ASME B40.100-2005 (Revision of ASME Blr0.100-1998) Pressure Gauges and Gauge Attachments AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD $28 The American Society of ® Mechanical Engineers 012345678 9 9398794591583919759654 63' 142418519399919875984595871894588918919 39$ Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01234 5 6 7 8 6 6 9 6 6 ! ASME B40.100-2005 (Revision of ASME Bl|0.100-1998) "Pressure #$%%&#$'( &)$% Gauges (and *+'( &)$ Gauge 0,,(-./$*,% Attachments 0 120 031405306 6 AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD ® Mechanical Engineers NewYork, NY8 7Three .#$$8"ParkAvenue (#980:$*&$88;0 88<$ =8>?#9@8<> 810016 668A BCDEFGHIJ KLMMNKOEKJIPKQRPFGSTUKVCSGPJEKCWKXPSITUGSTYKZUHGUPPF[\ ]CFPDFC^_SJGCUKRTEKOPKRT^PKCWKJIG[KRTJPFGTYK̀GJIC_JK̀FGJJPUKSCU[PUJKCWKQVXZ\ 3%- Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made ofthis material without written consent of ASME. 01 234of56Issuance: 778193 May1 15,2006 Date The 39next 323edition 2494of52this 7Standard 2191is77scheduled 3835for4publication 81249in92010. There 33 be39no41addenda 3914or will 2239interpretations 92332124974of52the 3requirements 3 83!39274of52 7Standard 2191issued 77832to42 73edition. 249 written this this The American "ASME #is72the 3registered 3$72332trademark 13!1%4of5 3" !319Society 432 4of5Mechanical 3191#Engineers. 9$9337 This was7 developed meeting the American National 7code 434or7standard 21911 3&3438under 93procedures 438371accredited 3231as7!3 329$2 3criteria 2315for4" !319'1 2491 the was7 balanced to41 assure that Standards. 21917The 3Standards 21917(Committee 4!!22332that 121approved 4&32 3code 434or7standard 21911 11932 77832 12individuals 9&8175from 4! competent The was7!1 made 4!323921and 9concerned 49393interests 9233727have 1&3had11an94opportunity 42892 2to4participate. 12123 3proposed 4473code 434or7standard 21911 3 1available &1135for4public 8review 3&31and 9comment 4!!3922that 12provides 4&371an94opportunity 428925for41additional 2491public 8input 9825from 4!industry, 98721academia, 13!1 regulatory 3$8124 1agencies, $39371and 92the 3public-at-large. 8)12)1$3 ASME " #does 4379not42*“approve,” 14&3+*“rate,” 123+4or*“endorse” 39473+1any9 item, 23!construction, 49728249proprietary 4321 device, 3&34or1activity. 2&2 ASME with with " #does 4379not422take 1%31any9 position 47249 2respect 37322to42the 3&validity 12 4of51any9 patent 12392rights $271asserted 77323in9connection 4993249 21any9 mentioned a standard for items 23!7!3 92493in92this 7document, 48!3921and 9does 4379not428undertake 9321%32to4insure 97831anyone 94938utilizing 2,9$17 21911against $1972liability 12 5 4 Users infringement 959$3!3924of51any9 1applicable 13letters 32237patent, 123929nor41assumes 778!371any9 7such 8liability. 12-7 374of51a code 434or7standard 21911are33expressly 377 the validity the 1advised &732that 12determination 323!912494of52 3& 12 4of51any9 7such 8patent 12392rights, $271and 92 3risk 7%4of5infringement 959$3!3924of57such 8rights, $27is7 3entirely 9232their 34own 9responsibility. 374972 with .Participation 121249by 5federal 3311agency $39 representative(s) 33739212&3/704orperson(s) 3749/701affiliated 55123 2industry 9872 is79not422to4be3interpreted 9233231as7 $government 4&39!3924orindustry 9872 3endorsement 9473!3924of52this 7code 434or7standard. 2191 ASME with the " #1accepts 327responsibility 3749725for44only 9those 2473interpretations 92332124974of5this 27document 48!392issued 7783in91accordance 4193 22 33established 72173 which "ASME #procedures 438371and 9policies, 437 precludes 38372the 3issuance 7781934of5interpretations 9233212497by individuals. 9&817 No part may be3 reproduced '4 124of52this 7document 48!392!1 3483in91any9 5form, 4! in91an93electronic 3249 retrieval 323&17system 723!4or4otherwise, 2373 without written the 24822the 3prior 4 2239permission 3!77494of52 3publisher. 873 3"!319432 45 3191#9$9337 33.1%"&3983'314%'1)22 The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990 (Copyright 4$23© 2006 by THE AMERICAN OF MECHANICAL 4#" #56("'SOCIETY 6(6#167 #(4"'6("8#ENGINEERS '96'##5 All "rights $27reserved 373&3 U.S.A. .Printed 923in9- " :;<=>?@AB CDEEFCG=CBAHCIJH>?KLMCN;K?HB=C;OCPHKALM?KLQCRM@?MHH>ST U;>H<>;VWKB?;MCJL=CGHCJLVHC;OCBA?SCJLBH>?LQCX?BA;WBCX>?BBHMCK;MSHMBC;OCINPRT 30¢ Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 0CONTENTS 1234235 6Foreword 789 78 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 997 98 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roster Committee 7 8897 99 the 9 99 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Correspondence With B407 Committee 8 99 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Preface — Elastic ASME B40.1 Gauges: Dial Type 5 4!" #$% &' ()*+,-Pressure .*++(.*/Indicating 0123'420)52 '63 78*94 6'+4234Element 6*:*04. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ASME Diaphragm 5 4!" #$< 52 '8=.'):5Seals *'6+. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. B40.2 ASME B40.5 5 4!" #$? 5Snubbers 0(@@*.+. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASME B40.6 Valves 5 4!" #$C -Pressure .*++(.*DLimiter 2:24*.E '6F*+. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASME B40.7 Digital 5 4!" #$I &' ()*+,-Pressure .*++(.*52 )24'6/Indicating 0123'420) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Gauges: iii KLMNOPQRS TUVVWTXNTSRYTZ[YOP\]^T_L\PYSNTL`TaY\R]^P\]bTc^QP^YYOde 39% fLOYMOLgh\SPL^T[]NTXYT[]gYTL`TSRPdT[]SYOP]bTiPSRLhSTiOPSSY^T\L^dY^STL`TZ_ace 53 Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. V Vi vii ;1 43 > A69B G87H 95 BJ iv 0FOREWORD 1234125 67 897Standards ofa balanced cross section of gauge ASME Committee B40 is comprised pressure users, members representing manufacturers, and interested governmental agencies, testing labora! and other "standards—producing ! #6 convinced that " national such "as tories, bodies. Allare standards "oneserve not only$to performance and configuration guidelines, also this provide product but inform and "specifier and the "science of gauge to updatethe user regarding pressure production, application, use. The standards by which Committee can transmit and #%" arevehicles " $&" "the " asa body $ the " oftheir "combined knowledge ' & and experience (asregards the " and safe to users benefits proper gauges. # use of pressure This isadvisory Its use is entirely matter way %" 7Standard $only. $#) $a voluntary $ and shall " in no& $ B40 the "manufacture or of that " donot conform. #* "67 89northe " preclude use products Neither ASME assumes responsibility $forthe "effects ofobservance ornonobservance ofrecommenda ! Committee tions herein. made" # B401, 6An addenda was & issued on + ,31,-2001, .-adding * $6 (C to #- December Nonmandatory Appendix 1340.2, 1340.5, #. #/and #0# E406. This 13407 Standards Committee %" 7Standard was & approved by $the " and approved asan American 6 American Institute *National 7Standard by $the "6 National * 7Standards ) on September 7-19,12005. ./# iv Copyright American Mechanical Engineers. 23 456789:©;<2006 ==>;?by5;the :9@;AB@ 67CDE;FSociety 3C7@:5;3ofG;H@ C9DE7CDI;JE 87E@@6KL 30¢ No material ASME. M36reproduction @463NOC:73E;may BD5;?be@;made BDN@;3ofG;:this 97K;BD :@67DI;without P7:93O:;written P67::@E;Cconsent 3EK@E:;3ofG;AF HJL 53 012345678229 33 1 ASME B40 COMMITTEE Specifications for Pressure and Vacuum Gauges (The !following "##"$%&'%is()the *roster "()*"of!)the +Committee ",,%)) -at))the time )%, "of!-approval ..*"/-#"of!)this %(0Standard.) )-&1-*123 OFFICERS 1STANDARDS 04506517COMMITTEE 8229 3387 797361 W. Wakeman, 6R.898 9:;<Chair =>?@ Secretary A8B8C ;D EF@EG>@H J. H. Karian, DARDS NELI 1STAN 0450 6517COMMITTEE 8229 33PERSON 3618443 A8B8C; W, *%̀-&0"`%)b"!M `-&%̀-#]&'%& *( 868C ;_-/-#0K*!-` U-*!-* +&)* 288 ;c. *-)%&'dM%&)&-&` 0Specialties . `%-#)%( M. G. Page, Operating & Maintenance A8481 ;_" ("efNInc. &`2 1. N. Scott, Noshok, M. F.8I 287 ;P QGE@R>GES_" ("efNInc. &`2 Lancaster, Alternate, Noshok, D. E.81 583 L;_/-#0Sea-0Systems b(),(+Command ",,-&1 Strawser, Naval W. Wakeman, Mfg. 6R.898 9:;0Smith ,%)]Equipment ^K%., &)M! '2+Co."2 P.8J.A89 ;U %((NInstruments, &()*K, &)(fNInc. &`2 Weiss, Weiss Alternate, A89 ;P QGE@R>GESUWeiss %((NInternational, &)*&-)%"&-#fNInc. &`2 I. Weiss, 6R.85D.84Bissell, JJ;+Consultant "&(K#)-&) W. J. Moeller 98 A84Browne, L ;M" ##*NInstrument &()*K, &)+Co."2 J. G. Murtz, Alternate, Moeller A882 O;P QGE@R>GESM" ##*NInstrument &()*K, &)+Co."2 A87Conti, ;T* ((*NIndustries &1K()*%( I. Dresser A JJ;+Consultant "&(K#)-&) 1.89 I.87 Fellman, Gross, WIKA CK.8 ;UN VWNInstrument &()*K, &)+Corp. "*.2 A.89 Weissner, Alternate, WIKA 6R.80 ;P QGE@R>GESUN VWNInstrument &()*K, &)+Corp. "*.2 Honer, |r., 6R.83E.8B ;A 8;XPerma-Cal *,-Y+-#NIndustries &1K()*%( I. H. Karian, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers T. R. Konen, Naval Surface Warfare Center 1 — PRESSURE GAUGES 1SUBCOMMITTEE Z478229 33[\ 6311Z630 Z31 G. A.8I Leigh, 80 g;+Consultant "&(K#)-&) M. F.8I Lancaster, Noshok, 287 ;_" ("efNInc. &`2 M. G. Page, Operating & Maintenance 288 ;c. *-)%&'dM%&)&-&` 0Specialties . `%-#)%( H. Schindler, B81 gJ;+Consultant "&(K#)-&) D. E.81 583 L;_/-#0Sea-0Systems b(),(+Command ",,-&1 Strawser, Naval P.8J.A89 ;U %((NInstruments, &()*K, &)(fNInc. &`2 Weiss, Weiss A89 ;P QGE@R>GESUWeiss %((NInstruments, &()*K, &)(fNInc. &`2 I. Weiss, Alternate, A.89 Weissner, WIKA 6R.80 ;UN VWNInstrument &()*K, &)+Corp. "*.2 W. R. Williams, Ametek, U.S. Gauge Division 98689 JJ;W , )efh2 02iK' T% /%(%"& W. Wakeman, Mfg. 6R.898 9:;<Chair, =>?@S0Smith ,%)]Equipment ^K%., &)M! '2+Co."2 6R.85D.84Bissell, JJ;+Consultant "&(K#)-&) W. J. Moeller 98 A84Browne, L ;M" ##*NInstrument &()*K, &)+Co."2 A882 O;P QGE@R>GESM" ##*NInstrument &()*K, &)+Co."2 I. G. Murtz, Alternate, Moeller I. Dresser A87Conti, ;T* ((*NIndustries &1K()*%( I.89 I.87 Fellman, A JJ;+Consultant "&(K#)-&) Honer, Ir., 6R.83E.8B ;A 8;XPerma-Cal *,-Y+-#NIndustries &1K()*%( T.868C R. Konen, Naval Warfare ;_/-#0Surface K*!-` U*!-* +Center &)* a V American Mechanical Engineers. Copyright jk lmnopqr©st2006 uuvswbymsthe rqxsyzx no{|}s~Society k{oxrmskofsx {q|}o{|s} po}xxn 53 No reproduction may be made ofthis material without written consent ASME. kn x l n k { r o k } s z| m s w x s z| x s k s r q o s z| r x n o | s o r q k r s n o r r x } s { k } x }rskofsy~ 3% [ WITH THE3B40 0CORRESPONDENCE 122345167360389 0COMMITTEE 19 33 standards are!! "!#$%!and & ''!(' )the )!'intent !to$represent !%!! )! General. ASME developed maintained with the As such, users may the Committee *consensus $!+$of,*concerned $*!!'interests. !!- +*).+ !$of,this )'Standard & /'interact !*with (') )!0$ &&'!! 1/%proposing $%$'2revisions, !"''$.and attending !'20$&&' !!&! !'2-0$ !%$!*!should )$+#1! by Committee meetings. Correspondence be addressed !!to:$3 B40 Standards Committee Secretary, !*!/.45 6 0$ &&'!! The!&! American 7) '*Society $*'!/$of,! *)'*# 2'!! Mechanical Engineers 7) !!8 9" !+! Three Park Avenue New York, :! (;$ 9.NY :;<10016-5990 66<=>?@@6 5Proposing ABACDE2Revisions. FDCDACG! "''$are!& !%! '$'*##/ )!Standard to$' *$%$!* )2! Revisions made periodically to$ the incorporate changes that )appear %%! necessary !*!/$or ! '1#!.as! &$!1 / )!!experience H%!'!*!2gained '!,from $& )!application %%#'*'$ desirable, demonstrated by the the Approved will be!%+1 published periodically. $of,the )!Standard. -%% $"!revisions !"''$(' ##1 #')!%! '$'*##/7) &&'!!(! #*$&!% $%$#,for$ revisions !"''$to$this )'Standard. -Such +*)% $%$#should )$+#1 The!0$ Committee welcomes proposals proposals be! asspecific %!*','*as% $'1#!.*citing ''2the )!% 2%) +&1!IJ.the )!% $%$!($ '2.and ! '#! possible, paragraph number(s), proposed wording, a detailed description pertinent documentation. ! *'%'$$of,the )!reasons !$,for$ the )!%proposal, $%$#.'including *#+'2any /%! '!$ *+&!'$Attending Committee Meetings. The B40 Standards Committee regularly holds meetings, KLLMDE0ANNDLLLDEC7)!4560$&&'!! !2+##/) $#&! !'2.which ()'*) are!$open %!to$the )!% +1#'*-8 !$(' )'2to$attend !any /&! !'2should )$+#* $* )!Secretary !*!/$of, public. Persons wishing meeting contact the B406 Standards Committee. the )!45 0$ &&'!!- "' Vi Copyright American Mechanical Engineers. OP QRSTUVW©XY2006 ZZ[X\byRXthe WV]X^_] ST̀abXcSociety P`T]WRXPofdXe] `VabT̀afXgb UTb]]Shi 39% No material consent ASME. jPSreproduction ]QSPkl`WTPbXmay _aRX\be]Xmade _ak]XPofdXWthis VThX_a W]STafXwithout mTWVPlWXwritten mSTWW]bX̀P bh]bWXPofdX^c egi 53 ORGANIZATION OF THIS DOCUMENT 61 7489496863 9 65 28 0PREFACE 123452 Standard compiles the !following "#standards. $ This %Standard &'()'*) +Title ,&-. / 0123 4$5 6 7#89Pressure 7 :Indicating #; Type < —= 1 1 ASME B401 Gauges: Dial Elastic Element ASME B40.2 Diaphragm / 0123 4$> ; # Seals ASME B40.5 / 0123 4$? Snubbers 7@@ ASME B40.6 Limiter Valves / 0123 4$A 9Pressure 7 B C D / 0123 4$E 6 7#89Pressure 7 ; #:Indicating # ASME B407 Gauges: Digital D vii American Mechanical Engineers. Copyright FG HIJKLMN©OP2006 QQROSbyIOthe NMTOUVT JKWXYOZSociety GWKTNIOGof[O\T WMXYKWX]O^Y LKYTTJ_` 80¢ No material ASME. aGJreproduction THJGbcWNKGYOmay VXIOSbeTOmade VXbTOGof[ONthis MK_OVX NTJKX]Owithout dKNMGcNOwritten dJKNNTYOWconsent GY_TYNOGof[OUZ \^` 53' 0111 viii American Mechanical Engineers. Copyright 23 456789 © 2006by5the9 67Society 3753of 97 876 909 No material ASME. 36reproduction 46373may 5bemade 3ofthis 97 67without 793written 67consent 33of 53' 01234567866966 ASME B40.100-2005 ASME B40.1 1 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 Pressure Gauges, !"#General $!%. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 &3 General $!%'Recommendations (($)!*+$. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ,134 Safety !.*/. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,170 15 2Cleanliness %!$%+$. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 Testing 46 Pressure Gauge !"5 *+$". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21, 67 7 )+$"Parameters !!(*!and $)'Related %!*)Standards *!$)!). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Ordering 8Figures +" 3 ,1 9: ;<=>? @;;A?@BTerms @?C; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Basic Pressure 2 >Pressure ?@;;A?@D: AE@FG CHGI@IJ;K(C—Type FLBMH@9G A?NGIOIllustrated) PPA;J?:J@NQ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4R Gauge Components Bourdon Elastic Elements -3 SP :;J<=SP @C@IJ;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5T Cases R F: ;@;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U6 4 T5 SV :CHP@GofWXA: =:P@X< :P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07 Example DualPY Scale Dial U6 F: ;@;Z/Mounting [GAIJ<IE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9\ Cases Retard Gauge 07 SV :CHP@GofW]@ J:?ND: AE@. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,103 Example Gauge ^8 SV :CHP@GofWYSuppressed AHH?@;;@NYScale =:P@D: AE@ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,103 Example Recommended Case Mounting Dimensions \9 ]@ =GCC@IN@NF: ;@:and IN[G AIJ<IEX< C@I;<GI;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,12 Tables 5!_% Accuracy Grades ,1 `= =A?:=MD? :N@;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Cleanliness Levels 2 FP @:IP<I@;;a@ b@P;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21, Nonmandatory c $(!$)!*/Appendices $)+ Definitions Procedures Used Measure New Gauge `A YSome GC@X@ W<I<J<GI;:and INYSuggested AEE@;J@NBTest @;J>? G=@NA?@;d; @NJtoG[@ :;A?@e@ fD: AE@ >Performance @?WG?C:I=@ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25T 9B D: AE@;d; @NGonI]@ EAP:JG?;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28^ Gauges Used Regulators Requirements FC YSupplemental AHHP@C@IJ:P]@ gA<?@C@IJ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-, ,1 hijklmnop qrsstqukqpovqwxvlmyz{q|iymvpkqi}q~vyoz{myzq{nm{vvl 39% ilvjliypmi{qxzkquvqxzvqi}qpomqxzpvlmzqmpoipqlmppv{qyi{v{pqi}qw|~ 53 Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01234567866966 ASME B40.100-2005 GAUGES: PRESSURE INDICATING DIAL TYPE — ELASTIC ELEMENT 1 SCOPE Ubar: T]^%=3 $(!09( 3"":(3:&! x:%4$to1% 99(1d!=%$348 a metric pressure unit$3 equal approximately 14.50 psi!) and 7.2). . + z ,9" " 3 39 % ( % " p p O .% & '{ O / (see paras. This!"#Standard $%&'%(')(B40.1) *+,-./! 1&2!&3'$to1%analog, &%4156'! %47$893 is"0 confined dial-type [XXW|V^%$ !&;% 443'60convoluted 1&?14:$3'3 4%"$!09( 3"":(37"3&"7 a thin walled, elastic pressure-sens5gauges, %:53"6;which, !06:$ !4!<!&53elastic 4%"$!03elements, 43=3&$"6=3 0%&!0%448 Ubellows: utilizing mechanically &53element 43=3&$)(see "33H !5-3).p/Fig. by means a pointer "sense 3&"39( 3"":(3%and &'!indicate &'!0%$3!it$> 8=3 %&"1of2%91 !&$3( !ing pressure moving =1 ?!&51over ?3(%5 (%':%$3'"scale. 0%43a graduated [}[X^"see33]ring. wg`bezel: This!"#Standard $%&'%(''1 3"&not1$!include &04:'35gauges %:53"1of2"special 930!%40con1&7 U does Bourdon a tubular elastic pressure-sensing Y]tWgZtube: YU[^%$ :>:4%(3 4%"$!09( 3"":(37"3&"!&53element. 43=3&$designed 2figuration !5:(%$!1&'3 "!5&3'2for1("specific 930!2!0%applications, 994!0%$!1&"63edge '53(read3%'7 ~W or(1 other form (see Fig. % 8 % ? 3 j6 3 4 ! 0 % 4 6 " 9! ( % 4 6 1 $ 3 (2 1 ( =) " 3 3H !5-p3)./May have ”C,” helical, spiral, deadweight piston !ing, &56'3 %';3!5 $1or(9! "$1&5gages, %53"61or(%any &81other $3(5gauges %:53" Ubrazing: ]T}wg`^%=3 $%4y 1!&!&59( 103""; 3(3!&0coalescence 1%43"03&03! &1$:using "!&5%an&3elastic 4%"$!03element 43=3&$$to1"sense 3&"39pressure. (3"":(3a metal joining process wherein is" not 9( 1':03'> 8:" 1&23((1:"2filler !443(=3 $%4having %?!&5% produced by use31 of2& nonferrous metal a melting point above 425°C (800°F), but lower than that =3 4 $ ! & 591 ! & $% > 1 ? 3+ O z i j) m , , i H / 6 > : $4 1 ;3 ($ % &$ % $ @2 PRESSURE GAUGES, AGENERAL 1of2$the3> % " 3=3 $ % 4 "y 1 ! & 3 'base metals joined. @2.1BPressure CDEEFCDTerms DCGE acalibration: TXwU]TZwWg^$the39 (103""1of25graduating (%':%$!&5$the39 (3"":(3"scale 0%431 process pressure or( mechanism cause %adjusting 'y:"$!&5$the3=3 0%&!"=$to10 %:"3$the35gauge %:53$to1!indicate &'!0%$3 #See33HFig. !5-.1.within limits. ;! $!&"specified 930!2!3'%accuracy 00:(%084 !=!$"@2.2B@Pressure CDEEFCDGauge IFJDComponents KGLKMDMNE acalibration TXwU]TZwWgverification: []wfwaTZwWg^$the30checking 30q!&51of2%5 %:53> 80com1=7 a gauge by #See33HFig. !5-O2.9% (!"1&;! $ %5 !?3&"standard $%&'%('$to1'3 $3(=!&3$the3! &'!0%7 parison with a given determine indicapoints of2$ the3" scale. $tion !1&3error ((1(%at$"specified 930!2!3'91 !&$"1 0%43@2.3BPPressure CDEEFCDGauge IFJDTerminology DCGQMKRKJS that protects, acase: TV[^$the3housing 1:"!&51or(0container 1&$%!&3($ %$"supports, :991($"69 (1$30$"6 absolute pressure: pressure, TUVWXYZ[\ ][VVY][^"see33\ ][VVY][_absolute. TUVWXYZ[%and &'"surrounds :((1:&'"$the3! &$3(&%4"internals. absolute pressure gauge: gauge, pressure. TUVWXYZ[\ ][VVY][` TY`[^"see33` TY`[_absolute TUVWXYZ[\ ][VVY][filled: a case is"2 filled with acase, TV[_Xliquid wYwtf wXX[t^%0 %"3$that%$! !443';! $ a%4liquid !x:!'"such :0 at$4 least its total accuracy: a gauge 4803(!&1or("silicone !4!01&32fluid 4:!'$to1% 3%"${75% z 1of2! $"$ 1$%4 TaaY]Tab^$the30conformity 1&21(=!$81of2%5 %:53!indication &'!0%$!1&$to1%an& %as"5glycerin may be33 either Accuracy differ&$3(&%4volume. ?14:=3-Liquid-filled !x:!'72!443'0cases %"3"=% 8> !$3(1open 93& %accepted 0039$3'"standard $%&'%('1or($true (:3?value. %4:3-c0 0:(%08!is"$the3'! 223(7 !internal 3ence &03)(error) 3((1(/between >3$;33&$the3$true (:3?value %4:3%and &'$the35gauge %:53! &'!0%7 2front indicafront types. The39:( purpose this construc(1&$1or("solid 14!'2 (1&$$ 893"- 91"31of2$ !"0 1&"$(:07 a percent $tion !1&3expressed d9(3""3'%as"%9 3(03&$1of2$the35gauge %:53"span. 9%&-eIt$!is"$the3 $tion protect inter!1&!is"$to13exclude d04:'3%ambient =>!3&$0corrosives 1((1"!?3"1or(9( 1$30$the $3! &$3(7 nals damage caused by severe vibration or method, 4"2from (1= '% =%530 %:"3'>8" 3?3(3?! >(%$!1&1( 0combined 1=>!&3'3effects 2230$"1of2=3 $1'61observer, >"3(?3(6%apparatus, 99%(%$:"6%and &' &% Accuracy 4"%$!1&3environment. &?!(1&=3&$-c0 0:(%083error ((1(!includes &04:'3"hysteresis 8"$3(3"!"%and &' 9: pulsation. but deter(repeatability 393%$%>!4!$83errors, ((1("6> :$&not1$2friction (!0$!1&3error. ((1(-eIt$!is"'3 $3(7 acase, front with case pressure relief: a case with TV[_Wopen \[gf ]WgZ|w Za TV[\ ][VVY][] [Xw[f^%0 %"3;! $ %a mined under Table =! &3':& '3("specific 930!2!00conditions. 1&'!$!1&"-#See33 %>43.1.pressure device no partition 9( 3"":(3(relief 34!32'3 ?!031or(1openings 93&!&5"%and &'&19% ($!$!1& accuracy, a gauge under TaaY]Tab_]reference: [f[][ga[^$the3%accuracy 00:(%081of2%5 %:53:& '3((refer323(7 between pressure element window >3$;33&$the39( 3"":(33 43=3&$%and &'$the3;! &'1; h[see "33 : 1°C 3ence &030conditions 1&'!$!1&"h[normal &1(=%49position 1"!$!1&%at$O20°C ,ijk. ij)(approxi%99(1d!7 HFig. 4,6! illustration An alternate is"% a !5-+ 44:"$(%$!1&)(a)]. %/s-c&% 4$3(&%$30construction 1&"$(:0$!1&! mately 1 2°F) Hg (101.32 =% $348l68°F miHkO iH/%and &'O29.92 n-nO!in.&-o5) .,.-pOqkPa) r%/ 94 plastic window designed relieve internal %"$!0;! &'1; 3especially "930!%448'3 "!5&3'$to1( 34!3?3! &$3(&%4 barometric pressure]. >%(1=3$(!09( 3"":(3s0case %"39( 3"":(3pressure. adjustment, pointer a means TtuYVZv[gZ_\ WwgZ[]windication: gtwaTZwWg^%=3 %&"1of20causing %:"!&5%a acase, TV[_openfront W\[gf]WgZ|w ZWYZcase aTV[pressure \][VVY][] [Xw[f^%0 %"3having %?!&5& without relief: a case no1 0change %&53!in&!indication. &'!0%$!1&-The30change %&53!is"%approximately 99(1d!=%$3483equal x:%4 9% partition between the39( pressure element the3;! window, ($!$!1&> 3$;33&$ 3"":(33 43=3&$%and &'$ &'1;6 1over ?3($the33entire &$!(3"scale. 0%43-#Some 1=33examples d%=943"1of2$this!"$type 8931of2 %and no19 pressure relief devices 4,6 &'& (3"":(3( 34!32'3 ?!03"1or(1openings 93&!&5"h[see "33HFig. !5-+ pointers, dials, %adjustment 'y:"$=3&$%are(3%adjustable 'y:"$%>4391 !&$3("6(rotatable 1$%$%>43'! %4"6(rotat1$%$7 !illustration 44:"$(%$!1&)(a)]. %/smovements, %able >43=1 ?3=3&$"6%and &'1other $3("similar !=!4%(!items. $3="-This!"%adjust'y:"$7 acase, a case capable maintaining a presTV[_pressure \][VVY][Ztight: ẁZ^%0 %"30 %9%>431of2=% !&$%!&!&5%9( 3"7 ment, provided, =3 &$6!if29( 1?!'3'6!is"5generally 3&3(%448%accessible 003""!>43$to1$the35gauge %:53 "sure differential between the3! inside and the31 outside of2 : ( 3'! 2 2 3 ( 3 & $ ! % 4> 3 $ ;3 3 &$ & " ! '3% & '$ :$ " ! '31 user para. :" 3()(see "339% (%-p3.3.4). -p-+/$the30case. %"3adjustment, a means a change TtuYVZv[gZ_Vspan: \Tg^%=3 %&"1of20causing %:"!&5%0 %&53!in&$the3 acase wg`^"see33]ring. wg` a given in pressure. %angle &5431of29pointer 1!&$3((rotation 1$%$!1&2for1(%5 !?3&0change %&53! &9( 3"":(3- TV[]ring: a case ambient TV[_sealed: V[TX[t^%0 %"3$that%$!is""sealed 3%43'$to13exclude d04:'3% =>!3&$0corro1((17 not generally This!"%adjustment 'y:"$=3&$!is"&1$53 &3(%448%accessible 003""!>43$to1$the3 acase, "sives. !?3"user. 5gauge %:53:" 3(size, ambient pressure: pressure, acase, TV[_size: Vw}[^"see33V w}[_gauge. `TY`[TvUw[gZ\ ][VVY][^"see33\ ][VVY][_ambient. TvUw[gZO2 ¡¢ £¤¥¤¡¦¥¦¡ ¢ Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01 203456PRESSURE 73442738INDICATING 9 81890 DIAL 81 TYPE 63— GAUGES: 3ELASTIC 148 3ELEMENT 339 (B40.1) 143 ASME B40.100-2005 Accuracy !""#$"%&$ '( Grades Table 1 6Permissible )*+,--,./)3Error **0* , 1,+2+ Minimum Span) (236Percent )*4)150of647 81(Excluding 394/2:,1;<Friction) *,45,01 7Recommended )40++)1:): 1Accuracy 442*84= 8 9,+2+<Friction *,45,01 08 2;)4Size ,>) Maximum Gauge Arc) 0* 8:) Lower 0?)*1/2,@0of644 8/) , ::/)1/2@0of644 8/) 27 7)*1/4@0of644 8/) (Percent 6)*4)150of647 81 (270 A:deg );Dial,8/1 *4 Grade Scale Middle Scale Upper Scale Span) >H B4AC D< E0.1FG I[Note JKLMN(1)] GOP Q81/2GGRS >H T3AC D< E0.25 FSU E0.25 FSU B41/2RS S2AC D< E0.5FU E0.5FU S21/2GGRS >H >H G1AC D< G1.0FE G1.0FE G11/2GRS CA S2.0FE G1.0FE S2.0FE G1.0FE G11/2GRS VB T3.0FE S2.0FE T3.0FE S2.0FE G11/2RS WC B4.0FE T3.0FE B4.0FE T3.0FE G11/2GGRS XD U5.0FE U5.0FE U5.0FE T3.0FE G11/2RS GENERAL NOTE: is permissible YZ JZ[C\J]^ Z_\Light àbLLtapping cddèaKoffLthe bMagauge cgaMhcase ciMìd Mjkìil̀mMcatLMeach chbdpressure jMiigjMjreading. McnèaF NOTE: J]^ Z_ N(1)GOYj cnMB4ACagauges cgaMikg iLjremain MkcèoL̀ bèispecified dMhf̀M̀ntolerance LKmMjcehMlbefore MfKjMcand encafter fLMjlbeing Mèam̀lightly abLmpL cddMnF Grade must within tapped. Pressure ~u t||}utzA 1 ~Positive |rwrt pressure zzz{u t||}ut Absolute | y}wt pressure zzz{u t||}ut Differential qr sstutvwrxy zzz{u t||}ut Pressure Pressure ~u t||}utzB Ambient pressure gauge pressure) r tvwz{u t||}utz(zero tuzx }tz{u t||}ut Negative t xwrt pressure zzz{u t||}ut zzz(vacuum) x}} tuzx| y}wtz{ut||}ut 1 Zero absolute pressure Terms Fig. 1 Basic ("Pressure $((#$ $( front pressure a case having could performance of the case, solid with ¡¢ £relief ¤back: ¥¦§¨ §©ª« §¬­®¯§a ¨conditions ³®¼­²­³®©²that «§²¨ ³¶»¼§affect ª¨²²the «ª°ª ±Â³±µ§®¨ª³Â² «ª partition with minimum between °§ ±²­²­³®´­ ²«µ­ ®­µ¶µ ³openir1g(s) °ª®­®¯·©¸¹ ª²´ªª®²the «ª° ±ª©º ¯gauge. §¶¯ª¿ preswindow, a pressure-relieving ©sure ¶±ªªelement »ªµª®²§and ®¼²the «ª´­ ®¼³´½§and ®¼§°± ª©©¶±ªº±ª»­ª¬­®¯ conditions, extreme operating: limits environ ÍÇ ¢É¦²the «ª» ­µ­²©³of²the «ªª ®¬­±³®º back. Theª°§ partition may beª§ an part ¹§¨¾¿À« ±²­²­³®µ§ Á¹ ®­integral ®²ª¯±§»°§ ±²³of²the «ª¨case §©ª µª within which the instrument mental conditions may beª ® ² § » ¨ ³ ® ¼­ ² ­ ³ ® ©´­ ² « ­ ®´« ­ ¨ «² « ª­ ® © ² ± ¶µª ® ²µ§ Á¹ Ã[see ©ªªÄFig. ­¯¿4,Ž­illustration »»¶©²±§²­³®·(b)]. ¹¸Æ¿ Under these the accuracy ³operated. °ª±§²ª¼¿Î® ¼ª±² «ª©ª¨conditions, ³®¼­²­³®©½² «ª©stated ²§²ª¼§ ¨¨¶±§¨Á ¼³ ª©® ³²® ª¨ª©©§±­»Á§apply. °°»Á¿ column, £Çliquid: È£¦©seeªªliquid È£column. £Ç¿ does not necessarily gauge: gauge, operating: conditions, normal Ç ¢É¦²the «ªªenvironmental ®¬­±³®µª®²§»¨condi³®¼­º compound Ç¢£É £É¦©seeªªÉ £Écompound. Ç¢£¿ tions in which the stated accuracy applies. ² ­ ³ ® ©­ ®´« ­ ¨ «² « ª© ² § ² ª ¼§ ¨ ¨ ¶± § ¨ Á§ ° ° » ­ ª © ¿ conditions, environmental: ÊǦ²the «ª¨conditions ³®¼­²­³®©ªexternal ˲ª±®§»²to³²the «ª weather, that is©§ algebraically added to³§ an ¦²the «ªÏquantity ¶§®²­²Á² «§²­ »¯ª¹±§­¨§»»Á§ ¼¼ª¼² ® ¯gauge, §¶¯ª½­including ®¨»¶¼­®¯´ª §²«ª±½²temperature, ªµ°ª±§²¶±ª½«humidity, ¶µ­¼­²Á½©salt §»² correction: Value to³³ obtain the Value. Theª§ algebraic ®¼­¨§²ª¼¬ §»¶ª² ¹²§­®² «ª²true ±¶ª¬ §»¶ª¿À« »¯ª¹±§­¨ ©spray, °±§Á½¬Vibration, ­¹±§²­³®½¨corrosive ³±±³©­¬ª§atmosphere, ²µ³©°«ª±ª½§and ®¼³other ²«ª±©similar ­µ­»§± ­indicated Ì 3 American Mechanical Engineers. Copyright ÐÑ ÒÓÔÕÖ×Ø©ÙÚ2006 ÛÛÜÙÝbyÓÙthe Ø×ÞÙßàÞ ÔÕáâãÙäSociety ÑáÕÞØÓÙÑofåÙæÞ á×âãÕáâçÙèã ÖÕãÞÞÔéê No material ASME. ëÑÔreproduction ÞÒÔÑìíáØÕÑãÙmay àâÓÙÝbeÞÙmade àâìÞÙÑofåÙØthis ×ÕéÙàâ ØÞÔÕâçÙwithout îÕØ×ÑíØÙwritten îÔÕØØÞãÙáconsent ÑãéÞãØÙÑofåÙßä æèê 01234567866966 0 31311 30 03 301332345678 GAUGES: PRESSURE INDICATING DIAL TYPE — ELASTIC ELEMENT (B40.1) ASME B40.100-2005 Bourdon \FV KHFP>tube OVEC @I[ WOCL>XMFNYCOZ <— Stem (socket) Case =IPY UKCMMVKC >>NFPPCNOIFP Element "Pressure &/&.T! +$% Assembly Detail * +,!-. %! g <— Pressure connection WNDRC >>XJKDHVDOIFPMZ Element "Pressure &/&.T! +$% Assembly *+,!- Dial! Stop pin WO F[>[I P "Pointer #$%& 'Window $(#) 7Ring $1 Assembly Gauge * +,!-."Pressure &/&.0 /1 2(Typical) 3-45!6 GENERAL NOTE: diagrams notO details. 89 :9;<=>:?@ 9A>The @BC>Dabove EFGC>HI DJKDLM>DareKC>Mschematic NBCLDOIN>Dand PH>PF >Iintended POCPHCH>toOF>Mshow BFQ>Hdesign CMIJP>HC ODIRMS Gauge ]Fig. ^_`a2 bPressure cdeefcdgh f_diComponents jkljmdmneo(C-Type ipqrldsBourdon jfctjmuIllustrated) vvfenchndtw x 4 American Mechanical Engineers. Copyright yz {|}~©2006 by|the }~Society z~|zof ~ ~} 963$ No material ASME. z}reproduction {}z~zmay |bemade zofthis ~ }~without ~zwritten }~consent zzof 53' 01 203456PRESSURE 73442738INDICATING 9 81890 DIAL 81 TYPE 63— GAUGES: 3ELASTIC 148 3ELEMENT 339 (B40.1) W er\ C-Type Bourdon Tube 143 ASME B40.100-2005 Helical Bourdon Tube Diaphragm Capsule Spiral Bourdon Tube Bellows /\/\rQ-\/\/‘ ’/ Diaphragm GENERAL NOTE: various types !" #"The $%&above '()%*diagrams +&,-&./(of0) &-+(1/2 34%/(of0%elastic 5&/2+6%elements 5%.%72/1used /%*+in74pressure -%//1-%,gauges &1,%/&are-%/schematic 6$%.&2+6&and 7*7not(2 +intended 72%7*%*2to(/show $(8*design %/+,7*detail. %2&+59 :Fig. ;<=>3 ?Elastic @ABC;D?Elements @EFEGCB the window. Hsign IJKLofMNthe OPQcorrection LRRPQNILKIisHLopposite SSLHINPNtoLNthe OPHsign IJKLofMN OPPerror. RRLRT UCrystal: WpXq\]`HseePPrY ZsVrT failure: failure, weight a pressure-testing device bymfO which Ucorrosion VWWVXYVZ[ \Y]^W_`HseePP[ \Y]^W_aUcorrosion. VWWVXYVZT sdead _\sr_ Ytuqqtester: _Xq_W`cSR PHHhRPkNPHNIKJeP dIQPv IQO very accurate known pressures can be generated by d P R mc Q Q hR c N Pw KL fKSR P H H hR P HQ c Kv PJ P KP R c N P ev m a progressive with Ucreep: W__b`cS RLJRPHHIdPQchange OcKJPIinKIindication KeIQcNILKfI NOQconstant LKHNcKN jP means of a pressure source and a piston gage. c K HL McSR P H H h R PH L hR Q Pc K ecSI H N L KJ c J P T pressure, under capplied SSgIPeS RPHHhRPihK ePRNthe OPHsame cjPPenvironmental KdIRLKjPKNcgQcondiLKeIk usually a percentage perR s dial: component scale and nomenY\]`Nthe OPQ LjSLKPKNNthat OcNQcontains LKNcIKHNthe OPH QcgPc KeK LjPKk Ntions. ILKHTlItNIisHhH hcggmPexpressed nSRPHHPecasHcS PRQPKNcJPLofMHspan ScKSP unit Qclature. gcNhRPT hK INLofMNtime. IjPT o American Mechanical Engineers. Copyright xy z{|}~©2006 by{the |}Society y}{yof } ~}| No reproduction may be made ofthis material without written consent ASME. y| z | y } y { y } | } } y | } y yof 3%[ 01234567866966 0 31311 30 03 301332345678 GAUGES: PRESSURE INDICATING DIAL TYPE — ELASTIC ELEMENT (B40.1) ASME B40.100-2005 J Ring L Case / -4- Case Pressure relief plug P ressure Window -> ml relief opening Dial With Pressure Relief Without Pressure Relief @§X\\\\\\\\\\\ 1 Soc ket (a) Open Front Ring Solid front w I I I I I ' LN I L A N ’ / / / Window —>l N N N N N / T / / N / N / Dial l. relief back N ; : / / N N / \ v-7-/ Pressure 4'4 Case lblsolid Front With Pressure Relief Back Fig. 4 Cases !"#" $6 %&'()*+,- ./001.2(.-,3.453)*678.9&6*3-(.&:.;36,78*67<.=8+*833)>? @&)3')&AB6-*&8.57(.23.57A3.&:.-,*>.57-3)*7<.C*-,&B-.C)*--38.6&8>38-.&:.49;=? 3%- Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made ofthis material without written consent of ASME. [ 01 203456PRESSURE 73442738INDICATING 9 81890 DIAL 81 TYPE 63— GAUGES: 3ELASTIC 148 3ELEMENT 339 (B40.1) 143 ASME B40.100-2005 Cerror: bbdbDKthe WOFG TTONOIJOh OKUOOIKthe WOG IFGJEKOFf EHQOE IFKthe WO difference between indicated Value and Ktrue NQOf E H QOS TK W Of E N G E h H Oh O G I LRO E P Q N O F[yMS P G K G fO value of the variable being measured. A positive denotes the value isPL greater Oerror NNSNFO ISKOPKthat WEKK WOGindicated IFGJEKOFf EHQOG NOEKONKthan WEI the K W OK N QOf E H QOm P O OE H P SB d b b C B c < d e o [ true value (see also correction). ' '( Cerror, bbdb?q =c<a@CDK WOJ WEILOSofTMN OPPQNOGindication IFGJEKGSIK WEK fatigue: the change pressure that & Nresults OPQHKPTfrom NSR Nrepeated OMOEKOFEapplications MMHGJEKGSIPSofTPstress KNOPPm(pressure MNOPPQNO Jcycles). ^JHOPo[sItKisGPOexpressed ]MNOPPOFE ONJOIKELOSofTPspan, MEIVnumber IQRhONofST asPEM a percentage minimum and maximum values J ^ J H O P V E I FRG I G RQRE I FRE ] G RQ Rf E H QO PS MNOPPQNO cycles, and ofTpressure Jcycles. ^JHOP[ difference between indicated readings Cerror, bbdb?friction: qb<Bc<deDKthe WOFG TTONOIJOh OKUOOIG IFGJEKOFN OEFGILP h O T S N OE I FE T K O NK W OL E Q L OW E Ph O O IH G L W K H ^K E MMO F[ before and after the gauge has been lightly tapped. !" Cerror, bbdb?lhysteresis: vAcCbCA<ADKthe WOFG TTONOIJOh OKUOOIG IJNOEPGILMN OPj difference between increasing pres#$% decreasing pressure readings any point Psure QNOEand IFFO JNOEPGILMN OPPQNON OEFGILPEatKE I^MS GIKSonI Kthe WOPscale JEHOSobtained hKEGIOFFduring QNGILEMN OPPQNOJcycle ^JHOEafter TKONT NGJKGSI a pressure friction Oerrors NNSNPW EfOh OOIOeliminated HGRGIEKOFh ^Ktapping EMMGILm(see POOME NE[ z[Z[{[n have been by para. A-1). Eand IF_Fig. GL[yj |o[ Dial )Fig. *+,-5 .Example /012345of67Dual 8039Scale :0347* 03 error when the Cerror, bbdb?offset: dqqACcDKthe WOO NNSNOexhibited ]WGhGKOFUW OIK WOOelastic HEPKGJOelement HOROIK unpressurized. GisPQI MNOPPQNG}OF[ItsKisGPO ]MNOPPOFEasPEMO NJOIKELOSofTPspan MEI expressed a percentage A-1). dial, scale: a dial POO_Fig. GL[yj |o[ ; <=>?dual ;@=>A B=>CDEFG EHGindicating IFGJEKGILMpressure NOPPQNOGinIKterms ONRPSofTKtwo US m(see different units measure, FG TTONOIKQI GKPSofTRO EPQNOVSonIJconcentric SIJOIKNGJEarcs, NJPVPsuch QJWEasP Cerror, position: the pressure indication that bbdb?k dA<c<deDK WOJchange WEILOSofTMN OPPQNOG IFGJEKGSIK WEK many different Xkg/cmz LYJRZ Eand IFMP [\I ]ERMHOSofTKthe WORE I^FG TTONOIK Nresults psi.G OneOO example O P QH K PUW O IK W OL E QL OG E J O FG IEM S P G K G S IFG T T O N OIK when the gauge isPMH placed in a position different Ktypes ^MOPGinIJcommon SRRSIQP HHQPKNEKOFG I_Fig. GL[`5.[ useOG isPG illustrated in Tfrom NSR Kthat WEKGinIUW GJWG EHGhNEKOF[ which itKUE wasPJ calibrated. dial graduations: division marks ; <=>a b=;@=c<deADKthe WOGindividual IFGfGFQEHFG fGPGSIRE NXPSofTKthe WO Cerror, exhibited when the input bbdb?span: Ak=eDthe KWOOerror NNSNO ]WGhGKOFUW OIK WOG IMQKisGPEatKmaxiRE]Gj pressure magnitude. Pscale JEHOKthat WEKGindicate IFGJEKOMN OPPQNORE LIGKQFO[ mum scale pressure minus error when the RQRP JEHOMN OPPQNORG IQPKthe WOO NNSNOexhibited ]WGhGKOFUW OIK WO dial, mirror: a dial with a reflector band ; <=>?g< bbdbDEFG EHUG KWEN OTHOJKSNh EIFEadjacent FiEJOIKKtoSKthe WO Ginput isPE atKRG minimum IMQKG IGRQR Pscale JEHOMN OPPQNO[ItsKG ]MNOPPOFEasPEa pressure. isPO expressed Pscale JEHOTforSNKthe WOMQN MSPOSofTNreducing OFQJGILNreading-parallax OEFGILjMENEHHE]Oerrors. NNSNP[ percentage purpose MONJOIKELOSofTPspan. MEI[ ; <=>enomenclature: dgCeB>=c@bCDPseeOOenomenclature, dgCeB>=c@bC?; <=>[ dial dial. pressure indication that Cerror, bbdb?ctemperature: CgkCb=c@bCDKthe WOJchange WEILOSofTM NOPPQNOG IFGJEKGSIK WEK OPQHKPUW OIKthe WOLgauge EQLOJ SRMSIOIKPEareNOEatKEK ORMONEKQNO when components a temperature diaphragm: a single ; <=klb=agDEanIOelastic HEPKGJOelement HOROIKGinIKthe WOTform SNRSofTEP GILHOTflat HEK Nresults different which they were TTONOIKTfrom NSR Kthe WOKtemperature ORMONEKQNOEatKUW GJWK WO^UO NOJcaliEHGj plate deforms provide displaceSorNJconvoluted SIfSHQKOFMH EKOKthat WEKFO TSNRPKtoSMN SfGFOFG PMHEJOj FG hNEKOF[ ment a change pressure differential RO IKGinINresponse OPMSIPOKtoSEJ WEILOGinIMN OPPQNOFG TTONOIKGEH brated. plate Eacross JNSPPKthe WOMH EKOm(see POO_Fig. GL[n3).o[ failure: failure, Cexplosive rk>dA<wCq =<>@bCDPseeOOq =<>@bC?explosive. Crk>dA<wC[ diaphragm ; <=klb=agBcapsule: =kA@>CDEanIOelastic HEPKGJOelement HOROIKJcomprised SRMNGPOFSofTKtwo US Cextreme operating see extreme rcbCgCd kCb=c<eaBconditions: de;<c<deADP OOBconditions, de;<c<deA?C rcbCgC diaphragm plates jointed a capsule Jconvoluted SIfSHQKOFFG EMWNELR M HEKOPi SGIKOFKtoSTform SNR EJ EMPQHO doperating k C b = c < e a SorNMN OPPQNOJcontainer SIKEGIONKthat WEKOexpands ]MEIFPEand IFJcontracts SIKNEJKPGinI failure, pressure corrosion: element failure resulting from =<>@bC?B dbbdA<deDOelastic HEPKGJO HOROIKT EGHQNON OPQHKGILT NSR a change pressure differential Nresponse OPMSIPOKtoSEJ WEILOGinIMN OPPQNOFG TTONOIKGEHEacross JNSPPKthe WO q J S N N S P G f OJ W O RG J E H E K K E J XS IK W OO H O RO I K UE H H Pm P O OM ENE[ corrosive chemical attack on the element walls (see para. plates. Diaphragm may have MH EKOP[pG EMWNELR Jcapsule EMPQHOOelements HOROIKPRE ^W EfOSone IOSorN { [ Z [ x [ n o [ provide displacement RS NOJcapsules EMPQHOPKtoSM NSfGFOEappropriate MMNSMNGEKOFG PMHEJOROIKm(see POO more _Fig. GL[n3).o[ failure, explosive: element failure by the q=<>@bC?C rk>dA<wCDOelastic HEPKGJO HOROIKT EGHQNOJcaused EQPOFh ^K WO Nrelease OHOEPOS O]MHSPGfOOenergy IONL^Lgenerated OIONEKOFh ^EJ WORGJEHreacNOEJj ofTexplosive by a chemical differential gauge: gauge, ; <qqCbCec<=>a =@aCDPseeOOa =@aC?;differential. <qqCbCec<=>[ element para. Ktion GSIGinside IPGFOKthe WOO HOROIKm(see POOME NE[ {[Z[x[{o[ differential pressure: pressure, ; <qqCbCec<=>k bCAA@bCDPseeOOk bCAA@bC?;diflerential. <qqCbCec<=>[ failure, fatigue: q=<>@bC?q =c<a@CDOelastic HEPKGJOelement HOROIKTfailure EGHQNONresulting OPQHKGILTfrom NSR duplex gauge: gauge, ; @k>Cra =@aCDPseeOOa =@aC?;duplex. @k>Cr[ repeated applications (see para. N O M O E K O FE MMH G J E K G S I PS K N O P Pm P O OM E N E [ { [ Z [ x [ | o [ ofTP stress elastic C >=Ac<BCelement: >CgCecDPseeOOCelement, >CgCec?Celastic. >=Ac<B[ by^K the q=<>@bC?doverpressure: wCbkbCAA@bCDOelastic HEPKGJOelement HOROIKfailure TEGHQNOJcaused EQPOFh WO element, the pressure C >CgCec?Celastic: >=Ac<BDKthe WOOelastic HEPKGJJcomponent SRMSIOIKSofTK WOMN OPPQNO failure, application ofTG internal pressure (positive orNI negative) in E M M H G J E K G S IS I K O N I E H MN O P P QN Om MS P G K G f OS O L E K G f O o GI moves Oelement HOROIKEassembly PPORhH^Kthat WEKRS fOPGinINresponse OPMSIPOKtoSMN OPPQNO Oexcess pressure ofTK the element (see para. ] J O P PS W ON E K O FMN O P P QN OS W OO H O RO I Km P O OM E N E[ ofTK the rated pressure may beOEtS a Bourdon diaphragm, Jchanges. WEILOP[sItKRE ^h QNFSIKtube, QhOVbellows, hOHHSUPVFG EMWNELRV { [ Z [ x [ Z o [ member 3). SorNSother KWONKtype ^MOSofTRO RhONm(see POO_Fig. GL[n o[ a result q=<>@bC?dovertemperature: wCbcCgkCb=c@bCDfailure TEGHQNOEasPEN OPQHKSofTJcontinuous SIKGIQSQP element assembly, pressure: C >CgCec= AACgu>v?k bCAA@bCDKthe WOEassembly, PPORhH^VGincluding IJHQFGILKthe WO failure, exposure toSW high ambient temperature. O ] MS P QN OK G L WE Rh G O I KK O RM O N E K QN O [ a pressure Oelastic HEPKGJOelement, HOROIKVKthat WEKJconverts SIfONKPEMN OPPQNOJchange WEILOGinto IKS a result q=<>@bC?cthermal lCbg=>shock: AldB~DTfailure EGHQNOEasPEN OPQHKSofTrepeated, NOMOEKOFVNrapid EMGF motion. may a stem, RS KGSI[sItKRE ^Ealso HPSGinclude IJHQFOEP KORVKtip, GMVNrestrictor, OPKNGJKSNVEand IF failure, extremes. Oexposure ]MSPQNOKtoSEambient RhGOIKKtemperature ORMONEKQNOO ]KNOROP[ Sother KWONJcomponents SRMSIOIKPm(see POO_Fig. GL[Z2).o[ environmental failure: failure, q=c<a@Cq =<>@bCDPseeOOq =<>@bC?fatigue. q=c<a@C[ C ew<bdegCec=>Bconditions: de;<c<deADPseeOOBconditions, de;<c<deA?Cenvironmental. ew<bdegCec=>[ fatigue && x7 Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01234567866966 0 31311 30 03 301332345678 GAUGES: PRESSURE INDICATING DIAL TYPE — ELASTIC ELEMENT (B40.1) ASME B40.100-2005 many in !"#"$"%&'!(()*+,(&-).(&+'/0&!1()2&*$"'!%)"!"' 'the /&%! "#1) ,,&0&"''types #J&6) "* $%%$"N6 /$3") " different in common use&) is66 shown 3) ' /!( & " 4 ' / 5 ' $ 5 1) ! %& ' & 00 ! ' ) $$ ,! '( & ! 6 '7 8 9 W ) 4 9 _ 9 with a length—to-diameter ratio of at least 10. Fig. 7. C D;CE< @C:!4 !N4&/ !M)"4$one "&J0 &66N0&* $""&*')$" gauge, single: a gauge having pressure connection :;<=>? ;@AB 6see&&C D;CEflush :;<=>? ;@AB9 flush mounted: gauge, mounted. and one pointer, which indicates one applied pressure. ! " 1$ " &J$ ) " ' & 0 + 3/ ) * /) " 1) * ! ' & 6$ " &! JJ( ) & 1J0 &66N0&9 friction FA?@error: ?6see&&error, ?Efriction. FA?@9 gauge, specific a gauge designed a specific CD;CE< LFF<service: [F !4 !N4&1& 6)4"&1,for$0!6 J&*),)* friction FA?@ring: @C 6see&&ring, @CEfriction. FA?@9 6 & 0 M ) * & +6 N* /! " 1) * ! ' ) " 4' / &J 0 & 6 6 N0 &$ J( $6)M&+ service, such as6) indicating the pressure of,& explosive, ft H2O: AG &&Jpara. !0!9K3.3.2.1. 9K9H979 see HI 6 *corrosive, $00$6)M&+$or0M )6*$N6%& 1)!O(see 6&&J! 0!94.3.8). R9K9TQ9 viscous media para. ;::<scale FD:L <<;6see&&L <<;Efull ;::<scale. FD:9 full pressure: pressure, CD;CE< A>`(socket) <?FaAb>? ;@AB !4! N4&6supported NJJ$0'&1.# gauge, stem mounted: a gauge by attachment at the stem (socket) ! ' ' ! * / %& " ' ! ' ' / &6 ' & %O 6 $ * 2 & ' Q J 0 & 6 6 N0 &* $ " " & * ' ) $ "O 6 && pressure connection (see CDCEL <A?@ !1& M)*&'that /!')indicates "1)*!'&6'the /&J 0&6&"*&$of,!a WFig. gage, piston: a device presence 6). ) 4 9 P Q 9 J0&1&'&0%)"&1J0 &66N0&. #%& !"6$of,weights 3&)4/'6(loaded $!1&1$on" predetermined pressure by means a floating piston a ball !an"&effective ,,&*')M&!area 0&!6such N*/!as6!, ($!')"4J) 6'$"$or0!. !((O(see 6&& gauge, CD;CE<suppressed ;LL<<B< FD:!4 !N4&/ !M)"4!6 *!(&'that /!'6starts '!0'6 scale: a gauge having a scale J! 0!9P6.1.1.2). 97979HQ9 para. !at'6some $%&M !(N&!appreciably JJ0&*)!.(#!above .$M&c &0$O(see 6&&J! 0! K9R979_Q9 value zero para. example many different types common -!%J(&$of,'the /&%! "#1) ,,&0&"'' #J&6)in"* $%%$" One&& CD;CED <?:;AL <<;!4 !N4&'that /!')indicates "1)*!'&6!absolute .6$(N'& ^" gauge, absolute pressure: a gauge shown in Fig. 8. N6 &) 66 / $ 3") "W ) 4 9 T 9 use is J0&66N0&O(see 6&&J! 0!9K3.4.1.12). 9R9797HQ9 pressure para. CD;CE<surface ;DF`(wall) dD::b>? ;@AB!4 !N4&3/ $6&*case !6&* !". gauge, mounted: a gauge whose can be& gauge, para. CD;CEacetylene: DFAS:@6see&&J !0! R9K9T9H9 %$ N" ' & 1' $!3! ( ($ ( ! '6 N0 , ! * &O 6 & &W ) 4 9 P Q 9 mounted to a wall or0, flat surface (see Fig. 6). gauge, para. CD;CEammonia: D>>?@D6see&&J !0! R9K9T9K9 CD;CEAtemperature >LDA;F ?>L@<DAB !4 !N4&'that /!') $%J&"5 gauge, compensated: a gauge is6* compengauge, CD;CEFchemical: =>FD:6see&&Jpara. !0!9R4.3.8.4. 9K9T9R9 by 6sated !'&1'to$0reduce &1N*&&errors 00$06*caused !N6&1. #$operation J&0!')$"!at'!ambient %.)&"' gauge, a gauge which it'3! was6* calibrated. &%J&0!'N0&6$other '/&0'than /!"'that /!'!at'3/ )*/) !().0!'&19 CD;CEFcompound: ?>L?;@B !4 !N4&'that /!')indicates "1)*!'&6. $'/J $6)')M& 'temperatures both positive !and "1" &4!')M&4gauge !N4&J0 &66N0&O(see 6&&J! 0!9K 9R979TQ9 negative pressure para. gauge, CD;CEAtest: <A!4 !N4&N 6&1'to$*check /&*2'the /&!accuracy **N0!*#$ '/&0 a gauge used of,$ other !N4&6$or0J0 &66N0&5!*'N!'&11& M)*&69]/ &6'4gauge !N4&/ !6 pressure-actuated devices. The&' test has CD;CEBdiflerential: @AD:!4 !N4&/having !M)"4'two 3$J0 &66N0&*connec$""&*5 4gauges gauge, a gauge pressure better than the device being **N0!*#6significantly )4"),)*!"'(#. &''&0' /!"' /&1& M)*&. &)"4 a pointer, which difference 'tions )$"6!and "1!J$ )"'&0+3/) */)indicates "1)*!'&6'the /&1) ,,&0&"*& !an"!accuracy 'tested. &6'&19 .&'3&&"'two 3$!applied JJ()&1Jpressures. 0&66N0&69 between vacuum: a gauge indicates negative CD;CE[ DF;;> !4 !N4&'that /!') "1)*!'&6" &4!')M&4gauge !N4& CD;CEBduplex: ;L:U!4 !N4&/ !M)"4'two 3$J0 &66N0&*connections $""&*')$"6 gauge, gauge, a gauge having pressure pressure &66N0&O(vacuum). M!*NN%Q9 pointers, pressures !and "1'two 3$J $)"'&06+which 3/)*/)indicate "1)*!'&'two 3$!applied JJ()&1J0 &66N0&6 J0 6simultaneously. )%N('!"&$N6(#9 CDB;DA?@<EBdial: D:6see&&B D:Egraduations. CDB;DA?@<9 graduations, dial, gauge, mounted: a gauge provided with CD;CEflush :;<=>? ;@AB!4 !N4&J 0$M)1&13) '/6supporting NJJ$0')"4 grommet: C?>>A6see&&L :;CEpressure L<<;relief. :9 plug, %& !"6$on"'the /&*case !6&6so$'that /!') #. &''through /0$N4/!/ $(& H2O: means it'%! may be&6 set a hole GHI 3! '&09 water. a panel. When dial )in"!J! "&(9V/ &")installed, "6'!((&1+'the /&1) !()is6!approximately JJ0$-)%!'&(# Hg: mercury. GC %& 0*N0#9 with panel ,flush (N6/3) '/'the /&J! "&(O(see 6&&WFig. )49P6).Q9 gauge: gauge, SBD;:FC D;C6see&&C D;CEhydraulic. =SBD;:F9 gauge, a gauge designed presCD;CE=hydraulic: SBD;:F!4 !N4&1& 6)4"&1'to$)indicate "1)*!'&'the /&J0 &65 =hydraulic 6sure N0&1& M&($J&1)in"/ #10!N()*6systems. #6'&%69XIt'%! #. YN)JJ&1 =hysteresis developed hydraulic may be&& equipped error: S<A<< ?6see&&error, ?E=hysteresis. S<A<<9 with a protective means prevent damage to$' the 3)'/!J 0$'&*')M&%& !"6'to$J0 &M&"'1! %!4&' /&)inter"'&05 in.@eH2O: para. GHI 6see&&J !0! K9K9H979 nals a sudden pressure "!(6)in"'the /&&event M&"'$of,!6 N11&"J0 &66N0&0release. &(&!6&9 in. @eHg: GC 6see&&Jpara. !0!9K 9K9H979 gauge, filled: a gauge which CD;CE:liquid Z;B ::B !4 !N4&)in"3/ )*/'the /&*case !6&)is6,filled )((&1 stop, internal @A@D:<stop: A?L 6see&&< A?LEinternal. @A@D:9 with a liquid 3) '/!( )YN)1O(see 6&&Fcase, D<E:liquid Z;B ::BQ9 filled). H para. CfF> 6see&&J !0! K9K9H979 gauge, a gauge with a dial CD;CE:liquid Z;B:level: [:!4 !N4&3) '/!1) !(4graduated 0!1N!'&1)in"Nunits ")'6 akg/cmz: para. akPa: gD6see&&J !0!9K3.3.2.1. 9K9H979 water. $of,/head &!1/heights, &)4/'6+6such N*/!as6,feet &&'O(meters) %&'&06Q$of,3! '&09 window. :lens: @<6see&&d @B?d9 gauge, CD;CE?oxygen: USC@ 6see&&Jpara. !0! R9K9T9\9 life, fatigue: number beyond which /&" N%.&0$of,pressure J0&66N0&*cycles #*(&6. &#$"13/ )*/ gauge, a device indicates CD;CEpressure: L<<;!1& M)*&'that /!'6senses &"6&6!and "1) "1)*!'&6J0 &65 :EDAC;'the presleakage of the pressure element assembly may (&!2!4&$,'/&J0&66N0&&(&%&"'!66&%.(#%!#$occur. **N09 using pressure datum. 6sure N0&N6 )"4!ambient %.)&"'J0 &66N0&!as61! 'N%9 Accuracy may be&1& degraded even if,( leakage has6"$ not' *N0!*#%! #. 40!1&1& M&") &!2!4&/! gauge, a gauge designed indicate CD;CEreceiver: F[!4 !N4&1& 6)4"&1'to$) "1)*!'&'the /&$output N'JN' h* occurred (see error, fatigue). $ * * N0 0 & 1O 6 & & ? E D A C ; Q 9 a pneumatic 6signal )4"!(,from 0$% !J "&N%!')*'transmitter. 0!"6%)''&09XIt')is6*calibrated !().0!'&1)in" :link: the the to$ @a' /&*component $%J$"&"''that /!'*connects $""&*'6' /&&elastic (!6')*&element (&%&"'' The&1) dial may be&4 gradua'terms &0%6$of,'the /&'transmitter 0!"6%)''&0$output. N'JN'9]/ !(%! #. 0!1N!5 'the movement. / &%$ M & %& " ' 9 pressure, mea'ted &1)in"Nunits ")'6$of,J0 &66N0&+'temperature, &%J&0!'N0&+,flow, ($3+$or0$other '/&0%& !5 input. 6surements N0&%&"'6*corresponding $00&6J$"1)"4'to$'the /&'transmitter 0!"6%)''&0) "JN'9 a pressure measuring device employing :liquid Z;BFcolumn: ?:;>@ !J0 &66N0&%& !6N0)"41& M)*&& %J($#)"4 a column and reservoir of liquid (oil, water, mercury, !* $ ( N%"! " 10 & 6 & 0 M $ ) 0$ , ( ) Y N) 1O $ ) ( + 3! ' & 0 + %& 0*N0#+or$0 gauge, a gauge with a dial units CD;CErefrigerant: CD@A!4 !N4&3) '/!1) !(4graduated 0!1N!'&1)in"N" )'6 $other liquid). Pressure indicated by the height the ' / & 0( ) Y N) 1Q 9i0 & 6 6 N0 &) " 1) * ! ' & 1. #' / &/ & ) 4 / '$of,' /& $of,Jpressure 0&66N0&!and "1&equivalent YN)M!(&"'6saturation !'N0!')$"'temperature &%J&0!'N0&,for$0 (liquid column, measured at the meniscus. ) Y N) 1* $ ( N%" + %& ! 6 N0 & 1! '' / &%& " ) 6 * N6 9 0refrigerant(s) &,0)4&0!"'O6Q$other '/&0'than /!"!ammonia. %%$")!9 filled. Z;Bj::BFcase: D<6see&&Fcase, D<E:liquid Z;B ::B9 gauge, a gauge a scale CD;CEretard: ADB!4 !N4&/having !M)"4!6 *!(&'that /!')is6*compressed $%J0&66&1 :liquid—filled both para. One&& example gauge: gauge, filled. !at'$one "&$or0. $'/&ends "16O(see 6&&J! 0!9K3.4.1.6). 9R979PQ9^" -!%J(&$of, :liquid—filled Z;Bj::BC D;C6see&&C D;CE:liquid Z;B ::B9 fiber: any nonmetallic, flexible, threadlike contaminant T8 klmnopqrs tuvvwtxntsrytz{yop|}~tl|pysntlty|r}~p|}t~qp~yyo loymol|spl~t{}ntxyt{}ytltsrpt{}syop}tpsrlstopssy~t|l~y~stltz Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01 203456PRESSURE 73442738INDICATING 9 81890 DIAL 81 TYPE 63— GAUGES: 3ELASTIC 148 3ELEMENT 339 (B40.1) 143 ASME B40.100-2005 Wall or panel \ Mounting screws (3) -1 \ / '1»-.. I J<— Center back - J’ _ / connection .‘__ ' % L ower bac k _J,- % connection / / / Bottom connection E Stem Mounted (Typical Connection Configuration) _ Surface Mounted (Back Flange Type) Pane. / <—— Panel / / <—— Panel U Clamp 4e Mounting ':’TZ screws (3) N ' Hinged ring I 4-— Mounting bolts (3) Flush Mounted (Front Flange) /-—:——J / Clamp nuts Rtng ; " / @ 5 / / <—— Panel (coking knob Flush Mounted (U-Clamp) j Panel Mounted (Hinged Ring Type) GENERAL NOTES: !" #$ %(a)&'"These ()*)+diagrams ,&-.&/*&are.)*schematic 0()/&1,0&and 2+2not31,intended 21)2+)+1to3*show (34+design )*,-2+details. )1&,5*6 may;& also mounted. %(b)7'#Surface 8.9&0)&and 2+9flush-mounted 58*(:/3821)+0cases &*)*/& 5*37be)*stem 1)//3 821)+6 <Fig. =>?@6 ACases/Mounting BCDCEFGHIJ=I> K 9 American Society Mechanical Engineers. Copyright LM NOPQRST©UV2006 WWXUYbyOUthe TSZU[\Z PQ]^_ÙM ]QZTOUMofaUbZ ]S^_Q]^cUd_ RQ_ZZPef material No ASME. gMPreproduction ZNPMhi]TQM_Umay \^OUYbeZUmade \^hZUMofaUTthis SQeU\^ TZPQ^cUwithout jQTSMiTUwritten jPQTTZ_U]consent M_eZ_TUMofaU[` bdf 01234567866966 0 31311 30 03 301332345678 GAUGES: PRESSURE INDICATING DIAL TYPE — ELASTIC ELEMENT (B40.1) ASME B40.100-2005 GENERAL NOTE: !" #$Scale %&'()shown *+, (0&/1(12from /+341050to+630.57 8Fig. 9:;<7 =Example >?@ABCDofEFRetard CG?HIJ? K:C Gauge GENERAL NOTE: !" #$Scale %&'()shown *+, ¢££/())(12from /+350 57 O to+¤ 50. 8 = 8Fig. 9:;¥ >?@ABCDofE¦Suppressed KAAHC§§CI¦Scale ¨?BCJ? K:C Example Gauge gauge: gauge, Lliquid MNOMPLlevel QRQLS TOSQUVseeWWS TOSQXLliquid MNOMPLlevel. QRQLY \M[]Q^Umthe nWrcomponent q}oq~W~mm nzmiinv~rconjunction q~©u~rmvq~v mnmthe nWwv zti that, with dial, manometer: ASME Measurement. ZT [\ZQ]Q^UVseeWW_` abcPTC def19.2, gYhiPressure j^QkkO^QlQ TkO^QZQ[]Y pointer: indicates v ~ wv r z m W Vo p W V V up W Y pressure. medium: ZQ PMOZUmthe nWop qrWVVsfluid tuvwx(gas yzVqorptliquid). v{uvw|Y process pointer adjustment: adjustment, \M[]Q^T PªOk]ZQ[]UVseeWWT PªOk]ZQ[]Xpointer. \M[]Q^Y mirror, mirror. ZM ^^\^XPdial: MTLUVseeWWP MTLXZM ^^\^Y dial, error: error, \kM]M\[Q ^^\^UVseeWWQ ^^\^Xposition. \kM]M\[Y mounting: means Z\ O[]M[SUmthe nW}W z~V n vrnmthe nWygauge zuyWvisVvinstalled ~VmzttWwqorp position by which positive \kM]MRQ ^QkkO^QUVseeWW ^QkkO^QXpositive. \kM]MRQY pressure: pressure, Vsupported. uooqpmWwY ^QkkO^QXabsolute: Tk\LO]QUzo pWVVupWuV v~yzero Wpqzabsolute VqtumWop WVVupW pressure, a pressure using pressure Z\ O[]M[SXflush: LOkUVseeWWS TOSQXflush LOkZ\ O[]QPY mounting, gauge, mounted. z m u} x V W W« v y Y f | Y asVwz datum (see Fig. 1). mounting, mounting. Z\ O[]M[SXgauge: STOSQUVseeWWZ\ O[]M[SY ambient: pressure the gauge, ^QkkO^QXT ZMQ[]Umthe nWo pWVVupWVsurrounding uppqu~wv~ym nWy zuyWi mounting, gauge, mounted. Z\ O[]M[SXkstem ]QZksocket: \Q]UVseeWWS TOSQXstem k]QZ(socket) k\Q]Z\ O[]QPY pressure, usually atmospheric (barometric) pressure (see Fig. uV uz t t z m }q V on W p v rx z p q }W m p v r |o p W V V up Wx V W W« v yYf1).|Y mounting, gauge, mounted. Z\ O[]M[SXsurface kO^TQ(wall): TLLUVseeWWS TOSQXsurface kO^TQ(wall) TLLZ\ O[]QPY pressure, pressure, ^QkkO^QXburst: O^k]UVseeWW ^QkkO^QX^rupture. O]O^QY movement: Z\ RQZQ[]Umthe nWygauge zuyWrcomponent q}oq~W~mmthat nzmrconverts q~WpmVopressure pWVVupW pressure, difference ^QkkO^QXP MQ^Q[]MTLUmthe nWwv ssWpW~rW WmWW~m qo pWV¡ diflerential: between two presmotion pointer motion. Welement tW}W~m}q mvq~mtoqprotary qmzpoq v~mWp}q mvq~Y sures (see Fig. 1). V u p W Vx V W W« v y Y f | Y NBS: National Bureau NIST). Uz mvq~ztup Wzuqofs`Standards mz~wzpwVx(see VWW |Y pressure element: assembly, ^QkkO^QQ LQZQ[]UVseeWWQelement LQZQ[]T kkQZLXpressure. ^QkkO^QY pressure pressure, [negative QST]MRQ ^QkkO^Q(vacuum): RTOOZUVseeWW ^QkkO^QX[negative. QST]MRQY highest defined gradu^QkkO^QXOLLscale: kTLQUthe mnWn vynWVmnumerically ~u}WpvrzttwW sv~Wwy pzwu¡ NIST: Uz mvq~ztInstitute ~VmvmumWqofs`Standards mz~wzpwVzand ~wd Wrn~qtqy pressure,full National Technology ation on the unretarded portion ofsm the scale. z m v q ~q ~m n Wu~ p W m z p wW wo q p m v q ~q n WV r z t W Y NBS). x(formerly sqp}Wpt` |Y ^QkkO^QXgauge: STOSQUzoq VvmvWop WVVupWx(greater ypWzmWpmthan nz~z }vW~m| a positive pressure ambient) may not restricted to, [nomenclature, \ZQ[LT]O^QXPdial: MTLU}z vinclude, ~rtuwWibut umvisV~ qmp WVmpvrmWwm qi pressure, orp~ negative pressure (less than ambient) using ambient q W y z m v Wop W V V u p Wx t W V Vm n z ~z } v W ~ m |uV v ~ yz }vW~m mthe nWsfollowing: qttqv~y pressure asVwz datum (see Fig. 1).| op W V V u p Wz m u} x V W W« v y Y f Y materials (a)T}z mWpvztVqofsW mmWwoparts zpmV wetted gauge: gauge, ^QkkO^QS TOSQUVseeWWS TOSQXpressure. ^QkkO^QY notices USE NO OIL (b)prestricted WVmpvrmWwzapplication ootvrzmvq~~ qmvrWVVsuch urnzasV` b pressure pressure (c)op WVW~rWqofsVspecial oWrvztsfeatures WzmupWVVsuch urnzasVzan~vinternal ~mWp~ztVstop mqo pressure, ^QkkO^QX[negative QST]MRQ(vacuum): RTOOZUygauge zuyWop WVVupWtless WVVmthan nz~ presence z } v W ~ m op W V V up WuV v ~ yz } v W ~ mo p W V V up Wz Vwz m u}x VWW ambient pressure using ambient pressure as datum (see normal normal [\ ^ZTL\operating Q^T]M[Sconditions: \[PM]M\[kUVsee WWconditions, \[PM]M\[kX[\ ^ZTL «Fig. 1). v y Y f | Y \operating. Q^T]M[SY pressure which a gauge isV~ nor^QkkO^QXoperating: \Q^T]M[SUthe mnWop WVVupWzatmn vrnzy zuyWv qp¡ NPT: American pipe Defined jU_}W pvrz~`Standard mz~wzpwmtaper zoWpov oWmthreads. npWzwVYW sv~Ww pressure, mally operated. }z t t q o W p z m W wY by ASME B1.20.1, Pipe Threads Dryseal). _` abf YhYfijM Q ^QTPk(Except Q]^ kQTLY pressure, positive: pressure ^QkkO^QX \kM]MRQUygauge zuyWo pWVVupWygreater pWzmWpmthan nz~zambient }vW~m pressure: pressure, \operating Q^T]M[S ^QkkO^QUVseeWW ^QkkO^QX\operating. Q^T]M[SY 1).| pressure (see Fig. op W V V u p Wx V W W« v y Y f Y a pressure beyond \overpressure: RQ^^QkkO^QUmthe nWzapplication ootvrzmvq~qofszo pWVVupW Wq~wmthe nW pressure, pressure ofsm the process medium ^QkkO^QXprocess: ^\QkkUmthe nWop WVVupWq nWo pqrWVV}W wvu} zatm sfull uttVscale rztWop WVVupWY pressure. the pressure m n Wop W V V u p Wr q ~ ~ W r m v q ~q n WV q r W m V Y connection ofsm the sockets. failure: failure, overpressure \overpressure RQ^^QkkO^Q TMLO^QUVseeWW TMLO^QX\ RQ^^QkkO^Q pressure, maximum pressure a gauge with^QkkO^QXproof: ^\\Umthe nW}z ¬v}u}o pWVVupWzy zuyWrcan z~v mn¡ Pa: see para. jTUVWWozpzYYYhYfY stand without evidence ofsr change in accuracy. Proof V m z ~ wv m n q u mW v wW ~ r Wq n z ~ y Wv ~z r r up z r Ycp q qs particle: fiber. T^]MLQUzany ~Vsolid qtvwrcontaminant q~mz}v~z~mqother mnWpmthan nz~s vWpY pressure may beWzV a semidestructive test and not op WVVupW}z W}vwWVmpurmvWm WVmz ~wVshould nqutw~ qm gauge. may beW Wrconducted q~wurmWwprepeatedly WoWzmWwtqon~mthe nWVsame z}Wy zuyWYItm}z be pascal: TkTLUVseeWWopara. zpzY3.3.2.1. YYhYfY expressed as a pressure or as a percentage of full scale. W ¬ op W V V W wz Vzop W V V up Wq pz VzoW p r W ~ m z y Wq ss ut tV r z tWY piston gage: gage, Mk]\[S TSQUVseeWWS TSQXpiston. Mk]\[Y pressure unless otherwise ^QkkO^QX^rated: T]QPUsfull uttVscale rztWop WVVupWu~ tWVVq mnWpvVWVspecoWr¡ plug, pressure a plug in LOSX ^QkkO^Q^relief: QLMQUzot uyvinserted ~VWpmWwv ~mthe nWygauge zuyWrcase zVW pressure, ified. v s v W wY wall z ttmthat, nzmivin~mthe nWWevent W~mqofszan~Welement tW}W~mtleak, Wzivents, W~mViminimiz}v~v}v¡ pressure buildup. pressure plug: plug, ^QkkO^Q^relief QLMQ LOSUVseeWW LOSXpressure ^QkkO^Q^relief QLMQY ving ~yrcase zVWo pWVVupW uvtwuoY f American Mechanical Engineers. Copyright ­® ¯°±²³´µ©¶·2006 ¸¸¹¶ºby°¶the µ́»¶¼½» ±²¾¿À¶ÁSociety ®¾²»µ°¶®of¶û ¾´¿À²¾¿Ä¶ÅÀ ³²À»»±ÆÇ No thisÆ material ASME. È®±reproduction »¯±®Éʾµ²®À¶may ½¿°¶ºbe»¶made ½¿É»¶®of¶µ́² ¶½¿ µ»±²¿Ä¶without ˲µ́®Êµ¶written ˱²µµ»À¶¾consent ®ÀÆ»Àµ¶®of¶¼Á ÃÅÇ 01 203456PRESSURE 73442738INDICATING 9 81890 DIAL 81 TYPE 63— GAUGES: 3ELASTIC 148 3ELEMENT 339 (B40.1) 143 ASME B40.100-2005 rupture: !"#the $%&' ()&*&+, %--*,%'above ./0%1$ )2$#the $% ring, ;JH hinged: \;JHG"', )46,retained %#')4%7. 5'$ )46%U#5+%7% 0)2%'and 47 pressure, maximum pressure which a ring by a hinge—type device +, % * , %% 3 % &% 4 # ' % &. 3 5&' 54 /3 / 4 6 % ,$ / 3 7+, % *, % 8 ') 4 6 3 %, % # ' ) 4 ) 4 62 , % 18 pressure element assembly may no longer hold pressure. a single retaining screw. ;JH slip: =;"', )46-similar )&)3',#to/#the $%?friction ,)2#)/4, )46%except (2%+## $'# a ring ring that 9variable: :;:<="+, %--*,%#that $'#)increases 42,%'-%-/or,7% 2,%'-%-> ring, pressure, pressure decreases, has a clearance with is-secured by '-'2 3%','42%?fit)#1) #$#the $%2case '-%'and 47) %2*,%7. 5 both, a rate /or,. /#$>'at#', '#%6greater ,%'#%,#than $'4#that $'#'allowed 33/1%7?for/,-steady #%'75 )it#$ 2 , % 18 +, %--*,%@&' 5)include 423*7%$) 6$+, %--*,%>-short $/,#7duration *,'#)/4 screws. pressure; may high pressure, )impulses &+*3-%-A(pressure +,%--*,%-spikes). +)B%-C8 ring, ;JH snap: J:"', )46# $'#-snaps 4'+-)into 4#/'6 ,//0%/on4# $%2case. '-%8 a ring that a groove the ;"-see%%+para. ','8D3.3.2.1. 8D8E8F8 psi: ring, ;JH !threaded: \:GG"', )46$ '0)46#threads $,%'7-# $'#&' #2$# $,%'7a ring having that match threads / 4# $ %2 ' % 8 on the case. psia: ;:"-see%%+para. ','8D3.3.2.1. 8D8E8F8 V:="&' ,B)46-/on4# $%7) '3>2 /4-)-#)46/ ,'7*'#)/4-> scale: markings the dial, consisting of?6 graduations, ;G"-see%%+para. ','8D3.3.2.1. 8D8E8F8 psid: related numerals, and units of?&% measure. , % 3 ' # % 74 *&% , ' 3 > ' 4 7*4 ) # -/ ' *, % 8 ;H"+-%%+' ,'8D 8D8E8FC8 psig: psi)A (see para. sealed case: :=GV :"-see%%Vcase, :sealed. :=G8 =:!;IJ"'+% ,)/7)2-surge. *,6%8 pulsation: a periodic the maximum deceleration \IV]^(impact) ;[:V!_resistance: ;!:JV"# $%&' ()&*& 7% 2%3%,'#)/4'a range: :JH"#the $%$high )6$'and 473low /1 3limits )&)#-/of?#the $%-scale 2'3%A(including )423*7)46 shock 6 ' * 6 %2 ' 41) # $ # ' 4 71) # $ / *#7' &' 6 %/ 0 )7%42%/ gauge can withstand without damage or,% evidence of?' a portions) ,retarded %#',7%7+/ ,#)/4-C%expressed (+,%--%7) 4#the $%-sequences %K*%42%-'and 47 2change in $ ' 4 6 %) 4' 2 2 *, ' 2 5/ , %# $ ' 4'+ % 2 ) ? ) % 70 ' 3 *% 8 X #) in accuracy of?&/ more than a specified value. It iswhich *4) #-)in41$) 2$#they $%5/occur. 22*,8LFor/,%example: ('&+3%MN0/100 OFNNBkPa, P'> %expressed units to/a 90% lead(+,%--%7)in46g’s,T->#time )&%7duration *,'#)/4A(10% FN`# N`/of?the #$%3 %'7U E200/500 NNOQNN+>D30N)in.48R60 '2ODN+8 psi,) Hg vac/30 psi.) )ing 46%edge 76%/ $%-shock $/2B+* 3-%C>'and 474 *&.%,/ &+'2#-8 of?# the pulse), number of?) impacts. uncertainty readability: :G:<;=;!S"#the $%*42 %,#')4#5)inherent 4$%,%4#)in4#the $%/observer's .-%,0%,T- significant ;HJ;W;V:J!surface: W:V"-see%% W:Vb !!G8 surface, wetted. 'ability .)3)#5#to/7% #%,&)4%#the $%)indicated 47)2'#%7+ ,%--*,%0 '3*%8LFactors '2#/,- silver determine pressure value. using a nonferrous filler metal ;=9<brazing: :c;JH". ,'d)46* -)46'4 /4?%,,/*-? )33%,&% #'3 brazing #that $'#&' 5'affect ??%2#,readability %'7'.)3)#5)include 423*7%3length %46#$/of?-scale, 2'3%>6gradu,'7*U may containing silver. 2 / 4 # ' ) 4 ) 4 6) 3 0 % , 8 pointer design 'ation #)/42configuration /4?)6*,'#)/4'and 47-spacing, +'2)46>+/ )4#%,7% -)64'and 47 gauge: gauge, ;JH=H :H"-see%%H :Hsingle. ;JH=8 width, parallax, distance between 1) 7#$>+' ,'33'(>7) -#'42%. %#1%%4/observer .-%,0%,'and 47-scale, 2'3%> single )illumination, 33*&)4'#)/4>-stability #'.)3)#5/of?+ /)4#%,>+pointer /)4#%,'and 47-scale 2'3%2col/3U size, pointer, Fig. ;cgauge: H:H"-see%%L )689.a8 /ors, ,->'and 47#the $%3liquid )K*)73level %0%33line )4%)in43liquid-filled )K*)7U?)33%76gauges. '*6%-8 slip =;ring: ;JH"-see%%ring, ;JH slip. =;8 gauge: gauge, receiver V;9H :H"-see%%H :Hreceiver. V;98 snap J:ring: ;JH"-see%%ring, ;JH snap. J:8 gauge: gauge, refrigerant W;H:J!H :H"-see%%H :Hrefrigerant. W;H:J!8 snubber: a device that is-* used to/, reduce effect of? J<<"'7% 0)2%# $'#) -%7# %7*2%#the $%% ??%2#/ maximum difference between or,# to/, reduce flow from repeatability: :!:<;=;!S"#the $%&' ()&*& 7) ??%,%42%. %#1%%4'any 45#two 1/ pressure +,%--*,%?fluctuations 3*2#*'#)/4-'and 47-surges, *,6%->/ %7*2%? 3/1? ,/& /or,&/ ,%2consecutive /4-%2*#)0%)indications 47)2'#)/4-?for/,#the $%-same '&%'applied ++3)%7 '+, %--*,%%element 3%&%4##that $'#$ '-?failed ')3%7) 4%,0)2%>/or,. /#$8 more a pressure has in service, both. pressure under,# the operating ASME B405. +, %--*,%*47% $%-same '&%/+% ,'#)462conditions, /47)#)/4-> eSee%%Ye fghi N8Q8 direction, 'approaching ++,/'2$)46?from ,/& #the $%-same '&%7) ,%2#)/4>'after ?#%,3lightly )6$#35#tap'+U IV]!"-see%% stem. ![8 ping +) 46#the $%6gauge. '*6%8XIt#)is-**'335%expressed (+,%--%7'as-'+% ,2%4#'6% socket: usually a percentage soft soldering: soldering. IW! I=G;JH"-see%% I=G;JH8 /of?-span. +'48 a metal—joining process wherein I=G;JH^(soft IW!soldering): I=G;JH_"'&% #'3Uj/)4)46+, /2%--1$ %,%)4 a system-forced resonance: IJ:JV",resonance %-/4'42%/of?'5-#%&U?/,2%7/oscillation -2)33'#)/4%exists ()-#- soldering 2 / ' 3 % 2 % 4 2 %) -+, / 7 *2 % 7. 5$ % ' # ) 4 6# /'*) # ' . 3 %# % &+% ,U coalescence is produced by heating to a suitable temperwhen however 1$ %4'any 452change, $'46%>$ /1%0%,-small, &'33>)in4#the $%?frequency ,%K*%425/of? 'ature and by using a nonferrous alloy fusible at## tempera# *, %' 4 7. 5*) 4 6'4 / 4 ? % , , / *-' 3 3 / 5? *) . 3 %' % &+% , ' U a decrease %excitation (2)#'#)/42causes '*-%-'7% 2,%'-%)in4#the $%,response %-+/4-%/of?#the $%-sys5-U #tures below 425°C (800°F) and having a melting point *, % -. % 3 / 1 i E Q k lA m N N k L C' 4 7$ ' 0 ) 4 6'&% 3 # ) 4 6+ / ) 4 # may part #tem. %&8A(AY,resonance %-/4'42%&' 5/occur 22*,)in4'an4)internal 4#%,4'3+' ,#/of?#the $% below that of?# the base metals being joined. . % 3 / 1# $ ' #/ $ %. ' %&% # ' 3 -. % ) 4 6j / ) 4 % 78 with no// outward manifestation.) 6gauge, '*6%>1) #$4 *#1',7&' 4)?%-#'#)/48C difference between the :J"#the $%'algebraic 36%.,')27) ??%,%42%. %#1%%4#the $%3limits )&)#-/of?# $% restrictor: !;V!I"#the $%7% 0)2%#that $'#,restricts %-#,)2#-?fluid 3*)7? 3/1. %#1%%4#the $% span: device flow between unretarded portion of?# the scale. *4 , % # ' , 7% 7+ / , # ) / 4/ $ %2 ' 3 % 8 pressure pressure used +, %--*,%-source /*,2%'and 47#the $%+ ,%--*,%%element. 3%&%4#8XIt#)is-*%7#to/ (a):_n$ The%span a 0/100 kPa. +'4/of?'N OFNNBkPa P'6gauge '*6%)is-F100NNB P'8 pressure ,reduce %7*2%#the $%%effect ??%2#/of?+, %--*,%?fluctuations 3*2#*'#)/4-/or,#to/2control /4#,/3 ^ (b) The differ^ < _n$ %+ ' 4/ ? '*+ +, % % 72 ' 3 %6 ' *6 %) -# $%7) ??%,U span of a suppressed scale gauge is the a pressure in ?flow 3/1?from ,/& '+, %--*,%%element 3%&%4##that $'#$has'-?failed ')3%7) 4-service, %,0)2%> %ence maximum and minimum between the scale pres4 2 %. % # 1% % 4# $ %&' ( ) &*& ' 4 7&) 4 ) &*& 2 ' 3 %+, %-U both. may be%) integrally mounted /or,. /#$8XIt#&' 5. 4#%6,'335&/ *4#%7/or,-separate %+','#%?from ,/& -sures. For example, the span of 200/ 500 psi gauge is* , % 8L / ,% ( ' &+3 % ># $ %+' 4/ ?E N N OQ N N+)6 ' * 6 %) #the $%6gauge. '*6%8 D N N+8 300 psi.) gauge: gauge, retard !:GH :H"-see%%H :Hretard. !:G8 difThe%span a compound gauge is-# the ^(c)V_n$ +'4/of?'V I[IJGH :H) $%'algebraic 36%.,')27) ?U ference between the limits of the vacuum and pressure window ring: ;JH"#the $%2component /&+/4%4##that $'#-secures %2*,%-#the $%1) 47/1#to/#the $%2case. '-%8 ?%,%42%.%#1%%4#$%3)&)#-/?#$%0'2**& '47+,%--*,% when both are in units. For 2'3%-1$ %4. /#$' ,%%expressed (+,%--%7) 4#the $%-same '&%*4 )#-8L /, Ring will design Z) 462configurations /4?)6*,'#)/4-1) 330Vary ',5?for/,7% -)64'and 47'aesthetic %-#$%#)2 -scales example, the span of 30 in. Hg vac (approximately % ( ' &+3 % ># $%+' 4/ ?D N) 48R60 ' 2A ' ++, /( ) &' # % 35 ,reasons. %'-/4-8 (15 psi) to 30 psi pressure scale is 45 psi. AFQ+-)C#/DN+-)+,%--*,%-2'3%)-iQ+-)8 ring, ;JH <bayonet: :SIJ!"-see%%ring, ;JH Vcam. :[8 span adjustment: adjustment, :J: Go![J!"-see%%: Go![J!span. :J8 a ring ring, ;JHVcam: :["', )46-similar )&)3',#to/#the $%#threaded $,%'7%7,ring )46%except (2%+##that $'# span, gauge: span. :J Vcompound I[IJGH :H"-see%% :J8 by a cam #the $%#threads $,%'7-'are,%,replaced %+3'2%7. 5'2 '& 'arrangement. ,,'46%&%4#8 scale: span. :J suppressed G V:="-see%% :J8 means a ring by ring, ;JHfriction: W;V!;IJ"', )46,retained %#')4%7. 5&% '4-/of?'an4)interference 4#%,?%,%42% span, between specific service gauge: gauge, service. /or,?friction ,)2#)/4?fit)#. %#1%%4)it#'and 47#the $%2case. '-%8 V;W;V 9;VH :H"-see%%H :Hspecific V;W;V 9;V8 [ F11F pqrstuvwx yz{{|y}syxw~y~tuyqu~xsyqy~wuyvu~~t qt~rtqxuqysy}~y~yqyxwuyx~tuyuxwqxytuxx~yq~xyqy Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01234567866966 0 31311 30 03 301332345678 GAUGES: PRESSURE INDICATING DIAL TYPE — ELASTIC ELEMENT (B40.1) ASME B40.100-2005 Outside diam. of case \1 l 3—\ Q Mounting bolt ' 11 .1 L_I.—l A T Panel opening diam. [Note (1)1 Pressure connection , Turning radius Outside X diam. of Case T) Three mounting bolt clearance holes (case) Stem-Mounted Gauges — \ Flush-/Surface-Mounted Gauges Pane‘ Flush Mounted Mounting Dimensions Flush/Surface 1!"#$%2& '()'*) +%')&' Mounting Mounting Opening Max. Outside 2& '()'*4Bolt &( 2& '()'*4Bolt &( Panel #'%,%')'* Case #%2# .7, ()/% Diameter Hole Diameter Diameter Diameter Circle )!$%) #+%(%! 0& %) #+%(%! ) #+%(%! ) #+%(%!1[Note &(%(1)] 82 Gauge mm mm mm mm #*%1Size )3% )in.'7 ++ )in.'7 ++ )in.'7 ++ )in.'7 ++ 411/2456 41.91 784 948.5 :7; <0.13 74= =3.479 41.65 7>; 941.9 478 41.59 7;8 940.4 <79 62 4 62.56 7;> >65.0 ;7< <0.16 74> 94.57; 62.19 748 ;55.6 ;7> 62.13 74= ;54.1 974 =3.13 74= ?79.5 87; <0.16 74> 94.57; 62.81 7:4 ?71.4 479 62.75 7?; >69.9 878 621/2456 =31/2456 94.25 76; 4108 <: <0.22 766 ;5.67> =3.81 7:4 896.8 >7: =3.75 7?; 895.3 ;7= ;5.38 7=: 4137 =? <0.22 766 ;5.67> 94.94 789 4125 6; 94.88 7:: 4124 69 941/256 >6 4 ?7.00 7<< 4178 ?: <0.28 76: ?7.174 >6.50 7;< 4165 >; >6.44 799 4164 >9 :81/256 89.63 7>= 6245 9; <0.28 76: ?7.174 89.00 7<< 6229 68 :8.94 789 6227 6? 4126 413.50 =7;< =343 9= <0.28 76: ?7.174 412.62 67>6 =321 64 412.56 67;> =319 48 416> 417.00 ?7<< 9432 =6 <0.28 76: ?7.174 416.50 >7;< 9419 48 416.44 >799 9418 4: The @The ABCsizes DEBCFlisted DCGBHIabove JKLBIareMBBequal NOIFGtoKGtheABIapproximate PPMKQDRIGBDinside SCDHBHdiameter DIRBGBMKofTGthe ABUcase, ICBVDinSDinches, SUABCVIatGGtheABHdial. DIF7@ ABWENXUcase ICB the made toKG the Csizes DEBCFlisted DCGBHJbelow BFKYHdefine BTDSBCsize DEBIasCGthe ABKoutside OGCDHBHdiameter DIRBGBMKofTG ABUcase. ICB7ZBecause BUIOCBKofTGthis ADCHdifference, DTTBMBSUBV[gauges IO[BCRI HBG ABDinchSUA\ may]S not with made toKG the EN sizes, even though the nominal sizes may]J beBL very Jbased ICBHCsizes DEBCRI KGJbeBDinterchangeable SGBMUAIS[BIJFBYD GAGthose AKCBRI H BG A BW XC D E B C VB L B SG A K O [ AG A BS K RD S I FC D E B CRI B M] a size may]J beBI asCF large mm, 7 mm larger a EN IO[BRI IM[BIasC?70<RRV?RRF IM[BMGthan AISGthat AIGKofTIW X Uclose. FKCB7^ForKMDinstance, SCGISUBVGthe ABKoutside OGCDHBHdiameter DIRBGBMKofTIC DEB621/2456[gauge mm gauge. >63=RR[ IO[B7 3EN_837.1 `a78Case #%1Sizes )3% Mounting 2& '()'*4Bolt &(Circle )!$% Diameter Outside Diameter ) #+%(%! Case #%, ()/%) #+%(%! mm mm Gauge #*%1Size )3% ++ )in.'7 ++ )in.'7 940< ;514 62.01 7<4 940< 41.57 7;? ;50< >60< 62.36 7=> ;50< 41.97 78? >63= ?75; 62.95 78; >63= 62.48 79: :80< 895; =3.74 7?9 :80< =3.15 74; 4100 << 4118 4: 94.65 7>; 4100 << =3.94 789 4150 ;< 4168 >: >6.61 7>4 4150 ;< ;5.91 784 4160 >< 4178 ?: ?7.01 7<4 4160 >< >6.30 7=< 6250 ;< 6276 ?> 410.87 <7:? 6250 ;< 89.84 7:9 GENERAL NOTE: mounting bW XWcdeXf@ WghContact KSGIUGCsupplier OPPFDBMTforKMIactual UGOIFRK OSGDS[Hdimensions DRBSCDKSCi(panel PISBFKopenings, PBSDS[CVJbolt KFGUcircle DMUFBHdiameter, DIRBGBMVBetc.). GU7j7 NOTE: Xf@ Wg i(1)4j^Flush-mounted FOCA\RKOSGBHUcases ICBCKonly. SF]7 Dimensions Mounting kFig. lmno9 pRecommended qrsttquvqvwCase xyqxand uvzs {u|lum}l tquylsuy ~12 53 39¢ Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. [ 01 203456PRESSURE 73442738INDICATING 9 81890 DIAL 81 TYPE 63— GAUGES: 3ELASTIC 148 3ELEMENT 339 (B40.1) 143 ASME B40.100-2005 !" #$%&'duration, (%!&)$*+# ),#!amplitude -./)&('0"sudden (''0*%rise )"0$or% :variable 6<6@9 <7<"see00 <7<=:variable. 6<6@92 spike: a short high pressure: pressure, '% $ .) *" 1 " & 0 . % 0 " " (% 0 2 drop in system pressure. the :vibration @<6534<resistance: 564?& #0-! ^)-(-"sinusoidal )*("$)'!/acceleration !BB0/0%!&)$* maximum !, !(,0Bcan !*W) &#"&!*'W) &#$(&'! -!,0$ Y)'0*B0$ a gauge withstand without damage or%0 evidence ofC 3456437explosive 893:; 697<"see00; 697<=explosive. 893:2 spontaneous failure: failure, !B # ! * , 0) *! B B (% ! B 1$ C-$ % 0& # ! *!" .0 B ) C ) 0 'Y ! / (0 2 X& a change in accuracy of more than a specified value. It 564>6<> "see00standard, 564>6<>=?calibration. 69@<65342 standard: ) ^ .% 0 " " 0 ') *, ` " + $ -. / ) & ('0$ Y 0 %!C % 0 a (0 * B 1% ! * , 0 is"0 expressed in g’s, or%! amplitude over a frequency range 564>6<>=?calibration: 69@<6534!.% 0""(%0)instrument *"&%(-0*&(" 0'&to$'0 &0%A !and standard, a pressure used detertime period. * '& ) -0.0 % ) $ '2 mine ASME PTC 19.2). -) *0&the #0!accuracy BB(%!B1$ofC!, !(,0D(see "00EF GHIJKL M2NO2 P a gauge 9>4Q !-0 &!/Ab$)*)*,. %$B0""W# 0%0)*B $!/0"B0*B0) welding: a metal—joining process wherein coalescence is" standard, ASME 564>6<>=5transfer: <64;<"see00EF GHIPTC JKL19.2. M2N2 .%$'(B0'V 1# 0!&)*,& ()&!V/0&temperatures 0-.0%!&(%0"& /& produced by heating to$" suitable to$-0 melt base metals without &the #0V !"0-0 &!/"&together, $,0&#0%+with W)&#$or%W) &#$(&&the #0!addition '')&)$* standard, working: ASME 564>6<>=P3 <4Q "see00EF GHIPTC JKL19.2. M2N2 metal. filler metal is"(" $ofCCfiller )//0%-0 &!/2XIfCC )//0%-0 &!/) 0'+) #!//# !Y0!a used, it&" shall have 56>R <7<"see00 <7<=steady. 56>R2 steady pressure: pressure, -0 / & ) * ,.$ ) * & ! * 'B $ -.$ " ) & ) $ *! . . % $ ^ ) -! & 0 / 1& # 0" !-0 melting point and composition approximately the same 5ST(socket): 3?5U&the #0-! )*"supporting (..$%&)*,Bcomponent $-.$*0*&$ofC&the #0.pres%0"A !as"&the stem main metal. # 0V ! " 0-0 & ! / 2 base "sure (%00element /0-0*&!assembly ""0-V/1&to$W# )B#&the #00elastic /!"&)B0element /0-0*&) which is" window: a transparent front 4>3P !& %!*".!%0*&Bcomponent $-.$*0*&&that #!&Bcloses /$"0"&the #0C %$*& may pressure !attached. &&!B#0'2XIt&-! 1)include *B/('0&the #0.% 0""(%0Bconnection $**0B&)$*!and *' P ofC& the 2). $ # 0B ! " 0D " 0 0c ) , 2 N O 2 case (see Fig. mounting movement -$ (*&)*,Cfor$%&the #0-$ Y0-0*&!and *'Bcase. !"02 window, heat—treated glass: a window heat4>3P=_ 65d5<65>Q 96 !W) *'$W of$C"specially .0B)!//1# 0!&A 53&the #0Bcomponent $-.$*0*&&that #!&/limits )-)&"&the #0-$ &)$*$ofC&the #0.pointer $)*&0% P stop: motion when broken, will form & % 0 ! & 0 'D & 0 -.0 % 0 'O , / ! " " + W# ) B # + W# 0 *V % $ ] 0 * + W) / / C $ %treated (tempered) glass, which, D(see "00 53=internal, 45<469+!and *' 53 4O2 stop, stop pin). )into *&$"small, -!//+,granular %!*(/!%.) 0B0"+(" (!//1W) &#*$b !,,0' pieces, usually with no jagged 53=internal: 45<469!" &$.'0 "),*0'&to$%restrain 0"&%!)*& #0.% 0""(%0 0edges. stop, a stop designed the pressure ',0"2 motion by directly move0element /0-0*&-$ &)$*V 1!acting B&)*,') %0B&/1$on*)it&$or%$on*&the #0-$ Y0A P window, glass: a window or%-$ more 4>3P=9laminated 6S465>Q 96 !W) *'$W with W)&#&two W$$ %0 ment mechanism para. -0 *&-0 B#!*)"- D(see "00.! %!2Z3.3.7). 2Z2[O2 held by intervening layer(s) "sheets #00&"$ofC,glass /!""# 0/'&together $,0&#0%V 1!an*) *&0%Y0*)*,/ !10%D"O stop pin: dial 53 4&the #0Bcomponent $-.$*0*&$on*&the #0') !/&that #!&/limits )-)&"&the #0!angular *,(/!% $ofCBclear /0!%. /!"&)B2When e#0*) )"B %!B]0'$or%V %$]0*+the &#0.) 0B0" plastic. it&is cracked broken, pieces %rotation $&!&)$*$ofC&the #0.$ )*&0%2 pointer. tend to$& the plastic. $ofC,glass /!""& 0*'&to$!adhere '#0%0& #0./ !"&)B2 7<>scale ?69Q 67Q"see00Q 67Q=suppressed 7<> ?692 suppressed gauge: gauge, scale. P 4>3P= 964Q 96!W) *'$W $ofCBcommercial $--0%B)!/"single )*,/0$or% window, plain glass: a window double strength plate or sheet glass. '$ ( V / 0" & % 0 * , & #. / ! & 0$ %" # 0 0 &, / ! " " 2 7<;6?T(wall) P699US3 745> "see00Q 67Q=surface 7<;6?T(wall) P699US3 745>2 surface mounted: gauge, mounted. window, a window plastic. 4>3P=plastic: 965?!W) *'$W$ofC&transparent %!*".!%0*&. /!"&)B2 7<;6?=P 55>!any *1"surface (%C!B0&that #!&') %0B&/1Bcontacts $*&!B&"&the #0. %0"A P surface, wetted: directly preswindow, made plastic, P 4>3P=5threaded: _<6>> window, W)*'$W+,generally 0*0%!//1-! '0$ofC./ !"&)B+ media. "sure (%0-0 ')!2 with integral threads that match threads on the case. W) & #) * & 0 , % ! / & # % 0 ! '"& # ! & -! & B #& # % 0 ! '"$ *& # 0B ! " 02No f$ surge: a sudden drop pressure. 7<Q!" (''0*%rise )"0$or%'% $.)in*"system 1"&0- .% 0""(%02 ring is"% required. " 0 . ! % ! & 0% ) * ,) 0 a () % 0 '2 separate portion between position 5takeup: 67 &the #0. $%&)$*$ofC&the #0"scale B!/0V 0&W00*&the #0.$ ")&)$* where pointer W# 0%0&the #0.$ )*&0%)is""stopped &$..0'!and *')its&"&true %(0\ 0%$.% 0""(%0 g zero pressure GENERAL jiklmkRECOMMENDATIONS inoppijqlrsojt 3 hi position. .$ ")&)$*2 3.1 Gauge uvhw xyztSizes {|z} 5temperature, S<657<=6ambient: S@45&the #0&temperature 0-.0%!&(%0$ofC&the #0!atmosphere &-$".#0%0 g FSee00cFig. ),29.M2 "surrounding (%%$(*')*,&the #0,gauge. !(,02 5temperature S<657<error: <<3<"see00error, <<3<=5temperature. S<657<2 Typical g3.2u~r {wkRanges wyz} process: process 5temperature, S<657<= <3?&the #0&temperature 0-.0%!&(%0$ofC&the #0.% $B0"" G! Many in to$& the listed para. *1%ranges !*,0") *!addition '')&)$*& #0$ones *0"/ )"&0')in*.! %!2 medium -0 ')(- !at&&the #0.pressure %0""(%0Bconnection $**0B&)$*$ofC&the #0"socket. $B]0&2 common Z3.2.1 2N2L!are%0)in*B $--$*(" 02 use. storage: 5temperature, S<657<= 53<6Q&the #00extremes ^&%0-0"$ofC&temperature 0-.0%!&(%0D(high #),# g3.2.1 following is"!/ Gauge a list u~uvPositive }{{zhw xyzPressure. z}}xzuThe J#0C $//$W)*,) )"& may be00 exposed when !and *'/low) $WO&that #!&&the #0,gauge !(,0-! 1V ^.$"0'&to$W# 0*)it&)is" $ofC.$ positive gauge pressure: " ) & ) Y 0, ! (, 0.% 0 " " ( % 0 not * $&.pressurized. %0""(%)\0'2 psi )in.*2H20 .") N gauge: gauge, 5test 5Q 67Q"see00Q 67Q=5test. 52 0/3 0/300 0/6,000 0/10 L Z Z + 5threaded _<6>><ring: 4Q "see00<ring, 4Q=5threaded. _<6>>2 0/5 0/600 0/10,000 0/15 L L+ 0/30 0/10 0/800 0/15,000 Z L L+ window: window, 5threaded _<6>>P 4>3P "see00P 4>3P=5threaded. _<6>>2 0/15 0/1,000 0/20,000 0/60 L L+ N+ motion 0/30 0/L 1,500 0/ 30,000 5tip: &the #0-$ &)$*$or%Cforce $%B0&transmitting %!*"-)&&)*,Bcomponent $-.$*0*&!at&&the #0 0/L100 Z + Z + 0/60 0/2,000 0/40,000 0/200 N N+ + Cfree %000end *'$ofC!an*0elastic /!"&)B0element. /0-0*&2 0/100 0/60,000 0/300 Z L 0/3,000 Z+ + 5torr: 3<<"see00.para. !%!2Z3.3.2.1. 2Z2N2L2 0/160 0/4,000 0/80,000 L + + N + L100/000 + documentation a calibra0/200 0/5/000 0/ 5traceability: <6?6@95R'$ B(-0*&!&)$*$ofC&the #00existence ^)"&0*B0$ofC!B !/)V%!A a primary kpa between &tion )$*Bchain #!)*V0 &W00*!an*)instrument *"&%(-0*&!and *'!.% )-!%1 ]I! "standard. &!*'!%'2 000 000 0/1L 0/10 L 0/1 LL100 0/1 L000 0/10 L 0/100 L 000 000 5transfer <64;<standard: 564>6<> "see00standard, 564>6<>=5transfer. <64;<2 0/1.6 L2 0/16 L 0/160 L 0/1 L600 0/16 L 0/160 L 500 000 000 0/2.5 N2 0/25 N 0/250 N 0/2 N 0/25 N 0/250 N gauge: gauge, :vacuum 6?77SQ 67Q"see00Q 67Q=:vacuum. 6?77S2 000 000 0/4 0/40 0/400 0/4000 0/40 0/400 pressure, 000 000 :vacuum: 6?77S "see00 <7<=4negative. Q65:2 0/6 0/60 0/600 0/6 000 0/60 0/600 f L13Z ¡¢ £¤¥¦£§¨ £¤¥£¤©ª¥¥ «¬ 30¢ ­®¯£¥¢¤¢¤®§«¢¤¤©°¯°¥£¥«¥§¡¦¨ª¬ 53 Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01234567866966 0 31311 30 03 301332345678 GAUGES: PRESSURE INDICATING DIAL TYPE — ELASTIC ELEMENT (B40.1) ASME B40.100-2005 be8@ sufficient Gcase @8D 8@@C8relief 8;=89@ 7;; C99=G=8>AAto:B 8>AAthe 78G @8 pressure shall vent case D 8 @ @ C 8= > G 8 @ 8 8 9 : 8<= > Q: <9 = ; C 8: G G C @ k 9G 0/0.01 ! 0/0.10 ! 0/100 ! 0/1,000 !" pressure increase before window failure occurs. If case@8 increases the 8@@C8= >G8@8@rapidly, D=Q;\"however, 7:<8B8"A 78Gcase @8D 8@@C8 pressure pressure 0/0.016 !# 0/0.16 !# 0/160 !# 0/1,600 !"# D 0/0.025 $% 0/0.25 $% 0/250 $% 0/2,500 $"% relief 8;=89Q8 B=G8H \> :Aprevent D8B8>ADparts A@9 :H 8=>?8 oD8;;8Q device may not from being expelled. 0/0.04 & 0/0.40 & 0/400 & 0/4,000 &" m: H;H: C>A=>?:9A 78?gauge C?8@shall 7;;>: 8B8>A Normal mounting of the notAD prevent 0/0.06 # 0/0.60 # 0/600 # 0/6,000 #" D proper relief means. :D89function C>GA=:>:of9Athe 78Gcase @8D 8@@C8 8;=89H8 >@ pressure '3.2.2 ()()*+ ,-./0+12,+3Pressure. 4+5524+(67 :;;:<=>?=is@; =@A Negative Gauge The89 following a list Mounting ' ('(W(pbL 2O./O,(q: C>A=>?7: ;8@:or@studs ACQ@ 8 Mounting. holes are pressure. :of9>negative 8?A=B8?gauge C?8D 8@@C8 shall C@ 8 Q9 : 9 ; C @ 7 > Q@ C 9 G 8 ] H: C > A 8 Q? C? 8 @ 67 8 \@ 7 ;; used for flush and surface-mounted gauges. They => E?FGCCH IJ 8@sized =r8Qand >Q; :GA8Qas@@shown 7:<>= >YFig. =? 9.s be located in —1/0 30/0 -100/0 Dials ('()t/ -Z5 '3.2.3 ()('KCompound LMNL2OP3Pressure. 4+5524+(67 :;;:<=>?=is@; =@A:of9 '3.3.2 The89 following a list pressure: Gcompound :HD:C>QD 8@@C8R Units ' ('()(WKCommon LMMLOuO /.5 v w xyB 8 A 7 8\ 8 @ "Q= 9988>AGclassifications ;@@=9=GA=:>@: =A@ (a) Over the years, different of9C> units => E?D@= IJ of9H8 measure have been used. Many of9A the older units, : @ C 87 B 8 8 8 >C @ 8 Q q > \: 7 8: ; Q8 C > = A@" 30 in. Hg vac/15 psi -100/150 -1/1.5 officially recognized although ;A7:C?7> :Apresently D8@8>A;\:99=G=;;\8G:?>=r8Q A>QQ not by\@ standard 30 in. Hg vac/30 psi -100/300 -1/3 @setting 8AA=>? :Q=8@"are8@still A=;;in=><= Q8@D8QC@ >Qare8A 788] bodies, widespread use8 and there30 in. Hg vac/60 psi -100/500 -1/5 fore included in this Standard for the purpose of defini9 : 8= > G ; CQ8 Q= >A 7 = @X A > Q Q9 : A 7 8D C D : @ 8: 9 Q8 9=>=] 30 in. Hg vac/100 psi -100/900 -1/9 tion. The A=:> 678Athree 788 @=GGclassifications ;@@=9=GA=:>@are8 :;;:<@R basic as@9 follows: 30 in. Hg vac/150 psi -100/1 500 -1/15 30 in. Hg vac/300 psi -100/2 400 -1/24 These units v(1)zx{SI|v(Le}~{Systeme ~~International |~wwd’LInites). ~x67 8@8C >=A@ the CIPM (Comité 8 8 G : ? > = r 8 Q \A 7 8[k Jq c [: H= A 8 k > A 8 > A = : > ;Q8 are recognized by International des@ '3.2.4 ()(STReceiver +U+/0+4 Poids J : = Q@8 @ C 8 @ e etAq8 Measures). bar Dpsi@= IkPa J MKSA v(2)x{ v(meter, ~~kilogram-force, w~second, ~ampere). w~~xThe 678 20/100 V3/15 !% $ ! 0.2/1.0 $! metric units, 9former :H8H8 A=GC >=A@"<7 =G7are8 8=>?replaced 8D;G8Q 78 which being by\A the SIkC> units. X = A @ '3.3('KConstruction LO5.42U./LO v(3)x wv(inch, ~ ~w ~~x Customary poand—force, second, ampere). '3.3.1 ('(WKCases. -5+5(XSee88YFig. =? &4. Customary units used primarily English-speaking [C@ A:H\C> =A@are8C@ 8QD =H=;\=in>> ?;=@7]@D8I=>? countries being replaced in most by :C>A=8@and >Qare8 8=>? 8D;G8Q= >H: @AGcountries :C>A=8@ \ General. Cases may be89 fabricated vari' ('(W(W1+ O+4-Z([ @8@H \ =GA8Q9from :HB =] G units. X kC> = A @ SI materials using various manufacturing processes. :ousC@H A8=;@C@ =>?B =:C@H >C9GAC=>?D :G8@@8@ v(I9)xY For factors, para. :Gconversion :>B8@=:>9 GA:@"@see88D f7.2.$ They may have 67 8\H \7 B8@solid :;=Q9fronts :>A@:or:open D8>9fronts, :>A@"and >QH \ may (c) Definitions 78B =:C@C> =A@are8as@9 :;;:<@R various units follows: may not various pressure relief means. :orH \> :A8employ HD;:\B =:C@Gcase @8D 8@@C8 8;=89H8 >@ vx89=>=A=:>@:of9Athe may design variations with XSpecific D8G=9=Gapplications DD;=GA=:>@H \require 8^C=8Q8 @=?>B =A=:>@<= A7 SI Xk There be8HCA mutual respect 8@D8GAAto:Gcase @8Gconstruction. :>@ACGA=:> 67 88@should 7:C;Q C; Abbreviation UnitA Definition 8 B=A=:> ¡>= 89=>=A=:> between user, manufacturer, agreement ?88H8>A 8A<88>C@ 8"@supplier, CDD;=8":orH >C9GAC8":or @some :H8Gcombination, :H=>A=:>"regarding 8?Q=>?Athe 78applications DD;=GA=:>@and >QAthe 78 bar bar 1 bar kPa bar is@ ! ¢= !100I Jc(The 678 = Q8 @=?>Bvariations. =A=:>@ design C>=A:CA@=Q8A78Xk" which is@> nevertheless <7=G7= 8B8A78;8@@ 8G] recWith Pressure Relief Means. For ' ('(W()KCases -5+5_/ .`34 +5524+T+ Z/+ab+ -O5(Y: by CIPM.) :ognized ?>=r8Q \[k Jq e gauges used measure gas@D pressures of 400 psi= I ? C?8@C@ 8QAto:H8 @C8? 8@@C8@:9& D@ kPa kilopascal 1 kPa 1 000 Pa J I=;:D@G; !I J¢= ! J higher pressures c(2$d800IkPa) Jeand >Q7 =?78and >Q;liquid =^C=QD 8@@C8@:of9!1,000 "D@ psi= H H=;;= !H¢!¢!J higher, with means MPa c(7f000IkPa) Jeand >Q7 =?78"Gcases @8@<= A7Dpressure 8@@C8relief 8;=89H8 >@ qJ megapascal 1 MPa = ! 1 000 Pa H8?D@G; !qJ¢ 000J N / m2$ newton per 1 N/mz$¢!J =1 Pa >8<A:>D 8@square ^C8 !mH mH are8recommended. 8G:HH8>Q8Q H8A8 ' ('(W('gSolid LZ/PhFront 4LO.With _/.`3Pressure 4+5524+TRelief +Z/+aiBack. -Uj(Ink>Athe 78 J D@G; !J¢!mH$ within 8event B8>A:of99failure =;C8:of9Athe 788elastic ;@A=G8element ;8H8>A<= A7=>=itsA@rated A8Q pressure between D8@@C8range, >?8"Athe 78@solid :;=Q9front :>Ac(partition DA=A=:> 8A<88>Athe 78 q£X window) pressure D8@@C88element ;8H8>Aand >QAthe 78<= >Q:<eand >QAthe 78D 8@@C8 MKSA pressure Unit Definition 8B=A=:> ¡>=A 89=>=A=:> back designed reduce possibility relief 8;=89 GI@shall 7;;be 8Q8 @=?>8QAto: 8QCG8Athe 78D: @@==;=A\:of9 Abbreviation window <= >Q:<9failure =;C8and >QDprojection :l8GA=:>:of9parts DA@:outward CA<QAthrough 7:C?7 Ikg?G per 1 kg/cmz = 1 kilogram H$ kilograms I=;:?H@D 8 !I ?GH$¢!I =;:?H force 9:G8 The8C user with Athe 789front :>A:of9Athe 78?gauge. C?867 @8@should 7:C;QGconsult :>@C;A<= A7Athe 78 / cmz @^C8G8>A=H8A8 D8@^C8G8>A=H8A8 degree required @supplier CDD;=8regarding 8?Q=>?Athe 78Q8 ?88:of9protection D:A8GA=:> 8^C=8Qc(see @88 Hm EH20$y meters = !H8 of9< water 1 m E H2O 1 meter H8A8@: A8 !H A8:of9 $y¢ 4). @section 8GA=:>& e water <A8atA#68°F d¤Yc(20°C) $¤[e mmHg millimeters 1 mm Hg 1 millimeter H= ;;=H8A8@:of9 !HH E?¢= !H= ;;=H8A8:of9 Normal mounting of the notAD prevent m: H;H: C>A=>?:9A 78?gauge C?8@shall 7;;>: 8B8>A HHE? mercury mercury 32°F H8 G C \ H8 G C\atAV $¤Yc(0°C) ¤[e proper pressure means. D:D89functioning C>GA=:>=>?:of9Athe 78D 8@@C8relief 8;=89H8 >@ 1 torr mm Hg absoAtorr : Atorr : !A :¢= !1.0HH E? @:] Open With ' ('(W(SnN +OhFront 4LO._/ .`3Pressure 4+5524+TRelief. +Z/+a(kIn>Athe 788event B8>A pressure ;lute CA8D 8@@C8 a slow media :of9@ ;:<;leak 8I:of9H8 Q=Athrough 7:C?7Athe 788elastic ;@A=G8element, ;8H8>A"Athe 78 0/1.0 ! 0/10 ! 0/1.6 !# 0/16 !# 0/2.5 $% 0/25 $% 0/4.0 & 0/40 & 0/6.0 # 0/60 # bar in. Hg Vacuum in. Hg/psi kPa bar kPa bar a unit outside the SI, mbar millibar Pa pascal 1 mbar =bar/ 1 000 = 100 Pa meter 1 Pa = 1 N/m2 square centimeter !& American Mechanical Engineers. Copyright ¥¦ §¨©ª«¬­©®¯2006 °°±®²by¨®the ­¬³®´µ³ ©ª¶·¸®¹Society ¦¶ª³­¨®¦ofº®»³ ¶¬·¸ª¶·¼®½¸ «ª̧³³©¾¿ No material ASME. À¦©reproduction ³§©¦Á¶­ª¦¸®may µ·¨®²be³®made µ·Á³®¦ofº®­this ¬ª¾®µ· ­³©ª·¼®without ê­¬¦Â­®written 骭­³¸®¶consent ¦¸¾³¸­®¦ofº®´¹ »½¿ per square centimeter 01 203456PRESSURE 73442738INDICATING 9 81890 DIAL 81 TYPE 63— GAUGES: 3ELASTIC 148 3ELEMENT 339 (B40.1) 143 ASME B40.100-2005 I& & &I!appropriate >>">"(!&,for"safety !,&#of,specific >&C(,(Cservice &"'(C&" &N("&D deemed require& ) 8 & &>! " ! ; < ; = ; 5 : ; ments (see para. 4.3.8). Numerals be& sufficient in number to& enable the e &"!Oshall 0!OO% ,,(C(&)( )) %&" )!%O& 0& operator >&"!"to!accurately CC"!&O#!and )INquickly (CbO#( I&)(,#!any )#>" &"& identify pressure on)the 0&scale. C!O&;a0 &#shall 0!OO) obscure %C"&or"Ccrowd "1IBgradua"!I!D They not tions ()or"( >"!)markings. !"b()B; important e &"!Oshall 0!OOnot )& `&)I% &#)Ithe 0&Ccalibrated !O(%"!&I> "D Numerals extend beyond portion ()of,the 0&scale. C!O&; e& B!('&8(vacuum) '!C :' !O&shall 0!OO% )I(C!&I% #> "&D Negative values be&( indicated by preceding the appropriate numerals with a minus (—) or Cclearly O&!"O#marking !"b()Bthe 0&I( !O1( 0the 0&1 "Ih$ dial with words VAC or"h$D VAC**i;*>> &"C!&or"O 1&"C!&Oletters &&"!are"&! CC&>!%O&; UUM. Uppercase lowercase acceptable. Both words not c 0signs (B)!and )I1 "Ishould 0OI) !appear >>&!"on)the 0&same !& scale. C!O&; a0 %&)C&of,! (B)% &,"&!) &"!O( )I(C!&!a The&! absence a sign before a numeral indicates positive value when by words >(('&' !O&&except `C&>10 &)!accompanied CC >!)(&I% #the 0&1 "I VAC h$or"h$**i; VACUUM. Arcs. The&" recommended P3.3.2.3 QPQRQPjScale kUVlm [knQa0 &C &)I&IBgraduated "!I!&I scale C!O&!arc"C( A9I& B;G >&C(!O!applications >>O(C!()! )I"ranges !)B&may !# is. 270 deg. Special and "require &N("&scale C!O&!arcs "CBgreater "&!&"or"O &than 0!). A9I& B; less 270 deg. P3.3.2.4 QPQRQop[ UqrU]TZXsLines. TXlnQK" !I!()O ()&shall 0!OObe%& Graduation Graduation lines "radial !I(!Otothe 0&Ccenter &)&"of,"rotation !()of, 0&> ()&"!and )Ishall 0!OO the pointer project beyond described by the the >"t&C%& #)Ithe 0&!are"CI& C"(%&I%# 0&&end )Iof, 0& pointer >()&"8(mirror ("""!and )Imultiple O(>O& C!O&I( !O& `C&>&I:;Major i!t" scale dials excepted). !and )I(intermediate )&" &I(!&Bgraduation "!I!()Olines ()&shall 0!OObe%&&emphasized. >0!(M&I; Graduations beyond porK" !I!()shall 0!OOnot )extend &`&)I% &#)Ithe 0&Ccalibrated !O(%"!&I> "D tion ()of,the 0&scale. C!O&; f0&"&> (%O&^scale, C!O&^numeral, ) &"!O^!and )IBgraduation "!vI!()(incre)vC"&D Where possible, Dial Dials indicate P3.3.2.2 QPQRQRST UVWInformation. XYZ[\U]TZXQ+( !Oshall 0!OO( )I(C!&the 0& ments should follow the format: 1 X 2 10”, 2 X 2 10”, 9 ^. 9 ^or" & ) 0 O I, O O 1 0 &, " ! u2 units which isB graduated. ) ((in)10 (C0the 0&scale C!O&( "!I!&I; v^10 5 X2 10”, where n is!10 a whole positive or") negative number 9 & " &v( O &> ( ( ' & & B ! ( ' &) %&" ? +! scale C!O&I( !O!are"& &,O10 &"&Bgauges !B&!are"&&employed >O#&I or"M DualO dials useful where zero. & " ; be& used where on)&equipment N(> &)that 0!may!#% &I(internationally, )&")!()!OO#^or"10 &"& a0 The& smallest not !OO&Bgraduation "!I!()(increment )C"& &)should 0OI) &exceed `C&&I users plan &">O !)toCconvert )'&",from " one )&unit )(of,measure &!"&to!another )0&" twice the error permitted (accuracy) in the middle half 1( C & 0 && " " ">& " ( & I8 ! C C " ! C # :( ) 0 & ( IIO &0 !O, over '&"!> &"(Iof,time. ( &; a period of, 0 & C ! O & ; the scale. Each a dial with _! C0scale C!O&on)!I( !O1( 0multiple O(>O&scale C!O&shall 0!OOindicate ()I(C!& units which One& of, the the 0&) ((in)10 (C0(it(isBgraduated. "!I!&I;/) 0&scales C!O& Near 0n dials for Grades P3.3.2.5 QPQRQwp[ UqrU]TZXxl U[yZero. l[ZQ/)I( !O, "K" !I& Graduation be& one para. should 0OI% )&of,the 0&typical #>(C!O"ranges !)B&8(see &&>! "!;=3.2). ;.:; 4A <$!and )I= $B ! B & ^ 0 & " & 0 ! O O % &) ! b & > ; a0 &) %&" 3A gauges, there shall be no takeup. The number Receiver dials E& C&('&"Bgauge !B&I( !Oshall 0!OO(indicate )I(C!&the 0&(input )>>pressure "&"& !and the graduations near zero, )Ithe 0&spacing >!C()Bof, 0&minor ()"B "!I!()) &!"M &"^ "range !)B&of,the 0&Bgauge. !B&; be commencing at the true zero, in shall 0!OO% &the 0&same, ! &^C &)C()B! 0& "&M &"^!as( ) Dials with a scale in nonpressure units, +( !O1( 0! C!O&Bgraduated "!I!&I( )) )>"&"&) (^or" the rest dials grades, 0&" &of,the 0&scale. C!O&;0n /)I( !O,for"!allOOother 0&"B "!I&^take !b& a scale different pressure ! C!O&"range !)B&I( ,,&"&),from " the 0&"range !)B&of,the 0&> "&"& > up may be&( incorporated. it( is( incorporated, !#% )C">"!&I;However, -1&'&"^if(,( )C">"!&I^ &element O& &)!assembly, & %O#^shall 0!OOCclearly O&!"O#(indicate )I(C!&the 0&maximum !`( (itshall gradua0!OObe%&"readily &!I(O#!apparent >>!"&)!atwhat 10!pressure >"&"&the 0&B "!I!D be&! applied without >" &"&that 0!may !#% >>O(&Itothe 0&Bgauge !B&1( 0Oloss tions pressure ()start. !";A$Mzero &"B "!I!()or") &"!O^or"% 0^shall 0!OO graduation numeral, both, of,Ccalibration. !O(%"!(); not be&>& permitted the pointer position )% " (&I!at 0&stopped >>&I> ()&"> (()on) The& use& of,multipliers, 299^X129000, 99^!and )I gauges a0 O(>O(&"^such C0!asX100, using a stop pin prevent !B& ()B! >> ()or"(internal )&")!Ostops >that 0!>" &'&) X2 100 discouraged because 99bkPa, H!^(isI( C"!B&I% &C!&of,potential >&)(!Omisappli(!>>O(D B free pointer motion to the actual zero pressure position. , " & &> ( ) & " ( ) 0 &! C ! O M & " >" & " &> ((); Ccation !()or"misinterpretation. (()&">"&!(); QPQPzPointer ZTX]l[ AllO of, the indicate pressure unless $O 0&!above %'&scales C!O&( )I(C!&Bgauge !B&>" &"&) O& P3.3.3 when psia, otherwise 0&"1(&specified, >&C(,(&I^&except `C&>10 &)> (!^psid, >(I^or"torr ""!are"& Grades). tip of, the pointer a0& (> 0&> ()&" P3.3.3.1 QPQPQ{sLength lX|]}~(All mVVp[ UqlnQThe displayed. differential I( >O!#&I;7For"!allOOother 0&"scales, C!O&^!absolute %O&or"I( ,,&"&)(!O shall pass within one minor graduation line width 0 ! O O> ! 1( 0 ( ) ) & ( ) "B " ! I ! ( )O ( ) &1( I 0of, pressures by words ABSOLUTE >" &"&!are"&(indicated )I(C!&I% #!adding II()Bthe 0&1 "I$cG /d*a_ the inner end of, the minor graduations. 0 &( ) ) & "& ) I 0 & ( ) "B " ! I ! ( ) ; DIFFERENTIAL. or"+F 77_E_eaF$d;Uppercase *>>&"C!&or"Olowercase 1&"C!&Oletters &&"!are"& a0 pointer ()&"may!#overlap '&"O!>the 0&Bgraduations. "!I!(); When does permit, !acceptable. CC&>!%O&;f0 &)space >!C&I &)not>& " (^the 0&!abbrevia%%"&'(!D The&> ABS,^+F DIFF, be& used. Width width tion ()$cG 77^or"APHmay !#% &I; P3.3.3.2 QPQPQRTipTT q]}~(Grades p[Uqlno4AmUand XqP3A). mQThe a0&1( I0 Dial the pointer be&B greater than width of, +( !Omarkings !"b()Bmay!#(include )COI&manufacturer !),!C"&"g’sor"Ccustom D of, 0&> ()&"tip(>shall 0!OOnot )% "&!&" 0!)the 0&1( I0 both, &er's "gtrademark, "!I& !"b^or"% 0^!and )I!any )#other 0&"(information )," !() the 0&minor ()"Bgraduation "!I!()Olines. ()&; !"# Customary Abbreviation Unit Definition $% %"&'(!() *)( +& ,()(() = 2, ,ft-H20 ,feet &&of,,fresh "&01! &" 2, of,1! &" water 1 ftH20 1 foot water ./ ./3 !at468°F 5678(20°C) .96:8(04328 9;<=.5> (: psi) 1 ft ,ftsea&!1! &" ,feet &&of,sea&!1! &" 2, &!1! &"3= 0.4453 9;<<?=> ( water water sea water psi 8(0.9877 9;@5AA,ft-H20) ./: Hg 1 in. 1 inch (in.);-B (inches )C0&of,mercury &"C"# 2( );Hg -B3= 2( )C0of,mer&"D Ccury "#!at=32°F .678(0°C) 96: psi) 8(0.4911 9;<@22> (: water 1 in. (20°C) 1 inch (inches )C0&of,1! &" 2( );-H20 .96:3= 2( )C0of, (in.);-H20 ./ ./8 RP2.1) water 8(20°C) .96: 8(Ref. E&,;FISA G$EH. ;2: 1! &"!at.20°C 9.68(68°F) 4567:!and )I @980.665 59;44?Ccm2/Jsec&CBgravity "!'(# 8(0.036063 9;9=494=> (: psi) water 1 in. (60°F) 1 inch (inches )C0&of,1! &" 2( );-H20 4967:3= 2( )C0of, (in.);-H20 ./ ./8 Report 8(60°F) 4967: 8(Ref. E&,;AGA $K$E& >" 1! &"!at460°F 9.678(15.6°C) 2?;46:! )I water and #L= 3): J&CBgravity "!'(# @980.665 59;44?Ccmz/sec 8(0.036092 9;9=49@.> (: psi) water 1 in. (4°C) 1 inch (inches )C0&of,1! &" 2( );-H20 <6:3= 2( )C0of, (in.);-H20 ./ ./8 8(4°C) <6: 1! &"!at< 6.!and )I water 4°C @980.665 59;44?Ccm2/Jsec&CBgravity "!'(# psi) 8 9 ; 9 = 4 2 . A> ( : (0.036127 )C&> &"square N!"& 2 MJ();.3= 2 )C&,force "C& oz/in.2 MJ();. ounces per 1 oz/in.2 1 ounce (inch )C0 >per&"square N!"&(inch )C0 > ( >pounds )I>per&"square N!"& 2> (3= 2> )I,force "C&> &" psi 1 psi 1 pound per (inch )C0 square N!"&(inch )C0Bgauge !B& >pressure "&"& psia 1 psia 1 pound force per > (! >pounds )I>per&"square N!"& 2> (!3= 2> )I, "C&> &" (inch )C0!absolute %O& square N!"&(inch )C0!absolute %O& >pressure "&"& > (I >pounds )I>per&"square N!"& 2> (I3= 2> )I,force "C&> &" psid 1 psid 1 pound per differential differential (inch )C0I( ,,&"&)(!O square N!"&(inch )C0I( ,,&"&)(!O >pressure "&"& [ 215? ¡¡ Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01234567866966 0 31311 30 03 301332345678 GAUGES: PRESSURE INDICATING DIAL TYPE — ELASTIC ELEMENT (B40.1) ASME B40.100-2005 The)* pointer Pointer !"#$Location. %&! '( +,-.)/0shall (122/ +.1.) 3.3.8 ?B rotate Windows 3clockwise 2+345,0)6for+/,increasing -3/)10,-7*+ 0 , . , 8 )*/ ) 0 0 9/ )1 :3 + 9. ) / ; positive pressure and counter3.3.8.1 L$Laminated &C&!"? &BBLaminated 1F,-1.):7 21000shall (122 Glass. glass 3clockwise 2+345,0)6for+/,increasing -3/)10,-7-negative )71.,8)*pressure. /)009/)< with ANSIwf Z26.1. Laminated 3comply +F*2G5, .(omI j<i<1 F,-1.):7glass 2100+offers 66)/00some +F) Adjustment. 3.3.4 =Pointer !"#>? @AB!C" !DPointer +,-.)/1adjustment :E90.F)-.3can 1- */ +.)3.,+-, -1all221applications. **2,31.,+-0<wIt.reduces /):93)0.the ()*+ 00,H,2,.G+ protection in possibility of6 +only -2GH ) .3(.the (),indication -:,31., )6)/)-3)*/ )0; 7glass be)90 used match a reference pres2100particles *1/.,32)00scattering 31..)/,-7,if6the .()*/ )009/)) 2)F)-.ruptures /9*.9/)0 pressure element one point on the not be 0sure 9/)1at.+-)*+, -.+-. ()0scale 312)1and -:0should (+92:-+.H) window failure results. 1and -:5, -:+56 1,29/)/ )092.0< :) *)-:):9upon * )312,H/1.).the ()7gauge. 197)<ISuch 93(1an-1adjust:E90.; depended Tempered bc "Ce"#"? &BB'Tempered )F*)/):7 21000shall (122com3+F; Glass. glass F) -.3could +92:3cause 190)10 ,7-,6,31-.)error //+/1at.* /)009/)01above H+8) *2 ment a significant pressures G5, . (oI 'q i g n kx ( ) 1 .. / ) 1 . ) :y+ 'q i nff ply with ASTM C 1048 (heat treated) or/oI ASTM C 1422 below point. +or/H )2+5.the ()0setting )..,-7*+ ,-.< x(chemically 3()F,3122G.treated). /)1.):y<'Tempered )F*)/):7glass 2100, )-)/122Gf. is07 generally 2 to+ 5 3.3.5 JPressure #"BBA#"KConnection "%! annealed .times ,F)00stronger ./+-7)/.than (1-1 --)12):x(plain) *21,-y7 2100< glass. JL$Location %&! ofMKConnection "%! environmental Plastic. &B!%wImpact F*13.1and -:1abrasive H/10,8)) -8,/+-F)-.12 — bottom mounted back N(oz)OPQStem RSTTU VWRSXY H+..+F +or/H 134 3 + :, . , + 0 h ) 0 *) 3 , 1 2 2 G. ) F*) / 1 . 9/ )1 :3 + //+0,8)1 .F+; conditions, especially temperature and corrosive atmo— bottom N(11)ZPQSurface V[\O]STU VWRSXY H+..+F +or/H 134 mounted back 0 * ( ) / ) hF90 1 / ) 6 92 2 G3 + 0 , :) / ) :. . ) / F, ). () sphere, must.H be)3 carefully considered to+:) determine the — back Plush mounted N(C)]P^ _V`aTU VWRSXY H134 plastic best the .type G*)+of6*2 10.,3H )0.0suited 9,.):6for+/. ()1application. **2,31.,+-< pipe JbcType de"ofMKConnection. "%! 'Taper 1*)/* ,*)3connections +--)3.,+-0 =Plain & &BBThis '(,05, -:+5F1 .)/,12is,03com+F; Glass. window material 6for+/*/ )00i9/)09*. (/+97i(f20,000 ghggg*0 jigg000gg4kPa D11are/) F+ pressures up through psi,+ or/i 160 -2G90 )::due 9). +,its.01 H/10,+-h3 ()F,312h1and -:5) 1/ monly used to abrasion, chemical, wear usually NPT,h-‘/4n , in. NPT,h+ or/72f , in. NPT -<i18kmD' -<i14nmD' 90 9122G-‘/8k,in.-<f27lmD' properties. Careful its use) /resistance )0,0.1-3)*/ +*)/.,)0<1 /)6923consideration +-0,:)/1.,+-+of6, .090 American pipe oF) /,31-IStandard .1-:1/:)external p.)/-12+or/,internal -.)/-12.taper 1*)/*, *) 0should (+92:H ,8)-6 +/( 1v1/:+901 **2,31.,+-0< be)7 given for hazardous applications. B1.20.l as0/ required. .threads (/)1:0* ) /oI qrsi < f g < i1 ) t 9, / ) :< oH + 8 ). ( , 0*/ ) 0 ; per ASME Above this pres=> %%A#&%d Accuracy 3.4 pressure 0sure, 9/)hi1/4n,in.-<(high ,7(* /)009/).tubing 9H,-73connections, +--)3.,+-0h+or/)equal, t912h may be)90 used. Other F1 GH ):<u. ()/1appropriately **/+*/,1.)2G0sized ,v):3connections, +--)3.,+-0h D/ Table )009/)7gauge 197)1accuracy 339/13G,is07graded /1:):1as00shown (+5-,in-' 1H2)i1 Pressure )employing F*2+G,-70sealing )12,-7F) 1-0+other .()/.than (1-.tapered 1*)/):.threads, (/)1:0h x(see means section 6 for testing procedures). 0 ) )0 ) 3 . , + -j6 + /. ) 0 . , 7*/ + 3 ) : 9/ ) 0 y < 1are/)1acceptable. 33)*.1H2)< General =L" "#& B%ABB Discussion wIn-1applications **2,31.,+-0+of60stem-mounted .)F;F+9-.):7gauges, 197)0h)especially 0*)3,122G 3.4.1 with where vibration is00 severe, 5, .(2liquid-filled ,t9,:;6,22):3cases 10)01and -:5( )/)8 ,H/1.,+-, )8)/)h Elastic are made many materi10.,3)elements 2)F)-.01 /)F1 :)+of6F1 -GF1 .)/,; =LL r2 3consideration +-0,:)/1.,+-0should (+92:H ,8) ()*+ 00,H,2,.G+of66failure 1,29/) be)7 given possibility meet various requirements of63 corrosion ) .8 1 / , + 90/ ) t 9, / ) F) . 0+ + / / + 0 , + -/ ) 0 , 0 . 1 -3) resistance piping by vibrating +of6.the ()0stem .)F+or/1associated 00+3,1.):*, *,-73caused 190):H G.the ()8 ,iH/1.,-7 1and A corrosive :*) / 6 + / F1 3 ) < o3 + / / + 0 , 8 )F) :, 9FF1 G:, 3 . 1 . )90 performance. medium may dictate use) mass F1 00+of6.the ()7gauge. 197)<oA 2larger 1/7)/3connection +--)3.,+-x(e.g., )<7<h f mD' +of61an-)element material prop2)F)-.F1 .)/,12having (18,-72less )00.than (1-+optimum *.,F9F*/ +*; ./+-7)/0stem .)F F1 .)/,12x(e.g., )<7<h )erties. ,instead -0.)1:+of6iT/4n mD'y+ NPT) or/10 a stronger material The accuracy classification of such a gauge / . , ) 0 <'()1 3 3 9/ 1 3 G3 2 1 0 0 , 6 , 3 1 . , +-+60 93 (171 97) brass), both, be)3 con0stainless .1,-2)000steel .))2,instead -0.)1:+of6H /100yh+or/H +.(h0should (+92:H +-; :) *) 1/7))extent p.)-.+on-.these ()0)*/ +*)/.,)0< depends a large properties. 0sidered. ,:)/):< Using a pressure an =Lb 0 ,-71*/ )009/)7gauge 197),in-1 -)environment -8,/+-F)-. if1 472 and 3.3.6 z{Rings. |B}) F+81H2)/rings, ,-70h0size ,v)n -:2larger, 1/7)/h7gen)-; +or/5, Removable with media that cause the temperature of6. the . (F) :, 1. ( 1 .3 1 90 ). ( ). ) F* ) / 1 . 9/ )+ ())elastic 210.,3 window devices. )erally /122G(have 18)5, -:+5/retaining ).1,-,-7:) 8,3)0< which )element 2)F) 66)/)-.6 /+F that .(1.1at.5( ,3(,it.51 12,; be):, different from was03 caliwill the error. is03 caused H/1.):5, 22,increase -3/)10). (),indication -:,31.,+-) //+/<This '(,0, 190): An internal a device 3.3.7 ~Internal !"#&Stop. !eo-, -.)/-120stop .+*,is01:) 8,3).that (1. brated element, movement, HG.temperature )F*)/1.9/))effects 66)3.0+on-.the ())elastic 210.,3) 2)F)-.hF+ 8)F)-.h /restrains )0./1,-0.the ()F+ .,+-+of6.the ()*pressure /)009/))element 2)F)-.+or/.the ()F) 3(; by motion mech-:2link. ,-4< damage pres1anism -,0F .to+/reduce ):93).the ()*probability /+H1H,2,.G+of6:1 F17).to+.the ()* /)0; 1and or disengagement of the movement 0sure 9/))element 2)F)-.+/:, 0)-717)F)-.+6. ()F+ 8)F)-. affects the of6 =L 'Temperature )F*)/1.9/)3change (1-7)1 66)3.0. ()0stiffness .,66-)00+ mechanism by pressure below F) 3(1-,0F3caused 190):H G1application **2,31.,+-+of6*/ )009/)H )2+5.the () .the elastic element. The change in stiffness of61F1 a material ( )) 2 1 0 . , 3) 2 ) F) . < '( )3 ( 1 7 ), -0 . , 6 6 ) 0 0+ . ) / , 12 minimum maximum Value. F, -,F9F0scale 312)8value 129)+or/1above H+8).the ()F1 p,F9F0scale 312)8 129)< 5, with change in temperature is0. the thermoelastic coeffi. (3 ( 1 7 ), -. ) F*) / 1 . 9 / ), ( ). ( ) / F+ ) 2 1 0 . , 33 + ) 6 6 ,; will disengagement wIt.5, 221also 20+/reduce ):93).the ()*possibility +00,H,2,.G+of6:, 0)-717)F)-.+of6 3cient (TEC) of6. the material. Stiffness change is0*/ produced , ) . x 'ry + ( )F1 . ) / , 1 2 < I . , 6 6 ) 0 03 ( 1 7 ), + : 9 3 ) : movement mechanism by .the ()F+ 8)F)-.F) 3(1-,0F 3caused 190):H G.the (),inertial -)/.,12)effect 66)3. by a combination of63 changes in the elastic modulus H G13 + FH , -1 . , + -+ (1 -7 ) 0, -. ()) 2 1 0 . , 3F+ :92 90 pressure +of60sudden 9::)-*/ )009/)3changes. (1-7)0< x(Young's +9-70q+ :9290y:due 9).to+.thermal ()/F12effects )66)3.01 -:13 (1-7) Modulus) and a change linear dimensions to+2 linear and con,-)1/:, F)-0,+-0:due 9). ,-)1/)expansion p*1-0,+-1 -:3 +-; Maximum A maximum ~L& CACStop. !eoF1 p,F9F0stop .+*0shall (122pre*/); ,in-2 Except when element materials are /13.,+-<rp 3)*.5() -0special *)3,12) 2 ) F) .F1 . ) / , 1 2 01 /) vent motion beyond a point mid8)-.*pointer +,-.)/F+ .,+-H )G+-:1*+ ,-.1approximately **/+p,F1.)2GF, :; .traction. NI-SPAN—C® Nickel w-.)/-1.,+-12m, 34)2 F*2+G):h0such 93(1as0mw ;IDom; x(International way between dial 51 GH ).5))-.the ()2last 10.1and -:.the ()6first ,/0.:, 127graduation /1:91.,+-1and -: )employed, Alloy Company, can be)( heat F*1-GhwInc.) -3<yo2 2+G902gfx(an 1-1alloy 22+G.that (1.3 1-H )1. prevent pointer 0shall (122* /)8)-..the ()*+ ,-.)/6from /+F 0striking ./,4,-71an-+obstruction. H0./93.,+-< + error by /)1.) +-./+2TEC), 'ryh.the ()) //+/3caused 190):H G.temperature )F*)/1.9/) motion be)/ restrained DPointer +,-.)/F+ .,+-0shall (122-not+.H )0./1,-):1at.2less )00.than (1-i105% g .treated will be)1 approximately percentage values 3change (1-7)5, 22H **/+p,F1.)2G.the ()*) /3)-.17)8 129)0 pressure. +of66full 9220scale 312)*/ )009/)< given by the following formula: 7 , 8 ) -H G. ( )6 + 2 2 + 5, 76 + / F92 1 Minimum A minimum ~b CACStop. !eoF, -,F9F0stop .+*0shall (122pre*/); vent pointer motion below a point 8)-.*+ ,-.)/F+ .,+-H )2+5 1*+ ,-.5% 2lower +5)/.than (1-.the () : 0.04 of6. the g <gnX x(t2Rf— Rf2)0/0 ()0span *1fy + a point midway 6first ,/0.0scale 312)7graduation /1:91.,+-1and -:1*+ ,-.1approximately **/+p,F1.)2GF, :51G between dial When where )/) H).5))-.the ()2last 10.1and -:.the ()6first ,/0.:, 127graduation. /1:91.,+-<( )- 5( para. temperature, )6)/)-3). )F*)/1.9/)h°C ,incorporated, -3+/*+/1.):h/requirements )t9,/)F)-.0+of6* 1/1< <<f<0shall (1221apply. **2G< Rt1i = /reference [ i16j ¡ ¢£¤¤¥¢¦¢¡§¢̈©§ª«¬¢­ª§¡¢®¢̄§ª«¬ª«°¢±¬¬§§²³ ´§µ¶ª¡¬¢©«¢¦§¢©«µ§¢®¢¡²¢©«¡§«°¢·¡¶¡¢·¡¡§¬¢ª¬²§¬¡¢®¢̈­¯±³ Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01 203456PRESSURE 73442738INDICATING 9 81890 DIAL 81 TYPE 63— GAUGES: 3ELASTIC 148 3ELEMENT 339 (B40.1) 143 ASME B40.100-2005 For t2 ambient B3.4.1.9 CDCECQ Accuracy I//'&/3!is6affected 22"/$">by3&readability. "> !.!$3<+ ,&this $0!6 !"#$$temperature, "%"&$'&"()°C* &reason, "6,#(, & " / / '& $ "1 '1" 6 & "1 " #" & . . 3 >"! # more accurate gauges are generally made in &1"&6sizes !R"68(see 6""=Table ."41).:< +For,&"example, -%."(/ 0#1",of2approximately %%&,-!$".341%5at$2full '..6scale /." .larger a change %& "66'&",occurs //'&62for,&"each /025°C 7)*8(45°F) 97)+:/change 0#1"!in#$ "%"&; pressure temperaB3.4.1.10 CDCECES Mounting T,'#$!#1% &"66'&"1gauge '1"! #%, 6!$!,# a pressure in a position $ture. '&"<=0 !6"error &&,&!is6approximately %%&,-!$".3%& ,%,&$!,#.$to,$the 0" ,other This proportional $ 0 " &$ 0 #$ 0 $ ! / 0! . ! & $ " >/ # 2 2 " /$!its$6 than that at$G0 which it$G was6/ calibrated can affect pressure applied %%.!">%& "66'&"and #>$therefore 0"&"2,&"/cannot ##,$be"/corrected ,&&"/$">by3 accuracy. Normal calibrating position is6' upright and / / ' & / 3 <U, & ./ . ! & $ ! # 1% , 6 ! $ ! , #! %& ! 1 0 $ #> &resetting "6"$$!#1$the 0"%, !#$"&< pointer. applications requiring mounting in other ? " & $ ! / . <+ , & %%. ! / $ ! , # 6& " A '! & ! # 1, '# $ ! # 1! #, $ 0 "& vertical. For +For,&1 !?"#$temperature "%"&$'&"/condition, ,#>!$!,#(/correction ,&&"/$!,#/can #be" $than a given 0 #$ 0 ! 6% , 6 ! $ ! , # ( / , # 6 '. $$ 0 "6 '%% . ! " & < this position, consult the supplier. made >"by3/calculating ./'.$!#1$the 0"approximate %%&,-!$""error &&,&at$"each /0 B3.4.1.11 CDCECEE VSome ," 6,.'$"%& "66'&"1gauges '1"6 &"%& "6; absolute pressure are presapplied %%.!">%pressure &"66'&"?value .'"and #>adding >>!#1! ' $&/$!#1 it$$ to,, or&6 subtracting '&"1gauges '1"6G! $0$ 0"% ,!#$"&6 "$$ #>!/$"414.7 9<P% 6! with the pointer set to,! indicate psia !it$2from &,$the 0"!indicated #>!/$">? .'"<@If2$the 0"$temperature "%"&$'&"/condition ,#>!$!,# 6sure value. G!$0$the 0"" .6$!/"element .""#$' #%&"66'&!R"><=0 "6"1gauges '1"6 elastic unpressurized. These a more !is66stable $."and #>, &"accurate //'&$"!indication #>!/$!,#!is6&required, "A'!&">( with pressure, will in !indicate #>!/$"!in#$terms "&6,of2absolute 6,.'$"%& "66'&"(but'$G!"! # &recalibration "/.!&$!,# 3be"appropriate. %%&,%&!$"< may error " & & , & 3$ 0 ">! 2 2 " & " # / " " $ G" " #$ 0 " ! " # $%& " 6 6 ' & " by the difference between the ambient pressure B3.4.1.4 CDCECD F '1"6&represented "%&"6"#$">as6being "!#1/compensated ,%"#6$"> and Gauges # >4 9 < P% 6 ! <W$ 0 " & 6 , . '$ "%& " 6 6 ' & "1 '1 " 6! # >! / $ " 14.7 psia. Other absolute pressure gauges indicate 2for,&6service "&?!/"at$?various &!,'6$temperatures "%"&$'&"61generally "#"&..30 ?"/com,; the have pressure Value, even the 0"/correct ,&&"/$absolute 6,.'$"% &"66'&"? .'"(" ?"#$though 0,'10$ 0" %, #"#$6,of26special %"/!. $"&!.6and #>>" 6!1#$to,/compensate ,%"#6$" $ ponents materials design ambient vary. ! " # $% & " 6 6 '& " & 3 < pressure may3? not # ,$,only #.32for,&$the 0"$temperature "%"&$'&""effects 22"/$6,on#$the 0""elastic .6$!/"ele."; Pressure inaccuB3.4.1.12 CDCECEX Y& "66'&"1gauges '1"6/can #be"&rendered "#>"&">! #//'; " #$6stiffness, $!22#"66(but'$also .6,$to,/compensate ,%"#6$"2for,&6similar !!.&"effects 22"/$6 &rate ment during shipment despite care taken in packaging. $ "> '& ! # 16 0 ! % " # $>" 6 %! $ "/ & "$ Z " #! #% / Z 1!#1< ,on#$the 0"1gauge '1"" /0#!6<=0 //'&/3/classification .66!2!/$!,#,of2 =To,"#6'&"/,#2,&#/"$,$0"6$#>&>1&>"$,G0 mechanism. The" accuracy !/0 ensure conformance to the standard grade to which a temperature—compensated $ "%"&$'&";/,%"#6$">1gauge '1"!is6"established 6$ .!60">by3$the 0" $the pressure gauge was manufactured, it should be" 0"%& " 6 6 '& "1 '1 "G 6 #'2 / $ '& " >(! $6 0, '. > magnitude 1#!$'>",of2$the 0".largest &1"6$"error &&,&"encountered #/,'#$"&">G0 "#$the 0" /checked when before use. 0 " / Z " > " 2 , & "'6 " < 1gauge '1"!is6$tested "6$">,over ?"&!its$6"entire #$!&"&rated $">6service "&?!/"$temperature "%"&$'&" &range. #1"< B3.5CH[Installation \]^_``_^ab\ Gauges with B3.4.1.5 CDCECH F '1"6G! $06sealed ".">/cases, 6"6(.liquid !A'!>2filled !..">,or& c" Before 2,&"!installing #6$..!#1%& "66'&"1 '1"(/ ,#6!>"&$!,# a pressure gauge, consideration not, will a result # ,$(G! .."exhibit -0!!$additional >>!$!,#."error &&,&as6& "6'.$,of2"exposure -%,6'&" 6should be"1 given to," environmental conditions 0 , '. > ! ? " #$ # ? ! & , # " # $ ./ , # >! $ !,#66such '/0as6 different $to,ambient !"#$,or&" >!$temperature "%"&$'&">! 22"&"#$2from &, $that 0$ $temperature, media humidity, vibration, pulsation, and shock " %" & $ '& " ( 0 '! >! $ 3 ( ? ! & $ ! , # (% '. 6 $ ! , # ( # >6 0,/Z which was66 sealed unless at$G0 !/0$the 0"/case 6"G ".">'# ."66/compensation ,%"#6$!,#!is6 and main# >$ 0 "% , 6 6 ! . "# " " >2 , &% & , $ " / $ ! ? " $ $ / 0 " # $ 6 ( !#; the possible need for protective attachments, provided. This internal pressure %& ,?!>"><=0 !6"error &&,&!is6/caused '6">by3! #$"&#./case 6"%& "66'&" $tenance, requirements. Refer " # # / " ( # >L, % " / ! . ! # 6 $ . . $ ! , #& " A '! & " " # $ 6 < d" 2"& and / or&6 special installation /changes 0#1"6and #>>" %"#>6,on#2fill!.." >!("extent -$"#$,of22fill, !..(and #> $to,6section depends media, 4,(Safety. " / $ ! , #9 V 2 " $ 3 < ,other $0"&2factors. /$,&6< The"1 gauge must with the =0 '1"/connection ,##"/$!,#' 6$be"/compatible ,%$!."G! $0$ 0" The"" error =0 &&,&!is6/constant ,#6$#$,over ?"&$the 0""entire #$!&"6scale, /."(and #>!if2$the 0" mating $!#1/ ,##"/$!,#(and #> %%&,%&!$" 66" .3$tech"/0; connection, appropriate assembly within $temperature "%"&$'&"!is66stable, $."(G! $0!#.limits, !!$6(!it$/can #be"/corrected ,&&"/$"> niques must$be"'6 used. #!A'"6'6 ">< by pointer. 3&resetting "6"$$!#1$the 0"%, !#$"&< @Installation #6$..$!,#,of2$the 0"1gauge '1"6should 0,'.>be"accomplished //,%.!60">by3 An increase generally I#! #/&"6"!in#$temperature "%"&$'&"1" #"&..3/causes '6"6an# $tightening wrench !10$"#!#1$the 0"%& "66'&"/ ,##"/$!,#'6 !#1$the0"G& "#/0 pressure connection using !increase #/&"6"!in#!internal #$"&#./case 6"%& "66'&"G! $0& "6'.$!#1 2flats pressure with a resulting if2%& provided. Failure to,>,6 do so, may in loss of2 .$6! ,?!>"><+ !.'&"$ 3&result "6'.$! #. ,66, decrease pressure. The", opposite >" /&"6"!in#!indicated #>!/$">% &"66'&"<=0 %%,6!$",occurs //'&62for,& accuracy, mechanical damage to, //'&/3("excessive -/"66!?"2friction, &!/$!,#(,or&" /0#!/.> 1"$ a decrease >" /&"6"!in#$temperature. "%"&$'&"< pressure $the 0"%& "66'&""element .""#$, 6"< or&/ case. a given +For,&1 !?"#$temperature "%"&$'&"/change, 0#1"($the 0"%percentage "&/"#$1",of2 noted a function "error &&,&# ,$">,on#$the 0"1gauge '1"!is62 '#/$!,#,of2$the 0"&range #1"8(or,& 4 e fghij SAFETY 6span) %#:,of2$the 0"1gauge. '1"<@If,2(2for,&"example, -%."($the 0"$temperature "%"&$'&" D increase !increases #/&"6"6/causing '6!#1$the 0"!internal #$"&#./case 6"%pressure &"66'&"$to,! #/&"6" D Scope kblm by 3 psi,! a 0/LJ 30K%6 psi!1 gauge, will 3J%6 ($then 0"#,on#K '1"($this 0!6G! ../cause '6"a 4.1CEe This informaStandard presents certain =0 !66section "/$!,#,of2$the 0"V $#>&>%& "6"#$6/ "&$!#! #2,&; -10% error, whereas on a 0/100 psi gauge, the error tion to guide users, suppliers, and manufacturers toward $ ! , #$ ,1 '! >"'6 " & 6 ( 6 ' %%. ! " & 6 ( # > # '2 / $ '& " & 6 $,G&> will be —3%. For higher ranges, the percentage of error minimizing the hazards that could result from misuse ! # ! ! R ! # 1$ 0 "0 R & >6$ 0 $ / , '. >& " 6 ' . $ 2 & , ! 6'6",or& becomes proportionately "/,"6%& ,%,&$!,#$".3.less. "66< misapplication with ! 6%%.!/$!,#,of2pressure %&"66'&"1gauges '1"6G! $0"elastic .6$!/"elements. .""#$6< The" accuracy a retard B3.4.1.6 CDCECM =0 //'&/3,of2& "$&>1gauge '1"6shall" =0 The"' user familiar with all sections of2 6"&6should 0,'.>become "/,"2 !.!&G! $0 ..6 "/$!,#6, a percentage portion "expressed -%&"66">as6% "&/"#$1",of2$the 0""expanded -%#>">%, &$!,#,of2 $this all 0!6VStandard, $#>&>(as6 ..aspects 6%"/$6,of26safety 2"$3/cannot ##,$be"/covered ,?"&"> The" accuracy portion $the 0"6scale. /."<=0 //'&/32for,&$the 0"/compressed ,%&"66">% ,&$!,#,of2 !in#$this Consult the manufacturer 0!66section. "/$!,#<*, #6'.$$ 0" #'2/$'&"&,or&6supplier '%%.!"& may different. $the 0"6scale /." 3be"6substantially ' 6$#$!..3>! 22"&"#$< whenever is6'# uncertainty safe 2for,&advice >?!/"G0 "#"?"&$there 0"&"! /"&$!#$3about ,'$$the 0"6 2" application of2% a pressure gauge. % % . ! / $ ! , #, & " 6 6 '& "1 ' 1 " < The" accuracy a gauge with B3.4.1.7 CDCECN =0 //'&/3,of21 '1"G! $06suppressed '%%&"66"> a percentage 6scale /."6shall""expressed -%&"66">as6%" &/"#$1",of26span. %#< General D4.2CXnm \mo_`pDiscussion a]kq]]ab\ Adequate planThe" 4.2.1 results accuracy a compound B3.4.1.8 CDCECO =0 //'&/3,of2/ ,%,'#>1gauge '1"6shall 0.. D CXCE I>" A'$"6safety 2"$3& "6'.$62from &, intelligent !#$"..!1"#$%. #; ning installation into be"" expressed a percentage -%&"66">as6% "&/"#$1",of26span. %#< #!#1and #>/careful &"2'.6selection "."/$!,#and #>! #6$..$!,#,of21gauges '1"6! #$, [ 417P rstuvwxyz {|}}~{u{zy{vw{swzu{s{yw{ xwv svtvszws{u{{{s{zyw{zvw{wzysz{vwzz{sz{s{ Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01234567866966 0 31311 30 03 301332345678 GAUGES: PRESSURE INDICATING DIAL TYPE — ELASTIC ELEMENT (B40.1) ASME B40.100-2005 inform system. !"#$%& should &' ()* +,'#"the &supplier (* @(6)GB5 P+*+1'of,soft ',"soldered '())'or *(.0 >)8 '*+" a pressure Theuser silver brazed joints weakening 'of,all((-conditions '+)*"*'+pertinent "*++""to'"the &application (*-"*'+and +)envi+.*/ -caused )0 !& " ' & , * by heat sources such as fires most ronment '+#+"so'"that &""the &supplier (*-can +recommend -'##+)"the &#' " @(f)HB-corrosion ''*'+ suitable *"0(1gauge 1,for'"the &application. (*-"*'+$ @(g)IB,fatigue "*1 @ J B# -&+*-(shock &'-P (h) mechanical 24.2.2 3434 %& *"'!'of,safety ,"!5* "&respect -""to'"the &use'of, @(1')KBexcessive The& history with 6 * . . * 0 "*'+ vibration been personnel 1gauges 1&has0 +excellent. 6-((+"$7Injuries +8*"to' '++( RFailure pressure * ( * +' # )1 system !"# -can +0 6-") in a compressed gas be expected been minimal. most and +)) #1"to'property '"!&have .0 +#* +*#($7In+#' " "to' damages produce violent effects. ' ) . * ' ( + " , , " $ *instances, +"+-9"the &-cause 'of,,failure *(& 0 +#* 'or#* / has been misuse misapplication. (*-"*'+$ 24.2.7 343VWX YZ[Xof\]Pressure ^Z[[_^Z`a _bZcFailure ade_^Z Modes Gauge The 24.2.3 343: %& /+*+1element (#+"*in+#' "1gauges 1 pressure-sensing most failure by "*1 , *(-caused )0 ! 343V3fcFatigue agdb_ZcFailure. ade_^Z3RFatigue *issubjected 08-")"to'& *1&*internal +"+(stresses, "9and +)applications (*-"*'+ high / * + ) ) " 1 + ( ( !' , ' #" & * + * ) pressure-induced stress generally occurs from the inside where presexist 6*"5& "the &possibility '*0*(*"!'of,-catastrophic ""'&*-,failure *(*is / to'"the &'outside "*)along ('+1& *1&(!stressed ") )1 )*'of, a highly edge radius a Pressure diaphragm ent. +"$; regulators, 1 ("'9)* &1# <(chemical) -&#*-(=seals, (9 " Bourbon tube, appearing as a small crack that propah' 0 ' +" 0 9 * + 1 # ( ( P" & " ' / pulsation ("*'+) #'orsnubbers, + 009syphons, !&'+9and +)'other "&sim*#/ 1gates dampers " ( ' + 1" & )1 )* $i &, * ( ( ( ! along the edge radius. Such failures are usually *ilar (*items, "#9areavailable .*(0(,for'use*in+"these & '"+"*((!& >/ morepotentially hazwith liq*"*-(with 5*"&-compressed '#)1gas# )*"than &+5* "&( *F/ critical media The& hazard potential ardous )' systems. !"#$%& >)' "+"*(*increases +-at"&higher *1& #' uid media. * )# )* $ 'operating "*+1 $ pressure. release the medium so' RFatigue "*1 -cracks -Pusually ((! (" &# )*# slowly ('5(! 0 * ( ) +0 . " )0 ! ' . * )* + 1 / case pressure buildup can be averted by providing presThe, following poten24.2.4 3432 %& '(('5*+1systems !"#are-considered '+*))' "+/ sure relief openings in the gauge case. However, in high ( * , ' + * + 1 * +" & 1 1 $ j' 5 . 9 * +& * 1 & becarefully "tially *((!&hazardous >)' and +)#must"0 ,((!evaluated: .(")? elements where the yield strength ( " * - ( # +" 5& " &!* ( ) " +1" & pressure elastic @(a)AB-compressed '#)1gassystems !"# ' & " & ( " * # " " + 1 " &' ," & ( # + "# " / approaches the ultimate strength of the element mate@(19)CB'oxygen 6!1+systems !"# * ( 9 , " * 1 , * ( # ! #0 ( 6 ( ' * . , * ( $ rial, fatigue failure may resemble explosive failure. hydrogen hydrogen @(C)DBsystems !"#-containing '+"*+*+1&! )'1+'or,free &! )'1+ kA snubber placed in pressure + 00<(restrictor) "*-"'=( -)* +"the &1gauge 1 atoms "'# inlet will reduce pressure fluid flow from * + ( "5* ( ( ) 1 + ), ( * ), ( ' 5 ,'# surges and @(d)EB-corrosive ''*.,fluid (*)systems !"#<(gas 1and +)(liquid) *F *)= " & " * ( ( !' + ( " * - ( # + " $ the partially open elastic element. @(e)GB systems !"#-containing '+"*+*+1any +!explosive 6('*.'or iSee pressure para. A-2.8. $k/ l$U$ mixture ,flammable (##0(#* 6"'or# )*# medium @(f)HBsteam "# systems !"# 343V34mn Z^o^Z[[_^ZcFailure. ade_^Z3Overpressure p., *( Overpressure failure @(g)IB+nonsteady '+")! systems !"# pressure by the *is-caused )0 !" &application (*-"*'+'of,*internal +"+(pressure 1greater " where be acci@(h)JBsystems !"#5& &high *1&'overpressure .-could ' ()0 --*/ "than of," the occur &+"the &rated ")(limits *#*"' &elastic ("*-element (#+"and +)-can +' -- dentally ) +"((!applied (*) when a low 5& +( '5 1gauge 1* +"(()*in+& *1& pressure is* installed a high pressure wherein @(1')KBsystems !"#5& *+*interchangeability +"-&+10*(*"!'of,1gauges 1 ' port The effects of,' overpressure failure, "'orsystem. !"#$%& ,,-"' ., *(9usu/ hazardous -could ' ()result ("*in+& >)' *internal +"+(-contamination '+"#*+"*'+'or ally more than in ((!#' -critical *"*-(*in+-compressed '#)1gassystems !"#" &+* + where be* installed higher 5&(lower '5pressure 1gauges 1-could ' ()0 +"(()*in+& *1& (liquid-filled may cause *F *)/,*(()systems, !"#9areunpredictable +)*-"0(and +)# ! systems !"# pressure parts be propelled in direction. with pres ""to'0 '(()* +any +!)* -"*'+$Cases q5* "& / @(j)LBsystems !"#-containing '+"*+*+1radioactive )*'-"*.'or"toxic '6*-,fluids (*)<(liq(*F/ sure relief will expelled parts. (*,'openings +*+15* ((not +'"always (5!retain "*+ 6(() "$ uids *)'or1gases) = Placing a snubber in pressure ;( -*+1 + 00<(restrictor) "*-"'=* +"the & 1gauge 1 @(k)MBsystems !"#*installed +"(()*in+& >)' environment +.*'+#+" *inlet a hazardous will immediate of,, failure, +("5* ((not +'"reduce ) -"the &* ##)*"effect ,,-"' *(9but 0" will help control flow of, escaping fluid following rupture 5* ( ( & ( ' + " ' ( , ( ' 5' * + 1, ( * ), ' ( ( ' 5* + 1 " When beused with 24.2.5 343N O& +1gauges 1are"to'0 )*in+-contact '+"-"5* "& and reduce the potential of, secondary effects. + ) ) " & ' " + " * (' ' + ) ! , , " $ media # )*&having .*+1Pknown +'5+'oruncertain +-"*+-corrosive ''*.effects ,,-"'or 7It"* is1 +((!accepted --")"that &"solid '(*), '+"-cases 5* "& generally front with be radioactive, Pknown +'5+"to'0 )*'-"*.9random +)'#'orunique +*F ) "-"*. destructive pressure relief back will reduce the possibility of parts ( * ,0 P5* ( ( ) " & ' * 0 * ( * " !' , " phenomena & +'#+-can +'occur. --$7In+such -&-cases "the &user should &' () being projected forward in the event of,, failure. 0 * + 1 ' 8 " ), ' 5 )* +" & . + "' * ( $ manufacturer with always (5!,furnish +*&"the &supplier (*'or# + ,-"5* "&*infor+,'/ %& The5* window will provide adequate protec+)'5alone ('+5* ((not +'" '.*) )F " '"-/ mation his # "*'+relative ("*."to'"the &application (*-"*'+and +)solicit '(*-*"& *advice ).*- "tion against internal case pressure buildup, and can be * ' + 1 * + "* + " + ( 0 * ( ) 9 + ) +0 prior *'"to'*installation +"(("*'+'of,"the &1gauge. 1$ most hazardous "the &#' "& >)' -component. '#'++"$ within a pressure 24.2.6 343Q RFire *and +)explosions 6('*'+5* "&*+ system !"# iShort pressure impulses &'")duration "*'+ * # (<(pressure spikes) *P= pressure with very violent -can +-cause element (#+",failure *(5* "&. !. *'(+" # may hydraulic !'occur --in*+& !) (*-'orpneumatic + #"*-systems, !"#9especially -*((! point disintegrating effects, ,,-"9even .+"to'"the &' *+"'of,-completely '#("(!)* *+"1"*+1 5& when valves magnitude of,the +. (.'open +'or-close. ('$The %&# 1+*")' "&spikes *P melting pressure Violent 'or# ("*+1"the & 1gauge. 1$S* '(+"effects ,,-"arealso (' # may be# many normal pressure, !0 +!"times *#"the &+ '#(operating '"*+1 9and +) produced when ') -)5& +,failure *('occurs --)due"to' may not be* indicated by The result be # !+ '"0 +)*-")0 !"the &1gauge. 1$%& ("-could ' ()0 @(or)AB&hydrogen !)'1+embrittlement #0*""(#+" failure, or( a large error. A snubber *immediate ##)*", *(9' 1upscale -( '$k + 00 a compressed @(I9)CB-contamination '+"#*+"*'+'of,'#)1gas may the magnitude the pressure <(restrictor) "*-"'=# !reduce ) -" &# 1+*")'of," & element. @(C)DB,formation '#"*'+'of,acetylides -"!(*) "transmitted +#*"")"to'"the &elastic ("*- (#+"$ joints by Use' of, a pressure limiter Valve isolate the pressure ( *#*". (.-can +* '("" & @(d)EB5 P+*+1'of,soft ',"solder '()8 '*+"0 !steam "# 'or'other "& r weakening pressures the of,the 1gauge 1,from '# 1greater ""than &+" &rated ")(limits *#*"' "& &heat "sources ' - T18U stuvwxyz{ |}~~|v|{z|wx|tx{v|t|zx|yxw twuwt{xt| v|| |t|{zx| {wx|x{zt{|wx{{|t{|t| Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01 203456PRESSURE 73442738INDICATING 9 81890 DIAL 81 TYPE 63— GAUGES: 3ELASTIC 148 3ELEMENT 339 (B40.1) 143 ASME B40.100-2005 elastic !element, "#$protecting %&'!#(the )(gauge *(+from &'"'overpressure ,&%&*& 'operating %&#(% &*&'occurs !!*&in#the )" //) +P(25% Rer to' pressure middle half +failure. *&-.%& *& " &, , / , ! ) A pressure limiter valve is a device that is d75%) erQ'of+ )scale. !-1) *0!% &*&'of+the )(gauge *( the The+ full—scale pressure pressure, pres/ (#/to'!close ''on#&rising #(% &*&$limiting " #(the )%& 0 selected designed be approximately 2 times !/should )'*/3 %%&'W"NR "the )intended ##// sure *&atthe )'outlet *'of+the )/ ,!-1) '#(%& *&is 'operating device. The! closing pressure %&#(%& *&pressure. adjustable /2*3and #/should )'*/3 '! ' 3 ' , ) + *scale ! 6Should be set to close above the full )'*/it3 !&N+for'&the )'operating %&#(%& *& be# necessary pressure to' &range #('of+the )%& *&(gauge *(and #/3 '4the )&rated /limit " exceed pressure below recomW!/d75% er'of++full *scale, !$!contact '#!the )supplier *%%&+for'&& !'"0 'of+the )elastic !element. "#-5' "%information #+'&"'#&regarding (&/#( " Complete mendations. #/'#B40.6. %& *&limiter " &,valves ,is!contained '##/in#.6 789: ;-<pressure ASME This/' does not to' test suppressed 1) # 'apply %%N &retarded &//'or& *%%&/ ! ( *( scale gauges. = >?>@>ABCorrosion CDDCEFCGHFailure. IFJKDL>5' &&''#+failure *&'occurs !!*& Corrosion when has been weakened 4) #the )elastic !element "#) 3 #4 M#/through )&'*() NOTE: Gauges not or&indicating erron*(that )are&'obviously 3,'*N# 'working 4'&M#(' #/!#( &&'#0 present attack !M3 N!corrosive '&&',!chemicals )" !% &#in#either )&the )" / st18uv by media should beimmediately valved off or&& removed from service ' * N ) ' * /3 "" / N, , /' + +' "' , /+ & ' " &,! eously #/'or&the )environment #,&'#"#'outside */it.-OFailure *&" N'occur !!*& to'%prevent inside may further damage. & , # + *& ) &/ " ( as%pinhole #)'leakage M(through )&'*()the )element "#4 'or&early &N walls brought by Gauges Near >A>?wE LCofjxI KcLEyL IDzZero LDCfPressure. DLEEKDL>1) +fatigue (*+failure *&/due *to'stress &!cracking &!M#(3 &'*()about 3'*3 N = 4.3.2 Use The* use' of+ material. !chemical )" !/ &'&'#'or&embrittlement "3&"#'of+the )" &- (gauges deterioration *(# &]zero &'%& *&is# 'recommended &!'""#//3 !* near pressure not because .A /diaphragm %)&(" P(chemical) !)" !Qseal should )'*/3 '#/&/ the be! considered tolerance of+ the may be a large per)accuracy !!*&!N '&#!' )(gauge *(" N3 &(% &0 use4 with pressure media may have a corrosive +for'&* )%& *&" /that )" N) ,! '&&', !centage of the pressure. If, for #('+ )applied %%/%& *&-X +$+ '&example, W"%$a effect ++!'on#the )elastic !element. "#;0/{p100;;% /.( *(is* / *&:% ) psi v& Grade A gauge used to'" measure 4 psi,$ the The addition 1) //'#'of+ " N&reduce /*!accuracy !!*&!N'or&sensitiv#,0 accuracy a seal may of+" measurement will : 2 psi,$' or&e 50% the !!*&!N' *&"#4 be 3|R% ;r'of+ ) ity both. detail ASME B402. N'or&3 ')-OFor'&+further *&)&/ see.6 789: ;-Rapplied %%/%& *&pressure. For this O ' & ) & '#$(gauges *(should )'*/# '3 /+for'& ) reason, not be* used the Explosive => ?>@>=SExplosive TUJCEFVLHFailure. IFJKDL>8W %',+failure *&is purpose of indicating the residual pressure in a tank, %* & %' ' + # / ! # ( ) & / * %& * & # # M$ !caused */3 Nthe )&release 'of+explosive W%',energy #&(N(generated #&/3 N by by similar device * ' ! , $' &' ) & " &/ , ! ) ) 3 # "0 autoclave, or other that has been seem! )" !&reaction !'#such *!)as!can #&result *4) #adiabatic /3! a chemical when exhausted. #(N W)*/-} %#/#('on#the ) !!*&!Nand #/ ) Depending accuracy the !compression '"%&'#'of+'oxygen WN(#'occurs !!*&in#the )%presence &#!'of+hydro)N/&'0 ingly range of the gauge, hazardous pressure may remain & # ( ' + ) ( * ( $) ] & /' *%& * & " N& " # carbons. It is generally accepted that there is no known !&3'#-X(#&N!!%/))& #'M#'4# zero )tank #Meven ,#though )'*()the )(gauge *(isindicating #/!#(] &' " #'of+%& /!#(the )" (#*/'or&effects ++!'of+this )type N% in#the means predicting magnitude %&*&mode a solid wall 'of++failure. *&-OFor'&this )"' /'of++failure, *&$ '/4 'or&%portion '&'# pressure. between not 34#the )elastic !element "#and #/the )4window #/'4 will 4 # ' 1) The' operator may develop a false security %&'&" N/ ,'%+ sense #'of+ !*&N parts being projected # !&N%prevent &,#% &3 #(%& '2!/+forward. '&4&/necessarily when 4) #the )(gauge *(indicates #/!] &'' &0]&'%& *& zero or&# near-zero pressure even though there may be substantial pressure in , # ) ' *( ) ) & " N3 * 3 # % & *& #the ) = >?>@>YZ F[DI\FCGHFailure. IFJKDL>1) !common '""'#"' / system. Vibration The"' most mode A venting device must be used to completely N "-., # # (/ , ! "* 3 * / '! ' "% N wear mechanical 'of+,vibration 3&'#+failure *&is4 &'of+" !)#!!components '"%'## &reduce / *! ) %& * & '] & '3 + ' & *# ' ! M # (! ' , & $ the pressure to zero before unlocking covers, by vibration. This 3!*'of+)high ()!cyclic N!!loading '/#(!caused */3 N, 3&'#-1) because performing activities. "',#(+fittings, #($'or&% &+'&" #('other )&similar " & !,is! characterized by ulti)&!&]/3 N(gradual &/*loss ''of+accuracy, !!*&!N$and, #/$* 0 &removing mately pressure " N+failure *&'of+the )%pointer '#&to'indicate #/!any #N%& *& = With Medium >A>ABCompatibility CmUI\F[FJF\k~F \L aFKm 4.3.3 !change. )#(Wetted elastic gener1) !element "#is( #&0 >A>A>n~L \\LafParts. ID\E>The Vibration-Induced = >?>@>^Z F[DI\FCG_`GaKbLaHFatigue I\FcKLHFailure. IFJKDL>XIn#addi//0 ally a= thin—walled member, which of necessity operates N ) # 0 4 /" "3 & $ 4) ! )' +# ! N' % & movement tion '#to'itseffect ++!'on#the )(gauge *("' ,"#and #/linkage, #M($ under high stress conditions and must, therefore, be *# / &) ( ) & ! ' # / ' # # /"* $ ) & + ' & $3 may para. result P(see % &-:, -R-d-eQ$,vibration 3&'#" Nin#some '"instances ##!& * carefully selected for compatibility with the medium ! & + * N ! /+ ' &! ' "% 3 N4 ) ) " / *" in parts the pressure #)high ()loading '/#('of+,various &'*% &'of+ )%& *&element "# measured. common element 3#(" *&/-None s'#'of+the )! '""'# "#materials "& This loading assembly. "3N-1) '/#(!could '*/!cause *!cracks &!Min#the )element "# being is impervious to every type of chemical attack. The "% & , ' * ' , & N N %' +! ) " ! !M-1) itself, or joints. Case pressure buildup may be slow, +$'&in#2 '#-5 %& *&3 */*%" N3 '4$ corrosive attack by many %'#+for'&! '&&', !Misestablished 3)/3 N" #N but possible a large may develop, 3*itis%' 3that ) &()hole '" Nsuddenly *//#N/ ,'%$ potential with a high which the temperature, !'&$including #!*/#( )!concentration, '#!#&'#$ "%&*&$and #/ 4 )) ()&rate 'of+!case %pressure &*&&rise, $4) !)!could '*/&result * +factors, in a failure of+ the medium. user !contamination '#" #'#' )" /*"-The 1)* &should )'*/inform #+'&" #+ *&similar " &to'an#explosive W%',+failure. *&the the conditions so' that )(gauge *(supplier *%%&'of+ )installation #'#! '#/'# ) Apparent may be encoun= >?>@>@fPlugging. JKccFGc>.% %&#+failure *&" N3 #!'*#0 the appropriate element materials can be selected. ) % % & ' %& " # " & ! #3 ! /(clogging) of plugging pressure tered &//due *to'% *((#(P!'((#(Q'+internal #&#%& *& passages devices by pressure media. % ('or&throttling )&'#(/ ,!3 Nthe )%& *&" /Test calibration fluid = >A>A>?BCalibration IJF[DI\FCG LE\HFluid. JKFa>The 1)! 3&'#+ */ A / diaphragm be! considered use4 with . %)&(" seal should )'*/3 '#/&/+for'&* ) "* must3 be! compatible with the medium. Test fluids con' "% 3 4 ) ) " / * "-1 + * /! '#0 pressure media may plugging %& *&" /that )" N!cause *% *((#('or&!clogging. '((#(- taining hydrocarbons not be* used when the ##()N /&'!&3'#should )'*/#'3 /4) # ) =4.2.8 >?>gfPressure DLEEKDLBConnection. CGGLb\FCG>6See&recommendations !'""#/'#in# " medium or&' other /*" is'oxygen WN(#' )&'oxidants. W/#para. % &-h3.3.5. -h-ea Pressure =4.3.4 >A>=BCapability IUI[FJF\kCofjIf DLEEKDLSElement. JLmLG\>InX#addition //'#to' =4.3>AiSafety IjL\klRecommendations LbCmmLGaI\FCGE capability a pressure the )+factors !'&/discussed !*/above, 3',$the )! %3N'of+%& *& fabriby the design, "#isinfluenced #+*#!/3 N )/ (#$materials, "&$and #/+ 3&0 Pressure. Operating pressure gauge => A>n oUL DI\FGcfD LEEKDL>The 1)%& *&( *( element 4.3.1 a full—scale pressure the joints between parts. '#'of+ )2 '#3 4#its% &selected !/should )'*/)have ,+ *0!%& *&such *!)that )the ) !cation [ p19q Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01234567866966 0 31311 30 03 301332345678 GAUGES: PRESSURE INDICATING DIAL TYPE — ELASTIC ELEMENT (B40.1) ASME B40.100-2005 properties). ACETY— !"#of$joining %&&'(are)#soft $#soldering, *")&'+#silver &*,) 4) 4)&#r0\! (6'( 3()the !&inscription #2)&4&We\s5 Common methods The' gauge may bear ) ( . & ' + ( "/ * "& ' 0 1 & #2 ( ( $ $ 2 "3 4 ) ( 5 lete ! "& ( * 0c )( ) & ( *) 2 "( &##see brazing, and welding. Ioints can be affected by temperaLENE on the dial. For material recommendations ture, media. Where 6)+#stress, )##+(and "2corrosive ))#&, "&(07! )(application 44*&2(& uWe5 ]0 CGA E—4. 8questions 6#&#(arise, )&#+these !#$factors (2)##should !6*"2considered #&")"(and " be Ammonia indi94.3.8.2 :;:i:XD vvFGABoB [p?:AW'gauge (6'" #&'"to& "&5 Gauge. designed "& #26##"3the !6# )(and "#supplier. 644*&)0 discussed by user 2cate ((ammonia &(4) ##6)(and "to/& !#("the !2corrosive ))#&, pressure withstand The' gauge may bear inscription $$2#of$(ammonia. &(0\! (6'( 3()the !& #2)&4& effects 94.3.5 :;:<=Special >?@ABCApplications. D>>CA@BEAFGH:ISome #special 42&(*(applications 44*&2(&# AMMONIA or NH3 on WddwtT W )txU ! "& ( * 0 T # ! 6* "( * # & 2*6" the dial. It should also include )require 86&)that !( the !4 )##6)element * (assembly ##-*3!have (,(! &'! the pressure a high ! 8 6& , ( * # ( 6) ( & 4 ) ( 6) # 2 ( * ( )J&'# equivalent saturation temperature scale markings degree Users " ')of$*leakage (J('&integrity. ')&30K# )##should !6*"2contact (2 the ! onthe dial. Materials such as copper, brass, and silver ! "& ( * 0 d( ) & ( * ## 62 !( #2 4 4 ) + ) ( # # + ( "# &*,) #supplier 644*&)toensure #6)that !( the !(allowable **/(-**leakage (J(')rate (&is# brazing not alloys should not be used. ) ( . & '( * * 3 ## ! 6* " 6# "0 exceeded. L2""0 :;:i:;NChemical y?vA@BCoB [p?:AW'gauge (6'" #&'"to&indi"&5 Gauge. designed 94.3.6 :;:MNCases BH?H pressure high viscosity 2cate (the !4) ##6)of$2corrosive ))#&,or)! &'!, &#2#&3$fluids, *6&"#+ both. The4) primary material(s) in contact !0\! &()3( )&(*q#r& 2 (2 with /&! the ! )(**3(accepted 224" or) :;:M:ONCases, BH?HP=Solid FCAQRFront. SFGE:TIt &is#'generally "&6 ( 3-& "&$&" !"& (*0TIt may (3- medium may be identified on the dial. be !( (# *&"$front ) 2case (#4 )(0U3.3.1 0U0V/& **)reduce "62the ! that a solid per)4( para. will 86&44"/& !("& (4!)(' q(chemical) 2!&2(*r#seal, (*+46 *#(& with a diaphragm pulsation possibility being projected in 4##&-&*&3of$parts 4()#&'4) %2"$forward )/()"& the !event , equipped damper, or pressure relief or a combination. "( 4 ) + )4) # # 6) ) * & $" ,& 2 + )(2 & ( &0 device, An exception of$elastic *(#&2element * (assembly ##-*3$failure. (&*6)0W L24&&is# to minimize potential \! # " , & 2 #! * 4 & & & . 4 & ( *"( ( ' These devices help damage to explosive L4*#&,$failure (&*6)of$the !elastic *(#&2element * (assembly. ##-*30 4 ) # *( "4) 4 ) 3& ! , $' ( 6 ' $ ( & * 6) 0 personnel and property in the event of gauge failure. :;:M:XNCases, BH?HPYLiquid AZ[AQRFilled. ACC?Q:TIt has !(#' )(* \! been general They may, however, also or)# sensitivity, 3( 3 + ! / , ) + ( * # ) " 62 ( 2 2 6) ( 2 3 # & & , & 3 + reduce accuracy 4)(2&2to6# *32)&or)#silicone &*&2$filling &**&'$fluids. *6&"#0\! # or)practice use' glycerin These ! 0 both. must be where $fluids *6&"#6# -(avoided ,&""/! )#strong )'oxidizing L&"&.&'(agents '# :;:i:9z{ np?GoB [p?:AW'gauge (6'" #&'"to&indi"&5 Oxygen Gauge. designed nitric &including, 2*6"&'+6 *limited &&" to,+oxygen, L3'+2chlorine, !*)&+ &)&2 2cate but not Cleanliness shall comply with ( L 3 ' 4) # # 6) 0* ( * & # ## !( * *2 4* 3/& ! oxygen pressure. (acid, 2&"+(and "! 3")'4 )L&"(are)&involved. ,*,"0T the !4) #5 l hydrogen peroxide In presLevel , * T |q # # 2 & h r 0 \! "& ( * # ! ( * * 2 * ( ) * 3( ) J " IV (see section 5). The dial shall be clearly marked potential hazard ence 2of$oxidizing L&"&.&'(agents, '#+4 &(*! (.()"2can ()result #6* /& !(6 &,)#(*#symbol 3-*(and/ "}or)KI etw wTl&in) " a universal USE NO OIL red $from ) 2chemical !&2(*)reaction, (2&+&ignition, '&&+or)explosion. L4*#&0 5 2with Comcolor (see para. * )q # 4 ( ) ( 0 ~ 0 V 0 V 0 ] r 0 4* *3$fluorinated *6)&("or)2chlorinated !*)&("$fluids, *6&"#+or)!+( 3 pletely both, may be more - )#suitable 6&(-*$for)#such 62!(applications. 44*&2(&#0 Gauges :9Reuse ?[H?FofjPressure S?HH[S?oB [p?H 4.4 The6 user detailed \! #)#shall !(**$furnish 6)&#!" (&*"&information $)(&)relative *(&, 9 not gauges be moved TIt &is# )recommended 2""that !(pressure 4)##6)' (6'#," the !(application 44*&2(&of$'gauges (6'#!having (,&'*liquid—filled &86&"5$&**"2cases (## $from to one application to another for the following ) ( 44* & 2 ( & ( ! )$ ) !$ * * /& ' prior (and "#solicit *&2& the !(advice ",&2of$the !'gauge (6'#supplier 644*&)4) &)to )reasons: ( # # &installation. #(**(&0 The consequences of$ (a)Chemical Compatibility. \!2 #862# a compressed TIn(2 4)##"'gas(#(application, 44*&2(&+2consideration #&")(&#should !6*" &incompatibility can range from contamination to explo 2 4( & & * & 32 ( ) ( ' $ ) 2 ( & ( & L 4* 5 be' given (also *#&,tothe !&instantaneous #((6#!hydraulic 3")(6*&2effect $$2 that !( #sive failure. For example, moving an oil & , $ ( & * 6) 0c ) L ( 4 * + , & '( & *# ) , & 2 ' ( 6' service gauge may be2 created by modes ( 3)("3one of$the ! "#of$$failure (&*6)outlined 6*&"&in tooxygen failure. services can result in explosive L 3 ' # ) , & 2 #2 ( ) # 6* & L 4* # & , $ ( & * 6) 0 para. The! hydraulic pressure 4( )(04.2.7. ]0^0_0\! 3")(6*&2effect $$2"due 6to4) ##6)element * (b) Partial Fatigue. The$ first may involve \! &)# installation &#(**(&( 3& ,*, window be4 projected $failure (&*6)2could 6*"2cause (6#the !/& "/ to)%2"$forward )/()" 4) # # 6 ) 4 6* # ( & ! ( ! ( # L 4 " " # $ ! ' (6' pressure pulsation that has expended most of the gauge when a case a solid even ,/! (2 (#!having (,&'(# *&"$front ) is&#employed. 4*3"0 *life, in in installation. &$+)resulting #6*&'& early ()*3$fatigue (&'6& the !#second 2"& #(**(&0 Snubber. Placing a snubber a restrictor 9: ;:`=G [aa?S:b* (2&'(# 6--)or)() #)&2) (C)Corrosion. 4.3.7 Corrosion element ) )#&of$the !4) ##6) * pressure between pressure -/the !4) ##6)2connection 2&(and "the !elastic *(#&2element * (assembly may be# ##-*3& the !$first &)# &installation #(**(&( 36$$&2& to in sufficient will not in (6#early ()*3$failure (&*6)& the !#second 2"&installation. #(**(&0 /& ** )reduce "62the !&immediate "&(effect $$2 of$$failure, (&*6)+but -6 will /&** 2cause !help *4)reduce "62$flow */ of$escaping #2(4&'$fluid *6&"$following **/&')rupture 646) potential (and ")reduce "62the !4 &(*of$#secondary 2"()3effects. $$2#0cFor)$further 6)!) < CLEAN YDYLINESS == 5 N B40.5. details, ASME " (&*#+#seeWI def] g0h0 General :Oo? G?SBC 5.1 Service 94.3.8 :;:i=Specific >?@AjA@=? SkA@?NConditions. FGQAEAFGH:ISpecific 42&$&2(applica44*&2(5 < This## section provides reference \!& 2&4) ,&"##standardized ("()"&.") $)2$for) tions pressure gauges where hazards &#$for)4) ##6)'( 6'#exist L&# /! )!( .()"#(are) 'gauge users in specifying cleanliness requirements ( 6 ' 6 # ) #& # 4 2 & $ 3 & '2 * ( * & # #) 8 6& )#(and " many design, Jknown. /0TIn( 3&instances, #(2#+)requirements 86&)#$for)" #&'+2con5 'guidance to manufacturers in meeting these require6& "( 2 ( 6$ ( 2 6) ) #& & ' ! # ) 8 6& ) 5 #struction, )62&+(and "6use#of$'gauges (6'#$for)these !#(applications 44*&2(&#(are) ments. # 0 by Underwriters #specified 42&$&"3#state (or)$federal ")(*(agencies '2&#or)K ")/)&)# TIf$'gauge is#& important (6'2cleanliness *(*&##& 4)( $for)the !(application, 44*&2(&+ Laboratories, l( -)()&#+TInc. 20ISome of$these !##specific 42&$&2#service ),&2'gauges (6'# #such equipment involving food as for use on processing, 6 2 !( #$ )6# 8 6 & 4 & , * , & '$ "4) 2##&'+ paras. The* list not (are)*listed &#"&in4( )(# ]0U0m0Vthrough !)6'!] 0U0m0]0\! &#&is# *life support, or oxidizing fluids, the user should specify & $ # 64 4 ) + ) L & "& . & '$ * 6& "# + ! 6# )# ! 6* "# 42&$3 user &intended ""to&include 2*6"(all**types, 34#+(and "the !6# )#should !6*"(always */(3# the appropriate level of cleanliness listed in Table 2.0 ! ( 4 4 ) 4) & ( * , * $2 * ( * & # #* & # "& \ ( * ^ details. (advise ",&#the !#supplier 644*&)of$(all**(application 44*&2(&" (&*#0 requirements intended TIf$the !2cleanliness *(*&##) 86&)#of$the !& ""(appli44*&5 Acetylene Gauge. A gauge designed indinot in 2,+the user should so (&(are) 2covered ,)"& \Table (-*^ !6# )# !6*"# :;:i:OD @?EnC?G?oB [p?:W' (6'" #&'"to& "&5 2cation pressure manufacturer. ",&#the !( 6$(26))0 2cate ((acetylene 23*4) ##6)q(and ("other !)'gases (##!having (,&'#similar &&*() (advise I ^20g ¡¢£¤ ¥¦§§¨¥©¥¤£ª¥«¬ª¡­®¯¥°­¡ª¤¥±¥²ª­£®¯¡­®³¥́¯¢¡¯ªªµ¶ · ª¸¹­¤¡¯¥¬®¥©ª¥¬®¸ª¥±¥¤£¡µ¥¬®¤ª¡®³¥º¡¤£¹¤¥º¡¤¤ª¯¥­¯µª¯¤¥±¥«°²´¶ Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01 203456PRESSURE 73442738INDICATING 9 81890 DIAL 81 TYPE 63— GAUGES: 3ELASTIC 148 3ELEMENT 339 (B40.1) 143 ASME B40.100-2005 Table 2 ! "#"$$%Levels &$ Cleanliness 1''()*+',4Size -.,*and /012 */3-34 Allowable Quantity 6Particles *53-6',7 8Fibers -+,57 Maximum * 9-:2: Hydrocarbon, Maximum Maximum Cleanliness ',*/'-/,77 * 9-:2: * 9-:2: ;4 05(6*5+(/< Level General Size ,=,' 0, /,5*'Cleanliness ',*/'-/,777Requirements ,>2-5,:,/37 4., 12 */3-34 4Size -., 12 */3-34 ?PPm ?: Quantity Quantity Applicable All @[Note 9(3,(1)] A 1??'-6*+',3to(1 ''Levels ,=,'7 (Micrometers) -65(:,3,57 @[Note 9(3,(2)] A (Micrometers) -65(:,3,57 @[Note 9(3,(2)] A @[Note 9(3,(3)] BA CI DE FGHIJcleanliness IKHLIMLKNNHattained OOHMLKP DEI MGMO DEI MGMO DEI MGMO DEI MGMO DEI MGMO No limit No limit No limit No limit Normal No limit Othrough QFERSQQhigh MSQNstandard OHLPHFPNshop QET Tpractices FHJOMJKN CU VH RSKNshall QHIIWbeKXfree FKKEofXYvisually MNRHIIZ [Less KNNOthan QHL\1 ]00] DEI MGMO [Less KNNO QHL^700 ]] DEI MGMO No limit than No limit Gauge _[Note DEOK`(4)] abc`(unaided RLHMPKPKeye) ZKbPdetectKOKJOd \100/500 ]]ef]] g25f ^700/1000 ]]e\]]] \10] f50] Hable WIKGE MNORFKHand LPXforeign EFKMSLGH Od hY KFf500 ]] ]0 hY KF\1000 ]]] ]0 Over Over moisture matOterKF`(chips, JQMTNiNslivers, IMYKFNijK IPNslag IHSEorF weld Nsplatter, TIHOOKFiNshop QETNsoil, EMIiSgreases, FKHNKNi Eoils, MINiEorFEother OQKFJcontaminants) ELOHGMLHLONb mechanically Othat QHOJcould ERIPWbeKGK JQHLMJHIIZPdetKOd Frimental MGKLOHIOtoETproper FETKFXfunction RLJOMELEofX Sgauge HRSK NOTES: Dhk lmn `(1)\b[Levels KYKINCIICHand LPCIIICCQhave HYKWbeen KKLPdiscontinued. MNJELOMLRKPo Quantity `(2)gbpR HLOMOZq= Lnumber RGWKFWbyZJcount ERLOTperKFNsolvent EIYKLOXflush. IRNQo wetted `(3)rbsPpm TGTperKFNsolvent EIYKLOXflush IRNQ`(approximately HTTFEtMGHOKIZOtheQKYvolume EIRGKJcontained ELOHMLKPWbyZOthe QKjK OOKPNsurface). RFXHJKbo `(4)ablExcluding tJIRPMLSTparticle, HFOMJIKiXfiber, MWKFiHand LPQhydrocarbon ZPFEJHFWELPdetection KOKJOMELTprocedures. FEJKPRFKNo GAUGE TESTING ­6 ¨PRESSURE ®¯°°±®¯²³ ±²¯ ¯°´² Cleanliness determined by wx yz{x|{y}}|is}~y y|{y~ the y}size |yzand {~quantity z{| ­ ##"°Standards "¶¶$ Calibration maximum permissible ofz |y |}}|xy}solid x|~contaminants {z|{z{}on{y y~ 6.1vµ! wetted u5.2v !Cleanliness "#"$$%Levels &$ by }surfaces zy}or the yquantity z{|ofcontaminant {z|{z{(hydrocar~z ­ Discussion vµvµ² "·# $¸$$#" 6.1.1 General {}~|}y{|xy|{yx|~}}y~x}xyz{ have nominal not z{~z~}}shall zxx zy{ |{zxyerrors }{ ­ vµvµvµ ¬¹Standards }}zy}w{xyz{x|{y}}xyyx} greater than 7/4 of those permitted for the gauge being } yy | y ~ y z y y | { y z y z { º defined zarey~y |{y~|in{Table zxy2. tested. y}y~» y zxy y{testing y}|{ z ¤¤} z~y¬1A¼ For example, when a 200 psi|« Grade u5.3vInspection "$#"for!Cleanliness "#"$$ the must have errors not more (1%) ¬½¬gauge, z y y}standard z{~z~} zyy }{ y than *1/4 of 1%, or 0.5 psi. The range of the standard must ¬ ½ ¤ ¾} | y z { y y} z { ~z ~} z { º Hydrocarbon may bey~y determined by ~z{concentration {y{z|{z y|{y~ bey{ not less than that of the gauge under test but may x y } } z { z y z y{ ~y y } z methods black y ~}}such zas}|infrared {zy~}spectrophotometry yyor xz bey higher, long as} the do not exceed psi.| |yzas}x { z yyerrors }~{ y yy~¤0.5¾} A¼ of the wave xlight |(ultraviolet) xz|xyradiation z~|z|{ yxlong { z ytype y 200¤¤} psi Grade 3A gauge, with errors of 0.25% of 200 |« z ~y¢ ¼ z y | y } ¤ ¾ ½ ¤¤ 3 600 units nm)], where ¡[approximately z|zyx¢£ ¤¤zangstrom { } { |}(360 ¢£¤{ ¥ yy (0.5 500 psi Grade 4A gauge, with errors of ¤ ¾} | z¾ ¤ ¤ } |« z ~yº ¼ z y | y } psi), or a used pressure the y}solvent xy{} y~toflush x}the y y}}yyelement xyy{zassembly }}yx ¤0.1% with of 500 (0.5 psi) or a 1,000 psi digital gauge ¬ ½ ¾ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¾} | z¬ ¤ ¤ ¤ } |~| | z x z y| |is}yevaluated. zxzy~ errors of 0.05% of 1,000 (0.5 psi) may be used. y } ¤ ¤ ¾ ½ ¬ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¾ } | z y} y ~ When black ¦ y{ xzxlight |radiation z~|z|{y ~}zareyyemployed, xy~ ¹Standards methods pressure, weight, density, and linear z{~z~}for y}}yy |~y {}|z {~x |{yz manufacturer used the yz {zy}should x~zascertain }yz|{that zthe y}solvent xy{} y~ ~| dimensions used in manufacturing and calibrating the y { } | { }} y ~| {z { z | { z { ~ z x | z | { y will dissolve bey present | xx~| }}xyzallxxhydrocarbons ~z{}that zcould x~ y}y{zand {~ test instruments shall conform to equivalent measuring y}|{}y{}}zxx{y|zxy{yz}|{ that zzallxxhydrocarbons ~z{}zarey~y yzxyzand {~fluoresce xy}yunder {~y }standards detectable have been NIST z{~z~}that z zy yy{calibrated zx|zy~zat¿À ¹zand {~}shall zxx black xzxlight. | have a documented path NIST. y{y~z to¿À ¹ They~| dimensions particles usually y{}|{}ofz |xy}zand {~fibers |y}zarey} zxx zyz~ determined by microscopic paper ~y y|{y~ | }|yexamination z|{z|{offilter |xyz y information regarding ­6.1vµv.1µv.2 Complete wxyy| {z|{ yz~|{ manomez{y which has been passed. through |the yflushing x}|{ }solvent xy{ z} yy{z }}y~ ters in ASME PTC piston contained y}zand {~| }{gages z y}|is} {z|{y~| {¼¹ ÁÂà w¬19.2. Ä To compute their errors, geographical location and ele y y | y } y z | z xx z | {z { ~y xy u5.4v§¨Packaging ©ª#"ª vation musty~y be determined and gravity corrections z | {} y | {y ~z {~ z | y | {} Gauges packaged in a manner «z y}}shall zxxbe yz zy~| {}such zz {{ythat z}speciy| zapplied, as} outlined in NIST manometery and piston x | y ~z x | { y ~| {¿À ¹ z { y y z { ~| } { maintained. fied |y~cleanliness xyz{x|{y}}requirements y|yy{}zareyz |{z|{y~ gage monographs. z y { z } They} user proper precautions y}shall zxxtake zy y yz|{}}sothat zcleanlixyz{x| pressure mainused bey tested ness Gauges ­ vµvµv «z y}} y~zas}}standards z{~z~}}shall zxx y}y~ { y}}xlevels yyx}for}socket yzand {~ y}}yyelement xyy{zareyz |{ frequency of} such zregularly. yxzxThe y yy{ testing y}|{ will |xx tained z|{y~zafter ythe ygauge z y|is}removed yy~from its |}package zz yfor forzaccuracy depend demonstrated ability to retain ~y y{~on{their y|~y {}zy~z |x| yz|{zaccuracy z |installation. {}zxxz|{ bons) discernible in the fluids used to flush or clean such surfaces, or by both. Common cleanliness levels 21¬ ÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍ ÎÏÐÐÑÎÒÈÎÍÌÓÎÔÕÓÉÊÖ×ØÎÙÆÖÊÓÍÈÎÆÚÎÛÓÖÌ×ØÊÖ×ÜÎÝØËÊØÓÓÉÞß àÆÉÓÇÉÆáâÖÍÊÆØÎÕ×ÈÎÒÓÎÕ×áÓÎÆÚÎÍÌÊÞÎÕ×ÍÓÉÊ×ÜÎãÊÍÌÆâÍÎãÉÊÍÍÓØÎÖÆØÞÓØÍÎÆÚÎÔÙÛÝß Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01234567866966 0 31311 30 03 301332345678 GAUGES: PRESSURE INDICATING DIAL TYPE — ELASTIC ELEMENT (B40.1) ASME B40.100-2005 after a period !"#"oftime !$and %#after #&' ()* R(b)WT} SYz{% "B%pressure ''&'shall *+++!#at repeated use. The# date Allxy Grades. Known be applied "ofthe *+last 'test '$ ,% " #" % * " % " * . &. ( 4 * ' " ! % " %! % 4 ' ! % . ' ' & U " 8 4 &&$V C may be noted on the front of the gauge. each test point on increasing pressure (or vacuum).(At each under read, 4*test 'point "!%the *.gauge &.&% #test ''shall *++be- #Alightly +!.*+, / 010102 3! '"%.gages .'"or"other *'standards %##'that *4con"%5 Piston again. The#! difference #A % # * % # . ! % ( )* % 4 " * #5 tapped, and then read ofthe readtain !%"oil!+"or"other **hydrocarbon ,#"4-"%fluids +&!#''shall *++% "# !ings not be&' used %.'! ' ! 4 ! "% " ()*' $' @& %4 ' * + is friction error. The same sequence shall+- be to"test '"oxygen 6,.%.gauges &.'"or"other *.gauges &.'4cleaned +%#to"7 8+ repeated Level #" %# 4 ' ! % . ' ' & U " 8 4 &&$V ( )* % ! on decreasing pressure (or vacuum). The entire 9IV.:(;See)Table -+< %#para. (= (>(>(<( 2 and 'set"of& '4+and %##" B%'4+ #!%.''shall *++ *%upscale downscale readings then be #( / 01010? 9If+ !@&!#$ #!&$ !is'& '#A4correction "4!"%for" repeated. a liquid medium used, difference head between the *#! %4!in%+liquid !@&!#* #B%the *'standard %##and %# Minimum Recommended !%!$&$ 4"$$%## the *.gauge &.!%.tested '#$ ,4'',Aespecially ' 4!++,!in% being may be% necessary, C4 4&4, # Number &$-"of)Test '3 "!%'[Note "U(1)] jV Accuracy Grade Points the *4case '"of+low "B pressure ''&.gauges. &.'( =C j10f 4A >CA< CAj1A,CACA 5 3A, 2A, medium be&' used / 01010/ AC+liquid !@&!#$ #!&$'shall *++%not"#to"test ' AhA >3 B, C, D .gauges &.'B* the *B !.*"of+liquid !@&!#!in%the *pressure ''&ele+5 r) where weight $ %B! ++!introduce %"#&4'significant !.%!!4%errors. "'()*! 4!is' UNOTE: ment will This' effect (1) jV)* 'points "!%'' *++'!-&#"over 8the *#! + %. %# The test shall be#! distributed dial range and .greater "on%+low "B pressure ''&.gauges. &.'( within 'shall *++!include %4+&#points "!%'B! *!%j10% f" * %#'" *#! + %.( of the ends of the dial range. / 01010D 9Ifan%air!piston !'"%.gage .!is'&' #A% !@&!#! used, no"+ liquid is' The error )* "4can %$!%# "$ the *# "obtained -!%# be# determined from data permitted between $!#!in%the *.gauge &.&under %#test, 'A"or!in%the *+lines !%'B% !in% the two pressure cycles and is' equal to" the maximum * B" ' ' & 4 , 4 + ' % #! @ & + * $ 6!$&$ the *.gauge &.and %#the *piston !'"%.gage. .( direction, error "ateach 4*test 'point, "!%Ain!%either !*#! 4!"%Aafter tapping. !%.( %expressed 6 ''#as'a percentage 4%." %Athe * "'shall *++ When of' span, error A wide variety /6.1.2 010EFRecommended GHIJJGKLGLMStandards. NOKLOPLQ0CB! #8 !,"of * not exceed the limits in Table 1 for the applicable grade % " 6 4 # * + ! $! '! %) + j " * + ! 4 + . # mechanical may be&' used $ 4*%!4+and %#electronic +4"%!4'standards %##'$ ,#to"test ' " 4 4 & 4 , ( of accuracy. .gauges. &.'(;Some "$"ofthese *'are R(a)STpiston !'"%.gage .U(hydraulic *,#&+!4"orair)!V / 0E020EFRepeatability. G`GONOv[c[Nw0 -!+!,4can %5 Repeatability be# determanometer R(1))WT$ %"$ $! %#from "$ the *# "obtained -!%#! %para. (k6.2.4.1. (<(=(j(9 * mined data in It! is' the R(C)XTtest '.gauge &. difference between readings tap#! %4B%any %,two B" #!%.'taken o%after 5 R(d)YTpressure ''&transducer %'#&4"ortransmitter %'$! ping, from the !%.Aatthe *'same $pressure, ''&Aapproached "4*# "$ *'same $ a standard determined by ;Selection +4!"%"of' %##!is'# $!%#,the *accuracy 44&4, #! direction, 4!"%Aand %#! %the *two B"pressure ''&4 ,4+'Aexpressed 6 ''#! % in cycles, in and %#pressure ''&range %."ofthe *.gauge &.!%.tested, '#A'suitability &!-!+!, percentage being two cycles may 4%."of'span. %(More "than *% B"pressure ''&4 ,4+'$ , medium, use, "ofthe *$ #!&$A4convenience "%8%!%4"of&' Aand %#availability. 8!+-!+!,( be desirable. -# '!-+( friction -!+!,#" '% "! %4+&#* ,''!'"or !4!"% Repeatability does not include hysteresis Verifi Test /6.20EZ GP[\[Hcation ON[IK] GQN^Procedures PIHGL_PGQ error. "( The following when )* "++"B!%.procedures "4#&'are'suggested &..'#B* %testing '!%. Hysteresis. Hysteresis be# determined / 0E020tw QNGPGQ[Q0q, ''!'4can %$!%# a pressure ''&.gauge &.to"# $!%!its'4compliance "$ +!%4B! *the * from determine with the data obtained in the two pressure " $ * # " ! % #! % * B" ' ' & 4 , 4+'(See ; cycles. defined methods accuracy 44&4,.grades #'# !%#!in%para. (>3.4.(=(;Statistical !'!4+$ *"#' para. It is' the difference at each test point between ( k ( < ( = ( j ( 9 ! * #! % 4 4 * ' " ! % B % both, may be used when "oralternate +%test 'procedures, "4#&'A"or"*A$ ,&' #B* % !increasing pressure and decreasing pressure readings % 4 ' ! % . ' ' & % ## 4 ' ! % . ' ' & #! % .' agreed .#to",the *'supplier & +!and %#the *&' ( by user. test taken o%after tapping, !%.Aatthe *'same $ 'point, "!%Aapproached "4*# from both "$"*!increasing %4'!%.and %## 4'!%.pressure ''&#! 4!"%' decreasing directions; Grades). /6.2.1 0E01FReference G\GPGKHG]Temperature GJ`GPON_PGa(All bccdP OLGQe0ACtempera$ 5 in a single in of %' !%.+pressure ''&4cycle, ,4+Aexpressed 6 ''#! %percentage 4%." 20°C : 1°C 1 2°F) be ! ture &"of< fghij ghU(approximately "6!$+,k68°F lgmi< gmV'shall *++A-1. %(;SeemFig. !.(C5 j( the *reference %4'standard. %##()Temperature—compensated $ &54"$ %'# 'span. The* hysteresis )* ,''!'8value +&! "B! *pressure ''&excursion 64&'!"% is'+ lower if the be tested .gauges &.''shall *++'#at'several 8+ambient $-!%temperatures $ &' !is'+ fricless Hysteresis does not include ''than *%full &++'scale. 4+(q, ''!'#" '% "! %4+&# !45 within B!*!%the *4compensated "$ %'#range. %.( tion error. ! " % " ( /6.2.2 0E0EFReference G\GPGKHGnBarometric OPIJGNP[H^Pressure. PGQQ_PG0AC barometric -"$!4 Hg)V' shall ''&j101.32 fj(><okPa 3U(29.92 <p(p<!in.%(q. *++be -the *reference %4 D pressure ORDERING AND Fd^PARAMETERS bFb]FMb FRELATED b] 'standard. %##(r%+ ,absolute -'"+&pressure ''&. &.'B! *the * 7 F Only gauges with STANDARDS M ] b b F M pointer will be affected by "!%'setto"!indicate %#!4j14.7 =(spsia '!B! ++- 4#, Order barometric D7.101P LGPuChecklist GHc[QN 4changes *%.'!in%"$!4pressure. ''&(;Seepara. (> (=(j(jj( The following includes to"4 consider )* "++"B!%.! %4+&#''some "$factors 4"' "%'!#and %# /6.2.3 0E0tuCalibration Oc[vPON[IKMStandards. NOKLOPLQ0;Seepara. (k6.1.(j( to" answer when ordering @questions &'!"%' %'BB* %" #!%.pressure ''&.gauges. &.'( /6.2.4 0E02^Procedures PIHGL_PGQ Assistance NotNF Required. user does not D7.1.1 0101b QQ[QNOKHGI G_[PGL09Ifthe*&' #" '% " Accuracy / 0E0201b HH_POHw with recommendation require @&!assistance ''!'%4B! *'selection +4!"%and %# 4"$$%#!"% 8!4!involved, %8"+8#A'specify 4!, Grades and Before R(11)STxy SYz{|3A}S ~Y4A.} "4conducting "%#&4!%.the *accuracy 44&4, for"'service number, and conmaxitest, 'A'subject &-4the *.gauge &.to"a pressure ''&equal @&+to"the *$ 6!5 R(a)ST'supplier’s & +!'4catalog +".% &$-A'size, !Arange, %.A %#4 "%5 location and mum indicated 4!"%+ "4!"% %#'size ! Conduct $&$! %#!4#pressure ''&U(or"8vacuum). 4&&$V(h" %#&4the *accu44&5 %nection variations both, within minutes. racy 4,test 'B! *!%j10f$! %&'( R(I9)WT8 !!"%'"oraccessories, 44''"!'A"or"*A!ifrequired @&!# [ <22< ¡¢£¤¥¦§ ¨©ªª«¨¬¢¨§¦­¨®¯­£¤°±²³̈ °¤­§¢¨´µ̈­°¦±²¤°±¶¨·²¥¤²­­£¸¹ º £­¡£»¼°§¤²¨¯±¢¨¬­¨¯±»­¨´¨§¦¤̧¨¯±§­£¤±¶¨½¤§¦¼§¨½£¤§§­²°̈²¸­²§¨´¨®³µ·¹ Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01 203456PRESSURE 73442738INDICATING 9 81890 DIAL 81 TYPE 63— GAUGES: 3ELASTIC 148 3ELEMENT 339 (B40.1) 143 ASME B40.100-2005 ~wyc Moderate !"#$%"&' '('%$)*"+" ,-(#"!.If/0the 1234 25 NOTES: Assistance Required. user 7.1.2 Conversion E(1)NFx9 <]25479</factors ;=0954;are522expressed ?52442:; 25[ 20b22<N1.0G;and <: as4;<38[ a number between 5requires 263752489 :2 5 ; 0 2; 4 4 7 4 0 ; < = 2 >4 ?2 = 7 / @ moderate assistance, specify with decimal places. This number N10.0 Gb7 01/five 7]2:2 =78;R? R;=24Gw1 74< 38[257 9RR9b2:[ 12 is4/ followed by@0 the A(cl)BC5range ;<D2E(specify 4?2=7/@3units <7049of/82 ;4352FE(see 422?; 5;G3.2) HGIF measure) para. letter E (for exponent), a plus or587 minus symbol, and R 2 0 0 2 5E / 9 52 ?9 <2 < 0 F > ;? R 349 <344 @ 8[ 9 R > ; < :0 b9:7 D 704 two digits A(19)JC;accuracy ==35;=@E(see 422?; 5;GH3.4) GKF para. the power of/N 10[ by@b1 which 7 < :7 = ; 0 7 <D0 1 2? 9 b2 59 7 = 10 12< 38[ 2 5834 indicating the number must0[ be2 A(C)LC4size 7M2E(para. ?;5;GH3.1GN;and <:OFig. 7DGP6)F multiplied or5 83R07?R72:0 9552=0R@? R;=20 12:2 =78;R? 97<0Gw12? R349 to9= correctly place the decimal point. The plus A(d)QC8; 0257;R material minus indicates 87<347 <:7=;0240the 12:7 52=079<0 12:2 =78;Rmust 8340be [289 ]2:cplus ?R34 direction the decimal moved: method pressure-containing A(e)SC82 019:9of/joining T97<7<D0the 12? 5244352U=9<0;7<7<D=compo98?9U 0901257D10>87<3409012R2/0G EXAMPLES:c |zy nents < 2<04 (a) 2.54000 E—02 means 2.54000 X N 1072 and ;<:2equals 63;R4 GIXK 0.025400 A(f)VC=connection 9<<2=079<0type, @?2>Rlocation, 9=;079<>;and <:4size 7M2 E+05X82 means E(b)[FN1.01325 GNHIX ;<4N1.01325 GNHIXX N105X;and <:2 63;R4N101,325 N>HIX equals mounting A(g)WC89 3<07<DE(stem, 4028>4surface, 35/;=2>9or5/flush) R341FE(see 422OFigs. 7D4GX5 EIFw12[ The bar ;57 3047:20the 12y @4028 that 01;07is4<2 ]25012R244 is4;3<7 a unit09 outside SI.4 system nevertheless ;and <:P6)F 5 2 = 9 D < 7 M 2 :[ @0 1 2x9 87 0 0 2 . < 0 2 5 <; 0 7 9 < ; R :2 4 9 7 :42 z2;43524 recognized by the Comitté International des Poids et0Measures A(h)YC4supplier’s 3??R725Z4=catalog ;0;R9D<number 38[25 E x. zF G (CIPM). A(1)\C]Variations ;57;079<49or5;accessories, ==24495724>9or5[ 901 both ^ _" %$(`"!&' '('%$)*"+" ,-(#"!.If/0the 1234 25 ^+ Detailed Assistance Required. user 7.1.3 Related "$̀%"!tStandards %$)!$#!' detailed 5requires 2637524:2 0;7R2:;assistance, 44740;<=2>4specify ?2=7/@7items 0284Rlisted 7402:7in<?para. ;5;G 7.30 1254standards 0;<:;5:4;and <:4specifications ?2=7/7=;079<45 2R;07<D0to9?5 24U Other relating presplus a7.1.2 GNGI?R 340the 12;applicable ??R7=;[R2?9 5079<49of/0the 12/following: 9RR9b7<Dc portions requirements 4 3 5 2D ; 3 D 2 4; < :0 1 2 7 5?2 5 / 9 5 8; < = 25 2 6 37 5 2 82 < 0 4/ 9 R R 9 bG sure gauges and their performance follow. A(at)BC82 :738>name <;82;and <:4state 0;02E(gas D;49or5Rliquid), 7637:F>=concentra9<=2<05;U w122 medium, The edition bearing the latest date of issuance shall :7 0 7 9 <[ 2 ; 5 7 <D0 12R ; 0 2 4 0:; 0 29 /7 4 4 3; <= 24 1; RR 0tion, 79<>0temperature 28?25;0352 be [ 234 2 :G used. material A(b)JC8; 0257;R9of/?5 9=2442equipment 637?82<0 process A(C)LC?5 244352?3R 4;079<5range ;<D2;and <:/frequency 52632<=@ pressure pulsation ANSI.I Z26.1, Code Glazing Materials GlazPGN>ySafety ;/20@x9 :2/for95R ;M7<Dz; 0257;R4/for95R ;MU A(d)QC4sudden 3::2<?pressure 52443527increase <=52;429or5:2 =52;42E(spike 4?7d29or5 ~y decrease ing Motor Vehicles Operating on Land Highways 7 < Dz9 0 9 52 1 7 = R 2 4?2 5 ; 0 7 < D9 <; < : 7 D 1 b; @ 4 4surge) 35D2F Publisher: American National Standards 3[R 74125c82 57=;<~; 079<;Ry 0;<:;5:4.Institute <4070302 materials A(6)SC=case ;42;and <:5ring 7<D8; 0257;R4 E ~y . F > I 4 0K H 5 :y 0 5 2 2 0 > ~2 b9 5 d > ~N HP (ANSI), 25X2 West 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036 window A(f)VCb7 <:9b8; 0257;R material A(g)WC2environmental <]759<82<0;R=conditions 9<:7079<44such 3=1;as4 ASME B1.20.1, Pipe Threads, General Purpose y zN GIGN>7 ?2w1 52;:4>2 <25;R3 5?942E(Inch) .<=1F ) vibration A(1eC] 7[5;079</frequency 52632<=@;and <:;amplitude 8?R703:2 (Except E = 2 ?05 @ 4 2 ; R F Dryseal) A(2)fC0temperature 28?25;0352 y zN GIGH>5 @42;R7 ?2w1 52;:4 ASME B1.20.3, Dryseal Pipe Threads A(3)gC7indoor <:995;and <:9outdoor 30:99534 use2 ASME PTC 19.2, Performance Test Code, y zwxN G I > 2 5 / 9 5 8; < = 2w 2 40x9 :2>Pressure 5244352z2 ;U MeaA(4)hC=corrosive 955947]2;atmosphere 0894?1252 4 3 5 2 82 < 0 surement A(5)iC:dust 340 Publisher: The282 American Mechanical Engi3[ R74125cw1 57=;<y 9=720@9of/z2 =1;<7=;R< D7U Society weather resistance A(6)jCb2 ;01255 24740;<=2 Three Park Avenue, New < 2 2 5 4E y zF >w1 5 2 2; 5 d] 2 < 32 >~2 b 9 5 d >~ neers (ASME), York, NY A(7)kC1 387:70@ humidity Order Department: 22 Law Drive, P.O. Box N10016; NP5 :252 ?;5082<0cI I; b 5 7]2> GG9 mechanical A(8)lC82 =1;<7=;R4shock 19=d Fairfield, NJ 07007-2300 I H > O ; 7 5 / 7 2 R :>~ a a U I H 2300, Units Units) 7.2mConversion )n"#'()oFactors $*%#'p(Customary m-'%q$#rs) (%'%to tSIus) (%'v CGA E—4, Gas45 Pressure Regulators K>yStandard 0;<:;5:/for95; 2443522 D3R;0954 The2x3 Customary measuring units listed below with w1 4098;5@82 ;4357<D3< 704;are52R 7402:[ 2R9bb7 01 xU 0their 1275=corresponding 95524?9<:7<DySI.3<7 04;and <:=conversion 9<]25479</ ;=0954G 3[ units factors. Publisher: 4221 Compressed Gas44 Association R74125cx9 8?52442:; 49=7;079<E(CGA), xF>K IIN Multiplying Customary units by z3R 07?R@7<D0the 12x34 098;5@3< 704[ @0the 12=conversion 9<]25479</fac;=U Walney Rd.,>Chantilly, ;R<2@:G x1;<07RR@>VA I20151-2923 NXNUIIH will yield value in units. 0tor95b7 RR@ 72R:0the 12=correct 9552=0] ;R327 <ySI.3< 704G EN 837.1, Pressure Gauges Part Bourbon Tube Pres~ HaGN>5 244352; 3D24; 50N1:c9 35[9<w 3[25 24U Customary Conversion x34 098;5@ x9 <]25479<OFactor ;=095 — sure Gauge Dimensions, Metrology, Requirements, 4 3 5 2; 3D 2 7 82 < 4 7 9 < 4 > z2 0 5 9 R 9 D @ > 2 6 37 5 2 82 < 04> Unit x Unit7 {<70| }[Note ~902E(1)] NF = s1y.{< 0 and Testing ; < :w 2 4 0 7 < D E+05X Pa (pascal) ;atmosphere 0894?1252E(standard) 40;<:;5:FN1.01325 GNHIX ;E ?;4=;RF Publisher: European Committee Standardization 3[ R74125c35 9?2;<x9 8870022/for95y 0;<:;5:7M;079< bar E+05X Pa [;5}[Note ~902E(2)] IF N1.00000 G ; }[Comité x9870235 9?22<:2~9 58;R74;079<E(CEN)], x~F>5 32:2 Européen de Normalisation rue de in. (inch) 2.54000 E—02 In (meter) ft (foot) 3.04800 E—01 In Strassart 36, B—1050 Brussels, Belgium. The2< English y 0 5 ; 4 4 ; 5 0H P >U N X 5 34 4 2 R 4 >2 R D 7 38Gw1 D R 7 41 in. (4°C) 2.49081 E+02I Pa 7 <GH2O KxF IGKN ; IE language version is4?3 published by British Standards R ; < D 3; D 2] 2 5 4 7 9 <7 [ R 7 4 1 2 :[ @5 7 0 7 4 1y 0 ; < :; 5 :4 in. (20°C) E+02I Pa IxF IGKPK ; 7 <GH2O 2.48640 IE Chiswick Road, London .Institute <4070302E(BSI), y.F>H389x17 4b7=dHigh 7D19 ;:>9 <:9< in. (60°F) E+02I Pa 7 <GH2O POF IGKX ; 2.48850 IE 4AL. W4 KK G (20°C) E+03H Pa IxF I2.98370 GHa ; /ft0H20 IE m2IE (square 7in.2 <GI(square inches) 6.45160 E—04 463;52 RP2.1, Manometer .ISA yI GN>z; <982025wTables ;[R24 meters) 82 0254F I I 9.29030 E—02 m2 Publisher: Instrument of/America Alex3[ R74125c. <405382<0Society y9=720@9 8257=;E(ISA), .yF>P67aR 2U /ftz0(square feet) psi per E+03H Pa ? 47E(pound ?93<:/force 95=2? 25 P6.89476 GKaP ; Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 ander ; < :2 55 7 ] 2 > 2 4 2 ; 5 = 1w 5 7 ; < D R 2; 5 d > ~xI a a square inch) 6.89476 E—02 bar [Note (2)] per E+02I Pa 9oz/in.2 M7<GIE(ounce 93<=2? 25 4.30922 KGHII ; Used In Welding, Cutting .ISO y X5171, NaN>5 244352; 3D24{4 2:. <2 R:7<D>x30 07<D Pressure Gauges 4square 63;527inch) <=1F and Related Processes ; < :2 R ; 0 2 :5 9 = 2 4 4 2 4 E+03H Pa 7in.<GHgDE(mercury) 825=35@FE(0°C) xFH3.38638 GHPH ; Publisher: International Organization for Standardiza3[ R74125c. <025<;079<;R5 D;<7M;079</ 95y 0;<:;5:7M;U micron 1.00000 E—06 111 tion (ISO), 1 rue de Varembé, Case Postale 56, 0 7 9 <E . y F > N5 32:2; 5 2 8[ 2 > x; 4 2 9 4 0 ; R 2X P>CH—1121, x UNNIN> °F (degree Fahrenheit) (°F—32)/ 1.8 °C (degree Celsius) Geneve x2 R4734F 2 <2]2I20,>Switzerland/Suisse yb70M25R;<:y37442 to the right, minus to the left. I I23H ¡¢£ ¤¥¦¦§¤̈¤£¢©¤ª«©¬­®¤̄¬©£¤°¤±©¬¢­®¬­²¤³®¡®©©´µ ¶©·¸¬£®¤«­¤̈©¤«­·©¤°¤£¢´¤«­£©­²¤¹£¢¸£¤¹££©®¤¬®´©®£¤°¤ª¯±³µ Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01234567866966 0 31311 30 03 301332345678 GAUGES: PRESSURE INDICATING DIAL TYPE — ELASTIC ELEMENT (B40.1) ASME B40.100-2005 FED-STD-H28, !"#$Screw—Thread %&'()&'*+Standards ,*-+*&+./for0&Federal '+'&*1Ser'& PI40 -0<&*L)P0 C$S' +>%,30-L ,*/ 0&=3 .,0NBS Monograph No.O8 65, Reduction pf/* Data for Piston 2 3 % ' . 7* > < '=& ' . . >& '4' * . >& ' M' ,F PI ' % ) 3 % * 1P0 ,' vices Gauge Pressure Measurement (NBS Technical Note 0 -& & 0 &H. . ' . . M' , G on Error Assessment) Gage, Pressure, Dial Oxygen, 45 6789:;$7* <'$=& '..>&'$3 *15Indicating, -+3%*,3-<$?@ A<'-$ MIL-G-6019, Manual SAE HT ;98$Automotive H>,0M0,32'Safety */',A71 *U3-<4* ->*1 I906, Glazing Low 60 (=Pressure &'..>&' =>J 1 3 . )' & K 0 % 3 ' , A0 /H>, 0 M0, 3 2'-<3 -' '&.F(SAE), HG$ Publisher: Society of Automotive Engineers 45 6789BC$7* <'$=& '..>&'$3 *15Indicating, -+3%*,3-<$?@ A<'-$ MIL-G-6035, Gage, Pressure, Dial Oxygen, E 9 9Q0 MM0 -(' * 1 , )& 3 2 ' $R* & & ' -+* 1 ' $= H: C9;8 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096High Pressure !3 <)=& '..>&' 9 9 9 : 0001 Boiler 45 67:DE#;$7* <'$F(Pressure) =&'..>&'GF(Air) H3&GI0 31'& MIL—G-17489, Gage, N6" ;;$Fire 3&'@ ,3-<>3.)'&.$& AQ) 'M3%*1 UL 299, Extinguishers, Dry Chemical MIL-G-18997, Gage, Pressure, Dial 45 67:#;;D$7* <'$=& '..>&'$3 *15Indicating -+3%*,3-< B156.1), Indicating Pressure Gauges N6B ; BF HP 5I: C 8 O : G $5 +3 % * , 3 <= &'..>&'7* ><'./ 0& UL 393 (ANSI for =>J 13.)'&KFederal '+'&*1.specifications L'%3/3%*,30-.*available 2*31*J1'/from: &0MKSuper>L'& Fire Publisher: Protection 3 & '=& 0 , ' % , 3 0 - ' & 2 3 % ' Service Documents, Government Printing 3intendent -,'-+'-,0of/0 %>M'-,.$NO O70 2'&-M'-,=& 3-,3-< UL 404, U.S. 9E$7* ><'.$5Indicating -+3%*,3-<=& '..>&'$/for0&Q0 ML&'..'+ Gauges, Pressure, Compressed Office ?/ /3%'F(GPO), 7=?G$D732B"PO L3,01Street, ,&'',$PR$ R*.)3-<,0-$ N6E N. Q* Capitol NW, Washington, 7* ' & 2 3 % ' Gas. Service Q" 9E9: DC 20401 UL 626, Extinguishers, N68 "8$Fire 3&'@ ,3-<>3.)'&.$!* 10<'-*,'+H< '-, Halogenated Agent Publisher: =>J1 3.)'&KN-+' &(&3,'&.6* J0&*,0&3'.$5Inc. -%OF(UL), N6G$ Underwriters Laboratories, PI40 -0<&*L)P0 4'&%>&A4* -0M','&. B333BB=/ 3-<.,'-S0 *+$P0 &,)J&00V$5 6860062-2096 998""9;8 NBS Monograph No.O# 8,$Mercury Manometers Pfingsten Road, Northbrook, IL C "24E WXYZ[\]^_ àbbcd̀Z`_^ef̀ge[\hijk̀Xh\e_ZX̀lm̀eh^ij\hiǹoj]\jee[pq rX[eY[Xsth_\Xjg̀iZd̀eg̀iseX̀l`_^\pg̀i_e[\iǹu\_^Xt_ù[\__ejh̀Xjpej_X̀lf̀kmoq Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01 203456PRESSURE 73442738INDICATING 9 81890 DIAL 81 TYPE 63— GAUGES: 3ELASTIC 148 3ELEMENT 339 (B40.1) 143 ASME B40.100-2005 NONMANDATORY APPENDIX A !" ##$%& DEFINITIONS AND 'SOME $$ (%%%' 'SUGGESTED )**$' $TEST $' #PROCEDURES !+$)!$' MEASURE NEW GAUGE )' $TO$ ')!$$ ,* )*$#PERFORMANCE $!(!+$ USED A-1 -. 'SCOPE +#$ 6:9?52290=60;F/05C=>C520=??9056L5E05EJ57@:; EE>;=EG=9901295A45;=9>;5K16=EE:;7=6E5B1904=;=F This Appendix /0 1234 4567181is21intended 69567579to:4provide ;:<175=an6:outline >9?165:of@ = FFFPF/0571@@5;56E516;5=716C2=95=E095294:169 parameters used when new per9the 054= ;=A595;2>2 57B0 565evaluating <=?>=916C6 5B Cgauge =>C545 ;D between minimum operating L 59B556;room ::A9temperature 5A45;=9>;5=and 679the 05A1 61A>A: 45;=916C These @formance :;A=6E5=and 679to:2suggest >CC5295evaluation <=?>=91:6:outlines. >9?1652F/0 5259test 529 9temperature error. 5 A45 ; = 9 >; 51 0 5? : B9 5 A45 ; = 9 >; 55 ; ; : ; F is29 the low temperature A5 90:72A= G:or;A= G6 :92satisfy =912@G9the 05; 5H>1;5A5692:of@9the 05 methods may may not requirements 1intended 6956757=application. 44?1E=91:6FI0 561it91is2Jknown 6:B69that 0=99the 05Cgauges =>C52 A-2.4 When -Rw'Storage }yxTemperature x}x will B1 ??5encounter 6E:>695;Econditions :67191:62A: ;52severe 5<5;5:or;? 5222severe 5<5;5 /0 more less The5C gauge be59 tested for accordance =>C52shall 0=??L 52957@ :;=accuracy EE>;=EG1in6= EE:;7=6E5 9than 0=69those 0:252specified, 45E1@157K9the 059test 529A= GL 71@1579to:A= 9E0 B1 may be5A: modified match with para. The5C gauge shall 9 04= ; = F F F F P F/0 = >C 52 0 = ? ?9 0 5 6L =E571 6=a then be54? placed in A: ;5Eclosely ?:25?G9the 05=application. 44?1E=91:6F3A @functional >6E91:6=?9test 5291in69the 05 9temperature more 5 A45 ; = 9 >; 59 5 2 9E 0 = AL 5 ;= 65 ? 5 < = 9 5 79 5 A45 ; = 9 >; 5 test chamber at9= an elevated temperature best 1intended 6956757=application 44?1E=91:61is2Cgenerally 565;=??G9the 05L 5295evaluation <=?>=91:6 [e.g., 70°C (158°F)] for a period of@24 hr. The5C gauge shall 5 F C F K M P O Q @ : ;=45 ; 1 : 7: 0 ; F /0 = >C 52 0 = ? ? method. A-1.) A5 90:7FM(See N55OFig. 1CF3D PFQ 9then 056L =E571 6=9 5A45;=9>;59test 529E 0=AL5;= :B5; be54? placed in a temperature chamber at9=? a lower temperature [e.g., —40°C (—40°F)] for a period of 24 hr. This 480 hr;E cycle be5; repeated four for a total /0 12 GE?52shall 0=??L 545=957@ :>;9times 1A52@ :;=9 :9=? A-2 -R $EVALUATION ST)%#PROCEDURES !+$)!$' cycles. shall be5= allowed :of@@five 1<5Ecomplete :A4?595E GE?52FThe /05Cgauge =>C52 0=??9then 056L ??:B57 WARNING: UVWXY XZ[\Failures ]^_`abcd`a ^efga bcc`abhtesting bch^ef]areab`ega bd^ih]j_b 9 during pressure unpredictable 9=L1?15=at9;room ::A9temperature 5A45;=9>;5=and 679 056L 05EJ57@ :; to:2 stabilize then be5E checked for ]and edk] licause ]`cbg] ahchtomjbga mgb__bd^ine]any eld^ abih^menV_ ga bcc`ab = may parts be propelled direction. All_ pressure accuracy, in accordance with para. The difference E E > ; = E G K 1 6= E E : ; 7= 6 E 5B1 9 04 = ; = F F F F P F /0 571 @ @ 5 ; 5 6 E 5 htesting bch^efcshould om`_djbi med`ihbdjlp`] _^q^bdgb acmeeb_`c ^ef]approggamr between be conducted by qualified personnel using the two accuracy tests is29 the of@2 storage L 5 9 B5 5 69 0 59 B:= E E > ; = E G9 5 2 9 21 0 55 @ @ 5 E 9: 9 : ; = C 5 effect ga ^]hbcsafety ]qbhlbequipment p`^gkbehcsuch `io]asccsafety ]qbhlfglasses, _]ccbcscshields, o^b_dcsmorabencloei_mr temperature priate The 5A45;=9>;55 84;52257= ;E569=C5:of@2 4=6F/05 expressed as2=45 a percentage span. csures, `abcsmora]i mkj^e]h^meshtomga btbehgb acme]_^injury eu`al]and edga mgbahl 9 a combination, prevent personal property gauge shall not change its appearance. The dial and C = > C 52 0 = ? ?6 : 9E 0 = 6 C 51 9 2= 44 5 = ; = 6 E 5 F/0 571 = ?= 67 d] k]fbnWb ]dcsection bih^mevjb qmabiconducting med`ih^ef]any elhtesting. bch^efn damage. Read 4 before pionter not crack, change color. 41:695;2shall 0=??6 :9E ;=EJKblister, L?1295;K:or;E 0=6C5E :?:;F A-2.1 -Rw.$Error, xxyxz#Position y{|}|y~ Vibration -RwS |x}|y~ The5C gauge mounted its /0 =>C52shall 0=??be L5A: >69571in61 926normal :;A=?Ecalibrating =?1L;=916C A-2.5 A-2.5.1 Vibration gauge shall for -Rww.S |x}|y~Tests. {}{wThe /05C =>C52 0=??beL59tested 52957@ :; position 4: 2191:6M(see 2554para. =;=F3.4.3.10) FFFPQ=and 67Echecked 05EJ57@for:;=accuracy EE>;=EG1in6 =accuracy para. before starting in accordance with E E > ; = E G1 6= E E : ; 7= 6 E 5B1 9 04= ; = F F F F PL 5 @ : ; 52 9 = ; 9 1 6 C with para. The5C gauge be5 =accordance EE:;7=6E5B1 904= ;=F6.2.4.1. FFFPF/0 =>C52shall 0=??9then 056L the vibration tests. Each of the tests specified below 9 0 5< 1 L ; = 9 1 : 69 5 2 9 2 F= E 0: @9 0 59 5 2 9 22 45 E 1 @ 1 5 7L 5 ? : B 4? =E571in61its921intended 6956757:operating 45;=916C4position(s) :2191:6M2Q=and 67=again C=16 2shall placed conducted in mutually 0=??beL5E :67>E9572separately 54=;=95?G1 65each =E0:of@9three 0;55A> 9>=??G with para. Echecked 05EJ57@for:;=accuracy EE>;=EG1in6=accordance EE:;7=6E5B1 904 =;=F6.2.4.1. FFFPF perpendicular 45 ; 45 6 71 E > ? = ;= 8 5 2 F3? ?9 5 2 9 21 6: 6 5= 8 1 22 0 = ? ?L 5E :AD axes. All tests in one axis shall be comThe571 difference between /0 @@5;56E5L 59B5569the 059two B:2sets 592:of@;readings 5=716C21is29the 05 pleted before proceeding to tests in another axis. The5 4? 5 9 5 7L 5 @ : ; 54 ; : E 5 5 71 6 C9 :9 5 2 9 21 6= 6 : 9 0 5 ;= 8 1 2 F/0 4: 2191:65error. ;;:;F position to:9 the vibration Cgauge =>C5>under 675;9test 5292shall 0=??be L52secured 5E>;579 05< 1L;=91:69table =L?5 service. 1in69the 052same =A5A= 665;9that 0=91it9B1 ??beL52secured 5E>;571 62 5;<1E5FIn6 manner will in A-2.2 -RwRHigh |Temperature x}x$Error xxyx the panel the case of surface or flush mounting, 9 0 5E = 2 5: @2 >; @ = E 5: ;@ ? >2 0A: >6 9 1 6 C K9 0 54= 65?2shall 0=?? The5C gauge be59 tested in /0 =>C52shall 0=??L 52957@for:;=accuracy EE>;=EG1 6=accordance EE:;7=6E5 beL52sufficiently rigid to ensure that its motion will be5 > @ @ 1 E 1 5 6 9 ? G; 1 C 1 79 :5 6 2 > ; 59 0 = 91 9 2A: 9 1 : 6B1 ? ?L with para. The5C gauge be54? placed B1 904= ;=F6.2.4.1. FFFPF/0 =>C52shall 0=??9then 056L =E571in6=a 5essentially the same as the motion of the platform of 2 2 5 6 9 1 = ? ? G9 0 52 = A5= 29 0 5A: 9 1 : 6: @9 0 54? = 9 @ : ; A :@ 9temperature 5A45;=9>;59test 529Echamber 0=AL5;=at9=an65elevated ?5<=9579temperature 5A45;=9>;5 9the vibration machine. Input conditions should be moni0 5< 1 L ; = 9 1 : 6A= E 0 1 6 5 F 6 4>9 E : 6 71 9 1 : 6 22 0 : >? 7L 5A: 6 1D a period [e.g., 5FCFK60°C M(140°F)] POQ=and 67=allowed ??:B579to:2stabilize 9=L1?15@for:;=45 ;1:7 9tored adjacent to the gauge mounting. A pressure of : ; 5 7= 7 = E 5 6 99 :9 0 5C = >C 5A: >6 9 1 6 C F3 4; 5 2 2 >; 5: @ 4 hr. The5C gauge be5E checked :of@6not:9?less 5229than 0=60 ;F/0 =>C52shall 0=??9then 056L 05EJ57 50% of full scale shall be applied to the gauge under : @ @ >? ? 2 E = ? 52 0 = ? ? L 5= 44? 1 5 79 :9 0 5C = >C 5>6 75 ; 1 5% with @for:;=accuracy EE>;=EG=at99this 0129temperature, 5A45;=9>;5K1in6=accordance EE:;7=6E5B1 90 9test pressure vibration. may be5= applied byG 5297during >;16C< 1L;=91:6FThis /0124 ;522>;5A= GL 44?157L para. The571 difference 4= ;=F6.2.4.1. FFFPF/0 @@5;56E51in6;readings 5=716C2=at95each =E09test 529point 4:169 pressurizing the gauge and sealing the pressure port. 4; 5 2 2 > ; 1 1 6 C9 0 5C = >C 5= 6 72 5 = ? 1 6 C9 0 54; 5 2 2 > ; 54: ; 9 F between maximum L59B556;room ::A9temperature 5A45;=9>;5=and 679the 05A= 81A>A:operating 45;=916C high 9temperature 5A45;=9>;51is29the 050 1C09temperature 5A45;=9>;55error. ;;:;F A-2.5.2 determine -RwwR$Exploratory yx}yx Vibration S|x}|y~Tests. {}{wTo /:75 95;A1659the 05 presence of@; resonances, the gauge under test shall be5 4; 5 2 5 6 E 5: 5 2 : 6 = 6 E 5 2 K9 0 5C = >C 5>6 75 ;9 5 2 92 0 = ? ?L A-2.3 -RwTLow yTemperature x}x$Error xxyx vibrated from Hz to: 60¡= Hz at9=45 a peak<1L;=957=at9@frequencies ;5H>56E152@ ;:A 5¡9 =JD The5C gauge be59 tested not Table A-1. /0 =>C52shall 0=??L 52957@for:;=accuracy EE>;=EG1in6=accordance EE:;7=6E5 9to-peak :D45=J=amplitude A4?19>756 :99to:5exceed 8E5579that 0=92shown 0:B61in6/ =L?53D PF with para. The5C gauge be54? placed The5E change frequency be5A= made discrete B1 904= ;=F6.2.4.1. FFFPF/0 =>C52shall 0=??9then 056L =E571in6=a /0 0=6C51in6@ ;5H>56EG2shall 0=??L 751in671 2E;595@fre;5D 1 Hz and maintained a lower 9temperature 5A45;=9>;59test 529Echamber 0=AL5;=at9=? :B5;9temperature 5A45;=9>;5[e.g., 5FCFK Hquency >56EG1intervals 695;<=?2:of@=approximately 44;:81A=95?GP¡= 67A= 169=1657 —20°C (—4°F)] and allowed to stabilize for a period of The5@ frequencies =at95each =E0@frequency ;5H>56EG@for:;=about L:>9P152sec. 5EF/0 ;5H>56E152=and 67 not less than 4 hr. The gauge shall then be checked for accuracy at this temperature, in accordance with para. The difference in readings at each test point [ 25 ¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª «¬­­®«¯¥«ª©°«±²°¦§³´µ«¶£³§°ª¥«£·«¸°³©´µ§³´¹«ºµ¨§µ°°¦»¼ ½£¦°¤¦£¾¿³ª§£µ«²´¥«¯°«²´¾°«£·«ª©§»«²´ª°¦§´¹«À§ª©£¿ª«À¦§ªª°µ«³£µ»°µª«£·«±¶¸º¼ Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01234567866966 0 31311 30 03 301332345678 GAUGES: PRESSURE INDICATING DIAL TYPE — ELASTIC ELEMENT (B40.1) ASME B40.100-2005 High or!"positive #$%& permissible "& !'##()& )limit '$of*&error !!! <100 == \k/ +, -&!reading &,._ / Gauge 0"# 1,)& Upscale 2Downscale 3/#1,)& / / E. E tn “- g / D) <0 E E 3 v D3 / ._%j 3 01 % (U ;* *#&$ Offset &error !!! / / / / / // / / // / // / / / / / / / / / / /\ / / / / / / / negative 4Low3or!/& ,$%& permissible "& !'##()& )limit '$of*&error !!! Desired 2& #!&.1characteristic ,!,1$&!#$1 5(zero 6&!&error !!!1curve) -!%&7 Hysteresis 8 #$&!&##&error !!! // / / / / // =° / / ,/ /. / // 3 (D / / / / / / / / / / / / / // / / / / ’ 9 I /"-$ nput P ressure :! &##-!&5(percentage "&!1&/$,&of*#span) ",/7 <100 == A-1 Hysteresis Offset >Fig. ?@AB CD EF GHIJIG?GKandLMNO OGIHPError JJQJ Test Amplitudes RKSTIBCD Vibration U?SJKH?QLR IGHB VWT?HXMIG Table A-1 YFrequency, Z[\][^_`a Hz hi jk lm15j 5 to m15jktolr25j r26pktols33s s34tktolt40n t41mktolp60n 0bcdef]g[a e^7 1 0.012 n0.060 onpnqn onmr 1 0.008 n0.040 ontnqn onnu 1 0.004 n0.020 onrnqn onnt 1 0.002 n0.010 onmnqn onnr n0.005 onnjqn onnm 1 0.001 Amplitude, in. difference between two tests effect { |x z~|zthe z ~wyaccuracy xxyxz }z}{is}zthe xz of Vibration expressed as a percent of span. w { y z { w | } } y }y x | zw } y | Amplitude, 0bcdef]g[a mm bb A-2.6 BCAPressure, JIGGXJIProof JQQO 1 0.3 m1.5ojqn os NOTE: This}z ¡¢£{ }z{is}yapplicable v{xyvw|v ztow| ~ gauges y}y |{ test only new and is}|w notz 1 0.2 m1.0onqn or for gauges that have been fatigue tested orw otherwise {intended |z| w y}z yz y | yz{z }zw z~{} 1 0.1 n0.5ojqn om useful their life reduced. had yz {} vv { x 1 0.05 n0.25 orjqn onj The gauge bez tested in y}shall yvv }zforwyaccuracy xxyx{ |yaccordance xxwy|x 1 0.025 n0.013 onmsqn onrj with para. Apply proof pressure the ~{ zy y v ww }}ztowz gauge y under maintain 1 min. Release pressure | ztest }zyand |y {|zy{|forw{ | ¤ vy} }}yand | in yallow vvw~gauge yztow}stabilize. zy{v{¥Test }zforwyaccuracy xxyx{ |yaccordance xxwy|x with para. difference between the ~{ zy y6.2.4.1. The { |x z~|z ztwo ~wyaccuxx which be vlocations wxyz{w|}yatz~ {xresonances }w|y|x}woccur xx}shall yvv |noted. wz racy tests is}z the as}y a y x z } z }{ x zw w w } } } } y effect of proof pressure expressed A-2.5.3 Test. The gauge BCAAPEndurance LMXJKLIR IGHA y}shall yvvbeztested }zforw percentage x|zywof}span. y| a period 2 hr{ in mutually perpendicular y {wwof |each yxwofzthree z yvv |{xvy NOTE: Proof pressure may bey} a semidestructive test and ¡¢£¦ ww }}y {}zxz{z }zy |}should wv more yaxes }(6hrztotal) wzyvyatzzthe resonant }w|y|zfrequency. |xIfw zthan y| not bex conducted on gauge. |wz w|xzrepeatedly yzvw |zthe }same y y wone |resonant }w|y|zfrequency |xexists, {}z}zthe ztest }z}shall yvvbe xconducted w|xz BCA§Pressure, JIGGXJI¨Rupture XWHXJI resonance yatzzthe highest {}zresonant }w|y|zfrequency. |x If|now }w|y|x{is} A-2.7 Table A-1. with wobserved, }zthe ztest }z}shall yvvbe {in|yaccordance xxwy|x~{ z yv NOTE: This}z test only new and is}|w notz ¡¢£{ }z{is}yapplicable v{xyvw|v ztow| ~ gauges y}y |{ with para. for have useful reduced. |z| wgauges y}zthat yz yhad yztheir {} vvlife { x Test }zforwyaccuracy xxyx{in|yaccordance xxwy|x~{ z yy The {intended C 26 ©ª«¬­®¯°± ²³´´µ²¶¬²±°·²̧¹·­®º»¼²½ªº®·±¬²ª¾²¿·º°»¼®º»À²Á¼¯®¼··­Âà Ī­·«­ªÅƺ±®ª¼²¹»¬²¶·²¹»Å·²ª¾²±°®Â²¹»±·­®»À²Ç®±°ªÆ±²Ç­®±±·¼²ºª¼Â·¼±²ª¾²̧½¿Áà Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01 203456PRESSURE 73442738INDICATING 9 81890 DIAL 81 TYPE 63— GAUGES: 3ELASTIC 148 3ELEMENT 339 (B40.1) 143 ASME B40.100-2005 !"#$ %$&'() $*$)$+&$,gauge (-,$./ '0(* -%%1scale &(%$2) $11-)$ CAUTION: Select a reference with a full pressure i> DIGfilled E;;>CK D@K>ItoJI B>?supplier's @::;E>=?= >FJVV>LC>C (1)) Heat gauge the recommended )rating ('/+,(above 345$'the 0$)rupture -2'-)$2) $11-)$4of*'the 0$,gauge (-,$-+6$ $1''to4 VD pressure under)' test N E V@VI > V:> = D I @= >D L CB J ; CG J =DVE L EV@VJofGOB S maximum temperature and hold for a minimum 2 hr.= damaging (avoid 54/66( 7(,/+,'the 0$)reference $*$)$+&$,gauge. (-,$8 (C)> C@F>Itemperature >V:>=DI@=>ItoJI B>? @::;E>=?= >FJVm Reduce the supplier's recom- 9: :;<:= >??@=>A(hydraulic B<C=D@;EF:= >G>==>CHItoJIthe B>Kgauge D@K> V> Apply pressure preferred) LC>CVE LEV@VI >V:>=DI@=>Dand LCB J;CGforJ=DVE LEV@V minimum temperature hold a minimum @L C>=Itest, >?IMEincreasing LF=>D?ELKDatID= DI>L JIItoJ>exceed NF>>CO20% PQJofGGfull @;; Jmended under a rate not 2 hr.= S ofGOB ?scale FD;>:per>=?second >FJLCJofGIthe B>Kgauge D@K>R >ELKItested. >?I>CSTB >??@=> (vi)> being The>:= pressure :>DIIthe B>D RJk>F <F;>O EV>?S Repeat above cycle 20PI times. DatIUB EFBIthe B>:pressure =>??@=>>element ;>V>LIDassembly ??>VR;<UE ;;L JLK>= (e)nJ; which will noJ; longer is?:> permitted. >DlDK>JofGIthe B>GfillE;;Gfluid ;@ECE =VEII>CS No leakage B J;C:= >??@=>Eis?Ithe B>=rupture @:I@=>: =>??@=>S hold pressure pressure. TB D ;V@? > VD E L= > D CD R ; > SnJCE ?FJ;J=DIEJL (f) The>CE dial mustI= remain readable. No discoloration W XYZ[\Fatigue ]^_`ab A-2.8 ofGI the fill fluid which degrades readability ofGI the dial J B >G E ; ;G ; @E CUB E F BC> K = D C> ?= > D CD R E ; E I <J B>CE D; TB D@K>?shall BD;;R >?I>CGforJ=Daccuracy FF@=DF<E LDaccordance FFJ=CDLF> Eis?:> The>K gauge be>I tested in permitted. = VE I I > CS UE IB:D =DSc6.2.4.1. SOSdSeSTB D@K>?shall BD;;Ithen B>LR @Rf>FI>CItoJ with para. The>K gauge be>? subjected a pressure preferred) =repeated >:>DI>CDapplications ::;EFDIEJL?JofGD:= >??@=>A(hydraulic B<C=D@;EF: =>G>==>CH noTpqG?JV>?;EKBICE?FJ;J=DIEJLE?JR?>=k>CMDCCEIEJLD;>N:Jm Ithat BDI:= JC@F>?DanLEindication LCEFDIEJLGfrom =JV O20% PQ ItoJg80% PQ JofGIthe B> sure produces the maximum temperature may be>C> desirable, determine @=>ItoJI B>VD NEV@VI >V:>=DI@=>VD <R ?E=DR;>MtoIJC> I>=VEL> =range DLK>JofGIthe B>Kgauge D@K>DatID= DI>JofGP0.3ShijI ScijA egFcpm :V ?UB a rate Hz toJP 0.6 Hz (18 >IB>=G@=IB>=CD=l>LELKJGIB>G;@ECMIJIB>:JELIUB>=>=>DCDRE;m ItoJh36cFcpm). :VHSTB ::;EFDIEJLDand LC=release >;>D?>JofGIthe B>:= >??@=> EI<E?DGG>FI>CMUE;;JFF@=S The>D application pressure be>D as?? smooth not ?shall BD;;R VJJIBDas?:practicable, =DFIEFDR;>M?soJDas?L JIItoJ?subject @Rf>FI Ithe B>Kgauge D@K>V> FBDLE?VItoJ>excessive NF>??Ek>@: ?FD;>Jor=CJ UL?FD;> A-2.10 mechanism upscale downscale — Slow ]ybz{ wtLeak b] by^ Case Test high Daccelerations FF>;>=DIEJL?Jor=BE KBDamplitude V:;EI@C>Eimpulses V:@;?>?A(pressure :=>??@=> WXYZ The>K gauge periodically ?spikes). :El>?HSTB D@K>?shall BD;;be R>Itested >?I>C:> =EJCEFD;;<GforJ=DaccuFF@m noTpqTB This venting. E?Itest >?IDapplies ::;E>?Jonly L;<ItoJ?sealed >D;>CFcases, D?>?Mwithout UEIBJ@Ik >LIELKS with para. =racy DF<EinLDaccordance FFJ=CDLF>UE IBIthe B>Itest >?I?specified :>FEGE>CEinL:D =DSc6.2.4.1 SOSdSe NOTE: L JI;less >??Ithan BDLeB GI>=?stopping IJ::ELKIthe B>:= >??@=>Fcycling. <F;ELKS (cl)o:> not 1 hr=D after pressure Open element gas toJG flow LIthe B>>elastic ;D?IEF> ;>V>LIItoJDallow ;;JUK D?I ;JUGfreely =>>;< The>CE TB GG>=>LF>R >IU>>LIthe B>Gfirst E=?I?set>IJofG=readings >DCELK?DatI>each DFB difference between LSCEDV>I>=S =JV Ithe B>?socket. JFl>ISo: >L?socket JFl>IB J;>I Open hole toJegE Itest >?I:point JELIDand LCIthe B>;latest DI>?I?set>IJofG=readings >DCELK?DatI>each DFBItest >?Ipoint :JELI Gfrom a liquid-filled refill case. (b)ForJ=D; E@ECmGE;;>CKgauge, D@K>M= >GE;;Ithe B>F D?>S point. Eis?Gfatigue DIEK@>>error ==J=DatIIthis BE?: JELIS TB D@K>?shall BD;;Dalso ;?JR >?I>C:> =EJCEFD;;<GforJ=;leakage >DlDK> (C)E The>K gauge be>I tested periodically With 30°C IBIthe B>Kgauge D@K>DatIe18°C gItoJh PA(65°F cItoJg85°F), HM JofGIthe B>:= >??@=>>element ;>V>LIDassembly ??>VR;<DatIGfull @;;?scale FD;>:= >??@=>S Dapply pressure pressure. gas pressure toJI the socket, and slowly increase toJ : : ; <K D ?:= > ? ? @= >I B >? J F l > I M D L C? ; J U; <E L F = > D ? >I The>G fatigue number TB DIEK@>;life EG>Eis?Ithe B>L @VR>=JofGFcycles <F;>?ItoJ;leakage. >DlDK>S Dallow ;;JUFcase D?>: =>??@=>ItoJ> @D;Dapplied ::;E>C:= >??@=>D D::=JNEm pressure equal pressure atIapproximately 1 psi/ Record pressure required toJD activate I>;<e:? E?sec. >FS> FJ=C:= >??@=>= >@E=>CI FIEkDI> noTpqr=>??@=>;EVEI?CEGG>=>LIG=JV OPQIJgPQJGIB>=DLK>JG VD relief mechanism. = > ; E > GV> F B D L E ? VS IB>KD@K>FDLBDk>D?EKLEGEFDLI>GG>FIJLIB>GDIEK@>>==J=DLC mustI= relieve pressure without (11)D ?>V@? >;E>k>Dapplied ::;E>C:= >??@=>UE IBJ@I Case Gfatigue DIEK@>;life. EG>S ejecting parts, other than the pressure relief device. > f > F I E L K: D = I ? M J I B > =I B D LI B >: = > ? ? @= >= > ; E > GC> k E F >S — Seal A-2.9 Gauges W XYZstLiquid-Filled _ua_vX\_wwbvx] a`byz{ b]w|Integrity }^b`~_^]and }v NOTE: If some slight discoloration is observed, additional expo- whether further darkening of the fluid, to the point where readability is affected, will occur. NOTE: Pressure limits different from 20% to 80% of the range of the gauge can have a significant effect on the fatigue error and {Stability ^]_w_^ NOTE: Testing lower noTpqT >?IELKDatIhigher BEKB>=Jor=; JU>=I >V:>=DI@=>VD <F BDLK>= >?@;I? temperature may change results C= D?IEFD;;<SIfGKgauge D@K>E JR >CDatIJother IB>=I >V:>=DI@=>?Mtest I>?I?should BJ@;C drastically. is?I to be>@? used temperatures, Mount normally with (cl)J @LIKgauge D@K>LJ =VD;;<EinLDaccordance FFJ=CDLF>UE IBIthe B> beR>=repeated limit >:>DI>CDatIIthose BJ?>I >V:>=DI@=>?S @::;E>=’s?I >V:>=DI@=>; EVEI temperatures. Supplier temperature may<L not be>> exceeded. ?supplier @::;E>=’s?Einstruction. L?I=@FIEJLS VD JIR NF>>C>CS NOTE: This mustIR be fluid. noTpqTB E?Itest >?IV@? >Fconducted JLC@FI>CJonL>each DFBGfillE;;G ;@ECS [ O27 ¡¢£¤¥ ¦§¨¨©¦ª¦¥¤«¦¬­«¡¢®¯°¦±®¢«¥¦²¦³«®¤¯°¢®¯´¦µ°£¢°««¡¶· ¸¡«¡¹º®¥¢°¦­¯¦ª«¦­¯¹«¦²¦¥¤¢¶¦­¯¥«¡¢̄´¦»¢¥¤º¥¦»¡¢¥¥«°¦®°¶«°¥¦²¦¬±³µ· Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01234567866966 0 31311 30 03 301332345678 GAUGES: PRESSURE INDICATING DIAL TYPE — ELASTIC ELEMENT (B40.1) ASME B40.100-2005 NONMANDATORY APPENDIX !" ##$%&'B ON REGULATORS ( )($*)* $! $()+!* GAUGES USED ,./01 36234246to72emphasize 81-9/.:29and 34/supple;11<2= 'B-2.2.6 KQRQRvwS WxXcW%Information. TX\U_V]^\TR@Section 2?6.73y? 7369.3/2<1= This Appendix Helpful 7 contains helpment in stan82 366the -2>recommendations 2?78823496.73/?contained 7369.324. 36this -./@Standard 69349>4 Bful;<.information 3B7>896.73>relative 2<96.I26to77ordering >42>.3AAgauges, 9;A2/Erelated >2<9624/ 693= 9and 346to7Aguide ;.4212 >/7332</specifying 12?.BC.3A9and 34.installing 3/69<<.3AAgauges 9;A2/ 49 >4/E9and 34?conversion 73I2>/.73B 9?67>/F personnel dards, factors. ;/ 247on3>regulators 2A;<967>/Bfor7>7oxy—fuel 5C=B;2<Agas9/D2 <4.3AE?cutting, ;66.3AE ' used welding, KQRf(V cqSZ)Z Sh\onT!Regulators SqcWV]\UZ Gauges Used processes. not 9and 349allied <<.241 >7?2//2/FGIt6/should -7;<43 76be H29assumed //;8246that -962every I2>C B-2.3 The2B following specific paragraphs 7<<7D.3A>references 2B2>23?2/6to7/ 12?.B.?19 >9A>91-/7ofB6this -./ 6test 2/67or>/safety 9B26C1> 7?24;>27or>82 6-74E1> 2?9;6.73E2equipJ;.1= ,procedure method, precaution, Appro69349>49apply 11<C6to7Agauges 9;A2/;/ 247on3> 2A;<967>/F011 >7= used regulators. 82 36E7or>42 I.? 7369.324.in36this -./01 1234.5E7or>6that -96 @Standard ment, device Appendix, priate discussed. .9629additional 44.6.739<?considerations 73/.42>96.73/9are>24. /?;//24F unusual may not warrant 9abnormal H37>89<7or>;3 ;/;9<?circumstances .>?;8/693?2/89 C3 76D9 >>936 1> /suggesting ;AA2/6.3ABfurther ;>6-2>>requirements 2J;.>28236/7or>9additional 44.6.739<1> 7?2= 'B-2.3.1 procepara. nominal KQRfRL*Sizes. ^zSZRSee @221 9e>9Fd3.1.FeFThe ,-23 78.39<Agauge 9;A2/sizes .:2/ 4dures. ;>2/F 2 in., and 2?/2 in. for regulator applications. 9are>2e1/, 3FEa. 3FE9 34a . 3 F B 7 >> 2 A ;< 9 6 7 >9 11 < . ? 9 6 . 7 3/F a para. 3.2. Common 'B-2.3.2 KQRfRQ!Ranges. VTqSZRSee @2219 >9Fd FaFl7 8873>ranges 93A2/Bfor7> 'B-1KL *SCOPE M#$ used regulators listed Table B-1eH by Agauges 9;A2/;/ 247on3> 2A;<967>/9are>2< ./624.in3, 9H<2`= C ? ;/ 6 789 > C;3. 6 /9 346 -2? 7> > 2 / 1734. 3A@ G;3. 6 / customary units and the corresponding SI units This Appendix ,./011 36234246to72emphasize 81-9/.:26those -7/219 >6/ parts N > 7 ;3 42 46 7989 5 . 8;8 7 B6 D7/ . A 3 . B . ? 9 3 6B . A ;> 2 / P F (rounded to a maximum of two significant figures). 7ofB6this -./@Standard 69349>46that -969are>29applicable 11<.?9H<26to7Agauges 9;A2/?commonly 78873<C is/> recommended no7< larger 2?788234246that -963 9>A2>Agraduations >94;96.73/6than -93 used welding, ;/ 247on3>regulators 2A;<967>/Bfor7>7oxy—fuel 5C=B;2<Agas9/D2 <4.3AE?cutting, ;66.3AE GIt6. in Table B-1 be printed (marked) 6 7 / 2/ 7 D3. 3, 9 H < 2`= eH 21 > . 3 6 2 4N 89 > O 2 4P7 36 -2 those shown on the 9and 349allied <<.241> 7?2//2/9and 346to71 >7I.42/specific 12?.B.??considera73/.42>9= processes provide and displaying of A 9 ; A 24. 9 < F ,2/ 1 9 ? . 3 A9 3 44. / 1< 9 C . 3 A7 B6 23 ;82 > 9 </ gauge dial. The spacing the numerals dial instal6tions .73/Bfor7>Agauge 9;A24. 9<printing 1>.36.3AN(marking) 89>O.3AP9and 34Agauge 9;A2. 3/69<= marked on the gauge dial may vary for aesthetic reasons, 89 > O 2 47 36 2A 9 ;A 24. 9 < 89 CI 9 > CB 7 > 9 2 / 6 2 6 . ?> 2 9 / 7 3 /E <lation. 96.73F provided least numerals displayed. 1> 7I.4246that -969at6< 29/66three ->223 ;82>9</9are>24. /1<9C24F 4.3.8. The2? 'B-2.3.3 KQRfRfMCases. VZSZR@See2219 >9/Fd3.3.1 FdFe9and 34i FdFuF,9/2/ paras. cases 'B-2KQ !RECOMMENDATIONS $M$%* commonly used for regulator gauge applications are ? 7 887 3 < C;/ 2 4B 7 >> 2 A ;< 9 6 7 >A 9 ;A 29 1 1 < . ? 9 6 . 7 3 /9 >2 General 'B-2.1 KQRL(S TSUVW!References SXSUSTYSZ pressure relief. 6 and paras. 7open 123Bfront >736with D.6-1> 2//;>2> 2<.2BF{Figure .A;>2s9 3419 >9/F3.3.1.1 dFdFeFe 34d3.3.1.4 FdFeFi7outline ;6<.32? 9/2?construction. 73/6>;?6.73F case Gauges used welding, [9 ;A2/;/ 247on3>regulators 2A;<967>/Bfor7>7oxy—fuel 5C=B;2<Agas9/D2 <4.3AE 9and processes be2A governed by ?cutting, ;66.3AE9and 349allied <<.241> 7?2//2/9are>26to7H 7I2>324H C6the -2 'B-2.3.4 Dials. KQRfRj^ VWZR@See221para. 9>9Fd3.3.2. FdFaF >recommendations 2?78823496.73/7ofB6this -./@Standard. 69349>4F B- Recommended units ofB82 measure for 'K QRfRjRL |2 ?78823424;3. 6/7 9/;>2B 7> ,To7Bfacilitate 9?.<.69626the -2;/ -./@Standard, 69349>4E>references 2B2>23?2/9I2 use27 ofB6 this have Agauges 9;A2/;used /247on3>regulators 2A;<967>/9are>2O r99 341/ 1/.AP1> 2= kPa and psi.N (psig) prebeen made paragraphs. H22389 426to7/specific 12?.B.?/sections 2?6.73/9and 3419 >9A>91-/F /sented 236246together 7A26-2>N(dual 4;9</scale). ?9<2PF General 'B-2.2 KQRQ(S TSUVWMContents \T]ST]Z Paragraphs 'B- KQRfRjRQ r9 >9A>91-/d3.3.2.3, FdFaFdE3.3.2.4, dFdFaFiE9and 34d FdFaFm9are>2 Basic definitions 'B-2.2.1 KQRQRL'Basic VZ^YTerms. SU_ZR`9 /.?6terms 2>8/9and 3442 B.3.6.73/9are>2 9applicable. 11<.?9H<2FScale @?9<2A >94;96.73/7on3Agauges 9;A2/. 3/69<<247on36the -2 graduations installed 7outlined ;6<.324.in3/section 2?6.73a2.F regulators 7output ;61;6/side .427ofB9acetylene ?26C<232> 2A;<967>/9are>2;usually /;9<<C>restricted 2/6>.?624 psi,. psi. Ewith D.6-6the -2/scale ?9<2>red—lined 24=<.3249above H7I2e15m1 /.F General General 'B-2.2.2 KQRQRQ(S TSUVW!Requirements. Sbc^US_ST]ZR[2 32>9<>requirements 2J;.>28236/ 6to7e15m1/ provided 9are>21> 7I.424.in3/section 2?6.73d3.F[9 ;A2/;used /247on3>regulators 2A;<967>/ Gauges used regulator gauges having 'B- KQRfRjRf }. 9</;/ 247on3> 2A;<967>A 9;A2/9I.3A Dials 2 in., mounted by 9are>2;usually /;9<<C/size .:2e17/, 3FEa. 3FE9and 34a21/, 3FE87 ;3624H C >ranges psi. usually contain a UL listing 93A2/Agreater >2962>6than -93e1,000 E~~~1/ ;/;9<<C? 7369.39n< ./6.3A have with 6the -2/stem 628 N(socket), /7?O26PE9and 349I27open 123Bfront >736?cases 9/2/D. 6-1pres>2/= 89 mark. The UL listing mark indicates the gauge >OF,-2n< ./6.3A89 >O. 34.?962/6that -966 -2A9 ;A2 They be2A grade B accuracy better. /sure ;>2>relief. 2<.2BF,2C/shall -9<<H >942`9 ??;>9?C7or>H 2662>F 42 with Underwriters Laboratories Safety /.A3?complies 781<.2/D. 6-3 42>D>.62>/n9 H7>967>.2/@ 9B26C design listing mark Standard UL 404 and bearing 69349>4ni ~i9 34Agauges 9;A2/H 29>.3A6the -2< ./6.3A89 >O 'B-2.2.3 KQRQRf*Safety VXS]gMConsiderations. \TZ^hSUV]^\TZR@Safety 9B26C?considerations 73/.42>96.73/ @ are subject to UL follow—up procedures. 9 > 2/ ;H 2 ? 66 7nB 7 < < 7 D= ;11 > 7 ? 2 4 ; > 2 / F 4.F discussed 9are>24. /?;//24.in3/section 2?6.73i KQRfRp#Pointer \^T]SU+Length. STq]R@See221para. 9>9F3.3.3. dFdFdF B-2.2.4 Cleanliness 'K QRQRjMCleanliness WSVTW^TSZZ+Levels. SkSWZRl< 293<.32//<levels 2I2</9are>2 'B-2.3.5 detailed 5.F[9 Gauges used 42 69.<24.in3/section 2?6.73m ;A2/;/ 247on37oxygen 5CA23>regulators 2A;<967>/ 'B-2.3.6 para. KQRfRv#Pressure USZZcUSMConnection. \TTSY]^\TRSee @2219 >9F3.3.5. dFdFmFGauges [9;A2/ have Level /shall -9<<9I2?cleanliness <293<.32//2equivalent J;.I9<2366to7n2 I2<GIV.oF used and have ;/ 247on3>regulators 2Ae;<967>/9are>2/stem 628 mounted 87;36249 349I2eu .3F NPT or>/4iin. NPT taper pipe ANSIG a27ytr,7 .3Fe18utr,6 912>1. 126threads, ->294/Eper 12>0t@ Pressure 'B-2.2.5 KQRQRp Testing SZ]^Tq*Standards ]VThVUhZVand Th#Procedures. U\YShcUSZRr> 2//;>2 `e B1.20.1. F a ~ F e F procedures discussed Agauge 9;A26testing 2/6.3A/standards 69349>4/9and 341> 7?24;>2/9are>24. /?;//24 Additional Windows. para. windows are NonKQRfR^ Th\ZRSee @2219 >9F3.3.8. dFdFuFPlastic r<9/6.?D. 347D/9 >2 .in3/section 2?6.73s6.F044. 6.739<.information 3B7> ;6<.324.in3t7 3= 'B-2.3.7 most used mandatory Appendix A. 87 /6?commonly 78873<C; /247on3>regulator 2A;<967>Agauges. 9;A2/F 89 34967>C01 1234.50F f a28u ¡¢¡£¢£ Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01 203456PRESSURE 73442738INDICATING 9 81890 DIAL 81 TYPE 63— GAUGES: 3ELASTIC 148 3ELEMENT 339 (B40.1) 143 ASME B40.100-2005 B-1!" #Ranges $%& Table '()*+,-.2/0)(12(0 4Smallest +,445() 7Range ,/65 0,7',)0*/ 9' +5-,4( Graduation Numerals 80/15 9:; 80.5<; =3.0<8 80/30 9=8 :1.0<8 ;5.0<8 80/50 9;8 :1.0<8 :108 80/60 9?8 >2.0<8 :108 80/100 9:88 >2.0<8 >208 80/150 9:;8 ;5.0<8 =308 80/160 9:?8 ;5.0<8 >208 80/200 9>88 ;5.0<8 @408 80/300 9=88 :108 ;508 80/400 9@88 :108 ;508 80/500 9;88 :108 :100 88 80/600 9?88 >208 :100 88 80/1,000 9:C888 >208 >200 88 80/1,500 9:C;88 ;508 =300 88 80/2,000 9>C888 ;508 @400 88 80/3,000 9=C888 :100 88 ;500 88 80/4,000 9@C888 :100 88 ;500 88 80/5,000 9;C888 :100 88 :1,000 C888 80/6,000 9?C888 >200 88 :1,000 C888 80/7,500 9AC;88 >200 88 :1,000 C888 80/10,000 9:8C888 >200 88 >2,000 C888 Customary Units, psi 7Range ,/65 80/100 9:88 80/200 9>88 80/350 9=;8 80/400 9@88 80/700 9A88 80/1000 9:888 80/19::100 88 80/1400 9:@88 80/29>8000 88 80/29>B800 88 80/39=;500 88 80/49@8000 88 80/79A8000 88 80/10000 9:8888 80/14000 9:@888 80/20000 9>8888 80/28000 9>B888 80/35000 9=;888 80/40000 9@8888 80/50000 9;8888 80/70000 9A8888 Units, 4SI82/ 0)(13kPa 6, 4+, 445() Smallest 0,7',)0*/ Graduation >2.0<8 ;5.0<8 :108 :108 >208 >208 >208 ;508 ;508 :100 88 :100 88 :100 88 >200 88 >200 88 ;500 88 ;500 88 1000 :8 88 1000 :8 88 1000 :8 88 1000 :8 88 2000 >8 88 9' +5-,4( Numerals >208 ;508 ;508 :100 88 :100 88 >200 88 >200 88 >200 88 ;500 88 @400 88 ;500 88 1000 :8 88 1000 :8 88 2000 >8 88 2000 >8 88 5000 ;8 88 4000 @8 88 5000 ;8 88 :10000 8888 :10000 8888 :10000 8888 !DEFEGHIIJKILEMNNOPQPRSRTRUPVWNXXYPZZYP[NP\ Pand \aPallied ZZjNaOQ _]NXXNXRfY \XdPZZPdj_\Pand \a_operation ONQPdj_\_ processes. TheNj installation of` may beN` found manufacturer's instruction P]]VQP]^_`UQPaNb_QcNddNQeXNNfPcZNghRiOOZj]PcZN Qregulators NWVZPd_QXxP ^c _V\ajin\xP \V`P]dVQNQXj \XdQV]dj_\ manuals handbooks, Occupational OPQPWQPOYXj\dYjXXN]dj_\j\]ZVaNkSRTRglSRTRgRglSRTRgRml xP \VPZX_orQY P\ac__Xlinj\dthe YN] ]VOPdj_\PZSafety MP`Nd^Pand \a SRTRgRnlSRTRgRolSRTRgRgplP\aSRTRgRgmR N PZdYM dP\aPQaX`for_QIndustry \aVXdQ^e(29mo luPart PQdg1910), ogphlMSubVcw Health Standards CFR, part Q, and in the National Institute for Occupational OP Q dlP \ aj \d Y NP d j _ \ P Z \ X d j d Vd N` _ Q] ] VOP d j _ \PZ B-2.3.9 !DEFEqrSafety. stLEMSeeNNXsection N]dj_\T4.RuPersonnel NQX_\\NZXspecifying ON]j`^j\W MSafety and Health (NIOSH), Safety and Health in Arc] P ` N d ^P \ aN P Z d Ye M h lM P ` N d ^P \ aN P Z d Yj \iQ pressure Pand \ajinstalling \XdPZZj\WOQ NXXVQNWgauges PVWNXVX Na_on\_oxy-fuel v^w`VNZWgasPX Welding used \aUP Zaj\WPand \aV ddj\WR GasXN Welding Cutting. preQregulators NWVZPd_QXXshould Y_VZac N]_xN`familiar PxjZjPQyj dYdthe YNxP dNQjPZOQ Nw NZaj\WPand become with material Xsented N\dNajin\dthis YjXXsection. N]dj_\R B-3.2 General !FED $KPrecautions KIJt|$& B-2.3.10 !DEFE"z{Cleanliness. $|$&&EMSeeNNXsection N]dj_\} VWNXVused XNa_on\ v 5.RUP Gauges Oxygen hydrocarbons and com^WN\Pand \aY ^aQ_]PQc_\Xe(oil _jZP \aWgrease QNPXNPareQN] _xw with Level _oxygen v^WN\Qregulators NWVZPd_QXXshall YPZZ]comply _xOZ^yj dY]cleanliness ZNP\Zj\NXX~N [NZ x_ mon hydrocarbons) under certain conditions can react \Y ^ aQ _ ] P Q c _ \ X hV\ aN Q] N Q d P j \] _ \ aj d j _ \ X] P \Q NP]d better. IV_orQc NddNQR explosions, damage and [violently, j_ZN\dZ^lresulting QNXVZdj\Wjin\N vOZ_Xj_\Xl`fire, jQNlPand \aaP xPWNP \a injury to personnel and property. Never allow oil orQ j \ V Q ^d _ON Q X _ \ \ N ZP \ aOQ _ ON Q d ^ RN [ N QP Z Z _ y _ j Z_ B-2.3.11 !DEFE""H ItL$EMSeeNNOpara. PQPR4.3.8.2. TRSRRmR Acetylene. into Contact with any external orQj internal W Q N P X Nd _ xNj \ d _] _ \ d P ] d yj d YP \ ^N v d N Q \ P Z _ \ d N Q \ PZ grease to_] Come B-2.3.12 Gauge Testing. TheN part !DEFE"DPressure K&&JK J% &t|$%EMSeeNNXsection N]dj_\n6.RfY orQj internal portion of`d the threaded fitting of`d the OP Q d_ Y Nd Y Q N P aN a` j d d j \ W_ \ d N Q \ P ZO _ Q d j _ \_ Y N medium maintain OQ NXXVQNxN ajVx Vused XNa`for_Qdtesting NXdj\WXshall YPZZxP j\dPj\dthe YN pressure pressure element assembly of oxygen gauges. Even a NXXVQNNZNxN\dPXXNxcZ^_`_v^WN\WPVWNXR[N\P under Qrequired NVjQNa]cleanliness ZNP\Zj\NXXZlevel N[NZ_of`dthe YNWgauge PVWNV\ aNQ]calibration PZjcQPdj_\ OQ minute can beNY hazardous the xj \VdNPamount x_V\d_of`hydrocarbon Y^aQ_]PQc_\] P\c PPQa_VXjin\d YN verification. TheNaN dead—ended pressure _orQ]calibration PZjcQPdj_\[ NQj`j]Pdj_\RfY PawN\aNaOQ NXXVQNNeleZNw presence of`_ oxygen. OQ N X N \ ] N_ v ^ W N \ R ment beNQ reliably xN \dPassembly XXNxcZ^_of`Qregulator NWVZPd_QWgauges PVWNX]cannot P\\_dc NZjPcZ^ N Regulator beNj installed replaced only WVZPd_QWgauges PVWNXXshould Y_VZac \XdPZZNa_orQQ NOZP]Na_ \Z^ Gauges with ]cleaned ZNP\Na_once \]N]contaminated. _\dPxj\PdNaRUP VWNX]contaminated _\dPxj\PdNayj dY by skilled personnel who have been properly instructed. c ^X j Z Z N aON Q X _ \ \ N Z yY _Y P [ Nc N N \O Q _ O N Q Z ^j \ X d Q V] d NaR hydrocarbon media used Y ^aQ_]PQc_\Opressure QNXXVQNxN ajPXshall YPZZ\not_dbe cNVX Na_on\_oxygen v^WN\ Qregulators. NWVZPd_QXR B-3.3 !FEF Installation $&tt|$Precautions KIJt|$& B-2.3.8 Accuracy. See para. 3.4. Gauges shall have an accuracy of Grade B or better (see Table 1). Applicable paragraphs in this section include: 3.4.1,,,,,, and !F INSTALLATION rHH B-3.1 !FE"#References sK$I& DO maintain the connection pressure ¡¢¢£¡element ¤assembly ¢¢¥¤¦and §¨ ©¨© ¨cleanliness ¤¤¢¢¤level ª¤¡required «£¡§¬for©¡the intended §§application. ¤¨©­ DO refer manufacturer's manual ¡ ¬¡to©the £¬¨£¡¡®¢instruction ¢¡£¨© £¤¬for©¡the ¨correct ©¡¡¨ pressure to be used. ¡¢¢£¡¡ranges ¯¢ ©¥£¢ §­ This limited fY jXXsection N]dj_\jisXZ jxjdNadto_dthe YNjinstallation \XdPZZPdj_\_of`Wgauges PVWNX_on\ £¢ DO use the wrench the °¡ ¨¬flats ¤¢provided ¡©ª§§©on ¯gauge £¯¨connection ©¨©and § used welding, wrench to ¡© ¡¢size ±°¡ ¨ ©¢secure ¨£¡the ¯gauge £¯to©the ¡regulator. ¯£¤©¡­ Qregulators, NWVZPd_QXlPasXVX Na`for_Q_oxy-fuel v^w`VNZWgasPXyN Zaj\Wl]cutting, Vddj\Wl theproper B-3 [ m29o ²³´µ¶·¸¹º »¼½½¾»¿µ»º¹À»ÁÂÀ¶·ÃÄŻƳ÷Àºµ»³Ç»ÈÀùÄÅ·ÃÄɻʟ·ÅÀÀ¶ËÌ Í³¶À´¶³ÎÏú·³Å»Âĵ»¿À»ÂÄÎÀ»³Ç»º¹·Ë»ÂĺÀ¶·Äɻзº¹³Ïº»Ð¶·ººÀŻóÅËÀź»³Ç»ÁÆÈÊÌ Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01234567866966 0 31311 30 03 301332345678 GAUGES: PRESSURE INDICATING DIAL TYPE — ELASTIC ELEMENT (B40.1) ASME B40.100-2005 !"#$the %$thread %&'(sealant '"'!$&recommended )**!((+#$ %&regulator ,"'$& DO useonly by the manufacturer *' !-')$&&-for&$the %specific .)/-/)'application. .."/)'$/!0 !$'""'" 3 .& &,gauge ',/into !$ $the %%/ ,%.& & DO 12/ NOT install a low pressure high pressure .port&$on!'& ,"'$&0 a regulator. 12 %,gauge ',)case '-for&3& !)%/!,0 DO NOT use$ the wrenching. DO NOT interchange 12/ !$&)%'!,,gauges ',-from &* one !,gas''application .."/)'$/!$to 'another. ! $%&0 12 4)%'!,,gauges ',-from &* one !&regulator ,"'$&$to 'another. ! $%&0 DO NOT exchange !()$)calibration '"/+&'$/!5 &/-/)'$/! /!,'air/&-from &* shop %. DO 12) NOT conduct verification using 'air/&"lines, /!6oil,/"6or&') !$'*/!'$(.& &source. &)0 a contaminated pressure 12& * 5$the %&restrictor $&/)$&/installed !$'""(/in!$ %,gauge ',)connection. !!)$/!0 DO NOT remove the 2%& $&/)$&"limits /*/$,gas'-flow "3'and !('aids /(/in!"limiting /*/$/!,$ *.&'$& The restrictor temperature &rise /($ (/'+'$/))compression. *.&/!0 due to ' adiabatic 7B-48; pReferenced >q>?>DF>rsC FGt>DAH Documents uYMMTRXRVP^MJURPLXYMSJXMNXTJXMVQRNNKJPOMNYJSS ^MKNMT_ ASME B1.20.1, Pipe Threads, vw xyz{ _|o_{}~R WMuY UMJTN}IM PMUJS~KU WVNM}(Inch) POY General Purpose, (Except yOMWXU ZNMJS Dryseal) Publisher: TheMv\M American Mechanical Engi~K^ SRNYMUuY UROJPwSociety VORMXZVofQxM OYJPROJSyP LR[ neers Three Park PMMUN(ASME), vwxy}uY UMM~J U Avenue, v]MPKM}M York, VU} New NY {10016-5990; oo{[oU TMUM WJUX\MPX| Drive, UR]M}~P.O. __ Order Department: 22|J Law zV |2300, noo} JRUQRMST}o oo[|noo Fairfield, NJ 07007-2300 Box Regulator Pressure Ivy[ LKSJXVU~U MNNKUMIJ KLMN CGA E-4M Gauges Iv uzN Z[KMSIJ STRPLJ PTKX XRPL CGA TB8 UseMV ofQ Oxy-Fuel GasNM Welding and Cutting vW W J U J X K N } u M O Y P R O J SzKS S M X R P Apparatus, Technical Bulletin Operation 7B-3.4 89:;<= >?@ABCDEPrecautions ?>F@GABCDH Publisher: ~K^ SRNYMUV \WUMNNMTIJ NVORJXRVP}Inc. PO_(CGA), Iv} Compressed GasNvN Association, 4221 Walney | | {J S P M ZV J T} Y J P X R S S Z } v| o { { [ | | n Road, Chantilly, VA 20151-2923 can fail during operation and the energy IJ K L M NO J PQ J R S T KU R P LV W M U J X R V PJ P TX Y MM P M U L ZO V P [ Gauges conXtained JRPMTRinPOcompressed V\WUMNNMTLgases JNMNOcan JPWU VTKOM] RVSMPXMeffects QQMOXN produce violent w ~Publication K^SROJXRVPV [{n}wSafety JQMXZJ PTM JSXYR P NIOSH No._ 78-138, and Health in Nshould YVKSTXthe YMWpressure UMNNKUMMelement SM\MPXJassembly NNM\^SZUrupture. KWXKUM_ ArcOM Welding GasNM Welding Cutting vU STRPLJand PTIJ STRPLJand PTKX XRPL CFR, |29 }~J UX{1910, {o}w K^WJUX}J XRVPJS PNXRXKXMQforVU Part Subpart Q, National Institute ' "3'#'apply .."#)cylinder #"/!(&.& &slowly. "3"#0` '$($ (/'+'$/) O DO always pressure Heat due to ' adiabatic O KW J X R V P J S w J Q M X ZJ P TM J S X Y _ w }wSafety JQMXZJand PT Occupational Safety and Health. (NIOSH), )compression *.&/!)can '!)cause '/ignition. ,!/$/!0 Health in ArcOM Welding and GasNM Welding and Cutting M J S X YR PvU S TR P LJ P TIJ S TR P LJ P TKX X R PL '-$#,glasses "'or&.& 5/(eye#.& $)$/!0 DO use safety provide protection. Publisher: Department ~K^ S R N Y M U M W J U X \M P XV J S X Y }yT K O J X R V PJ P TM S[ ofQM Health, Education and Wel $'!(3/ $%$the %)cylinder #"/!(&+ $3!# &"-'and !($the %&regulator ,"'$& Q DO stand with between yourself fare, Public Health Service, National Institute J U M }~K^S R OM J S X Yw M U ]R O M }J X R VPJ S PN X R X KX M a(cylinder )#"/!(&5valve '"5outlet $"$-facing ')/!,'away) 3'#b3% !opening .!/!,$the %)cylinder #"/!(& V when Safety and Health, Robert A. Taft QO O KW J X R V P J Sw J Q M X ZJ P TM J S X Y }V ^ M U Xv_u J Q X of Occupational 5valve. '"50 Parkway, Cincinnati, J ^ V U J X V U R M N } V S K\^ R J~J U J Z } R PO R PPJ X R } Laboratories, 4676 Columbia & '(cdef' -$#g" "$/!fgh i6j #hk"d' "(/!, DO read CGA Safety Bulletin SB-8, Useof-4 Oxy-Fuel Gasl Welding Cutting Apparatus. OH 45226 'and !(c$ $/!,e..' &'$0 || DO NOT stand behind pressure when 12 $'!(/in!-front &!$of-or&+ %/!($the %.& &,gauges ',3% ! UL 404, Gauges, Pressure, Compressed o}IJ KLMN}Indicating PTROJXRPL~U MNNKUM}QforVUV \WUMNNMT pressure This3/ will 'applying .."#/!,)cylinder #"/!(&.& &$to $the %&regulator. ,"'$&02%/ ""&reduce () IJ Nw M U ] R O M Gas Service parts pressure $the %.possibility /+/"/$#of-/injury !m&#-from &* -flying "#/!,.' &$should % "($the %.& & Publisher: Underwriters Laboratories, 333 ~K^ SRNYMUPTM UURXMUNJ ^VUJXVURMN}Inc. PO_(UL), }n nn element "*!$'assembly *+"#&rupture. .$&0 DO NOT operate without protection. Pfingsten Road, Northbrook, 60062-2096 12 .&'$&regulators ,"'$&3/ $% $eye #.& $)$/!0 ~Q RPLNXMPV JT}V UXY^UVV }IL oo|[|o I The edition bearing the latest date of issuance shall be used. no 30 by ¤ the American Society Mechanical Engineers. Copyright ¡¢£©¤¥2006 ¦¦§¤̈ £¢©¤ª«© ¬­®¤̄ ¬©£¤of°¤±© ¬¢­®¬­²¤³® ¡®©©´µ No be ¤ made material ASME. ¶reproduction ©·¸¬£®¤may «­¤̈© «­·©¤of°¤£this ¢´¤«­ £©­²¤without ¹£¢¸£¤written ¹££©®¤¬consent ®´©®£¤of°¤ª¯ ±³µ 01 203456PRESSURE 73442738INDICATING 9 81890 DIAL 81 TYPE 63— GAUGES: 3ELASTIC 148 3ELEMENT 339 (B40.1) 143 ASME B40.100-2005 NONMANDATORY APPENDIX !" ##$%&'C (SUPPLEMENTAL )##*$$ *!REQUIREMENTS $+)%!$$ ( when the ,The -./following 011023456supplementary 7881.9.4:;<=<requirements .>73<.9.4:6.established 6:;?136-.@/for0<4naval ;A;16shipboard -38?0;<@;application 8813B;:3046shall -;11;apply 881=2.46specified 8.B3/3.@3in4: -.Bcontract 04:<;B:0or< When this the this 8purchase 7<B-;6.0order. <@.<CD.4:there -.<.3is6Bconflict 04/13B:?between .:2..4:the-.6standard :;4@;<@E(ASME FGHIJB40.1) KLCMN;and 4@: -366supplement, 7881.9.4:O: -.<requirements .>73<.9.4:60of/: -366supplement 7881.9.4: This MIL-G-18997, Gauges, Dial 6shall -;11:take ;P.8precedence <.B.@.4B./for0<.equipment >7389.4:;acquired B>73<.@?by=:this -366supplement. 7881.9.4:C, -36@document 0B79.4:6supercedes 78.<B.@.6HQ RSTSMUVVWOT; 75.6OXPressure, <.667<.OY3 ;1 QIndicating, 4@3B;:345O/for0<4new .26ship -38Bconstruction. 046:<7B:304C ¦'Z[ # #Pressure !Range Positive Designators 'C-1Z[ (SCOPE '#$ Table C-1 §¨©ª©«¬6Pressure, ­¬¨¨®­¬¯ This_` \]^ aabcade ab _fg^hb_grequirements bid^gbebcj_kforlgm` n`o 6Positive addendum describes Naval lb/in.2 ° ± ² © ³ ] `gabcbapg b__dgbqgauges `dqb_kforlgd_ cjthe ]bab e`ca^cq hardened pressure useb^ in demanding marine basic benvironment cn^glcebcjlofke` g^cb`applications. ppo^f`j^lc_rMany s`ctlofkjthe ]bh `_^f L¶M· B40.1 grequirements bid^gbebcj_lofkASME uvswxy zr{`apply, ppot|however ]l}bnbg_some lebel a~ modL¶¸L L¶¹L ^ified k^ba`and cal aa^j^lc`ogrequirements, bid^gbebcj_|}]^ f]^include cfodab / org` additional which L¶MLL }^ j]_j`ca^cq_shock ]lf`and ca_salt-water `oj~}`jbg_spray, pg`t|`aregb^included. cfodabar withstanding L¶M¹L 0/15 0/30 0/60 0/100 0/160 GENERAL 'C-2Z $ $!*!REQUIREMENTS $+)%!$$ ( Gauge 'C-2.1 Z[ (Sizes five nomim` n`o]hardened `gabcbaq `dqb{_`aregbolimited ^e^ jbajtoljthese ]b_bk ^nbc le^~ Naval gauges {^ nal 2 in., 4/2 in., cr|3/2^in., cr|y cr|`and ca87/2{^ c `o_sizes: ^b_^ cr|2/2{^in., 'C-2.2 Z!Ranges 7Range ´³µ¬Designator ¬¨©µ³´ª§­ M'15P ·X ¸30F’ LX ¹60F’ LX M1I'1P -X M160p ¹LX º2I'1P -X ¸3I'1P -X K4I'1P -X ¹6I'1P -X U8I'1P -X M1kP PX M15I'1P ·-X º2kP PX ¸3I(P PX ·5I(P PX U8I(P PX M1OI<P LPX L0/200 ¶ºLL L0/300 ¶¸LL L0/400 ¶KLL L0/600 ¶¹LL L0/800 ¶ULL L0/1,000 ¶MOLLL L0/1,500 ¶MO·LL L0/2,000 ¶ºOLLL L0/3,000 ¶¸OLLL L0/5,000 ¶·OLLL L0/8,000 ¶UOLLL LO/10,000 ¶MLOLLL NOTES: TI »I¼FR»½, IG¾ GENERAL Gauge to0L 0/1,000 to0 E(a);NT; 75.8pressure <.667<.<ranges ;45.6/from <09L0/15 ¶M·: ¶MOLLL;are<.;applicable 8813B;?1.: ?both 0:-6simplex 3981.¿;and 4@@duplex 781.¿3indicators. 4@3B;:0<6C Gauge to0L O/10,000 E(b)?NT; 75.8pressure <.667<.<ranges ;45.6/from <09L0/1,500 ¶MO·LL: ¶MLOLLL;are<.;applicable 8813B;?1. :to06simplex 3981.¿0only. 41=C The following gauge with \]bk lool}^cqq` dqbjtypes tpb_`aregb_shown ]l}c}^ j]jtheir ]b^g granges `cqb_`and cagrespective b_pbfj^nbgrange `cqbab _^qc`jlg_r designators. C-1{_ shows ranges 'C-2.2.1 Z[#Positive #Pressure. \Table `hob~ ]l}_jthe ]bg `cqb_ `and cagrange `cqbab _^qc`jlg_kforlgqgeneral bcbg`opdg pl_bpl _^j^nbpg b_~ designators purpose positive pres_sure dgbqgauges. `dqb_r Negative Pressure. C-2_ shows 'C-2.2.2 Z # \Table `hob~ ]l}_jthe ]b designators negative granges `cqb_`and cagrange `cqbab _^qc`jlg_kforlgcb q`j^nb(Vacuum) n`fdde pressure pg b__dgbqgauges. `dqb_r ¦'C-2Z #Pressure !Range Designators Negative Pressure. C-3_ shows 'C-2.2.3 Z'Compound # \Table `hob~ ]l}_jthe ]b Table designators purpose granges `cqb_`and cagrange `cqbab _^qc`jlg_kforlgqgeneral bcbg`opdg pl_bfcomle~ 9¬µ´ª©«¬6­¬¨¨®­¬¯ pound pressure pl dcapg b__dgbqgauges. `dqb_r Hg Vacuum ©in.³ÀµÁ ´Â®®Ã 7Range ´³µ¬Designator ¬¨©µ³´ª§­ C-4 'C-2.2.4 Z!Refrigerant #Pressure. Table \`hob~ y_shows ]l}_jthe ]b V LO/30 ¶¸L Ä designators pressure granges `cqb_`and cagrange `cqbab _^qc`jlg_kforlggrefrigerant bkg^qbg`cjpg b__dgb qgauges. `dqb_r Pressure. Caisson gauges 'C-2.2.7 ZÅ 'Caisson # ` ^__lcq` dqb_`aregb Gauge A separate 'C- Z[ (Scale. u_ bp`g`jbjtemperature bepbg`jdgb ^intended useb^ in escape decomcjbcabakforlgd_ c_submarine dhe`g^cbb _f`pbjtrunks gdc_`and caab fle~ degrees red printing, ab qgbb_Fahrenheit `]gbc]b^j(°F) ¡bequivalent id^n`obcj_scale f`ob^incg bapg ^ c j ^ c q | pression chambers. They shall have a dual scale with pg b _ _ ^ l cf ] ` eh b g _ r\] b t_ ] ` o o] ` n b`a d` o_ f ` o b}^ j] be pressure ]`ooh b jthe ^inc`addition aa^j^lcjtoljthe ]bpg b__dgb_scale f`ob^incolb/in.2, h^cr|_shall inner in meters orgk feet ofk_ seawater ]b^ ccbg_scale f`obqgraduated g`ad`jba^ ceb j b g _l b b jl b ` }` j bg Thebj type with pressure ^included. cfodabar\] tpblofkgrefrigerant bkg^qbg`cjused d_ba}^ j]jthe ]bpg b__dgb `and lb/in.2 Thebq gauge case beb cajthe ]blouter djbg_scale f`ob^inco h^cr\] `dqbf `_b_shall ]`ooh bebe` marked dial para. C- qgauge `dqb_shall ]`ooh gbaloncjthe ]ba^ `o(see _bbp` g`r~ rrrr lopen pressure through a vent in the botpbcjtoljthe ]b`ambient eh^bcjpg b__dgbj ]gldq]`n bcj^ cj ]bh lj~ tom ofkj the case. Thebn Vent shall bebj threaded tol` accept j l e l ] bf ` _ b r\] b c j_ ] ` o oh ] g b ` ab aj f f b p j`a C-5£_ shows 'C-2.2.5 Z¢(Suppressed. \Table `hob~ ]l}_jthe ]bgrange `cqb`and ca {'1/4y^in.crNPT male fitting. Table C-7Ç_ shows the ranges and mÆ\e` o bk ^ j j ^ c q r \ ` h o b~ ] l }_j ] bg ` c q b _` c a designator pressure grange `cqbab _^qc`jlgkforlg_suppressed dppgb__bapg b__dgbqgauges. `dqb_r designators pressure grange `cqbab _^qc`jlg_kforlgfcaisson `^__lcpg b__dgbqgauges. `dqb_rFeet bbj_shall ]`oo C-6¥_ shows ranges range Onebk foot 'C-2.2.6 Z¤!Retard. \Table `hob~ ]l}_jthe ]bg `cqb_`and cag `cqb ^indicate ca^f`jbkfeet bbj(depth) abpj]lofk_seawater. b`}`jbgrÈc lljlofk_seawater b`}`jbg designators pressure 0.4453 psi.^ ab _^qc`jlg_kforlggretard bj`gapg b__dgbqgauges. `dqb_r _shall ]`oobequal id`oz ryy£p_ r Negative Pressure, [ 31{ ÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑ ÒÓÔÔÕÒÖÌÒÑÐ×ÒØÙ×ÍÎÚÛÜÒÝÊÚÎ×ÑÌÒÊÞÒß×ÚÐÛÜÎÚÛàÒáÜÏÎÜ××Íâã äÊÍ×ËÍÊåæÚÑÎÊÜÒÙÛÌÒÖ×ÒÙÛå×ÒÊÞÒÑÐÎâÒÙÛÑ×ÍÎÛàÒçÎÑÐÊæÑÒçÍÎÑÑ×ÜÒÚÊÜâ×ÜÑÒÊÞÒØÝßáã Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01234567866966 0 31311 30 03 301332345678 GAUGES: PRESSURE INDICATING DIAL TYPE — ELASTIC ELEMENT (B40.1) ASME B40.100-2005 Table C-3!" Compound #$%#&'()Pressure *++&*,Range '-.Designators +/-'0#*+ Compound 1231456Pressure 7899478 :Vacuum, ;<442= ;4>8Pressure, 7899478= Gauge Hg ?in.57@> Alb/in.2 BC?57 E30F F0/15 GHI E30F F0/30 GEF E30F F0/60 GKF E30F F0/100 GHFF E30F F0/150 GHIF E30F F0/200 GMFF E30F F0/300 GEFF E30F F0/400 GNFF E30F F0/600 GKFF E30F F0/800 GOFF Table C-7!p Caisson /++#')Pressure *++&*,Range '-.Designators +/-'0#*+ Caisson ;?9915 — 0/230 F0/1001b/in? GHFFklGijhMMqF GMEFrftstdepth uvsL — 0/450 F0/200 GMFFklb/in? lGijhMqF G N I Fr uvsL ftst depth — 0/675 GKmIrftstdepth uvsL F0/300 GEFFklb/in? lGijhMqF — 0/850 F0/380 GEOFklb/in? lGijhMqF GOIFrftstdepth uvsL — 0/900 GwFFrftstdepth uvsL F0/380 GEOFklb/in? lGijhqF Designator Range ;5>88 9?>5;D17 H1hK L^ M2hK L^ E3hK L^ E380K OF^ N4hK L^ Range ;5>88 9?>5;D17 Designator H15C IJ E30C FJ K60C FJ H1hC LJ H150C IFJ C-2.3 !xy" Construction #'+0*&z0/#' M2hC LJ E3hC LJ C-2.3.1 ! x y " y { Case + N4hC LJ C- Design. Pressure cases !xy"y{y{. +/-'y|} ~}~gauge ~ ~shall be ~ K6hC LJ O8hC LJ front. nonsolid permitted safety ~solid }However, ~~}a front }is ~}~ helifor}gauges ~ ~ ~ ~~Style ~ ~and ~ with elastic element D (helical cal—spiral } }tube). ~ ~for} }~~gauges ~ Bourdon Cases hardened mustwithstand demands a saltwater the ~~ of ~}~environment }~ ~ ~ } ~ } ~ ~ } steel ~~ and meet shock requirements. Cast iron, mild or} Table C-4!P ,Refrigerant Q*/-*'0)Pressure *++&*,Range '-.Designators +/-'0#*+ plastic (with the ~~ ~ofthe ~ shall not exception window) be~ used. When per}ASTM E 26, ~ ~used, ~aluminum ~ ¡¢o £ASTM ¡¢¤ ¥ B 85, ;5>89 and ASTM ¡¢ o ¦ § ~} ~ ~ } } B 209 shall be protected against corrosion. ;4>8 then include air dry primer ~ ~ ~ }} } ~ } } Case finish shall and a gray :;<442= 78994M78= 8R7?>87;5D ;5>8 enamel in with ~ finish coat accordance }~ ¨FED-STD—595, ©¡¥§¥ Hg Designator Type S38 8 9?>5;D17 ~ ?in.57@> Alb/in.2 BC?57 resisting steel (CRES) }o £ n ¦ ª } } } ~ ~ ~ «© shall be ~ color 26307. Corrosion EF FGEF TUHH VHH per}ASTM ~ ¡¢ £ ª ~ } ~ n ¦ ¦ ¡¢ ­ ª n ~ } ~ n ¦¦ A¬ 167 Series 300 and ASTM A 473 Series 300 EF FGHFF TUHH WHH when used. Cases shall be interchangeable for mounting ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ } ~ ~ } EF FGHIF TUHH JHH with the case shown in Fig. C-1. Dimensions } ~ ~ ~ ¨ ¬ ~ purposes EF FGEFF TUHH XHH A3, A4, A8, A10, A15, and A17 shall be critical dimenn ­ ¤ ¬ ¦ ¬ ¥ ¬ ª ~ } ~ EF FGHFF TUHM YHM sions and shall be in accordance with Fig. C-1. ~ } ~ ¨ ¬ EF FGHIF TUHM ZHM EF FGEFF TUHM [HM mounting C- Mounting. !xy"y{yx®# &'0/'-y¨Flush kits shall be~ EF FGHIF TUMM \MM provided with all pressure gauges. Material shall } ~ } ~ } ~ ~ ¢ ~ } be ~ EF FGEFF TUMM ]MM may be used for the ring and clamping «©~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ } ~} CRES except steel EF FGEF TUHHN ^HN ring. The maximum flush } ¡~ ~ ~ ~ } ~ outside diameter of the EF FGHFF TUHHN _HN EF FGHIF TUHENV `EN mounting rings the panel by no more } shall overlap ~} ~ ~hole ~ }~ EF FGEFF TUHENV aEN than ¦0.25 o¥in. C-2.3.2 Other !xy"yx¯Internal '0*'and'(°0 ±*)Parts *0+ C- Welding Nicrobrazing. µ~} pres}~ !xy"yxy{² (/'-#or*³/ z*#*´/'-yInternal containing parts welding sure }~ }shall be~¶oinedby ~~ or}nicro} Table Suppressed C-5!b c &%%*++()Pressure *++&*,Range '- brazing. }· .Designators +/-'0#*+ Materials. C- parts shall nickel!xy"yxyx® 0*/+yWetted ~~ } be ~ ~ 1Suppressed 433789986Pressure 7899478 copper parts include part ~}alloys. Wetted ~~ } ~any }that comes ~ Designator Range, ;5>8=Alb/in.2 BC?57 Range ;5>88 9?>5;D17 with measured Bourdon inContact the ~~ }~fluid, e.g., ~ }tube, ~ HdFFFGHdIFF e C-2), stem, ~tail piece ~~(see ~~¨Fig. o~etc.Materials ¢~}}readily ~sus water damage example, ceptible ~~tosea~ ~}corrosion }} ~(for }~ ~ brass, }aluminum, beryllium ~} copper, ~}mild steel) ~~shall not be used fasteners washers. ~ ~for}threaded }~~ ~~}or} ~} O-Ring. O-rings fluorocarbon !xy"yxy"°! ,/'-y¸ }shall be ~ }} C- Table C-6!f ,Retard 0*()Pressure *++&*,Range '-.Designators +/-'0#*+ }rubber in accordance with SAE—AMS 7259, hardness of ~ } } ~ © ¢ª o ¥ § }~ Retard 8D;76 85 to 95 Durameter. ¤ ¥ § ¥} ~ ~ } ;4>8 C-2.3.3 Dials. Dials designed damage !xy"y"./ +y shall be ~~ ~to}resist ~ ~ :;<442= 7899478= ;5>8 from } } } corrosion. Hg Designator 3Expanded g3;5686Portion 17D?15 8 9?>5;D17 ?in.57@> Alb/in.’ BC?57 C- Units. units for gauges !xy"y"y{¹' /0+yThe ¡~standard } } ~shall hhh FGEF FGHF T H be Customary (English). Dual scale (Customary and SI) ~ } © ~ } µ E30F F0/30 GEF E30Fiin.jhF0/5GIklb/in? lGijhMM TR2M may be used on all gauges except for Caisson (see para. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ } ~ ~ } TR3E E30F F0/150 GHIF E30Fiin.jhF0/75 GmIklb/in? lGijh C-2.2.7) Refrigeration para. C-2.2.4), order ooªand «~ }~}(see ~~ } oo­in }~} Ranges Gauge Vacuum, Pressure, Refrigerant 30 30 0/30 0/100 R-11 R-11 A11 B11 30 0/150 R-11 C11 30 30 0/300 0/100 R-11 R-12 D11 E12 30 30 0/150 0/300 R-12 R-12 F12 G12 30 30 0/150 0/300 R-22 R-22 H22 J22 30 30 0/30 0/100 R-114 R-114 K14 L14 30 30 0/150 0/300 R-134A R-134A M34 N34 1,000/1,500 Vacuum, Gauge Pressure, . . 0/30 Range S Range 0/10 [ R1 no 32 American Mechanical Engineers. Copyright º» ¼½¾¿ÀÁ©ÃÄ2006 ÅÅÆÃÇby½Ãthe ÂÁÈÃÉÊÈ ¾¿ËÌÍÃÎSociety »Ë¿È½ûofÏÃÐÈ ËÁÌÍ¿ËÌÑÃÒÍ À¿ÍÈȾÓÔ No material ASME. Õ»¾reproduction ȼ¾»Ö×Ë¿»ÍÃmay Ê̽ÃÇbeÈÃmade ÊÌÖÈûofÏÃÂthis Á¿ÓÃÊÌ ÂȾ¿ÌÑÃwithout Ø¿ÂÁ»×ÂÃwritten ؾ¿ÂÂÈÍÃËconsent »ÍÓÈÍÂûofÏÃÉÎ ÐÒÔ 01 203456PRESSURE 73442738INDICATING 9 81890 DIAL 81 TYPE 63— GAUGES: 3ELASTIC 148 3ELEMENT 339 (B40.1) E%0 '$ Hole A10 $$.(3$/0 !"'-1 places) / 143 ASME B40.100-2005 *3 /-GT 120deg H$+'I I J A15 A1 / _ _ \ _ I _ T .\ —<+>~ // A17 !"# I 0('F&!(' _—_—;_— $Back $ " %&&'"()%& connection $G%( (%4 bottom —| 3 $ $$"connection %&&'"()%&—\ /’ \ *( !&+%,,Standoffs $$.(optional) %/()%&!01 Alternate A — — *3: if ‘ ___/ Bottom %((%4 $$"connection %&&'"()%&/ —>A 2 <j A30—> Elevation Side View <Front =>?@9AB 8CD@6>? 56 789:6 8; — 0.1 1 0.01 1 0.1 + 0.000 4Size/DIM KLMN 8 A1O A1 1P Q A3 1RO R A4 1O R A8 1SO A10 1O A15 1O A17 1TO A30 1R 1 0.3 1 0.3 1 0.1 1 0.015 1 0.050 — 4.0 U31/2VVWX Y4.75 Z[\ U3.97 Z][ V1.2ZX U3.2ZX V1.0Z^ ^0.22 ZXX Y4.25 ZX\ V1.063 Z^_U X2.54 Z\Y`Y Z^ — 4.0 \5.80 Za^ \5.00 Z^^ V1.2ZX U3.8Za V1.0Z^ ^0.22 ZXX \5.375 ZU[\ V1.625 Z_X\ X2.54 Z\Y`Y Z ^ Y41/2VWX — 4.0 a81/2WX V10.25 ^ZX\ a8.97 Z][ V1.2ZX \5.8Za V1.0Z^ ^0.28 ZXa ]9.625 Z_X\ U3.625 Z_X\ X2.54 Z\Y`Y Z^ GENERAL NOTES: bc dcefgdhi cjk mounting, l(a)mnoForpqrflush stVuvwp txyVz\x{|ustandard ymx}mq}~panel mxsvhole ps}diameters zmwyqumare: qk W U31/.VWXe Y415/32 U X V]W Y41/.VWX—> \5”/32 UX X]W a81/2WXe ]9”/32 UX Dimensions l(b)nz wxuzpxumareqzinxzinches. xvuZ Fig. C-1 Case Design pointers be a nonpermit units. Refrigeration to transition toSI gauges C-2.3.4 §¨ÇÈPointer. ÉʪIndicating £® shall ¤¤¢ ½ both pressure thatshow ¡¢ temperature and £ readings £shall ¤¤ reflective black with background dials or¡ white ¤®¹¢ ¤®­¡ white ¡ ¢ ®­££ ¤ units ¦ forreadability. £¢¤¦ use¥ Customary dials pointer black backgrounds. index ¡when £ ¤have ¹¢ ¤®­¢ ®­£The Ë £Ì be a nonreflective red be set shall ¤¤¢ ¤®¹ £and £shall ¤¤¢ off—scale ½®¤ Markings. Dial markings C- §¨¨§© ª« ¬ ¤ ­shall ¤¤include ®¤£ prior to£ delivery. Duplex indicator pointers shall be ¤ ¹ ¦ ¬¤ Ì £ ® ¤¤¢ manufacturer name both) ¯(61)°±the ®²'s ortrademark £­³(or¢ ´ orange green (right). (left) and ³ ¤ ´ £ ³ ´ Government Entity) code ¯(19)µ±¥¶·¸³ ¥®¤and £· ¹¸ ¦´® £ CAGE (Commercial Part Number para. C-6.2.1) ¯(C)º±» Identifying £¦¼¢ ³(PIN) »¼´³(see ¥½ ¾¿À´ C-2.3.5 pressure §¨ÍÈPressure ªÎªConnection. ÉÏÊÉThe Ë ®connec®½ Number), ¯(d)Á±¼ ¼³(National ¼¤Stock ®­¼¢ ´Âifassigned £ NSN tion shall be in accordance with Table C-8. The O-ring ¤ ¤¢ ® ® £ ® ¡ Ë ¢ ¤ ¥½ Ð Ë Ñ½ units ¯(5)ñscale ®¤graduations, £Ânumerals, ¤Âand £ ofgradua£½ union connection (see Figs. C-2 and C-3) shall be sup ® ® ³ Ò ¥½ ¿ £¥½ Æ ´ ¤ ¤¢ ½ tions plied unless otherwise specified and shall include the £¤¡®££¤¤®¤£ ¯(f)ırefrigerant gauges shall ¤¤include ®¤£thetype ¦refriger½ ¤ O-ring. end, union nut, piece, threaded ££ £Â Âtail ¤ ®Âand £Ñ½ antand £applicable ¤®¢¤temperature equivalent Ź¤scale ®¤ ÆÆ American Mechanical Engineers. Copyright ÓÔ ÕÖ×ØÙÚÛ©ÜÝ2006 ÞÞßÜàbyÖÜthe ÛÚáÜâãá ×ØäåæÜçSociety ÔäØáÛÖÜÔofèÜéá äÚåæØäåêÜëæ ÙØæáá×ìí No material ASME. îÔ×reproduction áÕ×ÔïðäÛØÔæÜmay ãåÖÜàbeáÜmade ãåïáÜÔofèÜÛthis ÚØìÜãå Ûá×ØåêÜwithout ñØÛÚÔðÛÜwritten ñ×ØÛÛáæÜäconsent ÔæìáæÛÜÔofèÜâç éëí 01234567866966 0 31311 30 03 301332345678 GAUGES: PRESSURE INDICATING DIAL TYPE — ELASTIC ELEMENT (B40.1) ASME B40.100-2005 _> ‘_ TIR <11—X—0.003 <!@!5A B 4- 7/16 =<?—> < —> 0.140:8'888 <'!4- () ,$-. See)*+ O-ring !@! groove d 1 = ., //0)#) %$2 0_o70:g_ggg ! 0.316 <? 4_ #$ %& dia"‘- l 0.497_o_Q03 '"!+o.0oo m 0-252 34- 3igfggg ! m' #$%& o.39o:8;88§ " ( #$ %& diam. OPQGRSIMKNFGH l %& diam. O.093’_'0_000 "!#$ =<? 4;&%C l @ 0.252, 343D0.093, "D0.316, <?D0.497, '"D0.003 TIR 5AB Tail Piece Detail EFGHIJG KLKIMK NFGH 0.003 ' 4!' +o.oso:3.—s3s #$%& #).. +‘ deg:5 45 #) .!4#) dgg 1>9 M, 62 3 lo.o9o:g-335» "!I4 =3;H <4 <‘/32 0 d 56,)%#)#)-# \ nut 7-$ /--81 Union X Tail piece 5%$29$):) 3 Threaded end E diargf’-°°3 <?! #$ *+ ,$-. %& O-ring O-Ring Union Assembly OP QGRSITRG URIVW WKXYHZ GENERAL NOTE: Dimensions ^_ `_abc`de _fgh ijklhmklnareojhinkhinches. kpqjlr C !3 i_ 4; O-Ring Groove Detail OP QGRSI[\ UU]KIMK NFGH 0-Ring Union Assembly sFig. tuvwC-2xy zx {t|u}| t~| 34 American Mechanical Copyright ©2006 bythe Society of Engineers. ¡¢ 9% No material ASME. £reproduction ¤¥may bemade ¤ofthis ¡ without ¦¥written ¦consent ¡of ¢ 53' 01 203456PRESSURE 73442738INDICATING 9 81890 DIAL 81 TYPE 63— GAUGES: 3ELASTIC 148 3ELEMENT 339 (B40.1) 143 ASME B40.100-2005 Table C-8!" #Pressure $%%&$Connection '(()*+'(,Requirements -&+$.(*%and (/0 11+)*+'(% Applications 6Pressure 2344523Connection 677389:67 O-ring ?@ ABCDEunion CBFC Taper ] TW[AWpipe BW[Ythread ^A[TU_(male) `TV[a CQZYtubing, ElBCDZ MFlareless VTA[V[PP_(bite lBY[Ytype) mW[aI1/4HbBin., J6,000 ZiiiWpsiPB G9/16 UNF-3A HIJKLM @NO I1/4H in. NPT] CQI18cLd bB ;23<=4 7Reference 3>323783 MFigs. BDPQRC-2@STandCURC-3@N ASME OefghB1.20.1 IQSiQI n7/16 UNF-2A HIJBin.CQS20iKLM @SO J 1926 eSAE OgoI GSJ Threads 8Intended 7937=3=24 Use3 MForFATallVVTapplications, WWVBXTYBFCPZ [except \X[WYCnuclear EXV[TA MForFAEuseP[BinCPstem-mounted Y[`@`FECY[U with Wpressure A[PPEA[Dgauges TED[PjB Y^ Aranges TCD[Pi0/100 kIiiVlb/in.2 lkBCQS ForAlbelow [VFj MForFACnuclear EXV[TATapplications WWVBXTYBFCP Allyitems C- C-9}y lists !pqrqsqtuLocation. ')*+'(qvTable wxyz{| ~the zfour possible ~xyz C-4.1.1 !»qtqt,Responsibility %1'(%+++*for'$Compliance. '.1+()qy ~zshall wyy meet C-5. connection z~ylocations. w~ z zwallyyrequirements zµ~zzofsection z~{| ºThe vz~ z~ z inspection set forth in this specification ~ ~ z ~ ~ w ~ w y yx z zww z shall become a part of the !pqrqsqpType 1'ofConnection. '(()*+'(qv zwshall wyyx w C- Threads bez~ in w z À ° z w y y ~ z ~ ´ z w y ~ ´ | manufacturer ’s overall inspection system or µ quality prowith C-8. bez waccordance wz~ vTable wxyz{| vTapered wzzthreads zwshall wyynot x gram. Thezw absence ofw any inspection requirements in w v x z z ´~ z ~ z µ ~ z z ~ 2 in. dial ~ wysizes ~zfor ranges wz this zzexcept z ~ wand 2]/2~in., used on ~specification z~~w~shall wyy relieve zy~z°zthe zw wz of not manufacturer 0/100 ylb/in.2 x~or below. xzy the zresponsibility z~x~y~´ofwassuring ~that ww yy or sup| all products to the purchaser acceptance y~zsubmitted x~z z wz for w zwz ý comply C-2.3.6 Windows. Windows bez fabricated !pqrq+ (/'%q~ shall wyyx wx~wzfrom plies inspec~wallyyrequirements zµ~zzofthe z wSampling wy~~ z| contract. scratch—resistant w|z~wthermoplastic zyw~~inwaccordance wz~ with with tion, ~wasw zw w ~operations, zw~~ part of the manufacturing isw an v D 788. ASTM acceptable practice to ascertain conformance to requirew z w x y z w ~ z w z w ~ w z z µ ~ z | C-2.3.7 Gauges !pqrq¡¢ £+.&. ¤Stop. *'1q¥w zshall wyy~incorporate wzwa z Maximum ments, however this does not authorize submission of z ° z ~ z w ~ z x ~ ~ maximum w ~ stop ¦(see zz ww§ §¨ para. ¹known z z~°zw z~wyzeither ~z ~indicated ~wz wwy defective material, or actual, nor does purchaser defective z~itcommit ~the z wz towaccept zz z~°z material. w z~wy AND !r CLEANLINESS u©0ªu«ª©¤¤0 ª¬#PACKAGING 0 ­0®«ª® C-3 !»qp %%++)*+'('«(%1)*+'(% C-4.2.1 Qualification !»qpqt Á& ++)*+'(«Inspection. (%1)*+'(qQualification Âwy~~w~ ¯w °wyhardened wzzgauges wzshall wyyz z{y zwy~z±z °zy ~inspection Naval meet Cleanliness Level bezz performed and passed prior proz~shall wyyx zw w z ~ to | !rqt**/#$*% (+(%% C-4.2 Classification of Inspections C-3.1 Wetted Parts Cleanliness ²IV³¦(see zzvTable wxyz2)¨for wallyywapplications y~w~zexcept zfor oxygen ´z duction. ~Âw y~~w~~inspection z~shall wyybexzz zon Qualification performed para. C-7.8). Naval pressure service z°~z¦(see zzw w{| ¨¯w °wy zzgauges wz¦(espezz| samples which have been produced with equipment w y z ~ w ° zx z z z ~ z µ ~ zwand cially ~wyy´the zz zw ¨shall wyybe xzfreezzofyloose zscale, wyzrust, procedures wetted parts) normally used in production and shall con z z w y ý z ~ ~ w w y y | mercury, liquids, grit,~filings, ~y~z ´calibration wy~xw~y ~µ~oil,~ygrease, zwzsoly| sist of the examination and tests specified in Table C-10. ~ zz w ~ w ~ w z z ~ ~ z ~ v w x y z{| vents, materials. ° zwand other z organic w~w z~wy C- design, !»qpqtqt¤Sample .1¤Size. +ÃqTwo vgauges wzofzeach wz ~ ~ z w z w z y w ~ z y z z ´ y z w y yx z x Ä z z size, range, and elastic element style shall be subjected C-3.2 !rqp#Packaging )¶·+(· to the qualification inspection. zµ w y ~ ~ w ~ ~ z ~ ¸ yzspecial z~wypackaging w¹w~~isspecified, z~~zgauges wzshall wyybexz C-4.2.2 Unless !»qpqp Conformance '('$.()«Inspection. (%1)*+'(qConformance { wz bagged boxed with ASTM D 3951. xwzwand x z~inwaccordance wz~ v § }º ~inspection bezz performed at the place ofw manufacz~shall wyyx zw z ywz w| Each bez subjected conformance ture. z¿w gauge wzshall wyyx xÄzzto wz which C-4 examination tests !» VERIFICATION ¼©,«½«0«¾ª ~inspection z~ ~consists ~ofthe zz w~w~wand z in Table specified C-10. z ~ ~ z ~ v w x y z{| !»qt,Responsibility %1'(%+++*for'$«Inspection (%1)*+'( C-4.1 C-4.2.3 Acceptance sample fails !»qpqr0 ))1*()Criteria. $+*$+q²Ifwany ´gauge wz wyz w~y Unless ¸ yzotherwise z~zspecified z~~z~inthe zcontract wor purchase wz toz meet conformance of zthe z wz~inspection z~requirements zµ~zz manufacturer performorder, zthe zw wz ~isresponsible z~xyzfor the zz | vTable C-10, until manuwxyz{| no gauges wzshall wyybe xzwaccepted zz ~ythe zw | herein. wance zofwallyy~inspection z~requirements zµ~zzwasspecified z~~z zz~ facturer determined cause defect has wz has wz z~zthe z wzofthe zz zwand w Except ¿ zwasotherwise z~zspecified z~~z~inthe zcontract wor purchase wz taken necessary correct or z eliminate the w¹zthe z zzw´waction ~to z y~~wz z manufacturer usez his order, zthe zw wz may w´ ~own or wany ´other z z defect in lot. Thez failed zfrom zeach wgauge wz~ the zy v w~yztest zshall wyy performance inspection facilities w~y~~zsuitable ~wxyzfor the zz wzofthe z~ z~ bexzrepeated demonstrate zzwztoz wzthat wthe zcorrective z~°zwaction ~ requirements herein, disapproved by zµ~zzspecified z~~z zz~unless yz~ w°zx ´ ~ will conform yyzenable wxyzthe zgauges wzto tothe zrequirements zµ~zz purchaser. Thez purchaser per-| the z wzv wz reserves zz°zthe zright ~toz of this In previous ~specification. z~~w~² waddition, ~~the zresults zyof z°~ in form wany ´ofthe z~inspections z~setzforth ~ the zstandard ww tests may bezz deemed invalid, unless the manufacturer zw ´x zz~ °wy~ yz zw wz where deemed purchaser zzsuch ~inspections z~warezz zznecessary zzw´tozensure z can prove w °ztothe zsatisfaction w~w~ofthe z wz that wsuch supplies y~zwand services z°~zconform toprescribed z~xz requirezµ~z| test would not bezw adversely impacted by z y x °zzý~ wzx ´the zcorrective z~°z ments. z waction. ~ §35º ÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍ ÎÏÐÐÑÎÒÈÎÍÌÓÎÔÕÓÉÊÖ×ØÎÙÆÖÊÓÍÈÎÆÚÎÛÓÖÌ×ØÊÖ×ÜÎÝØËÊØÓÓÉÞß àÆÉÓÇÉÆáâÖÍÊÆØÎÕ×ÈÎÒÓÎÕ×áÓÎÆÚÎÍÌÊÞÎÕ×ÍÓÉÊ×ÜÎãÊÍÌÆâÍÎãÉÊÍÍÓØÎÖÆØÞÓØÍÎÆÚÎÔÙÛÝß Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01234567866966 0 31311 30 03 301332345678 GAUGES: PRESSURE INDICATING DIAL TYPE — ELASTIC ELEMENT (B40.1) ASME B40.100-2005 <\ Minimum ;" 3"$<$ /effective ==/>?"@/ ? :A/#!B7/32 2%.—> thread )1/32 2%.9X 45,!/ 0: deg ))2):/9 <— 11/16 hex —> I o.oo5 ,*R—19/15 2)"in.3)18456 -%8 UNF—3B 0_395:3.88g %1,+-. !" #$ diam.- I I _ll -Y- %&'( %1, o.oo3 %TIR &'( © 0.395 )15,!/ 3!E deg0CD? both:/ ends l J_—x— o.oo3 TIR _|_ <— o.1oo:0_0O0 )+-0.005 , -YB2) Union SNQ TNLUVP OI PJQR Nut L Detail €— 7/16 —> W 1%!"#$X%&'( 45,!/ deg0*5,!/ deg0 o.oss:3.-as %+-), o.s_w:°;33§ %d,am__ )+-% 0.015 ),*R !"#$ © 0.484 & 0.093 diam., 0.003 TIR 19/16 2)"in.3)18456 -%7 UNF—3A L, 64T — — — + 0-484 :o_003 0.016 )*+-.), -0.002 %.T !" #$ diam. diam. !" #$ ) , ) ) 2 % . ‘_11/32:o.015 , !/ 0 )1 /15 deg 2)9X 45,!/ 0isdeg 0.484 diam. !" #$0.003 %TIR &'( L Threaded End OI Detail FGH IJKIKLMNKL PJQR GENERAL NOTE: Dimensions Z[ \[]^_\`a [bcd efghdighjarekfdingdinches. glmfhn 0-Ring Union oFig. pqrsC-3tu vt wpxqyx pzx{Nut/Threaded |}~End xDetail }p 36 American Engineers. Copyright ©2006 bythe Society ofMechanical ¡¢ £¤ 9'37 No material ASME. ¥reproduction ¦§may bemade ¦ofthis £ ¡without ¨§written ¨consent £of ¢¤ 53' 01 203456PRESSURE 73442738INDICATING 9 81890 DIAL 81 TYPE 63— GAUGES: 3ELASTIC 148 3ELEMENT 339 (B40.1) -./ mounted <Flush/surface =>?@A?>BCDEFGH >IJFK NCaisson DO??HI PStem-mounted JFGQGH>IJFK Case 143 ASME B40.100-2005 !" # $%Connection &''()*&'+Positions &,*)*&', Gauge Table C-9 Bottom 01102 LX X L LX 03/4-56 X L MMM MMM Table C-10 !RS TInspection ',U()*&'VRequirements W$*XY'), 8'"5PeC”°" 7.Z/51;07 ^Examination _DGOIDJOHI ` EE>BDEa Accuracy <Friction BOEJOHIFerror BBHB bRepeatability FcFDJDdO=OJa e'"C““3“°" IE=OIDJOHI f FGcFBDJ>BF gernperature PLgadstifty D=J?cBDa gHDKJF?J hPressure BF??>BFEcycling aE=OIi ^Elastic =D?JOEFelement =FGFIJHorBjjoining HOIOIi means GF DI?Cf“‘””'e DO=>BF Vibration k OdBDJOHI PShock @HEl hPressure BF??>BFBrupture >cJ>BF [\ -:;];5C3ti°" -1;07 QUa“fi LX LX Lx LX L LEX L LX LX LX LX LX LX /71/4-56 MMM M. M. M. X L Lower Back 07]042-75/ C°"f°""3"Ce LX LX Lx LX MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM 89 5:0566Position 0.;1;07 5 O’clock X L MMM MMM Center Back !nT'(*')*&' C-5.5 Inclination ­ ~xx}~|{ }|~xxshall {ss~ ~xx}y®~xsotuthat {uu ~ Pressure gauges be pressurized the tywu~yxyw{¦~uyv{stxyuytw ¡~x{s~x{ss~ txyuytw~xtu{uu~y{sz{v~xu~t~{ut¡~x{s~ xshall {ssuthen ~w wvsyw~ |utotuthe ~ y|uleft, s~zuzfront, twu{and w be~y inclined 60§~ deg right, back. The ofzu these inclined {v ¡ ~xsample {s~xshall {ssremain ~{yw{atu~each {vt ~x~y wvsyw~ 1 min. Maximum deviation txyuytwxzfort{atusleast ~{xuy w ¯{ y} ~ ¦y{uytwtofzu ~ positions the yindication wyv{uytwxshall {ssbe~y uyw {szt ~xspecified ~vyzy~{ vv}{v within half ofzu the accuracy ranges psiy{ and below, be~ ~except v~uz t {w|~x§0/¨100§§x w ~stwhich yvxshall {ss for within yuywutwice yv~uthe ~xspecified ~vyzy~{accuracy. vv}{v pointer is in a Vertical position. The sample shall be positioned so that the dial faces the operator. The sample !n°YUX)$X C-5.6.1 High Temperature High temperature !n°nR±* %² YUX)$XError. XX&Xn³y |u ~~{u}~ C-5 ' 6 Temperature . . para. ~error txshall {ss ~xu~yinw{accordance vvt{wv~y u{ { A-2.2 r be~u tested with ~except v~uz tuthe ~{ w}z{vu}~x ~vt~w~ y|utem~ for manufacturers recommended high perature; for ~{u}~©high y|utemperature ~~{u}~xshall {ssbe~145°F ´µ¤z t{allsstesting. u~xuyw| At u the shall in ~vconclusion twvs}xytwtofzuthe ~utest, ~xu{accuracy vv}{vx {ssbe~y w{accorvvt C- !mnonpnRqLot. &)nrA slottuvconsists twxyxuxtofz{allss|gauges {}|~xtofzuthe ~ ru 1A. { w v ~y u ¡ { s ~ { v v } { v { ~ r dance with Table 1, accuracy Grade part manufactured xsame {~ {uyidentification ~wuyzyv{uytwwnumber }~uthat {u{are~{ w}z{vu}~ {atutone w~utime. y~ C-5.6.2 Temperature !n°noqLow &¶ YUX)$XError. XX&XnLow ·t utemperature ~~{u}~ be~u tested with para. ~error txshall {ss ~xu~yinw{accordance vvt{wv~y u{ { A-2.3 r ~ v ~ uz t u ~{ w }z { v u } ~ x̧ ~ v t ~ w ~ s t utem~ except for the manufacturer's recommended low AND ! TEST +PROCEDURES V V VREQUIREMENTS TV C-5 perature. 40°F for ~{u}~Low ·tutemperature ~~{u}~xshall {ssbe~ §µ¤z t{allsstesting. u~xuyw| At u the the shall in ru ~vconclusion twvs}xytwtofzu ~utest, ~xu{accuracy vv}{vx {ssbe~y w{accorvvt C-5.1 !nRExamination Y*')*&' para. C-5.2. { w v ~y u { { ¹ ´ dance with Gauges determine mate{ }|~xxshall {ssbe~~examined {yw~utot~ u~yw~uthat {uuthe ~{ u~ workmanship, rial, y{szfinish, ywyxt {wxyvconstruction, twxu}vuytw{assembly, xx~s C-5.7 !nºShock ²&(» dimensions, markings y ~wxytwx{and w{ yw|xvconform twzt utotuthis yx u{w{ Standard. Pressure be~x subjected a shock test in ­ ~xx}~|gauges {}|~xxshall {ss }¼~vu~utot{x tvu ~xuy w Accuracy C-5.2 !no (($X( accordance with MIL—S-901, Grade A, Class 1, except for { v v t { w v ~y u ¯½ · ¾ § { ~r ¹s { x x½ ~ v ~ u z t Accuracy be~u tested in accordance with para. rv v}{vxshall {ss ~ x u ~ y w{ v v t { wv ~y u { { duplex pressure gauges, which shall be~ Grade B. All } s ~ ~ x x } ~| { }| ~ x y v x { s s { ~¢ rs s { Accuracy 4]/2, and be~y in rv v}{vzfort37/2, w87/2xshall {ss w{accorvvt pressure Flush ~ x x } ~| { }| ~ xx { s s ~x } ¼ ~ v u ~ u y w ~ s t x ¤ s }x gauges shall be subjected totw nine blows. dance with of Table { wv~y uuthe ~requirements ~ }y~~wuxtz¡ {s~1,{accuracy vv}{v and pressure gauges mounted wxsurface—mounted }z{v~t}wu~ ~xx}~| {}|~xxshall {ssbe~t }wu~ 7/4in., 2 and Grade Accuracy in {~1A.r rv v}{vzfort{ w272xshall {ssbe~y w{accordance vvt{wv~ { on a 6D-1 adapter plate except the plate shall be ywyinw t w{ ¿ { { u ~ s { u ~~ v ~ u u ~ s { u ~x { s s ~ with Grade y uuthe ~requirements ~}y~~wuxtofz¡Table {s~1,{accuracy vv}{v {~¢B. more instrument boards uthickness yvw~xxutotxsimulate y}s{u~uthe ~t ~rigid y|yy wxu}~wu t{x installed in submarines. Stem-mounted pressure gauges y w x u { s s ~ y wx } { y w ~ x u ~ t } w u ~ ~ x x } ~| { }|~x !np£Friction X*()*&'Error XX&X C-5.3 2 in. in., dial be~t mounted À(i.e., y~y w {and w21/2y wy {sxsize) y®~Áxshall {ss }wu~tonw{a with para. ¤Friction yvuytw~error txshall {ssbe ~utested ~xu~yinw{accordance vvt{wv~y u{ { 4C-2 The~ pressure mounted ¹{adapter {u~plate. s{u~¡ ~xx}~|gauge {}|~xshall {ssbe~t }wu~ The~z friction not ofzx span ¡ yvuytw~error txshall {ssw tu~exceed v~~7/2% {w not less than 3 in. rear adapter wtus ~xxu {wy w from zt the u~xsides y~xtor ~{tofzuthe ~{ {u~ ¥ t lb/in.2 {w|~x§0/¨60§s ¨yw plate. zfortranges {w|~x{above t¦~§0/60 ¨§s1b/ ¨yin.2; w ©zfortranges classification ofzz flush-/surface—mounted s{u~For ¤t~each {vv s{xxyzyv{uytwt s}x¨x}z{v~t}wu~ below, {and w ~stuthe ~zfriction yvuytw~error txshall {ssnot wtu~exceed v~~1%¥tofzxspan. {w pressure pressure ~xx}~|gauge {}|~xsamples {s~xxsubmitted, }yuu~tone w~ ~xx}~| {}|~ gauge sample shall be secured totu the adapter plate in a flushx { s ~x { s s ~x ~ v } ~ u ~{ { u ~ s { u ~y w{z s }x C-5.4 !nmVRepeatability U)**) mounted pressure t }wu~vconfiguration twzy|}{uytw{and wuthe ~tother u~ ~xx}~|gauge {}|~ in a surface—mounted Repeatability with para. {s~y w{x }z{v~t}wu~vconfiguration. twzy|}{uytwThroughout ¡t}|t}u ª~ ~{u{ysyuxshall {ssbe ~utested ~xu~yinw{accordance vvt{wv~y u{ { xsample ¥ u Repeatability within this the pressure be~ pressurized tot yxutest, ~xuu ~ ~xx}~|gauge(s) {}|~ÀxÁxshall {ss ~xx}y®~u ª~ ~{u{ysyurequirements ~}y~~wuxxshall {ssbe ~y uyw«:7/2% mid-span. tofzxspan. {w y x{w 37¬ ÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊ ËÌÍÍÎËÏÅËÊÉÐËÑÒÐÆÇÓÔÕËÖÃÓÇÐÊÅËÃ×ËØÐÓÉÔÕÇÓÔÙËÚÕÈÇÕÐÐÆÛÜ ÝÃÆÐÄÆÃÞßÓÊÇÃÕËÒÔÅËÏÐËÒÔÞÐËÃ×ËÊÉÇÛËÒÔÊÐÆÇÔÙËàÇÊÉÃßÊËàÆÇÊÊÐÕËÓÃÕÛÐÕÊËÃ×ËÑÖØÚÜ Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01234567866966 0 31311 30 03 301332345678 GAUGES: PRESSURE INDICATING DIAL TYPE — ELASTIC ELEMENT (B40.1) ASME B40.100-2005 C-5.7.1 !Requirements "#$%&"'"()*+for,&!Ranges -(."*/0/60 01/2lb/in.’ 30%(4-and (5 C-5.11.3 YCompound ,'`,$(5y$."*Compound VBJ;B>DG;< :==><: Gauges. pressure 6 3 , 7 " ? @ > ? : == 9 @ A Ac :K : = K : GB D;< : = = >< :;B < K F B D = M 89 :;< : = = >< :? @ > ? := 9 @ A A= 9 B C D B: E F G: D H :B I Above. The pressure gauge shall show no evidence of gauges shall be tested on pressure portions. damage. A shift in Fimproper J;<B;:<Boperation, ;:<@KFBDLIfailure, @FA><:LBor<G@ J@?:MN= 9FIKF DKthe 9: C-5.11.4 Gauges. The:? gauge be:H cycled z!Retard ")-&5y$."*89 @>?:=shall 9@AAc QHA:G pointer ;B FDK:<Findication DGFH@KFBD=shall 9@AAnot DBK:exceed OH::GPK FJ:=Kthe 9:=specified ;:HFIF:G Ifrom 5 times 20% 1 4% < B JX o ]\q ]K o ]\q ]B 9 :: O ;@ D G: G;B < K F BDBofI toBv 80% 1 4% ofIK the expanded portion @accuracy. HH><@HQM89 :GFindex DG:O=shall 9@AAnot DBK=shift 9FIKGduring ><FD?K 9:=shock 9BHR Kthe The:< red the 9 := ; @ D M NK B K @ AB l o L o o oH Q H A : == 9 @ A Ac B D G > H K:GM span. A total ofIX 260,000 cycles shall be:H conducted. Ktest. :=KM89 HH><@HQL@after IK:<@S :<B@adjustment GT>=KJ:DKFis=J@ G:L=shall 9@AA The:@ accuracy, a zero made, C-5.2. J: :KKthe 9:<requirements :U>F<:J:DK=BofI;@ <@MVW PMXM meet para. C-5.12 4{Elastic 2-*)%u{Element 2"'"(),or&| ,%(%(.}" -(*~Failure -%2$&" Joining Means 4 D=BAFGIfront <BDK?gauges @>?:=CF K9< @D?:=o csFDMX@and DG Nonsolid with ranges 0/sl 60oA lb/in.2 C-5.7.2 4!Requirements "#$%&"'"()*+for,&!Ranges -(."*/0/30 0Y/2lb/in.2 30%(-and (5 xB be:= subjected cBE:=shall 9@AAc >cT:HK:GKtoBKthe 9:Finternal DK:<D@A:explosion O;AB=FBDKtest :=K The:;< pressure :==><:?gauge @>?:=shall 9@AA=show 9BC DnoB:evidence EFG:DH:BofI @above ZBelow. "2,[89 A shift in Fimproper J;<B;:<Boperation, ;:<@KFBDLIfailure, @FA><:LBor<G@ J@?:MN= 9FIKF DKthe 9: @as==specified ;:HFIF:GFinDq oqI B<: @H9>D FU>:Hcase @=:G: =F?DM89 damage. UL 404 for each unique design. The: :==><:<relief :AF:IG: EFH:=shall 9@AA=successfully >HH:==I>AAQ<relieve :AF:E:K 9:; <:=W pressure device the pres;BFDK:<Findication DGFH@KFBD=shall 9@AAD BK:exceed OH::G\X P] BofI=span. ;@DM89 pointer not 125% The: ;< without a failure in either ><:Ifrom <BJ Kthe 9:Hcase @=:CF K9B>KHcausing @>=FD?@I @FA><:F D: FK9:< <red :GFindex DG:O=shall 9@AADnotBK=shift 9FIKGduring ><FD?Kthe 9:=shock 9BHRKtest. :=KMThe 89:@accuHH>W =sure 9:Hcase @=:Bor<Kthe 9:CF DGBCM window. <racy @HQ@after IK:<@S :<B@adjustment GT>=KJ:DKFis=J@ G:=shall 9@AAJ: :KKthe 9: Kthe a zero made meet <requirements :U>F<:J:DK=BofI;@ <@MVW PMXM para. C-5.2. C-5.13 YtPressure &"**$&"!Rupture $`)$&" C-5.8 ^_Salt -2)_Spray `&-a The rupture with 89:< >;K><:Ktest :=K=shall 9@AAc:F D @accordance HHB<G@DH:CF K9 be in ;@ < @ M NW X M h M 89 :J@ O F J>J;< : = = > < :@ ; ; A F : G= 9 @ A A c :g para. A-2.7. The maximum pressure applied shall be 12X Pressure be:= subjected b< :==><:?gauges @>?:==shall 9@AAc >cT:HK:GKtoB=salt @AK=spray ;<@QKtests :=K= Ktimes the span. The maximum pressure shall be mainF J: =K 9 := ;@ D M 89 :J@ O F J>J ;< : = = >< := 9 @ A Ac :J@ F DW ASTM B 117. The:K test(s) FinD@accordance HHB<G@DH:CF K9Nd 8e fg ghM89 :=Ki=j=shall 9@AA9 @E: Ktained with have The gauge shall show no signs @ F D : GI B <@ K A : @ = K g oJF D M 89 :? @ >? := 9 @ A A = 9 B CD B= F ? D = for at least 10 min. a duration hr. The:;< pressure be: @G ><@KFBDBofIk96l9 <M89 :==><:Hconnection BDD:HKFBD=shall 9@AAc of B IA : @ R @ ? : M leakage. prevent penetration =sealed :@A:GKtoB;< :E:DK;: D:K<@KFBDFinto DKBKthe 9::elastic A@=KFH:element. A:J:DKM 89 <:==><:?gauge @>?:=shall 9@AA=show 9BC no DB:evidence EFG:DH:BofIEVisible F=FcA: The:; pressure Hcorrosion B<<B=FBDBor<Bother K9:<G@ J@?:LBor<:exhibit O9FcFKFimproper J;<B;:<Bopera;:<@W damage, {!ytPARAMETERS 6!6}{{!_ ORDERING Accuracy be:F in with para. C—5.2. Ktion. FBDMNH H><@HQ=shall 9@AAc D@accordance HHB<G@DH:CF K9;@ <@MVW PMXM C-61 ! C-6.1 1 Acquisition 6u#$%*%)%,(!Requirements "#$%&"'"()* C-5.9 mnLoad ,-5 When following 9:D=specifying ;:HFIQFD?@? @>?:IforB<@acquisition, HU>F=FKFBDLKthe 9:I BAABCFD? a gauge 89:A B@GKtest :=K=shall 9@AABDA Qc:;: <IB<J:GBD= K:JW =shall 9@AAc BEFG:G The load only be performed on stembe:;< provided: mounted pressure The:;< pressure be: JB >DK:G;< :==><:?gauges. @>?:=M89 :==><:?gauge @>?:=shall 9@AAc title, date (a)K FKA:Lnumber, D>Jc:<L@and DGG@ K:BofIKthis 9F==supplement >;;A:J:DK a plate held place. A conKthreaded 9<:@G:GFinto DKB@; A@K:@and DG=securely :H><:AQ9 :AGFinD;A @H:MNH BDW (b)b@ Number <KIdentifying G:DKFIQFD?x>Jc :<i(PIN) bxj Part =stant K@DKAload B@GBofIg150PoAlbc=shall 9@AAbe c:@applied ;;AF:GKtoBKthe 9:;< :==><:?gauge @>?: (C)C9 pressure when :DUqualification >@AFIFH@KFBDFis=<required :U>F<:G C-4qI for 5 min. Hcase @=:@as==shown 9BCDBonDpFig. F?MVW B<PJF DMAt NKKthe 9:Hconclusion BDHA>=FBDBofI (01)=special dial marking, required ;:HF@AGF @AJ@ <RFD?Lwhen C9:D< :U>F<:G with para. C-5.2. Kthe 9:Ktest, :=KL@accuracy HH><@HQ=shall 9@AAbe c:FinD@accordance HHB<G@DH:CF K9;@ <@MVW PMXM (6)x@ Stock KFBD@Ad KBHRx> Jc:<i(NSN), xdxjLFifI@available E@FA@cA: Number National (f) special dial color, when required = ; : H F @ AGF @ AH B A B < L C9 : D< : U >F < : G C-5.10 /r %3&-)%,( Vibration C-6.2 Number 14tPart -&)Identifying 5"()%+a%(.$ '3"&(PIN) ttParameters -&-'")"&* vibration pFlushA>=9W@and DG=surface—mounted ><I@H:WJB>DK:G?gauges @>?:==shall 9@AAbe c:E Fc<@KFBD with A—2.5. Ktested :=K:GFinD@accordance HHB<G@DH:CF K9;para. @<@MNW XMPMdStem-mounted K:JWJB>DK:G @ Hardened pressure are classified according toB <G:D:G; <:==><:?gauges @>?:=@ <:H A@==FIF:G@ HHB<GFD?K be:K tested with C-11. ?gauges @>?:==shall 9@AAc :=K:GFinD@accordance HHB<G@DH:CF K98Table @cA:VW ggM Kthe Variables: 9:Ifollowing BAABCFD?E @<F@cA:= The:< red pointer not 89 :GFindex DG:O; BFDK:<=shall 9@AAD BK=shift 9FIKGduring ><FD?Kthe 9:Ktest. :=KM (a)G: =F?D design pointer not 1 5% ofI= span 8Total BK@A;B FDK:<Boscillation =HFAA@KFBD=shall 9@AAD BK:exceed OH::G\P ] B ; @ D ([2) dial case design GF @ A=size FS:@and DGH @=:G: =F?D i\go] BI=;@DIB<<@D?:=osgooAcsFDMX @DGc:ABCjL (C): elastic A@=KFH:element A:J:DK=style KQA: ;: @RWKBW;:@RL@atK@any DQKtest :=KIfrequency. <:U>:DHQMNK 9:Hconclusion BDHA>=FBDBofI (d)GF peak—to—peak, At K the dial @AHcolor BAB< with C-5.2. Kthe 9:Ktest, :=KL@accuracy HH><@HQ=shall 9@AAbe c:FinD@accordance HHB<G@DH:CF K9;para. @<@MVW PMXM (6);< :==><:Hconnection BDD:HKFBD@and DGHconnection BDD:HKFBDAlocation BH@KFBD pressure (f) liquid fill case fluid and cleanliness A F U >F GI F A AH @ = :I A >F G@ D GH A : @ D A F D : = = C-5.11 tPressure &"**$&"Cycling au2%(. dial range (g)GF @A< @D?: be in with para. A-2.8. 8Testing :=KFD?=shall 9@AAc:F D@accordance HHB<G@DH:CF K9;@ <@MNW XMvM C-6.2.1 Number PIN 14 tPart -&)Identifying 5"()%+a%(.$ '3"&(PIN) t~Format. ,&'-)The 89:b x 3 times pFatigue @KF?>::error <<B<=shall 9@AADnotBK:exceed OH::GwK FJ:=Kthe 9:=specified ;:HFIF:G@accuHH>W KtoBc be:>= used for items acquired toBK this supplement are : GI B <F K : J=@ H U >F < : GK 9 F == >; ; A : J: D K@ <: No leakage <racy. @HQMxBA :@R@?:Fis=;permitted. :<JFKK:GM in C-12. Hcreated <:@K:G@as==shown 9BCDF D8Table @cA:VW gXM Gauges. A total C-5.11.1 tPressure &"**$&"y$."*NK BK@ABofIX260,000 loLoooHcycles QHA:= C-6.2.2 Design. Pressure design is=G: designated 144" *%.(b< :==><:?gauge @>?:G: =F?DF =F?D@K:G pressure below. A total DGc :ABCMNK B K @ A IforB<;< :==><:<ranges @D?:=o0/3,000 swLoooAlb/in.2 csFDMX@and following symbols: by one of the c QB D :B IK 9 :I B A A B CF D ?= Q Jc B A = / 5,000 DG BofIP50,000 oLoooHcycles QHA:=IforB<;< :==><:<ranges @D?:=o0sP LoooAlbcs/in.2 FDMX@and pressure b<:==><:@>?: be:H conducted, with a cycle 40% 1 4% @above cBE:=shall 9@AAc BDG>HK:GLCF K9@H QHA:BofIq o]\q ]KtoB :=F?D dQJcBA 4% of span. 1 ]BI= l60% o] \q ;@DM dFJ;A:O d Vacuum Gauges. The:? gauge be:H cycled C-5.11.2 4r -u$$'y$."*89 @>?:=shall 9@AAc QHA:G V@F==BD by 1 4% pulling a Vacuum between 20% 1 4% cQ;>A AFD?@E @H>>Jc :KC::DX o]\q ]KtoBv80% o]\q ]BofI OQ?:D A total be:H conducted. =span. ;@DMNK BK@ABofIX260,000 loLoooHcycles QHA:==shall 9@AAc BDG>HK:GM >;A:O (1 10% of span for ranges 0/100 lb/in.2 and below), wv Pressure Gauge Design Symbol Simplex Caisson Oxygen Duplex S K X D Copyright American Mechanical Engineers. ¡¢©£¤2006 ¥¥¦£§by£the ¢¡¨£©ª¨ «¬­£®Society «¨¢£of¯£°¨ «¡¬­«¬±£²­ ­¨¨³´ 39¢ No material without written ASME. µreproduction ¨¶·«¢­£may ª¬£§be¨£made ª¬¶¨£of¯£¢this ¡³£ª¬ ¢̈¬±£̧ ¢¡·¢£̧ ¢¢̈­£«consent ­³¨­¢£of¯£©® °²´ 53 01 203456PRESSURE 73442738INDICATING 9 81890 DIAL 81 TYPE 63— GAUGES: 3ELASTIC 148 3ELEMENT 339 (B40.1) 143 ASME B40.100-2005 78 99: Steel 4 '9,’ f I, / Im/,,,I Plate @: =89 \\\\\\il| \ \ \\‘ $“ 1/2in. ! ;Load <=> ;Load <=> Back Connected Configuration .6 $?)0'((# $%#1)0'(2 &3456%&'( Plate @: =89 ,*Steel 78 99: \ Plate @: =89 T--:--T 1/2 in.! L, , ..A,. *- 1 ;Load <=> Section "# $%&'()A—A *+* Bottom Connected Configuration .'% %'/)0'((# $%#1)0'(2 &3456%&'( AFig. BCDEC-4FG HLoad IJKLTest MNO P39Q RSTUVWXYZ [\]]^[_U[ZY`[ab`VWcde[fScẀZU[Sg[h`cYdeWcdi[jeXWe``Vkl 53 mSV`TVSnocZWSe[bdU[_`[bdn`[Sg[ZYWk[bdZ̀VWdi[pWZYSoZ[pVWZZ̀e[cSek`eZ[Sg[afhjl 39¢ Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made ofthis material without written consent of ASME. [ 01234567866966 0 31311 30 03 301332345678 GAUGES: PRESSURE INDICATING DIAL TYPE — ELASTIC ELEMENT (B40.1) ASME B40.100-2005 !"" # $%!&'()$*+ (,./$.') Stem-Mounted Gauge Vibration Table C-11 >Frequency ?3@A397BRange, 09C3; Hz (Inclusive) DE 972A54F3 IJ K L20M 5 to L21RJtoK I50M I51RJtoKR100 MM R101MRJtoKL200 MM 01234 562073839:;4in.97(Peak-to-Peak) 30<9:=930< Table Displacement, Variable 3Exploratory G62=?0:=?B 35: H0?40123>Frequency ?3@A397B 35: Test Test 1 0.0040 1 0.012 M0.0200 NMLMMOM NMMPM M0.060 NMQMOM NMRL 1 0.0020 1 0.008 M0.0100 NMRMMOM NMMLM M0.040 NMPMOM NMMS 1 0.0010 1 0.004 M0.0050 NMMIMOM NMMRM M0.020 NMLMOM NMMP 1 0.0002 1 0.001 M0.0010 NMMRMOM NMMML M0.004 NMMPOM NMMR !"T UPart /$VIdentifying *)$.WX.),Y( %/Z(PIN) UVY[ Number Table C-12 4B40.1 5678C18 C 81 C ^Precedes _`a`b`c d` cefg de hijSize ek` lElastic ihcJea Design Dial aclassificaihccepeahq hand gb `element ìr`gJ Jtion eKg sCase hc` cstyle Jtì Design u(Appendix vww`gbex d` cefg sJ KyB40.1) PMNRz C to GENERAL NOTE: {l |l}vn|~ llExample xhrwìyB40.1 PMNRsC1-C1CWRANG3P. RqsRs}v|{^N \ de hiacolor KiK_ Dial W The dial !T . #Size .and )*Case Design. .,) size and C-6.2.3 Dial design designated by one of the case is following SY ‘ mbO1s_ Size 2 21/2 31/2 £ ¤£ ¨41/2£ ©81/2£ Case Design stem ¡ mounted stem ¡ mounted ¥Flush ¡¦ ¡§ ¡ / surface mounted ¥Flush ¡¦ ¡§ ¡ / surface mounted ¥Flush ¡¦ ¡§ ¡ / surface mounted NG ]3P nLiquid eomebpfilleii de hi_range hgf` Dial acase hc` pfluid imeb hand gb sCleanliness ìhgieg`cc ¾§ ¡§ Pressure Connection O—r1ng union ¿­ §. ¡ . NPT ·¾³(male) ´ Welded º °° nipple §¼ ³(caiss/Hon ´ Threaded UNF—2A only) ®20½Ä·¥ ­Å ¥Flareless §³(bite Vent type) °´Â/15¢ÃIn. Symbol ¢1 2 ¤3 4 ¨ ©8 !Tª«$.¬«%)$­ asshown ® nated below. C-6.2.4 Elastic Element. The elastic element is desigElastic Element ¯ ¯ Style C—type Bourdon ­ °± ¡§tube ¡ Helical Bourdon ² ³(also helical—spiral) ­°§´± ¡§ tube ¡ C—type, helical manufacturer ­ °µor§ — ¶ ¡¡§§ option ° RA0 ^Pressure _`ccm_`aconnection Kgg`aJeKg handgbsConnection Kgg`aJeKg ilocation KahJeKg C D N · Symbol Æ Back ±¹ Bottom ± ȹ 5Ç o'clock Connection Location ÀR ¾P W º ÁK C Symbol Symbol A Å ¿ O C C-6.2.7 Liquid !TÉ»Liquid .Ê(.*ËFill.Case ËFluid (.*and )*Cleanliness. ).)Æ Ì¡ only. The option fillapplies °°tostem-mounted ­¡gauges ¡ ® ° fill for§the °§ ¡§gauge ¡case Ì¡ and pressure containing a liquid is designated by two the cleanliness the symbols as provided below. The first designates whether ¼ ® §symbol §a Dial The Color dial designated !T¸. Color. ''/ §ofthe is °§ C-6.2.5 by one ofthe following symbols: designates the fillfluid ¡is§required. Ì¡§®The second symbol cleanliness. ® Dial Color § Symbol Black background dial white ± ¹ ¹§¡ with graduations §¡ markings and §¹ White background dial with black º ¹§¡ ¹graduations §¡ markings and §¹ Special ° Liquid mount Æ Ì¡¥Fill³(stem ¡only) ´ None · Glycerine Í § ±B W º 5 C-6.2.6 !TUPressure /(/Connection '))¬$.')and )*Connection '))¬$.')»Location. '¬$.') The type pressure its location °of°§ ¡§connection and for§ designated by provided connection is two symbols as°§ ¼ below. The first designates ® §symbol the type °ofconnec­ The second designates tion fitting. ® symbol the location pressure ofthe ° §¡§connection. ® ¨½ Cleanliness General Í § Oxygen ¿Î American Mechanical Engineers. 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The range designated !FGHGI. ('/GJKLM NOPLQisRSL RQPONTLS by UVNa Rsequence LWXLOYLZof[Rsymbols V\UZ]R^(see RLL_N MN`ab cc̀d`eSpecial _LYQN]Mranges NOPLRNareML C-8!I . para. C—2.2). REFERENCED DOCUMENTS mss$ p¥mn) _L M\QRRQU]L`JK NOPLSL RQPONTZMRshall KN]]beULYconstructed ZORTMXYTLSQinO permissible. TheLM range designator Naccordance YYZMSNOYLfQ TKTthe KL[formats ZM\NTRNasRRshown KZfOQinOJTables NU]LRab with C-1g TheL[ following in JK Z]]ZfQOPQ QRTZof[_X U]QYNTQZORM L[LMLOYLSQ O isRN] a list publications referenced C-4. Tthrough KMZXPKab h` Appendix. Tthis KQR~_ _LOSQ` ~|e c̀g̀Q _LJK MLNSRzL OLMN]XM _ZRL^(Inch) OYKd ANSIg B1.20.1, Pipe Threads, General Purpose C-7 GAUGES !i $j klmnoPRESSURE .m))p.mlq plm) OXYGEN XU] QRKLM~\L MQYNO|N TQZON]e TNOSNMSRInstitute ORTQTXTL Publisher: American National Standards 25L West 43rd Street, ^(ANSI), ~|edc RTh MSe TMLLTNew |LfyZ MuNY |yg10036 York, !iG" Case / C-7.1 eStem-mounted TL\b\ZXOTLSYcases NRLRNareMLOnotZTpermitted. _LM\QTTLS`Ioints rZQOTRRshall KN]]be UL ~e ASTM Specification Stainless HeatJ A~g167, e _LYQ[QYNTQZO[forZMe TNQO]LRRNand OS¦L NTb fL ]SLS[forZMNall]]Mranges. NOPLR` welded Resisting Chromium-Nickel L RQRTQOPaKM Z\QX\b|QYuL]eSteel TLL]] NTLe KLLTNand OS Plate Sheet, Strip e T M Q _ C-7.2 Dial !iGHs, ASTM 473, Specification Stainless Heat~e J A~h e _LYQ[QYNTQZO[forZMe TNQO]LRRNand OS¦L NTb Dial markings shall include the words ”OXYGEN tQ N]\N M u Q OP RR KN ] ]Q OY ] XSLT KLfZ M SRv wxyz{| L R Q R T Q O Pe T L L ] Z M P Q O P R Resisting Steel Forgings NO OIL” printing, a}{~| e{|ww }QinOMred LS_M QOTQOPwhen fKLOZoxygen VPLO ~e CLEAN — USE ASTM B 26, Specification Aluminum—Alloy Sand J c e _LYQ[QYNTQZO[forZM~] X\QOX\b~]]ZVe NOS Napplication __]QYNTQZOSL RQPONTLS` designated. aN RTQOPR Castings ~e J § eSpecification _LYQ[QYNTQZO[forZM~] X\QOX\b~]]ZVtQ ASTM B 85, Aluminum—Alloy DieL C-7.3 !iG#oPressure *//*Connection ((-,( Castings aN RTQOPR Pressure a Monel B 127, M LRRXMLYconnection ZOOLYTQZORshall KN]]be ULNZ OL]^(per _LMASTM ~eJg c ~e ASTM B 117, Practice J g gM NYTQYL[forZMw_L MNTQOPeSalt N]Te _MNV^(Fog) ZPd Operating Spray B 164, B 564) pipe nipple, nominal pipe O`O Z\QON]_Q _LRsize QL ~_ g hNand OS hd_ Q_LO Q__]Lg]/4hQin., Apparatus _ N M N T X R minimum ^(NPS) |edfQ TK0.109 g̀Qin., O`\Q OQ\X\ wall fN]]Tthickness, KQYuOLRRQ O` ~e with 6 in., B 127, for Nickel-Copper Alloy J g ceSpecification _LYQ[QYNTQZO[ ZM|Q YuL]baZ__LM~] ]ZV welded Connection ]long, ZOPfL ]SLSTtoZTthe KLRsocket. ZYuLT`aZ OOLYTQZO]location ZYNTQZORshall KN]]be UL ASTM ^ |e| h h d] N T L e K L L T N O Se T M Q _ (UNS N04400) Plate, Sheet, and Strip back bottom NatTTthe KL]lower ZfLMU NYuZorMU ZTTZ\ Zof[Tthe KLYcase. NRL` ASTM B 164, for Nickel-Copper Rod, ~e Jg hSpecification e_LYQ[QYNTQZO[ ZM|Q YuL]baZ__LMAlloy ~]]ZVZ S Bar, and Wire N M N O SQ M L !iG.Ranges ('/ C-7.4 for Aluminum AlumiASTM 209, Specification J Bc e _LYQ[QYNTQZO[ ZM~] X\QOX\ Nand OS~] X\Qb JTable NU]Lab gRshows KZfRTthe KLMranges NOPLRNand OSM NOPLSL RQPONTZMR ~enum—Alloy C-13 range designators Sheet and Plate O X\b ~] ] Z Ve K L L TN O S] N T L [forZMZoxygen VPLOPgauges. NXPLR` ASTM B 564, Specification for Nickel Alloy Forgings ~e J he _LYQ[QYNTQZO[ ZM|Q YuL]~] ]ZV ZMPQOPR ASTM D 788, Classification System for Poly (Methyl ~e J t § § a] N R R Q [ Q Y N T Q Z Oe V R T L \ [ Z M Z ] V^ LTKV] C-7.5 !iGInternal (*(sDimensions ,(/,(/ Methacrylate) Molding and Extrusion ComL TKNYMV]NTLd^(PMMA) ~dZ ]SQOPN OS{ TMXRQZOaZ \b Pressure designated M LRRXMLPgauges NXPLRSL RQPONTLS[forZMZoxygen VPLORservice LMQYLRshall KN]] pounds _ZXOSR have a minimum dimensions K NLN\Q OQ\X\ Qinternal OTLMON]SQ \LORQZORTthroughout KMZXPKZXTTthe KL ASTM D 3951, for Commercial Packaging J t gPractice MNYTQYL[ ZMaZ \\LMYQN]N YuNPQOP pressure not _M LRRXMLLelement ]L\LOTNassembly RRL\U]VZof[O ZT]less LRRTthan KNO0.025 `cQin.O`TtoZ ~e Publisher: ASTM International Barr XU ]QRKLM~e J OTLMONTQZON]^(ASTM), ~eJdg100N MMHarbor ¦NMUZM promote _M Z\ZTLYcleaning. ]LNOQOP` Drive, Conshohocken, tM QLWest LRTaZ ORKZKZYuLOPA~g19428-2959 hc§bc C-7.6 Gauges !iGFLiquid-Filled , ,!,l '/ Practice for Precision Cleaning FED-STD-595, {tbeJtbeStandard TNOSNMSM NYTQYL[ ZMM LYQRQZOa] LNOQOP Liquid-filled not used }Q WXQSb[Q]]LSPgauges NXPLRRshall KN]]O ZTbe ULXR LSZonOZoxygen VPLORsysVRb Nand Helium, HeliumOxygen, OSJTesting LRTQOPZof[eShipboard KQ_UZNMSw VPLO¦L ]QX\¦L ]QX\b a warning Ttems, L\RNand OSRshall KN]]have KNLNfN MOQOP]label NUL]ZonOTthe KLMrear LNMZof[Tthe KL w Oxygen, Nitrogen, Hydrogen VPLO|Q TMZPLONand OS¦V SMZPLOeSystem VRTL\ Ycase NRLTthat KNTRstates: TNTLR MIL-S-901, Tests, High Shipboard }bebgeShock KZYuJ LRTR¦Q PKImpact, \_NYTe KQ_UZNMS Machinery, Equipment and Systems Requirements N Y K Q O L M V {W X Q _\L O TN O Se V R T L \RL W XQ M L\LOTR WARNING: DO NOT USE ON OXYGEN ~| |ztw|wJe {w|wxyz{| MIL-STD-1330, Standard Practice for Precision Cleaning }b e Jtb g e T N O SN M S M N Y T Q Y L[ Z M M L Y Q R Q Z Oa] LNOQOP — LIQUID eSYSTEMS yeJ{e } tFILLED. }}{t` Helium, HeliumOxygen, Nand OSJTesting LRTQOPZof[eShipboard KQ_UZNMSw VPLO¦L ]QX\¦L ]QX\b Oxygen, Nitrogen Hydrogen Systems w VPLO|Q TMZPLONand OS¦V SMZPLOe VRTL\R C-7.7 !iGi Quality ,&Control (* Publisher: available ]QRKLMFederal LSLMN]Rspecifications _LYQ[QYNTQZORN NQ]NU]L[from: MZ\eSuperX_LMb beLL examined w VPLORservice LMQYLPgauges NXPLRRshall KN]]OnotZTU N\QOLSZonONa XU Oxygen of[tZ Documents, Printing OTLOSLOTZ YX\LOTRè zZLMO\LOTM QOTQOP U.S.`Government basis. One-hundred percent Rsampling N\_]QOPU NRQR`wO LbKXOSMLS_L MYLOT^(100%) g¡dZof[Nall]]ZoxyVb Qintendent Office N. Capitol [QYL^(GPO), zwd732c|` aN_QTZ]Street, eTMLLTNW, |Washington, NRKQOPTZO beLL examined Pgen LORservice LMQYLPgauges NXPLRRshall KN]]U N\QOLS[forZMYcleanliness, ]LNO]QOLRR w[ DC 20401 tac hg marking, packaging. \N MuQOPNand OS_N YuNPQOP` I hg 41 American Mechanical Engineers. Copyright ¨© ª«¬­®¯°©±²2006 ³³´±µby«±the °̄¶±·¸¶ ¬­¹º»±¼Society ©¹­¶°«±©of½±¾¶ ¹¯º»­¹º¿±À» ®­»¶¶¬Á No may made thisÁ material ASME. é¬reproduction ¶ª¬©ÄŹ°­©»±̧º «±µbe¶±̧º Ķ±©of½±°̄­ ±̧º °¶¬­º¿±without Æ­°̄©Å°±written Ƭ­°°¶»±¹consent ©»Á¶»°±©of½±·¼ ¾À 01234567866966 0 31311 30 03 301332345678 GAUGES: PRESSURE INDICATING DIAL TYPE — ELASTIC ELEMENT (B40.1) ASME B40.100-2005 AMS 7259, UL 404, SAE !"#$% &'(#Sealings, )*+%&'(#,Fluorocarbon +-./.0*/1.&2(FKM) ,34 H?P QP#H& <)/@/%;)/T(?* 1./*;./> ;*&<*/<F ./ *F);> Rings, Underwriter’s Laboratory Standard for Safety $-1 1 ) /5% ' 6 7 8 ) 9: ) / * ; -/ ) 7 , + -% <$) ( % ( ; * & ;=) / > 7 ?. @ G* -' ) ( #K &<% 0 * ; % &'I/ ) ( ( -/ ) #F . /A. 9:/ ) ( ( ) <G* Rubber High—Temperature-Fluid Resistant Very—Low Gauges, Indicating Pressure, for Compressed Gas( A. 9:/)((%.&Set);B85!;to."95! Service )/O%0) Compression I 1926, SAE CD " E#A. &&)0;%.&(Ffor./G) &)/*+H( )*and &<, +-%< I-1+ Connections General Use Fluid %(6)/NH&<) /@/%;)/T(?* 1./*;./%)(#KInc. &0U2(UL), H?4# Publisher: Underwriter’s Laboratories, IPower .@)/JI ./;(*and &<Stud ;-<& <(@% ;6KISO L 725!86 /)*<( V333VVIF —Ports Ends with Threads Road, Northbrook, IL % & ' ( ; ) &$. * <#W. / ; 6 1 / . . X #K ?E Q Q E 7 Q " E Pfingsten 60062-2096 — I* *and &<L7 $%&'Sealing )*+%&'M /;D1:N86/ )*<)<I ./;@% ;6 O—Ring Part Threaded Port with O—Ring L7 $%&'Seal )*+%in&8Truncated /-&0*;)<5. -(%&' Housing Publisher: Automotive Engineers I-1 +%(6)/NSociety .0%);>.ofF-; .9.;%O)&'% &))/(2(SAE), 4# Drive, PQQ A.99.&@) *+;6 R/ %O)# Warrendale, S*//)&<*+)# IPA 400 Commonwealth D15096-0001 !Q"E7QQQD C P 42 American Mechanical Engineers. Copyright YZ [\]^_`a©bc2006 ddebfby\bthe àgbhig ]^jklbmSociety Zj^ga\bZofnbog j`kl^jkpbql _^lgg]rs No thisr material ASME. tZ]reproduction g[]Zuvja^Zlbmay ik\bfbegbmade ikugbZofnbà^ bik ag]^kpbwithout w^àZvabwritten w]^aaglbjconsent ZlrglabZofnbhm oqs 01234567866966 ASME B40.100-2005 ASME B402 1 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Diaphragm 2 !" Seal #. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 44 $Figures !%& Housing, Continuous Duty '1 ()) *+,./012341501.-./6.5 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468 Upper Duty ()) *+,./0123Noncontinuous :-1;-1501.-./6.57 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47< 29 Upper Housing, Removable =3 ()) *+,./0123>* ?-@ABC* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48D Upper Housing, ()) *+,./0123>* ?-@ABC* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49E 4 Upper Housing, Removable Nonremovable F ()) * +,./ 0 1 2 3 :1+*?-@ABC*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50FG 5 Upper Housing, Flush 86 ()) *+,./0123HC./IHFlanged CA12*J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51F' Upper Housing, <7 ()) *+,./0123KInserted 1/*+5*JHFlange CA12*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52F9 Upper Housing, Flanged Seal D8 ()) * +,./ 0 1 2 3 H C A 1 2 * JL * AC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52F9 Upper Housing, Housing . . . . . . . . . . . E9 MN*+,-./012 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53F= Lower '10G HFastening A/5*1012O* 5I-J/. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54F Methods '11' HFlanged CA12*JLSeal *AC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F55F Threaded '129 PI +*AJ*JLSeal *AC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56F8 With '13= HFlanged CA12*JLSeal *ACQ0 5ILSleeve C**@*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57F< Butt5Q* Weld '14 R.5 CJLSeal *AC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58FD Weld '15F LSocket -;S*5Q* CJLSeal *AC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58FD '168 Welded Q*CJ*JLSeal *ACLSaddle AJJC*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59FE '17< KIn—Line 1TM01*LSeal *ACU(Crevice 4+*@0;*HFree) +**V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 860G Ring '18D HFlushing C./I012>0 12. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 861' '19E WA .2*KIsolator /-CA5-+. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8629 Gauge 920G LSealed *AC*JLSetting *55012. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 864 921' HFill0CCLSetting *55012. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 865F = 43 American Mechanical Engineers. Copyright XY Z[\]^_`©ab2006 ccdaeby[àthe_faghf \]ijkalSociety Yi]f`[aYofmanf i_jk]ijoapk ^]kff\qr 80¢ No material ASME. sY\reproduction fZ\Ytui`]Ykamay hj[aebefamade hjtfaYofmàthis _]qahj f̀\]joawithout v]`_Yuàwritten v\]`f̀kaiconsent YkqfkàYofmagl npr 53' 01234567866966 ASME B40.100-2005 DIAPHRAGM SEALS 1 SCOPE Oconnection, cee[Of`cek`instrument: eYfQP_[efSa pressure 1#.3#.+connection ,!!.+,!in! . the upper#, housing to,7 which the pressure instrument is 311. 3 !5 + .1# . 3# . ! # 3/. ! Standard !" #"$(B402) %&'()*is+confined ,!-!."to,/. + !+0sepa.1 2 attached This mechanical 2.3.9). + . "$ . .1 # ( ) ( ] ( t * ( (see para. #rators ,#3utilizing 04!5" 1#5/,or#6 0"".#together ,5..#7 a Ocee[Of`cekYNaaZ[S.0,7.#,3!5-00.7.0"." diaphragms bladders with connection, saddle: the lower housing is fillet welded pressure medium -fill00-fluid 03"to,transmit #!/1# .3#.-from #,/ the ./. "3/ to,the . 7 !a hole ,0.+cut3in! .1# ,+.0line !.,or#/ 86 .+3#." within the process may be. secured 1# .3#..element 0./.!assembly ./608,of-1 #.3#.5gauges 35.,or#,other .# by pressure pressure welded onto 8a saddle ""0.adapter " 1.#7. 0".", !,the .1# ,+.0 !.U[see .. process line 1#.3#./. 3#!5instruments !#3/.!such 3+ astransducers, #!"3+.#9 6 pressure measuring 1paras. #() (](V'(]$.*and !"$(f)]. -*W( transmitters, #!/.#9and !"switches. 7+.( does!, :It",. !+03"." 1#5/ actuated +3 ."1# .3#. Oconnection not include diaphragm pressure cee[Ofc̀esleeve: YZ[[u[Sa type 81.,of-in—line !20!.$(flow -0,7 #,35*connec+,!!.+2 through) instruments !#3/.!that .employ /10,8/. + !+00linkages !;,trans#!2 tion mechanical [see para.]. , !U . .1 # ( ) ( ] ( V ' ( ] $ 5 * W ( mit the devices / .applied 110."1pressure #.3#.,or#,other .#separation .1 #,!". <+. connection, welded: housing cee[Ofc̀eksocket YcOv[fi[ Za[aSa 0lower ,7.# ,3!5socket ,+;.welded 7.0"." designed protect ". 5!."to,1 #,.+the .1pressure #.3#..element 0./.!assembly. ./608( O " #.+08to,the .1 #,+.0 !.U[see ..1 #(]. )(](V'(]$"*W( directly process line para. housing is+ connected to Oconnection, cee[Ofc̀ekfthreaded: ^Q[Na[aSthe .0lower ,7.# ,3!5 ,!!.+." , =2 DIAPHRAGM SEAL process using connection para. the .1# ,+.0line !.3 !5a threaded #."."+ ,!!.+,!$(see ..1 #( ) (](V'(V*( =2.1>?Terminology @ABCDEFEGHIand DJDefi @KCDnitions CLCEDM cefèPcPYa PfRSsee..Pupper XX[Q^ cPYèbkOcontinuous cefèPcPYa PfR( continuous duty: housing, duty. accuracy: performance NOOPQNORSthe .+conformity ,!-,#/8,of-an!instrument's !#3/.!T1 .#-,#/ !+. O seal: housing, seal. cefèPcPYY [NZSsee..Pupper XX[Q^ cPYèbkOcontinuous cefèPcPYY [NZ( to,an! accepted ++.1."standard !" #",# #3.<value 03.U[see ..1para. #( Ocontinuous or true )]. (V'(&()$*W( separates adiaphragm: ǸX^QNb_Sthe .-flexible 0.m60.+component ,/1,!.!that .1 #.the . medium from the fill fluid (see para. 2.3.1). /. " 3/ # , / . 0 00 3 "$ . .1 # () ( ] ( V * ( diaphragm Ocapsule: NXYPZ[San!all—welded 0027.0"."" 1#5/ assembly ./608that threads #." upper into !,the .31 1.#housing ,3!5$(see ..\Fig. 5(]3).*( seal: diaphragm adiaphragm ǸX^QNb_Y [NZSa " 1#5/seal .0isa mechanical /.+ !+0separa.1 #2 tor using a diaphragm or bladder together with a fill , #3 ! 5 " 1 # 5 / , #6 0 "". # , 5 . . #7 00 Ochemical ^[_ÒNZYseal: [NZSsee..adiaphragm ǸX^QNb_Yseal. [NZ( 0 3 " # ! / 1# . 3# .# , / ./. " 3/ .1# . 2 fluid to, transmit pressure from the medium to, the presper Ocoeflicient c[dd̀O`[efcofthermal df^[Q_NZexpansion: [gXNeYc̀eS<volumetric ,03/.#++change !5.1 .#3unit ! sure element assembly. Other term used are chemical 3 # .. 0 . /. ! . /6 0 8 (w . # . # / 3 . " # .+ . / + 0 per#3! unit paras. ,of-<volume ,03/.1. ,of-temperature ./1.#3#.+change !5.U[see ..1 #( seal and gage isolator. This device is intended to,; keep . 0 ! "5 5 . , 0 , # ( ". < + . ! . ! ". " . . 1 ) (h()(hand !")]. (h(V(V$*W( medium of- the pressure the ./. "3/ ,out3, .1# .3#..element 0./.!assembly. ./608(The . 13 # 1, ., ". < + . ,1 # . < . ! " / 5 .# , /+ , ##,2 purpose of this device is to prevent damage from corroin flow: physical Ocold cZad ZciSa 1 8+0+change !5.!the .shape 1.,of-a part 1 #at sion or clogging, to maintain sanitary requirements of , !, #+ 0 , 5 5 ! 5 9 ,/ ! ! ! # 8# . x 3 # . /. ! , para. #room ,,/temperature ./1.#3#."due,applied 110."-forces ,#+.$(see ..1 #(2.4.3). )(&(]*( the medium or# to,# reduce to ./. " 3/ , . " 3+ . .1 # , + . . /1 . # 3# . the process temperature , property Ocompressibility: c_XQ[YYj̀Z̀f̀RSthe .1 #,1.#8,of-a substance 36!+.+capable 1 60.,of- 7 which the + .1 # . 3# .. 0 . /. ! ./608 m1,."( pressure element assembly is. exposed. 6.!5#reduced ."3+."in!<volume ,03/.6 8application 110+,!,of-pressure 1#.3#.U[see .. being by fill fluid: liquid used fill that portion the presd̀ZZd ZPàSthe .0 x3"3 ."to,00 1 ,#,!,of- .1# .2 paras. 1 #() (h()(V'and !")]. (h(V(V$-*W( sure-sensing system between the diaphragm and the 3 # . 2 . ! ! 5 8 . / 6 . 7. . ! ." 1 # 5 / ! " . mounting. Oconnection: cee[Ofc̀eSsee.._c Pefèb( (see para. 2.5.1). 1# . 3 # . 2 . ! ! 5. 0 . /. ! $ . .1 # ( ) ( h ( V * ( pressure-sensing element welded: housing butt welded Oconnection, cee[Ofc̀ekjbutt Pffi[ Za[aSthe .0lower ,7.# ,3!5is6 37. 0"." freeze temperature dQ[[y[point: XcèfSthe . ./1.#3#.atwhich 7+a 0liquid x3"and !"a solid ,0" directly " #.+08to,the .1process #,+.0line !.U[see ..1para. #()]. (](V'(]$+*W( may be. in equilibrium [see para.]. / 86 !. x 3 0 6 # 3/ U . .1 # ( ) ( h ( V ( V $ 5 * W ( fill/bleed: upper housing Oconnection, cee[Ofc̀ekd̀ ZZljZ[[aSa +connection ,!!.+,!in!the .31 1.# ,3!5 flow in—line. ^QcPb^Ssee..è zZ̀e[( used bleeding 3 ."-for,#-filling 00!5the .seal .0,or#6 0.."!5.excess m+.-fill00-fluid 03"$(see .. dZcifthrough: gage isolator: bladder 1para. #()2.3.8). (](n*( bNb[Ỳ cZNfcQSa seal .0+consisting ,!!5,of-an!.elastomeric 0,/.#+6 0"".# installled within the connection of a pressure instrument ! 0 0 0 . "7 ! .+ , ! ! . + , !, 1 # . 3# . ! # 3/.! flanged: using Oconnection, cee[Ofc̀ekd ZNeb[aSa 1process #,+.+connection ,!!.+,!3 !5a -flange 0!5. ,or#in!an!adapter fitting (see para. 2.3.13). " 1.#-!5$..1 #()(](V]*( para. $(see ..1 #() (](V'()*( means medium bNYv[fSa /. !used 3."to,seal .0joints {,!.exposed m1,."to,the ./. "3/ flanged pressure pipe Oconnection, cee[Ofc̀ekd ZNeb[aX Q[YYPQ[Oclass: ZNYYS+common ,//,!1 1.-flange 0!5. gasket: or#fill fluid 2.3.5). (see para. , 0 00 3 "$ . .1 # ( ) ( ] ( h * ( pressure pressure/ 1# .3#.+classes 0.that +conform ,!-,#/ to,1# .3#.otemperature ./1.#3#. eflect: instrument's indication or# per#p ASME B16.5 #ratings !51. qr%V s(h$(see ..1para. #()2.3.14). (](V&*( ^head [Na[ dd[OfSa change + !5.,of-an! !#3/.!T !"+,!, output when the elevation of the instrument is above , 3 13 7 . ! .. 0 . < , !, - . ! # 3/. ! 6 , < . flushing: permits user Oconnection, cee[Ofc̀ekd ZPY^èbSa +connection ,!!.+,!that 1. #/the .3 .# ,or#6 below the seal (see para. . 0 , 7 . . 0$ . .1 # ( ) ( h ( ) ( | * ( purge below diaphragm to,13# 5.the .<volume ,03/.6 .0,7 the ." 1#5/ without 7,3 directly diaphragm the process process para. #removing ./,<!5the ..entire !#.seal .0-from #,/the .1# ,+.0line !.$(see ..1 #( in—line: èzZ̀e[Sa " 1#5/seal .0installed !00."" #.+08in! .1# ,+. para. )2.3.11). (](VV*( -flow 0,70line !.$(see ..1 #() (](V'(]*( && 44 American Mechanical Engineers. Copyright }~ ©2006 bythe Society ~~of No material ASME. ~reproduction ~~may bemade ~ofthis without ~written consent ~~of 01 2345RAGM 2678SEALS 92 8(B40.2) DIAPH 2879 ASME B40.100-2005 long term !"(closed #$ !%&'the ()* )+,+'-./)'to01) /023 Gupper NNFhousing, G[noncontinuous #GG$ G!&an -.J44 )*( 0J+,.8' (-' stability system): resistance decomduty: upper housing that 40 + , ' , 0.54(6 + , / 71, + , . ' ) 8 * ' , 0 .50 *0' () */ () 2, / 7 10 ) +. 0 '4* ) 9 ) . '128 )' 0' ( )1, 4 ( * 8 2 0 *7 ) P , .8 position, physical disintegration, or other chemical does not prevent damage to the diaphragm or leaking a long period paras. process fluid pressure instrument /change (-.8)0over 9)*-7 0.84 )*,010of:'time ,2);[see +))4 -*-+<= <><=<?-and .1 0of:'the ()4 *0/)++: 7J,1+should (0J71'the ()4 *)++J*), .+'*J2).'leak 7)-P]. = <><@<@ABCD< 0or*I )209)1A(see +))4*-< =<K<=<KC< be)* removed para. that if: lower EFhousing: G&'the ()/component 0240.).'/connected 0..)/')1'to0'the ()4 *0/)++ Gupper NNF G[ T&-an.J4 4)*( 0J+,.8' (-', process housing, nonremovahle: upper housing 7line ,.)-and .1H) '')1I 6'the ()4* 0/)++:fluid 7J,1A(see +))4*-<=2.3.3). <K<KC< *removed )209)1:from *02'the ()I 0''02 housing (0J+,.8H, '('the (), .+'*J2).' wetted by process para. bottom with instrument will of:: fill fluid para. ,installed, .+'-77)15H, 77*result )+J7',in.'the ()7loss 0++0 ,77: 7J,1A(see +))4 -*-< $G&'the ()4* 0/)++:fluid 7J,1A(gas 8-+0or*7liquid). ,LJ,1C< medium: process = < K < = < > C < mid—housing $MFG"(cleanout #Gring): %&'the ()/component 0240.).'7 0/-')1 Gupper located NNFhousing, G[removable: T&-an.J4 4)*( 0J+,.8' (-'26I upper housing that may be) I)'H)).'the ()J4 4)*-and .17lower 0H)*( 0J+,.8A(see +))4para. -*-<=2.3.4). <K<?C< *removed between upper housing ) 20 9 ) 1: * 0 2' ( )I 0 ' ' 0 2 ( 0 J+ , . 8H, ' (' ( ), . + ' * J 2) .' from the bottom housing with the instrument maximum N Grating: &'the ()2O,2J2 0operating 4)*-',.84* )++J*)A(see +)) ,installed pressure pressure without loss of:: fill fluid (see para. . + ' 7 7 ) 1H, ' ( 0 J'7 0 + +0 , 7 7: 7 J , 1A + ) )4* < = < K < = < ? C < 4*-<=2.3.14). <K<@?C< para. pressure: pressure vapor in equilibrium Tvapor NN G&'the ()4* )++J*)0of:'the ()9 -40*, .) LJ,7,I*,J2 N ##connection: #&-2) '(01:for0*-attaching ''-/(,.80or*,installing .+'-77,.8 with process a method and]. H, ' (' ( )7 , L J, 1; + ) )4* + < = < > < @ < @ A ) C. 1= < > < =<XD< the liquid [see paras. a diaphragm a process -1, -4(*-82+seal )-7'to0-4 *0/)++7line, ,.)5'tank, -.P59vessel, )++)75)etc.'/<A(see +)) Tviscosity: #!&'the ()* )+,+'-./)'that (-'-8 -+)0J+0 ,LJ,1+system 6+')2 resistance a gaseous or*7 liquid 4*-<=2.3.10). <K<@QC< para. offers to0: flow when it', is++ subjected to0-+ a shear stress. 0 : : ) * +' 7 0 H H( ) ., JI B ) / ' ) 1' ( ) *+ '*)++< reinforcing R#rings: &*rings ,.8+'that (-'+support J440*'/clamping 7-24,.8:forces 0*/)+0on. ^7 Also, known as+: flow [see paras. and + 0 5P . 0 H.7 0 H * ) + , + ' . / ); + ) )4 * + <= < > < = < _.1 resistance . 0.2)'-77,/7lower 0H)*(housings 0J+,.8+A(see +))4*-<=2.3.6). <K<SC< nonmetallic para. =]. <><@<@A1CD< sanitary a quick disconnect where upper !seal: &-L J,/P1, +/0..)/''type, 64)5H( )*)'the ()J44 )* Tvolumetric G#$displacement: N#&the '()9 07J2)0of::fill,77:fluid 7J,11, +47-/)1 volume displaced a unique -and .17lower 0H)*housings (0J+,.8+-are*)(held )71'together 08)'()*by I6-J. ,LJ)/clamp, 7-245 by the movement of:' the diaphragm (see para. 2.6.1). I 6' ( )20 9 ) 2) . '0 ( )1, 4( * 8 2 A + ) )4 * < = <S<@C< 4) *2,'',.8)ease -+)0of:1, +2-.'7,.8-and .1/cleaning 7)-.,.8A(see +))4*-< Tvolumentric permitting dismantling para. spring the the diaphragm G# Nrate: &' ():flexibility 7)O,I,7,'60of:' ()1, -4(*-82 =2.3.12). <K<@=C< 2.6.1). A + ) )4 * < = < S < @ C < (see para. service T#temperature NGrange: &'the ()(high ,8(-and .17low 0H'temperatures )24)*-'J*)+ E $ GR#&'the ()40 *',0.+0of:' ()1, -4(*-82 seal +)-7' (-' wetted surface: portions the diaphragm that which will I)'H)).H( ,/('the ():fill,77:fluid 7J,1H, 77*remain )2-,.+serviceable )*9,/)-I7);[see +)) -are between * )) O 4 0 + ) 1' 0' ( )2) 1, J2< exposed to the medium. 4*-=]. <><@<@AICD< para N#R# T!&'the ()*ratio -',00of:-: 7J,1U+1) .+,'6'to0'the ()1) .+,'6 ` specific gravity: a fluid’s density density Mounting Diaphragm 2.2 à bc defgehcofijg klmnkhopSeals qkrs paras. 0of:water H-')*-at'?4°C VWA(39.2°F) KX<=VYC;[see +))4*-+<= <><=<Z-and .1=]. <><@<@A/CD< t( The)4( physical properties” medium 6+,/-70or*u”flow :70H4* 04)*',)+v0of:'the ()2) 1,J2+such J/( spontaneous NGignition temperature: NG&'the ()'temperature )24)*-'J*)-at' -as+7 listed below may determine method ,+')1I )70H261) ')*2,.)'the ()2) '(010of:-attaching ''-/(,.8 which H( ,/(,ignition 8.,',0./can -.0occur //J**resulting )+J7',.8:from *02 'the ()8generation ).)*-',0. 0or*, installing diaphragm .+'-77,.8'the ()1, -4(*-82 +seal: )-7w 0of:() -''that (-'/cannot -..0'I)* )-1,761, ++,4-')1;[see +))4*-< "(a)%'the heat be readily dissipated para. physical a gas or*7 liquid ()4( 6+,/-7/characteristics, (-*-/')*,+',/+5i.e., ,<)<5-8 -+0 ,LJ,1 =]. <><@<@A,CD< (19) the percentage "%'()4)*/).'-8)0of:+solids 07,1+ point melting ()2) 7',.8-and .1:freezing *))],.840 ,.' temperature, NG[ambient: &'the ()'temperature )24)*-'J*)0of:'the ()-atmosphere '20+4()*) "(C)#%'the effect ()) ::)/'0of:/changes (-.8)+,in.4* 0/)++0or*ambient -2I,).''temper)24)*3 process +surrounding J**0J.1,.8'the (),instrument/ .+'*J2).'\+seal )-7-assembly ++)2I76A(see +))4para. -*-< "(d)$%'the -atures 'J*)+0on.'the ()9 ,+/0+,'6 viscosity = <><=<>C< (e) maximum minimum %'the ()2O,2J2 -and .12, .,2J2 temperatures ')24)*-'J*)+ process: medium temperature, NG[N #&'the ()'temperature )24)*-'J*)0of:'the ()2) 1,J2 -at' " (f) the maximum and minimum process " R %' ( )2O , 2J2 . 12, . , 2J2 4 *0/)++4 *)++J*) pressure pressure para. 'the ()4 *)++J*)/connection 0..)/',0.0of:'the ()7lower 0H)*(housing 0J+,.8A(see +))4*-< "(g)%'the need to provide the capability to clean the ( ). ) ) 1' 04* 0 9 , 1)' ( )/ 4 I , 7 , ' 6' 0/ 7)-.' () = <><=<>C< process piping 4* 0 / ) + +4, 4 , . 8 storage: temperature, NG[ &'the ())extremes O'*)2)+0of:'temperature )24)*-'J*)A(high (,8( 2.2.1 common `ax yThreaded mnqkzqz{Connection. ceeq|fgceaThe t()20+ 0220. most'/ will be)) exposed -and .17low) 0HC'that (-''the (),instrument/ .+'*J2).'\+seal )-7H, 77I O40+)1'to0 `a a diaphragm method for 2) '(01: 0*-attaching ''-/(,.80or*,installing .+'-77,.8-1, -4(*-82 +seal )-7'to0 when pressurized para. H( )..not0'4* )++J*,])1A(see +))4*-<= <><=<SC< a process line, tank, or*9 vessel is+H, with a threaded connec-4 * 0 / ) + +7 , . ) 5 ' . P 5 0 ) + + ) 7 , ' (-' ( * ) 1) 1/ 0 ..)/3 point: which thermal F$decomposition #NN &'the ()'temperature )24)*-'J*)-at'H( ,/( 'tion. @'1/4? , Common connections are from in. 18 NPT to . <@ _}~t' 0 , 0 . <W0 220 ./ 0 . . ) / ' , 0 . +* ): * 0 2 physical /changes (-.8)+,in.'the ()/chemical ()2,/-70or*4( 6+,/-7/characteristics (-*-/')*,+',/+0of:-a @14/2@=,in..<@11.5 NPT per*^ ASME B1.20.1. With this method @ < >}~t4) @ < = Q < @ <, ' (' ( , +2) ' ( 0 1 material para. 2')*,-7-are*),initiated .,',-')1;[see +))4*-<=]. <><@<@A(CD< process media should be)) either liquid, 0of:/connection, 0..)/',0.54 *0/)++2) 1,-+ (0J71I ,'()*7 ,LJ,15 includes a connection Gupper NNFhousing: G&'the ()/component 0240.).''that (-', ./7J1)+-/ 0..)/',0. vapor, a combination these, 9-40*50or*8gas, -+50or*-/ 02I,.-',0.0of:' ()+)5but IJ':free *)):from *02 pressure para. :for0*'the ()4* )++J*),instrument .+'*J2).'A(see +))4*-<=2.3.2). <K<=C< A small percentage could plug clog +solids. 07,1+<^+ 2-774) */).'-8)0of:+solids 07,1+/ 0J7147 J80or*/ 708 process build up in the isolator ()4* 0/)++'takeoff -P)0::pipe 4,4)0or*I J,71J4, .' (), +07-'0*/cavity -9,'6 upper housing Gupper NNFhousing, G[#continuous GG$duty: G!&-an.J4 4)*( 0J+,.8'that (-' 'the process diaphragm. ()4 *0/)+++side ,1)0of:'the ()1, -4(*-82< prevents damage diaphragm 4* )9).'+12-8)'to0'the ()1, -4(*-82 0or*7leaking )-P,.80of:'the () 0on.'the media not be)+ sufficiently viscous, Process ~* 0/)++2) 1,-+should (0J71. 0'I J::,/,).'769 ,+/0J+50or* process pressure leak be) 4* 0/)++:fluid 7J,1+should (0J71'the ()4* )++J*),instrument .+'*J2).'7 )-P0or*I the will pipe the 0of:' ()'type 64)'that (-'H, 77+solidify 07,1,:6,in.'the ()'takeoff -P)0::4, 4)0or*' () para. *removed )209)1A(see +))4*-<= <K<=<@C< lower housing of:' the diaphragm seal within the limits 7 0 H) *( 0 J+ , . 80 ( )1, 4( * 8 2 + ) 7H, ' ( , .' ( )7 , 2, '+ upper housing Gupper NNFhousing, G[#continuous GGseal: &-an.J4 4)*( 0J+,.8'that (-' 0of:' the ambient and process temperatures. ( )2I , ) . '. 14* 0 / ) + +' ) 24 ) * ' J* ) + < prevents process medium pres4* )9).'+7leaking )-P,.80of:'the ()4* 0/)++2) 1,J2+should (0J71'the ()4 *)+3 2.2.2 be however, diamethod `a` Flanged rkehqz{Connection. ceeq|fgceaA^+second )/0.12) '(010of: +sure J*),instrument .+'*J2).'7leak )-P0or*I )*removed, )209)15( 0H)9)*5'the ()1, -3 `a phragm may be)1damaged para. diaphragm is+I by a flanged -attaching ''-/(,.81, -4(*-82 +seals )-7+, 6-: 7-.8)1/connection. 0..)/',0.< 4( *-82 26I 2-8)1A(see +))4*-< =<K<=<=C< [ ?> 45 ¡¢¡£¢£ Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01234567866966 00213014567 ASME B40.100-2005 DIAPHRAGM SEALS (B40.2) Instrument COHHBCTIOH Diaphragm support surface Upper housing Bolts and nuts —/|— I I I I I I I —______ _,J_L _ _ _— \_ Fi II/bleed con nection I (opt'ona|) W T__7_ Diaphragm f — — IX Lower housing K Supplied by user <>\/' GENERAL NOTE: Not intended to show design detail. Upper Fig. 1 Housing, !"#$Continuous "%" !&Duty%' The*+ integral () ,-*./012flange 10,.*3of2-the )*+isolator 4310-3/+ 31-*6-to307 3890,: ^ff)w`xk _yzde^(Sanitary). s_l{q_c|`fF 0,+-0/O0application, 991+70-+3,;4 K7)0 Sanitary such as4 is45 bolted a companClamped processing require diaphragm to35 be** easily process piping +ion 3,2flange 10,.*+in,-the )*9/ 37*449+ 9+,.3or/-to32flange 10,.*3openings, 9*,+,.4; 2food 3369/ 37*44+,./ *[K+/*6+ 09)/0.8 seals 4*01404+1O use. Quick clamps may be*K4 used Common 0as4)hand 0,6)holes, 31*4;3on,-tanks 0,<40and ,6=vessels. *44*14>?3 883,9pipe +9*4sizes +@*4 7cleaned 1*0,*60after 2-*/K4 *>}K+ 7</removable *83=051*7 1089480 O5 *6 0are/*2from /38 AB +,>-3C+,>D+-)EFGHIAC>J210,.*4+, -to37connect 3,,*7--the )*6+ 09)/0.84 *01-to3)*9/ 37*447 3,,*7-+3, diaphragm seal the process connection housing). standards cover pressure 13D*/)3 K4+,.>QIndustry ,6K4-/O4 -0,60/647 3=*/4specific 9*7+2+7 9/*44K/*7classes 1044*43of2A150, JL;M300, LL;C600, LL;A1500, JLL;0and ,6B2500. JLL>NFlanged 10,.*6 ~(lower details may be*80 manufactured -0+143of2-these )*4*0applications. 991+70-+3,4> 4seals *01480 O0also 1435 ,K207-K/*6-to33other -)*/4standards -0,60/644such K7) 6* DIN. 0as4PQ R> 2.3 T$Construction "!%X%" A third method S2.2.3 STUIn-Line "VW"$Connection. ""X%"E)+/68* -)36+is4-to3+install ,4-011 S diaphragm directly process -the )*6+ 09)/0.8 4seal *016+ /*7-1O+in,-the )*9 /37*442flow 13D 1line. +,*> E6+ A diaphragm 09)/0.8 4seal *017consists 3,4+4-43 *=*/017components, 3893,*,-4;as04 of24 several ()* 4*0are/*/referred *2*//*6-to30as4Y”in—line” +,:1+,*Z3or/Y”flow-through” 213D:-)/3K.)Z 6* These through described in paras. 47/+5*6+ ,9 0/04>2.3.1 B>M>A)/3K.)B2.3.15. >M>AJ> This diaphragm designed dia-types. O9*4>() +46+ 09)/0.8 4seal *01+is44so36* 4+.,*6-that )0--the )*6+ 0: S2.3.1 Diaphragm. diaphragm is4T& The ()*6+ 09)/0.8+ )*83 4-7critical /+-+701 the most phragm with 9)/0.8 +is4*essentially 44*,-+011O2flush 1K4)D+ -)-the )*2flow 13D 4stream -/*08 0and ,6 7component in the assembly. It separates the medium 3 89 3 , * , -+ ,) *0 4 4 * 85 1 O >Q -4 * 9 0 / 0 * 4) *8* 6+K8 This -thus )K47continually 3,-+,K011OD0 4)*65 O-the )*9 /37*448* 6+0>() +4Y”in— +,: 2from washed by process media. the fill fluid. It is designed to flex in a direction / 3 8 ) *2 + 1 12 1 K + 6>Q -+ 46* 4 + . , * 632 1 * \+ ,06+ / * 7-+3, be*K4 used when process media 1line” +,*Z-type O9*4should )3K165 *6D) *,-the )*9/ 37*448* 6+0+is40a *essentially 4 4 * , + 0 1 1 O9 * / 9* , 6+ 7 K1 0 /3+ 44 K / 2 0 7 * > P+ 0 9 ) / 0 . 840 /* perpendicular to its surface. Diaphragms are a liquid a solid is4 4slurry 1K//O3or/01 +[K+6-that )0-7contains 3,-0+,404 31+67component, 3893,*,-;+ generally convoluted, because sensitivity over a wide . * , * / 0 1 1 O7 3 , = 3 1 K * 6;5 * 7 0 K4 *4 * , 4 + + = + O3 = * /0D+ 6* a melting point normal =+473K4;3or/)has0408* 1-+,.3or/2freezing /**@+,.93 +,-0at-, 3/801 /range viscous, is4. greater than that a flat diaphragm ,.*3of2pressure 9/*44K/*+ /*0-*/)0,)0-of3202 10-6+ 09)/0.8 This method used 0ambient 85+*,--temperatures. *89*/0-K/*4>() +48* -)36+is42frequently /*[K*,-1OK4 *6 3of02the same diameter. ) *4 0 8*6+ 0 8* * / > where process The*9/ process D)*/*9/ 37*441lines +,*40are/**externally \-*/,011O)heated. *0-*6>() 37*44 7connections 3,,*7-+3,40are/*0as42follows: 3113D4] Upper Housing. The*K upper housing includes S2.3.2 TS !"() 99*/) 3K4+,.+ ,71K6*40a Threaded. Pressure using ^(a)_`ab cd_edefg/ *44K/*1lines +,*40are/*7connected 3,,*7-*6K4 +,.0a 7connection for the pressure instrument. Since this 3 , , * 7 + 3 ,2 3 /) *9/ * 4 4 K/ *+ , 4 / K 8* , > F + , 7 *)+47com38: NPT. -threaded )/*06*67connection; 3,,*7-+3,h.generally *,*/011ORg (> ponent is4, not in contact with the process fluid, it-+ is4 93 , * , -+ 3 -+ ,7 3 , 0 7 -D+ )) *9/ 3 7 * 4 42 1 K+ 6;+ Flanged. Process ^(b)i`j k_lmdefg/ 37*447connections 3,,*7-+3,40are/*7connected 3,,*7-*6-to39pres/*4: 7commonly made of2 steel. However, if the external atmo3 883 , 1 O80 6*3 4 * * 1 > 3 D* = * / ; + 2 ) ** \ * / , 0 1 0 83 : 4sure K/*2flanges. 10,.*4> sphere contains corrosive elements, other materials may 4 9 ) * / *7 3 , 0 + , 47 3 / / 3 4 + = ** 1 * 8* , 4 ; 3 ) * /80 * / + 0 1 480 O Butt Welded. The*6+ diaphragm is45 butt welded ^(C)n`op qqrd kedef() 09)/0.8 4seal *01+ K--D* 16*6 be connections +,> 5*/required. *[K+/*6>Standard FA-0,60/6+instrument ,4-/K8*,-7 3,,*7-+3,40are/*AV4vin. directly 6+ /*7-1O-to3-the )*9 /37*441line. +,*> process 18NPTand3§nti4NPTfanae A Rg(0 , 6 + , > A vRg(2 * 80 1 * > B Welded. The diaphragm is44 socket ^(d)e`st nudqrd kedef()*6+ 09)/0.8 4seal *01+ 37<*Socket welded directly process Upper Housing, D*16*66+ /*7-1O-to3-the )*9/ 37*441line. +,*> S2.3.2.1 TS !"#$Continuous "%" !&Duty. %'Should F)3K16 pressure leak or/5 be*/ removed, diaThe*6+ diaphragm within ^((3)d`sSaddle. _eekdf() 09)/0.84seal *01+is42fillet +11*-welded D*16*6D+ -)+, -the )*9/ *44K/*+instrument ,4-/K8*,-1 *0<3 *83=*6;-the )*6+ 0: phragm a hole process pipe may be*4 secured by a matching or/3 other 0) 31*7cutK-+into ,-3-the )*9/ 37*449+ 9*3or/80 O5 *7K/*65 O 9) /0.8 will D+114seat *0-0against .0+,4-080 -7)+,.3 -)*/4support K993/the upper housing, damage to3the a saddle welded process pipe. 04 0661*0adapter 609-*/D* 16*63onto ,-3-the )*9/ 37*449+ 9*> 4surface K/207*+in,)*K9 9*/) 3K4+,.;preventing 9/*=*,-+,.60 80.*)* C vC 46 ¡¢¡£¢£ Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01 2345RAGM 2678SEALS 92 8(B40.2) DIAPH 2879 ASME B40.100-2005 Instrument COI'i nection Upper housing Bolts and nuts —/|— —_.._.__ ._ _,l_L _ _ \_ Fill/bleed connection I (opt'onal) T] T___l_ /_ — — K Lower housing Supplied by user GENERAL NOTE: Not intended to show design detail. Upper Fig. 2 Housing, !"#$Noncontinuous "%"&" !'Duty&( diaphragm The3@* 2 in. to1[* 5 in. )* +,-.+/0 1or.2leaking 3+4*5/1of67the -303 )*80 9(see :33;Fig. */<=1).><?See33 N5<7 5<Versions J3.:*15:1of67 -*:: 3+2may 0+LI 3)M* 7medium this seal be38: used with para. diaphragm with the process with ,+ .+<@ <=A<B<@9->< 7the -3)* +,-.+/0:surface 8.6+K36flush 28:-M* 7-7 -3, .1K3::1or.M* 7-+a flushing The3)* diaphragm an integral part of6+ a 28:-*5/.ring. *5/<N+,-.+/0 *is:+ 5* 573/.+2,+ .71 C !"#DContinuous "&" !ESeal. FG?Should -182)7the -3 6 Upper Housing, : 7 + 5 )+ . )6 2 + 5 / 3+ 5 )* 5 : 7 + 2 2 3 )7 2 8: -M* 7 -7 36 2 + 5 / 3 standard flange and installed to1I be36 flush with the flange pressure be3. removed ,. 3::8.3*instrument 5:7.803572leak, 3+4H1or.I 301J3)+accidentally, KK*)357+22LH :sealing face. See Fig. 6,H* illustration (a). 3 + 2 * 5 /6 + K 3 <? 3 3; * / <` 2 2 8 : 7 . + 7 * 1 59 + > < diaphragm will a support 7the -3)* +,-.+/0M* 22:seat 3+7+against /+*5:7+: 8,,1.7:surface 8.6+K3*in57the -3 Upper Housing, Seal Ca !"#Flush G!]Flanged GF"^E FGb(SandEF"^c upper housing prevent medium. The3 8, ,3.18:*5/7to1,. 3J3572leakage 3+4+/31of67the -303 )*80<Nwiched) These provide a basic 3:3:seals 3+2:, .1J*)3+I +:*K d%]^eWith f&]gBackup F%hFlange. GF"Ndiaphragm )* +,-.+/0 0+ LI 0+/3)O[see :33,+ .+<@]. <=A<B<@9*>P< may be3)+ damaged para. 2 in. to 5 in. process or.M* withconnection. Available with @* 5 < 7 1[* 5 < , . 1 K 3 : :K 1 5 5 3 K 7 * 1 5 < iJ + * 2 + I 2 3M* 7 -1 7-R Upper Noncontinuous The3 1 CC Housing, !"#$ "%"&" !'Duty. &(Nout a flushing ring, this seal has a flush or.. recessed 8 7+6 2 8 : * 5 /. * 5 / H7 * :: 3 + 2+ :+6 2 8 : -1 3 K 3 : : 3) 8, ,3.18:*5/)1 3:5 17Kcontain 157+*5+0+ 7K-*5/1or.1other 7-3. )* upper housing does not a matching diaphragm surface. The3K Capillary connection is:1 on the + ,. + / 0 : 8. 6 + K 3 <N+ ,* 2 2 + . LK 1 5 5 3 K 7 * 1 5* 57 -3 diaphragm. Leakage :support 8,,1.7:surface 8.6+K37to1:support 8,,1.77the -3)* +,-.+/0<Q3 +4+/31of6 :side * )31 3: 3 + 2 H3 5 + I 2 * 5 /8 : 3* 5+ . 3 + :M3 . 3: , + K 3* of67 the seal, enabling use in areas where space is: pressure may dam7the -3,. 3::8.3*instrument 5:7.803571or..removal 301J+20+ L.result 3:827*in5)+ 0R 2limited or.. restricted on the outside of6the vessel. Because * 0* 7 3 )1 3 : 7 . * K 7 3 )1 57 31 87 : * )31 7 3J 3 : : 3 2 < j3 K + 8: 3 diaphragm medium +age /37to17the -3)* +,-.+/0+and 5)2loss 1::1of67the -303 )*809(see :33;Fig. */<2). @>< 7the not a permanent seal, -36flange 2+5/3*is:5 17+, 3.0+5357part ,+.71of67this -*:: 3+2Hit*7provides ,.1J*)3: flexibility where with different .38user :3.6 23k*I*2*7LM3.36flanges 2+5/3:M* 7-)* 663.357,. 3:R more presUpper pressure CS Housing, !"#TRemovable. UVFWGThe N-3, .3::8.3 01 ratings are required. diaphragm 8.3. +7*5/:+ .3. 3l8*.3)<The N-3)* +,-.+/0 housing -18:*5/Kcor1.R may be3. removed *instrument 5:7.80357+and 5)7top 1,-housing 18:*5/+assembly ::30I2L0+ LI 301J3) :sure the face a standard 3:,15):7to17 -3:size *m31of67the -3:sealing 3+2*5/6 +K31of6+: 7+5)+.) 6from .10 7the -3I 17710 housing -18:*5/+as:+85 *7HM* 7-1872 1::1of66fill*22 .responds bottom a unit, without loss Upon installation, diaphragm sand2+5/3<n, 15* 5:7+22+7*15H7the -3)* +,-.+/0 :seal 3+2*is:: +5)R be3)1 done when no pressure 6fluid 28*)9(this 7-*::should -182)I 531only 52LM357there -3.3*is:5 1,. 3::8.3 6flange. between process a standard blind M*K-3)I 37M3357the -3,. 1K3::6flange 2+5/3+and 5)+: 7+5)+.)I 2*5) process The3)* diaphragm may be3K clamped *in57the -3, .1K3::2line). *53><N+,-.+/0 0+ LI 2+0,3) wiched illustration 2+5/3<See ?33;Fig. */<`6,H* 228:7.+7*159(b). I>< upper housing with a middle housing, welded, 7to17the -38, ,3.18:*5/M* 7-+0* ))2318:*5/HM3 2)3)H 6flange. bonded, upper.housing. I15)3)H1or.1otherwise 7-3.M*:3+attached 77+K-3)7to17the -38,,3 18:*5/< Upper Housing, upper Co !"#pInserted "!&^Flange. GF"The N-38,, 3. The3)* diaphragm may be30+ made a capsule N+,-.+/0 0+ LI )3*in57the -36form 1.0 1of6+K +,:823 housing with its welded diaphragm is:: separated from 1 8: * 5 /M* 7 -* 7 :M3 2 )3 ))* + , . + / 0 * 3 ,+ . + 7 3 )6 . 1 0 upper housing Figs. 3 and 4).> 7threaded -.3+)3)*into 5717the -38,, 3.18:*5/9(see :33; */:<X+ 5)B < 7the retainer -3. 37+*53.6flange. 2+5/3<See ?33;Fig. */<_7.< Upper When CY Housing, !"#$Nonremovable. "UVFWGZ357the -3 Cq Housing, !"#Flanged GF"^ESeal FGWith f&]rExtended s&"^^ Upper diaphragm upper by )* +,-.+/0*is:Kclamped 2+0,3)7to17the -38, ,3.housing -18:*5/I L7the -32lower 1M3. ' Diaphragm. flanged in 2 in. 5 in. tk735)3)6 2+5/3):seals 3+2:* 5@* 5<7to1[* 5<verJ3.R F]FUExtended housing, pressure upper. : 18:*5/H.removal 301J+21of67the -3,. 3::8.3*instrument 5:7.80357+and 5)8,,3 sions provide a choice *15:+are.3Kcommon 10015+and 5),. 1J*)3+K -1*K31of63extension k735:*15 will in housing housing 18:*5/+assembly ::30I2L6from .107the -32lower 1M3.18:*5/M* 22.result 3:827* 5 2length. 2 in., 4 in., 6 in., 35/7-<NTypical L,*K+23extension k735:*152lengths 35/7-:+are.3@* 5<HB* 5<H`* 5<H 2loss 1::1of67the -36fill*226fluid 28*)9(see :33;Fig. */<[5).>< 8 in. These mount pipe flanges and +and 5)u* 5<N3:3:seals 3+2:01 8571on5,* ,36 2+5/3:+ 5)3extend k735) Fig. insulation wall. -.18/-* 5:82+7*157to17the -37tank +54M+ 22<See ?33; */<8.u< Upper Housing, Flanged C\ !"#Flush G!]Flanged. GF"^;2 +5/3) 7through Housing. lower housing a mounting when to1 CCvLower d !"The N-32 1M3.18:*5/Kconnects 1553K7:7 :seals 3+2:*include 5K28)3+01 857*5/6flange 2+5/37that -+7+assists ::*:7:M-3 5 2.3.3 diaphragm with process process line, wetted by the medium. For this -3,. 1K3::2 *53H+and 5)*is:M3 773)I L7 -303 )*80<; 1.7 -*: +aligning 2*/5*5/7the -3)* +,-.+/0 M* 7-7the -3,. 1K3::Kconnection. 1553K7*15< 7the [ B_ 47 American Engineers. Copyright wx yz{|}~©2006 byzthe ~ {|Society x|zxofMechanical ~| }| { No material ASME. x{reproduction y{x|xmay zbemade xofthis ~| {|without |~xwritten {|consent xxof 01234567866966 00213014567 DIAPHRAGM SEALS (B40.2) ASME B40.100-2005 O-ring Weld Adapter Backup plate Diaphragm Capsule Instrument COl‘l|'1€CtlOl’l T : Bolts and nuts 1 :7: I I Upper housing l IF————— __|'———] ll T Capsule (See above for detail) __ _l _ r — — ‘|\\_ Fill/bleed connection (optional) _ Lower housing | l <>\/' X Supplied by user GENERAL NOTE: Not intended to show design detail. Upper Fig. 3 Housing, !"#$%Removable & '()* material must17,8 be compatible with medium commonly made +reason ,-./01the 2,31,+4-536. /39-1475,:4 121the 2, 0not/1in408contact /01-81with :4121the 2,3, ;463-and 0;-are+,8 /33/05V3;, medium. para. corrosive 3, ;463<=See,,9+-<>2.3.10 <?<@ABfor/+9+ /8,..8connections. /00,814/0.< /ofB.steel. 1,,5<TIfB1the 2,,external S1,+0-5-atmosphere 13/.92,+,8contains /01-40.8 /++/.4R, process elements, materials may be,+ required Fig. 9,U 5,3,01.U/other 12,+31,+4-5.3V7 ,W64+,;X[see .,,Y 4N<g mid-housing Mid-Housing The,34 C2.3.4 DE FG !"#H(Cleanout I*(# !J%Ring). #KL2 ;M2/6.40N , illustration (b)]. 4 5 5 6. 1 + 1 4 / 0O 7 P [ < between O(cleanout 85,-0/61+ring) 40NP4is.5located /8-1,;7 ,1:,,01the 2,6upper 99,+-and 0;5lower /:,+ C2.3.7 Methods. methods mayV7 be, hFastening ("J##E Ji F"Several =,R,+-53, 12/;.3housing. This used diaphragm with 2/6.40N<L2 4.2housing /6.40N4is.6. ,;/on0;4 -92+-N3.seals ,-5.:4 12 employed upper, lower housing 395/V,;1to/Bfasten -.1,01the 2,6 99,+Umid, 34;Uand -0;5 /:,+2 /6.40N diaphragms. Removal +replaceable ,95-8,-75,;4 -92+-N3.<Q, 3/R-5/ofB1the 2,8connection /00,814/0 , /N,12,+< between mid—housing housing permits 7,1:,,01the 2,34 ;M2/6.40N-and 0;1the 2,5lower /:,+2 /6.40N9, +341. 1together. and Nuts. ofB7 bolts and nuts used j(11)klmn opqk rstu pqvA_.series ,+4,./ /51.0;0 61.-are+,6. ,; Bolts diaphragm -access 88,..1to/1the 2,9+ /8,...side 4;,/ofB1the 2,;4 -92+-N3 without :412/61 1to/B process fasten the housing either mid lower -.1,01 2,6upper 99,+2 /6.40N1to/, 412,+1the 2,34 ;/or+5 /:,+ between upper housing 5loss /../ofB1the 2,.seal ,-57 ,1:,,01the 2,699 ,+2 /6.40N-and 0;1the 2, 2housing. The,2 housing may be,1 tapped to/+ replace the nut. 40N<L2 /6.40N3V7 -99,;1 ,95-8,1 2,0 61< diaphragm. This housing medium ;4 -92+-N3<L2 4.2 /6.40N4is.,exposed S9/.,;1to/1the 2,3, ;463-and 0; /j6. A clamp may the upper wlxo kyzv_8 5-39-assembly ..,375V3VBfasten -.1,01 2,69 9,+ Clamp. (b) material must be,8 compatible with medium. 1the 2,31,+4-536 .17 /39-1475,:4 121the 2,3, ;463<TIfB-a 2housing lower housing Fig. illustration /6.40N1to/1the 2,5 /:,+2 /6.40NX[see .,,Y 4N<@10,AU4 556.1+-14/0 diaphragm used, a mid—housing may be, ;4 -92+-N3 8capsule -9.65,4is.6. ,;U-34 ;M2/6.40N3V0not/17 O(a)]-P[< 3 and +required ,W64+,;X[see .,,YFig. 4N<?0;YFig. 4N<4,ZU4illustration 556.1+-14/0O(a)]. -P[< Welded. The,6 upper lower housings may be, j(C){l|} os}svL2 99,+-and 0;5 /:,+2 /6.40N.3V7 Gasket. A gasket O-ring may be,6. used C2.3.5 \]( "^J_N -.`,1/or+aM +40N3V7 ,;1to/.seal ,-5 joined identiby a weld. Weld filler material is.N generally b / 4 0 , ;7 V-:, 5 ;< ~, 5 ;B 4 5 5 , +31 , + 4 5 4 , 0 , + 5 5 V4 ;, 0 14M medium. The,3material must be, 8 joints b/401.,exposed S9/.,;1to/1the 2,3, ;463<L2 1,+4-536 .17 cal to/1 the material ofB1 the lower housing [see Fig. 10, 51 2 ,31 , + 4 5/ 2 ,5 / :, +2 / 6. 4 0 NX . , ,Y 4 N <@ AU with medium. dia8compatible /39-1475,:4 121the 2,3, ;463<_A 8coating /-140N/on01the 2,;4 -M 4illustration (b)]. 5 5 6. 1 + 1 4 / 0O 7 P [ < phragm may 92+-N3 /or+2housing /6.40N3VBfunction 60814/0-as.1the 2,Ngasket. -.`,1< The,B fastening method not in contact L2 -.1,040N3, 12/;4is.Ngenerally ,0,+-55V0 /14 08 /01-81with :412 medium. 2,3, ;463< Reinforcing Rings. diaphragm 2.3.6 C c % #de#% #"=Some /3,;4 -92+-N3 .seal ,-5 1the rings designs use,+ reinforcing ;, .4N0.6. ,40B/+840N+ 40N.1to/.support 699/+18clamping 5-3940NBforces /+8,. C2.3.8 Fill/Bleed ***FIConnection ##eJ#H(Optional J#(*Feature). (J!KA_Bfi11/ 455 These port is.-8 a connection machined with the /on00nonmetallic /03,1-55485lower /:,+2housings. /6.40N.<L2 ,.,+rings 40N.-are+,Ngenerally ,0,+-55V bleed 75,,;9/ +14 /00,814/038240,;4integral 01,N+-5:4 121 2, Zf American Mechanical Engineers. Copyright ©2006 bythe Society of 39¢ No material ASME. reproduction ¡may bemade ofthis without ¢¡written ¢consent of 53' 01 23452678SEALS 92 8(B40.2) DIAPHRAGM 2879 ASME B40.100-2005 Instrument connection Diaphragm support su rface Bolts and nuts —/l I | Upper housing ' x I l ' VI’ l_l_ _ _ _ _ _ _r— _ T — — —[ — f I | — — — Fill/bleed connection (optional) Mid-housing (attached to upper housing) _l Jw Lower housing ix | Supplied by user '<>\/' la) Instrument connection Diaphragm support surface Upper housing ‘L Fill/bleed connection (optional) Lower housing Diaphragm l l < l Bond or weld diaphragm to upper housing >\ /IK Supplied by user lb) GENERAL NOTE: Not intended to show design detail. Housing, Fig. 4 !"# $%&'(Removable )#*+,Upper ./ 49 American Mechanical Engineers. Copyright 01 2345678©9:2006 ;;<9=by39the 87>9?@> 45ABC9DSociety 1A5>8391ofE9F> A7BC5ABG9HC 65C>>4IJ 90$ No material ASME. K14reproduction >241LMA851C9may @B39=be>9made @BL>91ofE98this 75I9@B 8>45BG9without N5871M89written N4588>C9Aconsent 1CI>C891ofE9?D FHJ 53' 01234567866966 00213014567 ASME B40.100-2005 DIAPHRAGM SEALS (B40.2) Instrument connection Diaphragm support surface Upper housing R Fill/bleed connection (optional) Lower housing Supplied by user '<>\/' GENERAL NOTE: Not intended to show design detail. Upper Fig. 5 Housing, !"#$Nonremovable "%&'() volume. A fill The,6 capillary *++, 12345accessing 66,001237the .,8filled 199,:;/9 *<,=>8 199 Z(b)]\O. 5+1995-?<5 7,-1595and 2:0size 1f,<* 07@ *175@9, upper-./*0 housing, material must be,0 suitable may be,1 inserted /bleed maximum minimum pressure and tempera5adapter :5+7,-<5 ?@ 20,-7,:1into 27/7the .,8fill199A@ 9,,:+port /-75allowing 99/B123 8for/-7the .,<5 C1<*<5and 2:<1 21<*<+,00*-,5 2:7 ,<+,-5P diaphragm medium maximum minimum 8filling 199123/of87the .,:1 5+.-53<0seal/ ,59A1instrument 207-*<,275assembly 00,<@9?5after 87,- 7ture *-,/of87the .,<, :1*< 5and 2:7the .,<5 C1<*< 5and 2:<1 21<*< After bleed 5assembly. 00,<@9?=>8 7,-8filling, 19912347the .,@ 9,,:0screw 6-,B 1is01 20,-7,:1into 27/ 5ambient <@1,277temperatures. ,<+,-57*-,0= inserted /bleed port purposes may be,* used 7the .,8fill199A@ 9,,:+/ -78for/-0sealing ,59123+* -+/0,05and 2:<5 ?@ 0,: Z(C)g\O. The,, elevation instrument below 9,;571/2/of87the .,1 207-*<,275above @/;,/or-@ ,9/B bleeding 7to/+permit ,-<17@ 9,,:123,excess C6,008fill1998fluid 9*1:D(see 0,,EFig. 13=F1).G= will a head effect its reading or7the .,0seal ,59B1 991introduce 27-/:*6,5. ,5:, 88,67/on21 70,5:123/ significant at79 / * 7 +* 7 45 2 :B1 9 9@ ,0 1 3 2 1 8 1 6 5 2 75 / B / +, 5 7 1 2 3 output, and will be,</ more low operating The pressure instruH2.3.9 IJKInstrument "!L%"LMConnection. ""NL"O.,+,00*-,1 207-*P +pressures. , 0 0 * , 0 = ment directly diaphragm <, 271is05attached 7756.,::1 -,679?7to/7the .,:1 5+.F-53< 0seal. ,59=QStan752P Z(03)h\>06 As capillary increases, response 5+1995-?9length ,237.1 26-,50,047time 1<,,0+/20,5and 2: dard instrument connection ports are '1/4R1 in. 18STUO5 NPT and 2 = F 2: 7temperature :5 :1 2 0 7 * <, 2 76 / 2 2 , 6 7 1 / 2+ / 7 05 , errors will increase. , <+, 5 7 *,, / 0B1 9 91 2 6 , 5 0 , = F7/2VTUO8 NPT female, ,<59,45although 97./*3./other 7.,-6connections /22,671/20<5 ?@ ,: Z(6)i\j, may be,*0 used Length, of8the capillary 237.40size, 1f,4material, <57,-15945and 2:0stiffness 71882,00/ 7.,6 5+1995-? 5as0-required. ,W*1-,:= <*0 7@ ,0 *6 .7 . 5 71 76 5 2@ ,0 *1 7 5 @ 9 ?1 2 0 7 5 9 9 , := must be such that it can be suitably installed. may be desirable, XIt7<5 ?@ ,:, 01-5@9,4.however, /B,;,-47to/1install 2075997the .,1instrument 207-*<,27 Z(f)k\l5 Capillary material, joints between capillary +1995-?<5 7,-15945and 2:m /1270@ ,7B,,26 5+1995-? following -remote ,</7,8from -/< 7the .,0seal, ,5948for/-/one 2,/or-</ -,/of87the .,8 /99/B123 5and more end fittings, must be compatible with expected 2:, 2:8 1 7 7 1 230 4<*0 7@ ,6 / <+5 7 1 @9 ,B1 7 ., C +,67,: -reasons: ,50/20Y 5 <@ 1 , 2 76 / 2:1 7 1 / 20 4, 0 +, 6 1 5 9 9 ?5 <@ 1 , 2 77 , <+, 57*-,0 ambient conditions, especially ambient temperatures Z((1)[\7to/-remove ,</;,7the .,1instrument 207-*<,278from -/<5an25adverse :;,-0,,environ2;1-/2P 5and corrosiveness. 2 :6 / / 0 1 ; , 2 , 0 0 = <, 27D(temperature, 7,<+,-57*-,46corrosive /--/01;,5atmosphere, 7</0+.,-,4;vibration, 1@-571/24 Z(g)n\>9 ment All9m joints between the instrument /1270@ ,7B,,27 .,0seal ,595and 2:7the .,1 207-*<,27 ,etc.) 76=G must be leak-tight. <*0 7@ ,9 , 5 b P 7 1 3 . 7 = (b) to locate the instrument in a more convenient locaZ]\7/9/657,7.,1207-*<,27125</-,6/2;,21,279/65P Fig. 7tion 1/28for/--readability ,5:5@1917?/or-0serviceability ,-;16,5@1917?D(see 0,,E 13=F1)G Housing). ComH2.3.10 I^opProcess N!!MConnections ""NL"!q(Lower rs !"tl/ <P mon process connections are described in paras. </ 2+/ 6 , 0 06 / 2 2 , 6 7 1 / 2 05 ,:, 0 6 1 @ , :1 2+5 5 0 = V = u = F e=F Attachment. H2.3.9.1 IJ^_Remote %LKInstrument "!L%"L` LL'Na%"LXIf8-remote ,</7, 7through a length with 5attachment 7756.<,271is02necessary, ,6,005-?459 ,237./of86capillary 5+1995-?B1 7.0suit*17P .-/*3.V=u=Fe=R= may be,1 installed between 5able @9,,end 2:8fittings 1771230<5 ?@ 207599,:@ ,7B,,27the .,1instru207-*P The,9 lower Threaded. housing includes H2.3.10.1 I^o^v a'wwO. /B,-. /*01231 269*:,05a ment This may be,, enclosed in <, 275and 2:7the .,0seal. ,59=O. 106capillary 5+1995-?<5 ?@ 269/0,:1 25a 7threaded connection for attachment to/7 the process . , 5 :, :6 / 2 2 , 6 7 1 / 28 / -5 7 7 5 6 . <, 2 77 . ,+/6,009line 12, protective +-/7,671;,5armor. -</-= (see Fig. 9).G A threaded lower housing may be,+provided D 0 , ,E 1 3 = x = >7 . , 5 :, :9 / B, -. / *0 1 2 3<5 ?@ / ; 1 :, : The following must7@,6 be considered when O.,8 /99/B1238factors 567/-0<*0 /201:,-,:B., 2 B1 with wrench flats or-0 spanner wrench holes to/8 facilitate 7 .B, 2 6 .8 9 5 7 0/ + 5 2 2 , -B, 2 6 .. / 9 , 07 5 6 1 9 1 7 5 7 , mounting -remote ,</7,</ *271231is0-required: ,W*1-,:Y assembly. 5 0 0 , <@ 9 ? = The,@ bore must7@ be,b kept a miniZ((1)[\O. /-,/of87the .,6capillary 5+1995-?<*0 ,+77to/5<1 21P lower housing is0:, designed H2.3.10.2 I^oHFlanged. )'"wThe O.,9 /B,-. /*01231 0132,: mum 1 in <*< 2/order -:,-7to/-reduce ,:*6,7the .,,effect 88,67/of85ambient <@1,277tempera,<+,-5P ASME B16.5 mate with a companion 7,5and 2:0seal ,59B1 7.56 /<+521/2>Q yz{F c=d8flange 9523, If87 the 7ture *-,6changes .523,0*upon +/27the .,5accuracy 66*-56?/of87the .,1instrument. 207-*<,27=X ., 7to/<5 various pressure ratings. Flanged dia5-1/*00sizes 1f,05and 2:+,00*-,571230=E9 523,::1 5P bore @/-,1is07too //0small, <5994.however, /B,;,-47the .,-response ,0+/20,7time 1<,/of87the ., 1in2; may become will phragm parts may be,<5 manufactured bar 5assembly 00,<@9?<5 ?@ ,6/<,*unacceptably 2566,+75@9?9long /235and 2F:8filling 199123B1 99 +. -53< 0seal ,59+ 5-70<5 ?@ 2*8567*-,:/of8@ 5-0stock, 7/6b4 mm) be more difficult. A bore the 12=D(2V<<G @,</ -,:1 8816*97=>@ /-,/of85approximately ++-/C1<57,9?7/16Fcin. 6castings, 50712304/or-8forgings /-31230|[see 0,,EFig. 13=F11,F4illustration 199*07-571/2D(a)]. 5G}=XIn27 ., most use,/ of80 studs the 1is00suggested *33,07,:8for/-</ 075applications. ++916571/20= 0smaller <599,-0sizes, 1f,047the .,*0 7*:05assembled 00,<@9,:7to/7 .,9lower /B,- C de 50 American Mechanical Engineers. Copyright ~ ©2006 bythe Society of No material ASME. reproduction may bemade ofthis without written consent of 01 23452678SEALS 92 8(BlI0.2) DIAPHRAGM 2879 ASME B40.100-2005 Diaphragm support !surface "#$ nuts %Bolts &!and '('! -Instrument '!$'!#connection ''$#!' .$ ' <: Upper housing —+—- I’ _ r _ _ T I I I I i U)/rl II Diaphragm )(welded *$&($(or+bonded '($(ii} ' !to$ housing) ', L 'L : : upper g ‘~¥ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __J»’ , I / 0$! Gasket I 1&$(+2$ |I<— S ”'°'°'|'ed b V ” ser I J 7 k//7/ 27”; </é // ///z \ d‘ A’ \ / 3(a)45 %Bolts &!and '('! nuts Blind %& '(flange "&'$ Support !Surface "#$ Diaphragm -Instrument '!$'!connection # ''$#!' Upper .$ housing ' )(pancake) '#0$, / 0$! Gasket 1&$(+2$ Diaphragm )(welded *$&($(or+bonded '($( upper !to $ housing) ', ///7/7? 0 HQ/Z//,§?T \ —__— J 3(b)65 GENERAL NOTE: 78 98:;<9=> 8?>These @ABACdrawings DEFGHIBEareDAHnotJKGintended HKAHCACKtoJBshow @JFCdesign ABGIHCdetail. AKEGLM Upper Housing, NFig. OPQR6 ST TUVWX YZO[P\NFlush ]YZ^NFlanged ]_[PU` a51b cdefghijk lmnnolpflkjqlrsqghtuvlwdthqkfldxlyqtjuvhtuzl{vihvqqg|} 53' ~dgqegdtkhdvlsuflpqlsuqldxlkjh|lsukqghuzlhkjdklghkkqvltdv|qvkldxlrwy{} 90¢ Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01234567866966 00213014567 ASME B40.100-2005 DIAPHRAGM SEALS (B40.2) 0 '(#!support "''%!surface "$ Diaphragm Bolts /% !and ," ! nuts—> !"#$%$% Instrument connection ' I I : : &'' (%"! Upper housing ) !* Gasket K: +"'' Su lied ,-. "! b user <: Retainter flange I I |__r:_ _J|_|_ 0 '(# or bonded Diaphragm 1(welded 2,,% -%, , to upper housing) %"'' (%"! 3 +— I I I & / I I I i U)/rI L I: \ I I I I __ I “x ‘~\____ \ \__|. I I I I I I I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / xr _______ __J __T_/ I I I I I I I I I ’47/77 k/'4//6//Z///I//{I//Z/L\\‘_‘//J GENERAL NOTE: 45 657896:; 5<;This =>?@drawing ABC>DE>is?DnotFG>intended DGHD@H@GtoF?show =FC@design H?>ED@detail. HGB>IJ Housing, KFig. LMNO7 PQ QRSTU VWLXMYZInserted XWRS[R\KFlange ]^XMR Upper 0 '(#!SUPDOFT "''%!Surface "$ Diaphragm Bolts /% !and ,nuts—> "! ' I !"#$%$% Instrument connection I I I I : : I I I I I I : : I_ I : : I '—— &''(%"! ‘ <: Upper housing I I I I I |__r|__T I I I I I I I I : : I I \ . I . . : : i I :_ : : —| — — — - — — - '' — — - — — — — — — — — — — — _ I J — —':,:’_/Z;»j:,:g:’;//” — - — — — —— ---I |—"— I 0 '(# Diaphragm or bonded 1(welded 2,,% -%, , // upper housing) to%"'' (%"! 3 i— = _ _ _ _ __ i IL VYZZ;/_’;_:»Za_’d I‘ — — - — — — - - — — — — — / \ : )!* I I<-j +"'' Supplled _ , : by user -. "! Insulation !"% T Gasket ______| . — — -2-‘ — ;— -r-;—-,‘ 2 %_!! \\ N Inner wall \\ of VeSse| — s\ / \ GENERAL NOTE: 45 657896:; 5<;This =>?@drawing ABC>DE>is?DnotFG>intended DGHD@H@GtoF?show =FC@design H?>ED@detail. HGB>IJ 8 Upper KFig. LMN`PQ QRSTHousing, UVWLXMYKFlanged ]^XMR\aSeal R^] bc 52 American Mechanical Engineers. Copyright de fghijkl©mn2006 oopmqbygmthe lkrmstr hiuvwmxSociety euirlgmeofymzr ukvwiuv{m|w jiwrrh}~ No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent ASME. eh r f h e u l i e w m tv g m q r m tv r m e y m l k i } m tv l r h i v { m i l k e l m h i l l r w m u e w } r wlmeofymsx z|~ [ I 01 2345RAGM 2678SEALS 92 8(B40.2) DIAPH 2879 ASME B40.100-2005 Diaphragm Bolts and nuts —/l I \ | I I f —i l _I;7,.,.,— 7,,T,«,«__'l_ _ _ _' Li 7: Upper housing <$_ Flushing connection (optional) ___a_u Ur_4.J Lower housing Supplied by user Diaphragm \.x/_ Upper housing —I |__Ll_ 1 I: 7”” — _~M_vw:|_ _ _ Lower housing _I/ '/VI‘ ‘L Flushing connection (optional) Reinforcing ring Supplied by user With Reinforcing Ring (b) !"#$% % GENERAL NOTE: &' (')*+(,'.-These /0102drawings 34567814are307not9:6intended 7:07202:to91show /952design 016872detail. 0:46;< Housing =Fig. >?@A9 BLower CDEFGC HI>J? housing welded within may beVP necessary because diaphragm design a hole cut process K LMNOPQRS TU VWVNNSXTU VWSMNVLofYZO S[KXSQRZV NOQP v(1)xYfillet ObbV\rV bZVZrO \KOPSK LbVW M\OinP\the KV[X LWVNN illustration Wconsiderations LPNOZVXS\OLPN][see NVV^Fig. OQ_`11,`aO bbMN\XS\OLPc(b)]. Ude_ bline OPV][see NVV^Fig. OQ_`16,aOillustration bbMN\XS\OLPc(a)] Sde welded Fig. v(2)xYfillet ObbV\rV bZVZLonto P\L\the KV[X LWVNNb OPV][see NVV^ OQ_`16,a process line f2.3.10.3 @g@hi@gjIn-Line JkB>JEl(Flow-Through). =mCDknoFCH?op@qInP\this KON\type, T[Va\the KV Oillustration (b)] b b MN \ X S \ O L Pc U d e diaphragm paralleled process flow, ZO S[KXSQR Nsurface MXYSWVOisN[S XSbbVbVZ\toL\the KV[X LWVNNY bLra v(g)xNsleeve Fig. bVVV][see NVV^ OQ_`13,{aillustration ObbMN\XS\OLPc(b)]. Ude_ minimum Xresulting VNMb\OPQOinPRO PORMR Xrestriction VN\XOW\OLPLofY\the KVYflow, bLraSand PZbless VNN build deposits because \tendency VPZVPWT\toLU MObZMup[ZV [LNO\NOinP\the KVNseal VSbU VWSMNV\the KV This seal f2.3.10.4 @g@hi@jIn-Line JkB>JESeal Eml(Crevice FE>E=Free). FEEp@K ONN VSbOisNNsuitMO\t wash diaphragm ConnecYflow bLr\tends VPZN\toLrS NK\the KVZO S[KXSQRWcontinually. LP\OPMSbbT_sL PPVWt Sable for rapidly flowing process fluids. TheVN seal forms U b VY L XX S [O Zb TY b L rO P Q[X L W V N NY b MO ZN _K V S bY L X RN \tions OLPNSareXVSasNYfollow: LbbLru an integral part ofY\ the pipe toLS allow undisturbed flow S PO P \ V Q X S b[S X \L K V[ O [ V\ b b L rMP ZO N \ MX U V ZY b L r v(a)wx\threaded KXVSZVZc(see NVV^Fig. OQ_`12)yd process. TheVK housing diameter the LofY\the KV[X LWVNN_K LMNOPQZO SRV\VXWcorresponds LXXVN[LPZN\toL\ KV v(b)zxYflanged bSPQVZ][see NVV^Fig. OQ_`13)] {de face ofYSN a standard standard Nsize OVLofY\the KVNsealing VSbOPQY SWVL \SPZSXZYflange bSPQVLorXN \SPZSXZ butt weld v(c)|xU M\\rV bZc(see NVV^Fig. OQ_`14)}d Wclamp bSR[Wconnection. LPPVW\OLP_The KVNseal VSbisONWcomprised LR[XONVZLofYaSWcylindrical TbOPZXOWSb weld v(d)~xNsocket LWV\rV bZc(see NVV^Fig. OQ_`15)d the diaphragm jacket which SWV\Nsection VW\OLPc(tube) \MUVdOinPrK OWK\ KVXround LMPZZO S[KXSQR isON welded. rVbZVZ_See VV^Fig. OQ_`17._ v(e)xSaddle w~~ { American Mechanical Engineers. Copyright ©2006 ¡bythe ¢£¤¢ ¥¦§¨Society ¥¢of©ª¢ ¥¦§¥¦«¬§ §¢¢­® 99¢ No material ASME. ¯reproduction ¢°±¥§may ¤¦¡be¢made ¤¦°¢of©this ­¤¦ ¢¦«without ²±written ²¢§¥consent §­¢§of©£¨ ª¬® 53’ 01234567866966 00213014567 ASME B40.100-2005 DIAPHRAGM SEALS (B40.2) $Instrument %&'()*+%',-connection .%%+-'/.% Diaphragm support surface /’/%IK’¢ I Clamp (supplied by user or supplier) 1/! LI Gasket (supplied by user or supplier) Upper housing Fill/bleed connection (optional) .\ I/////////. '_ I I / \ Lower housing is part of system piping W Diaphragm (a) Assembly !" Clamped Instrument connection Diaphragm support surface 7/ (7 Upper housing / Q //I4’!<,[I Ix Fill/bleed connection (optional) Weld by supplier Lower housing Diaphragm <>\/' Connection (supplied by user or supplier) (b)!Welded #Assembly !" GENERAL NOTE: 01 21345267 187These 9:;:<drawings =>?@AB;>are=:AnotCD@intended AD:A<:<D 9C?<design :;@BA<detail. :D>@EF toC; show Methods GFig. HIJK10L GFastening MNOPQHQIRP OSTUN 2.3.1 Pressure ratings VJ WJKK1 GFlushing XYNSHQIZConnection TQQP[OHTQ\(Optional ]^OHTQMXGFeature). PMOY_P`J V2.3.14 JWJKPressure _PNNY_PRatings. MOHQINJc dnnmcdc euogjnfd vcdend decrease sknnoriqnsignificantly) ojgohoveguiq~easns ckvdnnkorce prodguutemperadpsdcey process ambient abcdefdfegfhiegjdfikldcbkmnogjnpeqrdscktofdf }(possibly provide pressure / temperature mcdnoincrease. gvcdendxSuppliers mssiodcnsc ktofdsc dnnmcdu dpsdceumcd loubehimnbogjvkggdvuokgwsdcpouuogjubdmndcuksmcjd utures various materials ofhfo diaeuogjnhforkct ecokmnpe udcoeineand gfvconfigurations kghojmceuokgnk ey ubdecderdiklubdfoesbcejploubkmucdpktogjubdndei cratings phragm cejp nseals. deinx hckpubdsckvdnniogdxabonvkggdvuokgpeqrdikveudfog sb Most metal housing have nupd ueiuthreaded bcdefdfilower kldcb kmnogjvconnections kggdvuokgnb etd ubdpofybkmnogjwohnmssiodfzndd{ojx|woiimnuceuokg}e~x k a rating ofh2,500 psioe atu 100°F (37.8°C). Ratings ofhh flanged ec e u o g jk w sn {} x ~ x e u o g j nk i e g j df V2.3.11.1 JWJKKJKGFlushing XYNSHQIRing. HQIJ{Flushing imnbogjcrings ogjnearecdvcomkpy nseals are usually determined by the ASME B16.5 flange d e i ne c dmn me i i qfd u d c po g d fr qu b d x h i e g jd monly a sc pk giqsprovided cktofdflo ubkone gdkorcutwo lk 7/4 ak with NPT orc]/2 NPT and temperature ratings. Pressure / temperad n n m c de g fu d psd c e u mc dc e u o g j n xc d n n mc d u d psd c ey pressure Thedc ring purging the process vconnection(s). kggdvuokg}n~xab ogjhfacilitates evoioueudnsmc jogjkofhu bdsc kvdnn uture ratings ofhsi plastic components are generally lower mc dc e u o g j nk e n u o vv k ps k g d g u ne c dj d g d c e i i qi k ld c Thedc ring mounted between diaphragm vcavity. etouqxab ogjoisnpk mgudfr dulddguthe bdfo esbcejpnseal dei uthan metal components. b e gpd u e iv k psk g d g u n x eand gfuthe bdsprocess ckvdnnhflange. iegjdxSeedd{Fig. ojx18.x V2.3.15 JWJKLocking T[HQI Device P¡H[P\(Optional ]^OHTQMXGFeature). PMOY_P`JA device fdtovd disV2.3.12 JWJKVSanitary MQHOM_Seals. PMXNJSanitary egouecqnseals deinearecdquick movfo ny uthat minimizes possibility ofhe an instrument turning beupo gopo¢dnuthe bdsk nnoroiouqk go gnucmpdguu mcgogj upper housings vconnect kggdvuutypes, qsdnwwhere lbdcduthe bdms sdceand gfilower kldcb kmnogjnearecd eafter the diaphragm Thedi locking hudcoinstallation gnueiieuokgkongu bdfo esbcejp nseal. deixab kvogj held by a unique permitting bdifutogether kjdubdcr qemg omdvclamp, iepswsd cpouuogjdease endkofh fd device bolts housing holds instrutovdr kiunutokuthe bdutop ksb kmnogjeand gfb kifnuthe bdo gnucmy dismantling fo npeguiogjeand gfvcleaning idegogjz[see ndd{Fig. ojx10,woillustration iimnuceuokg}(b)]. r~x pd ment’s wrench in a stationary position. gu£nlc dgvbhflat ieuo gen ueuokgecqsk nouokgx 2.4 Material JRM OP_HMXSelection PXP[OHTQ Gauge This V2.3.13 JWJKWM YIPlsolators. NTXMOT_NJab onutype qsdkofhnseal deivconsists kgnonunkofh V bladder within eangdelastomeric ienukpdcovr ieffdcoinstalled gnueiidflo uboguthe bdvconnection kggdvuokg V2.4.1 materials used in fabrication the diaJJK The abdpe udcoeinmn dfo gh ercoveuokgkofhu bdfo ey a pressure within phragm kofhesc dnnmcdoinstrument gnucmpdgukorclo ubogeangeadapter fesudchfitting ouuogj sb will depend upon chemical physical cejpnseal deilo iifd sdgfmsk guthe bdv bdpoveiand egfsb qnovei properties the medium. }(see ndd{Fig. ojx19). |~x sc ksdcuodnkofhu bdpd fompx Threaded and flanged lower housings may be provided with a flushing connection, permitting the user to purge the area below the diaphragm without removing the seal from the process line. This connection may be located in the mid-housing, if supplied [see Fig. 9, illustration (a)]. American Mechanical Engineers. Copyright ¤¥ ¦§¨©ª«¬©­®2006 ¯¯°­±by§­the ¬«²­³´² ¨©µ¶·­¸Society ¥µ©²¬§­¥of¹­º² µ«¶·©µ¶»­¼· ª©·²²¨½¾ 39¢ No material ASME. ¿¥¨reproduction ²¦¨¥ÀÁµ¬©¥·­may ´¶§­±be²­made ´¶À²­¥of¹­¬this «©½­´¶ ¬²¨©¶»­without ©¬«¥Á¬­written ¨©¬¬²·­µconsent ¥·½²·¬­¥of¹­³¸ º¼¾ 53' 01 2345RAGM 2678SEALS 92 8(B40.2) DIAPH 2879 ASME B40.100-2005 Diaphragm / \ —|——~fl Bolts and nuts —/l : H _l|| \_ E Upper housing n __, |Li:,7,.,.,— 7,:._:|_ _ _ _l I l Lower housing ll |_ll «L Flushing connection (optional) . l _ _ _ _ __ (supplied by user) Diaphragm Bolts fill‘ ill | l l ._l Lower housing Y lll f —i |l_l:»7g4_,«_.(— ‘M,T,u:'l_ _ _ _l /%“ l Upper housing \ % _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___|:| Mounting flange (supplied by user) 4 ||r Nuts (may be supplied by user) Studs (may be supplied by user) GENERAL NOTE: !These "#$#%drawings &'()*+$'are&#*not,-)intended *-#*%#%-to,$show ",(%design #$)+*%detail. #-')./ 0Fig. 1234114 0Flanged 567289:Seal 865 The?@A majority diaphragm pressure, also be?O consid;2.4.2 3<3; => BCDEFGCofHHfailures AEIJD?KCofHLE AM>DAN@Kseals ?AIKAareD? Ksuch JO>AasKtemperature F?@M?DAFJD?Aand PLMD ?KKJD?VKshould >CJILA IKCX CPKELQ due to materials diaLJ?F CFthe >?Eimproper @MDCM?DKselection ?I?OFECPCofH@A F?DEAIKHforCDLE AQ ?ered. be to enviD?LSTInPAaddition, LLEFECPVconsideration OCPKEL?DAFECPKshould >CJILX ?Ngiven EZ?PF C? PZEQ phragms medium. M> DAN@KAand PLCother F>?DKsurfaces JDHAO?K?exposed RMCK?LFtoCFthe >?@? LEJ@STInP Dronmental corrosion of the external CP@?PFAI?effects HH?OFKKsuch JO>AasKO CDDCKECPCHF >?? RF?DPAI of materials of construction Fthe >?Kselection ?I?OFECPCH@A F?DEAIKCHO CPKFDJOFECPHforCDAany PG portions diaphragm Laboratory corrosion MCDFECPKCofHFthe >?LE AM>DAN@ seal. K?AIS]A XCDAFCDGO CDDCKECP medium isKJK usually determin@? LEJ@Dresistance ?KEKFAPO?FtoCOcorrosion CDDCKECPE JAIIGFthe >?L? F?D@EPQ Ftests duplicating process / orDA ambient conditions ?KFKLJMI EOAFEPNMD CO?KKAand PL^C @XE?PFO CPLEFECPK As a general material used Eing PNHfactor. AOFCDSUKAN ?P?DAIDrule, JI?VFthe >?Ksame A@?@A F?DEAIJK ?LEinP @A may be?D required. user advice GX ?_JED?LSThe =>?J K?DKshould >CJILCobtain XFAEP?expert RM?DFA LZEO? process pipe be? H MD CO?KKOconstruction, CPKFDJOFECPVME M?Ilines, EP?KVFtanks, APWKV?etc., FOSVKshould >CJILX from a qualified materials. The? DC@ A_ JAIEHE?LKsource CJDO?HforCDKselection ?I?OFECPCofH@A F?DEAIKS=> used medium. Because JK ?LHforCDFthe >?Ksurfaces JDHAO?K?exposed RMCK?LFtoCFthe >?@? LEJ@SY? OAJK? @A materials construction in with medium F?DEAIKCofHO CPKFDJOFECPE POcontact CPFAOF`E F>Fthe >?@? LEJ@ mustFbe CofHFthe >?Fthin >EPOcross DCKKKsection, ?OFECPVKspecial M?OEAIAattention FF?PFECP@JK X?Ngiven EZ?P Kshould be?E identified the diaphragm >CJILX L?PFEHE?LConPF >?LE AM>DAN@ seal. K?AIS material diaphragm. FtoCFthe >?Kselection ?I?OFECPCofH@A F?DEAIHforCDFthe >?LE AM>DAN@S[SomeC@?Q PVC, Teflon®, used 3<3a Plastics bIAKFEOKKsuch JO>AasKbcdV= ?HICPeV?etc., FOSVAareD?JK ?L a material more heavFtimes E@?KA@A F?DEAI@C D?Ocorrosion CDDCKECPDresistant ?KEKFAPFFthan >APFthe >?> ?AZQ ;2.4.3 lower middle housings in diaphragm HforCDI C`?DAand PL@E LLI?>C JKEPNKE PLE AM>DAN@ seals. K?AIKS bottom housing piping be Eier?DXC FFC@ >C JKEPNCorDAassociated KKCOEAF?LME MEPNKshould >CJILX? However, temperature pressure limitations `?Z?DVFthere >?D?AareD?F ?@M?DAFJD?Aand PLMD ?KKJD?I E@EFAFECPK The?M physical the medium, Oconsidered. CPKEL?D?LS=> >GKEOAIOcharacteristics >ADAOF?DEKFEOKCofHF >?@? LEJ@V fC \\ American Mechanical Engineers. Copyright gh ijklmno©pq2006 rrsptbyjpthe onupvwu klxyzp{Society hxluojphof|p}u xnyzlxy~pz mlzuuk egg No material ASME. hkreproduction uikhxolhzpmay wyjptbeupmade wyuphof|pothis nlpwy oukly~pwithout lonhopwritten kloouzpxconsent hzuzophof|pv{ } 01234567866966 00213014567 ASME B40.100-2005 DIAPHRAGM SEALS (B40.2) Upper housing Diaphragm / \ Bolts and nuts —/l I -————£1/ ,1 r [A/éfi___ I /77 r} Lower housing _ K Supplled by user GENERAL NOTE: Not intended to show design detail. Fig. 12 Threaded !Seal " plating #to$%all&&'& %(#)*(+, )*,-. (#/ #1)*#&2%adhered 3,0103#to,$4$or1#the ,0 #taken %<05$on5#threaded ,10%303, $.()59(%as(# ,0*coating $%#)59$or1' &%#)59 plastics which must be0( strictly housings the %application ''&)*%#)$5+) &&6fail. %)&780 *%.(0$of6#their ,0)1&low $+#tensile 05()&0(strength #1059#, $on5#the ,0, $.()59(-% 2/ -%9033 .1)59)installation. 5(#%&&%#)$57 will Because housings may be03% damaged during plastics usually %and 53*cold $&36flow &$+ *characteristics, ,%1%*#01)(#)*(4'& %(#)*(%are10.( .%&&25not$# 2.4.9 usually highly stressed must# ?R SFasteners %(#0501(#that ,%#%are10.( .%&&2, )9,&2( #10((03-.( 1recommended 0*$--053036for$1#threaded ,10%303'1 $*0((*connections. $550*#)$5(7:If6 be process / 0( 0 & 0 * # 0 3+) # ,* $ 5 ( ) 30 1 % # ) $ 5# $( # 1 0 5 9 # , 4 % -/ ) 0 5 # #0-> selected with consideration to strength, ambient tem#threaded ,10%303'plastic &%(#)*/ $##$-, $.()59(%are101required, 0;.)1034*care %10-. (# '0 bottom housings must 1 % # .1 0 4 % 5 30 5 = ) 1 $ 5 -0 5 # % &0 6 6 0 * # ( 7 T # % ) 5 & 0 ( (( # 0 0 &6 %(> perature, and environmental effects. Stainless steel fasbe process /0#taken %<05#to$%avoid =$)3$over—tightening =01>#)9,#05)59#the ,0'1 $*0((*connec$550*> #teners have improved corrosion resistance over carbon 0 5 0 1 (, % = 0) -'1 $ = 0 3* $ 1 1 $ ( ) $ 51 0 ( ) ( # % 5 * 0$ = 0 1* % 1 / $5 which housing #tion, )$54+, )*,*could $.&3*cause %.(06failure %)&.10$of6#the ,0, $.()59%after 6#01%a (steel but may have lower strength. Some fastener materi# 0 0 & / .# -% 2, % = 0& $ +0 1 ( # 1 0 5 9 # , 7 T $ -06 % ( # 0 5 0 1 -% # 0 1)> '0 1)$3$of6#time. )-07 period %als&(-% 2/ 09)5#to$&lose $(0(strength #1059#,%at##temperatures 0-'01%#.10(% $+ may begin as(& low When a flange-connected 2.4.4 ?? @, 05.using ()59%6 &%590>*$550*#03#type, 2'04*caution %.#)$5 %as(U100°F effect corrosive VVWSI(37.8°C). XY7ZWGL7Combined G$-/)5030 660*#of$6(stress #10((%and 53* $11$()=0 must#/ be0. used As -.( (03)in5%attaching ##%*,)59#to$#the ,0*companion $-'%5)$56flange. &%5907A( be0* considered. %ambient -/)05#0environments 5=)1$5-05#((should ,$.&3/ $5()301037 %all&&#these ,0(0-% #01)%&(%are10(slightly &)9,#&2*compressible, $-'10(()/&04bolts /$&#(-.( materials must# 2.4.10 ?[ \% (<0#(.( 03#to$(seal 0%&#the ,0] $)5#(/ 0#+005# ,0 Gaskets used joints between the be Over-tightening may dis/0#tightened )9,#05030evenly. =05&27B= 01>#)9,#05)59-% 21result 0(.&#)in53) (> 3) diaphragm, middle, and bottom housing must#/ be01 resis% ', 1 % 9 -4 -) 33& 0 4 % 5 3/ $ # # $ -, $ . ( ) 5 9-.( 0 ( )(> plastic parts possible #tortion $1#)$5$of6#the ,0'& %(#)*'% 1#(%and 53' $(()/&06failure. %)&.107 to$# the medium. #tant %5## ,0-0 3).-7 Diaphragm materials 2.4.5 ?C D) %',1%9- -% #01)%&((such .*,%as(ETefl 06&$on®, 5F4$other #,01 2.5C Fill ""Fluids "^_and ` !Selection "abc` plastics used. Because '& %(#)*($or10elastomers &%(#$-01(%are10(sometimes $-0#)-0(.( 03780 *%.(0$of6 materials may be0'$ porous. Consid#the ,0#thin ,)5(sections, 0*#)$5(4#these ,0(0-% #01)%&(-% 2/ 1$.(7G$ 5()3> 2.5.1 is(# the used to$6 fill CFill""Fluid. "^SFill)&&6fluid &.)3) ,0&liquid );.)3. (03# )&&#that ,%# must#/ be09 given potentially hazardous 0eration 1%#)$5-.( )=05#to$'$ #05#)%&&2, %H%13$.()interac5#01%*> '$ 1#)$5$of6#the ,0'1 0((.10>(05()59(system 2(#0-/ 0#+005#the ,03) %> portion pressure-sensing between diabetween medium #tion )$5/ 0#+005#the ,0-0 3).- %and 53#the ,06fluid &.)3.used (03#to$6fill)&&#the ,0 ', phragm pressure-sensing element, as(# the 1%9-%and 53#the ,0'1 0((.10>(05()590 &0-05#4acting %*#)59% ,0 diaphragm pressure para. 3) %',1%9- (seal 0%&%and 53'1 0((.10)instrument 5(#1.-05#I(see (00'% 1%7 ,hydraulic medium pressure. 231%.&)*-0 3).- for 6$1#transmission 1%5(-)(()$5$of6'1 0((.107 J2.5.2.2). 7K7J7JL7 following are CdPhysical e_a"dProperties. cfb_The E,06 $&&$+)59% 10 medium 2.4.6 ?M :If6#the ,0-0 3).- *contains $5#%)5(%, %13(solid, $&)34%and 53#the ,0 ', a hard physical fill fluid: 2()*%&'properties 1$'01#)0($of66 )&&6 &.)3g diaphragm 3) %',1%9-(seal 0%&)is(#the ,06flanged &%5903$or16flow—through &$+>#,1$.9,#type, 2'04#the ,0 h(a)ij* thermal $066)*)05#$of6# ,01-%&0expansion k'%5()$5 coefficient possibility diaphragm be0 '$(()/)&)#2$of60erosion 1$()$5$of6#the ,0#thin ,)53) %',1%9- (should ,$.&3/ (17) service temperature range h l j( 0 1 = ) * 0# 0 -' 0 1 % # .1 01 % 5 90 Caution must#/ be0# taken *considered. $5()301037G% .#)$5-.( %<05#to$(select 0&0*##the ,0'1 $'01 h(C)mj(specific proper gravity ' 0 * ) 6 ) *9 1 % = ) # 2 material. diaphragm 3) %',1%9- -% #01)%&7 viscosity h(d)nj= )(*$()#2 pressure %'$1' 10((.10 A coating a diaphragm not 2.4.7 ?N A* $%#)59$on5%3) %',1%9-(should ,$.&35 $#be /01relied 0&)03 h(6)oj=vapor $-'10(()/)&)#2 recom$on56for$1*corrosion $11$()$51resistance 0()(#%5*0.unless 5&0(((specifically '0*)6)*%&&21 0*$-> h(f)pj*compressibility freeze point 100H0'$ )5# mended by the Coatings may have been -0 5303/2# ,0(supplier. .''&)017G$ %#)59(-% 2,% =0/ 005 h(g)qj6 decomposition point ,01-%&30 *$-'$()#)$5'$ )5# purposes may have voids %applied ''&)036for$1$other #,01'.1 '$(0(%and 53-% 2, %=0= $)3(#that ,%# h(11)rj#thermal The0'0 permeability '$5#%50$.()ignition 95)#)$5#temperature 0-'01%#.10 %allow &&$+*corrosion. $11$()$57E, 1-0%/)&)#2$of6#the ,0*coating $%#)59#to$#the ,0 h(1')sj(spontaneous media must be0* considered. *chemicals ,0-)*%&()in5#the ,0-0 3)%-. (#%also &($/ $5()301037 system) h(j)tj&long $59#term 01- (stability #%/)&)#2I(closed *&$(03( 2(#0-L The0% attributes a fluid, Lower middle may be0* coated 2.4.8 ?O P$ +01$or1-) 33&0,housings $.()59(-% 2/ $%#03$or1 2.5.2 CFluid "^ !Selection. "abc`E, ##1)/.#0($of6%6 &.)34(speci'0*)> paras. through, plated Caution must#be '&%#03#to$)improve -'1$=0*corrosion $11$()$51resistance. 0()(#%5*07G% .#)$5-.( /0 6fied )03)in5'% 1%( J7K7J7U# ,1$.9,J 7K7J7UU4(shall ,%&&be/0*considered. $5()301037 KQ Mechanical Engineers. Copyright uv wxyz{|}©~2006 ~byx~the }|~American yz~Society vz}x~vof~ |z~ {zy 89¢ No ASME. vyreproduction wyv}zv~mayx~be~made ~vof~}this |z~material }yz~without z}|v}~written yz}}~consent v}~vof~ 53' 01 23452678SEALS 92 8(BllO.2) DIAPHRAGM 2879 ASME B40.100-2005 E;I on”n Upper housing Diaphragm f \_ _ _ I I I I F ="I _E 3 Ea1 I f ‘H' K-1 V Bolts 7 Ft ' /4 '—~ A // j Lower houslng I ¢@7g I ['_— (supplied by user) (supplied by user) L I K _ Al ._ Mounting flanges Bolts and nuts H: r—n , (a) Bolts and nuts (supplIed by user) Instrument connection W Diaphragm I I I r\\ F3“? I L__L Mounting flanges (supplied by user) l _gL_____Jl4u Sleeve (b)With ! GENERAL NOTE: "# $#%&'$() #*)These +,-,.drawings /01234-0are/,3not562intended 36,3.,.6to5-show ,-243.detail. ,60278 9Fig. :;<=13> 9Flanged ?@A;BCDSeal B@?With E:FGDSleeve ?BBHB Toxicity. Consideration mustYbe made and / orWc corrosive / orW I2.5.2.1 <J<I<=K LM:N:FO<PQ RSTUVWXYTQRZ[S \VZX UVQof]Ythe ^V ccontaminating QRYXZTRXYTRfX RU{Q QWWQSTjVccontamination QRYXZTRXYTQRXand RU{Q possibility hazards with han— _Q SST\T̀TYaQof]^health VXỲ^^ XbXWUSXassociated SSQcTXYVUdT Y^Ythe ^V^ XRe Tignition. Reaction with medium include fRTYTQRgwV XcYTQRdT Y^Ythe ^VZV UT[Zccould Q[`UT Rc`[UVYtoxic QxTc dling beV[S used U` TRfQof]]fillT̀`]fluids. `[TUSghIf]Ythe ^V]fillT``]fluid `[TUTisSYtoQ\ VUTinRXanR ccontamination loss purity, may damage QRYXZTRXYTQRQorWQ̀ SSQof]_[W TYaiwhich d^Tc^ZX aUX ZXfVYthe ^V measure pressure a food, Xapplication __T̀cXYTQRYtoQZV XS[WV_W VSS[WVTinRX] QQUibeverage, \VjVWXfViQorW process render medium para. _WQcVSSQorWW VRUVWYthe ^VZV UT[Z unusable [R[SX\`V|(see SVV_X WXg2.8). }g~g pharmaceutical process, determine _^ XWZXcV[YTcX`_W QcVSSiYthe ^V[user SVWSshould ^Q[ÙUV YVWZTRVYthe ^V must I2°5'2'3 <J<I<>Instrument AFqnoBAFrC°mpat'b'l'ty' Los@F:_ u:_ ?:_ FO<The ^V]fluT̀. `fluld ]`[T_ UZ[ SY nature of]Y the risk involved, if]S small quantities of]Y the fill R X Y [W VQ ^ VW T S kT R j Q ` j V Ui T ZX ` ` l [X R Y T Y T V SQ ^ V] T̀ ` compatible with all materials it contacts such \ Vc Q Z_X Y T \` VdT Y ^X ` `ZX Y V W T X ` ST Yc Q R Y X c Y SS [c ^X S fluid enter the of leak be as means a Xkg ]`[TUVRYVWY^V_W QcVSSSStream, YWVXZiby \aZV XRSQ]XV̀ process O-rings, gaskets, diaphragms, pressure elements, and e W T R f S if X S k V Y S iUT X _^ W X f ZS i_W V S S [ W VV ` V ZV R Y S iX R U Medium I2.5.2.2 <J<I<ImB C:no@and ACpExternal MFBqA@?pEnvironmental AH:qLAoBAF@?rCompaLos@t h0usingS_ A fill with Ftibility. :u:?:FO<v] T̀`]fluid `[TUSshould ^Q[`URnotQYWreact VXcYXadversely UjVWSV`adT Y^Ythe ^V ^Q[STRfSg Term shall beVS suitI2.5.2.4 <J<I< Long LA;K BqoDStability. F@u:?:FO<FillT̀`fluid ]`[TUS ^X``\ [TYe medium a leak Reaction ZV UT[ZQorWVenvironment RjTWQRZVRYTif]X` VXkSshould ^Q[`UQoccur. cc[WgwV XcYTQR with for application \`V] QWccontinuous QRYTR[Q[SQoperation _VWXYTQRXatYSspecified _VcT]TVUX __T̀cXYTQR dT Y^Ythe ^VVenvironment RjTWQRZVRYccould Q[ÙTinclude Rc`[UVYtoxic QxTcQorWccorrosive QWWQSTjV Xable y57z ¡ ¢£¤£¥¤¥¡ 9'3753' Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01234567866966 00213014567 ASME B40.100-2005 DIAPHRAGM SEALS (B40.2) Upper housing Diaphragm Weld by user /— *9 ____ M H \ sa_—____l A Supplied by user [Lower housing GENERAL NOTE: Not intended to show design detail. Fig. 14 Butt !"Seal # Weld Diaphragm L Upper housing Bolts qfl ~.-.<.»\_z-.~.-.-. Weld by user C”? I . I“ | /I J \ /V _ _J \ Supplied by user [Lower housing GENERAL NOTE: Not intended to show design detail. Weld!" Seal Fig. 15$ "Socket %&' # will be)= greater pressure (service )*+,-).temperatures, )/0)*1.2*)(3pressures, 0*)((2*)(31and 456other .7)*(service )*+,-)-condi645,8 <, ;;J *)1.)*>for6*;lower 6<)*0* )((2*),instruments. 4(.*2/)4.(9 with .tions. ,64(9:Incorrect 4-6**)-.(selection );)-.,64<, .7*respect )(0)-..to6(service )*+,-).tempera)/0)*18 P(/1)QRS64( Consideration should be given the conse, 5) * 1 . , 6 4( 762; 5J)= ,+)4.to6. 7)64()8 gel; I .ture 2*)*range 14=)-could 62;5*result )(2;.,in4>fill,;;>fluid ;2,5>freezing, *))?,4=3=) difference between assembly point (shop) 2) 4 ) (6 > > ) * ) 4 )J ) . <) ) 41 ( ( ) /J ; @06 , 4 .T (760U quences of>5, >formation, 6*/1.,643polymerization, 06;@/)*,?1.,643(solidification, 6;,5,>,-1.,643)etc..-9 process ambient 1ambient /J,)4..temperature )/0)*1.2*)1and 450* 6-)(((service )*+,-)1and 451 /J,)4. temperatures. )/0)*1.2*)(9When V7)46optimum 0.,/2/1accuracy --2*1-@,is(*required, )I2,*)53the .7) a liqThe)1 addition A2.5.2.5 $A$BEffect CC&%ofCDTemperature. EFG#GH7 55,.,646of>1; ,I8 . filled seal and instrument system should be calibrated )1;145,4(.*2/)4.(@(.)/ (762;5J)-1;,J*1.)5 uid-filled diaphragm 2, 58>,;;)55, 107*1=/(seal )1;.to61an4,instrument 4(.*2/)4.may /1@-create *)1.)1a >,;;)75( )0process *6-)(((service )*+,-)1and 451ambient /J,)4..temperature. )/0)*1.2*)9 detectable pressure 5) .)-.1J;))error **6*,in4.the 7)0 *)((2*)*reading. )15,4=9KSealed )1;)5(systems @(.)/( 1at..the Consideration also be)= given 4(,5)*1.,64(should 762;51 ;(6J ,+)4.to6. 7)-Conse64()8 the induced -contain 64.1,4>fixed ,L)5+volumes 6;2/)(6of>;liquid. ,I2,59HTemperature )/0)*1.2*), 452-)5 P(17)WRS6 high or*; low of the may potential temperatures 2)4-)(6of>06 .)4.,1;7 ,=76 6<1ambient /J,)4.. )/0)*1.2*)( )expansion L014(,641and/or 45M6*-contraction 64.*1-.,646>. 7)>fill,;;>fluid ;2,5/1 @ Iquences decrease pressure These which a portion of>the / instrument assembly ,-71all;;6or*10 6*.,646 .7)(seal )1;M, 4(.*2/)4.1 (()/J;@ ,increase 4-*)1()6or*5) -*)1().the 7)0 *)((2*)*reading. )15,4=9H7 )())effects >>)-.( .to6<7 NO American Mechanical Engineers. Copyright XY Z[\]^_`©ab2006 ccdaeby[àthe_faghf \]ijkalSociety Yi]f`[aYofmanf i_jk]ijoapk ^]kff\qr 99 No material ASME. sY\reproduction fZ\Ytui`]Ykamay hj[aebefamade hjtfaYofmàthis _]qahj f̀\]joawithout v]`_Yuàwritten v\]`f̀kaiconsent YkqfkàYofmagl npr 53’ 01 2345RAGM 2678SEALS 92 8(B40.2) DIAPH 2879 ASME B40.100-2005 Upper housing Weld by user \\\ / / / / // // / / / . X Supplied by user \ Diaphragm \ Upper housing Bolts AHU Weld by user \ \ ‘l / / / A L/ / / / / / X / ZDiaphragm . \ \ \ \ Supplied b y user GENERAL NOTE: !These "#$#%drawings &'()*+$'are&#*not,-)intended *-#*%#%-to,$show ",(%design #$)+*%detail. #-')./ 0Fig. 1234165 Welded 678979:Seal 7;8:Saddle ;9987 The@G may be@@ exposed, Viscosity. fluid viscosity orHH resistance <= >? ABCD@EFGforCH@example, A=<BI@FDsun JKDshining LMKMKNConK@exposed ABCD@E V2.5.2.8 3W3V3kl 1mdYm1Xn3hL IJMEU MDOCDMP>C @DMDP=KO@ midhas effect upon speed response the Ocapillary =BMII=H>Iline, MK@FPtemperature @<B@H=PJH@Ochanges L=KN@DGfrom HC< noon KCCKPtoC<M EQ PtoCGflow ICRL =D=anK@ GG@OPJ BCKPthe L@D B@@ECorHH @DBCKD@CofGP L@ night mid-summer mid-winter. Exposed a pressure the diaK MNLPCorH<M EQDJ<<@HPtoC<M EQRMKP@HSTA BCD@EOcompoC<BCQ pressure BH@DDJH@Minstrument KDPHJ<@KPPtoC=BH @DDJH@Ochange L=KN@=atPP L@EM =Q nents This which may be@M insulated, on a system in K @KPD<= >? KDJI=P@EFLheated, @=P@EFCorHOcooled CCI@EPtoCHreduce @EJO@Pthe L@ phragm. BLH=N<ShL MD@effect GG@OPwill RMIIbe?@Ngreater H@=P@HC K=D >DP@<M KRL MOL variations. instrument a diaphragm by @effects GG@OPDCofG=ambient <?M@KPPtemperature @<B@H=PJH@U =HM=PMCKDS Pthe L@M KDPHJ<@KPMisDOconnected CKK@OP@EPtoC=EM =BLH=N< Dseal @=I? >=a length of capillary. I @ K N P LC GO = BM I I = H > S Consideration V3W3V35:Storage XYZ;27[Temperature. 7\]7Z;X^Z73_C KDME@H=PMCKDshall L=II be given prevent damage ?@NM U@KPtoCBH @U@KPE= <=N@PtoCPthe L@Dseal/instrument @=I`MKDPHJ<@KP The@G fill vapor V2.5.2.9 3W3V3ol ;]YZpPressure. Z7mm^Z73hL MIIfluid GIJMEU =BCHpressure BH@DDJH@ Vapor by high / orHI low =assembly DD@<?I>Ocaused =JD@E? >L MNL=and KE`C CR=ambient <?M@KPPtempera@<B@H=Q <JD mustP? be@O compatible with the following: C <B= P M ? I @RM P LP L @G C I I C RM K N q while Pture JH@RL MI@Pthe L@=assembly DD@<?I>MisDMinKPtransit H=KDMPCorHDstorage. PCH=N@S fill procedures rst@evacuation U=OJ=PMCK=and KEG MIIBH CO@EJH@D Head. V2.5.2.7 3W3V3abEffect cc7dXYofceLiquid 1f^19g7 ;93The hL@Dspecific B@OMGMONgravity H=UMP> r(a) (b) ambient temperatures u t= <? M @ K PP @ <B@ H = P JH @ D may have a distorting because CofGPthe L@Gfluid IJME<= >L =U@=EM DPCHPMKN@effect GG@OP? @O=JD@CofGPthe L@ (C)vtPtransport H=KDBCHP=and KEDstorage PCH=N@Ptemperatures @<B@H=PJH@D head pressure. This pressure will Dstatic P=PMOL @=EBH @DDJH@ShL MDDstatic P=PMOLhead @=EBH @DDJH@RM IIbe ?@=a r (d) medium pressure and temperature Gfunction JKOPMCKCofGPthe L@Gfluid IJMEDspecific B@OMGMONgravity H=UMP>=and KEPthe L@@elevation I@U=PMCK rwt<@EMJ< BH@DDJH@=KEP@<B@H=PJH@ fill V2.5.2.10 3W3V34xyCompressibility. Y\]Z7mm1z181Xn3Compressibility _C<BH@DDM?MIMP>CofGPthe L@G MII difference between diaphragm EM GG@H@KO@? @PR@@KPthe L@EM =BLH=N< =and KEPthe L@Dsensing @KDMKN@eleI@Q ment mustPbe higher applications Gfluid IJME<JD ?@Oconsidered CKDME@H@EMinKL MNL@Hpressure BH@DDJH@= BBIMO=PMCKD <@ KPCofGPthe L@Minstrument. KDPHJ<@KPS ij American Mechanical Engineers. Copyright {| }~©2006 by~the Society |~|of No material ASME. |reproduction }||may ~bemade |ofthis without |written consent ||of 01234567866966 00213014567 ASME B40.100-2005 DIAPHRAGM SEALS (B40.2) : : -ii - -E— , : J : ' _ I"""I — Diaphragm : : !" — Instrument #$"# —l- :E%connection &%#& : : — Inline seal I"""I ' L Q '$ (_»| Supplied )* $ by user J<— '$ ( Supplied )* $ by user Bolts -& #and ($# nuts +,# + ,# Gasket- — Gasket GENERAL NOTE: ./ 0/123045 /65This 789:drawing ;<=8>?8is9>not@A8intended >AB>:B:Ato@9show 7@=:design B98?>:detail. BA<8CD EFig. FGHI17J Kln-Line LMNFLOPSeal OQRS(Crevice TUOVFWOEFree) UOOX TheZd need recalibrate with the YZ[\]^Z_`abZ`cdcaZec^fg\[ZhZda[\f\Ycgcai_`abZec\j yb ZZeato_k Z[\gcYk\aZathe bZcinstrument d^ak]hZdazc aba bZ^seal Z\g fbk\lhmn_oZhZda_`abZec\fbk\lhc^kZp]ckZea_fk_j \attached aa\[bZezc ggeZ fZde_onda bZk \dlZ\and de\also g^_athe bZeZ ^ckZe will depend the range, desired e][ZY_ababZo_g]hZ_`[_hfkZ^^c_d_`abZ`cgg`g]ce \accuracy. [[]k\[im \deabZec^fg\[ZhZdakZp]ckZe`_kabZfkZ^^]kZj^Zd^cdl q2.6.2 Process pressure is^a the maxiH{HqProcess UvWOwwPressure. UOwwUOHk _[Z^^fk Z^^]kZc bZh\ cj ZgZhZdaa_`]d[ac_dm mum \ and minimum medium pressure that will be h]h dehc dc h]h hZ ec ]h fk Z ^ ^ ]k Za b\ azc g gYZ Other TheZ` fill q2.5.2.11 HrHqHIIst uOUTConsiderations. vLwFxOUQtFvLwHyb cgg`fluid g]ce^should b_]ge \applied seal. f f g c Z ea b Zec \ f b k \ l h ^ Z \ g m to_a the diaphragm not bacteriological with d_a^support ]ff_kaY \[aZkc_g_lc[\glgrowth k_zab_orkkreact Z\[azc abathe bZ materials h\ aZkc\g^_of`athe bZec \fbk\lh ^seal Z\g_orkathe bZcinstrument. d^ak]hZdam diaphragm TheZ` following q2.6.3 H{H O~OUQtUOHyb _gg_zcdl\ kZatypes ifZ^_ Zhj Temperature. are of`a temperature: fZ k \ a ]k Z a Diaphragm q2.6H{PSelection OROWtFvLvof|Q} FQ~uUQGPSeal OQR (a)fk _[Z^^atemperature ZhfZk\a]kZ(see ^ZZf\ k\m2.5.2.5) mmm process para. TheZ` following beZ yb _gg_zcdl\attributes aakcY]aZ^_of`\and\application ffgc[\ac_d^should b_]geY (I9) ambient temperature (see para. \ hY c Z d aa Z hfZ k \ a ]k Z ^ Z Zf\ k \ m mmm [considered _d^ceZkZeY iathe bZ]^ Zk`for_kZeach \[b\application ffgc[\ac_d_of`\ec \j (C)^storage by user a dia2.5.2.6) temperature (see para. a _ k \ l Za Z hf Z k \ a ]k Z ^ Z Zf \ k \ m m mm phragm This is^c intended fbk\lh^seal. Z\gmyb c^glisting c^acdlc daZdeZe\as^\and_outline ]agcdZ_only dgi with paragraph detailed descriptions. zcabf\ k\lk\fbkreferences Z`ZkZd[Z^ato_eZ a\cgZeeZ ^[kcfac_d^mThe ybZ q2.6.4 H{Hv LtFLG Mounting beZ[ consulted if required. ^supplier ]ffgcZk^should b_]geY _d^]gaZe`for_k\assistance ^^c^a\d[Zc̀k Zp]ckZem Mounting para. and q2.6.4.1 H{HHIv LtFLGPStyle. tROHSeeZZf\ k\m2.2m\ deathe bZ`fol_gj Degradation Accuracy. TheZo volumetric disq2.6.1 H{HI}O GUQxQtFvLvof| WWUQWHyb _g]hZakc[ec ^j glowing: _ zc d l placement diaphragm fg\[ZhZda\and deovolumetric _g]hZakc[^spring fkcdlkrate \aZ_of`athe bZec \fbk\lh (Ll)\attached aa\[bZeato_athe bZ_outside ]a^ceZ_of`\fc fZ_ Z^^Zg a pipe orko vessel mustaY beZ\ adequate mechanism h]^ eZp]\aZato_\actuate [a]\aZathe bZ^sensing Zd^cdlhZ [b\dc^h _of` (19) in—line c d j g c d Z The will, athe bZcinstrument. d^ak]hZdamyb Z\addition eecac_d_of`athe bZ^seal Z\gzc gghowever, b_zZoZk Because dia\affect ``Z[aathe bZ\accuracy [[]k\[i_of`athe bZcinstrument. d^ak]hZdamZ [\]^Zathe bZec \j Mounting Method. para. q2.6.4.2 H{HHqv LtFLGO tuvxHSeeZZf\ k\m2.2m\and deathe bZ`fol_gj phragm a finite itazc will fbk\lh has b\^\` cdcaZ^spring fkcdlkrate, \aZc ggkrequire Zp]ckZ^some _hZ glowing: dl pressure displace necessary fk Z^^]kZato_ec ^fg\[Zathe bZ`fluid g]ced Z[Z^^\kiato__operate fZk\aZathe bZ _zc (a) threaded a bkZ\eZe pressure fkZ^^]kZZelement. gZhZdam (b) flanged ` g\dlZe This will beZl greater with yb c^Zeffect ``Z[azc ggY kZ\aZk_ondcinstruments d^ak]hZda^zc abZelegZj (C)zZ welded geZe ments more displacement, with diahZ da^krequiring Zp]ckcdlh_ kZ`fluid g]ceec ^fg\[ZhZdazc abec \j \eegZ phragms higher fb k\lh^bhaving \ocdlb clbZkovolumetric _g]hZakc[^spring fkcdlkrates, \aZ^\and de_ond (d)^saddle glower _zZkfpressure kZ^^]kZkrange \dlZcinstruments. d^ak]hZda^m (e)[clamped g\hfZe(sanitary) ^\dca\ki because of the finite displacement capability of the diaphragm. Movement of the diaphragm is required to produce both the volume of compression of the fill fluid and the displacement required for the pressure-sensing element to function. C 60 by ¤ the American Society Mechanical Engineers. Copyright ¡¢£©¤¥2006 ¦¦§¤̈ £¢©¤ª«© ¬­®¤̄ ¬©£¤of°¤±© ¬¢­®¬­²¤³® ¡®©©´µ No be ¤ made material ASME. ¶reproduction ©·¸¬£®¤may «­¤̈© «­·©¤of°¤£this ¢´¤«­ £©­²¤without ¹£¢¸£¤written ¹££©®¤¬consent ®´©®£¤of°¤ª¯ ±³µ 01 2345RAGM 2678SEALS 92 8(B40.2) DIAPH 2879 ASME B40.100-2005 )Instrument '!$'!#connection ''$#!' support !surface "#$ Diaphragm %Bolts &!and '('! nuts \ / __.I.__ IV *$ ' <— Upper housing + ,$! Gasket Diaphragm 1(welded 2$&($(or/bonded '($( !to $ housing) '3 upper l__F| I T I I I I : "//Fl L L ‘‘ ____ __ ______.’ -Flushing &'ring ' + ,$! Gasket .&$(/0$ . 7 k/79 </4’ 5:7/>4 \ \ __/ / ZL/1’//' GENERAL NOTE: 45 657896:; 5<;This =>?@drawing ABC>DE>is?DnotFG>intended DGHD@H@GtoF?show =FC@design H?>ED@detail. HGB>IJ KFig. LMNO18P KFlushing QRSTLUMVRing LUM para. para. 2.3.9. Also, W2.6.4.3 NXNYNZ[Process \]^_SS`Connection. ]UU_^aL]UNbSeeccde feg2.3.10 hgigjkeand lmnthe oc W2.6.6 NXNX Instrument USa\R_Ua`Connection. ]UU_^aL]UNbSeeccde fegh gig¡gr q{seecc the following: pfollowing: qrrqstluv n o cp q r r q st l u v NPT) NPT female) w(a)xynthread ofcemz(e.g., cgug{j-“/2htin.lgj14|}~ w(a)xysize tcz(e.g., cgug{j7/2htin.lgj14|}~p cerc direct remote fcnqorff cqnc w(b)ypflange relucsize tjceand lmfrating entlueand lmpface ecconfiguration qlptu fentqlz(e.g., cgug{ w(b)ymt ASME B165, Class RF) ej150k b j g{j172htin.lgr 2.6.7 NXN¢KFillLQQKFluid. QRLNbSeeccdpara. efeg2.5. hgg weld 1 in. w(C)ysc rmsize tceand lmconfiguration qlptu fentqlz(e.g., cgug{jt lgsocket qcnweld) scrm W W2.6.8 NXNP£a T_\KFeatures. _aR\_SNSee bccde feg2.3. hgigAlso, rq{seeccn ocp qr Other para. the fol3 in.) w(d)ysaddle, emmrc{pipe dtdcsize tcz(e.g., cgug{it lg lowing: r q st l u v w(e)yclamp, red{size tceand lmntype dc /noncontinuous w(I1)xycontinuous qlntl q l qlqlntl q Materials W2.6.5 NXN a_\LQSbSeeccdpara. efegh2.4.g|g / nonremovable w(b)yfremovable cq¤ercl qlfcq¤erc (C) para. ypflushing rotluconnection qllcntqlz(see ccde feg2.3.11) hgigjj Thecp folWith the Medium. W2.6.5.1 NXNNO[Parts \aSLinU`Contact ]Ua^aL aTa T__ LRNo qr w (d) locking device para. 2.3.15). w yr q t l umc ¤ t cz c cde f e g h g i g j g (see parts with medium: rlowing qstlude fnearefctinlcontact qlnenst nonthe occ mtv diaphragm w(cl)xymt edofeu Diaphragm W2.7N¢VReuse _RS_]of¥¦L §T\M¨Seals _QS w(b)yrlower qscfohousing q tlu not diaphragm becq moved ©Itnistl qnfrecommended cqclmcmnthat oenmt edofeuseals cer ¤cm mid w(C)yt mohousing q tlu from one application toqe another for the reasons stated p f q q l ce d d r t e n t q ln l q n o c fp q fn o cf c e q l n e ncm w(d)yugaskets ecn in paras. 2.7.1 through 2.7.4. t ld e f e g h g ª g jn o f q u oh g ª g | g weld w(e)ysc rm consequence ofpreW2.7.1 N¢NO`Chemical T_L^Q`Compatibility. ]§aL«LQLa¬NThe oc qlc­ clcq fc plug w(f)ypflushing rotluconnection qllcntqldr u use without cleaning can range from contamination toq cst n o q n r c e l t l u e lf e l u cp f q q l n e t l e n t q ln NotaL Thecp folinU` Contact With Medium. W2.6.5.2 NXNNW[Parts \aS] ]Ua^aL aT_ LRNo qr cexplosive failure. For example, moving an oil service ® dr q t ¤ cp e t r f c g q fc ® e d r c {q ¤ t l ue lq t r c f ¤ t c parts not with medium: rlowing qstlude fnearefcl qntinlcontact qlnenst nonthe occ mtv cleaning for diaphragm seal toqq oxygen service without mt e do f e u c e rn ® u c l c f ¤ t cst n o q n r c e l t l up q f housing w(oz)xyupper ddcfo q tlu in Comqoxygen ®uclservice cf¤tccan elfresult c rnt lcexplosive ®drqt¤cpfailure etrfcz(see ccq bolts nuts w(19)y qrneand lml n 4.1, dfccm¯e qtentql{Inc., ©lg{STD. b°gCGA ¯| gj{±”Cleaning rceltlu pressed Gas Association, w(d)yfreinforcing ctlpqftlufrings tlu Equipment Oxygen Service/’) Diaphragm ­ tdclnpforqf²® uclb cf¤tcg³°t edofeu seals cer within w(6)yseal cerst notlnthe ocpfilled trrcmsystem nc becmt disassembled and cleaned with should oq rm ecrcme lm rcelcmst noeappropriate ddfqdftenc prior any reuse different solvents qr¤clnd ftqfntoqe lf c cqonlmt ppcfclneapplications. ddrtentqlg w(f)ypfill/bleed trrrccmscrew fcs j American Mechanical Engineers. Copyright ´µ ¶·¸¹º»¼©½¾2006 ¿¿À½Áby·½the ¼»Â½ÃÄ ¸¹ÅÆǽÈSociety µÅ¹Â¼·½µofɽÊ ŻÆǹÅÆ˽ÌÇ º¹Ç¸ÍÎ 39¢ No material ASME. ϵ¸reproduction ¶¸µÐÑż¹µÇ½may ÄÆ·½Ábe½made ÄÆнµofɽ¼this »¹Í½ÄÆ ¼Â¸¹Æ˽without Ò¹¼»µÑ¼½written Ò¸¹¼¼ÂǽÅconsent µÇÍÂǼ½µofɽÃÈ ÊÌÎ 53' 01234567866966 00213014567 ASME B40.100-2005 DIAPHRAGM SEALS (B40.2) Pressure gauge socket i / Diaphragm Fill/bleed port (optional) Diaphragm retainer (a) Instrument connection Diaphragm retainer Adapter fitting /— Diaphragm (b) GENERAL NOTE: to !These "#$#%drawing &'()*+'are&#*not,-)intended *-#*%#%,$show ",(%design #$)+*%detail. #-')./ 0Fig. 1234195 67 829:lsolator ;<=7><? Gauge @62A BCDEFGHIJ KLMMNKOEKJIPKQRPFGSTUKVCSGPJEKCWKXPSITUGSTYKZUHGUPPF[\ 53' ]CFPDFC^_SJGCUKRTEKOPKRT^PKCWKJIG[KRTJPFGTYK̀GJIC_JK̀FGJJPUKSCU[PUJKCWKQVXZ\ 90¢ Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01 2345RAGM 2678SEALS 92 8(B40.2) DIAPH 2879 ASME B40.100-2005 2.7.2 Partial Drug Admin Fatigue. !"#$% &'()&installation *()+,,+)&-*.+ ,$+*$4&in*+accordance 77-'4+*7$?& )#a8 I8X --4+ *4b' 25R4.& *@ The first may/ 7 cleaned with U.S. Food and &involve *0-,0$1pressure '$((2'$12 , ( + ) & * () # + ) # + 0 $$ 3 1$ * 4$ 4.( ) % & ( ) ' + ) & * 6` RI + * & ) + ' /I ) + *4+ ' 4( 6') #$ '+ 11, & 7 + B ,$ pulsations that have expended most of istration, 3A Sanitary Standards, or other applicable diaphragm )the #$4& +1#'+5. %fatigue +)&52$,life, &%$6'resulting $(2,)&*5&in*$early +',/%fatigue +)&52$&in* (standards. )+*4+'4(8 )the #$(second $7-*4&installation. *()+,,+)&-*8 filled portion 2.8.6 Nc The "#$$entire *)&'$% &,,$41')&-*-of%)the #$(system /()$. must .2() $+A@)&5#)8GIt)is&(* -)recommended '$7-..$*4$4) #+)the )#$2( $'tamper )+.1$' leak—tight. not that user 2.7.3 9:Corrosion. ;;<;=>''-(&-*-of%)the #$4& +1#'+5.6, -?$' beB$, Corrosion diaphragm, lower pressure instrument diaphragm seal ?&)#)the #$1 '$((2'$& *()'2.$*)+and *44& +1#'+5.( $+,+assem(($.@ mid-housings, parts wetted by +and *4.& 4@#-2(&*5(65gaskets, +(A$)(6+and *4-other )#$'1+ ')(?$ ))$4B / with fill fluid will in B,/8Any R*/,loss -((-of%% &,,% ,2&4?& ,,'result $(2,)& *(significant &5*&%&7+*)$errors ''-'( )the #$.$ 4&2.&in*)the #$%first &'()&installation *()+,,+)&-*.+ /B 2%%&7&$*))to- bly. medium may be$( sufficient -or'7complete -.1,$)$%failure +&,2'$)to-) '+*(.&)1 '$((2'$)to-) #$&instru*()'2@ transmit pressure the 7cause +2($$early +',/%failure +&,2'$&in*)the #$(second $7-*4&installation. *()+,,+)&-*8 ment. of%) the fill the *)8GIn*+addition, 44&)&-*6)the #$$exposure 31-(2'$#$% &,,%fluid ,2&4)to-) #$ 2.7.4 CD E!:Considerations. ;=<F!;=<GIf%'reusing $2(&*5+4& +1#'+5. .$ Other a diaphragm medium .$ 4& 2.+ * 4( 2' ' 2 * 4& * 5+ ' $ +7 2, 47 + 2( $+# + \ + ' 42( and surrounding area could cause a hazardous (seal $+,&is('required, $H2&'$46+all,,5guidelines 2&4$,&*$(7covered -0$'$4&in*)this #&(IStandard, )+*4+'46 7condition. * 4& ) & * 8 'relative $,+)&0$)to-+applications 11,&7+)&-*(-of%4& +1#'+5. (seals, $+,(6(should #-2,4B diaphragm be$ be$) taken when welding is(2( used N Care >+'$(should #-2,4B +A$*?# $*?$ ,4&*5& $4 manner when a new diaphragm %followed -,,-?$4&in*)the #$(same +.$.+ **$'+as(?# $*+* $?4& +1#'+5. 2.8.7 )to-7connect -**$7))the #$, -?$'# -2(&*5)to-)the #$1' -7$((, &*$)to-+ 0-&4 lower housing process line avoid (seal $+,&is((selected $,$7)$4J(see ($$1+ '+8K2.5.2). 8L8KM8 para. 4+ .+5$%from '-. -overheating. 0$'#$+)&*58>*(2,)) #$(supplier 211,&$'%for-' damage Consult the 2.8NOSafety P!Q instructions. &installation *()+,,+)&-*& *()'27)&-*(8 R, +1#'+5.(seal $+,7components, -.1-*$*)(6&including *7,24&*5%fasteners, +()$*$'(6 All,4& diaphragm Filling Diaphragm =e fEgOSeals !< must)B be$( selected process .2( $,$7)$47considering -*(&4$'&*5+all,,1' -7$((+and *4+ambient .B&$*) 2.9d -operating 1$'+)&*57conditions, -*4&)&-*(6&including *7,24&*57corrosion, -''-(&-*6)temperature, $.1$'+)2'$6 2.9.1 dUDh i!jk!;ofPthe E!Filling =Df !;="# BT$7)&0$ Objective Operation. The$objective +and *41pressure, '$((2'$6)to-1' $0$*).& (+11,&7+)&-*J(see ($$(section $7)&-*K2.4). 8SM8 -of%) prevent misapplication the the #$%filling &,,&*5-operation 1$'+)&-*&is()to-%fill&,,) #$(sealed $+,$4(system /()$. con7-*@ possible GImproper .1'-1$'(selection $,$7)&-*7could -2,4'result $(2,)&in*%failure +&,2'$+and *41 -((&B,$ (sisting diaphragm &()&*5-of%)the #$4& +1#'+5.(seal $+,)top -1+assembly, (($.B,/67connections, -**$7)&-*(6 property damage. &injury *T2'/-or'1' -1$')/4+ .+5$8 with +and *4)the #$&instrument *()'2.$*)?& )#)the #$%fill&,,%fluid. ,2&48Air R&'B 2BB,$(7 +2($ bubbles cause ( .$, ( (7 7 2 ' + 7 / 6 B 2)+ ' $1+ ' ) & 7 2, + ' , /) ' 2 B , $ ( -.$ some loss of%+ accuracy, but are particularly troublesome Because 2.8.1 NU V$ 7+2($-of%&its)()thin #&*7cross '-(((section, $7)&-*6(special 1$7&+,+atten))$*@ when operating either at)# high temperature or'0 vacuum. ?# $ *1$ ' + ) & * 5$ & ) # $ '+ & 5 #) $ .1 $ ' + ) 2' $+ 7 22.8 must)B be$5 given diaphragm material )tion &-*.2( &0$*)to-4& +1#'+5. .+ )$'&+,(selection. $,$7)&-*8 Under the 4$')these #$($7 -*4&)&-*()the #$+air&'$expands, 31+*4(6-over—filling 0$'@%&,,&*5) #$ conditions ISometimes -.$)&.$(+.+ )$'&+,.'$7corrosion -''-(&-*'resistant $(&()+*))than #+*)that #+) a* a material more limited volume , & .& ) $ 40 , 2 .$?& ) # & *) # $( $ + , $ 4( / ( ) $ .6 7 + 2( & * 5& * + 7@ within the sealed system, causing inac-of%)the #$#$ +0&$'B -))-. #2(&*5-or'+associated ((-7&+)$41& 1&*5 7curate heavier bottom housing piping pressure measurements and frequently distorting 2' + ) $1' $ ( ( 2' $.$ + ( 2' $ .$ * ) (+ * 4% ' $ H 2$ * ) , /4& ( ) ' ) & * 5 be$7 considered. Operating must)not (should #-2,4B -*(&4$'$48W1 $'+)&*5)temperatures $.1$'+)2'$(.2( *-) .$ metal diaphragms. ) + ,4& + 1# ' + 5 .( 8 materials $exceed 37$$4)the #$,limit &.&)%for-')the #$.+ )$'&+,((selected, $,$7)$46&including *7,24&*5)that #+) -of%)the #$%fill&,,%fluids. ,2&4(8 2.9.2 dFilling =OStations ;=< ((1) The$% fill station l m n"# & , ,( ) + )&-*(shown #-?*-on*XFig. &58K20o7consists -*(&()(-of%+a The$.+ maximum pressure must)* not 2.8.2 N "# 3&.2. +allowable ,,-?+B,$1' $((2'$.2( -) vacuum 0 + 7 22. 12.1 6 +( & 5 # )5 , + ( ( 6 +, & H 2& 4) ' + 16 +and *4+' $52@ pump, a sight glass, a liquid trap, a reguB$$exceeded. 37$$4$48XFlanged ,+*5$4(seals $+,(+are'$5generally $*$'+,,/, &.&)$4)to-)the #$ ,lated be limited source of%1' pressure. In operation, the system to be$ + ) $ 4( 2' 7 $$ ( ( 2' $ 8 G *1 $ ' + ) & * 6 ) # $( / ( ) $ . ) -B maximum Plastic hous.+ 3&.2.'rating +)&*5-of%)the #$%flange ,+*5$&itself. )($,%8Y, +()&7,lower -?$'# -2(@ %filled is(+ attached to-) the fill station. When the vacuum & , , $ 4& ) ) + 7 # $ 4) # $% & , ,( ) + ) & * 8p# $ *) # $0 + 7 22. will not)?& withstand pressures metal &ing *5?& ,,*)#()+*4)the #$(same +.$1' $((2'$(+as(.$ )+, is(+applied, drawn from the 11,&$46)the #$+air&'&is(4' +?*% '-.) #$(sealed $+,$4(system /()$.+and *4 pressures $equivalents. H2&0+,$*)(8Maximum Z+3&.2.+allowable ,,-?+B,$1' $((2'$(%for-'+all,,mate.+)$@ & is(0 Visible as(B bubbles in the sight glass. When the vacuum & & ( & B , $+ 2B B , $ (& *) # $( & 5 # ) 5 , + ( ( 8 p# $ *) # $0 + 7 22 . decrease 'rials &+,(4$ 7'$+($+as()temperatures $.1$'+)2'$(&increase. *7'$+($8 withdrawn, fill &is(?& )#4'+?*6the )#$%fill&,,fluid %,2&4%fills &,,()the #$(sealed $+,$4(system. /()$.8The "#$% &,, used 2.8.3 N9 XFasteners +()$*$'(2( $4)to-(secure $72'$)the #$(structural )'27)2'+,7compo-.1-@ %fluid is(+ automatically degassed fill ,2&4& 2)-.+)&7+,,/4$ 5+(($44during 2'&*5)the #$% &,,-operation. 1$'+)&-*8 * $*)(-of%)the #$4& +1#'+5.(seal $+,(shall #+,,-only *,/B $1,+7$4?& )# l(1))qn"# nents diaphragm be$' replaced with fill The$% &,,(station )+)&-*(shown #-?*-on*XFig. &58K21r7consists -*(&()(-of%+a by %fasteners +()$*$'((specified 1$7&%&$4B /)the #$(supplier. 211,&$'8 vacuum pump,6+% a fill valves. 0+722.12.1 &,,reservoir, '$($'0-&'6+and *4)two ?-0 +,0$(8Fill X&,,%fluid ,2&4 is(1 placed in the reservoir. When the valves are positioned & , + 7 $ 4& *) # $' $ ( $ ' 0 & ' 8 p# $ *) # $0 + , 0 $ (+ ' $1( & ) & *$4 The$% fill must)B be$7 capable withstanding 2.8.4 NC "# &,,%fluid ,2&4.2( +1+B,$-of%?& )#()+*4&*5 +as((shown in Fig. 21, illustration (a), the vacuum is #?*& *X& 58K r 6& , , 2( ) ' + ) & *J + M 6) #$0 + 7 22. &( Glycerin )the #$-operating 1$'+)&*5)temperature. $.1$'+)2'$8[, /7$'&*-or'(silicone &,&7-*$%fill&,,%fluids ,2&4( +applied to-) the sealed system and the fluid is(4$ degassed. 1 1 , & $ 4) # $( $ + , $ 4( / ( ) $ . + * 4) # $% , 2& 4& 5 + ( ( $ 48 These must +are'$*not-)(suitable 2&)+B,$%for-'+all,,+applications. 11,&7+)&-*(8"# $($%fluids ,2&4(.2 () p#$*0 valves positioned in Fig. +,0$(+are'$1(&)&-*$4+as((shown #-?*& *X &5821, Kr6illustra&,,2()'+@ be where B$+avoided 0-&4$4?# $'$(strong )'-*5-oxidizing 3&4&\&*5+agents 5$*)(+are'$&involved *0-,0$4 When tion (b), the fill ) & *J B M 6 ) # $% & , ,% , 2& 4$ * ) $ ' () # $( $ + , $ 4( / ( ) $ .8 fluid enters the sealed system. nitric but &including, *7,24&*56B 2)*not-),limited &.&)$4)to,-6-oxygen, 3/5$*67chlorine, #,-'&*$6* &)'&7 presence +acid, 7&46+and *4#hydrogen /4'-5$*1peroxide. $'-3&4$8GIn*)the #$1 '$($*7$-of%-oxidiz3&4&\@ 2.9.3 The$1' procedures described d9Filling =Procedures. ;j!F !<"# -7$42'$(4$ (7'&B$4 potential will &ing *5+agents, 5$*)(61)$*)&+,#hazard +\+'4?& ,,'result $(2,)%from '-. 7chemical #$.&7+, within for use$+ as(5 guidelines. ?&)#&*)this #&((section $7)&-*+are'$5generalized $*$'+,&\$4% -'2( 2&4$,&*$(8 Completely 'reaction, $+7)&-*6&ignition, 5*&)&-*6-or'$explosion. 31,-(&-*8>.1,$)$,/%fluorinated ,2-'&*+)$4 "# The$4& diaphragm be$7 consulted for +1#'+5. (seal $+,(supplier 211,&$'(should #-2,4B -*(2,)$4% -' both, may be more -or'7chlorinated #,-'&*+)$4%fluids, ,2&4(6-or'B -)#6.+ /B $.'$(suitable 2&)+B,$%for-' +assistance with procedures. Applying vacuum to((&()+*7$?& )#(specific 1$7&%&71' -7$42'$(8R1 1,/&*50 +722.) (such 27#+applications. 11,&7+)&-*(8 pressure may damage the ,low -?1' $((2'$&instruments *()'2.$*)(.+ /4+ .+5$) #$&instrument. *()'2.$*)8 Consult instrument for procedures. *(2,))the #$& *()'2.$*)(supplier 211,&$'% -'(specific 1$7&%&71' -7$42'$(8 diaphragm may 2.8.5 N] ISpecific 1$7&%&7+applications 11,&7+)&-*(-of%4& +1#'+5. (seals $+,(.+ / >Diaphragm parts d9UFilling =e fEgOSeal !and =FsInstrument =<g!=After tP! 'require $H2&'$(specific 1$7&%&7)types /1$(-of%#handling +*4,&*5+and *47cleaning ,$+*&*5-of%1+ ')( during manufacture. Oil,+ and/or hydrocarbon The$( seal be$+ attached instrument $+,(should #-2,4B ))+7#$4)to-)the #$& *()'2.$*) t<<!ghQ"# 42' &*5.+ *2%+7)2'$8W& *4^-'#/ 4'-7+'B-*7com-.@ Assembly. pounds not be$2( used parts will joints The$% fill/bleed port should be$ *4+all,,T -&*)(,leak $+A)tested. $()$48"# &,,^B,$$41')( #-2,4B 12*4((should #-2,4* -)B $4-on*1 +')()that #+)?& ,,7contact -*)+7) +and manifold in be$2( used food to-) the -**$7)$4) #$.+ *&%-,4& *)the #$%filling &,,&*5(system. /()$.8Vacuum u+722. -oxygen. 3/5$*8ISeals $+,()to-B $4-on*1pharmaceutical #+'.+7$2)&7+,-or'% --4 7connected processing be$.+ manufactured / or' & is() then until is(' removed. #$*+applied 11,&$4)to-)the #$+assembly (($.B,/2* )&,+all,,+air&'& $.-0$48 1' -7$((&*5+application 11,&7+)&-*(should #-2,4B *2%+7)2'$4+and *4^- I _63` vwxyz{|}~ y~}z{w{~yw}{|{z wzxzw~{wyw~}{~z{{~}w~z{~~w~w Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01234567866966 00213014567 ASME B40.100-2005 DIAPHRAGM SEALS (B40.2) Valve A (three way, !" two #$#% &&#'( position) Vacuum KN KJ Pump Pressure source Liquid trap Sight glass ( Sealed system )Fig. *+,-20. /Sealed 01203/Setting 044*5+ 6647 89:;<=>?@ ABCCDAE;A@?FAGHF<=IJKAL9I=F@;A9MANFI?JK=IJOAPK>=KFF<QR S9<F:<9TUI@=9KAHJ;AEFAHJTFA9MA@?=QAHJ@F<=JOAV=@?9U@AV<=@@FKAI9KQFK@A9MAGLNPR [ Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01 2345RAGM 2678SEALS 92 8(B40.2) DIAPH I I I 2879 ASME B40.100-2005 Four-way vent !valve " Fill Station I I I H I \J I I I I I I I I Vacuum Fm reservoir I I pump I I | I I I #$" : Th ree—way valve : I KN I I I I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J Device being filled %(a)&' Four—way vent !valve " |=i|| station I I W\ : I_I I Ly I I I I I I I I I I Vacuum Fm reservoir Wm” I I | I I I #$" : Th ree—way valve I /\ I I I I I I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J Device being filled %(b)(' )Fig. *+,-21. )Fill*//0Setting 122*3+ 4655 6789:;<=> ?@AAB?C9?>=D?EFD:;GHI?J7G;D>9?7K?LDG=HI;GHM?NI<;IDD:OP 5:’ Q7:D8:7RSG>;7I?FH9?CD?FHRD?7K?>=;O?FH>D:;HM?T;>=7S>?T:;>>DI?G7IODI>?7K?EJLNP 90¢ Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01234567866966 00213014567 DIAPHRAGM SEALS (B40.2) ASME B40.100-2005 into !""#!!#!"$"% #fill!!#fluid !" %%one end "and "allowing !!%-*#flow !%- !no %& &&! until bubbles % %#&!'()# #!!*+&#% appear $$ atthe %other end, "+%or by &'applying $$!'*6 %%one vacuum to immersing into **#!!,&!"-+#!%#". end "%of#the capillary $!!'and " *the %other end " % process $* %!"&/"#%!!%-0 % %of##fill!!#fluid, !"+continuing %*the $ % ! !! a container until all % 6 "( 1234#"$*%#!+56%!' air is removed. = !!"capillary $!!'isthen assembled &!" The# filled to% the instrument ",% $ % ' !( "seal !inthe same asthe seal !and " manner instrument 1734#"$* %65%-"$% and para. &!'" &" $ (? (@(A(?89( described in "8%6.#!!"9+*!'$"$* $-" assembly until !itis#flat !and "then tighten *the #fill/bleed !!,&!"screw. -( B C|}~ RUVGIJ Testing diaphragm 1(C):34If#the " $* isconcave, %6+additional ""%!# !!#fluid !" 2.10 fill should %!"& """( be added. B2.10.1 C|}C|QScope. ZMRCThis =section % "" %6" is intended to%$ provide an may berequired diaphragm ;Special $!$ %" '& <"to%#fill!!" $* %outline procedures ! % $ "- 6 ! * $ . of# the parameters used when evaluating the perseals !- elastomeric !%%or =Tefl #!%on® >" $*& #formance with diaphragms because of#" diaphragm seal /instrument assemblies and % % $ * ! , & ! " the " $ * '& 56!'" %"& ' to%suggest diaphragm may be excessively distorted by the **evaluation 6!%%outlines. !(= test %" ' These methods may The seal may application $$!%%of#6vacuum. (= !and "instrument ' %or ' % # ' < % " " may not satisfy the requirements of# the intended also !%& !!"$ $( ?(@(A(?and "? (@(A(A( be# filled per paras. When known the diaphragm application. $$!%( itis/ %-that " $*seal !,/ instrument assembly will encounter conditions more or & ! '- ! ! % % " % % % Diaphragm Seal B2.9.3.2 CDCECBFFilling GHHGIJKG LMNOLJPQR LHLand ISTInstrument IUVOWPRIV !less 6 % $ # "+ '& % " # " severe than those specified, the test may be modified XBefore RYZOR[ UURP\H] Assembly to more closely match the application. A functional test %% ! % ! ' $$ ! % ( )# % ! a Diaphragm diaphragm 1(a)23^Filling _``_ab2c_ 2def2bghSeal. i2j̀)A " $*seal !without -% inthe intended application is* generally the best evalua " " $$ ! % ! ! ' & 6 ! . a fill/bleed be using The # !!,&!"screw - can & #filled !!" *an%oil!can. (= % %"( method. diaphragm a finger " $* should %!"& !5"*gently !' *# * %or tion be# flexed using $!eraser %onthe $ %side "to%remove %6the airbub&&. B2.10.2 pencil process General. described within this C|}CBR IROLHCAll )!!tests " &"- section % bles. Diaphragm with dia&!(k $* seals !- =Teflon® #!%>%or elastomeric !%" . shall !!& % " "- " $ * ! be conducted with a diaphragm seal instrument phragms $ * 'also !%& !!"& '$% *the #fill!!#fluid !"into % that may be# filled by pouring is#filled !!" % " - $ % " " &" in accordance with the procedures described These diaphragms may when the seal. !(= " $*aresoft %#and " 'sag *- in$ para. After instrument (?2.9.(@()# assembly &!'and "#filling, !!*+the poured. This may be$ prevented by the !liquid <"is$% "(= sag * '& 6"& ' shall berecalibrated prior !!& !&"to%itsspecified $#"accuracy '$ % to% attaching *! %- pressure $source %to%the $ %side "%of# conducting a low process %"*any 'accuracy ' *% # " $ * !,/ testing of the diaphragm seal diaphragm. The supplier the seal !to%support $$%the " $*(= $$! should %!" instrument The accuracy other assembly. &!'(= 'and "% test be pressure for &consulted %!"#for% advice "6%onthe $ required <"# % $ parameters diaphragm / instrument %of#the " $*seal !, assembly &!' diaphragm " $* support. $$%( 'exceed 5"the specified $#"$ %of#the may parameters instrument used within performance "- the assembly. &!'(Acceptable )$&!$ #%spec$. anal Instrument. An instrument may be# filled 1(b)73^Filling _``_ab2 amnfogianj) '& !!" be agreed by the user. #%shall !!& *"to%& ' supplier $$! and " ( by a manifold &'attaching *itto% #%!"and "applying $$!'*6vacuum to% ifications The6 the connection %%until !all!!airisremoved. %6"(= is B2.10.3 vacuum C|}CEwCalibration LHG\OLVGZIQStandards VLISLOSU permitted then released !"and "the #fill!!#fluid !"$ "to%enter the interior % %of#the instrument. ( Discussion B2.10.3.1 C|}CEC|R IROLHKG UWUUGZI General After 1(c):3pm mig7`_ab2^ _`ìqhSeal i2`ntor2^ _`ìqlInstrument. amnfogianj)# 1(a)234 Assembling a Filled a Filled Information manometers piston #%%regarding *"* %and "$ % both #filling !!*& %the seal !s[para. $(?] (@(A(?89tand "the instrument *gages contained ASME computing *is %"in); PTC = u19.2. @(?(4In %$* s[para. $(?], (@(A(?8&9t+the connection %%%of#the instrument the these instruments, accuracy '%of# +their *geographical %*$! be< quickly should %!"& /!'inserted "into %the instrument connec%. !location mustbe %% &accurately !'ascertained "and "corrections % % The# fill/bleed tion %%onthe seal, !+and "tightened. *"(= !!,&!"screw -8(if# applied in National Institute Standards $$!"as%outlined !" %!4 %of#; "" be! left supplied) $$!"9should %!"& #%open $so%that excess 5#fluid !"can and Technology, NIST, National Bureau "= %!%*'+4 ;=+8(formerly #%!' %! %of# &allowed !!%-"to%escape. $(= $*#flatness !should %!"& be The" diaphragm be ; Standards) Manometry Manual, NIST Piston Gage ""9 %' !+and "4 ;= % * manner described Manual. checked /"inthe same as" &"in$para. (? (@(A(u( !( does a fill/bleed 4If#the seal !"% not%contain %# !!,&!"screw, -+the 1(b)73% Working before after /*standards ""shall !!be &tested "& #%and " # between must& be $ connection %%& -the instrument and "seal ! will a period use. The frequency of recalibration %"%of# (=# <'%# !&%- !! until diaphragm has !left #slightly !*!'!loosened %%" !the " $* #flatness ! " depend their ability to%retain during $"%on &!' their accuracy '" * been may be carefully &achieved, 6"+and "then the connection %% '& #!!' use. ( tightened. *"( For indicating dial 1(C):3 % information #%%regarding *"* "*" !*gauges * used as-% working standards, see ASME B40.1. " / * " " + ); ( u ( a Seal With B2.9.3.3 CDCECEFFilling GHHGIJLQ RLHvG VNwCapillary LMGHHLO]XBetween RVxRRIVthe NR These QSeal RLHLand ISVthe NRyPressure ORUUWORTInstrument. IUVOWPRIVC= assemblies &!can B2.10.3.2 C|}CECBRecommended RZPPRISRSQStandards. VLISLOSUCStandards ;""shall !! be a unit using described &#filled !!"as *the $procedures %"" &"in have nominal no%* greater permitted 6 %!errors % than of%#those %$ " para. $(? (@(A(u( /instrument being tested. a liquid #for% the seal !, assembly &!'& * "(4If#! <" before medium is used, for difference in 4If##filled !!"& #%assembly, &!'+#first the seal !and "instrument " "+correction % %# % the " ## !liquid <" being be# filled per paras. between instrument should %!"& !!"as$ $(? (@(A(?89and "? (@(A(?8&9 head "& -the standard ""and "the & * may be necessary. and "then the capillary $!!'#filled !!"either by &'$pressurizing z*the tested " '& '( Vacuum is then released and the fill fluid permitted to enter the interior of the assembly. After filling, before tightening the fill/bleed screw, the flatness of the diaphragm should be checked as follows: (a) If the diaphragm is not flat, excessive nonlinearity and / or temperature error may result. (b) If the diaphragm is convex toward the process side (over—filled), gently press the diaphragm upward f {66{ ¡¢£¤¥ ¦§ ¨©ª©¢¦¤«ª«¦¢¡£¥§ Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01 2345RAGM 2678SEALS 92 8(B40.2) DIAPH 2879 ASME B40.100-2005 CAUTION: !"#gages, $#%&!or'!other (%'standards $")$')that ($ *contain !"$"!oil+!or' x Piston TheKY assembly __t_xwYz_IJ XXK[]N^Xshall JYNN] YUKVPinQYZ K[SKTY{ beKSN placed a tempera!other (%'(, )'!*$'-!".fluids, +/)&shall ($++"! %)to!test % ) $0('$#1 Z hydrocarbon not -%/ be used diaphragm WT KZ K X ZU J Y [] K TY ZYZ K [S K T Y Z WT KQ MN M OK TZ JYQZ JK ture test chamber at a temperature no lower than the seal/instrument %$+2"'/1%" $assemblies %1-+%*cleaned +%$"%).for!'!oxygen 3,#%"service. %'4*%5 allowed for a period Xsupplier WSSNPKT’sXNlow MONlimit P[PZYand QVY NNMOKVZtoMXstabilize ZY]PNPKL MTYSK TPMV 4 hr.T TheKY assembly MofLnot QMZless NKXXZthan JYQtJ _IJ XXK[]N^Xshall JYNNZthen JKQ] JKUKV beKU checked 62.10.4 7897:;Test <=>?Procedures @AB<CD@<= LforMTYaccuracy UUWTYU^YatZZthis JPXZtemperature, K[SKTYZWTKaP QYaccordance UUMTVYQUKOP ZJ in with MNNMOPQRST MUKVWTKXYareTK para. 7897:78E< F<@GH7IJKL General. The following procedures TheKVP difference in readings SYTY_x2.10.4.2(a). __t_xwYz_IJ LLKTKQUKP QZtest KXZT KYVPQRXYatZKeach YUJ Xsuggested WRRKXZKVOJ KQZtesting KXZPQRYVP YSJTYR[ Xseal/ KYN\Pinstrument QXZTW[KQZ Ztest when a diaphragm minimum KXZpoint SMPQZbetween ]KZOKKQT MM[Ztemperature K[SKTYZWTKYand QVZthe JK[P QP[W[ room Yassembly. XXK[]N^_`Statistical ZYZPXZPUYN[K ZJMVXaYalternate NZKTQYZKS TMUKVWTKXaMorT Moperating methods, procedures, SKTYZPQRZtemperature K[SKTYZWTKP JKNlow MOZtemperature K[SKTYZWTKKerror. TTMT_ isXZ the ]MZJa[Y ^]KWX KVOJK QYagreed RTKKVZtoM] ^Zthe JKXsupplier WSSNPKT b(f)gdStorage both, may be used when by TheKVP diaphragm / instrunhcfkTemperature. flmfhcnohfpIJ YSJTYR[ seal XKYN\P QXZTW{ user. Yand QVWX KT_ [K QZYassembly XXK[]N^Xshall JYNNbe]KZ KXZKVLforMTYaccuracy UUWTYU^P QY UUMTVYQUK ment tested in accordance b(a)cdef gfhfijfkTemperature. flmfhcnohfpqZ K[SKTYZWTKMofLr73.4°F s_tuv with Reference A temperature OPZJSY TY_2.10.4.2(a). x__t_xwYz_IJ XXK[]N^Xshall JYNNthen ZJKQ] NYUKV para. TheKY assembly beKS placed beKZ the w(23°C) xsuyzXshall JYNN] JKTreference KLKTKQUKXstandard ZYQVYTVLforMTZtesting KXZPQRYallNN PinQYZ a temperature a temperature noMJ higher K[SKTYZWTKZtest KXZUchamber JY[]KTYatZYZ K[SKTYZWTKQ PRJKT VP YSJTYR[ Xseal/ KYN\Pinstrument QXZTW[KQZYassemblies. XXK[]NPKX_ITemperatureK[SKTYZWTK{ Zthan diaphragm high JYQZ JKXsupplier's WSSNPKTXJ PRJNlimit P[PZMofLXstorage ZMTYRKZtemperature K[SKTYZWTKL MT the for Ucompensated M[SKQXYZKVST KXXWTKPinstruments QXZTW[KQZXXshall JYNNbe]KZtested KXZKVYatZXsevK|{ YSK pressure TPMVMofLx T_IJ XXK[]N^Xshall JYNNthen ZJKQ] YUKVP Q a period 24tJ hr. TheKY assembly beKSN placed in within by Keral TYNYambient []PKQZZtemperatures K[SKTYZWTKXOP ZJPQZthe JKTrange YQRKXspecified SKUPLPKV] ^ YZ a temperature a temperature noMN lower K[SKTYZWTKZtest KXZUchamber JY[]KTYatZYZ K[SKTYZWTKQ MOKT Zthe JKXsupplier. WSSNPKT_ Zthan JYQZthe JKXsupplier WSSNPKT’sXNlow MONlimit P[PZMofLXstorage ZMTYRKZtemperature K[SKTYZWTKL MT for TPMVMofLx _IJ PXt ^UNKXshall JYNN] KSKYZKVL MT a period 24tJ hr.T This 48J hrTU cycle beKT repeated for Liquid Head. When using a liquid-filled dead b(b)}d~ of cpJK QWX PQRYN PWPV{LPNNKVVK YV YSK a total two complete then MZYNMofLZ OMU M[SNKZKUcycles. ^UNKX_The IJKYassembly XXK[]N^Xshall JYNNZ JKQ weight piston beK YZ OK PRJZSP XZMQRgage, YRKaYappropriate SSTMSTPYZKUcompensation M[SKQXYZPMQXshall JYNN] ]KYallowed NNMOKVZtoMXstabilize ZY]PNPKY MM[ Z K[SKTYZWTKYand QVZthen JKQ be atZT room temperature [Y VKLforMTNliquid PWPVJhead KYVKeffects. LLKUZX_ made U JK U K VL MTY U U WT Y U ^P QY U U U MT VY QU KOP Z JSY TY_ checked for accuracy in acccordance with para. 7897:76?Procedures. @AB<CD@<=7ItZPisXXsuggested WRRKXZKVZthat JYZYallNNZtesting KXZPQR x2.10.4.2(a). The difference between the two accuracy _ _ t _ x w Y z _ IJ KVP L L K T K Q U K] K Z OK K QZ J KZ OMY U U WT Y U ^Z K XZX tests ]KUconducted MQVWUZKVMonQZthe JKYassembly XXK[]N^MofLYVP YSJTYR[Xseal KYNYand QV PisXZthe be a diaphragm J KK L L K U Z M X Z M T Y R KZ K [SK T Y Z WT KK ST K X X K VY K T U K QZ effect ofL storage temperature expressed asXaYS percent pressure Statistical Zthe JKYattached ZZYUJKVST KXXWTKPinstrument. QXZTW[KQZ_` ZYZPXZPUYNmethods [KZJMVXMorT MofLXspan. S Y Q _ YNZKTQYZKZKXZSTMUKVWTKXaMT]MZJa[Y^]KWXKVOJKQ b(g)dh Pressure Cycling. TheKST pressure test shall fohf jipIJ KXXWTKUcycling ^UNPQRZ KXZX JYNNbe]K Yagreed RTKKVZtoM] ^Zthe JKXsupplier WSSNPKTYand QVZthe JKWX KT_ by user. U M Q V W U Z K VOP Z JYVP Y S J T Y R [X K Y N \P Q X Z T W[K Q Z Y X X K[]N^ conducted with a diaphragm seal / instrument assembly Accuracy. TheKY accuracy diaphragm b(a)cdj johcjpIJ UUWTYU^MofLZthe JKVP YSJTYR[ Xseal/ KYN\ YasXYagreed toM] by the supplier and user. ItZis recommended R T K K VZ ^Z J KX WS SN P K TY Q VW X K T _ P XT K U M [[K QVKV Pinstrument QXZTW[KQZYassembly XXK[]N^Xshall JYNN] KXZKVW XPQRZthe JKST MUK{ Zthat beKZ tested using procethis test beKSK performed utilizing the instrument that J Y ZZ J P XZ K X Z] T L M T [K VWZ P N P P Q RZ J KP Q X Z T W [K Q ZZ JYZ Procedures Vdures WTKXLforMTZthe JKPinstrument QXZTW[KQZYalone. NMQK_T MUKVWTKXLforMTYaccuracy UUWTYU^ has lowJ Y XZ J KN Y T R K X Z Y U Z WY Z P Q RVP X SN Y U K [K Q Z w WX WY N N ^Z J KN M O{ the largest actuating displacement (usually the described in Ztesting KXZPQRKelastic NYXZPUKelement NK[KQZST KXXWTKRgauges YWRKXYareTKVK XUTP]KVP Q KestXZST pressure pressure) for the application which the test isX] being K X X WT K zL M TZ J KY SSN P U Y Z P M QOJ P U JZ J KZ K X ZP K P QR ASME B40.1. Appropriate q` t __qS STMSTPYZKST MUKVWTKXXshould JMWNV] SSNPKV performed. procedures beKY applied SK T L M T [K V_ ZtoMMother ZJKTZtypes ^SKXMofLSpressure TKXXWTKPinstruments. QXZTW[KQZX_ b(1)d`Since PQUKZthe JKVP YSJTYR[P YXPUYNN^Y QP XMNYZMTwith OPZJ diaphragm isX] basically an isolator Repeatability. TheKT repeatability b(b)}def mfcnc}npIJ KSKYZY]PNPZ^MofLZthe JKVP YSJTYR[ nearly diaphragm equal pressure on both sides, pressure stresses Q K Y T N ^K WY NST K X X W T KM Q] M Z JX P VK X aST K X X WT KX Z T K XXKX / instrument proXseal KYN\P QXZTW[KQZYassembly XXK[]N^Xshall JYNNbe]KZtested KXZKVWusing XPQRZthe JKS TM{ YareTK| Very low. Working stresses, therefore, are mostly K T ^N M O_M T P Q RX Z T K X X K X aZ J K T K L M T K aY T K[M XZN^ Procedures Ucedures KVWTKXLforMTZthe JKPinstrument QXZTW[KQZYalone. NMQK_T MUKVWTKXLforMTTrepeatKSKYZ{ VK L N K U Z P M QT K N Y Z K V_ I K X Z P Q RM QYN M OS T K X X WT K \N Y T R KVP X{ deflection related. Testing on a low pressure / large disYability ]PNPZ^Ztesting KXZPQRKelastic NYXZPUKelement NK[KQZST KXXWTKRY WRKXYareTK placement pressure gauges seal / instrument assembly, therefore, would SN Y U K [K Q ZX K Y N \P Q X Z T W [K Q ZY X X K [] N ^ a Z J K T K L M T K aOM W N V ASME B40.1. Appropriate described procedures VK XUTP]KVPinQq` t __qSST MSTPYZKST MUKVWTKX Tresult in the highest diaphragm stresses. K X WN ZP QZ J KJ P R J K X ZVP Y SJ T Y R [ X Z T K X X K X _ beKY applied instruments. Xshould JMWNV] SSNPKVZtoMMother ZJKTZtypes ^SKXMofLpressure STKXXWTKP QXZTW[KQZX_ TheKVP diaphragm / instrument assembly b(2)dIJ YSJTYR[Xseal KYN\P QXZTW[KQZY XXK[]N^Xshall JYNN b(c)jd nfhfpIJ ^XZKTKXPXMofLZthe JKVP YSJTYR[ Xseal/ KYN\ be Hysteresis. TheKJ hysteresis diaphragm tested for accuracy in accordance with para. KXZKVLMTYUUWTYU^PQYUUMTVYQUKOPZJSYTY_ beKZ tested using procePinstrument QXZTW[KQZYassembly XXK[]N^Xshall JYNN] KXZKVW XPQRZthe JKST MUK{ ]KZ The assembly beKX subjected x _ _ t_xwYz_IJKY XXK[]N^Xshall JYNNZthen JKQ] W]KUZKVZtoM Procedures Vdures WTKXLforMTZthe JKPinstrument QXZTW[KQZYalone. NMQK_T MUKVWTKXLforMTJ ^XZKTKXPX Trepeated hysteresis pressure preferred) KSKYZKVYapplications SSNPUYZPMQXMofLaYST KXXWTKw(hydraulic J^VTYWNPUS TKLKTTKVz Ztesting KXZPQRMofLKelastic NYXZPUKelement NK[KQZST KXXWTKRgauges YWRKXYareTKVK XUTP]KV Zthat pressure described produces an indication ofLx 20% toM 80% ofLZ the range J Y ZST M V WU K XY QP Q VP U Y Z P M QM ¡Z ¡M J KT YQRK ASME B40.1. Appropriate procedures be PinQq` t __qSST MSTPYZKST MUKVWTKXXshould JMWNV]K ofLZ the assembly atZYT a rate ofL 0.5 Hz._The application and M J KY X X K [] N ^Y Y Z KM _ ¢£ IJ KY S S N P U Y Z P M QY QV Yapplied SSNPKVZtoMMother ZJKTZtypes ^SKXMofLS TKXXWTKPinstruments. QXZTW[KQZX_ pressure pressure practicable, Trelease KNKYXKMofLZthe JKST KXXWTKXshall JYNNbe]KYasXXsmooth [MMZJYasXST YUZPUY]NKa High Error. The diaphragm b(a)d kTemperature flmfhcnohfh hhpIJKVP YSJTYR[ Xseal/ KYN\ XsoMYasXQ not toMX subject instrument mechanism toMK excesMZZ W]KUZZthe JKP QXZTW[KQZ[K UJYQPX[Z UKX{ with Pinstrument QXZTW[KQZYassembly XXK[]N^Xshall JYNNbe ]KZtested KXZKVPinQYaccordance UUMTVYQUKOP ZJ Xsive upscale accelerations orTJ high ampliP|KWSX UYNKM OQXscale UYNKY UUKNKTYZPMQXM PRJY [SNP{ orTVM down para. TheKY assembly placed a temSY TY_2.10.4.2(a). x__t_xwYz_IJ XXK[]N^Xshall JYNNbe ]KSN YUKVPinQYZ K[{ Ztude impulses assembly shall beK WVKP [SWNXKXw(pressure STKXXWTKXspikes). SPKXz_The IJKY XXK[]N^X JYNN] perature a temperature not SK TYZWTKZtest KXZUchamber JY[]KTYatZYZ K[SKTYZWTKQ MZZtoMKexceed UKKV Ztested accordance with test KXZKVLforMTYaccuracy UUWTYU^PinQY UUMTVYQUKOP ZJZthe JKZ KXZXspecified SKUPLPKV maximum Zthe JKXsupplier WSSNPKT’sX[Y P[W[ Moperating SKTYZPQRZtemperature K[SKTYZWTKYand QV PinQS para. not less than 1 hrTY after the YTY_2.10.4.2(a) x__t_xwYzQ MZN KXXZ JYQJ LZKTXstopping ZMSSPQRZ JK a period 4 hr. Yallowed NNMOKVZtoMXstabilize ZY]PNPKLforMTYSK TPMVMofLQnotMZNless KXXZthan JYQtJ T_ pressure TheKVP difference between the first STKXXWTKUcycling. ^UNPQR_IJ LLKTKQUK] KZOKKQZ JKL PTXZXsetKZMofL TheKY assembly beKU checked IJ XXK[]N^Xshall JYNNZthen JKQ] JKUKVLforMTYaccuracy UUWTYU^YatZZthis JPX Treadings test point the readings KYVPQRXYatZKeach YUJZ KXZSM PQZYand QVZ JKNlast YXZXsetKZMofLT KYVPQRX with para. TheK Y Ztemperature, K[SKTYZWTKaPinQYaccordance UUMTVYQUKOP ZJSY TY_x2.10.4.2(a). __t_xwYz_IJ atZK each point fatigue error point. YUJZtest KXZSM PQZPisXZthe JKL YZPRWKK TTMTYatZZthis JPXS MPQZ_ difference point between VP LLKTKQUKPinQZtest KXZTreadings KYVPQRXYatZKeach YUJZtest KXZSM PQZ] KZOKKQ TheKY assembly also beKK examined periodib(3)¤dIJ XXK[]N^Xshall JYNNY NXM] Y[PQKVSK TPMVP{ maximum Troom MM[Ztemperature K[SKTYZWTKYand QVZthe JK[Y P[W[Moperating SKTYZPQRZtemperK[SKT{ Ucally the for the diaphragm. YNN^Vduring WTPQRZ JKZtest KXZL MTNleakage KYYRKMofLZ JKVP YSJTYR[_The IJK Yature ZWTKPisXZthe JKJhigh PRJZtemperature K[SKTYZWTKKerror. TTMT_ isXZ the number toMN leakage. the Lfatigue YZPRWKNlife PLKP JKQ W[]KTMofLUcycles ^UNKXZ KYYRK_IfLZ JK diaphragm TheKVP fails, b(e)fd~Low kTemperature. flmfhcnohfpIJ YSJTYR[ Xseal/instrument KYN\PQXZTW[KQZ Pinstrument the shall beKT replaced and QXZTW[KQZL YPNXaZ JKPinstrument QXZTW[KQZX JYNN] KSNYUKVY QV beKZ tested with para. test JKZ KXZUcontinued. MQZPQWKV_ Yassembly XXK[]N^Xshall JYNN] KXZKVPinQYaccordance UUMTVYQUKOP ZJSY TY_ Zthe alternate test procedures, or both, may be used when [ 67r ¥¦§¨©ª«¬­ ®¯°°±®²¨®­¬³®´µ³©ª¶·¸®¹¦¶ª³­¨®¦º®»³¶¬·¸ª¶·¼®½¸«ª̧³³©¾¿ À¦©³§©¦Á¶­ª¦¸®µ·¨®²³®µ·Á³®¦º®­¬ª¾®µ·­³©ª·¼®Ãª­¬¦Â­®Ã©ª­­³¸®¶¦¸¾³¸­®¦º®´¹»½¿ Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01234567866966 00213014567 ASME B40.100-2005 DIAPHRAGM SEALS (B40.2) (11) !"# $%&test '%&$is%$intended (&'()')&to*+ '-. &then #'(+ '0*G')/from -*0&the #')$ 3,#-340%seal '313and ()& #'$ (%&-8. Duty. This be', perbe'removed diaphragm the instruContinuous /formed *-0')*only (12*on()$ 3 , # 3 4 0 % ' 3 1 %& # 3 &3 '% ,' 5 $ / $ ' )/ * 0' ( &5 * ( ( ' 5 & $ * (* /& # '% ' 3 11 ' / &* ,' ( ;"# '3 & ' )03 H$. diaphragm seals that are specified for ment connection of the seal left open. The rated maxiDuty” performance per-, para. mum operating pressure applied to*& the pressure 6"Continuous 7*(&$(8*8%98 &2:,' -/*-03(5',' 3-3; <;=;<;>; 080* ,'-3&$(4,'%%8-'%shall #311be+'3 ,,1$')& #', -'%%8-' seal, with no*$ instrument *(('5&$*(*of/&the #')$ 3,#-340 % '31MA$ &#( (%&-80'(& diaphragm The')$ diaphragm (1)?"# 3,#-340%seal '31@$ (%&-80'(&3assembly %%'0+12%shall #311 5connection / instrument &&35#')M/for*->15I0$ (;The "#')$ 3,#-340%seal '31%shall #311not (*&%show #*A min. diaphragm +'/filled $11')$in(3accordance 55*-)3(5'A$ &#&the #', -*5')8-'%)' %5-$+') 3attached, be with procedures described 3 ( 2' G $ )' ( 5 '* /1 ' 3 J 3 4 ' ; para. The'$ instrument may be'recalibrated $in(,3 -3;<2.9.;B;"# (%&-80'(&03 2+ '531$+-3&')3and () any evidence of leakage. Fatigue. the &the #'3assembly %%'0+12%shall #311+ '%&')$ (3accordance 55*-)3(5'A$ &#,3 -3; (j)UV PWO!"# $%&test '%&)' &'-0$('%&the #'/fatigue 3&$48'1 $/'* #' be'& tested in with para. This determines life of/& < ;>C;D;<E3F;"# (%&-80'(&%shall #311&then #'(+ '0*G')/from -*0 )$ 3,#-340;XIt&%shall #311be+'5 *()85&')*on(3)$ 3,#-340%seal/ '31@ The'$ instrument be'removed diaphragm. conducted a diaphragm &the #')$ 3,#-340 %seal '313and ()&the #'$instrument (%&-80'(&5connection *(('5&$*(*of/ $instrument (%&-80'(&3 %%'0+12M8% $(4& #'$ (%&-80'(&with A$&#&the #'1larg3-4. diaphragm assembly, using the instrument rated maximum &the #'%seal '311left '/&*open. ,'(;"# 3&')03 H$080 *operating ,'-3&$(4,'%. 'est%&3actuating 5&83&$(4)$ %,135'0'(&E(usually 8%83112&the #'1 *A'%&,'%%8-' The'presdisplacement lowest pressure for %sure 8-'%shall #311+ ,,1$')&to*&the #', -*5'%%5connection *(('5&$*(*of/&the #' -range) 3(4'F/ *-& #'$ (&'()')3application ,,1$53&$*(*of/&the #'%seal. '31;Since R$(5'& #' be'3 applied process the intended the )$ 3,#-340 %seal '31/for*-3,' -$*)*of/>15I0$ (;"# 3,#-340 ,'%%8-'$is%3almost 10*%&'equal Y831*on(+ *&#%sides $)'%* &#')$ 3,#-340M diaphragm a period min. The')$ diaphragm pressure both of/the diaphragm, not highest imposed when the dia%seal '31%shall #311( *&%show #*A3any (2'evidence G$)'(5'*of/1leakage. '3J34'; &the #'#$ 4#'%&%stresses &-'%%'%A$ 11+ 0,*%')A#' (& #')$ 3. will be'$ phragm -340 $is%)$ %,135')&to*$ &%03 H$080; displaced its maximum. After (2)KL/ &'-&the #'&test '%&,pressure -'%%8-'$ '1'3%')M&the #'$instru(%&-8. ,# is%released, ment be'reassembled diaphragm The')$ diaphragm / instrument shall 0' (&%shall #311+ '3%%'0+1')&to*&the #')$ 3,#-340 %seal, '31M&the #' (1?)"# 3,#-340%seal '31@$ (%&-80'(&3assembly %%'0+12% #311 procedures described para. in with para. 2.9. It&% shall be' 3assembly %%'0+12-refilled '/$11')8using %$(4&the #',*5')8-'%)' %5-$+')$in(,3 -3; be +'/filled $11')$ (3accordance 55*-)3(5'A$ &#, 3-3;< ;B;X #311&then #'(+ The'$ instrument <2.9.;B;"# (%&-80'(&03 2+ '531$+-3&')3and ()&the #'3assem%%'0. %subjected 8+Z'5&')&to*-repeated ','3&')3applications ,,1$53&$*(%*of/pressure ,-'%%8-'E(hydraulic #2)-381$5 may be'recalibrated +12%shall #311be +'&tested '%&')/for*-3accuracy 558-352$in(3accordance 55*-)3(5'A$ &#,3 -3; ,'/'--')F'equal Y831&to*3approximately ,,-*H$03&'12< C[ to&*T80% C[ *of/& #' bly with para. preferred) 20% the The'3 assembly be'A$ within instrument, a rate of/C 0.5 Hz.;The rate < ;>C;D;<E3F;"# %%'0+12%shall #311+ &#$(&the #'3accuracy 558-352 -range 3(4'*of/&the #'$ (%&-80'(&M3at&33&'* ;I\] "#'3&'*of/ 1limits $0$&%*observed +%'-G'),prior -$*-&to*&the #'&test. '%&; ,'%%%8-'5 #3(4'%should #*81)3 ,,-*H$03&'3% $('A3 G'M& presssure change approximate a sine wave, to* G*$)8upscale ,%531'*or-)* A(%scale 531'$ 0,81%'%E(spikes). %,$J'%F; down impulses (i) NSeal. OPQ!"# $%&test '%&$ (&'()')&to*+ -. 3avoid Continuous This is%$ intended be',' perdiaphragm The'3 assembly periodically /formed *-0')*only (12*on()$ 3,#-340 %seals '31%&that #3&3are-'%specified ,'5$/$')/for*(2)K"# %%'0+12%shall #311be +''examined H30$('),' -$*)$53112/for*per-,3 para. diaphragm The'/ fatigue 6”Continuous 7*(&$(8*8%RSeal” '31:,performance '-/*-03(5',' -3; <;=;<;<; )$ 3,#-340 1leakage. '3J34';"# 3&$48'1life $/'$ #'( 80+'-* is%& the number of/ "#')$ 3,#-340 %seal/ '31@$instrument (%&-80'(&3assembly %%'0+12%shall #311+ 251'%+ '/*-'1leakage. '3J34';XIf/&the #'$ (%&-80'(&/fails, 3$1%Mit$&%shall #311+ The diaphragm be' 5 cycles before instrument be' with The'$ instrument the /filled $11')$in(3accordance 55*-)3(5'A$ &#,para. 3-3;<2.9.;B;"# (%&-80'(&%shall #311 -replaced ',135')3and ()& #'&test '%&5continued. *(&$(8'); [ S68T ^_`abcdef ghiijgkagfelgmnlbcopqgr_oclfag_sgtloepqcopugvqdcqllbwx y_bl`b_z{ofc_qgnpagklgnpzlg_sgfecwgnpflbcpug|cfe_{fg|bcfflqgo_qwlqfg_sgmrtvx Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01234567866966 ASME B40.100-2005 ASME B405 1 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 2 Purpose !. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 "3 # $%&. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 General 4 Safety %'(). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73* 5 +Testing !(,$-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74. /Figures ,-! Orifice 01 1Fixed 234567 28294. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 710 :2 ;< =>4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 710 Valve Metal *3 ?Porous @7@ABC4 D<=. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 710 —1 4 Plug Fluid . 1Felt 4=D?= AEF =A251Filled 2==45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72: G5 ?Piston 2BD@H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72: I6 JTest 4BDKSet—Up 4DLMN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75G 7 JTypical ON29<=PInput HNADKSurge A7E4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76I Output Q8 R4 B27<S=4KSnubber HASS476AD NAD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Desirable Nonmandatory T $U%$V%()Appendix $V,W Requirements X KSupplemental ANN=4Y4HD<=Z4 [A274Y4HDB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78Q A I\ 69 ]^_`abcde fghhifj`fedkflmkabnopfq^nbkèf^rfskndopbnotfupcbpkkavw 30¢ x^ak_a^yzneb^pfmo`fjkfmoykf^rfedbvfmoekabotf{bed^zef{abeekpfn^pvkpef^rflqsuw 53 Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01234567866966 ASME B40.100-2005 SNUBBERS 1 SCOPE *employ 3/,(6sealing *,23* ( *than /**threads * * means other tapered are ' ' * / , * $ acceptable. This devices Standard (B405) !"#$%&is'confined ()*to(* +'*that are* nInapplications //,'((of)/ /*13(0* 03*8. ** pipe—mounted instruments, where installed ,,**.**the */pressure *0*source (0'*and the */ *0*1 +Vibration between pressure ( : * 3* , 6 * + * * 8' ( * ( ( 0, is* extremely severe, consideration should be* sensing *2*element ,*3*and are*0 *to(3 34* **effect ))*' 2given used minimize the to( the possibility of)) failure of)the snubber orassoci + * */( , 6( , 0 *( * 0* ( ( '1 positive pressure(of)/pressure *0*surges 02*(on/( +*and negative *2+*/ *0*1 ated piping, caused by the vibrating mass. A , larger * / / 2 8' 0 * 6 *+ 23 $m 2 * sensing *2instruments. 03*$ in. NPT instead NPT) 'connection (*'((e.g., *$2$8g7/2f $g14"li *(of)g7/4"in. $g18jli& and/ p(or (2*3 *,(e.g., *$2$8stainless ,*steel **,instead * a stronger material of brass) should be considered. ( ) & ( 0, *' ( * * $ 52 PURPOSE *** +'*'commonly (33(,67known (.assnubbers, 0--*8/0, 1 3.3?;qr These devices pulsacABDrGd Materials dampeners, pressure tion ( 3/**8/ *0**equalizers, 90,4*82gauge 02*/ (*'(8 ; protectors, *,3 *,30 (3/-,*. * The* internal materials mustbe*' compatible with the 2gauge 02*savers, +*8*etc., '$8are*0 *to(improve 3/(+*the *(output 0/0(or / used the external materials must be compatible ( ' * ** : * ,3 * , 30 *' ( 3/ ,* process and readability *-,6(of)the *instrument, 03*8and to(reduce *0'*the **effect ))*' . with the environment. ** + ( 3* $ ** ) ) * ' ( ) * 0' 0 ,( The effect of the structural or They (of)/pressure *0*surges 02*(onthe *instrument. 03*$ *6also ,(,limit 3 3* must also be*' considered. If)* elasto'',,loading (230 ,((**$n ,(1 discharge pressure medium, in the **external :*, '2*(of)the */ *0*3* 038 the * mechanical meric materials present, should '(ornonmetallic (3*,,'3 *,are*/ **8they *6 (0, *event +* '(06should (0,(occur ''0(onthe *instrument 03* 3* a discontinuity -*selected *,*'*to(*ensure 0*'compatibility (3/-,6. */ ('* be with the process side *(of)the *snubber. 0--*$ 3* 038temperature, *3/*0*8and / *0*$ medium, pressure. GENERAL ;3 < => Defi ;3.1?@Terminology ABCDEFGFHIJA KDEned AL ;3.4?s@ IeAdFofKSnubbers EtuuABd Types Orifice. This device contains one more ;3.4.1 ?s?vFixed DwALB DKDbA? * +'*' (( *(or3( * orifices, is available in different and )'*8and +,-,* ))**sizes 4* 'configura()201 Terms *3relevant *,*+to(this Standard and itsapplication //,'( ( tions. The orifice may be in the form of a capillary. ( $ *( ) ' *3 6* *) ( 3( )' / ,,6$The * are*as)follows: (,,(.M fixed orifice is not adjustable and may become plugged ) : * ( ) ' * ( x 0 , * 3 6* ' ( 3*/ , 02 2* amplitude: maximum departure pressure from NOPQRSTUVWthe *3 :303* /0*(of)the */ *0*) (3 in3* media with suspended solids. It' can reduce moderate . 0 /* * ( , $ n * 0' *3( * * the *average +*2*/ *0*$ pressure. surges 02* 'clean ,*systems. 6*3$ **yFig. 2$g1.$ in See fluctuutiou: a nonperiodic XQTYSTNSRZ[W (/*('surge. 02*$ Valve. device of) an ;3.4.2 ?s?5z rG{A?This * +'*'consists (( *externally :*,,6 pulsation: a periodic PTQ\NSRZ[W/* ('surge. 02*$ valve increases adjustable x0-,*+ ,+*$Closing |,(2the *+ ,+* '** * 3/1 valve. the dampSome valves include long tapered plugs, 2action. '($ (3*+ ,+* ',0*, (2 /**/ ,028 per ]rate NSVZofpressure XP]V\\T]VYchange: ^N[_VWpressure /*0*'change 2*/ *time 3*interval. *+,$ *ening checks. ,*8and p/ (or'controlled ((,,*,leak *7' *'7$ a change ]response V\PZ[\VStime: ROVWthe *time 3*required *90*)for(' 2*insystem 6*3 )filters, be* indicated by /*0*to('*6the *instrument. 03*$ pressure CAUTION: be possible close valve It may to offthe completely. a surge dampening device designed \snubber: [T``V]W 02* 3/*2* +'*that is* 2*to( }~ See Fig. 2. minimize 3 34*the **effect ))*'(of)/pressure *0*spikes /7*and surges 02*(on while pressure, instruments 03*. ,*allowing ,,(.2'changes 2*insystem 6*3/ *0*8 ;3.4.3 Metal. This nonadjustable device con?s?;Porous FBFtdqA crG? (x0-,** +'*' (1 pulsations be* transmitted and ,low (.)frequency *90*'6/0, (to(3*to(the * sists of)/( a porous metal element, available in several ( ( 03* ,* , * 3* 8 + , , * * +* , instrument. 03*$ within a fitting. has an /( (*8installed ,,*. ) 2$nIt increased '** porosities, dampening a reduced plugging range 2*(of) 3/*2and *0'*tendency **'6to(/ ,0222 a short \spike: PRaVW (duration, 0(8high 2amplitude 3/,0*surge. 02*$ with suspended solids as compared to fixed orifices. . 0 /* * ( , ' ( 3/ * () : * ( )'*$ a sudden drop in \surge: T]_VW 0*rise *(or (/ system 6*3 pressure. /*0*$ See**yFig. 2$3.$ ;3.2?5Connections FEEAbcDFEd — Fluid This device ;3.4.4 ?s?svFelt AGcPlug GtHv GtDLvFilled. DGGAL? * +'*'consists ((of) a bladder diaphragm a fluid—filled ,*(or /23*enclosing ',(2) ,01),,*'chamber 3-* pipe ;3.2.1 ?5?@Type IeAFofKConnection. FEEAbcDFE?Tapered /**/ /*'connections (*'( with felt plugs inserted between the chamber and . ) * , /, 02 * * * .* * *' 3* the * pressure up through 20,000 psi( org 160 000 kPa are )for(/ *g0*0/ (02f # 8 # # #/ h ## # #7 i * The*/ pressure-sensing instruinstrument. 03*$ *0*1*2*element ,*3*(of)the * 01 usually NPT,8g ‘/4" in. NPT,8( org ’/2f in. NPT $g18jli $g14"li 0 0,,6-‘/8jin.$f27kli ment mustbe*) fluid The*) felt plugs can be*' com30 ,0)filled. ,,*$ *,/, 02' (31 American pipe m3* 'Standard *external :*,(orinternal *,tapered /**/ /* 3* provide required dampening perml ANSIn!g B1.20.1, required. Above pressed threads */* $f#$g8as *90*$m(+*this /pres*1 / **to(/ (+*the * *90* 3/*2and the * bladder minimizes plugging by high pressure media sure, 0*8 2/ *0*tubing 0-2'connections, (*'(8(or*equal, 90,8should (0, )fluid-filled ,01),,*,*3 34*/, 022263* solids. (,$ be Other -*0used. *$o *appropriately //(/*,6sized 4*'connections, (*'(8that See**yFig. 2$4."$ [ k70# ¡¢£ ¤¥¦¦§¤̈¤£¢©¤ª«©¬­®¤̄¬©£¤°¤±©¬¢­®¬­²¤³®¡®©©´µ ¶©·¸¬£®¤«­¤̈©¤«­·©¤°¤£¢´¤«­£©­²¤¹£¢¸£¤¹££©®¤¬®´©®£¤°¤ª¯±³µ Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 0SNUBBERS 12334506(B40.5) 3789 0 437898888 ASME B40.100-2005 Orifice |_| % GENERAL NOTE: Not intended to show design detail. Orifi Fig. 1 Fixed ce \X\. t \x\ +,-./01stem 2/3 /Valve Radial 4, 56,groove 0078 99./ s\\\ 0 Controlled !""#$ Check %Leak #&'()# *' GENERAL NOTE: NotDE intended :; <;=>?<@A ;B<C FDGFHGHDtoCIshow JCKHdesign GIELFHdetail. GDMENO Fig. P2 Valve QRST This device U3.4.5 ^_VPiston. Y[W`ab cdef gchfh ijdcdkdioflmni gmopfq cdkij consists a movable piston cjmbipfrabfhpfmsmjhfofktffjkbfqcdkijmjekbf bipfefkfsncjfdkbfmniujkilemnqfjcjvrwkcdudumppx lusjcdbfetckbnupkcqpfqcdkijdismhxpcjefstckbnupkcy qpfbipfdrabfmniujkildjuoocjvhmjofhbmjvfeox hbmjvcjvqcdkijdisbipfdrzcdkijykxqfdjuoofsdkfje kiofdfplhpfmjcjvofhmudfilkbfmhkcijilkbfqcdkijr {ff|cvr}r in a hole. The clearance between the piston and the hole determines the amount of dampening. It is usually furnished with multiple pistons or a cylinder with multiple holes. The amount of snubbing can be changed by changing pistons or holes. Piston-type snubbers tend to be self cleaning because of the action of the piston. See Fig. 5. /77 Porous metal disc ?z74//«z’/ / / GENERAL NOTE: Not intended to show design detail. Metal Fig. U3 VPorous WWXYZ [RS U3.5_~Selection S[W` System system U _~ Y[VParameters. RR[YThe abflfollowing ippitcjvd xdkfn 3.5.1 qmsmnfkfsddbiupeofhijdcefsfeoxkbfudfslisfmhb mqqpchmkcijilmdjuoofsrabffllfhkilkbfdfqmsmnfkfsd nmxgmsxefqfjecjvijkbfcjdksunfjkudferabfduqy qpcfsdbiupeofhijdupkfelismddcdkmjhfclsfucsfer Viscosity. for dampening U3.5.1.1 _Q YWY[More isfem nqfjcjvcisdsrequired fucsfel is media low Viscosity. nf ecmioflp itg cdhidckxr parameters should be considered by the user for each application of a snubber. The effect of these parameters may Vary depending on the instrument used. The supplier should be consulted for assistance, if required. \71] .3. '3? ¡¢¡¢ Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01234567866966 1SNUBBERS 4431(B40.5) 4567 ASME B40.100-2005 The%$ higher the ERate FAofGPressure !""!HChange. IFB#$ &'$%() $% .8 & .,. ( ) %/ 1*( % + + ,( %< $0'% @) $%'( % ) % () $% maximum rate of pressure change, the greater the / dampening -amount ./,0)/of12.*%0&0'(required. %3,&(%24 Amplitude The%$ higher J KLAofGPressure !""!HChange. IFB#$ &'$%( ) $%.*6 & ) ,2%/1*( % + + ,( %< $0'% @) $%'( % ) % ()the $% the amplitude of pressure change, the greater Felt plugs % m -amount ./,0)/of12.*%0&0'(required. %3,&(%24 dampening Volumetric M AK!NODisplacement "LFNKBAofGthe IPInstrument. B"!KB screw with higher Q% 0%(-6696less %++2.*%0&0'&is+(required %3,&(%27& )$$ &'$%(instru&0+)(,> Generally dampening ment .% 0)R /6,.%)(&<2& +*6-<%.%0)4 Volumetric displacement. Bladder / STU "KPressure. !""!#$%+ 0,==%(.,+ System The snubber must)= be% withstanding <capable -*-=6%/of17& )$+)-02&0')the $%+system 9+)%. pressure. *(%++,(%4 media VTSuspended "LBTSolids. A"Some W/.%*( %++,(%.% 2&pressure .9<contain /0)-&0+solids. /6&2+4A?+snubber 0,==%(.9= -()&-669/or(<com/.> may may be%* partially pletely plugged depending its design. these cases, *6 %)%69* 6,''%22% *%02&0'/on0& )+2% +&'04XIn0) $%+%< -+%+@ would be%advisable protect instrument and the &it)7/ ,62= 2R&+-=6%)to/*( /)%<))the $%& 0+)(,.%0)02) $% +snubber 0,==%(7& )$-2& -*$(-'.+seal %-6/or(+similar &.&6-(2% R&<%@unless ,06%++ with a diaphragm device, )this $&+1feature %-),(%&is+* (/R&2%2&in0)the $%+snubber. 0,==%(4 provided Materials The internal YZF !F"AofGHConstruction. AB"!NAB#$%& 0)%(0-6 material must)= be%< compatible with process and the .)%(&-6.,+ /.*-)&=6%7& )$)the $%* (/<%++02) $% %external 8)%(0-6materials .-)%(&-6+.,+ =%<compatible /.*-)&=6%7& )$)the $%%environ0R&(/0> must)be with GENERAL NOTE: Not intended to show design detail. ment. The%% effect mechanical .% 0)4#$ 11%<)/of1)the $%+structural )(,<),(-6/or(.% <$-0&<-6loading 6/-2&0' must)also be%< considered. If1% elastomeric nonmetallic .,+ 6+/= /0+&2%(%24X 6-+)/.%(&</or(0 /0.%)-66&< materials .)%(&-6+-are(%*( %+%0)@)they $%9+should $/,62= %6%<)%2)to/% 0+,(% present, be%+ selected ensure — Fluid Fig. 4 Felt Plug Filled with process medium, <compatibility /.*-)&=&6&)97& )$)the $%* (/<%++.% 2&,.@)temperature, %.*%(-),(%@ and pressure. Pressure. The higher pressure ! ""!#$%$& '$%()the $%*( %++,(%)the $% -02*(%++,(%4 Due to/) the extensive number of1 greater of dampening Below HConsultation. AB"FAB[,%) $%% 8)%0+&R%0 ,.=%(/ '( %-)%()the $%-amount ./,0)/12.*%0&0'(required. %3,&(%245% 6/7 3.5.2 -(&-=6%+-associated ++/<&-)%27& )$)the $%+selection %6%<)&/0/of1+snubber 0,==%()types, 9*%+@ -approximately **(/8&.-)%69:10;* +&)the $%*% (1/(.-0<%= %</.%+6 %++*( %> Rvariables with psi performance becomes less preprarmeters, detailed cridictable. At lower pressure dampening )96%+@/operating *%(-)&0'*( -(.%)%(+@%etc., )<4@2% )-&6%2+selection %6%<)&/0< (&> 2& <)-=6%4?)6 /7%(*( %++,(%'generally %0%(-6696less %++2.*%0&0'&is+ +styles, beyond the The% may be%( required %(&-&is+= %9/02) $%+scope </*%/of1)this $&+WStandard )-02-(2\(B405). 5];4^_4#$ (required, %3,&(%2@-and 02+some /.%%experimentation 8*%(&.%0)-)&/0.9= %3,&(%2 )teria ,+ %(+should $/,62< /0+,6))the $%+supplier ,**6&%(1for/((recommendation. %</..%02-)&/04 )to//obtain =)-&0)the $%2% +&(%2-amount ./,0)/of12.*%0&0'4 user consult desired dampening. / Adjusting Piston stop Piston Piston stop Extra Piston hole Cyfi nder 0:. 00 O GENERAL NOTE: Not intended to show design detail. Fig. 5 Piston "AB CD American Mechanical Engineers. Copyright `a bcdefgh©ij2006 kklimbycithe hgniopn deqrsitSociety aqenhciaofuivn qgrseqrwixs fesnndyz 39¢ No material ASME. {adreproduction nbda|}qheasimay prcimbenimade pr|niaofuihthis geyipr hnderwiwithout ~ehga}hiwritten ~dehhnsiqconsent asynshiaofuiot vxz 53’ 0SNUBBERS 12334506(B40.5) 3789 0 437898888 ASME B40.100-2005 3.6Performance L4 PSAFETY fgMh 3.6.1 Pressure Transmission !!"Characteristics. #$!$!%In&'sys(') L PScope T 4.1 have will minimize *tems +,'*that -.*./+'surges, 012+'3*the -+'snubber &044+156 77,6 &6,68+*the -+ G6''section +:*6;&;of9the *-+'standard *.&@.1@<1 +'+&*': +1*.6&6 &9;1,.) This presents certain informaIf9high +effect 99+:*;of9*the -+<+ .=<1 +''01+';on&*the -+6 &'*10,+&*>% 62- *tion peak pressures instrument. to guide users, suppliers, and manufacturers 6 ; &* ;2 06 @+0' + 1 ' 3 ' 0 <<7 6 + 1 ' 3 . & @,. & 09 . : * 01 + 1 ' *toward ;5.1@ 9frequency 1+?0+&:(< 07'.*6;&'.are1+<1 +'+&*3*the -+6instrument &'*10,+&*;output 0*<0* ,6 pulsations present, minimizing the hazards & 6 ,6 8 6 & 2* +. 8 . 1 @'* . *: ; 07 @1 + ' 07 *9 1 ; , ,6 '0'+ that could result from misuse will be+. an 56 77*tend +&@*to;4 &.average /+1.2+1reading. +.@6&2> ; ' . < <7 6 : . * 6 ; &; < 1 + ' ' 01 +' & 04 4 + 1 ' > G+ 1' ; 07@ or1,6 misapplication of9pressure snubbers. The+0' user should 3.6.2 AB CD+&*the -+5; 1=6&2<. 1*'.are1+<1 ;<+17( become General. When working parts properly familiar with all sections of9* this Standard 4+ : ;,+9 . ,6 7 6 . 156 * -. 7 7' + : * 6 ;&'; -6 'i * . &@. 1@ 'selected +7+:*+@6in&.accordance ::;1@.&:+56 *-<. 1.>E3.5,>'5+':compati;,<.*6) U(B405), with para. well this jk l > F Y 3 . 7 7 . ' <+ : * '; . 9 + * (: . & & ; * 4 +: ; / + 1 + @6 &* 6' as'. all aspects of9' safety cannot be covered in bility with pressure medium, when instru4676*(56 *-*the -+<1 +''01+,+ @60,3.and &@5+&*the -+6 &'*10) 'section. + : * 6 ; & > m; & ' 07 ** +' 0 <<7 6 + 19 ; 1. @ / 6 : +5+ & + / + 1* + 1 + Consult the supplier for advice whenever there with ,+ &*.and &@*the -+'snubber &044+1.are1+9filled 677+@:completely ;,<7+*+7(56 *-*the -+ 6is'0& ment : + 1 * . 6 & * (. 4 ; 0** +. <<7 6 : . * 6 ; & > uncertainty about the application. <1 +''01+,+ @60,3*the -+6instrument &'*10,+&*'should -;07@1respond +'<;&@*to; pressure medium, within :changes -.&2+'6in&'system ('*+, pressure <1+''01+56 *-6&.an&.acceptable ::+<*.47+*time 6,+ L General AB CnDiscussion !! 4.2 'span <.&56 * ; 0 * ; / + 1 ' ; ; * > D+ &* +' ( ' * + ,6 ' . * ; < + 1 . * 6&2 L without overshoot. When the system is at operating APlanning. C!OAdequate ^@+?0.*+'safety .9+*(1results +'07*'9 1;, 6 &*+776) from intelli4.2.1 <1 +''01+32gradual 1.@0.79fluctuation 70:*0.*6;&;of9*the -+6instrument &'*10,+&*;output 0*<0* 2gent pressure, planning, careful selection, and proper installation. + & * <7 . & & 6 & 2 3 : . 1 + 9 07 ' + 7 + : * 6 ; & 3 . & @< 1 ; < + 16 & ' * . 7 7 .*6;&> pressure @due 0+*to;:changes -.&2+'6in&<1 +''01+6is'<permissible. +1,6''647+>The G-++effect 99+:*;of9 Ginform the supplier of all +0' + 1' ; 07 @6 & 9 ; 1 , * +' 0<< 7 6 + 1; 9. 7 7: ; & @6 *6;&' The user should conditions be+,6 minimized. <1 +''01+'spikes <6=+';on&*the -+6instrument &'*10,+&*'should -;07@4 &6,68+@> pertinent pressure <+1*6&+&*to*;*the -+.application <<76:.*6;&. &@+ &/61;&,+&*'so;* -.**the -+ and environment that 3.6.3 H #!CVibration. I!J$!K; '*'snubbers &044+1'56 77not &;*be4+ 'supplier Mechanical Most will make the most 0<<76+1:can .&,. =+* -+,; '*'suitable 06*.47+1recommendation +:;,,+&@.*6;& mechanical +effective 99+:*6/+6in&1reducing +@0:6&2*the -++effects 99+:*';of9,+ :-.&6:.7vibration. /641.*6;&> 9for;1*the -+.application. <<76:.*6;&> a new 3.6.4 LMExisting N!$!OPSystems. Q$G-+6 &'*.77.*6;&;of9.&+ 5 L The installation Hazardous AAo pbPSystems Q$and/or bq"Conditions. b!$!Systems i('*+,' 4.2.2 a worn <1 ;<+17('selected +7+:*+@'snubber &044+16in&.' ('*+,3:containing ;&*.6&6&2.5; 1& 'such properly a system, as, but not limited to the following, are considered 0 : -. ' 3 4 0* & ; * 7 6 ,6 * + @* ;* +9 ; 7 7 ; 56 & 2 3 . 1 +: ; & '6@+1+@ may provide desired 6instrument &'*10,+&*,. (&not;*< 1;/6@+*the -+@+ '61+@1result. +'07*> <;*+&*6.77(.8.1@;0'.and &@,0' .1+9077(+evaluated: /.70.*+@r potentially hazardous must*4 be+: carefully (oz) gas tu:compressed ;,<1+''+@2 .''systems ('*+,' 3.6.5 RSResponse TTime. !G+1+.are1+*two 5;1response +'<;&'+*times 6,+' s There (19) oxygen s v u; d ( 2 + &' ( ' * + ,' systems *that -.*.are1+;of96interest &*+1+'*U(paras. <.1.'>E3.6.5.1 >V>F>W.and &@E3.6.5.2). >V>F>XY> hydrogen or19 free hydrogen s(C)wu'systems ('*+,':containing ;&*.6&6&2-( @1;2+&; 1++-( @1;2+& Operating RSResponse TTime !at$ZT $!OPressure. On [& .atoms * ; ,' .<1 ;<+17('selected +7+:*+@.and &@6installed &'*.77+@0& 6*3.: -.&2+6 &'system ('*+, s(11)xu:corrosive a properly unit, a change in ;11;'6/+9fluid 706@'systems ('*+,'U(gas 2.'.and &@7liquid) 6?06@Y pressure be+6 indicated within <1 +''01+'should -;07@4 &@6:.*+@56 *-6&.an&.acceptable ::+<*.47+*time 6,+ s(6)yu<1 any explosive or1 +''01+'systems ('*+,':containing ;&*.6&6&2. &(+ d<7;'6/+; pressure This by volume 'span. <.&>G6'*time 6,+6is''shortened -;1*+&+@4 (1reducing +@0:6&2*the -+/ ;70,+ 9flammable mixture or1,+ medium 7 . ,,. 4 7 +,6 d * 01 +; @6 0, between pressure-sensing 4+*5++&*the -+'snubber &044+1.and &@*the -+<1 +''01+)'+&'6&2+element 7+,+&* s(f)zu'steam *+., 'systems ('*+,' by gas' .and &@;on&7liquid—filled 6?06@)9677+@'systems ('*+,'4 (+eleminating 7+,6&.*6&2.all772. (g) nonsteady pressure s { u& ; & ' * + . @(<1 +''01+'systems ('*+,' between pressure-sensing 4+*5++&*the -+'snubber &044+1.and &@*the -+<1 +''01+)'+&'6&2+element. 7+,+&*> s(11)|u'systems where high overpressure could be+. acci( ' * + ,'5+ 1 +6 2 -; /+1<1+''01+: ;07@4 ::6) may be+1 reduced by reducing G-+1 +'<;&'+*time 6,+,. (4 +@0:+@4(1 +@0:6&2*the -+ @+ The response applied & * . 7 7 (. << 7 6 + @ dentally .amount ,;0&*;of9@. ,<+&6&2> dampening. wherein interchangeability of9' snubber s(i)}u'systems ('*+,'5-+ 1+6&6 &*+1:-.&2+.4676*(; &044+1 When a system RASResponse TTime !onPStart-Up. $$\]TD+&.' ('*+, :could hazardous internal contamination ;07@1result +'07*6in&-. 8.1@;0'6 &*+1&.7: ;&*.,6&.*6;&;or1 pressurized, pressure will 6is'6initially &6*6.77(< 1+''0168+@3*the -+< 1+''01+56 77register 1+26'*+1'slowly 7;57( 5where could be+6 installed +1+7lower ;5+1<pressure 1+''01+'snubbers &044+1': ;07@4 &'*.77+@6in& portion 9for;1*the -+6initial &6*6.7.and &@9final 6&.7<; 1*6;&;of9*the -+<1 +''01+1rise, 6'+3but 40* higher pressure pressure -62-+1<1 +''01+'systems ('*+,' will be+1 rapid portion. decrease 56 774 .<6@9for;1*the -+:central +&*1.7<; 1*6;&>GTo;@+ :1+.'+*the -+ s(j)~u'systems containing fluids ('*+,': ;&*.6&6&21radioactive .@6;.:*6/+;or1*toxic ;d6:9 706@'U(liq76?) minimize volume ;overall /+1.771response +'<;&'+*time, 6,+3,6 &6,68+*the -+9fluid 706@/ ;70,+9from 1;, 06 uid or12 gases) @; . ' + ' Y liquid*the -+'snubber &044+1*to;*the -+<1 +''01+)'+&'6&2+element. 7+,+&*>%In&7 6?06@) s(k)u'systems pressure-sensing a hazardous ('*+,'6installed &'*.77+@6in&..8.1@;0'+environment &/61;&,+&* 9filled 677+@'systems ('*+,'1remove +,;/+.all772gas.'9from 1;, *the -+'snubber &044+1*to;*the -+ Unique Media. snubbers be+0' used in L4.2.3 A] !H b!When D-+&' &044+1'.are1+*to;4 +@6 & pressure-sensing damp<1 +''01+)'+&'6&2+element 7+,+&*;or11reduce +@0:+*the -+.amount ,;0&*;of9@. ,<) :contact with media having known or uncertain corrosive ; & * . : * 56 * -,+ @6 .. / 6 & 2= & ; 5&; 1 0& : + 1 * . 6 &: ; 1 1 ; ' 6 / + +ening. &6&2> or1= known to be radioactive, random or10& unique + 9 9 + : * '; & ; 5&* ;4 +1 . @6 ; . : * 6 / + 31 . & @; , ; 6 ? 0+ effects A lower 3.6.6 Temperature T$MEffect $onSResponse TTime. !^7 ;5+1 destructive user '*10:*6/+<phenomena -+&;,+&.:can .&;occur. ::01>%In&'such 0:-:cases .'+'*the -+0' +1 in a more viscous pressure *temperature +,<+1.*01+*that -.*1results +'07*'6 &.,; 1+/6 ':;0'<1 +''01+ @+ should always furnish the supplier with information ' ; 07 @. 7 5. ( '9 01 & 6 ' -* +' 0 <<7 6 + 156 * -6 & 9 ; 1 ,. * 6 ; & medium will This will be+ 1 ,+ @60, 56 776increase &:1+.'+*the -+1response +'<;&'+*time. 6,+>G6'56 774 relative to the application and solicit his advice prior to; + 7 . * 6 / +* ;* +. <<7 6 : . * 6 ; &. & @' ; 7 6 : 6 *6 '. @ / 6 : +<1 6 ; 1* most noticeable ,; '*& ;*6:+.47+;on&'start—up. *.1*)0<> 6installation &'*.77.*6;&;of9*the -+'snubber. &044+1> The snubber be+7 located 3.6.7 _`Location. $!G-+' &044+1'should -;07@4 ;:.*' L 4.2.4 Violent and within ALI !C$MEffects. $Fire 61+. &@+explosions d<7;'6;&'56 *-6&.a possible :close 7;''<; ''647+*to;*the -+6instrument. &'*10,+&*> with very violent pressure <1+''01+'system ('*+, :can .&:cause .0'+9failure .6701+56 *-/+ 1(/6 ;7+&* Failure in a compressed be+ 99+:*'>. 6701+6 &.: ;,<1+''+@2gas.''system ('*+, can :.&4 Gas. Entrapped a liquid-filled 3.6.8 aMEntrapped $TTbB c& *1.<<+@2gas.'6in&.7 6?06@)9677+@ +effects. to;<1 produce violent effects. may d<+:*+@* ;@0:+/ 6;7+&*+ 99+:*'>Violent 6;7+&*+effects 99+:*',. ( will a slow response pressur'system ('*+,56 771result +'07*6in&.' 7;51 +'<;&'+;on&6initial &6*6.7< 1+''01) +expected be+<1 produced by including, 7';4 ;@0:+@4 (;other *-+19failure .6701+:causes .0'+'6 &:70@6&23but 40* will be+' slow 6ization, 8.*6;&356 77:cause .0'+*the -+6instrument &'*10,+&**to;4 7;5*to;1reach +.:-8zero +1; .also limited following: &;*7 6,6*+@*to;*the -+9 ;77;56&2r when will 5+&<pressure 1+''01+6is'1removed, +,;/+@3.and &@56 77.affect 99+:*6instrument &'*10,+&* not embrittlement s(a)tu-hydrogen (@1;2+&+ ,416**7+,+&* .accuracy ::01.:(*to;'some ;,++extent. d*+&*> [ e73E ¡¡ Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01234567866966 1SNUBBERS 4431(B40.5) 4567 ASME B40.100-2005 (b)contamination of !gas 85.36q9Comparison >Er:C=A>?g BA<=?o a compressed Testing (C)"formation ofacetylides #$ wanted, then the to IIfcomparison tests are& G * *ability )$# (d)%& '!ofsoft soldered $ joints () #steam orother * repeat by weakening * + ! + * & * + * the surge and measure it& with and without the *heat sources + +) ) # H snubber is necessary. (e),& '!ofsoft—soldered -$ orsilver-brazed $.-)/ joints ( weakening caused + by )#*heat sources +such +*asfires 85.465g BA<sFluid m;=t Test (f)0corrosions (g)1fatigue !+ V* fluid $+ can ) *fluid $+ on&* * *snubber +)) The test be the which the will the is for & $$operate or,Gif *test !general $effectiveness .of mechanical (11)2 *$shock *' the *snubber, +))Gthe *fluid $+ can ) *&* * in be that which is+ used (i)3excessive 4.. ) vibration 4 ! W + H I * * $ + $G existing test equipment. If the choice of fluids is optional, 54.2.5 67689Caution :;<=>?<to>@A BCA Users choose *$ & viscosity .#$ W+ such +*as& * a low liquid water or a thin hydraulic fluid. * # +$ $ + H Oil$ from 67686D9Contamination. >?<:E=?:<=>?6F instrument +cali$)orother *sources +should *+$ come incontact with &* bration not 68g BA< Test 5.5 the *internal $ ofthe *snubber +))that *isintended forair,G 8 part water unacceptable !gas, Gor& service. .HIIfitdoes, G+ )$delays $# uvwxy during xz{|Failures }~ ~ testing ~}are ~} pressure unpredictable inthe *transmission of + #occur, +Gresulting +$!in }WARNING: pressure may } } } ~ ~ ~ v pressure and may cause parts to be propelled in } any direction. All accidental $system # over—pressure .-+orfailure. $+H approtesting ~should } ~~ using ~} be conducted by qualified personnel ~ } } ~ } } } ~ priate safety equipment such as safety glasses, shields, or enclo54.2.5.2 676867JReuse. B;AB6IItisrecommended that * +)) sures, a snubber ~ } ~ } ~ } or} a combination, to prevent personal injury and property not be moved ) . from oneapplication $toanother. *HKShould *+$ } }w }section ~ 4 conducting ~}anytesting. ~ damage. Read before be necessary, it) #Gthe *following $$&!should *+$ be)considered: L Temperature 686Dg BErBC:<;CBhEffect. B<6IIftests areto) be compared (a)MN2 ,O3"MPNQ ORMS33P3STUV* W+of 85.5.1 Compatibility. The consequences Chemical to one onother, the test temperatures should be the * G * + * +$ ) *same. H incompatibility )$#can range !from contamination toexplo4$It may be worth noting that after a prolonged shutI #) & * ! * $ ! *+sive failure. For example, moving an oil service device .$+HX4$G.!$. .to will & $ + G * + / & $$ down at cold temperatures, the first pressurization failure. oxygen 4#!orother *oxidants 4can result +$inexplosive 4$.$+H be considerably slower than subsequent pressurization. ) ) $ # $ & * +) W + + / H Viscosity Compatibility. The. viscosity (b)Y3 Z"QZ3STNQ ORMS33P3STUV* #ofthe *presThis phenomenon can be overlooked if the system is V* * ) . $ ' * # medium must) be& within sure + + + *the *range !ofthe *snubber +)) before the +/ forcalibration $)immediately $#) *test. H pressurized moved. )! . H being Pressure Compatibility. The operating pressure (c)"[\ ,ZZ]\,NQ ORMS33P3STUV* ! +of 85.5.2 6867g BA<iSet-Up. B<@r6KSeeXFig.!H set-up -+that ** Test 6 for a test has the *new & installation $$+ exceed 4 the * !ofthe * been must not rating successfully used. It generates surges approxi) + +$ $ #+ HI ! + ! 4 being snubber +))) !reused. + H mately twice the input pressure. A typical input surge $ # & * + + H n # $ + + ! Other Considerations. reusing a snubber, (ti)%^S 2,\NQ _Z3%,\MS3Q_ZUWhen `* +! +))Gall$$ isshown in Fig. 7.H * & X ! Hp !guidelines +$covered . inthis *KStandard a(B405) bcdHefrelative $.to manner applications $should *+$ be)followed $$& inthe *same as 85.5.3 Desirable Output. 686qB A=C:mBiSnubber ?;BC; <r;<6The V*dampened out+when a new &* &snubber +))isselected. $ H put should resemble 8.H Generally the maximum + *+$ )$XFig. !H $$# * 4+ pressure rise would rate of + & +$ be ) 5,000 eGddd sec from psi/ to for ¡ e G d d d ¢£ d G d d d & + $ ) 4 + 15,000 psi/ sec; 30,000 psi/ sec would be maximum 85 gTESTING higjkl protection instrument preseffective . ofthe * +without &*+any # sure +overshoot. .*H General 85.16DlB ?BC:m These provide V* tests areintended to .anoutline +$ofthe * 8 Equipmennt ¥;=rEB??< parameters used new per+ when &*evaluating .$+! & snubber +)) - 5.66¤h Equipment be added to suit the +can ) orchanged *! + *test These formance and tosuggest +!!evaluation .$+outlines. +$HV* tests ¦W objectives. equip ) ( . H ¦$ + ! W + Electronic transducers and recording may may not #or # satisfy #the *requirements W+ofthe *intended ment reduce observation errors and give permanent test + ) . ! . When will application. $H`* itis'known &that *the *snubber +))& $$ data. Simultaneous records of the input and output are H K +$ + * + + + more less encounter +conditions severe .or$ severe .than * an improvement. An environmental test chamber is nec- .Hn.$*)may be modified more those *specified, Gthe *test #) to closely $$# essary are required. *!*and / or$low &temperature +tests W+ H match A functional *the *application. $Hn +$test inthe *intended #ifhigh best method. application $is!generally $$#the *) evaluation .$+ * H The solenoids must) be fast 85.6.1 6¤6DiSolenoids. >mB?>=tA6V* $+ acting. !H Generation 85.267iSurge ;CoBlB ?BC:<=>? Twelve ft coil tubing is to 85.6.2 6¤67g §Bm̈BsFoot >><9Coil. >=m6The V*¡12© $of +)! has very little effect a snubber, a means VTotest the *effectiveness .of +))G of!gener- simulate +$system # piping. !HIIt* . #$ $ onthe * pressure but itdoes reduce frequency a means measuring pressure ating !surges +!and of +! +onthe * rate of +rise, G) + +the * W+# that initial instrument +side ofthe *snubber +))arerequired. W+ H ofthe *surges +! *follow $$&the * $surge. +!H [ p74c ª«¬­®°̄±² ³́µµ¶³·­³²±¸³¹º¸®¯»¼½³¾«»¯¸²­³«¿³À¸»±¼½¯»¼Á³Â½°¯½¸¸®ÃÄ Å«®¸¬®«ÆÇ»²̄«½³º¼­³·¸³º¼Æ¸³«¿³²±Ã̄³º¼²̧®¯¼Á³È²̄±«Ç²³È®²̄²̧½³»«½Ã¸½²³«¿³¹¾ÀÂÄ Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 0SNUBBERS 12334506(B40.5) 3789 0 437898888 ASME B40.100-2005 _ £.m%.._¢_ .w \« Hocfi mo _|- 2 - E28 Em.. :95 98. - m5. Emo_EB =00 _obcoo Esmmoi .:_o.:S o_3_o_Q - ®£3._uN \ M .OZ m__omwZ m>_m> / _ . _9mEo.>n_ m>_m> N_wuwEo_..:m. oa_ came _ _ A ._=-.wm V E: m .OZ rmxNJ / v_o:m_om .OZ [ ..:.. \® o>_m> m:ummZI mao mo_ _omO at 2382 m>_m> /» / N IF I >__mF:o: c._:$x mmo; __ I Q 66 ____4E\ m>_m> .m.m.m .m:mQ $3 ~\_ 9. :wmo.:._:\>> _ommo_o >__mE._oc 75 _. .O7_ mam . .m$ _m_._.OZ ._w_oc: m: @682 w>_m> .9.m_:E:o m ;8._> w9o_ >_ _u_ocm_ow A smmmi mohsom umP_mco $385. wu_>on_ _mo_\ ._<mm_zmo meoz A: !"#!$%&'$!()!$%&$%*+&&!!,.!/0$&#%!#%/!(,#%!%*101!&$&,!&("')+- Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. [ No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. ®] 01234567866966 1SNUBBERS 4431(B40.5) 4567 ASME B40.100-2005 Pressure Time GENERAL NOTE: See para. 5.5.2. Fig. 7 Typical Input !Surge "# Transducer may be121 desirable $5.6.3 %& "'(#")Location. **+It,-. /0 345.061,to7 $ #' OProcedure "*#("# 5.7 Test -7 81,the 91,transducer 5.:32;<157out;,7of=,the 91,test 13,<chamber 9.-015= 75,tests 13,3 P(11)QRG913 move for The system be1= filled with pressure /3,1- 3should 97;620 46612B4 ,9,the 91>5 133;51 beyond A .at,,temperatures 1->15.,;5130 1/7:2,the 916limits 4-4,37of=,the 91,transducer. 5.:32;<15?@ medium, and all air bled from the system with particular -1 24 ;-I . : 2. 6 6 . 4 5 0 6 1 2= 5 7 -, 9 13 / 3 , 1 -B4 , 9>. 5 ,4<;6.5 be1. added 3second 1<7:2,transducer 5.:32;<15<could 7;620 22123so73surges ;5A13<could 7;620 be1 . , , 1 : , 4 7 :0 1 4 : A>. 4 2, 7, 9 13 >. < 10 1 , B1 1 :, 9 1> 5 133;51 attention being paid to the space between the pressure measured with without -1 .3;512B4 ,9.and :2B4 ,97;,,the 913snubber :;,,the 913same .-1 >4 pick—up and the snubber. Filling at,6 low pressure helps < J H ; >. : 2, 9 13 : ;0 0 1 5 ?S 4 6 6 4 : A. 7 B > 5 1 3 3 ;5 19 16>3 ,time. 4-1? bubbles. Do as3= follows: 1eliminate 64-4:.,1=foam 7.- .and :2.air450 ;00613?T7. 7667B3U Needle Valves. The1: needle Valves $5.6.4 %CD# #(#E F#'G9 112618 .6813.are514in:,the 913sys/3H P(1))VRW>1 4.? Open needle Valves :: 112618 .6813X1,I2,YIZ3,I.and :2[ ,tem 1- =for75<convenience 7:81:41:<14in:3setting 1,,4:A;>I0 ;,<care .51-;3 up, but must,0 be1 (C) Close needle Valve 3.? P \ R]6 7 3 1: 1 1 26 18 . 6 8 1Z because a partially Valve ,taken .J1:0 1<.;31.> .5,4.66/<closed 673128 .681<could 7;62.affect ==1<,,the 91 P(cl)^R_5 133;54̀1,the 91.accumulator <<;-;6.,75,to7,the 91, 13,>5 133;51? Pressurize test pressure. ,test 13,5results. 13;6,3? Actuate Valves pressure to7 a(e)bR@< ,;.,1,the 913solenoid 761:7428 .6813,to7.apply >>6/>5 133;51, the system and start the oscilloscope , 9 13 / 3 , 1 . : 23 , . 5 ,, 9 17 3 < 4 6 6 7 3 < 7 > 1, 5 . < 1 ? trace. Measurement. The1-1 method $5.6.5 %$Temperature #K#""#L# '"#K#G9 ,9727of=,tem1-H When results have been and/or :,the 915 13;6,39. 8101 1:7observed 0315812. :2e75 perature measurement not is3. advis>15.,;51-1 .3;51-1:,4is3: 7,4important, ->75,.:,Ibut 0;,4it,4 2843H P(f)cRd91 Valves drop 1<75212I.actuate <,;.,1,the 913solenoid 761:7428 .6813,to725 7>,the 913system /3,1measure well .able 061,to7-1 .3;51,the 91=fluid 6;42,temperature, 1->15.,;51I.as3B1 66.as3,the 91 5recorded, pressure. 133;51? be1< certain .ambient -041:,,temperature, 1->15.,;51I,to70 15,.4:,that 9.,.all661elements 61-1:,37of= >5 To75 repeat para. ,the 913system /3,1-,,the 913same .-1,temperature. 1->15.,;51? P(g)fRG 1>1.,3start ,.5,.at,> .5.?5.7(d). g?Mh2i? C M76N jklmnopqr stuuvswmsrqxsyzxno{|}s~k{oxrmsksx{q|}o{|s}po}xxn knxlnk{rok}sz|mswxsz|xsksrqosz|rxno|sorqkrsnorrx}s{k}x}rsksy~ Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 0SNUBBERS 12334506(B40.5) 3789 0 437898888 ASME B40.100-2005 Pressure Time GENERAL NOTE: See para. 5.5.3. Fig. 8 Desirable Snubber !Output "# " $77$ %&'()*+,- ./001.2(.-,3.453)*678.9&6*3-(.&:.;36,78*67<.=8+*833)>? @&)3')&AB6-*&8.57(.23.57A3.&:.-,*>.57-3)*7<.C*-,&B-.C)*--38.6&8>38-.&:.49;=? [ Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01234567866966 1SNUBBERS 4431(B40.5) 4567 ASME B40.100-2005 NONMANDATORY APPENDIX A SUPPLEMENTAL REQUIREMENTS when the !The "#$following %&&%'()*+supplementary ,--&#.#)/0121requirements #3,(1#.#)/+#established +/04&(+"#5$for%1)naval 060&+shipboard "(-4%0150applications --&(70/(%)++shall "0&&0apply --&2'" #)+specified -#7($(#5(in)/ "#7contract %)/107/%or1 When this -purchase ,17"0+#%order. 15#189" #)/there "#1#(is+7conflict %)$&(7/4between #/'##)/the "#+standard /0)5015:(ASME ;<=>?B40.5) @A8BC0and)5/this "(++supplement, ,--&#.#)/D/the "#1requirements #3,(1#.#)/+%of$/ "(++supplement ,--&#.#)/ this MIL-S-2940, +shall "0&&/take 0E#-precedence 1#7#5#)7#$for%1#equipment 3,(-.#)/0acquired 73,(1#54by2/ "(++supplement. ,--&#.#)/8!This "(+5document %7,.#)/+supersedes ,-#1+#5#+=F GH<HIJ@AD<Snubbers, ),44#1+DKFluid &,(5LPressure, 1#++,1#D FInstrument )+/1,.#)/LProtection, 1%/#7/(%)D$for%1)new #'+ship "(-7construction. %)+/1,7/(%)8 MN SCOPE O Mkmkwrpvswxt A-1 A-2.2 Materials uX YU`RX]SWforZ`Ssnubbers [\eeU`SXand [dhguidance \RdX[VUW Z`proven T`Z_U[^X YUg Materials for mateThis PQ RSSspecification TUVRWRVXYRZ[Ssupplement \TT]U^U[YVcovers Z_U`SSshock QZVa`resistant, USRSYX[Yb `rials are specified in paras. A- through A- R X ] SX ` US TU V R W R U dR [T X ` X S j |g } j } j } j ~Y Q ` Z \h Q|g } j } j } jj Uenvironmentally [_R`Z[^U[YX]]cQX `dU[UddU _RVUSYthat QXYXare`URinstalled [SYX]]Ud uX hardened devices Y U ` R X ] W Z `fU Y Y U dT X ` Y SS Q X ] ] e US U ] U V Y U dW Z `] Z [ h g Y U ` ^ Material for wetted parts shall be selected for long—term between pressure-sensing eUYfUU[Ythe QUTpressure `USS\`USsource Z\`VUXand [dYthe QUT `USS\`UgSU[SR[h Vcompatibility Z ^T X Y R e R ] R Y cfR Y QY Q US U ` _ R V UW ] \R d S U UTX ` X j|g j } j } with the service fluid (see para. A—4.2.2) used minimize Uelement ]U^U[YXand [dXare`U\S UdYtoZ^R [R^RiUYthe QUUeffect WWUVYZofWT` USS\`U Xand pressure shall be equal to or superior in corrosion resistance [ dS Q X ] ] e UU \X ] Y ZZ `S \TU ` R Z `R [V Z ` ` Z S R Z [` U S R S Y X [ V U Ssurges \`hUSZon[TZ SRYR_UXand [d[ UhXYR_UT` USS\`UgSU[SR[hRinstru[SY`\g YtoZYthat positive negative pressure—sensing Q X Y\S U dR [Y Q Ue Z dcU V U TYY Q X YV Z ` ` Z S R Z [ g ` U S R S Y X [ Y used in the body except that corrosion—resistant ments. ^U [YSj Ssteel YUU]RisST` ZQReRYUdW Z`PType cTU SUXfX YU`Ssnubbers [\eeU`SZ prohibited for 4 (sea water) or` WforZ`Zoxygen chU[Xapplications. TT]RVXYRZ[Sj A-2 GENERAL Mk l A-2.2.1 MkmkmNRecycled, pqqxpRecovered, pqnpvpnorvEnvironmentally osvno porwxxPrefvp¡M erable Materials. Recycled, recovered, or environmenp v w ¢ x pw r p v s w x t m £U V c V ] U db` U V Z _ U ` U dbZ `U [ _ R ` Z [ ^U [g A-2.1 MkmNOConnections noopqrsnot tally preferable materials should be used toZY the Y X ] ] cT` U W U ` X e] U^X Y U ` R X ] SS QZ\] deU\S U dY QU uX YU`RX]S\used SUdWforZ`Vconnections Z[[UVYRZ[SSshall QX]]e Z^TXYRe]U ^X Materials beUV compatible maximum R^\^ Uextent YU[YTZ SSRe]UbT` Z_RdUdYthat QXYY QU^X YU`RX] possible, provided the material with body fRYQYthe QUSspecified TUVRWRUdSsnubber [\eeU`e ZdcVcomposition. Z^TZSRYRZ[j meets the maintenance ^U UYSZor`Uexceeds VUUdSY QUZoperational TU`XYRZ[X]Xand [d^X R[YU[X[VU requirements promotes U\R̀U^U[YSXand [dT `Z^ZYUSUeconomically VZ[Z^RVX]]cXadvantageous d_X[YXhUZ\S A-2.1.1 General MkmNmNlp opvwxv pttyvpz zxsqwrsnotm{Snubbers [\eeU`S ` Pressure Applications. life ] R W UV c V ] UV Z S Y S j cycle costs. used pressure beUX asSS specified \S UdRin[T` USS\`UXapplications TT]RVXYRZ[SSshall QX]]e TUVRWRUdRin[ paras. A- A- TX`XSj|g }j~j~j~Ythrough Q`Z\hQ|g }j~j~jj A-2.2.2 materials MkmkmkSnubber oy¢¢pvBody. nmThe PQU^X YU`RX]SWforZ`Vconstruction Z[SY`\VYRZ[ of the bodies of snubbers may be selected Z W Y Q Ue Z dR U SZ W S [ \e e U ` S^X ce US U ] U V Y U dW ` Z ^V Z^TZSRg from composiA- 0-Ring Union used MkmNmNmNM soo snoOConnection. noopqrsnom{Snubbers [\eeU`S\S Ud Ytions R Z [ S|bbX [ d¤j{ [ \e e U `e Z dc^X Y U ` R X ]S Q X ]]e UZofW A, B, and C. Snubber body material shall be O—ring union pressure WforZ`g `R[h\[ RZ[T` USS\`Uhgauge X\hUXapplications TT]RVXYRZ[SSshall QX]]have QX_U Vcomposition X if other than A, B, or C. Z ^T Z S R Y R Z [¥R WZ Y Q U `Y Q X [|bb Z `¤j with A-1~X and A-2. XV Z[[UVYRZ[Rin[Xaccordance VVZ`dX[VUfR YQFigs. RhSj|g [d|g }jWhen QU[ a connection O—ring Ythe QUg `R[h\union [RZ[RisSSspecified, TUVRWRUdbUeach XVQSsnubber [\eeU`Sshall QX]]be eUWfur\`g A- MkmkmkmNOComposition n zntsrsno PQU^X YU`RX]WforZ`VcomposiZ^TZSRg A.m The material nished with a union O—ring [RSQUdfR YQX\[ RZ[[nut, \YbYtailpiece, XR]TRUVUbXand [dg `R[hXasSSshown QZf[ Ytion ”A” shall be copper—nickel alloy in accordance with R Z [¦ |§S Q X ] ] e UV Z T T U ` g [ R V a U ] X ] ] Z cR [X V V Z ` dX [ VUfR YQ A-1~X and A-2. Zon[Figs. RhSj|g [d|g }j ASTM B 122 ASTM B 151 may beU\ used |{ Pu ~ }}Xand [d|{ Pu ~ ¨~Xand [d^X ce SUdWforZ` 1 through 4.j cTUS~Y Q`Z\hQ A- Type) MkmNmNmkFlareless xwvpxptt(Bite srp zpOConnection. noopqrsnom{Snub[\eg PTypes bers used pressure eU`S\S UdWforZ`Wflareless ]X`U]USS(bite eRYUYtype) cTUT` USS\`Uhgauge X\hUXapplicaTT]RVXg A- material MkmkmkmkOComposition n zntsrsnoB.mThe PQU^X YU`RX]WforZ`VcomposiZ^TZSRg UNF-2A external threads on g } |U Y U ` [ X ]Y Q ` U X dSZ [ Ytions RZ[SSshall QX]]Qhave X_U7/16~Rin.[j}20 tion ”B" shall be nickel-copper alloy in accordance with Y R Z [¦ §S Q X ] ] e U[ R V a U ] g V Z T T U `X ] ] Z cR [X V V Z ` dX [ VUfR YQ UNF-2B internal g}R [YU`[X] |{ Ythe QURinlet []UYVconnection Z[[UVYRZ[Xand [d7/16~ Rin.[j}20 ASTM B 127, B 164, ASTM 564, may Pu ~ }bASTM |{Pu ~ bXand [d|{ Pu B¨ band X[d^X c with Ythreads Q`UXdSZon[Ythe QUZoutlet \Y]UYVconnection Z~[[UVYRZ[Rin[Xaccordance VVZ`dX[VUfR YQ be used 1 through 4.j eU\S UdWforZ`PTypes cTUS~Y Q`Z\hQ I 1926, psiRW for {SAE |~ }b6000 TS Z`‘1/4Rin., [jbYtubing. \eR[hj A- MkmkmkmOComposition n zntsrsnoOC.mThe PQU^X YU`RX]WforZ`VcomposiZ^TZSRg material A- Transducer MkmNmNmPressure vpttyvp vwotyqpvOConnection. noopqrsnom{Snub[\eg Ytion be corrosion—resistant RZ[¦”C” ¤§Sshall QX]]eUV Z``ZSRZ[g`USRSYX[YSsteel YUU](CRES), ¤£{b bers used pressure eU`S\S UdWforZ`T` USS\`UYtransducer `X[Sd\VU`Xapplications TT]RVXYRZ~[SSshall QX]]have QX_U ¤] Classes S31603), 321 XSSUS©304L ª(UNS {{530403), ©©b©316L ~ª(UNS {{ ©~©b© }~ UNF flareless ]X`U]USSYtube \eUVconnection Z[[UVYRZ[[74Rin., [jbZoutside \YSRdU (UNS Xa 7/16~Rin.[j}20W and may beU\S used {{S32100), ©}~bZor`© (UNS {{S34700) ©X [d^X ce Ud 347 diameter TheUZ outlet dR X^UYU`(O.D.)] jjZon[Ythe QURinlet []UYVconnection. Z[[UVYRZ[jPQ \Y]UYVconZ[g WforZ`PTypes 1 through applications. cTUS~Y Q`Z\hQ©3,bUexcept VUTYZoxygen chU[X TT]RVXYRZ[Sj beU7/16 in. 20 UNF-2A external nection thread to R [ j} g } | U Y U ` [ X ]Y Q ` U X dY Z QU [UVYRZ[Sshall QX]]e Where do notY` require welding, `UYthe QUUend [dVconnections Z[[UVYRZ[SdZ[Z U\R`UfU ]dR[hb ~ mate with I 1926 port ^X YUfR YQYthe QU{SAE |~ }Rinternal [YU`[X]Vconnection Z[[UVYRZ[TZ `YZofW ¤] XSSUS© (UNS {{ ©Zor`© ~(UNS {{ ©~Xare`UXalso ]SZ Classes 304 530400) 316 S31600) pressure An O—ring Ythe QUT` USS\`UYtransducer. `X[Sd\VU`j|[g `R[hSshall QX]]beeUSsupplied \TT]RUdZon[ Xacceptable. VVUTYXe]Uj Ythe QUZoutlet \Y]UYVconnection. Z[[UVYRZ[j A- X.m The material MkmkmkmOComposition n zntsrsno PQU^X YU`RX]WforZ`VcomposiZ^TZSRg isSX any material, metallic nonmetallic, A- not used Other RZ[¦”X” ¥§R [c^X YU`RX]b^U YX]]RVZor`[ Z[^UYX]]RVb\used SUd MkmNmNmr pvOConnections. noopqrsnotm{Snubbers [\eeU`S[ ZY\S UdRin[ Ytion A body not under compositions QUSsnubber [\eeU`e Zdc[ ZYcovered VZ_U`Ud\[ dU`V Z^TZSRYRZ[S| Xany [cZofWYthe QUXabove eZ_UXapplications TT]RVXYRZ[SSshall QX]]Qhave X_UVconnections Z[[UVYRZ[S WforZ`Ythe data. C. uX Material with service Ythrough Q`Z\hQ¤j YU`RX]Sshall QX]]beeUVcompatible Z^TXYRe]UfR YQYthe QUS U`_RVU Sspecified TUVRWRUdRin[Ythe QUVcontract Z[Y`XVYZor`Zordering `dU`R[hdX YXj [ 78 «¬­®¯°±²³ µ́¶¶·´¸®³́²¹º́»¹¯°¼½¾´¿¬¼°¹³®´¬ÀÁ́¹¼²½¾°¼½Ấþ±°¾¹¹¯ÄŠƬ¯¹­¯¬Çȼ³°¬¾´»½®´¸¹´»½Ç¹´¬À³́²°Ä´»½³¹¯°½ẤÉ°³²¬È³́ɯ°³³¹¾´¼¬¾Ä¹¾³́¬Àº́¿ÁÃÅ Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 0SNUBBERS 12334506(B40.5) 3789 0 437898888 ASME B40.100-2005 211—X—0.003 26TIR +78 4- 7/16 325—> < —> O—ring !"#$ See 0.140 2:8_'88g * —6 — : $" %%&'_ ( groove -0.000 0.316 25 4 diam. <_ 0_O70+0.003 detail: l l i8_'88§ 0.497 diam. EF G=HI?CA D<=> 0-Ring Detail )diam?-00° *)+0003 0252 0.390 :°_-883 ) ) ii diam. 0.093:3;gg§ 325 max. 0.005 *1 9 R 4-3/16 )*):0.093, :0.316, 25:0.497, :0.003 TIR +78 l © 0.252, ;<=>?@=ABA?CAD<=> Tail Piece Detail deg *5 $+0* deg $$ '4/ + -5 deg +,"# \ nut -# %##.' Union X Tail piece +(/ 0 Threaded end T !"#$ O—ring GENERAL NOTE: Dimensions TU VUWXYVZ[ U\]^ _`ab^cabdaree`^ina^inches. afg`bh ) diam. 32) 21/32 3)1H * l0.09oi8;885’ 25:0.003 0.000 0-315 diam. O-Ring Union Assembly EF G=HI?JH= KH?LM MANO>P * «o.o;-»o:3.-333 0.005 *1R 0-Ring Groove Detail EF G=HI?QR KKSA?CA D<=> A-1 0-Ring Union iFig. jklm no pn qjrksr jtruConnection trrvwxjtr prolonged periods elevated yz{|}~|||z|}|y|| zz ¨(h)µª z} |} ofyexposure ²{to z£}tem |z{}}| {|~~~~ peratures { (up {to¶350°F) ·¸¹ (1') to prolonged periods ºªexposure ²{ z}cycling ¤z| |} yfrom ambi| A- Nonmetallic Materials. Nonmetals m nlllt rvxjw xvjl¡ z shall zz ent¨ to elevated temperatures z £ } { |{and }yflame zresistant, |shall zznot support {fungus y{{ be moisture Any material, provides for a nutrient medium ¤ |zwhich ¢| £|} {| }|{y by growth, ¢and }shall zznotbeadversely }£z¤affected yy} ¤the ambi| yfungus and insects, shall not be{ used. { { }| z z }~ perentenvironments £|specified |y|}|inthe configuration y|{|and } A- 0-Ring. fluorocarbon mnllllopn qjrklO-rings »| shall zzbey z{ yformance requirements ¥{|ofythis |specification. |y||~Nonmetals ¡z rubber with AMS 7259, ¼SAE ½¾¼³ ·´hardness } ofy¿85· ´95.·~ to shall degrade, zznotchemically |zz¤react, } }oroutgas { when ¢sub{ {¢| jected ¦}tothe yfollowing: zz¢|§ A- Metal. a porous mnlllÀÁPorous tt v xlSnubbers ¼{ with ¢| { metal configuration) ¨(a)©ªair| zcomposition ||(internal |zparts and } y|{|are prohibited 4) for gas (Type 3) or for sea water (Type | | }y à ¤ ¶ y ¢ à ¤ distilled water ¨(la)«ª}| |zz}¢ service. When used for oil or water (Types 1 and 2) £ | ~Ä { }y | z ¢ à ¤ ± } water ¨(C)¬ªsea¢ service, snubbers with porous metal compositions shall £ | { ¢| { z | | zz ¨(d)­ªsalt z only be employed in systems with particulate contami z ¤ z ¤ }| ¤ ¢| | {z | petroleum— ¨(6)®ª z{and }silicone—based |z|}oils|z nants less than 25 microns in size. z ·| | |Å~ ¨(f)¯ªoil|zsolvents z£ Thez prolonged 1 month) periods length the ¨(g)°ª z}(greater than ± |} ofyexpo² A-2.2.3 mnllÆÇSnubber rÂÈÈvÉBody tÊËÇSize. jÌvlà ofy assem sure bled body 4 in. The body {toambient |temperatures { z}snubber { }¤shall zznot exceed ²}| ~à }¤shall zz fluid. For composition ”X,” material identification shall be included in the snubber marking (see para. A-2.2.4). ³´ American Mechanical Engineers. Copyright ÍÎ ÏÐÑÒÓÔÕ©Ö×2006 ØØÙÖÚbyÐÖthe ÕÔÛÖÜÝÛ ÑÒÞßàÖáSociety ÎÞÒÛÕÐÖÎofâÖãÛ ÞÔßàÒÞßäÖåà ÓÒàÛÛÑæç 39¢ No material ASME. èÎÑreproduction ÛÏÑÎéêÞÕÒÎàÖmay ÝßÐÖÚbeÛÖmade ÝßéÛÖÎofâÖÕthis ÔÒæÖÝß ÕÛÑÒßäÖwithout ëÒÕÔÎêÕÖwritten ëÑÒÕÕÛàÖÞconsent ÎàæÛàÕÖÎofâÖÜá ãåç 53' 01234567866966 1SNUBBERS 4431(B40.5) 4567 ASME B40.100-2005 Minimum 1 *2&effective 33&456& 5 07&87/32 ($_> —> thread 1/32 ($)X 45"& ' deg V <\ 15"& 9:5 &ends *; deg' both0 (0&) 4? 11/16 hex é} /' " T 0.005 R--%| %9/15 (in.*18+,#/ UNF—3B ! %"i8_'88§ #$ 0.395 diam. _t _V #O# TIR %"0.003 © 0.395 J_—x— 0.003 TIR ! <— 0.100 i8_'888 #" #O# 8( Union IDG JDBKLF E? F@GH Nut B Detail €— 7/16 —> M%N 45" deg' deg' & *5"& 0.083 !#+8-835’ " diam__ %!# o.o93:8;88§ 0.015 "R © 0.484 & 0.093 diam., 0.003 TIR %9/15in. (*18+,#. UNF—3A — L! — — ! ! i8_'88§ #$_ Hi8_-835’ #" 0.484 diam. 0.016 diam. 11/32:o.015 ($" & 1/15 deg'*5" deg' ()X45"& 0.484 diam. TIR 0.003 J. Threaded End E? Detail <=> ?@A?ABCDAB F@GH GENERAL NOTE: Dimensions PQ RQSTURVW QXYZ [\]^Z_]^`area\Zin]Zinches. ]bc\^d + ‘ A-2 O-Ring Union Nut/Threaded Detail eFig. fghi jk lj mfngon fpnqr stuvwxyzxz{End nz|x syf} ~80 93¢ Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 0SNUBBERS 12334506(B40.5) 3789 0 437898888 ASME B40.100-2005 cross—sections of sufficient ! " #to k2[RV, -P tu 2R5q5Wcation 2X5S62and 6_^Conformance S6qS3v26WV have hexagonal widths Table A-1 Qualifi allow "the !useof " # $ % j 6 n o V W X 5 S 6 n a wrench for installing and removing. Inspections The# distance & across the flats shall notexceed #'1.25 %()in.% wx yz{|{}y~{ Conformance |y} Qualification The$ maximum & $!$ # $of the snubber !*** #+shall diameter body not }~{ }~{ }~{ Inspection Inspection Inspection exceed #( % 2 in. A-2.2.4 Marking. Each be metal ,././0 12 34567/8 snubber !**shall *$ Steady X state . . . transmission stamped $9#" the following: ": with ;(at)<=the $ $!$ working ">9 !?followed "#* +the Vibration maximum pressure, by X abbreviation **@”psi” 9AB(e.g., %%?C6,000 ?DDD9 E psi) X ¡ Shock Part para. ;(b)F=G HIdentifying #+I!$* B(see 9 %A-4.2) JK%(E Number X ¢ Pressure integrity ;(C)L=$ !!Mstamp $9ortrademark #$> manufacturer's material used) ;(d)N=$ type +9B(ifcomposition $9@”X” OAis! #E A- Direction. ,././0/PQFlow RSTU5 3VWX5S6/&# of flow " A-3.1.1 The direction Allitems ,-]/P/PiResponsibility VnoS6n5[5R5XpqforS3^Compliance. SvoR526WV/J $shall through !the snubber !**shall be*indicated ##* +anarrow "" $ by with and A-3. The r ! $ J ( #J \ %& meet the requirements of sections A-2 word point The arrow the " #@”sensor” Aatthe 9 of the arrow. "%& " inspection set forth in this specification shall become a 9 9 * $ marked shall be *raised #from $the surface !B(0.010 D%D'Din.%min.) $%Eor$ ># 9of the manufacturer inspection system $ !!M’soverall 9 +$ or into the surface !in9 $$ and #tothe extent part a permanent manner quality r ! +9 $% & * + 9 r! program. The absence of any inspection requirebe easily by human The that itcan * +identified ##* + !$touch. !%& $ 9 $ ! ments in this specification shall not relieve the manufacword " #@”sensor” Ashall be *$ stamped $9#orotherwise "9 turer metal perof the responsibility of assuring that all products ! 9 * + ! 9 #! $ +$ >#% manently marked. ! 99 !* $ # $ 9 or supplies submitted to the government for acceptance A- Warning 3 snubbers , -././0/.Y2 36567ZLabel. 2[VR/&Type +9\ !**shall comply $9 +" r ! $ % a $9 with all requirements of the contract. Sampling have a warning " label *included !##onits9 $+9 > inspection, primary pack as9 part of the manufacturing operations, is 9 ? $ ! ! 9 ? $ >#@”oxygen" +Aor@”dry #+ Aservice, ?asapplica99 anacceptable marked nitrogen" practice to ascertain conformance to 9 * 9 $ ble use when *forthe system +$ ! " cleaned #forthese applica99 requirements, r!$?however, "?this # authorize !£submis!*$ does not tions. % defective material, or sion of >known "# $ ?either indicated ## actual, nor does it commit the buyer to accept defective ! ? # $$ * !+ 9 # A-2.3 , -./]^Cleaning RV265672and 6_`Packaging 2W427567 material. $ % molded parts, aSurfaces !of castings, ?forgings, ?$ ##9 ?stamp$9 machined, ings, ?$ #?and #" ##9 shall be *free of # A-3.2 welded parts defects ,-]/.^Classifi R2nn5q5Wcation 2X5S6SofqjInspections 6noVWX5S6n porosity, undercuts, voids, such !ascracks, >?9 +?! #!? #?and #gaps 9as A-3.2.1 Qualification ,-]/./P tu 2R5q5W2X5S6jInspection. 6noVWX5S6/Qualification ¤! well dirt, " assand, #?# ?fins, ?sharp 9edges, #?scale, ?flux, !?and #other inspection 9 $ # speci9 shall consist of examination and tests harmful materials. External $ !orextraneous !$ %8 surfaces !shall fied in Table A-1 and shall be performed and passed # & * J ' # * 9 $ # #9 # be beveled. *smooth $and #edges #shall be *either rounded !##or* #% prior to production. Qualification inspection shall be 9 9 # ! %¤! 9 * There be no warpage dimensional & shall * " 9or# $change #due ! performed 9 $ # $9 * 9 # ! #" on samples that have been produced with heat welding There damto from $" #operations. 9%& shall be*no# $ equipment and procedures normally used in production. r ! 9 $ #9 # ! $ +! # 9 # ! % welding. parts Unless age toadjacent #b9 resulting ! from $ " #%c drying, unit protection, special 9cleaning, ?# +?! 9 ?and #intermedi$# ,-]/./P/P¥Sample 2voRV¥Size. 5¦V/&Two "snubber !**samples $9of A- packaging ate9 >arespecified, 9#?the snubber !**shall be*cleaned, #? each type, class, and composition shall be subjected to + 9 ? ? # $9 * !* b# with # #?and #* #" * accordance #" the dried, bagged with boxing in qualification inspection. r ! 9 % ASTM D 3951. Ja &d e\ f)'% A-3.2.2 ,-]/./. ^Conformance S6qS3v26WVjInspection. 6noVWX5S6/Conformance §$ inspection shall be9 performed at the place of manufac 9 * $ # 9 $! A-3 , -] VERIFICATION ghijQj^,kjlm ture. !%Conformance §$inspection 9shall consist of the exami$ nation and tests specified in Table A-1 and shall be # 9 # & * J ' # * A-3.1 , -]/PiResponsibility VnoS6n5[5R5XpqforS3jInspection 6noVWX5S6 performed on samples selected from each lot. 9 $ # $9 # $ % Unless purchase c otherwise "specified 9#inthe contract or9 ! A- of ,-]/././PZLot. SX/AJlotshall consist of allsnubbers !** manufacturer performorder, #?the $ !!isresponsible 9*forthe 9 $ and end connection same $type, +9?class, ?composition, $9? # # herein. requirements ance of allinspection 9 r!$asspecified 9# % the manufactured time. !!#atone $% Except 8 9asotherwise "specified 9#inthe contractor purchase 9! $ manufacturer may use his order, #?the $ !!$ +! own "orany +other A- be in ,-]/././.¥Sampling. 2voR567/Sample a$9selection shall * facilities performance inspection suitable !*forthe 9 $of the 9 accordance ANSI/ASQC Z1.4, inspection level I,? with # " JIa H ¨Ja ¤§©' % K ? 9 H herein, disapproved by requirements r!$specified 9# ?!unless # 99#* + acceptable 9*rquality !+level B(AQL); J¤ªE«'11/2% ¬­ nonconformities $ buyer. The* buyer perform the * !+%& !+reserves the right to9 $ any + apply. 9 9 + % where of the inspections 9setforth inthe standard ##" such ! A- TheJ¤ª AQL for nonNonconformity. deemed inspections 9are# $#necessary +toassure !supplies !99and # ,-]/././]mS 6WS6qS3v5Xp/& each is as shown in A-2. prescribed services conform $ to9 *#requirements. r!$% conformity $+ " &Table *J (% [ s81' Examination X X Dampening Temperature X X X ®¯°±²³́µ¶ ·¸¹¹º·»±·¶µ¼·½¾¼²³¿ÀÁ·Â¯¿³¼¶±·¯Ã·Ä¼¿µÀÁ³¿ÀÅ·ÆÁ´³Á¼¼²ÇÈ É¯²¼°²¯ÊË¿¶³̄Á·¾À±·»¼·¾Àʼ·¯Ã·¶µ³Ç·¾À¶¼²³Àŷ̳¶µ¯Ë¶·Ì²³¶¶¼Á·¿¯ÁǼÁ¶·¯Ã·½ÂÄÆÈ Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01234567866966 1SNUBBERS 4431(B40.5) 4567 ASME B40.100-2005 %Categories &'()*+,(%Critical +,',/&4 51 P2 Major 2& R*+ 5101K5 5102 KP 5103 KV 5104 KW Minor 2, .*+ P202 KP P203 KV P204 KW Nonconformities AQL for !"#"$ Table A-2 *./*.0*+1,',(- Nonconformities 023 AQL 6Evidence 789:;<:=that >?=@snubbers ;ABB:C@DforECEoxygen FGH:;@service :C78<:?areC:;notE=<cleaned, I:?;:9J marked, 8improperly LMCEM:CIGL? CN:9JEorC8improperly LMCEM:CIGMpackaged. ?<N?H:9O meet QSnubber ;ABB:C9does E:@;notE=L: :==the >:Mpressure C:@@AC:8integrity. ;=:HC8=GO K0 K0 material. 6Evidence 789:;<:EofDAunauthorized ;?A=>EC8S:9L? =:C8?IO tolerances TInspection ;@M:<=8E;@systems G@=:L@?areC:;notE=Mprovided, CE789:9J9dimensional 8L:;@8E;?I= EI:C?;<:@ maintained, mounting ;notE=L? 8;=?8;:9JLE A;=8;H9dimensions 8L:;@8E;@;notE=8interchangeable, ;=:C<>?;H:?BI:J wrong Mpressure C:@@AC:<connection E;;:<=8E;UC E;H9design, :@8H;JEorC9dimensions 8L:;@8E;@:erroneous. CCE;:EA@O meet QSnubber ;ABB:C9does E:@;notE=L: :=@steady =:?9G@state =?=:=transmission C?;@L8@@8E;EorC 9dampening. ?LM:;8;HO Markings X? CN8;H@;notE=Mprovided CE789:9EorC:erroneous; CCE;:EA@YMpart ?C=;number ALB:C;notE=Mprovided. CE789:9O K0 K0 K0 K0 6Evidence 789:;<:=that >?=@snubber ;ABB:CDforEC;nonoxygen E;EFGH:;@service :C78<:?areC:;notE=<cleaned. I:?;:9O [Finish 8;8@>;non-conforming, E;\<E;DECL8;HJ@scratched, <C?=<>:9J<chipped; >8MM:9YBburrs ACC@;notE=Cremoved. :LE7:9O ]Cleaning, I:?;8;HJ9drying, CG8;HJMpreservation, C:@:C7?=8E;JMpackaging, ?<N?H8;HJEorCMpacking. ?<N8;HO 511/25ZP W4 W4 A-3.2.3 Acceptance bej 2% full Signals ^__^ `#aCriteria. "#"_bIfcdany efgsnubber ehiijkgsample dlmnj kresolution jgqnhpoqegshall rdnni qorknless jggqofcc hnngscale. sdnj| oedngcfrom kql meet A-1, cfails dongptoqlj jppthe rjoinspection egmjspoqekrequirements jthokjljepgqofcuTable dinjvw xy both the test and monitoring transducers shall bej iqprprjpjgpdezlqeopqkoepkdegzhsjkggrdnni eqgsnubbers ehiijkggshall rdnni ssjmpjzhe ponpthe rjld ehcdsphkjk krecorded no bejd accepted until manufacturer With the jsqkzjzgsimultaneously olhnpdejqhgnf(see gjjmd kd|vw |||o prp rj para. A—3.5.2). determined defect has rhasdgzj pjkloejzpthe rjscause dhgjqofcpthe rjzj cjspdand ezr dgptaken d{je jexception dampening test, requires use sjmpoqeqofcthe prjzd lmjeoep jgpywhich ~rosrk jthokjgpthe rjh gj defect pthe rjenecessary jsjggdkfdaction spoqeptoqscorrect qkkjspqorkjeliminate noloedpjpthe rjzj cjsp qofcmk pressure may bejlq monitored jgghkjptransducers, kdegzhsjkgyall dnnqother prjkptests jgpgld fi eopqkjz Thejc failed bej ~o cfrom kql jeach dsrgsnubber ehiijkoinepthe rjnlot. qp|ur donjzptest jgpgshall rdnni prjeither oprjkdmk jgghkjptransducer kdegzhsjkqorkdmk jgghkjgauge dhj with a pressure a pressure will krepeated jmjdpjzptoqzj lqegpkdpjpthat rdppthe rjscorrective qkkjspo}jdaction spoqe~o nn qofcgsuitable demonstrate range which have hopdinjk dej~r osrgshall rdnnr d}jdaccuracies sshkdsojgqofcx1% qofc jenable edinjpthe rjgsnubbers ehiijkgptoqsconform qecqkl ptoqpthe rjkrequirements jthokjljepgqofc gspan mdeqorki jppjkd ezgshall rdnnr d}jdaneqoverpressure }jkmkjgghkjk dpoeq better and have rating ofc previous pthis roggspecification. mjsocosdpoqe|bInedaddition, zzopoqeypthe rjkresults jghnpgqofcmk j}oqhg datpnleast To maintain sufficient 125% ofchmm upper range value. j d g p x q j k k d e j} d n hj | u qld o e p d o eg hc c o s o j ep ptests jgpgld fi jzj jljzoinvalid, e}dnozyhe njggpthe rjld ehcdsphkjk daccuracy, may be deemed unless manufacturer the maximum upper range limit for any press s h k d s f y p r jld o lhlhm m j kk d e jn o lo pc q kd e fm k j gw prove buyer scan demk q}jptoqpthe rjgsatisfaction dpogcdspoqeqofcpthe rji hfjkpthat rdpgsuch hsrptest jgp gsure h k jp k d e g z hs j kq j g g h k j d h jg r d n n e q p j s j j zp ~o s j transducer orkmk pressure gauge shall not exceed twice would notpi bejd adversely by ~qhnzeq z}jkgjnfoimpacted lmdspjzi fpthe rjscorrective qkkjspo}j pthe maximum pressure expected in any test. In addition, r jld o lhlm k j g g hk jj mj s p j zo ed e fp j g p | b ed zzo p o q e y daction. spoqe| scontrols qepkqngqcp rjgstorage pqkdjqg sonnqgsqmjyq gsonnqkdmros of the oscilloscope, oscillographic krecorder, jsqkzjkyqorkqother prjkzd pddacquisition sthogopoqegsystem fgpjlgshould rqhnzi jp data bejg set ^_^ $#aConditions "#"$ A-3.3 Test that ofcc full rdpkrecorded jsqkzjzgsignals oedngdarekjdatpnleast jdgp50% q hnngscale. sdnj|Except sjmp uTest jgpsconditions qezopoqeggshall rdnnbe ijdasggspecified mjsocojzoinepthe rjdapplicable mmnosdinj p for the dampening tests that require a specific fill c q kp r jzd lmj e o e p j g p gp r d pk j t ho k jdg mj s o c o sc o n nfluid, cnhozy procedures. jexaminations dloedpoqegdand ezptest jgpmk qsjzhkjg| fill fluid. may water pthe rjqothers prjkgld fjemploy lmnqfcfresh kjgr~d pjkdasgpthe rjc onnc nhoz|bIfc water used the temperature cfresh kjgr~d pjkoisghg jzdasgp rjcfillonncfluid nhozcforqkpthe rjp jlmjkdphkj A-3.4 General ^_ Examination !"#" test, provision should bejld made toqj employ a suitable p j g p ymk q } o g o q eg r q hn zi zjp lm n q fdg hopdinj Thejg snubbers a thorough ur ehiijkggshall rdnnbeijgsubjected hijspjzptoqdp rqkqhrjexamidlow dadditive As applicable, to prevent freezing. the snubber zzo p o } jp qm k j } j e p c k j j o e | vgd m m n o s d i n j y p r jg e hiijk nation material, workmanedpoqeptoqdascertain gsjkpdoepthat rdppthe rjld pjkodnycfinish, oeogry~q k{ldew gshould bejp thoroughly cleaned prior toqs conducting the r q hn zi r q k q h r n fs n j d e j zmk o q kp q e z hs p o e p rj marking dimensions, gship, romysconstruction, qegpkhspoqeydassembly, ggjlinfyzo ljegoqegydand ezld k{oe zd dampening test. Thejc fill fluids for the dampening tests lm j e o e p j g p | ur o n nc n ho zgc q kp r jzd lmj e o e p j g pg with darekjoinesconformance qecqkldesj~o prpthe rjkrequirements jthokjljepgqofcpthis roggspecifimjsocow gshall bejd asgc follows: r d n ni q n n q ~g Examinations bejn limited disassembling scation. dpoqe| dloedpoqeggshall rdnni olopjzptoqzo gdggjlinoe (a)c for Type qku fmjx1,y2190-TEP xwuqoilonqorkjequivalent tho}dnjep performance, pthe rjgsnubbers ehiijkgptoqpthe rjjextent pjeppthat rdppthe rjmj kcqkldesjyzdurabilhkdionw (17)c for Types 2 and 4, fresh water q ku f m j gd e z y c k j g r~d p j k would not bejd affected. oity, pfyqorkdappearance mmjdkdesj~q hnze qpi ccjspjz| 3,yd air nitrogen for Type (C)¡c qku fmj okqorke opkqje A-3.5 Test ^_ $#Procedures $and Requirements "!#$ indicated, pressure ¢e njggqotherwise prjk~ogjo ezosdpjzypthe rjm kjgghkjptransducer kdegzhsjk Unless pressure jgghkjgauge dhjgshall rdnnbeijsconnected qeejspjzptoqptherjqoutput hpmhpgside ozj bejs conducted described below. uTests jgpggshall rdnni qezhspjzdasgzj gskoijzi jnq~|Forqkpthe rj qorkmk with fitting between rjgsnubber ehiijk~o prqonly enfdanedadapter zdmpjkc oppoei jp~jje dampening zd lmjeoeptest, jgpydg pqkdjqoscilloscope, gsonnqgsqmjyqoscillographic gsonnqkdmros qofcpthe a storage Except where isgd} a variable, test rjl| sjmp~r jkjptemperature jlmjkdphkjo dkodinjypthe rjp jgp data with a frekrecorder, jsqkzjkyqorkqother prjkzd pddacquisition sthogopoqegsystem fgpjl ~o prdc kjw pthem. bejs conducted roggspecification mjsocosdpoqegshall rdnni qezhspjzdatpdanedambient liojep deflectquency hjesfkresponse jgmqegjgsufficient hccosojepptoqkresolve jgqn}jcfull hnngscale sdnjzj cnjsw oinepthis milliseconds used. :r10°F. jlmjkdphkjqofc£75°F ¤¥x ¤| ptions oqegoinex10lo nnogjsqezgqorknless jgggshall rdnnbe ijhg jz|bInput emhpgsignal oedn ptemperature [ 82 ¦§¨©ª«¬­® °̄±±²³̄©¯®­´µ̄¶´ª«·¸¹º̄§·«´®©¯§»¯¼´·­¸¹«·¸½¯¾¹¬«¹´´ª¿À Á§ª´¨ª§Â÷®«§¹¯¶¸©³̄´¯¶¸Â´¯§»¯®­«¿¯¶¸®´ª«¸½Ǟ«®­§Ã®Ǟª«®®´¹¯·§¹¿´¹®¯§»µ̄º¼¾À Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 0SNUBBERS 12334506(B40.5) 3789 0 437898888 ASME B40.100-2005 0Sn%&ubber ''()*Class +,-6(See 0((7Para. ,),9A-4.2.3) 7998 9L AH Table !!"#Pressures $ A-3 Steady-State Transmission ./ (),01%25Range ,%2(2/ /()3Limit, 14105 Operating Upper /psi-1 :10/1000 ;<:;;; :1001/6000 ;;:<B;;; 6(-07)(--&)(-5 /pSl-1 :10,;=>250, ?;=?500, ;;=@750, ?;=:1000 ;;; :1200, >;;=>2400, C;;=D3600, B;;=C4800, E;;=B6000 ;;; Test Pressures, HI T1 V1 FI >< Mp i; KS V2 FJ NR % l I V1 — Reservoirfillvalve FI O NP QPRSTURVWUXXVSYXSP V2 — Quick-opening FJ O Z[U \]^T_P`U`aVSvalve YXSP V3 — Fluid fill valve FL O b X [U cV W U X X V S Y X S P V4 — Vent FG O FP `dVSvalve YXSP Reservoir pressure monitor MP ——O NP QPRSTURV_R PQQ[RPVeT`U dTR High-pressure monitor NR —O fU ag^_RPQQ[RPVeT`U dTR Pressure KS O MR PQQ[RPVQsnubber `[hhPR T1 — Test transducer HI O H P Q d V d R Y `Q c[\ PR T2 — Monitortransducer HJ O iT`U dTRVdRY`Qc[\PR V4 FG FL V3 HJ T2 Dampening Test Up jFig. !klA-3 Suggested $kkm n!k Seton A-3.5.1 A reference meaReach ofuits pressure lplqSteady-State Transmission. !!"lrs tutstvwtxt yz (b)£¤t yw~yat}least ty{}90% ¥¡ }{ufinal vy{steady-state }tyz{}y}ts t{{|st betxy made a pressure not more 2.5 the pressure {surement |stxtv}{shall ~y ttemploying xvteither }~tsys t{{|st invv }x st}than ~yv {sectwyafter u}tsinitiation v}y}vofu} ~ts t{{|st }transducer, syv{|wtsorss t{{|stgauge, y|tboth }~ }~yand vwithout }~|}ya {step }tyas{indicated vwy}t }the ~tx v}sv}transducer. syv{|wts pressure with by monitoring Thets reference measurement made both {snubber. v|ts~ tutstvwtxt y{|stxtv}{shall ~ybetxy t }~ A- procedure, lpllq#Procedure. "¦$lThe ~tufollowing vs wt|st upscale down pressures | {wytyand v v{scale wytyat}}the ~t}test t{}s t{{|st{ufors}the ~t yapplicable to Fig. A-3, may bet|{ used tot perform the damp w y t} rz xy t } s u s x} ~ ty xz A-3. yapplicable wytwclass y{{(see {tty syrz yas{{shown ~vinvTable ytrz tening para. A—4.2.3) v v } t { } test: Thet difference ~ uutstvwtinvindicated vwy}toutput |}|}with }~yand vwithout }~|}}the ~t (oz)§v Ensure V2 and V4 are closed that V3 {|st}that ~y}¨y v¨y stw {tyand v} ~y}¨ under bet within {snubber v|ts|v ts}test t{}{shall ~y }~v}the ~tyaccuracy ww|sywlimits x }{ is{ t v open. ofu}the ~tpressure st{{|stinstrumentation v{}s|xtv}y}vtemployed. xt Utilizing V3,introduce fill (1))£©} ªv¨ v}s|wt}the ~tu fluid, u|yas{yapplicable wyt A-3.5.2 Dampening. Thety dampening lplm n!kl~ xtvv}test t{}{shall ~ybe twconvz inv} the monitoring transducer legs. Loosen the ~tx v}svyand v}test t{}} syv{|wts t{ {tv} ~t using T2 tot ensure a complete fill. }}v{yat}T1 yand v} v{|styw xt}tu Tighten ~}tvyall ducted |w}t|{ vyanvyapparatus ysy}|{{similar x ys}to}that ~y}{shown ~vonv ufittings A-3. A step syv{|wtsufittings }}v{yand vw {t¨y u}ts} ~tu procedure swt|stis{ Fig.rz r{ }twchange ~yvt{shall ~ybe txy tufrom sxyatmospheric }x{~tsw }transducer made close V3 after the fill pressure psi :10 psi Class L snubbers s t{{|st}to200{ { ufors y{{{ v|ts{yand v wcomplete. xt}t pressure 1100 psi u for Class ufrom sxyatmospheric }x{~tsws t{{|st}to1,500 psi{ { s y{{ (C)«©} Utilizing V1, pressurize high pressure reservoir ªv¨ st{{|sªt}the ~t~ ~s t{{|sts t{tss Thets pressure bety accomH {snubbers. v|ts{~ t{{|st{step }twchange ~yvt{shall ~y wwxz with nitrogen }~v }stv}toy y|t{sufficient |uuwtv}}totensure v{|st}that ~y}}the ~t a value plished measured with {~t inv100xmilliseconds {twv{orsless t{{yas{xt y{|st }~ pressure change will satisfy st{{|st{step }tw ~yvtinv}the ~t}transducer syv{|wtslegs t{ { y}{u monitoring pressure Both }the ~tx v}svs t{{|st}transducer. syv{|wts }~}the ~t}test t{}yand v }the criteria ofu para. A—3.5.2. V1. ~tw s}tsy ysyrz Close {t¨ monitoring have x v}svpressure st{{|st}transducers syv{|wts{{shall ~y~ ytufrequency st|tvw (11)¬§v Energize monitortsªt}the ~t}transducers syv{|wts{yand vyapplicable wytx v}sz respond prosresponse t{v{twcharacteristics ~ysyw}ts{}w{{sufficient |uuwtv}}tos t{v}toyand vs z ing V2. vtequipment, |xtv}yand vyactuate w}|y}t¨ a fullduce |wtyanvtelectrical tw}swy{signal vyoutput |}|}invsresponse t{v{t}toyu |z (e)­ru After has been V2 and }ts{steady }ty{state }y}t~ y{ ttvyachieved, w~ttwclose {t¨y v pressure {scale wyt st{{|stwchange ~yvtoccurring ww|ssvinv10xmilliseconds {twv{ors srelieve the by opening V4. pressure ttt}~t}test t{}s t{{|sttvv¨ pressure by Thet less. t{{~ st{{|styas{indicated vwy}t }the ~t}test t{}pressure st{{|st}transsyv{z (f)®r{y As applicable, thoroughly entire dampwyt} ~s|~wclean tyv}the ~tt v}sty xz ducer |wts{shall ~y{satisfy y}{u}the ~tufollowing vwcriteria: s}tsy tos remove residual fill tening vvyapparatus ysy}|{} txts t{|y}traces sywt{ofuthe }~tu fluid. u| a pressure (a)Indicate vwy}tys t{{|stofu25% ¡ orsless t{{ofu}the ~tufinal vy A-3.5.3 Temperature n$ pressure a time which {steady-state }tyz{}y}ts t{{|styat}y} xttequal |y}to}that ~y}yat}~ w~ lpl A- High Temperature. monitoring pressure reaches Place the }the ~tx v}svs t{{|st}transducer syv{|wtsinitially v}ys tyw~t{its}{ lpllq¯! k° n$l± ywt} ~t{snubber v|tsinv pressure chamber pressurize the {step }ts t{{|stlevel. tt yanvtenvironmental vsvxtv}yw ~yxtsyand vs t{{|sªt} ~t{snubber v|ts [ ¢83 ²³´µ¶·¸¹º »¼½½¾»¿µ»º¹À»ÁÂÀ¶·ÃÄŻƳ÷Àºµ»³Ç»ÈÀùÄÅ·ÃÄɻʟ·ÅÀÀ¶ËÌ Í³¶À´¶³ÎÏú·³Å»Âĵ»¿À»ÂÄÎÀ»³Ç»º¹·Ë»ÂĺÀ¶·Äɻзº¹³Ïº»Ð¶·ººÀŻóÅËÀź»³Ç»ÁÆÈÊÌ Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01234567866966 1SNUBBERS 4431(B40.5) 4567 ASME B40.100-2005 Table Cycle A-4 Temperature 1Step !"# $Temperature "%#"&'!(&")Condition *+,-!-*+ 1 5°F 1 5°F /1 0Increase 12345647temperature 4894357:34;[Note <=74>(1)] /?@Afrom 3=8B75°F CDEFC DE7to=/150°F CGDEFC DE 1 50°F I2 JConstant =1675177temperature 4894357:34=ofA/150°F C G D EFC G D E — 10°F Decrease 1 5°F K3 L4 2345647temperature 4894357:347to=M/ GDEFC DE — 10°F 1 5°F N4 JConstant =1675177temperature 4894357:34=ofAM/ GDEFC DE 1 5°F C5 0Increasing 123456O1P7temperature 4894357:347to=B75°F CDEFC DE;[Note <=74>(3)] K?@ NOTES: <QR STU Ambient >(1)/?V 8WO4177temperature 4894357:34Afor=37theH4Afirst O3672cycle. X2Y4Z Minimum >(2)I?[O 1O8:8\duration. :357O=1Z >(3)K?V 8WO4177temperature 4894357:34Afor=37theH4Ylast 5672cycle. X2Y4Z Ambient .( &'!-*+ Duration 1 hr3 /H I22IHhr3;[Note <=74>(2)] I?@ 2 hr3 IH I22IHhr3;[Note <=74>(2)] I?@ 1 hr3 /H of frequency. ]to^_250`abc ^hijk icclc mnoophiand mqf1,500 r̀aab cd dintegral m]phiki knp^gg hp~npmv}tuIfgm^h pc^mimvpciarehp psidef 1 10abc psidg for a Class L snubber psi value no resonances e` ^hijk iccsH csnubber. mnoophtuIncrease mvhpicp]the wpvchamber wixoph ^observed, ocphpqr]the wp_w mqnhimvp]test pc]cshall wikko ^mqnv]pq 1 50abc psidg for a Class 2 hrhp endurance bepv conducted 1 5°F not Hz.tu Ifgibi a particular iscqp determined bep ]temperature pxbphi]nhpgfrom h^x iambient xodpm]]to^f150°F `ayze` yzdinmm ^]k pcc iat]f175`s h]dvnkihcsnubber mnoophd ]phxdmpq]to^o less 1 hr. ]than wimfw ht{q| nc]]the wpbh pccnhpiascmnecessary pvpccih}]to^xi dm]idm iaxisymmetric, dc}xxp]hdvr]then wpm]the wpvibration dohi]d^m]test pc]m ppq^only mk}o ^m Adjust pressure maintain need bepv con]the wphrequired p~ndhpqb hpccnhpti dm]idm]the wpbpressure hpccnhpiand mq]tempx qducted nv]pqialong k^m] wp]two ^xn] nikk}bp hbpmqdvnkihi pctThe wp pressure. Maintain the mutually perpendicular axes. perature a minimum 4 hr. Reduce bepbh pressurized 250 psidef 1 10abc psidg for a bphi]nhpvconditions ^mqd]d^mcgfor^hixd mdxnx ^ofgw htp qnvp]the wp csnubber mnoophcshall wikko pccnhdpq]to^_ `abc ^hi not 1 hr. Class L snubber pside` 1 50ab psi a Class vchamber wixoph]to^iambient xodpm]]temperature pxbphi]nhpdinmm ^]kless pcc]than wimfw ht jk icclc mnoophiand mqf1,500 r̀aabc cdgfor^hijk iccsH p x^p]the wpcsnubber mnoophgfrom h^x ]the wpvchamber. wixopht{k k^ itd]]to^ csnubber mnoophiand mqx^ md]^hpq]throughout wh^nw^n]]the wp] pc]t{g ]ph] wdc Remove Allow monitored test. After this least 1 hr. no^d indication orh hremain pxidmiat]iambient xodpm]]temperature pxbphi]nhpgfor^hiat]k pic]fw htThe wp ]test, pc]rthe ]wpcsnubber mnoophcshall wikkcshow w^m mqdvi]d^m^ofgkleakage piip^ damage damage meet dampening ofg csnubber mnoophcshall wikkcshow w^ mno^pevidence dqpmvp^ofgkleakage piip^orhqi xip qi xipiand mqcshall wikkxp p]]the wpqi xbpmdmhrequirement p~ndhpxpm]^ para. iand mqcshall wikkxp p]]the wpqi xbpmdmhrequirement p~ndhpxpm]^ofgbi hit bi hitA—3.5.2. {t̀t_t meet dampening para. A—3.5.2 { t̀t_iafter g]ph]the wpwhigh dw]temperature pxbphi]nhp]test. pc]t A- bepv connected Fixture. ¡Thewpcsnubber mnoophcshall wikko ^mmpv]pq Temperature. Place instrument valve LOW k ivp]the wpcsnubber mnoophdinmianm ]to^]the wp^outlet n]kp]cside dqp^ofgianmd mc]hnxpm]vcutoff n]^ggvalve. ikptThe wp ikp A- penvironmental mdh^mxpm]ikvchamber wixophiand mqb hpccnhdp]the wpcsnubber mnooph]to^ iand mqcsnubber mnoophiassembly ccpxok}cshall wikko nm]pq]to^i ph]dvik pressurize bepx^ mounted a vertical psidef 1 10ab psi a Class L snubber psid bi panel the vibration A flexible hose bep _250`abc cdgfor^hijk icclc mnoophiand mqf1,500 r̀aabc mpk^ofg] wp dohi]d^mgfixture. d]nhpt{g kpdokpw ^cpcshall wikko psidg for a Class Decrease the inlet side ofg e` ^hijk iccsH csnubber. mnoophtp vhpicp]the wpvchamber wixoph nc pq]to^vconnect ^mmpv]]the wpb hpccnhpcsource ^nhvp]to^] wpd mkp]c dqp^ 1 50abc used pressure 40°F 1 53°F in flexible ]temperature pxbphi]nhpgfrom h^xiambient xodpm]]to^ ayze` yzd mm ^]kless pcc]than wim ]the wpd mc]hnxpm]cutoff vn]^ggvalve. ikptA{g kpdokpw ^cpcshall wikkbeopnused cpq not instrument hose 1 hr. Adjust pressure necessary maintain a pressure monitor orh] transducer) fw ht{q| nc]]the wpbh pccnhpiascm pvpccih}]to^xi dm]idm]the wp ]to^vconnect ^mmpv]ibh pccnhpx^ md]^h(gauge inp^ himcqnvph pressure. Maintain pressure test connection port located the ofg] the hrequired p~ndhpqbh pccnhpti dm]idm]the wpbh pccnhpiand mq]temperapxbphi ]to^]the wp] pc]v ^mmpv]d^mb^ h]k ^vi]pqdinm] wpcstem ]px ^ wp a minimum 4 hr. cutoff pressure hoses ]ture nhpvconditions ^mqd]d^mcgfor^hixd mdxnx ^ofgw htuIncrease mvhpicp]the wp dinstrument mc]hnxpm]v n]^ggvalve. ikptFlexible zkpdokpbh pccnhpw ^cpccshall wikkbeop 1 hr. vchamber wixoph]to^iambient xodpm]]temperature pxbphi]nhpdinmm ^]kless pcc]than wimfw ht ^ofgcsufficient nggdvdpm]klength pm]wcso^iasc]to^m ^]dinterfere m]phgphpd ]w]the wp dohi not not with VibraRemove pressure ratings. p x^p]the wpcsnubber mnoophgfrom h^x ]the wpvchamber wixophiand mqiallow kk^dit]]to^ ]tion d^mgfixture d]nhpiand mqcshall wikkhave wipiappropriate bbh^bhdi]pbh pccnhph i]dmct least 1 hr. After pressurizing hremain pxidmiat]iambient xodpm]]temperature pxbphi]nhpgfor^hiat]k pic]fw htThe wp {g ]phgfilling dkkdmiand mqbh pccnhddm]the wpcsystem, }c]pxr]the wpcsnubber mnooph csnubber mnoophcshall wikkcshow w^ mno^pevidence dqpmvp^ofgkleakage piip^orhqi xip iand mqbh pccnhpx^ md]^hcshall wikkbeopd c^ki]pqgfrom h^x]the wpbh pccnhp damage pressure monitor isolated pressure meet dampening para. by means the cutoff valve. iand mqcshall wikkxp p]]the wpqi xbpmdmhrequirement p~ndhpxpm]^ofgbi hit csource ^nhvpo }xp imc^ofg] wpdinstrument mc]hnxpm]v n]^gg ikptTest pc] A-3.5.2 replicate { t̀t_iafter g]ph]the wpklow ^]temperature pxbphi]nhp]test. pc]t gfixturing d]nhdmcshall wikkh pbkdvi]p]typical }bdvikcshipboard wdbo^ihqdinstallation. mc]ikki]d^mt Cycling. k ivp]the wpcsnubber mnoophdinm A-3.5.5 ¢Shock. £¤{k dw]pdw]cshock w^v] pc]cshall wikkbeopv ^m A- Temperature Place A lightweight test conwith MIL-S-901 for Grade A, Class ianmpenvironmental mdh^mxpm]ikvchamber. wixophtThe wpcsnubber mnoophcshall wikkhremain pxidm qducted nv]pqdinmiaccordance vv^hqimvpd ]wu l¥afg ^h¦h iqp{r jkicc unpressurized A p equipment. nine blows bep nm bhpccnhdpqqduring nhdm]the wp]temperature pxbphi]nhpvcycling. }vkdmtThe wp]test pc] f1,rType }bp{ ~ndbxpm]t{A total ]^]ik^ofgm dmpo k^ccshall wikko 1 through 4), blows parallel axis ofg] the cshall wikkvconsist ^mcdc]^ofggfour ^nhvcomplete ^xbkp]pvcycles }vkpc(steps c]pbcf] wh^nw r iapplied, bbkdpqr]three whppo k^ciapplied bbkdpqbi hikkpk]to^peach ivwi dc^ wp A-4. After fourth bepbh pressurized to^_ 250 psid iasccshown w^mdinmTable iokp{ t{g ]phvcompletion ^xbkp]d^m^ofg]the wpg ^nh]w csnubber. mnoophtThe wpcsnubber mnoophcshall wikko pccnhdpq] `abc beph removed 1 10abc psidg for a Class L snubber and psi 1 50abc psidg for vcycle, }vkpr]the wpcsnubber mnoophcshall wikko px^pqgfrom h^x ]the wpvchamber wixoph ef ^hijk icclc mnoophi mqf1,500 r̀aab cde` ^h a Class monitored throughout iand mqiallowed kk^pq]to^cstabilize ]iodkdpiat]iambient xodpm]vconditions ^mqd]d^mcgfor^hiat] ijk iccsH csnubber mnoophiand mqx^ md]^hpq] wh^nw^n]]the wp]test. pc]t 1 hr. no^d indication orhqi damkleast pic]fw htThe wpcsnubber mnoophcshall wikkcshow w^mno^pevidence dqpmvp^ofgkleakage piip The wpcsnubber mnoophcshall wikkcshow w^m mqdvi]d^m^ofgleakage kpiip^ x damage meet dampening meet dampening requirements ^orhqi xipiand mqcshall wikkxp p]]the wpqi xbpmdmhrequirement p~ndhpxpm] iagepiand mqcshall wikkxp p]]the wpqi xbpmdmh p~ndhpxpm]c^ofgpara. bihit para. A—3.5.2 A—3.5.2. ^ofgbi hit{ t̀t_iafter g]ph]the wp]temperature pxbphi]nhpvcycling }vkdm]test. pc]t { t̀t_t A-3.5.4 A- bepv connected Vibration. bep] tested in The wpcsnubber mnoophcshall wikko pc]pqd m Fixture. ¡Thewpcsnubber mnoophcshall wikko ^mmpv]pq with I (environmental) vibration the valve iaccordance vv^hqimvpd ]wType }bpu pmdh^mxpm]ikd ohi]d^m^ofg ]to^] wp^outlet n]kp]cside dqp^ofgianmdinstrument mc]hnxpm]vcutoff n]^ggvalve. ikptThe wp ikp MIL-STD-167-1 upper bepx^ mounted a vertical u l ffpexcept vpb]]that wi]]the wpnbb phgfrequency hp~npmv}cshall wikkbeop iand mqcsnubber mnoophiassembly ccpxok}cshall wikko nm]pq]to^i ph]dvik Hz; panel a type plate. flexible hose shall f175`s ]the wpiamplitude xbkd]nqp^ofgvibration dohi]d^mcshall wikkbeopdinmiaccordance vv^hqimvp bi mpk^ofgi] }bp6D-1 fiadapter qib]phbk i]ptA{g kpdokpw ^cpc wikk with A-5; portion, used pressure to^] the inlet d ]wTable iokp{ `iand mqgfor^h]the wpvariable ihdiokpgfrequency hp~npmv}b ^h]d^mr be opnc pq]to^vconnect ^mmpv]]the wpbh pccnhpcsource ^nhvp] wpd mkp]cside dqp maintained 2 min valve. A flexible hose shall bep ]the wpvibration dohi]d^mklevel ppkcshall wikkbeopxi dm]idmpqgfor^h_xd miat]pevery ph} ^ofg]the wpdinstrument mc]hnxpm]vcutoff n]^gg ikpt{g kpdokpw ^cpc wikko ( 84 §¨©ª«¬­®¯ °±²²³°́ª°̄®µ°¶·µ«¬¸¹º°»¨¸¬µª̄°̈¼°½µ¸®¹º¬¸¹¾°¿º­¬ºµµ«ÀÁ ¨«µ©«¨Ãĸ¯¬¨º°·¹ª°́µ°·¹Ãµ°̈¼°̄®¬À°·¹µ̄«¬¹¾°Å¬¯®¨Ä°̄Å«¬¯µ̄º°̧¨ºÀµº°̄¨¼°¶»½¿Á Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 0SNUBBERS 12334506(B40.5) 3789 0 437898888 ASME B40.100-2005 7Frequency 8*9:*1/;5Range, '1<*3 Hz (Inclusive) =>6 ?1/):-,@* CD E F20G 5 to F21LDtoE C50G C51LDtoEL100 GG L101GLDtoEL175 OC Table Vibratory !"#$%Criteria A-5 Displacement &'()*+, -.)'/*0*123,in.196(Peak-to-Peak) 4*'5264*'5 Table Displacement, Variable 4Exploratory A.)68'268;& *-2 B'8,'()*7Frequency 8*9:*1/;& *-2 Test Test 1 0.004 1 0.012 G0.020 HGFGIG HGGJ G0.060 HGKGIG HGLF 1 0.002 1 0.008 G0.010 HGLGIG HGGF G0.040 HGJGIG HGGM 1 0.0006 1 0.004 G0.003 HGGNIG HGGGK G0.020 HGFGIG HGGJ 1 0.0002 1 0.0006 G0.001 HGGLIG HGGGF G0.003 HGGNIG HGGGK a pressure monitor the PQ RSTtoUVconnect UWWRVTXY ZRQQPZR[U W\TUZ](gauge ^XP^RUorZTtransducer) ZXWQSPVRZ_ bfluid aP\SXand WSbfluid aP\STtemperature R[YRZXTPZR](viscosity) c\QVUQ\Tl_XatTT `RQsnubber WPggRZ used TtoUTthe `RTtest RQTVconnection UWWRVT\UWYU ZTalocated UVXTRS\inWTthe `RQstem TR[ UofbTthe `R alocation. UVXT\UWd port \instrument WQTZP[RWTVcutoff PTUbbcvalve. XacRdeFlexible aRf\gaRYZ RQQPZR`hoses UQRQQshall `Xaabe gR pressure nType lYR £Service RZc\VR UofbQsufficient Pbb\V\RWTalength RW^T`QsoUXasQTtoUWnotUT\interfere WTRZbRZRh\ T`Tthe `RQshock `UVi with Oil, hydraulic y1 ¤\am` lSZXPa\Vb aP\SX gUcR RWT\QTUiRQ fluid above 20{V centistokes have pressure bfixture \fTPZRXand WSQshall `Xaa`X cRXappropriate YYZUYZ\XTRYZ RQQPZRZratings. XT\W^Qd X U Y R Z X T \ W ^T R [Y R Z X T PZ R d ¤\ XgUcR z atT operating temperature. Oila above 225 After pressurizing jb TRZbfilling \aa\W^Xand WSYZ RQQPZ\k\W^Tthe `RQsystem, lQTR[mTthe `RQsnubber WPggRZ Q X l g U a TPW\ c R Z Q X aQ R V U W SQX Y R Z X T \ W ^ saybolt universal seconds atTU operating Xand WSYZ RQQPZR[U W\TUZQshall `Xaabe gR\isolated QUaXTRSbfrom ZU[Tthe `RYZ RQQPZR pressure monitor pressure T R [YR Z X T PZ R Q means valve. Qsource UPZVRg l[R XWQUofbTthe `R\instrument WQTZP[RWTVcutoff PTUbbc XacRdnTest RQT by 2 Fresh oils eZRQ`hX TRZmQsteam, TRX[m^X QUa\WRma \^`TU \aQ water, gasoline, light bfixturing \fTPZ\W^Qshall `XaaZreplicate RYa\VXTRTtypical lY\VXaQshipboard `\YgUXZS\installation. WQTXaaXT\UWd gRaUh20{V RWT\QTUiRQXatTUoperating YRZXT\W^T R[ below centistokes temYRZXTPZR A-3.5.6 oppqrPressure stIntegrity. $upvZ RQQPZ\kRTthe `Rwa XQQxL Pressurize Class ¡X QRQ 3 Gases Class H snubber psi.\ Qsnubber WPggRZTtoUy1,500 mz{{YpsiQ\Xand WSTthe `Rwa XQQ|Q WPggRZTtoU}9,000 m{{{YQ d 4 £RXhX TRZ Sea water pressure ~Isolate QUaXTRTthe `RYpressurized ZRQQPZ\kRSQsnubber WPggRZbfrom ZU[Tthe `RYZ RQQPZRQsource UPZVR A-4.2.3 pressures ppo%Class. pThe n`RZrange XW^RUofbUoperating YRZXT\W^Y ZRQQPZRQ\ isQ Xand WS[U W\TUZTthe `RQsnubber WPggRZYZ RQQPZRh\ T`Tthe `RXappropriate YYZUYZ\XTR SR monitor pressure with designated by a single character. Q \ ^ W X T R Sg lXQ \ W ^ a RV ` X Z X V T R Z d pressure Zrange XW^RYpressure ZRQQPZRTtransducer ZXWQSPVRZUorZYZ RQQPZR^gauge. XP^RdMaintain X\WTX\W pressure a period 1 hr. After Tthe `RYZ RQQPZRbforUZXYR Z\USUofby` Zdjb TRZTthis `\QTtest, RQTmTthe `R Operating Range Lirnit, psi wa XQQ ¤Y RZXT\W^¥X W^Rx\ [\TmY Q\ Class Qsnubber WPggRZQshall `XaaQshow `Uh no WURevidence c\SRWVRUofba RXiX^RUorZSX [X^R leakage damage L x y10{T m{{{ toUy 1,000 meet dampening para. Xand WSQshall `Xaa[R RTTthe `RSX [YRW\W^Zrequirements RP\ZR[RWTQUofbYX ZXd H 1,001 | y m { { yT m{{{ toU¦ 6,000 A-3.5.2. j dzdd A-4.2.4 TheR[X material pp%Composition. #!$pn` TRZ\XaVcomposition U[YUQ\T\UWUofbTthe `R snubber is designated by one letter. Q W Pg g R Z\ QSR Q \ ^ W X T R Sg lU W Ra R T T R Z d A-4 ORDERING trPARAMETERS temperatures perature wU [YUQ\T\UW Composition jA Acquisition documents jV P\Q\T\UWSU VP[RWTQQshould `UPaSQspecify YRV\blTthe `Rbfollowing: UaaUh\W^ B date (cl)Ttitle, \TaRmWnumber, P[gRZmXand WSSX TRUofbTthis `\QQspecification YRV\b\VXT\UW wC Number (b)vX ZT~Identifying SRWT\bl\W^P[g RZ](PIN) v~_ Part X A-4.1 pAcquisition "s$Requirements s#$ (C)h` RWqualification PXa\b\VXT\UW\isQZrequired RP\ZRS when marking (d)Qspecial YRV\Xa[X Zi\W^ A-4.2 Number prPart tIdentifying $$us #(PIN) rtrParameters # XTRZ\Xa para. wU YYRZW \ViRaX aaUl](see QRRY XZXdA- jdddy_ Copper nickel alloy A- \ ViRaVUYYRZX aaUl](see QRRY XZXdj ddd_ Nickel-copper alloy para. para. A- wU ZZUQ\UWZresisting RQ\QT\W^Qsteel TRRa](see QRRY XZXdj ddd_ Corrosion A- Other para. ¤T `RZ](see QRRY XZXdj ddd_ Material A-4.2.5 The configuration the ppEnd $%Connection. $$"$pn`RV UWb\^PZXT\UWbforUZT `R isQSR designated by a single charQsnubber’s WPggRZ§QRend WSVconnection UWWRVT\UW\ Q\^WXTRSg lXQ \W^aRV `XZ Xacter. VTRZd End WS TheRYX parameters PIN n` ZX[RTRZQbforUZv~ XareZRXasQbfollows: UaaUhQ Application Connection wU WWRVT\UW jYYa\VXT\UW (a)nType lYR (19)wa XQQ Class Pressure O—ring union para. vP vZRQQPZR^gauge XP^R¤ Z\W^PW \UW](see QRRY XZXdA— jdydydy_ Pressure gauge para. (C)Vcomposition U[YUQ\T\UW eF vZRQQPZR^X P^Rbflareless aXZRaRQQ¨[Bite \TRTtype lYR](see QRRYX ZXd A—] j dydyd_© (d)Rend WSVconnection UWWRVT\UW T Pressure para. n vZRQQPZRTtransducer ZXWQSPVRZ](see QRRY XZXdA— jdydyd_ (e)Vcleanliness aRXWa\WRQQ Other. The end mustTg beRQ specified in £8 ¤T`RZdn`RR WSVconnections UWWRVT\UWQ[PQ YRV\b\RS\ W A-4.2.1 Number The pprPart tIdentifying $$us #(PIN) rtFormat. #pn`R orZU ordering data. Tthe `RVcontract UWTZXVTU ZSRZ\W^SX TXd PINS beRPQ used v~ QTtoUg RSbforUZ\items TR[QXacquired VP\ZRSTtoUTthis `\QQsupplement PYYaR[RWT A-4.2.6 TheRa level ofbV cleanliness ofbT the ppq%Cleanliness. $$ pn` RcRaU aRXWa\WRQQU `R beRV created Qshall `Xaag ZRXTRSXasQbfollows: UaaUhQ Cleaning snubber isQSR designated by a single character. Q W Pg g R Z\ Q \ ^ W X T R Sg lXQ \ W ^ a RV ` X Z X V T R Z dwa R X W \ W ^ EXAMPLE: B40.5A1—1LCPG jvx {dzjyyxwv¡ beR\ in with bforUZUoxygen fl^RWXapplications YYa\VXT\UWQQshall `Xaag WXaccordance VVUZSXWVRh\ T` P G B40.5A1 {dzjy y1 xL wC v ¡ MIL-STD—1330. Cleaning applications ~ x£nªy{dwa RXW\W^bforUZ^general RWRZXaX YYa\VXT\UWQQshall `Xaa Level 2 ofb be with Cleanliness gR\inWXaccordance VVUZSXWVRh\ T`wa RXWa\WRQQxRcRa~IV,«mnTable XgaRU Precedes End vZ RVRSRQ WS ASME B401. {dyd Class Composition Cleanlines Vclassification aXQQ\b\VXT\UWnType lYRwa XQQwU [YUQ\T\UW Vconnection UWWRVT\UWwa RXWa\WRQ j£ Cleanliness Application waRXWa\WRQQ jYYa\VXT\UW A-4.2.2 which TheRT type ppTypes. !pn` lYRUofbQservice RZc\VR\inWh` \V`Tthe `RQsnubWPg ber will used designated by gRZh\ aabe gRPQ RSQshall `XaabegRSR Q\^WXTRSg lUone WRUofbTthe `RbfollowUaaUh G General ¡ ¡RWRZXa X Oxygen dry nitrogen numbers based \ing W^W P[gRZQXand WSQshall `XaabegRQselected RaRVTRSg XQRSUonWTthe `RRexpected fYRVTRS ¤fl^RWXand WSSZ lW \TZU^RW ¢z American Mechanical Engineers. Copyright ¬­ ®¯°±²³´©µ¶2006 ··¸µ¹by¯µ́the³ºµ»¼º °±½¾¿µÀSociety ­½±º´¯µ­ofÁµÂº ½³¾¿±½¾ÃµÄ¿ ²±¿ºº°ÅÆ No material ASME. Ç­°reproduction º®°­Èɽ±́­¿µmay ¼¾¯µ¹beºµmade ¼¾Èºµ­ofÁµ́this ³±Åµ¼¾ º́°±¾Ãµwithout ʱ́³­Éµ́written Ê°±́º́¿µ½consent ­¿Åº¿µ́­ofÁµ»À ÂÄÆ 01234567866966 1SNUBBERS 4431(B40.5) 4567 ASME B40.100-2005 REFERENCES G SIIPE"%Shock :/0D5Tests, 1484%Q* ,:Impact, '(&08% :*(6/&.2 MIL—S—901, High Shipboard G& 0 : * + 1 . 9 % TU 3 * ('1 + 8& + 2 9 4 8 1 '4K1 U 3* . 1'1+84 Machinery, Equipment and Systems Requirements !" #$%Sampling &'()*+,-. /0123.14&and +25Tables &6)147for/. G ANSI / ASQC Z1.4, Procedures MIL-STD-167-1, Vibrations of7 Shipboard SI5OI"FLI"%Mechanical G10:& +*0&)V* 6.&8*/+4/ :*(6/&.2— Inspection +4(108*/+6 98 8.*63814 by Attributes Equipment (Type I — T+ Environmental and Type TU 3* ( '1 + 8< 5 9 (1W J * . / + '1 + 8 & )& + 25 9(1IIX -36) *4:1.;'1 .*0&+& 8*/+&)Standards 8&+2&.24Institute +48*8381 Internally Publisher: American National + 8 1 . + & ) ) 9TY 0 * 8 1 2 Excited <(ANSI), =%>25?@1 48$ A.2Street, 8.118%1 BC/ .D%NY C"10036 EEAF G West 43rd New York, MIL-STD-1330, Practice Precision SI5OI"AAE%Standard 8&+2&.2-. &08*017for/.-. 10*4*/+Cleaning )1&+*+, Helium, Helium+25 148*+,/of7Shipboard :*(6/&.2ZY 9,1+%Q1 )*3'%Q1 )*3'I Testing Oxygen, 5G H" >>%Standard 8&+2&.2Specification (10*7*0&8*/+7for/.Copper-Nickel/((1.I*0D1)I &and ASTM B 122, 9,1+%* 8./,1+&and +2Q9 2./,1+ 9481'4 Oxygen, Nitrogen Hydrogen Systems Alloy, Alloy Silver), 5Tin*+) )/9%Copper-Nickel-Zinc /((1.I*0D1)I!*+0) )/9<(Nickel *0D1) *)J1.=% ZY &and +2Copper-Nickel /((1.I*0D1)) )/9-) &81%Sheet, :118%Strip, 8.*(%&and +2 -36 Alloy Plate, )*4:1.;NFederal 121.&)4specifications (10*7*0&8*/+4&available J&*)&6)17from: ./';Super3(1.I Publisher: K/ ))12H& Rolled Bar. Documents, Government Printing *intendent +81+21+8/of7O/ 03'1+84%M# #[/ J1.+'1+8-. *+8*+, U.S. ASTM B 127, Nickel—Copper 5G H" >L%Standard 8&+2&.2Specification (10*7*0&8*/+7for/.* 0D1)I/((1. Z7 Office 7*01<(GPO), [-Z=%L732A># &(*8/)Street, 8.118%NW, @%Washington, @&4:*+,8/+% N. Capitol Alloy ) )/9<(UNS ME $$EE=-) &81%Sheet, :118%&and +2Strip 8.*( N04400) Plate, O >E$E" 5G H" ?"%Standard 8&+2&.2Specification (10*7*0&8*/+7for/.Copper-Nickel/((1.I*0D1)I DC 20401 ASTM B 151, AMS 7259, TGL >?P%K* +,4%Sealings, 1&)*+,4%N )3/./0&.6/+<(FKM) N\G= Rings, Fluorocarbon !* +0) )/9<(Nickel *0D1)Silver) *)J1.=&and +2Copper-Nickel /((1.I*0D1)K/ 2 SAE Zinc Alloy Rod K36 61.Q* ,:I51'(1.&83.1IN)3*2K1 4*48&+8V1 .9IS/B Rubber High—Temperature-Fluid Resistant Very-Low Bar. &and +2H& /'(.144*/+ 18R85?8to/P Set 95? ASTM B 164, 5G H" F$%Standard 8&+2&.2Specification (10*7*0&8*/+7for/.* 0D1)I/((1. Compression Nickel—Copper J 1926, SAE T]" P>F%Connections /++108*/+47 /.[1 +1.&)M4 1&and +2NFluid )3*2 for General Use ) )/9K/ 2%H& .%&and +2@* .1 Alloy Rod, Bar, Wire — Ports Ends with Threads /B1.X/.84&and +2Stud 832T+ 24B* 8:ISO Z L725>?5: .1&24 ASTM E 564, Aluminum Aluminum-Nickel Alloy 5G H? F$%) 3'*+3' &and +2) 3'*+3'I*0D1)) )/9 -Power — -& O—Ring Part Threaded with &and +2ZI K*+,Sealing 1&)*+,W .8"1:;5:. 1&212-Port /.8B* 8: NForgings /.,*+,4 O—Ring K*+,Seal 1&)* +5Truncated .3+0&812Q/ 34*+, in Housing 5G OA P?"%Standard 8&+2&.2-. &08*017for/.Commercial /''1.0*&)-Pack&0DI ZI ASTM D 3951, Practice &aging ,*+, Publisher: -36 )*4:1.;Society /0*189/of738 /'/8*J1T+,* +11.4<(SAE), T=% Automotive Engineers $EE Commonwealth /''/+B1&)8: O. *J1% Warrendale, @&..1+2&)1% -PA Drive, -36 )*4:1.; 5GInternational +81.+&8*/+&)<(ASTM), 5G=%"100EEH& ..Q& .6/. 400 Publisher: ASTM Barr Harbor Drive, West "15096-0001 ?EPFIEEE" O. *J1%@1 48Conshohocken, /+4:/:/0D1+%-PA"19428 P$>R A-5 I R86F ^_`abcdef ghiijgkagfelgmnlbcopqgr_oclfag_sgtloepqcopugvqdcqllbwx y_bl`b_z{ofc_qgnpagklgnpzlg_sgfecwgnpflbcpug|cfe_{fg|bcfflqgo_qwlqfg_sgmrtvx Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01234567866966 ASME B40.100-2005 ASME B40.6 1 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Valves, General 2 Pressure !Limiter "#"$% &'()* +&'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 ,3 -Construction +$$"+. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89. Valves 4 Selection '$"+of/Pressure !Limiter "#"$% &'(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90.0 15 2Installation +$&''&$"+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92.3 6 Safety &/$4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .923 57 6Testing $"+7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .938 9Figures "7 Type :1 ;Piston <=>?@A BCD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89. 32 E< FCGHFIJ AType BCD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90.0 Diaphragm Relief Valve 83 KD L<DMNF LODAType BCD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .91: 4 Bellows P QD LL?R=AType BCD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91.: 87S TUVWXYZ[\ ]^__`]aW]\[b]cdbXYefg]hUeYb\W]Ui]jbe[fgYefk]lgZYgbbXmn 30¢ oUXbVXUpqe\YUg]dfW]ab]dfpb]Ui]\[Ym]df\bXYfk]rY\[Uq\]rXY\\bg]eUgmbg\]Ui]chjln 53 Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01234567866966 ASME B40.100-2005 PRESSURE LIMITER VALVES 1 SCOPE kenvironment: htgjehmkhnlthe .+conditions ,!",!.external :.#! 8 ,the .". /+.= to device, including weather, temperature, humidity, salt spray, ! + 8 2" ! 3;. . # = . 40. # 2# . = 24 " 5 = 8 0#5= This is+ confined devices pro Standard !" #"$(B40.6) %&'()* ,!-!."to,". /+.that 0# ,1 /vibration, con 6 # , ! = + , # # , / . 4, 0 . # . = ! ", . # 4 8 #+ ,!1 corrosive atmosphere, and other similar tect .+0# .2#.1.!!3instruments !#24.!-from #,40pressure #.2#.sources ,2#+. " pressure—sensing , ! = + , 28 " . + .0 . # , # 4 ! + ., .". / +.( ditions, that could affect the performance of- the device. in!the ..event /.!,of-system 5.40pressure #.2#.#rising !3above 6,/.the .adjusted "72." Zgqmlthe .0# ,+.-fluid 82"$(gas 3 ,or#8 u2"*( medium: process liquid). device. These devices not +closing 8,!30pressure #.2#.,of-the .". /+.( ..". /+.are#.! , mk 0# .2#.#regulators. .328,#(9# .2#.8limiter 4.#valves /8/.are#.". 3!." pjkffqjkoXburst: pressure Pressure designed which qjfnlthe .4maximum :424 pressure, 0#.2#.=above 6,/.; +a ,only !85to,0prevent #./.!the .0 3.,of-.excessive :+./.0#, pressure, passage pressure longer hold ". / + .4 5! , ! 3 . # , 8 "0# . 2 # . ( device may no,8 pressure. ", ;!#.4 pressure—sensing 0#.2#.1.!!3instruments. !#24.!(<. #.-.#= pjkffqjkoYclosing: downstream Hereafter, defghilthe .system 5.40# .2#.atwhich ;+the .sealing .8!3 pressure pressure be.# referred 0#.2#.8limiter 4.#/valves 8/.4may56 .-.##."to,as>”devices.” "./+.(? pressure, 4. + !4+closes, 8,.=isolating ,8!3the .0# .2#.1.!!3 !#21 mechanism pressure—sensing instrument from rising system pressure. 4. ! # , 4 # ! 3 5 . 4 0# . 2# . ( GENERAL @2 PRESSURE LIMITER VALVES, AB C pressure, maximum maximum pressure pjkffqjkomV vgmqmginlet: hdknlthe .4 :4240# .2#.that +can! @2.1D Purpose EFGHIJ 6.applied 008." . !8.0 ,#,of-a pressure 0#.2#.8 4.#/ 8/. be to, the inlet port limiter valve continually or repeatedly without degradation in the + , ! ! 2 8 8 5, ## . 0. . "8 5; , 2". 3 # " , ! ! . Pressure 9# .2#.8limiter 4.#/ 8/.are#.2used ."to,0# ,.+0# .2#.1 0. valves protect pressureperformance of the valve. # , # 4 ! + ., - ./ 8 / . ( sensing .!!3instruments !#24.!against 3!"damage, 4 3.=8loss ,,of-accuracy, ++2#+5= and/or !"K,##rupture!the ..event /.!,-. :+./.system 5.4 pressure, of excessive working: inlet pjkffqjkomV vgmqmwe jxghilmaximum 4 :424 !8.pressure; 0#.2#.ysee .. maximum pressure. 0# .2#.( pjkffqjkomV vgmqmginlet. hdkn( pressure, maximum pressure, maximum differential pjkffqjkoeover—range: tkjrjVhiklthe .4 :424 pressure 0#.2#." --.#.!8 @2.2D@ Principle FLMNLGOJHofPG JFQRLHM Operation between inlet and outlet ports for a given closing 6 . ;. . ! ! 8 . ! ", 2 8 . 0, # , # 3 / . !+ 8 , !30# .1 presS. !.#885=these ..". /+.+consist ,!,of-the .-following ,88,;!3+com,41 sure. Generally, devices 2 # . ( 0# . 2# .4 , ! ! 2, 2 8 5, . 0. . "8 5 This pressure may56 be.+ continuously or## repeatedly 0, !.!T ponents: applied without degradation in performance. It4 may56 be. 0 0 8 . "; , 2 ". 3 # " , ! !0 . # , # 4 ! + . ( \ body with designed U(a)VW6 ,"5; inlet !8.and !",outlet 28.ports, 0,#=". 3!."to,+con,!1 .expressed :0#.."asa pressure 0#.2#.,or#asa percentage 0.#+.!3.,of-the.+closing 8,!3 design tain!4maximum :424 system 5.4 ". 3!0pressure #.2#. 0# . 2 # . 6 , / . .+ 8 , ! 30# . 2# . ( pressure above the closing pressure. pressure—sensing U(b)XW0# .2#.1.!!3.element 8.4.! pjkffqjkoproof: pjeezlthe .0 #.2#.a ". /+.+ !; !"; 1 pressure, pressure device can withstand withU(C)YW#range !3.spring 0#!3 out degradation in performance. Repeated 2". 3#" ,! !0. #-,#4 !+.({. 0.."application 008+,! U(a)ZW4. + !4-for,#sealing .8!3,or#isolating ,8!3the .,outlet 28.0, # , mechanism port be.". destructive. ,of-0# ,,-0 #.2#.4may56 #2+/.( proof pressure port -from #,4 the .inlet !8.0, # The pressure—sensing .0# .2#.1.!!3.element 8.4.!hassystem 5.4 0# .2#. pressure, pressure pjkffqjkojreopening: kepkhghilthe .system 5.40; +a closed +8,." pressure which working The.# range ;, #[!3against 3!an!adjustable "7268.#range !3.spring. 0#!3( !3. sealing mechanism reopens, generally expressed asa . 8 ! 34. + ! 4 # . , 0 . ! =3 . ! . # 8 8 5. : 0# . . " holds mechanism position, spring 0#!3 ,8"the .sealing .8!34. + !4in!the .,open 0.!0, ,!= 0. percentage pressure. #+.!3.,of-+closing 8,!30 #.2#.( allowing pressure 88,;!3system 5.40# .2#.into !,the .instrument. !#24.!(\Increasing !+#.!3 pressure, pressure differential between jkffqjkojrupture: qpnqjklthe .0# .2#." --.#.!86 .;..!inlet !8. 8load , ",on!the .adjustable "7268.#range !3.spring 0#!3increases !+#..+closing 8,!3 pand may no,8 longer limit outlet ports atwhich the device ! ", 2 8 . 0, # ; + .". / + .4 5! , ! 3 . #8 4 pressure, decreasing 0# .2#.=and !"". +#.!3the .8load ,"8lowers ,;.#+closing 8,!30pres#.1 0# pressure. . 2 # . ( As system pressure sure. 2#.(] 5.4 0# .2#.,overcomes /.#+,4.the .-force ,#+.,of-the . instrument being protected pjkffqjkrfkhfghiginstrument: hfnjqmkhnl !#24.!6 .!30 #,.+." pressure—sensing #range !3.spring, 0#!3=the .0# .2#.1.!!3.element 8.4.!moves, 4,/.=+caus21 pressure—sensing pressure limiter valve. 65the .0 #.2#.8 4.#/ 8/.( mechanism With ing !3the .sealing .8!34. + !4 to,+close. 8,.(^ the .sealing .8!3 by mechanism outlet 4. + !4 +closed, 8,."=the .,2 8.side ".isisolated ,8."-from #,4 pressure, closing pressure; pressure, pjkffqjkofset:knl+ 8,!30 #.2#.ysee..p jkffqjkoYclosing. defghi( pressure instrument proincreasing !+#.!3system 5.4 0# .2#.and !"the . !#24.!is0 #,1 pressure, pressure of- the process medium ffqjkofsystem: |fnkmlthe .0# .2#., .0# ,+.4. "24 at pressure drops tected. .+."(] 5.40# .2#."# ,0to,the .#reopening .,0.!!30# .1 pjk. As system presinlet connection. !8.0pressure #.2#.+ ,!!.+,!( mechanism pressure valve, sure 2#.,of-the .0# .2#.8limiter 4.#/ 8/.=the .sealing .8!34. + !4 the pressure back ,opens 0.!and !"allows 88,;transmission #!4,!,of-system 5.40 #.2#.6 +[ pulsation: pqdfVngehla periodic 0.#,"+surge. 2#3.( into !,the .instrument. !#24.!( the pressure—sensjrange Vhikfspring: pjghilthe .spring 0#!3against 3!which ;+ .0 #.2#.1.!1 works. Changing load on the range ing !3.element 8.4.!;, #[(} !3!3the .8 ,", ! .# !3. Valve @2.3D_ Pressure FJIIEFJLimiter L̀LRJF QOaJTerminology JF`LMHOHbc spring changes the closing pressure. 0 # ! 3+ ! 3 . .+ 8 , ! 30 # . 2# . ( minimum Yclosing defghijrange: Vhiklthe .4 !424 and !"4maximum :424 /values 82.,ofofpressure per time interval. jrate Vnke zpjkffqjkYchange: ~Vhiklpressure 0#.2#.+change !3.0 .# 4. !.#/8( pressure. +closing 8,!30 #.2#.( ofzY closing pressure: maximum kelement, dkmkhnopressure—sensing: pjkffqjkrfkhfghilthe ..element 8.4.!that, =in!+conjunction ,!72!+,! jrepeatability kpkVnVXgdgn|e defghip jkffqjklthe .4 :424 difference "--.#.!+. with pressures for ; a #range !3.spring, 0#!3=+converts ,!/.#a pressure 0#.2#.+change !3.into !, between 6.;..!a number !246.#,of-+consecutive ,!.+2/.+closing 8,!30 #.2#.,# motion. rate pressure under the 4, ,!( the .same 4.applied 008."# .,of-0# .2#.+change !3.2! ".# . s88s Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 0PRESSURE 12334125LIMITER 6768219 5923(B40.6) VALVES 372 ASME B40.100-2005 Outlet Inlet to seal outlet Range # $ spring %&"$ g//Y —\ / / Closing ' "$ pressure %& & adjustment ()* Piston !" \ Inlet Type +Fig. ,-./1 0Piston ,12345 678 Diaphragm Type usually 9same :;<=operating ><?:@ABCDconditions. =BEA@A=B9FGIt@Ais9H9 H:IIJ<expressed K>?<99<E:as9:a f .yz, {7|}{-~5 678 3.2 percentage >< ?D<B@:C<=ofLDclosing I=9ABC>pressure. ?<99H?<F n] <99H?<e9<B9ABC<element I<;<B@A :>]?:C; :assem99<;e The<>? pressure-sensing is9:EA a diaphragm set pressure; pressure, closing. M NOPpoint: QRSOTDclosing I=9ABC> ?<99H?<U9see<<P VNMMWVNXY ZQMRS[F bly. This works oIJFn] A9:assembly 99<;oIJp= ?q9:against C:AB9@:anB:adjustable ErH9@:oI<?range :BC< spring. The diaphragm assembly contains a sealing 9 >? A BC Fn]<EA : >]? : C ; : 9 9 < ;o I JD =B @ : A B9:9 < : IABC spike: a short M PR\NT:9 ]=?@Eduration, H?:@A=B^]high AC]:amplitude ;>IA@HE<9surge. H?C<F mechanism from the instru;< D ] : B A 9 ; @ 9 = I : @ <9 J 9 @ < ; >? < 9 9 H? <L ? = ; @ ] <A B 9 @?He to=A isolate system pressure surge: a sudden drop pressure. M WV[NT:9 HEE<B?rise A9<=or?E? =>AinB9system J9@<; >? <99H?<F from ment a seal isolate ;< B@:and BE:acts D@9:as9:9 <:I@to=A 9=I:@<9system J9@<; pressure >?<99H?<L ?=; range Fig. ]<? :BC<9spring >?ABCs(see 9<<t ACF2).vF Otemperature, N_PNV`OWVNX`ambient: _aRNSOT@the ]<@temperature <;><?:@H?<=ofL@the ]<:atmosphere @;=9>]<?< @the pressure Valve. 9surrounding H??=HBEABC@the ]<>? <99H?<Ilimiter A;A@<?b :Ib<F Valve .fkRelief 8,8 {85Type 678 3.3 Otemperature, N_PNV`OWVNXP VQYNMMT@the ]<@temperature <;><?:@H?<=ofL@the ]<>? =D<99 f process: process is9: an relief <99H?<e9<B9ABC<element I<;<B@A B:adjustable ErH9@:oI<? <IA<L The<>? pressure-sensing medium pressure pressure ;< EAH;:at@@the ]<Ainlet BI<@>? <99H?<Dconnection =BB<D@A=B=ofL@the ]<>? <99H?< n] relief Valve instrument a check Valve. b:Ib<=onB@the ]<A B9@?H;<B@9side AE<=ofL:D ]<Dqb :Ib<FThe n]<? <IA<L Ilimiter A;A@<?bvalve. :Ib<F Valve a range spring. When b:Ib<=operates ><?:@<9:against C:AB9@:? :BC<9 >?ABCF] <B9system J9@<; wetted parts: device directly cN OONdP `VOMTDcomponents =;>=B<B@9=ofL@the ]<E< bAD<@that ]:@EA ?<D@IJDcon=Be pressure the relief Valve open, the check Valve >? < 9 9 H ? <L = ? D < 9@ ] <? < I A < Lb : I b <= > < B ^@ ] <D ] < D qb :Ib< forces @tact :D@@the ]<>process ?=D<99;< EAH;F medium. mechanism The<D check valve a sealing Dcloses. I=9<9Fn] ]<Dqb :Ib<Dcontains =B@:AB9:9 <:IABC;< D]:BA9; pressure from instrument. The<? relief @to=Aisolate 9=I:@<9system J9@<;> ?<99H?<L ?=;@the ]<A B9@?H;<B@Fn] <IA<L Valve Vents flow be<EA diverted. b:Ib<b <B@9<externally, K@<?B:IIJ^:and BE@the ]<L I=p may ;:Jo b<?@<EF f3 gCONSTRUCTION hij5klg5mhi This not used with diaphragm n] A9@type J><9should ]=HIEB =@beo<H9 <EpA @]EA :>]?:C;9seals <:I9s(see 9<< f3.1./0Piston ,12345Type 678 tFig. ACF3).vF The<>? pressure-sensing a piston n] <99H?<e9<B9ABC<element I<;<B@Ais9:>A 9@=B:assembly. 99<;oIJF f Bellows Type 8315 678 The<>A piston works n] 9@=B:assembly 99<;oIJp= ?q9:against C:AB9@:anB:adjustable ErH9@:oI<?range :BC< 3.4. The<>A piston a sealing mechaThe<>? pressure-sensing element a bellows <99H?<e9<B9ABC< I<;<B@Ais9:o <II=p9:assembly. 99<;oIJF 9spring. >?ABCFn] 9@=B:assembly 99<;oIJDcontains =B@:AB9:9 <:IABC;< D]:e n] nism This works range pressure A9:assembly 99<;oIJp= ?q9:against C:AB9@an :B:adjustable ErH9@:oI<? :BC<9spring. >?ABCF B A9;@to=Aisolate 9=I:@<9system J9@<;>? <99H?<Lfrom ?=;@the ]<Ainstrument B9@?H;<B@:and BE n] within a bore with a seal designed isolate The<o bellows assembly a sealing mechanism <II=p9: 99<;oIJDcontains =B@:AB9:9 <:IABC;< D]:BA9; to@= =operates ><?:@<9pA @]AB:o =?<pA @]:9 <:IE< 9ACB<E@to=A 9=I:@< n] pressure pressure and acts as9 9=I:@<9system J9@<;>? <99H?<Lfrom ?=;@the ]<Ainstrument B9@?H;<B@: BE: D@9: 9system J9@<; >? <99H?<Lfrom ?=; @the ]<?range :BC<9spring >?ABCs(see 9<<tFig. ACFu1).vF Aisolate [ w89x ¡¢£ ¤¥¦¥¢§¦§¢¡£ Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01234567866966 ASME B40.100-2005 #$ % & Closing pressure adjustment '(&)") \ % \ Es - 311 323 0314567 PRESSURE LIMITER VALVES (B40.6) % spring /— Range r !" Diaphragm Outlet +&) $) *Inlet $) ‘* / \. *Inlet $)to)% %&) $)seal $ outlet V /1 Km} Diaphragm Type ,Fig. -./02 123452.67 839 a seal range :; <:=>to?@isolate ;?=:><;system A;><B Cpressure D<;;ED<Ffrom D?B >the G<D :HI<;spring CD@HI O /0SClosing qri-s.XRange 2s.9 4.2 J(see ;<<KFig. @IL4). MNL The<`< desired pressure must>a be<^@ within ]G ;@D<`_closing =?;@HICD <;;ED<BE; >G@H>the G<_clos=?;d range the pressure limiter valve. closing pres@ing HID :HI<?ofF> G<C D<;;ED<= @B@><Db :=b<LThe ]G<_ =?;@HICD <;d ; E D <BE; < = ? ^> G <C D ? ? FC D < ; ; ED <? G <C D < ; ; ED <d sure must>a be<a below the proof pressure ofF> the pressureOF PRESSURE VALVES O4 PSELECTION QRQS7TUVU,W XQPPYXQRLIMITER TZT7QX[ \R[QP instrument. Usually closing pressure is;; set ;sensing <H;@HI@ H;>DEB<H>Lt; E:==A>the G<_ =?;@HICD <;;ED<@ <> full instrument pro=@IG>=A:above a?b<>the G<F E==;scale _:=<?ofF>the G<@ H;>DEB<H>being a<@HICD ?d The<F following a partial list ]G ?==?^@HI@is;:C :D>@:== @;>?ofF_criteria D@><D@:>that G:>;should G?E=` ;slightly Typically, <_><`>to?:allow ==?^ indication @H`@_:>@?H?ofF?over—range. b<DdD:HI<L] AC@_:==Am>the G< be by user a<_considered ?H;@`<D<`a A>the G<E; <D@inH>the G<:application CC=@_:>@?H:and H`;selection <=<_>@?H >tected diaphragm type be<; set the lowest pressure, :CGD:IB> AC<_can :Ha <>to>?> G<= ?^<;>_closing =?;@HICD <;;ED<m a pressure Proper will help ?ofF:CD <;;ED<=limiter @B@><Dbvalve. :=b<LcD ?C<D;selection <=<_>@?H^@ ==G <=C `@ by bellows valve pis?==?^<`a A>the G<a <==?^;>type, AC<mDrelief <=@<Fb :=b<>type, AC<m:and H`C @;d provide performance with minimal mainteCD?b@`<Dreliable <=@:a=<C< DF?DB:H_<^@ >GB@ H@B:=B: @H><d Ffollowed ?H>type. AC<L nance. This a guideline; user responsibilH:H_<L]G @;@is;?only H=A:I E@`<=@H<e@it>@is;>the G<E; <Df’s;D <;C?H;@a@=d >ton properly a valve properly @ity>A>to?C D?C<D=A;select <=<_>:b :=b<?orDCD ?C<D=A:and H`:adequately `<gE:><=A O /uXReopening 9r39s-s.WPressure 59iik59 describe device `< ;_D@a<>the G<:application CC=@_:>@?H;so?>the G<_correct ?DD<_>`< b@_<_can :Ha be< 4.3 The<; supplier be<_ consulted ;specified. C<_@F@<`L]G ECC=@<D;should G?E=`a ?H;E=><`:as;Drequired. <gE@D<`L ]G The<D reopening pressure is;: always less than <?C<H@HIC D<;;ED<@ =^:A;= <;;> G:H>the G<_closing =?;@HI pressure. variations in percentage between CD <;;ED<LConsiderable v?H;@`<D:a=<b :D@:>@?H;@ HC< D_<H>:I<a <>^<<H O4.1/hPSystem 8ij96WPressure 59iik59 pressures may for different _closing =?;@HI:and H`Dreopening <?C<H@HICD <;;ED<;B: A<exist l@;>F ?D`@ FF<D<H> design. within a given =?;@HICpressures D<;;ED<;^@ >G@H:I @b<H`<;@IHL pressure valve must>G have ]G <;;ED<=limiter @B@><Db :=b<BE; :b<:anH?over—range b<DdD:HI< _closing The<CD pressure maximum presCD <;;ED<<equal gE:=>to??orD:above a?b<>the G<B: l@BEB ;system A;><B CD <;d 4.4/OZ2 Materials j95-2qirofwSConstruction rsij5kxj-rs which may be<_ considerably higher the ;sure, ED<m^G @_GB: Aa ?H;@`<D:a=AG @IG<D>than G:H> G<_closing =?;@HI O have pressure Care be to the CD<;;ED<Ln?B<`< b@_<;G: b<?over—range b<DdD:HI<CD <;;ED< v: D<;should G?E=`a <Igiven @b<H> ?> G<;selection <=<_>@?H?ofFmetallic, B<>:==@_mnonH?Hd pressure. Some devices pressure metallic, materials compatibila percentage <expressed lCD<;;<`:as;:C <D_<H>:I<?ofF>the G<_closing =?;@HICD <;;ED<:above a?b< B< >:==@_m:and H`<elastomeric =:;>?B<D@_B: ><D@:=;>to?<ensure H;ED<_ ?BC:>@a@=d which may limit pressure, with process medium, process and >the G<_closing =?;@HICD <;;ED<m^G @_GB: A= @B@>>the G<?over—range b<DdD:HI< @ity>A^@ >GCD ?_<;;B< `@EBmCD ?_<;;>temperature <BC<D:>ED<: H` pressure, para. effects CD<;;ED<L CD <;;ED<m<environment, Hb@D?HB<H>m<etc.>_LJ(see ;<<C: D:Ly6.2.5). LzL{NLThe ]G<< FF<_>; pressure. op 90 American Mechanical Engineers. Copyright |} ~© 2006 bythe Society }}of No material ASME. }reproduction ~}}may bemade }ofthis without }written consent }}of 0PRESSURE 12334125LIMITER 6768219 5923(B40.6) VALVES 372 ASME B40.100-2005 )*(( Relief ! valve "" 1111:1111’ Check #$ %& valve " "3 'Inlet ((to+ outlet +*( (seal L : \ '( \ Inlet Valve Type ,Fig. -./03 1Relief 23-245 63728 9:2 pressure #Closing + * adjustment =>*(?( Range spring \ Bellows ; +< om( )*( L [mg 77% 71/ //L '((+ outlet +*( (seal \ Inlet to ,Fig. -./@4 ABellows 233BCD8Type 9:2 E91F 'Inlet( GHIJKLMNO PQRRSPTJPONUPVWUKLXYZP[HXLUOJPH\P]UXNYZLXY^P_ZMLZUUK`a 53' bHKUIKHcdXOLHZPWYJPTUPWYcUPH\PONL̀PWYOUKLY^PeLONHdOPeKLOOUZPXHZ`UZOPH\PV[]_a 39¢ Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01234567866966 311 323 0314567 ASME B40.100-2005 PRESSURE LIMITER VALVES (B40.6) ofstructural ormechanical !"#loading $#"% & "' + *}6Setting 911248,Pressure 79//-79iLimiter 2;2197\ 0.~9/ must also be conValves 5.3 sidered. #$ $( +5.3.1 *}*k6Supplier-Recommended -<<.297J9l3;;94`9`,Procedures. 73l9`-79/*=Supplier >># lim> $ & T $T! " # " %> #' procedures mustbe followed when setting pressure Dampening )4.5*+,Pulsation/Surge -./0123456-789:0 ;<94248 #iter ? ?(Failure z# Trecommended "$ $> $ valves. to follow procedures =Some >pressure limiter ##? ?#include "$ fixed #@$oradjust$A' valves Presult # "$ % tothe ! pressure > limiter ##? ?Uan" may in damage valve, able &pulsation >#"and "$B/orsurge % $ > "#"%features to# "' #inaccurate dampening minpressure, damage " closing #"%> Uand/or "$B$ % tothe ! #imize #C the ! effect ofspikes >#DE(see para. >(4.7). F(GH( #instrument. " "( +5.3.2 *}*wJRate 0193ofM,Pressure 79//-79NChange. R0489*c #"%> Closing pressures of )4.6*IJRepeatability 9<9010K2.21L3ofMNClosing .3/248,Pressure 79//-79 valves may vary with the > # # ? ? P? PT# ! ! > ' pressure limiter rate of prespressure may be critical ORepeatability > &##Pofclosing #"%> P& ###in" sure ! " % (m! ? ! $& ! changes. The ? valves should be setT# with a rate of some applications >>##"and "$should !$& "#$ $( be considered. > change !"% similar ##to !T! #! ! PT# experi@> #' pressure that which they will ence 4.5). " #in"actual field #$applications >>##"E(see para. >(F (XH( )4.7*QJRate 0193ofM,Pressure 79//-79NChange R0489 +5.3.3 *}*}x9 `2-;*bIfthe ! setting #"% $##is$# "from Medium. medium different Where wide rates S! T# $ excursions @#"#in" of>pressure change !"% the medium, it should be compatible with the ! > $# U# ! $& > # & T# ! ! process with minimal variation occur #in"the ! system, PU$devices ?#T# !# "#? ##"of > medium and all wetted parts (see para. $# " $ T $> E > ( ( p ( X ( ]H( process — T# closing #"%> V !respect > to?varying P#"%rates ofpres>' m! pressure with or ? # ! $& ! ! > $# The $ devices should be setT# with the process medium be considered. may sure change !"% —V should !$& "#$ $(=Some $devices ?# P a medium of similar viscosity. $# # # ? # # P ( "close rapidly >#$P enough "%!to> > '"#"% not protect pressure-sensing *}*)6Supplier -<<.297,Preset 79/91Valves. \0.~9/*Supplier =>>#> $devices ?# preset #instruments " "against %#"spikes. >#D (W$$# #"of "&& P +5.3.4 Addition a snubber may should !$! ? the ! #"%> carefully Pchecked. ! D$(The m! have closing pressures be para. & $desirable #& E(see > (F4.5). (XH( pressure used by the setting #"%media $#and "$rates of> change !"% $& P ! may differ supplier >># P$# from field #$applications. >>##"( )4.8*YZExternal [19740.Venting \941248 pressure valves may vent =Some > limiter ##? ? P? "#into "the ! atmo' Hazardous process media sphere >! E(see >para. (]3.3). (]H(^ C$> $#should !$ I hZg 6 6 SAFETY & $# ? $to #& container. "#" ( be diverted a suitable I6.1*k6Scope l3<9 )4.9*_6Suspended -/<94`9`6Solids 3.2̀/ This m! #section #"ofthe ! standard "$$> "# "#"to presents information minimizing guide users and suppliers toward % # $ " $ >> # T $# " # # C#"%the ! haz!C' a pressure valve may aDepending > "$#"%on"$design, #%"U> limiter ##? ? P ards that could result from misuse or misapplication $ ! $ # # >> # # "of & partially >#Porcompletely >P> %% $& Psolids #$#in"the ! > be plugged by pressure limiter valves. The user should become familiar # # ? ? ( m! ! $& # # be advisable protect medium. $#(bIn"these ! cases, U#itwould T$& $?#&to> T# ! # " ! # = " $ $E tF u ( H > with all sections of this Standard (B40.6) as all aspects pressure a filter, the ! #instrument " "and "$> limiter ##?valve ? with T#! #U ofsafety cannot be covered in this section. Consult the P " " & ? $# " ! # # " ( c " ! $# >!% seal, Uorsimilar ##accessory. P( diaphragm supplier for advice whenever there is uncertainty about >> # $ ? # T! " ? ! # " # " P & Care be used a diaphragm c should !$& $#in"the ! application >>##"of$# >!% the ! > > # # " ( application. When a diaphragm used, seal.(S! "$# >!%seal#is $U#itmust have !? suffi#' displacement cient #"?Volumetric #$# > "tooperate > the ! #instrument " " I General Discussion 4970.:2 /l-//234 and "$the ! >pressure limiter ##?valve. ?(dPressure limiter ##?valves ? 6.2*w9 from *w*k,Planning. .044248*Adequate W$ y safety Presults intelli#"#' not be used with diathat !?vent"externally @"Pshould !$"& $T# !$# ' I6.2.1 careful proper installation. %gent"planning, >""#"%U selection, #"Uand "$> > # "#"( phragm >! % seals. ( The user should m! !$#inform " the ! supplier >>#ofallconditions "$##" that >pertinent #" "tothe ! application >>##"and "$environment "?#" "so !the ! +5 eINSTALLATION f6ghiihgejf can make supplier >># " D the ! most suitable #& recommendation "$#" forthe ! application. >>##"( +5.1*kNConnections 3449l1234/ Hazardous I6.2.2 *w*w0 07`3-/6Systems L/19;/0and/or 4`537NConditions. 34`21234/*Systems =P n78o# n'1/4F# The most connections are in. 27 NPT,U in. m! common " " " # " " ( p Gqdm " ( such as, but not limited to, the following are considered ! U & " # # $ U ! T# " % " #$ $ NPT,U orn 72p # in. NPT American "(n14FqdmW #"=Standard "$$external @" > n18oqdm potentially hazardous and must& be carefully evaluated: " # P! C $ " $ P ? $ pipe or#internal ""taper > ># > threads !$>perthe ! latest edition $##"of (11) compressed gas systems >$%P ASME B1.20.1. Other W= rstn (pu(n(v ! appropriately >>>#Psized #C$connections "" #" (17)oxygen not @P%"systems PE(limiter ##valves ??" recommended) "$ $H employing >P#"%sealing #"%means "other ! than !"tapered > $threads !$are (C)systems containing hydrogen or free P " # "# "%!P $ % " hydrogen !P$% " acceptable. >&( atoms and liquid) (cl)corrosive #? fluid #$systems PE(gas % "$ #y#$H Methods +5.2*wx9 1R3`/3ofMeInstallation 4/10..01234 pressure (6)> systems Pcontaining "#"#"%any "Pexplosive @>#? or mixture medium & # @ or $# Most valves be # installed r >pressure limiter ##? ?can "& "$#in"any "P flammable position systems P processes. > ##"#in"either #! %gasorliquid #y#$> (zFollow Tsuppli>>#' (f)steam er’s nonsteady pressure {#installation "#"requirements. y# "( (g)" "$P> systems P [ |p 92 Mechanical Engineers. Copyright ©2006 bythe American ¡¢£¤Society ¡of¥¦ ¡¢£¡¢§¨£ £©ª No ASME. «reproduction ¬­¡£may¢bemade ¢¬of¥this ©material ¢¢§without ®­written ®£¡consent £©£of¥¤ ¦¨ª 0PRESSURE 12334125LIMITER 6768219 5923(B40.6) VALVES 372 ASME B40.100-2005 (11)systems !"!interchangeability "#$"%$&!'!(of)*pressure + (l7)Ust uvYlTmnoQFailure $!'+(occurs ##+ "the " ("$''!#(or when nonmetallic wherein Nonmetals. 'limiter !! valves ,$',#could (+'-result +'!in" $ . $ -( + ! " " $ ' # ( " $ / ' $ ( ! #* $ ' ' 0 $ - " 0# $ # 1 0-! (',0(or fail )$!' elastomeric parts swell, harden, crack, dissolve, hazardous internal contamby present where pressure devices !ination, "$!("0(or 'lower ( working (1!"%* +- ,!##could (+'- through (+%$attack $#1& #chemicals !#$'* "!in"the * (# process environment. higher &!installed "$''-!in" !% *pressure +systems -!+(or the ",!(""FFailure Q$!'+$ (occur ##+ $as' $1/ medium may leakbe $ % 0 ! * ( * ( " ( + ( ) ) 0 & ' ( # 1 $ % ( )* + $"/ (1')2systems #containing ("$!"!"%radioactive $-!($#!,(or toxic (3!#)fluids '+!-4(liq'!5/ age, improper or no shutoff, blockage of pressure trans! ! ( " ( ! " + " 0 ( + # + $ ') $ ! ' + F mission to the instrument, or structural failure. uids +! -(or %gases) $6 (j)7systems !installed "$''-!in"$ $.$-(+environment ",!("" a hazardous 89 :9\9HMExplosive wxKJP>cA]Failure. D>K@^A9y3 *'(!,) $!'+ ! Explosive failure is caused by the energy generated by # $ + -& ' $ ( ) 3 *' ( ! , " % % " $ -& release of explosive pressure 86.2.3 9:9;<= >?@ABA C>D9E "* +'limiter !! ,valves $', Unique Media. When $# ! # $ ' $ # ! ( " FG ! % " $ ' ' $ # # * - $ a chemical reaction. It is generally accepted that there $areto(& -!in"#contact ("$#! -!$having $,!"%1known "("(or $"(1"("$"()*-!#!"%$%"!+-( be+ used with media uncertain beradioactive, +" #$!"#corrosive ( (!,effects ))#(or 1known "("to(& $-!($#!,0 are no known means of predicting the magnitude or ))#(of)this !type *( $!'+F of)) failure. random $"-((or +" !5+- +#!,* "("$#can $"(occur. ##+FGIn" effects unique destructive phenomena such +##cases, $0the + should (+'-$always '$)furnish +"!the supplier +**'! 8 user A@PAJofNePressure ^APP@^A{Limiter >j>LA^I DKcAP Reuse Valves with ! !information ")($!("relative '$!,to(the $application **'!#$!("$and "-solicit ('!#! 6.39;z his device. !$advice -,!#*prior !( to(!installation "$''$!("(of)the - ,!#F GIt!is" (recommended #("-- $pressure *+' !! valves ,$',& not that limiter be moved from one application to another. Should it be ( , -) ( ( " $ **' ! # $ ! ( " ($ " ( Fa ( + ' -! & Violent within 86.2.4 9:9HI >JKA=LMEffects. NNAOLP9QFire !$and "-explosions 3*'(!("! !"$a necessary, " # $ 0 $ ' ' % +! - ' ! " # ( , -! " ! a $ " -$ -4 |} ~ F 6 all guidelines covered in this Standard (B40.6) with very violent * +system #can $"#cause $+)failure $!'+ ! , ,! ('" relative pressure ' $ ! , ($ **' ! # $ ! ( " ( +' -& ) ( ' ' ( -! " $ to applications should be followed in the same effects. ))#FQ$ !'+ !in"$# (* -%gas$system #can $"& Failure a compressed be manner when a new device "" $as "$" - ,!#!isselected. '#-FInG"$addition, --!!("0 Violent may expected 3*#-to(*produce (-+#,violent !('"effects. ))#FR! ('"effects ))#$ $ the following should be considered. ) ( ' ' ( ! " % ( +' -& # ( " ! - -F be# caused by including, not $also '(& $+-& (other )failures $!'+! "#'+-!"%0but &+" ('lim!/ !ited -to,(0the )following: (''(!"%S consequences 86.3.1 9;9_hChemical iAj>ODKIncompatibility. =OJjxDL>>K>L9The g# ("5+"#(of) hydrogen (a)T -(%"embrittlement &!'" to( explo!incompatibility "#(*$!&!'!#can $"range $"%)from (#contamination ("$!"$!(" 3*'(/ (b)U#contamination ("$!"$!("(of)$# (*-%gas$ a compressed sive !,)failure. $!'+F (C)V)formation ($!("(of)$acetylides #'!- 86.3.2 9;9:hCorrosion/Chemical J^^JP>J=hiAj>ODK LLDO9Corrosion p( (!("$ "-( Attack. and/or weakening (d)W $1"!"%(of)soft-soldered ()/('--X (!"& steam $ (or #chemical joints by ! # $ '$ $ # 1( - , ! # ! " ) ! ! " $ ' '$!(" attack of) the device in the first installation (other heat $sources (+# may be sufficient to(# cause early failure in the second $ & +) ) ! # ! " $ + $ ' ) $ ! ' + ! " #("weakening (6)Y $1"!"%(of)soft-soldered ()/('--(or silver-brazed !',/&$.-X(oints !" !installation. " $ ' ' $ ! ( " F #caused $+-& heat $sources (+#such +#$as)fires ! by (f)Z#corrosion ( (!(" (g)[)fatigue $!%+ TESTING 7 M mechanical (h) #$"!#$'shock (#1 General 7.19_A =A^DK (1')2excessive 3#!,,vibration !&$!(" a compressed be expected QFailure $!'+!in"$# (*-%gas$system #can $"& 3*#- ) +"#!("$'test !in"the ) !'-$application **'!#$!("! & A functional field is the best violent to(*produce (-+#, !('"effects. ))#F method. testing is! impractical, a test protesting !"% (-FGIf))field !'- !"%! *$#!#$'0$ * (/ to field conditions, (i.e., process media, rate # + # ' ( () ! ' -# ( " -! ! ( " 0 4 ! F F 0 * ( # -! $ 0 $ cedure close Modes 86.2.5 9:9\BJ CAPJofN]Failure D>K@^A (of)* +#change, $"%0temperature, *$+0$and "-* +#cycles) #'6 pressure pressure 9:9\9_]Fatigue DL>`@A]Failure. D>K@^A9QFatigue $!%+)failure $!'+(of) $''!# should metallic be- designed. follow the (+'-& !%"-FAlways '$) (''( supplier +**'!’srecom#(/ parts by pressure-induced *$ #caused $+-& * +/!"-+#-stress %generally "$''(occurs ##+ mended procedures "--* (#-+)for( installation !"$''$!("$and "-$adjustment -X+"dur-+/ a highly )from ( the !inside "!-to(the (outside +!-$along '("%$ !%'stressed - !ing product comparison "%$any "* (-+#testing. !"%FGIf)# (*$!("tests $are with $area. $FaSuch +#)failures $!'+$are+usually +$''( !!#$'! #com(/ performed, more# critical it! is! imperative pressure *)(-0! *$!,that $each $#* +'limiter !! pressed media with media. * -%gas$ -!$than $"! 'liquid !5+!- -!$F valve be tested with the media, ,$',& -! same $ -!$0pressures, *+0tempera*$/ pressure +0$and "-rates $(of)* +#change. $"%F Over-Pressure Over—pressure failure 9:9\9:bc A^de^APP@^A]Failure. D>K@^A9f, /*+) $!'+ tures, by pressure !is#caused $+-& the $application **'!#$!("(of)!internal ""$'* +%greater $ Warning ^=>=` pressure than $"the rated $-'limits !!(of)the * +'limiter !! valve ,$',$and "- 7.29:D pressure testing unpredictable QFailures $!'+-during +!"%* + !"%$are+" *-!#$&'$and "when a lower device #can $"(occur ##+ "$' ( *pressure +rated $-- ,!#!is!installed "$''- $ may cause parts to be propelled in any direction. All # $ + * $ (& * ( * ' ' -! "$ " -! # ! ( " F' ' a high port( or system. The effects !in"$ !%*pressure +*( Fg ))#(of)(over,/ pressure testing should be conducted by qualified per* + ! " % ( + ' -& # ( " +# -& 5 +$ ' ! ) ! -* / pressure more# critical * +)failure, $!'+0+usually +$''( !!#$'in!"#compressed (*-%gas$ sonnel using (""'+ !"%$appropriate **(*!$safety $)equipment, 5+!*"0such +#$as unpredictable. systems than $"!in"'liquid-filled !5+!-/)!''-systems, 0$are+" *-!#$&'F safety a combination $)%glasses, '$0shields, !'-0enclosures, "#'(+0(or $# (&!"$!(" 9:9\9;hChemical iAj>ODK]Failures D>K@^AP prevent property damage. thereof, ()0to(* ,"personal *("$'!injury "X+$and "-* (*-$ $%F Corrosion when metallic (I1)TkY lTmnop( (!(")failure $!'+(occurs ##+ "the $''!# Metals. Hydraulic media is* preferred particularly -$+'!# -!$! ) -)for( testing, !"%0*$ !#+'$' parts have been *$ $,& "$attacked $#1-either ! by &the electrolytic '#('!#$action #!(" - destructive testing, the potential of) hazardous +#!, !"%0because &#$+ * ("!$'( $.$-(+ with hydraulic media is' less with pneumatic dissimilar metals present $!'+! -$+'!# -!$! than $"! *" +$!# (of)-! !!'$ $'(or by &#chemicals !#$'* "!in"either ! )failure This may media. Read 6 of) this before process medium -!$F $-section #!("( !aStandard $"-$-& )(#conducting ("-+#!"% the * (# -!+(or the environment. ",!(""Fg !$ result +' malfunction, $any "testing. !"%F !in"'leakage, $1$%0$ ')+"#!("0(or structural +#+$')failure. $!'+F [ q93r ¡¢£¤¥¢¦§¢£¤¢£¨©¤¤ª« ¬­®¢¤¡£¡£­¦ª¡££¨¯®¯¤¢¤ª¤¦¥§©« Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01234567866966 311 323 0314567 ASME B40.100-2005 PRESSURE LIMITER VALVES (B40.6) 7.3Evaluation !"Procedures #$%&#%' 7.3.1 G.5a"Proof # N"Pressure #%''#%I %'Apply ())52* 49+3) *..<pres)*+,? Test. rated proof , * +0 1 2 3* 4 -5 6 /)* + < + * * + 3V, + +)4 * 4 >[ > \ :9 .9 1 +3+ =6/+ sure (hydraulic preferred, see para. 7.2) to the device (A )pressure *+,,-*+,source .-*/+0(hydraulic 123*4-56/.or*)7 +-8496/:,should 1.-53 4and pneumatic) maintain for 1 min. Release pressure the 7384 679467< .*]86 7>Q+ 5+4,+) *+,,-*+4and 73*retest +9+,99 1+ ;+)* .)+*52/connected .77+/9+39to.9the 1+6inlet 75+9). *9.of<9the 1+)* +,,-*+ =valve’s be properly port pressure performance. 4 5 = + C ,) + * < . * 84 7 / + > A pressure-indicating 5limiter 6869+*=valve. 45=+>() *+,,-*+?6736/4967@6instrument 7,9*-8+79.of<,suit-69? 4able ;5+*range 47@+,should 1.-53; .)+*52/connected .77+/9+39to.9the 1+.outlet -95+9 bcAdeA1 be+)* properly 6,9test +,9,should 1.-537 .9be ;+/ .73-/9+3* +)+49+352. 79the1+, 48+ NOTE: This not conducted repeatedly on same ).*9.of<9the 1+)* +,,-*+5limiter 6869+*=valve. 45=+>A1 *+,,-*+5limiter 6869+* )pressure *+,,-*+5limiter 6869+*= 45=+> port pressure The+) pressure valve. valve be adjusted per*9 the =45=+,should 1.-53;+4 3B-,9+3)+ 1+,supplier's -))56+*C,*recom+/.8? 7.3.2 Destructive Rf% '#$%I %'' Tests 8+ 73+3)procedures. *./+3-*+,>() )526increasing 7/*+4,67@)* +,,-*+9to.9the 1+ mended Apply pressure 6inlet 75+9)port .*99to.9the 1+84 D68-8+expected D)+/9+3,system 2,9+8)* +,,-*+4and 73 maximum pressure Burst Pressure Test. ())52)* +,,-*+ RGg #'"# %''#%I %'Apply pressure pressure-indicating *record +/.*39the 1+/closing 5.,67@) *+,,-*+<from *.89the 1+)* +,,-*+?6736/4967@ 0(hydraulic pressure 1 2 3* 4 -5 6 /)* + < + * * + 3V , + +) 4 * 4 > [ > \ : 9 1 +6 7 5 + 9 4 7 3. -95+9 preferred, see para. 7.2) to.9 the inlet and outlet 6instrument. 7,9*-8+79>E+ 79.or**release +5+4,+9the 1+)* +,,-*+4at99the 1+6inlet 75+9). *9 ). Vent pressure port *9,.of<9 1+)* +,,-*+5 6869+*valve. =45=+>A1 *+,,-*+4at9which F16/1 ports the pressure limiter The+) pressure 4and 73*record +/.*39the 1+*reopening +.)+767@)* +,,-*+>A1 6,)pressure *+,,-*+/cycle 2/5+ the pressure. This will no.5 longer hold pressure burst 1+4assembly ,,+8;52F6 557 .7@+*1 .53)* +,,-*+6is,9the 1+; -*,9 ,should 1.-539then 1+7; +)+49+3F6 91.-94adjusting 3B-,967@9the 1+)pressure *+,,-*+ 9 be+* repeated without pressure. )* + , , * + > 5limiter 6869+*=valve. 45=+> Rupture Pressure Test. Apply pressure RRJ K#%"# %''#%I %'())5 2)* +,,-*+ 7.3.1 GHNondestructive !&%'#$%ITests %'' para. to.9 the inlet port of< 0(hydraulic 123*4-56/)preferred, *+<+**+3V,see++) 4*4>[7.2) >\:9 1+6 75+9) .*9. 9 1 +) * + , , -* +5 6 86 9 + *= 4 5 = + V/ 5 . , 6 7 @9 1 +, + 4 5 6 7 @8+ / 1 4? the pressure limiter valve, closing the sealing mechaRepeat7.3.1.1 GGJRepeatability %K%LMofNOClosing '!P"Pressure. #%''#%Q+ )+49? 7nism. 6 , 8>A1 +)* + , , * +4 9F1 6 / 19 1 +3+ = 6 / +< 4 6 5 ,9 .5 6 86 9 The pressure at which the device fails to limit 4ability ;65692/can 47; 9+*867+3<from *.89the 1+34 94.obtained ;9467+36 79two F. )* be+3+ determined data in from the inlet port to the outlet port is the + , , * +< * . 8 9 1 +6 7 5 + 9). * 99 .9 1 +. -9 5 + 9) . * 96 ,9 1 + pressure .or*8. *+)* +,,-*+/cycles. 2/5+,> more pressure -)9-*+)* +,,-*+> pressure. GRJReopening %K%!!P"Pressure. #%''#%Q+ .)+767@)* +,,-*+6is, *rupture Reopening pressure Desired pressure valve per7.3.2.3 RhFatigue. P%i+ ,6*+3)* +,,-*+5limiter 6869+*= 45=+)+ *? 3+ 9+*867+3; 24averaging =+*4@67@9the 1+34 94.obtained ;9467+36in79two F..or* <formance determined by data .*847/+0(see ,++)4 *4>[7.3.1) >j>]:,should 1.-53; +,9+3>The A1+3+ =6/+ para. be+9 tested. device more pressure The+* reopening pressure percent8. *+)* +,,-*+/cycles. 2/5+,>A1 +.)+767@)* +,,-*+)+ */+79? ,should 1.-539then 1+7; -;B+/9+39 +)+49+3)* +,,-*+/cycles 2/5+, be+, subjected to.* repeated pressure below pressure may 4age@+; +5.F /closing 5.,67@)* +,,-*+84 2/change 147@+4as,9the 1+/closing 5.,67@ 0(hydraulic preferred, para. maximum pres123*4-56/)* +<+**+3V,see++)4 *4>[7.2). >\:>The A1+84 D68-8)* +,? )* +,,-*+6is,/changed. 147@+3> pressure sure be+\ 25% pressure, -*+,should 1.-53; kl4above ;.=+9the 1+/closing 5.,67@)* +,,-*+Vand 4739the 1+ The+)* pressure valve be+4 adjusted A1 +,,-*+5limiter 6869+*= 45=+,should 1.-53; 3B-,9+34and 739the 1+ , minimum pressure 768-8) *+,,-*+,should 1.-53; kl; +5.F9the1+* +.)+767@ be+\ 25% below reopening determine )*+,,-*+/cycle 2/5+*repeated +)+49+39to.3+ 9+*867+4any 72/changes 147@+,6in7 86 pressure pressure a rate Hz to.m 0.6 Hz (18 cpm to.j 36p/ cpm). +,,-*+4at94* 49+.of<m0.3>jno9 >pno0 ]q/ )89 )8:> *reopening +.)+767@)pressure *+,,-*+)percentage +*/+794@+= +*,-,/closing 5.,67@)* +,,-*+> )* versus pressure. In order to prevent subjecting the device to.) r 7. * 3+ *9 .) * + = + 7 9, -; B + / 9 6 7 @9 1 +3+ = 6 / +9 * + , ,-*+ pressure Versus GOClosing '!P"Pressure #%''#%S %#''JRate %ofN"Pressure #%''#% ,spikes, ) 6 s + , V9 1 +4 ))5 6 / 4 9 6 . 74 7 3* + 5 + 4 , +. + , , * +, 1 4 5 5; the application and release of<)* pressure shall be+ The+/ closing may 5.,67@)pressure *+,,-*+84 2/change 147@+4as,9the 1+*rate 49+.of< 4as,,smooth OChange. T!P%A1 as,)* practical. The closing pressure of<9 the valve 8. . 9 14 4 / 9 6 / 4 5 > A1 +/ 5 . , 6 7 @) * + , , -* +. 1 += 4 5 =+ )* +,,-*+/change 147@+=varies. 4*6+,>U6 91.-9*readjusting +43B-,967@9the 1+= 45=+V ,should pressure Without valve, be+k 50% of<9 the range of<9 the instrument in the 1 . -5 3; m l . 1 +* 4 7 @ +. 1 +6 7 , 9 * -8+ 7 96 79 1 + be+4 altered 9the 1+*rate 49+.of<)pressure *+,,-*+/change 147@+,should 1.-53; 59+*+3<for.*,several +=+*45 .outlet 9 5 + 9) . * 9 > port. determine variation )*+,,-*+/cycles 2/5+,9to.3+ 9+*867+9the 1+= 4*6496.7.of<9the 1+/closing 5.,67@ (< pressure After the desired number 9+*9 1+3+ ,6*+37 -8;+*.of<pressure )*+,,-*+/cycles, 2/5+,Vretest *+9+,9the 91+ )* +,,-*+4as,9the 1+*rate 49+.of<)pressure *+,,-*+/change 147@+=varies. 4*6+,> pressure not less 1 hr*4 after pressure 3+ =6/+7 .95 +,,9than 147]1 <9+*,stopping 9.))67@9the 1+) *+,,-*+ device cycling. The+< fatigue is,9 the number of</ 2/567@>A1 496@-+5life 6<+6 1+7 -8;+*. 2/5+,/com.8? cycles Over-Range a given GWX %#YJ!P%"Pressure #%''#%ITest. %'ZFor.*4@ 6=+7/clos5.,? /pleted perform before the pressure limiter valve fails +9+3; +<.*+9 1+) *+,,-*+5 6869+*= 45=+< 465,9to.) +*<.*8 pressure, pressure 6ing 7@)* +,,-*+V4apply ))529the 1+*rated 49+3.over-range =+*?*47@+)* +,,-*+ )5 79+73+3<function. -7/96.7> 0(hydraulic 123*4-56/)* +<+**+3V,see++) 4*4>[7.2) >\:9to.9the 1+)* +,,-*+5limiter 6869+* 6its9,6intended preferred, para. pressure valve maintain 1 min. Release pressure =45=+6inlet 75+94and 7384 679467<for.*]86 7>Q+ 5+4,+)* +,,-*+4and 73 NOTE: These are applicable new limiter +,+9tests +,9,4 *+4 ))56/4;5+.only 7529to.7+ F pressure )*+,,-*+5 6869+* verify degradation performance *retest +9+,99the 1+=valve 45=+9to.= +*6<27no.3+ @*43496.76in7)+ *<.*847/+ bcAdeA1 new valve be+-, used Tested =valves. 45=+,>A(7+ F= 45=+,should 1.-53; +3<for.*+each 4/19test. +,9>A +,9+33+ =6/+, devices not be+) put into 1.-537 .9; -96 79.,service. +*=6/+> 14,.occurred. //-**+3>^. *+9than 7+/cycle 2/5+84 2; ,6*+3> ,should has More may be+3+ desired. [ _` 94 American Mechanical Engineers. Copyright tu vwxyz{|©}~2006 }byw}the |{} xy}Society uy|w}uof} {y} zyx No material ASME. uxreproduction vxu|yu}may w}be}made }uof}|this {y} |xy}without y|{u|}written xy||}consent u|}uof} 01234567866966 ASME B40.100-2005 ASME B40.7 1 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Definitions 2 Terminology !"#$%&and "'( )!"!*!"+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 ,3 - "&#.Recommendations "'&*!"+. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 General 4 Safety &)*%.Recommendations "'&*!"+. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /10301 25 3Cleanliness #&"#!"++ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /1060 46 Test +*5Procedures '6+. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /1060 7 .Reference )"( 6 "*+. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. /10807 Documents 8Figure !$6 Accuracy /1 9: :;<=:>. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /1020? Tables &@#+ Mounting Dimensions /1 AB ;CDEFlush/ F;GHIJSurface ;<K=:LMB ;CNOCPQO RLCGOBCG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /10000 Round Dimensions Equivalent) ?2 AB ;CDEFlush/ F;GHIJSurface ;<K=:LMB ;CNOCPQO RLCGOBCGS(DIN QTUVW ;OX=FLCNY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /1010/ Round Mounting Rectangular Case Dimensions Equivalent) 13 AL :N=CP;F=<Z= GLQO RLCGOBCGS(DIN QTUVW ;OX=FLCNY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /1010/ Levels [ ZF L=CFOCLGG\L XLFG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /1060 4 Cleanliness Amplitudes ]5 ^O _<=NOBC`Test LGN9Ra FON;DLG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /10807 Vibration ] 95 bcdefghij klmmnkoekjipkqrpfgstukvcsgpjekcwkxpsitugstykzuhguppf{| 39% }cfpdfc~sjgcukrtekopkrt~pkcwkjig{krtjpfgtykgjicjkfgjjpukscu{pujkcwkqvxz| 53 Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01234567866966 ASME B40.100-2005 GAUGES: PRESSURE DIGITAL INDICATING 1 SCOPE >l?rE\DFGE@@CGEH00FGE@@CGEI>l?rE\D* >GH"70 !%-5% 03%03# !0equivalent s3N"20#!!to."approximately 55%.T7"!028 a metric pressure unit This digital Standard !"#$"%$&(B407) '()*+,is-confined .#/#0$!to.$ 1!"21gauges "310 ?bar: (*g)5 * psi. with 4 !integral #!01%"25 %03%0!transducers, %"#$3-0%64 -%respond 05.#$!to. W14.50 pressure which 5%03%0"and #$indicate #$-"!0# 370%-"228* pressure numerically. calibration: >Br?G>DrA\H!the 05% .-0.of/"adjustment $m3!70#!!to.-cause "30! 01gauge "310 process the does not panel meters with mounted 9It!$. 0# .!include #-23$05" #0270 !0%4 !%remote 07.!07. 3#!0$ K ! . # $ " ! 04 ! # 50 / 0 $" 3% " 82 7 ! * to indicate within specified accuracy limits. !transducers, %"#$3-0%6#. ##$-"!#15% 03%0!transmitters, %"#7!!0%6.or% Kcalibration nonindicating pressure verification: a gauge by >Br?G>DrA\t EGr[rK>DrA\H!the 0-checking 0-u#1.of/"1 "310P 8-com.7R 5%03%0switches. 4!-0* pressure parison with a given determine indica5" %.#4 !"1 N0#standard !"#$"%$!to.$0 !0%7#0!the 0 #$-"R !tion .#0error %%.%"at!specified 50-/0$5. #!* points. DEFINITIONS :2 TERMINOLOGY ; <AND = Kcase: >@EH!the 0 .3#1.or%-container .#!"#0%! "!supports, 355.%!65 %.!0-!6 housing that protects, internals. "and #$surrounds 3%%.3#$!the 0 #!0%#"2* absolute pressure: pressure, >?@ABCDEF GE@@CGEHsee00F GE@@CGEIabsolute. >?@ABCDE* a case ambient Kcase, >@EIsealed: @E>BEjH""0!that "!issealed 0"20$!to.0exclude T-23$0" 7P0#!-corro.%%.R >?@ABCDEF GE@@CGEJ >CJEHsee00J >CJEIabsolute >?@ABCDEF GE@@CGE* absolute pressure gauge: gauge, pressure. N 0 * sives. >KKCG>KLH!the 0-conformity .#/.%7!8.of/"an#instrument's #!%370#!M #$-"!.#!to. accuracy: indication AlFAC\jJ >CJEHsee00J >CJEIcompound. KAlFAC\j* gauge: gauge, value. Accuracy "an#"accepted --05!0$standard !"#$"%$.or%!true %30N "230*O-3%"-8is!the 0 Kcompound difference between value, $ //0%0#-0&(error) 0%%.%,P 0!400#!the 0!true %30N "2306QT,6"and #$indi#$R conditions, environmental: the the A\jrDrA\@IE \trGA\lE\D>BH! 0-conditions .#$!.#0external T!0%#"2!to.! 0 -cated "!0$Nvalue, "2306SI,60expressed T5%00$"as0either !0%"50 %-0#!.of/%reading 0"$#1 K a percent gauge, including temperature, humidity, salt spray, 1 " 310 6 #2 3$ #1! 0 750 % " ! 3% 0 637 $ ! 8 6 " 2 ! 5% " 86 .or%.of/span. 5"#* Nvibration, P%"!.#6shock, .-u6-corrosive .%%.N0"atmosphere, !7.50%06"and #$. !0%simi7R other could the performance the 2lar"%-conditions .#$!.#!that "!.32$"affect //0-!! 05 0%/.%7"#-0.of/! 0 S QX W100)) % Accuracy based UO-3%"-8P "0$.on#%reading 0"$#1V= % gauge. 1 " 3 1 0 * Q limits of/! the environKconditions, A\jrDrA\@IEextreme vDGElEAoperating: FEG>Dr\JH!the 02 7!. 00 #N%.#R IS— Q T UO-3%"-8P "0$.on#span 5"#V= T ) ) % Accuracy based X W 100 within which the instrument 70 # ! " 2 . # $ ! . # 4 ! #4 ! 0 # ! % 370 # !7" 8P mental conditions may be0 X .operated. 50%"!0$* where 4 0%0 environmental condiKconditions, A\jrDrA\@I\normal AGl>BAoperating: FEG>Dr\JH!the 00 #N%.#70#!"2.#$R I = indicated value SV #$-"!0$N "230&(indication) #$-"!.#, tions in ! . # #4 ! 0 ! " ! 0 $" 3% " 8" 5 5 2 0 * which the stated accuracy applies. XV 5"#Nvalue "230 S = span is" algebraically an Kcorrection: AGGEKDrA\H!the 0squantity 3"#!!8!that "! 210P%"-"228"added $$0$!to." # T QV= !true %30Nvalue "230&(pressure 5%03%0standard) !"#$"%$, value the value. The0" algebraic indicated #$-"!0$N "230!to..obtain P!"#! 0!true %30N "230* 210P%"error. 1#.of/!the 0-correction .%%0-!.#is.opposite 55.!0! 0sign 1#.of/!the 00 %%.%* to.! the Accuracy method, O-3%"-8includes #-23$0!the 0-combined .7P#0$0effects //0-!.of/70 !.$6 sign Accuracy .observer, P0%N0%6"apparatus, 55"%"!36"and #$0environment. #N%.#70#!*O-3%"-80error %%.% corrosion failure: failure, AGGA@rA\[ >rBCGEHsee00[ >rBCGEIKcorrosion. AGGA@rA\* includes #-23$0 8!0%062linearity, #0"%!86"and #$%repeatability 050"!"P2!80error. %%.%*9It! K hysteresis, window. GL@D>BHsee00wr \jAw* determined paras. is$0 !0%7#0$3under #$0%specific 50-/--conditions .#$!.#&(see 005" %"*Y3.7.1 *+*W Kcrystal: weight a pressure testing device by which very jdead E>jwE rJxDDtester: E@DEGH"5 %03%0! 0!#1$0 N-0P 84 -N 0%8 "and #$Y3.8.3). *Z*Y,* accurate known pressures can be generated by means of/ " 3 % " ! 0u # . 4#5 % 0 3% 0 " #P 01 0 # 0 % " ! 0 $P 870 " # . accuracy, a gauge under >KKCG>KLIGreference: E[EGE\KEH!the 0"accuracy --3%"-8.of/"1 "3103# $0%%refer0/0%R "5% a pressure source and a piston gage. 0 3 % 0 . 3% 0" # $"5 ! . #1 " 1 0 * : 1°C 0ence #-0-conditions .#$!.#][normal #.%7"25position .!.#"at!23°C ^Y_`aW _`&(approxi"55%.TR : 2°F 29.92 in. Hg (30.32 mately E+5 Pa), j 7" !028+73°F Y_ba^ _b"and #$^ c*c^ #*d1& Y)*Y^efgh" drift: a progressive indication with Gr[DH"5% .1%0N0-change "#10in# #$-"!.#4 !-constant .#!"#! barometric pressure]. P"%.70!%-5% 03%0i* pressure, under environmental "applied 5520$5 %03%063# $0%!the 0same "700 #N%.#70#!"2-condi.#$R tions. It is usually expressed as a percentage of span or% ! . # * 9 ! 3 3" 2 2 80 T 5% 0 0 $" "5 0 % 0 # ! " 1 0. / 5" #. adjustment, increasing decreasing >jkC@DlE\DI@span: F>\H"an#"adjustment $m3!70#! #-%0"#1.or%$0 -%0"#1 %reading per unit of time (see para. 0 " $ # 150 %3# !. /! 70& 0 05" % " * Y * + * Y * q , * difference between !the 0!total .!"2span 5"#.or%"algebraic 210P%"-$ //0%0#-0P 0!400#!the 02lower .40% upper%2 limits Adjustments be0 E "and #$3550 7!.of/!the 01gauge. "310*O$m 3!70#!-can "#P electromagnetic BEKDGAl>J\EDrKrinterference \DEG[EGE\KEy(EMI): z{S|Hsee00rinterference, \DEG[EGE\KEIEelectroBEKDGA} by mechanical Micro"accomplished --.7520$P 80electronic 20-!%.#-.or%70 -"#-"2means. 70"#*n -%.R l> magnetic. J\EDrK* may perform processor-based 5%.-0.%RP"0$1gauges "3107" 8"automatically 3!.7"!-"2285 0%/.%7!this Eelement, elastic: component of/! the pressure BElE\DIE B>@DrKH!the 00elastic 2"!-.75.#0#!. 05% 03%0 /function. 3#-!.#* element assembly that moves in response to.5% pressure 0 2 0 70 # !" 0 7P 2 8! " !7. N 0 #% 0 5. # 0! 0 3%0 adjustment, a means a change indica>jkC@DlE\DIzero: oEGAH"70 "#.of/-causing "3#1""#10in# #$-"R -changes. " # 1 0 * a given point, usually This !tion .#"at!"1 N0#5. #!63 3"228pzero 0%.&(0). ),* "adjustment, $m3!70#!6 Eenvironmental conditions: conditions, A\jrDrA\@Hsee00K A\jrDrA\@Ienvironmental. E\trGA\lE\D>B* provided, user para. if/5% .N$0$6is1generally 0#0%"228"accessible --0P20!to.!the 03 0%&(see 005 "%"* \trGA\lE\D>BK Microprocessor—based difference between the indicated value and the may GGAGH!the 0$ //0%0#-0P 0!400#! 0 #$-"!0$N "230" #$! 0 Y3.7.3.8). *+*Y*Z,*n -%.5%.-0.%RP"0$1gauges "3107" 8"automati3!.7"!R Eerror: value variable being measured. A positive perform !true %30N "230.of/!the 0N "%"P20P 0#170 "3%0$*O5. !N0 -cally "22850 %/.%7 !this /function. 3#-!.#* ambient pressure: see pressure, ambient. [ cq 96 American Mechanical Engineers. Copyright ~ ©2006 bythe Society of No material ASME. reproduction may bemade ofthis without written consent of 01 203456PRESSURE 734427389 091 9INDICATING 89190(B40.7) GAUGES: DIGITAL 143 ASME B40.100-2005 error that !"the !# #$"% "&'#is (greater "than !" gauge, 6576-3flush 4T7CAQ+ 70.-S8a"(gauge "'(: %#D# !supporting '::#( denotes indicated Value mounted: provided with the !true '%value "&')(see"also &*correction). +,,-*./+012 ; " ! $ " ! " # ;" <@ ! '( !"! & means on the case so that it may be set through a hole a panel. When face is " approximately &2^! #installed "&&the !9 "$# ::>#;"&< ,,+,34 5./67-8the !$change !"(of9: '#indication #$"#that !" #in":" error, fatigue: pressure with panel. &'!D# !the !:" &2 results '& 9from ; repeated :""applications ::&#$"# of9stress )(pressure : ' 9flush 6576-3Tliquid /_7/STlevel: -Y-T8"( "'(( "'"# ' # of9! " a gauge graduated in units head $cycles). <$&12=It#is expressed >: "as ": $"(of9span, :"?number ';@of9 gauge, a percentage ! # ( ! ? '$ !" 9 ) ; 1 9D" 2 heights, such as feet (or meters) of water. $cycles, <$&?"and ;# #;';"and ;" >#;';% "&' of9: ' minimum maximum values pressure $cycles. <$&2 6576-3pressure: P,-CC7,-8" %#$ !"senses "and # #$" pres:E gauge, a device that indicates sure using ambient pressure as a datum (zero). ' ' # (" ;@ # : ' " "" '; ) O 1 2 error, hysteresis: difference between ,,+,3A BC.-,-C/C8the !# 99$@ D#increasing $"#(: E pres'"and $"#(: 'readings "#( "at"any <: # gauge, sure decreasing pressure point stem mounted: a gauge by 6576-3C .-Q`(socket) C+*a-.bQ+ 70.-S8"(" '(supported '::@< D# !#the !range "()(seeFFig. #(2GE JKLM N2H12 within A-1H of9GI ASME 1340.1). "attachment "$!;"atthe !stem ; )(socket) $U1: '$connection. $#2 pressure ,,+,3+ojfset: 44C-.8the !error exhibited >!#@#D! the !(gauge "'(#is ' :E gauge, error, when unpresmounted: 6576-3surface C7,45*-`(wall) c5TTbQ+ 70.-S8"( "'(D! $case "$can "@ a gauge whose be surized. '#O2=It#is expressed >: "as ": $"(of9span. :"2 a percentage ; 'to"D" &&or9flat &"surface. '9"$2 mounted a wall error, position: pressure ,,+,3P +C/./+08the !$change !"(of9: '#indication #$"#that !" gauge, 576-3.test: -C.8"( "'(' to$ !$Uthe !"accuracy $$'"$<of9 ! a gauge used check other results '& D! ! ( " '( # : & " $ # ": # # # 9 9 6 when the gauge is placed in a position different gauges or: pressure-actuated devices. The test gauge has ( " ' ( ' E " $ '" % # $ 2 d! ( " '( ! " 9from ; that !"D! #$!#itD" "&#@"2 which was $ calibrated. better device being "an"accuracy $$'"$<significantly #(#9#$"&<@ than !"the ! %#$@ #( 2 ,,+,3Cspan: P508the !error exhibited >!#@#D! the !#input :'is#"atmaxi;">#E tested. error, when mum range pressure minus when ;'; "(: ';# ' the !error exhibited >!#@#D! gauge, 6576-3Yvacuum: 5*77Q8"( "'(that !"#indicates #$" negative ("#%( "'( a gauge gauge minimum pressure. the !#input :'#is "at;# #;';range "(: '2=It#is expressed >: pressure. : '2 "as ": $"(of9span. :"2 a percentage 6,+QQ-.8seeP T763pressure P,-CC7,-,relief. -T/-42 grommet: plug, , , + , 3 . QP , 5 . 7 , 8 ! $ !"(of9: '# #$"#that !" H2O: error, temperature: the change pressure indication [V\8water. D"2 a temperature results '&when D!the !(gauge "'($components ;:"are"at" ;:"' Hg: mercury. [68; $'<2 different # 999from ; their !#temperature ;:"'"at$calibration. "&#@"#2 error: error, BC.-,-C/C,,+,8see,,+,3hysteresis. ABC.-,-C/C2 R.,-Q-+operating P-,5./06*conditions: +0S/./+0C8see*conditions, +0S/./+0C3R.,-Q- Ahysteresis extreme extreme operating. + P-,5./062 para. /in.0eH2O: [V\8see: ""2X3.2.1. 2V2H2 failure, 45/T7,-3*corrosion: +,,+C/+08element &;9failure "#&'resulting '&#(9from ;$corrosive #% /in.0eHg: para. [68see: ""2X3.2.1. 2V2H2 para. $chemical !;#$"&"attack "$U#inside #the !element &;)(see:" " M2V2W2X12 /interference, electromagnetic external interference 0.-,4-,-0*-3T-*.,+Q560-./*`(EMI): fghb8 >"&# 9$ generated from electrical devices such as transformers, ( " 9 ; & $ # $ " & % # $ ' $ !" " 9;? failure, fatigue: 45/T7,-34 5./67-8element &;9failure "#&'resulting '&#(9from ; repeated :" transmitters which interrupts or "applications ::&#$"# of9stress )(see:" " 2 M 2 V 2 W 2 H 1 2 " # " di " ;# D! # $ !# ': # 9 para. radio and TV interferes with other sensitive electronic equipment. D# ! ! # # % & $ # $ j '# : ; 2 45/T7,-3+overpressure: Y-,P,-CC7,-8element &;9failure "#&'$caused "'@ <the !# E failure, by interradiofrequency 0.-,4-,-0*-3, 5S/+4,-_7-0*B`(RFI): klhb8external >"&#interference 9$ nal "&pressure : ')(positive :##%ornegative) ("#%1#inexcess >$ of9the !rated " /interference, generated from radio transmission in the Megahertz ( " 9 ; " # " ;# # # ! J ("!O element. : ' 9 ! & ; 2 pressure of the frequency range which interrupts or interferes with 9 j' $ < " ( D!# $ !# ': # 9 D#! failure, a result 45/T7,-3+overtemperature: Y-,.-QP-,5.7,-89failure "#&'"as " '&of9$continuous #'' other sensitive electronic equipment. ! # # % & $ # $ j '# : ; 2 exposure >:'to! #(!"ambient ;@#temperature. ;:"'2 high kg/cmz: para. a6m*QV8see: ""2X3.2.1. 2V2H2 4 5 . / 6 7 -4 5 / T 7 , 8 4 5 / T 7 , 3 4 5 . /67-2 fatigue failure: see failure, fatigue. para. an58see: ""23.2.1. X2V2H2 fiber: 4/Z-,8"any <nonmetallic, ;"&&#$?9flexible, &>#@&?threadlike !"&#U$contaminant ";#" kPa: window. Tlens: -0C8seec/ 0S+c2 with a length diameter D# !"& (!to# ";ratio "#of9"at&least "H10.N2 number which Tlife, /4-3fatigue: 45./67-8the ! ';@of9pressure : '$cycles <$& beyond @<D! #$! fiber fiber. 4/Z-,+optics: P./*C8see+optical P./*5T4 /Z-,2 leakage of9 the pressure element assembly may occur. & " U " ( ! : ' & ; " ;@ & <;" < $ $ '2 flush mounted: gauge, mounted. 4T7CAQ+ 70.-S8see6 576-3flush 4T7CAQ+ 70.-S2 Accuracy may be degraded even if9& leakage has not G$ $ ' " $ <;" <@ ( " % # " U" ( !" ft para. 4.[H2O: : ""2X3.2.1. 2V2H2 V\8see error, occurred $$')(see,,+,3fatigue). 45./67-12 full pressure: pressure, 47TTCscale *5T-P ,-CC7,-8seeP ,-CC7,-3full 47TT,range. 506-2 fit straight Tlinearity, /0-5,/.B3Zbest -C.4 /.C .,5/6A.Tline /0-`(BFSL): olpqb8seeTlinearity, /0-5,/.B3/inde0S-r P-0S-0.2 gage, piston: a device 656-3P /C.+08" %#$that !"#indicates #$" the !:presence $of9"a pendent. pressure by means predetermined weights : ;#: '@ <; " of9D #(!loaded &"on Tlinearity, para. /0-5,/.B3/independent: 0S-P-0S-0.8see: "" X2W2X2H2H2 a ball. a floating piston "aneffective 99$#%"area "such '$!"as "9 &"#(:# or"@ "&&2 Tlinearity, para. /0-5,/.B3.terminal—based: -,Q/05TrZ5C-S8see: "" X2W2X2H2V2 gauge, absolute pressure: a gauge indicates 6576-35 ZC+T7.-P ,-CC7,-8"( "'(that !"# #$" "absolute @&' Tlinearity, para. /0-5,/.B3zero—based: s-,+rZ5C-S8see: "" X2W2X2H2X2 pressure. : '2 liquid gauge: gauge, level /_7/STlevel -Y-T6 576-8see6 576-3Tliquid /_7/ST -Y-T gauge, a gauge 6576-3*compound: +QP+70S8"( "'(that !"#indicates #$" both @!:positive ##% T PTC 19.2. manometer: see ASME Q5 0 + Q. , 8 GI JKt duH ] 2 V 2 negative pressure. "and ("#%: '2 medium: process fluid S/7Q8the !: $ 9 &'#)(gas (" or&liquid). #j'#12 gauge, a gauge having pressure 6576-3Sdifierential: /44-,-0./5T8"( "'(! "%#(two D: '$connec$E Qwhich difference between mounting: means which the is installed 70./068the !; " by @<D! #$! !(gauge "'(# #"&&or tions, # ?D!# $!#indicates #$" the !# 99$@ Dtwo D Q+ pressures. supported. '::2 "applied ::&#: '2 [ ]97W vwxyz{|}~ y~}z{w{~yw}{|{z wzxzw~{wyw~}{~z{{~}w~z{~~w~w Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01234567866966 0 31311 300 4567 ASME B40.100-2005 GAUGES: PRESSURE DIGITAL INDICATING (B40.7) !flush: "#$%&'see((gauge, ) *!flush "#$% *+, H1*$$1*!operating: H*1)&8the L(U? (''>?(7at8RL 9KL7M 7>M(9 :?S mounting, mounted. pressure, pressure which a gauge is'; norO7 < < N: U ( ? 7 8 ( B, mally operated. !gauge: )*&'see(( , mounting, mounting. H1*$$1*!H $G*&Mgauge 7>M(U ?(''>?(Mgreater ?(78(?8than L7;7ambient OQ9(;8 positive: pressure !$stem *$socket: -.*&'see((gauge, ) *!stem $*/(socket) $-.*0 *+, pressure, mounting, mounted. Fig. 1 of@WA ASME B401). U? ( ' ' > ? (C ' ( (c 9 M , [: YZ=d ] , [ F , pressure (see !$surface 1")-*/(wall): 2)##0&'see((gauge, ) *!surface $1")-*/(wall) 2)##0 *+, pressure, mounting, mounted. pressure medium H1*$$1*!process: H1-*$$&8the L(U? (''>?(: L(U ?:K(''O( B9>O 7at8 of@8 the process 345&67 89:;7<=>? (7>:of@AStandards 87;B7?B'C(see '((3D 5EF, NBS: National Bureau NIST). 8the L(U? (''>?(Kconnection :;;(K89:;:of@8the L('socket. :Ka(8, pressure negative *)G*H 1*$$1*/(vacuum): G)-0&'see((H 1*$$1*!negative. *)G*, pressure pressure, H 1 * $ $ 1 * ! H 1 " & 8 L (O7 g 9 O> OU ? ( ' '>?(7M 7>M(Kcan 7;R9 8LS pressure, proof: the maximum pressure a gauge with3D5E&67 89:;7<IInstitute ;'898>8(:of@AStandards 87;B7?B'7and ;BJ (KL;:<:MN 'stand NIST: National Technology 87;BR9 8 L : > 8( ` 9 B( ; K (: @K L 7 ; M (9 ;7 K K > ? 7 K N ,h? : :@ without evidence of change in accuracy. Proof C(formerly @:?O(?<N345 F, NBS). may be(7' a semidestructive not U? (''>?(O7 NQ (O9B('8?>K89`(8test ('87and ;B'should L:><B; :8 pressure Q(Kconducted :;B>K8(B?repeatedly (U(78(B<N:on;8the L('same 7O(M 7>M(,IIt8O7 gauge. mayNQ be( nomenclature: *-#)1*&O7 N9include, ;K<>B(Pbut Q>8not ;:8<limited 9O98(B8to,:P8the L(@follow:<<:RS be may (expressed gU?(''(B7as'7U? (''>?(:or?7as'7U( ?K(;87M(: ><<' K7<(, a pressure a percentage of@@ full scale. material of wetted parts, units of 9ing: ;MTO7 8(?97<:@R( 88(BU7 ?8'P?range, 7;M(P7and ;B>;9 8':@ measure. O( 7'>?(, H1*$$1*!1rated: )*+&@full ><<?range 7;M(U? (''>?(, pressure, pressure. 1)#operating H*1) -conditions: +$&'see ((-conditions, +$! 1)# pressure normal normal H1*$$1*1relief *#*"H # &'see((H #!pressure H1*$$1*1relief. *#*", plug: plug, operating. H*1) , maximum pressure which the H1*$$1*!1rupture: H1*&8the L(O7 g9O>OU? (''>?(7above Q:`(RL 9KL8 L( 3VE&WO( ?9K7;AStandard 87;B7?B8taper 7U(?U9 U(8threads. L?(7B',X( @9;(B pressure, NPT: American pipe Defined assembly may no:< longer hold pressure. U? ( ' ' > ? (( < ( O( ; 8 7 ' ' ( OQ < NO7 N; : ; M ( ?L : < BU? ( ' ' >? (, pressure element by ASME B1.20.1. QNWA YZ=[ ,\],[, see H1*$$1*transducer: 1)$+-*1&' ((transducer, 1)$+-*1!pressure. H1*$$1*, a transparent optical H-)#fiber: "^*1&78 ?7;'U7?(;8@fiber 9Q(?>used '(B8to:8transmit ?7;'O98:optical U89K7< pressure H1*$$1*!G )1)^#*&U? (''>?(8that L789 ;K?(7'(': K?(7'('P pressure, variable: pressure increases or?B( decreases, 'signals. 9M;7<', : : 8 L P7 7 8 (M ? ( 7 8 ( ?8 L 7 ;8 L 7 87 < < : R( B@ : ?' 8(7BN or?Q both, at87? a rate greater than that allowed for steady operating H*1) pressure: H1*$$1*&'see((H 1*$$1*!operating H*1) pressure, pressure; may high pressure, short U? (''>?(iO7 N9include ;K<>B(L9 MLU? (''>?(P' L:?8Bduration >?789:; OU><'('C(pressure U?(''>?('spikes). U9a('F, overpressure: G*1H1*$$1*&8the L(7application UU<9K789:;:of@7U ?(''>?(Q (N:;B8the L( 9impulses a pressure beyond @full ><<?range 7;M(U? (''>?(, pressure. psi: H$&'see((Upara. 7?7,_3.2.1. ,\,[, overpressure G*1H1*$$1*" )#1*&'see((" )#1*! G*1H1*$$1*, failure: failure, overpressure. H$)&'see((U 7?7,_3.2.1. ,\,[, psia: para. Pa:&' V) ((U 7?7,_3.2.1. ,\,[, see para. H$+&'see((Upara. 7?7,_3.2.1. ,\,[, psid: particle: H)1-#*&7any ;N'solid :<9BKcontaminant :;87O9;7;8:other 8L(?8than L7;@fiber. 9Q(?, H$&'see((Upara. 7?7,_3.2.1. ,\,[, psig: Pascal: para. V) $-)#&'see((U 7?7,_3.2.1. ,\,[, 1radio )+" 1*j*-kinterference *1"*1*-*/(RFI): lmD0&'see((interference, *1"*1*-*!1radio )+" 1*n frequency frepiston H$gage: )*&'see((gage, )*!piston. H$, jauency. *-k, plug, pressure a plug in H#!H 1*$$1*1relief: *#*"&7U< >M9inserted ;'(?8(B9 ;8the L(Mgauge 7>M(Kcase 7'( 1range: high and low of@8 the expressed )*&8the L(L 9ML7 ;B< :R limits <9O98': L(Mgauge 7>M(( gU?(''(B wall R7<<8that, L78P9in;8the L((event `(;8:of@7an;(element <(O(;8<leak, (7aPvents, `(;8'PminimizO9;9O9bS 9in;'sequences units which occur. (o>(;K('7and ;B> ;98'9in;RL 9KL8they L(N: KK>?,cFor:?example: (g7OU<(T buildup. 9ing ;MKcase 7'(U ?(''>?(Q >9<B>U, pressure 0/100 kPa, 0/500 psi, -10/10 in. H20. \p, position H$*error: 111&'see((*error, 111!position. H$, inherent 1readability: *)+)^#k&8 L(>;K (?879;8N9 ;L(?(;89 ;8 L(:observer's Q'(?`(?q' the uncertainty in the ability to determine the indicated pressure value. Con7 Q 9 < 9 8 N8 :B( 8 ( ? O9 ; (8 L (9 ; B9 K 7 8 ( BU? ( ' ' >? (` 7 <>(,r: ;S positive pressure: pressure, H$G*H 1*$$1*&'see((H 1*$$1*!positive. H$G*, tributing factors include distance between observer and 8 ? 9 Q > 8 9 ; M@ 7 K 8 : ? '9 ; K < >B(B9 ' 8 7 ; K (Q ( 8 R( ( ;: Q ' ( ? ` ( ?7 ; B pressure, a pressure using H1*$$1*!)absolute: ^$#*&7U ?(''>?(>' 9;Mbzero (?:7absolute Q':<>8(Upressure ?(''>?( 9indication, illumination, ;B9 K 7 8 9 : ;P9 < < >O9 ;7 8 9 :;P7 ;BK : ;' 8 7 ;8@ < >K 8 >7 8 9 :; and constant fluctuation 1 of@WA ASME B40.1). datum 7as'B7 8>O C(see '((cFig. 9M,[: YZ=d ],[F, digits the display. Q(8R((;8two R:B9 M98'9in;8 L(B9 'U<7N, pressure, ambient: H1*$$1*!) ^*&8the L(Upressure ?(''>?('surrounding >??:>;B9;M8the L(Mgauge, 7>M(P between para. 1repeatability: *H*))^#k&'see((U 7?7, _,s,_,_, usually pressure 1 of@ >' >7<<N7atmospheric 8O:'UL(?9KC(barometric) Q7?:O(8?9KFU ?(''>?(C(see '((cFig. 9M,[: para. 1resolution, *$#!display: +$H#)k&'see((U 7?7, _,s,_,d, ASME B401). WA YZ=d ],[F, phenomenon when a system 1resonance: *$)-*&the 8L(UL( ;:O(;:;RL( ;7' N'8(O :oscillates 'K9<<78(' pressure, pressure, H1*$$1*!^burst: 1$&'see((H 1*$$1*!1rupture. H1*, with the largest amplitude and energy due to:8 the R9 8 L8 L (< 7 ? M ( ' 87 OU< 9 8 >B(7 ; B( ; ( ? M NB > (8 L(@fre?(S pressure, difference between H1*$$1*!+diflerential: ""*1*)#&8the L(B9 @@(?(;K(Q (8R((;8two R:Upres?('S oquency force of@8 the driving being close to:8 the system's >( ; K N: L (B? 9̀9 ; M@ : ? K (Q ( 9 ; MK < : ' (8 L (' N ' 8 ( Oq ' 1 of@WA ASME B40.1). 'sures >?('C(see '((cFig. 9M,[: YZ=d ],[F, natural frequency. (A resonance may occur in an internal ; 7 8 >? 7 < @ ? ( o > ( ; K N , C W? ( ' : ; 7 ; K (O7 N: K K >? 9 ;7 ;9 ; 8 ( ? ; 7 < pressure H1*$$1**element: #**&'see((*element, #**!*elastic. #)$-, part no:: outward manifestation.) U7 ?8:of@8the L(Mgauge, 7>M(Pwith R98L; >8R7?BO7 ;9@('8789:;,F pressure, indiH1*$$1*!full "##1range: )*&<lowest :R('88to:8the L(Lhighest 9ML('8Kcalibrated 7<9Q?78(B9 ;B9S 1restrictor: device fluid between the *$1-1&8the L(B( `9K(8that L78?restricts ('8?9K8'@ <>9B@flow <:RQ (8R((;8 L( pressure Kcated 78(BU? (''>?(?reading. (7B9;M, pressure pressure element. is'>' used U? (''>?('source :>?K(7and ;B8the L(U ?(''>?(( <(O(;8,ItI89 (B8to: effect pressure to:K control (B>K(8the L(( @@(K8:of@U? (''>?(@fluctuations <>K8>789:;':or?8 :;8?:< pressure, a positive pressure H1*$$1*!gauge: ) *&7U: '989`(U? (''>?(C(greater M?(78(?8than L7;7ambient) OQ9(;8F ?reduce a pressure element has in <:R@from ?:O 7U? (''>?(( <(O(;88that L78L 7'@failed 79<(B9 ;'service, (?`9K(P pressure using :or?;negative (M789̀(U? (''>?(C(less <(''8than L7;7ambient) OQ9(;8F>' 9;M7ambient OQ9(;8 @flow both. may be(9 integrally mounted or?' separate :or?Q :8L,IIt8O7 NQ ;8(M?7<<NO: >;8(B: (U7?78(@from ?:O 1 of@WA ASME B40.1). pressure datum U?(''>?(7as'B7 8>O C(see '((cFig. 9M,[: YZ=d ],[F, the gauge. 8 L (M 7 >M ( , pressure H1*$$1*gauge: ) *&'see((gauge, ) *!pressure. H1*$$1*, case, *)#*+-case: )$*&'see(()$*!sealed. $*)#*+, pressure, pressure less H1*$$1*!negative *)G*/(vacuum): G)-0&Mgauge 7>M(U? (''>?(< (''8than L7; $sealed the first nonzero digit pressure using pressure datum digits: digits from 7ambient OQ9(;8U? (''>?(>' 9;M7ambient OQ9(;8U ?(''>?(7as'B7 8>OC(see '(( $significant "-)+ $&8the L(B9 M98'@ ?:O 8 L(@ 9?'8; :;b(?:B9 M98 1 of@WA ASME B401). cFig. 9M,[: YZ=d ],[F, :on;8the L(<left (@88to:(either 98L(? C ef 98 American Mechanical Engineers. Copyright tu vwxyz{|©}~2006 }byw}the |{} xy}Society uy|w}uof} {y} zyx No material ASME. uxreproduction vxu|yu}may w}be}made }uof}|this {y} |xy}without y|{u|}written xy||}consent u|}uof} 01 203456PRESSURE 734427389 091 9INDICATING 89190(B40.7) GAUGES: DIGITAL 143 ASME B40.100-2005 right if, there (a)the last !"#$ %$&(zero '())or(*nonzero) )*'()+)on*the ( $%$ ( Utransducer, WRO\VTXWZ_ WXOOVWXYthe /( ""2(" *"$*%# ]$-0$ *-2o digit pressure: pressure sensing device, inclu$is"!# $ .! /) $ * 0 ) ( " $ ] ) , ! " $ - . * 0 ! ( " /) * #" )/ ( " " 2( ! *# a decimal point, or sive of elastic element, that responds to pressure and /()#2-"!an* -($-! "signal. $%*!4 electrical number (b)1the last !"* )*'()#$ %$)of,the * 2.3($if,there ($is"* nonzero digit no) produces # -$.! /) $*4 decimal point. {vacuum TVVjQ VQXY"seeQ VQXZ{ TVVj4 gauge: gauge, vacuum. 5For)(example: 6!./7 {vacuum: TVVjY"see_ WXOOVWXZRnegative. XQUP{X4 pressure, 89:;;;;;; <=>?<@AA>BCDBEBF=D?GBCB?> 9:;;H <=>EIJ@>BCDBEBF=D?GBCB?> {variable WP1mX_ WXOOVWXY"see_ WXOOVWXZ{variable. WP1mX4 pressure: pressure, ;H;;;;9K <=>?LI>BCDBEBF=D?GBCB?> ;H;:M;; <=>EIJ@>BCDBEBF=D?GBCB?> maximum vibration a gauge {vibration P1WUPnRWresistance: XOPOURTXYthe .! 6$.2.] $3(!$)*!% !2%-can !* ;H;N <=>IDA>BCDBEBF=D?GBCB? the ^$"!*#^$ )2physical /l"$-!#! .!%that !will ^$ impair $./!$( withstand without damage %gauge !2%,function 2*-$)*)or(! --2(!-l3 l)*#!acceptable --/!3limits. $.$"4 accuracy beyond significant O PQRPSPTRUOsurface: VWSTXY"seeOsurface, VWSTXZ[X UUX\4 wetted. Requirements displacements }2$(.*"!are(expressed 6/(""#!as""sinusoidal $*2")$#!#$ "/!-.*" O RV11XWY!# ]$-that !$is"2used "#to)(reduce #2-the effect ,,-)of, | snubber: a device at% given ! $ ] *, ( } 2 * $ ", ) (!" / $ , $ #/ ( $ ) #) $.&(i.e, $40 frequencies for a specified period of, time pressure reduce /( ""2(,fluctuations 2-2!$)*"!and *#"surges, 2(%"0)or(to)( #2-,flow )^,from (). a0.060 4 a ~ a$ * 4a 4 a c v$ * 4#) 23 ! ./ $ 2##$ " / ! . * ! in. 1 0.012 in. double amplitude displacement at !/( ""2(element .*that ! !",failed !$#$in*"service, (]$-0)or(3 )4 h' a pressure has both. 5 Hz to)c 15h', Hz for per(c'$ 1 Hz increments). )(c15h"sec-/ *-(.*"+4 O _RYthe !algebraic %3(!$-#$ ,,(*-3 ^*the limits $.$")of,the [ span: difference between warmup warmup. WjV_Utime: PjXY"seeUtime, PjXZ[ WjV_4 The" span a 0/100 The (range. !*%4` /!*)of,!a bcaadkPa e!%gauge !2%$is"c100aadkPa. e!4` [X m\PRQY!. !o)$*$*%/ ()-""^ ($*)!"-*-$ welding: a metal-joining process wherein coalescence is" "span /!*)of,!)./)2*#%gauge !2%$is"the #$ ,,(*-3 ^* produced a compound difference between by heating to suitable temperatures to melt /( ) # 2 #3 l ! $ * % )" 2$ ! 3 ./ ( ! 2( " ). the limits $.$")of,the ] !-22.!and *#/( ""2((ranges !*%"^ *3 ) together vacuum pressure when both ) % ( 3 ! " . ! "^$ ) (^$ ) 2 ! ##$ $ ) * the base metals with or without the addition are expressed in the same units. The span of a -15 psi metal. filler metal )of,,filler $(. !4zIf,, $(. ! is$"2" #0$ ! have !]!a used, it" shall 45h/ psi. to)f30a/" !2%$is"g "$4 psi$% gauge melting point and composition approximately the . $ * %/) $ * ! * #) ./) " $ $ ) *! / / ( ) 6 $ .! l "same !. O _R \iVOUjXRUY"see \iVOUjXRUZO _R span adjustment: adjustment, span metal. !as"the 3 !". !4 base spike: a short high O _PkXY!" )(#duration, 2(!$)*0 $%!amplitude ./$2#"sudden 2##*(rise $")or( [X UUX\_ WUOY-components )./)**")of, %gauge !2%that !#$ (-l-con)*o wetted parts: the directly drop #( )/$in*"system l". pressure. /(""2(4 process medium. tact !-the / ()-"". #$2.4 O UR\W\ZTcalibration: mP1WUPnRY!/( ""2($instrument *"(2.*2" #to)# (o window: standard, a pressure used detera transparent front R\n[Y! (!*"/!(*-component )./)**that !-closes )""the , ()* mine a gauge ASME PTC 19.2). .$ *the !accuracy --2(!-l)of,!% !2%&(see "pq rse`tc u4v+4 [P )of, -case. !"4 the standard, ASME O UR\W\ZUtransfer: WROSXWY"seepq rsePTC `tc19.2. u4v4 zero adjustment: adjustment, zero. XWn \iVOUjXRUY"see \iVOUjXRUZ XWn4 O UR\W\Z[n WkPRQY"seepq rsePTC `tc19.2. u4v4 standard, working: ASME stem: main pressure O UXjYthe .! $*"supporting 2//)($*%-component )./)**)of,the /( ""2( 3 GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS transducer which includes the pressure connection. (!*"#2-(^$-$*-2#"/(""2(-)**-$)*4 3.1 Types Case and Sizes surface, wetted: directly presO VWSTXZ[X UUX\Y!any *l"surface 2(,!-that !#$ (-l-contacts )*!-"the / ("o media. "sure 2(. #$!4 Mounting. inter3.1.1 Round Flush/Surface ¡¢£¤ ¥¦`To)ensure *"2($ *(o with !*%!3$$l^$ !analog *!)%&(dial #$!type) l/+gauges, %!2%"0it$$is"(recom-).o a deduction made Utare: WXY!# #2-$)*,from ().the %gross ()""/( ""2(.! #to)!allow )^ -changeability pressure mended and digital . *##that !(round )2*#,flush 2"! *#"surface-mounted 2(,!-o.)2*##$ %$! a preexisting pressure. ,for)(!/( 6$"$*%/( ""2(4 dimensions in Fig. 9 of gauges conform to the %! 2% ")*, )( . ) #$ . *" $ )*"$ *5$ %4u), Utemperature, Xj_XWUVWXZambient: j1PXRUYthe temperature ./(!2()of,the !atmosphere .)"/( pq ASME B401. 1 and 2.4 rs§g a4c4qSee!also")`Tables !3"c! *#v "surrounding 2(()2*#$*%the %gauge. !2%4 Mounting. that 3.1.2 ¨Rectangular ¤¥¦¢ ¥¦zIt$is"(recommended -)..*## ! Utemperature Xj_XWUVWXXerror: WWnWY"seeXerror, WWnWZUtemperature. Xj_XWUVWX4 dimensions the EN & (for(rectangular -!*%2!(-case !"#$ .*"$)*"-conform )*,)(. to) sy ,)(o process: Utemperature, Xj_XWUVWXZ_ WnTXOOYthe temperature ./(!2()of,the /( )-"" .! process mally DIN) dimensions as" l©z y+"standard. !*#!(#4Some q).-common )..)*#$ .*"$)*"!are(! . #$2. !atthe /pressure (""2(-connection )**-$)*)of,the %gauge. !2%4 medium in "shown )^*$ *`Table !3f3.4 storage: Utemperature, Xj_XWUVWXZO UnWQXYthe extremes 6(.")of,temperature ./(!2(&(high $% 3.2¨ª Units ¥andRanges ¦ may be exposed when !and *#low) )^+that !the %gauge !2%.! l3 6/)"#to)^ *$it$is" not * )/pressurized. (""2($'#4 Units. Over years, different classifi3.2.1 ¨Common ««ª ¥¬] (the l !("0#$ ,,(*!""$,$o cations of units of measure have been used. Many of, ! $ ) * ") ,2* $ ") ,. ! " 2 ( ! ] 3 *2" #4r! *l) gauge: gauge, Utest XOUQ VQXY"seeQ VQXZUtest. XOU4 the older units, although not presently officially recog ) # (2* $ " 0 ! ) 2% * ) /( " * l) , , $ $ ! l( ) % o warmup: para. Utime, PjXZ[ WjV_Y"see/ !(!4f3.7.3.7. 4w4f4w4 nized by bodies, widespread *$'#3 l"standard !*#!(#"setting $*%3 )#$"0!are("still $ in$*^$ #"/(!# use! and included in this Standard the 2" *#!are(therefore (,)($ *-2##$ * $"q !*#!(#,for)( Utorr: nWWY"see/para. !(!4f3.2.1. 4v4c4 three purpose of,# definition. The basic classifications are /2 ( /) " ) , $ * $ $ ) * 4 ` ( 3 ! " $ -! " " $ , $ ! $ ) * "! ( documentation a calibraUtraceability: WTX1PmPUxY#) -2.*!$)*)of,the existence 6$"*-)of,!!$3(!o !as",follows: ) ) ^" 7 between a primary tion $)*-chain !$*3 ^*!an*$instrument *"(2.*!and *#!/ ($.!(l"stan!*o (a)­51®(Le¯X­Systéme International d’LInites). These units xOUX°jX® RUXWRUPnRm\ ±²RPUX°O³` "2* $" dard #! (#&(NIST). yzq`+4 recognized by CIPM des" !are(( -)%*$'#3 lthe tz er &(Comite t).$´International z*(*!$)*! # etr Measures). Utransfer WROSXWOstandard: UR\W\Y"seeOstandard, UR\W\ZUtransfer. WROSXW4 ePoids )$#" !"2("+4 123 000 000 2300. has three significant digits has four significant digits 0.000028 0.03500 has two significant digits has four significant digits 0.04 has one significant digit I u99u µ¶·¸¹º»¼½ ¾¿ÀÀÁ¾Â¸¾½¼Ã¾ÄÅùºÆÇȾɶƺý¸¾¶Ê¾ËÃƼÇȺÆÇ̾ÍÈ»ºÈÃùÎÏ Ð¶¹Ã·¹¶ÑÒƽº¶È¾ÅǸ¾ÂþÅÇÑþ¶Ê¾½¼ºÎ¾ÅǽùºÇ̾Ӻ½¼¶Ò½¾Ó¹º½½ÃȾƶÈÎÃȽ¾¶Ê¾ÄÉËÍÏ Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01234567866966 0 31311 300 4567 GAUGES: PRESSURE DIGITAL INDICATING (B40.7) ASME B40.100-2005 (b) !"#"$%&kil0gram—f0rce, '()*$+!,-)$."%/second, ".)01%+ !2"$"345 uvwxyz1 { |}~Flush/Surface x}}vy| }~~ Table Round Mounting MKSA (meter, ampere). The6 7former 89:69:6 ;9<=>units, ?<;@AB5 <=5Care96D 6<?E9replaced 6FGC=6HD I;the 56 metric which being by y ~ | ~ Dimensions JSIK>? <;@L units. (Sizes yshown |~vareyidentical y~vxto| zdimensions) y~|~ B40.1 poar1d—force, (C).MN /#)!+$O(inch, '0.P%2 )N01,-)$."%second, /".)01%+ !2"$"3Q>@ Customary ampere). Cus-R C359 430” Mounting 2 4Bolt Circle ¡¢ H019 used primarily English-speaking ;tomary 8:C9I>? <;@Care96>@ 6HF9 <:C9<GI<in?S? EG<@5R@F6CT<?E units £ ¡ £ ¡ =countries 8>?;9<6@Cand ?HCare96D 6<?E9replaced 6FGC=6H<in?:8 @;=countries 8>?;9<6@D I being most by 1¤ 7 ££ 7 ££ units. JSIK>? <;@L Definitions U6 7<?<;<8?@8of7;the 56Vvarious C9<8>@>? <;@Care96Cas@7follows: 8GG8B@W units ¥11/2¥¦§ ¥1.81 ¨©¥ ª48.5 ©¨« ¬0.13 ¥̈­ ­3.4ª̈ Case Size JSIK XD D96V<C;<8? Y? <; Abbreviation Unit DC9 DC9 bar bar Definition U6 7<?<;<8? ZD C9[= Z100\\TkPa ]C^(The 456D C9<is@ 1 bar bar C>? <;8outside >;@<H6;the 56JSI,KA a unit B5<=5<is@? 6V69;56G6@@9 6=R which nevertheless rec8ognized E?<_6HD IQK ]`La by CIPM.) TkPa ]C Tkilopascal <G8FC@=CG ZT ]C[= Z\ \\]C 1 kPa 1 000 Pa = bar = 100 :D C9 :< GG<DC9 Z:D C9[D C9bZ\ \\[Z \\]C mbar millibar 1 mbar / 1 000 Pa `]C :6 E C F C @ = C G Z`]C[ \ \\ \ \]C MPa megapascal 1 MPa = Z\ 1 000 000 Pa d[Z]C 1 N/m2=1 Pa cb: ?newton 6B;8?Fper69 Zcb: N/m2d @square e>C96:6 ;69 meter 1 N/m2d ]C Fpascal C@=CG Z]C [Zcb: Pa 1 Pa: MKSA `fJ X Unit Definition XD D96V<C;<8? Y? <; U6 7<?<;<8? Abbreviation d d 1 kg / cm2=1 TkgEb= : Tkilograms <G8E9C:@Fper69 ZT Eb= : [ZTkilogram <G8E9C: 7force 89=6 / cmz @square e>C96=cen6?R F69@square e>C96=centimeter 6?;<:6;69 per ;timeter <:6;69 = Z:6 :6 ;69@8of7BC ;69 Z: ;698of7 :1'I1 gH2O meters water 1 mg H2O 1 meter dh dh[ BC;69Cat;i68°F jkl^(20°C) d\kQa water mm gE Hg millimeters 1 mm gE[ Hg = Z:< 1 millimeter :: :< GG<:6;69@8of7 Z:: GG<:6;69 :6 9=>9I 8of7:6 9=>9ICat;m dkl^(0°C) \kQa mercury mercury 32°F 1 torr mm gEC ;torr 899 ;torr 899 Z; 899[= Z1.0L\:: D@8R Hg absoGlute >;6Fpressure 96@@>96 Q>@ ;8:C9I Customary Abbreviation Unit Definition XD D96V<C;<8? Y? <; U6 7<?<;<8? 1 ft;7 fresh water 0.43276 7ft;gH2O 7feet 66;8of77fresh 96@5 Z7 96@5BC ;69[= \ Lnmdoi dh psi BC ;69 F@< water 1 ft;@ 7ft;@sea6CBC ;69 7feet 66;8of7@sea6CBC ;69 Z7 6CBC ;69[= \0.4453 LnnpmFpsi@< water water sea water ft;g H2O) ^(0.9877 \Lqjoo7 dha Hg 1 in. Hg = Z< 1 inch mer<in.?LgE <inches ?=56@8of7 Z< ?LgE[ ?=58of7:6 9R mercury :6 9=>9I =cury >9ICat;m32°F dkl^(0°C) \kQa^(04911 \LnqZZ F@<a PS1) water 1 in. H2O 1 inch <in.?LgH2O <inches ?=56@8of7BC ;69 Z< ?Lgd h^(20°C) d\kQa[= Z< ?=5 dh water 20°C ^(20°C) d\kQa ^(Ref. r67LKISA JX 8of7BC ;69Cat;d \kQ^(68°F) ijkla RP2.1) r]d LZa Cand ?Hq980.665 j\Liip=cm/ :b@sec6=Egrav9CVR <ity;I^(0.036063 \L\mi\imF @<a psi) water 1 in. (60°F) 1 inch <inches ?=56@8of7BC ;69 Z< ?LgH2O i\kla[= Z< ?=5 <in?gH2O dh dh^ AGA water ^(60°F) i\kla ^(Ref. r67LXsX 8of7BC ;69Cat;i60°F \kl^(15.6°C) ZpLikQa Report # 3)a r6 F89;tm Cand ?Hq980.665 j\Liip=cm/ :b@sec6=Egrav9CVR <ity;I^(0.036092 \L\mi\qdF @<a psi) water 1 in. (4°C) 1 inch <inches ?=56@8of7BC ;69 Z< ?LgH2O nkQa[= Z< ?=58of7 <in.?LgH2O dh dh^ water 4°C ^(4°C) nkQa BC;69Cat;n kQCand ?Hq980.665 j\Liip =cm/ :b@sec6=Egravity 9CV<;I^(0.036127 \L\miZdo F @ < a Psi) per 1 oz/in.2 1 ounce 8ounces >?=6@F 69 Z8 _b<?Ld[= Z8 >?=67force 89=6 802/ _b<in.2 ?Ld per @square e>C96<inch ?=5 F69@square e>C96<inch ?=5 1 psi 1 pound force per Fpsi@< Fpounds 8>?H@Fper69 ZF @<[= ZF 8>?H7 89=6F 69 @square e>C96<inch ?=5 @square e>C96<inch ?=5Egauge C>E6 pressure F96@@>96 1 psia 1 pound per Fpsia @<C Fpounds 8>?H@Fper69 ZF @<C[= ZF 8>?H7force 89=6F 69 @square e>C96<inch ?=5 @square e>C96<inch ?=5Cabsolute D@8G>;6 pressure Cabsolute D@8G>;6 F96@@>96 psid 1 psid 1 pound force per F@<H Fpounds 8>?H@Fper69 ZF @<H[= ZF 8>?H7 89=6F 69 dif— differential @square e>C96<inch ?=5H< 7R @square e>C96<inch ?=5H< 77696?;<CG pressure 7ferential 696?;<CG F96@@>96 Diameter in. Diameter mm in. mm §2 ¥ §21/2¥¦§ ­31/2¥¦§ ª41/2¦§ ®6¥ ©81/2¦§ §2.56 ¨«® ®65.0 «¨¬ ¬0.16 ¥̈® ª4.5¨« ­3.13 ¥̈­ ¯79.5 °¨« ¬0.16 ¥̈® ª4.5¨« ª4.25 ¨§« ¥108 ¬© ¬0.22 ¨§§ «5.6¨® «5.38 ¨­© ¥137 ­¯ ¬0.22 ¨§§ «5.6¨® ¯7.00 ¨¬¬ ¥178 ¯© ¬0.28 ¨§© ¯7.1¥̈ °9.63 ¨®­ §245 ª« ¬0.28 ¨§© ¯7.1¥̈ Panel Opening Outside Diameter of7 ]C ?6GhF 6?<?E h>;@<H6U< C:6;698 Diameter Maximum U< C :6 ; 6 9 QC @ 6 A `C ± < :>: Case, QC @6 Case in. mm in. mm JSize <_6 <?L :: <?L :: ¥ ¥11/2¦§ ¥1.65 ¨®« ª41.9 ¥°̈ ¥1.59 ¨«° ª40.4 ¬ª̈ §2 ¥ §2.19 ¥̈° «55.6 «¨® §2.13 ¥̈­ «54.1 ª¥̈ §21/2¥¦§ §2.81 ¨©¥ ¯74.1 ª¥̈ §2.75 ¨¯« ®69.9 °°̈ ­3.81 ¨©¥ °96.8 ®¨© ­3.75 ¨¯« °95.3 «¨­ ­31/2¥¦§ ª4.94 °̈ª ¥125 §« ª4.88 ¨©© ¥124 §ª ª41/2¦§ ®6¥ ®6.50 ¨«¬ ¥165 ®« ®6.44 ª̈ª ¥164 ®ª °9.00 ¨¬¬ §229 §° ©8.94 °̈ª §227 §¯ ©81/2¦§ GENERAL NOTE: ²³ ´³µ¶·´¸¹ ³º¹The»¼½case ¾¿¼¿sizes ÀÁ¼¿Âlisted À¿Ã¼Ä¾above ÅÆǼ¾areȼ¼equal ÉʾÂtoÃÆà »¼¾approxiËËÈÆÌÀÍ the ξ üÀinside Ï¿ÀļÄdiameter À¾Î¼Ã¼ÈÆofÐthe û¼½case ¾¿¼ÀinÏÀinches. Ͻ»¼¿¨The ¹»¼Èround ÆÊÏÄÑÒ́½ ¾¿¼¿sizes ÀÁ¼¿ mate DIN case Âlisted À¿Ã¼ÄÅbelow ¼ÂÆÓÄdefine ¼ÐÀϼ¿size ÀÁ¼¾as¿Ã »¼Æoutside ÊÿÀļÄdiameter À¾Î¼Ã¼ÈÆofthe Ðû¼½case. ¾¿¼¨ÔBecause ¼½¾Ê¿¼ the Æofthis ÐûÀ¿Ädifference, ÀÐмȼϽ¼ÕÖgauges ¾ÊÖ¼¿Î¾ ļà »¼Àinch-based Ͻ»Íž¿¼Ä¿sizes ÀÁ¼¿Î¾ ÆÃÅbe¼ made toÆà the may×Ï not Àinterchangeable ÏüȽ»¾ÏÖ¼¾Å¼ÓÀ ûà »Æ¿¼Î¾ ļà »¼ÑÒ́ ÀÁ¼¿Õ¼even ǼÏà »ÆÊֻà »¼ with those made toÆà the DIN ¿ sizes, though the Ïnominal ÆÎÀϾ¿sizes À¥Á¼¿Î¾ ¼È×½close. ÂÆ¿¼¨ØForÆÈÀinstance, ϿþϽ¼ÕÃthe »¼Æoutside ÊÿÀļÄdiameter À¾Î¼Ã¼È may×Å be¼Ç very ¾Êּξ ¾ÈÖ¼¾as¿¯70¬ÎÎÕ Ç¼È¥10% ¬ÙÂlargerthan ¾ÈÖ¼Èû¾Ï Æofо¿ ÀÁ¼§21/2¦§Ögauge a size may×Å be¼¾ as¿Â large mm, Æ over Ãthat »¾ÃÆofо® ¾ÊÖ¼¨ a 63­ÎÎÖ mm gauge. The following Ú ÛÛu ÜÝvx{v ~y4567 8GG8B<?ECare96;typical IF<=CG 3.2.2 Typical Ranges. 9ranges: C?E6@W <in.?LH2O gdh \0/10 bZ\ \0/30 bm\ \0/60 bi\ \0/100 bZ\\ \0/200 bd\\ \0/300 bm\\ \0/bZ10\ \0/30 bm\ \0/60 bi\ \0/100 bZ\\ \0/200 bd\\ \0/300 bm\\ F@< psi \0/600 bi\\ \0/1,000 bZA\\\ \0/2,000 bdA\\\ \0/3,000 bmA\\\ \0/6,000 biA\\\ \0/10,000 bZ\A\\\ Other ranges pressure h; 5699 C?E6@<including ?=G>H<?EJSI,KAMKSA, `fJXAnegative ?6EC;<V6F 96@@>96 common use and are ^(vacuum), VC=>>:aACand ?H=compound 8:F8>?HCare96<in?= 8::8?> @6C ?HC 96 Caccepted. ==6F;6HL range, incluÚ3.2.3 ÛÚFull-Scale }xxÞvxy{Range. v~yThe 4567full-scale >GGR@=CG69 C?E6A< ?=G>R and visible without @sive <V68of7units >?<;@C ?HV <@<DG6B< ;58>;the ;56Caid<H8of7power, F8B69A@shall 5CGG be the D6<indicated ?H<=C;6H8on?;the 567front 98?;8of7; 56Egauge. C>E6L Types Display Ú3.3Ú ÝxvÜu ÜÝy Dependent Ú3.3.1 ÚzßLiquid à}áCrystal Üvx(LCD). ßáU6 F6?H6?;8on?Cambient :D<6?; be6D backlit nighttime or9 Glighting <E5;<?E7for899readability. 6CHCD<G<;ILMay `CID C=TG<;7for89? <E5;;<:68 low power battery Glow 8BGlight <E5;=conditions. 8?H<;<8?@LConsumes Q8?@>:6@G 8BF 8B697for89D C;;69I Additional units of7:6 measure and Capplications. FFG<=C;<8?@LXHH< ;<8?CG>?< ;@8 C@>96C ?HCalpha GF5C messages be6H< displayed. :6 @@CE6@=can C?D @FGCI6HL Z100\\ âãäåæçèéê ëìííîëïåëêéðëñòðæçóôõëöãóçðêåëã÷ëøðóéôõçóôùëúõèçõððæûü ýãæðäæãþÿóêçãõëòôåëïðëòôþðëã÷ëêéçûëòôêðæçôùë0çêéãÿêë0æçêêðõëóãõûðõêëã÷ëñöøúü Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01 203456PRESSURE 734427389 091 9INDICATING 89190(B40.7) GAUGES: DIGITAL 143 ASME B40.100-2005 Table 2 Round !"#$%Flush/Surface "&'()"*+,-! "#./#0 Mounting 1/ 2 # & / ! # &3 14 56 7 " / 8 # . 9 Dimensions (DIN Equivalent) DEC Case 4Size >HC I40J N50J P63O S80J M100 JJ M160 PJ K250 NJ Case DEC 4Size >HC I40J N50J P63O S80J M100 JJ M160 PJ K250 NJ : ;<=><?Bolt :@=Circle >AB@C Mounting 8> DGC=CA Diameter mm >in.< GG K2.01 LJM N51M K2.36 LOP P60J K2.95 LQN R75N O3.74 LRI Q95N I4.57 LNR M116 MP R7.01 LJM M178 RS M10.63 JLPO K270 RJ 6Panel D<C@TU C<><? Opening Diameter 8> DGC=CA mm >in.< GG M1.73 LRO I44I K2.13 LMO N54I K2.64 LPI P67R O3.31 LOM S84I I4.09 LJQ M104 JI P6.46 LIP M164 PI M10J K254 NI orsemiconductor subjected ©to stress. when mechanical Z3.4.2 ªOptical. ./,Light «is to transmitted a measuring photodiode, reflected, or attenuated by an interrupted, object ©such that as a vane moves as the pressure Varies. Z3.4.3 Z[Capacitive. ,/./8Operates ¥onthe ofchang¦ principle distance parallel as ing the orarea ofconductive plates pressure varies. Z3.4.4 4Inductive. #$",./8Variable ¬ or« ¬­®(linear Reluctance LVDT variable differential princi transformer) ¯operates onthe ¦ ple ofchanging of by ferro¦ impedance a coil a moving core as magnetic pressure varies. Z3.4.5 ° Resonant &!##.%Frequency. *7"#,A mechanical resonator in ¦stress of detects pressure-induced by means changes the oscillating frequency. ±Asingle resonator beam or a double—ended force may ¦tuning fork ²resonator sensor be employed. Z3.4.6 ³´ 6Effect. ++,. Hall An electromotive force developed a result a magnetic interacting with a steadyas of field ¦ state current. DEC:@=F:@C 8> DGC=CA Diameter mm >in.< GG J0.14 LMI O3.6LP J0.14 LMI O3.6LP J0.14 LMI O3.6LP J0.19 LMQ I4.8LS J0.19 LMQ I4.8LS J0.23 LKO N5.8LS J0.23 LKO N5.8LS T; =E>VC8> DGC=CA:ofW Outside Diameter DECXD Y>G;G Case, Maximum mm >in.< GG M1.57 LNR I40J M1.97 LQR N50J K2.48 LIS P63O O3.15 LMN S80J O3.94 LQI M100 JJ P6.30 LOJ M160 PJ NOTE: Other types may be transducer available. Q9.84 LSI K250 NJ µ¥¶·¥ Case Bolt Hole Z3.5°4Input # ".£Power !¸* Common of input power are follows: ¹ types as · VDC line º(oz)»¼¬­¹ º(11)½¼¬¹ VAC line battery VDC) º(C)¾¼ ®(internal ¬­¹¯ (d) º¿¼solar Table Z3 Rectangular ,.#0"*[Case &1/ 2#&/!#& Dimensions 3(DIN 1456Equivalent) 7"/8#.9 Height Width \] ^_`a b^ca` Designation mm mm d] e^_fga^hf ^in.fL ii ^in.fL ii M1/15 jMP J0.94 LQI K24I O3.78 LRS Q96P L.ML..L M1.89 LSQ I48S M1.89 LSQ I48S jS J0.94 LQI K24I R7.56 LNP M192 QK 1/8 L.ML..L M1.89 LSQ I48S O3.78 LRS Q96P 1/4 jI M1.89 LSQ I48S R7.56 LNP M192 QK L.OL..L O3.78 LRS Q96P O3.78 LRS Q96P 1/8 jS K2.83 LSO R72K R7.56 LNP M192 QK L... L L O L R S Q P N L P R M II 3.78 5.67 144 96 M1/2j O3.78 LRS Q96P R7.56 LNP M192 QK K LLL N5.04 LJI M128 KS N5.67 LPR M144 II GENERAL NOTE: These kl mlnopmqr lsr `]e]garet]]enclosure fuvhewt]cdimensions. ^i]fe^hfeLxBezels ]y]vez(ifincluded) ^{^fuvwc]c| may}~ be]v larger. ig gt_]tL Z3.6³£Pressure *&&"*[Connection !##,./!# pipe common, usually Taper connections are most ASME B1.20.1. ÅStandard external orinternal per Šƶǧ Á¨§ÅSee para. È3.9.É §1/8À in. NPT,§ 1/4Äin. NPT,or NPT American Á27µà §18ÀµÃ §‘/2Áin. §14ĵà Accuracy Z3.7ÊË ,,"*, General. There ways to express the Z3.7.1 Ê¡¢ #* aretwo ¦ mea- a digital are surement accuracy of pressure gauge. They in percent span / or in allowable indication error of and Ì be noted gauge ofreading. ÍItshould that for percent ranges starting atÎzero, the ofspan ±percent percent equals full of scale. See ÅÏFig. §1. For example: · Diode Available a variety Z3.3.2 ZLight /0'.6Emitting 2/../#01/ !$3(LED). 619 in Ï (cl) If a digital has a span psi and º » ¼Í gauge of§100¨¨ an blue. ofcolors, notably red, orange, yellow, green, and accuracy of of 0.1% span: ¨ § Ð Ñ Ò » Ó · Readable most in ambient lighting conditions except Allowable at§ 100 psi is º(1)Ô¼ indication error ¨¨ bright sunlight. = ¨ X§ 100 0.1 psi ¨ ¨Õ § ¨ § Ð 0.1% Vacuum Usually Z3.3.3 ZZ ,""2%Fluorescent. "!*&,#. amber orgreen in Allowable at§ 10¨ psi is also º(2)Ö¼ indication error These be extremely bright be seen color. can and can in ¨0.1% = ¨ X§ 100 0.1 psi § Ð ¨ ¨Õ § direct Usually more power sunlight. consume than other º(b)½¼ÍIf a digital has a span psi and gauge of§100¨¨ an display types. of¨ 0.1% accuracy §Ð of×reading: Ø»¿ÙÓÚ· Allowable at§ 100 psi is º(1)Ô¼ indication error ¨¨ Transducer Z3.4 *#&$",*Types & psi ¨0.1% §Ð x §100¨¨Õ= ¨0.1§ Allowable is Gauge/ OperZ3.4.1 ¡ Resistive &/&./83(Strain ).*/#¢ "0(£Piezoresistive). /¤!*&/&./89¥ ¦ º(2)Ö¼ indication error at§10¨ psi principle a conductor psi ates onthe ofresistance change of ¨0.1% ¨§ §Ð X §10¨Õ= ¨0.01 f §101¨§ ÛÜÝÞßàáâã äåææçäèÞäãâéäêëéßàìíîäïÜìàéãÞäÜðäñéìâíîàìíòäóîáàîééßôõ öÜßéÝßÜ÷øìãàÜîäëíÞäèéäëí÷éäÜðäãâàôäëíãéßàíòäùàãâÜøãäùßàããéîäìÜîôéîãäÜðäêïñóõ Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01234567866966 0 31311 300 4567 ASME B40.100-2005 GAUGES: PRESSURE DIGITAL INDICATING (B40.7) :; <=;>?@A;BCD EF@ >BGvsHB:; <=;>?@A;BCD I; @JK>A Percentage ofB Span Percentage ofB Reading 2 !"# $%$&''error (("()limit $*$%+(%, "!./ Max. positive of # span) \ 8 IE E E O if !"#$%$&''(("()$*$%+, "-('0$.1/ — K Max. positive error limit (% of reading) _ /- _ Range of 4 .1'"#stated %%'0accuracy 556(57 — _ 3 0 _ Max. negative .' 1%$&''error (("()limit $*$%+(%, "'0$.1/ of ( reading) ; Max. negative .' 1%$&''error (("()limit $*$%+(%, "!./—/ of # span) I I l I l l I l Percentage 8' (5'.%1'". of 9! Span 100 LFig. MNOP1 Accuracy QRRSTURV When a percent a digital downscale readings) a straight line so`\` positioned WX YZ[\ Y]^YZ_`ofa]reading Y[bcZdYerror ]]`]cise[applied \\fcYb_to`[bc dc_[f b` mZe^[fY] Y[bcZdeafrom ]`j [e _][cdX_f cZYe ec_c`ZYb by values minimize maximum deviation. dgauge, [gdYhcit_eshall X[ffbeiY[accompanied ^^`j\[ZcYbi k_the XYl [fgYe`ofa_the XY]range [ZdY [ase_to`jc ZcjcqY_the XYj[ |cjgj bY lc[_c̀Zn within which mc _XcZmX c^X_the XY[accuracy ^^g][^kestatement _[_YjYZ_[applies. \\fcYenThe oXYlvalues [fgYe Terminal Based. The maxiu3. OvOuOPOwLinearity, MUTMzV TyMUU OoXYj[ |c} because `ofa_the XY]range [ZdY[are]Y]required Ypgc]Ybi Y^[geY_the XY[allowable ff̀m[ifYYerror ]]`] jgj mum bY deviation ofa[^ a calibration curve (average upscale l c [ _ c̀Z` [ f c i ] [ _ c̀Z^ g] l Y [ l Y ] [ d Yg\e ^ [ fY pressure [approaches \\]`[^XYeqzero Y]`[ase_the XY\ ]Yeeg]Y[approaches \\]`[^XYeqzero. Y]`nrSeeYY [and downscale readings) from a straight line coinciding Z bb` mZ e ^ [ f Y] Y [ bc Z d e a ] ` j[e _ ] [ c d X _ f c Z Y^ ` c Z ^ c bc Z d sFig. cdnt1.n mc _X_the XY^calibration [fci][_c`Z^curve g]lY[at__the XYg\\ Y][and Zbf̀mY [ZdY with upper lower]] range [fgYen Accuracy beYe stated with a maxiu3.7.2 OvOwLFormat. xTyUzO{^ ^g][^keshould X`gfbi _[_Ybmc _X[j[ |c} lvalues. mum ` ofa_ two digits by %S (percent jgj m`esignificant cdZcac^[Z_bc dc_eafollowed `ff`mYbi k~r \Y]^YZ_ u3. OvOuOPOuLinearity, MUTMzVZero TxU OoXYj[ |cjgj Based. The maximum TheYj` most `ofaespan) \[Z`or]~ \Y]^YZ_`ofa]reading). Y[bcZdnoX e_esignificant cdZcac^[Z_ bY %R (percent deviation ofa[^ a calibration curve (average upscale l c [ _ c̀Z` [ f c i ] [ _ c̀Z^ g] l Y [ l Y ] [ d Yg \e ^ [ fY[and Zb digit may beY[ any whole number. TheYf least bc dc_j[ ki ZkmX `fYZ gjiY]noX Y[e_esignificant cdZcac^[Z_ b` downscale readings) from a straight line so`\` positioned mZ e ^ [ f Y] Y [ bc Z d e a ] ` j [e _ ] [ c d X _f c Z Ye e c _ c ` Z Yb digit when digits used must beY[a a five. bc dc_mX YZ_two m`bc dc_e[are]Yge Ybjg e_i clYn coincide with the calibration curve at the lower [ase_to`^`cZ^cbYmc_X_XY^[fci][_c̀Z^g]lY[__XYf̀mY] {^^Y\_[ifY `_[acceptable ^^Y\_[ifY Acceptable Not to`jc minimize maximum deviation. value ]range [ZdYl [fgY[and Zb_ ZcjcqY_the XYj[ |cjgj bY lc[_c`Zn 0.025% n~ 0.024% n~ Hysteresis. difference at_each u3.7.3.2 OvOuOwV zTMOThe oXYbc aaY]YZ^Y[ Y[^X_test Ye_point \`cZ_ 0.04% n~ 0.041 nt~% between increasing pressure and decreasing pressure i Y _ mY Y Zc Z ^ ] Y [ e c Z d\] Y e e g] Y[ Z bbY ^ ] Y [ e c Z d\] Y eeg]Y t1.5% n~ t1.55% n~ point, from ]readings, Y[bcZdeh[at__the XYesame [jY_test Ye_\ `cZ_h[approached \\]`[^XYba ]`j both i`_X Which MayVQ Affect Accuracy. TheYj` most u3.7.3 OvOuLFactors URzxT MRU RzQ RRSTURVOoX e_ cincreasing decreasing pressure directions, a single Z^]Y[ecZd[and ZbbY ^]Y[ecZd\] Yeeg]Ybc ]Y^_c̀ZehincZ[e cZdfY which ^common `jj`Zafactors [^_`]emX c^X^contribute `Z_]cig_Y_to`_the XY_total `_[f[accuracy ^^g][^k \] in format accuracy. Yeeg]Y^cycle, k^fYhY |\]YeeYbc Z_the XYesame [jYa `]j[_[ase[ ^^g][^kn pressure expressed [are]Yespecified \Y^cacYbcinZ\paras. [][en3.7.3.1 nnnt_through X]`gdX3.7.3.9. nnnnAll {ff`ofa_the XY rSeeYYsFig. ASME B40.1. cdnA-1 {}t`ofa{r ntn must_i beY^ considered when Yerror ]]`]afactors [^_`]ejge `ZecbY]YbmX YZ^comparing `j\[]cZd_the XY maximum difference u3.7.3.3 OvOuOuRepeatability. UzU MMzVOThe oXYj[ |cjgj bc aaY]YZ^Y digital Manufacturers [accuracy ^^g][^kestatements _[_YjYZ_e`ofabc dc_[fdgauges. [gdYen[ Zga[^_g]Y]e between any two or more consecutive indications, under i Y _ mY Y Z[ Z k_ m`` ] j` ] Y^ ` Z e Y ^ g_ c l Yc Z bc ^ [ _ c ` Z ehgZ bY] which included eshall X[ffestate _[_YmX c^Xafactors [^_`]e[are]Yc Z^fgbYbcinZ_the XY[accuracy ^^g][^k _the same operating conditions, for the same applied X Ye [ jY` \ Y ] [ _ c Z d^ ` Z bc _ c̀Z e ha ` ]_ X Ye [ jY[ \\ f cYb user digital estatement _[_YjYZ_cinZ`order ]bY]_to`[allow ff`m_the XYge Y]_to`Yevaluate l[fg[_Ybc dc_[f \] pressure approached from the same direction, expressed Y e e g ] Y[ \ \ ] ` [ ^ X Y ba ] ` j_ X Ye [ jYbc ] Y ^ _ c ` Z h Y | \] Y e e Yb 6 for dgauges. [gdYenrSeeYYesection Y^_c`Za `]]recommended Y^`jjYZbYb_test Ye_procedures. \]`^Ybg]Yen cinZ_the accuracy. XYesame [jYaformat `]j[_[ase[ ^^g][^kn maximum deviation TheYj[ a caliu3.7.3.1 OvOuOPLinearity. MUTMzVOoX |cjgjbY lc[_c`Z`ofa[^ [fc} Display incremenu3.7.3.4 OvOuO¡¢M UVResolution. xSzMxOThe oXYesmallest j[ffYe_c Z^]YjYZ} bration upscale downscale i][_c̀Z^curve g]lY(average [lY][dY`ofag\ e^[fY[and Zbb` mZe^[fY]readY[b} _tal[f^ change ofa_ the input that can beYc indicated by the X [ Z d Y` X Yc Z \g__ X [ _^ [ Zi Z bc ^ [ _ Y bi k_ XY a straight cings) Zdeafrom ]`j [e _][cdX_fline. cZYn display. value bc e\f[knThis oXcel [fgYeshall X[ffbeiYfless Yee_than X[Z_the XY[allowable ff̀m[ifYYerror. ]]`]n maximum A higher TheYj[ does not necessarily better u3. OvOuOPOPLinearity, MUTMzVIndependent. zOoX |cjgj {X cdXY]]resolution Ye`fg_c`Zb` YeZ `_Z Y^Yee[]cfk]reflect YafY^_i Y__Y] deviation a calibration bY lc[_c̀Z`ofa[^ [fci][_c̀Z^curve g]lY(average [lY][dYgupscale \e^[fY[and Zb [accuracy. ^^g][^kn ( t102 £¤¥¦§¨©ª« ¬­®®¯¬°¦¬«ª±¬²³±§¨´µ¶¬·¤´±̈«¦¬¤¸¬¹±´ªµ¶¨´µº¬»¶©¨¶±±§¼½ ¾¤§±¥§¤¿À´«¤̈¶¬³µ¦¬°±¬³µ¿±¬¤¸¬«ª¨¼¬³µ«±§µ̈º¬Á¨«ª¤À«¬Á§¨««±¶¬´¤¶¼±¶«¬¤¸¬²·¹»½ Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01 203456PRESSURE 734427389 091 9INDICATING 89190(B40.7) GAUGES: DIGITAL 143 ASME B40.100-2005 Temperature. !"#$%"&' '(')*+ ,(occur --.'/01 2+a b(b)hd'relay 1;+,(output(s) .86.8e)f Errors may when 3gauge +.314is)1exposed 56()178to(+an2+ambient *941288temperature 1*61'+8.'18that 0+874 : : 1 ' ) differs b(C)rd-current .''128+and 27> (;8+31+analog 2+;(3(output(s) .86.8e)f voltage The1> value :from '(*8the 01-calibration +;49'+84(28temperature. 1*61'+8.'1<=0 +;.1(of:8this 04)1error ''(' b(11)sd61 hold: display +g+and 270 (;7qinstrument 42)8'.*128will /4;;74 )6;+,+and 27' 18+42 peak retain )should 0(.;79 8+817+as)+?( 6+2@A B(or'@A C(or'+as)+?( be1) stated a % of:) span / °C /°F a % of: 8 the 010 4301)8+and 27@( (/1)86' 1)).'1 highest / or'; lowest pressure 'reading/°C 1+7423@AB(or'@A C<=0 ::1-8(of:8temperature 1*61'+8.'1(on2Dzero 1'( b(e)td6' /°F. The11 effect 1))8 1+7q+: 1+8.'1.) 178to(-conserve (2)1'>19 +881', press to(' read: a feature used battery +and 27)span 6+2*+ ,9 11 5 6 ' 1 ) ) 1 7) 1 6+ ' + 8 1 ; , < may be expressed separately. by display draining ;life 4:19 ,)suppressing .66'1))4238the 0174 )6;+,+and 27(other 801'power 6(/1'7' +42423 .2-84(2).2 84;+9 .88(24is)6 '1))17 until a button pressed EF GHI$Temperature !"#$%"JCompensation. K !IL#$HKIMIf: :functions Ambient b u d( **. 2 4 + 8 4 ( 2 ) q (f) communications: 8temperature 1*61'+8.'1-compensation (*612)+84(24is)1employed, *6;(,17N8the 011 ::1-84>1 effective b(1)d}RS—232C aB must be1) specified. 8temperature 1*61'+8.'1'range +231(of:-compensation (*612)+84(2*. )89 61-4:417< b dM &&& 488 IEEE (2) OP" HQ$R(Long-Term SKITU" VStability). $#GHWH$XY&' '(')*+ ,(occur --.' Drift Errors may b d}= HART (3) (over >1'8time. 4*1<=0 4)1error ''(')should 0(.;79 8+817+as)+? 6+2 This be1) stated a % ( of:) span b(4)dMISA SP-50 ka per') specified period (or'?% (of:'reading 1+742361 61-4:4176 1'4(7(of:8time. 4*1< b(5)d8 01' Other power indicator (/6( /1'4 274-+8(' The18 time Z# " %!Time. H=0 4*1'required 1[.4'178to(+achieve -041>1 b(g)vd;low Warmup b(I1)wd+auto .8('ranging +23423 'rated +817+accuracy --.'+-,+after :81'6power (/1'4is)+applied. 66;417< (1') pressure unit xd6' 1)).'1.2 48)selection 1;1-84(2 Adjustment. \]Zero "KF ^_%L$ I$=Two /(9 +)4-Dzero 1'(+adjust7.̀)8a b basic b d9 + 8 8 1 ' ,9 + g .6 backup battery (j)y *1 28*1 80(7)+are'1.) 17/0 4-0-can +2+affect ::1-8+accuracy. --.'+-,< ment methods used which \" #^Accuracy --.'+-,4 '+717+as)) 0(/29 1;(/e(see )11 Grade. is)3 graded shown below The11 entire either b(or)cd=0 284'1)span 6+2(of:8the 014instrument 2)8'.*1284is))shifted 04:8171 4801' 3.8.3 para. 3.7.1): 6+ ' + < < < f q up or'7( down a direct .6( /24in2+74 '1-8'relationship 1;+84(2)046e(without /480(.8+affecting ::1-8423 )span) 6+2f+allowing ;;(/4238the 01.) 1'8to('reset 1)188the 01Dzero 1'(6( 428<B+ '1 user point. Care '+71 k1'*4))49;1&''(' be18 taken method because )should 0(.;79 +g124if:8this 04)*1 80(74is)+available >+4;+9;19 1-+.)1+an2 5A <?(of:)span 6+2 :0.05°/o may be14 incor4incorrect 2-(''1-8Dzero 1'()setting 188423*+ ,-cause +.)14indications 274-+84(2)8to(9 2-('a < ?( :) 6 +2 'rect 1-88throughout 0'(.30(.88the 011entire 284'1'range. +231< :0.25°/o 3A <?(of:)span 6+2 The14 instrument indicate b(b)hd=0 2)8'.*1284is)i”forced” :('-17j8to(4 274-+81Dzero 1'(+as))soon ((2 <?(:)6+2 <?(:)6+2 pressure predetermined +as)8the 014input 26.86 '1)).'17' (6)9 1;(/)some (*16 '17181'*4217 drops below <?(:)6+2 > +;.1<B( **(2;,-called +;;17i”auto +.8(Dzero," 1'(Nj8this 04):feature 1+8.'14is).) .a value. Commonly usuwithin +ally ;;,4incorporated 2-('6('+817/4 80428the 014instruments 2)8'.*128):firmware 4'*/+'1+and 27 reading SAR } <?(of:' 1+7423 $0.050/0 by near 4is)8therefore 01'1:('12not(8+adjustable 7.̀)8+9;19 ,8the 01.user. )1'<kPressures '1)).'1)2 1+' } <?(:'1+7423 $0.250/0 reading 3AR } <?(of:' 1+7423 Dzero 1'(*+ ,9 g1/17(or'2 (84indicated. 274-+817< may be1) skewed not } < ?( :' 1 +7423 Other lm$ n"oFactors. #p$K"LkPosition, ()484(2N>vibration, 49'+84(2N+accelera--1;1'+a } <?(:'1+7423 8tion, 4(2N1etc.8-< } <?(:'1+7423 Grade Permissible Error 4A :0.1°/a of span 2A A :0.5°/a of span :1.0°/a of span B :2.0°/a of span 4AR :O.1°/o of reading 2AR AR :O.5°/o of reading 11.0% of reading BR :2.0°/o of reading Options 3.8\VSelection Wp$HKI#and I^m! $HKIL 3.9lInstallation IL$#WW#$HKI Before using a pressure consideration 1 : 1.) 423+6' 1)).'13gauge, +.31N(2)471'+84(2)should 0(.;7 The1: following a list 3.8.1 \EVSelection. Wp$HKI=0 (;;(/4234is)+; 4)8(of:-criteria '481'4++a 9134>(1'28 2>4'(2*128+;-conditions (27484(2))such .-0+ 1*61'+a be given to(1 environmental as)8 tempera- user before a pressure .) 1')should 0(.;7-check 01-g9 1:('1)selecting 1;1-8423+6' 1)).'13gauge: +.31q 8ture process), .'1e(ambient +*94128+and 276 '(-1))fNhumidity, 0.*4748,Nvibration, >49'+84(2Npulsa6.;)+a pressure unit(s) measure b(61)cd6' 1)).'1'range +231+and 27.2 48e)f(of:*1 +).'1 tion, shock, and the possible need for protective 8 4 (2N) 0(gN+ 278 016() ) 4 9; 121 1 7: ('6' (8 1 -84>1 b(19)hd+accuracy --.'+-, attachments and/ or special installation requirements. + 8 8 + 0 *1 2 8 )+ 2 7@( ') 6 1 4 + ;4 2 ) 8 + ; ; + 8 4 ( 2' 1 [ .4 ' 1 *1 28)< display b(C)rd74 )6;+,'resolution 1)(;.84(2 Refer 4). to Safety (see section }1 : 1 '8 ( + : 1 8 ,e ) 1 1) 1 8 4 ( 2 f < b(d)sd-case +)1)size 4D1+and 27*+ 81'4+; material The16' pressure must8be compatible with the =0 1)).'1-connection (221-84(2*.) 91(*6+849;1/4 808 01 b(e)td8transducer '+2)7.-1'8type ,61 mating connection, and appropriate assembly tech*+ 8 4 23( 221 8 4 ( 2N+ 27+ 66' ( 6' 4 + 8 1+ ) ) 1 *9 ; ,8 1 0a display b(f)ud'readability: 1+7+94;48,q74 )6;+,8type ,61+and 27)size 4D1 For example, improper tightniques must89 be1.8 utilized. 2 4 [ .1 )*.) 4 ; 4 D 1 7<C ( '1 5 + *6; 1 N4 *6' ( 6 1 '8 4 3 0 8a process b(g)vd6' (-1))-connection (221-84(28thread 0'1+7)size 4D1+and 278type ,61 ening could create a stress or strain in the transducer 12423-(.;7-'1+81+)8'1))(')8'+42428018'+2)7.-1' b(h)wd8temperature 1*61'+8.'1-compensation (*612)+84(2 a shift the damage 1element, ;1*128N-causing +.)423+) 04:84in28 013gauge +.31'reading, 1+7423N7+ *+31 materials wetted joints b(1')xd*+ 81'4+;)(of:/1 88176parts +'8)+and 27` (428) components. Installation to the case, or'( other internal 8 (8 0 1+ ) 1 N( 8 0 1 '4 2 8 1 ' 2 + ;( *6 ( 2 1 2 8 ) <M 2 ) 8 + ; ; +84(2 b(j)yd1environmental 2>4'(2*128+;-conditions (27484(2) the of:8 the gauge should be1+ accomplished by tightening ( 0 13 + .3 1) 0 ( . ; 79 ( *6 ; 4 ) 0 1 79 ,8 4 3 0 8 1 2 4 2 38 01 power b(k)zd6( /1''requirements 1[.4'1*128)+and 271electrical ;1-8'4-+; pressure connection using wrench flats if provided. Con6'1)).'1-(221-84(2.)423/'12-0:;+8)4:6'(>4717<B(2a -connection (221-84(28type ,61 proper procedures. )sult .;8)supplier .66;41':for('6 '(61'6' (-17.'1)< mounting b(I){d*( .28423 RFI, EMI,N: fluorescent lighting, b(m) |d2noise: (4)1q}C MN&~M ;.('1)-128; 4308423N1etc.8-< SAFETY FoRECOMMENDATIONS JmPFmV 4 V in hazb(rt)d)safety +:18,-considerations: (2)471'+84(2)q3generation 121'+84(2(of:)sparks 6+'g)4 20 +Da +ardous '7(.)+areas, '1+)N1etc.8-< 4.1EVScope pK! The1: following a partial presents information users, Options. 3.8.2 \m! $HKIL=0 (;;(/4234is)+6+ '84+;;list 4)8(of:(options 684(2) =0 This 4))section 1-84(26' 1)128)4 2:('*+84(28to(3guide .471.) 1')N)sup.6a pliers, the haza user before +.) 1')should 0(.;7-consider (2)471'9 1:('1:final 42+;)selection: 1;1-84(2q manufacturers minimizing 6;41')N+and 27*+ 2.:+-8.'1')8toward (/+'7*4 24*4D4238 010 +Da that could misuse misapplication of: b(a)cd+alarm(s) ;+'*e)f +ards '7)8 0+8(.;7'result 1).;8:from '(**4 ).)1(or'*4 )+66;4-+84(2( American Mechanical Engineers. Copyright ¡¢£¤¥©¦§2006 ¨¨©¦ªby¦the ¥¤«¦¬­« ¡¢®¯°¦±Society ®¢«¥¦of²¦³« ®¤¯°¢®¯´¦µ° £¢°««¡¶· No material ASME. ¸¡reproduction «¡¹º®¥¢°¦may ­¯¦ªbe«¦made ­¯¹«¦of²¦¥this ¤¢¶¦­¯ ¥«¡¢̄´¦without »¢¥¤º¥¦written »¡¢¥¥«°¦®consent °¶«°¥¦of²¦¬± ³µ· 01234567866966 0 31311 300 4567 ASME B40.100-2005 GAUGES: PRESSURE DIGITAL INDICATING (B40.7) with gauges. !"# should #$%&' ($)* )+%+,+ -# 54.2.6 676vw ?C=9:KQEffects. JJ9AK@6xFire +and .&explosions M%$+$.,+ -#+. a pressure The user become familiar Violent within % % ( + $ . $ *# + / . & &0 % % ( $ * * 1 1 ) ( .( * + % !x + % + . $)4 all sections of this Standard, as all aspects of safety pressure system can cause failures. Failure in a ( combe( covered Consult produce violent effects. (cannot ..$-' $2&+in.-this #+section. (-+$.!3$ .%--the #supplier %+ &gassystem 1-) (can. $&(2 +$%.- **(-!Violent y+$%.pressed *for$advice &2+(,# .2-there #+is. (-+.-1about '$--the #appli%+4 effects **(-) 1also %$' $&(&' 1$other -#* +%( whenever uncertainty may be produced by failure causes (cation. -+$.! +including, .(%&+.0' -. $ -% + )+ &$# * $ % % $ ,+ . _ but not limited to the following: ([1) hydrogen ` a b# 1 & $ .embrittlement )'+--%).54.26789 :9;<=>? @AB@@?C: General Discussion `(b)cb( $.-)+. -+$.$of*a (compressed $)&gas contamination db* $) -+$.$of*acetylides (-1%+& (C) formation 54.2.1 676DEPlanning. =<::?:F6G& H -safety *-1results %-*from $) +intelli.-%%+4 ` Adequate weakening joints wetted parts `(d)eb, r.+.$of*soft $*-soldered $%&&O $+.-$of*, --& - planning gent .-% ..+.and .&(careful *%selection %(-+$.and .&+installation .-%%-+$.$of* by -) $or$other -## -sources $( steam heat gauges +into .-$a pressure system. 1-)!"# should #$%&+inform .*$) '1 The user r.+.$of*soft $*-soldered $%&&$orsilver +%2' Z&O $+.- weakening brazed joints pertinent -the #supplier %+$of*all%%(conditions $.&+-+$. -+..--to$-the #application %+(-+$. `(e)fb, wetted parts caused by heat --& -( &' 1# -sources $(such (#as*fires + .&environment .2+$.).-so$-that # --the #supplier %+(can.recommend ($)).& $of*, and `(f)gb(corrosion $$+$. -the #)$ -suitable +-'%gauge *for$-the #application. %+(-+$.! most ` h b* -+ (g) fatigue The# history with respect 54.2.2 6767ISafety. <J9KL6"# +-$1$of*safety *-1,+ -# (--to$ `(/1)ib) mechanical (# .+(%shock #$(r -the # gauges #has' .excellent. M(%%.-!NInjury .O1-to$ `(1')jbexcessive use$ of* pressure been M ( + 2 2 + ' -+$. vibration personnel have been minimal. $..%and .&&damages ) -to$property $-1# 2' .)+ .+) %! 676zpC U9@CofJEPressure ;9@@B;98< BF9{Failure <?=B;9 Modes Gauge most been misuse NIn.)$ -+instances, .-.(0-the #(cause $of**failure +%#has' .)+ 54.2.7 misapplication. $or)+ %+(-+$.! failure by -+* +%(caused &' 1 676z6D{Fatigue <K?FB9{Failure. <?=B;96xFatigue 4 + . & ( & . % % 1$ ( ( * $ )# + . + & pressure-induced stress generally occurs from the inside The pressure54.2.3 676PQElastic =<@K?AQElement =9R9:KS(Transducer). T;<:@UBA9;V6"# 4 -to$-the #$outside -+&along %$.a highly #+#%1stressed -&edge & &+!/Such (# radius. sensing .+.element %).-+in.)$ -gauges + 'O(-&-to$# +# *failures most is subjected high are usually more critical with compressed gas + % % % 1)$ ( + + ( %,+ #( $ ) & +internal .-. %stresses, -0and .&applications %+(-+$.exist M+-,# -the #$ +4 ) where possimedia than with liquid media. &+ # .,+ #% + H + &) &+ ! bility present. Pressure '+%+-1$of*(catastrophic --$#+(*failure +%+is .-!W regula%4 diaphragm pulsation -tors, $0&+ #) X(chemical) (#)+(%Yseals, %0% -+$.&dampers )$or 676z67|} 9;~;9@@B;9{Failure. <?=B;96Overpressure 2* +% Overpressure failure snubbers, .''0syphons, 1#$.0and .&$other -#similar +)+%+items, -)0areavailable 2+%'% +is(caused by &' 1-the #application %+(-+$.$of*+internal .-. %pressure greater - use+ in potentially hazardous The# haz*for$ .-these # $-.-+%%1# Z&$systems. 1-)!"# Z4 -than of*the occur # .-the #rated -&%limits +)+-$ #elastic %-+(element %).-and .&(can.$ (( ard higher pressure. &potential $-.-+%+increases .(at-# +#$operating -+. ! ,# when in .a low %$, pressure -transducer .&(+ .-%%&+ .a high #+# is+ installed $ -$orsystem. 1-)!The "# **(-$ 2* +%4 pressure port effects of*$ overpressure fail54.2.4 6765[< \<;UCB@ISystems L@K9R@<and/or :U]C;^Conditions. C:U?K?C:@6/Systems 1-) Hazardous ure, usually more critical in compressed gas systems 0 % % 1)$ ( + + ( %+ .( $ ) & 1 ) such (#as,0but '-not .$-%limited +)+-&-to$-the #*following, $%%$,+.0are(considered $.+&& -than in unpredictable may # .+ .%liquid-filled +H+&4*+%%&systems, 1-)0are. &+(-'%and .&) 1 potentially must-' be( carefully $-.-+%%1#hazardous Z&$and .&) *%%1evaluated: 2 % -&_ (cause direction. $ % % &+ . . 1&+ ( + $ . ! parts to$' be propelled in any `(a)ab(compressed $)&gassystems 1-) Placing or restrictor the pressure inlet W% (+.a snubber .''$ -+(-$+in.# + .%`(19)cb$oxygen 1-) may not reduce the immediate effect of** failure, but will ) 1. $ - & ( # + )) &+ * * ( -$ + % 0 ' -,+ %% hydrogen hydrogen `(C)dbsystems 1-)(containing $.-+.+.#1 &$.$or*free #1 &$. #help flow of* escaping fluid following rupture % ( $ . $ %* % $ , $ ( + . * % + &* $ % % $ ,+ . control atoms -$) and reduce the potential of* secondary effects. . & & ( # $ . + %$ ( $ . & 1 * * ( ! `(d)eb(corrosive $$+2*fluid %+&systems 1-)X(gas and .&%liquid) +H+&Y pressure #$-&duration -+$. +impulses )%X(pressure spikes) +rY `(e)fb systems 1-)(containing $.-+.+.any .1explosive M%$+2$or )may/Short pressure occur in hydraulic orpneumatic systems, especially 1$ ( ( + .# 1 & % + ($ . ) + ( 1 ) 0 (+%%1 mixture medium *flammable %)) '%)+ M-$or) &+) when valves open or( close. The magnitude of*the spikes ,# .2 % 2 $ .$ % $ ! "# ) . + &$ # +r `(f)gbsteam -) systems 1-) may be) many times the normal operating pressure, ) 1' . 1+ ) # . $ ) % $ + . 0and .& pressure `(g)hb.nonsteady $.-&1 systems 1-) may not be indicated by the instrument. The result could ) 1. $ ' + . &+ ( &' 1# + . ) . ! "# % ( $ %& where beacci`(h)ibsystems 1-),# #high +#$overpressure 2(could $%&' ((+4 be immediate failure, or a% large upscale error. A snubber ' + )) &+ * + % 0 $ ( % $ ! G . ' ' dentally & .-%%1applied %+& or restrictor may reduce the magnitude of*the pressure $ + ( $ ) 1 & ( # ) . + &$ # wherein `(i)jbsystems 1-),# +.+interchangeability .-(# .'+%+-1$of*gauges spikes transmitted to$the transducer. + r . )+ &# . & ( ! hazardous (could $%&result %-+in.# Z &$+internal .-. %(contamination $.-)+. -+$.$or "# The use$ of*a pressure limiter valve isolate % +)+-2 %2(can.+ $%--the # where be+ installed higher ,# %lower $,pressure gauges (could $%&' .-%%&+in.# +# pressure gauge from pressures greater than the rated * $ ) # .# & pressure systems 1-) the %limits +)+-$of*-the #elastic %-+(element, %).-0protecting $-(-+.#gauge *from $) `(j)kbsystems 1-)(containing $.-+.+.radioactive &+$ (-+2$or-toxic $M+(*fluids %+&X(liq%+H4 $overpressure pressure limiter valve device 2*failure. +%!AG % +)+-2 %2+isa & 2+( uids + &$orgases) Y the designed rising pressure, -that # -+is& +.&-to$(close %$$on. ++. 0limiting %+)+-+.# `(k)lbsystems 1-)+installed .-%%&+in.a #hazardous Z&$environment .2+$.).- pressure the device. The( closing pressure at--the #$outlet -%-$of*#& 2+(!"# %$+. isadjustable be set close the rated &O-'%and .&should #$%&' --to$( %$above '$2# -& Unique Media. be used 54.2.5 676mn: ?oB9p9 U?<6When q#.gauges are-to$' &+in. + pressure and below the proof pressure of the elastic . &' % $ , # $ $ * $ *# % -+( uncertain with media (contact $.-(-,+ -#) &+having #2+.rknown .$,.$or. (-+.(corrosive $$+2 element. Complete information regarding pressure lim% ) . ! 3$ ) % + . * $ ) + $ . &+ . % + )4 be radioactive, unique effects **(-$orrknown .$,.-to$' &+$(-+20random .&$) $or. +H +iter valves is( contained in ASME B40.6—1994, -2 %2+ $.-+.&+ .G/ u t!4su0Pressure ff destructive & -(-+2phenomena #.$). (can.$occur. ((!NIn.such (#(cases -the # Limiter user Valves. j j f a f ! should #$%&always %, 1*furnish .+#-the #supplier %+$ormanufacturer ) .*(-with ,+-# occurs 676z6P^Corrosion C;;C@?C:{Failure. <?=B;96Corrosion 3$$+$.*failure +%$ (( +information .*$) -+$.relative %-+2-to$-the #application %+(-+$.and .&solicit $%+(+-#his+ advice when has' been weakened through ,# .-the #elastic %-+(element %).-# ., r.&#$# &2+(prior +$-to$+installation .-%%-+$.$of*-the #gauge. ! I s104tu ¡¢£¤¥¡¢¡¦§¢¢¨© ª«¬¢¡¡«¤¨¡¡¦­¬­¢¢¨¢¤£¥§© Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01 203456PRESSURE 734427389 091 9INDICATING 89190(B40.7) GAUGES: DIGITAL 143 ASME B40.100-2005 attack corrosive !!"#$%chemicals &%'#(") !%"%*#in*%either #&%!the &%'% +# or!other &%!"similar #'#(!+% $#%e0&# && %*"seemingly %%'#*/( device, which has"% been by present media #inside *"#+%or!the &%%environment *$#!*'%*outside ,"#+%#it.-.Failure #(,!%' , ! % Q & ," % +{% )% * +# * / * & % ,! * +! */%of1the &% exhausted. Depending on the accuracy and range may occur hazardous pressure may remain the tank pinhole walls as")# *& (%(leakage %/%through &!,/&the &%%element (%'%*0 (("or!%early !( /gauge, ,/%e& x!+ ,") !%"",!%' ! %'#*#in* &% *%even $%* 1fatigue #/,%1failure #(,!%+due ,%to "stress !%""cracking !#*/ !,/&about , though & ,/&the &%/gauge ,/%# *+##*/x %! pressure. )!%"",!%is"# indicating zero brought by chemical &%'#(+% %!#!#*or!%embrittlement '!#(%'%*of1the &%' %!#(- 7& )%!!' +% $%()1 ("%"sense %*"%of1" %,!# The%operator may develop a false security deterioration material. 2 +# ) & ! / ' 3 & % '# ( 4" % (" & ,( + % * " # +% ! % + 0& % * & %/ ,/ %# * +# % "x % ! !* % !x % ! )! %"",!% when the gauge indicates zero or near zero pressure A diaphragm (chemical) seal should be considered 1for!," &)! %"",!%'% +#that &' & $% !!"#$% %even $%*though & ,/&there &%!%' ,"*#() !%"",!%# *the &% may be%" substantial pressure in use%0# with pressure media may have a corrosive %effect 11%on*the &%%elastic ("#%element. (%'%*"system. "%'-2$ %*#*/+% $#%'," %+to completely ')(%%( A venting device must be%," used %+,%the &%)! %"",!% %! |before }~},*( #*/ $%!"e reduce pressure to x zero unlocking covers, addition 567897& ++##*of1+# )&!/' "seal %(' +% /!+%accuracy ,! ! NOTE: The% a diaphragm may degrade removing performing activities. %' $#*/1fittings, ##*/"eor!)% !1!'#*/other &%!"similar #'#(! #$##%"both. ASME B40.2 %*"##$#or! &-:See%%2: ;8<= >-?1for!complete ')(%%#information. *1!'#*- ! or!" sensitivity AlAliCompatibility HqFNWJVJGJWoJ WWthe LL _JOqA7&%0% %+ With Medium. The wetted 4.3.3 @ ABACA@DExplosive EFGHIJKLMFailure. NJGOPLA8Q )("#$%1failure #(,!%#is" @ Explosive must be% carefully for! compatibility with )!"'," !%1,(("selected %(%%+1 ')##(#0# & by by caused ,"%+ the &%!release %(%"%of1%explosive Q)("#$%%energy *%!//generated %*%!%+ parts is"# impervi&%'% +#,'-None 5 *%of1the &% '' *' %!#("# ')%!$#R medium. common materials &%'#(!reaction %#*"such ,&as"can *!result %",(0& %*adiabatic +## the a chemical when $%!type )%of1chemical &%'#( attack. compression ')!%""#*of1oxygen Q/%*occurs ,!"#in*the &%)presence !%"%*%of1hydro&+!R ous,"to %every Generally means precarbons. ! *"-S% *%!((there &%!%#is"*no known * 0*'% *"of1)! %R @ Gauge Hazardous AlA@uI LHofnfN OaLJinXN NP_HOIDEnvironment. XKJPHXqLXWAThe 7&% 4.3.4 Use dicting magnitude +# #*/the &%' /*#,+%or!%effects 11%"of1this &#"type )%of11failure. #(,!%- %electric (%!#or!%electronic (%!*#) !"# *+# /#() !%"",!%/gauge ,/% parts in a digital pressure @ ABACATU JVPNWJHXMFailure. NJGOPLA7& "common '' *' +% ' Vibration The%' most mode )(%of1) !+,#*/%energy *%!/( %$%(""sufficient ,11##%*to may be% capable producing levels of1$ vibration where #!#*1failure #(,!%#is"that &0& %!%components ') *%*"and *+Y/ or! !release incendiary energy. This can be% an source %(%"%# *%*+#!% *%!/-7& #" * *#ignition /*##*" ,!% connectors **%!"+# "(+/%1from !'their &%#!"sockets. %"-ZInstruments *"!,'%*"that & 1for!%explosion dislodge when fuels Q)("#*0& %*1 ,%("and *+oxidizers Q#+#x%!"are!%) !%"%*-The 7&% present. are!%"subject ,[%to high &#/&or!constant *"*vibration $#!#*"should & ,(+ %!#R ," be%) peri%!"should & ,(+"select %(%/ ,/%that &#is""suitable ,#(%1 * &% user a gauge for!," use%# in the odically +#((checked &%%+1for!these &%"%1failure #(,!%'modes. +%""specific )%#1#&hazardous x!+ ,"%environment. *$#!*'%*Vibration-Induced @ ABACA\U JVPNWJHX]^X_O`L_MFatigue NWJaOLMFailure. NJGOPLAZIn*addi++#R @ AlATDElectromagnetic GL`WPHqNaXLWJ`^Interference. XWLPnLPLX`LA2*% (%!*# An electronic 4.3.5 tion #*to #its"%effect 11%on*the &%#instrument's *"!,'%*b"%electronics (%!*#"3(see "%%) !- +% para. device may be%" susceptible to % electromagnetic $#%' %emit '#or! ,"%)#(% (%!'/*%# may, high = -?-c-d4$vibration #!#*' e#in*"some '%#instances, *"*%"e!result %",(#in*& #/& interference The%% emissions from device may *%!1%!%*%3(EMI). 8;Z4-7& '#""#*"1 !' one *%+% $#%' pressure (loading +#*/of1$various !#,")parts !"of1the &%) !%"",!%%element (%'%*assem""%'R # Electromagnetic cause ,"%another * &%!+% $#%to malfunction. '(1,*#*-8( %!'/*%# device bly. This (-7& #"(loading +#*/could ,(+cause ,"%cracks !"#in*the &%%element (%'%*#itself, "%(1e compatibility, emission susceptibility, ')##(#e#including *(,+#*/% '#""#*" ,"%)##(#eand *+ or!# in joints. pressure buildup may *[ #*"-7Transducer !*"+,%!%enclosure *(",!%)! %"",!% ,#(+,)' %electrostatic discharge should be considered if digital (%!"#+#"&!/%"& ,(+%*"#+%!%+#1+#/#( be a large hole may %"slow, (0ebut ,#it#is")possible ""#(%that &( !/%& (%' "suddenly ,++%*( pressure to )! %"",!%/gauges ,/%"are!%to be%," %+# * ("%)! Q#'# used in close proximity develop, with a high pressure which +% $%()e0# && #/&!rate %of1case "%)! %"",!%!rise, #"%e0& #& other &%!%electronic (%!*#+% $#%"devices. could ,(+!result %",(#in*1 #(,!%"similar #'#(!to an*%explosive Q)("#$%1failure. #(,!%- @ a failure requirements must AlA\hPower HLPpRequirements. LOJPLqLXWIAPower 0%!! %,#!%'%*"'," 4.3.6 General Although rare, @ ABACACfL XLPNGDElectronics GL`WPHXJ̀IMFailure. NJGOPLA2( & ,/&! !%e be% ') ( # % +0# & $ # +# * " ! ,'% * + ' / % * +Y/ or! complied with to avoid instrument damage and The%' most %electronic (%!*#components ') *%*"+do 1fail. #(-7& "common '' *causes ,"%" personal injury. )% ! " * (# * [ ,! are!%%excessive Q%""#$%&heat, %e%excessive Q%""#$%& ,'#+#and *+(line #*%tran!*R @AlACHIIHnhPower. humidity AWhen &%*+# /#(/gauge ,/%( "%" 4.3.7 Loss of HLP a digital loses "sients. #%*"power the display will go blank. Extreme caution should ) 0% ! & %+# " )( 0# ( ( / ( * 8Q ! % '% , # *" & , (+ @4.2.8 ABAghPressure PLIIOPLiConnection. HXXL`WJHXA:See%%!recommendations %''%*+#*"#in* be used when disconnecting the process connection %," % +0&% *+# " **% # */ &%)! % " " **% # * ) !-j3.6.-kpara. may be%)! present. %,"%)! %"",!%' "still #(( %"%*because pressure @4.3AlmSafety NnLWopRecommendations L`HqqLX_NWJHXI Gauges @4.4A@pReuse LOILHofnhPressure PLIIOPLfN OaLI Pressure. Operating pressure gauge @A lAr sFL PNWJXahP LIIOPLAThe 7&%)! %"",!%/ ,/% @ 4.3.1 4.4.1 A@AriConsideration HXIJ_LPNWJHXnforHPpReuse. LOILAZItis#"*not!recommended %''%*+%+ have a full pressure "selected %(%%+"should & ,(+& $%1 ,((!range */%)! %"",!%"such ,&that &the &% that &)! %"",!%/gauges ,/%" $%+1from !' one *%application ))(##*to pressure be%' moved pressure middle )%!#*/) !%"",!%occurs ,!"#in*the &%'# ++(%&half (13(25% ?dt to operating for the following another reasons: * & % !1 ! & %1 ( ( 0# * /! % " * " 9 The%1 full pressure c75%) dt4of1the &%!range. */%-7& ,((!range */%)! %"",!%of1the &%/gauge ,/% (a) Chemical }compatibility. |The 7&%consequences *"%,%*%"of1incom#*'R be approximately "selected %(%%+"should & ,(+% ))!Q#'%(two 0 times #'%"the &% patibility can range from contamination to explosive ) # # ( # *! * / %1 ! ' * '# * # * % Q )( "#$% pressure. be%* necessary #intended *%*+%+operating )%!#*/) !%"",!%-:Should & ,(+#it %%""!1for! 1failure. For example, moving an oil service gauge to # ( ,! % -. !% Q ')( % e' $ # * / * # (" % ! $ # %/ ,/ % pressure the &%operating )%!#*/)! %"",!%to %exceed Q%%+c75% dt of11full ,((!range, */%econ-*R oxygen service can result in explosive failure. Q / % *" % ! $ # % *! % " , ( # *% Q ) ( " # $ %1 # ( , ! % tact the &%"supplier ,))(#%!1for!!recommendations. %''%*+#*"Partial fatigue. The%1 first may# involve (la)| ~ }7& #!"#installation *"((#*' *$ ($% UseLH ofnfN Gauges Near The%," use%of1 pressure @4.3.2 AlABuI OaLIvL NPwZero LPHhPressure. PLIIOPLA7& pulsation that has expended most of1the gauge )! % " " , ! %) ,( " # * & & "% Q ) % * +% +' " & %/ ,/% pressure recommended /gauges ,/%"*near %!xzero %! )! %"",!%#is"*not! %''%*+%+ %,"% (life, because resulting in early fatigue in the second installation. # 1 % e ! % " ,( # * /# *% ! ( 1 # / ,%# * & %" % * +# * " ( ( #*may be%( a large percentage the &%accuracy ,!tolerance (%!*%' !/%)% !%*/%of1the &% (C) Corrosion. Corrosion pressure element !!"#*of1the &%)! %"",!%% (%'%* pressure. a 0/100 psi#S! Grade applied ))(#%+)! %"",!%-ZIf,1e1for!%example, Q')(%e> Yy>>)" +%<B assembly installation in the first may be%" sufficient to " " % ' ( # * & %1 # ! " # * " ( ( # *' , 1 1 # #%* used measure 4 psi,# /gauge ,/%#is"," %+to '% ",!%=)" ethe &%accuracy ,!of1measure'%",!%R cause early failure in the second installation. ," %% ! ( 1 # ( ,! %# * & %" % * +# * " ( ( # * ment will be%z?)" : 2 psi, : 50% pressure. '% *0# (( #eor!zd >t of1the &%applied ))(#%+) !%"",!%not be%," used Other reusing a gauge, .For!this &#"!reason, %"*e/gauges ,/%""should & ,(+* %+1for!the &% @ A@ABsW LPiConsiderations. HXIJ_LPNWJHXIAWhen &%*! %,"#*// ,/%e 4.4.2 purpose pressure a tank, in relative ), !) "%of1#indicating *+##*/the &%)! %"",!%#in* *eautoclave, ,($%e all((/guidelines ,#+%(#*%"covered $%!%+# *this &#":Standard *+!+3(B40.7) <=>-c4! %(#$% [ y1 >05d ¡¢£¤¥¦§ ¨©ªª«¨¬¢¨§¦­¨®¯­£¤°±²³̈ °¤­§¢¨´µ̈­°¦±²¤°±¶¨·²¥¤²­­£¸¹ º £­¡£»¼°§¤²¨¯±¢¨¬­¨¯±»­¨´¨§¦¤̧¨¯±§­£¤±¶¨½¤§¦¼§¨½£¤§§­²°̈²¸­²§¨´¨®³µ·¹ Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01234567866966 0 31311 300 4567 ASME B40.100-2005 GAUGES: PRESSURE DIGITAL INDICATING (B40.7) Table 4 Cleanliness !"!##$Levels %# 0&&'()*&+1Size ,-+)and./01 ).2,23 Allowable Quantity Particles )42,5&+6 7Fibers ,*+46 Hydrocarbon 83 /4'5)4*'. Maximum Maximum 2) 9,:1: 2) 9,:1: ;PDT" ;: Size Size 1, -+ 01 ).2,23 1, -+ 01 ).2,23 >[Note '2+(3)], ?@A Quantity Quantity Maximum (Micrometers) 2,54':+2+46 >[Note '2+(2)]@ (Micrometers) 2,54':+2+46 >[Note '2+(2)]@ 2) 9,:1: CDH LFLN CDH LFLN CDH LFLN CDH LFLN CDH LFLN No limit No limit No limit No limit No limit Cleanliness &+).&,.+66 Level +<+& General +.+4)&Cleanliness &+).&,.+66Requirements +=1,4+:+.26 to'0 All >[Note '2+(1)] 8@ 0Applicable ;;&,5)*&+2 &&Levels +<+&6 BI CD EFGHIcleanliness HJGKHLKJMMGattained NNGLKJO Normal Nthrough PEDQRPPhigh LRPMstandard NGKOGEOMshop PDS Spractices EGINLIJM BT UG QRJMshall PGHHVbeJWfree EJJDofWXvisually LMQGHHY ZLess JMMNthan PGK[100 \\ CDH LFLN ZLess JMMN PGK]700 \\ No limit than Gauge ^[Note CDNJ_(4)] `ab_(unaided QKGLOJOJeye) YJa [100/500 \\cd\\ e25d ]700/1000 \\c[\\\ Odetectable JNJINGVHJFD LMNQEJGand KOWforeign DEJLRK fX JEd500 \\ \0 fX JE[1000 \\\ Over Over moisture FG NNJE_(chips, IPLSMgMslivers, HLXJEMghJ HOMslag HGR matter weld DorEMsplatter, SHGNNJEgMshop PDSMsoil, DLHgRgreases, EJGMJMg Doils, LHMgDorEDother NPJEIcontaminants) DKNGFLKGKNMaN PGN that mechanically Icould DQHOVbeJFJ IPGKLIGHHY Odetrimental JNELFJKNGHNtoDSproper EDSJEWfunction QKINLDK DofWRgauge GQRJ NOTES: Cfi jkl _(1)[aZLevels JXJHMBIIBGand KOBIIIBBLintentionally KNJKNLDKGHHYDomitted. FLNNJOm Quantity _(2)eanQ GKNLNYo= Knumber QFVJEVbyYIcount DQKNSperJEMsolvent DHXJKNWflush. HQMPm within the wetted _(3)paSppm SFSperJEMsolvent DHXJKNWflush HQMP_(approximately GSSEDqLFGNJHYNthePJXvolume DHQFJIcontained DKNGLKJOhL NPLKN PJhJ NNJOSparts). GENMam _(4)`ajExcluding qIHQOLKRSparticle, GENLIHJgWfiber, LVJEgGand KOPhydrocarbon YOEDIGEVDKOdetection JNJINLDKSprocedures. EDIJOQEJMm CDH LFLN No limit [10\ \0 d50\ rtostapplication uuvwxtrwsysofz{gauges t|{}~~should s|v svvs}winyrthe }~same t} ²Inspection !#³´µ"¶!· ¶Cleanliness !"!## for be}z followed 5.3 manner when a new t yy}tas~ }yty }{gauge t|{}wis~~selected. }v}xr} Hydrocarbon may be}} determined by ¸ sxtsyxconcentration syx}yrtrwsyt r}wy} } rs~~such |xtas~winfrared yzt}~spectrophotometry u}xrsusrs}rs vtx¦ methods or blackradiation of the wave type vlight w{r(ultraviolet) |vrtwsv}r twtrwsyszr }vlong sy{t }r u} 5 CLEAN $$LINESS 3 600 nm)], where ¹[approximately tuuswtr}vº± °°tangstrom y{~rs units |ywr~(360 º±°y » }} rthe }~solvent sv}yr|~ }rtoszflush v|~rthe }} rr}ut r~wis~}evaluated. tv|tr} used wetted parts General 5.1 ! When black methods are ¼ }y vtx¦vlight w{rradiation twtrwsy} rs~t }}employed, uvs} This~~ section provides w }xrwsyu sw}~~standardized rtytw}reference }z}}yx}zfors rthe manufacturer should ascertain that the solvent used }t y |z t x r | } ~ s |v t ~ x } r t w yr t r r }~ s v }yr|~ } {gauge t|{}|users ~}~winy~specifying u}xwzwy{xcleanliness v}tyvwy}~~requirements }|w}}yr~tand y w will dissolve v v w ~ ~ s v }t v v s x t s y ~r t r x s | v } ~ } y r t y all hydrocarbons that could be}u present and {guidance |wtyx}rtost y|ztxr|}~winy} }rwy{rthese }~}require}|w} rthat manufacturers meeting all hydrocarbons are detectably fluorescent under t rt v v s x t s y ~t }} r } x r t v z v |s } ~ x } y r| y } ments. } yr~ black light. Itrt may be}y necessary for the gauge manufac v t x ¦v w { r } x } ~ ~ t z s r }{ t |{ }t y |z t x Ifz{gauge t|{}xcleanliness v}tyvwy}~~wis~wimportant usrtyrzforsrthe }tapplication uuvwxtrwsy rturer tost add fluorescent additives tosx certain suspected | } r z v |s } ~ x } y rt w r w } ~r } r t w y~ |~ u } x r } ~such |xtas~zfors|~ y}equipment |wu}yrzforszfood ssu sx}~~wy{vlife wz} xcontaminants use}s on processing, make detection possible. rtwytyr~rtost ¦}rtheir }w} r}xrwsyus ~~wv} user ~support, |uusrsorsoxidizing wwwy{zfluids, v|w~rthe }|~ }~should s|v~specify u}xwzrthe } sy The}w dimensions ofzut particles and fibers usually } y ~ w s y ~s r w x v } ~t y z w } ~tare}|~ |tvv 4. tappropriate uusuwtr}vlevel }}vwinyTable tv} determined by microscopic examination ofzz filter paper } r } w y } w x s ~ x s u w x} t w y t r w s ys w v r } ut u} Ifzrthe }xcleanliness v}tyvwy}~~requirements }|w}}yr~sofzrthe }wintended yr}y}tappliuuvw rthrough which the flushing solvent has been passed. s |{ w x r }z v |~ w y {~ s v } y r t ~ } } yut ~ ~ } not user xcation trwsytare}y srxcovered s}}winyTable tv}4,rthe }|~ }~should s|v~sos 5.4½Packaging ´¾¡"!¡ tadvise w~}rthe }~supplier. |uuvw} Gauges packaged such a manner ¿t |{}~~shall tvvbe}ut x¦t{}winy~ |xtt yy}rthat trspeci~u}xw 5.2 Cleanliness !"!##$Levels %# cleanliness requirements maintained. zfied w}x v}tyvwy}~~ }|w}}yr~tare}t wyrtwy} Cleanliness determined by The}|~ user proper precautions }~shall tvvrtake t¦}u su}u }xt|rwsy~~sosrthat trxcleanliv}tyvw v }tyvwy}~~wis~} r}wy} rthe }~size w}tand yquantity |tyrwr maximum permissible wetted parts maintained after wetted }~~vlevels }}v~zfors} rr}ut r~tare}t wyrtwy}t zr}rthe } sofzt w|u} w~~wv}~solid svwxcontaminants syrtwytyr~sony} rr} yness removed package for installation. t|{}wis~ }s}zfrom s itswr~ut x¦t{}z sw y~rtvvtrwsy by ~surfaces |ztx}~sor rthe }quantity |tyrwrsofzxcontaminants syrtwytyr~(hydrocarsxt {gauge bons) discernible used sy~w ~x}ywv}winyrthe }zfluids v|w~|~ }rtoszflush v|~sorxclean v}ty 6 TEST ½PROCEDURES Á ÂÃÁ by both. Common ~such |x~surfaces, |ztx}~sor sr s syxcleanliness v}tyvwy}~~vlevels }}v~ À defined tare}} zwy}winyTable tv}4. À6.1Scope ´¶³ Oxygen Gauge. designed This is~w intended tosu provide an the 5.2.1 ¡! ¢¡£Fors{gauges t|{}~} ~w{y}rtoswindicate ywxtr} w~~section }xrwsyw yr}y}r sw}t ysoutline |rvwy}sofzr } with Level parameters when new gauge performpressure, soxygen {}yu }~~|}xcleanliness v}tyvwy}~~~shall tvvxcomply suvw r¤} }v ut t}r}~|used ~} }y}evaluating tv|trwy{y }{ t|{}u }zs The}{ gauge tos~ suggest outlines. be}x clearly marked with a universal yx}tand yr |{{}~r}evaluation tv|trwsys |rvwy}~These }~}rtest }~rmeth}r IV.¥ t|{}~shall tvv v}tvt ¦}w rt|y w}~tv tance / or¨ ”USE NO OIL” may may not the the sods~t sort y sr~satisfy trw~zr }requirements }|w}}yr~sofzr } ~symbol svtand y§s ©ª«¬­­ ¤®winyred. } ( ¯106°± ÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌ ÍÎÏÏÐÍÑÇÍÌËÒÍÓÔÒÈÉÕÖ×ÍØÅÕÉÒÌÇÍÅÙÍÚÒÕËÖ×ÉÕÖÛÍÜ×ÊÉ×ÒÒÈÝÞ ßÅÈÒÆÈÅàáÕÌÉÅ×ÍÔÖÇÍÑÒÍÔÖàÒÍÅÙÍÌËÉÝÍÔÖÌÒÈÉÖÛÍâÉÌËÅáÌÍâÈÉÌÌÒ×ÍÕÅ×ÝÒ×ÌÍÅÙÍÓØÚÜÞ Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01 203456PRESSURE 734427389 091 9INDICATING 89190(B40.7) GAUGES: DIGITAL 143 ASME B40.100-2005 entire intended application. !"#$When %&itis'(known #)that &the &*gauges +*' ,repeated #on ",'*pressure ,''+,m(or#,. "++-p$w& , decreasing vacuum). The ) ! ! " # + ," # # '-# , ' . , # ,! ' '' . , ' # /+ ' " ! # ) ' " ! , * '' & ! ! & 2 will encounter conditions more severe or less severe set of upscale and downscale readings shall then be may be-# modified match than &those &#''specified, "/0the &test '- 12 /to#- "& ,repeated. $ -# ,"closely !#'!1the &application. !"#$3 +"#!test 'inthe & more A / functional Accuracy 3""+,"1 "#-- Recommended intended application !"#is'*generally ,!!1the &2 'evaluation .!+# best l, u+-2,#/w'#'u#mfp - &#$ method. 5AR s30s 3 f15s 5A, Grade Number of Test Points [Note (1)] 4A, 4AR g30g 3 f10j WARNING: 45678 79:;Failures <=>?@ABC?@ =DEF@ ABB?@AGtesting ABG=DE<are@A?DF@ AC=HG<I>A q during pressure unpredictable 3AR, 2A, 2AR, A, AR 30 q 30 r 30 r 30 30 3 3A, 5s <and DCJ< KHcause <?BAF< @GBGtoLIAF@ LFA>>AC=inD<any DKC= @AHG=LDM5> F@ ABB?@A may parts be propelled direction. All> pressure B, BR 0 q 3 approGtesting ABG=DEBshould NL?>CIAH LDC?HGACIKO?< >=P=ACFA @BLDDA>?B =DE<FF@LQ be conducted by qualified personnel using F@ =<GABsafety <PAGKAequipment, O?=FJADGRBsuch ?HN<asBBsafety <PAGKEglasses, ><BBABRBshields, N=A>CBRLor@AencloDH>LQ uw priate NOTE: Bsures, ?@ABRLor@<H LJI=D<G=LDRGtoLF@ ASADGFA @BLD<>=injury DT?@K<and DCF@ LFA@GK m(1)fpw& a combination, prevent personal property The test 'points #''shall &!!2 ',2+# ., &, * 'shall &!! be distributed over the range and C< J<EAM6A <CBsection AHG=LDUIA PL@AHconducting LDC?HG=DE<any DKGtesting. ABG=DEM damage. Read 4 before include "!+points #') &f10% jo#of/ &ends '# &,range. *$ within the of/ the The error be determined from data obtained ,,#,"can 2 ,-/ ,#- the & # 2 V6.1.1 WXWXYCalibration Z[\]^Z_\`abStandards. _ZacZ^cdfWeStandards ,''shall &!!&have . w& maximum &two )#pressure ,''+,"cycles 1"!' t+!to#the &- i-+and is' equal nominal #-!errors ,,#,'no#*greater ,,than &‘1/4g#of/those &#'permitted ,-/for#, inthe ,,#,ateach "&test 'point, #0ineither &, ,"#$ direction. the &*gauge +*2 *tested. '$hFor#,example, i- !0)& testing '*a error being when Grade A (1 j0/kf100jjpsi,'0l, 3m nf1%) op*gauge, +*0m(permissible ,-''2!error ,,#,#of/ V {{Z_Z]\[\_ Repeatability 1 1 psi), nf 'p01you #+- 1+' kfjjpsi,'0l, q3A3m(1nj0.25%), $rsop0 6.3W may usej a 0/100 Grade m(permissible ,-''2!error ,,#,#of/nj $rspsi), 'p0#or,j krjjpsi,'0l, g 3 V 1 0.25 a 0/200 Grade 4A 6.3.1 This determines the the WWX|Purpose. ^`d{Ww& 'test ' ,-' &ability 2!1#of/ & 1 0.2 m(1nj0.1%), $fop0m(permissible ,-''2!error ,,#,#of/nj $rpsi). 'p$ same results when accuracy *gauge +*to#produce ,#+"the &' -, '+!')& the & ""+,"1 linear eStandards ,'/for#,pressure, ,''+,0) *&0 '10and ! , test weight, density, 'procedure ,#"+, $ is', repeated. -'#'+' in- +/"+,*and "calibrating !2,*the & V dimensions used manufacturing 6.3.2 can be determined WWx|Procedure. ^`{c^{WRepeatability 2!1" 2 ,- measuring test 'instruments ',+-''shall &!!"conform #/#,-to#equivalent t+.!- '+,* /from the data obtained in para. 6.2.2. It is' the difference , # - & # 2 , $ $ r $ r $ v & //," been NIST 'standards ,'that &&have .2 "calibrated !2,atuv ewand 'shall &!! between 2 ) 1 )#, * ' ( & ' - ,''+,0 any two readings taken at the same pressure, & .# "+-path &to#uv ew$ have a documented NIST. from direction; and in two approached ,#"&/ ,#- the &'same - ,"# the & )# ,''+,"cycles, 1"!'0expressed i ,''inpercentage ,"*#of/'span. $More #, Manometers Gages. Complete inforV6.1.2 WXWxyZ a`z{_{^dZand ac|Piston \d_`a}Z ~{dW# - ! /#, pressure &two )#pressure ,''+,"cycles 1"!'- 12 ',2!$Repeatability 2!1 may be desirable. mation - #,regarding *,*- #-,'and piston '#*gages *'is'"con# than manometers does not hysteresis ' #include "!+& 1',''error. ,,#,$ ASME PTC 19.2. tained in3e wf $r$wTo#"compute #- +their &,errors, ,,#,'0 # must determined *geographical #*, &"!!location #"#and elevation !.#-+ 'be2 ,- V Hysteresis d_{^{d\d NIST and *gravity ,.1"corrections #,,"#'applied, !0as'#outlined +!inuv ew 6.4W Manometry Piston Gage Manuals. #-,1and '#l * +!'$ This test determines V6.4.1 WWX|Purpose. ^`d{Ww& ' ' ,-'the &!level .!#of/& 1' hysa full range pressure , ' ', ' + ! */ , # / +! !, * , ' ' +, i " +, ' # $ teresis resulting from excursion. Gauges Standards. Gauges used V6.1.3 WXW }Z ~{dZasdb_ ZacZ^cdWl +*'+' as''stan 6.4.2 Hysteresis. Hysteresis can be determined WWx d_{^{d\dW1 ',''" 2 ,-/from ,#dards be tested The/ fre ,''shall &!!2 '/for#,accuracy ""+,"1,regularly. *+!,!1$w& , V data in difference & #obtained 2 para. ,$6.2.2. $r$r$Itvis'the & //,"ateach "& of such will depend on their t+ "1 #/' +"& testing '* ) !! # &, the quency 'point #2 ) ",'*pressure ,''+, ",'* between increasing and decreasing demonstrated -#',ability 2!1to#,retain accuracy ""+,"1after /,a period ,# test readings taken ,''+,, *' (atthe &'same -test 'point, #0 use. The date the test #of/time -and after /,,repeated +' $w& #of/ &!last ' ' pressure increasing and decreasing approached ,#"&/from ,#- both 2#& ",'* ",'*pres,' may be noted - 12 ##onthe &/front ,##of/the &*gauge. +*$ sure directions; in a single ' + , , " # ' ' * ! , ' ' +, " 1 " ! 0 i , ' ' pressure cycle, expressed in 6.1.4 Reference A temperature VW XW{ {^{a{Temperature. {z{^Z_^{W3 - ,+,#of/ percentage A-1 of/3e ASME B40.1). of/' span (see Fig. , " * # m ' h * $ 3 f# g j $ f p $ 1 1°C 1 2°F) be the r qnf m(approximately ,#i-!173°F qhnr hp'shall &!!2 & w& 23°C The& hysteresis value if/the excursion 1',''. !+is'!lower #), &pressure ,''+, i"+,'# ,reference /,"'standard. ,$wTemperature—compensated - ,+,"#- '*gauges +*' is'! than full scale. ' ' & / +! !' " ! $ less be tested within 'shall &!!2 'at'several .,!ambient -2temperatures - ,+,') & Ambient V6.5W z]\{a_Temperature {z{^Z_^{Error ^^`^ range. the &"compensated #- ', *$ determines effect V6.5.1 WWX|Purpose. ^`d{WThis w&'test ' ,-'the & //"#of/'short&#, V6.1.5 WXWReference {{^{a{Barometric Z^`z{_^\|Pressure. ^{dd^{W3A barometric 2,#-," term minimum ,- exposure i #'+,to#'suppliers’ + !,' recommended ,"#--- -+29.92 Hg (30.32 E+5 Pa)p' shall be the ,''+,#of/r $rin.$*m qj$qrs &!!2 & and pressure maximum - i-+- ambient -2#operating ,*temperatures. - ,+,'$ ,reference /,"'standard. ,$ bepowered V6.5.2 WWx|Procedure. ^`{c^{WThe w&*gauge +*'should &#+!2 #),¡”on” #¢ Accuracy V6.2Wx ^Z test. test in throughout &,#+*&#+this &' '$Perform ,/#,-the &accuracy ""+,"1 ' accor""#, dance with the reference ") &para. ,$6.2.2 $r$rat &, /,"temperature - ,+,m(see ' This determines V6.2.1 WxWX|Purpose. ^`d{Ww& 'test ' ,-'the &accuracy ""+,"1#of/ para. 6.1.4). The gauge shall then be exposed to the , $ $ f $ g p $w& * + * ' & ! ! & 2 i # ' # & under with the &*gauge +*+ ,test 'in"compliance #- !") &para. ,$q3.7.$$ minimum or maximum 'supplier's + !,',rated - -+- #,- i-+- ambient -2 Known V6.2.2 WxWx|Procedure. ^`{c^{W #)pressure ,''+,'shall &!!be2applied !at #operating temperature to#' stabilize for ,* - ,+,and allowed !!#) 2!£/ #,a not 4 hr., The* gauge shall then be ,##of/ #!less ''than &g& $w& +*' &!! &2 each "&test 'point ##onincreasing ",'*pressure ,''+,m(or#,.vacuum) "++-p/from ,#- period at At each in with '/for#,accuracy, ""+,"10 accordance ""#,") &para. ,$6.2.2, $r$r0 #one end to#the &#other &,end #of/the &'scale. "!$3 "&test 'point # tested be, read. The' same be this difference in each test &'temperature. - ,+,$The w& //," ,readings *'at "& ' the &*gauge +*'shall &!!2 $w& -'sequence t+"'shall &!!2 [ f107j ¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬ ­®¯¯°­±§­¬«²­³´²¨©µ¶·­¸¥µ©²¬§­¥¹­º²µ«¶·©µ¶»­¼·ª©·²²¨½¾ ¿¥¨²¦¨¥ÀÁµ¬©¥·­´¶§­±²­´¶À²­¥¹­¬«©½­´¶¬²¨©¶»­Â©¬«¥Á¬­Â¨©¬¬²·­µ¥·½²·¬­¥¹­³¸º¼¾ Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. 01234567866966 0 31311 300 4567 ASME B40.100-2005 GAUGES: PRESSURE DIGITAL INDICATING (B40.7) mini ! the " #reference $#% temperature & #'(# 'and )the " & * point between &(& # &' + &(& & # ' (# , " ' & # ' mum or maximum temperature is the ambient operating temperature & #'(# error. ###. /6.60/1Storage 2345678Temperature 79:7452;47 /6.6.1 0/0<=Purpose. ;4:3>70?" ,test,)determines #& ,the " effects $$%,of$@long This Amplitudes 85Ua7b Vibration STU452T3V8 7>2c 9:aT2;C7> Test Table 5 nFrequency ldopdmqr Range, emsdt Hz yz 5 to {| }~15{ to ~16| }25{ to 26| }33 34 to|}40 to }60 41~| Peak-to-Peak def9gh9defi jklegjhm Vibration 0uvwjgpxdt 0uvwjgpxdt Amplitude, mm jm7 uu 1 0.3 1 0.012 0.060 ~ ~1.5{ 1 0.008 1 0.2 0.040 ~1.0 1 0.004 1 0.1 0.020 0.5{ ~ 1 0.002 1 0.05 0.010 ~ 0.25 { { 1 0.001 1 0.025 0.005 { ~ 0.13 ~ { Amplitude, in. term #& exposure +,(# totemperature & #'(# extremes +#& ,on-gauge '(- oper #* 'ation. . The gauge be powered /6.6.2 0/0A=Procedure. 43B7C;470?" '(- ,should "(@) ! #)D”off" $$E throughout "#(-"(this ",test,except +%!" testing ,-$ #'accuracy. %%(#'%F. when for GPerform #$#&the " 'accuracy %%(#'%Ftest,in'accordance %%#)'% ! "' #'.H6.2.2 .I.I with para. (#-W #'.?" , #,,(# may &'F @) F vibration. This pressure be ' applied by para. The gauge 'atthe " #reference $#% temperature & #'(# J(see , ' #'.H6.1.4). .K.LM.?" '(- test,)during pressurizing ,,(#Q-the " -gauge '(- 'and ),sealing '@-the " pressure #,,(# port. #. be exposed rated ,shall "'@@then " +,)tothe " ,supplier (@#N’s,# ')@low ! @limit & # 24L" hr# the of$,storage #'- temperature. & #'(#.O$ #' #)of$I " tem&* /6.7.3 After a period Vibration 0R0Exploratory :a345234S TU452T3V8 7>2>0To ?) #& the " Tests. determine #'(# ,shall "'@@be #raised ',)tothe " ,supplier's (@#N,#rated ')"high -"@limit & # perature , % , ' % , [ " ' (( ) # , , " ' @ @ presence of$# resonances, the gauge under test shall be hr# period. This of$,storage #'- temperature & #'(# $for#'another " #I24L" #).?" , Wvibrated at$ frequencies from 5]Q Hz toH 60^Q' Hz at' a peak # ' )' # ( % ,$ # & ' * 48 LP"hr#%cycle F%@,shall "'@@be #repeated ')two !times. & ,.?" '(- ,shall "'@@ to-peak The gauge amplitude not toexceed that shown in Table 5. * ' ' &@ () + % ) " ' , " ! ? ' @ ]. then " @@! )to,stabilize '@Q 'atthe " #reference $#% temperature & #'(# ?" be ' allowed The % change in frequency " ' $ # ( % F, " ' @ @ &' ) ) , % # $ # * shall be made in discrete frepara. 'and )then " tested ,)$for#'accuracy %%(#'%Fin'accordance %%#)'% with !"' #'. quency intervals of$' approximately 1 Hz and maintained ( % F # W ' @ , # + &' @ FKQ' )&' ' ) The ) difference H6.2.2. .I.I.?" $$#% between ! the " two !'accuracy %%(#'%Ftests ,, is, ateach for '%"$frequency #( %F$ #'about (K15],sec.%.The ?" frequencies $#( %,'and ) the " effect $$%of$the " ,storage #'- temperatures & #'(#,expressed +#,,)'as,'a ' @ % ' ,' % "# , ' % , % % (#, " ' @ @ ). locations at!" which resonances occur shall be noted. percentage #%'- of$,span. '. Test. be tested for /6.7.4 0R0Endurance VC;45VB78 7>20The ?" -gauge '(- ,shall "'@@ ,)$ # a period 2 hr# in three mutually perpendicular /6.70RS TU452T3V ' #)of$I" each '%"of$ "# &( ('@@F # )%(@'# Vibration more 'axes +,J(6H" '@M'atthe " resonant #,'$frequency. #( %F.IfZ$& # than "' hr# total) This 6 hr# /6.7.1 0R0<=Purpose. ;4:3>70?" ,test,)determines #& ,the " effect $$%of$H" one resonant frequency exists, the test shall be conducted # , ' $ # ( % F + , , [ " , , " ' @ @ % ) (% ) a specific vibration pattern $ +,(# to', %$%W #'test,' #'as, 'atthe of exposure highest resonant frequency. If$ no# resonance " " " , # , ' $ # ( % F .Z , ' % , is )described ,%#)inparas. '#',.H6.7.2 .X.Ithrough "#(-"H6.7.4. .X.L. , #W )[the " test,,shall "'@@ %)(%)'at^ .^^] . observed, be conducted 0.005 in. 1 0.001 double displacement 60^Q Hz.. .^^Kin..) (@ 'amplitude &@() ) ,@'%& 'atH The gauge be tested /6.7.2 0R0A=Procedure. 43B7C;470?" '(- ,shall "'@@ ,)$for#'accu%%(* `^ para. The %%(#'%Fin'accordance %%#)'% with !"' #'.H6.2.2. .I.I.?" with para. before #racy '%Fin'accordance %%#)'% ! "' #'.H6.2.2 .I.I $# ,starting '#-the " ?Test,$for#'accuracy difference is, the $$#% between ! the " two !'accuracy %%(#'%Ftests ,, " effect $$% Wvibration #'tests. ,,.Y' %"of$the " tests ,,,specified %$) @! ,shall "'@@ ) Each below Vibration #'expressed +#,,)'as,' #%'- of$,span. '. a percentage be mutually %conducted )(%),separately '#'@Fineach '%"of$three "# &( ('@@Fper-#* of$W pendicular All@ tests )%(@'#'axes. +,.O@ ,,inone 'axis +,,shall "'@@be %completed &@) $# # % )-totests ,,in'another " #'axis. +,.?" '(- R before proceeding The gauge REFERENCE DOCUMENTS 81 under be , secured ( ) #test,,shall "'@@ %(#)tothe " Wvibration #'table '@ inthe " 7 ASME B1.20.1, Purpose YK .I^.K[GPipe Threads, ?"#'),[General #'@G(# , J(Inch) Z%"M manner will be , secured ,same '& &' #that "'it! @@ %(#)in,service. #W%.ZInthe " O ASME PTC 19.2, Apparatus: Part 2,[ O YG?K .I[ZInstruments ,#(& ,'and )O '#'(,G' #I mounting, be %case ', of$,surface (#$'% or#$flush @(,"& (-[the " panel ' @,shall "'@@ Pressure ,,(# ',(#& Measurement motion will ,sufficiently ($$%@F#rigid -)toensure ,(# that "'its,& ! @@be essen,,* G# motion Publisher: The O& American Mechanical Engitially '@@Fthe " ,same '& 'as,the " & of$the " platform @'$#& of$the " G( @," #?" #%'Society %Fof$ %"'%'@Y -* vibration machine. be moniThree Park Avenue, New NY W#'&' %" .ZInput (%conditions ),,should "(@) &* neers#,J(ASME), OYM[?" # G' #OW ( [ ! York, #[ 22I£' Law mounting. Order Department, tored #)'adjacent )\'%tothe " -gauge '(- & (-.OA pressure #,,(# of$ K10016-5990; ^^KH*]^ ¡# ) #¢ '#& [I ! Drive, ¢#W [ 1 5% Box 2300, N] 07007-2300 ]50% ^_`] _of$$full (@@,scale %'@,shall "'@@be 'applied @)tothe " -gauge '(- under () # GP.O. .¡. +I ¤^^[Fairfield, ¥'#$@)[¦^ X^^X*I¤^^ f K108^P §¨©ª«¬­®¯ °±²²³°́ª°̄®µ°¶·µ«¬¸¹º°»¨¸¬µª̄°̈¼°½µ¸®¹º¬¸¹¾°¿º­¬ºµµ«ÀÁ ¨«µ©«¨Ãĸ¯¬¨º°·¹ª°́µ°·¹Ãµ°̈¼°̄®¬À°·¹µ̄«¬¹¾°Å¬¯®¨Ä°̄Å«¬¯µ̄º°̧¨ºÀµº°̄¨¼°¶»½¿Á Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. ASME B40.100-2005 ISBN lI|*?"lL&*E“l“l3—E 9 780791 829936 K14305 012345678 9 9398794591583919759654 142418519399919875984595871894588918919