LIFE SCIENCES FREE STATE SCHOOL BASED ASSESSMENT GUIDELINES Grades 10, 11 and 12 2024 1 LIFE SCIENCES MASTER FILE INFORMATION INDEX ❖ Official documents 1. National Curriculum Statement for Life Sciences (CAPS) and Amendments 2020 (gr 10 & 11) and 2021 (gr 12) 2. Free State School Based Assessment Guidelines 3. Examination Guidelines 2021 (Grade 12 only) 4. Provincial Examination Guidelines (Grade 10 & 11 - 2024) 5. National Protocol for Assessment (NPA) 6. National policy pertaining to the program and promotion requirements of the NCS (NP4) LFSC Free State School Based Assessment Guidelines 2024 NCS CAPS 2 TEACHER PORTFOLIO INDEX LIFE SCIENCES GRADE 10 & 11 TEACHER’S PORTFOLIO INDEX INFORMATION SHEETS (Minimum pieces to be included in the portfolio) Report included Signature Date Report included Signature Date Report included Moderation reports Signature TEACHER PROFILE (Appendix A) TIMETABLE ANNUAL TEACHING PLAN (ATP) per grade ANNUAL ASSESSMENT PLAN (AAP) (Appendix B) PROGRAMME OF SCHOOL BASED ASSESSMENT (POA) MARK SHEETS – signed SASAMS WITH CORRECT WEIGHTINGS LEARNER’S ADMISSION OF NON-COMPLIANCE (APPENDIX C) PROVINCIAL EXAMINATION GUIDELINES (2022) CAPS document AMENDMENTS SECTION 4 (2020) MODERATION & SCHOOL VISIT REPORTS Date ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● School moderation (by Dept. Head) District moderation (by SA) PSC moderation Provincial moderation DBE/UMALUSI moderation TWO Practical tasks plus MG’s and weighting grids Grades 10 & 11: TWO per year (30 marks) (Label as 1.1 and 1.2) (1st and 3rd terms) Internal moderation report THREE question papers per year out of 50 marks plus, MG’s including weighting grids (Label as 2.1, 2.2) (1st & 3rd terms) Internal moderation report Results-, item, error analysis and interventions ONE per year per learner out of 50 marks Grades 10 & 11: Assignment (translation task with an essay type of questions) (Recorded in 2nd term) (Label 3) (2nd Term) Internal moderation report 1 PRACTICAL TASKS 2 FORMAL TESTS 3 ASSIGNMENT 4 JUNE EXAMINATION P1 Examination paper plus memo and weighting grid (150 marks) (Label 4) (2nd Term) Internal moderation report 5 FINAL EXAMINATION P1 Examination paper plus MG and weighting grid (150 marks) P2 Examination paper plus MG and weighting grid (150 marks) (Label 5) (4th Term) Internal moderation report 6 INFORMAL TESTS Informal tests & MG per Topic as indicated in ATP (min. req.) (Label 6) (ongoing) LFSC Free State School Based Assessment Guidelines 2024 NCS CAPS 3 TEACHER PORTFOLIO INDEX LIFE SCIENCES GRADE 12 TEACHER’S PORTFOLIO INDEX INFORMATION SHEETS (Minimum pieces to be included in the portfolio) Report included Signature Date Report included Signature Date Report included Moderation reports Signature TEACHER PROFILE (Appendix A) TIMETABLE ANNUAL TEACHING PLAN (ATP) per grade ANNUAL ASSESSMENT PLAN (AAP) (Appendix B) PROGRAMME OF SCHOOL BASED ASSESSMENT (POA) MARK SHEETS – signed SASAMS WITH CORRECT WEIGHTINGS LEARNER’S ADMISSION of Non-compliance (Appendix C) EXAMINATION GUIDELINES (2021) CAPS document AMENDMENTS SECTION 4 (2021) MODERATION & SCHOOL VISIT REPORTS Date ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● School moderation (by Dept. Head) District moderation (by SA) PSC moderation Provincial moderation DBE/UMALUSI moderation 1 PRACTICAL TASKS 2 FORMAL TEST 3 JUNE EXAMINATION 4 ASSIGNMENT 5 TRIAL EXAMINATION 6 INFORMAL TESTS TWO Practical tasks plus MG’s and weighting grids Grade12: TWO per year (30 marks) (Label as 1.1 and 1.2) (1st and 2nd term) Internal moderation report ONE question paper per year out of 90 marks plus, MG including weighting grid. (Label 2.1) (1st term) Internal moderation report Results-, item, error analysis and interventions P1 Examination paper plus MG (150 marks) P2 Examination paper plus MG (150 marks) (Label as 3) (2ND Term) Internal moderation report Results-, item, error analysis and interventions One per year per learner Assignment plus MG out of 50 marks (Recorded in 3rd term) (Label as 4) (3rd Term) P1 Examination paper plus MG (150 marks) P2 Examination paper plus MG (150 marks) (Label as 5) (3rd Term) Internal moderation report Results-, item, error analysis and interventions Informal tests & MG per Topic as indicated in ATP (min. req.) (Label 6) (ongoing) LFSC Free State School Based Assessment Guidelines 2024 NCS CAPS 4 Appendix A DIRECTORATE: CURRICULUM – FET SCHOOLS GENERAL INFORMATION: TEACHER’S PROFILE Subject LIFE SCIENCES School KING'S SCHOOL FICKSBURG Town FICKSBURG E-mail – School (051) 933 2731 Telephone – school PASTOR CRAIGE HARVEY Name of Principal Cell number 082 870 3082 E-mail YEAR: 2024 Centre no: 3191017 CIRCUIT NO: 04 Circuit Manager of School Name: MR. MOKOMA K . Cell no: 082 086 1659 E-mail address: Name of HOD / SUBJECT HEAD Name and Surname NTUBA MOTINYSNE -HOOHLO Cell number 061 526 5761 E-mail TEACHER Surname and Initials Name Male or Female Cell number E-mail Qualification ID number / Birthday Persal number SACE no MR. MUNGEREZI VICKSON MALE 071 975 2334 MBA(ZOU); BA DST(UNISA); BTECH: ED MGT; DPED SEC(UZ) 08/04/1973 N/A FN 12210022 Years teaching experience in Gr 12 Life Sciences: Gr 12 Marking experience (mark with X) Gr 11 5 2019 2020 Approximate duration of each period 30 MINUTES (min) 8 Grade 10: No. of periods per 8 Grade 11: grade per week Grade 12: 8 Name of textbook used by learners Number of textbooks Grade 10: Answer Series/ Understanding LSc 7;7 Grade 11: Answer Series/ Understanding LSc 9;9 3;3 Grade 12: Answer Series/ Understanding LSc Grade English Afrikaans TOTAL 10 11 12 7 9 3 7 9 3 LFSC Free State School Based Assessment Guidelines 2024 Gr 10 5 2021 5 2022 2023 Shortages 0 0 0 NCS CAPS 5 Life Sciences School Based Assessment Name: …………………………………… Teacher: …………………....……… School: …………………………………. District: ……………………………. Grade 10 & 11 Learner`s consolidation form Forms of assessment: Term 1 Marks allocated CLearner`s marks o nDate t Term 2 r i bMarks allocated uLearner`s marks t eDate 2 5Term 3 % Marks allocated REPORT MARK Practical 1.1 2.1 Test 30 50 Promotion mark Report mark term 1 P: 25 + T: 75 = P=10% T=20% Total 3 Assign JUNE EXAM P1 50 150 Practical 2.3 Test 30 50 1.2 ____ 100 Report mark term 2 A: 25 + T: 75 = A=20% T=20% Total _____ 100 Report mark term 3 P: 25 + T: 75 = P=10% T=20% Learner`s marks Total Date 100 Total SBA Mark (40% of promotion mark) End of the year Examination (40% of promotion mark) 4.1 Paper 1 150 Final report mark for promotion 10+20+20+20+10+20 = 100 ______ 100 ____ 40 Convert to 4.2 Paper 2 150 Convert to _____ 300 ____ 60 40 + 60 ____ 100 150 + 150 = 300 LEARNER’S DECLARATION I hereby declare that all pieces of the SBA Annual Assessment Plan (AAP) are my own original work. I agree that if determined by the competent authorities that I have engaged in any fraudulent activities whatsoever in connection with my AAP marks, I shall then forfeit the marks gained for this assessment. ................................................ LEARNER’S SIGNATURE ........................................... DATE As far as I know, the above statement by the candidate is true and I accept that the work offered is her/his own. ................................................. TEACHER’S SIGNATURE LFSC Free State School Based Assessment Guidelines 2024 ............................................ DATE NCS CAPS 6 Life Sciences School Based Assessment Name: ………………………………… Teacher: ……………..…………… School: ……………………………… District: …………………………… Grade: Promotion mark Learner`s consolidation form Term 1 1.1 Practical 2.1 Test 30 90 Marks allocated Report mark term 1 P: 25 + T: 75 = Learner`s marks 1.2 Practical Marks allocated 30 3 Jun Exam 150(P1) 150(P2) Report mark term 2 P: 50 + T: 50 = Total _____ 100 Date 4 Assign 5 Trial Exam 50 300 Marks allocated Learner`s marks Date Trial exam Trial Exam P=10% E=15% 300 Learner`s marks Term 3 P=10% T=15% Total ____ 100 Date Term 2 12 Marks allocated 5.1 Paper 1 150 5.2 Paper 2 150 Learner`s marks Report mark term 3 A: 25 + T: 75 = A=20% TrE=30% Total ____ 100 T3= P1 + P2 = 300 Convert to 30% 300 Date SBA Year mark (25% of promotion mark) FINAL EXAMINATION (75% of promotion mark) 10+15+10+15+20+30 = 100 → 25 150+150 = 300 → 75 100 LEARNER’S DECLARATION I hereby declare that all pieces of the SBA Annual Assessment Plan (AAP) are my own original work. I agree that if determined by the competent authorities that I have engaged in any fraudulent activities whatsoever in connection with my AAP marks, I shall then forfeit the marks gained for this assessment. ................................................ LEARNER’S SIGNATURE .................................... DATE As far as I know, the above statement by the candidate is true and I accept that the work offered is her/his own. ................................................. TEACHER’S SIGNATURE LFSC Free State School Based Assessment Guidelines 2024 ..................................... DATE NCS CAPS 7 LIFE SCIENCES PROGRAMME OF SCHOOL BASED ASSESSMENT (SBA) (year weightings in brackets) GRADE 10 AND 11 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 PRACTICAL TASK (10%) (Minimum 30 marks) ASSIGNMENT (20%) (Minimum 50 marks) PRACTICAL TASK (10%) (Minimum 30 marks) TEST (20%) (Minimum 50 marks) JUNE EXAM (20%) (Minimum 150 marks) TEST (20%) (Minimum 50 marks) REPORTING: 25%: Practical 75%: Test REPORTING 25%: Assignment 75%: Test REPORTING 25%: Practical 75%: Test Term 4 FINAL EXAMINATION Paper 1 + Paper 2 Duration: 2½ hours for each paper 150 marks for each paper TOTAL: 100 40% 60% GRADE 12 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 PRACTICAL TASK (10%) (Minimum 30 marks) PRACTICAL TASK (10%) (Minimum 30 marks) ASSIGNMENT (20%) (Minimum 50 marks) NSC Examination (2 x papers of 150 marks each; 2½ hours each) TEST (15%) (Minimum 50 marks) JUNE EXAM (15%) (2 x papers of 150 marks each; 2½ hours each) TRIAL EXAMINATION (30%) (2 x papers of 150 marks each; 2½ hours each) REPORTING 25%: Practical 75%: Test REPORTING 50%: Practical 50%: Exam REPORTING 25%: Assignment 75%: Trial Examination TOTAL: 100 25% LFSC Free State School Based Assessment Guidelines 2024 75% NCS CAPS 8 LIFE SCIENCES PROGRAM OF ASSESSMENT 2024 TERMS GRADE 10 1 TASK 1 Practical 1.1 TASK 2 Test 2.1 (50 marks) TASK 3 Assignment TASK 4 EXAM (150 marks) TASK 5 Practical 1.2 TASK 6 Test 2.2 (50 marks) Final Exam P1 Final Exam P2 2 3 4 TERMS GRADE 11 1 TASK 1 Practical 1.1 TASK 2 Test 2.1 (50 marks) TASK 3 Assignment TASK 4 EXAM (150 marks) TASK 5 Practical 1.2 TASK 6 Test 2.2 (50 marks) Final Exam P1 Final Exam P2 2 3 4 TERMS GRADE 12 1 TASK 1 Practical 1.1 TASK 2 Test 2.1 (100 marks) TASK 3 Practical 1.2 TASK 4 June Exam P1 June Exam P2 TASK 5 Assignment Sept Exam P1 Sept Exam P2 Final Exam P1 Final Exam P2 2 3 4 Planned date Topic Responsibility 22/02/2024 Food tests Province 19/03/2024 Week 1 – 9 School/Cluster/District 14/05/2024 Animal tissues and support system Province 30/5/2024 Term 1 & 2 Province 28/08/2024 Biosphere to ecosystems Province 04/09/2024 Week 1 – 8 School/Cluster/District Province Province Planned date Topic Responsibility 22/02/2024 Micro-organisms 19/03/2024 Week 1 - 9 20/05/2024 Animal nutrition Province 29/5/2024 Term 1 & Term 2 Province 13/08/2024 Gaseous Exchange Province 12/09/2024 Week 1 - 9 Province School/Cluster/District School/Cluster/District Province Province Planned date Topic Responsibility 07/02/2024 DNA and RNA Province 5/3/2024 Week 1 - 7 Province 08/05/2024 Nervous system Province TBA 29/5 (8:00) 6/6 (13:00) 22/07/2024 Province Province Homeostasis TBA TBA LFSC Free State School Based Assessment Guidelines 2024 Province Province Province DBE DBE NCS CAPS 9 LIFE SCIENCES CONTENT TOPICS PER PAPER GRADE 10 PAPER 1 Weighting Topic Time % Marks Term 1: Chemistry of Life 3 weeks 21 33 Cells: Basic units of life 3 weeks 13 19 Cell division: Mitosis 2 weeks 13 19 Plant tissues and animal tissues 1 week 10 28 Plant organs (Leaf) 1 week 6 9 Support and transport Systems: Plants 1 week 13 23 Support Systems: Animals 1 weeks 15 19 Totals 12 weeks 100 150 Term 2: GRADE 10 PAPER 2 Topic Time Weighting % Marks Term 3: Transport system in Animals 2 weeks 21 32 History of life on Earth 3 weeks 29 43 Biosphere to Ecosystems 6 weeks 36 54 Biodiversity and Classification 2 weeks 14 21 Totals 13 weeks 100 150 Term 4: LFSC Free State School Based Assessment Guidelines 2024 NCS CAPS 10 LIFE SCIENCES CONTENT TOPICS PER PAPER GRADE 11 PAPER 1 Weighting Topic Time % Marks Term 2: Energy transformation to sustain Life: Photosynthesis 2 weeks 22 32 Animal nutrition (include glucose control) 2 weeks 22 32 Energy transformation: Respiration 1 weeks 14 22 Gas exchange (include CO2 control) 3 weeks 21 32 Excretion in humans (include water and salt control) 3 weeks 21 32 Total 11 weeks 100 150 Term 3: GRADE 11 PAPER 2 Weighting Topic Time % Marks Term 1: Biodiversity and classification of micro-organisms 3 weeks 19 29 Biodiversity in plants and reproduction 3 weeks 19 29 Biodiversity of animals 3 weeks 12 18 3 weeks 25 37 Human impact on the environment 3 weeks 25 37 Total 15 weeks 100 150 Term 3: Population Ecology Term 4: LFSC Free State School Based Assessment Guidelines 2024 NCS CAPS 11 LIFE SCIENCES CONTENT TOPICS PER PAPER GRADE 12 PAPER 1 Weighting Topic Time % Marks Term 1: Reproduction in vertebrates 1 week 5 8 Human Reproduction 3 weeks 27 41 Responding to the environment (humans) 3 weeks 36 54 Endocrine system and homeostasis 2 weeks 23 34 Responding to the environment (plants) 1 week 9 13 Total 10 weeks 100 150 Term 2: GRADE 12 PAPER 2 Weighting Topic Time % Marks Term 1: DNA: Code of life 3 weeks 18 27 Meiosis 2 weeks 14 21 4 weeks 32 48 Evolution 5 weeks 36 54 Total 14 weeks 100 150 Term 2: Genetics and Inheritance Term 3: LFSC Free State School Based Assessment Guidelines 2024 NCS CAPS 12 Appendix C LEARNERS ADMISSION of Non-compliance I, _____________________________________________________ in Full name and surname of learner Grade __________ wish to state that I (Grade & class group) ☐ did not participate in a(n) Indicate with an X ☐ did not complete my ☐ did not hand in my Life Sciences ☐ Practical Task relating to __________________________________ ☐ Project/Assignment Topic ☐ Formal/informal test on the _____/_____/20___, which was indicated as the due date for the said work. The reason(s) for my actions indicated above is (are) as follow(s): ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Notwithstanding the reason(s) provided, I further wish to state that I have been granted an extension of__________days beyond the indicated due date to complete the said work. In addition to the above extension, the educator afforded me every opportunity to complete the said work. I, however, not only failed to honor the above arrangements, but failed to accede to his/her numerous requests to complete the said work. Yours sincerely _________________________ ________________________ Learner: Sign & Print Name Educator: Sign & Print Name LFSC Free State School Based Assessment Guidelines 2024 ______/______/20___ NCS CAPS 13 SBA MODERATION REPORT This report should be completed for each SBA task ONLY when set by the teacher contributing to the SBA mark of learners DISTRICT SCHOOL GRADE SUBJECT EDUCATOR(S) DH Pre-moderation: Post-moderation: DATE 10% or a maximum of 6 tasks have to be moderated per subject. TASK MODERATED: PRE-MODERATION ASSESSMENT TASK Does the task correspond with the program of assessment? Is the duration and total of the task indicated and in accordance with CAPS? YES NO COMMENTS YES NO COMMENTS Are the instructions clear and unambiguous? Does the task cover the content for the grade as stipulated in CAPS/provincial assessment guidelines? Is the marks allocated per topic in accordance with CAPS/provincial assessment guidelines? Does the task cater for a variety of questions? Is a correct analysis of cognitive levels done for the task and included? Does the task incorporate different cognitive levels in accordance with CAPS/provincial assessment guidelines? Is the language and terminology used appropriate and relevant? Is the mark allocation on the assessment task the same as that on the memorandum? Is the time allocated for the completion of the task adequate? Is the quality of the illustrations, graphs or tables clear, relevant and user-friendly? Is the task neatly typed and is numbering correct? MARKING GUIDELINES Are the corrections/additions added on the MG Is a neatly typed MG included in the teacher’s file? Is the MG relevant and appropriate for marking of the set task? Do answers given in the MG give correct responses to questions in the task? Is the mark allocation appropriate for responses expected? Does the MG allow for alternative responses? Is the MG clear and neatly typed? Is the MG complete with mark allocation and mark distribution within questions? Is the MG easy to use? Does the mark allocation commensurate with the level of difficulty and time allocated for completion of the task? WEIGHTING GRID Is the weighting grid available LFSC Free State School Based Assessment Guidelines 2024 NCS CAPS 14 SBA MODERATION REPORT DISTRICT SCHOOL GRADE SUBJECT EDUCATOR(S) HOD Post-moderation: DATE 10% or a maximum of 6 tasks have to be moderated per subject. TASK MODERATED: POST MODERATION MARKING Is the total obtained clearly indicated on the front of the task with a signature and date attached? Is marking done according to the MG? Are ticks used to clearly indicate where learners obtained marks? Is the quality and standard of the marking acceptable? Are marks per sub-question carried out on the right of each subquestion? Is the total per question correctly added and indicated at the end of the question number? Are the marks correctly added and transferred to the front of the task? Are the marks correctly transferred to the mark sheet? Are the graphs and drawings marked according to the marking criteria as indicated. RECORDING Is the subject SASAMS mark sheet included in the teacher’s file? Is the recording mark sheet in accordance with the guidelines given in the CAPS/provincial assessment guidelines? Are marks correctly transferred from learner’s tasks to the mark sheet? Are the marks correctly converted according to CAPS/provincial assessment guidelines? LEARNER TASKS MODERATED MODERATED NAME OF LEARNER MARK MARK 1 YES NO COMMENTS YES NO COMMENTS COMMENTS 2 3 AREAS OF GOOD PRACTICE CHALLENGES RECOMMENDATIONS/FOLLOW-UP ____________________________ HOD/ SUBJECT HEAD _________________________ SIGNATURE ____________ DATE ____________________________ TEACHER _________________________ SIGNATURE ____________ DATE LFSC Free State School Based Assessment Guidelines 2024 SCHOOL STAMP NCS CAPS 15 MODERATION TOOL FOR TEACHER’S/LEARNER’S PORTFOLIO: LIFE SCIENCES School: ________________________________Teacher: ________________________ Number of learners: Grade: SBA marks complete? Marks on consolidation sheet Name of learners Yes Yes No No Official Marksheets complete Marks correlate? 1. 3. 5. Yes Yes No No Average form completed Marks correctly transferred Yes Yes No No Yes No 2. 4. 6. No Signature HOD mark Teacher’ s mark Learner number Total Marks Marking guidelines Date Practical 1.2 Formal test 2.1 Formal test 2.2 Formal test 2.3 Jun Exam P1 Jun Exam P2 Assignment Trial Exam P1 Trial Exam P2 Master file Number of daily assessment Progress Daily Assessment Pace setter Actual week Yes Comments 30 30 50 50 50 150 150 50 150 150 Practical 1.1 Expected week SES mark 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Internally moderated Meet requirements 2. SBA Tasks Teacher’s file 1. NCS CAPS + Amended Sect 4 1. Index 2. Free State School Based Assessment guidelines 3. Examination Guidelines (Grade 12 only) 2021 4. National Protocol for Assessment (NPA) 5. National policy pertaining to the program and promotion requirements of the NCS (NP4) 2. Teacher’s profile 3. Time table 4. Annual assessment plan (AAP) 5. Annual Teaching Plan (ATP) 6. Mark sheets (SAMS) 7. Moderation Reports 8. CAPS / Exam Guidelines 2021 9. Textbook register (optional) 10. SBA Tasks, Memo & Weighting grids 3. Internal Moderation Dates Comments: Is internal moderation done? Date of visit Teacher signature HOD signature Subject Advisor signature LFSC Free State School Based Assessment Guidelines 2024 NCS CAPS 16 LIFE SCIENCES 2024 SCHOOLVISIT / MODERATION School: Teacher: Number of learners: Grade: Date: Name of Learner 30 50 150 150 Sept Exam P2 SES SES 150 Educator Sept Exam P1 50 Educator SES Educator Assignment June Exam P2 SES Educator SES Educator SES June Exam P1 Formal test 2.2 50/100 Educator SES Formal test 2.1 30 Educator SES Practical 1.2 Educator Educator SBA TASKS SES Practical 1.1 PURPOSE of visit 150 1 2 3 4 5 6 PROGRESS Curriculum Coverage Expected Actual Week Week Activities Expected Actual number number Teacher’s Portfolio 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Index Teacher’s profile Timetable Annual Teaching Plan (ATP) per grade Annual Assessment Plan (AAP) (Appendix B) Program of school based Assessment (POA) Mark sheets- Signed (SASAMS)with correct weightings Learner’s admission of non-compliance Examination Guidelines CAPS document Amended Section 4 Moderation report: School Moderation report: External SBA Tasks (QP, memo and grid) LFSC Free State School Based Assessment Guidelines 2024 Practical Investigations Expected Actual number number Yes Informal Tests Expected Actual number number No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Submission of Curriculum coverage Yes No 20/02 19/03 30/04 28/05 06/08 10/09 15/10 19/11 NCS CAPS 17 FINDINGS Date of visit RECOMMENDATIONS Subject Advisor signature Teacher signature LFSC Free State School Based Assessment Guidelines 2024 DH signature NCS CAPS