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Cambridge IGCSE History Workbook 1: 20th Century Relations

Cambridge IGCSE™
and O Level History
Workbook 1
Core Content Option B:
The 20th century:
Relations since 1919
ey Question 1: Were the peace
treaties of 1919–23 fair?
1 Using Chapter 1 of your textbook, match the heads and tails to define the key terms.
Compensation for war damages
Paris Peace Conference
Literally a ‘dictated peace’ – a settlement imposed on a country by
other countries
An agreement made by adjusting terms so all parties agree
The ceasefire signed on the 11 November 1918 that formally ended
the fighting in the First World War
The meeting of the victorious nations to decide on the peace treaty
with Germany
2 Use Chapter 1 of your textbook to connect the following events with the correct date on the timeline.
Treaty of
Versailles signed
Nov, 1918
Jan, 1919
Armistice signed
Jun, 1919
Paris Peace
Conference starts
Jun, 1920
Treaty of Trianon
May, 1921
• The Big Three and the Paris Peace Conference
(pages 6–10)
3 Use pages 6–7 of your textbook. How many countries were represented at the Paris Peace Conference?
4 Who were the ‘Big Three’ and which countries were they leaders of?
David Lloyd George
Name: .........................................................
Country: .........................................................
Georges Clemenceau
Name: .........................................................
Country: .........................................................
Woodrow Wilson
Name: .........................................................
Country: .........................................................
5 List the four most important ideas in Wilson’s Fourteen Points. We have provided initial letters.
D: Disarmament
............................................................... S: ..................................................................
Free Trade
League of Nations
F: ...............................................................
L: ..................................................................
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Cambridge IGCSE ™ and O Level History Workbook 1
Key Question 1: Were the peace treaties of 1919–23 fair?
6 Study pages 8–9 of your textbook. What were the aims of the ‘Big Three’ at the Paris Peace
Conference? Use three different colours and the key provided to colour code the boxes.
Lloyd George
Disarmament of
European countries
To have a League of
To retain the most
powerful navy
To reduce German
military power
To trade with Germany
To reclaim lost French
To punish and cripple
Germany economically
To punish Germany,
but not too harshly
7 Study the profiles of Wilson, Lloyd George and Clemenceau on pages 6–9 in your textbook. Draw a
line to link the name on the left with the phrase on the right that best describes their individual
Woodrow Wilson
A realist who occupied the middle ground
David Lloyd George
An uncompromising politician who wanted to prevent another
invasion from Germany
Georges Clemenceau
A reformer and an idealist
8 Use pages 8–9 of your textbook to answer the following questions.
a State one way in which Lloyd George agreed with Wilson’s ideas.
A harsh treaty might lead to a communist revolution.
b State one way in which Lloyd George disagreed with Wilson’s ideas.
Lloyd George wanted to maintain a strong navy and for Germany to lose its navy.
c State one way in which Clemenceau agreed with Wilson’s ideas.
Both wanted a fair and lasting peace (in public).
d State one way in which Clemenceau disagreed with Wilson’s ideas.
Over how harshly to treat Germany – France wanted to weaken it.
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• The Treaty of Versailles (pages 12–21)
9 Use pages 8–9 of your textbook. The text boxes show different pressures faced by Lloyd George and
Clemenceau at the Paris Peace Conference. Draw a line to match each pressure to the correct leader
(you can link a box to both leaders if appropriate).
Public pressures at
home for a harsh treaty
The war resulted in
enormous damage
to land, industry and
Georges Clemenceau
Fear of a communist
revolution like the one
in Russia in 1917
To make sure the
British Empire
would no longer be
David Lloyd George
Over two-thirds of the
men in the army were
casualties, causing a
population decline
10 Study Source 5 on page 10 of your textbook. Select three quotes from the source as evidence that the
Big Three were not going to agree with each other’s demands for a peace settlement.
‘Everything about him (Wilson) served to disillusion those he dealt with’
Quote 1: ...............................................................................................................................
‘The Big Three abandoned Wilson’s principle...’
Quote 2: ...............................................................................................................................
‘Sometimes they almost came to blows’
Quote 3: ...............................................................................................................................
• The Treaty of Versailles (pages 12–21)
11 Study pages 12–13 of your textbook to answer the following questions.
had to accept blame for starting the war.
a What was the war guilt clause? Germany
£6.6 billion
b What amount were reparations set at in 1921? ......................................................................
Union between Germany and Austria
c What was meant by the term Anschluss? ...............................................................................
They were taken away and controlled by the
d What happened to Germany’s overseas colonies? ....................................................................
League of Nations
e How many soldiers was Germany allowed? ............................................................................
How many battleships was Germany allowed? .......................................................................
g Which area of Germany was to be demilitarised? Rhineland
of Nations
h What organisation was set up to try to keep international peace? League
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Key Question 1: Were the peace treaties of 1919–23 fair?
12 Study Figure 6 on page 12 showing the impact of the Treaty of Versailles on Germany territory.
Complete the table below.
German territory
‘Polish Corridor’
Part of East
Alsace-Lorraine North Schleswig
Given to …
13 Which of the terms of the Treaty of Versailles below would the Big Three have been pleased and
displeased with?
Article 231, War
guilt clause
............................................................................ However, .............................................................
would have been pleased with this because
would have been displeased with this because
them in 1914.
future conflict.
they blamed the Germans for invading
he wanted a peaceful Europe to prevent
............................................................................ ............................................................................
............................................................................ ............................................................................
Wilson/Lloyd George
............................................................................ However, .............................................................
would have been pleased with this because
would have been displeased with this because
inability to trade.
he believed this would lead to Germany’s
of all of the war damage inflicted on
............................................................................ ............................................................................
............................................................................ ............................................................................
No air force
Lloyd George
............................................................................ However, .............................................................
would have been pleased with this because
would have been displeased with this because
he thought it might lead to future
Germany would not be able to defend
............................................................................ ............................................................................
............................................................................ ............................................................................
No overseas
............................................................................ However, .............................................................
would have been pleased with this because
Britain and France gained control of
would have been displeased with this because
because he did not like empires and Britain
............................................................................ ............................................................................
the colonies in Africa.
and France would add to theirs. He wanted
............................................................................ ............................................................................
League of
Clemenceau/Lloyd George
............................................................................ However, .............................................................
would have been pleased with this because
would have been displeased with this because
wanted to promote international
............................................................................ it was too idealistic.
and co-operation.
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• The Treaty of Versailles (pages 12–21)
14 Study the diagram on page 15 of your textbook. Match the heads and tails in the table below to
explain how the Germans reacted to the peace treaty.
Aspect of treaty
Many Germans believed the peace settlement was not in keeping with Wilson’s
promises as Germans were forced to live in other countries, which went
against self-determination.
Germany was not allowed to be represented at the Paris Peace Conference
and the Treaty was forced on them – it was a dictated peace or ‘Diktat’.
Fourteen Points
This took away large areas of industrial production such as the Saar region
and took away their empire.
League of
This caused hate and resentment as many Germans felt other countries had
equal blame for the start of the war.
This left Germany unable to defend itself from foreign invasion and knocked
the pride of many Germans.
Germany was not invited to join until 1926 and so felt like an outcast among
victorious powers.
War guilt
This left them bitter as the country was already close to being bankrupt from
the huge war debt.
15 Study Source 7 on page 14 of your textbook. What does the source suggest about the attitude some
people had towards the terms of the Treaty of Versailles?
Source 7 suggests that many Germans resented the terms of the Treaty of Versailles.
16 Use pages 16–17 of your textbook to colour code the following statements as either political,
economic or social impacts of the Treaty on Germany up to 1923. Colour code the key as well.
Economic Social Germany paid the first
instalment of the reparations
in 1921, but failed to pay in
1922, claiming it could not
afford it.
The Kapp Putsch of 1920
was an attempt by the rightwing Freikorps to seize power
as they hated the Treaty of
In 1922, the German Foreign
Minister, Walter Rathenau,
was murdered by right-wing
The French and Belgians
invaded the Ruhr, which
resulted in over 100 workers
being killed and over 100,000
protestors being expelled.
Ebert ordered striking
workers in the Ruhr to be
paid by printing more money,
leading to hyperinflation.
The Munich Putsch of 1923,
led by Hitler and the Nazi
Party, tried to seize power in
Bavaria as a protest against
the Weimar Government.
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Key Question 1: Were the peace treaties of 1919–23 fair?
17 Use pages 16–17 of your textbook to answer the following questions.
a How did Hitler use the Treaty of Versailles to increase support for the Nazi Party?
He used resentment towards it to lead a rebellion in Munich in 1923 – the Munich Putsch.
b How did France and Belgium get what was owed to them when they occupied the Ruhr in 1923?
By taking raw materials and goods as reparations
c What was the main problem for the German economy caused by hyperinflation in 1923?
Prices rose and money was worthless.
d Give one example of a group in German society who gained from hyperinflation.
Government and big industrialists could easily pay off debts.
e Give one example of a group in German society that lost out from hyperinflation.
Pensioners/savers left with nothing
18 Study Sources 14 and 16 on pages 18 and 19 of your textbook.
a What message is Source 14 trying to convey about the future effects of the Treaty?
It would lead to a future war in 1940.
b Who is Source 14 blaming for the future problems caused by the Treaty?
The Big Three – Clemenceau in particular.
c What is Source 16 suggesting about Germany’s attitude?
Germany is trying to get out of the terms by complaining.
19 Study Source 23 on page 21 of your textbook.
a Choose a sentence from the source that indicates the Treaty of Versailles was not too unfair on
Germany. Write it here:
‘The Treaty of Versailles was not excessively harsh. Germany was not destroyed.’
b Choose a sentence from the source that tells the reader why the Treaty was a failure. Write it here:
‘It failed to solve the problem of both punishing and conciliating a country that remained
a great power.’
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• The other peace settlements (pages 22–25)
20 Study Source 24 on page 21 of your textbook.
a Choose a sentence from the source that indicates the peacemakers failed when making the Treaty.
Write it here:
‘The peacemakers of 1919 made mistakes, of course. By their offhand treatment of the
non-European World they stirred up resentment.’
b Choose a sentence from the source that suggests the Second World War was not the fault of
peacemakers. Write it here:
‘When war came in 1939, it was a result of twenty years of decisions taken or not taken,
not of arrangements made in 1919.’
• The other peace settlements (pages 22–25)
21 Study the information on pages 22–24 of your textbook. Add to the table below information about
the other peace settlements. (Some boxes will be left empty and some have been done for you!)
Dealt with…
Military terms
Economic terms
Treaty of St Germain,
Army limited to
Caused economic Austroproblems
Hungarian Empire
broken up
Treaty of Neuilly, 1919
Army limited
to 20,000
Forced to pay
£100 million in
Land lost to
Greece and
Treaty of Trianon, 1920
Loss of raw
Never paid
Three million
Hungarians in
other states
Treaty of Sevres, 1920
Allied control
of Turkey’s taxes
and finances
Land lost to
Greece, Armenia,
Britain and
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Army limited
to 50,000. No
air force
Territorial terms
Cambridge IGCSE ™ and O Level History Workbook 1
Key Question 1: Were the peace treaties of 1919–23 fair?
22 Study the information about the Treaty of Sevres on page 24, including the map in Figure 28.
a Which European nations benefited from the Treaty?
Britain, France and Italy
b Which Middle-Eastern nation benefited from the Treaty?
c As well as territory, what else did the Allies now control in Turkey?
Turkey’s finances and budget
d What impact do you think this Treaty would have on the Turkish people?
It would anger and humiliate them.
23 Use pages 24–25 of your textbook to answer the following questions.
a Why did the ‘Big Three’ agree that Turkey had to be punished?
Turkey had supported Germany during the war.
b How did Wilson intend to impose his Fourteen Points in Turkey?
Wilson wanted Armenia to become an independent state.
c What was the main reason for Britain and France wanting to control parts of Turkey?
To protect their commercial interests
d Why was Britain especially interested in controlling Iraq?
Oil fields
e How did the Turkish people react to the Treaty?
They were outraged and many supported Turkish nationalists.
What happened to Armenia after it was forced to abandon its hope of independence?
Armenia opted to become part of the Soviet Union.
g What was the name and date of the treaty that finalised the borders in Turkey?
Name: .................................................................................
Date: .................................
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Cambridge IGCSE ™ and O Level History Workbook 1
ey Question 2: To what extent
was the League of Nations a
1 Use Chapter 2 of your textbook to draw lines to match the heads with the correct tails to define
the key terms.
An agreement or set of rules/aims
Collective security
Punishments, most commonly economic, when international law was broken
The process of getting rid of weapons
Key principle of the League of Nations whereby each member state would
promise to defend the other member states from attack
US policy in the 1920s which stated that America should not involve itself in
international disputes
• Setting up the League of Nations (pages 30–33)
2 Read page 30 of your textbook and answer the following questions.
a What type of organisation did Wilson believe the League of Nations should be?
He wanted it to be like a world parliament.
b What type of organisation did Britain believe the League of Nations should be?
A simple organisation used in emergencies
c What type of organisation did France believe the League of Nations should be?
A strong league with its own army
d Explain France’s reasons for wanting a different type of League of Nations to Britain and the USA.
France wanted to make sure the League could be used to stop invasions, especially
from Germany.
3 Study Sources 2 and 3 on page 30 of your textbook.
a What does Source 2 suggest about Wilson’s main aim for the League of Nations?
Wilson wanted the League to ensure future peace.
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Key Question 2: To what extent was the League of Nations a success?
b What point was Wilson trying to convey in Source 3 about the League of Nations?
The League would have prevented war in 1914.
4 Read page 30 of your textbook and answer the following questions.
a What is meant by the term idealism?
Wilson’s belief that the League would work with no problems
b Colour in all the text boxes below that are evidence that the plan for the League of Nations was
The League members would promise to
defend each other in case of attack.
Many in Europe were tired of war and would
support the idea of a League.
All major nations would join the League of
Nations and disarm.
Nations would donate their armies to the
League to protect other countries.
The League would stop trading with countries
that broke international law.
The USA would lead the way in the League.
c Look at the statements above in question 4b. Are there any contradictions in what Wilson hoped
to achieve? If so, explain them here.
Yes – Wilson wanted the League to promote disarmament but also donate its armies to
protect other countries.
5 Study Sources 4A and 4B on page 31 of your textbook. Now match up the source details with their
meanings by drawing a line to connect them. One has been done for you.
Source detail
The olive branch with the words ‘League of Nations’
written on it.
This suggests that the USA is leading the way with
the League of Nations.
The cliff with the words ‘The old order of things’
written on it.
This suggests that Wilson wants to rush forward with
setting up the League of Nations.
The caption reading ‘Ready to Start’.
This suggests that the League of Nations is
unrealistic and might not work.
Wilson saying ‘Here’s your olive branch.
Now get busy’.
This suggests that the League of Nations wants to
promote peace in the world.
The plane with ‘League of Nations’ written
on it and Uncle Sam pointing outwards.
This suggests that the problems of the past need to
be left behind.
The caption reading ‘Overweighted’.
This suggests that Britain is prepared to support the
aims of the League of Nations.
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• Setting up the League of Nations (pages 30–33)
6 Read pages 32–33 of your textbook to answer the following questions.
a What is US Congress and why was it important for Wilson?
The American parliament; it was important because he needed its approval to join the League
b State four different reasons why some Americans did not like the idea of the League of Nations.
Put the correct reason in the category provided in brackets.
Americans feared US soldiers would have to settle disputes.
League would be dominated by Britain and France to help them defend their
ii ..................................................................................................................................
American business would be affected if the League imposed sanctions.
iii .................................................................................................................. (Economic)
Some Americans with German ancestors hated the Treaty of Versailles.
iv ....................................................................................................................... (Social)
c How many times did Wilson try to get Congress to join the League? ..........................................
Two (three if the presidential campaign is included)
d Which Republican candidate won a landslide victory in 1920 promising a ‘return to normalcy’?
Warren Harding
7 Read through the three text boxes below. The USA never joined the League. How would each of these
factors affect the League’s ability to fulfil its aims? Put them in priority order and explain your ideas.
The USA was the most powerful
economy in the world after the
First World War.
The League was Wilson’s idea
and he had designed its aims
and drafted the plans.
The USA had the potential for
the largest military force in the
world after the war.
The USA had the potential for the largest military force in the world after the war.
1 .......................................................................................................................................
it meant that if there was conflict
This was the most significant problem for the League because ......................................................
other member nations might not be able to stop an aggressive nation.
The USA was the most powerful economy in the world after the First World War.
2 .......................................................................................................................................
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Key Question 2: To what extent was the League of Nations a success?
it meant that the League might not be
This was also a significant problem for the League because ..........................................................
able to fund its different organisations.
The League was Wilson’s idea and he had designed its aims and drafted the plans.
3 .......................................................................................................................................
it meant the person who thought up the
This was also a significant problem for the League because ..........................................................
League was never a member, which would affect confidence in the League.
• Aims, membership and organisation of the League
of Nations (pages 34–37)
8 Study the information on page 34 about the aims of the League. Complete the six lines below to
summarise the League’s aims. One has been done for you. You will see that the first letters of each
line spell out the word ‘LEAGUE’. This form of memory aid is called an acrostic.
Living conditions to be improved in all parts of the world
Encourage countries to co-operate
Aggression discouraged by the League to prevent future wars
Get all nations to act together in collective security
Use the League to improve working conditions
Encourage countries to disarm
9 Briefly describe the meaning of Article 10 of the League’s Covenant.
security – members of the League should work together to protect all nations.
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• Aims, membership and organisation of the League of Nations (pages 34–37)
10 Write MILITARY, ECONOMIC or SOCIAL in the brackets next to each of the four main aims of the
League of Nations to categorise them.
• Discourage aggression from any nation
• Encourage countries to co-operate, especially in business and trade
• Encourage nations to disarm
• Improve living and working conditions of people around the world (.......................................)
11 Read through the information and sources on page 35 and answer the following questions.
a Which two nations dominated the leadership of the League of Nations?
and .................................................................
b Name two other permanent members of the League.
and .................................................................
c Why were these countries ill-equipped to take on the role of leader of the League?
They had been weakened by the First World War and didn’t have the resources now
the USA had not joined.
d What was the main priority of Britain after the First World War?
Rebuilding trade and looking after the British Empire
e What was the main priority of France after the First World War?
Germany, in case it attacked France in the future
Why might the reasons above lead the League into failure in the future? Explain your answer.
Britain and France might decide to look after their own interests rather than the League’s
if there was a threat to them personally.
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Key Question 2: To what extent was the League of Nations a success?
12 Study Figure 10 on page 35. Answer the questions below.
a How many years did France and Britain remain members of the League?
26 years
b Which major countries had the shortest membership?
Germany and the USSR
c Using your knowledge of the Treaty of Versailles, explain why Germany only joined in 1926.
The Treaty of Versailles did not allow Germany to join in 1920.
d Why do you think the USSR only joined in 1934?
Britain and France did not trust the communists.
13 Study the diagram on pages 36–37 of your textbook. Colour in the different parts of the League’s
organisation on the left using four different colours. Then link them to the statements on the right
by colouring them the same colour.
The Assembly
This was the League’s parliament, with
each country sending a representative.
This was a civil service that kept records
of meetings and prepared reports.
It only met once a year and decisions had to This was a smaller group which met
be agreed by all members.
about five times a year, or more in
The Council
The Court of Justice
The Secretariat
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Each member of this body had a veto which
could stop any action taken by the League.
This body could recommend actions to
the Council.
This organisation had different sections
to deal with health, disarmament and
There were four permanent members:
Britain, France, Italy and Japan.
This organisation settled disputes between
countries peacefully.
It had a range of powers to use on
members that broke the rules, such as
economic sanctions.
It was based in the Hague in the
Netherlands and was made up of judges
from each country.
It could authorise military force if
necessary, using forces from member
It gave legal advice and settled arguments
over borders between countries.
It could vote on admitting new members
to the League.
Cambridge IGCSE ™ and O Level History Workbook 1
• Aims, membership and organisation of the League of Nations (pages 34–37)
14 Briefly describe two functions of the ILO.
Bringing together employers, government and workers’ representatives
a .......................................................................................................................................
Improving working conditions throughout the world
b .......................................................................................................................................
15 Complete the boxes below by adding detail about each of the League of Nations commissions.
The Mandates Commission
The Slavery Commission
make sure Britain and France acted
abolish slavery around the world
the interests of the people of that
of former colonies of Germany
An issue in East Africa and other parts
were under mandates ruled by
Britain and France
the world
The Refugees Committee
The Health Committee
To help refugees at the end of the First
To help and educate people on dangerous
Biggest problems were in former Russian
Used experts, new technology and
territories – Balkans, Greece, America and
medicine to work with charities to
prevent the spread of diseases
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Key Question 2: To what extent was the League of Nations a success?
16 Explain how each of the organisations in the League’s structure could be viewed as a strength or a
weakness (use the hints to help you).
This could be a strength of the League because (think about how democratic and representative it was):
it allowed every member to have a representative as part of it so they each had
a vote.
The Assembly
This could also be a weakness because (think about how often it met):
all decisions had to be unanimous meaning they all had to agree to take any
This could be a strength of the League because (think about how often it met and its powers):
it met more often than the Assembly and could use sanctions to resolve disputes.
The Council
This could also be a weakness because (think about the veto or the fact the USA was not a member):
each permanent member had a veto so one country could stop the League
taking action.
These could be a strength of the League because (think about how they dealt with social problems after
the war):
it encouraged countries to co-operate to solve issues like living conditions,
refugees and health problems.
The ILO and the
These could also be a weakness because (think about the scale of the problems):
it needed huge amounts of funding to operate and without the USA it might fail
to achieve this.
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• The League’s work in the 1920s (pages 38–43)
• The League’s work in the 1920s (pages 38–43)
17 Study Sources 12 and 13 on page 39.
a What problem is highlighted in Source 12 concerning the power of the League to deal with disputes?
Source 12 suggests the League is powerless to defend small powers against great powers.
b How does Source 13 differ from Source 12 in its interpretation of the League’s success?
Source 13 differs from Source 12 as it suggests that the settlement of the Corfu incident was
not a total failure as the League’s principles were upheld.
18 Complete the opinion line below by adding successes and failures of the League in dealing with disputes
in the 1920s. Use the examples in the text boxes below and add more from your own research.
Poland and
Lithuania, 1920
Poland and
Germany, 1921
Finland and
Sweden (Aaland
Islands), 1921
Italy and
Greece (Corfu),
Bulgaria and
Greece, 1925
19 Briefly explain how the Corfu incident highlighted that the League of Nations could be undermined by
its own members.
Britain and France undermined the League as they were not prepared to act without each
other and it allowed Mussolini to get his way and change the original rules of the League in
20 Why did the Geneva Protocol fail?
Due to the general election in Britain, the new Conservative government refused to sign the
protocol, which weakened the League.
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Key Question 2: To what extent was the League of Nations a success?
21 Study page 41 of your textbook. Complete the table below to summarise the agencies’ work in the
1920s and the problems they faced (not all boxes need to be filled).
How effective was the League?
*rating and justify your choice
400,000 prisoners returned Refugees Committee
constantly short of funds
I award the League’s
League helped stamp out
disease in Turkish refugee
because ...............................
effectiveness .........................
refugees were
to return home
the First World War.
Banned poisonous white
lead in paint
I award the League’s
Working conditions
resolution was not adopted effectiveness .........................
Campaigned for improved
working conditions
failed to improve
Short of funds and lack of because it
working conditions.
Vaccines were developed
to fight leprosy and
I award the League’s
Spread good practice
effectiveness .........................
it helped cure
because ...............................
League made
Only recommendations
recommendations on
problems such as ship
lanes and an international
highway code
I award the League’s
effectiveness .........................
it was not able to
because ...............................
these changes.
200,000 slaves freed
Challenged forced labour
Death rate in African workers
down from 50 per cent to
4 per cent
Records on drug
trafficking and
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Only kept records on
many aspects rather than
I award the League’s
effectiveness .........................
did reduce
because it
labour deaths but
not able to help every
Cambridge IGCSE ™ and O Level History Workbook 1
• The League’s work in the 1920s (pages 38–43)
22 What one issue seems to limit the continued success of the League of Nations’ commissions and
committees in the 1920s?
Lack of funds
23 Study pages 42–43 of your textbook to answer the following questions.
a Why was the League of Nations not able to succeed in bringing about disarmament?
The major powers (Britain, France, the USA and Japan) were only willing to limit their naval
power and nothing else.
b Why was the League’s failure in disarmament damaging to its reputation in Germany?
Germany had been forced to disarm as part of the Treaty but it seemed no other member
was willing to disarm.
c Why was the League’s failure in disarmament not too serious in the 1920s?
The League had overseen many other international agreements that seemed to promise a
more peaceful world.
24 Examine the Factfile on page 42 of your textbook. Briefly explain how each of these agreements in
the 1920s helped Germany and the work of the League of Nations.
1924, Dawes Plan helped Germany and the work of the League because
it averted economic crisis in Germany and helped it pay its reparations payments, which kept
the peace.
1925, Locarno Treaties helped Germany and the work of the League because
they settled Germany’s western boarders which improved its relations with France and meant
Germany was able to join the League in 1926.
1929, Young Plan helped Germany and the work of the League because
it reduced Germany’s reparation payments which helped its economy and international trade.
25 Why was economic recovery helpful to the League of Nations’ work?
It helped prevent the outbreak of hostility/revolution.
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Key Question 2: To what extent was the League of Nations a success?
• The failure of the League of Nations in the 1930s
(pages 44–55)
26 Study pages 44–45 of your textbook to answer the following questions.
a What three events led to a decline in the effectiveness of the League of Nations in the 1930s?
Manchurian crisis, 1931–33
Disarmament conference, 1932–34
ii ..................................................................................................................................
Abyssinian crisis, 1935–36
iii ..................................................................................................................................
b What were the main economic and political effects of the Depression?
US loans dried up leading to unemployment and raising of tariffs. Many countries began to
rearm leading to growing militarism.
c Study Figure 1 on page 44. Which countries were worst hit by the Depression?
Japan, Germany and Italy
27 Read through the information on page 45 of your textbook. The boxes below summarise the impact of
the Depression. Categorise each one as S (Social), E (Economic), P (Political) or M (Militarism).
E Britain and the USA E
The USA stopped
looked inward and
lending money to
focused on sorting out
countries like Britain
their own economies.
and Germany, leading
to unemployment.
In Japan, the
government was
overthrown by
military leaders.
Britain and France S
ignored the League of
Nations to deal with
their own problems.
In Germany, the
Depression led to
growing support for
Hitler and the Nazi
In Italy and Japan, M
the Depression led
to the desire to build
overseas empires.
Hitler promised to M
take back German
land lost in the Treaty
of Versailles.
Many countries such M
as Britain, Italy, Japan
and Germany began
to rearm.
28 How would the following make the League of Nations’ work more difficult?
a Growth in extremism and nationalism:
Countries would look inward and only focus on their own problems rather than contribute to
the League to solve international problems.
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• The failure of the League of Nations in the 1930s (pages 44–55)
b High unemployment and governments’ inability to deal with the issue effectively:
Countries would ignore the League as they focused on tackling poverty and would not be
able to contribute financially to the League.
c Increasing militarism in Italy, Japan and Germany:
The League depended on the major powers to contribute soldiers to keep international peace
so would not be able to prevent conflict with powerful countries.
29 Study Figure 2 on page 45 of your textbook.
Danger level
a Use the graph below to draw a bar according to the danger each country posed to the League of
Nations and to international peace and co-operation. Briefly explain your choices inside the bar.
b Choose the country that you think posed the biggest threat to the League of Nations. Explain your
choice below, giving evidence to support your answer.
Germany was the biggest threat as Hitler was a nationalist and promised to win back lost
territory from the Great War and invade its neighbours to achieve this.
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Key Question 2: To what extent was the League of Nations a success?
The Manchurian crisis, 1933–34 (pages 46–47)
30 Read through the information and sources on pages 46–47 of your textbook and answer the following
a How was Japan affected by the Depression?
Japan relied on its silk trade but the USA could not afford to buy so Japan lacked money and
raw materials, leading to imperialism.
b What was Japan’s excuse for invasion in 1931 and 1933?
It needed raw materials that Manchuria had.
c Briefly describe how the League investigated when China appealed to the League of Nations.
The League sent officials to Manchuria a year after the invasion. It found that Japan had
acted unlawfully and said Japan should return Manchuria to China.
d How did Japan respond to the League’s decision?
Japan invaded more of China and left the League.
e State three reasons why the League failed in dealing with Japanese aggression.
Economic sanctions were useless without the USA, Japan’s main trading partner.
League failed to agree on arms sales.
ii ..................................................................................................................................
Britain and France were not willing to risk their navies or armies in war.
iii ..................................................................................................................................
31 Study Source 5 on page 47. What comment is the cartoonist making?
a The cartoonist is suggesting that Japan is
ignoring the League of Nations
because in the source it shows
Japan walking over the League.
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• The failure of the League of Nations in the 1930s (pages 44–55)
b The cartoonist is suggesting that the League of Nations is
powerless to stop Japan
because in the source it shows
the League as a woman lying on the floor only focused on appearing to be in control (makeup).
Disarmament (pages 48–49)
32 Read through the sources and information on pages 48–49 of your textbook. Complete the diagram below,
summarising the main reasons for the League’s failure to convince nations to disarm in the 1930s.
Only Germany had
been forced to disarm;
it walked out in 1932
Failure to ban
chemical weapons
Reasons for failure
Hitler Chancellor in
1933; he withdrew in
October 1933
No abolishment of
bomber planes
The Abyssinian crisis (pages 50–53)
33 Study pages 50–52 in your textbook, including the sources, to answer the following questions.
a What year did Mussolini invade Abyssinia? .......................................
b Why might this aggression be easier for the League to deal with than Japan’s in Manchuria?
Italy was a European power, closer to Britain and France than Japan.
c Study Figure 9 and the ‘Background’ information on page 50 of your textbook. Use the key provided
to colour code the different reasons for Mussolini’s decision to invade Abyssinia in 1935.
Abyssinia was
the only African
nation that was still
independent and not
a colony.
Mussolini wanted
revenge for the failed
invasion in 1896.
Abyssinia was near
the Red Sea and
access could be
gained through the
Suez Canal.
Abyssinia had rich
mineral deposits for
Mussolini dreamed
of military conquest
and building an
African empire.
In 1934, a dispute
between Italian and
Abyssinian soldiers
was used as an
Abyssinia had rich
and fertile lands for
growing food and
breeding cattle.
Mussolini wanted to
recreate the Roman
Empire to bring him
support at home.
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Key Question 2: To what extent was the League of Nations a success?
34 Use the flow diagram below to summarise the events of the invasion, the role of the League and
the role of Britain and France. Use the subheadings to give appropriate detail.
January–October 1935:
Mussolini was supposedly negotiating with the League, but also shipping his
vast army to Africa.
Stresa Pact, 1935: Britain and France signed an anti-German alliance with Italy.
League of Nations Union in Britain:
Balloted in 1935 to support the use of force to defend Abyssinia.
October 1935 invasion: Mussolini launches a full-scale invasion of Abyssinia.
League of Nations’ sanctions: League banned arms, loans and exports except oil.
Suez Canal: Britain and France owned the Suez Canal and did not want to close it as they feared
war with Italy.
December 1935, Hoare–Laval Pact: Secret plan to give Mussolini two-thirds of Abyssinia in return for
calling off the invasion.
French press: Reported the Pact and Haile Selassie appealed to League. Pact seen as act
of treachery.
US response: USA blocked oil sanctions and increased exports to Italy.
35 How did Hitler take advantage of the Abyssinian crisis in 1936?
moved his troops into the demilitarised Rhineland.
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• Key Question 2 review
• Key Question 2 review
36 Use Chapter 2 of your textbook and the answers in this part of the workbook to rank the reasons for
the failure of the League in the 1930s. Number each of the text boxes below in rank order (the thing
that most damaged the League will be at the top) and justify your decision in the pyramid below.
The Japanese
invasion of
Manchuria, 1931–33 4
The Italian invasion
of Abyssinia,
Britain and France’s
domination of the
League and selfinterest
The Wall Street
Crash and economic
depression in the
The League’s lack
of a permanent
The absence of
key major powers,
particularly the USA 1
The weaknesses
in the structure
and idealism of the
The problems caused
by the peace treaties
after the First World
USA was vital
to the League
militarily and
Britain and
France focused
on their own
issues at the
expense of the
The Hoare–
Laval Pact
the League’s
Failure to deal with
Japan showed Germany
that aggressive powers
could not be dealt with
The League could
not stop powerful
countries acting
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Depression led
to extremism,
militarism and
Peace treaties had led to
resentment towards the
League’s structure
stopped it from
acting decisively
and swiftly
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ey Question 3: Why had
international peace collapsed
by 1939?
1 Use Chapter 3 of your textbook to draw lines to match the heads with the correct tails to define the
key terms.
1936 alliance between Germany and Japan to stop the spread of communism
An area of Germany that bordered France and was demilitarised – no German forces were
allowed there
The policy followed by Britain and France whereby they allowed Hitler to break the terms
of the Treaty of Versailles
The Axis alliance
The alliance of Germany, Italy and Japan agreed in 1937
Anti-Comintern Pact
A vote by the people to decide on their rulers
The policy of building weapons and the armed forces of a country
Literally ‘living space’; Hitler’s aim to expand Germany into the East
2 Read pages 58–59 of your textbook to arrange the following events into chronological order on the
timeline provided by drawing a line from the text box to the correct date.
Hitler used his new Luftwaffe
(air force) in the Spanish Civil
War. Axis formed.
Hitler reintroduced
conscription in Germany and
remilitarised the Rhineland.
Hitler attempts to take over
Austria but Mussolini stops
Hitler invades Austria and
later takes the Sudetenland in
Germany left the League of
Hitler invades Czechoslovakia;
invades Poland, which leads
to Second World War.
• Hitler’s plans (pages 58–59)
3 What was the name of the book written by Hitler in 1924 that laid out his future plans for Germany?
Mein Kampf
4 Study Sources 1 and 2 on page 58 to answer the following questions.
a What does Hitler intend to do with the peace treaties signed after the First World War?
To abolish the Treaties of Versailles and St Germain
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• Hitler’s plans (pages 58–59)
b Which countries does Hitler think should be the focus for military expansion?
Russia and the border states
c What is meant by the term ‘colonisation’?
To settle Germans in eastern Europe and Russia
d What reason does Hitler give for his policy of expansion into the ‘lands of the east’?
To feed the growing German population
5 Use page 58 to complete the diagram below by adding detail to each of the three branches.
Hitler called the
leaders who had
signed the Treaty
the ‘November
It reminded
Germans of
their defeat and
humiliation by the
Allies in the First
World War.
Hitler promised to
reverse the terms
of the Treaty.
Aim 1: Abolish the
Treaty of Versailles
Aim 2: Expansion
What were
Hitler’s plans?
Hitler wanted to
reclaim German
territory lost in the
Treaty of Versailles.
He wanted to reunite
Germany with Austria.
Aim 3: Destroy
Hitler and the Nazis were anti-communist.
Hitler believed that Bolsheviks had helped bring
about Germany’s defeat in the First World War.
He wanted to stop the Bolsheviks from taking
over Germany.
He wanted to unite
German minorities
in other countries in
He wanted to
gain living space
(Lebensraum) in
eastern Europe
6 Study Source 4 and the information on pages 58–59 of your textbook. Use the text boxes provided to
complete the table below to compare different interpretations of Hitler.
Mein Kampf states that
Germany needed to gain
Lebensraum in the East.
The worldwide economic
depression caused massive
problems in Germany.
The Treaty of Versailles led
to a rise in nationalism in
The League of Nations failed
to stop aggression and
Hitler intended to destroy
the communists in the Soviet
Britain and France followed a
policy of Appeasement.
Hitler was the mastermind and planned the Hitler was a gambler and took opportunities when they arose, which led
Second World War (Hitler the ‘Planner’)
to war (Hitler the ‘Gambler’)
Mein Kampf states that Germany
needed to gain Lebensraum in the
The League of Nations failed to stop aggression and militarism.
Hitler intended to destroy the
communists in the Soviet Union.
Britain and France followed a policy of Appeasement.
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The worldwide economic depression caused massive
problems in Germany.
The Treaty of Versailles led to a rise in nationalism in Germany.
Cambridge IGCSE ™ and O Level History Workbook 1
Key Question 3: Why had international peace collapsed by 1939?
• Hitler’s actions 1935–38 (pages 60–65)
Rearmament (page 60)
7 Read page 60 of your textbook and answer the following questions.
a State two reasons why Hitler introduced rearmament in Germany when he came to power in 1933.
To reduce unemployment in Germany
To help him make Germany strong again and challenge the terms of the Treaty of Versailles
ii ..................................................................................................................................
b Briefly describe how Hitler managed to rearm even though the terms of the Treaty forbade it.
Hitler rearmed in secret at first and publicly displayed his desire not to rearm Germany
but had to as other countries refused to disarm.
c What year did Hitler reintroduce conscription? .......................................................................
d Describe Britain’s attitude to Germany’s rearmament.
Britain believed that the Treaty of Versailles’ limits on Germany’s armed forces were too
harsh and Germany could be used as a buffer against communism.
e What were the terms of the Anglo-German naval agreement in 1935?
It allowed Germany to increase its navy to 35 per cent of the size of the British Navy.
Study Source 5 on page 60 of your textbook. What reason is Lord Lothian giving for Germany’s
rearmament? Why might Britain have this point of view?
Lord Lothian suggests that German rearmament will enable it to deal with Russia. Britain
feared the spread of communism into Europe.
8 Study Figure 6 on page 60.
a How far does Figure 6 suggest that Hitler was preparing for war? Explain your answer using details
from the source.
Figure 6 suggests that Hitler was increasing military spending rapidly from 7.4 per cent to
38 per cent between 1935 and 1940.
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• Hitler’s actions 1935–38 (pages 60–65)
b Study Figure 6. Circle the correct answer in italics to complete the statements below.
• Spending on rearming increased by approximately 2x 3x 4x between 1935 and 1939.
• Spending rose at its sharpest rate between 1935–36 1937–38 1939–40 .
• By the time war broke out, military spending was almost a third a half a quarter of total
spending in Germany.
9 Study Figure 7 on page 60 of your textbook.
a Which branch of the armed forces saw the biggest growth between 1932 and 1939?
Aircraft/air force
b Why was the number of warships, aircraft and soldiers so low in 1932?
Due to the military terms of the Treaty of Versailles
The Saar (page 61)
10 Read the information and look at the sources on page 61 of your textbook then answer the following
a Who ran the Saar region according to the Treaty of Versailles?
The League of Nations
b How did France benefit from the Saar region according to the Treaty of Versailles?
France benefited from the coal for 15 years.
c How did Hitler legally take over the Saar region?
By using a plebiscite (vote) to return to German rule
d What percentage of the population voted to return to Germany in the plebiscite?
Around 90 per cent
e Explain why this would be a victory for Hitler.
It was a victory because Hitler had promised the German people that he would reoccupy
the territories lost in the Treaty of Versailles.
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Key Question 3: Why had international peace collapsed by 1939?
The Rhineland (pages 62–63)
11 Read through the information and sources on pages 62–63 of your textbook and answer the following
a Which countries have a border with the Rhineland?
Germany, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland and the Netherlands
b What was the main reason for the demilitarisation of the Rhineland in the Treaty of Versailles?
To protect France from invasion from Germany
c Give a reason why Hitler’s remilitarisation of the Rhineland was such a gamble.
It was a gamble as it broke the Locarno Treaties of 1925 and if he had to withdraw he
would have lost the support of the army.
d Complete the two sentences below by filling in the gaps.
Hitler believed Britain would not involve itself with the remilitarisation of the Rhineland because
he knew many in Britain felt he had a right to station troops there.
Hitler thought that it was fair to place his troops on the French border because France had
signed a treaty with the USSR committing to protect one another.
12 Read through the sources and information on pages 62–63 of your textbook then answer the
following questions.
a Study Source 13 on page 63. Select two quotes from the source that suggest Hitler was taking a
gamble over the remilitarisation of the Rhineland.
‘If the French had taken any action we would have been easily defeated’
‘the Air Force we had then was ridiculous’
b Study Source 14 on page 63. Who does William Shirer blame for Hitler’s invasion of the Rhineland?
He blames the ‘stupidity’ of the French.
c What other evidence is there to explain the lack of French action over the Rhineland?
France was about to have elections and no leader wanted to take France into war
with Germany.
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• Appeasement (pages 66-69)
d Why did the League of Nations fail to stop Hitler’s invasion of the Rhineland?
The League was busy dealing with the Abyssinian crisis at the same time.
13 Study Source 15 on page 63 of your textbook. Now match up the source details with their meanings
by drawing a line to connect them. One has been done for you.
Source detail
The Nazi flags sticking out of the windows
This suggests the Germans were using their military to expand
their territory.
The ripped Locarno Pact Treaty on the
This suggests that the Nazis are saying the invasion is a mistake
or accident.
The weapons being carried by the goose
This suggests that the Nazis are coming in peace.
The caption at the bottom reading ‘ONLY
This suggests that the Nazis are ignoring the terms of the
Locarno Pacts, 1925, which agreed Germany’s western borders
with France.
The small olive branch with ‘PAX
GERMANICA’ written on it.
This suggests that there are Nazi supporters in the Rhineland.
The Anschluss with Austria (page 65)
14 State four reasons why Hitler wanted to create an Anschluss with Austria using the categories provided.
Its weapons and soldiers could be added to Germany’s army.
Military: ...............................................................................................................................
It had rich deposits of gold and iron ore.
Economic: .............................................................................................................................
Hitler wanted all German speakers united into a Greater Germany.
Mein Kampf: ..........................................................................................................................
and France seemed to be ignoring the terms of the Treaty.
Treaty of Versailles: Britain
• Appeasement (pages 66-69)
15 Use the information on pages 66–67 in your textbook to answer the following questions.
a What is meant by the term ‘Appeasement’?
Giving in to demands, in this case, Hitler’s
b Which country is most associated with the policy of Appeasement?
c Which British politician and later prime minister is most associated with Appeasement?
Neville Chamberlain
d Was the majority of the British public in favour of Appeasement?
Yes, most were in favour in order to avoid war.
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Key Question 3: Why had international peace collapsed by 1939?
e Can you give a reason why, using the cards on page 66 to help you?
Memories of the Great War – Britain remembered the horrors of war.
16 Study the cards on page 66 and Source 19 on page 67 of your textbook to answer the following
a Is the cartoonist of Source 19 supportive or critical of democratic leaders?
He is critical of democratic leaders.
b Which card from page 66 best explains the details of the cartoon in Source 19? Explain your answer.
Trusting Hitler because of the policy of Appeasement was based on the idea that Hitler
did not want war.
17 Use the cards on page 66 to complete the following tasks.
a Pick your top three arguments for and against Appeasement from the cards and add them to the
table in priority order.
Arguments against
Arguments for
British arms
German arms
Memories of the Great War
Trusting Hitler
Fear of communism
Make a stand
b Justify your choices by completing the following sentences.
British arms
The strongest argument for Appeasement was ........................................................................
Britain’s armed forces were not built up enough to take on Germany’s.
because ...........................................................................................................................
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• Appeasement (pages 66-69)
The strongest argument against Appeasement was German
it was well known that Germany was rearming quickly and should be stopped
because ................................................................. .........................................................
as soon as possible.
c Neville Chamberlain said, ‘My good friends, for the second time in our history, a British prime
minister has returned from Germany bringing peace with honour. I believe it is peace for our time.’
Use one of the cards to explain why Chamberlain may have been a supporter of Appeasement.
Memories of the Great War
Chamberlain was aware that people in Britain remembered the horrors of the war and
didn’t want another war in Germany.
d Winston Churchill said, ‘An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.’ Use
one of the cards to explain why Churchill may have been critical of Appeasement.
Trusting Hitler
Churchill believed that thinking Hitler would stop taking more or asking for more was
an illusion.
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Key Question 3: Why had international peace collapsed by 1939?
e Use the key provided to colour code the text boxes on the diagram below. Some boxes may be
more than one colour.
Economic Political Fear of communism
Britain and its allies were
concerned about the
spread of communism
from the USSR – Germany
was a useful buffer
against Stalin.
Military First World War
The British and French public
remembered the horrors of
the Great War and the huge
number of casualties – they
did not want to repeat this!
Social British Empire
The British Government was
not confident that it could rely
on its colonies to support it
if a war broke out.
Why did Britain
follow a policy of
Treaty of Versailles
Many in Britain felt the peace
settlement was too harsh and
Hitler was just undoing the
most unjust terms.
The Great Depression of the
1930s had caused unemployment
and debt problems that had to
take priority over conflict
with Germany.
British military
Britain’s armed forces were not
adequate for a confrontation with
Germany, and British intelligence
informed the Government that
more time was needed to rearm.
The Sudetenland and the Munich Agreement (pages 68–71)
18 Read the information on pages 68–70 and study all the sources to complete the tasks below.
a Draw a line from each text box to the correct date on the timeline below.
with Austria
French and British
inform Czechs of
Hitler’s demands
Mar 1938
May 1938
Hitler threatens
to invade
meets Hitler to
discuss demands
15 Sept 1938
29 Sept 1938
19 Sept 1938
b Why was invading Czechoslovakia a risk for Hitler?
The Czechs had a modern army and its leader was prepared to fight. Britain, France
and the USSR all promised to support Czechoslovakia.
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• Appeasement (pages 66-69)
c Use the key provided to colour code the reasons why Hitler wanted to invade the Sudetenland.
Military Economic Territorial The Sudetenland
contained many
Czech mines and
Hitler wanted to
reunite all German
had a modern army
that could threaten
To create a Greater
The Sudetenland
contained Czech
forts and defences.
Hitler could launch
a full invasion of
territory stabbed into
the side of Germany.
Hitler needed to
be able to attack
Poland to create
d How did Hitler use the Sudetenland Nazi Party to help him?
He used it to demand that the Sudetenland became part of Germany
e Study Source 22 on page 69. What impression of Chamberlain does this source give?
Chamberlain’s impression is that the quarrel between Germany and Czechoslovakia
shouldn’t be affecting life in Britain.
How did Hitler’s demands over the Sudetenland change between 15 September and 19 September
Hitler was only interested in parts of the Sudetenland.
15 September: ..................................................................................................................
Hitler wanted all of the Sudetenland.
19 September: ..................................................................................................................
g Study Source 24 on page 69. How did Hitler justify his demands? Explain your answer and select
two quotes to support it.
Hitler said he promised to reunite the German people again.
‘Ten million Germans found themselves beyond the frontiers of the Reich’
Quote 1: ..........................................................................................................................
‘Germans who wished to return to the Reich’
Quote 2: ..........................................................................................................................
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Key Question 3: Why had international peace collapsed by 1939?
h Which countries were invited to attend the Munich Conference on 29 September 1938?
Britain, Germany, France and Italy
Czechoslovakia and the USSR were not consulted over the Munich Agreement. Give a reason why
this would anger both nations.
The Sudetenland was Czech land and they were not asked.
Czechoslovakia: ................................................................................................................
The USSR would not trust the other countries or their intentions.
USSR: ..............................................................................................................................
Study the sources on page 70. Select a quote from each source and add it to the opinion line
below to decide whether the Munich Agreement was a ‘triumph’ or a ‘sell-out’. One has been done
for you.
Source 27: ‘… but never one [Prime Minister]
who worked so hard for security …’
Source 26: ‘Chamberlain has
encouraged aggression’
Source 25: ‘People of Britain, your
children are safe’
Source 28: ‘We have suffered a
total defeat’
k What evidence is there to suggest that the Munich Agreement was a delaying tactic?
Chamberlain continued to increase arms spending in preparation for war.
19 Read the information and sources on page 71 of your textbook and answer the following questions.
a Why do you think that Poland and Hungary took territory from Czechoslovakia based on Hitler’s
foreign policy so far?
To add to their defences against the Germans in case of attack.
b How did Britain, France and Czechoslovakia react to Hitler’s invasion in 1939?
The Czechs did not react; Britain and France did nothing.
c How did Britain end the policy of Appeasement?
Britain said if Hitler invaded Poland, it would declare war.
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• The Nazi–Soviet Pact and the outbreak of war (pages 72–73)
• The Nazi–Soviet Pact and the outbreak of war
(pages 72–73)
20 Read pages 72–73 and study the sources. Complete the following tasks.
a What was the Polish Corridor and why did Hitler want it back?
The former strip of German land in Poland; it was former German territory taken by the Treaty.
b Complete the diagram below by adding some detail under each of the headings provided.
League of Nations:
Lack of action against aggressive
nations like Italy and Germany
Wanted a stronger Germany to protect
Europe against communism
Why was Stalin
concerned about the
German threat?
Munich Agreement:
Failed to stop the invasion of
the Rhineland
Stalin was not invited to the
c Why was Stalin concerned over French and British promises to defend Poland from German attack?
Stalin saw it as support for one of the USSR’s potential enemies – Poland.
d What was the name of the German foreign minister who negotiated the Nazi–Soviet Pact with
e What were the two secret terms of the Nazi–Soviet Pact of August 1939?
Stalin would gain half of Poland.
Russia would have the rest of Poland and the Baltic states.
ii ..................................................................................................................................
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Key Question 3: Why had international peace collapsed by 1939?
Study Source 32 on page 73. What does this source suggest about Stalin’s reasons for signing the
Nazi–Soviet Pact? Use details from the source to support your answer.
Source 32 suggests Stalin was buying time to rearm the USSR for future war when it says
‘to make military preparations’.
g Look at the different reasons in the text boxes below as to why Stalin and Hitler signed the
Nazi–Soviet Pact. Write H (Hitler) or S (Stalin) on each box.
It gave him time to
build up his armed
forces for a future
It would allow him H
to plan a future
invasion in the East
to gain Lebensraum.
He could invade
Poland and avoid a
war on two fronts like
the First World War.
He didn’t trust
Britain or France –
they weren’t reliable
or strong enough.
h What date did Hitler invade Poland? When did Britain and France declare war on Germany?
1 September 1939; 3 September 1939
• Key Question 3 review
21 Use Chapter 3 of your textbook and the answers in this part of the workbook to prioritise the reasons
for the collapse of international peace by 1939. Number each of the text boxes below in priority order
and justify your decision in the pyramid on page 39.
The harsh terms
of the Treaty of
Versailles, 1919
The Great
Depression, 1930s
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The failures of the
League of Nations,
Hitler’s foreign policy
aims, 1930s
The policy of
The Nazi–Soviet
Pact, 1939
Militarism and the Axis
alliance, 1931–37
The Spanish Civil
War, 1936
Cambridge IGCSE ™ and O Level History Workbook 1
• Key Question 3 review
22 Use the key provided to colour code the different segments of the pyramid into long- and short-term
factors for the cause of the collapse of international peace by 1939.
Long term Short term 1
intended to
invade the East,
as proposed in
Mein Kampf.
militaristic parties
into power in
Germany, Italy and
The Pact
helped Hitler
avoid a war on
two fronts.
The Treaty had bred
resentment in Germany,
helping Hitler to power.
Appeasement gave
Hitler the impression
Britain and France
would do nothing to
stop him.
The League’s weakness
encouraged Hitler
to expand more
This allowed Hitler to test
the weapons and tactics
of his armed forces.
This gave Hitler
strong allies to fight
against Britain, France
and the USSR.
23 Complete the following explanations.
The most important long-term factor for the collapse of international peace was .............................
Hitler’s foreign policy aims
wanted to destroy the Treaty of Versailles, reunite German speakers and create living
because he
in the East, which meant war was inevitable.
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Key Question 3: Why had international peace collapsed by 1939?
The most important short-term factor for the collapse of international peace was ............................
the Nazi–Soviet Pact, 1939
it allowed Hitler to avoid war against the USSR and the West so he could more easily
because ................................................................................................................................
invade Poland.
24 Study the different reasons for the collapse of international peace by 1939. Place them on the opinion
line to decide whether the reasons were ‘Hitler’s own actions’ OR ‘Factors outside Hitler’s control’.
Hitler’s own
The harsh terms
of the Treaty of
Versailles, 1919
The failures of the
League of Nations,
Hitler’s foreign policy
aims, 1930s
The policy of
The Great
Depression, 1930s
The Nazi–Soviet
Pact, 1939
Militarism and the
Axis alliance, 1931–37
Factors outside
Hitler’s control
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The Spanish Civil
War, 1936
Cambridge IGCSE ™ and O Level History Workbook 1
ey Question 4: Who was to
blame for the Cold War?
1 Use Chapter 4 of your textbook to draw lines to match the heads with the correct tails to define the
key terms:
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation – a US-based alliance that defended Western democracies
from communism
The organisation to spread communist ideas and ensure communist states followed ideas
practised in the USSR
Alliance of USSR and communist states in eastern Europe to defend against Western capitalist
states and preserve communism
A social, political and economic system based on democracy and individual freedom
US policy in the Cold War to stop the spread of communism
Warsaw Pact
A social, economic and political system based on state ownership and often dictatorship
• The breakdown of the USA–USSR alliance
(pages 84–85)
2 Use pages 84–85 of your textbook to complete the following tasks.
a What factor united the USA, Britain and the USSR during the Second World War?
They were allies against Nazi Germany/Hitler.
b Who were the leaders of the USA, Britain and the USSR by 1945?
President Roosevelt
USA: ...............................................................................................................................
Winston Churchill
Britain: ...........................................................................................................................
USSR: ..............................................................................................................................
c Study Sources 1 and 2 on page 84. What are the different attitudes being portrayed towards the
Soviet Union and communism? Select some details from the sources as evidence.
Churchill and Roosevelt need Stalin as an ally
Source 1 attitude: .............................................................................................................
Hitler as cupid
Source evidence: ...............................................................................................................
Soviets were against capitalism
Source 2 attitude: .............................................................................................................
‘for the Soviets private property was the source of all evil’
Source evidence: ...............................................................................................................
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Key Question 4: Who was to blame for the Cold War?
d Give three reasons why the USSR was suspicious of Britain and the USA.
They were anti-communist.
i .....................................................................................................................................
The alliance during the war was only strategic.
ii ....................................................................................................................................
The USA and Britain were former enemies of the USSR.
iii ...................................................................................................................................
e How did US attitudes change between the 1930s and the 1940s?
US policy of isolationism – they tried not to get involved
1930s: .............................................................................................................................
Roosevelt set firmly against communism.
1940s: .............................................................................................................................
What is meant by the term ‘superpowers’? Who were the two superpowers after the Second
World War?
The world’s leading military and economic countries – the USA and the USSR
g Read the following text boxes to decide whether they describe an aspect of capitalism or
communism. Use the key provided to colour code them.
Business and property
should be state owned
and controlled.
There should be free
elections as part of a
democratic system.
Business and property
should be privately
Individual rights
included freedom of
speech and freedom
to be rich.
The state should try to
create equality at the
expense of individual
The international
revolution should
be spread to other
There should be a oneparty dictatorship and
no opposition.
There should be a
multi-party system to
prevent a dictatorship.
h Using the text boxes from question 2g, explain why you think capitalist and communist systems
might oppose each other and lead to conflict. Try to give two separate reasons.
One reason capitalism and communism might oppose each other is because ...............................
they disagreed over the ownership of property – capitalism promoted private ownership
than communist state control.
capitalist economies would fear the state taking
This could cause conflict because ........................................................................................
their businesses and wealth.
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• The breakdown of the USA–USSR alliance (pages 84–85)
A second reason capitalism and communism might oppose each other is because ........................
capitalism promotes a multi-party system.
communism promotes dictatorship which would mean
This could cause conflict because ........................................................................................
no further freedom or liberties.
Yalta (pages 86–87)
3 Read the information and study the sources on pages 86–87 of your textbook to complete the tasks.
a What year was the Yalta Conference?
b Who were the ‘Big Three’?
Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt
c Study Sources 3 and 4 on page 86. Select a quote from each source that suggests the Yalta
Conference was a success.
‘unanimous agreement was reached’
Source 3: .........................................................................................................................
‘I want to drink to our alliance’
Source 4: .........................................................................................................................
d Why do you think Churchill and Roosevelt were willing to accept Stalin’s promise not to support
Greek communists? You may want to have a look at the map on page 91 of your textbook!
The communists had control of eastern Europe and could easily invade Greece.
e Why do you think control over eastern Europe, and particularly parts of Poland, was so important
to Stalin? Explain your answer.
Stalin wanted to ensure the future security of the USSR as the German invasion of the USSR
had happened through eastern Europe.
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Key Question 4: Who was to blame for the Cold War?
Study Source 5 on page 87. What does this suggest about the outcomes at Yalta?
Stalin did not believe that Churchill and Roosevelt would let him keep control of eastern Europe.
g Study Sources 5–9 on page 87. Put each source number in one of the ‘source baskets’ below.
7 9 5
8 5 6
Stalin does not trust Britain and the USA
Britain and the USA do not trust Stalin
Potsdam (pages 88–89)
4 Read through the information and sources on page 88 of your textbook and complete the following
a What three significant changes had taken place since the Yalta Conference?
Stalin’s armies occupied most of eastern Europe and Stalin had set up a communist
i ....................................................................................................................................
government in Poland.
America’s new president, Truman, was much more anti-communist than Roosevelt.
ii ...................................................................................................................................
The Allies had successfully tested an atomic bomb and had informed Stalin at
iii ...................................................................................................................................
the Potsdam Conference.
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• The Soviet take-over of eastern Europe (pages 90–91)
b Study Source 11 on page 88. What impression does this source give you of Truman’s attitude
towards Stalin? Explain your answer using details from the source as evidence.
Truman clearly believes that the USA must be tough with Stalin – ‘Unless Russia is faced
with an iron fist and strong language…’
c Study the ‘Disagreements’ section on page 89. Complete the table below to summarise the
differences in opinion at the Potsdam Conference.
Stalin wanted …
Truman wanted ….
To cripple Germany completely
To not repeat the mistakes of
the Treaty of Versailles
Compensation for the
20 million deaths
To resist Stalin’s demand for
Eastern Europe
The agreement at Yalta that
he could have pro-Soviet
governments to stand
To oppose Stalin’s occupation
of eastern Europe
• The Soviet take-over of eastern Europe (pages 90–91)
5 Use page 90 of your textbook to complete the following tasks.
a Which countries had come under the control of the USSR by 1946?
Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Albania
b Study Sources 13 and 15 on page 90. What is meant by the term ‘iron curtain’?
The border between communist-dominated eastern Europe and the democracies of
western Europe
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Key Question 4: Who was to blame for the Cold War?
6 Why had the ‘Grand Alliance’ between the ‘Big Three’ nations broken down by 1946? Use all the
answers so far in your workbook and pages 84–90 of your textbook to complete the diagram below,
using the different factors in the text boxes to guide you. Remember to explain your decisions.
USA testing the
atomic bomb, July
at the Yalta
February 1945
at the Potsdam
Conference, July
Attitudes and
actions of Winston
between capitalism
and communism
Attitudes and
actions of
Franklin D.
Attitudes and
actions of Joseph
Defeat of
Germany in May
These ideas were not compatible with each
other, leading to distrust and suspicion.
This led Stalin to be suspicious of Truman’s
intentions and helped start a nuclear arms race.
This led to a clash with
Stalin because Truman
was more anti-communist
than Roosevelt.
USA testing the atomic
bomb, July 1945
Attitudes and actions
of Harry Truman
This led to a clash
with Churchill and
later Truman who
did not trust his
intentions in
eastern Europe.
Ideological differences
between capitalism and
Attitudes and actions
of Winston Churchill
Stalin did not trust Churchill, especially
after his iron curtain speech.
Churchill thought Roosevelt
was too flexible with Stalin.
Most important reason the
alliance broke down
This led to arguments
over Poland as Stalin
wanted Polish land
for defence.
Disagreements at
Yalta Conference,
February 1945
Attitudes and actions
of Joseph Stalin
This led to arguments
over the future of
Germany and eastern
Disagreements at the
Potsdam Conference,
July 1945
Defeat of Germany
in May 1945
Attitudes and actions of
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Attitudes and
actions of Harry
This meant that the
common enemy was
defeated and there
was less need for an
Least important reason the
alliance broke down
7 Study the information and the map in Figure 17 on page 91 of your textbook to complete the
following tasks.
a What was the role of Cominform?
To co-ordinate the communist parties of eastern Europe
b How did Cominform allow Stalin to control communist countries in eastern Europe more
Cominform brought the communist leaders of eastern Europe to Moscow to be briefed
by Stalin and his ministers.
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• The Soviet take-over of eastern Europe (pages 90–91)
c Which country was expelled from Cominform in 1948? Why did this happen?
Yugoslavia, because they were hostile to Stalin’s control
d Complete the table below to summarise Soviet control in eastern Europe, 1945–48.
Date/s of communist
East Germany
Examples of democratic
tactics used in the
Examples of undemocratic
or violent methods used in
the take-over
Red Army control
Left-wing coalition
and 1946 communists
won control
1948 – communists
banned other parties
joined a coalition
1947 – communists
forced noncommunists into exile
Communists become
largest party in
They imprisoned
the opposition and
attacked the Church
Communist elected
as prime minister in a
left-wing coalition
1947 – communists
abolished the
executed leaders of
other parties
Left-wing coalition
won the elections
Tito elected
No elections –
communists backed by
Yugoslavia and USSR
e Why were Italy and France both problems for the USA and Britain after the war?
Both countries had strong communist parties which belonged to Cominform.
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Key Question 4: Who was to blame for the Cold War?
• The Truman Doctrine and Marshall Aid (pages 92–94)
8 Read the information and study all the sources on pages 92–94 of your textbook to complete the
following tasks.
a Use the word bank provided to complete the following paragraph.
communists both fought for
monarchists and the .........................,
The two rival groups in Greece, the .........................
power after the Germans retreated in .........................
. Churchill sent .........................
in 1945 to
Soviet Union wanted a communist
help the .........................
of Greece back into power as the .........................
United Nations
government. The .........................
......................... took no action after Stalin protested about
civil war
Britain’s involvement, so a .........................
developed. President .........................
funded the
British in Greece and by .........................
the royalists were in control, though it was a very
unstable government.
Use the
word bank communists provided to complete
the following
Nations troops civil war 1950
Soviet Union
b Explain what the Truman Doctrine was.
This was a policy of containment to help stop the spread of communism.
c Study Source 20 on page 93. What does the source suggest as reasons for Truman’s policy of
Source 20 suggests that Truman wanted containment to protect people’s freedoms from
outside powers, i.e. the Soviet Union.
9 The Marshall Plan
a Briefly describe the aims of the Marshall Plan.
The aims were to send aid to countries in poverty to help stop communism from gaining
support – Marshall wanted $17 billion.
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• The Truman Doctrine and Marshall Aid (pages 92–94)
b Why did Congress refuse to fund the Marshall Plan at first?
Many Americans were concerned by Truman’s involvement with foreign affairs.
c What events in Czechoslovakia changed Congress’ attitude towards the Marshall Plan?
Communists violently took over the government in 1948.
d How much Marshall Aid was granted by Congress to help countries in Europe?
$17 billion
e Use the key provided to colour code the different reasons for Marshall Aid in Europe.
Containment f
US trade Poverty Wealthy Western
states will act as a
barrier to the spread
of communism.
There are huge
shortages of food and
fuel after the Second
World War.
There are large
numbers of refugees
and those that are
Western Europe will
create new markets for
American goods.
There is huge war
damage to homes and
By lending dollars,
European countries
would rely on the
Debt from the cost of
the war effort could
be reduced.
Communism breeds
when countries are not
Use the information and the sources on page 94 to add information to the speech bubbles below
to show Stalin and Truman’s differing views of Marshall Aid.
My opinion of Marshall Aid is
that it is anti-communist and the USA is trying to dominate as
many states as possible by making them dependent on US dollars.
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Cambridge IGCSE ™ and O Level History Workbook 1
Key Question 4: Who was to blame for the Cold War?
My opinion of Marshall Aid is
that it will make new markets for US goods to help stop a future
depression as well as stop communism from gaining ground in poor
• The Berlin Blockade and airlift (pages 95–96)
10 Read through the information and sources on pages 95–96 in your textbook and then complete the
following tasks.
a Study the map in Figure 24 on page 95. Which four countries controlled Germany in 1948?
Britain, France, the USA and the USSR
b What had happened to Berlin by 1948?
It was divided into four zones/sectors under Britain, France, the USA and the USSR.
c What issues do you think Berlin might cause based on the information in the map?
Berlin was in the Soviet Zone of Germany so the Soviets might claim it is theirs geographically.
d Why did Stalin not want to see the German economy recover?
He did not want Germany to become an ally of the Western powers.
e Why did the Western Allies want to see the German economy recover?
So that Germany could become a strong economy and an ally and capitalist example to
Soviet-controlled Germany
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• The Berlin Blockade and airlift (pages 95–96)
What name was given to the combined zones of the Western Allies in 1949?
West Germany
11 Study Source 25 on page 95. What message is the cartoonist trying to put across to the audience?
Source 25 suggests that the Soviet Union thinks the West is trying to break the agreements made
at Yalta and Potsdam.
12 Use pages 95–97 to answer these questions.
a Study all the text boxes below and place them into the table provided to analyse the causes and
consequences of the Berlin Blockade.
The Western Allies
created the West
German state in 1949.
The Western Allies
created a new West
German currency.
In 1948, the Allies
decided to airlift
supplies to West
In 1949, two Germanys
existed – the FRG and
the GDR.
Stalin wanted all of
Berlin to become part
of the Soviet Zone in
Berlin would remain
a symbolic focal point
throughout the Cold
It led to the later
creation of NATO and
the Warsaw Pact.
There was an arms
race and propaganda
war by 1948.
Causes of the Berlin Blockade, 1948–49
Consequences of the Berlin Blockade, 1948–49
The Western Allies created the West
German state in 1949.
In 1948, the Allies decided to airlift supplies to
West Berlin.
Stalin wanted all of Berlin to become part
of the Soviet Zone in Germany.
In 1949, two Germanys existed – the FRG and
the GDR.
The Western Allies created a new West
German currency.
It led to the later creation of NATO and the
Warsaw Pact.
There was an arms race and propaganda
war by 1948.
Berlin would remain a symbolic focal point
throughout the Cold War.
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Key Question 4: Who was to blame for the Cold War?
b What methods did Stalin use to blockade West Berlin?
Stalin blockaded the supply lines by road, rail and canal.
c Why was the Allies’ decision to airlift supplies so risky?
If the Allies tried to break the blockade, it would be an act of war. They also saw it as a
test case as if they withdrew, Stalin might take Western Germany.
d How long did the airlifts last?
Ten months
NATO and the Warsaw Pact (page 97)
13 Study Source 27 on page 97. How far does this source suggest that NATO was a defensive alliance?
It does suggest it was defensive as Source 27 says ‘collective capacity to resist armed
attack’. However, it also suggests it was offensive as it says ‘an armed attack against one …
shall be considered an attack against them all’.
14 Use the map in Figure 28 on page 97 and the list below to correctly place five different NATO and five
Warsaw Pact countries into the table.
West Germany
East Germany
NATO countries
Warsaw Pact countries
2 West Germany
2 East Germany
3 Canada
3 Romania
4 UK
4 Poland
5 France
5 Hungary
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• Key Question 4 review
• Key Question 4 review
15 Who was to blame for the Cold War? Use the information in the text boxes to create three spider
diagrams below.
Capitalism and
communism were
conflicting ideologies
Stalin’s expansion
into eastern Europe
between 1945 and
Truman had
authorised the testing
of the first atomic
bomb, 1945
The US and the British
had sent troops to fight
the communists in 1918
The policy of
containment stated in
the Truman Doctrine,
The setting up of the
Berlin Blockade in
The war damage
suffered by the USSR
by 1945
The creation of
Cominform in 1947
The Marshall Plan and
Marshall Aid for noncommunist nations,
The disagreements at
the Yalta and Potsdam
Conferences, 1945
Winston Churchill’s
‘iron curtain’ speech,
Creation of West
Germany and NATO,
American aid to the
British in the Greek
civil war, 1947
propaganda and the
‘Red Scare’ in the
1920s and 1930s
rearmament by the
USA and the USSR
by 1948
Communist actions in
Czechoslovakia, 1948
Stalin’s expansion into eastern
Europe between 1945 and 1948
The setting up of the Berlin
blockade in 1948
Communist actions in
Czechoslovakia, 1948
USSR was to blame
The creation of Cominforn
in 1947
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Increasing rearmament by the
USSR by 1948
Cambridge IGCSE ™ and O Level History Workbook 1
Key Question 4: Who was to blame for the Cold War?
Increasing rearmament
by the USA by 1948
American aid to the
British in the Greek
Civil War
Anti-communist propaganda
and the ‘Red Scare’ in the
1920s and 1930s
Creation of West Germany and
NATO, 1949
Truman had authorised the
testing of the first atomic
bomb in July 1945
USA was to blame
The USA and the British
had sent troops to fight the
communists in 1918
The Marshall Plan and
Marshall Aid for noncommunist nations, 1948
The policy of containment
stated in the Truman Doctrine,
Capitalism and
communism were
conflicting ideologies
Winston Churchill’s
‘iron curtain’ speech,
Other factors were to blame
The war damage
suffered by the USSR
by 1945
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The disagreements at
the Yalta and Potsdam
Conferences, 1945
Cambridge IGCSE ™ and O Level History Workbook 1
• Key Question 4 review
16 Using all the evidence above, who do you think was most to blame for the Cold War? Use the
structure provided below to explain your answer and reach a judgement.
The .............................
was the most to blame for the Cold War because (state your reason)
of Truman’s testing of the atomic bomb.
that in July 1945, Truman had
This was due to the fact (add factual evidence/examples)...................................................................
tested the atomic bomb and informed Stalin at Potsdam.
the USSR knew that it was behind in
This meant that the Cold War started as ..........................................................................................
technology and it began an arms race.
However, the .......................
was also to blame for the Cold War because (state your reason)
it occupied eastern Europe by 1948.
that Stalin had taken over
This was due to the fact (add factual evidence/examples) ..................................................................
Poland, Hungary and Romania and ruled them using Cominform.
the USA feared communist control might
This meant that the Cold War started as ..........................................................................................
spread into western Europe, which was capitalist.
Moreover, there were other causes of the Cold War because (state your reason) ............................
both the USA and USSR had disagreed at the Yalta and Potsdam Conferences.
that both countries had
This was due to the fact (add factual evidence/examples) .................................................................
different ideas about how to deal with Germany after the war.
the USA and USSR would protect their
This meant that the Cold War started as ...........................................................................................
zones in Germany and fear that the other might try to take over the whole
due to the USA and its president,
Overall, the most important cause of the Cold War was ..................................................................
Truman was more anti-communist than Roosevelt and didn’t
This was because ...............................................................................................................................
trust Stalin. He also boasted about the USA’s new atomic bomb, which led to
hostility in 1945.
the fact that Stalin tried to develop his own atomic
This can be supported by ...................................................................................................................
bomb, leading to an arms race throughout the Cold War.
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ey Question 5: How effectively
did the USA contain the spread
of communism?
1 Use Chapter 5 of your textbook to draw lines to match the heads with the correct tails to define the
key terms.
Arms race
US policy based on the belief that communism would spread unless it was stopped
in its tracks
Mutually Assured Destruction – the theory that neither superpower could survive a
nuclear conflict
The competition between two or more countries to build more weapons than the
other – this can include nuclear weapons (nuclear arms race)
Domino theory
Intercontinental Ballistic Missile – long-range nuclear weapon capable of travelling
thousands of miles
South East Asian Treaty Organisation – 1954 alliance to stop the spread of
Central Treaty Organisation – an alliance to stop the spread of communism
including Britain, Turkey and Pakistan
• Case study 1: The Korean War (pages 102–106)
2 Read pages 102–106 in your textbook to complete the following tasks.
a Which country ruled Korea until 1945?
b What were the main differences between North and South Korea after the Second World War?
Communist controlled
North Korea: .....................................................................................................................
South Korea: ....................................................................................................................
c How did President Truman react to North Korea’s expansion into South Korea?
Truman was determined to contain communism and would do anything to stop
it spreading.
d Why was the USA able to exert so much influence on the UN Security Council?
At this time, the USSR was boycotting the UN so the USSR could not veto UN actions.
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• Case study 1: The Korean War (pages 102–106)
e Why did the USSR do nothing to oppose UN intervention in Korea?
The USSR was not able to veto UN actions.
Who commanded the UN forces in Korea?
General MacArthur
3 Study Source 4 on page 103. What do the different source details suggest? Link the details to the
correct meaning in the table below.
Source details
President Truman holding hands with the woman
representing the United Nations
This suggests that the UN is prepared to use force to
stop aggression.
The woman representing the United Nations holding a
This suggests that the USA has influence over the
actions of the UN.
The gravestone which says, ‘Died of Lack of Exercise’,
and the ghost calling out
This suggests the League of Nations failed due to its
inability to deal with aggressive nations.
4 Study Figure 5 on page 103 of your textbook to answer the following questions.
a What does the term ‘38th parallel’ mean?
The border between North and South Korea
b Create a flow diagram to describe the course of the Korean War, 1950–53. The first box has been
done for you. Next to the arrows, decide who had the advantage at each stage: North Korea or
South Korea and its UN allies.
September, 1950 – North Korean forces crossed the 38th parallel and invaded South Korea. They advanced into the capital,
Seoul. The communists now occupied most of South Korea except a small part of the south-east near Pusan.
North Korea
October 1950 – UN forces push the communists back over the 38th parallel close to
the Chinese border.
Advantage: South Korea and its UN allies
January, 1951 – communist forces counter-attack across the River Yau in China and
push the UN forces back past the 38th parallel.
North Korea
July, 1953 – UN forces successfully push the communists back to the 38th parallel.
Advantage: None
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Key Question 5: How effectively did the USA contain the spread of communism?
5 Use the information and sources on pages 102–106 of your textbook to complete the following tasks.
a What was the name of the Chinese communist leader?
Mao Tse-tung
b Why were the Chinese forces so effective when they counter-attacked in November 1950?
Chinese forces numbered 200,000. They were committed communists and had modern
tanks and planes from the USSR.
c Why was General MacArthur sacked as commander of the UN forces in March 1951?
MacArthur wanted to invade China and even use nuclear weapons – when he threatened
to do this, he was sacked by Truman who rejected MacArthur’s aggressive policy towards
d Study Figure 8 on page 105. Which side suffered the greatest military and civilian deaths?
North Korea and China – 780,000
e Was the Korean War a success for the policy of containment? Draw lines to the correct text boxes
and then explain your opinion by completing the paragraph at the bottom.
Some anti-communist
politicians wanted to go
beyond containment.
Some military leaders
thought Truman had
shown weakness.
The USA had the ability
to stop the spread of
was a success
was a failure
North Korea remained
a communist state.
South Korea remained
under UN protection.
An armistice was
signed – this was just a
The USA could rely on
UN assistance to stop
communist aggression.
MacArthur was ready
to use nuclear weapons
against China.
Overall, I think that the US policy of containment was a success /failure in the Korean War because
ultimately the USA, with help from the UN, was able to prevent the communist take-over of
South Korea and reach an armistice with the North Koreans.
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• Case study 2: The Cuban Missile Crisis (pages 107–115)
• Case study 2: The Cuban Missile Crisis (pages 107–115)
6 Read through the information and sources on pages 107–108 of your textbook to answer these
a Study Source 12. What is the journalist’s impression of US relations with Cuba by 1958?
Cuba was viewed as part of US property.
b What evidence is there on page 107 to support this view?
Cuba was an American ally and Americans owned most of the businesses on the island.
Plus there was a US naval base there.
c Why was the Batista regime unpopular with many Cubans?
Batista’s rule was corrupt and unpopular and his alliance with the Americans was due to
his anti-communism.
d In what year did Fidel Castro overthrow the Batista regime? ....................................................
e What methods did Castro use to keep control of Cuba?
He arrested or exiled political opponents and used propaganda.
7 Read through the information and sources on page 107–109 of your textbook to answer these
a Study Source 13. What is President Kennedy’s view on the Cuban Revolution?
Kennedy believes that former US policy helped Castro win control of Cuba from Batista.
b What year did Castro ally Cuba with the USSR? ......................................................................
c How did the USSR aid Cuba?
The USSR signed a trade agreement with Cuba worth $100 million and sent arms.
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Key Question 5: How effectively did the USA contain the spread of communism?
d Briefly describe the Bay of Pigs invasion and why it was an embarrassment for the USA.
In 1961, Kennedy broke off diplomatic relations with Cuba and gave arms and supplies
to 1400 anti-Castro exiles to invade Cuba. They landed at the Bay of Pigs but were met
by 20,000 Cuban troops armed with modern weapons. It was a failure.
e What was the impact of the Bay of Pigs invasion on the different leaders? Draw a line to connect
the leaders with the text boxes.
I am suspicious
of their
intentions if
they are willing
to invade my
This will
cause some
of my military
to demand
This has
my position as
This will make
us look weak
and foolish to
our enemies.
I think I
should send
more military
support in case
the USA tries
Castro Krushchev Kennedy
8 Use page 110 of your textbook to answer these questions.
a List the forms of military assistance the USSR provided to Cuba up to 1962.
Missiles, tanks, patrol boats, radar vans, missile erectors, jet bombers, jet fighters and
5000 technicians.
b What did Kennedy mean by the term ‘by whatever means might be necessary’ when warning the
USSR not to supply Cuba with nuclear weapons?
Kennedy meant he was willing to use force to stop Cuba becoming a base for a nuclear
attack against the USA.
9 Use pages 112–113 of your textbook to put a date on each event shown in the boxes below. Then shade
the most dangerous moment in the crisis (when the USA and USSR seemed closest to nuclear war).
Khrushchev told
Kennedy he had
ordered the missiles
to be crated and
returned to the
Soviet Union.
The twenty Soviet
ships which were
closest to the
blockade zone
stopped or turned
An American U-2
plane was shot down
over Cuba.
Kennedy received
a letter from
Khrushchev saying
that Soviet ships
would not observe
the blockade.
Kennedy announced
a blockade and
called on the Soviet
Union to withdraw its
28 October 1962
24 October 1962
27 October 1962
23 October 1962
22 October 1962
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• Case study 2: The Cuban Missile Crisis (pages 107–115)
10 Study Source 22 on page 113 and match the correct source details with their meanings in the grid below.
Source detail
Secretary Khrushchev sweating a lot
This suggests the continual struggle between the two
leaders during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Kennedy and Khrushchev arm wrestling
This suggests that both leaders have access to nuclear
weapons that would destroy the other.
Kennedy’s and Khrushchev’s fingers over the buttons
This suggests that the Soviet leader is very nervous
and losing the confrontation.
The letter ‘H’ on both of the bombs the leaders are
sitting on
This suggests that the nuclear deterrent is being used
by both sides to threaten the other.
Kennedy with a single drop of sweat on his head
This suggests that the US president is nervous but has
the upper hand.
11 Look at the following reasons why the Cuban Missile Crisis ended peacefully. Explain each of them,
referring to the information on pages 112–113.
This meant the Cuban Missile Crisis ended peacefully because neither
Nuclear Deterrent/MAD: ..........................................................................................................
side wanted to start a nuclear war which would lead to complete destruction.
This led to a peaceful end because if Khrushchev tried to
Kennedy’s use of a naval blockade: ...........................................................................................
the blockade, it would be an act of war which he did not dare risk.
This led to a peaceful end to
Khrushchev’s letters on the 26 and 27 October, 1962 to Kennedy: .................................................
the crisis because it showed the USSR was ready to find a peaceful solution to the crisis.
led to a peaceful end because it called Khrushchev’s bluff
Kennedy’s threat on the 27 October: This
forced him to remove the nuclear missiles.
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Key Question 5: How effectively did the USA contain the spread of communism?
12 Use the sources and the information on page 114 to examine the possible explanations below for why
the USSR placed missiles on Cuba. Use the key provided to colour code them into the appropriate
Strategic Diplomatic Ideological Khrushchev wanted
to defend the
revolution in Cuba
The USA had
missiles in Turkey;
this would address
the missile gap
The missiles could
force Kennedy to
negotiate some
To demonstrate that
communism could
stand up to the West
Khrushchev needed
to silence his critics
in the Communist
Khrushchev needed
to show he was a
strong leader in the
The missiles were in
the ‘backyard’ of the
To test the weakness
of Kennedy to see
how strong he was
13 Complete the paragraph below to explain who you think gained the most from the Cuban Missile
Crisis: Kennedy, Khrushchev or Castro. Use the information on page 115 to help you.
The leader in first place at the end of the Cuban Missile Crisis was .................................................
he was no longer under threat from a US invasion and was able to keep
He gained most because .........................................................................................................
the weapons and economic aid from the USSR.
������������������������������������������������������������ ...............................................................................
However, ............................... and ............................... also gained something from the crisis
Kennedy successfully forced the USSR to remove its nuclear missiles and Khrushchev
because ................................................................................................................................
was able to get the USA to remove its missiles from Turkey.
������������������������������������������������������������ ...............................................................................
14 List three consequences of the Cuban Missile Crisis for the Cold War.
The Cold War ‘thawed’ between the USA and the USSR.
• .......................................................................................................................................
A permanent ‘hot line’ was established between the White House and the Kremlin.
• .......................................................................................................................................
The Soviets realised their nuclear missiles were a threat to the USA.
• .......................................................................................................................................
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• Case study 3: The Vietnam War (pages 116–126)
• Case study 3: The Vietnam War (pages 116–126)
15 aComplete the timeline below by linking the information in the text boxes to the correct decade. Add
exact dates to each event.
USA begins Operation ‘Rolling
Thunder’ – bombing campaign of
North Vietnam strategic targets,
which lasts three years.
Timeline of Vietnam,
USA prevents free elections taking
place in Vietnam out of fear of a
communist victory.
1954 P
Communist-led National Front for
the Liberation of South Vietnam set
up, known as the Viet Cong.
Diem overthrown by his own army
leaders due to unpopularity and
USA sends financial aid to Diem’s
regime amounting to around
$1.6 billion.
1950s F
Viet Minh enter Hanoi and declare
independence, leading to a war
against France.
President Johnson receives authorisation
from Congress to intervene in Vietnam
using military force.
Ho Chi Minh founds the Indochinese
Communist Party and inspires 1941
Vietnamese to fight Japanese forces.
French pull out of Vietnam; Geneva
peace conference divides Vietnam into
North and South.
Vietnam was a colony of France 1887
known as French Indochina. The –1945
French treated the Vietnamese badly.
USA helps Diem set up the proAmerican and anti-communist Republic
of South Vietnam.
1955 P
President Kennedy sends military
personnel to help South Vietnam 1962
forces but does not authorise war.
Ho Chi Minh gains support from China
and its leader Mao Zedong.
Japan invades and occupies Vietnam
during the Second World War.
USA sends 3500 marines to aid the
South Vietnamese Army against the
1965 M
b On the timeline above, label key dates in the US involvement in Vietnam as P (political),
F (financial) or M (military).
16 Study pages 116–117 and answer the following questions.
a What was the Ho Chi Minh Trail?
The route whereby North Vietnam sent supplies to the Viet Cong guerrilla fighters to attack
������������������������������������������������������������ ...............................................................................
South Vietnamese forces.
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Key Question 5: How effectively did the USA contain the spread of communism?
b Where was the border between North and South Vietnam?
17th parallel
c What similarities does this have with the Korean War?
This was a border between the communist North and pro-US South Vietnam – just like Korea.
d Why was Diem’s regime in South Vietnam so unpopular?
Diem belonged to the landlord class and treated peasants with contempt. He was also
Christian and showed no respect to the Buddhist population. His regime was very corrupt.
e Briefly describe the actions of the Viet Cong against the South Vietnamese government.
The Viet Cong attacked South Vietnamese forces, officials and buildings. They also attacked
American air force bases and supply bases.
How did the South Vietnamese and US governments respond to the actions of the Viet Cong?
They launched their ‘strategic hamlet’ programme which involved moving peasant villages
from Viet-Cong-controlled areas to areas controlled by the South Vietnamese government.
17 Read the information and study the sources on page 118 of your textbook then answer the following
a Study Source 28. What reasons does the US Defence Secretary give for US military involvement in
Source 28 suggests US military involvement in Vietnam was intended to stop China’s
dominance of Vietnam and the spread of communism.
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• Case study 3: The Vietnam War (pages 116–126)
b Study Figure 29 and answer the questions that follow.
Which two US presidents sent military troops to Vietnam?
Presidents Johnson and Nixon
ii What was the maximum number of troops and advisers sent to Vietnam?
Over 500,000
iii What year had the highest number of US deaths during the Vietnam War?
18 Read through the information about tactics on pages 119–121 of your textbook and complete the
following tasks.
a How many soldiers did the Viet Cong have in 1965?
b What tactic did Ho Chi Minh use that he had learned from the Chinese and used against the
Guerrilla warfare
c What was the main tactic used by the USA against communist forces? Explain why it was used.
Bombing was the main tactic because it disrupted supply routes and damaged
North Vietnam’s war effort to try to force a ceasefire.
d What was the US policy of search and destroy? Why was it used?
Search-and-destroy tactics were tactics that allowed the USA to search out and destroy
Viet Cong forces in villages to combat their use of guerrilla warfare.
e Choose one chemical weapon used by the US forces. Briefly describe it below.
Napalm – used to destroy jungle where guerrillas might hide.
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Key Question 5: How effectively did the USA contain the spread of communism?
19 Use the information on pages 120–121 to complete reports ranking the effectiveness of the
different tactics used by the US and the Viet Cong. Choose two contrasting tactics for each group
and rank them (five * = most effective). In the space below record how each tactic was effective or
Tactic 1:
Impact rating:
Disrupted war effort and supply lines but
increased support for communists due
to civilian casualties.
Tactic 2:
Impact rating:
Increased size of US army but troops
were inexperienced and young, which
led to low morale.
Tactic 1:
Guerrilla warfare
Impact rating:
Allowed Viet Cong to use hit-and-run
raids. They were difficult to spot as they
didn’t wear a uniform and could escape
in the jungle, use tunnels and set booby
traps, lowering US morale.
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Ho Chi Minh Trail
Tactic 2:
Impact rating:
This kept the Viet Cong well supplied
from North Vietnam, but it was
constantly bombed by the US air force.
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• Case study 3: The Vietnam War (pages 116–126)
20 Use the information on pages 122–124 to complete this activity. Use the key provided to colour code
the boxes to categorise the reasons for increasing anti-war protest in the USA.
The draft
1968 Tet Offensive saw US troops taken by
surprise by the Viet Cong.
March 1968 – My Lai massacre saw US troops
kill 300–400 civilians – no Viet Cong were found.
This was published in Life magazine in 1969.
Newspapers showed
pictures of the
effects of napalm on
The Vietnam
War was costing
$500,000 for every
Viet Cong killed.
Nearly one-third of
African Americans
were conscripted vs.
19 per cent of white
The average age of
US troops was only
nineteen years old.
The US Government
was spending so
much money yet
getting no closer to
TV showed prisoners
being executed.
Students and civil
rights campaigners
like Martin Luther
King publicly
opposed the war.
Black Power groups
such as the Nation
of Islam united
black American
21 Read page 125 of your textbook and complete the following tasks.
a How did President Johnson react to the Tet Offensive?
Johnson concluded that the war could not be won militarily – he reduced the bombing
campaign and instructed US officials to begin peace negotiations.
b Who was elected president in 1968 after Johnson?
Richard Nixon
c Who was the new president’s National Security Adviser?
Henry Kissinger
d What year were the Paris Peace Accords that led to a ceasefire?
e What do you think Nixon meant by ‘peace with honour’?
Nixon wanted to pull out US troops but not simply hand Vietnam to the communists.
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Key Question 5: How effectively did the USA contain the spread of communism?
What were the consequences of the Paris Peace Accords for Vietnam?
Within two years South Vietnam had fallen to the communists.
22 Why did the policy of containment fail in Vietnam? Pick the top two reasons from the cards below and
justify your choice(s) by completing the paragraphs.
US military
tactics in Vietnam
The unpopularity
of the South
The experience of
the Viet Cong and
the inexperience
of the American
Opposition in the
Other countries’
support for the
Viet Cong
US military tactics in Vietnam
(Your top reason) ...................................................................................................................
they failed to stop the guerrilla warfare tactics
was the most important reason for failure because ......................................................................
of the Viet Cong and increased support for the communists when they used chemical
weapons like napalm.
Opposition in the USA
(Your second reason) ..............................................................................................................
it meant that the US public was turning against the war, which led
was also important because .....................................................................................................
to increased protest and pressure on the US government to bring home US troops.
US military tactics
However, it was not as important as (your first reason) .................................................................
if the USA had more successfully tackled the Viet Cong and not used chemical weapons
because ................................................................................................................................
which killed innocent civilians then there would not have been as much protest, for example
after the My Lai massacre.
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• Key Question 5 review
• Key Question 5 review
23 Use all your work on Key Question 5 to complete a scales diagram like the one below to decide
whether each of the case studies (Korean War, Cuban Missile Crisis and Vietnam War) was a success or
failure for the US policy of containment.
a Write your evidence in either side.
b Then decide which way the scales fall. (Remember, the weighted side means more/stronger
evidence!) Only draw the horizontal line after you have weighed the evidence.
Case study title here
Evidence for success here
Evidence for failure here
Success OR Failure?
The Korean War
Evidence for success here
North Korean communists
were contained by US and
UN forces
Evidence for failure here
It was only a ceasefire
Success OR Failure?
The Cuban Missile Crisis
Evidence for success here
US stopped Cuba having a
nuclear arsenal
Evidence for failure here
Success OR Failure?
Cuba remained communist
with Soviet military and
economic aid
The Vietnam War
Evidence for success here
Viet Cong suffered higher
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Evidence for failure here
Success OR Failure?
US troops forced to pull out
and North Vietnam took
over the South
Cambridge IGCSE ™ and O Level History Workbook 1
Key Question 5: How effectively did the USA contain the spread of communism?
c Overall, which incident was most successful? Explain your answer by completing the paragraph
the Korean War.
The most successful example of containment was ...................................................................
the communist forces were forced to sign an armistice and did not take
This was because ..............................................................................................................
over pro-US South Korea.
the Vietnam War
This was more successful than .............................................................................................
the USA was forced to leave South Vietnam in 1973, which allowed North Vietnam
because ...........................................................................................................................
to take over the South.
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ey Question 6: How secure was
the USSR’s control over eastern
Europe, 1948–c.1989?
1 Use Chapter 6 of your textbook to draw lines to match the heads with the correct tails to define the
key terms.
Policy from 1968 that meant no eastern European states would be allowed
a non-communist government
Means restructuring – the policy of reforming the Soviet Union in the late
Polish trade union that opposed the communist government in the 1980s
The re-joining of East and West Germany into a single nation-state in 1990
Khrushchev’s policy of undoing Stalinist policies
Means openness – the policy that allowed people to criticise the Soviet
government in the 1980s
Brezhnev Doctrine
• Soviet control in eastern Europe and the start of the
Khrushchev era (pages 130–131)
2 Read page 130 of your textbook. Draw lines to link the text boxes with the correct Soviet
Means Communist
Information Bureau
Guaranteed the USSR
cheap goods and raw
Allowed the USSR
to control policy in
eastern Europe
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Set up in 1949 to
co-ordinate industry
and trade in eastern
Means Council for
Mutual Economic
Set up in 1947 to coordinate communist
It set up a bank for
countries in 1964
Tried to stop
governments trading
with the West
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3 What was the economic reason Stalin wanted to control eastern Europe after 1945?
Stalin wanted the resources of eastern Europe to help rebuild the USSR’s industries and economy
after the Second World War.
4 Use the text boxes below to fill in the table comparing Stalin and Khrushchev.
and Comecon
to control
and criticised
Closed down
Cominform and
pulled troops
out of Austria
Talked of
peaceful coexistence with
the West
Used the
secret police,
NKVD, to arrest
and execute
Invited Tito to
Moscow for
Banned other
political parties
in Sovietoccupied
Engaged in an
arms race with
the USA and
opposed US
Marshal Tito
and Yugoslavian
to reduce
on arms and
attended peace
Treatment of opposition
Attitudes to the West
Policy on eastern Europe
Used the secret
police, NKVD, to
arrest and execute
Engaged in an arms
race with the USA
and opposed US
Created Cominform and
Comecon to control Sovietoccupied nations
Banned other political parties
in Soviet-occupied nations.
Opposed Marshal Tito and
Yugoslavian communism
Released political
prisoners and
criticised Stalin’s
Talked of peaceful
co-existence with
the West
Planned to reduce
expenditure on arms
and attended peace
Invited Tito to Moscow
for talks
Closed down Cominform and
pulled troops out of Austria
5 Use the table in question 4 and pages 130–131 of the textbook to answer the following questions.
a Explain why the USA was positive about Khrushchev’s rise to power in the USSR.
Khrushchev denounced Stalin and talked of peaceful co-existence with the West. He also
talked of improving the lives of ordinary citizens.
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• Soviet control in eastern Europe and the start of the Khrushchev era (pages 130–131)
b Explain why eastern European countries were positive about Khrushchev’s rise to power in
the USSR.
He closed down Cominform. He compromised in Poland and allowed Gomulka as the
new leader.
c Study Source 1 on page 131. Describe how the cartoonist shows support for Khrushchev by
referring to details from the source.
The cartoonist shows support by suggesting Khrushchev was a modern or new type of leader
who was trying to end the Cold War with the USA.
6 Read pages 132–141 of your textbook and make a list, with dates, of the different challenges faced
by the Soviet Union in eastern Europe.
Description of challenge to Soviet control
Protest against Rákosi in Hungary. New leader Nagy planned
to have elections and leave Warsaw Pact.
Stalinist leader replaced DubcÌŒek who wanted ‘socialism with
a human face’. He eased censorship and increased freedom
of speech leading to the ‘Prague Spring’ and criticism of
communist rule.
7 Read page 131 of your textbook. How far do the actions of Khrushchev in Poland in 1956 demonstrate
a Khrushchev was like Stalin
Khrushchev was still prepared to use force by sending tanks and troops to the Polish border.
b Khrushchev was different from Stalin
Khrushchev did allow the new leader Gomulka – he had compromised, unlike Stalin.
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• Case study 1: Hungary, 1956 (pages 132–133)
8 Examine the text boxes below which give reasons why some Hungarians opposed Soviet communism
in Hungary. Categorise them using the key provided.
Wages were low and
living standards poor.
Areas of Hungary had
Russian names.
Hungarians had to pay
for Soviet soldiers in
Rákosi was a hardline communist who
supported Stalin.
Freedom of speech
and expression were
taken away.
Part of Hungary had
Russian shops and
Russian schools.
Liberal or Westernstyle art and clothing
was banned.
Thousands of Soviet
troops were stationed
in Hungary.
Soviet propaganda
was used to persuade
Hungarians all was
The secret police
were used to arrest
and detain political
Soviet officials formed
part of the Hungarian
communism was
forced on the people of
9 Use the sections in the textbook on ‘What happened?’ and ‘How did the Soviet Union respond?’ to
summarise the main events in the Hungarian uprising of 1956.
Hard-line Rákosi
removed by
23 Oct
Statue of Stalin
pulled down in
24 Oct
USSR allows Nagy
to form a new
Thousands of
Soviet troops and
tanks – fighting
10 What was the response of the USA and Western powers to the Hungarian uprising?
They protested to the USSR but sent no help.
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• Case study 2: Czechoslovakia and the Prague Spring, 1968 (pages 134–135)
11 aFind evidence to go in each column of the following table. Examples have been added to get you
The Soviet Union successfully maintained control in
The Soviet Union unsuccessfully maintained control in
Hungary was forced to remain a member of
the Warsaw Pact
Khrushchev allowed a new government under
Nagy to be formed
Soviets used troops and tanks to maintain
control of Hungary.
Hungarians fled across the border to Austria
to escape.
West sent no military help to Hungary.
Kádár, new leader, crushed all resistance.
Demonstrations against Soviet control.
Nagy’s government demanded withdrawal of
Soviet troops and planned to leave Warsaw Pact.
Bitter fighting between Soviet and
Hungarian forces.
b Based on your completed table, explain how successfully you think the Soviet Union maintained
control of Hungary.
It was successful, but this relied on the use of force rather than diplomacy.
• Case study 2: Czechoslovakia and the Prague Spring,
1968 (pages 134–135)
12 Use pages 134–135 of your textbook to complete the tasks below.
Leonid Brezhnev
a Who replaced Khrushchev as leader of the Soviet Union by 1968? .............................................
Alexander DubcÌŒek
b Who was the new leader of Czechoslovakia in 1967? ...............................................................
c What was meant by the policy ‘socialism with a human face’?
Less censorship, more freedom of speech and a reduction in the activities of the secret police.
d What was meant by the term ‘Prague Spring’?
The new ideas that were appearing when censorship was eased.
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e Which Warsaw Pact leaders opposed the reforms in Czechoslovakia and why?
East German and Polish leaders because they did not want to see the new ideas and reforms
spread to their countries.
How did the Soviet Union deal with DubcÌŒek?
The USSR performed public training exercises on the Czech border. It thought about economic
sanctions. DubcÌŒek agreed to not allow a Social Democratic Party. Soviet tanks were sent in
in 1968 and DubcÌŒek removed from power.
g Study Source 15 on page 135 and the information on the Brezhnev Doctrine. What reasons does
Brezhnev give for introducing the Brezhnev Doctrine?
He says that any move by socialist countries towards capitalism threatens all socialist countries.
13 Complete the Venn diagram below to show the similarities and differences between the Hungarian
uprising, 1956 and the Prague Spring in Czechoslovakia, 1968.
Hungarian uprising
Nagy executed
Reforms allowed at first
Soviet troops used to stop revolts
Both forced to remain in Warsaw Pact
DubcÌŒek not executed
Suppression driven as much by other
Warsaw Pact leaders as it was by
Prague Spring
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• Case study 2: Czechoslovakia and the Prague Spring, 1968 (pages 134–135)
14 How secure was Soviet control in Czechoslovakia? Use the writing frame below to organise your
DubcÌŒek had been removed and other Warsaw
Soviet control was secure in Czechoslovakia because ...................................................................
Pact countries like Poland supported the USSR.
East Germany and Poland were concerned that the new ideas from the Prague Spring
For example, .........................................................................................................................
spread to other Warsaw Pact countries.
it gave it the support it needed to send
This allowed the Soviet Union to maintain control because ..........................................................
in tanks and troops to restore control in Czechoslovakia and remove DubcÌŒek as leader.
the policy of ‘socialism with a
However, Soviet control was not secure in Czechoslovakia because ................................................
human face’ seemed popular.
when DubcÌŒek took over, he removed much of the censorship in Czechoslovakia and
For example, .........................................................................................................................
increased freedom of speech.
many citizens were now free to criticise Soviet rule in
This limited Soviet control because ..........................................................................................
Czechoslovakia and think up new ideas known as the ‘Prague Spring’.
the Soviet leadership was always
Overall, I think that Soviet control was secure/not secure because ................................................
willing to use force to stop opposition and the West seemed reluctant to get involved.
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• Case study 3: The Berlin Wall (pages 137–139)
15 Who was the hard-line communist leader of East Germany (GDR)?
Walter Ulbricht
16 Study Source 17 on page 137. Why was Berlin important to the USA?
It was a beacon of liberty in a land controlled by the communists and a route of escape
for refugees.
17 Study Figure 18 and answer the following questions.
About 2.6 million
a How many defectors left East Germany between 1950 and 1961? ..............................................
b Which year saw the highest number of defectors from East to West Germany? .............................
c In what year does the number of defectors significantly reduce? ..............................................
18 aWhy were people leaving East Germany in the 1950s and early 1960s? Connect the different factors
with the correct explanations in the centre: political, economic and social.
In the 1950s people
could travel freely
between East and
Many saw the new
shops, cafes and
bars in the West.
Political reasons
Many in the
East hated the
repression of the
Economic reasons
East Germans were
resentful of the
freedom enjoyed in
the West.
Skilled workers
could get better pay
in West Germany.
The division of
Berlin had split
family and friends
from each other.
Social reasons
Standards of living
were poor in East
Germany compared
to the West.
Many East
Germans did not
agree with Sovietstyle communism.
b What problems do you think defection from East to West Berlin would cause for East Germany and
the Soviet Union?
Many defectors were highly skilled workers or managers which would affect the economies
of the USSR and East Germany. It would also undermine communism to see defectors going
to the capitalist West.
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• Case study 4: Solidarity in Poland, 1980–81 (pages 140–141)
19 Study the information and sources on pages 137–139 and complete the following tasks.
John F. Kennedy
a Who was the US president in 1961? ......................................................................................
b Why did Khrushchev decide to build the Berlin Wall in 1961?
Kennedy refused to back down after Khrushchev demanded the withdrawal of US troops
from West Berlin.
c How does Source 21 differ from Khrushchev’s explanation? Explain your answer using details from
the source.
Source 21 suggests the wall was built because West Berlin was used to get spies/agents
into the GDR.
d What was Checkpoint Charlie?
This was the only unsealed checkpoint/crossing point between East and West Berlin.
e What was the immediate impact of the Berlin Wall on East–West relations?
All free movement ended. Soviet tanks were stationed at Checkpoint Charlie. US and
Soviet troops faced each other and then eventually withdrew.
• Case study 4: Solidarity in Poland, 1980–81
(pages 140–141)
20 Read pages 140–141 and study all the sources, then complete the tasks below.
A free trade union
a What was Solidarity? .........................................................................................................
Lech Walesa
b Who was the leader of Solidarity? ........................................................................................
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c In the space below draw a poster summarising the demands made by Solidarity. Use Source 24 and
the timeline on page 140 to help you.
We want…
* Better PAY
* Broadcasting
CHURCH services
of factory managers
d By how much did the membership of Solidarity grow from 1980–81?
From 3.5 million to 9.4 million members
e Code the text boxes below as S (reasons for success) or F (reasons for failure) of Solidarity.
Solidarity was
splitting into different
Walesa and 10,000
Solidarity leaders
Army leader
Jaruzelski declared
martial law and
suspended Solidarity.
Many Solidarity
members came from
crucial industries.
Brezhnev ordered
Red Army troops to
the Polish border.
Over a million
Communist Party
members joined
The communists
played for time hoping
Solidarity would split
into factions.
The Catholic Church S
supported Solidarity.
Walesa negotiated
carefully with the
Solidarity was acting
like an opposition
political party.
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Lech Walesa was a
hero to many Polish
Solidarity had lost
control of striking
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• Case study 4: Solidarity in Poland, 1980–81 (pages 140–141)
Study Figure 26 on page 141. What does this source suggest about communist control in Poland?
Explain your answer using details from the source.
Figure 26 suggests that Polish people had lost confidence in Communist Party rule
and that their support for Solidarity and the Catholic Church was very high.
g In the table below, examine the four reasons why Solidarity was significant. Decide on a score out
of ten for each and justify your decision in the final column.
Significance /10
Solidarity showed that the
Communist Party was unable to
provide a good standard of living
Solidarity showed the corruption
and inefficiency of the
communist system
Solidarity showed that it was
possible to stand up against the
ruling Communist Party
Solidarity’s huge membership
highlighted the power of the
people to resist
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I gave this score because
it showed that communism was not helping
ordinary people.
I gave this score because
it showed that the communists could not be
trusted to run the economy or system fairly.
I gave this score because
Solidarity was able to increase its membership
hugely and negotiate with the Communist Party.
I gave this score because
it showed how much popular dislike there was
towards communist rule as well as the threat of
popular revolt.
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• Mikhail Gorbachev and the collapse of Soviet control
(pages 142–146)
21 Read the information and study all the sources on pages 142–143 of your textbook then complete the
tasks below.
a What year did Mikhail Gorbachev become leader of the USSR? ..................................................
b Complete the acrostic below to summarise Gorbachev’s background and beliefs. One has been done
for you.
Gorbachev was a member of the Politburo from 1980.
October, 1990 – he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
Reformer who wanted to radically change the communist system to conserve it
Before joining the Communist Party, he studied law at Moscow University.
Arms race – Gorbachev believed the USSR was spending too much on arms.
Communist reformer – he wanted to change the system, not to end it.
He was a realist who saw that the USSR was in a terrible economic state.
Everyone in the USSR and eastern Europe should benefit from communist rule.
Very concerned about the Soviet–Afghan War.
c Study Source 27. Complete the table below to show how Gorbachev’s policies on eastern Europe
differed from other Soviet leaders.
Policies on eastern Europe
Abandon imperialist policies – USSR not to force its will on other nations.
(Warsaw Pact)
(Brezhnev Doctrine)
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Peaceful co-existence and deStalinisation – remove excesses of Stalinist
rule but all eastern European nations to remain in Warsaw Pact.
No Warsaw Pact country allowed to voluntarily leave. Allows force.
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• Mikhail Gorbachev and the collapse of Soviet control (pages 142–146)
d What were Gorbachev’s reforms? Link the categories in the centre to the correct reforms.
Spending on the Red Army
and nuclear weapons was
Gorbachev improved
relations with US
President Reagan.
Reform of
Glasnost – ‘openness’: this
encouraged open debate on
government policies.
Communist regimes
in eastern Europe had
to reform to provide a
better standard of living.
Reform of
Gorbachev told eastern
European states that
they should manage their
own problems.
Reform of
foreign policy
Gorbachev promoted
trust and co-operation
with other nations.
Perestroika –
introduced some free
market reforms.
Gorbachev made it clear
the Red Army would not
help eastern European
communist regimes.
22 Read the information and study all the sources on pages 144–147 of your textbook then complete the
tasks below.
a Study the map on page 144. During which years did the collapse of communism in eastern Europe
take place?
b To what extent does the timeline suggest that the collapse of communism was a revolution?
The collapse of communism was a rapid change from dictatorship to democracy. There
were also revolts in some countries such as Romania.
c What examples are there of Gorbachev desperately trying to maintain control?
He travels to East Germany to try to introduce reforms to save communist control.
d Who was Boris Yeltsin and why was he important in the collapse of the USSR?
He was elected as Russian president in 1990 and was a nationalist with no support for
the USSR. He encouraged independence for the Soviet republics.
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e Who attempted a coup in 1991? What was the aim of the coup?
Hard-line Communist Party members and leading military officers attempted a coup. They
attempted to take control of the USSR to restore order.
What happened on 25 December 1991?
Gorbachev announced his own resignation and the end of the Soviet Union.
23 Complete this paragraph to explain your view on whether Gorbachev was personally responsible for
the collapse of communism and the end of the Cold War.
Overall, I think that Gorbachev was /was not responsible for the collapse of communism and the end
his reforms of glasnost and perestroika allowed criticism in and outside
of the Cold War because ..........................................................................................................
of the USSR to grow to the point where it was difficult to maintain Communist Party control.
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ey Question 7: Why did events
in the Gulf matter, c.1970–2000?
1 Use Chapter 7 of your textbook to draw lines to match the heads with the correct tails to define the
key terms.
Ruling nationalist party in Iraq
Baath Party
Popular uprising often resulting in a change of government or ideology
United Nations Special Committee responsible for searching for and destroying Iraq’s
weapons of mass destruction
The emperor or king of Iran
Senior Muslim cleric (priest)
2 Use page 152 of your textbook to help you with the following tasks.
a In the centre are different causes of tension in the Gulf region. Link them to the correct
explanation boxes by drawing a line or colour coding.
Many Western nations
are highly dependent
on supplies from the
Gulf, leading to foreign
Most Arabs are Sunni
Muslims while in Iran the
people are mainly Shia
This was created in 1948
and was opposed by the
Arab states and led to
great tension.
Nearly two-thirds of
the world’s supply is
produced here and they
are dependent on it for
their wealth.
Cause of tension
Islam is divided into Shia
and Sunni Muslims who
disagree on matters of
Iran and Iraq are proud
countries with ancient
cultures and are willing to
defend their states.
National identity
Many Muslim nations
view the Jewish faith as a
threat to Islam and viceversa.
Leaders like Saddam
Hussein and Khomeini
followed policies that
caused tension.
b Rank the causes of tension by writing a number 1–5 in the space provided above. Write a short
explanation to justify your choice at the bottom.
The most important cause of tension in the Gulf was .............................................................
it was important enough for the West to intervene and support unpopular
This was because .............................................................................................................
regimes, leading to popular unrest, revolution and invasion.
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• Saddam Hussein’s rise to power and the nature of his
rule in Iraq (pages 153–157)
3 Read pages 153–155 of your textbook then complete the tasks below.
a What does the Baath Party stand for?
Unity among Arabs and policies against foreign interference
b Use the table below to compare Sunni and Shia (Shiite) Muslims.
Sunni Muslims
Shia Muslims
Allah is God
Allah is God
Mohammad is His prophet.
Mohammad is His prophet.
Belief in Caliph
Rejected Ali and chose
another Caliph
Ali, the cousin and son-in-law, was
the next Caliph of the Muslim world
countries in the
Southern Iraq
Northern Iraq
Belief in God
Other Arab countries
c Which empire controlled Iraq up to the end of the First World War?
Turkish Empire (Ottoman Empire)
d Who ran Iraq after the First World War?
e Use pages 153–154 to put a date by each of the events below.
King Faisal, head of a
powerful Arab family,
made ruler of Iraq.
Iraqi nationalist
uprising led to a
Iraqi government
agrees that oil profits
will be shared.
The state of Israel, a
Jewish state, created in
opposition to the Arabs.
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Monarchy of Iraq was
overthrown and Iraq
becomes a republic.
Army coup led by
Baath Party, who were
mainly Sunni Muslims.
League of Nations
mandate set up by the
Treaty of Sevres.
nationalises the Iraqi
oil industry.
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• Saddam Hussein’s rise to power and the nature of his rule in Iraq (pages 153–157)
Which events above helped the Baath Party gain popularity in Iraq? Choose one example for each
of the categories below to explain your answer.
Army coup led by Baath Party
Military factors: ................................................................................................................
Saddam had placed friends and allies in the military and spent lots on defence.
Government nationalises the Iraqi oil industry
Economic factors: ..............................................................................................................
This helped increase popularity because now all oil profits would be kept in Iraq and not
shared with Britain.
Monarchy of Iraq overthrown
Political factors: ...............................................................................................................
Helped increase popularity because Faisal had been put in charge by the British who ran
the government’s foreign policy.
Creation of Israel
Religious factors: ..............................................................................................................
Helped increase support for the Baath Party which was opposed by Arab Muslims but
supported by Britain.
g Read pages 154–155 of your textbook explaining how Saddam Hussein rose to power. Use the key
provided to colour code the different text boxes below into the correct categories.
Baath Party
Saddam used torture
on those in Iraqi
In 1972, the government
nationalised the oil
In 1973, Iraq decreased
oil production, pushing
up prices.
Saddam placed friends
and family into the top
positions in the army.
Key positions were given
to family members and
friends in the party.
Saddam became a
general in the army to
increase his control.
Saddam extended
electrification across
the countryside.
Saddam improved
healthcare and
education in Iraq.
Saddam increased
spending on defence.
Saddam used the secret
police to dominate the
people, army and party.
The party dominated
trade unions, schools
and clubs.
Opponents were often
executed and the army
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4 Read pages 155–157 (including the sources). Complete the spider diagram below by adding the detail
from the text boxes and the textbook sources to show what tactics Saddam Hussein used to maintain
control in Iraq.
Saddam used chemical
weapons against the
Kurdish people.
Saddam used a purge
to execute around 500
party members.
Saddam had statues,
portraits and paintings
glorifying his rule.
Saddam used televised
show trials to remove his
Saddam deported
200,000 Shiite Muslims
to Iran.
Saddam improved
road transport and
water supplies.
Saddam built up a cult of
leadership – his birthday
was a national holiday.
Saddam used oil revenue
to improve healthcare
and education.
Saddam used televised show
trials to remove his opponents.
Saddam used
chemical weapons
against the Kurdish
What methods did
Saddam Hussein use to
keep control?
Saddam deported
200,000 Shite
Muslims to Iran.
Saddam used a purge
to execute around
500 party members.
Saddam had statues,
portraits and
paintings glorifying
his rule.
Saddam built up a
cult of leadership –
his birthday was a
national holiday.
Saddam used oil revenue to improve healthcare and education.
Saddam improved road transport and water supplies.
• The Iranian revolution (pages 158–160)
5 Read the information and sources on pages 158–160 of your textbook to complete the following tasks.
a What was the title of the leader of Iran at the start of the twentieth century?
b How were the British involved in Iran in the first half of the twentieth century?
Iran’s oil fields were controlled by a British company (Anglo-Iranian Oil) that paid the
Shah’s government to run the oil fields.
c What was the name of the leading Iranian nationalist after the Second World War?
Mohammed Mossadeq
d What were the main causes of the Iranian revolution? Link the different categories in the centre
of the diagram on page 89 to the reasons by drawing lines.
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• The Iran–Iraq War (pages 162–165)
Mullahs criticised the
corruption of the Shah and his
supporters in the government.
Britain forced other Western oil
companies not to buy Iranian
oil after 1951.
Ayatollah Khomeini was a
Muslim scholar who was popular
in Iran among the masses.
Foreign intervention
Government policies
Mullahs criticised the
Western culture in
Iran as unIslamic.
Britain and the USA
forced the popular
leader Mossadeq to be
There was a stark
contrast between rich
and poor in Iran.
The Shah’s
government used the
army and police to kill
protestors – over 500
in September 1978.
e Using the categories in task d above, explain which factor you think was the most significant in
causing the Islamic Revolution in 1979. Use the textbook to support your judgement.
The most significant factor in causing the Islamic Revolution in Iran in 1979 was foreign
opposed the Westernisation of Iranian culture and the
This was due to the fact that many
influence the USA and Britain had on the government.
people in Iran would want to remove foreign
This would help cause a revolution because ..........................................................................
influence, which would lead to a growth in nationalism. This would lead people to support a
popular leader such as the Ayatollah.
• The Iran–Iraq War (pages 162–165)
6 Below are the different reasons why Iraq invaded Iran in 1980. Prioritise them by numbering them
1–8 then write an explanation to justify your top choice.
Religion: Saddam
feared Shiite Muslims
would overthrow the
National security:
Iran was calling
on Iraqis to rise up
against Saddam.
Territory: Saddam
wanted better access
to the sea and more
Oil: Saddam wanted 1
to capture parts of oilrich south-west Iran.
Military: Saddam saw 2
a weak Iranian army
against his superior
relations: Iran was
facing a boycott of its
Self-preservation: 4
Saddam feared there
were Iranian plots
against his life.
Economic: Iran’s
economy was in chaos
since the fall of the
The most important reason for Iraq’s invasion of Iran in 1980 was oil. This was because Iraq had
spent a lot of money on weapons and needed the oil to control prices overseas.
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7 What is meant by the term ‘whirlwind war’?
swift, heavy conflict that would quickly win the war.
8 Briefly describe the initial military tactics of Iran and Iraq.
Used its larger population to send in ‘human waves’ who had revolutionary enthusiasm and
Iran: ....................................................................................................................................
willing to become martyrs.
Firing missiles at Iran’s cities to terrorise the civilian population once they were halted in
Iraq: ....................................................................................................................................
Iranian desert.
9 Complete the following paragraph using the word bank below to fill in the gaps.
resistance and it looked like Iraq would
In 1980, when Iraq invaded Iran there was little .......................
easily win. However, within a .......................
the Iraqi forces were halted by the desert and
War of the Cities Iran sent hundreds
both sides used bombs to kill civilians in the so-called ............................
of thousands of new recruits, many of them members of the Iranian .......................
force) who were willing to be ....................... for their religion. Within .......................
Saddam Hussein
Iran had recaptured its lost territory and called for the complete destruction of ...........................
trench warfare across a 1000-mile
and his regime. By 1984, both sides were engaged in ..........................
border, resulting in a stalemate.
trench warfare
Saddam Hussein
War of the Cities
10 How and why did foreign nations support Iraq in the Iran–Iraq War? Link together the country, the
‘how’ and the ‘why’ by either colour coding or drawing a line.
Foreign nation
became the main supplier of arms
did not want Iran’s Shiite Muslim
revolution to spread
provided military support including pilots
wanted to maintain influence over oilrich Gulf states and pre-empt further
Soviet support
Gulf states (Saudi
Arabia, Egypt, Jordan)
supplied Iraq with money and arms and
a route for Iraq’s imports and exports
did not want Iran to control the world’s
oil prices
provided military support and protection
near the end of the war
wanted to keep Iraq from forming
friendships with the West and stop the
Islamic Revolution from spreading near
the border of the USSR
Soviet Union
provided satellite reconnaissance and
military support
this would leave Iraq in debt to them in
the future
11 In what year was the ceasefire signed?.......................................................................................
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• The Gulf War, 1991 (pages 166–170)
12 What problems were caused by the fact that there was no peace treaty?
meant that both sides continued to rearm.
13 What evidence is there to suggest that the end of the Iran–Iraq War helped lead to Iraq’s invasion
of Kuwait?
Iraq’s society and economy suffered and it faced $80 billion of debt. Saddam needed something
to divert attention away from the military and economic crises in Iraq.
• The Gulf War, 1991 (pages 166–170)
14 Read all the information and study all the sources on pages 166–169 of your textbook then complete
the following tasks.
a Examine the different reasons for the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait below. Use the key provided to
colour code the different reasons.
Iraq had laid claim
to Kuwait since 1961
when the British left.
Kuwait would give
Iraq greater access to
the Persian Gulf.
Iraq’s army was the
largest in the Gulf with
stockpiles of chemical
Saddam had to pay
off debts of over $80
Saddam wanted
to take control of
Kuwait’s oil fields.
Many army generals
blamed Saddam for
the defeat against
OPEC states refused
Saddam’s demand to
increase oil production.
Saddam accused
Kuwait of drilling for
oil under the Iraqi
b How many Iraqi soldiers invaded Kuwait in August 1990? .......................................................
The United Nations imposed complete
c How did the United Nations react to the invasion? .................................................................
trade sanctions against Iraq.
d Why was this so effective?
This would stop any country trading goods or weapons with Iraq, making it harder for it to
wage war effectively and making problems in Iraq worse, decreasing Saddam’s popularity.
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e How successful was Saddam Hussein in gaining support from other Arab states?
Unsuccessful – he failed to gain their support, even saying he would remove his forces from
Kuwait when Israel removed its forces from Palestine. Only Palestine was supportive of this.
Study Source 14 on page 167. What is President Bush’s justification for a military response to
Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait? Use source details to explain your answer.
President Bush justifies a military response by suggesting Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait would give
Iraq control of its ‘oil reserves’ and therefore would affect the rest of free world.
15 Read the information and study all the sources on pages 166–170 of your textbook then complete the
tasks below.
a What did the war to liberate Kuwait become known as?
The Gulf War
b Why did the multi-national force defeat the Iraqi army? Link the reasons provided to the factors in
the centre.
The Iraqi army was
made up of conscripts
who were reluctant to
The coalition had the
most powerful air
force in the world
and destroyed Iraqi
Ground forces
were supported by
helicopter gunships
that knocked out Iraqi
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Iraqi soldiers were
poorly trained and
equipped compared to
the coalition forces.
Air superiority
Arab states
Arab states were
largely committed
to stopping Iraq
from dominating oil
President Bush
encouraged Kurds and
Shiite Muslims to rise
up against Saddam
Iraqi army
The Americans were
the most powerful
nation in the world,
economically and
American forces
provided the
coalition with the
best equipment and
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• The Gulf War, 1991 (pages 166–170)
c Which UN organisation conducted weapons inspections in Iraq as part of the ceasefire agreement?
United Nations Special Committee (UNSCOM)
d What weapons of mass destruction did they discover in Iraq?
They discovered a nuclear programme with enriched uranium.
e What event led to America’s demand to remove Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq?
The Iraqi government confessed to the production of anthrax and nerve gas chemical weapons.
Create a spider diagram to summarise the impact of the UN sanctions on Iraq. Give each impact a
rating out of ten based on how seriously it worsened living conditions for Iraqi people.
Blockade prevented imports of
machinery and medicines for
healthcare and industry (rating 8)
Lack of food imports led to
malnutrition, hunger and
disease (rating 9)
What was the impact of
the UN sanctions on Iraq?
Limited oil sales allowed,
affecting the economy
(rating 7)
Iraq couldn’t import chlorine
for water purification, leading
to dysentery (rating 8)
g List four methods Saddam Hussein used to maintain his control in Iraq after the UN sanctions.
Violence and terror
Rewarding his most loyal supporters
ii ..................................................................................................................................
Rebuilding infrastructure like bridges, roads and electricity
iii ..................................................................................................................................
Propaganda, especially linked to Iraq’s suffering
iv ..................................................................................................................................
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