CHAPTER 2 METHODOLOGY (Intro about the chapter) This chapter will include description of the research design, research locale and participants, research instrument and the data gathering procedure and data analysis that will utilize in the study. Additionally, trustworthiness of the study and ethical consideration will be discussed and provided. Research Design Description of the design (cite author) The study is a qualitative type of research. It is a type of research that describe the population, situation, or phenomenon that is being studied. This research is more concerned with what rather than how or why something has happened. Therefore, observation and survey tools are often used to gather data (Gall, Gall & Borg, 2007). Reason why employ the said design The researchers choose qualitative type of study for it provide narrativesa rich data and in-depth information that is detailed and widely applicable to answer the research question about the perspective of Nurses when dealing with culturally diverse patient. 1 Research Locale and Participants Describe the location where the study will be conducted The research will be conducted at Kidapawan City and the participants are the Nurses from different health institutions in North Cotabato. Describe who will be your respondents/participants The participants of the study will be selected according to the following criteria: a.) Nurses that are currently working on an health institutions/hospitals, b.) and has willingness to participate in the study how you will select them (sampling) The participant of the study will be determined with the use of purposeful sampling technique or also known as purposive and selective sampling. According to Statistic Solution (2021), purposeful sampling is a sampling technique that qualitative researcher use to recruit participants who can provide in-depth and detailed information about the phenomenon under investigation. Research Instrument Describe your research instrument Quali- interview guide questions 2 Quanti-survey questionnaire In gathering data, the researchers will utilize an interview guide questionnaire as instrument to collect in-depth information for the study. The interview questions are open ended. The questions will compose of three (3) main questions and probing questions. Main question is to the answer the research questions and probing questions are to ask for more details and often a follow-up question to help clarify a point or to understand the point of the participants. Data Gathering Procedure Enumerate and describe the steps on how you will gather data The researcher will be guided by the following guidelines in conducting the data gathering: Asking permission to conduct a study. The researchers will formulate an informed consent duly noted by their research adviser and will be sent to the prospective participants to inform them about the study and ask for the participants coordination. Conduct of Interview. A proper setting will be chosen for the conduct of the interview. The purpose of the interview will be fully explained and the researcher will fully assur the confidentiality of their responses. Due to COVID-19 pandemic the interview will be done using Google platforms to follow the COVID-19 protocols disallowing face-face meetings. The online survey interview will provide 3 guide questions to allow the participants the degree of freedom and adaptability to answer the online interview. Data Analysis Enumerate and discuss how you will analyze the data Thematic analysis (quali) steps… The data that will gather through the online interview and will undergo analysis and interpretation using thematic analysis. The narrative analysis will be guided by the frequency of dominant terms and this terms will be coded and will interpret accordingly. Words, phrases that appeared to be similar will be grouped into the same category. These categories will be gradually evaluated to determine how they’re link. Trustworthiness of the Study (for quali only) Research about CREDIBILITY, CONFIRMABILITY, TRANSFERABILITY AND DEPENDABILITY (give definition by citing author and then in the next paragraph discuss how you will apply it in your study) In constructing a qualitative study project, there are several elements to the design that can be included to improve whole feature or trustworthiness (Baxter & Jack 2008). Also, to make sure that sufficient detail will be kept. In this study, researchers will make certain that the case study research question will be clearly written, and the questions will be validated and appropriate for the 4 research question, data will be gathered, completed, and evaluated systematically (Baxter & Jack, 2008). Credibility, according to Dzakiria (2006 ) referred to the conscious effort to established confidence in an accurate understanding of the significance of the data or the setting in a believable way. Researchers will address credibility in this study through building and ensuring that the research interview questions will be validated. In particular, interview questions will be validated by the research adviser. Transferability is the point to which the results can apply or convey beyond the boundaries of the study (Gomm, Hammersley & Foster, 2000). In this study, transferability was established through the audit trial. In fact, all answers from the online interview will be kept. Likewise, researchers ensured that all transcripts were properly coded for easy transferability of information. Dependability is within the main issue that in which the study performed consistency across time (Gasson, 2004).In this study, this was address through ensuring that the data will be gather through online interview will be reviewed and validated by pool of experts for the other researchers’ bases in their studies. Likewise, researchers consulted varied sources of literatures to support the discussion. Conformability research represented the situation being researched (Bailey, 2013).This was addressed through presenting answers from online survey to the participants after the conduct of the interview and their response to the informed consent will use for the verification. 5 Ethical Considerations Discuss about Informed consent · Voluntary participation; Do no harm · Confidentiality; Anonymity; and discuss how you will apply this in your study) Informed Consent. Informed consent is one of the founding principles of research ethics. Its intent is that human participants can enter research freely (voluntarily) with full information about what it means for them to take part, and that they give consent before they enter the research (University of Oxford, 2021). In this study, an informed consent will be given to the respondents to ensure their confidentiality and to secure the information they request not to expose. Their participation will be obtained after, and they will guarantee that the information collected from them will handle with the strictest confidence. This will be carried out to promote trust within the researcher and the participants. REFERENCES 6 Andrews, M. M., & Boyle, J. S. (2012). Transcultural concepts in nursing care. (6th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins. Betancourt, J. R., & Green, A. R. J. 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This will not be used for any purposes other than this study. Cancellation of Consent and Authorization 11 The participation in this study is voluntary. You may inform the researcher if you wish not to participate or to answer the survey questionnaire. Participant Certification I have read and had the opportunity to ask questions on the kind of data asked from me. I am granting my permission to utilize my answers as part of the data to be used in this research. ACCEPTED AND AGREED Signature:____________________ Date:_______________ Printed Name: ________________________________________ Contact Number:_____________________________ Address: ______________________________________________ Interviewed by: _________________________________________________ 12 Research Instrument Interview Question Guide Interview Questions Research Objectives determine the practices of nurses in dealing with culturally diverse patients; find out the challenges encountered by nurses in dealing with culturally diverse patients; and find out how nurses cope with the challenges they encountered in dealing with culturally diverse patients. Main Question 1. How do you deal with culturally diverse patients? 2. What are the challenges you encounter when dealing with culturally diverse patient? 3. What are your ways on coping with the challenges in dealing with culturally diverse patients? Probing Question 1. If you have patients whom you notice have different culture than the majority, what do you usually do? 2. If you have miscommunication with the patients, what do you usually do? 3. If patient care is affected with the culture of your patient, what do you do? 4. Can you cite instances when you deal with patients of different culture? 5. What resources have you proved helpful in caring cultural diverse patient? 6. What problems have you encountered in patient care? 7. How do you deal with these problems? 13