Lesson 3 - THE CHANGING GLOBAL LANDSCAPE FOR THE 21ST CENTURY TEACHERS INTRODUCTION Lesson 3 is about the changing global landscape in teaching and learning brought about by factors such as the learning environment, content and process of learning, types of learners and other parameters of learning in the 21st century. Further, lesson 3 will present how these changes will be addressed by the principles underpinning the UNESCO’s pillar of learning: learning to know, learning to do, learning to be and learning to live together from Delor’ s Report on learning: the treasure from within (Unesco, 1992) A. The Changing Global Landscape and the 21st Century skills for Teachers We are an era of borderless “flat” world. Barriers have been broken by new information and communication technologies. Globalization has opened doors that led nations to co-exist and be an interdependent. However, the common future will still be more dependent on the knowledge, skills and values of its people, thus globalization can be the response. As future teachers of the 21st century, there is an urgent need to understand the new landscape that is brought about by the changes in leaps and bounds of the century. Furthermore, the development of the 21st century skills is necessary tool for teachers. Without these 21st century tools, no teacher can survive. Zhou, 2006 as mentioned in SEAMEO, INNOTECH 2011, identified some key categories of the different changes and developments in the 21st century teaching and learning. To understand the categories, we will attempt to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Describe the new learning environment, Identify the new learning contents, Explain the new processes of learning and how these will be facilitated, Describe the new type of learners, and Describe the new type of teachers. 1 The new learning environment. The idea of learning environment has broadened from the confines of the four walls of the classroom to places and spaces that support learning. It is a place where interactions of the learners among one another, with the teacher and the surroundings happen. It is characterized by the following: Learner-centered, New spaces and borderless, Enhanced opportunity for creativity and innovations, and Use of ICT. The new Learning Contents. With the new learning environment and the explosion of knowledge, content or subject matter of learning has been modified. From a specific discipline or subject area, subject matter of learning has the following characteristics. Integrated/interdisciplinary Demand-driven Emphasis of learning tools on how to retrieve knowledge and; Balance of scientific, technological, cultural, global local concepts. The New Processes of Learning and How These will be Facilitated. With advancement in the study of the mind and cognition, various processes of learning evolved with human intervention of teachers and peers as well as non-human intervention of artificial intelligence (AI) of robots. With these advancements, different processes of learning and the method to facilitate these have evolved. These include the idea of multiple ways of learning which can be mediated by the following: Face-to-face- when learners and teachers are confined in the same learning space at the same time with the teacher facilitating learning. Distance Learning- when teaching-learning is mediated by traditional (modules in print) or modern technology (on-line or off-line) withoutthe physical presence of the teacherin a virtual class. It can be synchronous or asynchronous. Blended Modalities- when teaching and learning is facilitated through face-to-face or distance learning which enable to teacher and learners to have both physical presence and physical absence in the teachinglearning process. Experiential and lifelong – when learners are immersed into the real life situation, such that learning becomes more authentic and meaningful. The New Types of Learners – the new breed of learner does not have age boundaries. Learners maybe are in an informal, formal or informal setting. The new type of learning is: A confident person who thinks independently and critically and who communicate effectively. Self-direct and who questions, reflects and takes responsibility for his/her own learning; A concerned citizen, inform about the world and local affairs, has a strong sense of civic responsibilities and participates actively in improving the lives of others; A member of the new generation: pop-culture, different ways of thinking, responding. Furthermore, the new types of learners, are those coming from diverse background, multi-cultural ,and multigenerational as coming from different age groups of lifelong learners. In order for every learner to address the challenges of the century, he/she has to develop life and career skills. Life and career skills are enhanced in school as part of the learning outcomes. Life and career skills included the following: (www. P21 .org.; OECD, 2008.) What are the characteristics of learners who have developed life and career skill? How can teacher enhance these skills in every learner? What are these life and career skills? Life and Career Skills Flexibility and Adaptability Learners adapt to various roles, responsibilities and schedules. Despite the complex condition, they are able to do the different task at one time. Recognition of this potential will give a signal to the teachers to provide all learners the opportunities to develop their individual potential of being adaptable and flexible. Rigidity runs counter to the development of this skill. Initiative and self-direction A self-directed learner demonstrates life and career skills. Goals are set and managed by themselves. There is a commitment of learning as a lifelong process. Many of the young learners is capable of doing things without being told. They take initiatives. They do not need to be given detail instructions. They plan and work out their plans. Like the learners, the teachers should also process the same skills. Social and Cross-cultural skills This life and career skills require learners to respect cultural differences and work effectively with others, to be open-minded to different ideas in order to innovate and improve quality of work. If one understands others culture, it will be easy to respect. Disrespect many spring from ignorance and bias. To be able to appreciate the mores, tradition, history of others, one needs to be open-minded and willing to accommodate and compromise. Productivity and Accountability Individuals who process these skills are able to produce results. They respect teamwork and cooperation. They manage time very well and can do multitask. The most tangible proof that one has done something is the product or result. It can be an idea, or a material product. When one is tasked to do something, that person has an 2 accountability to produce results as evidence of a job done. Better results are accomplished if done together through collaboration and cooperation. Leadership and Responsibilities Good leaders use interpersonal and problem-solving skills with integrity and ethical behaviour to influence and guide others. Leadership and responsibility are life skill that should be developed by all learners and teachers. ‘’Leaders are born, but they can also be made” The New Type of Teachers. As teachers are currently preparing students for jobs and technologies that don’t even exist yet, the challenge then is to produce the new type of teachers. Teachers for the 21sst century learners teach within the context of new environment new content or knowledge and new processes of teaching and learning. Hence the new type of teachers must posses the following characteristics: Clear standard and accountability that their learners should know and be able to doat the end of their schooling; Use broad pedagogies including inquiry-based learning cooperative learning, other pedagogies; Skillful in the integration of ICT in pedagogy; Skillful in the use of assessment to guide teaching and learning. Great understanding of local and global cultures; Skillful in action research to diagnose and solve classroom problems base on evidence; Practice the core values of inspiring teachers; and Develop life and career skill for the 21st century and beyond. (P21) B. UNESCO’s Four Pillars of Learning from Delor’s Report: Learning: A Treasure From Within Our common future will depend on the degree to which we all become better world citizens. These are huge changes that take place in our world. Too much is being asked of schools and teachers hence there is a greater demand to cope and strike a balance between what is changing. What is unchanging must remain, and so what is changing, should be deal with? When JaquesDelor wrote a report for the UNESCO entitled: Learning: A treasure from within ,it was because he believes that “within each child lies treasure” (Delors, 1996). The four pillars are seamlessly linked to each other. Learning to Know.This implies thirst for knowledge and acquisition of such knowledge. More, so it is learning how to learn throughout one’s life. After completing formal education, there should be a great desire to gain more understanding of the world and other people. An individual who is knowledgeable is literate. Being literate is always related being knowledgeable. Thus the definition of the world literacy evolved through time. Here are some definitions made by UNESCO. HOW IS LITERACY DEFINED? In 1958, UNESCO defined literate as one who can, with understanding, both read and write a short simple statement on his or her everyday life. However, in 1970, a functionally literate person is one who can engage in all the activities to use reading, writing and calculation for the community’s development. Further on, 2000 literacy was define as the ability to read and write with understanding a simple statement related to one’s daily life. In involves a continuum of reading and writing skills and often includes numeracy. However, the UNESCO international expert meeting in 2003, redefine literacy as the ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate and compute using printed and written materials associated with varying contexts. Literacy involves a continuum of learning in enabling individuals to achieve their goals, to develop their knowledge and potential, and to participate fully their community and wider society. But with the changing global landscape, literacy in the 21 st century is not limited to the definitions given previously. Let us look at the 21st century literacies as presented by SEAMEO, Innotech in Guro 21 Module, 2011. The 21st Century Literacy. 21st Century Literacy The Art and Creativity Brief Description Creativity and innovation are 21st century skills, thus in solving problems and creating art works are part of this literacy. Ecoliteracy Acquisition of knowledge about climate change, pollution, loss of natural habitats and biodiversity. Solutions on how these environmental problems could be addressed must e practiced. Cyberliteracy/Digital literacy Being in the rapid changes in the use of technology for teaching and (Information and ICT knowledge) learning, teachers and learners need to develop and enhance the use of digital gadgets whether on-line or off-line. Financial literacy Basic knowledge about the basics of economics and financial management. This is necessary for every learner and teacher to be able to handle income, expenses and investments to be economically secure. Media Literacy Teachers and learners must learn how to discern about any information which are transmitted via various forms and media. 3 Social/ Emotional Literacy knowledge about social dimensions and social skills that are appropriate in the context of society. Emotional intelligence must also be developed to be able to effectively manage the stresses due to the changing environments of the 21st century society. Globalization and Multi- cultural If you respect multi-cultural diversity, aware of the global trends, literacy acknowledge differences and similarities respect each other’s dignity, then you are multi-culture literate. Learning to do. How can be knowledge and the methods be incorporated and enhanced towards the developments of skills? To apply knowledge, one must have the 21st century skills. Qualifications now is equated to skills and not to knowledge alone. Can the knowledge gained be translated to application? Learning by doing is a pragmatist’s view of life. Knowledge acquired is nothing unless applied in daily life. Learning to Be. One of the most difficult things to do among the pillars is Learning to Be. It implies developing the potentials of each individual. Continuing education must improve self-knowledge and selfesteem. What would you like to BE? Answer to this question will required self-analysis, reflection, social skills, creativity and personal discovery. At this point in time, have you decided that you should really BECOME a TEACHER? Do you have now the skills that enable you become one? Learning to Live together. These refers to the relationship among people. It is bringing in together a community to work harmoniously, to live in peace and prosperity and to show respect and concern to others. It also refers to interpersonal skills that will enable people to live side by side with others at home, in school, in the community and the whole world. All the pillars are interrelated with each other as basic principles. One pillar will not function if its stand alone. There is a need to connect in order to address the 21st century demands for teaching and learning. Lesson 3- Take Action! With your group, make observations in your school campus. Write down one specific observation for each of the Pillars of Learning that is being practiced. Place in the matrix below. Pillars of Learning Observed Practices in the School Learning to know Allowing the students to used computer for research Learning to do As observed one of the practices at school is having group discussion and peer teaching such as interactive learning activities. As observed one of the practices at school is having group activity of students & completing assignment on time. As observed teacher instill an awareness diversity, they also include the solidarity and acceptance among individuals and groups (social, cultural,religion & gender preferences) Learning to be Learning to live together Make a two comparison of the global teaching landscape before and in 21sr Century. Parameters Before 21st century 1.Learners Have age Boundary and Not technology inclined Teacher-centered: Teacher is the center of attention and provider of information Discipline problems" –educators do not trust students and vice versa. No student motivation Don’t have aged boundaries and Technology and Media literate Student-centered: Teacher is the facilitator and coach No “discipline problems” students and teachers have mutually respectful relationship as colearners; students are highly motivated. Performances, projects, and multiple forms of media are used for learning and assessment Research-driven (content comes from student research) 2.Teachers 3.Learning Environment 4.Ways of Learning Print is the primary vehicle of learning and assessment. 5.Learning Content Textbook-driven (contentcomes from textbooks) 4 Lesson 3- Make a Reflection! The global learning village has changed and will keep on changing. As you prepare to become the Teacher of the 21st Century, how will you prepare for these rapid changes? To prepare for the rapid changes in the global learning village as a 21st-century teacher, We should focus on embracing technology, fostering critical thinking and adaptability, and committing to continuous professional development. This includes integrating digital tools into your teaching, staying informed about educational trends, and developing a global perspective to accommodate diverse learning needs. Such as Proficiency in using technology and digital tools for teaching and learning. Responding to the diverse needs of students. & Recognizing and addressing students’ emotional and mental health needs Lesson-3-Self-Check Questions Read and choose the correct option for the items that follow. 1. As a future teacher, one should be mindful that the learners in the 21st Century are characterize by A. Rigidity of thinking B. Initiative and self-direction C. Control and single mindedness D. Individualism 2.The new global landscape of the 21st Century shows the following EXCEPT one. Which one is not? A. Teachers are ICT equipped. B. Learners are attuned to rote memorization. B. Learning environment cab be any place. D. There are multiple ways of teaching. 3.Which of the Pillars of Learning is being described by the phrase “unity in diversity”? A.Learning to know B. Learning to do C.Learning to live together D. Learning to be 4.The teacher who spends more than what is earned, thus becoming vulnerable to loan sharks lacks A. Ecoliteracy B. Financial Literacy C. Cyberliteracy D. Media literacy 5.To be ready to teach in the 21st Century, a teacher should develop life and career skills which should also be nurtured among the learners. Which of these career skills enables a person to quickly respond to changes in the modern times? A. Leadership and responsibility B.Productivity and accountability C. Flexibility and adaptability D.Social and cross- cultural skills 5 . SUMMARY Lesson 3 addressed what is dubbed as a new in the educational landscape but is continuously changing. These include the learning environment that is learner-centered, new spaces and borderless. It promotes creativity and innovation and ICT facilities are available. Within the learning environment, new contents are tackled, unpacked, discovered. The contents are integrated and interdisciplinary and demand-driven. the content is about learning tools and how these can retrieve knowledge and information and contents that balance scientific, technological, cultural and local concepts for learning. How are these learned from the current global perspectives? The delivery modes can be face to face, distance and virtual leaning, blended and experiential lifelong learning. But the most important element in the landscape are the new learners. The new breed of learners are confident, independent, critical, self- directed, civic oriented and glocal question, reflect take responsibility and live in pop-culture. they need to develop 21st century life and career skills. As these become the context learning, there should evolve the new teacher. These teachers are quality teachers who have clear standards of teaching and learning, accountable for students learning, use broad pedagogies, are skilful in the use ICT and assessment of learning. They are skilful in action research, practice the core values of inspiring teachers and have developed also the life and career skills of the 21 st century. All the new qualities of both the learners and teachers are addressed in the UNESCO’s pillar of learning based on Jacque’s Delor ‘s learning the treasure from within. Teaching and learning will be defined by the pillars as learning to know ( knowledge, skills, values); learning to do (Application of what one knows); learning to live Harmoniously Together (Respect of culture and Diversity, inclusivity) and learning to Be 9Self- identity and understanding, Confidence and self worth). Chapter 6 - ENSURING TEACHER QUALITY THROUGH COMPETENCY FRAMEWORK AND STANDARDS INTRODUCTION Are qualified teachers, really quality teachers? Teacher quality matters. Most educators and policy makers agree that one of the most important school-related factors influencing student achievement and outcomes is teacher quality. (Rice 2003) It has been found out to be the best predictor of student’s outcomes (Rivkin, Hanushek and Kain, 1998 and Rice 2003). One of the biggest challenges in ensuring teacher quality is the attractiveness of teaching profession. The teaching profession is not as attractive like the other professions that is why it does not always get the best material. This is a cause of concern in many countries around the world, as exemplified in the Global Teacher Status in 2013. A. Quality Teachers and Teachers Quality Defined In lesson 3, we have discussed much about the attributes of teachers in the 21st century. What really is a quality teacher? Quality teachers are characterized by the different skills needed in the 21st century education. Partnership 21 identified themes that are relevant to the changing times. These are (1) global awareness, (2) financial, economic, Business and Entrepreneurial Literacy, (3) Civic Literacy and (4) Health Literacy. Also included are knowledge and values. With these themes in mind, the 21st century skills framework are clustered into three. Learning and innovation skills framework include Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Creativity and innovation and communication and collaboration and technology skills Information, media and technology skills Framework include information Literacy, Media literacy, ICT (Information, Communication & Technology Literacy Life and Career Skills framework which was discussed thoroughly in Lesson 3. Quality teachers are competent teachers. Teacher with global competence are able to demonstrate knowledge, skills, values and dispositions as describe below: 1. Understand one’s own cultural identity and its influence on personal dispositions and classroom practices; 2. Know and integrate global dimensions in the subject one teaches; 3. Engage students in learning; 4. Use real-life local and global examples; 5. Value the inputs of culturally and linguistically diverse learners; 6. Create environment that encourage positive cross-cultural interactions; 7. Model social responsibility in local and global context; and 8. Help learners find appropriate actions to improve local and global conditions. Having the appropriate competencies for the teaching, describe a quality teacher. Can quality teachers provide teacher quality in our schools? 6 Teacher quality is a bit difficult to define. For some countries like the US. It has shifted its definition of teacher quality from the possession of a credential or certification to what students know are able to do with what they were taught by their teachers (Teacher quality, 2013). This is related to the outcome-based education. On the other hand, some other countries use standards for teacher quality. The OECD has proposed in the discussion table that the core elements of the teacher-quality standards should include: Planning and Preparation: including knowledge of the content and pedagogy, knowledge of students, coherent instructional plans, and knowledge on how to assess student learning; Classroom environment: including creating a culture for learning and managing student behavior; Instruction: including communicating effectively, using appropriate discussion techniques, engaging students, and providing responsive feedback to learners; and Professional responsibilities: including reflecting teaching, communicating with families, contributing to the school and community and developing professionally. (Teacher quality, 2013) There are differences in the context of how teacher quality is defined hence, there is no universal standard of teacher quality. The teaching profession needs to have status. These should be developed and owned by the teachers themselves like in Finland, Sweden and Denmark. In other countries, teacher standards for teachers quality are set at the national or state levels but with consideration for local flexibility in the implementation. In summary, quality teachers are defined by their attributes and characteristics while teacher quality is defined by the standards set for the profession and are validated by the students learning outcomes. B. The Competency Framework for Teachers in Southeast Asia (CFT SEA) In collaboration with the Thailand’s Teacher Education Council, SEAMEO Secretariat (SEAMES) and the SEAMEO Regional Center of Educational Innovation and Technology (INNOTECH) initiated the competency Framework for teachers in Southeast Asia which was developed in 2017. The purpose was to revitalize teacher education and to promote teaching as profession of first choice by professionalizing teacher’s pre-service and inservice development using this Regional Competency Framework as a guide. As described earlier, teacher competencies make up quality teachers. Competencies as defined in the framework are a combination of skills, knowledge, behavior and attributes that enable effective or superior job performance. This Competency Framework for teachers is a guide to improve teacher’s performance across the region. There are (4) essential competencies and 12 general competencies and 136 success descriptors. The enabling competencies are a set of performance criteria with success descriptors that describe observable behaviors expected for teachers to perform in a high level. When used, this guide will promote common standards of performance among teachers across Southeast Asia. Four essential Competencies 1. Knowing and understanding what to teach. It is the ability of teachers to deepen and broaden their knowledge on what to teach, understand education trends, policies and curricula and be updated on local, national, regional and global developments. 2. Helping students to learn.it is the ability to know students, use the most effective teaching and learning strategies, assess and give feedback on how students learn. 3. Engaging the community. It is the ability to partner with the parents and caregivers, involve the community to help students learn , and encourage respect and diversity. 4. Becoming a better teacher everyday. It is the ability to know oneself and others, practice human goodness and then master the teaching practice. 7 1.0 KNOW AND UNDERSTAND WHAT I TEACH General competencies Enabling competencies 1.1 Deepen and broaden my knowledge on what I teach. 1.1.1 Master my subject content. 1.1.2 Use research- based knowledge. 1.2 Understand education trends, policies and curricula. 1.2.1 Update myself on educational trends. 1.2.2 Study educational policies and how they effect teaching 1.2.3 Understand how to implement the curriculum 1.3 Keep myself updated on local, national, regional, and global developments. 1.3.1 Check new changes in education environment. 2.0 HELP MY STUDENTS LEARN General competencies Enabling Competencies 2.1 Know my students. 2.1.1 Identify my student’s needs and strengths to help them learn better. 2.1.2 Understand how my students learn. 2.1.3 value what makes my students unique. 2.2 Use the most effective teaching and learning strategy. 2.2.1 select appropriate teaching and learning strategy. 2.2.2 Design clear and effective lessons my students can understand 2.2.3 Create a positive and caring learning space. 2.3 Assess and give feedback on how my student learn. 2.3.1 Design assessment process and tools. 2.3.2 Monitor my student’s progress and provide appropriate support. 2.3.3 use result from assessment to improve instruction. 3.0 ENGAGE THE COMMUNITY 3.1 Partner with parents and caregivers 3.1.1 Build a support network 3.1.2 Create welcoming space. 3.1.3 Sustain the partnership 3.2 Involve the community to help my students learn 3.2.1 Engage parents and caregivers about their children. 3.2.2 design learning activities using community conditions, local wisdom, tradition and knowledge. 3.3 Encourage respect and diversity 3.3.1 Accept what makes people different 3.3.2 Practice inclusion and respect in the classroom. 4.0 BECOME A BETTER TEACHER EVERYDAY General competencies Enabling competencies Let us look at the details of these Essential Competencies . In the matrix that follow you will find the (4) Essential Competencies, 12 General Competencies and the corresponding 31 Enabling Competencies. 4.1 Know myself and others 4.1.1 Continue to grow by knowing oneself more. 4.2 Practice human goodness in my life and in my work. 4.2.1 Be kind and compassionate. 4.2.2 Inspire my students and colleagues by setting my best examples. 4.2.3 Nurture my student’s confidence on what they can do and become. 4.3 Master my teaching practice. 4.3.1 Keep alive my passion for teaching. 4.3.2 take responsibility in my own personal and professional growth. 4.3.3 Inspire other teachers by setting my best examples. 4.1.2 Become more aware and responsible for my emotions and health. 4.1.3 Nurture my relationships with care and respect. The framework was agreed upon by the Minister of Education of the Southeast Asian countries including the Philippines. It will be used as a guide to determine teacher quality across the region. The figure below captures all the elements of the Competency Framework for Teachers in Southeast Asia 8 COMPETENCY FRAMEWORK for TEACHERS Southeast Asia PRACTICE HUMAN GOODNESS IN MY WORK AND IN MY LIFE DEEPEN MY KNOWLEDGE ON WHAT I TEACH UNDERSTAND EDUCATION TRENDS, POLICIES AND CURRICULLOM KNOW MYSELF AND OTHERS MASTER MY TEACHING PRACTICE PARTNER WITH PARENTS AND GAURDIANS KNOW AND UNDERSTAND WHAT I TEACH BECOME THE BEST TEACHER KEEP MYSELF UPDATED ON LOCAL, NATIONAL, REGIONAL AND GLOBAL DEVELOPMENTS KNOW MY STUDENT ENGAGE COMMUNITY MEMBER HELP MY STUDENT LEARN INVOLVE COMMUNITY TO HELP STUDENTS LEARN BETTER USE THE MOST EFFECTIVE TEACHING STRATEGY NATURE SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY AS PLASCES OF RESPECT AND DIVERSITY ASSESS AND GIVE FEEDBACK ON HOW MY STUDENTS LEARN FIGURE 1: COMPETENCY FRAMEWORK FOR TEACHERS IN SOUTHEAST ASIA (2017) The Philippine Qualifications Framework (PQF) As a part of ASEAN convergence and in the light of globalization each country in the ASEAN, the Philippine adopts national standards and levels for outcomes in education. This is called the Philippines Qualifications Framework (PQF) which is provided by law. (RA 10968, s. 2018). Base on the level of education as PQF Level 6, the PQF describes the career path for baccalaureate degree programs including teacher education degrees. All graduates from the baccalaureate degrees are expected to exhibit outcomes as described in Table 4. Table 4.Philippine Qualifications Framework (PQF) 6 Levels of Outcomes and Descriptors PQF 6 Level of Outcomes Knowledge, skills and values Application (of knowledge, skills and values) Degree of Independence PQF 6 Descriptor of Outcomes Graduates possess a broad level of coherent knowledge and skills in their field of study for professional work (teaching) and lifelong learning. Application of professional work (teaching) in a broad of range of discipline and/or for further study. Independent (as a teacher) and/or in terms of related field. 9 What are the purposes of the Philippine Qualifications Framework? The PQF is legal document that adopts national standards and levels for outcomes education in the country. It assists individuals to move easily between different education and training sectors and the labor market. Further, the PQF aligns the international qualifications for full recognition of the value of Philippine Qualification. Also, the PQF will be used as the basis for accrediting certificates and licenses recognize by the government. Philippines Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) Based on the teacher Education and Development Map in 2006, Philippine Teacher Education is defined as a lifelong journey from entry to basic education in DepEd to entry to as Teacher Education Institutions of the CHED to licensing as a professional teachers of the PRC to employment to DepEd with attestation of the civil service or private basic education. In both public or private education, a newly recruited teacher undergoes a Teacher Induction Program (TIP) led by the Teacher Education Council (TEC) and the private institutions are assisted by the Private Education Assistance Council (PEAC). While in service the professional teacher continues professional development through trainings by the duly authorized service providers of the PRC or shall continue professional development through advancement in education (Master’s or Decorate) or other activities on their own. The continuing employment or continues to practice profession in another capacity. In the middle of this professional lifelong cycle, are the professional teacher standards, known as National Competency Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS, 2006) and now known the Philippines Professional Standards for Teachers. (PPST< 2017, DepEd Order 42, s. 2017). Both are frameworks for teacher quality. The PPST, 2017 defined teacher quality in a broader perspective attuned to the current demands and changes in the educational local and global landscape to include the reforms if K to 12, the Outcomes-Based education of Higher Education, the ASEAN integration, the UNESCO’s SDGs 2030 and the AmbisyonNatin 2040. Being responsible for the pre-service development of teachers, teacher education institutions have a responsibility of graduating students with PQF 6 qualifications and to master the PPST Beginning Teacher Standards as well as the Program Outcomes of the CHED’s PSG for teacher education (CMO 74-82, s. 2017).The mastery of the beginning teacher competencies in an expectation of the teaching industry in basic education. The schematic diagram that represents the seven domains of the PPST is represented below 1 .CONTENT KNOWLEDGE AND PEDAGOGY 2 .LEARNING ENVIRONMENT 3. DIVERSITYOF LEARNERS 7. PERSONAL GROWTH AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Philippine Professional Standards 6 .COMMUNITY LINCAGES & PROFESSIONAL ENGAGEMENT for Teachers 5. ASSESSMENT AND REPORTING 4. CURRICULUM AND PLANNING Figure 2.The Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers Credit: Siena, A. National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP) presented during the National Conference for the ALS at SEAMEO, Innotech, 2017. Let us focus on the PPST, 2017 particularly on the Beginning Teacher’s Competencies for Career Stage Level 1. There are seven (7) Domains in the PPST. The seven domains, collectively comprise 37 stands to refer more specific dimensions of teacher practice. Each strand is calibrated according to the professional development scale or as described Career Stage 1. Beginning Teachers; Career Stage 2; Proficient Teachers, Career Stage 3; Highly Proficient Teachers, and career Stage 4, Distinguished Teachers. Career stage 1: Beginning teachers. Newly qualified to teach as professional teachers are the beginning teachers. They have acquired an appropriate degree in education foe allied fields and have passed the licensure examination for professional teachers. They are assumed to have competencies in terms of content, knowledge and pedagogy, as well as the 21st century skills and values support teaching and learning. They can manage learning and have strategies that enable learner to enhance learning through their guidance. However, since they are new to the teaching profession, Beginning Teachers are expected to seek advice and assistance from their peers and experienced colleagues to continuously improve their teaching. DOMAIN 1. CONTENT KNOWLEDGE AND PEDAGOGY Strands Competency Indicators for Beginning teachers 1.1 Content Knowledge and application within and cross curriculum areas. 1.1.1 Demonstrate content knowledge and its application within/and or across curriculum teaching areas. 1.2 Research-based knowledge and principles of teaching and learning. 1.2.1 Demonstrate an understanding of research-based knowledge and principles of teaching and learning. 1.3 1.3.1 Show skills in the positive use of ICT to facilitate the teaching and learning process. Positive Use of ICT. 1.4 Strategies for promoting literacy and numeracy. 1.4.1 Demonstrate knowledge of teaching strategies that promote literacy and numeracy skills. 1.5 Strategies of developing critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking skills. 1.5.1 Apply teaching strategies that develop critical and creative thinking/ and or other higher thinking skills. 1.6 Mother tongue, Filipino and English in teaching and learning. 1.6.1 Use of mother tongue, Filipino and English to facilitate teaching and learning. 1.7 Classroom communication strategies 1.7.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the range and nonverbal classroom communication strategies that support learner understanding, participation, engagement and achievement. Domain 2. LEARNING ENVIRONMENT 2.1 Learner safety and security 2.1.1 Demonstrate knowledge of policies, guidelines and procedures that provide safe and secure learning environments. 2.2 Fair learning environment. 2.2.1 Demonstrate understanding of learning environments that promote fairness, respect and care to courage learning. 2.3 Management of classroom 2.3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of managing classroom structure 53 structure and activities that engages learners, individually or in groups, in meaningful exploration, discovery and hands-on activities within the available physical learning environments. 2.4 Support for participation. 2.4.1 Demonstrate understanding of supportive learning environments that nurture and inspire learner participation. 2.5 Promote od purposive learning. 2.5.1 Demonstrate knowledge of learning environments that motivates learners to work productivity by assuming responsibility for their own learning. 2.6 Managements of learner 2.6.1 Demonstrate knowledge of positive and non-violent behaviour. discipline in the management of learner behaviour. Domain 3. DIVERSITY OF LEARNERS 3.1 Learner’s gender, needs, strength, 3.1.1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of interests and experience. differentiated teaching to suit the learner’s, gender, needs, strength, interests and experience. 3.2 Learner’s linguistics, cultural, 3.2.1 Implement teaching strategies that are responsive to the socio-economic and religious learner’s linguistics, cultural, socio-economic and religious background. backgrounds. 3.3 Learners with disabilities, 3.3.1 Use strategies responsive to learners with disabilities, giftedness and talent. giftedness and talents. 3.4 learners and difficult 3.4.1 Demonstrate understanding of the special educational circumstances. needs of learners in difficult circumstances, including geographic isolation; chronic illness; displacement due to armed conflict, urban resettlement or disasters, child abuse and child labor practices. 3.5 Learners from indigenous groups. 3.5.1 Demonstrate knowledge of teaching strategies that are inclusive of learners from indigenous groups. Domain 4. CURRICULUM AND PLANNING 4.1 Planning and management of 4.1.1 Prepare developmentally sequenced teaching and learning teaching and learning process. process to meet curriculum requirements. 4.2 Learning outcomes aligned with 4.2.1 Identify learning outcomes that are aligned with learning learning competencies. competencies. 4.3 Relevance and responsiveness of 4.3.1 Demonstrate knowledge in the implementation of relevant learning process. and responsive learning programs. 4.4 Professional collaboration to 4.4.1 Seek advice concerning strategies that can enrich teaching enrich teaching practice. practice. 4.5 Teaching and learning resources 4.4.1 Show skills in the selection, development and use of including ICT. variety of teaching and learning outcomes, including ICT to address learning goals. DOMAIN 5: ASESSMENT AND REPORTING STRANDS 5.1 Designs, selection, organization and utilization of assessment strategies. 5.2 Monitoring and evaluation of learner progress and achievement. 5.3 Feedback to improve learning. COMPETENCY INDICATORS FOR BEGINNING TEACHERS 5.1.1 Demonstrate knowledge of the design, selection, organization and use of diagnostic, formative and summative assessment strategies consistent with curriculum requirements. 5.2.1 Demonstrate knowledge of monitoring and evaluation of learner progress and achievement using learner attainment data. 5.3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of providing timely, accurate and constructive feedback to improve learner performance. 5.4.1 Demonstrate familiarity with a range of strategies for communicating learner needs, progress and achievement. 5.4 Communication of learner needs, progress and achievement to key stakeholders. 5.5 Use of assessment data to enhance 5.5.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the role of assessment data as feedback in teaching and learning practices and program. teaching and learning practices and programs. DOMAIN 6: COMMUNITY LINKAGES AND PROFESSIONAL ENGAGEMENT Strands Competency Indicators for Beginning Teachers 6.1 Establishment of learning 6.1.1 Demonstrate an understanding of knowledge of learning environments that are responsive to environments that are responsive to community contexts. community contexts. 6.2.1 Seek advice concerning strategies that build relationships 6.2 Engagement of parents and the with parents/guardians and the wider community. wider school community in the educative process. 6.3 Professional ethics. 6.3.1Demonstrate awareness of existing laws and regulations 54 that apply to the teaching profession, and become familiar with responsibilities specified in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers. 6.4 School policies and procedures. 6.4.1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the school policies and procedures to foster harmonious relationship with the wider school community. DOMAIN 7. PERSONAL GROWTH AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 7.1 Philosophy of teaching. 7.2 Dignity of teaching as a profession. 7.3 Professional links with colleagues. 7.4 Professional reflection and learning to improve practice. 7.5 Professional developments goals. 7.1.1 Articulate a personal philosophy of teaching that as is learner-centered. 7.2.1 Demonstrate behaviours that uphold the dignity of teaching profession by exhibiting qualities such as caring attitude, respect and dignity. 7.3.1 Seek opportunities to establish professional links with colleagues. 7.4.1 Demonstrate an understanding of how professional reflection and learning can be used to improve practice. 7.5.1 Demonstrate motivation to realize professional development goals based on the Philippines Professional Standards for Teachers. Summary Lesson 4 is all about quality teachers and teacher quality. It is a continuation of Lesson 2and Lesson 3 which were about teachers and teaching profession. The qualities of the 21 st century teacher have been discussed in the previous lessons. However to bridge this lesson, there was a need to differentiate between quality teachers and the teacher quality. There can never be teacher quality without quality teachers, for quality teachers are defined by individual knowledge, skills and values, on the other hand teacher quality is defined by the teacher standards for teaching profession. For the Southeast Asian countries, the framework is driven by the four essential competencies and 31 enabling competencies. The Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) are also in support of the Philippine Qualifications Framework (PQF) which determines the qualification of any baccalaureate degree holder. The Career Path Stage 1: Beginning Teacher is the focus of this lesson because; the pre-service teacher education graduate should master the competencies that are stated in 32 strands of the seven domains of the standard for Filipino Teachers. There are items that are similar between the Southeast Asian Framework and the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers. If the competences included in the standards are mastered by any future teacher, then quality teachers will be produced and teacher quality will be achieved. TAKE ACTION! TASK 1: Use the World Wide Web. Secure a complete copy of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) from the website of the Department of Education by searching for DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2017 including its attachment. Print and keep this document as one of the valuable references as you continue your journey to finish your degree and in your teaching career. Task 2: Compare the Competency Framework for Teachers in Southeast Asia (CFT SEA) and the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST). Identify at least 10 competencies that are found in both standards. Make a matrix for your answer along the identified domains. Example is found below. General Competency Domain Example: Knowledge, skills and values. (add 2 or more examples) CFT for SEA Enabling Competency Indicators Example 1.1.1 Master my subject Matter 1. Use research-based Knowledge 2. Update myself on educational trends 55 PPST Competency Indicators for Beginning Teachers 1.1.1 Demonstrate content knowledge and its application within and/or across curriculum teaching areas 1. Demonstrate an understanding of research-based knowledge and principles of Teaching and learning. 2. Show skills in the positive use of ICT to facilitate the teaching and learning process. Learning Environment (2 examples) 1.Create a positive and caring learning space. 2. Monitor my student’s progress and provide Appropriate support Diversity of Learners (2 examples) 1. Identify my student’s needs and strengths to help them learn better 2. Value what makes my students unique 1.Demonstrate understanding of learning environments that promote fairness, respect and care to encourage learning. 2.Demonstrate understanding of supportive learning environments that nurture and inspire learner participation. 1.Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of differentiated teaching differentiated teaching to suit the learner’s gender, needs, strengths, interests, and experiences. 2. Implement teaching strategies that are responsive to the learner’s linguistic, cultural, socio-economic and religious backgrounds Curriculum and Planning (2 examples) Professional Development (2 examples) 1. Select appropriate teaching and learning strategy. 1. Prepare developmentally sequenced teaching and learning process to meet Curriculum requirements. 2. Design learning activities using community conditions, local wisdom, tradition and knowledge. 2. Identify learning outcomes that are aligned with learning competencies. 1. Nurture my relationships with care and respect. 1. Demonstrate behaviors that uphold the dignity of teaching profession by exhibiting qualities such as caring attitude,respect and integrity 2. Inspire my students and colleagues by setting my best example 2. Demonstrate motivation to realize professional development goals based on the Philippine Professional Standards for teachers. Make a Reflection 1. When you become a professional teacher in the future, how can you enhance the state of quality teachers in the Philippines? I must learn and master all of these domains and competences of the PPST that targets us to be better teachers in the country by developing our qualifications, skills and our levels of knowledge practice and professional engagement. In order to become a successful educator in the 21st century, we need these seven domains. I need to take part in various PPST events, including workshops on module creation and the development of implementation guidelines. 2. After studying the different domains and competencies of PPST, which domain do you find EASY to master? I personally find student’s diversity hard to master because I don’t have experience yet.And I think it will take years of experience to master the PPST domains. I think I need to have experience in teaching to master strategizing my teaching methods that address learners’ differences in gender, needs, strengths, interest and experience. I need to think of ways to avoid students perceive that they do not belong in the classroom setting- a feeling that can lead to decreased participation, feeling or inadequacy and other distractions. 56 Self-Check Questions Answer the following items, with the correct answer from the options given. 1. A teacher who has learned and practiced the 21st century skills can be described best as A. Qualified teacher B. Applicant teacher C. local teacher 2. In the Philippines, teacher quality id defined by A. NCBTS, 2006 B.CFT SEA, 2017 . D. border-less teacher . C. PPST, 2017 D. PQF, 2018 3. The PPST are teacher standards which have to be mastered only by Beginning Teacher. This statement is . B.False A. True C. Doubtful D. None of the options 4. What the CFT SEA, PQF and PPST assure the stakeholders of? A. Quality teacher A.Teacher quality B.Teacher disposition D. Teacher decision 5. Which is the ultimate competency that baccalaureate degree holder including a teacher education graduate demonstrate? A.Independence B. Knowledge C. Cooperation D. Application CHAPTER 7 CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: THE LIFEBLOOD OF THE TEACHING PROFESSION BRENDA B. CORPUZ, PhD “Who dares to teach must cease to learn.” _ Unknown INTRODUCTION The professional license for teaching obtained after passing the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) simply tells that the professional teachers, Hence, every professional teacher is expected to continue developing after obtaining his/her professional license. This is one big demand for a professional teacher. The code of Professional Conduct for Public School Teachers cited in Section 7 of RA 4670 states: “Responsibility is something expected of a professional teacher. The work of the teacher in the development and guidance of the young is a tremendous responsibility for which he is accountable to God, to his country, and to posterity. It is a trust of which every teacher should strive to be worthy” In fact, all professional teachers owe it to themselves and to the clientele they serve to go through CPD. When doctors and nurses a mistake, they bury their mistakes. When a lawyer commits a mistakes, he/she puts his/her mistake behind bars. What about the teacher? When teacher commits a mistake he/she multiplies that mistake. A professional, therefore, cannot afford to commit a mistake. A professional needs to go through CPD. The Philippine Profession al Standards for Teachers (the revised National Competency-Based Teacher Standards) includes personal growth and professional development as the seventh domain. With the enactment of RA 10912, the CPD Law of 2016, CPD for all the professions regulated by PRC is now mandatory. Mandating CPD is the only way all professionals including teachers is not an option. It is a necessity. Continuing professional development for professional teachers sharpens the professional teacher’s competitive edge in a highly competitive global world. ACTIVITY: Let’s Discuss Explain the meaning of each of the following quotations: 1. “Growth is an evidence of life” This means that we must value ourselves in this world on how to cope with environmental changes.That whenever we fail at any experiences that we encounter, the lesson leaves a description of what are the things that we should learn. For that, as person grows by reflecting on the things and proceeding to the next chapter of life, motivated and have grown up as an evidence that life is about growth 2. “Man/woman is an “unfinished project.” It means that humans are always gaining knowledge, becoming better, they are never, and will never achieve perfection in their lifetimes, but closely they come. 57 ANALYSIS: Let’s Analyse How do these statements relate to Continuing Professional Development? Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is essential as it enables individuals to update their skills and knowledge, adapt to changes in their professions, and enhance their career prospects. The statements likely reflect the importance of ongoing education, training, and professional growth, all of which are key components of CPD ABSTRACTION: Let’s Add to What You Know The Philosophical Basis of CPD “Growth is an evidence of life” this implies that anything that a alive grows or anything that grows is alive. So a teacher who is alive grows physically, psychologically, mentally, socially, emotionally, spiritually. If he/she doesn’t grow, it means he/she is no longer alive. “Man/woman is an unfinished project.” For a professional teacher, he/she is always in the process of becoming better and better as a person and as a professional teacher. No person, no professional can claim he/she has already “arrived” at a state of perfection. Neither “Perfecta” nor “Perfecto” who is perfect by name is not perfect. This means that no professional has arrived at a perfect state. This implies that every professional is expected to continue developing. The Historical and Legal Bases of Continuing Professional Development in the Philippines Even before the enactment of this CPD Act of 2016, CPD was already alluded to in the 1987 Philippine Constitution. No less that fundamental law of the land, Section 5 Paragraph 4, state: “The State shall enhance the right of teachers to professional advancement” Other laws also cited continuing professional development, as follows: 1. Batas Pambansa 232, the Education Act of 1982, chapter 3. Duties and obligations to assume the responsibility to maintain and sustain his professional growth and advancement. 2. RA 9155, An Act Instituting a Framework of Governance for Basic Education, Establishing Authority and Accountability, renaming the Department of Education, Culture and Sports as the Department of Education, and for other purposes, was enacted on August 11, 2001. In the enumeration of duties and functions of the Secretary of Education, Section 7 A., to wit. In addition to his/her powers under existing laws, the Secretary of Education shall have authority, accountability and responsibility among other things for (6) Enhancing the employment status, professional competence, welfare and working conditions of all personnel of the department;. . . Section 7, Estate, to wit, “. . . Consistent with the national educational policies, plans and standards, the school heads shall have authority, accountability and responsibility for … encouraging staff development.” (Underscoring mine) 3. R.A 7836, the teachers’ Professionalization Act, also provided for mandatory Continuing Professional Education (CPE), now referred to as a Continuing Professional Development (CPD), to wit. To encourage continuing professional growth and development and to provide additional basis for merit promotion, in addition to their performance rating, teachers may take an oral and written examination at least once in five (5) years as basis for merit promotion. In taking this examination, no fee shall be required (Sec. 19.Periodic Merit examination of teachers.) Unfortunately, due lack of funding, the merit examination has not been implemented up to writing time. The same RA.7838 states: Unjustified or wilful failure to attend seminars, workshop, conferences and the like or the continuing education program prescribed by the board and the commission. (Sec. 23, h. revocation of the certificate of Registration, Suspension from the practice OF THE Teaching Profession, and Cancellation of Temporary or Special Permit.) 4. The board for Professional Teachers (BPT) also passed Resolution No. 435, s. 177 to adopt code of Ethics for Professional Teachers pursuant to provisions paragraph (e) Article 11 of RA. 7836, otherwise known as The Philippine Teacher’s Professionalization Act of 1994. This code of Ethics states: Every teacher shall participate in the Continuing Professional Education (CPE) program of the Professional a Regulation Commission, and shall pursue such other studies as well improve his efficiency, enhance the prestige of his profession, and strengthen his competence, virtues, and productivity in order to be nationally competitive. (section 3 article IV) 5. Executive Order #226 ,Institutionalized of the Continuing Professional education (CPE) Programs of the Various professional Regulatory Boards (PRBS) Under the Supervision of the Professional Regulation 58 Commission (PRC) . This was signed and issued by the office of then President Fidel V. Ramos on JULY 25, 1995, to wit: The completion by professional licences of the Continuing Professional Education (CPE) programs adapted by all Boards is hereby imposed as mandatory requirement for the renewal of professional licences (Sec. 1.) This executive Order was premised on the following: WHEREAS, the various professions play a crucial role in nation-building. WHEREAS, it is imperative to impose upon registered professional the completion of the Continuing Professional Education (CPE) programs adapted by the concerned Board as a pre-requisite for the renewal of their licences; WHEREAS, the professionals who undertake the CPE programs are enabled not only to upgrade or improve their technical knowledge and skills but also to keep them abreast with modern trends and technology in their respective professions, thereby assuring the rendition of highly qualitative professional services that will be globally competitive under the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) and the same time securing the safety and protection of the public. WHEREAS, the confidence and patronage of the public in a professional depend upon his competence and he quality of service rendered resulting from his acquisition of updated technical knowledge and skill; 6. R.A 10912, Continuing Professional Development Act of 2016- With the enactment of this law, CPD for all the forty-three (43) professions regulated by PRC including the teaching profession has become mandatory. The Silent Provisions of RA 10912, The Continuing Professional Development Act of 2016 Alot of questions have been raised about RA. 10912, otherwise known as the Continuing Professional Development Act of 2016. Many a teacher resists CPD. It is claimed to be extra expense, extra effort and extra time when in fact it is every professional’s obligation. CPD is the only way professionals can sharpen their competitive edge in an international world that has become global village. The need for CPD is heightened by ASEAN integration and internationalization which are now real. To be in, a professional must meet international standards. The way to go is CPD. The purposes of CPD for professionals are stated RA 10912 Article 1 Declaration of Policy. It is hereby declared the policy of the State to promote and upgrade the practice of professions in the country. Towards this end, the State shall institute measures that will continuously improve the competence of the professionals in accordance with the international standards of practice, thereby, ensuring their contribution in uplifting the general welfare, economic growth and development of the nation.(Underscoring mine) The state policy on promoting and upgrading the practice of professional in the country and the institution of measures to “continuously improve the competence of the professionals in accordance with international standards” and gives Filipino professionals a competitive edge in the ASEAN region and in the world. Number of CPD Units Required Article III, Section 10 of the same CPD Act states: “ The CPD is … made as a mandatory requirement in the renewal of the Professional Identification Card (PICs) of all registered and licensed professional… How many credit units are required for the renewal of PICs? For the professional teachers group, based on Professional Regulatory Board for Professional teachers Resolution no. 11,series of 2017, the following credit units are required: Period No. of Credit Units Required December 2017 15 Credit units January – December 2018 30 Credit units January 2019 onwards 45 Credit units Ways By Which Professional Teachers Can Earn Units. As shown in the figure below CPD credit units can be earned in 4 ways. 1. Professional track - This includes training provided by CPD providers accredited by PRC. You can earn credit units as a participant to a training approved by the CPD Council. You earn more credit units as a participant to a training approved by the CPD Council. You earn more credit units if you serve as a resource speaker, trainer or demonstration teacher. You also earn credit units as panellist/reactor, facilitator/moderator. You earned much more if you are assigned by the CPD programs. 2. Academic track – this refers to the completion of a Master’s degree, completion of candidacy to the doctorate program, completion of the doctorate program, completion of a post-doctoral diploma, and being a recipient of a professional chair grant, and/or fellowship grant. Take note that ONLY COMPLETION of the master’s degree is given full credit units of 45. Earning MA units is not given any credit unit but completion at candidacy for the Doctorate degree already entitles one to 45 credit units. The master’s and doctorate degrees must have been earned five (5) years before renewal of professional license. 59 3. Self-directed track – this includes trainings offered by non-accredited CPD providers. It refers to “learning activities such as online training, local/international seminars/nondegree courses, institution/company-sponsored training programs and the like which did not undergo CPD accreditation but may be applied for and awarded CPD units by the respective CPD units by respective CPD Councils. In addition, self-directed track includes serving as a accreditor (e.g. ISO, ISA, PACOCUA, PAASCU, AACUP, etc.) it also includes study tours socio-civic activities using the profession. 4. Productive Scholarship – this means that the professional teacher has developed program/training module, curriculum guide or any other resource material. Or the professional teacher has written an article in a professional magazine or a technical/ research paper and even better if that technical paper is published in the refereed/peer –reviewed professional journal. Best in the professional teacher writes a book ora monograph or comes up with an invention or creative work, the latter entitles him/her to 45 credit units. Even professional and/or lifetime achievement awards from the division level to regional, national and international level make the professional teacher earn credit units. For specific number of credit units by professional teachers per CPD activity, refer to Professional Regulatory Board for Professional Teachers Resolution No. 11, series of 2017. (Refer to Appendix J.) As this Chapter on CPD is being written, discussion in the Senate are going on for possible amendments on CPD implementation. Continuing Professional Development Plan A proof that a professional teacher has made CPD his/her way of life is his/her formulation of a CPD plan which is he/she religiously follows whether monitored by hi/her superiors because he/she monitors himself/herself. Developing a personal CPD Plan help teachers leaders develop purposely. It is not enough to have a good intentions to do CPD. It is the best that good intention should be made concrete in a simple and doable plan. Every professional who has sincere intent to grow professionally must have an annual personal CPD plan. Professional teachers formulating their respective annual CPD Plans and faithfully observing them lead to the building of a CPD culture among professional teachers. With that CPD culture, the negative attitude towards mandatory CPD hopefully will fade away. We hope to reach a point where professional teachers will oblige themselves to go through CPD not because it is mandatory but because this is something they owe to themselves as professionals and to the public they serve. This is professionalism. Templates for a CPD Plan Below are two templates for a CPD Plan. The first one is the template use in the public schools. The second is another template use by others. Comparing the two templates make one conclude that they are basically the same. The different terms used actually refer the same. Take note the sample questions. They ask basically the same thing. Which template to use? It is up to you. For those interested to be in DepEd, it may be good to use the IPPD format. Teacher’s Individual Plan for Professional Development (IPPD) Objectives Resources Time Frame Success Indicators Methods/ Strategies What competence will I enhance? What professional activity will I undertake to achieve my objective? What will I do to access resources? When do I expect to have accomplished? What PPST competence would I have enhanced? What learner performance would have been improved? Personal CPD Plan Training Need objective Activity Resources Needed 60 Time Frame Expeced Output Expected Outcome What do I need to improve my teaching? What should I do to address my need? What activity should I undergo to address my need? Preparati on of PP To make PP for at least 5 lesson Tutorial Human Material Whose help do I need to address my need? What materials or how much cash do I need to address my need? Laptop LCD IT teacher Expert When am I supposed to have addressed my need? May 2018 What results does this activity have on my teaching and my student learning? 5 PPs More interesting and more concrete lesson presentation and improved students’ scores. Joining Professional Learning Community/ Communities of Practice CPD is made possible and alive through professional learning communities (PLCs) These PLCS are powerful collaborations in which teachers work together to analyse and improve their classroom practice in a systematic process. The Department of Education institutionalized the School Learning Action Cells (SLACs) as mechanism for CPD… In an interview with beginning teachers and administrators on conditions that help them improve their own practice, the answer boils down to this “working in a school with an integrated professional culture) Learning from the CPD practices of High Performing Countries Let us learn from the CPD practices of high performing countries like Singapore and Finland. CPD in Singapore Singapore is the first country in the world to adopt the PLC framework nationwide. ( Dimmock& Tan, 2013; Hairon and Dimmock, 2011) It has institutionalized PLC in its schools. Professional development is very much alive. In 2010 in the Ministry of Education (MOE) mandated all schools to be a “learning organization” concept of schools supports the building of a strong mentorship culture where a collaborative and community-oriented form of professional development thrives. Every teacher is entitled to 100 hour per year of optional training which everyone makes use of. Schools are encouraged to provide at least one hour of curricular time per week for teachers to actively engage in school-based Professional Development (PD) initiatives. These PLCs are led by school leaders who provide teachers with structures and resources to engage in a variety of inquirybased PD practices. For PD, Singapore has 1) Teacher-Researcher Networks, 2) Lesson study and other forms of “Learning Circles” In the Teacher- Researcher Networks, faculty researchers from NIE, senior specialist from MOE, and teacher researcher including those with higher formal training in research ( who are called “ research activities” serve as mentors to teachers to conduct action research. The overall goal of these learning communities is to provide teachers with resources to engage in action research (Hairon 2006), which is usually a form of classroombased investigation where teachers discuss and reflect upon pedagogical problems and find their own solutions to improve teaching and learning. The teacher-researcher network follow these steps: A.Identification and definition of a problem; B.Planning for improvement; C.Implement of teaching/learning activities; D.Observation of results (data collection) E.Reflection on the outcomes. At the completion of the research, participants write a group reflective journal to summarize the procedures, findings, conclusions and implications of the study. These actions research journal are problems. Opportunity like a forum, symposium and publications are given to teachers to share their research findings. Another effective strategy for PD in Singapore is the lesson study (Lewis, Perry,&Hurd, 2004) adopted from Japan. The overall goal of lesson study is to foster collaborative inquiry and data-driven pedagogical reflection among teachers. How is this done? This consists of four cyclical phases (Tan, 2014): 1. Study phase – teacher analyse the curriculum to be taught and formulate long-term teaching and learning goals; 2. Planning phase – teacher select lessons for research, predict student thinking and difficulties, and plan the implementation of specific lesson for data collection; 3. Analysis phase – teachers observe and discuss the classroom evidence collected (e.g., videos, student written work); 4. Reflection phase – teachers discuss student learning and identify new areas for further inquiry. 61 Much of the professional development of Singapore teachers occurs within schools setting through the Learning Circles or Learning Terms. With the widely – accepted concept of “school as learning organizations” and with teachers’ welcoming attitude to PD, there are a number of work-embedded opportunities for PD. Topics foe PD range from curriculum innovation, student-centric teaching practices, new uses of ICT, collaboration lesson planning, to project-based learning. Source: Bautista A., Wong, J., &Gopinathan, S. (2015) “Teacher Professional Development in Singapore. Depicting the Landscape” Psychology, Society & Education. 7(3) 311-36 Nov. 2015 Accessed 4-20-2018 CPD in Finland Teachers in Finland meet one afternoon each week to jointly plan and develop curriculum. They are encouraged to work together to share materials. CPD in Japan Lesson Study Approach to Professional Development Japan is well known for lesson study. How does Japan do lesson study as a strategy for professional development. Below is a detailed description of how Japan implements a lesson study: Every teacher periodically prepares a best possible lesson that demonstrate strategies to achieve a specific goal (e.g. student becoming active problem-solvers or students learning more from each other) in collaboration with others colleagues. A group of teachers observe while the lesson is taught and usually record the lesson in a number of ways, including videotapes, audiotapes, and narrative and/or checklist observations that focus on areas of interest to the instructing teacher (e.g., how many student volunteered their own ideas). Afterwards, the group of teachers and sometimes outside educators, discuss the lesson’s strength and weakness, ask questions, and make suggestions to improve the lesson. In some cases the revised lesson is given by another teacher only few days later and observed and discussed again. Teachers themselves decide the theme and frequently of research lesson. Large study groups often break up into subgroups of 4-6 teachers. The subgroups plan their own lesson but work toward the same goals and teachers from all subgroups share and comment on lesson and try to attend the lesson and follow-up discussion. For a typical lesson study, the 10-15 hours group meetings are spread over three to four weeks. While schools let out between 2:40 and 3:45 p.m., teachers’ work days don’t end until 5 p.m., which provides additional time for collegial work and planning. Most lesson study meeting occurs during the hours after school let out. The research lesson allow teachers to refine individual lessons, consults other teachers and get colleagues’ observations about their with other classroom practice, reflect on their own practice, learn new content and approaches, and build a culture that emphasizes continuous improvement and collaboration. Some teachers also give public research lesson, which expedites the spread of best practices across schools, allows principles, district personnel, and policymaker to see how teachers are grappling with new subject matter and goals, and gives recognition to excellent teachers. Characteristics of Effective CPD Based on the professional development practices and experiences of high performing countries, we can say that a CPD that works is 1) continuous; 2) collaboration; 3) focused on specific teacher need; 4) job- embedded; 5) given enough time; and 6) funded. The one-shot workshops that teachers bemoan don’t work. CPD must be continuous thus the word continuing professional Development. A professional does not stop developing or else he/she ruts. Stagnant water becomes putrid. CPD must also be collaborative, thus the need to be part of a PLC, a professional learning community. It was Helen Keller who said “ Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much” CPD must be focused on a specific teacher need. It responds to a need and so is highly relevant to the teacher. A CPD that prescribed by higher officials does not necessarily responds to teacher’s need. If CPD is job-embedded, it becomes even more relevant. The teacher has not to be removed from the workplace for CPD so there is no work disruption. What the teacher is trained on exactly what he/she does. Quality CPD demands adequate time. What is 10 to 20 hours removed from contact time with learners? Quality time spent for CPD ultimately redounds to improved teaching for the benefit of learners. CPD with support funds is definitely better that one without. 62 APPLICATION: Let’s apply what you learned 1. How does this proverb relate to CPD? “ a Much- used plow shines; stagnant waters stink. emphasizes the importance of continuous usage and activity for growth and improvement, which aligns closely with continuous professional development (CPD). Just as a plow that is used regularly remains effective and shiny, engaging in CPD ensures that professionals keep their skills sharp and relevant. Conversely, stagnant waters symbolize lack of progress and can lead to decay, paralleling how neglecting professional development can hinder growth and lead to obsolescence in one's field. 2. If a caterpillar is meant to become a butterfly and seed to grow into a tree that gives shelter or bears fruit, whatever is its nature, what is a professional meant to become? A professional is meant to become a master of their craft, contributing to society through their expertise, creativity, and skills. They are intended to grow, evolve, and make a positive impact in their field, just as a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly or a seed grows into a nurturing tree. 3. Study the career progression for professional teachers from the board for professional teachers of the Professional Regulation Commission. With CPD in mind, give two thoughts related to CPD that you can derive from this career path. CAREER PROGRESSION FOR PROFESSIONAL TEACHERS Stages in the teacher’s PQF level Development Continuum 1-3 Induction Teacher 1 6 4-8 Self- Assessment Teacher 2 9-15 Experimentation career Progress Master teacher 1 Department 7 Head 16-24 Self- Reassessment Master teacher 2 Principal 1 25-32 Frustration satisfaction2 Master 3 Supervisor/ 8 Director 33-40 Bitter serene Master teacher 4 Disengagement Disengagement superintendent 41 and more Total extension of Disengagement Emeritus teacher3 (active Employment retired teacher 4. Formulate your annual Personal CPD plan. Regardless of the format/ template you will use. Make sure that: A. The CPD plan responds to your need to improve yourself as a person and as a professional teacher. B. You state that need/ objective specifically and clearly. C. Your activities, resources are aligned to your objective and are complete and adequate. Years of teaching Phases of the teacher’s lifelong career Personal CPD Plan Objective: To enhance my classroom management skills to create a more positive and engaging learning environment. Activities: Attend Workshops: Participate in at least two workshops focused on classroom management strategies. Resources: Local educational institutions, online platforms (e.g., Coursera, EdX). Read Professional Literature: Read three books specifically about classroom management and student engagement. Resources: "The Classroom Management Book" by Harry K. Wong and Rosemary T. Wong,"Teaching with Love and Logic" by Charles Fay and Foster Cline, "Engagement by Design: Creating Learning Environments Where Students Thrive" by Catlin R. Tucker, et al. Peer Observation: Observe at least five colleagues who excel in classroom management and gather feedback on their techniques. Resources: Schedule meetings and discussions post-observation for reflection and feedback. Reflective Journal: Maintain a reflective journal to document insights, challenges, and growth throughout the year. 63 Resources: A notebook or digital platform (e.g., Google Docs) to jot down thoughts and progress. Online Communities: Join a professional online community focused on teaching and classroom management. Resources: Platforms such as Edutopia, Teacher's Pay Teachers forums, or Facebook groups dedicated to educators. `Evaluation: At the end of the year, review the effectiveness of the strategies applied in the classroom, gather student feedback, and identify areas for further development. SUMMARY A. Your plan is simple and doable, can be accomplished in a year because this is an annual CPD plan. One cannot give what one does not have. A teacher who embraces Continuing Professional Development will have more to give to his/her students and to all others whom he/she serves. The CPD act of 2016 requires every professional teacher go to through CPD. CPD units are a requirement for the renewal of professional licenses. Let us learn from the CPD practices of countries which are known for their sterling school performance. Finland and New Zealand have institutionalized CPD and so set time for CPD within the teachers’ teaching schedule. In new Zealand, teacher observe other teachers, attend professional development activities, courses and work on curriculum, mentor teachers deliberately and spend time to observe and confer with beginning teachers. Japan is well-known for its lesson study where a teacher demonstrates a lesson as he/she is observed by his/her colleagues. The demonstration lesson is open to critiquing by fellow teachers for professional development. Singapore has its lesson study, too, in addition to teacher- Researcher Networks, lesson Study and other forms of “Learning Circles.” Based on the professional development practices and experiences of high- performing countries, we can say that a CPD that works is 1) continuous; 2) Collaborative; 3) Focused on a specific teacher need; 4) Job- embedded; 5) given enough time and 6) funded. The one- shot workshops that teachers bemoan don’t work. CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING 1. Why is CPD is necessary for professional teachers? I. To continuously improve their professional and personal competence II. To be at par with other professionals III. To abide by the CPD Act of 2016 A.I,II and III B.II and III C.I and III D.III 2. Which statement/s on CPD is /are CORRECT? – Analysis I. A professional teacher may earn CPD units through self- Directed learning. II. One mode of CPD is through productive scholarship. III. All credit units earned by a professional shall be accumulated and transferred in accordance with the pathways of equivalences of the PQF. A. I and II B. I and III C. I, II and III D. II and III 3. Which is a proof that a professional teacher demonstrates a genuine desire for CPD? – Analysis A. Goes through CPD even if it is not required by law B. Do CPD for promotion C. Go for CPD as mandated D. Do CPD because everybody does it 4. Which statement/s on CPD is /are CORRECT? – Analysis IV. A professional teacher may earn CPD units through self- Directed learning. V. One mode of CPD is through productive scholarship. VI. All credit units earned by a professional shall be accumulated and transferred in accordance with the pathways of equivalences of the PQF. A. I and II B. I and III C. I, II and III D. II and III 64 5. Which is a proof that a professional teacher demonstrates a genuine desire for CPD? – Analysis A. Goes through CPD even if it is not required by law B. Do CPD for promotion C. Go for CPD as mandated D. Do CPD because everybody does it EVALUATION Interview teachers who have been teaching for 3 years, 5 years and more than 5 years. Ask each of them how they go through Continuing Professional Development. Write your findings in the matrix given below. Years of Experience CPD Approaches 3 Years Engaging in workshops and online courses; seeking mentor-ship from experienced teachers. 5 Years Attending conferences regularly; participating in peer observations and lesson study groups; enrolling in advanced certification programs. More than 5 Years Leading professional development sessions; contributing to curriculum development; pursuing leadership roles in educational initiatives; involvement in research and publishing. SYNAPSE STRENGTHENERS 1. “One of the dumbest things you can do in your own career is stay for years when you are comfortable.’ What message does this have on teacher’s CPD? Staying in a comfortable position for years can hinder a teacher's professional growth. Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is essential for teachers to remain effective in their roles, adapt to new educational practices, and keep their skills relevant. Comfort can lead to stagnation, reducing innovation and engagement in teaching methods. Therefore, actively pursuing CPD opportunities is crucial for career advancement and student success. 2. Teaching is a “learning profession.” What does this mean? Teaching is considered a "learning profession" because it requires educators to continually learn and adapt to new information, methods, and the evolving needs of their students. This perspective emphasizes that effective teaching involves ongoing professional development, reflection, collaboration, and a deep understanding of both subject matter and pedagogical strategies, allowing teachers to improve their skills and enhance student learning outcomes. 3. PQF and AQRF are qualifications framework? What are they? What does each mean? What have they do with CPD? PQF (Philippine Qualifications Framework) and AQRF (ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework) are both qualifications frameworks designed to support education and skills development. PQF is a national policy that provides a system for the development, recognition, and certification of qualifications in the Philippines. It aligns education and training outcomes with national and international standards, promoting lifelong learning and enhancing employability. AQRF is a regional framework that connects qualifications systems across ASEAN member states, facilitating better recognition of qualifications and mobility. It aims to improve the quality of education and training in the region by aligning various national qualifications frameworks. Both frameworks relate to Continuing Professional Development (CPD) by establishing standards that guide professional growth, ensuring that individuals maintain and enhance their skills and knowledge throughout their careers. 4. Study “ Journey Towards Basic Education Curriculum” In Appendix F. What message do these curricular reforms tell you? The curricular reforms in the "Journey Towards Basic Education Curriculum" emphasize the importance of 65 making education more inclusive, relevant, and learner-centered. They indicate a shift towards equipping students with essential life skills, critical thinking, and adaptability in a rapidly changing world. This suggests a broader recognition of the diverse needs of learners and the necessity for education to evolve in response to societal expectations and global challenges. REFLECTION Will I as a professional teacher go through CPD even if not mandated by law? Yes, as a professional teacher, you may choose to engage in Continuing Professional Development (CPD) even if it is not mandated by law. Many educators see CPD as a valuable opportunity to enhance their skills, stay updated with the latest educational practices, and improve their teaching effectiveness. CHAPTER 8: PHILOSOPHIES OF EDUCATION INTRODUCTION: We are heirs to rich philosophical heritage. Passed on to us are a number of philosophies of various thinkers who lived before us. These thinkers reflected on life in this planet. They occupied themselves searching for answers to questions about human existence. These existential questions come in different versions- “ what is life?” “ who I am?” “why am I here?”or “ what am I living for?” “what is reality?” “is the universe real?” “what is good to do?” “how should I live life meaningfully?” and the like. In the school context, these existential questions are: “why do I teach?” “what should I teach?” “how should I teach?” “what is the nature of the learner?” “how do we learn?” etc. these questions are philosophical questions. They are tackled in the subject, philosophies of education. 66 PHILOSOPHIES OF EDUCATION LEARNING OUTCOME Explain at least seven philosophies of education INTRODUCTION Lesson 1 is focused on at least seven philosophies of education. Each philosophy has its own answer to question like “what is the nature of the learner,” how does he/she learn, what should I teach him/her. ACTIVITY: let’s do these An exercise to determine your educational philosophy Find out to which philosophy you adhere. To what extent does each statement always, 3 if you agree but not always, 2 if you agree sometimes, and 1 if you don’t agree at all. 1. Statement There is no substitute for concrete in learning. 2. The focus of education should be the ideas that are as relevant today ass when they were first conceived. 3. Teachers must not force their students to learn the subject matter if it does not interest them. 4. Schools must develop student’s capacity to reason by stressing on a humanities. In the classroom, student must be encouraged to interact with one another to develop social virtues such ass cooperation and respect. 5. 6. Students should read and analyze the great books, the creative works of history’s finest thinkers and writers. 7. Teachers must help students expand their knowledge by helping them apply their previous experiences in solving new problems. 8. Our course of study should be general, not specialized; liberal, not vocational; humanistic, not technical. 9. There is no universal, inborn human nature. We are born and exist and then we ourselves freely determine our essence. 10. Human beings are shaped by their environment. 67 1 2 3 4 11. School should stress on the teaching of basic skills. 12. Change of environment can change a person. 13. Curriculum should emphasize on the traditional disciplines such as math, natural science, history, grammar, literature. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Teacher cannot impose meaning of what they are taught. School should help individuals and accept responsibility for their thoughts, feelings and actions. Learners produce knowledge based on their experiences. For the learner to acquire the basic skills, he/she must go through the rigor and discipline of serious study. The teacher and the school head must prescribe what is important for the students to learn. The truth shines in an atmosphere of genuine dialogue. Statement A learner must be allowed to learn at his/her own pace. The learner is not a blank slate but brings past experience and cultural factors to the learning situation. The classroom is not a place where teachers pour knowledge into empty minds of students. The learner must be taught how to communicate his ideas and feelings. 24. To understand the message from his/her students, the teacher must listen not only to what his/her students are saying but also to what they are not saying. 25. An individual is what he/she chooses to become not dictated by his/her environment. 1 2 Interpreting your scores: if you have 2 answers of 2/4 in numbers: 1,3,5,7 2,4,6,8, 9,15,20,25 10,12 11,13,17,18 14,16,21,22 19,23,24 ______ you are more of progressivist you are more of a perrenialist you are more of an existentialist you are more of a behaviourist you are more of an essentialist you are more of a constructivist you are more of a linguistic philosopher 68 3 4 Analysis 2: Lets do this If you have analysis 2: lsect’osrAensaolyfz4e in several of the 7 clusters, you have an electric philosophy which means you put the philosophies together. If your scores are less than 4, this means that you are not very definite in your philosophy. Or if your scores are less than 3 in most of the items, this means your philosophy is quite vague. ABSTRACTION: LET’S ADD TO WHAT YOU KNOW After you have gotten an idea on the philosophy/ies you learn let us know more about each of them, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wikiphilosophy_of_ education.) Seven philosophies of education: Constructivism Why teach. Constructivist sees to develop intrinsically motivated and independent learners adequately equipped with learning skills for them to be able to construct knowledge and make meaning of them. What to teach. The learners are taught how to learn. they are taught learning processes and skills such as searching, critiquing and evaluating information, relating these pieces of information, reflecting on the same, making meaning out of them, drawing insights, posing questions, researching and constructing new knowledge out of these bits of information learned. How to teach. In the constructivist classroom, the teacher provides students with data or experiences that allow them to hypothesize, predict, manipulate objects, pose questions, research, investigate, imagine, and invent. The constructivist classroom is interactive. Kit promotes dialogical exchange of ideas among learners and between teacher and learners. The teacher’s role is to facilitate this process. Knowledge isn’t a thing that can be simply deposited by the teacher into the empty minds of the learners. Rather, knowledge is constructed by learners through an active, mental process of development; learners are the builders and creators of meaning and knowledge. Their minds are not empty. Instead, their minds are full of ideas waiting to be “midwifed” by the teacher with his/her skilful facilitating skills. Essentialism Why teach. This philosophy contends that teachers teach for learners to acquire basic knowledge, skills and values. Teachers teach “not to radically reshape society but rather to transmit the traditional moral values and intellectual knowledge that students need to become model citizens.” What to teach. Essentialist programs are academically rigorous. The emphasis is on academic content for students to learn the basic skills or the fundamental r’s – reading, ‘riting, ‘rithmetic, right conduct- as these are essential to the acquisition of higher or more complex skills needed in preparation for adult life. The essentialist curriculum includes the “traditional disciplines such as math, natural science, history, foreign language, and literature. Essentialists frown upon vocational courses…” or other courses with watered down academic content… the teachers and administrators decide what is most important for the students to learn and place little emphasis on student interests, particularly when they divert time and attention from the academic curriculum. How to teach. Essentialist teachers emphasize mastery of subject matter. They are expected to be intellectual and moral models of their students. They are seen as “fountain” of information and as “paragon of virtue,” if ever there is such a person. To gain mastery of basic skills, teachers have to observe “core requirements, longer school day, a longer academic year…” With mastery of academic content as primary focus, teachers rely heavily on the use of prescribed textbooks, the drill method and other methods that will enable them to cover as much academic content as possible like the lecture method. There is a heavy stress on memorization and discipline. Progressivism Why teach. Progressivist teachers teach to develop learners into becoming enlightened and intelligent citizens of a democratic society. This group of teachers teaches learners so they may live life fully NOW not to prepare them for adult life. What to teach. The progressivists are identified with need-based and relevant curriculum. This is a curriculum that “responds to students’ needs and that relates to students’ personal lives and experiences.” 69 Progressivists accept the impermanence of life and the inevitability of change. For the progressivists, everything else changes. Change is only thing that does not change. Hence, progressivist teachers are more concerned with teaching the learners the skills to cope with change. Instead of occupying themselves with teaching facts or bits of information that are true today but become obsolete tomorrow, they would rather focus their teaching on the skills or processes in gathering and evaluating information and in problem- solving. The subjects that are given emphasis in progressivist schools are the “natural and social sciences.” Teachers expose students to many new scientific, technological, and social developments, reflecting the progressivist notion that progress and change are fundamental… in addition, students solve problems in the classroom similar to those they will encounter outside of the schoolhouse. How to teach. Progressivist teachers employ experiental methods. They believe that one learns by doing. For john Dewey, the most popular advocate of progressivism, book learning is no substitute for actual experience. One experiential teaching method that progressivist teachers heavily rely on is the problem-solving method. This problemsolving method makes use of the scientific method. (You will learn more of this in your principles and strategies of teaching. Other “hands-on-minds-on-hearts-on” teaching methodology that progressivist teachers use are field tips during which students interact with nature or society. Teachers also stimulate students through thought-provoking games, and puzzles. Perrenialism Why teach. We are all rational animals. Schools should, therefore, develop the students’ rational and moral powers. According to Aristotle, if we neglect the students’ reasoning skills, we deprive them of the ability to use their higher faculties to control their passion and appetites. What to teach. The perrenialist curriculum is a universal one of the view that all human beings possess the same essential nature. It is heavy on the humanities, on general education. It is not a specialist curriculum but rather a general one. There is less emphasis on vocational and technical education. Philosopher Mortimer Adler claims that the “Great Books of an ancient and medieval as well as modern times are a repository of knowledge and wisdom, a tradition of culture which must initiate each generation.” What the perennialist teachers teach are lifted from the Great Books. How to teach. The perennialistclassroom are ‘centered around teachers.” The teachers do not allow the students’ interest or experiences to substantially dictate what they teach. They apply whatever creative techniques and other tried and true methods which are believed to be most conducive to disciplining the students’ minds. Students engaged in Socratic dialogues, or mutual inquiry sessions to develop an understanding of history’s most timeless concepts.” Existentialism Why teach. The main concern of the existentialist is “to help students understand and appreciate themselves as unique individuals who accept complete responsibility for their thoughts, feelings and actions.” Since ‘existence precedes essence’, the existentialist teacher’s role is to help students define their own essence by exposing them to various paths they take in life and by creating an environment in which they freely choose their own preferred way. Since feeling is not divorced from season in decision making, the existentialist demands the education of the whole person, “not just the mind.” 70 What to teach.”In an existentialist curriculum, students are given a wide variety of options from which to choose.” Students are afforded great latitude in their choice of subject matter. The humanities, however, are given tremendous emphasis to “provide students with vicarious experiences that will help unleash their own creativity and self-expression. For example, rather than emphasizing historical events, existentialists focus upon the actions of historical individuals, each of whom provides possible models for the students’ own behavior. …Moreover, vocational education is regarded more as a means of teaching students about themselves and their potential than of earning a livelihood. In teaching art, existentialism encourages individual creativity and imagination more than copying and imitating established models.” How to teach. “Existentialist methods focus on the individual. Learning is self-paced, self-directed. It includes a great deal of individual contact with the teacher, who relates to each student openly and honestly. To help students know themselves and their place in society, teachers employ values clarification strategy. In the use of such strategy, teachers remain non- judgemental and take care not to impose their values on their students since values are personal.” Behaviourism Why teach. Behaviorist schools are concerned with the modification and shaping of students’ behavior by providing for a favourable environment, since they believe that they are a product of their environment. They are after students who exhibit desirable behavior in society. What to teach. Because behaviourists look at “people and other animals…as complex combinations of matter that act only in response to internally generated physical stimuli,” behaviourist teachers teach students to respond favourably to various stimuli in the environment. How to teach. Behaviorist teachers “ought to arrange environmental conditions so that students can make the responses to stimuli. Physical variables like light, temperature, arrangement of furniture, size and quantity of visual aids have to be controlled to get the desired responses from the learners…teachers ought to make the stimuli clear and interesting to capture and hold the learners’ attention. They ought to provide appropriate incentives to reinforce positive responses and weaken or eliminate negative ones.’ (Trespeces,1995) linguistic philosophy Why teach. To develop the communication skills of the learner because the ability to articulate, to voice out the meaning and values of things that one obtains from his/her experience of life and the world is the very essence of man. It is through his/her ability to express himself/herself clearly, to get his/her ideas across, to make known to others the values that he/she has imbibed, the beauty that he/she has seen, the ugliness that he/she rejects and the truth that he/she has discovered. Teachers teach to develop in the learner the skill to send messages clearly and receive messages correctly. What to teach. Learners should be taught to communicate clearly How to send clear, concise messages and how to receive and correctly understand messages sent. Communication takes place in three(3) ways- verbal, nonverbal, and paraverbal. Verbal component refers to the content of our message, the choice and arrangement of our words. This can be oral or written. Nonverbal component refers to the message we send through our body language while paraverbal component refers to how we say what we say- the tone, pacing and volume of our voices. There is need to teach learners to use language that is correct, precise, grammatical, coherent, accurate so that they are able to communicate clearly and precisely their thoughts and feelings. There is need to help students expand there is need to teach the learners how to communicate clearly through non-verbal means and consistently through paraverbal means. There is need to caution the learners of the verbal and non- verbal barriers to communication. Teach them to speak as many languages as you can. The more languages one speaks, the better he/she can communicate with the world. A multilingual has an edge over the monolingual or bilingual. How to teach. The most effective way to teach language and communication is the experiential way. Make them experience sending and receiving messages through verbal, non- verbal and para- verbal manner. Teacher should make the classroom a place for the interplay of minds and hearts. The teacher facilitates dialogue among learners and between him/ her and his/her students because in the exchange of words there is also an exchange of ideas. 71 APPLICATION:Let’s apply what you learned You will be grouped into philosophies, constructivism, essentialism, perennialism, progressivism, behaviourism, existentialism, linguistic philosophy. Agree on which group will be: 1. Contructivists 2. Existentialists 3. Progressivists 4. Essentialists 5. Perennialists 6. Behaviourists Linguistic philosophers Which advice will you give? For the essential group- students are not interested in the lesson. For the perennialist group- student want to specialize and belittles general education subjects. For the progressivist group- parents question students’ community immersion for it poses certain risks For the behaviourist group- teachers tells students from deprived homes: “ if there’s a will, there’s a way. Poverty is not a hindrance to success. For the existentialist group- a colleague asks you to make the decision for her fear that she may make the wrong decision. For the constructivist group- teacher does not accept meanings of lessons derived by students; teacher’s meaning and understanding are the only one’s acceptable. For the linguistic philosopher- students are not made to talk; they just listen with teacher doing all the taking. Summary: we have a very rich philosophical heritage. But only seven philosophies were discussed here: essentialism, progressivism, perennialism, existentialism, behaviourism, linguistic philosophy and constructivism. The rest are assigned to you as research work. The seven philosophies differ in their concepts of the learner and values, in why do we teach (objectives), what should be taught (curriculum) and how should the curriculum be taught (teaching strategies. However, there exist also some similarities among the philosophies CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING Understanding the philosophies. Answer each with a YES or NO. if your answer is NO, explain your answer in a sentence. Essentialism 1. Do essentialists aim to teach students to reconstruct society? NO - Essentialists focus on teaching foundational knowledge and skills rather than reconstructing society. 2. Is the model citizen of the essentialist the citizen who contributes to the re-buliding of the society? YES 3. Do the essentialist teacher give up teaching the basics if the students are not interested? NO - Essentialist teachers prioritize teaching the basics regardless of student interest. 4. Do the essentialist teacher frown on long academic calendar and core requirements? NO - Essentialists generally support a structured academic calendar and core requirements. Progressivism 1. Do the progressivist teachers look at education as a preparation for adult life? YES 2. Are the students’ interests and needs considered in a progressivist curriculum? YES 3. Does the progressivist curriculum focus mainly on the facts concepts? NO - The progressivist curriculum emphasizes experiential learning rather than focusing solely on facts . 4. Do the progressivist teachers strive to stimulate in the classroom in life in the outside world? YES Perennialism 72 1. Are the perennialist teachers concerned with the students’ mastery of the fundamental skills? YES 2. Do the perennialist teachers see the wisdom of ancient, medieval and modern times? YES 3. Is the perennialist curriculum geared towards specialization? NO - Perennialism emphasizes a broad education rather than specialization. 4. Do the perennialist teachers sacrifice subject matter for the sake of student’s interest? NO - Perennialist teachers prioritize subject matter over student interests. Existentialism 1. Is the existentialist teacher after students becoming specialist in order to contribute to society? NO - Existentialists focus on individual meaning and personal choice rather than specialization for societal contribution. 2. Is the existentialist concerned with the education of the whole person? YES 3. is the course of study imposed on students in the existentialist classroom? NO - The course of study is flexible and not imposed in existentialist classrooms . 4. Does the existentialist teacher make heavy use of the individualized approach? YES Behaviourism 1. Are behaviourists concerned with the modification of students/ behavior? YES 2. Do behaviourist teachers spend their time teaching their students on how to respond favourably to various environmental stimuli? YES 3. Do behaviourist teachers believe they have control over some variables that affect learning? YES 4.Do behaviourist teachers believe that students are a product of their environment? YES Linguistic philosophy 1. Do linguistic philosophers promote the study of language? YES 2. Is the communication that linguistic philosophers encourage limited to verbal language only? NO - Linguistic philosophers promote the study of all forms of communication, not just verbal. 3. Do linguistic philosophers prefer the teacher who dominates discussion to save time to a teacher who encourages dialogue? NO - They prefer teachers who encourage dialogue over those who dominate discussions. 4. Is the curriculum of the linguistic philosopher open to the learning as many languages, like Mother Tongue, as possible? YES Constructivism 1. Does the constructivist agree to a teaching methodology of “telling?” NO - Constructivists oppose a "telling" methodology and favor active learning 2. Do constructivist believe that students can construct knowledge? YES 3. Do constructivists approve of teaching learners the skill to learn? YES 4. Do constructivist believe that meaning can be imposed? (for your key to correction, refer to page 212-213.) NO - Constructivists believe meaning is constructed by learners, not imposed. 73 Test your mastery. YOU MAY NEED TO RESEARCH FURTHER IN ORDER TO GAIN MASTERY. The first exercise in this lesson (An exercise to determine Your life Philosophy) May help. To which philosophy does each theory of man belong? A person: 1.is a product of his environment. - Behaviorism 2. Has no universal nature. -Existentialism 3. Has rational and moral powers. - Rationalism/Deontology 4. Has no choice; he is determined by his environment.- Behaviorism 5.can choose what he can become. - Existentialism 6.is a complex combination of matter that responds to physical stimuli - Materialism / Physicalism 7. Has to free will. - Existentialism 8.has the same essential nature with others - Essentialism 9. Is a rational animal - Aristotle (Philosophical Humanism) 10. First exist then defines him/herself - Existentialism 11.is a social animal who learns well through an active interplay with others - Constructivism 12. Is a communicating being. - Communication Theory 13. Is a maker of meaning - Constructivism 14. A constructor of knowledge - Constructivism ( four your key to correction, refer to page 211.) 74 RESEARCH CONNECTION Research on rationalism, reconstructionism and pragmatism. Your research problem is what should be taught and how should these be taught? State your findings, conclusions and recommendations. Use the matrix below. Problem Research methodology Source: (bibliographical entry format Findings 123 Conclusion 123 75 SYNAPSE STENGTHENERS Read section 5 of RA 10533, the enhanced basic education Act of 2013 in Appendix G on which philosophies of education is the K to 12 curriculum anchored? Read excerpts from RA 8980 in Appendix H on which philosophies of education is ECCD anchored? 76