Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at Contents 1 Pragmatic Randomized Trials......................................................................1 1.1 Introduction .............................................................................................1 1.2 Cluster Randomized Designs ...............................................................6 References ....................................................................................................... 23 2 Cluster Randomized Trials......................................................................... 31 2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................... 31 2.2 Continuous Outcomes.......................................................................... 32 2.3 Binary Outcomes...................................................................................43 2.4 Count Outcomes.................................................................................... 52 2.5 Cluster Size Determination for a Fixed Number of Clusters ......... 59 References ....................................................................................................... 61 3 Matched-Pair Cluster Randomized Design for Pragmatic Studies ....... 65 3.1 Introduction of Matched-Pair Cluster Randomized Design ..........65 3.2 Considerations for Pragmatic Matched-Pair CRTs........................... 67 3.3 Matched-Pair Cluster Randomized Design with Missing Continuous Outcomes.......................................................................... 68 3.4 Matched-Pair Cluster Randomized Design with Missing Binary Outcomes...................................................................................80 3.5 Further Readings................................................................................... 88 Appendix......................................................................................................... 91 References ....................................................................................................... 93 4 Stratifed Cluster Randomized Design for Pragmatic Studies ........... 97 4.1 Introduction of Stratifed Cluster Randomized Design .................. 97 4.2 Considerations for Pragmatic Stratifed CRTs .................................. 98 4.3 Stratifed Cluster Randomized Design with Continuous Outcomes.............................................................................................. 100 4.4 Stratifed Cluster Randomized Design with Binary Outcomes.........105 4.5 Further Readings................................................................................. 112 References ..................................................................................................... 115 5 The GEE Approach for Stepped-Wedge Trial Design ........................ 119 5.1 Introduction ......................................................................................... 119 5.2 A Brief Review of GEE........................................................................ 122 5.3 Design SW trials with a Continuous Outcome............................... 125 5.4 Design SW Trials with a Binary Outcome....................................... 142 Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at v We Don’t reply in this website, you need to contact by email for all chapters Instant download. Just send email and get all chapters download. Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at You can also order by WhatsApp one_number&app_absent=0 Send email or WhatsApp with complete Book title, Edition Number and Author Name. Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at vi Contents 5.5 Longitudinal and Crossover Cluster Randomized Trials............. 148 Appendix A: Derivation of Equation (5.8) ............................................... 161 Appendix B: Derivation of Equations (5.9) and (5.10)............................ 163 Appendix C: Sample Size for Cross-Sectional SW Trials ....................... 165 Appendix D: Derivation of Equation (5.15) ............................................. 166 Appendix E: Proof of Theorem 1 ............................................................... 167 Appendix F: Proof of Theorem 2 ............................................................... 168 References ..................................................................................................... 169 6 The Mixed-Effect Model Approach and Adaptive Strategies for Stepped-Wedge Trial Design ................................................................... 173 6.1 A Brief Review of Mixed-Effect Models .......................................... 173 6.2 Sample Size Calculation Based on Cluster-Step Means ................ 174 6.3 Adaptive Strategies for SW Trials..................................................... 185 6.4 Further Readings................................................................................. 193 References ..................................................................................................... 197 Index ..................................................................................................................... 201 Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at 1 Pragmatic Randomized Trials 1.1 Introduction Clinical trials have been broadly classifed as pragmatic or explanatory trials. Schwartz and Lellouch [1] probably frst used the terms “explanatory” and “pragmatic” to differentiate trials. The term “explanatory” was used for trials that test whether an intervention works under optimal situations that control heterogeneity as much as possible to isolate the intervention effect. The term “pragmatic” was used for trials that evaluate whether an intervention works in real-life routine practice conditions, which makes results widely applicable and generalizable. Explanatory trials are valuable for understanding questions of effcacy in an ideal patient population. Exploratory clinical trials, especially randomized clinical trials (RCTs), are designed as experiments with the ability to determine cause–effect relationships. They enroll highly selected subjects who may not represent the target population. Exploratory trials follow a strict treatment protocol to evaluate whether an intervention is effcacious and safe [2]. Findings from explanatory trials do not appear to be directly generalizable to a real-world clinical setting with real-world patients. The most distinctive features of pragmatic clinical trials (PCTs) are that they compare clinically relevant alternative interventions and include a broadly diverse population of study participants with few eligibility criteria. These features lead to increased feasibility and broader generalizability to the target population. Typically, the fndings from pragmatic trials have high generalizability. In contrast, explanatory trials are the most likely experiments where any differences between intervention groups resulted from scientifc testing under rigorously controlled conditions. Pragmatic and explanatory trials are not distinct concepts since trials may incorporate differing degrees of pragmatic and explanatory components. A trial can be designed to have some aspects that are more pragmatic than exploratory and vice versa. For example, a trial may have an explanatory element with strict eligibility criteria. Still, it may have a pragmatic aspect of a trial with minimal to no monitoring of practitioner adherence to the study protocol and no formal follow-up visits. Overall, there is a continuum Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at 2 Design and Analysis of Pragmatic Trials between pragmatic and explanatory trials, with many trials having both pragmatic and explanatory elements included [3]. Tools have been developed to help researchers design pragmatic trials [3–6]. Gartlehner et al. [5] proposed a simple instrument to distinguish pragmatic from explanatory trials. They used a binary system (yes/no) to evaluate if the trial was pragmatic or exploratory using the seven study design criteria, even though they acknowledged that explanatory and pragmatic components exist in a continuum. Thorpe et al. [6] introduced the PragmaticExplanatory Continuum Indicator Summary (PRECIS) tool, which enabled investigators to design trials with the explanatory-pragmatic continuum in ten domains. They identifed some weaknesses, including unclear face validity and inter-rater reliability, lack of a scoring system, redundancy in some PRECIS domains, and the need for more guidance on using the tool. They developed a validated tool, Pragmatic-Explanatory Continuum Indicator Summary version 2 (PRECIS-2), by addressing the weaknesses while keeping the strengths of the original PRECIS tool [3]. PRECIS-2 is a nine-spoked wheel, with each spoke representing a domain that denotes a critical element of a trial design. Nine domains of PRECIS-2 are eligibility criteria, recruitment, setting, organization, fexibility in delivery, fexibility in adherence, follow-up, primary outcome, and primary analysis. Each element of the nine domains is scored on a fve-point Likert scale (from 1 denoting very explanatory “ideal conditions” to 5 indicating very pragmatic “usual care conditions”) to facilitate domain discussion and consensus. For interactive tools on the PRECIS-2, see We mark each spoke to represent the location on the explanatory (hub) to pragmatic (rim) continuum, connect the dots on a blank wheel graph in PRECIS-2, and link each of them to their immediate neighbor, as in Figure 1.1. Figure 1.1 shows the scores of each item in the PRECIS-2 wheel for a clinical trial to be developed. Predominantly explanatory trials produce spoke and wheel diagrams close to the hub, whereas pragmatic trials produce diagrams close to the rim. A pragmatic trial is “designed to test the intervention in the full spectrum of everyday clinical settings to maximize applicability and generalizability” [7]. An important feature of healthcare PCTs is leveraging the available data, such as the electronic health record (EHR) or insurance claims data, to cut costs and personnel effort associated with traditional exploratory trials. EHR is an appealing tool to identify, recruit, and enroll trial participants, perform randomization, follow participants over time, and collect patientrelevant outcome data because the data does not require participants’ contact or adjudication. Assessing study outcomes via linkage with EHRs decreases the burden on the participants and the research team [8]. EHRs have been used to evaluate the effectiveness of various interventions in some pragmatic trials [9–12]. In addition, pragmatic trials nested within EHRs can help overcome the limitations of explanatory trials, including high cost, time burden, and limited generalizability [13, 14]. Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at Pragmatic Randomized Trials 3 FIGURE 1.1 The PRagmatic-Explanatory Continuum Indicator Summary 2 (PRECIS–2) wheel. Adapted from BMJ2015;350:h2147. 1.1.1 Statistical Issues in Pragmatic Randomization Trials An ideally conducted randomized clinical trial (RCT) ensures that the observed difference in outcomes between control and intervention groups is only attributed to the absence or presence of the intervention. Missing data may seriously compromise the credibility of causal inferences from PCTs. Missing data ubiquitously occur in PCTs that use electronic health records (EHRs) or insurance claims data and may compromise the causal inference if missing data is inappropriately handled. Missing data can happen due to various reasons, such as participants’ missing scheduled visits or dropout from the study. PCTs may have a high proportion of missing values since some providers may drop out of the trial or fail to collect specifc data from all individuals at follow-up visits. The probability that individuals are lost to follow-up or miss their follow-up appointment may depend on both provider- and individual-level characteristics. Therefore, missing data must be appropriately handled using valid statistical approaches in the design and analysis of PCTs to draw valid inferences [15]. An apparent reason to properly deal with missing outcomes is to retain the statistical power of the Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at 4 Design and Analysis of Pragmatic Trials original randomized clinical trial design. Statistical power is the probability of detecting a meaningful effect, given that such an effect exists. Missing data mechanisms are commonly summarized into three categories [16]. Data are considered missing completely at random (MCAR) if missingness is independent of the observed outcomes and covariates. MCAR is a strong assumption and is not likely in most clinical trials. MCAR indicates whether missing data is entirely unrelated to either observed or unobserved data. A more sensible assumption is missing at random (MAR), where missingness does not depend on unobserved data after conditioning on the observed data. A likelihood-based analysis using only the observed data can be valid under MAR if the analysis adjusts for those variables associated with the probability of not being observed. Data are termed missing not at random (MNAR) if missingness is dependent on unobserved data values even after conditioning on fully observed data. Complete case analysis may be valid if the probability of being a complete case is independent of the outcome given the covariates in the analysis model. However, the complete case analysis will lead to larger estimates of standard errors due to the reduced sample size. Complete case analysis may be unacceptably ineffcient if more than a small proportion of individuals are omitted. Additional approaches include single imputation, multiple imputation, and model-based methods. Single imputation approaches replace each missing value with a single value based on the sample mean, a regression-based prediction, the last observation carried forward (LOCF), or other strategies. In single imputation, the imputed values will be assumed to be the real values, as if no data were missing. Although single imputation approaches can give unbiased estimates, standard errors are generally too small because they do not refect uncertainty about the values of the missing observations. Rubin [17] proposed a procedure called multiple imputation to address this problem. Multiple imputation allows for the uncertainty about the missing data by generating different plausible imputed data sets, analyzing each flled-in data set separately, and combining the analyses into a single summary analysis with simple averaging formulas. In cluster randomized trials (CRTs), multiple imputation approaches need to incorporate the withincluster correlation in the multi-level design to ensure valid inferences since ignoring clustering in the multiple imputation can lead to an increase in type I errors [18]. If clusters are included as a fxed effect in the imputation model, imputations lead to excessive between-cluster variability, especially if cluster sizes are small and intracluster correlation is small [19]. In traditional RCTs, potential participants are identifed, contacted, and enrolled. They opt-in to traditional RCTs by giving informed consent. Potential participants decide whether or not to participate in trials after having received and understood all the research-related information. Barriers to enrollment are often high in traditional RCTs since the trial may require extra clinic visits, procedures, and interviews. As a result, consent Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at We Don’t reply in this website, you need to contact by email for all chapters Instant download. Just send email and get all chapters download. Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at You can also order by WhatsApp one_number&app_absent=0 Send email or WhatsApp with complete Book title, Edition Number and Author Name. Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at Pragmatic Randomized Trials 5 rates are often low, and only a small portion of the eligible population eventually enrolls due to high barriers in traditional RCTs. Pragmatic clinical trials aim to increase the proportion of the target population who eventually enroll in the trial. Pragmatic trials increase generalizability by conducting randomized controlled trials under routine clinical practice conditions instead of specialized research settings [1]. A robust approach in pragmatic trials is an opt-out consent process, in which the default is participation rather than non-participation. In an opt-out process, the staff informs potential study participants at their clinic visit. In an opt-out model, trial participants are included automatically but can opt out completely or with restrictions by allowing selected data to be used. The opt-out consent process is generally expected to result in a more diverse sample of trial enrollees, including many who would not enroll under the traditional opt-in consent process. Unconsented randomized trials must be carefully restricted to contexts where risks are very low and overseen by experienced institutional review boards (IRBs). Pragmatic trials frequently incorporate an opt-out model for the consent process, while traditional RCTs use opt-in consent. Another feature of healthcare pragmatic clinical trials is a cluster randomized trial (CRT). CRTs are particularly useful for evaluating the effectiveness of interventions at the level of health systems, practices, or hospitals [20]. Many challenges and sources of bias in PCTs are related to CRTs [21, 22]. In CRTs, treatment allocation often cannot be blinded to participants, study staff, or providers. In addition, there may be differences in the types of participants enrolled between treatment groups because the assignment of participants to treatment groups generally cannot be concealed. In pragmatic trials, CRTs are often the most feasible study design to avoid contamination in real-world settings. One example of contamination is that if a physician simultaneously provides care to patients assigned to the intervention and control groups, leakage of intervention information might occur between two groups, resulting in an observed intervention effect that is diluted and biased toward the null. A CRT is more complex to design, requires more study subjects, and needs more complex analysis than an individualized randomized trial (IRT). A well-recognized statistical issue in CRTs is that responses tend to be more similar within clusters than across clusters. This within-cluster similarity is quantifed by the intracluster correlation coeffcient (ICC). There has been an extensive investigation into design methods for CRTs to account for ICC properly. Furthermore, the size of the clusters generally varies among clusters. These features present statistical challenges in designing pragmatic cluster randomized trials [23–25]. Due to practical and fnancial constraints, CRTs typically randomize a limited number of clusters. When there are a small number of clusters with diverse settings and populations, simple randomization can result in study groups that differ substantially on critical clinical variables or potential confounders. Unbalanced intervention groups constitute a potentially severe Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at 6 Design and Analysis of Pragmatic Trials methodological problem for CRTs because an imbalance in crucial baseline characteristics between intervention groups diminishes the case for causal inference, which is the fundamental strength of the randomized clinical trial [26]. Therefore, investigators planning a CRT should consider balancing baseline characteristics. PCTs often require more participants to achieve adequate statistical power to detect clinically meaningful differences. Assessment of repeated outcomes on the same individual may be necessary to examine the effect of an intervention over time. In cluster randomized trials, the need for greater statistical effciency may encourage the adoption of multiple-period CRTs such as parallel arm longitudinal, crossover, and stepped wedge CRTs that measure outcomes repeatedly in the same cluster (and the same individuals) over time. Standard statistical methods for the analysis of IRTs may not be appropriate. Statistical analysis must incorporate the design features of pragmatic CRTs, such as clustering, repeated measurements, and correlations over time. The correlation structure in CRTs is much more complicated than that in IRTs. For example, matched-pair CRTs and multiple-period CRTs must incorporate complex correlation structures. Matched-pair CRTs need to include the following correlations for the design of trials [27, 28]: the within-cluster correlation ( r1 ), the within-matched individual (study unit) correlation ( r2 ), and (3) the within-matched cluster correlation ( r3 ). If matching occurs at the cluster level, the correlation structure would depend only on r1 and r3 with r2 = r3 . Multiple-period CRTs such as longitudinal, crossover, and stepped wedge CRTs need to incorporate within-subject or longitudinal correlation, the conventional intracluster correlation, and crosssubject cross-period correlation [29–34]. The repeated measurements may burden patients regarding quality of life, satisfaction, and costs. Moreover, the proportion of missing data is usually higher due to repeated measures over a longer duration, which cannot be ignored in the design of trials. 1.2 Cluster Randomized Designs A cluster randomized trial (CRT) randomly assigns groups of individuals to each intervention group rather than individuals. In an individually randomized trial (IRT), individuals are randomized to each intervention group, and the intervention is applied at the individual level. A cluster randomized trial has been frequently used in health services research, primary care, and behavioral sciences [23, 35–40]. In designing a CRT, one of the frst decisions to be made is the choice of clusters. For example, in a cancer screening CRT [41], one needs to determine if one will use a physician or a clinic as a cluster. If a physician shares a nurse, Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at 7 Pragmatic Randomized Trials one may not use a physician as a cluster due to possible contamination. In a CRT, naturally occurring groups or clusters of individuals are the experimental units randomized to each intervention group. The clusters of individuals in CRTs have included families, churches, schools, work sites, clinics, healthcare centers, and communities. CRTs help evaluate interventions when interventions are delivered at the cluster level or when there is a risk that IRTs will contaminate interventions between intervention groups. Cluster randomization is often advocated to minimize treatment contamination between intervention and control participants. For example, in a smoking cessation trial, people in the control group might learn about experimental smoking cessation and adopt it themselves. Contamination of control participants leads to a reduction in the point estimate of an intervention’s effectiveness, which may lead to the rejection of an effective intervention as ineffective because the observed effect size was neither statistically nor clinically signifcant. In addition to minimizing potential “contamination," CRTs can also have practical advantages over IRTs because of ethical considerations, lower implementation costs, ease of obtaining the cooperation of investigators, enhancement of subject compliance, or administrative convenience. The design and conduct of a CRT require special considerations. The lack of independence among individuals in the same cluster, i.e., withincluster correlation, creates unique methodological challenges in design and analysis. That is, observations on subjects from the same cluster are likely more correlated than those from different clusters. The correlation within clusters, which is quantifed by the intracluster correlation coeffcient (ICC), r , may result in substantially reduced statistical effciency relative to trials that randomize the same number of individuals. In CRTs, the total variance of an observation can be divided into two components, s 2 = s B2 + s W2 , where s W2 is the within-cluster variance and s B2 is the between-cluster variance. That is, s W2 is the variance of observations within a cluster and s B2 is the variance of cluster-level means. The degree of similarity or magnitude of clustering is typically measured by ICC ( r ). ICC is defned as the proportion of the total variance in the outcome that is attributable to variance between clusters [23, 35]. The intracluster correlation is r= s B2 s B2 = s 2 s B2 + s W2 . The reduction in effciency is a function of the variance infation due to clustering, also known as the design effect or variance infation factor (VIF), given by VIF = 1 + (m - 1)r , where m denotes the cluster size when cluster sizes are equal across clusters. Inferences are frequently done at the individual level, while randomization is at the cluster level in CRTs. Thus, the unit of randomization may be different from the unit of analysis. In this case, the lack of independence among Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at 8 Design and Analysis of Pragmatic Trials individuals in the same cluster presents unique methodological challenges that affect both the design and analysis of CRTs. Suppose one ignores the clustering effect and analyzes clustered data using standard statistical methods developed to analyze independent observations. In that case, one may underestimate the true p-value and infate the type I error rate of such tests. Therefore, clustered data should be analyzed using statistical methods that account for the dependence of observations on subjects within the same cluster. If one fails to incorporate the study design’s clustered nature during the study’s planning stage, one will obtain a smaller sample size estimate and statistical power than planned. The analysis of data collected from a CRT must also account for clustering. Analyses at the cluster level (i.e., using summary measures for each cluster) are generally not statistically effcient. Individual-level analysis can account for clustering using generalized estimating equations (GEE) or generalized linear mixed models (GLMM). These modeling techniques also allow for adjusting both cluster-level and individual-level covariates. CRTs are less effcient than IRTs since outcomes of subjects in the same cluster tend to be positively correlated. In addition, it is not always feasible to increase the sample size, even though effciency can be improved by increasing the sample size. Thus, alternative strategies have been proposed, such as reducing residual variance by matching, stratifcation, balancing, including covariates, taking repeated measurements, and using a crossover design. Turner et al. [42, 43] reviewed the design and analysis of methodological developments in group-randomized trials. Textbooks are available for the design and analysis of CRTs [23, 35–40]. 1.2.1 Completely Randomized Cluster Trial Design The completely randomized cluster trial design is analogous to the completely randomized individual trial design, except that clusters are randomized instead of individuals. The completely randomized cluster trial design is the most widely understood CRT design. Clusters are randomly assigned to intervention and control groups using simple randomization. Both the sample size calculation and the subsequent statistical analysis must consider the ICC induced by cluster randomization since the responses of observations within a cluster are usually correlated. Donner et al. [44] provided a sample size estimate for the number of subjects in a completely randomized cluster trial design, which can be obtained by multiplying a design effect (DE) by the required number of subjects calculated under an IRT. Under equal cluster sizes, the design effect can be computed as DE = 1 + (m - 1)r , where r is the ICC and m is the cluster size. Let nind be the number of subjects required for an IRT. Then, the number of subjects needed for a CRT is n = nind × {1 + (m - 1)r } . The design effect, 1 + (m - 1)r , is usually greater than one since r is generally positive. The design effect is also called the variance infation factor (VIF). Let m be the average cluster size, and x represent the Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at Pragmatic Randomized Trials 9 coeffcient of variation of the cluster sizes. For the unequal cluster sizes, the DE can be approximated by DE = 1 + [(x 2 + 1)m - 1]r , which gives a slight overestimate of the design effect [45]. It was recommended that trials account for variable cluster size in their sample size calculations if x is greater than or equal to 0.23 [45]. The effect of adjustment for variable cluster size on sample size is negligible when x is less than 0.23. For unequal cluster sizes, VIFs were provided for continuous outcomes [24], binary outcomes [25], and count outcomes [46], respectively. Variation in cluster sizes affects the sample size estimate or the power of the study. Guittet et al. [47] and Ahn et al. [48] investigated the impact of an imbalance in cluster size on the power of trials through simulations for continuous and binary outcomes, respectively. The primary analysis approaches are cluster-level analyses and individuallevel analyses such as mixed-effects models and generalized estimating equations (GEEs) [49]. Cluster-level analysis is a two-stage approach with estimating a summary measure of the outcome for each cluster frst and then analyzing the summaries using standard methods for independent data. Variance-weighted cluster-level analysis has been proposed to improve effciency when clusters are not of the same size. Mixed-effects models and GEEs have been frequently used for the analysis of individual-level data. However, these methods can lead to infated type I error rates when the number of clusters is small. For mixed-effect models, small-sample corrections to circumvent the infated type I error rate involve degrees-offreedom corrections [50–52]. For GEEs, the corrections typically involve corrections to standard errors [53, 54]. Example: Colorectal cancer screening is effective but underused. Guidelines for recommended tests and screening intervals depend on specifc risks. To facilitate risk-tailored testing in the primary care context, Skinner et al. [41] developed a tablet-based Cancer Risk Intake System (CRIS). CRIS asks questions about risk before appointments and generates tailored printouts for patients and physicians, summarizing and matching risk factors with guideline-based recommendations. In a pragmatic CRIS trial, physicians were randomly allocated to either a comparison or risk-based CRIS group. In this CRIS trial, a physician corresponds to a cluster. Based on the assignment of his or her physician, each patient was assigned to the CRIS intervention or a comparison group. A CRT was selected over an IRT to avoid contamination and for logistical reasons such as ease of administration. The investigators plan to conduct a CRIS trial in Hispanic men and women of 40–65 years old. The primary outcome is participation in risk-appropriate colorectal cancer testing (yes/no, 1 = participation in any risk-appropriate testing, 0 = non participation). We anticipate about 20% of the comparison group will participate in appropriate testing based on pilot and published data [55]. We will assume that the CRIS group will yield at least a 32% participation Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at We Don’t reply in this website, you need to contact by email for all chapters Instant download. Just send email and get all chapters download. Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at You can also order by WhatsApp one_number&app_absent=0 Send email or WhatsApp with complete Book title, Edition Number and Author Name. Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at 10 Design and Analysis of Pragmatic Trials rate. In an IRT ( r = 0 ), we need a sample size of 206 subjects per intervention group using a 5% signifcance level and 80% power. Suppose that each physician recruits 23 patients (m = 23). With r = 0.02 , the design effect, also called the variance infation factor, is DE = 1 + (23 - 1) × r = 1.44, meaning that the CRT requires 1.44 times as many patients as required for an IRT, all else being equal. CRT needs to recruit 297 (= 206 × DE ) patients per intervention group. Since each physician recruits 23 patients per intervention group, the number of physicians (n) to be recruited is 13. Cluster sizes are expected to be unequal because a different number of patients will be recruited among physicians. The required number of physicians can be estimated using the design effect computed under variable cluster sizes for binary outcomes [25]. In some cluster randomization trials such as the GOODNEWS (Genes, Nutrition, Exercise, Wellness, and Spiritual Growth) [56], the number of clusters cannot exceed a specifed maximum value due to practical considerations such as the fxed expense of maintaining staff to collect data and conduct an intervention in each cluster. In those trials, the sample size requirement should be provided for the number of subjects per cluster instead of the number of clusters per group. Donner and Klar [23] and Taljaard et al. [57] provided the sample size formula for the number of subjects required per cluster, assuming the number of subjects in each cluster is fxed in advance. 1.2.2 Restricted Randomized Designs: Strategies to Improve Efficiency for CRTs Cluster randomization trials with relatively few clusters have been widely used to evaluate healthcare strategies. For CRTs with a limited number of available clusters, a practical limitation of the simple completely randomized parallel design is an imbalance in baseline characteristics (covariates) across intervention groups, which would threaten the internal validity of the trials. Randomization does not ensure that the intervention groups will be balanced in crucial baseline characteristics when a limited number of clusters are used in CRTs. Unbalanced intervention groups constitute a potentially severe methodological problem for CRTs because observed differences in outcomes between intervention groups may not be due to the intervention but due to the differences in the underlying study populations [26]. That is, an imbalance in crucial baseline characteristics between intervention groups diminishes the case for causal inference, which is the fundamental strength of the randomized trial. Therefore, investigators planning a cluster randomized trial should consider balancing baseline characteristics. In addition, an imbalance can lead to differences between crude and adjusted estimates of intervention effects, which hinders the interpretability and face validity of the fndings [23, 26]. Various restricted randomization methods have been proposed to minimize imbalance in CRTs. Ivers et al. [26] provided the advantages and limitations of different allocation techniques, including matched-pair, Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at Pragmatic Randomized Trials 11 stratifcation, minimization, and covariate-constrained randomization, and guided in choosing the best allocation technique for CRTs. Matched-Pair Cluster Randomized Design Matched-pair designs have been frequently used in community intervention trials. For example, Kroeger et al. [58] conducted a matched-pair cluster randomized trial of interventions against Aedes mosquitoes. The primary outcome was the number of containers per house that were positive for immature stages of the mosquito. Pairs of clusters of households were randomized to a package of window curtains and water container covers treated with insecticide, or to control (no intervention). A matched-pair cluster randomized design seems attractive since matching before random assignment of clusters to interventions can signifcantly improve the effciency of causal effect estimation [59]. Matched-pair CRTs are widely conducted by pairing the intervention and control clusters based on selected common features related to the primary outcome to mitigate baseline imbalance and improve statistical power. In a matched-pair cluster randomized design, clusters are formed into pairs based on similar baseline characteristics such as cluster size, geographic location, or other features potentially related to the primary outcome measure. One cluster within each pair is randomly allocated to an intervention and the other to a control. For a matched-pair cluster randomized trial, the matching would be both at an individual level and at a cluster level. Matching reduces between-cluster variability in estimating the intervention effect, reducing the standard error and increasing power and precision. Several authors examined the effect of matching in randomized community intervention trials using t-tests [60, 61]. Suppose that there are n clusters in each intervention group, and the continuous outcome is analyzed by paired and unpaired t-tests for matched and unmatched data, respectively. For unmatched analysis with continuous outcomes, the degrees of freedom will be 2(n - 1) for a t-test statistic that compares the outcome between the two intervention groups. For a matched analysis, with n-matched cluster pairs, the degree of freedom will be n - 1 for a t-test statistic. That is, the matched analysis has half the degrees of freedom of the unmatched analysis. A matched-pair cluster randomized trial has less power than an unmatched cluster randomized trial since a less degree of freedom for a t-distribution corresponds with a larger critical value [23, 37]. Therefore, the gain in correlation within a pair must be larger than the homogeneity within a pair for matching to be worthwhile in a matchedpair CRT [60]. Let rM be the matching correlation, defned as the standard Pearson correlation for the outcome computed over the paired clusters. Matching will yield an effciency gain only if the matching correlation, rM , is suffciently high to offset the reduction in degrees of freedom. For this reason, it is worthwhile to match only cluster-level factors known to be strongly associated with the outcome [23]. Breakeven values of rM are Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at 12 Design and Analysis of Pragmatic Trials the smallest possible correlations that matching must induce for matchedpair cluster randomization to detect a smaller effect size than the unmatched cluster randomization [37, 59]. The approximate reduction in the design effect for a matched-pair design compared with a completely randomized design is 1 - rM [23, 62]. The design effect will be reduced by 30% if the matching correlation ( rM ) is 0.3. Therefore, an effciency gain will be obtained through matching only if rM is suffciently large to offset the reduction in degrees of freedom. When the number of clusters is large, ineffective matching is not a severe problem. However, matching or not is an important design issue in CRTs when the number of clusters to be randomized is relatively small. Martin et al. [60] compared the statistical power between the matched-pair cluster randomized design and a completely randomized parallel design when the number of matched-pair clusters is small to moderate. They showed that when the number of available pairs is ten or less, then matching should be used only if rM is at least 0.2. For the analysis of continuous outcomes, cluster-level analysis can be done using statistical methods such as paired t-test, Wilcoxon signed-rank test, and permutation test. Let di be the mean difference in the continuous outcome between clusters in the ith matched-pair. A simple approach to test an intervention is applying the standard paired t-test to the mean differences di , i = 1, 2,..., n , where n is the number of matched cluster pairs. The paired t-test assumes that the di is normally distributed with a mean ( D ) and an equal variance across the matched-pairs. Since cluster sizes generally vary across matched-pairs, the assumption of equal variances is violated. When clusters are not the same size, variance-weighted cluster-level analysis has been proposed to improve effciency. When the number of matched-pair is large, violation of the normality assumption is not serious since di will have an approximately normal distribution with the central limit theorem. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test or Fisher’s permutation test can be used as an alternative to the paired t-test in the presence of obvious non-normality or heterogeneity in the variances of the di [23]. These approaches take advantage of avoiding normality assumptions. Wilcoxon signed-rank test is applied to di based on the ranks of the di instead of the actual values. Fisher’s one-sample permutation test uses the magnitude and the ranks of the di . A limitation of the exact permutation test is that we need a minimum of six matched-pairs of clusters to obtain a two-sided p-value of less than 0.05. For an individual-level analysis, generalized estimating equation (GEE) and mixed-effects models can be used to analyze the continuous outcomes from matched-pair CRTs. For the analysis of binary outcomes, Donner and Klar [23] provided statistical methods such as the standard Mantel–Haenszel one degree of freedom chi-square test, Liang’s chi-square test for analyzing 2 × 2 tables [63, 64], paired t-test, Wilcoxon signed-rank test, and one-sample permutation test. The data from a matched-pair CRT with a binary outcome variable may be summarized Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at Pragmatic Randomized Trials 13 in a series of n 2 × 2 tables, where n is the number of matched cluster pairs with the row for responses (yes/no) and the column for intervention groups (intervention/control). The standard Mantel–Haenszel one degree of freedom chi-square test for analyzing matched-pair clustered data can lead to spurious statistical signifcance since the test ignores the clustering effect. It is recommended not to use a standard Mantel–Haenszel chi-square test to analyze binary outcomes in a matched-pair CRT. Liang [63] developed a chi-square test for the analysis of 2 × 2 tables by relaxing the binomial assumptions. Liang’s chi-square test may apply to CRTs when there are at least 25 pairs. The paired t-test can be applied to the difference di for the matched-pair CRTs, where di is the difference in the proportions of response between intervention and control groups in the ith pair. Individual-level analysis can be conducted using a generalized estimating equation (GEE) or generalized linear mixed model (GLMM). Shipley et al. [65] provided a sample size formula and power of the test that compares the incidence rates between two groups in matched-pair cluster randomized trials. They investigated the factors affecting the power of matched-pair CRTs and provided an example where the power of a CRT is compared to that of an IRT. Donner and Klar [23] provided the sample size formulas that compare the means, proportions, and incidence rates between two groups in matched-pair cluster randomization designs. Rutterford et al. [66] provided the variances for binary and continuous outcomes for matchedpair cluster randomization trials, which can be used for sample size estimation. Missing data is common in matched-pair cluster experimental designs. Investigators often encounter incomplete observations of paired outcomes. For pairs of observations, some subjects contribute complete pairs of outcomes from both intervention groups. In contrast, some subjects contribute only one outcome from either an intervention or control group. In sample size calculation, one common approach to handle such missing data is to use a simple adjustment that divides the sample size estimate under no missing data by the expected follow-up rate. Xu et al. [27, 28] used the GEE method to derive a closed-form sample size formula for matchedpair cluster randomization design with continuous and binary outcomes by treating incomplete observations as missing data in a marginal linear or logistic regression model. The sample size formula was developed using a general correlation structure for the outcome data, including three intraclass correlations: (1) the within-cluster correlation ( r1 ), which describes the similarity between outcomes from different study units within the same cluster under the same treatment; (2) the within-matched individual (study unit) correlation ( r2 ), which describes the similarity between outcomes from two matched individuals under different treatments; (3) the withinmatched cluster correlation ( r3 ), which describes the similarity between outcomes from different study units within two matched clusters but under different treatments. The within-matched individual correlation is required if matching is done at the individual level. However, if matching occurs only Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at 14 Design and Analysis of Pragmatic Trials at the cluster level, the correlation structure would depend only on r1 and r3 with r2 = r3 . Example: COMMIT (Community Intervention Trial for Smoking Cessation) is a cluster randomized trial employing a matched-pair design [67]. The community was chosen as the unit of randomization in the COMMIT since the interventions were conducted on communities rather than individuals. The investigators selected 22 communities and matched these communities based on several factors expected to be related to the smoking quit rates, such as community size, geographical proximity, age and sex composition, degree of urbanization, and socioeconomic factors. The COMMIT design included 11 matched-pair communities. Each member of the 11 community pairs was randomly assigned to receive active intervention and the other to receive control surveillance. This trial aims to assess the effect of a community program encouraging people to stop smoking. The rates of quitting smoking in the intervention and control communities were compared using a matched-pair analysis, based on the permutation distribution. Gail et al. [67] provided a detailed discussion of permutation tests for the design and analysis of the COMMIT. Stratifed Cluster Randomized Design Matched-pair cluster randomized design can help minimize the differences between intervention groups for prognostic factors potentially related to an outcome and can improve the power and precision of the study. However, there is a possibility that substantial imbalances in other essential factors arise between intervention groups. If there are a small number of categorical covariates, a simple way to handle imbalances is to use a stratifed cluster randomized design. Stratifcation involves grouping clusters into two or more strata that are expected to be similar to the outcome of interest. The clusters within each stratum are then randomly allocated between the intervention groups. In stratifed CRTs, stratifcation factors often include cluster size, clusterlevel socioeconomic status, geographic location, and the healthcare system. Cluster size is commonly used as a stratifying factor because cluster size may be associated with critical cluster-level factors and has been recognized as a surrogate for within-cluster dynamics that predicts outcomes in cluster randomization trials [23]. The conventional randomization procedure might fail to achieve balance in cluster size between intervention groups, leading to biased estimation of an intervention effect. One possible solution is to adopt the stratifed cluster randomization design, where clusters are frst grouped into strata based on size (e.g., small, medium, and large) and then randomized to intervention groups within each stratum. Stratifed CRTs are popular because they increase the chance of the intervention groups being well balanced regarding identifed prognostic factors at baseline and may increase Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at We Don’t reply in this website, you need to contact by email for all chapters Instant download. Just send email and get all chapters download. Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at You can also order by WhatsApp one_number&app_absent=0 Send email or WhatsApp with complete Book title, Edition Number and Author Name. Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at Pragmatic Randomized Trials 15 statistical power. The stratifed design may be viewed as replicating a completely randomized parallel design in each stratum. The continuous outcomes in a stratifed CRT can be analyzed using a t-test based on the weighted mean difference [23]. The stratum-specifc effects are measured by the difference of the means ( di ) in the ith stratum. The variance of di is computed incorporating an intracluster correlation among subjects within a cluster. The weighted statistic is set up based on the weighted mean difference with weights chosen to refect the relative information in the di [68]. A standard Mantel–Haenszel statistic was extended to analyze binary outcomes, incorporating intracluster correlation ( r ) among observations within a cluster [62]. If r is equal to zero, the generalized Mantel–Haenszel statistic is identical to a standard Mantel–Haenszel statistic. GEE and GLMM can be used to analyze the binary and continuous outcome data by adjusting individual-level as well as cluster-level covariates from a stratifed cluster randomized design. Donner [69] extended the sample size formula for the Cochran–Mantel–Haenszel statistic with binary outcomes [70]. Donner’s sample size formula assumes the cluster size to be equal within strata but different across strata. With varying cluster sizes, commonly used ad hoc approaches have assumed the cluster sizes to be constant within each stratum, which may underestimate the required number of clusters for each group per stratum and lead to underpowered clinical trials. Xu et al. [71] extended Donner’s sample size formula [69], incorporating the variability in cluster size with the coeffcient of variation ( x ) of cluster size. Wang et al. [72] also accommodated the variability of cluster size and proposed the closedform sample size formula for cluster size-stratifed CRTs with continuous outcomes. The sample size formulas of Xu et al. [71] and Wang et al. [72] are fexible to accommodate an arbitrary randomization ratio and varying numbers of clusters across strata. The advantages of stratifed CRTs include increased precision (and power) and balanced treatment groups. The number of strata increases rapidly as the number of stratifying factors increases. Suppose that there are two categories in each stratifcation factor. The number of strata is 2k when the number of stratifcation factors is k. Relatively few stratifcation factors can be included in stratifed cluster randomized designs since the number of strata increases exponentially as the number of stratifcation factors increases. Example: In a pragmatic stratifed cluster randomization trial called “Improving chronic disease management with PIECES (NCT02587936)”, primary care clinics were randomly allocated to either an intervention or standard medical care group using a randomized permutation block within each healthcare system. The stratum is each of the four large healthcare systems participating in the study. The unit of randomization is a primary care clinic. The cluster randomization design with clinics receiving collaborative primary care–subspecialty care vs standard care limits the risk of cross-contamination between intervention and control Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at 16 Design and Analysis of Pragmatic Trials groups. Based on the assignment of the clinic where a patient goes, each patient will be assigned to either the intervention or standard medical care group. Evaluation will be performed to determine treatment effects on disease-specifc hospitalizations, ER visits, cardiovascular events, and deaths. The sample size was estimated based on comparing one-year unplanned allcause hospitalization rates between the control and intervention groups. The sample size formula developed by Donner [69] for stratifed randomized trials was employed. Preliminary data showed that the rate of unplanned allcause hospitalization during the one-year follow-up period was 14% across all four large healthcare systems in the standard medical care group. The hospitalization rate in the intervention group is expected to be 3% lower than that in the standard medical care group. A generalized linear mixed model will be used to investigate if there is a signifcant difference in the rate of unplanned all-cause hospitalization during the one-year follow-up period between the intervention group and the standard medical care group. Electronic health records show that the number of patients with coexistent CKD, hypertension, and diabetes are 4,419, 4,738, 4,175, and 1,093 in healthcare systems 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. The numbers of clinics are 25, 40, 50, and 9 in healthcare systems 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. A preliminary dataset obtained an intracluster correlation coeffcient (ICC) of 0.015. If we assumed ICC = 0.015 to detect a 3% difference in the rate of unplanned all-cause hospitalization, a total of 10,991 patients are needed to achieve 80% power at a two-sided 5% signifcance level. We would need to enroll 3,367, 3,610, 3,181, and 833 patients from healthcare systems 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. Here, 10,991 patients are 76.2% of 14,425 patients from the four healthcare systems participating in the study. Waiver of consent has been obtained from all institutional review boards (IRBs) overseeing the research, and no informed consent will be obtained from patients. An opt-out option is available for patients in the intervention and control groups. A small number of opt-out requests are expected based on the nature of the interventions. Covariate-Constrained Randomized Design Unbalanced intervention groups lead to a potentially severe methodological problem for CRTs. Simple or matched-pair or stratifed randomization often cannot adequately balance multiple cluster-level covariates between intervention groups when the number of clusters is small. Therefore, covariate-constrained randomization was proposed as an allocation technique to achieve balance when clusters can be recruited before randomization. Once cluster-level baseline data are obtained, the randomization process can begin. Moulton [73] described the covariate-constrained randomization (CCR) procedure that enumerates all the possible allocations of participating clusters when clusters and their covariates are known in advance. A Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at Pragmatic Randomized Trials 17 æwö randomization scheme is randomly chosen from all the possible ç ÷ ranègø domization schemes, where w is the total number of clusters and g is the number of clusters assigned to one study arm. For example, if we design a CRT with ten clusters, fve of which are assigned to intervention and fve æ 10 ö to control, there are ç ÷ = 252 unique allocations of ten clusters evenly è5ø assigned to two arms. The randomization scheme is randomly selected from a subset of all possible randomization schemes using a score that assesses covariate imbalance. CCR calculates a score that assesses covariate imbalance from all the possible allocation schemes, limits the randomization space to prespecifed constraints, and then selects a scheme from the constrained list to implement an acceptable allocation. Example: The reminder–recall (R/R) immunization trial compared the population-based R/R approach with the practice-based R/R approach to increase up-to-date immunization rates in 19- to 35-month-old children in 16 counties in Colorado [74]. The population-based intervention used collaborations between primary care physicians and health department leaders to develop a centralized R/R notifcation using telephone or mail for all parents whose children were not up to date on immunizations. The practice-based group invited practices to attend a webbased training on R/R using the Colorado Immunization Information System (CIIS). Sixteen counties were randomized equally to each of the two R/R approaches. Within each stratum (rural, urban), they generated 70 possible combinations of eight counties into two study groups and standardized county-level variables by computing simple z scores for each measure. Let xi be the cluster-level variable with x as the mean of xi and s as the standard deviation across clusters. To allow each measure to contribute approximately equally to the balancing process, cluster-level variables were standardized using a simple z score, zi = (xi - x)/ s . For each possible randomization, clusters were allocated to a treatment group. Next, the absolute value of the difference between the allocated treatment groups on the original county-level raw variables was computed for each randomization. The balance criterion measures the overall imbalance. The best 10% randomizations for rural and urban counties were designated as the optimal set. 1.2.3 Multiple-Period Cluster Randomized Designs CRTs have lower effciency than IRTs due to correlation among subjects within the same cluster. Effciency can be improved by increasing the sample size. However, increasing the sample size is not always possible since the number of clusters and cluster sizes are often limited. One strategy to increase effciency is to implement a multiple-period design within a CRT. That is, multiple-period CRTs extend traditional CRTs over time, with each cluster contributing observations over prespecifed time points, possibly Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at 18 Design and Analysis of Pragmatic Trials switching between intervention groups. The most basic type of multipleperiod CRTs is a longitudinal cluster randomized trial (LCRT), where clusters of subjects are randomly assigned to either a control or an intervention group and measured repeatedly at prespecifed time points in the assigned group for the duration of the study [75, 76]. Crossover cluster randomized trials (CCRTs) and stepped-wedge cluster randomized trials (SW-CRTs) are two other types of multiple-period CRTs. CCRTs [77–80] aim to increase statistical power compared to LCRTs by alternating clusters between control and intervention groups. In CCRTs, clusters of subjects are randomly assigned to different sequences of treatments over the study period. Correlation structures are complicated in LCRTs and CCRTs due to the longitudinal and clustered nature of trials. Wang et al. [76] used the GEE method to derive a closed-form sample size formula for LCRTs using a general correlation structure for the outcome data, including (1) correlation among repeated measurements from the same subjects (within-subject or longitudinal correlation), (2) correlation between concurrent measurements from different subjects within the same cluster (the conventional intracluster correlation coeffcient, ICC), and (3) correlation between nonconcurrent measurements from different subjects within the same cluster (cross-subject cross-period correlation). Ignoring the above correlations leads to biased estimation and improper sample size estimation. Generalized linear mixed model (GLMM) and generalized estimating equation (GEE) approaches have been commonly used for sample size estimation and statistical analysis. SW-CRTs [81–85] randomize clusters of subjects to one of the intervention sequences. Each sequence requires that clusters start in the control condition and then switch to the intervention condition one at a time at prespecifed time points. Hemming et al. [86] provided a tutorial on sample size calculation for multiple-period cluster randomized trials using the Shiny CRT Calculator (https://clusterrcts There are three major types of multiple-period CRTs [30, 86]. One is a closed-cohort design, where all subjects are recruited at the beginning of the trial, repeatedly assessed throughout the study; hence, longitudinal measurements are collected from the same subjects. New subjects cannot join the trial as it is ongoing. Another is a cross-sectional design, where subjects are selected for measurements at a specifc time point and will not be selected again at a later time point. That is, different subjects are assessed at each time point. The other is an open-cohort design, where subjects join and leave the clusters over time. That is, some subjects are repeatedly assessed throughout the study, while others can leave or join in the middle of the study. Longitudinal Cluster Randomized Design In longitudinal cluster randomized trials (LCRTs), clusters of subjects, such as those formed by clinics and communities, are randomly assigned to Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at Pragmatic Randomized Trials 19 FIGURE 1.2 Diagrams of the LCRT and CCRT with two sequences. (Blank and shaded cells represent control and intervention, respectively.) the intervention groups and are measured repeatedly at prespecifed time points throughout the study [87]. The upper panel in Figure 1.2 illustrates the intervention scheme of an LCRT design, which has been widely used in behavioral and health service research. Examples include longitudinal community intervention studies or family studies with repeated measures on each subject [88–90]. For instance, in community intervention trials, outcome measures such as blood pressure or quality of life is collected on each subject from each community over time. In clinical trials with repeated measurements, the responses from each subject are measured multiple times during the study period. Two approaches have been widely used to assess the intervention effect: one that compares the rates of change and the other that compares the time-averaged responses between the intervention groups. Sample size and power formulas were developed to compare the time-averaged responses and the rates of changes over time using GEE [75] and GLMM [91–93]. For example, Wang et al. [76] provided closed-form sample size and power formulas for comparing the time-averaged responses based on the GEE approach. These formulas are fexible to incorporate unbalanced randomization, different missing patterns, arbitrary correlation structures, and randomly varying cluster sizes, providing a practical yet robust sample size solution. Hooper et al. [94] showed how to calculate sample size for a longitudinal cluster randomized trial with a repeated cross-section or closed cohort design. Sample size formulas were presented for open cohorts and the impact of the degree of “openness” on sample size [95]. For proper statistical inferences, generalized linear mixed model (GLMM) and generalized estimating equation (GEE) approaches have been commonly used in analyzing data from LCRTs. Example: Bosworth et al. [89] conducted an LCRT on blood pressure (BP) control at a Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center. Physicians were randomly allocated to either the control group or the intervention group. Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at We Don’t reply in this website, you need to contact by email for all chapters Instant download. Just send email and get all chapters download. Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at You can also order by WhatsApp one_number&app_absent=0 Send email or WhatsApp with complete Book title, Edition Number and Author Name. Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at 20 Design and Analysis of Pragmatic Trials In this LCRT, a physician corresponds to a cluster. Based on the assignment of his or her physician, each patient was assigned to either the control or intervention group and followed over time. In the intervention group, primary care providers (PCPs) received computer-generated decision support designed to improve guideline-concordant medical therapy at each clinic visit. In the control group, PCPs received a standard reminder at each visit. BP values were obtained at each primary care visit according to VA standards. An LRCT was selected over a longitudinal individual randomized trial to avoid contamination and for logistical reasons such as ease of administration. The primary outcome was the proportion of patients who achieved a BP of less than 140/90 mm Hg (less than 130/85 for diabetic patients) over the 24-month intervention. A hierarchical mixed-effects logistic regression model was used to investigate if there were signifcant differences in BP control in the three intervention groups compared to the hypertension reminder control group. The model included patient-level random effects in the form of a patient-level random intercept and slope to account for the correlation between a patient’s repeated BP measurements. The model also included a provider group-level random effect to account for the correlation of patients within the same provider. Crossover Cluster Randomized Design In crossover cluster randomized trials (CCRTs), clusters of subjects are randomly assigned to different sequences of interventions over the study period. Each cluster receives each intervention in a separate period. For example, the lower panel of Figure 1.2 illustrates a typical CCRT with two treatments. In a two-period, two-intervention CCRT design, the so-called AB/BA design, in which each cluster is randomly assigned to one of two groups of the trial. Subjects within clusters in the frst group receive intervention A in the frst period of the trial and intervention B in the second period, and subjects within clusters included in the second group receive intervention B in the frst period and intervention A in the second period. CCRTs are frequently employed in clinical research [77–80, 96–98]. With the crossover design, clusters are randomized to a sequence of intervention conditions rather than just one intervention condition. CCRTs with two periods were commonly applied. Many studies have also investigated and employed CCRTs with multiple periods [77, 99, 100]. CCRTs increase statistical effciency because each cluster receives both intervention conditions, which allows comparisons within clusters [100]. The comparisons within clusters help to eliminate chance imbalances between intervention and control conditions on cluster-level characteristics even in studies with a small number of clusters. CCRTs can have more power to detect a given treatment effect than the cluster-randomized non-crossover trials with the same number of subjects. Thus, CCRTs can be especially useful when the number of available clusters is limited. A crossover design may be cost-effective if enrolling a cluster costs much or if there are few available clusters. The Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at Pragmatic Randomized Trials 21 principal drawback of the CCRT is that the effects of one intervention may “carry over” and alter the response to subsequent interventions. CCRTs cannot be conducted if receiving the intervention in the frst period would affect observations in the second period. For example, a training/education intervention for smoking cessation could not be crossed over because there would not be a way to remove the effects of the intervention during the control period once a group received the training/education intervention. However, the crossover design could be implemented if the intervention does not have lingering effects. In a Nordic diet study, Danish municipal schools were randomized to intervention sequences assuming that the effect of the intervention in the frst period would not carry over into the second period [97, 98]. Sample size formulas have been proposed for the two-period, twointervention, cross-sectional CCRTs [101, 102, 78]. Sample size formulas for continuous and binary outcomes were developed for the cross-sectional, twoperiod, two-intervention CCRTs using GEE approaches, accounting for both the within-period and inter-period correlations [31]. Sample size formulas for cross-sectional CCRTs were extended for cohort CCRTs by extending the two-period nested exchangeable correlation structure to a two-period block exchangeable correlation structure. Using GEE approaches, sample size formulas were developed incorporating the missing data patterns and arbitrary correlation structures [76]. Example: The Head Positioning in Acute Stroke Trial (HeadPoST) is a two-period pragmatic CCRT conducted at 114 hospitals in nine countries [80]. The trial aimed to compare the effects of the lying-fat position with those of the sitting-up position, initiated soon after a stroke and maintained for 24 hours. Hospitals were randomly assigned to two sequences. The frst sequence received the lying-fat position and then crossed over to the sitting-up position. The second sequence received two positions in the reverse direction. The degree of disability in the modifed Rankin scale score was collected for each patient. The primary outcome was the degree of disability at 90 days, as assessed with the modifed Rankin score ranging from 0 to 6, with higher scores indicating more signifcant disability and 6 indicating death. The primary endpoint of the intervention effect, as assessed using the modifed Rankin scale, was analyzed using a hierarchical ordinal mixed-effect logistic regression model with four adjustment variables (fxed intervention effect [lying fat vs sitting up], fxed period effect, random cluster effect, and effect of the interaction between random cluster and period). Stepped-Wedge Cluster Randomized Design Stepped-wedge cluster randomized trials (SW-CRTs) have been increasingly adopted in behavioral and health services research [82–84]. An SW-CRT is a type of crossover CRT, in which the different clusters switch interventions at Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at 22 Design and Analysis of Pragmatic Trials different time points. An SW-CRT extends the traditional CRT so that every cluster provides control and intervention observations, thus, somewhat acting as its own control. The design includes a baseline period where none of the clusters receive the intervention of interest. That is, all clusters receive the control at the baseline. Then, one or more randomly allocated clusters are scheduled to switch from a control to an intervention group at prespecifed time points until all clusters are exposed to the intervention of interest. Outcomes are measured at every time point. The key feature of the SW-CRT design is the unidirectional crossover of clusters from the control to the intervention groups on a staggered schedule, which induces confounding of the intervention effect over time. SW-CRTs have a unique feature that allows the stepwise introduction of interventions to a population, making it suitable to examine the effectiveness of interventions in real-world settings [103, 104]. Figure 1.3 illustrates a typical stepped-wedge cluster randomized design. The horizontal axis indicates time, and the vertical axis indicates the sequences. Each sequence includes one or more clusters of subjects. SW-CRTs have several advantages. First, every cluster ends up getting the intervention. Switching every cluster to intervention motivates patients and doctors and mitigates the ethical dilemma of withholding an effective intervention when it is believed to be superior to the control [105]. Second, it is more effcient because comparisons from two directions provide evidence of effectiveness, which will lead to higher statistical power over parallel CRTs [106]. One is vertical comparison of clusters between intervention and control at each time point. The other is horizontal comparisons of observations before and after switching to intervention within each cluster. Third, outcomes are measured longitudinally, offering insight into the temporal trend of the intervention effect. On the other hand, SW-CRTs present various challenges to researchers, which include longer trial duration, higher risk of attrition, diffculty in blinding, complex informed consent procedure, and complex data analysis. For example, the correlation structure is much more complicated than that in completely randomized cluster designs. The repeated measures may burden patients regarding quality of life, satisfaction, and costs. Moreover, the FIGURE 1.3 An illustration of an SW-CRT with T = 4 time points and S = 3 sequences. (Each cell represents a data collection point. Shaded and blank cells represent intervention and control, respectively.) Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at Pragmatic Randomized Trials 23 proportion of missing data is usually higher due to repeated measurements over a longer duration, which cannot be ignored in the design. Many researchers have investigated sample size calculation methods for cross-sectional SW-CRTs [103, 107–109], where the correlation structure is more straightforward. There have been relatively fewer publications on sample size methods for closed-cohort SW-CRTs, some of which were purely simulation-based [110], some based on the linear mixed-effect model approach [94, 111], and some based on the Bayesian method [112]. Sample size formulas were proposed for closed-cohort SW-CRTs using the GEE approach [30, 32], which considered three types of correlations: within-period, interperiod, and within-individual correlations. Wang et al. [29, 30] provided the closed-form sample size formulas for SW-CRTs with continuous and binary outcomes using GEE, which can be applied to either the closed-cohort or cross-sectional SW-CRTs by modifying the correlation structures. The sample size method is fexible to address pragmatic issues such as missing data due to various mechanisms or complicated correlation structures. Mixed-effects regression and generalized estimating equation (GEE) have commonly been used in analyzing SW-CRTs. Li et al. [34] provided an overview of mixed-effects regression models that have been applied to the design and analysis of SW-CRTs. Example: The Acute Coronary Syndrome Quality Improvement in Kerala (ACS QUIK) trial was a pragmatic, cluster-randomized, stepped-wedge clinical trial in which 63 hospitals were randomized to receive the quality improvement tool kit intervention at 1 of 5 predefned, 4-month steps over 24 months after a period of usual care [113]. During fve predefned steps over a 24-month study period, hospitals were randomly selected to move in a one-way crossover from the control group to the intervention group. The primary outcome was the composite of all-cause death, reinfarction, stroke, or major bleeding at 30 days. Mixed-effects logistic regression models were used to analyze the primary outcome, 30-day major adverse cardiovascular events, with a random cluster (hospital) effect and a fxed time effect for every 4-month step. There was no statistically signifcant difference in 30-day composite event rates between the control phase of 6.4% and the intervention phase of 5.3% after adjusting for the effects of cluster and temporal trends. References 1. D. Schwartz, and J. Lellouch. Explanatory and pragmatic attitudes in therapeutical trials. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 20(8):637–648, 1967. 2. D.L. Sackett. Clinician-trialist rounds: 16. mind your explanatory and pragmatic attitudes! – Part 1: What? Clinical Trials, 10(3):495–498, 2013. Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at 24 Design and Analysis of Pragmatic Trials 3. K. Loudon, S. Traweek, F. Sullivan, P. Donnan, K. Thorpe, and M. Zwarenstein. The precis-2 tool: Designing trials that are ft for purpose. BMJ, 350:h2147, 2015. 4. R.E. Glasgow, T.M. Vogt, and S.M. Boles. Evaluating the public health impact of health promotion interventions: The re-aim framework. 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