Ch . 28 Supporting Ventillation : Respiratory Physiotherapy Breathing Therapy Diaphragmatic breathing using diaphram instead of accessory muscles to inhale & Slow RR · : benefits thoracic & abd. - - · not beneficial for COPD Pursed-Lip Breathing better control over - : surgery pts b/c it can ↑WOB prolong exhalation , prevent bronchial collapse & air trapping breathing during exercise & dyspnea Slows RR - Airway Clearance Techniques (ACT) loosen secretions to be cleared by coughing Huff coughing · - · - COPD & helpful for Chest forced expiration technique consisting of several small coughs : emphysema physical therapy (CPT) Postural Drainage ↳ best for : : used for pts w/ excessive bronchial secretions that are hard to clear positions that help drain secretions pts w/ atelectasis , COPD ↳ bronchodilators & , & Pneumonia hydration before procedure ↳ contraindicated for Pts w/ <BI neck , injung , chest trauma , hemoptysis , heart disease , PE , & hemorrhage - - Percussion Vibration : ↳ : done wh appropriate postural drainage position ; promotes movement of mucus may be done manually or wh devices Airway Clearance Devices · Flutter Acapella TheraPEP Therapy System ↳ High Frequency Chest Wall Oscillation : rest that vibrates Chest w/airwaves & dislodges secretions O2 Therapy · Absorption atelectasis : > alveolus collapse nitrogen is "washed out" & - > - absorption atelectasis - · O2 toxicity from ↳ can cause monitor prolonged use d/t inflammatory response damages alveolar capillary membrane pulmonary edema , shunting of blood , hypoxemia O2 pts w/ high therapy (X-ray , ABG , suctioning , lowest O2 (v1 ) ) Methods of Administration deliver Humidification - can : adding Sterile water (bubble ↑ risk for infection - through humidifier) to prevent breathing dry O2 fixed 82 concentrations Artificial Nasstracheal Tube Airways Nasopharyngeal Airway (NPA) · measure · when oral intubation is not possible d/+ cervical spine injury from tip of the nose to tip of the ear & choose nostril wh highest air flow Oropharyngeal Airway COPA) · · only done on unconscious pts measure from corner of mouth to the angle of the jaw /earlobe Endotracheal Tube · Indications = ARDS , apnea , upper airway obstruction , ineffective clearance of secretions , high risk for aspiration , dental abscess epiglottitis , Support Ventilation Procedures to Chest Tubes Please space · Sizes - - - Pleural Drainage & & : re-establish negative pressure , drain the lung expansion allow Painful procedure done in : · Large (36F-40F) drain blood emergent settings local anesthetic ; sutured in place & covered wh occlusive dressing (24F-36F) drain fluid Medium Small - (127-24f) drain air -very small pigtail catheters (10F-14F) safer alternative for pneumothorax · Pleural Drainage System 1.Collection 2 . chamber receives Water-seal chamber : ↳ ↳ Tiddling : ↳ dry : : pleural space-hold burning in chest = reposition dlt possible kink through water to prevent backflow of air , stop of tidaling = occlusion water 2000mLo = check during exhalation coughing & sneezing but should eventually stop (continuous bubbling tubing) up & down movement of water w/ pts breathing ; reflects Suction control chamber : ↳ Wet fluid & air from receives air from collection chamber & bubbles Intermittent bubbling ↳ sudden . 3 : : applies suction controlled suction controlled by a dial ; ; make sure it usually stays upright 20mmity intrapleural pressure As during breathing (no more means & Pneumothorax Nursing Management Subcutaneus · : Chest emphysema : Drainage air leaking into tissue surrounding insertion site that feels like crackles" Chest Tube Removal : done when lungs are & reexpanded drainage is minimal -may allow to drain wh gravity 24hrs before removal - - - Chest · Preop care - - - · Surgery : collect needed labs ; smoking Cessation ; postop expectations deep breathing exercises & incentive spirometry splinting ; ROM exercises postop care - Care ↳ ↳ priorities : Assessing respiratory function = Monitoring Chest tube function ↳ Pain management ↳ Fever & other signs of infection ↳ wound care RR = , effort , sounds & sputum / drainage amount &d type of drainage medicate 30-60 min before removal ;pt will either bare down or hold their breath site is covered whairtight occlusive dressing X-ray done 30-60 min after removal to assess for pneumothorax or fluid Apnea :Fatigue nla , CAD /heart deprived) , Nusing Management Noninvasive Ventilation · help ventilate pt uses a mask to ideal for pts needing higher(ul of ventilation (COPD · provides pressure delivered continuously during inspiration & Common tx for sleep appea ; used w/ caution ↑ WOB d/t - - · · HF) Airway Pressure ((PAP) Continuous Positive · expiration pts w/ HF in - · · Airway Pressure for more acute problems LOC , hemodynamic stability mouth , nase , Help prevent · needing forceful exhale against CPAP Bilevel Positive Assessment · . or of Noninvasive Ventilation , WoB eyes skin breakdown & ulceration alleviate pressure from tight filting mask Elevate HOB 30 - 450 Ensure pt can remove mask independently provides 2 levels of positive pressure · Inspiratory positive airway pressure : helps w/ removal of CO2 - Expiratory positive airway pressure - pts must be awake · candidates : · COPD , alert , , : helps keep alveoli open at end expiration and able to breathe spontaneously ; high risk of aspiration ; must be hemodynamically stable of HF pneumonia , exacerbation & ArF & after extubation Mechanical Ventilation · Non-curative & meant to support pt until recovery of · Indications ARF : , inability to breathe/protect airway respirating muscle fatigue apnea , , of Ventilators Types Negative Pressure Ventilation intermittent · iron · : inspiration & passive expiration passive expiration (PPV) : pushes air into lungs w/ positive pressure during inspiration ↑ intrathoracic pressure balloon ! predetermined tidal volume (vi) is delivered each inspiration needed varies on lung compliance VT is consistent Pressure ventilation : - - intrathoracic pressure produces = ventilation pressure - · like normal ventilation ; lung volume - : > air rushes in negative pressure pulls chest outward - Positive Pressure Ventilation · independent breathing Vi varies predetermined peak inspiratory pressure (PIP) & based on pressure monitor exhaled V + to lung compliance prevent hypoventilation & hypoxemia Endotracheal Intubation Procedure · Equipment self-inflating BvMwIO2-meds (propofol ; pancuronium) - suctioning - IV access - Gral intubation · sniff position : supine - · · head extended , neck flexed Nasal intubation Spray nasal passages wl - · , Preoxygenate for 2 min w/ local anesthetic & vasoconstrictor (lidocaine w/ epinephrine) 100 % 82 Rapid Sequence Induction/Intubation - - ↓ risk of injury & aspiration sedative hypnotic - Confirming placement · - - - - amnesic : fast administration of sedative , : chest wall movement paralytic drugs during emergency intubation (propofol etomidate) to sedate & rapid-onset opisid (fentany1) for pain ; followed by vocuronium to paralyze auscultate lung sounds & epigastrium for abscence of air sounds Et CO2 detector & symmetry helps confirm placement by noting exhaled CO2 Watch for · Risks of Oral ET intubation · - - - limited head & neck teeth · mobility watch for hypo/hyperventilation hypersecretions damage ; challenging mouth care ↑ salivation Ventilator Settings Positive · End-Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) exhalation remains ventilator setting that applies positive pressure during exhalation passive but airway pressure falls to PEEP level a functional residual capacity & · · : Oxygenation by splinting open collapsed alveoli & preventing further collapse Optimal PEEP : titrated to the point where oxygenation improves w/ compromising hemodynamics glottic mechanism · Physiologic PEEP · Weaning improves gas exchange vital capacity & inspiratory force = ScMH2O PEEP , Modes of Volume Ventilation ; replaces Artificial 1 . Maintaining correct to be placement - - - - . 2 - . 4 . note exit point at mouth or nares assess integrity of tape or securement device Observe symmetric chest wall movement ausculate for bilateral breath sounds Maintain proper cuff inflation - 3 Airway Management minimal occluding volume technique manometer to confirm Maintain tube cuff pressure patently w/ suctioning Maintaining alarm systems = : stethoscope over tracked d inflate cuff 20-30 cm H28 & add air until no air is hear at PFP (end of ventilator inspiration) · · encourage pt to breathe wi vent talking to pt while they are intubated Preventing delirium · A : B C · ABCDEF : Assessment Breathing trials(x/day : correct choice : of analgesia & Sedation prevention/management D : Delirum Z : Early mobility F : Family engagement Rescue - - : alleviate hypoxemia in pts unable mechanical ventilation , high FSO2 d + - therapies , & to maintain oxygenation PEEP pulmonary vasodilators Prone positioning ECMO Complications of Mechanical Ventilation · · Aspiration d/t : inability to clear Sodium & water imbalance kidneys : I saliva airway ; intubation fluid retention dit ↓ Co-d blood flow to renin released > own angiotensin & aldosterone t e sodium & water retention ↑ stress · Adverse hemodynamic effects vessels > - ↓ venous Alveolar ventilation · ↳ suction & turn · Barotrauma ↑ - - · · Pneumothorax + PPV alveolar rupture can = = life ↑ risk ; to changes compresses thoracic heart , preload , systolic BP , MAP & CO alveolar : hypo/hyperventilation & can rupture fragile alveoli/blebs mediastinal shift threatening ↑ intrathoracic pressure · , hypotension , JVD PEEP possible to avoid trauma lowest to wh chest tube large volume of Vy used to ventilate noncompliant lungs : & movement of fluids & proteins Auto-PEEP : caused - · airway pressure distands lungs lung inflation pressure Volutrauma - ↑ : return : into alveolar spaces by inadequate exhalation time 1/1 ↑ WOB barotrauma & hemodynamic instability , , Alterations in Gastric Mobility · Ventilator Disconnection & Malfunction · Ventilator - - Associated Pneumonia 24hr after intubation usually caused by gram-negative bacteria (E Coli . - · S/S : Fever , ↑WBL , As in sputum amount & color , , streptococcus Pneumonial from crackles/wheezes , Chest G5) X-ray shows infiltrates oral care , clear tubes of secretions/humidification , assess for extubation * Vent settings RR = Tidal Vol -82 PEEP · Unplanned Extubation Bagging pt until help arrives = = 12 = 30 - - 20 keep low 4-5mL/kg 100 % ScmH28 to - prevent barotrauma low = if low give more Sedation & bronchodilator ↑ O2in small increments ord sedation Weaning from PPV watch their trends & ABG sometimes ordered to test pts own breathing Tracheostomy · Early intervention - reduces number of ventilator dependent Nursing Management of Tracheostomy day length of hospitalization pain & improves communication , ,