Uploaded by Varenyam Mikoo

SECTION A-Mechanics

Introduction-Physics, Base quantities
What is Physics?
It is the study of forces and their interactions
In Physics we need to measure quantities to help us understand relevant
calculations. The base S.I. quantities are shown below:
Derived quantities, standard form
Useful prefixes in Physics
Making measurements
Instruments used to measure the following:
Common Instruments in the Lab
Common instruments in the lab
Electric current
Instrument used to
measure quantity
Accuracy and Precision
The error associated with an instrument whether analogue or digital is usually
considered to be half of the smallest reading available on the instrument
Useful Definitions
Accuracy- how close something is the true value
Precision- how easily replicated a value is
Value of error- half the value of the smallest unit of measurement on the
instrument for example a ruler, the smallest reading is 1 mm, therefore the
error is 0.5 mm
Plotting Graphs
Graphs show the relationship between two variables
There are 2 axes, the y axis(vertical) and x axis(horizontal)
Graphs are always plotted y versus x or responding/dependent variable versus
the manipulated/independent variable
Controlled variables are those that are considered so that they do not affect
the results
When plotting a graph, it is easier to use multiples of 2,5 and 10 on the axes
making it easier to identify values
Straight line graphs usually involve finding the gradient of the line, equation
of the line and the y intercept of the line.
Points are usually marked using either of the following
Plotting Graphs
If we need to plot a graph of temperature vs time, this means that
temperature goes on the y-axis whereas time will go on the x-axis
Let us plot a simple graph as shown below:
Plot a graph of velocity vs time for the following values:
Plotting Graphs
Plotting Graphs
Simple Pendulum
Simple Pendulum
Vectors and Scalars
There are two classes of quantity in physics: scalars and vectors.
A scalar quantity has magnitude (size) but no direction such as mass, time,
A vector quantity has magnitude and direction such as velocity, displacement,
acceleration, weight
Scalars can be resolved easily using arithmetic
Resolving Vectors
Forces are pushes and pulls acting on an object can change its size/ shape ,
direction or motion. The unit of force is the newton (N)
As forces are vector quantities (they have size and direction) they are represented
in diagrams as arrows. The direction of the arrow gives the direction of the force
and the length represents the size of the force
When objects need to be touching for the force to exist, these forces are
described as contact forces. When two surfaces move past each other, forces
attempt to prevent this movement. These types of forces are known as friction,
drag, or air resistance depending on where they originate from. This gives objects
grip against each other. Floating objects experience upthrust from the fluid in
which they float.
In some situations the objects are not in direct contact but forces still exist
between them. Planets are held in orbit around the Sun by the forces of gravity.
Electrons are bound to atoms by electromagnetic forces. The same forces cause
attraction and repulsion in magnets. The nucleus of an atom is held together by
strong nuclear forces.
Forces- force diagram of an airplane
When a force acts on an object it may cause a turning effect, known as the
moment of the force. This turning effect depends on the size of the force applied
and the distance from the pivot or point of rotation.
The moment of a force is the product of the force and the perpendicular distance to
the pivot:
M (N m) = F (N) × d (m)
When describing the action of moments, the terms clockwise and anticlockwise are
used to describe the direction of action
When an object is in equilibrium it is not accelerating or rotating. The two
equilibrium conditions are:
There is no resultant force acting on the object or the forces acting in one direction
is equal to the forces acting in the opposite direction
The total clockwise moment about a point is equal to the total anticlockwise
moment about the same point, also known as the principle of moments
Equilibrium means balanced, that is the sum of all forces is zero
Moments questions
The centre of gravity of a body is the point on the body from which the entire
weight appears to act.
As the weight of an object acts from the centre of gravity an object will
always be in equilibrium when it is suspended from a point directly above the
centre of gravity. This idea can be used to find the centre of gravity for a
lamina. A lamina is a thin sheet of material in any shape.
Hooke’s Law
Hooke’s Law
Hooke’s Law and Elastic bands
Hooke’s Law-Questions
A spring of length 15 cm stretches 8 cm if a mass of 1.2 kg is added. Find the
length of the spring if a mass of 3.5 kg is added to the spring. Assume the
elastic limit has not been exceeded.
Motion, SUVAT
Displacement vs time graphs
Displacement vs time graphs
Describe the graph below:
Acceleration, velocity vs time graphs
A body at rest begins to accelerate until it reaches a velocity of 30 m/s in 5s.
It then keeps this velocity for 15 seconds before it decelerates to rest in 10
Show the motion of the body on a velocity time graph
Calculate the acceleration and deceleration of the body
Find the total distance travelled by the body
Motion-Question continued
If the body begins to reverse reaching a velocity of 10 m/s in 5 s and then
decelerates to rest in 2 s. Show motion of body on same graph and calculate how
far it moved while reversing
Question-Explain and do all relevant
Velocity-time graphs
A body at rest begins to accelerate so that it reaches a velocity of 40 m/s in
15 seconds, it keeps this velocity for 10 seconds and begins to accelerate
again reaching 80 m/s in 10 seconds. It suddenly has to stop and goes to rest
in 6 seconds.
Sketch a velocity time graph
Calculate the two accelerations and deceleration
Calculate total distance travelled
SUVAT equations
v= u + at
𝑣 2 = 𝑢2 + 2𝑎𝑠
𝑠 = 𝑢𝑡 + 0.5𝑎𝑡 2
Find the final velocity of a body that is at rest and begins to accelerate at a
rate of 10 m/s^2 for a period of 8 seconds
Find the distance travelled by a body if it is initially travelling at a velocity of
15 m/s if it accelerates uniformly for 20 s at a rate of 5 𝑚𝑠 −2 . What is the
velocity of the body at the end of the acceleration
Find the distance travelled by a body if it is initially travelling at 10 m/s and
accelerates at a rate of 5 𝑚𝑠 −2 until it reaches a velocity of 100 m/s
𝑢+𝑣 ∗𝑡
Newtons Laws of Motion
Newton’s second law
Rate of change of momentum is directly proportional to the force applied and
it occurs in the direction of the force
Newtons Laws of Motion
Newton’s Laws of Motion-questions
Momentum and Impulse
Energy is the capacity or ability to do work
Energy is measured in Joules (J)
Energy has many forms and changes from one form to another are referred to
as transformations
Discuss some energy transformations
In any energy transfer or transformation some of the energy is transformed
into thermal energy which cannot be used to do any more useful work. This
energy has not disappeared just spread out to the surroundings or dissipated
Renewable and Non-renewable energy
Electricity is an important form of energy and there is a constantly increasing
demand for it which is met by using a wide range of energy sources.
Electricity can be generated using renewable sources of energy or nonrenewable sources of energy
Non-renewable sources cannot be regenerated or replenished easily, examples
Fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas, formed from the remains of
plants and animals that died millions of years ago. These fuels are burnt in a
furnace producing waste gases and large amounts of thermal energy. The heat
is used to produce high pressure steam to spin turbines which drive electricity
Renewable and Non-renewable energy
Nuclear power is another non-renewable source of energy.
Nuclear power station produces heat using nuclear fuels such as uranium.
These fuels are not burnt but release thermal energy inside a reactor core
when the nuclei split through a process called nuclear fission.
Nuclear power plants are very expensive to build and dismantle but are fairly
cheap to operate. They can produce very large quantities of electricity.
However, they also produce radioactive waste
Renewable sources can be regenerated easily over time
Sources include:
Renewable and Non-renewable energy
Renewable and Non-renewable energy
Potential Energy
Potential energy of a body is due to its position or condition
Elastic potential energy is if the body is stretched or compressed
Gravitational potential energy is when the body is at a height above the
Kinetic energy
Kinetic energy of a body is the energy due to its motion.
It is given by the equation:
Principle of Conservation of Energy
The principle of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created
nor destroyed, rather changed from one from to another
For the questions below, state the energy conversions that occur and use a
diagram to illustrate
Power and Efficiency
Power of a body is the rate at which the body does work
Efficiency of a body tells us how effectively the body does work
Power and efficiency-question
Pressure in liquids is given by the equation:
Floating, sinking, density
Archimedes is credited to making advancements on this topic
Floating, sinking , density
Floating, sinking, density
Floating, sinking, density
Floating, sinking, density
Floating, sinking, density
Remember a body floats if its own weight is equal to the upthrust on it or the
weight of the fluid displaced
How to solve floating and rising
WEIGHS, for example if a ship is 5000 kg, it has a weight of 50000 N, then the
weight of the water displaced is also 50000 N. It the weight of the ship is
greater than the upthrust then the ship sinks
VOLUME OF THE FLUID DISPLACED. THAT IS, if a 40 cubic metre object is
moving through a fluid, then 40 cubic metres of the fluid is displaced to
accommodate it as it moves up
Floating and sinking can be considered in two ways: mass/weight or in volume
Floating, sinking, density
Measuring Pressure
Measuring Pressure