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Buteyko Breathing: Techniques & Benefits

Happy Myo
Airway-Focused Myofunctional Therapy, Buteyko and Sleep Coaching
Buteyko Breathing
What is Buteyko Breathing?
There are few things in life that are simultaneously important and almost never thought
about. Breathing is an act that keeps all of us alive, but an act that we rarely consider. As it
turns out, honing in on how we breathe can drastically improve our lives. In the late 1950’s,
Ukrainian-born doctor Konstantin Buteyko was working with terminally-ill patients. In his
practice, he noticed that acute hyperventilation was worsening the outcomes of the
patients in his care.
Dr. Buteyko was fighting his own battles, too. Diagnosed with malignant hypertension, he
was given 12 months to live before he succumbed to his condition. Through a stroke of
genius, Buteyko realized that by correcting his breathing, he might begin to heal himself.
He started controlling his breathing patterns and manner, and eventually was able to
recover completely.
The ability to exhale completely is the key of functional breathing; Without it, it is almost
impossible to inhale properly. Hyperventilation causes poor oxygenation of tissues and
generates myofascial trigger points. In simple terms, unconscious, erratic breathing leads to
worsening outcomes in many parts of your body.
As the name suggests, Buteyko breathing re-education is a health education course with
home exercises, daily practice and daily records of progress. My job as a re-educator of your
breathing is to teach you to be mindful about your breathing, to customize exercises, check
on progress and provide you with support while you build the habit of intentional
Practicing the Buteyko method of breathing will normalize your breathing patterns, ease
the stress and teach you to control anxiety. Buteyko breathing can also help with sleep
(disordered breathing patterns wake us up), allergies, asthma and athletic performance. It is
a safe, simple and natural approach to overbreathing.
Dysfunctional Breathing
Dysfunctional breathing is very common
in the general public. Traits of
dysfunctional breathing:
Oral breathing
Fast breathing
Upper chest movement while
Frequent sighing, yawning,
sneezing, sniffling and coughing
Noticeable inhale prior to talking
Generally visible and audible
Paradoxical breathing (breathing
movements are in reverse of
normal movements).
Reasons for dysfunctional breathing:
Hormonal changes
Diet consisting of processed foods
Lack of physical activities
Excessive talking
Anxiety, stress, trauma
Genetic predisposition/familial
What can I expect from treatment?
More information about what an assessment and treatment plan looks like can be found at
An Assessment with Julia
If you wish to get in contact, please do so at the Contact page
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