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Why Should You Go for Stonehenge Private Guided Tours?

London Country Tours
1 Hill Cres, London, Worcester Park KT4 8NB,
United Kingdom
Located in southern England, the world-famous
Stonehenge is a place that every tourist should
visit when they are in the UK. Only just a 2-hour
drive from London, this place draws tourists from
around the world. As per a theory, Stonehenge
stones are related to astronomy and the
movement of glaciers. Besides, there are more
such mysteries and theories related to the place
that you can discover by booking Stonehenge
private guided tours. Here, we have listed down
some compelling reasons that you can consider
visiting this place. Have a look.
Fascinating Mystery
Surrounds Stonehenge
Well, we can use the word ‘mysteries’ as there are many
secrets surrounding this place. Some stories say the
stones were brought by giants, and some say these
stones possess some kind of healing power. Research
has informed us that this can be a burial site. Built
more than 5000 years ago, this is older than Egypt’s
Great Pyramids. All these things make this a
fascinating destination to visit.
The Incredible Design
Another reason to visit this place is to explore its
unique design. As per some studies, this was
constructed in three different stages. Speaking about
the first stage, an earthwork structure was built. The
second stage consisted of arrangements of timber with
postholes. In the last, the heavy, large stones were
fixed. Some theories say Stonehenge was constructed
in 6 stages. To find out more about this, visit this place.
Archaeological Wonder
For archaeology and history enthusiasts, we can say
that this place is an amazing treasure house. Many
ongoing studies uncover various new insights about the
purpose and construction of the monument and about
the people who built this. When you visit Stonehenge,
you will surely witness the ancient past.
Astronomical Wonder
The alignment of Stonehenge with various celestial
events, for example, the winter and summer solstices,
demonstrates an astronomical purpose. In fact, during
such times, events are organized at Stonehenge. If you
visit during those events, you can see the sun rise and
sunset in a perfect alignment.
Discover Hundreds of Ancient
At Stonehenge, people can also visit the Exhibition and
Visitors Center. In the Visitors Center, you will find
around 300 exhibits, and all those things have stunning
archaeological value. The artifacts you will find here
were either used for the construction of Stonehenge or
Experience Mystical and
Spiritual Vibes
It may be noted that Stonehenge is a place that is
famous for its spiritual significance, especially for
people looking for a deeper connection with mysticism
and the past. Some people say this site has a unique
energy. Som also performs ceremonies and rituals at
Stonehenge during solstices.
Final Words
Whether you are a spiritual seeker, an archaeology
enthusiast, a history lover or a person who loves to
know about the beauty of the past, this is the place
that you can’t ignore to visit when you are in England.
Visiting this place will definitely leave you with some
unforgettable memories. So, don’t think much and book
a trip to this place if you are planning to visit the UK.
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