6) L ~: :s ~ (6R 2 + 5Rr + 2r2)1/2 :s v: [R + (v'6 - 2)r] 1 :s 2R (5R + 2r) :s 3. Proof. At first the inequality is true, because of its reduced form r(12v'6 - 29)(R - 2r) 2: O. Since (5 - 2V6) (R - 2r) 2: 0, we also have v'6[ R+ (v'6 - 2)r] :s 2R(5R 1 R + 2r). Finally, the inequality (5R + 2r)j(2R) :s 3 is obviously true. D The inequalities given in (6) are improvements of the inequality (see [1, p. 219)). SOME INEQUALITIES FOR TRIANGLE 507 Corollary 3. The inequality L (7) h a < ...!... (48R 3 + 16R2r - 7Rr2 - 2r 3 ) 1/2 2R-r wa - 2R holds. Proof. Inequality (7) follows from (5) and the inequality 82 < R(4R + r)2 - 2(2R-r) (see [1, p. 166]). 0 Inequality (7) is stronger than (1). Corollary 4. We have LWa> 9R . h a - ../6R2 + 5Rr + 2r 2 Proof. The proof follows from (1) and inequality (8) and from inequality (1). Using (6), (7) and (8), we can obtain some other inequalities. Remarks. (i) In dass 6.1 of triangles with a constant side c, O! -+ 0, ß -+ 0, 'Y -+ 71", S -+ c, r -+ 0, R -+ 00, we have . hm aEa l [2 ] 1/2 =2. rn s +(4R+r)(2R+r) 1 R-too Rv2 Thus, in the dass 6. 1, the bound in inequality (5) is 2. (ii) In the dass 6.2 of triangles with r -+ 0, the corresponding bound in inequality (I) is v'6. Theorem 5. We have L (9) Wa < 4 {R . ../13R2 + 14Rr - 8r 2 ha - Y-:;: 9R-2r Proof. Since Wa = 2 (R ha Y-:;: Va (8 - a) , II(28 - a) = 28(8 + 2Rr + r 2), 28-a 2 and L w = 2 (R L va(8 - a) = 2 (RE va(8 - a)(28 - b)(2s - c) , a ha Y-:;: 28-a Y-:;: I1(28-a) M. R. ZIZOVIC AND M. R. STEVANOVIC 508 we find L -h = -I~-r s + 2R1 r+r 'L..J" ya(s - a)(2s - b)(2s - c), Wa a 2 S 2 L Va(s - a)(2s - b)(2s - c) = L Va(s - a)(2as + bc) = 2s Lava(s -a) + abc LJ~ -I, Using the identities a3 + b3 + c3 = 2s(s2 - 6Rr - 3r2) a4 + b4 + c4 = 2s4 - 4(4Rr + 3r2)s2 + 2(4Rr + r 2)2 we obtain Since we conclude that and then L wha :$ 2 Y-;;: {ii. 2~ {[Rr(s2 + 4Rr + r 2)] 1/2 s + r+r a 2 2 + Va [(4Rr + 6r 2)s2 - 2(4Rr + r 2)2]1/2}. After some calculations, we find [Rr(s2 + 4Rr + r 2)] 1/2 + va [(4Rr + 6r2)s2 _ 2(4Rr + r2)2] 1/2 = [Rr(s2 + 4Rr + r2)] 1/2 + Va [(4Rr + 6r 2)s2 _ 2(4Rr + r2)2] 1/2 :$ 2 [Rr(s2 + 4Rr + r 2) + 3(4Rr + 6r 2)s2 - 2(4Rr + r 2)2)/3]1/2 = 2 [(5Rr + 6r 2)s2 - (4Rr + r 2)(7Rr + 2r2)] 1/2, 509 SOME INEQUALITIES FOR TRIANGLE and then (10) 4 W [ ] 1/2 ~ h: ~ S2 + 2Rr + r 2 (5R 2 + 6Rr)s2 - (4R 2 + Rr)(7Rr + 2r2) . Since, the right hand side of inequality (10) is a decreasing function in S2, we can apply Gerretsen's inequality (see [1, p. 45]). Finally, after some calculations, we get inequality (9). 0 According to (9) and (8) we obtain the following inequality Remark. Inequality (9) is stronger than inequality of D. M. Milosevic (see [1, p. 219]) (11) Indeed, it is sufficient to show that 4 fE v'13R2 + 14Rr - 8r < J3 R + r V-;;: which is equivalent to 2 9R- 2r - r' (35R 2 - 19Rr - 6r 2 )(R - 2r) ~ o. The last inequality is evidently true. Theorem 6. The inequality 9R - 14Rr + 4r ~ -ma < ----=---2 (12) ha - 2 2Rr holds. Proof. Using m a ~ sV3 - Wb - W c (see [1, p. 221]) we have and Further, (14) ~~-~ h - r' (15) ...,...Rr_+_r_2 ~ w a >- ~ h a -- 2rs ~ ~a -_ _s2_+_42R a M. R. ZIZOVIC AND M. R. STEVANOVIC 510 Since from (11), we get 'L...J-<2+-. "' W a R ha 2r (16) Now, from (13)-(16) we obtain (17) L -ma < 3- h r a - y r,:; 8 82 + 4Rr + r 2 + 2 + -R = -1yr,:;38 - -182 + -R - -r . 2Rr 2r r 2Rr 2r 2R va Finally, using Hadwiger-Finsler inequality 8 :S 4R+r and Gerretsen's inequality 8 2 ~ 16Rr - 8r 2 , (17) reduces to inequality (12). 0 Corollary 7. The inequalities (18) '"' m a 9R - 12r L...J-<---ha 2r and (19) 6r L -mha>3R ---4r a - hold. Proof. In order to prove (18) it is enough to show that 9R2 - 14Rr + 4r 2 < 9R - 12r 2Rr 2r which is true, because of 2r(R - 2r) ~ O. Inequality (19) follows directly from (18) and (8). 0 References 1. D. s. Mitrinovic, J. E. Pecaric and v. Volenec, Reeent Advanees in Geometrie Ineqv.alities, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1989. Author Index A Abramowitz, M., 321 Adamovic, D. D., 13, 20, 22 Adams, R. A., 100, 104, 106, 108, 109, 121 Agarwal, A. K., 71, 75 Agarwal, R. P., 290, 291, 294, 304, 307, 397, 398,403,404,405,406,412,421,422 Ahlfors, L. V., 39, 53 Ahmed, S., 321 Akhiezer, N. 1., 166, 174 Akrivis, G., 195, 201 Albert, M., 449,455 Alefeld, G., 325, 337, 339 Aleksandrov, A. D., 117,121,341,364,377, 378 Alexandrov, A. D., (see: Aleksandrov, A. D.) Alt, H. W., 100, 104, 106, 108, 112, 116, 121 Alzer, H., 203, 292, 307 Amos, R. J., 458,459,462,463 Anderssen, R. S., 13 Andrews, G. E., 71, 75 Andrianov, A. V., 92, 93, 94 Andrica, D., 425,427,431 Andrievskii, V., 31, 33, 37, 42, 53 Appell, J., 273,286,288 Arestov, V. V., 55, 57, 59, 60, 62, 80, 81, 94 Arsenault, M., 252, 253, 266 Artin, E., 310, 321, 481, 484 Askey, R., 5, 63, 66, 68, 74, 75, 201, 216, 222, 238, 312, 321 Astor, P. H., 397, 421 Atanassova, L., 340 Aubin, T., 101, 102, 106, 108, 112, 121 Aviny6, A., 121 Aziz, A., 259, 260, 266 B Babenko, V. F., 77, 78, 81, 90, 94, 95 Baernstein, A., 75, 119, 121 Bailey, P. B., 463 Bailey, W. N., 70, 71, 73, 75 Bajsanski, B., 247 Baker, Ch. T. H., 194, 201 Baker, G. A., 449, 455 Ballieu, R., 393 Bandic, 1., 5 Bandie, C., 97, 101, 110, 114, 117, 119, 120, 121, 122, 288 Bao, P. G., 335, 337, 339 Bari, N. K., 81, 94 Bari, R., 443 Barnes, E. S., 6, 12, 13 Barnett, S., 387, 395 Barta, J., 120, 122 Bateman, H., 493, 494, 495, 498 Bauer, F. L., 387, 395 Beckenbach, E. F., xi, 105, 122, 289, 307 Beckman, F. S., 364, 366, 369, 374, 378 Beesack, P. R., 132, 158 Bell, F. K., 433 Bellman, R., xi, 105, 122, 289, 307 Benammar, M., 127, 129, 147, 159 Benard, P., 118, 122 Bennewitz, C., 127, 132, 145, 159 Benz, W., 374, 376, 377, 378 Berdyshev, S. V., 80 Berens, H., 374, 378 Bergh, J., 274,288 Berman, D. L., 254, 266 Bernstein, S. N., 55, 58, 61,62, 110, 250, 255, 266 Bertolino, M., 4, 10 Besov, O. V., 80, 90, 94, 95 Besson, G., 118, 122 Beynon, M. J., 127, 129, 151, 156, 157, 158, 159 Bharucha-Reid, A. T., 394, 395 Bhatt, S. S., 395 Bilchev, S. J., 26 Binev, P., 476, 479 Birkhoff, G., 460,463 Bishop, R., 366,378 Bjelica, M., 445, 448 Blaschke, W., 289,307,333,334,339 Block, H. D., 292, 307 Boas, R. P., 65, 249, 259, 266 Bochner, S., 122 Bohr, H., 310, 321 Bojanov, B. D., 90, 95, 96, 161, 163, 168, 174,201,259,261,266,491 Bol, G., 117, 122 Bonnesen, T., 117 Börsken, N. C., 332, 339 Borwein, P. B., 250, 253, 254, 255, 259, 261, 267 511 512 AUTHORINDEX Bosse, Yu. G., 79, 95 Bottema,O., 6, 11 Bradley, J. S., 151, 153, 159 de Branges, L., 74 Brass, H., 175, 176, 186, 195, 196, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202 Bressoud, D. M., 71, 72, 75 Brezinski, C., 322 BfI!zis, H., 111, 115, 122 Brodlie, K. W., 133, 159 Bronstein, I. N., 122 Brothers, J. E., 105, 119, 122 Browder, A., 264, 267 Brown, B. M., 127, 129, 133, 138, 139, 140, 144, 145, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 156, 157, 158, 159 Brown, G., 74, 75 Brudnyi, Ju. A., 476, 479 de Bruijn, N. G., 61,62,256,257,259,260, 265, 267, 502, 503 Brun, V., 119 Bullen, P. S., xi, 7, 12, 203, 205, 206, 210, 211,487 Burago, Y. D., 117,119,122 Burenkov, V. 1., 78, 80, 95, 277, 288, 490, 491 Burton, G. R., 122 Bushell, P. J., 243, 245, 246, 247 Buslaev, A. P., 80, 95 c Calderon, A. P., 100, 112 Cäpräu, C., 465,467,469 Cartan, H., 91, 95, 490 Cauchy, A. L., 100, 381, 383, 386 Cavalieri, B., 118 Cavaretta, A., 80, 87,96 Cengiz, B., 363 Chan, T. N., 259,267 Cheeger, J., 121, 122 Chen, J., 25,441,442 Chen, W., 304, 307 Cheney, E. W., 8 Cheng, S. S., 294,307 Chihara, T. S., 382, 392, 395 Cholewa, P. W., 449, 455 Chui, C. K., 75, 80 Ciesielski, K., 375, 378 Ciesielski, Z., 174 Coifman, R., 109, 122 Copson, E. T., 132, 148, 159 Cordes, H., 112 C6rdova, A., 31, 33, 36, 37, 46, 48, 53, 54 van der Corput, J. G., 255, 264, 267 Courant, R., 120, 122 Craven, A. M., 243,245, 247 Criscuolo, G., 218, 238 Crstici, B., xii, 4, 5, 8, 10, 12 Cvetkovic, D., 433, 434, 435, 442, 443 Czerwik, S., 449, 455 D Damelin, S. B., 217, 224, 235, 236, 238 Dankovic, B. M., 493 Das, M., 395 Datt, B., 259, 260, 267 Davis, Ph. J., 176,201,321 Dawood, Q. M., 259, 266 Daykin, D. E., 243,244, 245, 247 Della Vecchia, B. M., 218, 238 Descartes, R., 381 Deutsch, F., 164 Devide, V., 12 DeVore, R. A., 194, 198, 201 Dewan, K. K., 260, 267 Diananda, P. H., 243,244, 245, 247 Dias, N. G. J., 127,129, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 159 Dimik, P., 12 Dimitrovski, D., 4, 10 Dirichlet, P. G. L., 113 Ditzian, Z., 80, 90, 95 Djokovic, D. Z., 5, 12, 13, 19, 20, 21, 22, 27, 243, 244, 246, 248 Djordjevic, R. Z., 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11 Doncker-Kapenga, E., 200, 202 Doob, M., 433, 434, 442 Dörfler, W., 121 Doronin, V. G., 78, 95 DoS!;i, Z., 313, 321 Dnibek, P., 272, 277, 288 Drasin, D., 75 Drimbe, M.I., 431 Drinfel'd, V. G., 244,247,248 Duffin, R. J., 254, 267, 89, 90, 95 Durand, A., 250, 267 Durand, L., 186, 201, 320, 321 DureIl, C. V., 248 Duren, P., 75 Duris, C. S., 397, 421 Dzyadyk, V. K., 38, 54, 90, 95, 250, 267 AUTHORINDEX E Edelman, A., 394, 395 Egervary, E., 41, 54, 304, 307 Ehrich, S., 200, 201 Elbert, A., 314, 315, 316, 317, 320, 321, 322 Erdelyi, A., 322, 493, 494, 495, 498 Erdelyi, T., 8, 250, 253, 254, 255, 259, 261, 267 Erdös, P., 250, 252, 259, 267 Espelid, T. 0., 202 Evans, W. D., 127, 129, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 277, 288 Everitt, W. N., xi, 6, 127, 129, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 151, 153, 156, 157, 159, 160, 288, 457, 458, 459, 460, 461, 462,463 F Fan, K., 289,290,292,304,307,445,447 Favard, J., 383, 395 Fefferman, C., 99, 109, 112, 122 Fejer, L., 43, 63, 64, 66, 68, 75, 250, 267, 304,307 Fekete, M., 250, 267 Feldheim, E., 74, 75 Feiten, M., 201 Fiedler, H., 176,201 Fike, C. T., 387, 395 Fink, A. M., xi, xii, 5, 8, 12, 128, 152, 155, 160, 241, 243, 245, 248, 290, 308, 428, 431 Fitch, J., 68,75 Fleming, R. J., 363,378 Flucher, M., 97, 106, 107, 115, 119, 120, 122 Förster, K. -J., 175, 184, 186, 187, 193, 194, 195, 199, 200, 201 Forti, G. L., 449, 455 Fourier, J. B., 381 Fransen, A., 484 Frappier, C., 257,258,260,267 Frehse, J., 105, 122 Freidkin, E. S., 243, 248 Freidkin, S. A., 243, 248 Fucik, S., 97, 104, 113, 123 G Gabushin, V. N., 78,80,95,489,491 Gagliardo, E., 106, 122 Gallot, S., 118, 122 Gamelin, T. W., 354, 378 Gardner, R., 259, 261, 267, 268 513 Gargantini, 1., 325, 326, 339, 340 Garnett, J. B., 238 Gasper, G., 74, 75, 311, 322 Gatteschi, L., 317, 321 Gävru\ä, P., 465, 467, 469 Gehring, F. W., 39, 42, 54 Geisberg, S. P., 81, 95 Genz, A., 202 Ger, R., 455 Ghizetti, A., 176,201 Giaquinta, M., 97,105, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 122 Gilbarg, D., 97, 101, 104, 109, 110, 112, 113, 114, 122 Giordano, C., 322 Giroux, A., 260, 268, 382, 389, 395 Girshovich, J., 199, 201 Godunova, E. K, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248 Gol'berg, E. M., 382, 383, 388, 395 Goldberg, D., 99, 123 Goldberg, K., 243 Gonchar, A. A., 264 Gonska, H. H., 196, 201 Goodearl, K. R., 354,378 Gori, L. N.-A., 316,322 Gorny, A., 490 Goulden, I. E., 71, 75 Govedarica, V., 471 Govil, N. K., 249, 256, 257, 259, 260, 261, 263, 267, 268, 8 Greiner, R., 33, 40, 54 Grisvard, P., 111, 123, 274, 288 Gronwall, T. H., 64, 75 Grosche, G., 122 Guc, A., 374, 378 Gunning, R. C., 122 Günther, C., 48, 54 Günttner, R., 196, 201 Gusakov, V. A., 80, 95 Guy, R., 434, 443 H Hadamard, J., 79,95 Hadwiger, H., 117,119,123 Hakopian, H., 168, 174 Hämmerlin, G., 201,202 Hanany, H., 434,443 Harary, F., 433,443 Hardy, G. H., xi, 5, 79, 95, 102, 103, 118, 119, 123, 128, 132, 141, 151, 160, 289, 308 Harnack, A., 114 Harris, L. A., 250, 264, 265, 268 Hartman, P., 313, 322 514 AUTHORINDEX Hayman, W. K., 135, 136, 160, 320, 322 Heilbronner, E., 434 Heining, H., 271,272,273,277,280,288 Heinz, E., 109, 123 Henrici, P., 325, 326, 340 Hermite, Ch., 381 Hersch, J., 119, 120, 123 Herschern, M., 248 Herzberger, J., 325,337,339,340 Hewitt, E., 74, 75, 104, 123 Hilbert, D., 120, 122 Hirschfeld, R. A., 359, 378 Hölder, 0., 100, 114 Holland, F., 44, 54 Hong, Y., 441, 443 Hörmander, L., 81, 95, 264, 268 Hossu, M., 465, 467, 469 Huber, A., 117,123 Hutson, V., 463 Hyers, D. H., 449, 465, 469 I Il'in, V. P., 80, 95 Ismail, M. E. H., 318, 322 Ito, K., 102, 103, 123 Ivanov, K., 476, 479 lvanov, V. 1., 250, 268, 56, 62 J Jackson, D., 64, 75 Jain, V. K., 260, 268 Jakovlev, G. N., 274,288 Jaminson, J. E., 363,378 Janie, R. R., 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14 Janous, W., 24 Jarosz, K., 353, 356, 359, 378 Jarvis, R. J., 160 Jensen, J. L. W. V., 101 Jha, S. W., 238 Jia, Rong-Qing, 250, 266, 268 Jiang, D., 90, 95 John,F., 310,322,341,351,352,378 John, 0., 97, 104, 113, 123 Johnson, B. E., 353 Jones, D. S., 134, 135, 136, 160 Joung, H., 223, 238 Jovanovie, M., 471 Jung, S. M., 466, 469 K Kac, A. M., 394 Kahaner, D. K., 200,202 Kairies, H.-H., 322 Kalajdzie, G., 24 Kallioniemi, H., 490, 491 Karlin, S., 80 Karr, M., 493, 498 Kato, T., 101, 108, 115, 123, 132, 160 Kawohl, B., 119, 123 Kedlaya, K., 203,209,211 Keedwell, A. D., 442, 443 Kemp, R., 493,498 Kerimov, M. K., 317,322 Keckie, J. D., 4, 5, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 23, 24 Kirby, V. G., 127, 129, 138, 139, 140, 144, 159, 160 Klambauer, G., 473 Knopfmacher, A., 217,220,238 Knuth, D. E., 493, 498 Kocie, V., 433, 442, 443 Kofanov, V. A., 81, 94 Köhler, P., 182, 183, 196, 201 Kokologiannaki, C. G., 317,322 Kolmogoroff, A. N., (see: Kolmogorov, A. N.) Kolmogorov, A. N., 79, 95, 116 König, H., 217,220,221,224,225,235,236, 238 Konovaiov, V. N., 80, 85, 95 Korneichuk, N. P., 78,87,90,95 Kostlan, E., 394, 395 Koumandos, S., 74 Kovalenko, L. G., 476, 479 Kraus, L., 435,442 Kristiansen, G. K., 243 Krotov, V. G., 56, 62 Krull, W., 310,322 Kryakin, Yu. V., 162, 174,475,476,479 Kuczma, M., 322 Kufner, A., 97, 103, 104, 106, 107, 113, 120, 123, 124, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 277, 280, 286,288 Kuijlaars, A. B. J., 332,334,340 Kuptsov, N. P., 80,96 Kuz'minyh, A. V., 374,378 Kwong, M. K., 80, 96 L Labelle, G., 259, 260, 268 Lachance, M. A., 48, 54 Lackovie, I. B., 9, 23, 24 Lafon, J. C., 493,498 AUTHORINDEX Laforgia, A., 314,315,316,317,321,322, 323 Laguerre, E., 381 Lalli, B. S., 398, 412, 421 Landau, E., 64,79,80,87,96,250 Lc\szI6, L., 382, 389, 395 Lavrentiev, M., 40,54 Lax, P. D., 259, 268 Lazer, A. C., 110, 123 Lazov, P. R., 5 Lebesgue, H. L., 104 Lee, C. M., 307,308 Lester, J., 377, 378 Leviatan, D., 90, 95 Levin, A. L., 218, 219, 220, 226, 227, 228, 238, 239, 250, 261, 268 Levin, M., 199, 201 Levin, V. 1., 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248 Lewis, J. T., 40,54,314,323 Li, P., 121, 123 Li, Xin, 250, 254, 256, 261, 262, 263, 268 Lieb, E., 111, 115, 122 LighthilI, M. J., 242,243,244 Ligun, A. A., 78, 80, 81, 90, 94, 95, 96, 183, 201 Lions, P. L., 109, 122 Littlejohn, L. L., 127, 147, 148, 149, 150, 159 Littlewood, J. E., xi, 5, 79, 95, 102, 103, 118, 119, 123, 128, 132, 141, 151, 160, 289, 308 Ljubic, Ju. 1., (see: Ljubich, Yu. 1.) Ljubich, Yu. 1., 80, 96, 151, 160 Löfström, J., 274,288 Longinetti, M., 473 Lorch, L., 313, 314, 316, 318, 323 Lorentz, G. G., 183, 201, 422 Losonczi, L., 288,303,308 Lovblom, G., 363, 378 Lubinsky, D. S., 213,217,218,219,220, 221, 222, 224, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 233, 235,236,238,239,250,261,268,269 Lunter, G., 304, 307, 308 Lyche, T., 397, 421 M Macke, D. H., 201 Magaril-Il'jaev, G. G, 80, 81, 96 Mahajan, A., 318, 323 Mahler, K., 499,503 Makai, E., 313, 314, 323, 394, 395 Malcolm, M. A., 243, 244, 245, 248 Malik, M. A., 257, 259, 265, 267, 269 Malozemov, V. N., 382,383,388,395 515 Mangasarian, O. L., 397, 421, 422 Marcinkiewicz, J., 216,221,239 Marcus, M., 110, 122 Marden, A., 75 Marden, M., 60, 62, 385, 393, 395 Mare, L., 425, 427, 431 Marinkovic, L. Z., 307, 308 Markoff, A. A., (see: Markov, A. A.) Markoff, V. A., (see: Markov, V. A.) Markov, A. A., 249, 251, 269 Markov, V. A., 89, 96, 251, 252, 269 Marsh, D. C. B., 6, 12, 14 Marshali, A., 481, 483, 484 Martio, 0., 42,54 Martic, B., 498 Martos, B., 471, 473 Mastroianni, G., 218, 238, 239, 240 Matano, H., 115, 123 Mate, A., 217,222,224,239 Matjila, D. M., 217, 220, 221, 239 Matorin, A. P., 80, 87, 96 Matsuda, T., 203,209,211 Maz'ja, V. G., 104, 107, 110, 111, 123 McCoy, T. L., 332, 334, 340 McKenna, P. J., 110, 123 McLaughlin, H. W., 6 Mehler, F. G., 190, 191, 192 Meier, J., 196,201 Meinardus, G., 32, 54, 250, 269 Mendeleev, D., 249, 269 Merkle, M., 10, 481, 484 Metcalf, F. T., 6 Meyer, Y., 109, 122 Meyers, N. G., 112, 123 Mhaskar, H. N., 218, 227, 239 Micchelli, C. A., 168,174 Michael, J. H., 13 Mielnik, B., 369, 378 Mihailovic, D., 12 Mihajlovic, M. D., 377 Mijalkovic, M., 485 Mijalkovic, Z., 485 Milman, M., 109, 123 Milojkovic, S., 4 Milovanovic, G. V., xii, 1, 4, 8, 9, 10, 12, 25, 26,64,75,90,96,158,239,250,256,269, 289, 290, 292, 294, 295, 297, 298, 303, 306, 307,308,377,381,385,395,495,496,498 Milovanovic, 1. Z., 9, 289, 290, 292, 294, 295, 298, 303, 307, 308 Mil08evic-Rakocevic, K, 5 Mil08evic, D. M., 509 Minkowski, H., 101, 118 Miranda, C., 110, 123 516 AUTHORINDEX Mitrinovic, D. S., xi, xii, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 63, 64, 65, 75, 96, 127, 128, 152, 155, 160, 203, 205, 206, 210, 211, 239, 243, 245, 248, 250, 256, 269, 289, 290, 295, 308, 318, 323, 339, 381, 385, 395, 428, 429, 431, 445, 447, 448, 472, 473, 481, 484, 485, 487, 493,498,505,506,507,509,510 Mitrinovic, R. S., 1, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27 Mitrovic, Z. M., 448 Moak, D. S., 312, 323 Modenov, P. S., 366, 378 Mohammad, Q. G., 259, 266 Mohapatra, R. N., 249, 250, 253, 254, 256, 257, 261, 262, 263, 268, 269 Mollerup, J., 310, 321 Montel, P., 393 Montgomery, H. L., 224, 239 Moore, R. E., 325,340 Mora, X., 121 MordelI, L. J., 242,243,244,245,247,248 Morrey, B. M., 97, 104, 105, 113, 123 Moser, J., 108, 112, 123 Mthembu, T. Z., 217,218,239,250,261, 269 Muckenhoupt, B., 233, 239, 273, 281, 288 Muldoon, M. E., 309, 310, 313, 314, 315, 316,317,318, 320, 321, 322, 323 Mulholland, H. P., 46, 54 Müller, M. M., 201 Müller, S., 99, 107, 109, 114, 121, 122, 123 N Nachbin, L., 268 Nagasawa, M., 352, 378 Naimark, M. A., 458,459, 461, 463 Nanjundiah, T. S., 203, 204, 206, 207, 210, 211 NaselI, 1., 318, 323 Natanson, I. P., 161, 174 Nesbitt, A. M., 241, 243, 244, 248 Neumaier, A., 438, 441, 443 Nevai, P., 216, 217, 219, 222, 223, 224, 239, 240, 250, 261, 269 Nevanlinna, F., 352 Newton, 1., 381 Nielsen, N. J., 217, 221, 224, 236, 238 Nikolskii, S. M., 80, 95 Nirenberg, L., 106, 112, 113, 124 Novotna, J., 293,307,308 Nowosad, P., 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248 o O'Hara, P. J., 250,253,256,257,260,261, 269 Obreschkoff, N., 394, 395 Olkin, 1., 481, 483, 484 Olver, F., 496, 498 Opic, B., 103, 106, 120, 124, 271, 288 Orlicz, W., 108, 109 Ortiz, E. L., 320, 322 Osserman, R., 117,124 Ossicini, A., 176, 201 Ostrowski, A. M., 445 Osval'd, P., 56, 62 p Pacella, F., 117, 124 Parkhomenko, A. S., 366, 378 Passow, E., 166,174 Payne, L. E., 110, 120, 121, 124 Pecaric, J. E., xi, xii, 6, 7, 8, 12, 14, 24, 25, 26, 128, 152, 155, 160, 243, 245, 248, 290, 308, 428, 431, 505, 506, 507, 509, 510 Peck, J. E. L., 248 Pekarskil, A. A., 250,264,269 Peller, V. V., 217,237,239 Persson, L. E., 25, 271, 273, 275, 277, 280, 288 Percinkova, D., 5 Petkovic, Lj. D., 325, 327, 328, 329, 330, 332, 333, 340 Petkovic, M. S., 325, 327, 329, 330, 332, 340 Petras, K., 176, 184, 193, 194, 197, 198, 201, 202 Petrovic, Lj., 481, 484 Petrovic, M., 1, 2 Petrusev, P., (see: Petrushev, P. P.) Petrushev, P. P, 250,264,269 Pfeffer, A. M., 306,308 Phelps, D., 243, 244 Philippin, G. A., 110, 124 Ph6ng, VÜ Quöc, 132, 160 Pichugov, S. A., 81, 94 Piessens, R., 200, 202 Pinkus, A., 240, 80, 87, 96 Piperevski, B., 5 Plamenevskir, B. A., 111, 123 Plum, M., 129, 159 Poincare, H., 104, 106, 108, 120 Pollard, H., 74, 75 P6lya, G., xi, 5, 60, 62, 66, 79, 95, 97, 118, 119, 120, 123, 124, 128, 132, 141, 151, 160, 289, 308, 502, 503 Pommerenke, eh., 42,54 Ponomarenko, A., 188, 189, 202 AUTHORINDEX Pop-Stojanovic, Z. R., 21 Popadie, M. S., 9, 12 Popescu, D., 465, 467, 469 Popov, V. A., 250, 264, 269, 476, 480 Popov, B. S., 5, 27 Potts, R. B., 13 Powers, L. D., 441, 443 PreSic, S. B., 20, 21 Protter, M. H., 109, 110, 120, 124 Pryce, J. D., 129, 159 Q Quarles, D. A., 364, 366, 369, 374, 378 R Rabinowitz, Ph., 176, 195, 201, 202 Rademacher, H., 342, 378 Radok, J. R. M., 6,12,13 Radon, J., 176,202 Rahman, M., 311, 322 Rahman, Q. 1., 250, 252, 253, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 267, 268, 269, 385, 386, 387, 388, 390, 392, 393, 395 Rahmanov, E. A., 227, 240 Rankin, R. A., 243, 244, 248 Ra§a, 1., 431 Rassias, Th. M., xii, 8, 12, 25, 26, 64, 75, 239, 240, 250, 256, 269, 295, 308, 341, 369, 373, 374, 375, 378, 379, 381, 385, 395, 449, 455, 465, 469 Ratschek, H., 325, 330, 335, 336, 340 Ratz, J., 455 Raynal, J., 70,72,75 Reed, M., 110, 124 Richtmeyer, R. D., 326 Riesz, F., 250, 269, 118, 177, 202 Riesz, M., 55, 62, 75, 250, 269 Rigler, D. A. R., 141, 160 Riordan, J., 493, 498 Rochberg, R., 353, 359, 363, 379 Rodriguez, R. S., 250, 253, 254, 256, 257, 260, 261, 262, 263, 268, 269 Rogosinski, W. W., 250,269 Rokne, J., 325,330,335,336,337,339,340 Rota, G.-C., 460, 463 Rowlinson, P., 433, 442, 443 Rubinov, A. M., 471, 473 Rumpf, M., 120, 122 Rusak, V. N., 264 Ruscheweyh, St., 31, 33, 36, 37, 40, 41, 46, 47,48,53,54,135,160,257,258,267,269 RusselI, A., 152, 153, 154, 160 Russo, M. G., 240 517 s Sachs, H., 433,434,442 Saff, E. B., 48, 54, 76, 218, 227, 239, 250, 260, 261, 269 Sahakian, A., 168,174 Salinas, L., 48, 54 Sambandham, M., 394, 395 Sandor, J., xii, 8, 12 Sandham, H. F., 493,498 Sapkarev,1., 5, 12 Sarantopoulos, Y., 264,270 Sard, A., 176, 202 Sarvas, J., 42, 54 Sato, M., 80 Sauer, N., 434, 443 Sawyer, E., 273, 281, 288 Schaake, G., 255,264,267 Schaeffer, A. C., 89, 90, 95, 250, 254, 267, 270 Scheick, J. T., 250, 270 Schempp, W., 174 Schiffer, M., 120, 124 Schmeisser, G., 195, 200, 201, 250, 252, 259, 260, 261, 268, 269, 381, 385, 386, 387, 388, 390, 392, 393, 394, 395, 396 Schmidt, E., 118 Schoenberg,1. J., 80,87,96,307,308 Schönheim, J., 434,443 Schumaker, L. L., 75, 397, 421, 422 Schwarz, H. A., 100, 118 Schwenk, A. J., 434,443 Scott, L. R., 194, 198, 201 Scraton, R. E., 247,248 Searcy, J. L., 248 Secrest, D. H., 190, 202 Sedgewick, R., 493,498 Seidel, J. J., 438,443 Semendjajew, K. A., 122 Semmes, S., 99, 109, 122, 124 Semrl, P., 369, 373, 378, 449, 455 Sendov, BI., 162, 172, 173, 174, 475, 476, 477, 479, 480 Shadrin, A. Yu., 80, 89, 90, 96, 489, 490, 491 Shapiro, H. S., 241, 242, 243, 244, 248 Sharma, A., 250, 270 Sharma, C. S., 374, 378 Sheil-Small, T., 260, 269 Shen, X. C., 228,240 Shilov, G. E., 79, 95 Shisha, 0., 294,308 Siafarikas, P. D., 317,322 Sierpinski, W., 431 Simic, S. K., 433, 435, 442, 443 Simon, B., 110, 124 518 AUTHORINDEX Simon, Lo, 114, 124 Singh, Vo, 250, 270 Skorokhodov, So Lo, 317,322 Slavic, Do, 498 Sleeman, Bo Do, 160 Slipieevic, K., 19 Smale, So, 36, 54 Smith, Jo Ho, 434, 443 Smith, Po Wo, 80 Sobolev, So Lo, 102, 103, 106, 107, 108, 109 Soljar, Vo Go, 80, 96 Specht, Wo, 381, 382, 383, 386, 387, 388, 396 Sperb, Ro, 124 Spiess, Jo, 493, 498 Springer, To Ao, 61, 62,502, 503 Srivastava, Ho Mo, 8, 26, 308, 378 Stamate, 1o, 5 Stancu; Do Do, 194, 202 Stankovic, Ljo Ro, 9 Stankovic, Mo So, 23, 493, 495, 498 Stanojevic, Co, 27 Stechkin, So Bo, 78, 96, 490, 491 Stefanovic, Lo Vo, 325, 340 Stegun, I. Ao, 321 Stein, Eo Mo, 80, 96, 99, 102, 109, 112, 113, 122, 124 Steinig, Jo, 66, 74, 75 Stevanovic, Mo Ro, 505 Storozenko, Eo Ao, 56, 62, 476, 480, 499 Stout, Eo Lo, 352, 355, 379 Stromberg, K., 104, 123 Stroud, Ao Ho, 190, 202 Struwe, Mo, 115, 116, 124 Stuart, Jo, 243, 248 Sturm, Cho, 313, 323 Suffridge, To Jo, 37, 48, 54 Sweers, Go, 113 SZo-Nagy, Bo, 177, 202 Szabados, Jo, 80,217,240 SZ3sZ, 0o, 304, 307, 316 Szegö, Go, 46, 54, 55, 57, 58, 60, 62, 66, 67, 68, 69, 74, 75, 97, 118, 119, 120, 121, 124, 186, 202, 255, 256, 259, 265, 270, 304, 308, 320, 323, 384, 392, 396, 502, 503 Szego, Po, 313, 314, 316, 318, 323 T Tabor, Jo, 449,455 Taikov, Lo Vo, 80, 96 Takev, Mo Do, 476, 477, 479, 480 Talenti, Go, 105, 117, 118, 119, 124 Tanasescu, Co, 24 Tashev, So, 164, 174 Taussky, 0o, 289, 290, 292, 304, 307 Telyakovskii, So Ao, 250,270 Thomas, Do Go So, 248 Thorin, Go 0o, 102 Tihomirov, Vo Mo, 80, 81, 95, 96 Timofeev, Vo Go, 80, 96 Timoshin, 0o Ao, 80, 85, 96 Titchmarsh, Eo Co, 128, 160, 461, 463 Todd,Jo, 289,290,292,304,307,445,447 Torchinsky, Ao, 109, 124 ToSic, Do Djo, 13 Totik, Vo, 90, 95, 240 Trajkovic, Mo, 327,328,332,335,340 Tricarico, Mo, 117, 124 Triebei, Ho, 274, 288 Triekovic, So Bo, 493 Troesch, Bo Ao, 243,244,245,247,248 Trudinger, No So, 97, 101, 104, 108, 109, 110, 112, 113, 114, 122 Turajlic, So So, 23 Turan, Po, 250, 259, 270, 316, 381, 382, 392, 394, 395, 396 u Überhuber, Co Wo, 200, 202 Ubhaya, Vo Ao, 471, 473 Ulam, So Mo, 449 Ulear, Jo, 12, 13 Usmani, Ro Ao, 403, 422 v Vakarchuk, Mo Bo, 81, 94 de la ValIee Poussin, Co, 250, 270 Varga, Ro So, 47, 48, 54, 76 Varma, Ao K., 250, 267 Vasic, Po Mo, xi, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 27, 128, 160, 203, 205, 206, 210, 211, 289, 290, 308, 445, 447, 448, 472, 473, 487,493,498 Velikova, Eo Ao, 26 Vermes, Ro, 382, 396 Vertesi, Po, 217,239,240 Vetterlen, Do Ho, 260, 268 Vidav,l., 17 Vietoris, Lo, 64, 65, 66, 70, 76 van Vleck, Eo Bo, 393 Volenec, Vo, xi, 6, 12, 24, 25, 505, 506, 507, 509, 510 Vorob'eva, Ao 1., 471, 473 Voronovskaja, Eo Vo, 252, 254, 270 Vosmansky, Jo, 323 AUTHORINDEX w Walter, W., 159, 288, 308 Wang, K. Y., 74 Wang, X., 325, 340 Ward, J. D., 75 Watson, G. N., 312,313,314,315,317,318, 319, 323 Weinberger, H., 109, 110, 111, 118, 120, 121, 124 Weiss, G., 102, 124 Wente, H. C., 109, 125 Whippie, F. J. W., 71 Whitney, H., 110,162,174,475,476,477, 480 Wilkinson, J. H., 325 Wilson, J., 70, 72, 73, 76 Wirths, K. J., 48,54 Wirtinger, W., 289,290 Wong, J. S. W., 307,308 Wong, P. J. Y., 397, 404, 405, 406, 421, 422 Wrigge, S., 484 Wu, T., 325, 335, 336, 337, 340 x Xu, Y., 217,230,231,238,240 y Yang, G. S., 307, 308 519 Yanushauskas, A., 26,308 Yau, S. T., 121, 123, 125 Yin, X. R., 290, 304, 308 You, C. D., 307, 308 Young, W. H., 101 z Zahar, R. V. M., 54, 322 Zalgaller, V. A., 117, 119, 122 Zang, T., 261 Zaric, B., 5 Zeidler, E., 106, 125 Zelazko, W., 359,378 Zeller, K., 174 Zettl, A., 80, 96, 132, 133, 156, 157, 160, 463 Zheng, S., 325, 340 Zhong, L., 217,225,228,237,240,267 Zhu,L., 217,225,228,237,240 Ziegler, D., 122 Ziegler, V., 122 Ziemer, W. P., 97, 99, 100, 101, 102, 104, 105, 119, 122, 125 Zizovic, M. R., 505 Zulauf, A., 242, 243, 244, 245, 248 Zvengrowski, P., 366 Zvyagintsev, A. 1., 80 Zygmund, A., 56, 57, 62, 112, 214, 216, 221, 229, 239, 240, 250, 260, 270 Other Mathematics and Its Applications titles of interest: A. van der Burgh and J. Simonis (eds.): Topics in Engineering Mathematics. 1992, 266 pp. ISBN 0-7923-2005-3 F. Neuman: Global Properties 0/ Linear Ordinary Differential Equations. 1992, 320 pp. ISBN 0-7923-1269-4 A. Dvureeenskij: Gleason's Theorem and its Applications. 1992,334 pp. ISBN 0-7923-1990-7 D.S. Mitrinovic, J.E. Peearie and A.M. Fink: Classical and New Inequalities in Analysis. 1992,740 pp. ISBN 0-7923-2064-6 H.M. Hapaev: Averaging in Stability Theory. 1992,280 pp. ISBN 0-7923-1581-2 S. Gindinkin and L.R. Volevich: The Method 0/ Newton's Polyhedron in the Theory o/PDE's. 1992,276 pp. ISBN 0-7923-2037-9 Yu.A. Mitropolsky, A.M. Samoilenko and D.I. 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