Eliz Markowitz, MS, MS MOT What is the PPR? Who administers the PPR? What is a CAT? How does it work? How many questions are on the PPR? __ Scored __ Experimental How many domains of knowledge are tested? Competencies? You have __ hours to complete the exam How long should the test take? 4 Domains 13 Core Competencies Domain % of PPR I Designing instruction and assessment to promote student learning 34% II Creating a positive, productive learning environment 13% III Implementing effective, responsive instruction and assessment 33% IV Fulfilling professional roles and responsibilities 20% OMGZ. You found out that you have to take the PPR in three days. (EEK!) You’ve decided that you should focus your time studying material in three domains. WHICH DOMAINS DO YOU CHOOSE?!? Describe these types of questions. Single Questions Questions with Stimulus Material Clustered Questions Decision Sets Are some question types easier than others? Do some questions require less time? What type of question is it? Put the question in your own words. Why bother having the activity? What do YOU think the answer is? Which answer best matches your answer? What can you eliminate? Cross out (A) because it would not guarantee that misconceptions would be eliminated. Eliminate (C) because having students examine two sides does not necessarily ensure that students’ will base final conclusions on reason. Eliminate (D) because students are not generating new ideas; rather, students are simply considering two sides of an issue. Accordingly, (B) is the best answer; it is soft and does not use extreme language. What’s the story? What are the keywords? WHY bother having a meeting? How would YOU answer the question? Eliminate (B) because the passage never discusses rewarding effective teaching practices. Choice (C) can be eliminated because the purpose of meeting is to discuss strategy, not compare and/or rank teaching methods. Eliminate (D) because, while teachers MAY counsel each other when frustrated, the primary purpose was to discuss strategy. Since teachers meet to discuss strategies for struggling students, (A) is the correct answer. If you have a passage, read it FIRST. What is the main idea? What are some key words in the passage? Translate the question into your own words. What are some key words? What is important? What do YOU think the answer is? Which answer best matches your answer? Cross out (B) and (D) because teachers cannot neither determine the amount of time to devote to individual/classroom instruction or the presentation materials prior to determining how to sequence and pace instruction. Eliminate (C) because teacher-parent communication does not effect classroom learning. Accordingly, (A) is the best answer because it addresses an immediate need. Do you NEED to read the story again? Put the question into your own words. What needs to happen? What do YOU think the answer is? Which answer best matches your answer? In order to ensure that instruction will proceed smoothly, it is essential that the two teachers maintain contact throughout the entirety of the unit. While communication prior to the start of the instruction is important, creating a plan and identifying teacher tasks fails to account for the specific learner abilities; accordingly, eliminate (A) and (C). Eliminate (D) for three reasons: the time commitment would be enormous, pre-fabricating instruction fails to allow flexibility in the classroom, and jointly creating lessons defeats the purpose of utilizing the skill-sets of both teachers. Accordingly, (B) is the best answer because it allows for continual communication. What are some key words? What do you know about Piaget’s stages of cognitive development? Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development In order to answer this question correctly, you MUST know Piaget’s stages of cognitive development. According to Piaget, a student in the formal operational stage of development is capable of abstract thought. Thus, (A) is the correct answer. 1. Test bias refers to whether or not What is a test? What is a bias? Put it together and what do you get? 1. Test bias refers to whether or not A. a test measures what it purports to measure. B. a test consistently measures what it purports to measure. C. the test discriminates between students who are intelligent or lacking intelligence. D. the test discriminates among students on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, cultural or socio-economic background, or other ideographic characteristics. Eliminate answer choices that fail to address the concept of bias. Eliminate answer choices that go beyond the scope of the question. 1. Test bias refers to whether or not A. a test measures what it purports to measure. B. a test consistently measures what it purports to measure. C. the test discriminates between students who are intelligent or lacking intelligence. D. the test discriminates among students on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, cultural or socio-economic background, or other ideographic characteristics. Eliminate (A) because test validity refers to whether or not a test measures what it purports to measure. Eliminate (B) because test reliability refers to whether or not a test consistently measures what it purports to measure. Eliminate (C) because a test that discriminates based on intelligence is the objective of an intelligence test. Since bias is a prejudice towards a certain item or group, (D) is the correct answer. What is the question asking? What are some key words? How would YOU answer the question? Do NOT eliminate an answer choice just because you don’t understand a word. Word association Vocational Metacognitive Eliminate (B) because the purpose of the assignment is not to focus on vocational, or occupational, skills. Choice (C) can be eliminated because students are simply creating documents, not thinking about their thought processes. Eliminate (D) because neither a résumé nor job application are used to identify instructional goals. • Meta means ‘about.’ • • Metadata Data about data Metacognition Thinking about thinking Here, students are being assessed on the ability to utilize skills gained in the “career and technology” class for real world skills. Thus, (A) is the correct answer. 1. Alternative Assessment A. 2. Criterion Referenced Assessment Measuring skill acquisition by means of a standardized test B. Monitoring progress pre- and post-learning in order to identify necessary adjustments C. Formal or Informal evaluation occurring post-instruction D. A standardized measure of specific skill or content mastery E. Evaluation using means other than conventional testing 3. Formal Assessment 4. Formative Assessment 5. Summative Assessment 1. Alternative Assessment A. 2. Criterion Referenced Assessment Measuring skill acquisition by means of a standardized test B. Monitoring progress pre- and post-learning in order to identify necessary adjustments C. Formal or Informal evaluation occurring post-instruction D. A formal assessment that compares a student’s test score to a list of skills. E. Evaluation using means other than conventional testing 3. Formal Assessment 4. Formative Assessment 5. Summative Assessment 1) E 2) D 3) A 4) B 5) C 1. Didactic Instruction A. Instruction that adapts to meet student needs by allowing a variety of assignment types B. Teacher-center instruction based on structured delivery and task completion 4. Learner-Centered Instruction C. Teaching via lecture; little student interaction 5. Interdisciplinary Instruction D. Self-paced instruction E. Instruction that incorporates multiple subjects F. The best instruction for a given student G. Learning that occurs via means other than focused instruction and/or study H. Instruction that focuses on the individual learner and promotes higher-order thinking 2. Indirect Learning 3. Differentiated Instruction 6. Direct Instruction 7. Programmed Instruction 8. Appropriate Instruction 1. Didactic Instruction A. Instruction that adapts to meet student needs by allowing a variety of assignment types B. Teacher-center instruction based on structured delivery and task completion 4. Learner-Centered Instruction C. Teaching via lecture; little student interaction 5. Interdisciplinary Instruction D. Self-paced instruction E. Instruction that incorporates multiple subjects F. The best instruction for a given student G. Learning that occurs via means other than focused instruction and/or study H. Instruction that focuses on the individual learner and promotes higher-order thinking 2. Indirect Learning 3. Differentiated Instruction 6. Direct Instruction 7. Programmed Instruction 8. Appropriate Instruction 1) C 5) E 2) G 6) B 3) A 7) D 4) H 8)F 1. Behaviorism 2. Cognitive Learning Style 3. Constructivism A. The way in which an individual acquires knowledge. B. Students collaborate to learn & acquire skills C. Learning that moves from general to specific ideas. D. A set of proposed theories regarding the way in which individuals learn. E. Learning that involves interaction with the environment and its objects. F. The idea that all behaviors are acquired through conditioning. G. The learner builds his/her own understanding based on prior experiences and knowledge. 4. Cooperative Learning 5. Deductive Learning 6. Discovery Learning 7. Learning Theory 1. Behaviorism 2. Cognitive Learning Style 3. Constructivism A. The way in which an individual acquires knowledge. B. Students collaborate to learn & acquire skills C. Learning that moves from general to specific ideas. D. A set of proposed theories regarding the way in which individuals learn. E. Learning that involves interaction with the environment and its objects. F. The idea that all behaviors are acquired through conditioning. G. The learner builds his/her own understanding based on prior experiences and knowledge. 4. Cooperative Learning 5. Deductive Learning 6. Discovery Learning 7. Learning Theory 1) F 5) C 2) A 6) E 3) G 7) D 4) B Review the domains Review vocabulary Google PPR Vocabulary Some fine people already made quizzes for you to take! Don’t Panic You will rock this test out. No doubt. Ask ‘em The State of Texas.