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eBook Handbook of Semiconductors. Fundamentals to Emerging Applications 1e By Ram K. Gupta

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Handbook of Semiconductors
This book provides readers with state-of-the-art knowledge of established and emerging semiconducting materials, their processing, and the fabrication of chips and microprocessors. In addition
to covering the fundamentals of these materials, it details the basics and workings of many semiconducting devices and their role in modern electronics and explores emerging semiconductors and
their importance in future devices.
Provides readers with latest advances in semiconductors.
Covers diodes, transistors, and other devices using semiconducting materials.
Covers advances and challenges in semiconductors and their technological applications.
Discusses fundamentals and characteristics of emerging semiconductors for chip
This book provides directions to scientists, engineers, and researchers in materials engineering and
related disciplines to help them better understand the physics, characteristics, and applications of
modern semiconductors.
Ram K. Gupta is an Associate Vice President for Research and Support and a Professor of Chemistry
at Pittsburg State University. Dr. Gupta has been recently named by Stanford University as being
among the top 2% of research scientists worldwide. Before joining Pittsburg State University, he
worked as an Assistant Research Professor at Missouri State University, Springfield, MO, then as
a Senior Research Scientist at North Carolina A&T State University, Greensboro, NC. Dr. Gupta’s
research spans a range of subjects critical to current and future societal needs, including semiconducting materials and devices, biopolymers, flame-retardant polymers, green energy production and
storage using nanostructured materials and conducting polymers, electrocatalysts, optoelectronics
and photovoltaics devices, organic-inorganic heterojunctions for sensors, nanomagnetism, biocompatible nanofibers for tissue regeneration, scaffolds and antibacterial applications, and bio-degradable metallic implants. Dr. Gupta has published over 290 peer-reviewed journal articles, made over
420 national/international/regional presentations, chaired/organized many sessions at national/international meetings, wrote several book chapters (100+), worked as Editor for many books (50+), and
received several million dollars for research and educational activities from external agencies. He
is also serving as Editor, Associate Editor, Guest Editor, and editorial board member for various
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Handbook of Semiconductors
Fundamentals to Emerging Applications
Edited by
Ram K. Gupta
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Designed cover image: Shutterstock
First edition published 2025
by CRC Press
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ISBN: 978-1-032-58455-3 (hbk)
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DOI: 10.1201/9781003450146
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Dedicated to Dr. Shawn Naccarato, whose unwavering dedication to
the exploration of semiconducting materials has not only inspired but
also ignited innovation and motivation within the realm of advanced
applications. Your guidance and vision have illuminated paths of discovery,
shaping the future of technology with brilliance and purpose.
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List of Contributors......................................................................................................................... xiii
Chapter 1
Semiconductors: An Introduction................................................................................. 1
André E. Nogueira, Lucas S. Ribeiro, Francisco G. E. Nogueira,
and Juliana A. Torres
Chapter 2
Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors.............................................................................. 12
Mourad Boughrara, Abdelhamid Ait M’hid, and Mohamed Kerouad
Chapter 3
Types and Properties of Semiconductors....................................................................26
Ajay Lathe and Anil M. Palve
Chapter 4
Wide Band Gap Semiconductors: Preparation, Tunable Properties,
and Applications..........................................................................................................40
K. Ravichandran, S. Suvathi, P. Ravikumar, and R. Mohan
Chapter 5
Doping Methods and Their Effects............................................................................. 54
Devi Bala Saraswathi Sethuraman and Chia-Jyi Liu
Chapter 6
Emerging Materials in Semiconductor Devices.......................................................... 68
Arpana Agrawal
Chapter 7
Organic Semiconductor Devices: Materials and Technology..................................... 81
Periyasamy Angamuthu Praveen and Thangavel Kanagasekaran
Chapter 8
Organic Semiconductors for Electrochemical Energy Applications..........................94
Jeffery Horinek, Allen Davis, and Ram K. Gupta
Chapter 9
Nanotechnology in Semiconductors: Role of Nano-Dimensions
and Thin Film Structure............................................................................................ 109
Nasrin Babazadeh, Amir Ershad-Langroudi, Seyed Mehdi Mousaei,
and Farhad Alizadegan
Chapter 10 The Development and Processing of Advanced Low-Dimensional
Semiconductors......................................................................................................... 122
Xinghui Liu, Shiheng Xin, Fuchun Zhang, and Chunyi Zhi
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Chapter 11 Fundamentals and Advanced Concepts of Microprocessors.................................... 137
Farida A. Ali and Sabita Mali
Chapter 12 Fundamentals and Recent Advancements in Photodetectors
Using Semiconductors............................................................................................... 152
Xi Lin and Xiaoguang Luo
Chapter 13 Semiconductor Photoelectrochemistry..................................................................... 165
Mohsen Lashgari
Chapter 14 Semiconductors for Transparent Conductors............................................................ 179
Jnanraj Borah, Dipak Barman, and Bimal K. Sarma
Chapter 15 Semiconductor-based Photodiodes............................................................................ 194
Adem Kocyigit
Chapter 16 Semiconductors for Solar Cells.................................................................................207
Santosh V. Patil and Kshitij Bhargava
Chapter 17 Semiconductor Lasers............................................................................................... 222
Shaoteng Wu and Haizhong Weng
Chapter 18 Light-Emitting Diode................................................................................................ 235
Asmita Poddar, Madhab Roy, and Sanjib Bhattacharya
Chapter 19 Transistors: Advanced Logic Devices (RAM, Memristors, Gate)............................246
Arpita Roy, Karuna Kumari, and Soumya J. Ray
Chapter 20 Non-Volatile Memory Devices..................................................................................260
Neeraj Mehta
Chapter 21 Sensors Based on Semiconductors............................................................................ 273
Alper Durmaz, İbrahim M. Kahyaoğlu, Erdi C. Aytar, and Selcan Karakuş
Chapter 22 Semiconductor-based Ferroelectrics......................................................................... 287
Rijith Sreenivasan, Akhila Muhammed, and Sumi V. Sasidharan Nair
Chapter 23 Role of Semiconductors in Energy Devices.............................................................. 301
Navid Nasajpour Esfahani, Amir Koohbor, Hamid Garmestani,
and Steven Y. Liang
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Chapter 24 Role of Semiconductors in Future Flexible Batteries............................................... 316
Joseph C. M., Vinuth Raj T. N., and Priya A. Hoskeri
Chapter 25 Semiconductor-based Materials for Water-Splitting Applications............................ 324
Arnet Maria Antony, R. Geetha Balakrishna, K. Pramoda,
and Siddappa A. Patil
Chapter 26 Copper Oxide-based Semiconductors for Photo-Assisted Water Splitting............... 333
Himanshu S. Sahoo, Debasish Ray, Sangeeta Ghosh,
and Chinmoy Bhattacharya
Chapter 27 Role of Semiconductor Materials in Wastewater Treatment..................................... 347
Arpita Paul Chowdhury, K. S. Anantharaju, Subhajit Das,
and K. Keshavamurthy
Chapter 28 Future of the Semiconductor Industry...................................................................... 359
Sujit Mukherjee, Debmalya Pal, Arunava Bhattacharyya,
and Subhasis Roy
Index............................................................................................................................................... 375
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Semiconducting materials dominate many industries and are used in almost all electronic devices.
The current chip shortage and its effect on the worldwide economy are concerns for many countries.
Semiconducting materials provide unique and tunable electrical, optical, and electronic properties.
Along with these unique characteristics, they also possess high thermal, mechanical, and environmental stability. Apart from traditional silicon-based semiconductors, many emerging semiconductors are being considered for chips and microelectronic manufacturing. Their properties can be
further improved by doping, growing them in thin-film structures, and creating good heterojunctions.
A fundamental understanding of the charge-transport mechanism in semiconducting is crucial.
This book provides state-of-the-art knowledge in semiconducting materials, their processing,
and the fabrication of chips and microprocessors. Applications of semiconductors in electronic
devices, chips, and microprocessors are covered in detail, along with the fundamentals of semiconductors and their processing. This book provides the basics and workings of many semiconducting
devices and their role in modern electronics. This book also explores emerging semiconductors and
their importance in future devices. The future and challenges of many emerging semiconductors are
also explored. Experts in these areas have covered all the chapters, making this a suitable textbook
for students and researchers.
Ram K. Gupta, Professor
Department of Chemistry
National Institute for Materials Advancement
Pittsburg State University
Pittsburg, Kansas, USA
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List of Contributors
Arpana Agrawal
Department of Physics
Shri Neelkantheshwar Government PostGraduate College
Khandwa, India
Dipak Barman
Department of Physics
Nanophysics Laboratory
Gauhati University
Guwahati, India
Farida A. Ali
ITER, Sikhsha ‘O’ Anusandhan (deemed to be
Bhubaneswar, India
Kshitij Bhargava
Department of Electrical Engineering
Annasaheb Dange College of Engineering and
Technology (ADCET)
Ashta, India
Farhad Alizadegan
Department of Colour, Resin and Surface
Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute
Tehran, Iran
Arunava Bhattacharyya
Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Calcutta
Kolkata, India
K. S. Anantharaju
Department of Chemistry
Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering
Shavige Malleshwara Hills
Bengaluru, India
Chinmoy Bhattacharya
Department of Chemistry
Indian Institute of Engineering Science &
Technology, (IIEST)
Howrah, India
Arnet Maria Antony
Centre for Nano and Material Sciences
Jain (Deemed-to-be University), Jain Global
Bangalore, India
Erdi C. Aytar
Department of Horticulture
Uşak University
Uşak, Türkiye
Sanjib Bhattacharya
University of North Bengal
Darjeeling, India
Jnanraj Borah
Department of Physics
Nanophysics Laboratory
Gauhati University
Guwahati, India
Nasrin Babazadeh
Department of Polymer Engineering and Color
Amirkabir University of Technology
Tehran, Iran
Mourad Boughrara
Department of Sciences
Physics of Materials and Systems Modeling
Laboratory (PMSML)
Moulay Ismail University
Zitoune, Morocco
R. Geetha Balakrishna
Centre for Nano and Material Sciences
Jain (Deemed-to-be University), Jain Global
Bangalore, India
Arpita Paul Chowdhury
Department of Chemistry
Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering
Shavige Malleshwara Hills
Bengaluru, India
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Subhajit Das
Division of Functional Materials and Devices
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Research
Jadavpur, Kolkata, India
Allen Davis
Department of Chemistry
National Institute of Materials Advancement
Pittsburg State University
Pittsburg, Kansas, USA
Alper Durmaz
Ali Nihat Gökyiğit Botanical Garden
Application and Research Center
Artvin Çoruh University
Artvin, Türkiye
Amir Ershad-Langroudi
Department of Colour, Resin and Surface
Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute
Tehran, Iran
Navid Nasajpour Esfahani
Department of Materials Science and
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Hamid Garmestani
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Sangeeta Ghosh
Department of Chemistry
Indian Institute of Engineering Science &
Technology, (IIEST)
Howrah, India
Ram K. Gupta
Department of Chemistry
National Institute for Materials Advancement
Pittsburg State University
Pittsburg, Kansas, USA
Jeffery Horinek
Department of Chemistry
National Institute for Materials Advancement
Pittsburg State University
Pittsburg, Kansas, USA
List of Contributors
Priya A. Hoskeri
Department of Physics
Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering
Bangalore, India
İbrahim M. Kahyaoğlu
Department of Chemistry
Ondokuz Mayıs University
Samsun, Türkiye
Thangavel Kanagasekaran
Department of Physics
Organic Optoelectronics Laboratory
Indian Institute of Science Education and
Research (IISER)
Tirupati, India
Selcan Karakuş
Department of Chemistry
Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa
Istanbul, Türkiye
Mohamed Kerouad
Department of Sciences
Physics of Materials and Systems Modeling
Laboratory (PMSML)
Moulay Ismail University
Zitoune, Morocco
K. Keshavamurthy
Department of Physics
Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering
Shavige Malleshwara Hills
Bengaluru, India
Adem Kocyigit
Department of Electronics and Automation
Vocational High School, Bilecik Şeyh Edebali
Bilecik, Turkey
Amir Koohbor
School of Engineering
Georgia State University
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Karuna Kumari
Department of Physics
Indian Institute of Technology
Patna, India
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List of Contributors
Mohsen Lashgari
Department of Chemistry
Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic
Sciences (IASBS)
Zanjan, Iran
Ajay Lathe
Department of Chemistry
Mahatma Phule ASC College
Mumbai, India
Steven Y. Liang
George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Xi Lin
Frontiers Science Center for Flexible
Electronics (FSCFE)
Shaanxi Institute of Flexible Electronics
Northwestern Polytechnical University
Xi’an, China
Chia-Jyi Liu
Department of Physics
National Changhua University of
Changhua County, Taiwan
Xinghui Liu
Science and Technology on Aerospace
Chemical Power Laboratory
Hubei Institute of Aerospace
Xiangyang, China
Department of Materials Science and
City University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong, China
Xiaoguang Luo
Frontiers Science Center for Flexible
Electronics (FSCFE)
Shaanxi Institute of Flexible Electronics
Northwestern Polytechnical University
Xi’an, China
Joseph C. M.
Department of Physics
Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering
Bangalore, India
Abdelhamid Ait M’hid
Department of Sciences
Physics of Materials and Systems Modeling
Laboratory (PMSML)
Moulay Ismail University
Zitoune, Morocco
Sabita Mali
ITER, Sikhsha ‘O’ Anusandhan (deemed to be
Bhubaneswar, India
Neeraj Mehta
Department of Physics
Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu
Varanasi, India
R. Mohan
Department of Physics
Sree Sevugan Annamalai College, (Affiliated
to Alagappa University, Karaikudi)
Devakottai, India
Seyed Mehdi Mousaei
Department of Processing
Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute
Iran Institute
Tehran, Iran
Akhila Muhammed
Sree Narayana College (Affiliated to University
of Kerala)
Kollam, India
Government College Attingal (Affiliated to
University of Kerala)
Thiruvananthapuram, India
Sujit Mukherjee
Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Calcutta
Kolkata, India
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Vinuth Raj T. N.
Department of Physics
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
JAIN (Deemed-to-be) University
Bangalore, India
Sumi V. Sasidharan Nair
Sree Narayana College (Affiliated to University
of Kerala)
Kollam, India
Government College Attingal (Affiliated to
University of Kerala)
Thiruvananthapuram, India
André E. Nogueira
Department of Chemistry
Division of Fundamental Sciences (IEF)
Aeronautics Institute of Technology - ITA,
São José dos Campos
São Paulo, Brazil
Francisco G. E. Nogueira
Department Chemical Engineering
University of São Carlos-UFSCar
São Paulo, Brazil
Debmalya Pal
Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Calcutta
Kolkata, India
Anil M. Palve
Department of Chemistry
Mahatma Phule ASC College
Mumbai, India
Siddappa A. Patil
Centre for Nano and Material Sciences
Jain (Deemed-to-be University), Jain Global
Bangalore, India
Santosh V. Patil
Department of Electrical and Computer
Science Engineering
Institute of Infrastructure, Technology,
Research and Management (IITRAM)
Ahmedabad, India
List of Contributors
Asmita Poddar
Department of Electrical Engineering
Dream Institute of Technology
Kolkata, India
K. Pramoda
Centre for Nano and Material Sciences
Jain (Deemed-to-be University), Jain Global
Bangalore, India
Periyasamy Angamuthu Praveen
Department of Physics
Organic Optoelectronics Laboratory
Indian Institute of Science Education and
Research (IISER)
Tirupati, India
K. Ravichandran
Department of Physics, PG & Research
AVVM Sri Pushpam College,
(Affiliated Bharathidasan University,
Thanjavur, India
P. Ravikumar
Department of Physics
Tagore Government Arts and Science College,
(Affiliated to Pondicherry University)
Puducherry, India
Debasish Ray
Department of Chemistry
Indian Institute of Engineering Science &
Technology, (IIEST)
Howrah, India
Soumya J. Ray
Department of Physics
Indian Institute of Technology
Patna, India
Lucas S. Ribeiro
Department of Chemistry
University of São Carlos-UFSCar
São Paulo, Brazil
Arpita Roy
Department of Physics
Indian Institute of Technology
Patna, India
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List of Contributors
Madhab Roy
Department of Electrical Engineering
Jadavpur University
Kolkata, India
Subhasis Roy
Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Calcutta
Kolkata, India
Himanshu S. Sahoo
Department of Chemistry
Indian Institute of Engineering Science &
Technology, (IIEST)
Howrah, India
Bimal K. Sarma
Department of Physics
Nanophysics Laboratory
Gauhati University
Guwahati, India
Devi Bala Saraswathi Sethuraman
Department of Physics
National Changhua University of Education
Changhua County, Taiwan
Rijith Sreenivasan
Sree Narayana College (Affiliated to University
of Kerala)
Kollam, India
Government College Attingal (Affiliated to
University of Kerala)
Thiruvananthapuram, India
Juliana A. Torres
Department of Chemistry
University of São Carlos
UFSCar-São Carlos
São Paulo, Brazil
Haizhong Weng
School of Physics, CRANN and AMBER
Trinity College Dublin
Dublin, Ireland
Shaoteng Wu
State Key Laboratory of Superlattices and
Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy
of Sciences
Beijing, China
Shiheng Xin
School of Physics and Electronic Information
Yan’an University
Yan’an, China
Fuchun Zhang
School of Physics and Electronic Information
Yan’an University
Yan’an, China
Chunyi Zhi
Department of Materials Science and
City University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong, China
S. Suvathi
Department of Physics, PG & Research
AVVM Sri Pushpam College, (Affiliated
Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli)
Thanjavur, India
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1 An Introduction
André E. Nogueira, Lucas S. Ribeiro,
Francisco G. E. Nogueira, and Juliana A. Torres
The first semiconductor devices and materials emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
German physicist Ferdinand Braun developed the first semiconductor diode, known as the “cat’s
whisker” detector, in 1874, which was used as a signal detector in a crystal radio. Semiconductors
ushered in a transformative era in technology during the nineteenth century, and their significance
in contemporary society is undeniable, since they have a wide range of applications such as in
electronic circuits, solar cells, light-emitting diodes (LEDs), laser technologies, catalysis, and photocatalysis [1, 2].
Nowadays, a deeper understanding of the properties of the crystal structure of semiconductors is essential in most branches of science. This involves a detailed examination of the atomic
arrangement of these materials and its influence on their electronic, optical, and physical properties
(Table 1.1).
Inorganic semiconductors are composed of inorganic elements, such as silicon (Si), germanium
(Ge), gallium arsenide (GaAs), and titanium dioxide (TiO2), among others. The arrangement of a
substantial number of atoms into a long-range ordered atomic structure results in the overlapping
Conductor and Semiconductor Properties
Forbidden gap
Temperature coefficient
Conductivity value
Small forbidden gap
Very small number of electrons for conduction
The conductivity of materials can range from 10–7
to 10–13 mho/m, distinguishing conductors from
Materials can have electrical conductivity ranging
from 10–5 to 105 Ω⋅m
Due to holes and unbound electrons
No forbidden gap
Large number for electrons conduction
Very high 10–7 mho/m
Resistivity value
Current flow
Number of carries at
normal temperature
Zero Kelvin behavior
Valence electrons
Acts like an insulator
Formation by covalent bonding
The outermost shell contains a total of four valence
Negligible; less than 10–5 Ω⋅m
Due to free electrons
Very high
Acts like a superconductor
Formation by metallic bond
One valence electron in outermost shell
Source: Adapted with permission from [3], copyright (2023), CRC Press.
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Handbook of Semiconductors
of adjacent orbitals to form bonds. This three-dimensional lattice extends throughout the material.
Thus, the linear combination of two atomic orbitals yields two molecular orbitals: a bonding molecular orbital and an antibonding molecular orbital. As more atoms are aligned, additional molecular
orbitals are created through the interference of the wave functions of their atomic orbitals. This
results in the establishment of a set of non-degenerate orbitals characterized by a minimal energy
difference between consecutive levels [4].
The band that is occupied by electrons is referred to as the valence band (VB). It is composed of
lower-energy orbitals and thus has a higher probability of electron occupation. However, the conduction band (CB) comprises higher-energy orbitals and consequently exhibits lower levels of electron occupancy probability. The energy gap between these two bands is known as band gap energy
(Eg) (Figure 1.1). The band structure of a semiconductor is a critically important parameter for its
application as a photocatalyst, since it plays a crucial role in defining the material’s light absorption
properties and redox capacity.
The probability of occupation of these bands by a free electron is given by the Fermi function,
which is related to the absolute temperature of the system, the Boltzmann constant, and the Fermi
level (Ef ). The latter is defined as the reference energy level of the material, corresponding to the
energy level, at which there is a probability of 1/2 for electrons to be occupied, and it is an important
parameter in predicting its electrical behavior [5].
In semiconductors, the Fermi level is typically positioned near the center of the band gap
(Ef = 1/2 Eg). This placement allows electrons located at the top of the VB to readily transition to
the lower levels of the CB at temperatures below 0 K. When the semiconductor absorbs photons
with energy equal to or greater than the band gap energy, electrons become excited from the VB
to the CB, generating electron-hole (e– /h+) pairs as charge carriers on the semiconductor’s surface.
FIGURE 1.1 Schematic representation of the overlap of atomic orbitals to form an energy band and the band
structure of different materials (conductor, semiconductor, and insulator).
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These e– /h+ pairs can catalyze redox reactions, and their behavior is directly influenced by the
positions of the VBs and CBs [6–8]. For redox reactions to take place, it is essential that the charge
carriers possess a sufficient lifetime. Conversely, electrons can undergo recombination with holes,
which diminishes the catalytic efficiency of semiconductors [5].
In the case of chemically pure semiconductors, electrons are promoted from the VB to the CB,
leaving behind unoccupied states in the VB, which are referred to as holes (h+). In such scenarios,
conduction occurs intrinsically. Si and Ge are well-known examples of intrinsic semiconductors
[4, 9]. However, this type of semiconductor has limited application due to its low conductivity.
In this context, several strategies have been employed to enhance the electrical properties of these
materials. Notably, one such approach is doping, which involves the introduction of atoms, referred
to as impurities, into the crystal lattice of the semiconductor. These semiconductors, modified
through doping, are commonly referred to as extrinsic semiconductors [7].
Semiconductors can be divided into two categories: intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic semiconductors
are those in which their electronic properties are based only on the pure structure of the material,
that is, a completely full VB separated from a completely empty CB [10]. Furthermore, in this type
of semiconductor, for every excited electron in the CB, there is a hole in the VB. However, practically all semiconductors are extrinsic since impurities in the concentration of 1 × 10 –12 are already
able to affect the electrical properties through the insertion of excess electrons and holes [11].
Doping is the process of introducing impurities into a semiconductor crystal to deliberately alter
its conductivity due to electron deficiency or excess [12]. This procedure can happen during semiconductor manufacturing, in which the semiconductor is completely doped, or doped partially after
wafer fabrication. In the case of Si and Ge elemental semiconductors, the wafer can be partially
doped by diffusion and ion implantation processes (Figure 1.2) [13].
In diffusion doping, impurities are transported from a region of high concentration to a region
of low concentration by random molecular motion. The dopant material can move through the
semiconductor structure filling the empty spaces in the crystal lattice, which always exist, even
in perfect crystals. They can also move in between the atoms in the crystal lattice, or the impurity atoms are located in the crystal lattice and are exchanged with the semiconductor atoms.
The diffusion movement therefore depends on the temperature, the concentration difference
between the phases, and the nature of the dopant [14]. In ion implantation, ions are accelerated in
an electric field and beamed directly into the semiconductor. The ions swiftly enter the semiconductor by occupying interstitial sites, and the depth of penetration can be accurately controlled
FIGURE 1.2 Structures and band diagrams of n-type and p-type semiconductors. (a) Doping Si with phosphorus (P) element results in a new filled level between the VBs and CBs of the host. (b) Doping Si with
gallium element results in a new empty level between the VBs and CBs of the host. (Figure adapted with permission from Reference [18], copyright by the authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee [LibreTexts].
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by adjusting the voltage needed to drive the ions. Unlike the diffusion process, this form of
doping takes place at room temperature. Regions that should not be doped can be covered with
a photoresist layer [15].
In elemental semiconductors, which have four electrons, we can add impurities that have more or
fewer electrons, thus creating an excess of electrons or holes in the structure. In the case of doping
using elements with valence 5, such as P, As, and Sb, only four of the five electrons of the dopant
will be able to form covalent bonds with the atoms of the semiconductor [16]. As a consequence, the
unbound electron is only weakly bound to the region around the impurity by electrostatic attraction.
Its binding energy is therefore very small, allowing it to become a free electron in the structure and
create an energy level between the VBs and CBs. For each free electron in the semiconductor, a new
energy level is created in the band gap region close to the CB [17]. Furthermore, when these electrons are excited, holes are not created in the VB, causing these semiconductors to have a greater
number of electrons in the conduction layer than holes in the valence layer. This type of doping
results in n-type semiconductors.
The opposite effect can be obtained by doping Si and Ge with trivalent atoms, such as Al, B and
Ga. In this case, the impurities are electron-deficient and are unable to form the four bonds as the
semiconductor atoms. As a consequence, a hole is formed in the structure, which can be rapidly
filled by an electron from an adjacent bond. Thus, this hole begins to move through the structure,
changing places with electrons participating in the conduction process. This phenomenon can also
be explained by the creation of an energy level in the band gap region just above the VB that allows
the easy excitation of an electron and the creation of holes in the VB. In this case the semiconductor
is denominated p-type, and no free electrons are created in the CB of the semiconductor [19].
The doping process can also be performed for metal oxide semiconductors. Many of these
semiconductors are used as photocatalysts for processes involving, for example, photodegradation of organic pollutants and photoreduction of carbon dioxide into value-added molecules [20].
The problem is that these oxides often have a high band gap value and high recombination rates
of photogenerated charges, which end up limiting their use. One way to reverse these problems,
including allowing the material to be activated by visible light, is through doping, which can occur
in different ways.
Self-doping involves the introduction of cations of the same metal as the oxide, albeit with a
distinct charge, into the material. A case in point is observed in titanium oxide semiconductors
containing Ti3+ cations within their structure. This doping technique is predominantly employed
to narrow the band gap of the semiconductor, while inducing minimal structural perturbation. The
manipulation of heating duration and temperature stands as a pivotal facet of this process [21].
Alternatively, doping can be achieved using cationic metals, anionic non-metals, or non-metallic
molecules. For instance, TiO2 can be doped with a range of cations like Ag+, Fe2+, and Fe3+, as well
as elements like nitrogen, sulfur, and boron. Analogous to the previous scenario, these dopants
are introduced to diminish the band gap of TiO2, thereby facilitating its activation under visible
light, and enhancing its efficacy in breaking down pollutants [22]. Another illustration involves the
incorporation of copper oxide into photocatalysts employed in CO2 photoreduction. This addition of
copper empowers certain semiconductors to facilitate the conversion of CO2 into molecules such as
carbon monoxide, a process previously hindered by their band gap position [23]. Nonetheless, these
introduced impurities frequently function as sites for charge recombination, thereby diminishing
the efficiency of these semiconductors. An alternative approach involves co-doping with two or
more types of dopants, which serves to mitigate the quantity of recombination centers. Instances of
this include the simultaneous doping of TiO2 with sulfur, nitrogen, and carbon, along with the codoping of other oxides utilizing a combination of N and C [24].
As highlighted earlier, the process of doping facilitates not only the enhanced stimulation of electrons and holes through the reduction of the band gap and the establishment of energy levels within
it, but also leads to a diminished rate of recombination for these excited charges. Consequently,
these doped semiconductors exhibit heightened electronic conductivity, thereby enabling more
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FIGURE 1.3 Schematic diagram showing the photocatalytic degradation mechanism of methylene blue
(MB), ibuprofen (IBP), and inactivation of Escherichia coli by a Cu-doped BiVO4-based semiconductor under
visible light irradiation. (Adapted with permission from Reference [30], copyright 2023, Elsevier.)
substantial performance tailored to specific applications. Additionally, doping yields improved
structural characteristics, including increased surface area, reduced crystallite size, and heightened
crystallinity [25].
Studies show that semiconductor doping with noble metals significantly enhances the activity of
semiconductors for environmental applications. Furthermore, noble metals can effectively capture
the photo-generated charges between VB and CB, resulting in a high efficiency of charge separation and a decrease of recombination rate. Consequently, noble metals contribute to enhancing
photocatalytic performance by generating surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and serving as electron
traps [26–29].
According to Regmi et al. [30] the Cu-doped BiVO4 semiconductor has better efficiency than
undoped BiVO4, and the 1 wt. % Cu-doped BiVO4 sample showed the best efficiency to degradation of methylene blue (dye) and ibuprofen, as well as the inactivation of Escherichia coli (bacteria)
(Figure 1.3). According to the authors, the incorporation of Cu ions in the BiVO4 lattice creates an
in-gap state, which facilitates the mobility of the charge carrier and inhibits the recombination of
electron and hole pairs, leading to improved photocatalytic activities.
The p-n junction is one of the fundamental principles that underlie the technological revolution in
electronics and semiconductor devices. It is an essential component in the manufacture of devices
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FIGURE 1.4 (a) Illustrative depiction of a p-n junction formed by semiconductors. (b) Illustrative depiction of the forward bias condition of a p-n junction (Application of a positive potential to the p-type
semiconductor induces electron migration to the left, resulting in an abundance of free electrons in the
conduction band (CB) of the n-type semiconductor, thus facilitating current flow). (c) Illustrative depiction
of the reverse bias condition of a p-n junction (Application of a positive potential to the n-type semiconductor triggers electron movement toward the right, while the absence of free electrons in the p-type semiconductor hinders current flow)
such as diodes and transistors, which, in turn, form the basis for much of modern electronics.
The p-n junction is formed by the combination of p-type and n-type semiconductor materials. When
these two materials are brought together, electron and hole diffusion take place at the interface, creating a depletion zone that acts as a natural barrier to an electrical current (Figure 1.4) [3, 31]. This
depletion zone forms the basis for the functionality of diodes, which are electronic components that
permit the flow of electrical current in only one direction. When a positive voltage is applied to the
p-type material and a negative voltage to the n-type material, the barrier is overcome, allowing a
current to pass through the diode. Conversely, if the polarity is reversed, the depletion zone widens,
blocking current flow and preventing undesired electrical flow [3, 31].
Transistors, in turn, are essential semiconductor devices used for amplifying and controlling
electrical currents. They are constructed using multiple p-n junctions, enabling precise manipulation of current between these junctions. Bipolar junction transistors (BJTs) and field-effect transistors (FETs) are examples of transistors that directly benefit from the properties of the p-n junction.
Both rely on the ability to regulate current between p-n junctions. In BJTs, the current between the
collector and emitter is controlled by the base current. In FETs, the current between the drain and
the source is governed by the electric field generated at the p-n junction between the drain and the
substrate [3, 31].
The significance of the p-n junction in the fabrication of semiconductor devices is unquestionable. It serves as the foundation for creating electronic components that have made possible the
development of communication systems, computers, smartphones, efficient power sources, and
numerous other devices that have shaped the modern world. The capacity to regulate the flow of
electrical current through the p-n junction has catalyzed a technological revolution that continues to
progress, propelling innovation in various fields of science and industry [32].
Furthermore, the continuous improvement of semiconductor manufacturing technology, enabling
the reduction of component sizes and increased efficiency, has been one of the primary catalysts of
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technological advancement in recent decades. This is exemplified by Moore’s law, which observes
the exponential growth in the number of transistors on a chip and the concurrent reduction in costs
over time [33].
As previously mentioned, semiconductors have generated significant interest in various areas such as
nanophotonics, nanoelectronics, miniaturized sensors, energy conversion, nonlinear optics, detectors,
imaging devices, quantum applications, solar cells, catalysis, water treatment, and biomedicine [34].
Semiconductor materials have introduced a new paradigm in scientific development.
Consequently, the development of highly efficient semiconductor materials plays a crucial role in
the sustainable and economic use of solar energy, mainly where sunlight is readily available. Thus,
nanomaterials characterized by a high specific surface area, strong visible light absorption, and
efficient charge separation have attracted growing attention.
A review article by Fang et al. [35] in 2022 showed the potential application of hollow semiconductor photocatalysts for solar energy conversion. This potential arises from the capacity to modify their structures, thereby enhancing energy conversion through increased specific surface area
utilization, improved solar light absorption, and greater exposure of active centers. Furthermore,
multiple articles have demonstrated that when light radiation penetrates a hollow semiconductor,
it undergoes multiple refractions on the thin inner surface of the shell. This phenomenon enhances
the light utilization efficiency of the semiconductor, leading to greater energy absorption and the
separation efficiency of charges [36].
There has been a growing interest in the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) from water using
semiconductor materials such as ZnO, TiO2, Nb2O5, NiS, SnO2, and CdS. This interest arises from
the possibility of utilizing inexhaustible sources such as water and sunlight for this purpose [37, 38].
Nevertheless, significant challenges persist in improving conversion efficiency. This is primarily
due to the limitations associated with most semiconductors, including their inability to provide
active sites, high rates of recombination of charge carriers, and efficient harnessing of visible light
for the HER. Thus, the incorporation of a co-catalyst or the development of the heterostructure can
be necessary to improve the conversion efficiency [39].
For instance, numerous studies demonstrate that the electronic coupling of various semiconductors with graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) materials enhances the transport of photogenerated
charges and improves the HER process. Moreover, the formation of different types of heterojunctions also influences the photocatalytic pathway for HER, thereby impacting the overall efficiency
of the photocatalyst [40].
The progress made in charge manipulation within nanoscale semiconductor-based devices has
opened a pioneering avenue for the development of photonic quantum-computation approaches
since flying qubits are typically associated with photons. Flying qubits constitute an integral component of global initiatives aimed at establishing secure data transmission networks, commonly
referred to as the quantum internet [41]. In semiconductor devices, a single electron is manipulable
in a surface-gate-defined nanoscale structure such as a quantum dot or a waveguide [42].
In the biomedical field, two-dimensional nanomaterials, including graphene (2D NBG),
have emerged as a captivating class of materials possessing noteworthy antibacterial properties.
These materials, exemplified by two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs), have
found applications in anticancer, antimicrobial, and antiviral therapies [43]. The efficacy of these
treatments’ hinges on numerous factors, encompassing size, morphology, crystalline orientation,
concentration, stability, and surface functionalization. Furthermore, the non-toxic nature of semiconductor materials like TiO2 and ZnO has rendered them of significant interest as sensing materials in medical and pharmaceutical systems since they exhibit biocompatibility and can readily bind
with biological entities to serve as biosensors for detecting the severity of certain chronic diseases,
the presence of the Zika virus in urine, or even the coronavirus in fluid samples [44].
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Semiconductors face a series of complex and interconnected challenges in the present day, with two
of the most pressing being miniaturization and energy efficiency. Miniaturization, as an unrelenting
pursuit of smaller and denser components, has reached a critical point where physical barriers are
beginning to emerge, making it imperative to explore new materials and architectures to maintain
the pace of advancement. Concurrently, energy efficiency is a central concern, as the power consumption of electronic devices continues to rise.
It is important to note that the semiconductor industry is in a constant state of growth and evolution. The global semiconductor market was valued at $591.8 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach
approximately $1,883.7 billion by 2032, poised to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR)
of 12.28% during the forecast period from 2023 to 2032 [45]. In 2030, the two largest sectors in this
market will be servers, data centers, and storage, accounting for 22%, and smartphones, accounting
for 19.4% (Figure 1.5). This expansion of the semiconductor market reflects the increasing demand
FIGURE 1.5 Semiconductor market size, 2023 to 2032 (billion US dollars) and the percentage of different
sectors in 2030 [31, 46].
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for technology and electronics in an increasingly connected world, underscoring the continued
importance of semiconductors in future innovations and the global economy [46].
In this context, future prospects for semiconductors point toward the adoption of innovative
semiconductor materials, such as those based on two-dimensional materials, as well as the exploration of new computational paradigms like quantum and neuromorphic computing. Additionally,
advancements in component integration, such as the creation of heterogeneous systems on a single
chip, also promise to play a fundamental role in overcoming these challenges and ushering in a new
era of more powerful and efficient electronic devices. In conclusion, the journey of semiconductors,
from the submicron era to the nano era, has revolutionized technology and communication, creating
a vast market for the internet and wireless communication. The unique properties of semiconductor
nanomaterials have opened up new frontiers in energy conversion, storage, quantum applications,
water treatment, biomedical applications, sensors, and electronics. The semiconductor industry
remains at the forefront of technological innovation, shaping the future of various industries and
enhancing the quality of life for people around the world.
The authors are grateful to the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development
(CNPq) (grants #308823/2022 and #406860/2022-0).
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