Republic of Iraq Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research AL-Nahrain University Information Engineering College Systems Engineering Department Footstep Power Generation System Final year project In partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Systems Engineering By Zaid Ali Isam Supervised by Asst. Lec. Khansaa Dheyaa June 2023 Dhu al-Qi`dah1444 i Supervisor Certification I certify that this project entitled “Footstep power generation system” is prepared under my Supervision at AL-Nahrain University / College of Information Engineering / Department of Systems Engineering in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Systems Engineering. Signature: Name: Asst. Lec. Khansaa Dheyaa (Supervisor) Date: / /20 23 In view of the available recommendation, I forward this project for debate by the examination committee. Signature: Name: (Head of Department) Date: ii / / 2023 Certification of Examination Committee We chairman and members of the examination committee certify that we read the project entitled “Footstep power generation system”, and have examined the students “Zaid Ali Isam” in its contents and in what is concerned with it, and in our opinion it meets the standards of a project for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Systems Engineering. Signature: Signature: Name: Asst.Prof.Dr. Osama A.Awad Name: (Chairman) Date: / (Member) / 2023 Date: / / 2023 Signature: Signature: Name: Name: (Member) Date: / (Member) / 2023 Date: / / 2023 Signature: Name: Prof. Dr. Hikmat N. Abdullah (Dean of College) iii Date: / / 2023 Abstract The increasing concern over air pollution and the need for sustainable energy sources have led to the development of innovative approaches for electricity generation. One such approach is the footstep power generation system, which harnesses the kinetic energy generated from human footsteps to produce electricity. This system aims to utilize the piezoelectric effect, converting mechanical stress into electrical energy. By designing and building a prototype of an energy harvesting module, this project seeks to demonstrate the viability of this sustainable power generation method. The system offers numerous applications, including powering street lights, sensors, and low-power devices in urban areas. Its main objective is to generate electrical energy from renewable sources while being environmentally friendly. The footstep power generation system utilizes piezoelectric sensors strategically placed on the installation surface. These sensors generate voltage when subjected to mechanical stress, such as footsteps. To convert the AC voltage produced by the sensors into DC voltage, a bridge rectifier is employed. This rectifier ensures that the electrical energy can be stored and utilized effectively. A capacitor is incorporated into the system to smooth out the DC voltage and store the generated energy. The voltage generated by the sensors is measured using a voltage sensor connected to an Arduino Nano. The Arduino Nano, programmed accordingly, displays the voltage measurement on an LCD/12C display. Additionally, when the voltage surpasses a predefined threshold, the Arduino Nano triggers an LED, ensuring that the generated energy is not wasted and can be utilized to power other devices. The successful development of a prototype for the footstep power generation system highlights its potential as a practical and sustainable alternative to conventional power generation methods, By efficiently converting mechanical stress from footsteps into electrical energy using piezoelectric sensors, the system demonstrates its capability. The generated energy is rectified, smoothed, and stored for later use. Accurate voltage measurements are displayed on an LCD/12C display through an Arduino Nano. The system maximizes energy utilization by triggering an LED when the voltage exceeds a set threshold. Overall, this system shows promise as a sustainable alternative to traditional power generation, with applications in urban areas and a positive impact on renewable energy generation and environmental conservation. i List of contents Abstract i List of Contents ii List of Figures iv List of Tables iv List of Symbols and Abbreviations v Chapter 1: Introduction 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Project overview 1 1.3 Problem Statement 2 1.4 Aim of The Project 2 1.5 Project layout 2 Chapter 2: System Hardware Component 3 2.1 Chapter overview 3 2.2 Electronic Component System 3 2.2.1 Arduino nano microcontroller 3 2.2.2 piezoelectric sensor 4 2.2.3 Bridge rectifier 5 2.2.4 LCD Display with I2C 6 2.2.5 Capacitor 6 2.2.6 Voltage sensor 7 2.2.7 Light-emitting diode (LED) 7 ii 2.3 System software 8 2.4 Piezoelectric effect 8 Chapter 3: Design and Implementation 10 3.1 Chapter overview 10 3.2 Hardware Design and Implementation 10 3.2.1 Hardware Implementation 10 3.2.2 Series connection vs Parallel connection 12 3.2.3 Working principle 15 3.3 Software Design and Implementation 15 3.3.1 Flowchart 16 3.3.2 Simulation 17 3.3.3 Block diagram 17 3.3.4 System structure 18 3.4 Result 18 3.5 Discussion 21 Chapter 4: Conclusion and Future work. 22 4.1 Conclusion 22 4.2 Future work 22 References 23 Appendix A 25 iii List of figures Figure No. Title Page No. 2.1 Arduino Uno microcontroller 3 2.2 Piezoelectric sensors 4 2.3 Circular diaphragm transducer: (a) Front view; (b) Side 4 view 2.4 piezoelectric transducer under pressure 5 2.5 16x2 LCD with I2c 6 2.6 Voltage sensor 7 2.7 LEDs 8 2.8 Arduino IDE 8 3.1 13 3.3 Piezoelectric sensors voltage for the respective current generated for 6 sensors connected in parallel Piezoelectric sensors voltage for the respective current generated for 6 sensors connected in series Schematic representing the work of the system 3.4 Flowchart 16 3.5 Simulation of the electronic circuit components. 17 3.6 Block diagram 17 3.7 Structure of the system 18 3.8 System charging result in parallel connection 19 3.9 System charging result in series connection 20 3.2 iv 14 15 List of tables TableNo. 3-1 3-2 Page No. Title Wire Connection of electronic circuit components pins with Arduino pins Series vs Parallel connection List of Symbols and Abbreviation Abbreviation LCD I2C LED SDA SCL AC DC Original Liquid-Crystal Display Integrated Controller Light-emitting diode Serial data Serial clock Alternate current Direct current v 12 14 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction This chapter gave an overview of the project’s basic idea, mentioned the main problems that led to finding out how to solve these problems by design, and implemented the Name Of the project. 1.2 Overview Electricity is a fundamental need for modern human life, and its demand is increasing day by day. The demand for the energy is increasing constantly as there is a tremendous increase in the human population. The traditional methods of electricity generation, such as fossil fuel combustion, have led to significant environmental degradation and pollution, wherefore the exploration of alternate sources of energy, including renewable energy, has become crucial to meet the increasing demand for electricity. Renewable energy is an increasingly popular and important source of energy that is derived from naturally replenishing resources. Unlike non-renewable sources of energy such as fossil fuels, renewable energy sources do not produce harmful emissions that contribute to climate change and environmental degradation. There are several types of renewable energy sources, such as solar energy, wind energy and hydro energy, there are also other ways to generate energy, including generating energy by footsteps. Footstep energy generation is an effective method for producing electricity using the kinetic energy generated from human footsteps. “An average person, weighing 60 kg, will generate only 0.1 watt in the single second required to take two steps across the tile,” said Yoshiaki Takuya, a planner with Sound power Corp. “But when they are covering a large area of floor space and thousands of people are stepping or jumping on them, then we can generate significant amounts of power.” [14] In this project the student uses an innovative method of energy harvesting that harnesses the kinetic energy produced by human footsteps to generate electrical power. The technology relies on the piezoelectric effect, which allows certain materials to generate an electrical charge when subjected to mechanical stress. Footstep power generation has enormous potential for a wide range of applications, 1 including powering street lights, sensors, and other low-power devices in urban areas. This project will focus on designing and building a prototype of an energy harvesting module. The module is made up of piezoelectric materials that generate electrical charge when subjected to mechanical stress. The generated electrical charge is then conditioned and stored in a storage unit such as batteries and capacitors. The stored electrical energy can then be used to power low-power devices such as LED lights. Footstep power generation system is an innovative and sustainable way of generating electricity that can be used to power low-power devices in public areas. 1.3 Problem Statement As the demand for renewable energy sources continues to rise, there is a need for innovative methods to harness the power of human energy. Footstep power generation systems have emerged as a sustainable and cost-effective solution for generating electricity from the movement of people. In public places such as parks and shopping malls, the energy from the footsteps of large crowds is currently being wasted. By utilizing piezoelectric sensors, this energy can be captured and converted into electrical energy. This system offers a practical alternative to traditional power generation methods that often come with high costs, environmental impacts, and limited availability in certain regions. 1.4 Aim of the project The aim of the footstep power generation system project is to design, develop, and implement a sustainable and efficient system that harnesses the power of human footsteps to generate electricity. 1.5 Report Layout The remaining chapters of this project are arranged as follows: Chapter 2: System Hardware Component. Chapter 3: Design and Implementation Chapter 4: Results and Discussion. Chapter 5: Conclusion and Future Work. 2 Chapter 2 System Methodology 2.1 Chapter Overview This chapter presents a general theoretical description of the hardware components used in this project. It explains Arduino microcontroller, piezoelectric sensors, bridge rectifier and other hardware components used in the project. 2.2 Electronic Components System In this section the Electronic components used in the project are explained. 2.2.1 Arduino Nano Arduino Nano is a small, open-source electronic board based on the ATmega328P microcontroller. It is designed for creating and prototyping various electronics projects, including robotics, sensors, and control systems. The board features a compact size, low power consumption, and a range of digital and analog input/output pins that can be programmed using the Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE).[12] Figure (2-1): Arduino Nano microcontroller 3 2.2.2 piezoelectric sensor Piezoelectric Sensor uses piezoelectric effect to measure pressure or mechanical energy by converting all of it to electrical energy signals. It is a substantial tool that could be used for the measurement of varying cause. It has very high modulus of elasticity compared to other metals and it goes up to 10e6 N/m2. Additionally, piezoelectric sensors are rugged, have high natural frequency. Figure (2-2): piezoelectric sensor Figure (2-3): Circular diaphragm transducer: (a) Front view; (b) Side view. This phenomenon is not affected to Electromagnetic fields and other radiations. It converts the mechanical stress to electrical voltage. When mechanical stress is applied onto the sensor, electrical charge is accumulated on the crystal that can be extracted using a wire. When a piezoelectric material is subjected to stress T, it 4 produces Polarization P which is linear function of T: P=dT (d: piezoelectric strain constant). For a dielectric substance, the relationships of electrical displacement D with electric field strength E is given by D=εE. Basic Piezoelectric Effect equation: Dn = dnjTj + εTnm Em (m, n=1,2,3; I, j=1, 2, ...., 6) Piezoelectric sensor can be considered as a RC Network and an alternating current source [5] Figure (2-4): piezoelectric transducer under pressure 2.2.3 bridge rectifier A bridge rectifier is an electronic component used to convert an AC (alternating current) voltage to a DC (direct current) voltage. It is a type of rectifier circuit that uses four or more diodes arranged in a bridge configuration to rectify the AC input voltage. The bridge rectifier consists of four diodes arranged in a bridge configuration, with the AC input voltage applied across the two diagonal ends of the bridge. The output voltage is taken across the two remaining ends of the bridge, which are now the DC output terminals. The diodes are arranged such that they conduct in pairs, allowing 5 the current to flow in only one direction through the load, which is connected to the DC output terminals.[11] 2.2.4 LCD Display with I2C LCD is a flat panel display that uses liquid crystals to operate so they are called liquid crystal displays. It is a kind of dot matrix module. It displays numbers, letters, and characters. Lcd has parallel ports so that it would control several pins at a time. The LCD is connected with the I2C protocol which is a bus interface connection protocol incorporated into devices for serial communication.[10] An I2C LCD advantage is that wiring is straightforward, requiring only two data pins to control the LCD. A standard LCD requires over ten connections, which can be a lot to deal with. [11] In this project the LCD will display the amount of voltages stored inside the capacitor. Figure (2-5): 16x2 LCD with I2C 2.2.5 Capacitor A capacitor is a two-terminal electrical device that can store energy in the form of an electric charge. It consists of two electrical conductors that are separated by a distance. The space between the conductors may be filled by vacuum or with an insulating material known as a dielectric. The ability of the capacitor to store charges is known as capacitance.[7] 6 In this project Capacitors will act as storage system for the charge produced from the piezoelectric sensors. 2.2.6 Voltage Sensor A voltage sensor is a device that measures voltage. Voltage sensors can measure the voltage in various ways, from measuring high voltages to detecting low current levels. These devices are essential for many applications, including industrial controls and power systems. In this project the voltage sensor is used to measure the output voltage generated by the system and provide feedback for monitoring and control purposes.[8] Figure (2-6): voltage sensor 2.2.7 Light-emitting diode (LED) semiconductor light source that emits light when current flows through it. LEDs have many advantages over incandescent light sources, including lower power consumption, longer lifetime, improved physical robustness, smaller size, and faster switching.[9] In this project the LED provide physical representation that an electrical energy has been produced. 7 Figure (2-4): Leds 2.3 System Software: Arduino integrated[13] development environment (IDE/ C++) program by Figure (2-5): Arduino IDE 2.4 piezoelectric effect Piezoelectric effect is the ability of certain materials to generate an electric charge in response to applied mechanical stress. The phenomenon was first discovered in 1880 by Pierre and Jacques Curie, who found that certain crystals, such as quartz, produced an electric potential when subjected to mechanical stress. This effect is also reversible, meaning that these materials can also produce mechanical stress when subjected to an electric field. Piezoelectric materials are classified as either natural or man-made. Natural piezoelectric materials include quartz, tourmaline, and topaz, while man-made materials include ceramics, polymers, and composites. A piezoelectric substance is one that produces an electric charge when a mechanical stress is applied (the substance is squeezed or stretched). Conversely, a mechanical deformation (the substance shrinks or expands) is produced when an electric field is applied. This effect is formed in crystals that have no center of symmetry. 8 The piezoelectric effect occurs due to the presence of polar molecules in the crystal structure of the material. When the material is subjected to mechanical stress, the polar molecules are displaced, creating a separation of positive and negative charges, resulting in an electric potential. Conversely, when an electric field is applied to the material, the polar molecules align themselves and cause the material to expand or contract, resulting in a mechanical deformation.[4] 9 Chapter 3 Design and Implementation 3.1 Chapter Overview In this chapter, implementation, programming, interfacing with flowchart and result will be explained: The Footstep Power Generation System based on piezoelectric sensors is a promising method for harvesting energy from human motion. The system is designed to generate electricity through the conversion of mechanical energy produced by footsteps into electrical energy using piezoelectric sensors. 3.2 Hardware Design and Implementation 3.2.1 hardware Implementation The implementation of the system involves the use of piezoelectric sensors, which are capable of generating a voltage when subjected to mechanical stress. These sensors are carefully mounted in designated locations within the walking path. The sensors are securely affixed to the ground or flooring material to ensure stability and accuracy during footstep energy capture. The positive terminals of the sensors are connected together and soldered to a common point. Similarly, the negative terminals are connected and soldered to another common ground point. These connections enable the parallel connection of the sensors, facilitating the combined output of electrical charges generated by the footstep-induced mechanical stress. The bridge rectifier is connected to the positive terminal of the combined sensor output and the common ground. This arrangement allows the rectifier to convert the AC voltage generated by the sensors into a rectified DC voltage, which is essential for subsequent energy storage and utilization. The rectified DC voltage is then connected to the positive terminal of the capacitor, while the negative terminal of the capacitor is connected to the common ground. The capacitor serves as an energy storage device, smoothing out voltage fluctuations and 10 providing a stable power source for the system., which smoothens out the DC voltage and stores the electrical energy generated by the sensors. The voltage generated by the sensors is measured using a voltage sensor, which is connected to an Arduino Nano. The voltage measurement is displayed on an LCD/12C display, and the energy generated can also be used to power other devices. The Arduino Nano microcontroller is a central component responsible for controlling, monitoring, and regulating the footstep power generation system. The Arduino Nano is connected to the parallel output of the sensors, allowing it to measure the voltage across the capacitor. The microcontroller is programmed using the Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment). The programming code includes algorithms for reading the voltage from the capacitor, monitoring the system voltage, and controlling the LED based on a predetermined threshold of capacitance. The Arduino Nano also interfaces with the voltage sensor, enabling real-time monitoring and adjustment of the system voltage within the desired range. The programming code incorporates appropriate control loops and feedback mechanisms to maintain optimal power generation and stability. An LED is integrated into the system to provide visual feedback on the power generation status. The LED is connected to a digital output pin of the Arduino Nano. Based on the programmed threshold of capacitance, when the measured voltage across the capacitor reaches or exceeds the predetermined value, the Arduino Nano activates the LED, indicating successful power generation. This visual feedback serves as a user-friendly indicator and validates the system's operation. The effectiveness of the system depends on the placement of the piezoelectric sensors and the number of sensors used. The system works best when the sensors are placed in high traffic areas, such as public parks, train stations, and shopping malls. The Footstep Power Generation System has several advantages over traditional power generation methods. It is environmentally friendly, as it generates electricity without the use of fossil fuels or other non-renewable resources. It is also costeffective, as the system can be installed in public areas where foot traffic is high, and the electricity generated can be used to power lighting or other devices. 11 One potential limitation of the system is its reliance on foot traffic. If foot traffic is low, the system may not generate enough electricity to power devices efficiently. Additionally, the system may require frequent maintenance to ensure the sensors and other components are working correctly. Wire connection of electronic circuit components pins as figure (3-4) Electronic component name Electronic components pin Arduino number Pin LCD 2x16 Module SCL with I2C (2) SDA Voltage sensor Input A5 A4 A1 LEDS: BLUE 6 Input Table (3-1) Wire Connection of electronic circuit components pins with Arduino pins 3.2.2 Series connection VS Parallel connection In a parallel connection, multiple piezoelectric sensors are connected side by side in parallel to increase the total generated current. In this configuration, the voltage output remains constant, but the current output increases. One of the main advantages of parallel connection is that it allows for easy expansion of the system by adding more sensors in parallel. Another advantage is that if one of the sensors fails, the overall output of the system is not significantly impacted. However, parallel connection has some drawbacks. One issue is that the impedance of each sensor needs to be carefully matched to ensure that the current is evenly distributed across all the sensors. If the impedance is not well-matched, one sensor may generate more current than the others, which can lead to overheating and damage to the system. Additionally, if the sensor output is not linear, the parallel connection may result in an uneven distribution of power across the system. 12 Figure (3-1): Piezoelectric sensors voltage for the respective current generated for 6 sensors connected in parallel. In a series connection, multiple piezoelectric sensors are connected end to end in series to increase the total generated voltage. In this configuration, the current output remains constant, but the voltage output increases. One of the main advantages of series connection is that it enables higher voltages to be generated, which can be useful for applications that require higher voltage output. Additionally, series connection ensures that the current is evenly distributed across all the sensors, regardless of their individual impedance. However, series connection also has some drawbacks. One issue is that if one sensor fails, the entire system will stop generating power. Another issue is that the output of the system can be sensitive to changes in temperature, which can affect the output voltage. 13 Figure (3-2): Piezoelectric sensors voltage for the respective current generated for 6 sensors connected in series System Outputs Output voltage Output current Output energy Parallel connection generates a higher output voltage generates lower output current Generates lower energy Series connection generates lower output voltage generates a higher output current Generates higher energy Table (3-2) comparison between parallel and series connection 14 3.2.3 Working principal The pressure applied to the piezo electric material convert it into electrical energy. The pressure can be given by the people walking over it. The output of the piezo electric material is not stable. Bridge circuit converts the variable voltage into a linear voltage. AC ripple filter is used to filter any fluctuations in output. The output of the DC voltage is stored in a rechargeable battery. The output from a single piezo tile was extremely low, so combination of piezo tile is connected. The output voltage can be seen in a LCD. For this purpose, ARDIUNO Nano is used. Figure (3-3): Schematic representing the work of the system 3.3 Software design and Implementation In this section, implementation, programming and interfacing with flowchart and Block Diagram of footstep power generation system. 15 3.3.1 Flowchart of the system In figure (3-4) that shown the flowchart design footstep power generation system. Figure (3-3): Flowchart 16 3.3.2 Fritzing Simulation In figure (3-5) that show the simulation of the electronic circuit. Figure (3-4): Simulation of the electronic circuit components 3.3.3 Block diagram of the system In figure (3-5) that show the Block diagram of the system. Figure (3-5): Block diagram 17 3.3.4 System Structure Figure (3-6): System structure 3.4 Results In this project two types of connection were tested to find the most suitable connection to generate energy. One of The purposes of this experimentation was to evaluate the performance and efficiency of each connection method in terms of power output and overall system effectiveness. 1-parallel connection: After this connection was implemented, all the positive terminals of the sensors were connected together and all the negative terminals were connected together. This parallel configuration allowed for an additive effect in terms of current output, where the currents from individual sensors combined to produce a higher total current output. It was observed that the parallel connection exhibited a higher rate of charging capacitor compared to the series connection. 18 Figure (3-7): System charging results in parallel connection 2-Series connection: After this connection was implemented, where the positive terminal of one sensor was connected to the negative terminal of the adjacent sensor, forming a continuous chain. This arrangement in theory results in an additive effect, where the voltages of individual sensors added up to produce a higher total voltage output across the system, but by experiment the voltage that was generated was less than parallel connection. 19 Figure (3-8): System charging results in series connection After choosing the parallel connection: If in a square meter. Area 30 piezo sensor are used. As piezo sensors power generating varies with different steps, get Minimum voltage=1 V per step Maximum voltage=10V per step If an average of 50 Kg weight pressure from single person is taken, Considering the steps of a 50 Kg weighted single person, the average calculation is: It takes 800 steps to increase 1 V charge in battery. So, to increase 12 V in battery Total steps needed = (12 × 800) =9600 steps As this project is implemented in a populated area where foot step as source are available, if an average of 2 steps in 1 second are taken. For 9600 steps time needed 9600/(60× 2) =80 minutes. (Approximately) 20 3.5 Discussion From the all presented results and test one can concluded that the footstep power generation system can produce electric energy for the kinetic energy produced from footstep, this power generation system is renewable and has no negative environmental effect, which is why it has contributed to the direction of sustainable alternative energies 21 Chapter 4 Conclusions and future work 5.1 Conclusion 1-The proposed system suggests that individual potential energy could be transformed by piezoelectric materials into electrical power. 2- By doing a comparison of series and parallel connections, the parallel connection is seen to be the most suitable for the system to charge the capacitor 3- This system is ideally suited in which there is a large density of traffic and people and particularly small business firms such supermarkets, and religious centers, shopping centers, transport hubs, etc. We can also use it in a street lighting without the help of power lines, charging ports, lighting of pavement side buildings. 4-This power generation system is renewable and has no negative environmental effect, which is why it has contributed to the direction of sustainable alternative energies 5.2 Future Work 1-IoT integration: The system could be integrated with the Internet of Things (IoT) to enable remote monitoring and control of the power generation and storage systems. This could allow for more efficient use of the energy generated and help to optimize the system for specific environments or use cases. 2-Real-World Testing: While the simulation results are promising, real-world testing of the system is necessary to validate the performance of the system under different conditions and to identify any potential issues that may arise. 3-Scale Up: While the current system is designed for individual use, there is potential for scaling up the technology to power larger devices or even entire buildings. This could involve designing more powerful and robust piezoelectric sensors and integrating them into larger systems. 22 REFERENCES [1] Gawas Sahil Prakash1, Kubal Siddhesh Kamalakant 2, Sawant Swaresh Subhash3, Yesare Tejas Dashrath4, Prof. E Manjarekar5, "Footstep Power Generation System using Piezoelectric Sensor", International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, volume 8 (2021). [2] A. Kamboj, A. Haque, A. Kumar, V. K. Sharma and A. 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