Shadow Path Calling Insight Healing Courtesy Battle Awareness Hunting Song Craft war gear Swords Spears Injury ARMOUR virtues SHIELD Helm Parry Protection Load Load WISDOM PARRY RATING Weary SHADOW SHADOW SCARS travelling gear Injury conditions FATIGUE LOAD current hope skill fellowship points score current endurance adventure points Wounded Damage Lore Riddle Explore Scan Stealth Persuade TN wits Bows VALOUR Flaws Distinctive Features Miserable rewards skill s HOPE RATING Treasure Axes Notes Travel Athletics combat proficiencies Enhearten ENDURANCE TN heart Standard of Living Awe TN RATING Load Patron Cultural Blessing strength Age Heroic Culture NAME journey log Year Season Journey from Destination Days of travel journey path Name the company Journey Role Travel Fatigue Vigour ponies and horses Name journal Target Event Result Target Event Result Target Event Result Target Event Result Target Event Result Target Event Result event 1 event 2 event 3 event 4 event 5 event 6