Realizado por: Alicia Ortiz DISCOVERY DOCUMENTS Tutorizado por: Alberto Navarro Realizado por: Alicia Ortiz Kenia Linet Rodríguez García 2051231 Yamily Aideé Cordero Peña 2073558 Sofia Yamileth Padrón Partida 2058565 Dalia Paola Martinez Medellin 1968841 Angelina Monserrath Almanza Ceballos 2063847 Tutorizado por: Alberto Navarro Índice de CONTENIDOS 01. Mental examination 02. Opposing 03. Subpoena 04. Privileged 05. Physical examination 06. Interrogatory Discovery is the formal process by which the parties to a case in court exchange information about the case. This includes information about the witnesses and evidence to be presented at trial. Its purpose is to make the parties aware of the evidence which may be presented at trial. Mental examination The mental examination in a trial is a test that is carried out on any person who must certify their state of mental health before a judicial resolution Psychiatry and psychology examinations are used to determine capacity, interdiction, imputability or criminal responsibility 02 Opposing Investigation: 1-If Opposing means being in conflict with another person, team or army. It is like the act of resisting or challenging something. For example: "You are opposing the court's decision." Opposing party: The opposing party represents the other side of a court case or dispute 03 subpoena Investigation: to order someone to go to a court of law to answer questions, or to order the appearance of documents in a court of law. 04 privileged Investigation: Priviledged information is secret and does not have to be given even in a law court. 05 Investigation: Physical examination A physical examination in law is a court order to compel a person to submit to a physical or mental examination to determine their health or injuries. A court can order a physical examination if a person's condition is in question for the case at hand. The examiner's report must be in writing and include their findings, diagnoses, conclusions, and the results of any tests. A physical examination can help us: DIAGNOSIS: To identify and diagnose medical conditions, injuries, or illnesses. EVIDENCE COLLECTION: To document injuries or conditions for legal purposes. RESEARCH: To collect data for medical research studies. INJURY ASSESSMENT to evaluate the extent of injuries 06 Investigation: Interrogatory Interrogatories are used to help determine what each party knows about the evidence in a case. Other methods of discovery include subpoenas and requests for documents. When writing interrogatories, it is important to be clear and concise, and to include only one fact per request. Compound questions and subparts should be avoided. When answering interrogatories, documents that are referenced must be identified and summarized to ensure that the answers are fully responsive. Muchas GRACIAS