Test 1 Notes Ethical perspective Strategic management perspective Enterprise risk management perspective Corporate social responsibility perspective Process management perspective Leadership perspective Management accounting refers to the processes and techniques that focus on the effective and efficient use of organisational resources, to support managers in their tasks of enhancing both customer value and shareholder value The environment includes phenomena that are external to the organisation, but which have an influence on the organisation. Provide information for planning, directing and motivating, controlling, evaluating and continuous improvement. Provide information for costing products and services. Provide information for various decision making in businesses. Establish Goals…………..Specify how goals will be achieved…………….develop budgets Feedback in the form of performance reports, which compare actual results with the budget, are an essential part of the control function. Planning, controlling, decision making. Ethical Competence, Confidentiality, Integrity, Credibility A strategy is a “game plan” that enables a company to attract customers by distinguishing itself from competitors Customer Intimacy Strategy, Operational Excellence Strategy, Product Leadership Strategy Enterprise Risk Management A process used by a company to proactively identify and manage risk Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a concept whereby organizations consider the needs of all stakeholders when making decisions A value chain consists of the major business functions that add value to a company’s products and services Lean Production = JIT Organizational leaders unite the behaviour of employees around two common themes - pursuing strategic goals, and making optimal decisions Activity Base (Cost Driver) Relevant Range where cost increase due to increase in units is a uniform straight upwards line, to the right Scattergraph TVC = TC -TFC High – Low VC/hr = TVC/THrs The variable cost per hour of maintenance is equal to the change in cost divided by the change in hours Highest Cost – Lowest Cost/Highest Hrs – Lowest Hrs = VC/hr TVC = TC – VC/hr * THrs Cost Equation For Maintenance Y(TC) = A(TFC) + B(VC/unit) * X(unit(s)) Least Squares Regression The goal of this method is to fit a straight line to the data that minimizes the sum of the squared errors Least-squares regression also provides a statistic, called the R2, which is a measure of the goodness of fit of the regression line to the data points Differential revenue and cost are the differences in cost and revenue between two options Opportunity cost is the potential benefit forgone to do something else. Sunk costs are costs already paid before an option is chosen and so are not relevant to the decision because they cannot be changed. Costs incurred to prevent defects, or that result from defects in products, are known as quality costs. Many companies are working hard to reduce their quality costs.