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Chapters 31, 32, 33 of "how to write and publish a scientific paper"

CHAPTERS 31, 32, 33
Ali Shafiei
Avoiding Jargon
Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary defines jargon in three ways:
1) Confused or unintelligible language.
2) Technical terminology or the specific idiom of a group or activity.
3) Obscure, pretentious language using circumlocutions and long words.
✓ The first and third types should be avoided. However, the second type, technical
terminology, is often necessary in scientific writing. It can be used if the
audience is familiar with the terms or if the terms are explained. For technically
trained readers, only unusual terms require further clarification.
❖Dangers of Jargon:
1. Hinders clear communication.
2. Makes information inaccessible
to a wider audience.
3. Can be pretentious and obscure.
4. Often uses longer words and
phrases unnecessarily.
❖Importance of Clear
1. Science should be communicated
clearly and concisely.
2. Write for a broader audience, not
just for specialists.
3. Use simple and direct language
whenever possible.
4. Define or explain any specialized
terms that may not be familiar to the
❖Key Examples
1. "Mumblespeak": Using overly complex
words and phrases instead of simpler ones
(e.g., "utilize" instead of "use," "finalize"
instead of "end").
❖Key Takeaways
2. Bureaucratese: Excessively long and
convoluted sentences that obscure
meaning (e.g., the example of the federal
regulation on tree protection).
Jargon can be a significant barrier
to effective communication in
3. "Case" misuse: Overusing the word
"case" in various contexts where simpler
alternatives exist.
Clear and concise writing is
essential for conveying scientific
information effectively.
Scientists should strive to write for
a broader audience and avoid
unnecessary complexity.
How and When to
Use Abbreviations
❖ General Principles:
✓ Minimize abbreviations: Use them sparingly, especially
in titles and abstracts.
✓ Introduce abbreviations: When used, spell out the full
term first, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses.
✓ Avoid undefined abbreviations: This frustrates readers
and can lead to confusion.
This chapter provides a
comprehensive guide on
how and when to use
abbreviations in scientific
When to Use
✓ For long, frequently
repeated terms: This
improves readability and
reduces space.
✓ For standard abbreviations:
Some standard abbreviations
(e.g., DNA, RNA) may be
used without initial definition
in some journals.
✓ In specific situations:
Consider a separate
“Abbreviations Used” section
or a table of abbreviations for
easy reference.
How to Use
✓ Introduce them consistently: Usually,
introduce each abbreviation as it first
appears in the text.
✓ Avoid abbreviations in titles and
abstracts: Unless absolutely necessary.
✓ Use appropriate articles: Use “a” or
“an” based on the sound of the
abbreviation (e.g., “an M.S. degree”).
✓ Abbreviate generic names: Abbreviate
genus names after first use (e.g.,
“Streptomyces griseus” becomes “S.
Key Recommendations:
✓ Avoid “manufactured”
abbreviations: Unless
absolutely necessary.
✓ Consider alternative
strategies: Use pronouns
(it, they), substitute
expressions (e.g., “the
enzyme”), or rephrase
sentences to avoid
excessive abbreviations.
✓ Consult relevant style manuals: For
specific guidelines on abbreviations
and other stylistic conventions.
✓ Exercise caution and judgment: Use
abbreviations judiciously to enhance,
not hinder, readability.
✓ Prioritize clarity and conciseness:
Ultimately, the goal is to communicate
your research effectively and
efficiently to your audience.
Writing Clearly
Cultures and Media
This chapter provides valuable guidance on writing clearly and effectively across cultures and
media. Here’s a summary of the key takeaways.
❖General Principles for Readable Writing:
1. Simplicity and Clarity:
✓ Use simple sentence structures.
✓ Employ proper syntax and avoid convoluted phrasing.
✓ Delete unnecessary words and condense wordy phrases.
✓ Use precise and familiar language.
✓ Favor active voice.
✓ Minimize the use of jargon, abbreviations, and complex
sentence structures.
This chapter provides valuable guidance on writing clearly and effectively across cultures and
media. Here’s a summary of the key takeaways.
❖General Principles for Readable Writing:
2. Consistency:
✓ Use consistent terminology throughout your writing.
✓ Avoid excessive use of unusual or “purple plaid trousers”
3. International Considerations:
✓ Use simple, direct language.
✓ Avoid idioms and cultural allusions.
✓ Consider the needs of readers whose native language is
not English.
Writing for Specific Media:
▪ Email:
✓ Use concise and informative
subject lines.
▪ Online Content:
✓ Keep paragraphs short and use
appropriate spacing.
✓ Keep content concise and
easily digestible.
✓ Use clear headings and
✓ Break up long paragraphs.
✓ Use bulleted or numbered
✓ Consider providing a
printer-friendly version.
✓ Be mindful of audience and tone.
✓ Use the “Bcc” feature when
sending emails to large groups.
✓ Proofread carefully and avoid
sending angry or impulsive emails.
✓ Maintain a professional email
signature block.
▪ Blogs:
✓ Keep posts short and engaging.
✓ Use informative and attentiongrabbing titles.
✓ Maintain a consistent writing
✓ Consider the global audience.