Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at 1 Nutrient Composition and Health Benefits of Millets CONTENTS 1.1 1.2 Introduction ......................................................................................................1 Composition of Millets .....................................................................................3 1.2.1 Macronutrients...................................................................................... 3 1.2.2 Micronutrients ...................................................................................... 4 1.2.3 Phytochemicals.....................................................................................6 1.2.4 Antinutrients .........................................................................................7 1.3 Bioavailability of Nutritional Factors ............................................................... 8 1.3.1 Factors Affecting Bioavailability..........................................................9 Dietary Factors..................................................................... 10 Physiological Factors ........................................................... 10 1.4 Biological Activity of Millets ......................................................................... 10 1.4.1 Antioxidant Activity ........................................................................... 11 1.4.2 Anti-cancerous Activity...................................................................... 11 1.4.3 Antidiabetic Activity .......................................................................... 12 1.4.4 Antimicrobial Activity........................................................................ 12 1.5 Conclusion and Future Perspectives ............................................................... 13 References................................................................................................................ 13 1.1 INTRODUCTION One of the earliest foods consumed by humans was millets. It is a plant that produces cereal and belongs to the Graminae grass family. It is related to species from five 1 Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at We Don’t reply in this website, you need to contact by email for all chapters Instant download. Just send email and get all chapters download. Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at You can also order by WhatsApp one_number&app_absent=0 Send email or WhatsApp with complete Book title, Edition Number and Author Name. Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at 2 Nutriomics of Millet Crops genera in the Paniceae tribe, namely Panicum, Setaria, Echinocloa, Pennisetum, and Paspalum, and one genus in the Chlorideae tribe, Eleusine (Malathi et al., 2014). Millets have been a mainstay of the inhabitants of Asia and Africa’s semi-arid tropics for generations when other crops fail to thrive (Sharma and Niranjan, 2018). Millets are a rich source of nutrition and have been increasingly produced in recent dec­ ades to fulfill the nutritional needs of the world’s growing population. Millet grain is a nutrient-dense grain that is abundant in minerals, dietary fiber, phytochemicals, and vitamins. The most commonly used millets include sorghum, pearl millet, finger millet or ragi, kodo millet, barnyard millet, proso millet, little millet, and foxtail or Italian millet (Figure 1.1) (Thakur and Tiwari, 2019). Millets play an important role in the development of modern meals, such as multigrain and gluten-free (GF) cereals. They have also been shown to reduce fat absorption, slow sugar release [low glycemic index (GI)], and thus lower the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure due to their high content of polyphenols and other biologically active chemicals. They are becoming more popular as people become more aware of their FIGURE 1.1 Classification of millets. Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at Nutrient Composition and Health Benefits of Millets 3 health-promoting properties (Kumar et al., 2018). Thus, millets are now being com­ monly used to augment cereal-based foods and have grown in popularity due to their gluten-free nature and nutritional and economic benefits. Small millets’ grains are nutritionally superior to rice and wheat because they are high in macronutrient and micronutrient and are therefore classified as nutri-cereals (Dayakar Rao et al., 2017). Wheat and rice may offer food security, but millets have the potential to serve food, health, nutrition, as well as livelihood security. This chapter provides a consolidated overview of the nutritional and antinutritional profile of millets, their bioavailabil­ ity, and associated bioactivities, along with the effect of various common process­ ing treatments on their properties. Since the United Nations-Food and Agriculture Organization (UN-FAO) has declared the year 2023 as the “International Year of Millets”, this cluster of information presented here would be of enormous value to understand the potential of millets as a food ingredient. It would also provide guid­ ance for basic and strategic research on diversifying the utilization of millets. 1.2 COMPOSITION OF MILLETS Millets are a good source of proteins, minerals, vitamins, and phytochemicals. The nutritional composition of millets is similar to that of rice and wheat, except that they are high in fiber and micronutrients (Muthamilarasan et al., 2016). This section discusses the macronutrient, micronutrient, phytochemical, and antinutrient compo­ sition of some common millets. 1.2.1 Macronutrients Table 1.1 presents the macronutrient composition of some common millets. The carbohydrates in millets can be categorized as non-structural (sugars, starch, and fructosans) carbohydrates and structural (cellulose, hemicelluloses, and pectin sub­ stances) carbohydrates (Dayakar Rao et al., 2017). Among common millets, finger millets have the highest amount of carbohydrates, consisting of free sugars (1.04%), starch (65.5%), and non-starchy polysaccharides (dietary fiber) (11.5%). In addition, finger millets were found to possess lower amylose content (16%) compared to sor­ ghum (24.0%), pearl millet (21.0%), proso millet (28.2%), foxtail millet (17.5%), and kodo millet (24.0%) (Banerjee and Maitra, 2020). Another macronutrient, that is, protein, is the millet’s second most significant com­ ponent. Proso millet (12.5%), foxtail millet (12.3%), and pearl millet (11.6%) have higher amounts of protein than other non-millet cereals such as rice (7.2%) (Has­ san et al., 2021). Although millet’s protein level is similar to that of wheat grains, unlike millet protein, wheat proteins are deficient in critical amino acids, which are required to prevent protein-energy malnutrition. Furthermore, millet protein has fewer crosslinked prolamins, which contribute to their protein’s improved digestibil­ ity. However, millet proteins, such as cereal proteins, are low in lysine, but they work well with lysine-rich plants (leguminous) and animal proteins to create nutritionally balanced composites with high biological value (Sharma and Sahu, 2021). In terms of fats and lipids, finger millet has a lower fat content than pearl mil­ let, barnyard millet, little millet, and foxtail millet, which might explain why finger Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at 4 Nutriomics of Millet Crops millet can be stored better than other millets. Compared to maize, which has a fat level of 3.21–7.71%, pearl millet has a fat content of 5–7%. Furthermore, it has been stated that the lipid content of finger millet and pearl millet was 1% and 5%, respec­ tively (Hassan et al., 2021). In this, about 70–72% of finger millet lipids are neutral lipids, mostly triglycerides, with traces of sterols; 10–12% are glycolipids and the rest 5–6% are phospholipids (Banerjee and Maitra, 2020). In terms of fatty acids, fin­ ger millet comprises 46–62% oleic acid, 8–27% linoleic acid, 20–35% palmitic acid, and traces of linolenic acid (Banerjee and Maitra, 2020). However, pearl millet has a high content of fatty acids such as palmitic, stearic, and linoleic acids, and lower oleic acid compared to maize (Hassan et al., 2021). Macronutrient dietary fiber has been linked to lower blood cholesterol, lower blood sugar, and better bowel movement. This is because of its slow digestion, which leads to prolonged transit time, lowering blood glucose levels, and benefit­ ing non-insulin-dependent diabetics. In addition, the prolonged transit time of food from the stomach to the intestines also results in longer feeding intervals. Pearl mil­ let (20.8%) and finger millet (18.6%) have more total dietary fiber than sorghum (14.2%), wheat (17.2%), and rice (17.2%). Hemicelluloses A are non-cellulosic β-glucans found in small, kodo, and barnyard millets, while hemicelluloses B are composed of hexose, pentose, and uronic acid (Chauhan et al., 2018). 1.2.2 Micronutrients Millets have a mineral composition equivalent to other cereals such as wheat and rice (Table 1.1), however, with significantly higher amounts of calcium and manga­ nese. Pearl millet has a calcium value of 40.6–48.6 mg/100 g (Kumar et al., 2020). On the other hand, finger millet has higher amounts of calcium, ranging from 162 to 487 mg/100 g depending on the genotype, which helps to build bones and reduce the incidence of fractures. High manganese content in millets may help the body fight illnesses such as cancer (Hassan et al., 2021). Millets also possess substantial amounts of phosphorus, which is a key component in the mineral matrix of bones, as well as adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, which is the body’s energy booster (Kumar TABLE 1.1 Macronutritional Composition of Millets (g per 100 g) Millets Carbohydrates Protein Fat Ash Fiber References Pearl millet 67.0 11.8 4.8 2.2 2.3 (Muthamilarasan et al., 2016) Finger millet 72.05 7.3 1.3 2.7 11.5 (Shobana, et al., 2013) Foxtail millet 63.2 11.2 4.0 3.3 6.7 (Jaybhaye et al., 2014) Proso millet 70.4 12.5 3.1 1.9 14.2 (Habiyaremye, et al., 2017) Barnyard millet 68.8 10.1 3.9 2.1 12.5 (Kaur and Sharma, 2020) Little millet 65.55 8.92 2.55 1.72 6.39 (Dayakar Rao et al., 2017) Kodo millet 66.6 9.8 3.6 3.3 5.2 (Saleh et. al., 2013) Sorghum 72.97 10.82 3.23 1.70 1.97 (Kumar et al., 2018) Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at 5 Nutrient Composition and Health Benefits of Millets TABLE 1.2 Mineral Nutritional Composition of Millets (mg per 100 g) Millets Ca P Fe Mg K Na Mn Cu Zn References Pearl millet 46 379 8.0 137 442 12.0 1.8 1.06 3.1 (Chauhan et. al., 2018) Finger millet 137.33 158.43 1.46 6.38 35.19 3.70 2.85 0.06 0.48 (Shamsudeen et al., 2019) Foxtail millet 23 310 3.2 130 270 10 2.2 0.9 2.1 (Serna-Saldivar and Espinosa-Ramírez, 2019) Proso millet 10 200 2.2 120 210 10 1.8 0.8 1.7 (Kumar et al., 2018; Serna-Saldivar and Espinosa-Ramírez, 2019) Barnyard millet 22 280 18.6 82 - - 0.96 0.60 3 (Chandra and Selvi, 2016) Little millet 30 260 20 133 370 8.1 20 4 11 (Chauhan et al., 2018) Kodo millet 32.33 300 3.17 110 141 4.8 1.10 1.60 32.7 (Kumar et al., 2018; Chandra and Selvi, 2016) Sorghum 35.23 266.30 5.29 0.19 350 6 1.63 1.08 3.01 (Kumar et al., 2018; Chhikara et al., 2019) et al., 2020). Apart from this, barnyard millet and pearl millet are rich in another major micronutrient, that is, iron, and their diet can help pregnant women with anemia get the iron they need. Barnyard millet has an iron concentration of 17.47 mg/100 g, which is only 10 mg less than the daily need. Among all millets, foxtail millet has the highest concentration of zinc (4.1 mg/100 g) and is also a rich source of iron (2.7 mg/100 g) (Jaiswal et al., 2019). For example, zinc and iron are essential nutrients that help in improving immunity (Kumar et al., 2018). Among vitamins, small millets are high in vitamins such as thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and vitamin C. Pearl millet, which has high oil content, is also thought to be a rich source of fat-soluble vitamin E (2 mg/100 g). In addition, the grain is an excellent source of vitamin A. Vitamin A equivalent (8.3–10.5 mg) and vita­ min E (87–96 mg) were detected in the unrefined fat recovered from the kernel of common millet (Hassan et al., 2021). Similarly, foxtail millet is high in thia­ min (0.59 mg/100 g), although proso millet has the highest quantity of riboflavin (0.28 mg/100 g). Rice and wheat had riboflavin levels of 0.04 and 0.1 mg/100 g, respectively (Table 1.1), which was much lower than those in other millets, par­ ticularly pearl millet, foxtail millet, and small millet (Muthamilarasan et al., 2016). Tables 1.2 and 1.3 present some major minerals and vitamins in different varieties of millets, respectively. Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at 6 Nutriomics of Millet Crops TABLE 1.3 Vitamin Composition of Millets (mg per 100 g) Millets Thiamin (Vit B1) Riboflavin (Vit B2) Niacin (Vit B3) Pearl millet 0.38 0.21 2.8 (Muthamilarasan et al., 2016; Chandra and Selvi, 2016) Finger millet 0.48 0.12 1.30 (Ramashia et al., 2019) Foxtail millet 0.48 0.12 3.70 (Devi et al., 2014) Proso millet 0.55 0.17 5.11 (Serna-Saldivar and Espinosa-Ramírez, 2019) Barnyard millet 0.33 0.10 4.2 (Jaybhaye et al., 2014) Little millet 0.30 0.09 3.2 (Saleh et al., 2013) Kodo millet 0.15 2.0 0.09 (Kumar et al., 2018) Sorghum 0.237 0.142 2.972 (Chhikara et al., 2019) 1.2.3 References PhytocheMicals Table 1.2 presents the phytochemical composition of some common millets. Mil­ lets’ outer layers contain a high concentration of phytochemicals, including phe­ nolic acids, flavonoids, and phytosterols, which are important biologically active substances (Sharma et al., 2021). These compounds exhibit several health-related benefits due to their anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, antidiabetic, and antioxidant properties (Mudau et al., 2022). Phenolic acids in millet grains are bound at 60%, with the remaining 40% occurring in free forms. Ferulic, sinapic, and caffeic acids constitute the majority of the phenolic acids found in soluble extracts, which contain more than 80% of them, whereas coumaric and ferulic acids predominate in con­ jugated fractions (Pradeep and Sreerama, 2018). The phenolic acid content varies greatly within different varieties of millets. For instance, as per Kumari et al. (2016), finger millet has a higher total phenolic content (TPC) than foxtail and proso millet in its soluble extracts. In addition to epicatechin, catechin is the main phenolic com­ ponent found in finger millet (Xiang et al., 2019; Chandrasekara and Shahidi, 2011). Variation with color of millets was also observed by Chandrasekara and Shahidi (2010), who found that compared to light-colored millets such as those with white or yellow testa, those with dark-colored testa and pericarp pigments have more soluble phenolic compounds. The pericarp and testa of the millet grain also contain other phytochemicals, including flavonoids. Flavonoids are significant antioxidants that lower the chance of developing chronic diseases. Compared to foxtail and proso millets, finger mil­ let has a higher quantity of flavonoids, with flavanols being the primary subclass (Chandrasekara and Shahidi, 2010, 2011). Flavones, isoflavonoids, flavonols, and dihydroflavonols, as well as their glycosides, are additional phenolic substances that fall under different flavonoid subclasses. The same flavonoid subclasses have been found in the soluble extract of barnyard millet (Ofosu et al., 2020). The authors also reported other flavonoids in barnyard millet, including formononetin, kaempferol, Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at We Don’t reply in this website, you need to contact by email for all chapters Instant download. Just send email and get all chapters download. Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at You can also order by WhatsApp one_number&app_absent=0 Send email or WhatsApp with complete Book title, Edition Number and Author Name. Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at 7 Nutrient Composition and Health Benefits of Millets TABLE 1.4 Phytochemical Composition of Millets Pearl Millet Finger millet Foxtail millet Proso millet Barnyard millet Little millet Kodo millet Total Phenol (mg gallic acid equivalent/g) 2.6 10.2 2.0 0.9 0.8 2.12 19.7 (Serna-Saldivar and Espinosa­ Ramírez, 2019; Chandra and Selvi, 2016) Flavonoids (mg catechin equivalent/g) 0.6 2.4 0.7 0.5 0.6 - 11.1 (Serna-Saldivar and Espinosa­ Ramírez, 2019) Phytosterols (mg/100 g) 58 - 57 26 - - - (Duodu and Awika, 2019) References apigenin, isorhamnetin, and 3,7-dimethylquercetin. Similar to phenolic compounds, millets’ flavonoid content is directly correlated with the color of the grains. For instance, four varieties of finger millet with seed coatings that were brown, white, reddish, and red were studied by Xiang et al. (2019) to determine their bioactive component. They noted that red finger millet grains had the highest quantity of flavo­ noids, followed by brown, reddish, and white seed coat grains. Phytosterols serve as a precursor to produce a variety of bio-functional substances, including steroidal glycoalkaloids, brassinosteroids, steroidal saponins, and phyto­ ecdysteroids (Moreau et al., 2018), while, squalene, a long-chain triterpene molecule with a high degree of unsaturation in nature, functions as a precursor in millets’ route for producing phytosterols (Ji et al., 2019). Campesterol, stigmasterol, and β-sitosterol make up the phytosterols in Italian finger millet, with β-sitosterol mak­ ing up 85% of the total (Bhandari and Lee, 2013). In addition to millet grains, the phytosterol composition of foxtail millet bran oil has been studied. It was discovered to contain stigmastanol, campesterol, and β-sitosterol, along with trace amounts of fecosterol, ergostanol, and campesterol (Pang et al., 2014). Although both sterols and stanols have the comparable effects on human health, stanols are more significant for millets’ bioactivity (Duodu and Awika, 2019). Table 1.4 presents different classes of phytochemicals possessed by millets. 1.2.4 antinutrients Antinutrients are harmful elements found in grains and legumes that prevent nutri­ ents from being absorbed and decrease their bioavailability in the body. They are thought to reduce mineral bioavailability, impede proteolytic and amylolytic enzy­ matic activities, and decrease the digestibility of protein and starch in pearl and finger millets (Hassan et al., 2021). The two antinutritional components of millet grains that have been the subject of the most research among the different antinutrients present in cereals are tannins and phytates. In the case of phytic acid, it is known that they reduce the bioavailability of minerals and the activity of enzymes due to their Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at 8 Nutriomics of Millet Crops TABLE 1.5 Antinutritional Composition of Millets Grains Tannin (mg/g) Phytate (mg/g) Reference Pearl millet 2.75 5.92 (Amalraj and Pius, 2015; Serna-Saldivar and Espinosa-Ramírez, 2019) Finger millet 2.64 5.29 (Amalraj and Pius, 2015; Serna-Saldivar and Espinosa-Ramírez, 2019) Foxtail millet 0.028 9.9 (Sharma et al., 2021) Proso millet 0.003 7.2 (Pawar and Machewad, 2006; Sharma et al., 2021) Barnyard millet 3.51 3.53 (Panwar et al., 2016; Sharma et al., 2021) Kodo millet 1.1 1.3 (Sharma et al., 2021) tendency to bind to and precipitate proteins and minerals. Mineral deficiency caused by phytate – metal-insoluble complexes – may result in decreased absorption of sev­ eral minerals, including zinc, iron, calcium, and magnesium. On the other hand, by building complexes with proteins or sporadically interacting with minerals, tannins can affect how food is digested (Raes et al., 2014). Tannins can be found in hydro­ lyzable or condensed forms; the latter are less likely to be absorbed during diges­ tion and are more likely to produce hazardous toxins after hydrolysis (Adeyemo and Onilude, 2013). The highest concentrations of inositol hexaphosphates were found in proso and barnyard millet, while the highest concentrations of condensed tannins were found in kodo, finger, and barnyard millet (Sharma and Gujral, 2019). Table 1.5 presents the tannin and phytate content in different classes of millets. 1.3 BIOAVAILABILITY OF NUTRITIONAL FACTORS The term “bioavailability” refers to the portion of a nutrient that may be ingested during a meal and utilized by the body through normal metabolic pathways. Since not all amounts of a nutrient taken are utilized properly by the human body, it is an important phrase that reflects nutritional efficacy. Therefore, the term “bioavailabil­ ity” describes the proportion of a nutrient or bioactive component that is consumed that enters the systemic circulation and is ultimately used by the body (Tharifkhan et al., 2021). Bioavailability is significantly impacted by the mechanical breakdown of foods and the enzymatic hydrolysis of nutrients, leading to the release of absorbable nutrients in the GI tract (Lemmens et al., 2014). The type of matrix in which the nutrients are included, chemical binding form, interference from other foods, and their ingredients in enhancing or inhibiting absorption, post-absorption metaboliza­ tion, and host-associated factors such as health status, genetics, age, and lifestyle, among other person-specific factors, have all been connected to variations in the bioavailability of nutrients (Shubham et al., 2020). Recently, it has been identified that non-effective delivery methods and bioavailability of the bioactive peptides from millet can limit their therapeutic applications. These difficulties result from several crucial inherent physicochemical and biological characteristics of peptides, Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at Nutrient Composition and Health Benefits of Millets 9 including molecular size, charge, lipophilicity, solubility, and administration method. Therefore, extensive research is required to identify the methods for successful trans­ lation of millet bioactive peptides to therapeutics as well as nutraceutical applications (Majid and Priyadarshini, 2020). In the case of millets, the bioavailability of nutrients is low due to the instance of antinutritional factors. Certain phenolic compounds, phytates, and tannins are examples of antinutritional parameters that impact iron and zinc bioavailability (Hassan et al., 2021). However, typical domestic food-processing processes, such as decortication, milling, soaking, malting, germination, fermentation, popping, and cooking, might mitigate the deleterious effects of these antinutrients. These approaches lower the quantity of phytates, phenol, tannins, and trypsin inhibitor activity in millets, as well as improve the digestibility and mineral bioavailability (Dayakar Rao et al., 2017). 1.3.1 Factors aFFecting BioavailaBility The bioavailability of nutrients in millets is influenced by both dietary and physio­ logical variables, including initial digestion, enzymatic/chemical breakdown of the consumed meal, and nutrient release (Tharifkhan et al., 2021). Figure 1.2 enlists the factors responsible for the bioavailability of millet nutrients. FIGURE 1.2 List of factors affecting millet nutrients bioavailability. Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at 10 Nutriomics of Millet Crops Dietary Factors Bioavailability in the lumen is influenced by the physio-chemical form and solubility of nutrients produced from the dietary matrix. The absorption of ascorbate, carbo­ hydrates, organic acids, amino acids, and certain fatty acids is enhanced by their consumption. Enhancers control the solubility of nutrients and/or prevent inhibitors from interacting with them (Tharifkhan et al., 2021). Millets’ phytic acid has demonstrated a potent propensity to bind to calcium, zinc, and iron to form insoluble complexes. With a strong ability to chelate and a tendency to form complexes with monovalent and multivalent cations of calcium, potassium, zinc, iron, and magnesium, phytate, the salt of phytic acid (myoinositol 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexakisphosphate), serves as a major phosphorous and mineral storage form. This chelation ability reduces bioavailability (Boncompagni et al., 2018). Physiological Factors Physiological factors that affect nutrient bioavailability include gastric acidity, intes­ tinal secretions, gut motility, lumen redox state, body status (including tissue lev­ els and nutrient stores), mucosal absorptive cell-mediated homeostasis, endocrine system effects, genetic polymorphisms, inborn metabolic errors, and gut microflora. Bioavailability is affected by the binding of dietary elements with vitamins or minerals in general. When concentrations exceed threshold limits, competitive inhibitors can affect bioavailability. Copper, zinc, and iron are transition metals with comparable chemical characteristics that approach the same binding sites or carriers. Estimating the bioavailability of lipid-soluble nutrients can be done by measuring the degree of mixed micelle incorporation after digestion (Tharifkhan et al., 2021). 1.4 BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY OF MILLETS Plant-based diets are preventative against a number of degenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease, cancer, cardiovascular disease (CVD), diabetes, FIGURE 1.3 Mechanism of action of the biological activities of millets. Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at Nutrient Composition and Health Benefits of Millets 11 and metabolic syndrome. Millets are also recognized as functional foods and nutraceuticals since they supply essential nutrients such as dietary fibers, pro­ teins, energy, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. Millets have been linked to a variety of health benefits, including prevention of cancer and CVDs, along with prominent antioxidant and antimicrobial activities (Chandrasekara and Shahidi, 2012; Saleh et al., 2013). Figure 1.3 represents the mechanism of the biological activity imparted by millets. 1.4.1 antioxidant activity Millet grains are a rich source of antioxidants due to the abundance of phenolic compounds in them. In addition to xylo-oligosaccharides, insoluble fiber, and pep­ tides, millet grains include a variety of naturally occurring phenolic components, such as phenolic acids, flavonoids, and tannins (Liang and Liang, 2019). Along with micronutrients (carotenoids and tocopherols), which also possess antioxidant capabilities, these chemicals are primarily found in the bran layers. Additionally, millets can be enhanced with antioxidants (i.e., phenolics and flavonoids) by pro­ cedures such as germination and fermentation. Due to the production of phenolic compounds, dry heat treatment has been demonstrated to increase the antioxidant activity of millets, whereas wet thermal treatment has been shown to decrease the activity and has an adverse effect on the activity (Liang and Liang, 2019). In a study on the impact of processing on the nutrient content and antioxidant activity of little millets (Panicum sumatrense), it was found that roasting samples significantly improved their nutrient content and free radical-scavenging abilities (Pradeep and Guha, 2011). Studies on millets’ antioxidant characteristics have focused on their ability to chelate metals, quench singlet oxygen radicals, have reducing power, and scavenge free radicals (Sharma et al., 2021). According to Kaur et al. (2019a) and Kaur et al. (2019b), numerous in vitro studies demonstrated the protective effects of antioxidants against age-related issues, chronic degenerative diseases, and other contemporary lifestyle disorders, such as celiac disease, coronary heart diseases, and diabetes. For instance, a study was done by Wei et al. (2018) using animal models to evaluate the impact of high salt on hypertension and the cardiac dam­ age brought on by a millet-enriched diet. The authors discovered that a diet rich in millet had a significant impact on lowering blood pressure, and concluded that millet’s anti-oxidative stress effect helps to prevent cardiac damage brought on by high salt ingestion. 1.4.2 anti-cancerous activity Uncontrolled cell division is a key aspect of cancer’s growth and progression (Majid and Priyadarshini, 2020). Cancer therapy includes inhibiting or delaying the fast multiplication of tumor tissue, which may help to halt the growth of cancer cells. Natural dietary components that prevent DNA damage and slow cancer cell growth have been studied (Chandrasekara and Shahidi, 2011). Millets are high in antinu­ trients such as phenolic acid, tannins, and phytate that have been found to diminish Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at We Don’t reply in this website, you need to contact by email for all chapters Instant download. Just send email and get all chapters download. Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at You can also order by WhatsApp one_number&app_absent=0 Send email or WhatsApp with complete Book title, Edition Number and Author Name. Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at 12 Nutriomics of Millet Crops the incidence of colon and breast cancer in animals. Millet phenolics have also been shown to be useful in preventing cancer development and progression in vitro (Sarita and Singh, 2016). 1.4.3 antidiaBetic activity Diabetes is a metabolic condition caused by changes in energy metabolism and is defined by unbalanced glucose homeostasis, where insulin secretion is hampered and insulin resistance develops (Majid and Priyadarshini, 2020). Diabetes rates have been found to be lower among the millet-eating population. Millets have demonstrated the benefits of lowering α-glucosidase and pancreatic amylase levels, lowering postpran­ dial hyperglycemia, and decreasing enzymatic hydrolysis of complex carbohydrates. The control of glucose-induced oxidative stress and inhibition of starch-digesting enzymes by millet active biomolecules gives them potential antidiabetic properties. For instance, finger millets’ antinutrients have been demonstrated to slow down the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, which reduces the glycemic response (Kumari and Sumathi, 2002). Similarly, the protein concentrates derived from mil­ lets have been shown to significantly reduce insulin levels, increase plasma adi­ ponectin, and improve glycemic responses in type 2 diabetic mice (Choi et al., 2005; Park et al., 2008). In 2010, the National Institute of Nutrition (ICMR) collaborated with the Indian Institute of Millets Research in Hyderabad to examine the GI of sorghum-based meals as part of the National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP). The findings revealed that meals made from sorghum had a low GI and were respon­ sible for lower postprandial blood glucose levels. Furthermore, due to the presence of considerable amounts of magnesium, millets also aid in the prevention of type II diabetes. Magnesium is a vital element that enhances the effectiveness of insulin and glucose receptors by creating several carbohydrate-digesting enzymes that regulate insulin functions (Kam et al., 2016). 1.4.4 antiMicroBial activity The secondary metabolites found in millet grains exhibit a wide range of biological characteristics. The phenolic and flavonoid compounds found in the bioactive sec­ ondary metabolites of some millet cultivars have antibacterial and antifungal proper­ ties (Nithiyanantham et al., 2019). According to the authors, finger millets’ phenolic and flavonoid compounds have been discovered to play a significant role against the proliferative inhibitory activity of bacterial pathogens, including Escherichia coli, Bacillus cereus, Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, Serratia marcescens, Proteus mirabilis, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In addition, a recent study reported that the addition of finger millet bran extract in chitosan/gelatin-based films significantly improved the antibacterial activity against E. coli and antifungal activity against Penicillium nettle (Xu et al., 2022). Millets have been shown to possess exceptional bioactivities. However, to con­ clude their health benefits, sufficient evidence-based studies are required. This can include investigating the mechanism of action of the millets and their constituents using various in vitro and in vivo models, and pharmacodynamics and kinetic studies. Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at Get all Chapters For Ebook Instant Download by email at Nutrient Composition and Health Benefits of Millets 13 Studies can also be carried out to evaluate the effect of millets on various other less explored lifestyle-related disorders. 1.5 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE PERSPECTIVES As the population grows, there is an increasing need for a well-balanced diet. Mil­ lets have pertinent amounts of nutrients and are widely accessible and inexpensive. Millets are rich in iron, calcium, manganese, magnesium, zinc, potassium, and phos­ phorus, among other nutrients. For this reason, they could be the best alternative cereal grain for human consumption. To shield the body from numerous oxidative stresses, millet grains can be employed as a readily available supply of natural anti­ oxidants. Millets have recently been found to be effective in treating conditions such as hypoglycemia and hypolipidemia. These millet grains also have significant uses as anti-tumor, antidiabetic, and antimicrobial agents. Millets offer several health benefits, making it worthwhile to incorporate these old, treasured grain-like seeds into our regular diet. Millets’ health benefits are already well known. Nonetheless, their use and popularity are limited due to the presence of antinutrients (phytate, oxalate, and tannins), which have a detrimental effect on min­ eral bioavailability and protein and carbohydrate digestion. However, with the right scientific inputs, not only can these limitations be overcome, but also the remarkable biological properties of millets can be utilized. Future research should therefore focus on the assessment of millets’ in vivo bioavailability, pharmacokinetics, as well as their precise molecular mechanism of action in order to use millets as health-promoting agents in food systems in the development of new nutraceuticals/functional foods/food supplements. Some of the aspects are reviewed in the rest of the chapters of this book. REFERENCES Adeyemo SM, Onilude AA (2013). Enzymatic reduction of anti-nutritional factors in fer­ menting soybeans by Lactobacillus plantarum isolates from fermenting cereals. Nigerian Food Journal, 31(2), 84–90. 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