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How to Ensure Worker Safety Around Used FANUC Welding Robots

Safety First: Using Used
FANUC Welding Robots
As industries continually strive for efficiency and cost-
effectiveness, the utilization of used FANUC welding robots has
become a popular solution. These robots offer the benefits of
advanced technology at a fraction of the cost of new
However, an essential aspect that should never be compromised
when employing such automated systems is the safety of the
workers operating around them. In this article, we discuss key
strategies and measures to ensure worker safety around when
you buy used FANUC welding robots for sale and incorporate
into your industrial process.
Understanding the Risks
Collision Hazards
Welding Hazards
Moving robot parts, such as arms, joints, and end
Welding processes can generate arc flash, spatter,
essential to implement safety measures like barriers,
injuries. Proper protective equipment, ventilation
effectors, can pose a significant collision hazard. It's
sensors, and emergency stops to prevent workers from
entering the robot's workspace.
fumes, and intense light, all of which can cause severe
systems, and clear safety protocols are crucial for
preventing these hazards.
Electrical Hazards
Mechanical Failures
Used robots may have aging electrical components that
Used robots are susceptible to mechanical failures due
inspections, maintenance, and proper grounding are
maintenance program, including regular inspections
can malfunction or pose electrical shock risks. Regular
critical for ensuring electrical safety.
to wear and tear. Implementing a comprehensive
and component replacements, helps mitigate these
Risk Assessment and Training
Thorough Risk Assessment
Tailored Safety Training
Regular Training Refreshers
Conduct a comprehensive risk
Provide comprehensive safety
Implement a regular training
and robot operation, identifying
the FANUC welding robot
interact with the robots to
assessment of the environment
potential hazards associated
with robot operation, welding
processes, and electrical
systems. Analyze robot models,
their functionality, and
potential failure points to create
a robust assessment of risks.
training specifically tailored to
models you're using. Focus on
specific robot models and their
functionalities, covering safety
procedures, emergency
response protocols, and hazard
identification. Emphasize the
importance of ongoing training
and refreshers.
program for all employees who
ensure continuous awareness of
safety procedures and hazards.
Conduct refresher courses
regularly to reinforce safe
practices and address any
changes in robot operation,
safety protocols, or new
Implementing Safety Measures: Part 1
Proper Maintenance
Safety Zones and Barriers
To prevent mechanical failures and electrical hazards
Designate clearly defined safety zones around the
program. This program should include regular
Implement physical barriers, such as fences or
in used robots, establish a rigorous maintenance
inspections, component replacements, and
preventive maintenance schedules. Track all
maintenance activities, including repairs,
adjustments, and lubrication. Consider a preventive
maintenance checklist to guide the inspection and
servicing process. Always follow the manufacturer's
recommendations for maintenance procedures and
use only genuine FANUC parts to ensure optimal
performance and safety.
robot's workspace to prevent unauthorized entry.
railings, to separate the robot's workspace from
human work areas. Install visual cues, like warning
signs, flashing lights, or laser beams, to alert workers
about the robot's active status. Consider
incorporating active safety sensors, such as laser
scanners or proximity sensors, to detect the
presence of workers and automatically stop the
robot if someone enters the safety zone.
Implementing Safety Measures: Part 2
Protective Equipment
Signage and Warnings
Robot Programming
Provide workers with appropriate
Install clear and visible warning signs
Program the robot with safety
for welding hazards, such as welding
indicating specific hazards and safety
potential hazards. Implement safety
personal protective equipment (PPE)
helmets with auto-darkening filters,
heat-resistant gloves, aprons, and
respirators for welding fumes. Ensure
that the PPE is in good condition,
regularly inspected, and properly
fitted for each worker.
around the robot's workspace,
instructions. Use standardized safety
symbols and text to ensure clarity.
Include warnings about electrical
hazards, moving robot parts, and
welding hazards. Provide information
on emergency procedures and
contact numbers for safety
protocols and features to minimize
functions like speed limits, zone
monitoring, and emergency stops.
Consider using lockout/tagout
procedures to prevent accidental
robot operation during maintenance
or repairs. Ensure that the robot's
software is up-to-date and complies
with relevant safety standards.
Supervision, Compliance, and a Culture of Safety
Human Supervision
Continuous human supervision of robot operations is crucial to ensure safety. Designate trained personnel to monitor the robot's activities, identify
potential hazards, and respond promptly to any unexpected events or malfunctions. This includes observing robot performance, checking for any
signs of wear or damage, and ensuring that safety protocols are being followed.
Industry Compliance
Adhere to relevant safety standards and regulations for working with robots, including those issued by organizations like OSHA, ANSI, and the
Robotic Industries Association (RIA). Implement robust safety protocols that align with these standards, ensuring that your operations meet all
applicable requirements. Stay informed about updates and changes in safety regulations to maintain compliance.
Open Communication
Foster a culture where employees feel comfortable voicing concerns and reporting safety issues. Encourage regular safety discussions and
brainstorming sessions to identify potential hazards and develop effective solutions. Implement a system for tracking and resolving safety issues,
ensuring that all reported concerns are addressed promptly and effectively.
Employee Empowerment
Empower employees to take ownership of their safety by providing them with the necessary training, tools, and resources to work safely. Create a
workplace where employees feel valued and respected, and where safety is a shared responsibility.
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Email Us - info@usedrobots.com
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