nearly all chemical processes happen in a solvent and in the cell of course water is the solvent of life so far water was thought to be more like a background in which the proteins interact however salvation' sign now puts the solvent as a major player in that game we have to understand in detail this interaction in order to understand bio molecular ecology Resolve stands for war explore salvation so it's a consortium which includes the expertise and groups from three universities as well as we Max Planck and secures salvation science now is a bottom-up approach where we want to develop quantitative and predictive models of the interaction of the solvent with the solute on a molecular level we are connecting salvation signs to biomolecular function on the one hand we are interested in the structural dynamic properties of the smallest biomolecule which is actually water on the other hand the effect of course ovens on the structural dynamic properties of biomolecules such as peptides and nucleic acids we combine a variety of experimental techniques to cover for example the whole range of interaction starting from the femtosecond up to the microsecond and even the static interaction including diffraction techniques we use molecular beam laser spectroscopy to study the interactions that dominate the conformational structures of biomolecular building blocks our work contributes to a bottom-up understanding if you will of bigger bioactive compounds in macromolecules in my research code we use charrid spectroscopy to study the wall of water and interaction of water with proteins and biomolecules we found that the collector hydrogen bond motion is towards the active site in this case the charge sink attack in my lab we are trying to understand how natural ko solids osmolytes are able to help organisms withstand extreme environmental conditions that would be for example conditions in the deep sea we are pressures up to the 1 kilo bar level our accountant coming in to resolve I wanted to look at protein foiling and aggregation in the context of neurodegeneration and that's why we're doing a lot of experiments in C elegans and neurons of C elegans to come close as possible to the real question 1/3 of the cell consists of macromolecules and not of water molecules so we learned how to interpret the influence of those macromolecules on a protein folding reaction on an aggregation rate experimental have gone down and become microscopic on the other hand simulation techniques have upscaled we are mostly simulating protein molecules that is soluble proteins but also membrane proteins but most of our computational effort is actually spent on simulating the water molecules the solvent molecules in addition to providing mechanistic interpretations of experiments we also aim at designing and predicting new experiments we collaborate with a pharmaceutical company to improve the properties of biopharmaceuticals our simulations we can provide microscopic insights to go beyond the usual trial and error approach is used which are very time and resource intensive salvation science require the close interaction between different disciplines different groups but also in our consortium between different institutions within resolve I investigate biomolecules solvent interactions for example we quantify the interaction between enzymes and individual solvents simulation is important for our projects because it adds a domestically tail and thereby it ideally complements our experiments we are doing dynamic simulations of all of them in explicit solvent we should probably have look at the structure of its bindings a group leader at the mass Planck Institute for coal research in my group who investigate the role of solvent on protein protein interactions and somatic activity and drug design in biologically relevant processes my collaboration with ranchers focuses in the effect of solvent on enzymatic activity and also how solvent is involved in the interactions of ligand with biomolecules we hope to find molecular rules for the optimization of enzyme activity in various different solvents this is a direct biotechnological application zimas is a home of salvation science at the Royal University so this is a new research building which will host this new hired faculty the students postdocs working interdisciplinary together in the field of salvation sign divins and new modern technologies we have here at our disposal we can come up with models which take into account important roles which solvent have we would go beyond biology in backo towards biology in water the solvent of life you