SHI STAFF SHOW PRIDE Complete as many squares as possible from September 27th until October 31st. The staff members who complete the most squares will receive a special prize. Perseveranc e Respect COMPLETED ALL HELPED OUT MONDAY SEL YOUR LESSONS WITH YEARBOOK & MY HOMEROOM SOCIAL MEDIA IF YOU DO NOT SPONSOR BY HAVE A SUBMITTING HOMEROOM, A PHOTO TO YOU MS. POWELL PARTICIPATED OR MS. WITH A FRENCH VIA HOMEROOM AT TEXT OR LEAST ONE EMAIL WEEK Completed all my Completed a BOY Safe School random act of Courses kindness for a colleague ENJOYED A 20 MINUTE WALK Did an extra duty JUST BECAUSE Initiative Dedicatio n Empathy Nominated at least 3 students for a Pride Praise Award for the second 6 weeks SHARED AN EFFECTIVE TEACHING PRACTICE THAT YOU HAVE TRIED WITH YOUR TEAM Donated a pair of jeans/pants to COMMUNITES IN SCHOOL SUBMITTED A PICTURE TO THE SMORE OF YOUR STUDENTS COMPLETIN G ONE OF THE 6 STEPS OF MARZANO’S Saw someone ON CAMPUS who needed help and stepped in Attended an SHI athletic or fine arts event OR SUPPORTED THEM IN A FUNDRAISER Ate lunch with a student this month READ SOMETHING WITH YOUR CLASS AND LOGGED IT INTO BEANSTACK TOGETHER Made two positive parent contacts this month Completed an act of Self Care this month SHOWED APPRECIATIO N TO a colleague BY NOMINATING THEM AS AN AGENT OF CHANGE DECORATED YOUR DOOR FOR COLLEGE WEEK OR PARTICIPATE D IN THE CHILI COOKOFF SUBMITTED A PICTURE TO THE SMORE OF STUDENTS USING A WICOR STRATEGY Revisited a standard that students did not completely understand the first time SHARED YOUR FAVORITE ANYTHING WITH YOUR WHOLE CLASS OR A GROUP OF STUDENTS DID NOT ALLOW YOUR STUDENTS TO opt out BY USING THE NO OPT OUT strategies Read an article Gave 10 different or book, SPECIFIC WATCHED A positive praises IN TED TALK, or ONE DAY LISTENED TO A PODCAST pertaining to education this month & Shared IT WITH A COLLEAGUE (EX: Quote, book, snack, SONG JOKE) PAID FOR A MONTH OF COURTESY COMMITTEE