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Nursing Research Answer Key

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Answer Key
A Cross Section of
Nursing Research
Journal Articles for Discussion and Evaluation
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Answers to Factual Questions
Article 1: A Survey of Emotional Difficulties of Nurses Who Care for Oncology Patients
1. How many questionnaires were excluded from the data analysis because of inappropriate or irrelevant answers?
Thirteen. (See lines 107–109.)
2. What was the participants’ mean age?
35.0 yr. (See line 145.)
3. What percentage of the nurses did not want to tell a patient that he or she was in the terminal phase?
95.5%. (See lines 162–164 and Table 3.)
4. How many nurses expressed that they experienced no difficulties related to caring for terminally ill patients?
Ten. (See lines 196–197 and Table 4.)
5. Besides years of experience, what other factor appeared unrelated to feelings and concerns of nurses who care for
terminally ill patients?
Level of education. (See lines 270–273.)
6. When caring for terminally ill patients, how many nurses expressed sadness at the young age of the patient?
Three. (See line 211 and Table 4.)
Article 2: Post-Anesthesia Care Unit Nurses’ Knowledge of Pulse Oximetry
1. According to the literature review, were there previous studies in the literature that assessed PACU nurses’ knowledge of
pulse oximetry?
No. (See lines 48–49.)
2. Of the 32 items in the data collection instrument, how many were designed to assess knowledge of pulse oximetry?
20. (See lines 69–73.)
3. How was content validity established?
By having a panel of three critical care and PACU nurse educators review the questionnaire. (See
lines 72–75.)
4. What was the mean test score?
62 ± 9.09. (See lines 119–120.)
5. What does a pulse oximeter measure?
The absorption of light by hemoglobin. (See lines 122–124.)
6. What was the value of the Pearson correlation coefficient for the relationship between level of education and test scores?
r = .25. (See lines 187–188.)
Article 3: Male and Female Nursing Applicants’ Attitudes and Expectations Towards Their
Future Careers in Nursing
1. What is the third hypothesis?
There will be no difference between males and females on their ideal position in 10 years’ time.
(See lines 210–211.)
2. The researchers used Likert scale with how many points?
Five. (See lines 220–221.)
3. Of the 600 questionnaires that were distributed, how many were returned?
273. (See lines 231–232.)
4. What was the overall response rate?
45.5%. (See lines 234–235.)
5. Was there a significant difference between males and females on socioeconomic background?
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No. (See lines 252–254.)
6. Was the difference between males and females on the factor of “interesting work” statistically significant? If yes, at what
probability level?
Yes. The probability is 0.010, which is less than .05. (See lines 277–282 and Table 1.)
Article 4: Physical Activity Barriers and Program Preferences Among Indigent Internal
Medicine Patients With Arthritis
1. What four types of patients were excluded from this study?
Non-English speaking, acutely ill, demented, or psychotic patients. (See lines 27–29.)
2. What percentage of the participants were women?
75%. (See Table 1.)
3. “Cost” was cited as a barrier to exercise by what percentage of the participants?
Fewer than 10%. (See lines 64–65.)
4. What is the value of the correlation coefficient for the relationship between age and embarrassment?
–0.24. (See lines 74–75.)
5. Did women or men prefer good music? What probability is associated with this difference?
Women. The probability is p = 0.01. (See lines 92–93.)
6. The researchers mention two “study strengths.” What is the first one they mention?
An adequate sample size for evaluating age, gender, and ethnic differences. (See lines 158–160.)
Article 5: Tobacco Intervention Attitudes and Practices Among Certified Registered
Nurse Anesthetists
1. Questionnaires were mailed to how many individuals?
1,000. (See lines 59–60.)
2. When was a follow-up postcard mailed?
Two weeks after the original mailing. (See lines 65–66.)
3. How many surveys were returned?
443. (See line 101.)
4. Why do the percentages for “Practice environment” in Table 1 sum to more than 100%?
Respondents could indicate more than one practice environment. (See the footnote to Table 1.)
5. Are the results consistent with those of a prior survey?
Yes. (See lines 144–146 and 181–185.)
6. Would a “recall bias” overestimate or underestimate the actual intervention rates?
Overestimate. (See lines 250–258.)
Article 6: Ethics Content in Community Health Nursing Textbooks
1. According to the researcher, what is the dominant perspective in the Code for Nurses?
The biomedical perspective. (See lines 70–73.)
2. What search terms were used to identify texts specific in the nursing specialty area of interest to the researcher?
Public health nursing and community health nursing. (See lines 120–123 and Table 1.)
3. When examining a text, what did the researcher check first to identify ethics-related content?
The text index. (See lines 142–144.)
4. The researcher states that a utilitarian perspective was relatively rare in the textbooks that were studied. According to the
researcher, is this perspective uncommon in public health literature?
No. (See lines 187–189.)
5. The researcher reports that only two texts, both by the same authors, included all four theoretical perspectives. What are
the authors’ names?
Stanhope and Lancaster. (See lines 197–199. Note that the answer can also be derived by careful
inspection of Table 2.)
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