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ECE 303 Electromagnetic Fields Course Syllabus

ECE-303 – Course Syllabus
ECE 303: Electromagnetic Fields
2024 Fall
Class Meeting Times / Location
Lecture Time / Location: Tuesday and Thursday, 3:00 – 4:15 pm, EB2 01021
Instructor Contact Information
Professor: Dr. Qing Gu qgu3@ncsu.edu
Office: Partners II 1503 (Centennial Campus)
Teaching Assistant:TBD
Office Hours
Professor: Tuesday and Thursday 2 – 2:45 pm, Partners II 1503, or by appointment
Teaching Assistant: Wednesday and Friday 1 – 2 pm, Partners II 1525 Suite conference room
Use of the Moodle forum is strongly encouraged for questions!
Educational Resources (Textbook & Online)
Required Textbook: Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics, Ulaby, Ravaioli
Ø Available in paper format and digital All-In format
Ø Supplemental material available on Moodle
Course Description
This course prepares you to formulate and solve electromagnetic problems relevant to all fields of Electrical and
Computer Engineering and that will find application in subsequent courses in radiofrequency (RF) circuits, photonics,
microwaves, wireless networks, computers, bioengineering, and nanoelectronics. Primary topics include static electric
and magnetic fields, Maxwell's equations and force laws, wave propagation, reflection and refraction of plane waves,
and transmission lines.
Evaluation and Grading Policy
2 best performed out of 3 exams (Midterm 1, Midterm 2, Final) will count 40% each towards the final grade
80 %
10 %
Oral Presentation:
10 %
Tentative exam times
Midterm 1:
Midterm 2:
Oct 3, in class
Oct 31, in class
Dec 3, in class
The overall grade for the course will follow University guidelines:
97 ≤ X
=> A+
87 ≤ X < 90
=> B+
93 ≤ X < 97
90 ≤ X < 93
=> A
83 ≤ X < 87
=> A-
80 ≤ X < 83
ECE 303 – Electromagnetic Fields
Dr. Qing Gu
77 ≤ X < 80
=> C+
67 ≤ X < 70
=> D+
=> B
73 ≤ X < 77
=> C
63 ≤ X < 67
=> D
=> B-
70 ≤ X < 73
=> C-
60 ≤ X < 63
=> DPage 1 of 3
ECE-303 – Course Syllabus
Homework Policy
Homework will be graded on a completion (with enough technical details) basis. Working through these
problems diligently will help your overall grade in the course because these problems and similar ones will
appear on the tests.
Exam Policy
There will be (3) in-class Exams (2 midterms and 1 final). For each exam, textbooks, notes, and phones/tablets are
not allowed. one hand-written double-sided equation sheet on 8.5x11” paper and a calculator are allowed.
If an Exam is missed without a certified medical excuse or prior instructor approval, you will receive a zero.
Certified excuses and prior approval will be dealt with individually. A single makeup exam for will be offered, held
at a designated time at the end of the semester. This makeup Midterm Exam will include the contents assessed by all
three exams, regardless of which exam is being "made up".
To request an excused absence, 1) write a formal hard copy letter to me, dated and signed, stating your specific
request and the reason you are asking for an excused absence; 2) provide documentation supporting your request; 3)
bring this letter and the documentation to me in person before the requested date (if an absence is foreseeable) or
within one day after the absence (if it is of unforeseeable nature), at which time we will discuss your request.
Special cases will be dealt individually.
Grade Disputes
Students may request a regrade on test problems. However, verbal requests for regrades will not be considered. A
written regrade request must be submitted to the instructor within one week of the exam being returned to the class.
The student should email the instructor a document that contains the a copy of the worked problem that’s being
disputed and a written argument that make a case as to why the grade should be changed. Do NOT mark on the
original assignment.
Oral Presentations Policy
Near the end of the course, all students will be asked to create a short (5 min) oral presentation about a suitable
electromagnetics topic of their choice. For example, one of the Technical Briefs in our textbook, or another device,
effect, or idea.
This may be recorded in the Hunt Library resources or using your own equipment. The grade for these presentations
will be composed of a score from the instructor and your student peers. Detailed guidelines will be provided midsemester.
Academic Integrity
Plagiarism/cheating will not be tolerated. Teamwork on homework is encouraged (as an important part of being a
successful engineer). Online quizzes must be completed by the student to whom they are attributed. You are
expected to fully understand and take responsibility for any assignments you submit even though you may work on
them with your classmates. Assistance or communication of any kind during exams is strictly forbidden.
If an Academic Integrity violation is suspected, the instructor will follow the university discipline and reporting
recommendations. If you encounter an ethical quandary with regards to your own work or the work of others,
please consult the instructor.
Instructional Objectives
We aim to produce students with a foundation and working knowledge of basic electromagnetic phenomena.
Chapter 1-8 of textbook “Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics” will be covered. Student learning
objectives include:
1. Explain the following concepts: transmission line, phase velocity, phase constant beta, attenuation constant
alpha, complex propagation constant gamma, characteristic impedance, wave (input) impedance, voltage
reflection coefficient, traveling vs standing waves, and standing-wave-ratio.
2. Calculate the characteristic impedance, capacitance, inductance, resistance, and conductance of
3. Convert a wave solution equation from phasor-domain to time-domain notation.
4. Explain the concepts of permittivity, permeability, electric field (E-field), electric flux density field (Dfield), magnetic flux density field (B-field), magnetic field (H-field), divergence operator, and curl
ECE 303 – Electromagnetic Fields
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Dr. Qing Gu
ECE-303 – Course Syllabus
operator – with equations where appropriate.
5. Determine the electric field (Coulomb’s Law) and potential from discrete charges.
6. Apply Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (integral form) relating voltage potential and electric field.
7. Explain and calculate capacitance, resistance, conductivity, and conduction current.
8. Explain and analyze Maxwell’s equations
9. Manipulate Maxwell’s equations to obtain boundary conditions, the conversation of charge, and
electromagnetic wave equations.
10. Calculate the force and torque on charges and steady-state currents within magnetic fields, and the force
between two current-carrying circuits.
11. Apply Biot-Savart Law to find the H-field from steady-state currents.
12. Explain the concepts of induced voltage (i.e., electro-motive-force), inductance, total magnetic flux,
magnetic dipole, plane wave, spherical wave, intrinsic impedance, refraction, critical angle – with
equations where appropriate.
13. Discuss Maxwell's equations and recognize the difference between electrostatics and electrodynamics.
14. Determine electromagnetic plane wave parameters, including propagation direction, wavenumber
(i.e., propagation constant), absorption coefficient, frequency, wavelength, polarization state (i.e.,
linear, circular, elliptical) – from both phasor- and time-domain representations.
15. Apply Maxwell’s equations and wave equations in transmission/reflection problems.
16. Apply Snell’s Laws to find the refracted and reflected angles at a dielectric boundary, as well as when totalinternal reflection occurs.
17. Solve electromagnetic wave equations.
18. Understand wave propagation in guided geometries.
19. Explain, in the context of an oral presentation, how an electromagnetic device or system works, and
evaluate peers doing the same.
For Students with Disabilities
Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with verifiable disabilities. In order to take advantage of
available accommodations, students must register with Disability Services for Students at 1900 Student Health
Center, Campus Box 7509, 919-515-7653. For more information on NC State's policy on working with students with
disabilities, please see the Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Regulation (REG 02.20.01).
N.C. State University Polices, Regulations, and Rules (PRR)
Students are responsible for reviewing the Policies, Rules, and Regulations which pertain to their course rights and
responsibilities. These include: http://policies.ncsu.edu/policy/pol-04-25-05 (Equal Opportunity and NonDiscrimination Policy Statement), http://oied.ncsu.edu/oied/policies.php (Office for Institutional Equity and
Diversity), http://policies.ncsu.edu/policy/pol-11-35-01 (Code of Student Conduct),
and http://policies.ncsu.edu/regulation/reg-02-50-03 (Grades and Grade Point Average).
ECE 303 – Electromagnetic Fields
Dr. Qing Gu
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