Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check User Guide 202/1553-HSD 101 02/1 Uen X Copyright © Ericsson AB 2017, 2020. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright owner. Disclaimer The contents of this document are subject to revision without notice due to continued progress in methodology, design and manufacturing. Ericsson shall have no liability for any error or damage of any kind resulting from the use of this document. Trademark List All trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. These are shown in the document Trademark Information. 202/1553-HSD 101 02/1 Uen X | 2020-08-19 Contents Contents 1 Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check Overview 1 2 Dependencies of Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check 2 3 Feature Operation of Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check 5 4 Network Impact of Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check 8 5 Parameters for Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check 9 6 Performance of Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check 11 7 Activate Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check 12 8 Deactivate Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check 13 9 Engineering Guidelines for Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check 14 202/1553-HSD 101 02/1 Uen X | 2020-08-19 Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check 202/1553-HSD 101 02/1 Uen X | 2020-08-19 Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check Overview 1 Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check Overview The Release with Redirect (RWR) to LTE Based on Coverage Check feature introduces the ability to control the redirection of the LTE-capable UE to cosited LTE cells. “Co-sited” means that the WCDMA and LTE cells share the same antenna location and orientation. Access Type: Feature Identity: Value Package Name: Value Package Identity: Node Type: Licensing: WCDMA FAJ 121 3960 Traffic Management Advanced WCDMA-LTE FAJ 801 0314 RNC Licensed feature. Summary A coverage threshold that corresponds to the co-sited LTE cell coverage is checked during 2d and 2f event measurements. The new 2d and 2f measurements are called 2d-RWR and 2f-RWR accordingly, with the new measurement identity 14 introduced by this feature. The UE unit is ordered to perform measurements of downlink (DL) Received Signal Code Power (RSCP) and reports when the 2d-RWR or 2f-RWR events occur. If the 2f-RWR event is reported, the redirection to LTE is allowed. If the 2d-RWR event or no event is reported, the redirection to LTE is not attempted. The feature provides the following benefits: — The attempts for redirection to LTE can be avoided, if the co-sited LTE cell coverage is poor. — The threshold parameter can be tuned on UTRAN cell and E-UTRAN frequency basis. — The redirection to LTE can be allowed after the Incoming Inter Radio Access Technology (IRAT) Handover, which is restricted before. When the LTE is deployed on a high frequency band and the WCDMA is on a low frequency band, the LTE cell coverage is much poorer than the co-sited WCDMA cell. In this case, the feature can be very beneficial. 202/1553-HSD 101 02/1 Uen X | 2020-08-19 1 Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check 2 Dependencies of Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check The Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check feature associated with six features and three system functions. Features Table 1 2 Feature Dependencies Feature Relationship Description Release with Redirect to LTE (FAJ 121 2174) Prerequisite The Release with Redirect to LTE is an inter-RAT mobility function that provides LTE-capable UE basic mobility from WCDMA to LTE. Release with Redirect to LTE (FAJ 121 2174) Related When the Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check feature is enabled, more conditions regarding coverage check must be fulfilled before the redirection to LTE is attempted. Packet Switched Handover to LTE (FAJ 121 4721) Related When this feature is active, PS handover to LTE has higher priority than release with redirect to LTE in case of CS release for CS fallback users. PS Handover to LTE based on Related Measurements in LTE (FAJ 121 3519) The PS Handover to LTE based on Measurements in LTE feature has higher priority than the Release with Redirect to LTE based on Coverage Check feature in case of CS release for CS fallback users. In this case, if the evaluation of LTE measurement fails, Release with Redirect to LTE based on Coverage Check is attempted. Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Measurements in LTE (FAJ 121 4277) The Release with Redirect to LTE based on Coverage Check feature has higher priority than the Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Measurements in LTE feature in case of CS release for CS fallback users. In this case, if the evaluation of Related 202/1553-HSD 101 02/1 Uen X | 2020-08-19 Dependencies of Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check Feature Relationship Description Coverage Check fails, Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Measurements in LTE is attempted. Subscriber Based Mobility Using SPID Related (FAJ 121 3637) The Subscriber based mobility using SPID feature can be used to prevent Release with Redirect Based on Coverage Check for users with certain Subscriber Profile IDs. Service-Based Mobility to LTE (FAJ 121 4928) Related The feature Service-Based Mobility to LTE (FAJ 121 4928) can be used to prevent Release with Redirect Based on Coverage Check for users for which RANAP message E-UTRAN Service Handover IE is received with the handover-to-E-UTRAN-shall-notbe-performed value. Preferred Mobility at CS Fallback Return to LTE (121 5216) Related A WCDMA RAN feature. For the UtranCell.releaseRedirectEutra Triggers.csFallbackCsRelease trigger, if the feature is enabled and configured, the Release with Redirect to LTE based on Coverage Check feature may be omitted. This depends on the feature setting. User Profile Based Mobility (FAJ 121 5184) Related If the User Profile Based Mobility feature is activated, redirection candidates are filtered according to the redirectionOrder member of the UeMobilityProfile.eutranFreque ncyConfList attribute. System Functions Table 2 Affected System Functions Function Description Channel Switching When the Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check feature is enabled, and when the UE is in a CELL_DCH state, more conditions regarding coverage check must be fulfilled before the redirection to LTE is attempted. 202/1553-HSD 101 02/1 Uen X | 2020-08-19 3 Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check Function Description Connection Handling When the Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check feature is enabled, more conditions regarding coverage check must be fulfilled before the redirection to LTE is attempted. Licenses and Hardware Activation Codes in Ericsson Software Model To activate the Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check feature, the license for the feature must be enabled. Hardware No specific hardware requirements. Limitations No known limitations. Network Requirements The following must be fulfilled at feature activation: — The license key for the FAJ 121 3960: Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check is installed. — The FAJ 121 2174: Release with Redirect to LTE feature is activated. 4 202/1553-HSD 101 02/1 Uen X | 2020-08-19 Feature Operation of Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check 3 Feature Operation of Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check The details information of the feature, including feature operation flows and the associated tasks are described in this section. The Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check feature works in the following way: 1. The start of the 2d-RWR or 2f-RWR measurement When establishing or reestablishing a UE connection in CELL_DCH state, the 2d-RWR and 2f-RWR measurements are started if the following prerequisites are fulfilled: — The Release with Redirect to LTE feature is activated. — The Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check feature is activated. — The Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check feature is activated on cell level by setting the UtranCell::rwrEutraCc parameter to ON. — The Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check feature is activated on IurLink level by setting the IurLink::rwrEutraCc parameter to ON. — The configured EutranFreqRelation MOs with coSitedCellAvailable set to TRUE exist between the best cell and EutranFrequency MOs after applicable legacy filtering for the Release with Redirect to LTE feature. — The UE unit is LTE-capable. The coverage thresholds for the 2d-RWR and 2f-RWR measurements are sent in the MEASUREMENT CONTROL message with the measurement identity 14. 2. The reception of the measurement report At the reception of a 2d-RWR measurement report, the RNC stores the information that the redirection to LTE is not allowed. At the reception of a 2f-RWR measurement report, the RNC stores the information that the redirection to LTE is allowed. 3. The reception of a supported RWR trigger 202/1553-HSD 101 02/1 Uen X | 2020-08-19 5 Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check The following existing triggers are applicable to the Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check feature: • dchToFach: RWR to LTE at the channel switch from DCH to FACH or at • csFallbackDchToFach: RWR to LTE after the CS fallback at channel • csFallbackCsRelease: RWR to LTE after the CS fallback at CS release, Circuit Switched (CS) release from Sp0 state switch from DCH to FACH or at CS release from Sp0 state or Speech state but with the Packet Switched (PS) target configuration Note: For the trigger, the Release with Redirect to LTE based on Coverage Check feature may be omitted when the Preferred Mobility at CS Fallback Return to LTE (FAJ 121 5216) feature is enabled. This depends on the feature setting. For more information, see Preferred Mobility at CS Fallback Return to LTE. • fastDormancy: RWR to LTE at fast dormancy with the CELL_DCH • normalRelease: RWR to LTE at normal release with the CELL_DCH source state source state Note: The feature does not cover the fachToUra and FastDormancy triggers, when the source state is FACH. For those triggers, the Release with Redirect to LTE feature is applicable. When the supported RWR triggers from the CELL_DCH state occur, the legacy checks for the Release with Redirect to LTE feature are done, including the timer blockEcRelRwrEutraTime for the emergency calls. Additionally, the following checks are performed: 6 • Check if the Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check feature is activated. • Check if the feature is activated for the best cell. • Check if the feature is activated on IurLink for the best cell located in Drift Radio Network Controller (DRNC). • Check if the stored information indicates the redirection to LTE is allowed. • Check if Subscriber Profile ID (SPID) value does not restrict the UE from being redirected to LTE. The SPID check is according to the existing SPID checks for the Release with Redirect to LTE feature. • Check if the RANAP message E-UTRAN Service Handover IE with the handover-to-E-UTRAN-shall-not-be-performed value is not received by 202/1553-HSD 101 02/1 Uen X | 2020-08-19 Feature Operation of Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check an RNC when the Service-Based Mobility to LTE (FAJ 121 4928) feature is activated. If the Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check feature is not activated or not activated for the best cell, a blind release with redirect to LTE is attempted. If the Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check feature is not activated on IurLink for the best cell located in DRNC, a blind release with redirect to LTE is attempted. If the stored information indicates the redirection to LTE is allowed, the redirection is attempted. Otherwise, no attempt is made. The UE unit is handled according to the legacy procedure for the Release with Redirect to LTE feature, for example, the switch to CELL_FACH. An indication of a CS Fallback from LTE (CSFB) is kept throughout the lifetime of the connection in WCDMA. This means that for a CS+PS multiRAB connection where the PS part is kept in WCDMA after a coverage check at release of the CS part, any subsequent CS connections are also treated as CSFB connections. The 2d-RWR and 2f-RWR measurements can be started, stopped or modified due to mobility in CELL_DCH state. The Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check feature is supported over Iur, if the best cell belongs to a DRNC. The following two situations are possible: — When the DRNC is not an Ericsson RNC, or its software version is earlier than W15.1, the 2d-RWR thresholds are not transferred by an Ericsson proprietary Information Element (IE) in the RNSAP interface from the DRNC to the Serving Radio Network Controller (SRNC). If the WcdmaCarrier MO is configured for the used frequency, 2d-RWR threshold values configured in the WcdmaCarrier::thresh2dRwrDrnc parameter, under the IurLink MO, in the SRNC is used. Up to eight different WCDMA carriers can be defined for each IurLink, with individual event 2d-RWR thresholds set. The IurLink::rwrEutraCc parameter is used to turn on and off the feature for each IurLink for the whole RNC. — When both SRNC and DRNC are Ericsson RNCs, 2d-RWR thresholds are transferred by an Ericsson proprietary IE in the RNSAP interface, from the DRNC to the SRNC. These thresholds are then used in the same way as in the non-Iur case. Turning on and off the feature on the cell level is also possible when the best cell is in the DRNC. The feature configuration then works the same as in the non-Iur cases. 202/1553-HSD 101 02/1 Uen X | 2020-08-19 7 Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check 4 Network Impact of Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check The Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check feature has no network impact. Capacity and Performance No impact is expected from this feature. Interfaces No impact is expected from this feature. Other Network Elements No impact is expected from this feature. 8 202/1553-HSD 101 02/1 Uen X | 2020-08-19 Parameters for Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check 5 Parameters for Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check The Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check feature introduces seven new parameters and is affected by two parameters. Table 3 Parameters Parameter Type Description EutranFreqRelation:: thresh2dRwr Introduced See MOM description. UeMeasControl::timeT oTrigger2dRwr Introduced UeMeasControl::timeT oTrigger2fRwr Introduced UeMeasControl::relTh resh2fRwr Introduced UtranCell::rwrEutraC c Introduced IurLink::rwrEutraCc Introduced WcdmaCarrier::thresh 2dRwrDrnc Introduced EutranFreqRelation:: coSitedCellAvailable Affecting Indicates if the parent MO UtranCell is co-sited with the E-UTRAN cell operating on the frequency indicated by EutranFreqRelation::eutr anFrequencyRef. Values: TRUE and FALSE Default value: FALSE Note: During RNC upgrade to W17.Q4 or later, this value is set to TRUE for the existing EutranFreqRelation instances for 202/1553-HSD 101 02/1 Uen X | 2020-08-19 9 Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check Parameter Type Description compatibility with the Release with the Redirect to LTE based on Coverage Check and Packet Switched Handover to LTE features. UtranCell::releaseRe direct Affecting During RNC upgrade to W17.Q4 or later, the value is automatically changed from EUTRA to OFF or from UTRAN_EUTRA to UTRAN for the UtranCell MO instances with no child EutranFreqRelation MO instances configured. Therefore, the behaviors of the features Release with Redirect to LTE and Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check are not changed after upgrade. 10 EUtraNetwork.prefMob ilityToLteCsfbEnable d Affecting Indicates if the Preferred Mobility at CS Fallback Return to LTE (FAJ 121 5216) feature is enabled for this LTE network. UtranCell.prefMobili tyToLteCsfbHandling Affecting Selects the preferred mobility to LTE feature for the Preferred Mobility at CS Fallback Return to LTE (FAJ 121 5216) feature. If the parameter is set to RWR_LTE_MEAS or RWR, the "Release with Redirect to LTE based on Coverage Check" is omitted for CS fallback to LTE trigger. 202/1553-HSD 101 02/1 Uen X | 2020-08-19 Performance of Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check 6 Performance of Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check The Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check feature introduces four new counters and associated with three events and one counter. Key Performance Indicators This feature has no associated Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Counters Introduced counters: — UtranCell::pmRedirAttRwrEutraCcTrigg — UtranCell::pmRedirRwrEutraCcAcc — IurLink::pmRedirAttRwrEutraCcTrigg — IurLink::pmRedirRwrEutraCcAcc Related counters: — UtranCell::pmEushPreventRwrEutra Events Table 4 Events Event Description RRC_MEASUREMENT_CONTROL The existing event to observe the MEASUREMENT CONTROL messages. RRC_MEASUREMENT_REPORT The existing event to observe the MEASUREMENT REPORT messages. RRC_MEASUREMENT_CONTROL_FAI The existing event to observe the LURE MEASUREMENT CONTROL FAILURE messages. 202/1553-HSD 101 02/1 Uen X | 2020-08-19 11 Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check 7 Activate Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check The Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check feature requires CXC 403 0168 license key installation and appropriate parameter configuration to be activated. Prerequisites — The FAJ 121 2174: Release with Redirect to LTE feature must be activated before activation of the FAJ 121 3960: Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check feature. — License key CXC 403 0168 is installed for the feature. For more information about license, refer to Licenses and Hardware Activation Codes in Ericsson Software Model. — The operators are familiar with the Preferred Mobility at CS Fallback Return to LTE (FAJ 121 5216) feature. Steps 1. Set the UtranCell::rwrEutraCc parameter to ON for the selected cells where the coverage check is applicable. 2. Set the featureState attribute in the RncFeature=ReleaseRedirectLteCovCheck MO to ACTIVATED. 3. Set EutranFreqRelation::coSitedCellAvailable to TRUE for the cosited cells. For the configuration of the Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check over Iur, the following points applies to each IurLink: — The Release With Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check feature must be activated. — The Release With Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check feature is activated for each IurLink by setting IurLink::rwrEutraCc to ON. — When the DRNC is not an Ericsson RNC, or its software version is earlier than W15.1, the WcdmaCarrier under IurLink MO for the used frequency must be configured. If the feature is turned on for IurLink, while the WcdmaCarrier for the used frequency is not configured, the feature is not activated. 12 202/1553-HSD 101 02/1 Uen X | 2020-08-19 Deactivate Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check 8 Deactivate Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check The Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check feature can be deactivated by the appropriate attributes on the different level. Prerequisites This feature has no prerequisites for deactivating. Steps 1. Set the relevant attributes on different levels: — To deactivate the feature on the RNC level, set the featureState attribute in the RncFeature::ReleaseRedirectLteCovCheck MO to DEACTIVATED. — To deactivate the feature only in a specific cell, set theUtranCell::rwrEutraCc parameter of this cell to OFF. — To deactivate the feature for every IurLink, set the IurLink::rwrEutraCc for each IurLink to OFF. 202/1553-HSD 101 02/1 Uen X | 2020-08-19 13 Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check 9 Engineering Guidelines for Release with Redirect to LTE Based on Coverage Check The purpose of this section is to provide additional information on practical engineering aspects about how to use parameters to achieve certain behaviors. To ensure that the release with redirect to LTE is performed only in location with good LTE coverage, the thresholds for 2d-RWR and 2f-RWR must be set appropriately. For details about how to set these thresholds, refer to Inter-Radio Access Technology. To ensure that the frequency with good LTE coverage is tried first, it is recommended to set redirectionOrder to 1 for the EutranFreqRelation MOs with the lowest thresh2dRwr value. 14 202/1553-HSD 101 02/1 Uen X | 2020-08-19