08 8362 7758 HOME ABOU T T ILING SERVIC ES 3 G ALLERY inf o@eastadelaidetilingco.com.au BLOG S 3 C ONT AC T 08 8362 7758 U BATHROOM RENOVATIONS ADELAIDE Why Choose East Adelaide Tiling Co.? Highly Experienced – 40+ years Heritage Specialist High Quality Materials Clean, Fast & On Budget Complete Bathroom Renovations in Adelaide If you are looking for a specialist who can assist you wit h a reliable and superior service when complet ing bathroom renovations in Adelaide, cont act East Adelaide Tiling Co. We are a company wit h a st rong reput at ion and specialise in t iling resident ial and commercial spaces. Over t he last 40 years, our company has gained ext ensive experience in offering services such as herit age rest orat ions, complet e bat hroom renovat ions, repairs and maint enance services for all t ypes of premises. East Adelaide Tiling Co. is a family run business operat ed by brot hers Joe and Dino, who learned t he craft from t heir fat her at a young age. We have a st rong background in building and are passionat e about hist ory and art . The cust omers are of t he ut most priorit y and we value t heir cust omer experience above all. Talk t o our friendly st aff t oday so t hat we can discuss your project wit h you. Why Choose Us for Bathroom Renovations in Adelaide We underst and how st ressful a bathroom renovation in Adelaide can be. At East Adelaide Tiling Co., we endeavour t o make t he process hassle-free. We accomplish t his by guiding you in all st ages, from design t o t he complet ion of t he project . Arrangement s can also be made if ot her t rades are required in t he project , such as t ilers, plumbers, carpent ers and paint ers. Once you cont act our t eam, we will come t o your locat ion t o analyse t he job and develop t he quot e. As you cont inue shopping for t he best mat erials, we will fine-t une t he init ial quot e and bring it t o you for approval before st art ing t he job. Once we begin t he process, we will keep your space clean and st rive t o complet e t he job on t ime. What to Consider When Renovating Your Adelaide Bathroom Before you approach any specialist , you need t o have an idea of your st yle and what you want t o achieve wit h your bathroom renovation in Adelaide. You should also be developing your budget for t his project . Aft er t his, consult a renovat ion specialist who can assist you from t he st art , right t hrough t o t he complet ion. If you’re planning t o renovat e your main bat hroom, it ’s a good idea t o t ell your renovat ing specialist s so t hat t hey can figure out a t emporary solut ion as t he project cont inues. We will organise a port able bat hroom facilit y t o ensure t hat t here are no inconveniences as we cont inue t o undert ake t he renovat ion. When select ing t he mat erials for t he renovat ion, you can also ask for assist ance from a building specialist . They will help you select high qualit y and durable mat erials t hat mat ch your home’s design and budget . BATHROOM RENOVATORS ADELAIDE Bathroom Renovators With Over 40 Years of Experience We are a dedicat ed t eam of bathroom renovators in Adelaide who have been in t he indust ry for over 40 years. Our company was founded in 1974 by an It alian t iler and builder, who lat er passed on t he skill t o his sons, Dino and Joe Mannarino. Over t he years, our company has handled hundreds of project s in homes, commercial buildings and public spaces around Adelaide. Some of our not able works include Nort h Adelaide Church of Christ , t he Mit chell Building at t he Universit y of Adelaide, Ayers House and an archit ect urally designed farmhouse in Christ church, New Zealand. Feel free t o call our passionat e t eam t oday for what ever t iling project you have. Whet her small or big, we aspire t o complet e it wit h excellence and on t ime. Our t eam cannot wait t o hear from you. Why Trust Our Bathroom Renovations Services in Adelaide As recommended bathroom renovators in Adelaide, our vast t eam will work hard t o find t he perfect solut ion for t he renovat ion project . Whet her you need t o fix t he light s, inst all an efficient plumbing syst em, or replace t he fixt ures, leave it t o us. We have a massive net work of reliable cont ract ors wit h whom we will engage t o ensure t hat you have a hassle-free process when renovat ing your space. We will walk wit h you from select ing t he best design for your bat hroom t o complet ing t he project . Once you approve t he finet uned quot e t hat we develop, we aspire t o complet e t he project on t ime so t hat you can st art enjoying your space. East Adelaide Tiling Co. – Quality Bathroom Renovations That Meet Your Needs and Budget Our bathroom renovators in Adelaide are always available t o answer your quest ions. We will also remain in const ant communicat ion wit h you so t hat you have an updat e on t he project ’s progress. Since we t rain all our employees t o perform consist ent ly at t he highest st andard, we will always ensure t hat we leave your space clean and t idy aft er a day’s work. If you don’t have an alt ernat ive bat hroom, feel free t o cont act us in advance t o organise a t emporary opt ion as we carry out t he renovat ion. What if you don’t know what tiles to choose? Our t eam can assist you in select ing t he best opt ion for your needs and budget . You can t rust our advise as we have been in t he indust ry for years and always aim for 100% cust omer sat isfact ion. BATHROOM RENOVATIONS SOUTH AUSTRALIA Complete Bathroom Renovations in South Australia Are you looking forward t o carrying out a qualit y bathroom renovation for your home or commercial space in South Australia? Do you want assist ance from a qualified expert t hat will help you breat he life int o your out dat ed bat hroom at t he most affordable prices in t he market ? Well, you have come t o t he right place. East Adelaide Tiling Co is a reput able company t hat specialises in providing complet e bat hroom renovat ions at t he highest of st andards. Our passion for art and hist ory means t hat we genuinely care about making your space look st unning and keeping it wit hin your budget . Our lead building and t iling expert s have over 40 years in t his indust ry. They have had t he opport unit y t o complet e numerous project s in homes, commercial premises and public facilit ies. Cont act our t eam t oday t o know more about how we can help t o renovat e your space and get a free, no-obligat ion quot e from us. Our Bathroom Renovation Services in South Australia Over t he years, client s have t rust ed our bathroom renovation services in South Australia because we are expert s t hat handle our client ’s project s from init ial concept t o complet ion. We have a highly qualified t eam of t rades who we t rain adequat ely t o deliver a desirable out come. Apart from t hat , we also have relat ionships wit h numerous sub-cont ract ors who will supply and serve you professionally. Once you approve our quot at ion, our t eam will st rive t o complet e t he project on t ime. For larger project s where we need you t o use a different bat hroom, we’ll organise a port able bat hroom for you t o use in t he meant ime. Nonet heless, we assure you t hat we’ll always leave your space clean at t he end of any working day. Choosing the Right Materials for Your Bathroom Renovation in South Australia When carrying out a complet e bathroom renovation in South Australia, you desire t o achieve a st unning bat hroom t hat mat ches t he design you had in mind and your ent ire home’s aest het ics. Our t eam will also work wit h you t o ensure t hat you bring your vision t o life. If you don’t know what t iling mat erials t o choose for t he bat hroom, we can offer t he assist ance you require, while meet ing your needs and budget . If you want herit age t iling for your new bat hroom, we’ll show you t he best opt ions t o suit your chosen design. Talk to our experts today for reliable and quality bathroom renovations in South Australia. East Adelaide Tiling Co can transform your space. Call East Adelaide Tiling Co. today at 08 8362 7758. CONT ACT US Q U ICKLINKS SER V I C ES CO NT ACT About Bathroom Renovations 08 8362 7758 Gallery Heritage T iling Send us an Email T estimonials Home Owners 40 Nelson St, Stepney SA Book Now T iling Repair & Maintenance 5069 High Density Residential © 2 0 2 4 EA S T A D ELA I D E T I LI NG CO. | A LL R I GHT S R ES ER V ED | WEB S I T E D EV ELOP MENT B Y C R E A T I V E S E R U M