,不会填的话你随时打电话给我,目 录 iTEP 考试简介……………………………………………………3 iTEP SLATE 考试简介…………………………………………4 第一章 iTEP SLATE 阅读考试综述……………………………6 第一节 iTEP SLATE 阅读部分介绍……………………6 第二节 iTEP SLATE 阅读部分评分标准………………7 第二章 iTEP SLATE 阅读题型分类讲解………………………9 第一节 iTEP SLATE 阅读文章选材背景介绍…………11 第二节 阅读题型一词汇题……………………………14 第三节 阅读题型二分析理解题……………………22 第四节 阅读题型三插入文本题………………………31 第五节 阅读策略汇总…………………………………43 第三章 iTEP SLATE 阅读词汇分析……………………………45 第一节 iTEP SLATE 阅读易错词汇……………………45 第二节 iTEP SLATE 阅读路标词汇……………………54 第三节 iTEP SLATE 阅读常见前缀后缀衍生词………58 第四章 iTEP SLATE 阅读全真模拟题 ……………………61 第一节 iTEP SLATE 阅读全真模拟题…………………61 第二节 iTEP SLATE 阅读全真模拟题答案……………90 附录一 iTEP 评分标准……………………………………………92 附录二 iTEP SLATE 成绩与雅思托福成绩对照表……………94 附录三 iTEP 成绩单样本…………………………………………95 1 2 iTEP 考试简介 iTEP 国际英语水平测试(International Test of English Proficiency)是由美国波士顿大学研发,评估非母语人群英语水 平的国际测试。目前,iTEP 考试有三种类型,分别是 iTEP 学术 (Academic)、iTEP 商务(Business)和 iTEP SLATE (Secondary Level Assessment Test of English) iTEP 学术和 iTEP 商务考试是专门针对继续接受高等教育和 从事商务工作所需英语水平的评估;iTEP SLATE(英语二级评 估测试)是专为母语不是英语的中学生设计的测试,评估其英 语水平。 iTEP 学术,特别适合高中毕业生,攻读本科以上学位 iTEP 商务,专为驰骋商界人士量身定制 iTEP SLATE, 适合中学生或更为年轻的英语学习者 以上三种考试都拥有相同的基本考试结构,评分标准,以 及标准化的流程。本书专注于 iTEP 导。 3 SLATE 类型的阅读考试指 iTEP SLATE 考试简介 iTEP 中学(Secondary Level Assessment Test of English)的 测试对象是针对母语不是英语的初级英语学习者,是一项适用 于评估初中或高中考生英语能力的专业测试。iTEP SLATE 的成 绩不仅可以用作就读国外学校的英语水平依据,也可以用作国 内英语课程成绩的评定标准。使用 iTEP SLATE 考试评估学生英 语程度的美国私立高中,在过去一年内增加了 3 倍。iTEP SLATE 测试的方法主要为在线考试,目标群体的年龄集中在 12 至 16 岁,通过测试可以有效地帮助学校了解和衡量学生的英语 水平。 目前 iTEP SLATE 考试拥有非常科学的体系,下设两种类型 的考试: iTEP SLATE 考试包含阅读、听力、语法三部分。考试总时 长 50 分钟,有额外的 10 分钟考前准备时间; iTEP SLATE-Plus 考试包含阅读、听力、语法、写作和口语 五部分。考试时长 80 分钟,有额外的 10 分钟考前准备时 间。 考试当天的准备 考生应该在开考前半小时到达,以备调整心态和适应环境。 考生需携带符合要求的照片,且照片信息与身份证信息保持 一致; 任何形式的参考资料,工具,和其他私人物品(如字典,电 4 话,电子设备等)都不允许带入考场; 考试期间不允许吸烟,吃零食,喝水; 考试期间考生需在电脑前完成所有题目; 考试期间,桌子上只能有两件物品:铅笔或签字笔、以及在 听力与口语中做笔记的纸张,在考试结束后,所有纸张将被 收回并销毁; 考试期间,会有 iTEP 监考老师在考场巡视; 如果考生违反了以上的规定或其他考场纪律,iTEP 监考老 师保留解除考生考试的权利。 进入考试系统后,考生需要完成相关个人信息的填写,如下所 示: 5 第一章 iTEP SLATE 阅读部分综述 第一节 iTEP SLATE 阅读部分介绍 SECTION FORMAT Reading Part 1 iTEP SLATE 50-word Passage Part 2 iTEP SLATE 200-word Passage Part 3 iTEP SLATE (only) 500-word Passage NUMBER AND TYPE OF QUESTIONS iTEP SLATE 2 Multiple-Choice iTEP SLATE 4 Multiple-Choice TIME 20 Minutes iTEP SLATE (only) 6 Multiple-Choice iTEP SLATE 阅读共有三个部分组成,难度系数逐渐增大。 第一部分有两篇文章构成,字数约为 50 个词,每篇文章后含有 一道问题;第二部分由一篇文章构成,字数约为 250 个词,文 章后配有 4 道问题;第三部分由一篇文章构成,字数约为 500 个词,文章后配有 6 道问题。阅读部分考试时长 20 分钟。 iTEP SLATE 考试中,阅读部分共涉及三种题型,分别是: 6 1、Synonyms/Related Words 词汇题 2、Analyzing 分析理解题 3、Discerning 插入文本题 第二节 iTEP SLATE 阅读部分评分标准 7 级别 阅读评分标准 能理解为非专家人士写的,涵盖各个领域学术材料的各个方面 6 阅读速度接近英语为母语人士的速度 很少需要使用字典 能读懂学术文本、期刊文章、文章摘要等的主要思想内容及大 5 部分细节 需要额外的阅读时间,有时需使用字典 能够从大部分课本及文章中收集主要思想内容,但不能很好掌 4 握所有细节 对一些抽象内容及文化参照有误解 阅读速度较慢,比较费劲 对题目熟悉的材料能理解要点,并掌握重要细节 3 能读懂考试、实验室、作业中有步骤的指示 有限的词汇量影响了阅读速度 能读懂简化的材料 2 缺乏词汇量是导致理解经常不确切,也不完整,阅读速度较慢 的主要原因 使用字典企图以逐字翻译的方式去理解读物 1 只能读懂极其简化的短语或句子 0 认识字母和孤立的单词 iTEP SLATE 官方成绩报告会以表格和图形格式表达考生的 8 评分信息,每一部分的单项成绩也会显示在考生的成绩报告 上;与此同时,成绩报告还会显示考生在各个单项上的长处和 弱点,以便于考生更客观全面的了解自身的英语水平。 成绩报告单中的阅读、听力和语法部分都是由电脑进行自 动评分,考生会得到一个指数分值和与之相对应的等级 0(初 级)到 6(高级)。写作和口语部分是由英语为母语的专家并经 过 ESL 培训的专业人员按照标准的评分量规打分。 样表请参见附录三。 第二章 iTEP SLATE 阅读题型分类讲解 9 考生在每一部分开始之前,都会有相应的时间来阅读相关 指导语,指导语将以语音的形式自动播放。 iTEP SLATE 阅读分为三个部分: 初级阅读篇:包含约 50 个词的文章两篇,后各有一道问 题。 中级阅读篇:包含约 250 个词的文章一篇,后有四道问题。 高级阅读篇:包含约 500 个词的文章一篇,后有六道问题。 整个阅读部分考试时长 20 分钟。并在屏幕下方有剩余时间 的提示,考生可参考其时间控制答题节奏。界面中的”BACK” 按键可以浏览已经读过的文章,或修改和查看已经答好的题 目。 “NEXT”按键可以向后进行下面的题目。 10 在介绍 iTEP SLATE 考试阅读部分的题型和解题技巧前,编 者希望考生要抛弃传统的阅读习惯,即逐字逐句的在阅读后再 尝试去完成题目,这样即无法保证效率,又无法保证做题的正 确率。 在对待 iTEP 这类英语语言能力的测试中,科学的阅读很重 要。简单来说,要从一开始就训练好的阅读习惯,我们称为 “active reading”,字面解释是主动阅读法,可以理解为一种交 互式的过程,在这个过程中考生要积极主动的去理解和分析文 章内容,尝试猜测作者的写作意图。具体来说,要在以下方面 训练自己的阅读习惯: 头脑中建立改述段落大意的意识。 有意识的对主旨句或包含重要信息的段落进行自我提问。 试着去推测一下作者有可能出题的地方(练习一段时间你会 发现自己也能找到出题点) 总结归纳主要观点。 培养逻辑关系的建立。 主动阅读法的练习会缩短阅读文章的时间,提高答题速 度。与此同时,考生会降低错过重要信息的可能性,避免出现 需要反复阅读而耽误宝贵的阅读时间。最后针对所有题型,有 几点要提醒考生: 用英文思维去思考。 阅读部分仅需要最基本的文章理解力。 首先要排除明显的错误选项,缩小备选范围。 11 通过比对选项本身是有可能选出正确答案的。 第一节 阅读文章选材背景介绍 一、文章类型 因为 iTEP SLATE 考试的主要群体是高中生,是国际通用 的专业英语语言能力测试,所以,文章在选择的时候不可能太 过于平庸和简单,又不可以太过于专业化。因此,科学文史类 的文章备受青睐。与此同时,本考试也是针对不同背景的人设 计的专业英语语言测试,因此文章在选择上不会太过于理论和 专业化,多是基于最普遍真理的简要叙述,论述的范围都是非 专业人士容易理解的程度。 科学文史,顾名思义,是指研究的范围是在人类从古代到 现代对自然界的认知发展过程。可能包含任何科学研究,重点 通常包含有生命科学,医学,物理科学,前沿技术,社会文化 发展等领域。 对于这一题材的文章,考生平时相对接触较少,较为陌 生,因此平时如果有时间多阅读一些科学家的生活经历或某些 思想观点类的资料会对阅读起到很大的帮助,而且要注意在这 类叙述类文章中惯用的句型与时态,通常来说,被动语态和各 种时态的过去时出现的很多,还有虚拟语气等都是经常出现在 文章里,比如: 1、被动语态 This theory was proposed for trees in 1920 by the French Botainst Mathisa and was extended to animals by his friend, the physiologist Alex. 12 Inflation was compounded by the exchange rate of the dollars and a series of reforms. 2、多种过去式组成的虚拟语气 Just think of what we would miss in our own world if no detail smaller than inches could be distinguished, and what classical microscope would have seen had they been able to magnify the living cell a million-fold. 二、文体特点 科普类文章一般是以叙述文为主,作者选用一些特定的题 材,按照一定的顺序来组织叙述的。这其中可以从某个角度或 某个时间节点来论证并展开。叙述文通常会按照时间发展顺序 进行论述,因此,对表示时间顺序的词或短语要高度注意和敏 感。 作者会使用各种时态(一般过去时,现在完成时和过去完 成时)来阐明事件发生的先后顺序。所以作者一旦在时间里来 回穿越的话,作为英语为非母语的考生一定会感到困惑。下面 结合几个例子说明一下,句子中出现的那些词是提示考生关于 时间节点的。 1、Artificial technology would become the most important use of human’s invention.(would become----ultimately become) 2、The ceremony remained an original festival in North of America. (remained----continued to be) 所以考生要熟悉含有日期和其他时间短语的句子,这样在 13 各种过去时间中穿梭时,才能游刃有余。 除此之外,这这一类型的文章中很多介词和连词都有着多 重含义,很容易混淆。比如,“since”的意思有“因为”, “从某一个时间开始”;“as”更是有“因为,作为,当....时, 像....样多种意思,因此要结合不同的语境确定最适合的词意。 14 第二节 阅读题型 -- 词汇题 Sample The History of Compact Discs Compact Discs were originally developed for classical music recordings, intended to capture deeper highs and lows in rich symphony sounds. Soon to be known as CD’s, they were introduced for sale in 1982, and they quickly changed the music industry. For decades consumers had been purchasing record albums and prerecorded tapes, all recorded using traditional analog technology. CD’s brought music into the digital age, as a new generation of music fans started buying their favorite bands’ music on small, mirrored discs in plastic cases which were said to represent an improvement in sound quality and durability. As more popular music became available on CD, the recording industry experienced a great boom in sales. Music fans rushed out not only to purchase new releases on CD but also to stock up on old favorites in the new format. Compared to records, which sold at approximately six dollars each, consumers paid dollars for CD’s. Though the introduction of the CD generated large revenues for the record industry for a fifteen-year period, eventually the advancement 15 of digital technology led to widespread music sharing that caused revenues to drop dramatically. Q. The word “dramatically” as used in the passage means: A. Showily B.Pertaining to theater C. In a steep way D. Heightened The correct answer is C 词汇题又称同义词替换,是 iTEP SLATE 考试必考题目之 一。主要考察的是学生对词汇掌握的广度及对词汇使用的灵活 度。不能仅仅因为某个选项符合该单词的某一正确意思就将其 视为正确选项。要结合上下文找到该词在本篇文章中最恰当的 意向。简单来说,某个单词或短语可能会有多个意思,但在某 篇特定的阅读文章中它的含义是唯一的。 援引《傲慢与偏见》里的一段经典台词:It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife...you are the last man in the world whom I could ever be prevailed on to marry.这个段子被很多恋爱中 的追求者与被追求者调侃,懂得其含义的,就会默默退下;通 过字面意思理解碰的头破血流的,到最后都不知道为了什么。 所以,要深刻了解某个词或某句话的精妙,一要了解背景,做 阅读题就是要关注上下文,其次就是要积累英文中各种各样的 委婉含蓄的表达方式。 一、词汇题的常见提问方式如下: The word X in the passage is closest in meaning to... The phrase X in the passage means... 16 The word X in paragraph X could best be replaced by... 二、词汇题的做题策略 1、遇到生词,最好的办法是结合上下文来猜。如果这种方法不 起作用,接着观察词形或判断词性。 2、如果知道某个词的前缀,词根或其他部分的含义,就根据这 些含义来猜测其意思。即使得不到最准确的答案,至少可以判 断词意是肯定还是否定,词是动词还是名词,词意的大致范围 是什么。 3、推测到被考词的含义后,首先排除错误选项,然后寻找同义 词,一般就是正确答案。 4、最后,将答案的词放进文章中,看看语句是否说得通,语法 上是否正确。 三、词汇题的解题技巧 1、分析词形,利用前后缀、同根同源词推测答案 Eg. This unprecedented development of a finite groundwater resource with an almost negligible natural recharge rate----that is, virtually no natural water source to replenish the water supply---has caused water tables in the region to fall drastically. Q. The word”unprecedented” in the passage is closest in meaning to A.slow B.profitable C.Not seen before D.Never explained 17 un 表示”否定”,pre 表示“向前的,前面的”,因此可以推 出“unprecedented” 表示之前没有的,正确答案为 C。 Eg. These laws are universal in their application, regardless of cultural beliefs, geography, or climate. If a pot has no bottom or has large openings in its sides, it could hardly be considered a container in any traditional sense. Q. The underlined "regardless of" in the passage probably means . A. as a result of B. no matter what C. proud of D. According to 如果考生不认识 regardless 这个单词,但是“less”表示 的是否定词根,因此可以推断出 B 为正确答案。 2、借助平行对等关系词解题 常见的平行并列词包括:and, or, not only...but also, also, in addition.... Eg. The first “hard” data linking American Indians with Asians appeared in the 1980s with the finding that Indians and northeast Asians share a common and distinctive pattern in the arrangement of the teeth. Q. The word “distinctive” in the passage is closest in meaning to A. New B. simple C. .different D. particular 请注意,“and”左右两端连接的两个形容词通常是平行 18 并列成分,“common”的意思是普通普遍的,所以即使在不 知道 particular 意思的情况下,利用排除法可以顺利排出 A,B,C 选项。正确答案是 D。 3、借助转折反义词解题 Eg. Only a very small proportion of people actually constitute the upper class, but they control vast amounts of wealth and power in the United States,they exercise enormous control throughout society. Most of their wealth is inherited. Q.The word “enormous” in the passage is closest in meaning to A. very large B. very new C. very early D. very good 顺着划线词向前,会发现以“but”开头的表转折关系的句 子,“but”之前关键形容词是 small,之后连接的是 vast,很显 然,划线词再次解释 control 是什么样的,理应正确答案就是 A。 4、同义近义词或短语的积累 Eg. In my science class, we are working in small groups. Each group is required to give a talk to the class. The presentation must show how people use science everyday. My group will explain why it is important to keep food in the refrigerator. We will sing a song that we wrote about food safety. Q. The word “give” in the passage means A. To lend C. To hand to 这一类型的题目在 iTEP B. To provide D. To pass SLATE 的题目中出现次数非常 19 多,目的希望考生在储备单词时,要注意同义词的积累和一 词多义的辨析。比如,give 的基本词义是”给”,而在本题 中 give a talk 很显然应释义为准备一个演讲,而选项中能表示 这一意思的只有 B 选项 provide 提供,准备。其余三项都是迷 惑选项。再比如很多中国考生在表达“重要的”时候最爱使 用 important,其实同一意义的词有很多,比如 vital, critical, essential 等。另外,同一单词可能具备不同的词性,比如本题 中的 hand,常规意思是手,名词,与此同时它也有动词递给的 意思,在这一词义上与选项 D 为近义词。 Eg. Since the end of the 1970s, the rate of surface temperature warming has, on average, risen 0.16 degrees Celsius per decade, according to the Met Office. But from 2000 to 2009 that decreased to between 0.05 and 0.13 degrees Celsius, despite C02 emissions continuing to rise. Q.The mean underlined "emissions" in the passage probably . A. burning up B. keeping up C. bringing in D. sending out 本题的正确答案是 D。思路应该是比较清晰的。即使单词 统统不认识,也没关系,我们看到 CO2,常识应该就是二氧 化碳,涉及到尾气的排放,我们理所应当猜测 emission 会是 排放的意思,再看下面的短语,只有 out 有向外的意思,因此 正确答案是 D。 5、短语含同介词可能表同义 20 Eg. Many signals that animals make seem to impose on the signalers costs that are overly damaging. A classic example is noisy beginning by nestling songbirds when a parent returns to the nest with food. These loud cheeps and peeps might give the location of the nest away to a listening hawk or raccoon, resulting in the death of the defenseless nestling. Q.The underlined "impose on " in the passage probably mean . A. Increase for B. Remove from C.place on D. Distribute to 如果两个动词连接相同的介词,这两个动词短语有可能 表示相同的含义。如本题,动词 place 与原本中单词 impose 使用相同介词 on,可以推测 C 是正确答案。事实也如此, impose on 意为利用施加影响于,答案中只有 C 选项有此含 义。 6、指代题目,利用线索,顺藤摸瓜 Eg. One earth day is about 24 hours long. Over the course of a year, the length of a day normally changes gradually by one millisecond. It increases in the winter when the earth moves more slowly, and decreases in the summer. Q. What does the word "It" in the 4th paragraph refer to? A. The length of a day. B. The axis. C. One millisecond. D. The change of the day. 通常这种类型的题目在词汇题中是比较简单的,在原文 中是一定有线索的。所以快速读过文章后,很容易排除掉 B 21 选项。It 出现,答案一定出现在它之前,通常是一个句子的核 心主语,顺着向前找,不难发现应该定位在 the length of a day。答案是 A 选项。 Eg. At present, in many American cities especially, many teachers in the public schools say they are underpaid. They point to jobs such as secretary or truck driver, which often pay more to start than that of a teacher. In many other fields, such as law, medicine, computer science, a beginning worker may make more than a teacher who has taught for several years. Q. The underlined word "that" in paragraph l refers to “ A.money B.job C.secretary D. truck driver ” “that”是非常明确地指代词,它的出现一定是前文中出现 的词或短语,那我们只要分析这个句子,找到答案中的相关 选项即可。which 引导的一个定语从句,来修饰说明秘书或卡 车司机的工资高于老师的(工资),而 that 在这里刚刚就指 代了为避免重复而没有再次出现的工资一词,因此,观察答 案,只有 money 可表达此意,因此正确答案是 A. 22 第三节 阅读题型二分析理解题 Sample Insight When people figure out how to solve a problem or get a good idea, we say that they gain insight. Nevertheless, some scientists set up experiments to find out how external influences- things in a person’s environment- can affect insight. The scientist wanted to know if using the symbol of the light bulb might encourage people to gain insight. In many cultures, a traditional light bulb is used as a symbol of insight. In comic strips and cartoons, an artist will draw a light bulb over a character’s head to represent thinking or a brilliant idea. The scientists asked college students to solve math problems and verbal puzzles. Some of the volunteers were tested in a room lit by a traditional light bulb.Others were in room with lighting from a long fluorescent bulb. The volunteer solved the problems much faster and better in the first room. The study was repeated with a bare light bulb and one that had a lampshade covering it. The students performed better with the unshaded bulb. 23 The scientist concluded that symbols in our environment can influence our creativity. They want to study whether displaying light bulbs in the classroom or in the workplace could help solve problems better. Q1. What did the second experiment show? A. Volunteers’ intelligence was indicated by their performance B. Performance depended on volunteers’ background experience C. Volunteers performed differently on math and verbal puzzles. D. Changes in the light affected volunteers’ performance The correct answer is D 分析类型的题目在 iTEP SLATE 阅读所有题型中是最为灵活 和开放的,并且也是题目数量所占比例最多的。从某种意义上 说本题型类似于新托福考试中的细节信息题与修辞目的题的综 合。是唯一一种出题点有可能覆盖三篇文章的题型。 本题型考察学生正确理解作者为什么在文章某个特殊的位 置或者一种特殊的方式陈述一个特别的信息。要求考生回答作 者语言组织的用意,可能题目会询问一个词或一个短语的用 意,亦或者有些题目会问作者为什么以某种方式组织文章内 容。题目可能涉及文章里的任何信息,包括人物、事物、地点 和时间等,此类题目通常都可以直接在文章中找到答案。 一般来讲,此类题目会从根本上分为明确告知在哪一段寻 找答案,和没有告知段落信息,要通过略读和跳读,配合关键 词自行寻找答案。且在整个阅读考试题目里该题型占得比例最 大。 24 此种类型题目通常以下列方式进行提问: The author discusses X in paragraph 2 in order to... Why do the author describe X in the passage? Why does the author mention that...is...? What did the X ....+ verb in the passage? The author cites...as an example of...? 这种题型大多数选项都是以“to + verb”构成。 最后请注意,此类问题通常不会考察整篇阅读文章的结构,而 是常常关注句子或段落之间的逻辑关系。 一、分析理解题的做题策略 分析理解题不仅会涉及特别的段落,还会考察整篇文章的 主旨思想,因此要特别推荐给考生解答此类题目的策略。 不要吝惜时间仔细阅读题目,充分理解题干确定关键词。 利用指示信息和关键词定位文章段落。 (常见的定位词如大写或斜体词;与年代相关的词或数字;题 干中的人名或地名) 跳读,略读被定位的段落。 优先使用排除法,滤掉错误选项。 仔细阅读原文中被定位句的前后,将选项与之进行一一比 对。 (多留意作者用来说明观点的隐喻、示例和例证。预测可能会 问到的问题。原文可能与选项存在同义词替换,如 important 在 选项中换成 significant;词性转换,如 depend 换成 dependent; 句型转换,主动句变被动句等。) 25 选出与文章最为贴切的选项即为正确答案。 由于分析题可能要求考生在整段话甚至整篇文章内游走, 又是在电脑上完成答题,因此适当的训练跳读和略读能力将对 答题速度和准确度起到很大的帮助作用,这里我们简要概括下 如何培养跳读、略读的能力: 习惯用电脑上下页切换浏览文章,确定目标段落。 寻找结构性线索,如信号词,路标词。(具体词汇部分请参 看本书第三章) 特别关注年代,时间等的数字信息。 特别关注大写字母的缩写形式,人名,地名和其他专有名 字。 特别关注用引号,破折号等引用的生僻单词。 大胆的放弃和跳过一些不影响答题的信息,彻底不看。 二、分析理解题的解题技巧 Sample 1. I’m not very happy with my schedule of classes this year. I have algebra right after lunch. And right after I eat lunch, I always feel really tired. On Monday, I actually fell asleep during class! Last year, my mathematics class was at eight o’clock in the morning, and I had a study period after lunch. I feel a lot fresher in the morning, and I got a really good grade in math last year. I’m going to talk to my advisor this afternoon to try to change my schedule. Q. What problem does the speaker have? A. She failed her math class last year. 26 B. She doesn’t have enough time to eat lunch. C. She feels sleepy during her math class. D. She doesn’t know her advisor very well. 正确答案是 C 本篇文章选自 iTEP SLATE 的第一篇文章,在考生阅读此 篇文章的时候,要有意识的关注句子中的关键词,本题中很显 然 problem 是关键信息。时刻牢记,有目的的阅读才是最有效率 的。 通过阅读,考生发现说话人之所以担心她的课程是因为在 午饭后上课会很犯困,所以答案 C 非常明确地说明了这一点 。 如果考生不确定这一点,我们来分析一下其他的干扰选项: A 答案不正确,因为文章明确提到在去年,说话人的数学成 绩很好。 B 答案不正确,是因为 B 选项在文章中没有明确指出且与 文章的主要观点无关联。 D 答案不正确,是因为文章根本就没有提到。 Sample 2. Field trip Tomorrow there will not be any classes. All of the students will meet at the library in the morning. From there, they will take buses into the city. They will visit a science museum and attend a classical music concert. The students will then write about what they saw and hear on their trip. Q. What will the students probably write about? 27 A. The history of classical music B. Things scientists have leaned C. A trip that is planned for next month D. How to find a book in the library 正确答案是 A。题干的提问正对应于文中的最后一句,我们 顺着向前推,文章中提到学生们今天的旅行有两件事:一是去 参观科学博物馆,二是去听古典音乐会。所以所写的内容一定 和这两件事相关。利用排除法,排除掉 C,D 选项。B 选项是说 科学家,只有 A 选项有可能成为学生们书写的内容。 Sample 3. Talent show Tomorrow night our school is having a talent show. All of the student are invited to sing a song, play an instrument, or do whatever they are best at. Some of the teachers will be performing, too. Families may attend. The show will be in the auditorium. Q. What will happen tomorrow night? A. Students will make invitations B. Students will have music lessons C. Students will play a game D. Students will be in a show 本题的难度系数非常低,因为在文章的第一句话(主旨 句)就已经非常明确的告知了题干的信息是参加一个表演。D 是 唯一正确的答案。且我们说 A,B,C 述,典型的以偏概全。 Sample 4. 28 选项都是典型的细节的描 Human Skins Have you ever heard that your largest organ is actually your skin? Skin’s size is not its only impressive feature. Human skin’s ability to repair and renew itself is incredible. Think of how a cut or scrape can heal, often without any scarring or lasting damage. What if we could provide the same level of self-healing ability artificially through create a type of plastic”skin” that can be used for everything from smart phone screen to prosthetic limbs. Skin is special not just for its ability to heal itself, but also because it can sense ans respond to outside element(like heat or cold) and because it’s incredibly flexible. Skin doesn’t crack or tear when it bends. It seems easy for skin to do,but it’s actually very difficult to design such a durable but flexible material in a laboratory. Especially one that can react to external stimuli. However, two new advances could bring the manufacture of an artificial substance with the same abilities as skin closer to reality. The first is the development of polymers(plastics) that can “heal” themselves. In other words, they can restore themselves to their original state after being cut or damaged. The second is the creation of surface that can conduct electricity and help the brain interpret external signals. These two technologies have been in development for a while. But were not combined until recently. Researches at Stanford University in California put nickel atoms into polymer with the ability to heal 29 itself. The result: a promising artificial skin. Thanks to the selfrepairing polymers, a substance like this can bend without breaking. And heal itself. In fact, its restorative abilities are so powerful that it is able to fully repair itself after being sliced in half with a knife after only 30 minutes of being held together.it can do this not just once, but seemingly without limit. Thanks to the addition of nicket, this type of polymer can send and receive electronic signals that respond to pressure and temperature. It can potentially even transmit electronic signals to the brain for decoding. A substance with the potential to be useful in so many situations will likely be making a big appearance in our lives in the years to come. Researchers hope to next take on the task of making the artificial skin stretchable as well. Q1. Why are smart phone mentioned in the first paragraph? A. As an example of advances in technology B. As a tool that often interacts with human skin C. As a technology used by many scientists D. As a potential use for artificial “skin” 本题属于明确出题点在哪一段,且会用阴影标识出关键 词。此类细节描述题已经从根本上降低了难度。根据关键词, 把目标定位在第一段,应该仔细阅读第一段,因为它也是全文 的总述段落。 在一段中段出现了“What if we could provide”的 虚拟语气路标词,这说明后文讲的是未来尚未实现的事情,据 30 此判断,选项 D 中的 potential 一词刚好暗含此意,解释上也最 合情理,因此正确答案是 D。 Q2. What does the author mean by the phrase “closer to reality” as used in the passage? A. Soon to be made B. More desirable C. Increasingly obvious D. Believed by many 本题同上,也是非常明确地标识出了关键词的所在段落, 因此直接定位第三段。第三段一开始就有表转折关系的连词 however, 要引起注意,说明本段在讲述的事实是与上段末相反 的。本题题干中的“closer to reality”字面意思是即将实现,暗 指新技术的研发将之前的可能性变成生产的现实。 Q3. What this passage mainly about? A. The development of a useful artificial substance B. Update to medical devices C. Different applications of plastic in research D. The biological functions of organs 本题是典型的主旨题,重点考察学生对宏观内容和中心思 想的把握。应该重点阅读首末段,略读和跳读中间部分,且重 点关注每段的首末句子。一般来讲,选项中但凡涉及细节的内 容都是错误选项。正确答案是 A。答案 B 讲的是医疗设备,与原 文不符。答案 C 是明显的细节描述,说的是具体的研究成果。 而 D 选项原文并没有提及。 Q4. According to the passage, what did researchers at Stanford 31 University do? A. Create two new substances B. Merge two existing technologies C. Publish two research studies D. Improve two electronic devices 之前我们提到过,对于文章中的大写地名或年代等专有名 词,通常都很容易作为出题点。而本道题目并没有明确的段落 信息,所以我们要迅速跳读在文章中找到题干中的 Stanford University 关键词所在的第四段,精读本段后确定正确答案为 B。 第四节 阅读题型三插入文本题 Sample The Greeting Card Industry While certain industries seem to thrive and then disappear according to the whims of ever-changing markets, the greeting card industry has shown incredible staying power. In the United Kingdom, for instance, it is estimated that the average person sends 55 cards per year, generating over a billion pounds per year in revenue. The custom of sending greeting cards can be traced back to the ancient Chinese, who exchanged scrolls with New Year’s messages. By the 15th Century handmade paper greetings were exchanged in 32 Germany and soon throughout other parts of Europe. ●A In the 19th Century, due in large part to the proliferation of printing presses and inexpensive postage rates, greeting cards became very popular. Christmas card companies began hiring artists as designers for mass-produced cards featuring their illustrations. ●B Today cards range from classic, simple messages to timely, humorous cards that mock popular figures.● C Even as email has largely replaced traditional mail for communication in many instances, most people have retained their appreciation of traditional cards for special occasions. ● D So long as people wish to send messages of good cheer to help celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, wedding, and births as well as major holidays on a folded card with a printed funny message, the industry will continue to thrive. Q. Where would the following sentence most logically occur in relation to the marked sentences in the passage? “Soon it became common for people to send cards for birthdays and other celebrations.” The correct answer is B 在这一类题目中,考生将在题目中看到一个新的句子,然 后考察此句子在文章中最合适的位置。插入文本题重点考查考 生衔接性和连贯性方面的能力,关注句子之间的逻辑关系,以 33 及句子与句子之间的语法联系。因此逻辑性的训练与培养,是 解答这类问题的关键。 在文章中,考生将看到用四个黑点标示的位置,这四个空 位有时候分布在一个段落里,有时候分布在几个段落中。这类 题目就是让考生来判断题目中给出的句子应该加入到四个空白 的哪一处。选中位置后直接点击相应的园点即可,修改答案执 行同样的操作。为方便期间,例题中用 A,B,C,D 四个字母表示 位置。 一、插入文本题的常见提问方式如下: Where would this sentence most logically occur in relation to the marked sentences in the passage? Where would the following sentence most logically occur in relation to the marked sentences in the passage? 二、插入文本题常见逻辑连接词 并列关系连接词 因果关系连接词 转折关系连接词 举例关系连接词 along with, not only, but also, on the one hand...on the other hand, or, as well as, another, other... because, so, therefore, consequently, accordingly, as a result, hence, thus... but, however, unfortunately, unluckily, nevertheless, nonetheless, on the contrary, although, while, though, albeit for example, for instance, including, such as, like... 34 递进关系连接词 比较关系连接词 In addition, besides, plus, furthermore, additionally, even, moreover, also Similarly, like, unlike, likewise... 三、插入文本题的做题策略 1、仔细阅读被插入的句子并分析结构,请特别关注句子中的信 号词。 2、根据信号词,确定要插入的句子是否是提供一个基本原则的 实例或陈述的事实。如果是,则要紧跟在基本原则或综合陈述 之后。(比如出现 for example,则后面一定是举例的内容) 3、阅读带有标记的四个位置,迅速锁定核心词,确定被插入句 子中关键词与其他句子中的核心词是否存在匹配关系,句子中 的观点与示例是否在逻辑上说得通,前后的衔接是否自然。 4、可利用排除法,排出不相干选项进而确定最终答案。 5、初步确定答案后,将句子放到其他三个位置,再次确认答案 的唯一性。 四、插入文本题的解题技巧 1、利用逻辑关系 推理正确答案 Sample 1. Here is the new sentence: 35 This process is familiar to many of us who look forward each year to the beautiful autumn foliage as the leaves change from green to gold and red. Where would this sentence most logically occur in relation to the marked sentences in the passage? But the great contribution of trees to the beauty of our planet is also worth remarking. *A The variety and abundance of trees make Earth a planet of brilliant green that complements the blue of the oceans. The two main varieties of trees,“deciduous”and“evergreen,” contribute to Earth's beauty in different ways. Deciduous trees shed their leaves for part of the year. *B Evergreens stay green all year long. *C The lushness of Earth is also a result of the abundance and staying power of trees. There are estimated to be approximately 100,000 species of trees today. Most of them are in the tropics. The Amazon Rain-forest alone is home to thousands of tree species. Trees can live for thousands of years and grow quite large. *D A tree in Sweden is considered the oldest, at over 9,500 years of age. The tallest tree in the world is thought to be a Giant Sequoia in California's Redwood Forest. It stands over 117 meters tall with a diameter of about 10 meters. 作为一个主动阅读者,在快速浏览过四个插入的位置后, 应该保证思路清晰,对正确答案有了明确的认知,新的插入句 子是描述树叶变成五彩斑斓颜色的过程。我们来分别看下各个 选项: 答案 A 没有包含任何这个过程的信息,依据,所以初判应 36 该是错误的。 答案 B 前面说的是 trees shedding their leaves,这显然是在 说一个过程,又因为其他树种的树木(evergreen)不会改变颜 色。因此,这个谈完了不变色的树木,接下来逻辑上就应该谈 到树叶变黄的过程,就是要插入的那个句子。 所以答案 C 和 D,无论哪一句,试着把新句子插入都是说 不通的,因为字里行间都没有谈到丝毫涉及树叶变色的过程。 所以应该毫不犹豫的锁定正确答案就是 B. 主动阅读法特别适合文本插入题的类型。如果考生可以提 前预期文章的发展,并可以有一个合理的猜测,此种类型的题 目应该是非常容易的。 2、根据近义词改写,不重复使用短语的原则答题 Sample 2. Here is the new sentence: This irritation is caused by viruses or bacteria, exposure to tobacco smoke or air pollution. Where would this sentence most logically occur in relation to the marked sentences in the passage? *A Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchial tubes in the lungs. *B It often appears after a cold or an upper respiratory infection that does not heal completely. *C It also may accompany childhood 37 infections such as measles, whooping cough,and typhoid fever. *D The inflamed bronchi tubes secrete a sticky mucus called sputum. It is difficult for the tiny hairs on the bronchi to clear out this sputum. The cough that comes with bronchitis is the body’s attempt to eliminate it. Other symptoms include discomfort or tightness in the chest, low fever, sore throat, and sometimes wheezing severe cases of bronchitis may lead to pneumonia. 本例中,句子前后的衔接处通常不会使用原封不动的单 词,而是通过使用同义词或短语来进行改写,这也是我们一直 在强调的需要考生培养的一种能力,改述能力。题干中的关键 词是“irritation”,在文章中我们找到同样的词,原文中划线部分 的单词“inflammation”与“irritation”是同义词,所以正确选项为 B. 在 iTEP SLATE 阅读文章中可能会出现一些专业术语或是专 有名词,考生会因为不认识单词而紧张起来,干扰正常的答题 节奏,其实大可不必如此,接下来我们将介绍如何处理陌生的 专业术语。 从上下文中找到与该专业术语相关的线索(如相应的解 释或同义词和短语) 利用已知的词汇猜测该词的意思。 比如,“host plant”这一词组,因为我们认得“host”和 “plant”,所以应该大致可以猜得到“host plant”大致是指”寄 生植物“。 关注文章中引用或解释的部分,也许就是隐藏的释义。 寻找段落中的重复信息,或者反复用不同的短语解释的 38 信息。在学术文章中,作者通常都会频繁的插入重要信息, 不断地更换说法,来帮助读者了解新鲜的事物和概念。所以 关注这些重复信息。 永远记得,专业术语或者生僻词语一般不会用作出题选 项。 3.根据关联词的逻辑关系确定答案 Sample 3. Here is the new sentence: The light bulb can also signify invention or intelligence. Where would this sentence most logically occur in relation to the marked sentences in the passage? When people figure out how to solve a problem or get a good idea, we say that they gain insight. *A Nevertheless, some scientists set up experiments to find out how external influences- things in a person’s environment- can affect insight. *B The scientist wanted to know if using the symbol of the light bulb might encourage people to gain insight. In many cultures, a traditional light bulb is used as a symbol of insight.*C In comic strips and cartoons, an artist will draw a light bulb over a character’s head to represent thinking or a brilliant idea.*D 39 本题被插入的句子有非常明确的关联词,“also”,表示一 种递进关系的关联词,且句子中的关键词 light bulb 第一次出现 是在空缺 B 处,但 B 句是段首的主旨句,并没有承接上文的叙 述,因此,继续往下读,C 处之前谈到 light bulb 在有些国家不 仅作为洞察力的象征,也怎么怎么样非常符合逻辑,因此应该 初步确定正确答案就是 C。为了进一步核实,在看过 D 空后, 发现逻辑和语言上是不通顺的。因此,正确答案就是 C。 4.利用年代信息等表示时间的词或短语确定答案 Sample 4. Here is the new sentence: “Soon it became common for people to send cards for birthdays and other celebrations.” Where would the following sentence most logically occur in relation to the marked sentences in the passage? The Greeting Card Industry While certain industries seem to thrive and then disappear according to the whims of ever-changing markets, the greeting card industry has shown incredible staying power. In the United Kingdom, for instance, it is estimated that the average person sends 55 cards per year, generating over a billion pounds per year in revenue. The custom of sending greeting cards can be traced back to the 40 ancient Chinese, who exchanged scrolls with New Year’s messages. By the 15th Century handmade paper greetings were exchanged in Germany and soon throughout other parts of Europe. * A In the 19th Century, due in large part to the proliferation of printing presses and inexpensive postage rates, greeting cards became very popular. Christmas card companies began hiring artists as designers for mass-produced cards featuring their illustrations. *B Today cards range from classic, simple messages to timely, humorous cards that mock popular figures.*C Even as email has largely replaced traditional mail for communication in many instances, most people have retained their appreciation of traditional cards for special occasions. *D So long as people wish to send messages of good cheer to help celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, wedding, and births as well as major holidays on a folded card with a printed funny message, the industry will continue to thrive 本题的四个空位出现在段首、段末和段中,首先应重点关 注段首与段末的句子,显而易见,A 与 B 空处的时间状语非常 清晰,一个说的是上世纪的过去时,一个阐述的是当今的事 情,我们发现被插入句中的关键词“soon”,“became”表达的 是在过去不久之后发生的事情,因此,无论从逻辑关系上还是 时间发展顺序上,B 的位置正是一个承上启下的衔接,因此正确 答案为 B。通过本题,希望考生可以在阅读文章时关注表示时间 的词或短语,这是一条非常清晰的思维路线。 5.提高阅读量提高语言感知能力 41 Sample 5. Here is the new sentence: “Newly excavated early human sites in Washington State, California, and Peru have been radiocarbon dated to be 11,000 to 12,000 years old. ” Where would the following sentence most logically occur in relation to the marked sentences in the passage? Migration from Asia The Asian migration hypothesis is today supported by most of the scientific evidence. The first “hard” data linking American Indians with Asians appeared in the 1980s with the finding that Indians and northeast Asians share a common and distinctive pattern in the arrangement of the teeth. But perhaps the most compelling support for the hypothesis comes from genetic research. Studies comparing the DNA variation of populations around the world consistently demonstrate the close genetic relationship in the two populations, and recently geneticists studying a virus sequestered in the kidneys of all humans found that the strain of virus carried by 42 Navajos and Japanese is nearly identical, while that carried by Europeans and Africans is quite different. By 25,000 years ago human communities were established in western Beringia, which is present-day Alaska. *A But access to the south was blocked by a huge glacial sheet covering much of what is today Canada. How did the hunters get over those 2,000 miles of deep ice? The argument is that the climate began to warm with the passing of Ice Age, and about 13,000 B.C.E. glacial melting created an ice-free corridor along the eastern front range of the Rocky Mountains.*B Soon hunters of big game had reached the Great Plains. In the past several years, however, new archaeological finds along the Pacific coast of North and South America have thrown this theory into question. *C The most spectacular find, at Monte Verde in southern Chile, produced striking evidence of tool making, house building, rock painting, and human footprints conservatively dated at 12,500 years ago, long before the highway had been cleared of ice. *D Many archaeologists now believe that migrants moved south in boats along a coastal route rather than overland. These people were probably gatherers and fishers rather than hunters of big game. 本题的正确答案为 C。四个空缺出在一个段落的中间,相对 而言,这样的出题点布局应该是本类型题目中最难的一种形 式,它考生对文章及段落的整体行文逻辑理解有较高的要求, 其次,养成用英文思考的习惯也很必要。所以除了平时积累相 应的原版英文阅读量,还要在日常的练习中,建立英语语言思 考方式的培养和加强,提高对语言的敏感度,即语感的形成。 43 第五节 阅读策略汇总 在系统了解了 iTEP SLATE 考试阅读部分的内容后,我们再 总结归纳一下为适应 iTEP SLATE 考试所需要培养的阅读习惯和 语言能力。 1、改述能力 改述能力是语言考试中最为重要的一个环节,也是取得高 分的关键。一来是很多题目的题干和选项都是通过改述原文实 现的,二来,语言的改述本质上就是用英文来思考,这会使考 生在英语的使用上更加自信,显著地提高阅读速度。 2、略读、跳读能力 44 iTEP SLATE 考试阅读部分共计 20 分钟,包含四篇字数不 等的文章,从 50 词到 500 词,共计 12 道题,所以很多考生反 映题目有时候做不完。事实上,考试的阅读题目有时候会很明 确的指明要在那部分找答案,所以略读和跳读能力的培养,是 能快速锁定答案,提高阅读速度的利器。当然,里面还包括了 诸如关键词和主旨句的领会。 3、预测文章内容的能力 之前我们也有提到,作为一个主动阅读者,要有意识的主 动预测文章未来的发展趋势和情节,这是考试取得高分的保 证。特别是在学术类文章中,如果考生可以预知下文的内容, 就会更加轻松的抓住关键信息,略过干扰信息。 4、语篇宏观掌控能力 文章的宏观掌控,具体来说,就是要锻炼自己对诸如题 目,段首语,主旨句,结束语等的敏感度,是对大框架,宏观 思想的掌握。自己要在心中清楚整篇文章的结构与脉络,所以 本书也建议考生不必搞题海战术,把有效的时间反复研究和练 习几套真题,重在研究吃透出题者的思路和想法,以不变应万 变。即使在不认识某些单词的情况下,也不会影响对文章中心 意思的理解,同样可以作对题目。 5、文章细节的处理能力 细节的把握是与宏观能力相对应的。具体包括连接词,信 号词,和对逻辑关系的关注。在后文,本书会归纳总结一些 iTEP 考试中常遇到的信号词,和表示各种逻辑关系的短语。 6、自我预测题目的能力 这一部分,简而言之,就是希望考生可以利用现有的文 45 章,自己练习出题的能力。通过反复阅读和体会已有的题目, 模仿题目和出题点,自己出题,经过一段时间的练习你会发 现,你大致会了解出题人的出题思路和出题点的位置。 第三章 iTEP SLATE 阅读词汇 第一节 iTEP SLATE 阅读易错词汇 iTEP SLATE 考试中所需要的单词数量不好完全量化,也不 可能一一列举,本书旨在抛砖引玉,希望以典型例子来告诫考 生在阅读过程中切不要望文生义。单词的积累是一个长期而漫 长的过程,只有牢固的基本功才可能在阅读中游刃有余。 常见易错词 1 quite 相当, 2 affect v 影响, 假装 effect 3 adapt 适应, adopt 采用, adept 内行 4 angel 天使, angle 角度 quiet 安静地 46 n. 结果, 影响 5 6 dairy 牛奶厂, diary 日记 contend 奋斗, 斗争 content 内容, 满足的 context 上 下文 contest 竞争, 比赛 7 principal 校长, 主要的 principle 原则 8 implicit 含蓄的, explicit 明白的 9 dessert 甜食, desert 沙漠 v 放弃 ,dissert 写论文 10 pat 轻拍, tap 轻打, slap 掌击,rap 敲,打 11 decent 正经的, descent n 向下, 血统 descend v 向下 12 sweet 甜的, sweat 汗水 13 later 后来, latter 后者,latest 最近的,lately adv 最 近 14 costume 服装, custom 习惯 15 drawn 16 extensive 广泛的,intensive 深刻的 17 aural 耳的, oral 口头的 18 abroad 国外的,aboard 上(船,飞机) 19 altar 祭坛, alter 改变 20 assent 同意, ascent 上升, accent 口音 21 draw 过去分词, drown 溺水 champion 冠军, champagne 香槟酒, campaign 战 役 22 baron 男爵, barren 不毛之地的, barn 古仓 23 beam 梁,光束 bean 豆, been have 过去式 24 pray 祈祷, prey 猎物 25 precede 领先, proceed 进行,继续 47 26 chicken 鸡, kitchen 厨房 27 monkey 猴子, donkey 驴 28 chore 家务活, chord 和弦, cord 细绳 29 cite 引用, site 场所,sight 视觉 30 clash (金属)幢击声, crash 碰幢,坠落 crush 压坏 31 compliment 赞美, complement 附加物 32 confirm 确认, conform 使顺从 33 contact 接触, contract 合同, contrast 对照 34 council 议会, counsel 忠告, consul 领事 35 crow 乌鸦, crown 王冠, clown 小丑, cow 牛 36 dose 一剂药, doze 打盹 48 派生词与原词未必同义 agree 同意,赞同 agreeable 令人愉悦的 remark 评论,评说 remarkable 不同寻常的 tell 诉说 telling 显著的 Invite 邀请 inviting 诱人的,动人的 become 成为 becoming 合适的,适宜的 engage 参与 engaging 迷人的 prohibit 禁止 限制 prohibitive 昂贵的 compose 组成 composure 镇定的 affect 影响 affected 做作的 affect 影响 affection 爱慕,属性 affect 影响 disaffected 不满的 personal 个人的 impersonal 不受个人感情影 响的 person 个人 personable 优雅的 test 测试 testy 易怒的,暴躁的 test 测试 testing 吃力的 demand 要求 demanding 苦难的,要求苛刻 的 press 压力 pressing 紧急的 exhaust 耗尽 exhaustive 彻底的,详尽的 49 派生词与原词未必同义 category 分类 categorical 绝对的 fort 堡垒,要塞 fortitude 刚毅 fortune 财富 fortuitous 偶然的,意外 consequence 结果,后果 consequential 重要的 exact 确切的 exacting 要求苛刻的 compel 强迫 compelling 引人注目的 remit 减弱,缓和 unremitting 不间断的 consume 消耗 consuming 强烈的 try 尝试 trying 费劲的 halt 停止 halting 一瘸一拐的 touch 抚摸 touching 感人的 haunt 经常出没,闹鬼 haunting 萦绕于心的 stagger 蹒跚 staggering 惊人的 domesticate 教化 domesticity 喜欢家庭生活的 demean 贬低 demeanor 行为 predict 预测 predict 毫无创意的 assume 承担,假设 unassuming 傲慢的,不逊的 noise 噪声 noisome 有害的 commit 犯罪 committed 衷心的 commit 犯罪 noncommittal 不表示意见的 50 派生词与原词未必同义 study 学习 studious 好学的 study 学习 studied 有计划,深思熟虑的 reason 原因 reasoned 合理的 reason 原因 reasonable 理性的 industry 工业 industrious 勤奋的 efface 抹掉 Self-effacement 自谦 gratify 使满意 gratuitous 无缘无故的,免费的 refine 提炼 refined 有修养的 effort 努力 effortless 容易的 impose 强加 imposing 壮丽的,令人难忘的 arrest 逮捕 arresting 迷人的 intrigue 诡计,私通 intriguing 入迷的,迷人的 take 拿 taking 传染性的 engross 全神贯注 engrossing 入迷的 pretend 假装 pretentious 做作的 presume 推测,假设 presumptuous 傲慢的 scrupulous 谨慎的 unscrupulous 高傲的 abstract 抽象的 abstracted 心不在焉的 calculate 计算 calculated 适合的,故意的 opinion 观点 opinionated 固执己见的 sweep 环视,略过 sweeping 压倒性的 51 形近词未必同义 vocation 职业,倾向 vacation 假期 adopt 采纳,收养 adapt 适应,改编 disinterested 公正无私的 uninterested 漠不关心的,不感兴趣的 indigent 贫穷的 indignant 愤怒的 ingenious 心灵手巧的 ingenuous 坦率的 literal 字面意思的 literary 文学的 marital 婚姻的 martial 军事的 modify 修改 mortify 使感羞辱,克制 non-literate 没有文字记录的 illiterate 文盲的 perpetrate 犯罪 perpetuate 使永恒 somber 阴沉的,忧郁的 sober 清醒的,审慎的 52 一词多义 单词 常见意思 生僻意思 appropriate 合适的 挪用 address 地址 解决 bear 熊,忍受 包含,负担 back 后面 支持 balloon 气球 上升 bore 无聊的 钻 bearing 举止,忍受 影响,关系,方向感 husband 丈夫 节约 current 当前的 趋向,气流 check 检查 控制,限制 champion 冠军 支持 command 命令 掌握,运动能力 contain 包含 限制,控制 cross 穿过 违背,反对 deck 甲板 一副(牌) deliberate 故意的 深思熟虑的 advance 提前 提出 dry 干燥的 无聊的 ends 中止 目标 elaborate 精心制作的 详述 entertain 娱乐 持有,怀有 53 fashion 时尚 形成,塑形 faculty 全体教职员 能力 flag 旗子 削弱 friend 朋友 赞助者 facility 设施 能力 mushroom 蘑菇 大量出现 单词 常见意思 生僻意思 reaches 到达 河段,上下游 spring 泉水,春天 涌现 smart 聪明的 折磨,剧痛 sugar 糖 使赏心悦目 table 桌子 列举,搁置 crude 原始的 粗鲁的 assume 假设 承担 hatch 孵蛋 沉思 associate 联系 支持 sweep 清扫,掠过 一系列重大事件 capricious 变换莫测的 风向不定的 negotiate 谈判 顺利通过 prevail 盛行 战胜 aggressive 侵略的,有进取心 比一般程度要深的 一词多义 的 54 absolute 纯粹的 专制的 consume 消费 耗尽 legend 传奇 虚假的事情 stake 赌注,股份 冒险 observe 观察,遵守 评论,评述 55 第二节 iTEP SLATE 阅读路标词汇 iTEP SLATE 考试中的阅读文章篇数较多,时间紧迫,并包 含大量信息,因此想要快速准确的答对题目对于中学生来说是 颇具挑战性的,因此解决这一问题的一种途径就是熟悉路标信 号词的使用。如同迷路的人寻找路标一样,路标词的出现通常 都指引了答题的线索和位置,掌握了这些词的用法和意义,可 以帮助考生加快阅读速度,更好地理解作者的意思,提高答题 的准确率。 表示对比关系的路标词 But Then again Still However One way is,another way is Although And yet Until now Even Yet This is a departure from Conversely Instead Regardless of the fact that On the other hand By way of contrast This is distinguished from alternatively In contrast to Meanwhile Although this may be true In marked contrast to Unlike Despite Whereas As opposed to In spite of the fact Nevertheless At he same time Compared with On the contrary Neither...nor... Despite the fact that By comparison Regardless Compared to 56 表与事实不符的路标词 is assumed to purport to so-called were to have should have had thought The private car is assumed to have widened our horizons and increased our mobility. They purport to represent the wishes of the majority of parents at the school. It was one of his so-called friends who supplied him with the drug that killed him. Electronic technologies were to have heralded a paperless office. You should have told me earlier you have got a new girl friend in New Zealand! I had thought you were a dandy. 表绝对性的路标词 always never certainly all completely irrefutably none definitely every invariably undeniably indisputably only assuredly without question 57 表二者选一的路标词 A instead of/rather than B A in preference to B A. Instead/rather, B A in place of B A supplant B Substitute A for B A take the place of B Replace A with B a move from A to B 表将来存在的形式的路标词 时态 will, be going to, be to 虚拟语气 could, would, might 时间状语 on the horizon is.../There are many years away before... 单词 possible/potential/imminent/expect 表各种逻辑关系的路标词 because, because of, since, in that, so, therefore, thus, hence, result 因果 in, result from, as a result, consequently, factor, contribute to, attribute, trigger off, in as much as, reason, lead to, accordingly, on account of, why, explain more...than..., less... than..., as....as, increase, decrease, improve, 比较 surpass, transcend, maximum, minimum, peak, no matter than, rather than, contrary to, like, unlike, just as...so... 否定 no, not..., none, neither...nor..., never, deny, fail to, lack of, remove, ignore, miss, dearth 58 并列 and, or, together with, along with, in addition, besides, plus, not only...but also however, but, even though, even if, although, whereas, while, yet, 转折 despite, in spite of, nevertheless 59 unfortunately, unluckily, nonetheless, 第三节 iTEP SLATE 阅读常见前缀后缀衍生词 常见前缀 表示“肯定” 或“中性”的 含义 例子 前缀 auto- self Sign an autograph 签名 re- again, back Reproduced photograph 复制的照片 chrono- time Historical chronology 历史事件发生顺序 pre- before Legal precedent 法律先例 pro- for, before Promote your software 推广软件 homo- same Homogeneous group hyper- over, excessive Hyperactive child 多动症儿童 ethno- people, race Ethnocentric views 种族中心主义观点 super- above, superior Supernatural powers 超越自然的能力 geo- earth, Geopolitical border 地缘政治的边界 geography 60 相同类型的一组 表示“否定” 含义 的前缀 例子 a- not, without Atypical case 非典型病例 anti- against Anti-aging cream 抗衰老面霜 dis- not Dishonest person 不诚实的人 il- not Illegitimate reason 不合逻辑的原因 im- not Imbalanced nutrition 不均衡的营养 in- not Incorrect answer 不正确的答案 ir- not Irresponsible behavior 不负责任的行为 mal- bad Program malfunction 程序故障 un- not, reverse Unable to back up my file 不支持文件 常见后缀 名词后缀 含义 例子 -acy State of being Nutritional adequacy 营养充足 -al Relating to Emotional condition 情绪状态 -ance,-ence State of being Show dominance 显示优势 -dom quality Gain freedom 获得自由 -er,-or Person who Computer programmer 计算机程序员 -ism belief Growing nationalism 日益增长的民族主义 -ity, -ty State of being Data integrity 数据完整 -ment Result of City government 市政府 61 -ness State of being Act of carelessness 粗心大意的行为 -sion, -tion State of being Transition phase 过渡阶段 动词后缀 含义 例子 -ate To make Pollinate flowers 给花授粉 -en Made of Frozen vegetables 将蔬菜冷藏 -ify, -fy To make Falsify documents 伪造文件 -ize,-ise To make Sanitize the hard disk 给硬盘消毒 形容词后缀 含义 例子 -able Capable of Copy-able files 可复制的文件 -al Related to Optional download 可选择的下载 -ful Full of Delighted music 令人愉快的音乐 -ic, -ical Nature of Technical support 技术性支持 -ine Nature of Feminine culture 女性文化 -ious, -ous Full of Spacious digital memory 内存很大的 数字存储器 -ish Like Stylish clothes 时尚的衣服 -ive Related to Permissive parents 宽容的父母 -less Without Wireless communication 无线通讯 62 第四章 iTEP SLATE 阅读全真模拟题 第一节 iTEP SLATE 阅读全真模拟题 iTEP SLATE 阅读全真模拟题(一) Part One Field trip Tomorrow there will not be any classes. All of the students will meet at the library in the morning. From there, they will take buses into the city. They will visit a science museum and attend a classical music concert. The students will then write about what they saw and hear on their trip. Q1. What will the students probably write about? A. The history of classical music B. Things scientists have leaned C. A trip that is planned for next month D. How to find a book in the library Science Project In my science class, we are working in small groups. Each group is required to give a talk to the class. The presentation must show how people use science everyday. My group will explain why it is important to keep food in the refrigerator. We will sing a song that we wrote about food safety. Q2. The word “give” in the passage means A. To lend B. To provide C. To hand to D. To pass 63 Part Two Green-Wood Cemetery The Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn, NY, is a large cemetery founded in 1838. It’s the final resting place of about 600,0.00 New Yorkers. Musical figure Leonard Bernstein is one of many notable residents buried here. This beautiful spot is said to have inspired the design of Central Park. Green-Wood has a rich history. The cemetery’s location was key in the Battle of Brooklyn. The highest point in Brooklyn is within the cemetery grounds and served as a lookout point. This battle was the first major one after the United States declared independence in 1776. The area is now a National Historic Landmark and monument. Visitors are encouraged at Green-Wood. They can view beautiful landscaping and old-growth trees. There is also impressive architecture, including statues and sculptures. The cemetery hosts cultural events, like film screenings and music performances. It offers guided tours of the grounds as well. The height of Green-Wood’s hills make it an excellent spot to view the nearby Manhattan skyscrapers. The cemetery went through a difficult period in the sixties and seventies when New York had financial problems. But it has become 64 a destination again. It was once almost as popular as Niagara Falls. That probably won’t happen again, but the cemetery is sure to remain a local treasure. You can visit a loved one or discover the area’s history. ●A Alternatively, you may prefer visiting to enjoy nature in the middle of America’s most populous city. ●B Whatever the reason, you are sure to love Green-Wood. ●C It’s hard to imagine doing otherwise. ●D Q3.What opinion does the author express in the concluding sentence? A.Tourism is good for local businesses B. Green-Wood is easy to enjoy visiting C. Places in nature are the best to visit D. War monuments help us remember history Q4. What is the main topic of this passage? A. An area with historical significance B. Parts of New York with greenery C. Tourist attractions in Brooklyn D. The final resting places of famous people 65 Q5. Here is the new sentence: “Visitors are asked to treat the cemetery with appreciation and respect.” Where would this sentence most logically occur in relation to the marked sentences in the passage? Q6. Why does the author mention a musician? A. In connection to the Battle of Brooklyn B. As a type of person who enjoys tourism C. As an example of someone buried in a cemetery D. In relation to a cultural event Part Three Human skins Have you ever heard that your largest organ is actually your skin? Skin’s size is not its only impressive feature. Human skin’s ability to repair and renew itself is incredible. Think of how a cut or scrape can heal, often without any scarring or lasting damage. What if we could provide the same level of self-healing ability artificially through create a type of plastic”skin” that can be used for everything from smart phone screen to prosthetic limbs. Skin is special not just for its ability to heal itself, but also because it 66 can sense ans respond to outside element(like heat or cold) and because it’s incredibly flexible. Skin doesn’t crack or tear when it bends. It seems easy for skin to do,but it’s actually very difficult to design such a durable but flexible material in a laboratory. Especially one that can react to external stimuli. However, two new advances could bring the manufacture of an artificial substance with the same abilities as skin closer to reality. The first is the development of polymers(plastics) that can “heal” themselves. In other words, they can restore themselves to their original state after being cut or damaged. The second is the creation of surface that can conduct electricity and help the brain interpret external signals. These two technologies have been in development for a while. But were not combined until recently. Researches at Stanford University in California put nickel atoms into polymer with the ability to heal itself. The result: a promising artificial skin. Thanks to the selfrepairing polymers, a substance like this can bend without breaking. And heal itself. In fact, its restorative abilities are so powerful that it is able to fully repair itself after being sliced in half with a knife after only 30 minutes of being held together.it can do this not just once, but seemingly without limit. ●[A]Thanks to the addition of nicket, this type of polymer can send 67 and receive electronic signals that respond to pressure and temperature. It can potentially even transmit electronic signals to the brain for decoding. ●[B] A substance with the potential to be useful in so many situations will likely be making a big appearance in our lives in the years to come. ●[C]Researchers hope to next take on the task of making the artificial skin stretchable as well.●[D] Q7. Here is the new sentence: “A prosthetic hand covered in this type of substance could detect a handshake much like a real hand would, for example. “ Q8. What is flexibility mentioned in connection to? A. The design of cell phone B. The properties of most plastic C. The abilities of skin D. The possibilities for electronics Q9. Why are smart phone mentioned? A. As an example of advances in technology B. As a tool that often interacts with human skin C. As a technology used by many scientists D. As a potential use for artificial “skin” Q10. What does the author mean by the phrase “closer to reality” as 68 used in the passage? A. Soon to be made B. More desirable C. Increasingly obvious D. Believed by many Q11. What this passage mainly about? A. The development of a useful artificial substance B. Update to medical devices C. Different applications of plastic in research D. The biological functions of organs Q12. According to the passage, what did researchers at Stanford University do? A. Create two new substances B. Merge two existing technologies C. Publish two research studies D. Improve two electronic devices 69 iTEP SLATE 阅读全真模拟题(二) Part One Talent show Tomorrow night our school is having a talent show. All of the student are invited to sing a song, play an instrument, or do whatever they are best at. Some of the teachers will be performing, too. Families may attend. The show will be in the auditorium. Q1. What will the families do at the school A. Talk to the teachers B. Sit in the auditorium C. Choose the best talent D. Perform in a musical show School holiday On Thursday, school will be closed for a holiday. My group of friends will meet at the bus station early. From there, we will travel to the beach. We will swim and go for a walk. We will then have dinner at a restaurant where our favorite band is scheduled to play. Q2. What will happen on Thursday? A. Friends will meet at school B. A band will play at our school C. the swim team will compete. D. A group will go on a trip 70 Part Two Insight, When people figure out how to solve a problem or get a good idea, we say that they gain insight. ●[A]Nevertheless, some scientists set up experiments to find out how external influences- things in a person’s environment- can affect insight. ●[B]The scientist wanted to know if using the symbol of the light bulb might encourage people to gain insight. In many cultures, a traditional light bulb is used as a symbol of insight. ●[C]In comic strips and cartoons, an artist will draw a light bulb over a character’s head to represent thinking or a brilliant idea.●[D] The scientists asked college students to solve math problems and verbal puzzles. Some of the volunteers were tested in a room lit by a traditional light bulb.Others were in room with lighting from a long fluorescent bulb. The volunteer solved the problems much faster and better in the first room. The study was repeated with a bare light bulb and one that had a lampshade covering it. The students performed better with the unshaded bulb. The scientist concluded that symbols in our environment can influence our creativity. They want to study whether displaying light bulbs in the classroom or in the workplace could help solve problems better. Q3. What did the scientists study in their experiments? A. The definition of insight. 71 B. The impact of the environment on effective studying C. The use of symbols in various cultures D. The influence of symbols on problem-solving skills. Q4. What did the second experiment show? A. Volunteers’ intelligence was indicated by their performance B. Performance depended on volunteers’ background experience C. Volunteers performed differently on math and verbal puzzles. D. Changes in the light affected volunteers’ performance Q5. Here is the new sentence: “The light bulb can also signify invention or intelligence.” Q6. The word “encourage” in paragraph 2 means_____ A. Help B. Show C. Prepare D. join 72 Part Three Gutta percha In the mid-19th century, before petroleum-based plastics and other synthetics had been invented, gutta percha became an immensely popular material used to make everything from jewelry to furniture. A natural latex related to rubber, it could be molded into all sorts of shapes when it was warm. When cooled, it was hard and durable. Although it was imported in enormous quantities and revolutionized several industries, few people today have heard of it because it has been largely replaced by manmade materials. Gutta percha is the sap of the lsonandra gutta tree native to southeast Asia. The latex oozes from injuries to the tree, protecting it from attack by insects and other harmful organisms. The local people had harvest gutta percha for centuries to make a wide variety of items. They collected the gum by cutting down wild trees, and cutting gashes in them. The milky fluid was collected and allowed to evaporate in the sun. the coagulated gutta percha. Now dark brown, was heated and molded. Gutta percha was first introduced to Europe in 1843 when articles made from it were displayed at an exhibit of the Royal Society of Arts in London. A visitor got the idea that gutta percha might provide a solution for a problem in the telegraph industry. The telegraph had 73 been recently invented and was rapidly transforming communications. Messages that had taken weeks or months to deliver could now be received in minutes. Before long, plans were made to run telegraph cables under the English Channel and other bodies of water. However, many early attempts failed, often because the rubber used to insulate the wires and protect them from the seawater became brittle when it was exposed to the cold temperatures and high atmospheric pressure of the ocean environment. Students of gutta percha found that its insulating properties actually improved under the hostile conditions of the seafloor. In 1845, an inventor developed a machine to coat wires with gutta percha, and began manufacturing telegraph wire for use under the sea. A usable cable was finally laid across the English Channel in 1851. In 1866, the first successful transatlantic cable was in place. By 1910, there were more than 350,000 kilometers of submarine cable. As additional uses for gutta percha were found, demand for it grew. Golf balls made from gutta percha flew father and cost much less than ones made from leather casings stuffed with feathers. “Gutties” replaced “featheries” in a short time. The industry grew tremendously until 1898, when B.F. Goodrich Company introduced a rubber golf ball. It was made from rubber thread wrapped around a rubber core. 74 The explosive demand for gutta percha caused an ecological crisis. Millions of trees were cut down to harvest the precious sap. By 1900 it became clear that the species was threatened, and sustainable methods of extracting the sap from the leaves were developed. Demand began to decline in 20th century, due to the development of synthetic replacements. In the 1930’s, polythene was invented as an insulation for telegraph wire. Today, one use for natural gutta percha continues. Dentists find it is perfect for filling the space that remains after the root of the tooth is removed in a root canal. Q7. The author mentions “polythene” in the last paragraph as an example of A. a chemical contained in gutta percha B. a man made substitute for gutta percha C. a material that was added to gutta percha to make clothes D.a dental product that was made from gutta percha Q8. According to the passage, what was the result of the ecological crisis mentioned in the sixth paragraph? A. New farms for growing gutta trees were development. B. New ways to protect the gutta trees from harmful organisms were developed. C. A new way to recycle products made from gutta percha was developed. D. A new way to collect sap from the gutta trees was developed. 75 Q9. What was the role of the “Royal Society of Arts in London”? A. It hosted an event about the English Channel. B. It helped a new group of people learn about gutta percha. C. Its members helped finance an early attempt to lay an undersea cable. D. It conducted studies of gutta percha to determine its propertie. Q10. What happened after gutta percha was used in golf balls? A. The demand for featheries decreased. B. Places where golf is played had to be redesigned. C. People needed different skills to play golf. D. The use of a rubber center in the ball was eliminated. Q11. What was a step used by ancient people in producing gutta percha? A. They let the gutta sap sit out on a warm day to thicken. B. They collected the gutta sap from the youngest trees. C. They added certain fluids to the gutta sap to make it beautiful. D. They boiled the gutta sap in a large pot to remove impurities. Q12. What was the effect of using rubber under the sea? A. Seawater made rubber turn into liquid. B. Seawater created holes in rubber. C. Cold seawater made rubber stronger D. Cold seawater caused rubber to break easily. 76 iTEP SLATE 阅读全真模拟题(三) Part One New Year’s Resolution New year is coming. Our teacher ask us to make a New Year’s Resolution. In fact I have many wishes for the next year. First, I want to get the newest iphone as my birthday present. Besides, I want to work hard at computer science. Because to be a successful computer programmer is my dream in the future. So I need to devote more time on it. In the end, I will do more exercise in this year to keep healthy. My basketball team may attend to the competition in my school if possible. Q1. What does the author hope to do in the future? A. Works in the “Apple’s company” B. To win the basketball competition C. Want to be a programmer in the field of computer D. Loose weight Family’s camping Last weekend, I went camping with my family. We decided to make a barbecue in the Valley. My father asked me if I could try to make a fire, I was glad to take the job. Then I tried to set fire to the wood with the match, but produced only smoke. Finally, my father told me I should get some small pieces of tree’s branches to start, since they were catch fire easily. It worked successfully. 77 Q2. What happened to the camping? A. The family baked some meat to enjoy B. They made a forest fire in the Valley. C. The author get hurt when he light match. D. The author set the fire with the help of his dad. Part Two Geothermal Energy Geothermal energy is natural heat from the interior of the Earth that is converted to heat buildings and generate electricity. The idea of harnessing Earth’s internal heat is not new. As early as 1904, geothermal power was used in Italy. Today, Earth’s natural internal heat is being used to generate electricity in 21 countries, including Russia, Japan, New Zealand, Iceland, Mexico, Ethiopia, Guatemala, El Salvador, the Philippines, and the United States. Total worldwide production is approaching 9,000 MW (equivalent to nine large modern coal-burning or nuclear power plants)-double the amount in 1980. Some 40 million people today receive their electricity from geothermal energy at a cost competitive with that of other energy sources, In El Salvador, geothermal energy is supplying 30% of the total electric energy used. However, at the global level, geothermal energy supplies less than 0.15% of the total energy supply. [A] ●The average heat flow from the interior of the Earth is very low, about 0.06 W/m2. [B]● This amount is trivial compared with 177 W/m2 from solar heat at the surface in the United State. However, in some areas, heat flow is sufficiently high to be useful for 78 producing energy. [C]● For the most part, areas of high heat flow are associated with plate tectonic boundaries. Oceanic ridge systems (divergent plate boundaries) and areas where mountains are being uplifted and volcanic island arcs are forming (convergent plate boundaries) are areas where this natural heat flow is anomalously high. [D] ● Q3. The word “approaching” in the passage is closest in meaning to: A. hardly B. mostly C. nearly D. briefly Q4. In paragraph 1, the author introduces the concept of geothermal energy by A. explaining the history of this energy source worldwide B. arguing that this energy source has been tried unsuccessfully C. comparing the production with that of other energy sources D. describing the alternatives for generating electric power Q5. According to paragraph 2, the heat flow necessary for the production of geothermal energy A. is like solar heat on the Earth’s surface B. happens near tectonic plate boundaries C. must always be artificially increased D. may be impractical because of its location Q6. Where would the following sentence most logically occur in 79 relation to the marked sentences in the passage? “One such region is located in the western United States, where recent tectonic and volcanic activity has occurred. “ Part Three National Flags The flag, the most common symbol of national identity in the modern world, is also one of the most ancient. The traditional flag of fabric is still used to mark building, ships, and diplomatic caravans by national affiliation, but its visual design makes it adaptable for other roles as well. Most flags have a compact, rectangular shape and distinct visual symbolism. Their strong colors and geometric patterns are usually instantly recognizable even if miniaturized to less than a square centimeter. Images of flags can thus serve as identifying icons on airliners, television broadcasts, and computer displays. Despite its simplicity, the national flag as we know it today is in no way a primitive artifact. It is, rather, the product of millennia of development in many corners of the globe. Historians believe it had two major ancestors, of which the earlier served to indicate wind direction. [A]● Early human societies used very fragile shelters and boats. [B]●Their food sources were similarly vulnerable to disruption. [C]● Even after various grains had been domesticated, people needed cooperation from the elements to assure good harvests. 80 For all these reasons, they feared and depended on the power of the wind, which could bring warmth from one direction and cold from another. Ascertaining the direction of the wind using a simple trip of cloth tied to the top a post was more reliable than earlier methods, such as watching the rising of smoke from a fire or the swaying of field grasses. The association of these prototypes of the flag with divine power was therefore a natural one. [D]● Tribes began to fix long cloth flutters to the tops of totems before carrying them into battle, believing that the magical assistance of the wind would be added to the blessings of the gods and ancestors represented by the totem itself. These flutters may seem like close kin of our present-day flags, but the path through history from one to the other wanders through thousands of years and over several continents. The first known flag of a nation or ruler was unmarked: The king who established the Chou Dynasty in China (around 1000 B.C.) was reputed to have a white flag carried ahead of him. This practice may have been adopted from Egyptians even further in the past, but it was from China that it spread over trade routes through India, then across Arab lands, and finally to medieval Europe. In Europe, the Chinese-derived flag met up with the modern flag’s second ancestor, the heraldic crest. The flags used in Asia may have been differentiated by color, but they rarely featured emblems or pictures. European nobles of the medieval period had, however, 81 developed a system of crests (symbols or insignias specific to particular families) that were commonly mounted on hard surfaces; shields to be used in battle often displayed them especially prominently. The production of these crests on flags permitted them to be used as heralds, meaning that they functioned as visual announcements that a member of an important household was present. While crests began to appear on flags as well as shields, the number of prominent families was also increasing. They required an ever greater number of combinations of stripes, crosses, flowers, and mythical animals to distinguish themselves. These survived as the basic components of flag design when small regional kingdoms were later combined into larger nation-states. They remain such for many European countries today. Some nations, particularly those whose colors and emblems date back several hundred years, have different flags for different official uses. For example, the flag of Poland is a simple rectangle nationalism since the 1700s. They originated as the colors of the Piast family, which during its rule displayed a crest bearing a white eagle on a red field. Homage is paid to the Piast Dynasty in the Polish ensign, the flag officially used at sea. Unlike the familiar plain flag flown on land, the ensign has a red shield with a white eagle centered on its upper white stripe. 82 Q7. The word “miniaturized” in the passage is closest in meaning to A. publicized B. colored C. made brighter D. made smaller Q8. Paragraph 1 of the passage describes the design of the typical flag as A. unfamiliar to people from other countries B. likely to change as technology improves C. suited to many different uses D. older than the country it represents Q9. The earliest ancestors of the flag were associated with divine power because A. they were flown as high in the sky as people could reach B. they were woven from valuable field grasses C. they moved with the wind D. tribes that flew them always won battles Q10. According to paragraph 4 of the passage, the first known national flag in history A. was not carried into battle B. is still used in China today C. was copied by the Egyptians D. was not colored or patterned 83 Q11. Where would the following sentence most logically occur in relation to the marked sentences in the passage? “Therefore, strong winds could easily tear roofs from houses or cause hig waves that imperiled travelers.” Q12. What’s the main idea of the passage? A. There were many historical steps in the evolution of the national flag as it’s known today. B. Many countries have followed Poland’s example and used an eagle on their flags to symbolize strength and power. C. Some flags used in Asian countries may have been colored in distinct ways. D. Ancient tribes respected the power of the wind and began to design some symbols reflected to them, which we called flag today. 84 iTEP SLATE 阅读全真模拟题(四) Part One Science Project In my science class, we are working in small groups. Each group is required to give a talk to the class. The presentation must show how people use science everyday. My group will explain why it is important to keep food in the refrigerator. We will sing a song that we wrote about food safety. Q1. What must each group do? A. Sing a song B. Provide the food to the class C. Present daily uses of science D. Explain about food safety Baseball competition On Saturday, our school will hold an annual regional baseball game. As the member of school team, it is the precious chance to be qualified to compete with other groups. Although we are told that our team has a slim possibility of winning the championship by the coach, our team members still want to try. Even the captain of the team want to hold a party on Saturday night if we had any chance to enter the finals. Q2. Why the captain will hold the party on Saturday night? 85 A. Because the team will attend to the baseball game. B. As the coach will come to join them C. They will celebrate it if the team achieve a good result D. To celebrate they get the championship. Part Two The true happiness Being the head of a high school for many years, I grew tired of budget meetings, funding cuts, and many other administrative chores.I started to dream of retirement. Sitting in traffic on a weekday morning, I would find my mind wandering. I would imagine spending time with my grandchildren, quiet evenings with my wife, traveling , or rediscovering some great books. I told myself that I wouldn’t sign myself up for any committees, any classes, or anything requiring a schedule. My first day of retirement came at last! I cooked a great breakfast for my wife and me, leisurely read the paper, cleaned a bit of the house , and wrote a few letters to friends. On the second day , I cooked breakfast, read the paper..... On the third day ....This is retirement? I tried to tell myself that it was just the transition, that those golden moments were right round the corner, and that I would enjoy them soon enough . But something was missing. A former colleague asked for a favor. A group of students was going to Jamaica to work with children in the poorest neighborhoods. Would I interrupt my new found “happiness” and return to the students, just this once? One trip. That’s all. My bags were packed 86 and by the door. The trip was very inspiring. I was moved not only by the poverty I saw but also by the sense of responsibility of the young people on the trip. When I returned home, I offered to work one day a week with a local youth organization. The experience was so positive that I was soon volunteering nearly full-time, working with students across North America to assist them in their voluntary work. Now, it seems, the tables have turned . Some days I am the teacher, other days I am the student. These young people have reawakened my commitment to social justice issues by challenging me to learn more about the situation in the world today, where people are still poor and suffer because of greed, corruption and war. Most important, they have given me the opportunity to continue to participate in helping to find solutions. In return, I help them do their charitable projects overseas. I’ve gone from running one school to helping oversee the construction of schools in twenty-one countries! Q3. What did the writer expect to do after he retired? A. To write some great books B. To stay away from busy schedules C.To teach his grandchildren D. To do some voluntary work. Q4. Why did the writer decide to go to Jamaica? A. He missed his students in that country B. He couldn’t refuse his colleague’s favor C. He cared a lot about the people there. 87 D. He was not satisfied with his retired life. Q5. The underlined part “the tables have turned” means that the writer . A. improved the situation in his school B. felt happy to work with students again C. became a learner rather than a teacher D. Changed his attitude toward his retired life Q6. What does the writer think of his retired life now? A. Disappointing B. Troublesome C. Relaxing D. Meaningful Part Three Homing Pigeons The homing pigeon is a variety of domestic pigeon capable of finding its way home over extremely long distances. This species of pigeon can fly distances of one thousand miles to return to its own nest, making it extremely reliable for carrying messages. The practice of using pigeons to carry messages goes back over 3000 years. When these pigeons were used as ‘carrier pigeons’, they carried small messages written on light, thin paper that was rolled into a small tube and attached to the leg of the bird. One of the earliest recorded instances of carrier pigeons was when they were used to relay the results of the original Olympic Games in ancient Greece. Records show they may have been used even earlier 88 than that in Egypt and Persia. When the outcome of the Battle of Waterloo was decided the news was first delivered by a pigeon, and in 1860 Reuters, founder of the Reuters News Service, used a fleet of 45 pigeons to carry news messages. As recently as the early 20th Century pigeons were used prominently in World War I and one was even awarded a medal for delivering vital messages despite being badly injured. It is the carrier pigeons’ natural instincts, combined with their special navigational abilities that make them uniquely qualified to serve as dependable messengers. The birds rely upon a combination of methods to orient themselves and return to their homes, including using what is called a ‘map and compass’ system. Relying on the sun, a pigeon may locate itself using an innate compass and direct itself to its ‘home site’. Pigeons can only, however, return to one place that they recognize as home. Thus to have an effective ‘mail’ system, one would need a stock of pigeons separated from their home, and they would only be capable of delivering ‘mail’ to that single location. In addition to gauging its position by the sun, a carrier pigeon may also use ‘olfactory’ navigation, detecting the spatial distribution of atmospheric odors, as well as visual landmarks that guide them as they near their homes. Some research has even shown that homing pigeons navigate by following roads, avenues and structures, essentially guiding themselves in the same way that people do. Certain bird experts, however, were not satisfied that the carrier 89 pigeons only used superior sight and smell to find their way. University researchers tested an alternate theory, that the birds can actually detect the Earth’s magnetic field. In testing their hypothesis, the researchers discovered that certain pigeon breeds were confused by magnetic irregularities in the Earth’s atmosphere, while others were not affected. In this century, however, the use of homing pigeons has practically disappeared, as they have been rendered obsolete by the spread of digital technology. They were last utilized in certain relief areas when natural disasters had dismantled communications infrastructure. But as more and more areas become populated the need for an older, though reliable, messenger service has vanished. Q7. The word “innate” as used in the passage probably means: A. Evolutionary B. Instinctive C. Preternatural D. Flying Q8. The passage mentions the “single” location in paragraph 4 to emphasize A. Pigeons mate for life B. The limitations of pigeon mail C. The effect of sunlight on pigeons’ navigation D. The effect of the magnetic field on pigeons’ navigation Q9. It can be concluded from the passage that: A. Not all carrier pigeons can detect the Earth’s magnetic field B. All pigeon species can carry messages 90 C. Pigeons have more than one nest D. The field of carrier pigeon research has recently expanded Q10. The passage attributes the decrease of use of carrier pigeons to: A. Lack of proper research B. Changes in natural habitat C. Changes in the Earth’s magnetic field D. Improvements in communications technology Q11.It can be understood from the passage that the idea of “homing” A. Can refer to all bird species B. Relies only on”olfactory”senses C. Is an important quality of certain pigeon species D. Was first introduced in Ancient Greece Q12.What is the purpose of mentioning Egypt and Persia in paragraph 3? A. To demonstrate the great distances that pigeons can fly B. To show places where pigeons have been used by armies C. To illustrate how the use of carrier pigeons has changed D. To give an example of earliest uses of carrier pigeons 91 第二节 Part one iTEP SLATE 阅读全真模拟题答案 模拟题一 模拟题二 模拟题三 模拟题四 1 A B C C 2 B D D C 3 B D C B 4 A C A D 5 C C B C 6 C A D D 7 C B D B 8 C D C B 9 D B C A 10 A A D D 11 A A B C 12 B D A D 题号 Part two 题号 Part three 题号 92 附录一:iTEP SLATE 考试评分标准 考试的阅读、听力和语法部分都是由电脑进行自动评分,考生会得 到一个指数分值和与之相对应的等级(0-6)。写作和口语部分是由英语 为母语、经过 ESL 专业培训的语言专家按照以下评分标准打分。 iTEP SLATE 考试评分标准 级别 阅读 写作 听力 口语 6 ·能理解非 ·能写诸如研究 ·对各种题材的讲 专业人士编 报告之类的复杂 演,能听懂全部意思 学术和社会题 写的各种题 文章,并使用合 及所有细节; 材学术材料 适文体及词汇; ·能听懂非英语国家 背景的、恰当的 的所有方 ·语法使用接近 的不同口音; 方式进行交流; 面; 英语为母语人 ·发音接近英语 ·阅读速度 士; 为母语人士的发 接近英语为 ·能表达复杂的 音; 母语的速 思想内容; ·能就几乎所有 目,以符合文化 度; ·很少需要 使用字典; 5 ·能读懂专 ·能满足一般学 ·能听懂学术类讲演 ·能表达相对复 业学术、期 术写作任务的要 的主要思想及大部分 杂的思想; 刊杂志、论 求,偶尔有语法 辅助细节; 文摘要等的 及文体错误; 主要论点及 ·专业词汇量很 和文化细节方面,有 误; 大部分细 大; 节; ·写作结构清 ·语法、选词和 ·在听懂复杂的社会 文化性方面有错 些困难; ·对听者而言, 需稍加注意就能 93 ·需要额外 晰,论点、论据 阅读时间, 听懂其发音; 能展开; 有时需使用 字典; 4 ·能从大部 ·对熟悉的题 ·能听懂学术讲演和 ·对特别熟悉的 分课本及文 目,能写出内容 讨论的主要内容,但 题目,可以表达 章中收集主 连贯的文章,但 不能抓住重要细节; 抽象的概念; 要思想内 有明显的语法错 ·沟通中偶尔需要对 ·缺乏词汇、语 容,但不能 误; 很好掌握所 ·词汇运用不够 的流利性; 有细节; 精准和熟练; ·有发音错误, ·对一些抽 ·对不同的文 听者需要求其重 象内容及文 体特点掌握较 复词汇或短语; 化参照有误 差; 方重复或澄清; 法,影响了口语 解; ·阅读速度 较慢; 3 ·对熟悉的 ·能表达基本思 ·能听懂学术讨论题 ·能与工作处的 题目,能理 想,但结构不清 目的内容概要,但不 工作人员和辅导 解材料要 晰 点,并掌握 ·有语法错误, 构,缺乏高级词汇; 流,但经常有语 重要细节; 影响理解; ·能读懂考 ·词汇量有限, 差; ·发音需要听者 试、实验 使文体重复,句 极其努力才能听 熟悉复杂的语言结 ·理解上有重大偏 94 员进行日常交 法和词汇错误; 室、作业环 子简单; 懂; 节中有步骤 的指示; ·词汇量有 限,影响阅 读速度; 附录二:iTEP 成 绩 与 托 福 、 雅 思 成 绩 对 照 iTEP iTEP Paper-Based Computer-Based IBT IELTS Level TOEFL TOEFL Advanced 6 563 – 677 223 – 300 84 – 120 8–9 Low 5 – 5.5 517 – 560 187 – 220 66 – 83 6.5 -7.5 4 – 4.5 470 – 513 150 – 183 52 – 65 5.5 – 6 Intermediate 3 – 3.5 423 – 467 113 – 147 38 – 51 4.5 – 5 Low 2 – 2.5 380 – 420 83 – 110 26 – 37 3–4 Elementary 1 – 1.5 333 – 377 57 – 80 17 – 25 1.5 - 2.5 Beginning 0 – 0.5 310 – 330 0 – 53 0 – 16 0–1 Advanced High Intermediate Intermediate 95 附录三:iTEP 成绩单样本 96 97