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Anatomy & Physiology Exam Questions

1.What is the area that prevents food from moving from the oral cavity
into the nasal cavity when swallowing?
a) faces
b) palatoglossal arch
c) palatopharyngeal arch
d) uvula
e) None of the answers are correct
2..The first respiratory branches after the trachea are called
A. lobar bronchi
B. segmental bronchi
C. primary bronchi
D. respiratory bronchi
3.The right lung has
A. 2 fissures and 3 lobes
B. 1 fissure, 2 lobes, and the cardiac notch
C. 2 fissures, 3 lobes, and the cardiac notch
D. 1 fissure and 2 lobes
4.During swallowing, the glottis is covered by
A. hyaline cartilage rings
B. the epiglottis
C. pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium
D. the tongue
5. Gas exchange in the lungs occurs at or in the respiratory
membranes of the:
A. primary bronchi
B. trachea
C. alveoli
D. respiratory bronchioles
E. both “c” and “d”
6.Internal respiration occurs
A. between atmosphere and blood
B. between systemic capillaries and tissue cells
C. in bronchi and trachea
D. in the lungs
7. Which of the following cells is NOT a cell found in the alveoli of the
A. pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium
B. simple squamous epithelium
C. Type II - Surfactant cells
D. Dust cells (macrophages)
E. All of the above listed cells are found within the alveoli
8.Surface tension of the alveolar fluid is reduced by the presence of
A. surfactant
B. serotonin
C. histamine
D. hyaline cartilage ring
9. Which of the following regions is shared between the respiratory
and digestive systems:
A. oropharynx
B. nasopharynx
C. larynx
10. Exchange of respiratory gases occurs in all of the following
except the
A. alveolar ducts
B. alveoli
C. respiratory bronchioles
D. terminal bronchioles
11. The opening within the larynx that leads to the trachea is called
A. oropharynx
B. cricoid
C. epiglottis
D. glottis
12.Sandwiched between the layer of circular and longitudinal muscle
in the muscularis externa is the
A. myenteric plexus
B. submucosa
C. mucosa
D. muscularis mucosa
E. mesocolon.
13.The right lung has lobes, and the left lung has lobes:
A. 1 ; 2
B. 2 ; 1
C. 3 ; 2
D. 2 ; 3
E. 2 ; 2
14. The vocal cords are found in the
A. glottis
B. pharynx
C. larynx
D. trachea.
15. Which of the following structures is NOT part of the “conducting
zone” within the respiratory system?:
A. trachea
B. nasal cavity
C. bronchi
D. alveoli
16. The Adam’s Apple is a secondary sex characteristic in males. The
actual name of this enlarged region is called the:
a. tracheal condyle
b. mental protuberance
c. laryngeal prominence
B. d ) thyroid tuberosity
17. The tunic of the digestive tract that lies closest to the lumen where
passes is the:
a) tunica submucosa
b) tunica serosa
c) tunica adventitia
d) tunica mucosa
18.The last passageway of the conducting portion of the respiratory
tract is called the
a) terminal bronchiole
c) respiratory bronchiole
b) alveolar duct
d) alveolus
e) air sac
19.What glands in the Stomach are responsible for secreting an
enzyme for the breakdown of proteins?
A. Absorptive cells
B. gastric glands
C. Gallbladder
D. hepatocytes
20. The part of the visceral and parietal peritoneum that hangs from
the greater curvature of the stomach and drapes like an apron over
the anterior part of the intestines is known as:
a. greater mesentery
b. mesentery
c. greater momentum
d. lesser momentum
21 The “trap-door” of the larynx that prevents food from entering the
opening of the trachea is called the:
A. oropharynx
B. cricoid
C. epiglottis
D. vestibule
22. Peristalsis:
A .Is a condition wherein the lining of the digestive tract is irritated by the
passage of
rough fibrous material.
B .Is waves of muscular contraction that move food along the length of the
digestive tract
c. Only occurs in the esophagus.
d. Is the condition whereby the air passages become irritated by smoke.
e.Is also known as vomiting. towards the rectum
23The _____ are vessels that project into the villi and absorb fatty
A. lacteals
B. lymphatics
C. veins
D. arteries
Feedback: Correct Answer: Lacteals enter the villi and convey their
absorbed fats into
the lymphatic vessels that return fluids to the circulation.
24. The most superficial tunic of the small intestine is the:
A. tunica submucosa
B. tunica serosa
C. tunica submuscularis
D. tunica mucosa
25. During internal and external respiration, gases move by
A. osmosis
B. active transport
C. endocytosis
D. diffusion
26. Which of the following is NOT considered to be an accessory
structure of the digestive system?
A. duodenum
B. parotid salivary gland
C. liver d) pancreas
D. sublingual salivary gland
27. The part of the visceral and parietal peritoneum that stabilizes the
liver against the anterior abdominal wall is known as
a) greater mesentery
c) greater omentum
b) mesentery
e) falciform ligament
28.The smallest and last tube the air flows through before it reaches
the alveoli is
A. tertiary bronchiole
B. secondary bronchiole
C. respiratory bronchiole
D. alveolar duct
29. The surface of the lung that is in contact with the ribs of the thorax
is called
A. mediastinal surface
B. intercostal convexity
C. diaphragmatic surface
D. costal surface
30. Air turbulence is created within the nasal cavity by “ridges”
A. plicae circularis
B. nasal horns
C. carina
D. nasal conchae.
31The common bile duct is formed by the merger of the hepatic and
_____ ducts.
A) common hepatic
B) cystic
C) pancreatic
D) Santorini
.Feedback:: The common bile duct is formed as the cystic duct from the
gall bladder joins the common hepatic duct; the common hepatic duct is the
merger of the ducts from the four liver lobes.
32.Amylase could be found in all of these areas except which one?
A) mouth
B) stomach
C) duodenum
D) pancreas
Feedback:: The stomach does not have the pH or enzymes capable of
33The permanent ridges within the small intestine that are visible with
the naked eye, aid in movement of food and increase the surface area
for absorption (largest in jejunum) are called what?
A. plicae
B. haustra
C. cecum
D. rugae
34. The epiglottis is part of the _____ and covers the glottis.
A. trachea
B. oropharynx
C. larynx
D. laryngopharynx
35. The frenulum is the membrane attached to the inferior surface of
the _____.
A. tongue
B. stomach
C. lips
D. liver
Feedback: Correct Answer: The lingual frenulum is a membranous fold of
the mucous
membrane that surrounds the tongue and attaches to the midline of the
floor of the
oral cavity.
36.Which part of a tooth most closely resembles bone tissue?
A) enamel
B) cementum
C) dentin
D) gingiva
Feedback:: The enamel is the hard outer covering.
37. The tunica mucosa of the esophagus is lined with:
A. Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium
B. Simple columnar epithelium
C. Simple squamous epithelium
D. Stratified squamous epithelium
38.During the act of swallowing the epiglottis moves upward and the
glottis appears as a triangular slit.
A. True
B. False
39. Within gastric glands, Parietal cells secrete , whereas Chief cells
secrete .
a) HCl ; mucus
b) mucus ; pepsin
c) pepsin ; bile
d) ; HCl pepsinogen
40.Respiratory distress syndrome in an infant results from an inability
to breathe because of excess surfactant production in the alveoli by
type I cells.
A. True
B. False
41.What region of the respiratory system is known as the "voice box":
A. larynx
B. laryngopharynx
C. oropharynx
D. oropharynx
42. The muscular valve between the esophagus and the stomach is
known as
a. jejunal sphincter
b. cecal valve
c. cardiac sphincter
d. gastric valve
43.Specifically, where along the digestive tract does MOST of the
nutrient absorption occur?
a) stomach
b) jejunum
c) ileum
d) duodenum
44. All of the following structures are found lining the lumen of the
small intestines AND they increase the surface area for absorption,
a) villi
b) taeniae coli
c) plicae circulares
d) microvilli
45.The Kupffer cells are phagocytic cells found in the _____.
A) gallbladder
B) pancreas
C) intestine
D) liver
Feedback:: The liver Kupffer cells are phagocytic and also belong to as
system of
cells throughout the body called the RES (reticuloendothelial).
46.The _____ prevents food from entering the small intestine.
A) cardiac sphincter
B) pyloric valve
C) ileo-colic valve
D) sphincter of Oddi
Feedback: The pyloric sphincter constricts to prevent food from passing
prematurely into the first part of the small intestine or duodenum.
47.Gallbladder stones are medically referred to as a _____ condition.
A) cholecystitis
B) cholecystectomy
C) cholelithiasis
D) cholesterol calculi
Feedback: Cholesterol calculi means stones rich in cholesterol.
48.The internal keel-like structure located at the base of the trachea is
called the
. It has an abundant amount of sensory neurons that would be activated,
resulting in increased coughing, if an object was inhaled.
a) broncoid
b) cricoid
c) carina
49.The external anal sphincter is under voluntary control.
A) True
B) False
50. Which gastrointestinal layer is characterized by having tough,
fibrous connective
A) mucosa
B) submucosa
C) muscle
D) serosa
51Which gastrointestinal layer is characterized by having tough,
fibrous connective
A) mucosa
B) submucosa
C) muscle
D) serosa
Feedback: The outermost layer in the gastrointestinal tract is the serosa
which is comprised of fibrous connective tissue.
52.The correct order of the digestive tube layers, from lumen outward,
(1) mucosa
(2) muscularis
(3) serosa
(4) submucosa
a) 3, 1, 2, 4
b) 4, 1, 2, 3
c) 4, 2, 3, 1
d) 1, 4, 2, 3
e) 1, 4, 3, 2
53.How many teeth will be produced in an average lifetime?
A) 20
B) 32
C) 30
D) 52
Feedback: There are 20 primary deciduous teeth which are replaced by 32
secondary teeth, giving a total of 52.
54.The external anal sphincter is under voluntary control.
A) True
B) False
55.The alimentary tube is around _____ meters long.
A) 2
B) 4
C) 6
D) 9
Feedback: : The alimentary tube is about 9 meters or 28 feet long on the
56. The muscular layer farthest from the lumen is (the)
a) circular layer of the muscularis
b) longitudinal layer of the muscularis
c) muscularis mucosae
d) oblique layer of the muscularis
e) None of the answers are correct
57.What is the area that prevents food from moving from the oral
cavity into the nasal cavity when swallowing?
a) fauces
b) palatoglossal arch
c) palatopharyngeal arch
d) uvula
e) None of the answers are correct
58.The _____ nervous system division usually stimulates and
promotes digestion.
A) somatic
B) sympathetic
C) central
D) parasympathetic
60.Respiratory distress syndrome in an infant results from an inability
to breathe
because of excess surfactant production in the alveoli by type I cells.
A. True
B. False
61.The muscular layer farthest from the lumen is (the)
a) circular layer of the muscularis
b) longitudinal layer of the muscularis
c) muscularis mucosae
d) oblique layer of the muscularis
e) None of the answers are correct
62. What region of the respiratory system is known as the "voice
A. larynx
B. laryngopharynx
C. oropharynx
D. orolarynx
63The muscular valve between the esophagus and the stomach is
known as
a. jejunal sphincter
b. cecal valve
c. cardiac sphincter e
d. gastric valve
64.Specifically, where along the digestive tract does MOST of the
nutrient absorption occur?
A. stomach
B. jejunum
C. ileum
D. duodenum
65. All of the following structures are found lining the lumen of the
small intestines AND they increase the surface area for absorption,
A. villi
B. taeniae coli
C. plicae circulares
D. microvilli
66The Kupffer cells are phagocytic cells found in the _____.
A) gallbladder
B) pancreas
C) intestine
D) liver
Feedback:: The liver Kupffer cells are phagocytic and also belong to as
system of
cells throughout the body called the RES (reticuloendothelial).
67.The _____ prevents food from entering the small intestine.
A) cardiac sphincter
B) pyloric valve
C) ileo-colic valve
D) sphincter of Oddi
Feedback: The pyloric sphincter constricts to prevent food from passing
prematurely into the first part of the small intestine or duodenum.
68.The labia majora is analogous to which male reproductive
A. glans penis
B. scrotum
C. inguinal canal
D. corpus cavernosa
E. testes
69Within gastric glands Parietal cells secrete , whereas Chief cells
secrete .
a) HCl ; mucus
b) mucus ; pepsin
c) pepsin ; bile
d) HCl, pepsinogen ;
70.The correct order of the digestive tube layers, from lumen outward,
(1) mucosa
(2) muscularis
(3) serosa
(4) submucosa
a) 3, 1, 2, 4
b) 4, 1, 2, 3
c) 4, 2,3, 1
d) 1, 4, 2, 3
e) 1, 4, 3, 2
71.How many teeth will be produced in an average lifetime?
A) 20
B) 32
C) 30
D) 52
Feedback: There are 20 primary deciduous teeth which are replaced by 32
secondary teeth, giving a total of 52.
72.The alimentary tube is around _____ meters long.
A) 2
B) 4
C) 6
D) 9
Feedback: : The alimentary tube is about 9 meters or 28 feet long on the
73. The correct order of the digestive tube layers, from lumen
outward, is:
a) 3, 1, 2, 4
b) 4, 1, 2, 3
c) 4, 2, 3, 1
d) 1, 4, 2, 3
e) 1, 4, 3, 2
74. The muscular layer farthest from the lumen is (the)
a) circular layer of the muscularis
b) longitudinal layer of the muscularis
c) muscularis mucosae
d) oblique layer of the muscularis
e) None of the answers are correct
75.What is the area that prevents food from moving from the oral
cavity into the nasal cavity when swallowing?
a) fauces
b) palatoglossal arch
c) palatopharyngeal arch
d) uvula
e) None of the answers are correct
76.The _____ nervous system division usually stimulates and
A) somatic
B) sympathetic
C) central
D) parasympathetic
77.When the testes fail to descend completely within the scrotal
cavity, a male infant is said to have a condition known as:
Inguinal Hernia
Testicular Andescent
Gonadal Failure
78.Which of the following male reproductive structures is
analogous (similar in origin, development and structure) to the
A. epididymis
B. bulbourethral gland
C. seminal vesicles
D. seminiferous tubules
E. prostate gland
79.Where along the female reproductive tract does fertilization of the ovum
(egg) usually occur?
A. isthmus of the uterus
B. body of the uterus
C. ampulla of the uterine tube
D. fornix
E. cervical canal
80.Specifically, where along the digestive tract does MOST of the
nutrient absorption occur?
sigmoid colon
81 Segmentation:
A. Is a condition wherein the lining of the digestive tract is
irritated by the passage of rough fibrous material.
B. Is described as waves of muscular contraction that move food
along the length of the digestive tract towards the rectum.
C. Only occurs in the esophagus
D. Is similar to the gastrointestinal tract "chewing & mixing"
the bolus of undigested food with enzymes and fluids.
E. Is also known as vomiting.
82. All of the following structures are found lining the lumen of the
small intestines AND they increase the surface area for absorption,
A. villi
B. plicae circulares
C. taeniae coli
D. microvilli
E. no exception; all are correct
83.Which of the following is NOT located in the retroperitoneal
position in the abdominopelvic cavity?
A. duodenum
B. stomach
C. pancreas
D. kidney
E. ascending colon
84. The cells of the testes responsible for sustaining the sperm during
development and forming a "blood-sperm barrier" are the:
a. sustentacular (nurse) cells
b. stereocilia
c. germinal epithelial cells
d. follicular cells
e. seminal cells
85. The outer connective tissue capsule of the ovaries and testes is
called the:
A. germinal epithelium
B. ovarian envelope
C. endometrial capsule
D. tunica albuginea
E. tunica vaginalis
86.The internal keel-like structure located at the base of the trachea is
called the
. It has an abundant amount of sensory neurons that
would be activated, resulting in increased coughing, if an object was
A. broncoid
B. carina
C. cricoid
D. thyroid cartilage
87 The most common position of the uterus is with the fundus
pointing anteriorly, and the body of the uterus superior to the urinary
bladder. What is the name of this position?
A. anteflexion position
B. retroflexion position
C. inferoflexion position
D. extension position
E. interouterine position
88The female gonads are the
a) epididymis
c) testis
b) ovaries
d) uterus
e) labia
89 Which of the following is NOT a function of the kidney and urinary
system?regulating the pH of the blood
a. interconversion of glucose to glycogen
b. regulating blood volume and blood pressure
c. removal of metabolic wastes
d. regulation of red blood cell concentration in the blood
90 Within gastric glands, Parietal cells secrete
cells secrete
, whereas Chief
A. HCl ; mucus
B. pepsin ; bile
C. mucus ; pepsin
D. pepsinogen ; HCl
E. HCl ; pepsinogen
91The visceral layer of the Bowman's capsule is composed of
unusual, large, "octopus-shaped" cells with long foot-like processes
that extend from the cell. What are these cells called?
A. hepatocytes
B. nephrocytes
C. podocytes
D. follicles
E. Bowman's cells
92.Which of the following statements about the urinary system is
A. The kidney is just deep to the 12th rib (T12 – L3)
B. The LEFT kidney lower than the RIGHT kidney
C. The kidneys and ureters are retroperitoneal (behind the peritoneal
D. The kidneys are protected by an adipose capsule.
E. The renal corpuscle filters about 45 gallons of fluid a day.
93 The portion of the larynx that prevents food from going into the
trachea is called the:
a. valvula
b. sublingual line
c. epiglottis
d. lingual frenulum
e. sublingual flap
94 The large passageways into which the minor calyces empty are the
A. major calyces
B. renal medulla
C. renal cortices
D. renal pelvis
E. renal calyx
95. Kidneys are often difficult to see without dissection because they
are surrounded by a layer of fat. What is the significance of this fat?
a) It expands for storage of additional urine once the bladder is full; it acts
as a sponge.
b) It provides cushioning or padding for protection from sudden jolts or
other injuries.
c) There is no special significance; this fat stores energy as do other fat
deposits in the abdominal
d) This fat cools the kidneys during active filtration.
e) None of the answers are correct.
96.Contraction of the cremaster muscle
a) moves the testis closer to the body cavity
b) produces an erection
c) propels sperm through the urethra
d) moves sperm through the ductus deferens
e) None of the answers are correct
97.Which of the following is the most distal structure of the penis?
a) spongiousum
c) root
b) body
d) glans
e) bulb