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LSMW with RFBIBL00: Step-by-Step Guide for FI Document Posting

naimesh.patel: LSMW with RFBIBL00
Posted by Naimesh Patel Aug 14, 2008
In the ABAP Forum, there are couple of questions unanswered related to LSMW using
standard program RFBIBL00 to post the FI documents. That inspried me to write this Blog.
Step 1: Maintain Object Attributes
For creating the FI document with the RFBIBL00 using LSMW, we have to select the object
0100, method 0000 and program RFBIBL00.
Step 2: Maintain Source Structures
We will create total two structures: One for header and another for item. We could have
at least two line items in the FI document. So, we need to upload at least 2 records per
document. To upload 2 records, we should able to pass those two records in the mapping as
well as in the conversion.
Create a structure with name ZFI_HEAD for the Header (BKPF).
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naimesh.patel: LSMW with RFBIBL00
Under the ZFI_HEAD, create another structure ZFI_ITEM for items (BSEG). Put cursor on
the ZFI_HEAD and press the create button to create lower level structure ZFI_ITEM.
Step 3: Maintain Source Fields
We need to have one link field which will link the Header record with the Item record which
system will use later to link the records from both different files.
These are the fields for the ZFI_HEAD structure:
These are the fields for the ZFI_ITEM structure:
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naimesh.patel: LSMW with RFBIBL00
Step 4: Maintain Structure Relations
Here we will define the structure relationship between source structure (BGR00, BBKPF,
BBSEG, etc) and target structure (ZFI_HEAD, ZFI_ITEM, etc).
Step 5: Maintain Field Mapping and Conversion Rules
Assign all the fields from the ZFI_HEAD to respective fields from BBKPF and ZFI_ITEM to
respective fields from BBSEG. Don't assign the CNT field to any of the field.
Make sure we pass correct formatted date (YYYMMDD) to the BBKPF.
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naimesh.patel: LSMW with RFBIBL00
Step 6: Maintain Fixed Values, Translations, User-Defined Routines
We don't to maintain anything in field.
Step 7: Specify Files
Create 2 files: 1 for header, 1 for Item. Sequence of the fields in the Structure must be same
as the fields in the file. You can download my test files: Header and Item.
Create a header file.
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naimesh.patel: LSMW with RFBIBL00
Create another file for the Items in the same fashion.
You can change the names of the Read and Conversion files.
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naimesh.patel: LSMW with RFBIBL00
Step 8: Assign Files
Assign the files to the structures.
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naimesh.patel: LSMW with RFBIBL00
Step 9: Read data
Read the files specified in the Step 7
Step 10: Display read data
Displaying read data
Step 11: Convert Data
Run the convert data report to convert the input data to .conv file
Step 12: Display Converted Data
Step 13: Run program
Run program RFBIBL00 to create a session.
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naimesh.patel: LSMW with RFBIBL00
• To use the BBTAX structure also in the RFBIBL00, we need to create another structure (e.g. FI_TAX)
under the ZFI_HEADER and same level of ZFI_ITEM.
• As ZFI_ITEM (BBSEG) and FI_TAX (BBTAX) are at the same level so, we can use the same CNT field to
link them.
• Create a Separate file as we have created for the header and item.
• BWITH is the subitem level data for the FI document. With-holding tax data is attached to the line item. So,
we need to create a child structure under the ZFI_ITEM.
• Since we have created the structure at child level, we need another field to link the item data to the
withholding tax data.
• Create a separate field as we have created for the header and item.
Aug 21, 2008 2:13 AM
I would ensure all dates were formatted correctly in the input file (eg. YYYYMMDD), instead of having to do it
explicitly in the LSMW. This is a potential source of error, and should be avoided. Better to clean up & format all
source data beforehand, adhering to SAP Data Dictionary formats.
In other words: keep your input files as clean and compliant as possible, instead of using ABAP to do the job.
Aug 21, 2008 2:16 AM in response to
Generated by Jive on 2012-06-11+02:00
naimesh.patel: LSMW with RFBIBL00
...and, before I forget (and before somebody else corrects me): input formats for dates are user-dependent... thus,
make sure the user settings are coherent and consistent (same goes for the famous decimal point setting!)
Aug 21, 2008 4:29 AM Naimesh Patel in response to
You are right Trond. That date format must be in the YYYYMMDD format. But I wanted to show how to write the
conversion rule for the date because we always need to convert the date from user specific format to YYYYMMDD, if
it is not in SAP Specific format.
Naimesh Patel
Aug 26, 2008 5:25 AM Erik Thiessen
this is a perfect example of using FB01 as a direct input with multiple line items.
good work!
Sep 9, 2008 6:43 AM Ravi Sankar Venna
When I am able to run the batch input session created, the following error occurs for BSEG-DMBTR.
BSEG-DMBTR does not exist in the screen SAPMF05A 300
I have mapped DMBTR with the relevant field in Item Level Structure.
I tried to run this report in the foreground, then the amount in local currency field is getting blank, whereas my file
contains the data of amount and the same is also showing in "Display Converted Data" Step.
Any valueable inputs will be appreciated,
Sep 9, 2008 6:48 AM Naimesh Patel Ravi Sankar Venna in response to
You have to map the ZFI_BSEG-DMBTR to the BBSEG-WRBTR in Step 5.
In my example, I was having the same currency as the local currency. So, I have created DMBTR in the structure
ZFI_BSEG (line item) and mapped it with the both BBSEG-DMBTR and BBSEG-WRBTR.
Naimesh Patel
Sep 9, 2008 9:51 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Naimesh Patel in response to
Generated by Jive on 2012-06-11+02:00
naimesh.patel: LSMW with RFBIBL00
Hi Naimesh,
Thanks very much for your quick update. I have identified the same and it is perfectly uploading in the foreground.
However, there is an issue when I try to run this in the background. (SM35). It says Field BSEG-HKONT is not an
input field. The Procedure recommended is:
"Correct the incorrect transaction. You can do this using the option Process in foreground".
I have mapped the fields NEWKO and HKONT in BSEG as follows:
Any valid inputs will be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
Sep 9, 2008 9:56 AM Naimesh Patel Ravi Sankar Venna in response to
I guess, you would have to only pass the Next Line account (either from Customer, Vendor, GL) to the BBSEGNEWKO. Based on the Posting Key, system will populate HKONT or KUNNR or LIFNR.
Naimesh Patel
Sep 9, 2008 10:09 AM Ravi Sankar Venna Naimesh Patel in response to
Hi Naimesh,
Thanks for your update. I will update the threat if there is any possible resolution to this background issue. Anyway, I
am happy with the foreground at the moment. :-)
Nov 12, 2008 11:30 PM dinesh babu
I created the lsmw using the steps given by you.But
while running the direct input i am getting the error like 'Editing was terminated'.
I developed this in SAP 4.7 version.
can u tell me the process to solve this or steps.
Generated by Jive on 2012-06-11+02:00
naimesh.patel: LSMW with RFBIBL00
Dec 30, 2008 8:42 AM R Prasad
I'm getting error when clicking the "read data" phase as follows:
"Ensure field sequence is correct for data for mutiple source structures"
I do have mutiple source structures as for header & item files with the same field sequence as per the Mapping and
Conversion Rules.
can anyone have an idea what should i do to overcome this error?
Thanks in advance
Jan 12, 2009 6:13 AM Marianela Rodriguez
Hi! I appreciate the time you take to share this information with us.
I compared this information with my LSMW Project. I don't see any difference. But I saw in steps "read data" and
"convert data" the system don't read all files I assigned. It appears to be reading only the header file.
Could you help me????
I can email you the screens, TXT files ... and the export of the project I created.
Best regards and thank you so much!!!
Jan 12, 2009 6:37 AM Naimesh Patel Marianela Rodriguez in response to
Hello Marianela,
Have you took the CNT field in both the structures as shown in Step 3? This CNT field is required to link the Header
and Detail when it read the data.
Naimesh Patel
Jun 11, 2009 11:21 AM Ashok Pathmanathan
Hi !
This is just an observation.
By creating suitable identifiers at the header / item / sub-item levels, apart from the counters, and having equivalent
unique values in the input file, one can do away with having mulitple input files and have just a single file.
Oct 31, 2009 9:12 PM renuka pond
Not able to use LSMW program for One-Time Vendor FI Invoices posting (FB01), can someone help? without
BDC..any other method (using bapi/idoc)...etc. Looks like direct input cannot handle vendor address input screen for
One-Time Vendor FI Invoices post.
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naimesh.patel: LSMW with RFBIBL00
email @ renupond@yahoo.com
Oct 31, 2009 9:26 PM renuka pond Naimesh Patel in response to
How to post One-Time Vendor FI Invoices using legacy data file? LSMW with RFBIBL00 is not working...any bapi/
idoc except BDC. One-Time Vendor FI Invoices posting using FB01....let me know.
Jul 27, 2010 9:40 AM Ndumiso Zwane
Thank you for this blog its super.
I have followed all the steps but come across an error when trying to read data. The error i get is "Generation
canceled: No field with this name".
Have you ever encountered such, please help in this regard.
Thank you once again...
Jul 28, 2010 3:10 AM Ndumiso Zwane Ndumiso Zwane in response to
Hi there,
This method is works, i just wanna stress the point that the link field is vital and should not be overlooked in any way
however is the a solution for this scenario which works with only 1 text file which includes both hearder items and
Line Items???
thank you...
Aug 16, 2011 10:29 PM Asif Iqbal
Hi Naimesh,
Thanks for such a nice document. I have followed the instructions but I am getting problem when I do read data (step
8). Against one header record its reading all the segment record. for example if i have 10 segment line items it will
read all 10 items for each header record. can you please help.
May 8, 2012 9:57 AM Akhil Baluja
Hi Naimesh,
First of all thanks for such a nice document. Even after so many years it is quite explanatory
& useful.
Generated by Jive on 2012-06-11+02:00
naimesh.patel: LSMW with RFBIBL00
I am also reproducing the same scenario for posting a Accounting Document & I have
cleared all the steps except the last one:
Step 13: Run program
Run program RFBIBL00 to create a session.
Here I am finding some issues like:
If I choose Data transfer type as 'D' with Extended log as 'X', I am getting following message:
Batch Input Documents
Program must run in batch since more than 20 documents are to be
....Editing was terminated
However, if the number of document is less than 20, they are processed correctly.
If I choose Data Transfer type as 'B' then also in the Batch session SM35, I am getting
following error message:
"Field BSEG-VALUT. does not exist in the screen SAPMF05A 0300"
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naimesh.patel: LSMW with RFBIBL00
In the above two scenarios how I can use LSMW to post documents.
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