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Insect Life Cycles: Development, Molting, and Metamorphosis

Insect life cycles
Ontogeny – developmental history from egg to adult
Eclosion – egg hatching and adult emergence
Apolysis – epidermis separates from cuticle
Ecdysis – shedding of old cuticle (molting)
Instar – immature stage between two molts
Stadia – time spent in a life stage
Insect life cycles
Insect life cycle patterns
Ametaboly – ancestral pattern, eggs hatch immatures that
resemble adults except lack reproductive organs. No wings
Hemimetaboly – eggs hatch immatures that develop external
wind pads as they develop (exopterygotes)
Holometaboly – egg hatch immatures with no trace of wings
until pupal stage (endopterygotes)
Larval and nymphal stages
Ametabolous and hemimetabolous immatures are nymphs
Holometabolous immatures are larvae
Nymphs often eat same food as adults (high competition)
Three order level exceptions
Larvae eat different food than adult (low competition)
Endopterygotes have three functional larval types
Polypod, Oligopod and Apod larvae
Only in Holometabolous orders
Polypod – thoracic legs and abdominal prolegs
Lepidoptera, most Mecoptera, symphytan Hymenoptera
Oligopod – thoracic legs only (lack abdominal prolegs)
Most orders except above and Diptera, Siphonaptera,
Apod – Lack true legs All Diptera, Aculeata Hymenoptera,
Coleoptera, Siphonaptera
Polypod, Oligopod and Apod larvae
A major change in larval form
Often in parasitic insects. First larva is called a triungulin.
An active stage that finds the host
Later instars become inactive and eventually feed on host
Meloidae (Coleoptera)
Parasitic Hymenoptera
Exarate pupa – legs, wings,
mouthparts, antennae free
mandibles to escape
Ptilinum – some Diptera
Obtect pupa – appendages
tightly appressed to body
Used to break out of puparium
Imagos (adults)
The reproductive and dispersive stage
No molting once the imaginal stage is reached
Last hours to years, depending on species
A series of neuropeptides and hormones initiate molting and
behaviors associated with adult emergence
Newly emerged adults are teneral (soft bodies). Swallowing air,
filling trachea with air and hemolymph pressure expands adult
body and wings before hardening of the cuticle
Endrocrine centers
Neurosecretory cells - Modified neurons found throughout the
nervous system that produce most of the insect hormones
Corpora cardiaca – stores and releases neurohormones, controls
prothoracic glands
Prothoracic glands – Ecdysone (molting hormone), disappears in
adults except Archaeognatha (bristletails) and Zygentoma
Corpora allata – secretes juvenile hormone which regulates
metamorphosis and reproduction
Inka cells – located near spiracles, produce pre-ecdysis and
ecdysis triggering hormones
Ecdysteroid – any steroid hormone associated with molting
Ecdysone and 20-hydroxyecdysone are the most common
Juvenile hormones – control metamorphosis and sexual
development. Juvenile hormones maintain larval characters and
inhibits metamorphosis (i.e. adult development)
Voltinism is the number of generations a species has in a year
Univoltine – one generation per year (Dobsonflies)
Bivoltine – two generations per year (many insects in Texas)
Multivoltine – > 2 generations per year (Diptera,
Semivoltine – > than a year to complete a generation
(Homoptera - cicadas, Coleoptera)
A period of dormancy affecting some life stage (egg – adult)
Initiated by high or low temperature and drought
If it occurs in summer – Aestivation
If it occurs in winter – Hibernation
Quiescence – slowing/halting of development due to
unfavorable conditions, with development resuming with
favorable conditions
Diapause - slowing/halting of development COMBINED with
physiological changes, and development resuming is linked to
physiological stimuli, not just favorable conditions.
Can be obligatory or facultative
Dealing with extreme cold conditions
Freeze tolerance – freezing happens in non-cellular areas
(haemolymph, gut, malpighian tubules) antifreeze compounds
allow supercooling, controlled cell dehydration
Freeze avoidance – supercooling and removal of ice nucleating
compounds, death due to exceeding supercooling temperature
Chill tolerance – supercooling, death due to duration of low
temperature exposure
Chill susceptibility – supercools, but cannot handle extended
low temperatures
Opportunistic survival – behavior, migrate
Dealing with extreme hot conditions
Death is caused by dehydration and protein denaturing
Acclimation – gradual exposure to rising (and falling) temps
Behaviors – time of activity, seek shelter, stilting
Polypedilum vanderplanki
Cryptobiosis – dehydration
to survive drought and high
Larva is alive, but all
metabolism has ceased.
Fog basking behavior
Reduce cuticular water loss
Reduce water loss via respiration
Lower metabolic rate
Water conservation by dehydrating feces
Diapause tracks resources in time
Migration tracks resources in space
Unidirectional movement away from initial location
Pre- and post-movement behaviors
Energy reallocation in body (flight vs reproduction)
Monarch butterflies
Polymorphism and polyphenism
Morphological variants (within a population or across generations)
Genetic polymorphism
Sexual dimorphism
Brachyptery in water striders (Heteroptera: Gerridae)
Butterfly mimicry
Environmental polymorphism (polyphenism)
Wing color in butterflies (photoperiod & temperature)
Caterpillar color (food or plant color)
Age Grading (immature age determination)
What age or instar are immature stage at?
Dyar’s law or rule
post molt/pre molt head width distance (1.3-1.7)
Determinant vs indeterminate # instars
Length-mass regression
linear size
Predicting mass from
Full size range
Sclerotized structure
Age Grading (adult age determination)
Difficult because no growth so sclerotized structure don’t
change size
4 strategies
1) physiology or reproductive morphology
2) somatic structure changes
3) wear and tear on body (unreliable)
4) changes in gene expression
Environmental effects on development
Temperature – Degree days (hours)
Insects require an accumulation of ‘heat’ to complete
their life cycle.
Insects are poikilothermic, metabolism driven by
environmental temperature
Can be used to predict emergences of insects
Determines diapause in most cases
Environmental effects on development
Photoperiod (light/dark cycle)
Very predictable, changes with latitude
Humidity (water vapor in the air)
Desiccation susceptibility increases at low humidity
Mutagens and toxins (human derived)
Fluctuating asymmetry (measurement of how left/right
side of insect differ)
Environmental effects on development
Biotic effects
Quantity and quality of food
If both are low, either take longer to develop or smaller
adult size in poor food situations
Crowding – migratory locusts change from solitary to gregarious
Linkages to phenology
of host plants (cicadas)