101/1 ENGLISH Functional Skills 2 hours ALUOR-AMBIRA JOINT EVALUATION TEST. Form Three Head-start Examination Trial May 2024. Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E.) Marking Scheme For examiner’s use only: S/N Question Maximum Score 1 Functional Writing 20 2 Cloze Test 10 3 Oral Skills 30 Total 1|Page 1. FUNCTIONAL WRITING (20 Marks) Format – 04 marks i. ii. iii. Writers address (name not part of the address) (1/2 mk) Date (written in full) (1/2 mk) Receivers address Must be: THE DIRECTOR, BLOOMINGTON ACADEMY, (1/2 mk) P.O BOX 24987, THIKA. iv. Salutation: Dear Madam, (1/2 mk) Dear Sir, v. Subject: RE: APPLICATION FOR THE POSITION OF A TEACHER (1 mk) vi. Signing off/ Valediction Yours faithfully, sign (1 mk) Name. Content (12 marks) Reason- apply for…… position ( 1mk) Details of the relevant degree (2 mks) Experience- details (2 mks) Age – (must be between 26-35) (1 mk) Willingness to work for longer hours (1mk) Details of co-curricular activities (2 mks) Contact (1 mk) Note indicating that the writer has attached copies of his/her academics and cv (1 mk) Closing remark (1 mk) Language (08 marks) 2|Page A- (8) B- (6-7) C- (3-5) D- (1-2) 2. Cloze Test i) enforce/ introduce (ii) only (iii) with (iv) particularly/ more (v) some (vi) approach (vii) actively viii) While/ although (ix) its (x) relieve 3. i. ababcdedfgfghh -Regular rhyme scheme ii. Using examples, explain how rhythm has been achieved in this poem. (4 Marks) Rhyme- clay/decay verse/rehearse dead/fed bell/dwell Alliteration- vile world, with vilest worms surly sullen mourn me 1mk id 1 mk illu. iii. I would stress mourn and dead- to emphasize on the fact the mourning will bring no difference iv. Verbal – I would use a romantic tone to show sincerelity I would use a falling intonation since it is a statement 3|Page Non-verbal – I would point at an imaginary person when saying your love to show that I am referring to someone I would smile to show happiness a. (i) Paw/pore (ii) Sawed/sward/soared (iii) Meat/mete b. i. Weapon ii. Shepherd iii. Report iv. Cheddar c. ✓ Stage fright/ nervousness ✓ inadequate research on the topic ✓ inappropriate grooming/ dressing ✓ Overwhelming emotions ✓ d. (i) ✓ Wakonyo greets Kebu- “Good morning, Kebu” ✓ Wakonyo is focused/ interested on the topic of discussion- “leaning forwad” ✓ Wakonyo uses relevant gestures- “nodding her head encouragingly” ✓ (ii) ✓ When the speaker misquotes a known fact ✓ When the speaker omits a known fact ✓ When the speaker is inaudible. 4|Page