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Adjective Lesson Plan: Modifying Mr. Bean

Mrs. Adjective
(I placed a picture of Mr. Bean in a page protector with a heart frame around it, so the
students could help me “modify” him with mustache, hat, bowtie etc., and we modified
all the additions with adjectives. I also asked the moms in the room to write down some
adjectives that they heard along the way, so that we could sort them into AJ-types later.)
Good morning, my delightful friends! It is a pleasure to have in my class on this beautiful
day! My name is Mrs. Adjective and today I’m going to tell you all about my favorite part
of speech - the wondrous adjective! Before I get started, I like to ask you and your dear,
Queen mothers to use your white boards to write down any adjectives that you hear
during this stimulating discussion…..only what is comfortable and convenient, of course!
Thank you so much!
And now, for an enlightening introduction to adjectives! Oh, how I LOVE adjectives!
They are just SO fancy! In honor of this momentous occasion, I have worn my
sparkling tiara, my delicate flowers, my ornate glasses, and my elegant scarf and my
dazzling necklaces!
Also, I have heard that today is the birthday of the charming Miss Jocelyn. I
knew that on her birthday, she would certainly want to be fancy, so I have
brought the perfect birthday accessories for her.
I want all of you to feel fancy today, so I have also given you fancy names to
wear today!
Here we go with Adjectives…..oh! But first, I must introduce you to someone who is
even more lovable than adjectives.
THIS is my dear MR. NOUN! Isn’t he marvelous? I absolutely adore him, and want to
be by his side always. He is simply perfect!
1. Oh, well, I know that nobody is really perfect…perhaps…..if only….yes…..if I could
MODIFY him ever so slightly, he could be even more perfect! Yes….I think maybe the
addition of a…… hat would be just the thing. But not just any hat! A black hat! A velvet
hat! A striking hat!
Oh! Yes! That is it! That is the perfect way to modify my beloved Mr. Noun. Now he is
truly perfect! Don’t you think?
2. Oh yes…..I see what you mean…..
Perhaps I could still modify him the teensiest bit! I think he could definitely use
something else I adore. You can probably guess what it is….. a mustache!!!!
Who will come up and help me to modify Mr. Noun with a mustache? Oh, Thank you!
Now….we don’t want just any old mustache. It must be a sleek mustache! A refined
mustache! A remarkable mustache!
Oh! Just lovely! How would you describe his mustache?
3. And now, my darling Mr. Noun truly is perfect! Wouldn’t you agree? No? Well, I
must say that I had been wondering about his attire….. If I could modify his drab suit
every-so-slightly, that could lead to a vast improvement in his appearance. Who will
help me to modify Mr. Noun by giving him a delightful bowtie??
Thank you!
Remember….we don’t want just any bowtie! It must be a charming bowtie! A stylish
bowtie! A fetching bowtie!
Excellent! How would you describe his bowtie?
4. Ah, Mr. Noun! You are truly splendid! No one could be more handsome.
Ahhh…..but there is one thing……I have just always felt that his eyebrows are a little
weak. Perhaps, we could modify them slightly? Yes? What brave soul will come to
help me?
Come up here and see if we can give Mr. Noun some dashing eyebrows! Prominent
eyebrows! Sophisticated eyebrows!
Fantastic! You have modified Mr. Noun with skill and aplomb, my dear. How would you
describe his eyebrows?
Are there any other modifications I could make that could improve my darling Mr. Noun?
 Brilliant! I completely agree! Please, won’t you help me modify Mr. Noun with a
 No? Then you agree that my true-love is absolutely perfect in every way? (Sigh)
Thank you so much for helping me to modify Mr. Noun. It is my very favorite thing to
OK. Let’s learn all that we can about adjectives.