The Ultlmate Kettlebell Gulde 41 EXERCISES FULLY ILWSTRATED • MUSCLE GROUP ILLUSTRATIONS SAMPLE WORKOUTS 1. Table of Contents 1. Table of Contents................................................................................................................ 2 2. lntr oduction ........................................................................................................................4 2.1. History and Background of Kettlebells........................................................................ 4 2.2. Benefits of Kettlebells ................................................................................................. 4 2.3. Caut ion ........................................................................................................................4 2.4. Suggested Kettlebell Weights ..................................................................................... 5 2.5. Stretching and Warm -up ............................................................................................. 5 2.6. How to use this Guide ................................................................................................. 5 3. Two Handed Kettle bell SWing ............................................................................................. 6 4. One Handed Kettlebell Swing ............................................................................................. 7 5. Two-Arm Kettlebell Row..................................................................................................... 9 6. Kettlebell Figure Eight ......................................................................................................10 7. Kettlebell HighPull ...........................................................................................................11 8. Kettlebell overhead Lunge ............................................................................................... 12 9. Kettlebell Russian Twist.. ..................................................................................................13 10. Kettlebell Windmill .......................................................................................................14 11. One-Arm Kettlebell Floor Press .................................................................................... 15 12. Side-Step Kettlebell Swing ............................................................................................ 16 13. Kettlebell Deadlift .........................................................................................................17 14. Kettlebell Oean ............................................................................................................. 18 15. Two-Arm Kettlebell M ilitary Press ................................................................................ 19 16. One Arm Kettlebell Split Jerk ........................................................................................ 20 17. One Arm Kettlebell Snatch ............................................................................................ 21 18. Kettlebell Power Plank w it h Row (Renegade Row) ...................................................... 23 19. Kettlebell Push-Up w ith Row ........................................................................................ 24 20. Alternating Kettlebell Press .......................................................................................... 25 21. Double Kettlebell Windmill ........................................................................................... 26 22. Goblet Squat/Front Squat ............................................................................................. 28 23. Kettlebell Pistol Squat ................................................................................................... 29 24. Kettle bell Thruster ........................................................................................................ 30 25. Kettlebell Turkish Get-Up (Lunge Style) ........................................................................ 31 Page 12 26. Kettlebell Turkish Get-Up (Squat-Style) ........................................................................ 33 27. Kettlebell Leg-over Floor Press..................................................................................... 35 28. Kettlebell Lunge Pass-Through ..................................................................................... 36 29. Kettle bell One-Arm Row ............................................................................................... 3 7 30. One-Arm Overhead Kettlebell Squat ............................................................................ 38 31. One·Arm Snatch to Press .............................................................................................. 40 32. Kettlebell Alternating Snatches .................................................................................... 41 33. Kettlebell Burpee to Squat Press .................................................................................. 42 34. Kettlebell overhead Reverse Lunge .............................................................................. 44 35. Kettlebell Woodman's Chop ......................................................................................... 46 36. Kettlebell Standing Side-Crunch ................................................................................... 47 37. Kettlebell One-Leg Oeadlift ........................................................................................... 48 38. Kettlebell Halo ............................................................................................................... 49 39. Kettlebell Starfish Reach ............................................................................................... 50 40. Kettlebell Get-Up Plank................................................................................................. 51 41. Kettlebell Single-Arm Front Squat ................................................................................ 52 42. Kettlebell Rotating Lunge.............................................................................................. 53 43. Kettlebell Around t he World ......................................................................................... 54 44. Example Workouts ........................................................................................................ 56 44.1. Order of Exercises .................................................................................................. 56 44.2. Number of ( .ircuits per Workout and Rests .......................................................... 56 44.3. Repetitions and Time Taken .................................................................................. 56 45. Beginner Level Workout ............................................................................................... 57 46. Intermediate Level Workout......................................................................................... 58 47. Advanced Level Workout .............................................................................................. 59 Page 13 2. Introduction 2.1. History and Background of Kettlebells Kettlebells were first used for physical conditioning in 18th century Russia, w here they are called n<pR (girya), and wer e employed by the Soviet Red A rmy in the 20th cent ury a.s part of str ength and conditioning programs. Kettlebell programs were popularised in the USA ar ound the beginning of the C21st by Pavel Tsatsouline, w ho also developed the first certification progr am for kettlebells. 2.2. Benefits of Kettlebells Kettlebells differ from conventional dumbbells by virt ue of the fact that t heir weight is located some distance underneath t he ha ndle, which is a lso t hicker t han that of most dumbbells. Asa result, kettlebells are more difficult to move around and g rip. This increased difficulty stimulates more muscle activity contributing to incr ea.sed burning of calories during resistance exer cise. Kettlebells lend t hemselves more r eadily than dumbbells or bar bells to exer cises involving swinging and ballistic movements, and therefor e a gr eater number of muscle ar eas ca n be worked w ithin t he one exercise (compound exercise as opposed t o isolation). There a re many exercises using kettlebells w hich ar e suita ble for people w ith varying levels of experience and skill. This catalogue of kettlebell exercises provides a range of exer cises for beginner s, inter mediate and advanced students. 2.3. Caution Because kettle bell exercises differ consider ably fr om other r esistance and weight-bearing exercises for reasons outlined above, ea re should be taken by those beginning a program involving them. A qualified per sonal t rainer or fitness instructor w ho ha.s experience w ith (and, ideally, certification with) kettlebells should demonstrate and monitor appropriate exercises for the beginner. Those w ho ar e accustomed to tr aining w ith heavier weights, such a.s used in hypert rophy progr ams, should bea r in mind that the majority of kettlebell exer cises ar e com pound r ather than isolating in nature, and often involve explosive movement. Therefore a lighter weight of kettle bell should be selected to begin with, and heavier kettlebells should not be used until perfect for m is achieved w ith the lighter ones. Anyone w it h back and shoulder problems, or a weak core, should consult a physician or appropriately qualified medical practit ioner before commencing an exercise program involving kettlebells. P age l 4 When exercising w ith kettlebells, a clear working space of around 3m or 9 ft is idea l. 2.4. Suggested Kettlebell Weights Current Strength Aver age Female Strong Female Aver age Mal e StronR Ma le Very Strong Male 2.5. Starting Weight 181b / 8kg 261b / 12kg 3Slb / 16kg 441b / 20l:e 53lb / 241•• Suggested Set of Kettlebells 1 21b, 261b, 3Slb / 8kg, 12kg, 16kg 261b, 3Slb, 441b / 1 2kg, 16kg, 20kg 3Slb, 441b, 531b / 16kg, 20kg, 24kg 441b, 531b, 701b / 20kg, 241:e 32k• 53lb, 701b, 88lb / 24kg, 321.• 40kg Stretching and Warm-up Kettlebell exercises place gr eat demands on j oint flexibility and str ength as well a.s coor dination. Therefor e war m-ups for kettlebell routines should include specific stretches and engagement of all j oints: wrists, elbows, shoulders, hips, knees and ankles. These stretches should be made up of a combination of static str etches (up to 2 minute holds), " ballistic" stretches (a number of r epetitions moving in and out of end ranges, e,g. lateral straight punches) and coor dination exercises which integr ate lower and upper body movements (e.g. jumping jacks) 2.6. How to use this Guide On t he following pages you w ill find descriptions for 41 varied kettlebell exer cises. You can mix and match t hese to devise your own routines, use t hem a.s refer ence for routines from your tr ainer or you can try out our sample workouts w hich start on page 56. Page I S 3. Two Handed Kettlebell Swing Skill Level: Beginner 3.1. Main Muscle Groups Worked .,, Lower Back Middle Back Trapezlus .,, Latissimus Dorsl Shoulders 3.2. Biceps Triceps Forearms Abdominals Obliques Chest .,, .,, .,, Adductors Quadriceps Calves Gluteus Maximus Hips Hamstrings Exercise Steps 1. Stand in spine-neutral position with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. 2. Hold kettlebell w it h both hands, palms down, arms in front of body. 3. Bend knees slightly and thrust hips back, a.s for a squat, but don' t go down a.s far. 4. Maintaining a fluid motion, drive hips forward explosively while swinging the kettlebell forwar ds and to shoulder height, engaging hips and glutes all t he time. The hips and g lutes, r ather than t he arms, should be driving the kettlebell forwar d. S. Lower kettlebell back down between legs and r epeat swinging motion for 12 -15 repetitions, or according to your particular program and weight of kettlebell. Page 16 4. One Handed Kettlebell Swing Skill Level: Beginner·lnter medi ate 4.1. Main Muscle Groups Worked .,, Lower Back Middle Back Trapezius Latisslmus Dorsi .,, Shoulders Biceps Triceps Forearms Abdominals Obliques Chest 4.2. Adductors Quadriceps .,, .,, .,, Calves Gluteus Maxlmus Hips Hamstrings Exercise Steps f1 .'/-~!.~ ·'-' , (.· (f ,,__Jvr. ~ '-- " I '-' N \) (;/ II \ ~ 1. Stand in spine-neutr al position w ith feet slight ly more t han shoulder-width apart . 2. Hold kettlebell w ith one hand, palm down and arms in front of body. 3. Bend knees slight ly and thrust hips back, a.s for a squat, but don' t go down a.s far . 4. Maintaining a fluid motion, dr ive hips forward explosively while swinging the kettlebell forwar ds w it h one hand to shoulder height, engaging hips and glutes all the t ime. Swing t he other arm out at t he same time to maintain your balance and help drive momentum. The hips and glutes, r ather than your arm, should be dr iving the kettlebell forward. S. Take kettlebell in your other hand after swinging it back between your legs and swing it out aga in, focussing on t he hip thrust to power it out. P age l 7 6. Repeat swinging motion for 12-1 5 repetit ions per side, or according to your part icular program and weight of kettlebell. Page I S 5. Two·Ann Kettlebell Row Skill Level: Beginner·lntermediate 5.1. Main Muscle Groups Worked Lower Back ~ ~ ~ Middle Back Trapezius Latisslmus Dorsi Shoulders 5.2. Biceps Triceps Adductors Forearms Calves Gluteus Maxlmus Abdominals Obliques Chest Quadriceps Hips Hamstrings Exercise Steps • a 1. Take two kettlebells and place them in front of your feet. 2. Bend knees slightly. 3. Bend over to pick up the kettlebells while maintaining spine neutral position. 4. Pull kettlebells towardsyour stomach maintaining spine·neutral position (back straight, chest out) and keeping your elbows tucked in. S. Lower kettlebells and repeat for 8·10 repetitions. Page l 9 6. Kettlebell Figure Eight Skill Level: Intermediate 6.1. Main Muscle Groups Worked Lower Back Middle Back Trapezius Biceps Triceps Forearms .,, Latisslmus Dorsi Abdominals .,, Shoulders Obliques Chest 6.2. Adductors Quadriceps Calves Gluteus Maxlmus .,, Hips Hamstrings Exercise Steps • 1. Begin w ith legs a little more than shoulder or hip width apart with the kettlebell on the floor in front of you. 2. Bend knees and lower yourself down to a quarter·squat position, ma intaining spine neutrality. 3. Take the kettlebell in yourright hand, swing it outside your right leg and thread it t hrough your legs. 4. Take the kettlebell from your right hand w ith your left hand, swing it outside your left leg and t hread itthrough your legs aga in. S. Repeat for 12·15 repetitions. Page I 10 7. Kettlebell High Pull Skill Level: Intermediate 7.1. Main Muscle Groups Worked Lower Back M iddle Back ,/ Trapezius Latisslmus Dorsi ,/ Shoulders 7.2. Biceps Triceps ,/ Adductors Forearms Abdominals Obliques Chest Calves ,/ Gluteus Maxlmus ,/ Quadriceps Hips ,/ Hamstrings Exercise Steps Q (1 • • 1. Place feet slightly more than shoulder-w idth apart, at 45 • to each other. Place kettlebell on ground between your feet. 2. Lower yourself with spine neutral position into a squat with bent knees. 3. Pick up kettlebell w ith both hands and push t hrough your heels, keeping your core engaged, to rise back to your original standing position, pulling the kettlebell upwards to your hips. 4. Pull the kettlebell up so t hatthe handle comes to your chin, with your elbows pointing up. Lower the kettlebell to your waist and repeat the initial squat motion. S. Do repeat for 12-15 repetitions. Page I 11 8. Kettlebell Overhead Lunge Skill Level: Intermediate 8.1. Main Muscle Groups Worked .,, Lo wer Back Biceps Triceps M iddle Back Trapezius Adductors ..,, Quadriceps Calves Forearms .,, .,, Gluteus Maxlmus Latisslmus Dorsi Abdominals .,, Shoulders Obliques ..,, Hips Hamstrings Chest 8.2. Exercise Steps fj () "'-'. -1..,_, ' • \'\ \' l .I '<'\\ I --y . [j ti\f) y()r,• I 'l' \ (( 0 1'{ l VI ,V \J """ !~\.\. ~;; • • 1. Stand up str aight w hile holding the kettlebell in the nested posit ion on one side. 2. Extend one leg forwar d for a lunge, activating the hips andglutes to lower your t runk, bending both knees 90'. 3. At the same t ime, lift t he kettlebell str aight up the ceiling, ma king sure your spine is straight and your legs ar e stable. 4. Return to sta nding and lower kettlebell back to your chest. S. Repeat for 12·15 of r epetit ions for each side. Page I 12 9. Kettlebell Russian T wist Skill level: Intermediate 9.1. ~ Mam Muscle Groups \Vorked Lower ~ck Middle Bock Trapezlus Latlsslmus Oorsl Biceps Triceps Forearms ~ Abdominals Shoulders 9.2. Obliques Chest Adductors Quadriceps Calves Gluteus Maxlmus Hips Hamstdngs Exercise Steps ' • • 1. Sit with legs bent and feet flat on the floor, about hip distance apart. 2. Hold kettlebell up to chest and lean back to about a 45· angle. 3. Twist your torso from left to rE/tt, molling the kettle bell across your body. 4 . Perform as many repetitions as i:x>ssible. Page I 13 10. Kettlebell Windmill Skill Level: Advanced 10.1. Main Muscle Groups Worked Lower Back Middle Back Trapezius Biceps Triceps Adductors Quadriceps Forearms Calves .,, .,, Gluteus Maxlmus Dorsi Abdominals .,, Latisslmus Shoulders Obliques Hips .,, Chest Hamstrings 10.2. Exercise Steps • • a 1. Hold kettlebell in the nested position in '/OUr right hand and angle your feet 45' away from the right side of your body. 2. Ra ise the kettle bell directly overhead, lock your arm and keep your gaze fixed on the weight in order to keep your shoulders aligned. 3. Shift your weight on to your right leg and begin bending forwa rd at the wa ist. 4. Keep your right arm extended upwards as your body bends forward, pointing your left arm towards the ground. S. Lift back up with slow and controlled movement. Repeat 6·8 repetitions for each side. Page I 14 11. One·Arm Kettlebell Floor Press Skill Level: Intermediate 11.1. Main Muscle Groups Worked Lower Back M iddle Back Trapezius Biceps ,/ Triceps Shoulders Quadriceps Abdominals Calves Gluteus Maxlmus Obliques Hips Forearms Latisslmus Dorsi Adductors ,/ Chest Hamstrings 11.2. Exercise Steps •• • 1. Lie supine (on your back) on t he ground w ith your legs str aight out. 2. Place a kettlebell byyourside and take hold of it w ith your palm facing in. You ca n r est it on your upper arm if you prefer. 3. Press the kettle bell straight up towar ds t he ceiling, t urning your w rist so that your palms a re facing your feet. 4. Bring the kettlebell back down to the start ing posit ion, and repeat for 6·8 repetitions per side. Page I 15 12. Side·Step Kettlebell Swing Skill Level: Intermediat e-Advanced 12.1. Main Muscle Groups Worked .,, Lower Back Middle Back Trapezius .,, Latisslmus Dorsi Shoulders Biceps Triceps Forearms Abdominals Obliques Chest .,, .,, .,, Adductors Quadriceps Calves Gluteus Maxlmus Hips Hamstrings 12 .2. Exercise Steps (~ ';,.J, . / I/)"-/{''."\ . \ \ t. , \ I I \'\ \, ;/ /J I \ I • j1' I \• 'f'-1.._ ' ~.. (:I • 1. Begin with the ba.sic two-handed swing. • 2. However, when the kettlebell is on its way down, put your right foot out and step to the right. 3. When the kettlebell is up, bring your left foot over to meet your right foot, so your feet a re together. 4. c.ontinue ta king steps to the right a.s space allows, then change direction and side-step to the left for the same number of repetitions. P age I 16 13. Kettlebell Oeadlift Skill Level: Intermediate-Advanced 13.1. Main Muscle Groups Worked .,, Lo wer Back .,, M iddle Back .,, Trapezius Biceps Triceps Adductors .,, Forearms Latisslmus Dorsi Shoulders Quadriceps Calves .,/' Gluteus Maxlmus Abdominals Obliques Chest Hips .,/' Hamstrings 13 .2. Exercise Steps (~ ·fo., {• I ·, ,.-..,_ I.. ... ' l'' . v ,if-·:;;--•.-..... \\~ ~;( \. I·. 1 •~. .;;= =:. • 1. Stand w it h t he kettlebell between your feet. I I •! ~ ,; ! ./ i j .I II . \ \l :;j)j (~=.:) • 2. Bend your knees to squat down and take the kettlebell with both hands. M aintain spine neutral position (back remains flat). 3. Engage your core, tighten your glutes, and keep your arms extended as you raise your body by pushing up t hrough your feet. Don' t pull the kettlebell up w ith your arms - just let it come along with you, until you come to a standing position. 4. Lower the kettlebell back down to the ground aga in by bending your knees and keeping your arms extended. S. Aim for 12-15 repetitions, maintaining proper form throughout. Page I 17 14. Kettlebell Clean Skill Level: Advanced 14.1. Main Muscle Groups Worked .,, Lower Back Biceps Triceps Middle Back Trapezius Forearms Abdominals Obliques Chest Latisslmus Dorsi Shoulders Adductors Quadriceps .,, .,, Calves Gluteus Maxlmus Hips Hamstrings 14.2. Exercise Steps "I J "J ~{ i Ii • a 1. Start w ith the kettlebell between your feet. 2. Bend your knees to r each down and g rip t he handle of the kettlebell w ith your right hand, your thumb pointing behind you. 3. Bring the kettlebell up with an upward thrust of your hips, letting the momentum move your arm up to your shoulder. 4. The kettlebell should end in the "rack" position: resting on the forearm, which is tucked close to the body, the fist at your chest. S. Bring the kettlebell back down to the ground and perform another 10-15 repetitions. Repeat w ith other hand. Page I 18 15. Two·Arm Kettlebell Military Press Skill Level: Advanced 15.1. Main Muscle Groups Worked Biceps ,/ Triceps Lo wer Back M iddle Back Trapezius Adductors Quadriceps Calves Gluteus Maxlmus Forearms Abdominals Obliques Chest Latisslmus Dorsi ,/ Shoulders Hips Hamstrings 15.2. Exercise Steps , ---._ u ,1 '-)1.-'· l.i I t 1 '\ ·\ tl· '\\' ' ~ (~ ~ u1uv~ I I I I I , 'i 'l' ~t > tr 8 <.J • \\, ~ I \ l. ;:)8 I \v I ~1 (;;} a v ~ 1. Place two kettlebells on the ground in front of you. r• •1 '· ~' / - . . . ,!J • l ' J. l ' f \,~~· ~ ·Jf/i \ • .~ , ., ~ vI '·' I I :\,. i I ! t • ,I D \ ,I, '.'.' 'I '' ~ • '=' 2. Perform a double kettlebell clean to get both of t he kettlebells into the r ack posit ion. 3. Press kettlebells vertically while leaning forward from your waist so the weights are positioned behind your head. 4. Bring them back down to your shoulders into the rack position. S. Perform 10-20 repetitions, depending on the weight. P age I 19 16. One Arm Kettlebell Split Jerk Skill Level: Advanced 16.1. Main Muscle Groups Worked Biceps Triceps Lower Back Middle Back Trapezius Forearms Abdominals Obliques ~ Chest Latisslmus Dorsi ~ Shoulders Adductors ~ Quadriceps Calves ~ Gluteus Maxlmus Hips ~ Hamstrings 16.2. Exercise Steps \-) ·r.. • ~) • • 1. Start by bringing the kettlebell to your shoulder w ith a clean motion w ith palm facing t he front. 2. Bend your knees while pressing the kettlebell overhead moving into a split position. 3. Keeping the kettlebell overhead, return to standing position. 4. Lower the kettlebell to your shoulder. S. Aim for 8-10 repetitions each side. Page I 20 17. One Arm Kettlebell Snatch Skill Level: Advanced 17 .1. Main Muscle Groups Worked .,, Lo wer Back Biceps Adductors .,, Triceps iddle Back Quadriceps .,, MTrapezius .,, Forearms Calves .,, Gluteus Maxlmus Dorsi Abdominals .,, Latisslmus Shoulders Obliques Hips .,, Chest Hamstrings 17 .2. Exercise Steps • • • • 1 . Stand in spine-neutral position w ith feet slightly more t han shoulder-w idth apart . • 2. Hold kettlebell w ith one hand, palms down, arms in front of body. 3. Bend knees slightly and thrust hips back, a.s for a squat, but don' t go down a.s far. 4. M aintaining a fluid motion, drive hips forward explosively while swinging the kettlebell forwards and as high as you can, engaging hips and glutesa ll the time. Swing the other arm out at t he same time to maintain your balance and help drive momentum. The hips and glutes, ratherthan your arm, should be driving t he kettlebell forward. S. As the kettlebell reaches an apex w ith no further upward momentum (around forehead height or higher) punch your hand forward and upwards to flip the kettle onto the back of your forearm. M aintain a hold on the kettlebell w tthout holding it so t ightly tt cannot move freely. Page I 21 6. Complete the snatch by pushing the kettlebell into a full overhead press posit ion w it h arm straight, shoulder settled into its socket and elbow locked. 7. Lower the kettlebell and allow the kettlebell to flip forward and then swing it between your legs before moving onto the next rep. 8. Aim for 6·8 repetitions per side. Page I 22 18. Kettlebell Power Plank with Row (Renegade Row) Skill level: Advanced 18.1. Mam Muscle Groups \Vorked Lower ~ck ~ Middle Bock Trapezlus ~ Latlsslmus Oorsl Shoulders ~ Biceps ~ Triceps Forearms ~ Abdominals Obliques ~ Chest Adductors Quadriceps Calves Gluteus Maxlmus Hips Hamstdngs 18.2. Exer cise Steps • • a 1. Start In a plank position, but with hands grasping two kettlebells by t he handles. 2. Lift one kettlebell up so it reaches the hip - remember to keep the e lbow in. 3. Lower bad< down and repeat with the opposite arm. 4 . Do 8 ·10 repetitions for each arm. Page I 23 19. Kettlebell Push·Up with Row Skill Level: Advanced 19.1. Main Muscle Groups Worked ~ ~ Lower Back ~ Middle Back Trapezius ~ Latisslmus Dorsi Shoulders ~ Biceps Triceps Adductors Forearms Calves Gluteus Maxlmus Abdominals Obliques ~ Chest Quadriceps Hips Hamstrings 19.2. Exercise Steps c:~--11....: :. 11 \ ., c~-~\"1 ' , \ a a a 1. Begin in a push-up position w it h t he left arm holding a kettlebell. 2. Perform a push-up and hold atthe top. 3. Squeeze your shoulder blades together to lift your left elbow about 15 cm above your body a.s you pull the kettlebell up to your chest. 4. Return back to the starting push-up position, aiming for 8-10 repetitions wit h each arm. P age I 24 20. Alternating Kettlebell Press Skill Level: Inter mediate 20.1. Main Muscle Groups Worked Lo wer Back M iddle Back Trapezius Latisslmus Dorsi ,/ Shoulders Biceps ,/ Triceps Adductors Quadriceps Abdominals Calves Gluteus Maxlmus Obliques Hips Chest Hamstrings Forearms 20.2. Exercise Steps ~ di ~,J'1 .i • 1. Br ing two kettlebells to your shoulder s using the clean motion. ; I ~ • (;, 2. Press one kettlebell directly overhead by extending your arm t hrough your elbow, t urning your w r ist so that your palms face forwar d. Hold t he other kettlebell stationa rv on your shoulder. 3. Lower the pressed kettlebell back down to your shoulder and immediately press t he other kettlebell up with your arm . 4. Repeat alternating presses for 8·10 r epetitions per side. Page I 25 21. Double Kettlebell Windmill Skill Level: Advanced 21.1. Main Muscle Groups Worked Lower Back Middle Back Trapezius Latisslmus Dorsi ,/ Shoulders Biceps ,/ Triceps Forearms ,/ Abdominals Obliques Chest Adductors Quadriceps Calves ,/ Gluteus Maxlmus Hips ,/ Hamstrings 21.2. Exercise Steps l1 '-'-38 8 l '.! • I '1' ' ' r• j\ \ , ,"1 : ' 'I "~~"' ~=-~~::.~l ~. . -:::I II '··~-:. -·· • • a II 1. Place two kettlebells in front of your feet. 2. Take both kettlebells and bring t hem up to your waist by extending through your wa ist and hips as you pull them up. 3. C-lean one of the kettlebells to your shoulder, rotating your wrist so that your palm faces forward at the end of the clea n motion. 4. Press the kettlebell upwards and keep it locked out (full elbow extension). S. Turn your feet out at a 45• angle and stick your buttocks out sideways in the same dir ection as t he locked-out kettlebell l(e.g. to the left if you have the locked-out kettle bell in your left hand). Page I 26 6. Slowly bend from the hips in t he other direction unt il the kettlebell in your other hand touches the floor again. Keep your eyes on the locked-out kettle bell overhead at all t imes. 7. Repeat on each side for 8 -10- repetit ions. Page I 27 22. Goblet Squat/Front Squat Skill Level: Beginner 22.1. Main Muscle Groups Worked Lower Back Biceps Triceps Adductors Middle Back Trapezius Forearms ,/ Quadriceps ,/ Calves Latisslmus Dorsi Abdominals ,/ Gluteus Maxlmus ,/ Shoulders Obliques Chest Hips ,/ Hamstrings 22 .2. Exercise Steps • • 1. Hold a kettlebell b y the handle close to your chest and a.ssume a comfortable stance. 2. Br ing your knees out as you squat down to bring the kettlebell between t hem. 3. Looking straight ahead at all t imes, squat as low as you can. Pause at t he bottom of t he squat. 4. Keep your head and chest up, w it h your back in spine-neutr al position (str aight). S. Rise back up by drivingthroug'1 your heels. 6. Repeat for 12-15 repetitions. Page l 28 23. Kettlebell Pistol Squat Skill Level: Advanced 23.1. Main Muscle Groups Worked Lo wer Back M iddle Back Trapezius Latisslmus Dorsi ,/ Shoulders Biceps Triceps Forearms Abdominals Obliques Chest Adductors ,/ Quadriceps ,/ Calves ,/ Gluteus Maxlmus Hips ,/ Hamstrings 23 .2. Exercise Steps l\.l( \'-......1' \ ll.f 1. '\ I (~11.i. , I J • J • 1. Pick up a kettlebell w ith two hands and hold it to your chest, standing. 2. Extend one leg slightly off the floor and squat down on t he other one, flexing your knee and sitting back on your hips. C-ontinue to hold the kettlebell up in front of your chest. 3. Pause for a few seconds, then drive yourself through your heels back up to the upright position, keeping your head and chest up. 4. Lower yourself again and repeat for 8·10 repetitions. Repeat w ith the other leg. Page I 29 24. Kettlebell Thruster Skill Level: Inter mediate 24.1. Main Muscle Groups Worked Lo wer Back M iddle Back Trapezius Latisslmus Dorsi ,/ Shoulders Biceps ,/ Triceps Adductors ,/ Quadriceps Abdominals Calves Gluteus Maxlmus Obliques Hips Chest Hamstrings Forearms 24.2. Exercise Steps .. '" ,.I I "! I i £:'"J'. \) l.~ • 1. Clean two kettlebells to your shoulders by extending through your legs and hips to pull t hem up. Rotate w rists to have your palms facing forwar d at the end of t he clea n motion. 2. Fr om this start ing posit ion, enter into the squat b y flexing your hips and knees, lowering y our knees between your legs. Try to go down a.s low a.s possible w hile maintaining spine·neut ral position. 3. At the bottom of t he squat, dr ive yourself up again by extending your knees and hips, dr iving t hrough your heels. As you drive yourself up from the squat, press both kettlebells by extending your ar ms str aight up. 4. Repeat for 8·10 repetit ions. Page I 30 25. Kettlebell Turkish Get· Up (Lunge Style) Skill Level: Intermediate 25.1. Main Muscle Groups Worked Lower Back Middle Back Trapezius Latisslmus Dorsi ,/ Shoulders Biceps ,/ Triceps Forearms ,/ Abdominals Obliques Chest Adductors ,/ Quadriceps Calves Gluteus Maxlmus Hips ,/ Hamstrings 25 .2. Exercise Steps 1. Take a kettlebell in your right hand and lie on the floor on your back (supine). 2. Press the kettlebell straight up by extending your elbow. 3. Bendyourright knee. Page( 31 4. Pivot to your left side, keeping t he kettlebell locked out, and use your left arm t o prop yourself up into a seated position. 5. Pushing your body up furt her w ith your left arm, slide your left leg up from in front of you to have it supporting a lunge position behind you. 6. Keep looking straight up at t he locked out kettlebell, and slowly stand up. 7. Reverse the motion back to the starting supine position and repeat for 6·8 repetitions for each side. Page I 32 26. Kettlebcll Turkish Get-Up (Squat-Style) Skill Le\'el: Intermediate 26.1. Main Muscle Groups \Vorked lower Bclck M iddle Back Trapezlus latis.slmus Oorsl ~ Shoulders Biceps ~ Triceps Forearms ~ Abdominols Oblques Chest 26.2. Adductors ~ Quadriceps ~ Cahles Gliteus Maxlmus H_,. ~ Hamstrircs Exercise Steps ~ -~\ .I .( J) "\~· • ,t. ..'ii\..Y • • \'\l", ,,.,\ 1 I J ..... I \ -~\, ~ ' \ '-...: (' '), \ . !' • • \f ( ..-0; ....... \,\' 1_'j ~ ....... • .\I \\ II ' Page I 33 1. Take a kettlebell in your left hand and lie on the floor on your back (supine). 2. Press the kettlebell straight up by extending your elbow. 3. Bend your left knee. 4. Pivot to your right side, keeping t he kettlebell locked out, and use your right arm to prop yourself up into a seated position. 5. Push further up with your right arm to enable your legs to draw back into a squat position. 6. Look up at the locked-out kettlebell and slowly stand up. 7. Reverse the motion back to the starting supine position and repeat for 6·8 repetitions for each side. Page I 34 27. Kettlebell Leg-Over Floor Press Skill Level: Intermediate 27 .1. Main Muscle Groups Worked Lo wer Back M iddle Back Trapezius Latisslmus Dorsi ,/ Shoulders 27.2. Biceps ,/ Triceps Forearms Abdominals Obliques ,/ Chest Adductors Quadriceps Calves Gluteus Maxlmus Hips Hamstrings Exercise Steps , I . ' ! ~~ • ( ) \... _,.-- • • 6. Lie supine (on your back) on the floor wit h one kettlebell held in your left hand by the handle placed over your chest. 7. Extend your left leg over your right leg. You can extend your right arm out to the side for support. 8. Press the kettlebell dir ectly upwar ds int o the locked-out position. 9. Lower the kettlebell until your left elbow touches t he ground. Keep t he kettlebell above your elbow. 10. Repeat for 8 -10 repetitions and perform the same number for your right side. Page I 35 28. Kettlebell Lunge Pass· Through Skill Level: Intermediate 28.1. Main Muscle Groups Worked Lower Back Middle Back Trapezius Latisslmus Dorsi Shoulders Biceps Triceps Forearms Abdominals Obliques Chest Adductors ,/ Quadriceps ,/ Calves ,/ Gluteus Maxlmus Hips Hamstrings 28.2. Exercise Steps • 1. Stand upright holding a kettlebell in your right hand. 2. Step forwar d w ith your left foot and bring your torso (still held upright in the spine· neutral position) down by flexing your knee and lowering your body through your hips. Lower your back knee until it nearly touches the ground. 3. As you lunge, pass the kettlebell under your left leg to your left hand. 4. Pressing through the heel of your left foot, return back to t he upright start ing posit ion. S. Repeat for 16 -20 repetitions, alternating legs. Page I 36 29. Kettlebell One·Arm Row Skill Level: Intermediate 29.1. Main Muscle Groups Worked Lower Back ~ ~ Middle Back Trapezius Latisslmus Dorsi Shoulders ~ Biceps Triceps Adductors Forearms Calves Gluteus Maxlmus Abdominals Obliques Chest Quadriceps Hips Hamstrings 29.2. Exercise Steps L// I i • ' ')J '= / ' 1. Place a kettlebell nextto your left foot. • 2. Place your left foot behind your back and rest your right elbow on your right leg. 3. Pull the kettlebell up to yourstomach, keeping your back flat (spine-neut ral) at a II t imes. 4. Repeat for 8·10 repetit ions each side. Page I 37 30. One·Arm Overhead Kettlebell Squat Skill Level: Advanced 30.1. Main Muscle Groups Worked Lower Back Middle Back Trapezius Latisslmus Dorsi ,/ Shoulders Biceps Triceps Adductors ,/ Quadriceps ,/ Calves Forearms Abdominals Obliques Chest ,/ Gluteus Maxlmus Hips ,/ Hamstrings 30.2. Exercise Steps ,,.·-, J ,. l ';:.:i r. ·· r,.,1·1..- ) (') , , +j ' 1. \ ,.!.. Ir' ·i . I •\<'/ / 'I I ,\ 1· .. .j ':? /..{ \ .:." . \'1 \..J I ! ' .. .. ;-· j l "\ ... :; ~.· II II • 1. Place a kettlebell on the ground in front of you and take it by the handle in your left hand. 2. ( .lean and press it to your shoulder by extending through your legs and hips, rotating your wrist so that you finish the movement with palms facing forward. 3. Press the kettlebell overhead by extending your elbow. This is your starting position. 4. While looking str aight ahead and keeping the kettlebell locked out above you, flex your knees and hips to lower your torso between your legs, keeping your head and chest up. You can maintain your balance by extending your right arm sideways. Page I 38 S. Pause at the bottom of the squat for a moment before raising yourself back up to t he start ing position by pushing through your heels. 6. Repeat for 8·10 repetit ions, alternating sides. Page I 39 31. One·Arm Snatch to Press Skill Level: Advanced 31.1. Main Muscle Groups Worked .,, Lower Back Biceps Adductors .,, Triceps Back Quadriceps .,, Middle .,, Trapezius Forearms Calves .,, Gluteus Maxlmus Dorsi Abdominals .,, Latisslmus Shoulders Obliques Hips .,, Chest Hamstrings 31.2. Exercise Steps :'v \ I • \' I \! I l~\ '>,, ,. • II 1. Place a kettlebell between your feet. • 2. Bend your knees and extend your buttocks back to get into the correct starting position. 3. Looking str aight ahead, swing t he kettlebell back between your legs. 4. Immediately driving through w ith your hips and knees, bring the kettlebell up to your shoulder w ith wrist facing forward, perform a slight squat, then push up and press the kettlebell overhead. S. Let the kettlebell swing back down between your legs and repeat for 8·10 repetitions, alternating arms. P age l 40 32. Kettlebell Alternating Snatches Skill Level: Advanced 32.1. Main Muscle Groups Worked .,, Lower Back Biceps .,, Triceps Back Quadriceps .,, Middle .,, Trapezius Forearms Calves .,, Gluteus Maxlmus Latisslmus Dorsi Abdominals .,, Shoulders Obliques Hips .,, Chest Hamstrings Adductors 32 .2. Exercise Steps • II 1. Pick up a kettlebell in each hand and stand with them resting on yourthighs, legs shoulder -w idth apart . • 2. C.reate momentum for the movement by lowering your torso, maintaining spine neutr al position, and flexing your hips and knees so that the two kettlebells swing underneath you between your legs. 3. Using a powerful forward t hrust of your hips, reverse the direction of t he swing to bring one kettlebell to your shoulder, w r ist facing out. 4. Lower the kettlebell to swing down between your legs again and r ever se direction with t he hip t hrust, but this time r aise t he other kettlebell to your shoulder wit h wr ist facing out. S. C-o ntinue alternating movements for 12-15 r epetit ions per side. Page I 41 33. Kettlebell Burpee to Squat Press Skill Level: Advanced 33.1. Main Muscle Groups Worked Lower Back Middle Back Trapezius Latisslmus Dorsi ,/ Shoulders Biceps ,/ Triceps Forearms ,/ Abdominals Adductors ,/ Quadriceps Calves ,/ Gluteus Maxlmus Obliques ,/ Chest Hips ,/ Hamstrings 33.2. Exercise Steps • • • • 1. Place a kettlebell on the ground in fr ont of you and stand over it. 2. Bending your knees, place the palms of your hands to eit her side of the kettlebell. 3. Kick your feet out behind you to assume a push up position. 4. Keeping your hands on the floor, jump back to the same deep squatting position as in Step 2. 5. Grab the kettlebell lightly with each hand as low on t he handle as possible. Page I 42 6. Driving t hrough your heels and hips, t hrust your body up and, a.s the kettlebell t ravels w ith the moment um up to your chest, transfer your grip from the lower han dle to the bottom of the kettlebell and lift it dir ectly above your head. 7. Lower the kettlebell back down to the ground, transferring your grip back to the handle and repeat 12-15 repetitions. Page I 43 34. Kettlebell Overhead Reverse Lunge Skill Level: Advanced 34.1. Main Muscle Groups Worked .,, Lower Back Middle Back Trapezius Dorsi .,, Latisslmus Shoulders .,, Biceps Triceps .,, Adductors Quadriceps .,, Forearms Calves .,, Gluteus Maxlmus Abdominals Obliques Hips .,, Chest Hamstrings 34.2. Exercise Steps 1. Place a kettlebell between your feet. • 2. Bend your knees and extend your buttocks back to get into the correct starting position. Looking str aight ahead, swing the kettlebell back between your legs. 3. Immediately driving through w ith your hips and knees, bring the kettlebell up to your shoulder with wrist facing forward, perform a slight squat. 4. Push up and then press t he kettlebell overhead. 5. With the kettlebell locked out directly above you, perform a reverse lunge by extending t he leg opposite the arm holding the kettlebell overhead behind you, w hile flexing your Pagel 44 knee and lowering your body through your hips. Lower your back knee until it nearly t ouches the gr ound. 6. Flex t hrough your hips again to r aise your torso back up to a standing position. 7. Repeat w ith alternating legs and arms for 12-15 repetitions per side. Page I 45 35. Kettlebell Woodman's Chop Skill Level: Beginner 35.1. Main Muscle Groups Worked Lower Back Middle Back Trapezius ,/ Latisslmus Dorsi Shoulders Biceps Triceps Forearms ,/ Abdominals Obliques Chest Adductors ,/ Quadriceps Calves ,/ Gluteus Maxlmus Hips Hamstrings 35.2. Exercise Steps -----·~~ .\ ,,____..-';·J •1·1 - <;.,.(1 a II 1. Standwit h your feet outside shoulder w idth with a kettlebell on t he floor to your right side. 2. Keeping your lower back in its natural ar ch, pivot your feet to the right and bend down and pick up t he kettlebell by t he handle 3. Ra ise it a.s you pivot and twist to the left, stopping w hen t he bell is at chest height. 4. Return the weight to the floor. Repeat 12-15 r epetitions per side. Page I 46 36. Kettlebell Standing Side·Crunch Skill Level: Intermediate 36.1. Main Muscle Groups Worked Biceps Triceps Lower Back Middle Back Trapezius ~ Latisslmus Dorsi ~ Shoulders Forearms ~ Abdominals Obliques Chest Adductors ./' Quadriceps Calves Gluteus Maxlmus Hips Hamstrings 36.2. Exercise Steps ""{ !I • ~ • 1. Hold the kettlebell in your right hand and extend your arm overhead. 2. Lower your arm while simultaneously raising your right knee so that your elbow and knee nearlytouch 3. Extend your knee and arm again. C-omplete 12-15 repetitions on that side, switch sides and repeat. Page I 47 37. Kettlebell One·Leg Deadlift Skill Level: Advanced 37 .1. Main Muscle Groups Worked Biceps Triceps Lower Back Middle Back Trapezius ~ Latisslmus Dorsi Shoulders Adductors ~ Calves Gluteus Maxlmus Forearms ~ Abdominals Obliques Chest Quadriceps Hips ~ Hamstrings 37 .2. Exercise Steps II 1. Hold a kettlebell in your left hand and let it hang at yourside. 2. Bend your left knee and let your left toe rest on the floor. 3. Reach for t he ground with the weight and lift your left leg out str aight behind you, keeping your back flat. 4. W hen the kettlebell touches the floor, reverse direction. S. Repeat for 8·10 repetit ions each side. Page l 48 38. Kettlebell Halo Skill Level: Advanced 38.1. Main Muscle Groups Worked Biceps ,/ Triceps Lower Back Middle Back Trapezius Forearms ,/ Latisslmus Dorsi Abdominals Obliques Chest ,/ Shoulders Adductors Quadriceps Calves Gluteus Maxlmus Hips Hamstrings 38.2. Exercise Steps ,··\ ~1{ \ 1, • ~ 11 \~. ..v-"1 ~-~:J '.).... -'~,;;) a 1. Squat down to pick a kettlebell up and lift it to your chest, holding tt upside-down by t he handle. 2. Rotate the kettlebell clockwise around your head, initially in large circles, gradually making the circles smaller until your hands and the kettlebell a re just clearing your head. 3. Repeat for 8· 10 repetitions, then change to anticlockwise rotation. Page I 49 39. Kettlebell Starfish Reach Skill Level: Intermediate 39.1. Main Muscle Groups Worked Biceps Triceps Lower Back Middle Back Trapezius Adductors Quadriceps Forearms Calves .,, Latisslmus Dorsi Abdominals .,/' Gluteus Maxlmus .,, Shoulders Obliques Chest Hips Hamstrings 39.2. Exercise Steps / ,,,''/ ..;:7 '· ..1.' 'Il('' \\• \,, \ / 'I / ~· I"+ '\,,_ ' "' - -····•.:, "· -·· ... \ _,.../" "'°"' i . .... :!'-V 'J . . / .,.,,..... . ....-.. ' \ \ \\ \ _...-~\ ~- -~.) ~:-:JY _...·· / \. / /" ,... • .L-, I \/~ ' • 1. Lie supine (face up) with your legs wide and your arms extended behind you, holding the kettlebell w ith both hands at the base of t he handle w it h t he ball away from you and your palms facing up. 2. Contract your abs and crunch up a.s you reach arms and legs together 3. Lower the kettlebell to the start and repeat for 12-15 repetitions. P age I 50 40. Kettlebell Get· Up Plank Skill Level: Inter mediate 40.1. Main Muscle Groups Worked .,, Lower Back .,, Middle Back .,, Biceps Triceps Quadriceps .,, Trapezius Forearms Calves .,, Gluteus Maxlmus Latisslmus Dorsi Abdominals .,, Shoulders .,, Obliques Hips Adductors Chest Hamstrings 40.2. Exercise Steps n. rr ··,,,,__c-:>v"' ,. ' g -- • a • ' '- .I ,--·.?<--' . ----··r.~.\! 1. Begin in a modified side-plank position w ith your r ight leg stacked on top of your left leg and your knees bent. Put your body weight on your left forearm and on t he side of your left leg and hips. 2. Hold a kettlebell in your r ight hand, with your r ight elbow bent and weight r esting against your for ear m. 3. Lift your hips so your body is straight fr om your knees to your shoulders. At the same t ime, straighten your arm and press t he kettle bell towar d t he ceiling. Keep it dir ectly above your shoulder and focus your eyes on it at all t imes. 4. Slowly lower your hips and arm to the starting position. S. Repeat for 8-10 repetit ions, switch sides and r epeat. Remember to keep t he kettlebell dir ectly above your shoulder, and focus your eyes on it . Page I 51 '-() 41. Kettlebell Single· Arm Front Squat Skill Level: Intermediate 41.1. Main Muscle Groups Worked Lo wer Back M iddle Back Trapezius Latisslmus Dorsi Shoulders Biceps Triceps Forearms ,/ Abdominals Obliques Chest Adductors ,/ Quadriceps Calves ,/ Gluteus Maxlmus Hips ,/ Hamstrings 41.2. Exercise Steps • 1. Pick up a kettlebell w ith your left hand. 2. Bring the kettlebell into the r ack posttion. Keep your left elbow by yourside, your weight in front of your left shoulder, and your palm facing in. 3. Push your hips back and lower your body into a squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor, and then stand back up, pushing up through your heels. 4. Repeat for 8· 10 repetit ions, then change sides. Page I 52 42. Kettlebell Rotating Lunge Skill Level: Intermediate 42.1. Main Muscle Groups Worked .,, Adductors Quadriceps Forearms Calves .,, Latisslmus Dorsi .,, Abdominals .,, Gluteus Maxlmus Shoulders Obliques Hips .,, Hamstrings Chest Lower Back M iddle Back Trapezius Biceps Triceps 42 .2. Exercise Steps .-,- , ,... ", ... - 1.>-· ' r .. ! ~· «::·-'·iI \ I .v.. ' ' "-{' / II i! : ' ' • 1. Standwit h your feet shoulder-w idth apart holding a kettlebell w ith both hands in front of your chest. 2. Step forward with your left leg and lovver into a lunge, simultaneously rotating your upper body toward the right wall. 3. Drive through the left heel and return to the start ing posit ion. Repeat for 12·15 repetitions on each side. P age I 53 43. Kettlebell Around the World Skill Level: Advanced 43.1. Main Muscle Groups Worked .,, Lo wer Back .,, M iddle Back Biceps Triceps Adductors Chest .,/' Hamstrings Quadriceps .,, Trapezius Forearms Calves Latisslmus Dorsi Abdominals .,/' Gluteus Maxlmus .,, Shoulders Obliques Hips 43 .2. Exercise Steps ,-...... Cf I ~-').._ 'f ' ' irv / I ' I I( : I a a Focus on for m when beginning this advanced exer cise. Use a lighter kettlebell and be aware of t he importance of staying as upright a.s possible and cont rolling your rotational momentum. Ensure you have adequate space around you for t his exercise. 1. Stand w it h feet shoulder-w idth apart and take the kettlebell by both" horns". Bring your shoulders back and tuck your chin in, making sure you a re standing tall and upright. 2. Holding the kettlebell in front of your navel and groin area, turn your whole body around 360. wit h your feet rotating. 3. After three r otations in the same direction, stop. C-o ntrol the stop by planting your feet down hard, w it h heels flat on t he ground and knees slightly bent, but not excessively. Page I 54 4. Now perform three rotations in the opposite direction and cont inue for two minutes befor e r esting. Page I 55 44. Example Workouts The following pages provide example w orkouts for each of the beginner, inter mediate and advanced level practitioner. 44.1. Order of Exercises Exer cises in each circuit ar e listed in t he order in w hich they should be perfor med . 44.2. Number of Circuits per Workout and Rests We recommend r epeating the circuit three t imes, depending on your fitness level. After completing one exercise, go str aight into the next one. Short r ests of between 90 seconds and S m inutes can be taken in between circuits. 44.3. Repetitions and Time Taken W ith some exercises, we have prescribed a particular number of repetitions. Wit h others, t he idea is to perform a.s many repetitions as possible w ithin the t ime lim it, e.g. 3 m inutes. Page I 56 45. Beginner Level Workout Objecti ve: To muscular str ength and endurance in as wide a variety of muscle group ar eas a.s possible w hile also improving cardiovascular performance Total t ime taken (estimated, excluding r est t ime): 15-45 mins, subject to length of time per exercise. Number of circuits to be performed in one workout: 3 Exercise Amount of Time Important notes Two-llanded Kettlebell 1-3min Remember to drive hips forward explosively (but smoothly) w hile swinging the kettlebell forward Two-Ar m Kettlebell Row 1-3min Pull kettlebells towar ds your stomach maintaining spine-neutral position (back straight, chest out) and keeping your elbows tucked in Alternating Kettle bell Press 1-3min A good alternative to bench presses but Swing demands a compound wrist and arm movement. Woodman's Oiop 1-3min Remember to keep your lower back in i ts natural ar ch and to pivot. Goblet squat/Front Squat 1-3min Squat a.s low as you can and drive back up t hrough your heels. Page I 57 46. Intermediate Level Workout Obj ecti ve: To mu scular str ength an d endurance in as wide a variety of m u scle group ar eas a.s possible w hile also improving cardiovascular performan ce Total t ime taken (estimated, excluding r est t ime): 40 mins Number of circuits to be performed in one workout: 3 Exercise Number of Important notes Repetitions/ Amount of Time One-Handed Kettlebell 12-15 Your hips and glutes, rather than y our ar m, Swing r epetitions per should b e driving th e kettlebell forward, so arm make sure t hese ar e engaged all the time 2-3 min This exercise develop s coordination as well Kettlebell Figur e-Eight as working arms, back and abdomina Is Kettlebell High Pull 2-3 min Keeping your core engaged is crucial One-Ar m Kettl ebell Floor 8-1 0 repetit ions Remember to tum your wrists towards your Pr ess p er side feet as you press th e kettleb ell up One-Arm Kettlebell Row 8-10 repetit ions per side 6·8 r epetitions per side M ainta in spine neutral position at all t imes Kettlebell Get-Up (Lu1'4!e-Style) A complex exer cise featuring multiple movements, probably the most crucia l of w hich is sliding your leg up fr om in front of you to have it supporti ng a lunge position b ehind you. Page I 58 47. Advanced Level Workout Objecti ve: To enhance total body muscular strength and endurance, focussing on further strengthening the core, a.swell as increa.sing cardiovascular capacity. Total t ime taken (estimated, excluding r est t ime): 40 mins Number of circuits to be performed in one workout: 3 Exercise Number of Repetitions Important notes Kettlebell windmill 6·8 r epetitions A challenging exercise, for which some may for each side need to use lighter kettlebells than for those exercises w hich utilize swing. W hen kettlebells is directly raised overhead, keep your gaze fixed on the wei ght in order to keep your shoulders aligned. Kettlebell Deadlift A im for 12-15 Engage your cor e, t ighten your glutes, and repetitions, keep your arms extended a.s you raise your maintaining body by pushing up through your feet. Don' t proper form pull the kettlebells up w ith your arms, just let t hroughout. it come along w ith you, until you come to a standing position. Kettlebell Clean 10-15 r epetitions One-Ar m Kettl ebell Split Jerk Kettlebell Pistol Squat Grip position is important : At the start, bend your knees to r each down and grip the handle of the kettlebell w it h your r ight hand, your thumb pointing behind you. In rack position, the kettlebells should be r esting on the for ear m, w hich is tucked close to the body, t he fist at your chest. 4·5 each side init ially, build to 8-lOwith Crucial movements such a.s the clean and overhead press are stages in t his complex exercise and need to be master ed first . experience and fit ness level 4-5 for each leg Drive up through your heels when going up. init ially, build to 8-l Owith experience and fit ness level Page I 59