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Pathways RW Level 2 Teacher Guide

AcAdemic Tr Ack
Health Science / Sociology
AcAdemic SkillS
• Discuss the two questions as a class. For question 1,
write the word happy on the board, and create a word
web with student answers (relaxed, loved). For question
2, have volunteers share their answers. Ask the class
what characteristics they notice happy people share.
Identifying the main idea
Writing a strong topic sentence
Review of the simple present tense
Inferring meaning
ThiNk ANd diScUSS
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. Happiness can mean different things to different people.
I think true happiness is when you are surrounded by
people who love you and you feel fulfilled in your life.
2. My friend Janna is someone who seems happy.
She likes to laugh and be around other people. She
always looks on the positive side of a situation, even
when times are tough.
• VideO: The video provides a look at centenarians around
the world and the reasons certain groups of people, most
notably those in Okinawa, Japan, are living longer.
• reAdiNG 2: This reading discusses six factors
associated with happiness and gives examples of how
to enhance these areas in one’s own life.
Students draw on what they’ve read and watched to write
an opinion paragraph evaluating happiness in their own
communities. The unit prepares them by introducing
vocabulary to talk about happiness, reviewing the simple
present tense, and offering tips for writing strong topic
sentences. The unit also explains how to identify the
main idea of a paragraph. Lastly, it introduces students to
brainstorming and using an outline to prepare drafts—
skills that students will use in every unit’s Writing Task.
• reAdiNG 1: This reading describes life in Mexico
and Singapore and the diverse factors that lead to
The theme of this unit is happiness, and the different
factors that contribute to happiness around the world are
explored. The unit also discusses longevity studies and
explores ways to become a happier person.
explOre The Theme (pages 2–3)
The opening spread provides information and statistics
about the happiest countries in the world, according to
the World Database of Happiness.
• Allow time for students to study the spread and answer
the questions in part A individually. Elicit meanings of
rate and on a scale of one to ten.
• Discuss answers as a class. Ask students why they think
these countries were chosen and whether the statistics
described in the spread reflect their own experiences.
• Have students answer the question in part B. Remind
students to use the correct forms of the words.
• Elicit example sentences from students for each of the
blue words.
explOre The Theme
ThiNk ANd diScUSS (page 1)
The questions help prepare students for the subject
matter covered in the unit—happiness around the world.
The scene depicts children playing on swings made of
rope in a vehicle (a jeepney) in the Philippines.
• Have students study the picture, title, and captions.
• Discuss the photo as a class. Ask students to describe
what they see. Ask: Why do you think they are happy?
Do you think children are happier than adults? Have
students explain their answers.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. Yes, I’ve been to Canada and Mexico. Most of the
countries shown here are very scenic and have
stunning natural views, so maybe that’s why
people from these countries are generally happy.
2. Many countries have high GDPs, but then again,
number 1 (Costa Rica) and number 3 (Mexico) don’t,
so that can’t be the major reason for happiness. I
think this suggests that there are other factors that
contribute to happiness.
provide; secure; standard of living
PW_RW_24848_TG2_Unit_01_01-10_ptg01.indd 1
27/11/17 11:15 am
Bringing the world to the classroom and the classroom to life
prepAriNG TO reAd (page 4)
Building Vocabulary
Using Vocabulary
Students should practice using the new vocabulary items
while answering the three questions.
• Have students work in pairs to answer the questions.
• Check answers as a class. Elicit example answers from
students. For question 1, ask students how often they
socialize with their classmates. For question 2, do
students think their lists of basic necessities are the
same as they would be if they had lived 100 years ago?
For question 3, what do they think could be done
about poverty in their countries?
Ideas for… expANSiON
A vocabulary notebook is a great way for students to
build their vocabularies. Demonstrate on the board
how to write new words in the notebook, and include
details such as part of speech, meaning, translation,
and an example sentence. (Example: socialize (verb): To
spend time with other people for fun. I like to socialize
with my classmates during our lunch break.
Have students list things that they think they need to
be happy. Each idea should be brief. Elicit one or two
examples before students begin (family, football).
Predicting helps the reader understand a passage better
later. Here, students should read the title and subheads
and make their own guesses about this reading.
• Have students read the title and subheads. Stress that
students should not try to read the entire passage. You
may want to give a time limit of 1 to 2 minutes.
• Have them discuss their answers in pairs.
• Discuss the most probable answer as a class. Revisit this
question after completing the reading.
prepAriNG TO reAd
A 1. socialize
2. poverty (Note: Social programs are ways to help
people in a community with childcare, afterschool programs, or care for the elderly, etc.)
3. access (Note: Access often appears in the phrase
have access to: Many people have access to the
Internet through smartphones.)
4. financial (Note: Concerned means worried.)
5. equal
6. Freedom (Note: Freedom of speech means that
citizens have the right to voice their opinions.)
7. basic necessities (Note: A struggle is something
that is very difficult to do.)
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. my classmates and my family
2. access to healthcare, freedom
3. Yes, money is not equally distributed in my
country. Some people are very wealthy, but many
are very poor. The government is trying to tackle
this problem by setting a national minimum
Answers will vary. Possible answers: health,
friends, an interesting job, money, family, a safe
D b (Note: This passage doesn’t talk about how to
measure happiness or whether one country is
the happiest. It discusses how different things
contribute to happiness, so b is the correct
1.01 Have students read the passage individually, or
play the audio and have students read along.
OVerVieW OF The reAdiNG
The passage presents two contrasting case studies,
Singapore and Mexico, which help to make the point
that there is no single reason that people are happy.
Work, security, safety, freedom, and socializing with
friends and family all play important roles.
Online search terms: Happy Planet Index; World Happiness
0M N
Building Vocabulary exercises introduce students to key
vocabulary items from the reading passage. Students
should find the blue words in the passage and use
contextual clues to guess the meanings of the words.
One useful clue is part of speech. For example: Nouns are
often preceded by articles such as a or the (a team, the
project); verbs often take the infinitive form and follow
the word to (to produce, to communicate); adjectives
frequently appear after forms of the verb be (normal,
extraordinary). Recognizing parts of speech can help
students understand new words better.
• Have students complete the exercise individually.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students for the part of
speech of each blue word. What other clues from the
reading passage did students find helpful?
• Elicit example sentences for each vocabulary item.
See Vocabulary Extension 1A on page 203 of the Student
Book for additional practice with Word Partners: Expressions
with living.
• Have students work individually to complete the
• Have them compare answers in pairs. Encourage
students to explain why they chose their answers.
• Elicit example answers from the class. On the board,
create a word web with students’ answers.
Reading 1
UNderSTANdiNG The reAdiNG
(page 7)
Understanding the main idea
Students are asked to identify the main idea of the
reading passage.
• Have students complete the activity individually.
• Check the answer as a class. Ask students how they
arrived at their answers. Introduce the technique of
using a process of elimination.
Understanding details
Students test their understanding of the details in the
passage by indicating whether the statements are true
for Mexico, Singapore, or both. Ask students to write the
letter corresponding to the sentence in each circle. Draw
the diagram on the board, and demonstrate with the first
sentence. (Example: Sentence a is true for both Mexico
and Singapore.)
• Allow students time to complete the diagram
• Have them check their answers in pairs.
• Draw the diagram on the board, and discuss answers as
a class.
critical Thinking: inferring meaning
The Critical Thinking box explains how to guess the
meaning of words by using context. You would have
covered this with students already in Preparing to Read,
but go over the lesson again because inferring meaning
is a useful skill that will be practiced throughout the
book. Ask why inferring meaning can be better than
using a dictionary. Explain that stopping to look up a
word halfway through a passage can affect reading
fluency and interfere with comprehension. Exercise c
offers students more practice with this skill, this time
with more challenging words. Students need to locate
the words in the reading and pay close attention to the
words around them.
• Have students complete the task individually.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students how they
arrived at their answers. Elicit example sentences for
each word.
critical Thinking: Justifying Your Opinion
Students should use what they have learned to justify
their opinions. Remind students that in their daily lives,
they are often asked to give reasons for their opinions.
(Example: On the board, write: We have the best English
class. Point out that before believing this, people will
want to know the reasons. Elicit reasons: Because the
students are friendly; the book is engaging, etc.)
• Have students complete the task individually.
• Have students discuss their answers in pairs.
• Discuss answers as a class. Elicit example answers.
Ideas for… expANSiON
To supplement exercise d, have students discuss
whether their country (or region) is more like
Singapore or Mexico. Does it have elements of
both? Remind students to justify their reasons, using
because to support each statement. Have students
make a T-chart (dividing the paper vertically into two
sections) to create a list of ways that their country
is similar to Singapore and Mexico. Then compare
T-charts with the rest of the class.
UNderSTANdiNG The reAdiNG
a (Option b is not mentioned in the reading
passage. Option c is incorrect because some
people in Mexico don’t have a safe or secure life
but are still happy.)
Singapore b, e
a, c
C 1. look after
2. strict
3. decent
4. happy medium
D Answers will vary. Possible answers: I think I would
prefer to live in Mexico because I wouldn’t feel
comfortable in a place with very strict rules. Or I
think I would prefer to live in Singapore because I
think it’s very important to feel safe and secure.
Each of the sentences is a main idea for one of the
paragraphs in the reading. Explain that students should
read and match the paragraphs to the main ideas.
• Allow time for students to complete the task
• Have students check answers in pairs.
• Discuss answers as a class.
identifying the main idea
Students read the paragraph about Denmark. If possible,
point out the location of Denmark on a map. Ask
students if they think people there will be happy or not.
Ask them to justify their reasons.
• Allow students time to read the paragraph and write
the main idea individually.
• Have them compare their answers in pairs.
• Discuss answers as a class. If time permits, ask
volunteers to write their answers on the board, and
ask students to discuss what makes a good main idea
deVelOpiNG reAdiNG SkillS
1. C; 2. G; 3. F; 4. H; 5. D
Answers will vary. Possible answer: Being healthy
makes people feel happier.
0M N
leAderS (pages 9–10)
Overview of the Video
The Reading Skill box explains that the main idea of a
reading is what the writer wants readers to understand
about a topic. It’s important to be able to determine
the main idea so that students can understand the
general meaning of a passage. Ask students to read the
text in the Reading Skill box. When they have finished,
tell students to close their books. Ask them what the
reading was about. Elicit: Mexico, sun, happy. Now
have students open their books again and read the
statements. Working as a class, they should see that
sentence c is the main idea; the other two sentences
provide supporting details.
deVelOpiNG reAdiNG
SkillS (page 8)
reading Skill: identifying the main idea
The video discusses the factors that enable people to live to
be 100 years old. The video describes how the number of
elderly people in the world is growing, and it investigates
factors that enable people to live to a very old age. Two of the
places it focuses on are Sardinia, Italy, and Okinawa, Japan.
Online search terms: Sardinia centenarians; Okinawa diet
BeFOre VieWiNG
Predicting the video content helps students understand
it better when they view it. The title suggests that this
is about people who live a long time. The photograph
shows that elderly people, such as this shepherd, can still
lead active lifestyles. The caption reinforces this, stating
that the man in Sardinia still works outside. Students
might infer that the video will be about people around
the world who live a long time.
• Allow some time for students to study the title, photo,
and captions.
• Discuss as a class. On the board, write the words “long
life,” and make a word web with students’ ideas. Ask
students: Do they know anyone over 100 years old?
What is the secret to living a long life?
learning About the Topic
The paragraph prepares students for the video by giving
them background information about the links between
living a long time and being happy.
• Have students complete the task individually.
• Discuss answers as a class. Elicit example answers.
Ask students whether they agree with these findings.
Would they follow this guide to live a longer life?
Vocabulary in context
This exercise introduces students to some of the key
words used in the video.
• Have students complete the task individually.
• Check answers as a class. Elicit example sentences for
each word. Remind students to use the inferring meaning
from context skills that they learned earlier in the unit. Ask:
What is the part of speech for each of these words? What
are the clues that helped to determine the meanings?
3. Answers will vary. Possible answers: They stay
active, have hobbies, eat locally grown food,
have access to good medical care, and keep their
friends and family close.
4. They eat more processed foods and may be less
BeFOre VieWiNG
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
They eat healthy food; they stay active; they have
hobbies; they have a positive attitude; they have
families that take care of them.
B 1. eat healthy foods; exercise; have a positive outlook
2. Answers will vary. Possible answers: When people
are unhappy, the stress can cause them to lose
sleep and not take care of themselves. This can
affect their health. When people are happy, they
are more likely to be healthier.
C 1. traditional lifestyle
2. centenarian (Note: The root of this word, cent,
means 100. One hundred years is a century,
percent is a number divided by 100, and 100
cents make a U.S. dollar.)
3. processed food
While VieWiNG
Understanding the main idea
Have students read the items silently before you play the video.
• Have them complete the task while the video is playing.
• Check the answer as a class. Discuss why the other
statements are incorrect.
Understanding details
Have students read the questions and write any answers
they recall from the first viewing before playing the video
a second time.
• Have students complete the task while the video is playing.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students whether any
facts in the video surprised them.
reacting to the Video
Students are asked to reflect on the information in the
video and relate it to their own lives.
• Have students discuss question 1 in pairs. Ask students:
How are the elderly treated in their community? Who
takes care of the elderly in their community?
• Have students analyze the quote in question 2 in
pairs. Ask why they think this has changed from how
scientists viewed aging in the past.
• Ask for volunteers to share their answers.
critical Thinking: Synthesizing
Students draw on information from both Reading 1 and
the Video to synthesize their answers. Ask students to
skim through Reading 1 again to refresh their memories.
• Allow students time to answer the questions in pairs.
• Discuss as a class. Elicit example answers, and write
them on the board.
Ideas for… expANSiON
Have students work in groups of three or four to
create a pamphlet (online or on paper) with advice for
people who want to live longer. Encourage students
to use both the information from the video and their
own ideas. Have students share their pamphlets with
the class.
While VieWiNG
Answer will vary. Possible answers:
A 1. There are many elderly people in my community.
I think this is because we have very good medical
care here and a healthy environment.
2. I think this means that some people think of
aging as a bad thing, so scientists are trying to
find ways to prevent or delay the effects of aging.
Singapore; they have access to good medical care.
Mexico; they have the support of their families.
c (Note: The narrator in the video talks about
an aging population, but he doesn’t mention a
struggle (option a). Happiness (option b) is not
mentioned as the most important factor. Both
medicine and lifestyle choices are mentioned, so
c is the correct answer.)
B 1. People are living longer.
2. Answers will vary. Possible answers:
whales—200 + years; giant tortoises—150 + years;
elephants—up to 70 years
prepAriNG TO reAd (page 11)
Building Vocabulary
In this exercise, students complete sentences that follow
the same topic as the reading passage. Point out that
students need to use the correct forms of the words. Ask
students to use contextual clues from the passage to
infer the meanings of the words, if necessary.
• Have students complete the exercise individually.
• Check answers as a class. Elicit example sentences for
each vocabulary item.
See Vocabulary Extension 1B on page 203 of the Student
Book for additional practice with Word Forms: Words as
Nouns and Verbs.
Using Vocabulary
Students should use the new vocabulary items while
discussing the two questions.
• Have students work in pairs to answer the questions.
• Discuss answers as a class. Elicit example answers from
prepAriNG TO reAd
Go over the Critical Thinking box that appears earlier
in the unit with students again. Students should use
contextual clues from the passage to figure out what the
words mean. As a class, have students find the first bold
phrase in the reading. As a class, elicit the meaning from
the context.
• Allow time for students to complete the rest of the task
• Check answers as a class.
• Ask students: When people want to take the focus off
themselves, what do they usually do? How do you
know when someone has low self-esteem? How will
learning English enrich your life? What’s a job with a
very high salary?
play the audio and have students read along.
OVerVieW OF The reAdiNG
The reading passage identifies four common factors
- staying connected, keeping active, buying less, and
giving things (or time) away - that can affect everyone’s
happiness. It suggests that paying attention to these four
factors will make you happier and are not difficult to do,
either! A number of experts explain their findings in this
article, including a psychiatrist, a designer, an author, and
a social science researcher.
Online search terms: Nic Marks; Michael Norton TED Talk; live
0M N
This exercise gets students thinking about factors
associated with happiness, the topic of the reading
passage. Ideas should be brief. Remind students of the
word web that the class created earlier in the unit, or
draw the web on the board with a sample answer.
• Allow time for students to skim through the reading
for the four factors. Students should write their answers
• Have students check their answers as a class.
• Have students work in pairs to add words or phrases
that relate to each of the four factors. Provide one or
two examples, if necessary.
• Ask for volunteers to share their answers, and write the
words and phrases on a word web on the board.
1.02 Have students read the passage individually, or
A 1. long-term
2. communities; support
3. well-being
4. volunteered; grateful
5. mood; factors
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. My community is very safe and clean, but people
don’t talk to their neighbors so it can be lonely if
you don’t already have friends.
2. fun friends; exercise; shopping; vacations
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Stay Connected—family; friends; Skype.
Keep Active—exercise; walk; sports.
Buy Less—recycle; reuse; save money.
Give Away—donate; volunteer; help others.
Reading 2
UNderSTANdiNG The reAdiNG
(page 14)
Understanding the main idea
Students choose a sentence that summarizes the
content of the passage.
• Have students complete the task individually.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students where they
found their answers.
identifying main ideas
Students read the six scenarios and check the four that
follow the advice in the reading passage.
• Allow time for students to complete the task individually.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students which section
of advice in the reading passage matches with each
correct scenario.
critical Thinking: inferring meaning
critical Thinking: reflecting
Explain that connecting a reading with their own lives
helps students interact with the material and enhances
their language learning skills. Have a student read the
sample answer aloud.
• Allow students time to answer the questions
• Have students share their answers with a partner.
• Discuss as a class. Elicit example answers.
UNderSTANdiNG The reAdiNG
b (Note: The answer, b, is found in the first
paragraph. Option a is incorrect because the
passage is not about different types of people,
and option c is incorrect because the author
doesn’t say that forming social connections is the
most important factor.)
1, 2, 4, and 6 (Note: Scenario 1 is an example of
buying less; Scenario 2 is an example of keeping
active; Scenario 4 is an example of giving
away; and Scenario 6 is an example of staying
C 1. confident
2. money
3. better
4. less
D Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. Stay Connected—I can invite friends to dinner
once a week, and try to see relatives who live far
away as often as possible.
2. Give Away—I can donate clothes that I don’t
wear anymore to local charities. Maybe I can even
volunteer at the charity thrift store.
3. Buy Less—If I go to the mall less often, I won’t
buy as much. Maybe I can meet my friends at a
museum or in a park instead of at the shopping
Ideas for… expANSiON
Ask students to imagine that aliens have landed on
Earth, and they want to learn about this thing called
“happiness.” What would students tell them about
happiness? Have students work in groups of three or
four to create a list of four factors as a word web. Each
group should write these either on paper or on the
board and compare their answers with those from
the rest of the class. The class can vote to determine
which list to submit to the aliens.
Ideas for… expANSiON
Point out to students that Reading 2 had a lot of
quotes from different experts. Ask students why they
think the author decided to include these quotes.
Explain how to use quotation marks and attribute a
quote to a person. If computers are available, have
students search online for famous quotes about
happiness. Have students choose one quote and write
it on a piece of paper, with the name of the person
as well. Then ask students to share their quotes with
the class. Have students explain why they chose their
quotes, and what the quote means to them.
explOriNG WriT TeN eNGliSh
(pages 15–17)
A Noticing
While completing the exercise, students are expected
to notice that the simple present tense can be used for
both general facts and routines. This exercise is to be
done before going over the information in the Language
for Writing box.
• Have students complete the task individually.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students what all the
sentences have in common.
language for Writing: review of the
Simple present Tense
The Language for Writing box reviews the simple present
tense. For both routines and general facts, students
should use the simple present tense. Routines include
habits and things that happen regularly. General facts
are statements that are true, or believed to be true, at the
B language for Writing
Students practice using the information in the box
by underlining the simple present tense verbs in the
sentences in exercise A.
• Allow students time to complete the activity
• Have them check their answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students: Which
sentences are in the third-person singular? What are
the subjects of those sentences?
Students complete the sentences with the verbs in
parentheses. Remind students to notice which sentences
are in the third-person singular.
• Allow students time to complete the task individually.
• Check answers as a class. Elicit example sentences from
D language for Writing
Students write three sentences about routines they do
that make them happy. Explain that when students apply
the strategies to their own lives, it will help them to learn
language skills as well. Remind students to use the simple
present tense.
• Allow students time to complete the task individually.
• Have students check their answers with a partner.
• Ask volunteers to share their answers with the class.
E language for Writing
Students write three sentences that describe facts about
their country or community. Remind students to use the
simple present tense.
• Allow students time to complete the task individually.
• Have students check their answers with a partner.
• Ask volunteers to share their answers with the class.
See Grammar Reference on page 219 of the Student Book for
additional information on the simple present tense.
explOriNG WriTTeN eNGliSh
A 1. F; 2. R; 3. F; 4. F; 5. R; 6. R; 7. F; 8. R; 9. R
B 1. are
2. work
3. offers
4. live
5. go
6. have
7. is
8. cycle
9. reports
C 1. spend
2. are; offers
3. provides; has (Note: Everyone and no one take the
third-person singular.)
4. don’t feel; aren’t
5. have; grow; eat
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. I exercise three times a week.
2. I spend time with my family and friends every
3. I study English every day.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. My community includes people of over
15 different nationalities.
2. Our government offers tax breaks to parents
of young children.
3. My country is a democracy.
WriTiNG Skill
F 1. In Mexico, family is important.
2. Studies have shown that laughter may be an
important factor for happiness and that people
who laugh a lot are happier. (Note: This is an
example of a strong topic sentence.)
3. It’s important to like your job.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. In Mexico, close support from family members is
an important factor in being happy.
2. Because we spend most of our daily lives at
work, having a job that we enjoy can increase our
Writing Skill: Writing a Strong Topic Sentence
The Writing Skill box explains that main ideas are
introduced by topic sentences. A topic sentence is
usually the first sentence in a paragraph, but it can
appear anywhere in the paragraph. The Writing Skill
box teaches students the difference between a weak
topic sentence, which is too general, and a strong topic
sentence, which has enough information for the reader
to understand the main idea.
F Writing Skill
Students should refer to the information in the Writing
Skill box to determine which paragraph has a stronger
topic sentence than the others.
• Allow students time to complete the task individually.
• Check answers as a class. Ask why 1 and 3 are not
strong topic sentences.
G Writing Skill
Students should refer to the information in the Writing
Skill box to rewrite the weak topic sentences in exercise F.
• Allow time for students to complete the task in pairs.
Walk around, and provide assistance as needed.
• Ask volunteers to write their revised topic sentences on
the board. Ask students to explain why they chose to
make the changes. Discuss these as a class.
0M N
In this section, students prepare to write their first full
paragraphs. The lesson starts by teaching students
the difference between facts and routines. Students
then review the simple present tense through several
activities. Students learn how to write a strong topic
sentence. In the Writing Task, students apply these
lessons by brainstorming, planning, and writing about
happiness in their community. As added support, they
will encounter two drafts of sample paragraphs and
revising strategies that the author used. Students will
use a checklist to revise their own paragraphs. Editing
practice helps students correct common mistakes with
the simple present tense. After this, students write the
final drafts of their paragraphs.
C language for Writing
WriTiNG TASk (page 18)
A Brainstorming
Remind students that brainstorming is a useful first
step for gathering ideas before writing. Read the Goal
box aloud so students are familiar with the writing task
before brainstorming. Have them list as many reasons
as possible why people are happy and unhappy in their
community. Students should consider people of all ages
and circumstances. Remind students to draw on what
they’ve learned about happiness in this unit.
• Provide one or two example ideas. Ideas should be
briefly worded. They need not be listed in any order.
• Allow time for students to complete the task
• Have students share their ideas in pairs and offer
feedback to each other.
B planning
Students choose their three best reasons and write
a topic sentence that links them. Point out that each
reason is a supporting idea and that students need to
add details to each supporting idea. Remind students
that complete sentences are not necessary. It is more
important to focus on organizing the information.
• Allow time for students to complete their outlines
individually. Provide assistance as needed.
C First draft
Have students write first drafts of their paragraphs based
on their outlines.
• Allow time for students to complete the task
individually. Provide assistance as needed. Refrain from
error correction at this point.
reViSiNG prAcTice
d, a, c, b
ediTiNG prAcTice
1. I enjoy the work that I do because it’s very
challenging, but I don’t like my boss.
2. My co-workers are supportive, friendly, and fun,
and I enjoy spending time with them after work.
3. It’s important to me to spend time with my family
members, but it’s difficult because they don’t live
close to me.
4. Although my house is not big and fancy, my
neighborhood is very safe.
5. My friends and I exercise together every day
to stay healthy, and that contributes to our
6. My grandfather is still very active and spends a lot
of time outdoors. (Note: Here, two verbs, is and
spends, have the same subject—grandfather.)
7. Most happy people have hobbies like hiking or
playing a musical instrument.
reViSiNG prAcTice (page 19)
ediTiNG prAcTice (page 20)
The Editing Practice box trains students to spot and
correct common errors related to the use of the simple
present tense. As a class, go over the information in the
box carefully to make sure students understand what to
look out for.
• Allow students time to complete the exercise
• Check answers as a class by asking students to read
their corrected sentences aloud and explain the errors.
Students should apply the revision techniques used
in the Revising Practice box to their own drafts, where
• Explain to students that they will be using the
questions as a guide for checking and improving their
• As a class, go over the questions carefully to make sure
students understand them.
• Allow students time to revise their paragraphs.
Have students apply the skills taught in Editing Practice to
their own revised drafts and check for any other errors.
• Allow time for students to work individually on editing
their drafts.
• Walk around, and monitor students as they work.
Provide assistance as needed.
• Collect their work once they have completed it.
• For the next class, show anonymous examples of good
paragraphs and common errors.
D revised draft
E Final draft
UNiT reVieW
Students can work in groups on this recap of the unit. For
question 1, encourage students to use the target words
when appropriate. For questions 2 and 3, encourage
them to check the relevant pages of the unit for answers.
• Allow students time to answer the three questions in
groups. For question 1, ask groups to decide which
factors they think are the most important for happiness.
• Ask each group to present its answer for question 1.
Have the class vote for what they believe is the most
important factor for happiness.
AcAdemic Tr Ack
AcAdemic SkillS
Identifying details
Supporting the main idea and
giving details
Review of the simple past tense
Analyzing problems and solutions
ThiNk ANd diScUSS
The theme of this unit is inventive solutions to problems
in developing countries. In two of the inventions
described in the unit, windmills in Africa and solar
heaters in Egypt, recycled materials are used. The other
inventions are also inexpensive and address important
humanitarian aid issues. The unit discusses the need for
creativity and persistence in problem solving.
• reAdiNG 1: A young boy in Africa finds a way to help
his community by building a windmill out of recycled
• VideO: Using recycled materials in Cairo, one man
helps residents build solar heaters to provide hot water
to city dwellers.
• reAdiNG 2: Three inventions for communities
in developing countries—an infant warmer, a
water container, and a health detector—show that
innovations can be inexpensive but have far-reaching
Students draw on what they’ve read and watched to
write a problem-solution paragraph about an innovation.
The unit prepares them by introducing vocabulary to talk
about inventions and reviewing the simple past tense.
It explains the importance of identifying details and the
organization of a problem-solution paragraph. Lastly, it
reviews brainstorming and outlining techniques.
ThiNk ANd diScUSS (page 21)
The questions help prepare students for the subject
matter covered in the unit— inventions. The scene
shows Bundei Hidreka and Rohim Miniaka in rural India.
Bundei is teaching Rohim how to make a solar lamp.
• Have students study the picture, title, and caption.
• Discuss the photo as a class. What do students think
the photo and the unit are about? Provide your own
• Discuss the two questions as a class. For question 1,
elicit examples from different areas, such as medicine
and technology. For question 2, allow students time to
think of as many inventions as possible, and create a
word web on the board.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. Alexander Graham Bell; he invented the telephone.
2. train; pencil; chalkboard
The Revising Practice box contains an exercise that
demonstrates several ways students can improve their
first drafts.
• Allow time for students to analyze the two drafts and
complete the exercise.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students to identify each
change and explain how it makes the revised draft
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Things people in my community are happy
about: safe neighborhoods; green spaces; good
Things people in my community are unhappy
about: not enough jobs; not enough public
transportation; high taxes
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Topic Sentence: People in my community are
generally happy.
reason 1: green spaces
detail(s): three parks in the middle of the city;
people go there to relax, enjoy nature, jog, meet
friends, walk their dogs
explOre The Theme (pages 22–23)
The opening spread provides information and a timeline
about inventions throughout history.
• Allow time for students to study the spread and answer
the questions individually.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students what inventions
surprised them and what inventions they think should
have been mentioned.
• Elicit example sentences from students for each of the
blue words.
explOre The Theme
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. I agree that these are important inventions.
I’d add the lightbulb, the airplane, and the
ballpoint pen.
2. Six of the inventions were developed within the
last 200 years (comparatively recently). I think this
is because some of them build on each other. For
example, the personal computer, the World Wide
Web, and the smartphone are connected and all
of them need electricity to work.
prepAriNG TO reAd (page 24)
Building Vocabulary
The sentences are about inventions. They contain
seven key vocabulary items that appear in the passage.
Students should use contextual clues to deduce the
meanings of the words.
• Have students work individually to complete the exercise.
• Check answers as a class. Elicit example sentences. Ask: What
is something that you can’t afford but would like to have?
What is something that you struggle with? What is one way
that people try to prevent themselves from getting sick?
See Vocabulary Extension 2A on page 204 of the Student
Book for additional practice with Word Partners: adjective +
power; power + noun.
Using Vocabulary
Students should use the new vocabulary items while
discussing the two questions.
• Have students work in pairs to discuss the questions.
• Discuss answers as a class. Elicit example answers from
students. Compare ways that students are creative.
Make a list of sources of electricity on the board.
Ideas for… expANSiON
Write these quotes on the board:
I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.
– Thomas Edison (1847–1931)
Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal. My
strength lies solely in my tenacity.
– Louis Pasteur (1822–1895)
(Note: solely = only; tenacity = persistence; he didn’t
give up!)
Ask students what they think these quotes mean. Can
they apply to students’ lives as well? Have students
discuss in pairs and then with the class. Then, if
computers are available, have students search online
for famous quotes by other inventors and share these
findings with the class.
prepAriNG TO reAd
A 1. power
2. eventually
3. electricity
4. prevention
5. afford
6. struggle
7. creative
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. Yes; baking cakes
2. sun, wind, nuclear energy, coal, natural gas, water,
and thermal
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. cell phone charger
2. lights
3. microwave
4. ceiling fans
5. refrigerator
6. alarm clock
D b (Note: Based on the first paragraph, the answer
could be option a, but after looking at the pictures
and captions, the correct answer is option b.)
1.03 Have students read the passage individually, or
play the audio and have students read along.
OVerVieW OF The reAdiNG
The passage is about how William Kamkwamba, a 14-yearold boy, built a windmill in his village in Malawi, Africa. Using
an instruction book from the library and recycled material,
Kamkwamba built his first windmill and then additional
windmills to provide electricity for his village. He continues
to educate and provide solutions to his community.
Online search terms: William Kamkwamba TED Talk; Moving
Windmills Project; BBC Malawi Windmill
UNderSTANdiNG The reAdiNG
(page 27)
UNderSTANdiNG The reAdiNG
Understanding the main idea
c (Note: Although the article has advice for
inventors and is about windmills, the main
idea is that William brought electricity to his
Wording of answers will vary. Correct answers:
1. There was a drought. (Paragraph B)
2. People laughed at his idea and didn’t believe he
could do it. (Paragraph D)
3. People used it to get power for their cell phones.
(Paragraph E)
Wording of answers will vary. Correct answers:
He couldn’t buy the equipment he needed.
(Paragraph D)
Solutions (from left to right):
He went to the library. (Paragraph C)
He looked at the pictures in the book.
(Paragraph C)
William built a second windmill to bring water up
from underground. (Paragraph E)
William taught other people how to build
windmills and created a website. (Paragraphs E
and F)
D Answers will vary. Possible answer: He could have
looked for a part-time job to earn some money
for school fees.
Students are asked to choose the best alternative title for
the reading passage.
• Have students complete the activity individually.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students why they chose
this title.
Understanding details
Students test their understanding of the details in the
passage by answering the questions.
• Allow students time to write their answers individually.
• Have them check their answers in pairs.
critical Thinking: Analyzing problems
and Solutions
The Critical Thinking box explains how to analyze
problems and solutions. In a reading, the problem is
usually stated first, followed by solutions. In this exercise,
students should read the chart and write solutions below
the problems. Encourage students to review the reading
passage to fill in the chart. Complete the first solution
with the class as an example.
• Allow time for students to complete the task in pairs.
• Check answers as a class. Write the chart on the board,
and elicit example answers.
Ideas for… expANSiON
To supplement Exercise C, have students work in
groups of three or four to create a dialogue about the
story. They should first discuss what William’s family
and the people in the village said to him when he
wanted to build a windmill. What was his response?
Have students write, practice, and present the
dialogue to the class.
critical Thinking: Analyzing
Students should review the chart in exercise C and then
discuss alternative solutions.
• Have students write ideas individually.
• Have them discuss their solutions in pairs.
• Discuss as a class.
Each idea should be brief. Elicit one or two examples
before students begin. Offer one or two examples
(television, hair dryer).
• Have students work individually to complete the exercise.
• Have them compare answers in groups of three or four.
• Elicit sample answers from different groups in the class,
and create a word web on the board with the answers.
The opening paragraph describes how difficult it is for
people in Malawi, Africa, to access electricity. Remind
students to skim the first paragraph but also to look at
the title, captions, and graphics when predicting what an
article is about.
• Allow time for students to skim the first paragraph and
look at the title and captions.
• Have students discuss their answers in pairs.
• Discuss as a class. Revisit this question after completing
the reading.
0M N
Reading 1
deVelOpiNG reAdiNG
SkillS (page 28)
reading Skill: identifying details
The Reading Skill box explains how to identify supporting
ideas. Supporting ideas help to explain the main idea
by giving reasons and examples. By framing the main
idea with wh- question words, students can identify
the information that the supporting details provide.
On the board, draw a diagram that looks like a funnel.
Write Topic, Main Idea, and then Supporting Ideas in
descending order in the diagram. Remind students that
the supporting ideas are more specific than the main
idea, which is more specific than the topic. Elicit another
example topic (school), the main idea (This is the best
class), and the supporting ideas (The students are very
A identifying the main idea and details
B identifying details
Have students locate two supporting details in the
reading passage to find one that gives a reason and one
that gives an example. Encourage students to review the
explanation in the Reading Skills box for clarification. Point
out that there will be more than one example of each in
the reading passage.
• Allow students time to complete the task individually.
• Have them compare their answers in pairs.
• Discuss answers as a class. As volunteers read their
sentences, have the class decide whether they are
reasons or examples.
deVelOpiNG reAdiNG SkillS
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
main idea: Nils Bohlin invented a new type of
seat belt that is in most cars today and has saved
many lives.
detail 1: Before Bohlin’s invention, seat belts were
buckled across the stomach.
detail 2: The buckles often caused injuries
during high-speed accidents.
detail 3: Bohlin’s seat belt has one strap across
the chest and one across the hips, with a buckle
at the side.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
They have to cook over open fires and collect
water from wells or streams. (Note: This is an
example of what life is like without electricity or
running water.)
There was a severe drought, and most families—
including William’s—couldn’t grow enough food.
(Note: This is the reason why life became more
He found a science book there called Using
Energy. (Note: This is what the library book was
0M N
VieWiNG: SOlAr
SOlUTiONS (pages 29–30)
Overview of the Video
Students should read the paragraph and find the main
idea and the three supporting details.
• Allow time for students to complete the task
• Have students compare their answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students to use whquestions to explain how they arrived at their answers:
What did he invent? Why did he invent it? How does
it work?
The video tells the story of Thomas Taha Culhane and
his solar heater project on Cairo’s rooftops. Because trash
and recycled materials are used, these solar water heaters
are inexpensive to make. Because of Cairo’s heat, solar
panels absorb heat and provide hot water to people in
the city. This, in turn, cuts down on energy costs and uses
renewable energy.
Online search terms: Thomas Taha Culhane National
Geographic; Solar Cities
BeFOre VieWiNG
A predicting
Students should think of reasons for using solar power.
• Have students to study the photo, title, and caption.
• Have students discuss their ideas with a partner.
• Discuss as a class. Ask students whether anyone
has used solar power before. What are some pros
and cons?
B learning About the Topic
The paragraph prepares students for the video by giving
them background information about solar technology,
which is further explained in the video.
• Have students complete the task individually.
• Check answers as a class.
C Vocabulary in context
This exercise introduces students to some of the key
words used in the video. The sentences are quotes from
the video that provide information about the topic. Point
out that the answers use the words in their base forms
(going green = go green).
• Have students complete the task individually.
• Check answers as a class. Elicit sample sentences
for each word. Ask: What are some ways that your
community is going green? Are you an urban dweller?
What’s one way to cut down on the amount of trash
you create? What’s a no-brainer when it comes to the
BeFOre VieWiNG
A reacting to the Video
Students are asked to reflect on the information in the
video and relate it to their own lives.
• Allow students time to discuss the questions in pairs.
• Discuss as a class. For question 2, show the last scene in
the video again, and then discuss the quote.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
It’s good for the environment, and it won’t run out.
B 1. There is a lot of it (enough to fulfill all the world’s
power needs many times over).
2. Answers will vary. Possible answers: solar hot
water panels and solar electric panels; solar hot
water panels, because they are cheaper and
easier to make.
C 1. cut down on
2. go green
3. no-brainer
4. dweller
While VieWiNG
Understanding main ideas
Have students read the items silently before you play the
video. Tell students that there are two goals, so they will
check more than one option.
• Have them complete the task while the video is playing.
• Check answers as a class. Discuss why the other
statements are incorrect.
Understanding details
Have students read the questions and write any answers
they recall from the first viewing before playing the video
a second time.
• Have students complete the task while the video is
• Check answers as a class. Have volunteers share their
answers. Ask whether there was anything that surprised
them in the video.
While VieWiNG
1, 3
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. local community materials, recycled materials,
and some garbage
2. Cairo gets a lot of sunshine.
3. Dust from the nearby desert gets on the panels.
A simple solution is to wipe the dust away. (Note:
Dust is the term for small particles of earth and
other materials that form a powder.)
B critical Thinking: Synthesizing
Students draw on information from both Reading 1 and
the Video to synthesize their answers. Ask students to
skim through Reading 1 again to refresh their memories.
• Allow students time to discuss their answers pairs.
• Discuss as a class. Elicit example answers from students,
and write them on the board.
Ideas for… expANSiON
Have students tell personal stories about an
innovation that they remember from growing up.
Example: We didn’t have a swing so we tied rope to a
tree. It didn’t work because the tree branch fell down!
1) What did they need to do?
2) How did they (or someone else in their community)
try to achieve this?
3) Did it work? Why or why not?
Allow students time to write down ideas. Then
have students tell their stories in groups of three or
four. Have the other members of the group ask whquestions to learn more about the story. (Examples:
Who was with you? Where did this happen?). Have
each group choose the most interesting story to share
with the class.
A 1. Answers will vary. Possible answer: Yes, they
would work well in my country because we have
hot weather and sunshine all year round.
2. garbage; treasure. This saying means that some
people can use things that other people think are
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Both inventions use renewable energy; they
are inexpensive; they are made from recycled
materials; the community had to be convinced
that the invention would work.
prepAriNG TO reAd (page 31)
A Building Vocabulary
In this exercise, the definitions of eight key words from
the reading passage are provided. Students should use
the definitions to help them complete the exercise.
Remind students to use the correct forms of the words.
• Have students complete the task individually.
• Check answers as a class. Elicit example sentences for
each vocabulary item. Ask: What’s a container you use
every day? What is something that is very valuable to
you? What is one way that you can indicate agreement
without speaking? What is a benefit of learning English?
See Vocabulary Extension 2B on page 204 of the Student
Book for additional practice with Word Link: -able and -ible.
B Using Vocabulary
Students should use the new vocabulary items while
discussing the two questions.
• Have students work in pairs to answer the questions.
Give students one or two examples of innovations and
• Check answers as a class. Elicit example answers from
C predicting
Students should skim through the first paragraph and
read the title and subheads to make their own guesses
about this reading. Stress that students should not try
to read the entire passage. You may want to time the
students by giving them one minute to skim the material.
• Have students skim through the first paragraph,
photos, and subheads.
• Have students discuss the passage in pairs.
• Discuss answers as a class. Write the following
subheads on the board: Infant Warmer, Water Container,
and Health Detector. Write students’ ideas in word
webs next to each of the items. Allow students to write
down predictions, and explain that they will revisit their
predictions later to see whether they were correct.
prepAriNG TO reAd
A 1. indicates (Note: Global demand means the
number of people in the world who want to buy
or use something.)
2. benefit (Note: Renewable energy sources can be
replaced by natural processes, so the supply can’t
be used up.)
3. innovations
4. valuable
5. store
6. identify
7. device
8. containers
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. vaccines; artificial limbs; diabetes tests
2. smartphone; headphone; microwave
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
infant warmer: to help underweight babies stay
Water container: to make it easier for people to
carry water long distances
health detector: to help doctors in rural places
do medical tests
1.04 Have students read the passage individually, or
play the audio and have students read along.
OVerVieW OF The reAdiNG
The reading passage describes three inventions for
developing countries. All three—an infant warmer, a
water container, and a health detector—are inexpensive
and have far-reaching effects.
Online search terms: Jane Chen TED Talk; Q drum; Hayat
Sindi National Geographic
0M N
Reading 2
UNderSTANdiNG The reAdiNG
(page 34)
A Understanding main ideas
Students read the chart and choose the sentence that
summarizes the purpose of each product. Elicit the
meanings of regulate (control), remote (far away from
others), and accurately (correctly).
• Have students complete the task individually.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students where they
found their answers.
B identifying details
Students are asked to find supporting details mentioned
in the passage. Ask whether they were correct in their
earlier predictions about the three items.
• Allow time for students to complete the task
• Have students check their answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class.
C critical Thinking: evaluating
Students should identify what makes an innovation
useful and reflect on the items from both the video and
the reading. Encourage students to review the reading
and their notes on the video again.
• Allow students time to answer the questions
• Have them discuss their answers in groups of three or
four and give reasons to justify their choices. Encourage
students to try to convince their group to agree
with them.
• Discuss as a class. As a class, vote for the best invention.
Ideas for… expANSiON
Four Corners: Designate each corner of the room for
a different invention, with a piece of paper placed on
the wall naming this invention. (Note: You can use
the inventions listed in exercise C or, if students have
already done the exercise, you can use four other
inventions instead.)
1. Give students 30 seconds to choose the invention
they think is best and ask them to stand in that
2. Have students discuss in their groups why they
chose that corner. They should write brief ideas on
the paper.
3. Tell students that an investor will donate money to
the invention that wins the Best Invention award.
If possible, show a clip from the show Shark Tank.
Allow time for the groups to create a list of reasons,
using their earlier notes, to convince the investor to
choose their invention.
4. Ask each group to present their reasons to the class
and encourage other students to ask questions.
5. Students vote for the best invention.(You may want
to tell them they need to vote for an invention
other than their own.)
UNderSTANdiNG The reAdiNG
Embrace Infant Warmer: a (See Paragraph C.)
Q Drum: b (See Paragraph E.)
Health Detector: a (See Paragraph G.)
B 1. less than 5.5 pounds (2.5 kilograms)
2. People in developing countries usually have to
carry heavy containers of water on their heads.
3. paper; it’s light and easy to carry, so health
workers can easily bring it with them to perform
tests in patients’ homes.
4. Answers will vary. Possible answers:
They are inexpensive; they help people in
developing countries; they are easy to use; they
can work without electricity.
Answers will vary. Possible answer:
I’d choose the solar-powered water heater,
because it’s very easy to make, it will help keep
many people healthy and warm, and it’s good for
the environment.
In this section, students progress from focusing on topic
sentences in the previous unit to focusing on identifying
supporting ideas in order to write a problem-solution
paragraph. The lesson starts by reviewing the simple
past tense and then teaches students about supporting
details. In the Writing Task, students apply these lessons
by writing a paragraph about an important innovation. As
added support, they will encounter two drafts of a sample
paragraph. Students begin the task by brainstorming for
ideas and reasons before selecting the best ones and
organizing them in an outline. Students then draft their
paragraphs, improve their drafts, and correct common
mistakes that occur when ideas are connected.
explOriNG WriT TeN eNGliSh
(pages 35–37)
While completing the exercise, students are expected to
notice that the simple past tense can be used for events
that began and ended in the past. This exercise is to be
done before going over the information in the Language
for Writing box. Point out that the sentences are all
excerpts from Readings 1 and 2.
• Have students complete the task individually.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students what sentences
3 and 4 have in common.
language for Writing: review of the
Simple past Tense
The Language for Writing box provides examples of use
of the simple past tense. In Unit 1, students reviewed the
simple present tense for facts and routines. In this unit,
they review using the simple past tense to talk about
events that began and ended in the past. Highlight how
the simple past tense is formed differently for be and
other verbs. Note that forms of be (was/were) change
depending on the subject, but other verbs stay the same
for all subjects. Review the formation for the affirmative
and negative. Remind students that past tense forms of
irregular verbs need to be memorized.
language for Writing
Students complete the sentences using the simple past
tense of the verbs in the parentheses. Refer students to
the Language for Writing box for help with the simple
past verb formation and for a list of irregular verbs. If
language for Writing
Students write four sentences about how people did
things in the past. Explain that they can base their ideas
on the inventions in this unit or their own ideas. Remind
students to use the simple past tense.
• Allow students time to complete the task individually.
• Have students check their answers with a partner.
• Ask volunteers to share their answers with the class.
Ideas for… expANSiON
Have students use the irregular verbs found in
exercises A and B to write three true sentences and
one false sentence about themselves. Have students
read their sentences aloud in small groups. Their
group should guess which sentence is false.
See Grammar Reference on page 220 of the Student Book for
additional information on the simple past tense.
explOriNG WriTTeN eNGliSh
A 1. was; became
2. didn’t know; wasn’t; was
3. changed; improved
4. invented
5. came
B 1. was
2. built; didn’t believe
3. taught
4. invented; created; allowed
5. made; gave
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. Before the invention of the motor car, people
traveled by horse and carriage.
2. Before the invention of the telephone, people
wrote more letters.
3. Before the invention of the smartphone, people
socialized with their friends more in person.
4. Before the invention of the freezer, people didn’t
store ice cream in their homes.
The Writing Skill box explains the importance of
supporting the main idea and giving details. The
Writing Skill box teaches students how to write strong
supporting idea sentences by answering wh- questions,
repeating key words from the main idea, using transition
words, and adding details. It explains the importance
of details (descriptions, reasons, facts, and examples)
because they help readers understand the passage
more clearly.
Writing Skill
Students should refer to the information in the Writing
Skill box to identify which sentences provide supporting
ideas and which sentences provide details. Have a
student read the topic sentence aloud. Elicit how many
supporting ideas students should expect to find (three).
• Allow students time to complete the task individually.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students why they chose
their answers.
Writing Skill
Students use the sentences in exercise D to write a
paragraph about solar lanterns. Point out that the
transition words and phrases are included in the
supporting idea sentences and will help them plan their
paragraphs. They do not need to write their own ideas.
• Allow time for students to complete the task
• Have students compare their paragraphs in pairs.
• Ask volunteers to share their answers. If possible, write
the final version of the paragraph on the board.
Writing Skill: Supporting the main idea and
Giving details
0M N
computers are available, encourage students to study
irregular verbs online, on websites such as Quizlet.
• Allow students time to complete the activity individually.
• Have them check answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students which verbs are
irregular, and make a list on the board.
WriTiNG TASk (page 38)
Remind students that brainstorming is a useful first step for
gathering ideas before writing. Read the Goal box aloud so
students are familiar with the writing task before brainstorming.
Have them list as many inventions as they can remember.
• Provide one or two examples (smartphone, the printing
• Have students complete the task individually. Give a
time limit so that students are motivated to add to their
lists quickly.
• Compare answers as a class. Make a list of the
inventions on the board.
Students choose an invention that they want to write
about. Remind students that complete sentences are not
necessary. It is more important to focus on organizing their
information. Remind students of the difference between the
topic sentence, the supporting ideas, and the details. Refer
them to the Writing Skill box on pages 36 and 37, Supporting
the Main Idea and Giving Details, for more information.
• Allow time for students to complete their outlines
individually. Provide assistance as needed.
First draft
Have students write first drafts of their paragraphs based
on their outlines.
• Allow time for students to complete the task
individually. Provide assistance as needed. Refrain from
error correction at this point.
WriTiNG Skill
1. D; 2. D; 3. SI; 4. SI; 5. D; 6. SI
3, 1, 6, 2, 4, 5
Solar lanterns are better than kerosene lamps for
bringing light to people in developing countries
for three main reasons. First of all, solar-powered
lanterns are more efficient than kerosene lamps.
For example, they produce 50 times more light
than kerosene lamps. Another benefit of solarpowered lanterns is that they are good for the
environment. They use solar energy, which is a
renewable source of power. Finally, solar lanterns
are better for our health. The smoke from
kerosene lamps can cause lung damage, but
solar-powered lanterns don’t use any dangerous
reViSiNG prAcTice
c, d, a, b
ediTiNG prAcTice
1. William Kamkwamba built a windmill using parts
he found in junkyards.
2. The people in William Kamkwamba’s village
weren’t confident about his plan.
3. Before Nils Bohlin’s invention, most cars had seat
belts that were buckled across the stomach.
4. The first car didn’t go very fast.
5. Orville Wright made the first powered airplane
flight in 1903.
6. Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone,
started the Bell Telephone Company in 1877.
7. Ts’ai Lun invented paper in the first century A.D.,
but it wasn’t widely available until many years
later. (Note: “… but it didn’t become widely
available …” is also correct.)
The theme of this unit is online communication. It gives
examples of ways that people have used the Internet to
collaborate with other people around the world.
Final draft
• READING 1: This reading describes two collaborative
projects that use crowdsourcing to recruit volunteers to
help with work on archaeological sites.
reViSiNG prAc Tice (page 39)
revised draft
ediTiNG prAc Tice (page 40)
The Editing Practice box trains students to spot and correct
common errors related to the use of the simple past tense.
As a class, go over the information in the box carefully to
make sure students understand what to look out for.
• Allow students time to complete the exercise individually.
• Check answers as a class by asking students to read
their corrected sentences aloud and explain the errors.
Students should apply the revision techniques used
in the Revising Practice box to their own drafts, where
• Explain to students that they will be using the questions
as a guide for checking and improving their drafts.
• As a class, go over the questions carefully to make sure
students understand them.
• Allow students time to revise their paragraphs.
Have students apply the skills taught in Editing Practice to
their own revised drafts and check for any other errors.
• Allow time for students to work individually on editing
their drafts.
• Walk around, and monitor students as they work.
Provide assistance as needed.
• Collect their work once they have completed it.
• For the next class, show anonymous examples of good
paragraphs and common errors.
UNiT reVieW
Students can work in groups on this recap of the unit. For
question 1, encourage students to use the target words
when appropriate. For questions 2 and 3, encourage
them to check the relevant pages of the unit for answers.
• Allow students time to answer the two questions in
groups. For question 1, ask groups to decide which
invention they think is the most important.
• Ask each group to present its answer for question 1.
Have students vote for what they believe is the most
important invention in history.
CRiTiCal Thinking
Taking notes (Part 1)
Writing a concluding sentence
Using the present perfect tense
making inferences
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. email; use social media; research travel destinations;
shop; do homework
2. Yes: We can communicate with people around
the world; we can work any time, any place; we
can search quickly for information. No: There is less
face-to-face communication; people don’t “unplug”
(have time off from electronics); people rely on
the Internet for information instead of thinking for
• VIDEO: The video shows how Albert Lin’s project uses
citizen scientists to help search for Genghis Khan’s tomb.
• READING 2: This reading describes the process that
two men started to connect an island in Fiji that needed
funds with a larger Internet community of volunteers.
Students draw on what they’ve read and watched to write
a paragraph about a crowdsourcing website. The unit
prepares them by introducing vocabulary to talk about
online communication, taking notes, and using the present
perfect tense. They also learn how to write a concluding
sentence. Lastly, students brainstorm to help them plan
their paragraphs, and then revise and edit their drafts.
The questions help prepare students for the subject
matter covered in the unit—online communication. The
scene depicts people playing in an online gaming festival
in Germany.
• Have students study the picture, title, and captions.
• Discuss the photo as a class. What do students think
the unit is about? Provide your own overview.
• Discuss the two questions as a class. For question 1,
create a word web on the board that lists different
activities student do online. For question 2, create a
chart that lists ways that our lives have been improved
by online communication, and ways they have not.
Ask students if they think online communication has
resulted in an overall improvement in our lives.
The Revising Practice box contains an exercise that
demonstrates several ways students can improve their
first drafts.
• Allow time for students to analyze the two drafts and
complete the exercise. Point out that one of the types
of changes (a-d) can be used more than once.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students to identify each
change and explain how it makes the revised draft stronger.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
ballpoint pens; washing machines; dishwashers;
the wheel; the printing press
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Topic Sentence: Antibiotics dramatically
changed human health.
Supporting idea 1: In the past, many people
died from infections—now cured by antibiotics.
detail(s): Illnesses such as strep throat or
bronchitis – often deadly.
Supporting idea 2: Even if people didn’t die
from illnesses, it took them much longer to
detail(s): Children often missed months of
school. With antibiotics, they usually return to
school after 24 hours.
EXPlORE THE THEmE (pages 42–43)
The opening spread features information about the
world’s top 10 websites. Draw students’ attention to the
footnoted terms.
• Allow students time to study the spread and answer
the questions in part A individually.
• Have students discuss their answers in pairs.
• Discuss answers as a class. For question 1, ask why
they think search engines might be more popular. For
question 2, write a list of websites on the board.
• Have students answer the question in part B. Remind
students to use the correct forms of the words.
• Elicit example sentences from students for each of the
blue words. Elicit other words related to the Internet,
and write these on the board.
A 1. Google, YouTube, Facebook; Google, a search
engine, is the most popular.
2. Answers will vary. Possible answers: Google,
Facebook; other popular websites: Snapchat,
Instagram, Buzzfeed, Weibo
search; launch; log in
Building Vocabulary
Students find the seven blue words in the passage and
use contextual clues to guess the meanings of the words.
• Allow time for students to complete the exercise
• Check answers as a class. Ask which words students
already knew. Which ones are new to them?
Ask whether students know other forms of the
vocabulary words. Note that many of the vocabulary
words on this list have noun forms that end in –
tion: participation, investigation, collaboration, and
• Elicit example sentences for each vocabulary item. Ask:
Is it important to be an active participant in English
class? Why or why not? What are some features of this
textbook? Do you like collaborating with others on
projects? Why or why not?
See Vocabulary Extension 3A on page 205 of the Student
Book for additional practice with Word Partners: adjective +
Using Vocabulary
Students create a list of reasons why people use the
Internet. Encourage students to use the vocabulary
words from exercise A, if possible. Ideas can be brief.
• Have students work in pairs to create a list.
• Discuss the question as a class. On the board, write a
list of ideas. Ask students which ideas they think are the
most important.
Students look at the title and subheads, and then read
the first paragraph of the reading passage. They should
decide which answer best describes what the paragraph
is about.
A 1. participant (Note: A participant is a person.
The action is participation.)
2. investigate
3. Accurate (Note: A synonym for accurate is precise.)
4. collaborate
5. contribution
6. potential
7. feature
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. I log in to social media sites at least once a day.
My favorite sites are Facebook and Instagram.
2. Social media helps connect people all over the
world. During disasters, social media provides
access to relevant and timely information. For
example, weather agencies used Twitter to post
frequent updates on the path of Hurricane Irma
as it approached Florida. After the storm, Florida
residents used Facebook and Twitter to reassure
family and friends that they were safe.
Answers will vary. Possible answers: to do
group projects for school; to start or join an
online petition; to raise money for a project
D b (Explanation: Option a is untrue because not
everyone involved is an archaeologist. Option c is
too specific to be the main idea.)
1.05 Have students read the passage individually, or
play the audio and have students read along.
The reading passage describes two crowdsourcing
projects, both related to archaeology. Lin’s project
focuses on finding the tomb of Genghis Khan. Parcak
hopes to find and preserve archaeological sites in Peru,
protecting them from looting and illegal construction.
Online search terms: Genghis Khan; Albert Lin; Sarah Parcak;
ideas for… EXPANSION
Ask students to imagine that they have been asked by
Lin or Parcak to create a webpage about one of the
two projects to attract more volunteers. Have them
work in groups of three or four. What information
would they put on the page? What images would they
use? Have them sketch the webpage and show the
class. Then have them search online for the webpages
about each project. Are they similar to or different
from their ideas? Why do they think this is?
Understanding the main Idea
Students choose the correct statement to explain
crowdsourcing. Elicit the meaning of enabling (making
something possible).
• Have students complete the activity individually.
• Check answer as a class. Ask students how
crowdsourcing might have received this name. (What is
a crowd? What is a source?)
Identifying Details
Students test their understanding of the details in the
passage by completing a chart.
• Allow students time to complete the chart individually.
• Have them form pairs and compare their answers.
• Check answers as a class. Ask where they found the
information to arrive at their answers. Elicit that an
unmarked grave means we don’t know where it was. A
tile is usually a small square used in construction. Ask
students why they think these areas of land are called
B 1. Mongolia (See Paragraphs B and C.)
2. Genghis Khan (See Paragraphs B.)
3. unusual (See Paragraph D.)
4. Peru (See Paragraph F.)
5. looters (See Paragraph F.)
6. illegal construction (See Paragraph F.)
C 1. b; 2. b; 3. a
D Answers will vary. Possible answers: I’d prefer
to join Lin’s project because I’m fascinated by
Genghis Khan. OR I’d prefer to join Parcak’s
project because I would like to help protect these
important sites from looters.
Critical Thinking: making Inferences
The Critical Thinking box describes the importance of
making guesses when reading. Elicit the meaning of
“read between the lines” by drawing three lines on the
board. Scribble on the top and bottom line and point
to the middle line. Explain that there aren’t any words
here, but there is space for a reader to think about the
meaning of the passage. Have a student read the text in
the box aloud. You may want to discuss the first example
as a class.
• Have students answer the questions individually.
• Have students check answers in pairs.
• Discuss the answers as a class. Ask students how they
arrived at their answers.
Critical Thinking: Reflecting
Have students think about what they have read and
discuss their personal opinions. Remind them to justify
their opinions.
• Have students discuss their answers in pairs.
• Discuss answers as a class. Take a vote to see who
would like to join each project. If students wouldn’t like
to join either project, have them explain their reasons.
Students should practice using the new vocabulary items
while answering the three questions.
• Have students discuss their answers in pairs.
• Compare answers as a class. Elicit example answers
from students. For question 1, ask students what they
need to do if they forget their log in information. For
question 2, ask if the Internet has contributed to their
language learning. If so, how?
READING (page 47)
0M N
Reading 1
• Allow time for students to skim the reading and answer
the question. You may want to give a time limit of 1 to
2 minutes.
• Have students check answers in pairs.
• Have students compare their answers with those of
other students in the class. Ask them how they arrived
at their answers. Revisit this question after the reading.
SKIllS (page 48)
Reading Skill: Taking Notes (Part 1)
The Reading Skill box explains two benefits of taking
notes: understanding and organizing the information.
Have volunteers read the text in the box and the
examples aloud. Ask students which of the types of
graphic organizers they like best. Are there any that they
haven’t tried yet?
Understanding a Process
Have students read the paragraph about Parcak’s project
and underline the steps in the process. Encourage
students to number each step. You may want to offer
one example to start.
• Allow time for students to complete the task individually.
• Have students check answers in pairs.
ideas for… EXPANSION
Have students think about a process that they know
well, such as making an omelet or changing a tire.
Have them work in pairs to create a flow chart with at
least six steps. Tell them not to give the flow chart a
title. Then have the other students read the flow charts
and guess what process is being described. Afterward,
ask whether students think that writing the flow chart
helped them speak about the process clearly.
Participants first watch online videos that teach
them how to identify certain features on satellite
Then they study and flag satellite images on their
Once enough volunteers say that they see the
same thing, …
… Parcak and her team will check for themselves
… before passing the information along to
archaeologists on the ground.
The “players” receive a score based on how
accurate they are.
B 1. online videos
2. flag
3. see the same thing
4. check
5. archaeologists
6. accurate
0M N
Students complete the flow chart using the information
in exercise A. Elicit the meaning of a flow chart. (It shows
how one thing leads to another in a process.)
• Have students complete the flow chart individually.
• Have students check their answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students whether they
find it easier to read the information in a flow chart
than in paragraph form.
Taking Notes
(pages 49-50)
Overview of the Video
The video shows how Albert Lin’s project uses citizen
scientists from around the world to search for Genghis
Khan’s tomb. Although the citizen scientists did not
find his tomb, the video shows one ancient tomb found
through their crowdsourcing.
Online search terms: Albert Lin Mongolia; Genghis Khan
tomb; Mongolia; Burkhan Khaldun
Students should use the information they learned from
the video and Reading 1 to discuss the question.
• Have students discuss their answers in pairs.
• Discuss as a class. Have students share the questions
they would ask Lin. Write these on the board.
Answers will vary. Possible answers: because they
want to help solve the mystery and be part of
history; because Genghis Khan was a powerful
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. because he launched violent military campaigns
against his enemies
2. a. He devised a system of laws and regulations.
b. He allowed freedom of religion.
C 1. tag
2. figure out
3. upload
Have students look at the picture and read the caption.
What adjectives would they use to describe Mongolia?
Then ask them what they know about Genghis Khan.
What would they like to learn about him?
• Have students discuss possible reasons in pairs.
• Discuss answers with the class. Write ideas on the
board, and revisit this question after watching the
video to see if students’ predictions were correct.
learning about the Topic
The paragraph prepares students for the video by giving
them background information about Genghis Khan. Have
students read the paragraph and answer the questions.
• Have students complete the task individually.
• Have students check answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class. If a map of the area that the
Mongol Empire covered is available, show it to the
Critical Thinking: Analyzing
Students read a quote from Reading 1 and connect this
to the information in the video.
• Allow students time to answer the question
• Have students discuss their answers in pairs.
• Discuss as a class. Ask students whether they think they
would be good citizen scientists? Why or why not?
Understanding the main Idea
Have students read the items silently before you play
the video. Then have the students watch the video and
choose the best title from the list of options. Have them
complete the task while the video is playing.
• Have students form pairs and compare answers.
• Check answers as a class.
Understanding Details
Have students fill in any answers that they recall from the
first viewing before playing the video a second time. Elicit
the meanings of traces, satellites, and check it out.
• Have students complete the task while the video is
• Have students form pairs and compare answers.
• Check answers as a class. Ask if there are any other
words that they need to have explained, and elicit
definitions from volunteers.
Vocabulary in Context
This exercise introduces students to some of the key
words used in the video. Encourage students to try to
infer the meanings from the context. Remind students to
use the correct word form for each word.
• Have students complete the task individually.
• Check answers as a class. Elicit example sentences for
each word. Ask: Why might someone tag an animal in
the wild? Do you think English phrases are difficult to
figure out? Why or why not? How long will you wait for
something to upload before you get annoyed?
Reacting to the Video
a (Note: This option provides the most complete
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. straight lines
2. It’s too old.
3. Because if citizen scientists can find this tomb,
they can probably find other tombs, too.
Answers will vary. Possible answers: Why do
you want to find the tomb? What were some
challenges you faced in Mongolia? What do
Mongolians think about this project? What would
you say to Genghis Khan if you could meet him?
Answers will vary. Possible answer: I think Lin
means that computers can’t make inferences or
notice when things don’t look natural, as people
can. In the video, he says that straight lines usually
indicate that something is man-made, and he
mentions that many citizen scientists tagged an
unusual rectangle shape on the satellite map.
ideas for… EXPANSION
Have students do more research on Genghis Khan.
First, have them make a KWL chart. This chart has
three columns: what I know, what I want to know,
and what I learned. Have them fill out the first two
columns in pairs. Then they should research Genghis
Khan and fill in the third column. Have them discuss
with their partner what they learned, and then
compare their chart with a chart created by another
pair of students. Ask volunteers to share what
information they found most interesting.
Building Vocabulary
Using Vocabulary
Students should use the new vocabulary items while
discussing the two questions.
• Have students work in pairs to answer the questions.
• Discuss answers as a class. Elicit example answers from
students. Ask students to give examples of virtual
communication pros and cons in their own life. Ask
students to describe the remote place they mentioned.
Remind students to skim the first paragraph and to look
at the title and subheads when predicting what an article
is about.
• Allow time for students to skim the reading and look
at the title and subheads. Set a time limit of 1 to
2 minutes.
• Have students discuss their answers in pairs.
• Discuss as a class. Have students read the subheads
aloud to see whether that can help them with their
predictions. Revisit this question after completing the
A 1. advertise
2. environmentally
3. tool
4. virtual
5. voting
6. remote
7. global
8. tribe
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. The most remote place I have been to is a small
fishing village in Iceland. I liked it a lot. The
scenery was breathtaking!
2. When I socialize with friends, I generally prefer
face-to-face communication.
Virtual communication
Advantages: You can communicate with people
from all around the world; you can complete
other tasks (e.g., read and reply to emails) while
chatting with someone online; you can save
online conversations and keep a record of them,
in case you wish to read them again later on.
Disadvantages: You can’t see people’s faces
online or hear their tone of voice, so it’s easy to
misunderstand other people’s remarks; if you
multitask while chatting with someone online,
you can’t give them your full attention; the
person on the other end of the chat may not be
who they say they are (safety concerns).
Face-to-face communication
Advantages: It’s more direct and quicker; you
can read other people’s body language when
you talk to them and avoid misunderstandings; it
encourages deeper, more meaningful relationships.
Disadvantages: Shy people find this kind of
communication difficult and may be afraid
to speak up; you don’t have as much time to
consider your reply; most people don’t record
face-to-face conversations with friends, so it can
be easy to forget what was said.
Answers will vary. Possible answer: I think the
passage is titled “Internet Island” because the
idea for Tribewanted.com came from social
networking websites. Also, Tui Mali advertised his
island online, and the people who worked with
the local tribe members were brought together
through the Internet.
1.06 Have students read the passage individually, or
play the audio and have students read along.
The reading passage tells the story of Tribewanted.com.
Using social media, the founders, Keene and James,
began their first project—on a small island in Fiji—by
gathering a group of people who wanted to help
develop sustainable projects together with the local
community. Keene and James have gone on to found
other tribes in Papua New Guinea, Bali, Italy, and more.
Online search terms: Tribewanted; Ben Keene; Vorovoro
0M N
In this exercise, students read the definitions of the eight
vocabulary words from the reading passage. Then they
choose the correct word for each sentence.
• Have students complete the exercise individually.
• Check answers as a class. Elicit example sentences for
each vocabulary item. Ask: What kind of advertisements
do you think are the most effective? What are some
tools you use for learning English? Do you feel as if you
belong to a global community? Why or why not?
See Vocabulary Extension 3B on page 205 of the Student
Book for additional practice with Word Link: -al.
Reading 2
READING (page 54)
Understanding main Ideas
Students read the passage and then choose three of the
five sentences provided to complete a summary of the
passage. Elicit the meaning of sharing music (uploading
and downloading music files online) and newcomers
(people who have arrived somewhere for the first
time). Ask students whether their predictions about the
passage were accurate.
• Allow time for students to complete the task
• Check answers as a class. Ask students how they arrived
at their answers.
Identifying Details
Students read the statements and complete the
sentences with information from the reading. Point out
that the information does not appear in the same order
as it does in the reading passage.
• Allow time for students to complete the task
• Have students check answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class.
Critical Thinking: making Inferences
Students discuss the questions, based on the material in
the reading passage and their own ideas.
• Have students discuss the questions in pairs.
• Discuss as a class. Ask whether any students want
to join Tribewanted. Ask whether anyone has had
an experience of meeting people who live a very
traditional lifestyle.
a, b, e
B 1. Vorovoro (See paragraph C.)
2. 2006 (See paragraph E.)
3. $53,000 (See paragraph D.)
4. Tribewanted.com (See paragraph C.)
5. email (See paragraph A.)
6. Bali (See paragraph H.)
7. local (See paragraph F.)
From left to right: 5, 4, 1, 3, 2, 7, 6
D Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. I think the people who join Tribewanted are
adventurous and like to travel. They want to help
protect the environment and make a positive
contribution to other people’s lives. They are likely
to be more interested in work that they enjoy
doing and find fulfilling, and are less motivated
by money. They also probably like being around a
diverse group of people.
2. I think Tui Mali and his tribe members have
become more aware of different cultures and
feel more connected with the rest of the world
now. Although their island has become more
modern, they probably still maintain some
important aspects of their traditional culture. (See
paragraphs F and G.)
Students complete the timeline with the information
from exercise B. Elicit that the box on the far left (with “5”)
happened first. The box on the far right happened most
recently. You may also want to explain that it doesn’t
matter that the boxes are above or below the line; this is
just a way to fit more information in a smaller space.
• Allow students time to complete the timeline
• Have students check answers in pairs.
• Check answers with the class.
ideas for… EXPANSION
There are many crowdsourcing ideas. Have students
search for Zooniverse (https://www.zooniverse.org)
for crowdsourcing projects, or for Tribewanted to view
their recent projects. Have them choose one project
that they would like to join and research it. Have them
create a chart that shows the pros and cons of the
project. Then have them work in groups of three or
four to explain the project they selected and try to
convince the other members of their group to join
them. Have the group vote on the project they most
want to join.
In this section, students prepare to write a paragraph
about crowdsourcing. The lesson starts by teaching
students how to use the present perfect tense. Students
then learn how to write a concluding sentence. In
the Writing Task, students apply these lessons by
brainstorming, planning, and writing about the project.
As added support, they will encounter two drafts of
sample paragraphs and revising strategies that the
author used. Students will use a checklist to revise their
own paragraphs. Editing practice helps students correct
common mistakes with the present perfect tense. After
this, students write the final drafts of their paragraphs.
ENGlISH (pages 55–57)
This exercise is to be done before going over the
information in the Language for Writing box. If students
feel this exercise is confusing, reassure them that they
will learn more about it later.
• Have students complete the task individually.
• Have students check their answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class.
language for Writing: Using the
Present Perfect Tense
The Language for Writing box describes how to form the
present perfect tense. To begin, give some contrasting
examples of sentences using the present perfect tense
and the simple past tense. For example: I have written
many e-mails in my life. I have written three e-mails since
lunchtime. I wrote three e-mails yesterday. Have students
read the text in the Language for Writing box aloud. Elicit
reasons for using the present perfect tense (the action
began in the past and continues in the present) and
signal words, such as since and recently, which can help
students recognize and use the present perfect tense.
language for Writing
Students practice forming the present perfect tense by
completing the sentences.
• Allow students time to complete the activity
• Have them check answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class. Ask which verbs are irregular.
language for Writing
Students create their own sentences using the present
perfect tense to discuss how they use the Internet and
how it has affected their lives. Before beginning the
exercise, remind students that they should look up past
participles to make sure they have the correct form of the
• Allow students time to complete the task individually.
• Read sentences in groups of three or four. Have the
group check the grammar and then choose the three
sentences to write on the board.
• Compare and correct the sentences on the board as a
ideas for… EXPANSION
Have each student write four sentences, three true
and one false, about themselves. Each sentence
should demonstrate the present perfect tense.
Encourage each student to use information that
others might not know. Have students work in groups
of three or four and read their sentences aloud. The
other members of the group should try to guess
which sentence is false.
See Grammar Summary on page 221 of the Student Book for
additional practice with using the present perfect tense.
Writing Skill: Writing a Concluding Sentence
The Writing Skill box describes the importance of writing
a good concluding sentence. It discusses the three
common types of conclusions: to make a prediction,
give an opinion, or restate the main idea. Elicit that a
concluding sentence should be interesting, but it should
not include any new or surprising information. Have
students read the Writing Skill box aloud. Ask students
which of these types of concluding sentences they
usually use.
Students find the concluding statements in the
reading passages and identify the types of concluding
• Allow students time to complete the task individually.
• Have students check answers in pairs
• Check answers as a class. Ask students to note where
these are in the passages.
• Have students share their ideas in pairs and offer
feedback to each other.
D 1. R (See page 49.)
2. P (See page 53, Paragraph A.)
3. O (See page 53, Paragraph B.)
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. More face-to-face contact with your loved ones
will make you feel happier.
2. In summary, reading the news online has many
advantages over getting the news from other
Students follow steps 1 to 3 to complete their outlines.
Have a student read the steps aloud. Remind students
that complete sentences are not necessary for the
purpose, how it works, and what it has accomplished. It is
more important to focus on organizing their information.
• Allow time for students to complete their outlines
individually. Provide assistance as needed.
First Draft
Have students write first drafts of their paragraphs based
on their outlines.
• Allow time for students to complete the task individually.
Provide assistance as needed. Refrain from error
correction at this point.
B 1. has made (Note: The proper noun Facebook is a
singular entity, so we use has instead of have.)
2. have changed
3. have met
4. have contributed
5. has formed
6. has expanded
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. I have kept in touch with old classmates through
2. I have booked hotels and flights using travel
3. My teacher has shown us interesting articles
online that are related to the topics in our
Writing Skill
Students write a concluding sentence for each
• Have students complete the task individually.
• Have students form pairs and compare their answers.
• Discuss answers as a class. Write examples on the board
and compare them.
Writing Skill
Answers will vary. Possible answers: Tribewanted:
founders = Ben Keene and Mark James; 2006—
project started; learned about a project to help
develop an island in Fiji; environmentally friendly
volunteers; very successful
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Topic Sentence: Members of Tribewanted.com
have collaborated to create virtual and real-life
communities all over the world.
Purpose: to get members to meet and work
together to help a community in need
How it works: People sign up online; members
go to the island and work with the local people.
What it has accomplished so far: planted crops;
set up environmentally friendly power sources on
the island; expanded to other locations
Concluding Sentence: The website has
successfully brought together people from very
different cultures to form a real-world tribe.
0M N
WRITING TASK (page 58)
Taking Notes
Remind students that brainstorming is an important
step for gathering ideas before writing. Read the text in
the Goal box aloud so students will be familiar with the
writing task before brainstorming.
• Allow time for students to look online and take notes
individually. Provide assistance as needed.
The Revising Practice box contains an exercise that
demonstrates several ways students can improve their
first drafts.
• Allow time for students to analyze the two drafts and
complete the exercise.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students to identify each
change and explain how it makes the revised draft
b, a, d, c
Final Draft
Have students apply the skills taught in Editing Practice to
their own revised drafts and check for any other errors.
• Allow time for students to work individually on editing
their drafts.
• Walk around and monitor students as they work.
Provide assistance as needed.
• Collect their work once they have completed it.
• For the next class, show anonymous examples of good
paragraphs and common errors.
ideas for… EXPANSION
Editing codes are helpful devices to use when
commenting on students’ work. Using these codes
helps students correct their own work. Make a list
of the codes you use on the board. Write sentences
with one error each, and elicit the error. (Examples:
She have three sisters [SV]. or The techer is funny [SP].)
Have students copy the codes in their notebooks.
They can refer to them when you return their work to
them. Some example codes: SP (spelling), T (tense),
WW (wrong word), ^ (missing word), WF (word form),
SV (subject-verb agreement), WO (word order)
Students can work in groups on this recap of the unit. For
question 1, encourage students to use the target words
when appropriate. For questions 2 and 3, encourage
them to check the relevant pages of the unit for answers.
• Allow students time to answer the three questions in
• As a class, have students share their answers to
question 1. Have them vote on the project they would
most like to join.
Environmental Science
ThiNk ANd diScUSS
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. The Atlantic Ocean is close to my home. I see it
every day, because my house is on the coast.
2. I don’t eat seafood. There isn’t a good reason why I
don’t eat it. I just don’t like the taste!
AcAdemic SkillS
Interpreting visual information
Explaining a chart or graph
Describing charts and graphs
Evaluating an argument
Students should apply the revision techniques used
in the Revising Practice box to their own drafts, where
• Explain to students that they will be using the
questions as a guide for checking and improving their
• As a class, go over the questions carefully to make sure
students understand them.
• Allow students time to revise their paragraphs.
AcAdemic Tr Ack
The theme of this unit is ocean conservation. The
unit discusses the changes in fishing that have had
consequences for many different fish populations in
oceans and seas and the impact this has had on the
environment. It provides a closer look at bluefin tuna
and explains how we can help to minimize the impact of
human activity.
• reAdiNG 1: This reading passage discusses overfishing
in the world’s seas and oceans and its impact on the
• VideO: A Japanese scientist, Shukei Masuma, is breeding
bluefin tuna in captivity in an effort to save the species.
• reAdiNG 2: A chef and conservationist, Barton Seaver,
discusses how fishing for top predators affects the food
chain, which can lead to consequences for all of us.
Students draw on what they’ve read and watched to
write a paragraph describing a graph or chart. The unit
prepares them by introducing vocabulary to talk about
ocean conservation, reviewing language to talk about
charts and graphs, and offering tips for evaluating
sources of information. Lastly, students practice
brainstorming and using an outline to prepare drafts—
skills that they will use in every unit’s Writing Task.
ThiNk ANd diScUSS (page 61)
The questions help prepare students for the subject
matter covered in the unit—ocean conservation.
• Have students study the picture, title, and caption.
• Discuss the photo as a class. Ask students: Have you ever
been diving? Would you like to go? Why or why not?
• Discuss the two questions as a class. For question 2,
make a list on the board of the seafood that students
like to eat.
1. The Internet has been in existence for several
decades now, but we are still discovering creative
ways to use it.
2. Now that it’s so easy to share videos, millions of
people have posted videos online.
3. Even though I have seen that video a few times, I
still find it very funny.
4. Social networks like Facebook and Twitter have
changed the way we get our news.
5. The Internet has allowed people to share
information and collaborate on projects.
6. Sarah Parcak has spent the last several years
using satellite images to identify important
archaeological sites.
7. Participants in the Galaxy Zoo project have
helped scientists discover new types of galaxies
(star systems) in our universe.
Revised Draft
The Editing Practice box trains students to spot and
correct common errors related to the present perfect
tense. As a class, go over the information in the box
• Allow students time to complete the exercise
• Check answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class by asking students to read
their corrected sentences aloud and explain the errors.
explOre The Theme (pages 62–63)
The opening spread features a map that shows the
impact that human activities have on oceans around the
world. It also has descriptions of four of the world’s seas
and the problems that they face.
• Before students answer the questions, ask them to look at
the pictures and guess what problems will be mentioned.
• Allow time for students to study the spread and answer
the questions individually.
• Have students check answers in pairs.
• Discuss answers as a class. For question 1, ask students
whether the levels of impact in the spread reflect their own
experiences. For question 2, ask volunteers to summarize
the information about the four places mentioned. Can
they think of other problems with pollution?
• Elicit example sentences from students for each of the
blue words.
explOre The Theme
A 1. The map shows the impact that humans have had
on the world’s oceans. The colors indicate the level
of impact of human activity (ranging from very
high to very low).
2. Answers will vary. Possible answers: Fish are
disappearing; there are “dead zones” without
enough oxygen; water becomes more acidic.
Other problems include rising water temperatures
and overfishing.
species (Note: The word species is used for both
the singular and plural forms. There can be one
species or three species.)
Building Vocabulary
Using Vocabulary
OVerVieW OF The reAdiNG
The reading passage presents some of the causes and
effects of overfishing in the world’s oceans. It warns that
many more fish could disappear and suggests some
possible solutions to the problem.
Online search terms: Overfishing Science; Pristine Seas;
Census of Marine Life
0M N
UNderSTANdiNG The reAdiNG
(page 67)
Understanding main ideas
Students are asked to identify the main idea for each of
the sections of the reading passage.
• Allow students time to complete the activity
• Check answers as a class. Ask students how they arrived
at their answers.
Understanding a process
UNderSTANdiNG The reAdiNG
Source of the problem: b (Explanation: Option
a is false.)
rise of the little Fish: b (Explanation: Option a
is false.)
A Future for Fish?: a (Explanation: Option b is
not mentioned.)
B 1. dropped
2. too few
3. increased
4. Too many
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. Commercial fishing companies shouldn’t catch
so many large fish.
identifying problems and Solutions
Students should reread the section A Future for Fish?
in the reading passage and find the three solutions.
Students do not need to write full sentences for each
• Allow students time to complete the task individually.
• Have students compare their answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class. Ask volunteers to give their
2. Develop fish farming (aquaculture).
3. Don’t eat overfished species; eat farmed fish
D 1. In 2010, the Census of Marine Life estimated that
90% of the big ocean fish populations are gone.
Small fish (e.g., sardines and anchovies) have
more than doubled in number. If we continue to
overfish the oceans, scientists predict that most
of the fish that we catch now will disappear by
2. Answers will vary. Possible answers:
I think this argument would be more convincing
if the writer provided more statistics—e.g., the
amount of fish currently produced through
aquaculture, the amount of fish caught per week
through commercial fishing, the population of
bluefin tuna today.
critical Thinking: evaluating an Argument
The Critical Thinking box explains how to evaluate an
argument by looking for facts and statistics that the
author uses to support their argument. Students should
read the reading passage again to note what statistics
the author has used to make the argument against
• Have students discuss their answers in pairs.
• Discuss answers as a class. Draw a T-chart on the board
with statistics in the article and statistics that students
think should be included. Fill in the chart based on
students’ ideas. Ask students whether what they have
learned from this reading will affect their own eating
habits. Why or why not?
Ideas for… expANSiON
Have students choose an ocean species to research
online. They should create a pamphlet with the
following information:
What does the species look like?
Where does it live?
Who are its predators?
Who is its prey?
Is this species in danger? Why or why not?
Students test their understanding of the details in the
passage by completing the diagram with the words from
the box. Draw the diagram on the board, and elicit the
first answer (dropped) as an example.
• Allow students time to complete the diagram
• Have them check their answers in pairs.
• Discuss answers as a class. Complete the diagram on
the board.
Students skim the reading passage to make their own
guesses about this reading. Point out that skimming
means allowing your eyes to move quickly over the
words. One skimming strategy is to read the first
sentence of each paragraph.
• Have students skim the material. Give a time limit of
1 to 2 minutes.
• Have them discuss their answers in pairs.
• Discuss the most probable answers as a class. Ask
students whether they tried the strategy of reading
the first sentences. Ask them to provide one word to
describe the topic of this passage. Revisit this question
after completing the reading.
prepAriNG TO reAd
1.07 Have students read the passage individually, or
play the audio and have students read along.
Students should practice using the new vocabulary items
while answering the three questions. Point out that this
provides practice with vocabulary from Explore the Theme
as well.
• Have students work in pairs to answer the questions.
• Check answers as a class. Elicit example answers from
students. For question 1, ask students how long they
estimate humans and fish can go without air/water.
For question 2, ask which species they would most like
to see in the wild. For question 3, ask how much trash
they estimate that their families create every week.
A 1. reduce
2. restore
3. estimate (Note: This is the same word for the verb
or the noun.)
4. diverse
5. stable
6. quantity
7. doubled
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. Fish need water, oxygen, the correct temperature,
and food—either plants or other animals.
Humans need water, oxygen, food, shelter, and
2. dolphins, seals, octopi, squid, mussels, whales
3. by recycling, taking public transportation, using
renewable energy, and not littering
1, 3, 6
prepAriNG TO reAd (page 64)
The seven words in the box are key vocabulary items that
appear in the passage. Students should use contextual
clues to deduce the meanings of the words and
complete the definitions.
• Have students complete the exercise individually.
• Check answers as a class.
• Elicit sample sentences for each vocabulary item. Ask:
Is there a diverse student population at this school?
Would you like to reduce or double the amount of
homework you have?
See Vocabulary Extension 4A on page 206 of the Student
Book for additional practice with Word Forms: Changing
Nouns into Adjectives.
Reading 1
deVelOpiNG reAdiNG
SkillS (page 68)
reading Skill: interpreting Visual information
The Reading Skill box explains that authors use visual
materials to help the reader see a lot of information
quickly. Ask students whether they usually look at graphs
and diagrams while reading an article. Why or why not?
Explain that graphs and diagrams can help students
evaluate an argument by providing more statistics to
support an idea. Ask students to look at the graph. What
does the x-axis show? What does the y-axis show? Explain
that this information is important to notice when they
are reading a graph.
interpreting maps
Students should look back at the Explore and Discuss
world map on pages 62 and 63 to answer these
• Have students complete the task in pairs.
• Discuss answers as a class. Ask students for possible
reasons why these places are the most and least
affected by human activity.
deVelOpiNG reAdiNG SkillS
A 1. The graph shows the historical annual catch of
Pacific bluefin tuna by country from 1952 to 2012.
The colors represent countries that catch the fish.
2. Japan and the United States
3. approximately 15,000 metric tons
4. lowest—1990; highest—1956
B 1. The North Sea and the East China Sea
2. Antarctica and the North Pole / the North and
South Poles
0M N
TUNA (pages 69–70)
Overview of the Video
Students should look at the graph to answer the
questions. Elicit the answer for the first question (What
does the graph show? What do the colors represent?),
and ask students where they found this answer.
• Allow time for students to complete the task
• Have students check answers in pairs.
• Discuss answers as a class. Ask volunteers to explain
how they arrived at their answers. Ask students what
other information they noticed in the graph. Ask
whether anything surprised them.
interpreting Graphs
This video is about a Japanese scientist who is trying
to breed bluefin tuna in captivity. It is quite difficult to
create conditions in which this type of fish can breed,
but he has been successful. After the fish are hatched,
he returns them to the ocean. He hopes this will help to
prevent the bluefin tuna from becoming extinct.
Online search terms: bluefin tuna; Shukei Masuma;
sustainable sushi;
BeFOre VieWiNG
learning About the Topic
The paragraph prepares students for the video by giving
them background information about three species of
bluefin tuna.
• Have students complete the task individually.
• Discuss answers as a class. Elicit example answers. Ask
students whether they have ever eaten bluefin tuna.
Are they surprised to learn that the fish is in danger?
Why or why not?
Vocabulary in context
This exercise introduces students to some of the key
words used in the video.
• Have students complete the task individually.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students how they think
these words might be used in the video.
BeFOre VieWiNG
A 1. They are big and can swim very fast.
2. People like to eat bluefin tuna as sushi or sashimi.
3. Answers will vary. Possible answers: breed more
bluefin tuna on fish farms; put a quota on the
number of bluefin tuna caught in the sea; stop
eating bluefin tuna.
B 1. hatchling (Note: The verb hatch describes the
process of emerging from an egg. Baby birds and
turtles are also called hatchlings.)
2. captivity
3. breed
While VieWiNG
Understanding the main idea
Have students read the items silently before you play
the video.
• Have them complete the task while the video is
• Check the answer as a class. Discuss why the other
statements are incorrect.
Understanding details
Have students read the paragraph and circle the words
that they recall from the first viewing before playing the
video a second time.
• Have students complete the task while the video is
• Check answers as a class. Ask a volunteer to read the
paragraph aloud.
While VieWiNG
B 1. laying eggs
2. temperature
3. food
4. eyes
interpreting Graphs
Students are asked to reflect on the information in
the video and study the graph. Direct students to the
Reading Skill on page 68 for help with interpreting visual
• Have students discuss the questions in pairs.
• Check answers as a class. Ask when the Pacific bluefin
tuna population was at its peak. Ask students why the
Pacific bluefin tuna population might have dropped
in number before the Atlantic. Then ask volunteers to
share what else they notice about the graph.
Ideas for… expANSiON
As a class, make a list of endangered species on the
board. Then ask students which species they would
choose to breed in captivity. Have students form pairs
and explain that they should:
1. Choose an animal they are both interested in
protecting. Have them write some brief reasons
why they want to protect this animal.
2. Brainstorm what they know about this animal and
create a word web on paper. What will they need
for their project?
3. Create a visual representation of their breeding
project. What would they need to create this
environment for the animals? Students will need
to decide how much land is required, and draw a
building plan showing the layout of the enclosures,
pools, and other structures.
4. If computers are available, have students search
online to find out more about the endangered
species they have chosen and whether breeding
programs already exist. Ask students to make
improvements to their plans if appropriate.
Encourage students to bookmark any charts or
graphs they find online, because they may want to
use these for this unit’s writing task.
5. Have students share their plans with the class. Ask
students to compare the breeding projects. Which
ones seem most realistic? What do the projects
have in common? If possible, post the plans around
the class and allow time for students to read their
classmates’ work.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. The Pacific bluefin population in 2012 was about
the same as the population in the early 1970s.
This is different from the Atlantic bluefin because
in the 1970s, the Atlantic bluefin tuna population
was much higher.
2. The Pacific bluefin population in 2012 was about
one-fifth the size of the population in the early
prepAriNG TO reAd (page 71)
Building Vocabulary
In this exercise, students complete sentences that follow
the same topic as the reading passage. Explain that the
sentences in the box define the blue words. Remind
students to use the correct forms of the words.
• Allow time for students to complete the exercise
• Have students check their answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class. Elicit example sentences
for each vocabulary item. Ask students to name
one individual they can always rely on. Also ask: Are
population numbers declining where you live? Why or
why not? What is something that you will definitely do
after class today?
See Vocabulary Extension 4B on page 206 of the Student
Book for additional practice with Word Partners: verb + on.
Using Vocabulary
Students should use the new vocabulary items while
discussing the three questions.
• Have students work in pairs to answer the questions.
• Discuss answers as a class. Elicit example answers from
prepAriNG TO reAd
Students are asked to decide whether Seaver would
agree with these statements. Explain that some of the
topics are not discussed in the interview. Students should
circle NG (not given) for these statements.
• Allow time for students to complete the task
• Check answers as a class. Ask students where they
found the answers in the reading.
1.08 Have students read the passage individually, or
play the audio and have students read along.
OVerVieW OF The reAdiNG
The reading passage is an interview with a chef and
conservationist, Barton Seaver. His recommendations
include making better food choices when we eat, eating
farm-raised fish, eating fish that are low on the food
chain, and thinking more about our relationship with our
Online search terms: Barton Seaver Projects; Barton Seaver
TED Talk; Seafood decision guide; National Geographic
0M N
This exercise gets students thinking about what they can
do to keep oceans healthy. Ideas should be brief. Draw a
word web on the board with the words “healthy oceans”
and a sample answer (raise awareness).
• Allow time for students write their answers individually.
• Have students compare their ideas in pairs.
• Ask for volunteers to share their answers, and write the
words and phrases on a word web on the board.
A 1. individuals (Note: Using the word individuals
as a plural noun means that there are many
individuals who are recognized as different
people, not as one large group.)
2. declining; definitely
3. essential (Note: If something dies out, it means
that the species has become extinct.)
4. informed
5. severe
6. impact
7. rely on
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. clean air; protected areas for wildlife; balanced
2. I read articles, listen to lectures, and watch nature
3. rising sea levels; unstable weather patterns
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
raise awareness about overfishing; donate to
charities that protect the oceans; help clean up
beaches; make informed choices about seafood;
eat farmed fish
Reading 2
UNderSTANdiNG The reAdiNG
(page 74)
Understanding the main idea
Students choose the sentence that best summarizes
Seaver’s message.
• Have students complete the task individually.
• Check answers as a class.
identifying Opinions
interpreting Visual information
Have students read the passage and look at the
illustration to find the answers to the questions. Remind
students to read the introductory paragraph and the
explanations of the different levels of ocean species. Ask
students which species they already know. Which ones
are new to them?
• Allow time for students to complete the rest of the task
• Check answers as a class.
critical Thinking: Synthesizing
Have students look again on pages 72 and 73 for the
information in the illustrations.
• Allow students time to answer the questions
• Have students share their answers with a partner.
• Discuss as a class. Make a T-chart with OK and AVOID
on the board. Elicit example answers, and write these in
the T-chart.
Ideas for… expANSiON
Have students make a list of seafood that they
usually eat. (Remind them that this was one of the
questions at the beginning of the unit.) If computers
are available, have students go online to http://
ocean.nationalgeographic.com/take-action/seafooddecision-guide/. Have them click on different fish and
find out whether they are sustainable. If these are not
good fish choices, what alternatives could students
choose? Have students form pairs and make a list of
three to five sustainable fish that they would like to
eat. If students do not eat fish, have them choose
three to five fish that they would recommend serving
at a restaurant.
critical Thinking: reflecting
Have students reflect on what they have learned in this
unit and connect this with their own eating habits.
• Have students share their ideas with a partner Ask
whether they agree or disagree with each other.
• Discuss as a class. Elicit example answers.
UNderSTANdiNG The reAdiNG
c (Explanation: Seaver says that people can
continue to eat seafood, so option a is wrong.
Although he says that the ocean provides an
important part of our diet, this is not his main
message, so option b is not the correct answer.
Seaver wants people to think about their seafood
choices, so the correct answer is option c.)
B 1. Y (Paragraph B)
2. N (Paragraph B)
3. NG
4. Y (Paragraph C)
5. NG
6. N (Paragraph D)
7. Y (Paragraph E)
C 1. Answers will vary. Possible answers: Atlantic
bluefin tuna; orange roughy; Atlantic salmon
2. carnivores
3. an animal that eats plants
4. anchovies
5. Answers will vary. Possible answers: Alaska
pollock; Atlantic herring
6. because they make their own food and produce
all the oxygen in the ocean (Note: The answer
to this question is not in the illustration. It’s in
Paragraph F.)
D Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Fish that are Ok to eat: Alaska pollock; Atlantic
herring; Japanese flying squid; American lobster;
Fish we should avoid: Atlantic bluefin tuna;
orange roughy; Atlantic salmon
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
This unit has definitely made me think about my
eating choices. I’ll try to eat more farmed fish
from now on to protect the ocean’s ecosystem.
In this section, students prepare to write a paragraph
describing a chart or graph. The lesson starts by teaching
students language that can be used to describe charts
and graphs. Students then learn how to explain a
chart or graph, starting with the main idea or purpose.
In the Writing Task, students apply these lessons by
brainstorming, planning, and writing about a graph.
As added support, they will encounter two drafts of
sample paragraphs and revising strategies that the
author used. Students will use a checklist to revise their
own paragraphs. Editing practice helps students correct
common mistakes with prepositions, verbs used to
describe trends, and the past tense. After this, students
write the final drafts of their paragraphs.
explOriNG WriT TeN eNGliSh
(pages 75–77)
Students are expected to notice the language to
describe upward and downward trends. Explain that a
trend is a change or development toward something
new or different. This exercise is to be done before going
over the information in the Language for Writing box. Do
the first sentence as an example with the class. Elicit that
this must be DT (downward trend) because the amount
“has fallen.”
• Allow time for students to complete the task
• Check answers as a class. Ask students how they arrived
at their answers. Explain that the Language for Writing
box will provide more details about these trends.
language for Writing: describing charts
and Graphs
The Language for Writing box reviews words that are
used to describe charts and graphs, including phrases
to introduce a description and common verbs and
prepositions that are used to talk about changes and
developments. Have students circle the verbs in exercise
A that show whether the trend has been upward,
downward, or stable. Have them underline the phrases
that introduce the sentence and draw a square around
each preposition.
Writing Skill
Students practice using the information in the box by
completing the sentences about the graph.
• Allow students time to complete the activity individually.
• Have them check answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class.
Students look at the graph and then decide whether
the statements correctly reflect the information. Remind
students to pay attention to the x- and y-axes and the key.
• Allow students time to complete the task individually.
• Have students check their answers in pairs.
language for Writing
Students write sentences about the graph on page 70.
Refer students to the Language for Writing box for help
writing these sentences.
• Allow students time to complete the task individually.
• Have students compare their answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class. Elicit example sentences from
students, and write them on the board.
explOriNG WriTTeN eNGliSh
A 1. DT
2. UT
3. NC
4. UT
5. DT
B 1. increased
2. doubled
3. remained stable
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. In the early 1960s, the Pacific bluefin population
peaked at approximately 140,000 metric tons.
2. Between 1961 and 1974, the Pacific bluefin tuna
population decreased dramatically.
3. As the graph shows, the Pacific bluefin
population rose to almost 50,000 metric tons
by 1992.
Writing Skill: explaining a chart or Graph
The Writing Skill box explains that descriptions of charts
or graphs begin by explaining the main idea or purpose
and then providing facts (specific information) to support
this main idea. Have a student read each of the main
idea examples in the box followed by the supporting
detail. Ask students to note which is more specific— the
main idea or the supporting detail.
Writing Skill
Students read the sentences for exercise d again and
correct the incorrect statements, using the information in
the graph.
• Allow students time to complete the task individually.
• Check answers as a class.
Writing Skill
Students should refer to the information in the Writing
Skill box to write a paragraph about the graph. Remind
students to pay attention to transition words to help
them organize the sentences into a paragraph.
• Allow time for students to complete the task
individually. Walk around, and provide assistance as
• Check answers as a class. Ask volunteers to read their
versions of the paragraph aloud. Have students explain
how they arrived at their answers.
language for Writing
0M N
WriTiNG TASk (page 78)
Remind students that planning is an essential step for
gathering ideas before writing. Read the Goal box aloud
so students will be familiar with the writing task before
planning. If possible, have students bring in graphs from
outside sources, such as magazines, newspapers, or the
Internet, that they would like to use. Emphasize that the
graphs do not have to be about ocean conservation.
They can be about any topic that has changed over
time. Students can also use one of the graphs in this
book. Remind students that complete sentences are not
necessary. It is more important to focus on organizing
the information.
• Allow time for students to complete their outlines
individually. Provide assistance as needed.
First draft
Have students write first drafts of their paragraphs based
on their outlines. Make sure that students have a copy of
the chart or graph available while they work on this.
• Allow time for students to complete the task
individually. Provide assistance as needed. Refrain from
error correction at this point.
WriTiNG Skill
D 1, 2, 5
E 3. In 2005, total bluefin production was almost
90,000 metric tons; by 2009, that number had
fallen to about 60,000.
4. According to the graph, total production of
bluefin tuna decreased steadily between 2005
and 2009.
The graph shows global production for each
species of bluefin tuna in metric tons per year.
According to the graph, total production of
bluefin tuna decreased steadily between 2005
and 2009. In 2005, total bluefin production was
almost 90,000 metric tons; by 2009, that number
had fallen to about 60,000. As for production
level by species, both Atlantic and Pacific bluefin
tuna showed some variation between 2005 and
2009. However, production of Southern bluefin
tuna remained more or less stable.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
main idea: Housing prices have increased in
every neighborhood in the city.
detail: Housing prices in Jamaica Plain and the
North End doubled between 2010 and 2014.
most recent piece of data: Housing prices in
Roxbury increased by 60% in the 7-year period.
reViSiNG prAc Tice (page 79)
The Revising Practice box contains an exercise that
demonstrates several ways students can improve their
first drafts.
• Allow time for students to analyze the two drafts and
complete the exercise.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students to identify each
change and explain how it makes the revised draft
revised draft
Final draft
Have students apply the skills taught in Editing Practice to
their own revised drafts and check for any other errors.
• Allow time for students to work individually on editing
their drafts.
• Walk around, and monitor students as they work.
Provide assistance as needed.
• Collect their work once they have completed it.
• For the next class, show anonymous examples of good
paragraphs and common errors.
ediTiNG prAc Tice (page 80)
reViSiNG prAcTice
ediTiNG prAcTice
AcAdemic SkillS
CRitiCal thinking
UNiT reVieW
Students can work in groups on this recap of the unit. For
question 1, encourage students to use the target words
when appropriate. For questions 2 and 3, encourage
them to check the relevant pages of the unit for answers.
• Allow students time to answer the two questions in
groups. For question 1, ask groups to decide which
factors they think are most effective for restoring the
ocean’s biodiversity.
• Ask each group to present its answer for question 1.
Have students vote for what they believe is the most
important factor.
identifying cause and effect
Using an outline
Using by + gerund
applying a method
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. My earliest memory is my mother picking me up
from my crib when I was about 3 years old.
2. I think some people have better memories because
they focus more on what they are doing. But some
people are better at remembering pictures, while
others are better at remembering facts.
The theme of this unit is memory—its importance
in ancient times and now, the loci method, the USA
memory championships, tips and techniques for
memorization, and the connection between memory
and sleep.
• reAdiNG 1: The reading provides a look at the history
of the loci method and the importance placed on
memory in ancient times. It also discusses the reasons
why memory is less valued today.
• VideO: An explanation of how a USA memory
champion uses the loci method to quickly remember
the order of a deck of cards.
• reAdiNG 2: The reading discusses the connection
between memory and sleep. During deep sleep,
brain waves help transform short-term memories to
long-term memories. The reading also gives tips on
improving memory.
Students draw on what they’ve read and watched to
write a discussion paragraph about how to improve
memory. The unit prepares them by introducing
vocabulary to talk about memory, teaching how to use
by + gerund, and offering tips for how to use an outline.
The unit also explains how to identify cause and effect.
Lastly, it introduces students to brainstorming and again
using an outline to prepare drafts—skills that students
will use in every unit’s Writing Task.
eXPlOre THe THeme
THiNk ANd diScUSS (page 81)
eXPlOre THe THeme (pages 82–83)
Students test their own memories and then analyze a
graph depicting how memory changes with age.
• Allow students time to study the spread and answer
question 1 individually. Time the class together.
• Have students discuss question 2 in pairs.
• Discuss answers as a class.
• Have students answer the question in part B in pairs.
Remind students to use the vocabulary for describing
graphs that they learned in unit 4.
• Have students complete part c individually. Remind
students to use the correct forms of the words.
• Elicit example sentences from students for each of the
blue words.
The questions help prepare students for the subject
matter covered in the unit—memory and how it relates
to learning. The scene depicts an artist, Stephen Wiltshire,
drawing the New York City skyline from memory.
• Have students study the picture, title, and captions.
• Discuss the photo as a class. What do students think the
photo and the unit are about? Provide your own overview.
• Discuss the two questions as a class. Ask students
to reflect on their own lives. Do they have good
memories? Who do they know with a good memory?
What can these people remember?
1. As we can see from the graph, global aquaculture
production of Atlantic salmon was stable
between 1950 and 1980.
2. Production of Atlantic salmon doubled between
1990 and 1995.
3. Between 1991 and 1992, production of Atlantic
salmon declined slightly.
4. Between 1999 and 2001, production of Atlantic
salmon grew by about 200,000 metric tons.
5. Production of Atlantic salmon decreased slightly
in 2009.
AcAdemic Tr Ack
d, c, a, b
The Editing Practice box trains students to spot and
correct common errors related to describing a chart or
graph. As a class, go over the information in the box
carefully to make sure students understand what to look
out for.
• Allow students time to complete the exercise
• Check answers as a class by asking students to read
their corrected sentences aloud and explain the errors.
Students should apply the revision techniques used
in the Revising Practice box to their own drafts, where
• Explain to students that they will be using the
questions as a guide for checking and improving
their drafts.
• As a class, go over the questions carefully to make sure
students understand them.
• Allow students time to revise their paragraphs.
Answers will vary.
Answers will vary. Possible answers: According
to the graph, memory declines with age. Verbal
recall actually increases slightly from the age
of 16 to 32, but then declines steadily after that.
Visual recall drops approximately 30 percent from
the age of 48 to 80.
technique; gradually; complex
PrePAriNG TO reAd (page 84)
• Have them discuss their answers in pairs.
• As a class, have volunteers share the words that they
found. Then have students share their predictions.
Revisit this question after the reading.
Building Vocabulary
Students find the seven blue words in the passage and
use contextual clues to guess the meanings of the words.
Remind students to look for the parts of speech to help
them better understand the new words.
• Allow time for students to complete the exercise
• Check answers as a class. What clues from the reading
passage did students find helpful?
• Elicit example sentences for each vocabulary item. Ask:
What is an achievement that you are proud of? Can you
visualize your bedroom when you close your eyes?
See Vocabulary Extension 5A on page 207 of the Student
Book for additional practice with Word Forms: Changing
Nouns and Adjectives into Verbs.
Using Vocabulary
Students scan the passage to make their own guesses
about this reading. Elicit strategies for scanning a reading
passage. Students should let their eyes move quickly
down the page, without worrying about unknown words.
They can read the first paragraph, then scan the rest of the
passage for similar words. Point out that answers will vary.
• Have students scan the reading for repeated words.
Stress that students should not try to read the entire
passage. Give students 1 minute for this activity, and
time them, if possible.
PrePAriNG TO reAd
Students think about the techniques and decide whether
these are internal or external. Ask students if they think
that classifying items is a type of memory technique.
Elicit the reasons why this can be helpful. Students may
need the first item done as an example.
• Have students complete the task individually.
• Check answers as a class, and draw a T-chart on the
board with the answers. Ask students to add additional
internal and external memory devices to the list.
1.09 Have students read the passage individually, or
play the audio and have students read along.
OVerVieW OF THe reAdiNG
The reading passage describes how attitudes toward
memory have changed over the centuries; it also explains a
special technique for memorization called the loci method.
Online search terms: Memory Palace; Joshua Foer TED Talk;
0M N
Students complete the chart with their ideas. Each idea
should be brief. Elicit examples before students begin.
• Have students work individually to complete the
• Have them compare answers in groups of three or four.
Encourage students to explain why they chose their
• Draw the T-chart on the board, and elicit answers from
different groups in the class.
reAdiNG (page 87)
Understanding the main idea
Students are asked to identify the main idea of the
reading passage.
• Have students complete the activity individually.
• Check the answer as a class. Ask students how they
arrived at the answer.
Understanding details
Students test their understanding of the details in the
passage. Explain that a task is a small job or chore. If you
value something, it means it is important to you.
critical Thinking: Applying a method
The Critical Thinking box explains that applying a new
strategy to your own life can help you remember and
understand it better. Have a student read the text in the
Critical Thinking box aloud. Then have students try to
use the loci method. Assure students that this is a
difficult concept, and encourage them to reread
paragraphs B and c on page 85.
• Have students discuss their answers in pairs.
• Discuss answers as a class. Elicit example answers. Ask
students if they think they will use the loci method in
the future. Why or why not?
critical Thinking: reflecting
Have students think about the author’s quote and
reflect on their own experience. Encourage students to
summarize the quote in their own words and answer the
questions. Remind them to justify their opinions.
• Have students answer the questions individually
• Have students discuss their answers in pairs.
• Discuss answers as a class. Ask students whether they
agree with their classmates. Why or why not? Ask students
if they would be willing to give up the external memory
devices in exercise C to improve their own memories.
3. because most people didn’t have books or pens
to write notes with, so they had to remember
things to preserve their society’s cultural heritage
(See paragraph E.)
4. memorizing religious texts or myths and folktales
(See paragraph F.)
1. I; 2. E; 3. E; 4. I; 5. E
D Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. I’d separate the words by topic and visualize them
around my kitchen. Words about memory could
be in my refrigerator. Words about oceans could
be near my stove because I cook fish!
2. I’d picture my bedroom and create different areas
for one name and one date. For example, 1066 is
the date that William the Conqueror conquered
England. I would visualize William by my desk,
writing 1066.
Answers will vary. Possible answers: Yes, I think
we have lost an important skill. For example, we
don’t have to remember phone numbers now
because we can store them in our phones. If
we lose the phone, we may lose all the phone
numbers, too.
b (Explanation: The passage discusses memorization
techniques from the past until now.)
B 1. Answers will vary. Possible answers: The loci
method is a way to remember things by
visualizing them in different areas of a place that
you know well. (See paragraphs B and C.)
2. He was able to memorize religious texts, poems,
speeches, etc., and could take them everywhere
he went, in his mind. (See paragraph D.)
Students should practice using the new vocabulary items
while answering the two questions.
• Have students discuss their answers in pairs.
• Compare answers as a class. Elicit example answers
from students. For question 1, ask students what they
can remember about their partner’s place. For question
2, ask students why these external conditions make it
difficult. What would an internal condition be?
A 1. familiar; 2. text; 3. internal; 4. external;
5. visualize; 6. memorize; 7. achievement
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. My kitchen is a place that is very familiar to me.
It’s a big room with a large wooden table and a
green and white floor.
2. I find it difficult to study when people are talking
on the phone or watching TV. I also find it difficult
to study if the room is messy. I need a clean space
to study well.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Things i make lists for: food shopping;
household chores; homework assignment due
Things i try to memorize: irregular verbs;
history dates; passwords; locker combinations
D Answers will vary. Possible answers: technique,
loci, visualize, remember
• Allow students time to complete the questions individually.
• Have them check their answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students if anything
surprised them about the information in this reading.
Reading 1
deVelOPiNG reAdiNG
SkillS (page 88)
reading Skill: identifying cause and effect
The Reading Skill box describes how to identify causes
and effects. It explains the importance of identifying
this information in order to understand a reading, and
points out words that often signal this relationship. Have
a student read the text in the box aloud. Write the two
example sentences on the board, and circle the cause.
Then underline the effect, and point out that either
the cause or the effect clause can begin a sentence.
Draw arrows from the cause to the effect to show the
progression from one to the other. Have students rewrite
the sentences with the clauses reversed. Remind them to
change the signal words as well.
identifying cause and effect
Each of the memorization techniques contains a cause
and an effect. Students should circle the causes and
underline the effects. Remind students that the cause
can come before or after the effect. Note that the initial
m in the word mnemonic is silent.
• Allow time for students to complete the task
• Have students check answers in pairs.
identifying cause and effect
Students read the reading passage on pages 85–86 again
and look for three causes and effects. Remind students to
look for signal words.
• Allow students time to reread the passage and find
their answers individually.
• Have them compare their answers in pairs.
• Discuss answers as a class. Have students read the
causes and effects that they found aloud. Create a list
of the signal words on the board.
deVelOPiNG reAdiNG SkillS
Five cause-effect relationships:
People often use mnemonics—like poems
or pictures—because it’s easier to remember
rhymes or images than plain facts and lists.
… it may be hard to remember the colors of the
rainbow in the order that they appear. Someone
therefore made an acronym for this: ROY G BIV.
The name Roy G. Biv is meaningless, but it’s short,
so it’s easier to remember than the list.
English spelling rules can also be difficult to learn,
so some students use rhymes to help them
remember the rules. By learning “i before e except
after c (where you hear ee),” students of English
can remember the spelling of words like niece
and receipt.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
By using the loci method, he was able to “read”
books stored in his memory palaces. (Paragraph D)
A person with a good memory was special
because they could help preserve the society’s
cultural heritage. (Paragraph E)
We’ve invented devices so we don’t have to store
information in our brains. (Paragraph G)
0M N
• Discuss answers as a class. Brainstorm words with ie
or ei, and write them on the board. (Examples: believe,
achieve, ceiling, deceive. Exceptions to the rule: seize,
leisure.) Ask students to identify the signal words used
in the techniques.
(pages 89–90)
Overview of the Video
The video shows how a memory champion memorizes
the order of a deck of cards. He uses a memory palace
and assigns each card a person, an action, and an object
to help him with the process.
Online search terms: USA Memory Championship; World
Memory Championships; memory sports
BeFOre VieWiNG
learning about the Topic
The paragraph prepares students for the video by giving
them background information about the USA Memory
• Have students complete the task individually.
• Discuss answers as a class. For question 1, ask students
how close their guesses were to the correct answer. For
question 2, elicit example answers from the class. Ask
students if they think they would do well in this contest.
Vocabulary in context
This exercise introduces students to some of the key
words used in the video. Remind students to try to infer
the meaning from context. Point out that the part of
speech for each of these words differs, so these clues can
help to determine the meanings.
• Have students complete the task individually.
• Check answers as a class. Elicit example sentences for
each word. Ask: Do you have a mental map of your
school? What colors are associated with your country?
Have you ever created a secret code with friends?
BeFOre VieWiNG
A 1. Answers will vary. Correct answer: 18.65 seconds
2. Answers will vary. Possible answer: They could
connect the cards with objects around a living
room and attach the same number and suit of
each card to that object. For example, a mirror on
the wall could have 8 hearts on the frame, and it
would be the 8 of hearts.
B 1. mental map
2. associated
3. code
WHile VieWiNG
Understanding main ideas
Have students read the items silently before you play the
video. Have students match the statements to the steps.
• Have students complete the task while the video is
• Have students compare answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class.
Understanding details
Have students fill in any labels that they recall from the
first viewing before playing the video a second time.
Draw students’ attention to the example to help them
better understand the exercise.
• Have students complete the task while the video is
• Have students compare answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class. If possible, project the image
onto the board, and fill in the labels. Ask students if
they were surprised by Dellis’s memory palace. Why
or why not? Ask them to discuss the benefits and
drawbacks of this method.
WHile VieWiNG
Step 1: b; Step 2: a; Step 3: e
B 1. girlfriend’s
2. sword
3. dancing
4. boss
• Allow students time to answer the questions in pairs.
• Discuss as a class. Elicit example answers, and write
them on the board. Ask the class which of these
methods they think would work the best.
ideas for… eXPANSiON
In groups of three or four, have students create lists of
20 famous people. These can be politicians, celebrities,
authors, artists, etc. Have each group give its list to
a different group. The group then takes the list and
decides what strategies they will use to memorize it.
Give the students 5 minutes to use their chosen
method to memorize the list. Then collect the lists,
and give everyone in the class 2 to 3 minutes to write
down the people’s names on the list in the correct
order. Each student should work on this individually.
Afterward, see who has remembered the most names
on the list. Ask this student what strategy they used.
ideas for… eXPANSiON
In groups of three or four, have students use what
they have learned about the loci method to create an
advertisement (either on paper or in a short video)
for a workshop for people who want to improve their
memories. They should explain why this is important,
describe the process itself, and provide a detailed
example of a memory palace. Encourage students
to make these advertisements persuasive for their
audience. When they have completed the assignment,
they should present their advertisements to the class.
reacting to the Video
Students are asked to reflect on the information in the
• Have students discuss the question in pairs. Ask
students: What kinds of images would you have in
your own memory palace? Do you think your memory
palace would look as strange or unusual?
• Allow time for the students to answer the question in
• As a class, ask for volunteers to share their answers.
critical Thinking: Applying a method
Answers will vary. Possible answer: Strange or
unusual images are more memorable, so they are
easier to recall. These images may seem strange
to us, but they all have meaning for Dellis. These
images are very personal to him based on his life
Answers will vary. Possible answer: I’d use a
method of association. As I meet each person,
I’d try to find an unusual feature—ears, forehead,
eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth, etc. Then I would
form an association between this characteristic
and the person’s name.
Students draw on information from Reading 1 and the
video to apply the techniques to their own lives. First,
ask students whether they have difficulty remembering
names. Why or why not?
PrePAriNG TO reAd (page 91)
Building Vocabulary
In this exercise, students read the definitions for eight
words and then complete sentences that follow the
same topic as the reading passage. Point out that
students need to use the correct forms of the words.
• Have students complete the exercise individually.
• Check answers as a class. Elicit example sentences for
each vocabulary item. Ask: What causes you stress?
What happens when you need to transfer schools? Is
there proof that aliens exist?”
See Vocabulary Extension 5B on page 207 of the Student
Book for additional practice with Word Partners: Expressions
with state.
Using Vocabulary
Students should use the new vocabulary items while
discussing the two questions.
• Have students work in pairs to answer the questions.
• Discuss answers as a class. Elicit example answers
from students. Ask: What do you think is important
for physical fitness? What route do you take to school
each day?
Students predict the content of the reading passage by
focusing on key words. Remind students that key words
are words that are important, and are often repeated or
follow a similar theme.
• Allow time for students to read the title and skim
through the reading for the subheads. Students should
write their answers individually.
• Have students work in pairs to compare their answers.
• Have students discuss their answers as a class. Discuss
which words are repeated. Ask students to read the
first paragraph and decide if this supports their ideas.
Explain that they can check their prediction again after
reading the entire passage.
PrePAriNG TO reAd
A 1. drug
2. mental
3. proof
4. state (Note: In this context, the noun state is often
followed by “of + noun.” Examples: in a state of
excitement, confusion, exhaustion)
5. stress
6. physical
7. transferring (Note: Transfer can be a noun or a
verb. Here, it is used as a verb.)
8. routes (Note: This word is related to the word
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. I like a lot of physical activities. I enjoy cycling,
swimming, and skiing. I find these activities fun
and challenging.
2. My route from school to home is easy to
remember. Routes that are harder to memorize
are ones that I don’t use often, like the route to
my friend’s house in the countryside. It’s also hard
to remember this route because there aren’t a lot
of landmarks along the way.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Underlined words: sleep; memory; stages; brain;
I think the reading passage is about how stages
of sleep help the brain store long-term memories.
1.10 Have students read the passage individually, or
play the audio and have students read along.
OVerVieW OF THe reAdiNG
The reading passage explains how the brain transfers
memories from the hippocampus to the neocortex while
we sleep to create long-term memories. New research
shows that brain waves occur during the deepest level
of sleep, proving that sleep is important for learning and
memory. There is also a section on other ways to improve
memory, which mentions avoiding stress, playing games,
and eating healthy food.
Online search terms: how sleep works; healthy sleep
Harvard; be brain fit; the brain made simple
0M N
Reading 2
reAdiNG (page 94)
Understanding main ideas
Students check the sentences that are supported by the
reading passage.
• Allow time for students to complete the task
• Have students check answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students which
statements they already knew and which ones are new.
Ask whether they remember what the stages of sleep
are called.
Understanding a Process
Students complete the diagram with information from
the reading passage. Point out that the arrows go
clockwise. Elicit the meaning of temporarily, and explain
that they will need to infer the information from what is
written in the passage.
• Allow time for students to complete the rest of the task
• Check answers as a class. Ask how much of this process
they can remember while covering the chart. Ask for
volunteers to share the information.
identifying cause and effect
Students complete the chart by adding the causes for the
first two items and the effect for the last item. Point out
that the causes and effects are portrayed vertically in this
chart. You may want to complete the first item as a class.
• Allow students time to answer the questions
• Have students check answers in pairs.
• Discuss as a class. Ask students whether they find it
helpful to see the information presented visually in a
chart. Ask students to combine each cause and effect
in a sentence.
critical Thinking: Synthesizing
Students reflect on Reading 1, Reading 2, and the video
to create a list of techniques and tips for improving
memory. Encourage students to look back through the
chapter for ideas.
• Allow students time to answer the questions
• Have students share their answers with a partner.
• Discuss as a class. Make a list of the techniques on the
board, and poll the students to find out which ones
they would be most likely to use. Have the students
analyze the results. Which methods are the most
popular? Why?
1; 2; 4
(Note: Option 3 is incorrect; long-term memories
are stored in the neocortex. Option 5 is incorrect;
the rats couldn’t remember the route because
they were given a drug that stopped brain-wave
B 1. hippocampus (Note: Paragraph C; this is implied,
though not explicitly stated.)
2. non-REM (Note: In the flow chart, the step after
this is “The brain creates sharp wave ripples ...” As
mentioned in paragraph C, this occurs during the
deepest level of sleep, so Non-REM Stage 3 is the
correct answer here.)
3. hippocampus
4. neocortex
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
causes: One group of rats was given a drug that
stopped brain-wave activity; the Rutgers study.
effects: This improves memory.
d Answers will vary. Possible answers:
acronyms; rhymes; loci method; avoiding stress;
playing games
ideas for… eXPANSiON
Have students work in pairs to write a dialog between
a doctor and an English student who isn’t getting
enough sleep. Ask: What problems might the student
have? What would the doctor’s advice be? How would
the doctor explain the cause-and-effect relationships?
Have students write the dialog, practice it, and then
present it either to the class or in small groups.
In this section, students prepare to write a cause-andeffect paragraph about improving one’s memory.
The lesson starts by teaching students how to use by +
gerund. Students then learn how to use an outline to
develop their ideas. In the Writing Task, students apply
these lessons by brainstorming, planning, and writing
about memory. As added support, they will encounter
two drafts of sample paragraphs and revising strategies
that the author used. Students will use a checklist to
revise their own paragraphs. Editing practice helps
students correct common mistakes with by + gerund.
After this, students write the final drafts of their
eXPlOriNG WriT TeN
eNGliSH (pages 95–97)
language for Writing: Using By + Gerund
The Language for Writing box describes how by + gerund
is used in cause-and-effect relationships. It explains
how the gerund (verb form + -ing) is used to describe
the cause. One way to explain this is that the act of
completing the action described in the verb leads to the
result. Have a student read the text in the Language for
Writing box aloud. Direct students to the examples in
exercise A and in the box. Point out that when the cause
comes before the effect, a comma is needed between
the two clauses.
language for Writing
Students practice writing cause-and-effect sentences
with by + gerund. They combine the information in
two separate sentences into one. Remind students to
use commas appropriately. Ask a student to read the
example sentence aloud before they begin.
• Allow students time to complete the activity
• Have them check answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class.
language for Writing
Students create their own sentences using by + gerund.
Before beginning the exercise, you may want to create
a word web on the board with ideas about exercise and
stress. Be sure to keep these ideas brief.
• Allow students time to complete the task individually.
• Have students compare answers in groups of three
or four. Ask students whether they have similar or
different ideas.
• Check answers as a class. Elicit example sentences
from each group. Make sure that students are aware of
comma placement.
ideas for… eXPANSiON
Before class, prepare enough papers for a 2:1 ratio
in the class. Write an effect at the top of each page.
Examples: You will get a good grade in English; You can
run a marathon; You will improve your finances. Explain
to students that they should write a “by + gerund”
phrase as the cause at the bottom of the page. Have
students form pairs, write causes, fold the paper over
their answer so that the by + gerund clause is hidden,
and then pass the paper to another pair. The new
pair should not look at the previous answer; they
should write their own, fold the paper again, and pass
it to a new pair. Model this before students begin.
After students have written answers on five or six
papers, collect the papers, unfold them, and read the
statements aloud to the class. Vote on the best ideas.
See Grammar Summary on page 222 of the Student Book for
additional practice with Language for Writing: Using By +
Students should look at the two sentences from exercise D
that are not related to the outline. Explain that the
concluding statement will be something that is used at
the conclusion, or end, of the paragraph. If something is
unrelated, then it does not connect with the topic sentence.
• Have students complete the task individually.
• Check answers as a class. Elicit the reason why the
statements provide a concluding statement and are
unrelated to the topic.
A 1. C
2. E (Note: Remind students of ROY G BIV in exercise
A on page 88.)
3. E
4. E
5. C (Note: Having self-esteem means that you feel
good about yourself.)
6. E
B 1. By getting a good night’s sleep, you help your
brain form long-term memories.
2. You can memorize the order of a deck of cards by
using the loci method.
3. The scientists stopped the rats’ brain waves by
giving them a drug.
4. By making a shopping list, you can remember
what items you need to buy.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. I try to relieve stress by listening to good music.
2. By meditating every morning, I start my day in a
relaxed way.
3. By planning all my meals for the day in the
morning, I can avoid eating junk food.
Writing Skill: Using an Outline
The Writing Skill box describes how using an outline can
help the development of a paragraph. The Writing Skill box
teaches students to write a topic sentence, supporting ideas,
and details. The box explains that this can improve the flow
of writing. It should help students determine whether they
need more information, whether they have unnecessary
information, and how to order their paragraphs.
• Have a student read the text in the Writing Skill box aloud.
• Ask students whether they use an outline in their
writing. Why or why not? Elicit academic subjects in
which they use outlines.
• Ask students to find the by + gerund clause in the
Writing Skill box. What cause and effect are mentioned?
Writing Skill
Students should read the outline and then match the
longer sentences with the information in the outline. Direct
students to the example in the book, and remind them
that they can refer to the Writing Skill box as necessary.
• Allow students time to complete the task individually.
• Have students check answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class.
Writing Skill
Writing Skill
Students should find the cause-and-effect relationships.
Refer them to the Reading Skill box on page 88, and
remind them to look for signal words.
WriTiNG Skill
a, c, d, e, f, h, i
g, j, b
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
You can also memorize a route by creating a
mental picture of it. (Note: Sentence f)
By visualizing the route, you will learn it faster.
(Note: Sentence i)
Many people use driving apps nowadays, so they
don’t need to memorize a route. (Note: Sentence b)
0M N
Students are expected to notice how by + gerund is used
in cause-and-effect sentences. This exercise is to be done
before going over the information in the Language for
Writing box.
• Have students complete the task individually.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students to circle the by +
gerund in the sentences. What do they notice about
the structure of the sentences?
WriTiNG TASk (page 98)
Remind students that brainstorming is a useful first step
for gathering ideas before writing. Read the Goal box
aloud so students will be familiar with the writing task
before brainstorming. Provide one or two example ideas.
Ideas should be briefly worded. They need not be listed
in any order.
• Allow time for students to complete the task individually.
• Have students share their ideas in pairs and offer
feedback to each other.
Students follow steps 1 to 3 to complete the outline.
Have a student read the steps aloud. Remind students
that complete sentences are not necessary for the
supporting ideas and details. It is more important to
focus on organizing their information.
• Allow time for students to complete their outlines
individually. Provide assistance as needed.
Have students write first drafts of their paragraphs based
on their outlines.
• Allow time for students to complete the task individually.
Provide assistance as needed. Refrain from error correction
at this point.
• Allow students time to complete the exercise individually.
• Check answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class by asking students to read
their corrected sentences aloud and explain the errors.
reViSiNG PrAcTice
b, a, a, d, c
ediTiNG PrAcTice
Answers will vary. Possible answers: stop
multitasking and concentrate on one task at
a time; take naps; take regular breaks from
technology; meditate; try new and challenging
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Topic Sentence: There are many different ways to
improve memory, including using the loci method,
using acronyms, and getting enough sleep.
Supporting Idea 1: loci method (memory palace)
Details: USA Memory champion organizes a deck
of cards
Supporting Idea 2: acronyms
Details: ROY G BIV (rainbow)
Supporting Idea 3: getting enough sleep
Details: brain-wave activity—long-term memory
1. You can’t remember all of the information in a
lecture just by listening to it.
2. By taking notes while you listen, you can
remember information better.
3. By writing a summary of your notes after a lecture,
you will remember the information more easily.
4. By taking notes and making lists, you transfer
information from internal to external memory.
(Explanation: Both take and make should be in
the gerund form. They both are part of the by +
gerund phrase.)
5. One study shows that by getting a good night’s
sleep, people remember a skill (such as playing
the piano) 30 percent better.
6. You can improve your memory by eating a
healthy diet and exercising regularly.
Students should apply the revision techniques used in the
Revising Practice box to their own drafts, where applicable.
• Explain to students that they will be using the questions
as a guide for checking and improving their drafts.
• As a class, go over the questions carefully to make sure
students understand them.
• Allow students time to revise their paragraphs.
ediTiNG PrAc Tice (page 100)
The Editing Practice box trains students to spot and
correct common errors related to by + gerund. As a class,
go over the information in the box carefully.
revised draft
Have students apply the skills taught in Editing Practice to
their own revised drafts and check for any other errors.
• Allow time for students to work individually on editing
their drafts.
• Walk around and monitor students as they work.
Provide assistance as needed.
• Collect their work once they have completed it.
• For the next class, show anonymous examples of good
paragraphs and common errors.
The Revising Practice box contains an exercise that
demonstrates several ways students can improve their
first drafts.
• Allow time for students to analyze the two drafts and
complete the exercise.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students to identify each
change and explain how it makes the revised draft
Final draft
UNiT reVieW
Students can work in groups on this recap of the unit. For
question 1, encourage students to use the target words
when appropriate. For questions 2 and 3, encourage
them to check the relevant pages of the unit for answers.
• Allow students time to answer the three questions
in groups. For question 1, ask groups whether they
changed their opinions as they studied this unit.
• Ask each group to present its answer for question 1. As
a class, have students vote for what they believe is the
most effective technique for memorization.
Health and Medicine
CRitiCal tHinking
identifying pros and cons
Writing an argumentative paragraph
Making concessions
Understanding metaphors
and similes
• Discuss the photo as a class. What do students think
the photo and the unit are about? Provide your own
• Discuss the two questions as a class. For question 1,
if any students have been bitten or stung, have them
describe the experience. For question 2, list the animals
that scientists like to use in medical research on the
board. Why are these animals used? Then ask students
whether they think this is ethical. Why or why not?
The theme of this unit is the role of animals in medicine,
including collection of toxins from snakes and frogs,
the benefits and dangers of toxins, researching and
rebuilding extinct viruses, and the use of chimpanzees in
medical research.
1. Answers will vary. Possible answers: Yes, I was stung
by a bee. It was very painful.
2. Answers will vary. Possible answers:
mice, rats, fruit flies, primates; to determine the
effects of medicines on humans without putting
humans at risk
• READING 1: A scientist, Zoltan Takacs, has a mission
to catalogue different snake venoms in the hope that
these may be used for medical purposes.
• VIDEO: The video describes the process that a scientist,
Valerie Clark, uses to study insects that are the sources
of a frog’s toxins in Madagascar.
• READING 2: Chimpanzees have long been used for
medical research, but with a law banning this research,
chimps once used for research now live in a sanctuary.
However, some scientists argue that they are still
needed for medical research.
Students draw on what they’ve read and watched to write
an argumentative paragraph. The unit prepares them by
introducing vocabulary to talk about animals in medicine,
identifying pros and cons, and explaining how to use
language to show concessions. They also learn how to
express agreement and disagreement. Lastly, students
brainstorm to help them plan their paragraphs and then
revise and edit their drafts.
The questions help prepare students for the subject
matter covered in the unit—animals and medicine. The
scene depicts a colorful sea slug called a nudibranch.
reViSiNG PrAc Tice (page 99)
First draft
EXPlORE THE THEmE (pages 102–103)
The opening spread features information about animals
that have contributed to medicine.
• Allow students time to look at the photographs
and captions, read the information, and answer the
questions in part A individually. Elicit definitions for:
saliva (spit) and hormone (a chemical in the body).
• Discuss answers as a class. Ask students to share the
reasons for their answers to question 2.
• Have students answer the question in part B. Remind
students to use the correct forms of the words.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. Animals can be used to test new drugs, and they
can also be a source of a new drug.
2. Many people in the world have diabetes, so I
think the Gila monster’s saliva is very important.
knowledge; possibility; side effect
Building Vocabulary
Students find the seven blue words in the passage and
use contextual clues to guess the meanings. Remind
students to look for the parts of speech to help them
better understand the new words.
• Allow time for students to complete the exercise
• Check answers as a class. Ask which words students
already knew. Which ones are new to them?
• Elicit example sentences for each vocabulary item. Ask:
What are some resources you have for learning English?
What are some concerns you have about your future?
Do you have a specific reason for learning English? If so,
what is it?
See Vocabulary Extension 6A on page 208 of the Student
Book for additional practice with Word Link: en- (meaning
“putting or causing to be in a certain condition”).
Using Vocabulary
Students should practice using the new vocabulary items
while answering the three questions.
• Have students discuss their answers in pairs.
• Compare answers as a class. Elicit example answers
from students. For question 1, write a list on the board.
For question 2, ask whether students have experienced
these side effects. For question 3, ask students to also
name some diseases that doctors can cure. Remind
students of unit 2, in which they learned about the
invention of antibiotics.
Students discuss the question in pairs. Ideas can be brief.
• Have students work in pairs to complete the exercise.
• Discuss the question as a class. What do they think is
the biggest problem that scientists face?
Critical Thinking: Understanding metaphors
and Similes
The Critical Thinking box describes two types of figurative
language, metaphors and similes, which allow two things
to be compared. By noticing a similarity between two
things, the reader can better understand the writer’s idea.
Have a student read the text in the box aloud. Elicit that
Sam is not actually a fish and the teeth are not actually
daggers, but the author’s use of this language helps the
reader to imagine the meaning. You may want to discuss
the first example as a class.
• Have students answer the questions individually.
• Have students check answers in pairs.
• Discuss the answers as a class. Elicit that the other
answers are all literal meanings of the expression. Ask
students whether the figurative language helps them
better understand the passage. Why or why not?
Have students think about what they have read and
discuss their personal opinions. Remind them to justify
their opinions.
• Have students discuss their answers in pairs.
• Discuss answers as a class. Take a vote to see who
would like this job and who would not. Then ask
volunteers from both groups to explain why they
would or would not like this job.
0M N
READING (page 107)
Understanding main Ideas
Students are asked to match each section to the
correct heading. Elicit the meanings of: tell the difference
(differentiate, distinguish), potentially (possibly), and
biodiversity (the existence of a wide variety of animal and
plant species in their natural environment).
A 1. b; 2. c; 3. a
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. He wants to see if their venom can cure human
diseases. (See Paragraph B.)
2. They can hit a single target, so they have fewer
side effects. (See Paragraph C.)
3. Some endangered species can be sources of
medicines. So if we lose a species, we could
potentially lose a medicine that saves human
lives. (See Paragraphs E and F.)
4. They have a molecule that “disguises” the target
and stops the toxin from making contact. (See
“Why Doesn’t Snake Venom Affect the Snake?”)
C 1. b; 2. b; 3. a
D Answers will vary. Possible answers: Yes, I think
this would be a great job because it’s exciting
and you have the ability to help people all over
the world. OR No, because I’m terrified of snakes!
Students test their understanding of the details in the
passage by answering questions.
• Allow students time to answer the questions individually.
• Have them form pairs and compare their answers.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students where they
found the information to arrive at their answers.
The reading passage describes the work of Zoltan Takacs
and his colleagues, who collect venom for scientific
research from snakes around the world. Takacs believes
that toxins can help cure many diseases. He is afraid that
if species disappear, the opportunity to develop cures
will disappear, too.
Online search terms: The Bite that Heals; Zoltan Takacs;
National Geographic mamba
Understanding Details
play the audio and have students read along.
Students skim the reading passage and decide which
sentence best describes Zoltan Takacs. Remind students
to skim the passage quickly and not to stop at unknown
• Allow time for students to skim the reading and answer
the question. You may want to set a time limit of 1 to
2 minutes.
• Have students check answers in pairs.
• Have students compare their answers as a class. Ask
them how they arrived at their answers. Revisit this
question after the reading.
2.01 Have students read the passage individually, or
Critical Thinking: Reflecting
ideas for… EXPANSION
Have students imagine that they have the chance
to interview Zoltan Takacs for a TV show. Have them
work in pairs. First, ask them to decide what type
of talk show they want to create (serious, funny, for
children, etc.). Next, what do they want to ask him?
They should create a list of three to five questions.
Then they should work with a new partner to role-play
the interview. One student should be Zoltan, and the
other should be the interviewer. Encourage students
to be as creative as possible. Afterward, ask volunteers
to share the best answers to their questions.
A 1. target
2. concerned
3. disease
4. cure
5. specific
6. resources
7. endangered
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. panda bears; polar bears; rhinoceroses;
2. headaches; drowsiness; lack of/enhanced
appetite; weakness; hair loss
3. cancer; diabetes; AIDS; Parkinson’s disease;
Alzheimer’s disease
Answers will vary. Possible answers: Scientists
may have to travel to remote and dangerous
places to collect samples; they might not know
the language spoken in the area; they might get
bitten or stung themselves.
D b
• Have students complete the activity individually.
• Have them check their answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students if they are surprised
by what they have read. If so, what surprises them?
Reading 1
SKIllS (page 108)
Reading Skill: Identifying Pros and Cons
The Reading Skill box describes how to identify pros and
cons. Pros are positive points (advantages), and cons are
negative points (disadvantages) about a topic. Noting
pros and cons while reading can help students better
understand a topic, evaluate a writer’s argument, and
form their own opinions. Have volunteers read the text in
the box and the examples aloud. Ask students if they can
think of any other pros or cons to add to the list.
Identifying Pros and Cons
Have students read the title of the passage and the first
footnote that explains what a virus is. Elicit the meaning
of an extinct virus (one that no longer infects people). Ask
students why scientists might want to make an extinct
virus alive again. Do they think this is a good or bad idea?
Then have students read the information and write pros
and cons in the chart. Remind students that they do not
have to write full sentences. You may want to offer one
example to start.
Critical Thinking: Evaluating
Students look at their lists of pros and cons in exercise A
and form their own opinions.
• Allow students a minute to think about their opinions
individually. Encourage them to write brief notes.
• Have students discuss their answers in pairs and justify
their opinions.
• Discuss answers as a class. Ask volunteers to explain
why they chose their answers. Have students vote on
whether virologists should or should not continue to
study extinct viruses. Then ask what restrictions they
think should or could be placed on scientists.
ideas for… EXPANSION
Have students work in two large groups. One group
represents virologists who want to study extinct
viruses. The other group represents doctors who are
worried about the possible dangers. Give students 5
to 7 minutes to prepare their arguments. Then have
the virologists stand in a circle facing outward. Have
the doctors stand so that each one is facing one of
the virologists. Explain that they will debate their
case one on one. After 1 minute, the students in the
outside circle move one step clockwise, so each is
speaking with another person. Repeat this, switching
every 1 to 2 minutes, at least four times. Ask students
if they felt their arguments improved after the fourth
debate. When this exercise has been completed, have
students vote on which group they agree with.
0M N
• Allow time for students to complete the task individually.
• Have students check answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class. Create the chart on the board
and fill it in as a class.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Pros: We could learn more about how viruses
cause disease and how humans developed in
the past. We could develop vaccines in case the
extinct viruses reappear.
Cons: The scientists and the public could
become infected with the virus, and there would
be no cure. Our immune systems probably
wouldn’t have the ability to fight an extinct virus.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
I don’t think virologists should continue studying
extinct viruses because it’s just too dangerous. If
just one person becomes infected, it could lead
to an outbreak and many people could die.
lICKER (pages 109–110)
Overview of the Video
The video describes the work of scientist Valerie Clark,
who studies frogs to find information on toxins that
could be valuable for medical research. The Mantella
poison frog in Madagascar is particularly interesting
because it has a variety of toxins that are produced from
the insects the frog eats.
Online search terms: Mantella Poison Frog; Valerie Clark
National Geographic; Frog Licker; Madagascar nature
learning about the Topic
The paragraph prepares students for the video by giving
them background information on some poisonous
animals. Have students read the paragraph and answer
the questions.
• Have students complete the task individually.
• Have students check answers in pairs.
• Discuss answers as a class. Point out that the poison
dart frog is different from the Mantella poison frog.
Answers will vary. Possible answer: Maybe
this helps her determine whether the frog is
poisonous. If the frog is very small, she might not
be affected by the poison.
B 1. by biting other creatures or by releasing toxins
through their skin
2. Answers will vary. Possible answer: Hunters could
coat their arrows or knives with the toxin to kill
large animals.
3. A poison dart frog, because although a centipede
can produce venom, it is not fatal to humans.
C 1. lead
2. source
3. primary forest
Have students look at the picture and read the caption.
Have students predict why she is licking the frog.
• Have students discuss possible reasons in pairs.
• Discuss answers with the class. Write a list on the board,
and revisit this question after watching the video to see
whether students’ predictions were correct.
Vocabulary in Context
This exercise introduces students to some of the key
words used in the video. Encourage students to try to
infer the meanings from the context. Remind students to
use the correct word form for each word.
• Have students complete the task individually.
• Check answers as a class. Elicit example sentences for
each word. Ask: What is a good source of vitamin C? Are
there primary forests near where you live? What do you
hope to find when you follow the leads in the game
Understanding main Ideas
Have students read the items silently before you play
the video. Then have the students watch the video and
check which types of information Valerie Clark hopes to
learn. Have them complete the task while the video is
• Have students form pairs and compare answers.
• Check answers as a class. Then ask students whether
their predictions for Before Viewing exercise A were
Understanding Details
Have students read the questions and write any answers
they recall from the first viewing before playing the
video a second time. Elicit the meaning of GPS (global
positioning system—a satellite navigation system that
provides precise location information).
• Have students complete the task while the video is
• Have students form pairs and compare answers.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students if there are any
other words that they need to have explained, and
elicit definitions from volunteers.
2, 3
Wording of answers will vary. Correct answers:
1. wipe their backs with a tissue soaked in alcohol
2. It is only mildly toxic to humans.
3. Stop cutting down rain forests.
Critical Thinking: Inferring meaning
Students should discuss the quote from the video and
the figurative language used, which is highlighted in
bold. As an example, remind students of the beginning
of the video (or show the scene) where Clark talks about
the season for love. Elicit that this is the mating season and
another example of figurative language.
• Have students discuss the quote in pairs.
• Discuss as a class. Ask students whether they have
heard this expression before.
Critical Thinking: Synthesizing
Students draw on information from Reading 1 and the
video to compare the jobs of the two scientists.
• Allow students time to answer the question
individually. Encourage students to make a Venn
diagram in order to compare their ideas.
• Have students discuss their answer in pairs
• Discuss as a class. Draw a Venn diagram on the board
and add students’ answers.
If you eat healthy food, you will be healthy; and if
you eat unhealthy food, you will be unhealthy.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
They both have difficult jobs, travel to faraway
places, and have the goal of helping medical
research. Zoltan’s job is more dangerous because
snakes are generally deadlier to humans than the
frogs that Valerie works with.
Reading 2
Building Vocabulary
Using Vocabulary
Students should use the new vocabulary items while
discussing the two questions.
• Have students work in pairs to answer the questions.
• Discuss answers as a class. Elicit example answers from
students. Ask students whether they can describe any
experiments they have conducted.
Students read the statements and decide which ones are
true, false, or not given. Explain that NG (not given) means
that the answer is not found in the text. If some students
finish early, have them correct the false statements.
• Allow time for students to complete the task
• Have students check answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students to correct the
false statements.
2.02 Have students read the passage individually, or
play the audio and have students read along.
The reading passage describes the use of chimpanzees
for medical research. Because of a new law protecting
chimpanzees from medical experiments, a new sanctuary
(Chimp Haven) has opened, where chimpanzees can live
together. However, some scientists argue that the use of
chimpanzees in medical research benefits both humans
and wild chimpanzees.
Online search terms: Chimp Haven; Jane Goodall TED Talk;
Steven Wise TED Talk; chimpanzee medical research
0M N
Students brainstorm ways that chimpanzees and other
apes have been used in research. Make sure that students
know what chimpanzees and apes are. Direct their
attention to the photograph on page 112, if necessary.
• Have students discuss their ideas in pairs.
• Have students share their ideas with the class. Ask if
they have heard about any specific studies. Then ask
what they think the pros and cons of using apes in
medical research could be.
A 1. mission
2. procedures
3. conduct
4. experiments; laboratories
5. invasive
6. advances
7. emotional
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. I have conducted physics experiments, such as
creating a model volcano. I like conducting these
kinds of scientific experiments because we get to
watch the effects of the experiment occur in front
of us.
2. Some important advances in medicine include
organ transplants and treatments for diabetes.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Chimpanzees have been used to learn more about
HIV and hepatitis. They were injected with the
viruses so that scientists could learn more about
the effects of the viruses and how to cure disease.
In this exercise, students read the definitions of the eight
vocabulary words from the reading passage. Then they
choose the correct word for each sentence. Remind
students to use the correct forms of the words.
• Have students complete the exercise individually.
• Check answers as a class. Elicit example sentences for
each vocabulary item. Ask: Are you a very emotional
person? Why or why not? What is the mission of your
school? (Refer to the school’s mission statement, if
See Vocabulary Extension 6B on page 208 of the Student
Book for additional practice with Word Web: Adjectives for
READING (page 114)
Understanding the main Idea
Students read the passage and then choose the best
summary from three options.
• Allow time for students to complete the task
• Check answers as a class. Ask students to explain why
the other options are incorrect.
Understanding Details
Understanding Pronoun References
Students read the sentences. Elicit what pronouns
are and why it is important to understand what they
represent. Elicit that the information will almost always
come before the pronoun.
• Allow students time to answer the questions
• Have students check answers in pairs.
• Check answers with the class. If possible, write the
sentences on the board, and draw an arrow from the
pronoun to the subject in each.
Identifying Pros and Cons
Students complete the chart with pros and cons, based
on the material in the reading passage.
• Allow students time to complete the chart individually.
• Have students compare answers in groups of three.
• Discuss as a class. On the board, create a T-chart with
pros and cons. As students share their answers, write
them on the board.
Critical Thinking: Evaluating
Students look at their lists of pros and cons in exercise D
and form their own opinions.
• Have students read the question, assess the chart
in exercise D, and decide whether the advantages
outweigh the disadvantages.
• Allow time for students to discuss their opinions in
pairs. Encourage students to justify their opinions.
• Discuss answers as a class. Have a class vote.
B 1. F (See Paragraph B.)
2. F (See Paragraph C.)
3. NG (Explanation: Paragraph C states that many
lab chimps were intentionally given HIV and
hepatitis viruses, but there is no mention in the
reading passage of malaria or cancer.)
4. T (See Paragraphs C and E.)
5. NG
6. T (See Paragraph I.)
C 1. c
2. b
D Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Pros: can advance human health and medical
research; help to find vaccines for humans; help
to find cures for diseases that affect chimps, such
as an Ebola vaccine for wild chimps
Cons: Chimps in the wild are captured and sold
for research, leading to reduced populations in
the wild; chimps live solitary lives, don’t get to go
outside, and live in small cages; are infected with
diseases; chimps are intelligent and emotional
creatures, like humans, so they can feel pain and
Answers will vary. Possible answer: No, I don’t
think scientists should continue using chimps in
medical research because chimps are intelligent
and have feelings similar to those of humans. It is
cruel to give chimpanzees diseases that will make
them suffer.
ideas for… EXPANSION
If computers are available, have students go to the
Chimp Haven website, where there is a section called
Meet the Chimps. Have students work individually or in
pairs to click on different chimpanzees and read about
them. Have each student choose a chimp, read about
it, and add some adjectives to describe that chimp’s
personality. Then have students introduce their
chimps to the class. Make sure that students can show
the images of their chimps to the class.
In this section, students prepare to write an
argumentative paragraph about using animals in medical
research. The lesson starts by teaching students how
to make concessions in writing (show two sides of a
situation in one sentence). Students then learn how to
express agreement and disagreement. In the Writing
Task, students apply these lessons by brainstorming,
planning, and writing their opinions. As added support,
they will encounter two drafts of sample paragraphs and
revising strategies that the author used. Students will
use a checklist to revise their own paragraphs. Editing
practice helps students correct common mistakes with
concessions. After this, students write the final drafts of
their paragraphs.
ENGlISH (pages 115–117)
language for Writing: making Concessions
The Language for Writing box describes how to make
concessions. It explains that clauses beginning with
although or even though are concession clauses; this
information is true, but not as strong as the information
in the main clause. Have students read the text in the
Language for Writing box aloud. Have students look
again at exercise A and rewrite the sentences, switching
around the two clauses and making changes, including
comma changes where necessary. Remind students that
each clause needs a subject and a verb! Allow time for
students to write the sentences. Then write them on
the board.
language for Writing
Students practice writing sentences making concessions.
They should read the two items of information and then
connect these in one sentence to reflect the information.
Have a student read the example aloud. Elicit that the
writer has used a pronoun in the second clause and has
connected the clauses with a comma.
• Allow students time to complete the activity
• Have them check answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class. Have volunteers write the
sentences on the board. Ask: If the information in
the two clauses were reversed, how would it change
the message?
language for Writing
Students create their own sentences in which they make
concessions. Before beginning the exercise, remind
students that they can write about any topic they
choose. You may want to offer an example to start. Write
an example sentence on the board, and label the “more
important” and “less important” sections.
• Allow students time to complete the task individually.
• Have students read their sentences aloud in groups of
three or four. Have each group check the grammar and
then choose two sentences to write on the board.
• Compare the sentences on the board as a class. Correct
any that contain errors.
ideas for… EXPANSION
Have students write stories using concessions. Have
students work in pairs, and begin the story with
the following two sentences: “As I was walking to
school, I saw a _________. Even though _______, I
Allow students time to think of imaginative ideas.
Then collect the papers and give them to different
pairs. Have the next pair read the beginning of
the story and write another concession sentence,
continuing the story. Continue switching papers three
or four more times. At the fifth switch, have each pair
read the story they are given and correct the grammar
and spelling. Then have them write a concluding
sentence. Post the stories around the classroom for
students to read, or have volunteers read their stories
A 1. b (Even though)
2. b (Although)
3. a (even though)
4. b (Even though)
D 1. First, although zoos … and habits.
2. In addition, although keeping … the wild.
3. Finally, even though zoos … enforced.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
main Argument: It is wrong to keep animals in
Supporting Idea 1: Living in zoos negatively
affects animals’ routines and habits.
Concession: Zoos allow people to see animals
that they wouldn’t otherwise see.
Details: Lions in zoos aren’t able to hunt for food
in their natural habitats and get aggressive.
Supporting Idea 2: Zoos don’t increase
endangered animal populations in the wild.
Concession: Keeping animals in zoos helps
protect endangered animals.
Details: Animals born in zoos usually stay in zoos
their whole lives.
Supporting Idea 3: Animal welfare standards
aren’t always enforced.
Concession: Zoos are supposed to meet
minimum requirements for animal welfare by law.
Details: Zebras at a Washington zoo died
because of insufficient food.
B 1. Although a small amount of arsenic can be
deadly, it is still used to treat certain diseases.
2. The poison dart frog is highly toxic even though
it is just two inches long.
3. Even though chimpanzee experimentation
can lead to advances in human health, invasive
research on chimps has been largely banned.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. Although he used chimpanzees in medical
research, he always treated them well.
2. I did all my homework even though I wasn’t
feeling well.
Writing Skill: Writing an Argumentative
The Writing Skill box describes the steps needed to
convince a reader that your point of view is valid, and
points out the importance of expressing both agreement
and disagreement in an argumentative paragraph. The
Writing Skill box teaches students to state the issue,
the argument, and then the reasons why an argument
is valid. The box lists phrases for agreement and
disagreement. Have students read the text in the Writing
Skill box aloud. Ask students which of these phrases they
already use, and which one sounds the most formal.
Writing Skill
Students read the paragraph and underline the three
sentences that make a concession. Remind students to
look for the words even though or although.
• Allow students time to complete the task individually.
• Have students check answers in pairs
• Check answers as a class.
Writing Skill
Students read the paragraph again and answer the
• Have students complete the task individually.
• Have students check their answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class.
0M N
Students are expected to notice how concessions are
used by reading the information and determining
which argument the author feels is more important. This
exercise is to be done before going over the information
in the Language for Writing box. If students feel this
exercise is confusing, reassure them that they will learn
more about it later.
• Have students complete the task individually.
• Have students check their answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students whether they
notice what each of the more important sections has in
common (and what each of the less important sections
has in common).
WRITING TASK (page 118)
Read the text in the Goal box aloud so students will be
familiar with the writing task. Ideas should be briefly
worded. They need not be listed in any order.
• Allow time for students to complete their charts
individually. Provide assistance as needed.
• Have students share their ideas in pairs and offer
feedback to each other.
Students follow steps 1 to 3 to complete their outlines.
Have a student read the steps aloud. Remind students
that complete sentences are not necessary for the
supporting ideas, concessions, and details. It is more
important to focus on organizing their information.
• Allow time for students to complete their outlines
individually. Provide assistance as needed.
Have students write first drafts of their paragraphs based
on their outlines.
• Allow time for students to complete the task
individually. Provide assistance as needed. Refrain from
error correction at this point.
The Editing Practice box trains students to spot and
correct common errors related to making concessions. As
a class, go over the information in the box carefully.
• Allow students time to complete the exercise
• Check answers as a class by asking students to read
their corrected sentences aloud and explain the errors.
Revised Draft
Students apply the revision techniques used in the
Revising Practice box to their own drafts.
• Explain to students that they will be using the
questions as a guide for improving their drafts.
• As a class, go over the questions carefully to make sure
students understand them.
• Allow students time to revise their paragraphs.
CRitiCal thinking
d, a, b, c
1. Even though she’s afraid of snakes, she wants to
study snake venoms.
2. Although the golden poison dart frog is very
small, it is very deadly.
3. Even though the NIH is retiring its research
chimpanzees, it will continue to use other animals
for medical research.
4. Although there are potentially millions of toxins
in the wild, scientists have studied only a couple
5. Even though black widow spider bites can be
deadly to small children, they are not usually
strong enough to kill an adult human.
Final Draft
Have students apply the skills taught in Editing Practice to
their own revised drafts and check for any other errors.
• Allow time for students to work individually on editing
their drafts.
• Walk around and monitor students as they work.
Provide assistance as needed.
The Revising Practice box contains an exercise that
demonstrates several ways students can improve their
first drafts.
• Allow time for students to analyze the two drafts and
complete the exercise.
• Check answers as a class.
Students can work in groups on this recap of the unit. For
question 1, encourage students to use the target words
when appropriate. For questions 2 and 3, encourage
them to check the relevant pages of the unit for answers.
• Allow students time to answer the three questions in
• As a class, have students share their answers to
question 1.
identifying sequence
Organizing a process paragraph
describing a process
Evaluating sources
• Discuss the two questions as a class. For question 1,
create a word web on the board with the words
extreme natural events in the middle. For question 2,
have the class vote on which events on the board are
the top three most dangerous events. Have students
explain their reasons to the class.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. tornadoes, tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes,
blizzards, floods, volcanic eruptions
2. I think that the tsunami is the most dangerous
because it can affect a very large area.
The theme of this unit is extreme natural events. The unit
discusses tornadoes, lightning, and wildfires.
• READING 1: This reading passage describes the events
of April 2011, when violent tornadoes hit the southern
United States. It discusses different theories about the
conditions that led to this “perfect storm.”
• VIDEO: About the causes of lightning, how it’s formed,
its effects, where it strikes, and how to protect yourself.
• READING 2: This reading is about wildfires: how,
where, and why they occur. It also discusses preventive
measures that can be taken. There is also a section on
how firefighters fight fires.
Students draw on what they’ve read and watched to
write a paragraph describing a natural process. The unit
prepares them by introducing vocabulary to talk about
natural disasters and explaining how to identify the
order, or sequence, in a process. Next, language to talk
about a process (using sequencing words and the simple
present tense) is reviewed, and tips for evaluating sources
of information are offered. Lastly, students practice
brainstorming and using an outline to prepare drafts—
skills that students will use in every unit’s Writing Task.
The photograph shows lightning striking a hillside. The
title, “Nature’s Fury,” and the caption narrow this down by
mentioning the town of Barr, France, specifically.
• Have students study the picture, title, and captions.
• Discuss the photo as a class. Ask students: What
adjectives would you use to describe this scene? Have
you ever seen lightning strike? Where were you?
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Pros: Medicines made from animal venom have
fewer side effects; some medical advances can
help animals in the wild, too.
Cons: cruel to the animals; medicines may affect
humans and animals differently.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
main Argument: Scientists should not be
allowed to use animals for medical research
because it is cruel and unnecessary.
Supporting Idea 1: Animals are often harmed.
Concession: Scientists don’t want to be cruel.
Details: Animals live in small cages; may be
injured or in pain during testing.
Supporting Idea 2: Drugs don’t always have the
same effect on animals and humans.
Concession: Experiments with animals can lead
to advances in human health.
Details: Some drugs are safe for animals but not
for humans.
Earth Science
First Draft
EXPlORE THE THEmE (pages 122–123)
The opening spread features a photograph of a tornado
over farmland and a photograph of a firefighter fighting
a wildfire in California. It also has descriptions of three
extreme events in nature: lightning, tornadoes, and
• Before students answer the questions, ask them to look
at the pictures to predict what events will be mentioned.
• Allow time for students to read the information and
answer the questions individually.
• Have students check answers in pairs.
• Discuss answers as a class. For question 1, ask students
if wildfires, tornadoes, or lightning are common where
they live. What are some of the causes of wildfires?
• Elicit example sentences from students for each of the
blue words.
A 1. natural causes: lightning, tornadoes
human activity: wildfires
2. Thunderstorms can trigger tornadoes. (Note: The
phrase are born from means that something starts
from this source.) Also, lightning can start a wildfire.
Wildfires can create their own weather system.
occur; strike; violent
Building Vocabulary
The seven words in the box are key vocabulary items that
appear in the passage. Students should use contextual
clues to deduce the meanings of the words and
complete the definitions.
• Have students complete the exercise individually.
• Check answers as a class.
• Elicit example sentences for each vocabulary item.
Ask: What are two items that often collide? What is the
hottest temperature on record in your region? How
long does it take to get to the coast from where you
See Vocabulary Extension 7A on page 209 of the Student
Book for additional practice with Word Link: ex- (meaning
“away from”)
Using Vocabulary
Students should practice using the new vocabulary items
while answering the three questions. Encourage students
to try to include additional words from the blue box in
their answers.
• Have students work in pairs to answer the questions.
• Check answers as a class. Elicit example answers from
students. For question 1, ask students what countries
have the hottest/wettest/coldest/driest climates. For
question 2, ask whether they have experienced any
of these extreme events. For question 3, choose one
recent example and elicit details from the class.
Students scan the first paragraph to find specific
information and then make a prediction about this
• Have students scan the material. Give a time limit of 1
to 2 minutes.
• Have students check their answers in pairs.
play the audio and have students read along.
The reading passage presents the history of a series of
large tornadoes that struck the United States in 2011.
It also discusses some of the causes and effects of
Online search terms: Tim Samaras; tornado alley; James
Spann Ted-Ed
0M N
Students should practice brainstorming about the
topic. If available, show video clips or photographs of
tornadoes and their devastating effects.
• Have students work individually to think of answers
• Have students compare their answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class. Elicit example answers from
students and write a list on the board. After reading,
revisit this list to see if any were mentioned in the
2.03 Have students read the passage individually, or
READING (page 127)
Understanding main Ideas
Students are asked to identify the purpose for each
paragraph in the reading passage. Elicit the meaning
of preventive measures. Ask students what preventive
measures can be taken to help people before a natural
event occurs.
A 1. d; 2. a; 3. c; 4. b
B 1. global warming
2. Gulf of Mexico
3. United States
4. fires in Central America
5. smoke
6. temperature
C 1. tornado expert and storm chaser Tim Samaras;
Russell Schneider, director of the U.S. Storm Prediction
Center; Pablo Saide, a scientist at the University of
Iowa. The second description is the most specific.
2. Answers will vary. Possible answers: I find all of
them credible. Saide is from a big university, and
Schneider holds a senior position at the Center.
Even though the description of Samaras is quite
general, I’ve heard that he was a famous storm
chaser, so I believe him, too.
D Answers will vary. Possible answers: South
America, Europe, Himalaya, southern tip of Africa,
east coast of Australia
Understanding Cause and Effect
Students test their understanding of the details in the
passage by completing the diagram with causes and
effects. Draw the diagram on the board, and show that
the arrows lead from causes to effects. Elicit the first
answer (global warming) as an example.
• Allow students time to complete the diagram
• Have them check their answers in pairs.
• Discuss answers as a class. Complete the diagram on
the board.
Critical Thinking: Evaluating Sources
The Critical Thinking box explains how to evaluate a
source (the person who has given the information) by
looking at his/her credentials (job, education, experience,
etc.). Have a student read the text in the box aloud. Elicit
why it is important to know a person’s credentials. Why
are credentials important in the digital age?
• Have students complete the task individually.
• Have students compare their answers in pairs.
• Discuss answers as a class. Ask students which theory
they think is the most credible. Why? Ask students how
they arrived at their choices.
Interpreting maps
Students look at the map connected to the reading
and interpret the data. Ask students whether they are
surprised by this information or if it reflects what they
already know.
• Have students discuss their answers in pairs.
• Discuss answers as a class. Ask students if they have any
theories for why tornadoes occur in these areas.
ideas for… EXPANSION
Ask students whether they have seen any movies
with tornadoes. If available, show students a clip of the
tornado in The Wizard of Oz, an iconic American movie.
Ask what they think happens next. Then show them a
clip from the tornado scene in the movie Twister. Ask
how the two depictions of tornadoes are similar. How
are they different? If possible, have students watch
one of the movies for homework and then report on it
in the following class.
A 1. Data (Note: Data is a plural noun. The singular,
datum, is rarely used.)
2. collide
3. Climate
4. coast
5. condition
6. on record (Note: Record can be a verb or a noun.
You record information in order to have a record of
it; this helps you to remember the information.)
7. extends
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. hot and humid in the summer, cold in the winter
2. blizzards and hurricanes
3. wildfires in California; caused by a cigarette
thrown out the window
Answers will vary. Possible answers: houses are
destroyed; animals and people are killed; trees fall
on roads
D April 25–28, 2011; Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee,
and Georgia
• Allow students time to complete the activity
• Check answers as a class. Ask how students arrived at
their answers. Elicit the meaning of “perfect storm.”
• Discuss the most probable answer to part 2 as a class.
Ask students how they arrived at this answer.
Reading 1
SKIllS (page 128)
Reading Skill: Identifying Sequence
The Reading Skill box explains how writers use
sequencing words to describe a process. Have volunteers
read sections of the Reading Skill box aloud. Point out
the difference between linking words such as first and
next that introduce a sentence, and conjunctions such
as before and after that join clauses together. As a class,
create a word web on the board with clue words and
time clauses.
Understanding a Process
Students should look at the illustrations and fill in the
blanks with the words in the box. Draw their attention
to the key. Elicit the meaning of the blue and red arrows.
Elicit the answer for the first question (air).
• Allow time for students to complete the task
• Check answers in pairs.
• Discuss answers as a class. Ask volunteers to explain
how they arrived at their answers.
N AT U R E ’ S F U R Y
Identifying Sequence
ideas for… EXPANSION
Ask students to describe the process that they go
through to get from the school to a nearby location
(store, coffee shop, bank). Have students work in
pairs to first draw three illustrations, and then write a
paragraph using sequencing words, second- person
present tense, and imperatives. Have them share their
illustrations and paragraphs with the class.
A 1. air
2. spin
3. Warm
4. cold
5. air
6. ground
Answers will vary. Possible answer: There are a
number of steps that lead to the formation of a
twister. First, winds of warm and cold air collide
and begin to spin. Next, warm air rises and cold
air moves downward, forming a vertical column.
Finally, the spinning column of air forms a funnel
cloud, which becomes a tornado when it reaches
the ground.
0M N
Students should use the information in exercise A for
the content of their paragraphs. They should refer to the
Reading Skill box to use sequencing words correctly in
their paragraph.
• Allow time for students to complete the task
• Have students read their paragraphs aloud to a partner.
Have them compare their paragraphs.
• Discuss answers as a class. Ask for two volunteers to
read their paragraphs aloud. Have students notice the
sequencing words used.
VIEWING: lIGHTNING (pages 129-130)
Overview of the Video
The video describes how lightning is formed and gives
facts about where and when it occurs most frequently.
It also talks about how to protect yourself in the event of
Online search terms: birth of a lightning bolt; Catumbo
lightning; USA Today 4th of July Lightning
Students should read the sentences and guess whether
they are true or false. Ask: How much do you know about
lightning? Assure students that they are not expected
to know the answers; after watching, they will learn
the answers. Explain that on average means that this is
typically true.
• Have students complete the task individually.
• Take a class vote for each statement, and tally votes
for each question on the board. Do not give the
correct answers. Revisit these questions after watching
the video.
learning About the Topic
The paragraph prepares students for the video by giving
them background information about lightning. Explain
that the answer to question 2 is not in the paragraph.
They will need to infer the answer.
• Have students complete the task individually.
• Discuss answers as a class. Elicit example answers. For
question 1, ask: What does the photograph on this
page show? For question 2, write possible reasons on
the board. Leave these on the board, and revisit them
after watching the video.
Vocabulary in Context
This exercise introduces students to some of the key
words used in the video. Remind students to use the
correct word forms. Explain that a drought is a period
with no rain, so everything is very dry.
• Have students complete the task individually.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students to read the
sentences aloud and to listen for these words in the
Students are asked to reflect on the information in
the video and correct their answers to the True/False
questions in Exercise A of Before Viewing.
• Have students correct their answers individually.
• Have students check their answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students which answers
surprised them and why.
Answers will vary. Correct answers:
1. T
2. F (50 to 100 times a second)
3. F (Most lightning strikes occur in Central Africa,
the Himalayas, and South America.)
4. T
B 1. It can melt and become a fulgurite (a tubeshaped rock).
2. Answers will vary. Possible answer: because it’s
in the summer and a lot of people are outdoors;
because fireworks are loud, they might not notice
lightning and thunder until it’s too late.
C 1. expand
2. volt
3. particle (The word matter refers to any physical
4. charge
Understanding main Ideas
Have students read the items silently before you play the
• Have them complete the task while the video is
• Check the answers as a class. Ask what students can
remember about each of the topics mentioned.
Understanding Details
Have students read the paragraph and circle the words
that they recall from the first viewing before playing the
video a second time.
• Have students complete the task while the video is
• Check answers as a class. Ask volunteers to read
the sentences aloud. If students have difficulty, play
sections of the video again.
1, 2, 4
B 1. South America
2. positively; negatively
3. expanding air
4. getting in a car
Reacting to the Video
Critical Thinking: Synthesizing
Students are asked to reflect on the information in
Reading 1 and the video. Remind them to look at the
map on page 126 to find support for their answers. If
necessary, play the beginning of the video, where the
regions with the most lightning strikes are mentioned. If
a computer is available, search online for a map of places
often struck by lightning, and show this to the class.
• Have students discuss their answers in pairs.
• Discuss as a class. Ask if anyone has had a personal
experience with lightning. What happened?
ideas for… EXPANSION
Benjamin Franklin invented the lightning rod (he
called it the Franklin rod) as a way to protect buildings
from being damaged by lightning. He also started
the first fire brigade in the United States. Tell the class
about Benjamin Franklin. Then in groups of three
to five, have students discuss what other invention
could help protect people from a severe natural event.
Have each group either research or invent a product
to help minimize the effects of a natural disaster.
Have each group write a short summary, and then
present their ideas to the class. Encourage students
to use vocabulary about inventions (unit 2). For
each presentation, have the class guess whether the
invention is real or the group’s own idea.
See answers in Before Viewing, exercise A. Answers
will vary. Possible answer: I was surprised that so
many people die after being struck by lightning!
B 1. the Himalayas and South America
2. Answers will vary. Possible answers: Southeast
Asia, central and western parts of Australia,
N AT U R E ’ S F U R Y
Building Vocabulary
In this exercise, students complete sentences that follow
the same topic as the reading passage. Explain that the
sentences in the box define the blue words. Remind
students to use the correct forms of the words. They
should use each word only once.
• Allow time for students to complete the exercise
• Have students check their answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class. Elicit example sentences
for each vocabulary item. Ask: What fuel do you use
to heat your homes? What can block a road? What
do you particularly like about English class? What is
one significant difference between lightning and
See Vocabulary Extension 7B on page 209 of the Student
Book for additional practice with Word Forms: Changing
Adjectives into Adverbs.
Using Vocabulary
Students should use the new vocabulary items while
discussing the two questions.
• Have students work in pairs to answer the questions.
• Discuss answers as a class. Elicit example answers from
students. For question 1, ask: What precautions are in
place to prevent fires in your area? For question 2, ask
students whether there are safety measures in their
areas to make buildings safer. If so, what are they? If
not, what safety measures should be added?
Students fill in the chart with information from the text.
Explain that a factor is something that contributes to a
result. Explain that factors will be more general than the
• Allow time for students to complete the task
• Have students check answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students where they
found the answers in the reading.
The reading passage is about wildfires—how they form
and the measures taken to stop them. Some measures
include building fire-resistant homes, clearing land, and
digging “fire lines,” which are trenches around the fire.
Online search terms: wildfires National Geographic; Smokey
Bear; forest firefighters
0M N
This exercise gets students thinking about the topic. They
should predict the topic based on the illustrations.
• Allow time for students to answer the question
• Have students form pairs and compare their answers.
• Ask for volunteers to share their answers with the rest
of the class.
2.04 Have students read the passage individually, or
play the audio and have students read along.
A 1. Frequent; threaten
2. particularly
3. on purpose
4. appropriate
5. block
6. fuel; significant (Note: In this context, consuming
means destroying.)
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. Unfortunately, fires occur quite frequently in my
community. This is because there are a lot of
trees and wooded areas near where I live, and
they catch fire quite easily, especially during the
2. remain calm; look for the exits; leave quickly; help
others; alert others; check whether the door is hot
before opening it
b (Explanation: The illustration shows people
trying to put out a wildfire. Both options a and c
are mentioned in the passage, but the main idea
is option b.)
Reading 2
READING (page 134)
Understanding main Ideas
Students choose the sentence that matches the
paragraph to its purpose.
• Have students complete the task individually.
• Have students check answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students if wildfires are
a problem where they live. Have they heard of any
wildfires in the news? Where did these take place?
Understanding Details
Understanding a Process
Have students read the sentences and decide whether
they are true or false. Ask students who finish early to
correct the false statements. The students should use the
information on page 133 to answer these questions.
• Allow time for students to complete the rest of the task
• Have students check answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class. Have students correct the
false statements.
Critical Thinking: Evaluating Sources
Have students read paragraph D again and then discuss
their answers in pairs. Refer them to the Critical Thinking
box on page 127 for a reminder about credible sources.
• Have students discuss their answers with a partner.
• Discuss as a class. Ask students to justify their opinions
for question 3.
Critical Thinking: Evaluating Sources
Have students reflect on what they have learned in this
unit and choose who they would include as an additional
source, noting their reason.
• Have students share their ideas with a partner. Ask
whether they agree or disagree with each other.
• Discuss as a class. Elicit example answers.
A 1. c
2. a
3. d
4. b
Factor: weather; type of fuel
Examples: fire moves faster uphill, southern
slopes are sunnier and drier; strong
winds and changes in wind direction
(See Paragraph C.)
C 1. T
2. F (They drop fire retardant on the fire.)
3. T
4. F (They backburn the area between the fire line
and the fire.)
D 1. Jack Cohen is a fire researcher. He has studied
wildfires for more than two decades and is an
expert on how houses catch fire.
2. that people who live in areas where wildfires
frequently occur should build fire-resistant homes
3. Answers will vary. Possible answers: I’d give him a
rating of 3 because he has studied wildfires for a
very long time (more than 20 years).
4. his educational background, where he works
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
I would include an experienced pilot of a
firefighting plane because this person may be
able to provide additional information for the
Fighting Fire section; I would include a scientist
who has studied fire ecology for 30 years because
this person has studied the topic widely and
may be able to contribute valuable and useful
information on the subject.
ideas for… EXPANSION
If computers are available, have students search for
a news article about a recent wildfire, tornado, or
lightning storm. Then have students discuss these
questions in pairs:
• What happened?
• Were any preventive measures taken?
• What were the factors that led to the event?
• What sources were used in the article? Were these
credible sources? Why or why not?
Have volunteers share their information with the class.
N AT U R E ’ S F U R Y
In this section, students prepare to write a paragraph
describing a natural process. The lesson starts by
teaching students language for describing a process,
including the use of sequencing words and the simple
present tense. Students then learn how to organize a
process paragraph. In the Writing Task, students apply
these lessons by brainstorming, planning, and writing
about a process. As added support, they will encounter
two drafts of sample paragraphs and revising strategies
that the author used. Students will use a checklist to
revise their own paragraph. Editing practice helps
students use the simple present tense to explain how
something happens, and to check for subject-verb
agreement. After this, students write the final drafts of
their paragraphs.
ENGlISH (pages 135–137)
Students are expected to notice the verbs that are used
to describe a natural cycle. This exercise is to be done
before going over the information in the Language for
Writing box.
• Allow time for students to complete the task
• Check answers as a class. Ask why they think these
are all in the simple present tense. Explain that the
Language for Writing box will give more details.
language for Writing: Describing a Process
language for Writing
Students practice using the information in the box by
completing the sentences about the formation of snow.
• Allow students time to complete the activity
• Have them check answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class.
language for Writing
Students write sentences about one of the natural events
described in this unit. Refer students to the Language for
Writing box for help writing these sentences. Encourage
students to try to write sentences without referring to the
video and reading passages. After 2 to 3 minutes, allow
them to use their books to check their answers.
• Allow students time to complete the task individually.
• Have students form pairs and compare their answers.
• Check answers as a class. Elicit example sentences
about each of the three events. Check for subject-verb
A 1. raises
2. heats; turns
3. rises
4. rises; gets; turns; form
5. get; falls
6. continues
simple present tense
Writing Skill
Students read the sentences and underline the transition
words. Then they order the stages.
• Allow students time to complete the task individually.
• Check answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class. Ask which signal words
helped them make their decisions. Write the signal
words on the board.
Writing Skill
Students use the sentences in exercise D again to create
a paragraph about the stages of a wildfire, and refer to
the Writing Skill box for other sequence words or phrases.
• Allow students time to complete the task individually.
• Check answers as a class. Ask a volunteer to read their
paragraph aloud.
Read the Goal box aloud so students will be familiar
with the writing task before planning. If possible,
have students research information on a natural cycle
that they would like to write about. Remind students
that complete sentences are not necessary. It is more
important to focus on organizing their information.
• Allow time for students to complete their outlines
individually. Provide assistance as needed.
First Draft
Have students write first drafts of their paragraphs based
on their outlines.
• Allow time for students to complete the task individually.
Provide assistance as needed. Refrain from error correction
at this point.
Underlined words: Next; First; Finally; second;
3, 1, 5, 2, 4
When a wildfire starts, it goes through several
different stages of growth. To begin with, an
ember lands close to a fuel source, such as dry
grass or leaves. As the ember reacts with oxygen,
it increases in heat and strength. The combination
of heat, oxygen, and fuel increases the likelihood
of the fire growing to the next stage. This is when
the fire begins to spread to the surrounding areas.
After that, as the flames get bigger and spread
farther, the fire reaches its hottest stage. At this
point, the fire is fully developed. As soon as all the
fuel has been consumed, the fire begins to die out.
However, any introduction of new fuel sources or
an increase in oxygen can cause the fire to flare
up again. Eventually, the fire is reduced to embers
and ash. It often takes weeks to fully extinguish all
embers from a large fire.
B 1. is; freezes; turns
2. collide; stick; form
3. starts; grows
4. become; fall
5. falls; melts; stays
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. Wildfires begin with a heat source.
2. Humans cause most wildfires.
3. Tornadoes occur when warm, wet air collides
with cold, dry air.
Writing Skill: Organizing a Process Paragraph
The Writing Skill box is about planning a process
paragraph. Explain that the sequence words and phrases
indicate the order of steps or events in a process. Point
out that students should include details, as well as steps,
in their paragraphs.
• Ask volunteers to read the information in the box aloud.
• Have students read the steps that begin with the words
in bold. Ask what process this describes. Have students
circle the markers in exercise B and ask why writers use
different markers (to make the information clear and
0M N
The Language for Writing box reviews the use of simple
present tense for describing a process.
• Have volunteers read the information in the box aloud.
• Have students read the sentences aloud. Ask: What
process do these sentences describe?
• Have students circle the subjects in the sentences in
the box and in exercise A to show the subject-verb
WRITING TASK (page 138)
Taking Notes
Have students make a list of natural or biological
processes. Encourage students to look online, if
computers are available.
• Allow students time to write ideas individually.
• Have students compare their lists in pairs and explain
the processes to a partner.
• Discuss answers as a class. Write a class list of ideas on
the board.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
How a caterpillar becomes a butterfly; how a
tsunami is formed
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Topic: Tsunamis
Topic Sentence: Tsunamis—immense sea
waves—often form after an earthquake occurs
on the sea floor.
Steps or Events: 1. Earthquake displaces water;
2. Sea levels fall; 3. Sea levels rise; 4. These surges
repeat many times.
Details: An earthquake can occur hours before
the tsunami/People report that unusually low sea
levels occur 5 minutes before a tsunami/When
sea levels rise, it sounds like a freight train.
The Revising Practice box contains an exercise that
demonstrates several ways students can improve their
first drafts.
• Allow time for students to analyze the two drafts and
complete the exercise.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students to identify each
change and explain how it makes the revised draft
N AT U R E ’ S F U R Y
Have students apply the skills taught in Editing Practice to
their own revised drafts, and check for any other errors.
• Allow time for students to work individually on editing
their drafts.
• Walk around and monitor students as they work.
Provide assistance as needed.
• Collect their work once they have completed it.
• For the next class, show anonymous examples of good
paragraphs and common errors.
c, b, a, b, d
1. Tornadoes occur when warm, wet air collides
with cold, dry air.
2. The rapid expansion of the air surrounding the
path of a lightning bolt causes the sound of
3. When lightning hits a tree, the moisture inside
the tree turns into gas and causes the tree to
expand and blow up.
4. A wildfire needs three conditions: fuel, oxygen,
and a heat source.
5. Water takes three forms: solid (ice), liquid, and gas
6. When tiny ice crystals in a cloud collide, they form
CRitiCAl thinking
Students can work in groups on this recap of the unit.
For questions 2 and 3, encourage students to check the
relevant pages of the unit for the answers.
• Allow students time to answer the two questions in
groups. For question 1, ask students to explain why
they chose that natural event. What do they want to
find out?
identifying relevant information
Writing a comparison paragraph
Using comparative adjectives
interpreting quotes
1. Answers will vary. Possible answers: The Empire State
Building, Notre Dame, the Alhambra, the Parthenon,
the Great Wall of China. They are special because of
their place in history and their grandeur.
2. Answers will vary.
The theme of this unit is architecture and how it relates
to our culture and the values of civilizations.
• READING 1: The reading passage is about Gaudí’s
famous cathedral, La Sagrada Família; his inspirations
from nature; and the long time frame for this project.
• VIDEO: The video describes the work of Brunelleschi,
a clockmaker and goldsmith, who built the world’s
largest brick dome in Florence, Italy.
• READING 2: The reading passage describes two amazing
structures from ancient times: Göbekli Tepe, a stone circle
in Turkey, and Chichén Itzá, a Mayan city in Mexico.
Students draw on what they’ve read and watched to
write a paragraph comparing two buildings. The unit
prepares them by introducing vocabulary to talk about
architecture and teaching them how to use comparison
adjectives. They learn how to write a comparison
paragraph and evaluate evidence. Lastly, students use a
Venn diagram to help them plan their paragraphs, and
then revise and edit their drafts—skills that students will
use in every unit’s Writing Task.
area? If a computer is available, do an online search
with the class. Are they surprised by the results? For
question 2, ask whether students have been to any of
these buildings. If so, have them describe the experience.
The Editing Practice box trains students to spot and
correct common errors related to the simple present
tense and subject-verb agreement. As a class, go over the
information in the box carefully to make sure students
understand what to look out for.
• Allow students time to complete the exercise
• Check answers as a class by asking students to read
their corrected sentences aloud and explain the errors.
Students should apply the revision techniques used
in the Revising Practice box to their own drafts, where
• Explain to students that they will be using the
questions as a guide for checking and improving their
• As a class, go over the questions carefully to make sure
students understand them.
• Allow students time to revise their paragraphs.
Final Draft
Revised Draft
EXPlORE THE THEmE (pages 142–143)
The opening spread features information about the
UNESCO world heritage sites and why these are
important. It discusses the purposes of some monuments
and mentions that for certain monuments, such as
Stonehenge, we still don’t know their purposes.
• Allow students time to study the spread and answer
question 1 individually. Discuss reasons, and write a list
on the board. Then have students read the information
in the text.
• Have students discuss question 2 in pairs.
• Discuss answers as a class. Ask students to share why
they chose these places.
• Have students answer the question in part B. Remind
students to use the correct forms of the words.
• Elicit example sentences from students for each of the
blue words.
The questions help prepare students for the subject
matter covered in the unit—architecture. The scene
depicts the Taj Mahal, a magnificent building in India,
in the early morning.
• Have students study the picture, title, and captions.
• Discuss the photo as a class. What do students think
the photo and the unit are about? Provide your own
• Discuss the two questions as a class. For question 1, do
students agree on the oldest/tallest buildings in your
A 1. Answers will vary. Possible answers: to
commemorate a person or an event, to symbolize
power and wealth, to attract visitors, to display
technical progress
2. Answers will vary. Possible answer: I’d love to see
Mount Rushmore because I really admire the
presidents who are featured there.
religious; symbol; structure
A 1. Sculpture
2. committed to
3. inspiration (Note: The verb is inspire.)
4. theme
5. architect (Note: The person is an architect; the
field is architecture.)
6. illustrate (Note: Illustrate often refers to drawings,
but it can also refer to speech or writing.)
7. style
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. Frank Lloyd Wright; Falling Water
2. It’s a brick school building. It is modern.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
The sky: rooms with glass ceilings
Animals: animal sculpted into the columns
Water: The windows have stained glass that looks
like waterfalls.
Plants: The walls are painted to look like a jungle.
Building Vocabulary
Students find the seven blue words in the passage and
use contextual clues to guess the meanings. Remind
students to look for the parts of speech to help them
better understand the new words.
• Allow time for students to complete the exercise
• Check answers as a class. What clues from the reading
passage did students find helpful?
• Elicit example sentences for each vocabulary item.
Ask: What is the theme of this chapter? Are you
committed to your language learning? What inspired
you to learn English? What is one famous sculpture?
What do the pictures on page 128 illustrate?
See Vocabulary Extension 8A on page 210 of the Student
Book for additional practice with Word Partners:
adjective + style.
Using Vocabulary
The reading passage is about the famous Spanish
architect Antoni Gaudí and his most famous building,
La Sagrada Família Cathedral in Barcelona, which was
unfinished at the time of his death in 1926. Construction
work on this architectural wonder continues to this day.
Online search terms: virtual visit La Sagrada Família; Gaudí
globotreks; works of Antoni Gaudí
0M N
Students complete the chart with their ideas. Each idea
should be brief. Read the example before students
• Have students work in pairs to complete the exercise.
• Have them compare answers in groups of three or
• Draw the word web on the board, and elicit answers
from different groups in the class. Ask students if they
have seen any examples of the ideas from the word
web on real buildings. If so, where?
2.05 Have students read the passage individually, or
play the audio and have students read along.
READING (page 149)
Understanding main Ideas
Students are asked to identify the purpose for each
paragraph in the reading passage. Explain that La
Sagrada Família refers to the Holy Family. Timeless means
that something is so good or beautiful that it cannot
be affected by changes in society or fashion. Elicit the
meaning of natural wonders.
• Have students complete the activity individually.
• Have them check their answers in pairs.
Understanding Details
A 1. c; 2. a; 3. d; 4. e; 5. b
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Sculptures and carvings—turtles, tortoises,
reptiles, birds, and other wildlife
Stairways—spiral style similar to plants/animals
such as snails
Windows—shapes found in nature such as algae
Wall decorations—shapes of vines
Tower tops—crystals, grains, and grasses
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. Gaudí believed that the best ideas and inspiration
for architecture could be found in the natural
2. When something goes out of fashion, it is no
longer popular. But nature will never go out of
fashion because it is all around us. We need it to
survive, so people will always be interested in it.
3. God
D Answers will vary. Possible answer: I like the
design of La Sagrada Família because I love
nature. Also, the building is very unique. I’ve never
seen anything else like it!
Remind students that a chart is a useful way of seeing
a lot of information at one time. Students test their
understanding of the details in the passage by filling in
the chart about the influences of nature on La Sagrada
Família. Read the first example, and point out that
students’ answers can be brief. If necessary, direct them
to paragraph D and the illustrations on page 147.
• Allow students time to complete the chart individually.
• Have them form pairs and compare their answers.
• Compare answers as a class. Ask which of these
elements students would most like to see.
Critical Thinking: Interpreting Quotes
The Critical Thinking box explains that quotes add
credibility to a claim. First, elicit why it is important to
have a credible source. Then explain that readers should
also ask why the quote is important. Have students read
the quotes and discuss their meaning. How are these
related to the main idea of the passage? Students may
need the first item done as an example.
• Have students discuss the quotes in pairs.
• Discuss the quotes as a class. Ask students whether
they agree with the quotes. Why or why not? Is there
one that they like more than the others? Why?
Critical Thinking: Reflecting
Have students think about what they have read and
discuss their personal opinions. Remind them to justify
their opinions.
• Have students answer the questions individually.
• Have students discuss their answers in pairs.
• Discuss answers as a class. If any students have
been to La Sagrada Família, ask them to describe
the experience. If not, ask them to imagine what the
experience would be like. What adjectives would they
use to describe the structure?
ideas for… EXPANSION
Have students research the work of modern
architects from around the world. Have students
work individually or in small groups to choose one
architect and one building to present to the class.
They should show photographs, give a brief biography
of the architect, and explain what inspired the
architect’s work. Then they should explain why they
like the building that they chose to present. After the
presentations, students vote on the building that they
like the best.
Students should practice using the new vocabulary items
while answering the two questions.
• Have students discuss their answers in pairs.
• Compare answers as a class. Elicit example answers
from students. For question 1, ask students if they
know of any famous architects from their country or
countries. For question 2, ask whether they like the
building. Why or why not?
• Check answers as a class. Ask students how they arrived
at their answers.
Reading 1
SKIllS (page 150)
Reading Skill: Identifying Relevant Information
The Reading Skill box describes how to identify relevant
information. It explains the importance of scanning for
specific information, such as people, places, dates, and
numbers. Have volunteers read the text in the box aloud.
Elicit when people usually scan for information in their
own lives. Remind students that numbers and capitalized
letters can signal where to find this information.
Each of the following questions is related to a specific
type of information. Have students match these in
preparation for exercise B below, in which they scan a
paragraph for the information.
• Allow time for students to complete the task individually.
• Check answers as a class.
Identifying Relevant Information
Students scan the reading passage to find the answers
to the questions. Remind students to look for capitalized
words and numbers.
• Have students find the answers individually. Give
students 1 or 2 minutes to find the answers. Remind
students not to read every word.
• Have them form pairs and compare their answers.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students if they scanned
from the beginning of the passage, or if they turned to
the paragraphs where they thought they would find
the information. Elicit that, based on the questions,
they only needed to look at the introduction and the
last section of the reading.
0M N
Students scan the paragraph to find the answers to the
questions in exercise A. Remind students to look for
capitalized words and numbers. They should underline
the answers in the paragraph.
• Have students find their answers individually. Give
students 1 or 2 minutes to find these answers. Remind
students not to read every word in the paragraph.
• Have them form pairs and compare their answers.
• Check answers as a class. Ask if some answers were
easier to find than others. If so, why?
DESIGN (pages 151-152)
Overview of the Video
The video describes the construction of Brunelleschi’s
dome in Florence, Italy. Brunelleschi has been called the
first engineer of the Renaissance. With no formal training,
he built the largest dome in the world.
Online search terms: Medici; Brunelleschi; Florence virtual
tour; National Geographic Il Duomo
learning about the Topic
The paragraph prepares students for the video by giving
them background information about Florence, Italy.
Ask if anyone has been to Florence. If so, what are some
adjectives they would use to describe it?
• Have students complete the task individually.
• Discuss answers as a class. Ask: What do you expect
Ponte Vecchio to look like? If computers are available,
search online for pictures of the bridge and downtown
This exercise introduces students to some of the key
words used in the video. Remind students to try to infer
the meanings from the context.
• Have students complete the task individually.
• Check answers as a class. Elicit example sentences
for each word. Ask: What are other things that can
be built out of bricks or cement? What objects can
be semicircles? Do any rooms in this building have
irregular shapes? If so, which ones?
A 1. c; 2. b; 3. d; 4. a
Underlined words: 2,300 miles (3,700 kilometers);
around A.D. 800; Polynesian islands; 13 feet
(4 meters) tall
C 1. 1926 (Paragraph E)
2. Mark Burry (Paragraph E)
3. 2026 (Paragraph G)
Vocabulary in Context
A 1. buy jewelry and souvenirs
2. Answers will vary. Possible answer: because the
history and works of art can be seen all around
the city (e.g., the architecture, streets, and
gardens), not only inside the museums
B 1. irregular (Note: Curved means rounded or
2. brick
3. semicircle
4. cement
Understanding main Ideas
Have students read the items silently before you play
the video. Then have the students watch and check the
items that are true. Elicit the meanings of constructed,
base, dome, and central support system by pointing out
the images at the bottom of the page.
• Have them complete the task while the video is
• Have students form pairs and compare answers.
• Check answers as a class. Elicit the correct answers for
the false statements.
Understanding Details
Have students fill in any labels that they recall from the
first viewing before playing the video a second time.
• Have students complete the task while the video is
• Have students form pairs and compare answers.
• Check answers as a class. Ask if there are any other
words that students need to have explained, and elicit
definitions from volunteers.
1, 3, 4, 6
B 1. inner
2. outer
3. wood
4. lift
5. vertical
6. ropes
ideas for… EXPANSION
In pairs, have students draw comic strips of a tour
through Florence. Each pair of students should draw
important sights on a piece of paper. Assure students
that they don’t need to worry about making these
look perfect; they can label the different parts. They
should role play tour guide and tourist, then use
their ideas to add stick figures and dialogue bubbles
to their comic strips. When their work is completed,
display the students’ comic strips in the classroom.
Allow time for students to read their classmates’ comic
strips. Afterward, ask students what they remember
and like about the different comic strips.
Students draw on information from Reading 1 and the
video to compare the two structures.
• Allow students time to answer the questions
individually. Encourage students to take notes before
writing sentences.
• Have students form pairs and compare the sentences
they have written.
• Discuss as a class. Elicit example sentences and write
them on the board. Ask: Do you prefer one of the two
structures? Why?
Reacting to the Video
Students should discuss the question based on the
information they have learned in the video.
• Have students discuss the question in pairs.
• Discuss as a class. Ask the class what the benefits and
drawbacks would be, and create a T-chart on the board.
Critical Thinking: Synthesizing
Answers will vary. Possible answer: This might
have helped him “think outside the box.
“For example, his idea of an inner and outer
shell probably came from his experience as a
clockmaker. A formally trained architect may not
have been as creative as he was in coming up
with a solution.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Brunelleschi’s dome is in Italy, and La Sagrada
Família is in Spain.
La Sagrada Família is taking longer to build than
Brunelleschi’s dome.
Brunelleschi’s dome is older than La Sagrada
Both structures have a religious purpose (i.e., to
honor God).
Building Vocabulary
Using Vocabulary
Students should use the new vocabulary items while
discussing the three questions.
• Have students work in pairs to answer the questions.
• Discuss answers as a class. Elicit example answers
from students. Ask: What methods of transportation
are used today? What methods were used in ancient
times? Have volunteers describe temples that they
have visited. Ask students whether their answers to
question 3 were influenced by what they learned in
the video. Why or why not?
Students scan the reading passage, focusing on dates
and names of places.
• Students should write their answers individually. Give
students 1 minute to find this information.
• Have students check answers in pairs.
• Have students compare their answers as a class. Ask
students what else they hope to learn about these
two places.
A 1. b; 2. a; 3. a; 4. b; 5. a; 6. b; 7. b; 8. a
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. container ships; trains; trucks
2. I’ve been to Angkor Wat in Cambodia. It’s one of
the most stunning places I’ve visited.
3. An architect needs to be organized, and have
good communication and visualization skills.
Answers will vary. Possible answers: thousands of
years old; temples for people to worship in
play the audio and have students read along.
The reading passage describes two ancient structures.
Göbekli Tepe is a stone circle in Turkey, one of the oldest
man-made structures on Earth. Chichén Itzá is an ancient
Mayan city in Mexico that has pyramids, temples, and
other structures.
Online search terms: Göbekli Tepe, Klaus Schmidt
archaeologist; Chichén Itzá; Maya facts
0M N
In this exercise, students read the sentences about
culture and architecture. Then they choose the correct
definition for the eight vocabulary words.
• Have students complete the exercise individually.
• Check answers as a class. Elicit example sentences for
each vocabulary item. Ask: What is a common topic for
debate? What is another example of a holy building?
What did your breakfast consist of? How long does it
usually take to construct a new building in your area?
See Vocabulary Extension 8B on page 210 of the Student
Book for additional practice with Word Link: trans(meaning “across”)
2.06 Have students read the passage individually, or
Reading 2
READING (page 156)
Understanding the main Idea
Students read the passage and then choose the best title
from three options.
• Allow time for students to complete the task
• Check answers as a class. Ask students how they arrived
at their answers.
Understanding Details
Students read the statements and decide which ones are
true. If some students finish early, have them correct the
false statements. As an alternative activity, have half of
the students read about Göbekli Tepe and the other half
read about Chichén Itzá. Then have them work together
to compare the two places and answer the questions.
• Allow time for students to complete the task
• Have students check answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students to correct the
false statements.
Identifying Evidence
Students read the passage again to find the purpose(s)
the writer gives for each structure and the evidence the
writer provides. You may want to complete the first item
as a class.
• Allow students time to answer the questions
• Have students check answers in pairs.
• Check answers with the class. Have students share
their answers. Explain that they will discuss their ideas
further when they use this information in exercise D
Critical Thinking: Evaluating an Argument
Students reflect on the evidence given in the reading
passage to evaluate the arguments.
• Have students refer to their answers in exercise C to
support their ideas. For question 1, explain that levels of
certainty are words that show how confident someone
is that something is correct. Words such as maybe,
perhaps, could, and might show that the writer is less
• Allow students time to answer the questions in groups
of three. Before beginning, tell the class how long you
will give them to discuss these questions. Assign a role
to each member of the group. One person should be
the note taker, another should be the time checker
(to keep the group on task), and a third should be the
spokesperson (who will present the group’s ideas to
the class).
• Discuss as a class. Ask each group’s spokesperson to
share their group’s ideas.
Critical Thinking: Reflecting
Have students read the question and reflect on their
own opinions. Encourage students to use their personal
experience or knowledge of other historical sites as they
justify their opinions.
• Allow time for students to discuss their ideas in pairs.
• Discuss answers as a class. Draw the Pros/Cons chart on
the board. As students share their answers, write them
on the chart. Have students assess the chart and decide
if they think the pros outweigh the cons.
2, 3, 6
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Chichén Itzá
Purpose(s): a religious site, a place to make
sacrifices to a god; a place to view Venus and
other planets
Evidence: Spanish records; bones, jewelry, and
other objects that people wore when they were
sacrificed have been found.
Göbekli Tepe
Purpose(s): a holy meeting place; a feasting site
Evidence: The T-shaped pillars could represent
human beings in a religious ceremony; animal
bones and large containers for liquid have been
found; smaller pillars similar to Göbekli Tepe’s
have been found farther away.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. The language when the writer talks about
Chichén Itzá is very certain: “Chichén Itzá was
both,” “records show,” and “experts know.”
With Göbekli Tepe, the writer is less certain:
“archaeologists are still debating,” “new evidence
suggests,” and “it’s as though.”
2. I find the argument for Chichén Itzá more
convincing because of the language used by the
writer. Since Göbekli Tepe is much older, there is
less evidence showing what happened there.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Pros: By visiting and studying these ancient sites,
we can learn more about our past.
Cons: Too many tourists can damage a site
physically, or make a special place feel overcrowded.
ideas for… EXPANSION
Have students work in two large groups. One group
represents a tourist organization hoping to promote
tourism in Chichén Itzá and Göbekli Tepe. The other
group wants to preserve these sites and only allow
archaeologists to enter the sites. Give students 5 to
7 minutes to prepare their arguments. Then have the
students who work for the tourist organization stand
in a circle facing outward. Have each of the students
who want to preserve the sites stand facing one of
the members of the other group. Explain that they
will debate their case one on one. After 1 minute,
the students in the outside circle move one step
clockwise, so each student is speaking with another
person. Repeat this, switching every 1 to 2 minutes,
at least four times. Ask students if they felt their
argument improved after the fourth debate. When the
class has completed this exercise, have students vote
on which group they agree with.
In this section, students prepare to write a comparison
paragraph about two structures. The lesson starts by
teaching students how to use comparison adjectives.
Students then learn how to write a comparison
paragraph. In the Writing Task, students apply these
lessons by brainstorming, planning, and writing about
two structures. As added support, they will encounter
two drafts of sample paragraphs and revising strategies
that the author used. Students will use a checklist to
revise their own paragraphs. Editing practice helps
students correct common mistakes with comparative
adjectives. After this, students write the final drafts of
their paragraphs.
ENGlISH (pages 157-159)
language for Writing: Using Comparative
The Language for Writing box describes how to
use comparative adjectives. It explains why we use
comparative adjectives and how to form them: adjective
+ -er + than; more/less + adjective + than; and (not) as
+ adjective + as. Have students read the Language for
Writing box. Have students look again at exercise A and
rewrite the sentences using a different comparative
adjective structure. Elicit: Stonehenge is newer than
Göbekli Tepe. Or Stonehenge is not as old as Göbekli
Tepe. Allow time for students to write the sentences.
Then write them on the board.
language for Writing
Students practice writing comparative adjective
sentences. They should read the information provided
and then complete the sentences to reflect the
language for Writing
Students create their own sentences using comparative
adjectives. Before beginning the exercise, you may want
make two lists on the board: interesting places and
descriptive adjectives. Be sure to keep these ideas brief.
• Allow students time to complete the task individually.
• Have students read the sentences they created in
groups of three or four. Have each group check the
grammar and then choose the three sentences to write
on the board.
• Compare and correct the sentences on the board as a
ideas for… EXPANSION
Have students work in pairs to write three true
sentences and one false sentence comparing
buildings in the area in which the class is being
taught. Each sentence should include a different form
of a comparative adjective from the Language Writing
box. Have students read their sentences to the class.
The class should decide which sentence is false.
See Grammar Summary on page 222 of the Student Book for
additional practice with using comparative adjectives.
A 1. older than
2. not as old as
3. less expensive than
B 1. taller than
2. as tall as
3. more traditional than
4. not as long as
5. higher than
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. Los Angeles isn’t as compact as Boston.
2. The climate in Riyadh is hotter than the climate
in Reykjavik.
3. Tokyo is more expensive to live in than
Mexico City.
Writing Skill: Writing a Comparison Paragraph
E 1. style and purpose
2. and 3. The Grant Library and the Barrett Library
are both important resources for student research
at my university, but there are some differences
between the two structures. First, the buildings
have very different styles. The Grant Library, built
in 1890, is older than the Barrett Library and was
built in the classical style. For example, there are
tall marble columns at the entrance, which make
the library look like a Greek temple. The Barrett
Library, on the other hand, has a more modern
design. It was built in the early 20th century in
the craftsman style and is made entirely of
wood. The purposes of the two libraries are also
different. The Barrett Library also functions as a
museum, so it’s open only seven hours a day.
The Grant Library, however, is open 24 hours
a day, so students can do research or study
there for a longer time. The two buildings have
different styles and purposes, but both are
excellent examples of the variety of architectural
styles at my university.
The Writing Skill box describes the steps to take to write
a comparison paragraph. The Writing Skill box teaches
students to choose a topic, think of the points they want
to discuss, and then think of details about each of those
points. The box lists transition words for similarities and
differences. Have students read the text in the Writing
Skill box aloud. Ask students which of these words they
already know. Elicit why students should try to use a
variety of transition words in their writing. (It makes it
more interesting; it improves the flow of the paragraph.)
Writing Skill
Students read the paragraph and compare the ways
that the two libraries are similar and different. They
add this information to the Venn diagram. If necessary,
remind them of the structure of a Venn diagram. Elicit
one example for the Barrett Library and one example of
something that the two libraries share.
• Allow students time to complete the task individually.
• Have students check answers in pairs.
• Draw the Venn diagram on the board, and ask
volunteers to add answers to the circles.
• Check answers as a class.
Writing Skill
Students read the paragraph again and answer the
• Have students complete the task individually.
• Have students check their answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class. For question 2, elicit why
detail sentences are necessary. (They support the
points of comparison.) For question 3, make a list of the
comparison words that were used.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
The Grant library: built in 1890, classical style
with marble columns like a Greek temple, open
24 hours a day
Intersecting area: used for student research,
part of a college campus, both have books
available for students to use, both are libraries
The Barrett library: modern design, built in
early 20th century, craftsman style, made of
wood, library and museum, open 7 hours a day
0M N
Students are expected to notice how comparative
adjectives are used by reading the information and
filling in the box with the correct comparative form. This
exercise is to be done before going over the information
in the Language for Writing box. Point out that they will
only use three of the four options in the box.
• Have students complete the task individually.
• Check answers as a class. Ask volunteers to read the
sentences aloud.
• Allow students time to complete the activity
• Have them check answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class.
WRITING TASK (page 160)
Remind students that planning is an important step
for gathering ideas before writing. Read the Goal box
aloud so students will be familiar with the writing task
before planning. Provide one or two example ideas. Have
students follow steps 1 to 4 to choose two buildings,
plan their points of comparison, fill in the Venn diagram,
and write a topic sentence. Have a student read the steps
aloud. Remind students that complete sentences are not
necessary in the Venn diagram.
• Allow time for students to complete their outlines
individually. Provide assistance as needed.
• Have students share their ideas in pairs and offer
feedback to each other.
Have students write first drafts of their paragraphs based
on their outlines.
• Allow time for students to complete the task
individually. Provide assistance as needed. Refrain from
error correction at this point.
• Allow students time to complete the exercise
• Check answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class by asking students to read
their corrected sentences aloud and explain the errors.
1. The Seville Cathedral is smaller than St. Peter’s
2. In my opinion, La Sagrada Família is more
attractive than St. Mary’s Cathedral.
3. The Temple of Angkor Wat in Cambodia is not as
ancient as the Borobudur Temple in Indonesia.
4. Göbekli Tepe is older than the Parthenon in Greece.
5. The Tokyo Skytree is not as tall as the Burj Khalifa
in Dubai, which has a height of almost 2,723 feet
(830 meters).
6. The construction of the Barrett Library was less
expensive than the construction of the Morrison
7. The Brooklyn Bridge is not as long as the Golden
Gate Bridge.
The Editing Practice box trains students to spot and
correct common errors related to comparative adjectives.
As a class, go over the information in the box carefully.
Final Draft
Have students apply the skills taught in Editing Practice to
their own revised drafts and check for any other errors.
• Allow time for students to work individually on editing
their drafts.
• Walk around and monitor students as they work.
Provide assistance as needed.
• Collect their work once they have completed it.
• For the next class, show anonymous examples of good
paragraphs and common errors.
Students should apply the revision techniques used in the
Revising Practice box to their own drafts, where applicable.
• Explain to students that they will be using the
questions as a guide for checking and improving
their drafts.
• As a class, go over the questions carefully to make sure
students understand them.
• Allow students time to revise their paragraphs.
Students can work in groups on this recap of the unit. For
question 1, encourage students to use the target words
when appropriate. For questions 2 and 3, encourage
them to check the relevant pages of the unit for answers.
• Allow students time to answer the three questions in
groups. For question 1, ask groups if they changed their
opinions as they studied this unit.
• As a class, have students vote for the structure or
building they would most like to visit.
CRitiCaL thinking
identifying theories
Writing a summary paragraph
Using synonyms
evaluating evidence
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. Polar bears have fur to keep them warm. Elephants
have wrinkly skin that helps them stay cool. Snakes
have scales that protect their bodies and help them
to move along the ground.
2. Velcro (inspired by a plant), sonar (inspired by the
use of echolocation by bats and dolphins), airplane
design (based on wings of birds)
The theme of this unit is nature. The title, “Form and
Function,” refers to the animals’ adaptations over time
and the use of biomimetics, drawing on nature to inspire
new inventions.
• READING 1: This reading discusses the evolution of
feathers, from the time of the dinosaur “theropod” to
the present day.
• VIDEO: The video presents descriptions of the flying
tree snake and the Draco lizard. These are animals
that fly, or rather glide, through the forest to escape
• READING 2: This reading gives examples of
biomimetics—how shark scales and toucan bills
have inspired modern designs of cars, airplanes,
and bathing suits, among other things.
Students draw on what they’ve read and watched to
write a summary paragraph about a section of the
reading passage. The unit prepares them by introducing
vocabulary to talk about nature and evaluating evidence.
It explains the importance of using synonyms and the
organization of a summary paragraph. Lastly, it reviews
brainstorming and planning techniques.
The scene depicts a male bird of paradise spreading his
feathers. It is meant to show that this unit will be about
nature, and more specifically, animals and their unique
• Have students study the picture, title, and captions.
• Discuss the photo as a class. What do students think
the photo and the unit are about? Provide your own
• Discuss the two questions as a class. For question 1,
elicit examples of animals, and then discuss the
reasons. For question 2, allow students time to think
of as many man-made objects as possible. Offer an
example (Gaudí’s La Sagrada Família in Unit 8), and
create a list on the board.
Revised Draft
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Golden Gate Bridge: 1.7 miles long; opened
in 1937
Both: amazing engineering; similar design; steel
suspension bridges; tall towers
Brooklyn Bridge: 5,989 feet long; opened in 1883
Point 1: design
Point 2: length
Point 3: date of completion
Topic Sentence: The Golden Gate Bridge and the
Brooklyn Bridge are both examples of amazing
Life Science
a, d, b, a, c
The Revising Practice box contains an exercise that
demonstrates several ways students can improve their
first drafts.
• Allow time for students to analyze the two drafts and
complete the exercise.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students to identify each
change and explain how it makes the revised draft
First Draft
EXPlORE THE THEmE (pages 164–165)
The opening spread provides information about animal
and plant adaptation.
• Allow time for students to read the spread and answer
the questions individually.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students for examples of
how other animals have adapted to their environments.
• Elicit example sentences from students for each of the
blue words.
A 1. Physical adaptation: desert plants that store
water in their stems. Behavioral adaptation:
gray whales that give birth in warm water but
travel to cold water for food.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
2. Behavioral adaptation: nocturnal animals, such
as bats, can avoid competition from birds and
hide from predators. Physical adaptation: the
panda uses a “false thumb” to eat bamboo.
evolve; theory; characteristic
Building Vocabulary
The sentences are definitions for the words in the
reading passage on pages 167–168. They contain
seven key vocabulary items that appear in the passage.
Students should use contextual clues to deduce the
meanings of the words. Remind students to use the
correct word forms.
• Have students work individually to complete the exercise.
• Have students check answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class. Ask: What do detectives
look for when they are working on a case? (Elicit clues
and evidence.) What’s something that is on display in
a nearby store window? Do you wear more layers of
clothing in the winter or the summer?
See Vocabulary Extension 9A on page 211 of the Student
Book for additional practice with Word Partners: adjective +
Using Vocabulary
Students should write the main characteristics of birds.
Each idea should be brief. If available, show images of
different types of birds in nature. Have a student read the
example aloud.
• Have students work individually.
• Have them form pairs and compare answers.
• Elicit answers from the class, and make a word web on
the board with the answers.
The opening paragraph discusses the fact that feathers
have existed for millions of years. Remind students to
skim the first paragraph but also look at the title, captions,
and subheads to predict what the article is about. Elicit
the meanings of paleontologist and fossil by directing
students to the first footnote on page 167. Elicit the
meaning of insulation (materials used to keep something
warm). Explain that they do not need to give answers
based on the passage; they should use their own ideas.
A 1. Evidence
2. layer
3. flexible
4. advantage
5. clue
6. display
7. attracts
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. Darwin’s theory of evolution, Einstein’s theory
of relativity
2. make special sounds or noises; show off their
feathers; fight other animals to show their
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
2. Birds build nests.
3. Birds have feathers.
4. Birds have beaks.
D Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Insulation: Feathers trap body heat to help birds
stay warm.
Attraction: Colorful feathers help birds attract
the opposite sex.
Flight: The shape and arrangement of feathers in
wings help birds fly.
2.07 Have students read the passage individually, or
play the audio and have students read along.
The passage is about the evolution of feathers, from
dinosaurs to present-day birds, and theories about the
different functions that feathers have.
Online search terms: birds of paradise project; theropod BBC;
flamingo National Geographic
Fossil Evidence: Very small sacs inside theropod
feathers, called melanosomes, give feathers their
color and look the same as those in the feathers
of birds today.
modern Examples: thin and hard; long and
flexible; bone
Fossil Evidence: movable bone
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. Yes, I think the fossil evidence helps. For
example, there is a clear link between theropod
melanosomes and the colored feathers of
modern birds (attraction theory).
2. I think the writer could have provided more fossil
evidence for the insulation theory.
3. I find the theory about insulation the least
convincing. Theropods could have covered their
nests with their front limbs for another reason
(e.g., to protect their young from predators). The
theory about flight is the most convincing to me
because of the bone structure evidence. Also, it is
logical that birds’ ability to fly evolved over time.
Understanding the main Idea
Students are asked to choose the main idea of the
reading passage.
• Have students complete the activity individually.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students how they arrived
at their answers.
Identifying Details
Students test their understanding of the details in the
passage by completing the chart. Remind students of
their answers to exercise D on page 166. Explain that
this chart asks them to find fossil evidence as well. Elicit
the meanings of: the opposite sex (for males, females; for
females, males), at an angle (not straight), movable (can
be moved), and fold its arms (cross arms close to its body).
• Allow students time to write their answers individually.
• Have them check their answers in pairs.
• Discuss answers as a class. Draw the chart on the board,
and write students’ answers.
Critical Thinking: Evaluating Evidence
The Critical Thinking box explains the importance of
evaluating evidence. Ask students if they remember what
they learned from the Critical Thinking boxes on page 127
and page 149. Then have a student read the text in the
box aloud. Write “Relevant, Logical, and Sufficient” on
the board. Remind students to ask whether each theory
meets these criteria.
• Allow time for students to discuss the questions
in pairs.
• Discuss answers as a class. For each theory, have
students decide whether it is relevant, logical, and
sufficient. Ask students if their ideas about question 3
have changed after the discussion. Why or why not?
Students should use the new vocabulary items while
discussing the two questions.
• Have students work in pairs to discuss the questions.
• Discuss answers as a class. Elicit example answers from
students. Make a list of strategies that animals use on
the board. Ask: Are any of these strategies also used
by humans?
READING (page 169)
0M N
Reading 1
• Give students 1 minute to skim the first paragraph and
look at the title, captions, and subheads.
• Have students discuss ideas in pairs.
• Discuss as a class. Write students’ ideas on the board.
Revisit these categories after completing the reading.
SKIllS (page 170)
Reading Skill: Identifying Theories
The Reading Skill box explains how to identify theories.
Ask students why it is important to identify signals that
indicate that a writer is talking about a theory. Elicit that
it alerts the reader that the information has not been
verified as fact; the writer is presenting possible theories.
Have a student read the text in the box aloud. Then make
a list of more words on the board. Add a column for
verbs that show certainty as well (know/proved/found).
Ask students to look at the picture and describe what
they see. Elicit the meaning of limbs (arms and legs). Ask
what they know about dinosaurs, and elicit that because
the animals lived so long ago, it is hard to be certain
about their lives. Then have students find the theories
and circle the words that introduce them. You may want
to do the first as an example.
• Allow time for students to complete the task
• Have students form pairs and compare their answers.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
modern Examples: young; soft feathers
Fossil Evidence: Theropod fossils show that
they used their front limbs to cover their nests,
possibly to keep their young warm.
modern Examples: Peacocks spread their
brightly colored tails to attract peahens.
Identifying Theories
Identifying Theories
Students locate two theories in the reading passage
and circle the words that introduce them. Encourage
students to review the explanation in the Reading Skills
box for clarification.
• Allow students time to complete the task individually.
• Have them form pairs and compare their answers.
• Write answers on the board.
ideas for… EXPANSION
If it is available, show the trailer of the movie Jurassic
Park. Ask students whether they have seen this movie.
If so, ask students to describe what it is about. If not,
ask what they notice about the trailer. What do they
think it will be about? What will be fact and what
will be theory? Why? Have students discuss these
questions in groups of three or four and then share
their answers with the class.
Many scientists think that a group of dinosaurs
closely related to today’s birds took the first steps
toward flight when their limbs evolved to flap
as they ran. They theorize that this arm flapping
eventually led to flying. . . . Instead, they believe
this animal flew by gliding from tree to tree.
They speculate that the feathers formed a sort of
parachute that helped the animal stay in the air.
. . . Some researchers suggest that M. gui’s
feathers weren’t useful for flight at all. They think
that the feathers possibly helped the animal to
attract a mate, or made the tiny dinosaur look
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. They think this shows that the dinosaurs were
using feathers to keep their young warm.
2. According to scientists, this common
characteristic suggests that feathered dinosaurs
such as Anchiornis evolved flight by moving their
feathered arms up and down as they ran, or by
jumping from tree to tree.
0M N
• Check answers as a class. If possible, project the
information on the board, and circle or underline as a
class. Ask students to evaluate the theories based on
the criteria in the Critical Thinking box on page 169. Do
they think there is enough evidence to support these
(pages 171-172)
Overview of the Video
The video describes two animals that glide: the flying
tree snake and the Draco lizard. It explains how they are
able to glide through the air, and why they have evolved
to do so.
Online search terms: flying fish; flying squirrel; Draco lizard;
flying tree snake
learning About the Topic
The paragraph prepares students for the video by giving
them background information about some animals that
can glide through the air. Different animals are featured
in the video. Explain that they will have to infer the
answer to question 2.
• Have students complete the task individually.
• Have students check their answers in pairs.
• Check answers to question 1 as a class. Explain the
meaning of paws. Discuss question 2. If a computer is
available, search online for videos of flying squirrels and
flying fish.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
The Draco lizard looks like it’s wearing a cape,
which helps it glide through the trees.
The snake looks like it’s swinging and ready to
launch itself from the tree.
B 1. Flying squirrels use their tails and a layer of skin
connecting their paws; flying fish use their fins.
2. Answers will vary. Possible answers: wind speed;
how high in the trees they are (for flying squirrels);
size of fins (for flying fish)
C 1. escape
2. launch
3. prey
Students think of theories for how the reptiles glide. Elicit
the meaning of glide and reptile, using the pictures as
• Have students study the photo, title, and captions.
• Have students discuss their ideas with a partner.
• Discuss as a class. Ask students whether any of them
has seen any of these animals before. If so, what
adjectives would they use to describe them? If not,
would they like to see them? Why or why not?
Vocabulary in Context
This exercise introduces students to some of the key
words used in the video.
• Have students complete the task individually.
• Check answers as a class. Elicit example sentences
for each word. Ask: What is a cat’s usual prey? What
is a place that people want to escape from? What is
something that can be launched into the air?
Answers will vary. Possible answer: The two animals
can glide. Gliding is like flying but without going up
in the air. It means starting out high, and moving
through the air until landing at a lower spot.
B 1. T
2. T
3. T
4. F (Note: The Draco lizard is prey for the paradise
tree snake.)
5. F (Note: 10 meters)
Understanding the main Idea
Have students read the question before you play the video.
Tell students to write their answers in their own words. Ask
whether any students have ever gone hang-gliding. If so,
what did it feel like? If not, would they like to go?
• Have them complete the task while the video is
• Compare answers as a class. Write two student
definitions on the board, and ask students to work
together to write a clear definition.
Understanding Details
Have students read the statements and recall which are
true or false from the first viewing before playing the
video a second time.
• Have students complete the task while the video is
• Check answers as a class. Have students correct the
false answers.
Students are asked to reflect on the information in the
video and relate this to the more general statement.
• Allow students time to discuss the questions in pairs.
• Discuss as a class. Ask students to evaluate their
classmates’ theories. Are they relevant, logical, and
sufficient? Which theory is the most convincing?
Critical Thinking: Inferring meaning
Students read the quote and decide on its meaning.
Encourage students to recall the scene from the video.
If necessary, play the scene again.
• Have students write their answers.
• Discuss as a class. Elicit example answers from students
and write them on the board.
ideas for… EXPANSION
Have students choose an interesting animal that has
adapted to its surroundings and find out more about
it. Have students obtain basic information: where the
animal lives, what it eats, what it looks like, and other
interesting facts. Then have students describe how the
animal has adapted to escape from predators, to catch
its prey, or to survive in a particular environment. Have
students write a paragraph about the animal and
share what they have learned with the class.
Reacting to the Video
Answers will vary. Possible answer: because
gliding is the most efficient way to move from
tree to tree in the rain forest.
Answers will vary. Possible answer: The snake isn’t
frightened by the lizard’s warning. It still wants to
eat the lizard.
Building Vocabulary
The eight words in the box are related to the reading
passage on pages 174–175. Students should use
contextual clues to deduce the meanings of the words
and complete the sentences with the correct words.
Remind students to use the correct forms of the words.
• Have students complete the task individually.
• Check answers as a class. Elicit example sentences for
each vocabulary item. Ask: How do you adjust to a
new culture? Are you involved in any school activities?
Do you prefer chocolate that is solid or hollow?
See Vocabulary Extension 9B on page 211 of the Student
Book for additional practice with Word Link: pro- (meaning
“in front/before”).
Using Vocabulary
Students should use the new vocabulary items while
discussing the two questions. Point out that question 1
is difficult, and behavioral scientists have been discussing
this for years. Students might want to use levels of
certainty when discussing their answers. Elicit the
meanings of rough and smooth.
• Have students work in pairs to answer the questions.
• Discuss answers as a class. Elicit example answers from
Students are asked to find the purpose of the animal part
and the products that are designed based on this animal
part. Ask students if they were correct in their earlier
predictions about the items.
• Allow time for students to complete the task individually.
• Have students check their answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class. Draw the chart on the board
and fill it in as a class.
The reading passage describes different examples of
biomimetics. The passage discusses the functions of
the toucan bill and shark skin in nature and how these
functions can be reproduced to design better objects
for humans.
Online search terms: National Geographic biomimetics;
toucan bills biomimicry
0M N
Students should look at the photos and read the
subheads to make their own guesses about this reading.
Stress that students should not try to read the entire
passage; they should think of their own ideas You may
want to give them 1 minute to skim the material.
• Have students look at the photos and subheads and
answer the questions.
• Have students form pairs and compare their answers.
• Discuss answers as a class. Write a list on the board, and
revisit it after reading the passage.
2.08 Have students read the passage individually, or
play the audio and have students read along.
A 1. process
2. industry
3. involved
4. vary
5. adjust
6. solid
7. surface
8. unique
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. We wear clothing; we can imagine things; we can
voice our opinion and create change in the world.
2. The walls have rough surfaces. The desks have
smooth surfaces.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Toucan bills and car safety: Maybe toucan bills
are very hard, so cars can be made of a similar
hard material.
Shark scales and swimsuits: Shark scales must
work well in the water, so they could be used as a
model for swimsuit design.
Reading 2
READING (page 176)
Understanding the main Idea
Students write a definition of the term biomimetics.
• Have students write a definition in pairs.
• Check answers as a class. Have two volunteers write
their definitions on the board. Work as a class to create
a class definition for the term.
Identifying Details
Critical Thinking: Applying
Students should identify what makes an invention an
example of biomimetics. If necessary, have them review
their definition from exercise A again.
• Allow students time to answer the questions individually.
• Have students discuss their answers in pairs. Have them
justify the reasons for their choices.
• Discuss as a class. Does everyone agree? Why or why not?
Identifying Theories
Students should reread paragraph B and identify three
theories. They should underline the theories and circle
the words used to introduce them. Offer the first as an
example, if necessary.
• Allow students time to find the theories individually.
• Have them form pairs and compare their answers.
• Discuss as a class. Have volunteers read the theories
aloud. Write the words that introduce the theories on
the board.
Critical Thinking: Synthesizing
Students should identify three animals and discuss
how they are uniquely adapted to their environments.
Encourage students to review the reading and their
notes on the video again.
• Allow students time to answer the questions individually.
• Have them discuss their answers in pairs.
• Discuss as a class. Make word web with the animals
and the ways that they are uniquely adapted to their
Answers will vary. Possible answer: a process
in which characteristics of animals are used to
design new products for humans
Purposes: to attract mates, cut open fruit,
fight, warn predators to stay away, control body
Products/Technologies: panels in cars and
planes to make them safer
Purposes: to protect the shark, keep it clean, and
help it swim quickly
Products/Technologies: coating for airplanes
and ship bottoms, and swimwear that reduces
Charles Darwin theorized that these bills attract
mates. Other researchers think that the large
bills are used for cutting fruit, for fighting, or for
warning predators to stay away. A new study
suggests that the enormous bills help control
body temperature…
2, 3 (Explanation: Sentences 2 and 3 are examples
of biomimetics because they make something
new by copying nature. Sentences 1 and 4 are
ways of using animal parts, not copying their
form or structure.)
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
The desert beetle has adapted to living in the
desert by collecting water in its shell.
The Draco lizard has developed thin folds of
skin that extend from its body to help it glide
between trees.
The flying fish has developed long fins to help it
glide over water.
ideas for… EXPANSION
If computers are available, have students look online
for examples of biomimicry. They should research
one example and describe what they know about
the animal, what the purpose of the animal part is
in nature, and how the animal part will be used in a
product. Students should present the information to
the class and show images, if available. Then have the
class vote on the example of biomimicry that they
think could be the most useful.
ENGlISH (pages 177-179)
While completing the exercise, students are expected to
notice that the simple past tense can be used for events
that began and ended in the past. This exercise is to be
done before going over the information in the Language
for Writing box. Point out that the sentences are all
excerpts from Readings 1 and 2.
• Have students complete the task individually.
• Check answers as a class. Have students review the
sentences in the reading passages to find the answers.
language for Writing: Using Synonyms
The Language for Writing box gives examples of using
synonyms to paraphrase a passage. Elicit what synonyms
are by asking for other words that mean big, small, etc.
Have students read the text in the box aloud. Point out
the importance of choosing the right synonym from
a possible list. Elicit that often the best synonyms are
words that students already know. If possible, bring in
a thesaurus or find one online. Have students check for
possible alternatives to common words.
language for Writing
Students read the sentences and choose the best
synonym for each. Explain that both of the word choices
are synonyms, but only one is appropriate in this context.
If a dictionary is available, allow students to use it.
• Allow students time to complete the activity
• Have them check answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class.
language for Writing
Students write four sentences from the reading passages
and paraphrase them.
• Allow students time to complete the task individually.
• Have students compare their answers with a partner.
• Ask volunteers to share their answers with the class.
Write two to three examples on the board. Ask
volunteers whether they used synonyms.
Writing Skill
Students read the key ideas from the paragraph in
exercise D and number these in the correct order. Point
out that the sentences have the same ideas as those in
the paragraph but have been rewritten.
• Allow time for students to complete the task
• Have students form pairs and compare answers.
• Check answers as a class.
Have students rewrite the sentences in exercise E in
paragraph form. Have students find synonyms for the
underlined words. Encourage students to use a thesaurus,
and point out that often a simple word fits well.
• Allow time for students to complete the task
• Have students form pairs and compare answers.
• Have a volunteer read the paragraph aloud to the
class. On the board, write a list of synonyms for each
underlined word.
A 1. d; 2. a; 3. c; 4. e; 5. b
B 1. b; 2. a; 3. b; 4. b
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. In many cases, the purpose of these magnificent
feathers is to get the attention of the opposite
sex. (See page 168, Paragraph C.)
2. These feathers were similar to present-day bird
feathers. The only difference was that Anchiornis
feathers had the same shape on each side.
(See page 168, Paragraph F.)
3. Shortfin makos are one of the fastest and most
powerful fish in the ocean, and are related to the
great white shark. (See page 175, Paragraph F.)
4. Covering airplanes with a substance that is similar
to shark skin could increase their speed. (See
page 175, Paragraph G.)
Writing Skill: Writing a Summary Paragraph
The Writing Skill box explains the key characteristics of a
summary. The Writing Skill box teaches students to find
the key ideas, and then write them in their own words.
Emphasize that the list of characteristics is important for
this type of writing. Have a student read these aloud.
Writing Skill
Students should read the paragraph and highlight the
key ideas. Remind students that they will be doing this in
order to write a summary paragraph.
• Allow students time to complete the task individually.
• Have students form pairs and compare answers.
• Compare answers as a class. Ask students why they
chose to underline certain ideas and not others.
Writing Skill
ideas for… EXPANSION
Have students choose a reading passage from a
previous unit in this book. Have them skim the
passage again to remind themselves of the details,
and then close the book and free-write about the
passage. Remind students to include the main idea
of the passage and some key details. Once they
have written a paragraph, have them return to the
reading passage and see if there are more details they
would like to add. Point out that it is often easier to
summarize without having the article available at the
same time. Emphasize that this summary paragraph
should follow the criteria listed in the Writing Skill box.
Have volunteers read their paragraphs aloud.
3, 2, 4, 1
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Biomimetics involves studying the ways
in which plants and animals adapt to their
environments in order to develop useful products
and technologies for people. An example of
biomimetics is Velcro. A Swiss engineer, George de
Mestral, saw how well a bur clung to his dog’s fur.
He created a two-part fastener by mimicking the
hooks on the bur and the softness of his dog’s fur.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Scientists are studying the adaptations of
living organisms in order to use their designs
in products and technologies for humans. This
field of study is known as biomimetics. Velcro
is one example of biomimetics. In 1948, a Swiss
engineer named George de Mestral removed a
bur stuck to his dog’s fur. De Mestral studied it
under a microscope and noticed how well the
hooks on the bur stuck to things. He copied the
design to make a two-piece fastening device. . . .
0M N
In this section, students write a summary paragraph. The
lesson starts by reviewing use of synonyms and then
teaches students about writing a summary paragraph. In
the Writing Task, students apply these lessons by writing
a summary paragraph about one of the sections of the
reading passage on pages 174–175. As added support,
they will encounter two drafts of a sample paragraph.
Students begin the task by brainstorming and planning
their summary paragraphs. Students then draft their
paragraphs, improve their drafts, and correct common
mistakes that occur with synonyms.
WRITING TASK (page 180)
Remind students that brainstorming is a useful first step
for gathering ideas before writing. Read the Goal box
aloud so students will be familiar with the writing task
before brainstorming. Have them list as many details as
they can remember about the two topics. Ideas should
be briefly worded. They need not be listed in any order.
• Have students complete the task individually. Set a time
limit so that students are motivated to write quickly.
• Compare answers in pairs.
• Compare answers as a class.
Students choose a section of one of the reading passages
to summarize and write the title. They should reread
that section and then write a topic sentence and key
ideas. Remind students that complete sentences are not
necessary. Refer them to the Writing Skill box on page 178
for more details about writing a summary paragraph.
• Allow time for students to complete their outlines
individually. Provide assistance as needed.
First Draft
Have students write first drafts of their paragraphs based
on their outlines.
• Allow time for students to complete the task
individually. Provide assistance as needed. Refrain from
error correction at this point.
The Revising Practice box contains an exercise that
demonstrates several ways students can improve their
first drafts.
• Allow time for students to analyze the two drafts and
complete the exercise. Point out that one of the types
of changes (a-d) can be used more than once.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students to identify each
change and explain how it makes the revised draft
Students should apply the revision techniques used
in the Revising Practice box to their own drafts, where
• Explain to students that they will be using the
questions as a guide for checking and improving their
• As a class, go over the questions carefully to make sure
students understand them.
• Allow students time to revise their paragraphs.
Taking notes (Part 2)
giving details that support advice
Using the zero conditional to give
CRiTiCal Thinking applying an idea to a new context
b, a, a, d, c
1. elegant
2. light
3. young
4. spread
5. shell
6. helpful
7. leaves
The theme of this unit is advice. It explores the different
ways that three entrepreneurs—Banks, Andrade, and
Kawasaki—have been able to make a success out of their
visionary ideas.
Final Draft
• READING 1: The reading is about Ken Banks, a social
entrepreneur, and his creation of FrontlineSMS. Banks
gives advice on starting entrepreneurial projects.
Have students apply the skills taught in Editing Practice to
their own revised drafts, and check for any other errors.
• Allow time for students to work individually on editing
their drafts.
• Walk around and monitor students as they work.
Provide assistance as needed.
• Collect their work once they have completed it.
• For the next class, show anonymous examples of good
paragraphs and common errors.
Revised Draft
Students can work in groups on this recap of the unit. For
questions 2 and 3, encourage them to check the relevant
pages of the unit for answers.
• Allow students time to answer the two questions in
groups. For question 1, ask students to convince the
other students in their groups to agree with their
choice. Have them justify their reasons.
• Ask each group to present its answer for question 1.
Do they all agree? Why or why not?
• Discuss the photo as a class. What do students think
the photo and the unit are about? Provide your own
• Discuss the two questions as a class. Ask students to
reflect on their own lives. For question 1, ask who gave
them this advice. For question 2, ask if their school has
a career counselor.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. You have to enjoy the little things in life.
2. I would talk to Professor Chumley. She’s a person
that I trust, and she knows me well.
• VIDEO: The video provides a description of Martín
Andrade’s project, Mi Parque, which creates green
spaces in poor, urban areas of Chile.
• READING 2: The reading passage describes the lessons
that Guy Kawasaki has learned from working in the
business world, many of which he learned from Steve
Jobs, his boss at Apple.
Students draw on what they’ve read and watched
about advice and success to write an advice paragraph
about succeeding in college. The unit prepares them by
introducing vocabulary to talk about advice, explaining
how to use the zero conditional, and offering tips on how
to write an advice paragraph. Students will also learn a
new method for taking notes. Lastly, students brainstorm
and use an outline to prepare drafts.
The questions help prepare students for the subject
matter covered in the unit— advice and what they
have learned. The scene depicts Sheryl Sandberg,
Chief Operating Officer of Facebook, delivering a
commencement speech at Tsinghua University, China.
• Have students study the picture, title, and captions.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Toucan Bills and Car Safety: made of keratin,
strong and light, absorbs impact so would be
good for cars.
Shark Scales and Swimsuits: look like little
teeth; very flexible; make sharks go faster because
of less drag, so they can make swimmers in
bathing suits go faster too.
Answers will vary. Model answers:
Title of Original Text: Animal Adaptation
Topic Sentence: An adaptation is a change in a
plant or an animal.
Key Ideas:
Changes are a result of mutation.
More organisms inherit a mutation; eventually
becomes a normal characteristic of the species.
Two kinds of adaptation: physical and behavioral.
Desert plant that can store its own water =
physical adaptation.
Whale migration = behavioral adaptation.
The Editing Practice box trains students to spot and
correct common errors related to synonyms. As a class,
go over the information in the box carefully to make sure
students understand what to look out for.
• Allow students time to complete the exercise
• Check answers as a class by asking students to read
their corrected sentences aloud and explain the errors.
EXPlORE THE THEmE (pages 184–185)
Students read the information and the chart about jobs
that show potential for growth in the future.
• Allow students time to study the spread and answer
question 1 individually.
• Have students discuss questions 1 and 2 in pairs.
• Discuss answers as a class.
• Have students answer the question in part B in pairs.
• Elicit example sentences from students for each of the
blue words.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. I would like to be a translator because I love
languages, but I’ll have to work on my language
skills for that! Being a personal shopper would
be fun too, because I like shopping and giving
2. I think these job opportunities are increasing
because these jobs can’t be done using machines
or a computer. They require human input.
thoroughly; challenge; expertise
Building Vocabulary
Students find the seven blue words in the passage and
use contextual clues to guess the meanings. Before they
begin, ask students to underline the words that they
already know and circle the ones that they need to learn.
• Allow time for students to complete the exercise
• Check answers as a class. What clues from the reading
passage did students find helpful?
• Elicit example sentences for each vocabulary item. Ask:
How do companies promote their products? When
working on a group project, do you usually take the
initiative? If runners want to monitor their progress,
what can they do?
See Vocabulary Extension 10A on page 212 of the Student
Book for additional practice with Word Partners: Expressions
with challenge.
Using Vocabulary
Students should practice using the new vocabulary items
while answering the three questions.
• Have students discuss their answers in pairs.
• Compare answers as a class. Elicit example answers
from students. For question 1, ask: In the future,
what would you like your area of expertise to be? For
question 2, ask: Do you enjoy challenges? Why or
why not? For question 3, ask: How do teachers try to
empower students?
Students skim the first and last paragraphs and look at
the pictures and captions to complete the sentence with
their ideas about the reading.
• Have students work individually. Give them a time limit
of 1 to 2 minutes to skim the material.
• Have them form pairs and compare answers.
• Discuss ideas with the class. Revisit answers after
students have read the passage.
U N I T 10
A 1. exchange (Note: Exchange is a verb as well as a
2. Reality
3. monitor (Note: Monitor is a verb as well as a
4. Funding
5. promote
6. empower
7. initiative
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. I love English and history. English is my area of
2. public speaking; I overcame this through hard
work and practice—the more often I spoke in
class or in large groups, the easier it became.
3. A manager can listen carefully to what employees
tell them. A manager can give employees more
responsibility, more freedom, and adequate
training to learn new skills.
Answers will vary. Possible answers: social life;
work; banking; travel planning
D Answers will vary. Possible answers: I think
Ken Banks created an app that helps millions
of people who live in rural areas and have no
Internet access.
2.09 Have students read the passage individually, or
play the audio and have students read along.
The reading passage is about Ken Banks, a social
entrepreneur, who noticed that people in developing
countries did not have access to the Internet. He created
FrontlineSMS, a worldwide service that allows users
to connect their cell phones to their computers to
communicate. Ken Banks also gives advice to aspiring
Online search terms: FrontlineSMS; Ken Banks TED talk;
Understanding the main Idea
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. He noticed that many villagers in South Africa
had cell phones. (See Paragraph B.)
2. FrontlineSMS is free and can work almost
anywhere in the world. (See Paragraph D.)
3. in Malawi—to run a rural healthcare program; in
Nigeria—to monitor elections; in Haiti—to help
disaster relief efforts. (See Paragraph D.)
4. a. Research your idea or product thoroughly.
b. Promote your idea on social media.
c. Once the message is out, ask for funding.
5, 4, 2, 3, 1
D Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. Scientists could send texts giving advice on how
to help the animal. Members of the public could
also send texts to report sightings of that animal.
2. Teachers could send texts containing reading
material and questions, and the children could
reply if they have queries.
I think FrontlineSMS would be more useful for
protecting endangered animals because it’s hard
for children to learn via text. They do better in a
Answers will vary. Possible answer: I think
this is because the Internet has made global
communication possible. Because of social
media, information about a new product can go
viral very quickly.
Students are asked to choose the best alternative title
for the reading passage. Direct students’ attention to the
footnote, explaining the meaning of entrepreneur. Ask
whether they know any entrepreneurs. Then elicit the
meaning of developing country (a poor country trying to
become wealthier and more socially advanced).
• Have students complete the activity individually.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students how they arrived
at their answers.
Understanding Details
Students test their understanding of the details in the
passage by answering the questions.
• Allow students time to complete the questions
• Have them form pairs and compare their answers.
• Check answers as a class.
Identifying Sequence
Have students sequence the steps according to the
reading passage.
• Have students form pairs and compare answers.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students if they think
these steps would be easy to follow. Why or why not?
Critical Thinking: Applying an Idea
to a New Context
The Critical Thinking box points out that using new
information in another context can help to evaluate the
pros and cons of that idea. Explain that students can
try to develop their ideas by completing the following
sentences: “This idea would be good because…”; “It
might be difficult because…”; “This would help…”
• Have students think about what they have read and
discuss their ideas in groups of three or four.
• Discuss answers as a class.
Critical Thinking: Inferring
Have students read the quote and discuss its
• Have students discuss their answers in pairs.
• Discuss as a class. Elicit the meaning of crowdsourcing/
crowdfunding, and remind students that they learned
about this topic in Unit 3.
Students think about what areas of their life would be
most affected if they didn’t have Internet access.
• Have students work individually to complete the
exercise. Ask them to keep their answers brief.
• Have them compare answers in pairs.
• Create a word web on the board, and elicit answers
from different pairs in the class.
READING (page 189)
0M N
Reading 1
SKIllS (page 190)
Reading Skill: Taking Notes (Part 2)
The Reading Skill box describes how to take notes by
identifying the main ideas and supporting details. Have
a volunteer read the text in the box aloud. Then have
students work in pairs, and have one student go to
page 8 and one to page 28. Have them summarize the
material and report to their partners.
Students use their notes in exercise A to write a summary
paragraph. Remind students that they learned about
writing summaries in Unit 9.
• Have students write paragraphs individually.
• Have them form pairs and compare their paragraphs.
• Ask for volunteers to read their paragraphs to the class.
0M N
Students should complete the chart with the
information from the reading passage. Have a student
read the examples aloud. Encourage students to use
abbreviations where possible.
• Allow time for students to complete the task in pairs.
• Compare notes as a class. Draw the chart on the board,
and write answers that volunteers offer.
Taking Notes
BUIlDER (pages 191–192)
Overview of the Video
The video describes the work of Martín Andrade, who
created the organization Mi Parque in order to bring
green spaces to poor, urban areas of Chile. He also gives
advice to those who wish to organize projects in their
own communities.
Online search terms: National Geographic Chile; Martín
Andrade Green Spaces; why do green spaces matter
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Paragraph C. main Idea: how FrontlineSMS
works. Details: Users install software; connect
computer to cell phone, etc.
Paragraph D. main Idea: Frontline = free/helps
people around the world. Details: Examples:
helps update medical records in Malawi; monitor
elections in Nigeria; disaster relief in Haiti.
Paragraph F. main Idea: Don’t ask for money
right away because you need to know it’s a good
idea. Details: Donors want to see well-researched
ideas. Talk to consumers.
Paragraph G. main Idea: Promote your idea
using the Internet. Details: Use social media:
Facebook/Twitter/blogs. Connect online. Post a lot.
Paragraph H. main Idea: After you have a good
idea & promote it, ask for money. Details: Start
with your social networks. Waiting shows that
you have commitment and initiative.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
While living in South Africa in 2003 and 2004, Ken
Banks got the idea for a computer program called
FrontlineSMS. It allows people to …
U N I T 10
learning about the Topic
The paragraph prepares students for the video by giving
them background information about Martín Andrade
and his work with green spaces in Santiago, Chile. Elicit
the meaning of green spaces.
• Have students complete the task individually.
• Have students check answers in pairs.
• Discuss answers as a class. Ask if students know of
similar problems in other cities.
Vocabulary in Context
This exercise introduces students to some of the key
words used in the video. Remind students to try to infer
the meanings from context.
• Have students complete the task individually.
• Check answers as a class. Elicit example sentences for
each word. Ask: When was your school founded? What
is something that gets you down? What is an example of
a breathtaking view in your town or city?
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. Public spaces in poorer areas were dirty and ugly.
2. to improve the lives of low-income Chilean
3. The foundation will build more green parks.
B 1. found
2. get you down
3. breathtaking
Students reflect on the quote. Then they draw on
information from the video and readings in this textbook
(including earlier units) to discuss “simple things” that
can make a difference. First, have students paraphrase
what Andrade is saying. Then encourage them to flip
through the textbook and take notes. You may want to
congratulate students on completing so much of the
textbook. This is an opportunity to reflect on how much
content they have learned as a class.
• Allow students time to answer the question
• Have students form pairs and compare their ideas.
• Discuss as a class. Elicit examples and write them on
the board. Ask: Do you participate in any of these
activities already? If so, which one(s)? If not, would you
like to be part of any?
Understanding main Ideas
Have students read the items silently before you play
the video. Then have the students watch the video and
check the items that are discussed. Elicit the meanings
of a lack of (not enough) and to impact (affect). Ask how
these words might relate to the video.
• Have students complete the task while the video is
• Have students compare answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students whether they
remember any details about the topics discussed.
Understanding Details
Have students fill in any answers that they recall from the
first viewing before playing the video a second time.
• Have students complete the task while the video is
• Have them form pairs and compare answers.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students if there are any
other words that they need to have explained, and
elicit definitions from volunteers.
2, 3 (Note: The video mentions that Andrade is an
architect, but it doesn’t go into any detail about
how his career began.)
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. lack of funding
2. 30,000 volunteers joined the efforts
3. a. Start small.
b. Use social media to promote your foundation.
Reacting to the Video
Students should discuss the question based on the
information they have learned in the video and their own
ideas. First, elicit descriptions of the “before and after”
footage of the area in Chile. Ask students to imagine how
they would feel, volunteering for this effort and enjoying
the park afterward.
• Have students discuss the question in pairs.
• Discuss as a class. Make a list of ideas on the board.
Critical Thinking: Synthesizing
ideas for… EXPANSION
Have students discuss the green spaces in the area
where the school is located. Imagine that they have a
meeting with a city planner. What advice would they
give to the city planner? Have them work in groups to
think of suggestions. Show a map of the area for them
to work with, if one is available. Then have students
role-play an encounter between the city planner and
the mayor, who might be worried about money.
Answers will vary. Possible answers: Kids are able
to play safely and have fun; older people can
take a stroll and improve their health; neighbors
can gather outdoors and strengthen community
bonds; everyone can breathe fresher air. It’s easier
to relax when you have green spaces around you.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. Just smiling and opening doors for strangers
can improve people’s moods and help make the
world a better place.
2. The windmill invention in Unit 2 is a relatively
simple invention using recycled materials. That
definitely helps make the world a better place!
3. Not eating big fish (Unit 4) is a simple thing that
we can do to help restore the ocean’s biodiversity.
Building Vocabulary
Students find the eight blue words in the passage and
use contextual clues to guess the meanings. Before they
begin, ask students to underline the words that they
already know and circle the ones that they need to learn.
• Have students complete the exercise individually.
• Check answers as a class. Elicit example sentences for
each vocabulary item. Ask: What is something you
are passionate about? What is the reputation of your
local sports teams? Do you think you are a demanding
See Vocabulary Extension 10B on page 212 of the Student
Book for additional practice with Word Partners: Expressions
with quality.
Using Vocabulary
Students should use the new vocabulary items while
discussing the three questions.
• Have students work in pairs to answer the questions.
• Discuss answers as a class. Elicit example answers from
students. Ask volunteers to share what have been the
defining moments in their own lives. Ask students if
they own any items from the brands they mention. Do
they agree that the quality is excellent? Ask students
whether they think of themselves as sensible. Why or
why not?
Students scan the reading passage by focusing on
lessons that Kawasaki has learned. Elicit that students
should look for words such as lesson and learn, and read
the first sentence of each paragraph.
• Students should write their answers individually. Give
students 1 minute to find this information.
• Have students form pairs and compare answers.
• Have students discuss answers as a class. Revisit these
ideas after reading.
U N I T 10
A 1. sensible
2. worth
3. reputation
4. consumers (Note: Loyal means that people will
stay true to something or someone.)
5. passion
6. demanding (Note: People who are demanding
make demands.)
7. defining (Note: A defining moment is one that
makes a big difference in how people view their
8. quality
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. getting married; having children; starting your
first job; buying a house
2. Apple; Jaguar (cars); Cartier
3. My mother is the most sensible person I know.
She thinks carefully before she makes any
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Sell the benefits of a product, not its features; be
nice to everyone; people cannot describe their
needs; design counts; challenge employees; most
experts are clueless; use social media to sell a
product and post frequently.
2.10 Have students read the passage individually, or
play the audio and have students read along.
The reading passage describes the lessons that Guy
Kawasaki has learned over his years working for
companies, including Apple, where he promoted the
Macintosh computer with Steve Jobs as his boss. He talks
about important lessons that he has learned and gives
advice for using social media.
Online search terms: Guy Kawasaki; TED Talk Simon Sinek;
Steve Jobs speech
0M N
Reading 2
READING (page 196)
Understanding the main Idea
Students read the passage and then choose the main
purpose from three options.
• Allow time for students to complete the task
• Check answers as a class. Ask students how they arrived
at their answers.
Identifying Opinions
Students read the statements and decide which ones
Kawasaki agrees with or disagrees with based on the
information in the reading passage. If the topic was
not discussed in the reading passage, students should
circle NG for not given. If students finish early, have them
rewrite the statements so that Kawasaki would agree
with them.
• Allow time for students to complete the task
• Have students check answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students if they agree
with these statements.
Critical Thinking: Inferring meaning
Students read the passage again to find the meanings of
the words and phrases from the context. Point out that
some are examples of figurative language.
• Allow students time to answer the questions
• Check answers with the class. Have students use these
words in example sentences. Ask: What has been a
turning point in your life? How do you know when a
business has taken off? What is an example of what
someone might do that could burn bridges? What is a
relationship that often involves power struggles?
Critical Thinking: Synthesizing
Students reflect on the advice given in the two readings
and the video. They should discuss similarities and
• Allow students time to flip through the unit and make
short notes.
• Have students discuss the question in pairs.
• Discuss as a class. Ask students which advice they find
the most useful.
B 1. N (See Paragraph B.)
2. N (See Paragraph F.)
3. Y (See Paragraph G.)
4. NG
5. Y (See Paragraph H.)
6. N (See Paragraph I.)
7. Y (See the sidebar “Selling a Product.”)
C 1. power struggle
2. turning point
3. philosophy
4. clueless
5. take off
6. burn your bridges
D Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Similarities: All three men are successful and
passionate about what they do. They work hard;
are entrepreneurs; use social media a lot; don’t
give up easily; and have identified solutions to
problems. Also, Banks and Andrade talk about
Differences: Andrade and Banks are social
entrepreneurs and focus on helping people in
developing countries, while Kawasaki works
mainly for big businesses and brands. Andrade
asks for help from local volunteers, but Banks and
Kawasaki don’t mention this.
ideas for… EXPANSION
Explain to students that in the United States, during
university commencement speeches, it is typical for
well-known and successful people to give advice to
graduating students. There are many great speeches,
including the commencement speeches by Steve
Jobs, J. K. Rowling, Oprah Winfrey, Jim Carrey, Sheryl
Sandberg, and Barack Obama. Have students take a
class vote on whose speeches they want to watch.
After choosing two or three speeches, watch them
together. (The speeches can be found online by using
the celebrity’s name and commencement speech.)
Have students take notes on what they learn and then
discuss the advice as a class.
ENGlISH (pages 197–199)
Students read sentences and decide whether the
underlined clause shows a condition or a result. This
exercise is to be done before going over the information
in the Language for Writing box. Elicit that if clauses are
used to show a condition that causes something else to
• Have students complete the task individually.
• Check answers as a class. Ask volunteers to read the
sentences aloud.
language for Writing: Using the Zero
Conditional to Give Advice
The Language for Writing box describes how to use
the zero conditional. It explains that each conditional
sentence has a condition (the if clause) and a result.
With the zero conditional, both clauses have verbs in
the present tense. However, the clauses can have the
present tense forms of modal verbs or imperatives. Have
students read the text in the box aloud. Have them look
again at exercise A and indicate whether the sentences
have modal verbs or imperatives. Ask them to circle the
clauses that have commas and remind them of the rule.
language for Writing
Students match the conditions with results.
• Allow students time to complete the activity
• Have them check answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class.
U N I T 10
language for Writing
Students create their own sentences using the
information in exercise B and the zero conditional. You
may want to offer the first sentence as an example. Refer
students to the Language for Writing box on page 197 if
they need a more detailed explanation.
• Allow students time to complete the task individually.
• Compare and correct the sentences on the board as a
language for Writing
Students read the statements, circle the condition, and
underline the result. Then they combine the information
using the zero conditional. You may want to offer the first
sentence as an example.
• Allow students time to complete the task individually.
• Check answers in pairs.
• Compare and correct the sentences on the board
as a class. For each sentence, elicit why it would not
be logical to have the condition and result clauses
See Grammar Summary on page 223 of the Student Book for
additional practice with using the zero conditional to give
ideas for… EXPANSION
Have students give advice using the zero conditional.
Before class, prepare enough papers for a 2:1 ratio in
the class. Write a problem at the top of each page.
Examples: I can’t sleep at night; My house is too noisy for
me to study; I want to meet new people; I have a crush
on a girl who doesn’t notice me. (Include this last one
only if it is culturally appropriate.) Explain to students
that they should write a zero conditional sentence
giving advice at the bottom of the page. Then they
should fold the paper so that their sentence is hidden.
In pairs, have students write advice, fold the paper
with the advice on it, and then pass the paper to
another group. The new group should not look at the
previous advice; they should write their own, fold it,
and pass it to a new group. Model this before students
begin. After students have written advice on five or
six papers, collect the papers, unfold them, and read
the statements aloud to the class or post the papers
around the class. Vote on the best advice.
B 1. c; 2. d; 3. b; 4. a
C 1. If you need money for college fees, (you should)
get a part-time job.
2. You should/can talk to a career counselor if you
want to apply for an internship.
3. If you want to find the right college, (you should)
visit lots of campuses.
4. You shouldn’t simplify things for employees if you
want your business to succeed.
D 1. Talk to your teacher if you don’t understand your
homework assignment.
2. If you can’t afford to pay for college, you can
apply for a scholarship.
3. If you can’t decide on a college major, take time
to try out different classes.
4. You should talk to your manager if you have a
problem with another employee.
Writing Skill: Giving Details that Support Advice
The Writing Skill box explains that details about how
and why things are important should be provided in a
paragraph giving advice. The Writing Skill box teaches
students to add these details to support their ideas. Have
students read the text in the Writing Skill box aloud. Ask:
Based on this information, what is a mentor? Do you
agree with this advice? Why or why not?
Writing Skill
Students read the paragraph and indicate what kind of
information the detail provides by labeling it as how or
why. You may want to offer the first detail as an example.
• Allow students time to complete the task individually.
• Have students check answers in pairs
• Check answers as a class.
Writing Skill
Students read the ideas, then find the how or why details
in the reading passage. Encourage students to use their
own words. Explain that for question 4, the how sentence
is what companies should do.
• Have students complete the task individually.
• Have students check their answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students whether they
agree with this advice.
a, b, b, a, b, a
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. Customers often don’t know what they want/
need until they see it. (See Paragraph F.)
2. If a product looks good, consumers will be more
likely to buy it, even if the price is high. (See
Paragraph G.)
3. Employees do their best work when they are
given big goals or challenges. (See Paragraph H.)
4. Why: Most experts are disconnected from
How: Companies should reach out to customers
directly, via social media. (See Paragraph I.)
0M N
In this section, students prepare to write paragraphs that
give advice. The lesson starts by teaching students how
to use the zero conditional. Students then learn how
to write details that support advice. In the Writing Task,
students apply these lessons by brainstorming, planning,
and writing about advice. As added support, they will
encounter two drafts of sample paragraphs and revising
strategies that the author used. Students will use a
checklist to revise their own paragraphs. Editing practice
helps students correct common mistakes with the zero
conditional. After this, students write the final drafts of
their paragraphs.
WRITING TASK (page 200)
Remind students that brainstorming is a useful first
step for gathering ideas before writing. Read the text in
the Goal box aloud so students will be familiar with the
writing task before brainstorming. Provide one or two
example ideas. Ideas should be briefly worded. They
need not be listed in any order.
• Allow time for students to think about the task
individually. Provide assistance as needed.
• Have students brainstorm their ideas in pairs and offer
feedback to each other.
Have students follow steps 1 to 4 to write an advice
paragraph. Have a student read the steps aloud. Remind
students that complete sentences are not necessary.
• Allow time for students to complete their outlines
individually. Provide assistance as needed.
First Draft
Have students write first drafts of their paragraphs based
on their outlines.
• Allow time for students to complete the task
individually. Provide assistance as needed. Refrain from
error correction at this point.
The Revising Practice box contains an exercise that
demonstrates several ways students can improve their
first drafts.
• Allow time for students to analyze the two drafts and
complete the exercise.
• Check answers as a class. Ask students to identify each
change and explain how it makes the revised draft
Revised Draft
U N I T 10
AcAdemic Tr Ack
Health Science / Sociology
AcAdemic SkillS
b, a, d, d, c
1. If you want to make new friends in college, attend
as many school-related events as you can.
2. If you want to find out if a particular college is
right for you, visit the campus before classes start.
3. You can apply for a scholarship if you don’t have
enough money for college.
4. If you plan to ask your boss for a raise, you should
write a list of your recent accomplishments at work.
5. You can get a bank loan if you don’t have enough
money to start a business.
6. If you want your employees to feel empowered,
make sure that they have the necessary resources
and expertise to do their jobs.
Final Draft
Have students apply the skills taught in Editing Practice to
their own revised drafts and check for any other errors.
• Allow time for students to work individually on editing
their drafts.
• Walk around and monitor students as they work.
Provide assistance as needed.
• Collect their work once they have completed it.
• For the next class, show anonymous examples of good
paragraphs and common errors.
Students should apply the revision techniques used
in the Revising Practice box to their own drafts, where
• Explain to students that they will be using the questions
as a guide for checking and improving their drafts.
• As a class, go over the questions carefully to make sure
students understand them.
• Allow students time to revise their paragraphs.
Students can work in groups on this recap of the unit. For
question 1, encourage students to explain their reasons.
For questions 2 and 3, encourage them to check the
relevant pages of the unit for answers.
• Allow students time to answer the three questions in
groups. For question 1, ask groups if they think they will
give this advice to other people. Why or why not?
• As a class, have students vote for the best piece of advice.
• Discuss the two questions as a class. For question 1,
write the word happy on the board, and create a word
web with student answers (relaxed, loved). For question
2, have volunteers share their answers. Ask the class
what characteristics they notice happy people share.
Identifying the main idea
Writing a strong topic sentence
Review of the simple present tense
Inferring meaning
ThiNk ANd diScUSS
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. Happiness can mean different things to different people.
I think true happiness is when you are surrounded by
people who love you and you feel fulfilled in your life.
2. My friend Janna is someone who seems happy.
She likes to laugh and be around other people. She
always looks on the positive side of a situation, even
when times are tough.
The theme of this unit is happiness, and the different
factors that contribute to happiness around the world are
explored. The unit also discusses longevity studies and
explores ways to become a happier person.
• reAdiNG 1: This reading describes life in Mexico
and Singapore and the diverse factors that lead to
• VideO: The video provides a look at centenarians around
the world and the reasons certain groups of people, most
notably those in Okinawa, Japan, are living longer.
• reAdiNG 2: This reading discusses six factors
associated with happiness and gives examples of how
to enhance these areas in one’s own life.
Students draw on what they’ve read and watched to write
an opinion paragraph evaluating happiness in their own
communities. The unit prepares them by introducing
vocabulary to talk about happiness, reviewing the simple
present tense, and offering tips for writing strong topic
sentences. The unit also explains how to identify the
main idea of a paragraph. Lastly, it introduces students to
brainstorming and using an outline to prepare drafts—
skills that students will use in every unit’s Writing Task.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Topic: how to make friends in college
Tips: Smile a lot and listen to others. Join clubs
or sports teams. Spend time just “hanging out.”
Attend school-related events.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Topic Sentence: Making friends is an important
part of college life, and there are some ways to
make this easier.
Supporting Idea (Tip 1): Smile a lot and listen to
Detail(s): You don’t have to be the life of the
party; just let people see that you are friendly and
Supporting Idea (Tip 2): Join clubs or sports
Detail(s): You can meet people who have the
same interests as you.
Supporting Idea (Tip 3): Spend time “hanging
out” with other students in your dorm or after
Detail(s): Friendships take time! It takes time to
get to know people well.
Concluding Sentence: This advice can help
students make friends in college.
The Editing Practice box trains students to spot and
correct common errors related to zero conditionals. As a
class, go over the information in the box carefully.
• Allow students time to complete the exercise
• Have students check answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class by asking students to read
their corrected sentences aloud and explain the errors.
explOre The Theme (pages 2–3)
The opening spread provides information and statistics
about the happiest countries in the world, according to
the World Database of Happiness.
• Allow time for students to study the spread and answer
the questions in part A individually. Elicit meanings of
rate and on a scale of one to ten.
• Discuss answers as a class. Ask students why they think
these countries were chosen and whether the statistics
described in the spread reflect their own experiences.
• Have students answer the question in part B. Remind
students to use the correct forms of the words.
• Elicit example sentences from students for each of the
blue words.
explOre The Theme
ThiNk ANd diScUSS (page 1)
The questions help prepare students for the subject
matter covered in the unit—happiness around the world.
The scene depicts children playing on swings made of
rope in a vehicle (a jeepney) in the Philippines.
• Have students study the picture, title, and captions.
• Discuss the photo as a class. Ask students to describe
what they see. Ask: Why do you think they are happy?
Do you think children are happier than adults? Have
students explain their answers.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. Yes, I’ve been to Canada and Mexico. Most of the
countries shown here are very scenic and have
stunning natural views, so maybe that’s why
people from these countries are generally happy.
2. Many countries have high GDPs, but then again,
number 1 (Costa Rica) and number 3 (Mexico) don’t,
so that can’t be the major reason for happiness. I
think this suggests that there are other factors that
contribute to happiness.
provide; secure; standard of living