History of PeerNetBC In 1986, the Self-Help Collaboration Project formed to address the needs of the selfhelp community in BC. The venture took root and soon evolved into the Self-Help Resource Association -- a not-for-profit society (1993) and registered charity (1994). Over the years, as we grew and terminology shifted, the term 'self-help' no longer held the same meaning as it had back in the 1980s. Our name no longer accurately reflected the primary focus of our work - the development of effective peer groups. In 2007, we began to rename the organization and find new language to promote a peer support approach. After community consultation, much conversation and consensus-building among staff and board, our membership unanimously voted in May 2008 to change our name to ‘PeerNetBC’. About Peer Support Peer support refers to initiatives where people meet as equals to give each other support on a reciprocal basis. "Peer" means that each person has no more expertise as a supporter than the other and their relationship is one of equality. (Adapted from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peer_support, July 7, 2008) Other terms commonly used to describe a group of individuals coming together to share a common experience are self-help, mutual aid and mutual benefit. There are many different interpretations of these terms and they are often used interchangeably. At PeerNetBC, we believe the term "peer support" as defined above best describes our approach to working with groups. .Benefits of using a peer support approach include: · validates people's experience · reduces isolation · provides opportunities to give and receive support · allows people to work together at individual, organizational and community levels · nurtures social support networks and supportive communities · encourages participation in community development 604-733-6186 F 604-730-1015 http://www.peernetbc.com E: info@peernetbc.com “…Learning occurs best when people define their own needs and start from their own experience. Participants are both learners and teachers. Thus, the facilitator is not a teacher or an expert, but is an equal group member with a slightly different role.” Women Self-Help Network, Courtenay BC SUMMARY OF PEERNET TRAINING SESSIONS The PEERNet training workshops will provide you with an understanding of group development, identity and process. There will be 4 days of training and they contain the following: DAY 1 – BASIC SKILLS TO GROUP BUILDING Why peer support? Who is in the group Expectations & goals How are we going to work together? – guidelines for the group A model of change and readiness Immigration phases and support – working with immigrants The group belongs to everyone so the focus should be everyone not the facilitator(s). DAY 2 – COMMUNICATION SKILLS Components of the communication Process Bias/stereotypes and other roadblocks to communication ACTIVE listening Intercultural communication tools DAY 3 – FACILITATION SKILLS Group development Roles & Responsibilities Facilitation styles Working with adults Self-help groups and other kinds cooking” a facilitator practicing facilitation DAY 4 – BASIC SKILLS TO CONFLICT RESOLUTION IN GROUPS self-awareness and conflict Assertive communication (asserting needs and change) People against problem A collaborative problem-solving method Dealing with difficult behaviours Putting it all together RESOURCES regarding further information about Peer Support methodology and other skills are available at: PEERNET – 604-733-6186 - http://www.peernetbc.com Immigrant Services Society The Justice Institute – 604-525-5422 Public libraries College and university libraries Internet resources Peer Support Tip Sheet: Principles of Peer Support This tip sheet briefly outlines the principles of peer support. PeerNetBC offers resources and training sessions focusing on a peer support approach to allow learning to be applied to any issue, community or project. To learn more, give us a call. What is Peer Support? People come together to form peer support groups because they share a common experience or concern. Some groups focus on education and information while others centre on emotional support and sharing. Others offer an opportunity to socialize and form friendships. Each group forms and then changes according to the members' needs. Many peer-led groups and organizations, whether they focus on community issues or provide services to their members or the broader community, use these same fundamental principles to guide their work and establish working relationships. A peer support approach nurtures social support networks and supportive communities. When it comes to community health, connectivity is crucial. Sharing Equal Status A peer support group operates with all members committed to equal involvement and to sharing responsibility for group tasks and maintenance. Groups value the input from each person. Everyone shares the common ground of having the same issue, difficulty or experience and in this sense, everyone is the same. Giving and Receiving Group members cultivate a give-and-take attitude. Each individual may receive support but also offers support to others. People benefit as much from helping as from receiving. Participation enhances confidence and self-esteem, from the opportunity to help others and from accepting help. Knowing From Experience The knowledge and understanding people gain from experience is valuable and different from that gained from study or research. Group members find the practical information and emotional insights from a shared experience both useful and comforting. Sharing knowledge, working together and helping to shape community makes people healthier in body, mind and spirit! PeerNetBC | T 604-733-6186 F 604-730-1015 http://www.peernetbc.com E: info@peernetbc.com