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Key Terms Glossary: Stages of Learning & Sociocultural Influences

Topic 2 Key terms glossary
associative (practice) stage of learning the second phase in the learning of a new skill, in which
movement patterns become more refined and consistent through practice
autonomous (automatic) stage of learning the final stage of learning in which the performer's skill
execution is almost automatic and requires very little of their attention
cognitive (understanding) stage of learning the initial phase of learning of a motor skill where the
emphasis is on conscious understanding of the task requirements
explicit learning learning that takes place as a result of direct instruction, where the performer is told
what to do and when to do it
implicit learning learning through doing. The participants learn through completing a task.
sociocultural influences of, or relating to, the interaction of social and cultural elements such as
family, peers, community, gender, socioeconomic status, cultural beliefs and traditions
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