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Learning Disabilities Assessment: What You Need to Know

Learning Disabilities Assessment: What You Need to
Not all children learn at the same speed and at the same pace. Some children grab things quickly,
while some need more time and special attention. If your child is lacking in school and needs extra
effort to grasp things, then it is best to take the learning disabilities assessment test. It will give
valuable information about your child's strengths and weaknesses. Moreover, you will be able to
figure out what kind of support your child needs. However, the process of evaluating learning
disabilities in children can be daunting and hectic, even for the experts, as lot of patience and
expertise is needed. But, have you ever wondered how it is done, who performs it, and what kind of
information you will get? If so, read this explanatory blog post to learn more.
What is a learning disorder?
Learning Disabilities is a neurological disorder that impacts the interactiveness and functioning of
the brain to receive and process information. Children suffering from this disease will have
difficulty in performing basic skills such as reading, writing, speaking or understanding the
directions. Difficulties in the foundation skills will cause problems in learning other subjects also,
such as history, science, maths, and social science. If not diagnosed on time, it may impact an
individual's personal and social life. They might have greater psychological distress, dropping out
of school, and poor mental health. However, these children are not intellectually disabled.
The common learning disabilities in children include:
1. Dyspraxia – Commonly known as sensory integration disorder. Children have difficulty
understanding fine motor skills.
2. Dysgraphia – Problem in Writing.
3. Auditory Processing Disorder- Having difficulties in hearing. They have an issue in
understanding the difference between different sounds.
4. Dysphasia – Difficulty with language
5. Visual Processing Disorder – Found it difficult to interpret visual information.
6. Dyscalculia – Difficulty in Math
7. Nonverbal Learning Disabilities – Children are having an issue understanding and
translating nonverbal cues, like expression.
8. Dyslexia - Difficulty in reading
Common Symptoms Shown by Children Suffering from Learning
Children suffering from learning disorders will show the following symptoms:
Social Emotional Problem
Motor Difficulties
Poor Phonological Skills
Memory Issues
Perceptual Disorder
Academic Learning Difficulty
Lack of Meta-cognitive Abilities
Hyperactive or hypo-active
How to Determine if Your Child Needs to Take a Learning Disability Test
or Not?
Along with getting low marks at school or showing behavioural or psychological symptoms, there
are some common signs that children with learning disabilities will exhibit:
They need extra time to do their academic work.
They argue, yell, or leave the class because they have difficulty understanding the topics.
You can spot their behavioural outbursts.
They lack basic skills such as reading, writing or speaking.
They need help understanding the basic instructions or remembering things.
They often reverse words, numbers or letters.
They often skip school and must complete their homework/assessments/tests.
They often need help understanding the concept of time.
They have an immature way of speaking.
What is the Importance of Knowing Learning Disabilities Awareness?
Raising awareness about learning disabilities in children will help the parents in many ways. As per
the survey, one of the five children is suffering from this and needs to take a learning disability test.
By breaking down the stereotype and meeting the learning disability psychologist, you can:
Create a more empathetic society where every individual is valued and respected.
You will better understand the children's neurocognitive functioning and emotional and
behavioural needs and implement effective learning techniques.
Children get better support or interventions.
You can easily find the exact causes of the academic weakness.
The assessment of learning difficulties will identify the strengths and weaknesses of the
You can monitor the progress of your children and can take further steps if needed.
Help you in creating a stronger bond with your children.
Early detection will encourage you to seek professional help at the right time.
What to Do if Your Child is Diagnosed with Learning Disabilities?
Learning disabilities are often assessed by your child's school, community, learning disability
psychologist, or hospital. If you suspect that your child needs extra help, immediately contact the
school officials and educators.
Apart from this, as a parent, you can help your child by following the below-mentioned tips:
Communicate regularly with your children
Identify your child's learning style, as every child is unique and has its own way of learning.
Praise your kid for their efforts in doing a particular task.
Set a routine for your children.
Engage them in literacy activities.
Develop a spirit of inquiring about different things.
Set a goal for them in a way that keeps your child motivated through fun activities.
Have a word with others (parents, educators). Listen to their experience, suggestions,
problems they are dealing with. It will build an emotional support.
Become your own expert, do your research, and gather information about different learning
difficulties assessment tests.
Learning Disabilities Treatment – How to Help Your Child?
Parents and educators are the one who helps the child suffering from learning disabilities, as they
are the one who detects it first. Since it can not be cured, Timely, or, early detection can help your
child. Learning disabilities treatment includes:
Different Intervention programs such as evidence based approaches, maths skill
interventions, memory enhanced strategies or executive functional training.
Medical, behavioural or psychological therapies.
Training from the professional help who can help your children in improving his/ her skills.
Individual education program (IEP) by the certified trainers, which is organised by the
school, so that they can flourish your child's strengths and weaknesses.
A helping hand from the parents and school. As a parent, you can help your children by
understanding and helping them in difficult areas at home. Moreover, the school can offer
extra time to these children so that they can complete their tasks.
Apart from helping them academically, you can provide non-academic support. Encourage
your child to take part in different physical activities so they feel enjoyable.
School can ask them to join the social clubs or the group activities so that they can improve
their social skills and make more friends.
Both parents and educators can listen to their queries, feelings. AS these kids often fails to
express themselves, provide the emotional support to them.
Last but not least, remember to honour your child's success. It will keep them motivated and
help them feel better.
Ask the Professionals for Help
The journey of empowering your children with learning disabilities is a mixing bowl of ups and
downs. After having the learning disabilities assessment, the real journey begins. You need to
support them by providing the patches, so that they can sprint with ease. Since it is a collaborative
effort of parents, educators and learning disability psychologist, Our certified experts are always
there to help you. Always remember you are not alone in this roller coaster journey. We are there for