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HRM Case Study: Job Analysis, Recruitment & Selection

Running case study part 2 Assignment
Question 1
Is meeting with each employee individually the best method of job
analysis? What other method(s) could be used and why?
The best method of job analysis in this scenario would be meeting each employee individually, this is
because the company is small and one of the factors to consider when deciding the best method of Job
analysis is the time and money spent versus the quality of information collected, since the company is
small, the employees are few, the employees can be interviewed individually to collect the information
needed. This will also grant the managers the opportunity to interact with the employees inadeptly to
understand their role and responsibilities on a day-to-day basis.
However, there are other methods of Job analysis, a group of employees who perform the same duties
may be interviewed to collect information about their duties, this method is time efficient as the
employees are interviewed in groups compared to individual interview. Another method of job analysis
is asking employees to fill out a questionnaire of the list of work activities that they perform, this can
either in electronic or hard copy, this method is also time efficient, and it would also give the manager
ample time to review the information collected to ensure accuracy. Furthermore, keeping a log or diary
is another method of job analysis as the employees may be asked to keep a log or diary of the duties
performed, this method is efficient and effective as employees have enough time to capture all their
work duties.
Question 2
Should written job descriptions be developed for each employee’s position?
Why or why not?
Written Job descriptions should be developed for each employee’s position as this will help the
employees understand their duties, responsibilities, knowledge, skills and competencies needed to
perform the work effectively. An employee may not fully understand what is required of them to
perform excellently in their role, job description clarifies everything that is needed to understand about
the job expectations and what is needed to perform their duties effectively. It should also be noted that
when writing a job description, clear, concise and direct words should be used, unnecessary words
should not be used.
However, Job descriptions has its own problems such as they can become out of date as work
requirements changes and evolves with time, I believe changes is constant and employees understand
them as well, such changes that can cause work requirements to change can be communicated to the
employees in due time.
Question 3
If an inventory specialist is needed, should Jessie and Ashton hire Ashley
for this role? Why or why not?
Hiring Ashley should not be automatic decision or decision made on sentiments and personal
relationship/bias, as there are recruitment and selection processes to be followed to determine if Ashley
is the right candidate. If an inventory specialist is needed and no internal candidate qualifies for the role,
also they should only be hired if they meet all the legal requirements, have the best qualifications, skills,
abilities and training to meet the requirements of the job. Ashley can as well apply for the role like
everybody else and go through the recruitment and selection process. It is also worthy to note that
Ashley is being referred by a current employee and people recommend others who are qualified, and
these referred candidates can end up being good employees as their referred reflect themselves and the
ability to make good judgements and according to 1 study, 88% of employers rate employee referrals as
their #1 source of quality candidates.
Question 4
If external recruitment is used, where should Jessie and Ashton advertise
this opportunity?
Jessie and Ashton should advertise the opportunity using the internet as the internet can reach wider
range of people and this increases the opportunity to attract the people with the right skills set, they can
advertise on sites like Monster.ca, Workopolis, Indeed and other job sites. The internet is faster to reach
potential employees and it generates higher-quality candidates, it will also be cheaper for Jessie and
Ashton to use than the traditional advertising media. They can also consider other methods such as job
fairs and also listing the advertisement of the role in their community bulletin.
Question 5
Who should be involved in interviewing people for any new positions?
Setting up a panel interview team to thoroughly assess the candidates to ensure that the assessment of
the potential candidates is free of personal judgement and bias. It would also be recommended that
standard interview questions should be asked, and each candidate should be given equal opportunity to
display their competence while the direct supervisor hiring together with Jessie and any other
experienced staff in the company selects the candidate that best displays the skills and competency
needed for the role.
Question 6
What other key recruitment and selection considerations should Jessie and
Ashton address?
Jessie and Ashton should consider the legal requirements needed during recruitment and selection
process. They should also consider having a recruitment plan that focuses on designated group of
women, people with disabilities, indigenous people and visible minority. During recruitment planning, it
is important for Jessie and Ashton to be knowledgeable about the importance of employees to have
diverse cultural backgrounds. They should also give equal opportunities to the applicants during the
interview process by setting standard interview questions while allowing them to display their