2024-10-28 OCTOBER 28 2024 1 CHAPTER 16 16.1 TRANSVERSE WAVES 16.5 INTERFERENCE OF WAVES 2 1 2024-10-28 Review: Maxwell’s Equations Summary The four fundamental equations of electromagnetism: Maxwell’s equations Name Gauss' law for Equation ΰΆ»πΈ ⋅ π π΄Τ¦ = πenc /ε0 electricity Gauss' law for Relates net electric flux to net enclosed electric charge ΰΆ»π΅ ⋅ ππ΄Τ¦ = 0 magnetism Relates net magnetic flux to net enclosed magnetic charge Faraday’s law πΦπ΅ ΰΆ»πΈ ⋅ π π Τ¦ = − ππ‘ Ampere-Maxwell law ΰΆ»π΅ ⋅ ππ Τ¦ = π0 ε0 Relates induced electric field to changing magnetic flux πΦπΈ + π0 πenc ππ‘ Relates induced magnetic field to changing electric flux and to current 4 Electromagnetic Waves • A changing magnetic field induces an electric field (Faraday). • A changing electric field induces a magnetic field (Maxwell). 5 2 2024-10-28 The fields propagate as a wave at a speed 1 =π π0 π0 π = 2.9979 × 108 m/s Animation: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:EMWave.gif Author: And1mu Licensing: Creative Commons 4.0 6 Electromagnetic Waves 7 3 2024-10-28 Electromagnetic Waves • Predicted by Maxwell’s Laws • AKA: light waves, radio waves, X-rays, gamma rays, … • For propagating waves in vacuum, πΈ and π΅ are: • ⊥ to the direction of motion • ⊥ to each other • in phase (peaks at the same place) • moving at speed π • related in magnitude: πΈ =π π΅ • (Some caveats apply for waves in materials) 8 Electromagnetic Waves • In Maxwell’s time (the mid 1800s), the visible, infrared, and ultraviolet forms of light were the only electromagnetic waves known. • Later, Heinrich Hertz discovered what we now call radio waves and verified that they move at the same speed as visible light. Copyright ©2022 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10 10 4 2024-10-28 Travelling Electromagnetic Waves Shortwave radio region of the spectrum: an LC oscillator produces a sinusoidal current in the antenna, which generates the wave. Copyright ©2022 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 11 11 12 5 2024-10-28 Types of Waves Mechanical Waves: These waves require a medium (such as air, water, or a solid) to propagate. Mechanical waves transfer energy through the motion of particles in the medium. Examples: water waves, sound waves, and seismic waves. Electromagnetic waves: Electromagnetic waves do not require a medium for propagation; they can travel through a vacuum. These waves are a combination of electric and magnetic fields oscillating perpendicularly to each other Examples: visible light, radio waves, microwaves, and X-rays. Matter waves: These waves are associated with electrons, protons, and other fundamental particles, and even atoms and molecules. Because we commonly think of these particles as constituting matter Examples: matter waves. Copyright ©2022 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 13 13 Transverse and longitudinal Waves Copyright ©2022 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 14 14 6 2024-10-28 Example of Transverse Wave A sinusoidal wave is sent along the string. A typical string element moves up and down continuously as the wave passes. This is transverse wave. Copyright ©2022 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 18 18 Example of Longitudinal Wave A sound wave is set up in an air- filled pipe by moving a piston back and forth. Because the oscillations of an element of the air (represented by the dot) are parallel to the direction in which the wave travels, the wave is a longitudinal wave. Copyright ©2022 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 20 20 7 2024-10-28 Sinusoidal Wave Copyright ©2022 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 22 22 Wave Parameters Period, Wave Number, Angular Frequency and Frequency k= 2ο° ο¬ ( angular wave number ) . ο·= 2ο° T f = 1 ο· = T 2ο° ( angular frequency ) . ( frequency ) . Copyright ©2022 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 26 26 8