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English Grammar for Beginners: Middle/High School Textbook

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© Copyright by Wydawnictwo HANDYBOOKS
Poznań 2014
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ISBN 978-83-60238-54-7
Wydawnictwo HANDYBOOKS
Rokietnica, ul. Legionów Polskich 26
tel. /faks (061) 667 51 06
e-mail: wydawnictwo@handybooks.pl
Niniejsza książka powstała z myślą o uczniach gimnazjów oraz liceów ogólnokształcących,
którzy kontynuują naukę języka angielskiego rozpoczętą na etapie szkoły podstawowej.
Stanowi ona połączenie kompendium gramatycznego z ćwiczeniami umożliwiającymi
gruntowne sprawdzenie stopnia, w jakim dany zakres materiału został opanowany.
Każda jednostka lekcyjna składa się z przejrzystych objaśnień wzbogaconych szeregiem
przykładów ilustrujących zasady obowiązujące w poszczególnych działach gramatyki języka
angielskiego oraz części ćwiczeniowej. Dobre opanowanie reguł powinno ułatwić
rozwiązanie zadań z danego zakresu, jednakże szereg ćwiczeń skonstruowany został tak,
aby zmusić ucznia do większego wysiłku myślowego.
Materiał zawarty w książce odpowiada wymogom programowym dla gimnazjów oraz liceów
ogólnokształcących dla klas na początkowym oraz średnio-zaawansowanym poziomie
nauczania. Materiał ten może być realizowany pod nadzorem nauczyciela lub samodzielnie.
Atutem niniejszej książki jest jej prosta konstrukcja. Przed przystąpieniem do zadań uczeń
powinien zapoznać się z objaśnieniami oraz prześledzić przykłady ilustrujące dany zakres
materiału. Niekiedy niezbędne może okazać się kilkakrotne przeczytanie teorii zanim uczeń
rozpocznie wykonywanie ćwiczeń. W przypadku, gdy zrozumienie danego zagadnienia
nastręcza dalszych trudności, uczeń powinien poprosić o pomoc nauczyciela. Po
przerobieniu materiału praktycznego należy sprawdzić poprawność rozwiązań w kluczu
znajdującym się na końcu książki. W przypadku dużej ilości błędów zalecane jest ponowne
odwołanie się do wyjaśnień teoretycznych, a następnie ponowienie próby poprawnego
rozwiązania zadań. Nie zaleca się wpisywania odpowiedzi bezpośrednio w książce, lecz na
osobnej kartce, co umożliwi ponowne rozwiązanie zadań bez sugerowania się wpisanymi
wcześniej rozwiązaniami.
Materiał zawarty w książce można wykorzystać wybiórczo według własnych wymagań lub
też krok po kroku opanowując stopniowo poszczególne działy gramatyki. Należy pamiętać,
że tylko regularne ćwiczenie i poprawne rozwiązywanie zadań gwarantuje stały postęp w
nauce języka obcego.
Zaimki osobowe
Czasownik ‘be’ - czas teraźniejszy
Who, What, Where, Why, When + ‘be’
Zaimki wskazujące ‘This’ i ‘That’
Zaimki wskazujące ‘These’ i ‘Those’
This, That, These, Those + rzeczownik
Zaimki dzierżawcze
Zaimki dzierżawcze ‘mine’, ‘yours’ etc.
Zaimek ‘Whose’ / Dopełniacz saksoński
Zaimki osobowe w bierniku
Zaimki osobowe w celowniku
Zaimki zwrotne
Konstrukcja ‘There is ... / There are ... ’
Konstrukcja ‘There was ... / There were ... ’
Zaimek ‘it’
Liczba mnoga rzeczowników
Rzeczowniki policzalne i niepoliczalne
Przedimki nieokreślone ‘a’ i ‘an’
Przedimek określony ‘the’
Zaimki ‘some’, ‘any’ i ‘no’
Przysłówki ‘much’, ‘many’, ‘a lot of’
Przysłówki ‘a little’, ‘little’, ‘a few’, ‘few’
Stopniowanie przymiotników ‘-er’ / ‘-est’
Stopniowanie przymiotników ‘more’ / ‘the most’
Tworzenie i stopniowanie przysłówków
Stopniowanie nieregularne
Konstrukcje ‘as … as’, ‘not as/so … as’
Zastosowanie przysłówków ‘enough’ i ‘too’
Zastosowanie ‘so ... that’ i ‘such ... that’
Zaimki ‘another’, ‘other’, ‘others’, ‘the other’
Zaimki ‘someone’, ‘something’ etc.
Zaimki ‘not anything’ i ‘nothing’
Zaimki ‘everybody’, ‘everything’, ‘everywhere’
Zastosowanie przyimków miejsca
Zastosowanie przyimków czasu
Zastosowanie innych przyimków czasu
Zastosowanie czasowników z przyimkami
Zastosowanie przymiotników z przyimkami
Wyrażenia przyimkowe
Pytania z przyimkami
Zaimki ‘both’, ‘either’ i ‘neither’
Both … and, either … or, neither … nor
Zaimki względne ‘who’, ‘which’ i ‘that’
Zaimki względne ‘whose’ i ‘where’
Spójniki ‘and’, ‘because’, ‘but’ i ‘so’
Czasownik ‘have (got)’
Czasownik ‘have (got)’ w czasie przeszłym
Inne znaczenia czasownika ‘have’
Czas ‘Present Simple’ - zdanie twierdzące
Czas ‘Present Simple’ - pytanie i przeczenie
Czas ‘Present Continuous’ - zdanie twierdzące
Czas ‘Present Continuous’ - pytanie i przeczenie
Present Simple - Present Continuous
Czas ‘Past Simple’ - zdanie twierdzące
Czas ‘Past Simple’ - pytania i przeczenia
Czas ‘Past Continuous’ - zdanie twierdzące
Czas ‘Past Continuous’ - pytanie i przeczenie
Past Simple - Past Continuous
Czas ‘Present Perfect’ - zdanie twierdzące
Czas ‘Present Perfect’ - pytanie i przeczenie
Past Simple - Present Perfect
Czas ‘Present Perfect Continuous’ - zdanie twierdzące
Czas ‘Present Perfect Continuous’ - pytanie i przeczenie
How long …? – When …?
Czas ‘Future Simple’ -zdanie twierdzące
Czas ‘Future Simple’ - pytanie i przeczenie
Konstrukcja ‘be going to’ - zdanie twierdzące
Konstrukcja ‘be going to’ - pytanie i przeczenie
Sposoby określania przyszłości
Czasowniki modalne
Czasowniki modalne ‘may’ i ‘might’
Czasowniki ‘must’ i ‘have to’
Czasowniki modalne ‘should’ i ‘ought to’
Czasownik modalny ‘used to’
Konstrukcja ‘would like to …’
Pytania rozłączne
‘So’ / ‘Neither’ + operator + rzeczownik/zaimek
Tryb warunkowy I
Tryb warunkowy II
Bezokolicznik i ‘Gerund’
Konstrukcje bezokolicznikowe
Imiesłów czynny - ‘Present participle’
Mowa zależna
Mowa zależna i następstwo czasów
Pytania w mowie zależnej
Strona bierna (I)
Strona bierna (II)
Wish + Past Simple
Had better
It’s high time
Zaimki osobowe
liczba pojedyncza
liczba mnoga
oni, one
Zaimek ‘I’ - ‘ja’ należy zawsze pisać dużą literą.
Zaimki osobowe ‘he’ - ‘on’ oraz ‘she’ - ‘ona’ zastępują w zdaniu podmiot osobowy.
Niekiedy odnoszą się również do zwierząt, jeżeli jest to zwierzę domowe, a jego płeć
jest znana.
This is Peter. He is a clever boy.
Janice is a painter. She paints pictures.
John has got a dog. It is a poodle.
I like your cat. She is very nice.
Zaimek osobowy ‘they’ - ‘oni, one’ zastępuje w zdaniu podmiot osobowy rodzaju
męskiego oraz żeńskiego, jak również podmiot nieosobowy.
Tom and Jake are my neighbours. They live next door.
I know the people. They are our teachers.
These books are expensive. They cost a lot.
Mr Brown’s children are polite. They always say hello.
‘Whose are those pencils?’ ‘They are Peter’s.’
We have got three hamsters. They are small.
I have got sweets in the bag. They are for my children.
Zaimek ‘it’ - ‘to’ zastępuje w zdaniu podmiot nieosobowy w liczbie pojedynczej, w tym
zwierzęta oraz rzeczowniki niepoliczalne.
This is a newspaper. It is very interesting.
That is a shopping centre. It is very big.
‘What is this animal?’ ‘It is a squirrel.’
Drink some orange juice. It is very good.
There is honey in the jar. It is sweet.
I. Wpisz zaimek, którym można zastąpić podane rzeczowniki w zdaniu.
my book
John and his father
Elisabeth and Ann
this house
our teachers
these pictures
the sun
good films
an apple
you and I
my grandfather
Mr Green’s car
their school
this woman
II. Przepisz zdania zastępując podmiot osobowy zaimkiem.
1. Robert is a student.
2. My parents are at home.
3. Water is life.
4. Paula loves flowers.
5. Joe and Eric are friends.
6. The house is very modern.
7. Tom’s grandfather is old.
8. This exercise is easy.
9. Tigers are dangerous.
10. Honey is good for you.
11. Mr Grey’s wife is intelligent.
12. Tomato soup is the best.
III. Uzupełnij zdania zaimkami osobowymi.
1. Adam is in bed. .................... is ill.
2. This is Rita. .................... is my sister.
3. Mr and Mrs Sanders have got six dogs. .................... love animals.
4. I love milk. .................... is good for children.
5. Ronald and Brian are students. .................... study history.
6. That tree is very old. .................... is one thousand years old.
7. Don’t eat this meat. .................... is raw.
8. These are our rooms. .................... are very big.
9. ‘Where is jam?’ ‘.................... is in the jar.’
10. That is a bee. .................... is an insect.
Czasownik ‘be’ - czas teraźniejszy
Czasownik ‘be’ oznacza ‘być’. Stosuje się go zwykle z rzeczownikiem, przymiotnikiem
lub przysłówkiem opisującym cechy podmiotu.
Poniższa tabela prezentuje odmianę czasownika ‘be’ w czasie teraźniejszym
z uwzględnieniem form skróconych z zaimkiem osobowym.
liczba pojedyncza
I am
you are
he is
she is
it is
liczba mnoga
we are
you are
they are
ja jestem
ty jesteś
on jest
ona jest
to jest
I am a schoolgirl.
It’s hot outside.
Gina’s a pretty girl.
my jesteśmy
wy jesteście
oni, one są
You are very brave.
He is a dentist.
We’re in a museum.
They’re my friends.
Adam’s a pilot.
The books are interesting.
Pytania z czasownikiem ‘be’ tworzy się przez inwersję, czyli przez przemieszczenie
orzeczenia przed podmiot zdania.
liczba pojedyncza
liczba mnoga
Am I a schoolboy?
Are you in the garden?
Is Andrew ill?
Is Monica a pretty girl?
Is the book interesting?
Are we in our classroom?
Are you friendly?
Are the people English?
Zaprzeczenie zdania z czasownikiem be‘ tworzy się przy pomocy słowa ‘not’, które
należy umieścić po czasowniku. Czasownik można skrócić ze słowem ‘not’.
liczba pojedyncza
I am not angry.
You are not busy.
He is not at home.
She is not a vet.
It is not late.
I’m not angry.
You aren’t busy.
He isn’t at home.
She isn’t a vet.
It isn’t late.
liczba mnoga
We are not friends.
You are not happy.
They are not small.
We aren’t friends.
You aren’t happy.
They aren’t small.
I. Uzupełnij zdania odmianą czasownika ‘be’.
1. I .................... short but my brother .................... tall.
2. Thomas .................... brave but Adam ................... shy.
3. You ................... a good pupil and your friend .................... a good pupil, too.
4. Elephants .................... colossal but rabbits .................... small.
5.The supersonic Concorde .................... the fastest passenger plane.
6. Mary and Jane .................... nurses but their brother .................... a doctor.
7. We .................... at home because it .................... cold outside.
8. Grapes .................... sweet but lemons .................... sour.
9. Mrs Lee .................... at work but her husband .................... at home.
10. Our city .................... bigger than your town.
II. Uzupełnij zdania twierdzące oraz napisz pytania z czasownikiem ‘be’.
1. I am happy.
2. We .................... Polish.
3. Simon .................... a director.
4. The Browns .................... busy.
5. An ant .................... an insect.
6. Eva .................... in hospital.
7. London .................... a capital.
8. Lions .................... dangerous.
9. Paper .................... cheap.
10. Her clothes .................... clean.
11. Tom and Joe .................... wrong.
12. My watch .................... late.
....................................... you happy , too?
.................... they ......................................
.................... Bob .......................................
.................... the Greys .........................…..
.................... bees ...............................…....
.................... her sister ........................…...
.................... Warsaw ..........................…...
.................... tigers ....................................
.................... gold ......................................
.................... his clothes .......................…...
.................... I ............................................
.................... your watch ........................….
III. Uzupełnij zdania czasownikiem ‘be’ według przykładu.
1. Jeff and Jerry are not late but Alice and Lisa are .
2. This shirt .................... expensive but that coat .................... .
3. A path .................... wide but a motorway .................... .
4. A secretary .................... important but a president .................... .
5. You .................... busy but your parents .................... .
6. Opera .................... very popular but cinema .................... .
7. Our classroom .................... big but your classroom .................... .
8. The film .................... interesting but the book .................... .
9. I .................... a pilot but my cousin .................... .
10. Betty and Judy Turner .................... popular but Tina Turner .................... .
Who, What, Where, Why, When + ‘be’
Zaimki ‘Who’ - ‘kto’, ‘What’ - ‘co’, ‘Where’ - ‘gdzie’, ‘Why’ - ‘dlaczego’ oraz ‘When’
- ‘kiedy’ występują w pytaniach z czasownikiem ‘be’ - ‘być’.
Zajmują one miejsce na początku zdania. W pytaniach z zaimkami obowiązuje zasada
inwersji. Po zaimku umieszcza się właściwą odmianę czasownika ‘be’, a następnie
podmiot zdania.
Where is Adam?
Where Adam is?
Where are your parents?
Where your parents are?
Where is our room?
Where our room is?
When is your birthday?
When your birthday is?
When is Christmas?
When Christmas is?
When are holidays?
When holidays are?
Why is Eddie sad?
Why Eddie is sad?
Why are the children alone?
Why the children are alone?
Why are you angry?
Why you are angry?
Zaimek ‘Who’ - ‘kto’ odnosi się do osób. Stosuje się go w pytaniach o podmiot zdania.
Postać takiego pytania jest zawsze jednakowa:
Who + is / are + rzeczownik / przymiotnik / przysłówek / zaimek
Who is late?
Who is the headmaster?
Who is this?
Who are they?
Who is she?
Who is alone?
Who are the people?
Zaimek ‘What’ - ‘co’ odnosi się do rzeczy. ‘What’ występuje w pytaniach z zaimkami
wskazującymi ‘This’, ‘That’, ‘These’ i ‘Those’, lub innym podmiotem. W pytaniu takim
obowiązuje zasada inwersji.
What is this?
What is that?
What is the noise?
What are these?
What is your name?
What are their jobs?
Pytanie ‘How old are you?’ oznacza ‘Ile masz lat?’. Zmieniając zaimek oraz formę
czasownika, można to samo pytanie zadać innej osobie.
How old is Peter?
How old are the boys?
How old are the trees?
I. Wstaw ‘Who’, ‘What’, ‘Where’, ‘When’, ‘Why’ lub ‘How old’.
1. .............................. is the oldest in your family?
2. ‘.............................. is that tall girl over there?’ ‘This is Angela.’
3. I am 20 and .............................. are you?
4. Jeff’s in the garden but .............................. is Michael?
5. ‘.............................. is Christmas Eve?’ ‘On 24 December.’
6. ‘.............................. are you sad.’ ‘Because I’m lonely.’
7. Linda is in the hall. .............................. is in the office, then?
8. ‘.............................. is Zakopane?’ ‘In the south of Poland.’
9. ‘.............................. are your children in bed?’ ‘At ten p.m.’
10. Your brother is very brave, so .............................. are you so shy?
11. ‘.............................. is the castle?’ ‘About five hundred, I suppose.’
12. ‘.............................. are aubergines?’ ‘They are vegetables.’
13. My birthday is on 28 September. .............................. is your birthday?
14. ‘.............................. are the people?’ ‘They are our neighbours.’
15. ‘.............................. are these?’ ‘These are paper clips’.
II. Uzupełnij pytania.
1. My name is David. ........................................ your name?
2. My keys are in the bag. ........................................ your keys?
3. Everybody is happy. ........................................ you sad?
4. Wasps are insects. ........................................ frogs?
5. That woman is our neighbour. ........................................ this man?
6. Summer holidays are in July. ........................................ are winter holidays?
7. Everybody is on time. ........................................ you late?
8. Those are offices. ........................................ these buildings?
9. It is cold in winter. ........................................ it hot, then?
10. Warsaw is in Poland. ........................................ Manchester?
III. Napisz pytania.
‘Tom’s in the playground.’
‘Easter is in spring.’
‘Mr Jones is my father’s friend.’
‘Alice is twelve.’
‘Sparrows are birds.’
‘Tokyo is in Japan.’
‘Those are magazines.’
‘Carol is rich.’
1. ‘................................................................?’
2. ‘................................................................?’
3. ‘................................................................?’
4. ‘................................................................?’
5. ‘................................................................?’
6. ‘................................................................?’
7. ‘................................................................?’
8. ‘................................................................?’
Zaimki wskazujące ‘This’ i ‘That’.
Zaimki wskazujące ‘This’ i ‘That’ oznaczają ‘to, tamto’.
‘This’ i ‘That’ stosowane są przy wskazywaniu oraz nazywaniu osób i rzeczy w liczbie
pojedynczej. Występują z czasownikiem ‘be’ w postaci ‘is’.
Zaimek ‘This’ wskazuje na osobę lub rzecz znajdującą się bliżej osoby mówiącej.
Zaimek ‘That’ wskazuje na osobę lub rzecz znajdującą się dalej od osoby mówiącej.
This is a car and that is a lorry.
That is a boy and this is a girl.
This is a flower and that is a tree.
That is a picture and this is a photo.
Pytanie do konstrukcji z zaimkiem wskazującym tworzy się przez inwersję.
Is this a tower?
Is that a postbox?
Is this a rocket?
Is that a TV set?
Is this a cassette?
Is that a living room?
Zaprzeczenie konstrukcji z zaimkiem wskazującym ‘This’ i ‘That’ tworzy się przy
użyciu słowa ‘not’, które umieszcza się za czasownikiem.
This is not (isn’t) a tower.
This is not a living room.
This isn’t a rocket.
That isn’t a TV set.
That isn’t a post box.
This isn’t a cassette.
Na pytania takie można odpowiedzieć pełnym zdaniem:
Yes, this is a tower.
Yes, that is a TV set.
No, this isn’t a rocket.
No, this isn’t a cassette.
Yes, that is a post box.
No, that isn’t a living room.
lub krótko, stosując zaimek ‘it’ w roli podmiotu zdania:
‘Is this a fireplace?’
‘Is that a town hall?’
‘Is this a cupboard?’
‘Is that an airport?’
‘Yes, it is.’
‘Yes, it is.’
‘Yes, it is.’
‘Yes, it is.’
‘No, it isn’t.’
‘No, it isn’t.’
‘No, it isn’t.’
‘No, it isn’t.’
Zaimki ‘This’ i ‘That’ występują w pytaniach z zaimkami ‘Who’ oraz ‘What’.
‘Who is this?’ ‘This is George Green.’
‘Who’s that?’ ‘That’s Alice Benson.’
‘What is this?’ ‘This is a mirror.’
‘What’s that?’ ‘That’s a wallet.’
I. Napisz zdania twierdzące.
1. this / an orange / that / a lemon
2. that / a parrot / this / a canary
3. this / a plane / that / a balloon
4. that / a pencil / this / a rubber
5. this / a carrot / that / an onion
This is an orange and that is a lemon.
II. Napisz pytania oraz pełne odpowiedzi.
1. (this / a book) Is this a book?
Yes, this is a book.
2. (that / a watch) ..............................…....…..?
3. (this / an apple) .................................…......?
4. (that / a knife) ..................................……....?
5. (this / a candle) .................................…......?
6. (that / a statue) .................................….......?
7. (this / an ant) ................................…...…....?
8. (that / a bridge) ...............................…...…..?
9. (this / a doll) ...................................…….….?
10. (that / a river) .................................…...…...?
No, ............................................
Yes, ...........................................
No, ............................................
Yes, ...........................................
No, ............................................
Yes, ...........................................
No, ............................................
Yes, ...........................................
No, ............................................
III. Napisz pytania oraz odpowiedzi.
1. Who / that ..........................…...….......?
2. What / this ...............................……....?
3. Who / this ............................….........?
4. What / that ................................….......?
5. Who / that .............................…….…..?
6. What / this ............................….….…..?
7. Who / that ...............................….….?
8. What / this .................................….….?
(Mr Jones) .........................................
(a watch) ...........................................
(William) ...........................................
(a penknife) .......................................
(our cousin) .......................................
(a lizard) ............................................
(Jenny) ..............................................
(an iron) ............................................
IV. Napisz krótkie odpowiedzi do pytań.
1. ‘Is this a carpet?’
2. ‘Is that a toothbrush?’
3. ‘Is that an envelope?’
4. ‘Is this a lorry?’
5. ‘Is that Mr Lee?’
Yes, ............................
Yes, ............................
Yes, ............................
Yes, ............................
Yes, ............................
No, ..............................
No, ..............................
No, ..............................
No, ..............................
No, ..............................
Zaimki wskazujące ‘These’ i ‘Those’
Zaimki wskazujące ‘These’ i ‘Those’ oznaczają ‘to, te, tamte’.
‘These’ i ‘Those’ stosowane są do wskazywania oraz nazywania osób i rzeczy w liczbie
mnogiej. Występują z czasownikiem ‘be’ w postaci ‘are’.
Zaimek ‘These’ wskazuje na osoby lub rzeczy znajdujące się bliżej osoby mówiącej.
Zaimek ‘Those’ wskazuje na osoby lub rzeczy znajdujące się dalej od osoby mówiącej.
These are small buildings.
These are oak trees.
Those are high buildings.
Those are fir trees.
Pytanie do konstrukcji z zaimkiem wskazującym tworzy się przez inwersję.
Are these new jackets?
Are those old coats?
Are these running shoes?
Are those boots?
Zaprzeczenie konstrukcji z zaimkiem wskazującym ‘These’ i ‘Those’ tworzy się przy
użyciu słowa ‘not’, które należy umieścić po czasowniku.
These are not (aren’t) pancakes.
These are not (aren’t) handkerchiefs.
Those are not (aren’t) letters.
Those are not (aren’t) souvenirs.
Na pytania takie można odpowiedzieć pełnym zdaniem:
‘Are these sandwiches?’ ‘Yes, these are sandwiches.’
‘Are those colour photos?’ ‘Yes, those are colour photos.’
‘Are these your gloves?’ ‘No, these are not my gloves.’
‘Are those comfortable shoes?’ ‘No, those aren’t comfortable shoes.’
lub krótko, stosując zaimek ‘they’ w roli podmiotu zdania:
‘Are these empty boxes?’ ‘Yes, they are.’ lub ‘No, they are not (aren’t).’
‘Are those Adam’s keys?’ ‘Yes, they are.’ lub ‘No, they are not (aren’t).’
‘Are these pineapples?’ ‘Yes, they are.’ lub ‘No, they aren’t.’
‘Are those guinea pigs?’ ‘Yes, they are.’ lub ‘No, they aren’t.
Zaimki ‘These’ i ‘Those’ występują w pytaniach z zaimkami ‘Who’ oraz ‘What’.
‘Who are these?’
‘Who are those?’
‘What are these?’
‘What are those?’
‘These are my neighbours.’
‘Those are our teachers.’
‘These are octopuses.’
‘Those are crabs.’
I. Napisz zdania według przykładu.
1. these / nuts / those / almonds
2. those / boots / these / sandals
3. these / beans / those / peas
4. those / jumpers / these / cardigans
5. these / skis / those / skates
6. those / hills / these / mountains
7. these / books / those / magazines
8. those / shops / these / offices
These are nuts and those are almonds.
II. Napisz pytania oraz pełne odpowiedzi.
1. (these / cornflakes)
2. (those / interesting stories)
3. (these / Peter’s stamps)
4. (those / dry towels)
5. (these / our plates)
Yes, .........................................................
No, ...........................................................
Yes, .........................................................
No, ...........................................................
Yes, .........................................................
III. Napisz pytania oraz odpowiedzi.
1. What / these .........................................?
2. Who / those ..........................................?
3. What / those .........................................?
4. Who / these ..........................................?
5. What / these .........................................?
6. Who / those ..........................................?
7. What / these .........................................?
8. Who / those ..........................................?
(onions) ...............................................
(our parents) .......................................
(blueberries) ........................................
(the Blacks) .........................................
(screws) ..............................................
(my friends) .........................................
(T-shirts) .............................................
(foreigners) .........................................
IV. Napisz krótkie odpowiedzi do pytań.
1. ‘Are those old buildings?’
2. ‘Are these Mr and Mrs Grey?’
3. ‘Are those your documents?’
4. ‘Are these fresh tomatoes?’
5. ‘Are these Andrew’s records?’
Yes, ..............................
Yes, ..............................
Yes, ..............................
Yes, ..............................
Yes, ..............................
No, .............................
No, .............................
No, .............................
No, .............................
No, .............................
This, That, These, Those + rzeczownik.
Zaimki wskazujące ‘This’, ‘That’, ‘These’ oraz ‘Those’ stosuje się, aby wskazać oraz
nazwać osoby i rzeczy.
‘This’ i ‘That’ wskazują na osobę lub rzecz w liczbie pojedynczej.
‘These’ i ‘Those’ wskazują na osoby lub rzeczy w liczbie mnogiej.
This is a lemon.
That is a pencil.
These are oranges.
Those are ball-pens.
Do rzeczownika, na który wskazujemy można dodać przymiotnik opisujący jego cechę.
This is a green lemon.
That is a thin pencil.
These are fresh oranges.
Those are colourful ball-pens.
Podobne zdanie można utworzyć, umieszczając wskazywany rzeczownik bezpośrednio
po zaimku. Na końcu zdania znajduje się wówczas sam przymiotnik, zaś rzeczownik
występuje bez przedimka ‘a’ lub ‘an’.
This lemon is green.
That pencil is thin.
These oranges are fresh.
Those ball-pens are colourful.
Pytanie tworzy się przez inwersję:
Is this lemon green?
Is that pencil thin?
Are these oranges fresh?
Are those ball-pens colourful?
zaprzeczenie, zaś przy pomocy słowa ‘not’, które należy umieścić po czasowniku:
This lemon is not (isn’t) green.
That pencil is not (isn’t) thin.
These oranges are not (aren’t) fresh.
Those ball-pens are not (aren’t) colourful.
Na pytania takie można odpowiedzieć pełnym zdaniem lub krótko:
‘This book is interesting.’  ‘Is this book interesting?’
‘Yes, this book is interesting.’
‘Yes, it is.’
‘No, this book isn’t interesting.’
‘No, it isn’t.’
‘These people are nice?’  ‘Are these people nice?’
‘Yes, these people are nice.’
‘Yes, they are.’
‘No, these people aren’t nice.’
‘No, they aren’t.’
I. Przepisz zdania według przykładu.
1. This is a new radio.
2. That is an interesting story.
3. These are polite children.
4. Those are expensive cars.
5. This is a smart dress.
6. These are colourful blocks.
7. That is an old dictionary.
8. Those are cheap records.
9. These are nice songs.
10. This is a healthy meal.
This radio is new.
II. Przepisz zdania według przykładu.
1. This city is modern.
2. Those houses are old.
3. That picture is beautiful.
This is a modern city.
4. These pears are sweet.
5. This room is small.
6. That carpet is dirty.
7. Those children are clever.
8. These chairs are wooden.
9. This neighbour is kind.
10. That suitcase is heavy.
III. Napisz pytania oraz krótkie odpowiedzi według przykładu.
1. this / park / big
2. that / car / cheap
3. these / boys / friendly
4. those / girls / shy
5. that / garden / small
6. this / dog / dangerous
7. those / shoes / new
8. that / exercise / hard
9. these / men / honest
10. this / glass / clean
Is this park big?
Yes, it is.
No, ................
Yes, ..............
No, ................
Yes, ..............
No, ................
Yes, ..............
No, ................
Yes, ..............
No, ................
Zaimki dzierżawcze
Zaimki dzierżawcze stosuje się, gdy mowa jest o osobach lub rzeczach posiadanych.
Występują one przed rzeczownikami.
Angielskie zaimki dzierżawcze są nieodmienne i dlatego nie zmieniają swojej postaci ze
względu na rodzaj rzeczownika.
liczba pojedyncza
liczba mnoga
mój, moja, moje
nasz, nasze
twój, twoja, twoje
wasz, wasze
I have got a watch. This is my watch.
You have got a cat. Your cat is grey.
He is tall but his brother is short.
She is an actress and her sister is an actress, too.
We are farmers. These are our fields.
You are workers. Those are your tools.
Zaimek dzierżawczy ‘its’ - ‘jego’, podobnie jak zaimek osobowy ‘it’ - ‘to’, odnosi się do
rzeczy lub zwierząt.
This is an old tree. Its roots are thick.
That is a horse and there is its owner.
Zaimek dzierżawczy ‘their’ - ‘ich’, podobnie jak zaimek osobowy ‘they’ - ‘oni, one’,
odnosi się do osób i rzeczy rodzaju męskiego, żeńskiego oraz nijakiego w liczbie
Carol and James have got computers. Their computers are new.
The girls are outdoors but their mothers are in the house.
These are children. Those are their toys.
Sharks are dangerous. Their teeth are very sharp.
Those are exclusive shops. Their owners are very rich.
I. Wpisz poprawne zaimki dzierżawcze.
1. Mary has got a garden. .................... garden is full of flowers.
2. I am Greg and this is .................... friend Alex.
3. ‘Is this .................... wallet?’ ‘Yes, this is my wallet.’
4. Jack and Eric have got new schoolbags. .................... schoolbags are colourful.
5. We are here and .................... children are there.
6. These aren’t our dogs. .................... masters are over there.
7. I have got .................... things in the bag. Where has she got ....................
8. We are architects. .................... projects are very good.
9. Snails are funny. They carry .................... houses on .................... backs.
10. Mr O’Brien is a doctor and .................... wife is a doctor, too.
11. The Greens have got .................... bicycles in the garage.
12. This is a strange insect. .................... head is small but .................... eyes are
very big.
13. Julia and .................... brother have not got .................... raincoats.
14. This is a nice umbrella. .................... colour is yellow.
15. We like Mr Taylor and .................... wife Iris.
II. Napisz zdania o poszczególnych osobach według przykładu.
Mr Black
Tim and Jake
pens/pen case
Mr Black has got his car in the garage. ...............……................................................….
Zaimki dzierżawcze ‘mine’, ‘yours’ etc.
Zaimki dzierżawcze stosuje się, gdy mowa jest o osobach lub rzeczach posiadanych.
This is my handbag.
Your books are on the desk.
Our friends are from Warsaw.
Her mother is very nice.
Those are their cameras.
Niekiedy stosuje się tylko zaimek dzierżawczy bez rzeczownika, o którym mowa.
Dzieje się tak wtedy, gdy nie ma konieczności powtarzać tego samego rzeczownika.
Zaimki dzierżawcze występujące bez rzeczownika mają nieco zmienioną formę:
liczba pojedyncza
liczba mnoga
mój, moja, moje
nasz, nasze
twój, twoja, twoje
wasz, wasze
Zaimki dzierżawcze są nieodmienne i nie zmieniają swej postaci ze względu na rodzaj
rzeczownika, z którym występują.
Zaimki dzierżawcze mogą występować w konstrukcjach z zaimkami wskazującymi:
This is my book.
This book is mine.
These are her dresses.
These dresses are hers.
That is your school.
That school is yours.
Those are our cakes.
Those cakes are ours.
lub w innych konstrukcjach:
You have got your books on the desk. I have got mine (my books) in the bag.
The Browns have got their car in the garage. We have got ours (our car) outside.
My bicycle is here. Where is yours (your bicycle)?
They can see our windows and we can see theirs (their windows).
She borrows his glasses and he borrows hers (her glasses).
I. Przepisz zdania według przykładu.
1. This is my computer game.
2. That is your blue cap.
3. Is this her pocket money?
4. These are not our rooms.
5. This is its house.
6. Are those their sandwiches?
7. That is not my bus ticket.
8. These are your new books.
9. Is that my cup of tea?
10. This is not our suitcase.
This computer game is mine.
II. Uzupełnij zdania zaimkami dzierżawczymi.
1. ‘Is this .................... picture, Alice?’
2. ‘Is that Brian’s exercise book?’
3. ‘Are these her earrings?’
4. ‘Is that .................... school?’
5. ‘Are those their houses?’
6. ‘Is this computer ....................?’
7. ‘Is that Monica’s jacket?’
8. ‘Are these instruments ....................?’
9. ‘Is this .................... dog?’
10. ‘Is that John’s passport?’
‘Yes, it is ...................., sir.’
‘No, it isn’t .................... .’
‘Yes, they are .................... .’
‘Of course, it is ours.’
‘No, they are not .................... .’
‘Yes, it is mine.’
‘I think it is .................... .’
‘Yes, they are yours.’
‘No, it isn’t theirs.’
‘Yes, it is .................... .
III. Uzupełnij zdania zaimkami dzierżawczymi.
1. Peter’s got .................... keys in the hand. I’ve got .................... in my pocket.
2. Mr Howard takes .................... camera and we take .................... .
3. You have got .................... money in a bank. Where has Judy got ....................?
4. This is Mrs White’s scarf. It is .................... .
5. Linda bought these pictures. They are .................... .
6. ‘Whose record is this? Is it yours, James?’ ‘No, it isn’t .................... , for sure.
7. We saw Tom’s boat last week and he saw .................... yesterday.
8. These are Ann and Mary’s apples and pears. They are .................... .
9. I am eating your sandwiches and you are eating .................... .
10. ‘Are those Mr Yellow’s tools?’ ‘Yes, they are .................... .’
11. They can use .................... washing machine and we can use .................... .
12. Teacher: ‘Whose are these toys?’ Children: ‘They are .................... .’
Zaimek ‘Whose’ / Dopełniacz saksoński
Zaimek ‘Whose’ oznacza ‘czyj, czyja, czyje’.
Stosuje się go w pytaniach o przynależność osób i rzeczy.
‘Whose’ może występować z zaimkami wskazującymi oraz czasownikiem ‘be’.
Pytanie można wówczas utworzyć na dwa sposoby za pomocą inwersji.
Whose is this camera? lub Whose camera is this?
Whose are these balloons? lub Whose balloons are these?
Na pytanie z zaimkiem ‘Whose’ zwykle odpowiada się przy użyciu zaimków
This is my camera. / This camera is mine.
These are our balloons. / These balloons are ours.
‘Whose’ może także występować w innych konstrukcjach pytających.
‘Whose car is Tom driving?’
‘Whose purse did you find?’
‘He is driving my car.’
‘We found Betty’s purse.’
Dopełniacz saksoński
Dopełniaczem saksońskim nazywa się formę dzierżawczą utworzoną przy pomocy
apostrofu oraz litery ‘s’. Dopełniacz saksoński, czyli ’s, dodaje się do imienia lub nazwy
osoby posiadającej. Formę tę używa się zwykle w odniesieniu do osób, rzadziej do
rzeczy. Rzeczownik występuje tutaj bez przedimka ‘a’, ‘an’ lub ‘the’.
Brain has got a computer. This is Brian’s computer.
Alice has got apples. These are Alice’s apples.
Dopełniacz saksoński może także wystąpić bez rzeczownika określanego jako
This computer is Brian’s. These apples are Alice’s.
These are our parents. Where are Joan’s (parents)?
Jeżeli osoba posiadająca ma postać liczby mnogiej, wówczas dodaje się sam apostrof.
The boys have got girlfriends.  These are the boys’ girlfriends.
The pupils have got pictures.  These are the pupils’ pictures.
I. Napisz pytania z zaimkiem ‘Whose’ według przykładu.
1. this / dictionary
2. those / suitcases
3. this / locker
4. these / glasses
5. those / dirty shoes
6. that / yellow cap
7. this / record player
8. these / photographs
9. that / motorcycle
10. those / dresses
Whose is this dictionary?
II. Napisz odpowiedzi do pytań z ćwiczenia I stosując dopełniacz saksoński.
(the people)
(Mrs Brown)
(the boys)
(my baby)
(my friends)
(Mr Lee)
(our daughters)
This is Cindy’s dictionary.
III. Napisz zdania stosując dopełniacz saksoński.
1. Harry has got a key ring.
2. Mrs Blue has not got children.
3. Has Pauline got a type writer?
4. Muriel has not got a washing machine.
5. Have the students got books?
This is ..........................................….........
These aren’t ...................................…........
Is this ................................................…..?
That isn’t ...............................................
Are these .................................................?
IV. Napisz odpowiedzi na zadane pytania.
1. Whose shirt is this?
2. Whose papers are those?
3. Whose clock is that?
4. Whose cards are these?
5. Whose idea is this?
This shirt ......................................…....….........(Robert)
Those papers ......................................….(the directors)
That clock .........................................(my grandmother)
These cards ...............................................(the players)
This idea .............................................. (Mrs Johnson)
Zaimki osobowe w bierniku
Zaimki osobowe w bierniku (Accusative) odpowiadają na pytania ‘Kogo? Co?’.
W zdaniu zaimki te występują w roli dopełnienia. Zaimki osobowe w bierniku mają
następującą postać:
liczba pojedyncza
liczba mnoga
ich, je
jego, to
Zaimki osobowe w roli dopełnienia mogą zastąpić dopełnienie rzeczownikowe.
I love my mother.  I love her.
Do you know Adam Palmer?  Do you know him?
We have got your watch.  We have got it.
Where did you see my parents?  Where did you see them?
We are writing letters.  We are writing them.
Należy pamiętać, że zaimki ‘him’ oraz ‘her’ odnoszą się tylko do osób lub zwierząt
domowych, których płeć znamy. Zamiast rzeczowników nieosobowych oraz nazw
innych zwierząt w liczbie pojedynczej stosuje się wyłącznie zaimek ‘it’.
I like Alice very much.  I like her very much.
We like this game very much.  We like it very much.
I often meet Robert in the club.  I often meet him in the club.
Do you often read the magazine?
Do you often read it?
Zaimek ‘them’, podobnie jak ‘they’, odnosi się do osób, zwierząt oraz rzeczy rodzaju
męskiego, żeńskiego i nijakiego w liczbie mnogiej.
We talked to your friends yesterday.  We talked to them yesterday.
Where did you put my books?  Where did you put them?
Susan asked about our parents.  Susan asked about them.
Who bought these puppies?  Who bought them?
I. Uzupełnij zdania zaimkami.
1. George is our neighbour. We meet .................... quite often.
2. This is Linda Grey. Everybody knows .................... .
3. I have got two sandwiches. Do you want ....................?
4. Mr Taylor gave us four rabbits last week. We keep .................... in a cage.
5. Our mother is the best mother in the world. We all love .................... very much.
6. Where is your son? I cannot see .................... .
7. There are some people in the room. Do you know ....................?
8. You often eat pancakes. You like ...................., don’t you?
9. ‘Did you meet my sister yesterday?’ ‘Yes, I met .................... after lessons.’
10. George has got a new computer. I saw .................... last Monday.
II. Napisz odpowiedzi stosując zaimki osobowe w bierniku.
1. ‘Did you talk to Mrs Green?’
2. ‘Where does he keep his clothes?’
3. ‘Who painted these pictures?’
4. ‘Does Wendy know Peter?’
5. ‘How often do you meet Tom and Joe?’
6. ‘Have you got my calculator?’
7. ‘Are you afraid of the dog?’
8. ‘Does your father know Mrs Jones?’
9. ‘Did you invite Ann and her sister?’
10. ‘When are you going to repair the iron?’
‘Yes, ....................................... yesterday.’
‘......................................... in a wardrobe.’
‘My teacher .............................................’
‘No, she ...................................................’
‘I ............................................ every day.’
‘Yes, .................................. in my pocket.’
‘Yes, I am ................................................’
‘No, .........................................................’
‘Yes, we ..................................................’
‘.............................................. next week.’
III. Uzupełnij zdania zaimkami.
1. I like you and you like me .
2. They invited .................... and we invited .................... .
3. He loves .................... and she loves .................... .
4. We know .................... and you know .................... .
5. She saw .................... and they saw .................... .
6. It looked at .................... and I looked at .................... .
7. You speak about .................... and we speak about .................... .
8. He is looking for .................... and they are looking for .................... .
9. I asked .................... and she asked .................... .
10. They write letters to .................... and he writes letters to .................... .
11. She phoned .................... and I phoned .................... .
12. You shouted at .................... and it barked at .................... .
13. He remembers .................... and we remember .................... .
14. They believe .................... and I believe .................... .
15. It has got .................... and we have got .................... .
Zaimki osobowe w celowniku
Zaimki osobowe w celowniku (Dative) odpowiadają na pytania ‘Komu? Czemu?’
W zdaniu zaimki te występują w roli dopełnienia.
Środkowa część tabeli prezentuje formy zaimków osobowych w celowniku:
liczba pojedyncza
liczba mnoga
jemu, temu
Zaimki osobowe w celowniku występują zwykle w zdaniu, w którym znajdują się dwa
I gave
the book.
Zaimek osobowy w celowniku może zastępować rzeczownik:
I gave him the book.
She often brings her children sweets.  She often brings them sweets.
We offered Mrs Grey help.  We offered her help.
Did you show your brother the map?  Did you show him the map?
Dwa dopełnienia występują zwykle po czasownikach:
bring, buy, give, lend, offer, promise, sell, send, show, tell
Tell us the story , please.
My neighbour sold me his tape recorder.
Did you promise her a trip to London?
Your dog is hungry. Give it some food.
Are you going to send them a postcard?
Could you lend me your dictionary?
Adam is thirsty. Bring him some mineral water, please.
I. Przepisz zdania zastępując dopełnienie rzeczownikowe zaimkiem.
1. We gave Peter a watch for his birthday.
2. The assistant offered Mary a new tape.
3. Mr Jones bought his wife flowers.
4. I gave your cat some milk.
5. Someone showed the people the way.
6. You always tell your friends the story.
7. Jim lent his sister some money.
8. I promised my son a bicycle.
9. Do you often send your mother letters?
10. Who gave the dog the bone?
II. Uzupełnij zdania zaimkami.
1. I am hungry. Give .................... a sandwich, please.
2. We don’t know the story. Tell .................... the story, please
3. You have got some money. I gave .................... some money yesterday.
4. My children love ice cream. I buy .................... ice cream very often.
5. Jack had problems at school. We offered .................... help.
6. I helped Mrs Tandy and she promised .................... a box of chocolate.
7. Your hamster is ill. You should give .................... some medicine.
8. Lisa knows everything. We told .................... the story last week.
9. Joe and Alex were lucky. Somebody sold .................... tickets for the concert.
10. You look cold. I can give .................... some warm clothes.
III. Uzupełnij zdania zaimkami.
1. I told him my story and he told me his story.
2. We give .................... food and they give .................... help.
3. Susan bought .................... a tie and Adam bought .................... silver earrings.
4. The Browns sent .................... a parcel and George sent .................... a letter.
5. The man offered .................... a loan and we offered .................... our products.
6. He told .................... a lie but you told .................... the truth.
7. She gave .................... sweets and the children gave .................... smiles.
8. We showed .................... our photos and Tom showed .................... his film.
9. They promised .................... posters and I promised .................... stickers.
10. The people sell .................... fruit and you sell .................... vegetables.
Zaimki zwrotne
Zaimki zwrotne wyrażają znaczenie ‘się, siebie, sobie’. Stosowane są z czasownikami
opisującymi czynność, która dotyczy bezpośrednio podmiotu zdania.
Zaimki zwrotne poszczególnych osób mają następującą formę:
liczba pojedyncza
liczba mnoga
Należy pamiętać, że zaimki zwrotne w liczbie mnogiej przybierają końcówkę ‘-ves’.
I dress myself in the morning.
You enjoyed yourself at the party last night.
Peter hurt himself on the shoulder.
Nicole looked at herself in the mirror.
We pay for ourselves in the restaurant.
You look after yourselves very well.
Ann and Lisa enjoy themselves at every party.
Zaimek zwrotny z przyimkiem ‘by’ oznacza ‘sam, samemu’.
I am by myself. Nobody is with me.
We did everything by ourselves. Nobody helped us.
Zaimek ‘each other’
Zaimek ‘each other’ oznacza ‘siebie, sobie, wzajemnie, na wzajem’. Stosuje się go,
gdy wykonywana czynność jest odwzajemniana przez obydwie osoby - podmiot oraz
Tom and Jerry like each other. = Tom likes Jerry and Jerry likes Tom.
We talked to each other. = I talked to him and he talked to me.
I. Uzupełnij zdania poprawnym zaimkiem zwrotnym.
1. Adam cried because he cut ............................... with his penknife.
2. ‘Did you enjoy ............................... at the party last Saturday?’ ‘Yes, we did.’
3. I am angry with ............................... because I have forgotten my car keys.
4. My mother fell down the stairs and hurt ............................... on the leg.
5. Mr Biggs shaves ............................... with an electric razor.
6. Where shall we dress ...............................?
7. Their faces were painted and they laughed when they looked at ..............................
in the mirror.
8. Mother to her children: ‘You must take care of ............................... all the time.’
9. The dog is ill. It hurt ............................... on the paw.
10. The woman who entered the room didn’t introduce ............................... .
II. Wybierz właściwy zaimek.
1. ‘Do you like me / myself?’ ‘Of course, I like yourself / you’.
2. They often hide themselves / them and I cannot find them / themselves.
3. Susan can dress herself / her but John is too young to dress him / himself.
4. Shall we introduce us / ourselves when we come in?
5. ‘Does anyone help you / yourself?’ ‘No, I do everything by me / myself.’
6. Mr Jones isn’t feeling well and he is worried about himself / him.
7. Susan, tell us / ourselves something about you / yourself, please.
8. Mother to her children: ‘You don’t learn for myself / me but for yourselves / you.
9. You were so upset that you couldn’t find a place for yourself / you.
10. There was nobody in the house. She was by her / herself.
III. Uzupełnij zdania stosując zaimek zwrotny lub ‘each other’.
1. We are close friends. We like ............................... very much.
2. Your face is dirty. Just look at ............................... in the mirror.
3. They are strangers. They don’t know ............................... .
4. I didn’t enjoy ............................... at the reception last night.
5. When did you and Alice meet ...............................?
6. I saw Julia in the park. She was by ............................... .
7. Bob and Mike always quarrel with ............................... .
8. I cut ............................... an hour ago but my finger is still bleeding.
9. Ronald forgot to introduce ............................... to the people.
10. Betty and Joseph are getting married. They love ............................... very much.
11. We are good neighbours and we help ............................... very often.
12. Our son could dress ............................... when he was five years old.
Konstrukcja ‘There is ... / There are ... ’
Konstrukcję z zaimkiem ‘There’ oraz czasownikiem ‘be’ stosuje się, aby wskazać oraz
nazwać osobę lub rzecz znajdującą się w określonym miejscu. Konstrukcję tę zwykle
używa się do opisu miejsc lub pomieszczeń. Określenie miejsca znajduje się na końcu
lub początku zdania. Wskazując na obiekt w liczbie pojedynczej, zaimek ‘There’
występuje z czasownikiem ‘be’ w postaci ‘is’.
There is a wooden floor in the kitchen. lub In the kitchen, there is a wooden floor.
Wskazując na obiekty w liczbie mnogiej czasownik przybiera formę ‘are’.
There are some people in the garden. lub In the garden, there are some people.
Pytanie tworzy się przez inwersję. W pytaniu określenie miejsca zawsze znajduje się
na końcu zdania.
Is there any milk in the fridge? Is there a cinema in the city centre?
Are there any children in the backyard? Are there tomatoes in the bag?
Zaprzeczenie zdania z zaimkiem ‘There’ tworzy się przy użyciu słowa ‘not’, które
należy umieścić po czasowniku. W zdaniu przeczącym określenie miejsca może
znajdować się na początku lub końcu zdania.
There is not (isn’t) any milk in the fridge.
In the fridge, there is not (isn’t) any milk.
There are not (aren’t) any children in the backyard.
In the backyard, there are not (aren’t) any children.
Zaimka ‘There’ w konstrukcji wskazującej nie należy tłumaczyć na język polski.
W języku polskim zdanie takie rozpoczyna się od określenia miejsca.
There is a lamp on the desk.
Na biurku jest/znajduje się lampa.
On the walls, there are many pictures.
Na ścianach jest/znajduje się wiele obrazów.
I. Napisz pytania stosując konstrukcję ‘There is/are’.
1. a packet of biscuits / the cupboard
2. any apples / the shop
3. pyramids / Poland
4. a blackboard / this classroom
5. customers / the department store
6. sweets / the packet
7. a castle / the hill
8. a toyshop / the town
II. Napisz co znajduje się w poszczególnych miejscach.
Tom’s village
farm animals
a lake
high hills
many fields
the city centre
a town hall
a sweetshop
a fountain
a museum
the suburbs
a river
an airport
Odpowiedz krótko na pytania.
1. Is there a museum in Tom’s village?
2. Are there forests in the city centre?
3. Is there a lake in the suburbs?
4. Are there hills in the city centre?
5. Is there an airport in Tom’s village?
6. Are there farms in the suburbs?
III. Uzupełnij zdania stosując konstrukcję ‘There + is/are’.
1. .............................. a nice old town square in the city. I like it very much.
2. We cannot go skiing. .............................. any snow.
3. .............................. any stamp collections in the museum?
4. I can’t make a cake. .............................. any flour in the bag.
5. It isn’t a green area. .............................. many forests here.
6. Look! .............................. a cat on the roof.
7. .............................. any information for me?
8. We are too late. .............................. any more buses to Sutton.
Konstrukcja ‘There was… / There were …’
Konstrukcję z zaimkiem ‘There’ oraz czasownikiem ‘be’ stosuje się, aby wskazać oraz
nazwać osobę lub rzecz znajdującą się w określonym miejscu. Konstrukcję tę zwykle
używa się do opisu miejsc lub pomieszczeń. Określenie miejsca znajduje się na końcu
lub początku zdania. Konstrukcję tę można także stosować w czasie przeszłym Past
Wskazując na obiekt w liczbie pojedynczej, czasownik przybiera formę ‘was’.
There was a castle on the hill. lub On the hill, there was a castle.
Wskazując na obiekty w liczbie mnogiej, czasownik przybiera formę ‘were’.
There were biscuits in the packet. lub In the packet, there were biscuits.
Pytanie tworzy się przez inwersję. W pytaniu określenie miejsca zawsze znajduje się na
końcu zdania.
Was there a stove in the living room fifty years ago?
Were there any children in the playground an hour ago?
Zaprzeczenie zdania z zaimkiem ‘There’ tworzy się przy użyciu słowa ‘not’, które
należy umieścić po czasowniku. W zdaniu przeczącym określenie miejsca może
znajdować się na początku lub końcu zdania.
There was not (wasn’t) a coat on the hanger.
On the hanger, there was not (wasn’t) a coat.
There were not (weren’t) any vegetables in Betty’s basket.
In Betty’s basket, there were not (weren’t) any vegetables.
W zdaniu z zaimkiem ‘There’ w czasie przeszłym może wystąpić określenie czasu.
Znajduje się ono za określeniem miejsca na końcu zdania lub przed określeniem
miejsca na początku zdania.
There was a big palace in the middle of the forest one hundred years ago.
One hunderd years ago in the middle of the forest, there was a big palace.
I. Uzupełnij zdania stosując ‘There was’ lub ‘There were’.
1. ........................................ a colourful carpet on the floor in my living room.
2. Twenty years ago, ........................................ two theatres in our town.
3. ........................................ a lot of fruit trees in our grandfathers’ garden.
4. High in the mountains, ........................................ shepherds’ chalets.
5. Five hundred years ago in this place, ........................................ a great stone wall.
6. ........................................ a fireplace in the hall three years ago.
7. ........................................ a few shops in the village some time ago.
8. Many centuries ago , ........................................ water on the Sahara desert.
II. Napisz co znajdowało się w podanych miejscowościach dwadzieścia lat temu.
a pool
four churches
a zoo
five schools
a town hall
a museum
two libraries
three stores
Napisz krótkie odpowiedzi do pytań.
1. Was there a museum in Hampton twenty years ago?
2. Were there four churches in Mersey twenty years ago?
3. Was there a zoo in Mersey twenty years ago?
4. Were there three stores in Hampton twenty years ago?
III. Uzupełnij zdania stosując konstrukcję ‘There + was/were’.
1. ‘........................................ a castle here four hundred years ago?’ ‘I don’t know.’
2. ........................................ a lot of people at the concert yesterday.
3. We didn’t sleep in the hotel. ........................................ any free rooms.
4. ........................................ any biscuits in the packet. It was empty.
5. Before the war, ........................................ a big park near the palace.
6. ‘........................................ any rain yesterday?’ ‘Yes, it rained hard.’
7. I didn’t buy you any souvenirs. ........................................ any shops open.
8. ‘........................................ any posters on the walls?’ ‘No, not a single one.’
Zaimek ‘it’
Zaimek ‘it’ może w zdaniu zastąpić rzeczownik nieożywiony w liczbie pojedynczej
występujący w postaci podmiotu lub dopełnienia.
The plane is very modern.  It is very modern.
The weather was very good.  It was very good.
We saw the film last month.  We saw it last month.
Somebody stole the car.  Somebody stole it.
Zaimek ‘it’ występuje również w postaci podmiotu bezosobowego w zdaniach
z czasownikiem ‘be’ opisujących:
porę roku:
It is summer now. It was winter five months ago. It is autumn.
dni, miesiące:
It is Monday today. It is April. It was Sunday yesterday.
porę dnia:
It is early morning. It is midnight now. It is afternoon.
It is twelve o’clock. It is twenty past six. What time is it?
It is hot today. It was raining yesterday. It is foggy outside.
It is ten kilometres from here to Leeds. Is it far from here?
Zaimek ‘it’ w roli podmiotu występuje z przymiotnikami lub przysłówkami:
It is nice here.
It was windy yesterday.
It is beautiful.
It was boring.
‘It’ może wystąpić w roli zaimka wskazującego zastępując ‘This’. Wskazuje wówczas
na rzeczownik w liczbie pojedynczej:
This is my raincoat.  It is my raincoat.
This is a fashionable pullover.  It is a fashionable pullover.
This is Peter’s schoolbag.  It is Peter’s schoolbag.
‘It’ występuje z przymiotnikiem oraz konstrukcją bezokolicznikową:
It + be + przymiotnik/rzeczownik + bezokolicznik czasownika
It is difficult to understand mathematics.
It is fun to play computer games.
It is good to eat fruit and vegetables.
Is it expensive to travel by plane?
I. Uzupełnij zdania zaimkiem ‘it’ oraz poprawną formą czasownika ‘be’.
1. Put your cap on! .............................. cold outside.
2. ‘.............................. Friday yesterday?’ ‘No, .............................. Saturday.’
3. ‘What time .............................. , please?’ ‘.............................. a quarter past six.’
4. We must go back home now. .............................. almost midnight.
5. The cassette is mine. .............................. yours, for sure.
6. How far .............................. from your house to the city centre?
7. .............................. easy to learn Japanese. .............................. very difficult.
8. Five weeks ago, .............................. summer. Now, .............................. autumn.
9. ‘Where was the newspaper?’ ‘.............................. on the rack.’
10. .............................. very pleasant to walk in the mountains, isn’t it?
II. Napisz pytania oraz odpowiedzi stosując zaimek ‘it’ oraz czasownik ‘be’.
1. What time / five o’clock
2. How far / four kilometres
3. How high / sixty metres
4. What day / Wednesday
5. How cold / ten degrees
6. What time / midday
7. What season / winter
8. How deep / eight metres
‘What time is it?’ ‘..............................’
‘..............................?’ ‘..............................’
‘..............................?’ ‘.............................. high.’
‘.............................. yesterday?’ ‘..............................’
‘.............................. now?’ ‘..............................’
‘.............................. now?’ ‘..............................’
‘.............................. now?’ ‘..............................’
‘..............................?’ ‘.............................. deep’
III. Wstaw ‘it’, ‘this’ lub ‘there’.
1. ‘Who bought the dictionary?’ ‘My sister bought .................... .’
2. .................... department store is the biggest in our city.
3. We must hurry up. .................... is very late.
4. Is .................... a TV set in your parents’ living room?
5. ‘Is ..................... your dog?’ ‘Yes, .................... is mine.’
6. .................... was a quarter to ten when they arrived.
7. .................... key isn’t mine. .................... is Frank’s.
8. In the park, .................... is a very old tree. .................... is an oak tree.
IV. Napisz zdania stosując zaimek ‘it’ oraz konstrukcję bezokolicznikową.
It is .............................. to ................................…
1. dangerous / drive fast
2. a pleasure / sit in the garden .................................................................................
3. cheap / travel on foot
4. boring / stay at home
5. healthy / go jogging every day .................................................................................
Liczba mnoga rzeczowników
Liczbę mnogą regularnych rzeczowników tworzy się przez dodanie końcówki ‘-s’.
boat - boats
pearl - pearls
armchair - armchairs
bottle - bottles
Jeżeli rzeczownik zakończony jest spółgłoską ‘y’, którą poprzedza inna spółgłoska,
wówczas w liczbie mnogiej, ‘y’ zamienia się w samogłoskę ‘i’, zaś pełna końcówka ma
postać ‘-ies’.
body - bodies
story - stories
baby - babies
country - countries
Jeżeli rzeczownik zakończony jest spółgłoską ‘y’, którą poprzedza samogłoska,
wówczas ‘y’ nie ulega zmianie.
boy - boys
play - plays
toy - toys
holiday - holidays
Liczbę mnogą rzeczowników zakończonych spółgłoską syczącą tj. ‘ch’, ‘s’, ‘sh’, ‘ss’, ‘x’
tworzy się przy użyciu końcówki ‘-es’.
match - matches
bus - buses
brush - brushes
boss - bosses
box - boxes
Liczbę mnogą niektórych rzeczowników tworzy się także przy użyciu końcówki ‘-es’:
potato - potatoes
tomato - tomatoes
Niektóre rzeczowniki zakończone spółgłoską ‘f’ lub ‘fe’ tworzą liczbę mnogą przy użyciu
końcówki ‘-ves’. Do grupy tej należą rzeczowniki:
half - halves
shelf - shelves
knife - knives
thief - thieves
leaf - leaves
wife - wives
loaf - loaves
wolf - wolves
Niektóre rzeczowniki tworzą liczbę mnogą bez użycia końcówki, lecz poprzez zmianę
samogłoski lub postaci. Należą do nich:
foot - feet goose - geese tooth - teeth
man - men woman - women person - people child - children
Niektóre rzeczowniki stanowią nazwę jednego obiektu, a mimo to mają niezmiennie
postać liczby mnogiej i występują z czasownikiem w formie liczby mnogiej. Są to np.
Where are my glasses?
Your new pyjamas are very nice.
I. Wpisz formę liczby mnogiej podanych rzeczowników.
II. Wybierz poprawną postać liczby mnogiej.
beachs / beaches
potatoes / potatos
Sundays / Sundies
wifes / wives
men / mans
pianoes / pianos
comedies / comedys
halves / halfs
watches / watchs
foots / feet
batterys / batteries
keys / kies
boxs / boxes
thieves / thiefs
flys / flies
III. Uzupełnij zdania rzeczownikiem w liczbie mnogiej.
1. We have got only one child but our neighbours have got three .............................. .
2. Celia bought one dress but her sister bought four .............................. .
3. We are going to Paris for one week but they are going for two .............................. .
4. Mrs Barnaby keeps just one turkey but Mrs Briggs keeps five .............................. .
5. We have got only one torch but we need at least three .............................. .
6. Their team played one match but our team played six .............................. .
7. You drink one glass of milk in the morning but I drink two .............................. .
8. In her room, there is just one shelf but in my room, there are ten ........................... .
9. Lisa has got one hamster but Monica has got three .............................. .
10. I used one dictionary but Adam used more .............................. .
IV. Uzupełnij zdania rzeczownikami w liczbie mnogiej.
1. I couldn’t find a free seat. There were a lot of .............................. on the bus.
2. Mr Harrow is a writer. He writes short .............................. .
3. .............................. don’t eat grass. They eat birds and small animals.
4. You cannot borrow The Birdie. We have no more .............................. of the book.
5. How many .............................. of bread shall I buy at the baker’s?
6. There are twenty .............................. in our classroom and as many desks.
7. Our baby has got a lot of cuddly .............................. .
8. Twenty .............................. took part in the competition last year.
Rzeczowniki policzalne i niepoliczalne
Rzeczowniki policzalne to takie, które posiadają liczbę mnogą, oraz które można realnie
one lamp  two, three, four ... ten lamps.
one spoon  two, three, four ... twenty spoons.
Rzeczowniki policzalne w liczbie pojedynczej mogą wystąpić z przedimkiem
nieokreślonym ‘a’ lub ‘an‘.
This is a flower.
We have got a daughter.
John often rides a bike.
I am eating an apple.
There is an oak tree.
Is it an onion?
W liczbie mnogiej rzeczowniki policzalne mogą wystąpić bez przedimka lub z zaimkami
‘some’ oraz ‘any’.
We have got (some) magazines for you.
Tony keeps (some) animals on his farm.
Can you sing (any) songs?
Alice did not eat (any) vegetables.
Rzeczowniki niepoliczalne to takie, które nie posiadają liczby mnogiej, oraz których nie
można realnie policzyć. Należą do nich niektóre nazwy napojów, żywności, substancji,
pojęć abstrakcyjnych oraz inne np.
bread butter chocolate cheese coffee food honey jam juice lemonade
meat milk rice salt tea water air glass music paper plastic rain sand
snow wind wood advice courage experience fear help hope luck effort
hair information money music news sunshine time weather wind work
Rzeczowniki niepoliczalne nie występują z przedimkami nieokreślonymi ‘a’ lub ‘an’. W
zamian, często występują z zaimkami ‘some’ oraz ‘any’.
Is there any water in the glass?
Is there any information for me?
Is there any money in the wallet?
You need some fresh air.
We have got some news for you.
Diane has got some work to do.
Niektóre z powyższych rzeczowników mogą jednak opisywać obiekt policzalny w
osobnym znaczeniu np. ‘a paper’ - gazeta ‘a glass’ - szklanka, lub mogą tworzyć
formę policzalną jeżeli poprzedza je zwrot ‘a piece of’’, ‘a bottle of’, ‘a cup of’’,
‘a glass of’.
a piece of chocolate - two pieces of chocolate a piece of meat - two pieces of meat
a cup of tea - two cups of tea a piece of information - three pieces of information
I. Wpisz ‘a’, ‘an’ lub ‘some’.
II. Wpisz ‘a’, ‘an’, ‘some’ lub ‘any’.
1. There is .................... coffee in the cup and .................... sandwich on the plate.
2. I need .................... glass and .................... water.
3. They didn’t give us .................... money or .................... advice.
4. Is there .................... rain or .................... snow outside?
5. For breakfast, we ate .................... bread and drank .................... juice.
6. I don’t have .................... time. I have .................... work to do.
7. We gave George .................... pocket money and .................... bus ticket.
8. ‘Is there .................... cheese in the fridge?’ ‘No, but there is .................... milk.’
9. I need .................... paper to write a letter and .................... paper to read the news.
10. We have .................... experience but we don’t have .................... luck.
III. Napisz odpowiedzi stosując podane rzeczowniki oraz ‘a’ lub ‘some’.
1. ‘What is there in the fridge?’
(fruit juice / jam / bottle of milk)
2. ‘What is there in the basket?’
(magazines / sandwich / fruit)
3. ‘What is there in your pocket?’
(sand / grass / keys / ticket)
4. ‘What is there in the cupboard?’
(sugar / jar of honey / flour)
There ..................................... and ................….
............................. and ..................................……
IV. Napisz odpowiedzi stosując podane zwroty.
bars of
cups of
jars of
1. ‘How much tea do you drink?’
2. ‘How much sugar would you like?’
3. ‘Did he give you much information?’
4. ’How much chocolate did she eat?’
5. ’Does William eat much bread?’
6. ‘How much honey did Mr Lee sell?’
pieces of
slices of
teaspoonfuls of
‘Three cups of tea a day.’
‘Two ...................................... , please.’
‘Just three ..........................................……...’
‘Five ................................................, I think.’
‘Just four ................................……...... a day.’
‘Twenty ............................................., I think.’
Przedimki nieokreślone ‘a’ i ‘an’
Przedimki pełnią funkcję gramatyczną i nie posiadają odrębnego znaczenia.
W zdaniu występują one przed rzeczownikami. Przedimki nieokreślone ‘a’ oraz ‘an’
występują przed rzeczownikami policzalnymi w liczbie pojedynczej.
Przedimek ‘a’ występuje przed rzeczownikami rozpoczynającymi się od spółgłoski.
Przedimek ‘an’ występuje przed rzeczownikami rozpoczynającymi się od samogłoski.
a policeman
an uncle
a job
a leg
a button
a guitar
a curtain
an eagle
an umbrella
an iron
an onion
Przedimek nieokreślony używany jest z rzeczownikiem, który w zdaniu lub rozmowie
pojawia się po raz pierwszy i reprezentuje grupę obiektów o tej samej nazwie.
This is a tram. - To jest (jakiś, jeden z wielu) tramwaj.
We have got a dog. - My mamy (jakiegoś, wcześniej nieokreślonego) psa.
There is a book on the desk. - Na biurku znajduje się (jakaś, nieokreślona) książka.
Przedimek nieokreślony opisuje obiekt bliżej nieznany, lub o którym wcześniej nie było
mowy. Jego nazwa nie kojarzy się z żadnym konkretnym obiektem.
Przedimki nieokreślone ‘a’ oraz ‘an’ występują przed rzeczownikami stanowiącymi
nazwy zawodów.
Mr Thomas is a carpenter.
Steven is an architect.
I am a teacher.
Jeżeli rzeczownik określony jest przymiotnikiem w roli przydawki, wówczas przedimek
zajmuje miejsce przed przymiotnikiem - nigdy za nim.
Brian is a good friend. nie Brian is good a friend.
It was a funny party. nie It was funny a party.
Jeżeli przydawka rozpoczyna się od samogłoski, wówczas stosuje się przedimek ‘an’.
She told us an amazing story. nie She told us a amazing story.
He is wearing an elegant suit. nie He is wearing a elegant suit.
Przedimka nieokreślonego nie należy używać przed rzeczownikami niepoliczalnymi,
rzeczownikami w liczbie mnogiej, przed nazwami posiłków, dni, miesięcy i pór roku.
some shops nie a shops
some food nie a food
some water nie a water
I had (my) breakfast at seven. nie I had a breakfast at seven.
I. Wstaw ‘a’, ‘an’ lub ‘some’.
1. I can see .................... tall man and .................... children in front of the school.
2. We don’t have .................... phone card but we have .................... tokens.
3. ‘Is this .................... ant?’ ‘No, this is .................... beetle.’
4. Pete didn’t eat .................... sandwich. He only drank .................... orange juice.
5. My mother is .................... dentist and my father is .................... electrician.
6. The Johnsons didn’t buy .................... TV set. They bought .................... clothes.
7. ‘Have you got .................... pencil?’ ‘Yes, and I have got .................... pens, too.’
8. On his plate, there were .................... potatoes and .................... meat.
9. Uncle Joe brought us .................... toys and .................... sweets.
10. Mrs Black keeps .................... cat and .................... dogs in her house.
II. Uzupełnij definicje stosując podane rzeczowniki z przedimkami.
1. ....................... can be sharp.
2. ....................... is a piece of furniture.
3. ....................... is a flower.
4. ....................... is an exotic fruit.
5. ....................... is a tree.
6. ...................... paints pictures.
7. ...................... is a wild animal.
8. ...................... flies a plane.
9. ...................... is smaller than a town.
10. ...................... gives light.
III. Popraw błędy w zdaniach. (! Niektóre zdania są poprawne.)
1. I never eat a dinner at home.
2. He showed me funny a photo.
3. Is Adam a good friend?
4. Did you eat a chips and hotdog?
5. David likes drinking a cold water.
6. Do you often read a books?
7. Somebody gave me a old diary.
8. Is there a money in the wallet?
9. My best friend ate lunch with me.
10. Mr Brown is not shop assistant.
IV. Uzupełnij zdania przedimkami ‘a’ i ‘an’.
1. (baker makes bread)
2. (piano is instrument)
3. (I ate bun for breakfast)
4. (she bought album on Friday)
5. (dictionary is useful thing)
Przedimek określony ‘the’
Przedimek określony ‘the’ pełni funkcję gramatyczną i nie posiada odrębnego
znaczenia. Występuje przed rzeczownikami policzalnymi oraz niepoliczalnymi w liczbie
pojedynczej i mnogiej. Przedimek ‘the’ używany jest przed rzeczownikiem, który
w rozmowie lub tekście został wspominany wcześniej, jest więc zdefiniowany, gdyż
wiadomo, o którym rzeczowniku jest mowa.
My brother has got a car.  The car is not new.
Someone forgot a jacket.  The jacket was left in the cloakroom.
Adam has got (some) books.  He borrowed the books from his friend.
We received (some) letters.  The letters were from England.
Niekiedy ‘the’ występuje przed rzeczownikiem, który nie był wspominany wcześniej,
lecz dla osoby mówiącej oznacza on konkretny, określony obiekt.
We keep the dog outside. = We keep our dog outside.
Listen to the teacher! = Listen to your teacher!
How much did you pay for the tickets? = How much did you pay for your tickets?
Przedimek określony ‘the’ występuje również przed rzeczownikiem stanowiącym nazwę
obiektu szczególnego lub niepowtarzalnego, często znajdującego się w jednym tylko
The hotel where we are staying is quite big.
Who broke the window?
Warsaw is the capital of Poland.
They are the players who won the game.
When did people travel to the moon.
Who cleans the staircase?
I can see a few planes in the sky.
Jenny spilt water on the floor in the kitchen.
‘The’ występuje stale przed rzeczownikami:
the sun, the moon, the sky, the world, the mountains, the sea, the air
the Earth, the police, the government, the radio, the piano, the guitar
oraz zwrotami:
the beginning of, the end of, the middle of, the left, the right
‘The’ występuje przed przymiotnikiem w stopniu najwyższym.
Mr Palmer is the nicest neighbour.
This is the most expensive car that we have.
Przedimek ‘the’ nie występuje przed imionami i nazwiskami osób, nazwami dni
tygodnia, miesięcy, pór roku, posiłków i państw oraz rzeczownikami: ‘church’, ‘hospital’,
‘school’, ‘university’, ‘prison’ jeżeli mowa jest o ich właściwym zastosowaniu.
I. Uzupełnij zdania przedimkiem ‘the’ jeżeli jest on wymagany.
1. My aunt has got a big garden. .................... garden is very beautiful.
2. We live in .................... Poland and they live in .................... France.
3. ‘Where are my shoes?’ ‘They are in .................... hall.’
4. .................... book that he wrote was very interesting.
5. ‘Do you know .................... boy in .................... red cap?’ ‘No, I don’t know him.’
6. Don’t lie in .................... sun too long. It is bad for your skin.
7. We didn’t go to ................... school yesterday because it was .................... Sunday.
8. ‘What is .................... capital of Russia?’ ‘It is .................... Moscow.’
9. Do you usually eat .................... sandwiches for .................... breakfast?
10. .................... house where Tom lives is in .................... middle of .................... city.
11. Adam plays .................... piano and his sister plays .................... violin.
12. Is .................... Scotland .................... richest country in .................... world?
13. ‘How does .................... Dolly go to .................... work?’ ‘By .................... bus.’
14. Brian doesn’t have .................... friends in .................... Amsterdam.
15. .................... Jacksons went to .................... mountains in .................... summer.
II. Niektóre przedimki w podanych zdaniach są niewłaściwe. Popraw je.
1. A shop where she works is on a right.
2. Patrick went to the hospital after his accident.
3. I live in the Poland. It is a beautiful country.
4. We would like to bathe in a sea in the summer.
5. The Peter is a most intelligent boy in the class.
6. Look at sky. There are balloons in it.
7. Keys that I found belong to the Mr Creek.
8. We spent the August in the London.
9. There is a milk in jug on a table.
10. Cathy ate a dinner and went to a church.
III. Przepisz zdania uzupełniając je przedimkami ‘a’, ‘the’ lub ‘–’.
1. (Cats don’t eat vegetables. They eat fish)
2. (What is on TV in afternoon?)
3. (Family who live next door are very friendly)
4. (What is smallest country in world?)
5. (At end of journey, they discovered island)
6. (She always plays guitar in evening)
7. (Good teacher should understand students)
8. (We all went to mountains in winter)
9. (Police caught thief last night)
10. (He bought shirt in shop in city centre)
Zaimki ‘some’, ‘any’ i ‘no’
Zaimki ‘some’ oraz ‘any’ oznaczają ‘trochę, nieco, parę, kilka’. Występują przed
rzeczownikami policzalnymi oraz niepoliczalnymi w liczbie pojedynczej i mnogiej.
Zaimek ‘some’ występuje w zdaniach twierdzących zwykle z rzeczownikiem
niepoliczalnym lub rzeczownikiem nieokreślonym w liczbie mnogiej.
George took some photographs in London.
We had some coffee and some sweets after lunch.
There is some tomato juice in the bottle.
Zaimek ‘any’ występuje w pytaniach.
Did you eat any chocolate?
Have you got any post stamps?
Is there any marmalade in the jar?
‘Any’ występuje w zaprzeczeniach. Oznacza wówczas: ‘wcale, ani trochę, żaden’.
We don’t have any pets at home.
Adam didn’t take any medicine yesterday.
There are not any customers in the shop.
Zaimek ‘some’ może występować w pytaniach, które wyrażają propozycję, ofertę oraz
wówczas, gdy osoba pytająca spodziewa się pozytywnej odpowiedzi. ‘Some’ występuje
także w pytaniu wyrażającym prośbę.
‘Would you like some coffee, sir?’ ‘Yes, please.’
‘Would you like some bread?’ ‘Yes, please.’
‘Can I take some cake?’ ‘Sure, you can.’
‘Can I have some honey?’ ‘Of course, you can.’
Zaimek ‘no’ - ‘wcale, ani trochę, żaden’ występuje w przeczeniach zamiennie z ‘not
any’. Zaprzecza on rzeczownik, nie czasownik. Jest on jedyną formą przeczącą
w takim zdaniu.
I have no time to play games now. = I don’t have any time to play games now.
There were no free seats. = There were not any free seats.
Adam had no information for me. = Adam didn’t have any information for me.
There is no sugar in the bowl. = There isn’t any sugar in the bowl.
I. Uzupełnij zdania zaimkami ‘some’ lub ‘any’.
1. I gave Ronald .............................. advice on how to do the exercise.
2. Did Alan write .............................. letters to his friends last month?
3. Thomas didn’t find .............................. car keys last Monday.
4. Would you like .............................. ice cream with chocolate?
5. My mother doesn’t have .............................. relatives abroad.
6. There isn’t .............................. fruit juice in the bottle.
7. Are you expecting .............................. guests tomorrow?
8. We are going to spend .............................. time at the seaside in summer.
II. Uzupełnij pytania poprawną formą czasownika ‘be’.
1. .............................. there any food in the basket?
2. .............................. there any messages for me yesterday?
3. .............................. there any sunshine outside?
4. .............................. there any good film on TV last night?
5. .............................. there any paint in the pot?
6. .............................. there any sweets in the box?
7. .............................. there any funny stories in the book?
8. .............................. there any rain last week?
III. Odpowiedz na pytania stosując zaimek ‘no’.
1. ‘Have the Greens any grandchildren?’
2. ‘Is there any milk in the fridge?’
3. ‘Are there any tourists in the hotel?’
4. ‘Did Adam have much luck?’
5. ‘Was there any money in the wallet?’
6. ‘Has Betty got any pets at home?
7. ‘Are there any cherries on the tree?’
8. ‘Is there any good news for us?’
‘No , ........................................................’
IV. Uzupełnij zdania stosując ‘some’, ‘any’ lub ‘no’.
1. My brother has got ..................... English books but I don’t have .................... .
2. I cannot make .................... cake because I have got .................... flour at home.
3. There weren’t .................... messages for you but there were .................... for me.
4. Brian is very busy. He has .................... work to do and .................... time to rest.
5. Tom had .................... idea what to do so he needed .................... help.
6. There are .................... shops in the centre but there aren’t .................... cafes.
7. We did .................... work but we got .................... money for it.
8. Don’t take .................... warm clothes. There is .................... snow in Hawaii.
Przysłówki ‘much’, ‘many’, ‘a lot of’
Przysłówki ‘much’, ‘many’, ‘a lot of’ opisują ilość, występują przed rzeczownikami
i charakteryzują się tym samym znaczeniem - ‘dużo, mnóstwo, wiele’. Różnią się
jednak sposobem zastosowania.
Przysłówek ‘much’ jest stosowany z rzeczownikami niepoliczalnymi.
Jack doesn’t drink much coffee.
He didn’t give us much information.
Do you eat much rice?
Przysłówek ‘many’ stosowany jest z rzeczownikami policzalnymi.
We didn’t visit many places last summer.
Do you know many foreigners?
There are not many eggs in the fridge.
Przysłówki ‘much’ i ‘many’ mogą występować w zdaniach twierdzących, lecz częściej
stosuje się je w pytaniach i zaprzeczeniach.
Przysłówek ‘a lot of’ występuje z rzeczownikami policzalnymi i niepoliczalnymi w
zdaniach twierdzących.
There is a lot of dirt on the floor.
We spend a lot of time together.
Mr Rich has got a lot of money.
She asked me a lot of questions.
Przysłówki ‘how much’ i ‘how many’ - ‘ile, jak dużo’ występują z rzeczownikami
w pytaniach dotyczących ilości.
‘How much ice cream would you like?’ ‘I’d like a lot of ice cream.’
‘How many tickets did you buy?’ ‘Five.’
‘How much money do you need?’ ‘Ten pounds.’
‘How many friends do you have?’ ‘We have a lot of friends.’
Przysłówki ‘much’, ‘many’ oraz ‘a lot’ mogą występować bez rzeczowników jeżeli
wiadomo o jakich rzeczownikach jest mowa.
‘Did they spend much money?’ ‘Yes, they spent a lot (of money).’
I have got a lot of records but he hasn’t got many (records).
We took a lot of food but our friends didn’t take much (food).
I. Uzupełnij zdania stosując ‘much’ lub ‘many’.
1. There is some mineral water in the bottle but not ........................ .
2. We have got some time but not ........................ .
3. Our aunt gave us some sweets but not ........................ .
4. The band played some songs but not ........................ .
5. They offered us some food but not ........................ .
6. You have some points but not ........................ .
7. I spent some money but not ........................ .
8. Mr Rosin wrote some short stories but not ........................ .
II. Napisz odpowiedzi twierdzące i przeczące stosując ‘much’ lub ‘a lot of’.
‘Yes, .....................................................’
‘Yes, .....................................................’
‘Yes, .....................................................’
‘No, ...................…...............................’
‘Yes, .....................................................’
‘Yes, .....................................................’
‘No, .........................................….........’
‘No, .......................................…...........’
1. ‘Is there any butter in the tube?’
2. ‘Were there any people at the concert?’
3. ‘Have you got any good games?’
4. ‘Did the guests eat any meat?’
5. ‘Are there any vegetables in the shop?’
6. ‘Does Gina know any important people?’
7. ‘Is there any sunshine outside?’
8. ‘Have you got any washing powder?’
III. Napisz pytania stosując ‘how much’ lub ‘how many’.
1. ‘..................................................................?’
2. ‘..................................................................?’
3. ‘..................................................................?’
4. ‘..................................................................?’
5. ‘..................................................................?’
6. ‘..................................................................?’
‘Debbie has got seven cats.’
‘There is a lot of food in the fridge.’
‘Sam gave me three phone cards.’
‘They use a lot of printing paper.’
‘I wrote ten letters to my friends.’
‘Mr Black earns a lot of money.’
IV. Uzupełnij zdania stosując ‘much’, ‘many’, ‘a lot of’ lub ‘a lot’.
1. Mrs Grey didn’t ask me ....................... questions at the interview.
2. ‘How ....................... food does the elephant eat?’ ‘It eats ....................... .’
3. We needed ....................... help but the other group didn’t need ....................... .
4. ‘Have you got ....................... friends?’ ‘Yes, I have got ....................... them.’
5. They are going to build ....................... houses next year.
6. I won three competitions. How ....................... did you win?
7. ‘Is there ....................... lemonade in your bottle?’ ‘No, not ....................... .’
8. We didn’t buy ....................... things but Mr Halley bought ....................... .
9. ‘Does the copier use ....................... paper?’ ‘Yes, it uses ....................... it.’
10. ‘Have they got ....................... rooms in their house?’ ‘No, not ....................... .’
Przysłówki ‘a little’, ‘little’, ‘a few’, ‘few’
Przysłówki ‘a little’ oraz ‘little’ opisują ilość i występują z rzeczownikami niepoliczalnymi.
‘A little’ oznacza ‘trochę, nieco’.
I have got a little time in the afternoon. There is a little water in the watering can.
Tom ate a little milk soup in the morning. They gave us a little advice.
Przysłówek ‘a little’ może występować w zdaniu z przymiotnikiem lub bez niego.
You looked a little dizzy. ‘What did you do?’ ‘I slept a little.’
‘Would you like some ice cream?’ ‘Yes, a little, please’
Przysłówek ‘little’ oznacza ‘mało, niewiele, prawie wcale’.
There is little bread in the bin. Shall I buy some?
Mike had little money so he didn’t buy any souvenirs for his friends.
‘Little’ może występować bez rzeczownika.
I was hungry. I ate little.
You have got a lot of money but we have got little.
Przysłówki ‘a few’ oraz ‘few’ określają ilość i występują z rzeczownikami policzalnymi.
‘A few’ oznacza ‘kilka, kilkoro, parę’
I have got a few friends in Germany. My cousin has got a few old coins.
There are a few people in the park. Sue scored a few points.
Przysłówek ‘few’ oznacza ‘niewiele, niewielu, prawie wcale’.
There are few eggs in the fridge so I can’t bake a cake.
We are strangers here. We know few people in the city.
The bookcase is almost empty. There are few books in it.
‘A few’ oraz ‘few’ mogą występować bez rzeczowników.
You have got some records and I have got a few.
I had a lot of computer games but he had few.
Przysłówki ‘too’ oraz ‘very’ mogą poprzedzać ‘little’ oraz ‘few’.
We have got too / very little money.
You scored too / very few points.
I. Uzupełnij zdania przysłówkami ‘a little’ i ‘a few’ z właściwymi rzeczownikami.
1. I know .................... .................... in the city.
2. There is .................... .................... in the jar.
3. We have got .................... .................... in our bin.
4. There are .................... .................... in the sky.
5. My younger brother always drinks .................... .................... in the morning.
6. In the garden, there are .................... .................... .
II. Uzupełnij zdania przysłówkami ‘little’ i ‘few’ z właściwymi rzeczownikami.
1. Nobody likes the boy. He has got .................... .................... here.
2. I am very busy now. I have got .................... .................... in the afternoon.
3. The packet was almost empty. There were .................... .................... inside.
4. The climate is rather dry here. There is .................... .................... in the year.
5. You spent .................... .................... . You didn’t buy much.
6. We didn’t travel much. We saw .................... .................... .
III. Uzupełnij odpowiedzi stosując przysłówki ‘little’ lub ‘few’.
1. ‘How much lemonade did they drink?’
2. ‘How many students passed the test?’
3. ‘How much glue do you need?’
4. ‘How much medicine did she take?’
5. ‘How many times did you meet?’
6. ‘How much exercise does Adam do?’
7. ‘How many tourists visit this place?’
8. ‘How much petrol does the car use?’
‘Very .................... .’
‘Too .................... .’
‘Very .................... .’
‘Too .................... .’
‘Very .................... .’
‘Too .................... .’
‘Very .................... .’
‘Very .................... .’
IV. Uzupełnij zdania stosując przysłówki ‘a little’, ‘little’, ‘a few’, ‘few’.
1. I can’t help you. I know very .................... about repairing cars.
2. Wait for me after the lesson. I need to ask you .................... questions.
3. We eat very .................... . We don’t spend much money on food.
4. ‘Did you score enough points?’ ‘No, too .................... .’
5. I can lend you .................... pounds. I have some in my pocket.
6. There is too .................... information in the bulletin. It isn’t interesting at all.
7. Mr Hudson has got .................... hair. He is almost bald.
8. Very .................... people came to the concert, so it was cancelled.
9. I speak .................... English and .................... French.
10. We have got too .................... computers. We can’t let everybody in at once.
Stopniowanie przymiotników krótkich
Przymiotniki angielskie stopniuje się na dwa sposoby w zależności od ilości sylab
występujących w danym przymiotniku. Przymiotniki krótkie (jedno lub dwusylabowe)
stopniuje się przy pomocy końcówek ‘-er’ i ‘-est’.
Stopień wyższy przymiotnika ‘krótkiego’ tworzy się poprzez dodanie końcówki ‘-er’.
smart - smarter
fast - faster
high - higher
young - younger
Do przymiotników zakończonych samogłoską ‘e’ dodaje się tylko końcówkę ‘-r’.
brave - braver
nice - nicer
safe - safer
Niektóre przymiotniki zakończone są spółgłoską ‘y’. Po dodaniu końcówki stopnia
wyższego, ‘y’ zmienia się w samogłoskę ‘i’.
busy - busier
friendly - friendlier
easy - easier
pretty - prettier
Niektóre przymiotniki zakończone są spółgłoską, którą poprzedza samogłoska.
Po dodaniu końcówki stopnia wyższego ostatnia spółgłoska ulega podwojeniu.
big - bigger
fat - fatter
thin - thinner
slim - slimmer
Stopień wyższy przymiotnika stosowany jest do tworzenia porównań z przyimkiem
‘than’ - ‘niż, od’.
Adam is taller than David. Cindy is prettier than Helen.
This exercise was easier than that one. A plane is faster than a car.
Stopień najwyższy tworzy się poprzez dodanie do przymiotnika końcówki ‘-est’. Stopień
najwyższy opisuje niepowtarzalną cechę danego obiektu.
dry - drier - driest
big - bigger - biggest
fast - faster - fastest
cold - colder - coldest
lazy - lazier - laziest
friendly - friendlier - friendliest
W zdaniu stopień najwyższy przymiotnika występuje z przedimkiem określonym ‘the’.
Mark is taller than John but I am the tallest in the class.
Mr Green is richer than Mr Black but Mr White is the richest.
Lisa is happier than Mary but Emma is the happiest of all.
Your joke was funnier than my joke but Bob’s joke was the funniest of all.
I. Utwórz stopień wyższy podanych przymiotników.
II. Uzupełnij zdania stosując stopień wyższy przymiotnika.
1. Our house is quite new but their house is .............................. .
2. Mr Jackson is fairly rich but Mr Quid is .............................. .
3. Betty’s picture is quite lovely but Linda’s picture is .............................. .
4. I am rather slim but you are .............................. .
5. Poland is quite large but France is .............................. .
6. The Parkers are fairly friendly but the Hensons are .............................. .
7. This book is quite thick but that one is much .............................. .
8. Jason is quite strong but Mike is .............................. .
III. Napisz porównania stosując stopień wyższy przymiotnika oraz przyimek ‘than’.
1. a car / a bicycle - fast
2. an elephant / a horse - heavy
3. a city / a village - small
4. a spoon / a knife - sharp
5. a river / a stream - wide
A car is .........................…..…....... than a bicycle.
6. Australia / Africa - hot
7. wood / stone - hard
8. a walkman / a TV set - cheap
III. Uzupełnij zdania stosując stopień wyższy lub najwyższy przymiotnika.
1. ‘Who is the .............................. (pretty) girl in your class?’ ‘Monica is.’
2. It is .............................. (noisy) in the street than at home.
3. The oak tree is the .............................. (old) of all the trees in the park.
4. Last Sunday was .............................. (warm) than this Sunday.
5. You are certainly .............................. (clever) than Tim.
6. I think Jenny isn’t .............................. (busy) than I am.
7. The hummingbird is the .............................. (small) bird in the world.
8. Are Jeff and George the .............................. (fast) runners?
9. The Antarctic is the .............................. (cold) place on Earth.
10. Mr Thompson is the .............................. (strange) person that I know.
Stopniowanie przymiotników długich
Przymiotniki wielosylabowe (dwie i więcej sylab) nie są stopniowane przy pomocy
końcówek lecz operatorów.
Stopień wyższy przymiotnika wielosylabowego tworzy się poprzez umieszczenie przed
nim słowa - operatora - ‘more’.
interesting - more interesting
popular - more popular
beautiful - more beautiful
surprising - more surprising
expensive - more expensive
amazing - more amazing
Stopień wyższy przymiotnika wraz z przyimkiem ‘than’ - ‘niż, od’ stosuje się do
A Ferrari is more expensive than a Fiat.
My sister is more beautiful than your sister is.
This sofa is more comfortable than that armchair.
We lived in a more modern house than our friends did.
The end of the film was more surprising than I expected.
Stopień najwyższy przymiotnika wielosylabowego tworzy się poprzez umieszczenie
przed nim słowa - operatora - ‘the most’.
careful - more careful - the most careful
delicate - more delicate - the most delicate
pleasant - more pleasant - the most pleasant
Stopień najwyższy przymiotnika określa jedyną i niepowtarzalną cechę rzeczownika,
dlatego nie stosuje się go do porównań. Stopień najwyższy przymiotnika może jedynie
wystąpić ze zwrotem ‘of all’ - ‘ze wszystkich’.
Lisa is more attractive than Diane but Sarah is the most attractive of all.
Brian is the most intelligent child of all the children in his group.
I can’t buy the Japanese camera; it’s the most expensive of all.
Stopień wyższy przymiotnika może być dodatkowo określony przysłówkami ‘much’ lub
‘a little’.
The encyclopaedia is much more expensive than the lexicon.
Mr Grey is a little more sensible than Mr Talbot.
I think football is much more exciting than figure skating.
I. Uzupełnij zdania stosując stopień wyższy przymiotnika.
1. The manager is important but the director is ........................................ .
2. Tina is quite hard-working but Eva is ........................................ .
3. Mathematics is quite difficult but physics is ........................................ .
4. Piranhas are rather dangerous but crocodiles are ........................................ .
5. A new car is fairly expensive but a new house is ........................................ .
6. Dave is quite intelligent but Stanley is ........................................ .
7. My alarm-clock is quite correct but your watch is ........................................ .
8. Country music is fairly popular but pop music is ........................................ .
II. Napisz porównania stosując stopień wyższy przymiotnika oraz przyimek ‘than’.
1. tennis / cycling - interesting
2. silver / gold - precious
3. cars / planes - expensive
4. travelling / watching TV - exciting
5. English / French - popular
6. skyscrapers / pyramids - modern
7. biology / history - boring
8. dancing / singing - pleasant
.......…..... is more interesting than ..…..........
III. Napisz zdania stosując stopień wyższy oraz najwyższy przymiotników.
mathematics / physical education / geography / English
interesting / boring
......................................................................... than ........................................................
......................................................................... than ........................................................
............................................................................................................................... of all .
mountain climbing / skiing / car racing / bungee jumping
dangerous / exciting
......................................................................... than ........................................................
......................................................................... than ........................................................
............................................................................................................................... of all .
III. Uzupełnij zdania stosując stopień wyższy lub najwyższy przymiotnika.
1. Peter says that walking is ........................................ (exhausting) than jogging.
2. Japanese language is ........................................ (difficult) than English.
3. I think that basketball is ........................................ (exciting) discipline of all.
4. Sandals are ........................................ (comfortable) than trainers in summer.
5. Is Mr Davids the ........................................ (important) person in the company?
Tworzenie i stopniowanie przysłówków
Przysłówki odpowiadają na pytanie ‘How?’ - ‘Jak?’
W języku angielskim przysłówki tworzy się od przymiotników za pomocą końcówki ‘-ly’.
brave - bravely
nice - nicely
dangerous - dangerously
Jeżeli przymiotnik zakończony jest spółgłoską ‘l’, wówczas następuje jej podwojenie.
careful - carefully
ideal - ideally
awful - awfully
Jeżeli przymiotnik zakończony jest spółgłoską ‘y’, po dodaniu końcówki ‘-ly’, spółgłoska
ta zmienia się w samogłoskę ‘i’.
heavy - heavily
easy - easily
lazy - lazily
Przysłówek utworzony od przymiotnika ‘good’ - ‘dobry’, ma nieregularną postać ‘well’ –
Przysłówki występują po czasownikach opisując sposób, w jaki określona czynność jest
lub była wykonana.
I went home quickly.
They played well.
Adam is talking loudly.
Przysłówki stopniowane są podobnie jak przymiotniki wielosylabowe - za pomocą
W stopniu wyższym stosowany jest operator ‘more’.
I work more carefully than he does. Jimmy walked more slowly than the rest of us.
W stopniu najwyższym stosowany jest operator ‘the most’.
You acted the most bravely.
Yesterday, it rained the most heavily.
Słowa ‘fast’, ‘hard’, ‘late’ i ‘early’ pełnią funkcję zarówno przymiotników, jaki i
przysłówków, dlatego nie przybierają końcówki ‘ly’. Stopniowane są przy pomocy
końcówek ‘er’ i ‘est’.
You got up early. (przysłówek)
The train runs fast.
We learn and work hard.
They arrived late.
We work harder than you.
You are an early bird. (przymiotnik)
This is a fast train.
We are hard workers.
They came by a late plane.
The winner ran the fastest.
I am busy. Come later.
I. Uzupełnij zdania przysłówkami.
1. ‘Is Lisa a careful driver?’ ‘Oh yes, she drives very .............................. .’
2. ‘Is it a heavy rain?’ ‘No, it isn’t raining .............................. .’
3. ‘Was Mr Pitt angry?’ ‘Oh yes, he was. He shouted .............................. .’
4. ‘Is Tom a good cook?’ ‘Sure, he is. He can cook very .............................. .’
5. ‘Is Jack a quiet child?’ ‘No, he never plays .............................. .’
6. ‘Are you a fast runner?’ ‘Yes, I can run very .............................. .’
7. ‘Was Tom Jones a bad player?’ ‘No, he never played .............................. .’
8. ‘Are you brave?’ ‘Sure, we are ready to act .............................. .’
9. ‘Are Rita’s clothes smart?’ ‘Oh yes, she is always .............................. dressed.’
10. ‘Is it a strong wind?’ ‘I am afraid it is. It is blowing .............................. .’
II. Uzupełnij zdania stosując stopień wyższy lub najwyższy przysłówka.
1. Lisa is the best singer. She sings .............................. than the other competitors.
2. Mark came last in the race. He ran .............................. .
3. We earn more money than you do because we work .............................. than you.
4. Your English is perfect. You can speak English .............................. of all.
5. Eva is the nicest child. She behaves .............................. than the other children do.
6. I got sunburnt on Friday. The sun shone .............................. on that day.
III. Uzupełnij zdania stosując czasowniki oraz stopień wyższy przysłówków.
play tennis
speak English
1. I ......................................................................................................... than my friends.
2. My mother ........................................................................................... than my father.
3. I don’t ................................................................................................ than my teacher.
4. I .................................................................................................... than my best friend.
5. My father doesn’t .......................................................................................... than I do.
6. Can you .................................................................................................... than I can?
IV. Zakreśl właściwą odpowiedź.
1. The weather was badly / bad. The wind blew heavily / heavy all day round.
2. Don’t speak so loud / loudly. I can hear you quite well / good.
3. It was so nice / nicely when she smiled at me so beautifully / beautiful.
4. The waiter returned quick / quickly and brought a deliciously / delicious meal.
5. I had no problem with the exercise. I did it the easiest / the most easily of all.
Stopniowanie nieregularne
Niektóre przymiotniki oraz przysłówki stopniowane są nieregularnie. Nie dodaje się do
nich końcówek. Nie stosuje się także operatorów. Przymiotniki oraz przysłówki
nieregularne zmieniają swoją postać w stopniu wyższym i najwyższym.
bad - zły
stopień wyższy
stopień najwyższy
You are bad at biology.
I am worse at mathematics than you are. I am the worst at chemistry.
badly - źle
Our team played badly but your team played worse. Their team played the worst of all.
far - daleki, daleko
farther / further
farthest / furthest
We live far from the city centre but the Browns live farther than us.
The Johnsons live the farthest from the city centre.
good - dobry
Nicole is a good student. Lisa is a better student than Nicole and Eva is the best of all.
little - mało
I eat little meat. My brother eats less meat than I do and my sister eats the least meat.
many - dużo
I have got many stamps in my collection. Jack has got more stamps than me and Alex
has got the most stamps.
much - dużo
I didn’t take much food. Betty took more food than me and Simon took the most food.
well - dobrze
I don’t swim well. You swim better than me and Bob swims the best of all.
I. Uzupełnij zdania przymiotnikiem lub przysłówkiem o przeciwnym znaczeniu.
1. ‘Did you eat much?’ ‘Oh no, we ate very .............................. .
2. ‘Does Peter live near the lakeside?’ ‘No, he lives .............................. from it.’
3. ‘Can you play tennis well?’ ‘No, I play tennis .............................. .’
4. ‘Is Alex a better pupil?’ ‘No, he is .............................. than me.’
5. ‘Did the Browns win the most money?’ ‘No, they won the .............................. .’
6. ‘Are you a worse swimmer than Jack?’ ‘No, I swim ........................... than he does.’
7. ‘Has Fiona got more time than you?’ ‘No, she has got .............................. time.’
8. ‘Is Walton Street the nearest to the centre?’ ‘No, it is the .............................. .’
II. Uzupełnij zdania stosując stopień wyższy przymiotnika lub przysłówka.
1. I eat .............................. meat than my mother does.
2. My best friend speaks English .............................. than I do.
3. There is .............................. sunshine in Greece than in Poland.
4. Poznań is .............................. from Warsaw than Skierniewice is.
5. I cannot swim .............................. than the world champion.
6. There is .............................. rain in the Sahara dessert than in the jungle.
7. My father is a .............................. driver than my mother.
8. A millionaire has got .............................. money than a beggar.
III. Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź.
1. George Humphrey ran more / the most kilometres of all in the race.
2. Our dog drinks the least / less milk than our cat does.
3. I need more / the most time to do the exercise than you.
4. Who lives farthest / farther from the river than you do?’
5. The first competitor sang much worse / worst than the rest of them.
6. Michael earns the least / little money in our family.
7. You have scored many / the most points of all. You are the winner.
8. Mrs Taylor went the farthest / farther of all.
IV. Uzupełnij zdania poprawną formą przymiotnika lub przysłówka
1. You answered the questions .............................. (well) than the other pupils.
2. Elephants need .............................. (much) food than monkeys do.
3. You have got .............................. (little) water of all. Your flask is almost empty.
4. The farmer produces .............................. (little) litter than his neighbours do.
5. Unfortunately, your son speaks French .............................. (badly) of all.
Konstrukcje ‘as ... as’, ‘not as/so ... as’
Konstrukcja ‘as ... as’ oznacza ‘tak/taki ... jak ...’ i jest wykorzystywana do tworzenia
porównań. Stosuje się z nią:
- przymiotniki:
Peter is as smart as George (is).
My mother is as tall as my father (is).
He was as popular as his brother (was).
Your clothes are as extravagant as mine (are).
- przysłówki:
We live as comfortably as you (do).
The Condors played as well as the Tigers (did).
I got up as early as you (did).
You don’t eat as much as I (do).
- przysłówki ‘much’ i ‘many’ z rzeczownikami:
I have got as many neighbours as you (do).
There is as much sugar in this bag as in that one.
We hired as many workers as they (did).
Adam’s father spent as much money as his mother (did).
Konstrukcję ‘as ... as’ można stosować w pytaniach oraz w przeczeniach. W zdaniach
przeczących ma ona postać ‘not as/so ... as’.
Is Thomas as intelligent as his sister (is)?
Can you swim as fast as I (can)?
Did you leave as quietly as the other guests (did)?
There aren’t so many pupils in our class as (there are) in your class.
Mr Nicks doesn’t speak English as fluently as his wife (does).
I cannot play tennis as well as you (can).
Konstrukcję ‘as/so ... as’ można stosować zamiast przymiotnika w stopniu wyższym.
Harry is taller than Frank.  Frank isn’t as tall as Harry (is).
My car was more expensive than yours.  Your car wasn’t so expensive as mine.
I am stronger than my cousin.  My cousin isn’t as strong as me / I (am).
Her shoes are more fashionable than mine.  My shoes aren’t so fashionable as
I. Napisz porównania wykorzystując informację z tabeli oraz podane przymiotniki.
156 cm
156 cm
175 cm
Maggie isn’t as old as .......................................................................................………….
Maggie is as tall as .….....................................................................................…….....…..
II. Przepisz zdania stosując ‘not as/so ... as’ zamiast stopnia wyższego przymiotnika.
1. Mr Stevenson is richer than Mr Connor.
Mr Connor is not .......................................................……...........................................
2. My grandfather is older than your grandfather.
Your grandfather ............................................................……......................................
3. Gold is more expensive than silver.
4. Our neighbours have got more money than we.
5. Cycling is more exhausting than walking.
III. Popraw nieprawdziwe informacje w zdaniach stosując ‘(not) as ... as’.
1. Horses are as heavy as elephants.
2. Poland is as big as the USA.
3. Africa is as cold as the Antarctic.
4. A bicycle is as expensive as a car.
5. Rock isn’t as popular as classical music.
6. Sugar is sweeter than honey.
7. A sea is as big as an ocean.
8. Toys are more useful than computers.
9. Leaves are greener than grass.
10. Sailing boats are faster than motorboats.
Zastosowanie przysłówków ‘enough’ i ‘too’
Przysłówek ‘enough’ oznacza ‘dość, wystarczająco’. Może być stosowany z:
- rzeczownikami policzalnymi i niepoliczalnymi - zajmuje wówczas miejsce przed
We have got enough sandwiches for everybody. There are enough tickets for us.
Have we got enough food in the fridge? There is not enough time in the morning.
- przymiotnikami i przysłówkami - zajmuje wówczas miejsce za przymiotnikiem lub
‘Would you like to play cards with us?’ ‘I don’t think I am good enough.’
You cannot watch the film. You aren’t old enough.
I can’t see the President. He isn’t close enough.
Przysłówek ‘enough’ może występować sam, bezpośrednio po czasowniku.
I was hungry. I didn’t eat enough.
You keep getting poor marks. You don’t learn enough.
‘Shall I give you another blanket?’ ‘No, thank you. I have got enough.’
Przysłówek ‘enough’ stosowany jest z konstrukcją bezokolicznikową:
’przymiotnik / przysłówek’ + enough + ‘bezokolicznik czasownika’
I am experienced enough to do the job.
Is Jeff old enough to watch the film?
Mr Dalton is not good enough to teach chemistry.
Przysłówek ‘too’ oznacza ‘zbyt, za’. Występuje przed przymiotnikami oraz
You can’t go to a disco. You are too young.
Let’s stay at home. It is too cold outside.
‘Too’może wystąpić z rzeczownikiem, którego poprzedza przysłówek ‘much’ lub
There are too many people in the room.
Don’t drink too much coffee.
Przysłówek ‘too’ może także wystąpić z konstrukcją bezokolicznikową.
Brian is too weak to carry these heavy boxes. It is too cloudy to go sunbathing.
There is too little snow to go skiing. It is too cold to sleep in the open air.
I. Uzupełnij zdania stosując ‘enough’ z rzeczownikiem.
1. I can’t buy you anything. I don’t have .................................................. .
2. We must hurry up. There isn’t .................................................. .
3. If I have .................................................. , I will do all the walls in your room.
4. I didn’t sweeten my tea. There wasn’t .................................................. for me.
5. Some of us slept in tents as there weren’t .................................................. in the
6. Their car stopped dead. They didn’t have ................................................ in the tank.
II. Uzupełnij zdania stosując ‘enough’ z przymiotnikiem lub przysłówkiem.
1. Nobody laughed at Robert’s jokes. They weren’t .................................................. .
2. People don’t buy this kind of furniture. It isn’t .................................................. .
3. I cannot do the exercise. It isn’t .................................................. for me.
4. He isn’t running .................................................. . He will not win.
5. You shouldn’t eat these pears. They aren’t .................................................. .
6. Paula won’t sleep in the forest. She isn’t .................................................. .
III. Uzupełnij zdania stosując ‘too’ z przymiotnikiem lub przysłówkiem.
1. Sam isn’t a good student. He learns .................................................. .
2. You couldn’t hear me. You were .................................................. from me.
3. I can’t come right now, I am .................................................. .
4. These shoes are ................................................... . I cannot buy them.
5. You will stay at home. It is .................................................. to play outdoors.
6. Mr Sean can’t climb the mountain. He is .................................................. to do it.
IV. Napisz zdania stosując ‘enough’ lub ‘too’ oraz konstrukcję bezokolicznikową.
1. Brian / young / smoke cigarettes
2. She / good / win the first place
3. It / windy / go sailing
4. You / ill / leave home
5. The grapes / fresh / eat
6. This knife / sharp / cut
7. The shirt / clean / wear
8. It / late / listen to loud music
Brian is ...............................................…...........
She isn’t ...............................................….........
It isn’t ......................................................….......
You are ....................................................…......
The grapes aren’t ....................................……..
This knife isn’t .....................................….........
The shirt isn’t ........................................…........
It is .....................................................................
Zastosowanie ‘so ... that’ i ‘such ... that’
Przysłówek ‘so’ oznacza ‘tak, taki, taka’. Występuje przed przymiotnikiem lub
przysłówkiem wzmacniając jego znaczenie.
George is so polite. It is so nice in the garden.
You are so clever, Jack.
Only Tom could do the exercise so quickly.
Everybody waited so patiently.
Konstrukcja ‘so ... that’ oznacza ‘tak, taki, taka ... że’. Występuje ona z przymiotnikami
i przysłówkami.
Mick is so unkind that nobody likes to play with him.
The weather was so beautiful that all tourists went out for a walk.
The youngsters behaved so rudely that the police had to intervene.
The Normans work so hard that they don’t have time to meet their friends.
Alex was so intelligent and clever that he became a student at the age of 13.
‘So’ występuje przed przysłówkami ‘much’, ‘many’ i ‘little’ wraz z rzeczownikiem.
We have got so little time today.
There was so much rain that we stayed in the cottage all the time.
It was Mr Gravy who gave us so much advice.
They lost so much money that they had to borrow some from us.
I have never seen so many birds in one place.
There are so many records in the shop that I don’t know which one to buy.
Określnik ‘such’ oznacza ‘taki, taka, takie’. Występuje przed rzeczownikiem, którego
może poprzedzać przymiotnik. Należy także pamiętać o przedimku nieokreślonym ‘a’
oraz ‘an’ jeżeli rzeczownik ma postać liczby pojedynczej.
We don’t need such an assistant.
Michael is such a good boy.
It was such a wonderful trip.
We have seen such places before.
We have got such good friends.
Where did you buy such cheap trousers?
Konstrukcja ‘such ... that’ oznacza ‘taki, taka, takie ... że’.
Występuje ona z rzeczownikiem, którego poprzedza przymiotnik.
Mr Tanner is such a good teacher that everybody respects him.
This is such an interesting film that I would like to watch it again.
It was such nice weather that we all went to the beach.
They are such bad players that we don’t want them in our team.
I. Uzupełnij zdania stosując konstrukcję ‘so + przymiotnik + that ...’ .
1. This bed is .................................................. I will not sleep in it.
2. Paul’s jokes were .................................................. everybody laughed at them.
3. The pain was .................................................. I had to call a doctor.
4. The exercise is .................................................. we don’t know how to do it.
5. The cellar was .................................................. everybody was afraid to go there.
6. Jane’s suitcase was .................................................. she couldn’t carry it herself.
II. Przepisz zdania stosując konstrukcję ‘so ... that ...’.
1. I could not hear anything because the noise was so big.
The noise was so .......................................................................……….......................
2. John ran quickly and he set a new world record.
John ran ..............................................................................................……..................
3. Their neighbours were angry because the music was too loud.
The music ...................................................................................................……............
4. We must stay at home because it is raining heavily.
It .........................................................................................................................…........
5. His glasses were dirty and he couldn’t see anything.
His glasses ...................................................................................................................
III. Uzupełnij zdania stosując konstrukcję ‘such ... that ...’.
a bad dog
a warm jacket
a good restaurant
important documents
an exciting game
nice people
1. It is .................................................. we always go for lunch there.
2. Our neighbours have .................................................. we are afraid to come close it.
3. This is .................................................. I always wear it in winter.
4. The Greys are .................................................. we love meeting them.
5. It was .................................................. I couldn’t stop playing it.
6. These are .................................................. you cannot lose them.
IV. Uzupełnij zdania stosując ‘so’ lub ‘such’.
1. Eric is .................... a nice person that everybody likes him.
2. Our children waste .................... much time playing computer games.
3. Ed earns .................... little that he has to borrow money from his friends.
4. It was .................... a big storm that it turned over cars and broke down trees.
5. Don’t tell me that again! I don’t like .................... silly ideas.
6. .................... many people wanted to buy the book that we had to order more copies.
Zaimki ‘another’, ‘other’, ‘others’, ‘the other’
Zaimek ‘another’ oznacza ‘inny, jeszcze jeden, kolejny’. Występuje w zdaniu przed
rzeczownikiem w liczbie pojedynczej.
Jake lives in London but David lives in another city.
Would you like another piece of cake, George?
The shop is closed. We will have to come on another day.
Zaimek ‘another’ może także wystąpić bez rzeczownika jeżeli wiadomo, o którym
rzeczowniku jest mowa.
You have got one suitcase and I have got another (suitcase).
This example is not good. Could you give another (example)?
Zaimek ‘other’ oznacza ‘inne, inni’. Występuje on w zdaniu przed rzeczownikiem
nieokreślonym w liczbie mnogiej.
I love comedies. I never watch any other films.
Tom has been to France, but he has never been to other foreign countries.
Zaimek ‘other’ może wystąpić z przedimkiem określonym ‘the’ przed rzeczownikiem
określonym w liczbie mnogiej.
I met a few people at the camp. Peter was nice but the other people were unfriendly.
He took several photos. Some of them were clear but the other photos were blurred.
Zaimek ‘other’ może wystąpić w formie liczby mnogiej bez rzeczownika. Zastępuje on
wówczas rzeczownik nieokreślony, o którym jest mowa.
Some houses were modern; others (other houses) were rather old.
Our students behaved well. Others (other students) were impolite.
Zaimek ‘others’ może wystąpić z przedimkiem określonym ‘the’. Zastępuje wówczas
rzeczownik określony w liczbie mnogiej.
Our children sang songs but the others (the other children) danced.
I took my favourite books with me but I sold the others (the other books).
Zaimek ‘the other’ może oznaczać ‘ten drugi’. Występuje przed rzeczownikiem w liczbie
pojedynczej lub bez niego, gdy mowa jest o jednym z dwóch określonych obiektów.
He has got two cars. One is quite old but the other (car) is very modern.
We visited two castles. One was very small and the other (castle) was colossal.
I. Uzupełnij zdania stosując zaimek ‘another’ oraz rzeczowniki.
1. They don’t have any free rooms here. Let’s go to ........................................ .
2. I am still hungry. Can I ask for ........................................?
3. I have already seen this film. Let’s got to ........................................ .
4. We cannot come in April. Could we visit you in ........................................?
5. Bring me ........................................ of biscuits. This one is empty.
6. Let’s switch on to ........................................ . I don’t like this film.
II. Uzupełnij zdania stosując zaimek ‘other’ oraz rzeczowniki.
1. Our son loves history. ........................................ don’t interest him.
2. The Normans stayed in Austria. They didn’t visit ........................................ .
3. Our car broke down and we had a lot of ........................................ , too.
4. Mr Mills collects only Picasso’s pictures. ....................................... don’t interest him.
5. Danny can speak Italian but he cannot speak any ........................................ .
6. We didn’t play in the school theatre, some ........................................ did.
III. Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź.
1. We like the Perrys but others / the other neighbours are not so friendly.
2. Some of them wanted to go by bus while the other / others preferred to go by
3. There are two churches in our town. One is small and other / the other is very big.
4. John Flanney is a pianist. He cannot play any other / the others instruments.
5. I will clean one window in the room and you will clean others / the others.
6. There are two rooms upstairs. I occupy one, so who sleeps in other / the other?
7. Some dishes were delicious and others / other were tasteless.
8. They have got four children. The oldest is a son. Other / The other children are
IV. Uzupełnij zdania stosując ‘another’, ‘other’, ‘the other’, ‘others’, ‘the others’.
1. I have found two of my keys but where are ..............................?
2. This isn’t our bus. Let’s wait for .............................. .
3. Some visitors buy souvenirs while .............................. visitors take photos.
4. You’ve got a lot of friends. I know Ann and Sue but I don’t know ............................. .
5. These trousers are too tight. Show me .............................. pair, please.
6. Last week, it rained on Friday but it was fine on .............................. days.
7. Mr Jenkins isn’t a good teacher. We want .............................. one.
8. I concentrated on my exams. .............................. things were not important to me.
Zaimki ‘someone’, ‘something’, ‘somewhere’
Zaimki ‘some’ oraz ‘any’ występują w złożeniach z innymi częściami mowy, tworząc
inne zaimki.
Zaimki złożone z ‘some’ występują w zdaniach twierdzących.
There is someone in the kitchen.
Michael is talking to somebody in front of the house.
David says that he has got something for you.
I think the Johnsons live somewhere in the north.
Zaimki złożone z ‘any’ występują w pytaniach.
Does anyone live in the old castle?
Did Jason meet anybody at the party?
Is there anything in the envelope?
Would you like to go anywhere on holiday?
Zaimki złożone z ‘any’ występują także w zdaniach przeczących oznaczając ‘nikt’, ‘nic’,
We don’t know anyone from the group.
There was not anybody in the library when I came there.
The director did not tell us anything important.
My friend isn’t going anywhere this weekend.
Zaimki złożone z ‘some’ i ‘any’ mogą występować z konstrukcją bezokolicznikową.
I have something to do this evening.
We don’t have anything to say.
Do you have anyone to talk to?
We have found somebody to do this work.
The poor people don’t have anywhere to live.
I. Uzupełnij zdania stosując zaimki złożone.
one / body / thing / where
1. Mr Green moved out last year. Now, he lives .............................. in Europe.
2. ‘What is there in the box?’ ‘I don’t know. My father keeps .............................. in it.’
3. We got lost in the mountains but .............................. showed us the way.
4. I can do .............................. for you but you have to ask me first.
5. Honolulu is .............................. in Hawaii.
6. Ms Parker is .............................. new. We don’t know her yet.
II. Uzupełnij zdania stosując zaimki złożone.
one / body / thing / where
1. Can I talk to .............................. from your class?
2. Tom and Simon didn’t go .............................. last summer.
3. Are you going to eat .............................. in the restaurant?
4. Brian has not got .............................. in his rucksack, so it’s very light.
5. We didn’t meet .............................. in the park. It was absolutely empty.
6. Would you like to travel .............................. hot this summer?
III. Napisz odpowiedzi twierdzące lub przeczące stosując zaimki złożone.
1. ‘Is there anyone downstairs?’
2. ‘Have they got anything to do?’
3. ‘Did your father go anywhere?’
4. ‘Did she eat anything at school?’
5. ‘Is Tom talking to anybody now?’
6. ‘Are you going anywhere tomorrow?’
7. ‘Does she know anything?’
8. ‘Did you recognise anyone?’
‘No, ...............................................................’
‘Yes, ............................................................ ‘
‘No, ...............................................................’
‘Yes, ............................................................ ‘
‘No, ...............................................................’
‘Yes, ............................................................ ‘
‘No, ...............................................................’
‘Yes, ............................................................ ‘
IV. Uzupełnij zdania stosując zaimki.
somebody / anybody
something / anything
somewhere / anywhere
1. ............................. came for a visit and Paul didn’t do .............................. yesterday.
2. I don’t have .............................. to write but I have .............................. to read.
3. There isn’t .............................. in the bin because .............................. emptied it.
4. I am not going .............................. because I have .............................. to do.
5. Jack went .............................. and he met with .............................. last night.
6. I bought .............................. to eat as there wasn’t .............................. in the fridge.
Zaimki ‘not anything’ i ‘nothing’
Zaimki ‘anyone’, ‘anybody’, ‘anything’, ‘anywhere’ występują w pytaniach.
Has Alice invited anyone?
Is there anybody upstairs?
Have they got anything in their suitcases?
Did you travel anywhere last year?
Zaimki te występują także w zdaniach przeczących jeżeli zaprzeczony jest główny
czasownik zdania. Oznaczają wówczas ‘nikt’, ‘nic’, ‘nigdzie’.
Alice has not invited anyone.
There is not anybody upstairs.
They have not got anything in their suitcases.
I did not travel anywhere last year.
Zaimki ‘no one’, ‘nobody’, ‘nothing’ i ‘nowhere’ mogą wystąpić w zdaniu przeczącym
zamiast zaimków ‘anyone’, ‘anybody’, ‘anything’ i ‘anywhere’. Główny czasownik
zdania nie jest wówczas zaprzeczony, lecz pozostaje w takiej samej formie, jak w
zdaniu twierdzącym. Dzieje się tak w myśl zasady, iż zdanie angielskie może zawierać
tylko jedno przeczenie.
Obydwie formy zaprzeczeń można stosować zamiennie.
I do not know anyone in the city.
She did not buy anything in the shops.
We are not going anywhere this summer.
I have not got anything in my wallet.
They did not speak to anyone else.
I know no one in the city.
She bought nothing in the shops.
We are going nowhere this summer.
I have got nothing in my wallet.
They spoke to no one else.
Zaimki o przeczącym znaczeniu można także stosować z konstrukcją bezokolicznikową.
The boys have nothing to do after lessons.
We usually stay at home. We have nowhere to go.
Everything is fine. There is nothing to complain about.
Brenda is lonely. She has no one to talk to.
All the rooms in the hotel were occupied. We had nowhere to sleep.
Jack must play alone. There is nobody to play with him.
I. Przepisz zdania stosując zaimki ‘no one’, ‘nobody’, ‘nothing’ i ‘nowhere’.
1. George hasn’t got anything to do.
2. Our parents didn’t go anywhere last week.
3. There wasn’t anybody in the bookshop.
4. Jules didn’t do anything in the garden.
5. I don’t know anyone here.
6. The people have not got anywhere to go.
7. There is not anything to eat.
8. I did not see anybody in the street.
II. Napisz odpowiedzi stosując zaimki ‘nobody’, ‘nothing, i ‘nowhere’.
1. ‘Where did Adam travel last year?’
2. ‘What do you know about Mrs Spears?’
3. ‘Who is there in the pantry?’
4. ‘What did the minister say?’
5. ‘Where is Tom going tomorrow?’
6 ‘Who did she meet at the dances?’
Adam ........................................................
I .................................................................
There .............................…........................
The minister .....................…....................
Tom ...........................................................
She ............................................................
III. Uzupełnij zdania stosując zaimki ‘nobody’, ‘nothing, i ‘nowhere’.
1. In July, Alex went to Spain but I ..................................................................................
2. He has got some money but she .................................................................................
3. You have got a girlfriend but I ......................................................................................
4. Alice bought a dress but Cindy ....................................................................................
5. Helen is going to Paris but her sister ...........................................................................
6. We saw Mr Lee but you ...............................................................................................
7. I am doing my homework but you ................................................................................
8. Mrs Howard won fifty pounds but her husband ............................................................
IV. Uzupełnij zdania stosując zaimki złożone.
anybody / nobody
anything / nothing
anywhere / nowhere
1. The bottle is empty. There isn’t .............................. inside.
2. Jim isn’t a nice man. .............................. likes him and that’s why he is always alone.
3. Don’t go .............................. . Stay here, please.
4. There is .............................. interesting in the book. I don’t want it.
5. This girl did .............................. wrong. She is innocent.
6. We had to stand. There was not .............................. to sit in the theatre.
7. I am not meeting .............................. this evening. I am free.
8. We went .............................. because we didn’t have enough money.
Zaimki ‘everybody’, ‘everything’,
Zaimek ‘every’ oznacza ‘każdy’. Występuje przed rzeczownikiem w liczbie pojedynczej.
I have read every book by Hemingway.
He collects every rock.
We go to the mountains every summer.
Zaimek ‘every’ z rzeczownikiem może występować w roli podmiotu - na początku
zdania. Czasownik przybiera wówczas formę jak w trzeciej osobie liczby pojedynczej.
Every pupil must learn hard.
Every winter is cold here.
Every day is different.
Every person takes part in the game.
‘Every’ występuje w stałych złożeniach w postaci zaimków:
everyone everybody -
‘każdy, wszyscy’ - w odniesieniu do osób
‘każdy, wszyscy’ - w odniesieniu do osób
everything everywhere -
‘wszystko’ - w odniesieniu do rzeczy
‘wszędzie’ - w odniesieniu do miejsc
Zaimki ‘everyone’ i ‘everybody’ można stosować zamiennie.
My best friend is very wise. She knows everything.
‘Can you see anyone?’ ‘Of course, I can see everybody.’
‘Did you talk to the students?’ ‘Yes, we did. We talked to everyone.’
There are beautiful places everywhere in the world.
Zaimki ‘everyone’, ‘everybody’ i ‘everything’ mogą wystąpić w roli podmiotu - na
początku zdania. Czasownik przybiera wówczas formę jak w trzeciej osobie liczby
Everyone speaks English well in our school.
Everybody helps their parents and friends.
Everything is new for me here.
Zaimki ‘everyone’, ‘everybody’ i ‘everything’ mogą wystąpić w pytaniach, lecz nie
występują w funkcji podmiotu w zdaniach przeczących.
Is everyone ready?
Does everybody like Mr Higgins?
Is everything all right?
I. Uzupełnij zdania stosując zaimek ‘every’ oraz podane rzeczowniki.
1. We meet ........................................ to talk about our problems.
2. ........................................ in this shop is very expensive.
3. I read ..................................... of the book but I didn’t find any important information.
4. I like Madonna very much. I know her ........................................ .
5. We couldn’t come in. ........................................ was locked.
6. There is a government in ........................................ .
7. I didn’t find a free seat on the train. ........................................ was full of people.
8. His ........................................ is important. He is the boss here.
II. Uzupełnij odpowiedzi stosując zaimki złożone.
1. ‘Who went home late?’
2. ‘What can she cook?’
3. ‘Who must wash hands?’
4. ‘What did you tell the teacher?’
5. ‘Where is the sky?’
III. Uzupełnij zdania stosując zaimki ‘everybody’, ‘everything’ i ‘everywhere’.
1. Our dog isn’t fussy. He eats .............................. .
2. .............................. should go to a dentist regularly.
3. Tell me .............................. . I want to know the truth.
4. I looked for you .............................. but I couldn’t find you.
5. ‘Has .............................. got tickets?’ ‘I don’t have one.’
6. There was no food in the house. They had eaten .............................. .
7. You can meet foreigners .............................. in the country.
8. .............................. is responsible for the equipment.
IV. Uzupełnij zdania stosując zaimki ‘everybody’ i ‘everything’ z czasownikiem ‘be’.
1. ‘........................................ ready?’ ‘No, Jenny isn’t ready yet.’
2. Don’t cry. ........................................ all right.
3. ‘Where are my suitcases?’ ‘Don’t worry. ........................................ in your room.’
4. I didn’t like the people. ........................................ unfriendly here.
5. Do you like the food? ........................................ tasty?
6. ........................................ in the garden. They are waiting for you.
7. ‘........................................ fine at the meeting?’ ‘Yes, we had no problems at all.’
8. We just want to go to bed. ........................................ so tired after this long journey.
Zastosowanie przyimków miejsca
Przyimki występują zwykle z rzeczownikami przymiotnikami lub zaimkami. W języku
angielskim istnieje szeroka gama przyimków miejsca określających położenie osób
i rzeczy. Do podstawowych należą ‘at’, ‘in’, ‘on’. Wszystkie one mogą wyrażać podobne
znaczenia ‘na, w, przy, u’ w zależności od rzeczownika, z którym występują. Złożeń
takich należy nauczyć się na pamięć, gdyż tylko w nielicznych przypadkach istnieje
analogia w zastosowaniu podobnych przyimków w języku polskim.
at a bus stop
at a concert
at a party
at home
at school
at work
at university
at the airport
at the border
at the (railway) station
at the baker’s
at the chemist’s
in Europe / Africa
in Poland / England
in Warsaw / London
in a town / a city / a village
in a shop
in a garden / a park
in a room
in a book / a magazine
in the middle of (the road)
in a museum
in bed
in hospital
on a table
on a plate
on a wall
on a map
on a desk
on a shelf
on a tree
on an island
on the floor
on the carpet
on the ground
on the ceiling
at the dentist
at the doctor’s
at the stationer’s
at the traffic lights
at Adam’s (house)
at my friend’s (house)
at the door
in the house
in Peter’s house
in the street
in the world
in the sky
in a car / a taxi
in my hand
on the coast
on the ground floor
on the first / second floor
on the right / the left
on page (fifty)
on a bus / a train / a
on a ship
Let’s visit David. He is certainly at home.
We cannot be late at the airport.
I usually buy toothpaste at the chemist’s.
You must stop at the traffic lights.
Did you buy these buns at the baker’s?
Why are you standing at the door?
Cindy’s mother works in a shop.
Wait in my room. I’ll come back soon.
The cheetah is the fastest animal in the world. I left my documents in your house.
Brian is in hospital because he is ill.
We live in Greenery Street.
There are a few biscuits on the plate. All your magazines are on the shelf.
I will hang the poster on the wall.
There are few plums on the trees.
I. Wpisz przyimki ‘at’, ‘in’ lub ‘on’.
the dentist
the floor
a shop
the sky
the door
the table
the coast
the bus-stop
a shelf
the left
a taxi
the border
II. Napisz odpowiedzi stosując podane rzeczowniki z właściwymi przyimkami.
1. ‘Where is Alice now?’
2. ‘Where did you meet Mr Grey?’
3. ‘Where are Van Gogh’s pictures?’
4. ‘Where did she lose her purse?’
5. ‘Where are clouds?’
6. ‘Where do you buy envelopes?’
7. ‘Where does Tom study?’
8. ‘Where did you put the books?’
(the park)
(the station)
(a museum)
(a train)
(the sky)
(a stationer’s)
(the desk)
III. Uzupełnij zdania rzeczownikami z właściwymi przyimkami.
a concert
the ground floor
the map
the photo
a village
1. The Greens don’t live upstairs. They live ........................................ .
2. Mr Howard is ........................................ in his office.
3. We were ........................................ yesterday. It was the Rolling Stones and friends.
4. ‘Can you recognise anyone ........................................?’ ‘Oh, yes. It is my grandpa.’
5. Our grandfather lives ........................................ far from the city area.
6. This place must be very small. I cannot find it ........................................ .
IV. Uzupełnij zdania przyimkami ‘at’, ‘in’ lub ‘on’.
1. There are some guests .................... our neighbours’ house.
2. Walton Street is the second .................... the right.
3. We had a very nice afternoon .................... the garden yesterday.
4. The police caught the thieves .................... the border.
5. ‘Where is chapter three?’ ‘.................... page fifty seven.’
6. ‘Did you have a good time .................... the party last night?’ ‘Oh yes, we did.’
7. The first settlers travelled .................... a ship.
8. We are thinking of spending two weeks .................... Italy in summer.
9. There is someone .................... the door. Go and open it.
10. The explorers hoped to find gold .................... the island.
11. Be careful .................... the street. There a lot of cars there.
12. Look! There is a damp spot .................... the ceiling.
Zastosowanie przyimków czasu
Przyimki występują z rzeczownikami lub zaimkami. Podstawowe przyimki występujące z
określeniami czasu to ‘at’, ‘in’ oraz ‘on’. Znaczenie, jakie wyrażają zależy od
rzeczownika, z którym występują. Typowych złożeń należy nauczyć się na pamięć, gdyż
tylko w nielicznych przypadkach istnieje analogia w zastosowaniu podobnych przyimków
w języku polskim.
Przyimek ‘at’ występuje z:
- określeniami godziny:
at 6 o’clock, at 8.15 a.m., at 7.15 p.m.
- określeniami pory dnia: at noon, at midday, at midnight, at night
- nazwami świąt:
at Christmas, at Easter
- innymi określeniami:
at the moment, at the weekend, at weekends
at the beginning/the end of April/the month/the week
Przyimek ‘in’ występuje z:
- nazwami miesięcy:
- określeniem roku:
- nazwami pór roku:
- nazwami pór dnia:
in June, in September, in December
in 1824, in 1900, in 1972, in 1999
in spring, in summer, in autumn (fall), in winter
in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, in the night
Przyimek ‘on’ występuje z:
- nazwami dni: on Sunday, on Monday, on Friday
- określeniem dzień + pora dnia: on Tuesday morning, on Saturday evening
- datami określającymi konkretny dzień: on 28 September, on 22 July, on 3 May
- z nazwami świąt przypadającymi na konkretny dzień: on April Fool’s Day,
on New Year’s Eve
Przyimki czasu nie występują z określeniami: ‘every’, ‘last’, ‘next’, ‘this’, ‘tomorrow’.
We play cards every day.
She arrived last week.
Tim is coming next Sunday.
What are you doing on Monday evening?
Brian passed his exams in May.
The Boltons returned at midnight. We are meeting on 1 September.
He went to hospital in winter.
We usually stay at home at weekends.
I. Wpisz przyimki ‘at’, ‘in’ lub ‘on’.
eleven o’clock
31 March
Friday afternoon
the weekend
the night
5.15 a.m.
the evening
Saturday night
II. Napisz odpowiedzi stosując podaną informację oraz właściwe przyimki.
1. ‘When is Fred’s birthday?’
2. ‘When was it raining?’
3. ‘When did you wake up?’
4. ‘When is Christmas Eve?’
5. ‘When are the Browns returning?’
6. ‘When are you free?’
7. ‘When is the great match?’
8. ‘When did people walk on the moon?’
(17 February)
(7.30 a.m.)
(24 December)
(Friday morning)
(Sunday evening)
III. Uzupełnij zdania stosując podane zwroty z właściwymi przyimkami.
April Fool’s Day
July and August
1. People don’t usually go to work ........................................ .
2. Summer holidays are ........................................ .
3. Children should be in their beds ........................................ .
4. We like to play a lot of practical jokes ........................................ .
5. ......................................... , leaves on trees go red and yellow.
6. It’s a tradition to paint eggs ......................................... .
IV. Wpisz przyimki ‘at’, ‘in’ lub ‘on’ jeżeli są wymagane.
1. Are you going to visit us .................... Saturday afternoon?
2. Christopher Columbus discovered America .................... 1492.
3. Our baby fell ill .................... Christmas Day.
4. .................... last year, Mr Jenkins wrote two books.
5. It is usually cold and snowy .................... winter in our country.
6. .................... 9 May, the war came to an end.
7. We are collecting money for poor people .................... this week.
8. ‘What is Joan doing .................... the moment?’ ‘She is watching cartoons.’
9. My alarm-clock rang .................... six o’clock .................... the morning.
10. The accident happened .................... Tuesday morning.
11. The conference is starting .................... next Monday.
12. The temperature was the highest .................... noon.
Zastosowanie innych przyimków czasu
oznacza ‘po’. Występuje z określeniami czasu, rzeczownikami lub
My son came home after eleven o’clock.
What are you going to do after lessons?
Fred went to bed after the film.
oznacza ‘przed’. Występuje z określeniami czasu, rzeczownikami
lub zaimkami.
Where did Ann work before 1992?
Before the war, the Thompsons lived in Manchester.
We will renovate our house before summer.
oznacza ‘podczas’. Występuje z określeniami czasu,
rzeczownikami lub zaimkami.
Where did you work during September?
We spent a lot of money during our holiday.
They spoke a lot during lunch.
oznacza ‘od ... do ...’. Występuje z określeniami czasu.
from ... to / till
Adam stayed in Brussels from 1991 to 1994.
Our neighbours had a party from midnight till early morning.
We will work in Holland from January to March.
oznacza ‘przez, od’. Występuje z określeniami czasu w czasie
Present Perfect. Opisuje długość trwania lub wykonywania
David has been married for three months.
We haven’t talked to each other for six days.
I have known Mr Jones for many years.
oznacza ‘od’. Występuje z określeniami czasu lub rzeczownikami w
czasie Present Perfect. Określa moment, od którego czynność trwa
lub jest wykonywana.
We have lived in Paris since 1985.
Tom has driven a lorry since last year.
Eva has learnt English since October.
I. Uzupełnij zdania stosując przyimki ‘after’ lub ‘before’.
1. Autumn comes .............................. summer.
2. Children must brush their teeth .............................. every meal.
3. Harry was tired .............................. work.
4. Are you free .............................. lessons?
5. You must learn a lot ............................... your examinations.
6. We usually decorate a Christmas tree .............................. Christmas.
7. I watched a film and I went to bed .............................. it.
8. The pianist practices a lot .............................. his every concert.
II. Napisz o Joannie stosując przyimki ‘after’, ‘before’ oraz ‘from ... to / till’.
secondary school
secondary school
high school
high school
Joan lived in Durham .....……………………............ 1990 ................................. 1993.
III. Napisz zdania stosując przyimek ‘for’ lub ‘since’ oraz czas Present Perfect.
1. I / know / Jeff / two years
2. Alice / live in London / 1983
3. You / be busy / early morning
4. Jack / learn Russian / two months
5. We / work together / many years
6. Mr Lee / play golf / last summer
IV. Napisz odpowiedzi stosując przyimki ‘from ... till’, ‘for’ lub ‘since’.
1. How long did you stay in Paris?
2. How long has Carol been abroad?
3. How long did Adam sleep?
4. How long has Eva known Peter?
5. How long has Jim been married?
(March - April) ....................................................
(2001) .................................................................
(1 - 4 p.m.) .........................................................
(one year) ...........................................................
(last May) ...........................................................
Zastosowanie czasowników z przyimkami
Czasowniki mogą występować z przyimkami w określonym znaczeniu. Złożenie
czasownika z przyimkiem jest zwykle niezmienne, stąd złożeń takich należy nauczyć się
na pamięć. Zastosowanie przyimka z czasownikiem często nie pokrywa się z takim
zastosowaniem w języku polskim, dlatego należy wykluczyć możliwość kierowania się
wyłącznie analogią przy używaniu przyimków. Poniższa tabela prezentuje często
stosowane przykłady złożeń czasownika z przyimkiem.
agree with - zgadzać się z
I don’t agree with you this time.
apologise for - przepraszać za
ask for - prosić o
The boy apologised for his bad behaviour.
Can I ask you for a dictionary?
believe in - wierzyć w
belong to - należeć do
Do you believe in ghost stories?
This house belongs to Mr Peters.
care for - dbać o
You must care for your dog well.
cope with - poradzić sobie z
depend on - zależeć od
Did Adam cope with this difficult exercise?
Children depend on their parents.
differ from - różnić się od
go to - iść do
Tom differs from his brother.
Let’s go to the theatre in the evening.
invite to - zapraszać do, na
laugh at - śmiać się z
I will not invite Harry to my birthday party.
What are you laughing at?
learn about - dowiedzieć się o
We learned about your promotion yesterday.
leave for - wyjechać do
listen to - słuchać
My father is leaving for London tomorrow.
I like listening to music in the evening.
long for - tęsknić za
look at - spojrzeć, patrzeć na
Sheila is longing for her parents.
Look at the sky.
look for - szukać
prepare for - przygotować się do
punish for - ukarać za
I am looking for my wallet.
Alex didn’t prepare for the exam well.
They were punished for disobedience.
quarrel with - pokłócić się z
rely on - polegać na (kimś)
We never quarrel with our neighbours.
Everybody can rely on David.
shout at - krzyczeć na
smile at - uśmiechnąć się do
spend on - wydawać (pieniądze) na
Why are you shouting at him?
The beautiful girl smiled at me.
Terry spends his pocket money on sweets.
suffer from - cierpieć na, z powodu
think about - myśleć o
She is suffering from headache.
I often think about my friends.
wait for - czekać na
write to - pisać do
We are still waiting for our lunch.
Thomas seldom writes letters to us.
I. Napisz odpowiedzi stosując czasowniki z właściwymi przyimkami.
1. ‘What is Tom doing?’ (listen / music)
2. ‘Where are they going?’ (school)
3. ‘What is Ann doing?’ (look / her bag)
4. ‘What did Frank do?’ (smile / me)
5. ‘What is he doing?’ (prepare / an exam)
6. ‘What did they do?’ (ask / a ride)
7. ‘What is Eva doing?’ (laugh / a joke)
8. ‘What is Sam doing?’ (quarrel / Tom)
II. Uzupełnij odpowiedzi stosując czasowniki z właściwymi przyimkami.
1. ‘Did you say I am sorry?’ ‘Yes, I ............................................... my bad behaviour.’
2. ‘How are you feeling?’ ‘Not well. I am ............................................... stomachache.’
3. ‘Do your parents give you money?’ ‘Yes, I still ............................................... them.’
4. ‘Is Sean the same as his brother?’ ‘No, he ............................................... Bob.’
5. ‘Do you think Paul’s story is true?’ ‘No, I don’t ............................................... it.’
6. ‘Have you heard about my wedding?’ ‘Yes, I .......................................... it last week.’
III. Uzupełnij zdania stosując właściwe przyimki.
1. I am going to write letters ............... my pen pals tomorrow.
2. Did Sarah invite all her friends ............... her party?
3. Come back quickly, honey. I am longing ............... you.
4. These gloves don’t belong ............... me. They are Brian’s.
5. They have broken a vase. Their mother will punish them ............... it.
6. William is my best friend. I can always rely ............... him.
7. This task was too hard for us. We didn’t cope ............... it.
8. They didn’t agree ............... our theory. Theirs was different.
9. ‘When did your director leave ............... Italy?’ ‘Last Monday.’
10. I think Judy spends too much money ............... clothes.
11. ‘Who are you waiting ...............?’ ‘My boyfriend.’
12. How do you care ............... your dog, Alice?
13. Ask your teacher ............... help if you don’t know what to do.
14. The clerk wasn’t very polite. He laughed ............... us rudely.
15. Eric and Paul are friends but they often quarrel ............... each other.
16. If you suffer ............... toothache, you must visit your dentist.
17. Stop shouting ............... me. I have not done anything wrong.
18. After the meal, we all went ............... a museum.
19. Do you like listening ............... classical music?
20. ‘When is our train leaving?’ ‘I don’t know. I must look ............... the timetable’
Zastosowanie przymiotników z przyimkami
Przymiotniki stosuje się zwykle po czasowniku ‘be’. Niektóre przymiotniki występują na
stałe z określonymi przyimkami. Złożeń takich należy nauczyć się na pamięć.
Poniższa tabela prezentuje często stosowane złożenia przymiotników z przyimkami.
(be) afraid of - bać się, obawiać się
fed up with - znudzony
Diane is afraid of mice.
Sandra is fed up with her job.
(be) allergic to - mieć alergię na
good at - dobry, doświadczony w
I am allergic to dust.
Fred is quite good at volleyball.
amazed at - zdziwiony
interested in - zainteresowany
She was amazed at your good knowledge.
I am not interested in biology.
angry at / with - zły na
jealous of - zazdrosny o, zazdrościć
Are you angry with me?
They are jealous of our car.
(be) ashamed of - wstydzić się
(be) keen on - pasjonować się
He wasn’t ashamed of his misbehaviour.
My father is keen on fishing.
bad at - słaby, niedoświadczony w
occupied with - zajęty
Paul is rather bad at physics.
Our father is occupied with paper work.
bored with - znudzony
pleased with - zadowolony z
We were bored with the noise.
Are you pleased with the gift?
(be) dependent on - być zależnym od
proud of - dumny z
Jack isn’t dependent on his parents.
Mrs Collins is proud of her children.
different from - inny niż
responsible for - odpowiedzialny za
Alice is different from her sister.
Alan is responsible for the assignment.
disappointed at / with - rozczarowany
(be) scared of - bać się
The man was disappointed with the meal.
Jenny is scared of darkness.
eager for - chętny
(be) sorry about - przepraszać za
Who is eager for doing the task?
I am sorry about my bad behaviour.
excited about - podekscytowany
surprised at - zaskoczony
The children were excited about the idea.
Lucy was surprised at the promotion.
(be) familiar with - znać, wiedzieć o
tired of - zmęczony
Brian is familiar with our problems.
We are tired of gardening.
famous for - słynny, słynący z
used to - przyzwyczajony do
Paris is famous for the Eiffel Tower.
Bob isn’t used to hard work.
I. Napisz zdania stosując czasownik ‘be’ oraz przymiotniki z przyimkami.
1. George / bad / history
2. Elisabeth / good / painting
3. I / tired / the noise
4. Sony / allergic / pollen
5. Mr Dean / proud / his invention
6. We / sorry / the mess
7. My brother / excited / the idea
8. I / pleased / my test results
9. You / fed up / the film
10. Jeff / used / cold weather
George is bad .......................................…......
II. Uzupełnij zdania stosując przymiotniki z właściwymi przyimkami.
1. ‘Do you like climbing mountains?’ ‘No, I am not ........................................ it.’
2. Why did you lie? You should be ........................................ yourself.
3. I don’t have time right now. I am ........................................ checking the accounts.
4. Everybody knows Mr Hicks. He is ........................................ his eccentricity.
5. ‘Are these jeans good?’ ‘No, I am ........................................ their quality.’
6. These aren’t the same records. They are ........................................ each other.
7. I don’t like snakes. I am ........................................ them.
8. Don’t tell the story again. We are all ........................................ it.
III. Uzupełnij zdania stosując właściwe przyimki.
1. We didn’t want to go but the children were excited ............... visiting the Disneyland.
2. I fell asleep quickly because I was tired ............... working too hard.
3. Mark isn’t good ............... sailing.
4. Who is responsible ............... emptying the waste bins?
5. You are the best runner. We are so proud ............... your victory.
6. Nobody likes Steven. He is always so jealous ............... everything.
7. Aren’t you bored ............... this noisy music, Sam?
8. I don’t even want to look at the spider. I am scared ............... it.
9. We are free. We aren’t occupied ............... any work now.
10. George is doing a course in diving. He is interested ............... it.
11. Nobody was eager ............... visiting the museum and we all went to a cafe.
12. Paula doesn’t earn money. She is dependent ............... her parents.
13. Everyone was amazed ............... our team’s victory in the Cup Final.
14. Camels are used ............... hot climate.
15. Tom wasn’t very pleased ............... himself after the examination.
Wyrażenia przyimkowe
Niektóre przyimki występują niezmiennie z określonymi częściami mowy tworząc
wyrażenia przyimkowe. Aby poprawnie stosować takie zwroty, należy nauczyć się ich
na pamięć.
at the age of - w wieku
Jim got married at the age of 35.
at the speed of - z prędkością
We are travelling at a high speed.
at the temperature of - w temperaturze
Water boils at the temperature of 100
at one’s own risk - na własne ryzyko
You only do it at your own risk.
by accident - przypadkowo
I met George in the library by accident.
(pay) in cash - (płacić) gotówką
Will you pay in cash, sir?
(pay) by credit card - (płacić) kartą
No, I prefer to pay by credit card.
by hand - ręcznie
He built the machine by hand.
by mistake - przez pomyłkę
I took your coat by mistake.
(send) by post - (wysyłać) pocztą
Joan sent the parcel by post.
by profession - z zawodu
My father is an architect by profession.
in (good) weather - w (dobrą) pogodę
We will not go surfing in bad weather.
in advance - z góry
Thank you very much in advance.
in (good) condition - w (dobrym) stanie
My grandmother is still in good condition.
in danger - w niebezpieczeństwie
Many animals are in danger.
(be) in a hurry - spieszyć się
Tom is in a hurry now.
in (my) opinion - (moim) zdaniem
In Ann’s opinion, the book is boring.
in the rain - w deszczu
The children are running in the rain.
in shadow - w cieniu
Half of the playground is in shadow.
in the sun - w słońcu.
Fiona is lying in the sun.
on holiday - na wakacjach, na wakacje
Where are you going on holiday?
on a diet - na diecie
I have been on a diet for two months.
(be) on fire - płonąć, palić się
The house was on fire when we saw it.
on foot - piechotą
Did you drive or did you go on foot?
on the radio - w radio
Jack is listening to music on the radio.
on television - w telewizji
What is on television tonight?
on time - na czas
Did your train arrive on time?
on the phone - przez/przy telefon(ie)
Mrs Martin is talking on the phone.
on / for sale - na sprzedaż
Is that cottage on sale?
I. Napisz odpowiedzi stosując wyrażenia przyimkowe.
1. ‘Are we safe in this place?’
2. ‘How did the client pay?’
3. ‘Can you eat everything?’
4. ‘Was your plane late?’
5. ‘Why did you take my suitcase?’
6. ‘Is your grandfather all right?’
‘No, ....................................................................’
‘She ...................................................................’
‘No, ....................................................................’
‘No, ....................................................................’
‘Yes, ..................................................................’
II. Uzupełnij zdania stosując wyrażenia przyimkowe.
the age of
the phone
1. Children don’t have to learn when they are ........................................ .
2. Nobody has bought the car yet. It is still ........................................ .
3. ‘Is Mrs Adams a teacher?’ ‘No, she is a chemist ........................................ .’
4. You don’t have to pay ........................................ . You can pay later.
5. Craftsmen don’t use machines. They produce everything ........................................ .
6. I didn’t expect to meet Alex in the park. We met ........................................ .
7. Mozart died ........................................ 35.
8. ‘Who is ........................................?’ ‘Hello, this is John Holden.’
III. Uzupełnij zdania stosując przyimki ‘at’, ‘by’, ‘in’ lub ‘on’.
1. We send all our letters ............... post.
2. The climbers decided to continue climbing ............... their own risk.
3. There is nothing to do at the seaside ............... bad weather.
4. ‘Why are you ............... a hurry, Sam?’ ‘Because, I got up too late.’
5. I went to sleep early last evening because there wasn’t anything ............... TV.
6. Her skin is burnt. She spent too much time ............... the sun.
7. The accident happened when the lorry was travelling ............... a high speed.
8. ............... my opinion, the stereo set is too expensive.
9. Let’s go ............... foot. The restaurant is not far from here.
10. You must roast the meat ............... high temperature.
11. We are sitting ............... the shadow because it is too hot in the sun.
12. There was a funny play ............... the radio yesterday.
13. Mr Taylor never carries cash. He always pays ............... credit card.
14. Call for the fire brigade! The flat is ............... fire.
15. Why are you all wet? Have you been walking ............... the rain?
Pytania z przyimkami
Przyimki mogą występować z czasownikami oraz przymiotnikami.
Pytanie, w którym występuje przyimek ma postać nieco odmienną od formy podobnego
pytania w języku polskim. W języku polskim przyimek zajmuje zwykle miejsce na
początku pytania - przed zaimkiem pytającym.
Na co patrzysz?
Z kim tańczyłaś?
O czym rozmawialiście?
Tworząc podobne pytanie w języku angielskim przyimek umieszcza się zwykle wraz
z częścią mowy, z którą występuje przeważnie na końcu zdania.
W pytaniach o rzecz stosuje się zaimek ‘What’.
W pytaniach o osobę stosuje się zaimek ‘Who’.
What are you looking at?
Who did you dance with?
What did you talk about?
Należy pamiętać o właściwej strukturze zdania pytającego (inwersja lub operator), gdyż
sam zaimek pytający nie tworzy pytania.
Pytania z czasownikami:
‘Who does Tom play with?’ ‘Tom plays with Harry.’
‘Who do they care for?’ ‘They care for their younger sister.’
‘Who did Alice think about? ‘She thought about her boyfriend.’
‘Who can you rely on?’ ‘I can rely on my friends.’
‘What are you listening to?’ ‘We are listening to music.’
‘What did Bob pay for?’ ‘He paid for the accommodation.’
‘What did he write about?’ ‘He wrote about love.’
‘What were they looking for?’ ‘They were looking for their tickets.’
Pytania z przymiotnikami:
‘Who is she angry with?’ ‘She is angry with you.’
‘Who was Gina dependent on?’ ‘Gina was dependent on her parents.’
‘Who are you proud of?’ ‘I am proud of my brother.’
‘What is Lisa good at?’ ‘She is good at languages.’
‘What are the Browns keen on?’ ‘They are keen on climbing.’
‘What were you scared of.’ ‘I was scared of ghosts.’
I. Napisz pytania korzystając z podanych informacji.
1. James is playing with Simon.
2. I am interested in space travels.
3. Linda danced with Paul.
4. We are looking for our dog.
5. Brian spoke about Mr Dean.
6. She is waiting for her pizza.
7. Tom was angry with his friend.
8. You are afraid of stormy weather.
9. They quarrelled with their neighbours.
10. David spends his money on games.
Who ............................................................?
What ...............................….........................?
Who ............................................................?
What ..................................…......................?
Who ............................................................?
What .....................................…...................?
Who ............................................................?
What ........................................…................?
Who ............................................................?
What ...........................................................?
II. Napisz pytania.
1. ‘I am scared.’
2. ‘Joan is smiling.’
3. ‘He suffered.’
4. ‘Mrs Black is proud.’
5. ‘Eva is tired.’
6. ‘They shouted.’
7. ‘He is thinking.’
8. ‘I agree.’
What ............................................................….....................?
Who .................................................................…........….....?
What ..................................................................…...............?
Who .......................................................................…...........?
What ........................................................................….........?
Who .............................................................................….....?
What ..............................................................................…...?
Who ......................................................................................?
III. Napisz pytania.
1. ‘............................................................... to?’
2. ‘............................................................... to?’
3. ‘.............................................................. on?’
4. ‘............................................................... at?’
5. ‘............................................................... at?’
6. ‘............................................................... to?’
7. ‘.............................................................. for?’
8. ‘............................................................ with?’
‘I wrote a letter to my pen pal.’
‘Andy is used to cold water.’
‘Mike depends on his parents.’
‘We are laughing at your joke.’
‘They are looking at the pictures.’
‘This watch belongs to Mr Wharton.’
‘I am responsible for the department.’
‘Jenny lives with her sister.’
IV. Uzupełnij pytania przyimkiem jak w przykładzie.
1. ‘We are talking.’
2. ‘Tom is bored.’
3. ‘I am listening.’
4. ‘She is different’
5. ‘Eva is jealous’
6. ‘He apologised’
‘What about?’
‘What ................?’
‘Who .................?’
‘Who .................?’
‘What ................?’
‘What ................?’
7. ‘I am sorry.’
8. ‘They agreed.’
9. ‘We spoke.’
10. ‘Mr Lee is tired.’
11. ‘She is pleased.’
12. ‘I am allergic.’
‘What ...........….....?’
‘Who ...........…......?’
‘Who ..........….......?’
‘What ...........….....?’
‘What ......…..........?’
‘What ...................?’
Zaimki ‘both’, ‘either’ i ‘neither’
Zaimek ‘both’ oznacza ‘obydwaj, obydwie, obydwoje.’ Odnosi się do dwóch osób lub
Tom is learning German and French.  Tom is learning both.
We met Frank and his brother.  We met both.
Zaimek ‘either’ oznacza ‘jeden z dwóch’. Odnosi się do jednej z dwóch osób lub rzeczy.
There are two good films on TV at 8. We can watch either.
You may take the blue cap or the red one. You may take either.
Zaimek ‘neither’ oznacza ‘żaden z dwóch’. Zaimek ten ma znaczenie przeczące
i odnosi się do dwóch osób lub rzeczy.
I didn’t buy the new car and I didn’t buy the old one.  I bought neither.
I don’t know Mr O’Shea and I don’t know Mr O’Leary.  I know neither.
Zaimek ‘both’ może występować z rzeczownikami w liczbie mnogiej. Stąd, również
czasownik przybiera formę jak w liczbie mnogiej.
Both windows are broken.
Both drinks are cold.
Both buildings are old.
‘Both’ może wystąpić po zaimkach osobowych ‘we’, ‘you’ oraz ‘they’.
We both are very tired.
Do you both like swimming?
They both weren’t lucky.
Zaimki ‘either’ i ‘neither’ mogą występować z rzeczownikami w liczbie pojedynczej.
Czasownik przybiera wówczas formę jak w trzeciej osobie liczby pojedynczej.
Either book is cheap.
Either child comes late.
Does either car cost much?
Zaimek ‘neither’ ma znaczenie przeczące, dlatego zdania, w którym występuje nie
należy zaprzeczać w inny sposób.
Neither job is interesting.
Neither teacher is married.
Neither film was boring.
Zaimki ‘both’, ‘either’ i ‘neither’ mogą występować z przyimkiem ‘of’ oraz zaimkami
‘us’, ‘you’, ‘them’.
We / you / they both = Both of us / you / them  Both of us work hard.
Either of us / you / them  Either of them plays the guitar well.
Neither of us / you / them  Neither of them wants to go to the cinema.
I. Napisz zdania według przykładu stosując zaimek ‘both’ oraz rzeczowniki.
Jack can play both ......................….......
1. Jack can play the piano and the guitar.
2. We visited Madrid and Barcelona.
3. She speaks English and French.
4. I went to the baker’s and to the chemist’s.
5. Sue drives the Fiat and the Volvo.
6. Mrs Higgins bought roses and tulips.
7. You met Adam and Thomas.
8. I am going to keep a dog and a cat.
II. Przepisz zdania dodając zaimek ‘both’ lub ‘either’.
1. You will talk to Peter and James.
2. We can visit Spain or Greece.
3. Fred bought a red pullover and a white one.
4. I will take some juice or some Cola.
5. You may get a lollipop and an ice cream.
6. Let’s visit uncle Jim and aunt Sophia.
7. Get on a bus or a train.
8. The Greens had a cottage and a flat.
You will talk to ..........................….....
III. Przepisz zdania stosując zaimek ‘neither’ oraz podane rzeczowniki.
1. We don’t know Ann and we don’t know Sue.
2. I didn’t play tennis and I didn’t play rugby.
3. Jim hasn’t a turtle and he hasn’t a rabbit.
4. You didn’t eat dinner and you didn’t eat lunch.
5. Eva hasn’t a doll and she hasn’t a teddy bear.
We know neither ..........…..............
IV. Przepisz zdania stosując zaimki ‘both of’, ‘either of’ oraz ‘neither of’.
Either of us …....................................
1. I am not brave but my sister is.
2. You came late and so did your friend.
3. She doesn’t like tea and he doesn’t like it.
4. You love pets and I love them, too.
5. Tom didn’t win. Adam didn’t win, either
6. He speaks French but I don’t.
7. She doesn’t work and you don’t work.
8. I love swimming and you love it, too.
Both ... and, either ... or, neither ... nor
Zaimki ‘both’ - ‘obydwaj, obydwie’, ‘either’ - ‘jeden (z dwóch)’ oraz ‘neither’ - ‘żaden
(z dwóch)’ występują jako osobne zaimki lub w stałych konstrukcjach.
Zwrot ‘both ... and ...’ oznacza ‘zarówno ... jak i ...’. Konstrukcja może występować z:
Julia both plays the piano and
composes music.
Stanley both works and studies.
We both bake bread and sell it.
- czasownikami.
Czasowniki z dopełnieniem lub bez niego
umieszcza się po słowach ‘both’ oraz
- rzeczownikami.
The farmers keep both cows and sheep.
We have got both a son and a daughter.
He lost both his documents and his
Rzeczowniki umieszcza się po słowach
‘both’ oraz ‘and’.
- przymiotnikami.
The castle is both old and ruined.
Fred was both worried and angry.
Sue is both beautiful and intelligent.
Przymiotniki umieszcza się po słowach
‘both’ oraz ‘and’.
Konstrukcja ‘either ... or ...’ oznacza ‘albo ... albo ...’. Występuje z czasownikami,
rzeczownikami oraz przymiotnikami według takich samych zasad jak ‘both ... and ...’.
David either works or studies.
The Browns either grow vegetables or keep bees.
I will order either soup or salad.
Harry wore either a pullover or a jacket.
She is either an actress or a singer.
Bring us either some food or some drink.
His cap was either red or orange.
Her ring is either golden or silver.
Konstrukcja ‘neither ... nor ...’ oznacza ‘ani ... ani’. Występuje z czasownikami,
rzeczownikami oraz przymiotnikami według takich samych zasad jak ‘both ... and ...’.
Konstrukcja ‘neither ... nor ...’ ma znaczenie przeczące, co oznacza, iż występujące
z nią czasowniki nie są dodatkowo zaprzeczone.
Jake neither dances nor plays an instrument.
I was neither sleeping nor resting.
You can neither swim nor sail.
Betty neither talked to me nor looked at me.
The people have neither houses nor families.
We visited neither Paris nor London.
Brian is neither short nor fat.
Our trip was neither boring nor too long.
I. Uzupełnij zdania stosując konstrukcję ‘both ... and ...’.
1. some soup / some meat
2. German / Spanish
3. practises tennis / plays golf
4. watched TV / listened to music
5. interesting / educative
6. the computer / the printer
7. clever / responsible
8. portraits / landscapes
We ate .................................................................…
Carol can speak ...................................................…
Mr Wise ..............................................................….
The children .........................................................…
The trip was .........................................................…
I’m using ..................................................................
Monica is ............................................................….
The artist painted .................................................…
II. Uzupełnij zdania stosując konstrukcję ‘either ... or ...’.
1. a pilot / a navigator
2. got up late / fell ill
3. sleeping / relaxing
4. has shrunk / is the wrong size
5. a cup / a glass
6. biology / chemistry
7. go by bus / have a walk
8. glasses / contact lenses
Jim’s father is .............................................….........
He ..................................................................…......
Sandra is ........................................................….....
The pullover ..................................................….…..
Bring me .....................................................….........
Ms Beaver teaches ........................................…......
We will .............................................................…....
Mick wears ..............................................................
III. Uzupełnij zdania stosując konstrukcję ‘neither ... nor ...’.
1. do shopping / clean the house
2. an actress / a singer
3. polite / friendly
4. watched TV / listened to music
5. draw / paint
6. wrote a letter / sent a parcel
7. strong / brave
8. money / a place to stay in
You ….............................................................…......
Sheila is ......................................................….........
The people were ............................................…......
We ..................................................................….....
I can ............................................................….........
Their parents ................................................….......
Nigel is .............................................................…....
The man had ...............................................…........
IV. Uzupełnij zdania stosując konstrukcje ‘both ... and ...’ lub ‘neither ... nor ...’.
1. We always enjoy Tom’s company. He is .................... funny .................... sociable.
2. I hate this music. It is .................... pleasant .................... nice.
3. You should give up smoking. It is .................... healthy .................... good.
4. Keep these books. They are .................... useful .................... interesting.
5. Alex is a coward. He is .................... bold .................... brave.
6. The steak was awful. It was .................... tough .................... tasteless.
7. Everybody dislikes Helen. She is .................... friendly .................... helpful.
8. Throw that cheese away. It is .................... fresh .................... tasty.
Zaimki względne ‘who’, ‘which’ i ‘that’
Zaimki względne wyrażają znaczenie ‘który, która, które’. W języku angielskim istnieją
trzy podstawowe zaimki o takim znaczeniu - ‘who’, ‘which’ oraz ‘that’. Różnią się one
od siebie zastosowaniem.
Zaimek względny ‘who’ odnosi się do osób.
Jeff Collard is the man who lives in this house.
A sculptor is a person who makes monuments.
The Kellys are the people who live next door.
Istotną zasadą jest to, że po zaimku względnym nie należy umieszczać jeszcze jednego
podmiotu, lecz bezpośrednio czasownik, który opisuje czynność wykonywaną przez
podmiot zdania. Ta sama zasada dotyczy innych zaimków względnych.
The man who introduced us was nice. nie The man who he introduced us was nice.
These are the boys who came first. nie These are the boys who they came first.
Zaimek względny ‘which’ odnosi się do rzeczy oraz zwierząt.
This is the bicycle which I bought last month.
Have you seen the house which Mr Edwards built?
The film which we are watching is very interesting.
Zaimek względny ‘that’ odnosi się do osób, rzeczy oraz zwierząt.
Mr Jerry is the person that collects old cars.
They are the people that we met at the party yesterday.
This is the dog that bit my sister.
Where are the shoes that I wore yesterday?
Zdania z zaimkami względnymi mogą zawierać jeden lub dwa podmioty.
Zdanie z jednym podmiotem.
This is the man. He told us the story.  The man who told us the story is here.
Alice lives next door. She is very nice.  Alice, who lives next door, is very nice.
Zdanie z dwoma podmiotami.
Adam is our friend. We like him.  Adam is the friend that we like.
They drive a car. It is very modern.  The car which they drive is very modern.
I. Połącz zdania stosując zaimek ‘who’.
1. This is the boy. He has got a dog.
2. That is the girl. She is wearing glasses.
3. These are the children. They play with us.
4. This is the man. He writes books.
5. Those are the people. They gave us a map.
6. That is the woman. She won the prize.
This is the boy ...........….....................
II. Połącz zdania stosując zaimek ‘which’.
That is the dictionary ................……...
1. That is the dictionary. It cost a lot.
2. These are the photos. John took them.
3. This is the house. They are going to sell it.
4. That is the machine. It has broken down.
5. Those are the keys. I lost them.
6. These are the books. They’re at half price.
III. Utwórz poprawne zdania.
a pilot
a cooker
wild animals
a device
the country
a composer
we use in the kitchen
can bite
grow underground
smell sweet
has the biggest population
flies a plane
lived in Poland
can be dangerous
IV. Uzupełnij zdania stosując zaimki ‘who’, ‘which’ lub ‘that’.
1. Horses are the animals .................... I love very much.
2. Neil Armstrong was the first man .................... walked on the moon.
3. How expensive was the dictionary .................... you bought?
4. These are not the same stories .................... I read on the train.
5. Who is the woman .................... you are going to meet?
6. Amsterdam is the city .................... we have visited twice.
7. The man .................... showed us the way was from the village.
8. What is the title of the film .................... you are watching?
9. Julia is the girl .................... I love very much.
10. What was the colour of the jacket .................... the man was wearing?
11. I remember the policemen .................... stopped us.
12. We have a neighbour .................... bakes her own bread.
Zaimki względne ‘whose’ i ‘where’
Zaimek względny ‘whose’ oznacza ‘którego, której, których’. Zaimek ten wyraża
znaczenie przynależności. W zdaniu rzeczownik posiadany umieszcza się po zaimku
I know a man whose son works in a big company.
Is Jeff Clean the student whose marks are the best?
These are the people whose children play noisily.
Po zaimku względnym ‘whose’ nie należy umieszczać zaimka dzierżawczego, lecz
rzeczownik oraz czasownik odmieniony stosownie do osoby, którą określa wymieniony
This is the boy whose father keeps bees.
This is the boy whose his father keeps bees.
Inne przykłady zdań:
Adam is the boy whose girlfriend plays in a volleyball team.
Mr Jones is the neighbour whose car was stolen.
That is the woman whose husband died last month.
They are the people whose flat we bought.
Zaimek ‘whose’ można także stosować w odniesieniu do rzeczowników nieożywionych.
Mr Lee drives a car whose colour is navy blue.
That is the building whose walls are broken.
They live in a city whose streets are very dirty.
Zaimek względny ‘where’ oznacza ‘gdzie, w którym’. Odnosi się do miejsca lub miejsc.
London is the place where Fred lives.
This is the village where William Shakespeare was born.
What’s the name of the city where Mark Smith works?
Zaimek względny ‘where’ można zastąpić zaimkiem ‘in which’.
California is the state in which my best friend lives.
Hilton is the hotel in which our foreign guests are staying.
This is the part of our city in which there are the most shops.
I. Połącz zdania stosując zaimek ‘whose’.
This is the man ...........................….....
1. This is the man. His wife is a dentist.
2. These are the people. Their house is new.
3. That is the boy. His dog bit me.
4. That is the woman. Her hair is blond.
5. That is the artist. His pictures sell well.
6. This is the poet. His poems are great.
II. Połącz zdania stosując zaimek ‘whose’.
This is the writer whose ....……..........
1. This is the writer. I like his books.
2. That is the neighbour. We bought his car.
3. Those are the people. You know their son.
4. That is the musician. We love his music.
5. This is the friend. We use his lawnmower.
6. This is the woman. I teach her children.
III. Przepisz zdania stosując zaimek ‘whose’.
This is the car whose .............……......
1. This is the car with a broken bumper.
2. This is the mirror with a wooden frame.
3. We have got a dog with long hair.
4. I have got a pen with a golden nib.
5. You are reading a book with a torn cover.
6. This is the table with a scratched surface.
IV. Przepisz zdania stosując zaimek ‘whose’ według przykładu.
1. Adam’s mother is a teacher.
2. Paula’s brother keeps a turtle.
3. Jim’s best friend lives in Paris.
4. Stanley’s father works in a bank.
5. Betty’s sister is an athlete.
6. Mr Bean’s daughter studies history.
This is Adam whose mother is a teacher.
V. Przepisz zdania stosując zaimek ‘where’.
This is the village where
2. Ms Taylor is staying in that hotel.
3. An accident happened in this town. ...........................................................……..........
4. John’s father works in this factory. ................................................................…….....
5. Our students live in this dormitory. ..............................................................…….......
1. I was born in this village.
Spójniki ‘and’, ‘because’, ‘but’ i ‘so’
Spójniki pełnią funkcję łączników pomiędzy zdaniem nadrzędnym a podrzędnym.
W języku angielskim istnieje duża liczba spójników stosowanych zarówno w języku
pisanym, jak i mówionym. W niniejszym rozdziale omówione zostały jedynie
podstawowe i często stosowane spójniki.
‘And’ oznacza ‘a’ lub ‘i’.
You ordered a fruit cake and I ordered one, too.
We went home and our friends stayed at the party.
Tom drank Coke and I had some coffee.
Jeżeli podmiot zdania wykonuje dwie lub więcej czynności, nie ma konieczności
powtarzania imienia lub zaimka, a także operatora w czasach złożonych.
Jim came into the house and (he) saw a huge mess.
I will phone you later and (I will) tell you everything.
We are talking and (we are) joking and (we are) laughing a lot.
Spójnik ‘because’ oznacza ‘ponieważ, dlatego że’.
You are feeling unwell because your temperature is high.
We couldn’t get into the house because we didn’t have the keys.
I am drinking a lot because it is so hot.
There is water in the street because it rained an hour ago.
Spójnik ‘but’ oznacza ‘ale, lecz’.
My brother likes horrors but I don’t.
She said something but I couldn’t understand her.
My coffee is cold but I like it.
The student tried hard but he failed the exam.
Spójnik ‘so’ oznacza ‘stąd, więc, dlatego’. Przed spójnikiem ‘so’ zwykle stawia się
The shops were closed, so I didn’t do any shopping.
Carl was tired, so he went to bed early.
The weather was awful, so the scouts had to stay in their camp.
Joan had a headache, so I gave her some medicine.
I. Połącz zdania stosując spójnik ‘and’, ‘because’ lub ‘but’.
1. George is tall and slim
2. We laughed at the joke
3. She opened the fridge
4. We came one hour late
5. Don’t touch the dog
6. There was no wind
7. I didn’t buy the camera
8. The printer was out of order
a. it may bite you
b. took out a bottle of milk.
c. the price was too high.
d. it was very funny.
e. I couldn’t make any copies.
f. we had missed the bus.
g. his brother is short and fat.
h. we went sailing, anyway.
II. Uzupełnij zdania stosując spójniki ‘because’ oraz ‘so’.
our children had a lot of fun
someone had set it
it was driving too fast
there were too many mistakes
she put on the black one
my father carried it forme
1. The policeman stopped the car .......................................................................…..........
2. Alice’s red dress was dirty ...............................................................................….........
3. The sun was shinning and the sea water was great .................................................…
4. The alarm-clock rang ........................................................................................….......
5. You didn’t pass the test ......................................................................................…......
6. My suitcase was heavy ........................................................................................…....
III. Uzupełnij zdania spójnikiem ‘because’, ‘but’ lub ‘so’.
1. Mr Graver keeps goats .................... his neighbours keep sheep.
2. We couldn’t bathe in the water .................... it was too cold for us.
3. The clock was damaged .................... we didn’t know the correct time.
4. You cannot listen to the news .................... the radio is broken.
5. It started raining .................... we decided to stop the game.
6. She doesn’t love him .................... he loves her very much.
7. The plants were dry .................... I watered them.
8. He cannot buy many things .................... he earns too little.
IV. Uzupełnij zdania stosując spójniki ‘and’, ‘because’, ‘but’, ‘so’.
Betty: ‘John .................... I are going to a party tomorrow. Are you going with us?’
Judy: ‘I would like to .................... I don’t know any of your friends.’
Betty: ‘You don’t have to worry .................... they are very nice .................... friendly.’
Judy: ‘What shall I put on?’
Betty: ‘You will need a smart dress .................... it is an official party ....................
there will be a lot of elegant people there.’
Judy: ‘I don’t have any smart dresses at home, .................... I cannot go with you.’
Betty: ‘I can lend you one of my dresses .................... you will have to return it clean.’
Czasownik ‘have (got)’
Czasownik ‘have’ oznacza ‘mieć, posiadać’. W tym znaczeniu może występować
ze słowem ‘got’, którego na język polski nie należy tłumaczyć.
My brother has got a beautiful girlfriend.
You have got a lot of time.
We have got two dogs and four cats in our house.
Pytania do konstrukcji z czasownikiem ‘have got’ tworzy się wyłącznie przez inwersję.
Należy pamiętać, że na początek zdania przemieszcza się wówczas jedynie czasownik
‘have’, zaś słowo ‘got’ pozostaje za podmiotem zdania.
Has Helen got a sister?
Have you got any old newspapers?
Have the Gordons got a new house?
Zaprzeczenie konstrukcji z czasownikiem ‘have got’ tworzy się wyłącznie przy użyciu
słowa ‘not’, które należy umieścić bezpośrednio za czasownikiem ‘have’.
forma pełna
forma skrócona
I have not got any friends in London.
Mr Jelly has not got a wife.
The children have not got schoolbags.
I haven’t got any friends in London.
Mr Jelly hasn’t got a wife.
The children haven’t got schoolbags.
Jeżeli czasownik ‘have’ występuje bez słowa ‘got’, wówczas pytanie można tworzyć
albo za pomocą inwersji, albo przy zastosowaniu operatorów ‘do’ i ‘does’.
I have a walkman.
Brian has a new car.
They have a nice office.
Have I a walkman?
Has Brian a new car?
Have they a nice office?
Do I have a walkman?
Does Brian have a new car?
Do they have a nice office?
Podobnie, jeżeli czasownik ‘have’ występuje bez słowa ‘got’, zaprzeczenie można
tworzyć przy zastosowaniu słowa ‘not’ lub za pomocą operatorów ‘do not’ i ‘does not’.
You have my books.
Celine has a sister.
We have an umbrella.
You have not my books.
Celine hasn’t a sister.
We haven’t an umbrella.
You do not have my books.
Celine doesn’t have a sister.
We don’t have an umbrella.
I. Uzupełnij zdania czasownikiem ‘have got’ z właściwym rzeczownikiem.
a driving licence
a guide
a husband
a phone card
1. You may drive if you ............................................................ .
2. Fiona Wells isn’t single. She ............................................................ .
3. I can call my parents because I ............................................................ .
4. Thomas can see well because he ............................................................ .
5. We ............................................................ and we can do some shopping.
6. The tourists will not get lost because they ............................................................ .
II. Zamień podane zdania na pytania.
1. Harold has got two brothers.
2. We have got our raincoats.
3. Mrs Dean has got her own office.
4. You have got sandwiches.
5. Adam has got a few good friends.
6. I have got a big garden.
III. Zamień podane zdania na pytania stosując operator ‘do’ lub ‘does’.
1. Monica has a cocktail dress.
2. I have many toys in my room.
3. Mr Howard has four children.
4. They have a lot of free time.
5. You have a calculator.
6. The boy has a rabbit.
IV. Uzupełnij zdania stosując odpowiednią formę przeczącą.
1. I have got a pen but I have not got a pencil.
2. Danny has got a bicycle but he ........................................ a motorbike.
3. Ann has a brother but she ........................................ a sister.
4. The Browns have a son but they ........................................ a daughter.
5. You have a computer but you ........................................ a printer.
6. We have got tea but we ........................................ sugar.
7. My friend has a postcard but she ........................................ a stamp.
8. The country has got some deserts but it ........................................ any mountains.
9. I have some sugar but I ........................................ any salt.
10. They have a tape recorder but they ........................................ any cassettes.
Czasownik ‘have (got)’ w czasie przeszłym
Czasownik ‘have’ oznacza ‘mieć, posiadać’. W czasie przeszłym, ‘have’ posiada
nieregularną formę ‘had’. Jest ona jednakowa dla wszystkich osób liczby pojedynczej
i mnogiej. ‘Had’ może występować ze słowem ‘got’.
I had got many toys when I was younger.
My uncle had got a garden near his house.
Pytania do konstrukcji z czasownikiem ‘had got’ tworzy się wyłącznie przez inwersję.
Należy pamiętać, że na początek zdania przemieszcza się wówczas jedynie czasownik
‘had’, zaś słowo ‘got’ pozostaje za podmiotem zdania.
Had Rita got many friends in Poland?
Had your grandfather got a cottage?
Zaprzeczenie konstrukcji z czasownikiem ‘had got’ tworzy się wyłącznie przy użyciu
słowa ‘not’, które należy umieścić bezpośrednio za czasownikiem ‘had’.
forma pełna
forma skrócona
I had not got many sweets.
Harry had not got a bicycle.
We had not got much money.
I hadn’t got many sweets.
Harry hadn’t got a bicycle.
We hadn’t got much money.
Jeżeli czasownik ‘had’ występuje bez słowa ‘got’, wówczas pytanie można utworzyć
albo za pomocą inwersji, albo przy zastosowaniu operatora czasu przeszłego ‘did’.
Diane had my notebook.
Mr Grey had a horse.
The boys had tickets.
Had she my notebook?
Had Mr Grey a horse?
Had the boys tickets?
Did she have my notebook?
Did Mr Grey have a horse?
Did the boys have tickets?
Podobnie jeżeli czasownik ‘had’ występuje bez słowa ‘got’, zaprzeczenie można
utworzyć przy zastosowaniu słowa ‘not’ lub za pomocą operatora ‘did not’.
I had some chocolate.
Susan had a dog.
We had our bikes.
I had not any chocolate.
Susan hadn’t a dog.
We hadn’t our bikes.
I did not have any chocolate.
Susan didn’t have a dog.
We didn’t have our bikes.
I. Uzupełnij zdania czasownikiem ‘had got’ z właściwym rzeczownikiem.
a camera
cows and pigs
a gun
a piano
a stethoscope
a truck
1. Mr Harrow was a farmer. He ............................................................ .
2. Mrs Sean was a doctor. She ............................................................ .
3. Mr Belly was a driver. He ............................................................ .
4. Mr Jenkins was a photographer. He ............................................................ .
5. Ms Lee was a musician. She ............................................................ .
6. Mr Downey was a policeman. He ............................................................ .
II. Napisz o sobie stosując ‘had got’ lub ‘hadn’t got’ z rzeczownikami.
a bicycle
a computer
a dog
many toys
my own room
1. I .................................................................................. when I was three years old.
2. .....................................................................................................................................
3. .....................................................................................................................................
4. .....................................................................................................................................
5. .....................................................................................................................................
6. .....................................................................................................................................
III. Napisz pytania stosując inwersję lub operator czasu przeszłego.
1. ‘Linda had got a brother.’
2. ‘They had got a hamster.’
3. ‘You had an umbrella.’
4. ‘He had some letters.’
5. ‘I had a computer.’
6. ‘Tom had got a car.’
7. ‘We had some apples.’
8. ‘Rosy had got a doll.’
‘Had she got a sister, too?’
‘.......................................................….... a rabbit, too?’
‘........................................................... a raincoat, too?’
‘........................................................ any parcels, too?’
‘............................................................. a printer, too?’
‘.................................................................. a van, too?’
‘........................................................... any pears, too?’
‘................................…................... a teddy bear, too?’
IV. Uzupełnij zdania stosując poprawną formę przeczącą.
1. I had got a brother but I had not got a sister.
2. Mr Black had a daughter but he ........................................ a son.
3. We had got some sweets but we ........................................ any ice cream.
4. You had your shorts but you ........................................ your trousers.
5. Paula had paints but she ........................................ a brush.
6. They had got a house but they ........................................ a garden.
7. The Gordons had got a dog but they ........................................ a cat.
8. I had got a parrot but I ........................................ a guinea pig.
Inne znaczenia czasownika ‘have’
Czasownik ‘have’ oznacza ‘mieć, posiadać’. Zastosowanie czasownika ‘have’ w tym
znaczeniu omówione zostało w rozdziale 46 i 47 niniejszej książki.
‘Have’ może także wyrażać wiele innych znaczeń np. ‘jeść, pić, dostać, otrzymać’.
I always have two sandwiches for breakfast.
Tom had some cold milk for supper.
You can have one of these photos.
I had this book back last week.
W przypadku, gdy czasownik ‘have’ wyraża znaczenie inne niż ‘mieć, posiadać’, nie
występuje on ze słowem ‘got’, zaś pytania oraz zaprzeczenia tworzy się wyłącznie przy
zastosowaniu operatorów.
przykłady pytań
Do you always have coffee for breakfast?
Does Adam have cottage cheese for supper?
Did your children have milk soup yesterday?
Did you have these tickets for free?
przykłady zdań przeczących
We do not usually have tea for dinner.
Mike does not have rolls for breakfast.
I did not have any potatoes yesterday.
You didn’t have any good news yesterday.
Czasownik ‘have’ może występować w stałych złożeniach (kolokacjach) z wieloma
rzeczownikami. Wyraża wówczas szereg znaczeń innych niż ‘mieć, posiadać’.
have a baby
have a walk
have a rest
have a good time
być przeziębionym urodzić dziecko
have a cold
pójść na spacer
bawić się dobrze
have a party
have a shower
have a look
have a try
have fun
organizować przyjęcie
brać prysznic
przyjrzeć się
bawić się dobrze
Pytanie i zaprzeczenie do czasownika ‘have’ w złożeniu z rzeczownikiem tworzy się
wyłącznie przy zastosowaniu operatorów.
We often have a party.  Do you often have a party?  We don’t often have a party.
She has a rest at 8.  Does she have a rest at 8?  She doesn’t have a rest at 8.
Tom had a cold.  Did Tom have a cold?  Tom didn’t have a cold.
I. Napisz o sobie stosując czasownik ‘have’ oraz wybrane lub inne rzeczowniki.
bread and butter
rolls jam
cheese cottage cheese vegetable salad fruit soup potatoes chicken
tea coffee milk cocoa fruit juice mineral water Coke
1. I always have .................................................................….................... for breakfast.
2. I never have ....................................................................….................. for breakfast.
3. .................................................................................................................... for dinner.
4. .................................................................................................................... for dinner.
5. .................................................................................................................... for lunch.
6. .................................................................................................................... for lunch.
7. .................................................................................................................... for supper.
8. .................................................................................................................... for supper.
II. Napisz pytania stosując czasownik ‘have’.
1. you / coffee / breakfast
2. Mike / potatoes / dinner
3. Sue / crispy bread / supper
4. they / cereals / breakfast
5. you / a fruit salad / dinner
6. Ann / yoghurt / lunch
7. Mr Lee / pizza / supper
8. we / tomato soup / dinner
Do you have .................................…............................?
III. Uzupełnij zdania przeczące stosując czasownik ‘have’.
1. Susan has tea for breakfast but she ........................................ tea for lunch.
2. We have some soup for dinner but we ........................................ any soup for lunch.
3. I have vegetables for lunch but I ........................................ vegetables for supper.
4. Adam has honey for breakfast but he ........................................ honey for dinner.
5. You have rolls for lunch but you ........................................ rolls for breakfast.
6. Mr Cooley has cocoa for supper but he ........................................ cocoa for lunch.
IV. Uzupełnij zdania stosując czasownik ‘have’ oraz rzeczowniki.
a baby
a cold
a rest
a walk
1. I .............................. after work because I was awfully tired.
2. Mary is pregnant. She is going to .............................. soon.
3. The party wasn’t good. We (not) .............................. at all.
4. My son .............................. and he must stay in bed.
5. Let’s .............................. along the beach after the meal, shall we?.
Czas ‘Present Simple’ - zdanie twierdzące
Czas Present Simple jest czasem teraźniejszym. W zdaniu twierdzącym w czasie
Present Simple, czasownik zajmuje miejsce bezpośrednio za podmiotem zdania.
W trzeciej osobie liczby pojedynczej (he, she, it), czasownik przybiera końcówkę ‘-s’.
W pozostałych osobach czasownik nie otrzymuje żadnej końcówki. Jeżeli czasownik
zakończony jest spółgłoską ‘y’, którą poprzedza samogłoska, wówczas końcówka
trzeciej osoby liczby pojedynczej ma postać ‘-ys’. Jeżeli czasownik zakończony jest
spółgłoską ‘y’, którą poprzedza inna spółgłoska, wówczas końcówka trzeciej osoby
liczby pojedynczej ma postać ‘-ies’.
liczba pojedyncza - zdanie twierdzące
I speak English.
You speak English.
He speaks English.
She speaks English.
It speaks English.
I play the piano.
You play the piano.
He plays the piano.
She plays the piano.
It plays the piano.
I try hard.
You try hard.
He tries hard.
She tries hard.
It tries hard.
liczba mnoga - zdanie twierdzące
We speak English.
You speak English.
They speak English.
We play the piano.
You play the piano.
They play the piano.
We try hard.
You try hard.
They try hard.
Niektóre czasowniki zakończone są spółgłoską ‘syczącą’ - ‘ch’, ‘sh’, ‘ss’, ‘x’. W trzeciej
osobie liczby pojedynczej dodaje się wówczas końcówkę ‘-es’. Zasada ta dotyczy także
czasowników ‘do’ oraz ‘go’.
Mark watches television.
Sonia washes her clothes.
Tom goes home late.
Czas Present Simple stosowany jest do opisu czynności stałych, wykonywanych
regularnie lub z określoną częstotliwością. Dlatego w zdaniu często stosuje się
przysłówki częstotliwości jak np.
W zdaniu twierdzącym przysłówki te zajmują miejsce przed czasownikiem.
I often get up early. My sister sometimes plays football. We seldom write letters.
Monica usually eats lunch at three. You never work hard. They always shout.
I. Zakreśl poprawną formę czasownika.
1. You live / lives in Toronto and I comes / come from Boston.
2. Stanley likes / like horrors but his brother prefer / prefers comedies.
3. They go / goes to grammar school but we studies / study at university.
4. Mr Green ride / rides a bike but his neighbour drives / drive a car.
5. We often play / plays chess and you often watches / watch television.
6. The sun rises / rise in the east and it set / sets in the west.
7. I drinks / drink milk for breakfast but my parents eat / eats sandwiches.
8. Ms Jones write / writes reports and Mrs Howard read / reads them.
9. You buys / buy Chinese food but they cooks / cook by themselves.
10. Your dogs run / runs after my cat and it always escapes / escape them.
II. Uzupełnij zdania czasownikiem w poprawnej formie.
1. I like tennis and Simon likes it, too.
2. We watch films on video and Helen ........................................ them, too.
3. I study languages and Mary ........................................ languages, too.
4. They play volleyball and he ........................................ it, too.
5. You drive a car and David ........................................ a car, too.
6. I miss my parents and she ........................................ her parents, too.
7. We worry and Alice ........................................ , too.
8. I stay at home and my brother ........................................ at home, too.
9. We do our homework and she ........................................ her homework, too.
10. You spend your money and Adam ........................................ his money, too.
III. Uzupełnij zdania stosując podane lub inne zwroty w poprawnej formie.
ask questions bark at people come home late do homework
play the guitar repair the car say ‘Hello’ smoke cigarettes
do shopping
tell jokes
1. I always .......................................................................................................................
2. My best friend sometimes ............................................................................................
3. My mother usually ........................................................................................................
4. I never ..........................................................................................................................
5. Our teacher often .........................................................................................................
6. My neighbours usually ..................................................................................................
7. I seldom .......................................................................................................................
8. My grandfather sometimes .…......................................................................................
9. My friend’s dog often ....................................................................................................
10. My father always ..........................................................................................................
Czas ‘Present Simple’ - pytanie i przeczenie
Czas Present Simple jest czasem teraźniejszym. Stosowany jest do opisu czynności
wykonywanych stale lub z określoną częstotliwością. Cechą charakterystyczną czasu
Present Simple jest operator ‘do’ oraz ‘does’ stosowany przy tworzeniu pytań oraz
zaprzeczeń. W zdaniu twierdzącym operator nie występuje.
I come from Poland.
Tony often plays tennis.
We seldom quarrel.
Operator ‘does’ występuje z trzecią osobą liczby pojedynczej - ‘he’, ‘she’ oraz ‘it’.
Operator ‘do’ występuje z pozostałymi osobami liczby pojedynczej oraz mnogiej.
Aby utworzyć pytanie, operator należy umieścić na początku zdania. Kolejność słów
w zdaniu nie zmienia się. Należy jednak pamiętać, że w tak utworzonym pytaniu
w trzeciej osobie liczby pojedynczej czasownik występuje bez końcówki ‘-s’.
zdanie twierdzące
I work in London.
You get up late.
He loves Monica.
She visits her grandmother.
It rains.
We read books.
You organise parties.
They clean the staircase.
Do I work in London?
Do you get up late?
Does he love Monica?
Does she visit her grandmother?
Does it rain?
Do we read books?
Do you organise parties?
Do they clean the staircase?
Zdanie przeczące również tworzy się przy użyciu operatorów ‘do not’ oraz ‘does not’.
Operator zajmuje wówczas miejsce przed czasownikiem. ‘Does not’ lub jego skrócona
forma ‘doesn’t’ występuje z trzecią osobą liczby pojedynczej. ‘Do not’ lub ‘don’t’
występuje z pozostałymi osobami liczby pojedynczej i mnogiej. Podobnie jak w pytaniu,
również w zdaniu przeczącym czasownik nie przybiera końcówki ‘-s’ w trzeciej osobie.
I do not work in London.
You do not get up late.
He does not love Monica.
She does not visit her grandmother.
It does not rain.
We do not read books.
You do not organise parties.
They do not clean the staircase.
I don’t work in London.
You don’t get up late.
He doesn’t love Monica.
She doesn’t visit her grandmother.
It doesn’t rain.
We don’t read books.
You don’t organise parties.
They don’t clean the staircase.
I. Uzupełnij pytania operatorem czasu ‘Present Simple’.
1. ....................... you like adventure books?
2. ....................... Adam live in Las Vegas?
3. ....................... Rita sleep upstairs?
4. ....................... your parents go shopping together?
5. ....................... Mr Crane teach biology?
6. ....................... the people speak French?
7. ....................... I like singing?
8. ....................... the dog bite people?
9. ....................... we go to sleep late?
10. ....................... Tom and Helen love each other?
II. Zamień zdania twierdzące na pytania.
1. Robert does his homework everyday.
2. Mr Jean and Mrs Holly live in the house.
3. You play the guitar.
4. Our neighbour keeps bees.
5. I hate porridge.
6. We work on Saturdays.
7. Eva studies history.
8. It usually gets cold in autumn.
III. Uzupełnij zdania przeczące operatorem czasu ‘Present Simple’.
1. Frank ........................................ like football.
2. I ........................................ spend my money on sweets.
3. You ........................................ live together.
4. Mrs Green ........................................ teach in our school.
5. The girls ........................................ know me.
6. Elephants ........................................ live in Poland.
7. It ........................................ snow in Africa.
8. Bob and Mary ........................................ study at university.
IV. Napisz zdania przeczące korzystając z podanych informacji.
1. Vegetarians eat meat.
2. A pianist plays the violin.
3. Salt tastes sweet.
4. It snows in summer.
5. People live on Mars.
6. The Germans speak Dutch.
Czas ‘Present Continuous’ - zdanie twierdzące
Czas Present Continuous jest czasem teraźniejszym stosowanym do opisu czynności
trwającej, wykonywanej w chwili, kiedy jest o niej mowa.
Czas Present Continuous tworzy się przy użyciu operatora oraz końcówki ‘-ing’.
Operatorem jest teraźniejsza odmiana czasownika ‘be’, zaś końcówkę ‘-ing’ dodaje się
do głównego czasownika przy każdej osobie liczby pojedynczej i mnogiej.
zdanie twierdzące - pełna forma
zdanie twierdzące - forma skrócona
I am watching a film.
You are listening to music.
He is playing chess.
I’m watching a film
You’re listening to music.
He’s playing chess.
She is taking a photograph.
It is raining.
We are cooking dinner.
You are laughing.
They are cleaning their rooms.
She’s taking a photograph.
It’s raining.
We’re cooking dinner.
You’re laughing.
They’re cleaning their rooms.
Jeżeli czasownik zakończony jest spółgłoską, którą poprzedza pojedyncza samogłoska,
wówczas po dodaniu końcówki ‘-ing’ ostatnia spółgłoska ulega podwojeniu np.
swim - Rob is swimming.
plan - I am planning.
set - He’s setting the clock.
Zdanie w czasie Present Continuous opisuje czynność wykonywaną obecnie,
w momencie, gdy jest o niej mowa. Na początku lub końcu takiego zdania może pojawić
się przysłówek czasu np.
just now
właśnie teraz
at the moment
w tym momencie
at present
w tej chwili
My father is sleeping in his armchair now. David is doing homework at the moment.
Mr and Mrs Holmes are walking just now. At present, we are preparing supper.
Czas Present Continuous może także opisywać czynność zaplanowaną, która
wykonana zostanie w określonym czasie w przyszłości. Czas wykonania takiej
czynności jest zwykle podany w zdaniu, co ułatwia rozróżnienie pomiędzy czynnością
już trwającą, a czynnością zaplanowaną w przyszłości.
We are going to London (now). lub We are going to London tomorrow.
Jack is visiting his friends (at present.) lub Jack is visiting his friends next week.
I. Uzupełnij zdania w czasie ‘Present Continuous’ operatorem.
1. My mother .................... washing my clothes at the moment.
2. You .................... looking at the wrong page.
3. My cat .................... drinking milk just now.
4. Tom and Harry .................... going to Spain next month.
5. We .................... waiting for our teacher.
6. Look! It .................... snowing.
7. The woman .................... cleaning a window.
8. I .................... doing physical exercise now.
II. Napisz zdania w czasie ‘Present Continuous’.
1. Adam / read a book / at the moment
2. you / visit us / next Sunday
3. Sandra / sleep / now
4. I / help my parents / at the moment
5. they / look at you
6. it / get cold
III. Napisz co robią dzieci na obrazkach stosując właściwe czasowniki.
do exercise
eat ice cream
Sue and Bob
Tom and Eva
1. Lisa ..............................................................................................................................
2. .....................................................................................................................................
3. .....................................................................................................................................
4. .....................................................................................................................................
5. .....................................................................................................................................
6. .....................................................................................................................................
IV. Uzupełnij zdania czasownikiem w czasie ‘Present Continuous’.
1. I .............................. (play) games and my parents .............................. (watch) TV.
2. Jane and Alice ............................. (cook) and their brother .............................. (rest).
3. We .............................. (paint) pictures and Mr Lee .............................. (talk) to us.
4. The sun .............................. (shine) although it .............................. (rain) outside.
5. The men .............................. (sail) while the women .............................. (sunbathe).
Czas ‘Present Continuous’ - pytanie i przeczenie
Czas Present Continuous jest czasem teraźniejszym stosowanym do opisu czynności
trwającej, wykonywanej w momencie, gdy jest o niej mowa. Może także służyć do opisu
opisu czynności zaplanowanej w określonej przyszłości.
Zasadniczą cechą czasu Present Continuous jest operator w postaci teraźniejszej
odmiany czasownika ‘be’ oraz końcówka ‘-ing’, którą dodaje się do głównego
czasownika przy każdej osobie liczby pojedynczej i mnogiej. Przy użyciu operatora
tworzy się pytania oraz zaprzeczenia. Aby utworzyć pytanie, należy zastosować
inwersję, czyli przenieść operator przed podmiot, na początek zdania.
zdanie twierdzące
Am I talking on the phone?
Are you eating chocolate?
Is he asking a question?
Is she making a cake?
Is it raining?
Are we writing letters?
Are you laughing?
Are they watching a comedy?
I am talking on the phone.
You are eating chocolate.
He is asking a question.
She is making a cake.
It is raining.
We are writing letters.
You are laughing.
They are watching a comedy.
W pytaniu określenie czasu w postaci ‘now’, ‘at the moment’ lub ‘at present’ zajmuje
miejsce na końcu zdania.
Are your children sleeping now?
Is Michael repairing his bicycle at the moment?
Aby utworzyć zaprzeczenie zdania w czasie Present Continuous, należy dodać słowo
‘not’ do operatora. W języku potocznym często stosuje się formę skróconą operatora.
pełna forma przecząca
skrócona forma przecząca
I am not talking on the phone.
You are not eating chocolate.
He is not asking a question.
She is not making a cake.
It is not raining.
We are not writing letters.
You are not laughing.
They are not watching a comedy.
I’m not talking on the phone.
You aren’t eating chocolate.
He isn’t asking a question.
She isn’t making a cake.
It isn’t raining.
We aren’t writing letters.
You aren’t laughing.
They aren’t watching a comedy.
I. Uzupełnij pytania operatorem.
1. ........................ Robert taking photographs at the moment?
2. ........................ you waiting for your mother?
3. ........................ Mr Kelly working in his office now?
4. ........................ Alice and Cindy playing outdoors?
5. ........................ it getting colder?
6. ........................ your friends coming on Monday?
7. ........................ Eva doing shopping now?
8. ........................ Brian’s dog barking?
II. Napisz pytania w czasie ‘Present Continuous’.
1. Tom / play cards / now
2. I / go to school / tomorrow
3. it / snow / at the moment
4. the children / sing a merry song
5. you / build a house
6. Mary / cry
7. uncle Bob / come / next week
8. they / smile at us
III. Napisz pełne odpowiedzi przeczące.
1. Is Alex swimming now?
2. Are Mr and Mrs Jones walking?
3. Are you studying?
4. Is John drinking milk?
5. Are the neighbours shouting?
6. Is the sun shining at present?
7. Are we going to Amsterdam?
8. Is the plane flying?
No, .....................................................................
IV. Napisz krótkie odpowiedzi twierdzące lub przeczące.
1. Are you running now?
2. Is your teacher talking?
3. Is your mother working now?
4. Is your friend eating ice cream?
5. Are you writing now?
6. Is your father sleeping now?
7. Is it raining hard?
8. Are your friends laughing now?
Present Simple - Present Continuous
Zarówno czas Present Simple jak i Present Continuous stosowane są do opisu
czynności w czasie teraźniejszym. Istnieje jednakże zasadnicza różnica w sposobie ich
zastosowania. Czas Present Simple opisuje czynności:
a) wykonywane stale w ogólnie pojętej teraźniejszości np.
My father works.
We live in Cracow.
Mike wears glasses.
Mój tata pracuje.
My mieszkamy w Krakowie.
Mike nosi okulary.
b) wykonywane regularnie lub z określoną częstotliwością w ogólnie pojętej
teraźniejszości. W zdaniu takim często stosuje się przysłówki częstotliwości.
My sister usually gets up early.
I often take photos.
We always work together.
Moja siostra zwykle wstaje wcześnie.
Ja często robię zdjęcia.
My zawsze pracujemy razem.
c) nigdy lub zwykle nie wykonywanych w ogólnie pojętej teraźniejszości np.
I don’t drink coffee.
Mary doesn’t visit her friends.
You don’t speak French.
Ja nie pijam kawy.
Maria nie odwiedza przyjaciół.
Ty nie mówisz po francusku.
Podobne znaczenie można wyrazić stosując przysłówek ‘never’ - ‘nigdy’. Należy jednak
pamiętać, że ma on znaczenie przeczące, toteż w myśl zasady, że zdanie angielskie
może zawierać tylko jedną formę przeczącą, czasownik nie jest dodatkowo zaprzeczony
operatorem. Struktura takiego zdania przypomina zdanie twierdzące.
Tom never comes late.
Tom nigdy się nie spóźnia.
Mr Howard never plays chess.
I never lie.
Pan Howard nigdy nie grywa w szachy. Ja nigdy nie kłamię.
Czas Present Continuous stosowany jest do opisu czynności trwającej, czyli
wykonywanej obecnie. W zdaniu takim mogą pojawić się przysłówki czasu w postaci
‘now’ - ‘teraz’, ‘at the moment’ - ‘w tym momencie’ lub ‘at present’ - ‘w tej chwili’.
I am listening to music now.
We are playing football.
They are dancing.
Ja słucham muzyki (teraz).
My gramy w piłkę (teraz)
Oni tańczą (teraz)
I usually listen to music.
We always play football.
They often dance.
Ja zwykle słucham muzyki.
My zawsze gramy w piłkę.
Oni często tańczą.
Czas Present Continuous opisuje wyłącznie czynność pojedynczą, nie zaś czynność
wykonywaną regularnie. Istnieje jednak grupa czasowników, których w czasie Present
Continuous nie stosuje się. Zwykle występują one w czasie Present Simple. Są to:
believe, forget, have, hear, hope, know, like, remember, see, understand, want
We have two dogs now.
Do you hear me?
I want some ice cream now.
I. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź.
1. My brother sits / is sitting in the living room at the moment.
2. Julia isn’t living / doesn’t live in Bradford.
3. Look! Pat and James come / are coming this way.
4. It never snows / is never snowing in Africa.
5. I am not liking / don’t like this fish. It is horrible.
6. Jack isn’t at home now. He plays / is playing outdoors.
7. Our neighbours don’t have / aren’t having a dog.
8. We are busy at present. We are doing / do our homework.
9. Do you remember / Are you remembering aunt Cindy?
10. Jeff is sometimes wearing / sometimes wears glasses.
II. Niektóre z poniższych zdań są w niewłaściwym czasie. Znajdź je i popraw.
1. This cake is delicious. I am liking it.
2. Mr Duval does not come from Holland.
3. Does Eric sleep at the moment?
4. It is hot. The sun is shining.
5. I am seeing Peter near the post office.
6. Adam never tells lies.
7. They are usually coming late.
8. This woman isn’t understanding Italian.
9. We are wet because it rains.
10. Mark visits his grandfather every week.
III. Uzupełnij zdania czasownikiem w poprawnej formie.
1. This is my friend Kimiko. She ........................................ (live) in Japan.
2. You ........................................ (not / usually / come) to our parties.
3. Our children are in the garden now. They ........................................ (play) together.
4. ‘........................................ (Jenny / like) chocolate cake?’ ‘Yes, she loves it.’
5. I ........................................ (not / speak / German). I speak English.
6. Mr Adams is in his garage. He ........................................ (repair) the car.
7. We ........................................ (always / go) to the seaside in summer.
8. Look! This is Mr Black. He ........................................ (ride) a bicycle.
9. I ........................................ (wear) my pullover because I am cold.
10. Mrs Grey ........................................ (not / do) shopping at the moment.
11. Sarah ........................................ (know) Mr Henson. He was her teacher.
12. ........................................ (you / believe) in ghosts?
13. The workers ........................................ (rest) because they are very tired.
14. ........................................ (your friends / travel) in Greece at present?
15. My father ........................................ (never / cook) dinner.
Czas ‘Past Simple’ - zdanie twierdzące
Czas Past Simple jest czasem przeszłym opisującym czynność wykonaną
w przeszłości. Czynność taka nie ma związku z teraźniejszością, ani też nie wywiera na
nią żadnego wpływu. Czas wykonania czynności może zostać określony na początku
lub na końcu zdania.
Czasowniki występujące w czasie Past Simple dzielą się na regularne oraz
nieregularne. Czas przeszły czasownika regularnego tworzy się przez dodanie
końcówki ‘-ed’ np.
watch - watched
play - played
jump - jumped
relax - relaxed
Jeżeli czasownik zakończony jest samogłoską ‘e’, wówczas należy dodać tylko
końcówkę ‘-d’ np.
like - liked
hope - hoped
move - moved
imagine - imagined
Czasowników nieregularnych należy nauczyć się na pamięć. (Tabela czasowników
nieregularnych znajduje się na końcu książki.)
W zdaniu twierdzącym czasu Past Simple czasownik ma jednakową formę przy każdej
osobie liczby pojedynczej i mnogiej.
czasownik regularny
czasownik nieregularny
I opened the door.
You opened the door.
He opened the door.
She opened the door.
It opened the door.
We opened the door.
You opened the door.
They opened the door.
I came late.
You came late.
He came late.
She came late.
It came late.
We came late.
You came late.
They came late.
W zdaniu w czasie przeszłym mogą wystąpić określenia oraz przysłówki czasu
przeszłego w postaci:
the day before yesterday
one week ago
last year
tydzień temu
w zeszłym roku
Mr and Mrs Thompson moved to Washington five years ago.
Yesterday, I met my old friend in a shop.
Last Monday, Rosy gave me her phone number but I lost it.
Columbus discovered America in 1492.
I. Przepisz zdania w czasie ‘Past Simple’.
1. Lisa comes to school at 7.45.
2. We watch films late at night.
3. Uncle Bob lives in Arizona.
4. Our neighbour drives a Toyota.
5. I buy a ham sandwich.
6. Mr Jones gives me a ride.
7. We take photos on holiday.
8. Tony works in a bank.
9. You swim very well.
10. She brings us sweets.
II. Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami w czasie ‘Past Simple’.
1. My mother .............................. tomato soup for dinner yesterday.
2. We .............................. in Greece last year. The country is beautiful.
3. Ralph .............................. me about your problems. I would like to help you.
4. Our exam .............................. at nine and it finished at twelve.
5. My great grandfather .............................. this house in 1850.
6. I .............................. a fantastic match on TV last night.
7. Your jokes were very funny. We .............................. all the time.
8. My brother .............................. his leg in winter.
III. Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami w czasie ‘Past Simple’.
1. I .............................. (see) Peter in a department store last Tuesday.
2. The man .............................. (speak) English very well.
3. Yesterday, Adam .............................. (find) a wallet in the street.
4. The Browns .............................. (go) home very early.
5. This morning, I .............................. (get) up at seven.
6. Van Gogh .............................. (paint) The Sunflowers.
7. Mary .............................. (write) a letter to her parents one week ago.
8. It .............................. (rain) hard two weeks ago.
9. Mr Peters .............................. (show) us his new office last month.
10. I .............................. (wait) for you until eleven.
11. Joe and Helen .............................. (meet) last Saturday.
12. My dog .............................. (jump) high when he .............................. (see) me.
13. We all .............................. (understand) the Englishman very well.
14. Bobby .............................. (eat) a fruit salad for lunch yesterday.
15. The baby .............................. (cry) because she was hungry.
Czas ‘Past Simple’ - pytania i przeczenia
Czas Past Simple jest czasem przeszłym opisującym czynność wykonaną
w przeszłości. Czynność taka nie ma związku, ani też nie wywiera wpływu na
teraźniejszość. Cechą charakterystyczną czasu Past Simple jest operator ‘did’ służący
do tworzenia pytań i zaprzeczeń. Operator ‘did’ jest jednakowy dla wszystkich osób
liczby pojedynczej i mnogiej.
Aby utworzyć pytanie, operator ‘did’ należy umieścić przed podmiotem, na początku
zdania. Należy pamiętać, że w pytaniach czasownik występuje w postaci
zdanie twierdzące
I played cards.
You watched a film.
She went shopping.
He read a book.
It rained.
We talked.
You cooked dinner.
They met in the park.
Did I play cards?
Did you watch a film?
Did she go shopping?
Did he read a book?
Did it rain?
Did we talk?
Did you cook dinner?
Did they meet in the park?
W pytaniu określenie czasu przeszłego zajmuje miejsce wyłącznie na końcu zdania.
Did Adam go shopping yesterday?
Did you go to the cinema last Saturday?
Zdanie przeczące tworzy się przy użyciu operatora ‘did not’ lub jego skróconej postaci
‘didn’t’. Operator jest jednakowy dla wszystkich osób liczby pojedynczej i mnogiej.
Zajmuje on miejsce przed czasownikiem. Należy pamiętać, że czasownik ma wówczas
postać bezokolicznika.
pełna forma przecząca
skrócona forma przecząca
I did not play cards.
You did not watch a film.
She did not go shopping.
He did not read a book.
It did not rain.
We did not talk.
You did not cook dinner.
They did not meet in the park.
I didn’t play cards.
You didn’t watch a film.
She didn’t go shopping.
He didn’t read a book.
It didn’t rain.
We didn’t talk.
You didn’t cook dinner.
They didn’t meet in the park.
I. Zamień zdania twierdzące na pytania.
1. Helen went to Paris last Monday.
2. I bought a new book yesterday.
3. Mr Bloggs opened his shop at ten.
4. We met Alex at a party.
5. You spoke to Mrs Harris last week.
6. It snowed last month.
7. I made a mistake.
8. She did shopping one hour ago.
Did Helen ............................….........................?
II. Napisz pytania według przykładu.
1. Simon ate porridge. Did Robert eat porridge, too?
2. Alice read a magazine. .................... Betty ................…...........................................?
3. You worked late. .................... your wife ......................…........................................?
4. Mr Jackson bought a car. .................... Mr Sparks ..................................................?
5. They went for a walk. .................... you .........................….......................................?
6. We slept in a tent. .................... the other children ..........….....................................?
7. Mary painted flowers. .................... Susan .........................…..................................?
8. Jack wore glasses. .................... Ronald .................................................................?
III. Napisz zdania według przykładu.
1. I / drink / tea / coffee
2. Sue / buy / a dress / shoes
3. You / watch / a film / cartoons
4. Frank / go to / Holland / Spain
5. We / play / football / basketball
6. Joe / meet / Helen / Linda
7. It / snow / rain
8. They / miss / a train / a bus
I did not drink tea. I drank coffee.
IV. Napisz zaprzeczenia nieprawdziwych informacji.
1. Chopin lived in Ireland.
2. Columbus discovered Africa.
3. Dinosaurs died out fifty years ago.
4. The World War II began in 1945.
5. A UFO landed in Poland last year.
6. Edison invented the computer.
7. Picasso painted The Sunflowers.
8. Jack London wrote thrillers.
Chopin didn’t ........................…..........................
Czas ‘Past Continuous’ - zdanie twierdzące
Czas Past Continuous jest czasem przeszłym opisującym czynność ciągłą,
wykonywaną w określonym momencie w przeszłości. Past Continuous nie opisuje
czynności dokonanej, a jedynie taką, która trwała w danej chwili. Moment wykonywania
czynności musi być zdefiniowany.
Cechą charakterystyczną czasu Past Continuous jest operator w postaci odmiany
czasownika ‘be’ w formie czasu przeszłego - ‘was / were’. Główny czasownik zdania,
który zajmuje miejsce za operatorem przybiera końcówkę ‘-ing’.
zdanie twierdzące (brak formy skróconej)
I was sailing.
You were talking.
He was fishing.
She was listening to music.
It / The sun was shining.
We were sunbathing.
You were playing volleyball.
They were building sandcastles.
Jeżeli czasownik zakończony jest spółgłoską, którą poprzedza pojedyncza samogłoska,
wówczas po dodaniu końcówki ‘-ing’, ostatnia spółgłoska ulega podwojeniu.
sit - You were sitting.
rob - The thieves were robbing the bank.
Ponieważ Past Continuous opisuje czynność ciągłą - trwającą w danej chwili w czasie
przeszłym, moment ten należy zdefiniować przy pomocy określenia czasu. Może ono
znajdować się na początku lub końcu zdania twierdzącego.
I was eating dinner at two p.m. yesterday. Tom was sleeping at midnight.
We were waiting for you at ten a.m. last Sunday. The sun was shining at noon.
Moment trwania czynności może określić inna czynność opisana w czasie Past Simple.
When I came home, my father was watching TV. She was walking when I saw her.
Past Continuous opisuje też czynność trwającą nieprzerwanie przez określoną długość
Helen and Tom were dancing all night.
It was raining all day yesterday.
Niektórych czasowników nie stosuje się w czasie Past Continuous. Należą do nich:
have (mieć)
I. Napisz zdania twierdzące w czasie ‘Past Continuous’.
1. I / talk on the phone
2. Jenny / read a newspaper
3. You / do your homework
4. Uncle John / chop firewood
5. Fred and Tim / quarrel
6. It / rain
7. We / play football
8. They / make a snowman
9. Your dog / bark
10. Mrs Brush / clean her house
II. Uzupełnij zdania czasownikiem w formie ‘Past Continuous’.
1. George ........................................ (play) tennis at six o’clock yesterday.
2. We ........................................ (do) exercise at eleven a.m.
3. Mr Adams ........................................ (watch) the News at eight in the evening.
4. You ........................................ (snore) all night.
5. I ........................................ (repair) my bike at five p.m. yesterday.
6. Alice ........................................ (go) to school when I met her this morning.
7. The telephone ........................................ (ring) when John opened the office door.
8. Jason ........................................ (beat) carpets all the morning.
III. Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami w formie ‘Past Continuous’.
1. Mrs Palmer ........................................ shopping when I met her in the store.
2. It ........................................ when I got up this morning.
3. The Browns ........................................ to work at seven a.m.
4. The men ........................................ when the police arrived.
5. Nick ........................................ when I came into his room.
6. The plane ........................................ when we saw it.
IV. Dokończ zdania stosując czas ‘Past Continuous’.
1. When I came home from school, my father .................................................................
2. When I visited my best friend, she / he .......................................................................
3. When I came into the kitchen, my mother ...................................................................
4. When I entered the classroom, our teacher .................................................................
5. When we were leaving, our friends ...............................................................................
6. When I saw the headmaster, she / he ........................................................................
Czas ‘Past Continuous’ - pytanie i przeczenie
Czas Past Continuous jest czasem przeszłym opisującym czynność ciągłą,
wykonywaną w określonym momencie w przeszłości. Past Continuous nie opisuje
czynności dokonanej - zakończonej, a jedynie taką, która trwała w ściśle określonym
momencie w czasie przeszłym.
Aby utworzyć pytanie, należy zastosować inwersję, czyli umieścić operator na początku
zdania - przed podmiotem. W pytaniu czasownik zachowuje końcówkę ‘-ing’.
zdanie twierdzące
I was watching a film.
You were having dinner.
Was I watching a film?
Were you having dinner?
He was sleeping.
She was washing the dishes.
It was raining.
Was he sleeping?
Was she washing the dishes?
Was it raining?
Were we playing chess?
Were you drinking coffee?
Were they making noise?
We were playing chess.
You were drinking coffee.
They were making noise.
W pytaniu określenie czasu przeszłego zajmuje miejsce na końcu zdania.
Were you reading a book all night?
Was Adam talking on the phone at two p.m. yesterday?
Aby utworzyć zdanie przeczące w czasie Past Continuous, należy dodać słowo ‘not’
do operatora. W mowie często stosuje się skróconą postać zaprzeczenia. W zdaniu
przeczącym czasownik zachowuje końcówkę ‘-ing’.
pełna forma przecząca
skrócona forma przecząca
I was not listening to music.
You were not working in the garden.
He was not watching a comedy.
She was not cleaning the attic.
It was not snowing.
We were not running fast.
You were not playing the computer.
They were not driving home.
I wasn’t listening to music.
You weren’t working in the garden.
He wasn’t watching a comedy.
She wasn’t cleaning the attic.
It wasn’t snowing.
We weren’t running fast.
You weren’t playing the computer.
They weren’t driving home.
I. Uzupełnij pytania operatorem.
1. .................... Jack cleaning his room at noon yesterday?
2. .................... the Kellys doing shopping all the morning?
3. .................... Jessica playing with dolls at ten p.m.?
4. .................... you and Mike quarrelling when Ms O’Connell saw you?
5. .................... the teacher asking questions all the lesson?
6. .................... it snowing all night?
7. .................... Eva’s mother walking to town when you met her?
8. .................... their dogs barking when you were walking by their house?
II. Napisz pytania w czasie ‘Past Continuous’.
1. Brian / paint the walls
2. the Greens / dance
3. Tom / rest
4. Mr Dean / wait
5. Sarah / cook
6. you / sleep
7. we / talk
8. the wind / blow
.................................................................. all day yesterday?
................................................................................ all night?
.......................................................... when you came home?
....….......................................................... when you arrived?
........................................................................... at one p.m.?
........................................................................... at midnight?
........................................................................ all the lesson?
........................................................................... all day long?
III. Uzupełnij zdania przeczące w czasie ‘Past Continuous’.
1. I ........................................ (not read) a book at four a.m. yesterday.
2. My friends ........................................ (not play) football all the afternoon.
3. It ........................................ (not rain) last night.
4. Simon ........................................ (not listen) to the radio at midnight.
5. Sue and Helen ........................................ (not write) letters at six a.m.
6. You ........................................ (not jog) when I saw you in the park.
7. Mrs Dalton ........................................ (not wash) her clothes at eleven p.m.
8. They ........................................ (not eat) lunch when we arrived.
IV. Napisz zdania przeczące w czasie ‘Past Continuous’.
1. Yesterday at noon, I ....................................................................................................
2. Last Sunday at five p.m., my mother ...........................................................................
3. My neighbours ............................................................................................... all day.
4. I ................................................................................................ at ten a.m. yesterday.
5. My father ............................................................................... at six p.m. last Sunday.
6. Our teacher ........................................................................................... all the lesson.
7. At midnight, I ................................................................................................................
8. My parents ............................................... when I came home from school yesterday.
Past Simple - Past Continuous
Zarówno Past Simple, jak i Past Continuous są czasami przeszłymi.
Czas Past Simple stosowany jest do opisu:
a) czynności dokonanej - zakończonej, której czas jest zwykle określony:
Mark wrote two letters last week.
We bought a new house a year ago.
Marek napisał dwa listy w zeszłym tygodniu.
My kupiliśmy nowy dom rok temu.
Mr Howard worked here in 1980.
The film ended at ten p.m.
Pan Howard pracował tutaj w roku 1980.
Film skończył się o dziesiątej.
b) szeregu czynności dokonanych, które nastąpiły kolejno:
I went out and locked the door. I took a taxi to the city centre where I met Tom.
Wyszedłem z domu i zamknąłem drzwi. Wziąłem taksówkę do centrum gdzie spotkałem Toma.
Czas Past Simple jest zwykle stosowany z czasownikami, które nie mogą wystąpić
w czasie Past Continuous nawet jeśli opisują czynność trwającą.
I liked this soup. It tasted really good. What did you know at that time?
Did you understand what the man was saying? We wanted to make a plan.
Inne czasowniki, których zwykle nie stosuje się z czasem Past Continuous to:
agree believe forget guess hate have (got) hear love remember see smell
Czas Past Continuous stosowany jest do opisu:
a) czynności ciągłej - niedokonanej, która trwała w ściśle określonym momencie:
Cindy was playing the piano at five p.m. yesterday.
I was working at noon.
Cindy grała na pianinie wczoraj o piątej po południu.
Ja pracowałem w południe.
b) dwóch lub więcej czynności, wykonywanych jednocześnie w danej chwili:
When I came home, my mother was cooking and my father was repairing the clock.
Gdy przyszedłem do domu moja mama gotowała, a mój tata naprawiał zegar.
They were talking loudly while I was sleeping.
Oni rozmawiali głośno, podczas gdy ja spałem.
c) czynności ciągłej wykonywanej przez dłuższy określony etap czasu:
Mr Harris was lying in bed all the afternoon.
You were making noise all night.
Pan Harris leżał w łożku przez całe popołudnie.
Wy hałasowaliście przez całą noc.
I. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź.
1. Tom came / was coming home late last night.
2. When I met / was meeting Peter he was going / went to the barber’s.
3. Mr Houston worked / was working all day yesterday.
4. I was having / had lunch when my guests arrived / were arriving.
5. What did you do / were you doing yesterday at eleven p.m.?
6. It rained / was raining hard while we were driving / drove home.
7. My sister wasn’t writing / didn’t write any letters yesterday.
8. We ate / were eating dinner in a restaurant last Sunday.
9. Our teacher was telling / told us a lot of interesting stories yesterday.
10. When I was seeing / saw Jack, he smoked / was smoking a cigarette.
II. Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami w poprawnej formie.
1. No one ................................. (wait) for us at the platform when we arrived.
2. What film ................................. (you / watch) when the lights went off?
3. Sandra ................................. (lend) me this magazine last month.
4. While I was sitting in my garden, the birds ................................. (sing) cheerfully.
5. ................................. (Adam / want) to go to the cinema last night?
6. The telephone ................................. (ring), so I ................................. (answer) it.
7. The Whartons ................................. (have) a party all night yesterday.
8. You ................................. (not tell) us the truth. Why?
9. Michael ................................. (read) three books last month.
10. I ................................. (not understand) what she ................................. (say).
III. Uzupełnij teksty czasownikami w poprawnej formie.
1. Yesterday morning, I .............................. (wake) up at nine. I ..............................
(look) out of the window and I .............................. (see) that the sun
.............................. (shine). A few of my friends .............................. (play) outside.
They .............................. (build) a sandcastle. Andrew .............................. (carry)
water in a small bucket and the others .............................. (build) the walls.
2. Last summer our family .............................. (go) to Egypt. We ..............................
(travel) by plane. While we .............................. (fly) over Italy, my mother
.............................. (start) to panic. She .............................. (go) pale and her hands
.............................. (shake) nervously. All the time, we .............................. (try) to
help her but she only .............................. (calm) down when the plane
.............................. (land) safely in Cairo.
3. I .............................. (meet) Eva in the park while I .............................. (jog).
She .............................. (tell) me that she .............................. (want) to jog with me,
so I .............................. (invite) her to join me the following morning.
Czas ‘Present Perfect’ - zdanie twierdzące
Czas Present Perfect nie ma swojego odpowiednika w języku polskim. Opisuje on
czynność wykonaną lub wciąż wykonywaną w trwającym jeszcze okresie czasu.
Cechą charakterystyczną czasu Present Perfect jest operator w postaci teraźniejszej
odmiany czasownika ‘have’. Zajmuje on miejsce za podmiotem i w tym użyciu nie
należy tłumaczyć go na język polski. Główny czasownik zdania przybiera formę
imiesłowu biernego i zajmuje miejsce za operatorem.
Imiesłów bierny czasowników regularnych tworzy się przez dodanie końcówki ‘-ed’ lub
‘-d’ do czasownika.
watch - watched
paint - painted
care - cared
wait - waited
Imiesłów bierny czasowników nieregularnych znajduje się w trzeciej części tabeli
czasowników nieregularnych (str. 188). Form nieregularnych należy nauczyć się na
pamięć np.
make - made
buy - bought
see - seen
pełna forma zdania twierdzącego
take - taken
forma skrócona zdania twierdzącego
I have painted a picture.
You have eaten your lunch.
He has forgotten my name.
She has visited me.
I’ve painted a picture.
You’ve eaten your lunch.
He’s forgotten my name.
She’s visited me.
It has begun to rain.
We have watched the film.
You have opened your books.
They have bought a car.
It’s begun to rain.
We’ve watched the film.
You’ve opened your books.
They’ve bought a car.
Czas Present Perfect opisuje czynność dokonaną - zakończoną niedawno, której czas
zakończenia nie jest istotny. Najistotniejszy jest sam teraźniejszy skutek wykonanej
czynności, który trwa lub jest widoczny. Stąd, w zdaniu takim nigdy nie stosuje się
określeń czasu przeszłego. Present Perfect często występuje z przysłówkami ‘just’ –
‘właśnie’ oraz ‘already’ - ‘już’. Zajmują one miejsce za operatorem.
I have just eaten my breakfast. - Właśnie zjadłem śniadanie (skutek: nie jestem już
Tom has already seen the film. - Tom już widział ten film (skutek: pamięta jego treść)
He has just repaired his bike. - On właśnie naprawił swój rower (skutek: może na nim
Lisa has already read the book. - Lisa już przeczytała tę książkę (skutek: zna jej treść)
I. Uzupełnij zdania poprawną formą operatora.
1. I .............................. already talked to Mike.
2. Robert .............................. just finished his lessons.
3. We .............................. already visited aunt Sally.
4. The Browns .............................. gone to the seaside.
5. My best friend .............................. just moved abroad.
6. Monica .............................. cut her finger.
7. It .............................. just stopped raining.
8. You .............................. already made two mistakes.
9. Mr Howard’s children .............................. just returned from holiday.
10. My mother .............................. already cooked dinner.
II. Wpisz imiesłów bierny podanych czasowników.
watch .....................
clean .....................
see .....................
take .....................
paint .....................
move .....................
send .....................
close .....................
make .....................
bring .....................
open .....................
forget .....................
read .....................
repair .....................
wash .....................
give .....................
sail .....................
run .....................
win .....................
miss .....................
III. Napisz zdania twierdzące w czasie ‘Present Perfect’.
1. George / just / clean / his room
2. You / already / eat / your lunch
3. We / miss / our bus
4. I / just / take / a photo
5. Mr Grey / already / open his shop
6. My parents / buy / a new house
7. The thief / steal / our money
8. She / forget / my phone number
9. Ann and Sue / watch / the game
10. He / just / read / the long story
11. Nick / break / his leg
12. I / already / see / the comedy
13. They / bring / some food
14. Mr Jones / repair / my car
15. The children / already / get up
Czas ‘Present Perfect’ - pytanie i przeczenie.
Czas Present Perfect opisuje czynność dokonaną, której skutki trwają lub są widoczne.
Nieistotny jest tutaj czas wykonania czynności, lecz jej skutek. Present Perfect może
opisywać czynność pojedynczą dokonaną lub też czynność trwającą - wykonywaną od
od określonego momentu w przeszłości do chwili obecnej.
Aby utworzyć pytanie, należy zastosować inwersję.
zdanie twierdzące
I have missed my train.
You have talked to Mr Green.
He has just made a mistake.
She has already paid the bill.
It has started to rain.
We have taken our umbrellas.
You have forgotten your raincoats.
They have already come back.
Have I missed my train?
Have you talked to Mr Green?
Has he just made a mistake?
Has she already paid the bill?
Has it started to rain?
Have we taken our umbrellas?
Have you forgotten your raincoats?
Have they already come back?
W pytaniach w czasie Present Perfect może wystąpić przysłówek ‘ever’ ‘kiedykolwiek’.
Przy jego pomocy można zapytać czy dana osoba kiedykolwiek - do tej pory, wykonała
określoną czynność.
Have you ever eaten beef?
Has Tom ever seen a ghost?
W odpowiedzi na powyższe pytanie można zastosować przysłówek ‘already’ lub
powiedzieć ile razy dana czynność została wykonana do tej pory np.
I have already eaten beef.
Tom has seen a ghost three times.
Aby utworzyć zaprzeczenie zdania w czasie Present Perfect, należy dodać słowo ‘not’
do operatora. W mowie często stosuje się skróconą postać zaprzeczenia.
pełna forma przecząca
skrócona forma przecząca
I have not missed my train.
You have not talked to Mr Green.
He has not made a mistake.
She has not paid the bill.
It has not started to rain.
We have not taken our umbrellas.
You have not forgotten your raincoats.
They have not come back.
I haven’t missed my train.
You haven’t talked to Mr Green.
He hasn’t made a mistake.
She hasn’t paid the bill.
It hasn’t started to rain.
We haven’t taken our umbrellas.
You haven’t forgotten your raincoats.
They haven’t come back.
I. Uzupełnij pytania poprawną formą operatora.
1. .............................. you ever been to California?
2. .............................. Mike ever eaten sushi?
3. .............................. they ever travelled to Spain?
4. .............................. Alice ever talked to Mrs Parker?
5. .............................. I ever tried to learn French?
6. .............................. Mr Caldwell ever written a book?
7. .............................. we ever used a dishwasher?
8. .............................. your children ever played this game?
II. Napisz pytania w czasie ‘Present Perfect’.
1. Alice / ever / eat snails
2. you / ever / watch the comedy
3. Rob / ever / miss his school bus
4. the team / ever / lose a game
5. the people / ever / be to Poland
6. the dog / ever / bite you
7. Adam / ever / make a bonfire
8. you / ever / work in a factory
9. I / ever / meet Ms Jones
10. they / ever / stay / alone
III. Napisz pełne odpowiedzi przeczące.
1. ‘Has Brian taken any photos?’
2. ‘Have you been to Las Vegas?’
3. ‘Has Jessica cooked dinner?’
4. ‘Have the Browns moved out?’
5. ‘Have we forgotten our keys?’
6. ‘Has the child broken his arm?’
7. ‘Have they written any letters?’
8. ‘Has it stopped snowing?’
‘No, ......................................................................’
‘No, ......................................................................’
‘No, ......................................................................’
‘No, ......................................................................’
‘No, ......................................................................’
‘No, ......................................................................’
‘No, ......................................................................’
‘No, ......................................................................’
IV. Napisz odpowiedzi według przykładu.
1. ‘Have you ever travelled to the moon?’
2. ‘Has Jim ever met Mr Clinton?’
3. ‘Has Lisa ever gone sailing?’
4. ‘Have they ever been to Thailand?’
5. ‘Have you ever seen a ghost?’
‘No, I have never travelled to the moon.’
‘No, ...........................................................’
‘No, ...........................................................’
‘No, ...........................................................’
‘No, ...........................................................’
Past Simple - Present Perfect
Czas Past Simple jest czasem przeszłym. Stosuje się go do opisu czynności
dokonanych w zamkniętym przedziale czasowym. Moment lub czas wykonania
czynności jest zwykle zdefiniowany. Past Simple może opisywać czynności
I went to the theatre yesterday.
Mr Nelson telephoned me two weeks ago.
Wczoraj poszedłem do teatru.
Pan Nelson telefonował do mnie dwa tygodnie temu.
lub czynności, które wykonywane były dłużej lub regularnie przez dany okres czasu.
Howard worked in the bank for three years.
Howard pracował w tym banku przez trzy lata.
We had exams last week.
W zeszłym tygodniu mieliśmy egzaminy.
Czynność opisana w czasie Past Simple nie ma żadnego związku z teraźniejszością,
nie wskazuje też na żaden skutek. Past Simple opisuje wyłącznie fakt wykonania zakończenia danej czynności w przeszłości. Niekiedy czynność rozpoczęta w
przeszłości jest kontynuowana w teraźniejszości. Definiując moment rozpoczęcia takiej
czynności, należy zastosować czas Past Simple.
It started raining two hours ago.
Our lesson began at eight a.m.
Zaczęło padać dwie godziny temu (nadal pada). Nasza lekcja rozpoczęła się o ósmej (i trwa).
Czas Present Perfect, mimo iż może opisywać czynności dokonane - zakończone - nie
jest czasem przeszłym, toteż nigdy nie stosuje się z nim określeń czasu przeszłego.
Present Perfect wskazuje na skutek wykonanej czynności, wywierający istotny wpływ
na sytuację w czasie teraźniejszym.
We have bought a house.
They have gone to Spain.
Kupiliśmy dom (mamy gdzie mieszkać)
Oni pojechali do Hiszpanii (są tam nadal)
Present Perfect opisuje czynności wykonane w nadal trwającym okresie czasu.
Takim okresem czasu może być etap życia danej osoby np.
I have been to Rome. - Byłem (już kiedyś) w Rzymie ( i mogę tam jeszcze pojechać).
He has painted a few pictures this year. - On namalował kilka obrazów w tym roku (może
namalować kolejne jeszcze w tym roku)
Present Perfect może opisywać czynność wciąż trwającą, a więc wykonywaną od
przeszłości do chwili obecnej. Stosując przysłówki ‘for’ - ‘przez’ oraz ‘since’ - ‘od’,
można określić jak długo lub od kiedy dana czynność jest wykonywana
I have worked in the office for five years.
Tom has practised judo since 1988.
Pracuję w tym biurze od pięciu lat / przez pięć lat.
Tom uprawia judo od roku 1988.
We have learned English for three years.
She has studied since October.
My uczymy się angielskiego od trzech lat.
Ona studiuje od października.
I. Podaj poprawną odpowiedź.
1. Eric gave / has given me your phone number last Monday.
2. I don’t remember her name. I forgot / have forgotten it.
3. We have moved / moved to Prague in 1985.
4. Our neighbours visited / have visited us three times this month.
5. Somebody has left / left this bag for you yesterday.
6. My sister has known / knew Paul since January.
7. I learnt / have learnt this poem five days ago.
8. Cindy and Adam have met / met last December.
9. They built / have built the house for seven years now.
10. Greg’s wife started / has started working in our school one month ago.
II. Uzupełnij zdania poprawną formą czasownika.
1. Simon ........................................ (go) to school by bus yesterday.
2. We ........................................ (live) in Warsaw for ten years.
3. Susan ........................................ (sell) her car last month.
4. Aunt Diane ........................................ (visit) us two weeks ago.
5. Mr Jenkins ........................................ (work) in the factory in 1995.
6. Alice ........................................ (know) Adam for many years.
7. I ........................................ (borrow) this guidebook from John last April.
8. Michael ........................................ (just / meet) his teacher. They are talking now.
9. The Parkers ........................................ (live) in this old house many years ago.
10. We ........................................ (go) to the new cinema five times this year.
11. Columbus ........................................ (discover) America in 1492.
12. My brother ........................................ (break) his arm. He is wearing it in plaster.
13. John and Eva ........................................ (be) married for six months.
14. It ........................................ (start) snowing one hour ago.
15. Mr Tench ........................................ (catch) eleven fish since morning.
III. Ułóż zdania stosując właściwy czas.
1. Mike / live abroad / since 1997
2. He / travel to Greece / last summer
3. You / learn German / for four years
4. We / be friends / since 2001
5. Ann / pass her exams / a month ago
6. Kevin / paint pictures / for six years
7. I / be ill / since yesterday
8. My friend / just / lose his passport
62 Czas ‘Present Perfect Continuous’ - zdanie twierdzące
Present Perfect Continuous jest czasem zbliżonym do czasu Present Perfect.
Podobieństwo można zauważyć w sposobie użycia obydwu czasów, a niekiedy mogą
one być stosowane zamiennie.
Operatorem w czasie Present Perfect Continuous jest teraźniejsza odmiana
czasownika ‘have’. Niezmienną częścią konstrukcji Present Perfect Continuous jest
imiesłów bierny czasownika ‘be’ - ‘been’, który zajmuje miejsce za operatorem. Główny
czasownik przybiera końcówkę ‘ing’, którą zachowuje w zdaniu twierdzącym, pytającym
oraz przeczącym.
pełna forma zdania twierdzącego
forma skrócona zdania twierdzącego
I have been running.
You have been sleeping.
He has been reading.
She has been walking.
It has been raining.
We have been swimming.
You have been talking.
They have been sailing.
I’ve been running.
You’ve been sleeping.
He’s been reading.
She’s been walking.
It’s been raining.
We’ve been swimming.
You’ve been talking.
They’ve been sailing.
Końcówka ‘-ing’ przy głównym czasowniku wskazuje na fakt, że czas Present Perfect
Continuous wyraża znaczenie ciągłości. Istotnie, stosuje się go do opisu czynności,
która wykonywana jest ciągle od pewnego momentu w przeszłości do chwili obecnej.
Przy pomocy przyimka ‘since’ - ‘od’ możliwe jest określenie momentu, w którym daną
czynność rozpoczęto wykonywać np.
I have been living in Glasgow since 1990.
We have been sunbathing since 10 a.m.
Przyimek ‘for’ - ‘przez’ określa jak długo dana czynność jest wykonywana.
Tom has been fishing for six hours.
They have been waiting for thirteen days.
To samo znaczenie można wyrazić w czasie Present Perfect np.
I have lived in Cracow since 1990.
They have waited for thirteen days.
Czas Present Perfect Continuous opisuje także czynność zakończoną niedawno,
która wykonywana była przez pewien okres czasu, a której skutki trwają lub są
I have been running. I am tired.
She has been painting. There’s paint on her hands.
‘Biegłem.’ skutek: ‘Jestem zmęczony.’
‘Ona malowała.’ skutek: ‘Jej ręce są brudne od farby.’
I. Napisz zdania twierdzące w czasie ‘Present Perfect Continuous’.
1. Adam / tell jokes
2. We / cook lunch
3. They / play basketball
4. I / clean the cellar
5. You / watch television
6. Mary / get ready
7. Our parents / travel
8. The dog / swim
9. The children / make noise
10. It / snow
II. Napisz zdania według przykładu.
1. Tim: ‘I started watching TV at 6.30.’
2. Eva: ’I started teaching in 1993.’
3. Rob: ‘I started working in December.’
4. Joe: ‘I started eating lunch at four.’
5. Jim: ‘I started studying in 2002.’
6. Mary: ‘I started practising yoga in April.’
7. Tom: ‘I started racing in 1999.’
8. Sue: ‘I started learning hard last week.’
Tim has been watching TV since 6.30.
III. Dokończ zdania stosując czas ‘Present Perfect Continuous’ oraz podane zwroty.
dance all night
play games
repair the engine
walk in the rain
1. Christine is suntanned because she ..........................................….........................…..
2. Your hands are dirty because you ...................................................…..........................
3. The Wilsons are tired because they ..............................................................................
4. I am wet through because I ...........................................................…............................
5. The computer is on because we ...................................................................................
IV. Uzupełnij zdania czasownikiem w czasie ‘Present Perfect Continuous’.
1. Our neighbours ........................................ (quarrel) since early morning.
2. ‘Why are you so sleepy?’ ‘I ........................................ (work) the night shift.’
3. Mrs Adams ........................................ (do) the washing for two hours now.
4. You ........................................ (lie) in the sun for too long. Your skin is burnt.
5. Lucy ........................................ (write) postcards since eleven o’clock.
6. We ........................................ (hire) this flat for three years.
7. I ........................................ (learn) English since I was seven years old.
8. Bob’s clothes are dirty all over because he …..................................... (play) in mud.
63 Czas ‘Present Perfect Continuous’ - pytanie
i przeczenie
Czas Present Perfect Continuous opisuje czynność trwającą od określonego
w czasie przeszłym do chwili obecnej. Sposób zastosowania przypomina czas Present
Perfect, zaś w niektórych systuacjach obydwa czasy mogą być używane zamiennie.
Present Perfect Continuous może także opisywać czynności dopiero co zakończone,
które wykonywane były przez określony czas, a których skutki wciąż trwają lub są
Aby utworzyć pytanie w czasie Present Perfect Continuous, należy przemieścić
operator, czyli teraźniejszą odmianę czasownika ‘have’ przed podmiot - na początek
zdania. Słowo ‘been’ stanowiące niezmienną część zdania w czasie Present Perfect
Continuous pozostaje na swoim miejscu. W pytaniu główny czasownik zachowuje
końcówkę ‘-ing’.
zdanie twierdzące
I have been listening to the radio.
You have been doing your homework.
He has been repairing the roof.
She has been ironing.
It has been raining.
We have been having a party.
You have been making noise.
They have been putting up a tent.
Have I been listening to the radio?
Have you been doing your homework?
Has he been repairing the roof?
Has she been ironing?
Has it been raining?
Have we been having a party?
Have you been making noise?
Have they been putting up a tent?
Aby utworzyć zdanie przeczące, należy dodać słowo ‘not’ do operatora. W mowie
zwykle stosuje się skróconą postać zaprzeczenia.
pełna forma przecząca
skrócona forma przecząca
I have not been listening to the radio.
You have not been doing your homework.
He has not been repairing the roof.
She has not been ironing.
It has not been raining.
We have not been having a party.
You have not been making noise.
They have not been putting up a tent.
I haven’t been listening to the radio.
You haven’t been doing your homework.
He hasn’t been repairing the roof.
She hasn’t been ironing.
It hasn’t been raining.
We haven’t been having a party.
You haven’t been making noise.
They haven’t been putting up a tent.
I. Napisz pytania w czasie ‘Present Perfect Continuous’.
Have you ............................................….......................?
1. you / watch cartoons
2. Peter / play outdoors
3. we / walk fast
4. I / disturb you
5. Mr Brown / drive home
6. the boys / play football
7. it / snow
8. they / build a cottage
9. Ann / learn
10. the people / sing
II. Napisz zdania przeczące w czasie ‘Present Perfect Continuous’.
I haven’t ..............….........................................................
1. I / write a letter
2. Susan / cook dinner
3. my friends / wait for me
4. Alex / sleep
5. the dogs / bark
6. it / rain
7. you / take photographs
8. Mrs Lewis / lie in the sun
9. the baby / cry
10. we / listen to music
III. Uzupełnij pytania według informacji stosując czas ‘Present Perfect Continuous’.
the Greys
thirty minutes
learn mathematics
read a book
two hours
sit in her room
do sightseeing
six days
study hard
travel in Australia
1. ‘.................... Michael ....................................... for thirty minutes?’
2. ‘.................... Rita ........................................ for two hours?’
3. ‘.................... the Greys ........................................ for six days?’
4. ‘.................... Michael ........................................ for six days?’
5. ‘.................... Rita ........................................ for thirty minutes?’
6. ‘.................... the Greys ........................................ for two hours?’
‘Yes, he has.’
‘Yes, she has.’
‘Yes, they have.’
‘Yes, he has.’
‘Yes, she has.’
‘Yes, they have.’
How long ...? - When ...?
‘How long’ oznacza ‘Jak długo’, zaś ‘When’ - ‘kiedy’. Niezwykle istotne jest, aby umieć
rozpoznać sposób tworzenia obydwu typów pytań. Najważniejsze jest zastosowanie
właściwego czasu oraz poprawnej konstrukcji pytającej.
Pytania z zaimkiem ‘When’.
‘When’ zadaje pytanie o czas. Pytając o czynność dokonaną, zwykle występuje
z czasami przeszłymi - Past Simple lub Past Continuous. ‘When’ stanowi wówczas
pytanie o konkretny czas dokonania czynności, która nie ma żadnego związku
z teraźniejszością. Aby utworzyć poprawne pytanie należy zastosować konstrukcję
pytającą. W czasie Past Simple tworzy je operator ‘did’, zaś w czasie Past
Continuous stosuje się inwersję operatora ‘was / were’ np.
When did you buy the book? When did Peter go to school?
When were you writing the letter? When was Mr Tandy repairing the roof?
Na utworzone w ten sposób pytania z przysłówkiem ‘When’, należy udzielić odpowiedzi
w czasie przeszłym np.
I bought the book yesterday. Peter went to school in 1995.
I was writing the letter at ten p.m. Mr Tandy was repairing the roof in the evening.
Pytania z zaimkiem ‘How long’.
‘How long’ zadaje pytanie o długość wykonywania lub trwania danej czynności. Jeżeli
jest to czynność przeszła, która została już zakończona, a jej skutki nie wywierają
wpływu na teraźniejszość, wówczas należy zadać pytanie w czasie przeszłym Past
Simple lub Past Continuous np.
‘How long did you study?’ ‘I studied for five years.’
‘How long was he repairing the roof?’ ‘He was repairing it all day.’
Jeżeli, zaś pytanie dotyczy czynności wciąż trwającej - wykonywanej od danego
momentu w przeszłości do chwili obecnej, wówczas należy zadać pytanie w czasie
Present Perfect lub Present Perfect Continuous. Odpowiedzi na takie pytanie należy
udzielić w tym samym czasie, stosując przyimek ‘for’ lub ‘since’ z określeniem czasu.
‘How long have you learned English?’ lub ‘How long have you been learning English?’
‘How long has he lived in London?’ lub ‘How long has he been living in London?’
I have learned / have been learning English for two years.
He has lived / has been living in London since last May.
I. Ułóż pytania z przysłówkiem ‘When’ w czasie ‘Past Simple’.
1. you / meet Muriel
2. Ms Dean / fall ill
3. Adam / take his exams
4. the dog / bite you
5. she / buy the dress
6. they / leave home
7. the guests / arrive
8. I / go to hospital
When ...........................................................…...................?
II. Ułóż pytania z przysłówkiem ‘How long’ w czasie ‘Present Perfect (Continuous)’.
1. Tom / be abroad
2. you / know Mr Green
3. Paula / study art
4. they / live in Tokyo
5. we / travel
6. the men / wait for us
7. I / learn German
8. she / play chess
How long ...................................................….....................?
III. Uzupełnij pytania stosując właściwy czas.
1. When ........................................ (Dorothy / finish) high school?
2. How long ........................................ (they / renovate) the church?
3. How long ........................................ (your father / be) in hospital?
4. When ........................................ (Mr Parker / write) his last book?
5. How long ........................................ (you / date) Sylvia?
6. How long ........................................ (the people / stand) in the queue?
7. When ........................................ (they / find) the treasure?
8. How long ........................................ (John / work) in this factory?
IV. Napisz pytania do podanych odpowiedzi.
1.’How long ....................................…...?’ ‘Tim has been living in Spain for one year.’
2.’...........................................................?’ ‘We took these photos last summer.’
3.’...........................................................?’ ‘I have been resting for an hour.’
4.’...........................................................?’ ‘Greg broke his leg last September.’
5.’...........................................................?’ ‘They have had this car for seven months.’
6.’...........................................................?’ ‘The boy has been crying for ten minutes.’
7.’...........................................................?’ ‘Alice went to Sweden eight weeks ago.’
8.’...........................................................?’ ‘It has been raining for five days.’
Czas ‘Future Simple’ - zdanie twierdzące
Future Simple jest czasem przyszłym. Stosuje się go do opisu czynności, które według
opinii osoby mówiącej mają wydarzyć się w przyszłości.
Cechą charakterystyczną czasu Future Simple jest operator ‘will’ jednakowy dla
wszystkich osób liczby pojedynczej i mnogiej. Zajmuje miejsce za podmiotem zdania.
W języku pisanym można niekiedy natknąć się na operator ‘shall’ występujący z
osobami ‘I’ oraz ‘we’. Jednakże w mowie najbardziej potoczną formą jest ‘will’ przy
wszystkich osobach. Czasownik główny, który zajmuje miejsce za operatorem ma
postać bezokolicznika. Oznacza to, że nie przybiera on żadnej końcówki.
pełna forma zdania twierdzącego
skrócona forma zdania twierdzącego
I will / shall come to you.
You will miss your train.
He will buy a bicycle.
She will speak about animals.
It will rain.
We will / shall write a report.
You will go to the mountains.
They will repair the road.
I’ll come to you.
You’ll miss your train.
He’ll buy a bicycle.
She’ll speak about animals.
It’ll rain.
We’ll write a report.
You’ll go to the mountains.
They’ll repair the road.
Czas Future Simple służy do opisu czynności, które według opinii osoby mówiącej
wydarzyć się w przyszłości. Czas, w którym dana czynność ma nastąpić można określić
przy pomocy przysłówków i określeń czasu przyszłego np.
next week / month
in two days / five week / thee years
w przyszłym tygodniu / miesiącu
za dwa dni / pięć tygodni / trzy lata
I will visit you tomorrow. Next year, Mark will go to university.
We will come back in one week.
They will open the bank in three hours.
Należy pamiętać, że czas Future Simple wyraża jedynie opinię osoby mówiącej. Nie
wyraża on żadnej pewności. Future Simple nie wyraża planów lub zamiarów,
a jedynie prognozę i przewidywanie.
It will (probably) rain tomorrow.
Sue will (probably) finish school next year.
Future Simple może jednakże opisać decyzję lub formę obietnicy dokonanej w chwili,
gdy jest o niej mowa np.
‘I have problems.’ ‘I will help you.’
‘The kitchen is dirty.’ ‘I’ll clean it in a moment.’
I. Napisz zdania w czasie ‘Future Simple’.
1. I / paint the walls pink
2. Robert / arrive late
3. The Gordons / travel by car
4. you / miss your plane
5. he / open a new shop
6. Helen / help us
7. it / be cold
8. they / play together
9. we / have a party
10. Mrs Dylan / go shopping
II. Napisz o podanych osobach stosując informacje zawarte w tabeli.
next Saturday
in two years
sleep long
go to the beach
start school
come home late
clean her room
finish studying
Sue and Joe
go shopping
have a party
get married
Robbie will ..........................................................................................................................
III. Uzupełnij zdania właściwymi czasownikami w formie ‘Future Simple’.
1. I ........................................ a computer as a Christmas gift from my parents.
2. Mr Jones ........................................ angry if you break his window.
3. I think the sun ........................................ brightly next weekend.
4. ‘My printer is not working.’ ‘I ........................................ it for you.’
5. You ........................................ your school bus if you go out too late.
6. Your friends ........................................ you in hospital, for sure.
7. I ........................................ a lot of photographs in the mountains.
8. Helen’s mother ........................................ us a ride to the club, I think.
Czas ‘Future Simple’ - pytanie i przeczenie
Future Simple jest czasem przyszłym opisującym czynność, która według opinii osoby
mówiącej nastąpi w określonym czasie w przyszłości. Czynność opisana w czasie
Future Simple ma charakter przewidywania lub prognozy.
Aby utworzyć pytanie, operator ‘will/shall’ należy przenieść przed podmiot - na
początek zdania. Czasownik główny w postaci bezokolicznika pozostaje na swoim
zdanie twierdzące
Will/Shall I send a postcard?
I will/shall send a postcard.
You will bring some food.
He will ask for help.
She will make the beds.
It will rain.
We will/shall come on time.
Will you bring any food?
Will he ask for help?
Will she make the beds?
Will It rain?
Will/Shall we come on time?
Will you go by train?
Will they invite us?
You will go by train.
They will invite us.
W pytaniu wszystkie określenia czasu przyszłego zajmują miejsce na końcu zdania.
Will Cindy lend us any money? Will you come late tomorrow?
Will your parents visit us next Sunday? Will it be hot in summer?
Will Frank and Mary get married next year? Will it snow next month?
Aby utworzyć zdanie przeczące, należy umieścić słowo ‘not’ za operatorem ‘will/shall’.
W mowie zwykle stosuje się skróconą postać zaprzeczenia.
pełna forma przecząca
skrócona forma przecząca
I will not/shall not send a postcard.
You will not bring any food.
He will not ask for help.
She will not make the beds.
It will not rain.
We will not/shall not come on time.
I won’t/shan’t send a postcard.
You won’t bring any food.
He won’t ask for help.
She won’t make the beds.
It won’t rain.
We won’t/shan’t come on time.
You will not go by train.
You won’t go by train.
They will not invite us.
They won’t invite us.
I. Napisz pytania w czasie ‘Future Simple’.
1. Sarah / go sunbathing / tomorrow
2. Jack / play golf / next Sunday
3. it / be cold / next month
4. the sun / shine / in spring
5. you / visit me / next weekend
6. the men / repair the road / soon
7. they / get married / next year
8. I / go to university / in two years
9. we / watch TV / in the evening
10. the temperature / fall / tomorrow
II. Napisz odpowiedzi przeczące do pytań z poprzedniego ćwiczenia.
1. No, Sarah .....................................................................................................................
2. .....................................................................................................................................
3. .....................................................................................................................................
4. .....................................................................................................................................
5. .....................................................................................................................................
6. .....................................................................................................................................
7. .....................................................................................................................................
8. .....................................................................................................................................
9. .....................................................................................................................................
10. .....................................................................................................................................
III. Uzupełnij pytania według informacji w tabeli stosując czas ‘Future Simple’.
next month
in two years
go to a bank
go on holiday
start working
get up early
visit his grandmother
join the army
Helen and Jim
go for a walk
move out
buy a house
‘.................... Lisa ........................................ tomorrow?’
‘.................... Simon ........................................ next month?’
‘.................... Helen and Jim ........................................ in two years?’
‘.................... Lisa ........................................ next month?’
‘.................... Simon ........................................ in two years?’
‘.................... Helen and Jim ........................................ tomorrow?’
‘.................... Lisa ........................................ in two years?’
‘.................... Simon ........................................ tomorrow?’
‘.................... Helen and Jim ........................................ next month?’
‘Yes, she will.’
‘Yes, he will.’
‘Yes, they will.’
‘Yes, she will.’
‘Yes, he will.’
‘Yes, they will.’
‘Yes, she will.’
‘Yes, he will.’
‘Yes, they will.’
Konstrukcja ‘be going to’ – zdanie twierdzące
Konstrukcja ‘be going to’ oznacza ‘zamierzać, mieć zamiar’. Służy ona do wyrażania
planów lub zamiarów odnoszących się do przyszłości. Jest jedną z form określania
czynności w czasie przyszłym. Jej zasadniczym elementem jest czasownik ‘be’
stanowiący tutaj odmienną część konstrukcji. Jednocześnie pełni on funkcję operatora,
za pomocą którego tworzy się pytania i zaprzeczenia. Główny czasownik zdania ma
postać bezokolicznika i zajmuje miejsce po słowie ‘to’.
pełna forma zdania twierdzącego
skrócona forma zdania twierdzącego
I am going to buy a car.
You are going to be a pilot.
He is going to change his job.
She is going to have a party.
It is going to rain.
We are going to visit our family.
You are going to stay at home.
They are going to eat lunch.
I’m going to buy a car.
You’re going to be a pilot.
He’s going to change his job.
She’s going to have a party.
It’s going to rain.
We’re going to visit our family.
You’re going to stay at home.
They’re going to eat lunch.
Za pomocą określeń czasu przyszłego można bliżej zdefiniować plany i zamiary np.
We are going to rest tomorrow. Brian is going to get married next year.
My parents are going to visit us next week. I am going to change my job soon.
Oprócz zamiarów i planów, konstrukcja ‘be going to’ może być wykorzystywana do
opisu czynności, które mogą zaistnieć w przyszłości niezależne od naszej woli.
Zdanie ‘It is going to rain.’ oznacza ‘Będzie padał deszcz.’ i opisuje ono wniosek
wynikający z faktów, które jasno wskazują na to, że sytuacja taka prawdopodobnie
zaistnieje. Podobne znaczenie można odnieść do osób np.
You are late. You are going to miss your bus.
Jesteś spóźniony.
Nie zdążysz na autobus.
I don’t have an umbrella. I am going to get wet.
Nie mam parasola.
Pewnie zmoknę.
Warto pamiętać, że czasowniki ‘come’ oraz ‘go’ nie są stosowane z konstrukcją ‘be
going to’. Aby wyrazić zamiar lub plan przy użyciu tych czasowników, należy użyć czas
Present Continuous.
I am going to the cinema this evening.
My friends are coming at seven.
Idę/Mam zamiar pójść do kina dziś wieczorem.
Moi przyjaciele przyjdą o siódmej.
I. Napisz zdania stosując konstrukcję ‘be going to’.
1. Monica / become a model
2. you / pay a fine
3. we / have a party
4. I / climb a mountain
5. Jack / swim in the sea
6. they / buy a house
7. it / snow
8. she / sneeze
9. your baby / cry
10. Ann and Paul / get engaged
II. Napisz o planach podanych osób i swoich.
the Greens
do shopping
get up early
clean their backyard
next Sunday
visit her aunt
cook dinner
have a picnic
next year
take driving lessons
start learning French
sell their house
Rosy ...................................................................................................................................
I .........................................................................................................................................
III. Napisz co nastąpi w wyniku zaistniałych sytuacji stosując ‘be going to’.
catch a cold
fail the test
get into trouble
get sunburnt
1. The temperature is very low and Thomas isn’t wearing any warm clothes.
Thomas ...................................................................................................................…..
2. I hate mathematics and I don’t like learning it.
I ..................................................................................................................................
3. The plane is on fire and it’s falling down.
The plane ...............................................................................................................…...
4. It’s very hot and you have been lying in the sun for too long.
You ..............................................................................................................................
5. We have broken a window in our neighbours’ house.
We ...............................................................................................................................
Konstrukcja ‘be going to’ - pytanie
i przeczenie
Konstrukcja ‘be going to’ oznacza ‘zamierzać, mieć zamiar’. Służy ona do wyrażania
planów lub zamiarów odnoszących się do przyszłości. Teraźniejsza odmiana
czasownika ‘be’ pełni w tej konstrukcji rolę operatora, za pomocą którego tworzy się
pytania oraz zaprzeczenia. Aby utworzyć pytanie, operator należy przenieść przed
podmiot - na początek zdania. Główny czasownik zdania występujący w postaci
bezokolicznika po słowie ‘to’ pozostaje na swoim miejscu.
zdanie twierdzące
Am I going to take a day off?
Are you going to sleep long?
Is he going to travel alone?
Is she going to have a baby?
Is it going to be hot?
Are we going to sell our car?
Are you going to be late?
Are they going to tell the truth?
I am going to take a day off.
You are going to sleep long.
He is going to travel alone.
She is going to have a baby.
It is going to be hot.
We are going to sell our car.
You are going to be late.
They are going to tell the truth.
W pytaniu określenie czasu zawsze zajmuje miejsce na końcu zdania np.
Is Adam going to visit us next Saturday? Are you going to cook dinner tomorrow?
Aby utworzyć zdanie przeczące, należy dodać słowo ‘not’ do operatora ‘be’. W mowie
często stosuje się skróconą postać zaprzeczenia.
pełna forma przecząca
skrócona forma przecząca
I am not going to take a day off.
You are not going to sleep long.
He is not going to travel alone.
She is not going to have a baby.
It is not going to be hot.
We are not going to sell our car.
You are not going to be late.
They are not going to tell the truth.
I’m not going to take a day off.
You aren’t going to sleep long.
He isn’t going to travel alone.
She isn’t going to have a baby.
It isn’t going to be hot.
We aren’t going to sell our car.
You aren’t going to be late.
They aren’t going to tell the truth.
W przeczeniu określenie czasu może zająć miejsce na początku lub końcu zdania np.
Tomorrow, I am going to write letters.
Helen is going to relax next weekend.
I. Napisz pytania stosując konstrukcję ‘be going to’.
1. Eva / watch TV / this evening
2. you / clean your room / tomorrow
3. Mr Hopkins / retire / next year
4. it / get colder / soon
5. he / help his parents / tomorrow
6. your brother / get married / soon
II. Napisz zdania przeczące stosując konstrukcję ‘be going to’.
1. I / relax / next Saturday
2. you / become a vet
3. we / buy a new house / next year
4. George / record a song / this week
5. the Greys / have a party / tonight
6. the cat / eat meat
III. Uzupełnij pytania według informacji w tabeli stosując konstrukcję ‘be going to’.
Our neighbours
buy a new coat
work in their garden
next week
hire a flat
buy a dog
change her job
buy a car
1. ‘.................... Diane ....................................................... tomorrow?’
2. ‘.................... Rick ............................................................... soon?’
3. ‘.................... our neighbours ....................................... next week?’
4. ‘.................... Diane .............................................................. soon?’
5. ‘.................... Rick ........................................................ next week?’
6. ‘.................... our neighbours ......................................... tomorrow?’
‘Yes, she is.’
‘Yes, he is.’
‘Yes, they are.’
‘Yes, she is.’
‘Yes, he is.’
‘Yes, they are.’
IV. Uzupełnij zdania przeczące stosując ‘be going to’ oraz podane zwroty.
bake a cake
change the job
miss the train
take a rest
take part in the marathon
1. The sun is shining and there aren’t any clouds in the sky. It isn’t .................................
2. I like working in the department store. I ........................................................................
3. Helen cannot run very long. She .............................................................................…..
4. We still have a lot of time. We ...........................................................................…........
5. I have no flour and no milk at home. I ..................................................................….....
6. The Greens still have a lot of work to do. They .............................................................
Sposoby określania przyszłości
Czas Future Simple służy do opisu czynności, która według opinii osoby mówiącej
nastąpi w czasie przyszłym. Stopień pewności, jaki określa Future Simple jest zwykle
niewielki, dlatego czas ten stosuje się do wyrażenia przypuszczenia lub przeczucia.
Często zdarza się, że zdanie w czasie Future Simple poprzedzone jest innym
czasownikiem wyrażającym przypuszczenie np.
spodziewać się
domyślać się
myśleć/uważać że
(I believe) we will win the game tomorrow.
(We expect) our son will pass his driving test.
(I guess) they will arrive late.
(I suppose) my parents will be angry.
(She thinks) it will rain next Sunday.
Żadne z powyższych zdań nie wyraża pewności, a jedynie przypuszczenie.
Większy stopień prawdopodobieństwa wyraża zwrot ‘be going to’ - ‘zamierzać’. Służy
on do wyrażania planów lub zamiarów. Zdanie zbudowane w oparciu o konstrukcję ‘be
going to’ podkreśla, że dana osoba już wcześniej podjęła jakieś decyzje lub kroki
zmierzające do realizacji określonego zamierzenia.
I am going to have a rest next weekend.
We are going to take a lot of photographs in the mountains.
Sally is going to buy a new bicycle.
Our neighbours are going to move out in five months.
Adam is going to find a new job soon.
Największy stopień prawdopodobieństwa, niemalże stuprocentową pewność, że dana
czynność nastąpi lub zostanie zrealizowana wyraża czas Present Continuous. Czas
ten wyraża pewność, że czynność ta dojdzie do skutku w określonym momencie
w przyszłości. Czas takiej czynności jest zwykle zdefiniowany tak, aby uniknąć
niepewności, czy jest to czynność już trwająca, czy też czynność mająca nastąpić.
My parents are coming back. (now) - My parents are coming back tomorrow.
Moi rodzice wracają (teraz).
Moi rodzice wracają jutro.
The Greys are leaving (now). - The Greys are leaving next week.
Państwo Grey wyjeżdżają (teraz).
Państwo Grey wyjeżdżają w przyszłym tygodniu.
I am going to London. - I am going to London next month.
Jadę do Londynu (teraz).
Jadę do Londynu w przyszłym miesiącu.
I. Podaj poprawną odpowiedź.
1. I think my favourite football team are winning / will win the game.
2. Next Saturday, my cousin will organize / is organising a party.
3. Look at those heavy clouds. It will rain / is going to rain.
4. I suppose my bus will come / is going to come late again.
5. Judy says she is going to become / is becoming a painter when she grows up.
6. I will buy / am going to buy this picture because I like it very much.
7. Hurry up! We are leaving / will leave in five minutes.
8. Harry expects that he is going to study / will study in Oxford.
9. You can’t take this room. We will take / are taking it.
10. Tomorrow, the sun will rise / is rising at four twenty.
II. Uzupełnij zdania czasownikiem w poprawnej formie.
1. We hope it ........................................ (be) a sunny day tomorrow.
2. My grandmother ........................................ (visit) us next week.
3. Our suitcases are already packed. We ........................................ (leave) at twelve.
4. I suppose you ........................................ (lose) your job soon.
5. Alex has got his tent. He ........................................ (sleep) in the open air.
6. Mr Holmes expects that the workers ........................................ (go) on strike.
7. Dave’s mother is waiting for us. She ........................................ (give) us a ride back
8. I have stopped eating sweets. I ........................................ (lose) weight.
9. John is trying on a suit in a shop. He ........................................ (buy) it.
10. Monica thinks that she ........................................ (find) a better job abroad.
III. Uzupełnij dialogi czasownikami w poprawnej formie.
1. Alice: ‘What are you doing in the afternoon, Jane?’
Jane: ‘I ........................................ (help) my parents in the garden.’
2. Rick: ‘Ouch! I have hurt myself on the leg. I can’t walk.’
Paul: ‘Don’t move and just wait here. I ........................................ (call) for help.’
3. Mr Abbot: ‘It has been raining all day.’
Mr Green: ‘I guess it ........................................ (rain) tomorrow as well.’
4. Helen: ‘Have you got any plans for your holidays, James?’
James: ’Of course, I have. In July, I ........................................ (go) to Paris and in
August my friends from France ........................................ (come) to me.’
5. Mrs Grey: ‘Does your husband still work in the company?’
Mrs Blue: ‘Yes, he does, But he ........................................ (retire) next year.’
6. Susan: ‘Hi Lisa! How are you? You look so happy. What’s the good news?’
Lisa: ‘Hi! I am really happy because I ........................................ (meet) Frank today.’
Czasowniki modalne
Czasowniki modalne stanowią osobną kategorię czasowników. Wyróżniają się cechami
odmiennymi od czasowników regularnych. Czasowniki należące do tej grupy to m.in.
móc/ umieć
ought to
móc/wolno mi musieć
- Czasowniki modalne posiadają jednakową odmianę w każdej osobie liczby
pojedynczej i mnogiej w czasie teraźniejszym. Oznacza to, że nie przybierają
końcówki ‘-s’ w trzeciej osobie liczby pojedynczej.
- Czasowniki modalne nie tworzą form czasu przeszłego tak jak inne czasowniki. Tylko
czasownik ‘can’ posiada własną nieregularną formę czasu przeszłego - ‘could’.
- Czasowniki modalne tworzą pytania tylko przez inwersję.
- Czasowniki modalne tworzą zaprzeczenia tylko przy zastosowaniu słowa ‘not’.
- Czasowniki modalne łączą się z innymi czasownikami bez partykuły ‘to’. Jedynie
czasowniki ‘ought’ i ‘used’ występują z partykułą ‘to’ - ‘ought to’, ‘used to’.
- Czasowniki modalne nie są stosowane w czasach Continuous, Perfect oraz Future.
Zastępowane są wówczas innymi konstrukcjami lub zwrotami.
Czasowniki modalne ‘can’ i ‘could’
Czasownik modalny ‘can’ oznacza ‘móc, umieć, potrafić, być w stanie’. Występuje
w czasie teraźniejszym łącząc się z innymi czasownikami.
I can swim. You can run fast.
Peter can drive.
She can speak French.
Can Peter drive?
Can she speak French?
Pytania tworzy się przez inwersję.
Can I swim?
Can you run fast?
Zaprzeczenia tworzy się przy użyciu słowa ‘not’. Zaprzeczenie może mieć pełną postać
‘can not’, ‘cannot’ lub postać skróconą ‘can’t’.
I can not swim. You cannot run fast. Peter can’t drive. She can’t speak French.
Czasownik ‘can’ posiada odrębną formę przeszłą w postaci ‘could’. Odmienia się ona
na takich samych zasadach, jak ‘can’.
Frank could ski when he was a child.
I could go to the cinema last Friday.
Could Frank ski when he was a child? Could you go to the cinema last Friday?
Frank could not ski when he was a child. I couldn’t go to the cinema last Friday.
I. Napisz zdania z czasownikiem ‘can’ według przykładu.
1. Joan / sing / play the piano
2. I / draw / paint
3. Brian / ride a bicycle / drive a car
4. we / swim / sail a boat
5. you / ski / skate
6. Tommy / speak / write
7. they / serve food / cook
8. the cat / jump high / run very fast
Joan can sing but she can’t play the piano.
II. Uzupełnij zdania stosując czasownik ‘could’.
1. I can’t speak German now but I could speak German when I was younger.
2. Adam can’t play the guitar now but .................................................. five years ago.
3. Mr Grey can’t cook now but ................................................. when he was a student.
4. Alice can’t write poems now but .................................................. some time ago.
5. We can’t build a sandcastle now but .................................................. last year.
6. I can’t repair clocks now but .................................................. when I was at school.
7. They can’t play tennis now but .................................................. a few years ago.
8. My parrot can’t speak now but .................................................. when it was
III. Ułóż zdania twierdzące oraz przeczące stosując czasownik ‘can’.
a pilot
an accountant
an architect
a barber
a vet
a waiter
a carpenter
look after animals
cut hair
count well
serve food
fly a plane
make furniture
design buildings
IV. Uzupełnij zdania stosując czasownik ‘can’, ‘could’, ‘can’t’ lub ‘couldn’t’.
1. ‘.................... you make a snowman when you were a child?’ ‘Sure, I ....................’
2. Monica isn’t a good driver. She .................... drive well.
3. I .................... play the drums a few years ago but I .................... do it now.
4. We .................... visit you last Saturday because we were very busy.
5. Help me, please. I .................... open the window.
6. We .................... put down the fire ourselves because we didn’t have enough water.
7. I .................... lend you my course book because I need it now.
8. Mrs Palmer lost her car keys and she .................... drive home.
Czasowniki modalne ‘may’ i ‘might’
‘May’ jest czasownikiem modalnym (rozdz. 70). Jego podstawowym znaczeniem jest
‘móc, mieć pozwolenie’. Jest więc stosowany do udzielania pozwolenia, pytania o
pozwolenie lub też wyrażania zakazu.
I may come home late.
We may bathe in the river.
Peter may eat ice cream.
Ja mogę wracać do domu późno. My możemy kąpać się w rzece.
Piotr może jeść lody.
May I go to the cinema?
May we smoke cigarettes?
May Peter sleep longer?
Czy mogę pójść do kina?
Czy nam wolno palić papierosy?
Czy Piotr może spać dłużej?
Pytanie z czasownikiem ‘may’ stanowi formę uprzejmego pytania o pozwolenie.
Zaprzeczenie oznacza zakaz. Skrócona forma zaprzeczenia ma postać ‘mayn’t’.
I may not bathe in the sea.
We mayn’t smoke cigarettes.
Ja nie mogę kąpać się w morzu. Nam nie wolno palić papierosów.
Ann mayn’t drink coffee.
Anna nie może pić kawy.
Podobne znaczenie ‘pozwolenia’ oraz ‘zakazu’ może wyrażać czasownik ‘can’.
W zdaniach takich jak powyżej obydwa czasowniki mogą być stosowane zamiennie.
‘We can sleep long. Can you sleep long, too?’ ‘No, we can not sleep long.’
‘I can drive a car. Can you drive a car, too?’ ‘No, I cannot drive a car.’
‘You can smoke. Can your brother smoke, too?’ ‘No, he can’t smoke.’
Drugim znaczeniem jakie może wyrażać czasownik ‘may’ jest przypuszczenie.
I don’t have your pen. Alice may have it.
Ja nie mam twojego pióra. Być może ma je Alicja.
Robert is not at home. He may be in the club.
Roberta nie ma w domu.
On może być w klubie.
The sky is cloudy. It may rain in the afternoon.
Niebo jest zachmurzone. Po południu może padać deszcz.
Większą dozę niepewności w przypuszczeniu wyraża czasownik ‘might’, który stanowi
formę trybu przypuszczającego utworzoną od czasownika ‘may’.
Harry might be in the cinema. But, I’m not sure.
Być może Harry jest w kinie. Ale nie jestem pewien.
They say it might snow tomorrow, but I doubt it.
Mówią, że jutro może padać śnieg, ale ja w to wątpię.
Podobne znaczenie przypuszczenia może wyrażać czasownik ‘could’.
David could know Mr Lee, but I am not certain.
It could be sunny tomorrow.
Dawid może znać pana Lee, ale nie jestem tego pewien.
Jutro może być słonecznie.
I. Napisz zdania według przykładu.
I may drink coffee but I may not smoke.
1. I / drink coffee / smoke
2. Tom / ride a bike / drive a car
3. we / go to the cinema / go to a disco
4. Eva / sunbathe / swim in the sea
5. the girl / eat chocolate / drink Coke
6. you / sleep long / go to bed late
7. they / invite friends / leave home
8. our dog / play at home / sleep in bed
II. Napisz uprzejme pytania o pozwolenie.
May I .......................................................?
1. You want to get another piece of cake.
2. You want to bathe in the sea.
3. You want to go to a party.
4. You want to watch films at night.
5. You want to have some ice cream.
6. You want to invite your friends.
7. You want use the computer.
8. You want to borrow the book.
III. Napisz przypuszczenia stosując czasownik ‘may’.
1. Perhaps, Adam has your tickets.
2. Perhaps, Mr Collins is at work.
3. Perhaps, they will come on Monday.
4. Perhaps, Brian doesn’t like porridge.
5. Perhaps, we are wrong.
6. Perhaps, I will lose the first place.
7. Perhaps, the children know the truth.
8. Perhaps, Sue will lend us some money.
Adam may .........................................….....
IV. Napisz przypuszczenia stosując ‘might’ oraz podane zwroty.
be hot
catch a cold
get angry
have an accident
1. The sun is shinning. It might .......................................................................... outside.
2. Paul Jones has got the most points. He ............................................ the competition.
3. The man is bathing in the icy water. He .......................................................................
4. You drive too fast. You ................................................................................. one day.
5. The pupils are naughty. Their teacher .........................................................................
6. The ice is too thin to skate on. It .................................................................. suddenly.
Czasowniki ‘must’ i ‘have to’
‘Must’ jest czasownikiem modalnym (rozdz. 70). Oznacza on ‘musieć’, jest więc
stosowany do wyrażania konieczności. Użycie czasownika ‘must’ wymaga
przestrzegania takich samych zasad, jak w przypadku wszystkich innych czasowników
modalnych. ‘Must’ łączy się z innym czasownikiem bez partykuły ‘to’.
I must go to a doctor.
You must do your homework.
We must be quiet.
Pytanie dotyczące konieczności tworzy się przez inwersję.
Must I go to a doctor?
Must you do your homework?
Must we be quiet?
Należy jednakże pamiętać, że zaprzeczona postać czasownika ‘must’ wyraża zupełnie
odmienne znaczenie. Jest to znaczenie zakazu. Tak więc forma ‘must not’ bliska jest
znaczeniu jakie wyraża ‘may not’. Skrócone zaprzeczenie ma postać ‘mustn’t’.
You mustn’t smoke.
They mustn’t make noise.
Joe mustn’t bathe in the river.
Znaczenie pokrewne do ‘must’ wyraża regularny czasownik ‘have to’.
W podobny sposób opisuje on konieczność. Może on być stosowany zamiennie
z czasownikiem ‘must’. ‘Have to’ odmienia się jak czasownik ‘have’.
I have to take the dog for a walk.
Eva has to clean her room.
We have to be careful.
Pytanie z czasownikiem ‘have to’ tworzy się wyłącznie według zasad czasu Present
Simple - przy użyciu operatora ‘do / does’.
Do I have to take the dog for a walk?
Does Eva have to clean her room?
Do we have to wait?
Zaprzeczenie tworzy się przy zastosowaniu operatora ‘do not / does not’. Przecząca
postać czasownika ‘must’ - ‘mustn’t’, służy do wyrażania zakazu. Jednakże przecząca
forma czasownika ‘have to’ wyraża brak konieczności, stanowiąc jednocześnie formę
uzupełniającą brak podobnego znaczenia przy czasowniku ‘must’.
I do not have to take the dog for a walk.
Eva doesn’t have to clean her room.
We don’t have to wait.
I. Napisz co podane osoby muszą robić stosując czasownik ‘must’.
a nurse
a policeman
a gardener
a secretary
a postman
a soldier
an architect
a chef
type letters
protect his country
deliver letters
keep law and order
design buildings
look after ill people
prepare meals
prune trees
A nurse must ................................................…......
II. Napisz zdania według przykładu.
1. I / wash the dishes / beat the carpets
I must wash the dishes but I do not have to beat the carpets.
2. the secretary / type letters / write reports
3. the janitor / look after the school keys / clean the classrooms
4. you / eat fruit / drink milk
5. we / pay the contributions / attend every meeting
III. Napisz czego podanym osobom nie wolno robić stosując czasownik ‘mustn’t’.
Paul mustn’t .............................................
1. Mother to Paul: ‘Don’t drink cold water.’
2. Father to Ann: ‘Don’t bring the cat home.’
3. Teacher to pupils: ‘Don’t make noise.’
4. Mother to Bob: ‘Don’t tread on the lawn.’
5. Rick to Adam: ‘Don’t use my computer.’
6. Doctor to Rita: ’Don’t take off the plaster.’
7. Father to Jim: ’Don’t touch the dog.’
8. Warden to Betty: ‘Don’t cross the street.’
IV. Uzupełnij zdania poprawną formą czasownika ‘have to’.
1. I ......................................... take my children to the kindergarten every morning.
2. You ......................................... wash these shirts. They are clean.
3. .................... Michael .................... practise the piano every day?
4. Monica ......................................... put on a pullover. It’s rather hot outside.
5. .................... we .................... invite all our teachers to the ceremony?
Czasowniki modalne ‘should’ i ‘ought to’
‘Should’ jest czasownikiem modalnym (rozdz. 70). Wyraża znaczenie ‘powinien’.
Czasownik ‘should’ służy do wyrażania powinności lub zalecenia. Jego odmiana oraz
sposób użycia podporządkowane jest takim samym zasadom, jakie dotyczą innych
czasowników modalnych. ‘Should’ łączy się z innym czasownikiem bez partykuły ‘to’.
You should look after yourself. Children should wash their hands before meals.
Brian should go to a doctor. We should check the timetable.
Aby utworzyć pytanie i zapytać o to, czy dana czynność powinna zostać wykonana,
należy zastosować inwersję.
Should I invite the Parkers to my birthday party?
Should Cindy feed her tortoise every day?
Should we ask a specialist for help?
Should the children be quiet?
Aby utworzyć zaprzeczenie, czyli wykluczenie konieczności wykonania danej czynności,
słowo ‘not’ należy umieścić za czasownikiem ‘should’. W mowie zwykle stosuje się
skróconą postać zaprzeczenia - ‘shouldn’t’.
You should not forget about your grandfather’s birthday.
Jason should not shout back at his parents.
Jenny shouldn’t eat too many sweets.
They shouldn’t play noisily at night.
Czasownik ‘should’ służy zwykle do wyrażania porad, zaleceń lub nakazów.
Czasownikiem o takim samym znaczeniu jest ‘ought to’. Pomimo występującej z nim
partykuły ‘to’, jest on także czasownikiem modalnym. Stosowany jest według tych
samych zasad, co ‘should’ i inne czasowniki z tej grupy.
I ought to take some medicine.
Wendy ought to do her homework every day.
Pytania tworzy się przy zastosowaniu inwersji. Należy jednak pamiętać, że partykuła ‘to’
pozostaje na swoim miejscu.
Ought I to take any medicine?
Ought Wendy to do her homework every day?
Zdanie przeczące tworzy się przy użyciu słowa ‘not’, które umieszcza się po
czasowniku ‘ought’ - nigdy za partykułą ‘to’. Skrócona postać zaprzeczenia to ‘oughtn’t
I ought not to drink cold water.
Wendy oughtn’t to forget about her homework.
I. Napisz zdania według przykładu.
1. Children / drink milk / eat too many sweets.
Children should drink milk but they should not eat too many sweets.
2. Sportsmen / practise a lot / take drugs
3. you / learn hard / read books at night
4. Linda / take her dog out / go out without a coat
5. we / ask the teacher questions / make noise
II. Napisz pytania stosując czasownik ‘should’.
ask a mechanic for help
clean it up
give it up
go to a doctor
paint them white
punish him
1. I’ve got a headache.
2. My room is in a mess.
3. The engine is damaged.
4. The walls are dirty.
5. My child is naughty.
6. I smoke too much.
Should I .........................................................................?
III. Napisz zdania twierdzące lub przeczące stosując czasownik ‘ought to’.
1. Simon feels bad. (go to school)
Simon .......................................................
2. It’s Mary’s birthday soon (launch a party)
3. It’s the wrong way. (turn back)
4. Betty is sad. (stay alone at home)
5. The apple isn’t ripe. (eat it)
6. His marks are poor. (learn more)
Mary .........................................................
We ...........................................................
Betty .........................................................
You ..........................................................
He ............................................................
IV. Uzupełnij zdania stosując ‘should’ lub ‘ought’.
1. This dog is bad. You .............................. not to play with it.
2. It’s a rainy day. We .............................. take our umbrellas.
3. .............................. George to ask Paula for help with mathematics?
4. You .............................. not be so jealous of everything.
5. .............................. we change our decision?
Czasownik modalny ‘used to’
‘Used to’ uznawany jest za czasownik pół-modalny. Wyraża znaczenie ‘zwykł był’.
Odznacza się jednakową odmianą przy każdej osobie liczby pojedynczej i mnogiej.
Czasownik ‘used to’ swym znaczeniem odnosi się do przeszłości. Stosuje się go do
opisu czynności, która niegdyś była wykonywana często lub regularnie, zaś obecnie nie
jest kontynuowana. Główny czasownik zdania występuje po partykule ‘to’ w postaci
James used to play football very often when he was a boy.
James często grywał w piłkę nożną, gdy był chłopcem.
My grandfather used to tell me a lot of interesting stories.
Mój dziadek opowiadał mi kiedyś mnóstwo interesujących historii.
I used to keep seven dogs in my house.
Niegdyś trzymałem siedem psów w moim domu.
We used to meet each other very often.
Niegdyś często się spotykaliśmy.
Pytanie z czasownikiem ‘used to’ można utworzyć na dwa sposoby, gdyż czasownik
ten wykazuje cechy zarówno czasownika modalnego, jak i czasownika regularnego.
Jednym ze sposobów jest inwersja:
Used they to do shopping in this store?
Used you to eat a lot of sweets as a child?
Used Brian to come to your garden when he was younger?
Innym sposobem jest taka sama zasada, jaka obowiązuje w czasie Past Simple.
Można więc ‘used to’ potraktować jak czasownik regularny i utworzyć pytanie za
pomocą operatora ‘did’.
Did they use to do shopping in this store?
Did you use to eat a lot of sweets as a child?
Did Brian use to come to your garden when he was younger?
Podobnie formę przeczącą można utworzyć na dwa sposoby - za pomocą słowa ‘not’
lub przy zastosowaniu operatora ‘did not’.
I used not to be a naughty child.
Simon used not to practise athletics.
We usend’t to fight with each other.
I did not use to be a naughty child.
Simon did not use to practise athletics.
We didn’t use to fight with each other.
W języku potocznym powszechnie stosuje się formy pytające z operatorem ‘did’ oraz
przeczące z ‘did not’.
I. Napisz zdania twierdzące stosując czasownik ‘used to’.
1. I / have a lot of friends in London
2. James / tell lies
3. Harry / be a good boy
4. we / plant many trees
5. Monica / buy a lot of dresses
6. they / go fishing together
7. you / listen to classical music
8. Eva / eat a lot of sweets
II. Napisz zdania według przykładu.
1. I don’t keep twenty cats any more.
2. She doesn’t like porridge any more.
3. Mr Holmes isn’t a farmer any more.
4. Dave doesn’t love Susan any more.
5. We don’t have a garden any more.
6. Ann doesn’t work in a bank any more.
7. You don’t teach students any more.
8. They aren’t our neighbours any more.
I used to keep twenty cats.
She ................................................................
III. Napisz zdania przeczące stosując czasownik ‘used to’.
five years ago
I did not have a car.
I did not go to a swimming pool.
I did not like Chinese food.
I did not work hard.
I did not play in the casino.
I have a car.
I go to a swimming pool.
I love Chinese food.
I work hard.
I play in the casino.
Five years ago, I did not used to .......................................................................……...........
IV. Napisz kilka zdań o sobie stosując czasownik ‘used to’.
Konstrukcja ‘would like to …’
Konstrukcja ‘would like to’ oznacza ‘chciałby’. Stosuje się ją do wyrażenia życzenia
lub chęci wykonania danej czynności. Struktura tej konstrukcji oparta jest na
czasowniku modalnym ‘would’, który spełnia tutaj funkcję operatora.
Konstrukcja ‘would like to’ charakteryzuje się jednakową odmianą przy każdej osobie
liczby pojedynczej i mnogiej. Czasownik główny zajmuje miejsce po partykule ‘to’ i ma
postać bezokolicznika.
We would like to sleep in tents.
I would like to go on holiday to Greece.
Our parents would like to buy a new house.
Michael would like to visit his grandparents next weekend.
Aby utworzyć pytanie i zapytać o chęć wykonania danej czynności, operator ‘would’
należy przemieścić przed podmiot - na początek zdania.
Would you like to have a dog?
Would Eva like to study in Oxford?
Would Adam like to live in a big city?
Would they like to spend Christmas in the mountains?
Pytanie z konstrukcją ‘would like to’ zwykle skierowane do osoby ‘you’ może stanowić
uprzejmą ofertę np.
‘Would you like to drink a cup of coffee?’ ‘Yes, please.’
‘Would you like to meet my best friend?’ ‘Of course, I would.’
Z konstrukcją tą zamiast czasownika może wystąpić rzeczownik. Partykuła ‘to’ wówczas
nie występuje.
‘Would you like a cup of coffee?’ ‘Yes, please.’
‘Would you like a sweet bun?’ ‘Yes, I would.’
Aby utworzyć zaprzeczenie, należy dodać słowo ‘not’ do operatora ‘would’. W mowie,
zwykle stosuje się skróconą postać zaprzeczenia - ‘wouldn’t’.
I would not like to live in Africa.
We wouldn’t like to travel by train.
James would not like to work night shifts.
The pupils wouldn’t like to write a test at every lesson.
I. Napisz zdania twierdzące stosując konstrukcję ‘would like to’.
1. Tommy / get a new bicycle
2. I / travel all over the world
3. we / have our own garden
4. Ms Harris / find a good job
5. you / have more free time
II. Uzupełnij pytania stosując ‘would like to’ oraz informacje z tabeli.
Joan and Mike
the Greens
the children
study law
be a driver
get engaged
grow vegetables
watch cartoons
1. ‘ Would the Greens ............................................….......................?’ ‘Yes, they would.’
2. ‘.............................. Cindy .............................................................?’ ‘Yes, she would.’
3. ‘.............................. the children ...................................................?’ ‘Yes, they would.’
4. ‘.............................. Joan and Mike ..............................................?’ ‘Yes, they would.’
5. ‘.............................. Robert ...........................................................?’ ‘Yes, he would.’
III. Napisz zdania przeczące stosując ‘would not like to’.
fly in bad weather
get stuck
give bad marks
go to school
go to war
sail in a storm
1. Pupils .................................................................................................... on Saturdays.
2. Drivers .................................................................................................. in traffic jams.
3. Sailors ..........................................................................................................................
4. Teachers ............................................................................................... to their pupils.
5. Pilots ...........................................................................................................................
6. Soldiers ........................................................................................................................
IV. Napisz kilka zdań o sobie stosując konstrukcję ‘would (not) like to’.
be an astronaut
do a bungee jump
go to the seaside
have a hamster
fly in a balloon
live in Japan
1. I ...................................................................................................................................
2. .....................................................................................................................................
3. .....................................................................................................................................
4. .....................................................................................................................................
5. .....................................................................................................................................
6. .....................................................................................................................................
Pytania rozłączne
Pytania rozłączne (Question tags) występują na końcu zdania i są oddzielone od
zdania głównego przecinkiem.
Znaczenie jakie wyrażają to: ‘nieprawdaż? czy nie?’. Są więc stosowane jako forma
prośby o potwierdzenie określonej informacji.
W języku angielskim pytania takie tworzone są w zależności od konstrukcji lub czasu,
jaki zastosowany został w zdaniu. Podstawową zasadą tworzenia pytań rozłącznych
jest to, iż mają one postać odwrotną do postaci orzeczenia. Oznacza to, że jeżeli
orzeczenie jest w postaci twierdzącej, wówczas pytanie rozłączne ma formę przeczącą.
Gdy zaś orzeczenie jest przeczeniem, wówczas pytanie rozłączne nie zawiera formy
przeczącej. Należy także pamiętać, że w pytaniu rozłącznym w roli podmiotu występują
wyłącznie zaimki osobowe, nie zaś imiona i nazwy własne. W zdaniu z czasownikiem
‘be’, pytania rozłączne tworzy się przy zastosowaniu tego samego czasownika.
Ta sama zasada dotyczy czasownika ‘have got’ oraz zdań z czasownikami modalnymi.
zdanie twierdzące
zdanie przeczące
Mike is ready, isn’t he?
You are shy, aren’t you?
The Browns are very rich, aren’t they?
Simon has got a bulldog, hasn’t he?
You can cook, can’t you?
Eva could swim very well, couldn’t she?
We may stay up late, mayn’t we?
It should be hot tomorrow, shouldn’t it?
Sue would like to relax, wouldn’t she?
Mike is not ready, is he?
You are not shy, are you?
The Browns are not very rich, are they?
Simon has not got a bulldog, has he?
You cannot cook, can you?
Eva could not swim very well, could she?
We may not stay up late, may we?
It should not be hot tomorrow, should it?
Sue wouldn’t like to relax, would she?
Wyjątek stanowi osoba ‘I’ występująca z czasownikiem ‘be’ w zdaniu twierdzącym.
Pytanie rozłączne ma wówczas postać ‘aren’t I?’
I am busy, aren’t I?
I am not busy, am I?
W przypadku zdań, w których występują czasy złożone, pytania rozłączne tworzy się
przy zastosowaniu operatorów.
I work in a bank, don’t I?
We are going to Moscow, aren’t we?
Tom is writing a test, isn’t he?
You made a mistake, didn’t you?
Alice has just returned, hasn’t she?
Sue will win the race, won’t she?
I don’t work in a bank, do I?
We aren’t going to Moscow, are we?
Tom isn’t writing a test, is he?
You didn’t make a mistake, did you?
Alice hasn’t returned, has she?
Ann and Sue won’t win the race, will they?
I. Zaznacz poprawną odpowiedź.
1. Your sister is a nurse, is she / isn’t she?
2. Mr Tandy has got three big dogs, hasn’t he / has he?
3. It was a nice day, wasn’t it / was it?
4. John can’t speak Spanish, can’t he / can he?
5. You aren’t lazy, are you / aren’t you?
6. Elisabeth lives in Monaco, does she / doesn’t she?
7. We took a lot of photos, didn’t we / did we?
8. Our grandparents aren’t coming by bus, aren’t they / are they?
9. Frank and Bob will go to university, will they / won’t they?
10. You didn’t invite Vicky to your party, did you / didn’t you?
II. Dopasuj pytania rozłączne do zdań.
1. The Greys have bought a villa, ..............................
2. I am the best student, ..............................
3. You didn’t ask Mr Howard for help, ..............................
4. Next time, we will not invite the Browns, ..............................
5. You wouldn’t like to sleep in the open air, ..............................
6. They haven’t got much money, ..............................
7. You would like to earn a lot of money, ..............................
8. I am not as tall as my brother is, ..............................
9. You found your car keys yesterday, ..............................
10. We won’t be late, ..............................
am I?
didn’t you?
will we?
wouldn’t you?
aren’t I?
haven’t they?
will we?
would you?
have they?
did you?
III. Uzupełnij zdania poprawną formą pytania rozłącznego.
1. Your friends went home early, ........................................?
2. Eva isn’t going to invite Adam to her party, ........................................?
3. Mr Owen has built his own cottage, ........................................?
4. You won’t take part in the demonstration, ........................................?
5. I am much slimmer now, ........................................?
6. Frank’s mother wasn’t angry, ........................................?
7. The children didn’t break the window, ........................................?
8. Sarah is walking in the park, ........................................?
9. Robert can dance very well, ........................................?
10. The Deans were very helpful, ........................................?
11. I shouldn’t tell lies, ........................................?
12. That dog isn’t bad, ........................................?
13. You would like to spend holidays in France, ........................................?
14. James and Harry quarrelled last week, ........................................?
15. Lisa has not lived in London for ten years, ........................................?
‘So’ / ‘Neither’ + operator + rzeczownik/zaimek
Przysłówki ‘so’ oraz ‘neither’ są wykorzystywane do tworzenia krótkich komentarzy o znaczeniu ‘i (ja) także’. Za pomocą takiego określenia można odnieść opisaną
w zdaniu czynność do innej osoby potwierdzając ją lub zaprzeczając.
Konstrukcja taka opiera się na głównym czasowniku zdania wyznaczającym czas oraz
strukturę komentarza. Spójnik ‘so’ występuje ze zdaniem twierdzącym, zaś ‘neither’ ze
zdaniem przeczącym. Struktura krótkiego komentarza ma następującą postać:
so / neither + operator + rzeczownik / zaimek
Forma operatora lub czasownika musi być zgodna z formą głównego czasownika
w zdaniu oraz z podmiotem, do którego się odnosi.
I am Polish,
so is he.
- Jestem Polakiem i on także.
czas Past Simple trzecia osoba l.poj.
You were at home, so were they. - Ty byłeś w domu i oni także.
czas przeszły
trzecia osoba l.mn.
I live in London,
so does she. - Ja mieszkam w Londynie i ona także.
Present Simple trzecia osoba l.poj.
She came late,
so did I. - Ona przyszła późno i ja także.
czas Past Simple pierwsza osoba l.poj.
He has seen it,
so have we.
- On to widział i my także.
czas Present Perfect pierwsza osoba l.mn.
We are waiting,
so is she.
- My czekamy i ona także.
czas Present Continuous trzecia osoba l.poj.
Ann will come,
so will Adam.
- Anna przyjdzie i Adam też.
czas Future Simple
trzecia osoba l.poj.
Podobnie tworzy się komentarz o znaczeniu ‘i ja też nie’ przy użyciu spójnika ‘neither’.
Należy pamiętać, że nie należy tworzyć dodatkowej formy przeczącej.
Peter was not ill, neither was Tom. - Piotr nie był chory i Tom też nie.
czas przeszły
trzecia osoba l.poj.
I didn’t sleep, neither did they. - Ja nie spałem i oni też nie.
czas Past Simple trzecia osoba l.mn.
We don’t like basketball, neither do you. - My nie lubimy koszykówki i wy też nie.
czas Present Simple
druga osoba l.mn.
Eva will not come, neither will Bob. - Ewa nie przyjdzie i Bob też nie.
czas Future Simple
trzecia osoba l.poj.
I have not finished, neither has she. - Ja nie skończyłem i ona też nie.
czas Present Perfect trzecia osoba l.poj.
I. Uzupełnij zdania poprawną formą czasownika lub operatora.
1. Michael has got a lot of posters, so .............................. Brian.
2. We are very happy, so .............................. they.
3. You were not in the club, neither .............................. I.
4. My father works hard, so .............................. my mother.
5. The Browns aren’t going on holiday, neither .............................. the Greens.
6. Diane likes hot chocolate, so .............................. Lisa.
7. I can drive, so .............................. you.
8. Mr Benson will not help us, neither .............................. Mrs Benson.
9. They have seen a ghost, so .............................. we.
10. Frank would like to visit Egypt, so .............................. Joan.
II. Dopasuj komentarze do zdań.
1. I can play chess very well, ..............................
2. Mr Lee doesn’t keep bees, ..............................
3. We didn’t have much free time, ..............................
4. Mike is going to study biology, ..............................
5. You have bought a new magazine, ..............................
6. Joan likes comedies very much, ..............................
7. Thomas hasn’t broken the window, ..............................
8. Ronald couldn’t open the gate, ..............................
9. I got stuck in a traffic jam, ..............................
10. The boys aren’t going to apologise, ..............................
so does Monica
so did they
neither could Simon
neither are the girls
neither has William
neither do we
so has she
so is Sandra.
so can my brother.
neither did you
III. Uzupełnij zdania poprawną formą komentarza.
1. Our children are playing on the beach, ........................................ your daughter.
2. James ate dinner at five, ........................................ his parents.
3. I will not take part in the competition, ........................................ my friends.
4. We didn’t go to the cinema, ........................................ Betty and Eva.
5. You have written a letter, ........................................ Helen.
6. Saturday was very cold, ........................................ Sunday.
7. My neighbour is very kind, ........................................ your neighbour.
8. They are going to buy a dog, ........................................ we.
9. You shouldn’t make a mess, ........................................ the other children.
10. Mrs Silver is doing the washing, ........................................ Mrs Gold.
11. I could see everything, ........................................ they.
12. Mary was reading all night, ........................................ Margaret.
13. My computer is very modern, ........................................ your computer.
14. Alice isn’t wearing glasses, ........................................ her sister.
15. The president won’t arrive late, ........................................ the ministers.
Tryb warunkowy I
Tryb warunkowy stosowany jest do wyrażenia skutku jaki nastąpi jeżeli zostanie
spełniony określony warunek. Pierwszy z trzech trybów warunkowych, jakie występują
w języku angielskim odnosi się do teraźniejszości lub przyszłości. Tryb ten wyraża
warunek realny, a więc możliwy do spełnienia.
Zdanie w trybie warunkowym składa się z dwóch członów. Jednym z nich jest zdanie
nadrzędne, które opisuje ewentualny skutek. Drugim z nich jest zdanie podrzędne
wyrażające warunek. Zdanie podrzędne warunkowe wprowadzone jest przez spójnik
‘if’ - ‘jeżeli’. Najistotniejszą zasadą w tworzeniu trybu warunkowego jest poprawne
zastosowanie czasów. W zdaniu warunkowym występuje czas Present Simple, zaś
w zdaniu wynikowym czas Future Simple.
If + Present Simple, Future Simple
zdanie warunkowe zdanie wynikowe
W języku polskim w podobnej konstrukcji w obu typach zdań stosowany jest czas
przyszły. Należy więc zwrócić szczególną uwagę na tę różnicę.
If you get up too late, you will miss your train. - Jeżeli wstaniesz za późno, nie zdążysz na
Present Simple
Future Simple
If Adam phones me, I will tell him about your problem.
Jeżeli Adam zadzwoni do mnie, opowiem mu o twoim problemie.
If they don’t stop screaming, we will call the police.
Jeżeli oni nie przestaną wrzeszczeć, wezwiemy policję.
If it does not stop raining, we will not go for a walk.
Jeżeli nie przestanie padać, nie pójdziemy na spacer.
Kolejność zdań można odwrócić. Trzeba jednak pamiętać, że jeżeli zdanie warunkowe
jest pierwsze, wówczas jest ono oddzielone od zdania wynikowego przecinkiem.
W przypadku odwrotnej kolejności, przecinka nie stosuje się.
Your mother will be angry if you don’t clean the mess in your room.
Twoja mama będzie zła, jeżeli nie posprzątasz w swoim pokoju.
You will write the test again if you don’t pass it the first time.
Napiszesz ten test jeszcze raz, jeżeli nie zdasz go za pierwszym razem.
Brian will not go to school if he does not get better.
Brian nie pójdzie do szkoły, jeżeli nie wyzdrowieje.
If Mr Harris doesn’t buy the tickets, we’ll not see the match.
Jeżeli pan Harris nie kupi biletów, nie obejrzymy meczu.
If you press the button, you will switch on the alarm.
Jeżeli naciśniesz ten guzik, włączysz alarm.
If the weather is good, we’ll go on a picnic.
Jeżeli będzie ładna pogoda, pojedziemy na piknik.
I. Połącz zdania.
If Jason doesn’t learn hard, ...
If our car breaks down, ...
If there is a storm, ...
If you touch the insect, ...
If Sandra gets a job, ...
we will have to go on foot.
it will sting you.
she will earn some money.
he will not pass his exams.
the fishermen will not go to sea.
II. Zakreśl poprawną odpowiedź.
1. If John will hurry up / hurries up, he doesn’t miss / will not miss his bus.
2. If you feel / will feel bad, I will give / give you some medicine.
3. George will repeat / repeats the course if he fails / will fail the exam.
4. Your plants die / will die if you don’t water / won’t water them.
5. If he lies / will lie again, we will punish / punish him.
6. The machine won’t work / doesn’t work if they won’t repair / don’t repair it.
7. If you don’t put / won’t put the juice in the fridge, it will go / goes bad.
8. I stand / will stand by you if you will need / need help.
III. Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami w poprawnej formie.
1. If Jack .............................. (get) a present, he .............................. (be) very happy.
2. If it .............................. (start) raining, we .............................. (stay) at home.
3. You .......................... (not go) to play if you .......................... (not do) your homework.
4. The warden .............................. (give) us a fine if we .............................. (park) here.
5. If Mary .............................. (not wash) the dishes, I .............................. (have to) do it.
6. If Brian .............................. (tease) the dog, it .............................. (bite) him.
7. The Greys ............................. (visit) us if they ............................. (have) enough time.
8. If you .............................. (not eat) breakfast, you .............................. (be) hungry.
9. I .............................. (not help) my friends if I .............................. (be) too busy.
10. If we .............................. (not take) an umbrella, we .............................. (get) wet.
IV. Napisz zdania w trybie warunkowym I.
1. I / work harder / I / earn more money
2. you / oversleep / you / miss the sunrise
3. it / snow / we / make a snowman
4. Jim / not get better / he / go to hospital
5. they / make noise / Mr Dean / be angry
6. we / feel tired / we / not go to the party
7. Sue / not apologise / I / not talk to her
8. the phone / ring / Ms Lee / answer it
If I work harder, I .................................…...
If ................................................................
Tryb warunkowy II
Tryb warunkowy stosowany jest do wyrażenia skutku jaki nastąpi jeżeli zostanie
spełniony określony warunek. Drugi tryb warunkowy odnosi się do teraźniejszości lub
przyszłości. Tryb ten wyraża warunek hipotetyczny, a więc: ‘Co by było gdyby?’
W większości przypadków tryb ten wyraża warunek nierealny. Może on stanowić formę
przypuszczenia, życzenia lub potocznie zwanego ‘gdybania’.
Zdanie w drugim trybie warunkowym składa się z dwóch członów. Jednym z nich jest
zdanie opisujące hipotetyczny skutek, drugim zaś zdanie opisujące warunek. Zdanie
warunkowe wprowadzone jest przez spójnik ‘if’ - ‘jeżeli, gdyby’.
W zdaniu warunkowym występuje czas Past Simple, zaś w zdaniu skutkowym tryb
przypuszczający wprowadzony przez operator ‘would’. Czasownik, który zajmuje
miejsce za operatorem ma postać bezokolicznika.
If + Past Simple,
zdanie warunkowe
would + bezokolicznik czasownika
zdanie skutkowe
If I had enough money, I would buy a bicycle. - Gdybym miał dość pieniędzy, kupiłbym
Past Simple
tryb przypuszczający rower.
If I knew Helen, I would invite her to my party.
Gdybym znał Helen, zaprosiłbym ją na moje przyjęcie.
If uncle Tom went with us, it would be a great fun.
Gdyby wujek Tom pojechał z nami, to byłoby wesoło.
If Susan went by plane, she would save much more time.
Gdyby Susan poleciała samolotem, zaoszczędziłaby dużo więcej czasu.
Kolejność zdań można odwrócić, należy jednak pamiętać, że jeżeli zdanie warunkowe
znajduje się na początku, wówczas jest ono oddzielone od zdania skutkowego
przecinkiem. W przypadku odwrotnej kolejności przecinka nie stosuje się.
Robert would be very happy if Sandra agreed to date at him.
Robert byłby bardzo szczęśliwy, gdyby Sandra zgodziła się do z nim umówić.
Adam would play with us if he didn’t have so much homework to do.
Adam pobawiłby się z nami, gdyby nie miał tak dużo zadania domowego do odrobienia.
Czasownik ‘be’ w drugim trybie warunkowym przybiera formę ‘were’ przy każdej osobie
liczby pojedynczej i mnogiej lub też formę regularnej odmiany w Past Simple.
If I was / were president, I would change many things.
Gdybym był prezydentem, zmieniłbym wiele rzeczy.
If Alice was / were at home, she would pick up the phone.
Gdyby Alicja była w domu, odebrałaby telefon.
Harry would be a good basketball player if he was / were taller.
Harry byłby dobrym koszykarzem, gdyby był wyższy.
I. Połącz zdania.
If the shops were open, ...
If you worked better, ...
If John had a girlfriend, ...
If the weather improved, ...
If today were Sunday, ...
we would go for a walk.
he would not feel lonely.
people would go shopping.
I would not have to go to work.
the boss would pay you more.
II. Zakreśl poprawną odpowiedź.
1. We would buy / bought a car if somebody lent / would lend us some cash.
2. It were / would be better if you would talk / talked to your teachers.
3. If Mr Hicks had / would have a garden, he had / would have something to do.
4. I would be / were seasick if we would travel / travelled by ship.
5. If Nigel left / would leave for a long time, Ann missed / would miss him a lot.
6. If we would have / had matches, we made / would make a bonfire.
7. Everybody liked / would like you if you weren’t / wouldn’t be so mean.
8. She wouldn’t be / weren’t so popular if she weren’t / wouldn’t be an actress.
III. Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami w poprawnej formie.
1. If Mr Adams .............................. (be) rich, Monica .............................. (marry) him.
2. I .............................. (not work) hard if I .............................. (be) a millionaire.
3. Jenny .............................. (get) slim if she .............................. (stop) eating sweets.
4. If we .............................. (have) a baby, we .............................. (be) very happy.
5. I .............................. (not jog) with you if the distance .............................. (be) longer.
6. Tom .............................. (not know) so many people if he .............................. (not
work) in the disco club.
7. We .............................. (come) to help you if we .............................. (not be) so busy.
8. If the pupils .............................. (behave) well, their teacher .............................. (not
punish) them so often.
9. If I .............................. (have) pen friends, I .............................. (write) letters to them.
10. Mike .............................. (not look) so funny if he .............................. (cut) his hair.
IV. Napisz zdania w trybie warunkowym II.
1. Tom is usually very sad.
2. Joe often comes late.
3. Alice is very fat.
4. The teacher often reprimands us.
5. My father has to get up at dawn.
Tom would not be sad if ...........................…......
Bezokolicznik i ‘Gerund’
W zdaniach złożonych często dwa czasowniki zajmują miejsce obok siebie. W języku
angielskim istnieje kilka wariantów połączenia dwóch lub więcej czasowników w zdaniu.
W języku polskim drugi czasownik - występujący po orzeczeniu - ma postać
bezokolicznika np.
Ja chcę oglądać telewizję.
On lubi biegać.
Ona nienawidzi robić prania.
Podobna możliwość istnieje w języku angielskim. Angielski czasownik w postaci
pełnego bezokolicznika występuje z partykułą ‘to’ np.
to sleep
to wait
to open
to close
to write
Niepełny bezokolicznik występuje bez partykuły ‘to’.
Czasowniki w formie niepełnego bezokolicznika występują po czasownikach modalnych
(z wyjątkiem ‘ought to’ i ‘used to’) np.
I can tell you the time. Frank may go to the disco. They should apologise to us.
We will travel by train. You will not watch the news. Eric would be in trouble.
Czasowniki w pełnym bezokoliczniku występują po następujących czasownikach:
agree begin expect forget learn like love manage plan start try want
Tom agreed to bring his tape recorder. I expect to finish the work before noon.
We are planning to visit Vienna next month. I will try to learn French well.
He never forgets to water the flowers. Mary learnt to drive last year.
Innym wariantem jest forma ‘Gerund’. Tworzy się ją przy pomocy końcówki ‘-ing’.
smile - smiling
play - playing
smoke - smoking
make - making
Forma ‘Gerund’ występuje po następujących czasownikach:
Niektóre czasowniki mogą występować z obydwoma formami.
Fiona began learning / to learn at 6 a.m. I hate doing shopping.
Mike likes playing / to play chess. Do you mind opening the window?
I regret calling my friend names. Thomas enjoys listening to classical music.
When did you finish writing the book? Celina prefers sunbathing to swimming.
I. Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami w poprawnej formie.
1. We wanted ................................. (visit) the Royal Palace but we had too little time.
2. My little brother likes ................................. (read) fairy tales.
3. I do not mind ................................. (play) a game on a rainy day.
4. Where did Peter learn ................................. (speak) French so well?
5. Mr Ryan doesn’t enjoy ................................. (work) in the garden.
6. Can you ................................. (stand) on your hands?
7. The wind started ................................. (blow) at night.
8. I expected ................................. (meet) my favourite football player in Manchester.
9. Is it true that Adam hates ................................. (learn) languages?
10. Don’t forget ................................. (water) the flowers.
11. Did Mrs Shean agree ................................. (lend) us her vacuum-cleaner?
12. The mechanic has just finished ................................. (repair) your car.
13. I think you should ................................. (listen) to your parents.
14. When we were younger, we used ................................. (be) close friends.
15. What are you planning ................................. (do) this evening?
II. Uzupełnij zdania właściwymi czasownikami w poprawnej formie.
1. I will try ................................. the punctured tyre as fast as I can.
2. If we made a mess, our mother would ................................. very angry.
3. Mr Jones is in a good shape. He loves ................................. fit.
4. Your map is not good. You will never manage ................................. the treasure.
5. I see you are busy. I don’t want ................................. you now, so I will come later.
6. Mary says she enjoys ................................. photographs of nature.
7. The pupils started ................................ when the teacher went out of the classroom.
8. Do they mind ................................. the castle in such a big group?
III. Napisz odpowiedzi do pytań stosując poprawną formę czasowników.
1. ‘Are you a good cook?’
2. ‘When will you be in Rome?’
3. ‘What about your future?’
4. ‘Have you got a newspaper?’
5. ‘Are you still reading the book?’
6. ‘Does Tom like basketball?’
7. ‘What did your mother say?’
8. ‘How do you feel about it now?’
9. ‘What is the man doing?’
10. ‘Is it wrong if I smoke here?’
No, I ................................................... (hate / cook).
I ....................................... (expect / arrive) at noon.
I ................................. (want / become) a musician.
No, I ............................................... (forget / buy) it.
No, I .............................. (finish / read) it last week.
Yes, he ........................................... (enjoy / play) it.
She ......................................... (agree / go) with us.
I ................................... (regret / behave) so rudely.
He .......................................... (try / open) the gate.
No, I ....................................... (mind / smoke) here.
Konstrukcje bezokolicznikowe
Bezokolicznikiem określa się czasownik w postaci nieodmienionej. Angielski czasownik
w formie pełnego bezokolicznika występuje z partykułą ‘to’ np.
to break
to laugh
to know
to jump
to open
Bezokolicznikową formę czasownika wykorzystuje się do tworzenia rozmaitych
złożonych konstrukcji. Bezokolicznik czasownika może występować po orzeczeniu np.
We want to stay at home.
Eric is trying to repair his motorbike.
Tak opisana czynność odnosi się do osoby, która jest podmiotem zdania. Bezokolicznik
może być stosowany jako forma opisująca cel innej czynności. Przybiera wówczas
znaczenie ‘aby, żeby ...’ np.
I am going to the library to borrow some books.
Idę do biblioteki, aby pożyczyć kilka książek.
Sandra opened the wardrobe to take out her coat.
Sandra otworzyła szafę, aby wyjąć swój płaszcz.
Bezokolicznik może wystąpić po przymiotniku, zastępując zdanie podrzędne np.
I am glad that I see you. lub I am glad to see you.
Cieszę się, że cię widzę.
We are happy that we live here. lub We are happy to live here.
Jesteśmy szczęśliwi, że tutaj mieszkamy.
Bezokolicznik występuje także w zdaniach z dopełnieniem. Opisuje zwykle czynność
wykonaną przez podmiot, ale odnoszącą się do dopełnienia. Konstrukcja taka ma
następującą postać:
podmiot + orzeczenie + dopełnienie + bezokolicznik czasownika
her brother
swojego brata
to switch off the TV.
aby wyłączył telewizor.
Konstrukcja taka może wystąpić po następujących czasownikach:
advise ask encourage expect recommend remind tell want would like
Tom advised Peter to study hard. My mother encouraged me to go for a walk.
We expect our friends to be on time. Alex recommended us to watch the film.
Mr Lean reminded his pupils to do their homework. I want you to clean the mess.
Sony would like his brother to help him. Lisa told John to give her book back.
I. Napisz odpowiedzi jak w przykładzie.
1. Why do people go to the seaside?
2. Why do people go to a restaurant?
3. Why do people go to a supermarket?
4. Why do people go to a travel agent?
5. Why do people go to a disco?
6. Why do people go to a post office?
7. Why do people go to a library?
8. Why do people go to a bank?
9. Why do people go to a café?
10. Why do people go to school?
People go to the seaside to sunbathe.
People ...........................................................
II. Przepisz zdania stosując bezokolicznik czasownika.
1. Peter brought the ladder because he wanted to climb onto the roof.
Peter brought the ladder to ...............................................................…….....................
2. Mary went to church because she wanted to pray.
Mary ............................................................................................................................
3. Mr Amber stopped his car because he wanted to check the tyres.
4. The hunter loaded his rifle because he wanted to kill the bear.
5. I switched on the TV because I wanted to watch cartoons.
III. Napisz zdania według przykładu.
1. Mrs Holly to Simon: ‘Wipe your feet.’
(tell) Mrs Holly told Simon to wipe his feet.
2. Mr Thuram to his wife: ‘Could you buy me a packet of biscuits?’
(ask) ............................................................................................................................
3. The teacher to his students: ‘Don’t forget to write a summary.’
(remind) ......................................................................................................................
4. Helen to her best friend: ‘You should apologise to the boy.’
(advise) ...……….........................................................................................................
5. Michael to Ronald: ‘Bring my records back on Friday.’
(tell) .............................................................................................................................
6. Ms Phillips to her pupils: ‘I hope that you will behave better.’
(expect) .......................................................................................................................
Imiesłów czynny – ‘Present participle’
Imiesłów czynny (Present participle) w języku angielskim tworzy się przez dodanie
końcówki ‘-ing’ do czasownika np.
run - running
cry - crying
grow - growing
walk - walking
Imiesłów czynny stosowany jest w funkcji przymiotnika np.
a falling star
spadająca gwiazda
a burning pain
piekący ból
dancing people
tańczący ludzie
a sinking boat
tonąca łódź
Imiesłów w roli przymiotnika może zastąpić zdanie z zaimkiem względnym:
people who are running = running people
the girl who is smiling = the smiling girl
leaves which are rustling = rustling leaves
the train that is speeding = the speeding train
Imiesłów czynny występuje po czasownikach opisujących czynności narządów
zmysłów np.
listen to
W konstrukcji imiesłowowej z powyższymi czasownikami występuje również
dopełnienie. Konstrukcja taka ma następującą strukturę:
czasownik + dopełnienie + imiesłów czynny
Imiesłów opisuje tutaj czynność jaką zarejestrował określony narząd zmysłu np.
Nick noticed Mr Lee pilfering apples from his father’s garden.
Nick zauważył pana Lee podkradającego/jak podkradał jabłka z ogrodu jego taty.
I saw the men getting into a limousine.
Widziałem tych mężczyzn wsiadających/jak wsiadali do limuzyny.
I heard them speaking about you.
Słyszałem ich jak rozmawiali o tobie.
I can smell the soup burning.
Czuję, że zupa się przypala.
Imiesłów czynny stosowany po czasownikach określających czynności narządów
zmysłów opisuje czynność zarówno dokonaną, jak i niedokonaną, czyli taką, która była
lub też nie była widziana, słyszana lub obserwowana od początku do końca.
I. Przepisz podane zwroty stosując imiesłów w roli przymiotnika.
1. children who are playing
2. snow that is falling
3. water which is running
4. men who are quarrelling
5. walls which are breaking
6. people who are waiting
7. meal that is burning
8. wind that is blowing
........................................ children
........................................ ........................................
........................................ ........................................
........................................ ........................................
........................................ ........................................
........................................ ........................................
........................................ ........................................
........................................ ........................................
II. Napisz odpowiedzi stosując imiesłów czynny.
1. What can you see? (some men / run)
2. Who are you listening to? (the Pope / preach)
3. What did you notice? (a fox / escape)
4. What did you smell? (milk / burn)
5. What can you hear? (wolves / howl)
6. Who are you watching? (Mr Grey / work)
7. What did you see? (an airplane / land)
8. What did you hear? (a girl / scream)
I can see two men ...................….....
III. Napisz zdania stosując imiesłów czynny.
1. Andrew kissed Paula. I saw it.
I saw Andrew .........................................................…...................................................
2. George dropped the litter. I noticed it.
I ...................................................................................................................................
3. The birds are building a nest. We are observing them.
4. Nicole told a lie. My friend heard it.
5. You were playing the guitar. I was listening to it.
6. The man stole the bag. I noticed him.
7. Mr Turner was using the computer. I saw it.
8. She is shouting. I can hear her.
9. The canary is singing. I am listening to it.
10. Our children are playing together. We are watching them.
Mowa zależna
W celu przytoczenia czyjejś wypowiedzi, można wykorzystać dwa sposoby. Jednym z
nich jest bezpośrednie odtworzenie dokładnej wypowiedzi (mowa niezależna) np.
Tom: ‘I am very busy at the moment.’
Rita: ‘We are moving to Canada.’
Tego typu wypowiedzi spotyka się zwykle w książkach, artykułach prasowych i cytatach.
Drugim sposobem relacjonowania wypowiedzi jest mowa zależna. Występuje ona
wtedy, gdy wypowiedź jest przetwarzana lub ewentualnie wyrażana innymi słowami
przez drugą osobę. W celu przytoczenia czyjejś wypowiedzi można zastosować
czasowniki ‘relacjonujące’, po których występuje spójnik ‘that’ - ‘że’. Do czasowników
takich należą:
point out
say / tell
W mowie zależnej nie stosuje się cudzysłowu np.
Joan: ‘I like winter.’  Joan says that she likes winter.
Mike: ‘I am very tired.’  Mike says that he is very tired.
Mr Jones: ‘We danced all night.’  Mr Jones says that they danced all night.
Bob: ‘My brother has got a girlfriend.’  Bob says that his brother has got a girlfriend.
Należy pamiętać, że w mowie zależnej niezbędna jest odpowiednia transformacja
relacjonowanego zdania, co zwykle wiąże się ze zmianą zaimka i odmiany czasownika.
Spójnik ‘that’ - ‘że’ można opuścić po czasownikach ‘say’ oraz ‘tell’. Dzieje się tak
przeważnie w mowie potocznej. Po innych czasownikach ‘relacjonujących’ jest on
zwykle zachowany.
Our teacher says (that) we are a very good group.
Sandra says (that) her parents are going to visit us.
Mrs Harris says (that) her children were in Greece on holiday.
Jeżeli czasownik relacjonujący występuje w czasie teraźniejszym, wówczas czas zdania
relacjonowanego nie ulega żadnym zmianom. Jeżeli, zaś jest on w czasie przeszłym,
wówczas czas zdania relacjonowanego zmienia się według reguły następstwa czasów
(rozdz. 84).
Sarah: ‘The food is awful.’  Sarah complains that the food is awful.
Richard: ‘We slept in our tents.’  Richard says that they slept in their tents.
Brian: ‘I have been to London twice.’  Brian says he has been to London twice.
Uncle Joe: ‘I will visit you in June.’  Uncle Joe promises that he will visit us in June.
I. Przepisz zdania stosując mowę zależną.
1. ‘I am an architect’ - the man says.
2. ‘We have got a garden’ - they say.
3. ‘I don’t like football.’ - Eva says.
4. ‘Thomas was at home.’ - Mr Dean says.
5. ‘We will be on time.’ - they promise.
6. ‘I am not going to wait long.’ - Ann says.
7. ‘Our grandfather lived in Leeds.’ - he says
8. ‘The door was locked.’ - they explain.
9. ‘I don’t have much time.’ - Rick says
10. ‘Life is hard.’ - people complain.
11. ‘I will never disappoint you.’ - he promises
12. ‘Peter has borrowed the book.’ - Tom says
13. ‘We are going to Spain.’ - the tourists say
14. ‘The apples are not ripe yet.’ - Mr Lee says
15. ‘I will tell you the truth.’ - the boy promises
The man says that ........................….....
II. Przepisz zdania stosując mowę zależną oraz czasowniki podane w nawiasach.
1. Mark: ‘I hate cooking’ (say)
2. Lisa: ‘We are very happy together.’ (say)
3. Mrs Green: ‘It is so cold here.’ (complain)
4. Our neighbour: ‘I was in hospital. ‘ (say)
5. The policeman: ‘I will give you a fine.’ (say)
6. Joe: ‘Everything will be all right.’ (promise)
7. Gillian: ‘We were talking all night.’ (say)
8. Dave: ‘I have just come back.’ (explain)
9. Mr Wilson: ‘My children went by bus.’ (say)
10. My sister: ‘It’s raining hard.’ (say)
Mark says ...................…......................
III. Napisz zdania w mowie zależnej stosując odpowiednie czasowniki.
1. Rick: ‘These shoes are too small for me.’
2. Mrs Grey: ‘I don’t want to watch the game.’
3. Monica: ‘This party is boring.’
4. Ann: ‘I will bring you some sweets.’
5. Mr Lee: ‘The kids are making lots of noise.’
6. Our guide: ‘This castle is very old.’
7. Vicky: ‘I was born is Sweden.’
8. The Browns: ‘We have sold our flat.’
Rick .......................................................
Mowa zależna i następstwo czasów
Mową zależną określa się sposób relacjonowania wypowiedzi. Polega ona na
przetworzeniu oraz wyrażeniu oryginalnej wypowiedzi za pomocą innych słów (rozdz.
83). Do relacjonowania wypowiedzi służą czasowniki, po których zwykle występuje
spójnik ‘that’ - ‘że’ Jeżeli czasownik ‘relacjonujący’ występuje w czasie teraźniejszym,
wówczas czas zdania relacjonowanego nie ulega zmianie np.
Simon: ‘I often meet my friends.’  Simon says that he often meets his friends.
Present Simple
Present Simple
Eva: ‘We travelled by plane.’  Eva says that they travelled by plane.
Past Simple
Past Simple
Jeżeli, zaś czasownik relacjonujący występuje w czasie przeszłym, wówczas czas
zdania relacjonowanego ulega zmianie według reguły następstwa czasów. Zasadę tę
prezentuje poniższa tabela.
Present Simple
Past Simple
Mowa niezależna  ‘I am at work.’, Tom said.
Mowa zależna  Tom said (that) he was at work.
Mowa niezależna  ‘We like football.’, they said.
Mowa zależna  They said (that) they liked football.
Present Continuous
Past Continuous
Mowa niezależna  ‘Lisa is playing in the garden.’, Mr Howard said.
Mowa zależna  Mr Howard said (that) Lisa was playing in the garden.
Mowa niezależna  ‘We are having a good time.’, the people said.
Mowa zależna  The people said (that) they were having a good time.
Future Simple
Future Simple in the Past
Mowa niezależna  ‘I will lend you the book.’, David said.
Mowa zależna  David said (that) he would lend me that book.
Mowa niezależna  ‘We will keep quiet.’, they promised.
Mowa zależna  They promised (that) they would keep quiet.
Powyższa tabela nie prezentuje wszystkich wariantów następstwa czasów ze względu
na fakt, że niniejsza książka nie uwzględnia trudniejszych czasów jak np. Past Perfect
lub Past Perfect Continuous. Aby poszerzyć wiedzę na ten temat, warto skorzystać
z podręcznika gramatyki angielskiej dla osób o wyższym stopniu zaawansowania.
I. Przepisz zdania stosując mowę zależną oraz następstwo czasów.
Paul said ..................................................
1. ‘I have got a sheep dog.’ - Paul said.
2. ‘We are not afraid.’ - they told me.
3. ‘Eva is ill.’ - Mrs Wilson said.
4. ‘The Deans are waiting.’ - Adam said.
5. ‘I am going fishing.’ - Mr Flynn explained.
6. ‘I don’t have time.’ - Mary told her friend.
7. ‘This computer is out of order.’ - he said.
8. ‘The people look very angry.’ - she said.
9. ‘I am alone.’ - I complained.
10. ‘I will give you a ride.’ - Eva promised.
11. ‘We are having a good time. ‘ - they said.
12. ‘The water is polluted.’ - he explained.
13. ‘You learn too little.’ - she told her son.
14. ‘The insect is dangerous.’ - I said.
15. ‘I don’t like this place.’ - Tom complained.
II. Przepisz zdania stosując mowę zależną oraz następstwo czasów.
Mr Nolte said ..................................…......
Stanley told me ..............................….....
Tina complained ..................................….
The Ryans promised .........................…...
George explained ...............................…..
Mrs Lean told us ..................................…
Joan said .............................................….
Our neighbour said ...........................……
Alex answered .....................................….
The woman told us ..............................….
1. Mr Nolte: ‘I hate doing shopping.’
2. Stanley: ‘My mother works in a bank.’
3. Tina: ‘Rob is pulling my hair.’
4. The Ryans: ‘We will buy the tickets.’
5. George: ‘I am in trouble.’
6. Mrs Lean: ‘You are going to write a test.’
7. Joan: ‘I don’t have to take any medicine.’
8. Our neighbour: ‘I will cut down the tree.’
9. Alex: ‘I am doing my homework.’
10. The woman: ‘You are very polite.’
III. Przepisz zdania z dialogu stosując mowę zależną i następstwo czasów.
Adam: ‘I am a schoolboy.’
Frank: ‘I am a student.’
Adam: ‘I have to get up early every day.’
Frank: ‘I can usually sleep longer.’
Adam: ‘I have got a lot of friends.’
Frank: ‘I don’t have many friends.’
Adam: ‘My teachers are very strict.’
Frank: ‘My tutors are not so demanding.’
Adam: ‘Geography is my favourite subject.’
Frank: ‘I love history.’
Adam said .............................................….
Frank answered .................................……
Adam complained ................................…..
Frank said .............................................….
Adam told Frank ...................................….
Frank complained ................................…..
Adam said .............................................….
Frank told Adam ...................................….
Adam said ........................................…......
Frank answered .........................……........
Pytania w mowie zależnej
Mową zależną określa się sposób relacjonowania wypowiedzi. Polega ona na
przetworzeniu oraz wyrażeniu oryginalnej wypowiedzi za pomocą innych słów. Zasady
stosowania mowy zależnej omówione zostały w rozdziałach 83 i 84.
Niekiedy wypowiedź ma charakter pytania, które również można relacjonować przy
użyciu mowy zależnej. Najczęściej stosowanymi czasownikami ‘relacjonującymi’ są:
be curious
want to know
być ciekawym
chcieć się dowiedzieć
zastanawiać się
Pytania można podzielić na takie, które rozpoczynają się od zaimków pytających (What,
Who, Where, When itd.) oraz takie, które tworzone są bez zaimków. W przypadku pytań
bez zaimków pytających, w mowie zależnej stosuje się spójnik ‘if’ - ‘czy’. Jeżeli pytanie
zawiera zaimek pytający, wówczas ten sam zaimek pełni funkcję spójnika.
Aby zrelacjonować pytanie w mowie zależnej, należy zmienić jego strukturę. Zdanie
pytające w mowie zależnej ma postać zdania twierdzącego, co oznacza, że nie
występuje tutaj ani inwersja, ani operator, zaś orzeczenie zajmuje miejsce za pomiotem.
przykłady pytań utworzonych bez zaimków pytających
Linda: ‘Are the Browns moving out?’  Linda is asking if the Browns are moving out.
Tom: ‘Did you go to the seaside?’  Tom wants to know if I went to the seaside.
Mary: ‘Have they been to Berlin?’  Mary is asking if they have been to Berlin.
Sarah: ‘Will Harry come late?’  Sarah is asking if Harry will come late.
Eva: ‘Does Brian like pudding?’  Eva is asking if Brian likes pudding.
Robert: ‘Is it cold outside?’  Robert is asking if it is cold outside.
przykłady pytań utworzonych przy użyciu zaimków pytających
Bob: ‘Where did you go on holiday?’  Bob wants to know where I went on holiday.
Alice: ‘When are they returning?’  Alice wants to know when they are returning.
Irene: ‘How old is your daughter?’  Irene is asking how old our daughter is.
Wendy: ‘What is your name?’  Wendy is asking what my name is.
Steve: Why was Gina sad?’  Steve is asking why Gina was sad.
Pytania relacjonowane w czasie przeszłym podlegają regule następstwa czasów
(rozdz. 84) np.
Nigel: ‘Will Eric come with you?’  Nigel wanted to know if Eric would come with us.
Monica: ‘Where does Peter work?’  Monica asked where Peter worked.
Diane: ‘What are you eating?’  Diane asked what I was eating.
Lisa: ‘Are you ready?’  Lisa asked if we were ready.
I. Dokończ pytania w mowie zależnej.
1. Lena: ‘Is this soup tasty?’
2. Mike: ‘Does Harry live in Boston?’
3. Eva: ‘Was it hot yesterday?’
4. Meg: ‘Are the kids going to school?’
5. Lou: ‘Did Mr Grey win the game?’
6. Ann: ‘Have you got a ruler?’
7. Noah: ‘Were the children afraid?’
8. Bill: ‘Will Mrs Tandy punish us?
Lena is asking ...............................……..........
Mike wants to know ................................….....
Eva is asking ......................................….........
Meg wants to know .........................................
Lou is asking ..........................................…......
Ann wants to know ...................................…....
Noah is asking ...................................…..........
Bill is wondering ….................................…......
II. Dokończ pytania w mowie zależnej.
1. Brian: ‘Where is your bicycle?’
2. Mr Lee: ‘When is Fiona leaving?’
3. Ted: ‘What is this?’
4. Ms Levy: ‘What is the girl’s name?’
5. Eric: ‘Why were they angry?’
6. Sue: ‘How long has he lived here?’
7. Paul: ‘Where is Tony going?’
8. Rita: ‘What will you do?’
Brian is asking ................................….............
Mr Lee wants to know ..........................…........
Ted is wondering ..................................….......
Ms Levy wants to know ........................…........
Eric is asking .......................................…........
Sue wants to know ................................….......
Paul is asking ....................................…..........
Rita wants to know ...............................….......
III. Przepisz pytania stosując mowę zależną.
1. Mary to Eva: ‘Are you sleeping?’
2. Bob to Sean: ‘Where is your father?’
3. Lisa to Ann: ‘Did they quarrel?’
4. Tom to Sue: ‘When will Alice arrive?’
5. Eva to Paul: ‘What do you like?’
6. Mike to Ann: ‘Was it raining hard?’
7. Ike to Nick: ‘How old are you?’
8. Bob to Lena: ‘Do you know the man?’
Mary is asking Eva ...........….........................
IV. Przepisz pytania stosując mowę zależną oraz następstwo czasów.
1. John: ‘Is Monica at home?’
2. Steven: ‘Have you got pen friends?’
3. Betty: ‘Does Alex like seafood?’
4. Cathy: ‘Are they having a good time?’
5. Mark: ‘When will Sue be ready?’
6. I: ‘Is Tim going to study biology?’
7. Mr Harris: ‘Where is the bus satation?’
8. The man: ‘What has she in the bag?’
John asked ...........................................….....
Steven asked ......................….......................
Betty wanted to know ....................................
Cathy asked .........................….....................
Mark asked .............................…..................
I wondered .................................…................
Mr Harris asked .............................…............
The man wanted to know ...........……..........
Strona bierna (I)
Stronę bierną w języku angielskim stosuje się znacznie częściej niż w języku polskim.
Z powodu dużej ilości form czasowych, poprawne tworzenie strony biernej w języku
angielskim wymaga ich dobrej znajomości.
Podstawą strony biernej w języku angielskim jest imiesłów bierny, czyli dokonana
postać czasownika. Imiesłów bierny czasowników regularnych tworzy się przez dodanie
końcówki ‘-ed’. Imiesłów bierny czasowników nieregularnych można odnaleźć w trzeciej
części tabeli (str.188). Form tych należy nauczyć się na pamięć.
repair - repaired
open - opened
paint - painted
damage - damaged
write - written
find - found
catch - caught
buy - bought
Cechą wspólną wszystkich konstrukcji w stronie biernej jest czasownik ‘be’ występujący
tutaj w roli operatora.
Strona bierna czasu Present Simple i Present Continuous.
Struktura strony biernej czasu Present Simple ma następującą postać:
Podmiot + teraźniejsza odmiana ‘be’ + imiesłów bierny
W stronie biernej podmiotem zdania staje się dopełnienie ze zdania w stronie czynnej,
zaś wykonawcę czynności opisuje przyimek ‘by’ - ‘przez’. Zaimek osobowy znajdujący
się za przyimkiem ‘by’ ma postać biernika. Operator ‘be’ odmienia się stosownie do
podmiotu zdania w czasie teraźniejszym.
I paint pictures.  Pictures are painted by me.
Ja maluję obrazy.
Obrazy są malowane przeze mnie
Tom eats hamburgers.  Hamburgers are eaten by Tom.
I use the computer.  The computer is used by me.
They build houses  Houses are built by them.
We keep a dog.  A dog is kept by us.
Strona bierna czasu Present Continuous podobna jest do struktury Present Simple.
Jednakże pomiędzy operatorem ‘be’ a imiesłowem biernym znajduje się słowo ‘being’,
którego nie należy tłumaczyć na język polski.
They are checking our passports.  Our passports are being checked by them.
You are watching a comedy.  A comedy is being watched by you.
I am eating a sandwich.  A sandwich is being eaten by me.
Mike is reading a book.  A book is being read by Mike.
I. Napisz zdania w stronie biernej czasu ‘Present Simple’.
1. stamps / collect / Peter
2. TV / watch / us
3. pictures / paint / Mary
4. bread / bake / a baker
5. grass / eat / cows
6. photos / take / me
7. meals / cook / our mother
8. the washing / do / you
Stamps are ................…................ by .......................
II. Przepisz zdania stosując stronę bierną.
1. I set the alarm-clock.
2. John wears glasses.
3. We clean the rooms.
4. Mr Turner cuts the grass.
5. Tom loves Monica.
6. You buy food.
7. They teach karate.
8. The woman sells flowers.
The alarm-clock is ......................... by ...…...............
III. Napisz zdania w stronie biernej czasu ‘Present Continuous’.
1. a letter / write / Eva
2. the bike / repair / Mr Grey
3. the bus / drive / you
4. the newspaper / read / me
5. the coffee / drink / Lisa
6. the road / mend / the workers
7. a cigarette / smoke / him
8. music / play / Michael
A letter is being ...................…....... by ..….................
IV. Przepisz zdania stosując stronę bierną.
1. I am building a boat.
2. Vicky is doing shopping.
3. My father is telling jokes.
4. You are eating lunch.
5. The men are using our map.
6. The storm is destroying trees.
7. He is carrying a parcel.
8. They are learning English.
A boat is being ..................…........ by .…...................
Strona bierna (II)
Aby dobrze posługiwać się stroną bierną, niezbędna jest dobra znajomość struktur
czasowych oraz imiesłowu biernego czasowników. Czasowniki regularne tworzą tę
formę przy pomocy końcówki ‘-ed’, zaś imiesłów bierny czasowników nieregularnych
znajduje się w trzeciej części tabeli (str.188). Cechą charakterystyczną strony biernej
jest czasownik ‘be’, który występuje tutaj w funkcji operatora.
Strona bierna czasu Past Simple i Past Continuous.
Struktura strony biernej czasu Past Simple podobna jest do struktury Present Simple.
Jedyną różnicą jest odmiana operatora ‘be’ - tutaj w czasie przeszłym.
Podmiot + was/were + imiesłów bierny
I opened the door.  The door was opened by me.
Adam took photos.  Photos were taken by Adam.
We met Mrs Jennings.  Mrs Jennings was met by us.
You broke two windows.  Two windows were broken by you.
Struktura strony biernej czasu Past Continuous podobna jest do struktury Past
Simple. Jedyną różnicą jest tutaj słowo ‘being’ znajdujące się pomiędzy operatorem,
a imiesłowem biernym. Słowa tego nie należy tłumaczyć na język polski.
I was making noise.  Noise was being made by me.
Betty was doing shopping.  Shopping was being done by Betty.
We were asking questions.  Questions were being asked by us.
The policemen were chasing a thief.  A thief was being chased by the policemen.
Strona bierna czasu Present Perfect.
Operatorem głównym w czasie Present Perfect jest odmiana czasownika ‘have’.
W stronie biernej pozostaje on w tej samej postaci i na tym samym miejscu. Po nim, zaś
występuje dokonana forma czasownika ‘be’ - ‘been’, której w tym przypadku nie należy
tłumaczyć na język polski.
Podmiot + have/has + been + imiesłów bierny
You have locked the gate.  The gate has been locked by you.
Mary has brought flowers.  Flowers have been brought by Mary.
The Greys have sold the house.  The house has been sold by the Greys.
Ronald has invited a lot of people.  A lot of people have been invited by Ronald.
I. Napisz zdania w stronie biernej czasu ‘Past Simple’.
1. the book / write / Mr Dean
2. the windows / break / them
3. dinner / cook / our mother
4. the fish / catch / me
5. my bike / borrow / Adam
6. the car / sell / us
7. the plane / construct / him
8. a mess / make / the pupils
The book was ........................…..... by ..…................
II. Napisz zdania w stronie biernej czasu ‘Past Continuous’.
1. apples / pick / the gardener
2. breakfast / eat / the family
3. trees / cut down / the men
4. loud music / play / them
5. the kids / watch / their parents
6. I / drive / a taxi driver
7. a rucksack / carry / Mary
8. the computer / use / me
Apples were being ...................…... by ....................
III. Napisz zdania w stronie biernej czasu ‘Present Perfect’.
1. the car / buy / Mr Eliot
2. the school / renovate / us
3. the clock / set / Thomas
4. the sweets / bring / aunt Sally
5. the trees / destroy / a tornado
6. the truth / reveal / the boys
7. the printer / damage / you
8. the gold medal / win / Peter
The car has been ...................….... by ...…...............
IV. Przepisz zdania w stronie biernej.
1. We were typing letters.
2. You made a snowman.
3. David has seen a UFO.
4. They drank milk.
5. We have forgotten the keys.
6. Alice was cleaning the house.
7. My friends invited me.
8. I lost the documents.
Wish + Past Simple
Czasownik ‘wish’ służy do wyrażenia życzenia lub prośby. Oznacza on ‘życzyć sobie,
chcieć, pragnąć’ i może wystąpić z konstrukcją bezokolicznikową np.
I wish to meet this beautiful girl.
Robert wishes to buy a new computer.
Do konstrukcji takiej można także dodać dopełnienie, wyrażając w ten sposób życzenie
odnoszące się do innej osoby np.
We wish our son to be more thoughtful.
Our father wishes us to help him after school.
Czasownik ‘wish’ jest także stosowany w konstrukcji, która służy do wyrażenia żalu lub
życzenia odnoszącego się do sytuacji, którą osoba mówiąca chciałaby móc zmienić.
Konstrukcja ta wymaga użycia czasu Past Simple po dopełnieniu.
Podmiot + wish + dopełnienie + Past Simple
Dopełnieniem w tej konstrukcji może być ta sama osoba co podmiot lub inna np.
I wish I had a driving license. - Żałuję / Szkoda, że nie mam prawa jazdy.
Chciałbym mieć prawo jazdy.
Tom wishes he could go with us. - Tom żałuje że nie może pojechać z nami.
Tom chciałby móc pojechać z nami.
I wish they didn’t make so much noise. - Chciałbym, aby oni nie robili tyle hałasu.
We wish our children were more diligent. - Szkoda, że nasze dzieci nie są bardziej
pilne. / Chcielibyśmy, aby nasze dzieci były bardziej pilne.
Osoba wyrażająca żal lub życzenie za pomocą takiej konstrukcji zwykle ma niewielką
nadzieję, że dana sytuacja ulegnie zmianie. Stąd, konstrukcja ta wyraża życzenie,
którego spełnienie wydaje się mało prawdopodobne.
Stanley’s friends don’t visit him often.  Stanley wishes his friends visited him often.
Monica has too much work.  Monica wishes she didn’t have so much work.
We live in an old house.  We wish we didn’t live in an old house.
Należy także pamiętać, że czasownik ‘be’ występujący z konstrukcją ‘wish’ przybiera
formę ‘were’ przy każdej osobie liczby pojedynczej i mnogiej.
Our parents are so strict.  We wish our parents were not so strict.
I am very shy.  I wish I were not so shy. / I wish I were brave.
The Browns are not rich.  The Browns wish they were rich.
I. Napisz zdania stosując konstrukcję ‘wish + Past Simple’.
1. I / be / taller
2. Alice / have / a dog
3. we / not live / in a city
4. Paul / study / economics
5. you / can / swim well
6. Mr Lee / not work / in a factory
7. they / not be / in trouble
8. Dave / know / Ms Taylor
I wish I ......................................................…......
II. Napisz zdania stosując konstrukcję ‘wish + Past Simple’.
I wish I ....................................................…........
Brian ........................................................….......
1. I don’t have many friends.
2. Brian is not good at sport.
3. We get too much homework.
4. The Greens don’t have children.
5. Eva lives alone.
6. Michael is very shy.
7. I can not speak German.
8. They have to get up at dawn.
III. Napisz zdania stosując konstrukcję ‘wish + Past Simple’.
1. My computer is out of order.
2. Bob’s girlfriend lives far away.
3. The Greys’ children are naughty.
4. Our neighbours don’t like us.
5. Mrs Walsh’s son cannot walk.
6. Their boss complains too much.
7. Betty’s boyfriend is abroad.
8. Mr Lee’s wife does not cook meals.
I wish my computer ...................................….....
Bob wishes ...................................................…..
The Greys ................................................….......
We ......................................................................
Mrs Walsh ..................................................…....
They ............................................................…...
Betty ...................................................................
Mr Lee ................................................................
IV. Dokończ zdania stosując podane czasowniki z konstrukcją ‘wish + Past Simple’.
earn more
know karate
learn harder
look modern
work longer
1. Our children’s school marks are rather bad. We wish ..................................................
2. You only stay in the office for four hours. I ................................................................…
3. Mr Johnson’s house is rather old. He ...........................................................................
4. Rob can’t fight. He ..........................................................................………….....….…...
5. Mrs Palmer’s husband’s salary is very low. She ...........................................................
Had better
Konstrukcja ‘had better’ jest stosowana do wyrażania zaleceń, porad lub sugestii
odnoszących się do teraźniejszości lub przyszłości.
W zdaniu ‘had better’ oznacza ‘lepiej jeśli, lepiej będzie jeżeli itp.’
Konstrukcja ta posiada jednakową odmianę przy każdej osobie liczby pojedynczej
i mnogiej. Za słowem ‘better’ umieszcza się czasownik w niepełnym bezokoliczniku,
czyli bez partykuły ‘to’ np.
I had better hurry up.
Lepiej będzie jeśli się pospieszę.
Peter had better talk to his teacher about this problem.
Będzie lepiej jeżeli Piotr porozmawia o tym problemie ze swoim nauczycielem.
You had better clean the room before your parents come back.
Lepiej posprzątaj swój pokój, zanim twoi rodzice wrócą.
Konstrukcja ‘had better’ może wystąpić w zdaniu w postaci skróconej np.
We’d better tell the truth.
You’d better write your homework.
I’d better go now.
Aby utworzyć formę przeczącą, należy dodać słowo ‘not’ przed czasownikiem np.
She had better not stay alone.
Lepiej niech ona nie zostaje sama.
They had better not waste so much money.
Oni nie powinni tracić tyle pieniędzy.
Mr Adams had better not repair the engine by himself.
Niech pan Adams nie naprawia tego silnika sam.
Zwykle nie tworzy się pytań do konstrukcji ‘had better’, jednakże istnieje konstrukcja:
Hadn’t + podmiot + better + bezokolicznik?
stosowana jako forma uprzejmej sugestii np.
Hadn’t you better put on a coat?
Czy nie będzie lepiej jeżeli założysz płaszcz?
Hadn’t your brother better go to a doctor?
Czy nie będzie lepiej jeżeli twój brat pójdzie do lekarza?
Hadn’t we better leave early in the morning?
Czy nie będzie lepiej jeżeli wyjedziemy wcześnie rano?
I. Napisz zdania stosując konstrukcję ‘had better’.
1. you / set the alarm-clock
2. we / go by plane
3. I / not sleep in the open air
4. they / not tease the dog
5. Lisa / take some medicine
6. you / not disturb your father
7. we / buy tickets
8. the children / not make noise
You had better ..............................….......................
II. Napisz sugestie stosując ‘had better’ oraz podane zwroty.
come later
fasten the seatbelt
go to a dentist
put on a pullover
go on a diet
take a torch
1. Mr Phillips is too fat. He ..............................................................................................
2. ‘I have got a terrible toothache.’ ‘You ..........................................................................’
3. The plane is taking off. I ...............................................................................................
4. It is dark in the cellar. You ............................................................................................
5. Mrs Campbell is very busy now. You ............................................................................
6. Isabel is cold. She ........................................................................................................
III. Przepisz zdania stosując konstrukcję ‘had better (not)’.
1. I think you should apologise to Jane.
2. I think we should ask someone for help.
3. I think Bob should not come late.
4. I think Mr Gordon should be careful.
5. I think the boys should not be rude.
6. I think I should have some hot tea.
7. I think Rita should not hide the truth.
8. I think they should take a map.
You had better ................................….......
We .............................................................
IV. Napisz własne sugestie dla podanych osób stosując ‘had better (not)’.
1. Monica has got a headache.
2. Mark is not doing well at school.
3. These apples are not ripe.
4. Mrs Jenkins is very tired.
5. Adam’s shoes are dirty.
6. Their room is in a mess.
7. I am late.
8. This dog looks bad.
Monica had better ..............…..................................
You ..........................................................................
It’s high time
Konstrukcję ‘It is (high) time’ stosuje się do wyrażenia polecenia wykonania czynności,
której czas właśnie nadszedł lub już minął.
‘It is (high) time’ oznacza ‘już czas, najwyższy czas, aby’.
Konstrukcja ta w swojej podstawowej postaci występuje z bezokolicznikiem czasownika
It is time to go.
Już czas iść.
It is time to finish work.
Już czas skończyć pracę.
It is time to tell Peter about our plans.
Już czas, aby powiedzieć Piotrowi o naszych planach.
W mowie potocznej zwykle stosuje się formę skróconą ‘It’s (high) time’ np.
It’s high time to switch off the TV.
It’s high time to start learning English.
Konstrukcja ‘It is (high) time’ może występować z dopełnieniem, które zajmuje miejsce
za przyimkiem ‘for’ np.
It’s high time for you to get up.
Już najwyższy czas, abyś wstał z łóżka.
It’s high time for us to pay our debts.
Już najwyższy czas, abyśmy spłacili nasze długi.
It’s high time for Mr Grey to water his plants.
Już najwyższy czas, aby pan Grey podlał kwiaty.
Innym wariantem tej konstrukcji jest czas przeszły czasownika - Past Simple - zamiast
formy bezokolicznikowej.
It’s (high) time + podmiot + Past Simple
It’s high time my baby went to bed.
Najwyższy czas, aby moje dziecko poszło spać.
Ten wariant konstrukcji stosuje się, aby podkreślić, iż wykonanie czynności jest już zbyt
mocno opóźnione.
I ordered a taxi half an hour ago. It’s high time it arrived.
It’s ten to eight. We are late. It’s high time we went to school.
You have been working since early morning. It’s high time you had a rest.
I. Napisz zdania stosując konstrukcję ‘It’s time for ... to ...’.
1. Greg / learn to read
2. we / leave home
3. the train / arrive
4. I / repair the iron
5. you / start packing
6. Linda / apologise to Tom
7. he / find a job
8. the children / get up
It’s time for Greg ........................…..................................
II. Napisz zdania stosując konstrukcję ‘It’s high time + Past Simple’.
1. you / apologise to Sarah
2. Mrs Green / retire
3. John / take the dog out
4. we / buy a new fridge
5. they / repair the roof
6. I / get the invitation
7. the Kellys / clean the drive
8. Mary / go on a diet
It’s high time you ..........................…...............................
III. Napisz zdania stosując konstrukcję ‘It’s high time + Past Simple’.
1. I haven’t sent the postcards yet.
2. Mark hasn’t visited his dentist yet.
3. You haven’t cleaned the room yet.
4. Sue hasn’t passed her exams yet.
5. We haven’t opened our shop yet.
6. Mr Lean hasn’t appeared yet.
7. The plane hasn’t landed yet.
8. It hasn’t stopped raining yet.
It’s high time I ..............................…...................
IV. Napisz zdania z konstrukcją ‘It’s high time’ oraz podanymi czasownikami.
get up
1. You still don’t know anybody here. It’s high time .................................... new friends.
2. The light is still on in the children’s room. .......................................................... it off.
3. The walls in our living room look horrible. .......................................................... them.
4. David is still in bed. .....................................................................................................
5. Your shoes look really bad. ........................................................................ new ones.
Zaimki osobowe
Eva - she
my book - it
John and his father - they
Brian - he
Elisabeth and Ann - they
this house - it
our teachers - they
money - it
these pictures - they
the sun - it
good films - they
an apple - it
you and I - we
my grandfather - he
Mr Green’s car - it
their school - it
this woman - she
chocolate - it
students - they
water - it
II. 1. He is ... 2. They are … 3. It is … 4. She loves … 5. They are … 6. It is …
7. He is … 8. It is … 9. They are … 10. It is … 11. She is … 12. It is …
III. 1. He 2. She 3. They 4. It 5. They 6. It 7. It 8. They 9. It 10. It
Czasownik ‘be’ - czas teraźniejszy
I. 1 am, is 2. is, is 3. are, is 4. are, are 5. is 6. are, is 7. are, is 8. are, are
9. is, is 10. is
II. 1. Are you happy, too? 2. are - Are they happy too? 3. is - Is Bob a director,
4. are - Are the Greys busy, too? 5. is - Are bees insects, too? 6. is - Is her
sister in hospital, too? 7. is - Is Warsaw a capital, too? 8. are - Are tigers
dangerous, too? 9. is - Is gold cheap, too? 10. are - Are his clothes clean,
too? 11. are - Am I wrong, too? 12. is - Is your watch late, too?
III. 1. Przykład 2. is not, is 3. is not, is 4. is not, is 5. are not, are 6. is not, is
7. is not, is 8. is not, is 9. am not, is 10. are not, is
Who, What, Where, Why, When + ‘be’
I. 1 Who 2. Who 3. How old 4. where 5. When 6. Why 7. Who 8. Where
9. When 10. why 11. How old 12. What 13. When 14. Who 15. What
II. 1 What is 2. Where are 3. Why are 4. What are 5. Who is 6. When are
7. Why are 8. What are 9. When is 10. Where is
III. 1 Where is Tom? 2. When is Easter? 3. Who is Mr Jones? 4. How old is Alice?
5. What are sparrows? 6. Where is Tokyo? 7. What are those? 8. Who is rich?
Zaimki wskazujące ‘This’ i ‘That’
I. 1 Przykład 2. That is a parrot and this is a canary 3. This is a plane and that is
a balloon 4. That is a pencil and this is a rubber 5. This is a carrot and that is
an onion
II. 1 Przykład 2. Is that a watch? No, that isn’t a watch. 3. Is this an apple?
Yes, this is an apple. 4. Is that a knife? No, that isn’t a knife. 5. Is this
a candle? Yes, this is a candle. 6. Is that a statue? No, that isn’t a statue.
7. Is this an ant? Yes, this is an ant. 8. Is that a bridge? No, that isn’t a bridge.
9. Is this a doll? Yes, this is a doll. 10. Is that a river? No, that isn’t a river.
III. 1 Who is that? That is Mr Jones. 2. What is this? This is a watch. 3. Who is
this? This is William. 4. What is that? That is a penknife. 5. Who is that? That
is our cousin 6. What is this? This is a lizard 7. Who is that? That is Jenny.
8. What is this? This is an iron.
IV. 1 Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. 2. Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. 3. Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.
4. Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. 5. Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.
Zaimki wskazujące ‘These’ i ‘Those’
I. 1 Przykład 2. Those are boots and these are sandals. 3. These are beans and
those are peas. 4. Those are jumpers and these are cardigans. 5. These are
skis and those are skates. 6. Those are hills and these are mountains.
7. These are books and those are magazines. 8. Those are shops and these
are offices.
II. 1 Are these cornflakes? Yes, these are cornflakes. 2. Are those interesting
stories? No, those are not interesting stories. 3. Are these Peter’s stamps?
Yes, these are Peter’s stamps. 4. Are those dry towels? No, those are not dry
towels. 5. Are these our plates? Yes, these are our plates.
III. 1 What are these? These are onions. 2. Who are those? Those are our parents.
3. What are those? Those are blueberries. 4. Who are these? These are the
Blacks. 5. What are these? These are screws. 6. Who are those? Those are
my friends. 7. What are these? These are T-shirts. 8. Who are those? Those
are foreigners.
IV. 1. Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. 2. Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. 3. Yes, they
are. No, they aren’t. 4. Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. 5. Yes, they are. No,
they aren’t.
This, That, These, Those + rzeczownik
I. 1 Przykład 2. That story is interesting 3. These children are polite. 4. Those
cars are expensive. 5. This dress is smart. 6. These blocks are colourful.
7. That dictionary is old. 8. Those records are cheap. 9. These songs are nice.
10. This meal is healthy.
II. 1 Przykład 2. Those are old houses. 3. That is a beautiful picture. 4. These are
sweet pears. 5. This is a small room. 6. That is a dirty carpet. 7. Those are
clever children. 8. These are wooden chairs. 9. This is a kind neighbour.
10. That is a heavy suitcase.
III. 1 Przykład 2. Is that car cheap? No, it isn’t. 3. Are these boys friendly? Yes,
they are. 4. Are those girls shy? No, they aren’t. 5. Is that garden small? Yes,
it is. 6. Is this dog dangerous? No, it isn’t. 7. Are those shoes new? Yes, they
are. 8. Is that exercise hard? No, it isn’t. 9. Are these men honest? Yes, they
are. 10. Is this glass clean? No, it isn’t.
Zaimki dzierżawcze
I. 1 her 2. my 3. your 4. Their 5. our 6. Their 7. my, her 8. Our 9. their, their
10. his 11. their 12. Its, its 13. her, their 14. Its 15. his
II. Mr Black has got his tools in a box. He has got his books on a shelf. Lisa has got
her dolls in her room. She has got her dress in a wardrobe. She has got her
pens in her pen case. Tim and Jake have got their pets at home. They have got
their toys on the floor. They have got their coats in the hall. You have got your
fruit on the plate. You have got your pencils in the drawer. You have got your
lamp on your desk. We have got our sandwiches in the bag. We have got our
pictures on the wall. We have got our photos in the album.
Zaimki dzierżawcze ‘mine’, ‘yours’ etc.
I. 1 Przykład 2. That blue cap is yours. 3. Is this pocket money hers? 4. These
rooms are not ours. 5. This house is its. 6. Are those sandwiches theirs?
7. That bus ticket is not mine. 8. These new books are yours. 9. Is that cup of
tea mine? 10. This suitcase is not ours.
II. 1 your, mine 2. his 3. hers 4. your 5. theirs 6. yours 7. hers 8. mine/ours
9. their 10. his
III. 1 his, mine 2. his, ours 3. your, hers 4. hers 5. hers 6. mine 7. ours 8. theirs
9. mine 10. his 11. our, theirs 12. ours
Zaimek ‘Whose’ / Dopełniacz saksoński
I. 1 Przykład 2. Whose are those suitcases? 3. Whose is this locker? 4. Whose
are these glasses? 5. Whose are those dirty shoes? 6. Whose is that yellow
cap? 7. Whose is this record player? 8. Whose are these photographs?
9. Whose is that motorcycle? 10. Whose are those dresses?
II. 1 Przykład 2. Those are the people’s suitcases. 3. This is Adam’s locker.
4. These are Mrs Brown’s glasses. 5. Those are the boys’ dirty shoes. 6. That is
my baby’s yellow cap. 7. This is Mark’s record player. 8. These are my
friends’ photographs. 9. That is Mr Lee’s motorcycle. 10. Those are our
daughters’ dresses.
III. 1 This is Harry’s key ring. 2. These aren’t Mrs Blue’s children. 3. Is this
Pauline’s type writer? 4. That isn’t Muriel’s washing machine. 5. Are these the
students’ books?
IV. 1 This shirt is Robert’s. 2. Those papers are the directors’. 3. That clock is my
grandmother’s. 4. These cards are the players’. 5. This idea is Mrs Johnson’s
Zaimki osobowe w bierniku
I. 1 him 2. her 3. them 4. them 5. her. 6. him 7. them 8. them 9. her 10. it
II. 1 … I talked to her … 2. He keeps them … 3. … painted them. 4. … does not
know him. 5. … meet them … 6. … I have it … 7. … afraid of it. 8. … he
does not know her. 9. … invited them. 10. I’m going to repair it …
III. 1 przykład 2. us, them 3. her, him 4. you, us 5. them, her 6. me, it 7. us, you
8. them, him 9. her, me 10. him, them 11. me, her 12. it, you 13. us, him
14. me, them 15. us, it
Zaimki osobowe w celowniku
I. 1 We gave him a watch … 2. The assistant offered her … 3. Mr Jones bought
her … 4. I gave it … 5. Someone showed them … 6. You always tell
them … 7. Jim lent her … 8. I promised him … 9. Do you often send her …
10. Who gave it …
II. 1 me 2. us 3. you 4. them 5. him 6. me 7. it 8. her 9. them 10. you
III. 1 Przykład 2. them, us 3. him, her 4. him, them 5. us, him 6. you, him
7. them, her 8. him, us 9. me, them 10. you, them
Zaimki zwrotne
I. 1 himself 2. yourselves 3. myself 4. herself 5. himself 6. ourselves
7. themselves 8. yourselves 9. itself 10. herself
II. 1 me, you 2. themselves, them 3. herself, himself 4. ourselves 5. you, myself
6. himself 7. us, yourself 8. me, yourselves 9. yourself 10. herself
III. 1 each other 2. yourself 3. each other 4. myself 5. each other 6. herself
7. each other 8. myself 9. himself 10. each other 11. each other 12. himself
Konstrukcja ‘There is ... / There are ... ’
I. 1 Is there a packet of biscuits in the cupboard? 2. Are there any apples in the
shop? 3. Are there pyramids in Poland? 4. Is there a blackboard in this
classroom? 5. Are there customers in the department store? 6. Are there
sweets in the packet? 7. Is there a castle on the hill? 8. Is there a toyshop in
the town?
II. 1 In Tom’s village, there are (some) farms. In Tom’s village, there are (some)
farm animals. In Tom’s village, there is a lake. In Tom’s village, there are hills.
In Tom’s village, there are many fields.
In the city centre, there is a town hall. In the city centre, there are arcades.
In the city centre, there is a sweet shop. In the city centre, there is a fountain.
In the city centre, there is a museum.
In the suburbs, there are houses. In the suburbs, there are factories. In the
suburbs, there are forests. In the suburbs, there is a river. In the suburbs, there
is an airport.
1. No, there isn’t. 2. No, there aren’t. 3. No, there isn’t. 4. No, there aren’t.
5. No, there isn’t. 6. No, there aren’t.
III. 1 There is 2. There is not 3. Are there 4. There is not 5. There are not
6. There is 7. Is there 8. There are not
Konstrukcja ‘There was ... / There were ... ’
I. 1 There was 2. there were 3. There were 4. there were 5. there was 6. There
was 7. There were 8. there was
II. Twenty years ago in Hampton, there was a pool. There were four churches.
There was a zoo. There were five schools.
Twenty years ago in Mersey, there was town hall. There was a museum. There
were two libraries. There were three stores.
1. No, there was not. 2. No, there were not. 3. No, there was not. 4. No, there
were not.
III. 1 Was there 2. There were 3. There were not 4. There were not 5. there was
6. Was there 7. There were not 8. Were there
Zaimek ‘it’
I. 1 It is 2. Was it, it was 3. is it, It is 4. It is 5. It is not 6. is it 7. It is not, It is
8. it was, it is 9. It was 10. It is
II. 1 What time is it? It is five o’clock. 2. How far is it? It is four kilometres. 3. How
high is it? It is sixty metres high. 4. What day was it yesterday? It was
Wednesday. 5. How cold is it? It is ten degrees. 6. What time is it? It is
midday. 7. What season is it? It is winter. 8. How deep is it? It is eight metres
III. 1 it 2. This 3. It 4. there 5. this, it 6. It 7. This, It 8. there, It
IV. 1 It is dangerous to drive fast. 2. It is a pleasure to sit in the garden.
3. It is cheap to travel on foot. 4. It is boring to stay at home. 5. It is healthy
to go jogging every day.
Liczba mnoga rzeczowników
beachs / beaches
potatoes / potatos
Sundays / Sundies
wifes / wives
men / mans
pianoes / pianos
comedies / comedys
halves / halfs
watches / watchs
foots / feet
batterys / batteries
keys / kies
boxs / boxes
thieves / thiefs
flys / flies
III. 1 children 2. dresses 3. weeks 4. turkeys 5. torches 6. matches 7. glasses
8. shelves 9. hamsters 10. dictionaries
IV. 1 people 2. stories 3. Foxes 4. copies 5. loaves 6. benches 7. toys 8. runners
Rzeczowniki policzalne i niepoliczalne
a cupboard
an eye
some rain
some music
an armchair
some meat
an umbrella
a bicycle
a banana
some wind
some information
a T-shirt
a film
some money
some news
II. 1 some, a 2. a, some 3. any, any 4. any, any 5. some, some 6. any, some
7. some, a 8. any, some 9. some, a 10. some, any
III. 1 There is some fruit juice and some jam and a bottle of milk. 2. There are some
magazines and a sandwich and some fruit. 3. There is some sand and
some grass and some keys and a ticket. 4. There is some sugar and a jar of
honey and some flour.
IV. 1 Przykład 2. teaspoonfuls of sugar 3. pieces of information 4. bars of
chocolate 5. slices of bread 6. jars of honey
Przedimki nieokreślone ‘a’ i ‘an’
I. 1 a, some 2. a, some 3. an, a 4. a, some 5. a, an 6. a, some 7. a, some
8. some, some 9. some, some 10. a, some
II. 1 A knife 2. An armchair 3. A rose 4. A papaya 5. An oak 6. An artist
7. An elephant 8. A pilot 9. A village 10. A bulb
III. 1 I never eat dinner at home. 2. He showed me a funny photo. 3. OK 4. Did you
eat chips and a hotdog? 5. David likes drinking cold water.
6. Do you often read books? 7. Somebody gave me an old diary. 8. Is there
(any) money in the wallet? 9. OK 10. Mr Brown is not a shop assistant.
IV. 1 A baker makes bread. 2. A piano is an instrument. 3. I ate a bun for breakfast.
4. She bought an album on Friday. 5. A dictionary is a useful thing.
Przedimek określony ‘the’
I. 1 The 2. – , – 3. the 4. The 5. the, the 6. the 7. – , – 8. the, – 9. – , –
10. The, the, the 11. the, the 12. – , the, the 13. – , – , – 14. – , –
15. The, the, –
II. 1 The shop where she works is on the right. 2. Patrick went to hospital after his
accident. 3. I live in Poland. 4. We would like to bathe in the sea in summer.
5. Peter is the most intelligent boy in the class. 6. Look at the sky. 7. The keys
that I found belong to Mr Creek. 8. We spent August in London. 9. There is
(some) milk in the jug on the table. 10. Cathy ate dinner and went to church.
III. 1 Cats don’t eat vegetables. They eat fish. 2. What is on TV in the afternoon?
3. The family who live next door are very friendly. 4. What is the smallest country
in the world. 5. At the end of the journey, they discovered an island. 6. She
always plays the guitar in the evening. 7. A good teacher should understand
students. 8. We all went to the mountains in winter. 9. The police caught
a thief last night. 10. He bought a shirt in a/the shop in the city centre.
Zaimki ‘some’, ‘any’ i ‘no’
I. 1 some 2. any 3. any 4. any/some 5. any 6. any 7. any 8. some
II. 1 Is 2. Were 3. Is 4. Were 5. Is 6. Are 7. Are 8. Was
III. 1 No, the Greens have no grandchildren. 2. No, there is no milk in the fridge.
3. No, there are no tourists in the hotel. 4. No, Adam had no luck. 5. No, there
was no money in the wallet. 6. No, Betty had got no pets at home.
7. No, there are no cherries on the tree. 8. No, there is no good news for you.
IV. 1 some, any 2. any, no 3. any, some 4. some, no 5. no, some 6. some, any
7. some, no 8. any, no
Przysłówki ‘much’, ‘many’, ‘a lot of’
I. 1 much 2. much 3. many 4. many 5. much 6. many 7. much 8. many
II. 1 Yes, there is a lot of butter in the tube. 2. Yes, there were a lot of people at the
concert. 3. Yes, I have got a lot of good games. 4. No, the guests did not eat
much meat. 5. Yes, there are a lot of vegetables in the shop. 6. Yes, Gina
knows a lot of important people. 7. No, there is not much sunshine outside.
8. No, I have not got much washing powder.
III. 1 How many cats has Debbie got? 2. How much food is there in the fridge?
3. How many phone cards did Sam give you? 4. How much printing paper do
they use? 5. How many letters did you write to your friends? 6. How much
money does Mr Black earn?
IV. 1 many 2. much, a lot/much 3. a lot of/much, much 4. many, a lot of
5. a lot of/many 6. many 7. much, much 8. many, a lot/many 9. much, a lot of
10. many, many/a lot
Przysłówki ‘a little’, ‘little’, ‘a few’, ‘few’
I. 1 a few people 2. a little honey 3. a little bread 4. a few clouds 5. a little milk
6. a few trees
II. 1 few friends 2. little time 3. few biscuits 4. little rain 5. little money 6. few
III. 1 little 2. few 3. little 4. little 5. few 6. little 7. few 8. little
IV. 1 little 2. a few 3. little 4. few 5. a few 6. little 7. little 8. few 9. a little, a little
10. few
Stopniowanie przymiotników ‘-er’ / ‘-est’
II. 1 newer 2. richer 3. lovelier 4. slimmer 5. larger 6. friendlier 7. thicker 8.
III. 1 A car is faster than a bicycle. 2. An elephant is heavier than a horse.
3. A village is smaller than a city. 4. A knife is sharper than a spoon. 5. A river is
wider than a stream. 6. Africa is hotter than Australia. 7. Stone is harder than
wood. 8. A walkman is cheaper than a TV set.
IV. 1 prettiest 2. noisier 3. oldest 4. warmer 5. cleverer 6. busier 7. smallest
8. fastest 9. coldest 10. strangest
Stopniowanie przymiotników ‘more’ / ‘the most’
I. 1 more important 2. more hard-working 3. more difficult 4. more dangerous
5. more expensive 6. more intelligent 7. more correct 8. more popular
II. 1 Tennis/Cycling is more interesting than cycling/tennis. 2. Gold is more precious
than silver. 3. Planes are more expensive than cars. 4. Travelling is more
exciting than watching TV. 5. English is more popular than French.
6. Skyscrapers are more modern than pyramids. 7. Biology/History is more
boring than history/biology. 8. Dancing/Singing is more pleasant than
III. Przykłady odpowiedzi:
Geography is more interesting than mathematics. Geography is more boring
than English. English is the most interesting of all.
Bungee jumping is more dangerous than skiing. Mountain climbing is more
exciting than car racing. Car racing is the most dangerous of all.
IV. 1 more exhausting 2. more difficult 3. the most exciting 4. more comfortable
5. most important
Tworzenie i stopniowanie przysłówków
I. 1 carefully 2. heavily 3. angrily 4. well 5. quietly 6. fast 7. badly 8. bravely
9. smartly 10. strongly
II. 1 more beautifully 2. the most slowly 3. harder 4. the most fluently 5. more
politely 6. the most brightly
III. Przykłady odpowiedzi:
1 I play tennis better than my friends. 2. My mother cooks better than my father.
3. I don’t speak English more correctly than my teacher. 4. I learn more diligently
than my best friend. 5. My father doesn’t swim faster than I do. 6. Can you
sing more beautifully than I can?
IV. 1 bad, heavily 2. loudly, well 3. nice, beautifully 4. quickly, delicious 5. the most
Stopniowanie nieregularne
I. 1 little 2. far 3. badly 4. worse 5. least 6. better 7. less 8. farthest
II. 1 more/less 2. better/more/less 3. more 4. farther/further 5. better 6. less
7. better 8. more
III. 1 the most 2. less 3. more 4. farther 5. worse 6. the least 7. the most 8. the
IV. 1 better 2. more 3. the least 4. less 5. the worst
Konstrukcje ‘as … as’, ‘not as/so … as’
I. Przykłady zdań:
Maggie isn’t as old as Cindy and Charles (are). Maggie is as tall as Cindy (is).
Cindy is as polite as Maggie (is). Charles isn’t so polite as Cindy and Maggie
(are). Cindy is as punctual as Charles (is). Maggie isn’t as punctual as Cindy and
Charles (are).
II. 1 Mr Connor is not so rich as Mr Stevenson (is). 2. Your grandfather isn’t as old
as my grandfather (is). 3. Silver isn’t as expensive as gold (is). 4. We haven’t
got so much money as our neighbours (have). 5. Walking isn’t as exhausting
as cycling (is).
III. 1 Horses aren’t as heavy as elephants. 2. Poland isn’t as big as the USA.
3. Africa isn’t as cold as the Antarctic. 4. A bicycle isn’t as expensive as a car.
5. Classical music isn’t as popular as rock. 6. Sugar is as sweet as honey.
7. A sea isn’t as big as an ocean. 8. Toys aren’t as useful as computers.
9. Leaves are as green as grass. 10. Sailing boats aren’t as fast as motorboats.
Zastosowanie przysłówków ‘enough’ i ‘too’
I. 1 enough money 2. enough time 3. enough paint 4. enough sugar 5. enough
beds 6. enough petrol
II. 1 funny enough 2. attractive enough 3. easy enough 4. fast enough 5. ripe
enough 6. brave enough
III. 1 too little 2. too far 3. too busy 4. too expensive 5. too dark 6. too old
IV. 1 Brian is too young to smoke cigarettes. 2. She isn’t good enough to win the
first place. 3. It isn’t windy enough to go sailing. 4. You are too ill to leave
home. 5. The grapes aren’t fresh enough to eat.
6. This knife isn’t sharp enough to cut. 7. The shirt isn’t clean enough to wear.
8. It is too late to listen to loud music.
Zastosowanie ‘so ... that’ i ‘such ... that’
I. 1 so uncomfortable that 2. so funny that 3. so bad that 4. so difficult that
5. so dark that 6. so heavy that
II. 1 The noise was so big that I could not hear anything. 2. John ran so quickly that
he set a new world record. 3. The music was so loud that their neighbours
were angry. 4. It is raining so heavily that we must stay at home.
5. His glasses were so dirty that he couldn’t see anything.
III. 1 such a good restaurant that 2. such a bad dog that 3. such a warm jacket that
4. such nice people that 5. such an exciting game that 6. such important
documents that
IV. 1 such 2. so 3. so 4. such 5. such 6. So
Zaimki ‘another’, ‘other’, ‘others’, ‘the other’
I. 1 another hotel 2. another sandwich 3 another cinema 4. another month
5. another packet 6. another channel
II. 1 Other subjects 2. other countries 3. other problems 4. other paintings
5. other languages 6. other pupils
III. 1 the other 2. others 3. the other 4. other 5. the others 6. the other 7. others
8. The other
IV. 1 the others 2. another/the other 3. other 4. the others 5. another/the other
6. the other 7. another/the other 8. (The) other
Zaimki ‘somoeone’, ‘something’ etc.
I. 1 somewhere 2. something 3. somebody/someone 4. something
5. somewhere 6. somebody/someone
II. 1 anybody/anyone 2. anywhere 3. anything 4. anything 5. anybody/anyone
6. anywhere
III. 1 No, there is not anyone downstairs. 2. Yes, they have got something to do.
3. No, my father didn’t go anywhere. 4. Yes, she ate something at school.
5. No, Tom is not talking to anybody now.
6. Yes, I am going somewhere tomorrow 7. No, she does not know anything.
8. Yes, I recognised someone.
IV. 1 Somebody, anything 2. anything, something 3. anything, somebody
4. anywhere, something 5. somewhere, someone 6. something, anything
Zaimki ‘not anything’ i ‘nothing’
I. 1 George has got nothing to do. 2. Our parents went nowhere last week.
3. There was nobody in the bookshop. 4. Jules did nothing in the garden.
5. I know no one here. 6. The people have got nowhere to go. 7. There is
nothing to eat. 8. I saw nobody in the street.
II. 1 Adam travelled nowhere last year. 2. I know nothing about Mrs Spears.
3. There is nobody in the pantry. 4. The minister said nothing. 5. Tom is going
nowhere tomorrow. 6. She met nobody at the dances.
III. 1 went nowhere. 2. has got nothing 3. have got nobody 4. bought nothing
5. is going nowhere 6. saw nobody 7. are doing nothing 8. won nothing
IV. 1 anything 2. Nobody 3. anywhere 4. nothing 5. nothing 6. anywhere
7. anybody 8. nowhere
Zaimki ‘everybody’, ‘everything’, ‘everywhere’
I. 1. every week 2. Every product 3. every page 4. every song 5. Every door
6. every country 7. Every compartment 8. every decision
II. 1 Everyone 2. Everything 3. Everyone 4. Everything 5. Everywhere
III. 1 everything 2. Everybody 3. everything 4. everywhere 5. everybody
6. everything 7. everywhere 8. Everybody
IV. 1 Is everybody 2. Everything is 3. Everything is 4. Everybody is 5. Is everything
6. Everybody is 7. Was everything 8. Everybody is
Zastosowanie przyimków miejsca
at the dentist
on the floor
in a shop
in the sky
at the door
on the table
on/at the coast
in bed
in Australia
at the bus-stop
at university
on a shelf
on the left
on a taxi
at the border
II. 1 Alice is in the park. 2. We met Mr Grey at the station. 3. Van Gogh’s pictures
are in a museum. 4. She lost her purse on a train. 5. Clouds are in the sky.
6. I buy envelopes at a stationer’s. 7. Tom studies at university. 8. I put the
books on the desk.
III. 1 on the ground floor 2. at work 3. at a concert 4. on the photo 5. in a village
6. on the map
IV. 1 in 2. on 3. in 4. at 5. On 6. at 7. on 8. in 9. at 10. on 11. in/on 12. on
Zastosowanie przyimków czasu
on Wednesday
at eleven o’clock
in November
at Christmas
on 31 March
on Friday afternoon
at the weekend
at midnight
in the night
in spring
in 1989
at 5.15 a.m.
at noon
in the evening
on Saturday night
II. 1 Fred’s birthday is on 17 February. 2. It was raining on Thursday. 3. I woke up
at 7.30 a.m. 4. Christmas Eve is on 24 December. 5. The Browns are
returning on Friday morning. 6. I am free in summer. 7. The great match is on
Sunday evening. 8. People walked on the moon in 1969.
III. 1 on Sunday 2. in July and August 3. at midnight 4. on April Fool’s Day
5. In autumn 6. At Easter
IV. 1 on 2. in 3. on 4. – 5. in 6. On 7. – 8. at 9. at, in 10. on 11. – 12. at
Zastosowanie innych przyimków czasu
I. 1 after 2. after 3. after 4. after 5. before 6. before 7. after 8. before
II. Przykłady zdań:
Joan lived in Durham from 1990 till 1993. Before 1998 Joan lived in London.
From 1990 till 1993, Joan attended secondary school. After 1993, Joan attended
high school. Before 1996, Joan learned German. Joan learned French from
1996 to 1998.
III. 1 I have known Jeff for two years. 2. Alice has lived in London since 1983.
3. You have been busy since early morning. 4. Jack has learned Russian for two
months. 5. We have worked together for many years.
6. Mr Lee has played golf since last summer.
IV. 1 I stayed in Paris from March till April. 2. Carol has been abroad since 2001.
3. Adam slept from 1 till 4 p.m. 4. Eva has known Peter for one year.
5. Jim has been married since last May.
Zastosowanie czasowników z przyimkami
I. 1 Tom is listening to music. 2. They are going to school. 3. Ann is looking for
her bag. 4. Frank smiled at me. 5. He is preparing for an exam. 6. They
asked for a ride. 7. Eva is laughing at a joke. 8. Sam is quarrelling with Tom.
II. 1 apologised for 2. suffering from 3. depend on 4. differs from 5. believe in
6. learned about
III. 1 to 2. to 3. for 4. to 5. for 6. on 7. with 8. with 9. for 10. on 11. for 12. for
13. for 14. at 15. with 16. from 17. at 18. to 19. to 20. at
Zastosowanie przymiotników z przyimkami
I. 1 George is bad at history. 2. Elisabeth is good at painting. 3. I am tired of the
noise. 4. Sony is allergic to pollen. 5. Mr Dean is proud of his invention.
6. We are sorry for the mess. 7. My brother is excited about the idea. 8. I am
pleased with my test results. 9. You are fed up with the film. 10. Jeff is used to
cold weather.
II. 1 keen on 2. ashamed of 3. occupied with 4. famous for 5. disappointed at/with
6. different from 7. afraid of 8. familiar with
III. 1 about 2. of 3. at 4. for 5. of 6. of 7. with 8. of 9. with 10. in 11. for 12. on
13. at 14. to 15. with
Wyrażenia przyimkowe
I. 1 No, you are in danger. 2. She paid in cash. 3. No, I am on a diet. 4. No, it was
on time. 5. I took it by mistake. 6. Yes, he is in good/perfect condition.
II. 1 on holiday 2. for/on sale 3. by profession 4. in advance 5. by hand
6. by accident 7. at the age of 8. on the phone
III. 1 by 2. at 3. in 4. in 5. on 6. in 7. at 8. In 9. on 10. in 11. in 12. on 13. by
14. on 15. in
Pytania z przyimkami
I. 1 Who is James playing with? 2. What are you interested in? 3. Who did Linda
dance with? 4. What are you looking for? 5. Who did Brian speak about?
6. What is she waiting for? 7. Who was Tom angry with? 8. What are you afraid
of? 9. Who did they quarrel with? 10. What does David spend his money on?
II. 1 What are you scared of? 2. Who is Joan smiling at? 3. What did he suffer
from? 4. Who is Mrs Black proud of? 5. What is Eva tired of? 6. Who did they
shout at? 7. What is he thinking about/of? 8. Who do you agree with?
III. 1 Who did you write a letter to? 2. What is Andy used to? 3. Who does Mike
depend on? 4. What are you laughing at? 5. What are they looking at?
6. Who does this watch belong to? 7. What are you responsible for? 8. Who
does Jenny live with?
IV. 1 Przykład 2. with 3. to 4. from 5. of 6. for 7. for 8. with 9. about/to/with
10. of 11. with 12. to
Zaimki ‘both’, ‘either’ i ‘neither’
I. 1 Jack can play both the piano and the guitar. 2. We visited both Madrid and
Barcelona. 3. She speaks both English and French. 4. I went both to the
baker’s and to the chemist’s. 5. Sue drives both the Fiat and the Volvo.
6. Mrs Higgins bought both roses and tulips. 7. You met both Adam and
Thomas. 8. I am going to keep both a dog and a cat.
II. 1 You will talk to both Peter and James. 2. You can visit either Spain or Greece.
3. Fred bought both a red pullover and a white one. 4. I will take either some
juice or some Cola. 5. You may get both a lollipop and an ice cream. 6. Let’s
visit both uncle Jim and aunt Sophia. 7. Get either on a bus or on a train.
8. The Greens had both a cottage and a flat.
III. 1 We know neither Ann nor Sue. 2. I played neither tennis nor rugby. 3. Jim has
neither a turtle nor a rabbit. 4. You ate neither dinner nor lunch. 5. Eva has
neither a doll nor a teddy bear.
IV. 1 Either of us is brave. 2. Both of you came late. 3. Neither of them likes tea.
4. Both of us love pets. 5. Neither of them won. 6. Either of us speaks French.
7. Neither of you works. 8. Both of us love swimming.
Both … and, either … or, neither … nor
I. 1 We ate both some soup and some meat. 2. Carol can speak both German and
Spanish. 3. Mr Wise both practises tennis and plays golf. 4. The children both
watched TV and listened to music. 5. The trip was both interesting and
educative. 6. I’m using both the computer and the printer. 7. Monica is both
clever and responsible. 8. The artist painted both portraits and landscapes.
II. 1 Jim’s father is either a pilot or a navigator. 2. He either got up late or fell ill.
3. Sandra is either sleeping or relaxing. 4. The pullover either has shrunk or is
the wrong size. 5. Bring me either a cup or a glass. 6. Mr Beaver teaches
either biology or chemistry. 7. We will either go by bus or have a walk. 8. Mick
wears either glasses or contact lenses.
III. 1 You neither do shopping nor clean the house. 2. Sheila is neither an actress
nor a singer. 3. The people were neither polite nor friendly. 4. We neither
watched TV nor listened to music. 5. I can neither draw nor paint. 6. Their
parents neither wrote a letter nor sent a parcel. 7. Nigel is neither strong nor
brave. 8. The man had neither money nor a place to stay in.
IV. 1 both … and 2. neither … nor 3. neither … nor 4. both … and 5. neither …
nor 6. both … and 7. neither … nor 8. neither … nor
Zaimki względne ‘who’, ‘which’ i ‘that’
I. 1 This is the boy who has got a dog. 2. This is the girls who is wearing glasses.
3. These are the children who play with us. 4. This is the man who writes books.
5. Those are the people who gave us a map. 6. That is the woman who won the
II. 1 That is the dictionary which cost a lot. 2. These are the photos which John
took. 3. This is the house which they are going to sell. 4. That is the machine
which has broken down. 5. Those are the keys which I lost. 6. These are the
books which are at half price.
III. A pilot is someone who flies a plane. / Wasps are insects which can bite. /
Roses are plants which smell sweet. / A cooker is a device which we use in the
kitchen. / Carrots are vegetables which grow underground. / Tigers are wild
animals which can be dangerous. / China is the country which has the biggest
population. / Chopin was a composer who lived in Poland.
IV. 1 which/that 2. who/that 3. which/that 4. which/that 5. who/that 6. which/that
7. who/that 8. which/that 9. who/that 10. which/that 11. who/that 12. who/that
Zaimki względne ‘whose’ i ‘where’
I. 1 This is the man whose wife is a dentist. 2. These are the people whose house
is new. 3. That is the boy whose dog bit me. 4. That is the woman whose hair
is blond. 5. That is the artist whose pictures we sell. 6. This is the poet whose
poems are great.
II. 1. This is the writer whose books I like. 2. That is the neighbour whose car we
bought. 3. Those are the people whose son you know. 4. That is the musician
whose music we love. 5. This is the friends whose lawnmower we use.
6. This is the woman whose children I teach.
III. 1. This is the car whose bumper is broken. 2. This is the mirror whose frame is
wooden. 3. We have got a dog whose hair is long. 4. I have got a pen whose
nib is golden. 5. You are reading a book whose cover is torn. 6. This is the
table whose surface is scratched.
IV. 1. Przykład 2. This Paula whose brother keeps a turtle. 3. This is Jim whose
best friend lives in Paris. 4. This is Stanley whose father works in a bank.
5. This is Betty whose sister is an athlete. 6. This is Mr Bean whose daughter
studies history.
V. 1. This is the village where I was born. 2. That is the hotel where Ms Taylor is
staying. 3. This is the town where an accident happened. 4. This is the factory
where John’s father works. 5. This is the dormitory where our students live.
Spójniki ‘and’, ‘because’, ‘but’ i ‘so’
I. 1 George is tall and slim but his brother is short and fat. 2. We laughed at the
joke because it was very funny. 3. She opened the fridge and took out a bottle
of milk. 4. We came one hour late because we had missed the bus. 5. Don’t
touch the dog because it may bite you. 6. There was no wind but we went
sailing, anyway. 7. I didn’t buy the camera because the price was too high.
8. The printer was out of order and I couldn’t make any copies.
II. 1 … because it was driving too fast. 2. … so she put on the black one.
3. … so our children had a lot of fun. 4. … because someone had set it.
5. … because there were too many mistakes. 6. … so my father carried it for me
III. 1 but 2. because 3. so 4. because 5. so 6. but 7. so 8. because
IV. and, but, because, and, because, and, so, but
Czasownik ‘have (got)’
I. 1 have got a driving licence 2. has got a husband 3. have got a phone card
4. has got glasses 5. have got money 6. have got a guide
II. 1. Has Harold got two brothers? 2. Have we got our raincoats? 3. Has Mrs Dean
got her own office. 4. Have you got sandwiches? 5. Has Adam got a few good
friends? 6. Have I got a big garden?
III. 1. Does Monica have a colourful dress? 2. Do I have many toys in my room?
3. Does Mr Howard have four children? 4. Do they have a lot of free time?
5. Do you have a calculator? 6. Does the boy have a rabbit?
IV. 1. Przykład 2. has not got 3. does not have/has not 4. do not have/have not
5. do not have/have not 6. have not got 7. does not have/has not 8. has not got
9. do not have/have not 10. do not have/have not
Czasownik ‘have (got)’ w czasie przeszłym
I. 1. had got cows and pigs. 2. had got a stethoscope 3. had got a truck
4. had got a camera 5. had got a piano 6. had got a gun
II. Przykłady zdań:
1. I had got many toys when I was three years old. 2. I hadn’t got a dog when I
was a child. 3. I had got glasses when I was at school. 4. I hadn’t got a
computer six years ago. 5. I had got my own room when I was a schoolboy.
6. I had got a bicycle when I was ten.
III. 1. Przykład 2. Had they got … 3. Had you/Did you have … 4. Had he/Did he
have … 5. Had I/Did I have … 6. Had Tom got … 7. Had we/Did we have …
8. Had Rosy got …
IV. 1. Przykład 2. had not/did not have 3. had not got 4. had not/did not have
5. had not/did not have 6. had not got 7. had not got 8. had not got
Inne znaczenia czasownika ‘have’
I. Przykłady zdań:
1. I always have bread and butter, sausages and some milk for breakfast.
2. I never have hamburgers and Coke for breakfast. 3. I often have a chicken
and potatoes for dinner. 4. I seldom have a vegetable salad for dinner.
5. I always have some coffee for lunch. 6. I sometimes have meat for lunch.
7. I usually have rolls and cottage cheese for supper. 8. I never have cocoa for
II. 1. Do you have coffee for breakfast? 2. Does Mike have potatoes for dinner?
3. Does Sue have crispy bread for supper? 4. Do they have cereals for
breakfast? 5. Do you have a fruit salad for dinner? 6. Does Ann have yoghurt
for lunch? 7. Does Mr Lee have pizza for supper? 8. Do we have tomato soup
for dinner?
III. 1. does not have 2. do not have 3. do not have 4. does not have 5. do not have
6. does not have
IV. 1. had a rest 2. have a baby 3. did not have fun 4. has a cold 5. have a walk
Czas ‘Present Simple’ - zdanie twierdzące
I. 1. live, come 2. likes, prefers 3. go, study 4. rides, drives 5. play, watch
6. rises, sets 7. drink, eat 8. writes, reads 9. buy, cook 10. run, escapes
II. 1. Przykład 2. watches 3. studies 4. plays 5. drives 6. misses 7. worries
8. stays 9. does 10. spends
III. Przykłady zdań:
1. I always do my homework. 2. My best friend sometimes tells me jokes.
3. My mother usually does shopping. 4. I never come home late. 5. Our teacher
often asks us questions. 6. My neighbours usually say ‘Hello’ to me.
7. I seldom play the guitar. 8. My grandfather sometimes smokes cigarettes.
9. My friend’s dog often barks at people. 10. My father always repairs the car.
Czas ‘Present Simple’ - pytanie i przeczenie
I. 1. Do 2. Does 3. Does 4. Do 5. Does 6. Do 7. Do 8. Does 9. Do 10. Do
II. 1. Does Robert do his homework everyday? 2. Do Mr Jean and Mrs Holly live in
the house? 3. Do you play the guitar? 4. Does our neighbour keep bees?
5. Do I hate porridge? 6. Do we work on Saturdays? 7. Does Eva study history?
8. Does it usually get cold in autumn?
III. 1. does not 2. do not 3. do not 4. does not 5. do not 6. do not 7. does not
8. do not
IV. 1. Vegetarians do not eat meat. 2. A pianist does not play the violin. 3. Salt
does not taste sweet. 4. It does not snow in summer. 5. People do not live on
Mars. 6. The Germans do not speak Dutch.
Czas ‘Present Continuous’ - zdanie twierdzące
I. 1. is 2. are 3. is 4. are 5. are 6. is 7. is 8. am
II. 1. Adam is reading a book at the moment. 2. You are visiting us next Sunday.
3. Sandra is sleeping now. 4. I am helping my parents at the moment.
5. They are looking at you. 6. It is getting cold.
III. 1. Lisa is writing. 2. Mark is eating ice cream. 3. Sue and Rob are walking.
4. Eric is swimming. 5. Cathy is reading. 6. Tom and Eva are doing exercise.
IV. 1. am playing, are watching 2. are cooking, is resting 3. are painting, is talking
4. is shining, is raining 5. are sailing, are sunbathing
Czas ‘Present Continuous’ - pytanie i przeczenie
I. 1. Is 2. Are 3. Is 4. Are 5. Is 6. Are 7. Is 8. Is
II. 1. Is Tom playing cards now? 2. Am I going to school tomorrow? 3. Is it snowing
at the moment? 4. Are the children singing a merry song? 5. Are you building
a house? 6. Is Mary crying? 7. Is uncle Bob coming next week? 8. Are they
smiling at us?
III. 1. No, he is not swimming now. 2. No, they are not walking. 3. No, I am not
studying. 4. No, he is not drinking milk. 5. No, they are not shouting.
6. No, it isn’t shining at present. 7. No, we are not going to Amsterdam.
8. No, it is not flying.
IV. 1. Yes, I am./No, I am not. 2. Yes, she is./No, she is not. 3. Yes, she is./No, she
is not. 4. Yes, he is./No, he is not. 5. Yes, I am./No, I am not. 6. Yes, he is./
No, he is not. 7. Yes, it is./No, it is not. 8. Yes, they are./No, they are not.
Present Simple - Present Continuous
I. 1. is sitting 2. doesn’t live 3. are coming 4. never snows 5. don’t like
6. is playing 7. don’t have 8. are doing 9. Do you remember 10. sometimes
II. 1. I like it. 2. OK. 3. Is Eric sleeping at the moment? 4. OK. 5. I see Peter ...
6. OK. 7. They usually come late. 8. This woman does not understand Italian.
9. … it is raining 10. OK.
III. 1. lives 2. do not usually come 3. are playing 4. Does Jenny like 5. do not
speak 6. is repairing 7. always go 8. is riding 9. am wearing
10. is not doing 11. knows 12. Do you believe 13. are resting 14. Are your
friends travelling 15. never cooks
Czas ‘Past Simple’ - zdanie twierdzące
I. 1. Lisa came to school at … 2. We watched films … 3. Uncle Bob lived in …
4. Our neighbour drove … 5. I bought a ham … 6. Mr Jones gave me …
7. We took photos … 8. Tony worked in … 9. You swam … 10. She brought …
II. 1. cooked 2. travelled 3. told 4. began 5. built 6. watched 7. laughed 8. broke
III. 1. saw 2. spoke 3. found 4. went 5. got 6. painted 7. wrote 8. rained
9. showed 10. waited 11. met 12. jumped, saw 13. understood 14. ate
15. cried
Czas ‘Past Simple’ - pytania i przeczenia
I. 1. Did Helen go to Paris last Monday? 2. Did I buy a new book yesterday?
3. Did Mr Bloggs open his shop at ten? 4. Did we meet Alex at a party?
5. Did you speak to Mrs Harris last week? 6. Did it snow last month?
7. Did I make a mistake? 8. Did she do shopping one hour ago?
II. 1. Przykład 2. Did Betty read a magazine, too? 3. Did your wife work late, too?
4. Did Mr Sparks buy a car, too? 5. Did you go for a walk, too? 6. Did the other
children sleep in a tent, too? 7. Did Susan paint flowers, too? 8. Did Ronald
wear glasses, too?
III. 1. Przykład 2. Sue did not buy a dress. She bought shoes. 3. You did not watch
a film. You watched cartoons. 4. Frank did not go to Holland. He went to Spain.
5. We did not play football. We played basketball. 6. Joe did not meet Helen. He
met Linda. 7. It did not snow. It rained. 8. They did not miss a train. They
missed a bus.
IV. 1. Chopin didn’t live in Ireland. 2. Columbus didn’t discover Africa. 3. Dinosaurs
didn’t die out fifty years ago. 4. The World War II didn’t begin in 1945.
5. A UFO didn’t land in Poland last year. 6. Edison didn’t invent the computer.
7. Picasso didn’t paint The Sunflowers. 8. Jack London didn’t write thrillers.
Czas ‘Past Continuous’ - zdanie twierdzące
I. 1. I was talking on the phone. 2. Jenny was reading a newspaper. 3. You were
doing your homework. 4. Uncle John was chopping firewood. 5. Fred and Tim
were quarrelling. 6. It was raining. 7. We were playing football.
8. They were making a snowman. 9. Your dog was barking. 10. Mrs Brush was
cleaning her house .
II. 1. was playing 2. were doing 3. was watching 4. were snoring 5. was repairing
6. was going 7. was ringing 8. was beating
III. 1. was doing 2. was raining 3. were driving 4. were fighting 5. was studying
6. was landing
IV. Przykłady zdań:
1. … was sleeping in his armchair. 2. … was plying computer games.
3. … was making sandwiches. 4. … was talking to one of the students.
5. … were waving us good-bye. 6. … was standing in the school door.
Czas ‘Past Continuous’ - pytanie i przeczenie
I. 1. Was 2. Were 3. Was 4. Were 5. Was 6. Was 7. Was 8. Were
II. 1. Was Brian painting the walls … 2. Were the Greens dancing ... 3. Was Tom
resting … 4. Was Mr Dean waiting ... 5. Was Sarah cooking … 6. Were you
sleeping … 7. Were we talking ... 8. Was the wind blowing …
III. 1. was not reading 2. were not playing 3. was not raining 4. was not listening
5. were not writing 6. were not jogging 7. was not washing 8. were not eating
IV. Przykłady zdań:
1. ... was not watching television. 2. … was not working in her office.
3. … were not having a barbecue 4. … was not driving my father’s car
5. … was not watching television 6. … was not asking us questions
7. … was not playing in the backyard. 8. ... were not eating dinner
Past Simple - Past Continuous
I. 1. came 2. met, was going 3. was working 4. was having, arrived 5. were you
doing 6. was raining, were driving 7. didn’t write 8. ate 9. told 10. saw, was
II. 1. was waiting 2. were you watching 3. lent 4. were singing 5. Did Adam want
6. rang/was ringing, answered 7. were having 8. did not tell 9. read 10. did not
understand, said/was saying
III. 1. woke, looked, saw, was shining, were playing, were building, was carrying,
were building
2. went, travelled, were flying, started, went, were shaking, were trying, calmed,
3. met, was jogging, told, wanted, invited
Czas ‘Present Perfect’ - zdanie twierdzące
I. 1. have 2. has 3. have 4. have 5. has 6. has 7. has 8. have 9. have 10. has
watch - watched
clean - cleaned
see - seen
take - taken
paint - painted
move - moved
send - sent
close - closed
make - made
bring - brought
open - opened
forget - forgotten
read - read
repair - repaired
wash - washed
give - given
sail - sailed
run - run
win - won
miss - missed
get - got
buy - bought
steal - stolen
eat - eaten
catch - caught
begin - begun
meet - met
wait - waited
pay - paid
break - broken
III. 1. George has just cleaned his room. 2. You have already eaten your lunch.
3. We have missed our bus. 4. I have just taken a photo. 5. Mr Grey has already
opened his shop. 6. My parents have bought a new house. 7. The thief has
stolen our money. 8. She has forgotten my phone number. 9. Ann and Sue
have watched the game. 10. He has just read the long story. 11. Nick has
broken his leg. 12. I have already seen the comedy. 13. They have brought
some food. 14. Mr Jones has repaired my car. 15. The children have already
got up.
Czas ‘Present Perfect’ - pytanie i przeczenie
I. 1. Have 2. Has 3. Have 4. Has 5. Have 6. Has 7. Have 8. Have
II. 1. Has Alice ever eaten snails? 2. Have you ever watched the comedy?
3. Has Rob ever missed his school bus? 4. Have/Has the team ever lost a game?
5. Have the people ever been to Poland? 6. Has the dog ever bitten you?
7. Has Adam ever made a bonfire? 8. Have you ever worked in a factory?
9. Have I ever met Ms Jones? 10. Have they ever stayed alone?
III. 1. No, he has not taken any photos. 2. No, I have not been to Las Vegas.
3. No, she has not cooked dinner. 4. No, they have not moved out.
5. No, we have not forgotten our keys. 6. No, the child has not broken his arm.
7. No, they have not written any letters. 8. No, it has not stopped snowing.
IV. 1. Przykład 2. No, Jim has never met Mr Clinton. 3. No, Lisa has never gone
sailing. 4. No, they have never been to Thailand. 5. No, I have never seen
a ghost.
Past Simple - Present Perfect
I. 1. gave 2. have forgotten 3. moved 4. have visited 5. left 6. has known
7. learnt 8. met 9. have built 10. started
II. 1. went 2. have lived 3. sold 4. visited 5. worked 6. has known 7. borrowed
8. has just met 9. lived 10. have gone 11. discovered 12. has broken
13. have been 14. started 15. has caught
III. 1. Mike has lived abroad since 1997. 2. He travelled to Greece last summer.
3. You have learned/learnt German for four years. 4. We have been friends
since 2001. 5. Ann passed her exams a month ago. 6. Kevin has painted
pictures for six years. 7. I have been ill since yesterday. 8. My friend has just
lost his passport.
Czas ‘Present Perfect Continuous’ - zdanie twierdzące
I. 1. Adam has been telling jokes. 2. We have been cooking lunch. 3. They have
been playing basketball. 4. I have been cleaning the cellar. 5. You have been
watching television. 6. Mary has been getting ready. 7. Our parents have been
travelling. 8. The dog has been swimming. 9. The children have been making
noise. 10. It has been snowing.
II. 1. Przykład 2. Eva has been teaching since 1993. 3. Rob has been working
since December. 4. Joe has been eating lunch since four. 5. Jim has been
studying since 2002. 6. Mary has been practising yoga since April. 7. Tom has
been racing since 1999. 8. Sue has been learning hard since last week.
III. 1. … has been sunbathing. 2. … have been repairing the engine. 3. … have been
dancing all night. 4. … have been walking in the rain. 5. … have been playing
IV. 1. have been quarrelling 2. have been working 3. has been doing 4. have been
lying 5. has been writing 6. have been hiring 7. have been learning 8. has
been playing
Czas ‘Present Perfect Continuous’ - pytanie i przeczenie
I. 1. Have you been watching cartoons? 2. Has Peter been playing outdoors?
3. Have we been walking fast? 4. Have I been disturbing you? 5. Has Mr Brown
been driving home? 6. Have the boys been playing football? 7. Has it been
snowing? 8. Have they been building a cottage? 7. Has Ann been learning?
8. Have the people been singing?
II. 1. I haven’t been writing a letter. 2. Susan hasn’t been cooking dinner.
3. My friends haven’t been waiting for me. 4. Alex hasn’t been sleeping.
5. The dogs haven’t been barking. 6. It hasn’t been raining. 7. You haven’t been
taking photographs. 8. Mrs Lewis hasn’t been lying in the sun. 9. The baby
hasn’t been crying. 10. We haven’t been listening to music.
III. 1. Has Michael been learning mathematics for thirty minutes? 2. Has Rita been
sitting in her room for two hours? 3. Have the Greys been travelling in Australia
for six days? 4. Has Michael been studying hard for six days? 5. Has Rita
been reading a book for thirty minutes? 6. Have the Greys been doing
sightseeing for two hours?
How long …? – When …?
I. 1. When did you meet Muriel? 2. When did Ms Dean fall ill? 3. When did Adam
take his exams? 4. When did the dog bite you? 5. When did she buy the
dress? 6. When did they leave home? 7. When did the guests arrive?
8. When did I go to hospital?
II. 1. How long has Tom been abroad? 2. How long have you known Mr Green?
3. How long has Paula studied/been studying art? 4. How long have they lived/
been living in Tokyo? 5. How long have we travelled/been travelling?
6. How long have the men waited/been waiting for us? 7. How long have I
learned/learnt/been learning German? 8. How long has she played/been
playing chess?
III. 1. did Dorothy finish 2. have they renovated/been renovating 3. has your father
been 4. did Mr Parker write 5. have you dated/been dating 6. have the people
stood/been standing 7. did they find 8. has John worked/been working
IV. 1. How long has Tim been living in Spain? 2. When did you take these photos?
3. How long have you been resting? 4. When did Greg break his leg?
5. How long have they had this car? 6. How long has the boy been crying?
7. When did Alice go to Sweden? 8. How long has it been raining?
Czas ‘Future Simple’ -zdanie twierdzące
I. 1. I will paint the walls pink. 2. Robert will arrive late. 3. The Gordons will travel
by car. 4. You will miss your plane. 5. He will open a new shop. 6. Helen will
help us. 7. It will be cold. 8. They will play together. 9. We will have a party.
10. Mrs Dylan will go shopping.
II. Robbie will sleep long tomorrow. He will go to the beach next Saturday. He will
start school in two years.
Sandra will come home late tomorrow. She will clean her room next Saturday.
She will finish studying in two years.
Sue and Joe will go shopping tomorrow. They will have a party next Saturday.
They will get married in two years.
III. 1. will get 2. will be 3. will shine 4. will repair 5. will miss 6. will visit 7. will take
8. will give
Czas ‘Future Simple’ - pytanie i przeczenie
I. 1. Will Sarah go sunbathing tomorrow? 2. Will Jack play golf next Sunday?
3. Will it be cold next month? 4. Will the sun shine in spring? 5. Will you visit me
next weekend? 6. Will the men repair the road soon? 7. Will they get married
next year? 8. Will I go to university in two years? 9. Will we watch TV in the
evening? 10. Will the temperature fall tomorrow?
II. 1. Sarah will not go sunbathing tomorrow. 2. Jack will not play golf next Sunday.
3. It will not be cold next month. 4. The sun will not shine in spring. 5. You will
not visit me next weekend. 6. The men will not repair the road soon.
7. They will not get married next year. 8. I will not go to university in two years.
9. We will not watch TV in the evening. 10. The temperature will not fall tomorrow.
III. Will Lisa go to a bank tomorrow? / Will Simon visit his grandmother next month?
/ Will Helen and Jim buy a house in two years? / Will Lisa go on holiday next
month? / Will Simon join the army in two years? / Will Helen and Jim go for a
walk tomorrow? / Will Lisa start working in two years? / Will Simon get up early
tomorrow? / Will Helen and Jim move out next month?
Konstrukcja ‘be going to’ - zdanie twierdzące
I. 1. Monica is going to become a model. 2. You are going to pay a fine. 3. We are
going to have a party. 4. I am going to climb a mountain. 5. Jack is going to
swim in the sea. 6. They are going to buy a house. 7. It is going to snow.
8. She is going to sneeze. 9. Your baby is going to cry. 10. Ann and Paul are
going to get engaged.
II. Rosy is going to do shopping tomorrow. She is going to visit her aunt next
Sunday. She is going to take driving lessons next year.
David is going to get up early tomorrow. He is going to cook dinner next Sunday.
He is going to start learning French next year.
The Greens are going to clean their backyard tomorrow. They are going to have
a picnic next Sunday. They are going to sell their house next year.
III. 1. Thomas is going to catch a cold. 2. I am going to fail the test. 3. The plane is
going to crash. 4. You are going to get sunburnt. 5. We are going to get into
Konstrukcja ‘be going to’ - pytanie i przeczenie
I. 1. Is Eva going to watch TV this evening? 2. Are you going to clean your room
tomorrow? 3. Is Mr Hopkins going to retire next year? 4. Is it going to get
colder soon? 5. Is he going to help his parents tomorrow? 6. Is your brother
going to get married soon?
II. 1. I am not going to relax next Saturday. 2. You are not going to become a vet.
3. We are not going to buy a new house next year. 4. George is not going to
record a song this week. 5. The Greys are not going to have a party tonight.
6. The cat is not going to eat meat.
III. 1. Is Diane going to buy a new coat tomorrow? 2. Is Rick going to buy a car
soon? 3. Are our neighbours going to buy a dog? 4. Is Diane going to change
her job soon? 5. Is Rick going to hire a flat next week? 6. Are our neighbours
going to work in their garden tomorrow?
IV. 1. … going to rain. 2. I am not going to change the job. 3. She is not going to
take part in the marathon. 4. We are not going to miss the train. 5. I am not
going to bake a cake. 6. They are not going to take a rest.
Sposoby określania przyszłości
I. 1. will win 2. is organising 3. is going to rain 4. will come 5. is going to become
6. am going to buy 7. are leaving 8. will study 9. are taking 10. will rise
II. 1. will be 2. is visiting/is going to visit 3. are leaving 4. will lose 5. is going to
sleep 6. will go 7. is giving 8. am going to lose 9. is going to buy 10. will find
III. 1. am helping 2. will call 3. will rain 4. am going, are coming 5. is going to retire
6. am meeting
Czasowniki modalne
I. 1. Przykład 2. I can draw but I can’t paint. 3. Brian can ride a bicycle but he can’t
drive a car. 4. We can swim but we can’t sail a boat. 5. You can ski but you
can’t skate. 6. Tommy can speak but he can’t write. 7. They can serve food
but they can’t cook. 8. The cat can jump high but it can’t run very fast.
II. 1. Przykład 2. he could play the guitar 3. he could cook 4. she could write
poems 5. we could build one 6. I could repair clocks 7. they could play it
8. it could speak
III. Przykłady zdań:
A pilot can fly a plane. A pilot cannot design buildings.
An accountant can count well. An accountant cannot make furniture.
An architect can design buildings. An architect cannot cut hair.
A barber can cut hair. A barber cannot fly a plane.
A vet can look after animals. A vet cannot serve food.
A waiter can serve food. A waiter cannot make furniture.
A carpenter can make furniture. A carpenter cannot count well.
IV. 1. Could, could 2. can’t 3. could, can’t 4. couldn’t 5. can’t 6. couldn’t 7. can’t
8. couldn’t
Czasowniki modalne ‘may’ i ‘might’
I. 1. Przykład 2. Tom may ride a bike but he may not drive a car. 3. We may go to
the cinema but we may not go to a disco. 4. Eva may sunbathe but she may
not swim in the sea. 5. The girl may eat chocolate but she may not drink Coke.
6. You may sleep long but you may not go to bed late. 7. They may invite friends
but they may not leave home. 8. Our dog may play at home but it may not
sleep in bed.
II. 1. May I get another piece of cake? 2. May I bathe in the sea? 3. May I go to
a party? 4. May I watch films at night? 5. May I have some ice cream?
6. May I invite my friends? 7. May I use the computer? 8. May I borrow the book?
III. 1. Adam may have your tickets. 2. Mr Collins may be at work. 3. They may
come on Monday. 4. Brian may not like porridge. 5. We may be wrong.
6. I may lose the first place. 7. The children may know the truth. 8. Sue may
lend us some money.
IV. 1. might be hot 2. might win 3. might catch a cold 4. might have an accident
5. might get angry 6. might break
Czasowniki ‘must’ i ‘have to’
I. A nurse must look after ill people.
A policeman must keep law and order.
A gardener must prune trees.
A secretary must type letters.
A postman must deliver letters.
A soldier must protect his country.
An architect must design buildings.
A chef must prepare meals.
II. 1. Przykład. 2. The secretary must type letters but she does not have to write
reports. 3. The janitor must look after the school keys but he does not have to
clean the classrooms. 4. You must eat fruit but you do not have to drink milk.
5. We must pay contributions but we do not have to attend every meeting.
III. 1. Paul mustn’t drink cold water. 2. Ann mustn’t bring the cat home.
3. The pupils mustn’t make noise. 4. Bob mustn’t tread on the lawn.
5. Adam mustn’t use Rick’s computer. 6. Rita mustn’t take off the plaster.
7. Jim mustn’t touch the dog. 8. Betty mustn’t cross the street.
IV. 1. have to 2. do not have to 3. Does Michael have to 4. does not have to
5. Do we have to
Czasowniki modalne ‘should’ i ‘ought to’
I. 1. Przykład 2. Sportsmen should practise a lot but they should not take drugs.
3. You should learn hard but you should not read books at night. 4. Linda should
take her dog out but she should not go out without a coat. 5. We should ask
the teacher questions but we should not make noise.
II. 1. Should I go to a doctor? 2. Should I clean it up? 3. Should I ask a mechanic
for help? 4. Should I paint them white? 5. Should I punish him? 6. Should I
give it up.
III. 1. Simon ought not to go to school. 2. Mary ought to launch a party.
3. We ought to turn back. 4. Betty ought not to stay alone at home.
5. You ought not to eat it. 6. He ought to learn more.
IV. 1. ought 2. should 3. Ought 4. should 5. Should
Czasownik modalny ‘used to’
I. 1. I used to have a lot of friends in London. 2. James used to tell lies. 3. Harry
used to be a good boy. 4. We used to plant many trees. 5. Monica used to buy
a lot of dresses. 6. They used to go fishing together. 7. You used to listen to
classical music. 8. Eva used to eat a lot of sweets.
II. 1. Przykład 2. She used to like porridge. 3. Mr Holmes used to be a farmer.
4. Dave used to love Susan. 5. We used to have a garden. 6. Ann used to work
in a bank. 7. You used to teach students. 8. They used to be our neighbours.
III. Five years a go I did not use to have a car. I did not use to go to a swimming
pool. I did not use to like Chinese food. I did not use to work hard. I did not use
to play in the casino.
Konstrukcja ‘would like to …’
I. 1. Tommy would like to get a new bicycle. 2. I would like to travel all over the
world. 3. We would like to have our own garden. 4. Ms Harris would like to find
a good job. 5. You would like to have more free time.
II. 1. Would the Greens like to grow vegetables? 2. Would Cindy like to study law?
3. Would the children like to watch cartoons? 4. Would Joan and Mike like to
get engaged? 5. Would Robert like to be a driver?
III. 1. would not like to go to school 2. would not like to get stuck 3. would not like to
sail in a storm. 4. would not like to give bad marks 5. would not like to fly in
bad weather 6. would not like to go to war
IV. Przykłady zdań:
1. I would like to be an astronaut. 2. I would not like to do a bungee jump.
3. I would like to fly in a balloon. 4. I would like to go to the seaside. 5. I would
not like to have a hamster. 6. I would not like to live in Japan.
Pytania rozłączne
I. 1. isn’t she 2. hasn’t he 3. wasn’t it 4. can he 5. are you 6. doesn’t she
7. didn’t we 8. are they 9. won’t they 10. did you
II. 1. haven’t they 2. aren’t I 3. did you 4. will we 5. would you 6. have they
7. wouldn’t you 8. am I 9. didn’t you 10. will we
III. 1. didn’t they 2. is she 3. hasn’t he 4. will you 5. aren’t I 6. was she 7. did they
8. isn’t she 9. can’t he 10. weren’t they 11. should I 12. is it 13. wouldn’t you
14. didn’t they 15. has she
‘So’ / ‘Neither’ + operator + rzeczownik/zaimek
I. 1. has 2. are 3. was 4. does 5. are 6. does 7. can 8. will 9. have 10. would
II. 1. so can my brother 2. neither do we 3. neither did you 4. so is Sandra
5. so has she 6. so does Monica 7. neither has William 8. neither could Simon
9. so did they 10. neither are the girls
III. 1. so is 2. so did 3. neither will 4. neither did 5. so has 6. so was 7. so is
8. so are 9. neither should 10. so is 11. so could 12. so was 13. so is
14. neither is 15. neither will
Tryb warunkowy I
I. If Jason doesn’t learn hard, he will not pass his exams.
If our car breaks down, we will have to go on foot.
If there is a storm, the fishermen will not go to sea.
If you touch the insect, it will sting you.
If Sandra gets a job, she will earn some money.
II. 1. If John hurries up, he will not miss his bus.
2. If you feel bad, I will give you some medicine.
3. George will repeat the course if he fails the exam.
4. Your plants will die if you don’t water them.
5. If he lies again, we will punish him.
6. The machine won’t work if they don’t repair it.
7. If you don’t put the juice in the fridge, it will go bad.
8. I will stand by you if you need help.
III. 1. gets, will be 2. starts, will stay 3. will not go, do not do 4. will give, park
5. does not wash, will have to 6. teases, will bite 7. will visit, have 8. do not eat,
will be 9. will not help, am 10. do not take, will get
IV. 1. If I work harder, I will earn more money. 2. If you oversleep, you will miss the
sunrise. 3. If it snows, we will make a snowman. 4. If Jim does not get better,
he will go to hospital. 5. If they make noise, Mr Dean will be angry. 6. If we feel
tired, we will not go to the party. 7. If Sue does not apologise, I will not talk to
her. 8. If the phone rings, Ms Lee will answer it.
Tryb warunkowy II
I. If the shops were open, people would go shopping.
If you worked better, the boss would pay you more.
If John had a girlfriend, he would not feel lonely.
If the weather improved, we would go for a walk.
If today were Sunday, I would not have to go to work.
II. 1. We would buy a car if somebody lent us some cash.
2. It would be better if you talked to your teachers.
3. If Mr Hicks had a garden, he would have something to do.
4. I would be seasick if we travelled by ship.
5. If Nigel left for a long time, Ann would miss him a lot.
6. If we had matches, we would make a bonfire.
7. Everybody would like you if you weren’t so mean.
8. She wouldn’t be so popular if she weren’t an actress.
III. 1. was/were, would 2. would not work, was/were 3. would get, stopped 4. had,
would be 5. would not jog, was/were 6. would not know, did not work 7. would
come, were not 8. behaved, would not punish 9. had, would write 10. would
not look, cut
IV. 1. Tom would not be sad if he had more friends. 2. Joe would not come late if he
got up earlier. 3. Alice would not be so fat if she stopped overeating. 4. The
teacher would not reprimand us so often if we behaved better. 5. My father
would not have to get up at dawn if he did not travel to work 100 kilometres.
Bezokolicznik i ‘Gerund’
I. 1. to visit 2. to read/reading 3. playing 4. to speak 5. working 6. stand
7. to blow/blowing 8. to meet 9. learning 10. to water 11. to lend 12. repairing
13. listen 14. to be 15. to do
II. 1. to replace 2. be 3. keeping/to keep 4. to find 5. to disturb 6. taking
7. screaming/to scream 8. visiting
III. 1. hate cooking 2. expect to arrive 3. want to become 4. have forgotten to buy
5. finished reading 6. enjoys playing 7. agreed to go 8. regret behaving
9. is trying to open 10. don’t mind smoking
Konstrukcje bezokolicznikowe
I. 1. Przykład 2. People go to a restaurant to have a meal. 3. People go to
a supermarket to do shopping. 4. People go to a travel agent to buy a trip.
5. People go to a disco to dance. 6. People go to a post office to send letters.
7. People go to a library to borrow books. 8. People go to a bank to open an
account. 9. People go to a café to drink coffee. 10. People go to school to
II. 1. Peter brought the ladder to climb onto the roof. 2. Mary went to church to pray.
3. Mr Amber stopped his car to check the tyres. 4. The hunter loaded his rifle to
kill the bear. 5. I switched on the TV to watch cartoons.
III. 1. Przykład 2. Mr Thuram asked his wife to buy him a packet of biscuits.
3. The teacher reminded his students to write a summary. 4. Helen advised her
best friend to apologise to the boy. 5. Michael told Ronald to bring his records
back on Friday. 6. Ms Phillips expects her pupils to behave better.
Imiesłów czynny - ‘Present participle’
I. 1. playing children 2. falling snow 3. running water 4. quarrelling men
5. breaking walls 6. waiting people 7. burning meat 8. blowing wind
II. 1. I can see some men running. 2. I am listening to the Pope preaching.
3. I noticed a fox escaping. 4. I smelt milk burning. 5. I can hear wolves howling.
6. I am watching Mr Grey working. 7. I saw an aeroplane landing. 8. I heard
a girl screaming.
III. 1. I saw Andrew kissing Paula. 2. I noticed George dropping litter. 3. We are
observing the birds building a nest. 4. My friend heard Nicole telling a lie.
5. I was listening to you playing the guitar. 6. I noticed the man stealing the bag.
7. I saw Mr Turner using the computer. 8. I can hear her shouting. 9. I am
listening to the canary singing. 10. We are watching our children playing
Mowa zależna
I. 1. The man says (that) he is an architect. 2. They say (that) they have got
a garden. 3. Eva says (that) she does not like football. 4. Mr Dean says (that)
Thomas was at home. 5. They promise (that) they will be on time. 6. Ann says
(that) she is not going to wait long. 7. He says (that) their grandfather lived in
Leeds. 8. They explain (that) the door was locked. 9. Rick says (that) he does
not have much time. 10. People complain that life is hard.
11. He promises (that) he will never disappoint me/us. 12. Tom says (that) Peter
has borrowed the book. 13. The tourists say (that) they are going to Spain.
14. Mr Lee says (that) the apples are not ripe yet. 15. The boy promises (that) he
will tell me/us the truth.
II. 1. Mark says (that) he hates cooking. 2. Lisa says (that) they are very happy
together. 3. Mrs Green complains that it is cold here. 4. Our neighbour says
(that) he was in hospital. 5. The policeman says (that) he will give me/us a fine.
6. Joe promises (that) everything will be all right. 7. Gillian says (that) they were
talking all night. 8. Dave explains (that) he has just come back. 9. Mr Wilson
says (that) his children went by bus. 10. My sister says (that) it’s raining hard.
III. 1. Rick complains that these shoes are too small for him. 2. Mrs Grey says (that)
she does not want to watch the game. 3. Monica complains that this party is
boring. 4. Ann promises that she will bring me/us some sweets. 5. Mr Lee
complains that the kids are making lots of noise. 6. Our guide says (that) this
castle is very old. 7. Vicky explains (that) she was born is Sweden.
8. The Browns say (that) they have sold their flat.
Mowa zależna i następstwo czasów
I. 1. Paul said (that) he had a sheep dog. 2. They told me (that) they were not
afraid. 3. Mr Wilson said (that) Eva was ill. 4. Adam said (that) the Deans
were waiting. 5. Mr Flynn explained (that) he was going fishing. 6. Mary told
her friend (that) she did not have time. 7. He said (that) that computer was out
of order. 8. She said (that) the people looked very angry. 9. I complained that
I was alone. 10. Eva promised (that) she would give me/us a ride. 11. They
said (that) they were having a good time. 12. He explained (that) the water was
polluted. 13. She told her son (that) he learned/learnt too little. 14. I said (that)
the insect was dangerous. 15. Tom complained (that) he did not like that place.
II. 1. Mr Nolte said (that) he hated doing shopping. 2. Stanley told me (that) his
mother worked in a bank. 3. Tina complained that Rob was pulling her hair.
4. The Ryans promised (that) they would buy the tickets. 5. George explained
(that) he was in trouble. 6. Mrs Lean told us that we were going to write a test.
7. Joan said (that) she did not have to take any medicine. 8. Our neighbour said
(that) he would cut down the tree. 9. Alex answered (that) he was doing his
homework. 10. The woman told us (that) we were very polite.
III. Adam said (that) he was a schoolboy. Frank answered (that) he was a student.
Adam complained (that) he had to get up early every day. Frank said (that) he
could usually sleep longer. Adam told Frank (that) he had got a lot of friends.
Frank complained (that) he did not have many friends. Adam said (that) his
teachers were very strict. Frank told Adam (that) his tutors were not so
demanding. Adam said (that) geography was his favourite subject. Frank
answered (that) he loved history.
Pytania w mowie zależnej
I. 1. Lena is asking if this soup is tasty. 2. Mike wants to know if Harry lives in
Boston. 3. Eva is asking if it was hot yesterday? 4. Meg wants to know if the
kids are going to school. 5. Lou is asking if Mr Grey won the game. 6. Ann
wants to know if I have got a ruler. 7. Noah is asking if the children were afraid.
8. Bill is wondering if Mrs Tandy will punish them.
II. 1. Brian is asking where my bicycle is. 2. Mr Lee wants to know when Fiona is
leaving. 3. Ted is wondering what this is. 4. Ms Levy wants to know what the
girl’s name is. 5. Eric is asking why they were angry. 6. Sue wants to know
how long he has lived here. 7. Paul is asking where Tony is going. 8. Rita
wants to know what I/we will do.
III. 1. Mary is asking Eva if she is sleeping. 2. Bob wants to know where Sean’s
father is. 3. Lisa is asking Ann if they quarrelled. 4. Tom wants to know when
Alice will arrive. 5. Eva is asking Paul what he likes. 6. Mike is wondering if it
was raining hard. 7. Ike wants to know how old Nick is. 8. Bob is wondering if
Lena knows the man.
IV. 1. John asked if Monica was at home. 2. Steven asked if I had got pen friends.
3. Betty wanted to know if Alex liked seafood. 4. Cathy asked if they were having
a good time. 5. Mark asked when Sue would be ready. 6. I wondered if Tim
was going to study biology. 7. Mr Harris asked where the bus station was.
8. The man wanted to know what she had in the bag.
Strona bierna (I)
I. 1. Stamps are collected by Peter. 2. TV is watched by us. 3. Pictures are
painted by Mary. 4. Bread is baked by a baker. 5. Grass is eaten by cows.
6. Photos are taken by me. 7. Meals are cooked by our mother. 8. The washing
is done by you
II. 1. The alarm-clock is set by me. 2. Glasses are worn by John. 3. The rooms are
cleaned by us. 4. The grass is cut by Mr Turner. 5. Monica is loved by Tom.
6. Food is bought by you. 7. Karate is taught by them. 8. Flowers are sold by the
III. 1. A letter is being written by Eva. 2. The bike is being repaired by Mr Grey.
3. The bus is being driven by you. 4. The newspaper is being read by me.
5. The coffee is being drunk by Lisa. 6. The road is being mended by the
workers. 7. A cigarette is being smoked by him. 8. Music is being played by
IV. 1. A boat is being built by me. 2. Shopping is being done by Vicky. 3. Jokes are
being told by my father. 4. Lunch is being eaten by you. 5. Our map is being
used by the men. 6. Trees are being destroyed by the storm. 7. A parcel is
being carried by him. 8. English is being learned/learnt by them.
Strona bierna (II)
I. 1. The book was written by Mr Dean. 2. The windows were broken by them.
3. Dinner was cooked by our mother. 4. The fish was/were caught by me.
5. My bike was borrowed by Adam. 6. The car was sold by us. 7. The plane was
constructed by him. 8. A mess was made by the pupils.
II. 1. Apples were being collected by the gardener. 2. Breakfast was being eaten by
the family. 3. Trees were being cut down by the men. 4. Loud music was
being played by them. 5. The kids were being watched by their parents.
6. I was being driven by a taxi driver. 7. A rucksack was being carried by Mary.
8. The computer was being used by me.
III. 1. The car has been bought by Mr Eliot. 2. The school has been renovated by
us. 3. The clock has been set by Thomas. 4. The sweets have been brought
by aunt Sally. 5. The trees have been destroyed by a tornado. 6. The truth has
been revealed by the boys. 7. The printer has been damaged by you.
8. The gold medal has been won by Peter.
IV. 1. Letters were being typed by us. 2. A snowman was made by you. 3. A UFO
has been seen by David. 4. Milk was drunk by them. 5. The keys have been
forgotten by us. 6. The house was being cleaned by Alice. 7. I was invited by
my friends. 8. The documents were lost by me.
Wish + Past Simple
I. 1. I wish I were taller. 2. Alice wishes she had a dog. 3. We wish we did not live
in a city. 4. Paul wishes he studied economics. 5. You wish you could swim
well. 6. Mr Lee wishes he did not work in a factory. 7. They wish they were not
in trouble. 8. Dave wishes he knew Ms Taylor.
II. 1. I wish I had more/a lot of friends. 2. Brian wishes he were good/better at sport.
3. We wish we did not get so much homework./We wish we got less homework.
4. The Greens wish they had children. 5. Eva wishes she did not live alone.
6. Michael wishes he were not so shy. 7. I wish I could speak German.
8. They wish they did not have to get up at dawn.
III. 1. I wish my computer were not out of order. 2. Bob wishes his girlfriend did not
live so far away. 3. The Greys wish their children were not naughty.
4. We wish our neighbours liked us. 5. Mrs Walsh wishes her son could walk.
6. They wish their boss did not complain so much. 7. Betty wishes her boyfriend
were not abroad. 8. Mr Lee wishes his wife cooked meals.
IV. 1. … our children/they learned/learnt harder. 2. … wish you worked longer.
3. … wishes his house/it looked modern. 4. … wishes he knew karate.
5. … wishes her husband/he earned more.
Had better
I. 1. You had better set the alarm-clock. 2. We had better go by plane. 3. I had
better not sleep in the open air. 4. They had better not tease the dog.
5. Lisa had better take some medicine. 6. You had better not disturb your father.
7. We had better buy tickets. 8. The children had better not make noise.
II. 1. He had better go on a diet. 2. You had better go to a dentist. 3. I had better
fasten the seatbelt. 4. You had better take a torch. 5. You had better come
later. 6. She had better put on a pullover.
III. 1. You had better apologise to Jane. 2. We had better ask someone for help.
3. Bob had better not come late. 4. Mr Gordon had better be careful.
5. The boys had better not be rude. 6. I had better have some hot tea.
7. Rita had better not hide the truth. 8. They had better take a map.
IV. Przykłady zdań:
1. Monica had better have a nap. 2. Mark had better learn more. 3. You had
better not eat these apples. 4. Mr Jenkins had better take a rest. 5. Adam had
better wipe his feet clean. 6. They had better clean their room. 7. I had better
hurry up. 8. You had better not touch the dog.
It’s high time
I. 1. It is time for Greg to learn to read. 2. It’s time for us to leave home. 3. It’s time
for the train to arrive. 4. It’s time for me to repair the iron. 5. It’s time for you to
start packing. 6. It’s time for Linda to apologise to Tom.
7. It’s time for him to find a job. 8. It’s time for the children to get up.
II. 1. It’s high time you apologised to Sarah. 2. It’s high time Mrs Green retired.
3. It’s high time John took the dog out. 4. It’s high time we bought a new fridge.
5. It’s high time they repaired the roof. 6. It’s high time I got the invitation.
7. It’s high time the Kellys cleaned the drive. 8. It’s high time Mary went on a diet.
III. 1. It’s high time I sent the postcards. 2. It’s high time Mark visited his dentist.
3. It’s high time you cleaned the room. 4. It’s high time Sue passed her exams.
5. It’s high time we opened our shop. 6. It’s high time Mr Lean appeared.
7. It’s high time the plane landed. 8. It’s high time it stopped raining.
IV. 1. It’s high time you made … 2. It’s high time they switched … 3. It’s high time
we painted … 4. It’s high time he got up. 5. It’s high time you bought …
Imiesłów bierny
(Past Participle)
Bezokolicznik (Infinitive)
Past Simple
be - być *
was / were
become - stawać się
begin - rozpoczynać (się)
bite - ugryźć
break - złamać, stłuc
bring - przynosić
build - budować
buy - kupować
catch - łapać, chwytać
choose - wybierać
come - przychodzić
cost - kosztować
cut - ciąć
do - robić, czynić
drink - pić
drive - jechać
eat - jeść
feel - czuć (się)
find - znaleźć
forget - zapomnieć
get - otrzymać
give - dawać
go - iść, pójść
have - mieć
hear - słyszeć
know - wiedzieć, znać
learn - uczyć się
learnt / learned
learnt / learned
leave - opuścić, wyjechać
lend - pożyczyć (komuś)
lose - zgubić
make - robić
meet - spotykać, poznawać
pay - płacić
put - położyć
read - czytać
ride - jechać
run - biegać
say - powiedzieć, mówić
see - widzieć, zobaczyć
sell - sprzedawać
send - wysyłać
set - ustawiać, regulować
show - pokazać
showed / shown
sing - śpiewać
sit - siadać, siedzieć
sleep - spać
speak - mówić
spend - spędzać, wydawać
stand - stać
swim - pływać
take - wziąć
teach - nauczyć (kogoś)
tell - powiedzieć
think - myśleć
understand - rozumieć
wake - obudzić
wear - nosić (ubranie)
win - zwyciężać
write - napisać
* W tabeli podano jedynie podstawowe znaczenia czasowników nieregularnych.