0 MINISTRY OF HIGHER EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND INNOVATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY of UZBEKISTAN named after MIRZO ULUGBEK ENGLISH LINGUISTICS DEPARTMENT Speciality: 60230100-Phililogy and teaching languages (English) TOSHTURDIYEVA DILDORA TOIR KIZI On the theme: “The use of irony and sarcasm in English ” COURSE PAPER Scientific adviser: A.K.Dadajanova TASHKENT 2024 1 O‘ZBEKISTON RESPUBLIKASI OLIY TA’LIM, FAN VA INNOVATSIYALAR VAZIRLIGI MIRZO ULUG‘BEK NOMIDAGI O‘ZBEKISTON MILLIY UNIVERSITETI INGLIZ TILSHUNOSLIGI KAFEDRASI 60230100 – Filologiya va tillarni o‘qitish (ingliz tili) ta’lim yo‘nalishi TOSHTURDIYEVA DILDORA TOIR QIZI “Ingliz tilida kinoya va sarkazmning qo‘llanilishi” mavzusidagi KURS ISHI Ilmiy rahbar: A.K.Dadajanova TOSHKENT 2024 2 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………….. 3 UNDERSTANDING IRONY AND SARCASM ……... 3 1.1 Definition and types of irony ; its literary and conversational meaning……...….…………….……..…... 6 CHAPTER I 1.2 Definition and characteristics of sarcasm...……………… 10 CHAPTER II THE FUNCTION AND IMPACT OF IRONY AND 16 SARCASM IN COMMUNICATION……...……….…. 2.1 Irony and sarcasm as tools for humor………………..…… 16 2.2 Irony and sarcasm in social commentary………………… 25 CONCLUSION…………………………………………………………... 32 REZYUME……………………………………………………………….. 34 THE LIST OF USED LITERATURE…………………………..……… 36 3 INTRODUCTION The English language, with its rich tapestry of grammatical structures and stylistic nuances, presents a fascinating area of study for linguists and language learners alike. Among its various components, articles play a pivotal role in conveying meaning and establishing clarity within discourse. Topicality of the course paper is that this course paper explores the stylistic function of English articles, focusing on how they contribute not only to grammatical accuracy but also to the overall aesthetic and rhetorical quality of language The object of the course paper is effectiveness and practical implications of using games as a pedagogical tool for teaching vocabulary. The subject of the course paper is using games as a pedagogical tool for teaching new words to young learners. The aim of this course paper is to assess the effectiveness of employing games in teaching vocabulary to young learners, with a focus on enhancing learning outcomes and engagement. The tasks of the course paper are followings: To investigate ways of incorporating words to enhance language skills; To assimilate vocabulary obtaining into language teaching; To define variations of vocabulary obtaining; To offer framework for using games in vocabulary instruction; To integrate games into curriculum and lesson planning; To vary strategies for effective game-based vocabulary teaching for young learners. Methods of course paper are descriptive and comparative methods. Structure of the course paper consists of an introduction, two chapters, conclusion and the list of used literature. Chapter I includes three paragraphs, Chapter II includes two paragraphs, conclusion and the list of used literature. 4 5 CHAPTER I UNDERSTANDING SHORTENINGS IN LANGUAGE 1.1 Definition and types of shortenings 6 CONCLUSION The exploration of vocabulary acquisition and its integration into language teaching strategies forms the foundation for enhancing young learners' language skills. Introducing English to children at an early age gives them the opportunity to widen their horizon and waken their early enthusiasm and curiosity about languages. This enthusiasm and thirst for learning can be extended with active teaching methods that focus on learning the language through play and discovery. “Focus should also be on learning the language for interaction and communication.”1 With all these factors in place, introducing language learning as well as being resulted in children’s increased self-confidence, joy of learning and active participation in the larger society. The unique characteristic of young learners urges teachers to give appropriate strategy to teach them especially in teaching vocabulary. They need an enjoyable, fun and interesting technique in learning a new language. Game is one of these suggested techniques. They will be fond of it if their skills of English, their age group, their needs are fully-covered. Moreover, it will be even more effective if they play it in ways that are more cooperative than very competitive ways which frustrated many students after the game. Games also provides the youngsters a fun-packed and high-spirit learning atmosphere. Assimilating vocabulary into language teaching practices, particularly through the utilization of games, offers a dynamic approach to engage students. The theoretical framework provided insights into the efficacy of incorporating games into vocabulary instruction, highlighting its varied applications and benefits. Implementation of game-based vocabulary activities for young learners offers a practical recommendation for educators seeking innovative teaching methods. Integrating games into curriculum and lesson planning ensures a holistic approach to vocabulary development, fostering comprehensive language 1 Cameron.O.M. Teaching language to young learners.-M., 2001, p.34 7 acquisition. Therefore, strategies outlined for effective game-based vocabulary teaching underscore the importance of engagement, interaction, and reinforcement in facilitating young learners' vocabulary acquisition journey. Thus, the use of games in teaching vocabulary to young learners emerges as a multifaceted and promising approach, enriching their language learning experience. Finally, when teaching young learners vocabulary using games, teachers must be patient in finding new and interesting ways so that students enjoy learning. Games can help young learners to learn their vocabulary effectively. As explained above, there are five games amongst many to be used to teach vocabulary e.g. hot potatoes, memory challenge, last one standing, pictionary, and bingo. Teacher should consider time and materials when designing or choosing the game. Although games have advantages and disadvantages when used to teach vocabularies, using them will enable young learners to acquire the lesson with fun where they can remember all the vocabulary easily. Though games are very popular among young learners, they should not be overused. They should be chosen appropriately to students’ level, interest, and context. Furthermore, it must be concerned with the presented topic and vocabularies. Any game can be effective when it is used suitably to the topic and is controlled by wise and skilled teacher. 8 REZYUME Bugungi kunda Respublikamizda xorijiy tillarni shu jumladan ingliz tilini o’rgatish va o’rganishga bo’lgan talabning kun sayin o’sib borayotgani ushbu sohaga izchil innovatsion yangiliklar kiritilishiga sabab bo’lmoqda. Chet tilini o’rganishga bo’lgan qiziqishning asosan yoshlar o’rtasida ommalashayotgani hursand bo’larli yangilik. Ushbu kurs ishi aynan yosh o’ganuvchilarga lug’at o’rgatishning innovatsion metodlarni, aniqroq qilib aytganda, ushbu jarayonda interaktiv o’yinlarning ayamiyatini o’z ichiga oladi va tahlil qiladi. Kurs ishi ikki katta bob, to’rt reja, xulosa va foydalanilgan adabiyotlar ro’yhatidan iborat. Birinchi bob, lug’at o’ragtishning ahamiyati va umumiy qoidalarni o’z ichiga oladi va lug’at o’rgatishning nazariy qoidalarini yoritib beradi. Ushbu bobda siz nazariy qoidalar bilan tanishibgina qolmay aynan lug’at o’rgatish to’g’risida turli metodist va olimlarning fikrlari va ularning tahlili bilan tanishasiz. Bundan tashqari, aynan shu turdagi o’yinlarning turlarini, yosh o’rganuvchilarning e’tiborini jalb qilish va dars jarayonini samarali bo’lishi bilan bir vaqtda bolalar uchun qiziqarli bo’lishi yo’llarini yoritib beradi. Ikkinchi bob asosan amaliy qismni o’z ichiga olgan holda, o’quvchilarning qiziqishlariga mos o’yinlarni dars jarayoniga to’g’ri va maqsadli tadbiq etishni yoritib beradi. Bundan tashqari, ushbu bob besh xil interaktiv o’yinlar, ularni qanaday olib borish, ular orqali lug’at boyligi oshishidan tashqari qaysi boshqa turdagi qobiliyatlarni shakllantirishini misollar orqali ko’rib chiqadi. Dars jarayonida interaktiv o’yinlarni to’g’ri tanlash,o’quvchilarning qiziqishlari va qobiliyatlaridan kelib chiqqan holda ularni dars qo’llanmalariga samarali qo’shish yo’llarini tahlil qiladi. Kurs ishining amaliy qismi sifatida, umumiy o’rta ta’lim maktabiga tashrif buyurildi va nazariy qismda tahlil qilingan barcha fikrlar va o’yinlar amalda 5sinf o’quvchilari orasida sinab ko’rildi. Natijada, sanalgan o’yinlardan qaysilari haqiqatan samarali yoki aksincha takomillashtirilishi kerakligi aniqlandi. Bundan 9 tashqari, kichik so’rovnoma sifatida, dars jaroyonida, aynan lug’at o’rgatish jarayonida o’yinlarning ahamiyati haqida o’quvchilardan fikrlar olindi. Xulosa qilib aytganda, ushbu ish lug’at o’rgatish jaroyonini takomillashtirish, uni aynan yosh o’rganuvchilarning o’quv jarayoniga tadbiq qilishning zamonaviy va tajribada sinalgan usullarini taqdim etadi. 10 THE LIST OF USED LITERATURE 1. Bransford, J. D., Brown, A. L., Cocking, R. R.How people learn: Brain, mind, experience, and school-L., 2003. 2. Brown, H. D. Teaching by Principle: an Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy.-L., 2001. 3. Brumfit, C., Moon, J., Tongue, R.Teaching English to Children.-M., 2001. 4. Cameron, L. Teaching Language to Young Learners. -M., 2001. 5. Ersoz, A.V.Six games for EFL/ESL classroom.-M., 1998. 6. Gardner, H.B. Intelligence reframed: Multiple intelligences for the 21st century.-M., 1999. 7. Graham, C.V Creating Chants and Songs.-M., 2004. 8. Halliwell, S.D. Teaching English in the Primary Classroom.-M., 1997. 9. Harmer, J.T. The Practice of English Language Teaching.-M., 1997. 10. Harmer, J.S.How to Teach English.-L., 1997. 11. Hancock, M.E. 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THE LIST OF USED DICTIONARY 1. https://dictionary.cambridge.org 2. https://www.ldoceonline.com/ 3. https://www.collinsdictionary.com/ 4. https://dictionary.reverso.net/english-definition/ 5. https://www.lexilogos.com/english/dictionary.html 12 THE LIST OF USED INTERNET RESOURCES 1.https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1101751.pdf 2.https://www.researchgate.net/publication/303294673 3. https://ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/elt/article/view/59904 4. https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1101751 5. https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/12351271.pdf 6. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/21582440221079806 7. https://scirp.org/reference/referencespapers?referenceid=2635912 8. https://www.bircu-journal.com/index.php/birci/article/view/5745 9.https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Games-as-a-tool-for-teachingEnglish-vocabulary 10.https://conference.pixel-online.net/files/foe/ed0010/FP/6239