BIOL 121A INTRODUCTORY ZOOLOGY Topic 1b - Evolutionary Principles & Zoology Basics 1 DARWIN’S THEORY SUMMARIZED OBSERVATIONS PROPOSED MECHANISMS • Perpetual change • Gradualism (macroevolution) • Common descent • Natural selection (microevolution) • Multiplication of species 2 COMMON DESCENT • All living organisms share a common ancestor; all animals share a common ancestor • How do we know? 3 Evidence of common descent HOMOLOGY • Characteristics ____________________ that may be ______________________ E.g., Bones of vertebrate limbs all have the same parts but are MODIFIED for walking, swimming, flying 4 WHAT ABOUT STRUCTURES THAT SHARE THE SAME FUNCTION? These organisms all have a fusiform shape, but did this arise from homology? 5 Evidence of common descent ONTOGENY • Homologous characteristics may only exist during early development before being _______________ What happens to our gill slits and tail? 6 DARWIN’S THEORY SUMMARIZED OBSERVATIONS PROPOSED MECHANISMS • Perpetual change • Gradualism (macroevolution) • Common descent • Natural selection (microevolution) • Multiplication of species 7 MULTIPLICATION OF SPECIES • ____________ = Evolutionary process by which new species arise • What is a species? • Group (population) of interbreeding individuals of common ancestry that are reproductively isolated 8 Evidence of multiplication of species TIME ALLOPATRIC (GEOGRAPHIC) SPECIATION Population Reproduction barrier Population Population Reproduction barrier Population Population Population Population **If the populations can no longer interbreed, a new species has emerged! 9 Heliocidaris crassispina Strongylocentrotus intermedius What barriers exist to reproduction? 862-020-01667-8 10 REPRODUCTIVE BARRIERS • PREZYGOTIC • Geographic • Temporal • Mechanical • POSTZYGOTIC • Fertilization occurs but hybrids are non-viable, or sterile • Behavioural 11 Evidence of multiplication of species ADAPTIVE RADIATION • Speciation gone nuts! Many ecologically diverse species emerge over short geological timescales. HOW? 12 DARWIN’S THEORY SUMMARIZED OBSERVATIONS PROPOSED MECHANISMS • Perpetual change • Gradualism (macroevolution) • Common descent • Natural selection (microevolution) • Multiplication of species 13 GRADUALISM (VS. PUNCTUATED EQUILIBRIUM) • Accumulated, continuous changes in morphologies in natural populations can ___________________ • But what rate of change occurs? Slow and constant = _________________ Inconsistent, with some periods of great changes and others of little change = __________________ 14 Darwin Supported by fossil record showing small morphological changes (like vestigial structures) Supported by fossil record having large gaps between diverse body plans 15 DARWIN’S THEORY SUMMARIZED OBSERVATIONS PROPOSED MECHANISMS • Perpetual change • Gradualism (macroevolution) • Common descent • Natural selection (microevolution) • Multiplication of species 16 NATURAL SELECTION • Darwin’s model of evolution by natural selection • 5 observations and 3 inferences • Is a testable framework – why might this matter? • Does not include any mechanism of inheritance – why? 17 NATURAL SELECTION (MODERN UPDATE) • The primary agent of evolutionary change where evolution is defined as ___________________________________ • Acts on 1. Heritable variation 2. The sum of all traits in an animal, not individual traits 18 The relationship between genotype and phenotype can be complicated but has helped drive understanding of natural selection in modern biology 9/full 19 NATURAL SELECTION MODEL (VISTA) 1. Variation (random mutations and DNA recombination) 2. Inheritance of traits by offspring 3. Organisms with the best combo of traits for the environment survive to reproduce (fitness) Selection 4. Over time gene frequencies change 5. New traits (adaptations) and species gradually emerge (speciation) 20 TYPES OF SELECTION IN POPULATIONS 1. Stabilizing selection (reduction in extremes) 2. Directional selection (selection for an extreme) 3. Disruptive selection (selection for multiple extremes) 21 22 DARWIN’S THEORY SUMMARIZED OBSERVATIONS PROPOSED MECHANISMS • Perpetual change • Gradualism (macroevolution) • Common descent • Natural selection (microevolution) • Multiplication of species 23 WHERE ARE WE NOW? Neo-Darwinism Mendelian inheritance Gene mutation (alleles) Chromosomes Population genetics Systematics Paleontology (speciation and trends) Darwin Variation Inheritance Natural Selection 24 NEO-DARWINISM Microevolution Natural selection is one mechanism Speciation Macroevolution 25 Accumulation of genetic changes leads to big things, like new species Genetic change within populations Driven by various mechanisms 26 MICROEVOLUTION • Genetic change in natural populations • Driven by: 27 SEXUAL SELECTION • Traits that benefit sexual reproductive success may be harmful for survival • E.g., Peacock tails are important for mate selection but what about predators? 28 GENETIC DRIFT • Changes in gene frequencies from one generation to the next • Can occur when population sizes change • Often limits pool of possible genetic responses to environmental change 29 Founder effect Bottleneck effect Result is the same = loss of genetic variation 30 MACROEVOLUTION • Large-scale events in evolution • Speciation and extinction events that result from microevolution or environmental change 31 MASS EXTINCTIONS What happens after an extinction? • Extinction rate > speciation rate • Permian extinction = 90% of all marine invertebrates • Cretaceous extinction = dinosaurs 32 To help you with your studying! EVOLUTION LEARNING OBJECTIVES • Describe the 5 main points of Darwin’s evolutionary theory • Explain the evidence supporting perpetual change, common decent, and multiplication of species • Explain gradualism and natural selection, including ongoing controversies with gradualism • Describe Neo-Darwinism and what new information it incorporates into our understanding of evolution • List and explain three mechanisms of microevolution 33 BIOL 121A INTRODUCTORY ZOOLOGY Topic 1c - Evolutionary Principles & Zoology Basics 1 SYSTEMATICS • Study of the variation among animal populations to reveal their evolutionary relationships • _____________ = a part of systematics that deals with the formal naming and grouping of species • Why might it be important to have a set naming scheme? 2 Puma concolor What am I? Cougar, mountain lion, puma, Florida panther, deer tiger, catamount, lion 3 TAXONOMIC C ATEGORIES • We use formal, hierarchical categories to group and name organisms • Each major category (except for species) can be called a taxon (pl. taxa) 4 A great resource to find marine species names 5 PH Y L OG ENET IC TREES • Evolutionary “trees” that visually show the relationships among organisms or groups of organisms • We use shared ___________ (morphological, genetic) to build trees manually or with software What happens at branch points? 6 PH Y L OG ENET IC TREES (2) Clade A Clade B Clade C • _________ are the fundamental unit found in trees • Includes the ancestral lineage and all species descended from it • Can be defined after each major branch point (_________) Organisms in a clade all have defining, shared characters called __________________ 7 PH Y L OG ENET IC TREES (3) Sister group to the green clade • _____________ are the next closest group in the tree outside the clade 8 WHAT MAKES A GOOD TREE? • Ideal trees are parsimonious, meaning they are built with the least number of branches to achieve a solution that makes sense • Ideal clades are ____________________ 9 GOOD CLADES VS. BAD CLADES 10 Modern examples of bad clades “Prokaryotes” Archaea + Bacteria 11 Modern examples of bad clades “Invertebrates” At least one invert in Phylum Chordata! 12 PRACTICE Label the nodes Identify a monophyletic grouping in this tree Identify a paraphyletic or polyphyletic grouping in this tree 13 To help you with your studying! CLASSIFICATION & PHYLOGENY LEARNING OBJECTIVES • Describe the hierarchical naming and grouping scheme used in systematics • Why are common names problematic? • What makes a good phylogenetic tree? A good clade? • Practice reading phylogenetic trees to understand relationships among organisms 14 BIOL 121A INTRODUCTORY ZOOLOGY Topic 2 – Animal Body Plans 1 HOW DO WE CLASSIFY ANIMALS BASED ON FORM AND FUNCTION? 2 DIVERSE WAYS TO GROUP ANIMALS • Body symmetry • Body plan • What openings are present? • What tissue layers are present? • What body cavities are present? • What appendages are present? • Developmental mode • Types of cells and cellular organization 3 BODY SYMMETRY Is this symmetrical? 4 BODY SYMMETRY (2) 5 Bilateria More complex body plans associated with evolution of bilateral symmetry 6 It depends on the group. But there are a few general rules. DESCRIBING BODY ORIENTATION RADIAL BILATERAL Aboral Dorsal Oral Posterior Caudal Anterior Cephalic Ventral 7 BODY OPENINGS • How many openings? What are they for? • The usual openings we focus on are relative to the gut • Just a mouth = a ___________ • Mouth and anus = _________________ • But what happens when there is no gut? 8 Loss of a mouth and gut can be associated with certain types of lifestyles = parasite Hi. I’m a tapeworm. 9 TISSUE LAYERS • Three main embryonic source tissues become all the cell and tissue types seen in adults 1. ___________ = internal organs, lining of the gut etc. 2. ______________ = muscles, bones 3. ____________ = skin, nervous system 10 CLASSIFICATION BASED ON EMBRYONIC SOURCE TISSUE* DIPLOBLASTIC animals TRIPLOBLASTIC animals Everyone else Endoderm and ectoderm only All three types 11 The caveat of this method is you need to have tissues 12 TISSUE LAYERS (2) • Two main clades associated with type of classification • ____________ = all animals including sponges • ______________ = all animals with at least 2 embryonic source tissues 13 Eumetazoa Metazoa Having all three embryonic source tissues associated with more complex body plans 14 BODY C AVITIES • These are best visualized in cross sections • Triploblastic animals have body cavities to allow for separation of organs (excludes inside the gut – why?) Gut lumen (not a cavity) Coelom (main body cavity) • Usually associated with more complex body plans 15 COELOMIC C AVITY • Special body cavities that are completely contained within a layer of mesoderm • Animals with no coelom are called ___________ • Animals with a coelom are called _____________ • And… animals with a “fake” coelom are called _______________ 16 LET’S DRAW COELOMIC C AVITIES Blue = Ectoderm Orange = Mesoderm Yellow = Endoderm 17 AR R ANG E MENT OF AP P E NDAG E S • Especially important for the classification of certain taxa 18 DEVELOPMENT MODE • Animal embryos develop different ways • Some develop the mouth first, and then the anus = _________________ • Others develop the anus first, and then the mouth = _________________ • Animal cells can divide in a spiral or radial (more squarelike) fashion 19 BASIC DEVELOPMENTAL PATHWAY Zygote (a single cell formed from egg and sperm) Numberedcell stages (4, 8, 16 etc.) Blastula (hollow ball of cells) Gastrula (hollow ball of cells with a gut tunnelling through it) Larval stage(s) for some animals / Embryonic stages for others Juvenile The first “opening” that forms is called the ___________ what happens to it? 20 Most invertebrates Echinoderms, Chordates 21 Protostomia Most animals can be grouped based on the fate of the blastopore Deuterostomia 22 What is a human? Bigger to smaller clades SUMMARY OF MAJOR ANIMAL CLADES 23 CELL TYPES • Certain cell types are unique within a phylum • E.g., cnidocytes in Cnidaria 24 To help you with your studying! ANIMAL BODY PLANS LEARNING OBJECTIVES • Identify five ways we can use animal body plans and anatomy to classify animals. • Identify key clades of animals based on differences in body plans and anatomy (metazoa, eumetazoa, bilateria, protostomia, deuterostomia) • Define and draw an example of an acoelomate, a pseudocoelomate, and a coelomate 25 BIOL 121A INTRODUCTORY ZOOLOGY Topic 3 – Protists 1 A L L E U K A RYOT I C L I F E SHARES A COMMON A N C E S TO R 2 KINGDOM PROTISTA • Originally called Phylum Protozoa • “the first animals” • Now has become a catch all taxon for groups that aren’t quite plant, animal, or fungi • Mostly unicellular • All lack collagen and chitin in their cell walls 3 WARNING • The taxonomy in our textbook represents a snapshot of what was known at the time • It is out of date, and I will periodically make you aware of big changes • If you look up taxonomy from other sources there could be differences - use the notes as the definitive guide 4 KINGDOM P ROT I S TA H A S A C L A S S I F I C AT I O N P RO B L E M Is it a good clade? Plants Animals + Fungi 5 Plants Animals + Fungi Based on what we know about phylogenies from last topic, plants, fungi and animals should be included in Kingdom Protista to make it monophyletic Animals have close protist relatives 6 WHY STUDY PROTISTS? • They are at the base of the animal tree of life • Primitive examples of cell differentiation and organization in colonial forms • Multicellularity* 7 TRADITIONAL VS. MODERN CLASSIFICATION SCHEMES • Traditional = Locomotory mode groups (3) • FLAGELLATES (flagella; either plant or animal like) • AMOEBAS (amoeba-like; either naked or shelled) • CILLIATES (cilia) 8 TRADITIONAL VS. MODERN CLASSIFICATION SCHEMES • Modern = RNA-based supergroups (4) • Based on molecular evidence, modes of locomotion evolved independently multiple times (e.g. flagella) 9 CILIA VS. FLAGELLA • Motile structures made of cytoskeletal protein subunits (microtubules) and motor proteins (dyneins) • Ultrastructure is the same • “Flagellates” have one or more flagella • “Ciliates” have 1000s of cilia 10 11 12 “PHYTOFLAGELLATES” • Protists with one or more flagella for locomotion • Have chloroplasts, photosynthesis (sometimes) • Representative groups • Euglenozoa • “Green algae” • Dinoflagellata 13 “Green algae” Animals + Fungi 14 EUGLENOZOA • Euglenids/euglenoids/euglenophytes • Mostly fresh water • Mixotrophs, switching feeding modes based on the environment 15 EUGLENA GRACILIS Beneath cell membrane is a matrix of rigid protein called the pellicle It allows the cell to contract and change shape 16 The flagella are modified into mucus covered stalks but can be re-grown in 1 hour COLONIAL EUGLENID COLACIUM 17 “GREEN ALGAE” • Close relatives of plants • Mostly freshwater • Autotrophic 18 CHLAMYDOMONAS Have 2 flagella Special compartment in the chloroplast called pyrenoids that promote effective photosynthesis 19 C OL ONI A L G R E EN AL G AE VO LVOX • Forms spherical, cooperative colonies • Cell differentiation • Colony polarity • Primitive multicellularity? 20 D I N O F L AG E L L AT E S • Two dissimilar flagella in different directions, called dinokont flagellation • Marine and freshwater • Mixotrophic 21 CERATIUM Very common in freshwater and marine Spines are longer in warmer waters Covered in cellulose plates called thecal plates 22 23 TOO MANY C E R AT I U M AND OT H E R DI NOFL AG ELLAT ES C A N L E A D TO R E D T I D E S A ND FI SH K I L LS 24 SYMBIODINIUM Endosymbiotic dinoflagellates that live in the endoderm of cnidarians Provide photosynthetic products 25 “ZOOFLAGELLATES” • Protists with one or more flagella for locomotion • Are heterotrophic or parasitic • Representative groups • Parabasalids • Diplomonads • Choanoflagellates 26 “Green algae” Animals + Fungi Choanoflagellates 27 PARABASALIDS • Commensal and parasitic forms in animals and plants • Responsible for human disease (e.g. Sleeping Sickness) • Trypanosoma 28 DIPLOMONADS • Responsible for human disease (e.g., Giardia) • Each are double cells, with two nuclei and four flagella • Lack mitochondria 29 C H O A N O F L A G E L L AT E S • Heterotrophic • Sessile or motile • Solitary or colonial • More on this later! 30 NAKED AMOEBAS • Protists with pseudopods used for crawling and feeding • Do not have shell plates or tests • Are heterotrophic or parasitic • Representative groups • Amoebozoa 31 “Green algae” Animals + Fungi 32 A M O E B O Z OA • Tubular pseudopods (lobose) powered by microfilaments • Food is obtained via phagocytosis 33 AMOEBOID MOVEMENT 34 TESTATE AMOEBAS • Protists with pseudopods used for crawling and feeding • Have shell plates or tests • Are heterotrophic, some are symbiotic • Representative groups • Foraminifera • Radiolaria 35 “Green algae” Animals + Fungi 36 FORAMINIFERA • Amoeboid with a shell (CaCO3) • Skinny pseudopods poke out from the shell used for capturing bacteria and algae 37 38 Biostratigraphy studies for aging ocean sediments Position in the water column can be used to ID thermocline, upwelling IMPORTANCE OF FORAMS Reconstruct ancient climate based on their distributions as microfossils in rock Oil exploitation 39 RADIOLARIANS • Amoeboid with a shell (Si) • Skinny pseudopods poke out from the shell used for capturing bacteria and algae 40 41 COLONIAL RADIOLARIAN SOLENOPHAERA COLLINA 42 CILIATES • Protists with cilia for locomotion • Are heterotrophic, some are parasitic • Representative groups • Ciliophora 43 “Green algae” Animals + Fungi 44 CILIOPHORA • Found anywhere there is water • Free living, parasitic, commensal • Taxonomy is currently being revised 45 COLONIAL CILIATE ZOOTHAMNIUM Giant (up to several cm) colonies with cooperation and cell differentiation They have chemoautotrophic bacterial symbionts 46 Study summary slide TAXONOMY SUMMARY • 3 groupings based on locomotion (example taxa) 1. Flagellates • Phytoflagellates (Euglenozoa, “Green algae”, Dinoflagellata) • Zooflagellates (Parabasalids, Diplomonads, Choanoflagellates) 2. Amoebas • Naked (Amoebozoa) • Testate (Foraminifera, Radiolaria) 3. Ciliates • (Ciliophora) 47 BIOL 121A INTRODUCTORY ZOOLOGY Topic 4 – Porifera 1 We recently looked at protist representatives Plants Animals + Fungi 2 Now our focus shifts to the origin of the animals 3 WHAT MAKES AN ANIMAL AN ANIMAL? 1. Eukaryotic cells 2. Multicellular 3. Tissues and cell organization 4. Sexual reproduction 5. Blastula during development 6. Locomotion 7. Dedicated sense organs 8. Heterotrophic Animals collectively called the Metazoa 4 ARE PROTIST COLONIES MULTICELLULAR? • Some exhibit rudimentary differentiation among cells • Some exhibit coordinated interaction among cells • But two key features are missing: • Distinct internal environment • Cellular instead of cytoplasmic level of body organization 5 ARE THERE ANY MULTICELLULAR “PROTISTS” You bet. Since seaweeds and kelps are technically nested within Kingdom Protista 6 PROTIST-LIKE ANIMAL ANCESTOR • The shared ancestor of all animals was likely protist-like • But there are several competing theories as to what those ancestors looked like 1. (Generally accepted) Choanoflagellate-like 2. (Emerging) Archaeocyte-like 7 SIMPLEST ANIMALS • Phylum Porifera (sponges) • Phylum Ctenophora (comb jellies) • Phylum Cnidaria (jellies, anemones, corals) • We can start to understand how animal life emerged from protist ancestors by looking at the cell types and genetics of simple animals 8 PHYLUM PORIFERA • Defining characteristics: cells with microvillar collars surrounding flagella, with units from single cells or syncytia • 98% Marine • Asymmetrical body plans, no embryonic tissue layers, no muscles, no nervous elements, no coelom • Four main taxa (Classes Calcarea, Demospongiae, Hexactinellida, Homoscleromorpha) 9 10 Sponges are some of the earliest animals, and part of the “all animal club” = Metazoans Metazoa = Animalia 11 GENERAL SPONGE MORPHOLOGY Water enters many small openings called ostia into the hollow center of the sponge (spongocoel), and exits through one or more larger openings called oscula 12 OUTSIDE INSIDE SPONGE BODY WALL XSECTION 13 SPONGE LAYERS • Outer layer made up of flattened epithelial cells • Pinacocytes form an outer protective later, can phagocytize large particles • Porocytes make up the ostia, contractile and can control water flow 14 SPONGE LAYERS • Middle layer a non-living matrix of polysaccharide gel with various cells, skeletal elements (called mesohyl) • Archaeocytes are wandering amoeboid cells that crawl in the mesohyl, many roles, can become other cell types • Sclerocytes secrete skeletal elements called spicules • Spongocytes secrete protein fibres for support called spongin 15 Spicules are beautiful and taxonomically useful Ca and Si 16 SPONGE LAYERS • Inner layer lined in flagellated collar cells called choanocytes 17 THE CHOANOCYTE “Collar cells” Flagellum beats and produces a zone of low pressure Food is drawn across the collar and is then phagocytized Intracellular digestion 18 CHOANOCYTE ORGANIZATION Three general sponge body plans 19 CHOANOCYTES = CHOANOFLAGELLATES? 20 EVIDENCE • Very similar morphology, feeding mode • Genomic evidence that modern choanoflagellates are the closest relative of animals • Proterospongia is a modern colony of choanoflagellates that includes individual cells imbedded in a gel matrix (kinda like mesohyl?) 21 Proterospongiae 22 SPONGE FEEDING • Most sponges filter feed bacteria and other small particles using the choanocytes • Archaeocytes transport packaged food vesicles from the choanocytes to other cells • Alternative feedings modes including carnivory and hosting photosynthetic endosymbionts can also be seen 23 C ARNIVOROUS SPONGES FAMILY CLADORHIZIDAE 24 “PHOTOSYNTHETIC” SPONGES Freshwater sponge Spongilla has green algae symbionts in the mesohyl 25 SPONGE PHYSIOLOGY • No distinct circulatory system, respiratory system, excretory system • Water movement through the sponge does all these steps • O2-CO2 exchange via diffusion, ammonia excreted via diffusion 26 SPONGE REPRODUCTION • Asexual • Fragmentation, budding, gemmules (dormant spores) • Sexual • Hermaphrodites, sperm produced by choanocytes, eggs produced by transformation of archaeocytes • Sperm is broadcast spawned, captured by other sponges 27 SPONGE BROADCAST SPAWNING 28 GENERAL SEXUAL LIFE HISTORY 29 C AN SPONGES MOVE? 30 SPONGE SNEEZING 31 SPONGE TAXONOMY 32 CLASS C ALC AREA • Spicules made of magnesium-calcite • All three sponge body plans (ascon, sycon, leucon) 33 CLASS DEMOSPONGIAE • Spicules made of silica and / or spongin • Nearly all leucon • 80% of all sponge species • Filter feeding and carnivorous representative 34 CLASS H E X AC T I N E L L I DA • Six-rayed spicules made of silica and chitin • Entire sponge is syncytial (one giant cell!) • No outer pinacoderm layer 35 CLOUD SPONGE REEFS IN HEC ATE STRAIT (UNESCO HERITAGE SITE) 36 CLASS H O M O S C L E RO M O R P H A • Most lack spicules but they are silica when present • New group based on rRNA • True epithelial cells with a basal membrane and cilia 37 For studying SUMMARY SLIDE • Phylum: Porifera • Clades of interest: Metazoa • Classes (4): Calcarea, Demospongiae, Hexactinellida, Homoscleromorpha • Differ in spicule composition and body plan • No embryonic source tissues, cannot determine fate of blastopore, cannot define the type of coelom 38 BIOL 121A INTRODUCTORY ZOOLOGY Topic 5 – Cnidaria and Ctenophora 1 PHYLUM CNIDARIA • Defining characteristics: Intracellular organelles for prey capture called cnidae • 99% Marine • Diploblastic with true tissue organization, cannot determine fate of blastopore, cannot define the type of coelom • Six main taxa (Class Anthozoa, Hydrozoa, Cubozoa, Scyphozoa, [Myxozoa, Staurozoa]) 2 3 Because they have complex tissues are considered “Eumetazoans” Are the sister group to a key transition point in animal evolution = Bilateral Symmetry Eumetazoa = True tissues Metazoa = Animalia 4 Which one is this? G E N E R A L C N I DA R I A N B O DY P L A N • Two main types: • Upright, “anemone-like” called polyp • Upside down, “jellyfish-like” called medusa 5 EXTERNAL BODY SYMMETRY Both body plans have true radial symmetry 6 ALWAYS EXCEPTIONS! Sea pens are bilateral overall, but each individual polyp is radial 7 BASIC CONSTRUCTION • Two living tissue layers: • Epidermis (outer, ectoderm origin) • Gastrodermis (inner, endoderm origin) • Non-living middle layer: • Mesoglea 8 Red regions are epidermal, blue regions gastrodermis 9 CNIDAE • Specialized organelles within cells called cnidocytes • The best-known type is the nematocyst • Used for feeding and defence 10 11 • Some species of anemones reproduce through fission CLONE WARS • This produces clones • But clones produced from different parents do not play nicely together 12 13 Anthopleura elegantissima undergoing fission 14 Who has a medusa and who doesn’t? CNIDARIAN RELATIONSHIPS 15 CLASS SCYPHOZOA • Large marine medusae • Very thick mesoglea layer • Life cycle includes both sexual and asexual components • Alternates between medusa and polyp 16 SCYPHOZOAN INTERNAL FEATURES • Mouth connects via pharynx (manubrium) to welldeveloped gastrovascular canals in the bell • Four gastric pouches are filled with short tentacles that secret enzymes and nematocysts into prey (gastric filaments) • In rare cases, some species also have zooxanthellae as symbionts in their tissues 17 18 19 CLASS CUBOZOA • Tiny marine medusae • Very complex rhopalia (sensory structures) with lensed ocelli • Often extremely toxic “sea wasps” 20 The lower lens eye is capable of seeing images and is one of the most complex invert eyes 21 CLASS HYDROZOA • Mixture of polyp-dominant and medusaedominant forms + weirdos • Freshwater and marine • Nematocysts only in outer epidermis, not in the gastrodermis • Simplistic ocelli and sensory structures 22 HYDROZOAN MEDUSA Ocelli eye spots Ocelli eye spots 23 HYDROZOAN POLYP SOLITARY Found in tropical freshwater Reproduce by budding Amazing regenerative powers 24 HYDROZOAN POLYP COLONY • Each polyp called a zooid and will share the gastrovascular cavity with the rest of the colony • Individual polyps take on different roles in the colony, similar to cells taking on different types • Gastrozooids • Gonozooids • Dactylozooids 25 26 UNIQUE HYDROZOAN BODY PLANS • Floating colonies = Siphonophores • E.g. Man-o-war, “Sailor jellies” • Typically have a structure that provides buoyancy while clusters of polyps hang beneath 27 “SAILOR JELLIES” After a big storm, it is not uncommon to find these Velella velella washed up in Tofino 28 See the same polyp differentiation as in non-moving colonies “SAILOR JELLIES” 29 HYDROCORALS • Also called fire corals • Very well developed dactylozooids that really hurt to step on • Are Hydrozoans that are polyp dominant! 30 CLASS ANTHOZOA • No medusa stage at any point in life • All polyps or colonies of polyps • Usually have well developed feeding tentacles with nematocysts 31 GENERAL A N T H O Z OA N B O DY PLAN (ANEMONE) • Tentacles for feeding and defence • Muscular column • Pedal disc attached to substrate 32 C AN ANEMONES MOVE? Stompia 33 GENERAL ANTHOZOAN BODY PLAN (CORALS) Polyps are like mini anemones 34 35 YES, WE HAVE CORALS IN BC 36 CORAL REPRODUCTION 37 CORAL SYMBIONTS Remember Symbiodinium the dinoflagellate? Who gets what? 38 PHYLUM CTENOPHORA • Defining characteristics: rows of cilia plates, adhesive preycapture cells called colloblasts • Marine • Almost exclusively predatory and planktonic • Recent evidence places them as triploblastic, fate of the blastopore not established, coelom type not established 39 40 Are considered Eumetazoans like Cnidarians but the position of this phylum is disputed Eumetazoa = True tissues Metazoa = Animalia 41 GENERAL MORPHOLOGY “KINDA SORTA JELLYFISH” Anus Fused cilia plates Mouth Tentacles are rooted in a tentacle sheath and covered in sticky colloblasts cells 42 BODY SYMMETRY Biradial rather than radial 43 44 For studying SUMMARY SLIDE • Phylum: Cnidaria • Clades of interest: Metazoa, Eumetazoa • Classes (4): Anthozoa, Hydrozoa, Cubozoa, Scyphozoa • Differ in body plan (polyp versus medusa) • Diploblastic, cannot determine fate of blastopore, cannot define the type of coelom 45 For studying SUMMARY SLIDE • Phylum: Ctenophora • Clades of interest: Metazoa, Eumetazoa • Classes (2): Don’t need to know • Recent evidence places them as triploblastic, fate of the blastopore not established, coelom type not established 46 BIOL 121A INTRODUCTORY ZOOLOGY Topic 7 – Rotifera 1 Rotiferans are tiny creatures with some interesting features Part of a larger group called Gnathiferans Lophotrochozoa = No moult, spiral cleavage Ecdysozoa = Moult Protostomia = Mouth 1st Deuterostomia = Mouth 2nd, radial cleavage Bilateria = Bilateral symmetry, triploblastic Eumetazoa = True tissues Metazoa = Animalia 2 3 PHYLUM ROTIFERA (WHEEL ANIMALS) • Defining characteristics: Muscular pharynx with jaws (trophi) for catching prey or attaching to substrate, toes with adhesive glands • Protostomes, triploblastic, bilateral, pseudocoelomates • Non-molting (Lophotrochozoa) 4 Mesoderm only on one side Rotifers 5 PHARYNGEAL JAWS (TROPHI) Calcified structures created by specialized epithelial cells 6 ROTIFERS GROW BY EUTELY • Mitosis ceases early in development • As the animals grow bigger, their cells grow bigger rather than increase in cell number • Syncytial tissues are common 7 Remember these friends from the protist lab water samples? 8 Others have a transparent shell called a lorica 9 Lorica = diverse 10 WHERE DO THEY LIVE? • 95% freshwater • Densities up to 5000 individuals per L • 5% marine 11 I’m one of the tiniest animals (~0.5 mm) GENERAL LIFESTYLE • Free-living (most) • Some motile, others are sessile • Short generation times (1-5 weeks) • Capture small algae and zooplankton 12 Feeding via coronal currents 13 Structures for nitrogen excretion Toes help them hold on to the substrate 14 ATTACHMENT TO THE SUBSTRATE • Pedal glands / cement glands secrete sticky substance used for attachment • Motile species hold on with one or more toes • Sessile species get fixed in place by the secretions 15 They have well-developed nerve clusters (ganglia) and a simple brain EYES 16 REPRODUCTION • Parthenogenesis is the most common type, males are often reduced in size or not present in the population • But mothers can import new bits of DNA from bacteria, fungi and plants via lateral gene transfer • When sexual reproduction does occur, male makes a hole in the body wall of the female and injects sperm 17 • Rotifers are an important new model organism for aging, especially for lifespan extension via dietary supplements AGING RESEARCH • They are small and squishy • They have a short lifespan (as little as 6 days) • They reproduce asexually and sexually (when triggered) 18 tifer.html 19 For studying SUMMARY SLIDE • Phylum: Rotifera • Clades of interest: Metazoa, Eumetazoa, Bilateria, Protostomia, Lophotrochozoa • Classes: Do not need to know • Triploblastic, pseudocoelomates, protostomes 20 BIOL 121A INTRODUCTORY ZOOLOGY Topic 8a – Mollusca 1 Mollusca, one of the largest and most diverse invertebrate groups! Lophotrochozoa = No moult, spiral cleavage Ecdysozoa = Moult Protostomia = Mouth 1st Deuterostomia = Mouth 2nd, radial cleavage Bilateria = Bilateral symmetry, triploblastic Eumetazoa = True tissues Metazoa = Animalia 2 https://www.mollu 3 PHYLUM MOLLUSCA • Defining characteristics: Mantle that secretes calcified elements, radula in the esophagus for feeding, muscular foot • Protostomes, triploblastic, bilateral, coelomates • Non-Moulting (Lophotrochozoa) • Five main taxa: Class Polyplacophora, Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Scaphopoda, Cephalopoda 4 Coelomate Rotifers 5 GENERAL MOLLUSC BODY PLAN • There isn’t one! • The mollusc body plan is highly varied and modified among all the different groups 6 MEET HAM DORSAL Mantle Visceral Mass Shell Gill ANTERIOR POSTERIOR Mantle cavity Foot VENTRAL 7 KEY MOLLUSC FEATURES (TO UNDERSTAND DIVERSITY) 1. Foot (is it still a foot?) 2. Visceral mass 3. Mantle 4. Shell(s) (how many?) 5. Position and size of mantle cavity 6. Gills (feeding, breathing, or both) 8 https://www.mollu Can you recognize some of these key features here? 9 THE SHELL • Calcium carbonate set in a protein matrix • 30-70% of the shell can be proteinaceous • Three main layers • Outer organic = periostracum • Middle calcium (thick) = prismatic • Inner calcium (think) = nacreous 10 SHELL MINERALS Two common forms of calcium carbonate are calcite and aragonite High levels of Mg2+ in seawater promote aragonite formation 11 OCEAN AC I D I F I C AT I O N • Increased atmospheric CO2 dissolves in seawater • Causes excess H+ to be produced • Reduces seawater pH 12 As the ocean becomes more acidic, the amount of free carbonate ion decreases, making it harder to calcify Green line at top = good, green line drops = bad 13 WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR MOLLUSCS? • Some species have a mixture of calcite and aragonite sections that will be more stable • However, changes in carbonate saturation will make calcification more difficult overall • This effect is felt mainly by larvae 14 sea pangolin (Chrysomallon squamiferum) RARE MINERALS C AN ALSO BE INCORPORATED 15 THE MANTLE • Specialized epidermal tissue that secretes the organic and inorganic portions of the shell • If debris gets trapped between the shell and the mantle, a pearl may form! 16 Cultured pearl removal – the bivalve isn’t hurt 17 MANTLE C AVITY • Between the mantle and the visceral mass is a space called mantle cavity • Houses the gills (ctenidia) • Provides an exit for digestive, excretory, reproduction system 18 (blue) ctenidia (gut = pink) 19 CTENIDIA / CTENIDIUM / (GILLS) • Comb-like with lots of surface area • Mainly for gas exchange but some species use them for food capture / food sorting • May be associated with sensory organ (ospharadium) 20 HOW GAS EXCHANGE WORKS • Except squids, countercurrent exchange One gill lobe Water and blood pass each other going opposite directions 21 MOLLUSC COELOM • Very small, restricted to a bag-like structure surrounding the heart and gonads Keeps heart and gonads totally separate from the other organs 22 VISCERAL MASS • “Blob” that includes most organs of the mollusc (not a coelom) 23 THE RADULA • “Tongue” made of protein and chitin, studded with chitin teeth • Whole structure reinforced with iron in some species 24 Check out this radula in action! 25 Radula protrudes from radular sac Supported by odontophore rod 26 Magnetite in the radula of some chitons makes them ferromagnetic 27 THE FOOT Muscular region that has become heavily modified 28 For studying SUMMARY SLIDE • Phylum: Mollusca • Clades of interest: Metazoa, Eumetazoa, Bilateria, Protostomia, Lophotrochozoa • Classes: Bivalvia, Gastropoda, Polyplacophora, Cephalopoda, Scaphopoda • Differ in how the main mollusc features are modified (e.g., shell) • Triploblastic, coelomates, protostomes 29 Our task for next week is to cover these (5) classes 30 BIOL 121A INTRODUCTORY ZOOLOGY Topic 8b – Mollusca 1 Mollusca, one of the largest and most diverse invertebrate groups! Lophotrochozoa = No moult, spiral cleavage Ecdysozoa = Moult Protostomia = Mouth 1st Deuterostomia = Mouth 2nd, radial cleavage Bilateria = Bilateral symmetry, triploblastic Eumetazoa = True tissues Metazoa = Animalia 2 PHYLUM MOLLUSCA • Defining characteristics: Mantle that secretes calcified elements, radula in the esophagus for feeding, muscular foot • Protostomes, triploblastic, bilateral, coelomates • Non-Moulting (Lophotrochozoa) • Five main taxa: Class Polyplacophora, Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Scaphopoda, Cephalopoda 3 4 REPRESENTATIVES FROM EACH CLASS 5 CLASS POLYPLACOPHORA CHITONS • Defining characteristics: Shell forms 7-8 separate plates, mantle cavity extends along sides of the foot, many gills • Live close to shore, only on hard substrates • Most basal / primitive molluscs 6 MODIFICATIONS FROM HAM • Shell = 7-8 shell valves • Mantle = thicker, covers the entire dorsal surface, called girdle • Mantle cavity = larger, includes the entire space between girdle and foot on the left and right side, contains the ctenidia 7 MODIFICATIONS FROM HAM (2) • Foot = reduced thickness, used for strong attachment and crawling • Radula = no significant modifications 8 Dorsal view 9 Ventral view 10 FEEDING • Radula used to scrape kelps or other materials off of rocks • Teeth often capped by iron oxide • Some species have an accessory boring organ to dissolve other mollusc shells! 11 12 Internal view Digestive, circulatory, excretory, reproductive 13 ORGAN SYSTEMS • Circulation = open, like most molluscs • Simple heart, a few vessels, circulates through the main body cavity (hemocoel) • Digestion = complete gut, compartments, associated glands to produce enzymes 14 ORGAN SYSTEMS (2) • Nervous system = ladder-like with reduced sensory structures (no eyes, tentacles) • Reproduction = separate males and females with discrete gonads, housed in perivisceral coelom with the heart 15 REPRODUCTION • Separate sexes, broadcast spawning • Have one of the very classic mollusc larval types: the trochophore 16 Katherina tunicata LOCAL CRITTERS Tonicella lineata 17 18 CLASS BIVALVIA • Defining characteristics: Bivalve shell, loss of radula, body flattened laterally • Mainly marine, some freshwater 19 MODIFICATIONS FROM HAM • Shell = hinged, bivalve shell with left and right valves • Mantle = lines the shell • Mantle cavity = massive, modified ctenidia for suspension feeding 20 MODIFICATIONS FROM HAM (2) • Foot = laterally flattened, used for digging • Radula = lost 21 BIVALVE SHELL BASICS • Left and right valves hinged with a protein ligament • Held together with one or two adductor muscles • Clams, mussels = 2 • Oysters, scallops = 1 22 CLAM MUSSEL SCALLOP 2 2 1 23 ADDUCTOR MUSCLES Pallial line points to the left? It’s the left size shell 24 Look for short siphon or big siphon Mussels, scallops, oysters Clams Non-burrowing Burrowing (WHY??) 25 Extreme fused siphon 26 BIVALVES ARE NATURAL CLEANERS 27 FILTER FEEDING 28 SUBSTRATE INTERACTIONS • Burrowing • Cementing • Sticky threads 29 0:35 Razors are some of the fastest digging clams! 30 Mussels use their foot to secrete byssal threads 31 WEIRD BIVALVE SHOUT OUT • Freshwater mussels produce parasitic larvae called glochidia that look like mini mussels with teeth • Mom mussel uses a “sexy mantle” dance to attract a fish • Mom mussel then spits the glochidia in the fishes’ face where they attach to the gills 32 33 See Ze Franks version for a laugh NSFW: 34 WEIRD BIVALVE SHOUT OUT 2 • Ship worms (Teredinids)! • Long, soft, naked body with mini shell at the anterior end • How do you think they digest the wood? 35 36 Apparently, they eat rocks too 37 For studying SUMMARY SLIDE • Phylum: Mollusca • Clades of interest: Metazoa, Eumetazoa, Bilateria, Protostomia, Lophotrochozoa • Classes: Bivalvia, Gastropoda, Polyplacophora, Cephalopoda, Scaphopoda • Differ in how the main mollusc features are modified (e.g., shell) • Triploblastic, coelomates, protostomes 38 BIOL 121A INTRODUCTORY ZOOLOGY Topic 8c – Mollusca 1 Mollusca, one of the largest and most diverse invertebrate groups! Lophotrochozoa = No moult, spiral cleavage Ecdysozoa = Moult Protostomia = Mouth 1st Deuterostomia = Mouth 2nd, radial cleavage Bilateria = Bilateral symmetry, triploblastic Eumetazoa = True tissues Metazoa = Animalia 2 PHYLUM MOLLUSCA • Defining characteristics: Mantle that secretes calcified elements, radula in the esophagus for feeding, muscular foot • Protostomes, triploblastic, bilateral, coelomates • Non-Moulting (Lophotrochozoa) • Five main taxa: Class Polyplacophora, Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Scaphopoda, Cephalopoda 3 4 CLASS SC APHOPODA TUSK SHELLS • Defining characteristics: Conical tusk shell open at both ends, anterior adhesive feeding tentacles • Typically live in sediments in deep water 5 6 MODIFICATIONS FROM HAM • Shell = single, tusk shape, open at both ends • Mantle = lines the shell • Mantle cavity = long groove that runs parallel to the shell, no ctenidia 7 MODIFICATIONS FROM HAM (2) • Foot = reduced, used for digging • Radula = no significant modifications 8 Where is my head? 9 LIFESTYLE • Foot burrows into substrate with the small shell opening sticking out of the sand • Food is captured with thin tentacles called captacula • Brought to the mouth using cilia 10 LOC AL CULTURAL SIGNIFIC ANCE 11 CLASS GASTROPODS SNAILS AND SLUGS • Defining characteristics: One or no shell, visceral mass twisted 180 degrees (torsion), protein shield on the foot (operculum) • Marine, freshwater, terrestrial 12 MODIFICATIONS FROM HAM • Shell = when present (coiled or cap-like, single), when not present (complete loss) • Mantle = lines the shell or covers the body when shell has been lost • Mantle cavity = restricted to anterior region in most, contains ctenidia 13 MODIFICATIONS FROM HAM (2) • Foot = no significant modifications • Radula = heavily modified in some groups • Visceral mass = twisted so the end of the gut sits near the head (in most) 14 Torsion folds the posterior end towards the anterior end during development (torsion) Mantle cavity Dorsal Posterior Anterior Ventral 15 GASTROPOD HEAD • Very well developed with sensory tentacles and eyes (sometimes on eyestalks) 16 Torsion (Y/N) GASTROPOD “FLAVOURS” Prosobranchs / Aquatic Snails (Y) Opisthobranchs / Sea slugs (Torsion Lost) Pulmonates / Land snails & slugs (Y in snails, Lost in slugs) 17 PROSOBRANCHS “AQUATIC SNAILS” • Most primitive gastropods (conches, cones, limpets, periwinkles, whelks) • Well-developed shell with a mantle cavity twisted to be over the head • Shells are coiled (snails) or cap-shaped (limpets) • Foot has proteinaceous shield, operculum 18 conch limpet periwinkle cone whelk Aquatic snails have variable shells! 19 Operculum looks like a little trap door 20 FEEDING MODES • Everything! • Herbivores • Omnivores • Carnivores • Parasites 21 Tegula is a common local herbivore. 22 Nucella is a common local carnivore 23 ????? Who did it? 24 Moon snails use the radula and enzymes to drill perfectly round holes 25 Put the radula on a proboscis and you have a deadly weapon 26 REPRODUCTION • Some species have separate sexes • Others are sequential hermaphrodites • Trochophore and veliger larval forms 27 Egg cases are common, larvae can develop inside! 28 OPISTHOBRANCHS “SEA SLUGS” • Marine slug gastropods (sea hares, sea slugs, bubble shells) • Reduced or lost shell, reduced or lost mantle cavity, loss of operculum, reduced or lost ctenidia • Torsion lost 29 Sea hare Bubble shell Dorid sea slug Aeolid sea slug 30 Rhinophores are analogous to the ospharadium 31 FEEDING MODES • Grazing on algae or animals using the radula • Photosynthesis? • Suspension feeding? 32 33 Fantastic local nudi Melibe – she smells like 34 PULMONATES “LAND SLUGS AND SNAILS” • Land-ish gastropods (freshwater snails, land snails, slugs) • Shell present or lost, big mantle cavity with vascularized “lungs” • Operculum sometimes present 35 External view 36 REPRODUCTION • Pulmonates are usually simultaneous hermaphrodites • Can fertilize each other in a number of creative ways 37 Love darts 38 39 CLASS CEPHALOPODA • Defining characteristics: Shell if present has internal chambers, closed circulatory system, foot becomes the head, large brain in cartilage cranium 40 Octopuses, squids, cuttlefish, nautiluses 41 MODIFICATIONS FROM HAM • Shell = Lost in most, when present has chambers filled with air for buoyancy • Mantle = Becomes very thick, covers the whole body • Mantle cavity = very large, includes the entire space inside the body 42 MODIFICATIONS FROM HAM (2) • Foot = heavily modified into the head, arms, and tentacles (headfoot) • Radula = present, protected by modified radular teeth (jaws) 43 External features – lets focus on HAM modifications 44 How does this compare to the other types of cephalopods? 45 Internal features Look how big the mantle cavity is! 46 LOTS OF MODIFICATIONS TO SUPPORT PREDATORY LIFESTYLE 1. Big head with lots of sensory structures and nervous system complexity 2. Powerful locomotory capacity 3. Powerful prey capture capacity 47 CEPHALOPOD NERVOUS SYSTEM Discrete brain (1) with remarkable sensory and learning capabilities Large, complex eyes Each arm has its own “mini brain” (8) –WHY? 48 Octopuses are “handsy” for a good reason! 49 Powerful swimming and jet propulsion 50 Studying cephalopod body plans and locomotion has led to emulation 51 BUOYANCY Chambers filled with gas and a little fluid How would they sink? 52 PREY C APTURE • Via adhesive tentacles or arms • Octopus tentacles have muscular suction cups that can each be individually controlled • Painful bite via the beak (and toxins!) 53 Sometimes colour change or tools can be used to bamboozle prey 54 PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT 55 These gentle creatures are at risk from deep sea mining and oil exploitation 56 CIRCULATORY SYSTEM • Closed system with discrete vessels • Three hearts • 2 branchial / gill hearts for oxygenation • 1 systemic heart to move thing around 57 Branchial to gills to system to body and back to branchial! Hemocyanin O2 pigment 58 Many cephalopods have egg cases, like other molluscs 59 It takes an octopus village 60 W E I R D O C TO P U S S H O U TO U T Hi, I’m an Argonaut 61 For studying SUMMARY SLIDE • Phylum: Mollusca • Clades of interest: Metazoa, Eumetazoa, Bilateria, Protostomia, Lophotrochozoa • Classes: Bivalvia, Gastropoda, Polyplacophora, Cephalopoda, Scaphopoda • Differ in how the main mollusc features are modified (e.g., shell) • Triploblastic, coelomates, protostomes 62 BIOL 121A, Part 2 – Deuterostomes • Email: • Office: Building 459, Room 212 • Office hours : 13:30-15:30 on Thursdays • Email me to make appointment • Anytime my door is open • But not 1 hour before lecture starts • Email if you have any questions Gonzalez et al., 2017, Current Biology 27, 87–95 Ch. 14 Echinoderms & Hemichordates 2 Lophotrochozoa = No moult, spiral cleavage Ecdysozoa = Moult Protostomia = Mouth 1st Bilateria = Bilateral symmetry, triploblastic Eumetazoa = True tissues Metazoa = Animalia Deuterostomia = Mouth 2nd, radial cleavage Protostome Features (review) Protostome = ‘first mouth’ → blastopore becomes the mouth Figure 3.14 4 Deuterostome Features Deuterostome = ‘second mouth’ → blastopore becomes the anus Figure 3.14 5 Cladogram of Deuterostomes 6 Sea urchins (Echinodermata) are a great model species for research on development. Why does this make sense? • Your development is similar to a sea urchin’s • Sea urchins are easy to raise in the lab & produce lots of eggs (important for medical research) • Echinoderms are invertebrate deuterostomes – research with vertebrates can be tricky 7 Clade Ambulacraria Phylum Echinodermata (‘prickly skin’) - sea stars, sea urchins, sea cucmbers etc. Phylum Hemichordata (‘half cord’) - acorn worms & pterobranchs 8 Phylum Echinodermata Characteristics found in no other phylum: 1. Calcareous endoskeleton (large plates or small ossicles) 2. Water-vascular system 3. Pedicellariae 4. Dermal brachiae 5. Pentaradial symmetry in adults Figure 14.5a 9 Phylum Echinodermata 5 main taxa 1. Class Asteroidea (‘aster’ = star) – sea stars 2. Class Ophiuroidea (‘ophi’ = snake) – brittle stars 3. Class Echinoidea (‘echin’ = spiny) sea urchins 4. Class Holothuroidea (‘holo’ = whole) – sea cucumbers 5. Class Crinoidea (‘crino’ = lily) – feather stars, sea lilies 10 Echinoderm Evolution • Origins in early Cambrian • Likely descended from bilateral ancestors – larvae are bilateral – pentaradial symmetry = derived • Early forms: sessile with radial symmetry • Living forms (extant): free-moving – Class Crinoidea has sessile forms Cambrian echinoderm fossils Devonian echinoderm fossils 11 Cladogram of Echinoderms 12 Ecological Relationships • Marine → cannot osmoregulate • Intertidal to abyssal regions • Most are benthic as adults • Diverse feeding modes: – suspension feeders, deposit feeders, scavengers, predators, browsers or grazers • Some brittle stars are commensal on sponges • Keystone species Deep-sea sea cucumber “Speedy” brittle star Filter-feeding basket star 13 Class Asteroidea: Sea Stars • Shorelines, rocks, muddy or sandy bottoms, coral reefs • ~ 1500 living species • Range from 1cm – 1m across 14 Asteroid Aboral Features • Star-shaped body with large central disc & fleshy arms (5 or more) • Madreporite • Anus • Papulae (aka dermal branchiae or skin gills) • Pedicellariae • Spines Aboral surface (‘dorsal’) Figure 14.4A 15 Asteroid Oral Features • Mouth • Ambulacral grooves • Tube feet & moveable spines (border ambulacral grooves) Oral surface (‘ventral’) Figure 14.4B 16 Mesodermal Endoskeleton • Ossicles: calcareous, mesodermal plates – joined by connective tissue (“catch collagen”) • Catch collagen → mutable collagenous tissues – quickly & reversibly change from soft ↔ rigid • Stereom: meshwork that penetrates ossicles Asteroidea: ossicles embedded in skin • softish bodied Echinoidea: ossicles form test/shell • hard-bodied 17 Sea Star Internal Anatomy Figure 14.5A 18 Sea Star Internal Anatomy Figure 14.5 19 Figure 14.6 Pedicellariae Functions • Cleaning • Protection • Food capture Spines Pedicellariae Papulae (skin gills) 20 Coelom & Gas Exchange • Coelom has ciliated peritoneal lining – circulates coelomic fluid around body & into papulae • Respiratory gases diffuse across the papulae & tube feet – nitrogenous waste = ammonia Cilia Papulae (skin gills) Coelom 21 22 Water Vascular System • Coelomic compartment • Unique system of canals & tube feet • Water vascular system + ossicles = hydraulic system Functions: • Locomotion • Feeding • Respiration & excretion Figure 14.5B 23 Water Vascular System See Figure 14.5B 1. Madreporite 2. Stone canal 3. Ring canal 4. Radial canal 5. Lateral canal 6. Ampulla 7. Tube feet Polian vesicle 24 Water Vascular System Tube Feet & Locomotion Ampulla Valve Lateral canal Body wall Tube feet Retractor muscles • Muscle contractions – extend & move tube feet – create suction Podial muscle Sucker 25 Shape of Life • Shape of life video • Echinoderms: The Ultimate Animal • 26 Feeding and Digestive System Two-part stomach 1. Cardiac stomach (eversible) 2. Pyloric stomach • connected to pyloric ceca (digestive glands) in arms • digestion mostly extracellular (in pyloric ceca) – Food broken down outside of cells, smaller nutrients absorbed Each arm has its own set of digestive glands (pyloric ceca) 27 Asteroid Digestion (arm & body - sagittal section) Aboral surface (“dorsal”) 5. Anus 3. Pyloric stomach 2. Cardiac stomach 1. Mouth 4. Digestive ceca Oral surface (“central”) 28 Local Sea Star Diets Sunflower Sea Star - Predator (sea urchins) - Critically endangered Leather Star - Grazer Purple Ochre Sea Star - Mollusc predator - Keystone species 29 Keystone Species A species whose impacts on its community or ecosystem are larger than would be expected from its abundance. Robert T. Paine (1933-2016) 30 Sea star - Pisaster spp., a Keystone species on Pacific coast Sea stars present: eats mussels → high species diversity → low competition Sea stars absent: mussels dominate → low species diversity → high competition (mussels outcompete others) 31 Nervous System • Decentralized nervous system → no brain or cephalization • 3 subsystems that each have: – central nerve ring – radial nerve • Systems connect by nerve net Sense organs • Eyespot at tip of each arm • Sensory cells scattered on skin 32 Regeneration & Autonomy • Regenerate lost parts • Autotomy: detach injured arm & regenerate • Cast-off arm can regenerate new sea star ≥ 1/5 of central disc needed Pacific Sea Star 33 Reproduction • Separate sexes (most), some with simultaneous hermaphroditism • Pair of gonads in each inter-radial space • Broadcast spawners (external fertilization) • Brooding in some species (parental care) → direct development • Free-swimming larvae (most) 34 Class Ophiuroidea: Brittle Stars & Basket Stars • Largest class (> 2000 species) • Distinct central disk • Arms: slender, flexible (jointed), & brittle 35 Ophiuroid Anatomy • No pedicellariae or papulae (skin gills) • Ambulacral grooves: closed & covered with ossicles • Tube feet lack suckers → feeding – locomotion by arm movement • Madreporite on oral surface • Five plates → jaws • No anus • No intestine • Organs in central disc Fig. 14.12 36 Ophiuroid Reproduction (& Gas Exchange) • 5 bursae (paired) in arm pits → open to oral surface • Water circulation into bursae – gas exchange – discharge of gametes (external fertilization) • Separate sexes (most), few hermaphroditic Fig. 14.13 37 Ophiuroid Ecology • Live on hard substrates where no light penetrates • Many negatively phototropic / nocturnal • Suspension or deposit feeders • May use mucus to catch food • Very fragile → regeneration & autonomy (more than sea stars) 38 Class Echinoidea 39 Class Echinoidea: Sea Urchins, Sand Dollars, & Heart Urchins • Test → made of ossicles that form plates • Lack arms → test shows five-part symmetry – ambulacral rows folded up to anus (periproct) 40 Class Echinoidea Two types 1. Regular: most species 2. Irregular: sand dollars & heart urchins 41 Regular Urchins • Hemispherical shape • Pentaradial symmetry (pentaramous) • Long spines • Hard-rocky substrate • Move with tube feet • Eat algae & other organic matter (urchin barrens) 42 Irregular Urchins • Secondarily bilateral • Short spines • Soft-sandy substrates • Move mostly with spines • Collect food particles on ciliated tracts or with podia Fig. 14.15 43 Echinoid Features • Anus, madreporite & genital pores on aboral surface (“dorsal”) • Pedicellariae: several types, some with venom glands • Movement: spines & podia • Aristotle’s lantern Fig. 14.16 44 Aristotle’s Lantern • Complex set of chewing structures • Mouth surrounded by 5 teeth • Ciliated siphon connect esophagus to intestine Fig. 14.17 45 Echinoid Reproduction • Sexes separate • Broadcast spawners (external fertilization) 46 Sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus spp.) Three main urchin species in BC: • Green • Purple • Red (up to 200 years) 47 Urchin roe = “uni” at sushi restaurant 48 Class Holothuroidea - Sea Cucumbers 49 Class Holothuroidea: Sea Cucumbers • Elongated → oral-aboral axis • Ossicles reduced & in skin → body wall is leathery • Lack spines • 5 rows of tube feet & muscles 50 Holothuroid Form • Typically lie on one side • Tube feet only well developed in three strips of ambulacra • Oral tentacles → 10-30 modified tube feet surrounding mouth • Secondary bilaterality is present 51 Holothuroidea Features Oral tentacles: modified tube feet Madreporite: inside body cavity Coelomic cavity → hydrostatic skeleton Fig. 14.20 52 Holothuroidea Features • Digestive system → muscular cloaca • Respiratory tree → respiration & excretion (gas exchange also through skin & tube feet) • Single gonad Fig . 14.20 53 Ecology of Sea Cucumbers • Suspension / deposit feeders: consume suspended particles or detritus off sea floor • Evisceration: escape response • Cuvierian tubules: entangle predators Fig . 14.18 54 Sea Cucumber Feeding 55 Class Crinoidea: Sea Lilies & Feather Stars 56 Class Crinoidea • “Primitive” • Fossils → numerous in the past • Attached for most of life (unique!) • Many are deep-water species 57 Appearance & Features • Leathery - calcareous plates • Five arms branch out to form more arms – each with lateral pinnules • Sessile forms have a stalk • Holdfast present • Lack: – Madreporite – Spines – pedicellariae Fig. 14.21 58 59 Phylum Hemichordata • Formerly considered a subphylum of chordates – gill slits & rudimentary notochord (= chordate characteristic) • “notochord” not homologous with chordates → evagination of mouth cavity • Wormlike bottom-dwellers, widely distributed 60 Fig. 14.1 61 Acorn Worms • Mucus-covered body has three parts – proboscis + collar + trunk • Proboscis catches food in mucous strands • No gills → gas exchange across skin 62 Summary: Echinoderms & Hemichordates • Deuterostomes – ‘second mouth’ (blastopore → anus) • Different cleavage & development than Protostomes • Includes closest invertebrate relatives to chordates. • Clade Ambulacraria: • Phylum Echinodermata – 5 classes, various ecological strategies • Phylum Hemichordata – not chordates • Echinoderm features: • Pentaradial symmetry is secondarily derived (larvae – bilateral) • Water vascular system • Dermal ossicles => “endoskeleton” • Some groups have pedicellariae • Regeneration (autotomy) • Catch collagen (mutable collagen) • Ecologically, may be very important (keystone species) 63 Next … Chordates (Ch. 15) 64 Ch 16. Fishes Part B – Bony Fishes Osteichthyes: Ch. 16 - Part B Phylogeny of Fishes Osteichthyes • The “bony” fishes, and tetrapods Fig. 16.1 Cladogram of the Fishes Fig. 16.2 Osteichthyes: Bony Fishes & Tetrapods Three features unite bony fish & tetrapods 1. Endochondral bone replaces cartilage during development 2. Lung or swim bladder present • Derived from gut 3. Several shared cranial and dental characters Osteichthyes (“os” = bone; “ichthy” = fish) • • Actinopterygii (“actin” = ray; “pter” = fin) Sarcopterygii (“sarco” = flesh; “pter” = fin) Osteichthyes Actinopterygii • Fins have “rays” • ~31,000 spp. Sarcopterygii • Fins supported by muscle and bones, “fleshy” • 8 spp. Osteichthyes – Key Adaptations 1. Bony Operculum • Protects gills • ↑ H2O flow • Streamlines body 2. Swim bladder/Lungs • Buoyancy or air breathing 3. Specialized jaw musculature • Suction feeding Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes) Actinopterygii = ray-finned fishes 3 main clades 1. Cladistia (“clad” = branch; “istia” = tissue) • bichirs (13 spp.) 2. Chondrostei (“chond” = cartilage; “os” = bone) • sturgeons, paddlefish (27 spp.) 3. Neopterygii (“neo” = new, modern; “pter” = fin) • modern ray-finned fish (> 29,600 spp.) 1. Cladistia - Bichirs • Paired lungs → facultative air-breathers • Freshwaters of Africa • Spiracles on top of head • Ganoid scales – tough enamel (ganoin) & bone • Diphycercal caudal fin 2. Chondrostei - paddlefishes & sturgeons 2. Chondrostei (Fig. 16.15 b, c) “Primitive” Ray-finned fishes (sturgeons & paddlefishes) • Skeleton mostly cartilage (derived) • Notochord, simple vertebrae • Intestine - spiral valve • Ganoid scales (tough enamel & bone) • Heterocercal caudal fin • Ventral mouth • Most are extinct, few extant species So why are they bony fish? Why are they bony fish? Bony scutes bony operculum Shark or Sturgeon??? 3. Neopterygii – “modern” bony fishes Bowfin Gars Teleosts Teleosts Bowfin Gar Teleosts • ~29,600 species, nearly half of all vertebrates • Bony skeleton • Thin scales • Homocercal tail • Terminal mouth • Elaborate fins • Jaw → suction feed • Swim bladder • Freshwater fish – hyperosmotic • Saltwater fish – hypoosmotic Teleost Scales Thin, light, flexible: • Thin dermal bone • Cycloid • Ctenoid Fig. 16.14 Elasmobranchii Cladisitia Chondrostei Neopterygii Fig. 16.12 Osteichthyes - Actinopterygii - ray-finned fishes - Sarcopterygii - lobe/fleshy-finned fishes Sarcopterygii (lobe-finned fishes) Coelacanth (2 spp.) & Lungfish (6 spp.) • Gills & lungs • Fleshy fins with muscle & bone • Diphycercal caudal fin • Spiral valve! • Notochord persists! → Extinct form gave rise to tetrapods Fig. 16.13 Sarcopterygii Lungfishes Closest relatives of tetrapods 3 surviving genera Freshwater – fish are hyperosmotic Australian lungfish (1) • 1 lung, but relies on gills • Don’t survive out of water • Endangered African (4) & South American lungfish (1) • 2 lungs – obligate air breathers • Do survive out of water • Aestivation (“hibernation”) • Coccoon for months to years (Also Fig. 16.18) Sarcopterygii Lungfishes African Lungfish – Aestivation • Burrows into sediment as pool dries • Secretes a mucous cocoon • Dormant for months to years Fig. 16.18 Sarcopterygii Coelacanth • Though to be extinct 70 MYA • Captured in 1938 (Africa) • More later caught (Comoro Island & Indonesia) Fig. 16.19 Sarcopterygii Coelacanth Physiology • Non-functional lung, filled with fat • Marine – osmoconformer (retains urea, like elasmobranchs) Fish Circulation Water breathing fish (e.g., Tuna) • Heart upstream of gills • One-way circulation Modifications for air-breathing in next chapter Locomotion in Fishes Transverse section W-shaped Fig. 16.20 • Movement: trunk and tail muscles • Myomeres: –Zig-zag (W-shaped) muscle bands –Attach to several vertebrae • Alternate sides contract → tendons to tail → thrust Locomotion • Undulating: efficient at low speed • Limit undulations to tail: ↓ drag • Fast species (e.g., Tuna) –Stiff, narrow caudal peduncle –High aspect ratio tail (height > width) –Movement only at tail, more efficient Fig. 16.22 Fig. 16.21 The Lamnid-Tuna Evolutionary Convergence • Thunniform swimming • Endothermy Yellowfin tuna Shortfin mako shark Dr. Robert Shadwick, UBC The Lamnid-Tuna Evolutionary Convergence Salmon Shark Dr. Barbara Block, Stanford Bluefin tuna Endothermy in Teleost Fishes Regional Endothermy or Regional Heterothermy • ability of some fishes to maintain certain tissues or body regions warmer than the surrounding water • retain internally generated heat Endothermy in Teleost Fishes Billfish Tuna Opah • Evolved at least 3 times in teleosts (billfishes, tuna, opah) • Mechanisms for generating and retaining heat ‒ specialized tissues ‒ vascular countercurrent heat exchangers (retia mirabilia) Significance • Enhanced physiological performance in colder water • Expand thermal niche Swordfish Brain Heater Carey (1990) National Coalition for Marine Conservation, 103-122 Maintaining Buoyancy in Bony Fishes • Swim bladder regulates buoyancy • Arose from paired lungs of early Devonian fishes –used for air-breathing in some freshwater fishes –lung & swim bladder: homologous –lung & gill: analogous Fig. 16.11 Swim Bladder Maintains neutral buoyancy • Present in most pelagic fish (what about tuna?) • Absent in most benthic fish • Adjust gas volume → neutral buoyancy • Use less energy for swimming Types: 1. Physostomus (“open”) (“physo” = bladder; “stom” = mouth, opening) • Gulp & burp gas, pneumatic duct connects to gut (i.e., open) 2. Physoclistous (“closed”) (“physo” = bladder; “clist” = closed) • Gas from blood, not connected to gut (i.e., closed) Physostomous Swim Bladder (Gulp & Burp Strategy) • Swim bladder connects to esophagus • ↑ buoyancy: gulp air • ↓ buoyancy: burp/vent air • Surface-dwelling fish • E.g., salmon, trout, herring Swim bladder Esophagus Physoclistous Swim Bladder Blood O2 → bladder Gas gland: O2 “in” Ovale: O2 “out” • Rete mirabile: supplies O2 to gas gland via counter-current flow/exchange Fig. 16.23 • Arteries (in) and veins (out) • Very cool and quite complex physiology! Physoclistous Swim Bladder Gas Resorption If buoyancy is too positive: 1. Ovale muscles relax 2. Gas → ovale 3. Gas diffuses → blood 4. Bladder shrinks (↓ vol) NOTE: cannot occur quickly! Fish Gills – Anatomy (form) • Gill arch • Blood vessels (capillaries) • Gill rakers (filter feeding) in lamellae • Blood flow countercurrent to water flow • Filaments • Lamellae – sites of gas exchange Fig. 16.24 Fish Respiration – physiology (function) Countercurrent exchange – Water & blood flow in opposite (counter) directions – Countercurrent exchange: ↑ gas exchange very effectively ➢ Extract 85-90% of O2 from H2O Countercurrent exchange Water 100% 70% 40% 15% Mouth Out Body Heart 90% 60% 30% 5% Blood Osmoregulation in Teleost Fishes • Osmoregulators • Ionoregulators Seawater (35 ppt) - concentration of dissolved ions (mM) Na Cl K Ca Mg SO4 Osm 469 546 10 10 53 28 ~1000 Hagfish Shark Coelacanth Eel (bony fish) Osmoregulation Marine vs. Freshwater Fish Marine fish • Fish = hypoosmotic • Water = hyperosmotic • Problem: fish loses water via osmosis Freshwater fish • Fish = hyperosmotic • Water = hypoosmotic • Problem: fish gains water via osmosis Osmoregulation cont’d Marine vs. Freshwater Fish Marine fish • hypoosmotic →“dehydrate” • Drink seawater, minimal urine • Cells in gills pump out ions (Na+, Cl-, K+) • Salts removed via kidney & feces Freshwater fish • hyperosmotic →“explode” • Kidneys pump out H2O, much dilute urine • Cells in gills pump in Na+ & Cl• NaCl intake from food Fig. 16.25 Spawning Migrations: Definitions Diadromy / Diadromous (“dia”= two,“dromous”= to run): • Fish that migrate between freshwater (FW) and saltwater (SW) to reproduce. Anadromy / Anadromous: (“ana”= upward or against, “dromous” = to run) Fish that migrate upstream to spawn in FW • Fish do most feeding/growing in SW • e.g., salmon, striped bass, shad, sturgeon Catadromy / Catadromous: (“cata”= down or with, “dromous” = to run) Fish that migrate downstream to spawn in SW • Fish do most feeding/growing in FW • e.g., eels, some gobies, some perches (barramundi) Catadromous Migration – Freshwater Eels • Spend most of lives in FW → migrate to sea to spawn • Fall: adults swim downriver to the sea to spawn → none return ‒spawn once & die = semelparous • Spring: young eels (elvers) appear in coastal waters & swim upstream Anadromous Migration - Pacific Salmon • Spend adult lives at sea, return to FW to spawn • Semelparous: spawn once & die • Nutrient transfer from marine to FW and then terrestrial environments is VERY important for these ecosystems ➢ “Marine-derived nutrients” Fig. 16.28 Pacific Salmon - Homing (orientation) Return to natal stream: • Ocean: magnetic, solar, & celestial cues • Nearshore: olfaction → guided by odor of natal stream ➢Juveniles imprint on natal stream Sockeye salmon spawning Sockeye salmon and Kokanee • Life cycle of Pacific Herring • Iteroparous (spawn multiple times) • Age: 15 yrs • Mature: 2 to 4 yrs • 30,000 eggs/female/year • Sticky eggs • Very important in ecosystem/food chain as “forage fish” species Reproduction in Teleosts Eastern Mosquitofish Diverse reproductive strategies • Most Dioecious • Some Monoecious • Most Oviparous (many eggs) Ovoviviparous • Ovoviviparous Banded Jawfish – Male • Viviparous • Parental Care (some) Mouthbrooding Tetrapod ancestor? Summary – Osteichthyes (Ch. 16 – Part B) • Evolution and classification • Actinopterygii and Sarcopterygii • Features and basic anatomy • Locomotion – moving faster! • Endothermy • Buoyancy – going “up”? (or “down”) • Respiration – Gills and countercurrent gas exchange • Osmoregulation – keeping the water “in” (or “out”) to survive • Reproduction – where and how many times • Anadromous and catadromous • Semelparous and iteroparous • Sarcopterygii – Tetrapod ancestor Ch 16. Fishes Part A – Jawless & Cartilaginous Fishes 1 Major Groups of Vertebrates Vertebrates → 2 major groups 1. Agnatha: - jawless fish ~530 mya 2. Gnathostomata: - jawed vertebrates ~400 mya 2 Fishes are not a monophyletic group Fishes - all vertebrates that are not tetrapods ~31,000 living spp. Fig. 16.1 3 Cladogram of the Fishes Fig. 16.2 4 Agnathans (= “without jaws”), i.e., Jawless fishes Early Agnathans: Muscular pharynx → feeding & respiration Agnathan characteristics: 1. No jaws! 2. Vertebrae reduced or absent 3. Notochord 4. Fibrous & cartilage skeleton 5. No paired fins 6. No scales 7. Indistinct stomach 5 Agnathan Groups 1. Ostracoderms – extinct groups (“ostrac” = shell, “derm”= skin) Fig. 15.11 2. Clade Cyclostomata – extant groups (“cyclo” = round, “stom” = mouth) • Clade Myxini – hagfishes • Clade Petromyzontida - lampreys 6 Myxini - Hagfishes • 300 mya • 78 spp. • Marine, benthic, deep • Scavengers/predators • Survive months without eating • Almost blind – use scent & touch • Life history poorly known – Dioecious – External fertilization – Large eggs (~3 cm) – No larval stage 7 Hagfish Physiology • Osmoconformers – only vertebrate that ionoconforms to sea water (like echinoderms) Seawater (35 ppt) - concentration of dissolved ions (mM) Na Cl K Ca Mg SO4 Osm 469 546 10 10 53 28 ~1000 • Low blood pressure: – 1 main heart – 3 accessory hearts 8 Hagfish Feeding • Attach: tooth-plated mouth –teeth are keratin, not bone • Rasp: tongue • Leverage: knotting behaviour Fig. 16.3 9 Hagfish Coolness • Slime Production!!! – Slime glands → secrete mucins & slime threads – Slime = 99.996 % seawater (Fig. 16.3) 10 11 Hagfish Slime 12 Petromyzontida – Lampreys - 13 Petromyzontida – Lampreys (“petra” = rock, “myzon” = sucking) • 41 species globally • <50% predators (parasitic?) (e.g., Pacific lamprey) • Marine & fresh water • >50% non-parasitic (e.g., brook lamprey) • Freshwater filter-feeders • Adults do not feed (only survive few months) 14 Petromyzontida – Lampreys Reproduction • All species spawn in freshwater • builds nest in gravel • sheds eggs and males release sperm • Adults spawn & die – semelparous (only breed once) 15 Lamprey – Semelparous Reproduction 1. Male builds a nest 2. Nest 5. Lamprey dies after spawning 3. Male attaches to female’s head 4. Eggs shed into the water as they are fertilized All photos taken by John Brunzell, USFWS, 16 Lamprey Development • Eggs → ammocoete larvae • Larvae filter feed • Larvae: 3-7 yrs • Endostyle proteins regulate metamorphosis Fig. 16.4 17 Parasitic Lamprey - Feeding • Attach: sucker-like mouth, keratin teeth • Rasp: flesh & suck fluids • Anticoagulant ↑ blood flow 18 Sea Lamprey • Jacana/Science Source 19 Sea Lamprey problems in the Great Lakes 20 Ostracoderms Extinct ostracoderms likely gave rise to jawed fishes (placoderms initially) Fig. 15.11 21 Gnathostomata (Jawed vertebrates) • Common ancestor → jawed vertebrates • New structures arise from existing structures • Pharyngeal arches → jaws •The jaw is one of the most important innovations in vertebrate evolution 22 Fig. 16.1 23 Cladogram of the Fishes Fig. 16.2 24 Origins of Jaws • Modification of first two pharyngeal arches (originally gill supports) • Mandibular arch → upper jaw (palatoquadrate) & lower jaw (Meckel’s cartilage) • Hyoid arch → braced jaws against brain case (cranium) • Neural crest → pharyngeal skeleton (including lower jaw) 25 Jaws – what a great innovation!!! • Structure for grasping and manipulation • “Armed” with teeth ‒Defense or feeding • Feeding options ‒Carnivore (piscivore), planktivore, herbivore ‒Specialized feeders • Ultimately, permitted an increase in size Placoderms – 1st jawed fish Fig. 15.12 •Bony armour •Paired fins: provide stability •~ 400-430 mya (Devonian – “The Age of Fishes”) •Diverse: adaptive radiation because of jaws? 27 Devonian Period is the “age of fishes” Fig. 16.1 28 Cladogram of the Fishes Fig. 16.2 29 30 class Chondrichthyes (Cartilaginous Fishes) - “chondro” = cartilage, “ichthy”= fish Cartilage skeleton • Lighter than bone • More flexible • Stress points calcified Two clades (subclasses): Elasmobranchii • Sharks, skates & rays • > 1060 spp. Holocephali • chimaeras & ratfishes • > 47 spp. 31 Elasmobranchii - “elasmo” = plate; “branchia” = gill - Includes Sharks, Skates & Rays 32 Shark Appearance & Features - I 1. Fusiform (not rays & skates) 2. Mouth ventral 3. 5-7 open gill slits (no operculum) 4. Placoid scales (“dermal denticles”) Fig. 16.5 33 Shark Appearance & Features - II 5. Heterocercal tail 6. Heavier than H2O (negatively buoyant) • No swim bladder • Heterocercal tail - ↑ lift • Squalene in liver - ↓ fish density 7. Keen sense of smell Fig. 16.13 34 Shark Diversity (>500 spp.) 35 Apex Predator!!! 36 Rays & Skates ( >600 spp.) • “Flat sharks” • Enlarged pectoral fins • Diverse: skates, sting rays, electric rays, manta rays, guitarfish • Teeth for crushing prey • molluscs & crustaceans, sometimes fish • Some are filter feeders • Rays (some): Tail with poison spines • Skates: dorsal fins & thorns 37 e.g., Mantas, Eagle Rays, River rays 38 Elasmobranch Scales: Placoid Scales • Dermal denticles: derived from the dermis = dermal scales • Functions: hydrodynamics (reduce drag) & protection Placoid Scales Enamel Dentine Pulp cavity Epidermis Fig. 16.12 Dermis 39 Placoid scales (i.e., dermal denticles) 40 Elasmobranch Teeth - Modified scales (denticles) → replaceable rows of teeth New teeth forming Teeth Dermis Epidermis Fig. 16.5 41 Elasmobranch Digestive System • Spiral valve – corkscrewed lower intestine • ↑ surface area in short intestine Spiral valve Fig. 16.6 42 Elasmobranch Physiology Homeostasis • • • • Seawater (35 ppt) - concentration of dissolved ions (mM) Na Cl K Ca Mg SO Osm 4 Osmoconformers 469 546 10 10 53 28 ~1000 Ionoregulators Salt gland in rectum → secretes salts Urea in tissues → osmoconform → osmotic concentration SW 43 Elasmobranch Physiology Sensing the environment Lateral line • Provides spatial awareness • Neuromast cells ‒sense vibration & H2O currents ‒mechanoreceptors Ampullae of Lorenzini • sense (bio)electric fields • electroreceptors Fig 16.8 44 Respiration: Ventilation of the Gills (most fish) • H2O in via mouth … out via gill slits/opening H2O Mouth Pharynx 45 Respiration: Ventilation of the Gills (most fish) • H2O in via mouth … out via gill slits/opening • Batoids & some sharks have spiracles that take in water • may prevent gill clogging in benthic species Spiracle 46 Circulation – ‘closed’ system Heart (all fish): 4 chambers → one-way flow • Sinus venosus • 1 atrium • 1 ventricle • Conus arterisosus atrium sinus venosus ➢Bulbus in bony fish to gills aorta ventricle conus arteriosus • Deoxygenated blood: heart → gills (gas exchange at gills ↑O2 ↓CO2 ) • Oxygenated blood: gills → body • Fish: low blood pressure (compared to tetrapods) • Blood flow ↑ by muscle contraction (swimming) 47 Circulation – One-way 48 Greenland shark heart 49 Elasmobranch Reproduction • Late age at maturity → years to decades • Internal fertilization: claspers (modified pelvic fin) • Long gestation periods → up to 2 years 50 Elasmobranch Claspers • Spines & hooks to grasp female • Clasper siphon expels water and sperm into female's cloaca 51 Elasmobranch Reproduction Egg case Oviparous: (“ovi” = egg; “parous” = give birth) - Lay eggs (externally) Viviparous: (“vivi” = live) - Direct development & live birth a) Ovoviviparous: eggs hatch inside mother – intrauterine cannibalism (some sharks) - siblings eat smaller embryos and unfertilized eggs b) Placental viviparity: young nourished by placenta – Histotrophy (stingrays) – form of matrotrophy → nutrients from uterine secretions (“milk”) 52 Viviparity • Sharks: 75% of species are viviparous • Nutrition provided by mother internally for development • Give birth to fully formed juvenile predators Hammerhead shark with 15 pups removed from uterus 53 How old are sharks? • Evolutionary age: • Earliest sharks appeared ~400 mya • Biological age: • Can be long-lived (longest among vertebrates?) • Greenland shark dated to be ~390 years old (± 120 y) 54 How big are sharks? Whale sharks can be 10 to 15 m long 55 Shark Endothermy Warm sharks! • Retain internally generated heat to maintain select body regions warmer than the surrounding water. • Known as: ‒ Regional Endothermy or ‒ Regional Heterothermy • Common thresher shark (family Alopiidae) • Lamnid sharks (family Lamnidae) ‒ shortfin mako, longfin mako, salmon shark, porbeagle, white shark Shark Endothermy Generate heat: • Internalized red-muscle Retain heat: • Vascular countercurrent heat exchangers (retia mirabilia) most fish/sharks 57 Dr. Barbara Block, Stanford Salmon sharks (Family Lamnidae) • Endothermic • Core body: ~25 ºC (water: 3 to 8 ºC) • Red muscles (RM) only function at 20-30ºC (mammal like) • RM & stomach T independent of water T ‒Homeothermic • Heat → strong swimming, ↑digestion & ↑ nervous activity Bernal et al. (2005) Nature 58 Shark Conservation • Sharks are overfished worldwide • ~61 spp. threatened with extinction • Late age at maturity + long gestation + small litter sizes = popl’n decline • Fear / miseducation • Shark fin soup 59 Holocephali - Ratfishes & Chimaeras • Holocephali (“holo” complete or whole, “ceph” = head) - Ratfishes, ghost sharks, chimaeras and rabbitfishes (c) Spotted ratfish (Hydrolagus colliei) Videos: 60 Holocephali - Ratfish • Common ancestor w/ Elasmobranchs ~400 mya • No placoid scales (except on claspers) • Diet: small fish and invertebrates • have claspers (and 1 on head called a tentaculum) • Internal fertilization • Upper jaw fused to cranium (unlike elasmobranchs) • 3 large, permanent slow growing tooth plates (no “shark” teeth) tentaculum 61 Ratfish “Opercula” Sharks: small fleshy gill flaps • do not prevent backflow • cannot draw water over gills Ratfish: fleshy flap (“opercula”) – may ↑ water flow & ↓ backflow – but less effective than bony opercula 62 63 Summary: Agnatha & Chondrichthyes • Phylum Vertebrata • Agnatha • Cyclostomata ‒ Myxini – Hagfishes ‒ Petromyzontida – Lampreys • Ostracoderms (extinct) • Gnathostomata (jaws + paired appendages) • Placoderms (extinct) • Chondrichthyes ‒ Elasmobranchii ‒ Holocephali Ch. 15 Vertebrate Beginnings: The Chordates Rashpal Dhillon, Rush Studio. Phylum Chordata Lophotrochozoa = No moult, spiral cleavage Ecdysozoa = Moult Protostomia = Mouth 1st Bilateria = Bilateral symmetry, triploblastic Eumetazoa = True tissues Metazoa = Animalia Deuterostomia = Mouth 2nd, radial cleavage Chordate Evolution & Classification • Name Chordata comes from the notochord • Notochord is 1 of 5 characteristic features of Phylum Chordata Figure 15.1 Cladogram of Phylum Chordata Figure 15.2 Chordate Phylogeny Monophyletic clade: 1. Share a common ancestor, and … 2. Includes ALL descendants from that ancestor • Chordates likely arose at base of Cambrian period • Divided into 3 subphyla Figure 15.3 Phylum Chordata Protochordates Subphylum Urochordata (Tunicata) – sea squirts Subphylum Cephalochordata – lancelets Vertebrates Subphylum Vertebrata – vertebrates Five Chordate Characteristics 1. Notochord 2. Dorsal hollow nerve cord (DHNC) 3. Pharyngeal slits 4. Endostyle/Thyroid 5. Postanal tail (p. 343-344) 1. Notochord • Flexible rod extends length of body • Semi-rigid: • Fibrous & elastic sheaths around fluid-filled cells • Functions: • Support • Stiffening • Muscle attachment • Bends without shortening ➢ permits undulatory movements Figure 15.1 1. Notochord (cont’d) Elastic sheath Fibrous sheath Fluid-filled cells • Persists in: ‒ protochordates ‒ jawless vertebrates • Jawed vertebrates: ‒ 1st part of endoskeleton to appear in embryo →centra & intervertebral discs Centrum 2. Dorsal Hollow Nerve Cord AKA Dorsal Tubular Nerve Cord • Single, tubular cord dorsal to digestive tract • Vertebrates: anterior end enlarges to form brain • Cord produced in embryo by enfolding of ectodermal cells Vertebra w/ hole (foramen) for spinal cord 3. Pharyngeal Slits • Connect pharyngeal cavity to outside • Form by: • in-pocketing of ectoderm & • evagination of endoderm of pharynx • In aquatic chordates: • 2 pockets break through to form pharyngeal slit • In amniotes (reptiles, birds, & mammals) • Pockets may not break through & pouches are formed 3. Pharyngeal Slits Functions: • Protochordates: ‒ filter feeding ‒ ion exchange • 1st vertebrates: ‒ feeding, ion regulation, & respiration ‒ Vertebrate ancestor → slits bear gills • Jawed fishes: gills → respiration & ion regulation • Tetrapods: middle ear cavity, eustachian tube, tonsils, parathyroid gland 4. Endostyle or Thyroid Gland • Endostyle or thyroid gland found in all chordates • Some cells in endostyle secrete iodinated proteins Functions: • Protochordates & larval lamprey → filter feeding • Endostyle secretes mucus to trap food • Vertebrates (including adult lamprey) • Endostyle → Thyroid gland: homologous structures ‒ iodinated-proteins → hormones 5. Postanal Tail • Postanal tail + musculature provide motility in protochordates • Efficiency increased in fishes (swimming) • Used for balance in many mammals • smaller or vestigial in some lineages (e.g., human coccyx) Five Chordate Characteristics 1. Notochord 2. Dorsal hollow nerve cord (DHNC) 3. Pharyngeal slits 4. Endostyle/Thyroid 5. Postanal tail (p. 343-344) Subphylum Urochordata (Tunicata) Tunicates or sea squirts Tunicates • ~ 3000 species in all seas at all depths • Most are sessile as adults – some are free-living • Swimming larvae with all 5 chordate features • Sessile adults with only pharyngeal slits & endostyle Adult Tunicate • Tunic = nonliving test • Adults lose most chordate characteristics • During metamorphosis • Notochord & tail disappear • Dorsal nerve cord reduced • Incurrent & excurrent siphons • Pharyngeal slits (basket) • Endostyle: ciliated groove secretes mucus Figure 15.4 Tunicate Respiration & Reproduction Simple circulation •Heart & 2 blood vessels •Takes turns pumping in opposite (2) directions Monoecious •Gametes out siphon •External fertilization Tunicate Life Cycle Gametes fuse Tail lost Figure 15.5 Dorsal nerve cord becomes single ganglion Subphylum Cephalochordata Lancelets •~ 32 species, 5 occur in North America •~3-7 cm long •Thin & slender – gas exchange by diffusion •Coastal sandy bottoms •5 chordate features throughout life Branchiostoma (aka Amphioxus) Lancelet Anatomy 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. No gills (not specialized for respiration) No heart No red blood cells No brain Dioecious V-shaped Figure 15.7 Lancelet Physiology • • • Closed circulatory system – no heart Blood carries nutrients, not gases Blood pumped by peristaltic contractions in vessel wall – – Blood passes upward through branchial arteries (2 & 7) in pharyngeal bars to paired dorsal aortas (1) Blood distributed to tissues by capillaries, then collected in veins (11-14) and returned to ventral aorta (8) Branchiostoma (old name = Amphioxus) Subphylum Vertebrata Vertebrates Figure 15.2 Adaptations That Guided Early Vertebrate Evolution Earliest Vertebrates larger & more active than protochordates bigger → higher metabolic rate → more food • Required (selected for) specialized structures & adaptations: ➢ find, capture, & digest food ➢ support higher metabolic rate • Musculoskeletal modifications • Physiological upgrades • Brain and sensory structures ➢ Later: Paired fins and jaws Musculoskeletal Modifications Vertebrate Endoskeleton • cartilage → bone • grows with body & permits larger body size • greater economy of building materials • disclike centra replace notochord • neural spines on vertebrae = muscle attachment • V → W-shaped muscles: ↑ strength & control Musculoskeletal Modifications Vertebrate Exoskeleton • Earliest fishes were partly covered in a bony, dermal armor → modified in later fishes as scales • Most vertebrates are protected with keratinized structures derived from the epidermis → reptilian scales, hair, feathers, claws, and horns Physiology Upgrade • Pharyngeal adaptations • Gut adaptations • Circulatory adaptations Physiology Upgrade Pharyngeal Adaptations Early chordates → small & sessile • Perforated pharynx = filter-feeding device • Cilia flows water through pharyngeal slits & food trapped by mucus Early vertebrates → larger & predatory • Muscular pharynx = pump for suction feeding • Pump forces H2O through slits: more food → larger size • Animals became too big for O2 diffusion across skin • Evolution of highly vascularized gills ➢ function of pharynx shifted to primarily gas exchange Physiology Upgrade Evolution of the vertebrate gill • Gas exchange at skin constrains life H+ H+ O2 H+ H+ O2 evolution ancestral deuterostome early vertebrate H+ H+ O2 early fishy vertebrate Physiology Upgrade Evolution of the vertebrate gill Sackville et al., 2022. Ion regulation at gills precedes gas exchange and the origin of vertebrates. Nature 610, 699-703. Physiology Upgrade Circulatory Adaptations 1. Gills 2. Chambered heart 3. Muscular blood vessels 4. Erythrocytes containing hemoglobin ➢ Enhanced transport of nutrients & respiratory gases Efficient respiration allowed: 1. ↑ metabolic rate 2. Predatory life-style Physiology Upgrade Gut Adaptations To manage increased ingestion of food • Gut: food movement by ciliary action → muscular action • Accessory digestive glands: liver & pancreas ➢ produce secretions that aid digestion New Head, Brain, & Sensory Systems Shift from filter feeding to active predation required (selected for) new sensory, motor, & integrative controls: • Anterior end of nerve cord → tripartite brain ➢ brain protected by cranium (vertebrate head) • Paired sense organs (vision, equilibrium, & sound) • Specialized sensory structures (e.g., olfaction & electroreception) Vertebrate head & special sense organs resulted from: • Neural Crest & Ectodermal Placodes ➢ Embryonic innovations present only in vertebrates 43 Neural crest – Ectodermal cells lying along embryonic neural tube that contribute to development of: – much of the cranium – pharyngeal skeleton (including lower jaw) – some endocrine glands – Schwann cells – tooth dentine Ectodermal placodes – Plate-like ectodermal thickenings appearing on either side of neural tube (give rise to sensory structures) • Initiate differentiation/development of eyes, ears, nose ‒ olfactory epithelium, lens of eye, inner ear epithelium, some ganglia, some cranial nerves, lateral-line mechanoreceptors, and electroreceptors IMPORTANT: Vertebrate head, with complex sensory structures located close to mouth (later equipped with jaws), stemmed from these new embryonic tissues 44 Ancestral Vertebrate Stock Fossil invertebrate chordates are rare • Burgess-Shale of Canada • Chengjiang & Haikou in China • Pikaia • Burgess Shale • ~ 5 cm • V-shaped myomeres & notochord = chordate • Early cephalochordate? • Haikouella lanceolata • Haikou, China • Notochord, pharynx, & dorsal nerve cord • Pharyngeal muscles, paired eyes, & brain • No cranium & brain not 3-lobed ➢ Not a vertebrate (sister taxon?) 45 Chordate Evolution Chordates have taken two paths in early evolution 1. sedentary urochordates 2. active, mobile cephalochordates & vertebrates Walter Garstang, 1928: Was the ancestral chordate a sedentary filer feeder? Hypothesis: the vertebrate ancestor lost the ability to metamorphose into a sessile adult, instead developing gonads and reproducing in the larval form (paedomorphosis) Prediction: Cephalochordates more closely related to Vertebrates than Urochordates (ancestral) Vertebrate ancestor? 47 Position of Amphioxus Testing Garstang’s Hypothesis Genetic, developmental, & fossil evidence: • Cephalochordates not more closely related to Vertebrates ➢ sister taxon to Urochordates & Vertebrates (= clade) ➢ sessile Urochordates represent a derived condition ➢ amphioxus may better represent the ancestral chordate Predicted ancestor Reject hypothesis Pikaia 48 Earliest Vertebrates Myllokunmingia Haikouichthys Fossils from 530-500 mya • Haikouella – eyes, brain Figure 15.9: Haikouella • Haikouichthys - gills, brain, eyes • Myllokunmingia - gill bars, heart, eyes, ears Vertebrates were present at the start of Cambrian period ~ 530 mya 49 Conodonts – early true vertebrates? • Fish-like (agnathan) • Cambrian to Jurassic • Tooth-like structures (fossils) • 1st bones in verts? (~500 mya) Characteristics: – W-shaped myomeres – Cranium – Notochord – Paired eyes ➢eye muscles Figure 15.10 50 Ostracoderms • Jawless fishes armored with bone in dermis • Not a monophyletic group, but similar in morphology • Fossils: late Cambrian & Devonian • Lacked paired fins • Muscle-powered pharyngeal skeleton (filter feeders?) ➢ filter feeders (?) & predators (?) 51 Early Jawed Vertebrates Agnatha (“without jaw”) • jawless vertebrates (paraphyletic) Gnathostomata (“jaw mouth”) • all living & extinct jawed vertebrates (monophyletic) • pharyngeal arches → jaws ➢ new structures arise from existing structures • “The origin of jaws was one of the most important events in vertebrate evolution” (page 350) 52 Placoderms & Acanthodians 1st jawed fish Fig. 15.12 • Bony armour • Paired fins → provide stability • ~ 400-430 mya • Diverse in Devonian → adaptive radiation because of jaws? • Paraphyletic groups, now extinct – a group of placoderms → all other gnathostomes – a group of acanthodians → cartilaginous fishes 53 Cladogram of Fishes Fig. 16.2 54 Origins of Jaws • Modification of first two pharyngeal arches (originally gill supports) • Mandibular arch → upper jaw (palatoquadrate) & lower jaw (Meckel’s cartilage) • Hyoid arch → braced jaws against brain case (cranium) • Neural crest → pharyngeal skeleton (including lower jaw) 55 Summary: Chordate Origins • Phylum Chordata • Protochordates – Subphylum Urochordata (= Tunicata) – tunicates/sea squirts – Subphylum Cephalochordata – lancelets • Subphylum Vertebrata • 5 Chordate Characters 1. Notochord 2. Dorsal hollow nerve cord (DHNC) 3. Pharyngeal slits 4. Endostyle/Thyroid 5. Postanal tail • Key steps in vertebrate evolution • Endoskeleton/muscle changes • Physiological upgrades (gills) • Neural crest & ectodermal placodes • Paired fins & jaws Next … Fishes!!! (Ch. 16) 58 BIOL 121A INTRODUCTORY ZOOLOGY Topic 11c – Arthropoda 1 Arthropoda = segmented animals that shed an external exoskeleton, ecdysis Largest and most diverse animal phylum Lophotrochozoa = No moult, spiral cleavage Ecdysozoa = Moult Protostomia = Mouth 1st Deuterostomia = Mouth 2nd, radial cleavage Bilateria = Bilateral symmetry, triploblastic Eumetazoa = True tissues Metazoa = Animalia 2 Subphylum Subphylum Subphylum Class 3 PHYLUM ARTHROPODA • Defining characteristics: Exoskeleton made of chitin, jointed appendages • 85% of all animals • Protostomes, triploblastic, bilateral, coelomates • Moulting (Ecdysozoa) • Eight main taxa: Class Arachnida, Merostomata, Pycnogonida, Chilopoda, Diplopoda, Hexapoda, Malacostraca, Thecostraca 4 3 MAIN FLAVOURS OF ARTHROPOD SUBPHYLA Crustaceans Chelicerates Insects Spiders, scorpions Horseshoe crabs Myriapods Crabs, shrimps, lobsters Millipedes Barnacles Sea spiders Centipedes 5 CRUSTACEANS • Defining characteristics: Shared DNA features, similar compound eye structures • Hexapoda, Malacostraca, Thecostraca 6 “Insects” 7 “Non-insect crustaceans” GENERAL FEATURES (INSECTS) • Three tagmata = head, thorax, and abdomen • Source of bias for the study of arthropods, all tagmata are defined based on how they appear in hexapods! 8 APPENDAGES • Antennae ( 1 set) • Walking legs (3 pairs) • Wings ( 2 pairs) 9 (2 pairs, usually) (1 pair) (3 pairs) 10 SEGMENTS (INSECTS) • Segments 1-5 = Head • 1 = Antennae • 3 = Mandibles (jaws) • 4-5 = Maxillae (mouth parts) • Segments 6-8 = Thorax • 6-8 = Paired walking legs, Wings on 7 and 8 11 SEGMENTS (INSECTS) 2 • Segments 8-19* = Abdomen • Significantly reduced, could be reproductive or sensory structures 12 CLASS HEXAPODA INSECTS • Defining characteristics: 3 pairs of walking legs • Found everywhere • All feeding modes 13 >1M species, 1500 families Hexapods are cool – Take ENTOMOLOGY 14 INSECT ECOLOGY • Important community members • Decomposers • Carnivores • Herbivores 15 POLLINATION = MUTUALISM • Entomophily, pollination by insects helps 80% of plants world-wide complete their life cycles • Bees and other pollinators see flowers differently! 16 PARASITOIDS Use other critters as a source of nutrition for their offspring 17 GENERAL FEATURES (NON-INSECT CRUSTACEANS) • Two tagmata = cephalothorax and pleon Cephalon = cephalothorax when fused • Cephalon is the head • Pereon is the thorax • Pleon is the abdomen 18 APPENDAGES • Antennae (2 pairs) • Short maxillipeds to move food around • Claws (chelipeds, 1 pair) • Walking legs (4 pairs) • Swimmerets (in lobsters and shrimps, not in crabs) 19 This arrangement comes from decapod crustaceans as they are most well known SEGMENTS (NON-INSECT CRUSTACEANS) • Segments 1-5 = Cephalon • 1 = Antennae 1 (short and branched) • 2 = Antennae 2 (long and unbranched) • 3 = Mandibles (jaws) • 4-5 = Maxillae (mouth parts) • Segments 6-14 = Pereon • 6-8 = Maxillipeds • 9-14 = Cheliped (claw) and Paired walking legs 20 SEGMENTS (NON-INSECT CRUSTACEANS) 2 • Segments 15-19 = Pleon • 15-18 = Pleopods (swimmerets) • 19 = Uropod Lobsters, shrimp, crayfish only 21 cheliped cheliped w1 w1 w2 w3 w4 w2 w3 w4 swimmerets uropod 22 CLASS MALACOSTRAC A CRABS , SHRIMPS , LOBSTERS , PRAWNS • Defining characteristics: 20 body segments, compound eyes placed on movable stalks • All environments • Largest class of crustaceans and the most diverse collection of body plans (>40K living species) 23 24 Meet Darth Vader 25 Meet the gunslinger of the sea 26 1:30 Watch the mouthparts! 27 How to sex your crabs 28 CLASS THECOSTRACA B ARNACLES • Defining characteristics: Encrusting organisms with flat calcified plates • Marine, some free-living, others parasitic • Head end attached to the rock (really!) and use legs to kick food into their mouths 29 30 Feed on small planktons using feathery appendages called cirri, complete loss of walking legs 31 BARNACLES GO TO GREAT LENGTHS TO REPRODUCE 32 CRUSTACEANS SUMMARY • Body regions (Tagmata) = 3 (insects), 2 (non-insect crustaceans) • Characteristic appendage(s) = None • Pairs of walking legs = 3 (insects), 4 (crabs, lobsters), lost in barnacles • Hexapoda, Malacostraca, Thecostraca 33 For studying SUMMARY SLIDE • Phylum: Arthropoda • Clades of interest: Metazoa, Eumetazoa, Bilateria, Protostomia, Ecdysozoa • Classes: Arachnida, Merostomata, Pycnogonida, Chilopoda, Diplopoda, Hexapoda, Malacostraca, Thecostraca • Differ in appendages and body plan • Triploblastic, coelomates, protostomes 34 BIOL 121A INTRODUCTORY ZOOLOGY Topic 11b – Arthropoda 1 Arthropoda = segmented animals that shed an external exoskeleton, ecdysis Largest and most diverse animal phylum Lophotrochozoa = No moult, spiral cleavage Ecdysozoa = Moult Protostomia = Mouth 1st Deuterostomia = Mouth 2nd, radial cleavage Bilateria = Bilateral symmetry, triploblastic Eumetazoa = True tissues Metazoa = Animalia 2 Subphylum Subphylum Subphylum Class 3 PHYLUM ARTHROPODA • Defining characteristics: Exoskeleton made of chitin, jointed appendages • 85% of all animals • Protostomes, triploblastic, bilateral, coelomates • Moulting (Ecdysozoa) • Eight main taxa: Class Arachnida, Merostomata, Pycnogonida, Chilopoda, Diplopoda, Hexapoda, Malacostraca, Thecostraca 4 3 MAIN FLAVOURS OF ARTHROPOD SUBPHYLA Crustaceans Chelicerates Insects Spiders, scorpions Horseshoe crabs Myriapods Crabs, shrimps, lobsters Millipedes Barnacles Sea spiders Centipedes 5 CHELICERATES • Defining characteristics: Only arthropods with no antennae, body in two sections with no distinct head, chelicerae (first pair of appendages) • Spiders, scorpions, horseshoe crabs, sea spiders 6 GENERAL FEATURES • Body divided into two regions: prosoma, opisthosoma Head + Thorax Abdomen (Cephalothorax) 7 Prosoma Opisthosoma 8 APPENDAGES • NO antennae • Clawed appendages called chelicerae on either side of the mouth for food ripping and predation • Food manipulators with blunt ends called pedipalps • Walking legs (4 pairs) 9 Legs 10 SEGMENTS • Segments 1-6 = Prosoma • 1 = Chelicerae • 2 = Pedipalps • 3-6 = Paired walking legs • Segments 7-20 = Opisthosoma • Heavily modified or lost 11 CLASS MEROSTOMATA • Defining characteristics: Appendages on opisthosoma are flattened into ‘book gills’, final segment modified into long spike • Only 4 living species, remained relatively unchanged for 450MY • All marine 12 13 Meet the Horseshoe Crab A chill predator of clams and worms 14 Book gills 15 BOOK GILLS • Series of flaps on the abdomen that resemble pages of a book • Gas exchange in water, limited in air 16 THEY ARE THREATENED • Their blood has the blue pigment hemocyanin and is an essential ingredient in biomedical research • Sells for $20,000 USD / kg • Wild horseshoe crabs are heavy exploited 17 CLASS ARACHNIDA • Defining characteristics:Varied opisthosoma appendages from book lungs (internal) to spinnerets • Mainly terrestrial • Spiders, scorpions, mites, ticks 18 19 LIFESTYLE • Spiders • Solitary carnivores, usually only interact to mate • Scorpions • Mainly nocturnal, solitary carnivores, cannibalism common • Mites / ticks • Parasitism common, may live on or in association with hosts 20 APPENDAGE MODIFICATIONS • Chelicerae = preset in all, may be hollowed out for delivery of venom (spiders mainly) • Pedipalps = Modified into claws in scorpions, blind end appendages in the other groups • 4 pairs of walking legs 21 SPECIALIZED ABDOMINAL APPENDAGES • Opisthosoma often separated from prosoma by narrow stalk (pedicel) in spiders • Spiders also have abdominal appendages called spinnerets near the anus for release of silk • Scorpions have modified final abdominal segment into a stinger 22 23 ?? 24 Cannibal scorpions – trigger warning it’s a bit spicy 25 Scorpions have two methods to capture prey: brute force (large body, big pedipalps), or venom (small body, small pedipalps) 26 RESPIRATION • Book gills have been modified to sit inside the abdomen as book lungs • Air gets in via holes call spiracles and is piped via tracheae tubes to the lungs for gas exchange 27 28 CLASS PYCNOGONIDA • Defining characteristics: No clear tagmata, extendible proboscis around mouth, variable pairs of walking legs • Marine, often deep sea • Sea spiders 29 I look creepy but I’m actually very nice I have a long tongue (proboscis) 30 LIFESTYLE • Carnivorous and scavengers, mainly on sessile inverts like sponges, anemones • They use their long proboscis to “fish around” inside of prey and pull out the good stuff 31 32 GENERAL ANATOMY • No clear prosoma or opisthosoma, body is reduced to a stubby trunk • “All legs” 33 APPENDAGES • Chelicerae are present as well as palps • 3rd pair of appendages is special = ovigers • Unique to this group • 4-6 pairs of walking legs 34 Sea spider Dads are great 35 CHELICERATES SUMMARY • Body regions (Tagmata) = 2 • Characteristic appendage(s) = Chelicerae • Pairs of walking legs = 4 • Spiders, scorpions, horseshoe crabs, sea spiders 36 MYRIAPODS 1000S OF LEGS • Defining characteristics: No unique synapomorphies but have many many legs! • Ancestors were likely some of the first terrestrial animals • Centipedes, millipedes 37 38 LIFESTYLE • Mainly detritovores in moist terrestrial environments • Some predators (centipedes) 39 40 GENERAL FEATURES • Two tagmata = head and trunk • Trunk is comprised of elongated thorax and reduced abdomen • How did this compare to the chelicerates? 41 SEGMENTS • Segments 1-5 = Head • 1 = Antennae • 2 = Lost during development • 3 = Mandibles (jaws) • 4 = Maxilla 1 (flappy mouth parts) • 5 = Maxilla 2 (stringy mouth parts) • Segments 6 onwards = Trunk • 6 = Maxillipeds (centipedes) • Paired walking legs (10s to 100s) 42 MOUTH PARTS • Flappy primary maxillae form the lower lip • Mandibles / jaws are inside the mouth 43 RESPIRATION • Openings to the outside = spiracles • Connected to the inside via tracheal system that delivers O2 to the tissues 44 EXCRETION • Malpighian tubules = tubules extending from the back of the gut • Absorb solutes and wastes from hemolymph • Passes solid nitrogenous waste to the gut for excretion 45 CLASS CHILOPODA CENTIPEDES • One pair of walking legs per segment, spiracles on the top or side of the body • All venomous • Predatory 46 47 APPENDAGE MODIFICATIONS • 1st pair trunk / thoracic appendages (maxillipeds) modified for venom delivery 48 IMPORTANT PREDATORS Large centipede in the South Pacific feeds on seabird chicks Important for nutrient cycling to transfer “marine” nutrients to a terrestrial ecosystem Cormocephalus coynei 49 CLASS DIPLOPODA MILLIPEDES • Two pairs of walking legs per segment, spiracles on the bottom of the body • Produce noxious chemicals as a defense • Detritovores 50 51 APPENDAGE MODIFICATIONS • Segments of the trunk are fused together in pairs, resulting in two sets of walking legs per trunk segments 52 DEFENSE MECHANISMS • Unlike centipedes, millipedes can’t bite and are slow moving • Option 1 = defense coil 53 DEFENSE MECHANISMS • Unlike centipedes, millipedes can’t bite and are slow moving • Option 2 = release noxious chemicals through holes along the side of their bodies • Including cyanide! 54 Lemurs use millipede spray to get high 55 MYRMECOPHILY • Some species of millipedes live in close association with ants • Symbiotic and commensal • Used by the ants to clear nest space in some cases! Family Pyrgodesmidae 56 Are these the same as chelicerates ? MYRIAPODS SUMMARY • Body regions (Tagmata) = 2 • Characteristic appendage(s) = None • Pairs of walking legs = Many • Centipedes, millipedes 57 For studying SUMMARY SLIDE • Phylum: Arthropoda • Clades of interest: Metazoa, Eumetazoa, Bilateria, Protostomia, Ecdysozoa • Classes: Arachnida, Merostomata, Pycnogonida, Chilopoda, Diplopoda, Hexapoda, Malacostraca, Thecostraca • Differ in appendages and body plan • Triploblastic, coelomates, protostomes 58 BIOL 121A INTRODUCTORY ZOOLOGY Topic 11a – Arthropoda 1 Arthropoda = segmented animals that shed an external exoskeleton, ecdysis Largest and most diverse animal phylum Lophotrochozoa = No moult, spiral cleavage Ecdysozoa = Moult Protostomia = Mouth 1st Deuterostomia = Mouth 2nd, radial cleavage Bilateria = Bilateral symmetry, triploblastic Eumetazoa = True tissues Metazoa = Animalia 2 PHYLUM ARTHROPODA • Defining characteristics: Exoskeleton made of chitin, jointed appendages • 85% of all animals • Protostomes, triploblastic, bilateral, coelomates • Moulting (Ecdysozoa) • Eight main taxa: Class Arachnida, Merostomata, Pycnogonida, Chilopoda, Diplopoda, Hexapoda, Malacostraca, Thecostraca 3 4 GENERAL BODY PLAN • Segmented with fused / modified body regions for specialized functions (tagmatization) • Exoskeleton of chitin that must be shed by ecdysis • Internal body cavity is a hemocoel, like molluscs 5 Different body regions called tagmata 6 EXOSKELETON STRUCTURE • Epidermal cells secrete the exoskeleton • Two main regions: • Epicuticle (outer) – waxy lipoprotein • Procuticle (inner, makes up the majority) – chitin 7 Not all exoskeletons are calcified, special layer in the procuticle 8 HARDENING THE EXOSKELETON • Crustaceans = add Ca2CO3 into the procuticle • All arthropods = tanning • Protein cross-links form spontaneously in the procuticle immediately after it is secreted by epidermal cells 9 Exoskeleton is not uniform thickness Joints are places where procuticle is extremely thin 10 ECDYSIS Was this true for Nematodes? • To increase in body size, the entire exoskeleton must be shed at once • Old exoskeleton is degraded by enzymes and split open by allowing water or air in to “inflate” it • Under neural and hormonal control 11 Y-organ in the head Prothoracic glands in the thorax Produces ecdysteroids to trigger moulting 12 NERVOUS SYSTEM Complex brain and sensory structures in head region Ventral nerve cord with metamerism (ganglia associated with body segments) 13 CIRCULATION • Open/closed hybrid system • Blood leaves heart through closed vessels • Blood enter the heart via holes directly from the hemocoel (main body cavity) 14 Closed vessels, blood exits heart Blood enters from the hemocoel / main body space Heart usually located dorsally, tube-like form 15 VISUAL SYSTEMS • Two levels of complexity: • Ocelli (small cup with light sensitive surface) • Compound eye (filled with many stacks of lenses and receptor cells organized into units called ommatidia) • Can detect UV and polarized light! 16 17 Mantis shrimp take vision to the extreme 18 Using technology to visualize the world through mantis shrimp eyes 19 REPRODUCTION • Almost exclusively sexual, some asexual, some parthenogenesis • Mix of internal and external fertilization 20 Many larval forms 21 Big deviation from the textbook** 3 MAIN FLAVOURS OF ARTHROPOD SUBPHYLA Crustaceans Chelicerates Insects** Spiders, scorpions Horseshoe crabs Myriapods Crabs, shrimps, lobsters Millipedes Barnacles Sea spiders Centipedes Three classes Two classes Three classes 22 Subphylum Subphylum Subphylum Class 23 For studying SUMMARY SLIDE • Phylum: Arthropoda • Clades of interest: Metazoa, Eumetazoa, Bilateria, Protostomia, Ecdysozoa • Classes: Arachnida, Merostomata, Pycnogonida, Chilopoda, Diplopoda, Hexapoda, Malacostraca, Thecostraca • Differ in appendages and body plan [Hexapods deviate from textbook classification] • Triploblastic, coelomates, protostomes 24 BIOL 121A INTRODUCTORY ZOOLOGY Topic 10 – Nematoda 1 Nematoda = unsegmented round worms that shed an external cuticle, ecdysis Lophotrochozoa = No moult, spiral cleavage Ecdysozoa = Moult Protostomia = Mouth 1st Deuterostomia = Mouth 2nd, radial cleavage Bilateria = Bilateral symmetry, triploblastic Eumetazoa = True tissues Metazoa = Animalia 2 PHYLUM NEMATODA (ROUND WORMS) • Defining characteristics: Paired sensory organs on the head • Protostomes, triploblastic, bilateral, pseudocoelomates • Moulting (Ecdysozoa) • Parasitic and beneficial species 3 THE MOST ABUNDANT MULTICELLULAR ANIMAL ALIVE TODAY 4 ALL HABITATS AND LIFESTYLES • Free-living and parasitic • Terrestrial, aquatic, marine, in hosts • Microscopic to 10s of cm long 5 C . ELEGANS: THE MOST FAMOUS NEMATODE • Caenorhabditis elegans • Model organism for neuronal development • First organism to have the whole genome sequenced! 6 GENERAL BODY PLAN • Most are 1-2 mm long, unsegmented worms • Covered by a thick, non-living cuticle • Made of collagen 7 CROSS SECTION Something is missing… 8 GROWTH PATTERNS • Nematodes can increase in size between moults! • Only moult 4 times in their life • Grow via eutely 9 PHYSIOLOGY • Gas exchange by diffusion, no circulatory system • Complete gut, metanephridia, well-developed nervous system • Muscles only run in one direction! 10 11 REPRODUCTION • Many species are parthenogenic • Others have separate sexes 12 Hookworms PARASITIC NEMATODES 13 PARASITES ARE NOT ALL BAD… A mild hookworm infection could be used to combat gluten intolerance 14 15 For studying SUMMARY SLIDE • Phylum: Nematoda • Clades of interest: Metazoa, Eumetazoa, Bilateria, Protostomia, Ecdysozoa • Classes: do not need to know • Triploblastic, coelomates, protostomes 16 BIOL 121A INTRODUCTORY ZOOLOGY Topic 9 – Annelida 1 Annelida = our last group in the blue box, segmented worms Lophotrochozoa = No moult, spiral cleavage Ecdysozoa = Moult Protostomia = Mouth 1st Deuterostomia = Mouth 2nd, radial cleavage Bilateria = Bilateral symmetry, triploblastic Eumetazoa = True tissues Metazoa = Animalia 2 PHYLUM ANNELIDA • Defining characteristics: one or more pairs of chitin bristles (setae), most are segmented (metamerism) • Protostomes, triploblastic, bilateral, coelomates • Non-Moulting (Lophotrochozoa) • Two main taxa: Class Clitellata, Polychaeta 3 Polychaetes, earthworms, and leeches! 4 Mesoderm only on one side Rotifers Nematodes 5 METAMERISM • Repeating body segments, each with their own musculature, nervous system, circulatory system, reproduction, and excretion • Each segment contains its own coelom 6 ORGAN SYSTEMS • Circulation • Closed system, multiple hearts in anterior region, dorsal and ventral blood vessels • Digestion • Complete gut, different compartments 7 ORGAN SYSTEMS (2) • Nervous system • Brain, concentrated nerve cord located ventrally • Sensory • Simple eyes (in polychaetes), sensory bristles made of chitin, 8 ORGAN SYSTEMS (3) • Excretion • Simple kidneys (metanephridia) located in each segment • Reproduction • Simultaneous hermaphrodism common, two types of gonads 9 Coelom Dorsal blood vessel Ventral nerve cord Ventral blood vessel 10 Taxonomy is horrendous – we are going to deviate from the textbook a bit Class Polychaeta Class Clitellata 11 Phylum Annelida Class Polychaeta Class Clitellata Sedentaria TUBE WORMS Leeches Earthworms Errantia NON-TUBE WORMS 12 CLASS POLYCHAETA • Marine segmented worms • Most are predators and scavengers, sometimes of vertebrates • Some live in tubes (Sedentaria) and others are free-living (Errantia) 13 EXTERNAL FEATURES • Divide into three parts: • Head (1st segment prostomium, 2nd segment peristomium) • Trunk (main body segments) • Tail (fused segment at end, pygidium) 14 15 EXTERNAL (2) • Each segment has triangular appendages called parapodia and bristles called setae 16 EXTERNAL (3) • Some species (scale worms) also have proteinaceous scales on the dorsal surface 17 FEEDING • Eversible pharynx with chitinous jaws 18 Meet the Bobbit worm 19 POLYCHAETES GET AROUND In methane ICE In deep sea VENTS In Challenger Deep (10 km) Pompeii worm 20 TUBES TUBES TUBES 21 CLASS CLITELLATA • Freshwater or land-based segmented worms • Hematophagous, predatory, or scavengers • Have a shared external feature (series of fused segments near the anterior) called the clitellum 22 EARTHWORMS 1st = Prostomium, 2nd = Peristomium, sections up to the clitellum do not show metamerism 23 Before clitellum: Hearts, Gonads, Mouth, Pharynx, Crop, Brain In each body segment after clitellum: Gut portion, paired Metanephridium, ventral nerve cord, dorsal and ventral vessel 24 FEEDING • Earthworms provide ecosystem services by bioturbating the soil • Makes space for roots, and their feces (worm castings) provide fertilizer 25 LEECHES Main difference from earthworms? Segments are only in the outer body wall No organs duplicated, no internal segments Clitellum is there but cannot be seen easily 26 FEEDING • Hematophagous leech species like Hirudo medicinalis use modified proboscis or jaws to pierce the skin • Secrete hirudin to prevent clotting • Blood is stored in a large crop with large gut surface area for digestion 27 For studying SUMMARY SLIDE • Phylum: Annelida • Clades of interest: Metazoa, Eumetazoa, Bilateria, Protostomia, Lophotrochozoa • Classes: Clitellata, Polychaeta [note deviation from textbook] • Differ in habitat, lifestyle, and external anatomy • Triploblastic, coelomates, protostomes 28 “The Move on to Land” Ch. 17 – The Early Tetrapods & Modern Amphibians From Water to Land in Ontogeny and Phylogeny Ontogeny The life cycle of frogs includes • Production of masses of eggs • Hatch into aquatic tadpoles • Metaphorsis → terrestrial adult Phylogeny Evolutionary transition from water to land took millions of years 2 Movement From Water to Land Perhaps the most dramatic event in animal evolution • Life originated in water • Bodies are mostly water • Cellular activities occur in water ➢ Modifications of organs, anatomy, & physiology • Vascular plants, pulmonate snails, & tracheate arthropods made transition earlier Water vs. Land – Differences & Challenges 1. Oxygen • 20x more O2 in air • diffuses more rapidly through air than water • Lungs & skin → gas exchange 2. Air density • 1000x less dense (less buoyancy & support) • 50x less viscous or “thick” ➔ little support against gravity ➔ therefore, terrestrial vertebrates developed strong limbs – remodeled endoskeleton for structural support Water vs. Land (cont’d) 3. Temperature (T) regulation • Air T fluctuates (T cycles) ➔ behaviour/physiology strategies required Body temperature regulation (thermoregulation) Ectothermic → heat from environment (externally generated heat) Endothermic → heat from metabolism (internally generated heat) Poikilothermic → body T variable – fluctuates w/ environmental T Homeothermic → body T stable – independent of environmental T Thermoregulatory strategies Poikilothermy Endothermy Tropical fish Ectothermy Polar fish Homeothermy Water vs. Land (cont’d) 4. Habitat diversity • ↑ habitat variety (↑ food) ➔ New unexploited habitats and resources available ➔ Radiation of new species Plants, snails, & arthropods Devonian Origin the Tetrapods 416 mya: bony fish diversified → many FW forms Why move to land? – Aquatic predators – Terrestrial food opportunities Characteristics that made move to land possible: Lungs → because gills collapse & dry out in air Nares → chemoreception & breathe in air Paired fins → support & move body (limbs with bones & muscles) Evolution of Air Breathing in Fishes • Freshwater habitats are inherently unstable (low O2) • Air-breathing evolved in multiple fish groups Water breather Gill-breathing fish • Heart upstream of gas exchange organ • One-way circulation Air & water breather Gills & Lungs • e.g., Bowfin, Gar, Australian Lungfish • Circulation to lung • O2-rich blood from lungs, mixes with O2-poor blood returning to the heart Air Breathing in the Ancestral Lineage to Tetrapods South American Lungfish • • • • • • Obligate air-breathers Increased vascularization of lung Septation of atrium (right & left) Partial septum in ventricle Double circulation Gill → CO2 excretion Cladogram of Tetrapods Fig 17.1 Fish vs. Amphibian Locomotion (what upgrades were required for move to land?) 1. Fish: undulate → amphibians: same - but now need to lift body off ground 2. Fish: pectoral girdle fixed to skull → amphibians: detached from skull 3. Fish: pelvic girdle 2 bones in body wall → amphibians: 3 bones fused to spine Early Tetrapods Eusthenopteron • Could paddle itself through bottom mud • Had both lungs and “walking” fins 385 MYA Early Tetrapods Tiktaalik • Intermediate between lobefinned fishes & tetrapods • Probably used limbs to support body while placing snout above water to breathe air • Flat body – move in water • Finlike tail • Pectoral (shoulder) girdle separate from skull 375 MYA Early Tetrapods Acanthostega • Had clearly formed digits on both forelimbs and hindlimbs • Body dragged on the ground • Aquatic 365 MYA Early Tetrapods Ichthyostega • Bulkier limb muscles to walk onto land, but did not walk very well • Probably amphibious 365 MYA Early Tetrapods Limnoscelis • An anthracosaur • 5 digits on all limbs 300 MYA Early Tetrapod & Amphibian Evolution Amniotes Fig 17.3 Lissamphiba: Modern Amphibians (> 7,900 spp.) Class Amphibia (= “both kinds of life”) 1. Order Gymnophiona (“naked of a snake”) – caecilians 2. Order Urodela (“tail evident”) – salamanders 3. Order Anura (“without tail”) – frogs & toads Modern Amphibians • > 7, 900 living species • Ectotherms - body temp. depends on envnt’ & restricts where they can live • Metamorphosed adults adapted to life in air • Modified olfactory (smell) epithelium ‒ detect airborne chemicals (odors) ‒ nares located on dorsal surface • Ears detects sounds in air Tied to Water • Eggs easily desiccate → need moist environment • Larvae have gills (or direct development) • Cutaneous respiration (requires moist skin) • Thin skin (lose water) → restricted to moist habitats Caecilians: Order Gymnophiona (Apoda) • • • • • • • • ~ 200 living species Elongate, limbless, burrowing animals Tropical forests: South America, Africa, India, & Southeast Asia Feed primarily on worms & small invertebrates Many vertebrae Long ribs No limbs Terminal anus Figure 17.4 Caecilian Reproduction • • • • • • Internal fertilization Eggs deposited in moist ground near water Aquatic larvae in some species Laval development in egg in other species Eggs guarded – develop in folds of body (some species) Some species viviparous – embryos eat wall of oviduct Figure 17.4 Salamanders: Order Urodela (Caudata) • > 700 living species • Tailed • Carnivores: larvae & adult • Limbs at right angle - Inefficient “undulators” Salamander Reproduction • Aquatic larvae & terrestrial adults (most) – some aquatic throughout life cycle – fully terrestrial species → direct development • Internal fertilization in most Sperm transfer • ♀ lays chin on ♂ tail • ♂ drops spermatophore • ♂ moves ahead • ♀ picks it up in vent 27 Salamander Reproduction • Aquatic – eggs in water • Larva: gills & finlike tail • Lose gills if metamorphosis occurs • Terrestrial – eggs on land in moist places • Parental care • Gilled larva: hatch with lungs, lose gills Figs 17.6 17.7 Salamander Respiration Plethodontidae – lungless • Gills & lungs (some with both) • Some terrestrial groups lack lungs – use cutaneous & buccal (mouth) respiration – likely evolved in cold streams ➢ lungs buoyant ➢ lots of O2 Cutaneous respiration • Extensive vascular nets in skin • Gas exchange: O2 & CO2 Paedomorphosis • • • • Paedomorphosis: keep juvenile traits Mudpuppy & Axolotl retain gills as adults Mudpuppy does not metamorphose Axolotl sexually matures with larval morphology → can metamorphose depending on conditions Frogs & Toads: Order Anura (Salientia) • ≈ 7,000 species • Most common amphibian 90% of the class • 250 mya (Triassic) • Must live near water source • Reproduction → water • Water-permeable skin • Ectotherms: prevents inhabiting polar & subarctic habitats • Most have a tailed larval stage & tailless, jumping adults Adult Frogs & Toads Tail-less adults → Jumpers • Head/neck fused • Longer limbs (↑ leverage) • Fewer Vertebrae (many fused) Adaptations to Water • Webbed feet • Eyes & nostrils on dorsal side • New evolutionary trend since Icthyostega • WHY??? Respiration • Pulmo-cutaneous • Positive pressure breathers Amphibian Circulation Tetrapods: Double circulation 1. Pulmonary circuit 2. Systemic circuit Amphibian Heart: • Sinus venosus • 2 Atria • 1 Ventricle (some mixing of blood) • Conus arteriosus • Pulmocutaneous circulation Anuran Life History - Reproduction Usually solitary until breeding season (warm season) Breeding •♂♂ call & attract ♀♀ • honest signal (cannot be faked) Frog chorus •↑ volume •↓ predation Mating •♂ clasps ♀ (amplexus) •External fertilization Frog Life Cycle • Breed & grow during warm seasons (Spring & Summer) Metamorphosis Fig. 17.16 Metamorphosis: Tadpole to Frog Tadpole Eggs External gills Internal gills Adult Lungs develop & gills resorbed Tail resorbed Hindlimbs Forelimbs & adult mouth Tadpoles • Tadpoles look and act entirely different from adult frogs • External gills → internal gills covered with a flap of skin • Spiracle on left side (water enters mouth → gills → out spiracle) • Finned tail • Herbivores (some cannibals) External Gill Spiracle 42 Unusual Reproductive Strategies Marsupial frog Surinam frog -carries eggs in pouch on back -eggs embedded in brooding pouch on back Poison dart frog -tadpoles hatch on back and are carried Darwin’s frog -froglets develop in vocal pouch 44 Anuran Life History – Cold Season Winter dormancy – hibernation in temperate climates • Aquatic → pond mud • Terrestrial → forest litter • Glucose & glycerol → antifreeze in cold climates – Protection from damaging effects of ice-crystal formation • Reduced energy use → stored glycogen & fat 46 Hearing in Amphibians 1. Tympanum vibrates against columella 2. Columella – transfer vibrations → cochlea 3. Cochlea (inner ear) – sound bends hair cells sending signals via nerve → brain 4. Eustachian tube – equalizes pressure Amphibians in Decline Amphibian populations declining due to: – Habitat ↓ – Pollutants – Diseases / parasites – Exotic species – Ozone depletion – Noise pollution – Unknown factors Next ... To become independent from water, what did vertebrates need? The amniotic egg → the Amniota (amniotes): – Reptilia (nonavian reptiles) – Aves (birds, avian reptiles) – Mammalia Ch. 18 Amniote Origins & Nonavian Reptiles Madagascar Day Gecko Early Tetrapod & “Reptile” Evolution Amniotes Fig 17.3 Enclosing the Aquatic Habitat • Animals with shell-less eggs are tied to water • Development of shelled egg freed groups to exploit land • Clade Amniota – lineage with amniotic egg –Reptilia (nonavian reptiles) –Birds (reptiles – dinosaurs) –Mammals Diversity of Clade Reptilia Archosaurs Reptilia – nonavian reptiles • nearly 9500 species ≈320 U.S. & Canada • The Age of Reptiles Lepidosaurs –Mesozoic: 165 million years • Cretaceous mass extinction –many lineages extinct –Modern nonavian reptiles = surviving lineages Testudines Amniotes are Monophyletic Early diversification produced 3 patterns of fenestrae ➢anapsid (ancestral), diapsid, & synapsid Three Reptile Groups (as seen in lab) See Fig. 18.2 on p. 397 1. Anapsid (“an” = without, “apsis” = arch) – No temporal opening 2. Diapsida (“di” = double) – 2 temporal openings 3. Synapsida (“syn” = together) – 1 temporal opening Anapsids • Found in earliest amniotes & modern turtles • Probably ancestral • ... but turtles are probably secondary anapsids Otic notch Diapsid Amniotes 2 temporal openings Early diapsids gave rise to 5 clades: 1. Lepidosaurs(sprawling reptiles) – lizards, snakes, tuataras 2. Archosaurs (legs under) – dinosaurs, pterosaurs, crocodilians, birds 3. Sauropterygians (lizard flippers) – plesiosarus & other extinct aquatic groups 4. Ichtyosaurs – extinct dolphin-like forms 5. Turtles – diapsid fenestrae lost early in turtle evolution Synapsid Amniotes • Single pair of temporal openings (low on cheeks) • Mammals & extinct relatives (Pelycosaurs & Therapsids) • Openings → large muscles (elevate lower jaw) Dimetrodon (Pelycosaur) 270 mya Adaptations of Amniotes Derived features of Amniotes 1. Amniotic egg 2. Keratinized (waterproof) skin 3. Rib (costal) ventilation of the lungs 4. Stronger jaws 5. High pressure cardiovascular system 6. Water-conserving nitrogen excretion 7. ↑ brain & sensory organs Amniote Characters 1. Amniotic egg No longer dependent on water Amniotic Egg Fig 18.3 Extra-embryonic membranes (4): 1. Amnion – encloses embryo in fluid 2. Allantois –metabolic waste & gas exchange 3. Chorion – gas exchange 4. Yolk sac – food & nutrition Amniote Characters 2. Thicker, waterproof skin • Thicker • Keratinized → Protection • Less water-permeable (lipids) Keratinized Skin Keratin structures that project from the skin • Hair • Feathers • Scales • Claws Reptile Scales • Keratin (beta keratin) • Epidermal • Osteoderms = dermal bony plates ‒crocodiles & many lizards • What about fish scales? Epidermis Dermis Fig 18.4 Reptile Scales • Crocodilians: scales remain throughout life • Lizards & snakes: shed epidermis • Turtles: add layers of keratin under scutes (= modified scales) Amniote Characters 3. Efficient lungs Amniote lungs: • More complex & ↑ surface area • Ventilation using costal (rib) muscles Rib Ventilation of the Lungs Amphibians = push air into lungs (buccal pumping) Amniotes = negative pressure breathers (ribs) Rib Ventilation of the Lungs Aspiration • thoracic cavity expands → negative pressure draws air in • costal muscles or muscles pulling on liver Amniote Characters 4. Strong jaw Amniote Characters 5. Circulation – High Pressure Cardiovascular System • Sinus venosus – reduced • 2 Atria – separates deoxygenated (body) & oxygenated (lungs) blood • Variation in ventricular separation ➢Most reptiles: 3 interconnected compartments ➢Crocodiles: 2 Ventricles (also birds & mammals) Conus arteriosus •Becomes pulmonary & systemic trunks Shunting in some reptiles -blood bypasses lungs Amniote Characters 6. Water-Conserving Nitrogen Excretion • Water needed to excrete ammonia (fish) • Reptiles excrete concentrated uric acid – conserves water (resorbed in bladder) • Mammals excrete urea ‒ concentrated in kidneys Amniote Characters 7. Advanced nervous & sensory systems • Larger brain • Good vision (optic lobe) • Olfactory epithelium – Snakes, lizards, & mammals • Heat/infrared (pit vipers) Reptilian Monophyletic Clades Clade Archosauria: crocodilians, birds, dinosaurs, & pterosaurs Reptilia: archosaurs, lepidosaurs, & turtles Fig. 18.2 Nonavian Reptiles = Paraphyletic group 4 living clades: Testudines, Squamata, Sphenodonta, Crocodilia Extinct Plesiosaurs, Ichthyosaurs, Pterosaurs, & Dinosaurs Fig. 18.2 Testudines – Turtles Fig. 18.2 Testudines – Turtles Turtles • Triassic origins ≈240 mya • Shell: Carapace & Plastron • Lack teeth • Poor hearing • Good sense of smell • Colour vision No teeth, but has a keratinized plate Fig 18.8 Turtle Shell • Ribs & vertebrae fused to carapace • Neck & tail vertebrae not fused • Girdles are inside the ribs (= turtle synapomorphy) • Negative pressure breathers ➢Uses abdominal & pectoral muscles Turtle Reproduction • Oviparous • ♂ has concave plastron • ♂ has long copulatory organ to reach under shell • Temperature → sex (many reptiles) - high → ♀ - low → ♂ • Natal beach homing - Extensive migrations in some species Diverse Habitats & Diets • Terrestrial, marine, freshwater • Tropical, temperate • Carnivores & herbivores Marine turtles can reach large sizes Leatherback turtle Galápagos Tortoises Weigh several hundred kg, and live >150 years Fig 18.10 Local: Western Painted Turtles Lepidosauria Squamata - Lizards & Snakes • 95% of all living nonavian reptiles (> 9100 species) • Lizard & snake origins in Jurassic • Diversified in Cretaceous Lepidosauria Squamata - Lizards & Snakes Fig. 18.2 Snakes Two specializations: 1. Extreme body elongation •rearrangement of internal organs 2. Skull specializations •swallow large prey Squamate Reproduction Most oviparous Some viviparous • most ovoviviparous ‒ e.g., northern alligator lizard • rare placental viviparity ‒ e.g., garter snakes Paired copulatory structure − Hemipenis (pl. hemipenes) Kinetic Skull - moveable joints - opens widely Fig 18.11 ➔ snake & lizard adaptive radiation Lizards: “Lacertilia” • Diverse: terrestrial, burrowing, aquatic, arboreal, aerial • Carnivores, insectivores, herbivores • Some have reduced limbs or are limbless • Moveable eyelids (unlike snakes) Common Wall Lizard Western Skink Pygmy Short Horned Lizard Caudal Autotomy •Tail autotomy → antipredator adaptation •Pre-capture defense - deflects attacks Naidenov and Allen (2021). Ecology and Evolution.11:3058–3064 Lizard Thermal Strategies •Ectothermic – behaviorally thermoregulate •Some seasonally endothermic Tegus – reproductive endothermy Komodo Dragon (Varanus komodoensis) - Monitor The largest lizard (3 m) Panther Chameleon (Fucifer pardalis) Long, sticky-tipped tongue, for capturing prey European Glass Lizard (Pseudopus apodus) A legless lizard Tokay Gecko (Gekko gecko) A very vocal gecko (named after its call) Gila Monster (Heloderma suspectum) A highly venomous lizard (Mexican Beaded Lizard also venomous) Northern Alligator Lizard • Found in BC • ~ 20 cm • Live birth (ovoviviparous) Caudal autotomy Marine Iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) Marine Iguanas • Found only on the Galápagos Islands • Marine – unique among extant lizards • Forage on marine algae • Salt glands to excrete excess salt Salt Glands • Some reptiles have salt glands in head (eyes, nose, or mouth) – Kidneys can’t handle salt influx • Sea turtles, sea snakes, crocodiles, marine iguana & other lizards ‒ also, marine birds • Secrete concentrated salt solution & conserve water – eat salty animals & marine algae Oral salt gland (sea snakes & crocodiles) Nasal salt gland (lizards & birds) Orbital salt gland (sea turtles) Amphisbaenians – Worm Lizards • Fossorial (burrowing) • Skull solid & spade shaped • Skin forms into moving rings to grip soil (like earthworms) • Eyes beneath skin & no ear openings Most lack limbs Snakes: Serpentes • Limbless - no girdles or vestigial • Numerous vertebrae – short & wide ➢ lateral undulations • Ribs ↑ rigidity of vertebral column ➢ resistance to lateral stress Snake Form & Function • Lack external ear openings ➢ internal ears → low frequency sound • Sensitive to vibrations • Most have poor vision ➢ arboreal snakes → excellent vison Lizard Snake Parrot Snake – arboreal Snake Form & Function • No moveable eyelids • Eyes permanently covered ➢ ‘spectacle’ = transparent scale • Rearranged internal organs ➢ left lung reduced & in front of right lung • Kinetic skull ➢2 halves of lower jaw joined by muscle Glottis Snake Senses •Jacobson’s organ ‒ roof of mouth – olfactory epithelium ‒ forked tongue collects scent • Poorly developed sense of smell in nostrils Snake Senses •Pit organs: infrared receptors • Pythons, boas, & pit vipers • Detect <0.003 oC • Track warm prey – direct strikes Fig 18.22 Snake Prey Capture • Most grab & swallow prey alive – actively forage • Some constrict prey – ambush predators Goat Venomous Snakes • < 20% of snake species • Fangs to inject venom • Muscles erect fangs Snake Reproduction • Most oviparous • Some ovoviviparous - cool climates • Rare viviparous - cool climates Tuataras: Sphenodonta • Lizard-like & live in burrows • 1 living species • Slow growing & long lived ‒ sexually mature 10-20 years ‒ eggs every 4 years • Parietal eye ‒ detects changes in light intensity ‒ daily & seasonal rhythms Archosauria Crocodilia - Alligators, caimans, crocodiles, & gharials Mesozoic ancestors (>200 my) – 11 m & 3,500 kg – Modern: 6 m & 1,000 kg Locomotion – Swim: undulate tail – Slow (crawl): sprawling gait – Fast (run): limbs under body Crocodiles & Alligators • Replaceable teeth in sockets • 2° palate → divides nasal cavity from oral cavity – Also in mammals – Breathe when mouth full of water or food 2° 1° Crocodile vs Alligator Crocodile (bottom teeth also visible/interlaced) Alligator (mostly top teeth visible) Crocodilians Nile Crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) American Alligator (Alligator mississipiensis) Crocodilian Reproduction Oviparous: 20-90 eggs buried or in mound • Extensive parental care • Hatchlings call • Female guards for 2+ years • Temperature determines sex ratio • High → ♂ • Low → ♀ (opposite of turtles) Archosauria Dinosaurs & Pterosaurs • Appeared in Triassic • Dominated after Triassic-Jurassic extinction • Pterosaurs 1st flying vertebrates 66 million years ago dinosaurs went extinct … or did they? Ch. 19 – Birds Snow Geese during migration Cretaceous mass extinction 66 mya Non-avian dinosaurs & 75% species ➔ extinct Archosaur survivors were ... •Crocodiles & Birds Clade Reptilia - Archosauria Fig. 18.2 Origin of Birds Birds are a group of Theropod Dinosaurs • Origins in early Jurassic • Diversified in Cretaceous > 10,500 living species • Birds inhabit all biomes • Feathers - birds & other dinosaurs Fig 19.2 Characteristics of Aves (150 my of evolution) see box on page 416 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Neck long & S-shaped Feathers & leg scales Forelimbs → wings (not all fly) Hindlimbs → walk, perch, swim Endothermic Beak (keratin) → no teeth Eggs Modified skeleton e.g., pygostyle, synsacrum, sternum Dinosauria 3 major dinosaur clades • Ornithischia • Sauropodomorpha • Theropoda Sauropods Dreadnoughtus Ornithischians Parasaurolophus Theropods Masiakasaurus Three Alternative Hypotheses of Early Dinosaur Phylogeny “Traditional” “Alternative” “New” Černý, D., Simonoff, A.L. Statistical evaluation of character support reveals the instability of higher-level dinosaur phylogeny. Sci Rep 13, 9273 (2023). Archaeopteryx Discovered in 1861 – 147 mya – Size of a crow – Theropod (dinosaur) with S-shaped neck Fig. 19.1 Archaeopteryx Features: Reptilian: 1. Long bony tail 2. Teeth 3. Clawed fingers 4. Abdominal ribs Bird: 5. Feathers 6. Light skull 7. Fercula (wishbone) Fig 19.1 But ... may not have been capable of strong upstroke Mosaic Evolution • Characteristics of modern birds did not appear all at once • Transitional forms – derived & ancestral traits • Feathers preceded birds & flight Relationships of Theropoda (Saurischia) Fig. 19.3 Modern Bird Groups (living birds = Neonithes) Neognathae (=“new jaw”) Flying birds (99% of birds) Paleognathae (=“old jaw”) Flightless (ratite) birds Flightlessness Not all neognathae birds fly Flightlessness evolved: • In several neognathae groups → convergent evolution • On islands → no predators → flight is energetically costly • Flightless birds on continents → large paleognaths – Ostrich, rhea, cassowary, emu → outrun predators Dodo: 64 y to extinction Moa: 145y to extinction Neognathae Paleognathae Paleognathae: (“paleo”=old, “gnatha”=jaw) • Ratites: (“flat ribs”, “ratis”=raft) nonflying birds • Palate → reptilian (“old jaw”) Elephant birds: • extinct 1000ya • 450 kg, 3 m • 34 cm egg Terror birds: • extinct 3mya • 1-3 m • SA carnivore Rhea (SA) Kiwi (NZ) Kakapo (NZ) Emu (AUS) Ostrich (Struthio camelus) The largest living bird Figure 19.27 Neognathae (“neo”=new, “gnatha”= jaw) Carinates: (“carina” = keel) Flight → adaptive radiation Feathers Lightweight, flexible, & strong Epidermal – keratin Homologous to reptile scales Functions (4) 1. Flight 2. Aerodynamics 3. Insulation / H2O-proofing 4. Colour/display & camouflage Eagle-owl Threat Display Microraptor Microraptor Threat/Courtship Display? Feather Types Flight Insulation Shape Airflow Colour Waterproofing Steering Display Insulation Flight Feathers Contour • Covert feathers: smooth airflow (airfoil shape) Flight • Primary feathers: thrust • Secondary feathers: lift Secondary Primary Covert Skeleton – Pneumatized Bones Pneumatized Bones • Air cavities • Hollow but dense – denser than mammal bone • Stiff & strong • Fewer bones – fused bones Fig. 19.6 Skeleton – Bird Skull • Light & mostly fused (diapsid ancestor) • Kinetic skull → upper jaw & skull • Large braincase & orbits 33 Skeleton – Rigid Body • Vertebrae fused – except cervical (neck) – Synsacrum Synsacrum • Furcula – fused clavicle – flexes – returns elastic energy • Keel on sternum Fig. 19.5 Skeleton – Rigid Body • Ucinate processes – brace ribs Ucinate processes • Pygostyle – reduced caudal vertebrae – fused Pygostyle Fig. 19.5 Skeleton – Modified Forelimb Bones Radius Humerus 2nd Digit Ulna (elbow) 3rd & 4th Digit Forelimb highly modified for flight: – Fewer bones & fused Flying Vertebrates Pterosaur Mammal Bird Convergent evolution ➔ analogous structures Flight Muscles • Pectoralis: pulls wing ↓ stroke – Largest of the two (power) • Supracoracoideus: raises wing ↑ stroke • Low center of gravity – ↑ stability Fig. 19.7 The secret to flight = wing camber Bernoulli principle Lift Lift (Figs. 19.13-19.15) Flapping Flight Downstroke = power • Primary feathers → thrust ➢ displace air backward → propelling bird forward Upstroke • Little lift (most birds) • Wings fold & return to original position (reduces drag) Downstroke Upstroke Wing shapes relate to ecological specialization 4 types of bird wings: Fig. 19.16 Elliptical wings • Highly maneuverable • Low speed w/o stalling • Quick take-off • Low aspect ratio ‒ Length:Width (L/W) ‒ “Low” = length similar to width • e.g., sparrows & flycatchers High-speed wings • Fast flyers • Feed in flight • Migrate long distances • Swept-back, tapered wings • High aspect ratio length > width • e.g., swallows & falcons Swallows – high-speed wings Active Soaring Wings • Long-distance soarers • Wind provides the lift • Less maneuverable • Slow/long take-off • Long & narrow • Very High aspect ratio length >> width • e.g., albatross, shearwater, gannet Passive Soaring Wings • High life at low speed • Often land soarers • Wing slots reduce turbulence • Smooth & quiet • Low aspect ratio • e.g., larger hawks, eagles, owls, vultures Legs • Main muscles in thigh ‒ Near center of gravity ‒ Agile, slender feet • Tendons to feet ‒ Perching & talons • Countercurrent heat exchangers Fig. 19.8 Bird Beaks • Bone + keratin sheath • Adapted to food habits ➢ form = function Fig 19.9 Digestive System Stomach • Proventriculus – secretes gastric juice • Muscular gizzard – grinds food Crop • Esophagus → stores food Circulation 4-chambered heart (complete septum) • Large → strong ventricular walls • High metabolism & high heart rates ➢ heart rate is inverse of body size • Turkey 100 bpm (beat per min.) • Chickadee: sleep = 500 bpm; active = 1,000 bpm • Hummingbird: rest = 150 bpm; active = 1, 250 bpm Nucleated red blood cells Respiration Fig. 19.10 • Negative pressure breathers • Use air-sacs & parabronchi (lungs) • Efficient & complex – Adapted to high metabolism & altitude (low O2) • Parabronchi - finest branches of bronchi, tube-like – Not tidal ventilators like reptiles & mammals – Flow-through ventilation = continuous stream of oxygen Breathing in birds a 2 breath cycles - follow path of 1 “packet” of air: a→b→c→d b Cycle 1 a. In Air → posterior sacs b. Out Air → lungs c d Cycle 2 Fig. 19.10 c. In Air → anterior sacs d. Out Air → exits Excretion • No urinary bladder ‒ Why? (think, form & function) • Nitrogenous waste = Uric acid ‒ Concentrated in cloaca & combined with fecal matter • Salt glands ‒ Marine birds – drink SW ‒ Secrete sol’n 2x salinity of SW ‒ Homologous to reptiles (marine iguanas) Fig. 19.11 Sensory Systems Excellent hearing & vision • Hawk vision is 8x better than humans • Owl is 10x better – Owls can also hear in “3D” • Olfaction in some (carnivores, sea birds, pigeons) Migration • Seasonal migrations (some birds) • Seasonal productivity – Southern wintering regions/ northern breeding regions • Some use “flyways” Bar-tailed Godwit 11, 000 km / 9 days Bird Migrations 118 species Navigation Cues 1. Landmarks 2. Sun 3. Celestial 4. Magnetic – Remember, need senses for all of these signals/modalities Reproduction Males • Breeding season: testes ↑ 300x • Cloaca-cloaca contact • Penis in ducks & ratite birds Females • left ovary/oviduct develops Fig. 19.21 Mating Systems Social Monogamy: one partner (~ 90% birds) • One partner each breeding season ‒ lifetime monogamy in some species • Both parents attend nest/eggs/offspring • May mate with others ‒ ↑ genetic diversity ‒ ↑ reproductive success ‒ ↑ fitness Mate choice: ♀ selects ♂ Mating Systems Polygamy: > 1 mate 1. Polygyny - ♂ has many ♀ (common) 2. Polyandry - ♀ has many ♂ (rare) Polygyny – Sage Grouse Lek Male grouse collect at a lek (collective display ground) Male grouse does not care for young ♂’s compete & ♀’s choose Parental Care Altricial – Naked – Dependent Precocial – Downy – Mobile – More common in ground nesters Fig. 19.24 Passenger Pigeon (extinct) • 1866 - Flocks: – 1.5 km wide x 500 km long – 14 hours to pass – ~3.5 billion birds • Extinction (forced): – Habitat loss – Over-hunting – Behaviour Ch. 20 Mammals Class Mammalia (5,700 spp.) Clade Amniota Fig. 18.2 Evolution of Synapsids Fig. 20.1 Earliest Synapsid Groups ➢ “Stem Mammals” ➢ paraphyletic groups Pelycosaurs • Differentiated teeth Therapsids • Erect gait with upright limbs beneath body Cynodonts • Heterodont teeth • 2° palate • Loss of lumbar ribs → diaphragm • Turbinates Turbinates • Moisten & warm-up/cooldown breath •Found in birds & mammals Cladogram of Synapsids Early Mammals of Late Triassic Small (mouse-sized), with many Mammal Features: • Heterodont teeth & 2° palate (cynodont ancestor) • Diphyodont dentition (replaced once) • Lower jaw = 1 bone (Dentary bone) – 2 other jaw bones → middle ear • New jaw joint = squamosal-dentary joint –defining characteristic for fossil mammals (“mammalian forms”) The Mammalian Jaw Squamosal Dentary • New joint Heterodonty -Sqaumosaldentary joint • Bigger jaw muscles • Complex jaw motions • Occluding teeth ➢Chewing Squamosaldentary joint Middle ear Anthwal and Tucker. 2022. Evolution and development of the mammalian jaw joint: Making a novel structure. Evolution & Development;25:3–14. More Mammal Features • Endothermic ‒early forms probably not as warm • Hair • Diaphragm • Skin glands • Mammary glands → lactation –probably evolved in late Triassic • 3 ear ossicles (middle ear bones) & ectotympanic (holds ear drum) –modified jaw bones (better hearing) Mammalian Circulatory System 4-chambered heart (2 atria + 2 ventricles) • Completely separate pulmonary & systemic circuits • Large → strong ventricular walls Red blood Cells • Nonnucleated & biconcave Mammal Diversification • Mammals diversified in Jurassic & Cretaceous –so did insects & flowering plants –mammal dentition & jaw → exploit new food sources • Mammal diversity exploded in Cenozoic (dinosaurs extinct) Mammal Clades Prototheria (= “first wild animals”): egg-laying Monotremata (=“one opening/hole”) (5 spp.) Theria (= “wild animals”): live birth, no shell Metatheria (= “after wild animals”) (>330 spp.) • Marsupials (pouched mammals) Eutheria (= “true wild animals”) (>6,000 spp.) • Placental mammals Prototheria: Monotremes •Duck-billed platypus & echidna (4 spp.) •Australia & New Guinea Metatheria - Marsupials • Kangaroos, wombats, koalas, etc • Pouched & viviparous • ~70% of the extant spp. → Australia • ~ 100 spp. in South & Central America • 1 spp. in North America (opossum) Virginia opossum North American marsupial Eutheria - Placentals •Majority of mammals (>6,000 spp.) •Viviparous, long gestation, & placenta •Diverse Hair • Keratinized protein filament (α-keratin) • Grows from follicle (epidermal → sunk into dermis) –grows continuously –stops at certain length –new hair pushes out old hair 2 kinds of hair in Pelage Underhair • dense & soft → insulation Guard hair • coarse & long → protection & colouration Fig. 20.4 Hair - Molting Most mammals molt (shed) periodically – humans too • twice annually in most mammals Snowshoe Hare Hair Loss (not molting) Summer coat Winter coat Hair - Functions • Insulation & water proofing – Sea otter ~ 150,000 hairs/cm2 • Camouflage or warning • Defence – Porcupine quills • Tactile sense – vibrissae (= whiskers) Horns • True horns: antelopes, sheep, & cattle • Keratin sheath + bone core • Not shed (grow continuously) • Both sexes Bighorn Sheep Rams Ewe Alpine Ibex Antlers • Deer family • Bone • Develop beneath “Velvet” • Shed annually (after breeding season) • Size & complexity increases with age • Typically, male 2° sexual character Fig. 20.8 Other Horns Pronghorn Antelope • horns are like true horns • keratinized portion is branched • shed annually Giraffe • horns are like antlers • skin covering • not shed Rhinocerous: • horn = hairlike keratinized filaments • not attached to skull Glands Integumentary glands → epidermis 4 main classes 1. Sweat glands 2. Scent glands 3. Sebaceous glands 4. Mammary glands Fig. 20.4 Mammary Glands • Females (rudimentary on males) • Mammae (breasts) develop along milk line • Lactation → nipples • Monotremes lack nipples ➢ Milk patch (= pores on belly) Echidna puggle Milk patch Milk Line Food & Feeding Mammals exploit a wide variety of food sources • Variety of diets → modified teeth (form follows function) • First synapsids → homodont dentition (uniform) • Mammals → heterodont dentition (differentiated) Mammal teeth ➢ four types Mammalian Teeth Heterodont dentition (different types) • Incisors – biting, snipping (cut food) • Canines – piercing • Premolars & Molars – Crush, grind, and ... – Chew! (evolutionary innovation) Diphyodont: 2 sets of teeth 1. Deciduous (milk/baby teeth) 2. Permanent (adult teeth) • One set of 3rd molar – “wisdom” Feeding Specializations Teeth, jaws, tongue, digestive tract → adapted to feeding habits 4 general trophic categories (some other specializations) 1. Insectivores • Insect eaters 2. Carnivores • Meat eaters 3. Herbivores • Plant eaters 4. Omnivores • Plant & meat eaters Fig. 20.11 Digestive Systems Insectivores • Often small - eat invertebrates ‒ shrews, moles, most bats • Teeth with pointed cusps (pierce exoskeleton) • Short digestive tract – no cecum • Some large insectivores lack teeth (anteaters & pangolins) Teeth with pointed cusps Herbivores 2 groups 1. Browsers & Grazers (ruminants) – ungulates 2. Gnawers (nonruminants) – rodents & rabbits Teeth • Canines reduced/absent → diastema (gap) • Molars broad & high-crowned (grinding) • Rodent incisors keep growing Herbivores Digestion → Vertebrates lack enzyme (cellulase) to digest cellulose • Fermentation: microbial digestion • Long complex digestive tracts • Fermentation chambers & cecum • Ruminants have 4-chambered stomach ‒ microbial digestion (rumen) → cud re-chewed • Coprophagy (eat feces) – rabbits & many rodents Carnivores • Foxes, dogs, weasels, cats, etc. • Kill prey ➢ long canines & strong, clawed limbs • Teeth for cutting meat & crushing bone ➢ bladelike premolars & molars • High protein diet → short digestive tract Canines Premolars & molars (bladelike) Lions Feeding Fig. 20.13 Omnivores • Mixed diet • Dietary opportunists • Multipurpose teeth ➢ broad rounded molars • pigs, raccoons, bears, most primates Migration Reasons: • Resources • Escape predators Flight & Echolocation Bats → only true flying mammal • Nocturnal Echolocation: • Navigate & locate prey Fig. 20.17 Reproduction • Mating seasons (most mammals) ➢ coincide with best time to give birth & year • Males → can copulate any time ➢ copulatory organ = penis • Females → estrus cycle (heat) • 3 reproductive patterns – monotremes, marsupials, placentals Echidna 4-headed penis Prototheria: Monotremes • Oviparous = no gestation ‒ embryos develop 10-12 days ‒ leathery shell forms ‒ eggs laid & incubated 12 days • Milk but lack nipples Metatheria - Marsupials • Shelled embryo → free in uterus • “Hatched” embryo → uterine wall (not implanted) ‒ yolk sac (transient placenta) • Short gestation: give birth to embryo → pouch • Long lactation & maternal care Virginia Opossums in Pouch Metatheria - Marsupials 3 offspring simultaneously 1. Embryo - uterus 2. Fetus - pouch 3. Nursing young ➢ Nurse for much longer than placentals Eutheria - Placentals • Long gestation w/ parental care • Embryo implants in uterine wall ➢ nourished by placenta • Well developed at birth • Altricial & precocial strategies • Shorter time to weaning Torpor Mammals → endotherms • Hair • Subcutaneous fat • Brown adipose tissue Some mammals → Torpor • cold-inhabiting mammals • ↓activity & ↓metabolic rate • Hibernation = deep torpor, or winter torpor ↓ body temp The biggest…ever!! • Blue whale •150 tons (40 elephants) • Tongue = size of elephant • Heart = size of cow • Buoyancy enables growth Blue Whale: Heart Rate Synapsid Phylogeny Fig. 20.1 Deuterostomes Fig. 15.3 Cladogram of Phylum Chordata Figure 15.2