Uploaded by Pastor Kent

Python String Algorithm: Longest Alphabetical Substring

#!/usr/bin/env python3
s = a string.
Takes a string and determines the first longest substring in alphabetical order within it, then returns this substring.
__author__ = 'Chauncy Kent'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2023, Chauncy Kent'
__credits__ = ['Chauncy Kent']
__license__ = 'GNU GPLv3'
__version__ = '1.0'
__maintainer__ = 'Chauncy Kent'
__email__ = 'ChauncyJKent@gmail.com'
__status__ = 'Production'
def longest_alpha_substring(s):
#Initializes an instance of the function
longest = ""
Max =""
if(len(s) == 1):
longest = s
for i in range(len(s) -1):
if s[i] <= s[i + 1]:
longest = longest + s[i]
if(i==len(s) -2):
longest = longest + s[i + 1]
longest = longest + s[i] if len(longest) > len(Max):
Max = longest
longest = ""
longest = ""
if(len(longest) > len(Max)):
print("Longest substring in alphabetical order is: " + longest)
print("Longest substring in alphabetical order is: " + Max)
if __name__ == '__main__':
longest_alpha_substring('So long, and thanks for all the fish!')