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Adobe AD0-E329 Exam Guide: Questions & Answers

Adobe AD0-E329
Certification Exam
Questions and Answers PDF
Adobe AD0-E329 Exam Guide
Get complete detail on AD0-E329 exam guide to crack Adobe Campaign Classic
Business Practitioner Professional. You can collect all information on AD0E329 tutorial, practice test, books, study material, exam questions, and
syllabus. Firm your knowledge on Adobe Campaign Classic Business
Practitioner Professional and get ready to crack AD0-E329 certification.
Explore all information on AD0-E329 exam with number of questions, passing
percentage and time duration to complete test.
Introduction to AD0-E329 Adobe Campaign
Classic Business Practitioner Professional Exam
The Adobe AD0-E329 Exam is challenging and thorough preparation is essential for
success. This exam study guide is designed to help you prepare for the Campaign
Classic Business Practitioner Professional certification exam. It contains a detailed list
of the topics covered on the Professional exam, as well as a detailed list of preparation
resources. This study guide for the Adobe Campaign Classic Business Practitioner
Professional will help guide you through the study process for your certification.
AD0-E329 Adobe Campaign Classic Business Practitioner
Professional Exam Summary
Exam Name: Adobe Campaign Classic Business Practitioner Professional
Exam Code: AD0-E329
Exam Price: $125 (USD)
Duration: 100 mins
Number of Questions: 50
Passing Score: 32/50
Schedule Exam: Adobe, Pearson VUE
Sample Questions: Adobe Campaign Classic Business Practitioner
Professional Sample Questions
Adobe Campaign Classic Business Practitioner Professional
● Recommended Practice: Adobe AD0-E329 Certification Practice Exam
Exam Syllabus: AD0-E329 Adobe Campaign Classic
Business Practitioner Professional
- Recognize the different Digital Marketing concepts and
- Identify and define key tool features and structure, in
relation to the interface
- Determine the appropriate delivery template with
subdomain to use given Business Requirements
- Identify the appropriate delivery preparation or
personalization requirements given Business
Build a
- Determine the correct target audience among profiles
and analyze the results of the expected outcomes
- Recommend and apply the correct campaign approval
- Determine scheduling based on campaign requirements
- Recognize where to locate delivery results or output
- Differentiate between different error and warning types
(delivery, campaign, and workflow level)
- Given a scenario, determine which workflow activities
should be selected
- Differentiate between campaign and technical workflows
- Given a scenario, determine which workflow solution is 16%
and platform
optimal for continuous, waits, recurring, aborts situations
- Identify the new capabilities and features of Campaign
V8 compared to previous versions
- Determine how to modify columns within a view to test
- Describe the purposes of the union, intersection,
exclusion, and split workflow targeting activities
- Determine the appropriate method to reconcile data,
generate a complement, deduplicate, and import data
Data operations
- Given a scenario, identify which data enrichment rule
should be used
- Given a scenario, determine how to segment an
audience and store as a list and cells
- Given a scenario, determine the best method to export
data to destinations by configuring them
- Given a scenario, determine the correct delivery type
- Given business requirements, determine how to create
Adobe Campaign Classic Business Practitioner Professional
and reporting
- Given business requirements, determine the correct
delivery properties
- Identify and apply OOTB personalization options
available for a delivery (link to mirror page, greeting, unsub link)
- Given a scenario, determine the appropriate typology
rule (control, filtering, pressure, capacity)
- Identify the cause of a recipients’ exclusion of a delivery
in the log and check delivery diagnostics
- Indicate where/how to test delivery content and
- Differentiate among the various delivery states that occur
during processing and apply actions
- Identify common OOTB reports and where to access
- Determine which OOTB report is needed based on
reporting requirements
- Identify the Descriptive Analysis functionality inside
Adobe Campaign
- Given a scenario, apply the right authorizations to
limit/allow access to Campaign objects
Adobe AD0-E329 Certification Sample Questions and
To make you familiar with Adobe Campaign Classic Business Practitioner Professional
(AD0-E329) certification exam structure, we have prepared this sample question set.
We suggest you to try our Sample Questions for Campaign Classic Business
Practitioner Professional AD0-E329 Certification to test your understanding of Adobe
AD0-E329 process with real Adobe certification exam environment.
AD0-E329 Adobe Campaign Classic Business Practitioner
Professional Sample Questions:01. Which activity is used to combine the output of multiple queries into a single
a) Union
b) Exclusion
c) Deduplication
Adobe Campaign Classic Business Practitioner Professional
d) Data Extraction
02. What activities can merge or split data?
(Choose two)
a) Union
b) Split
c) Intersection
d) Deduplication
03. What factors should be considered when scheduling a campaign?
(Choose two)
a) Audience availability
b) Workflow complexity
c) Email template structure
d) Peak engagement times
04. What is the primary consideration when scheduling a recurring campaign?
a) The typology rules applied
b) Workflow execution frequency
c) Database retention policies
d) Delivery time to match customer behavior
05. Where can you access the OOTB Delivery Summary Report in Adobe
Campaign Classic?
a) Campaign Dashboard
b) Administration Panel
c) Reports Tab
d) Workflow Editor
06. How can you manage user access in Adobe Campaign Classic?
(Choose two)
a) Assign roles with specific permissions
b) Limit access through typology rules
c) Enable access control lists (ACLs)
d) Configure approval workflows
07. Which reports provide insights into delivery performance?
(Choose two)
a) Delivery Throughput Report
b) Open Rate Analysis Report
Adobe Campaign Classic Business Practitioner Professional
c) Campaign Audit Report
d) Workflow Execution Report
08. Why should you archive critical reports before purging logs?
a) To maintain workflow continuity
b) To retain historical data for audits
c) To comply with database restrictions
d) To reduce storage costs
09. How can you restrict access to delivery logs for specific users?
a) Configure workflow typologies
b) Set user roles and permissions
c) Use Delivery Diagnostics
d) Apply a Deduplication Rule
10. Which activities are commonly used for audience targeting?
(Choose two)
a) Typology Validation
b) Enrichment
c) Split
d) Query
Answers:Answer 01:- a
Answer 02:- a, b
Answer 03:- a, d
Answer 04:- d
Answer 05:- c
Answer 06:- a, c
Answer 07:- a, b
Answer 08:- b
Answer 09:- b
Answer 10:- c, d
Adobe Campaign Classic Business Practitioner Professional