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3-Day Water Fast Companion Guide by Dr. Mindy Pelz

The 3-Day
Water Fast
with Dr. Mindy Pelz
Companion Guide
Disclaimer: Neither Dr. Mindy Pelz nor Hay House LLC dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form
of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent
of the author and publisher is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional, physical, and
spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this challenge for yourself, the author and the publisher assume no
responsibility for your actions.
The 3-Day Water Fast
with Dr. Mindy Pelz
Companion Guide
Table of Contents
Take Back Control of Your Health 3
What Is a 3-Day Water Fast?
Preparing for Your Fast
How to Break Your 3-Day Water Fast
Additional Help to Create a Healthy Life
© 2024 drmindypelz.com
The 3-Day Water Fast
Companion Guide
Take Back Control of Your Health
Dr. Mindy Pelz is on a mission to teach YOU just how powerful your body was built to be.
In addition to being known around the world as a pioneer in the fasting movement, teaching the
principles of a fasting lifestyle, diet variation, detox, hormones, and more, she is the New York Times bestselling author of multiple books, including Fast Like a Girl and Eat Like a Girl.
Fast Like a Girl teaches you how to create a fasting lifestyle that
honors your hormonal rhythms to help you thrive. It is the go-to
fasting manual created specifically to address women's needs based
on their hormones and menstrual cycle.
If you’ve felt unheard by doctors and health professionals and
are exhausted by the promise of quick-fix diets that leave you
disappointed, then Fast Like a Girl will be a breath of fresh air. In this
book Dr. Mindy steps away from one-size-fits-all approaches that
don’t work and shares the proven strategies, specific protocols to use
if you are trying to overcome a condition, fasting hacks, and tools she
has used to help hundreds of thousands of women thrive with their
fasting lifestyles.
It's time to take back control of your health—and fasting is the quickest path back to better health. So join
Dr. Mindy to learn:
How to go from eating all day to intermittent fasting (13-15 hours)
Detailed strategies that will help you safely fast longer if you choose (15-72 hours)
How to time fasting according to your menstrual cycle (although if you don’t have a cycle, she
has you covered)
The best foods to break your fast to achieve better metabolic health
With two detailed eating programs that best support a woman's hormones, visual tools that allows you
to map your fasts and food to your cycle, and an easy-to-follow 30-day program you can use to find
your fasting rhythm, Fast Like a Girl puts the power back in your hands.
Order Today
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The 3-Day Water Fast
Companion Guide
While Fast Like a Girl focuses on the art of NOT eating, Eat Like a Girl teaches you how to use food to
support your body’s cyclical nature so that you feel nourished, aligned, and vibrant.
Throughout Eat Like a Girl, Dr. Mindy teaches her “food as medicine” approach to living and shares over
100 recipes—for both plant-based and omnivore diets—that will help you eat for your hormones and use
food to support your fasting lifestyle. These recipes, which are not only delicious but also reflect the latest
nutritional science, include:
Quick and easy “fasted snacks” to sustain you while fasting
Nourishing choices to break your fast and stabilize blood sugar
Meals designed to support hormonal production and balance
Formulations that keep blood sugar levels steady and support a healthy gut
With information on everything from why blood sugar matters more than calories, to how to nourish your
microbes, to information on how to make, break, and detox hormones effectively, Eat Like a Girl is more
than a cookbook—it’s a manifesto for living in tune with your body.
Order Today
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The 3-Day Water Fast
Companion Guide
What Is a 3-Day Water Fast?
The 3-Day Water Fast is often referred to as the Immune-Reset Fast because at 72 hours in a fasted state
your body regenerates stem cells. Revitalized stem cells can find injured body parts and make them new
again. After three days of fasting, new and improved stem cells can have a dramatic healing effect on
aging cells. And you will keep making those stem cells until you eat again. This is a great fast for people
to lean into if they want to accomplish one or all of these four things:
Ease a chronic condition
Prevent chronic disease
Alleviate pain and stiffness of relentless musculoskeletal injuries
Slow down the effects of aging
Please note that nearly everyone can do this fast, but if you have any medical concerns, check with your
healthcare provider before you begin. Also, make sure to have the tools to measure your blood sugar,
and stay closely in touch with your body. Remember, you can break your fast at any time. This is your
fast, your rules; and your intelligent body will tell you what it needs.
The only people who should NOT do this fast are pregnant or breastfeeding women and people with
type 1 diabetes who take insulin.
Related Information:
Watch: Why would you want to do a 72-hour fast?
Watch: How often should you do a longer fast?
Watch: What is the difference between a water fast, bone broth fast, and juice fast?
Listen: Dr. Mindy’s Resetter Podcast episode with Dr. Casey Means on why glucose is the
cause of chronic disease.
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The 3-Day Water Fast
Companion Guide
Preparing for Your Fast
In the next few pages, you’ll find everything you need to prepare for your fast. You’ll find a schedule of
events, information on what you can consume during the fast, and supplies you may want to gather or
purchase. Based on these pages—and the information on how to break a fast—we suggest you plan out
timing of your fast and write it down, so you know when to start and end. Also get any necessary supplies
that you might need before the first webinar.
The goal of this fast is to do a three-day fast, supported by webinars hosted by Dr. Mindy. The webinars
DO NOT align with the fasting days. Below is a schedule that shows you how the webinars and the
fasting intersect so you can plan your fast.
• Webinar 1: Kick-Off and Preparation: Monday, January 6, 2025, at 12:00pm PT / 3:00pm ET
• Day 1 Fasting Starts: After webinar 1, suggested start time is after dinner on Jan 6, so around 7:00pm
• Webinar 2: Mindset, Hormones, and Fasting Benefits: Tuesday, January 7, 2025,
at 12:00pm PT / 3:00pm ET
• Day 2 Fasting Starts: 24 hours after you began your fast, so if you started at 7pm on Monday, Day 2
starts at 7pm on Tuesday.
• Webinar 3: How to Break a 3-Day Water Fast: Wednesday, January 8, 2025, at 12:00pm PT / 3:00pm ET
• Day 3 Fasting Starts: 48 hours after you began your fast, so if you started at 7pm on Monday, Day 2
starts at 7pm on Wednesday.
• Webinar 4: Wrap Up and Q&A: Thursday, January 9, 2025, at 12:00pm PT / 3:00pm ET
• End of Fast: 72 hours after you began your fast, so if you started at 7pm on Monday, your fast ends
at 7pm on Thursday.
The goal of this fast is to shift your body from burning sugar to burning fat. While it is called a water fast,
you can actually consume more than just water. The important thing to note is that anything you eat
should not pull you out of your fasted state—the state where you’re burning fat. While this is individual for
each person, below is a list of things that commonly do NOT pull people out of a fasted state:
Non-flavored mineral water (flat or carbonated)
Black coffee and tea (no milk, cream, or sweetener)
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The 3-Day Water Fast
Companion Guide
Fasted snacks such as 1 tablespoon of MCT oil, 2 tablespoons of nut butter, 1 tablespoon of clean
seed oil, or even a Keto Cup (see additional recipes for fasted snacks in Eat Like a Girl)
Electrolytes and minerals, such as LMNT, Beam Minerals, ENERGYbits, or Redmond Sea Salt
Supplements (though if you’re comfortable going without them, extended fasts allow the
intelligent nature of the body to heal itself, so this is a nice time to take out external influences)
As noted, not everyone reacts the same way to all foods and drinks. If you’d like to know for sure whether
something will pull you out of a fasted state, you can test yourself using a blood sugar reader. (See
resources on following pages for information about purchasing a blood-sugar reader.) Simply take a
glucose reading as a baseline, then consume the food or drink you’re curious about. Half an hour later,
take another reading. If those two readings are the same or the second reading is lower than the first,
you are still in a fasted state. If that second reading is higher than the first, it’s pulled you out of a fasted
state and put you back into a sugar-burner state.
Hopefully, you will be able to complete the entire 72-hour fast, but there are some signs that you may
need to break it early to keep yourself safe.
You should be measuring blood sugar and ketones 3 times per day (8 AM/12 PM/8 PM) while doing a
longer fast. If your blood sugar drops below 50 mg/dL (2.8 mmol/L) and/or your ketones rise above 8
mmol/L, this is a warning sign that you should BREAK YOUR FAST.
Also, if you are experiencing dizziness, fatigue, and/or lethargy, you should break your fast.
Again, please consult with your healthcare provider before you begin the fast if you have any concerns.
And if you have concerns about whether to break your fast, Dr. Mindy advises that you break it.
Related Information:
Watch: How to Prepare for a 3-Day Water Fast
Watch: What Can You Drink on a Longer Fast?
Watch: How to Know It’s Time to Break Your Fast
Watch: How to Train Your Mind to Succeed at Fasting
Watch: What Really Breaks a Fast?
Listen: Dr. Mindy’s Resetter Podcast for more resources
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The 3-Day Water Fast
Companion Guide
As you prepare for your fast, here are a few products that you might be interested in purchasing. Before
finalizing your shopping list, also check out the “How to Break Your Fast” section of this guidebook for
additional items you might want to buy.
Please note: For the minerals, electrolytes, and foods, there are many options on the market. The ones
listed in this document are products that Dr. Mindy recommends because she knows they are highquality. If you use the links in this document, you will be taken to Dr. Mindy’s website where you can
access the products—often with discounted links.
Resources for Monitoring Blood Sugar and Ketones
As a reminder, you should be testing your blood sugar and ketones three times each day during the fast.
Dr. Mindy uses a Keto Mojo (USA, Europe) to measure ketones and blood sugar during fasting.
Alternatively, if you'd like to dial in your blood sugar even more, she recommends using a Continuous
Glucose Monitor (CGM), which tracks in real-time your glucose levels throughout the day.
Other Resources
Beam Minerals
LMNT Electrolytes and Minerals
Natural Force Organic MCT Oil
Redmond Sea Salt
Wise Goat Hazelnut Nut Butter
Chocolate Keto Cups
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The 3-Day Water Fast
Companion Guide
How to Break Your 3-Day Water Fast
Going without food for more than 48 hours is long enough for your digestion to slow down significantly.
This means that when you reintroduce food, you want to be strategic about how you do that. Here is a
four-step process you can use that will ensure that you are refeeding your microbiome properly and
easing back into food.
Make sure to take a 60-minute break between each step.
Think of this as a way to warm-up to food. Your digestion has been shut off for several days, so
introducing solid food can be difficult, so it’s good to start by drinking a cup of broth.
If you are an omnivore and you have some gut healing to do, bone broth is a great way to break your
fast because it has glycine in it that can help repair the inner lining of the gut. If you are vegetarian,
vegetable broth is a great way to warm up your digestive system.
After a three-day water fast, you have a real opportunity to refeed your good bacteria. Probiotic foods
are the best way to do that. So have some fermented yogurt or sauerkraut. Even a liquid fermented drink
like kombucha works well at this point.
Now you are ready to try a little more fiber. This is the point at which you are going to gain some insight into
your microbiome. If you hit this step and get bloated, you’ll know that you have more gut repair to do.
You don’t want to do raw vegetables at this point because they have too much fiber and can be hard
for your digestive system to break down. Lightly steamed vegetables will be easier on your digestive
tract. You can drizzle some good oils on top and sprinkle some salt over your vegetables if you want for
added taste. Another good food at this time is a small sweet potato. Sweet potatoes—especially purple
sweet potatoes—feed the good bacteria in your lower intestinal tract. At this step, you can also add some
grass-fed butter and Himalayan sea salt to get good fats and minerals back in.
Now your digestive system is ready for animal or plant protein. If you want to build muscle, be sure to
have at least 30 grams at this first meal; if you want to stay in autophagy, keep it under 20 grams.
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Companion Guide
People commonly ask whether they can have a full meal at this point. The answer is yes. The first
three steps were to prepare you for this meal. If you eat protein too early, it can be miserable. By the
time you get to this point, you are ready to integrate most foods back in. But don’t just go back to an
unhealthy diet if you can manage it. Use this as an opportunity to clean up your sugar-burner system
by incorporating more healthy fats into your diet and cutting out bad fats, harmful oils, manmade
carbohydrates, and highly processed foods.
Examples of Good Fats
Olive oil
Flaxseed oil (cold-pressed)
Avocado oil
Black cumin oil (cold-pressed)
Raw nut butters
Coconut oil
Coriander oil (cold-pressed)
Grass-fed dairy
MCT oil
Grass-fed butter
Sesame oil (cold-pressed)
Examples of Bad Fats
Partially hydrogenated oils
Canola oil
Safflower oil
Corn oil
Vegetable oil
Sunflower oil
Cottonseed oil
Soybean oil
Commercial (non-organic)
Manmade Carbs and Processed Foods
Snack foods (crackers, chips,
Sports drinks
Pizza dough
Fried foods
Baked goods (cakes, cookies,
Fast food
pies, etc)
Frozen dinners
granola bars)
Commercial (non-organic)
Food containing highfructose corn syrup or
artificial sweeteners
Related Information:
Read: Prebiotic/Probiotic Food List
Read: Good Fats Versus Bad Fats
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The 3-Day Water Fast
Companion Guide
As you break your fast—and move forward with a cleaner diet—here are a few products that you might
be interested in purchasing.
Again, the products listed in this document are ones that Dr. Mindy recommends because she knows they
are high-quality. If you use the links in this document, you will be taken to Dr. Mindy’s website where you
can access the products—often with discounted links.
Kettle & Fire Bone Broth
Pure Indian Foods Grassfed Ghee
Hu Chocolate
Sunrise Flour Mill Products
Wild Pastures Grassfed Meat
US Wellness Meats
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Companion Guide
Additional Help to Create a Healthy Life
If you’d like personalized support in creating a healthy lifestyle that incorporates the principles of fasting
and eating in a cycle that supports overall health and wellness, Dr. Mindy has trained people around the
world who can help. To find a Fast Like a Girl Certified Coach, simply click the button below and search
for someone near you or someone who does virtual coaching.
Find a Coach
If you’re interested in exploring how to become a Fast Like a Girl Certified Coach, sign up on our waitlist
for the next time registration opens.
Join the Waitlist
This membership hosted by Dr. Mindy is for women who want help and support to successfully live a
fasting lifestyle. It is home to a buzzing community of incredible women and experienced coaches who
can answer your burning questions about fasting, weight loss, or nutrition. You’ll also find courses and
other wisdom that will ensure embarking on the fasting lifestyle is a smooth and safe process.
Learn More
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