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Aerodynamics & Aircraft Study Guide

Aerodynamics & Aircraft
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If a 180° steep turn is made to the
right and the aircraft is rolled out to
straight-and-level flight by visual references, the attitude indicator
may show a slight climb and turn.
If on a northerly heading of 350 you
make a left turn to 230, what indicaThe compass will show a small lag to the
tion should you observe on the magnetic right.
As you roll into a standard-rate turn to
The compass will indicate a large change
the left from a southerly heading in the
to an easterly heading ahead of the airNorthern Hemisphere, what should be
craft's heading.
the indication on the magnetic compass?
If the Air Data Computer (ADC) is malfunctioning, which information becomes
PFD airspeed, altitude, and vertical
speed become unreliable.
What changes in control displacement
Increase left rudder and increase rate of
should be made so that "2" would result
in a coordinated standard-rate turn?
The instruments for pitch are the
Attitude indicator, airspeed indicator, and
You are flying heading 280, and ATC
instructs you to turn right to 350. The
magnetic compass will
indicate the approximate correct magnetic heading.
When checking the sensitivity of a VOR
receiver, the number of degrees in
course change as the OBS is rotated to
move the CDI from center to the last dot
on either side should be between
10° and 12°.