Nuclear Envelope Lamins Mitosis (M Phase) Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase MTOC •:•0 ⑨ / MTOC - Prophase • - Metaphase P P • 0 - Anaphase P Cleavage Furrow Metaphase Plate H 3A • P Polar Microtubules P - Telophase - Cytokinesis • Interphase Nucleus - DNA 2n - cell growth - cytoplasm - 2 hours Telomere Bo Centromere Telomere • BB • A G-1 (GAP 1) Kinetochore Synthetic (S) - dna replication 2n Chromosome - G2 a. •• * Stable Cells - Liver (Hepatocytes) - Epithelium of kidney tubules * Permanent Cells (amitotic) - Neurons - Skeletal Muscle - Cardiac Muscle Aging •• Telomeres Shorten Sister Chromatids CELL BIOLOGY Cell Cycle | Interphase & Mitosis G 1 /S Checkpoint - make more organelles - synthesizing proteins and enzymes - repair thymidine dimers 4n - dna polymerases -1 -111 - 6 hours • * Labile (proliferative) cells - Epithelium of skin, GI Tract, Urinary Tract - hematopoietic stem cell - - G2(GAP 2) G 1 /S Checkpoint mi Cytoplasm 4n G2 /M Checkpoint - G1 -S G0 - (Rest) (Quiescent Phase) Diploid 2n = 46 CELL Cell Membrane 2n 2n 2n o ☒ + ⑨ ⑨ Motor Proteins - Dunedin - Kinesin + M Checkpoint Histone Proteins D Cytokinesis BE BE Chromatin DNA To 1 µg