Developed for Training Purposes Only Maintenance Training Manual Vol 07 EMBRAER ERJ-190 / 195 (GE CF34) ATA 38 - WATER AND WASTE SYSTEM Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer FRONT MATTER This manual is issued by Embraer Customer Training and SHALL BE USED FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY. The data contained herein, although its update to the revision date, does not replace or supersede the information contained in the Embraer ERJ-170/190 (GE CF34) airframe or engine maintenance manuals or other official publications. This Maintenance Training Manual (MTM) contains all necessary information to fulfill the needs as a printed/electronic publication to support the theoretical training activities in aircraft maintenance training. Where possible, duplication of information has been avoided, however, certain data may be repeated where it has been necessary to include such data to preserve the continuity of subject matter. This edition of the Maintenance Training Manual is based on the last version of Embraer Technical Publications. No further revisions will be added to this current issue, if printed. MANUAL STRUCTURE All manual contents are organized as follows: TITLE PAGE A title page with its identification as "Training Manual" and copyright information. FRONT MATTER BLOCK The purpose of the front matter block is to explain the way this manual is organized, and to inform which publications were used as source of information. TABLE OF CONTENT The table of content shows a list of relevant items/pages contained in the actual volume in an “Index” format. CHAPTER DESCRIPTION BLOCK The chapter description block has the technical information derived from the Embraer Technical Publications and follows the modularity concept, thus its contents may vary according to the course purpose (rating and the applicable training level). It is organized in a didactic manner to facilitate the learning process with rearranged sequence of the applicable sub-chapters. The body of each ATA chapter has a Title Page. For additional information concerning this manual, contact EMBRAER CUSTOMER TRAINING. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 2 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only DISCLAIMER The data and any other information contained herein (“Embraer Data”) are only and exclusive property of Embraer S.A. and they cannot be disclosed without the previous consent of Embraer S.A. The use of the Embraer Data is exclusive for the specific purpose of training which is merely informative and any other use of Embraer Data is expressly forbidden. Embraer does not represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any advice, opinion, statement, recommendation, guidance or any other information displayed or established herein. Nothing contained in this authorization shall be deemed to diminish or eliminate any right or remedy Embraer S.A may have at law or in equity. ATA 38 – WATER AND WASTE SYSTEM GENERAL (38-00).....................5 INTRODUCTION................................................................................. 6 GENERAL DESCRIPTION.................................................................6 COMPONENTS................................................................................ 12 OPERATION.....................................................................................24 POTABLE WATER (38-10).......................................................................28 INTRODUCTION............................................................................... 28 GENERAL DESCRIPTION...............................................................32 COMPONENTS................................................................................ 34 OPERATION.....................................................................................38 STORAGE AND DISTRIBUTION (38-11).................................................42 INTRODUCTION............................................................................... 42 GENERAL DESCRIPTION...............................................................42 COMPONENTS................................................................................ 44 OPERATION.....................................................................................58 WATER HEATER SYSTEM (38-12).........................................................62 INTRODUCTION............................................................................... 62 GENERAL DESCRIPTION...............................................................62 COMPONENTS................................................................................ 62 OPERATION.....................................................................................64 WATER TANK QUANTITY INDICATION (38-13)....................................66 INTRODUCTION............................................................................... 66 GENERAL DESCRIPTION...............................................................66 COMPONENTS................................................................................ 66 OPERATION.....................................................................................70 WASTE DISPOSAL (38-30)......................................................................74 INTRODUCTION............................................................................... 74 GENERAL DESCRIPTION...............................................................74 COMPONENTS................................................................................ 74 OPERATION.....................................................................................80 GRAY WATER - DRAIN SYSTEM (38-31)...............................................82 INTRODUCTION............................................................................... 82 GENERAL DESCRIPTION...............................................................82 COMPONENTS................................................................................ 86 OPERATION.....................................................................................90 VACUUM WASTE SYSTEM (VWS) (38-32)............................................92 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................92 GENERAL DESCRIPTION.......................................................................94 COMPONENTS....................................................................................96 OPERATION.........................................................................................110 AIR SUPPLY (38-40)..............................................................................114 INTRODUCTION 38-40-00.....................................................................114 GENERAL DESCRIPTION.....................................................................114 COMPONENTS....................................................................................116 OPERATION.........................................................................................120 Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 4 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only ATA 38 - WATER AND WASTE SYSTEM Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 5 WATER AND WASTE SYSTEM GENERAL (38-00) INTRODUCTION The Water/Waste system provides waste collection and storage from the toilet assemblies located within the lavatories and supplies pressurized potable water in the galleys and in the lavatory areas for passenger and crew use. The system is made up of potable water, waste disposal and air supply. The waste disposal system is composed of two subsystems, the vacuum waste system and the gray water drain System. WATER SYSTEM The Potable Water System supplies pressurized potable water in the galleys and lavatories for passenger and crew use. The pressurization of the potable water system is achieved by bleed air or an optional air compressor. The potable water is stored in a central holding tank, whose useable capacity is 110 liters. The water lines are installed inside the pressurized, temperature-controlled environment of the fuselage. The water line to each consumer is equipped with a manual shutoff valve for system isolation and maintenance actions. The titanium waste lines for transporting the waste are installed inside the pressurized, temperature-controlled environment of the fuselage and are routed from the toilets to the waste holding tank. During a toilet flush cycle, the Vacuum Waste System uses a small amount of pressurized water from the potable water system to rinse the toilet bowl and aid in the evacuation of waste. During ground servicing, the waste tank is drained through a service panel into a service truck. A rinse line routed from the service panel to a rotating rinse nozzle within the waste tank is used to supply rinsing fluid to the tank. The system controller operates and monitors the system components and evaluates failure status. Insulation and electric heaters are installed for the potable and gray water systems in order to prevent freezing during normal flight and ground operation. The Gray Water System enables draining of the serviced water from galleys and lavatories washbasins. Draining is performed by drain masts located in the forward and aft sections of the fuselage.. The optional gray water intermediate holding tanks collect gray water on ground from the forward and aft galleys and lavatories to avoid spillage onto the tarmac. A system controller (WWSC- Water and Waste System Controlller_operates and monitors the system components, evaluates failure status and also controls the water/waste heating systems. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 6 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only GENERAL DESCRIPTION WASTE SYSTEM The Vacuum Waste System provides waste collection and storage from the toilet assemblies located within the lavatories for passenger use. It uses either a vacuum generator or differential pressure between the cabin and ambient to transport the waste from the toilets to an aft mounted waste holding tank, whose usable capacity is 95 liters (25 gallons). Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only WATER/WASTE - OVERVIEW ACFT WITH AFT POTABLE WATER TANK Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 7 WATER AND WASTE SYSTEM GENERAL (38-00) GENERAL DESCRIPTION WATER SYSTEM The Potable Water System supplies pressurized potable water in the galleys and lavatories for passenger and crew use. The pressurization of the potable water system is achieved by bleed air; alternately, a standard air compressor is used to pressurize the water system if the bleed air pressure is below the optimal range. The potable water is stored in a central holding tank, whose useable capacity is 110 liters; located in the forward fuselage section of the aircraft under the floor in front of the forward bulkhead of the forward cargo compartment.. Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only EFFECTIVITY: ON ACFT EMB 195 WITH FWD POTABLE WATER TANK The Gray Water System enables draining of the serviced water from galleys and lavatories washbasins. Draining is performed by drain port installed in the forward fuselage for drainage of gray water on-ground drain masts, aft master drains and by a relocated forward drain mast. A system controller (WWSC- Water and Waste System Controlller) and VCU- Valves Control Unit) operate and monitor the system components, evaluates failure status and also controls the water/waste heating systems. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 8 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only WATER/WASTE - OVERVIEW EMB 195 ACFT WITH FWD POTABLE WATER TANK Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 9 GENERAL DESCRIPTION • POTABLE WATER (AMM SDS 38-10-00/1) • WASTE DISPOSAL (AMM SDS 38-30-00/1) • AIR SUPPLY (AMM SDS 38-40-00/1) • WWSC (Water and Waste System Controller) (AMM MPP 38-00-01/401) • SUMP ASSEMBLY (AMM MPP 38-00-03/401) Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only The WATER/WASTE includes these subsystems: EFFECTIVITY: ON ACFT EMB 195 WITH FWD POTABLE WATER TANK • VCU (Valve Control Unit) (AMM MPP 38-00-02/401) EFFECTIVITY: AIRCRAFT WITH AFT POTABLE WATER TANK AND WWSC The WWSC monitors and controls the components of the systems of the potable water, vacuum waste, gray water and air supply. The controller interacts with the aircraft aft FAP and with power systems. EFFECTIVITY: ON ACFT EMB 195 WITH FWD POTABLE WATER TANK The WWSC and VCU monitor and control the components of the systems of the potable water, vacuum waste, gray water and air supply. The controllers interacts with the aircraft aft FAP (Flight Attendant Panel) and power systems. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 10 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only WATER/WASTE - BLOCK DIAGRAM EFFECTIVITY ACFT WITH AFT POTABLE WATER TANK EFFECTIVITY:ON ACFT BEM 195 WITH FWD POTABLE WATER TANK Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 11 COMPONENTS WASTE DISPOSAL (38-30) The waste disposal system provides waste collection and storage from the toilet assemblies located within the lavatories and from the gray water coming from the galley sinks and lavatory washbasins. The waste disposal system is composed of two subsystems, the VWS (Vacuum Waste System) and the gray water drain system. The VWS uses either a vacuum generator or differential pressure between the cabin and the ambient to transport the waste from the toilets to a vacuum waste system tank. Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only POTABLE WATER (38-10) The potable water subsystem includes components and equipment to store and supply pressurized potable water to the galley and lavatory areas for the use of passengers and crew members. The system supplies pressurized water to the lavatories and the galleys. This water cannot be used to drink. Water is also supplied in the lavatories for flushing of the vacuum toilets. The potable water system is made up of other three systems: storage and distribution, water heater, and water tank quantity indication. AIR SUPPLY (38-40) The potable water system is pressurized by bleed air coming from the APU (Auxiliary Power Unit) or main engines or air compressor if applicable. The air is introduced via an air manifold into the potable water tank to provide regulated pressurized potable water. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 12 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only WATER/WASTE - MAIN COMPONENTS ACFT WITH AFT POTABLE WATER TANK Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 13 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 14 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only WATER/WASTE - MAIN COMPONENTS ON ACFT EMB 195 WITH FWD POTABLE WATER TANK Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 15 WATER WASTE SYSTEM CONTROLLER EFFECTIVITY: AIRCRAFT WITH AFT POTABLE WATER TANK AND WWSC The WWSC controls and performs the following functions: The system FILL/DRAIN process is controlled jointly by the VCU and the WWSC. TRAINING INFORMATION POINTS WWSC provides twelve (12) discrete pin-programming inputs to accept aircraft configuration data. The pin programming inputs are hard-wired on the aircraft side harness. PIN PROGRAMMING OPTIONS Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only • The WWSC is a microprocessor-based electronic module that monitors and controls the components of the water, waste and air supply systems. The WWSC is mounted in the rear electronics bay on a support bracket. The location is behind the aft LH (Left- Hand) lavatory and above the vacuum waste tank. The controller operates with the aircraft 28 VDC (Volt Direct Current) power. The WWSC is powered from one of three separate sources. The WWSC also provides water tank fill and drain functions under a low-power condition called Hot Bus mode. The system controller operates and monitors the system components and evaluates failure status. The WWSC controls and performs the following functions: • • • • • • • • • • • • • System fill/drain process. Water tank level monitoring. Valve opening/closing. Drain masts heating. Waste tank level monitoring. Initiation of vacuum generator operation at low altitudes. Monitoring of service panel door switch. Interface with toilet. BIT (Built-in Test) of water system components; Indication of water system status to cockpit, FAP and service panel; Communication with the Generic I/O 3 (MAU 3) for fault messages displayed in the CMC (Central Maintenance Computer). In-flight drainage of the potable water (If applicable to the aircraft configuration). Gray water drainage (Gray water holding tank if applicable to the aircraft configuration). WATER WASTE SYSTEM CONTROLLER EFFECTIVITY: ON ACFT EMB 195 WITH FWD POTABLE WATER TANK The WWSC is a microprocessor-based electronic module that interfaces with the VCU, monitors and controls the components of the water, waste and air supply systems. . Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 16 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only WATER/WASTE - MAIN COMPONENTS Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 17 VALVE CONTROL UNIT EFFECTIVITY: ON ACFT EMB 195 WITH FWD POTABLE WATER TANK Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only The VCU is a PLD - Programmable Logic Device that interfaces with WWSC, controls and monitors the valves, air compressor, and Fill/Drain switch. The VCU is installed in the aft avionics compartment and operates with the aircraft 28 VDC power. The VCU is powered from one of three separate sources: the aircraft DC GND SVC BUS, DC BUS 1 and HOT BUS (battery). Generally, the DC GND SVC BUS will power the VCU, in case of loss of DC GND SVC BUS, the DC BUS 1 provides power to VCU. The VCU automatically switches to HOT BUS mode when both DC GND SVC BUS and DC BUS 1 fail to supply power. PIN PROGRAMMING The VCU has only two optional pins. One indicates whether or not the aircraft is an ERJ 190-200, because the VCU may be extended for use on other aircraft models of the ERJ 170/190 aircraft in case of the fwd drain mast relocation. The other pin enables or disables a 180s time delay for gray water ground valve closing after the aircraft takes off. The aim of this delay is to assure clearing of the drain lines after the opening of the gray water valve (when installed) and prior the closing of the gray water ground valve. TRAINING INFORMATION POINTS EFFECTIVITY: ON ACFT EMB 195 WITH FWD POTABLE WATER TANK The VCU fault indication system is monitored on FAP through the water fault indication light (blinking) and also can be checked on the lighted indication panel of the VCU. The VCU indication panel has: the reset button; the LED (Light-Emitting Diode) test button performs BIT of the gray water ground valve, FILL/ DRAIN valve, FILL/DRAIN switch and overflow valve; the LED SYS FAIL indicates VCU fault. The VCU controls and performs the following functions: • • • • • • The System fill process* System drain process* Overflow valve opening/closing. On-ground draining of the potable water and gray water. Air compressor operation. Provisions for Communication with the MAU for fault messages displayed in the CMC. * The system FILL/DRAIN process is controlled jointly by the VCU and the WWSC. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 18 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only WATER/WASTE - MAIN COMPONENTS (ONLY FOR EMB 195) - VCU INDICATION LIGHTS Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 19 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 20 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only WATER/WASTE - VCU INDICATION LIGHTS Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 21 SUMP ASSEMBLY For potable water, the fitting is a clamshell type and the ends are .50". For gray water line, the fitting is beaded for a hose clamp and the ends are .75" below floor and 1.00" above floor). The sump also contains a condensate/excess water drain tube bonded to the sump basin. The tube is a 1/4" stainless tube, which is connected to a section of Tygon (PVC) tubing to direct the water toward the aircraft bilge. Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only Sump assemblies are installed in the aircraft floor panels at the galley and lavatory water system interface locations. The sump provides the connection point for the potable water and gray water lines from the individual users. The sump contains interface fittings for connection of the galley or lavatory water hoses above floor and the water system hoses below floor. The sump drain hose is used to drain water that may leak from the connection points of the potable water and/or gray water lines. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 22 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only WATER/WASTE - MAIN COMPONENTS Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 23 AIRCRAFT WITH AFT POTABLE WATER TANK – OPERATION WATER SYSTEM OPERATION The water system supplies pressurized water to lavatories and galleys whenever the following conditions are met: Electrical power is available Water tank is not empty; Fill/Drain Switch is in “NORMAL” position; No cabin drain is requested in flight. The WWSC is in normal mode of operation while powered by DC GND SVC BUS or DC BUS 1. The WWSC automatically switches to HOT BUS power when both DC GND SVC BUS and DC BUS 1 fail to supply power. In the HOT BUS mode, all WWSC operates partially to allow for draining and filling of the water tank when neither one of the above mentioned buses are powered. POTABLE WATER FILLING The service panel door switch enables HOT BUS power to the WWSC when the service panel door is open. If power from the DC GND SVC BUS and DC BUS 1 is not available or fails to supply power, the WWSC automatically switches to HOT BUS power mode so as to allow system filling and drainage. Filling is started by selecting FILL position in the service panel door on ground. The WWSC command the fill/drain valve to open and enable water to be filled into the water tank via the fill/drain nipple at the service panel. The opened valve also enables tank ventilation and overflow via the aft drain mast. The WWSC stop filling If the water tank becomes full, by closing the fill/drain valve and the provide FULL indication at the service panel and quantity indication on the FAP (Flight Attendant Panel). WASTE SYSTEM OPERATION Toilet flushing is initiated by a passenger pushing the momentary contact type flush switch located inside the lavatory. The WWSC connects to each toilet flush control unit (FCU), mounted on the toilets, times and sequences the operation of the vacuum toilet, by controlling the rinse valve and the toilet flush valve. The WWSC provides power to the MSR according to altitude in order to supply electrical power to the vacuum generator. The WWSC receives flight and altitude information from the aircraft through MAU 3 via ARINC 429 bus (Aeronautical Radio Incorporated). If the waste tank becomes full, a level sensor in the waste tank notifies the WWSC, which in turn disables the toilets to prevent further flushing, and over-filling of the waste tank. The WWSC monitors the aircraft service panel door switch contacts to enable or disable toilet operation. The WWSC monitors the Liquid Level Sensors (LLS) to enable or disable toilet operation and provide indication on the Flight Attendant Panel (FAP). The WWSC incorporates the necessary BIT to detect internal faults and external faults, by performing BIT tests of the components and circuits. The WWSC communicates with CMC via ARINC 429 bus through the MAU 3 for maintenance failure messages. POTABLE WATER DRAINING Draining is started by opening the service panel door on ground and turning the fill/drain switch to the DRAIN position. The WWSC command the forward drain valve and the fill/drain valve to open and enable water in the tank and tubing to be drained via the forward and aft drain masts and the fill/drain nipple. When the optional in-flight, aft drain valve is installed, the opening of valve is delayed until the water level in the water tank falls below 10%. This is done to allow proper venting and draining of the water tank. The fill/drain switch also enables the forward drain valve to open during cold weather conditions by overriding the safety thermostat inside forward drain mast. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 24 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only • • • • IN-FLIGHT WATER DRAINING Both drain masts are temperature controlled by the WWSC. The drain mast heaters prevent hazardous ice formation during draining of water. In case of any faulty drain mast(s) condition., In-flight draining is not allowed by WWSC. The WWSC opens and leaves open the following valves 2 minutes after it detects that the landing gear is up. The valves are always closed while landing gear is down except during the drain process. Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only WATER/WASTE - OPERATION Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 25 ON ACFT EMB 195 WITH FWD POTABLE WATER TANK Due to the change of the water tank for the EMB 195, it was necessary to add a new controller (VCU), two valves, and change the operation logic of the air compressor. The VCU interfaces with the two added valves, WWSC controller, air compressor, Fill/Drain switch, aft Flight Attendant Panel, and have provisions for interfacing with the Centralized Maintenance Computer (CMC). Some signals coming from the service panel switch, landing gear and WWSC are also necessary for the VCU to operate jointly with the WWSC to control the functionality of the system. The VCU does not interact or interface with the waste system. Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only The Potable Water, Gray Water and Air Supply Systems are controlled and monitored by the WWSC and VCU. The WWSC controls the Vacuum Waste System. The WWSC and VCU interacts with the aircraft aft FAP, MAU 3 and LICC, AICC and SPDA 1. * The system FILL/DRAIN process is controlled jointly by the VCU and the WWSC. The WWSC communicates with CMC and also receives flight and altitude information from the aircraft through MAU 3 via ARINC (Aeronautical Radio Incorporated) 429 bus. The WWSC and VCU are in normal mode of operation while powered by DC GND SVC BUS or DC BUS 1. The WWSC and VCU automatically switch to HOT BUS power when both DC GND SVC BUS and DC BUS 1 fail to supply power. In the HOT BUS mode, both WWSC and VCU operate partially to allow for draining and filling of the water tank when neither one of the above mentioned buses are powered. For ground servicing, the WWSC and VCU incorporate a HOT BUS mode feature that allows system servicing when electrical power is removed from the aircraft generators or a GPU. The drainage of the system in HOT BUS mode is done by gravity through the drain port and only the residual water from the lines installed aft the wing box is drained through the service panel and aft drain mast. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 26 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only WATER/WASTE – OPERATION ON ACFT EMB 195 WITH FWD POTABLE WATER TANK Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 27 POTABLE WATER (38-10) - INTRODUCTION The bleed air pressure is used as the primary pressure source of the system. The bleed pressurization line is routed from the main aircraft bleed air duct up to the water tank inlet distribution air manifold. The tap off point is placed in such way to provide bleed air either from the engines or from APU. The bleed air is filtered and regulated to the system operating pressure of 36 to 41 psig. Alternately, an air compressor if applicable can be used to pressurize the water system if the bleed air pressure is below the optimal range. The pressure switch mounted to the water tank signals the WWCS, which activates the air compressor to achieve the required water system pressure. The potable water storage tank maximum useable capacity is pinprogrammable. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only The potable water subsystem includes components and equipment to store and supply pressurized potable water to the galley and lavatory areas for the use of passengers and crew members. The system supplies pressurized water to the lavatories and the galleys. This water cannot be used to drink. Water is also supplied in the lavatories for flushing of the vacuum toilets. The potable water system is made up of other three systems: storage and distribution, water heater, and water tank quantity indication. 28 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only POTABLE WATER – OVERVIEW AIRCRAFT WITH AFT POTABLE WATER TANK AND WWSC Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 29 INTRODUCTION EFFECTIVITY: ON ACFT EMB 195 WITH FWD POTABLE WATER TANK The bleed air pressure is used as the primary pressure source of the system. The bleed pressurization line is routed from the main aircraft bleed air duct up to the water tank inlet distribution air manifold. The tap off point is placed in such way to provide bleed air either from the engines or from APU. The bleed air is filtered and regulated to the system operating pressure of 36 to 41 psig. Alternately, an air compressor is used to pressurize the water system if the bleed air pressure is below the optimal range. The pressure switch mounted to the water tank signals the VCU, which activates the air compressor to achieve the required water system pressure. The air compressor is also used during drainage of the system through the service panel. The potable water storage tank maximum useable capacity is pinprogrammable in the same way for the EMB 195. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only The potable water subsystem includes components and equipment to store and supply pressurized potable water to the galley and lavatory areas for the use of passengers and crew members. The system supplies pressurized water to the lavatories and the galleys. This water cannot be used to drink. Water is also supplied in the lavatories for flushing of the vacuum toilets. The potable water system is made up of other three systems: storage and distribution, water heater, and water tank quantity indication. 30 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only POTABLE WATER – OVERVIEW ON ACFT EMB 195 WITH FWD POTABLE WATER TANK Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 31 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The POTABLE WATER includes these subsystems: • • • Storage And Distribution (AMM SDS 38-11-00/1) Water Heater System (AMM SDS 38-12-00/1) Water Tank Quantity Indication (AMM SDS 38-13-00/1) ON ACFT EMB 195 WITH FWD POTABLE WATER TANK Operation and monitoring is made by two system controllers, WWSC (Water and Waste System Controller) and VCU (Valve Control Unit), which control the potable water system components. These systems have failure detection capability and display messages indicating the current system status on the FAP, on the CMC, and also in the VCU LED (Light-Emitting Diodes). The supply line in the galley contains a water filter if applicable for removing impurities and sediment, and improving the water taste and quality for the use of passengers and crew members. Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only The potable water hoses extend from the water tank to the consumers; galleys and lavatories. A self-regulating water heater if applicable is installed at the lavatories to provide warm water for hand washing with the aim of improving the passenger's comfort as well as allowing the crew members to clean their hands. EFFECTIVITY: ON ACFT WITH AFT POTABLE WATER TANK The system is pressurized through the air manifold by means of bleed air coming from the APU (Auxiliary Power Unit) or from the main engines or even from the air compressor if applicable (AMM SDS 38-40-00/1). Operation and monitoring is made by one system controller, WWSC (Water and Waste System Controller), which controls the potable water system components. WWSC has a failure detection capability and displays messages indicating the current system status on the FAP (Flight Attendant Panel) and on the CMC (Central Maintenance Computer). Water quantity is permanently monitored by the level sensor. The water tank quantity indication, at the FAP, shows the following percentage figures: 0%; 25%; 50%; 75%, 100%. The potable water is filled /drained through the service panel. The service panel indication gives the current status of the potable water system: FULL, when the system is filled (to set the fill/drain switch to FILL); DRAIN, when the drain function is activated (to set the fill/drain switch to DRAIN). When the fill/drain switch is set to NORMAL, the indication in the service panel disappears. The water lines are equipped with a manual shutoff valve for galley and lavatory system isolation and for maintenance without the use of tools. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 32 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only POTABLE WATER - BLOCK DIAGRAM ACFT WITH AFT POTABLE WATER TANK Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 33 COMPONENTS STORAGE AND DISTRIBUTION (38-11) Potable water is distributed from a single tap point below the potable water tank through the water distribution line. The water lines distribute the potable water to the lavatories and the galleys for the use of passengers and crew members. Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only WATER HEATER SYSTEM (38-12) A self-regulating water heater if applicable is installed in the lavatories to provide warm water for hand washing, aimed at improving passenger comfort as well as allowing the crew members to clean their hands, prior to beginning the food servicing duties. WATER TANK QUANTITY INDICATION (38-13) The water tank quantity indication subsystem includes components to indicate and monitor the water level within the potable water tank. The system is made up of water tank level sensor and service panel indication. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 34 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only POTABLE WATER - MAIN COMPONENTS ACFT WITH AFT POTABLE WATER TANK Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 35 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 36 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only POTABLE WATER - MAIN COMPONENTS ON ACFT EMB 195 WITH FWD POTABLE WATER TANK Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 37 OPERATION For ground servicing, the WWSC incorporates a HOT BUS mode feature that allows system filling and draining even without electrical power being supplied by either the AC (Alternating Current) generators or by the GPU (Ground Power Unit). The service panel door switch enables HOT BUS power to the WWSC when the service panel door is open. If power from the DC (Direct Current) GND (Ground) SVC (Service) BUS and DC BUS 1 is not available or is not supplied, the WWSC automatically switches to HOT BUS power mode, so as to allow the system filling and drainage. EFFECTIVITY: AIRCRAFT WITH AFT POTABLE WATER TANK AND WWSC FILLING The filling of the potable water tank system starts by opening the service panel door on ground, attaching a fill hose, and turning the fill/drain switch to the FILL position. The fill/drain valve turned to the OPEN position, enabling water to be filled into the water tank through the fill/drain nipple at the service panel. If the water tank becomes full, the fill/drain valve closes automatically and the FULL indicator is illuminated at the service panel. When the fill/drain switch returns to NORMAL, the fill/drain valve closes simultaneously and the FULL indication dims. The valves are also closed if the 6-minute time-out expires in the HOT BUS power mode. A 10-second time-out period is incorporated to shut down the WWSC and avoid battery depletion. The service panel door switch disconnects the WWSC from the HOT BUS every time the service panel door is closed. The WWSC activates the air compressor if applicable when the water tank pressure switch indicates low pressure, except when the FILL signal is active while the aircraft is parked on the ground. DRAINING ON GROUND On the ground, draining starts by opening the service panel door and turning the fill/drain switch to the DRAIN position. The FWD (Forward) drain valve and the fill/drain valve open automatically and enable water in the tank and lines to be drained through the service panel in the aft section of the aircraft. At the service panel, the DRAIN indicator light illuminates, indicating that all valves are open. If the fill/drain switch is returned to NORMAL, all valves close and the DRAIN indication dims. At water consuming locations, the shutoff valves must be open. The faucets and coffee makers are self-venting to clear the lines and avoid vacuum lock. The drain servicing procedure using the compressor is not available by means of hot battery power. In this mode, all valves open and the potable water is drained on the ground by gravity through the drain mast and the fill/drain nipple. The compressor is also commanded ON by the WWSC during the pressurized drainage. The service panel door switch disconnects the WWSC from the HOT BUS after 6 minutes when the fill/drain switch is set to the DRAIN position. DRAINING IN FLIGHT (IF APPLICABLE TO THE AIRCRAFT CONFIGURATION) In-flight drainage of the potable water tank is commanded by pressing the water dump pushbutton indicator located in the cockpit (main instrument panel). It is used by the flight crew for in-flight drainage of the potable water tank. When the pushbutton is pressed, the aft drain valve opens automatically and the cockpit water drain WHITE indicator is illuminated by the WWSC. The water in the potable water tank is drained via the aft drain mast. When the cockpit indicator is ON, the drainage can STOP if the cabin drain pushbutton is pressed a second time, all water drain valves will close and the WHITE indicator will extinguish. The forward drain valve is opened automatically three minutes after water quantity inside the water tank measures as 0%. The in-flight drainage inhibit via WWSC in case the landing gear is down or the temperature sensor in the forward drain mast detects low temperature. The forward and the aft drain valves are commanded to close. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 38 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only Potable water is distributed from a single tap point below the potable water tank through the water distribution line. The water lines distribute the potable water to the lavatories and galleys. Water is filtered in the galleys and is warmed in the lavatories for the use of passengers and crew members. The filling is done from service panel to the potable water tank. The on-ground draining can be done through the service panel and the in-flight if applicable through the drain masts. Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only POTABLE WATER – OPERATION ACFT WITH AFT POTABLE WATER TANK Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 39 OPERATION EFFECTIVITY: ON ACFT EMB 195 WITH FWD POTABLE WATER TANK For ground servicing, the WWSC and VCU incorporate a HOT BUS mode feature that allows system filling and draining even with no electrical power from either the AC generators or GPU. The service panel door switch enables HOT BUS power to the WWSC and to the VCU when the service panel door is open. If power from the DC GND SVC BUS and DC BUS 1 is not available or fails to supply power, the WWSC and VCU automatically switches to HOT BUS power mode so as to allow system filling and drainage. FILLING The filling of the potable water tank system starts by opening the service panel door on the ground, attaching a fill hose, and turning the fill/drain switch to the FILL position. The fill/drain valve (commanded by the WWSC) and the overflow valve (commanded by the VCU) are automatically turned to the OPEN position, which enables water to be filled into the water tank through the fill/drain nipple at the service panel. If the water tank becomes full, the fill/drain valve CLOSES automatically and the FULL indicator is illuminated at the service panel. When the fill/ drain switch is returned to NORMAL, the fill/drain valve closes simultaneously and the FULL indication dims. The valves are also closed if a 6-minute time-out expires in the HOT BUS power mode. After the valve closing command (10-second time-out period) expires, the WWSC and VCU shutdown, avoiding battery depletion. DRAINING ON GROUND On-ground draining starts by opening the service panel door and turning the fill/drain switch to the DRAIN position. When the fill/ drain switch is set to DRAIN, the VCU commands the fill/drain valve and overflow valve to open. The fill/drain valve opens automatically and enables water in the tank and enables water in the tank and hoses to be drained through the service panel in the aft section of the aircraft. If AC power is available the compressor On the service panel, the DRAIN indicator starts blinking, indicating that the initial drain process is in progress. Two minutes after the water tank is empty, as detected by the water tank level sensor, or 17 minutes after the compressor started working, the VCU will turn off the compressor and send a signal to the WWSC to open the FWD DRAIN valve to allow drainage, by gravity, of the remaining water in the system. On the service panel, the DRAIN indication light illuminates steadily, indicating that all valves are open. When the fill/drain switch is returned to NORMAL, all valves close and the DRAIN indication dims on the service panel and the power to the air compressor is enabled. The drain servicing procedure using the compressor is not available by means of hot battery power. In this mode, all valves open and the potable water are on-ground drained by gravity through the drain port. Only the residual water is drained through the aft drain mast and the fill/drain nipple. A vent valve has been added to the top of the tank, allowing proper venting of the tank and avoiding a build-up of vacuum during the gravity drainage since the overflow hose will be filled up with water. The service panel door switch disconnects the WWSC from the HOT BUS after 6 minutes, when the fill/drain switch is set to the DRAIN position. ABNORMAL OPERATION FILLING The open overflow valve enables the tank ventilation and overflow through the forward drain port in case of water level sensor failure. DRAINING IN FLIGHT (If applicable to the aircraft configuration) In-flight draining is not allowed under any faulty drain mast condition and if the landing gear information is not available. If the command is given after the landing gear extension, the in-flight drainage will be inhibited and the WHITE indicator will not illuminate. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 40 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only Potable water is distributed from a single tap point below the potable water tank through the water distribution line. The water lines distribute the potable water to the lavatories and the galleys. The water is filtered in the galleys and the water is also warmed in the lavatories for the use of passengers and crew members. The filling is done from the service panel to the potable water tank. The on-ground draining can be done through the service panel, and in-flight if applicable through the drain masts. simultaneously turns on to pressurize the water through the water lines to the service panel. Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only POTABLE WATER – OPERATION ON ACFT EMB 195 WITH FWD POTABLE WATER TANK Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 41 STORAGE AND DISTRIBUTION (38-11) • • • • • • • • • • • Potable water tank Water supply hoses Fill/Drain valve Forward drain valve Fill/Drain nipple Fill/Drain switch Service panel door switch Manual shutoff valves Water filters Lavatory faucets Galley spigots GENERAL DESCRIPTION The potable water is filled through the single potable water service panel. Potable water hoses extend from the water tank to the consumers: galleys and lavatories. Potable water is distributed from the potable water tank through the distribution lines. Reinforced and flexible supply hoses are installed in the pressurized area under the floor cabin, except for the wing area, where the water lines are routed above floor behind dado panels. The water lines to each consumer are equipped with a manual shutoff valve for system isolation and maintenance. Water is supplied to the sink by a wallmounted faucet located above the lavatory sink basin. Water is also supplied to a spigot in the galleys. Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only INTRODUCTION Potable water is distributed from a single tap point below the potable water tank through the water distribution line. The water lines distribute the potable water to the faucets of the lavatories and water spigots in the galleys for the use of passengers and crew members. The water storage and distribution system has the following equipment: EFFECTIVITY: ON ACFT WITH AFT POTABLE WATER TANK IN-FLIGHT DRAINAGE • • Cockpit in-flight drainage panel Aft drain valve EFFECTIVITY: ON ACFT EMB 195 WITH FWD POTABLE WATER TANK • Overflow valve • Water tank vent valve Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 42 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only STORAGE AND DISTRIBUTION - BLOCK DIAGRAM IF APPLICABLE TO THE AIRCRAFT CONFIGURATION. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 43 POTABLE WATER TANK The potable water tank stores a varying quantity of water to be supplied to lavatories and galleys on ground and during flight. The potable water storage tank is located behind the aft cargo compartment bulkhead (below the cabin floor crossbeams) in the aft section, and is mounted horizontally with two band clamps. The tank is supported by a structural cradle that is attached to the aircraft structure. At the top of the tank, a 4-inch V-Flange is installed. The flange incorporates ports and fittings for the overflow line, air pressurization, air pressure switch, and level sensor. At the bottom of the tank, a flange connection provides an interface to the fill/drain and distribution lines. An overflow tube set at 101% of tank level is provided to limit tank volume in case of malfunctioning of the control loop, and as a protection against overfilling. Water supply is provided by pressurization of the air cushion above the water level. Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only COMPONENTS The WWSC (Water and Waste System Controller) system controller, in conjunction with the level sensor, limits the usable quantity to the predefined volume. NOTE: The aircraft potable water tank can be configured to 35, 70, 90 or 110-liters capacity by changing the WWSC pin programming. The useable tank capacity is 110 liters. The tank has an air cushion volume of 10 liters that provides proper dampening of tank pressure variations of the bleed air pressure. An overflow tube set at 101% of tank level is provided to limit tank volume in case of malfunctioning of the control loop, and as a protection against overfilling. The system controller, in conjunction with the level sensor, limits the usable quantity to the pre-defined volume. Water supply is provided by pressurization of the air cushion above the water level. The nominal system pressure inside the tank is 36 - 41 psig considering an inlet pressure on pressure regulator from 44 to 59.4 PSIG. POTABLE WATER SUPPLY HOSES Potable water flexible hoses are installed to supply potable water to the consumers (lavatories and galleys). Clamshell couplings are used in the connections of the hoses to the installed equipment. The hoses are clamped to support brackets on the aircraft structure using saddle clamps with an insulating sleeve. The supports are spaced enough to avoid the hose to droop and thus ensure complete drainage. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 44 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only STORAGE AND DISTRIBUTION - MAIN COMPONENTS ON ACFT WITH AFT POTABLE WATER TANK LENGTH 1072,6 mm (42,33 in) DIAMETER 396,0 mm (15.60 in) VOLUME, TOTAL 121,71 (32.1 USG) VOLUME, USEABLE 110,01 (29.0 USG) WEIGHT 16,0 kg (35.3 lb) OPERATING TEMPERATURE -54 def. C to +85 deg. C (-65 deg. F to +185 def. F) OPERATING PRESSURE 0 to 2862 hPa (0 to 41 PSIg) MAX. OPERATING PRESSURE 3585 hPa (0 to 52 PSIg) Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 45 The potable water tank stores a varying quantity of water to be supplied to lavatories and galleys on ground and during flight. The potable water storage tank is located behind the forward cargo compartment bulkhead (below the cabin floor crossbeams) in the forward section, and is mounted horizontally with two band clamps. The tank is supported by a structural cradle that is attached to the aircraft structure. At the top of the tank, a 4-inch V-flange is installed. The flange on the top of the tank incorporates ports and fittings for the overflow line, vent valve, air supply line, and level sensor. At the bottom of the tank, a flange connection provides an interface to the fill/drain and distribution lines. An overflow tube set at 101% of tank level is provided to limit tank volume in case of malfunctioning of the control loop, and as a protection against overfilling. Water supply is provided by pressurization of the air cushion above the water level. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only EFFECTIVITY: ON ACFT EMB 195 WITH FWD POTABLE WATER TANK POTABLE WATER TANK 46 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only STORAGE AND DISTRIBUTION - MAIN COMPONENTS ON ACFT EMB 195 WITH FWD POTABLE WATER TANK FWD POTABLE WATER TANK Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 47 COMPONENTS EFFECTIVITY: AIRCRAFT WITH AFT POTABLE WATER TANK AND WWSC Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only FILL/DRAIN VALVE The fill/drain valve enabling on-ground filling and draining as well as tank ventilation and overflow via the aft drain mast, and draining during flight if applicable. The valve is a four-way, two-position ball-type that is operated by an electric motor, controlled by the WWSC. The nominal operating voltage is 28 VDC (Volt Direct Current), supplied to the valve through the WWSC from the DC GND SVC BUS or DC BUS 1. The fill/drain valve is designed to withstand freezing conditions (AMM SDS 30-71-00/1). FORWARD DRAIN VALVE The FWD drain valve serves to on-ground drain the FWD potable water system line and in-flight drain if applicable through the drain port. The valve is operated by electrical signals from the WWSC. The FWD drain valve is a two-way ball-type that is operated by an electric motor. AFT DRAIN VALVE EFFECTIVITY: AIRCRAFT WITH AFT POTABLE WATER TANK IN FLIGHT DRAINAGE The AFT drain valve is used to in-flight drain the potable water tank. The valve is a two-way, two-position ball-type that is operated by an electric motor. The valve is operated by an electric motor controlled by the WWSC. The nominal operating voltage is 28 VDC, supplied to the valve through the WWSC from the DC GND SVC BUS or the DC BUS 1. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 48 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only STORAGE AND DISTRIBUTION - MAIN COMPONENTS ON ACFT WITH AFT POTABLE WATER TANK IF APPLICABLE TO THE AIRCRAFT CONFIGURATION. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 49 COMPONENTS (EFFECTIVITY: AIRCRAFT WITH FWD POTABLE WATER TANK) Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only FILL/DRAIN VALVE The fill/drain valve is used for on-ground filling and draining the water system and in-flight draining if applicable. The valve is a two-way; two position balltype that is operated by electrical signals from WWSC and VCU (Valve Control Unit). The nominal operating voltage is 28 VDC, supplied to the valve through the WWSC and VCU from the DC GND SVC BUS or DC BUS 1. The fill/drain valve is designed to withstand freezing conditions (AMM SDS 30-7100/1). FORWARD DRAIN VALVE The FWD (Forward) drain valve serves to on-ground drain the FWD potable water system line and in-flight drain if applicable through the drain port. The FWD drain valve is a two-way ball-type that is operated by an electric motor. The valve is operated by electrical signals from the WWSC. The FWD drain valve is designed to withstand freezing conditions (AMM SDS 30-71-00/1). OVERFLOW VALVE The overflow valve installed close to the water tank in the FWD section for ventilation and overflow purposes. The overflow valve opens for the filling process when operating on ground, through the service panel and serves to vent the tank in normal conditions and drain water on ground through the drain port, in case the water level sensor is not operating. The normal position for the valve in flight is CLOSED. The overflow valve is a two-way ball-type that is operated by an electric motor controlled by the VCU. The overflow valve is designed to withstand freezing conditions (AMM SDS 3071-00/1). VENT VALVE A vent valve is installed in the overflow line. This valve is installed to allow proper venting of the water tank, during the gravity drainage when operating on ground in the HOT BUS mode. Under this operating condition, the overflow line is filled with water; therefore tank venting is not possible through the corresponding hose. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 50 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only STORAGE AND DISTRIBUTION - MAIN COMPONENTS ON ACFT EMB 195 WITH FWD POTABLE WATER TANK Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 51 The service panel contains the necessary servicing equipment such as fill/drain nipple, fill/drain switch, service panel door switch and a service indication panel (AMM SDS 38-13-00/1). Identification placards in the English language are provided to describe the equipment position/function. Bilingual instructional placards with the description of all the service procedures steps are provided (English and another language chosen by the airline). FILL/DRAIN NIPPLE The FILL/DRAIN nipple is part of the potable water service panel. It is the connection between the potable water system and the potable water service vehicle. It is used for filling and draining the potable water tank. FILL DRAIN SWITCH The fill/drain switch is part of the potable water service panel and enables ground service operation of the system. The fill/drain switch activates the following functions: • • • • • • Potable water tank filling Potable water tank draining The FILL/DRAIN nipple is provided with these four main parts: A standard adapter for the connection with the potable water vehicle. A fitting for installation to the potable water hose. A lever lock cap assembly. An insulated base. The fill/drain nipple has a cuff heater with an overheat protection and temperature control. (AMM SDS 30-71-00/1). The fill/drain switch is operated by electrical signals at 28 VDC. Three positions that are actuated by the handle are possible and marked with labels: • • • Drain Normal Fill SERVICE PANEL DOOR SWITCH The door switch is located in the potable water service panel. It is of electromechanical type provided with a spring-loaded plunger. When the service panel door is open, the door switch is used to connect the 28 VDC electrical power from the aircraft HOT BATTERY BUS to the WWSC during the system ground servicing, when no aircraft power or ground power is available. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 52 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only SERVICE PANEL Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only STORAGE AND DISTRIBUTION - MAIN COMPONENTS Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 53 POTABLE WATER FILLING The service panel door switch enables HOT BUS power to the WWSC when the service panel door is open. If power from the DC GND SVC BUS and DC BUS 1 is not available or fails to supply power, the WWSC automatically switches to HOT BUS power mode so as to allow system filling and drainage. Filling is started by selecting FILL position in the service panel door on ground. The WWSC command the fill/drain valve to open and enable water to be filled into the water tank via the fill/drain nipple at the service panel. The opened valve also enables tank ventilation and overflow via the aft drain mast. The WWSC stop filling If the water tank becomes full, by closing the fill/drain valve and the provide FULL indication at the service panel and quantity indication on the FAP (Flight Attendant Panel). POTABLE WATER DRAINING Draining of the system will be performed simultaneously for the potable water and optional gray water systems. The manual on-ground drain procedure is described as follows: The fill procedure is described as follows: • • • • • • Open the water service panel, (LH side in the lower part of the fuselage); Connect water supply hose from the service unit to the fill/drain nipple; Set fill/drain switch to FILL position; WARNING: DO NOT TOUCH THE DRAIN MAST. IF YOU TOUCH IT, YOU WILL BE BURNED. • • • • Open the water service panel, (LH side in the lower part of the fuselage; Set fill/drain switch to DRAIN position; Water drains through the drain masts and service panel fill/drain nipple; The service panel light provides a DRAIN indication (all system valves open) (except during HOT BUS operation mode); Turn the fill/drain switch to the NORMAL position All valves close and the Drain indication turns off. Put the protective cap on the fill/drain nipple. NOTE: CAUTION: THE MAXIMUM PRESSURE FOR FILLING IS 379.3 kPa (55 Psi). • Let all unwanted water drain before you put the protective cap on the fill/drain nipple. • • • Where there are freezing conditions, after the water drainage, we recommend that you wait approximately 30 minutes to put the protection cap on the fill/drain nipple to make sure that all residual water is drained. This procedure will prevent the residual water freezing. The protection cap can cause a blockage of the water/fill drain line. • • • • Fill water system from Water Servicing unit; The service panel light provides a FULL indication (except during HOT BUS operation mode); After FULL indicator illuminates the fill/drain valve closes automatically; On the aft flight ATDT panel, make sure that the water quantity-indication light shows the correct level. Turn the fill/drain switch to the NORMAL position Disconnect the water supply hose and close the service panel door. NOTE: Let all unwanted water drain before you put the protective cap on the fill/drain nipple. Where there are freezing conditions, after the water drainage, we recommend that you wait approximately 30 minutes to put the protection cap on the fill/drain nipple to make sure that all residual water is drained. This procedure will prevent the residual water freezing. The protection cap can cause a blockage of the water/fill drain line. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 54 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only WATER SERVICING Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only WATER - SERVICING Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 55 MANUAL SHUTOFF VALVE The water system may be isolated by means of the manual shutoff valve in case of a water system leak in the supply line. The manual shutoff valve is placed in the potable water supply line, at the galley and lavatory. The equipment is installed above the floor level and is readily accessible. GALLEY SPIGOT The galley water spigot is mounted in the work counter area of the galley. The water spigot is connected to the potable water system and supplies water for passenger and crew use. The faucet is self-vented. The outlet has a removable cap with an integral mesh screen to avoid contamination. Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only LAVATORY FAUCET Water is supplied to the lavatories through a faucet located above the sink basin with the faucet outlet. The faucet outlet is located a minimum of 1 inch from the maximum rim level of the washbasins in order to prevent crosscontamination with the serviced water. The faucet incorporates a mechanical time delay device to allow the continuous flow without holding down the cap. The timer is adjustable from 3 to 10 seconds per push. The faucet has a single control cap that serves to both initiate the flow of water and control the water temperature (AMM SDS 38-12-00/1). The faucet has two inlet ports for hot and cold water. A valve inside the body of the faucet controls the flow and mixing from the two ports to regulate the water temperature according to the set position. Red and blue arrows engraved on the cap mark the hot and cold turn directions. WATER FILTER The potable water supply line in the galley contains a water filter for removing impurities and improving the water taste and quality for use. The filters remove unpleasant tastes and odors, organic pollutants, dirt, amoebic and other cysts, algae and invisible particles, as small as two to five micrometers in diameter. The filter reduces chlorine levels to fractional parts per million to improve taste and prevents recontamination of the water from internal bacteria growth. The filter element is an ultra fine disposable straining material that must be replaced at periodic intervals. NOTE: The filter is not designed to convert non-potable water into potable water. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 56 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only STORAGE AND DISTRIBUTION - MAIN COMPONENTS Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 57 OPERATION Filling and draining of the system is possible manually. The WWSC is able to monitor failures of components connected and address failure message WTR FILL DRAIN VLV/WWSC/WRG FAULT to the CMC and FAP. Only if the Valve fails OPEN the FAP message will be displayed. • The WWSC provides control and power for opening and closing of all water system valves. The position of the valve is monitored by the WWSC to determine of there is a valve fault. The controller has protective circuitry to prevent damage to the controller and electrical wiring in case of a short circuit at the valve outputs. The circuit will automatically restore functioning after the short is removed. At least one of the following methods are used to provide short circuit protection: Fault Protected Drivers, Resettable fuses in series with the output, Series resistance and Transient Suppression Devices. Filll and drain indication is performed by LEDs marked “FULL” and “DRAIN”. 28 VDC Input power is supplied by the WWSC, which also controls the indicator lights. Developed for Training Purposes Only • • FAP: WATER SERVICE/FAULT, 100% QUANTITY INDICATION, 75% QUANTITY INDICATION, 50% QUANTITY INDICATION, 25% QUANTITY INDICATION, 0% QUANTITY INDICATION. Cockpit: CABIN DRAIN INDICATION. Service Panel: TANK FULL, DRAIN VALVES OPEN. The WWSC is able to monitor failures of components connected and address failure messages to the CMC and FAP. Failure messages are addressed to the FAP only if they affect flight attendant duties or passenger comfort. The WATER SERVICE FAULT message is provided to the FAP under the following conditions: Fill/Drain valve fails to CLOSE, FWD Drain valve fails to CLOSE, Aft Drain valve fails CLOSE, FWD or AFT Gray Water Drain valve fails to OPEN, Indicated temperature of the forward drain mast is continuously less than 15C (59F) for 5 minutes. Indicated temperature of either drain mast is continuously greater than 120C (248F) for 2 minutes. The WWSC monitors the water tank level by means of the water tank level sensor to determine the tank content quantity and sends an output signal to the FAP to indicate the correct quantity. The level sensor measures the water level within the potable water tank. The potable water tank level sensor is continuously monitored, and the quantity is indicated at the FAP. The service panel door switch enables HOT BUS power to the WWSC when the service panel door is open. If power from the DC GND SVC BUS and DC BUS 1 is not available or fails to supply power, the WWSC automatically switches to HOT BUS power mode so as to allow system filling and drainage. During servicing a minimum of electrical power for valve and the tank level sensor operation is consumed by the WWSC. When the fill/drain switch is returned to the NORMAL position, all valves automatically close. A 10second timeout period is incorporated to shut down the WWSC and avoid battery depletion. The service panel door switch disconnects the WWSC from the HOT BUS every time the service panel door is closed. The WWSC detects a faulty Fill/Drain Valve if the requested position (OPEN/CLOSED) is not in accordance (after 5 sec.) with the indicated position (by the valve internal position switches). If the valve fails in open position, the potable water system is not available. If the valve fails in closed position, the potable water system is only available as long as water is in the tank. FILLING Filling is s fill/drain switch to the FILL position. If the water tank becomes full, the fill/drain valve closes automatically and the green-color FULL indicator is illuminated at the service pane when the tank reaches the FULL level selected for the configuration. If the fill/drain switch is returned to NORMAL, the FULL indicator is extinguished started by opening the service panel door on ground and turning the fill/drain switch to the FILL position. DRAINING Draining is started by opening the service panel door on ground and turning the fill/drain switch to the DRAIN position. When the fill/drain switch is set to DRAIN, the WWSC commands the following valves to open by supplying 28 VDC to the FILL/DRAIN valve, FWD DRAIN valve,FWD GRAY WATER DRAIN valve (when installed), AFT GRAY WATER DRAIN valve (when installed). The forward drain valve and the fill/drain valve open automatically and enable water in the tank and tubing to be drained via the forward and aft drain masts and the fill/drain nipple. Electrical limit switches in each valve provides indication for the open and the closed position. The fill/drain switch also enables the forward drain valve to open during cold weather conditions by overriding the safety thermostat inside forward drain mast. At the service panel the indication DRAIN indicator light illuminates indicating that all valves including the gray water drain valves are open. If the fill/drain switch is returned to NORMAL, all valves close and the DRAIN indication is extinguished. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 58 Developed for Training Purposes Only The WWSC performs BIT tests of the following components: Level Sensor, FILL/DRAIN valve, FWD DRAIN valve, FILL/DRAIN switch, FWD DRAIN Mast, AFT DRAIN Mast, HOT BUS circuit. WWSC provides the following signals to the water system indicators: Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only POTABLE WATER – SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 59 STORAGE AND DISTRIBUTION – OPERATION ON ACFT EMB 195 WITH FWD POTABLE WATER TANK AND WITHOUT IN-FLIGHT DRAINAGE • • The VCU shares the power supply with the WWSC. It operates with the aircraft 28 VDC power. The VCU is powered from one of three separate sources: the aircraft DC GROUND SERVICE BUS, DC BUS 1 or HOT BUS 2 (battery). The VCU automatically switches to HOT BUS mode when both DC GND SVC BUS and DC BUS 1 fail to supply power and the service panel door is open. To preserve aircraft battery power, system operation in HOT BUS mode is limited to potable and gray water valves operation and tank level sensing for a maximum of six minutes. Each power input interface (DC BUS 1, AC GND SVC BUS and HOT BUS) is protected with a 5 A aircraft circuit breaker. The fill/drain valve opens automatically and enables water in the tank and hoses to be drained via the service panel in the aft section. The air compressor turns on simultaneously to pressurize the water through the water lines to the service panel. At the service panel the DRAIN indicator starts blinking indicating that the initial drain process is in progress. Two minutes after the water tank is empty as detected by the water tank level sensor, or 17 minutes after the air compressor started working the VCU will turn-off the air compressor and send a signal to the WWSC to command the following valves to open and drain the residual water by gravity: POTABLE WATER FILL The WWSC and VCU control the FILL process through inputs from the fill/drain switch and water tank level sensor. Filling is started by opening the service panel door on ground and turning the fill/drain switch to the FILL position. The fill/drain valve (2/2-way ball valve commanded by the WWSC), and the overflow valve (2/2-way ball valve commanded by the VCU) are automatically commanded to the OPEN position and enables water to be filled into the water tank via the fill/drain nipple at the service panel. The opened overflow valve enables tank ventilation and overflow via the forward drain port in case of the water level sensor failure. If the water tank becomes full as detected by the water level sensor, the fill/drain valve and overflow valve close automatically and the FULL indicator is illuminated at the service panel. When the fill/drain switch is returned to NORMAL, the FULL indicator at the service panel is extinguished. It is also possible to interrupt the filling process before the water tank becomes full by simply switching the fill/drain switch to the NORMAL position. The fill/drain valve and overflow valve will close automatically. • • • • POTABLE WATER DRAIN On-Ground Draining is started by opening the service panel door on ground and turning the fill/drain switch to the DRAIN position. When the fill/drain switch is set to DRAIN, the VCU commands the following valves to open: FILL/DRAIN valve Overflow valve FWD DRAIN valve FWD GRAY WATER DRAIN valve (when installed) AFT GRAY WATER DRAIN valve (when installed) In-flight DRAIN valve (when installed) At the service panel the DRAIN indicator light illuminates steadily, indicating that all the valves are open. When the fill/drain switch is returned to NORMAL, all valves close and the DRAIN indication is extinguished at the service panel. The WWSC monitors the water tank level by means of the water tank level sensor and sends an output signal to the VCU and to the aft FAP to indicate the correct quantity. IN- FLIGHT The optional in-flight draining components and operation for the relocated water tank system configuration is similar to the certified ERJ 190-200 configuration. The only difference is that the residual water will be drained through the drain port instead of the fwd drain mast. The drain port incorporates the same protection feature provided by the drain mast that opens the command to the fwd drain valve in case the temperature of the drain port falls below 5°C, eliminating the risk of ice formation under this condition. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 60 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only OPERATION Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only STORAGE AND DISTRIBUTION – OPERATION ON ACFT EMB 195 WITH FWD POTABLE WATER TANK Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 61 WATER HEATER SYSTEM (38-12) – INTRODUCTION A self-regulating water heater is installed in the lavatories to provide warm water for hand washing, aimed at improving passenger comfort as well as allowing the crew members to clean their hands, prior to beginning the food servicing duties. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The water heater system works with the system that follows: Water heater of the lavatory (AMM MPP 38-12-01/401). COMPONENTS Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only • WATER HEATER A water heater in the potable water supply line provides warm water for hand washing in the lavatory washbasins. The water heater is a cylindrical tank of about 1.5 ℓ (0.40 gal.) capacity. It is located in the lavatory cabinet, underneath the sink and installed in the supply line at the faucet. The water heater tank consists of an inlet fitting, outlet fitting, and pressure relief valve. The water heater electrical system consists of an ON-OFF toggle switch, indicator light, manual reset thermostat (for overheat protection), temperature controller, sensor, water-immersion cartridge heaters, and a water level sensor. The water heater power rating is 210 W at 115 VAC, single phase, 400 Hz. Power is supplied from the AC GND SVC BUS. The water heater circuit is protected by a tri-phase 7.5A circuit breaker in the LICC. NOTE: The water heater does not provide a continuous hot water supply. The maximum water temperature recovery time is 15 minutes with 15 - 18°C (59 - 64 °F). Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 62 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only WATER HEATER COMPONENTS Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 63 Power is supplied by the AC GND (Ground) SVC (Service) BUS. It is designed to operate with an air cushion at the top, under normal inlet water pressure. This prevents damage to the water heater tank if freezing occurs. A relief valve prevents excessive pressure buildup within the water heater tank. The indicator light mounted on the water heater tank illuminates when power is supplied to the cartridge heaters. The heaters provide warm water to the lavatory washbasins. The manual reset thermostat is set to open the heater circuit when the switch temperature is 72 - 82 °C (161 - 179 °F). The relief valve prevents excessive pressure buildup within the water heater tank. The pressure relief setting is 140 psi (965.27 KPa). During normal operation, the manual reset thermostat remains closed and the water temperature is maintained by the temperature control sensor at 49.4 - 53.8 °C (121 to 129 °F). If the temperature control sensor malfunctions, the water temperature can rise to 76.7 °C ± 5 °C (170 °F ± 9 °F). The maximum water temperature recovery time is 15 minutes with 15-18 °C (60-65 °F) initial water temperature. When the water temperature is below the manual reset overtemperature switch trip point, the manual reset thermostat contacts remain closed, the indicator light illuminates, and power is supplied to the heating circuit. When the water temperature rises above the manual thermostat trip temperature, the manual reset thermostat opens the heating circuit and the indicator light goes out. Heating circuit power cannot be restored until the water temperature falls below 48.9 °C (120 °F). When the water level falls below the water level sensor, power is removed from the heater. Temperature control at the water outlet is achieved by mixing cold and hot water supplies in the lavatory faucet. Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only OPERATION EFFECTIVITY: ON ACFT EMB 195 WITH FWD POTABLE WATER TANK Power is supplied by AC BUS 1. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 64 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only WATER HEATER SYSTEM - OPERATION Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 65 WATER TANK QUANTITY INDICATION (38-13) INTRODUCTION The water tank quantity indication subsystem includes components to indicate and monitor the water level within the potable water tank. The system is made up of water tank level sensor and service panel indication. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The water tank quantity indication works with the systems that follow: Water tank level sensor (AMM MPP 38-13-02/401). Service panel indication (AMM MPP 38-13-04/401). Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only • • COMPONENTS WATER TANK LEVEL SENSOR The level sensor operates as a variable capacitor using water in the tank as a variable component. It provides a current signal proportional to the water level inside the tank. The output signal increases if water level increases and vice versa. The potable water tank level sensor is continuously monitored, and the quantity is indicated at the FAP (Flight Attendant Panel). Input voltage is 28 VDC (Volt Direct Current) nominal and is provided by the WWSC (Water and Waste System Controller). Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 66 WATER TANK QUANTITY INDICATION - MAIN COMPONENTS EFFECTIVITY: ON ACFT BEM 195 WITH FWD POTABLE WATER TANK Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only EFFECTIVITY: ON ACFT WITH AFT POTABLE WATER TANK PRESSURE SWITCH PRESSURE OVERFLOW PORT PORT PORT FLANGE HOUSING ELECTRICAL CONNECTOR TOTAL LENGTH 451,5 mm (17.78 in) SENSOR FLANGE DIAMETER 121,4 mm (4.78 in) WEIGHT 0,47 kg (1.036 lb) OPERATING VOLTAGE 28 VDC (+2,3 VDC / -1,0 VDC) Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 67 SERVICE PANEL INDICATION The service panel indication provides the tank “FULL” status and the open position of the system drain valves during system servicing. Input power is 28 VDC and is supplied by the WWSC, which also controls the indicator lights. The indicator panel is located in the potable water service panel and is installed in the non-pressurized, non-temperature controlled fuselage skin area. The water tank quantity indication on the FAP is in the following figures 0, ¼, ½, ¾, and 1 in the percentage: 0%; 25%; 50%; 75%, 100%. Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only The WWSC also monitors the water tank level and sends an output signal to the FAP, to indicate the correct quantity and to the service panel indication LED (Light Emitting Diodes). The WATER SERVICE FAULT message is provided to the FAP under the following conditions: • • • • • • Fill/Drain valve fails to CLOSE FWD Drain valve fails to CLOSE Aft Drain valve fails CLOSE FWD or AFT Gray Water Drain valve fails to OPEN Indicated temperature of the forward drain mast is continuously less than 15°C (59°F) for 5 minutes. Indicated temperature of either drain mast is continuously greater than 120°C (248°F) for 2 minutes. EFFECTIVITY: ON ACFT EMB 195 WITH FWD POTABLE WATER TANK The service panel indication provides the tank “FULL” status and the open position of the system drain valves during system servicing. Input power is 28 VDC and is supplied by the WWSC and VCU (Valve Control Unit), which also controls the indicator lights. The indicator panel is located in the potable water service panel and is installed in the non-pressurized, non-temperature controlled fuselage skin area. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 68 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only WATER TANK QUANTITY INDICATION - MAIN COMPONENTS Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 69 OPERATION The water tank level sensor acts as an electronic sensing probe and provides a continuous measuring of the water level. The water tank quantity indication on the FAP is in the following percentage figures: 0%; 25%; 50%; 75%, 100%. The aft FAP provides water quantity indication to the cabin attendant. The service panel indication contains two green LEDs that are marked “FULL” and “DRAIN”. Filling is started by turning the FILL/DRAIN switch to the FILL position. The FILL/DRAIN valve is automatically commanded to the OPEN position and enables water tank to be filled via fill/ drain nipple in the service panel. If the water level sensor detects that the water tank is full, the fill/drain valve automatically closes and the “FULL” indicator illuminates on the service panel. When the FILL/DRAIN switch is returned to “NORMAL” position, the valve closes and the “FULL” indication extinguishes on the service panel. Draining is started by turning the FILL/DRAIN switch to the “DRAIN” position. During servicing, a “DRAIN” green-color indication illuminates in the service panel when the tank reaches the empty level selected for the configuration. When the FILL/ DRAIN switch is returned to “NORMAL”, all valves close and the “DRAIN” indication extinguishes on the service panel. Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only EFFECTIVITY: AIRCRAFT WITH AFT POTABLE WATER TANK AND WWSC EFFECTIVITY: AIRCRAFT WITH AFT POTABLE WATER TANK AND WWSC ABNORMAL OPERATION A faulty water tank level sensor is detected by the WWSC. This failure occurs if the output signal of the level sensor is out of range. The aft FAP provides system fault indication to the cabin attendant and the service panel indication is not available. The fill/ drain valve provides an overflow path to water when the water level sensor is not operating. The valve is operated by electrical signals from the WWSC. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 70 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only WATER TANK QUANTITY INDICATION – OPERATION EFFECTIVITY: AIRCRAFT WITH AFT POTABLE WATER TANK AND WWSC Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 71 OPERATION EFFECTIVITY: ON ACFT EMB 195 WITH FWD POTABLE WATER TANK Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only ABNORMAL OPERATION When the output signal of the level sensor is out of range, a faulty water tank level sensor is detected by the WWSC. The aft FAP provides system fault indication to the cabin attendant and the service panel indication is not available. The overflow valve provides an overflow path to water when the water level sensor is not operating. The valve is operated by electrical signals from the VCU. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 72 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only WATER TANK QUANTITY INDICATION – OPERATION EFFECTIVITY: ON ACFT EMB 195 WITH FWD POTABLE WATER TANK Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 73 WASTE DISPOSAL (38-30) INTRODUCTION The waste disposal system provides waste collection and storage from the toilet assemblies located within the lavatories and from the gray water coming from the galley sinks and lavatory washbasins. The waste disposal system is composed of two subsystems, the VWS (Vacuum Waste System) and the gray water drain system. The VWS uses either a vacuum generator or differential pressure between the cabin and the ambient to transport the waste from the toilets to a vacuum waste system tank. The WASTE DISPOSAL includes these subsystems: • GRAY WATER – DRAIN SYSTEM (AMM SDS 38-31-00/1) • VACUUM WASTE SYSTEM (VWS) (AMM SDS 38-32-00/1) The Waste Disposal System transports waste and gray water from the lavatories and galley to the waste tank and drain masts respectively. Gray water from the lavatory and galley is drained through auto-drain valves and directed to the drain mast of the aircraft. The auto-drain valves allow the drainage of liquids on ground and in flight, without creating an objectionable whistle, whine, or rush of air, and they also prevent loss of cabin air. These valves are installed inside the respective galley or lavatory. The Vacuum Waste System includes toilets located in the lavatories. Thinwalled waste lines connect the toilets to a single waste tank whose usable capacity is 95ℓ (25 gal.), located between the aft left lavatory and the pressure bulkhead, above the cabin floor level. The VWS uses differential pressure to transport waste. The differential pressure is generated either by a vacuum generator at low altitudes, below 5486 m (18000 ft), or naturally by the difference in pressure between the aircraft cabin and the outside air. Electrical power is available directly from the aircraft GND (Ground) SVC (Service) bus. The control circuit of the MSR (Motor Starting Relay) is controlled by the WWSC (Water and Waste System Controller). This configuration allows performing a toilet flush without having to energize the entire aircraft. GRAY WATER - DRAIN SYSTEM (38-31) The gray-water drain system allows the gray water to drain from the galleys and lavatories to the aircraft drain masts. The gray-water drain system is made up of the following equipments: • • • • • Gray water auto drain valves Gray Water Drain Line Lavatory Sump Galley Sump Drain Mast IF APPLICABLE TO THE AIRCRAFT CONFIGURATION: • • • Gray Water Holding Tank Gray Water Drain Valve. Gray Water Ground Valve VACUUM WASTE SYSTEM (VWS) (38-32) The VWS (Vacuum Waste System) carries waste from the lavatories to the waste tank using vacuum pressure. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 74 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only GENERAL DESCRIPTION COMPONENTS Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only WASTE DISPOSAL - MAIN COMPONENTS EFFECTIVITY: ACFT WITH AFT POTABLE WATER TANK Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 75 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 76 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only WASTE DISPOSAL - MAIN COMPONENTS EFFECTIVITY: ACFT WITH FWD POTABLE WATER TANK Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 77 The waste lines for transporting the waste are installed inside the pressurized, temperature-controlled environment of the fuselage and are routed from the toilets to the vacuum system tank. Gray water hoses are installed for the disposal of used water out of the lavatory and galley sinks. During a toilet flush cycle, the vacuum waste system uses a small amount of pressurized water from the potable water system to rinse the toilet bowl and aid in the evacuation of waste. During ground servicing, the waste tank is drained into a service truck through a drain valve, drain line, and service panel. A rinse line routed from the service panel to a rotating rinse nozzle within the waste tank is used to supply rinsing fluid to the tank. Level sensors are mounted on the waste tank. The air that carried the waste into the waste tank then passes through a water waste separator to remove traces of moisture and waste and then the air is exhausted through the aircraft exhaust plumbing, exiting to the aft of the aft passenger door. A check valve is mounted in this exhaust line and serves to prevent the backflow of air into the system when the vacuum generator is operating. The check valve allows full airflow when the vacuum generator is not used. The waste tank has sufficient “dead space” above the waste level to assure that waste will not be expelled from the aircraft through the water separator and exhaust plumbing. VACUUM WASTE SYSTEM The vacuum generator is a 115/200 VAC, 400 Hz motor operated unit. It has two compressor stages for maximum efficiency and rapid startup. The unit incorporates a 28 VDC (Volt Direct Current) thermally protected orbital flush valve to allow the transport of waste from the toilet to a remote vacuum system tank. The toilet also has a 28 VDC solenoid rinse valve for introducing potable water into the bowl for rinsing. The potable water supply is protected from contamination. The sequencing of the operation of the toilet components is controlled by an FCU (Flush Control Unit). EFFECTIVITY: ON ACFT WITH AFT POTABLE WATER TANK GRAY WATER DRAIN SYSTEM When a sink of the galley or lavatory is drained, the auto-drain valve opens. The gray water flows through the gray water hoses to the drain masts. The drain masts lead the gray water away from the aircraft. The waste is carried to the waste tank through tubing and enters the tank via flow diverter that slows the waste down in order to minimize splashing and turbulence in the waste tank. The vacuum waste tubing is installed in the pressurized zone, under the cabin floor, attached at regular intervals with padded saddle clamps attached to the floor beams. The waste line is designed to minimize the number of bends to reduce the possibility of clogs, thus preventing line blockages and associated maintenance actions. Periodic cleaning of the waste lines with crushed ice and vinegar or chemical solution is necessary to prevent build-up within the waste line, which could lead to waste line clogs. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 78 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only OPERATION Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only WASTE DISPOSAL – OPERATION EFFECTIVITY: ACFT WITH AFT POTABLE WATER TANK Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 79 OPERATION GRAY WATER DRAIN SYSTEM EFFECTIVITY: ON ACFT EMB 195 WITH FWD POTABLE WATER TANK Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only The sinks of the galleys and lavatories are connected via the auto-drain valves to the gray-water ground valve. The gray water ground valve serves to direct the flow of gray water to the drain port on ground and to the fwd drain mast in-flight. When the gray water enters the auto-drain valves from the sinks, the gray-water ground valve opens and the water drains through the drain masts when in-flight. When operating on the ground, the gray water is drained by gravity through the drain port or the drain mast. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 80 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only WASTE DISPOSAL – OPERATION EFFECTIVITY: ON ACFT EMB 195 WITH FWD POTABLE WATER TANK Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 81 INTRODUCTION GRAY WATER HOLDING TANK DRAIN SYSTEM EFFECTIVITY: ON ACFT WITH AFT POTABLE WATER TANK EFFECTIVITY: AIRCRAFT WITH GRAY WATER HOLDING TANK The gray-water drain system allows the gray water to drain from the galleys and lavatories to the aircraft drain masts. The gray-water drain system is made up of the following equipments: • Gray-water hoses; • Auto-drain valves; • Drain mast; • Gray water holding tank (if applicable to aircraft configuration) DRAINING IN FLIGHT In-flight drainage of the gray water system is commanded by the WWSC. The WWSC opens and leaves open the gray water drain valve two minutes after it detects that the landing gear is up. The normal position for the valve is OPEN during a flight. In flight, the auto-drain valve remains in a closed position until there is a head of gray water at the inlet; the auto-drain valve then opens automatically in order to drain the used water. GENERAL DESCRIPTION EFFECTIVITY: ON ACFT WITH AFT POTABLE WATER TANK AND WITHOUT GRAY WATER HOLDING UNIT The sinks of the galleys and lavatories are connected via the auto-drain valves to the drain masts. Drain of the gray water is possible on the ground during ground service or in flight via the drain masts. When gray water enters the auto drain valves from the sinks, the valves open and the water is drained through the drain masts. DRAINING ON GROUND The gray water tank provides gray water collection and storage to avoid spillage while the aircraft is parked at the aircraft runway. The gray water drain valve drains gray water on ground when commanded from the fill/drain switch to drain position. When no differential pressure is applied (the aircraft is on the ground), the valve drains and no residual water remains in the valve. The valve remains open on ground. Gray water auto drain valves are installed below the lavatories and galley sinks. The valve drains the gray water through drain masts yet prevents the loss of air through the empty and open sink. The design allows continuous water drainage under small fluid heads and prevents back-flow. The valves open at a maximum water head of 178 mm (7 inches). When no differential pressure is applied, that is, when the aircraft is on the ground, the valve drains gray water to drain masts and no residual water remains in the valve. It is acceptable that the valve remains open on ground. In flight, the valve remains in a closed position until there is a head of gray water at the inlet. The valve then opens automatically in order to drain the used water. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 82 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only GRAY WATER - DRAIN SYSTEM (38-31) Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only GRAY WATER - DRAIN SYSTEM – OVERVIEW ON ACFT WITH AFT POTABLE, WITHOUT GRAY WATER HOLDING UNIT Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 83 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 84 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only GRAY WATER - DRAIN SYSTEM – OVERVIEW ON ACFT WITH FWD POTABLE WATER TANK, WITHOUT GRAY WATER HOLDING UNIT Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 85 COMPONENTS AUTO DRAIN VALVES The auto-drain valves are installed above the floor in the gray water lines inside the respective galley and lavatory. The auto-drain valves allow for drainage of liquids on the ground and in-flight without creating objectionable whistle, whine or rush of air, and prevent loss of cabin air. The auto-drain valves are normally in the closed position. Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only GRAY WATER HOSES Reinforced hoses above and below the floor are installed to carry the drain water from the lavatory and the galley. In order to prevent clogs, the hoses are installed at an angle as close to vertical as possible, with minimum number of smooth bends. DRAIN MASTS The drain masts contain a heater (AMM SDS 30-72-00/1). The drain masts are dual port drain ports. One port is used to drain the potable water and the other is used to drain the gray water. The construction of the drain masts ensures proper segregation between the potable and serviced water. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 86 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only GRAY WATER - DRAIN SYSTEM – OVERVIEW ON ACFT WITH AFT POTABLE WATER TANK Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 87 COMPONENTS DRAIN PORT The drain port is installed in the FWD fuselage. The drain port contains a heater (AMM SDS 30-72-00/1). The drain port is used for drainage of potable and gray water on the ground from FWD lavatory and galley and for in-flight drainage of residual potable water when the in-flight drainage optional is selected. The drain port has dual-ports. One port is used to drain the potable water and the other is used to drain the gray water. The drain port contains a flow detector to avoid noise generation from the drain tube during flight. Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only DRAIN MASTS The drain masts contain a heater (AMM SDS 30-72-00/1). The aft drain mast is dual port drain ports. One port is used to drain the potable water and the other is used to drain the gray water. The construction of the drain masts ensures proper segregation between the potable and serviced water. In the forward drain mast one port is used to drain the gray water and another port is plugged. GRAY-WATER GROUND VALVE The gray-water ground valve is used to direct the flow of gray water to the drain port on the ground and to the FWD drain mast in flight. It is installed in the FWD fuselage. This valve remains open when the aircraft is on the ground and closed during flight. The gray-water ground valve is operated by electrical signals from the VCU (Valve Control Unit). Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 88 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only GRAY WATER - DRAIN SYSTEM - MAIN COMPONENTS Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 89 OPERATION EFFECTIVITY: ON ACFT WITH AFT POTABLE WATER TANK AND WITHOUT GRAY WATER HOLDING UNIT When a sink of the galley or lavatory is drained, the auto-drain valve opens. The gray water flows through the gray water hoses to the drain masts. The drain masts lead the gray water away from the aircraft. When a sink of the galley or lavatory is drained, the auto-drain valve opens. The gray water flows through the gray water hoses to the drain masts or drain port. The drain masts and drain port lead the gray water away from the aircraft. Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only EFFECTIVITY: ON ACFT WITH FWD POTABLE WATER TANK The gray-water ground valve is used to direct the flow of gray water to the drain port on the ground and to the FWD drain mast in flight. The WWSC opens and leaves open the following valves 2 minutes after it detects that the landing gear is up. The valves are always closed while landing gear is down except during the drain process. • • FWD GRAY WATER DRAIN valve (on optional system only) AFT GRAY WATER DRAIN valve (on optional system only) The VCU commands the ground valve to open when the weight on wheels signal becomes true. The ground valve will be commanded close by the VCU 180 seconds after the weight on wheels becomes false. The time delay was introduced to ensure that the contents of the gray water tank are drained by gravity through the drain port while still at low altitudes when cabin differential pressure is low. . Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 90 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only GRAY WATER - DRAIN SYSTEM - MAIN COMPONENTS ON ACFT WITH FWD POTABLE WATER TANK Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 91 VACUUM WASTE SYSTEM (VWS) (38-32) – INTRODUCTION The VWS (Vacuum Waste System) carries waste from the lavatories to the waste tank using vacuum pressure. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Vacuum Waste System Toilet Assemblies Vacuum Waste System Flush Switch Overboard Air Exhaust Line Waste Water Separator Vacuum Waste System Tank Vacuum Generator Waste Tank Rinse Nozzles Vacuum Waste System Check Valve Vacuum Waste System Tank Drain Valve Waste Tank Level Sensors Vacuum Waste System Service Panel Drain Valve Vacuum Waste System Drain Valve Control Cable Vacuum Waste System Rinse Nipple Vacuum Waste System Service Panel Switch Vacuum Waste System Drain Lines Vacuum Waste System Lines Vacuum Waste System Rinse Line Motor Starting Relay Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only Vacuum waste system is made up of the following equipments: 92 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only GRAY WATER - DRAIN SYSTEM – OPERATION ON ACFT EMB 195 WITH FWD POTABLE WATER TANK AND WITHOUT GRAY WATER HOLDING TANK Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 93 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSR (Motor Starting Relay) is used for control of the vacuum generator. Electrical power for the vacuum generator is available directly from the aircraft ground service bus. The control circuit of the motor starting relay is controlled by the WWSC (Water and Waste System Controller). This configuration allows the toilet to be flushed without energizing the complete aircraft. Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only The vacuum waste system allows for the transport of waste from the lavatory toilets to an aft-mounted vacuum waste system tank. Vacuum waste lines are installed in the pressurized zone under the cabin floor. The VWS uses differential pressure to transport waste. The differential pressure is either generated by a vacuum generator at low altitudes, below 5486 m (18000 ft), or naturally by the difference in pressure between the aircraft cabin and the outside air. The waste lines, vacuum waste system tank and waste drain line are all designed and qualified to take into account the maximum pressure differentials in order to ensure safe operation and prevent damage in flight. Waste-tank level sensors are installed on the vacuum waste system tank. The waste-tank level sensors uses the WWSC to send a signal to the flight attendant panel that servicing of the waste tank is required soon, “SERVICE TANK“. The second level sensor sends a signal that the tank is full “TANK FULL”. Once the aircraft has landed, the waste tank is drained through a single waste service panel. Gasket type heaters installed under the VWS service panel drain valve and VWS rinse nipple prevents liquid from freezing in the lines (AMM SDS 30-7400/1). Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 94 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only VACUUM WASTE SYSTEM (VWS) - OVERVIEW Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 95 COMPONENTS VACUUM WASTE SYSTEM TOILET ASSEMBLY The VWS toilet assembly consists of a solenoid rinse water valve and strainer, FCU (Flush Control Unit), flush ring, anti-siphon valve, and supporting frame. The flush ring assembly is fitted with spray nozzles and is mounted on the upper rim of the bowl. The inlet of the ring is connects to the anti-siphon valve. The VWS toilet is securely mounted to the sealed lavatory floor pan. It connects to the aircraft electrical supply through an electrical connector and to the water supply with a compression type fitting on the rinse assembly. VACUUM WASTE SYSTEM LAVATORY FLUSH SWITCH Toilet flushing is initiated by a passenger pushing the momentary contact type flush switch located inside the lavatory. The toilet FCU mounted on the toilet sequences the operation of the vacuum toilet and reports any faults through the WWSC to the CMC (Central Maintenance Computer). The anti-siphon valve is designed to prevent contamination of the aircraft potable water supply by breaking contact of the fluid and providing an air gap which prevents reverse flow from the bowl. Rinse water is supplied to the anti-siphon valve by the rinse valve. The rinse valve is a solenoid-controlled, self-contained unit. The valve incorporates a screen and an integral water inlet for the aircraft interface. The flush control unit (FCU) is a modular electronic assembly mounted on the toilet support pedestal. A discrete logic circuit inside the FCU monitors and controls operation of the toilet by timing and sequencing various components during the flush cycle. The FCU is electrically connected to the flush switch, rinse valve assembly and aircraft blower control module. A maintenance switch mounted on the FCU permits operation of the flush valve and blower operation of the flush valve and blower for ground maintenance. A label on the FCU provides instructions for using the switch. Each toilet assembly is self monitoring and outputs a signal if the flush valve is obstructed. The toilet rinse valve operates on 28 VDC (Volt Direct Current) power. The toilet uses a 28 VDC orbital flush valve with dual face seals to prevent odors from migrating into the cabin during shutdowns of the aircraft. This valve contains switches at both open and closed positions to make sure that in the open position, the valve is fully open with no obstruction into the waste stream. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 96 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only The toilet bowl is fabricated of stainless steel with a non-stick coating applied to the inside surface. Mounted at the top rim of the bowl is the flush ring assembly. The toilet assembly is provided in two configurations for left-hand and righthand installations. Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only VACUUM WASTE SYSTEM (VWS) - BLOCK DIAGRAM Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 97 OVERBOARD AIR EXHAUST LINE The overboard air exhaust lines, which connect to the waste water separator and vacuum generator, allow air to be expelled from the system. The exhaust line extends from the VWS tank to the exterior of the aircraft. A check valve is mounted in the exhaust line to prevent the backflow of air into the system when the vacuum generator is operating, but allows full airflow when the vacuum generator is not in use. The waste water separator connects to the aircraft vent tubing with a beaded end. It is composed of two separate subassemblies: the water separator is positioned within the waste holding tank and the filter housing is positioned above the tank. This design permits easy removal of both pieces of the assembly within the limited space available above the waste tank. It also maximizes the useful tank capacity by minimizing the protrusion of the separator within the tank. The filter housing includes an internal mesh that must be removed and cleaned during the maintenance intervals. VACUUM GENERATOR The two-stage centrifugal flow vacuum generator, located above the VWS tank, is powered by a 3-phase 115/200 VAC at 400 Hz from LICC (Left Integrated Control-Center). The vacuum generator runs for 10 seconds during each flush cycle. This compact unit has compressor stages mounted to a shaft. There are triple redundant, thermal switches are wired in series with the service panel door switch and motor starting relay through the WWSC. This inhibits power application to the vacuum generator if an overheat condition exists. The aircraft itself provides additional protection against over-current conditions. Mounting provisions for the vacuum generator are provided on the aircraft structure, just above the VWS tank. The unit is attached to three vibration mounts that are in turn mounted to a rigid aircraft mount. The orientation of the unit is controlled to prevent moisture accumulation in the unit. The water separator has an orifice at the outlet to limit airflow. This feature guards against contamination exhausted from the aircraft and limits the airflow through the system, should the toilet flush valve fail in the open position. VACUUM WASTE SYSTEM TANK The vacuum waste system tank is located between the aft left lavatory and the pressure bulkhead, above the cabin floor level. The tank has a 95 ℓ (25 gal.) usable capacity. This capacity allows for a 5.5-hour flight at maximum passenger loading with draining, rinsing and pre-charging performed after the flight. Alternatively, for shorter flights, the tank can be serviced after every other flight. The thin-walled welded tank is smooth and completely sealed on the inside surface to prevent the escape of liquid waste or vapor to the outside. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 98 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only WASTE WATER SEPARATOR The waste water separator, mounted on the waste tank, removes entrained moisture from the air stream which carries the waste into the waste tank. This ensures that no contamination is passed through the vacuum generator or exhausted from the aircraft through the vacuum exhaust plumbing. The tank will withstand steam cleaning and repeated vigorous scrubbing with any commonly used cleaning agent. It will also resist the impact loads caused by heavy solid objects that may be flushed into the waste system. The tank is constructed to withstand a proof pressure of 345 KPa (50 psig), a proof vacuum pressure of 87 KPa (12.6 psig), a burst pressure of 517 KPa (75 psig) and a collapsing vacuum differential pressure of 116 KPa (16.8 psig). Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only VACUUM WASTE SYSTEM (VWS) - MAIN COMPONENTS Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 99 VACUUM WASTE SYSTEM CHECK VALVE The self-contained check valve, located in the overboard air exhaust line, prevents backflow of ambient or vacuum exhaust air into the toilet system. It contains dual flapper doors that allow only one way airflow. The check valve is installed parallel with the vacuum generator. It serves to bypass airflow when the vacuum generator operation is not required at altitudes above 5486 m (18000 ft). The check valve has a vacuum proof pressure of 87 KPa (12.6 psig) and a positive proof pressure of 138 KPa (20 psig). VACUUM WASTE SYSTEM TANK DRAIN VALVE The tank drain valve is bolted between the VWS tank flange and the drain line flange. Internally, the tank drain valve contains two seals, one on the inlet and one on the outlet, to ensure that no waste products are allowed to leak from the waste tank. The inside flange of the tank drain valve is valve is contoured to prevent the accumulation of any residual liquid within the valve after tank draining. The valve is mounted at an angle to prevent waste from remaining in the valve after draining. The valve contains a handle, connected to the service panel by the VWS drain valve control cable. WASTE-TANK LEVEL SENSOR The two waste-tank level sensors, located on the VWS tank, detect liquid on the sensing surface. This sensing surface is coated with a material that prevents the buildup of waste. They are strategically located in the tank to sense fluid that reaches a capacity of seventy-five percent. The seventy-five percent indication point is used to notify the crew that servicing will be required soon. The waste-tank level sensors are electrically connected to the WWSC to transmit a seventy-five percent or "FULL" signal. The LICC is powered by the aircraft 28 VDC power supply through the WWSC. During toilet operation on the ground and at low altitudes, the air flows through the vacuum generator to the overboard vent. At altitudes above 18000 ft (5486 m), the airflow bypasses the vacuum generator through the check valve to the overboard vent. The check valve housing contains a sealed double flapper assembly, with the flapper doors normally spring loaded in the closed position to prevent internal leakage. The check valve relies on the mating surface between the flappers and the valve housing to create the seal. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 100 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only VACUUM WASTE SYSTEM RINSE NOZZLE The rotating VWS rinse nozzle, mounted on the waste tank, uses a machined spinning element that rotates when water pressure is applied from the service cart. The self-cleaning nozzle is bolted to the waste tank and sealed with an O-ring. Once it is located on the top of the tank to achieve optimum cleaning of the parts, preventing contamination. The spinning rinse nozzle uses the principle of water bearing where water pressure acts as a lubricant between the rotating nozzle and its shaft, which allows free rotation of the nozzle. The nozzle is designed to cleanse the tank inner walls, liquid level sensors, flow diverter, and outside housing of the waste water separator. It is also used to supply pre-charge fluid to the waste tank. The rinse nozzle has an inlet for connection to the rinse hose assembly. Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only VACUUM WASTE SYSTEM (VWS) - MAIN COMPONENTS Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 101 VACUUM WASTE SYSTEM DRAIN VALVE CONTROL CABLE The drain valve control cable is used to translate the push/pull motion from a handle mounted on the service panel to rotational movement of the tank drain valve closure element. The control cable is flexible so that it can be routed in a convenient way. It is supported along its length by P-clamps and is rigidly mounted to a bracket near the drain valve handle to guarantee correct alignment. A clevis on the control cable connects to the VWS tank drain valve. VACUUM WASTE SYSTEM SERVICE PANEL SWITCH The service panel switch, located on the service panel, signals the WWSC to inhibit operation of the waste system when the VWS service panel is opened. If the service panel door switch contacts are detected to be open while the WOW (Weight-on-Wheels) condition is true and the aircraft is not moving, the WWSC disables all toilets FCU and prevents MSR operation. The electromechanical type service panel switch contains a spring-loaded plunger that has a pre-travel of 1 mm (0.04 in) and a minimum over travel of 6 mm (0.25 in). The contacts are closed when the service panel door is closed, to enable the system. Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only VACUUM WASTE SYSTEM SERVICE PANEL DRAIN VALVE The service panel drain valve, located on the waste service panel, is used to drain the vacuum waste system tank. The service panel drain valve is located in the waste service panel. The service panel drain valve contains a lever lock cap that hooks onto the valve body. It remains closed by an over-center locking design. The cap remains open by gravitational force to allow easy connection of the drain line. The inboard end of the adapter contains a fitting for attachment with the drain line that extends from the service panel to the vacuum waste system tank. VACUUM WASTE SYSTEM RINSE NIPPLE The rinse nipple, located on the waste service panel, connects to the rinse hose and serves as an overboard connection to allow rinsing of the VWS tank. The rinse nipple contains a lever lock cap that hooks onto the nipple body and remains closed by an over-center locking design. The cap remains open by gravity. The nipple is a different size from the water service panel fill/drain nipple to prevent servicing errors. The inboard end of the adapter contains a 19 mm (3/4 in) threaded fitting for attachment of the rinse hose. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 102 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only VACUUM WASTE SYSTEM (VWS) - MAIN COMPONENTS Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 103 WASTE SERVICING WASTE DRAINING The waste tank draining procedure is described as follows: • Prepare the rinse solution as follows: Put 44 - 46 ℓ (11.6 - 12.2 gal.) of water in a separate container and add one of the germicidal deodorants that follow: • • • • • • • • • Push drain cable handle to close ball valve (primary) Pre-charge tank with 1.6 to 2.1 US Gallons (6 to 8 liters) of rinse fluid Turn off rinse fluid supply Disconnect drain and rinse hoses Close drain valve cap and rinse nipple cap Clean surface of panel to remove spillages Close and latch service panel door Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only • For deodorant SANI-PAK POWDER SP77000 SERIES, add 44 - 46 g (1.5 - 1.6 oz) of germicidal deodorant. For deodorant SANI-PAK LIQUID SP97000 SERIES, add 192 ml of germicidal deodorant. For MIRABOWL Q, add 1.092 kg (38.5 oz) of germicidal deodorant. NOTE: • Make sure that the waste tank is completely drained before you start to supply the rinse fluid. • If you do not use the correct rinse pressure you will not clean the level sensors properly. NOTE: You can use only water to do the waste tank servicing, but we recommend the use of a rinse solution. The rinse solution contains surfactants that help clean the inner surface of the waste tank. NOTE: For aircraft that operate at temperatures below 0 °C (32 °F), add to the rinse solution an anti-ice product according to the AMS 1424 and AMS 1428. • Open the drain valve cap and connect the drain hose (GSE 050 lavatory dumping coupling) NOTE: Contaminated water can stay between the waste drain valve and the protective cap. Open carefully to prevent health problems. • • Open the rinse nipple cap and connect the rinse hose (GSE 050 lavatory filling coupling) Push drain valve lever to open drain inner flapper (secondary drain) NOTE: When you pull the drain control handle (2) a stiff condition can occur. The maximum load for the drain control handle actuation should be 25.4 kgf (56 lbf). • • Pull drain cable handle to open ball valve (primary) to drain waste tank After waste tank has drained, start rinse fluid supply and rinse tank for two minutes minimum. Start to supply the rinse fluid through the GSE 051 at a pressure of 20 to 50 psi for 2 min or until a volume of 38 ℓ (10 gal.) is used. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 104 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only VACUUM WASTE SYSTEM (VWS) - MAIN COMPONENTS Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 105 VACUUM WASTE SYSTEM LINES The VWS lines are preformed sections of tubing used to transport waste from the vacuum toilets to the waste tank. The lines are routed under the cabin floor in the most direct path possible to reduce the chance of waste blockage. The VWS lines are made of straight sections that use a thicker wall than curved sections due to the thinning of the tubing when bent. Each tube is outfitted with an O-ring ferrule on both ends, and the tube sections are interconnected with clamshell-type couplings, which allow for quick assembly and disassembly of the piping system. Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only VACUUM WASTE SYSTEM DRAIN LINES The VWS drain line extending from the VWS tank to the service panel is constructed of three separate tube segments. It slopes downward and forward of the VWS tank to meet with the service panel for through draining and minimum drain line weight. The drain line connects to an adapter mounted on the VWS tank drain valve with a clamshell type connection and to the VWS service panel. Padded clamps support it along its length. VACUUM WASTE SYSTEM RINSE LINE The VWS rinse line, located between the VWS tank and VWS service panel, transports rinse fluid from the VWS service panel rinse nipple to the VWS tank rinse nozzle. The rinse line is clamped to support brackets on the aircraft structure using P-clamps. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 106 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only WATER/WASTE - MAIN COMPONENTS Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 107 MOTOR STARTING RELAY Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only The motor starting relay, located under the cabin floor in the middle of the fuselage, is used for control of the vacuum generator and to supply 115/200, 3-phase VAC electrical power. The hermetically sealed motor starting relay uses a 28 VDC control circuit, actuated by the WWSC when the aircraft altitude is below 18000 ft (5486 m). A secondary 28 VDC contact is monitored by the WWSC to determine whether the motor starting relay has failed in the closed position. Mounting provisions for the motor starting relay are provided in the center avionics compartment. The unit is mounted within a dedicated gasket enclosure with pass-through for the aircraft wiring. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 108 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only VACUUM WASTE SYSTEM (VWS) - MAIN COMPONENTS Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 109 OPERATION • When the flush switch is pushed, approximately 0.2 ℓ (7.1 oz) of water is introduced into the toilet bowl through the rinse valve. This will rinse the bowl and aid in waste evacuation. • If the aircraft is below 5486 m (18000 ft), the WWSC powers the motor starting relay to operate the vacuum generator. This creates a pressure differential that transports the waste to the VWS tank. At higher altitudes, the differential pressure between the cabin and ambient is sufficient to transport the waste. • As the rinse valve closes, the toilet flush valve is opened for four seconds and waste is evacuated to the VWS tank. • Ten seconds after the flush switch is pressed, the vacuum generator is disabled (if at low altitude) and the toilet is ready to be flushed again. The air that carries the waste into the VWS tank passes through a waste water separator to remove traces of moisture and waste. This air is then forced through the aircraft exhaust plumbing and exits through the aircraft skin. A check valve is mounted in this exhaust line to prevent the backflow of air into the system when the vacuum generator is operating and allows full airflow when the vacuum generator is not in use. The waste tank has a sufficient amount of empty space above the maximum waste level to ensure that waste will not be expelled through the exhaust plumbing. GROUND SERVICING VWS tank draining is performed by a ground service technician. Draining starts when the waste system service panel is opened. A switch on the service panel inhibits system operation when the door is open. This eliminates the potential spillage of waste on ground service personnel or unintended operation of the vacuum generator. The service panel drain valve and drain valve control cable handle connect to the waste tank drain valve located at the outlet of the waste holding tank. Service cart drain and rinse hoses are connected to the service panel equipment and both the service panel drain valve and under waste tank drain valve are opened to drain the waste tank. The service panel drain valve is controlled by a lever, mounted on the valve. The under tank drain valve is controlled by a cable that has a handle mounted on the service panel. Once the tank is fully drained, rinsing fluid is introduced into the tank from the service panel through the rinse hose and to a rotating rinse nozzle within the waste tank. After the tank is cleaned, the service cart equipment is disconnected, the service panel valves are put in their closed positions, and the service panel door is closed thereby actuating the service panel switch and enabling the vacuum waste system. Two ultrasonic point level sensors failure are monitored through continuing WWSC BIT (Built-in Test) input. One level sensor is mounted at the 75% level and is used to inform the crew members through the WWSC to the FAP (Flight Attendant Panel) that servicing of the waste tank is required soon. The second level sensor is mounted at the tank “FULL” level. This sensor is used to signal to the WWSC that the waste tank is full, which then causes the WWSC to disable the vacuum toilets and the MSR and turn on the TANK FULL indication at the FAP. If the “FULL” level sensor is faulty, control logic within the WWSC automatically shifts the “FULL” indication to the 75% level sensor. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 110 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only The toilet flushes when a passenger pushes the flush switch. The toilet FCU, mounted on the toilet, times and sequences the operation of the vacuum toilet in the following order: Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only VACUUM WASTE SYSTEM (VWS) - MAIN COMPONENTS Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 111 CLOG IN THE TOILET In case of a clog in the toilet outlet the toilet may be cleared on the ground by a service technician. The toilet outlet is designed to be the smallest diameter passage so that any objects that pass the toilet will travel all the way to the waste tank and so that any item that could possibly become trapped in the waste line will be easy to access at the toilet bowl. The toilet also includes a maintenance switch that places the flush valve in the open position when pressed and will operate the vacuum generator for 10 seconds when pressed again and held for 2 seconds. This feature also allows easy manual removal of any clogged object by holding the flush valve open. If manual clearing is not possible, operating the vacuum generator will assist in clearing of the waste lines of obstructions. Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only ABNORMAL OPERATION VACUUM WASTE SYSTEM TANK BECOMES FULL If the vacuum waste system tank becomes full, a waste-tank level sensor notifies the WWSC to disable the toilets, preventing further flushing and overfilling of the waste tank. TOILET RINSE VALVE WATER LEAK In case of a toilet rinse valve water leak as may be caused by excessive mineral deposits or other contamination, the lavatory water system may be isolated by means of the manual shut-off valve supplied with the water system within the lavatory compartment. The valve is clearly placarded and readily accessible by the flight attendant without the use of tools. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 112 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 113 AIR SUPPLY (38-40) INTRODUCTION EFFECTIVITY: ON ACFT EMB 195 WITH FWD POTABLE WATER TANK EFFECTIVITY: ON ACFT WITH AFT POTABLE WATER TANK The potable water system is pressurized by bleed air coming from the APU or the main engines or the air compressor. The air is introduced via an air manifold into the water tank to provide regulated pressurized potable water. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The air is routed aft through the fuselage and connects to the air manifold in the aft section. The air is introduced via an air manifold into the potable water tank to provide regulated pressurized potable water. The air manifold includes a shuttle valve, regulator, air filter, check valve and pressure relief valve. The bleed air supply is connected to the shuttle valve. The bleed air is filtered and regulated to the system operating pressure of 36 to 41 psig. Alternately, as an optional feature, an air compressor is used to pressurize the water system. In case the A/C is on the ground with the engines or APU not running, or if the bleed air pressure is below the optimal range during flight, the pressure switch mounted to the water tank signals the WWSC, which activates the compressor to achieve the required water system pressure. The air is routed forward through the fuselage and connects to the air manifold in the forward fuselage section. The air manifold includes a shuttle valve, regulator, air filter, check valve and pressure relief valve. The air manifold regulates the incoming air pressure to the working pressure level. The bleed air supply is connected to the shuttle valve. The air compressor has the overheat protection. The air compressor is provided to improve the pressure stability of the system when bleed air pressure is insufficient. The air compressor cycling is controlled by the VCU (Valve Control Unit) based on the signal from the pressure switch that is directly mounted to the water tank. The vent valve is installed in the overflow line to allow proper venting of the tank and avoid a buildup of vacuum during the gravity drainage when operating on ground in the HOT BUS mode. TRAINING INFORMATION POINTS SNL 170-38-0008 190-38-0009 NOTE: Because of water tank pressurization and water displacement from the tank to the water lines, it is possible for the level indication to drop from 1 to ¾ immediately after servicing. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 114 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only The bleed air pressure is used as the primary pressure source of the system. The potable water system is pressurized by bleed air coming from the APU (Auxiliary Power Unit) or main engines. Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only VACUUM WASTE SYSTEM (VWS) - OPERATION Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 115 COMPONENTS SHUTTLE FUNCTION Two inlet ports are connected to the air manifold: One to the bleed air from the engines/APU and the other to the compressor. When air pressure is applied to any one of the inlet ports, the valve closes the inlet port with the lower pressure. The shuttle valve opens at a maximum pressure of 2 psig. PRESSURE SWITCH EFFECTIVITY: ON ACFT WITH AIR COMPRESSOR The pressure switch is mounted on the top of the water tank. The pressure switch monitors the pressure inside the tank. It gives a signal to the WWSC (Water and Waste System Controller), when the pressure decreases to below the required pressure. The pressure switch has a membrane to monitor the difference between the cabin pressure and the tank pressure. If the compressor is not installed, the pressure switch port on top of tank flange, where the pressure switch is threaded, is capped by a plug. NON-RETURN (CHECK) FUNCTION A check valve is used in the line between the air filter and regulator. The check valve makes sure that the compressed air flows only in the direction of the water tank. This valve opens as soon as the pressure of the inlet exceeds the outlet pressure by 1.5 psig. When the differential pressure drops below this value, the valve closes to prevent water from entering the compressed air system. PRESSURE REGULATING At an inlet pressure of 44 to 59.4 psig the pressure is regulated between 36 psig and 41 psig to the cabin pressure. The maximum short-term bleed air pressure that the manifold can withstand is 250 psig. AIR HOSES Air hoses are installed to supply the pressurized air. The air hoses are clamped to support brackets on the aircraft structure. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 116 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only AIR MANIFOLD The air manifold is installed in the compressed air line to regulate the compressed air supply to the potable water system. The air manifold contains a relief valve, a pressure regulator, an air filter, a non-return valve and a shuttle valve. All functions are combined in one housing so only two inlet ports and one outlet port have to be connected to the aircraft. One inlet is connected to the bleed air system line and if applicable to the aircraft configuration the other inlet line can be connected to the compressor assembly. Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only AIR SUPPLY - OVERVIEW Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 117 COMPONENTS PRESSURE SWITCH EFFECTIVITY: ON ACFT WITH AIR COMPRESSOR EFFECTIVITY: ON ACFT EMB 195 WITH FWD POTABLE WATER TANK AIR COMPRESSOR Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only The pressure switch is mounted on the top of the water tank. The pressure switch monitors the pressure inside the tank. It gives a signal to the VCU for Embraer 195, when the pressure decreases to below the required pressure. The pressure switch has a membrane to monitor the difference between the cabin pressure and the tank pressure. The air compressor is connected to the potable water tank via the air manifold. For the on-ground drainage, the compressor pressurizes the water line and drains the water through the service panel. The air compressor is energized during ground servicing to allow the drainage in the aft section at the service panel. Pressurized drainage is not enabled in the HOT BUS mode. In this mode, all valves open and the potable water is drained on the ground by gravity through the forward drain port, the aft drain mast, and the fill/drain nipple. The compressor is activated by the VCU when water tank pressure switch indicates low pressure, except when the fill or drain signal is active while the aircraft is parked on the ground. EFFECTIVITY: ON ACFT EMB 195 WITH FWD POTABLE WATER TANK VENT VALVE The vent valve is added in the overflow line. This valve is installed to allow proper venting of the water tank. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 118 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only AIR SUPPLY - MAIN COMPONENTS – ON ACFT WITH AFT POTABLE WATER TANK AND WITHOUT AIR COMPRESSOR Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 119 OPERATION PRESSURIZATION ON GROUND/FLIGHT Regulated bleed air is supplied from the APU or the main engines via the air manifold to the potable water tank. The air pressure forces the water from the potable water tank through the water hoses to the different outlets. The air manifold regulates the air pressure. The air compressor can operate continuously when required. Power for the pump is supplied by a self-contained 0.4 horsepower, three-phase, 400 Hz, 115/200 V motor. The air filter removes impurities from the compressed air before entering the potable water tank. The air compressor is deenergized during ground servicing to avoid unnecessary cycling. The WWCS will disable the compressor under the following conditions: • • • • • Relief function Pressure regulating Filtration Shuttle function Non-return function The air filter removes impurities from the compressed air before entering the potable water tank. A check valve prevents water from entering the air lines. An air pressure relief function is integral part of the air manifold and prevents overpressure in the water system. AIR COMPRESSOR EFFECTIVITY: ON ACFT WITH AIR COMPRESSOR The air compressor is provided to improve the pressure stability of the system when bleed air pressure is insufficient. The air compressor cycling is controlled by the WWCS, based on the signal from the pressure switch that is directly mounted to the water tank. The compressor is switched on if the bleed air pressure is too low. The low pressure set point is 35 ±1 psig and the high pressure set point is 38 ±1 psig. The compressor supply line is connected to the second port of the shuttle valve. • • • Service panel switch is in FILL or DRAIN position, AND; Weight on wheels condition is TRUE, AND Aircraft speed not greater than 4 kts AIR COMPRESSOR ABNORMAL OPERATION Air compressor or pressure switch abnormal operation is detected if the pressure switch does not indicate pressure within 32 minutes. This condition can also be the result of a leak. The FAP (Flight Attendant Panel) water fault indication light will be illuminated. The abnormal operation message is displayed on the CMC (Central Maintenance Computer). The air compressor will be inhibited if the Fill/Drain valve fails to OPEN. The FAP water fault indication light will be illuminated (blinking. The abnormal operation message is displayed on the CMC. Motor overheat protection is provided so that excessive temperatures will not occur. When the coil has cooled sufficiently, the device is reset and the motor is re-energized. The compressor does not require any lubrication maintenance of the bearings or cylinder bore. The compressor is activated by the pressure switch via the WWCS. Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 120 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only The individual functions of the air manifold are the following: Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only AIR SUPPLY - MAIN COMPONENTS – ON ACFT WITH AFT POTABLE WATER TANK AND AIR COMPRESSOR Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 121 OPERATION EFFECTIVITY: ON ACFT EMB 195 WITH FWD POTABLE WATER TANK AIR COMPRESSOR The VCU activates the air compressor when water tank pressure switch indicates low pressure except when the FILL signal is active while the aircraft is parked on the ground. The compressor is also commanded ON by the VCU during the pressurized drainage The air compressor is provided to improve the pressure stability of the system when bleed air pressure is insufficient. The air compressor cycling is controlled by VCU on EMB 195, based on the signal from the pressure switch that is directly mounted to the water tank. The compressor is switched on if the bleed air pressure is too low. The low pressure set point is 35 ±1 psig and the high pressure set point is 38 ±1 psig. The compressor supply line is connected to the second port of the shuttle valve. The air compressor will be inhibited if the Fill/Drain valve fails to OPEN. The FAP water fault indication light will be illuminated (blinking) and for the EMB 195 the VCU fault indication light will be illuminated. A faulty Fill/Drain valve has been detected by the VCU. The abnormal operation message is displayed on the CMC. Motor overheat protection is provided so that excessive temperatures will not occur. When the coil has cooled sufficiently, the device is reset and the motor is re-energized. The compressor does not require any lubrication maintenance of the bearings or cylinder bore. The compressor is activated by the pressure switch via the VCU for the EMB 195. The air compressor can operate continuously when required. Power for the pump is supplied by a self-contained 0.4 horsepower, three-phase, 400 Hz, 115/200 V motor. The air filter removes impurities from the compressed air before entering the potable water tank. The air compressor is deenergized during ground servicing to avoid unnecessary cycling. The VCU for EMB 195 will disable the compressor under the following conditions: • • • Service panel switch is in FILL or DRAIN position, AND; Weight on wheels condition is TRUE, AND Aircraft speed not greater than 4 kts Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 122 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only EFFECTIVITY: ON ACFT WITH AIR COMPRESSOR AIR COMPRESSOR OPERATION AIR COMPRESSOR ABNORMAL OPERATION Air compressor or pressure switch abnormal operation is detected if the pressure switch does not indicate pressure within 32 minutes. This condition can also be the result of a leak. The FAP (Flight Attendant Panel) water fault indication light and VCU for the EMB 195 fault indication light will be illuminated. The abnormal operation message is displayed on the CMC (Central Maintenance Computer). Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only AIR SUPPLY - OPERATION – ON ACFT WITH FWD POTABLE WATER TANK Copyright 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer 123 Developed for Training Purposes Only Developed for Training Purposes Only EMBRAER Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. Customer Training Phone: +55 (12) 3927-5827 Fax: +55 (12) 3927-7535 2015 by EMBRAER – Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. All rights reserved. This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, In any form or by any means without the express written Authorization of Embraer. E-mail:Copyright The information, technical data, designs and drawings disclosed in this document are proprietary information of Embraer or third parties and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party without permission of Embraer