Uploaded by Virat Raghuwanshi

Graph Theory[1]

Graph Theory 1 –
Flood Fill
Reorder Routes to Make All
Paths Lead to the City Zero
Number of Islands
Shortest Path Visiting All Nodes
Max Area of Island
Jump Game III
Number of Closed Islands
Minimum Jumps to Reach
Number of Enclaves
Count Sub Islands
As Far from Land as Possible
Pacific Atlantic Water Flow
Shortest Path in Binary Matrix
01 Matrix
Water and Jug Problem
Minimum Genetic Mutation
Open the Lock
Word Ladder
Find the Town Judge
Shortest Bridge
Minimum Number of Vertices to
Reach All Nodes
Nearest Exit from Entrance in
Maximal Network Rank
All Paths From Source to Target
Keys and Rooms
Number of Provinces
Number of Operations to Make
Network Connected
Time Needed to Inform All
Find Eventual Safe States
Shortest Path with Alternating
Possible Bipartition
Is Graph Bipartite?
Graph Theory 2 –
Graph Valid Tree
Redundant Connection
Redundant Connection II
Remove Max Number of Edges
to Keep Graph Fully Traversable
The Earliest Moment When
Everyone Become Friends
Satisfiability of Equality
Lexicographically Smallest
Equivalent String
Sentence Similarity II
Synonymous Sentences
Smallest String With Swaps
Accounts Merge
Similar String Groups
Number of Islands II
Minimize Malware Spread
Minimize Malware Spread II
Graph Connectivity With
Checking Existence of Edge
Length Limited Paths
Data Stream as Disjoint Intervals
Course Schedule
Course Schedule II
Minimum Height Trees
Parallel Courses
Alien Dictionary
Largest Color Value in a
Directed Graph
Strange Printer II
Sort Items by Groups
Respecting Dependencies
Connecting Cities With
Minimum Cost
Min Cost to Connect All Points
Optimize Water Distribution in a
Swim in Rising Water
Find Critical and Pseudo-Critical
Edges in Minimum Spanning
Cheapest Flights Within K Stops
Path With Minimum Effort
Path with Maximum Probability
Minimum Cost to Reach
Destination in Time
Minimum Cost to Make at Least
One Valid Path in a Grid
Network Delay Time
The Maze II
The Maze III
Find the City With the Smallest
Number of Neighbors at a
Threshold Distance
Course Schedule IV
Number of Restricted Paths
From First to Last Node
Number of Connected
Components in an Undirected
The Maze
Shortest Distance from All
Minimum Moves to Move a Box
to Their Target Location
Jump Game IV
Shortest Path to Get All Keys
Cat and Mouse
Number of Distinct Islands
Sum of Distances in Tree
Parallel Courses II
Critical Connections in a